Final Project (1) Dabur

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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of

Bachelor of Business Administration
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University

Submitted by:
Submitted to:
Name: Nishu Sharma
Enrollment No.: 00350601710
BBA VI Semester

Mr. Ankur

New Delhi Institute of Management

61,Tughalakabad Institutional Area, New Delhi 62

Telephone : 29962605,606 Fax : 29956304

































APPENDIX: Questionnaire







In the field of human resource management, training and development is the









performance of individuals and groups in organizational settings. Training

and development encompasses three main activities: training, education,
and development. It is a learning process that involves the acquisition of
knowledge, sharpening of skills, concepts, rules, or changing of attitudes and
behaviors to enhance the performance of employees. Training is about
knowing where you at present, and where you will be after some point of
time. Recruitment is an integral and ongoing process in any
organization. This holds true for Dabur also. They have a two-pronged
approach in recruiting dynamic professionals - lateral recruitments and the
Management Trainee / Engineer Trainee recruitments at entry level.
The Management Trainee / Engineer Trainee Programme has been a focus
area of DABUR to induct young and vibrant professionals at the entry level.
With every passing year, upgradations are made to it to make the learning
experience more enriching and rigorous with a greater focus on functional
and conceptual inputs and an objective learning evaluation system.

The Project titled Training And Development at DABUR INDIA LIMITED has
been prepared as a part of my VI semester COURSE CURRICULLUM of
Guru Gobind Singh IP University.
I extend my heartfelt thanks to Mr. Ankur Budhiraja , my project guide
for his immense help & guidance and clearing my doubts.
I would like to thank my parents for suggesting modifications and changes
in the project, without their support my project would not have reached its
completion stage.
Lastly I would like to thank all other faculty members of BBA III of our institute
for their help and cooperation.

Nishu Sharma

This to certify that Nishu Sharma is a bonafide student of three year regular
course of BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) of New Delhi Institute Of
LIMITED (DIL) is her original work and is submitted in partial fulfillment of
the requirement of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA). This project is
based on the study carried out by her under my guidance and supervision
and is completed upto my satisfaction.

Ankur Budhiraja
(Project guide)


To understand the training initiatives undertaken by Dabur India limited.

To study the new methods of training undertaken by Dabur.

To understand the importance and impact of training on employees.

To get information relating to the role of training in HRM


The project covers the study of training & development program at Dabur
India Limited. The departments covered in the study are:





Exploratory research design helps to understand the theoretical aspects

of various training programmes and the methods adopted to improve
performance of the employees.




Meaning of Training:
Working force is the most valuable asset of the business enterprise. If
they have understanding, competence and skill to accomplish their piece of
work faultlessly in order to develop such proficiency in the work, proper
training of employees is must. Training acquaints the workers with the
intricacies of the work and makes him more efficient, productive and
The employee must have the theoretical and practice knowledge of the
work, he is required to perform. The theoretical knowledge can be gained in
educational institutions but for the practical knowledge training is required.
In this way, the training acquaints the employee with the requisite skill, real
situations of the work and helps him in the faultless accomplishments of the

The term training is used here to indicate only process

by which the aptitudes, skill and abilities of employees to
perform specific jobs are increased.

Training is the organized procedure in which people learn

knowledge and / or skill for definite purpose.

Training Defined:


is defined as learning that is provided in order to improve

performance on the present job.

A person's performance is improved by showing her how to master a new or
established technology. The technology may be a piece of heavy machinery,
a computer, a procedure for creating a product, or a method of providing a
Notice that the last part of the definition states that training is provided for
the present job. This includes training new personnel to perform their job,
introducing a new technology, or bringing an employee up to standards.
Earlier it was stated that there are four inputs to a system: people, material,
technology, and time. Training is mainly concerned with the meeting of two
of these inputs -- people and technology. That is, having people learn to
master a given technology.


Training is an activity to increase understanding, skill and attitude to
perform specific job in better ways.
While Development means the growth of employees at every level of
management by planned and organized process.
The best possible performance of the specific job by the employee is
the aim of training.
While Development aims at utilization of employees capability.
Training is the part of Development and also limited in its scope.
Whereas, development is a wider term. It includes education, learning
and training.
Training is imparted for a fix time period.
Development is a continuing process and unending activity in the
Training is mostly the result of initiatives taken by management. It is
result of some outside motivation.
Development is result of internal motivation.
Training seeks to meet the current requirements of the job and the
individual. In other words it is a reactive process.
Development seeks to meet future needs of the job and individual, In other
words, development is a proactive process. Development is future oriented
where as training focuses on the personal growth of the employees.

Typical Areas of Employee Training :

1. Communications: The increasing diversity of today's workforce brings a
wide variety of languages and customs.
2. Computer skills: Computer skills are becoming a necessity for
conducting administrative and office tasks.
3. Customer service: Increased competition in today's global marketplace
makes it critical that employees understand and meet the needs of
4. Diversity: Diversity training usually includes explanation about how
people have different perspectives and views, and includes techniques to
value diversity.
5. Ethics: Today's society has increasing expectations about corporate social
responsibility. Also, today's diverse workforce brings a wide variety of values
and morals to the workplace.
6. Human relations: The increased stresses of today's workplace can
include misunderstandings and conflict. Training can people to get along in
the workplace.
7. Quality initiatives: Initiatives such as Total Quality Management, Quality
Circles, benchmarking, etc., require basic training about quality concepts,
guidelines and standards for quality, etc.

8. Safety: Safety training is critical where working with heavy equipment,

hazardous chemicals, repetitive activities, etc., but can also be useful with
practical advice for avoiding assaults, etc.







There are numerous sources of on-line information about training and
development. Several of these sites (they're listed later on in this library)
suggest reasons for supervisors to conduct training among employees. These
reasons include:
1. Increased job satisfaction and morale among employees.
2. Increased employee motivation.
3. Increased efficiencies in processes, resulting in financial gain.
4. Increased capacity to adopt new technologies and methods.
5. Increased innovation in strategies and products.
6. Reduced employee turnover.
7. Enhanced company image, e.g., conducting ethics training (not a good
reason for ethics training).

Role of Training:

Training involves an expert working with learners to transfer to them certain

areas of knowledge or skills to improve in their current jobs. Development is
a broad, ongoing multi-faceted set of activities (training activities among
them) to bring someone or an organization up to another threshold of
performance, often to perform some job or new role in the future.

Importance of Training and Development:

Optimum Utilization of Human Resources Training and Development

helps in optimizing the utilization of human resource that further helps the
employee to achieve the organizational goals as well as their individual

Development of Human Resources Training and Development helps to

provide an opportunity and broad structure for the development of human
resources technical and behavioral skills in an organization. It also helps the
employees in attaining personal growth.

Development of skills of employees Training and Development helps

in increasing the job knowledge and skills of employees at each level. It
helps to expand the horizons of human intellect and an overall personality of
the employees.

Productivity Training and Development helps in increasing the

productivity of the employees that helps the organization further to achieve
its long-term goal.

Team spirit Training and Development helps in inculcating the sense of

team work, team spirit, and inter-team collaborations. It helps in inculcating
the zeal to learn within the employees.
Organization Culture Training and Development helps to develop and
improve the organizational health culture and effectiveness. It helps in
creating the learning culture within the organization.

Organization Climate Training and Development helps building the

positive perception and feeling about the organization. The employees get
these feelings from leaders, subordinates, and peers.

Quality Training and Development helps in improving upon the quality of

work and work-life.

Healthy work-environment Training and Development helps in

creating the healthy working environment. It helps to build good employee,
relationship so that individual goals aligns with organizational goal.

Health and Safety Training and Development helps in improving the

health and safety of the organization thus preventing obsolescence.

Morale Training and Development helps in improving the morale of the

work force.

Image Training and Development helps in creating a better corporate


Profitability Training and Development leads to improved profitability

and more positive attitudes towards profit orientation.

Training and Development aids in organizational development i.e.

Organization gets more effective decision making and problem solving. It
helps in understanding and carrying out organizational policies

Training and Development helps in developing leadership skills, motivation,

loyalty, better attitudes, and other aspects that successful workers and
managers usually display.

Training and Human Resource Management:

The HR functioning is changing with time and with this change, the
relationship between the training function and other management activity is
also changing. The training and development activities are now equally
important with that of other HR functions. Gone are the days, when training
was considered to be futile, waste of time, resources, and money. Now-adays, training is an investment because the departments such as, marketing
& sales, HR, production, finance, etc depends on training for its survival. If
training is not considered as a priority or not seen as a vital part in the
organization, then it is difficult to accept that such a company has effectively

carried out HRM. Training actually provides the opportunity to raise the
profile development activities in the organization.
To increase the commitment level of employees and growth in quality
movement (concepts of HRM), senior management team is now increasing
the role of training. Such concepts of HRM require careful planning as well as
greater emphasis on employee development and long term education.
Training is now the important tool of Human Resource Management to control
the attrition rate because it helps in motivating employees, achieving their
professional and personal goals, increasing the level of job satisfaction, etc.
As a result training is given on a variety of skill development and covers a
multitude of courses.



