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Universitatea de Stiinte Agronomice si Medicina Veterinara Bucuresti

Facultatea de: Medicin Veterinar-Bucureti

Specializarea : CEPA

REFERAT la disciplina :
Limba Engleza

The importance of food safety

Student : Stoian Roxana-Gabriela

Anul : II
Grupa : 4201

Anul universitar : 2015/2016

Semestrul: I

The importance of food safety

Eating habits in our country depends by the area and is conservative on traditional
culinary habits.Traditional culinary habits in our country is based more on a lot of meat and
less vegetables.People should be informed about the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
It's the 21st century and "junk food" has gone global. For better or for worse (mostly worse),
junk food is now available all over the world. We see it most everywhere we go : in grocery
and convenience stores, fast-food restaurants, on television usually looking very appealing.
Its important to everybody to know what they are gonna eat and is more important to
know exactly what the food we are going to eat is made of.
Nowadays, the food industry uses a lot of chemicals and pesticides to sprinkle the
plants thinking that they are going to make them last longer than they should do. But, in
reality they dont put our health before the money. They think only about their income. Also
the animals food is made only of chemicals. They dont use natural food. They try to make the
animals fat in a short period then they should gain weight which means the chemicals the
animals are eating will get into our body too because we consume their meat , or the
Whatever the food is made of or the food nature , the vegetables, meat or mixed , food
is essential for humans because it provides energy and nutrients whitch is very necessary for
our health , for a good developement.
In my opinion, the developers shoult think about their consumers health before their
bank acount. They should use natural pesticids or they should try to grow up the
plants,trees,vegetables in normal conditions of wheather and dont try to make them grow up
when is not their period of year. In this case they should try to focus only about the vegetables
or the fruits witch grows in that period without trying to make them grow in unknow
I think that we should buy more from the peasantry because they dont use pesticids or
chemicals witch could be fatal to humans.

The meat industry is also full of chemicals. They are trying to make the animals get fat
in a less period then they could grow up and gain weight.
In my opinion, trying to give animals food with chemicals ant make them grow up
faster then they should naturally grow, is a bad ideea because they dont actually think about
our health and the hormones they put in that animals and they get into their meat and after that
we eat it. The children ar getting fat , they dont have the evolution they should have at their
People must understand that the health is above anything and the children health is
more than a joke because they eat everything thastes good and their parents dont know what
the food is made of or if the meat from the food is actually what is written on the label. It
could be anything in the food and we actually dont know what we eat because we actually
dont care too much what is in our plate just because , for us , only the taste is important not
what the food is made of.
The importance of food safety should be on the first place when we go to the shop to
get some grocery or when we go to a restaurant to eat. In restaurants they can put anything in
food, in many cases they can put rotten vegetables or alterated meat.We neet to know the
importance of food safety for us and for our family. We need to learn about our rights on a
healthy lifestyle.
Food safety is a scientific discipline describing handling, preparation, and storage of
food in ways that prevent foodborne illness. Its important to us to know how to handle food
and how to prepare it because some of ingredients we use can be poisonous if they are not
boiled or cooked how they should be. Food storage is also important for food safety. The
conditions of food storage is very important for our health. Food poisoning is 100%
preventable. The five key principles of food hygiene, are:
1. Prevent contaminating food with pathogens spreading from people, pets, and pests.
2. Separate raw and cooked foods to prevent contaminating the cooked foods.
3. Cook foods for the appropriate length of time and at the appropriate temperature to kill
4. Store food at the proper temperature.
5. Do use safe water and raw materials.
It is much better to prevent food hazards arising than it is to simply monitor food at the
point of sale or consumption. Sampling and analysing the final product will not provide
adequate protection to the consumer. The introduction of preventive measures at all stages of
the food production and distribution chain, rather than only inspection and rejection at the
final stage, also makes better economic sense, because unsuitable products can be identified
earlier along the chain.
Food control is the system that regulates the food industry by checking that food laws and
regulations are followed. It is important to cover all stages in the food supply chain, from the
producers on the farm, through all stages of processing and transport to the consumer where

the food is eaten. This is important because food hazards may arise at any stage and, by
monitoring the whole supply chain, preventive measures can be put in place at the appropriate

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