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Alcontin, Esraele Grace E.

Aranas, Ana Rose E.

Baguio, Marchelle E.
Colonia, Quenne Dyan S.
Diagbel, Novie Jean C.
Husay, Marie-May D.
Lapitan, Jules John F.
Mangubat, Nikkie Jane A.
Matildo, Angel Mhel J.
Palapar, Joseph Joshua A.
Percol, Agnes E.
Porras, Mariz G.
Quioyo, Jimar P.
Sadicon, Mharjun S.
Sangasina, Mary Glo M.

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement in Methods of Teaching in H.E.

and Research (HEED 55)

October, 2015
If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday. -Pearl Buck
Nursery school is one of todays answers to the search for a good
environment for young children. It is essential that the school is
convenient and pleasing to the eyes of a child, the atmosphere and also
the place wherein the child is comfortable because as the saying goes
First impression last. The nursery school will help the child develop
their abilities and also enhance their capabilities in doing things.
According to Froebel (1782 1852), education was based on four
major principles: free self-expression, creativity, social participation and
motor expression. He started focusing on the needs of children before
entering school. He foresaw a place where 4 to 6 year old children would
be nurtured and protected from outside influences developing the childs
holistic and wholeness of being a child.
A nursery school is not just about how the child learns how to read
and write, but also develops their social attitude towards other child.
They enjoy opportunities to have initiative, make friends, experience a

sense of belongingness, expand language, increase logical thinking, and

develop social awareness. The child must know how to interact or to
mingle with other children through playing, which help a child to have a
good relationship as they socialize with each other.
This study shall be conducted to narrate the foundation of the
College of Human Ecology Early Childhood Development Center (CHE
Early Childhood Development Center henceforth). This narrative will aim
to articulate the reasons behind the establishment of the said center, the
year and how it started, who are the pioneering teacher and students,
and the impact it brings to the life of the pupils and to the society.
For the researchers to find out these facts, they will utilize
interview as a method of investigation. They will be gathering informants
regarding CHE Nursery Development Center, and will then organize the
information in order to come up with the exact history of the institution.
To fully understand and appreciate an institution, one needs to
know why it started, how it started, when it started and who took the


starting it.





Early Childhood

Development Center is an institution committed to prepare children for

their future endeavors, specifically training them holistically as to

develop their innate skills, supplement their fine and gross motor skills,
enlighten them with the basics and instill in them the right values.
However, only few people know the past of this institution, thus, the
researchers purpose of conducting this study is to put into words the
history of the College of Human Ecology Early Childhood Development
Center by highlighting the rationale of its establishment, the pioneering
teacher and students and the impact it brings to its clientele.
Record is any document prepared and preserved for future use.
Managing it properly ensures that vital information is accounted for and
retrievable at any time. Many questions are possibly asked about the
beginning of the College of Human Ecology Early Childhood Development
Center and people are uncertain to answer that for only one person could
probably have the answers. This means that there is a need to unlock its
unknown beginning which is useful to provide records for the
departments accreditation.
Accreditation is a way to assure the quality of the program and
will assist in its development. For these reasons, the College of Human
Ecology and the Department of H.E. Education and Family Life in
particular has been undertaking an accreditation by the Accrediting

Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines

(AACCUP). In the process, everything about the department is checked,
all pertinent documents are essential. Unfortunately, no one knows the
real jewel of the Department of H.E. Education and Family Life which is
the CHE Early Childhood Development Center, the only extension project
in the university that stood the test of time. This is due to the fact that
the college does not hold any record about the said center. The
researchers would like to take part in unlocking the unknown beginning
of the Center, as well as to take part in the development of the
department. It would focus on finding out who started, why it started,
how it started and how it sustained to be standing until now, continuing
its legacy of producing enthusiastic and fast-learner pupils.
Conceptual Framework

CHE Early Childhood Nursery

Development Center: Its
beginning when? where?
why? how?


College of Human
Ecology Early
Development Center

The Graduates

(College of Human Ecology,
University and Society
The nursery center aims to provide a learning environment that is
secure yet extending, happy yet challenging which develops every child a
passion for enthusiasm for learning. Furthermore, the nursery center
also provide a learning environment that values active play, exploration,
cooperation, communication, the raising of questions and the unique
character of all individual developing the nursery children in body, mind
and spirit.
College of Human Ecology Early Childhood Development Center
provides an environment that is exciting, interesting and supportive to

the pupils where nursery children can discover that they are important
and at the same time, realizes that learning can be fun. The nursery
development center acknowledges the diversity of the pupils as well as
recognizes and accepts uniqueness of each child, to create initial school
experience where the nursery children can comfortably and freely explore
their environment to permit development in ways which are natural for
every child. The center encourages children to have choice with
differentiated activities matched to their identified next steps of learning,
both using indoor and outdoor opportunities. Moreover, the nursery
center has an insight that every pupil deserves the best possible start in
life to support and fulfill their potential. Furthermore, it provides a
warm, loving and stimulating environment which will promote all areas of
the pupils development.
In addition, the nursery school does not just focus on play to
develop socialization but it also helps in guiding the students in
establishing a solid foundation in exploring and learning about
materials, the usefulness of language like English as a medium of
instruction, relationship towards other children, gaining competence,
self-expression and having good adult models and guides.

The nursery school will contribute to the society by letting the

pupils discover, realize and make sense of the world. The nursery school
will let the children make choices, take decisions and develop
independence skills so when they graduate, they will be ready for a more
challenging environment they might encounter. Playing as one of the
main objectives of the nursery center will help the pupils in learning the
skill of social interaction so they will develop the sense of sensitivity and
respect towards others. The nursery center helps in developing an
appreciation for their learning environment so the children will then
know how to treat the environment with care and developing their
environmental values and skills as well thus save the environment. The
nursery school will be looking forward that the graduates thence follow
their own learning journeys developing self-esteem, self-confidence and a
sense of their own identity so they will help not just within the societys
progress but to the entire nation as well.

