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(1)(the New Imperialism)



1914 1917


,(1)(mass culture)? (2)

Mass Culture


""(political spectrum).(2)""


,""(utopian socialism),(Marxism),
(socialist revisionism),(communism)"
"(the new left).




1.World War 1 resolved several prewar questions,though hardly ever in the way
the people who started the war had hoped.It settled prewar uncertainties
about the possible limints of goverment power over individuals.The

disciplined fashion in which mililions had marched to their deaths showed

that power was virtually unbounded.And the war gave a shocking answer to
prewar question whether progress was inevitable.The art of surgery,for
example,had advanced significantly during the war ...It was hard to see this
as "progress".
2.Fascism is empirical and pragmatic.That program is followed which is most
likely to succeed in reaching any given end.The means through which the end
was to be attained varied from time,in line with the opportunism that is part
of fascism.In spite of this opportunism,there is a core of fascist doctrine
which rests on the conception that the state has a reality and existence over
and apart from the individuals eho compose it.The doctrine of popular
sovereignty is,therefore ,repudiated in favor of state sovereignty.

3.The dictatorship of the proletariat cannot produce merely an expansion of
democracy.It produces a series of restrictions of liberty by itself
oppressing the exploiters,the capitalists.When the capitalists have
disappeared,then the state ceases to exist and it becomes possible to speak
of freedom.Aen onlythen will democracy itself begin to wither away due to the
fact that people will gradually become accustomed to the observance of the
elementary rules of social life.


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