Kent School of Social Work: From The Dean's Desk

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University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2010 – Spring 2011

Kent School of Social Work

From the Dean’s Desk complex critical thinking and best-
Popularized versions of practice evidence. In recognition of
contemporary urban life have the value of greater
written off today's cities as blights interdisciplinary involvement,
on the American landscape. students will find the faculty
Portrayed as bastions of involved in research interests with
criminality, drug and alcohol abuse, a number of other disciplines,
child and elder abuse, sexual and including urban studies, medicine,
domestic violence, among other nursing, dentistry, and others. This
social ills, the cities are blamed for provides a rich learning
much of society's disease. environment in the classroom. And
towards that end, dual degrees
The Kent School of Social Work with law, theology, women and
offers students the opportunity to gender studies, and Pan African
engage a learning process that studies help students to match
prepares them to become leaders their own professional goals within
in solving the problems of urban the context of a collaborative
life. Committed to the belief that foundation.
cities have rich potential to foster
healthy community living, the At Kent, efforts have been made to
School provides an educational meet a variety of students’ needs
experience to develop knowledge in preparation for advanced social
and skills of problem solving, work practice, whether it be
blending theories of economics, programs on the main campus or
politics, social policy, family distance sites, evening or weekend
systems, and psychology to name options. The BSW program began
a few. The profession of social work in 2007 and offers an exciting
is grounded in a belief in the opportunity for undergraduate
dignity and worth of individuals, students to learn about generalist
the importance of social and evidence-based social work
environmental context, the need to practice; the MSSW program with
advocate for the oppressed and its urban focus has established a
disempowered, the celebration of high mark of excellence for the
diversity, and a commitment to practice of its graduates; the Ph.D.
working with the focus on the program, offered as a collaborative
strength of the client. effort between the University of
Louisville and the University of
Students in the program will find a Kentucky, provides preparation for
strong generalist orientation in the research and leadership in
foundation that prepares them to addressing social needs that
work with a range of systems from extend from the Commonwealth to
individual, groups, and families to the international community. These
organizations and communities. In educational ventures promise to
the advanced curriculum, students challenge and excite the learner in
will deepen their understanding of the hope of creating and sustaining
social problems through skills and a better life, a better world.
knowledge associated with
Terry L. Singer, Ph.D.

Academic Unit Information Kent School of Social Work

University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2010 – Spring 2011

Dean Social Work Profession

Social work is a profession
History of the Kent School
concerned with the prevention and
The roots of Kent School date back amelioration of social problems and
to 1918 when special courses for the enhancement of the quality of
social welfare workers were offered human life. Social workers achieve
through the auspices of the these goals through direct practice
Louisville Welfare League. These with individuals, families, groups,
courses were offered on a regular and community organizations;
basis until 1923 when the program advocacy; social planning; social
became affiliated with the policy analysis and formulation;
University of Louisville. For the research; and administration.
next 13 years, organized courses Social work practice helps people
on the undergraduate level were mobilize their resources to deal
offered by the University. In 1936, with present circumstances and to
a full 2-year graduate program was enlarge their prospects for the
established as the Graduate future. Since problems of the
Division of Social Administration. individual cannot be seen in any
The program became known as the meaningful way in isolation from
Raymond A. Kent School of Social the broad social and community
Work in honor of a former context in which they occur, social
president of the University of work also takes a leadership role in
Louisville. In 1994, the Family bringing about institutional and
Therapy Program was added to the social change.
school, through which counseling in
marriage and family therapy is Accreditation
offered. And in 1997 the University The Master of Science in Social
of Louisville and the University of Work program is accredited by the
Kentucky combined to offer a Council on Social Work Education
collaborative program of doctoral (CSWE). The Bachelor of Social
study in social work. Work program is under candidacy
status by CSWE. The Master of
Science in Social Work with
The Kent School of Social Work specialization in Marriage and
seeks to prepare well-qualified Family Therapy as well as the Post-
social workers who practice from a Masters Certification program in
strong professional value base to Marriage and Family Therapy is
serve the metropolitan mission of accredited by the Commission on
the university. Our graduates Accreditation for Marriage and
promote social justice through their Family Education. The University of
practices with diverse client Louisville is accredited by the
systems. In the context of a Commission on Colleges of the
research institution, Kent School is Southern Association of Colleges
committed to knowledge and Schools (1866 Southern Lane,
development that informs social Decatur, Georgia 30033-4907:
work practice, recognizing the Telephone number 404-679-4501)
importance of interdisciplinary to award associate, bachelor,
collaboration to solve complex master's, doctoral, and first
social problems. professional degrees (D.M.D., J.D.,

