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8/14/2015 2:12:00 PM

Homework Set III

Marks: 100

Due date: 19th Nov, 2015

Problem # 1: Answer the following objective style questions.


Q 1: Uranium isotopes have different:

a. atomic numbers
b. atomic masses
c. numbers of protons
d. numbers of electrons
Q 2: Marie and Pierre Curie discovered:
a. chlorine
b. hydrogen
c. radium
d. uranium

Q 3: An alpha particle is a:
(a) Helium nucleus
(b) Fast moving electron
(c) High energy photon
(d) High energy neutron
Q 4: Radioactive substance emits (a) -rays

(b) -rays

(c) -rays

(d) all of these.

Q 5: A radioactive substance has a half-life of 1 year. The fraction of this

material that would remain after 5 years will be
(a) 1/32

(b) 1/5

(c) 1/2

(d) 4/5

Problem # 2:

(a) Write the nuclear symbols for (i) three isotopes of nitrogen in which there are 7, 8 and 9
neutrons, respectively and (ii) Write the nuclear symbols for three isotopes of oxygen in which
there are 8, 9, and 10 neutrons, respectively.

(b) Write down a set of 3 elements that corresponds to the isobar series for mass number 56.


(c) 226 88Ra, a common isotope of radium, has a half-life of 1620 years. Knowing this, calculate the
first order rate constant for the decay of radium-226 and the fraction of a sample of this isotope
remaining after 100 years.


(d) A radioactive substance has a half-life of 3 years. Find the fraction of this material that would
remain after 10 years.

Problem # 3: A Health Technician at TVA is asked to see if the lead shielding around a ray
source in a hot room is sufficient to protect workers outside the room from exposure to Gamma
radiation. If the safe exposure limit is 200 rays per second. The attenuation coefficient () of
lead is 0.3 mm-1 and the intensity of the gamma ray source in the hot room is 1000 rays per
second. Calculate the minimum thickness (cm scale) of the lead shielding required to maintain the
safe-limit outside the room.
(Note: Intensity of radiation outside the room = Intensity of hot source (1- * thickness of the

Problem # 4: If a light of frequency 5.5 x 1014 Hz hits a metal surface transplanted in hip surgery
in a patient where the metal requires an energy of 1x10-19 J to pull the electron from its surface,
find the kinetic energy of the emitted electrons?

Problem# 5: Write 1/2 page summary in bullet points explaining the major principles of
Compton effect and Photo-electric effect during interaction of radiation with biological samples
in the diagnostic and therapeutic treatments of cancer?
Highlight or type the key words in Bold fonts in the bullet points.

Problem# 6: Write 1 page summary in bullet points on why Proton Therapy is Superior than
Photon Therapy in cancer treatment? Also is there any major disadvantages of the modern proton
therapy in cancer treatment?
Highlight or type the key words in Bold fonts in the bullet points..

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