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Assessment of Child and Adolescent Overweight and Obesity

Nancy F. Krebs, John H. Himes, Dawn Jacobson, Theresa A. Nicklas, Patricia

Guilday and Dennis Styne
Pediatrics 2007;120;S193-S228
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2007-2329D

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Assessment of Child and Adolescent Overweight

and Obesity
Nancy F. Krebs, MD, MSa, John H. Himes, PhD, MPHb, Dawn Jacobson, MD, MPHc, Theresa A. Nicklas, DrPHd, Patricia Guilday, RNe,
Dennis Styne, MDf

aDepartment of Pediatrics, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver, Colorado; bDivision of Epidemiology and Community Health, University of Minnesota

School of Public Health, Minneapolis, Minnesota; cOffice of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Department of Health and Human Services, Rockville, Maryland;
dDepartment of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas; ePS duPont Elementary School, Wilmington, Delaware; fDepartment of Pediatrics, University of

California, Davis, Sacramento, California

The authors have indicated they have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.

Accurate appropriate assessment of overweight and obesity in children and ado-
lescents is a critical aspect of contemporary medical care. However, physicians and
other health care professionals may find this a somewhat thorny field to enter. The peds.2007-2329D
BMI has become the standard as a reliable indicator of overweight and obesity. The doi:10.1542/peds.2007-2329D
BMI is incomplete, however, without consideration of the complex behavioral
Key Words
factors that influence obesity.Because of limited time and resources, clinicians obesity, clinical assessment, BMI, diet,
need to have quick, evidence-based interventions that can help patients and their physical activity
families recognize the importance of reducing overweight and obesity and take Abbreviations
IOTF—International Obesity Task Force
action. In an era of fast food, computers, and DVDs, it is not easy to persuade CDC—Centers for Disease Control and
patients to modify their diets and to become more physically active. Because Prevention
PPV—positive predictive value
research concerning effective assessment of childhood obesity contains many gaps, DGAC—Dietary Guidelines Advisory
this report is intended to provide a comprehensive approach to assessment and to Committee
present the evidence available to support key aspects of assessment. The discussion HDL— high-density lipoprotein
LDL—low-density lipoprotein
and recommendations are based on ⬎300 studies published since 1995, which T2DM—type 2 diabetes mellitus
examined an array of assessment tools. With this information, clinicians should CVD— cardiovascular disease
WAVE—weight, activity, variety, and
find themselves better equipped to face the challenges of assessing childhood excess
overweight and obesity accurately. Accepted for publication Aug 31, 2007
Address correspondence to Nancy F. Krebs,
MD, MS, Department of Pediatrics, University
of Colorado School of Medicine, 4200 E. Ninth
Ave, Box C225, Denver, CO 80262. E-mail:
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005;
Online, 1098-4275). Copyright © 2007 by the
American Academy of Pediatrics

PEDIATRICS Volume 120, Supplement 4, December 2007 S193

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O BESE AND OBESITY are terms commonly used in the
clinic as well as on the street corner, often with a
wide range of meanings. For medical purposes, obesity
adulthood patterns of risk for obesity-related disease and
death,8,9 as well as to provide continuity with recommen-
dations for adults. The expert committee considered ado-
refers to excess body fat; however, the exact meaning of lescents whose BMI was ⱖ85th percentile but ⬍95th per-
excess has not been defined. Obesity most often is re- centile to be “at risk of overweight.” The committee
garded as an excess percentage of body weight that is fat, deliberately avoided the term obese, because of the infer-
but no widely accepted diagnostic definitions or cutoff ence regarding adiposity and body composition and the
points are available for children. For an understanding of inability of height and weight data, even as BMI, to mea-
developmental patterns, mean body fat percentages (de- sure total body fat specifically. These definitions are con-
rived from bioelectrical impedence analyses) are avail- sidered standard in describing the weight status of children
able for US children ⬎12 years of age,1 and percentile and adolescents 2 to 18 years of age.4,10
curves have been published for British children 5 to 18 In 2005, the Institute of Medicine consciously de-
years of age.2 parted from the previously described terminology and
elected to define children with BMI of ⱖ95th percentile
for age and gender as obese, rather than overweight.6
The Institute of Medicine report conveyed the serious-
Defining Obesity ness, urgency, and medical nature of childhood obesity,
In the absence of established criteria that define childhood as well as the need to take action. The current expert
obesity on the basis of whole-body fatness and its relation- committee endorses the position of the Institute of Med-
ship to health outcomes, cutoff points based on distribu- icine report and recommends that individuals 2 to 18
tions of anthropometric measurements (eg, weight and years of age with BMI of ⬎30 kg/m2 or ⱖ95th percentile
BMI) generally are used. To define obesity in US children, for age and gender (whichever is smaller) should be
the percentile distributions relative to gender and age in considered obese (see summary report). We think that
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) the nature of the current epidemic and the need for
2000 growth charts3 are now the preferred reference. medical professionals and others to address the problem
The CDC 2000 growth charts were not developed as actively justifies this change.11 Moreover, we recom-
health-related standards of how healthy children should mend that individuals with BMI of ⱖ85th percentile but
grow. Rather, the growth charts present percentiles as ⬍95th percentile or 30 kg/m2 (whichever is smaller)
points of reference, primarily based on national surveys now be considered overweight and that this term replace
of US children. Although the most-recent growth charts the term “at risk of overweight.” The Institute of Medi-
were published in 2000, they include selected data from cine report published in 2005 was silent regarding this
1963 to 1995, which makes them statistically nonrepre- category of BMI.
sentative of the US population in 2000.3 Nevertheless, The expert committee concluded that the scientific
the CDC 2000 growth charts were developed carefully data linking elevated BMI to risk factors and morbi-
and provide the best reference data available for the dity,12,13 as well as the difficulty of changing early trajec-
growth of US children. tories of weight gain, support the change in terminology.
Several expert and advisory groups have recom- The terms overweight and obese also may be easier than
mended BMI as the preferred measure for evaluating “at risk of overweight” for parents to understand. This
obesity among children and adolescents 2 to 19 years of new terminology will allow US medical practice to par-
age.4–7 BMI expresses the weight-for-height relationship allel the recommendations of the International Obesity
as a ratio, that is, weight (in kilograms)/[height (in Task Force (IOTF)14 and to align with the International
meters)]2. Experts recommend BMI because it can be Classification of Diseases, Ninth Edition, diagnosis codes.
obtained easily, it is correlated strongly with body fat Finally, these changes in descriptions of weight status for
percentage (especially at extreme BMI levels), it is asso- children and adolescents will provide continuity with the
ciated only weakly with height, and it identifies the recommended adult cutoff points of BMI of ⱖ25 kg/m2
fattest individuals correctly, with acceptable accuracy at and ⱖ30 kg/m2 for overweight and obesity, respectively.15
the upper end of the distribution (eg, ⱖ85th or ⱖ95th We are aware that the BMI categories for adults that are
percentile for age and gender). linked to minimal subsequent mortality rates are not
In 1994, the Expert Committee on Clinical Guidelines without controversy.16 However, the threshold levels of
for Overweight in Adolescent Preventive Services recom- 25 and 30 kg/m2 for adult BMI are still recommended by
mended that children whose BMI exceeds 30 kg/m2 or is national and international organizations.7,15
ⱖ95th percentile for age and gender (whichever is smaller) For children ⱕ2 years of age, the weight-for-recum-
should be considered overweight.5 The BMI limit of 30 bent length percentiles from the CDC 2000 growth
kg/m2 was recommended because, at the oldest ages of charts are appropriate for evaluating weight relative to
adolescence for which the 95th percentile values exceed 30 linear growth, but the term obese generally should not
kg/m2 (⬎17 years), elevated BMI is associated with early be applied to children this young. Weight-for-length

S194 KREBS et al
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percentiles of ⱖ95th identify these children as over- Development of BMI References and Implications
weight.3 The developmental pattern for BMI differs somewhat
Little evidence is available regarding the most effec- from the more-familiar patterns for height and weight
tive way to evaluate the severity of obesity for children (Fig 1). The normal pattern is for BMI to decrease from
with BMI of ⬎97th percentile (the highest level on the ⬃2 years of age until 5 or 6 years of age and to increase
CDC growth charts). Inge et al17 recommended that bari- thereafter. This early decrease in BMI reflects a corre-
atric surgery for adolescents should be restricted to those sponding decrease in subcutaneous fat and the percent-
with BMI of ⱖ40 and significant comorbidities that may age of body fat.22 The resulting V-shaped pattern in early
be improved with surgery. In research settings, age- childhood has been termed the “adiposity rebound.”23 It
specific z scores or SD scores are used for extreme values coincides with the period between the ages of 4 and 7
of anthropometric measures. These scores describe the years when BMI reaches its nadir and then begins to
number of SD units above or below the median for the increase through the remainder of childhood and into
individual value. For example, in a normally distributed young adulthood. Early adiposity rebound has been
population, the 99th percentile is equivalent to a z score of cited as a risk factor for the development and persistence
⬃3.0. Unfortunately, a computer program is needed to of later obesity.24 More-recent analyses suggest that this
calculate BMI z scores, and many clinicians are unfamiliar primarily is a reflection of rapid weight gain during
with their use and interpretation. A BMI z score calculator infancy and early childhood and that it identifies young
is available on the Internet ( children with high BMI percentiles and/or children who
bodycomp/bmiz2.html). Limited available data suggest are crossing percentiles upward.24,25 Rapid weight gain in
that BMI-for-age values of ⱖ99th percentile are associated infancy, including during the first week,26 the first 4
strongly with the presence of comorbidities, excess adipos- months,27 and the first year,28 has been found to predict
ity, and persistence of obesity into adulthood.18 This sever- later obesity. In one prospective cohort, increased
ity of obesity may well warrant more-aggressive therapeu- weight gain during the first 3 years of life was associated
tic interventions. Although they are not available currently independently with higher BMI, fat mass, and waist
on growth charts, more-routine availability of 99th percen- circumference at 17 years of age.29 For clinical purposes,
tile BMI cutoff points would likely be valuable for tailoring the utility of assessing adiposity rebound is limited, be-
optimal treatment approaches. cause it is difficult to determine for an individual child
and it is, by definition, a retrospective determination.
Identification of the age of adiposity rebound as a strat-
Anthropometric Methods and Determination of BMI egy for clinicians to identify children at risk of over-
Weight, height (sometimes referred to as stature), and weight or obesity is unlikely to contribute more than
recumbent length of children are measured routinely in plotting of weight and length for age and determination
most clinics. Nevertheless, the importance of careful ac- of BMI percentiles for young children.
curate measurements should be emphasized to clinic Another distinctive feature of the BMI developmental
staff members. Staff members should take particular care curve is that it lacks the marked increase in growth
when BMI is be calculated, compared to reference data, velocity during the adolescent spurt that is characteristic
and made the basis for important decisions regarding the of height and weight growth curves. Although BMI in-
child’s health. Detailed protocols are available for mea- creases during the adolescent spurt, the slope with age is
suring recumbent length, height, and weight in a man- dampened by the nature of the BMI ratio and the dif-
ner comparable to that for reference data.19 ference in timing of the growth spurts of height and
BMI may be calculated directly as weight (in kilo- weight.22 Because the upper percentiles of BMI increase
grams)/[height (in meters)]2 or determined from so dramatically with age, the BMI levels used to identify
published tables or nomograms.5,20,21 Many BMI tables, overweight and obese children are usually presented
nomograms, and calculator programs are available according to age. BMI percentiles also must be gender-
online (eg, specific, because of the systematic physiologic differ-
htm or ences between boys and girls. Finally, as is evident in the
The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute pro- percentiles presented in Fig 1, the statistical distribution
vides a free program for calculating BMI on hand-held of BMI at any age is asymmetric or skewed toward the
devices ( higher values.
If BMI is calculated from height and weight measured An attractive aspect of BMI is that it correlates closely
in inches and pounds, then the formula is BMI ⫽ with total body fat30,31 and other risk factors for obesity-
[weight (in pounds)/[height (in inches)]2] ⫻ 703. related morbidity in adults.32,33 Such correlations are
Some BMI tables and charts are designed for adults based on the joint associations of the entire distributions
and either may not accommodate the smaller heights of BMI and related outcomes. Interpretation of assess-
and weights appropriate for children or may not pro- ments of overweight in children using only BMI for age
vide age/gender-specific percentiles. and gender should include the realization that some

PEDIATRICS Volume 120, Supplement 4, December 2007 S195

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BMI percentiles for age for boys 2 to 20 years of age. (Reproduced with permission from Kuczmarski RJ, Ogden CL, Grummer-Strawn LM, et al. Adv Data. 2000;(314):1–27.)

children may have relatively high weights primarily be- This sort of categorical identification often is evalu-
cause of high lean mass, rather than high body fat levels. ated by using the same sensitivity/specificity approach
This is most common among male adolescents, for that is used to evaluate medical screening procedures.36
whom gains in BMI during adolescence may have a large Sensitivity (or the true-positive rate) in this case repre-
component of lean mass.34,35 At ⱖ95th percentile, how- sents the proportion of children who are considered the
ever, almost all of those who are identified as obese on fattest with a standard method for assessment of total
the basis of BMI have high weights because they have body fat (eg, dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry) and
high total body fat levels. In clinical practice, the impor- who also are identified correctly with the BMI criteria.
tant question is whether the criteria for overweight and The complement of sensitivity is specificity, or the pro-
obese that are based only on the upper portion of the portion of children who are considered not the fattest
BMI distribution (ie, ⱖ85th percentile or ⱖ95th percen- with the standard method and who are identified cor-
tile) identify correctly the fattest children and those at rectly as not overweight or obese with the BMI criteria.
greatest health risk. Finally, the positive predictive value (PPV) is the pro-

