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Im back. See you soon here around.

I mouthed as I read the

message. Who could this be?
I see. Who is this again? I texted back. I waited for a couple of
minutes when it didnt replied back. Shucks, who could this be?
So you got yourself a boyfriend huh? John Philipp interrupted me in
my thoughts.
Huh? Pardon me? I was surprised by his question.
So youre in a relationship right now, right? he cleared the thought to
What? surprisingly I said. What made you say that?
It is none of your business, just answer me now he toned up in
Nope! I answered.
To whom are you texting then? he questioned forming a grin in his
It was just an unknown number I explained.
Really? Then let me see he said as he motioned to get the phone from
my hand. I quickly dodged it away from his reach.
Oh, so we are playing secrets here, right? He narrowed his eyes as if
threatening me with that look. It makes me think more that you are
hiding your boyfriend from us.
What?! Xenias got a boyfriend? Alelee chimed in.
Yeah. I think so then John Philipp smirked. An annoying smirk. A
signature of his.
NO! I said in a stern tone enough to make me sound serious and a
little bit irritated Im not in a relationship!
Then why would not let me read your message? he questioned.
Its because it is private I reasoned.
What are best friend for huh? John Philipp reasoned back.
And I think everyone is ready to start the class, arent we? I didnt
noticed it but Dr. Samaniego, our biology laboratory professor, came in
bringing up the LCD projector at her right hand while holding the box of
specimens on the other. She is standing in front giving everyone the
room her villainous smirked. A smirked which you can see on
Maleficents face
I presume we are madam Jason replied to what Dr. Samaniego said.

Very well. Do you mind Ms. Gomintong help me set up this projector so
we can start up? She said while looking to Alelees direction. Alelee
stood up and walked to the front. And by the way will you please go
back to your specific laboratory desks by group
Too bad. It is laboratory time. Gotta be on my place John Philipp said
as he stood up to leave. We are not finished yet shaking my hair
which makes me look like Medusa.
Ugh, will you please stop that but he just laughed and left for his
Today we are just going to have a pre-laboratory activity and I want all
of you to pay consideration to each points I throw and please be in
proper order Dr. Samaniego uttered while looking at the mainframe of
her laptop.
I took a last peep in my phones display before focusing in front. There
are two messages.
You have to see me on lunch time at the college Tearoom. Its really
urgent! I read from Lorezza Arellano, my first cousin from the BS Food
Business Management of the same college, College of Home Economics.
Why? I typed and sent it.
Just come! And she replied no more.
I opened the other message and was surprised that the unknown
number replied.
DVM I read. DVM? What does it mean?
DVM? I texted back. DVM? I never knew someone with an acronym of
DVM. Who might this be?
Do you mind, Ms. Arellano, putting that phone on your pack or chose
to make me confiscate it? Dr. Samaniego said with her wicked smirk
that everyone hates.
Now all eyes are on me, as if my classmates would like to consume me
for starting up the flames that burned the house.
I quickly set my phone aside in my pack. What the! I really hate it when
Dr. Samaniego does that. Geez, she sucks.
Thank you and she returned to the discussion of which I didnt
noticed that it has already started.
She tattled about the kinds of floras and faunas found in the locale of
Bukidnon. I took note of the things she showed up on the white screen
and the things she said.
As the discussion about the subject continuous to flow, it doesnt help
me stop from being intrigued from who that DVM might be.
DVM? Funny because it could mean Doctor of Veterinary Medicine.

So his name is Doctor of Veterinary Medicine? Duh, who might this

stranger be?
The discussion about the subject continued for like eternity. Like what I
have said, I do not get the reason why such as, HRM students must take
this kind of subject and why is it that it is included in our curriculum
After the boring discussion on earth, the 3 hour laboratory ended. I
packed up my things and told Alelee not to wait for me for l shall be
seeing my cousin in the Tearoom. She asked me if I will be coming after
my Tearoom appointment, I told her Im not sure but Ill text her. We
went together downstairs and separated at the CAS main exit.
The university town is a huge campus of Central Mindanao University. I
belong to the College of Home Economics. My College is distributed into
5 different program courses namely the BS in Nutrition and Dietetics,
BS in Food Technology, BSHE in Food Business Management with 2
options Food Service and Food Processing, the BSHE in Home
Economics Education Elementary Education Option and my course the
BS in Hotel and Restaurant Management. It is here where the Tearoom
is situated.
*(A/N: BS: Bachelor of Science, BSHE: Bachelor of Science in Home
Enough of the introduction of my College, the buildings here in my
university is very far apart from each other that you even sometimes
need to ride any type of transportation just to get to the other college,
unless you have the good will to walk the other building.
If you dont have a car or a bike, then there are motorcycles to send
you to your destination.
And because I dont feel riding I trekked the CHE uphill. I just want to
inhale and feel the cool wind behind my feet just to relieve myself from
my class. This is what I do at my home when I feel strained and tense.
I arrived at the tearoom searching to where my cousin might be.
Someone bumped on me and threw some of the yellow and warm thick
sauce on my pants and on my arm. Luckily my shirt didnt got stained
with the sauce.
I was still standing on and looking at my sauce drenched denim pants!
What the!! UGH!!!
I let out a grimaced look. He, who bumped at me, looked at me and I
could say that he felt a horror feeling at that moment.
Oh my, Im sorry. I I I didnt mean to and he tried to get some
table tissues to wipe the dirt on me. I looked him and I could see that
he was really sorry with what he did.

