Wake Up Cicily, Part 1

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Wake up Cicily. Stop ignoring your alarm and get out of bed.

At some point I got use to the alarm so it isnt getting me up as quickly every morning.
Somehow talking to myself never seems to get me out of bed faster. I do it anyway every
morning when the alarm goes off.
And now Im managing to ignore myself too. The life of a care-free college student is fantastic
isnt it? Alright body, lets roll over and sit at the edge of the bed.
At least this semester I moved into an apartment-style dorm so I have my own room and no
more roommate to wake me up for her 7:30 class. Of course, 9:30 doesnt feel much better right
now. Kind of miss the larger space, but I make due. Still have room for a nice-sized bed and my
dresser and mirror combo.
Speaking of my mirror, lets see how I look this morning. Finally found an excuse to get off the
Hmmm, thank you mirror for showing a not-so-bad version of me today. Im satisfied. You get to
continue living today, and I get to continue not having 7-years-bad-luck. Keep up the good
Ever since I cut my hair short its been fantastic. I grew up with long hair and it was such an
incredible pain to deal with each morning. Over the winter break I cut it to just below my
neckline. Now the time it takes to get ready is cut by a good half hour! Plus I love the wave and
swish it makes when I move. Perks of having thin, fine hair.
Time to stop admiring my hair and get ready for my morning class. I should be more excited
since today is Thursday, which means Anthropology and that involves sitting next to Stephanie.
We met a month ago on the first day of class when we sat near each other and I asked about a
tattoo she had on her forearm of a cardinal. After that class we talked some more about
everything from school, to family, guys, and hobbies, you name it. Weve been friends and study
partners ever since.
A couple weeks later I realized something about Stephanie I couldnt keep my eyes off: she had
the body I wanted. No, not sexual attraction; at least not initially. I keep myself in a good shape
and look fit, but Stephanie was the body I consider perfectly balanced. Yes, this is where I admit
that simply admiring her body soon turned to, you know, admiring her body.
Whenever I think about this it gets me weirdly self-conscious. I admire her body, but there are
qualities of my body to admire too right?
Im back mirror. Oh dont give me that face, I already promised to spare you today.

I think I look alright at 175 lbs. Calm down judging people, Im also 6 feet tall. Not that I dont
have a few slight extra pounds. Its mostly in my ass though. While most of my frame is straight,
my hips are pretty wide, defining a pear shape and give me this gigantic butt. Honestly, I love
the curvature on my ass, because even though most of my weight is there, its a damn fine ass.
It is pretty large though.
Keep up the good work you.
No, I get self-conscious mostly because of my breasts. Im definitely proportionate to my torso
frame, but I have B cups. Large-end B cups, but still a B. Men have no idea how much it annoys
smaller-cup women when theyre so vocal about large boob fetishes. Mine are nicely round...like
weirdly round. My boobs are more perfectly round than my teeth are straight, and after growing
up with braces and doing everything I can to fix them, I have some really straight teeth.
Ever deal with big nipples though? People generally know about big ones poking and sticking
out straight, but not me. Mine are big, but also really round. Kind of like a nubbin. Oh gosh, that
seems like a horrible comparison.
Well thats enough dilly-dallying for one day; I need to get ready. Im not one of those girls that
needs to have a bra and panties match really. Not that its much a problem with all my bras and
panties being dark like my hair and featuring embroidery on them. It feels weird though when
theyre different material, so I always want to have that same feel, and Im feeling microfiber this
morning. Today feels like a spants day. Picked up that word from my roommate last semester
who always enjoyed saying it. She said it enough I started in too and now giggle every time. And
Ill go with the orange v-neck shirt.
Oh, I need to grab my cuffs! Theres an amazing leather booth at the campus outdoor bazaar
every Thursday and I saw this fantastic pair. One reads Good and the other Bad. Im lefthanded, so the lefty gets the Good hand cuff. Stephanie jokes I probably smack people with
the Bad hand when they misbehave.
Let me double-check everything is in the satchel: course book, phone, purse, back-up make-up.
All set. Shit, make up!
Im back mirror. Your job isnt done yet so lets get this over quickly. Moisturizer - check,
eyeshadow - check, lip gloss - check, and good to go.
Out the door and walking to class. I really love how my university feels like its almost in a forest;
trees everywhere, little park squares and benches all over. You can almost get lost just walking
through campus. It definitely distracts me.

