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Graduate School of Pan-Pacific

International Studies

Kyung Hee University

Global Reach, Global Mind


Graduate School of Pan-Pacific International Studies
Kyung Hee University, Global Campus
#1732 Deogyeong-daero, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, 446-701, Korea
Tel: 82-31-201-2146~9 / Fax: 82-31-204-8120
Email: /

Deans Welcome
Graduate schools are where students are trained to become professionals and
highly respected persons. All graduates are expected to accomplish a very high level
of expertise in their own respective areas of study and to develop an excellent work
ethic and standard of responsibility. This is but one of most basic requirements for
all graduate schools. We at the Graduate School of Pan-Pacific International Studies
(GSP) are very serious about this essential requirement. We are determined to make
our students true professionals in their areas of specialty in the world of academics
and practice. This is our mission at GSP.
As an international studies program at the graduate level, GSP has many cherished traditions and merits. It
was built in 1997 with national government accreditation and financial support. Since then, it has continuously
received top-ranking performance evaluations by external review bodies. GSP was the first higher educational
institution chosen by the Korean government as the recipient of financial support for the training of
international development cooperation specialists. We at the GSP are proud of the Master's degree program in
Korean Economy and Development Cooperation (MKE) which was established in 2001 with the support of the
Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) for the purpose of training selected government officials
from developing countries which receive Korean official development aid.
GSP has three departments, International Trade and Economic Cooperation, International Development
Cooperation, and International Business that constitute the core of our programs. All classes are conducted in
English. We have a very extensive support system for the placement of our students in prominent institutions
and positions for their internships. Our students are composed of very diverse nationals with half of them
coming from various countries around the world. Students can also benefit from our extensive exchange and
double-degree programs with many reputable universities around the world for a semester or two to study
GSP aspires to be a leader among the graduate international studies programs in the world in the very near
future. All of us at GSP are united and determined to pursue this goal. We have already made great strides:


excellent faculty, exemplary programs, and diverse and outstanding students. We are in the active process of
recruiting more professors and reorganizing our existing programs and curricula. I sincerely hope that
students with high ambitions of becoming truly professional elites will join us to change and upgrade
themselves, the school, and the world.

Deans Welcome / 01
Kyung Hee University / 02
GSP / 03
Academic Programs / 04
Exchange Programs / 10
GSP Faculty / 12
Internship / 14
Workshops and Extra-curricular Activities / 16
GSP Alumni / 18
Career / 19
Costs and Financial Aid / 20
Admissions / 21

Hahnkyu Park, Ph.D.

Dean, Graduate Schoolof Pan-Pacific International Studies
Kyung Hee University

Graduate School of Pan-Pacific International Studies


Kyung Hee University

Graduate School of Pan-Pacific International Studies

As a leading private university in Korea founded with the mission to create a civilized world, Kyung Hee
University pursues global eminence with its state of the art research facilities, renowned faculty, and
social and global contribution. Since its foundation, Kyung Hee University has spearheaded the Global
Common Society Movement, established the International Association of University Presidents and the
United Nations International Day of Peace, received the UNESCO Prize for Peace Education, held the
World Civic Forum in association with the United Nations in 2009, and held a joint conference with the
United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) in celebration of the 30th anniversary of the International Day of
Peace in 2011.

Where the Difference Starts...

Kyung Hee strives to bridge cultural and social gaps by promoting mutual understanding and prosperity.
As a result, it encourages frequent exchanges with its sister schools overseas to facilitate the exchange of
ideas. These activities advance a shared belief in the value of learning.
In its relatively short history since its foundation in 1949, Kyung Hee University has achieved great
success in both academic excellence and global praxis. All of us at Kyung Hee are preparing for a new
beginning of Kyung Hee towards Global Eminence. We hope that you share Kyung Hees proud
achievements and crystallizing vision.