Statement of the Problem

How the College of Human Ecology Early Childhood Development
Center did began?

This research aims to trace the historical background of the

College of Human Ecology (formerly College of Home Economics) Early
Childhood Development Center. The population of the College is getting
higher and higher as the years pass through and yet if you ask one about
how the Colleges Early Childhood development Center began, one cannot
get an answer aside from I do not know. Thus, the researchers wish to
find the answers of the following questions addressing to the history and
development of the school.
1. Who are the proponents or the people behind the foundation of
the school?
2. What are the reasons in founding the school?
3. When did it start?
4. How did it start?

Significance of the Study

The researchers intends to open the accounts of the College of
Human Ecology Nursery Development Center way back 29 years ago up
to present. This section would answer as to why the said nursery was
established, who were the people behind its establishment, and how did
the nursery school made impact to the people around its location.

Moreover, this research is intended for students; that they may

gain valuable insight of what the said nursery was all about, what does it
got for the children around the community to offer, educators; that they
might provide more of what are the needed services intended to be
included in the activities of the nursery, materials be included for faster
phase of learning and what are the new trends that possibly be suitable
for the said nursery and its program and to student teachers; this
research will serve as a guide or reference as to how to become an
efficient and effective primary school educators in the near future.
This proposed study can also help those individuals who are
planning to create a nursery program in their own respective community.
Furthermore, there are no any written annotations of the past accounts
of the said nursery, and it is to provide the accurate data as to how the
said nursery being developed.
To gather as much information needed is what the researches
tends to do. To connect the links of the present works and the past
activities, big people behind it, what pushed the people to create such
program inside the College of Human Ecology, and how did the nursery
helped in the development of the basic unit of the society which is the

Chapter 2

Learning and absorption of knowledge begins the moment we were

born and stops the moment we die. Some people from the early 19 th and
20th Century gave attention as to how do little children learn, what
certain parts that affects their perception in learning and what
influences the way a little child learns.
We learned from chapter 1 that Education is based upon the 4








expression and free self-expression of which the four things are the ones
we used in life. In life, we create our own experience and with that, we
Experiences shape us of how did we become what we are today.
Early Childhood Education cases are mostly based upon observations
which are psychologically relieve.
This chapter will include literatures and conducted studies related
to Early Childhood Education to give a better understanding of the

importance of Nursery Schools in the holistic development of a child.

Furthermore, Philosophers involved in the conceptualization of ECE will
be mentioned in this chapter. The history of ECE will be lightly tackled,










development centers including its goals and objectives. Lastly, this

chapter will be stating the significance of a nursery school and
development center in the training and development of a child.

History of Early Childhood Education

Early childhood education center was developed mainly in England

with the sole aim of providing a beneficial learning environment as to
develop a child holistically (Lascarides, C.V & Hinitz, B.F, 2013). Early
childhood approaches are defined by the researches as active learning,
child initiation, the use of concrete materials and real life learning
opportunities underpinned by the scope of children to exercise choice. In
other accounts, Early Childhood Education (henceforth ECE) has its
beginnings as a Sunday school that gives emphasis on child care. These
schools were made to take care of less fortunate children thus these
schools focus more on charity. The pioneers of these institutions were
Catholic churches whose aim is to provide due care to street children,

beggars and orphans thus most of these schools developed into

orphanage and charity centers.
The 19th century marked the start of pre-schools. However, it did
not focus on religious training and moral discipline. The first nursery
school was established in London in 1909 with the goal of caring for the
neglected children of poor parents. Furthermore, it gave emphasis on
improving health, cleanliness and feeding of children (McMillan M.,
1914). In the 20th century, Dr. Marie Montessori established a school for
the same children stressing out the development of their motor skills.
She believed that, a busy child is a happy child. Moreover, it
emphasized socialization through play. Through play, children can
develop not just intellectually but also emotionally, socially and
There are reviews of the research regarding the short and long
term effects of preschool education on young childrens learning and
development. The participation of the school and the public support for
these programs grown dramatically. There are a lot of purposes of having
these programs and one of this is to provide education for young

The first of the nursery schools in United Kingdom was opened by

Robert Owen specifically at Scotland in the year 1816. There was a lack
of uniform purpose, pedagogy of the curriculum but the preparation for
the elementary grade level was likely to be appreciated (Maxwell, 2000).
Salles d asile or known as the room of the assylum were created in
France. The nursery school forerunner in the said country is a German
pastor and Philanthropist, Jean-Frdric Oberlin. Running through time,
specialized treatment were developed through the practices and ideas of
Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi. These practices attracted few educational
reformers which rapidly spread across Switzerland.

As to tell how the school program developed, it recommended and

concluded how the school expanded the programs and have been shown
to produce positive effects on childrens learning and development. Welldesigned preschool education program produced long term improvements
in school success including higher education attainment.
Early nursery school focused on the whole child, incorporating
social, emotional and physical development paying less attention to the

intellectual. It is more on the attention to free-play, plenty on outside

activities and also with a learning environment that was designed with
children in mind.
At present, most nursery schools retained these beliefs. Many
nursery schools were established to prepare a child for future endeavors.
They develop children by giving emphasis on the development of a childs
senses, fine and gross motor skills, social sensitivity and intellectual
ability through providing the best learning environment possible and the
best activities that can hone the pupils to the best of their potentials.

Notable People in Early Childhood Education

The Nursery Schools of today are influenced by the philosophies of

the past. Philosophies of education is associated with history because it
is the philosophies of those who have gone before that influence us today.
Knowing their perspectives in life and the universe and in particular
education helps form our own perspective of education. Developing our
own philosophy of education is a dynamic process indicative of the
human disposition to search out connections and relate one thing to

another, often happening subconsciously. (Taylor, K. and Woolley, R.

