NSCP 2010 6th Edition

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NSCP C10110
I ,
Association of Stmctural Engineers of thc Philippincs
Suite 7 I3, Future Point Plaza Condominium 1 112 I'anay Avenue, Quezon City, Phi
lippines 1100
Tel. No ; (+632) 410-0483 F"x No.: (+632 ) 411-S606 Enlail: i~~l!."!.!ili!.l...I
.;Yf.gJ]]illL~~Jl!.! Webs ite: http: //www.aseponline.org
Nat!Oni'll Structural Code of U 'le Philippines 6!il Edition Volume 1

NSCP C101-10
Association of Structural Engineers of th e Philippines

Towers and Other Vert ica l Structures Sixth Edition, 2010, First Plinting Copyr
ight @ 20 I0, The Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. (
All rights reserved. Thi s publicat ion or any part thereof must no! be reproduc
ed in any fom1 wilhoullhe written pcmlission of Ihe Associat ion Slructu ral Eng
ineers of the Philippines, Inc. (ASEP).
ISSN No.: 2094-5477 PUBLISHER Association of Structural Engi neers of the Philip
pines, Inc. (ASEP)
Suite 713 Future POilU Plaza Condominium 112 Panay A venu e, Quezon City, 1100 P
Telephone Nos.
Facsimile No. E-mail address
(+632) 410-0483 (+632) 411-8606
hltp:llwww.asepo nIine.org
The Association of Structural Engineers of the Phili ppines, Inc . (ASEP) is a p
rofessiona l Association found ed in August
1961 to represent the structural engineering communi ty nationwide. This documen
t is published in keeping wilh the association's objectives; Maintenance of high
ethi cal and profess ional standards in the practice of structuraJ engineering;
Advancement of structural engineering knowledge; Promot ion of good public and
private clientele relationship; and Fellowship among structural engineers, and p
rofessional relations wit h other allied technical and scienlific organi zat ion
Print His tory First Edition, 1972 Second Edition, 1981 Third Edit ion, 1987 Fou
rth Edi tio n, 1992 Fifth Edition, 2001 Sixth Edition. 20 J 0
National Structural Code of the Philipp ines 6" Edit ion Votume 1

For the protection of public life and propeny, the design of structures and the
preparation of structural plans for their construction have to be controlled and
regulated. For almos t four decades now, this control has been exercised in thi
s countly by the National Structural Code of the Philippines with the initial pu
blication by the Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines (ASEP) o
f the National Structural Code for Buildings. The c urrent publication of the 6'
" Edition of NSCP CIOI - 10 for buildings, towers and other vertical structures
is the affinnation of the mandate of the ASEP to continuously update the Nationa
l Structural Code of the Philippines with the latest technological developments.
While attaining a legal status in its use as a referral code of the National Bu
ilding Code, NSCP CIOI-1O is a publication of high technical value in matters of
structural concerns.
The NSCP CIOI-IO is not only complete ly new in its technical substance but also
in its format. It has been a product of a sustained effon of ASEP spanning nine
years and the fruition of this endeavor has finally come to reality during my i
ncumbency. It is therefore with a deep feeling of gratitude and pride that I com
mend the members of the ASEP Board, the Codes and Standards Committee and the Pu
blicity and Publications Committee for their accomplishments.
May 2010.
Presiderll Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines. 2009-2010
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines


Introduction ASEP recognizes the need for an up-to-date structural code addressi
ng the design and instalbtion of building stmclUral systems through requirements
emphasizing performance. The new National Stl1Jctural Code of the Philippines (
NSCP) is designed 1 0 meet these needs through various model codes/regulations,
generally from the United S((I(CS, to safeguard the public health and safety nat
This updated StI1lc(ural Code establishes minimum requirements for building stru
ctural systems using prescriptive and pcrforrnance-bascd provisiolls. It is foun
ded 011 broad-based principles [hat make possible the usc of new materials (ind
new building designs. Also, this code rencets the latest seismic design practice
ror ea rthq uake rcsis!allt
structures. 2. Changes and Developments In ilS drive 10 upgrade and updale Ihe N
SCP, Ihe ASEP Codes and Siandards Commillee inilially wanled 10 adopi the larest
editions of American code counterparts. However, for cases where available loca
l data is limited to suppon the upgrade, then some provisions and procedures of
the NSCP 5 th edition were retained. This NSCP 6th edi tion is based on the foll
ow ing international codes and references: a. Uniform Building Code UBC1997 (adop
led for Earlhquake Loads) Imernational Building Code IBC2009 (referenced) America
n SocielY of Civil Engineers ASCE70S (adopted for Wind Loads) American Concrete I
nstitute ACI31808M American Institute for Steel Construction AISC05 with Supplemen
tary Seismic Provisions American Iron and Sleelinslitute AISI S 100-2007 Reinfor
ced Masonry Engineering Handbook America Concrete Masonry H andbook, 6th Edition
Signifi cant rev is io ns are summari z.ed as follows: a. Chap ter I - Genera l
Requirement s. The rollowing changes arc madc in this code:
a. J
Section 103 - Classification of Buildings School buildings of more than one stor
ey, hospitals and designated evacuation ce nters are added under the essential f
acilities category.
Section 104 - Design Requirements Deflection of any structural member under the
serviceabili ty requ iremen t is deleted. For concrete and Sir:l,'.1 materials s
ee Chapter 4 and 5 respecti vely; new requiremenls are added 10 the design revie
w section.
Section 105 - Post ing and InslrUme nlati on The provision of installed recordin
g accelerograph is adjusted.
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6'" Edition Volume 1

Chapter 2 - Minimum Design Loads. The changes made in this code are as follows:
Section 203 - Combination of Loads
The load factor val ues on wind 100lds (Ire loads.
b.2 Section 205 - Live Loads
together with the inclusion of rOlin
Additional loads arc in corporated in the table for minimulll uniform and concen
trated loads. b.3 Sec ti on 207 - Wind Load s Wind load provisio ns, which were
previously based on ASCE7-9S, are updated by lhe introduct ion of the 'Wind Dire
ctionality Facto r, KJ , based on ASCE7-0S. The ANSI ErAITIA-222G is also referen
ced for wind loads on antennas. Equations [or the gust effect facLOrs for both r
igid and flexible structures are introduced. These include the gust effect facto
r for antennas, tran smission and latticed towers, poles/posts, masts and transm
ission Jines based on ASCE Manual of Practice NO.74 (Guide lines for Electrical
Transmission Line Stru ctural Loading). New rormu las are also introd uced for t
he natural freq uency and damping rat io.
Sec ti on 208 - Earthquake Loads Basi ca lly. Lhere are no major changes on the
earthquake provisions due 10 the 110navailabiJi'lY of Phivolcs-issued spectral a
cceleration maps for all areas in the Philippines. However, ASCE/SEI7-05 is reco
gnized as an alternativ e procedure in the determination of the earthquake loads
Section 210 and Section 2i 1- Environmemal Loads New sections on rai n loads and
nood loads are added.
Chapter 3: Specifications ror Excavations and Geomatcrials. The revisions made i
n this updated code arc ,IS rollows:
Provisions ptrtaining to the conduct and interpretation of found<Hion invcstigmi
ons for cases invol ving liquefillblc, expa nsive or questionable soils are adop
ted ;
The secti on on root ings is amended to in corporate provisions for differcntial
selli c meni ,
design loads and vibratory loads;
The section on pile foundations is amendcd to incorporate new provisions on spli
cing of
concrete piles; and
Th e section on special foundations, slope stabilization and matcrials of constr

uctio n are added.

Chapte r 4: Structural Concretc. The revi sions made in th is upda ted code arc
as follows: d. 1 Sectioll 40 I . Genera l Requirements: Design requ iremcnts for
carthquakc-rcsistam x!ructurcs arc updated based on ACI 3IS-0SM which mentions
the "Seism;c Design Cillcgorks (SDCs)" or ASCEISEI 7-0's. However, ill the absen
ce of Phi voles-issued spectral acceleration maps for <til <lreas in the Philipp
ines , the seismic 10ilding procedu res hased Oil "SCE/SEI 7-05 is adopted ilS a
n alternative procedure (sec Section 208-11) . Tilcre.forc . based 011 the Comme
ntary of AC I 318-08, Seismic Zone 2 (UBC (7) was adopted ill lieu of SDC C (ASC
E/SE I 7-05). S iJllil ~II l y. Seismic Zone 4 is adopted in liell o r SDC, D. E
and F;
Association of Structural Engincms of the Philippines

Section 403 - Materials: New requirements for headed shear stud reinforcement, h
eaded deformed bars, and stainless steel bars are given wi~h appropriate referen
ces to ASTM standards; Section 404 - Durability Requirement: Exposure categories
and classes, requirements or concrete by exposure class are adopted to replace
the many tables of durability requirements in Section 404, making it easief to c
learly specify the intended application; Section 405 - Concrete Quality, Mixing,
and Placing: The use of three JOO 111m x 200 cylinders is adopted as equivalent
to the use of two 150 I11Ill x 300 mm cylinders for determining concrete cornpr
essive strength. Due to concern that material properties may change with time, a
12-month limit is set on historical data used (0 qualify mixture proportions an
d flexural test performance criteria arc added to qualify the use of steel fiber
- reinforced concrete as a replacement for minimum shear reinforcement;
Section 407 - Details of Reinforcement: To avoid the misconception that there is
no minus tolerance on cover values given in the code, "minimum cover" is replac
ed with "specified cover" throughout Section 407; Class B lap splices are now re
quired for structural integrity reinforcement; continuous top and bottom structu
ral integrity reinforcement are required to pass through the column core; and re
quirements for transverse reinforcement confining structural integrity reinforce
ment in perimeter beams are clarified; Section 408 - Analysis and Design - Gener
al Considerations: Provisions are modified \0 allow redistribution of positive m
oments; and a simple modeling procedure for evaluation of lateral displacements
is added; Section 409 ~ Strength and Serviceability Requirements: Strength reduc
tion factors for compression-controlled sections (other structural members) is r
educed from 0.70 to 0.65, and shear and torsion for shear walls and frames in Se
ismic Zone 4 is reduced from 0.85 to 0.75, bearing on concrete (except for posttensioning anchorage zones) is reduced from 0.70 to 0.65. Strength reduction fac
tors for strut-and-tie models, Ilexural sections in prctensioncd members, afC al
so added; Section 4JO - Flexure and Axial Loads: The section on slenderness effe
cts is reorganized to recognize computer analysis techniques as the primary meth
od of evaluating secondorder effects; Section 411 - Shear and Torsion: Code requ
irements are added to permit the lise of headed stud assemblies as shear reinfor
cement for slabs and footings. The nominal shear strength is permitted to be lar
ger for headed stud assemblies than for other forms of slab and footing shear re
inforcement; more stringent limits arc placed on the depths of beams that are ex
empted from the requiremellt for minimulll shear reinforcement; a new limit 011
the depth of ho!low core units for which minimum shear reinforcement could be wa
ived is established; steel fiber-reinforced concrete is added as an alternative t
o minimulll shear reinforcement; and the upper limit on shear friction strength
is significantly increased for monolithically placed concrete and COllcrete plac
ed against intentionally roughened concrete;
Nation8i Structural Code of the Philippines G Edition Volume 1


Section 412 - Development and Splices of Reinforcement: Provisions are added for
the development length of headed deformed bars; splice length when splicing bar
s with different sizes is addressed; and a coating factor of 1.0 for galvanized
reinforcement is added;
Section 4 J 3 - Two-Way Slab Systems: Dimension limits are added for the use of
shear caps; and alternative corner reinforcement arrangement is added for two-wa
y slabs supPol1ed [).Y edge beams or walls; Section 414 ..- Walls: Design provis
ions for slender wall panels are modified to be more consistent with the methods
used in design practice;
Section 418 - Prestressed Concrete:
The allowable concrete compression stress
immediately after prestress transfer is increased; and requirements for structur
al integrity steel in two-way unbonded post-tensioned slab systems are modified;
d.14 Section 4.20 - Strength Evaluation of Existing Structures: Load factors fo
r determining the required test load are modified to reflect typical modern load
combinations; d.IS Section 421 - Earthquake-Resistant Structures: This section
prescnts thc requiremcnts for Seismic Resistant Design from ASCEISEI 7-05, but i
nstead of using the Scismic Design Categories of ASCEfSEI 7-05, the equivalent S
eismic Zones as per UBC 1997 are specified. Also, new design requirements are ad
ded for slIch seismic zones; ncw detailing option is added for diagonally reinfo
rced coupling beams; design yield strength for confincment reinforcement is rais
ed to 690 MPa to help reduce congestion; and boundary clement confinement requir
ements is relaxed; d.16 Section 423 - Anchoring to Concrete: Use of reinforcemen
t In the vicinity of anchors and ductility requirements for anchors in seismic z
ones are clarified. d.17 Section 425 - Altcrnative Provisions for Reinforced and
Prestressed Concrete Flexural and Compression Mcmbcrs: Revisions in Appendix B
of ACI 3J8-08M is adopted; d.18 Section 426 - Alternative Load and Strength Redu
ction Factors: Revisions in Appendix C of ACI 318-08M is adopted, and Section 42
7 - Strut-and-tie Modcls: entirety. Appendix A of ACI 3 I 8-08M is adopted in il
Chapter 5: Structural Steel. The revisions made in this updated code arc as foll
ows: c. J Adopted is an integrated treatment of the Allowable Stress Design (ASD
) and the Load and Rcsistance Factor Design (L,RFD) such that the earlier Specif
ication that treated only the ASD method is retained; In lieu of the previolls m
cthod of analysis, a new method (Direct Analysis Method) is adoptcd; and The col
d formed steel design for building systems and structural members are included.
Thc chapler on slcel design from NSCP 200 I which covered Allowable Working Stre
ss Design (ASD) is fully updated to address usage, advances in the statc of know

ledge, and changes in design practice.

Chapter 6: Wood 1"1 The provisions in this chapter arc refined to iocorporate lo
cal practices and corrections in [he previous vcrsion of lhe code (NSCP 2(01). R
eferrals arc made to the NSCP 2010
J\ssocialion of Structural Engineers of t!~e Philippines

Vol. III on Housing for relevant provisions concerning single-family dwellings /

low-cost housing; f.2 Tables from the previous version of NSCP 2001 includiog t
he Table containing specie design information are amended to incorporate the lat
est updated information/ list of wood species as provided by the Forest Products
Research and Development Institute
A provision that limit the use of wood shear walls and diaphragms is added; and
A section for Machine Graded Lumber (MGL) is included.
Chapter 7: Masonry g.1 The provisions in this chapter are refined to include loc
al practices and corrections from the previous versioo of the code (NSCP 2001);
referrals are made to the NSCP 2010 Vol. III on Housing for relevant provisions
concerning single-family dwellings / low-cost housing; Recycled aggregates are d
efined and provided; A section for Seismic Design is added; and Additional secti
ons each for Masonry Fireplaces and Masonry Chimneys arc included.
g.3 g.4
This publication of the 6th Edition is a collective effort of the ASEP Board of
Directors from 2007 to 2010, from ASEP's past presideots Christopher P. T. Tamay
o (2007-2008) and Wilfreda S. Lopez (2008-2009) and the ASEP Codes and Standards
Committee whose cooperation made this publication. In addition, the ASEP Codes
and Standards Committee is indebted to Philippine Institute of Volcanology and S
eismology (Phivolcs) and to DiL Renato V. Solidum, Ph. D. for his unselfish cont
ribution especially on Chapters I and 2 of this codc. Likewise, our thanks to al
l ASEP mcmbers and other users of the NSCP who have suggested improvements, iden
tified errors and recommended items for inclusion and omissions. Their suggestio
ns have been carefully considered.
ASr.~P also acknowledges the contribution of the industry partners, companies an
d individuals, who continue suppon ASEP's numerous undertakings.
The reader is cautioned that professional judgment must be exercised when data o
r recommendations afe applied. The information presented has been prepared in ac
cordance with recognized engineering principles anel is for genera! information
only. This information should not be used or relied upon for any specific applic
ation without competent profcssioll,li examination and verification of its accur
acy, suitability and applicability by a registered engineer. Anyone .making usc
of this information assumes all liabilities arising from sllch usc.
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6
Edition Volume 1

m:"';:~ '.ASf.I'
MCM . .. .AS.:I'
AS!' Presidenl, 2009-20/0
ASEt' Presidl!llf, 2008-2009
ASEP lIice-Presidenl, 2009-2010 (/Ild
ASr:;P Pr('sit/{!III, 20072008
M(I"ogill[: Director, Cod(!.\" (111(/ Standard.l Commillcc
EM ILO M. MORALES, ~lsn: .ASI:.' Ch(lirman. Codes (IIu/ SUlllti(/rdJ COII/lllitlt'e
ROMEO A. ESTANEnO, 'b.n .. ...... St:l At/viser, Codes (llld SI<IIu/cm/s Committee
CARLOS M, VILLAHAZA , ,'..'. "" CltaimuJII VIRGILIO C. COLUMNA, ~!I:"~~ t....:m
CARLOS M. VILLAHAZA, ' ''''' Chaimum VIRGILIO C. COJ..UMNA, .' ,..:......A M:'
Work Grollp M embl'rs
~I SC:L~L\ SEr
Work Group M embers
Co- Clwirll1l11l
~IS( I .

BUlAN B. TAN, ~I.~t"l:
Work Group M"",b('l's
Work Gmllp Members
ResO/lrce Perso/l
n.. IL ....ASt:'
Association o f Structural EnDinfl8fS of ltle Philippine:;

CJw irman
Work Group Members
RICO J. CADANGON, r~J) . ! fltrHl ACHILLES L. LUARDO, ""''' ROY T. ROQUE, ~u s~'
Work Group Members
Administrative Officer
Account Officer
Work Group Members
Administrative Staff
National Structural Code of th e PhilipPines 6 Edition Volum e 1


Letter of' Acknowledgemen t and Appreciation ' 1 wish to convey my deepest appre
ciation and Ihanks for Ihe invaluable service rendered by the various volunteer
chairpersons and members of Ihe commiltees in making Ihis major NSCP 2010 6'" Ed
ilion a reality. The time, money and personal sacrifices rendered by the various
Commillee Chairpersons are sincerely and deeply appreciated. Withou t these uns
elfish contributi ons, this monumental task would not have been at all possible.
My sincerest thanks are also offered to our sponsors and benefaclors who have r
esponded 10 our call by supporting the NSCP Ihrough their advertise ments which
are very valuable in reducing the cost of prinling 10 make the NSCP more afford
able and mOre widespread in di stribution . As we launch the NSCP 20 10 6'" Edit
ion, we stay committed towards disseminating the important fealures and new revi
sions to the Code by conducting regional and city seminars as a service to Ihe c
ivil engineering profession and also to help Ihe slructural engineering professi
on keep abreasl with the state of praclice and state of Ihe art in slrucluml eng
ineering. As we have gone to this initial launch, we encourage the end-users 10
give us their inva luable comments towards making the NSCP a living code and mor
e receptive 10 Ihe needs of Filipino engineers. Special thanks also go to the AS
EP Presidenl and Ihe Board of Directors and the ASEP Secretariat for the valuabl
e support and assistance given in the preparation o f the revised NSCP 2010 6'h
. MORALES MSCE. F.i\SEP. F..PICE. F.ASCE Chairm 11 Commillee 011 Codes and Stand
ardsjor NSCP 2010 6,10 Edition
Association of Stru ctural Engineers of tile Philippines


NA, MEng.,F.ASEl' Treasurer
S R. VILLASENOR, F.ASEI' WILFREDO S. LOPEZ, MeM, F.ASEl' Im mediate Past Preside
ROMEO A. ESTANERO, I'h .D., FASE!' Challcel/or JORGE 1'. GENOTA, F.ASEI' Scribe
National Structural Code of the Pt1i1ippines 6 Edition Vall!me 1


Vice President
Immediate Past President
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines


Vice President
Imm ediate Pas{ Presidelll
Ph . D. , F.ASE!' F.ASE!'
National Structural Code of the Philippin es 6 Edition Volume 1

Department of Public Works and Highways

Association of Structural Engilwers of ttle Philif}plnes

NSCP C101-10
Chapter 1
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines
Suite 713, Future Point Plaza Condominium 1 112 Panay Avenue, Quezon City, Phili
ppines II 00 Tel. No: (+632) 410-0483 Fax No.: (+632) 411-8606 Email: asepon Jin
cCmgll1<lil.colll Website: http://www.aseponline.orll
National Struclura l Code of the Philippines 6'" Edillon Volume 1

Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTER 1 - General Requirements

Table of Contents
CHAPTER I GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ..................................................
.................................................................... 3 SECTION 1
01 . TITLE, PURPOSE AND SCOPE ..................................................
. ............................................................. 3
101.1 Title ...... .... . 101.2 Purpose ...... .... .... ..... ........ ... ....
........ ... ..... .. . 10 J.3 Scope .... .... ... .... . '" ....... ........ .
.......... ..... .. . 101.4 Ahemative Systems._ .. ... ............. .. .. _ ...
................................... ..... .
....... 3
...... ... 3
........ . 3 .
..... .. 3
SECTION 102 . DEFINITIONS ......................................................
......... 3 SECTION 103 . CLASSIFICA T10N OF STRUCTURES ........................
............................................................................ 5
103.1 Nature of Occupancy ................... ..................... ... ........
......... ........ ..... ............. ....... ........................... .. ..
......... .... ........... 5
SECTION 104 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS ................................................
........................................................................ 6
104.1 Strength Requirement ..... ........ ... ...................... ..... .....
. .................. ..... ...... ....... .. .......... ..... .... ... ..... . .
. . 6
104.2 Serviceability Requirelncnt. .............................................
............................... ....................... .....
................. .. 6
104.3 Analysis ......... ....... ........ ...... .. .... ...... .. .............
.. ........................................................ ................. ..
.... ........... .................. 6 104.4 Foundario n In vestigation .... ....
... ..... .. ...... ,... ,.......... .. .. ...... ............ .. ..............
... .. ....... ..... ....... ... ... ...... .... .... ........ ,.... ,.. 7 104.
5 Design Review ........ ..... .. .......... ............. ....... ...... .....
...... ........... ................. ............. ...... .................... .
. ..................... .... 7
SECTION 105 POSTING AND INSTRUMENTATION .........................................
............................................................ 7
105.1 Posting of Live Loads ......................... ........ ............ ....
....... .... ........ ........... .... .. 105.2 Earthquake-Recording Instrumen t
ation .. ... ... ........... ........... ....... .... ..
............ .. .. ............. ...... 8 .. ........ ............ .... 8
.. ............................................. 8
106. I General... .............. ........... ................... ............ ..
............ .......... ................ ... .... ........ .. ............. 9 1

06.2 Specifications........ ........ .. .... ........ ...... ...................

.......... .................. ................ .. ........ ........... 9 106.3 D
esign Drawings ............ ................. ............... ..................
..... ................. .. .... 9 106.4 Calculalions .. .......... .............
... .... .. ................ .. ...... ........... .. 10 106.5 As-built Drawings
.... ....... ... ......... ............ ....... ........... ... .......... .....
.... .......... ..... . .. 10
.................. II
.. ...... .. ....... 11 107. 1 General..........................................
.. ............................................................. ........... ...
........ .......... . 107.2 Definitions .. ............... ................. ...
....... .. .. .. .......... ...... .. ...... .. ................................
. .. ............................ .. .................. II 107.3 l nspcction Pro
gram ...... .. .. ..............................................................
....................... .. ............... 12 107.4 Structural lnspcctor .....
................................................................ 12 ............
........ .. .............. .. ....... 12 107. 5 Types of Work for Inspectio n ..
... ........................ ............ .. . 107.6 Approved Fabricators .....
... ......... .. ............... ........ .. .. .. ..................... .......
. ...... 14 107.7 Prefabricated Construction ............. ..... .......... ....
........ ....... .. ........... .... ... .. .... .............. .. 14 107.8 Non
-Destructive Testing.... .................... ........ ...... . .. .. ...... ..
............ ... 15 107.9 Structural Observatio n ................ ............
........ .. ...... .. .. ...... ................................................
............................. 16
SECTION 108 . EXISTING STRUCTURES ..............................................
.......................................................................... 16
........................... 108. I General... .... .............................
........................................................................ . .. ..
............. 108.2 Mainle nancc ............... ............ ........... . ..
....... .... ........... .. .... .... .... .. .. ..... .. .... .. ..... 108.3 Ad
ditions, Alterati ons or Repairs ............ .. ...... ........ . .... 108.4 Ch
an ge ill Use.. .. .. .... ...... . .............. ...... ............. ..... ..
............ .... . 16 16 16 17
SECTION 109 GRADING AND EARTHWORK ...............................................
............................................................... 17
109. 1 General. .................................. ..
109.2 Definitions ...... .
109.3 Permits Required ........ .......... .
................................ 18 .. ...... 18 .. ........................ 19
National Stru ctural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

CHAPTER 1 - General Requiremenls
. 19 109.4 Hazards. 109.5 Grading Permit Requi rements ........... ........ .. .
... ............................................................................
............. ...... ............. 19 109.6 Grading I nspection ...............
.................................................................... ...........
...... ... .............. .......... .. .... ............. . . 20 109.7 Compleli
on of Work ...... ........ .....................................................
................................................................... .... .......
. 2 1
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTER 1 - General ReqUIrements

10J.1 Tille These regul ations shall be kn own as the National Structural Code o
f the Philippines, Vol. I, 6111 Edition 20]0, and may be ciled 3S such and will
be re ferred to herei n as "this code." 101.2 Purpose
The purpose of this code is to provide minimum load requirements for the design
of buildings, towers and other vertical st ru ctures, and minimum standard s and
guidelines to safeguard life or limb, propert y and public welfa re by regul at
ing and con tro lling the des ign. construction. quality of materi als pe rt ai
n ing to the stntctural aspec ts of all bui ldings and stm clures withi n
this j urisdicti on.
Sponsors of an y system of design or construction not within the sco pe of this
code, the adequ acy of which had been shown by successful use and by analysis an
d test, shall have the ri ght to prescnt the data on whi ch their design is base
d to the bui ldi ng official or to a board of examiners appointed by the buildi
ng official or the project owner/developer. Thi s board shall be composed of com
petent stru ctural engineers anc! shaH have auth ori ty 10 investigate the data
so submitted, to require tests, and to formul ate rules go verning design and co
nstruction of such systems to meet the intent 0f this code. These rul es, when a
pproved and promulga ted by the building offi cial, shall be of the same force a
nd effect as thc provisions of th is code.
101.3 Scope
T he provisions of this code shall appl y (() the construc tion, <l ll crati on.
movi ng~ demoli tion. repa ir, main tenance and use of bui ldi ngs. towers and
vertical structures within this jurisdiction. Special structures such as but n O
t limited to si ngle fa mil y dwelli ngs. storage s il o.';, liquid prod uct tan
ks a nd hydraulic nood control structures, sh ould be rc ferred to special slat
e of practi ce literatu re but shall refer to provisions o f' th is code as a mi
ni mulll whe rever appl icable. for additions, altcrations, main tenance. ,md ch
ange in w;c of buildi ngs and structures. see Sect ion 108.
Where, in an y specific case, different sec tions of thi s code specify differen
t materi als, methods of construction or oth er requiremen ts. the mos t res tri
cti ve prov isions shall govern exce pt in the case of single fam il y dwcll in
gs. Where there is a conflict between a gcneral require ment ilnd a specillc rC(
luircmcnt. the specific rC{luirement shall he ap plicable ..
101.4 Alternative Syslems
Th e provi sions or this code <I re not intended to prevc llt th e w,c of any ma
teria l, alte rnate design or method of
co nstructioll
spccilically prescribed by Ih is code.
provided ,Ill Y allcrnatc has been permilled and its li se authorized by th~ bui
lding official (sec Section 1(2).
National Structural Code of th e Philippines
Gi ll
Edition Volume 1

CHAPTEH 1 - General Requiremen ts
art ificially built up or composed of pans joined together
in some defi nite manner.
For the purpose of this code. certain terms. phrases. words and their deriv:ui\'
es shall be confirmed as specified ill this chapter and else where in this code
where specific definiti ons arc provided. Terms. phrases and words lIsed in th e
. singu lnr include the plural and vice versa. Term s, phrases and words IIsed i
n the IllClscu 1i :;p. gender include the feminine and vice versa.
STRUCTURAL ENG IN EER is a registered Civi l Engjneer wit h special qualificati
on in the practice of Structura l Engineering as recognized by the Board of Civi
l Engi neerin g of the Professional Regu lat ion Commission as endorsed by th e
Philippine Institule of Civil Engineers (PICE) through the Association of Struct
ural Engineers of the Philippines (ASEP) or special ist members of the Structura
l Enginccring Specialty Division of PICE.
The follo wing terms arc defined for usc in this chapter:
ADDITION is an extension or increase in fl oor area or height of a bu ilding or
SlrUClUre. ALTE R or ALTERATION is any change. addition or Illodific<uion in con
st ruction or occupancy.
APPROVED as to IllHlcrinls and types of COllslJuct ion, refers to approval by th
e building official as the result of invcstig.uioll and tests conducted by the b
uilding officii!), or by reason of nccc ptcd principles or tests by recogn ized
auth oriti es, tedillical or 5c icnt iric organiz.ations.
AUTHORITY HA VING JURISDI CTION is the organi zat ion, political subdivision , o
mce or ind ividual
chHrged with the responsibilit y of ildminislering and enforcing the provisions
of this code . BUILDING is <lily structure usually enclosed by \\'alls and it ro
of, constructed to provide support or sheller for an intended usc or occupancy_
BU ILDI NG, EXISTI NG. is a building erec ted pri or to the adoption of th is co
de , or olle for which a legal building permit has been issued. BUILDING OFFIC I
AL is the offlccr or other designated nUlhority charged with the admi ni :-; tra
ti on and e nforcemen t of thi s code, or th e bu ilding omcial 's du l y author
ized represen tat ive. C IVIL ENG INEER is a professional engineer licensed LO p
ractise in the field of civil engineering. ENG INEER-OF-RECOI(I) IS a responsibl
e for Ihe slrucwfill design. civil cnginee r
OCCUPANCY is Ihe pUlpOSC for which a bui lding or othe r structures or part ther
eof. is lIsed or intended to be used .
STn UCTURE is thil l which is buill or constmctcd, an edifice or bu ilding o f a
ny kind. or any piece of work
Assor.i<1tion of Siructura l Engineers of the PhilippInes

CHAPTEFl. 1 -- General fiequirements

Table 103-1 - Occupancy Category
and emergency treatment areas,
103.1 Nature of Occupancy Buildings and other structures shall be classified, ba
on the nature of occupancy, according to Table
Fire and police stations, Garages and shelters for emergency vehicles and emerge
ncy aircraft,
purposes of applying wind and earthquake in Chapter 2. Each building or other st
ructures shall be assigned to the
highest applicable occupancy category or categories.
Stnlctures and shelters in emergency preparedness centers, A viation control tow
ers, Structures and equipment in communication centers and other facilities requ
ired for emergency response, Facilities for standby power-generating equipment f
or Category I structures, Tanks or other structures containing housing or suppor
ting water or other firesuppression material or equipment required for the-prote
ction of Category I, II or III structures, Public school buildings, Hospitals an
d Designated evacuation centers. Occupancies and structures housing or supportin
g toxic or explosive chemicals or substances,
Assignment of the same structure to multiple occupancy
categories based 011 usc and the lype of loading condition being evaluated (e.g.
wind or seismic) shall be pennissiblc.
When buildings or other structures have multiple uses (occupancies), the relatio
nship between the uses of
various parts of the building or other structure and the
independence of the structural system for those various parts shall be examined.
The classification for cach indcpendent structural system of a multiple-use bui
lding or other structure shall be that of the highest usage group in any part of
the building or other structure that is dependent on that basic stJ1lctura! sys
II Hazardous Facilities
Non-building structures storing, supporting or containing quantities of toxic or
explosive substances. -,Single-story school buildings Buildings with an assembl
y room with an occupant capacity of 1,000 or more, Educational buildings such as
museums libraries, auditorium with a capacity of 300 or more students,
III Special Occupancy Structures
Buildings llsed for college or adult education with a capacity of 500 or more st

udents, Institutional buildings with 50 or more incapacitated patients, but not

included in Category I, Mental hospitals, sanitariums, jails, prison and other b
uildings where personal liberties of inmates arc similarly restrained, All struc
tures with an OCCllp~I11Cy of 5,000 or more persons, Structures and equipment in
powergenerating stations, and other public utility facilities not included in C
ategory lor Category 11, and required for continued operation,
- .-.-------- - ~.--..
'''----~-~.~-- - -..
National Structural CodE) of the PllilipPlnes
Edilion Volume 1

' 6
CHAP TER 1 ... General ncquirements
Table 103-1 (con tinued ) - Occupancy Category
structu res housing occupanc ies or Occupa ncy h,lving runctioll s not listed i
n Category l, Structures II or III and Category V.
I' Misccll aneo us
104.1 Strength Requirement
Buildings. LOwers and oth er ven ical structures and all portions thereof shall
be des igned and constmcted to sustain , within lhe limitations specified in (hi
s code, all load s set forth i ;l Chapter 2 and eJsewhen~ ;n tli! .'; code, comb
ined in acco rdance with Section 203.
Des ign shall be in accordance with Strcngth rk:-.tg;;, L. .()ad a nd Resistance
Facto r Design and An ~,\'.' ;it'd~ S tress Design methods , as pennittcd by th
e appl i":J.b lc material chapters.
Struct ures
Private garages, c:lrports, sheds and feLlces over 1.5 III high.
Ex:ception: Unless otherwise required by the building official, buildings or por
tions thereof thai llre cOllstructed in accordaJlce willi fh e cOllvemionai Iigl
ltframill8 requirements sp ecified in Chapter 5 and the NSCP Volume III 011 Housi
ng sholl be deemed (0 meet rhe requiremelllS of this section.
104.2 Se r viceability Requi rement
J 04.2. 1 Gene r a l
Stru ctural systems and me mbe rs thereof shall bc designed to have adequ a tc s
tiffness to limit deflect ions, lateral dri ft s, vibrati on, or any other defor
mations (bm adversely affect the inte nded usc and performa nce of' buildin gs l
owers and ot her vert ical struct ures . The design shall a lso cons ider durahi
l ity, resistance to exposure to weather or aggressive env ironment . crac k con
tro l, and other cond i tions Ih<.11 affect the int ended usc and perform ance o
f buildings, towers il nd other vertical struct ures.
104.3 Analysis
Any sys tem or me thod of construction to be used ..shall be based o n a rationa
l analysis in accordance with well established principles o f mechanics that tak
e into account equilibrium, general stability, geometric comp<Hib il ilY alld bo
th short-tenn and long-term matcria l properties. Me mbe rs that te nd to accumu
l ate resi dua! deformati ons under repeated se rvice loads shall have includetl
in their ana lys is the added ecce ntri ci ties expecte d lO occu r du ring the
ir service lire.. Such analysis shall result in a system Ih.1t prov ides it co m
ple le load path capable of Iran sferrin g ;111 loads and forces from their poin
t of origin to the loadresisti ng clements. The an alysis sh all incl ude ., bLl
I not be l imi te d to, the provis io ns of Sections 104 .:'1. 1 through 104.3.3
Association of Siructuwl Engineers of U )e PhilI ppines