Academic Unit Information Kent School of Social Work

University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2010 – Spring 2011

that graduates will be prepared at

About the Program the foundation level to practice
The School provides a broad-based social work that is framed by a
education for college or university generalist practice base, and an
graduates wishing to continue their ability to understand social
studies and for professionals problems at multiple levels. The
returning to school to enhance program objectives derive directly
their skills. The Bachelor of Social from the Educational Policy (3.0) of
Work (BSW) degree program is CSWE in preparing students for
designed to prepare students for practice at the generalist level and
entry into the profession as also for providing a firm foundation
generalist practitioners. The Master for those who seek graduate
of Science in Social Work (MSSW) educational opportunities in social
degree program is designed to help work. To meet those requirements,
students achieve their maximum the Kent School has established the
potential through a carefully following program objectives that
structured curriculum of foundation will frame the assessment of
and advanced course work. learning that obtains to the BSW
Preparation for leadership in Program.
advanced professional practice is a
vital part of the School’s Students who graduate from the
curriculum. BSW Program will demonstrate the
ability to:
Bachelors of social work programs,  Objective 1: Apply critical
under the accreditation banner of thinking skills within the context
the Council on Social Work of professional social work
Education (CSWE), are directed in practice.
matters of curriculum to promote  Objective 2: Understand the
the knowledge, values and skills of value base of the profession
the profession. At the and its ethical standards and
baccalaureate level, students are principles, and practice
prepared for entry into the accordingly.
profession as generalist  Objective 3: Practice without
practitioners. Guided by program discrimination and with respect,
mission and goals, the generalist knowledge, and skills related to
model is built upon a conceptual clients’ age, class, color,
framework that includes relevant culture, disability, ethnicity,
theories and knowledge to build family structure, gender, marital
practice skills. The professional status, national origin, race,
level courses at the junior and religion, sex, and sexual
senior year level are grounded in orientation.
the liberal arts and carefully  Objective 4: Understand the
integrate that knowledge into the forms and mechanisms of
learning of professional content. oppression and discrimination
The Educational Policy and and apply strategies of
Accreditation Standards of CSWE advocacy and social change
establish the base of program that advance social and
learning expectations. economic justice.
 Objective 5: Understand and
Goal I (Curriculum): To ensure interpret the history of the

Academic Unit Information Kent School of Social Work

University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2010 – Spring 2011

social work profession and its collaboration and partnerships for

contemporary structures and community building and problem
issues. solving:
 Objective 6: Apply the  Objective: The Kent School will
knowledge and skills of a provide professional expertise
generalist social work practice in the community in partnership
with systems of all sizes. with agencies and institutions to
 Objective 7: Use theoretical build a stronger community in
frameworks supported by the metropolitan region of
empirical evidence to Louisville.
understand individual
development and behavior Goal III (Overall program goal):
across the life span and the To contribute to the development
interactions among individuals of new social work knowledge
and between individuals and through scholarship and research.
families, groups, organizations,  Objective: The Kent School will
and communities. develop research and
 Objective 8: Analyze, formulate, scholarship that adds to the
and influence social policies. knowledge base of the social
 Objective 9: Evaluate research work profession.
studies, apply research findings
to practice, and evaluate their Curriculum Information
own practice interventions. The Kent School Curriculum is
 Objective 10: Use designed to enhance students’
communication skills ability to help them and the diverse
differentially across client client systems they work with to
populations, colleagues, and make decisions that contribute to
communities. the quality and health of these
 Objective 11: Use supervision client systems and that will
and consultation appropriate to promote social justice. It is
social work practice. designed to graduate social
 Objective 12: Function within workers who think critically about
the structure of organizations what they do, why they do it, and
and service delivery systems what outcomes they hope will
and seek necessary result from the social work practice
organizational change. they do.

Goal ll (Curriculum): To prepare Critical thinking is defined as “the

students for advanced graduate intellectual disciplined process of
work in social work. actively and skillfully
• Objective: The Kent School will conceptualizing, applying,
prepare students with a quality analyzing, synthesizing, and/or
education that will support their evaluating information gathered
admission to and successful from, or generated by, observation,
completion of graduate social work experience, reflection, reasoning,
degrees. or communication, as a guide to
belief or action” (Scriven & Paul,
Goal III (School’s relationship 2004). Critical thinking includes
with the community): To build specific skills such as problem-
solving and the ability to integrate

Academic Unit Information Kent School of Social Work

University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2010 – Spring 2011

knowledge from multiple problems, specifically attending to

disciplines and theories of human 1) how such problems are
behavior. Throughout the maintained, 2) how they impact the
curriculum, there is an emphasis quality of people’s life, 3) cultural
on critical reflection, or appraisal of sensitivity and appreciation of
various points of view no matter marginalized people, and 4) how to
what the source. The curriculum actively promote social and
draws heavily on social science economic justice. In the foundation
knowledge and integrates this with year, the focus is on the
problem-solving phases such as development of critical thinking
assessment, intervention, and skills in all the areas mentioned.
evaluation. In this respect, the The BSW curriculum is to prepare
curriculum is designed to teach students for generalist practice;
students to access, integrate, and that is to develop knowledge and
assess practice and policy related skills for entry level professional
research to solve social problems social work practice that
and to work towards social justice. recognizes the importance of multi-
When critical thinking skills are level systemic intervention.
used effectively, it leads to
transparency and promotes social Electives
change, particularly with and on The Kent School of Social Work
behalf of vulnerable and oppressed provides electives as enrichment to
individuals and groups of people. the specialized learning in the
concentration year. Social work
In the foundation curriculum, jobs call for skills and knowledge
students are introduced to critical that are broader than any narrowly
thinking. They are guided by defined specialization. For
faculty to develop critical thinking example, mental health workers
skills throughout all the foundation are asked to know
level courses. The BSW curriculum psychopathology, substance abuse,
promotes a generalist perspective managed care, AIDS, and a range
in which the simultaneous impact of other substantive areas. Many
of many systemic levels school social workers share the
(individuals, families, groups, need for the same content. In
organizations, and communities) addition, it is noted that social
on clients’ lives is critically workers frequently change jobs,
analyzed and recognized. The often to another field of practice.
curriculum builds upon a liberal Social work education seeks to
arts base that fosters an teach students to think critically,
understanding of society as a analyze systematically, and know
complex organization of diverse where to find information and
people and ideas. Social problems resources within the context of
are understood as occurring within social work history, development
the nexus of culture, conflict, and values. It is this type of
development, ecology, and education that best prepares
systems and as such, efforts to students to function in a rapidly
help or intervene must include changing society.
consideration of these forces.
Students will be able to critically In this curriculum paradigm,
identify and assess social electives are considered