Dabur India Limited is

company with interests

a leading Indian consumer goods

in-- Hair Care, Oral Care, Health

Care, Skin Care, Home Care and Foods. From its humble
beginnings in the bylanes of Calcutta way back in 1884 as an
Ayurvedic medicines company, Dabur India Ltd has come a long
way today to become a leading consumer products manufacturer
in India. For the past 125 years, we have been dedicated to
providing nature-based solutions for a healthy and holistic
lifestyle .
Through our comprehensive range of products, we touch the lives
of all consumers, in all age groups, across all social boundaries.
And this legacy has helped us develop a bond of trust with our
consumers. That guarantees you the best in all products carrying
the Dabur name.
Today, the FMCG sector is the fourth-largest sector in the Indian economy
and many FMCG Company like HLL, ITC, Britannia, Tata Tea, Nestle, Godrej
Consumer, Dabur, Marico, etc are there.
Dabur India Limited is Indias fourth largest FMCG Company. Dabur has
five other subsidiaries Dabur Foods, Dabur Nepal, Dabur Egypt, Dabur
Oncology and Dabur Pharma.

Dabur At-a glance


Dabur India Limited has marked its presence with significant achievements
and today commands a market leadership status. Our story of success is
based on dedication to nature, corporate and process hygiene, dynamic
leadership and commitment to our partners and stakeholders. The results of
our policies and initiatives speak for themselves.

Leading consumer goods company in India with a turnover of Rs.

5,283 Crore (FY12)
2 major strategic business units (SBU) - Consumer Care Business
and International Business Division (IBD)
2 Subsidiary Group companies - Dabur International and NewU and
several step down subsidiaries: Dabur Nepal Pvt Ltd (Nepal), Dabur
Egypt Ltd (Egypt), Asian Consumer Care (Bangladesh), Asian
Consumer Care (Pakistan), African Consumer Care (Nigeria),
Naturelle LLC (Ras Al Khaimah-UAE), Weikfield International
(UAE) and Jaquline Inc. (USA)
17 ultra-modern manufacturing units spread around the globe
Products marketed in over 60 countries

Wide and deep market penetration with 50 C&F agents, more than
5000 distributors and over 3.4 million retail outlets all over India
Consumer Care Business adresses consumer needs across the entire
FMCG spectrum through four distinct business portfolios of Personal Care,
Health Care, Home Care & Foods

Master brands:

Dabur - Ayurvedic healthcare products

Vatika - Premium hair care
Hajmola - Tasty digestives
Ral - Fruit juices & beverages
Fem - Fairness bleaches & skin care products

12 Billion-Rupee brands: Dabur Amla, Dabur

Chyawanprash, Vatika, Ral, Dabur Red
Toothpaste, Dabur Lal Dant Manjan, Babool,
Hajmola, Dabur Honey, Glucose, Fem and
Strategic positioning of Honey as food product,
leading to market leadership (over 75%) in

branded honey market

Dabur Chyawanprash the largest selling Ayurvedic
medicine with over 65% market share.
Vatika has been the fastest growing hair care
brand in the Middle East
Hajmola tablets in command with 60% market
share of digestive tablets category. About 2.5
crore Hajmola tablets are consumed in India
every day
Leader in herbal digestives with 90% market share

Consumer Health Division (CHD) offers a range

of classical Ayurvedic medicines and Ayurvedic
OTC products that deliver the age-old benefits of
Ayurveda in modern ready-to-use formats
Has more than 300 products sold through
prescriptions as well as over the counter
Major categories in traditional formulations include:
- Asav Arishtas
- Ras Rasayanas
- Churnas
- Medicated Oils
Proprietary Ayurvedic medicines developed by
Dabur include:
- Nature Care Isabgol
- Madhuvaani
- Trifgol
Division also works for promotion of Ayurveda
through organised community of traditional
practitioners and developing fresh batches of

International Business Division (IBD) caters to the health and personal

care needs of customers across different international markets, spanning
Nepal, Bangladesh, the Middle East, North & West Africa, EU and the US with
its brands Dabur & Vatika

Contributes to about 30% of total sales

Leveraging the 'Natural' preference among local consumers to increase
share in personal care categories

Focus markets:
- Egypt
- Nigeria
- Bangladesh
- Nepal
- US
High level of localization of manufacturing and sales & marketing

Dabur India Ltd. - Corporate Profile

Dabur India Ltd is one of Indias leading FMCG Companies with Revenues
of over Rs 6,146 Crore & Market Capitalisation of US $5 Billion. Building
on a legacy of quality and experience of over 127 years, Dabur is today
Indias most trusted name and the worlds largest Ayurvedic and
Natural Health Care Company.
Dabur India is also a world leader in Ayurveda with a portfolio of over 250
Herbal/Ayurvedic products. Dabur's FMCG portfolio today includes five
flagship brands with distinct brand identities -- Dabur as the master brand
for natural healthcare products, Vatika for premium personal care, Hajmola
for digestives, Ral for fruit juices and beverages and Fem for fairness
bleaches and skin care products.
Dabur today operates in key consumer products categories like Hair Care,
Oral Care, Health Care, Skin Care, Home Care and Foods. The company
has a wide distribution network, covering over 2.8 million retail outlets
with a high penetration in both urban and rural markets.
Dabur's products also have a huge presence in the overseas markets and are
today available in over 60 countries across the globe. Its brands are
highly popular in the Middle East, SAARC countries, Africa, US, Europe and
Russia. Dabur's overseas revenue today accounts for over 30% of the
total turnover..
The 125-year-old company, promoted by the Burman family, had started
operations in 1884 as an Ayurvedic medicines company. From its humble
beginnings in the bylanes of Calcutta, Dabur India Ltd has come a long way
today to become one of the biggest Indian-owned consumer goods
companies with the largest herbal and natural product portfolio in the world.
Overall, Dabur has successfully transformed itself from being a
family-run business to become a professionally managed enterprise.

What sets Dabur apart from the crowd is its ability to change ahead of
others and to always set new standards in corporate governance &



Birth of Dabur
Setting up a manufacturing plant
Ayurvedic medicines
Establishment of research laboratories


Expands further
Dabur India (Dr. S.K. Burman) Pvt.
Shift to Delhi
Sahibabad factory / Dabur Research &
Development Centre (DRDC)
Public Limited Company


Joint venture with Agrolimen of Spain


Cancer treatment


Public issues


Joint Ventures


3 separate divisions


Foods Division / Project STARS


Professionals to manage the Company


Turnover of Rs.1,000 crores


Dabur demerges Pharma Business


Dabur aquires Balsara



Dabur announces Bonus after 12 years

Dabur crosses $2 Bin market Cap,
adopts US GAAP
Approves FCCB/GDR/ADR up to $200
Celebrating 10 years of Real


Foray into organised retail


Dabur Foods Merged With Dabur India




Acquires Fem Care Pharma

Dabur Red Toothpaste joins 'Billion
Rupee Brand' club
Dabur makes its first overseas


Dabur enters professional skin care
Dabur India acquires 30-Plus from
Ajanta Pharma


Dabur India Ltd. made its beginnings with a small pharmacy, but has
continued to learn and grow to a commanding status in the industry. The
Company has come a long way in popularising and making easily available
a whole range of products based on the traditional science of Ayurveda.
And Dabur has set very high standards in developing products and
processes that meet stringent quality norms. As it grows even further,
Dabur will continue to mark up on major milestones along the way, setting
the road for others to follow...