C HAPTEfl 1 - General riequiremenls

104.3.1 S tabilit y Aga ins t O ve rturnin g Every Slniclurc shall be designed (
0 resist the ovcI1urning effects caused by Ihe latera l forces specified wi th a
dequa le Faclor of Safely (FOS). See Secli o n 206.6 for n::(a ining wil lis, Se
ction 207 fo r wind loading and Section 208 for earthquake loadi ng. 104.3.2 Sel
f-S trai ning Fo r ces
104.5 Design Review The design calculations, drawi ngs, specificatio ns and othe
r design rel ated documents for buildings, lowers and other vert ical structures
with irregu lar configuration in Occupancy Categories J. II or III wi thin Seis
mic Zone 4. struclu res under Altemalive Systems in hem lO l A, and Undefined Sl
lUclural Systems nOI lisled in Table 208-11, shall be subject to a review by an
independent recognized structural engineer or engineers to be employed by the ow
ner in accordance with the ASEP Design Pee r Review GuideHni:S. The stroclural e
ngineer or structural engineers performing the review shall have comparable qual
ifications and experience as the structural engineer responsible for Ihe design.
The reviewer or reviewers shall obtain a profess iolHll waiver fro l11 the engi
nee rofrecord who shall be ex pected to grant suc h waiver in keeping with et hi
cal standa rds of the profession as "dopted in ASEP guidelines for peer review,
The des ign review shall , as a mini mum , veri fy the general compli ance with
thi s code which shall illcJ ud e, but not be lim ited to, the review of the des
ign load cri teri a, the des ign concept . mat hemat ica l mode l and tech niqu
es. The followin g may also be verified, thal th ere are no maj or errors in pe
rtinent ca lculali ons, drawings and specificati ons and may also ensure th at t
he struClUre as rev iewed, meet mi nimu m standards for safcty, adeq uacy nnd ac
ceptable standard des ig n practi ce. The engincer-o f reco rd shall submil the p
lans and specificat ions, a signed and scaled sta tement by the structural engi
neer doing [he review thal the above review has been performed and that minimum
standards have been mel. See Section for design rev iew requirements
when nonlinear timchislory ana lysis is used for earthquake design . In kccping
wilh Ih e elhical slandards of Ihe profe.~sio n , Ihe reviewer or reviewers shal
l not supplant the engineeron record as cngineer-on rccord for the project. The des
ign review shall not in any way transfer or diminish the responsibility of the e
ngineerof-record . .; .~;\~;~~:~~;~< .:.Jl~:}; ~;: ~,;~ ~~~;~..:!::~;:.~-;~~~i rtisY
f.~~~~~-~~: ~ '~~:~+~~;.~1~
provisions shall be made for anticipated self-straining
forces ilrising frolll diffcrcmial St!\lh:;llcnl of foundntions and from restrai
ned dimensional changes due 10 Icmpcnlturc, moi sture. shrink.lgc. heave, creep
and simi lar
104 .3.3 Anchora ge Anchorage of Ihe roof to walls and columns. and of walls and
columns to foundations shall be provided and adequately de tailed to resist the
uplift and sliding forces that result from Ihe applicatioll of the presc ribed
fo rces. Conc rete and masonry wa lls shall he anc hored to all floors. roofs an
d m her struclU ral cleme nts Ihat prov ide latera l su ppon for the wa ll. Such
anchorage shall provide a pos iti ve d irect con nec ti on capab le of resis ti
ng the hori zo ntal forces speci fied in Chapter 2 but not less th~n the minimum
fOfces in Section 206.4. in add iti o n, in Seismic Zone 4. diap hragm to wall
ancho rage lIs ing embedded straps shall have Ihe straps illlached to or hooked
arou nd the reinforcing steel or otherwise term inatcd so as to effec ti vel y t
rn nsfe r forces to the rein forc ing steel. W<llIs shall be designed to res ist
bend in g be tween anchors where the anchor spacing exceeds 1.2 meters. Require
d tlllcilors jll masonry walls of hollow units or cavity walls shall be embedded
in a reinforced grouted st l1!ctural elcmelll orthe wall. See Sections 208.7. 2 and for earthq uake design requirements. Stiffener bea ms and

columns adequalely anchored to the main frames slwlJ be considered as necessary

to ensure proper basket effect on the masonry blocks to prevent coll"pse provid
ed its co ntribution to the overall stiffness of the structure is recognized. 10
4.4 F ounda ti on In vesti gati on Soi l eXplOrillions sh:11I be required for bu
ildings. tOwers ilnd other venical structures falling under Cllcgories I. II and
III in accordant'c with Table 1031 ur ,IS required by the bu il ding official or
if the s ile sp~ci fic cond itions make (he fou nda ti on in vestigation necess
ary. Detililcd requirements for foundation investigations sha ll
be in acc.:ordance with Chapter 3 of this code.
Natlollfll Str uc tural Code of U 'le Plli1ipplnes 6
Edition Volume 1

CHAPTEIi 1 -- General Requirements
105.1 Posting of Live Loads
The live loads for which each floor or pOliion thereof of a commercial or indust
rial building has been designed shall have such design live loads conspicuously
posted by the
Phivolcs or the authorities having jurisdiction shall make arrangements to provi
de, maintain and service. the instruments. Data shall be the propcl1y of the aut
horities having jurisdiction. but copies of individual records shall be made ava
ilable to the owner of the building and to the public on request and after the p
ayment or an appropriate
owner in that pari of each story in which they apply, using
durable metal signs. It shall not be allowed to remove or deface such notices. T
he occupant of the building shall be responsible for keeping the actual load bel
ow the allowable limits.
105.2 Earthquake-Recording Instrumentation 105.2.1 General
Unless waived by the building official, every building in Seismic Zone 4 over 50
m in height shall be provided with not less than three approved recording accel
crographs. The acceJerographs shall be interconnected for common start and commo
n timing.
105.2.2 Location The instruments shall be located in the basement, midpOliion, a
nd near the top of the building. Each instrument shall be located so that access
is maintained at all times and is unobstructed by room contents. A sign
stating "MAINTAIN CLEAR ACCESS TO THIS INSTRUMENT' shall be posted in a conspicu
105.2.3 Maintenance Maintenance and service of the instruments shall be provided
by the owner of the building, subject to thc monitoring of the building officia
l. Data produced by the instrumcnts shaH be made availablc to the building offic
ial or the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and
Seismology (Phi voles) on request.
105.2.4 Instrumentation of Selected Buildings All owners of existing structures
selected by the authorities having jurisdiction shall provide accessible space f
or the installation of appropriate earthquakcrecording instruments. Location of
said.instnlments shall be determined by Phivo!cs or the authorities having j lJ
ri sci i ct ion.
Association of Structural Engineers of tile PlliliPPlfws

CHAPTER 1 - General Requiremen

1-9 General Inrormation
Name and date of issue of buildi ng c .' ; and supplements. if an y, to which th
e des:gn conI ' i ,1$. Strcngths or designations of material s
I .. ..; li. ( ...: ,
106.1 General Copies of tlcsign c'1Jculations, repon s. plans. specifications an
d inspection program for all conSllllctions sh;'11i bear the signtllurc and seal
of the engi neer-of-record. 106.2 Specifications The specifications shall conta
in infonnatiol1 cavcling the
material and constructi on requirements. The material s and
Design strengths of underlying sailor f"ck. or rock profile. when ava ilable, sh
all be !TOV' Live loads ,lHd other loads lIsed in indicated in the Ooor plans,
des il~ll aJ :
l:"'!J" ly
cons truction requirements shall confonn to the specifications referred to in Ch
apters 3 to 7 of thi s code.
Seismic design basis induding the tow! b;, ',,: shear coeffi cicnt ; a descriptio
n of the laterH! ~ ;Id -r i:! :ng sys tem ; and the fundamenta l natur<:;i " '1<"
.; . he design in each direction under considc!... ,.. 11
Provisions for dimensio nal changes ,,('<;;' 1 1 ; f !'rom creep, shrinkage. hea
ve and tem perature.
106.3 Design Drawings
Camber of t!usses, beams and girders , ,1' "gll" : . Explanation or definition o
f abbreviations lIscd in the drawings.
;--;Yl !m 106.3.1 General The design drawings shall be drawn to scale on durable
paper or cloth lIsing permanent ink and shall be of su ffi cient clarity 10 ind
icate the location, n<uurc and exte nt

of the work proposed. TIle drawings shall show a co mpl ete design with sizes, s
ecti ons, rel at ive locatio ns and connecti on detaits of the various members.
Floor levels, column cenlers and offsets shall be dimens ioned. Where avai lable
and feasible, nfchive copie.~ shall be maintained in durable mediu lll such as
compact disc (CD)
and digilal versalile disc (DV D).
Engineer's professional license mn ,ll.;, expi ration date of the cu rrell! Prof
ession:d Rc' -I' Co mmission reg istration, Stru ctural Concrete
I. Specified compressive st rength if'c) o [ statcd ages or stages of constructi
on 'n;part of st ructure is designed, The 28 ,;
strength (J'..) shall be the basi s of desir"
' . H;
106.3.2 Required Ini~r;~~tio n .
The design drawings s hall cont ain, but shall nOl be limited to the general inf
ormation listcd in SCClion 106.3.2_1 and material specific infonnatiol) lis ted
in Sections
and 1063.2.3. as applicab le.
,': 1 SC/" . (
Anchorage embedme nt lengt hs or CI ' . l r pC 'I steel reinforcement and locati
on and L.nglh splices_
Type and location of welded splices i!n'! cOllncctions of reinforce ment.
Magnitude and location of prcstrcs!-ol iig includi ng prestressed cable layout.
Minimum concre te compressive st reng: > if'.- ) of posHension ing, Strcssing se
que nce for post -tensioned I(!: ,' . . ii .' , Dctails lind location of all cOF
ll racli { , joints specifi rc! for plain concrete in ::;(:;. <
diapllragm. 421.9.4. ,.:
6. 7. 8.
Statemcnt if conc rcte slab is designi.d , .: .n. <IS specified in Sccrioll ;2 1.9
_ __h _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __

........ ~ .."
NC1tlonnl Stru ctuwl Code of the Philippines G Edition Volume 1

1 10
CHAP TE Ii 1 -GeneralliequiremenlS
106.4.3 Compuler Programs
Calculations Illay include the results from an electronic Structural Steel
I. T ype or types of construction as defined in Sec ti on 501.3.
digital computer analysis.
The following requirements
apply 1.
calculations which include such computer output:
Loads and design requireme nt s necessary for preparation of shop drawings inclu
ding shears, moment s a nd ax ial forces to be resisted by all
members and their connections.

dra wing of the complete mathematical model used to represent the struc ture i
the computer-ge nerated ana lys is shall be provided. Design assump tions shal
be clearly desc ribed .
program description giving the program name, the

high~ strcngth
3. 4. 5. 6.
Th e type o f con nection for joints using
ve rsion number, and the company whi ch developed
lhe program and its address shall be provided as part of the computation docum e
ntati on. A program User's Guide shall also be made avai lable, upon request, an
d shall contain the information to determine the nature and ex lent of the analy
sis. verify the input data, interpret the result , <Iud determine whether the
For welded joints, Type I connections shaU not be allowed. Stiffener and bracing
requirements. Description or explanation of welding and inspec ti on
sy mbols used in the design and shop drawing s. 7. Notes for joints in which wel
ding sequen ce and
technique of welding arc required to be carefully controlled to minimize distoI1
ion. 3.
computations comply wi th the requirements of this code. Data provided. as co mp
ut er input shall be clearly distinguished from th ose computed in tile program.
The information required in the output shall include date of processing. progra
m identification, and identification of structures being analyzed, all input dat
a, units and final results . An archived copy of all computer runS shall be stor
ed in CD or DVD.
The firs! sheet of each co mput er run shall be signed

106.4 Calculations 106.4.1 General

Calculations pertinent to the Slnlctu ral design of structures and its component
members shall be filed with the des ign drawings. 4.
and sealed by the engineer-of-rccord.
106.4.2 Basis of Design Summary
The calc ulation s s h~1l include a summary o f the. crilCria a nd methodologies
Il sed in the design. Th is summ ary shall include, but need not be li mited lO
, tile folJo\, . . ing:
2. 3. 4. 5.
106.4.4 Model Analysis
Rcsuhs from modcl antl lysis < Iud experimcntal swdics shall be permitted 10 su
ppleme nt calculations. The results shall be accompanied by a de sc ripti on of
the rationa l hasis. SCI-UP, methodology and other informa tion requi red for Ih
e evaluation of the results.
Name ,llld date of issue of building code and supp lc melH s, if any, to which t
he design conforms. Strengths or designations of materials to be used for each c
o mponent of the structure. Design stre ngt hs and other design parameters of th
e underlying soi l or rock. Li ve loads and other loads lIsed in design. Th e b'
1Sis of the seismic an d wind design forces.
A ucscriptioll of the stl1lclUre's grav it y and lateral Jmld resistin g sys tem
s. A. description of Ihe roof. Il oor. foundation and olher com pollc nt !iystel
11s sllilll also he pro vi ded .
106.5 Asbuilt Drawings
As-built drawings shall be prepared by the constl1lctor or a perso n rettlillcd
to provide such services to docllment the wo rk as actually constru cted . The a
s-buil t drawi ngs shall be drawn lO scale upon durable pilpcr or cloth llsing
pe rm anent ink and shall illdicnte Ihe sizes, sectio ns, relative locati ons. ~
lI\ d cOll llecl ion deta ils of the vari ous st ructu ral members as acltl;tlly
co nstructed . Strengths of materials, based on required tesls. sha ll <lISt} h
e ind icated.
\Vork i lt! l1l ~ whidl requi re lI1odifications of or arc otherwise different f
ro m those shown in Ihe design
A descri pt io n procedures ust!d ill tile struclUral il!lal ysis. Thi s slwH in
cl ude the section and Jlwtcrial proP{~Jlic s used, loading co mbinati olls co n
sidt! rcd, scc() l1d ~ ordcr ellerts considerati ons, lIlId any sill1pl ifying a
s~umplions made.
drawi ngs fil ed wilh Ihe build ing officii'll shall he accordingly mark ed in t
he a s~b llilt drawings and pro v!dt!d with noll'S indicating the ha sis of such
modifications or changes. The bas is of modifi ca tion ' or ch'lIlc shall includ
e reference to sllppk1llcntal design draWings, conslruction bulletins, or instru
ctio!ls from the owner,
Association of StfUc!ural En})li"lcers of the
Ptlllipplne~ ;

CHAPTER 1 - General Requirements

owner's representative or structural engineer authorizing such modifications or
changes. The signature, seal, name and professional license number of the civil
engineer in charge of construction shall be included in the as~built drawings. C
opies of the as-built drawings shall be provided to the owner, constructor, engi
neer~of~record and the building 107.1 General All construction or work for which
a permit is required shall be subject to inspection throughout the various work
stages. One or more structural inspectors who are registered civil engineers wi
th experience in structural construction, who shall undertake competent inspecti
on during construction on the types of work listed under Section 107.5, shall be
employed by the owner or the engineer~of~ record acting as the owner's agent.
Exception: The building official may waive the requirement for the employment of
a structural inspector if the construction is of a minor nature.
In addition to structural inspections, structural observations shall be performe
d when required by Section 107.9.
107.2 Definitions The follo'wing tenns are defined for use in this section: CONT
INUOUS STRUCTURAL INSPECTION is a structural inspection where the structural ins
pector is on the site at all times observing the work requiring structural inspe
PERIODIC STRUCTURAL INSPECTION is a structural inspection where the inspections
arc made on a periodic basis and satisfy the requirements of continuous inspecti
on, provided this periodic scheduled inspection is performed as outlined in the
inspection program prepared by the structural engineer.
STRUCTURAL INSPECTION is the visual observation by a structural inspector of a p
articular type of construction work or operation for the purpose of ensuring its
general compliance to the approved plans and specifications and the applicable
workmanship provisions of this code as well as overall construction safety at va
rious stages of construction. STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION is the visual observation o
f the structural system by the stI11ctural observer as provided for in Section 1
07.9.2, for its general conformance to the approved plans and specifications, at
significant construction stages and at completion of the structural system. Str
uctural observation docs not include
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

CHAPTER 1 -General Requiremenls
or waive the responsibilily for the structural inspections required by Section 1
07. I or other sections of this code. 107.3 Structural Inspector 107.3.1 Qualifi
I. 'Concrete jor,foundations of resillelllial !JUi/dings accommodating 10 or ~fe
wer persons, or - b!li1d~ngs fal1i~i l""'er Category V of Table 10}1, provided th
e buitding officwl finds tllat a ' structural IIaZ{lrd
does not exist.
The sU 'uctural inspector shall be a registered civil engineer who shall demonst
rate competence for inspection of the particular type of construction or
operation requiring structural inspection.
For foundation concrete, otlier than cast-ill-place drilled piles or caissons. w
here the structural desigll is based on alit, 1Iot greater tha1l 17 MPa. Non-str
uctural slabs on grade, lnclllding prestressed slabs on grade when effective pre
stress in concrete is less rhan 10 MPa.
107.3.2 Duties and Responsibilities The structural inspector shall observe the w
ork assigned for conformance (0 the approved design drawings and specifications.
Any discrepancy observed shall be brought to the immediate attention of the con
structor for correction, then, if uncorrected, to the owner andlor to the buildi
ng official. The structural inspector shall verify th at the asbuilt drawings (se
e Section 106.5) pertaining to the work assigned reflect (he condition as constr
The structural inspector shall also submit a final report duly signed and sealed
stating whether the work requiring stru ctu ral inspection was, to the best of
the inspector's knowledge, in confonllance to the approved plans and specificati
ons and the applicable workmanship provisions of thi s code.
Site work concrele fully supported on earth and concrete where no special hazard
107.5.2 Bolts Installed in Concrete Prior (0 and during the placement of concret
e around bolts when stress increases permitted by Section 423 are utilized. 107.
5.3 Special Moment-Resisting Co ncrete Frame For special moment-resisting concre
te frame design seismic load in structures withill Seismic Zone 4, the. slructur
ru inspector shall provide reports to the engineerof-record and shall provide co
ntinuous inspection of th e.
placement of the reinforcement and concrete.
107.5.4 Reinforcing Steel and Prestressing Steel
107.4 Inspection Program The structuraJ inspector shall prepare an appropriate t
esti ng and inspection program that shall be submitted to the building official.
He shall designate lhe ponions of the work that req uires structural inspection
s. When structural observation is required by Section 107 .9. the inspection pro
gram shan describe the stages of construction at which structural observatio n i
s to occur, The inspection program shan include samples of inspection reports an

d provide time limits for submi ssio n of reports. 107.5 Types of Work for Inspe
ction Except as provided in Section !o7.1. the types of work listed below shall
be inspected by a structural inspeclor. 107.5.1 COllcrcte During the laking of t
est specimens and placing of concrete. See Section 107.5.12 for shoterete. 107.5
.4.1 During a ll stresSing and gro uting of tendons
in prestressed concrete. During )llacing of I'einfol'ci ng steel and
prestressing tendons for all concrete required to have
structural inspection by Section 107.5.1.
The st11lctural inspector need not be presel!! continuously during placing of re
illforcing steel and prestressing tendons, provided the structural inspector has
inspecfed for confonnance to the approved plalls prior to flu: closing offonns
or the delivery of concrete 10 the jobsit l'.
.. '.
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTER 1 - General Requirements

107.5.5 Structural Welding General
During the we lding of any member or connecti on th at is designed to resist loa
ds an<\forces required by this code.
of bolts to determine that all layers of connected materials have been drawn tog
ether and that the selected procedure is properly used to tighten all bolts.
107.5.7 Structural Masonry For masonry, other than fully grouted opene
nd hollow-unit masonry, during preparation and taking of any required prisms or
test specimens, placing of all masonry units, placement of reinforcement, inspec
tion of grout space, immedhHely' prior to closing of cleanouts, and dUl'ing all
grouting operations.
1. 2. Welding dOlle in on approved fabricator's shop in accordance witli Sec/ion
107,6. TI,e _~tmctural inspector need not be cOllfinuously presem dwine welding
of the following ilems, provided the materials, qualifications oj welding proce
dures and welders are verified prior 10 the start of work; periodic inspections
are made of work in progress; and a visual inspection of all welds is made prior
10 completion or prior fa shipment of shop welding:
oj Sing/ew pass fillet welds no/ exceeding 8 mm
Exceptioll: For hollow-unit masonry where the fm is no more than 10 MPa for conc
rete Ilnits or 18 MPa for clay ullits. structural inspectioll may be peifonned a
s required for fully grouted open-end hollow-unit masonry specified ill Section For fully grouted open-end hollow-unit masonry during preparation and
taking of any required prisms or test specimens, at the start of laying units, a
fter the placement of reinforcing steel, grout space prior to each grouting oper
ation, and during all grouting operations.
in sileo
b) Floor and roof deck welding. c) d) e) Welded studs when used for structural d
iaphragm or composite systems. Welded sheet steel for cold-fanned steel framing
members such as studs alld joists. Welding of stairs and railing systems.
Exceplion: S,ructural inspection as required ill Sec/iolls 107.5.7. J and 107.5.
7.2 need not be provided when design stresses have been adjusted as specified in
Chapter 7 to permit noncontinUous inspection.
107.5.8 Reinforced GYPsulIl Concrete
When cast-in-place Class B gypsu m concrete is being Special Moment-Resisting Steel Frames
During the non ~destru clive testing (NDT) of welds specified in Section 107 .8
of this code, the use of certi fied welders shall be required for welding struct
ural sleel connections for this type of frame. Crirical joint connections shall
be subjected to non-destructive testing usi ng certified NDT technicians.
mixed and placed. Welding of Reinforcing Steel
During the non -destruct ive testing of welds.
J07.5.9Insulating Concrete Fill
During the application of insulaling concrete fill when used as part of a struct
ural system.

107.5.6 High-Strength Bolts The inspection of hi gh-strength A325 and A490 bolts
shall be in accordance with approved internationally recognized stanqards and t
he requirements of this section. While the work is in progress, the stnJclUral i
nspector shall determine that the requiremenls for bolts. nuts,
washers and paint: bo iled parts; and in:,t allali on and lightening in such sta
ndards arc mel. Suc h inspections may be perfonncd on a periodic basis as define
d in Section 107.2.
]fIe slmctural inspections may be limited. to an illitja~ inspection to check th
e deck sUrface and placement of reinforcing Sleet. 11le slructural inspector sha
ll monitor rhe preparation of compression test specimens during this initial ins
The st ructural inspector shall observe the calibration procedu res when such pr
ocedures are requi red by lhe plans or specifications. He shall monitor lhe inst
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volum e 1

1 14
CHAPTER 1 - General Requirements
107.5.10 Spray Applied Fire-Resisti ve M a terials Du ring the application of spr
ay-applied fire-resistive
materials ..
Verification of the fab ri cator's qUal it/ ~ontrol capabi lities, plant and per
son nel as outl illed !Jl the fab rication procedura l manual ~ lla ll b ~ ; ~)'
an approved inspection or quali ty control dgcllt.y . Peri odic plant inspectio
ns shall be conducled by an approved inspection or quality con trol agency [0 mo
nitor the effectiveness of the quality co ntrol program.
107.5. 11 Piling, Drilled Piers and Caissons During driving and load testing of
piles and construction of cast-inplace dri lled piles or caissons. See Sections 1
07.5. 1 and 107.5.4 for concrete and rei nforcing steel inspection. 107.5.12 Sho
During the (aJdng of lest specimens and placing of all
107.7 Prefabrica ted Cons tructi on 107.7.1 General Purpose The purpos
e of this section is to regulate materials and
establish meth ods of safe construction where any struc ture or portion the reof
is wholl y or panial ly
Shotcrete work f ully supponed all earth, millor repairs and when, in the opinio
n of the building official, 110 special hazard exists.
107.5.13 Special Grading, Excavation and Filling
prefabricated. Scope
Unl ess otherwise specifically stated in thj s scct ion , all prefabricated co n
structi on and all materials used therein
During earthwork excavations, grad ing and fi lling
operatio ns ins pection to satisfy req uireme nt s o f Cha pter 3
and Section 109.5. 107.5.14 Special Cases Wo rk that, in the opinion of the stn
lclural engineer,
involves unusual hazards or condi tions.
shall conform to all the req uirements of Secti on 101.4. Definition P
REFABRICATED ASS EMBLY is a stru ctural uni t.
the integral parts of w hi ch have been built up or assembled prior to incorpora
tion in the buHding.
107.5.15 Non-Dest ru ctive Testing
In-situ non-destructive testing program, in addition to the requirements of Sect
ion 107.8 that in the opinion of the structural engineer may supplement or repla
ce conventional lC!HS 011 concrele or olher materials and
107.7.2 Tests of Materials
Every approval of a material n01 specifically mentioned in this code shall incor
porate as a proviso the kind and number of tests to be made during prefabricatio

assemblies. 107.6 Approved Fa br ica tors
Structural inspections required by this section and elsewhere in this code are n
ot required where the work is done on the premises of a fab ricator approved by
the structural engineer to perform such work without structural inspection. The
approved fabrica tor shall submit a certi (icate of compliance Lhat the work was
107.7.3 Tes ts of Assembl ies The building official may require special tests to
be made
011 assemblies to dctermine thei r structural adequacy, durabili ty and weather
resis tance.
107.7.4 Connec ti ons
Every device used to connect prefabricated as!\(,-II'b! i('~~ sllall be designed
as required by this code and : j , _; : j> c
performed in accordance with the approved plans and
specifications to the building official and to lhe engineer
or architect of record. The approved fabricator's qualifications shal! be contin
gent on compliance with the following :
The fabricator has developed and submiltcd (l detai led fabrication procedur:ll
manual rcnect ing key q uality cont rol procedures Iha t wi ll provi de a basis
fo r inspect io n con tro l of work mansh ip and the rabricator plan t.
capable of developing the strength of the largest ,;" ;l1ber connected, except i
n the case of members fenning part of a sll1.lcwral frame designed as specified
in ampler 2. Connections shall be capable of withstanding uplifl forces as speci
fied in Chapter 2. 107.7.5 Pipes a nd Co nduits
In structural design. due allowance shall be mack fo r any mate rial to be re mo
ved or d isplaced for tile inxla lia lion of pi pes, co nduits or ot her equipme
Association of Structural Engineers of th e Philippines

CHAPTEfi 1 - General Hequirements

107.7.6 Certificate and Inspection Materials
Materials and the assembly thereof shall be inspected to determine compliance wi
th this code. Every material shall
be graded, marked this code.
Of General All complete penetration groove welds contained in joints and
splices shall be tested 100 percent either by ultrasonic testing or by radiograp
labeled where required elsewhere in
l!.,xceptions: 1. When approved, the non-destructive testing rate for an individ
ual welder or welding operator may be re.duced to 25 percent, provided the rejec
t rate is demonstrated to be 5 percent or less of the welds tested for the welde
r or welding operator. A sampling of at least 40 completed welds for a job shall
be made for such reduction evaluation. Reject rate is defined as the number of
welds containing rejectable defecls divided by the number of welds completed. Fo
r evaluating the reject rate of continuous welds over 900 mm in length where the
effective throat thickness is 25 mm or less, each 300 mm increment or fraction
thereof shall be considered as one weld. For evaluating the reject rate on conti
nuous welds over 900 mm inlenglh where the effective throat thickness is greater
than 25 mm, each 150 mm of length or fraction thereof shall be considered one w
eld. For complete penetration groove welds on materials less than 8 mm thick., n
on-destructive testing is not required; for this welding, continuous inspection
is required. When approved by the building official alld owlilled in the project
plans and specifications, this nondestructive ultrasonic testing may be perform
ed in the shop oj an approved fabricator utilizing qualified le.st techniques in
the employment of the fabricator. Certificate A cCI1ificate of acceptance shall be furnished with every
prefabricated assembly, except where the assembly is readily accessible to inspe
ction at the site. The certificate of acceptance shall certify that the assembly
in question has been inspected and meets all the requirements of this code. Certifying Agency To be acceptable under this code, every certificate
of approval shall be made by a nationally or internationally recognized cCltifyi
ng body or agency. Field Erection
Placement of prefabricated assemblies at the building site
shall be inspected to detennine compliance with this code. Continuous Inspection
If continuous inspection is required for certain materials where construction ta
kes place on the site, it shall also be required where the same materials are us
ed in prefabricated construction.
txceplioJ1: Continuous inspection )'1 ill not be required during prefabricariol1
If the approved agency cerlz(ies to the consfruction andfumishes evidence (~f c

107.8 NonDestructive Testing 107.8.1 General

In Seismic Zone 4, welded, fully-restrained connections between the primary memb
ers of special momentresisting frames shall be tested by nondestructive methods
perfonned by certified NDT technicians for compliance with approved standards an
d job specifications. This testing shat! be a pan of the structural inspection r
equirements of Section 107.5. A program for this testing shall be established by
the person responsible for stI1lctural design and as shown 011 plans and specif
107.8.2 Testing Program Partial penetration groove welds when used in column splices shall be
tested either by ultrasonic testing or radiography when rcquired by the plans an
d specifications. For partial penetration groove welds when used in column splic
es, with an effective throat less than 20 mm thick, nondestl1lctive testing is n
ot required; for this welding, continuous structural inspection is required. 107
.8.2.3 Base metal thicker than 40 mm, when subjected to through-thickness weld s
hrinkage strains, shalt be ultrasonically inspected for discontinuities directly
behind such welds after joint completion. Any material discontinuities shall be
accepted or rejected on the basis of the defect rating jn accordance with the (
larger reflector) criteria of approved national standards.
107.8.3 Others The structural engineer may accept or require in place non-destru
ctive testing of concrete or other materials and assemblies to supplement or rep
lace conventional tests.
As a minimum, the testing program shall include the following:
National Structural Code of the Pllilippines 6 Edition Volume 1

CHAPTER 1 _ .. General Requirements
107.9 Structural Observation 107.9.1 General
Stmctural observation shall be provided in Seismic Zone 4 when one of the foll o
wing conditions exists:
I. 2. The struct ure is defi ned in Table 103- 1 as Occupancy Category I. II or
Ill; The structure is in Seis mic Zone 4, No as sel forth in Table 208A is great
er th an 1.0, and a lateral design is
10S.1 General
Buildings in existence at the time of the adoption of this Illay have their exis
ting usc or occupancy continued , if such use or occupancy was legal at the time
of the adoption of this code, provide(1 such cOlllin ued use is not dangerous t
o life.
required for the entire structure;
3. When so designated by the stru ctural engineer. Of
When such observation is specifically required by the
bu ilding official.
Any change in the use or occupancy of any ex isting building or structure shall
comply with lpC provisions of Seclions 108.4 of this code. IOS.2 Maintenance AI!
buildings and structures, both existing and new, and all parts thereof, shall b
e maintained in a safe condition. The owner or the owner's designated agent shal
l be responsible for th e maintenance of buildings and structures. To determine
compliance with this.subsection, the bui lding official may cause a structure 10
be reinspected.
108.3 Additions, Alterations or Repairs 10S.3.1 General
I .
107.9.2 Structural Observer The owner shall empl oy the engincer~of-record or an
other civ il engi neer to perform structural observation as defined in Section 1
07.2. Observed deficiencies shall be reponed in writing (0 the owner's represcnt
ati vet structural inspector, constructor
and the building official. If not resolved, the stnlctural observer shall submit
to the bu ilding offi cial a written statement duly signed and sealed, idemifyi
ng any deficiency.
107.9.3 Cons truction Stages for Observations
The structural observations shall be performed at the construction stages prescr
ibed by the inspection program
prepared as requ ired by Secti on 107.3.
Buildings and structures to which additions, alterations or repairs are made sha
ll comply with all the requirements of this code for new facilit ies except as s
pecifically provided in thi s section . IOS.3.2 When Allow ed by the Building Of
ficial Additions, alterations or repairs may be made to any building or structur

e without requ iri ng the existing building or st nlcturc 10 co mply wi th ,\11

the requirements of this code, provided the addition, alteration OJ' repair co n
forms to that required for a new building or structure and provided further that
such appro val by the building official is in writi ng. Additions or alteration
s shall not be made to an ex isting building or structure that will calise the e
xisting bui lding or Slructure to become unsafe. An unsafe condition shall be de
emed to ha ve been created if an addit io n or alteratioll wi ll ca use .IIlY st
ructu ra l element of the existing building or SlmClUrc to resist loads in exce
ss of their capacity or cause .1 red ucti on of {heir load cnrrying capaci ty. A
d di tions or alterations shall nOI be made 10 an ex isting buildi ng or structu
re when suc h existing building or structure is not in full compliance with the
provisions of this code except when such addi ti on or alteration will resu lt i
n {he ex isting building or st ructure bei ng no more
It shall be the dUly of the engineer+in-charge of construction, as authorized in
the Building Permit, 10 notify the stmclUral observer that the described constn
iction stages have been reached, and to provide access to and means for observin
g the co mponents of the strucrural system.
Association of Struclural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTER 1 - General Requirements

1 17
hazardous based on structural safety, than before such additions or alterations
arc undertaken, unless adequate retrofitting or remediation is introduced.
Exceptions: Alterations to exl'sting structural elements or additions of flew st
ructllral elements, wh!'ch are initiated for the plllpose oj increasing the stre
ngth or stiffness oj (he lateral-jorce-resisting system of an existing struc/~lr
e. Ileed not be designed for. forces confonning to these regulations provided th
at an engineering analysis is submitted 10 show that: 1. 2. The capacity of exis
ting structural elements required to resist/orces is not reduced; The lateral fo
rce co required errstmg structural elements is not increased beyond their design
strength;. New slnlclural elements are detailed and connected to Ihe existing s
tructural elements as required by these regulations; and New or relocated nOfl~s
trnctural elements are detailed alld connected to existing or fl ew structural e
lements as required by these regulations.
A change in use or occupancy of any building shall be allo wed only when the cha
nge in use or occupancy will not cause any structural elemen t of the existing b
uilding to resist loads, determined on Ihe basis on this code and on the propose
d use or occupancy. in excess of their capacity. Alterations to Ihe ex isting bu
i lding shall be pemliued to satisfy this requirement. No change in the characte
r of occupancy of a building shaJl be made without a new cenificate of occ upanc
y regardless of whether any alterations to the building arc
108.3.3 Non-structural
Non-s truclural alterations or repairs to an existing bui lding or struclure are
rennitted 10 be made of Ihe sam e materi als of whi ch the building or structur
e is constructed, provided that they do not adversely affect any structural memb
er or lhe fire~resistance rating of any part of the bu ilding or structure.
108.3.4 Historic Buildings
Repairs, alterati ons and additions necessary for the preservation, rcstoration,
rehabilitation or cominued use of a building or structure may be made without c
onfonnance 'to all the requ irements of this code when authorized by the buildin
g official. provided :
The build ing Or structure has been designated Iby official action o f the legal
ly constituted authori ty of thi s jurisdict ion as having spec ial historical o
r architectural signi fi cance.
Any structurally unsafe conditions are corrected.
The reslc!'cd buildin g or structure will be no more
hazardous based on life safet y than the existing building.
108.4 C hange in Use
No Change shall be made in the charactcr o f occupancies or use of i\ny building
unless the new o r proposed lise is less ha7.ardous, hased on life safety than
the existin g usc.

National Structural Code of th e Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1


CHAPTER 1 '" General Requirements
Geotechnica l Engineeri ng of the Ph ilippi ne In stitute o f Civil En gineers (
PI CE). GEOTECHNI C AL ENGINEERING is the "ppli cation of thc princi pl es o f s
oil and rock mechan ics in the in vestigatio n, eva luati on and dcsign of ci vi
l works involvin g the use o f ea rth materi als and fo und ations and the inspe
c tion or testi ng of the construction the reof. GRADE is Ihe vel1icill locJli o
n of the ground su rfacc. EXISTING GRADE is the grad e pri or to gradin g. FINIS
H GRAD E is the final grade of the si te that confonns to the approvcd pl an. RO
UGH GRADE is the stage at which the grade approximately co nforms to the approve
d pl an. G RADING is an excavator or fill or com bination thereo f. K E Y is a d
esigned compacted fi ll placed in a tre nc h excav ated in earth malerial beneat
h the toe of a slope. PROFESSIONAL INSPECTION is the inspection required by thi
fi code to be performed by th e civ il engineer o r geotechnical e ngi neer. S u
c h inspecti ons incl ude tha I perfomled by persons supervised by such engi nee
rs or geologists a nd shall be suffic ient to fonn a n opinio n relating to the
conduct of the work. SITE is any lot or parce l of land or cont iguous com binmi
oll the reof. unde r the same owncrs hi p. where grading is performed or permitt
109.1 General 109. 1.1 Scope The provis ions of this section apply 10 gradi ng.
excavation and can hwork cOll stm . :tio n, includ in g fi lls and c nbankmc rHs
. 109.2 DefillitiolLs The fo ll owing terms are defi ned for lise in this sect i
on: APPROV AL s hall mean Iha t the proposed work or completed work con forms 10
th is secti on in the opin ion o f th c building offi cial. AS GRADED is the ex
te nt o f surface con dirions o n comple ti on of grading.
BEDROCK is in placc solid or altered rock . BENCH is a rel atively level step ex
cavated into earth mat eri al on whic h fill is to be pl aced . nORRO\V is earth
m3lerial acquired from an offsite
loca tion fo r use in grading on a site. CIVIL ENGINEERING is the applicat ion o
f the kn owl edge of the fo rces of nature, principl es o f mec hanic s a nd the
properties of mate ri als to the evaluat ion, design an d constllJc ti o n of c
ivi l works. COMPA C TION is the dcnsir<cation mechanical or chemical mea ns. of
a fill If)'
SLOPE is an inclined ground surface the inclination of
whic h is ex prcssed as a rat io o f vel1ica l distance to horizo ntal di stance
EARTH MATERIAL is a ny roc k, natural soi l o r r< 1I or
an y combin ati o n thereof.
SOIL is naturall y occu rring supe rficia l deposi ts overlying EROSION is the w
earing away of the grou nd surface as a
res ult of the movemen t of wi nd, wate r or ice. SOILS ENGIN EER. See Geotechni
cal Engineer. EXCAVATION is the mec ha ni cal re moval of earth mate ri al. SOI
LS ENGINEEIUNG . See Geotecilili ca l Engineering. TERRACE is a relatively level
step co ns tructed in the face of a graded s lope surface for drai nage and mai
IIt ena nce purposes. bedroc k.
FILL is a deposit of earth material placed by artificial me'I IlS.
GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER is II registered Civ il En gin ee r with spec ial qualifi
ca ti on in the prac tice of Geo tec hn ical Engineering as recognized by the Bo
. ard of Civi l Engincering of thc Professiona l Regulation Commission as endors
ed by the Specially Division of
Association of Structural Engineers of tile Philippines

CHAPTER 1 .- General HequlremenlS

1- 19
109.3 r)ennits Required 109.3.1 Gencral Exce pt as specified in Section 109.3.2
of this section, no person shall do any gmd ing without first having obtained .1
gra ding pCnllit from the building official. 109.3.2 Exempted Work A grading pe
rmit shall not be required for the following:
Sl<lbility of a public w:ly or drainage channel, the owner of the property upon
whi ch the excavation or fill is located, or other person or agent in control of
said property, upon receipt of notice in writing from the building official, sh
a ll within the period specified therein repair or eliminate such excavat ion or
embankment (O eliminate the hazan.l and 10 be in confonnance with the requireme
nts of this code. Requirements for excavations shall he referred to Chapter 3 of
thi. code.
109.5 Grading Permit Requirements 109.5.1 General Except as exempted in Section
109.3.2 of this code, no person shall do any grading without first obtaining a g
rading permit from the building official. A separate pem)it sha ll be obtained f
or each si te, and may cover both excavations and fill s. 109.5.2 Grading DeSign
ation Grading in excess of 4.000 m) shall be perfonned ill accordance with the a
pproved grading plan prepared by a civil engineer, and shall be designated as "e
ngineered grading." Grading involving less Ihan 4,000 1111 shall be designated "
regular grading" unless the permittee chooses to have the grading performed as e
ngineered grading, or the building official determines Ih31 special conditions o
r unusual hazards exist, in which case grading shall conform to the requirements
for engineered grading. 109.5.3 Engineered Grading Requirements Application for
a gradi ng pennil shnll be accompanied by two sets of plans and specifications,
and supporting data co nsisting of a geotechnicill engineering repofl. Addition
ally. the application shall state lhe estimated quantities of work involved. The
plans and specifi cations shall be prepared and sig ned by the civi l engineer
licensed to prepare such plans or spec ifi cations when required by {he build in
g official. information covering Plans shall be drawn to scale upon subs tantial
paper or cloth and shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the nature and ex
tent of (he work proposed and show in detail thilt th ey will conform to th e pr
ovisions of this code and all rc!e val1l laws. ordinances, rules and regulations
. The first sheet of eac h set of plans shall give location of the work, the na
m e and ,lddrcss of {he oWlH.~1'. and the perso n hy whom th ey were
constmcl ion and malerial requirements. prcp'l l'cd .
Grading in an isolated.
sc lf~co lllaiJ)cd
area if [here is
no dnngcr to priv'lIc Or public properly.
An excavation below finished grade for basements and footings of a building, ret
nining wall or other stnlcture authorized by a valid building permit. Thi s shal
l nol exempt any fill made with the material from such excavation or cxempt any
excavation ha ving an . unsupported hcight greater than 1.5 m after the completi
on of such Slmcture;
Cemetery graves;
3. 4. 5. 6.