Speaking of getting distracted, Hey Steph! I must have zoned out since she only says my full
name if shes trying to get my attention.
How can you walk through campus every day and still get distracted?
Im scoping out guys. I really got my eye on that one over there. I point to a guy wearing some
kind of kimono-style robe thats open, with what may be two scarves, and jeans. Not that Im
judging, but it seemed like the weirdest guy I could point out.
Should we go introduce you? The sarcasm was oozing from her face. Come on, lets go say
Stephanie grabs onto my arm and playfully tries to pull me but I resist. She tries a little harder
and I free myself, raising my right hand. Hey! You know what happens to people who
I keep a straight face and she seems startled. After a moment it looks like shes worried Im
seriously going to hit her so I put my hand down and crack a smile. Relax, would you? Youre
the one who always jokes I use my bad hand to smack people.
She breathes a surprised sigh and relaxes, finally laughing. Alright you crazy bad, handwaving, people-smacking lady. Lets get you to class. Soon as she is facing away from me I
give her a little pat on her butt. Maybe more than a pat, but barely a smack.
I wasnt going to completely let you off the hook. And bump into her playfully. She laughs with
me so I knew it was alright. Not sure what made me do that though.
As we walk I think about the look Stephanie had on her. I know she was startled, but she also
seemed...flush? Im not sure thats the right word for it exactly. Something in the moment may
have had her excited. Then again, I am a crazy bad, hand-waving, people-smacking lady so
maybe Im imagining it.
Thinking I may have excited her, even non-sexually, has my brain distracted. Were talking
about the latest lesson in class and Im paying just enough attention to respond to anything she
says. I am really looking at her though. Like I said, I admire her body, so keeping my eyes fixed
on her isnt a problem.
As far as body-type, Stephanie is a bigger girl than me. Definitely curvier around the waist and
has some rocking hips because of it. Her butt has a nice curve and shape to it while not being
anywhere near as big as mine. The jeans shes wearing now are really showcasing it nicely.
Sweet grace, and her boobs! So she has large D cups. I know because weve hung out plenty

and are comfortable changing in front of each other when getting ready to go out at night. Ive
seen her in a bra and its spectacular. They look like a perfect mix of firm and milky.
Remember earlier when I mentioned how much a pain long hair is? Well I dont know how
Stephanie puts up with it, since she has long red hair that goes to about midway down her
shoulder-blades, and its really curly. She earns points just for taking care of that kind of hair as
well as she does. Its requires serious dedication.
So you still up for checking out the campus bazaar after class?
Wait, what? Im so distracted by being an idiot and paying attention to her body that I didnt
realize we already made it to class and are sitting down while the professor is getting things
Last week we talked about hitting up the bazaar after class. I havent been to it. I want to see if
I can find something for me like how you have your wrist cuffs. I learned about the bazaar last
year because one of my roommates boyfriend operated one of the booths. Stephanie never
heard about it until I mentioned it.
Yeah, totally. We have to find something rad to go on you.
Rad? Really?
Calm down there red. Dont pick on the classic words. The days barely begun and already
misbehaving twice.
Oh no master, please dont hit me. Ill be a good girl from now on I promise! She pulled out a
little bit of a faux-Shakespeare in her performance.
I giggle just a little bit at her. Master?
Well I cant even question your word choice. Clearly I just have to follow your lead or get
Thats right. You best remember your place and be a good girl from now on. Only good girls get
treats after all. I raise my left hand, show her the Good cuff on it, and jokingly pat her head.
Both of us laugh slightly and pull out our notebooks for class to start.
Girl? Im at least a miss, arent I?
Fine, you can have good miss treats, I reply with a wink before the lecture began.
Im not sure what was discussed in class and I really hope Stephanie took good notes because I
sure didnt. What happened before class started is still on my mind. Good miss treats?

