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The Hidden Power of Prayer and Fasting

If you were going to find out

about the effectiveness of
Fasting and Prayer you would
go to a resource that has had a
proven tract record.
Mahesh Chavdas book on The
Hidden Power of Prayer and
Fasting is a book full of the
power and presence of God.
Chavda has successfully made
it through several 40 day
fasting periods and has led his
church, All Nations Church in that area since its inception . He has successfully
maintained a church where these two elements are fundamental. Very often I have
thought, about this church and said, "What if the fundamentals of this church were
instituted in all the churches of America." If that last statement were true we would
be in complete revival over the entire country. The greatest role model in this country
for revival can be found in this church.
In Chavdas book he speaks about a church that has gone beyond the infilling of the
Holy Spirit into an area seldom touched by true believers to tap the power ministry of
the Holy Ghost. Chavda says that it was only after the prayer and fasting in the upper
room that the power of God breakthrough happened on Pentecost. Fasting is the only
way that God can remove all the junk in a believers life that holds him back from
succeeding. The closer one gets to God the more is revealed about the nature of the
true believer.
God has released Mahesh Chavda to be a great teacher in this area over a two decade
period of time. He has quietly released the power of God at a personal cost after
conducting several 40 day fasts.
He makes the statement in his book, "If the Son of Man fasted and prayed for
Spiritual Authority what makes us think that we dont have to do this." Chavda
treats the individual believer with respect by saying that every person can made a
difference. While there have been great revivals in the past with great men of God,
today the role model that God wants to use is the perfect role model of Jesus Christ
and how he conducted His ministry with signs and wonders following. No one who
has ever entered ministry or has ever reached a greater level of spiritual authority
without praying and fasting.

Chavda speaks about Spiritual authority and how God moves through people in
authority. He uses the examples of several illnesses and perverted life styles to make
his point. He just doesn't teach though the knowledge of the scriptures but he explains
through several life situations and examples of how God has used him to cast out
demon spirits and heal the sick.
He spoke of two situations dealing with Homosexuality and how God used him to cast
out a demon that could not be dealt with in a normal way. In both situations the people
returned to a normal healthy life style and went on to be married and have Christian
families. He also deals with the area of epilepsy and spoke about how very often it is
dealt with by the power of God. He makes it very clear that the spirit of epilepsy is
very often a sickness but in most cases it is more spiritual and illness.
This is a powerful book that shows the believer a way to obtain the favor of Spiritual
authority through fasting and prayer. This 166 page book is powerful and is a good
road map toward your personal fast.
Editor Jerrell H. Miller

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