Refuse di sposal sites cont rolled by other regulmions; Exc:lvations for wells,
or trenches for utilities; Mining, quan'ying, excavating, processing or stock pi
ling of rock , sa nd, gravel, aggregate or clay controlled by other regulations.
provided slich operations do flot affect the ItHera l suppon of, or increase st
resses in, soil on adjoining propeflies; Exploratory excavat ions performcd unde
r direction of a registcred geotechnical engineer; the
7. 8.
An excava ti on that ( I) is less than 600 mm in depth Of (2) docs not create <l
cut slope grea ter [han 1,5 m in height and steeper th an ! unit venical in I Y
2 units horizo ntal (66.7 % slope); and A fill less than JOO mill in depth and p
laced on natttrni terrain wi th a slope flatter th<l ll 1 unit vertical in 5 uni
ts hori zo ntal (20% slope). Or less than 900 in depth, not imcndcd 10 suppor( s
tructurcs, that docs not exceed 40 Ill) on anyone lot and docs not obSlmct a dra
inage course.
Exemption from the pennil requirements of thi s sec ti on shall flot be deemed 1
0 grant authorization for any work to be done in any manlier in violation of the
provisions or this code or any oth er laws or ordinances or this
109.4 Hazards
Wh enever the huilding offi cial determines lhilt any exLo;;ting excavation or e
mbankment Of filt on private property Il(I~ become a hazard to life and limb, or
endangers properly. or Oldvcrscly affects the s"f'ct y. usc or
National Struc tural COCIG of thE: Pllilippll1 es
Edition Votume 1

CHI\P TEIi 1 ... General f1equirerncnls
The plans shall include lhe following information: I. 2. 3. General vi cinity ma
p of lhe proposed s ite; Property limits and accurate contours of eX isti ng
of the person who prepared the plan . The pl:m shall include the followin g info
rmation :
General vicinity map of the proposed site;
ground and details of terrain and area drainage;
Limiting dimensions a nd depth of cut and fill;
Limiting dimensions elevati ons or f'inhih co ntours to be achieved by the gradi
ng, and proposed dmin agc channels and rel ated COnSII1J ction;
Detailed plans of all surface and subsurface drainage
Provisions for lateral earth SUPPOI' or shori ng; l.\Ild
Loca tion of an)' bu ild ings or structures where work is
w be pcr:onned , and the location of any buildings
stnJcture ~ \~' ithin
4 .5
of the proposed grading.
devices, w;.!Ils, cribbing, dams <lnd other protective
devices to be constructed with, or as a part of. the
109.6 Grading Inspeclion 109.6.1 General
Grading operariolls for which a permit is required shall be subject 10 inspectio
n by the building official. Inspection of grading opera tions shall be provided
by the geolechnical engineer reHlined 10 provide such services in accordance wit
h Section 109.5.5 for engineered grading <lnd as required by the building offici
al for regular
proposed work, IOgether with a map showi ng the
drainage arc.\ and the estimated runoff of the arc,l
serveO by an y drains;
5. Location of a ny buildings or struc tures on the property where the work is t
o be pcrfonncd and the locatioll of any buildings or s(ruC lUres on l:lllu of ad
jacen t owners that arc within 4.5 m of the property or that may be affected by
the proposed grading

6. Recommendations included in the geotechnical
109.6.2 Civil Engineer
The civil engineer shall provide professional inspection within such engineer's
area of tcchnicnl spec ialty, which shall consist of observation and review as t
o the establishment of line, grade and surface drainage of the development area.
If revised plulls arc required during the course of the work, th ey shal! be pr
epared by the civi l engineer.
enginccling reron and the engincering geology report shall be incorporated in,.
the grading plans or speci fi cations. When approved by the building official, s
pecific recommendations contained in the geotechnical engineering report and the
engineering geology report, which arc applicable to grading, may
be included by reference; and
The dates of the geotechnical engineering :lnd engineering geology repon s toge
ther with the names, addresses and phone numbers of the firms or indi vidu als w
ho prepared the reports.
109.6.3 Geotechnical Engineer
The geotech nical enginee r shall provide obscrvation duri ng gradi ng a nd tc~t
in g for requ ired compaction . The geotcc hn ical engineer shall provide s uffi
ciclll observation during the prep<lration o f the natural ground and placemelll
and comp< lclioll of (he rill to verify lh<lt sll ch work is being performed in
accord ance with the condit ions of the approved p lun and th e ,Ippropriate re
quirements of this chapter. Revised recolllmendations relating to conditions dif
fering from the approved geotechnical engi ncering ttl1d eng inecling geology re
port s shall be submitted to the permi ttee, the buildi ng officia l a nd Ih e c
ivil engi neer.
109.5.4 Geotech nical Engineering Report The geo technical engineering re port r
equired by Section 109.53 shall include data regarding the nmure, distributi on
and strength of ex.ist in g soi l, conclusions and recomlllendations for grading
procedures and design criteria for corrective mcasures, including buttres,-; fi
ll s, when necessary, and opinion on adequacy for the intended usc of sitcs to b
e devel o ped by the proposed grading ilS affected by gcotechn ica l engineering
f.lcwrs. including Ih l~ stabili ty of slopes.
Refer to -C hapter :-\ on Excavtltiolls imd Fou ndations for
delililed requ ireme nt s :md gu idel ines.
J 09 .5.5 H('g uJ :Il- GnHiing Requirements
applicat ion for .1 grading perini I shall l)l~ (I<..:<.:otllpanicd by <I plan i
n su fficient clarity 10 indicate the nature ilnd cxlcll! or !Ilc work. and slat
e tllc estimat ed qllilillili e-s of' work involved. The plans shall give th e l
oc, llinn oj' th e work, 1he Ilame of thc ow nc r alld thc Il i lllle
109.6.4 I>enllittre The pcrmilLcc s hall he res po nsi hle for the work to he pe
rformed in accordancc wi th th e approved pla ns and spcc ifie;:ltin ns and in c
onformil llce with th e provisions or Ihis code. and the pcrmillce shall e ngage
cons ultants, as may be ncce ssary. 10 provide professional in spec ti on un iI
limely basis. The permittee shall ac t ;IS a coorclin:lt or between lh c COllsu
IWIHS. lhc co ntrac tor <Ind the building

Associallon of Slnu:1 11 1 ',)1 Enq: n(~nrs of tile: Pillilpplll e~,

CHAPTER 1 - General 11equiremenls

1-2 1
official. In the event of changed conditions, the permittee shall be respo nsibl
e for infonning the bui lding oflici nl of such change and shall provide revi se
d plans for approval.
109.6.5 BUilding Official The building orfi cial shall inspect Ihe projeci at th
vario us stilges of work requiri ng approviJl to detc rmine ndequate cOl1 lrol i
s being exercised by Ihe professional co nsultants.
tests, other substamiatin g data, and com ments all any changes made during grad
ing and thei r effect on the recomrncndmions made in th e approved geotechni cal
engineering investigati on report. GeotcdUl ical engincers shall submit a state
ment that, to the besl of their knowledge. the work wi thin their aren of respon
sibilities is in accord ance wit h (he approved geotechni cal engineering repon
and applicable provisions of thi s sec tion. 3. The gradi ng conl ractor shall s
ubmit in a fNIll prescribed by the building official a slmemCI, i of co nfonnanc
e to said as-buill plan and .he speci ficati ons.
109.6 .6 NOlilicalion of No ncompliance
If, in the course of fuHilJing their respcctive duties under thi s chapter, the
civil engineer or the geotech ni cal engineer rind s that the work is not being
done in confo nnance with thi s chapter or the appro ved,., gradin g plans, the
disc repanc ies shall be reported immediately in writ ing to the permittee and t
o the building offi cial.
109.6.7 T r ansfer of Rcsponsibilily If the civil engineer or the geotechnical e
ngineer-ofrecord is changed during grading, {he work shall be stopped ulllil the
replace me nl has i.lgreed in writing to accept their responsi bility within (h
e area of techni cal co mpetellce for approval upo n completi on of the work. It
shall be the duly of th e pennittee to notify the building official in wl;ting
of such Change prio r \0 the. recolnmeJ)cement of such grading.
109.7.2 Nolification of Complel ioll The permi ttee shall notify the building of
ficial when the grading operati on is ready fo r final inspec tion. '; n:-li per
mission by the bui lding official shall not be giver .!" ' all work, including i
nstallation of all drainage f ? ! .md their protecti ve devices. and all erosion
~' measu res have been com pleted in accordance W I': 1;:'_ final approved gnldi
ng plan , and the requi red fep(l: ! been submitted by the engi neer-or-record.
109.7 Compleli on of Work 109.7.1 Final Reporls
Upon completion or the rough grading work and 31 the final completion of the wor
k , the following reports and
dnlwings and sup ple ments thereto <Ire requ ired for engineered grading or when
profess iona l inspec ti on is perform ed for regular grading. as applicable:
I. An ns-built gradin g plan prepared by the civi l e ng inee r retained to prov
ide slich services in accordance with Section J09.6.5 showing original ground su
rfac e elevati ons, as-graded ground su rface elevations, lot drai nage patterns
, and the loca tions and elevati ons of surface dmin age faci lities and of the
ou tlets of subsu rface drains. As-constnlcted locations, elevations and details
of subsu rface drains shall be shown as repo rted by th e geo tedlllical e ngin
eer. Civil engineers shall stale Ihal 10 Ihe bes t of their knowledge th e wo rk
within the ir area of res ponsi bili ty was done in acco rd ance wit h the fini
l l approved grading plan .
1\ repol1 prepared hy the geotec hnical engineer retained 10 provide such servic

es ill accordance wi th
Sec tion 109.6.3 , including locations and elevations of fie ld density tests, s
ummaries of field .Ind I;.lboratory
Nationa( Stru ctural Co(Je of t!1P. r.l11i1ippines (,111 Edition Volume 1

Association or Struc tural E 119inecrs of the Philippinp.s

NSCP C101 10
Chapter 2
Association of Structu ra l Engi neers of the Philippines
Suite 7 13, Fut ure Point Plaza Co ndo minium I I I2 Pan ay Avenu e, Q uezo n Ci
ty, Phili ppines 11 00 Tel. No : (+632) 4 10-0483 Fax No .: (+632) 4 11 -8606
Email: !'!~10 ll l illc~com
Wehsil e: htt p://www.asc ponlin e.org
Nalloll<l l S tI"LJ ctlJr,~ 1 Code of 11'1 0 F>hilipPlnes 6 ' Edition Volume 1

CHA PT ER 2 - Minimum Design loads

2 1
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 2 MINIM UM DESIGN LOADS ................ .. ............................
........ ........ ............................................................ 3
SECTION 201 GENERAL. ..........................................................
................................................... ............................
....... ...... 3
20 1. 1 Scope ... ..... ....... .... ... ......... ..... . .......... .... .. ..
........ ......... 3
SECTION 202 DEFINITIONS ........... ............... ..... ................ .....
................................. ..............................................
............. 3
202. 1 Walls ...................... .. ...... 4
SECTION 203 COMBINATIONS OF LOADS ..............................................
....................................................................... 5
203. 1 General ............ ...... ..... ..... .............. ................ .
...... ........... .. ................ ....... .......... . ....................
.............................. 5
203.2 SYlllbols and Notations. ......... ................. .....................
........... .......... ............................................. 5 203.3 Loa
d Combinations llsing Strength Design or Load and Resistan ce Factor Design . ..
........ .......... ....... .. ..... ".5 203 .4 Load Co mbinati ons Using Allow
able Stress Design ......... .. ........ ........ .......... ........ .. .......
.. ........................... 5
203.5 Specia l Seis mi c Load Combinations .... ............ ..... ........ ....
....... . .... 6
SECTION 204 DEAD LOADS ........ .............................................. .
....................... ........................................................
.......... 9
. 204. 1 General .... .... .............. ................... .. .... ..........
204.2 Weigh ts of Materi,ds and Conslnlclions.. ........ .. .............. .. 2
04.3 Parlitio n Loads.. ........ ..................... . ................ . ....
................. .. .... ............ ............. .... ..... ............ 9 .
......... ....... ..... ................ .................................... 9
.. ............. 9
SECTION 205 LIVE LOADS ........................... ................. ...........
.............................. ................ ................................
............. 9
205. 1 Gen eral...... . .. ........... ..... ..... .. .. ... .... ...... .... ..
.. .. .......... .... .. ............ ...... 9 205.2 Critica l DistributiOJl o f
Live Loads.. .. ....................... .. .................. 9 205.3 Floor Li
ve Lo ads ............. . ................. .. .................................
9 205 .4 Roof Live Loads .......... ...... ............... ..... ........... ..
... ............. .................................. ...........................
....................... 13 205.5 Redl!ction of Li ve Loads .....................
............... ................... . ...... ........................ 14 205.6 A
ItCrlHl tc Floor Live Load Reduc lion .. .. .... 14
SECTION 206 OTHER MINIMUM LOADS ............... ..................... ..........
................. ........... ............................................ 15
206. I Gelle ra l .... .......... .... .
206.2 2063 206.4 206.5 ................. . Anchorage of Conc rete iln d Masonry

Wall s ....... Interi o r Walt Lo ads..... .. ............. .. ..

Olher Load s. I mpaci Loads
206.6 Retaining Vo.' alJs ................. ........................... " ......
............. .
206.7 Waler Accumul at ion .. . 206.8 Up lift on Floors and Foundations . ......
.... ........ .. 206.9 Crane Loads ...... .. ....... . . ..... ... ...... .. ...
. 206. 10 Heliport '!!lei Hel isto p Landin g Areas . ............ ..
. 15 .. .... 15 15 15 15 . 15 .. ...... .. 15 .. .. 15
. ......... .. ........ ......... ....... ........ ....... .. ...... ... .... ..
..... ... .... ..... .... 16 ... 16
SECTION 207 WIN]) LOADS ........ ....................... ................... ...
.......... .....................................................................
.......... 17
207. 1 Gene ral .................... .. 207.2 Definitions 2073 Symbol s and NOI.
uiolls .. 207.4 Method I - Simpl i fi ed Pmct~d1ll'c .. . 207.5 Method 2 -- Anal
yti ca l Procedure .. 207.0 Method 3 ... Wind Tunnel Proced ure .. 207.7 GUSI Ef
fect Fac tor for Other Struclures .. . 207.X ES lim'ilcs of D yn'lInil' PropcI 1
ics .............. ...... .. 207.9 Con sc nslis Sta nd 'Ir<.Is il nd Olher Rcfcr
clH.:cd i)(lClIIllCIH.'i .....
..................... ... 17 .. .... . 17
.. 19 .. .... 20 .. .... 2 1
... 01
.. ............................... :l2
.. .. 32
.. ...... .. ................ .................... 34
SECTION 208 ICAHTHQUAKE LOAI)S .............................. ....... .. .......
................. ...... ... ...... .... .. ..... ......... .... ...............
... ... .. 72

C HAPTt:f~
2 -. Minimum Design Loads
208. 1 Geneml. ........... .............. .. ...................................
............... ..................................... ..........................
........................ 72 208.2 Dcllnitions . ...... .... ..... ....... ......
. .... 72 208.3 Symbol s and Notation ...... .. ....... ......... .... ..... ..
74 208.4 Criteria Selecti on ........ .................. .. ................ ..
.......................... ............................. 75 208.5 Minimum Design
Lateral Forces and Rcl3lcd Effects ........ ................................. .
...................................................... 81 208.6 Dynal1\ ic Analy
sis Procedu res ...................... .... ........ ... .............. ........
.. ..................... ..... ...... .................. .. ...... 90 208.7 Late
ral Force 011 Elemen ts of Stnlctures, NonslJ1lctur.1I Componcllt,<; and Eq uipm
cn t Suppol1cd by St ructures ... 92 208.8 Detailed Systems Design Requirements.
. ....... ....... ...... . .. ..... ........ .. ... ..... 96 20R.9 NO ll-Bu ildi
ng Stru ctures ........................... .. .. , ..... ... ...... ..... ". ,."
.. ,.. ,.... '.. ,........ ,... .." ......... " ... 99 208.10 Si te Cntcgorizat
ion Procedure.,.,............ ........... ,., ,......... ,.......... ...........
.......... ,............. , 101 208.1 t Alternativc Earthquake Load Procedure ""
.. "." ................ ..... ,." ....... ,.102
SECTION 209 SOIL LATERAL LOADS ................................................
...................... ................................................. ... 103
209.1 Ge nera!... ..
....... 103
SECTIO N 210 RAI N LOADS .......................................................
................... ... ..... ................. ................................
.......... 111
210.1 Roof Drainage ..... ..... ... 2 10,2 Design Rain Loads ..... , 2 ] 0.3 Pon
ding Instabili ty 210.4 Controlled Drailwgc
........... .......... ................. III ..................... ........ 111
...... .. 111 ......... 111
SECTION 211 FLOOD LOADS ............. ....................................... ..
.... 111
211. 1 Ge neral.. . 2 J 1.2 Definitions, 21 1.3 Establishme nt of Flood Hazard A
reas, . , 2 11.4 DeSign and Constructioll ........ 2 1 1.5 Flood Hazard Document
...... .......... ........... 111 ......... .... 111 .. ..... ..... .. ....... 1
1 2
.............. ... . ....... . 11 2 ............................. ..............
............. ...... 113
Association of Structu ral
of tile PhilippInes

CHAPTEli 2 - Minimum DeSign Loads

The following terms are defined for use in this chapter:
ACCESS FLOOR SYSTEM is an assembly consisting
of panels mounted on pedestals to pr9vide an under-floor
201.1 Scope
This chapter provides minimum design load requirements for the design of buildin
gs, towers and other vertical structures. Loads and appropriate load combination
which have been developed to be used together, for strength design and al!owa~le
stress design are set forth.
space for the installations of mechanical, electrical, communications or similar
systems or to serve as an air-supply or return-air plenum.
AGRICULTURAL BUILDING is a stmeture designed and constructed to house farm imple
ments, hay, grain, poultry, Ii vestock or other horticultural products. The
stmcture shall not be a place of human habitation or a place of employment where
agricultural products are processed, treated, or packaged, nor shall it be a pl
used by the public_
proportioning and designing structural members such that elastically computed st
resses produced in the members by nominal loads do not exceed specified allowabl
e stresses (also called working stress design).
ASSEMBLY BUILDING is a building or portion of a
building for such worship, awaiting for the gathering together of 50 or more per
sons pUfl)oses as deliberation, education, instruction, entertainment, amusement
, drinking or dining, or transportation.
AWNING is an architectural projection that provides
weather protection, identity or decoration and is wholly supported by the buildi
ng to which it is attached.
BALCONY, EXTERIOR, is an exterior floor system
projecting from and supported by a structure without additional independent supp
DEAD LOADS consist of the weight of all materials ancl fixed equipment incorpora
ted into the building or other structure.
DECK is an exterior floor system supported on at least two opposing sides by an
adjacent structure anci/or posts, piers, or other independent supports.
ESSENTIAL FACILITIES arc buildings. towers and
other vertical structures that arc intended to remain operational in the event o
f extreme environmental loading from wind or earthquakes.
FACTORED LOAD is the product of a load specified in Sections 204 through 208 and
a load factoL See Section
203.3 for combinations of factored loads.
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volurne 1


CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads
GA RAG E is a building or portion thereof in which motor vehicle containing flam
mable or combusHble liquids or gas in its tank is stored, repai red or kept. GAR
A GE, PRIVATE, is a bu ilding or a portio n of a building, not more than 90 111
2 in area, in which only motor vehicles used by the tenants of the building or b
uil din gs on lhe premises are kepi or stored. LIMIT STATE is a condit ion beyon
d whicJ; i\ structure or member becomes unfi t for service and is judged to be
Any masonry or concrete walt that supports m ore than 2.90 kN/m of vertical load
in addition to its Own weigh!.
EXTERIOR WALL is any wa ll or elemen t of a wall, Or any membcr or group of memb
ers , that defines th e exterior bound aries or courts of a build in g an d that
has a slope of 60 degrees or greutcr with th e horizontul plane. NONBEARIN G WA
LL is any wall thaI is not a bearin g wall. PARAPET W AL L is Ihat part of any w
all entirely above Ihe roof linc. RETA INING WALL is a wall designed to resist t
he lateral displacement of soil or other materials.
no longer useful for its intended func tion (serviceability
limit state) or
be unsafe (strength limit state).
LI VE L O ADS are those loads produced by the use and occupancy of the building
or Olher structure and do nOl include dead load, construction load. or environme
ntal loads suc h as wind load, earthquake load and nuid load. LOADS are forces o
r other actions that result from the weight of all bu ilding materials. occupant
s and their possess ions. environmental effects. differential movements, and res
trained dimensional changes. Penn ancnt loads are those load s in which variatio
ns over lime are rare or o f small magnitud e. All other loads are vari able loa
d,. LOAD A ND RES ISTAN CE F ACTOR DES IGN (LRF D) M ETHOD is a me thod of propo
rtioning and designing structural elements using load and resistance factors suc
h that no applicable limit state is reached when the struc ture is subjected 10
all a ppropriate load combinations. The term "LRFO" is used in the design of sle
el stru ctures. MA RQ UEE is a permanent roofed stru cture attac hed to and supp
orted by Ihe buildi ng and projecting over public right-of-way. O CC UPANCY is t
he purpose for th at a bu ilding, or part the reof, is used or intended to be us
ed . STR E NG TH DESIGN is a method of proportioning and designing stnlctural me
mbers such that the computed forces produced in the members by the factored load
do not exceed the member design strength . The term strength design is used in
the design of co nc rete stnlclllres. 202. 1 Wa lls B EA RI NG WALL is any wall
meeting either of the following class i fications:
Any metal or wood stud wall that slipports more thall
1.45 kN/1ll of ven ical load in addition to its own weigh!.
Associa tion of Structural Engineers of the Philippine s

CHAPTE R 2 - Minimum Design Loads

0.9 D+ 1.6 IV + J.6H O.9D+1.0E+1.6H
203.1 General
Buildings. towers and other vertical SUl lctu rcs and <'\11 portions thereo f sh
all be designed to resisl the load co mbinations speci fi ed in Section 203.3 O[
203.4 and, where required by Section 208, or Chapter 4 and the special seismic
load combinations of Secti on 203.5.
T he most critica l effec l ca n occ ur whe n o ll e or more o f lhe contribut i
ng loads 3rc not ac ting . All appli cab le loads sha ll be considered. includin
g both eanhquake and wind, in accord ance with the spec ified load co mbin atio
whe re:
= 1.0 ror fl oors in pl aces of publi c assembl y. ror li ve
load s in excess,of 4 .8 kPa, and for garage live load
= 0.5 ror olher live loads
203.3.2 Other Loads Where P is to be consi dered in des ign, {he applica ble loa
d shall be added lo Seclio n 203.3. 1 ractored as 1.21'. 203.4 Load Combinations
Using Allowable Stress
203.2 Symbols and
D = dead load =
aximum earthquake
de veloped in the

eart hqu ake load sel rorth in Section 208.5. 1 Em = estimated m
force that ca n be
structure as sel fort h in Sec ti o n

203.4.1 Basic Load Combinations

W here all owable stress design (working stress des ign) is used. structures and
all portio ns thereof shall resist the rnos t critical effects res ulting from
th e foll owing co mbinations of loads: .
208.5. 1.1
= load du e lO Oui ds wil h well-d e r,ned press ures and
due lO lat eral pressure of so il and water in soil L = live load , except roof
live load , incl udin g any permitted li ve load reducti on Lr = roof live lond
, including a ny permitted li ve load reducti on I' = pondi ng load R rain load
on thc undef1ec(cd roo f r = selr-straining fo rce and e rrects arising rrom con
t raction or ex pansion resulting from tcmpcrarurc cha nge. shrinkage. llloislU
rc cha nge. c reep in componelll materials, movement due 10 di ffe re nt ial sct
tl ement . o r comb inations thcreof . IV = load due (Q wi nd pressure
= load
maximum heights

V+F D+H+F+L +T
(203-8) (203-9) (203- 10)
D + Ii + F + (L,o,. 1/)
D+ N + F +0.75[L+ T (L,or R)]
(203-1 1)
D + N+ F+ (II' o r E)
(203- 12)
No increase in a llowab le stresses shall be used wi lh these load co mbinati on
s except as specifica ll y permitlcd by Secli on 203.4.2.
203.3 Load Combinations using Strength Design or Load and Resistance Factor Desi
gn 203.3.1 Basic Load Combinations
Where load and rcsi.'itancc fac tor des ig n is ll sed, stru c tures :md a ll po
rtions thereof sha ll resist the most c riti ca l erfects rrom the fo ll uw ing
co mbinati o ns of factored loads:
IA(V+ F)
(203 -1 ) (2OJ-2) (203 -3)
1.2(V + F + r)+ 1.6(L + H)+ O.S(L,o,-ll) 1.2D + 1.6(L, 0 '- R) ... ([, Lo,- O.8W
) 1.2 V + 1.6IV + J,L+O.5( L, 0,-11)
1.2D+ I. OE+/i L
(203-4 ) (203 -5 )
N"_1IiOrlcJI Structural Code of tile Philippine s 6
Edition Volume 1

CHAPTER 2 .- Minimum Design Loads
203.4.2 AHernate "asic Loa d Combinations
In lieu of (he basic load combinations specifi ed in Section 203.4. I , stJ1J ct
llrcs and portions thereof shall be permitted to be designed for the most critic
al effects resulting from the following load combinations. When using these all
emalc basic load combinations, a onethird increase shall be permitted in all owab
le stresses ror all combinations, including W or E.
+F + 075[ L+ L, +( W or I/~: J ]
(203- 13) (203- 14) . (203 -1 5) (203- 16) (203 -1 7)
O.60D+W+H O.60 D + +H
D + L + L,(or R)
D+ L+W D + L+
203.4.3 Ot her Loads Where r is to be considered ill design, eac h app li cable
lo ad shall be added to th e co mbin ati ons s pec ifi ed in See, io ns 203.4.1
and 203.4 .2. 203.5 Special Seismic Load Combinations
For both allowable stress design and strength des ign, the following spec ial lo
ad combinations for seismic desi gn s hall be used as speci fi call y required b
y Secti on 208, or by Chap,ets 3 ,hro ugh 7.
1.2D+/,L+ I .OE", 0.9D I.OE",
wh ere:
(203- 19) (20320)
1.0 for noors iii placcs of pu blic assembl y. for live loads in excess of 4.8 k
P<I. and for glJnlge liv.:.lo<ld. ::; 0.5 for olher live loads Em := th e Il1tlX
illl ll J1l effect or horizontal tllld verti cal forces as scl fon h in Section
208.5. 1.1
Association of Structurfl ! Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads

Table 204- 1 Mi nimum Densities for Design Loads fro m Materials (kN/m3) Ma teri
Alumi num DilUllunous Products Asphaltum Graphite " Paraffin ........ ,.........
.. .
PelroJeum, crude
26.7 12.7
Lead .................................. .
Lime Hydrated. k>ose ............... .................. .. Hydrated. compac1ed .
................. .. Masonry. Ashlar Stone Granite Limestone. crystalline: Limes
tone. oolitic ........ _.. ....... .. Marble ... Sandstone ..... Masonry. Brick
Hard (low absorption) Medium (medium absorption) Soft (high absorption) ........
. ... MASONRY. Conc rete (solid ponion) Lightweight un its Med ium weight units
Normal weight uni ts ................... ... Masonry grout Masonry. Rubble Slone
Granite Limestone. crysta lline Limestone. oolitic Marble ....... ........ ...
........ ... ............ .. ................... . Sandstone Mortar, cement or l
ime Particle board Plywood Riprap (nol nubmerged ) Li mesto ne
Densit y
Petroleum. refined.
Petroleum. benzine ...... .
Petroleum, gasoline Pitch ................. .
Bronze .....
Cas(~slone masonry (cement. slone, sand) Cement, port land, loose ..............
............................................ . Ceramic tile . ..................
......................... .
8.8 8.6 7.9 7.2 6.6 10.8 11 .8 82.6 86.7 22.6
25.9 25.9
27.2 22.6
20.4 18.1 I S.7
Charcoal ...................... . Cinder fin ................................. C
inders, dry, in bulk .................................................... .
Coal Anthracite, piled Bituminous, piled Ligni te. piled PCilt, dry. piled ... C

oncrete. Plain Cinder ........ .... ... ...

9.0 7.1 8.2
7.4 7.4 3.6
16.5 19.6
21.2 22.0
23. 1
21.7 24 .5 21.5 20.4
17.0 15.7 Haydi te (bumed-clay aggregate) ......... ....... ................. ..
... \4 .1 Slag ................. . 20.7 SlOne 22.6 Vermiculi te and perlite Ilgg
rcgalc. nonload- bcaring ... 3.9-7.9 Other lighl aggregate. load bearing .11.016.5
Expanded-s lag aggregate
13.0 14.1
14. 1
Concrctc. Reinforced
Cinder .................................. .
...................... _ ............................................... . 2 1.7
Slone. (including gra\lel) ............................. . 23.6 Copper . Cork.
compresseiJ ....... . ................................. ..... ....... . 87.3 2.2
C lean and df)' River. dry ....................................... .
11 .0
17.0 15.1
Earth (nol subme rged) Clay. dry Clay. damp ..... . Clay and gravel. dry .......
................. . Silt. moist. loose ... Silt. moist, packed Silt, flowing ...
. Sand and gra\le!. dry. loose _ Sand and gra\lel. dry. packed ........... _ ...
. _ ............................. Sand and gravel. wet..
9.9 17.3 15.7 12.3 15. 1 17.0 15.7 17.3 18.9
11.0 14. 1

Bank scrccnings Machine Sand ..

27.0 77.3
\5.1 14 .9
S teel. cold-drawn . Slone. Quarried. Piled Basalt. grani1e. gneiss ...........
_ ................ . Limestone, marble. quartz Sandstone ... .......... ........
............. ....... ...... . Shale Greenstone. hornblende
TeCT3. COlla, Archi tectural Voids filled Voids unfilled
Earth (sublncrgcd)
Soi l ................. .. River mud S:lnd or ;,,1 "vel ........................
. ................ . Sand o r gra\lel <lOti clay .............. ..... . Glass ..
. Gra\lel. dry .. Gypsum. loose GYPSUlll. w:ltlbu;Ird kc
Tin Water Fresh Sea
.... 11.3 72. 1 9.8
10. 1
. ................................ .
10.2 25. 1 1603
7.9 9.0
Wood (see Table 6.2 for relative de nsities for Philippine wood )
Zinc, rolled !'iheel
Cast Wrought
70.7 7.SA
National Structural Code o f the PI1i lippines 6 Edition Volume 1

CHAPTER 2 - Minimurn Design Loads
Table 204-2 Minimum Design Dead Loads (kPa) (Use actual loads when available)
0.008 0.24 0.38
Component FLOOR FILL
CEILINGS Acoustical Fiber Board
Gypsum Board (per mill
Exterior stud walls:
thickness) Plaster on tile or concrete
Plaster on wood lath
Mechanical duct allowance ....... 0.20
Cinder concrete, per mill .......... 0.017 Lightweight concrete, pcr mm .0.015 S
and, per mm ........................ 0.015 Stone concrete, per mm ............ 0
SOx I (X)
mill @
400 mm, IS-1l11ll
0.10 Suspended meta! lath and cement
Suspended steel channel system plaster
FLOOR AND FLOOR FINISHES Asphalt block (50 rnm), 13 mill
mortar ... .. .......... 1.44 Cement finish (25 mm) on stoneconcrete fil!.. .. .
............... 1.53 Ceramic or quarry tile (20 mm) on 13 mill mortar bed ......
....... 0.77 Ceramic or quarry tile (20 mm) on 25 mm 111011ar bed .............
1.1 0 Concrete fill finish (per mm thickncss) .............................. 0.0
23 Hardwood flooring, 22 rnrn ........ 0.19 Linoleum or aspbalt tiie, 6mm ... 0.
05 Marble and mOJ1ar on stoneconcrete fill ............................. 1.58 Sl
ate (per mm thickness) .......... 0.028 Solid Oat tile on 25 mm mortar base.. .
.......................... 1.10 Subflooring, 19 mill ................... 0.14 Te
rrazzo (38 mm) directly on slab.. .. ................................ 0.91 Terra
zzos (25 mm) on stoneconcrete fill ............................ !.53 TClTilzZO (
25 mm), 50 Illm stone concrete.. ...1.53 Wood block (76 mm) on mastic, no fill..
.................. 0.48 Wood block (76 mm) 011 J3 rnm mortar base ........ ....
......... ...... 0.77
0.72 0,48

Suspended metal lath and

gypsum plaster Wood fUITing suspension
gypsum, insulated, 10-mm siding ................................. 0.53 SOx 150 m
Ol @ 400 mm, I5mlll gypsum, insulated, 10-mm siding ....................... 0.57
Exterior ~tlld wall with brick veneer 2.30 Windows, glass, frame and sash 0.38 C
lay brick wythes:
COVERINGS, Roof and Wall
Asphalt shingles ......................... 0.10 Cement tile ....................
.............. 0.77 Clay tile (for mortar add 0,48 kPa) Book (ile, 50 mill .....
.............. 0.57 Book tile, 75 flun .................. 0.96 Ludowici .. .....
........................... 0.48 Roolan... . .......................... 0.57 Spa
nish. .. ........................ 0.91 Composition: Three-ply ready roofing ....
...... 0.05 Four-ply fclt and gravel ........... O.26 Five-ply felt and gravel .
.......... 0.29 Copper or tin ............................ 0.05 Comlgated asbest
os-cement roofing .................................... 0.19 Deck, metal 20 gage.
. ............ 0.12 Deck, metal, 18 gage ................... 0.14 Fiberboard, 1
3 1llJ11 . . .......... 0.04 Gypsum sheathing, 13 mIll ......... 0.10 Insulation
, roof boards (per mm thickness) Cellular glass 0.0013 0.0021 Fibrous glass 0.00
28 Fiberboard Perlite 0.0015 0.0004 polystyrcne foam Urethane foam with skin 0.0
009 Plywood (per mm thickness) 0.0060 Rigid Insulation, 13 mrn . 0.04 Skylight,
metal frame, J 0 nun wirc glass 0.38
1.87 3.80 5.50 7.42 CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS
200mm 300 mill 400mm Hollow Concrete Masonry units (Unplastered, add 0.24 kPa fo
r each face plastered) Grout : Wythe thickness (mm) Spacing : 100 ; 150 200 1_6.
5 kN/m, Density o( Un!t
CijJj'I.15 ,
1.40 . 1.53 1.63
400 .......... !~J2rJ 192-1254 " Full '2.50 ,2.63 '359'
6oii ' .. "--'i:so"
148 . 2:6 i
!Y..~~~/~11.l.}2~.r"\_~.i~X.?r Un it
1.24 1.59 1.69 1.98 2.69 1.87 2.11 2.82
800 600 .

1.34 I. 72
. 2:44 .
. 282 . 3:88
172 . 2.25
, ..
FLOORS, WOOD-JOIST (no plaster)
Joist Sizes
~gist SpacinE
- - - - _ .......
- -.----.~~-.-,
300 .
' 4(JtJ"-' . 6tJtJ"
.. --;
50xl50 .1..i 0.30
mm 0.25
21.2 .k.r~.r~ny. _p~,~~,i.tX(}r~J[.lJt !'l_ogr."Ol!t '1 .J.}? __ . 1.44 ?99. I. _
}}1_..! 1.82
0.30 i 0.30 1.50x200 50x250 i IUS .r:o..3i>~-l 50x300 0.40 0.35
0.25 0.30 0.30
1.83 .. L 1.96 2.13 2.2 . r 2.84 " 2.97!
r '1;8~ : : L. 2.39
292 . 3:97 .

