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2009 – 10 SAC Assembly – Meeting 8 04/19/10

I. Call to Order
 Deputy Speaker Rebecca Alter called the SAC Assembly meeting to order on Monday, April 19th, 2010 @ 9:05am.

II. Roll call

 Please see attendance sheet.

III. Approval of Minutes – Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010

 The minutes were approved.

IV. Opening Issues

1. Budget Reform (Treasurer Casey Li)
 Please look at the Budget Reform sheet. We need to vote on it, so if there are any questions, please
 Q. What does the BAA do (ie. why do they require money)? A. They use the SAC money for
tournaments (same as the GAA).
 The Budget Reform basically removes money entitlements. Associations are guaranteed a specific
amount of money, which can be unfair to some clubs because specific clubs may not get as much
money because the associations are automatically guaranteed.
 The Budget Reform also removes the $50 cap to clubs requesting funds for the first time.
 Q. Article 9 Section 2 (Field Trips) – Is this a change, or was it already in the Budget Act? A. This was
already in the Budget Act. Money requested can’t be used for field trips.
 Q. What is the difference between field trips and tournaments? A. Field trips are usually curriculum
based, and therefore it should be paid for by the school (department).
 Q. Certain associations require the amount of money that they request in order to run. By changing
the Budget Act, some associations may get less money, and therefore may be unable to run. A.
Associations will still be able to get money as long as they are able to prove why they need the
money and how exactly they are going to spend the money. They can still receive money but don’t
just automatically receive it.
 If there are many more associations (with guaranteed funding), then many clubs will not be able to
get any funding at all.
 If this Budget Reform gets passed, it will be put into action starting September 2010.
 Money can’t be given to clubs/associations to use for fundraising.
 Vote: For – 45 Against – 4 Abstain – 3
 Therefore, the Budget Reform was passed.

2. Budget (Treasurer Casey Li)

 Q. Why does debating need $2000? A. For tournaments.
 Q. Has Rover put out an issue yet? A. An issue will be out hopefully at the end of the year.
 Q. There are no more debating activities. Can Rover get their money? A. Write up a grant
request, which must be passed by the Executive, the Senate and the Class Representatives.
 Vote: For – 38 Against – 3 Abstain – 1
 Therefore, the Budget was passed.

V. Statements by the Executive

1. President Raphael Elkabas-Besnard
 There is a debt from Semi Formal. The SAC will possibly be holding a Funk Concert to make up the
2. Vice-President Oren Lefkowitz
 There was no statement from Vice-President Oren Lefkowitz.
3. Treasurer Casey Li
 The SAC will be selling things in the front hall and auditorium to fundraise.
 If you have any ideas, bring them forward to the Executive.

Designed by Sarah Feeney (2009 -10 SAC Secretary)

2009 – 10 SAC Assembly – Meeting 8 04/19/10

4. ESD Sally Rylett

 The SAC is $1237 in debt from Semi Formal.
 Many students requested a Semi Formal and yet they didn’t come to the event.
 If the money is not fundraised, the money will need to come from clubs.
 The SAC operating budget is used for teacher retirement gifts.
5. ISD Shannon Hill
 There was no statement from ISD Shannon Hill.
6. Secretary Sarah Feeney
 There was no statement from Secretary Sarah Feeney.

VI. Grade Discussion

VII. Statements by Senators

Grade 9
 Q. Can we have digital clocks in the hallway? A. We can bring that request to the administration.

Grade 10
 Q. How much money can first time requesting clubs receive next year? A. $250.
 Q. How is the field restoration going? A. There will be a Stakeholder’s meeting on May 6th. We still need
$500,000 for completion. KMG Development was going to donate but then the recession struck. We are still
looking for sponsorships. (Hopefully, $250,000 from the Foundation, $130,000 from TDSB, $100,000 from
Section 37, and remaining from other sponsorships.)
Grade 11
 Q. How much was raised from pizza sales? A. $56.03
 Q. Will lanyards continue next year? A. Probably. The SAC hasn’t received any information that they won’t, so
we are assuming that they will continue.

Grade 12
 Q. What is happening with prom? A. It will be on Friday, June 4th, 2010 at Arcadian Court. Tickets will go on
sale in May. Tickets are $100 (but are subject to change).

VIII. New Business

Absolute Comedy
 There will be a comedy show. Tell all your classes about it.
 It will be taking place on May 13 (ages16+).

Relay Information
 Reminder – inform all your classes about what happens at these meetings.

IX. Discussion
 There were no discussion topics.
X. Question Period
 Q. Can we influence the administration to allow more field trips? A. Many trips took place in the past, and now
the administration is much stricter. Also, the TDSB is no longer paying for substitute teachers to cover field
 Q. Can we raise the student fee at the beginning of the year? A. It was already raised last year.
 Q. What happened to the archery club? A. They didn’t have enough funds to operate.

XI. Adjournment
 The meeting was adjourned at 10:05am.

Designed by Sarah Feeney (2009 -10 SAC Secretary)

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