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Funding Policy: Funding for professional travel is very limited, and not all requests may be approved. In
addition, preference is given to conference presenters in each funding cycle. The program has two
types of awards;
Conference presentations: Presenters with one student author can receive a maximum of $300 for a
conference. Each additional student coauthor may request up to $100 if s/he plans on presenting the
work jointly. Multiple authors planning on presenting jointly must apply together as one application
and the faculty advisor should clearly designate the lead presenter. A clear evidence of the
acceptance of the abstract is required at the time of application. Overall limit for presenting multiple
papers at any one conference is $1,200.00.
(I) Conference attendance: The maximum award for attendance only is $200. If more than one
student is going to the same conference, they must submit only one application requesting
funds using the sliding scale shown below.

Professional Travel (Attending conference)

Number of people attending the Total Amount Allowed for Maximum Amount to Each
same conference Group ($) Student Attending ($)
1 $200.00 $200.00
2 $360.00 $350.00 $180.00 $175.00
3 $450.00 $150.00
4 $600.00 $150.00
5 $750.00 $700.00 $150.00 $140.00
6 $600.00 $780.00 $100.00 $130.00
7 $700.00 $840.00 $100.00 $120.00
8 $800.00 $880.00 $100.00 $110.00
9 $900.00 $100.00
10 - 14 $1000.00 $100.00 Each student gets $90.00
Divided among all attendees
11 or more 15- 19 $1000.00 equally Each student gets $80.00
20 or more Each student gets $75.00

Preference is given to conference presenters in (a) national/international conferences and (b) regional
conferences. Requests for funds for any conference held at UW-L may be limited to conference
registration fee but not the cost of travel to and from La Crosse. Students intending to travel overseas
should check with the Office of International Education to determine if partial support is available. In
any event, students receiving professional travel grants involving overseas travel must meet with someone
in the Office of International Education to understand and comply with all of the requirements for
international travel. Students must be enrolled for graduate credits at UW-L during the semester of travel
to a conference. The student receiving a grant for presentation may seek permission from the Office of
Graduate Studies to travel in the semester immediately following graduation. Professional travel grants
must be approved prior to travel. Only transportation (subject to UWL mile reimbursement policy
for travel by car), reasonable cost of housing, and registration costs may be reimbursed.

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