He was wearing a white laboratory gown. Maybe he is from the cooking

I tried to compose myself and tried not to look fuming. I smiled, even if
I didnt mean it. Shucks I dont know how to pretend that Im not mad.
Its okay I tried to say as I distanced myself from him but I didnt
gave a smile. Of course, how can I smile when I got no any pants on my
pack? GOSH! What am I gonna do. My last class will end on 5pm and I
got no house nearby for I am a commuter.
Geez! My pants are drenched!
He quickly left after me saying those words. I could say that he is in a
hurry. Gross! That yellow sauce that looks like a vomit makes my skin
Luckily no one seemed to notice what have just happened so I quickly
went to the restroom and tried to compose myself up.
Now, I smell like a viand for lunch.
After my restroom session, I went out but still I could feel that wet and
sticky feeling on my pants.
Xenia someone called my name out not too loud but enough for me to
hear it.
I explored my eyes around the tearoom of who might be that person
calling me.
I saw Lorezza waiving her hand at the top of her head, motioning me to
come to their table. She is with someone, a woman about 27 years of
age or younger maybe. I gave her a beam of which I dont even mean
As I came near them
Geez, did you just peed on your pants? Lorezza asked unbelievably. It
looks like she is going to laugh any time.
Drop that expression off I warned. She tried to hide her laughter but
still I know that she is laughing deep inside.
She offered me a seat of which I gratefully took. She smiled at me.
What? I asked. Shes smiling like cracked. I mind if she has eaten her
breakfast since its already 1 and half hour near lunch.
Nothing. Im just kinda. Uhm, well let me introduce you to Mrs.
Pesisano. She turned her hand to the woman sitting across my chair
who is wearing a smile showing her perfect white teeth. Ugh, I like her
teeth and I wanna have it. Maam, she is Xenia Arellano, my cousin
Gorgeous and pleasing to the eye just as what I have seen her in the
mainframe of my desktop she said it while grinning.

Oh yes she is she said while her smile like reaching her ears on both
Huh? I didnt get it. What is going on and what does this woman
across me saying. She is smiling like idiot.
I got news for you she held my hand and pronounced the words that
almost made me leap for unbelief.
You are chosen to be a Runway model!!
--What the Miss you guys. Im so sorry to leave you hanging to the
FALSE CHAPTER 1 of this story. I have already revised it. I was just too
busy with my academic life that I do not have time to update things.
You know, I wanna finish a degree Anyways, Chapter two is coming
You can have your comments and suggestions for the story on facebook
by using the hashtag #CoatPS so I can find and read it directly. That is
for the whole duration of the story. Every chapter has its own
HASHTAG and you can always see it on the very 1st part.
You can use it to create criticisms on every chapter via facebook. If you
are to idle to do it, just leave your comments below.
Enough of my blah blahs!! Thank you Pretending Readers (Thats what I
wanna call you if you are reading this story).
Primary Colors please.

These might be the words you are expecting from the last scene but well this is
what really turned out to be.
The way you compose yourself is a good thing I noticed first. And after all good
composure and the way you bring yourself is one of the qualities that we are
looking for the runway Says the woman on Lorezzas.

