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St. Ignatius College Preparatory

Teachers Name: Elizabeth Alexander

Department: Math

Observation Date: March 1, 2016

Observer: Eric Castro





The purpose of the collegial observation is to provide teachers with the opportunity to
visit other classrooms and learn from their colleagues. These observations are collegial, not
supervisory, and are intended to promote collaboration.

Unit 8 review, student groups created handouts

Examen, overview by Elizabeth, groups created by shared Resource Period


Use the space below to record what happens during your visit.

Following the Examen, Ms Alexander introduced the review activity, and answered a few
questions. The material covered 8.1, 8.2, 8.3a, and 8.3b.
After investigating the shared Resource periods, it was suggested by a student that they
use the same groups and the last time they did the same activity. Elizabeth asked if that
was okay, and there was general agreement.
Students moved selves and desks to create workgroups fairly rapidly. Elizabeth moved
around the four groups, assigning each a section and briefly answering questions about
expectations and groups assignment.
The assignment (projected on the screen) included a 20-point rubric for the grading of the
product. For example, the 5 points for the Visual Aid category was divided into 2 for
visually pleasing, 2 for easy to understand, and 1 for clear effort made.
Students began by assigning the work in the Brief Summary and Example Problems section.
For example, Spencer announced, Ill take care of the two solved examples with steps.
Few students using a stylus when doing work on their iPad. After teams decided on the work
that each would do, some plugged in headphones while working. Four students using
laptops. All but two students have a paper-based notebook in addition to their device.
Some groups would sit idle, waiting for Ms Alexander to be available to come to them,
answering their questions. They were understanding that she was working with another
group, but wanted to be able to move on and felt they needed her help first. By and large,

students stayed on-task because Ms Alexander was constantly moving between the groups.
I never saw her even stop to take attendance or do anything other than just help students.
Students, as they finished their individual work, they sent/ shared/ Air Dropped the material
to the one in the group that is responsible for assembling the groups PDF. Each group will
send one file to Ms Alexander, who will compile the handouts into a packet posting it to
Canvas, as well as creating paper copies for those who want them.


In light of the principles of culturally responsive teaching, what activities, resources, or strategies did you observe
that you might be able to use in your class?

Students' cultural connections

are affirmed.
How are concepts/activities made
relevant to students
How are multiple perspectives
included in curriculum?

This lesson and learning activity didnt really connect to this principle, but since each
student was producing for the class what they thought would be most helpful for
others, it did build empathy. Students were thinking about and actively working on
developing what would help their classmates.

How does the teacher show

appreciation for students

knowledge of their cultures?

Teacher is personally inviting.

How does the teacher demonstrate

open and trusting relationships?

How does the teacher value student
input and perspectives?
How does the teachers tone of
voice demonstrate care and

Learning environments are

physically and culturally
How is student work showcased in
and out of classroom?

She answers individual questions as needed; not only waiting for students to raise their
hand and ask, but Elizabeth also approaches students and asks, Hows it going? Ms
Alexander has a great tone with students. Its always encouraging, genuine, and
marked with gentle care.
Walls have student geometry (?) work: graphs with drawings on them. There are two
Janet Pomeroy Club posters, a few trophies and a Giants rally rag. Behind Ms
Alexanders desk are some photos of deceased Jesuits and senior portraits of students.

Are multicultural images, photos,

artwork, dcor displayed?
Does the classroom ambiance
exude recognition and appreciation
of culture?

Other CRT Principles

Students are reinforced for
academic development

Instructional changes are made to

accommodate differences.
Classroom is managed with firm,
consistent, and caring control.
Interactions stress collectivity as
well as individuality.

Students stayed on task, despite working on individual tasks while in groups. There
was some fun banter in small spurts that was appropriate and energizing for the class.
In some, Ms Alexander participated; in others she simply let it happen. Both responses
felt correct in each instance.

After your observation, please email or meet to discuss questions or comments.

In addition to the above, Elizabeth and I spoke about the timing of the review activity. Most
groups finished with a significant amount of classtime left, and were instructed to start
studying for the test. Elizabeth noted that it would have been better to have this review
activity on a 60-minute day, and the second part, when students receive handouts from all
groups with the practice questions to complete, on the 80-minute day the following week.

A copy of the completed observation should be placed in the Year-End Portfolios of both the observer
and the teacher. Additionally, the observer needs to provide a copy to Jeannie Quesada.

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