S196 KREBS et al
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portion of children who are identified as overweight or sensitivities and specificities of BMI for identifying the
obese with BMI criteria who are truly the fattest children fattest children are inconsistent and probably not impor-
identified with the standard method. The PPV is impor- tant clinically.30,39,43 Similarly, available data show no
tant for clinical applications because its complement (1 consistent age patterns in BMI sensitivities and specific-
⫺ PPV) is an estimate of the proportion of children who ities between the ages of 6 and 18 years.
may be identified incorrectly as overweight or obese Pediatric obesity is associated with increased risks of
when BMI is used. Such children may be labeled, concomitant psychological or psychiatric problems, cardio-
treated, or referred inappropriately.37 vascular risk factors, chronic inflammation, type 2 diabetes
The sensitivities of the 85th BMI percentiles on the mellitus (T2DM), and asthma.33,44 In an important study,
CDC 2000 growth charts in identifying correctly the Katzmarzyk et al45 assessed the validity of BMI and waist
fattest children range from 75% to 93% in several stud- circumference criteria for overweight and obesity for iden-
ies, and the corresponding specificities range from 67% tifying correctly youths 5 to 18 years of age who had ⱖ3 of
to 96%.30,38,39 The accompanying PPVs (presented or cal- 6 risk factors (low high-density lipoprotein [HDL] choles-
culated from sensitivity, specificity, and prevalence val- terol levels, high low-density lipoprotein [LDL] cholesterol
ues) range from 61% to 98%. The sensitivities of the levels, high triglyceride levels, high plasma glucose levels,
95th BMI percentiles on the CDC charts in identifying high plasma insulin levels, or high blood pressure). The
correctly the fattest children range from 54% to 100%, overall sensitivities and specificities for BMI of ⱖ85th per-
and the corresponding specificities range from 96% to centile were 69% and 76%, respectively, and those for
99%.38,39 PPVs for the ⱖ95th BMI percentile criterion BMI of ⱖ95th percentile were 49% and 90%, respectively.
range from 56% to 99%. These sensitivities and specificities are quite low, and the
Some of the aforementioned estimates of sensitivity, corresponding PPVs calculated from the authors’ data are
specificity, and PPV are difficult to compare directly 36% and 50%, respectively, for BMI of ⱖ85th and ⱖ95th
across studies, because of the differing samples and stan- percentiles. Therefore, even among children with ⱖ3 risk
dard criteria used. Nevertheless, several general conclu- factors, the least-restrictive and therefore most-sensitive
sions can be drawn from these and similar studies. Most BMI cutoff point (BMI of ⱖ85th percentile) still identified
important is that the BMI criteria, although imperfect, correctly only approximately two thirds. Moreover, of all
perform reasonably well in identifying correctly children children with BMI of ⱖ85th percentile who were consid-
who have the highest percentages of body fat. As the ered overweight, approximately two thirds did not have
BMI criteria become more restrictive (ie, ⱖ95th percen- ⱖ3 risk factors. The authors concluded that waist circum-
tile versus ⱖ85th percentile), the sensitivities in identi- ference added substantially to BMI alone for assessment of
fying the fattest children decrease and the specificities cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk.45 If these results can be
increase. Finally, the specificities and PPVs are almost replicated in other samples, they argue strongly that BMI
always higher than the corresponding sensitivities. This criteria by themselves are insufficient to identify children
means that there should be relatively few children diag- who are most likely to have clusters of risk factors and that
nosed incorrectly as overweight or obese by using BMI. additional screening and assessment criteria should be ap-
The CDC 2000 BMI-for-age percentiles are recom- plied to estimate risks.
mended for US children from all racial/ethnic back-
grounds. Some evidence exists that, in general, black Implications for Overweight and Obese Children in Adulthood
children tend to have relatively less body fat and Mexi- Systematic reviews confirm the persistence of obesity
can American children tend to have relatively more from childhood into adulthood.46 Predictably, the higher
body fat, compared with white children with the same the BMI is in childhood, the greater the probability is of
BMI.40 Also, South Asian adolescents living in England obesity in adulthood. Guo et al47 analyzed lifelong data
have higher percentages of body fat than do their peers from the Fels Longitudinal Study and estimated the
of European heritage with the same BMI.41 Because the probabilities of having a BMI of ⱖ30 kg/m2 at 35 years of
racial/ethnic differences in body fat/BMI relationships age. For girls with BMI of 95th percentile during child-
have not been described fully for children, however, the hood, the probabilities of being obese as an adult were
same BMI reference values are currently recommended 20% to 39.9% from 3 to 5 years of age, 40% to 59.9%
for assessment of all children. Any racial/ethnic differ- from 6 to 11 years of age, and ⱖ60% from 12 to 20 years
ences in health risks assessed by using the CDC BMI of age. For boys with BMI of 95th percentile during
reference values should be small. childhood, the probabilities of being obese as an adult
The validity of using high BMI to identify children were ⬍20% from 3 to 4 years of age, 20% to 39.9%
with the highest total body fat levels seems to be approx- from 5 to 11.5 years of age, 40% to 59.9% from 11.5 to
imately the same for healthy children and children re- 16 years of age, and ⱖ60% from 17 to 20 years of age.
ceiving growth hormone, children with inflammatory For children with BMI of 85th percentile during
bowel disease, and children treated previously for ma- childhood, the probabilities of adult obesity were lower.
lignancy.42 Differences between boys and girls in the For girls, the probabilities of being obese as an adult were

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⬍20% from 3 to 4 years of age, 20% to 39.9% from 5 to each provides important information beyond that avail-
17 years of age, and 40% to 59.9% from 18 to 20 years able from BMI.
of age. For boys with BMI of 85th percentile during
childhood, the probabilities of being obese as an adult Skinfold Thickness
were ⬍20% from 3 to 16 years of age, 20% to 39.9% at Skinfolds are double, compressed thicknesses of subcu-
17 years of age, and 40% to 59.9% from 18 to 20 years taneous fat and skin that are measured with standard-
of age. On the basis of these data, the odds ratios for ized calipers at selected sites (eg, triceps, subscapular,
being obese (BMI of ⱖ30 kg/m2) at 35 years of age were and suprailiac sites).51 Skinfold measurements have a
19.3 for boys and 15.7 for girls if BMI at 18 years of age long history in studies of nutrition and body composi-
was ⬎72nd percentile (the most discriminating level). tion. They are considered attractive research tools be-
Clearly, if individuals end their adolescence with mod- cause measurements are noninvasive and specific to
erately elevated BMI, then the likelihood of obesity as an subcutaneous fat.52 Previous expert committees consid-
adult is high. ering childhood obesity recommended that skinfold
Overweight and obesity in childhood and adolescence measurements be included in in-depth medical assess-
have been associated with adverse socioeconomic out- ments, to distinguish those who are overweight from
comes, increased health risks and morbidities, and in- those who are overfat.5,53
creased mortality rates in adulthood.32,33,46 Must et al48 Without question, skinfold thicknesses are predictive
studied children in Boston (13–18 years of age) who of total body fat in children and adolescents.54,55 More-
were evaluated initially between 1922 and 1935 and over, when skinfold measurements are included in re-
were assessed in 1988. Compared with those with BMI gression models, they provide unique information be-
of 25th to 50th percentile in adolescence, those with yond height and weight in accounting for variations in
BMI of ⬎75th percentile in adolescence had increased risk indicators, including blood lipid levels, lipoprotein
heart disease, atherosclerosis, T2DM, colorectal cancer levels, blood pressure, plasma glucose levels, plasma in-
(men), gout (men), hip fracture (women), arthritis sulin levels, insulin resistance, and inflammation.13,56–59
(women), and all-cause mortality (men) rates. When categories of skinfold thicknesses or ratios
based on percentile cutoff points are used to identify the
fattest individuals or those with metabolic syndrome, the
Alternative Reference Data and Measures of Fatness skinfold measurements perform as well as BMI or waist
circumference values.60–63 Nevertheless, there is little ev-
IOTF Standards idence that, once height and weight (or BMI) are
In 2000, reference BMI categories based on 6 pooled known, skinfold thickness categories increase the accu-
international data sets were developed for children 2 to racy of identifying those with the most total body fat or
18 years of age.14 These reference curves have become other risk factors.
known as the IOTF standards. They assume that the Therefore, the expert committee does not recom-
most-appropriate cutoff points for overweight and obe- mend the routine clinical use of skinfold thickness mea-
sity in children are those corresponding to the locations surements in the assessment of childhood obesity. The
of BMI of 25 kg/m2 and 30 kg/m2, respectively, in the basis for this conclusion includes the lack of readily
BMI distribution for adults, points that are recognized available reference data on skinfold thicknesses for US
internationally as defining overweight and obesity.49 children, the considerable potential for measurement
Particularly outside the United States, the IOTF stan- errors without rigorous training and regular experi-
dards have been widely used to classify overweight and ence,51,55 and the lack of optimal criteria as a basis for
obesity in children. The IOTF charts provide only over- intervention.
weight and obesity categories and not a full array of
percentile levels. Therefore, they are not recommended Waist Circumference
for monitoring the BMI progress of individual children. Waist circumference has attracted much recent attention
Sensitivities and specificities of IOTF cutoff points in as an indicator of fatness and health risks in children and
identifying the fattest children and predicting adult mor- adults. The interest in waist circumference stems from
bidity are similar to those of the CDC 2000 BMI research linking accumulated visceral adipose tissue to
charts.39,50 The IOTF reference values are not recom- increased health risks and metabolic disorders in chil-
mended for routine clinical use. dren and adults.45,64,65
In various research settings and in the scientific liter- Compared with BMI, waist circumference in children
ature, measures other than BMI that are related to child- provides a better estimate of visceral adipose tissue mea-
hood fatness and obesity are used frequently. These sured with MRI at the level of the fourth lumbar verte-
were investigated, and consideration was given to their bra (65% vs 56% of variance), whereas BMI is better at
appropriateness for routine clinical use in the assessment estimating subcutaneous adipose tissue (89% vs 84% of
of pediatric overweight and obesity, as well as whether variance).66 In multivariate regression models, waist cir-

S198 KREBS et al
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cumference is significantly more efficient than BMI in Health Behavior Changes
predicting insulin resistance, blood pressure, serum cho- The history portion of assessment of childhood obesity
lesterol levels, and triglyceride levels.67–69 Consequently, should be directed, in part, toward identifying modifi-
measurements of waist circumference provide unique able behaviors. Physicians and other health care profes-
predictive information regarding health risks, especially sionals are more likely to provide successful treatment if
for adolescents. they work with patients to target behaviors for change,
The overall ability of waist circumference percentile rather than working from a “top-down” approach. Sev-
cutoff points to identify the fattest boys (as assessed with eral approaches are available to negotiate lifestyle be-
areas under the receiver operating curves), however, havior changes that can improve health. The principles
was no greater than that of triceps skinfold or BMI described below are intended for use with overweight or
percentiles.63 Also, Moreno et al61 found no overall dif- obese patients, but they apply to any circumstance in
ferences in the ability of BMI, waist circumference, and which health behavior changes are desired.
triceps/subscapular skinfold ratio cutoff points to iden- Self-efficacy is the personal belief that one can attain
tify correctly Spanish children with the metabolic syn- or accomplish successfully what one sets out to do. Be-
drome.45 cause patients and families are more likely to do what
Translation of the available information on waist cir- they perceive to be both pleasant and feasible, providers
cumference into meaningful clinical application for the should assess which activities patients enjoy and think
assessment of overweight and obesity in children is dif- they are capable of performing. Interventions and rec-
ficult. No data are available to identify waist circumfer- ommendations should be tailored accordingly.75–79
ence cutoff points that are appropriate for identifying “Readiness to change” is a behavioral approach that
children with the most visceral fat or the greatest risk for assesses an individual’s readiness to adopt a particular
cardiovascular or metabolic problems, having been iden- behavior (otherwise known as the transtheoretical mod-
tified as overweight or obese through BMI. Conse- el).80,81 This approach stresses the interest in and moti-
quently, it is not known exactly which waist circumfer- vation for thinking about, starting, or maintaining a
ence percentile clinicians should use and what clinical behavior and allows for tailored messages and interven-
actions that value would indicate. Nevertheless, clini- tions based on 5 stages of change, as follows: stage 1,
cians, especially those in subspecialty referral settings, precontemplation; the patient is not yet considering the
may add waist circumference to the tools they use to change; stage 2, contemplation; the patient is evaluating
reasons for and against the change; stage 3, preparation;
assess risk. If they do, clinicians should use a high, age-
the patient is planning for the change; stage 4, action;
specific, percentile cutoff point, such as the 90th or 95th
the patient has made the change (⬍6 months); stage 5,
percentile, to evaluate risk.
maintenance; the patient has maintained the change
Waist circumference may prove useful in the future,
(⬎6 months).
but the expert committee withheld recommending it for
Individuals may not go through each step sequen-
routine clinical use at the present time because of in-
tially, and they may not spend the same amount of time
complete information and the lack of specific guidelines
in each stage. Behavior is seen as a dynamic process and
for clinical application. Waist circumference percentiles
not an “all-or-none” phenomenon. Assessing a person’s
are now available for US children70 and for other popu-
stage of change acknowledges the patient’s attitudes,
lations.71–73 One possible approach may be to calculate
respects his or her perspective, and is a vital step in
the best waist circumference cutoff points for identifying
ensuring that the behavioral intervention is delivered in
at-risk children within BMI categories, as has been pro-
a manner that is most beneficial for the patient and/or
posed for adults.74
family.76,78,82,83 For example, recommending that a family
change its food choices when the parent is not aware or
ASSESSMENT COMPONENTS OF THE MEDICAL HISTORY convinced of the child’s weight being problematic (pre-
contemplative) may not be as successful as first identi-
Importance fying the issue and discussing the rationale for concern.
The medical history is critical for 3 purposes, namely, Rollnick et al84 incorporated the principles described
identification of modifiable lifestyle behaviors (eg, di- above into an approach called motivational interview-
etary and physical activity practices), assessment of cur- ing. They defined motivational interviewing as a “client-
rent and future risks for medical comorbidities, and as- centered counseling style for eliciting behavior change
sessment of the patient’s and/or family’s readiness to by helping clients explore and resolve ambivalence.” For
make behavioral changes. Although obesity is a condi- a brief clinical assessment, they suggest asking 2 ques-
tion with medical consequences, the treatment inevita- tions to gauge a patient’s motivation to change an un-
bly involves behavior changes, which pose exceptionally healthy behavior, that is, (1) how important (on scale of
difficult challenges for successful treatment implemen- 1–10) the change in behavior is to the patient and (2)
tation, compared with many other medical conditions. how confident the patient feels in his or her ability to