Academic Unit Information Kent School of Social Work

University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2010 – Spring 2011

enrichment. Some of this of field education. For each

enrichment is in the form of very semester of practicum, students
specific course content that aligns earn 6 credit hours. Students will
with a specific focus area. For be in placement for two days per
example, a person interested in the week for two consecutive
substance abuse area may elect to semesters.
take a course in this area to
prepare for work in a substance The School’s present policies about
abuse treatment facility or other on-job field placements are
related employment agencies. Or, explained below and in The
the enrichment may take the form Practicum Education Handbook. If
of exploration as in the case of the employed in a human services
student taking an aging or child agency meeting the School’s
welfare course to better criteria as a placement site, the
understand those fields of practice student may apply to undertake
and to prepare for various job the practicum at her/his place of
prospects. employment. This may be
accomplished when the agency is
Practicum Education willing to shift the student’s work
One component of the BSW role and supervision in such a
program includes a practicum manner as necessary to meet the
placement in a social work School’s educational objectives for
community setting. It is intended to practicum instruction.
reinforce the student’s identity with
the profession, supplement Practicum education is offered in a
classroom learning, provide a concurrent format so that students
laboratory to develop practice enrolled in a practicum course
skills, and promote professional simultaneously must be enrolled in
competence. Students are carefully a practice course and the
placed in these experiences and practicum lab/seminar, i.e.; SW 470
monitored by the Office of with SW 405 (Practice III) and SW
Practicum Education of the School 472 (Seminar and Lab I), SW 471
under the weekly supervision of with SW 406 (Practice IV) and SW
qualified agency supervisors and 473 (Seminar and Lab II).
overseen by a Practicum Faculty
Liaisons. These students receive Policy Concerning On-Job
weekly supervision and regular Practicum
oversight by the School. The School A request for an on-job placement
has a long history of successful must be made at the time of
community partnerships that application for the practicum.
includes approximately 300 Students must have been
different social service agencies. A employed within the agency where
formal Community Advisory Board a placement is being requested a
comprised of our agency partners minimum of 6 months by the start
keeps us well connected to and of the practicum semester. The on-
collaborative with the human job practicum must be different in
service community. Accreditation scope and content from the
standards are satisfied as our student’s regular job. The
program requires students to practicum supervisor must hold a
complete a minimum of 450 hours MSW degree from an accredited

Academic Unit Information Kent School of Social Work

University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2010 – Spring 2011

college and have 2 years of post- Eastern Kentucky University.

master's social work experience,
and must be a different person The Public Child Welfare
than the student’s work supervisor. Certification Program (PCWCP) has
The educational objectives remain been implemented by the Kentucky
the same for on-job practica as for Cabinet for Health and Family
other practica. Each request will be Services and ten university
carefully reviewed by the Assistant undergraduate social work
Director of Field Education. Please programs in order to better serve
see the Practicum Education web the children and families in this
page for additional information state. The goal of this program is to
about on-job practicum. fill the ranks of Child Welfare
Workers with the most competent
Practicum Credit and well trained workers who can
provide high quality services
Course credit for the Practicum (6
immediately following
credits hours each for SW 470, SW
employment. The Cabinet has
471) is earned only when the
partnered with the Universities to
practicum has been completed.
offer Bachelor Social Work juniors
Students who withdraw from the
and seniors their academic
practicum do not earn any credit -
program in conjunction with
either in terms of clock hours or
participating in the Cabinet’s child
course credit hours - for any time
welfare training curricula prior to
spent in the placement, just as
graduation. These students are
students who withdraw from other
provided full instate tuition, a
courses do not earn any credit for
stipend and must complete a two
the hours they have attended
year employment commitment
class. Under exceptional
with the Cabinet upon successful
circumstances, when students are
completion of this program
transferred from one placement
participating universities.
setting to another by the Kent
The following state and private
School Assistant Director of Field
universities participate in PCWCP:
Education the number of clock
hours - if any - credited for the
Brescia University
initial placement is determined by
Campbellsville University
the Faculty Practicum Liaison in
Eastern Kentucky University
consultation with the Assistant
Kentucky State University
Director of Field Education. Credit
Morehead State University
for such hours is not to be routinely
Murray State University
expected by the student.
Northern Kentucky University
Subsequent Faculty Practicum
Spalding University
Liaisons and agencies may be
University of Kentucky
willing to allow this credit and
Western Kentucky University
accept a transferred student for
University of Louisville
fewer than the number of clock
hours typically required, but are
not obliged to do so.
To be eligible for this program, you
Public Child Welfare Certification must be a fulltime BSW social work
Program major. You must have:
Taken from the PCWCP Brochure, 2007,  An overall cumulative GPA of