Milestones To Success
1884 - Established by Dr. S K Burman at Kolkata
1896 - First production unit established at Garhia
1919 - First R&D unit established
Early 1900s - Production of Ayurvedic medicines
Dabur identifies nature-based Ayurvedic medicines as its area of
specialisation. It is the first Company to provide health care through
scientifically tested and automated production of formulations based
on our traditional science.
1930 - Automation and upgradation of Ayurvedic products
manufacturing initiated
1936 - Dabur (Dr. S K Burman) Pvt. Ltd. Incorporated
1940 - Personal care through Ayurveda
Dabur introduces Indian consumers to personal care through
Ayurveda, with the launch of Dabur Amla Hair Oil. So popular is the
product that it becomes the largest selling hair oil brand in India.
1949 - Launched Dabur Chyawanprash in tin pack
Widening the popularity and usage of traditional Ayurvedic products
continues. The ancient restorative Chyawanprash is launched in
packaged form, and becomes the first branded Chyawanprash in India.
1957 - Computerisation of operations initiated

1970 - Entered Oral Care & Digestives segment

Addressing rural markets where homemade oral care is more popular than
multinational brands, Dabur introduces Lal Dant Manjan. With this a
conveniently packaged herbal toothpowder is made available at affordable
costs to the masses.
1972 - Shifts base to Delhi from Calcutta
1978 - Launches Hajmola tablet
Dabur continues to make innovative products based on traditional
formulations that can provide holistic care in our daily life. An Ayurvedic
medicine used as a digestive aid is branded and launched as the popular
Hajmola tablet.
1979 - Dabur Research & Development Centre (DRDC) set up
1979 - Commercial production starts at Sahibabad, the most
modern herbal medicines plant at that time
1984 - Dabur completes 100 years
1988 - Launches pharmaceutical medicines
1989 - Care with fun
The Ayurvedic digestive formulation is converted into a children's fun
product with the launch of Hajmola Candy. In an innovative move, a
curative product is converted to a confectionary item for wider usage.
1994 - Comes out with first public issue
1994 - Enters oncology segment
1994 - Leadership in health care
Dabur establishes its leadership in health care as one of only two
companies worldwide to launch the anti-cancer drug Intaxel
(Paclitaxel). Dabur Research & Development Centre (DRDC) develops an
eco-friendly process to extract the drug from its plant source
1996 - Enters foods business with the launch of Real Fruit Juice
1996 - Real blitzkrieg
Dabur captures the imagination of young Indian consumers with the
launch of Real Fruit Juices - a new concept in the Indian foods market.
The first local brand of 100% pure natural fruit juices made to
international standards, Real becomes the fastest growing and
largest selling brand in the country.
1998 - Burman family hands over management of the company to

2000 - The 1,000 crore mark

Dabur establishes its market leadership status by staging a turnover of
Rs.1,000 crores. Across a span of over a 100 years, Dabur has grown
from a small beginning based on traditional health care. To a commanding
position amongst an august league of large corporate businesses.
2001 - Super specialty drugs
With the setting up of Dabur Oncology's sterile cytotoxic facility, the
Company gains entry into the highly specialised area of cancer
therapy. The state-of-the-art plant and laboratory in the UK have
approval from the MCA of UK. They follow FDA guidelines for production
of drugs specifically for European and American markets.
2002 - Dabur record sales of Rs 1163.19 crore on a net profit of
Rs 64.4
2003 - Dabur demerges Pharmaceuticals business
Dabur India approved the demerger of its pharmaceuticals business from
the FMCG business into a separate company as part of plans to provider
greater focus to both the businesses. With this, Dabur India now largely
comprises of the FMCG business that include personal care products,
healthcare products and Ayurvedic Specialities, while the Pharmaceuticals
business would include Allopathic, Oncology formulations and Bulk Drugs.
Dabur Oncology Plc, a subsidiary of Dabur India, would also be part of the
Pharmaceutical business.
Maintaining global standards
As a reflection of its constant efforts at achieving superior quality
standards, Dabur became the first Ayurvedic products company to get
ISO 9002 certification.
Science for nature
Reinforcing its commitment to nature and its conservation, Dabur Nepal, a
subsidiary of Dabur India, has set up fully automated greenhouses in
Nepal. This scientific landmark helps to produce saplings of rare medicinal
plants that are under threat of extinction due to ecological degradation.
2005 - Dabur aquires Balsara
As part of its inorganic growth strategy, Dabur India acquires Balsara's
Hygiene and Home products businesses, a leading provider of Oral Care
and Household Care products in the Indian market, in a Rs 143-crore allcash deal.

2005 - Dabur announces bonus after 12 years

Dabur India announced issue of 1:1 Bonus share to the shareholders of
the company, i.e. one share for every one share held. The Board also
proposed an increase in the authorized share capital of the company from
existing Rs 50 crore to Rs 125 crore.
2006 - Dabur crosses $2 bln market cap, adopts US GAAP.
Dabur India crosses the $2-billion mark in market capitalisation. The
company also adopted US GAAP in line with its commitment to follow
global best practices and adopt highest standards of transparency and
2006 - Approves FCCB/GDR/ADR up to $200 million
Moving forward on the inorganic growth path, Dabur India decides to raise
up to $200 million from the international market through Bonds, FCCBs,
GDR, ADR, QIPs or any other securities.The capital raised will be used to
fund Dabur's aggressive growth ambitions and acquisition plans in India
and abroad.
2007 - Celebrating 10 years of Real
Dabur Foods unveiled the new packaging and design for Real at the
completion of 10 years of the brand. The new refined modern look depicts
the natural goodness of the juice from freshly plucked fruits.
2007 - Foray into organised retail
Dabur India announced its foray into the organised retail business through
a wholly-owned subsidiary, H&B Stores Ltd. Dabur will invest Rs 140
crores by 2010 to establish its presence in the retail market in India with
a chain of stores on the Health & Beauty format.
2007 - Dabur Foods merged with Dabur India
Dabur India decides to merge its wholly-owned subsidiary Dabur Foods
Limited with itself to extract synergies and unlock operational efficiencies.
The integration will also help Dabur sharpen focus on the high growth
business of foods and beverages, and enter newer product categories in
this space.
2008 - Acquires Fem Care Pharma
Dabur India acquires Fem Care Pharma, a leading player in the women's

skin care market. Besides an entry into the high-growth skin care market
with an established brand name FEM, this transaction also offers Dabur a
strong platform to enter newer product categories and markets.
2009 - Dabur Red Toothpaste joins 'Billion Rupee Brands' club
Dabur Red Toothpaste becomes the Dabur's ninth Billion Rupee brand.
Dabur Red Toothpaste crosses the billion rupee turnover mark within five
years of its launch.
2010 - Dabur makes its first overseas acquisition
Dabur makes its first overseas acquisition, buying Hobi Kozmetik Kozmetik
Group, a leading personal care products company in Turkey, for $69
2010 - Dabur acquired 100% equity in Namaste Lab
Dabur acquired 100% equity in Namast Laboratories LLC of the US for
$100 million. This marks Daburs entry into the fast-growing ethnic hair
care products market in U.S., Europe and Africa.
2010 - Dabur Chyawanprash Launched Orange & Mango
Dabur launches Indias first fruit-flavoured Chyawanprash. Dabur
Chyawanprash was launched in Orange and Mango flavoured variants.
2010 - Dabur Amla Hair Oils enters Limca Book of Records
Dabur Amla Hair Oils enters Limca Book of Records for achieving a record
feat of hosting the longest ever non-stop head massage marathon.
2011 - Dabur enters professional skin care market
Dabur enters professional skin care market with the launch of OxyLife
Professional Facial Kit, created exclusively for professional use.
2011 - Dabur launches its first-ever online shopping portal
Dabur India Ltd. launches its first-ever online shopping portal With this, Dabur is the first Indian FMCG company
to launch a dedicated online shopping portal for its beauty products range.
The portal will be the online gateway for consumers to know, understand,
buy and gift the exclusive Dabur Uveda range of skincare products.
2011 - Dabur India acquires 30-Plus from Ajanta Pharma

Dabur India Ltd acquired Ajanta Pharmas over-the-counter energizer

brand 30-Plus.
2011 - Dabur to enter Sri Lanka
Dabur India Ltdsets up new subsidiary in Sri Lanka Dabur Lanka (Pvt.)
Ltd. The company will establish a new export-oriented manufacturing
facility for producing a range of fruit-based beverages in Gampaha, north
of Colombo.
2011 - Dabur enters Almond Hair Oil market
Dabur India Ltd launches Dabur Almond Hair Oil, a one-of-its-kind product
that offers superior nourishment for 100% damage-free hair.
2012 - Dabur crosses Billion-Dollar turnover mark
Dabur India Ltd surpassed the Billion-Dollar Turnover mark during the
2011-12 fiscal to end the year with Net Sales of Rs 5,283.17 Crore.

Founder and Leaders

Founding Thoughts
"What is that life worth which cannot bring comfort to others"

The doorstep 'Daktar'

The story of Dabur began with a small, but visionary
endeavour by Dr. S. K. Burman, a physician tucked away
in Bengal. His mission was to provide effective and
affordable cure for ordinary people in far-flung villages.
With missionary zeal and fervour, Dr. Burman undertook
the task of preparing natural cures for the killer diseases
of those days, like cholera, malaria and plague.

Soon the news of his medicines traveled, and he

came to be known as the trusted 'Daktar' or Doctor
who came up with effective cures. And that is how
his venture Dabur got its name - derived from the
Devanagri rendition of Daktar Burman.