Stephanie didnt question or say anything about it. In the past weve both been flirty, but never
anything real. We both talk about guys after all. I feel like I put something ambiguous out there
by saying what I did. Since she didnt respond, does that mean its okay to go further on it?
What if shes just playing along like its a game?
It rattles my mind as we walk to the bazaar after class. Along the way we talk about the class
lecture; just small talk really. Once we get there she is wide-eyed at all the little things. The
place is almost an oversized farmers market. I figured since Ive been before, I should direct her
Come on you. The leather shop is over here so well hit it up first.
The shop really does have a lot of leather items. Journals, purses, satchels, shackles, cuffs, you
name it. In fact, my satchel is from here. Stephanie looks around at all of it, examining all the
designs on the leather items. I find the shackle cuffs so intriguing. Its a thin strip of leather
attached to a horseshoe-style hook at one end, and the leather loops at the other so it can wrap
around and attach to the hook via a pin. Ive never had an idea for what to have engraved on
one though.
Hey Steph, you can ask for a custom design to be made too. Why dont you get a cuff with your
tattoo symbol?
I dont know about a cuff though. It would cover part of my tattoo.
I look around at all the stuff on display and it hits me. I have an idea. Looking through all the
shackle collars until I find one with a color that would go well with Stephanies skin. Come here.
Hold your hair up for me. I take the collar and put it around her neck, connecting the latch.
Here, let me pull out my phone. I put the front camera on so she could see herself with the
collar on. So, what do you think?
It does go well with my skin. You sure its not a bit odd having on whats basically a collar?
No. No stranger than the kimono scarf guy from this morning. Besides, its not a dog collar or a
I like it, but I cant. The leathers going to be horrible to my skin. Theres no way I can wear it.
And I have another idea! Just a second. I pull out some cash real quick from my purse for the
shackle. Here you go, for her shackle.
Grabbing hold of Stephanie I whisk her away to another stall I know that sells fabric. There I find
a nice fabric that would be comfortable, but durable. Steph, come here a sec, let me take that

The shopkeeper also does custom stuff and alterations from time-to-time, so I take enough
fabric to take care of the inside of the shackle and the edges. Excuse me maam, would you be
able to stitch this fabric onto this shackle? I explain what I want to do to it and she agrees to
make it happen. Im told to come back in an hour and itll be ready so I pay her and tell
Cici, you really dont need to do this. I can pay for it at least.
Youre the one whos been a good miss right? Didnt I promise you good miss treats? I say
with a sly look on me, beaming my eyes at her.
She cracks a smile on her face. Well I wasnt expecting you to do this.
Oh really? And what were you expecting?
Stephanie has a bit of a puzzled look on her face. For a moment I thought she got a bit red but
pass it off as the sun beating on her skin. I dont know, she finally stammers out. I wasnt
expecting a paid shopping trip. I feel bad about you buying me something.
In that moment something comes over me and I know that I just have to make a pass now or
never. With the most innocent but confidently serious face I can muster, Im your master, arent
I? Thats what you said earlier. Now what kind of master would I be if I didnt take care of my
At least its miss.
She is blushing and takes a moment to catch her breath. Im not going to crack a smile and
backpedal like this morning. Luckily, I wasnt joking about smacking her like this morning, so I
can leave this to linger. I take her hand in mine as there is one more place I want to check out in
the bazaar area and I need to get over there. Leaning into her I whispered in her ear, Now be a
good miss and follow your master.
We come over to a shop that has all sorts of metal tags in different materials and special
engravings. I find a few long cylindrical charms that could probably go on a charm bracelet. One
of them that catches my eye has Miss engraved on it. I pay the shopkeeper for it and drop the
charm in my bag.
Thats it for me. Lets get something to eat and walk around so you can see the rest of the
market. We get a hotdog from a cart at the edge of the market and then window-shop for the
next hour. Nothing in particular being said between us. A bit of chit-chat here and there about
things were seeing. Finish up our lunch and then stroll around for a bit before heading back to
the fabric shop.