Academic Unit Information Kent School of Social Work

University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2010 – Spring 2011

2.5. Obligations
 A cumulative GPA of 3.0 in As a participant in this program
social work courses you will be obligated, by contract,
 Receive no less than a “B” in to the Cabinet for Health and
the required Family Services. You will be
 PCWCP courses and field expected to apply for employment
practicum(s) 30 days prior to graduation and
 At least three semesters and accept a position with the
not more than four of Department for Community Based
undergraduate Social Work Services, in the Social Service
courses left to take. Worker series, and remain
 Have taken a Social Work employed there for two (2) years.
practice course prior to taking
the second of two PCWCP To apply for this program, please
courses. An application contact the PCWCP Coordinator
selection process is used to within the BSW program.
choose full-time students each
academic year at each of the BSW Curriculum Plan
participating universities.
Students will be required to follow
Benefits their curriculum plan as outlined
with the Coordinator of Academic
There are numerous benefits to
this program:
 Your instate tuition will be paid
(the Cabinet will pay tuition at
 All curriculum plans begin in the
private universities equal to the
Fall Semester. Some students
rate of the highest tuition at a
may need to take supporting
participating public university)
courses or prerequisites
through this project for up to
beginning in the Summer,
four semesters.
please take note of this special
 You will be given a $1300 per
starting semester.
semester stipend for your
 All classes are taken two days a
books, living expenses and
week, except for elective
travel related to this program
courses. For 3 credit hour
for four semesters.
undergraduate courses, the
 Once you have completed this
class will be scheduled for two
program and have graduated
days each week for 1 hour, 15
with at least a 3.0 GPA or a “B”
minutes each. Each course is
average in your social work
offered TWICE a week over 15
courses, you will be certified as
weeks during the semester.
having successfully completed
the Public Child Welfare
If you are interested in the Public
Certification Program and will
Child Welfare Certification
be assisted in acquiring
Program, please see the brochure
employment with the
that can be found on the website
Department for Community After
Based Services consistent with
reading the brochure and deciding
state personnel requirements.
you would like to be considered for
this program and accompanying

Academic Unit Information Kent School of Social Work

University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2010 – Spring 2011

scholarship, please submit the The Kent School Admissions

following materials in addition to Committee will review the
the previously listed materials on application only when all
this checklist. All of the following credentials are on file.
forms can be found at BSW Entry Date
New students enroll in the fall
 Completed PCWCP application semester only, while a limited
packet number may enroll in spring.
 3 letters of reference (forms are
contained within the PCWCP
application packet)
 Authorization to conduct a
Criminal Records Check and BSW Admission Application Date
Child Abuse/Neglect Central You may apply to Kent School as
Registry Check early as the November prior to the
 Four to five page essay which year of your planned enrollment.
addresses the following: The final deadline varies, but
o If you had to explain the because entry into the program is
term child welfare to highly competitive, applicants are
someone, what would encouraged to submit their
you say? applications early to ensure a
o Why are you interested in space. All admissions materials
the field of child welfare? must be received in the BSW Office
o What qualities do you of Admissions by the deadline date
feel that you have that in order for an applicant to be
would make you a good considered for admission by a
child welfare worker? particular deadline. Earlier
o Discuss areas where you applicants have more options and
need further exposure, enjoy clear advantages.
growth, and development
in order to become an Student ID Number and ID Card
effective child welfare Upon admission into the university
worker. you will be given a student
o Describe your short-term identification number (please refer
(5 years from now) and to your admission letter to find out
long-term goals. your student identification
number). This number replaces
When Kent School receives all of your social security number and
the PCWCP materials, an interview should be used with all
will be scheduled with the correspondence so that University
applicant, the BSW Co-Directors offices can locate you quickly.
and various Department of Please remember and use your
Community Based Services student identification, as you will
representatives to explore the be called upon to use this number
match between the student’s for a number of things.
interest and strengths and this
specialization. Your student ID number is printed
on your student identification card.
This card is called the Cardinal

Academic Unit Information Kent School of Social Work

University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2010 – Spring 2011

