Solution To The Case

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Solution to the Case

      I.        Title                                        : The Case of the Boss’ Daughter                       

    II.        Time Context                        : Present

    III.        View Point                           

Being a Business Administration student, lots of factors must be considered

especially if you were in the same situation before taking a move or making a

decision. Here are some factors that could probably help in formulating a


a.    Consider the fact that the Human Resource Department is

the one who has the responsibility in planning, recruiting,

selecting and hiring qualified applicant.

b.    Consider also the fact that the applicant was the company’s


c.    And also consider the advantage and disadvantage of

employing an old employee who had already a passed bad

record in the organization. 

  IV.        Statement of the Problem

1.    Are authority and power be used in attaining and fulfilling one’s

want (like position)?

2.    Will the Human Resource Department Head be fair to other


3.    Does the Human Resource Head employ his President’s daughter

who is his/her godfather?

4.    What should the Human Resource Department Head choose

dignity or position?

5.    What would be the advantage and disadvantage if the Human

Resource Department Head would employ his godfathers daughter

and vice versa? 

   V.        Objectives

a.    To be able to know what particular course of action should

the Human Resource Department Head will apply.

b.    To identify the factors and areas that the Human Resource

Department Head should consider.

c.    To be able to know how her decision could affect everyone;

employer, employee, applicant and even the top ranking


  VI.        Areas for Consideration

1.    Human Resource Department, who are responsible in planning,

recruiting, selecting and hiring qualified applicant for the benefits of

the organization as a whole.

2.    The office of the President, who in this case the big barrier to

consider because of the authority and power vested to it.

3.    The company as a whole whom will suffer the positive and

negative effects of the HRD head decision.

  VII.        Alternative Courses of Action 

The following statements are the possible solutions which were formulated that

might help in solving the problems being encountered.

1. The Human Resource Department Head might hire the

presidents’ daughter but she should assure that this time she

won’t mess-up and do perform her job well.

2. On the other hand, the Human Resource Department head can

reject the application but she should give the complete details

or evidences that will support her decision. 

VIII.        Recommendation

The Human Resource Department Head should always be firm from being the

leader of her group. And being the head she should go to a step-by-step protocol

which every applicant must undergo. And even if the said applicant has a passed

bad record in the company it doesn’t mean that all the way and in all times she’ll

mess-up. As the saying says “everyone deserves a second chance”. The

President also should not interfere in the decision making if his daughter should

be employ or not. Power and Authority should not be abuse.

  IX.        Conclusion

As I have read the case, I therefore conclude that the Human Resource

Department head should consider all the aspects that might be affected by the

decision she may take. She should also show fairness to all areas that was

concern and to those people that are also affected by the decision. And to the top

ranking position that uses their power to obtain their wants, they should be

punished. Thru this abuse to the power and authority will be eliminated.

   X.        Implementation Plan

The following statements are the step-by-step protocol that should be followed in

order to achieve the set objectives and to be able to solve the case of the boss’

daughter as well.

1. First, identify what are the conflicts that arise.

2. Then gather the information, data and facts that could be used in solving

these conflicts.

3. After gathering the necessary information, study these and formulate a

possible solution.

4. Take a necessary action.

5. Then, implement the solution

In implementing the solution there are also actions to be considered to be more


1. In implementing the solution, the Human Resource Head should be firm of

whatever the decision s/he should made. Be sure s/he’ll the first one who

will support his/her idea.

2. In implementing a solution, it should not only through verbal

implementation but could also in the form of written documents of which

supports your solution or decision.

3. Both parties who are concern with the decision or solution being made

should have the full idea of why and how you come up with that decision.

The idea should be clear and accurately explained to them.

4. It should also known or have the consent of everybody from the top

management along with their lower subordinates.

5. Posting could also be used in implementing the solution, thru these

information will be disseminated easily and at this time the use of power

and authority is legal.

Solution to the Case

      I.        Title                                        : Harass Him until he quits                       

    II.        Time Context                        : Present

    III.        View Point                           

In the case of Mr. Danilo Magtanggol, we could distinguish that

despite the fact that he is an old man, he actually had extraordinary

skills and abilities that made his co-workers envy him to the point

that they want to let him out of the company. And the actions taken

by Mr. Magtanggol’s immediate supervisor are immoral since he

performs contrary to what is right, decent and honorable.

  IV.        Statement of the Problem

1. Is age an issue in performing a job?

2. How could the Human Resource Department Head or any sector

responsible to the case of Mr. Magtanggol handle the case?

3. What could be the advantage and disadvantage of the harassment

to Mr. Magtanggol?

4. What would be the positive and negative effects to the company of

the action take by the Heads of Mr. Magtanggol?

5. If you were Mr. Magtanggol, how can you deal with the situation?

   V.        Objectives

The subsequent statements, affirm the purpose of the study.

1. To identify what are the factors and standards to be consider in

lengthening the stay of an employee to a particular job or company.

2. To witness how the victim, Mr. Magtanggol, handle the complicated


3. And to know what would be the effects of the action taken by the

heads to Mr. Magtanggol, to the employee and to the company as


  VI.        Areas for Consideration

The following facts are the things to be considered as the solution

was given.

1. The Human Resource Department, who has the

responsibility in the performance and action given to the


2. The Management Department, where Departmental Heads

were assigned, with whom the responsibility to manage

people is in their hand.

3. Te employee as well, for the reason that they should know

the standards and factors to be consider for them to

lengthen their stay in the organization.

VII.        Alternative Courses of Action 

1. Try to put Mr. Magtanggol in a department or section where

he can practice his expertise.

2. All parties involved should talk professionally and morally

regarding the problem as to what action should they take to

work out the problem.

3. Present the dilemma to the division who handle cases

regarding employee-employer, and let them find solution to


VIII.        Recommendation

The following statements are the recommendation to be followed in

order to solve the problem.

1. The management and Mr. Magtanggol should talk about the

matter professionally so as not to lengthen the problem.

2. The Human Resource Department should be the one

handling this case which concerns to the welfare and

benefits of the employee.

3. Every company should set a standards and guidelines of

how the employee will lengthen their stay in the organization.

  IX.        Conclusion

In the case of Mr. Magtanggol, I therefore conclude that all

organization should set standards in regulating their employee on

how to expand their stay in the organization. Sectors handling

cases similar to Mr. Magtanggol should be fair and lawful so as to

crack the problem and not to expand it. All parties involve in the

dilemma should talk professionally to avoid further conflicts not only

to the employee, employer but also to the organization as well.


X.        Implementation Plan

In implementing the solution there should be an action taken to

make it more effective.

1. The department handling the case should have the full

knowledge and idea of what the problem is and how does it


2. The management should take immediate action to solve the

problem and be fair to all parties involve in the situation.

3. The management and department handling the case should

be firm and concise to the decision and action they may take,

and all information should be disseminated to everybody

involve in the case.


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