Movable steel partitions ... 0.19 Wood or steel studs, ! 3 mill gypsum board eac
h side.. . 0.38 Wood studs, 50 x 100, unplastcred 0.19 Wood studs 50 x 100, plas
tered one side.. .. .......................... 0.57 Wood studs 50 x 100, plaster
ed two side ... .. ...................... 0.96
Slate, 6 mm Waterproofing membranes: Bituminous, gravel-covered. 0.26 Bituminous
, smooth surface .0.07 Liquid, applied ..................... 0.05 Single-ply, sh
eet ................... 0.03 Wood Sheathing (per mOl thickness) ................
............ 0.0057 Wood Shingles ........................... 0.14
0.34 0.48
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTER 2 -. Minimum Design Loads

204.1 General
205.1 General Live loads shall be the maximum loads expected by the intended use
or occupancy but in no case shall be less than the loads required by thi s sect
ion. 205.2 Critical Distribution of Live Loads Where structural members are arra
nged continuity, members shall be designed using conditi ons, which would cause
maximum bending moments. Tbis requirement may tic accordance with the provisions
of Section 205.4.2, where applicable. 205.3 rloor Live Loads 205.3.1 General fl
oors shall be designed for Ihe unit live loads as set forth in Table 2051. These
loads shall be taken as the minimum live loads of horizontal prOjection to be us
ed in the design of buildings for the occupancies listed, and loads <ltleast equ
al shall be assumed for uses not listed in this sec tion but that creates or acc
ommodates similar loadings.
Dead loads consist of the weight of all materials of construction incorporated i
nto the building or olher struclUrc. including bUI not limited to walls, floors,
roofs. ceilings. stairways, buill-in partiti ons. finishes, cladding and other
similarly incorporated architectural and stmcLUrill items, and fixed se rvice eq
uipm ent, including the weight of cmlles.
204.2 Weights of Materials and Constructions
The actual weights of materials and constructions shall be: used in determining
dead loads for purposes of design. In the absence of definite illfonnation, it s
hall be permitted to use the minimum values in Tables 204-1 and 204-2 .
204.3 Partition Loads
to create the loading shear and satisfied in 205.3.2 or
Floors in office buildings and other buildings where partition locations arc sub
ject to change shall be designed 10 suppon, in add ition to all otiter loads, a
uniform ly distributed dead load equal to 1.0 kPa of floor area.
Where it can be determined in designing fl oors that the actu al li ve load wi l
l be grea ter (han {he value shown ill Table 205-1, the actual live load shall b
e used in the design of such buildings or ponions th ereof. Special provisions s
haH be made for machine and apparatus loads.
205.3.2 Distribution of Uniform Floor Loads Where unifonn fl oor loads are i nvo
l ved, consideration may be limited to fu ll dead load on all spans ill co mbin
ation with full live load on adjHccllt spans and alternate spans. 205.3.3 Concen
trated Loads Floors shall be designed to SU ppOrl safely the un iformly distribu
ted li ve loads prescribed in this section or the co ncentrated load given in Ta
ble 205 ~ 1 whichever produces the greatest load effects. Unless otherwise speci
fied the indica ted concentration slwll be assumed to be uniformly di stributed
over an area 750 mill square and shall be located so as to produce the lIlOlximu
m load effects in the slruclUral mcmber.
ProviSion shall be made ill areas where vehicles are used or stored for concentr
ated loads, L, co nsi sting or tw o or more loads spaced 1.5 III nomi na ll y on
ce ntcr without uniform live loads. Each IO(ld shall be 40 percen t of the
National Structural CoeJe of the Pl1ilippine s 6\11 Edition Volum e 1

CHAloTER 2-- Minimum Desi(Jn Loads
gross weight of the maximum size vehicle to be accommodated. Parking garages for
the storage of private or pleasure-type motor vehicles with no repair or refuel
ing shall have a floor system designed for a
accordance with Section 203.3 or 203.4 as appropriate, producing the greatest st
resses shall govern.
concentrated load of not less than 9 kN acting on an area of 0.015 rn 2 without
uniform live loads. The condition of concentrated or uniform live load, combined
205.3.4 Special Loads Provision shall be made for the special vertical and later
loads as set forth in Table 205-2.
Table 205-1 - Minimum Uniform and Concentrated Live Loads
Use Category
1. Access floor systems
Computer use
. 4.8
Office use
0 7.2 2. Armories I--------------+----------i----------------------2.9 0 Fixed sea
ts 3. Theaters, assembly areas J and auditoriums. Movable seats Lobbies and plat
forms Stages areas
4. Bowling alleys, poolrooms and similar recreational areas
5. Catwalk for maintenance access 4.8 4.8
o o o o
- - - - 1 - - - - .---.--3.6
6. Cornices and marquees

- - - - - - - - - - -..- .--.-.-----..- --.----.--.-----... --- _ . _--_._-----1

o o
7. Dining roOnls and restaurants
I O. Hospitals
8. Exit facilities 5 4.8 ---------. - . - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .--..----.----11----.- .--..-----..---.General storage and/or re
pair 4.8 - . - -..---------.--.-- --.-.-.-...---------- '- - - - - - - - 1 9. Ga
rages Private or pleasure-type 1110tor 1.9 -'-vc"I"'1i"'c.::lc'--,,5("'0o.ra'"g"
'>c'-_ _
+ __._________+____._._ . ___. _.__
0 _.0 . _ _ ." __
Wards and rooms Laboratories & operating
4.5 '
I--;-;----:--,---;;--~-+-------------------4.5 2
f-____~r..::o~o_"Ill.::S'- _______ . __.____
o~"'o_._~_~._. _. _______ _
Corridors above ground floor 3.8 - - - - - - -_._- --- -- - - - - - + - _ . _ - - _ ._ _._--_.__._-_. _. _------_._._------ Reading rooms 2.9 1------_--------__
---- - - - - I I. Libraries 7.2 Stack roOIllS Corridors above ground floor 3.8
4.5 _... _..._- - - -4.5
4.5 '
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -----__ ------------1--- - - - - - ._
_._---------_._--9.0 2 Light 60 ______--_-1----12. Manufacturing
----------_... _ . ._ . _------- _ .. _ - - - ' - - Heavy
12.0 13.4 2
Association of Structural Engineers of the Ptlilippines

CHAPTER 2 . Minimum Design Loads

..,......... ,. ......
_. -.....
...... ... . ... .. .. ... . .,_ .. "-,, .......
Usc 01' Occupancy .._-- ..._'....... . _.... .. _- --- ._.,. ....... ...... Desc
ription ..,
- .. _-Uniform Load 1 .. .. -..,.---..-.... . .. ... -. kPa
~- - ,
-_ ........ _..Load _-- _ ... - .....
9 .0
.. _.....
------Lobbies & ground floor
13. Office
Ca ll Ce llters & B PO conidors Orrices
2 .9
9.0' 9.0 11.0 ' 9.0 '
Building corridors above Brou nd floor Press rooms 14. Print ing plants Composin
g and linotype rooms
7.2 4.8
-1.9 2.9' 1.9' 1.9

Basic floor area

15. Rcsidelllial 8 Ex tcrior balcon ies Decks Storage 16. Rcs lroo ms
0 0
--17. Reviewing sl<Incls, grands tands, Bleachers, and folding and telescoping sea
tin g .... ..
---_ _-_
18. Roof decks
Same as area served or Occupancy Cla ssrooms
-45 ' 45 4.5
19. Schools
Corridors above ground Ooor Ground Ooor corridors
3.8 4.8
12.0 0.0
20. Sidewalks a nd drive ways 21. Storage
Public access
Lig ht ---------.---_ Heavy
_---_._---- _..---------- --_.-,-,

4.5 2
13.4 1
--22. Stores
21 Pedcstrian bridges and walkways
Nores fOR TMnE 205/ See Scctioll 205.5 j(Jr live food reciuctiollJ. S('c S/'uil}l
l 205.J.3.jint paragmph./or Ol"/'lIlI/ loud
A'{:rt' lIIbly ar('os inc/llt/l' .mel! OCCllf)(III(it',~ ar(' W"lI'mlly aC("/',\'
.\ihle to til{! flublie.
dlllln' I/(//ls, Ilrill room.". Rymllfl.filllll.f. pla.l"~I"OIIIIl!.r. I'!(/Ul.~
. /rrr(lc('s (Illd .I'ill/ifa l" occllpmlC'i('s that
F Ol" Jpe C"i{/('fmrf!(ls{~ rollfl'. sa Sectioll 205.-1.4, I:.:,ril/Clcilitie.l'
.I-/W/l ill l"llldl' .\"I(ch 11X(',t (/lui .Iimilt,, lur .(.
(I,t /'rIITidol".\' .I'en'ill}; lII/I/I '("/ I{lfll1I
load 0/ I() o/" morc " cr.tll lI s. c.l'IcriOI' exit baIroil ii'S, ,I/(/irll'(IJ
'J, fin'
Im/il idllal sll/il" tr('ml.l sh/lll hi' des;gll(,(/ to .III/'/Io,--t a 1.3 /.;N ('
oll('('l lll'(I(('d !lIad plw,(,(f in a posit;ulI thaI would rall.fl' /111J.rill
lllll! .~/r('ss. Swir slri"I-It'r.f ilia)' hI' de.\"I);IU:,tl fin the ul/ijt".m
IO(ld ofC'1/orJlI ill tilt' Ie/hit'.
Stl~ 051'( '(;011 205 ..1.3.f('coll(/,mmgraph, /tJf (,(lIIcctl/ml('d lom/.f. Srr
1'0"'1' 2052 fi"'I'('hk/~ Im'-rier~.
flu.'.\' (In' tI.lsm ;a(('(I. but /l~('d 1/tIi c.n,:(,l'l/ 2.4 kP(I .

RI'.\irh!l/tin( o('n lp(ll/tir.f iI/dud., I'riwlIl! dwl'ifillg.f. (111(11"11111'11

1$ lilli' hOld guest 1"/10111.1 '.
/(lOc/.f sllall 1101 Ill:
IlIml Ihe' load for 111(' ocne{l(lIIcy wil h whl<__"
National S truc tural CorJe or
Philippinos G Edition Volume 1

CHAPTEli 2. ... Minimum Design Loads
Table 205-2 Special Loads'
Usc or Occupancy
Vertical Latera! _+_--"L",o:"""d__-i-._}__ o_"_d__
NOlexfor Table 205-2
___ C_ -a_tc-,g,-o_r'-Y___ j ___ ~~~criJ!_I._i(_"_'_I___ k_P_"_-----j __.-.:k.-.
nJe tabulated loods orl' minimlllll /i)(Jds. Where olher ver/iml by Ihis code or
reqllired hy thl' design would ((JUSI' gn'(l/er Slre.I'.\'<'S, Ihey slwll be us
ed. Loads are ill kPo linkss ()/h('l'll'isl' illdiclIl{'d in Ihe rab/I'.
(Jnils is kNlm.
/..tl/{'rol .\'\\'0)' I){(/I'illg loads of 350 Nlm {Jarallel (Ill/I 145 Nlm perp
endiclIl(lr.I' 10 sl'a( (lnd jO{)(/)ow<i.l'.
public access al site (live load)
stands bleachers, and folding and Seals and footboards
Note 3
Docs flOlllPI)!.\' 10 cl'ilings thm hlll'{' ,wjfid('1JI tlJlIll (len'.I's ji'OII

I be/ow. ,I'l/ch llial o('n'ss is 1101 rt'qllircd lI'ililin Ihe sllIln' a/Jo\'!!
(he cciling. 00('.\' no( IIpply II! Ct'iliIJg.l if (he IIl1ic areos ohm'!' fhe c
d/ing {Ire 1101 pr(Jllidei/ with access. This hl'e loud IIt'NjIlO( IN' considere
d (/.1' w:lillg simu/wl/collsly lI'ilh other lil'(, /(JUd.I' imposed UpOIl (Iu'
ailillg framing or ils supporting s(rw'IJ/J'{'.
The impact jacfOrs included arl' Jor cram's with .,'ted lI'ilee/.I' riding Oil ,
wed rails, TIJ<'y ilia), be modified if SlIbsf(lntilllillg {ecllnical data accep
wble 10 fhe bllildillg official ix SlIlimilled. Live loads Oil crt/ne support Ri
rders omi Iheir COlll1ectiollS shall
seating (live load) 3.
Stage accessories (live
._----.2.4 i___________ I-'c~~.~<?,!~~oo~~._ ._~ __ ..____ .______ ~
projection and
Over stages
Ceiling framing (live load)
All uses
he taken as the lIJaximllll! ('/'{IIIC wheel loads, For IH'IU/OIII operated traw
'fing crane support girders olld their cOllnectiollS, rhe imp(/ctJactors shall b
e I. JO. nJis applies in the ilifl'Clioll parallel to (hl' rullway mils {longitu
dinal}. The jaclor Jor Jorces p<'Ipelldiclilaf 10 Ihe mil is 0.20 x Ihe 11'(II/S
I'('I'se Iml'eling IO(lds (trolley, cab, /looks olld IIIfI'd loads). Forccs shal
l be appfi{'d (If lOp oj rail (llld lIIay be disturbed omong rails of mllllip/1'
rail C/,{lIIe,~ and shall he dislrilmted with duc regard for latNal s(if/tI('SS
of (hc Sll'IIctllres
except over
. stages ._"_ ... _____ ..,_.
0.5 <1
supporting the.~e rails. 7 A load per lincal ml'ter (kNIIII) /() be applicd hori
zontally at right
(lllgk~ 10

0.25 interior walls, 1~6-.~E-'-~'l-'-c-'-va-'-t-'-o-rs-'-'-'-In-'-d:""'-+~~----- ~---------I-~~--i

dumbwaiters (dead and live ~____~I(~"~II~ls~)____~
Partitions and
fhl' fOp rail.
Intermediate rails, panel fillers (lnd thl'ir CO/lnectiolls shall be capable OJW
ifhstaliding (j load oj 1.2 kP(I applied horizonta!!., al
2 x total loads
(1.I 0
Cranes (dead
and live loads)
including impact
1,25 x IOlal load'\
righl (lllglcs 01'1'/' Iht' entire triblltal), area. ille/llding openings alld s
paces helween rails. Reaclioll.\' du' 10 Ihis loading /lccd nol be combined with
those oj Footnotc 7. v A horizontal load in kN applied (If right (lngh's /(J Ihl
' I'I'hic1t~ barrier (If a heifilll of 450 1/1/11 (I/;m'e rhe parking surfllC!'.
The jorce may be di.Hriiulfed (11'1'1' a 300-111I1I',Wf/lare orca,
increase ----------':xit fac;ii!T~s
total loado
serving an
occupant load
greater than
0.75 kN/m
The 111OllIJtillg : oj handrails .1'1/(/11 be such that the complcted handrail (
lnd slIpportillg strU('llIn' art' cupabh' (~( \\'i(hs/(Iliding a load oj (J[ lea
st 890 N applied ill alii' directioll 1It aNI' {loill( 0/1 Ihl' fail, Tln's(' lo
ads s/Jal! nol /)(' (/.~'.\'lmJ('d to (lC( ('lIlIlI/lmiH'I\' with Itcm 9.
\/(~l'Iiclll membas oj stora[ie /'(Icks ,I'hal! hc prol('c/ed from impact Jorces
(!( opef(llill[i equip/llelil. or rocks shal! 1)(' designed so that fiji/un' (!
( 0111' l'erticalll!(,lIIber \l'il/llot CO lise cof/opse oj 1/101'1' 1/)0/1 tile
bny or !J(/ys dircctly supported hy Iha/lIJember.
Balcony railings

and guardrails
50 1-=----1----1--__-Other than exit facilities
Thl' 1.1 kN load is to be applied to (111.1' single fire sprillkler support poil
lt hilt flOl simult(llu'OI(.\'/Y to 01/ ,\'II/>porl joillts.
27 kN'
S('l' Noll' I()
f-------.------- 9.
Vehicle barriers J-landrails
Over 2.4
! J. Storage racks
12. Fire sprinkler
1.1 kN plus
stnJctural support
weight of
See Note 10 See Table 208-/2 See Tahfe
----- -- - Ii 208-/2 _. _______i.~~~c____"_______ _
Association of Structural Engineers of Ole Philippines

CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design loads

Table 205-3 Minimum Roof Live Loads
,.---- -- _ . _ - - - METHOD I
I. Flat J or rise less than 4 units vcnidb.l in 12 ullit s horizontal (33.3% slo
pe). Arch and dome with rise less than one-eighth of span.
2. Rise 4 units verti cal
10 less than 12 units vertical in 12 unit s horizontal (33.3% to less than 100%
slope). Arch and dome wi th rise one-cig})!h of span 10 less than
Tributary Area (m') to 20 20 to 60 lOver 60 Uniform Load (kPa)
Uniform Load 2 (k Pa)
METHOD 2 Rate of Reduction ,
(percen tage)
0 .08
three-eighths of span. 3. Ri se 12 units vertical in 12 units horizolllal (100%
slope) and greater. Arch or dome with risc three-eig hths o f

0 .60
0 .60
No reduction permifted
span or greater.
4. Awnings except cloth covered . " 0,25 0,25 0.50 0,25 0.50 025 -- ---, 0,50
5, Greenhouses,
lath agri cu ltural buildings . 5
----- ------- - ------ ------ ------,.,... ".
houses and
For sJ1ectnl'l'urpos~ mnf.f. -W't: Sl'ct/OII 205.4.4. 5u Sections 205,5 (1//(/ 2
05.6 for /itf!/ond reductions, Th(' rare (If "'dllC/ioll r ill EqullIi(lll 205/ ,fh
(1I1I)~ (IS ;lIdicatf'd ill Ih~ lobiC'. '/1". max;1I/lfm redllnion. R, s/ItIIIIl
()Il'xcecd Ih ~ l'{l/lfC' illfJiI:nI('d ill the /OhI~. A fI(1I roof is (III)" mn
j wil/) a slope le.n tlul/J 1/4 wlil I'erti, (I/ i ll 12 lill i/of Ir nrhmllll/
(2% slo!,e). The 1;1'(' /11(1(/ fllr filii raoff is ill (ldtiilinll /(J lilt J'r
mdiIrg hKul required h.I' Sf'nim/ 206.7. SI'(' dl'jilll/imf it! S,,tioll 202. Sl'e
SC'c/ifm 205.4.4.fllr , 'WII 'c'lllm/i'd load "('(Illiremenu .for lU'(>I,"hOlHC
rool flU'wbers,
2()5.4 Roof Live Load s 205.4, I General
Roofs shall be designed for the un;( live loads. L" set fonh in Table 205-3, The
li ve loads shall be assumed to act vertically lipoll the area projected 011 a
horizontal plane.
For th ose conditi ons where light ~g agc metal preformed structural .sheets ser
ve as the SUpp0l1 and finish of roofs , roof slructum l members <lITangcd to cre
ate continuity shall be considered adequate if designed for full dead loads on a
ll spans in combination wi th the most cri tical one of the following superimpos
ed loads: I. The uniform roof live load. Ln set forth in Table 205) on all s pil
ns. 2. A conccnlr<ued gravity load, Ln of 9 kN plnced on any span supporting a t
ributary ,uea greater than 18 111 2 to creat e maximum st resses in the member,
whenever this loadi ng creales greater stresses than those caused by the uniform
live load . The concenl rated load shall bc placed on the member over a length
of 750 mill along the span. The concentrated load need 110t be applied to more t
han one span sillHl!tanc()usl y,
Water <'lCculllulmioll as prescrihed in Section 206.7.

205.4.2 Distribution of Luads

Where uiliform roof loads arc involved in the design of $tructural Illcmbcr$ arr
anged to create continu ity, consideration may be limited to full dc,ld load$ 01
1 all spans in co mbination with full roof live loads on adjacent spans and on a
l ternate spans.
Exceptio'l: Altenzate spa~1 loading need flot be considered where the uniform ro
of live load is 1.0 kPa 'or more.
National Structural CO(j G of U18 PhiliPPUHJS 6 Edition VOIUI11e 1

CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design l.oads
205.4.3 Unbalanced Loading Unbalanced loads shall be used where such loading wil
l result in larger members or connections. Trusses and arches shall be designed
to resist the stresses caused by unit live loads on one half of the span jf such
The live load reduction shall not exceed m i' Ci,-'~: l4 t ;n garages for the sto
rage of pri vate pleasure cars havius. a capaci ty of not more than nine passeng
ers per veh icle. 205.6 Alternate Floor Live Load Reduction
results in reverse stresses, or stresses greater in any portion than the stresse
s produced by the required unit
live load on the entire span. For roofs whose structures arc composed of a stres
sed shell. framed or solid. wherein s tresses caused by any poim loading arc dis
tributed throughou t the area of the shell, the requirements for unbalanced unit
live load design l11<1y be reduced 50
As an alternate to Equ,Hion (205~ I ), the unil live loads set forth in Table 20
5~1 Illay be reduced in accordance wilh Equation 2053 o~ any member, including Oa
t slabs, having an inOuence area of 40 m 1 or morc.
205.4.4 Special Roof Loads Roofs 10 be used for special purposes shall be design
ed for appropriale loads as approved by Ihe building official. Greenhouse roof b
ars, purlins and rafters shall be designed to carry a 0.45 kN concentrated load.
LT. in addition to the uniform live load 205.5 Reduction of Live Loads The desi
gn live load determined using the IInit live loads as sel fMh in Table 205-1 for
floors and Table 20S-}. Method 2, for roofs may be reduced 011 any member suppo
rting more than 15 m2, including Oat slabs, except for floors in places of publi
c assembly and for live loads greater than 4.8 kPa. in accordance wit h the foll
= influence area, 1112 = reduced design live load per square meler of area suppo
ned by the member L" = unreduced design live load per square meter of area suppo
ned by the member (Table 205-\)
The influ ence area AI is four times the tributary area for a co lumn , two time
s the tributary area for a beam, equal to the panel area for a lW() ~ way slab,
and equ al to the product of the span and th e full flange width for a precast T
-beam The reduced live load s hall nOI be less Ihall 50 percell I of the unit li
ve load La for members receiving load frolll one level only, nor less than 40 pe
rcent of the unit live load La for other members.
R = r(A -15)
(205-1 )
The reduction sha ll not exceed 40 percent for members re<.:eiving load from one
level only, 60 percent for other mcmbers or R. as detemlined by (he following e
R=23. IO+DIL)

of floor or roof supported by the member, square meter, m 2 = dead load per squ
are meIer of area suppo rted by th e member. kPa = uni t live load per square me
Ier of area supported by the member. kPa = reduction in percentage, %. = rate of
reduction equal to 0.08 for nOOni. Sec Table 205-3 for roofs
= area
ror storage loads cx<.:eeding 4.8 kPa, 110 reduction shall bc
Innde. except that design live loads on co lumns may he
reduced 20 perce nt.
Associa tion of S tru cturFlI Engineers of the Pllilippinf)S

CHAPTER 2 .. Minimum DeSIgn Loads

206.1 General JII addition to the olher design loads specified in this chapter.
struC[UrC5 shall be designed to resist Ihe loads specified in thi s section and
the special loads scI forth in Table 205 2. Sec Section 207 for design wind load
s, and Section 208 for design earthquake loads.
206.2 Other Loads Buildings and ot her slnlClures and pOri ions thereof shall
be designed to resist ali loads d ue to app licable fluid press ures. F, lateral
so il pressures, If. p ~ nding loads. P, and self-straining forces, T. Sec Secl
ion 206.7 fo r po nding loads for roofs .
206.5 Interior Wall Loads Interior walls, pcnnancn! partitions and temporary par
titions that exceed I.S 111 in height shall be designed to resist all loads to w
hich they are subjected but not less than a lo.ad, L , of 0.25 kPil applied perp
endi cul ar to the wa ll s. The 0.25 kPa load need 1I0t be applied simultaneousl
y with \vind or seismic loads. The defl ec tion of such walls under it load of 0
.25 kPa shall not exceed 1/240 of the span fm walls with brittle finishes and II
l20 of the span for wall s with flexible finishes. SC,e Table 208-12 for earthqu
ake design requirements where such requirements are more restricti ve.
Excepti(J1J: ..,,'
Ffexible,' jdiding orpor1dki~par(iiioJ):;-,~re. n~l. req~jred 10 ",!f.el ." Ih!!
.::{iJaft.aiiii defl.i!h!iM"((jd.@jfl <:b~( ;'(1I!i~1 be
p'rov;siorjs ojtbis,co'i;J[' . . .
206.3 Impact Loads
The live loads specified in Secti ons 205.3 shall be assumed to include il llow3
ncc for ordinary impacl conditions. Provisions shall be made in the structu ral
design for use s nJld loads thaI in volve unu sual vibration and impact forces.
Sec Section 206.9. 3 for impact loads for cranes, and Section 206.10 for helipor
t an d helistop landing areas.
a~fhori4.7 j(r: ":t~ ~~~~Rp'qf#~g- ~U:fi~i.~ te~~)o' ;fn"et , the
...~.: : -.
206.3.1 Elevators All elevator loads shall be increased by 100% for impacl. 206.
3.2 Machinery Fo r the purpose of design, the weight of machinery and movi ng lo
ads shal! be inc rea~cd as follows to allow for
impact: I.
206.6 Retaining Walls Rerain ing walls shall be designed to resist loads due to
the lateral pressu re of retained material in accordance with accepted engi neer
ing pract ice. Walls retainin g draincd so il, where the surface of the retained
soi l is level, shall be designed for a load, tI, equivalent to that exerted by
a nuid weighing not less than 4.7 kPa per meter of depth and having a depth equ
al to that of the retained soil. Any surcharge shall be in addition to the equiv
alent nuid pressure.
Retaining wal ls shall be designed (0 res ist sliding by at leas t 1.5 limes the
latera l fo rce and overturning by at least J.S limes the overturning lIloment,
using allowable stress design load s.
Eleva tor Illachincry Light mac hinery, shaft - or motor-dri ven
100% 20 %

Reciprocatin g machinery or power-driven units 50% Hangers for floors and balcon
206.7 Water AccullJulation All roofs shall he designed with suffi cie nt slope o
r C limber to cnsure adequate dra inage after the long- term dcOec ti on from dC
'ld load or shall be designcd to rcsisl ponding load, P, combined in accordance
with Section
203 .3 or 203.4 . Ponding load shall include water
accu mulation from any source due to deflection .
All percentages shall be increased where specified by the manufacturer.
206.4 Anchorag e of Concrt!tc and Ma so nry \Valls
Concrete <l nd m;lsonry wa lls shall he ,lIlchorcd as required
J 04 .3.3. Such anchorage shall he c:lpablc o f resisting the load co mbinations
of Section 203.1 or 203.4 using the greater of th e win d or c<lrthquake loads
requi red by this chapter or il minimullI horizontal force of 4 kN/rn of ",;]11.
substituted for E,
by Secti on
206.8 Uplift on Floors and Foundations In the des ign of baseme nl floo rs and s
imilar approximately horizontal c1emellls below grade, the upward pressure V.I w
ater, where appl ic nb le. shall be take n <IS the full hyd rostatic pressure ap
plied over {he entire area. The hydrostatic load shall be mcnsured from the unde
rside of the co nstrllction. Any other upward loads shall be included in the des
Where expansive soils are presenl under fOtl ndalions or
the founda ti ons, slabs, and other co mponents s h,dl be designed to tolerate t
he mo ve ment or
s l abs-() n ~g round .
National Structural Code of the Plli!ippines 6 Edition VoIU01 0 1

2- 16
CHAP TEI1 2 - Minimum Design Loads
resist the upward loads caused by the expansive so il s, or the expansive soil s
hall be removed or stabili zed around
<md beneath the structure.
206.10 Heliport and Helistop Landing Areas
In addition 10 other design requireme nts of this chapte r, hcliport and helisto
p la nding or touchdown <ueas shall be designed for the [allowing loads, combinc
d in accordance wi lh Scc lion 203.3 or 203.4:
206.9 Crane Loads 206.9. 1 Gellera l
The crane load simi I be the ra led cHpacity of lhe erllnc. Design .Ioads for th
e runway be.lllls, including conn ections .1I1e1 SUppOIl bracke ts , of moving b
ridge cr,lI1cs and monorail cranes shall include the max imum wheel loa ds of Ih
e crane and the vertical impact. lateral. nnd longi tudinal forces induced by th
e moving cra ne.
Dead luad plus <IctuaJ weight of th e helicopter.
Dead load plus a si nglc CO llcc lllrHted impact load, L , covering 0.1 m2 of 0.
75 li mes the fuily loaded weight of the heli copter if it is equipped wit h hyd
rau lictype shock absorbers. or 1.5 times lhe fully loaded we ight of the helicop
ter if il is cq uipped wi th a ligid or s kidtype landing gear.
206.9.2 Maximum Wheel Load
The maximum wheel loads shall be the wheel loads produced by Ihe weighl of Ihe b
ridge. as appl icable, plus Ihe sum of the rated capacity and (he weight of (he
trolley with the trolley posi tioned all its ru nway whe re Ihe resulting load e
ffect is ma ximum .
The dead load plus a uniformlivc load. L, of 4.8 kPa. The rcq uircd liye load ma
y be reduced in ac.cordance with Seclion 205.5 o r 205.6.
206.9.3 Vertical Impact Force
The maxi mum wheel loads of the crane shall be increa~ed by th e pe rcentages sh
own below to determine th e induced vertica l impact or vib ration force:
Monorai l c ran es (powered) Caboper:lIcd or remotely operated bridge c ra nes (p
25 % 25% 10%
2. 3.
Pcnd antoper:lled bridge cra nes (powered )
Bridge cranc,"i or monorail cranes with hand gcHrcd ridge. trolley and hoist
206 .9.4 L'lIeral Fo rce
The latera l force on crane runway bcams wi th electrica lly powered trolleys sh
a ll be calculated as 20% of the sum of the rated capaci ty of the crane and the
weight of the hoist [lnd trolley. The lateral force sha ll be assu med to act h

orizontally at the tracti on surface of a runw ay beam, in ei ther direction per

pendicular to the beam, and shall be distributed with due regard {Q the latera l
stiffness of the runw,IY bea m ill1d support ing struct ure.
206.9.5 Longiludinal Forces The longilUdinal force on cra ne runw,lY bcallls, e.
xcept for
bridge crancs with hand-geared bridges, Sllllll be calculated iI.... 10% of the
lll<lxillluln wheel loads of th e cra ne.. The longitu dinal forc e sha ll he as
sumcd to act horii'.o lllall y tlI the trilct ion surfacc o f II r u n WilY hea
m, in eithcr (i irct:li(lIl parall el to the bea m.
As socia tion of Structural [:n9ineers of the PhilipPil1 cs

CHAPTER 2 ~" Minimum Design Loads

APPROVED. jurisdiction.
207.1 General 207.1.1 Scope Buildings, towers and other vertical structures, inc
luding the Main Wind-Force Resisting System (MWFRS) and all components and cladd
ing thereof, shall be designed and const!1lc!cd to resist wind loads as specifie
d herein. 207.1.2 Allowed Procedures The design wind loads for buildings, towers
and other vertical stl1lcturcs , including the MWFRS and component and cladding
elements thereof, sha!! be determined using
one of the following procedures: (I) Method I Simplified Procedure as specified
in Section 207.4 for building meeting the requirements specified therein; (2) Me
thod 2 - Analytical Procedure as specified in Section 207.5 for buildings meetin
g the requirements specified therein; (3) Method 3 - Wind Tunnel Procedure as sp
ecified in Section 207.6.
BASIC WIND SPEED. V Three-second gust speed at JO rn above the ground in Exposur
e C (see Section as determined in accordance with Section 207.5.4 and
associated with an annLlal probability for 0.02 of being equaled or exceeded. (
50-years mean reCllrrence interval). BUILDING, ENCLOSED is a building that does
not comply with the requirements for open or partially enclosed buildings. BUILD
ING ENVELOPE. Cladding, roofing, exterior wall, glazing, door assemblies, window
assemblies, skylight assemblies, and other components enclosing the building. B
UILDINGS, FLEXIBLE. Sleoder buildings that have a fundamental natural frequency
less than I Hz. BUILDING, LOW-RISE. Enclosed or partially enclosed building that
comply with the following conditions: I.
207.1.3 Wind Pressures Acting on Opposite Faces of Each Building Surface In the
calculation of design wind loads for the MWFRS and for components and cladding f
or buildings, the algebraic sum of the pressures acting on opposite faces of eac
h building surface shall be taken into account.
207.1.4 Minimum Design Wind Loading The design wind load, determined by anyone o
f the procedures specified in Section 207 . 1.2, shall be not less than specifie
d in (his section. Main WindRFol'ce Resisting System
Mean roof height h less than or equal to 18
Mean roof height II does not exceed least horizontal dimension.
BUILDING, OPEN. A building having each wall at least 80 percent open. This condi
tion is expressed for each wal! by the equation Ao c 0.8 Ag where BUILDING, PART
IALLY ENCLOSED is a building that complies with both of the following conditions

The wind load to be llsed in the design of the MWFRS for an enclosed or partiall
y enclosed building or other structure shall not be Jess than 0.5 kPa multiplied
by the area of the building or structure projected onto a vertical plane norill
al to the assllmed wind direction. The design wind force for open buildings and
other structures shall be not less than 0.5 kPa multiplied by the area AI as def
ined in Section 207.3.
the total area of openings in a wall that receives positive external pressure ex
ceeds the slim of the areas of openings in the balance of the building envelope
(walls and roof) by more than 10%; and the total area of openings in a wall that
receives positive external pressure exceeds 0.5 m2 or I percent of the area of
that wall, whichever is smaller, and the percentage of openings in the balance o
f the building envelope does not exceed 20 percent.
2. Components and Cladding The design wind pressure for components and cl
adding of buildings shall not be less than a net pressure of 0 ..5 kPa acting in
either direction normal to Ihe surface . 207.2 Definitions
The following definitions apply to the provisions of Section 207 .
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

CHAPTER 2 --- Minimum Design Loads
These conditions equations:
A ..
are expressed
GLAZING. Glass or transparent or translucent plastic sheet used in windows, door
s, skyl ights, or cu rtain wal ls.
GLAZING, IMPACT n ES ISTANT. Glazing that has been shown by testi ng in accordan
ce with ASTM EI886 and ASTM 1 996 or other approved test methods 10 withstand the
impact of wind -borne missiles likely to be generated in wind-borne debris regi
ons during design winds. HILL. With respect 10 topogr;'lphic effects in Section
207.5_7 , a land su rface charac terized by strong relief in any horizontal di r
ection (Figure 207~4) IMPACT RESISTANT COV EnING. A covering designed to protect
glazi ng, which has been shown by testing in accord ance with ASTM EI 886 and A
STM E 1996 or other approved test methods to withstand the impact or wind-bOl:ne
debris missiles likely to begenerated in wind~b(}rnc debris reg ions during des
ign winds. IMI'OnTANCE FACTOR, I ... A ractor that accounts for the degree of ha
zard to huma n life and damage to property. WIND -FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM MAIN (M
WFRS). An asse mblage of souctural elements assigned to provide support and stab
il ity for the overall st ructure. The system generally receives wind load ing f
rom more than one surface. MEAN ROOF HEIGHT, h . The average of the roof eave he
ight and the heigh t to the hi ghest point on the roof surface. except that. for
roof angles of less than or equal to 10, the mean roof height sh<lll he (he roar
heave hei ght.
OPENINGS. Apertures or holes in the building cIwciope that allow air to now lhro
ugh the building envelope and that arc designed as "open" during design winds as
defi ned by these provisions.
> 1.10 A",
Ao > smaller of (0.5m 2 or 0.01 Ax) and A",IAs; S 0.20
nUILDlNG OR OTIIER STRUCTU RE, REGULA RSHAPED. A building or other structure hav
ing no unusual geometrical irrcguhuity in spatial forlll. nUII-DING RIGID. A bui
lding or other st ru cture whose fundamental frequency is greater than or equal
to I H z. n UILDING, SIMPLE DIAPHRAGM. A building in which both wi ndward and le
eward wind loads arc transmiHcd through Door and roof diaphragms to the: same ve
rri cnl MWFRS (c.g . no stnlctural separations). COM PONENTS AND CLADDING. Elemen
ts or the building envelope that do not qualify as part of the MWFRS . DESIGN FO
nCE, F, is the equivalent stati c rorce to be llsed in the determination of wind
loads for ope n buildings and other structures. OgSIGN PRESSURE,p, is the equiv
alent stati c pressure to be used in the determination of wind loads for buildin
EA VE HEIGHT, h . The di stance from Ihe grou nd surfacc adjacent to the buildin
g to Ihe roof cave line at a particular wall . If fh e height of the eave v<lrie
s along the \v;111. the average height shall be used .
EFFECTIVE WIND AREA is the area used to determine Gel'" For componclH and claddi

ng elements, the effective wind area in Figures 207-1 f through 207- 17 and Figu
re 207-19 is the spa n length multiplied by an effective width thaI need not be
less than one-third the span length. For cladd ing fasteners , the effective win
d are:'l ~ha ll not be greater !lum the area thai is tributary to an individual
ESCA RPM ENT. Also known as scarp. wi th resp!xt to tOlhJgraphic cffc(;t i ll Se
ction 207.5.7. a cliff or steep slope generally separ;Hing two levels or gc nlly
sloping a reas (sec Figure 207 -4).
FJH~ E HOO F. Roof with a conrigllr<l tioll genc:nllly conforming 10 those shown
in Figures 207 18/\ through 207 1t{J) (l1)oJlosiope. pitched. or (roughed) in an o
pel! building with no enclosing walls lJlldCrll ca lh th e roof
towers. and bill
covered by this
cc hnicnl papers

ES are nonbuilding stru ctures including poles, masts. trussed

boards {hilt are not Iypically occupied by persons but arc also
Code. RECOGNIZED LITEHATURE. Pub lished research findings and t
Ihm arc approved.