Kyung Hee University

Since its establishment in 1997 as one of the nine government supported graduate schools of
international studies, GSP has proven to be one of the best. GSP is the only institution that has ranked
continuously and consistently among the top three. The GSP family consists of students from has than 30
countries, from a variety of backgrounds, religious affiliations and extensive international experience. The
impact of this international diversity on the GSP program is enormous, adding varied perspectives to
classroom discussions, team projects, and everyday interactions.
GSP helps students improve their knowledge and skills to reach international standards. Students learn
both the theory and practice of economics and business, international politics, and global issues around
the world. New leadership for the 21st century requires creative problem solving and an indepth
understanding of the global agenda. With a rich source of international, academic and policy experiences,
the GSP faculty prepares students for these leadership requirements.

Graduate School of Pan-Pacific International Studies


Academic Programs
The uniqueness of the GSP program lies in the combination of theory and practice not only through
regular classes but also in its promotion of special lectures presented by invited speakers, and visitors
from diverse private and public organizations, and active support of overseas internships.
Interactions between students and professors are enhanced through case studies, field trips, seminars,
simulations, role-playing, and independent research.

International Trade and Economic Cooperation (IT & EC)

As the trend of globalization progresses, trade-related problems have emerged as a core issue in the
international arena. Bilateral and multilateral negotiations on trade-related issues take place all over the
world. Under these circumstances, economic policies can be effective only when they consider the
international dimension. In the globalizing world, competition is expected to be more severe as all of the
economies in the world integrate into a single economic system. On the other hand, the importance of
international economic cooperation and policy coordination must also be stressed for harmonious

3 Departments
This program is designed to educate students in international trade, various international economic
- International Trade and Economic Cooperation
- International Development Cooperation
- International Business

cooperation programs and institutions. With high standards this program trains specialists equipped with
professional knowledge of the international scene as it relates to trade and economic cooperation.

2 Customized Programs
(Master of Arts in International Trade and Economic
Cooperation, Concentration in Korean Economy and
Development Cooperation)
(Master of Arts in International Development and


Degree Requirements for GSP Programs

Minimum Requirements per Category





in Major

in Major







or above

or above





or above

or above





or above


or above

Ph. D.



Kyung Hee University







Trade Policy

Economics of



Theory of


Advanced Micro

Advanced Macro





Understanding Korean Economy
Theory and Practice of
Trade and Development
Current Issues in the
Global Economy
Issues in the WTO Negotiations
International Trade Law
Managerial Statistics
Understanding IDC
North Korean Society and
International Business
Business Management
Marketing Management
Global Agenda

Theory and Policy of

International Trade
Economic Crisis Management
Sectoral Issues in Korean
Economic Development
Chinese Economy
Economics of Europe
Special Topics in
International Economics
Economics of Development
Corporate Finance
International Finance
Advertising and Marketing
International Marketing
International Political Economy
Cultural and Public Diplomacy

Graduate School of Pan-Pacific International Studies


International Development Cooperation (IDC)

International Business (IB)

For many developing economies, development assistance plays a significant role. Who decides what resources
are given or lent, to which countries and under what conditions? What types of aid are effective? What are the
post-emergency priorities in countries suffering from the effects of human or natural disasters and how can
international aid work best in such conditions?

The international economy of today offers unprecedented opportunities and challenges. To meet these

The Department of International Development Cooperation (IDC) was established in 2008 as the first of its kind
in Korea to promote interdisciplinary post-graduate teaching and research on processes of social, political and
economic development and change. The course is dedicated to deepening the understanding of development
and underdevelopment, complex modes of development assistance in the global context, political and socioeconomic systems in the developing world, and project management and consulting skills.

The teaching goal of this department is to provide students with both a theoretical and practical background in

The teaching staff have considerable experience in living and working in the developing world as well as
international organizations, and most have engaged in policy-relevant research and consultancy work with
international development agencies or consulting firms. Students upon graduation have successfully found
employment in a wide variety of government, academic and private sector organizations.

challenges, corporations must develop a cadre of experts who possess a deep understanding of global issues
as well as a command of core business skills.

international business so that they understand the principles and structures of business activities in the
emerging borderless market environment.
Our program mainly concentrates on three disciplines including finance,
marketing, and organizational behavior in international environments.
The principles of management are common across countries.
Competitive management expertise, however, can be obtained only by
understanding how those principles are applied to global business
environments as well as multinational companies.


