Strategic Learning Design ICELW New York Columbia University

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ICELW 2008 June 12-13, New York, NY, USA

Strategic E-Learning in the Workplace

R. Pircher1, E. Mayr2, L. Zenk2 and H. Risku2
University of Applied Sciences bfi Vienna, Vienna, Austria
2 Department for Knowledge and Communication Management, Danube University Krems, Austria

Abstract—Empirical research suggests that there is an intervention in the organizational context of learning
impact of organizational characteristics on individual work- should be addressed. These questions were explored by
related learning processes. In this paper, we propose a means of an extensive literature review.
model of relevant organizational factors. An assessment
methodology based on a literature survey and activity B. The Impact of Organizational Characteristics on
theory is summarized. First results of an empirical Individual Learning
validation are presented with an emphasis on prerequisites
Since the late 80s, literature has become available
for e-learning.
which recognizes not only the impact of the individual
Index Terms—didactics, e-learning, individual learning, but also the impact of the organization on individual
knowledge management, learning design, organizational learning processes and/or training success. Several
learning, work-related learning authors in the HRD field highlight the significance of the
organizational context for learning outcomes and
motivation [4] [15]. Other publications analyze
I. INDIVIDUAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL LEARNING organizational factors affecting work-related learning [3]
Individual and organizational learning in the workplace [4] [5] [6] [7] [8].
are interconnected processes [1] [2]. They influence each To study the transfer of knowledge and capabilities in
other substantially and are difficult to differentiate. This organizations, one must first clarify the nature of such
paper develops an approach designed to assess the knowledge and capabilities. From a mechanistic point of
organizational environment with respect to both learning
view, they can be regarded as easily transferable
processes. The emphasis lies on prerequisites and success
factors for e-learning. On the basis of the assessment commodities. However, research findings suggest that the
results, decision support for instructional designers and use of data and information in organizations depends on
managers is provided. This assessment methodology and the subjective interpretation of those individuals and
decision support are empirically evaluated in different groups who transform this input into actions and
organizations, for example from the health care and performance. Particular emphasis is given to this aspect
telecom sector. in situated approaches to knowledge and learning [16].
Within the situated approach it has been proposed that
A. Research Approaches to Learning in Organizations companies must seek to influence and support knowledge
A number of different scientific disciplines occupy management capabilities in several different areas (e.g.,
themselves with the topics of learning and knowledge leadership and company culture) by deploying and
exchange in organizations. The fields of Human Resource integrating available methods, instruments and
Development (HRD), Training, and Workplace Learning technologies to provide a beneficial environment for the
focus primarily on individual learning and aim at use and creation of knowledge and competencies. In
improving job performance. In contrast, the fields of
Organizational Learning (OL) and Knowledge doing so, organizations must also actively encourage and
Management (KM) concentrate not on individual, but on support participation 0. Since individuals can be seen as
organizational learning. Their main interest lies in the operating both independently and interdependently, their
understanding and management of the collective socially-derived personal history, values, and ways of
capabilities of organizations enabled by organizational knowing mediate the way they participate and learn in the
learning and knowledge. However, this is, in turn, also workplace. They need to find meaning and value in the
based on the systemic interaction and integration of learning activities offered. Inconsistencies between
individual learning and human resource capabilities. organizational and individual values may lead to
Consequently, although these two different (and resistance. Different skills, abilities, and ways of
extensive) areas of applied research are relatively distinct, motivating employees to participate are required, for
they both nonetheless deal with topics which are strongly example, to attract the interest of and motivate reluctant
employees. Opportunities to participate and receive
Placing the focus on the role of the organizational support are essential for rich learning outcomes [15].
context in both fields raises the following research Approaches like situated learning emphasize the
questions: In HRD [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8], organizational
social context of learning processes and regard
factors should be identified which systematically
influence the outcomes of individual learning. In OL/KM knowledge as socially constructed [16]. Working as such
[9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] the question of whether the is recognized as a source of learning. Informal learning
outcomes of work-related learning and knowledge sharing does not occur in the absence of actions like formal
in organizations can be improved by an assessment and training but in the presence of both action and reflection.