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TABLE 1 Rapid Dietary Assessment Measures fore, assessment should address both sides of the equation
Measure Internet Address (diet and physical activity) in efforts to prevent or to treat
WAVE (adult version)
obesity. Assessment of energy intake is challenging even
WAVE (child version) under the most-controlled research conditions, and typi-
REAP cally assessment includes a combination of assessment
REAP physician key methods. Traditional dietary assessment methods include
Rate Your Plate 24-hour recalls, food records, and food frequency ques-
Healthy Eating Index
tionnaires.95 In a 24-hour recall, the interviewer asks an
REAP indicates Rapid Eating and Activity Assessment.
individual what he or she ate and drank in the past 24
hours. Ideally, this is repeated several times, to obtain a
view of the individual’s usual dietary intake. To complete
food records, patients write down, for several days, the
foods, amounts, recipes, and preparation methods for ev-
make the change.84 These 2 concepts help direct the
erything they consume. A food frequency questionnaire
focus of the interaction between the clinician and the
asks patients how often they consume specific foods and
patient. If a patient does not identify a condition (eg, a
beverages and the sizes of their usual portions.
child’s high BMI) as important, then the discussion may
All of the methods described above have advantages
target health-related risks. If the patient or family mem-
and disadvantages in research settings, but they are im-
ber recognizes the problem and its importance but is not
practical for use in most clinical settings. These interven-
confident in making a change, then the discussion may
tions are time-consuming, expensive, and difficult for
usefully target strategies for change, as well as barriers
health care professionals to administer in the office.
that may interfere with the change. This approach al-
Furthermore, the value of estimating energy intake per
lows health care professionals to collaborate with pa-
se is limited because it is virtually impossible to assess
tients to promote change by using a brief, patient-cen-
energy expenditure accurately and precisely and there-
tered assessment that can be adapted easily to the clinic
fore to determine energy balance. A few rapid assess-
ment methods are available for practitioners to evaluate
A related approach put forth as a general clinical
their patients’ eating behaviors and physical activity, as
prevention tool is the 5As, that is, ask/assess, advise,
well as to deliver effective nutrition counseling (Table 1).
agree, assist, and arrange follow-up care.85 The exact
The weight, activity, variety (in diet), and excess
wording of the 5As varies slightly among different pub-
(WAVE) tool allows a quick assessment of the patient’s
lications, but the intent and process remain the same.
weight status, activity and inactivity patterns, variety of
These steps reinforce the concept that health care pro-
foods, and potential excessive consumption of selected
fessionals need to assess behavior patterns and health
foods. The evidence base for the WAVE tool and other
belief structures to agree on a plan of action or interven-
potential assessment tools is presented in Table 2.
tion that is most appropriate for each patient.
Preliminary data on successful behavior changes us-
Targets for Behavior Change
ing these approaches in health care settings show mixed
Diverse eating patterns confound our understanding of
results, and these approaches have been applied most
the relationship between nutrient intake and chronic
often in the adult population86–91 for tobacco, alcohol,
diseases, including obesity.104 Factors that are named
and drug use/addiction. Several studies that applied
frequently as contributors to relative excess energy in-
these methods to nutrition and physical activity assess-
take include restaurant food, sweetened beverages,
ment showed successful short-term results but less-con-
100% fruit juice, large portion sizes, and the frequency
vincing long-term results.92 Ongoing projects are exam-
of meals and snacks. A body of research has addressed
ining the feasibility of these behavior change strategies
each of these dietary components as it relates to energy
in primary care settings, including pediatric practices.93
intake and to overweight. These eating patterns seem to
be related more consistently to increased total energy
Dietary Assessment
intake than to actual weight status.
Assessment Methods An important consideration in the interpretation of
Many complex dietary factors are associated with obe- the results of this research is that the percentage vari-
sity, and age, gender, and genetic predisposition are ance in the eating pattern/overweight models was ex-
likely to influence their effects. Although individual nu- tremely small,105,106 which suggests that weight status
trients have been linked to obesity,94 few attempts have likely stems from a combination of interrelated eating
been made to identify eating patterns that may lead to patterns, rather than a single eating pattern. In addition,
obesity. Scientists have reached a consensus that obesity the effects of these interrelated patterns on weight status
results from an imbalance in the energy balance equa- may be cumulative, and they may vary according to
tion; energy intake exceeds energy expenditure. There- gender, ethnicity, and genetic factors. Limitations of the

S200 KREBS et al
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TABLE 2 Evidence for Dietary Assessment Tools
Authors and Year Study Population Study Design Control Variables Measures Association Quality
Soroudi et al,96 2004 111 first-year medical students Completed as part of basic science NA WAVE screener (adult version) NA Feasibility: acceptable;
(mean age: 24 y) course acceptability:
reliability: NA;
validity: NA
Segal-Isaacson et al,97 2004 110 first-year medical students NA Rapid Eating and Activity r ⫽ ⫺0.20 to 0.51 Feasibility: acceptable;
(mean age: 24.2 y); 53% Assessment (short version) (P ⫽ .685-.0001) acceptability:
male, 44% female, 65% and semiquantitative Block acceptable;
white, 21% Asian, 8% food frequency reliability: NA;
Hispanic, and 6% black questionnaire validity: NA
Prochaska et al,98 2001 Study 1: 278 middle/high 2 middle schools; 2 high schools NA Assessment of fat intake and ICC ⬎ 0.60; r ⫽ 0.36 (P ⬍ .01) Feasibility: acceptable;
school students; study 2: 62 3-d food records acceptability:
middle/high school acceptable;
students reliability: good;
validity: good
Block et al,99 2000 200 adults Employees of company NA Fruit, vegetable, fiber r ⬎ 0.60 Feasibility: acceptable;
screener, Block food acceptability:
frequency questionnaire, acceptable;
and Healthy Eating Index reliability: NA;
validity: good
Gans et al,100 1993 102 adults (age: 18–64 y) Cross-sectional biennial household NA Rate Your Plate and Willett r ⫽ 0.28 to ⫺0.48 Feasibility: acceptable;
interview surveys in Pawtucket, questionnaire (P ⫽ .004-.0001) acceptability:
Rhode Island, and comparison acceptable;
city reliability: NA;
validity: good
Prochaska and Sallis,101 138 middle school students 1 school NA Fruit and vegetable screening ICC ⫽ 0.47 (1 mo); 1CC ⫽ 0.80 Feasibility: acceptable;
2004 (mean age: 12.1 y); 65% measure and 3-d food (same day); ␬ ⫽ 44% (1 mo); acceptability:
female, 28% white, 23% records ␬ ⫽ 59% (same day); r ⫽ .23 acceptable;
Asian, 7% black, 5% (P ⫽ .008) reliability: good;
Hispanic, 23% multiracial, validity: good
and 13% other
Weinstein et al,102 2004 16 467 adults (age: ⱖ17 y) National Health and Nutrition Age, race/ethnicity, gender, Healthy Eating Index, dietary Dietary intakes: r ⫽ ⫺0.03 to Feasibility: NA;
Examination Survey census region, poverty intakes, and blood nutrient 0.29; blood nutrients: r ⫽ acceptability: NA;
income ratio, pregnancy, levels ⫺0.005 to 0.30 reliability: NA;
BMI, energy intake, validity: good

Downloaded from at Health Internetwork on January 15, 2008

(P ⫽ .05-.0001)
alcohol intake, smoking,
vitamin or mineral, and
energy intake
Kennedy et al,103 1995 7463 (age: ⱖ2 y) Continuing Survey of Food Intake NA Healthy Eating Index and 3-d Dietary intakes: r ⫽ 0.06–0.42 Feasibility: NA;
by Individuals dietary intake data acceptability: NA;
reliability: NA;

PEDIATRICS Volume 120, Supplement 4, December 2007

validity: acceptable
NA indicates not applicable; ICC indicates Intraclass correlation.

literature include the predominance of cross-sectional with children with low frequency of fried food consump-
studies, rather than prospective longitudinal studies, tion away from home.127 In contrast, French et al116
small sample sizes, and limited study populations (par- reported that the frequency of fast food consumption by
ticularly a dearth of studies with children). Therefore, adolescents was not associated with overweight status.
results often are inconsistent, and the findings of many Although not entirely consistent, the data suggest that
studies have not been replicated. Despite these limita- fast food consumption may be related to BMI. For indi-
tions, studies that identify eating patterns that may con- viduals and families that eat regularly at restaurants or
tribute to excessive energy intake, and that propose fast food establishments, reducing the frequency of these
targets for behavior changes are useful for clinicians who meals may be a strategy to decrease total energy intake.
are helping their patients prevent excessive weight gain.
Sweetened Beverage Consumption
Restaurant Food Consumption Experts have raised concerns about high intakes of
Consumption of foods away from home increased sweetened beverages and their possible association with
considerably in children107,108 and adults109 between 1977 the increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity
and 1996. The proportion of foods that children con- among children.128,129 Over the past 4 decades, national
sumed from restaurants and fast food outlets increased data on individuals ⱖ2 years of age showed an increase
by nearly 300% during that 19-year period.108 Fast food in sweetened beverage consumption for all age
consumption was reported by 42% of children and 37% groups.112,130 Soft drink consumption accounts for one
of adults,110 although investigators noted that there is no third of added sugar intake in the US diet.131 In one study
uniform definition of fast food and definitions varied of fourth-grade and fifth-grade children, sweetened bev-
among studies. The percentage of energy obtained from erages constituted 51% of the average daily intake of
food prepared away from home also increased during beverages consumed.132 This large intake of sweetened
that period, from 18% to 32%.111 Portion sizes in restau- beverages could contribute to increased energy intake,
rants increased from 1970 to 1999,112,113 with the result tilting the energy balance toward excessive weight gain.
that soft drinks contained an additional 206 kJ, ham- Most cross-sectional studies have shown a positive
burgers 407 kJ, and French fries 286 kJ. relationship between greater intake of added sugars and
Portion sizes influence energy intake. Diliberti et al114 total energy intake.128,129,133–137 Energy intake has been
found that customers who purchased a larger portion of reported to be related positively to consumption of
the entree served at a fast food outlet increased their sweetened beverages by children and adolescents.133 In
intake of the entree by 43% and that of the entire meal another report, children who drank the most sweetened
by 25%, resulting in greater energy intake. Some studies beverages consumed ⬃1390 kJ more per day than did
showed that children110,115 and adolescents116–118 who those who did not drink sweetened beverages.132 The
consumed fast food more frequently had higher energy Bogalusa Heart Study examined energy intake among
intakes and poorer diet quality, compared with those 10-year-old children from 1973 to 1994. Findings from
who did not. Interestingly, overweight adolescents were the study showed that children who did not consume
less likely than their leaner counterparts to compensate sweetened beverages did not have increased energy in-
for the increased energy in the food by adjusting energy take. However, energy intake did increase among chil-
intake throughout the day.119 dren who consumed small to moderate to large amounts
Studies have reported that the frequency of eating of sweetened beverages.137 Of interest, mean BMI in-
fast food is associated with BMI and body fatness in creased in all categories of sweetened beverage con-
children120 and adults.121–126 In a longitudinal study of sumption, including children who did not consume
101 girls 8 to 12 years of age, the frequency of eating sweetened beverages.
quick-service food at baseline was associated positively Although several studies showed an association between
with changes in BMI z scores at 11- and 19-year fol- sweetened beverage consumption and risk of obesi-
low-up evaluations.120 In young adult women, increases ty,128,129,134,139–142 other studies found no association,105,143–148
in frequency of fast food restaurant use were associated and a few indicated a negative relationship.149–151 In a pilot
with increases in body weight over 3 years in a random- intervention study, Ebbeling et al140 showed that reducing
ized, prospective, intervention trial on weight gain.122 In sweetened beverage consumption reduced body weight in
the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults adolescents in the upper baseline BMI tertile. In their com-
study of 3031 young adults, Pereira et al126 reported that prehensive review of studies that examined the relationship
changes in fast food frequency were associated with between sweetened beverages and adiposity, Bachman et
changes in body weight but the changes varied according al151 concluded that the association between sweetened bev-
to racial group. Data from another study suggested that erages and overweight is unclear and that the evidence is
older children who consumed fried foods away from inconsistent. In another review, however, the authors came
home more frequently over a 1-year period were to a completely different conclusion.153
heavier and had greater total energy intake, compared The strongest current evidence supports a positive

S202 KREBS et al
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association between sweetened beverage consumption tion sizes were not influenced by gender or BMI.130,166,169
and energy intake. These conclusions were similar to The energy density of food can have an effect on
those made by the 2005 Dietary Guidelines Advisory energy intake when portion sizes are varied.164,167
Committee (DGAC).154 Decreasing sweetened beverage Therefore, increases in portion sizes and energy den-
consumption may be one strategy to decrease total en- sity may lead to independent and additive increases in
ergy intake. More intervention studies are needed, par- energy intake.165
ticularly in children, for better understanding of the The responses of young children to portion sizes
relationship between sweetened beverage consumption seemed to be similar to those of adults; presentation of
and weight gain. However, it may be concluded intu- larger portion sizes resulted in increased energy in-
itively that, if an individual consumes excessive sweet- take.170,171 One study found that larger portion sizes re-
ened beverages, then the resulting increase in energy sulted in greater energy intakes for children 5 years of
intake may lead to weight gain. age but not for children 3 years of age.171 Another study
by the same group found that, when children 3 to 5
Fruit Juice Consumption
years of age were presented with a large portion size of
Recently, 100% fruit juice has received much atten-
an entree, they consumed 25% more of that entree and
tion as a potential culprit in the prevalence of obesity
their energy intake increased 15% for the whole meal,
among young children. In 2001, the Committee on Nu-
compared with children who were presented with an
trition of the American Academy of Pediatrics concluded
age-appropriate portion size.170 That study also reported
that 100% fruit juice had no beneficial effect over whole
that the children consumed 25% less of the entree when
fruit for infants ⬎6 months of age and children.155 For a
they were allowed to serve themselves than when the
number of reasons, the recommendations included lim-
entree was served to them on individual plates.
iting 100% fruit juice to 4 to 6 oz/day for children 1 to 6
Two cross-sectional studies of preschool-aged chil-
years of age and 8 to 12 oz for older children. The 2005
dren, using national data, examined the relationships
DGAC recommended that no more than one third of the
between portion sizes, energy intake, and body weight.
total fruit group intake recommended come from fruit
Portion size alone accounted for 17% to 19% of the
variance in energy intake, whereas body weight pre-
Limited data are available to assess the relationship
dicted only 4%.172 Body weight was related positively
between 100% fruit juice consumption and body weight
to energy intake and portion size but not the number
in children. Two separate studies by Dennison et al156,157
of different foods or the number of eating occasions.173
showed that consumption of 100% fruit juice (⬎12 fl
More studies with infants and children are needed to
oz/day)156 and apple juice only157 was associated posi-
understand how larger portion sizes at a single feeding or
tively with BMI in samples of children 2 to 5 years of
meal affect total energy intake over a 24-hour period.
age. Tanasescu et al158 found that fruit juice and possibly
There are no longitudinal studies with children showing
fruit drinks were associated with overweight in 29 obese
an association between increased portion size and BMI.
Puerto Rican children 7 to 10 years of age. In contrast, 6
Data suggest, however, that reducing food portion sizes
longitudinal and cross-sectional studies reported either a
may be an effective strategy for decreasing energy in-
negative or neutral association between 100% fruit juice
take, especially for energy-dense foods. For clinicians,
intake and weight status in children.105,142,148,159–163 Over-
however, determining the appropriateness of portion
all, the current evidence shows only a weak association
sizes presented to and consumed by a child is difficult, as
between 100% fruit juice consumption and excessive
is making specific recommendations for age-appropriate
weight gain.
portion sizes.
Portion Sizes
A number of short-term feeding studies, 1 longitudinal Energy-Dense Foods
study, and 3 observational studies showed that portion Energy density refers to the amount of energy in a
sizes influence energy intake. Adults served large portion given weight of food and depends on the content of fat,
sizes consumed more food and more total energy130,164–167 carbohydrate, protein, and water. Water has the greatest
than did individuals who were served smaller portion sizes; impact on energy density, because it adds weight with-
there was no evidence of meal-to-meal compensation for out energy. The high-energy content of fat also influ-
higher intakes. ences the energy density of food. Fiber can decrease the
Several well-controlled, laboratory-based studies energy density of foods.
showed that providing older children and adults with In several feeding studies, ad libitum consumption of
larger food portions could lead to significant increases in foods that were high in energy density resulted in sig-
food and energy intakes, independent of the energy nificantly greater total energy intake, compared with
density of the food.164,165,167 This effect was demonstrated foods that were low in energy density.174–177 Delayed
for snacks,168 delicatessen-style sandwiches,169 and en- satiety may be the reason why some individuals con-
trees.130,164,166,170 The responses to the variations in por- sumed large amounts of energy-dense foods.176