Applied Economics


Understanding IDC

Theory of


Economics of

Project Finance


Kyung Hee University


Applied Economics

Economics of

Theory of

Aid and

Statistical Analysis



Advanced Seminar in IDC ()

Development and Social Policy in
Developing Countries
North Korean Society and
Development and Society
in South East Asia
Development and
Governance in Africa
Project Monitoring and
Project Cycle Management
Business Consulting Skills
Globalization, Trade and
Understanding Korean Economy
Theory and Practice of
International Business
Marketing Management
International Organization
Global Agenda

Advanced Seminar in IDC ()

Strategies of Development
NGO and Civil Society
Development and Society in
South-Central Asia
Development and Society
in Latin America
(Multilateral Development Bank)
Project Analysis
Strategies of Development
Assistance Projects
Special Topics in
International Economics
Corporate Strategy
Corporate Finance
International Political Economy





Applied Economics

Applied Economics


Corporate Finance


Research Methods
for Social Sciences

Statistical Analysis
for Business

Seminar in Human
Resource Management

Behavior & Theory


Financial Accounting

Human Resource

Organizational Behavior


Managerial Statistics

Capital Market and Cases

Special Topics in Marketing

International Finance

Business Management

Advertising and Marketing

Security Analysis and

International Marketing


Theory of

Strategic Human


Organization Development
Corporate Strategy
Special Topics in Business

Seminar Topics in HR

Industrial Organization

(only for Ph.D students)

(only for Ph.D. students)

Graduate School of Pan-Pacific International Studies




Master of Arts in Korean Economy

Master of Arts in Development and Consulting

This program acknowledges the support of the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) Program for
Human Resource Development (HRD). KOICA is an organization dedicated to sharing Koreas knowledge and
experience in HRD with the international community in the spirit of cooperation. One of KOICAs most
estimable programs is the Invitation of Trainees Program which assists governmental officials, policy makers,
researchers and instructors of developing countries, according to their area of specialization. The invitees have
an excellent opportunity to learn about Koreas developmental experience and to subsequently relate what they
have attained to their respective situations. This program is vital to global human resource development and
contributes to the overall enhancement and enrichment of the international community as a whole.

The Master of Arts in International Development and Consulting (MIDAC) is a unique partnership program with

The program is specially tailored for international students from developing countries who seek advanced
training in economics and business in preparation for entering or continuing industry or governmental
employment. Building on Koreas development experience, the program endeavors to prepare students to
facilitate democratic processes and market mechanisms in their home countries. The curriculum centers on
the major economic and public issues that developing and transnational economies face. It also covers an
extensive study of Koreas economic and social development experience.
The program seeks to conduct academic research and to enhance an understanding of Korean economy as
well as an awareness and knowledge of international and global issues, educate future leaders in government,
business and civic organizations who can effectively meet the challenges of the globalized world, and provide
professional services to public and private sector organizations in order to facilitate the democratic process
and market mechanisms. Participatory teaching methods are fully employed with the primary goal of
developing problem-solving skills and hands-on experience.

the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) which aims to train international development consultants
who supply expertise to development projects coordinated by development agencies such as KOICA, Korea
Exim-bank, UN agencies, and the World Bank. The expectations for people entering the field are that they will
have strong analytical, management, communication, and writing abilities, accompanied with sector
specialization in either technical services such as agriculture and engineering or social services, which include
such areas as education and healthcare. Regardless of the applicants specialization, GSP and KOICA are
resourceful and committed with the know-how and experience to cut through complexity and deliver results,
offer professional education of the highest standards of integrity to those responsible for delivering
development projects and programs as well as designing policies.