The International Conference on E-Learning in the Workplace 2008, 1

ICELW 2008 June 12-13, New York, NY, USA

Consequently, a shift from training to learning can be

observed in the field of HRD [17]: “Learning
Data, ICT,
arrangements closely linked to the workplace are at the Information

center of attention, for example, mentoring, self-study, Tools

learning-by-doing, intercollegiate consultation, special

work assignments, reflection-in-action, work-related
learning projects, coaching, and work experiments” [18] Relevant Production
Subject Object Outcome
quoted in [17]. Characteristics of
Target Groups, HRM
An organization’s potential to provide a supportive Controlling
learning environment depends very much on the way
work is organized and on the work processes [19] p. 160.
Division of
Consequently, the complete working and learning context Rules labour
must be analyzed: “if we are to further our understanding Organisational Work Design,
of the process of workplace learning then we must move Leade rship
Office Architecture

beyond a narrow focus on the process of interaction in the

immediate workplace that has characterized recent Figure 1. Model of the organizational dimensions relevant for learning
research” [19], p. 160. and knowledge transfer within an activity system (MOD) (adaptation of
[23], p. 135)
As shown in Fig. 1, an activity system can be
On the basis of the literature review, a Model of visualized in the shape of a triangle [23], p. 135. Based
Organizational Dimensions (MOD) is proposed, which on the relevant literature mentioned above, organizational
consists of factors that have major impact on process- factors relevant for learning and knowledge transfer have
oriented learning and knowledge transfer. The model been identified and are pictured in the rectangles in Fig. 1
aims to integrate three different research approaches to (see also [24]). The dimensions of activity theory
learning within organizations: HRD, OL/KM, and (subject, tools, object, etc.) have been related to
Activity Theory. corresponding organizational factors (characteristics,
The success of instruments and methods aimed at data, strategy, etc.) in the structure of a human activity
fostering organizational learning and the development of system. The relevant characteristics of the target groups
an organizational knowledge base is influenced by both and users relate to the subject, i.e. an individual or group
the characteristics of the organization in question and the engaged in the activity. Data, information, and ICTs have
habits of its employees. Within the OL/KM discourse, a been attached to the tools which mediate between the
variety of structuring frameworks have been developed subject and the object, i.e. the physical or mental product.
and several models and assessment methods proposed Organizational culture includes common espoused values
which are relevant for the analysis of organizations [20] and basic underlying assumptions. Leadership has the
[21]. potential to influence organizational culture to certain
Knowledge transfer constitutes a very important extent. The community, on the other hand, shares a
objective of OL/KM. For this reason, these two common set of rules. For this reason, the organizational
approaches were both regarded relevant for the definition culture and leadership factors have been clustered with
and outcomes of a learning assessment guideline (LAG) rules and community. Work design and office
based on the proposed MOD. A number of different architecture are connected to task specialization and
OL/KM models were also used in the development of the division of labor. The organizational functions of strategy
MOD. definition/implementation and controlling have been
Activity theory focuses on the interaction between added to the outcome of the activity, because they focus
human activity and consciousness within the relevant on the targets and verification of the results of the
environmental context. It provides a framework for activities in line with strategy.
analyzing learning needs, tasks and outcomes within
organizations. The socio-cultural, socio-historical lens of
activity theory helps managers and learning designers to III. LEARNING ASSESSMENT GUIDELINE
analyze human activity systems. One fundamental
Based on the proposed MOD, a questionnaire, the
assumption in this approach is the notion that conscious
learning assessment guideline (LAG), was developed.
learning emerges from, not prior to, activity [22].
The LAG assesses organisational factors relevant for
individual and organisational learning. Research findings
from the fields of HRD and OL/KM were used to
generate an initial item pool. The design and evaluation
of the LAG in the test environments consisted of two
empirical phases. In the first phase, face-to-face and
written interviews with managers provided information
relevant for the implementation of process-oriented
learning with a focus on a management perspective.
Results from these interviews were used in the second

