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MICA GE PI Spot offer Experiences:

MICAT GE PI Experience 1.

B.Tech. (EEE, NIT Trichy) 66.3, 10th 73.4, 12th 75, work ex 1 yr (Oil & Gas) , 9 months
(education sector)

Here goes my experience!

My GE went well with 10 of us being given the task to make an ad for the harmful effects of chewing

tobacco and one ad for unsafe sex. within 30 minutes total..

There were ppl who tried to mess up, as our group has lots of enthu ppl, many dominators too. I

personally tried to take the sensible path, was just trying throughout to let the team proceed to some
meaningful conclusion. Eventually, after 15 mins I made my presence felt, in a way that I united the

team to come to a single idea and kinda got into director type role. So eventually we successfully
completed the ad!

PI experience:
2 Females and 1 male (all in later 40s):

M1 good afternoon bhuvan

me- good afternoon!

F1 so bhuvan, where are you working?

me with a CAT coaching as a Quant faculty sir.

M1- humm.. this is your second job, why the switch?

me- I joined first job as a management trainee in marketing from college but it turned out to be

operations profile and so I had to shift.

F2- if you were interested in marketing why not marketing job?

me- I applied, but in corporate you dont get a good marketing job without an MBA and so, here I am!!
(shut her mouth :D)

M1- what do you think is required to make a career in this industry?

me good observation, interest in creativity ofcourse you wont be doing the creative work directly but

ull be taking decisions like wch ad to go for, wch medium is more effective etc. which would expect
you to understand things in that way and other blah blah!!

F1 youve been in gujarat for 1 year, what do you think about modi?
me- gave both pros and cons

M1- you are earning decently, do you know that you might not get these salaries after MICA initially?
me- yes sir I know, but as you can see from my first job switch, at this stage of career i understand the

value of base fr a good career rather than just money.

M1- what do you know about communications industry?

me- ofcourse I do sir, that is why im sitting here!

M1 what do you know about this industry? the profiles etc?

me- told about the four verticals

M1- do you have idea about the career path for an account planner?

me- told

M1- are you highly ambitious?

me- yes!

M1- so would you wanna become CEO etc.?

me- not exactly, I wanna open my own firm

M1- by what time?

me- by age of 40 approx, I would rather explore this thing more in MICA!

M1- humm.. okay, because MICA ppl generally dont reach CEO positions generally, CEOs are
expected more of a general mgmt expeience..

me yup!
F2- which other calls do you have?

me- MDI, results awaited

M1- how many classes do you take per day?

me avg. 2 to 3!
M1 isnt that too much? it would be tiring?

me- no sir, its normal, I guess m young enuf to handle that atleast!
M1- but still 6 hrs per day of lecture is a lot!

me humm.. I dont feel it sir!

F2- you dont seem to give a balanced analysis of modi, its more positive

me- elaborated negatives again and said they are crucial!

Verdict SPOT Offer!

We were first given a case study. It was about a professor who has to decide what grade to be given

to a student who is poor. Now this student is working at some place to pay off his fees and as a result
of this his academic performance is affected. The professor deduces that a D is all that he can get,

but to fetch a scholarship the student needs a C. So what should the professor do?
There was also a fitness test asking questions about how fit you are, what the importance of exercise

in your life is etc.

Then we had the GE. We were shown a coke ad which was Bihar-centric. It was the Aamir Khans 5

rupaye mein coke ad. We had to convey the similar message which was ad pan-India. We were given
chart papers, sketch pens and glue.

Initially it was little chaotic as all were flooding ideas and it took some time to settle down a little and
finally come to a common consensus. Finally we enacted a skit kinda thing which went out really well.

(kudos to all! :cheerio:)

After that I had a 5 hour break. I was listed for the panel -3 and my no was 15 (or 16 out of 21) .There

was this guy who had his interview in the same panel as mine and was some 3-4 candidates ahead.
He had the same profile as me! Same company, same batch, same engg background (including the

branch) .Apparently he was grilled on his background and stuff and his experience actually gave me

jitters. But to my utter surprise, my interview was no where related to why MICA, my interests, my
SOP, likes, dislikes nothing! Here goes my interview:-

There was a young guy (YG), an old man (OM), a pretty lady (PL).
PL: Do you want tea or coffee?

