C205 Annotated Works Cited

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Annotated Works Cited

"Target Optical's Improved Online Shopping Experience."

Target Optical's Improved Online Shopping Experience.
Target Pressroom, 29 Aug. 2013. Web. 18 Jan. 2015.

Example of an improved section at Target specifically in

adopting omnichannel initiative.

"10 K Report." Target Corporate, 2013. Web. 24 Nov. 2014.

Targets financial progress

"5 Excellent Examples of Omnichannel Retailing Done Right Multichannel Merchant." Multichannel Merchant. Web. 19
Jan. 2014.
Forbes Top 25 Most Innovative Companies. Forbes Online.
Web. Nov 2014.

List of competitors to Target

Malcolm, Hadley. "Target Tries to Win Hearts and Clicks of Gen

Y." USAToday. Gannett, 06 June 2014.

Target was not appealing to millennial back then.

"Target's Record-smashing Holiday 2014 Digital Performance
Sets Stage for 2015 Innovations." Target's Recordsmashing Holiday 2014 Digital Performance Sets Stage for
2015 Innovations. Target Corporate, 14 Jan. 2015. Web. 18
Jan. 2015.
Targets sales during holiday season due to upgraded shopping

Sterling, Greg. "Omni-Channel To Omni-Fail: How Target Went

Wrong From Sale To Customer Service." Marketing Land.
Marketing Land, 21 Dec. 2014. Web. 18 Jan. 2015.

A customer experience with Target omnichannel. Bad

reputation for Target.


PYMNTS, 19 Jan. 2015. Web. 20 Jan. 2015.

How omnichannel fail in Target's Canadian market

Kumar, Rohit. "Winning the Battle Between Bricks and Clicks."

ClickZ. ClickZ, 18 Jan. 2015. Web. 19 Jan. 2015.

Comparing between traditional and modern way of shopping.

Giannopoulos, Nicole. "Target of Tomorrow: New CEO Energizes

Omnichannel Evolution." Target of Tomorrow: New CEO
Energizes Omnichannel Evolution. Retail Info Systems
News, 11 Aug. 2014. Web. 19 Jan. 2015.

Targets new CEO encourages omnichannel.

Smith, Steve. "Target Puts Mobile At Center Of Online Sales

and Cross-Channel Success." MediaPost. M Marketing
Insider, 11 Jan. 2015. Web. 19 Jan. 2015.

Target stated that its mobile presence is driving in-store


Consumer Trends 2015. Rep. USA: Mintel, 2015. Electronic


Mintel report on what consumer tend to buy in 2015.

Lipson, Alison. Shopping for Home Decor - US - April 2014.

Rep. 2014 ed. USA: Mintel, 2014. Mintel Academic. Web.
20 Jan. 2015.

Report on home dcor market

"360 Degrees of Holiday: A Look at Target's Holiday Marketing

Campaign." 360 Degrees of Holiday: A Look at Target's
Holiday Marketing Campaign. Target Corporate, 7 Nov.
2014. Web. 19 Jan. 2015.

Target use various channel for its holiday marketing campaign

and make it really interesting for consumer.

"Target Tests New Quick-trip Store Format, TargetExpress."

Target Tests New Quick-trip Store Format, TargetExpress.
Target Corporate, 17 Jan. 2015. Web. 20 Jan. 2015.

Target is going to test a new store format this year and this
could be another channel for consumer.

"Target Home Department." Home : Decor, Furnishings,

Accents : Target. Target.com, Web. 17 Jan. 2015.
Target online shopping page for home department.
"2013 Annual Report | Target Corporate." 2013 Annual Report
| Target Corporate. Target Corporate, 2013. Web. 18 Jan.

Target financial summary and sales projection according to


Abdul, Amirul Faris. Regular Targets guest. Personal interview.

We can interview him for his experience shopping at Target.
Boulton, Clint. "Target Spending Big on IT to Boost
Omnichannel." The CIO Report RSS. The Wall Street
Journal, 27 June 2013. Web. 19 Jan. 2015.

Target put a lot of efforts in implementing omnichannel

strategies into its customer shopping experience.


A research which is a part of an ongoing program examining

the competition between online and offline markets and how
IT-enabled tools have made it possible for companies to take
advantage of both channels.

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