IUDGE. With respecl to topographic crfects in Sc(;t ioll 207.5.7 an elongated cr

est of a hill ch;\f<\ctcril.cd by stro ng relief in two directions (sce Figure 2
sII r fa ('(~.
Associ ,ltlon of Stru ctu ra l Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTEf1 2 - Minimum Design Loads

WIND-DORNE DEBRIS REGIONS. typhoon prone regions located:
Area, wi thin
Within 1.6 km of the coastal mean high water Iinc
where the basic wind speed is equal 180 kph.
or greater tlwn
In areas where the basic wind speed is equal to or greater than 190 kph.
207.3 Symbols and Notalions The following symbols and notation apply only to the
provisions of Section 207:
A = effective wind area, 1112 Aa ::: ampJilUde factor for estimation of
[or other
AI ::: area of opcn buildings and other struclUres cit h l~r norillal to lhe win
d direction or projected on a plane normal to the wind direction , m 2 Ac ::: th
e gross area of that wall in which A(I is identified,
Agi :::
the sum of the gross surface areas of the buildi ng
envelope (wall s and roof) not including A $' rn 2
All A"i
A"S' As
B lJo
:;: : total area of openings in a wall that receives positive ex ternal pressure
, m 2 :;;: [he sum of the areas of openings in th e bui ldin g enve lope (walls
and roof) not including A", 1112 == total area of ope nings in the building enve
lope. m2 ;:: gross area of the solid freestandin g wall or solid sign, 111 2 = w
idth of preS$ure coefficient zone, 111 == horizontal dimens ion of a bu ilding,
lower or other s tnlcture measured normal to wind di rection, III == horizon tal
dimensio n at the base of a structu re, III = horizontal dimension <u the top o
f a structure, In == average horizontal dime nsion of a structure, or taken as a
verage of Bo aJld Ih. III
b :;: : mean hourly wind speed factor in

Table 207-5
Eq. 207- I 4 frolll
3-second gust speed factor from Table 207-5 ;: force coefficient to be used in t
he dClcnnination o f wind loads for olher structures eN == net pre..'isure coeff
icient to be used in determination of wind loads for ope n buildings ;; external
pressure coefficient to be used ill the l detennination of wi nd loads for build
ings C :; lUrbulcil cc in tensity faclor in Eq. 207-5 from T'lbl e: 207-5 f) :;
diametcr of a circula r s lmcturc or member, III D' ; depth of protmding element
s such as ribs and spoilers, III Do = su rfacc drag coefficient P ; design wind
force for other st ructures, kN G :; gust effcct factor for rigid buildings; al!
lo coli lcd "simplified dynamic response factor" and is C/
b ;
eq ui va len t to Gf with R (resonan t response factor) assumed as zero Gf ; gus
t effect factor for MWFRS of flexible buildings and othcr structures, including
poles, masts, billboards, and trussed lowers; also called "dynamic response facl
or" G(.~m ;;combined net pressure coefficient for a parapet GCp = product of ext
ernal pressure coefficient and gust effect factor to be used in the dcterillinat
io n of wind loads for buildings GCp/ ;; product, of equivalent extemal pressure
coefficient and gust effect factor to be used in the dctenninalion of wind loads
for MWFRS of low rise bu ildings GC~,; = product of imernal pressure coefficient
and gus t effect factor fa be used in the determination of wind loads for build
ings gQ ;; peak factor for backgrou nd response in Eqs. 2074 and 207-8 CN ;; peak
factor for resonant response in Eq. 2078 g, ;; peak factor for wind response in
Eqs. 207.4 and 207-8 N ;; height ofhilJ or cscarpment in Figure 207A, III II = m
ean roof height of a building or height of other structure, except that cave hei
ght sha ll be used for roof angle Oof les s than or equa l to 10", III fir = roo
f eave height at a part icular wall , or the average height if the eave varies a
long the wall '\1" = impo rtance factor I; ;; intensity of turbulen ce from Eq ,
207-5 kill ::: we ight distribution factor for est im ati on of tl\ for other s
tructures K f ' Kz. KJ ;; multipliers in Figure 207-4 to obtain K :f K,f = wind
directionali ty faClaf in Table 2072 K" ::: veloc it y pressure exposure coeffici
ent eva lu ated at heigh t z;; II K= ;; veloci ty prcssure exposure coelTicient
evaluated at height z K., :; : topographic factor as defined in Section 207.5.7
L :; horizontal dimension of a building measured parallel to the wind direction.
m ,.-" ::: distance upwind of crest of hill or escarpment in rig 207A to where
the difference in ground elevation is half the height of hill or escarpment, III
L: = integral length scale of turbulence, 111 .
L, ;; horizontal dimension of return corner for a sol id frees tandin g wa ll or
solid s ign from Figure 20720.
= mass
illlegra l length scale factor from Table 2075, III ratio. o r the rati o of att
ached masses (c.g. <lnteIHl<!S, cables, lighting, ,1Ild othe r appu rt enances)
at the top 5% of the tower or other vert ica l structure to the 10lal mass of th
e (owe r or other structure alone; for attached masses Ht lower levels
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6

Edition Volu me 1

CH AP TER 2 .. Minimum Design Loads
of the tower. an equivalent mass ratio shall be taken Mn :::; mass factor for es
ti mation of III for other stru ctures N, = reduced frequency from Eq . 20712 11/
::;: building natural frequency, Hz " = design pressure to be used in the deter
mination of
wind loads for buildings. kPa PI- ::: wind pressure acting on leeward [ace in Fi
gure 207-9, kP" flllt! ne t des ign wind pressure from Eq. 207-2, kPa P'~f')= nc
l design wi nd pressure for Exposu re B at II::: 9 III and I .. = 1.0 f,om Figur
e 2073 , kPa PI' ::: co mbined net pressure On a parapet from Eq. 207 -20, kPa /J
J :::; si mplifIed design wind pressure from Eq . 207- 1, kPa PJ I) ;;: si mplif
i ed design wi nd pressure for E xposure B a.1 II = 9 m and I .. = 1.0 from Figu
re 207-3, kPa PII' :::; wind press ure acting on windward face in Figure 2079, kP
a Ph = plan-shape factor for cS lil11al iOIl of "I for other st ructu res Q = ba
ckground response factor from Eq. 2076 lJ ::: velocity press ure, kPa q" ::: velo
city pressure evaluated at height z ::: ii, kPa qi ::: velocity pressure for int
ernal pressure determinatio n, kPa qp ::: ve loci ty press ure at lOp of parapet
, kPa q~ ::: velocity pressure evaluated at height z above ground , kPa R ::: re
sonant re spo nse fa cto r from Eq. 207-10 Rna::: aspect rati o factor for cstim
alion of for other strucLUres, eva luated at the base widlh , Bo RII , R,.. II,.
values from Eq . 207 - 13 Ri ::: reduction faclOr from Eq . 207- 16 Nil :: va l
ue from Eq. 207- 11 s ::: vertical dim ension of th e solid freestanding wall or
. solid sign from Figure 207 -20, m. r ::: rise-to-span ratio for arched roofs.
V = basic wind speed obtained from Table 207-1, kph. The basic wind speed corre
sponds to a 3-second gust speed al 10 rn above ground in exposu re category C Vi
:= ullpartitioned in le rnal vo lu me, m 3 \I: :::: mean hourl y wind speed al
heightz, kph W ::: width ofa building in Figures 207- 12 and 207-14 A and B and
width of span in rig urcs 207 ~ 13 and 207 -15 , III X := distance to center of
pressure from winciwHfd edge in Figure 207-18 .111 x ::: tli stancc upwind or do
wn w ind of crest ill Figure 207 4, III 1. :::: heig ht above ground level. In Z
:::: cquiva lclll height of ~tnJc turc, III
:;:; nominal height of the atmospheric boundary layer
used in thi s standard Values appear in Tab le 207-5
Z mitl :::: exposure constant from Table 207~5
3second gust~speed power Jaw exponent from Table 2075 = reciprocal of a from Table
207 5 Ii ::: mean ho url y wind-speed power law exponent III Eq . 2071 4 from Tab
le 207-5 fJ ::: damping ratio, perce nt critical for buildings o r othe r struct
ures PI := slructural damping ralio, percent critical for other structures Ba :=
aerodyn amic dampin g rat io, percent crit ical for other structu res e rati o
of solid area to gross area for open sign, fa ce or a tru ssed tower, or lattice
structure A. ;:;: adjustme nt fac tor for building height and exposure from Fig
ures 207-2A and 207-3 E = integral length scale power law exponent in Eq. 207.7
from Table 2075 ,/ = value used in Eq. 207. 13 (see Section p :;:; rou
ghness factor B :;:; angle of plane of roof from horizontal, degrees v :;:; heig
hHo -widtb ratio for so lid sign
(J. :::

207.4 Method I - Simplified Proeedure 207.4.1 Scope A building whose design wind
loads arc determined in accordance with this section shall meet all the cond it
ion s of Sections or 207.4. 1.2. If a building qualifies on ly under S
ecli on 207.4. 1.2 for design of its components and cladding, then its MWFRS s h
all be designed by Method 2 or Method 3. Main Wind-Force Resisting Sys
tems For the design of MWFRSs the bui lding must meet all of the following condi
The bu il ding is a simple diaphragm building as defined in Section 207.2 . The
building is a low-rise building as defined in Secti o n 207.2. The bu ilding is
enclosed as defi ned in Section 207.2 and conforms to the wind -borne debri s pr
ovisions of Section 207.5 .9. 3. The building is a regular-shaped buildin g or S
4. 5.
as defined in Section 207 .2.
The building is not classified as a flexible building as defined in Sec tion 207
The building docs not have response charac terist ics ma king il subject to acro
ss wind load ing , vortex
Association of Structural En9in eers o f the Philippines

CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Desig n Loads

22 1
shedding, instabi lit y due to ga lloping or nutter; and does not have a site lo
cation for which channeling effects Or buffeting in the wake of upwind obstructi
ons warran t special consideratio n.
windward and leewa rd net pressures, fJJ shall be determined by the following eq
uation: (207-1 ) .1 Minimum Pressures The load effects of the design w
ind pressures from Section 207.4.2. 1 shall not be less th an the minimum load c
ase from Section 207. 1.4 .J assllming the pressures, PSI for zones A, B, C, and
D all equal to +0.50 kPa, while assumin g zones E, F, 0, and H all equal 100 kP
a. Components and Cladding
The buildi ng has and approximately symmetri cal cross-sec tion ill each directi
on with either a flat roof or a gable or hip roof wit h 0::: 45. The building is
exe mpted from torsional load cases as indicated in Note 5 of Figure 207-10, or
the torsional load cases defined in Note 5 do not con trol the design of any of
the MWFRSs of the building.
8. Components and Cladding For the design of co mponcms and cladding the
bui ldi ng must meet all [he conditions: 1. The mea n roof height h must be less
to 18 m. than or equal
Net design wind pressures, Pnc" for the components and cladding of buildings des
igned using Method I represent the net pressures (sum of internal and external)
to be applied nonnal to each building surface as shown in Fig. 207-3. Pntl shall
be detennined by the following equation:
The building is enclosed as defined in Secti on 207 .2 and conforms to the windborne debris provisions of Section 2075.9.3.
(207-2) Minimum Pressures
The posi tive design wind pressures, PfIt"/, from Section
The building is a regular-shaped building or structure as defined in Section 207
The building docs /l ot have response charac teristics making it subject to acro
ss wind loadin g, vortex shedd ing, ins ta bility due to galloping or flutter; a
nd does nol have a sile location for which channeling effects or buffeting in th
e wake or upwind obstructions warra nt special co nsideration . The bu ilding ha
s either a nat roof, a gable roof with 0 < 45, or a hip roof wI O:s 27.
207.4 .2.2 shall not be less th an +0.50 kPa, and the negative design wind press
ures . PnCfl from Section 207 .4.2.2 shall not be less th an -0.50 kPa. 207.4.3
Air Penneable Cladding Design wind loads de termined from Figure 207 .3 shall be
used for all air permeable claddin g unless approved les t data or the recogniz
ed literature demonstrate lower loads for the type of air permeable cladding bei
ng considered . 207.5 Method 2 - Analytical Procedure

Procedure 207.5.1 Scope A building or other struct ure whose design wind loads a
re de termined in accordance with th is section shall meet all of the following
The basic wind speed V shall be determined in accordance wilh Section 207.5.4. T
he wind sha ll be
assumed to come fro m any horizont al directi on. 2. 3. 4. An importance factor
I". shall be det ermined ill
accordance with Section 207.5.5.
The building or other structure is a regularshaped bu ilding or slmcture as defin
ed in Secti on 207.2. The building or other st rll cture does not have respo nse
win d loading, vortex shedding, instability due to g~l lI opin g or flutler; or
does nol have a site locmioJl for which chanlle ling effect or buffeting in the
wake of upwind obstruc tions warrant special consideration.
An ex posure category shall be determined in acc ordancc wi th Secti on 207.5 .6
. A heighl and exposure adjustll1cnt coeffi cient ,A, shall be determined from r
i gu res 207~2 and 207~3.
207.4.2.I I \:Jain Wind-F'orcc Resisting System SimpliJicd de sign wind pressure
s, p... for the MWFRSs of low -rise simple diaphragm buildings represellt the ne
t pressures (sum of internal and ex ternal) to be applied 10 the Ilorizoillal an
d ve rti cal projectio ns of btli lding surfaces as sho wn in Fi gures 207- r an
d 207-2. For the horizontal pressures (;I.o nes A, B, C. D), PJ is the combinat
ion of the
207.5.2 Limitations The pro vis ion of Sect ion 207 .5 take i nlo consideration
the load ma gnifi cation effecl caused by gusts in resonance with al ong-wind vi
brat io ns of llexib le building or other structures. Buildings or other st ruct
ures not mee ting the
National Structural Code of U"l e Phi lippine s 6 Edition Volume 1

CHAPTER 2 - Minimu m Design Loads
requirements of Section 207.5.1. or having unl/suaJ shapes or response character
isti cs shall be designed usi ng recogni zed literature documenting such wind lo
ad effects or shall usc the wi nd tUHnel procedure speci fied in Section 207.6. Shielding
There s hall be no reductions in velocity pressure du e to apparent shieldin g a
flord cd by buildin gs and other structures o r terrai n features.
207.5 .4.1 an d 207.5.4 .2. The wind sh,,;\ D;: come from any horizon tal direct
ion. Special Wind Regions
:::'l ~ : \1! p i'd ;\\ Air Permeable Cladding Design wind loads delcmlincd from Section 207.5
shall be used for air permeable cladding unless approved lest data or recogni z
ed literature demonstrate lower loads for
The basic wind speed shall be increased whcu.:: rc.:;ords O f experience indicat
e that Ihe wi nd speeds arc higher th an those refl ected in T able 207-1. Mount
ainous lCITa in, gorges, and special regi ons sh~ill be examined for unusual win
d conditions. The authority havin g jurisoicl ion shall , if necessary, adjust t
he values given in Table :W: i to . account for higher local wind speeds. Such n
dj u'c\ il)C iJ! shall be based on meteorological infonnation and an estimate of
the basic wind speed obtained in accordance with the provisions of Secti on 207
.5.4 .2. Estimation of Basic Wind Speeds from Regional Climatic Data R
egional climatic data shall only be used in lieu of the basic wind speeds given
in T able 207 1 when: ( I ) approved extreme-value statis tic al -analysis proce
dures have been employed in reducing the data; and (2) the length of record, sa
mpling error, averaging time, anemometer height, data quality. and terrain expos
ure have been taken into account. Limitation Extreme typhoons have not
been considered developing the basic windspeed distributions. Wind Dir
ectionality Faclor The wind direc ti onality factor, Kill shall be determined fr
ol11 Table 207 2. This fac tor shall on ly be applied when used in conjunc tion w
it h load combinations speci fied in Sections 203.3 and 20104 .
the lype of air perm eable cladding being considered.
207.5.3 Design Procedure
I. The basic wind speed V and wind directionality factor Kd shall be detennined
in accordance with Secti on 207.5.4 and Table 2072 respecti vely.
An importance factor I,v shall be determined in accordance with Section 207.5.5.
A n exposure category or exposure ca tegories and ve locity pressure ex posure c
oefficient Kt or Kit , as applicable, shall be dctennined for each wind directio
n in accordance with Section 207 .5.6.

4. 5.
A topographic faclOr K!,t shall be determi ned in accordance wit h Secti on 207.
5.7. A gus t effect Factor G or GI , as applicable, shall be determined in accor
dance with Section 207.5.8.
An enclosure classification' shall be determi ned in accordance with Section 207
Ime rn al pressure coe ffi ciclH GC,li shall be determined in accordan ce with S
ection 207.5. J I. J
External pressure coeffi cients Cp or GC.~'I' or force coefficients CI' as appli
cable, shall be determined in accordance with Secti on or 207.5.1 U.
respec t ively.
Velocity pressure q, or q", as applicable, shall be determined in acco rd ance w
ith Section 207.5 . 10. accordance with Section, 207.5.12. 207.5. 14, and 207.5
.15. as appl icable. 207.5.13.
I O. Des ign wind load p or F sljaiJ he detc rm ined ill
207.5.4 Basic Wind Speed Thc bas ic wind speed, V, used in the delenninmion of d
es ign wind loads on buildings and other structures shall be as given in Tab le
207-1 except as provided in Sections
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads

Table 207 -I Wind Zone for the Different Provinces of the Philippines
Table 207-2 Wind Directionality Factor, Kd Structural Type Buildings Main Wind F
orce Resisting System Components and Cladding
Zone Classification Wind S ced)
Albay, Aurora, Batanes, Cagayan, Camarines Norte, Camarines Sur, Catanduanes, Ea
stern Samar, Isabela, Northern Samar, Quezon, QUlIlllO, Samar, Sorsogon Abra, Ag
usan uel NOlte,
Agusan de! SU[, Aklan,
Directionality Factor Kd*
Zone I (V= 250 kph)
0.85 0.85
Arched Roofs
Antique, Apayao, Balaan, Batangas, Benguct, Biliran, Bohol, Buiaean, Camiguin, C
ariz, Cavitc , Cebu , Compostcla Valley, Davao
Oriental, Guimaras, Ifugaa, Ilocos Norte, lIocos Sur, Iloilo,
Chimneys, Tanks, and Similar StlUcturcS Square Hexagonal Round
0.90 0.95 0.95
_.Zone 2 (V = 200 kph)
Zone 3 150 kph)
_ ..___ ._~ ___ ~__
Kalinga, La Union, Laguna, Leytc, Marinduquc, Masbatc , Misamis Oriental, Mounta
in Province, National Capital Region, :"Iegros Occidental, Ncgros Oriental, Nuev
a Ecija, Nueva Vizcaya, Occidental Mindoro, Oriental Mindoro, Pampanga. Pangasin
an, Rizal, Romblon, Siquijor, Southern Leyte, Surigao del NOiiC, Surigao del Sur
, Tarlac, Zambalcs BasiJan, Bukidnon, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Lanao del
Norte, Lanao del SUf, Maguindanl1o, Misamis Occidental, North Cotabato , Palawan
, Sarangani, South C. otabato ,Sl.dtan Kudarat, Sulu, Tawi~tawi, Zamboanga del
NOlie, Zamboanga de! Sur,
Solid Signs

Open Signs and Lattice Framework
Trussed Towers Triangular, square, rectangular All other cross sections
0.85 0.95
Dir('Cfionalif}, Factor Kd has been calibrated with combinations of loads specij
i~d ill Seclioll 203. This fin'lOr shall only he applied when IIsed in C()lIjuII
Clioll wilh load combillatiol/S specified in Section 203.3 alld 203.4.
Z'lll1~""ll~_~_b-"ga y_ _ __
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6
Edition Volume 1

CHAPTEH 2 Minimum Design Loads
207.5.5 Importance Factor
An imp0l1ance factor, 1\\., for the building or other structure shall be determi
ned from Table 20 7~3 based on building <lI1d structure calegories listed in Tab
le I03 ~ I.
Surface Roughness D, Flat, unobstructed areas and water su rfaces. This category
includes smooth mud flats and salt flats. Exposure Categories
Exposure B. Exposure 13 shall apply w here the grou nd
207.5.6 Exposure For each wind direction considered, the upwind exposure categor
y shaH be based on ground surface roughness that is determined from natural topo
graphy, vegetation. and cons tru cted facilities. Table 207-3 Importance Factor,
IIV (Wind Loads)
~,.----:-~----'--r-" ""-" Occupancy Description I. Categ0.'2'
surf.'lCc roughness condi tion, as defined by Surface Roughness D. prevails in t
he upwind directi on fo r a dist:mce of at least 800 III or 20 times the height
of th e building, whichever is gremer.
Exception : For buildings whose mean roof height is less than or equal to 1Q m,
the upwind distance may be reduced to
Exposu rc C. Exposure C shall apply for all cases whe re Exposure B or D does no
t apply. Exposure D. Exposure D shall apply where lhe ground surface roughness ,
as defined by Surface Roughness D, prevails in lhe upwind direction fo r a dist
ancc greater than 1.5 km or 20 times the building height, which is greater. Expo
sure D shaH extend into downwind are,IS of Surface Roughness B or C for a distan
ce of 180 m or 20 times the height of the building. whichever is greater. For a
site loca ted in the transition zone between exposure
categories. the category resulting in the largest wind
- .. - ...- ........ - -_..
Esscil ti al
-.- -~ -_._._- ._1.15 1.15 1. 15 ---. _.. __ ... _1.00
Spccial q~c~e.~~~r Standard .9(;1?~p~I~C.)'.
V_- ' -_ Miscellaneotls 0.87 '--_ _ _ _ _..1...-_ _ _ ___ _
see Tah!!! !03 } /0/' t)'{)(!S (If (lCCII/ffl/tCY

('(Ich Wind Directions and Sectors For each selected wind direction i.H which
the win<1 loads are to be evaJualed, the exposure of the building or Sll11cture
shall be determined for the two upwind sectors ex tend ing 45 either side of th
e selected wind directi on. The exposures in these two sectors shall h~ de termi
ned in accordance with Sections tlnd and the exposure result
ing in the highest wind loads shal! be used to represent the winds from thaI dir
ection. Surface Roughncss Categories A ground surface roughness within
CilCh 4Y' sector shall be detennined for a distance upwind of the si te as defi
ned in Seclion from the categories defined in the fo llowing text . fo
r the purpose o r assigning an exposure cClIcgory as defined in Section 207.5.6.
3. Su rf:)cc Roughness B. Urban and suburban areas, wooded areas, or other tcrra
in " .witl1 numerou s close!y spaced obstnlctions having the size of sing J(> fa
mily dwell ings or larger. Surface noughn css C. Open tcrrain wit h SCilHerc.d o
bstructi ons havin g heights generally le:.;s than 9111. This category includes
nat open coullIry. grasslands. :'lIld all watcr surfaces in regions with records
of ex treme
typhoo ns.
forces shall be used.
All imermediate exposure be/ween the precedi"g categqries is permilled in a tran
sition zone provided that it is determined by a rational analysis method defined
in rlie recognized literature. Exposure Category for Main Wind-Force Resisting System Bui
ldings and Other Struc!ures
For each wind direction considered wind loads ror the design o f the MWfRS deter
mined from f-igUfc 7.07 '() :-; hall be based o n the exposure categories define
d in
Section 207.5.().] . Low-Rise Buildings . Wind loads for the design
of the MWFRSs for low-risc huildings shall he dcterm ineD using a velocity press
ure qh hased ;;) the exposure resulti ng in the highest wind loads for any wind
directioll at the sile where. extemal pressu re coc fficieJlts GCp'( given in F
ig. 207-10 arc used.
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads

225 Exposure Ca tegor y for Components a nd Cladding Components and claddi
ng design pressures for all buildings and other structures shall be based on the
exposure rcsuhing in the highest wind loads for any
direction at the site. Velocit y Pressure Exposure C oefficient
Based on the exposure category determin ed in Sec tion
Notes: J. Case I: a. All compotlttllS and cladding. b. Main wind force ruisring
s)'stem in J owrise buildings desig,,~d using FiGure 207/0. Cast 2: a. All 1II0i"
wind forct rrsislillg ;rySfCmS in bllildines e:ccepl ,hCJSt in low rise buildings
dtsig,,~d ftling
Figure 207 10.
h. Ail main wind force resislillg s),SI'IIIS ill olirer
nI t!
sfrucrurtS. vl'locifY pressllre (!XPOl'II/'(1 wc/fi(:ie lll K, moy be ilefC mril
f rom Ihefollowin c!orlllufa:
For, a ve loci ty press ure ex posu re coefficie nt K( 01' K h , as applic
ab le, shall be determined from Table 2074.
z < 4.5 III
For a site locCHed in a transition zone between exposure categories, thai is, nc
ar to a change in ground surface roughness, intermediate values of K: Or K", bet
ween (hose
shown in Table 2074, are pennitted, provided that they are determined by a ralion
al analysis method defined in the recogni zed literature. Table 207-4 Velocity P
ressure Exposure Cocrticienls', Kh and Kz Hcigh l Exposure (Note I)
above Ground leYel "
For 4.5 III S as al
'<I NOIe: l. shal/iwi be mlcl'n less ,han 9.0 "'lor Cou / in eJ.posure B. J. a n
nd II ar~ I(lblllo,~d in Table 2075. 4, Lil/ear illlt!fpolofion for ;1Ifennedialt
values of heiglll l is (lCCeIJfable. 5. Exposllre cmegoriu ore dejilled ;tt Sec
tion 207.5.6.
7--1 {
201.5.7 T opog raphi c E ffects Wind Speed-Up Over Hills, Ridges, and
Escarpmen ts Wind speedup effec ts at isolated hi lls, ri dges , an d escarpments
constitutin g ab ru pt cha nges ill th e genenJ
C"." I

I--=' O("-':~"-')-:C5'- "--C -l. 7 -0 --C ) ~i7- -0.8S-----j:()-3-asc
OUt'S 1& 2
Cases 1& 2
......_... ... - ....
7.5 - ".... _ ....... ,.
0.70 0.70 0.70 0.76 0.81 .... 0.85 0.89 0.93
0.62 0.66 .. ...._-...
0.90 0.94
I. I 2
12 15 18 21 24 27 30 36 42 48
.--_ .." .
0.76 0.81 0.85 0.89 0.93 0.96 0.99 ..... 1.04 1.(19
0.98 ... ..... ... .. ... 1.16 . . - .... 1.04 1.22 1.09 1.1.1
I 17
lOpography, located in any ex pos ure category, shall be incl uded in the design
when buildi ngs and oth er site conditi ons and locations of structures mee t a
ll of the follow ing conditions:
1.27 1.)1
110 1.43 1.48 1.52 1.5.\
0 .1)1)
1.26 1.31 1.36 1.39 . ..... 1.43
[ .46

The hill. ridgc , or escm'pment is i sol~Hed and ullobstructed upwind by other s

imilar topographic features of compar;'lblc height for 100 limes the height of t
hc topographic fCaiure (1001-1) or 3.2 kill whichever is less. TIlis d istance s
hall be measured horizontally from the point at which the height H of lhe hill .
ridge. or escarpmcm is determined. The hill, ridge. or escarpment protl1ldes ab
ove the height of upwind len'ain featu res within a 3.2 kill rad ius in any quad
ran l by a faclOJ' of two or more .
1.04 1.09 1.13 1. 17 1.20 1.28
. .
.. ..... ... 54
...1. 13 '.
1.17 1.20 1.2R
I .S8
I ,(J !
90 105 120 135
1..\3 1.59
1.68 1.73
The structure is localed as shown in Figure 2074 in thc upper one- hall' of rt hi
ll or ri dge or nca r th e crest or an esc arpmcnt.
llmll l)f' eq u:d 10 4.5m for Exposur~s C :lIld D and 18m (or Exposure B.
1.4 I
1.41 1.47 1.52 1.56
1.6:1 1.69
1.73 1.17
1.82 1.86
5. II is greater

---N,JIlonal Structura l Code of U1H PI1ilipPIncs Gill Edition Vo lum0 1

CHArJTER 2 - Minimul1l Design Loads Flexible or Dynamically Sensitive Structures Topographic Fac
tor The wind speedup effect shall be included in the calculation of design wind l
oads by using (he faclOr Kl , :
For flexible or dynamically sensi ti ve suuctures as defined in Section 207 .2 t
he gusteffect factor shall be caiculated by
(207 8)
where K I , K1 and KJ are given in Figure
If site condi ti ons and locations of structures do not meet all the conditions
specified in Seclion the KlI ::: 1.0.
207.5.8 Gust Effect Factor The gUSl effect facto r shall be calculated as penniU
ed in Sections 207.5.8. 1 to, using appropriate values for natura] fre
quency and damping ra lio as permitted in Section Rigid Bui
ldings For rigid buildings as defined in Section 207.2, the gust effect factor sh
all be taken as 0.85 or calculated by th e fonnu la:
gQ and g" shall be taken as 3.4 and 8R is given by
8R =J2 In(3,600Il J )+
~21n(3.6001l J )
R:;::;: the resonant response factor is given by
pRn Rh R IJ (0.53+0.47R{.l
R -(
n (I
+ IO.3N,)"'/l
(207 11 )
N, =

where (2075) where
=:' __ I_( I _,,-2")for l/>0
'/ 27/'
(207 l3b)
=1 f Off) =0
where lhe subscript t in Eq. 207 ~ 13 shall be taken as h, B, and L. respective
ly, where ii, 13.) artd L are defined in Section 207.3. .. , ::: the intensity o
f turbul ence at he ight Z where Z ::; the equivalent height of the SlrUl:lUrc.
defined as 0.6h, but not less tlmn lmi" for all building heights. Zmin and c are
listed for each exposure in Table 2075; gQand g,. shall be taken as 3.4. The bac
kground response Q is given by:
::: building natu rHI frequency :;: ;: Rh selling '/ = 4.611 Ih/V;,
:;: ;: Rn sellin g
1J ::;
4.611 I En /V:
= RL setting 'I = 1 5.4I1IL/~
i B~" )0.63
fI ~
= damping ralio, percent of critical
mean hourly wind speed (m/s) determined from Eq . 20714
V- =b , 10

- z _
( )"
where B. h '-Ire defined in Section 207.3: and Li :::: the intcgml length sC;:ll
e or turbulence at the eq ui valent height given by
where band !i arc constant s listed ill Table is the basic wind speed in kph.
and V
In which f aile! E are consta nts lis ted in T;lble 207~5 .
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippin es

CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads

Tablc 207-5 Terrain Exposurc Constants
I~xposurc Wind-Borne Debris
Glazing in buildings located in wind-borne debris regions shall be protected wit
h an impact-resistant covering or be impact-resistant glazing according to the r
equirements specified in ASTM EI886 and ASTM EI996 or other approved test method
s and performance criteria. The levels of impact resistance shall be a function
of Missile Levels and Wind Zones specified in ASTM EI886 and ASTM E1996.
z, (m)
a ---=--b
c _.
Do --_._._.. . f (m) -If
-B C D ---7.0 9.5 11.5 365 275 215 117 119.5 ----- 1111.5 0.84 1.00 1.07 --_ ..
_. ... _.1/4 1/6.5 1/9 .... 0.45 0.65 0.80 --_._... 0.30 _._._0.20 0.15 .. 0.010
0.005 0.003 ..---150--100 200 1/3 1/5 118 9 4.5 2.10
minimum height used to ensure that {he equiv3knt height
greater or

for tmssed lowers, the height of (he
trnnsmission cable above ground, or 0.611 ror buildings and other structures. Fo
r 11:5 z. . ,". i shall be taken as z,o,o' Multiple Classifications Rational Analysis
In lieu of the procedure defined in Sections and detcrminat
ion of the gust~effcct factor by any rational analysis defined in the recognized
literature is pennittcd. If a building by definition complies with both the "op
en" and "partially enclosed" definitions, it shall be classified as an "open" bu
ilding. A building that docs not comply with either the "open" or "partially enc
losed" definitions shall be classified as an "enclosed" building. Limillitions
Where combined gust-effect factors and pressure coefficients (GCp ' GCp ;' and G
C"f) are given in figures and tables, the gust-effect factor shall not be determ
ined separately.
207 .5.10 Velocity Pressure
Velocity pressure, CJl> evaluated at height z shall be calculated by the followi
ng equation: (207 -15) where K" is the wind directionality factor defined in Sec
tion, K~ is the velocity pressure exposure coefficient defined in Sect
ion, KZI is the topographic factor defined in Section and q
" is Ihe velocity pressure calculated using f:q. 20715 at mean roof height h. The
numerical coefficient 47.3 x 10-6 shall be used except where sufficient climatic
data arc available to justify the selection of a different value of this factor
for a design application. Other Structures
Procedures for calculation of the gust effect factor for other structures sha!l
be taken from Section 207.7. Dynamic Properties
Values of natural frequency and damping ratio when lIsed as input parameters in
calculations of the gust effect factor shall be obtained from full-scale measure
ments of the actual structure, from computer simulation. or from the estimation
formulas given in Section 207.8.
207.5.9 Enclosure Classifications
207.5.1 I Pressure and Force Coefficients Intel-nal Pressure Coeffici
Internal pressure coefficients, Gc.~)l' shall be determined from Fig. 207~5 based
on building enclosure classifications detennined from Section 207.5.9.
For the purpose of determining internal pressure coefficients, all buildings sha
ll be classified as enclosed, partially enclosed, or open as defined in Section
207 .2. Openings
A determination shall be made of the amount of openings in the building envelope
to determine the enclosure classification as defined in Section 207.5.9. I. Reduction FHclor for Large Volume Buildings, Ri
For a partially enclosed building containing a single, unpartitioned large volum

e, the internal pressure

N;;ltiotlal Structural Code of the Philippines
Edition Volullw 1

CHAPTEr:l 2 Minimum Design l.oads
coefficient, GC~II> shall be multiplied by the following reduction factor, Ri : Parapets Main WindForce Resisting System
The pressure coefficicnts for the effect of parapets on the MWFRS loads arc give
n in Section
Aog Components and Cladding The pressure coefficients for the design of
parapet component and cladding clements arc taken from the wall and roof pressu
re coefficients as spccified in Scction 207.5.12 Design Wind Loads
on Enclosed and Partially Enclosed Buildings General Si
gn Convention Positive pressure acts toward the surface ilnd negative pressure a
cts away from the surface. Critical Load Condition Values of extema
l and interna! pressures shall he combined algebraically to determine the most c
riticill load. Tributary Areas Greater than 65 m'
Component and cladding clements with tributary areas greater than 65 1112 shal!
be permitted to be designed using the provisions for MWFRS.
area of openings in the building envelope walls and roof, in m2 = unpal1itioned
internal volume, m3
= total External Pressure Coefficients Main Wind-Force Resisting
Systems External pressure coefficients for MWFRSs e,l arc given in Figures 2076, 207-7, and 207-8. Combined gust effect factor and external pressure coefficie
nts, GCl'f' are given in Figure 207-10 for low-rise buildings. The pressure coef
ficient values and gust effect factor in Figure 207 10 shall not be separated. 2 Components and Cladding
Combined gust-effect factor and external pressure coefficients for components an
d cladding GCI ) arc given in Figures 207- I I through 207-17. The pressure coef
ficient values and gust-effect factor shall not be separated. Main Wind-Force Resisting Systems 207.5.1 1.3 Force Coefficients
Force coefficients Cj arc given in Figures 207-20 through 207-23.
207.S.12.2.1 Rigid Buildiugs of All Heights
Design wind pressures for the MWFRS of buildings of all heights shall be determi
ned by the following equation: (207-17) where
'I Roof Overhangs Main Wind-Force Resisting System Roof ove
rhangs shall be designed for a po~itive pre~sure on the bottom surface of windwa
rd roof overhangs corresponding to C~, :::: 0.8 in combination with thc pressure
s dctcrmined from Llsing Figures 207-6 and 207I (). Components and
Cladding For all buildings, roof overhangs shall be designed for pressures deter
mineo from pressure coefficients given in Figures 207-1 Ill. C. D.