Me: no Mam, thank you.

PL: you can have some.

Me: No Mam, I dont usually take tea or coffee

PL: is it? Never! Strange

OM: at least have some biscuits Help yourself I instantaneously picked one. I dont know why I did

PL: So you are staying in Bangalore. Where in Bangalore do you stay?

Me: said

PL: Whats up with the development of Bangalore?

Me: Well Mam I have been in Bangalore only for 10 months and I dont find anythings wrong with its

PL: is it? What about the traffic?

Me: thatll be a problem in any metro. In places like Mumbai it is even worse.
So on a comparison Bangalore is much better.

PL: how far is your office from your place of stay?

Me: said
PL: how do you commute?

Me: said
PL: Company bus or public transport?

Me: said
PL: 10 years ago employment was a problem. Nowadays even a +2 passed student gets a job. How

good is it for the future of India?

Me: blah blah

PL: Do you work in shifts? (I wonder how she came to know of that! :lookround:)
Me: yes Mam

PL: Dont you think young people working in graveyard shifts are really?
Me: blah blah..

YG: you earn this much. Are you able to cope with the expenses in Bangalore?
Me: (wat! Even I feel the company pays less :p) blah blahed even more

PL: do you save?

Me: yes

PL: how do you stay? PG/flat and what is the rent?

Me: (now this was getting personal ) I gave the detailed expenditure list of mine

YG: So you manage to spend and then save also? Why are you living like this? You are young, spend

all, enjoy and do whatever that interests you. Get an iPhone.

Me: ( I do that anyways! ) blah blah more and more

YG: so you must be knowing the fees of MICA. What are your plans, how do you plan to manage
expenses then?

Me: (oh god what are they thinking? Am I poverty stricken or what??) Told them what my plans

YG: I like the way you think. But after that if you dont get a good pay, do you think its worth all the
trouble? Coming here at MICA and studying?

Me: (finally!! Somewhere close to my prepared answers!) Gave them lots of gyan
OM: (for the first time!) youve mentioned awards at your work place. What was it all about?

Me: told.
YG: youve mentioned cleanliness. Here in MICA we will give you 8 girls in a room to stay. How will

you stay clean then?

Me: (I wanted to say I know you dont do that here!!) told

YG: what do you know about MICA, basically the extracurricular activities etc
Me: told them.

YG: do you think its worth doing these kind of stuff? (I had mentioned someone had done a film
festival in my home town)

Me: again more of gyan!

YG: ok you are done. Thank you. You want to ask anything?
Me: where is Roxy? (the micanine MICAs pet)

OM: hes not well. He is under medication.

Me: thank you sir!

While leaving, I could hear PL saying I see a lot of cats here around but..
The interview must have lasted around 25-30 mins

And I got a SPOT OFFER: D!!!:clap:

So my takeaway is you really dont need any preparation. You never know what they might ask you.

Stay chilled. It helps!


Application Package
The application package consisted of the following:

Statement of Purpose
Three likes and dislikes

Top three Achievement

Academic background

Professional background
Group Exercise

Time allotted: 10 minutes for preparation + 2 minutes for presentation

Team: 7 people
We were asked to come up with communication tools addressing two five year olds on how to

reduce the consumption of chocolates and candies. It was related to dental hygiene. We came up with
a skit and a poster. Both these tools were very simple and to-the-point, keeping in mind the age of the

target audience. I worked on the poster while others worked on the skit. At the end, we were
applauded by the panellists for our interpretation of the task, says Ritwika

Personal Interview
Immediately after the GE, Ritwika was called for the PI. There were three members in the interview

panel. This is how it went:

Q: So you are an English graduate. What do you think about adaptation of books into movies/plays?

A: Masses say a movie is never able to justify the book. But it is actually the limitation of the medium.
To reproduce an entire book within a certain time (two or three hours) is difficult. All intricacies of a

book cannot be captured on screen. But then there are both good and bad adaptations. It is how a
certain director handles a subject. Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter are some good examples.