The foundation of ECE pays credit to a lot of philosophers,









philosophers, is an advocate of establishing a nursery school where play

is a necessity. In support to Plato, Marcus Fabius understood that play
should be in an array to develop pupils intellectually.


Johann Amos Comenius urged the need and importance of a playground

for the development of a childs holistic being. Friedrich Froebel once
said, Play is the most spiritual activity of a man at this stage of childhood
it gives him joy, freedom and contentment.
Aside from giving emphasis on the significance of play in ECE,
philosophers, historians and psychologists also stressed the need to train
the senses, memory and the fine and motor skills of children first to
prepare them for acquiring bolder knowledge. In fact, Pestalozzi alleged in
the significance to train the senses and the basics. Froebel stressed out
that the best way to make a child learn is through natural unleashing of
knowledge and skills provided that family and peer support is present in
play and other activities. The role of the school is to keep the paths of

exploration open so children can develop in their own unique ways.

(Feeney, Mravcik, Nolte, Christensen 2010).

Significance of Nursery School

By the early 1990s the environmental conditions needed for the

proper physical and mental development of young children were better
understood than before, and the training of children below the age of five
was discussed by both educationist and doctors. The studies about preschool education have shown that it is important to have this early
education because it has positive effects of high quality on the
development of the childrens intellectual and social behavioral aspects.
Aside from the home, pre-school is an early development center which
plays an important part in promoting a better start of learning for the
children. It was observed that there is a difference between the learning
of the children who experience pre-school compared to none, thus,
creating a favorable reason for the establishment of pre-schools or Early
Childhood Development Centers (Melhuish, E.C., et al., 2001). The
research shows that all children can benefit from participating in high
quality preschool programs. The foundations outline key knowledge and

skills that most children can achieve when provided with the kinds of
interactions, instructions and environments. Also, research has shown to
promote early learning and development. And provide early childhood
education, parents and the public with a clear understand of the wide
range knowledge and skills that preschool children typically attain.
(Sacramento, A. 2008).

Age of Admission
A topic that bothers the Early Childhood Education is the age of
admission. Thus, a study was conducted to identify the preferred age of
admission. In most European countries and world-wide, 6 years old is
the compulsory age for admitting a child in a school. However, in the
United Kingdom (henceforth UK) as early as five years old, parents do
their best to send their kids to school. In some areas of the UK, at age 4
parents are starting to send their children to school (Sharp. C, 2002). At
present, even as early as 3 years old, parents are sending their children
to school for play and socialization. In this way, children will develop
social, physical, emotional and intellectual being and for best results,

Narrative Research Design

To understand more on the concept of tracing back the identity of
the College of Human Ecology Early Childhood Development Center,
various narrative related studies are classified according to how it can
relate the research that is to be conducted.
Narrative or story as a method of study has been used to this
research and by a number of both educationalist and researchers to
understand practice. In relation with, it describes as a mode of thought
and a vehicle for meaning (Bruner, 2000). It was on the year 1979-1981
when Paleys research work provided an example of a practitioner who
used a number of narrative works in sharing her ethnographic
observations to children of various ages enrolled in Early Childhood
Development Center. Her work of interest for it clearly illustrated how her
teaching career is being modified in response with her observation to
children. Her use of a tape-recorder, then illustrates what reflection can
be done even in a busy schedule of classroom setting or in a discussion
with children (Moyles, 2001). Paleys method used in lined with her
narrative study were observational, interactional and documenting skills
which became a big help in carrying out assessment of the children.

The history of Child and Development Center collaborated with

Department of Home Economics, College of Health and Human Services,
University of New Hampshire in January 1929 aims in providing a
learning laboratory for child development classes ( Hall, 2015 ). The ideas
behind the establishment of the said institution emphasizes the young
minds development of understanding through the use of symbolic
languages, and the construction of knowledge through social interaction.
In relation with, social behavior which describes how the children will
interact with their peers as well as managing themselves (American
Journal of Public Health p.89) is.
Learning Environment
Daily schedules are generally large blocks of time where children
are free to choose their activities and engage in them for long stretches of
time. Classrooms are divided by area, with spaces for block construction,
dramatic play, arts and crafts, sand and water tables, science centers,
math centers, and language centers. The teacher's role is to facilitate an
environment that fosters learning, supports the childs emotional
development, social development, and provides children with the tools
they need to explore and experience their environment.

Establishing an appropriate environment for young learners is one

of the challenges faced by many of our Early Childhood Education
forerunners. One of this is providing a diverse area of learning. The
experience of a nursery child must not only be limited to a certain area.
The discovery of their innate skills are very important and limiting them
hinders them to go beyond the greener pasture of learning. An example of
this is the homogenous exposure of a child to a certain experience by
which the parents, of course, wants their child to become. That is why
this becomes a challenge to the primary educator of how will he provide a



with the



deviating or

disrespecting its culture, belief and the socioeconomic status. High on

the list of criteria parents use to choose child care and early childhood
programs are providers and programs who match the parents own view
of education and discipline, and those who speak the same language and
have the same religion (Willer, et al., 1991). Many of our programs
family child care, Head Start, religious programs, and even some
neighborhood public schools are expected to provide our children with
experiences outside of their groups, offering opportunities to teach them
to be tolerant, respectful, and accepting of differences. Its quite a

Giving a diverse environment for children becomes more difficult

when we are often advised to follow in appropriate approaches in this
difficult task discussions of power, bias, oppression, past injustices,
privilege, and inequality (Derman-Sparks, 1989; Gonzalez-Mena, 2002).







completely beyond the capacity of the preoperational child (ages two to

seven years), but, as I tell my college students, if children could really
understand these concepts, they would never put up with the powerful,
oppressive, and often unfair schools we submit them to for a minimum of
12 years of their lives! (Wardle, 2003a).
Since diversity and multicultural education must occur all the time
in early childhood programs, we need to look at ways that we can make
our curriculum and instruction as multicultural and diverse as possible
(Wardle & Cruz-Janzen, 2003).
Nursery Schools Today
We cannot deny the fact that as our society is getting bigger and
wider, different methods are being used to as to improve the quality of
education that we have. Especially we are now using the technology to
enhance such educating skills of ours.