::::; q; for windward walls evaluated ilt height ! above the ground = q" for lee
ward 1\I(I/lS, side walls. and ron\< evaluated at height II = (fir for l\Iilldw(
/rd walls, sid~ wails, leeward \\':111.and roofs of enclosed huildings ;lnd fOl"
neg :il l\"\: internal prcssure evaluation in p,lrtially encloscd buildings ::;
: q; for positive intcrnal pressure CVallJ;ili("~l partially enclosed buildings
\vherc hei):I, defined as the level of the highest opening Ii; ~:L,"' building t
hat could affect the positive For buildings sited in wilj.: i Ill' pressurc.
I\ssoCi,ltICHl of Str"UCllJ('ll E:nqinnus of the PhilipPines

CHAPTER 2 -- Minimum Design Loads

debris regions. glazing that is nOt impact resistant or protected with till impa
c t resislanl cove ring, shall be treated "s an opening in accordance wi th Sect
i on ror positi ve int ernal pressure evalUilli on. qi may conserv<ll
i ve ly be e valuated at height" ('Ii = ql.) = g US! effect factor from Sec ti o
n 207.5.8. = external press ure coefficient from Figure 207-6 or 2078. = interna
l pressure coefficient from Figure 207-5 q and <Ii shall be evalutlieq llsin g e
xposure defined ill Secti on 207.5 .6.3. Prcss ure shall be applied si muil nnco
usl y on wi ndward and leewa rd walls a nd on roof s urface as defi ned in Figur
es 2076 and 2078.
away from) the fro nl (exterior) side of th e parapet lJlI = ve loci ty press ur
e eval uated at the top of the parapet Gel''' = combincd net press ure cocfficie
nt = + 1.5 for wind ward parapet = - I .0 for leeward pa rapet Design Wind Load Cases
, ! j,
i LowRise Building
Altern atively, design wind press ures for the MWFRS of Jow -rise bu ildings sha
ll be dete rm ined by Ihe fo ll owing equat io n:
Th e. MWFRS of buildings of all heights, whose wind londs have becn dctcrmin ed
under the provisions of Seclions 207.5. 12.2. I and 207.5.1 2.2.3, shall be des
igned for the wind load cl-l ses as defined ill Fig. 207-9. The eccentri cit y e
for rigid structu res shall be meas ured frolll the geometric cent er of the bu
ilding face and shall be considered for eac h principal axis (ex. ey). The eccen
tri city e for nexible structures shall be determi ned from the fol lowing equat
ion and shall be considered for each principal ax i s (ex. e ,.):
e= e Q + 1.7/ , J(g"Qe Q )' + (CN Re R ) '
--(2072 1)
1+ 1.71, J(g"Q)' +(gR R)'
=- velocity pressu re evalu ated at mean roof
height 11 using exposure defined in Secli on 207 .5 .6.3 :::: external press ure
coeffi cient frol1l Fi gure 207 10 = intemal pressure coeffi cient froll1 Figur
e 207-5
wh ere

=- eccentricity e as determined for rigid structures

in Figure 2079 = distan ce be tw een til e clastic shear cent er and centcr of Il
l:lSS of each fl oor
(GCIJj ) (GCI ,,)
/ " g Q.Q. gR. Ii shall be as defined in Secli on 207.5.8 The sign of the eccen
tricity e shall be plus or minus. whichever causes the morc severe load effect. fl exible Buildiugs
Des ign wind pressures for the MWFRS of flexible bu ildi ngs shall be delc nnine
d !'mlll the following cqu<ltion:
whe re q. qi. Cpo and (CGpi ) arc as defi ned ill Secti on 207.5. 12.2.1 and (Ij
= gust effect facto r is defined as ill Scclion Parapets
Olle-sto"ry buildings with h less lhan or equa} . to 10 IrIJ bujldj!,g~ tWO ~'or
!~~ 9' less framed . 1V;,h Iight'{rame co~'si . !:ti~n..- j:m'q QlIt(4l"ngs. /)V
o sto.r!es or I~s~ 4.es~g~ed wit~'!/. '. . . p'lr.}JgM.f~lfeta"~nifF!trdesignet:
tli>'-load c( k t!'i" ba:siMtlff~Fjkur~;'2b7S9: ,c'" " " ,:' , " '. Compollents and Cladding 207.5.1 2.4.1 Low-Hisc Bui1dings and Buildin
gs with h S 18 III
The dcsign wind press ure for the e ffect of parapets on MWFRSs of ri gid, lo wrise. or Oexibl e buildings with nat , gable, Or hip roofs shal! be uctel'llline
d by the following cq u<lIion:
P,. =qpGC,.
Design wind press ures on com po nent II lld cladd ing c le ments of lo w-risc b
ui ldin gs wit h h ~ 18 In s.lall be detcnn ined from (hc fo ll owing eq uation
= combined net pressu re 011 the p<lfapcl due 10 the
1'='1'[ (GC,.l -(GC,,,) 1
the combina tion of tile Ilet press ures fro m fron t and bac k pa rapet surface
s. Plus (a nd minus) signs sign ify net prc!';s lI rc ;Klin g toward (and
where C/J. = velocily pressure cvaluated at mean roa r heigh t h using exposure
defined in Section 2075 :6.3
National Structura l CoeJe of tile PJ'IilipPlnes 6 Edition Vot ume '1

C HAPTER 2 _. Minimum Design loads
(Gep ) = external pressure coefficients given in Figure 207- 11 through 207- 16
(CCIl ;)=. internal pressure coeffi cient given in Figure 207-5
207.5. 12.4.2 Buildings with" > 18 111
Des ign w ind press ures on components and claddin g fo r
all buildings with h > 18m shall be determined from th e followin g equation :
(20 7-23) where q
:::: veloc ity pressure evaluatcd at ill;.,' k',' . r the parapet :::: eX lern a
l press urc coeffi cients fro m Figu res 207 1 1 throu gh 207 -1 7 ~ int ernal pr
essure coeffici ent rrom Figu res 2()7~5, based on the poros ity of the parapet
Two load cases shall be co nsidered. Load ~ ',,' /'.: ~ ~a ll consisl o f applyi
ng the app licable posit ive w;,11 prc:-.:-. u rc from Figure 207-I IA or Figure
207- 17 !t o illI: !-;"(lIl( surface o f the parapet while appl yi ng I!:-.: ;l
l'i;il'I!, le negati ve ed ge o r corner zone roof pressure flt .1l1 I-igu res 20
7- 11 throu gh 207-1 7 to the back surface. Load Case B $hall consist of applyin
g the applicable posil ive wall press ure from Figure 207-IIA or Fi gure 2.(J' )
I'J 10 th e back o f the parapet surface, and appl yi ng Ihe :Ipplicab le negat
ive wall pressure fro m Fi gure 207- i I A or Figure 207- 17 to the front surfac
e. Edge and corner Wiles. sha ll be arranged as shown in Figu res 207- 11 thronl
~h 207 -1 7 . GCp shall be detcnn ined for appropriate i''iO{ Ing le and effec t
ive win d arca from Fi gures 20 7~ 11 Ih)'();II',h 207 ~ J 7. If intcrnal press
ure is present, both load t.:::::;;.', ,' .hnuld bc. evaluated un der positive an
d negati ve internal press ure. 207.5.13 Des ign Wind Loads on Open Bui ld ings
with Monos lo pe, Pitch ed , or Troughed Il oo fs General 207.13. J.1
Sign Convention Pl us and min us sign s sig nify press ure ac tin g towa rd and
away from the lOp s urface of the roof, fcspeCl ivtdy. C ritical L
o ad Condition
for wi ndward walls caicuialcd <II height l above the ground :::. qh for leeward
wall s, side wall s, and roo fs. e valuated at height if
=. {h
;;:: q" for windward walls, side walls, leeward walls,
and roo fs o f enclosed buildings and for negati ve inte rnal pressure e va lua
tion in partia ll y e nclosed buildings qi :::. q: for posi ti ve internal press
ure eva luation ill part iall y cilcloscd bu ildi ngs where heig ht z is define
d as the level o f the highes t opcning in the building thaI could affect the po
sitive internal pressure. For buildings sited in wind-born e debri s regions, gl
azing th at is not impact res is(ant or protec(cd wit h an impact-resislant cove
ri ng , ~h all be treated as an opening in accordance with Section Fo
r pos itive inte rn al pressure eval uati on, qi may conserva tive ly be evaluat
ed at height " (q ; = q,,) ( Gel') :::: ex ternal press ure coefficient from Fi
gure 207 I 7 (GC,,;) = internal press ure coeffi ci.ent given in Fi gure 207-5 q
and qi shall be eva lu ated using exposure derined in Sec ti on 207. Alternalive Design Wind Press ures for Components and Cladding in Build
ings with 18m

< 27m Alternati ve to th e req uirements o f Sectio n 207. S.12.4 .2, the design
o f compo nent s and cladding fo r build ings wit h a mean roo f height greater
tha n 18m and less tha n 27 m
values from Figures 207-11 through 207- 17 sha ll be used on ly if the heighl to
wid th ratio is o ne or less (except iI:\ pe rm itt ed hy Note (, of Figure 207
-17) an d 10'1. 207-22 is used . Parapets The dc:\ ign wind pressur
e o n (hc compollc nts and c huJdin g clc lllellls of parapel:-; shall be design
ed by the
Net pressure coeffi cien ts eN incl ude contrib utions from top and boltom surf5
ccs. All load cases shown for cnch roo f angle shall be illv C'stiga led. Molin Wind-Force Resisting Systems
Th e net design pressure fo r the MWFRSs of l1)olloslopc, pi tched, or troughed
roo fs shall be dCh.nllillt ~ d I,'! t!i~~ following equat ion: (207-251 where
rol lowing equation: G
ve-lod lY press ure cvalu,l1 cd at mean roo f height II lIsi ng lh e ex pos ure
as defi netl in Section 207 .5.0.3 tlm t results in the. high~s! Wii ld l\lads r
or any wi nd direction at the site = gust crfect factor from Seclion 207.5. X
Associ;llion of Stru ctura l Engin o(HS of the P illiippines

CHAPTEH? . Minimum Design I.oads

2-3 1
= net pressure coc nicicnt determined
207- 18A through 207-1 8D
from Figures
= projected area
the wind
Cf is specified for the actual su rface area, mZ
For frcc roofs with an angle of phme of roof from horizontal 8 less than or equa
l to Y' and containing fascia panels. Ihe fascia panel shall be considered an in
verted parapet. The contribution of loads on the fasc ia to Ihe MWFRS loads shal
l be determined lIsing Section with If,. equal to q". Component and Cladding Elements Rooftop Structures and Equipment for Buildings with II :S 18((/
The force 011 rooftop structures and equipment wi th Af less than 0.1 O/3h locat
ed on buildings with Ii $ 18 III shall be determined from Eq. 207-28, increased
by a factor of 1.9. The factor shall be permitted to be reduced linearly from J
.9 to J.O as th e value of Aj is increased from 0.101317
to Bh.
The net design wind pressure for component and ctadding elcments of lllonosJope.
pitched, and troughcd roofs shall be dClcnnincd by the following equation :
(207 -26) Structures Supporting Antennas, C'lblcs, and Other Attachments and Ap
= velocity pressure evaluated at mean roof hcight Ii using Ihe exposure as defin
ed in Section that resu hs in Ihe highest wind loads for any wind dire
ction at the site = gust-cffect faclOr from Section 207.5.8 = net pressure coeff
icient detcI1l1ined from Figures
207-19A through 207-19C
The wi nd loads on all stl1lclures supponing attachments and appu11cnances inclu
ding antenna and cablcsuppol1ing structures shall take into account the wind load
s on all supported antennas, cables, 3l1achmcllls, and appul1enances. Guidance o
n wind loads on su pported antcllntlS shall be obtained from the TfA- 222-G (200
5) sta ndard unless sufficient suppolling evidence can be obtained from recogniz
ed literature or frolll wind tunnel tests. Guidance on wind IOilds on supported

cables shall be obtained from the ASCE Manual of Practice #74 (G uidelines on El
ectrical Trclnsmission Line Structural Loading) except that the gust effect fact
or for cables as give n in Section 207.7.3. or unless sufficient su pporting evi
dence can be obtai ned from recogn ized litermure or from wind tunnel tests.
Thc wind loads on suppo rt ed antennas, cables. illlachments, ilnd appuncll,mccs
shall be applied at the lo(.:ali on of support 0 11 the support i ng structure.
207.5.14 Design Wind Loads on Solid Freestanding Walls and Solid Signs
The design wind force for sol id freestanding walls and solid signs shall be det
ermined by the followi ng formula :
(207 -27)
velocity pressure evaluated at height II (defined in Figure 207-20) using exposu
re III Section = gus t-effect factor from Section 207.5.8 = nel forc
e coefficient from f-igure 207-20 ::: the gross area of the solid frees tandin g
wall or solid sign , rn z
= th e
207.6 Method 3 - ""ind Tunnel Procedurc
207.6.1 Scope
207.5.15 Design Wind Loads on Other Structures The design wind force for other s
trlJclllres shall be dctcnnined hy the following equation:
Wind tunnel tests sh<1 11 be used where required by Section 207.5.2. Wind tunnel
testing shall be permitted in lieu of Methods I and 2 for any building or struc
207.6.2 Test Conditions
whcre velocity prcssure CVillU <lt cd al hcight l of the. centroid of <lfC<1 It,
u sing C}lpOSUfe defined in Section = gust -effect factor from Sectio
n 207.5.K = force (:oclTicicnls from Figures 207-2 1 through
Wind tUllnel les ts, or s im ilar em ploying fluid s olhcr than air. lIsed for t
he determinat ion of design w ind loads for any building or ot he r stnlcl urc.
sl1<l1l hc conduc ted in accordance with thi s secti on. Tests for the determina
tion of mean and nuclllfliing forces ,mel press ures shall meet .!l1 of lhe foll
owing conditions:
G C,
Thc nalunll atmos pheric bmllld<lfY la ye r has been modeled III account fo r th
c variati o n of wind speed wit h height.
N;ltlonal ~.;trllctu{t!1 Co(Je of !lIe Plli1ipPl1l8S

Edition VoIUlIlc! 1

CHAF)TE:li 2 ._. Minimum Design Loads
The relevant macro-integral length and micro-length scales of the longitudinal c
omponent of atmospheric turbulence are modeled to approximately the same scale a
s that L1scd to model the building or structurc. The modeled building or other s
truClure and arc surrounding structures and topography geometrically similar to
their full-scale counterparts, except that, for low-rise buildings meeting the r
equirements of Section, tests shall be permitted for the modeled buildi
ng in a single exposure site as defined in Section
The projected area of the modeled building or other Slructure and sUlToundings i
s less than 8 percent of the test section cross-sectional area unless correction
is made for blockage.
" Gf where
. ...... .. _ - - - - _ .. ........
1+ O.85gep!Q' + /I'
(207 -29) (207-30) (207 -31)
1+ 0.85gp
P~ 4.9J75;: (10/ z)""
......-.... II~ 0.017 (,".z) J fJ V.
The longitudinal pressure gradient in the wind tunnel test section is accounted
for. Reynolds number effects on pressures and forces arc minimized. Response cha
racteristics of the wind tunnel instrumentation arc consistent with the required
The peak factor g shall be taken as 4.0. The value of e shall be 0.75 for electr
ical transmission towers and poles other cases. The parameters that with cables,
or 1.0 for define the wind field characteristics, specifically Do, a:, I, i', b

, and i'i, shall be obtained from Table 207-1 I. The effective height "2 shall b
e taken as two-thirds the height of the tower eI3h), but not less than 2m;" as l
isted in Table 207-11. V; is calculated using Eqn. 207-J4.
207.7.2 Billboard Structures, Free-Standing Walls, and Solid Signs For billboard
structures, free-standing wai!s, and solid signs with height-to-least-horizonta
l dimension greater than 4, the procedures in Section 207.7.1 shall be used. Oth
erwise, the procedures in Section shall be used. 207.7.3 Cables Por ca
bles, Equations 207-29, 207-30, and 207-32 shall be used together with: (207-33)
207.6.3 Dynamic Response
Tests for the purpose of determining the dynamic response of a building or other
structure shall be in accordance with Section 207.6.2. The structural model and
associated analysis shall account for mass distribution, stiffness, and damping
207.6.4 Limitations Limitations on Wind Speeds
Variation of basic wind speeds with direction shall not be perrnitted unless the
analysis for wind speeds conforms to the requirements of Section
207.6.5 Wind-Borne Debris
where B is the total length of the cable.
Glazing in buildings in wind-borne debris regions shall be protected in accordan
ce with Section
207.7 Gust Effect Factor for Other Structures
207.7.1 Poles, Masts, and Trussed Towers For other structures such as poles, mas
ts, trussed towers, and the like, that function as communication towers or anten
na-supporting structures, electrical transmission towers and poles, structures s
upporting lighting equipment, and the like, the gust effect factor shall he calc
ulated by
207.8 Estimates of Dynamic Properties When values for nalUral frequency and damp
ing ratio as required input parameters in the calculation of the gust effect fac
tor for buildings and other structures arc [1'lt available from full-scale measu
rements of (he ::"1(1:1 structure or from computer simulation, the cst::, . ' .J
formulas given in Sections 207.8.1 and 207.8.2 sh,dl uc used.
207.8.1 Approximate Fundamental Frequency Buildings For buildings, the
natura! fre.qucncy III may be llsing the following general formulas:
eSlilll ':l ; :!
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAFfEH ? - Minimum Design I. cads

Strength level
207.8.2 Approximate Damping Ratio General
For wind loading purposes, the total damping ml io Illay be taken as 0.015 for c
o ncretc slruclures, and 0.010 for slcel and oiller Siruciures.
6711z 50llz
56/Jz 4211z Free-Standing Trussed Towers and Billboard Structures For free-slandin
g (russed towers. nnd billboard siructurcs,
(he natural frequency "1 may be es timated using Ihe Poles, Mast"
and Simila r S tru ctu
lboards, <lnd simi lar
ce- leve l condi ti on

Trussed Towers, Bi ll boards,

r es Allcrmtl iveiy for poles, masts. trussed towers, bil
Slfll ctures, the SIJ1lclllntl damping ralio fJs at servi
may be taken .IS

following formula:
,,=107/M , / h " II ,, 1,1 fA " ..
(20734) (20735)
= 1.25(ItIBor0 2
/ IJ,
~ 0.003 /J, = 0.16 II

(0",/ )' +0. 15

is the serv ice le ve l natural frequency.
I'll = 0.9 for Iri;'lngu!nr (3-legged) towers, and 1.0 for other conditions. A~I
= 1.0 for service-level condition, and 0.R3
for strength-level co ndit ion. Bulo is the average tower width, or average of t
he base and top widths, or no and nil respective ly, fo r tapered to wers. km sh
all be (aken as 2.6
The structu ral dampi ng mlio fl, m stre ngt hlevel co ndition for poles, masts,
trussed towers, billboards. Hnd the like, may be taken as
~ 0.004 /J , = 0.23 Iz
whe re III is the st rc ngth lcvc l natura l frequ e ncy.
for billboards, poles, masts, an d non-tapering lowers and
ol her stru ctures.
Alternmi ve ly. for frcc- slanding lowers or billboard Sl ruCltirc.s ill the Phi
lippines withoul <luached antennas or cab les.
Plan-shape Triangular Others Service-level Strength-level
The aerodynamic damping ratio fJ" at se rvice-l ev:'! condition for lrussed lOwe
rs, billboard s, and the like. In:. be taken ,1S
/1 1
~ 0 .007
81/11 91/11
68111 75/11
is the service level natural frequen cy.
For antellna towers or electrica l tra nsmissioll lowers in the Philippincs wilh
I1mss ratio IIIr a'i 5% (or approximalcl y 3 ilII3Chcd alltennas):
Plan.shape SgUiJrC Triallgul:lr
'nlC <lcrodynamic damping nllio fl.. at :';(reng{h~k"';::1 condi tion for trusse
d lOwers. bi ll boards. :JIld the like. m;,y he laken as

fl" = 0 .0 11
~ 0.007
for Wind Zone i or 2.
Service- level
8111z 7]111
Strength -level 68111 6111z
or for V> 162 kph,
(207" I)
fl. = O.lK~) ~ 0 .007
207.8. 1.3 Pol es, M '1 StS, SuJid Signs, Guyed Structures, Cahles, .1IId O ther
or for V :S 162 kph w here
(207. ;.<)
For poles. mas Is. sol id signs, guyed stnJclurcs. cables. and other structures.
thc naturill rrc(luellcy mily be estimated from rull -sc ale IllC<lsurcrncnts o
r compuler sim ulation taking inlo 'h;<.:(JU IlI the clTect of tension -o nly cl
ement propc l1ies and olher 'Iltachlllc nts.
"l is the strength-Icvel na::lr,,1 frcquency.
The acrodYllamic damping ratio /1" Illily be ohtilincd fmm a more detailed analy
sis with the ilpproprialc hasic wind speed Vas parallle(er. the hourly mean wind
speed from E<j. 207-14. a Illode shape exponcilt of ].0. unit mass at the base,
a nd so lid il y ra ti o I:: a nd drag force cncfTicicllt Ci evaluated at the c
ffc(:l ivc heigh t.
Nill ional Stru clul',tl Code of lhe Phil i pplrH:!~ (-) :! , Edition Volul'll n

2 -3~
2 Minimum Design l.oeds
The 100ili damping ratio ,Bshall be taken as
fl =fl, + fl. ,,; 0.06
J)(IClIlll c n(s
American Society of Testing and Materials (AS'j'M) ASTM Inlemalional 100 Barr Ha
rbor Drive West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959
207.9 Consensus Sland:t ..ds a nd O lher Referenced
This section lisls the consensus slandards and other
section :
documents which .Ire
by reference within thi s
Assor..iiltion of Stru ctural Enginer:m.; of the Philippines

CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads


.... Transverse WALLS AND ROOFS


.... Longitudinal
,I. 5. 6,
Pn_~SItH.f ,\'/10""1 (11'(, applied (0 I/:e /101';:011101 fllld n~rlical proiectlO
/l.s. for ('xpo.ntl"(' n. ell Ii =- 9 m. I .. = I ,f), om! K" ~ J.0. t ft/iust /
() mile!" t'omlilious usmg Equalioll 207-1 , 111l! (oad pa[Wr'II.f ,tltOlt'1I sl
wll he applied 10 ca(," ("orner of/he building ill lui'll n.t the reference c<ml
er. (S<'!: Figure 20710;. For III(' c/".tigll o/1I1t' fungi/lIllil/ol M WFRS use
0, alit/locale the wile ElF. Gill bOlluc/ory a llhc' mid-/(,l/gIII of lite buildi
llg. Load cases I (l1/(1 ]lII l/sl he checked Inr 25 < 8 ;S 45, Load case 2 of 2Y'
is provided OIl (V fo r i llll'f 1W/(1tioll betll'l.'efl 25 0 /0 30, PIllS alld
mimls signs sigllif y pressures acting IQ II'f) I't/ and away /ro m the p roje<.
'{ed sur/aces. n!,I"pecl i l'< 'Iy. For ro(~{s lopC',~ o lllerihal! those shown,
lineCJr illtl!l]m!(1lioll i,~ p ermifled , The IOta! horizoll/a//oad shall 1101
be less IIl(ln (hat determined by assllming /1s c () ill zones B & D, nil! zrme
pr('ss lJl'es I'cpresen / the/allowing: 1/0rizOIllai pn).~,wrl' ;on's ,- Sum o/I
he windward atul /eewllrd f/(~t {.W/Il q{ illferna/ (1l1d external) pressures 01
1 \Jer/ h:al proje-clioll 0/'
A - t.:' ld w ne
oj 1\'0/1
C - In ferior 1011(' O/ lI'CJII
D - I nferior W il l! of roof
IJ ., 1;'1/{1 :one (~rrooJ

V('rl h'o//m'sslII'c Z(JII("f - N e! (.~lIm O./ill /I 'nIa} lind eXl er/lfIl) pr

es,wrl's 01/ horizonlo! projali(U/ (~f' E - /;'m/ :!OII(' of lI'i"dl\'(lr(/ roo/
G - 11I1('rior 10m' 0/ wjllt/ward rmif r -, /;'1/(1 ZO/l(' o./il'cward roof I I
- Inferior zOlle o/It'cword 1'00./ 11'11,'1'<' =01/1' I~" rlr (J /il/I,\' /Ifl (
/ nJ()/ overhang on the windward ,tid,' of thl' /milding, U,H' Emt (111(/ G OII
for the prt~,nllrt! /lOri:OIl(lIl jlJ'(Jjl" IUJl/I!f lire (wC'r /tmrg, OverJumg,
{ (III ,he I('cwftnl (IIUI,fitle edgt',f shl/II hal'(' ill(' luuir :Of/(' prl'~.
flln> (fJlJ'Ii~'d, NmfllioJl:
II + ,
If) IIl' I'('l'lrl II} le/ul horizontal di"'(~J/sioll or f) 411, whic/rel'f!r i,
f slII/IIft,,-. hrt! /lilt I('.{,r ,11m/ ('il/lrr 4% HI it'U,I" /lIJri:mll(l1 or
0 , 9111 , ML'(II/ rmd'/lI'iglil, m, ,'X('('pi ,hal em'e I!n);"/.fhalllw !ls('d
ln/' mq((lIIgitx < In, AlIl::le (?(,,//IIi(' (?(r()t~{Jhll" '10";;11111(/1. degrc(
Figure 207 J Design Wino PrcsslllcS on
Wall s and Roo fs of Enclosed Buildings w ith h"; 18m, Main Wind - Force Resisti
ng System -- Method J
National Stru ctural Code of the PI1ilippin es 6 Edition Volum e 1

CHAPTEF< 2 .-. Minimum Design Loads
Adjustment Factor for Building Height and Exposure A Mean roof height (Ill)
4.5 6.0 .. 7.5 9.0 11.0 12.0 13.7 15.2 16.8 18.0
C D 1.21 --.. . 1.47 1.29 1.55 1.35 1.61 1.40 1.66 1.45 1.70 1.74 1.49 1.53 1.78
1.56 - -1.81 --1.84 1.59 1.62 -~~
-~-.-.-~~-.---.~1. 00 1.00 1. 00 1.00 1.05 1.09 1.12 1.16 --_._._--1.19 1.22
Basic Wind
Vcrtical Pressures, kPa
_ ... _ - F
-0.45 -0.48 -0.52
-0.79 -0.79 -0.79
-0.55 -0.55 -0.55
-0.35 -0.37 -0.40

G Oh
-1.1 I -1.1 I -1.11
-0.87 -0.87
25 30 to 45
-.----~-o to 5
10 20
15 ._.._._---_ .. _-_.
Figure 207-2 Design Wind Pressures on Walls and Roofs of Enclosed Buildings with
h $; ! 8m, Main Wind-Force Resisting System _. Method I
Association of StrlJcturai Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTER 2 - Minimum De sign Load s

Flat Roof
Hip Roof (r<O :5 27")
Gable Roof (0::;7")
[ ] Interior Zones Rook :zoo. 1 I w.... . z.on. "

Gable Roof (7< 045)
End Zones
RcloOf . Zone 21 Waite Ion. 15
. . . Corner Zones
~ . z.oo. 8
Pn's."ul'I' sholl''' art! applh'ti llorll/(//Iu ,11(' .\'/Irftu:e. for ('XI'(/,\
/I/"(: /J.
h "" 9111,
I~. <.~
1.0. and K:. = 1,0, A ((jll.tf 1 0 of/WI" cclIJdiljolls IIsing
Eqllllfirlll 207 1.
l'llis (lm/lllinlls siN,II'v .I'igllf/j' pressu re.l" (/eli,,}.! 10 1l"(/ l'd (l
ml (tIl'IIY from {he .vllif aces. I'f!spec lil/' /y.
FOI" hip roo/i' wilh
e::; 25. lone 3 shall he 11'l'11I(~d as lOll e 2.
For 1'{li'l'I i" I' I"ind {/I'f'(I.I' h<.'/ \\ '(,(,II (hose ~ i \'(m . \'o /lle
may he "lItl'l]l o/a(('d, o{/!('rwiSI' IIS(, fhe 1'' ','lI(: a,\'socia/ed will,
(he lower e!ll'cli\lc wind Nllffllhm :
1/ ' "

II} pern" 11 oj lellsi horizol/tlll n.9111.

dim"/Is ;oll 01"
()Ab. 1\"/tidw l'('r is xfI/(/lIer,
bill 11111 I(':ro,f
dum (, j/her 4 % o/ll'dS! horiZ(}lIIul dimel/sio/l m '
., M('(II1
=11ll{1t6glt!. III m. I'XC'('/l1 thllt C'dVi' h (I.~hf shalf ht' lI. w dIiw rO<~(lI
/1glf!'" < /0, All}.!'!' n/p/ml(' u(l'(wffrl)/11 Iwn:rJ/lIUI. rlt'W'j'I '.r,
Figu re 207~3 Design Wi nd Pressures on Wa lls & Roof of Enclosed
Bll ildings with II S I R Ill , Componen ts and Cladd ing - Meth od I
National Struc tural Coda o f th e Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

2 ._ . Minim ul11 Design Load s
B tilIdlO gs II I an dE . eIgHt :. xposure, Ie Mean roof Exposure heigh! (m) B ..
C 4.5 ." 1.00 1.2 1 _M. 6.0 1.00 .1.29 1.00 7.5 1.35 1.00 9.0 l AO 11 .0 1.05 IA5
1.49 12.0 1.09 13.7 1.12 1. 53 15.2 1. 16 1.56 16.8 1.1 9 1.59 1. 22 1.62 18.0
Adjustment Factor fo r
D I A7 1.5 5 1.6 1 1.66 1.70 1.74 1.78 1. 8 1 1.84 1.87
Ne! Desig n Wind Pressure, /J'Kh kP" (Exp osu re 13 at " =I0 111 with 1= 1.0 and
Kd = 1.0) Effective Roof Basic Wind Speed V (kph ) wind Ang le Zone area (0) 15
0 200 250 (m' ) I I I I 0<0 <7 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 .l 1.0 2.0 4.5 9.5 0.3 0 0.29 0.26
0.24 0.30 0.29 0.26 0.2 4 0 .30 0.29 0.26 -"._"_._ 0.24 -075 -0.73 0.71 -0.69 -I.
I 2 -0.95 0.55 0.51 0.47 0.55 0.51 0. 85 0.79 0.73 0.67 0.85 079 .. 0.73 0.67 0
.85 0.79 0. 73 ---0 .67 -2 .09 -2.03 -1.96 - 1.91
0 .5 1
O A7 OA4
0.5 1 0.4 7
... - -- 1.0
- 2.0 4.5
9.5 1.0 2.0 4 .5 9.5
0.55 .0 55 - - ._- -.......:L~ ___.
0:44 0.55 0.51 0.4 7 0.44
-0. 8 1 -1.90 -1 .57 1.1 4
O A4
0.55 0.5 1 0.47 0.4 4
.. -3.50 -3.1 3 -2.64 -2.26
-5.27 -4.37 -3.1 --_..7 ,--2 .26
-.---- ----0.81
Figure 20 7 3;). (co l1t 'd) - Design Wind Pressu res on Walls & Roo f ofE tlc lo
scd : l3 uildings with It 5" 18 Ill , Components and Cladding ... Me thod I
Associa tion or S(ruClllfaJEngineers of the Phllippill!'!S

CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads

Net Des ign Wind Pressure, POOh kPa (Exposure B at II =10 In with J = 1.0 and KJ
= 1.0) Effective Roof Basic Wind Speed V (kph) wind Angle Zone area (deg) 250 1
50 200 (m') I I I 1 e > 7 to 27 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 1 I 1 1 0 > 27 1o 45 2 2 2 2 3 -_ . 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 1.0 2.0 4.5 9.5 1.0 2.0 4.5 9.5 1.0 2.0 4.5 9.5 1.0 O.4J 0.4
0 0.34 0.30 0.43 0.40 0.34 0.30 0.43 0.40 0.34 0.30 0.69 -0.69 -0.67 -0.64 -0.62
-1. 20 - 1.10 -0.97 -0.88 -1.77 -1.65 -1.50 -1.39 0.78 0.71 0.62 0.55 0.78 0.71
0.62 0.55 0.78 0.71 0.62 0.78 0.71 0.62 0.55 0.7 8 0.71 0.62 0.55 0.78 0.71 0.6
2 1.20 1.10 0.95 0:85 1.20 1.10 0.95 0.85 1.20 1.10 0.95 -1.9 1 - 1.86 -1.78 -1.
73 -3.33 -3.06 -2.71 -2.44 -4.92 -4.60 -4. 18 -3.86
1.23 1.20 1.1 5 1.12 1.23 1.20 1.1 5 1.11 --- 1.23 1.20 1.1 5 1.1 2 1.35 1.28 1.
21 1.14 1.01 1.35 1.28 1.2 I 1.14 1.0 I
1.23 1.20 1.15 1. 12 1.23 1.20 1.15 1.11 1.23 1.20 1. 15 1.12 1.35 1.28 1.2 1 1.
14 1.01 1.35 1.28 1.2 I 1. 14 1.0 I
1.91 1.86 1.78 1.73 1.91 1.86 1.78 1.73 1.9 1 1.86 1.78 1.73
4.5 9.5 1.0 2.0 4.5 9.5 1.0 2.0 4.5 9.5 1.0
0.67 0.64
0.62 0.69 0.67 0.64 0.62 0.69 0.67 0.64 0.62
-0.75 -0.7 1 -0.66
-0.62 -0.88 -0.84 -0.79 -0.75
-1.98 -1.84 -1.73 -2.44 -2.33 -2. 19 -2.09 -2.44 -2.33 -2.19 -2.09 -2 .26 -2 .17
-2.05 -1.95 -1.73 -2.79 -2.60 -2.36 -2.17 -1.73
-0.84 -0.79 -0.75 -0.8 1
4.5 9.5 46.5 1.0.. -_.... _--_
0.75 0.72
1.99 1.87 1.77 1.56 2.09 1.99 1.87 1. 77 1.56
-0.78 -0.74
-0.70 -0.62

". 5 ..-.--_.5 2.0_-_._.--_. - -5 4.5 -. 5 9.5 --_.
5 46.5
-0.26 . 0.72 ~_ .024.. __ "- - 0.67 -0.22 0.64 -0.20
..0.75 .
Figurc 207-3h (conl'd) - Design Wind Pressures on Walls & Roof of Enc losed Buil
dings wi!h " .:S I R 111, Components <lIld Cladding - Method I
Nation;;)1Stru ctural Code of the Ph ilippines 6 Edition Vo lume 1

CHAPTE:!, 2 - Minimum Design l.oads
X (Downwind)

~~X (Do
..._--- K, Multiplier
K, Multiplier
K3 Multiplier
0.2 0.25 0.30
0.29 0.36 0.43 0.51 0.58 0.65 0.72
0.17 0.21 0.26 0.30 0.34 --0.38
3-0 Axisym.

0.21 0.26 0.32 0.37 0.42 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00
2-0 Escarp 1.00 0.88 0.75 0.63 0.50 0.38 0.25 0.13 0.00
All Other Cases
1.00 0.67 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3-0 -.2-0
2-0 Escarp
Axisym. Hill _._
OAO OA5 .0.50 ._---_.
---_._1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.67 0.10 0.74 0.78 0.61 0.45 0.20 0.55 OA7 -- .. 030 030 0.
41 0.37 0.20 .0.40 0.30 0.14 0.22 0.29 ._-- - 0.50 ----_ .. . -----0.09 0.17 0.2
2 ..- --_.0.60 0.17 0.06 0.70 0.12 0.04 0.14 0.09 0.80 -, ,--0.11 0.03 0.90 0.07
0.02 1.00 0.08 _._ .._ .. _---~ ---_. 0.02 0.00 0.01 1.50 (1.00 0.00 0.00 2.00
For m!l/('.\' HIL,. and :JL,. other {liall (ho.H' shoWI/, lineal' il1lerpolaliol
l is perm/lied.
IfIL;, > 0.5, (lSSIIIII(, /-1Il.;, ,":0 O.5jbr ('valuating K,l1lJd slIh.I'(i!lIf
e 211/or ,.,Jor {'will/Olillg K., alld K.lMliltipli('rs al"e based 011 rhe (lSSl
/lI1ptiOIl rllal approoches 1111' hill OJ" escarplII(,lI( a/ollg fhe dircctioll
oj"maXi/llllfl1 stope.

