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The power of positive thinking

There was one man who has become a lighthouse for millions of
people who followed him. His name was Abraham Lincoln. His resume
is as follows:
Age 22, failed in business.
Age 23, ran for legislature and was defeated.
Age 24, failed again in business.
Age 25, elected to legislature.
Age 26, sweetheart died.
Age 27, had a nervous breakdown.
Age 29, defeated for speaker.
Age 31, defeated for elector.
Age 34, defeated for Congress.
Age 37, elected to Congress.
Age 39, defeated for Congress.
Age 46, defeated for Senate.
Age 47, defeated for vice president.
Age 49, defeated for Senate.
Age 51, elected President of the United States of America.
Abraham Lincolns optimistic outlook did not change even when he
failed. Nor did he bother about what people said when he failed. Even
when he became President, people still criticised him but instead of
becoming worried, he continued to believe in himself. This is what he
said, No man is good enough to be President, but someone has to be.
Work with a partner and think of another famous person who
succeeded in spite of repeated failures. Talk about the qualities the
person had which made him successful.
An optimistic, positive mind is far more likely to come up with creative solutions
than a mind that dwells on setbacks and difficulties. - Zig Ziglar
A positive-minded man expects an opportunity in every calamity but a negativeminded man expects a calamity in every opportunity. - Anon
"If you can dream it, you can do it. Your limits are all within yourself." - Brian Tracy

Do you have the desire to get what you want, to be what you want? Do you believe
you can achieve what you want? If you do not believe in yourself, nobody can able
help you. The world is abundant with opportunity. A burning desire to be and do and a
belief in your ability to do it is the starting point from where you could signal your
subconscious mind to do what you want. You have the power to change your desires
into realities. You have a brain in which any given moment there are between 100,000
and 1,000,000 chemical reactions taking place. Everyday when you wake up 3 million
cells in your body are new. Think about all those successful people, Gandhi, Mother
Teresa, the Wright brothers, Vijay MallyaOne thing they all had in common was a
burning desire to be and to do and a firm belief in their ability to do it.
Self-belief is the head chemist of the mind. Once our thoughts and emotions have
been coloured by our beliefs, they immediately begin to translate themselves into
reality. Your subconscious mind makes your beliefs materialise into reality. If you
believe the world is bad that is what you are going to experience. If you believe you
need to struggle to survive that is what will happen to you. If you believe you will
never get through the interview for the job of an airhostess, you wont get through. On
the other hand, if you believe you have what it takes to become a successful airhostess
and to deal with all kinds of people and any kind of situation you will be able to do it.
All major breakthroughs in life come when you remove the limiting beliefs and
negative thoughts programmed into your subconscious mind and fill your mind with
self-belief and positive thoughts.
The ten statements in the quiz below reflect the kind of negative
thinking which afflicts many people. Circle the item most
characteristic of your own thinking. Try to be as honest as possible
so that you can find out if you are a negative thinker and need
training in positive thinking.
How positive are your thoughts?
1. I feel life is out to get me.
Almost never (0)

Sometimes (1)

Often (2)

Almost always (3)

Sometimes (1)

Often (2)

Almost always (3)

2. I imagine the worst.

Almost never (0)

3. I feel I cant cope with challenging situations.

Almost never (0)

Sometimes (1)

Often (2)

Almost always (3)

Often (2)

Almost always (3)

Often (2)

Almost always (3)

4. People around me fail my expectations.

Almost never (0)

Sometimes (1)

5. I find it difficult to accept compliments.

Almost never (0)

Sometimes (1)

6. If things dont happen the way I want, I feel very angry.

Almost never (0)

Sometimes (1)

Often (2)

Almost always (3)

7. I feel I dont really enjoy anything in life.

Almost never (0)

Sometimes (1)

Often (2)

Almost always (3)

Often (2)

Almost always (3)

Often (2)

Almost always (3)

8. I get anxious and worried about things.

Almost never (0)

Sometimes (1)

9. I feel I am not in control of my life.

Almost never (0)

Sometimes (1)

10. I find myself talking negatively about other people or myself or about life in
Almost never (0)

Sometimes (1)

Often (2)

Almost always (3)

To get your score, give yourself:

3 points for each "almost never"
2 points for each "often"
1 point for each "sometimes"
0 points for each "almost always"
Add up your points to get your total score.
If you scored:
0-15 Your positivity levels are worryingly low. You seem to be a naturally
pessimistic person so to feel happier and be more successful, you need to
develop some positive strategies and shift your outlook from negative to
positive as soon as possible.
15-20 You need to do better and learn more of positive thinking strategies and
skills. In particular, you need to build up your self-esteem.
20-25 You are generally positive about life but could do even better. Make an
effort to build up your positivity in the areas of life you feel the most negative
25-28 Your attitude is quite positive and you have a generally optimistic
approach to life. Build on your positive attitude to ensure that your life will be
even more successful.
29-30 You cheated!