Today's nursery schools still echo the elementary ideologies of the

prior nursery institutes. Children are still perceived as to be learning
themselves through their socializations with other people and the way










In short, Early Childhood Development Centers plays a very

important role in the total learning and development of a child. The
reasons of the Proponent of the College of Human Ecology Early
Childhood Development Center might have been influenced by the facts
stated above. The researchers would like to know if the establishment of
the CHE Early Childhood Development Center was based on the
proposed theories and philosophies of some philosophers stated above.
Furthermore, to know if the proponent shared the goals and objectives of
the pioneers in Early Childhood Education.
However, teaching to a nursery child is a big challenge because you
need to provide a diverse environment. These can be provided through
exposing the child through different environments especially in a less
visited area of learning. The role of the teacher is to facilitate learning
thus he/she must be able to be sensitive to the different individualities of

each leraning thus making them learn without deviating their own
beliefs, culture and lifestyle.

Chapter 3

Research Design

According to Vasquez (2008), Qualitative Research is a type of

educational research in which the researcher relies on the views of
participants, ask broad and general questions, collect data consisting
largely of words (or text) from participants, describe and analyze the
words for themes, and conduct the inquiry in a subjective and biased
In connection, this research study will be conducted to reveal the
beginning of the College of Human Ecology (former College of Home
Economics) Early Childhood Development Center. As stated in the
previous chapters, this research will contain the reasons behind the
establishment of the center, the year and how it started, its pioneering
teacher and students, and its impact to the life of the pupils and the

In this study, the design to be employed will be narrative way that

is something narrated information of a certain person or situation is
being used. This definition clearly points to the desired results of
knowing the history of CHE nursery school and the people behind its
existence. Through this study it can be more useful in knowing the deep
implication of a hidden significance. It can be narrative for further
exploring for its meaning and information for us to know and especially
to answer our questions.

This is clearly focusing, and organizing

everything in the educational system of CHE nursery for the essential for
all the students to do successfully at the end of their learning
experience. This is made up of knowledge, understanding, skills and
attitudes that students should acquire to make them reach their full
potential and lead fulfilling lives as individuals in the community and at

Research Participant

Of course, every institution has its own founder and manager in its
early years. The focal person of the said College of Human Ecology Early
Childhood Development program is Dr. Nerissa A. Macarayan, a former
dean of the College of Home Economics at Central Mindanao University.

Dr. Macarayan graduated her Master of Arts in Home Economics at

Centro Escolar University in the year 1976 and her Doctor of Philosophy
in Home Economics at the University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon
City in the year 1994.
She became an Instructor and Professor at Central Mindanao
University and became a recipient of different awards and distinctions.
She also is a delegate, speaker and facilitator of national and
international conferences and conventions about Home Economics
development. Fueled with her passion and love for children, during her
incumbency as Dean of the said College, she founded the CHE Early
Childhood Development Center. In her latter years, Dr. Nerissa
Macarayan devoted herself in writing case studies in Early Childhood
Education and other allied fields. She is also an author of different
articles and journals of The Modern Teachers Magazine.

Research Environment

College of Human Ecology Early Childhood Development Center is

committed to providing children with access to a comfortable classroom
that stimulates enjoyment, play, learning and development, both indoors

and outdoors. It has a size that can occupy more than 40 students
enrolled since the class is divided into two. All furniture, toys and other
materials are kept clean, well maintained and in good repair. The
materials also are properly checked to ensure the safety of the children
enrolled. Moreover, all materials used are chosen with care, and risk
assessments carried out before these materials are obtained. The
nursery has materials and resources suitable for all children currently in
attendance. The nursery has an environment and resources that reflects
with positive images with regard to culture, ethnicity, gender, and
disability. The nursery center has play equipment and resources that
promote continuity and progression, it provides sufficient challenge and
meet the needs and interests of all children. The selection includes made,
natural and recycled materials that are in good condition, safe to use and
interests and stimulate nursery children. Furniture is provided which are
suitable for children.

The nursery also enables children with adult

support to develop individual potential and move towards required

learning outcomes.
Moreover, the nursery center is located near the food laboratories
of the College of Human Ecology. Although the classroom is part of the
college classroom buildings, the faculty staffs still secure the nursery

centers privacy and see to it that the nursery has a space that would let
the pupil enjoy their stay at the school. The classroom is concrete and
has long and wide windows for proper ventilation. It has a proper lighting
will not have a hard time doing their activity work especially when the
weather is gloomy. The chairs and tables were constructed based on the
pupils stature so they can comfortably sit and write on it. Moreover,
there is an establishment near the nursery center where they can buy
some foods if they want to eat something. It also has a study area where
the parents and the nannies of the children can wait comfortably until
the class ended. There are also faucets and sink that are located near the
nursery center so the children can easily wash their hands if needed. It
also has a wide space to park in if the pupils are fetched. The nursery
center is located near in both the college library and university library
where they can access the WiFi if needed especially for technological
needs. There is also a College Hall near the nursery center provided by
the College of Human Ecology where they can use if there are occasions
like graduation or closing ceremony. There are also enough comfort
rooms to be used if needed. Beside the classroom are the trees that help
in giving a fresh air to the pupils. Generally, the nursery center has an
environment that is inviting, interesting, stimulating and at the same

time enjoyable that will help the pupils learn, develop and do better in

Research Instrument

The researchers will utilize interview as a method of acquiring

pertinent information from the participant. Specifically, they will make
use of non-scheduled structured interview, in which they will be
preparing guide questions that would lead to the structuring of the CHE
early Childhood Development Center History. Interview also helps us to
investigate issues in a depth way, to know how the interviewee feel about
the topic and her perceptions to deepen understanding and to obtain
useful data. The researchers opt for this type of interview to give the
participant freedom to share what she wants and needs to impart at the
same time keeping the interview on the track of this study.
In addition, the researchers will also use archival analysis as an
instrument in successfully carrying out this study. They will be looking
for documents that will serve as evidences to prove the claims of the
participant. In this way, this study will not only be based on words from

one person but will also be supported by concrete and tangible

After the gathering of data and information, the researchers will then be
organizing the acquired information, documents and evidences and relate
it to the present, connecting the past and now. After the organization of
information, they will be putting it into writing in a narrative form, thus
realizing the purpose of this research.