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A number of other laboratory studies indicated that density in foods.187 No published studies, particularly
energy density was associated with a reduction in energy involving children, have examined the impact of con-
intake.165,178–180 For example, eating low-density foods suming high-energy density foods on diet quality and
such as salad or soup as the first course of a meal reduced intake of fat-soluble vitamins, essential fatty acids, and
total energy intake, compared with eating a meal that amino acids. One adult study showed that low energy
consisted entirely of foods high in energy density.165,181 density of diets was associated with high diet quality.188
Rolls et al176 showed that adding air to test meals that Unfortunately, there were some concerns about the
had similar macronutrient compositions and energy study189 and the definition of the energy density catego-
contents reduced energy intake significantly, which sug- ries. More studies are needed in this area of research,
gests that the mass and volume of a meal are important. particularly involving children.
For foods that are low in energy density, satisfying por-
tions should be encouraged, because they provide little Fruit and Vegetable Consumption
energy and produce satiety. The specific relationships between fruit and vegetable
Low-fat diets have been associated with lower energy consumption, energy balance, and obesity prevention
intake,15 possibly because of a reduction in energy den- represent an emerging area of research. Fruits and veg-
sity. Laboratory studies showed that fat content, inde- etables are high in fiber and water content, and they
pendent of energy density, had little influence on energy may play a role in promoting satiety and decreasing total
intake.165,171,174 Because lower-fat diets generally have energy intake by displacing energy-dense foods. Despite
lower energy density, reducing the intake of total fat long-standing recommendations to eat several servings
may be one strategy for reducing energy intake. of fruits and vegetables each day, intake among US
What is the relationship between energy-dense foods children remains low.190
and weight? Two clinical trials tested the influence of Findings from observational studies are equivocal,191
variations in energy density on body weight. In one with some studies showing an inverse association125,192–205
study, adults who incorporated 2 servings of soup and others showing no relationship158,184,206–216 between
(which is low in energy density) into a calorie-restricted fruit and vegetable consumption and a measure of body
diet lost significantly more weight than did those who adiposity. The studies showing an inverse association,
incorporated a similar number of calories as energy- however, have not been consistent with respect to gen-
dense snacks.182 In another study, investigators exam- der, ethnicity, age group, and type of fruit or vegetable.
ined how 2 strategies to reduce energy density in the diet Two studies reported that fruit consumption was associ-
affected body weight during a 1-year period.183 One ated inversely with weight status in children,105,198 but a
group was counseled to reduce fat intake and to limit relationship with vegetable intake was not apparent.
portions. The other group was counseled to increase Several observational studies did not control for poten-
intake of water-rich foods and to choose reduced-fat tial confounders (physical activity and, in some cases,
foods. Both groups succeeded in lowering the energy dietary energy intake). The percentage of the variance in
density of their diets, and they lost significant amounts children’s BMI explained by fruit and fruit juice con-
of weight and kept the weight off over the year. These sumption was ⬍3%.105
studies provide promising results, but more long-term The lack of association between vegetable consump-
intervention studies are needed to understand whether tion and weight status may be specific to the type of
diets with reduced energy density prevent weight gain, vegetable consumed. Some vegetables typically are con-
particularly in children. One cross-sectional study with sumed with fat added during preparation, such as fried
children 10 years of age found that consumption of potatoes. This may explain why the study by Lin and
energy-dense foods was a predictor of being over- Morrison198 found a positive association between intake
weight.105 However, those results were not confirmed by of potatoes and weight status among adults. Clearly,
others.184,185 more studies are needed to better understand these in-
On the basis of the current studies, insufficient evi- consistencies in the findings across studies.
dence exists to determine the contribution of energy- Numerous interventions have been designed to pro-
dense foods to weight gain; no studies of children are mote increased consumption of fruits and vegetables,
available. However, consuming energy-dense foods may but very few studied weight status or change in BMI as
contribute to excessive energy intake. The 2005 DGAC an outcome variable. Some interventions included mul-
came to a similar conclusion in its report.154 Encouraging tiple components, making the identification of an inde-
consumption of foods low in energy density, including pendent effect of fruit and vegetable consumption in the
those with high fiber and/or water contents and those prevention of overweight or weight gain difficult.
with modest fat content, may be a useful strategy for A number of adult trials examined the effects of in-
individuals who are trying to lose weight or to maintain creased fruit and vegetable consumption on weight;
their current weight.186 Unfortunately, there is no stan- those studies were reviewed by Rolls et al.217 The 2005
dard calculation method for determination of energy DGAC concluded that data from those studies showed

S204 KREBS et al
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that, without advice to lose weight, increased fruit and weight by 12 weeks, compared with those who were
vegetable consumption by itself did not lead to weight assigned randomly to consume no breakfast and to eat 2
loss.154 meals per day. However, of breakfast eaters at baseline,
Intervention studies in children that examined fruit those who were assigned randomly to eat only 2 meals
and vegetable consumption targeted mainly changes in per day lost more weight than did those who continued
intake and not effects on body weight. Encouragement to eat breakfast. The authors suggested that the effects
to eat more fruits and vegetables often has been one of might have been influenced by subjects having to make
several messages aimed at modifying energy bal- the most-substantial changes to their usual routine.235
ance.218,219 However, efforts to increase knowledge and Clearly, more studies are needed, because current evi-
to improve attitudes toward fruit and vegetable con- dence related to the effect of breakfast consumption and
sumption have had modest effects on actual consump- the content of the meal is inconclusive. Children should
tion.220,221 not be encouraged to skip breakfast. More importantly,
In one randomized trial examining weight loss in skipping breakfast may result in poorer nutritional qual-
children, Epstein et al221 reported that a message that ity of the diet and may have adverse effects on perfor-
targeted specifically increasing fruit and vegetable con- mance in school.236–238
sumption resulted in greater weight loss than did an
intervention message that focused on reducing high-fat Meal Frequency and Snacking
and high-sugar food intakes. More studies with children Previous studies demonstrated an inverse association
are needed to understand the independent effect of in- between meal frequency and the prevalence of obesity
creased fruit and vegetable consumption in randomized, in children239,240 and adults.241,242 Four studies examined
controlled trials on prevention of weight gain. Encour- this association. Three found no association between the
aging greater fruit and vegetable consumption is a sound number of eating episodes and overweight in children
message in general, and limited evidence suggests that it 10 years of age.105,243 However, a cross-sectional study
may be a useful strategy in efforts to achieve and to with 4370 German children 5 to 6 years of age found
sustain weight loss. that the prevalence of obesity decreased according to the
reported number of meals consumed each day.240 The
Breakfast Consumption prevalence of obesity was 4.2% among children who
Several studies showed that skipping breakfast de- consumed ⱕ3 meals per day, compared with 1.7%
creased the nutritional quality of the diets of chil- among those who consumed ⱖ5 meals. Although some
dren107,222–224 and adults.225–227 The average total energy studies suggested that a “nibbling” or “grazing” meal
intake was significantly lower for children who did not pattern may be associated with leanness, those studies
consume breakfast, and they did not make up the dif- were vulnerable to methodologic errors that might have
ferences in energy intake at other meals.222 The energy generated spurious relationships because of dietary un-
content of school breakfasts has increased in the past 15 derreporting and posthoc alterations in eating patterns
years.228 in response to weight gain. Moreover, the association
A few cross-sectional and longitudinal studies and between increased eating frequency and lower body
one randomized, clinical trial have examined the asso- weight status might have been influenced by increased
ciation between breakfast consumption and BMI. A physical activity and a reduction in the mean energy
number of cross-sectional studies have shown a positive consumed per eating episode. More longitudinal studies
association between overweight and skipping breakfast are needed to better understand the association, if any,
among children216,229–232 and adults.233 However, other between meal frequency and overweight in children.
studies, particularly one with children,107 found no asso- On the basis of national data, the prevalence of snack-
ciation. ing has increased for individuals 2 to 18 years of
Two longitudinal studies, one each with children and age,244,245 although the average size of snacks and energy
adults, have been reported. The first was conducted with per snack have remained relatively constant.244 There
⬎14 000 children 9 to 14 years of age.234 After a 1-year has been a shift from meals to snacks in the past 20
follow-up period, overweight children who never ate years.228 In contrast, one study showed that snacking
breakfast had a greater decline in BMI than did over- decreased among children 10 years of age from 1973 to
weight children who ate breakfast. Normal-weight chil- 1994 in Bogalusa, Louisiana,243 although the prevalence
dren who never ate breakfast, however, had weight of obesity increased. These conflicting findings may re-
gains comparable to those of normal-weight children flect differences in age groups studied, regions of the
who ate breakfast. The adult study found that skipping country, methodologic changes over time, or the defini-
breakfast was associated with an increased prevalence of tion of what constitutes a snack or a snacking occasion.
obesity.233 In a randomized, clinical trial,235 adults who In adults, increased snacking resulted in increased energy
ate no breakfast at baseline and who were assigned intake but was not associated with BMI.246 Other studies
randomly to eat 3 meals per day lost slightly more showed that obese adults were more frequent snack-

PEDIATRICS Volume 120, Supplement 4, December 2007 S205

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ers247,248 and total energy intake was higher for snackers248 and quality), (3) excessive consumption of foods that are
than for reference adults. Two cross-sectional studies of high in energy density, (4) low consumption of fruits and
children 10 years of age showed no association between vegetables, and (5) meal frequency and snacking patterns
snacking and overweight status.105,243 More longitudinal (including quality). The child version of the WAVE assess-
studies are needed to better understand the associations ment tool (Table 1), which provides a means for quick
between snacking, total energy intake, and overweight in assessment of both diet and activity, may be useful to
both children and adults. The data on meal frequency and clinicians in primary care settings.
snacking are inconclusive and therefore do not represent a
priority area of inquiry for all patients.
Physical Activity Assessment
Summary Levels of Physical Activity
A number of studies have been conducted with adults, Physical activity is an important component of health
but far fewer with children, that address the associations and well-being for people of all ages. Children who are
between specific eating patterns and weight status. Re- physically active may gain immediate and long-term
sults are inconsistent, largely because of methodologic positive effects, such as improved mental health status
limitations and small sample sizes. More well-designed, and self-esteem; increased physical fitness, which en-
longitudinal studies and randomized, controlled trials hances performance of daily activities; promotion of
are needed before any definitive statements can be made bone formation; weight maintenance; and prevention of
regarding which eating patterns are associated most cardiovascular risk factors.76,249 In addition, physical ac-
strongly with overweight and how age, gender, ethnic- tivity patterns established during childhood may con-
ity, and geographic location affect these associations. tinue into adulthood, establishing healthier choices over
Evidence supports an association between at least some the entire lifespan.250,251 Health benefits for physically
of the eating patterns discussed in this report and in- active adults include lower risks of coronary artery dis-
creased energy intake for some individuals, and these ease, T2DM, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, osteoporo-
patterns represent behaviors that can be targeted for sis, certain cancers, and depressive symptoms.76,252,253
change. Despite these benefits, results from the 2003 Youth
Risk Behavior Surveillance Study and the 2002 Youth
Overall Recommendations for Dietary Assessment Media Campaign Longitudinal Survey showed that
The assessment of dietary patterns among children and many children and adolescents do not meet recom-
adolescents should address the following: (1) assessment mended physical activity levels.254,255 Nationwide, 62.6%
of self-efficacy and readiness to change, (2) qualitative of students in the ninth through 12th grades met the
assessment of dietary patterns, and (3) working in con- recommendations for vigorous physical activity (ⱖ20
junction with patients and families to identify dietary minutes on ⱖ3 of the past 7 days), and 24.7% of stu-
practices that are targets for change. The assessment dents nationwide met recommendations for moderate
writing group recommends the following. (1) Qualita- physical activity (ⱖ30 minutes on ⱖ5 of the past 7 days).
tive assessment of dietary patterns should be performed Overall, ⬃33% of this group of students reported some
for all pediatric patients at each clinic visit, at a mini- but insufficient levels of physical activity, and 11.5%
mum, for anticipatory guidance. (2) Assessment should reported no moderate or vigorous physical activity.255 In
address dietary practices for which evidence supports a addition, 38.2% reported watching ⬎3 hours of televi-
positive association with energy intake and behaviors for sion per day, on average. Twenty-three percent of
some individuals and that represent behaviors that can younger children (9 –12 years of age) had not engaged in
be targeted for change. By decreasing energy intake any free-time physical activity outside of school in the
without increasing energy intake throughout the day or past 7 days, and 61.5% had not participated in organized
from other foods, changes in these behaviors may pre- physical activity during nonschool hours.254 Higher lev-
vent excessive weight gain. These behaviors include the els of physical activity were reported by boys than by
frequency of eating outside the home at restaurants or girls and by non-Hispanic white youths than by other
fast food establishments, excessive consumption of racial and ethnic groups. Levels of physical activity also
sweetened beverages, and consumption of excessive decline as children get older. It is estimated that physical
portion sizes for age. activity levels decrease by 1.8% to 2.7% per year for
The assessment writing group also suggests assess- boys 10 to 17 years of age and by 2.6% to 7.4% per year
ment of additional dietary practices that have a weaker for girls 10 to 17 years of age.77
evidence base for association with energy intake but Diet and physical activity are inextricably linked.
may be important for some individuals and that repre- Overweight and obesity result when daily energy intake
sent behaviors that can be targeted for change. The writing is greater than daily energy expenditure over time. This
group suggests consideration of (1) excessive consumption concept of energy balance is crucial for successful assess-
of 100% fruit juice, (2) breakfast consumption (frequency ment, prevention, and management of overweight and