Consulting Skills:

English Writing and

Consulting Skills:

Consulting Skills:

Module 1

Career Visioning

Presentation Skills

Professional Training

Capacity Development

Module 2

Social Policy in

Understanding IDC


Development and

Strategies of

Developing Countries
Module 3


Module 4


Korean Economy

Project Monitoring

Project Cycle

International Marketing

Theory and Practice of

and Evaluation


& Management


Strategic Project Report

Strategic Project Report

Applied Economics

Korean Language
English Reading and Research

Any other courses offered by GSP

(MIDAC courses are not eligible for MKEs)

Understanding Korean Economy


Global Collaborative courses and/or Extra-curricular Activities

Economic Crisis Management


Sectoral Issues in Korean

Economic Development

Any other courses offered by GSP

(MIDAC courses are not eligible for MKEs)

Introduction to Social Science Research

Workshop on Academic English Writing

Thesis Workshop
Independent Research for Thesis


Kyung Hee University

Any other courses offered by GSP

(MIDAC courses are not eligible for MKEs)

Graduate School of Pan-Pacific International Studies


Exchange Programs
Kyung Hee University offers study abroad programs with 380 sister universities in 65 countries every semester
for one or two semesters among which are Harvard University, Keio University, Cambridge University, the
University of British Columbia, and Peking University. Around 500 students go abroad every year with financial
In addition to the university-wide program, GSP offers exclusive exchange programs with the following

Exchange Student Programs

University of Akron (USA)
University of Adolfo Ibanez (Chile)
University of Chile (Chile)
Renmin University (China)

University of Osaka (Japan)

University of Missouri-columbia[US, Dual degree program]
HochschuleOsnabrck, University of Osnabrck (Germany,
Dual degree program)

The Graduate School of Pan-Pacific International Studies (GSP), located on the beautiful Global Campus at
Kyung Hee University Suwon, provides a very nice atmosphere for Korean as well as international students who
can choose among three different study programs: International Development Cooperation, International
Business, and International trade and Economic Cooperation. No matter what decision is made, interesting
lectures in the English language as well as Korean and foreign professors with a proficient knowledge of
English language as well as global affairs, can be expected when entering GSP.
However, it is not only a hub for knowledge broadening and skill improvement. Due to the high number of
international students, who come for one semester as exchange students or for the entire Masters program all
students, get to enjoy a real clash of different cultures from all over the world. They not only participate in
lectures together, but build a network outside of the University campus by enjoying trips to Seoul, Busan or
participating in extra curricular activities such as field trips, sports days or the Model United Nations organized
by the student council of GSP.

Kira Potowski
Business Management and Social Science
Hochschule Osnabruck, University of Applied Science, Germany

I decided to study at GSP because I heard great things about the students and the faculty when I talked with
other students at my university. When I first arrived at GSP, we had a dinner with the Dean and Associate Dean,
which was great because it made us feel valuable even if we were only staying for one or two semesters. I
would say the strong point of GSP would be that the professors really care about the students, and they make it
easy for students to talk to them.
I also value the cultural diversity and friendliness of everyone at GSP because it really is a great environment
and everyone makes the new students feel comfortable.
I started as an exchange student who would attend for only one semester, but then realized one semester was
not enough so I extended my stay for two semesters!

Evelyn Delis
Exchange student, Fall 2009 ~ Spring 2010
Sociology, University of Akron, USA


Kyung Hee University

Graduate School of Pan-Pacific International Studies


GSP Faculty
Graduate School of Pan-Pacific International Studies

Chae, Wook

Jeong, Jaeseok

Kwak, Jae-Sung

Kim, Keun-Soo

Ph.D. in International Economy

University of Michigan

Ph.D. in Advertising,
University of Texas at Austin

Ph.D. in Political Science,

Liverpool University

Ph.D. in Finance,
State University of New York
at Buffalo

Kim, Sang Tae

Lee, Young Jo

M.A. in Development Studies,

University of East Anglia

Ph.D. in Political Science,

Harvard University

Sung, Keuk-Je
Ph.D. in Economics,
Northwestern University

Morrison Sharon L.
Master of Divinity,
Harvard University

Park, Bokyeong
Ph.D. in Economics,
Seoul National University

Kim, Jun Yeup

Ph.D. in Development
Planning Studies,
University College London

Reed, Edward P.