The mission

Dr. Burman set up Dabur in 1884 to produce and dispense Ayurvedic

medicines. Reaching out to a wide mass of people who had no access to
proper treatment. Dr. S. K. Burman's commitment and ceaseless efforts

resulted in the company growing from a fledgling medicine manufacturer in

a small Calcutta house, to a household name that at once evokes trust and

Strategic Intent
We intend to significantly accelerate profitable growth. To do this, we
Focus on growing our core brands across categories, reaching out to
new geographies, within and outside India, and improve operational
efficiencies by leveraging technology
Be the preferred company to meet the health and personal grooming
needs of our target consumers with safe, efficacious, natural solutions
by synthesizing our deep knowledge of ayurveda and herbs with
modern science
Provide our consumers with innovative products within easy reach
Build a platform to enable Dabur to become a global ayurvedic leader
Be a professionally managed employer of choice, attracting,
developing and retaining quality personnel
Be responsible citizens with a commitment to environmental protection
Provide superior returns, relative to our peer group, to our

Dabur Real Targets New Segment

Dabur Foods Ltd. has a new strategy up its sleeve; it''''s trying to target
kids with its Real Fruit Juices. "So what''''s new?" you''''ll say. It was
always being targeted at kids! While the positioning for Real is
unchanged and the target audience is also the same i.e. kids, Dabur
seems to have seen an untapped opportunity in the market. The
erstwhile-untapped kids school lunchbox segment, which has always
seen kids and moms grumping, could now prove to be a turning point
in Dabur''''s sales curve
Unraveling the strategy, says Amit Burman, CEO, Dabur Foods Ltd, "A
research conducted by us gave us two important findings. One, that
Real Fruit Juices were seen as equivalent to Fruit, and two, that kids
loved the flavor of Real Fruit Juices. So we shrunk the size of Real
Fruit Juice tetra pack to 200ml and made them available in a
packaging that included 6, 200ml packs. Since Real is seen as an
equivalent to fruit, we targeted it to mothers who want to pack a
healthy snack for their school going kids and made Real available in
packs of 6- one for each school day. So the new strategy used the
research findings to targets both school going kids and their moms,
giving them dual benefits of health and flavor."

Explaining the campaign rationale, Nikhil Rungta, Account Director,

Dhar and Hoon, the agency handling Dabur Real, says, "The client
came to us with an image problem, vis--vis Tropicana. When
researched, we concluded that unlike Tropicana, Real is more sweet
and hence gels better with the Indian palate. Also it is seen as
equivalent to fruit. To establish this fact, the latest TVCs, show a kid
looking through a microscope at a bowl of fruit and sees Real Fruit
Juice instead. He puts his hand through the microscope and pulls out
the Real Fruit drink. This emphasizes the equivalency of Real with
The extension of packaging as well usage for Real has soared the
sales turnover expectations of Dabur. And while the new strategy
seems promising, according to Dhar and Hoon, the communications
has been getting a good response too. So, although till now
everything seems fall in place for Real, with many launches in the non
carbonated beverages category, one will have to wait a little while for
the final scorecard

Hair Serums

Dabur Amla Frizz Control Hair Serum

Do you have Dry, Frizzy, Flyaway Hair?
Discover perfectly healthy, radiant hair with New Dabur Amla Frizz Control Hair Serum.
Enriched with the natural extracts of Amla, Almond and Aloe Vera to give you unbelievably
shiny, stylish hair!

Dabur Amla Extreme Shine Hair Serum

Are your hair Dull and Lifeless?
Discover perfectly healthy, radiant hair with New Dabur Amla Extreme Shine Hair Serum.
Enriched with the natural extracts of Amla, Grapeseed and Aloe Vera to give you
unbelievably shiny, stylish hair!

Dabur Amla Repair Therapy Hair Serum

Are you hair damaged and lifeless?
Discover perfectly healthy, radiant hair with New Dabur Amla Repair Therapy Hair Serum.
Enriched with the natural extracts of Amla, Jojoba and Rosemary to give you unbelievably
shiny, stylish hair!

Dabur Amla Cooling Hair Oil

New Dabur Amla Cooling Hair Oil combines the soothing oils of Sandalwood, Menthol and
Almond with the miraculous properties of Amla to help you discover unparalleled scalp
relaxation. Available in 200ml size.

Dabur Red Toothpaste

Dabur brings to you the miracle of 13 powerful herbs to give your teeth TOTAL PROTECTION.
Dabur Red is a radically different toothpaste thats nothing like anything youd have ever
used. Discover for yourself today! Available in 100 and 200gm sizes.

Dabur Chyawanprash
Dabur brings to you the elixir of Ayurveda! Trusted for over a millennia, Chyawanprash is
one of the most powerful rejuvenators known. Packed full of anti-oxidants, Dabur
Chyawanprash is vouched for by millions of satisfied consumers over many decades for its
immuno-building and health giving properties.
More Details

Dabur Rose Water


Dabur Premium Rose Water is made from the extract of garden fresh roses to bring you the
freshness of this wonderful flower, in a bottle. Available in 250 ml size

Dabur Keora Water

Dabur Premium Keora Water is made from the extract of pandanus odoratissimus flower.
Available in 250ml sizes

Dabur Rose Syrup

Dabur Rose Syrup is an exotic rose drink concentrate. Available in 710 ml size

Dabur Mustard Oil

Dabur Authentic Indian Mustard Oil. Available in 250 and 500 ml sizes

Dabur Cadamom Extract

Dabur Pure Premium Cardamom Extract is made from select green cardamom to give you
the power of exotic flavouring in a convenient, easy to use bottle. Available in 60ml size.

Dabur Amla Gold Hair Oil

Dabur Amla, worlds largest hair oil brand brings to you the premium Dabur Amla Gold Hair
Oil. Enriched with some of the most powerful herbs like Amla, Almonds and Henna, Dabur
Amla Gold Hair Oil is one of the most premium Hair oils on the market. Available in 200 and
300 ml sizes.

Dabur Amla Jasmine Hair Oil

Discover the goodness of Dabur Amla Hair Oil with the enchanting fragrance of Jasmine!
Available in 200ml size.

Dabur Amla Hair Oil

Dabur Amla is the worlds largest selling hair oil! Enriched with the powerful goodness of the
amla extract, Dabur Amla Hair Oil has been the secret of beautiful hair for millions of
women the world over!
Available in 100, 200 & 300 ml sizes.

Dabur expands oral care portfolio; launches new


NEW DELHI: FMCG firm Dabur India today said it has expanded its oral care
portfolio in the country with the launch of 'Dabur Super Babool+Salt Power
The new toothpaste combines salt and Babul 'Acacia Arabia' extracts in a
unique formulation that has anti- bacterial power to fight against germs,
Dabur India said in a statement.

Dabur launches Vatika Styling Gel Cream in Middle East

with first-of-its-kind 2 in 1 gel + cream combination

- Vatika

Styling Gel Cream delivers the styling hold of a gel to keep

hair style intact and the nourishment of a cream to maintain healthy

May 8, 2013
Dabur International, one of the most trusted and recognized personal and
healthcare companies in the world, has announced the recent Middle East
launch of Vatika Styling Gel Cream, a first-of-its-kind gel and cream
combination that delivers the styling hold of a gel to keep hair style intact
and the nourishment of a cream to maintain healthy hair. Enriched with
extracts of natural herbs, Vatika Styling Gel Cream also stands out with its
alcohol-free formulation that makes it even more effective in preventing dry,
damaged hair.