Card and will serve as your numbers (cell, work, home) and
identification card, library card, your e-mail address. This comes in
meal plan card, and if you have a handy in the event someone needs
USBank checking account, it can to contact you by alternative
also be used as your ATM card. means and also helps staff when
Coming soon the Cardinal Card can researching any concerns you may
be used for facilities access and have addressed; your student id is
student elections. the way that we research your
Cardinal Cards are issued in the
Campus Card Office. The main Student E-Mail
office, located on the Belknap The University of Louisville will
Campus, is in the lower level of the provide GroupWise accounts for all
Houchens Building in Room 08K. students upon admittance to the
The satellite office, located on the program. GroupWise is the
Health Science Campus, is located standard email platform for faculty,
in the Abell Building first floor staff and students. Benefits of the
security station. If you are a newly GroupWise system include access
admitted student, identification to global email address books for
cards will be given to you during faculty, staff and students,
the fall admission term. You must increased email storage space,
bring a photo id, know your student mobile access for PDAs, smart
id number and bring the completed phones, etc. with appropriate data
Cardinal Card Agreement form plans, ability to share and view
( calendars, one userID and
etacard.html) All found Cardinal password for ULink and Groupwise.
Cards should immediately be
returned to the Campus Card You can download the full
Office. For more information on GroupWise client to your personal
Cardinal Cards visit: PC from the IT Store at You
ex.html. will be prompted for your ULink
userID and password. The website
Communication with Kent School Faculty at
and Staff
mail/groupwise/ contains detailed
The fastest way to reach most Kent information regarding GroupWise.
School personnel and university There is online training available at
offices is via e-mail. The Kent
School directory of e-mail ng/gw/group-tutorials.html/ You
addresses can be found at: can get help by reading the documentation on the web at
mail/groupwise/, or by contacting
It’s a good idea to save e-mail the HelpDesk at 852-7997 or
notes for your record and keep a
correspondence log to track your
interactions with faculty and staff. Kent School administration, faculty
Please use a closing salutation and staff as well as the University’s
including your name, your student Bursar’s office, Registrar’s office
id number, your telephone and Financial Aid office only

Academic Unit Information Kent School of Social Work

University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2010 – Spring 2011

communicate with students via password; 5) Credit Hours required

their university e-mail accounts. to complete your program; 6)
Personal e-mail accounts will NOT Course Syllabi and Description; 7)
be used. It is very important that Practicum Information (i.e.,
students use their university e-mail evaluations, names of pertinent
accounts and check their e-mail on people); 8) Any correspondence
a regular basis. This is the best way from Kent School.
to stay connected with the school
and to be informed of any Registration Procedure
important issues. Registration is fast and simple.
Students are encouraged to use
Change of Address the early registration option each
It is the student’s responsibility to semester to ensure a place in a
contact the Kent School and the class that fits your schedule. Before
Registrar’s Office to update contact registering, please consult the BSW
information. You should change curriculum plan. Please follow this
this information online through model exactly throughout your
ULINK ( ) tenure at Kent School.
and you should send an e-mail to To find the online schedule of
the Kent School classes, please go to
( to update (
any change in your contact ssSchedule/setupSearchClassSched
information, i.e., address, phone ule.cfm). Find the classes to match
number. your curriculum plan. The online
schedule is the most up-to-date
Kent School Student Association schedule. It lists cancelled classes,
KSSA is the voice of students of the lets you know how many students
Kent School of Social Work. KSSA is are registered in your class,
designed to represent the concerns instructs you on whether you
and needs of students to the Kent should take an additional class with
School administration, university the class you are registering for
administration and student and gives a course description.
government and to provide Remember to always check the
programming of special interest to campus location while viewing the
students. Become involved in KSSA online schedule of courses. On the
by sending an e-mail to the KSSA Registrar’s website
council at: s/registrar/reginfofl.html you will
find the listing of scheduled
Kent School Portfolio downtimes for registration, please
make note of these dates and
It is important to keep certain
times. There are 2 ways to register
information throughout your tenure
for classes, online over the internet
at Kent. Some of this information
or by touch-tone telephone. The
will be useful during your time at
preferred method to register for
Kent, others will be important for
classes is online at the ULINK
licensure after graduation: 1)
( website.
Student Identification Number; 2)
Always print your schedule and
Transcript; 3) Admission Letter
keep for your records. Student
from Kent; 4) E-mail address and
information can get distorted or

Academic Unit Information Kent School of Social Work

University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2010 – Spring 2011

deleted, so maintaining a printed student’s maximum hours for

copy of your schedule is an easy the term, the student will not be
way to prove you have registered. added to the course.
If you need to register by  If a student does not meet the
telephone (touch tone (502) 852- pre-requisites or other
2222), follow the prompted touch restrictions for that course, the
tone instructions, or before doing student will not be allowed on
this review the Registrar’s website the waitlist.  Students cannot use this for the
s/registrar/reginfo.html. purpose of trying to find a more
suitable time of a course as
Waitlisting Courses enrollment in multiple sections
The University allows students to is not allowed.
place themselves on a waitlist for  Students are cautioned not to
all courses. Before requesting to be use the “Swap” option if using
placed on the waitlist, students the waitlist option as doing this
should be aware of the following: would take them out of the
 Students can only request to be course they are currently
put on a waitlist through online enrolled in immediately and
web registration using ULink. may not get into the class they
When a student enters a class waitlisted for.
number on the enrollment  The last day we will allow
panel, there is an option to students to waitlist for Summer
request being placed on the is the first day of the class. For
waitlist if the class is closed. Fall and Spring semesters, the
Touch-tone is not equipped for last day to waitlist is through
the waitlist process. the Wednesday of the first week
 If the course becomes open, the of classes. The last day that we
first student on the waitlist will will move students from the
be added into the class by a waitlist and enroll them for
process that will be ran several Summer is the first day of the
times a day and more often class. For Fall and Spring
during peak periods. semesters, students will be
 Students are responsible for enrolled from the waitlist
checking the status of the through 10:00 pm on the Friday
waitlisted course by logging on of the first week of classes.
ULink and viewing their  Please note that a course that is
schedule to see if the course closed may appear to be open
has been added. Students will for a short time if a student
not be informed when they are drops and there are students on
added or if the add is attempted the waitlist. The closed class
and fails. message given to the student
 If the meeting time of the includes a message explaining
course the student is waitlisted that - if a course appears to be
in is not available on the open with a space, but the
student’s schedule, the student student receives back a
will not be added to the course. message that the course is
 If adding the student into the closed, it is due to a student
course would exceed the being on the waitlist. The
student will be moved off the