I saw your pictures on online and Wow. You are the perfect thing to complete
the set of our models she continued but with a poker face. Gosh! Her face gives
me a rise of hairballs. What is her name again?
Sure Madam, I agree with you with what you have said about composure and
those things you have just mentioned earlier and furthermore this cousin of mine
is is
What the Lorezza cut my words out.
Or rather dreams to be a model someday in the future and if you have just seen
her facebook status about her dream of being the next top model, oh my you
would really say she deserve to be the one she continues not pausing to
Oh really? So what do you think about it miss Xenia Arellano? she said raising
her eyebrow at me. She seems to be a sl*t even when she is at that age. Then
she wore a wicked grin. What is her name again?
Well truth be told, I want to be a model, a fashion model just like what other
people see on TV promoting those branded stuffs. I wanna be in front of camera
with flashing lights blinding the backdrop and vindicating my skin from shadows.
I am fond of watching those shows like the Americas next top model, Victoria
Secrets Fashion shows and other shows that gives central attention on fashion
but though I like watching those shows, I dont have the poise to do so.
Well thanks to this little devil on my side who knows everything about my
passion of fashion spilled it to this maniac woman.
Huh? Uhm
Of course madam! continued the little devil on my side, she would love to and
she is accepting it anyway hehe
Well I wanted to hear Xenias side about this so turning her head and for the
2nd time raising time raising he brow, what do you say?
Of course it is obvious that I dont
Yes! Of course madam Lorezza interjected faking a laugh. Let me talk to her
first and then she grabbed my wrist to the restroom.
Our eyes met and I gave her a death glare. Is she trying to put me in shame?
What do you think you are doing? I asked her giving her an irritated look while
crossing my hand the moment we got inside. If only looks could kill she is so
dead by this time.
Whoah, easy woman with both hands she raised as if protecting herself from
any flying daggers. This is it!!!
What this is it? Are you trying to do with? now my tone of voice turned louder
than the usual, almost shouting.
Easy girl. Easy she said raising her both of her hands in front of me.

I rolled my eyes. I really hate it when she does another trip on me, tricks of which
I dont really enjoy.
Okay now, let me tell you everything and let me finish first before you react
She inhaled some air before she began speaking.
Shoot it I ordered.
On rush much? Okay, this is your dream, isnt it? she started
What dream? I dont she stuck her pointing on my lips silencing me
I said let me finish first pausing for a second or two she continued, So the
moment Maam Pesisano approached me I quickly agreed. She likes the pictures
that we shoot at Uncle Charlies Resort! with glee she exclaimed. Isnt it
My jaw dropped in disbelief but quickly regained myself. This lady in front of me
is still grinning like idiot, not to mention she looks like a foolish dog.
You did what? I told you not to upload those photos on facebook
I know right, but you never told me to not to upload it on tagged she said with
a smirk. And besides, didnt havent you hear her say that she saw your photos
online? and now its her turn to roll her eyes. Duh
I couldnt believe in this woman. I raised my right hand capping it to my temple
as if in frustration.
So when did you become a Xenia Arellano? I mean, when did I gave you the
permission to decide for myself, huh? I said rolling my eyes. Jeez, things are
creeping to my nerves.
The day you told me that you will make me happy? oh yeah. I told her that. It
was when she was crying on her room when she brooked up with her boyfriend
who is good for nothing.
Could you please open the door? I asked pleadingly. It has been 4 days since
she locked herself inside her room. Lorezza!
Every now and then we would hear her wail and then silence would cover again.
This scene repeats ever now and then and we could not do anything to do. She
refuses to eat or drink. She even refuses visitors.
No one has entered her room since the day she locked herself in it. Spare key?
She has all the spare keys of her room because whenever she forgets to bring
her key she always borrows the other one from their maid.
It has already been hours that I am knocking at her door and of course, human
as I am I also get tired so I slid my back on the door, making me sit on the floor
at the front for her door.
Lorezza and I has been known to be the closest of all cousins. We almost agree
with the girly stuffs, the only difference is that she has a greater self-confidence
than I have. I envy her for that.

She is fond of joining organizations that makes you be exposed on public. I excel
more on academics.
As for my observations upon her, she has it all. An all in one packaged girl that
most guys love to be their girlfriend. Intelligent, beautiful, rich and has a pleasing
personality as sweet as a freshly picked red apple.
What could you ask for?
That is why I wondered how that stupid jerk, Ralph Cortez, could break her heart.
My palm turned to a hardened fist at the thought. I wanna beat that crap to
death. I just couldnt find the reason as to why he broke up with her.
The moment I knew about what had just happened to her, I quickly rushed here
in her house, leaving my baggage to my brothers.
Yeah, I was on travel from Davao, attending the burial of my grandmother.
Still leaning my back on the door, I was about to knock when the door suddenly
opened and it made me lie on the floor with the sudden change of balance. My
body hit the ground head first. Ouch, that hurts.
Ooh, Im sorry for that Lorezza said with surprise plastered on her face. She
quickly kneeled and help me get up. Her face then turned worried.
Has anyone ever told you to knock first before you open the door? I said
touching the painful part of my head.
Who told you that the person inside must knock first before going out, huh? in
sarcastic tone she replied.
Well I bet you know that I am leaning on your door, dont you?
My senses are numb as for this time she then lost her eye contact on me. I bet
those words of her made me silent. Numb? Yeah, she might be feeling numb as
for this time.
Silence filled the air and I am still sitting here for more than 20 seconds or more,
think so.
Are you okay? she asked looking straight to my eyes, cutting the silence within.
Scratching the back of my head, I gave her an assuring smile that Im okay even
though it hurts. Jeez, the impact hurts.
I looked at her. Gosh she is pale, her nose is red, wasted watery eyes, ice burg
like eye bags, dry lips and messy hair. She looks like a wasted girl after drinking
a hundred yards of liquor.
How could I leave her like this? Now Im blaming myself for going to Davao or
well why should I blame myself about this when I didnt know that this would be
happening to her, right?
I could see through her physical appearance that she is not getting any better

