Chakras Reflectors: How Can You Manifest This Light and Put This To Practical Use?

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Look, the Christ Consciousness of God is here, I see the Godman presenting himself through my physical body. I see my body
as the real temple of God, the instrument, and the perfect channel
that literally manifest the consciousness of Great Creator God.
The correspondent creations are pure images in form and in
resemblance. As you maintain that attitude that your I AM is
your God perfect Christ's self, you present yourself as the master
of all situations and you manifest what your intends to do. What
you are passionate about.
In any case, you cannot manifest God if your I AM doesnt
represent God to all humanity. In this positive attitude, man and
woman dominate all situations. The Christ within is fruitful and
triumphant. God and man and walk together and are one. There is
only one principle, one man.
Let your body become the channel for the great creator principle,
to illuminate all its powers through you. Your body will react like
a giant electric generator. It will collect and amplify this energy
coming from within your internal sun. Those rays will shine from
the exterior of your body, and it will shine pure rays of bright
white light to which nothing can resist.

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In those conditions, nothing that is direct towards you can harm

you. You can send rays of light that are electrified to such
intensity; it would change the thought of anyone who tried to hurt
you because they were not in harmony with love. The one who
resists this energy will intensify it and increase its effect.
Whosoever clashes, his/her egoistic will only harm himself and if
no one opposes you, its healing virtues will spread on the one that
sent it and benefited the one that receives it.
It is the pure rays of God, and this power merges with the
other each time there is no obstacle to His service. This vibration is
of the highest, and all those that accept this, vibrates in harmony
and together in perfect accord. No harm can happen to them
because they are vibrating in unity with God. Nothing can hurt
them if they do not resist the vibration of God. To vibrate is to live.
Do you see now how you constantly live with God? With this
attitude, there is no danger or possibility of separation. Only those
who are resisting and who are not living in harmony will
experience separation.
If you maintain your unity with God, no evil can come close
to you. This information is meant for everyone. The I AM [the
Christ] is the primary cause, the absolute cause, the source to
which all His children are United to Him [the Prime Creator]. We
have to live under the LAW, [the power of the LAW is your
desires] under the active, vibrant thoughts, to the most elevated
rhythm of thoughts.
No in harmonious vibration can reach this pace, nor penetrate
this sphere where man and woman are at home in their Divine
Kingdom, and this belongs to all men and woman in all lifestyles.
We can also use this power to send back those negative
thoughts and those unproductive desires that are sent you.
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If you want, you can intensify this ray of divine white light.
Fill it with the power of God by amplifying it and by transforming
this energy of the things or the thoughts that are directed at you.
Then place it in one of your Chakras to reflect and return it back to
the sender at the speed of light.
Those that send negative thoughts toward you
unknowingly reduce their life energy rhythm as the ray of pure
light surrounds them. When it reaches the sender, the dynamics
of this beam is so high that it can neutralize all harm intended from
the one initiating those lower vibrations. It does not matter where
this vibration is coming from or if you know or you do not know
the person. This vibration will never fail to return to its source.
You can transform the power of God and send it beyond with
an irresistible power. This is the reality that emanate from your
Your light is shining, but not with so much power yet. To the
measure that you continue to use this power and to associate it with
the LAW or the Principle of positive thinking, you increase
the power of your light. And you can
consciously direct this light to accomplish
all of your real desires.

As I have written an article concerning, How to raise your

energy this information as also made you aware how to intensify
this white light, that comes from the brightness of Gods light. You
are able to charge the transforming light that surrounds you with
the add power of your conscious imagination. Your light becomes
a thousand times more powerful than any negative energy that
comes toward you. As you stay focus on that light, it will happen
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as you INTENT and then, let this transformed ray of light go back
to the same path it took.
As you work within your soul consciousness, you are
working with your unlimited energy. It is by what you are
imagining that you are able to see and order your desire to come
into existence.
When the man who wanted to hurt you receives this ray and
accepts that as coming from God, all harm intended is erased,
forgiven, and forgotten. Nothing can hurt you, or harm the initial
sender of those negative thoughts. You both look at God in the
eyes; you both are one in perfect harmony that replaces the nowharmony that was there before.
However, if disagreements occur, the one who emits evil
thoughts and does not accept this white ray of love that you have
sent with full power, s/he will not change. Nevertheless, if s/he
permits this pure light to do its work, this will cancel all adverse
effects from happening. If s/he resists, those that are stubborn are
definitely going to be in trouble. He/s will draw upon himself the
totality of that creator principle to the proportion, squaring to
his/her resistance. Under that aspect, you are representing the Lord
spreading the power of God, the law rendering good for the wrong.
Even in this attitude, be earnestly sincere, humble and careful
with such powers and do not judge. Place your love to the last
ounce in this white light because it is god's sake.
During the time, you are doing that, legions are at your
command. Stay soft and humble, desiring to conform to this pure
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light of God, which are life, love, purity, and beauty, eternal and
Your body contains seven usable centres known as reflectors. You
can cause them to intensify to a very intense light that is more
powerful than any artificial light. When you want to light up this
light, it shines is dazzling and is stronger than any man-made light.
Now if you light up your seven chakras together as one light,
you are surrounded by impenetrable armour. You have walked
through the veil that has sustained your ignorance. You will see
your body shine brighter than the Sun at its noon position. As you
learn from those notes, understand that you are standing in front of
the Lord of Creation. You are sincere and triumphant, and Pacific
and you are love. God lives in your body, which is magnificent,
spiritual and divine.
You have rendered your body invisible to those that live
on this third-dimensional plane. For this to happen you need to
centre the totality of your thoughts with happiness. With precision
put on the pure white ray of God and let your seven chakras
synchronize and act in unison as receptors of His light.
You can project one beam and present an image to the one
who wants to harm you. You can follow this beam at the speed of
light and transport yourselves instantly to the place that you
desire. Your body is invisible to those that do not see beyond this
third dimension. You are conscious of the existence that they do
not understand and this renders them sensitive to all images that
you present to them, telepathically. What they do not know seems
to them mysterious and unnatural? It is easy to make them think
because of their suspicious ways or superstitions.
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You send love to those who would like to harm you. The energy
that is less than love boomerangs back on them. You only send to
those people the pure white ray of God. You offer others nothing
but love, but you cannot force others to accept your love, if they
accept, there is no conflict. Whatever happens your cause is
already won.
You, on this side of this celestial veil, are only observable to
man and woman who has not centred themselves in their material
consciousness. You are always distinguishable to those who have
attained a more elevated sacred level. This state of consciousness
is real, as man and woman centre their attention on their divine
elevation, this type of awareness will be manifest in their life.

Doctor Love.

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