The lady who runs the shop is all done! I take out the charm from my bag, unhook it from the
hanging tag, then loop it through the pin to lock the shackle on.
Its perfect. Come here you. Stephanie holds her hair up as I put it around her neck and lock it
in. She pulls out a mirror from her purse to take a look.
You were right, this definitely makes it comfortable on me. Wait, so the charm you bought says
Miss on it? The smile on her face tells me she likes it despite her little protest. Are you sure
this doesnt look weird though? It does look stylish with the leather in front so thats cool. I just
dont know.
Hey, do you trust me? Looking away from her mirror and putting it away, Stephanie gives me a
nod. Then trust me when I say it looks great.
I still owe you for it.
I already told you, I got it. Besides, I like it on you. Are you ready to go? Id like to drop off our
books from class at the dorm.
Yeah, I think Im good for my first bazaar experience.
Stephanie and I would usually just hang out at my dorm room on Thursday after class. Its been
our little ritual to pick out a movie I have and watch it before going to grab dinner. We chat a bit
on the way over and then she asks me a question I didnt see coming.
Cici, have you ever, whats the right word? Thought about a girl before?
You mean in bed? She bursts out laughing at that comment. I just didnt expect it, even with
the flirting-not-flirting I was doing today.
Being her sarcastic self, No, have you ever wanted to knock a girls lights out?
Only you, making sure to throw in a jab at her shoulder. Ive already smacked you once
Yeah, my butts still feeling it a bit.
Oh please, it was barely a love tap. I could give you a real spank instead. A nice big whomp on
your tush. Both of us get a good laugh at the idea even though it makes me excited. What
would she do if I spanked her? Is there a chance she would like it?
You would spank poor little me?
Only if you misbehave. Unless you want it as a reward for behaving.

Oh right, I need to follow my masters every order. As the words come out she leans into me
and puts her arm around mine while we keep walking. Then laying her head on my shoulder, I
promise to be a well-behaved miss for you master.
Bending down to whisper in her ear, Who said I want you to behave. Stephanie stops to face
me, blushing. Fuck this, Im going to kiss her.
What more perfect time for an idiot on a skateboard to zip by and fall off his board? The idiot
bumps into someone carrying a drink, which then goes flying all over Stephanie.
Oh my gosh, its so cold! She is drenched and in too much shock from the cold water to move.
You fucking jackass! Dont be riding a board around if you cant fucking handle being on it! Ive
seen this particular guy around campus a lot, and he seriously cannot ride a skateboard.
Probably falls off half the time I see him. At this moment though I am even angrier because he
caused Stephanie to get soaked.
Cici Im alright. Coming back together, Stephanie was able to get a word out. Skateboard
extraordinaire and the other person who had the water both apologize and move along their
Come on, you can change at my dorm.
You really went off on that guy.
He was stupid and got you drenched. I dont like someone messing up my friend.
Id hug you if I wasnt all wet.
Well then lets get you back to my place and out of those clothes so I can get my hug. I let that
linger as we hurry off to my place so as to help Stephanie.
Steph go ahead and get out of your clothes, Ill see what I can find for you.
Weve never done the exchanging clothes thing you know?
It takes me a second to realize she is right. Are you saying you dont like my clothes miss? I
say ever so coyly.
None of your shirts are big enough for my boobs, and none of my pants will fit your butt. Its
true, and funny, and we both laugh. Still, her back is turned to me so I take advantage, and with
my right hand give her a firm smack on the butt.

Ohhh! There is a smile on her face and a bit of laughter in her voice, so I cant tell if she
enjoyed it. You crazy bitch! She tried to swat me playfully, but I turn her around and spank her
Hey, I warned you about misbehaving. I reach out, grabbing her new shackle collar, and pull
her towards me. Its a good test to also make sure the new material we got stitched in keeps her
Remember this? Remember that when you have this on it means Im in charge and you obey
me. You misbehave, and a spanking is what you get. I cant believe I said all that. Were both
trying to catch our breath and process my words. I just told my friend, who I have the hots for,
that when shes wearing this collar shes mine and I own her. Which includes my ability to spank
her as I want.
Im loving just staring at her. Her face flushed a bit and her lips parted as she is breathing a bit
heavier. From the corner of my eye I can see her chest rising and falling, even if covered by a
shirt, and I am enjoying it. The shirt is still wet and plastered against her body. I must be giving
her the same view with the exception of a wet shirt.
Slowly I lean into her and press our bodies closer together. Her wet chest is up against me. I
pull her shackle up just slightly so her head can lean back a bit and then bend my head down to
brush my lower lip against hers. Leaning a bit further then to rise and brush her upper lip.
Stephanie moves into me to find my lips as I ease back. I let her get close enough to just let the
edge of our lips touch but nothing further. Now that I know she wants it, this is my game.
I say when. I bring myself in close again, this time allowing our full lips to touch without going
in for a kiss. She tries to and I pull back. Extend out my arm and give her a light smack on her
The hit makes Stephanie perk up a bit. A good miss doesnt misbehave. I say when. Yes?
It takes her a moment to decide if she is going to play. When she says Yes, it makes me the
happiest girl in the world.
Yes what? Am I now some random girl and not your Master?
Yes Master. I mean no Master!
So are you going to be a good miss for me?
Yes Master.
Good. I pause so I can move back in, again brushing our lips together. I linger to test if she will
try and make a move but she doesnt - she was being a good miss, my good miss.