!l '" lIeighl o!"hifl or escalpmellt re/(I{il'(' 10 Ihe IIpwind /erroill, III, /

,1, c, /Ji.v/ollce IIfI\\'illli o(eres/ (0 where (he d((rerence ill g/'Olind del
'atioll is hal(thc heighl o(lli/! or K I ~~ "-oclor 10 (U'COIIIl(./(){" shape <?
({opographic/(!(I(/I/"e alld maximum .Ipeed-lip e(T('cl, K: ,.~ Fac(or (I) IICCO
Illlt/Of' reduclion ill .Ipeed-lip with dislance up1l'illd or dOll'lIl1'illd (!(
c/"esl. K, '" Factor /0 ac('olilltf()/" reductioll ill ,Ipeed,up wilh hdghl ah()
\'(' /oud terraill. X /)islilllce (1I/)lI'll1<1 01' dOll'l1l1'illd) /i'Olll Ihe
("J'esl to fhe hili/ding site, III. Z " /feight olio\'(' /01'0/ ground Icl'('3.
j{orizon/ol aflcl/I{(IfiOIl flu'for.
/" ., lIeighl alll'/!II(1lionfllC/ol".
Figurc 207-4: Topographic Factor, K/I _. Mcthod 2
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads

2-4 1
K, determined from table below
f ,
Parameters for Speed-Up over Hills and Escarpments K,I(HlL,,) Hill Shape Exposur
e Upwind )' of Crest D B C 2-dimensional ridges (or valleys 1.30 1.45 1.55 1.5 3
with negative H in K,I(HlL,) 2-dimensional escarpments 0.75 0.85 0.95 2.5 1.5 3
-dimensional axisym. hill 0.95 1.05 1.15 4 1.5
of Crest 1.5
4 ,
Figure 207-4 (cont'd): Topographic Factor, K" - Method 2
NJlionn! Structural Coele:: of the Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads
Enclosure Classification Open Buildings Partially Enclosed Buildings
0.00 +0.55 -0.55 +0.18 -0.1 8
Enclosed Buildings
Plus and minus signs s ign ify pressures acting toward and away from the interna
l sUI/aas. respectively.
2. 3.
Values of GCp' shall be used with q, or q" as specified in Section 207.5.12. Two
cases shall be considered to determine 'he critical load requirements for the a
ppropriate condition: (i) a positive value ojGCpi applied to all ifltemal sw/ace
s (ii) a Ilegative value o/GCpi applied to all internal sUl/aces
Figure 207-5 Internal Pressure Coefficients, GCpi on
Walls and Roofs of Enclosed, Partially Enclosed and Open Buildings for all Heigh
ts Main Wind-Force Resisling System/Components & Cladding - Method 2
As sociA ti on of StruCILJfal Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTE R 2 - M inlll1l1lll Design

-_ q,r;C p
q "Gc"
figure 207-6 External Pressure Coefficients, C" on
Wal ls and Roofs of Enclosed, Partially Enclosed Buildings for all Heights Main
Wind-Force Resisting System - Method 2
Nation,)1 Structural Code of the Pililippines 6'" Edition Volum e 1

CHAPTEH 2 -- Minimum Design Loads
~--Wall Pressure Coefficients, C LIB Co All values 0.8 0-1 -0.5 Leeward Wall -0.3 2
>4 -0.2 Side Wall - - - Ali values -0.7 Surface Windward Wall Usc With
RoofPrcSSUfe Coefficients, C" fOf use with Windward
Wind Direction ----_.
~.--.-,---Normal to ridge for () :: 10
_ _ "m
Normal to ridge for () < 10 and Parallel to ridge for all 0
_ ... _-----Angle, () de )rces Angle, IJ Idegrees) > 60 10 10 15 >2 a 45 IS 20 10 25 30 35 -_. -0.7 -0.5 -OJ -0.5 -0.3 -0.2 -0.2 -0.6 0.0 ::: 0.25_.. -0.18 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4
0.4 0.010 --05 -0.5 0.0 -0.9 -0.7 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.2 -0.6 0.5 -0.18 ._-.:2.lL _
0.0' 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.010 --1.0 -0.7 -0.7 -0.6 -OJ -0.2 0.0' -0.5 -0.6 -1.3 **
0.0 -0.18 :: I.Q_ -0.18 -0.18 0.2 __ ~ 02. __ 00111 ... Horizontal distance fro
m * Value is provided for interpolation purposes, Cp - windward edge o to hl2 -0
.9, -0.18 ::: 0.5 hl2 to II _ -0.9,-QJL 1-------.. II to 211 -0.5, -0.18 ** Valu
e can be reduced linearly with arca over > 211 which it is applicable as follows
: ---_.-0.3, -0.18 Reduction Factor Area 1m') . . .1.3 , -0.18 to h12 < 9 1.0 ..
_-._1.0 23 0.9 ---------,-_._---> h/2 -0.7, 0.18 > 93 0.8 ---,-..- ----- -----."
.... ,.,--------------..-----. hlL

4. 5, rI. 7,
FIllS alld lIIillllS sigl1.\' sigll({I' pre,I'slIn's (lcling IOw(/rd (llId (1\\'
oyJi'ollllhe .I'll/fixes, respeclively, Linear interpolalion is permil(edJiJr va
lue.t (~f LIB: hlL (llId () othel' Ihall shown. Interpolation shall only he ('wT
ied out b('tween )lo/ues o(the salll('.I'i Where no valu(' o(lhe same sigll is g
iven, assume O,OIbr illl<'I]JOlalio/l purposes. Where 111'0 values ()I(~, are fi
sled, {hi.\' illdic(lies Ihal the windw(lrd roofslope is subjecled 10 eilher pos
ilive or lIegalille pressures (lnd Ihe r()(!(SlnlCI, shall he desigllcd/i:n- bOl
h conditiOlls. II/IC'/potalioll for inlermcdiale ratios olhlL ill Ihis case shal
l ollly he carried oul belweel/ (~, l'allle,l' (~f like ,I'(f!,11 For mOllos/ope
roo/i', {,lIlire rQ(~(,wljiJce i,l' eilher a windward OJ' leeward sill/ace. For
jlexihfe huildingl' 115e appropriale G, a.l delermilled by Section 207,5,8. Reier
10 Figure ]07- 7(i)r dOilies (llld Figure 207-8(i)/' arched /'oof~ NOlalion: fJ
~ I IOl'i20nla/ dimension o(/Jlli/dillg, ill m, IIlNI,wred normal 10 willd dire
clioll L Iloriwlllal dimC'nsion of buildillg, ill m, measured paJ'alfd 10 wind d
ireclioll. 1/ M('(l1I r()(?( heighl in III, ex('c/ilihol ('()I'(' heighl ,dl(dl
hI' us(,d/or 0 :S /() degn't's, I- ,-- lIeighl (lho\!(' grollnd. m.
(! GII.I'I
({:, ,qlo VelocilY pn'x,I'lII'(', Nlml. ('wlll/llled (II /'("I,/)('Clilll' heigh
t. f) Angle ofll{(lJI{' o(roor(rolll horizonlal, degrees. For IIWll.Hlnl roo/i'.
the lop horiuJ!/1a1 sl/rfrU'(' (llId feew(Jrd il1cfil1('(/ Sll/jiU'1' ,I'half 1
7(' Irealed as lecw(lrd sllIjiwes/i'olll Ihe lah/(', Fxn'jlls/ilr MWFR,<,,' ',I'
ollhe l'oo(co/lsiSlillf: (~/mo/JIelll /'c,I'islingfmlllcs, IiiI' 10101 horizonl
o! shear shalf 1/01 h(' 1("I's Ihll/l Iha! d('/erlllilled hi' Ii,', '('('{il wil
ld(hrc('s Oil l'oo(,wr(ace,I'. For mo/slopes gn'lIll'1' Ihal! 80", II.1'C (~, 0.
Figure 207-6(cont'd) - External Pressure Coeflicicnts, e p on Walls and Roofs of
Enclosed, Partially Enclosed Buildings [c)r all Heighls Main Wind Force Resisti
ng System -- Method 2 Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

2 -- Minimum Design Loads
+0. 8 +0.4 +0.'
:?J'l --0
A (h 0 10 =025)
A (hoID=O) \
~ 7~
/ V
---A (holD 2: 1.0)
C (h"ID=O)
" ----- ____ "" ,-- ----::::. -/-,
C (holD 2:0.5)

/ \
/ "I, - -j-/
"~ V
B (h"ID=O)
--- 0.'
B (hoID2:0.5)
Ratlo of Rise to Diameter, flO
Noles: 1. Two load cases shafl be considered' Case A. C,. l'{Ilucs between A and
Band belween IJ arid C shaff be dl~/erll/il/ed by linear interpolalion along ar
cs 011 (he dome parallel 10 rhe lI'illd directioll; Case B. C" shall be Ihe cons
(anl value of A/or ():5 25 degrees, and shall be determined by linear intelpolal
ion/i"Ol11 25 degrees 10 Band from B 10 ,.
Values del1o(e C~, to /;I~ used wilh q(ho ~-/) where hI) +fis the height al the
top 1~{tlW dOllJl'.
PIlls and millllS signs signijj' pressures acting toward alld away/rom the sw:{a
cl's. respectively (~, is COllstall1 0/1 the dome slIrfilCefor orcs o(cirdes per
pendicular to fhe wind direction; /or ('.wmp/c, lhe (lrC" jills.I"ing Ihrough IJ
-/J,/J and a/I II!', p(lmlld 10 B-I1-/1, " For wI/lies o/Ir,lD IW(I\eell{flro.I'1
' hl"led on Ihe graph ('UI"I'('.I', 1i1l('(J1" illierpo/a(ioll sha/l be j1amil(l
'd. (I = 0 degrees on dOllie spring line, () ~, 90 degrees af dl)lIIl' cellter f

Op point, lis measured{rom spring lilli' {o fop The 100al horizol1(a/ shear shal
l !lot be less (hall that delermined hy netlecting wind(r)/"(YI' all ro(lsJII/oc
l's For/1D value'S /I'SS (hall 0.0.5. lise Figure 207-6.
'Figure 207-7 External Pressure Coefficients, C~) for loads 011 Domed Roofs of E
nclosed, Partially Enclosed Buildings and Structures for all Heights Main WindForce Resisting System - Method 2
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

CHIIPTE H 2- Minimum Design Loads
Roof on elevated structure Rise- ta-span ratio, ,. 0 < ,.< 0.2 0.2 < r < 0.3 0.3
< r< 0.6
Windward quarter -0.9 1.5,. - 0.3 2.75/'-0.7 1.4,. Center half -0.7 -,. -0.7 - r
0.7 - r -0.7 - ,.
Leeward quarter -0.5 -0.5 -0.5
Roof springing from grou nd level
I. 2.
Wlrell tlse rise-Io-spar! ratio is 0.2.$r:S 0.3. alternate coefficients given by
6r-2.1 .thoU also be used/or ,he windward Quarter.
Notes: Values listed are/or Ihe '/cferminOliOIl oj average loads all main wincl
force resisting systems. Plus mId mimi.! signs Signify pressures actillg IOlVord
and alVoy from the sill/aces. respectively. For wind directed pamllcllo the (lx
is oJlhe are/J. use pressure cocjficiellfsfrom Figllre 107-6 with wind dil'e('(e
d parallel 10 ridge. For components and cladding: ( I) AI roo/perimeter, use Ihe
exlemal pressure coelJiciellls ill Figure 207/ ,lI'ilh 0 h(Jscd on spring line s
lope and (2)/or remail/ing roof areas. lise exlernal pressure coefflcielJ(J' of
this table mrdtll)/ictl hy 0.87.
Figure 207 -8 External Pressure Coeffic ients, Cp for loads on Arched Roofs of E
nclosed, Partially Enclosed Buildings and Structures for all He ig ht s Main Win
d- Force Resisting System/Compo nents and Cladding - Method 2
Association of Structura l Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTER 2 - Minimulll Design Loads

O. 75P >'Y
0. 75Pwx
0. 75P"",
0. 75Pwx MT ~ 0. 75 (p"" + Pu ) Bx ' x "" = O . I5B x
0. 75P" MT = 0.75 (P",,+ P.r) B T. ,
0.563 P,.J( 563 Rr-r 0.563 Pwx L-L -.L...l-...L.....L...JO MT = 0.563 (Pwx + PIX)
Bxex+ 0.563 (Pwr + PH) Brer
I'-1- r- -r- -1~rT- r- r-t-'
e, O.15B,
Case 1. Full design wind pressure acting 011 the projected area perpendicular to
each principal axis of the structure, considered separa tely along each princip
al axis.
Case 2. Th ree quaners of the design wind pressure acting on the projected area
perpendicular to each princi pal axis of the structure in conjunct ion with a to
rsional moment as shown, co nside red separately for each principal axis.
Case 3. Wincl loading as defi ned in Case 1, but considered to act simultaneousl
y at 75% of lhe specified value. Case 4. Willd loadi ng as defined in Case 2, bu
t considered to act simultaneously at 75% of the specified value.
NOll's '
/){'.~igll wind pre.Hures/n/' windward and Ic('word fa ce.( slta" be d('lcrmilJc
d in a/'{'on/ rlllct! wilh IIII' provi.riolls o(Sec/s. 10 7.5. 11.2. 1 {1m/ l fi
l. 5.ll.l . .l (IS (lflplirah/e l or buildings 0 1 (Ill hcighlJ. /Ji(lj.!I'(/I".
~ .f/lOlI' plan vi{' w'f olh/.i/dins:.

Nolo/iflll :
dc.rigll fln's.W/l'e (JCfi11f; ill Ihe x. y prillC/lm/ (lxi.f. nspl'(f/\'('~)'. /.
('('lIardlucl' d(,\' i~1I pre.uw'(' fiNing in tlu~ x. y prine/jNII (lx i..-. rt!.
ljJt'ctively. (' ((' 1', ('1) -- /;'c'('('II{ricity/iw liJe x, y prillcil)(l{ (l
xis oJtl1t! structure. f'(!.\pt:cliw ()'. A "I ,- TO/ :~il/lJiI! /IIOIII/'Itt pe
l' IIl/il heiglrt (lClilll,: abolll a \'l'rl/ca! axi.~ Il/lhe blli/ding.
Por I'
~. Willi/ward/aCt!
PI r P I1
' ;'
Figure 2079 Design Wind Load Cases for All H eights Main Wind-Force Resis ting Sy
stem - Method 2
Natlonat Structural Code of lI,e Philippines 6 ' Edition Volu me 1

CHAPTEH 2 ... Minimum Design Loads
(~ ./ .....
~ .. 0
... ,-....
- , )
/ ..
/ ~~
Transverse Direction
Longitudinal Dlrectlon BASIC LOAD CASES
Figure 20710 External Pressure Coefficients. Ge,.on Low Rise Walls & Roo[, of Encl
osed. Partially Enclosed Buildings with" ,; I R m. Main Wind Force Resistin g Sys
tem Method 2
I\ssoci8\ion of Stru ctural Engineers of 1118 Pililippines

CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads

Roof Angle 0 (degrees) 0-5 20 30-45 '----90 ...
No!l'.\" :
Buildin Surface I 0.40 0.53 0.56 0.56
3 -0.37 -0.48 -0.43 -0.37
4 -0.29 -0.43 -0.37 -0.37
5 -0.45 -0.45 -0.45 -0.4 5
6 -0.45 -0.45 -0.45 -0.45
IE 0.6 1 0.80 0.69 0.69
2E -1.07 - 1.07 0.27 0.69
3E -0.53 -0.69 -0.53 -0.48
4E -0.43 -0.64 -0.4 8 -0.48
-0.69 -0.69 0.2 1 0.56
I. 1.
PIII.~ om' //lilli/X signs signiJjl pr(!.\'slIrc:.' (K/illg (oward and (Ill'oy/r
om Ihe slIrjiu.y!.f, re.rpeOillcly.
For l'(lIU1~:"
other thl/1/
ill turllS
show". iiI/cor illfl'lpolofiolJ ;.1' pCl'lllif((!(J,
3. 4
711(' bllildillg must be designed for all wind directions r ising Ih(, R loading
patterns .f/IOWI/.
ImiMi/1; {:orlll'r
nil! load pllltems
are applht! 10 l'lll:h
as tile Reforellce Corner.

Comhil/o/iOlls o.f eXlema/ IIml illlcmal pre.ts/m!s (see Figure 1075) shall be ev
alllnted a.f reqllired 10 obtain lite mOM .revere
For 111(' torsional/Dad cases showlI below. the pres.tures ii, lOlles desiglltl/
ed wilh a "'" (1 T. 2T, IT. 4T) shaff be 25% of Ihe full desigll willd prC.fsure
s (zolle J. 2. 3. 4). 6. xce}Jlioll : Qlle -"ton'), buildings with len Ilion or e
qual 10 10 III buildillgs fWO slories or less framed wilh light !rollle CO lls/m
el ion. lIIul huildillgs fwo swries or Jess dcsignated willi fll'xible diaphragm
s lIeed not be designed for Ille larsiOllof lond cases. 7. TOl'siall(lllomlillg
sha/J apply fa of( eight basic load palle,."s 1I.<:illg Ih e figllres below appl
ied at cflch referellce comer. 8. Excepi for momt!lII.resistillg frames. tile to
tal horizonlal sllMr shaJl IIot be less Ihon Ihat determilled by lIeglecting wil
ld farces 011 raul sllI/ace.f. 9. For the (/t'.<:ign of tfte MWr"RS providing la
leml rt'Sislanc(! i" a dil'eCli(J1I parallel f() a rit/ge. lille' orlor flat roO
/f. lise 0 =- 0 0 atld loca/e flte la/IC 213 boundfll)' (// rhe midlcl/glll olthe
Imildillg. 10. The /'oolpr(!ssure coefficicfJ! GC~f. II'hell neg(llil'e ill zol
le 2 or 2E. shall be applied ill zOlle 212 E. for a dis/(UJce [ram the edge 0/1'
00/ equal 10 0.5 limes (he horizontal dimension 0/ rhe building paml"" 10 Ihe di
rectioll ollhe MWFRS being design ed or 2.5 lim('s Ihe efll'e heigill. hr. at Ih
e windward 11'(1/1. whichever is less: lite remainder of zone 212 E. extending 1
0 {he ridge line .l'lwll usc rhe preSS/Ire coe.Oicienl GC"lfiJl' zone 3/3 e. j 1
. No/(uiOIl.' II ~ 10 pl~I,(,(!1/1 (~f Icasl horiZO/lwl dillle'lI.n'OIl or O,4h,
which ever is ,fIIf{//"~r. hut 110/ It!!>.\, IIwll eit/wl' 4% (llc(Jsl horiZOIl
/(J1 dimem';rm
MlUJII rno/height. m, except thm eIJl'(~ heighl slllJlI be uset/forO :; I(YO = A
ngle alp/one ofroo[from horizontal. degrees
Transvel se Direction On!Ilt'LJdlnal Direction
Torsional Load Cases
Figure 207- 10 (conI 'd) EXlernal Pressure Coemcien'" GC"ro ll Low-Rise Willis &
Roof., of Enclosed, Partia ll y Enclosed 8uildings \~ilh II :5' 18 m, Main Wind
-Force Resistin g System-Method 2
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volul11 e 1

CHAPTEF{ 2 Minimum Design Loads
o (!)
-1.8 -1.6 -1.4
J.-- c-""-- i'--..
..-" c:
-1.0 .0.6 .0.4 .0.2
~ Q)
~ ~
---- ----: ~
C/) C/)
+0.2 +0.4 +0.6 +0.8
c: L.
2 X
L----- I----"

k- ..0.1
9.3 18.6
Effective Wind Area, m
4. 5.
Vertical scale denotes G(~ 10 be used lI'illl q;,. Horizontal scale denotes effe
ctive lI'illd area, II!" PIlls and lIli/IUS signs sign!()' pres.l"Ures acting to
ward alld away/rom the swflees, respectively. Each compOllell! shall be designed
/or /l/aximulII pO.l'ilil'(, and !legalil'!' pressures. Jia/!I('s oJG(~Jor wol/s
shall be reduced by 10% when 0::; If)"
,~ 10 percellt of !(,II,V! horizontal dimellsioll or (JAil, \Ihic/)el'('r is sma
/la. hut 110t less lholl either 4~-{' {~/ least horizontal
dimensio/1 or (), 9 III Meall J'()(!/heigiJf. III, except {hal {'(lve height sha
ll he IIsed/llrO ::; 10" C~ Angle (!fplonC? o/n)(!f/rom hori;:oll/(//. degrees.
Figure 207-! I A External Pressure Coefficients, Gel' for Loads on Walls of Encl
osed, Partially Enclosed Buildings with h ~ 18 In Components and Cladding ~ Meth
od 2
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

l~l .-- <V, - - - 1- - ---, ,
-r --------l-- --,,,<v
--" ----1-14,
CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads

, ,
;1=-L<V""-.1.:-_-""':Oc:..-_-_---'--_-...:"'-_ _ -_-:,-,0~3
... c
Rc bf
Q. o

u -2.0
C> 3 .0

u' ar an g
!i: Q)

o f! :J
a. tv c ....
I~ ~.,\
''" " ~
-1.0 < . < .
-:-S~&@1.1 -1.0

0 .9 1 .9

0.9 1 .9 4 .6 9 .3 18.6 46.5 92 .9
1 "..S ., . ... . f-0{i)
< . 0.1
4.6 9 .3 16.6 46 .5 92.9
Effective Wind Area, m 2
EffacUve Wind Area, m 2
J. 4. J. 6.
Vertical ""ale denotes G (~, to be used lI'ilh q~ . lIuriU)lff(l1 scali' denote.
\" "jlee/iI'c! 1I'illd (Ire(} A, m:,
1'111.,' III/(/ mill1/5 sign.~ signify preS.fUI'('S (I eliflg toward lind tlw(ly
Ji'om the .wl' f ilces. rt'.,.,u!c'lil'l!ly. hoc" COlllpUIII!1If .f/wl/ be d es
iglled for IIl(JximUTII pO.filil'C (l11(/III!J;alil'c pre.HUH'.f.

For 0 S 70 ,
Ftw bllildings SifC't/ within .tf}()SIIr(,
o/GCI'/rom Figure 20758 .f/mll be used. co/culaled preSSIIt'{'S sh(lll be nllllfi
l'li::d l~r 0.85
Nolc ll;,m:
II '"
J(}'l~ O//ClI.d IwriU)IIW/ dilll{'II.~iul/ 0/11 .{llIgle ,sf/lm module or I)
4". wlJiclu'ver is .wwller. hilt lIolless thcm dlher" perct'''! of
It'O,l'f lU}r;u11ltal dilfl(!lIsimr (~rll.fill~/c+.tp(JIr matlll/f! 0"/ II ,., H
I"t' hl' I/:1I1 .t/wll b(' /Ised j i/I' () $ 10" W <"' IJIII/dillS !lidlh, /1/ (
}:" Allgll' ~rp/ml(' c~rroojfrmn Jwn;ontlli. dl'grt>es
Fig ure 207-1 113 External Pressure Coem c ient', Ge" on Gable Roofs of Enclosed
, Partially Enclosed Buildings with" " 18 III Co mponents and Cladding - Method
National Stru ctural Code of th~) Philippines 6 'h Edition VOl lHl'l8 1

CHAP TEr< '2 .- Minimum Design l.oads
I I r
I I I r I

1:-1-._.-._ ._....J]
' rt= i-(J)-::--:
., .4 it3 o
c '0
, .,
., .
.8 .2
z z .4 z .2
,. .,
"" "
"-+ .....
. . -Q}
C..J -4 .

e .,
1 .0
'" E
c ...
... ...
.. .. .
I... .... .
". .3 = ..
-3. 81-@-.----..

-'-r-'-- ~'
3 .8
3. 4r..-..
if Ql
'\ '\. .__..
-- I-+--3.7

z S ... ... ...e
C ...
-3 .0 e .,.8 .,. ''" " e z
Z. 4

: -(j)-@&(F'
0.9 1 .9 4.8
-2.0 .,-. 0 .1
0.9 1 .9 4 .6
-+ _. 9.318.6
Z .,
9 .3 18.6
41~ . 5
'::-:: 92.9
EffectJve Wind Area, m'
EffectJve Wind Area, m'

I. 2.
e s 27
4. 5.
Vertical senft! dC/JOit's Gel' to be Il,H:d II'llh q~ . lIori:mulIl salle del/of
es eIfective wind area, ill !illll(Jl'~' 1JI('lt" :", III I, sigl/s signify p""s
sw 'cs (Iclillg IOlI'ord (lml (lway/rom III(' .wlI/nC('.f. r('.o:pf'("(jW/),. E(
u:h component .{Iwl( be dl'SIgllcd fnr fllllximlim pn.nfil'(.' (lnd " ego/ille I
'res,u/I"(s. Vallles t!fGCpfor roof OI'trh(lIlg.f il/ell/rle pl'C",r.urre c(1rltri
butiolufl'om bOlh IIppt'r /lilli/ower slIr{f/(;(.... edge / r idge sirips and pre
ssllf"(' c()l:fl/cit'llIS {"r ridJ.:.{.r l!fguh/('d midi- shal/lIppi!' 011 I'uell
hip. For hip roo!'; willi 7 < () ~ 1
PillS (llId 1i ! :II11S
/,'or '"i' w l?fr wilh 0:::: 25. Wile' 3 ,r/mll h<'/rcu/ct! II.r ZOI/C' 2 No/a fiol
Il '" If) jlern'lI f ~rf('(lsl hOri201l(liI {1i1ll ('n<:i(lII.~ or (J.t/II , II'
hkh{>I'(!" is .H1l11l1er. hilI Iwl !t'ss thall ('illl('l" 1%
'!{ it'rUI
"/lri~(mllll dillll'l!..iu;;
orfJ.9 m
h ,~ Mean 1'(J(!f Jwight. m. ext'ept thtlt ('IH '(! /r etg"l .Ihall be fl.snl jiJ
I' (}:5 {} ~~ Angle (~f plane f!f 1'01!lfmlll horizonw/. IJ('gl'('{!'\'
Figure 207- 1 IC External Pressure Coefficients, Ge" Oil Gable/II ip Root:, of E
nclosed, Part ially Enclosed Buildings with II ~ 18 III Components and Cladding
._. Method 2
AssOcitHion of S trlJ cturf:ll Engineers of the: Phil ippine s

CHAr'TER 2 . Minimum Design Loads

2.. 53
ftft/ft -j- _l L ~ JQ2 :.r&321__
+- r -1 @: -@- -:
G) r@1
_---_ .._.....
__. _ - - - - '
..r I:
0.6 ...-.-..--..---

... 4~----- ' - - ---+-~---I...--- --_ ---+-+--1---1--1
'0 .,.4 e----- .-..J---I--I----I--I---...., - - - - -..-- --- -_....)---1-10-..----- .. --..
" o "
:;: _(2) &~_+=+-_. ___
.._____.. ___ ._ .'0
---I---.-1---- 1.- -.-..._-.
..... _ ....
.0 .
--------_.._..- - - - ..
[...(1)-(2)'&@-- -.:--: == -.,~ ..--.. -..--- -.-.....
-____ _____ ___ L _____ _
0.. (ij
~ en en ~
, . I-----+----+---=~"'+-I_-I- 1.'
.....__..__._-1--- - - --- -- - - ....--.
1.4 - - ' ' ' - ' - - - - . - - _ . 1.' . - - - - - .....- ...- ......--. --..- ..- - .---.- . - .

9,3 18.6
46.5 92.9
1.0 0.1
9.3 18.6
46.5 92.9
Effective Wind Area, m'
Effective Wind Area, m'
GABLE ROOFS 27 0 < 0 :s 45
I. Vertical w:a/c dClJotes (j(~, to he IIsed 1I'111t qh
ilorizontal scale dello!es
wil/d area,
Plus and millll.l" ,~igl/s sigf1[{j' pressllres acting {Oln/rd and (1woyji'olll
Ihe siujiu:es. respectively.
I:'(/cll cOIIII'0I1(,1I1 shatl he desigllcd/o}" maxinll/III positil'(' olld /lcg
alivc pressures
Value.l" o( C;C;.jin' mO/OI'er/ulIIgs illclurie pressure cOlllrihulioll.ljiom hol
h IIpper and lower .l"1II.f(lces.
10 percellt O(/CO.It /iori::OIua/ dimcllsioll.l or OAiI. whichl'v('!" is S/II(lI/t
'!". hut !lot less thall eithC'r
4% (?f lells! hOl"ium/ol dimellsioll

() '0
II '" Meall }"oo(hr'(l;/II. III AI/gIl' ofplul/(, o(mo//i"Ol1l hOI"/;:(}ntlil. d
Figurc 207-11 D Extcrnal Pressure Coefficients, G(~) on Gable Roo(\ of Enclosed,
Partially Enclosed Buildings with h $ ! 8 m Components and Cladding - Method 2
Nc)(ional Structwal Code of
Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

CHAPTER 2 -- Minimum Design Loacls
0.3 to 0_7
w, = 0.25 to 0.7.1
011 Ihe
o/jla(, stepped 1"IJ()f.i ,\"11011'11 ill Figure 2()7 /2, the
d("I'igllolioll.\' olld prI'SJIII"(' coefficiellts
."/;ml/i "!
1/ /J shalf appzv, except lliar at the 1"()(!/~lIp"er 11'(11/ inICl".I'CClioll(s
). ::0111' 3 .\'ha// he {reared (IS zone 2 (lnd ZOIW ) shu!! h, 1,'01('(/ t:x ZO
Il(, 1. Posifin' wlll/('.\" of GC:~. (,(/110/ to tho.\'{' /hl" walls ill Figur('
]{)7j fA sl1r11/ apply (III (he crosshatched (/n'O.l' sholl'/! in Figure 207-12.
2. N%/ivlls : h .~ 1.5111 ill Figure 20l f 2. hllll/Of greater fhall 30 m
h '" Meall J'()(!f height. //I hi ,- hi or II! ill Figure 207-12: II'~ h/ -j 11
:: h, :0: 3 III, h/h ,~ (U /0 0.7 W c", /Juilding width ill Figure }07-/2 W,''''
If / o/" W!or WI ill Figu/"e207/2. If ~' IVI + W., or WI -I We -1- WI W/Il' '"
n.25 {0 0.75 o ""' Angle o(plane (!{/"()(?flio/11 horizollfal. d('grees
Figure 207-12 External Pressure Coefficients, Gel' on Stepped RnolS of Enclosed,
Partially Enclosed Buildings with Ii ,; 18 III Components and Cladding -- Metho
d 2
Association of Structural Engineers of the PhilipPines

CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads

, ,
: , ,
1 -_._.!!W ---_ __
2 .6
3 .0
2 6f-2 2 .4 2 .2
10'<0 <30"
2 .6
30'< 0 S 45'
2.6 . 2.5
0. 2 4i-<?>
() 2 .2 C,!) . .2.0
.... c

2 .0
1 .6
-- -'\..
-----if Ql
1 .6
1 .4 1 .2
.... C
L '\..
-- ----_ -- _.- f--..
1.7 1.6 1.1
4------ _. 1. 2 -, -- .. if Ql 0 .. 1 . o ()
. 1.
<{) . 8
1. B .1.6
....1 .7

_. .: -- f--.
Vl Vl
1 . 0 <{). B
.{). 6 .{). 4
.{). 2
--- _ !l.
2 - - -- - - - - _ _-(ij
-- I - .... - -0
.... x
0-'-<{). 2
ro c
+0. 2
+0 .4 +0 .8
+0.4 +0. 6

---I=--- 1 -_. - - +0 .
.... x
6--I-.- _.
0.91 .9
4 .69.318.646.592 .9
0 .1
---. -.- - - I.
+ 0.8
0 .91 .9
4 .69.318.646.592.9
Effective Wind Area, m 2
Effective Wind Area , m 2

V('/'fical.u'ai, d('lIf1il'.f Ge" to
kllolt'... t1fi.'clil't! wind Ort'll.
p n 'ssld'C'S (WI llig IOU"m "I' IMd
r 1 ;(1('11 compl}//('III,\'/udl 111'
' (lm/III'C(llin' W'('.f,tllrc:S.

/1(' /If('t/II";lh 1 /. lfor;::OI/W/ sc:a/( (

11/ PIli!/: 1111(1 mfllllS Jil:tls signify
lIu-ay/rom Ihc' .nfljil( es. r,,~p(cllI't~,
t!('.\igl1('(! fill' 1/I11.limulllluHifll'l

For (J
/0 0, I'all/t's ofG<'~.lio lll Figwv l1J7-11 shall hi'
/w/,( '/'Ilf
Now/iolls: (I ~, If) 1){'n'('II' fllt'asl llOl'i.7(II1I(11 dim(' /lS;OII,\' uta
,~jl/.~:/( '-"'I'(111 IIIod"/( III' (JAil. It'hidll'l'('1' is SII/(/II.-I', hl/II
IOf h's, \' ,h(/I/ ('iI/wI' 4 "I"'(I,fl/lOl'I:ml/a/ dillll'lI,f/rJ/l of fI ,flll
~/I! 'V){}1I /1111(1"1,, Ill' 0. 9 11/ It '" ,\Iewl I'r",/I/('I;/II. m . {'X(,I!I
" 11/(/1 "c/I' I' h(j)!hl ,\'!Jall hi' " .H'd/orl}::: IfJ" It' ." IJuiidillg modl
lll! widrh, 11/
AI/gil' of"It/l/(, ofronf(rom hori:onltll. t/(',I!.r('l',{
figure 20713 EXlemal Pressure Coe m cicnls, Ge" on Mullisl'an Gable Roofs of Encl
osed. Parlially Enclosed l3uildings wilh " ,; I Rill
Componen ts and Cladding - Method 2
National Structural Code
or the Philippines 6U1 Edition Volume

CHAPTE:H 2 -.. Minimum Design l.oads
l-:r i-----~-----L~ ~L ,
N ____
-2.8 2.6
, , , ,
' ,
1M ' 0: , : ,
CD 1
, , ,
!4-, ,
, ,
,: ,
, ;~ ;(2
, , I

-1.8 1.6

""-->__ L__'
. J.i_- _-_- __;_- _-_- _-!. .r_~. . .J- - ~
'" '"
-0.4 -0.2
c: ...
+0.4 +0.6

9.3 18.6
46.5 92.9
Effective Wind Area,m 2
~w --~
MONOS LOPE ROOFS 3" :::: 0 :::: 10"
Noles : I.
Verli(."(I/.\"(xJfe denores (;C:~ (() be used with qh
/ /ol"i:olllill sca/I' denoles {!Ueclive willd al"ea A. m.
PIlls (Il1d minus signs sign(fjl pressures acting IOll'(JI'd 0111/ (j\\'(J.l'/i"
Oln the ,I"wfnces. I"especril'e/y. Each compollent shall be designed/c)/" maxill
lum posilil'(, (lnd ncgatil'e pressurc.\". For () ~ 3". wl/ues (~rG(~,f/"()1II F
igure 207/ III shoff he u.\"ed
(/ ,- /0 perCClI1 (~lI('asl horizollial dimellsions or O.4h, \l'lIichell('r is .
wwf/e/". bur nor le.u dUIII ('ir!!('/" 4 p('I"n'lIl O(l{'(/S! hon21111fo!
dilll('II.1"IOII or O. 9 111 II co 1,,'alJe height sholl he uscd/i."ll" ():S /OG
W'" /Juilding width, 11/ (J ", Angle ojp/ww o/roo/from horizontat, degrees
Figure 207-14A External Pressure Cocfticients, Gel' on Monoslope Roofs 3 < e ~ 10
of Enclosed, Partially Enclosed Buildings with h ~ 18 III Components and Claddin
g -- Method 2
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAvn::F 2 _ .- Minimum Design Loads

"" IdJ
~ I:
.J'0'ii~~~~=l=+=~ -2.8 i="
-2~ 1-----1--+":---1-+--1---2.4 f------I-i-"--',,,I--I--+--l--I
"" IdJ

L _ __ ______ _ __ J
~ e
-221----+-+-+-+-r---j-1 -2.01------11--1--+-+-1--- .. .0 I! 1-=:----- ---1--+--+1---1---1.8 r@~----k::,,-+-i. --. - 1 - 1.6 IA -~I- ----1--+--j
.~1.~ I--{B_l-_--_-~_-_--+,~-~--~--:O--t~=t'---=::t=t=!~:H
-Ur-------I---j).8 - - - - - -- - - - ---I--- - - - - - j ) A I---r.;--------I~
as E
. C 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - -.0---------- -- . _- --- +0.4 ALLZON"RS
1--~2t~~~~t=j:~~j==t=~~ --- m
Effective Wind Area, m'
NOles '
f {orizol/lill
dCI/o[('.\" G(~,
to hI' IIsed \\-illl q" e{fective I\"illlf al"('(1 A.