Vatika Styling Gel Cream is available in three variants: Wave for wet look
styling, Slick for strong hold, and Spike for extreme hold. Vatika Styling
Gel Cream Wave with Splash Effect delivers
"out of shower" wet and shiny look,
while also providing essential
nourishment to prevent hair damage,
flakiness and frizz. Wave is enriched with extracts of Aloe Vera, which
nourishes and strengthens hair and reinforces the hair shaft for more
manageable hair; Honey, a good humectant that moisturises and conditions
for healthy and shiny-looking hair; and Jarjeer, which provides nourishment
from root to tip.
Vatika Styling Gel Cream Slick with Smooth Shape offers long-lasting
superior hold and glossy shine, while also providing essential nourishment
to prevent hair damage, flakiness and frizz. It is enriched with extracts of
Lemon, which gives natural shine and makes hair healthy and strong;
Henna, which coats hair fibre and transforms its surface giving intense
shine; and Olive, which nourishes hair for extra shine and helps control hair
Vatika Styling Gel Cream Spike with Sculpted Shape gives hair gravitydefying, long-lasting extreme hold and intense shine, along with intensive
nourishment to help protect hair from breakage and hair fall. It is formulated
with extracts of Cactus, which revitalises the hair and gives it shine even as
its natural properties that give it natural resistance in hostile environment
helps create long-lasting styling that can endure various conditions; Olive,
which nourishes hair for extra shine and helps control hair fall; and Nettle,
which penetrates, moisturises and strengthens hair, giving it extra volume
and shine.
Vivek Dhir, Chief Marketing Officer, Dabur International, said: The launch
of Vatika Styling Gel Cream marks another important breakthrough in
personal care in the Middle East as consumers can finally enjoy the
benefits of a hairstyling gel without the risk of damaging their hair. The
unique and innovative 2 in 1 combination makes the Vatika Gel Cream an
obvious choice, particularly among those who are deeply concerned about

the harmful effects of ordinary styling gels. A large section of the young
consumers in the Arab World feel that though the styling hair gel gives hold,
their hair remains undernourished leading to dandruff and hair fall. Vatika 2
in 1 gel cream provides the perfect solution for a great hair style and
nourished hair. Dabur International is firmly committed to delivering
products that are safe and offer health benefits to consumers and we are
confident that Vatika Gel Cream further strengthens our brand as a leading
innovator in this category.
Dabur International Ltd. has its headquarter in Dubai and its product
portfolio spans in over 100 countries. With its commitment to provide safe
and nature based solution Dabur International today is one the most trusted
and recognized personal and health care companies with consumers. In a
short span of 8 years Dabur International has reached a remarkable mile
stone of AED 1 Billion.

"Dedicated to the health and well being of every household"

This is our company. We accept personal responsibility, and

accountability to meet business needs.

We all are leaders in our area of responsibility, with a deep

commitment to deliver results. We are determined to be the best at
doing what matters most.

People are our most important asset. We add value through result
driven training, and we encourage & reward excellence.

We have superior understanding of consumer needs and develop

products to fulfill them better.

We work together on the principle of mutual trust & transparency in

a boundary-less organization. We are intellectually honest in
advocating proposals, including recognizing risks.

Continuous innovation in products & processes is the basis of our



Dabur's Health Care range brings for you a wide

selection of
Ayurvedic and natural products that offer complete care for
varying individual needs.

Dabur presents a range of Herbal & Ayurvedic Personal Care

products, created to make you look and feel good. Bringing
together the gentle touch of nature and Ayurveda's wisdom.

A range of leading brands to choose from - Ral Fruit Juice, Ral

Juice, Burst
Beverage, HomEmade, Lemoneez and Capsico.

Dabur India Ltd has a portfolio of superior products that help

take care of your home. The range of Home Care products have
been carefully developed to ensure that your living space not only
looks good, but also smells good, all day long. And more
importantly, they help keep your family healthy.

Dabur India Ltd has introduced a slew of Ayurvedic Over the

Counter (OTC) products, offering traditional Ayurvedic remedies
in ready-to-use formats.

For over 125 years, Dabur has mastered the art of producing
Ayurvedic preparations, blending traditional knowledge of
drug manufacturing with scientific update. Today, Dabur's
Consumer Health Division -- which looks after marketing of
Ayurvedic medicines and Ayurvedic Over-The-Counter products -has redefined the Ayurvedic market and healthcare promotion



A general criterion to carry out training program at Dabur is as follows:

Training Objective
Training needs Assessment

Planning a training program

Implementing the program

Evaluation & follow up

Over the period, various training programs are organized at Dabur India
Limited .The purpose of these programs was to bring awareness among the
employees on the latest techniques & technical up gradation &enhancement
of their knowledge to improve the productivity, efficiency, best resources
utilization & built positive attitude and culture in the organization.


In order to achieve the desired objectives the Training procedure at Dabur
can be divided into three phases. These are explained as follows:
This phase can be discussed as follows:
1. Needs assessment or identification of the training needs :
Needs assessment diagnoses present problems and future challenges to be
met through training and development in the company. This is done to
systematically determine who in the organization require training and in
what areas. After the annual appraisal process is complete, the areas of
training for each individual are taken from the appraisal forms of the
personnel and a Data bank is prepared with the help of the same. This
exercise is a continuous and an ongoing process. Dabur spends vast amount
of money on Training and development of the employees. At times external
guide is also called to give training to the employees, as in Kaizen training
2. Developing the Training Calendar:
After identifying the need of training, a major activity is developing the
training Programme Calendar. Dabur every year modify its training calendar
in accordance with the needs of the employee. Based on the data bank, a list
is prepared of the areas in which most of the people require training these
banks are then incorporated in the training Calendar on the priority basis.

Training calendar consists of the following details:

Listing of the training program during the year
Faculty assigned to give the training
Target group to which training has to be given.
Dates are to be mentioned on which the training program has to be
The training needs records will be maintained in a manner suitable as
decided by the HR department.
This training calendar is strictly followed and training program is conducted
accordingly, to fulfill the individual needs and the job requirement.
Two types of training programs are conducted in Dabur:
Internal Training programs
External Training programs
A. Conduction of the Internal Training Programs:
The Human Resource department of the company conducts the Internal or
In-house training programs. The following steps can do it:
1. The participants list is drawn up from the data bank listing,
the individuals who require training in that particular area
subject to their availability on the dates concerned.
2. For conducting the Training programs either In house training
faculty is used or External faculty is invited to take some
sessions like in Kaizen, an external trainer gives the training to
the employees
3. Participants are informed about the training through Emails
sent by the concerned department heads giving the details
about the time and venue of the of the programme, the faculty,
the schedule and the final list of the participants at least three
days before the conduction of the programme

4. Any sudden changes in the training program are accordingly

informed to the concerned department heads, to the
participants and to the faculty
The various methods used to impart training are:

Short sessions by the Faculty

Presentations through LCD projectors
PowerPoint slides
Group discussions
Video presentation
Role plays

B. Conduction of the external training programmes:

Besides the internal training programmes, there are various external training
programmes, which are been given to the employees. Procedure for the
occurrence of the external training programme is discussed as follows:
1. The Human Resource Department receives the communication
from various sources such as Training Institutes in the form of
Brochures and letters. This information is being recorded for
2. The training programmes are either technical or non technical
such asHealth safety management
Six sigma
Creativity &innovation
TPM (Total Productivity Manufacture)
Telephone skills for building the right company image
Training related to RO water treatment etc.
These training have been given to the employees. Organizers for
these training are from various reputed organizations like CII,
ASSOCHAM, Tetratech, India Habitat center etc.
3. If the program is of a Technical subject, the brochure is sent to
the concerned department head for the nominations. If the

programs on a Non-technical subject, then the participants are

selected from the data bank and the possible names are sent
to the concerned departmental heads. Subject to the
availability of the person on the concerned dates, the
departmental head to the HRD confirms his nomination.
4. The nomination number bearing the code number unique to
the participant, are dispatched by HRD and have information
about the individual being sponsored, his designation and
department along with details of the training Program.
5. Copies of these nomination letters are sent one to each: The organizer of the program.
The Participants
The concerned head of the department.
The Time office (to account for the attendance).
The Accounts department (requesting them to make a cheque
for the participation fee) and One copy is retained for the
records for future reference.
After the completion of the training program, the participants are given
feedback forms to fill up in which they evaluate: The course content
Objectives met by the training program
Applicability and feasibility of the program to their job
Techniques used by the trainer
The Faculty
Time limit of the program
Employees also give their suggestions for the organized training program,
they tell about the scope of improvement in the program. Based on the
suggestions given by the employees, necessary amendments are done for
the future. The respective employees duly attest evaluation forms and the
records of the feedback summary are maintained as a part of the training
In the event of an immediate need of the training to be provided to an
individual whereby the standard procedure cannot be followed the required
training will be provided to an individual on the discretion of the head of the
department and the Manager-HR.


The training records maintained are: The performance Appraisal forms which are maintained as a
part of the personal files of the individual till his/her service.
List of the participants for every training programme is
maintained as a part of the training records for a period two
Signed Attendance sheet of each participant for every
programme conducted is maintained as a part of the training
records for a period of again two years.
Feedback forms filled by the participants are maintained as a
part of the training file for concerned programme for a period
of one year.


1. Personality development:







developing better personality in adapting internal environment and

external environment of the organization. Personality Development
syllabus includes Goal setting, anger management, natures positive
forces, budget master, time management, effective listening, habits of
great people, pareto principle, etc. The objective of this training program

is to increase confidence level, positive attitude, better career planning,

leadership skills, memory level etc.

2. Office management/Secretarial:
This training program is oriented towards developing better personnel in
handling day-to-day routine task in the official setting. This includes
operating technical equipments, handling requests, writing minutes,







3. Project Management;
This training program will acquaint you with Project management basics in
the contemporary environment. It includes planning, organizing each and
every activity in a data-flow-diagram co-coordinating and controlling.

