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Government, Law

and Economy

Definition and
Nature of Politics and
-Gladys Quimpo

theory, art and practice of government
practice of statecraft or of governing a
country (statesmanship)
In places afflicted with incompetent
and corrupt leaders, politics is better
known as demagoguery.

a structure that has the legal authority
or right to make rules that are binding
over a given population within a given

a political concept, a legal fiction

Four elements: people, territory,
government, sovereignity

an institution by which a community
organizes itself in order to attain the
members individual and collective welfare
a political organization comprising the
individuals and institutions authorized to
formulate public policies and conduct affairs
of the state

One of the penalties of refusing

to participate in politics is that you
end up being governed by your

Powers to Enact, Execute
and Interpret the Laws
-Samantha Jones Prospero

Legislative Branch
lawmaking body of the state

made up of two houses of Congress;

Senate and the House of
Consisting of the 24 senators and not
more than 250 members of the House
of representatives, unless otherwise
fixed by law

Executive Branch
the executive power is vested in the
President of the Philippines with the
assistance of the Vice President and
the Cabinet
The President negotiates treaties, and
acts as head of state and commander
in chief of the armed forces.

approves and carries out laws passed

by the legislative branch

Judicial Branch
explains the meaning of the
Constitution and laws passed by
Judicial power is vested in one
Supreme Court and in such lower
courts as may be established by law
headed by the Chief Justice together
with Associate Justices.

Political Ideology
-Samantha Jones Prospero and
Aivan Marcos

Political Ideology
The legitimate exercise of authority to maintain order, set up rules
for settling disputes, promote the common welfare, and apply
force to maintain obedience and loyalty to the social norms and
values of society institutionalized in the government.

Ideolody is a system of values, ideas, beliefs, and

attitudes that a society or groups within it share and
accept as truth or fact.
According to Lawson 1989, ideology is a
comprehensive set of beliefs and attitudes about
social, economic, political, cultural and educational
institutions and processes.
Four Major ideologies are conservatism, liberalism,
socialism and fascism.

believes in conserving what exists and
the preservation of the status quo
Contemporary conservative leaders
include British Prime Minister
Margaret Thatcher and West
German Chancellor Helmet Kohl

believes that all human beings are
capable of reason and rational action
and should be helped by their
governments to fulfill their potential

believe that human beings are naturally
sociable and cooperative.
Seven Varieties of Socialism
1. Utonian Socialism
2. Marxist Socialism
3. Soviet Communism
4. Chinese Communism
5. Democratic Socialism
6. Anarchism
7. Syndicalism

Some human beings are naturally
better than other
All human interaction(including
economic exchange) are necessarily
subject to the absolute discipline of the
state and its leaders.

Forms of Government
-Aivan Marcos

Comes from the Greek word
"Autokratela" -'autos' which means 'self'
and 'kratela' rule
Governent is in the hand of a single
absolute ruler

present day is known as totalitarian

Comes from the greek word
"Oligarchein" - 'oligos' -few and
'archein' rule
Form of government in which power is
in the hand of a few
rulers are known as oligarchs and
aristocrats who govern for their own

Comes from the greek word "Demokrateia"
-'demos' -'people' and 'krateia' - 'rule
Form of government by the people usually
through their representatives
popularly known as republic or
representative democracy
Republic is usually guided by constitution
promulgated by the people through their

Arose as a result of collective people
of working class, laborer, peasants
and other working classes of people
who dream of a more humane and just

Nature and
Definition of Economy
-Brigette Reyes

refers to the structuring
and functioning of the
development and
utilization of human and
natural resources in the
production, processing,
distribution and
consumption of material
goods and services
(Panopio 1985)

refers to the system of

producing and
distributing the material
needs of the society

The Social
Structure of Economy:
Economic System
-Brigette Reyes

Economic System
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The combination of the

processes of production,
consumption, distribution,
exchange and other
patterns create an
economic system


1. Agrarian to Industrial
2. Subsistence to Mechanized
3. Under-developed to Super-developed
4. Capitalistic to socialist
5. Third-world to Industrial First-world

Agricultural dominates the agrarian economy,
whereas manufacturing, trade and commmerce and
services domminate an industrial economy.

In a Subsistence Economy the family is the center of
economic activities. On the other hand, Mechanized
Economy employs, to a large extent or mechanized
power for economic activities

As an economic system, enables one, through the
enterprise, to keep the products of one's efforts to
oneself with a minimum of state control
Under Communism, every person, through
governmental collective ownership well as shares in
the goods produced by the society.


Low performing economy to an Economy with a
relatively high level of economic growth and security.

Economic Ideologies
-Richel Roluna

Two major types of economic


1.Capitalist market system

Capitalism is governed by the ff.principle:

Concept of private property-all the means of production are

owned by private individuals rather than by the estate.


Profit motive-this is the driving force of capitalism

Freedom of enterprise-everybody is free to engage in
Production of goods and services-consumers want the most
and at the lowest price.
Forces of supply and demans-the law of supply and demand
determines prices of gooda and commodities.


2.The command economy

The modern command economy arose in response to some of
the abuses and excesses of 19th century industrial capitalismlong hours,low wages,dagerous work conditions and child labor.
But Karl Marx said that capitism is for the benefit of the
owner only.He said its better to replaced the
communism rather than capitalism.

To bring this egalatarian society,he proposed

basic elements:
First,it would be socialistic
Second,it would be a command economy, meaning that
economic decision making would not be left to the vagaries of the
market but would be placed in the hands of a central planning

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