Q: You are an English Literature student and a fresher. Are you fit for MBA profile?
A: Being a recent graduate from humanities, I can give a fresh perspective to any discussion. My

profile can add to the diversity and richness of class discussions which are mostly dominated by

engineering grads. Sometimes job experience does not mean you are good at marketing. If people

are coming from coding background, they are as new to marketing as I am.
Q: You have never lived in West Bengal. What do you think of the Bengali culture from an outsiders

A: I have observed this about all communities in foreign land they tend to form close bonds. In

Bengalis too, there are so many things to connect on. Bengali clubs hold Pujas which is based on
cultural familiarity and appreciating similar kind of music and food.

Q: Tell us about your NGO experience what did you do? How did it affect your personality?
A: (I told them about work profile and how it helped me as a person)

Working as a peer educator spreading awareness helped me to learn thinking on my feet. For
example, we went to Nizamuddin Basti in Delhi. No one was helping us or listening to us. So we made

the little ones sit down and started giving them sexual education. At that point, its all about how you
handle pressure. Such acts also call for leadership and teamwork qualities. Today, if boys are

educated, theyll become better men men who have the sensibility of respecting women. In our pre
and post evaluation reports, a change in the thinking pattern of boys was noticed.

It is easy to read about feminism in class and not actually to do anything about it. So, I enrolled with
the NGO and spread awareness on taboo, patriarch society.

Q: Which society will you join in MICA?

A: (I already knew about every community and had interest in Jagriti (social service wing of MICA)

Sankalp and the literary community)

The whole interview lasted for about 10-20minutes.

Verdict: SPOT OFFER! I was told that I am the perfect fit for MICA, recalls Ritwika.
Ritwikas take on the PI

The duration of my PI was about 15-20 minutes, which was pretty less when compared to other
aspirants PI that lasted for almost an hour! Also, I got none of the general questions such as Why

MICA?, Why PGDM(C)? or Likes/Dislikes. The PI was like a conversation about my experiences
and my take on some topics. I was asked to analyse the Bengali Culture from a migrants perspective.

Apart from being an English Honours grad from DU, I was a member of my Colleges Dramatics
Society. May be that is why I was asked about my take on books being adapted into movies/plays.

Finally, I was asked about my experience at the NGO.

So that was that. Everything was done by 3 PM. Results came out very late. But the tense mood in

the Audi was lightened up by some brilliant singers in the group who took to the stage and sang some
of the classics by Kailash Kher and KK, says Ritwika.

Ritwikas Tips
Make sure you maintain a good score in your CAT/XAT mocks, especially focussing on the VA

section. The next step in the process is the MICAT. This is a paper that does not require much
preparation as it tests your creative and reasoning abilities for the most part. As for the GE, show that

you can work well in a group, not letting others participate or being too talkative does not help, quite

the contrary, it may harm your chances. In the PI, you may be asked to justify the decisions you have
made regarding your academics or your career. Depending on your interest, the panellists may ask

questions about the Marketing and Advertising Industry. So it helps to be abreast with the latest
developments in these fields. The PI in MICA does not attempt to grill the candidate. They try to

ensure that you are the right fit for MICA.

Humanities students feel at home in MICA because Marketing and Communication studies borrow a

lot from the fields of sociology, psychology and anthropology. Thus, MBA in Marketing is a good
career option for students from the Arts background, says Ritwika.

Currently, Ritwika is a second year student of Post Graduate Diploma in Management

Communications (PGDM-C) at MICA.

Compiled from various Sources: cetking students,, etc.


Written : A lady hired by a company becomes pregnant just before the appointment date. What would
you do ?

GE : Use American sign language (from the chart given) to make ads against Euthanasia an Eve

The GE is a fun exercise that lasts for 30 minutes. Relax, chill out, and contribute.

I Interviewer, M Me.

I So, your profile tells me that you like music. What do you do ??
M I play the violin and sing.

I Can you sing for us ?

M Jumping at the opportunityYES !!! Sang..

I Device an ad for Kerala without using any of the cliched features like cuisine, Kathakali, nature

M The ad starts in France. The French guy is eating his veal cutlet with a fork and knife. He then
goes to Kerala.

Next, show him traveling by autorickshaw, rowing a boat, sweating profusely, dancing at a local
festival, acting as a mahout.

Last scene The French guy is eating beef, holding the slice with his hand. He has a lungi on, and no

Tagline Everyone is a Malayalee. Come home.

I Good. Asks other questions like Why MICA ?, etc

M answered.