Our lips press together and it is glorious. Its not rough or desperate need. Think of the feeling
when milk chocolate melts in your mouth, but now happening on the outside of your lips with
small sparks going off as well. I am in heaven having this woman who Ive been thinking about
for a while, melting into me at my command.
Stephanie put her hands on my hips ever so slowly as we continue kissing. She isnt hesitant,
but also careful not to take control. So I make sure to keep the dominant control she must be
liking and put one arm behind her neck and raise it up into her hair to grab her and bring her into
the kiss more forcefully. Still not being rough, just letting her know I am in charge.
With my other hand I bring it to her hips and slide it down to her ass. Its my first time grabbing
her butt without spanking. I give it a firm grasp and bring her hips closer to mine. I have her from
top to bottom in my arms.
After what feels like several minutes of kissing I slowly break the contact. I hover my lips over
hers to get light pecks in and keep the energy surging. Backing up slowly I slide my hands to
her hips. The one I had around her arm I make sure to brush by the side of her breast.
You poor thing, still wearing these wet clothes. We cant very well have that now, can we? Lift
up your arms.
With her arms up I grab the hem of her shirt and started peeling it off. I make sure to work it up
slowly, letting me take in her body like I never had before. As I come overtop her bra I let my
fingers brush and flick past her nipples which are poking at the material. When I reach her face,
I hold her shirt in place after it goes past her mouth. Her arms are practically tied due to the wet
shirt and her eyes are covered, only able to see shadows through the shirts material.
I bring my lips in and hover over hers. She tries to reach for mine and I pull back. Take one of
my hands and gave her a spank as the other still holds the shirt and her arms up. I then press
her back up against my bed, making sure to not put in so much force that would knock her over.
She is being punished, not rewarded.
Now what did I say before?
You say when Master. Hearing her say it gives me the widest smile.
Good miss.
I take the hand that spanked her and trace a finger along the side of her hip slowly. I then bring
it up along her stomach, tracing around her bra, and then bringing it along the upper cleavage
line. She shudders a bit at the feel of me touching parts of her breasts. They feel as

phenomenal as I always hoped! Next trace up along her neck, making sure to run my finger
along her shackle, and then work up around her ear before bringing it in and tracing along her
lips. And as her lips part more I rest my finger along the inside of her lower lip. Not quite inside
her mouth, but enough to tease.
Pulling away my finger I bring myself close and let her feel my breathe on her mouth. Without
letting our lips touch, I nuzzle my nose against hers, giving her some physical contact. I then
stick out my tongue and lightly trace it along the edge of her lips, never veering too close to be
in-between them.
Her breathing lets me know how desperate she is for more. I stop teasing her so she can get
her reward. Very good, now...when.
I go back in and press my lips to hers. My hands finish taking off her shirt, freeing her arms, and
letting her see again as we kiss. There is more passion this time with both of us pressing in. She
is going for my lower lip as I go for her upper.
For a moment I go back to pressing my lips against hers fully and have her lips open as it
seems I am backing away. I then stick my tongue out, rubbing it along the inside of her lips as
we kiss. I bring my tongue back in to utter when and stick it back out. She takes the cue and
hungrily takes my tongue into her mouth to suck on it.
I let her go at it for a few minutes as I run my hands over her body. They pass over her ass,
thighs, arms, chest, everywhere I can get my hands on. I want to feel every inch of her body as
she drives me wild with her need for my tongue. Rubbing along her curves, the skin is so
smooth its going to take real effort to get my hands off her.
Stephanie soon brings her tongue into the mix and starts rubbing it along mine inside her
mouth. I open my mouth wider and pull my tongue back a bit so I can bring hers out. Our
tongues wrap around each over, swirling between our lips. Its more exhilarating than a blowjob,
like a cock that can play back.
I have to remind myself that Im in control and eventually break our kiss. She seems so
saddened that I have ended what is going on. Turn around, I command. Stephanie complies,
resting her hands on the edge of my bed with her back to me. You still have more wet clothes
to remove.
Yes Master.
Both arms reach around her waist, causing me to press my body against hers. I make sure to
give a push against her hips with mine and she responds in kind, pushing her hips back into me.
I lean down and give her tender kisses along her back. All the while my hands unfasten her belt
and pull it out of the pants loops.