Nerissa Almiraez-Macarayan


January 12, 1945


San Jacinto, Masbate

Married to

Mr. Federico Macarayan

Has 2 Children (Name) :

Marc Ryan (26)

BS Commerce (Major in Management) now
Supervisor Security Services , Makati City
Maichel Rick (22)
BS Political Science
Assistant of the President for Legal Affairs,

Educational Attainment:

B.S.E.E.-H.E.--- (1961 1965) Philippine Normal College Manila

--- (1974 1976) Centro Escolar University Manila
Ph.D. H.E. (Cum Laude) ---(1989-1994)University of the Philippines
Diliman, Quezon City

Number of years in service --- 43 years

Work Experiences
1. Classroom Teacher


Inclusive Date

DECS, Masbate

Sept. 28, 1965 to

May 30, 1976

2. Instructor III

3. Instructor IV

Central Mindanao

January 4, 1978


to Nov. 12, 1979

Central Mindanao

4. Assistant Professor II

5. Assistant Professor IV

6. Associate Professor III

7. Assistant Professor VI

July 1, 1984 to


Dec. 31, 1987

Central Mindanao

January 1, 1988


to June 30, 1989

Central Mindanao

July 1, 1989 to


Dec. 12, 1991

Central Mindanao

Central Mindanao

9. Professor VI

August 12, 1980

Central Mindanao

8. Professor III

Nov. 3, 1979 to

Central Mindanao

January 1, 1993
to 2001
March 2002 to
March 2008 to

Administrative Experiences
1. Chairman

Department of H.E.

1980 1983

2. YCAP Coordinator

College of Home

1977 1980

Economics, CMU
3. Member, University
Central Mindanao
Curriculum Committee

1996 - Present

4. Director, Human
Development Center

1994 - 1995

5. Dean

College of Home

Central Mindanao University 1997 2010

College of Home Economics



College of Home Economics

1994 - 1996

7. Member

Scholarship and Awards

1998 - Present

8. Auditor


9. Executive Secretary

University NBC 461


Faculty Evaluation,CMU


1999 Present
1998 2003
2001 2003
2000 - Present

(University Scholarship
and Awards Committee)





Central Mindanao University April 2009



Central Mindanao

(Director of Instruction) University


April 24, 2009

May 2009
June 2009


OIC Dean
Central Mindanao
Graduate School

2008 - 2009


Consultant for
CMU Indigenous Office 2009 - 2010
Livelihood Projects
(H.E. and Nutrition)

Scholarship Grants, Awards/Recognition Received:

1. Topnotcher

Division Competitive

Graduates of

Examination (BSEE-H.E.)
DECS Masbate


2. Model Home
DECS, Masbate
Economics Teacher
and Division Home
Economics Demonstrator

1965 to1976

3. Proficiency in
Work Education

DECS, Masbate


4. Magna Carta

MECS, Masbate

1974 - 1975

5. Scholar

Summer Institute on Youth

Volunteer Management
Baguio City
6. National Awardee as
Outstanding YCAP
Coordinator for Public
Understanding of Science,
Technology and Environment
7. Scholar

Summer Institute on Youth

Volunteer Management
Baguio City

Summer 1978

May 1978

Summer 1979

8. Ten Outstanding
MECS, Region X
Youth Service Awardee
For YCAP Service

May 1979

9. Travel Grantee to
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
& Singapore for Youth Conference

September 1979


20 years
CSC, Cagayan de Oro
Satisfactory Government
Service Award



CMU Scholar

CMU Faculty Development1989-1992


College Scholar

CHE, U.P. Diliman1993-1993



CHE, U.P. Diliman1992-1993


College of Home




Economics Inc.
Scholarship Award

U.P. Diliman
Scholarship Award



U.P. Diliman
Pangan Foundation



Gold Medal
U.P. Diliman
Awardee as
Cum Laude for Ph. D. Degree



30 Years



Service Award


Central Mindanao University 1998

Teacher of
the Year

Civil Service


Service Award

Eligibility: Teacher Board Exam



VP Research
and Extension

Research Activities/Studies Conducted

1. Analyzed and edited
research on attitude
of College Students
toward sexual behaviour
in Central Mindanao University


2. Food Culture of the

People in a Coastal
Barrio of Masbate



3. Edited research studies CHE, CMU

in Foods and Nutrition


4. Conducted action
Researches on problems
of students teachers during
on-campus and off-campus


5. Experimental Study
On the Possibility of

U.P. Diliman
(Funded by PTR/Researcher)

Utilizing Century Fiber

For Handicraft (Researcher)
6. Study of Problems
U.P. Diliman (Researcher)
and Issues among Single
Mothers with Working
Husbands in Foreign


7. Private Preschools
U.P. Diliman (Researcher)
in Cubao and Diliman,
Quezon City: An Analysis


8. Study of Difficult
U.P. Diliman (Researcher)
Home Economics Terms
in Filipino in the Elementary
and Secondary Levels


9. Trifocal Assessment of U.P. Diliman

Responsibility in Home
Economics in Government



Values of
Coordinator for Region X
Filipino Family
(Funded by CODHHEP)
in the Mindanao