Academic Unit Information Kent School of Social Work

University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2010 – Spring 2011

waitlist by a process we run contact information, i.e., office

several times a day and more phone, home phone, cell phone,
often during peak registration alternative e-mail address. The
times. BSW Coordinator of Academic
 If you check the online schedule Affairs will then clear you for
of classes, you will see a column enrollment, after which she will
titled “Wait”. This shows the send you an e-mail requesting that
number of students waitlisted you enroll into the class. Please
and the maximum number of allow a few days for this
students allowed on the waitlist. transaction to occur. If a problem
If there are students on the occurs, the BSW Coordinator of
waitlist and the course is Academic Affairs will contact you
displayed as open, this means via e-mail or telephone. If you
the waitlist process has not experience additional problems,
been ran since someone please contact the BSW
dropped the course. The first Coordinator of Academic Affairs.
student on the waitlist will be If there is a large demand for the
moved into the class the next full course, the Kent School
time the process is ran. reserves the right to open another
 Students are first informed of section. In the event that this
their place on the waitlist when occurs, we will not allow over
they are initially added to the enrollments into closed classes. If
waitlist. After that, students can you have additional concerns, e-
view their current place on the mail the BSW Program Co-Directors
waitlist by viewing their to learn of the latest class
schedule online. arrangements.

Registration into a Closed Class It is your responsibility to check

your online schedule to make sure
Open Registration Period
you are enrolled into all of your
To register into a closed class when classes. It is a good idea to print
registration is still open, students your schedule for your records
should e-mail the instructor and anytime there is a change to your
copy the BSW Coordinator of schedule. You will not be permitted
Academic Affairs to obtain to attend a class in which you are
permission to enroll into their not enrolled.
closed section with the following
information: 1) Your Name; 2) Closed Registration Period
Student ID; 3) Semester and year
When registration has already
that you want to enroll; 4) 9 digit
closed for the semester, a different
course # (course numbers
procedure should be followed. In
available on the online schedule of
the event of closed registration,
classes); and 5) Name of the
you must first submit an e-mail
course. Also in your e-mail request,
request as stated above. After the
if the over enrollment is granted,
instructor has granted permission,
ask the instructor to please forward
you should follow the following
the approval to the BSW
steps: 1) Complete a drop/add form
Coordinator of Academic Affair’s
(this form is located online should
attention. At the close of your
be printed at
request, please indicate alternative

Academic Unit Information Kent School of Social Work

University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2010 – Spring 2011

s/registrar/DropAdd.pdf; 2) Obtain have questions, contact your

the instructor’s signature; 3) instructor.
Submit the form to the BSW
Coordinator of Academic Affairs for Kent School Severe Weather Policy
processing; 4) Please be prepared Official announcements related to
to make financial settlement at this cancelled or delayed classes will be
time. posted on the U of L website and
announced via the local media.
Class Cancellations However, it is impossible for us to
Kent reserves the right to cancel determine what the weather will be
classes at any time. Although Kent in all the regions our students
School tries to prevent any commute from; therefore, a
unnecessary cancellations, they specific severe weather policy was
reserve the right to cancel a class adopted by Kent Faculty. The
with less than 10 students enrolled. policy reads as follows: If the
Sometimes the classes will still be weather or road conditions pose a
offered, even in the event of low serious hazard to your commute to
enrollment, due to special class, use your own judgment as to
circumstances. It is therefore whether or not you should make
important not to drop a class with the trip. If you decide not to attend
low enrollment and first wait for class, it is important that you
official notification before acting. inform your instructor of your
The BSW Co-Directors will send decision and explain the situation
notifications to all students as it pertains to your region. If the
informing you of the classes that class is held (and you are absent
will be cancelled prior to the start due to your judgment to not travel
of the semester. The Registrar’s to class), you are responsible for
office may also send notification to making up all assignments and
you that your class has been collecting class notes/handouts. It
cancelled. In the event of a is possible that if you have missed
cancelled class, please check the a significant in-class activity, the
online schedule of courses to find instructor may request you do a
and add a new class. make-up activity to account for the
exercises/experiences you missed
Classroom Assignment Changes in class. If the entire class is
From time to time the university cancelled due to weather or road
must make changes to classroom conditions, the instructor will
locations. You may receive decide how best to make up the
notification via e-mail that your material that was scheduled for
classroom has been changed. In that cancelled class. This could
most cases, the University room include an extra class session
scheduler has made the change. sometime during the semester,
The instructor and the students adding some time to subsequent
enrolled are the only students class(es), use of Blackboard, etc.
notified. Please note that some
room changes are only for Writing Guidelines (APA)
specified dates. Please print the Kent School requires student
note for future reference. It is your papers to conform to the APA (5th
responsibility to note when and edition) writing style. Please visit
where your class meets. If you the Kent school website for more