Next I go for the button on her pants, but then I hold my hands on the zipper. Does my miss
want her pants to come off?
Yes Master.
I dont know. I think I like you being wet down there. Whatever will I do when your crotch is no
longer wet?
I can get wet for you Master.
Will you now? I keep one hand on her zipper and bring the other one up to move Stephanies
hair to one side so I can lean in close to her ear and whisper. You promise to be a good miss
and get your pussy wet for me?
I promise Master.
Promise what? Tell your Master what you promise.
I promise to get my pussy all wet for you Master.
Flicking her earlobe with my tongue, I take it in my mouth to nibble and hum for just a second
before making it clear to her, You better. I use my tongue to trace along her neck at the edge
of her shackle. Then I clamp down to suck on her neck.
The hand I was teasing with I then use to pull down her zipper. Bringing both hands back to her
sides, I tug and pull her pants down. The sounds of her moaning as I suck on her neck and slide
her pants off is so sexy. Her pants fall to the floor and she eases her feet out, kicking the pants
I rub my hands along her ass. Stephanies butt is nowhere near as big as mine but still nicely
shaped. Just right for enjoying a nice big squeeze on both cheeks with my hands. Her small
jump is adorable and causes me to let go of her neck.
From the back of her neck I trail kisses down her back to the clasp of her bra. My hands slide up
to meet the clasp and undo it. I kiss another trail to her left shoulder with my hand following
behind to slide the strap off. One more trail of light kisses across her back to her other shoulder
as my other hand comes up to remove the strap.
Stephanie moves her arms to let the straps come off. Her breasts are large enough to still hold
the bra on a little. My hands come down to the middle of her back and I slide them around to the
front, easing the bra off as I run my fingers along her breasts and finally take them in my hands.
The bra falls to the floor, her full chest available to me. She lets out a moan from my hands
holding one globe in each hand and resting her nipples between two fingers.

Bringing her back against me our bodies are pressed back together. The feeling of holding
Stephanies bare breasts is spectacular. Massaging them in my hands and using my fingers to
give her nipples little twists...I need more.
Does my miss like what Im doing to her? Stephanies only able to echo a barely audible
moan. I give her tits a light squeeze and ask more forcefully, Does my miss like what Im doing
to her tits?
Yes Master.
Tell me how you like it. Again, Stephanie just cant find the words. So I slide my hands down
her body and to the side of her panties. I can hear the upset moan in her voice as I leave her
If youre not going to tell me how you like it, I will assume you dont.
Please. Im sorry Master.
Sorry? So you want me to move my hands back to your breasts?
Yes Master.
No. I pull one hand back and give her a nice smack on her ass cheek. You had your chance.
Now youre going to do what I want. Remember what you promised me? I bring my hands back
to her side and both grab the sides of her panties.
I promised to get wet for you.
Leaning back into her for another whisper in her ear, Then its time to keep your promise.
I pull off her panties and let them fall to the floor. One hand slides around to her front to find
some neatly trimmed pubic hair. Its soft to the touch and I run my hand through it nicely,
covering her mound. Press into her and massage it. I let one finger slide deeper, finding the slit.
She is wet. Her juices start coming out to lubricate her pussy. My finger finds her clit and starts
rolling it.
You really are a good miss. You kept your promise to me. Oh your pussy feels so nice. Do you
like what Im doing to you now?
Clearly shes not going to repeat before. Stephanie clears her throat so she can speak. Yes
Master. What youre doing to me feels so nice. I love getting wet for you.