Impact of Milk
Don Carlos Elementary
Feeding Program Schools, Don Carlos, Bukidnon
on the Academic
Achievement of Children


CHE, Tearoom
Index of Snacks
and Meals
at the University Tearoom



Working Mothers
and Their Childrens
Performance in School:
A Case Study



Values of the Filipino
Family in the Philippines

1998 - 2000


Overseas Working:
Its Effect among
Families in Bukidnon



Publications as Column Writer/Author for the Modern Teachers

Magazine form 1967 to Present

A. Creative:
1. Sa Aming Paglisan
2. Whats a Book
3. Farewell Song
4. The Three Kings
5. To My Alma Mater Dear
6. Portrait of Christmas
7. Harvest Song
8. On Your Graduation Christmas Alphabet
9. What are Parents
10. Sa Aming Pagtatapos
11. Sa Mga Magtatapos
12. Inang Dakila
13. Happy Valentines
B. Popular Education Articles
1. The Valentine Story


-Modern Teacher 1975

2. Development of Concepts
-Modern Teacher 1976
and Generalization In the Conceptual
Approach of Teaching
Home Economics
3. Mga Talatalkdaan sa Pagtuturo ng Sining
-Modern Teacher
Pantahanan sa Ikalima at Ikaanim
1979-1983 Issues
na Baitang
(10 Series)
(by series)
4. Home Economics Education: Is Significance
For the Future

-Modern Teacher
Magazine, 1979

5. Scenarios for Home Economics Education

-Modern Teacher
Magazine, 1983

6. The Expanding Home Economics Education

In an Everchanging Society (by series)

-Modern Teacher
Magazine, 1981 to

7. Whats New in Home Economics?

-Modern Teacher
Magazine, 1979

8. The Whats, Whys and Hows of Mastery


-Modern Teachers
Magazine, 1977

9. The Use of Factory Line Approach

in Teaching Home Economics

-Modern Teachers
Magazine, 1977


Whats in the Way of Supervision


-Modern Teachers
Magazine, 1973


The Home Economics Supervisor in the

Continuous Progressive Scheme

-Modern Teachers
Magazine, 1976


Kahalagahan ng Talakdaan ng
Pagtuturo sa Ikalima at Ikaanim
na Baitang

-Modern Teachers
Magazine, 1979

13. Innovation in Home Economics Education

-Modern Teachers
Magazine, 1981
(First to Seventh

14. Patterns of Educational Change in Home -Modern Teachers

Economics in the year 2000
Magazine, 1982
15. Curriculum Development
in Home Economics
16. Family Resources Management

17. Whats New In Nutrition Education

18. The Expanding Roles of the Schools:

Its Implication to Teachers Education
19. Curriculum Development in Home
Economics Teachers Education
20. How Do You Rear A Child?

-Modern Teachers
-Modern Teachers
-Modern Teachers
Magazine, Sept.1988
-Modern Teachers
Magazine, Feb.1985
-Modern Teachers
Magazine, Feb.1985
-Modern Teachers
Magazine, Jan.1989

21. Child Rearing Practices

-Modern Teachers
Magazine, Nov.1990

22. Study of Family Life Development

-Modern Teachers
Magazine, Dec. 1990

23. Wearing Food- Whats Best for the Babies -Modern Teachers
Magazine, Jan. 1991
24. Innovative Home Economics Curriculum:
Its Concern for aging Family Members

-Modern Teachers
Magazine, Oct. 1990

25. Time and Money Management

-Modern Teachers

26. Teaching Family Life and Preservation

-Modern Teachers
Magazine, Philippines of Philippines Culture Journal of Home
27. Parents and Discipline

-Modern Teachers
Magazine, Dec.1991

28. Providing Parent Education

-Modern Teachers
Magazine, Oct. 1992

29. A Realistic Insight Into School Problems:

A Vision for Education Tomorrow

-Modern Teachers
Magazine, Aug.1991

30. Parents as Partners In Values Education -Modern Teachers

Magazine, Sept.1992
31. Providing Parent Education Resources

-Modern Teachers
Magazine, Oct.1992

32. Strengthening happiness of Children

(Two to Seven Year Old)

-Modern Teachers
Magazine, Jan. 1993

33. Entrepreneurship Development for Women -Modern Teachers

Magazine, July 1993
34. Parenting: Do You Have What It Takes

- The Modern

35. Human Values:Issues For Home Economics

- The Modern

36. Becoming Parents

-The Modern

37. The Politics of Education

-The Modern
Magazine, March

38. Consumer Home Making Vs. Occupational

-The Modern
Magazine, June

Home Economics

39. Computerize Home Economics

40. Family Roles and Responsibilities

In A Changing World

-The Modern
-Modern Teachers
Magazine, Jan.1995

41. Emerging Themes and Educational Trends

In The Twenty First Century
42. The 22nd Annual CODHHEP Convention
Workshop a Success

-Modern Teachers
Magazine, June 1992

-Modern Teachers
Magazine, July 1995

43. Home Economics in Higher Education Trends-Modern Teachers

Surviving Beyond 2000
Magazine, Sept. 1992

44. Changing Roles At Home

-Modern Teachers

45. Family Relation by Year 2000

-Modern Teachers

46. Educational and Social Transformation

-Modern Teachers

47. The 23rd COCHHEP Annual Convention

-Modern Teachers
Magazine, 1996
Spelled Success

48. Priorities in H.E. Education

49. CODHHEP Mindanao Convention

Seminar-Workshop (An Excellent
Springboard towards Strengthenin
Home Economics in the Country)