Shin, Sang-Hyup

Ph.D. in Development Studies,

University of Wisconsinmadison

Ph.D. in International
Political Economy,
London School of Economics
and Political Science

Yoo, Tae Hwan

Hyun, Hea-Jung
Ph.D. in Economics,
Indiana University Bloomington

Kim, Sun-il
Ph.D. in Political Science,
University of California

Moloney, Kimberly

Ph.D. in Economics,
Purdue University

Ph.D. in Administration,
American University

Huang, Ming-hao
Ph.D. in Management,
Seoul National University

Kim, So-yean
Ph.D. in Marketing,
Boston University

O, Hyung-Na
Ph.D. in Regional Economics
Cornell University

Jeon, Jong-Kyou
Ph.D. in Economics, UCLA

Lee, Chang-Soo
Ph.D. in Economics,
Australian National University

Park, Hahn-kyu
Ph.D. in Political Science,
Columbia University

Jung, Ha-Lyong

Kwon, Man-hak

Ph.D. in Political Science,

University of Iowa

Ph.D. in Political Science,

University of Texas at Austin

Lee, Gem-ma
Ph.D. in Finance,
Vanderbit University

Park, Soo-Heon
Ph.D. in Comparative Politics, Columbia University

Moon, Don
Ph.D. in Political Science,
University of Chicago

Tellidis, loannis
Ph.D. in International Relations,
University of St Andrews

College of International Studies

An, Ji-youn
Ph.D. in Economics,
Cornell University


Kyung Hee University

Baek, Buhm-Suk
Ph.D. in Public International Law,
Cornell Law School

Chung, Jin-Young
Ph.D. in Poiltical Science,
University of Illinois at

Chu, Hyo-Youn
Ph.D. in Economics,
Boston University

Pastreich Emanuel
Ph.D. in East Asian Studies,
Harvard University

Woo, Seong-ji
Ph.D. in International Relations,
Indiana University

Yang, Doo Yong

Ph.D. in Economics,
Colorado University

Yang, Chun-Hee

Yeo, Yukyung

Ph.D. in International Relations,

Columbia University

Ph.D. in Comparative Politics,

University of Maryland

Graduate School of Pan-Pacific International Studies



List of Internships (2008 Winter - 2013 Summer)

Multilateral Organizations

Internships provide a great opportunity for filling the gap between theory and practice. Through internships,
students are able to integrate and use their knowledge from classes, develop further competence through
intensive field experience, take steps to gain that competence under educational supervision, and become

UN DESA (Thailand)
OECD (France)

UNICEF Tokyo Office (Japan)

UN ECLAC (Chile)
UNICEF (East-Timor)
Organizations of American States (OAS) (U.S)

Private Business, Finance and Consulting Firms

better acquainted with the types of work settings.

This is why GSP places particular emphasis on internship and especially on international experience. All
Masters degree students are encouraged to undertake an internship before graduation. Overseas internships
are eligible for recognition of academic credits as well as receit of financial support.
GSP runs a unique support program for internships called KISS (The Kyung Hee International Internship
Support System) which manages student internships in three stages: identification, implementation, and


Cuatro Vientos Chile Ltda (Chile)

Lanka Jatika Sarvodaya
Shramadana Sangamaya
LBH Masyarakat (Indonesia)
Tianze Steel Processing Co., Ltd
Industrial and Commercial Bank of
China (China)
Overseas Korea (Korea)
Vietnam Mobile Telecom Services
Center III (Vietnam)

POSCO (Korea)
Rural Cooperation Bank of XinYu
BOC International (China Limited)
The Fund Settlement Center of Zibo
Mining Group Corporation Ltd.
Management Dynamics INC (U.S)
LT Strategies (U.S)
Jhon Clements Consultants
(The Philippines)

Yongxu Huijia Culture Intercourse

Co. Ltd (China)
Liuzhou Global IELTS Training
School (China)
Guangxi Nanning Maoshi Imp. &
Exp. Tading Co. Ltd. (China)
NanTong Shenma Electric
Technology Co. Ltd (China)
Weihai Commercial Bank (China)
GH TECH Corporation Ltd.[China]

Central Banks, Ministries and other Government Agencies

The collaborative efforts by the university, professors and students make internship placements successful.
Kyung Hee University and GSP also offer their own placement programs such as the Neo-Renaissance
UN/INGO Internship Program and the GSP-Washington Center internship. Overseas internships are largely