GE is Group exercise it may be anything for instance we were given a line Create an ad campaign for
early detection of cancer in humour

Now, we had to make an ad and it ought to be funny Dont worry, its a team thing not like the usual
GDs this is more to do with your team skills. Be open to ideas, think freely, express without inhibitions

and youll be just fine.


Slot 6th April

Case Study : Same as last year. Newspaper vs Bottled water company. Newspaper printing articles

saying that BWC water and tap water are same quality according to some research. BWC threating
newspaper to pull out its 3 crore advertisement. What would u suggest the newspaper to do?

GE : What message swami vivekanand would have conveyed if the world was ending in the years
1977 , 1987 , 2000 , 2008 , 2020

Topic was somewhat like this and the other ge topic just replaced swami vivekanand with mahatma

I think nobody needs to worry about GE. Its a fun task. I was zapped when I read the topic however
you just have to go with the flow with your group. My group was a bit chaotic and aggressive in the

way they started when everyone tried to make their points and making it sound like a group

discussion. However slowly and steadily we got organized and made a good campaign out of it. I think

Dont be aggressive . Keep track of time. Listen to everyone. Give everyone a chance to speak. Keep

suggesting ideas.
PI : I think it was my lucky day. Seriously. I got the most chilled out , relaxed panel out of all the four.

No grilling. It was a simple casual conversation for 10 mins.

However the part that made me anxious for 7 hours till the results were announced was that the panel

dint ask me the standard questions.

I was NOT asked

Why mica? , Why mba?, why mba after it?

I was NOT asked

Anything from my SOP , Nothing from my likes and dislikes, not even from case study. ZILCH.
The pi starts this way.

Panel 1 : Arbind Sinha (AS) Rohit Trivedi (RT) External Panel (EP) and ME
AS : Malpani , tumhaare surname mai bahut dum hai tell me something about ur solid surname

ME : Sir , before that I would like to tell you something about my name also. Its supposed to be spelt

as PRATEEK and not PRATIK.

EP: Oh , infact ive written PRATIK over here. You are correct.

ME : Sir , people normally think that since my surname ends with ANI i must be SINDHI however m a

AS: Your dad is in textile business. Tell me about it.

ME : Told.
AS : You come from an urban, well to do family. What will you do for the society as in the social work.

ME : Told them something about Ad campaigns and making people aware and motivating them to do
the right thing.

AS: Awareness and motivation are two very different things.

ME: Sir , they can tag along. Explained how.

EP: You have written sourav ganguly as one of your likes. Why do you like him.
Just when I was about to answer.

AS:Tell me the difference between India vs Pakistan match and India vs Sri Lanka match.
ME: I told them about dhonis speech after we won against Australia. Then told them we share a

rivalry atleast in world cups with pakistan because we havent lost against them even once. There was
more pressure and aggression but if you see quality of cricket it was better in the finals.

EP : I get lots of messages that all matches are fixed. How they are properly planned so that India
plays Pakistan in semis.

ME: No Sir , there is no proof that it is fixed and I wont comment anything till there is some solid proof.
I like to believe that its genuine.

AS: What will you do in MICA apart from studying here?

ME : Sir, Ill join MICAVaani I think I can be a good RJ.

RT : But the programs are in gujarati mainly.You know how to speak gujarati?

ME : No , But i understand . I can speak and understand Marathi. I will introduce a Hindi program.
Then the conversation led to something about AADHAAR campaign and rural areas and social

awareness campaigns and my work profile.

and it ended. I dint know what to make out of it. I just kept smiling through out. But there was no

grilling at all. No cross questioning. It was so so smooth. Even when I dint know answers to some
questions they told me to chill , dont panic. After 7 hours waiting finally SPOT OFFER!.. and that was

it. Happiest day in 23 years!!

However there was a certain Panel 2 which was horrifying and took 35-40 mins for every interview. So

luck by chance..
But ill again repeat the same old lines everyone whos been to mica will have to say that just be

yourself , keep smiling and do your thing and hope for the best

There were 3 panelists in each panel for the Panel 2:

An old man who had no role but to keep nodding at whoever had whatever to say whenever..

The lady whose a faculty at MICA

anda visiting faculy from an ad agency..(wo sabki band baja raha thaa)

My PI started wid discussion on

Y leaving job wid 33 months f workex..?

u took 7years to realize u want to do this..(4yr engg+3yrs workex)

i l tell u what u engineers are confused in lyf ..

