Story - Loyalty of The Dog - (Added List of Words With Meaning)

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Loyalty of a Dog

It is narrated that a man and his wife used to live in a distant village. And they had a little child (that) they loved very much.
They taught their dog the guarding of the house during their absence. And in the morning of one of the days, the husband
went out (in) search for the sustenance, just as the wife was forced to go out; in order to fill the vessel of water from a faraway

So, she indicated to the dog in order to guard the child in the cradle that is at the entrant of the house. He (the dog)
understood her indication, and he sat by the side of the cradle looking right and left.
– ‫ نسرين السلفية‬:‫ – المترجمة‬The s tore is ta ken from the Palesti ne School ’s Gra de three – Level 2 Arabi c Lea rning Book –
Suddenly, a big snake started to sneak into the cradle; the dog swooped on it, there occurred between them a battle ended
with the killing of the snake by the strong teeth of the dog; whereof it caused the blood to flow from his mouth.

The mother returned to the house carrying the vessel of water on her head, she looked at the cradle from far, she didn’t find
her little one, and she noticed the blood flowing from the mouth of the dog.

So, she thought that he killed her little one. Thus she went crazy, and threw the vessel on the head of the dog; so he fell dead,
then she begun weeping for her little one.

After a short time, the mother heard a scream coming out from the direction of the cradle; so, she went toward it, to her
surprise (there was) her little one, he fell under the bed and there was a big dead sneak by his side.

– ‫ نسرين السلفية‬:‫ – المترجمة‬The s tore is ta ken from the Palesti ne School ’s Gra de three – Level 2 Arabi c Lea rning Book –
The mother regretted an extreme regret for her killing the loyal dog, and she told her husband what happened after his return,
so he said to her: There is safety in the deliberateness, and there is remorse in the haste.

================ Some Vocabularies looked up in electronic dictionary VerbAce Pro ================

‫• عَ جَ هَ ت‬
‫[اسى ] سرعت‬
[n] speed, promptness, quickness, hurry, haste
‫• َ دَايَ ت‬
[n] remorse, repent

ٌٍَ‫• تَ أ‬
[n/src] slowness, deliberateness
)َ‫• َ دِوَ ع هى( ـ‬
[v] regret, repent
َ‫• َ حْ ى‬
[prep] about, around
‫[حرف جر ] صىب‬
[prep] for, at, toward, into, to
َ‫• إِتَ جَه‬
[v] tend 2, trend, turn or go towards
) ٍ‫ َىَاح‬. ‫• َ احِ يَ (ت ج‬
[n] direction, side
‫• صُ رَا خ‬
[n/src] crying, shouting
)ُ‫• صَ رَخَ( ـ‬
[v] cry, shout, yell, exclaim, shriek, scream, screech, squall
‫• وَُْ بَ عِ ث‬
[adj] emitted, sent out, resurgent
َ‫• إَِْ بَ عَ ث‬
[v] be sent, be revivified, be resuscit ated
‫• بُ كً ى‬
[n/src] crying, weeping
‫• أَنْ قَ ى‬
[v] discard, dump, throw
ٍَ ُ‫• ج‬
[v] become mad, mad, go mad, become crazy, go crazy
) ‫ سُيُىل‬. ‫• سَ يْ م( ج‬
[n] flow, inflow, influx
)َ‫• جَ عَ مَ( ـ‬
[v] cause to be, make, render
‫• يِ ًَ ا‬
[conj] whereof, of which
) ُ‫ يَقَاتِم‬. ‫م ج‬
( َ‫• يَ قْ ت‬
[n] murder, death, killing, assassination
‫• إَِْ تَ هَ ى‬

– ‫ نسرين السلفية‬:‫ – المترجمة‬The s tore is ta ken from the Palesti ne School ’s Gra de three – Level 2 Arabi c Lea rning Book –
[v] end, terminate, eventuate
‫• إَِْ تَ هَ ىإن ى‬
[v] result in, reach
‫• يَ عْ رَكَ ت‬
[n] battle
) ُ‫ يَعَارِك‬. ‫• يَ عْ رَكَ (ت ج‬
[n] fight, combat
َ‫• إَِْ قَّض‬
[v] collapse, crumble, break down
‫• إَِْ قَّضَع هى‬
[v] charge, swoop
َ‫• تَ سَ هَ م‬
[v] sneak, skulk
‎ ‫• تَ سَ هَ مَإن‬
[v] infiltrate, sneak into
) ٍُ‫ ثَعَابِي‬. ‫اٌ ج‬
( َ‫• ثُ عْ ب‬
[n] snake
‫• دَاخِ م‬
[n] entrant, interior, intrant
ْ‫• كَ ي‬
[conj] in order to, so
‫• أَ شَ ارَإن ى‬
[v] sign, indicate, indicate, advert, designate, point out, refer, mention, insinuate, finger
) ُ‫ بُعَ دَاء‬, ‫ بُعُد‬, ‫ بِعَاد‬. ‫• بَ عِ ي (د ج‬
[adj] far, faraway, remote, distant, away, far-off
‫• َ بْ ع‬
[n] spring, stream, source of water, well1
)ُ‫• َ بَ عَ( ـ‬
[v] flow, proceed, well1, stream
‫• خُ رُو ج‬
‫] يغادرة‬.‫[اسى \يص‬
[n/src] exit, departure, going out
) ‫ جِرَار‬. ‫• جَ رَ ة( ج‬
[n] amphora, jar, vase
ّ‫• وَفِي‬
[adj] loyal, faithful

– ‫ نسرين السلفية‬:‫ – المترجمة‬The s tore is ta ken from the Palesti ne School ’s Gra de three – Level 2 Arabi c Lea rning Book –

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