Municipalidad de Curridabat
(Costa Rica)
Korea Trade-Investment Promotion
Agency (KOTRA) (Spain)
Industrial and Commercial Bank of
China (Colombia)
National Science and Technology
Commission (China)

The Central Bank of Paraguay

Voice of America (U.S)
Mongolian National Chamber of
Commerce and Industry (Mongolia)
Boj Servis (Mongolia)
China-Korean Chamber of
Commerce Yantai Branch (China)

Peruvian Commission for Export

and Tourism (PROMPERU) (Peru)
Agricultural Bank of China (China)
The National Assembly [Korea]
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
United States Environmental
Protection Agency [U.S}

promoted via the GSP-MKE-KISS global network.

Non-Governmental Organizations

Evaluation for credits

Students can obtain 3 or 6 credits through internship. In order to earn

World Vision (The Philippines)

The Frontiers (East-Timor,
Malaysia, Indonesia)
Good People (The Philippines)
Swiss Federation for Development

& International Cooperation (Peru)

Good People (India)
Asia America Initiative (U.S)
Amnesty International South
Regional Office(Atlanta) (U.S)

GCS International (Korea)

Gawad Kalinga(GK) (The Philippines)
CENPROMYPE [Central America]

credits, students are required to keep a journal of their activities to be sent

Research Institutes

to their department chair via-email or uploaded to the school blog on a

weekly basis during the internship. Within a month after finishing the
internship, they are required to submit a written internship report and
research paper when applying for credits after a minimum of eight weeks

NAM S&T Centre (India)
Pontificia Universidad Catlica del
Per (Peru)

Korea Institute for International

Economic Policy (Korea)
NISTPASS (Vietnam)

Korean Institute for Development

Strategy [Korea]

of internship. The final internship performance is evaluated by the faculty

on the basis of the daily journals, the student reports, and supervisor and

faculty advisor evaluations. The final evaluation is a part of overall

performance evaluation and can also be used for scholarship adjustment.

Internships Pursued by GSP

Students during 2008-2013


Students should also present a brief overview of the internship


organization. Throughout the year, GSP hosts various internship seminars,

where students share their experience with others.

Public Sector
International Organization


Kyung Hee University



Graduate School of Pan-Pacific International Studies


Workshops and Extra- curricular Activities

GSP provides students with a wide scope of knowledge and practical experience by arranging special lectures.
Guest speakers such as ambassadors, entrepreneurs or venture capitalists visit GSP and speak to the students
on current issues of different fields. The topics of special lectures vary from global issues to domestic issues
such as Trade Liberalization Policy in Korea, Korean Financial Industry: the Past, the Present and the Future,
Koreas ODA: Industrial Development, the ASEAN Experience, European Integration; Issues and Perspectives
Global Market Strategy.
Also, once every year, GSPians including students, faculty, and staff enjoy the culture and nature of Korea
through an overnight fieldtrip.
GSP encourages experiential learning. Therefore, students are encouraged to go abroad every year to enhance
their knowledge. Depending on their major, GSP students visit the major cities of the world and meet
specialists in different fields.

Birmingham, UK, 2008

The field trip to the UK was conducted at the University of Birmingham
in connection with international development. The group visited various
government and non-government groups such as CAFOD (The Catholic
Overseas Development Agency) and the UK Department for
International Development. The intensive lectures offered at the
University of Birmingham also extended students knowledge and views
on international development.

Finland & Denmark, 2008

To learn about the experience of the Nordic countries of their
advanced international development experience, selected
students participated in on IDC Training Session, and visited
international development and cooperation related
organizations such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Niras,
IBIS, and COWI in Finland and Denmark.

TaeKwonDo Club

Homecoming Day

Learning the spirit and movement of this

Reunion with professors and friends, sharing

fascinating Korean Martial Art from students

the past, present and future with global elites.

at Kyung Hee where the first Taekwondo

department in the world was established!

