Commitee - United Nations Conference On Trade and Development

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The conflict which sorrounds the issue of

the status of new and emerging markets
has been a debatable point for a long
period of time. While some may argue
otherwise, the United Kingdom firmly
believes that these markets need to grow
and expand in order to get a mutual
benefit comparable to a symbiotic
relationship. It also believes that all the
countries need to put aside their personal
differences in order to reach a harmonious
decision which is helpful to all member
states. The U.K. is an island nation in
northwestern Europe made up of England,

Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. It is

a part of the Europian Union which
consists of 28 nations including France,
Germany and Luxembourg.
The United Kingdom has evolved in order
to make policies which are beneficial for
the parties involved. It understands that
there are two sides to every coin and it is
willing to offer help to underdeveloped
nations. The UK can see that there is risk
invoved due to political instability,
currency volatility along with other factors
but it also believes in the ideology that "If
one doesn't roll a die, one can never get a
six " along with the notion that every
nation is worth helping. It deals with trade
barriers by either talking directly to the
country which has put up a barrier, or by
talking to them via the EU. The
government continues to make sure
agreements about international trade in
order to help developing countries. As an
example, through the Aid for Trade fund

and other trade and development projects,

the UK is contributing to projects that will
make it easier for developing countries to
do business with other nations.The UK has
a shared import/export policy with other
European Union (EU) countries which
means EU countries work together to
negotiate trade agreements with non-EU

The United Kingdom extends a helping

hand forward to help the nations which are
in need as it recognizes the need to reach
a conclusive and fruitful decision for all
the member states. Policies need to be
introduced which benefit the investors
along with everyone. We need to
understand that this just like a domino
effect and if one economy collapses it will
have a negative effect on all others,
leading to inflation and other severe
measures. Policies like Liberalisation,
Privatisation and Globalisation need to be

set in motion in order to get all the nations

on the same wavelength so that we all can
control the future instead of letting the
future control us.

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