4. Human resource management :

This training program is expected to familiarize you with up-to-date human
resource tools and techniques to increase labor productivity. It includes
assessing human resource needs for the company to training and



5. Research and Development :




This training is expected to facilitate you in identifying basics of research

and development applied in every sector. It covers assessing research
needs, data analysis to report writing.

6. Sales and Marketing:

This training is expected to gain an insight about sales and marketing in
current situation of Nepal. It covers basics of sales and marketing, market
research, tools and techniques uses in sales and marketing.



It is one of the oldest methods of training. This method is used to create

understanding of a topic or to influence behavior, attitudes through lecture.
A lecture can be in printed or oral form. Lecture is telling someone about
something. Lecture is given to enhance the knowledge of listener or to give
him the theoretical aspect of a topic. Training is basically incomplete without
lecture. When the trainer begins the training session by telling the aim, goal,
agenda, processes, or methods that will be used in training that means the
trainer is using the lecture method. It is difficult to imagine training without
lecture format. There are some variations in Lecture method. The variation
here means that some forms of lectures are interactive while some are not.
Straight Lecture: Straight lecture method consists of presenting information,
which the trainee attempts to absorb. In this method, the trainer speaks to a
group about a topic. However, it does not involve any kind of interaction
between the trainer and the trainees. A lecture may also take the form of
printed text, such as books, notes, etc. The difference between the straight
lecture and the printed material is the trainers intonation, control of speed,
body language, and visual image of the trainer. The trainer in case of straight
lecture can decide to vary from the training script, based on the signals from
the trainees, whereas same material in print is restricted to what is printed.
A good lecture consists of introduction of the topic, purpose of the lecture,
and priorities and preferences of the order in which the topic will be covered.

Some of the main features of lecture method are:

Inability to identify and correct misunderstandings

Less expensive

Can be reached large number of people at once

Knowledge building exercise

Less effective because lectures require long periods of trainee



This method uses a lecturer to provide the learners with context that is
supported, elaborated, explains, or expanded on through interactions both
among the trainees and between the trainer and the trainees. The
interaction and the communication between these two make it much more
effective and powerful than the lecture method. If the Discussion method is
used with proper sequence i.e. lectures, followed by discussion and

questioning, can achieve higher level knowledge objectives, such as problem

solving and principle learning.
The Discussion method consists a two-way flow of communication i.e.
knowledge in the form of lecture is communicated to trainees, and then
understanding is conveyed back by trainees to trainer.
Understanding is conveyed in the form of verbal and non-verbal feedback
that enables the trainer to determine whether the material is understood. If
yes, then definitely it would help out the trainees to implement it at their
workplaces and if not, the trainer may need to spend more time on that
particular area by presenting the information again in a different manner.
Questioning can be done by both ways i.e. the trainees and the trainer. When
the trainees ask questions, they explain their thinking about the content of
the lecture. A trainer who asks questions stimulates thinking about the
content of the lecture. Asking and responding questions are beneficial to
trainees because it enhance understanding and keep the trainees focused on
the content.


This method is a visual display of how something works or how to do

something. As an example, trainer shows the trainees how to perform or how
to do the tasks of the job. In order to be more effective, demonstration
method should be should be accompanied by the discussion or lecture
To carry out an effective demonstration, a trainer first prepares the lesson
plan by breaking the task to be performed into smaller modules, easily
learned parts. Then, the trainer sequentially organizes those modules and
prepares an explanation for why that part is required. While performing the
demonstration, trainer:

Demonstrates the task by describing how to do, while doing

Helps the focusing their attention on critical aspects of the task

Tells the trainees what you will be doing so they understand what you
will be showing them

The difference between the lecture method and the demonstration method is
the level of involvement of the trainee. In the lecture method, the more the
trainee is involved, the more learning will occur.
The financial costs that occur in the demonstration method are as follows:

Cost of training facility for the program

Cost of materials that facilitate training

Food, travel, lodging for the trainees and the trainers

Compensation of time spent in training to trainers and trainees

Cost related to creating content, material

Cost related to the organization of the training

After completing the demonstration the trainer provide feedback, both

positive and or negative, give the trainee the opportunity to do the
task and describe what he is doing and why.


Programmed instruction is a Computer-based training that comprises of
graphics, multimedia, text that is connected to one another and is stored in
Programmed instruction is the procedure of guiding the participants
strategically through the information in a way that facilitates the most
effective and efficient learning. It provides the participant with content,
information, asks questions, and based on the answer goes to the next level
of information i.e. if the trainee gives the correct answer; one branch moves
the trainee forward to the new information. And if the trainee gives the
wrong answer then different branch is activated, taking the trainee back to
the review relevant information in more elaborate manner.
This method allows the trainees to go through the content according to the
individual speed, and capability. Those trainees, who respond better, move
through the content rapidly.
Programmed Instruction also comes in

Printed form i.e. books


Interactive Video

Other formats :

In programmed instruction, trainees receive information in substantial

amount and then tested on their retention of information. If the trainees are
not able to retain the information, they are referred back to the original
information. If the trainees retain the information, they are referred to the
next log of information that is to be learned.
Features of Programmed Instruction:
Some of the features of programmed instructions are:

It provides immediate feedback to trainee response

It frequently reviews the content

It programs small learning steps that results in fewer response errors

It allows trainees to move through the content at their own speed, or



Games and Simulations are structured and sometimes unstructured, that are
usually played for enjoyment sometimes are used for training purposes as an
educational tool. Training games and simulations are different from work as
they are designed to reproduce or simulate events, circumstances, processes
that take place in trainees job.
A Training Game is defined as spirited activity or exercise in which trainees
compete with each other according to the defined set of rules.

Simulation is creating computer versions of real-life games. Simulation is

about imitating or making judgment or opining how events might occur in a
real situation.
It can entail intricate numerical modeling, role playing without the support of
technology, or combinations.

Training games and simulations are now seen as an effective tool for training
because its key components are:




These three components are quite essential when it comes to learning.

Some of the examples of this technique are:
Trainees can therefore experience these events, processes, games in a
controlled setting where they can develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes or
can find out concepts that will improve their performance.



Case Studies try to simulate decision-making situation that trainees may find
at their work place. It reflects the situations and complex problems faced by
managers, staff, HR, CEO, etc. The objective of the case study method is to
get trainees to apply known concepts and ideologies and ascertain new ones.
The case study method emphasize on approach to see a particular problem
rather than a solution. Their solutions are not as important as the
understanding of advantages and disadvantages.
Procedure of the Case Study Method

The trainee is given with some written material, and the some complex
situations of a real or imaginary organization. A case study may range
from 50 to 200 pages depending upon the problem of the organization.

A series of questions usually appears at the end of the case study.

The longer case studies provide enough of the information to be

examined while the shorter ones require the trainee to explore and
conduct research to gather appropriate amount of information.

The trainee then makes certain judgment and opines about the case by
identifying and giving possible solutions to the problem.

In between trainees are given time to digest the information. If there is

enough time left, they are also allowed to collect relevant information
that supports their solution.

Once the individuals reach the solution of a problem, they meet in

small groups to discuss the options, solutions generated.

Then, the trainee meets with the trainer, who further discusses the

Case Study method focuses on:

Building decision making skills

Assessing and developing Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes (KSAs)

Developing communication and interpersonal skills

Developing management skills

Developing procedural and strategic knowledge



Role play is a simulation in which each participant is given a role to play.

Trainees are given with some information related to description of the role,
concerns, objectives, responsibilities, emotions, etc. Then, a general
description of the situation, and the problem that each one of them faces, is
given. For instance, situation could be strike in factory, managing conflict,
two parties in conflict, scheduling vacation days, etc. Once the participants
read their role descriptions, they act out their roles by interacting with one

Role Plays helps in

Developing interpersonal skills and communication skills

Conflict resolution

Group decision making

Developing insight into ones own behavior and its impact on others

Coaching is one of the training methods, which is considered as a corrective
method for inadequate performance. According to a survey conducted by
International Coach Federation (ICF), more than 4,000 companies are using
coach for their executives. These coaches are experts most of the time
outside consultants.

A coach is the best training plan for the CEOs because

It is one-to-one interaction

It can be done at the convenience of CEO

It can be done on phone, meetings, through e-mails, chat

It provides an opportunity to receive feedback from an expert

It helps in identifying weaknesses and focus on the area that needs

improvement This method best suits for the people at the top because
if we see on emotional front, when a person reaches the top, he gets
lonely and it becomes difficult to find someone to talk to. It helps in
finding out the executives specific developmental needs. The needs
can be identified through 60 degree performance reviews.