- Phil. Home
-Modern Teachers
Magazine, 1997

50. Educative Role and

Responsibilities of the CMU, CHE

- CMU-CHE 1997

51. Priority of Home Economics

In The Year 2000

-Modern Teachers
Magazine, 1998

52. The Home Economics:

Her Ethical Responsibilities

-Modern Teachers
Magazine, 1998

53. Food Security Through

Global Cooperation

-Modern Teachers
Magazine, 1998

54. Politics of Education

-Modern Teachers
Magazine, 1998

55. Education of the Heart:

The Heart of Education

-Modern Teachers
Magazine, 1999

56. The 24th CODHHEP Convention

at Palo, Leyte

-Modern Teachers
Magazine, 1999

57. Research Abstract

The Outstanding Values
of the Filipino family in the Philippines

Oct. 2001

58. Research Abstract: The Nutritional Index of Meals

and Snacks Served at the Univ. Team
59. Overseas Working: Its Effect
Among the Families

-Bukidnon Journal,
Dec. 2005

Papers/Professional Speeches Delivered (Within the Period 1976 to

1. The Roles of the Future Homemakers and Future Farmers in the
New Society(Induction Programs of FHP and FFP officers) CMU
High School, 1976
2. International of Moral Values (All CAS Students), CMU CAS, 1976.
3. Nutrition for Vulnerable Mothers (Food Handlers Seminars)Maramag, Bukidnon, 1977)
4. Patterns of Educational Change in Home Economics in the year
2000- CMU ,CHE, January 8, 1983
5. Personality and Good Grooming College of Home Economics- CMU.
6. Role of Children in the Family: Family Week Celebration- CMU
Laboratory High School,1983
7. Nutrition and Scholastic Performance- CMU Laboratory High
8. Courtesy and Decorum- College of Forestry- CMU, 1987

9. Management of Family Resources- CMU ( Orientation Program for

FO students)- CMU,1988
10.The Roles and Responsibilities of the Family in the year 2000
(Family Week)-CHE, CMU,1993
11. Family Relations in the year 2000 (Family Week)- CHE, CMU,
12. Resource Speaker- Courtesy and Decorum. CMU Scholars 1996
13. Resource Speaker- Nutrition Month Mountain View College,1996
14. Guest Speaker, Graduation Day Lumbo Elementary School,
Valencia Bukidnon 1998
15. Resource Speaker- Nutrition Month Infant Jesus Learning Center
16. Workable Changes for Future Security of the Family ( Paper read
during the CODHHEP 2001 National Convention- Lahug, Cebu City,
October 17,2001)
17. Syllabi Making College of Home Economics CMU, Nov. 17, 2001
18. Speaker at Benguet State University in research pertaining to
Nutritional Index of Meals and Snacks Served at the University Team,

Book Published:

1. Home Economics and National Development. 22 karats printing

and Publishing House, 2000. ISBN-971-8696-10-5.
2. Home Management Technology: The System Approach-2006.ISBN978-971-0456-01-7

Published Thesis/Dissertation:
1. The Food Culture of the people in a Coastal Barrio of Masbate,
1976- Masteral Thesis. Centro Escolar University.
2. Trifocal Assessment of Home Economics in Government Programs.
Doctoral Dissertation. U.P. Diliman 1994

Civic Work Activities:

1. Lecture on Family Planning- Rubber Village, CMU, Musuan,
2. Member-Family Rosary Crusade, P-4, Aug. 1987.
3. PTA President- San Isidro Catholic Preschool, CMU, 1988.
4. President-Foster Children Organization, San Isidro Parish
Council(CMU Student- 1st to 4th year College) Organization, 19951996.
5. Regent- Daughter of Marie Immaculate, San Isidro Labrador Circle,
6. Vicareal Regent-DMI, Musuan, Maramag Chapter.
7. Unit Head- Couples for Christ, Musuan Chapter
8. Member, San Isidro Parish Council-2001 to present
9. Chapter Head-Couples for Christ, Musuan Chapter.
Parish Council Secretary-2003 to present

Extension Activities
1. Founder Human Development Nursery Center for Working
Mother, 1986-present.
2. Speaker-Role of Parents in the Family, DXMU-CMU, 1987.
3. Speaker-Values through Family Solidarity and Stability,
DXMU, 1988.
4. Speaker- DXMU-CHE in the New Millennium, 2001.
5. Speaker- San Isidro Labrador Preschool Graduation 2002: The

Family Agent for Social Transformation.

Speaker- National Convention. DMI, CDO 2006
Coordinator- NEDA X KR 2 Project
CMU as Partner for Indigenous Community Development
Proposal on NEDA KR2

Professional Organization
1. Board Member- CODHHEP(Council Of Deans and Heads of
Home Economics in the Philippines Inc. 1995-2000
2. Coordinator for Mindanao CODHHEP, Regional 1995
3. PRO- National Book Development Society Society, Region X.
4. Vice President National Book Development Society, Region X
5. President- National CODHHEP, 2003-2004, Philippines
6. Vice President- CODHHEP, 2006 to Present
Seminars, Workshops, Conference Attended
1. National CODHHEP

CODHHEP in Coordination
with CHED

2. CODHHEP Annual
Pangasinan State University
Convention Conference

Nov. 1995

3. National Seminar/Workshop on


June 2-3,

Environment Education & Management


4. National-In Development Conferences


July 9,

5. Facilitator, research and development


Oct. 21-22,

6. Seminar on Cheese Processing

CMU,Vet Med./CHEOct. 1997


7. Lecturer/Guest speaker, Seminar

on Food & Nutrition

Mountain View College July 29,


8. Phil. Assoc.of Agriculturist Seminar

Workshop (facilitator)