Osaka, Japan, 2011

Students were provided the chance to attend the International
Workshop at School of International Public Policy (OSIPP), Osaka
University, Japan for 7 days. Students were introduced to the
politics, economics, culture and history of Japan through lectures on
the topic of Society and International Relations of Contemporary

Washington, USA, 2013

To deepen their understanding of the role of
International development and cooperation,
students visited various organizations
including the World Bank, USAID and NGOs.


Kyung Hee University

Graduate School of Pan-Pacific International Studies


GSP Alumni

GSP graduates play important roles in diverse fields of the global

community. Many of them are developing their careers in the areas of
financial services, IT, international trade, public enterprises, law and
international organizations all over the world.


I had to address two important questions before I picked my graduate school. First, I was looking for a
graduate program in Korea with English as a main language of instruction. Second, I was trying to find a
place with top quality faculty. Among all my options, GSP was an absolute winner!
My life at GSP is definitely unforgettable. Here, I have been surrounded by talented professors, met my
best friends, experienced different cultures, and had tons and tons of fun. Students graduate from GSP
are more confident about their future. Most of them have a global outlook and are open to foreign
cultures. They know how to give great presentations and act as a team. In other words, they have a greater chance of
working globally. GSP has great facilities for research and recreation. At GSP everything feels just like home.
Pirmatov Khamidullo
International Business (Class of 2010)
Associate, Global Cooperation Group, Media Solution Center, Samsung Electronics








Regional Distribution
of GSP Alumni

Field of Employment




As one of the best Graduate Schools of International Studies in Korea, I believed that the academic
environment of GSP and its community have helped me become well prepared and ready to offer my best in
the service of others. I see GSP as the best place to prepare oneself to fit competently into the role of
advancing global leadership and governance.
GSP receives many visiting scholars and personnel who participate in teaching and researching. The high
proportion of students from a variety of ethnic and cultural backgrounds makes the school more attractive
and desirable. Moreover, the program is focused towards providing practical and theoretical knowledge and skills, classes
are mainly presentation and discussion driven and overseas internships are strongly recommended and financially supported.

Asia (Excluding Korea and China)
Middle East

Bethel Ghebru
International Relations (Class of 2011)
Project Analyst, Corporate Strategy and Planning Division, POSCO

I would say that studying at GSP is very demanding in the accumulation of scientific knowledge and the
theoretical understanding of subjects in particular. Even through the academic requirements are tough, I
am grateful for the cultural diversity at the graduate school and I cannot leave unmentioned the great
time I spent discussing and enjoying time with people from all around the world.
Donato Corzo
International Trade and Economic Cooperation (Class of 2011)
Assistant, Embassy of Guatemala to Japan
Lecturer, Faculty of International Studies, Nihon University

GSP is one of the renowned graduate schools in Korea with a collection of sterling professors, the
assortment of students drawn from all over the world that creates an atmosphere conducive to study and
academic excellence. Teaching and learning at GSP is supplemented with extracurricular programs that
demand the active involvement of students. Moreover, under the close supervision of professors, students
can design projects and conduct research to bridge theory and real world problems.
Because of all these appreciable academic opportunities and advantages in one place, I was able to
broaden my knowledge, improve my research capabilities, and enrich my interpersonal skills. Irrefutably, GSP is an ideal
place where great leaders, researchers, and academicians of international standard can be produced.
Denu Lemma Tsegaye
International Trade and Economics Cooperation [Class of 2012]
Lecturer, Adama Science and Technology University


Kyung Hee University



Government & Public Enterprise

Diplomacy and International Organizations
Finance & Investment
General Management
Educational Institutions
Information Technology
Distribution & Manufacturing
Further Studies

First and foremost, I made friends with wonderful people; classmates and faculty. The mandatory dormitory residence
helped us build bonds with each other and strengthen our ties, let alone enhancing our cooperation and support in
terms of studies.
Second, GSP upgraded my intellectual capacity especially in the areas of Latin America area studies. The teaching
method of student-led presentations and discussions that the faculty bravely employed was extremely helpful as it
forced me to fully prepare for classes, reading all references sources and doing further research on related topics.
Third, I was fully exposed to different perspectives and learned to be more open-minded. This is largely owing to
classmates with different academic backgrounds and diverse experiences.
Fourth, the faculty helped me roll out a new path for my career, exposing me to various seminars, conferences and
workshops and actively supporting my field study in Mexico. In particular, Dr. Won-Ho Kims pro-active support in
finding me an internship opportunity at the Organization of American States encouraged me to find a career in
international organizations. Furthermore, his encouragement drove me to pursue further study in economics.
Lastly, I benefitted from the GSPs true care for students, the world class quality facilities, 24-hour access to computers
with an internet connection, and its willingness to extend financial assistance for student internships abroad.