Academic Unit Information Kent School of Social Work

University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2010 – Spring 2011

information about APA writing style without identifying the words with
at quotation marks or by appropriate indentation, or without properly
ritingreqs.htm citing the quotation in a footnote or
reference; c) Paraphrasing or
Students are recommended to use summarizing someone else's work
or have access to the APA manual without acknowledging the source
for those questions that go beyond with a footnote or reference; d)
the scope of writing pointers. Using facts, data, graphs, charts, or
Please note that quite a few of the other information without
writing recommendations listed at acknowledging the source with a
the Kent School APA website are footnote or reference. Borrowed
outside the scope of the APA guide facts or information obtained in
but are required aspects of writing one's research or reading must be
scholarly documents at Kent acknowledged unless they are
School. The University’s Writing "common knowledge." Clear
Center located on the third floor in examples of "common knowledge"
Ekstrom Library is available to include the names of leaders of
assist students with writing papers. prominent nations, basic scientific
Please contact them at laws, and the meaning of fundamental concepts and
/a-s/writingcenter/ principles in a discipline. The
specific audience for which a paper
Plagiarism is written may determine what can
It is expected that a student in the be viewed as "common
Kent School of Social Work will knowledge": for example, the facts
refrain from plagiarism and commonly known by a group of
cheating. Plagiarism and cheating chemists will differ radically from
are serious breaches of academic those known by a more general
conduct and may result in audience. Students should check
permanent dismissal. Each student with their teachers regarding what
is advised to become familiar with can be viewed as "common
the various forms of academic knowledge" within a specific field
dishonesty as explained in the or assignment, but often the
Code of Student Rights and student will have to make the final
Responsibilities. A plea of judgment. When in doubt,
ignorance is not acceptable as a footnotes or references should be
defense against the charge of used.
academic dishonesty.
The University’s Writing Center
The code of Student Rights and located on the third floor in
Responsibilities defines plagiarism Ekstrom Library is available to
as follows: Representing the words assist students with plagiarism
or ideas of someone else as one's issues. Please contact them at
own in any academic exercise,
such as: a) Submitting as one's /a-s/writingcenter/
own a paper written by another
person or by a commercial "ghost Course Evaluations
writing" service; b) Exactly At the end of each semester,
reproducing someone else's words students complete an anonymous

Academic Unit Information Kent School of Social Work

University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2010 – Spring 2011

online course evaluation for each from that previous coursework (no
of the classes in which they have exceptions). The course for which
been enrolled. The BSW Director the student seeks credit could have
sends a note to all students via e- conceivably been content
mail 2 weeks before the end of the mastered in several courses and, in
semester, reminding them to take such cases, all syllabi and
part in the course evaluations. The corresponding assignments and
link to the course evaluation survey exams must be presented.
will always be on the Kent School Students who are unable to
website at produce the required information will not be eligible for course
reduction consideration.
Kent School takes the evaluations
very seriously. Each instructor After review of this material by the
receives their score together with instructor of the specific course in
all the qualitative comments made question, s/he will require the
about the class and the teaching student to complete sequence
style of the instructor after the specific assignments (e.g. papers,
close of the semester. These exams or other written work). Then
evaluations are used every year to the instructor of the specific course
revise the curriculum, change in question will grade the
instructors where needed and submitted work for content
overall to improve the quality of mastery. If the instructor feels the
the education at Kent. It is students have achieved a grade of
important that students spend the a B or better on the completed
time to provide constructive work, then they will forward a
feedback to faculty at the end of recommendation about the level of
each semester. mastery to the BSW Program Co-
Directors who will notify the
Redundancy Policy student of action taken.
A student may petition the BSW
Program Director for course credit Possible action related to student
based on the belief that course petition:
material has been mastered. This  Student has demonstrated an
should take place well before the acceptable level of mastery of
start of the semester to ensure the course content expected in
placement in proper course. Once the Kent School course about
the semester has begun, there are which the student has
no reviews of petitions for courses petitioned, and the student is
concurrent with that semester. granted placement out of the
course and receive course
The student will be referred to the credit.
instructor of the specific course in  Student has demonstrated
question and must present syllabi insufficiency of mastery and is
from any previous course that required to enroll in the course
corresponds to the Kent School about which the student has
course for which the student seeks petitioned.
credit. The student must also  Student has demonstrated
present copies of all written mastery of some of the course
assignments and examinations content, but not sufficiently