9. Evaluator of Annual Agency In House

Review & Evaluation of on-going and
Completed research


Jan. 17,
June 13-14,

10. Speaker-CODHHEP Seminar-workshop



Jan. 1997

11. PAFTE Regional Assembly Conference


Aug. 29,

12. Facilitator- 26th CODHHEP Annual


13. Speaker- Seminar Series

14. Research forum

Subic Bay
Nov. 23-25,
Olongapo City


Aug. 19,

15. Seminar-Workshop on
GAD, Univ. Center for Jun. 22-25,
Feminist Research Methodologies
Womens Studies, UP 1999

16. Delegate-AACCUP Annual

National Conference

AACCUP Inc. Manila

17. Resource Person- SeminarWorkshop

18.Reactor - Research and Extension
Seminar Workshop

Jan. 28-29,

Palo, Leyte
May 25-26,
Philological testing
and Guidance Center

Oct. 4-5,

19. CHODHEND Seminar-Workshop CODHEND and Ched Oct. 20-22,

on the Nutrition-Diathetic
Educators and the Food Security Challenge
20.CODHHEP 28th Annual Conference CODHHEP, Ched
and DECS Palo, Leyte 1999
21.Resource Speaker-Seminar
Workshop on Teaching Effectiveness
for Student
22. Symposium in Genetic Engg and
Genetically Modified Organisms
23. 29th CODHHEP Convention and
Seminar-Workshop on HE in the
Third Millennium and Beyond
24. CODHHEP Regional SeminarWorkshop

Makati City



Oct. 12,
Sep. 30Oct. 1, 2000
Feb. 19- 20

25.Training of Trainers for

Participatory Landscape
Life scape Appraisal


Aug. 30-31,

26. 30th Annual CODHHEP National


Lahug, Cebu City

Oct. 22,

27.CODHEND Convention/Seminar/

RACSO Resort

April 18,


Guimbal, Ilo-ilo City 2012

28. Seminar- Workshop on Development



Nov. 2003

29. Seminar-Workshop on Curriculum

Development and Implementation


May 23,

30. 20th CODHEND Annual Convention

and Seminar-Workshop on Quality
Teaching in Nutrition Dietetics

UP Diliman

May 13-17,

31. 77th CODHHEP Annual General

Membership Conference

PNU Manila

April 23-25,

32.CODHHEP Inc. Annual Convention



33.CODHHP Annual Convention

PNU Manila


34.CODHHEP Annual Convention/

Seminar/ Workshop- Speaker


Nov. 2004

35. CODHHEP Convention



36. CODHHEP Convention



37. CODHHEP Convention


March 2007

38. CODHHEP Convention

39. Convention, Seminar-Workshop
For Administration on OGT of
40. Retired from CMU

PNU, Manila


41. Vice President for Research
and Extension

IBA College of
April 2010
Mindanao ,Valencia City to present

42.PAFTE Convention



43.PAFTE Convention


Sept. 2010

44.PAFTE Convention


Oct. 2012

45.PAFTE Convention


Aug. 2013

46.Dep.Ed Convention


Aug. 2014

47. Dep.Ed Convention


Nov. 2014

Guide Questions:
1. How did it start?
What motivated you?
Who were with you?
What were your objectives?
2. When did it start?
When was it established?
When was it approved?
Who approved its establishment?
3. Who were there when it started?
Pioneering teacher and students?
4. Who continued the journey?
Teachers from then to now?

Wardle, F. (2003a). Diversity workshop. Littleton, Colorado: Child Care
Partnership (February 17).



(1989). Anti-bias

Curriculum. Washington,


Gonzalez-Mena, J. (2002). The child in the family and the community. (3rd
ed.), Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall.
Historical Foundations of Early Childhood Education. Retrieved from:
Date retrieved: October 15, 2016
Lara-Cinisomo, S. (2009). A Qualitative Study of Early Childhood
Educators Beliefs about Key Preschool Experiences. Retrieved
ucatorsBeliefsaboutKeyPreschoolExperiences. Date Retrieved:
August 25, 2015
Lascarides, C.V. and Hinitz, B.F. (2013). History of Early Childhood
Education. pp. 295 298.
Melhuish, E.C. (2004). A Literature Review of the Impact of Early Years
Provision upon Young Children, with Emphasis given to Children
from Disadvantaged Backgrounds. London: National Audit Office.
Retrieved from, Date Retrieved: August 25, 2015
Melhuish, E.C., et. Al (2001). The Effective Provision of Pre-school

Education Project (EPPE), Technical Paper 7: Social/ Behavioral

and Cognitive development at 3-4 years in relation to family
background. London Institute of Education/DfEE. Retrieved from: p. 7. Date Retrieved: August
25, 2015
Play in Preschool: Why it Matters. Retrieved from, article/play-preschoolmatters/Date Retrieved: August 25, 2015
Sharp, C. (2002, November). School starting age: European policy and
recent research. In LGA Seminar When Should Our Children Start
Swift, J. W. (1964). Effects of early group experience: The nursery school
and day nursery. Review of child development research, 1, 249
%20Purpose%20of%20Nursery%20School%20Education.pdf\. Date
Retrieved: August 25, 2015
Nursery Schools. Retrieved from:
Pa/Nursery.Schools.html. Date Retrieved: August 25, 2015

Suggested titles:

Progressive Start of Early Childhood Development Center of

Central Mindanao University

The Baseline of Early of Early Childhood Development Center

of Central Mindanao University

The Lifelong Journey of College of Human Ecology Earle

Childhood Development Center

The Roots: College of Human Ecology Early Childhood

Development Center
Revealing the Secret of Success
College of Human Ecology Early Childhood Development
Center: How it Start?

The Chronicles of College of Human Ecology Early

Childhood Development Center

College of Human Ecology Early Childhood Development

Centers Diary
College of Human Ecology Early Childhood Development

Center Memoir
Harking Back to the Vague Past
Narrating Time: Knowing the History of the College of

Human Ecology Early Childhood Development Center

College of Human Ecology Early Childhood Development

Center: A Look from the Past for the Present

College of Human Ecology Early Childhood Development

Center: Opening the Door of the Unrevealed Beginning

College of Human Ecology Early Childhood Development
Center: The Unfolded History

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