Procedure of the Coaching

The procedure of the coaching is mutually determined by the executive

and coach. The procedure is followed by successive counseling and
meetings at the executives convenience by the coach.

Understand the participants job, the knowledge, skills, and attitudes,

and resources required to meet the desired expectation

Meet the participant and mutually agree on the objective that has to
be achieved

Mutually arrive at a plan and schedule

At the job, show the participant how to achieve the objectives, observe
the performance and then provide feedback

Repeat step 4 until performance improves

For the people at middle-level management, coaching is more likely done by
the supervisor; however experts from outside the organization are at times
used for up-and-coming managers. Again, the personalized approach assists
the manger focus on definite needs and improvement.

Mentoring is an ongoing relationship that is developed between a senior and
junior employee. Mentoring provides guidance and clear understanding of

how the organization goes to achieve its vision and mission to the junior
The meetings are not as structured and regular than in coaching. Executive
mentoring is generally done by someone inside the company. The executive
can learn a lot from mentoring. By dealing with diverse mentees, the
executive is given the chance to grow professionally by developing
management skills and learning how to work with people with diverse
background, culture, and language and personality types.

Executives also have mentors. In cases where the executive is new to the
organization, a senior executive could be assigned as a mentor to assist the
new executive settled into his role. Mentoring is one of the important
methods for preparing them to be future executives. This method allows the
mentor to determine what is required to improve mentees performance.
Once the mentor identifies the problem, weakness, and the area that needs
to be worked upon, the mentor can advise relevant training. The mentor can
also provide opportunities to work on special processes and projects that
require use of proficiency.



For the executive, job rotation takes on different perspectives. The executive
is usually not simply going to another department. In some vertically
integrated organizations, for example, where the supplier is actually part of
same organization or subsidiary, job rotation might be to the supplier to see
how the business operates from the supplier point of view. Learning how the
organization is perceived from the outside broadens the executives outlook
on the process of the organization. Or the rotation might be to a foreign
office to provide a global perspective.
For managers being developed for executive roles, rotation to different
functions in the company is regular carried out.
This approach allows the manger to operate in diverse roles and understand
the different issues that crop up. If someone is to be a corporate leader, they
must have this type of training. A recent study indicated that the single most
significant factor that leads to leaders achievement was the variety of
experiences in different departments, business units, cities, and countries.
An organized and helpful way to develop talent for the management or
executive level of the organization is job rotation. It is the process of
preparing employees at a lower level to replace someone at the next higher
level. It is generally done for the designations that are crucial for the
effective and efficient functioning of the organization.

Benefits of Job Rotation :


Some of the major benefits of job rotation are:

It provides the employees with opportunities to broaden the horizon of

knowledge, skills, and abilities by working in different departments,
business units, functions, and countries

Identification of Knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs) required

It determines the areas where improvement is required

Assessment of the employees who have the potential and caliber for
filling the position



Job Instruction Technique (JIT) uses a strategy with focus on knowledge

(factual and procedural), skills and attitudes development.

Procedure of Job Instruction Technique (JIT)

JIT consists of four steps:

Plan This step includes a written breakdown of the work to be done










documentation is must and important for the familiarity of work. A

trainer who is aware of the work well is likely to do many things and in
the process might miss few things. Therefore, a structured analysis and
proper documentation ensures that all the points are covered in the
training program. The second step is to find out what the trainee
knows and what training should focus on

Then, the next step is to create a comfortable atmosphere for the

trainees i.e. proper orientation program, availing the resources,
familiarizing trainees with the training program, etc.

Present In this step, trainer provides the synopsis of the job while
presenting the participants the different aspects of the work. When the
trainer finished, the trainee demonstrates how to do the job and why is
that done in that specific manner. Trainee actually demonstrates the
procedure while emphasizing the key points and safety instructions.

Trial This step actually a kind of rehearsal step, in which trainee tries
to perform the work and the trainer is able to provide instant feedback.
In this step, the focus is on improving the method of instruction
because a trainer considers that any error if occurring may be a
function of training not the trainee. This step allows the trainee to see
the after effects of using an incorrect method. The trainer then helps
the trainee by questioning and guiding to identify the correct

Follow-up In this step, the trainer checks the trainees job frequently
after the training program is over to prevent bad work habits from



Sensitivity training is about making people understand about themselves and

others reasonably, which is done by developing in them social sensitivity and
behavioral flexibility.

Social sensitivity in one word is empathy. It is ability of an individual to

sense what others feel and think from their own point of view.












Procedure of Sensitivity Training:

Sensitivity Training Program requires three steps:

Unfreezing the old values It requires that the trainees become

aware of the inadequacy of the old values. This can be done when the
trainee faces dilemma in which his old values is not able to provide proper
guidance. The first step consists of a small procedure:

An unstructured group of 10-15 people is formed.

Unstructured group without any objective looks to the trainer for its

But the trainer refuses to provide guidance and assume leadership

Soon, the trainees are motivated to resolve the uncertainty

Then, they try to form some hierarchy. Some try assume leadership
role which may not be liked by other trainees

Then, they started realizing that what they desire to do and realize the
alternative ways of dealing with the situation

Development of new values With the trainers support, trainees

begin to examine their interpersonal behavior and giving each other
feedback. The reasoning of the feedbacks are discussed which motivates
trainees to experiment with range of new behaviors and values. This process
constitutes the second step in the change process of the development of
these values.

Refreezing the new ones This step depends upon how much
opportunity the trainees get to practice their new behaviors and values at
their work place.


Kaizen ( ), Japanese for "improvement" or "change for the better",

refers to philosophy or practices that focus upon continuous improvement
of processes in manufacturing, engineering, supporting business processes,
and management. It has been applied in healthcare, psychotherapy, lifecoaching, government, banking, and many other industries. When used in
the business sense and applied to the workplace, kaizen refers to activities
that continually improve all functions, and involves all employees from
the CEO to the assembly line workers. It also applies to processes, such as

and logistics






the supply chain.

Kaizen is a daily process, the purpose of which goes beyond simple
productivity improvement. It is also a process that, when done correctly,

humanizes the workplace, eliminates overly hard work ("muri"), and

teaches people how to perform experiments

on their work using

the scientific method and how to learn to spot and eliminate waste in
business processes. People at all levels of an organization participate in
kaizen, from the CEO down to janitorial staff, as well as external
stakeholders when applicable. The format for kaizen can be individual,
suggestion system, small group, or large group. At Toyota, it is usually a
local improvement within a workstation or local area and involves a small
group in improving their own work environment and productivity. This group
is often guided through the kaizen process by a line supervisor; sometimes
this is the line supervisor's key role. Kaizen on a broad, cross-departmental
scale in companies, generates total quality management, and frees human
efforts through improving productivity using machines and computing


Six Sigma is a business management strategy widely used in many sectors

of industry, although its use is not without controversy. Six Sigma seeks to
improve the quality of process outputs by identifying and removing the
causes of defects and minimizing variability in manufacturing and processes.
It uses a set of quality management methods, including statistical methods,
and creates a special infrastructure of people within the organization ("Black
Belts", "Green Belts", etc.) who are experts in these methods. Each Six
Sigma project carried out within an organization follows a defined sequence
of steps and has quantified financial targets (cost reduction or profit
The term Six Sigma originated from terminology associated with
manufacturing, specifically terms associated with statistical modeling of
manufacturing processes. The maturity of a manufacturing process can be

described by a sigma rating indicating its yield, or the percentage of defectfree products it creates. A six sigma process is one in which 99.99966% of
the products manufactured are statistically expected to be free of defects
(3.4 defects per million). Motorola set a goal of "six sigma" for all of its
manufacturing operations, and this goal became a byword for the
management and engineering practices used to achieve it.


In TPM, the machine operator is thoroughly trained to perform much of the

simple maintenance and fault-finding. Eventually, by working in "Zero
Defects" teams that include a technical expert as well as operators, they
can learn many more tasks - sometimes all those within the scope of an
operator. Tradesmen are also trained at doing the more skilled tasks to help
ensure process reliability.
TPM is a critical adjunct to lean manufacturing. If machine uptime is not
predictable and if process capability is not sustained, the process must
keep extra stocks to buffer against this uncertainty and flow through the
process will be interrupted. Unreliable uptime is caused by breakdowns or
badly performed maintenance. If maintenance is done properly (Right First
Time), uptime will improve - as will "OEE" (Overall Equipment
Effectiveness - basically how many "sellable" items "are" actually produced
as opposed to how many the machine "should" produce in a given time).