Academic Unit Information Kent School of Social Work

University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2010 – Spring 2011

enough to be awarded the profession is directed by a

placement out of the course. In commitment to core values, the
these cases, 1 of the following Code provides for conduct related
actions may be taken, based on to principles of service, social
the preference of the student. justice, dignity and worth of the
For either action, the student individual, the importance of
must register for credit in the human relationships, integrity, and
course in question: competence. These values and the
o Student may elect to standards inherent in them provide
enroll fully in the course a context for expected behavior
with other students. during the period of enrollment in
o Student may work out a the educational programs of the
system of independent Kent School of Social Work, and for
study with the teacher of the development of lifelong
record to correspond with professional standards. Issues of
the content deficiency as concern related to this area are
established by the referred to the Academic and
instructor of the specific Professional Standards Review
course in question. This Committee.
may entail partial
engagement in the actual Code of Student Conduct at U
class, supplemented with of L
related assignments and The Code of Student Conduct is the
exams, or it may be done University's policy regarding non-
totally independently academic discipline of students.
based on assignments The Code is set forth in writing in
and exams provided by order to give students general
the instructor. notice of non-academic prohibited
conduct. The primary purpose for
In all cases here, the faculty, in the imposition of non-academic
concert with the instructor of the discipline in the University setting
specific course in question and is to protect and preserve a quality
BSW Program Director, will develop educational environment in the
a learning contract which will be campus community. The University
signed by the student and the is not designed or equipped to
faculty of record. rehabilitate students who do not
abide by the Code. It may be
Student Conduct Policies necessary to remove those
Students entering the Kent School students from the campus and to
of Social Work, by their formal sever the institutional relationship
acceptance into the School, agree with them, as provided in the Code.
to abide by The Code of Ethics of The University is concerned with
the National Association of Social the rights of individuals as well as
Workers and the Code of Student the general welfare of the
Conduct of the University of University community. The Code of
Louisville. Student Conduct provides the
rules, regulations, and procedures
The NASW Code of Ethics provides for acceptable standards of
guidelines for the professional behavior and for due process. The
conduct of social workers. Since Code should be read broadly and is

Academic Unit Information Kent School of Social Work

University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2010 – Spring 2011

not designed to define non- regulations for licensure, the exam

academic misconduct in exhaustive dates, application forms, exams for
terms. For further information BSW/basic and MSW/intermediate
about the Code of Student or advanced generalist and
Conduct, please contact the Office MSW/clinical, etc.
of Campus Life, W302 Student
Activities Center, (502) 852-5787. Kentucky Board of Social Work Examiners
Contact Board Administrator Nina
Anglin at or at
502-564-3296 ext. 230
FAX 502-696-8030
Dismissed Students
P.O. Box 1360; Frankfort, KY
If the Academic and Professional 40602.
Standards Review Committee Board meets: third Monday of each
decides to dismiss a student from month.
Kent School and if this dismissal is
approved by the Dean, students Kentucky Board of Certification
will only be allowed to return to for Alcohol and Drug
Kent School in rare cases. Students Counselors
who wish to return must write an
appeal letter to the BSW Director,
Board Administrator: Judy Jennings
stating their reasons why they
at or at 502-
think they can return to Kent
564-3296 ext. 226
School to complete their studies.
Board meets: first Tuesday of the
Academic Grievances

A uniform student grievance Kentucky Board of Certification

procedure is contained in The of Marriage and Family
Redbook, (Chapter 6, Article 6.8) Therapists
the official document for the
governance of the University. marrfamth
Board Administrator: Carolyn Kyler
Nonacademic Grievances at or at 502-
564-3296 ext. 239
Students enrolled in the University Board meets: third Thursday of
of Louisville are governed by the each month.
nonacademic grievance procedures Another link to assist in preparing
administered by the Office of the for the LMFT exam:
Vice-President for Student Affairs.
Guidelines are set out in the
Redbook, Chapter 6, Article 6.7. Indiana Social Worker,
Marriage and Family Therapist
Social Work Licensure Boards
and Mental Health Counselors
The following information is Board
provided for those who wish to
obtain licensure after graduation.
The web sites will give you full 402 West Washington Street, Room
information about the laws and W006; Indianapolis, IN 46204

Academic Unit Information Kent School of Social Work

University of Louisville Undergraduate Catalog Summer 2010 – Spring 2011

317-234-2064; Email: (502) 852-1981,

Ohio Counselor, Social Worker, Dr. Pam Yankeelov, Associate Dean

and Marriage and Family Student Services
Therapist Board (502) 852-0426,
77 South High Street, 16th Floor,
Columbus, OH 43215-6108 BSW Program Personnel
Dr. Noell Rowan, Director, BSW
Association of Social Work Program:
Boards (502) 852-1964,
To locate information about the
laws and licensure exam and
application for any state within the Dr. Armon Perry, Faculty, BSW
United States, please go to: Program: (502) 852-3234,
Social Work Examination Services;
132 Naples Road Brookline, MA
02446, 800-933-8802, Dr. Karla Washington, Faculty, BSW , email: Program: (502)852-7336,
Kent School Alumni Association
Lynetta Weathers Mathis, MSW,
The Kent School Alumni
Assistant Director of Field
Association, a very active
organization of over 2,800
(502) 852-6137,
members world-wide, assists the
School by recruiting outstanding
students, providing scholarships,
Geri Morgan, MSW, BSW
raising funds for the School, and
Coordinator of Academic Affairs:
promoting the values of the
(502) 852-3935,
program. Visit their website at:
Katie Radmacher, BSBA, BSW
Program Assistant:
(502) 852-8039,

Lisa Barrett, MSW, PCWCP

Administration and Faculty (502) 852-3651,
Dr. Terry Singer, Dean
(502) 852-3944,

Dr. Annatjie Faul, Associate Dean

Academic Affairs

Academic Unit Information Kent School of Social Work

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