PostStandard 2006 CornellUniversity

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~~ ~...~.. .

Doctor ~..Iowagovernor conftrmS,

that presipent quit
expected IOWA,fROM PAGEA.I around Iowa City in" a quartet
that included his close friend
to lead and co-director of the Adoles-
Cent.and Adult CongemtalHeart
Disease Clinic at the University
Frank Conroy;former diJ;~tor of
the famed Iowa Writers' Work-
shO'p,whodic;:din April,
'Cornell ofIowa H:ospitals&.CliniS:Si'
Under his
leadership, the
, He WO'uldbe the third Cornell
leader in less than. a Year, Leh-
man resigned sevenmop.ths ag9
,Unive~ity ex-
Universitytcfnl;lmenew. ceeded amnd- after two years as president, cit-
raising goal of ing,differences with the board of
presidehft~day.~andidafe trustees. Rawlings, who was
$850 million,
leavingUnivenityof low.a. raising $1 bil- C0rIl~llpresident from 1995 to
lion in a sev- 2003, took over on an interim
ByDorkysRamos basis:
andPureTerrahWitcher en-year cam-
paign that _, Rawlings University

Contributing wliters of Iowa president frOm 198.?to

ended last Skorton 1995. He could not be reached
'" CornellUniversityis expected year.
to nameUniversityof IowaPres- for comment Fril.iay.
Skorton established a task The University of Iowa, based
fident David Skorton as its new force on gender equity'across the in Iowa Qity, l1aS'about30,000
,.leader today.' campus. 'In December, he di-
f Skorton, 56, would take over students. €!ornell has more thim
rected the school's athletic offi:' 20,000.
I) for HunterR: Rawlingsill, who ,-

bas been Cornell'sinterim leader cials to find ways to ,improve 'Qomellspokesman Simeon
womep.'s opportunities in the Moss would not confirm or deny
"since ~effre~S.Lebman s.tepped athletic department
[ down In June. , .
the speculation about Skotton.
Cornell officials would not Skorton grew up in, Los An- He said the University's board of
confinn Skorton's hiring, but geles, wherehe deVylO'pedan in- trustees will hold a closed meet-
sai~ the university~s 12$ presi- terest in. Latin<!jazz. ing this morningleading up to'an
dent would be introduced at a fie plays saxophone and 'flute announcement and news confer-
campus news conference at noon and hosted a weeklytatin jazz e:nce at noon;
today. radiO'shQw on the campus fadio The AssociatedPresscontributedto this
Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack,.in a station. He played in dubs report.
statement,confinned that Skor-
ton resigned his position at Iowa
Friday. Vilsack praised Skorton
for his efforts in expanding
Iowa's economic growth and
bealth care.
Skorton was a faculty member
at Iowa for 23 years before be
became its president in Marcb
2003. He taught in several de-
f partInents, including il!t~f11al
medicine, electrical and comput-
er. engineering and biomedical
. With an M.D. and a bache~
lor's degree in psychology,
Skorton bas maintained his .role
as a physician specializing in ad-
olescents and adults with inborn
heart disease.He was co-founder

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