1. Sample size and sampling technique
For the purpose of this study a sample of
was taken. A questionnaire
questions was administered to them to ask about the effectiveness
of training they have recently undergone.
2. Data collection
For the study, both primary and secondary data were collected.
For primary data, a questionnaire uses developed & administered to 30
respondents (managers) of Dabur at Sahibabad to effectiveness of training
they have recently undergone.
For secondary Date, existing literature in magazines, companys handbook;
website & newspaper were consulted.
3. Data presentation tools
For the Data collected through questionnaire were presented by way of pie
charts, bar Graphs & Table




The analysis on the basis of the questionnaire collected through secondary
sources reveal the following:

Q.1 Are you aware about training and development


Q.2. Do you think that training and development programs

are essential for all employees of D.I.L.?

Q.3.Who are the trainers in D.I.L.?

Q.4.What may be the different reason for conducting T/D

programs by organization?

Q.5. Which method of T/D is being used in D.I.L.?

Q.6.When training is provided by D.I.L.?


Q.7. Is D.I.L. provided training to the employees?

Q.8. At what time period D.I.L. provide training to the


Q.9.After T/D programs, how would you rate training


Q.10. Is there any method of giving feedback of the T/D

coordinator after the T/D programs?

Q.11. If yes what method do you use:

Q.12. In the changing business scenario there is need for

multi-skill T/D for the innovative category, do you think
that all innovative person should be exposed to this type
of training program?

Q.13.Does D.I.L. need any change in its T/D programs in

the view of fast changing technology?

Q.14. What are the facilities given to the D.I.L. employees

for effective T/D programs?

Q.15. What are the limitations of the T/D programs in


Q.16.Are you satisfied with the T/D programs, which have

given to you by D.I.L.?

Data collected through various manuals & information obtained through
questionnaire reveal the following major analysis and findings regarding the
training effectiveness:

1. Company prepares the annual TRAINING CALENDAR for proper training.


2. The internal faculties in the classroom give most of the trainings. So

relevant and work-oriented examples are given and trainees can more easily
relate it to their job.

3. According to the survey of employees result comes out that most of the
trainings are given in the area of social skills and knowledge then in the area
technical skills. DIL provide trainings for the techniques also.

4. DIL gives both types of trainings i.e. on the job trainings & off the job

5. According to survey 100% employees said that DIL provides training to all

6. The training programs have been integrated with relevant job areas.

7. Due to the very interactive training sessions the trainees have become to
clear their doubts.

8. DABUR provides trainings on other topics also like world environment day

9. After studying the qualifications and the designation of the employees of

the different departments, it was concluded that selections of employees are
done very carefully. There was no major deviation in the qualifications and
their designations and hardly any mismatched was found.

10. For the behavioral training internal trainings are generally preferred.

Dabur was listed as a Great Place to Work, in a survey conducted by Grow

Talent & Company and Great Place to Work Institute, USA. Dabur was listed
as the 10th Great Place to Work. The results were published in Business
World dated February 2006 Dabur has adopted an innovative HR program of
offering ESOPs to new engineering and management trainees at the time of
joining. Also in 2005, Dabur gave Bonus to its employees after 12 years. This
boosted the employee morale further. Various training and development
programs like Young Manager Development Program, Prays, Leading and
Facilitating Performance, Campus to Corpora and a Balanced scorecard
approach to performance evaluation, helps employees realize their potential.


Like any other things this study also suffers from various limitations. Out of
them some major limitations of this survey are listed below:-


analysis is purely on the basis of the secondary data, hence it may

suffer from accurate statistics and may have the limitation due to
the absence of first hand information.


atory research fails to give a specific detailed analysis of the

training techniques.


survey was conducted in the Sahibabad unit of Dabur so the

findings are applicable to this unit only and cannot generalize to the
whole of DABUR.




Systematically Assess Training Needs

The job skills required to be successful are constantly evolving due to
changes in technology and customer needs. Carefully conducted "training
needs assessments" identify gaps in employee skills. The organization can
then focus on what type of training employees really need rather than on
what training employees would like to have.
Evaluate Training Programs
Unfortunately, a very small percentage of training programs is systematically
evaluated. To do so requires the following three steps:
Identify the objectives of the training program;
Establish a benchmark prior to the training; and
Compare the before and after results.
If, for example, your objective is to increase customer satisfaction by
improving the telephone skills of your staff, only by comparing the before
and after customer satisfaction results will it become clear that the effort
was worthwhile. Without such studies, senior management often feels that
they are just wasting their money on training.
Invest in Training during Down Periods

Senior management must change their mindset from viewing training as an

expense, to viewing it as an important investment in their business. Training
budgets are often the first to be cut during challenging economic times. It
makes more sense, however, to focus on training when there is a lull in
business. When business is slow, employees are more able to take time from
their work to attend training sessions.
Encourage Employees to be Open and Honest about their Needs
Employees have a tendency to say that they dont need training even if they
know that they really do. Consequently, they say nothing, leaving
management in the dark. Employees need to take responsibility to say to
their supervisors, "I need training and heres why."
Use Methods other than Classroom Instruction
Traditional classroom instruction is often not the best way to teach job skills.
Computer-assisted instruction, web-based training programs, and audio or
video training are some of the many techniques that enable individuals to
work at their own pace and learn more than they would in a classroom

Make Certain Supervisors Support the Transfer of Training

Supervisors must be open to change. Very often supervisors discourage and
even chastise employees for using the new skills that they were taught in
training programs. It is no surprise that those skills are, therefore, not used
back on the job.
In summary, management must view training as an important business







evaluations" are the two critically important methods for ensuring that
employees receive the training that they really need and that the training is

In the new millennium when the corporate world is designing newer
techniques for developing employees and retaining them, the Dabur India
Limited is no way behind and the organizational structure is such that
people works hand in hand to align the organizational goals with the
individuals goals. A lot of improvements can be brought about in the
company with the help of effective training and coaching.

Training & development program is helpful as to strengthen the employees

productivity, their promotion, transfer, training & developments needs etc.
This is also helpful for the employees for Self-evaluation. The organization
provides training & development program to employees not only to
knowledge of the job but also for their increment & promotion. By training &
development programs we come to know that the whole staff also performs
their job according to the requirements of job.


Dear respondents,
I am a student of BBA( bachelor of business administration). I am working on
(DIL). You are requested to fill in the questionnaire to enable me to undertake the
study on the said project.
1. Are you aware about training & development programs?
A. Yes ( )

B. No ( )

2. Do you think that training & development is essential for the employees of
A. Yes ( )

B. No( )

3. Who are the trainers in D.I.L.?

A. Managers ( )
C. Training Experts ( )

B. Supervisors ( )
D. Professional Trainer( )

E. Outsiders Faculty ( )

4. What may be the different reason for conducting T/D programs by

A. To improve quality & quantity of product ( )
B. To improve knowledge & technical skills ( )
C. To boost up the morale of an employee ( )
D. To make familiar with the job ( )
E. To minimize the accident ( )

5. Which method of T/D is being used in D.I.L.?

A. On the job ( )

B. Off the job ( )

6. When training is provide by D.I.L.?

A. At the time of selection ( )
B. At the time of performance appraisal ( )
C. At the time of promotion ( )
D. At the time of any change ( )

7. Are D.I.L. provide training to the employees?

A. Yes ( )

B. No ( )

C. Both ( )

8. At what time period D.I.L provide training to the workers?

A. 6_12 month ( )
B. 1_3 years ( )
C. As per requirement ( )
D. Not decided ( )

9. After T/D programs, how would you rate training program?

A. Good ( )
B. Outstanding ( )
C. Satisfactory ( )
D. Unsatisfactory ( )

10. Is there any method of giving feedback of the T/D coordinator after the
T/D programs?
A. Yes ( )

B. No ( )

I. If yes what method does you use:

i) Questionnaire ( )
ii) Diary ( )
iii) Report ( )

iv) Interview ( )

11. In the changing business scenario there is need for multi-skill T/D for the
Innovative category, do you think that all innovative person should be
exposed to this type of training program:
A. Yes ( )

B. No ( )

12. Does D.I.L. need any change in its T/D programs in the view of fast
changing technology?
A. Yes ( )

B. No ( )

13. What are the facilities given to the D.I.L. employees for effective T/D
A. Refer to outside organization ( )
B. Refer to abroad ( )
C. Lectures by the experts ( )
D. All ( )

14. What are the limitations of the T/D programs in D.I.L.?

A. Limited counseling ( )
B. Limited time ( )
C. Without proper schedule ( )
D. The benefits of training are not clear to the top management ( )

15. Are you satisfied with the T/D programs, which have given to you by
A. Fully satisfied ( )

B. To some extent ( )

C. To Great extent ( )

D. Not satisfied ( )


Books Referred Human Resource Management-V S P Rao
Human resource and personnel management-K Aswathappa
Second edition
Research Methodology C.R. Kothari
Second edition
95 - 111

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