And you got wet so quickly. Maybe I should let my other hand go back to your breasts. I use
that free hand to trace along her belly, just shy of going all the way up her body. Would you like
Yes, please Master. Please take my tits again.
If I do then youll have to do something for me. You think you can handle it?
Anything Master. Ill do whatever you want. Please take my tits.
I let my hand go up her body to take one of her breasts again while my other hand continues to
furiously stroke her clit. As soon as I hold the tit again I plunged one of the fingers on her pussy
deep inside and she lets out a loud gasp.
Cum for me.
One hand is massaging her breast, rolling her nipple between my index and middle finger. My
other hand has one, now two fingers going in and out of her pussy while my thumb massages
her clit. Her ass is bucking back against me like Im humping her.
Youre so close. Now be a good girl and cum for me. I want your pussy to cum so hard you fall
to your knees. And fall she does. At her climax her body heavily shudders as moan after moan
escapes her mouth. With each she falls slowly to the ground, unable to keep herself up from the
Finally she is on the floor, facing my bed on her knees with her head leaning against the side of
the bed. I run my hands through her hair as she tries to catch her breath.
I really hope youre not worn out. Theres still more to be done.
No way Cici. I mean Master. Master, sorry Master. Im not worn out. Shes lifting one of her
legs to try and stand up. I put a bit more pressure on her head to keep her down.
No. I want you to stay down there.
Stephanie gets back into a kneeling position and turns her body around to face me. Her face is
so flush and beautiful. I run my fingers along her cheeks and she nuzzles into my hands.
What can I do for you Master?
Up until now none of my clothes have come off. With my big butt, and boobs not as big as hers,
Im worried shell not like me once she sees me naked. And now I wonder if this worry is
showing on my face.

Would you like me to take off your pants Master? I promise to make you wet like I got wet. Still
on the floor, she brings her hands up to my sides. Its so different having her fingers trace
around me at the edge of my pants. They ease the lower part of my shirt up so she can touch
my bare skin.
Take off my pants and prove it.
Both her hands come around to the front and unfasten my belt. Not wasting time to unloop it,
Stephanie goes right to the zipper and button and then a fear hits me. If you dont have a butt
the size of mine, you might not know the effort it takes to nicely put pants on and take them off.
And from Stephanies position, trying to get them off from the front wont be simple.
I think I can make my Master happier if you turn around. It looks like she knows better.
I turn around while Stephanie keeps her hands on my waist. One side at a time she starts
easing my pants over my ass. About halfway down she reaches back up to grab my panties and
pull them down too. I can feel it as each inch comes off and more of my ass becomes exposed
to her eyes. All I can think about is what shes going to think when my big butt is in her face.
Thank goodness she doesnt see my face.
And then its off. My pants are down on the floor and she helps me step out of each leg one foot
at a time.
Youre so beautiful. I shudder a bit at hearing her say that about me. Starting with her
fingertips she runs them along my cheeks and then her full hands caress my ass. The sensation
is unreal. Then she rests her cheek against my ass, still running her hands over it. Her face
turns and she peppers me with light kisses.
Moans escape my mouth. I just cant help it. No one has ever done this to me before.
Its so smooth. A kiss here. And so firm. A kiss there. I can rest myself all against it. Plenty
of kisses everywhere. Im sorry to ask Master, but will you turn around? I want to keep my
I dont say a word. As I turn back around she kisses a trail along the way. All the way around she
plants light kisses at the top of my shaven pussy. Now Im back in control and ready to
command again. My pussy needs me to.
Both hands go back into her hair. Pull her back so I can lift one leg and rest it on the bed behind
her. Its time to keep your promise. I pull her head back into my pussy. Her hands go around
me to grasp my ass and pull me into her equally.
When her tongue was playing with mine before it was great. Now this is so much better. Shes
sliding it along my slit, spreading open my lips so she can lick deeper. And there!