S206 KREBS et al
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obesity in childhood and adolescence. Energy intake is a Questionnaires
relatively easy concept, because it includes all foods and The most common method for measuring physical
beverages consumed during the day. Energy expendi- activity is a self-report survey or checklist of the fre-
ture is more complex, because it is a combination of quency, intensity, and duration of specific activities
resting metabolic rate, the thermic effects of food, and within a defined period (eg, past 24 hours, 1 week, or 1
the variety of activities the individual performs during month). Recurring problems with any self-report survey
the day.253,256 Therefore, measurement of physical activ- include recall bias and the documented tendency to
ity is not equivalent to measurement of total energy overestimate activity levels, compared with observation,
expenditure; rather, physical activity is one (albeit the movement monitoring, or estimations from total energy
most variable and modifiable) element of total energy expenditure. Depending on the goals of the question-
expenditure. For children and adolescents, a certain naire, this limitation may be tolerable. It is also a chal-
amount of positive energy balance is necessary for proper lenge to determine the lower age limit at which children
growth and development. The overall energy balance can recall accurately what they did, as well as the inten-
should tip in favor of slightly greater energy intake, relative sity and duration of their physical activity. In general,
to expenditure, although the percentage of total energy children ⬍10 years of age are considered too young to
required for growth is small after infancy.257 give reliable answers to physical activity questions.252,262
Clarification of several terms is necessary to under- Parents should be used for proxy responses; however,
stand what is being measured when physical activity is they do not always capture accurately the physical ac-
being discussed. Physical activity is defined as any bodily tivity levels for their children, either at home or in other
movement produced by the contraction of skeletal mus- settings.263
cles that increases energy expenditure above the basal An additional challenge is the sporadic unstructured
level.258 Physical activity thus encompasses movement nature of physical activity among children, especially
resulting from free play, structured activities such as those ⬍10 years of age. Unlike adolescents and adults,
sports, and general activities of daily living. Exercise is who can sustain 10 to 60 minutes or more of physical
planned, structured, and repetitive bodily movement activity, young children typically have multiple frequent
performed specifically to improve or to maintain physi- bursts of activity followed by periods of rest. Questions
cal fitness.258 Children and adolescents often participate that aim to assess 30 minutes of moderate-intensity ac-
in planned activities during physical education classes or tivity or 20 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity are not
in structured sports activities; however, the goal is not realistic for children; alternate assessment questions
necessarily physical fitness. Physical fitness is a set of would be more appropriate. For example, proxy mea-
attributes that people have or achieve, such as cardiore- sures such as time spent outside or involvement in
spiratory fitness, muscular strength, flexibility, endur- community sports programs have been shown to be
ance, and body composition.258,259 This report focuses on predictive of physical activity in children.261,264
the assessment of physical activity for the purpose of A review of the literature reveals that very few ques-
preventing or managing overweight and obesity in tionnaires have been developed and validated for pediatric
childhood and adolescence. Total energy expenditure, age groups. Most focus on adolescents, are quite lengthy,
exercise, and fitness are beyond the scope of this report. and have not been assessed for use in the clinic setting.
Examples include written, verbal, and computer-based
Assessment Methods questionnaires. More-detailed information about these re-
Appropriate assessment of physical activity patterns re- search questionnaires can be found elsewhere.252,253,265 A
quires valid (accurate) and reliable (reproducible) in- few questionnaires with the potential for clinic use have
struments. Researchers have developed several ap- been designed and are discussed in Table 3.
proaches for measuring physical activity in children and
adolescents, and most are reasonably reliable, with low Accelerometers and Pedometers
to moderate validity.253 Briefly, these include question- Most accelerometers measure quantity, duration, and
naires (self-report or interviewer-administered), direct intensity in the vertical plane. Newer products measure
observation, and electronic or mechanical monitoring movement in 3 planes. Accelerometers are relatively easy
(with a pedometer, accelerometer, or heart rate moni- to use, but they are more expensive than pedometers, and
tor). Methods such as double-labeled water testing and some require frequent downloading of information into a
calorimetry assess total energy expenditure and resting computer. Resource limitations and inconvenience will
metabolic rate, respectively, and can be used to estimate likely preclude their routine use in clinical settings for
physical activity. Each method has strengths and weak- assessment of baseline physical activity levels.
nesses, which are described elsewhere.252,253,256,260,261 This Pedometers are easier to use and measure physical
report discusses the methods most adaptable to the clinic activity as steps walked, distance walked, or energy ex-
setting, that is, brief questionnaires and accelerometers pended. Several studies have shown the reliability (cor-
or pedometers. relation range: 0.51– 0.92) and validity (correlation

PEDIATRICS Volume 120, Supplement 4, December 2007 S207

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TABLE 3 Evidence for Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Assessment Tools
Authors and Year Study Design Measures Results and Conclusions
Burdette et al,264 Cross-sectional study; (1) outdoor time checklist (average daily score) (2 questions using parental report Acceptability: NA; feasibility: tools like this approximate physical activity in preschool-aged children
2004 for preschool-aged children), (2) outdoor time recall questions (average daily minutes), (2 questions and may be easy to use in clinic setting; reliability: checklist (tool 1) compared with recall (tool

KREBS et al
using parental report for preschool-aged children), and (3) television or videotape viewing time 2), r ⫽ 0.57 (P ⬍ .001); validity (comparison with accelerometer): checklist (tool 1), r ⫽ 0.33 (P ⬍
(average daily minutes) (2 questions using parental report for preschool-aged children) .001); recall (tool 2), r ⫽ 0.20 (P ⫽ .003); minutes of television/videotapes (tool 3), r ⫽ ⫺0.16
(P ⫽ .2)
Jimmy and Randomized, controlled trial; (1) Revised Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (waiting room written Acceptability: providers: generally acceptable for patients ⱖ15 y of age (needed 2–10 min to
Martin,92 2005 assessment identifying contraindications for physical activity), (2) stages of change (waiting room review written answers to questions, discuss issue, and recommend counseling); patients:
assessment with 2 written questions identifying inactive adolescents and adults and their intention to perceived as good and useful; office support staff members and counselors: NA; feasibility:
become more active), (3) acceptability (in-person interviews with providers and patients), and (4) general clinic workflow was reported as feasible; reliability: NA; validity: NA
modified 7-d physical activity recall questionnaire (telephone assessment 7 wk and 14 mo after
Koo and Rohan,263 Retrospective cohort study; (1) perspiration score (1 question assessing times of physical activity that Acceptability: NA; feasibility: authors suggest tools 1, 3, and 4 may be simple and practical physical
1999 caused heavy perspiration per week in past year), (2) stairs score (1 question assessing flights of stairs activity measures for 7–15-y-old youths; reliability (reproducibility of repeat testing with same
per day over past year), (3) Godin-Shephard score (1 question assessing weekly average of ⱖ15 min of measure 11 mo apart): perspiration score (tool 1), r ⫽ 0.44; stairs score (tool 2), r ⫽ 0.59; Godin-
strenuous, moderate, or mild exercise in past year), and (4) specific activity score (11 questions Shephard score (tool 3), r ⫽ 0.48; specific activity score (tool 4), r ⫽ 0.53; validity: NA
assessing the average time per week in 11 sports activities over past year)
Ortega-Sanchez Randomized, controlled trial; (1) 15 physical activity assessment questions verbally asked by physician Acceptability: NA; feasibility: NA; reliability: NA; validity (comparison of resting heart rate between
et al,266 2004 during medical visit, allowing for calculation of frequency (days per week), duration (minutes per patients in active and inactive physical activity categories): significant t score for 12–21-y-old
week), and intensity (mild, moderate, or vigorous) of school physical education, organized sports, and boys; not significant for 12–21-y-old girls
leisure time physical activity; categories of physical activity are (a) active (met MPA or VPA
recommendations at baseline), (b) partially active (active but does not meet physical activity
recommendations), and (c) inactive; and (2) same questions administered at clinic visit or in telephone
assessment at 6 and 12 mo
Patrick et al,267 Randomized, control trial; (1) brief self-report of physical activity that measures days per week of MPA and Acceptability: generally high satisfaction (range: 3.31–3.84 of 5); feasibility: general conclusion that
2001 VPA consistent with various behavior change methods, using previously validated questions approach seems feasible for 11–18-y-old youths if computers can be made available; reliability
(performed interactively on computer in waiting room); (2) assessment of disordered eating; (3) same (reproducibility of repeat testing of same measure 1 wk apart): days per week of ⱖ20 min of
questions in telephone assessment at 4 mo; (4) acceptability (patient and parent satisfaction at 1 wk VPA, r ⫽ 0.67 (P ⫽ .02); days per week of ⱖ30 min of MPA, r ⫽ 0.55 (P ⫽ .16); validity
and at 4 mo), and (5) feasibility (no measure) (comparison with accelerometer): days per week of ⱖ20 min of VPA, r ⫽ 0.31 (P ⫽ .02); days
per week of ⱖ30 min of MPA, r ⫽ 0.20; (P ⫽ 0.16)
Prochaska et al,98 Cross-sectional/convenience sample; (1) study 1: total of 9 measures using Youth Risk Behavior Acceptability: NA; feasibility: authors recommend composite measure of days per week of
2001 Surveillance modified physical activity assessment questions, including (a) days in past week, days in accumulated 60 min of MPA and VPA from study 3 for clinical assessment of physical activity
typical week, and composite measure of ⱖ20 min of VPA, (b) days in past week, days in typical week, among adolescents in middle or high school (brief, easy to score, most reliable, and greatest
and composite measure of ⱖ30 min of MPA, and (c) days in past week, days in typical week, and validity); reliability (reproducibility of repeat testing of same measure): study 1: VPA, r ⫽ 0.66–
composite measure of ⱖ60 min of MPA; (2) study 2 (subset of subjects from study 1 who also wore 0.76; MPA, 30 min, r ⫽ 0.55–0.71; MPA, 60 min, r ⫽ 0.65–0.79; study 3: r ⫽ 0.76 (range of 0.53
accelerometers), including (a) same 9 measures from study 1 and (b) average minutes of MPA and VPA for 1-mo retest to 0.88 for same-day retest); validity (comparison with accelerometer): study 2:

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per day on accelerometer; (3) study 3: (a) days per week, days in typical week, and composite measure VPA, r ⫽ 0.31–0.37 (P ⬍ .05); MPA, 30 min, r ⫽ 0.20–0.26 (P ⬎ .05); MPA, 60 min, r ⫽ 0.37–0.46
of ⱖ60 min of MPA and VPA combined and (b) average minutes of MPA and VPA per day on (P ⬍ .01); study 3: r ⫽ 0.40 (P ⬍ .001)
Souroudi et al,96 Cross-sectional/convenience sample; quick WAVE screener developed to be used in primary care settings Acceptability: providers: patients generally were comfortable taking the screener assessment;
2004 (1 page, 17 total items, 3 items to assess sedentary behavior and physical activity; one version for feasibility: potentially feasible (takes 5–10 min during clinic visit); reliability: NA; validity: NA
children and one version for adolescents), Adapted from Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance and
Paffenberger physical activity questionnaire; dialogue guide available, based on behavior change
theories such as motivational interviewing and stages of change
MPA indicates moderate physical activity; VPA, vigorous physical activity; NA, not applicable.
range: 0.49 – 0.93) of pedometer use for children and TABLE 4 Social and Environmental Barriers to and Facilitators of
adolescents.260,268–272 Two studies found that, on average, Physical Activity in Children and Adolescents
children 8 to 10 years of age272 take between 12 000 and Home
16 000 steps per day.271,273 Jago et al269 determined that Television in bedroom82,274
taking 4000 steps in 30 minutes and taking 8000 steps in Family physical activity routines77,78,82,83,275
60 minutes (fast walking) meet current US physical ac- Willingness of family members to be active with patient75
Encouragement from parents76,79
tivity recommendations.
Options and access for free play and organized sports76,77,79,82
Pedometers could be used at home to assess baseline School
physical activity levels for children and adolescents, and Physical education classes and recess82
specific activities could be recorded in conjunction with Affordability/socioeconomic status76,77,82
times the monitor is worn. For example, a clinic visit Safety76,77,82
Discretionary activity (eg, walking or biking to school, taking stairs, and
with BMI screening may prompt a physical activity as-
running errands)82
sessment and counseling on the basis of overweight or
obese status. The patient can be instructed to wear a
pedometer daily for 1 week, to record specific physical
identified in the literature as important to address. Al-
activities in a diary, and to determine a baseline average
though practitioners may not have the time or ability to
number of daily steps (with the assistance of a parent, if
change everything on the list, knowing which unique
necessary). Results can be used as a proxy for overall
barriers and facilitators for physical activity exist should
physical activity and compared with documentation in
allow more effective messages and interventions to be
the activity diary. Discussion at a follow-up visit with a
tailored for each patient.
designated clinic staff member can determine necessary
modifications and can address any barriers to increasing Current Levels of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior
physical activity levels. No studies have assessed the feasi- Physical activity research has centered on measuring
bility, reliability, and validity of using pedometers for base- the type, frequency, intensity, and duration of physical
line assessment in this way. For a list of available pedom- activity. The consensus of recommendations from a va-
eters, see the report by Bjornson268 (and www.pedometers. riety of government and professional organizations is
com). that children and adolescents should accumulate 60
minutes of at least moderate physical activity on a daily
Behavior Changes
basis.4,6,154,276–281 This total duration does not have to be
Approaches such as readiness to change, motivational
consecutive, and briefer bouts can be added up for a total
interviewing, and the 5As (see above) emphasize the
of 60 minutes.
assessment of psychological readiness, so that providers
Age is an important consideration for assessment of
can more effectively help their patients increase physical
physical activity in children and adolescents. Adoles-
activity levels. Pediatric health care professionals can
cents have physical activity patterns similar to those of
assess briefly the self-efficacy and readiness to change of
adults, which can be assessed by using the moderate/
patients and their families by asking the following 2
vigorous physical activity framework that is widely used
questions. (1) How important is it to become more phys-
with the adult population. Self-reporting is reasonable
ically active? (2) How confident do you feel in your
with this age group, with the acknowledgment that self-
ability to become more physically active?84 If time al-
report options likely overestimate the amount of physi-
lows, health care professionals should assess specific ac-
cal activity performed. Children ⬍10 years of age should
tivities their patients enjoy and consider within their
not be relied on for self-reporting of physical activity;
capabilities and should tailor interventions and recom-
parental responses should be used instead. Questions
mendations accordingly.75–79 Practitioners also can deter-
should be centered on time in organized sports programs
mine the readiness to change of patients and their fam-
or outdoor unstructured play, to account for the sporadic
ilies. This approach may allow greater acceptance of the
and unsustained nature of physical activity among chil-
plan of action/intervention by the patient and perhaps
increase motivation and compliance.
Research also has stressed the importance of bal-
Environment and Social Support ancing sedentary behaviors, such as television/DVD/
Patients of any age rarely, if ever, act or respond videotape watching and computer games (“screen
independently of their social and physical environments. time”), and less-active hobbies with physical activi-
Children and adolescents are influenced by home, ty.253,283 Time spent in sedentary behaviors, especially
school, and after-school environments, as well as by television viewing, should be reduced, and prelimi-
family and peer dynamics.76–79,82,83 Practitioners should nary research results suggest limiting screen time to
assess barriers and facilitators in these settings, to deter- ⬍2 hours/day.4,277–279,284–286 Television viewing is the
mine the best way to increase physical activity levels of only sedentary behavior that has been associated with
children and adolescents. Table 4 provides a list of items an increase in BMI,284 and 2 studies have shown that

