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ASTM D1319 SOP for Hydrocarbon Types in Liquid Petroleum

Products by Fluorescent Indicator Adsorption


Apparatus is under pressure. Glass could break
and spill contents, which are flammable.

When analyzed correctly, this test method should be

completed in approximately 2 hours. However, higher
boiling constituents could require additional time for

This analysis requires

the sample and
apparatus to be
analyzed under
ultraviolet light.

Record Sample
Details in Lab

Fill the charge section

to the top of the
spherical joint of a
properly cleaned charge
tube with isopropyl
alcohol or isoamyl
alcohol (See Note 2)

Rev. February 2009

Prepare capillary tube

as instructed in the
capillary preparation

Chill the sample and the

hypodermic syringe and
needle to less than 4oC



Page 1 of 3

Extract 0.75 0.03 mL of

sample into the syringe and
inject the sample
approximately 30 mm
below the surface of silica
gel (See Note 1).

The analyst should take care in preparation of glassware for each analysis, as contaminants from previous sample can
contribute to inaccurate results. Operator should also be aware that toluene used for cleaning increase the recovery of
aromatic compounds if column is not dried properly.
Connect the charge
tube to the gas manifold
and observe the
connection for any

Apply 14 2 kPa (2psi)

of gas pressure for 2.5
0.5 minutes

Note 1:
The ease in which the sample syringe needle
can be inserted will give the analyst an ideal
of how tightly packed the silica gel

Is sample a
gasoline or
jet fuel?

Jet Fuel/Diesel

28-69 kPa or
4-10psi is typical
for gasoline

Increase pressure to 34
2 kPa (5psi) for 2.5
0.5 minutes

Adjust pressure to give

a transit time of about 1
hour, Samples with high
molecular weight may
take longer

Ensure that all glassware, measuring devices, instruments,
and all other items are verified and calibrated if necessary
within their required time period before beginning procedure.

69-103 kPa or
10-15psi is typical
for jet fuels
Note 2:
Isoamyl alcohol may be substituted in place
of isopropyl alcohol when analyzing samples
with a boiling point above 204C (399F)

Improper packing of the silica gel
can cause gel separation when
pressure is introduced yielding
erroneous results.

Mark the tube when red

boundary is at least
350mm into analyzer

The analyst should take care in
handling acetone, isopropyl alcohol,
and isoamyl alcohol because all
components are flammable, as well as
health hazards.

Mark as

A = solvent

B = beginning of
most intense
yellow brand

C = first intense

D = upper end
of red boundary

Repeat markings in
reverse order after red
band has moved at
least another 50mm
Continued on page 2

ALWAYS consult MSDS for both samples and reagents to familiarize yourself with chemical hazards before beginning a procedure.





ASTM D1319 SOP for Hydrocarbons Types in Liquid Petroleum

Products by Fluorescent Indicator Adsorption

Rev. February 2009



Page 2 of 3
Continued From Page 1
Calculate for
both sets of
(See Page 3).

La, (A-B) = length of the

aromatics zone, mm
Lo, (B-C) = length of the olefins
zone, mm

(La / L) x 100

(Lo / L) x 100

(Ls / L) x 100

Record as volume
% uncorrected aromatics

Record as volume
% uncorrected olefins

Record as volume
% uncorrected saturates

Are both marking results

repeatable according to
Table 3 or Fig. 4?


Ls, (C-D) = length of the

saturates zone, mm
L, (A-D) = sum of La + Lo + Ls,

Rerun the


Average both sets of results

C = C X 100 - B
C = concentration of hydrocarbon type, Vol. %,
on total sample basis

Report results to 0.1% as "total sample

basis " or "uncorrected"

C = concentration of hydrocarbon type, Vol.%,

on an oxygenate-free basis
B = concentration of total blending components
(oxygenates), Vol.%, in sample as determined by
ASTM D4815 or D5599 or equivalent.

The method determination ranges for the
hydrocarbon types using ASTM D1319 is as
Aromatics - 5 to 99 Vol.%
Olefins - 0.3 to 55 Vol.%
Saturates - 1 to 95 Vol.%

Correct results for volume of

oxygenates using the total oxygenates
result from ASTM D4815 or D5599
where applicable

Report Adjusted Results as

"Oxygenate-free Basis" or "Corrected"

A result less than the hydrocarbon type range shall

be reported (<) lower limit. i.e. < 5 Vol.% A result
greater than the hydrocarbon type range shall be
reported (>) upper limit. i.e. > 99 Vol.%
Continued on Page 3

ALWAYS consult MSDS for both samples and reagents to familiarize yourself with chemical hazards before beginning a procedure.





ASTM D1319 SOP for Hydrocarbons Types in Liquid Petroleum

Products by Fluorescent Indicator Adsorption

Rev. February 2009



Page 3 of 3

Continued from Page 2

The analyst should make certain that
the compound is oxygenate free, as
sometimes samples that contain
oxygenate compounds can be
overlooked. Samples that do contain
oxygenates will typically be reported
as corrected as well as uncorrected.
Make certain the oxygenate values
are reported in volume percent and
not mass, as the values in mass %
are significantly different from values
reported in volume %.

FIG. 3 Pictorial Aid for Identification of Chromatographic Boundaries of

Oxygenate Blended Fuel Samples

ALWAYS consult MSDS for both samples and reagents to familiarize yourself with chemical hazards before beginning a procedure.

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