Dont make yourself anxious and increase your feelings of negativity if you have
found that you are low on positivity. Anybody can learn how to think positively. For
this, the first thing you have to do is to tell yourself that you can condition yourself to
become more positive. Remember that as an airhostess you may have to face many
challenges, keep control over whatever situation may arise, remain calm and continue
to work efficiently under pressure. If there is a crisis, you will also become
responsible for keeping people around you calm and under control. All this is possible
only if you believe in yourself and have a positive attitude to life in general. For it is
positive thinking which gives us the power and the confidence to face problematic
situations, analyze them, find solutions and work on them.
The benefits of positive thinking
Positive and negative thinking are both contagious. All of us affect, in one way or
another, the people we meet. This happens instinctively and on a subconscious level,
through the transfer of thoughts and feelings and through body language. People sense
our aura and are affected by our thoughts. You may have noticed that you yourself are
more attracted by people who are positive and happy and dislike being with people
who transmit negativity. An airhostess who is not a positive thinker will not only be
unpopular with passengers but may also convey a negative image of the airline and
even worse, transmit her negativity to the passengers during any critical situations that
may arise.
Further, negative thoughts, words and attitudes lead to negative and unhappy moods
and actions. When the mind is negative, toxins are released into the blood, which
cause more unhappiness and negativity. This is the way to failure, frustration and
disappointment. However, through self-training it is possible to change ones attitudes
and thoughts over a period of time and embark on the road to success.
Read this story which shows us how the power of positive thinking
Anita applied for an airhostess job, but she had a negative attitude towards herself
and her self-esteem was low. As she considered herself unworthy of success, she was
sure that she was not going to get the job and she had convinced herself that the other
applicants were better and more qualified than she was.
Her mind was filled with negative thoughts and fears concerning the interview for the
whole week preceding. She was sure that she would be rejected. The night before the
interview she did not sleep well and that morning she woke up late. To her horror she
discovered that the dress she had planned to wear needed ironing. As it was already
too late to do anything about it, she went to the interview in a wrinkled dress.
During the interview she was edgy and kept worrying about her appearance. She was
also hungry because she had not given herself enough time to eat breakfast. All this
distracted her and made it difficult for her to focus on the interview and think of
suitable answers to the questions she was asked. Because of her unkempt and tense
appearance, the first impression she conveyed was poor. Her general attitude was so
obviously negative that her worst fears came true and she failed to get the job.

After the interview she met a friend who had been selected. Her friend realized that
she seemed to have a problem so she persuaded her to attend a seminar on positive
thinking and suggested some books she could read. Anita did as her friend suggested
and worked hard to change her attitude and her way of thinking. After a few months
of self-training, she again applied for an airhostess job with a different airline.
This time she approached the interview completely differently. She told herself that
she was going to get the job. During the week preceding the interview, she often
visualized herself making a good impression and getting the job. She rehearsed the
interview and thought of suitable answers to the questions that could be asked.
The evening before the interview, she got her clothes ready and made an effort to
sleep early. On the morning of the interview, she woke up earlier than usual so that
she had enough time to dress with care and eat a good breakfast. She arrived at the
venue of the interview well before the scheduled time. This time she got the job
because she made a good impression and conveyed a positive attitude.
Make a list of the things that Anita did differently the second time
she went for the interview. Which of these things do you think made
the most difference? Discuss with your partner.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The story you have just read illustrates how the power of thoughts shapes our lives.
You saw how Anitas negative outlook, her fear of the future, doubt in her own
abilities and expectation of failure damaged her self-confidence, weakened her
performance and paralyzed her mentally. You also saw how positive thinking had a
beneficial influence on her and made it possible for her to learn from her past failures,
prepare herself to face new challenges and gave her the energy to plan her strategy
and think clearly. In other words, it enabled her to accomplish what she wanted to.
In fact, when our attitude is positive we entertain pleasant feelings, bring to mind
constructive images and visualize our own success in our mind's eye. This brings
brightness to the eyes, and fills us with vigour and happiness. Our whole being
radiates good will, joy, energy and success. Our body language reveals the way we
feel inside as we walk tall and our voices become more powerful.
The story above also shows us that no matter how pessimistic we might be, once we
are willing, we can change our attitude and our outlook. We can definitely turn our
minds towards the positive if we are willing to work hard and train ourselves over a
period of time.
Think of the good things
To get ourselves to break free from the grip of self-doubt and start believing in
ourselves, we can start by thinking of all the good things that have happened to us.
Just close your eyes for a few seconds, relax and smile (even if you
dont feel like smiling, force yourself to do so). Now think of a time