PEDIATRICS Volume 120, Supplement 4, December 2007 S209

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altering this behavior can affect weight gain.286,287 Inter- TABLE 5 Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviors to Explore With
estingly, only weak associations between television Patients
viewing time and decreased levels of physical activity Hours of television watched and/or screen time daily and/or weekly
have been documented.285,288,289 Epstein et al290 reported (⬍2 h/d)75,76,82,83,256,285
that children do value various sedentary behaviors and Type, frequency, duration, and intensity of physical activity daily and/or
may work to substitute physical activity with sedentary weekly75,76,256
Time spent in organized physical activity, unstructured activity/play/
behavior. More research is needed to assess accurately
time outside, and routine activity (eg, walking to school)82,83,261
the balance of sedentary behavior with physical activity Time spent in sedentary activity76,83
and the associated outcomes.
To provide the most-effective weight maintenance and
management interventions for children and adolescents,
practitioners need to assess baseline levels of physical ac- Six have been documented in the literature,92,96,98,263,266,267
tivity and sedentary behaviors and to determine whether and all except one96 are directed toward adolescent as-
each patient is likely to be meeting recommended levels. It sessment. One additional research study tool for pre-
may be prudent to assess parents’ baseline levels briefly, to school-aged children may be adaptable to the clinic264
illuminate family physical activity patterns and routines (Table 3).
during leisure time at home and on weekends. Fulkerson Four criteria were used to determine the quality of
et al75 found that parents being physically active with their the physical assessment tool used in these 7 studies, that
children may be more important than simply giving verbal is, acceptability, feasibility, reliability, and validity. For
encouragement. Practitioners should ask about and record the purpose of these recommendations, these terms
physical activity patterns at each visit, to determine pat- were defined as follows: (1) acceptability is the degree to
terns over time. Table 5 provides a list of commonly cited which providers and patients are comfortable with the
categories that practitioners could ask about routinely and duration, wording, and other intangibles of the ques-
document for their pediatric patients. These categories are tionnaire; (2) feasibility is the degree to which imple-
suggested on the basis of both the research literature and mentation of the questionnaire is affordable and fits
the ability to target these behaviors for change. easily into the office environment and workflow; (3)
reliability is the ability of the questionnaire to produce the
Available Tools for Measuring Physical Activity Among
same results when administered at different times or by
Children and Adolescents in Clinical Settings
different practitioners to the same patient (ie, reproducibil-
The nature of the clinician-patient interaction is based
ity); and (4) validity is the ability of the questionnaire to
on sharing information verbally. The patient and/or
measure the correct frequency, duration, and intensity of
family, with direction from the physician, communicates
physical activity for each patient (ie, accuracy).
pertinent health, wellness, and illness information. The
As is evident in Table 3, none of the studies was
clinician incorporates that information with physical ex-
designed to assess all 4 criteria, and no single tool stands
amination findings to determine health status and to
out as the most effective for use in the clinic setting. The
establish other required steps, such as prevention inter-
ventions and laboratory or radiologic tests. Therefore, WAVE tool for older children and adolescents, also de-
use of a brief, 5- to 10-minute, age-appropriate, self- scribed in the dietary assessment section, is feasible and
report assessment and intervention tool seems the most acceptable from the provider perspective, and it focuses
logical and practical approach. Ideally, this tool would on the concept of energy balance in its assessment of
assess the 2 components of energy balance (dietary in- weight, physical activity, variety of diet, and excess.
take and physical activity) at the same time. Unfortunately, there are no reliability and validity stud-
This report is not intended to develop a reliable and ies to support its immediate use in the clinic setting. The
validated assessment tool to be used in the clinic setting. Patient-Centered Assessment and Counseling for Exer-
Rather, it draws attention to those tools that are most cise brief questionnaire for adolescents is a feasible, re-
ready to use now and it highlights gaps in the research liable, valid, brief physical activity questionnaire that has
that, when filled, could lead to improved assessment of yet to be applied in the clinic setting. The longer Patient-
physical activity and sedentary behavior in children and Centered Assessment and Counseling for Exercise com-
adolescents. puter-based physical activity and nutrition question-
In the clinic setting, comprehensive assessment usu- naire is acceptable, reliable, and valid for use in clinics
ally is not the goal; the challenge is to develop a brief that have computers available.267 However, its feasibility
assessment tool that captures the usual amount of phys- and acceptability for all patients and practices need to be
ical activity and sedentary behaviors the patient per- examined more closely. The tool described by Burdette
forms over time. A systematic review of the literature et al264 is the only brief and valid approach to be used for
shows that few clinic-based questionnaires have been children ⬍10 years of age; however, it has not been
developed and validated for children and adolescents. applied in the clinic setting.

S210 KREBS et al
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Overall Recommendations for Physical Activity Assessment younger children, the risk of persistence for an individ-
Four general categories to be addressed in the assess- ual child is influenced strongly by parental weight status.
ment of physical activity among children and adoles- Similarly, an overweight child’s risk for comorbidities is
cents have been identified, as follows: (1) self-efficacy influenced by genetic factors and may influence the
and readiness to change, (2) environment and social intensity of interventions (eg, those aiming for preven-
support, (3) level of physical activity, and (4) level of tion of additional weight gain, compared with those
sedentary behavior. The assessment writing group rec- aiming for actual weight loss). The family history is an
ommends the following. (1) Assessment of physical ac- important aspect of risk assessment, along with other
tivity levels should be performed for all pediatric patients clinical and especially anthropometric and biochemical
at least at each well-child visit for anticipatory guidance, data. The 3 conditions recommended for family history
to determine whether they are meeting recommenda- evaluation (among first- and second-degree relatives)
tions of 60 minutes of at least moderate physical activity for all children are obesity, T2DM, and CVD (including
per day. (2) Assessment of sedentary behaviors such as hyperlipidemia and hypertension).
watching television and/or DVDs, playing video games,
and using the computer should be performed at each Susceptibility to Obesity
well-child visit, in comparison with a suggested baseline For the vast majority of individuals, weight status is
of ⬍2 hours/day. attributable to interactions of multiple genetic and envi-
The assessment writing group also suggests the fol- ronmental factors, resulting ultimately in positive en-
lowing. (1) Assessment of social and environmental bar- ergy balance. As discussed by Barsh et al,291 susceptibility
riers and facilitators for physical activity should be per- to obesity is determined largely by genetic factors but the
formed at each visit at which physical activity levels and environment determines the phenotypic expression. A
sedentary behaviors are assessed. Results should be used corollary is that, for different genotypes, the impact of
to discuss and to develop reasonable prevention and environmental factors differs. Testing for specific geno-
treatment interventions for patients not meeting recom- types currently is quite limited but, as more-refined
mended levels of physical activity. (2) Assessment of testing becomes available, such assessments may help
readiness to change and motivation to change should be guide therapy.
performed at each visit at which physical activity and From a practical standpoint, the clinician is faced with
sedentary behaviors are assessed. The 2 questions (im- assessing an individual child’s risk of persistence of over-
portance and confidence) established by Rollnick et al84 weight. Relevant in this context is a retrospective anal-
represent a brief way to perform such an assessment. (3) ysis of a large group of records for newborns monitored
Until additional research delineates a standardized ap- through 21 years of age, along with their parents’ med-
proach, providers should use one of the tools in Table 2, ical charts, in a health maintenance organization.292 The
rather than developing their own physical assessment weight status of a child’s parents was associated strongly
tools. The WAVE tool shows the most promise, because with the child’s risk of persistence of overweight. At all
it is based on reliable validated questionnaires; however, ages, the risk of adult obesity was greater if one or both
it has yet to be evaluated in the clinic setting. parents were obese. This applied especially to both obese
and nonobese children ⬍10 years of age. In that study,
Medications the “obese” categorization applied to BMI of ⬃85th per-
Some classes of medications are particularly associated centile for age, whereas the “very obese” categorization
with weight gain, including conventional and atypical applied to BMI of ⬃95th percentile. The very obese
antipsychotic agents, selective serotonin reuptake inhibi- children with at least one obese parent were at highest
tors, tricyclic antidepressants, anticonvulsants/mood stabi- risk for adult obesity. In early childhood (1–3 years of
lizers, conventional mood stabilizers, prednisone, and oral age), parental weight status was found to be a stronger
contraceptives. The mechanisms of weight gain vary predictor than the child’s actual weight status. After 3
among the drug classes, and the responses vary among years of age, both child and parental weight status pre-
individuals. Clinicians should thus recognize the potential dicted adult obesity; as the child aged (ⱖ6 years of age),
for a variety of medications to act as confounding factors in his or her own weight status became the more important
excessive weight gain and in efforts to lose weight. predictor. For children who were obese at any age, pa-
rental obesity was more important than either severity
or duration of the child’s obesity.292
Family History
Results of a cross-sectional study of school-aged chil-
Risk Assessment dren in Italy supported the strong impact of parental
Clinical risk assessment is important to help gauge the weight status. Maternal and paternal BMI influenced the
likelihood of adverse medical consequences (current and child’s BMI independently and significantly, even when
future) from a child’s weight status. Although persis- multiple other factors, including lifestyle, parental edu-
tence of overweight status generally is less likely for cation, and parental history of diabetes and/or hyperten-

PEDIATRICS Volume 120, Supplement 4, December 2007 S211

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sion, were considered.293 A prospective longitudinal A1c data for individuals 5 to 24 years of age from Na-
study of growth from birth to 6 years of age in children tional Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III
born to either lean or obese mothers confirmed the identified 3 factors associated with higher hemoglobin
influence of parental weight on the weight of young A1c levels in young adolescents of all ethnic/racial
children. By 6 years of age, nearly one third of the groups: positive family history of T2DM, overweight sta-
children born to obese women had BMI of ⬎85th per- tus, and lower socioeconomic status.302 In a series exam-
centile for age, compared with ⬍3% of those born to ining insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome in US
lean women (odds ratio: 15.7). There were no differ- Latino children 8 to 13 years of age, ⬃90% of the chil-
ences in growth between the low-risk and high-risk dren who had a positive family history of T2DM and
groups during the first 2 years of life, whereas weight who were overweight had ⱖ1 feature of metabolic syn-
and lean body mass were higher in the high-risk group drome.303 In a T2DM surveillance study involving Japa-
by 4 years of age and fat mass was significantly greater nese children, 56.5% of the diabetic children had a
by 6 years of age. The limitations of that study, which positive family history in either first- or second-degree
were partially offset by the longitudinal design, included relatives.304
the relatively small sample size (⬃35 subjects per group),
inclusion of only white subjects, and limited information CVD (Hyperlipidemia and Hypertension)
(beyond income) on educational and behavioral charac- High BMI has been associated with a positive family history
teristics of the parents or the subjects’ environment.294 of CVD and with markers of CVD.305,306 In a series of pa-
Genetic influences have been estimated to explain up to tients from referral clinics, approximately one third of
70% of interindividual differences in BMI.295 Furthermore, obese children, both with and without hypertension, were
heritability is estimated to account for 30% to 40% of such found to have a positive family history of CVD (defined as
interrelated factors as adipose tissue distribution, physical CVD, myocardial infarction, stroke, or recognized CVD risk
activity, energy expenditure, eating behaviors, hunger and factors, including obesity, hypertension, and diabetes).305
satiety, food preferences, lipoprotein lipase activity, lipid Conversely, a positive family history of CVD alone was
synthesis, and lipolysis.296,297 Ravussin and Bogardus298 es- shown in a number of studies to be a poor predictor of
timated that ⱖ40% of the variability in BMI is related to hyperlipidemia.306,307 Risk of T2DM, identified by family
genetic factors involved in the regulation of food intake history and clinical screening, also is associated with risk of
and/or volitional activity. These findings do not explain CVD, with both conditions reflecting effects of insulin re-
the cause of an individual’s weight status but highlight sistance.308 Inquiries should address a history of early car-
the complexity of potential influences. diac arrest or stroke in first-degree relatives.
Despite the recognized important genetic role in obe- Both obesity and family history of hypertension seem
sity, the multigenic nature of the condition is also abun- to be independent risk factors for hypertension in chil-
dantly clear. Single-gene disorders that result in severe dren. On the basis of a retrospective analysis of medical
obesity (eg, Prader-Willi, Bardet-Biedl, Alstorm, and Co- charts from a clinical population referred for treatment
hen syndromes) are relatively rare. As the study of obe- of primary or secondary hypertension, Robinson et al309
sity through molecular genetic methods expands inevi- found that BMI was greater in those with primary hy-
tably, greater insight into these monogenic forms of pertension, compared with secondary hypertension.
obesity is likely to be forthcoming and, following from Family history of hypertension was associated with
that, better understanding for assessment and treatment higher child BMI. Family history of hypertension also
of larger subgroups of the obese population may result. was associated significantly with primary hypertension
Several reviews of this topic are available.291,296,299 independent of obesity in the child.309 In a case-control
heritability analysis with a similar group of patients,
T2DM 49% of patients with primary hypertension had parents
The genetic component of T2DM is quite strong, and a with primary hypertension, whereas only 24% of pa-
positive family history has been found to be an indepen- tients with secondary hypertension had parents with
dent predictor or risk factor for insulin resistance in hypertension. The heritability of primary hypertension
children of several ethnic/racial backgrounds. The prev- was calculated to be 0.80, indicating that 80% of the
alence of T2DM is especially high in children of non- variance in liability of primary hypertension is attribut-
European ancestry, including Hispanic, black, and North able to additive genetic factors.310 In an analysis of CVD
American and Pima Indian children.300 The prevalence of risk factors among pediatric patients with hypertension,
insulin resistance also varies considerably among differ- family history of hypertension was found for 61% and
ent racial/ethnic groups. White European children had a 72% of hypertensive children with and without obesity,
much lower prevalence than did those of South Asian respectively.305 A small study of normotensive adoles-
ancestry, with the latter having a risk ratio of 13.7, cents with positive family history for hypertension re-
compared with white children. A positive family history ported proximal renal tubular dysfunction independent of
explained 29% to 88% of the variability.301 Hemoglobin BMI. In the same series, obese adolescents had higher

