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TEACHER: Miss Alexis McClure

CLASS: English 8

DATE: February 11,

UNIT: Research Paper

LESSON TITLE: Thesis Statements

LESSON OBJECTIVE: Students will be able to create a thesis statement
using the correct format and information.

CC.1.2.8.L Read and comprehend literary nonfiction and informational text on grade
level, reading independently and proficiently.
CC.1.3.8.B Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what
the text says explicitly, as well as inferences, conclusions, and/or generalizations
drawn from the text.
CC.1.4.8.B Identify and introduce the topic clearly, including a preview of what is to
CC.1.4.8.C Develop and analyze the topic with relevant, well-chosen facts, definitions,
concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples; include graphics and
multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension.
CC.1.4.8.D Organize ideas, concepts, and information into broader categories; use
appropriate and varied transitions to create cohesion and clarify the relationships
among ideas and concepts; provide a concluding statement or section; include
formatting when useful to aiding comprehension.
CC.1.4.8.F Demonstrate a grade appropriate command of the conventions of
Standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.

UNDERSTANDING(S): Apply concepts and templates to their own thesis

Thesis Templates
Overhead examples
Thesis Statement Tips Worksheet

~After class is settled in their
seat, bring up Prezi presentation
~Show Fresh Prince of Bel Air
theme song
~Ask students what they know
about the show after watching

~Students will pick up
Thesis Statement
Tips worksheet from
the back table
~After watching the
videos, students will

this clip
~Repeat step with Brady Bunch
theme song

make inferences on
what the theme songs
tell us about the show


~Continue through Prezi

~(If time allows) Use overhead
projections examples to dissect
key parts of a thesis statement
with the class

~Students will follow

along with Prezi
highlighting key words
on their worksheet


~Distribute Thesis templates

worksheet and go through each
template example
~Explain to students that they will
be picking their favorite book or
movie character and make a
thesis statement about one of
their characteristics using the
templates given to them

~Students will
practice making their
own thesis statement
using their favorite
book or movie

EVIDENCE OF UNDERSTANDING: Students will be creating a thesis

statement, using the templates given to them, on their favorite book or
movie character. We will be sharing what we came up with as a class.
The formative assessment will be for the teacher to observe how the
students are applying the concepts covered during the class in their
own thesis statement.
Videos provide real-world examples of the concept
Diagramming in presentation
Worksheet to follow along with
Thesis statement templates can aid them when creating their
Practicing helps them test out the concept before creating a
more complex version for their research paper
ASSIGNMENTS FOR THE NEXT DAY: The next school day we will be
working in the library to begin the research process.

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