(i was wondering that now ..i knw datt..but then its nt really our fault..blame the faradays law ;P

I gave my reasons..but..)
U r confused..m telling u..after 2yrs u will cum to me saying i wana me a R.J

OK leave R.J ..we can see u r very good at speaking(OOH really) so y dnt u becum a journalist..the

nation cud be served..

(i cudnt believe himm..1st he says engg r confused then he tries to lure me into jounalism..)

Questions On Likes/Dislikes
Sort f a deabte on itt..but i think i defended it well

Questiosn abt other calls..( I hd other calls as well IMT-G Tapmi Somaiya with a converted Narsee
monjee call as for now)..discussion on y mica and not those institutes..(longg discussion must say)

What career options after mica wud u choose..

agn FIRE form the panelists..

the PI was over..

they asked me if i had any ques..( really..i am living in and out of MICA and its site for quite sm tym

I told them i didnt( lots f reaserchwrk dne from my end, alumini current batch outgoing..faculty..etc)

Wud u believe it..the pI resumed again..on NOT wat i knew..on from whr i knew and its authenticity

( felt lyk kicking myslef for the last verbose statement that again resumed the PI)..
Finally it ended..

wait for results didnt kill us as the agony by panle 2..seemed as if the interviews wud go till 10pm with
dat speed..thnkfully othr panels took up..

results at had gt late so only spotties announced with merit and not recommended list on the
board for evryone to check with..

fisrt 13-16 names out..evry name dat sounded lyk Anshu but didnt turn out to be was deafening ..till
then had lost hope..

3rd last(maybe ) in the list..yess..SPOT OFFER..

With tears and overwhelming shock f my lyf..smthing i so long dreamt f ..had cum true..from 21st feb

micat to 17march..GE/PI calls announced to till date..6th april..its was a dream for too long now
actually turning into a reality..

Just wna thank all u my GE as well as my PI panel..

Not to forget Maalpani,Vivek,Abhimanyu,Sonal,Abhishek,Gautam(the last man of patience to be

interviewed at 7pm..salute u yaa..

Just one word f advice for all as it has been said several tymes:
1)BE urself and just chill..

2)back ur SOP to the core

3)Dnt miss the food(u l need to eat to energize urself..the wait seesm endless

4)Make sure thr are no ego issues at GE..

5)Be honest..they respect that..

Coz its MICA..


Date-6th April
Panel 3 for GE

Panel 2( the famouss PANEL 2 for our PI)

We reached the IIM-A gate to board the bus awaiting us..

It takes 40min or so to reach the MICA campus..

We took a note of our groups which had been displayed on the boards according to teh MICA id..

Submitted the SOP form etc..

We were redivided into groups for our Group Exercise(GE)

The task assigned was something(cant remember the exact 2liner given to us)..likewe had to give

them a model/chart such that is showed what Mahatma Gandhi would have given his message to the
world in the year of 1977,1987,2000,2008,2020.

The group got 5min to think nad discuss and 25min to work upon it..
The first line..WHOS good in history for none of us cud ejjactly remember 1877 or 1987 events

we decided to just join the dots wid wtevr quotes/slogans etc we cud .we were given only 4coloured
chart papers with sketch pens..(DATSS IT scissors or stpler or any other props)..

the GE was good..wid Ankit ready to write down slogan s for us..Yoshita more dan happy to draw and
make small display cards..Nikita and Sid actively on the charts, Mudit quitely coopartaing wid evryone

in need ,Titiksha and Siddarth(2 ;P i knw bt thr were two of them in our group..i still dnt knw whom to
call sid 1 or sid2) regulating all with evryone brimming with ideas..we did well..must say..

We again had to gather for a short write up..

Case Study: A newspaper has published a national survey claiming that bottled water and tap water

are on equal footing. the newspaper has also published dissent on the part of packaged water
distributors. The Bottled Water Company has a 3 crore advertising a/c with the newspaper that its

threatening to pull. What would u advise the newspaper to do?

15minutes given for the same

P.Sdont take the case study lightlythey werent questioning everyone on their responses but if they
do, just stick to whatever u have written!

we were then asked to gather in the Audi whr we were briefed by the director Mr Ranchhod..

total 76 ppl..4panels 19each. cums the longgg wait..why m saying the wait is something evrybdy present on 6th april 2011

wud knoww v v well..