S212 KREBS et al
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aldosterone levels, regardless of family history of hyperten- airway obstruction during sleep, and nocturnal hypox-
sion, which was interpreted to indicate increased distal emia.313 Excessive weight is a risk factor for obstructive
tubule sodium reabsorption in the obese subjects (ie, a sleep apnea; between 13% and 33% of overweight chil-
different renal function profile, compared with the nono- dren have obstructive sleep apnea, which is several times
bese subjects).311 These results were interpreted as indicat- the prevalence in lean children.314–316 Differences in aca-
ing independent effects of family history and obesity. demic performance and depressive symptoms were in part
In summary, family history of obesity, especially in attributable to short sleep times and daytime sleepiness.312
the parents, yields substantial risk for a child’s propen- Longitudinal studies have documented that shorter
sity for overweight. This relationship is strongest for sleep times predict the later emergence of overweight.317
children ⬍6 years of age. Therefore, when a young child Sleep deprivation hampers attention, impulse control, and
is found to have a high BMI, consideration of parental higher-level problem-solving,318 providing an indirect
weight status provides an important determinant of risk route through which dietary choices may be undermined.
for the persistence of overweight. Positive family history Sleepiness may contribute to more sedentary behaviors,
is an independent risk factor for insulin resistance in although activity levels have not been found to mediate
children of several ethnic/racial backgrounds, especially statistically the link between short sleep times and over-
those of non-European ancestry, including Hispanic, weight.319 A cross-sectional study indicated that obese ad-
black, and North American Indian children. olescents experienced less sleep than did nonobese adoles-
cents (P ⬍ .01), and daytime physical activity diminished
Overall Recommendation for Family History Assessment by 3% for every 1-hour increase in sleep disturbance.320
It is strongly recommend that clinicians obtain a focused Sleep debt may affect human hormonal mechanisms
family history regarding obesity, T2DM, and CVD (par- that affect metabolic and endocrine functions, including
ticularly hypertension) in first-degree (parents) and sec- glucose metabolism and the release of serotonin321 and
ond-degree (grandparents) relatives, to assess the risks of other neuropeptides that affect eating behavior.322 Sero-
current or future comorbidities associated with a child’s tonin has been implicated in both within-meal and post-
overweight status. meal satiety, with regard to the signals arising from food
intake. Carbohydrate craving, which may be driven by the
Review of Systems for Weight-Related Problems need for increased serotonin levels and subsequent feelings
of well-being, has been implicated in obesity.323 Typically,
Approach to Assessment
serotonin levels are replenished during sleep.
Assessment of symptoms associated with recognized co-
morbidities is an important aspect of evaluating the risks
associated with a child’s degree of overweight. The se- Menstrual Irregularities
verity of overweight does not predict strictly the pres- Many women with polycystic ovary syndrome are over-
ence of associated health conditions, many of which are weight or obese, but obesity itself is not considered to be
influenced by genetic predisposition and environmental etiologic in the development of the syndrome. Excess
factors. In addition, families may not recognize some of adiposity, however, can exacerbate associated reproduc-
the symptoms, such as sleep disturbances, that are re- tive and metabolic disorders. The syndrome can be di-
lated to weight status. Therefore, such symptoms may agnosed when other medical conditions that cause irreg-
not be acknowledged unless the clinician specifically asks ular menstrual cycles and androgen excess have been
about them. Table 6 provides a summary reference, and excluded and when ⱖ2 of the following are present:
the following text elaborates on some of the most common oligoovulation or anovulation (usually manifested as oli-
conditions that the medical history may help to identify. Of gomenorrhea or amenorrhea), elevated levels of circu-
note, insulin resistance and T2DM are relatively asymp- lating androgens (hyperandrogenemia) or clinical man-
tomatic conditions, and diagnosis depends more on labo- ifestations of androgen excess (hyperandrogenism), and
ratory testing than on the review of systems. polycystic ovaries, as defined with ultrasonography.324

Sleep Disorders
Disordered sleep may be one of the many contributors to Abdominal Pain
excessive weight during childhood.312 Overweight individ- Vague recurrent abdominal pain may be an indicator of
uals are at risk for more symptoms of sleep-disordered nonalcoholic fatty liver disease,325 the prevalence of
breathing, later sleep onset, shorter sleep time, and more- which has been estimated to range from 10% to 20% in
disrupted sleep, compared with those with normal obese children and adolescents.326,327 Depending on the
weight.312 One of the categories of sleep-disordered breath- presence and character of other symptoms, abdominal
ing is obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, which is a dis- pain can also be a clue to the presence of gastroesopha-
abling condition characterized by excessive daytime sleep- geal reflux, gallstones, or constipation, all of which are
iness, disruptive snoring, repeated episodes of upper not uncommon in obese children.

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TABLE 6 Review of Systems for Weight-Related Problems
Symptoms Explanation Potential Consequences/Comments
Sleep problems
Loud snoring or apnea (prolonged intervals Obstructive sleep apnea Poor sleep efficiency, poor attention, poor
without respiratory effort) academic performance, pulmonary
hypertension, right ventricular hypertrophy, or
Shorter sleep time, later onset of sleep, Disordered sleep Depression, poor attention, poor academic
daytime sleepiness, or restlessness performance, food cravings, or difficulty
responding to satiety cues
Respiratory problems
Shortness of breath, exercise intolerance, Asthma Progression of disease, resistance to treatment,
wheezing, or cough exacerbation of excessive weight gain, or
exacerbation of asthma with weight gain
Gastrointestinal problems
Vague recurrent abdominal pain Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease Fatty deposits in liver; small percentage progresses
to steatohepatitis, cirrhosis, and future
Heartburn, dysphagia, regurgitation, or chest Gastroesophageal reflux Increased abdominal pressure or esophagitis
or epigastric pain
Abdominal pain and/or distention, Constipation Disordered eating pattern, physical inactivity, or
flatulence, fecal soiling/encopresis, decreased social interaction
anorexia, or enuresis
Right upper quadrant or epigastric pain or Gall bladder disease, with or without gallstones Cholecystectomy (most patients with gallstones are
vomiting and colicky pain asymptomatic)
Endocrine disorders
Polyuria and polydypsia T2DM Lack of symptoms is normal for T2DM; unexpected
weight loss may occur and may not indicate
compliance with treatment of obesity
Menstrual irregularities
Oligomenorrhea (⬍9 menses per y) or Polycystic ovary syndrome Insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, T2DM,
dysfunctional uterine bleeding infertility, or worsening obesity with worsening
(anovulation) of aforementioned conditions
Orthopedic problems
Hip pain, groin pain, thigh pain, painful gait, Slipped capital femoral epiphysis Permanent hip deformity and dysfunction,
or waddling gait decreased physical activity, or worsening obesity
Knee pain Slipped capital femoral epiphysis or Blount disease Decreased physical function, decreased physical
activity, or worsening obesity
Foot pain Increased weight-bearing Decreased physical activity or worsening obesity
Mental health
Psychiatric conditions
Flat affect or sad mood, loss of interest/ Depression or anxiety Worsening obesity, suicide, or eating disorder
pleasure, or worries/fears
Psychosocial conditions
Body dissatisfaction, school avoidance, Depression or anxiety Worsening obesity
problems with social interactions, poor
self-esteem, or neglect
History/ongoing sexual abuse Depression or anxiety Worsening obesity
Hyperphagia or binge eating, eating “out of Disordered eating Worsening obesity; medications may
control,” or bulimia cause/exacerbate obesity
Genitourinary problems
Nocturia or nocturnal enuresis Disordered sleep See above
Skin conditions
Rash or irritations acne Intertrigo attributable to increased skin-to-skin More serious skin infections and abscesses
contact with persistent moisture

Potential for Harm Resulting From Screening sity in undergraduate students may motivate healthier
The potential for harm resulting from screening was dietary behaviors. However, data also suggested that
examined because of the impact it may have on the individuals may engage in less-healthy behaviors after
willingness of practitioners to address overweight and receiving results that indicate an average risk for obesi-
obesity with their pediatric patients. There is no direct ty.328
evidence of harm resulting from screening for childhood Numerous studies have demonstrated the social and
overweight and obesity.46 One study328 provided prelim- psychological consequences of obesity. Theoretically,
inary evidence that genetic susceptibility testing for obe- these could be triggered and/or amplified with screen-

S214 KREBS et al
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ing. The potential adverse effects related specifically to TABLE 7 Physical Examination in Primary Care Settings
obesity screening include labeling and social stigmatiza- System or Condition Assessed Assessment
tion,195,328–330 low self-esteem,331–333 depressive feel- Anthropometric features Calculation of BMI (weight in kilograms
ings,334,335 negative body image,336 disordered eating or and height in centimeters)
self-managed dieting,336–338 and negative effects resulting Vital signs Pulse and blood pressure (use correct
from parental concerns and attitudes.339 Available evi- cuff size; often must be checked
dence, however, does not indicate that screening per se manually because of “white coat
causes these potential harms. A recent evidence-based General Body fat distribution and affect
review by the US Preventive Services Task Force con- Skin Acanthosis nigricans, keratosis pilaris,
cluded that the evidence was insufficient to make con- skin tags, intertrigo, excessive acne,
clusions about harms resulting from screening.340 hirsutism, or violacious striae of
Cushing syndrome
Eyes Papilledema
Throat Tonsillar size and abnormal breathing
Neck Goiter
LABORATORY TESTING Chest Auscultation for rhythm and sounds
(heart) and rhonchi, rales, and
Physical Examination
wheezes (lungs)
Physical examination reflects the customary pediatric Abdomen Palpation for liver size, right upper
examination with a few extra foci. A summary of phys- quadrant tenderness, and epigastric
ical examination signs related to obesity or its comor- tenderness
bidities is provided in Table 7. Secondary sexual characteristics Premature/abnormal appearance of
pubic hair, breast development,
testicular enlargement, acne or
comedones, axillary odor,
Anthropometry appearance of microphallus
Anthropometric features should be assessed. Height is to because penis is buried in fat, or
be measured in bare or stocking feet with a stadiometer, gynecomastia
not a platform scale with a moveable rule on top. Chil- Extremities Abnormal gait, hip or knee tenderness,
dren ⬎2 years of age who are unable to stand erect limited range of motion in hip
(slipped capital femoral epiphyses),
but who are able to lie supine and fully extended should Blount disease, joint and foot pain,
have recumbent length measured; 1.0 cm should be small hands and feet, polydactyly,
subtracted to approximate erect height341 before BMI lower back pain or limited motion,
is calculated. Measurement should be made in centi- deep tendon reflexes, or edema
meters rather than inches, which encourages rounding Prader-Willi syndrome Short stature, acromicia, characteristic
facies, hypotonia, and
errors (see Weight is to be mea- developmental delay
sured with a calibrated balance-beam scale in light cloth- POMC mutation Red hair, pale skin, low blood pressure
ing and bare feet or, if possible, in a gown (if it is to be or rapid pulse, and corticotropin
worn during the upcoming physical examination). Ex- deficiency/adrenal insufficiency
pression in kilograms is preferred. BMI should be calcu- Albright hereditary osteodystrophy Developmental delay, short stature,
and short fourth and fifth
lated as BMI ⫽ weight (in kilograms)/[height (in meters)]2 metacarpals
or calculated with the use of an automated calculator Laurence-Moon or Bardet-Biedl Short stature, developmental delay,
(, or other syndrome retinitis pigmentosum, and
sites noted above). Circular slide-rule BMI calculators polydactyly
are available and can be used to calculate BMI. These MC4R mutation Tall stature and rapid growth
Down syndrome Typical phenotypic features
calculators do not indicate the BMI percentile for age. Fragile X syndrome Macroorchia and developmental delay
Height, weight, and BMI for age are plotted on stan-
dard growth charts (available at
charts) or from various industry sources. BMI should be
calculated and plotted once per year for all children and and age of onset of increased weight velocity are of
adolescents.4 The growth velocity may also be deter- importance, because early inexorable weight gain is
mined and compared with standard charts; if growth more consistent with a monogenic form of obesity, as
velocity decreases, then the likelihood of endocrine dis- noted above.
ease increases, because non– endocrine disease-related Waist circumference is now more-frequently invoked
obesity usually is associated with tall stature. Growth as an indicator of comorbidities of obesity, but it does not
velocity charts can be obtained from growth hormone necessarily add more to the evaluation, compared with
manufacturers. As a general rule, no child should grow BMI, as reviewed above.70 Measurement is made hori-
⬍5 cm/y after 4 years of age and before puberty, al- zontally at the level just above the right ileum (reference
though actual growth rates vary with age. The velocity data are available at

