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If I had the opportunity to steal $100,000 from the company, I would not do it. I
have few reasons as to why I refuse to practice such unethical behaviour.
Ethics alludes to good and bad lead of people and establishments of which they
are a part. It is also moral principles by which activities and circumstances can be
judged by honesty, fairness and trust.
Loyalty Conflicts. An ethical issue might introduce itself at whatever point
disparities exist among the requests of laws, government arrangements, bosses, and
moral standards. These prickly difficulties cause significant pain, in light of the fact
that a solitary decision should regularly be produced using among a few true
legitimate loyalties.
As a manager, you have been given the trust to manage the company under your
surveillance. By stealing the companys money, not only you are practicing unethical
behaviour but you are also doing something that is illegal as stealing is against the
law. I believe one should have Virtue Ethics; that is a way to deal with ethics that
underlines an individuals character as the key component of moral considering, as
opposed to the consequences.
Furthermore, we live in a society and rely on upon them to ensure us and give a
standard of security. One should not steal thinking other would not return the favor. In
the event that many people steal, society in all endures and separates then every one in
the society will also suffer.
Besides that, this pragmatic reason found in social contract ethical theory there is
the fact we possess empathy. You know how it feels to work hard for something and
how you would feel if that something were taken away unjustifiably from you.
To conclude, if I had the opportunity to steal $100,000 from the company with
absolute certainty that I would not be detected or caught, I would not do it.

If I were to put into such situation, I would directly go to an executive to report
the incident before talking about it with the offender. The action that I was to take is
closely related to ethics and morals.
Ethics define how things are according to the rules. As to this case, I believe that
reporting to the executive is an ethical decision. Every work has its own codes of
ethics. For example, Codes of Organizations. It is stated under the Codes of
Organizations; one should make promises regarding company performance and
responsibility. By keeping quiet and defending a friend with unethical behaviour, I
would be aiding and abetting the unethical action as well.
Morals are the principles or habits with respect to right or wrong conduct. It
defines how things should work according to an individual' ideals and principles.
Since morals are internal, I believe that I would be doing the right action by reporting
to the executive. In my opinion, stealing is wrong. Not only that, that action is against
the law and illegal but also wrong in every beliefs.
Thus, my action will be; reporting to the executives.

I would not accept his offer for the ethical reasons behind it. Preferential treatment
suggests that one would get a special treatment or advantages on certain things.
Thus, by accepting generous sum of money for a contract, it would make the action as
an unethical action that one could take. It is not ethical as by accepting the offer may
be a serious breach of business and professional ethics, and perhaps even a violation
of the law.
Next, from a survey, it is shown that a companys performance depends on the
employees morale and performance. By accepting the offer, it is difficult to measure
the employees performance as employee positions frequently are expanded to
conceal the professional's activities. Thus, from this, companys performance is hard
to measure as inefficiency occurs.
Moreover, the timing of accepting the offer is likewise significant. An offer in a
matter of seconds before or after, or amid a tendering procedure for instance, is
improper as it can be understood as a bribe, offered with the aim of 'making it all
work out'. With this, investors are suspicious of working with organizations and
companies that are known for corruption. In any case that you are looking for venture
to develop your firm, you will have a much harder time finding investors because
your company has a history of corruption. Rivalry is unreasonably influenced when
investors' risk increased by changing business atmospheres that take after corruption
practices. Thus, investors stay away from companies that have history of corruption.
With reasons I have provided, I would not accept the offer.

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