I was in the panel 2 scheduled for the 7th decently if PI started by 2pm wud

be the max i had tow ait..but ..dats whr we went wrong..

All other panels were rushing up wid decent speed of 10-15min ech candidate..but panle 2 had

decided to beat that nw..wid interviews ranging from 30-45 min turn Turned up at 4pm..dnt
ask me hw the rest f 12 guys gt interviewd..they were outsourced to other panels as [panel 1,3,4 were

all free by 5pm i guess..


Date : 8th April

Work-exp : 4+ (I was really apprehensive with this burden)

Profile : Good with healthy academics, extracurricular achievements upto national level
and social services.

GE : Considering websites like FB, Linked-In as animals and birds, enact a mime how they present
themselves to skeptical potential users.

(had lots of fun !!! I was one of the potential users)

PI : [overall pretty cool]

(listing the main points)

What do you like so much about yourself? (I wrote Myself as Point 1 in Likes)

You have been awarded in Music/Singing. So lets hear you sing!

(I wrote Music as Point 2 in Likes and also mentioned my awards in Singing in achievements)

You have been awarded in and also have hosted Quizzes. So why dont you conduct a quiz for the 3
of us on MICA? (googly! but managed-questioned back on the details of each of my questions -also

some sports questions introduced)

What do you want in life? Why MICA? Why communications management?

How would communications management be helpful? (told about my dream ambition mentioned in
SOP questioned back regarding them on functioning of Google and Flipkart and on consumer

Do you think organizations should be socially responsible? What such thing would you do in your

Do you feel your experience would be wasted or what would you carry forward from that?

Give instances of your leadership skills and social service (and questioned back on that)
Questions on MICA logo and campus activities in MICA (answered all except 1 but said that I did

remember the answer when I was outside the interview room door)
Finally, Thank You!


Hadnt stayed back but had been helped by a friend who communicated the same to me when I was
travelling back from Ahmedabad and checked the mail when I reached home

10. One rejected PI

Work ex : 28 months in IT industry

GE : You are a fresher in a school. Enact an anti ragging skit. Everybody in the group was contributing
and gave ideas as to what needs to be done. People were allocated/decided/given roles and the job

was done in a very subtle way. The number of ideas given is important i believe. More or less a
candidate is tested on how he/she delivers his idea amongst the peers and how much acceptance

does he/she has when it comes to listening to others.

There were charts and sketches provided. Its your call whether to use them or not. There were

groups that focused on the skit rather than drawings. If you want to convey your message through
posters then yes the props are important.

Overall, it was a very healthy and interesting GE. The candidates got to converse a lot in terms of
ideas and enjoy in a very unique yet subtle way.

PI : I was allocated to a panel with 3 MEN( none of the men was in black J )
M1 : young guy probably in his 27-28s (alumnus I suppose)

M2 : Senior professor .
M3 : Mr. not interested . Another member of the teaching panel I believe.

It all started very early for me as I was the first one to be interviewed for the day. And I believe I was

fully prepared and confident. Although a little nervous for obvious reasons.
As I entered the room, I wished all the 3 men and it was all business from there.

Some pointers before I discuss the interview. I had mentioned sports marketing in my SOP and when
we talk about sports, they will never ask you about latest matches or mangers or history. They will

focus on the aspects of how you relate it to your aspirations.

M2 : So youve mentioned sports marketing in your SOP and we see you are a huge follower of

European football. Plus youve worked for American banks and clients. Tell me how do you relate all
of this to your interest?

ME : First of all sir with all due respect follow is a very negative word when it comes to my passion for
football , I would rather say I admire it a lot. Then I told him how I related the investment and

insurance industry with sports and marketing.

M2 : Smiled. Seemed convinced.

M1 : he was waiting for this and now it was his turn to pounce. Quickly questioned about how would
your spread your brand demographically when it comes to spreading it to a place where people dont

follow your club.

ME : Explained in a very subjective way and there was no way he could cross question me on this. I

knew every bit of the financial institution I have worked for. ( PS : thorough knowledge of what you
mention in your SOP helps).