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Vital Signs skinfolds and increase pigmentation. The deep purple
Pulse should be measured in the standard pediatric man- striae of Cushing syndrome, the “buffalo hump” at the
ner. At ⬍4 years of age, the heart rate is counted by back of the neck, and the ruddy complexion and round
listening to the heart at approximately the fourth inter- face of the condition should be assessed, as should xan-
costal space, at the midclavicular line, by using the bell thelasmas of dyslipidemias.
device of a pediatric stethoscope. The heart rate should
be recorded after the child rests for 4 minutes. At ⬎4 Cardiopulmonary
years of age, the radial pulse is measured and compared The heart should be auscultated for irregular rhythms or
with age-specific standards. Increased pulse rates in the sounds and the lungs for pulmonary edema if heart
resting state could be consistent with low fitness levels, failure is considered. Wheezes of asthma, often associ-
whereas decreased pulse rates could be consistent with ated with or intensified by obesity, should be evaluated.
hypothyroidism.342,343 Blood pressure should be mea- Heart and lung sounds may be difficult to hear.
sured with a cuff large enough that 80% of the arm is
covered by the bladder of the cuff. Very large cuffs are
needed for obese youths. Blood pressure is interpreted
The abdomen should be examined for organomegaly,
according to age, gender, and height; reference tables are
especially hepatomegaly of nonalcoholic liver disease.343
available.344 Because of “white coat hypertension”
The abdomen may be difficult to palpate because of
(which is defined as blood pressure in the 95th percen-
abdominal girth and excess adiposity.
tile in the physician’s office or clinic but normal values
during daily life, as assessed with a 24-hour monitor),
repeated measurement, after the subject rests for 10 to Secondary Sexual Development
15 minutes, often is necessary. Initial volatility of blood Signs of secondary sexual development should be as-
pressure is present for 10% to 15% of children and sessed, including early appearance of pubic hair (⬍7
adolescents.345 Automatic measuring devices often are years for white girls, ⬍6 years for black girls, or ⬍9 years
inaccurate, and careful manual evaluation may be indi- for boys is presently considered early), early onset of
cated. Ambulatory 24-hour monitoring may be neces- comedones, acne, or axillary odor and hair.348 Obesity
sary if repeated measurements in a standard office situ- often is associated with premature pubarche, which in
ation are not less than 95th percentile. Masked turn may be an early marker for later polycystic ovary
hypertension also may be determined with this method. syndrome in girls.349 Early enlargement of the penis in
boys (9 years) should be assessed; alternatively, the pe-
Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose, Throat nis may be partially hidden by fat, which gives it the
Optic disks should be observed specifically for the pap- appearance of being too small when it is normal in size.
illedema or decreased venous pulsations of pseudotumor Early appearance of breast tissue in girls (⬍7 years for
cerebri, particularly if there is a significant history of white girls and ⬍6 years for black girls) should be eval-
headache, particularly in the prepubertal population.346 uated. This may be a difficult examination, because of
The neck should be examined for goiter. Most acquired adipose tissue that often covers glandular tissue. If the
hypothyroidism is autoimmune in origin and is associ- areolae are more pigmented or erectile, however, then
ated with a goiter. Hypothyroidism is not a cause of there is likely an estrogen effect. Gynecomastia in boys
extreme obesity, however, especially in the absence of may be false, because of adipose tissue causing the ap-
growth failure. The pharynx should be examined for pearance of development or conversion of precursors to
enlarged tonsils, with observation for obstructed breath- estrogen in the local adipose tissue. Hirsutism involving
ing. the body or face in girls or excessive acne should be
noted as an indication of polycystic ovary disease.349
The skin should be examined for acanthosis nigricans, in Extremities
which hyperpigmented, hyperkeratotic, velvety plaques The lower extremities should be evaluated for limita-
are found on the dorsal surface of the neck, in the tions of motion or pain, including the hips (slipped cap-
axillae, in body folds, and over joints. The association of ital femoral epiphyses), knees (Blount disease), and an-
acanathosis nigricans with insulin resistance is weaker kles. Slipped capital femoral epiphyses are indicated by a
than thought previously and may be found more often waddling gait or limited hip motion. Radiograph evalu-
in dark-skinned individuals than in white individuals. ation may be diagnostic for orthopedic conditions. The
Acanthosis nigricans may be a valid indicator of insulin lower back should be evaluated through physical exam-
resistance and decreased plasma HDL cholesterol levels ination, as well as history of low back pain. If there is a
in Mexican American adolescents.308 Keratosis pilaris, or history of severe trauma to the central nervous system or
skin tags, are a strong sign of insulin resistance.347 Inter- previous central nervous system surgery near the hypo-
trigo and furunculosis may develop independently in thalamus, then physical evaluation for neurologic signs

S216 KREBS et al
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TABLE 8 Laboratory Assessments to be Considered in Primary Care TABLE 9 Laboratory Assessments to Be Considered by
Settings Subspecialists
BMI Tests If cardiac disease is suspected Electrocardiography, assessing length of
⬎85th–94th percentile, with no risk Fasting lipid levels QTc interval and cardiac rhythm, and
factors echocardiography; consider
⬎85th–94th percentile, with risk Fasting lipid levels, AST and ALT measurement of lipoprotein(a)
factors (eg, family history of levels, and fasting glucose levels If blood pressure is elevated 24-h ambulatory blood pressure
obesity-related diseases, elevated monitoring
blood pressure, elevated lipid If nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is Ultrasonography of liver and ␣1-
levels, or tobacco use) suspected antitrypsin, ceruloplasm, antinuclear
ⱖ95th percentile Fasting lipid levels, AST and ALT antibody, and hepatitis antibody
levels, and fasting glucose levels measurements; liver biopsy if
recommended by pediatric
AST indicates aspartate aminotransferase; ALT, alanine aminotransferase.
If goiter is present or hypothyroidism Serum free thyroxine measurement or
is suspected total thyroxine measurement with
is more important, because of the possibility of hypotha- resin triidothyronine uptake, serum
lamic damage and increased appetite.350 thyroid-stimulating hormone
measurement, and anti[en]thyroid
peroxidase and antithyroglobulin
Signs of Syndromes antibody measurements
Signs of syndromes should be evaluated. Prader-Willi If diabetes is suspected Glucose tolerance test (measuring
syndrome manifests as short stature, small hands and insulin levels as well as glucose over
feet, almond-shaped eyes, round face, hypogonadism, 3 h) and urinary microalbumin (first
morning void) or microalbumin/
and developmental delay.351 POMC mutation manifests
creatinine ratio measurement
as red hair and pale skin and is associated with adrenal If sleep apnea is suspected Polysomnography, oxygen saturation
insufficiency attributable to corticotropin deficiency.352 measurement, and carbon dioxide
Pseudohypoparathyroidism, when manifesting as Al- measurement for carbon dioxide
bright hereditary osteodystrophy, is associated with retention
If orthopedic disease is suspected Radiographs of hip, knee, and foot
round face, short fourth and fifth metacarpals, and de-
If Cushing syndrome is suspected 24-h urinary free cortisol measurement
velopmental delay, and it may present with hypocalce- or salivary cortisol measurement at
mic syndromes.353 Individuals with Laurence-Moon or bedtime or midnight
Bardet-Biedl syndromes have retinitis pigmentosa, poly- If Albright hereditary osteodystrophy Serum calcium and phosphate
dactyly with short stature, elevated BMI, and develop- is suspected measurements
If hirsutism and oligomenorrhea is Plasma 17-hydroxyprogesterone (basal
mental delay.354 MC4R4 mutation is associated with tall
present or corticotropin-stimulated), plasma
stature and rapid growth, with rapid bone age advance- DHEAS (basal or corticotropin-
ment.355 Mentation may be decreased in other syn- stimulated), androstenedione,
dromes associated with obesity, such as Down syn- testosterone and free testosterone,
drome, Prader-Willi syndrome, and fragile X syndrome and sensitive (third-generation) LH
and FSH measurements
(with macroorchia on examination), among others. Hy-
If precocious puberty is suspected Sensitive (third-generation) LH and FSH,
potonia is also found. Many other syndromes are asso- sensitive testosterone (for boys) or
ciated with obesity, and suspicion suggests that the estradiol (for girls), and DHEAS
patient be referred to a geneticist. measurements
If specific syndromes are suspected MCR4 evaluation, fluorescent in situ
hybridization for Prader-Willi
Laboratory Assessments
syndrome, or fragile X evaluation
For laboratory and radiographic evaluations of childhood (high-resolution chromosomal
obesity, the degree of investigation depends on the BMI, analysis)
physical and historical findings, and the presence of risk The results of these tests require detailed interpretation. LH indicates luteinizing hormone; FSH,
factors. Clinicians should also consider the likely impact on follicle-stimulating hormone; DHEAS, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate.
treatment strategies of the results obtained. If results are
unlikely to alter treatment, then the value of the testing
may be limited. Assessments recommended for primary For BMI for age of 85th to 94th percentile with no
care professionals (Table 8) and specialists, such as pediatric risk factors, a fasting lipid profile should be obtained.53
endocrinologists, geneticists, or pediatric gastroenterolo- The American Heart Association and the American
gists (Table 9), are indicated. Risk factors, as used below, Academy of Pediatrics recommend screening at 2 years
include family history of obesity-related diseases, including of age if there is a family history of lipid abnormalities or
hypertension, early cardiovascular deaths, and strokes, el- if risk factors are present in the absence of a positive
evated blood pressure (in the patient), hyperlipidemia, and family history.282
tobacco use. For BMI for age of 85th to 94th percentile with risk

PEDIATRICS Volume 120, Supplement 4, December 2007 S217

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factors in the history or physical examination, serum with a family history of cardiac disease have lipopro-
chemistry determinations should be performed, in addi- tein(a) levels measured.305,359
tion, at the time of the fasting lipid profile, including If there are appropriate historical features, then spe-
aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransfer- cialty tests are indicated. If there is history suggesting
ase measurements for assessment of possible nonalco- sleep apnea (snoring, interrupted breathing while
holic fatty liver disease. If transaminase levels are nor- asleep, secondary enuresis, daytime sleepiness, and fall-
mal, then measurements may be repeated every 2 years ing school performance), polysomnography is the stan-
for obese children after 10 years of age. ␣1-Antitrypsin, dard method for diagnosis.360 Polysomnography may
ceruloplasm, antinuclear antibody, or hepatitis antibod- miss cases requiring treatment, however, which indi-
ies indicate other reasons for elevated liver enzyme lev- cates the importance of clinical evaluation.361 Electrocar-
els. Ultrasonography of the liver is more sensitive in diography can be used to search for prolongation of the
detecting nonalcoholic fatty liver disease but does not QTc interval, ventricular arrhythmias, or right ventricu-
predict fibrosis. Liver biopsy is the standard method and lar hypertrophy; echocardiography can be performed on
provides more sensitivity if suggested and performed by the basis of pediatric cardiology consultation. Oxygen
a pediatric gastroenterologist. Glucose levels should be saturation can be measured to search for hypoxia, and
measured to determine diabetes mellitus (fasting level: carbon dioxide values can be measured to search for
⬎126 mg/dL; casual level: ⬎200 mg/dL) or impaired carbon dioxide retention. If blood pressure is elevated
glucose tolerance (fasting level: ⬎100 mg/dL; casual lev- without explanation, then 24-hour ambulatory blood
el: ⬎140 mg/dL). The American Academy of Pediatrics pressure monitoring may be an appropriate first step to
and the American Diabetes Association recommend em- rule out white coat volatile hypertension before exten-
pirically that, beginning at 10 years of age or the onset of sive laboratory evaluation for other causes.
puberty and every 2 years thereafter, overweight indi- If orthopedic disease is suspected, then appropriate
viduals with ⱖ2 risk factors for diabetes (eg, family extremity films should be obtained (hip for slipped cap-
history, high-risk ethnic/racial group, or signs associated ital femoral epiphyses, knee for Blount disease, and foot
with insulin resistance syndrome) should be tested for for localized foot pain). Orthopedic consultation may be
T2DM, with fasting plasma glucose measurement as the helpful. If there is a goiter, poor growth, and slow pulse,
primary screening test. Fasting plasma insulin measure- then free thyroxine and sensitive thyrotropin determi-
ments are not generally recommended, because of lack nations are indicated (thyroid function tests have low
of standardization of results and reflection of any med- yield in obesity without suggestive findings; hypothy-
ical condition in addition to obesity that predisposes roidism should not cause this extent of obesity, although
patients to insulin resistance. some coarseness of features may occur).
For BMI of ⬎95th percentile, all of the tests listed for If Cushing syndrome is suspected, then overnight,
the preceding category are recommended, even in the dexamethasone-suppressed, early morning, salivary cor-
absence of risk factors.53 Urinary microalbumin levels in tisol measurements should be used for screening. Corti-
first morning void or the microalbumin/creatinine ratio sol would not be suppressed, and the subtleties of diag-
can be used to screen for focal segmental glomeruloscle- nosis would require a pediatric endocrine consultation.
rosis, which has been described for obese children.356 If Albright hereditary osteodystrophy associated with
Abnormal results are a urinary albumin excretion rate of pseudohypoparathyroidism is suspected, then serum cal-
⬎20 ␮g/minute or a urinary albumin/creatinine ratio of cium, phosphorus, and parathyroid hormone levels
⬎30. should be measured. Calcium levels would be low, and
The National Cholesterol Education Program guide- phosphorous levels would be high.
lines for the metabolic syndrome in adults have been If hirsutism and excessive acne are seen in a girl with
adapted for adolescents and include triglyceride levels of irregular menses (if she is old enough), then the follow-
ⱖ110 mg/dL, HDL cholesterol levels of ⱕ40 mg/dL, ing should be measured in a laboratory with pediatric
waist circumference of ⱖ90th percentile (from National standards and sensitive methods362–365: (1) serum 17-
Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III), and blood hydroxyprogesterone levels; basal levels would be high
pressure of ⱖ90th percentile.357 Although there are no (if the index of suspicion is high, then a corticotropin-
readily available clinical tests for LDL particle size and stimulated test is indicated); (2) dehydroepiandros-
density, the presence of small, dense, LDL particles in terone sulfate levels; basal levels would be high (if the
adults is reported in the metabolic syndrome. For chil- index of suspicion is high, then a corticotropin-stimu-
dren, elevated triglyceride levels and decreased HDL lated test is indicated); (3) androstenedione levels; (4)
cholesterol levels may serve as proxies for the presence testosterone and free testosterone levels; and (5) third-
of small, dense, LDL particles.358 Lipoprotein(a) mea- generation, follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing
surements in adults are related to cardiac disease, and hormone levels. If true precocious puberty is suspected,
levels track from infancy. Obesity increases lipopro- then the following should be measured366: (1) third-
tein(a) levels, and it has been suggested that children generation, follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing

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Assessment of Child and Adolescent Overweight and Obesity
Nancy F. Krebs, John H. Himes, Dawn Jacobson, Theresa A. Nicklas, Patricia
Guilday and Dennis Styne
Pediatrics 2007;120;S193-S228
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2007-2329D
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