Yes, right there! Her mouth takes hold on my pussy, suckling around my clit, whisking her
tongue across it, gyrating the edges of it between her teeth. Its so incredible.
Oh yes. Oh yes! Dear sweet fuck yes! Hips push forward, pressing the back of her head
against the side of the bed with my pussy. The orgasm is too much for me to stand straight.
I have you Master. Stephanie helps ease me down as I come to rest on my knees in front of
Master -
Stop. We both stare deeply into each others eyes. I lift my shirt off and toss it aside. Reach
around my back to unclasp my bra, ease the straps off my shoulders, and free my breasts. Our
gaze doesnt break. Shes so beautiful. I reach out to her to unhook her shackle. Slowly slide it
off from around her neck.
I want you. I want to suck your tits. I want you to want me. She smiles and comes in for us to
kiss. Not as intense as before. Were both cherishing the moment and I realize how much I love
her lips. I feel her hands on mine as our kiss breaks. Takes back her shackle and looks at me.
Cicily. She pauses to put her shackle back on and latch it. Master. All you have to do is
command me. Sitting up as straight as she can on her knees she lifts up both her breasts in her
hands. Please Master. I need you to suck my tits. I need to feel my nipples in your mouth.
Since you asked so nicely. I lean down and plant kisses on her breasts. Peppering both of
them with my lips, just shy of her areolas. A few more before I stop teasing and lick along her
areolas, circling her nipples. Enough moans from her tempt me to finally flick her left nipple and
take her breast into my mouth. Im hungry and quenching my appetite.
While sucking one breast I massage the other with my hands. She puts a hand between my
legs to rub my mound, and the other on my ass. Im running her nipple between my tongue and
teeth. Theyre beautiful round buttons like mine and tasty. My new favorite sound is her moaning
and shes doing plenty of it right now. Im doing a bit of moaning myself with the handwork shes
giving me.
I release her breast so I can kiss my way over to the other and suck on it next. As before, Im
taking it in my mouth between my tongue and teeth. Just as delicious as the other.
My body is begging for more. I grab her right leg and pull it forward so I can straddle it. Move my
right leg between hers, letting us straddle each other.I rock against her, rubbing my pussy on
her leg, humping her. She knows whats happening and does the same, humping my leg. Both
of us are now using our legs to fuck each other.

Oh Master. Youre making me so wet. And I can feel you getting wet all over me. Please fuck
me. Please. I promise to make you happy. I promise to do anything if you just fuck me I need it
so bad.
I free her breast from my mouths assault and grab her arms to help us both stand up. Once
standing I push her onto the bed where she slides back to give me room to join. Her boobs look
so good as they jiggle from the motion. I grab a pillow and have her arch up so I can put it
underneath her ass. Taking her left leg to lift it up in the air, I throw my left leg over her side.
Stephanie moves her right leg behind me so were in a scissor position with me on my knees
and I have her leg up like a joystick.
The grinding starts next. I slide my body back and forth between her legs while she twists her
hips, swirling her pussy into me. Im bracing her leg to my chest for support. Neither of us have
ever scissored another girl before and not sure were doing it right, but it feels So fucking good.
Is this what my miss wanted?
Yes Master. Ive never had anyone do this to me. Oooohhhh fuck. I never want anyone else to
do this to me. Just you Master.
Hearing her words, coupled with the incredibly sexy view shes giving me, I know I wont last
long. Stephanie grabs her tits to keep them from bouncing all over the place. Her head is arched
back with her eyes closed, taking in all the pleasure same as me. With my left arm wrapped
around her leg Im holding it tight against me and slide my other hand down to rub her ass. Pull
back and give her a solid smack which she seems to love. Watching her is too much and I cant
hold back anymore.
Fuck! Im so close now. Oh shit here it comes. Cum with me! Cum now!
Yes, Im cumming! Fuck me Master Im cumming!! Uuggghhhhhhh!
The feeling is so overwhelming and incredible. It takes a minute for me to release her leg and
lay down on my back beside her. Were both too busy catching our breath to talk. Wonderful
ecstasy of the moment. She turns to look at me first and then I her. I must look as flushed as
she does. Her arm reaches out and takes mine. Turning me to face her as she turns away and
wraps me around her, we spoon and cuddle in my bed.
Thank you Master.
Thank you miss. Lets get some rest. Youve earned it.

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