M2 : Did you get to show your leadership skills in GE? If yes how?

ME : explained.
M2 : what is the difference between the captain of a football team and a cricket team.

ME: Explained with examples.

M2 : can a leader of a specific domain be made leader of a company or a state?

ME : On abstract terms leaders have same ideology but when it comes to business or leading a
specific domain , you need to have certain experience and knowledge .

That means you cannot make lionel messi or Cristiano Ronaldo a leader of a country. Although they
have what it takes to be a leader but knowledge or expertise in terms of a domain is important to lead

that domain.
M3 : We are only talking about football here. Lets talk something else.

Me : Seemingly convinced and confident Sure Sir.

M2 : Youve mentioned in your likes Blogging . What do you blog about?

ME : Told them about various aspects that I blog about.

M2 : what is the latest social issue that youve blogged about?

ME : told them about the delhi rape and shootings in Connecticut.

M1 : Ok give me 3 very specific solutions to avoid rapes. And do not give me abstract reasons like

increasing police force and all that non sense.

ME : let me think of it sir for a few seconds.

And then the 3 reasons were :

1) A death penality is must because 90 % of people have in their subconscious of what we call as fear
of death. If that happens , this fear will definitely help in countering some cases if not all.

2) Technology can be used efficiently as an undergarment company in US places a small GPS

alarming device which can be used by the victim to just press the button and alarm about the

3) As the act of crime happens from the sub conscious part of the brain which is only active in 2

cases. Sleep and over drug or alcohol usage. Proper drug control and alcohol usage /consumtion
measures should be followed.

PS : These were the best 3 absolute points I could figure out at that time. There can be a difference
of opinion of the reader and the writer

M2 : so what target audience will you focus on to help convey this message or educate them.
ME : Sir, I believe there is no target audience because you can never judge by a persons nature if he

is a normal mortal during day and an abuser/murderer by the night. Still what I believe is that as most
of the acts involve sub conscious, it is good to teach the children at a very early stage about the

gravity of the act and importance of being moral.

M2 : smiled again and questioned about a dislike that I mentioned in my SOP.

ME : explained and it made all of them smile.

M3 : (Out of nowhere ). I think we are good here . Anybody needs to ask any more questions?

(looking at other two members) . Eveybody said we are good here.

End result spot rejected.

Unsure about where it all went wrong. Probably MICA wasnt destined to be the place for me. I
enjoyed the process and all the quality people I met.

Somehow disappointed because I was really confient that If not a spot I deserved a ML/WL. But no
comments, as it is for the panel to decide the fit .

I hope this experience helps the future aspirants . God bless.


Work ex: 12 months at a business research firm

GE: You are a fresher. Enact an anti ragging skit for your seniors.

The group did well. Our basic concept was that rather than a complete ban on ragging, we as
freshers, want healthy ragging which helps in breaking the ice between juniors and seniors. We

enacted a street play with 3 scenes showing physical ragging, substance abuse based ragging and
healthy ragging. We ended with a message well within the stipulated time. Good team effort by all.

Tip: The panelists also kept some charts, felt pens, magazines etc on the table which were not
required for a skit. This was probably done to confuse. The group should be clear as to its objectives.


Harrowing wait as my turn came at 7:20 pm while we were free from GE at 10 am!! Take a book or

music along to kill time.

Duration: 25 mins

1.What is the meaning of your name?

2. Asked about the extracurricular activities I had mentioned on the form and what I learnt from them?
3. Why shift to marketing? (my background is in finance)

4.How will you value a company?

5. Asked me to explain my work ex? (Did that with an example)

6. Difference between research finding and insight?

7. Why Brand Management? (had mentioned it in my SOP)

8. Difference between problem solving and creative problem solving. (had mentioned creative
problem solving as a quality that had contributed to a particular extra curricular achievement)

9. Gave me an exercise. Kept 5 things on the table pencil, paper, stapler mobile and spoon and
asked me to link them all together.

10. Why Mica?

11. What other calls do you have? What is your pecking order if selected in all?

Any other observation: The panelists are very friendly and have a very conversational approach to
interviews rather than the fact/academic based approach of other colleges. One must be very clear

with why marketing and why MICA. Also, one needs to be confident and opinionated as that is what

they are looking at for communications PGs (IMO).

Result: SPOT!

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