The International Conference on E-Learning in the Workplace 2008, 2

ICELW 2008 June 12-13, New York, NY, USA

phase to develop an online survey which gathered OLO

information on the employee’s perspective on workplace 5
learning. 4,5
A pool of 129 items was developed based on both the PCL DFT
literature review and the interviews with managers, and 3
an online survey was conducted in January and February 2,5
2008 using this item pool. Overall, 191 employees from 2
five different organisations answered the LAG. This data 1,5
was used to analyze the structure of the questionnaire and 1

select appropriate items with good test statistics. PIL IEL

Orthogonal factor analysis with Varimax rotation
revealed seven factors (explaining 50 % of the overall
variance). To reduce the complexity of the factor
structure, items loaded substantially on more than one
factor were excluded. Within each factor, a reliability WL EMT
analysis was conducted for the remaining items. Items health care

which correlated with a factor score of less than .30, were telecom

successively excluded. The final scales exhibited Figure 2. Assessment results from the telecommunication and the
satisfactory reliabilities (Cronbach’s Alpha) between .66 health care sector
and .91. Consequently, the final version of the LAG
contains 63 items relating to seven factors: organizational However, the comparison also shows substantial
learning orientation (OLO, 21 items), appropriateness of differences in three scales. Results for the health care
didactics in prior training (DFT, 11 items), availability of organization, for instance, show a higher degree of
infrastructure for e-learning (IEL, 9 items), extrinsic organizational learning orientation (OLO). In contrast,
motivation for training (EMT, 6 items), workload (WL, 6 the telecom company has better infrastructure for e-
items), preference to learn individually (PIL, 5 items), learning (IEL) and a higher preference for individual
and preference to learn collaboratively (PCL, 6 items). learning (PIL).
To further validate the organizational nature of the This indicates that the learning environment at the
dimensions assessed by the LAG, intraclass correlations telecom company is suited to e-learning. In contrast, the
(ICC) were computed for each scale on both an introduction of e-learning at the health care company
organizational and a team level. High intraclass would require changes in the organizational environment.
correlations indicate very similar scale values within an However, this company does have a higher overall
organization/team. This analysis confirmed that the LAG learning orientation, which is beneficial for individual
assesses mostly organisational factors: OLO, IEL, and and organizational learning at the workplace.
PIL are both significantly correlated within the As was shown for these two organizations, the results
organization and the team. DFT, EMT, and WL are of the LAG provide a basis for improving the
significantly correlated within organizations. organizational factors relevant for workplace learning.
Interestingly, PCL seems to be more an individual than Additionally, the results can be used to select appropriate
an organisational dimension. didactic strategies.


To visualize assessment with the LAG, data from two There is still a lack of research on the correlation of
organizations, one from the telecommunication sector and organizational characteristics and suitable didactic
one from the health care sector, was further analyzed and measures. However, based on the literature survey and
compared. 20 employees from the telecom company analysis, a number of factors have been identified which
(mean age = 37.42 yrs, mean length of service in appear to be linked to this issue. Through the empirical
company = 5.83 yrs, 11 % management) and 25 work carried out in the EU project PROLIX (Process
employees from the health care company (mean age = oriented learning and knowledge exchange), data will be
43.25 yrs, mean length of service in company = 17.26 collected from a series of individual test bed
yrs, 27 % management) answered the questionnaire. As organizations and should serve as the basis for
the descriptive characteristics of both samples show, verification of our assumptions.
these companies differ greatly both in employee age A. Decision Support for Didactic Strategies
structure and frequency of employee change. However,
despite these descriptive differences the two companies In accordance with the literature analysis, the
are fairly similar in many of the LAG scales (BFT, following organizational aspects can be identified as
WMT, WL, and PCL, cp. Fig. 2). relevant for the definition of a didactic strategy: ICT
skills, peer support, supervisor support, workload,
feedback, goal orientation, learning culture, and work
processes (ability and authorization to self-organize the
work required).

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The following have been defined for each of these VI. CONCLUSION AND OUTLOOK
organizational factors: This project provided a validated version of an
• Occurrences which support or do not support assessment of the organizational factors that influence
learning work-related learning. Further steps in this research will
• Potential challenges faced by the use of specific apply this version of the LAG to gather additional data.
didactic models and underlying assumptions The significance of this data will be evaluated in relation
• Potential benefits of using appropriate didactic to individual didactic preferences of training participants.
models and related assumptions. Furthermore, the applicability and usefulness of the
resultant decision support for didactic strategy and
Based on the assumptions which had to be made, an management measures will be tested.
attribute can be defined for each individual organizational
factor as follows: ICT skills are relevant for e-learning
and blended learning. Helpful peer support increases REFERENCES
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Band 2, 208, Gito, Berlin, 2007, pp. -201
Published as submitted by the authors.

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