when you succeeded in doing something and felt happy and

confident. Dwell on the experience and try to re-live the feeling you
had at that time.
How do you feel now? Do you feel more confident and happy than
you were a few moments ago? Does this feeling make you feel more
positively inclined towards everybody and everything?
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------When you start feeling more positively inclined towards yourself and life in general,
you are able to force your mind to believe that you can do what you want to do. This
in turn starts making seemingly impossible tasks appear more possible and you are
able to think, plan and work towards your goals to the best of your ability. This
inevitably brings success. Even if you encounter some failures, your confidence in
yourself keeps you going and you are able to achieve success in the end.
Use affirmations and think positive thoughts
In case you feel any inner resistance when replacing negative thoughts with positive
ones, do not give up. Instead keep looking at the beneficial, good and happy thoughts
in your mind. If you keep thinking positively and expect only favourable results and
situations, even difficult circumstances will gradually change for the better. It may
take some time for the changes to take place, but eventually they will.
You can also counter hard-to-control negative thoughts with the use of rational
positive thoughts and affirmations. Affirmations are deceptively simple devices that
can be used by anyone and are remarkably effective. These powerful, positive phrases
will improve communication with all parts of your mind. All you need is a simple
affirmative statement summing up how you want to be.
1. Repeat aloud the positive statements given below. Make an
effort to think about what each statement means to you as
you say it.
I enjoy and am grateful for all I have.
I can feel the kindness of all those around me.
I accept all that comes along and work with it.
I am grateful that I can choose my thoughts to bring
happiness to myself and to others.
I am grateful that I am alive and I am enjoying my unique
and marvellous life.
I am grateful that I have the time today to work on my

I am happy that I am about to get what I want.

I live in the present moment and enjoy it to the fullest.
I feel full of energy and life.
I am happy that more and more positive experiences and
thoughts are coming my way.
2. Write down 5 positive statements which reflect what you want
to be and what you want to make of your own life. Read these
out aloud to the partner.
After repeating these statements how do you feel? Tell your
Make sure you repeat these statements to yourself at least
once every day.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You would have noticed how repeating your affirmations makes you forget your
negative thoughts and fills your mind with positive feelings. However, to continue
getting the benefits of these positive feelings, you have to make the effort to
remember and repeat these statements over and over again. Repetition of the positive
statements blocks the negative thoughts out of your mind.
Banish negative thoughts and words
People often talk negatively without thinking. Here are some examples of sentences
one hears ever so often:
How will I ever finish this assignment? The deadline is approaching and I have far
too much to do.
I just cant deal with that person hes so demanding.
Theres no point going out at this time of the day. Ill never get any parking.
I just cant concentrate these days. Im sure to flunk the exam.
My dad will never let me try for this job he thinks women cant do anything.
Theres no way I can convince him otherwise.
Words of this kind express negativity and shape the reality in a negative way, thus
creating more negativity and anxiety in the person who says them and inadvertently,
even in the person who hears them. It is words like these which shape a negative
attitude. On the other hand, as you have observed through the activity above, if we
choose to use only positive and affirmative words we are able to imbibe a positive
attitude and develop self-confidence. This makes it possible for us to enjoy a life
where things flow smoothly and in our favour. It is important therefore, to make an
effort to visualize only favourable and beneficial situations and use only positive
words in your inner dialogues or when talking to others. Smile a little more as this

helps you to think positively. If a negative thought does enter your mind, endeavour to
replace it with a constructive one. Imagine that there are two pictures in front of you
and you have the choice of looking at only one of them and disregarding the other.
Even if things seem to be going wrong for sometime, dont give in to the desire to
quit. If you persevere, you will transform the way your mind works and in doing so,
transform your whole life.
Examine the negative statements in the section above. Now re-write
each of them as positive affirmations. Follow the example below:
I can finish this assignment because I am capable of working hard
and managing my time well.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------General tips for positive thinking

Follow these general tips to help you maintain a positive attitude in you day-to-day

Talk to yourself optimistically.

Replace your negative internal conversations with positive ones.
Find time to relax and meditate.
Enjoy your work and work with enthusiasm.
Surround yourself with positive can-do people.
Praise yourself as well as others.
Stop finding fault with the people around you.
Control your time and dont let others use it.
Create a good physical image for yourself. First impressions are important!
Dont waste time thinking about past events and lost opportunities.
Live in the present.
Look for people who radiate positivity and try to emulate them.
Dont worry about what others say or think. Do what you think is best.
Remember that 99% of what you fear will never actually take place.
Walk and talk with confidence.
Smile with the eyes and not with the mouth.
Allow yourself to dream of success at all times.
Remember, you feel what you want and you are what you think.

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