Soon Hwa Yi,

Latin American Studies, International Relations
and Area Studies
Economist, The World Bank

Graduate School of Pan-Pacific International Studies


Costs and Financial Aid


Financial Assistance
(Including Scholarships and Fellowships)


GSP seeks to provide an education for all without economic constraint. A number of scholarships are available

- Department of International Trade & Economic

Cooperation (IT&EC)
- Department of International Development
Cooperation (IDC)
- Department of International Business (IB)

to both Korean and international students. Research and teaching assistantships are also granted to students
based on academic performance.
Scholarships are applicable from the first semester. The amount of the scholarship is based on the current
evaluation record of the applicant. From the second semester on, the amount of scholarship will be determined

of Study

by the Scholarship Committee based on the students academic performance in the previous semester.
*Only students with an English score of over 850 TOEIC or equivalent are eligible to receive a scholarship.

Estimated Cost for One Semester



Entrance Fee (only for the 1st semester)


Campus Housing

$1,400 (50% support by GSP)





Other Expenses

- Masters Degree Program: Those who have a
Bachelors degree or a Masters degree or who are
in the final year of the above degree programs
- Doctoral Program: Those who have a Masters
degree or who are in the final year of the above
degree programs


Review and


*This is an approximate cost as of the 2013 academic year. It may differ every year.
Application Period :

Scholarship Level


Scholarship Level


Class 1A

Full scholarship covering tuition fees, 100% of dormitory fees and food expenses

Class 1B

Full Scholarship covering tuition fees and 50% of dormitory fees

Class 2A

Scholarship covering 75% of tuition fees and 50% of dormitory fees

Class 2B

Scholarship covering 50% of tuition fees and 50% of dormitory fees

Class 2C

Scholarship covering 25% of tuition fees and 50% of dormitory fees

Class 3

Scholarship covering 0% of tuition fees and 50% of dormitory fees

Kyung Hee University

- For Spring semester: November

- For Fall semester: May
*Exact date to be announced on the GSP website
each semester
- Overseas Applicants: Application Documents (40%)
+ English Interview (60%)
- Domestic Applicants: Application Documents (40%)
+ English Interview (40%) + Writing Test (20%)
*All applicants are required to have an intensive
interview in English
*Applicants who are residing abroad and are
unable to attend the interview may have an
interview by phone



- Completed application form (available on the GSP

- Personal statement
- Official transcripts of academic records
- Two letters of recommendation
- A copy of the degree diploma
(Original, English or with English translation)
Chinese applicants should submit original
certificate of a degree in English issued by the
China Academic Degree & Graduate Education
Development Center
- A recent photograph (3cmx4cm)
- Application fee of 70,000 Korean Won
- A certified copy of the TOEFL, TOEIC or IELTS
(if applicable)
- Resume (Application for Ph. D. Program only)
- A statement of future career plan
(Applicants for Ph. D. Program only)

How to Pay
the Application Fee
Transfer the application fee KRW 70,000
to the bank account of Graduate School of
Pan-Pacific International Studies.
- Bank Account Number : 428-141962-09304
- Bank Name : HANA Bank
- Swift Code : HNBNKRSE
- Receiver : Graduate School of Pan-Pacific
International Studies, Kyung Hee University
- Receivers Address : Graduate School of PanPacific International Studies (GSP), Kyung Hee
University, 1732 Deogyeong daero, Giheung-Gu,
Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, 446-701, Republic of KOREA
* Please, inform us of the remitters name
when transfering the fee

Graduate School of Pan-Pacific International Studies


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