She quickly stuck me into a tight hug, as if like a girl who is afraid of losing her
I could feel the longing in her embrace and emotions of pain. I feel like a
psychologist as for this moment.
I could feel her tears streaming down her delicate cheeks. I hear her sob. I
caressed her back and it only made her cry more.
Hes gone. Hes gone she repeats and still weeping.
Ssssh I hushed her its okay, Im here, and I wont leave you so I didnt
finished my words for she started to cry again.
But I want him, I need him and and I just dont get it as to why? and she
continues to sob.
I breathe in and out. I could not give any good advice to her since, I never felt
how to be in a relationship.
Now right shoulder is wet with her tears. I have always been her comforter
whenever she faces dismays and depressions and I have always been her best
friend at times whenever she is happy.
I hug her tight, not knowing what to do and continued to caressing her back.
If only I could lessen her pain by imparting some to me, I would have done it but
who am I kidding, I dont have such superpowers to do so. Gosh, we are living in
reality and not in fantasy.
I guess youre right, happy endings arent true she says between her sobs and
it only exists in fairy tales and I was so stupid not to not to believe and listen to
Ssssh I responded Do not blame yourself, you havent done any wrong
I always thought it was already him
I faced her then kissed her forehead. My dear poor cousin, devastated in love.
Dont you worry, Ill always be here for you, and I wont leave you. I will make
you happy until youre fine
She looked at me straight to the eyes, as if she wants the assurance of my
You do promise? said she still with tears streaming down her cheeks.
I promise and I raised my pinkie finger which she locked.
Thank you Xenia for being with me always then she hugged me again please
do me a favour
What favour? I replied
Dont fall in love yet or be in a relationship until I have not found that someone
for me
I will I assured.

Thank you. Im just so lucky to have a cousin like you

*[End of Flashback]
Gosh. This is enough or out of the drama Lorezza. This is a kind of a joke you
want me laugh at she looked at me straight to the eye where I can see no hint
of doubt from hers. Seriously? I asked.
And, I am just thinking for your own good girl and dont be silly she faced the
mirror on my back and turned the faucet on. Now her face is serious Dont you
think its time for you to change your looks?
Looks? So you mean that Im horrible? I pointed myself. Do I look ugly?
No, hahaha, what I meant is that you look like a 30 year old gal in
unfashioned clothing raising her eyebrow in disgust reaction Ouch
I hit her elbow, with an annoyed look So youre saying that I I myself look
I did not say youre queer
But its what the idea of your words meant
Whatever, never mind she held my hand then looked straight to my eyes, Just
do this for me. Make me happy just what you have promised then she smiled.
Now I regretted saying those words, not realizing that it would cost me
something. For Petes sake this would a HUMILIATION of me being a person!
Please! showing me puppy eyes, eyes that makes me
Ugh is sighed Well, I think Ill just stop arguing with you because say no
Xenia say no if you still want to have dignity on yourself. Of course being a model
is your dream. For heavens sake, you are not yet ready!!!! Yes, you are not yet
Okay you win unsatisfied with my answer I breathe out in the blue.
I really hate that weakness of mine, puppy, pitying eyes. Of course, who wants
weakness anyway?
Yes then she hugged me Thank you, youll surely no regret on your decision
about this.
Remind yourself Xenia the next time she does that you better scoop her eyeballs
She hugged me tighter. Does this girl want to choke me to death?
Whatever I sighed in defeat.
She just looked at me and laughed at my face. Lets go back now?
Why? Should I consider going back later? responded I in sarcastic tone.

--So its settled then. Orientation of models would be next week that includes
what they are going to wear and all those skinny bitches thing she said
twitching her lips upward. So I think I have said a lot and she handed
something to Lorezza call me for updates
What if I am not qualified to be one of the models? I asked.
It is just a University affair my dear and may be this could be your chance to
be in the limelight of the fashion industry dont you think? she replied with a
I just smiled in return. Still I dont trust the face of this woman or I am just
imagining too much due to watching of too much suspense dramas.
Well I got to go
She then kissed us both goodbye and walked out of the room in poise and order.
I just cant comprehend of all things that Lorezza wants me to do, this modelling
thingy is what she chose to pick out of the box.
--I do not have a facebook page for those who asked. Maybe if somebody would
create one for me, Ill be glad to have it LOL!! Give your comments and
suggestions at #CoatPS or below.
Secondary Colors.

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