I>IIIS lil/d
lIli/IIIS .\igll.~
sigllil.i- pres,l"IIl"e.\' (lclillg toward and (/\\oy./iolll fire .I'III/OC(,S. re
each COIII/HIII('111 sh(lll he d(,s(i~lIed/()r mi/ximllll! po.vil/\'e (lild I/eg
alil'{' prex.I"II/'e.\'.
If) /)('l"n'lIl o(l('os( /wri::()Iliu/ diml'lIsionl' OJ" O.4h, w/iic/iCI'cr dimc
nl'i()11 or O. 9 111 II Mel/II roof'/I('(I!,lir,1II Jj' Iluitdill,!!. lI'ill/h ,
III o ": Ang/e o(p{(J/1(' 1!/mo(ji'Olll hori::oll/ol, dc,!!.n'I's
i ,l' .1'11)(///('1',
hilt 1I01/('.\'.\' thall ('ililc/' 4 pcrcCllt o({ensl horizontol
Figure 207-1413 External Pressure Coefficients, GC~J 011 Monoslopc Roofs 10 < of
Enclosed, Partially Enclosed Buildings with II :s; J 8 III C()Jl1pol1cnts and Cl
adding .- Method 2
eS; 30
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

CHAPTEH 2 - Minimum Design Loads
... ... 4 ~(SPANAI
, 3
-4 .1
~.--. @i.-----~m--mf 3:::
__ : I
-4 .0
: ,
1 , , :
1 , , '
0), ii"' 2 i'6
3. 3 .

r-, , , ,
: ,
' :

;,;i j ~i - ------ --Kr 3:::

c: QI '0
." ." , .,.
-2. 0

"" '" '",

~ -\
-2 .6

'" "--1.6
-<l . -<l -<l.' -<l,2
I-. . ! . . .w- - - I
~ x
c: ....
+0.2 +0,' +0 . +0 .
+1 .2 +1.4 0.1
0.9 1.9
-.-- 9.3 18.6
+0 .7 +0.6
+1 .1
46.5 92.9
Elevation of Building (2 or More Spans)
Effective Wind Area, m'
No r!'!.;

V"/"I;('(t/ scah' dlII(J(I!.~ eel' to II(' USN} wilh q" Ilm'hul/wl scale clt'1I0I
l'S l'ffi:ctil'e wind ort'a A,
II ....
Plus ali(I millllX ... i~II'<: slf,lI iji' PI'/,.\'SIW<'S I1Clillg f()\~ 'fI,.d
(lilt! (111'(1)' /rom Iht.! .l'Ifrf (IC<',f, rl!sp{'Clil'l'(I"
Had, ('0111(10111.:111 shafll)(' 1/(.\"igIJl'dji,,. /IIt/rimll'" ;10.\";I;l'(.' (
1/11/ Fo r" ~ tfJD, I'(tfl/{'S I~r (j(.~,jh )ll' Fi};ur(' 107 // shall hi! IIsed.
/wgllfil'c: PH!SSllres .
Now/ioll.\': - /0 1U'l'c('tI/ or/('(/.~I Iwri::collia/ dlll/I'IISiml.\ O/'
r/iI1U'II.\'iml or
n 9111
wll/ ch e l'I'r
is smalh>r. hili 110'
"',u (/1111/ (,i,//('r .f /)('/H'1If o.//('OSI /wri=mllo/
h MC'a1/ nxifhl'l,l4hl, m. 1 ',I t'C'Pl lh{lf ('1II.,. Ilt'ix1ilsltllll hI' 1I,\
'(r/ (or 0 S. /00 II' ... IJllilrlmg 11I0r/llit' wit/lh, 11/ () ~ "'''1:1('0./plm
/(: fll rao((nml Jwri=Ollwl, t/t'grC'l!s
f'igurc 207-15 EXlcrtl.1 Pressure Cocmeienls,
on Sawloolh Roofs
or Enclosed, Partial ly Enclosed Buildings with II S 18 Componen ts and Cladding
-.- Method 2
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippine s

CHAr'TER 2 -- Minimum Design Loads

External Pressure Coefficients for Domes with a Circular Base Negative Positive
Positive 0, degrees Pressures Pressures Pressures 61 - 90 0-90 0-60 ------+0.5 +
0.9 GC, ._.- - -- -0.9 - - - - _..
2 3 4 5.
Verlical gale denotes
PlU,I" and
to be used I\'ilh (j(h{) + J) where (fit)
+ f) is [he heigh! althe
lOp of lire dome.
in us signs signify pr(,ssures aClil1g /oll'ard and awayjmln IIie SUI/aces, resp
ec/il'ely. Each componeili shall be designed for moximulIl posilive and negative
pressures. Values app~l' (o 0::: h,ID:5 0.5. 0.2 'S.jlD:-:: 0.5. () '" () degrc
es 011 dome spring lillc. () ." 9() degree.\" (II dome celller top pOinf.I is 1I
/('(JsuI"cdji'om spring tim'
Figure 207-16 External Pressure Coefficients, GC;, on Domed Roois
of Enclosed, Partially Enclosed Buildings and Structures with all Heights Compon
ents and Cladding - Method 2
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6'" Edition Volume 1

CHAP1H, 2 -- Mlnimurn Design Loads
3. 4 3 . 2
--.3 .2

2 .8 2. 6 2 .4 2. 2
-- i'-.
- -'-- . 2 .3
1. 8

'-1 .6 1.4 1 .2
"'------ --'"
1 .8 1 .6

-<>.8 -<>.6
---'--..... I----1 .4
"'---1.0 -o.g
'- fl'
, , ,
o f---.+1l .2 +1l.4 +1l.6 +1l.8
, ,
i , ,
, , ,
0.9 1.9
J-- j-----'
+0.6 +0.9
+1 .0
, ,
, ,
4.6 9 .318.8 46.592.9

Effective Wind Area, m2

_________ _ ___ _ "--' _ _ _ _-L-l
V('rfir/II scale dellOle, ,' (;C,./o he IIsed wirh q, or q..
3, 4.
7, S.
I/on :(/l/w/ snli(' del/Ole:; effeclil'c will/I ar('(1 A. 11/ PIII.~ /lmlmil/l/.
f signs , t igl/W' preHUI'('S ae/illg 1 0 l1l/lrd fllld (lII'(I),/rom lhl! .nu/r
ICe-.f . re.~/)(!(, I ;vdy. u'w II: willi JJOJilil'l' v(lf/u's (?fGCr (//1(/ q"
wilh /1l.'f,;(llil'C' "lIfm:,,' (~rGCI' hlW/l {'OI/lPOIU'III.f/wll hf' d" .fil:l
1I'ti/"rllJ(HinwIII (JO,fllh 'e tlIuJ nC'}:(llil'l? pn'!i.WrI'I', ('v l'Okirillf
drt' {or rtk>/r lI'ilh allg/(- 0 :5 10. For ut/wr roo/III/Kles (lIId J:cmmt'/I)'
. u.\"(~ G(~ " III,,('.f/I"OIll Ffl:!ln' l ill- il (II,d l llf,'lId,m l q. lwst'
d 01/ ('XI>OSlII'(: ae./im:d;" St'CI;OI/ 107_ 5 6. , .' 1/(1 jlal"f1(Wf {'I/Imll
f} O/" highl'r (i1(11/ {J,Y //I i.r prm'idl'd aroumllhl' p('rim("j'r I~rlh(' 1'(
,1II/ lI';{}' f) "5 1(''', :LOlli'} .~/IIIIII)(' /1'('ul('d 1I.\' I.IIm'l,
No /(/(;olls :
10/11'1"/'('11/ (!{ft'fI ,\'{ hori: Olllu/ dill/l' ILI-jOU,I', IUll lJOt l('s,I'
rhull 0. 9 !II " ;.' Alel/II rOlf/wigh" m, ('x('('pl ,IU/ll'II\'I' IId}.!1I1 si
mI! III' /1,1'/'11 (or(} ::; IO il ~ ""/g"IIII)(",,(, ground, III
(j ,.
r; - AI/}.:/" "(plum' o(mof(Him hO!'l:mtllll t/r};r cc.r
Figure 20717 External Pressure Coefficients
on Walls and Roof.'\
of Enclosed, Partially Enclosed Bui ldings wilh" > 18111
CO lnponcnts and Cladding - Method 2
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads

Wind Direction
y= 0
Load Case A Clear
C NW 1.2 -1.1 -0.6 -1.4 -0.9 - 1.9 -1.5 -2.4 -1.8 -2.5 - 1.8 -2.4 -1.6 -203
Wind Direction
y = 180
/.T,//// ///77/,////
Wind Direction y ~ 180 Obstructed Clear Wind Flow Flow C NW C NW C N1 0.2 -0 .5
1.2 -1.1 -0. 1 -1.1 -0.2 0.9 1. 5 0 .3 0.8 1.6 0.4 1.3 1.6 1.2 0.6 1.8 1.7 1.8 0
.5 0.7 1.3 2.2 0.6 2.1 2. 1 2.6 1.6 I 2.1 2.2 1.7 2.7 1.9 1.1 2.2 2 .5 0.8 1.4 2
.1 2.0
Roof Ang le, 0 0

Wind Direction y ~ 0 Obstructed Willd Flow Flow C NW CNt. OJ -0.5 -1.1 -0. 1 -I
-I 0 -1.3 -1.1 - 1.3 -2.1 0 -1.6 -1.5 -0.3 -2.3 -1.8 -1.5 -0.5 -2.3 - 1.8 -1.5 0.6 -2. 2 -1 .8 -1.3 -0.7 -1.9
Wind CNt. -1.2 -0.6 - 1.5 -0.8 - 1.5 -0.6 -1.7 -0.9
-CN~_ -1.2 -0.6 - 1.2 -0.3 - 1.1 -OJ
-I 0 -I 0.1 -0.9 0.3 -0.9 0.4
- 1.1 -1.8 - 1.1 - 1. 8 - 1.2
I. ].
Cm- allti (~L dl'/I/wt III~I JlY('S.rIII"('.~ (C<JI1lribulioll!;ji-om lOp (wd ha
ltom !iW!W."(I.I) jar windward ami leelVal'd halfo! roo/sill/ace.... re.fjll!t'f
iwfy. Clt'flr wind flow dCfl/OI('s rdolil'e1y /IIW/Jsfrucln/ldnd fiow with hlock
ng(~ It!SS rhall 01" equal (0 50%. Obsfructed willdflow denoles objects ludow ro
of illhihilillg lI'iml/low (::> 500/0 blockage). For I'll /lies off) bmw('{'11 7
.5 0 alld 45, linear illtC!'1'oiflliol/ is permiued. For WIllies v/O le.fs l/tall
7. :; .... lI.ft: ''',lIlos/ope roof /0(1(/ cm:Oicit'III ....
PIlls a1l(/ mitlllS sf}.:lI.\' .flgnj[v Im',H"lwe:; acting lUII'llI'd:; iJlld aW
lly/rom the top rQ(ifsUliace. I"c.tp('clil'cly.
5. I'i.
All /aod ClI:;t'-$ sholl'lIfiw (>lIdl roof{1/1J:le sholl /It' I//\'(':;{igatl'd
IIwizoll(al (iimt'llsiOIl.r ofrm!{, Meml rim! heighl. m
ill lire

WII/d direclio/l, m
n '" Augle t?{phllll' o/moffi{)IIIIl()ri;::tmla/. dI'W'('('s
Figure 207-18A Net, Pressure Coefficicnts, eN on Monos lope fre e Roofs 8,; 45,)'
~ 0".180" of Open Buildings
Nationa! Stru ctu ra l Code of the Philippines 6 h Editio n Vo!urnG 1
)' '"" /JJr('cfioll flwilltl. drf,I'I!I'.t
Main Wind- Force Resisting

CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads
=> 1=0
Wind Direction
Roof Angle, 0 7.5 0 15 22.5 30 37.5
Wind Direction y _ 0, 180 Obstmcted Wind Load Case Clea r Wind Flow Flow ---_._.
-I -I
1.1 0.2
-0.3 -1.2 -0.4
f------.o0 13
0.1 1.1 -0. 1 1.3 -0.1 1.3 -0.2 1. 1 -0.3
0.1 -0.8 0.3 -0.9 0.6 -0.6 0.9 -0.5
-1.6 -0.9 -1.2 -0.6 -1.2 -0.8 -0.7 -0.2 -0.6 -0.3 -0.5 -0.3
-1.7 -1.6 -1.2
-0.7 -1.1 -0.6 -0.9 -0.5 -0.7
PITCHED FREE ROOFS 8!5 45, Y = 0, 180

C'H fllld C"'"L t/('IJ()/C' I/e'l {JH!UIIH'!, (cIJII(ril"'fioll.f from /(If! (li
ld Imllam sfll/acC'.f) /rw willdw(/rd alld h'(!ward 1111 If of mq{ sUlfaces. r("
.~fI(~( ri ' -1'~1' Clenr II-jllllj/o\\' (Ii.'l1o/c's rl:'faln'('~)' flIl()h.W1IC
fc'(/ ."iml jlOII' willi "hkkagl' it'....f dum or equ(ll 10 50% Oh.f/I'U('/l't/
wind JIm" ,',
o"jet'ls heloll' roo/inhlbifing wi"d flow (;, 51Y',1, blockage).
For I'all/('.\" 11/0 bdll'('I'1f 7.Jt> IIml 45 , fill/~tlr ;1//1''1)o/l1liol/ ;.f
pcrmiffld. For ndues of 0 les.f ,hUll 7,.s", lise mmmslfJpl' r,;.,.
PIf;s (llId JII i/llls sigllx !.igll!ly pr(',~,ql1"l'~ tlc ling IQII'(ll'ds nllc
l (lway/rollllhe fOp ru0.f.mr!il('(', AII/llod I '(m'.~ s/'m..,1 for cal'll m~fl
lng/(' ,~/UlII hI' illllf.'slignlcd,
I . ." l/orj:;()I/fa{ dill/I'IIS;OIH o{l'tllIl 1I/('f1.mrnl i ll III(' a/olll! w
il/d din'clio l/, II "" Me(ln nm{ heigili. III ' .
;' :'0 /)in'{'/ioll o{llil/(l. de}!I'('(',\'
(} "
AII,~/I' ofpiml(' lI{n)t!(/i 'om
1101'1::0111(11, t!cgl'l'I'.\
Figure 207-1813 Net Pressure Coc f'ficicllts. C,., on Pitched force
Roofs e:5 45, )' = 0, 180 of Open Buildings wi th J lei ght h to Length L ratio , 0
.25 :5 hlL:5 1.0
Main Wind-Force Resisting System
Association 01 Stru ctLlral Engineers of the Pllilippines

CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads

Wind Direction
Roo r Angle, 0 7.5 0 --_.._. 15 22.5 30 37.5 45 Load Case
_ _____
Wind Directi on y - 0, 180 Obstructed Wind Clear Wind Flow Flow C NII' CNI CNIf' eN
/. -0.5 - 1.1 0.3 -1.6 -0. 2 -0.9 -0. 8 1.2 -0. 5 - 1.1 - 1.2 O A -0.8 0. 1 1.1
-0.6 -0.6 -1.2 - 1.1 -0. 1 -0.1 -0.8 -0.8 0.8 -1 .3 -I A -0.4 -0.3 -0.5 -0. 1 -0
.2 0.9 -0.3 -1.3 -0.6 - IA -OA -0.3 0.2 0.6 -1.2 -0. 3 - 1. 1 -0. 9 -OJ -0.4 0.5
.. 0.3 .. _.
_ ~ ~L_
TRO UGHED FREE HOOFS 6:S 45, Y = 0, 180
C"fr (ll/d
dCllofC' lief pr('SJIII'("S (colllriblllioll.{ from lOp tlIUI IJO/(om .nll!u('e.
f)Ior wil/dward all d leell'tJnl halfof rc1()f.5/lrfilCC.~.

" 5.
C/(>nr wmff flow d ellOU',l' relo(/I'('(v 1fl1O/J.<;iI1lC/ed ",indflow wilh bloc
kage less thatl or eql/a/lo 50% ObslIll(:lc:d 1I'illd/lo11' dC1ltJ/t's obJect.r
be/ow roof ;uhibitillg w /1Id flow (> 50% blockage). For \'(I/II("J l~rO belln'c
'/I 7.5 0 (111(/ 45, linea/' jl/((,I'flo(ution is ,wrmiued. For I'(lhu'.t 010 les
s th(lll 7.5, N.H! mOllosfop<, r()(~rlotld (oefJichmu.
I'{ux ll lld lIIillll.\ .1'iW IS siJ: I1 (l.i' p n!.\'.mr('s (le/ illg lowards mI
d away/ro ll1 l he lOp m o.r.~ 1IJf(j(;l', re.ljJ('clil,eI)'. All food (' (I.'''
'.\' show/1 fhr ('(I e), /'01?f angle .\'II(lfI he if/I'C', \ligal('d. NOla/jOlI
S: I, ~: 110l'i1.IIIIIIII dill"'llsiolls I!f I m~t: fI1 ('(I.I'II/'et/ ill ,hl'
a/o il!!, wind din'('(ioll. //I 11'-- M('wl /'(I(~r"dgh f. m
;' ". /)iq 'ClffllI (~rll'illd. (/t'gr(,l'I; fJ Alm~It'llfJlI(JII(, ofmo/fi'of1l
Iwrizol/(rll, df'grC'C'.\
Figure 207 - 18C Ne t Pressure Coefficien ts , C.. 0 11 Troughcd f ree Roofs 8 $
: 45, Y= 0, 180 of Open Bui ldings wit h Height h to Length L rati o, 0.25 S hll. "
Main Wind Force Resisting System
National Stru clural Code of the Pllilippin es 6 Edition Volume 1

CHAPTEF< 2 ... Minimurn Design Loads
from Windward Edge
from Windward Edge
from Windward Edga
Wind Direction y=90
Roof Angle
Wind Direction y=90
Wind Direction y=90
Obstructed Wind Flow
D istance [rOll1 Windward Edge
Load Case
.Clear Wind Flow -------_._-_._.-..
-1.2 0.5 -0.9
- ~ .- - All Shapes

Os; 45 0 B 0.8 . _ - - - -------_.- -------_. - - - - - - - - - All Shapes
> IT,::; 211
A ---.----B
.~.-0.6 0.5
---0::; 45
._---_.> 2h
..- ....
. .... ...-..
~ ~
._ .....All Shapes
-0.3 0.3
-0.6 0.3
f-OS; 45
~---...-TROUGHED FREE ROOFS a s 45, y = 0,180
No(es: I. 2. C\'(/(,110((,.\' /Jd pressures (coli/rih/{{ioll.~.(iom (OP (lild ho/
lolII sill/aces) Clear wil1d .flow denotes 1'('/llIil't:/y IIl1ohslruc/ed wind .
flOIl' with h/ockage h'.I".\ Ihml or equal 10 50% ()hS/l"llc/ed wind .I/O1\" d('n
oles ol~i('Cf.r he/ow /"()(?j"inhihi{illg lI'indflol!' (> 50% l>/or/.:age) 1'1/(
.1' and minlls .\"igll.\ sigIJ!/)' pre.Hl/reS (lClillg IOlVords alld aW(Jy(i"o/IJ
Ihe fOp roOj"SWjllt:" /"e.I"/lCClil'e/y All load C(JS(!.I' S!to\\'II'/()/' ('ach
l'Oo((lngl(' sh(lll be inFestig(l/ed For mOllos/ope mol;" wilh (hela less l!tal
l 5 degn'('s. ex l'olIiCS shown applr 01.1'0 for C(1ses lI'iJ('I"(' gOl/Jmo () d
egr(,es (/I/d O,tJ5 1r'.1"S liJ(l1l or <'<{UII! fo hll,less Ihan or ('qllal 0.25
. ,)'('(' Figure 207IRA/or olher hlL values. Nola/iolls:
I. It

HoriZOI1{ol dimellsioll.\" a/roof," lI1easl(lwl ill fhl' a/ollg \\"il1d direclio

ll. Mean I"()(?//wiglil. 11/ )' ~, Direcfioll of wind. dcgrccs () ' '" Angle a.l
plo!l(, ofro(dfrom horizon/al. degree,r
Figure 207-18D Net Pressure Coefficients, on Troughed Free Roofs 8:5 45', )' ~ 0,
180 0 of Open Buildings wilh Height h to Length L ratio, 0.25 :5 hlL:5 1.0 Main
Wind-Force Resisting System
Associat"ion of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTER 2 _. Minimum Des ign Loads

'-_._ - - - - l
Roof Angle
Obstructed Wind Flow Zone 1 Zone 2 - 1.8 0.5 - 1.2 0.8 -3.6 - 1.2 0.8 -1.8 0.5 1.8 -1.2 - 1.2 0.5 -1.2 0.5 1.2 0.8 -1.7 -5.1 -2.6 -1.7 1.2 -2.6 0.8 -2.6 -I. 7
- 1.7 0.8 0.8 -1.7 -2. 1 1.8 -3 .2 1.2 -4.2 -3.2 1.2 -2 .1 1.8 -3.2 ----2.1 1.2
-2.1 1.2 -2.1 -2.3 -3.5 1.6 2.4 -4.6 -2. 3 -3.5 2.4 -3 .5 1.6 -2.3 -2.3 1.6 -2.
3 1.6 - 1.9 2 .1 3.2 -2.9 -3.8 -1.9 2.1 -2.9 3.2 -2.9 2.1 -1.9 -1.9 -1.9 2. 1
Clear Wind flow Area 0 Zone 2 Zone I Zone _ .2.""C 3 < a' 2.4 3.3 1.8 1.7 - 1.1 1
.2 I 0' >0\ < 40 2 1.8 -1.7 -1.7 1.2 - -1.1 0.8 1.8 > 4a"2 1.2 -1.1 1.2 - 1.1 1.
2 - 1.1 0.5 < {[2 3.2 -4 .2 2.4 -2.1 1.6 - 1.4 1.6 >n2, < 4a 2 7.5" 2.4 -2.1 2.4
-2.1 -1.4 1.2 1.6 > 4a 2 1.6 -1.4 1.6 - 1.4 -1.4 0.8 1.6 < a' : 1.9 3.6 -3 .8 2
.7 -2 .9 1.8 2.4 15 . >a~ . .~~_cC._ 2.7 -2.9 _..._--2.7 1. 8 - 1.9 1. 8 - iT ~ 1
.8 > 4a' 1.8 .. -1.9 1.2 ._-_._- ----_ .. .. -------< oJ 5.2 -5 3.9 -3. 8 2.6 3.2
2 .5 30 > 0 2, < 4a 2 3.9 3.8 3.9 -3.8 2.6 -2.5 2.4 > 4a 1 2.6 -2.5 2.5 2.6 2.6 -2.
5 1.6 < (J l 5.2 -4 .6 3.9 -3.5 2.6 -2 .3 4.2 >a~, < 4(1' 45 3.9 -3.5 3.9 -3.5 2.
6 -2.3 3.2 > 4(12 2.6 -2.3 2.6 -2.3 2.6 -2.3 2.1
N o les:
I. 1.

('({'lIr wind fllll\' d('lIo/ex

C~.:d(,,/OW lief pn'.uUn!.f (("(}II/l"iblltioIlJlrolll top amI )w/lom slUfi" :(~
~) rdllliwly wlOh\,tnw(,d willd IIt)w with h/oe/mgt' le.u l/'lI II (II' equlIl to
50%. Oll'\"{n/( t{~d
IS pf'rmiltc'd
!Vimll'o1\' dl.!t",IC'.'i objet:ls
roof il/hihitill~ willtll/nw (> 50% hlockfIMe). Fl)r I'(dllC!.~ ,?fO 111111.'1"
Ih(ln tho.'w.\"hoWII, lill('ar jllff!'1wfaliOlI
PIlL.. flml
lIIillll." ...iKIlS
.~ .
-'''if,lIi(y pn...... IlI"('.~ tlClillf, low(ll"(lt (lml away from till' fop nmf'
~ '''..'(I(."('. r('.'\II(("(iI'(~I. CompO/WI/IS /11/(/ daddiltJ! c'/ellle-1I1s shn
lJ he ,Ic~\i.f!,md/m positive' nlld lIeRlIlil't' ""f!,~SI'rt' ("oe.Uici('lll.\" sho
Nora/il)/l,I': (/ '"" jO ';-'r; (!( I"{/'\'I hOl'i:nlllfil rlill /Clfs irllls
" ,\fe{/II I'of!(h cighf, III
0..111, whid,,w1' i.l smaller hill
/lO( (e,I',I'
Ihrlll 4% (l(er/sf hm'/zoll/al diIlH'"Siofls or
n,9 ",
'11111';;;1111/(/1 dimell ,l'jOiI O{hllildillg IIIctl,wreri ill '/llolI).! wind
din ' nioll. f) ,~ AII}!./l' (lli i/mll' flf /'Imf limll horiUIllff/I. (h'.~nl"~
e" 45 ofOpcn i3uildings wi th Height" to Length L ratio, 0.25 "hlL:5 1.0
Components an d Cladding
Nationa l Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volume
r igurc 207 - 19A Net Pressure Coefficients.
eN 011 Monoslopc Free
, 1

CHAPTER 2 Minimum Design Loads
, ......... L
3 2 1 1 2
L " .. ...... 1
2 2
Roof An g le
Effective Wind Area
>a 2 , < 4a 2 > 4a 2
Zone 3 2.4 -3.3 -1.7 1.8 - 1.1 1.2 2.2 -4 .2 -2. 1 1.7 -1.4 l.l 2.2 -3. 8 J.7 2.
9 - 1.9 1. 1 2.6 -5 2.0 -3.8 1.3 -2.5 2.2 -4.6 1.7 -3.5 1.1 -2.3 C lear Wind Flo
w Zo ne 2 - 1.7 1. 8 1.8 -1.7 1.2 1. 1 2.4 -2. 1 2.4 -2. 1 1.6 - I. .4 2.7 2 .9 -2
.7 2.9 -1.9 1.8 3.9 -3.8 3.9 3.8 2.6 -2.5 3.9 3.5 3.9 -3.5 2.6 -2.3 Zone I . I. I
1.2 --1. 1 1.2 - 1.1 1.2 1.6 -1.4 - 1.4 1.6 - 1.4 1.6 - 1.9 1.8 1.8 1.9 ' 1.8 1.
9 -2.5 2.6 -2.5 2.6 2.6 -2.5 2.6 -2.3 2.6 -2.3 2.6 -2.3 Obstnlcted Wind Flow Zon
e 2 Zone I Zon e 3 -1.2 I 0.8 - 1.8 0.5 -3. 6 0.5 0.8 0.8 1.8 - 1.2 1.8 0.5 -1.2
0.5 - 1.2 0.5 -2. 6 0.8 -1.7 1.6 5 .1 1.2 -1.7 0.8 1.2 -2.6 1.2 -2.6 .1.7 0.8 -1
.7 0 .8 0.8 - 1. 7 -3 .2 1.2 -2. 1 2.4 -4 .2 1.8 -3.2 1.2 -2. 1 1. 8 -3.2 1. 8 2. 1 1.2 -2 .1 1.2 -2.1 1.2 -2.3 3.2 2.4 -3 .5 1.6 4.6 1.6 2.4 3 .5 2.4 -3 .5 1.6
-2.3 1.6 -2.3 1.6 -2.3 - 1.9 -2.9 2.1 4 .2 -3.8 3.2 - 1.9 -2.9 2.1 3.2 -2.9 3.2
2.1 1.9 2. 1 -1.9 2.1 1.9
< a'
-< a'
>a 2, < 4a 2 > 40 2
>0 2,
< a' < 4a 2 > 4a2 < a'

>a 2 , <
> 4a 1
< a'
>a 2 , < 4a 2 > 4a 2
I. 2.
C" d{'I/OtI! 11('1 /J /" ('s.fllres (colllnblttioJlsjrom I(}P mId h()tt.:lIIr .w
r filce.\) Ch'a,. wilUljloh' di'1I0(e.f /'ela tj\'f!~V lI/wiJSirllCl('d windj1t1
w lI'illl blockage /c,ts thall or c'l/flul to 51Y'/", Oh.I'I/1/Cttd mol inhibiti
ng 11-;l/d flow (> 50% h!ocllllgf.') For w,fuf!$ % otlier thall rhose shown, Ii/
wlll' iIlWrpo/a/ioll is flmm ilted. PillS a lld millu.{ .figlls s;gll~{j' pre fs
llr(!S n c(mg towards alltl nll'(J.I'/rom tlu' top rooJslltfa ce. nslu.Cl il'(,~I"
Compollellts (/1/(1 daddillg C'/('lIl{'lIts shall be' desigl l('d/uI' pO,fitll'
l.' lIlItl /Ij'gcllll'(! pre.'i.mre COt~tJidt!IIlJ ,f/wl1'fI . Notaliml,( '
f/ a
;11(1 Jlo", (/('110 1<' .$ obj(!(:ts
If)'):' oj It'ItSlllI1ri1 Imla/ riiIJ/f'II,fjrms 01' 0 .411. h'IIkht"C'I' is
bltl I/(JIIts.'i 111(111 J ~"'; oflC(UI liol'j:'olllrll ,/iml'fu jll/lf 01' n.9 t
17 M "IIII
/, ~ 110";:011/01 dillJel/siull (~rlmitdi"g m('II.'iI/I'(,t!
(I '"
a loll,!!. wi/ld (Jill,{t;OIl . III
IIII};II' of/Jlml(' o/ruofli'ml/

e,; 45 (l fOr cn Bu ildin gs with I'lei ght" to Length L rati o, 0.25 S hi!.'; 1
Component s nnd C ladding
Association of Structu ral Engineers of the Philippin es
Figure 207-1 9 B Ne t Pressure Coe ni cients,
eNon Tro ilghed Free

CHAf' TER 2 - Minimum Design Loads

l_--_--_--_ L_--:-~-=---0<10' O;e: 10'
! \
Roof Angle
- ---0
7.5 0
Zone 3 2.4 - -3 .3 1.8 - 1.7 L2 - I. I 2.4 -3.3 1.8 -1.7 > 40 2 1.2 -1. 1 < a' 2
.2 -2.2 2 < 4(1 2 1. 7 .... - 1.7 .--- >a>, 4(12 ...l:.L - I . 1 -2.6 --~>1I J.,
< 4a? 1.4 -2 > 40 2 - 1.3 0.9 < (11 -2 .2 1.6 2 > 0 , < 4a 2 1.2 - 1.7 > 4a 2 0
.8 -1.1
Effccl ive W ind Area - ---,.-< a' > (1 2, < 4(/2 > 40 2 < a1 2 >a , < 4a 1
Clea r Wind Flow Zo ne 2 1.8 - 1.7 ---_. - 1.7 1.8 1. 2 - 1.1 1.8 -1.7 1. 8 -1.7
1.2 -1.1 1.7 - 1.7 l~ -I 7 I I -I I 1.4 -2 1.4 -2 1.9 -1.3 1.2 - 1.7 1.2 -1.7 1
.8 -1. 1 Zone 1. 2 J.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1. 1 1. 1 Obstru cted Wind Flow Zone! Zon
e 2 Zone 3 - 1.2 -1.8 0.5 -3.6 0.8 I - 1.2 -1.8 0.5 - 1.8 0.8 .0.8 -1. 2 0.5 - 1
.2 0.5 - 1.2 0.5 -1.6 -4.8 -2.4 0.5 I 0.8 -2.4 0.5 -1.6 0.8 -2.4 0.8 0_5 O.S -1.
6 - 1.6 -1.6 0.5 - 1.2 0.5 - 1.8 I -2.4 0.8 -1.2 0.8 -1.8 0.5 0.8 - 1.8 ---_. 0.
5 -1 .2 0.5 - 1.2 -1.2 0.5 1 0.5 -2. I -2.8 0.8 - I.~-1-~1- . - 1.4 0.5 -2.1 -1.
3 0.8 -2. 1 0.8 0.5 - I .4 - 1.4 -1.3 0.5 -1.4 0.5 -1.2 -1.8 0. 5 - 1.1 I -2.4 0
.8 - 1.2 - 1.8 0.5 - 1.1 0.8 -1 .8 0.8 - 1.2 0.5 - 1.2 - 1.1 0.5 - 1.2 0.5 I - I
. I - 1.1 -1.1 -1.1 -1.1 - 1.1 - I. I -1.1 - 1.1
0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8
NOles :

eN tinfOIl' 111'1 pn's.wrl'S ("ollfri /)/ffilUl .,-/nll1/ lOp (111(/ iWl/om ,n u

Clem' lI'imlJlm,' t/l' IW(t'S n'llIfil 'l'~)' /limbs/melt'" willi/ jim ." with h
/tlci;ag(> k~.\ I"f1Il ,II' ,'q ual II} 50%. Ob.~fnl( 1I!11 lI"illd lloll"d('l/ of
es objt'cls mof il/!tihi/Jlll: \I'illdjl()\\' ( > 5fJ% hfo('/'(IJ:('j. For l'<II
IIe'.I' a/II ath ..,. thflll Ihoxe .,-llt/WI!. /il/('/Ir ill/("1;o/fllioll ix p"
nllilleel 1':1i. 011(/ m im(.\" .figtls .vigll/ji' pH's.wn's /tefmg /o 1l'IInls
(11111 aWflyji'()/11 the tol' nu!/slIIj(/Cl'. r,-~~p( '(fi ndy. COl~I"(}I/(IIf., ({
lid claddi ng ( 'hfI/('''/.~ .I}/(/II II(' dl'.{iglwd./i}l posilil 'e (/mlll('gl1f
il'I' preS."ll'(' " oeOiCI{'II/,f slm,.'I/.
Na/afiolls : (} 10% 1!(lnl.l'1 /tor iWIII,,1 "illll'll sioll.\' or (J Ail, u,h i
cht'\'('r ix SlI1ol/(,1' hut 1/01 /t'.I',\' I/'all 4'!'~ o(ll!(/ ,I'I horizonfa
l dimemiol1.\' or
" /'.1('(1/1 m{}rtll' lj~h l , //I
'1 5.
fi .
n.9 m
/(Ol'/zoll /al dillH'II.I' itl l/ ofhlliltiillJ:,
lII('tl.~IfIl'(/ 11/ (/I()II.~
\\'im/ dir('('litm.
(J '"""~
AI/KI t' ,!fplwl(' t!frm!l.Ii'lltll !wl'i::oll lai. d(Xrccx
Ro{) f:~
Figu re 207- 19C NC I Pressure Coefficients, e,v 0 11 Troughed Free 8:5 45 o f Op
en Buildi ngs with Il e igh! " to Length L rati o, 0,25 S hlL S 1.0 Compon ent s
and Cladding
Nat io nal Stru ctural Code of 1110 Philippin es 6
Editi on Vo lume 1

CHM') TEH 2 - Minimum Design Loads
~ ..."" .!:'.... _--- -j
, I --p-j-'"
;j J~H~'
Ratio, "II! 1 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.2 < 0. 16 Regi on
./ i F\ --II.. _ ...
r_ -:::.:_=======--==.:::::=:.:.:=-....::_ __
;;:'-"'1]-"'.1"'" ,....'j ":lJ r
tU N
(UN --.
.-..\ ; "WIND
...-..!ti.CASE A &
0. 1 1.70 1.75 1. 85 1.85 1.90 1.90 1.90 0.2 1.65 1.70 175 1.80 1.85 1.85 1.85 0
.5 1. 55 1.60 1.70 1.75 1.80 1.80 1.85
< 0.05 1.80 1.85 1.90 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95

.2 2.25 1. 50 3 2.60 1. 70 1. 15
CASE B Aspect Ratio, Bls 1 2 4 1.45 lAO 1.35 1.4 5 l.S5 1.50 1. 65 1.60 1.60 1.7
5 1. 70 1.70 1.80 1. 80 1.80 1. 80 1.80 1.80 1. 80 1.80 1.8 5 C r, CASE
._-_......_-----_.-----5 1.35 10 1.30 20 1.30 1.40 1.55 1.70 1.85 1.90 1.90 30 1
.30 1.40 1.55 1.70 1.85 1.90 1.90 40 1.30
lA S
1. 55 1.70 1.80 1.80 1. 85 .._._
1. 55 1.70 1.80 1. 85 1.85
l AO
1.55 1.75 1.85 1.95 1.95
- --_.__..
Re gion 10 3.75* 2.4 5 1.85 0.95
.."_._-_._-"-_...-."Aspect Ratio.
Aspect Ratio, /31"
13 4.00' 2.60 2.00 1.50 1.35
o tos
s to 2s 2s to 3s 3s to lOs
4 2.90 1.90 1.30 1.1 0
5 3. 10' 2.00
330 2. 15 1.55 I .Q5
7 3.40' 2.25 1. 65 1.05
8 3.55 ' 2.30 1.70 1.05
9 3.65' 2.3 5 1.75 1.00
o tos
s to 2s
r2~.2="lJr .:~~;~~~- "~T l:;c~~;~~;'~~ I ~ ~I- .. -I
oom I,,.....,.,
- .-- Nll/e.~ :
2s to 3" 3s to 4.> 4s to 5s
> 45 4.30' 2.55 1.95 1. 85 1.85

--->~ -....- . _-. ~ ~...:-=--=.
..-~- /
"'8 -...
-- - - _ . --- - 1.10 0.90 5.1' to l Os ._. _._ -_.. .. . ..........> lOs L 0.55 - -- -- .Yc.5
-----Opt'lIjllg.t .~hall
I. !.
The ferm "signs" ill "Olt'.<; hi'/OW (lIsa 0l1lllie.f tn ':rreeSfatuJilig wall.f
", Sigll.t I> 'if" opef/ing.t comprising I('ss ,hem 30% of 'he gross arM Or"('
da.'f.~ifit'J (IS .{(,Iitl .~i1!'u. f~,.cc ("(WOh."'lIt.( (nl" .foNd ,fi/!lu' "'
/n hr! IIIt,lHfJlied IIJ' {II!' redllctinn /actnr ( 1_ (I_c) 1') . Tn all",1' ho
lh 1I01"IImi uml ohli'l"(' willd dirj'f'limlS. t/Jrlllllnwillg CI'l'.t('f :'ilia
/( be nlll.mit'Ir>tI
he' IJ"!"II/ it/t'd
For slil .:: I:
CASE A: }"nu/ll'lII lj,,"':!' ucts Iwrll/lIl /(I flu.'jil(."t, a/IIU' sigll fhro
ugh III(' g c'ofl!f'/ric n'II/I'r. CASE r!'sufl(IIII .fill"(C' (/(I.t Iwrmol to fi
l!' flu'r> q(f/W .fi}!11 (I I U (/i.fWIICC'/ I"O/ll rI,(, ,f.:1'Imll'tric <'ell/
t'r IIIWI/I"d IIIl' 11"111(/"'((1'/1 ".!Kf <'f/lml to n.] (imc'.f Ilu' m'('I"u8c'
width 0/ tlu' sigll. 1'-,,,. /J/J? 2, CASE C 11111.1' ( rll.f(J /)f' ("I) /I,1"
;(/"I"('d: (""ISI;' n'.I'It!III/lI .ri)l"n'.~ a('ll1ol"lI/(// 1/) {/II'/U ("l' o
f file si),!11 Ih ro ug h Ihl' gCOIII <' f";(" ('('Ilfers IIleach I"t'gi(ll/, Fo
/" sl/J <. I : .
TIl(' ,WIII(' ("IISI'S

I/hOl'(' ("XCI'li/lha//11('
l'w(i("(l I/o("(lIioll.l'
I?/".Ih (' I 'C.W IWIl/ fO/"( 'f' S IIC'I,"III" 11111 dis tall C(' 0/111\'(' I i
i, ' g ('/llIwlri, ' ( '1' /1 1, '1"
"'11111/ /1) (J.f}.i
l illl (,,\' IIi ('
heil:'" U/f!'" .~il: '!. FOl" CAS/;' C ",he/"(' .tn, > nJ" {tltn' cfJt:lfirit!lI
f.f "';',,11 h(' 1III1IIiplh(III.I' Ih(' I"1'11t'cliflll /(Ir 'lm (I .S
Um'ur illlcq)()/ntioll ;,~ IX'r",iff('I/ filr ,'ulllC'.' or,rllt, /ll.f (IIu/I.,
A of ill'./" 'htlll .f/lOlI'lI. 711(' "R'~ I(}II" ill III" luhh' IIhm't' j.f tll
r' /WI"i:" , .lIal tll.'llIIu','/rm' , wwdwurr! rdgc
Not(l/i,III '
/I ""' Illwi:'fllllal ditll('/I.~irlll 1I(.,;gll,
Ii = 1f1'i~/1I
.1' "
fir fir" .~iKII.
I: r.:. /(alillll(.lollIl an'a
I'f'I"th'ol {liml'll.nOlI or lilt: ";j!II . 11/ ,;, J!/"o,f.\:a/"('tI
L, :-. I IIIr"i:milu/ dil/ll'II,fillll {!{ /"('1111'1/ cm"cr,
Figllre 20720 Force Coefficients, Cion Solid Freestanding Walls & Solid Signs of
all Height s Other Strllctures ... Method 2
Association of
Engineers of the Ptlilippu)cs

2 -. Minimum Design Loads
,.-- -Cross-Section
. ___._ ___...___LYp.<'.gf Surface _. _____ -...
1.4 1.1 J.2 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.8
._----2 . 0~
.jguarc (wind norma! to
Square (wind along di~gonal) Hexagonal or Octagonal
(1)~ >5.3, D in
._._----.__ ..!.1...~ ._----- All All 1.0 - .1.0 All Moderatelt Smooth 0.5 Rough
(D'ID = 0.02) 0.7 Vert rough (D'lf) -: 0.08L _ _ -_. 0.8
1.5 1.4 0.7 0.9 0.2 J.2
q, in kPa
__. _ _
._- - - - - NOles:
I. 2.
711(' d!'sign wind force shall he ("alculated based on the area of/luI structure
projected 0/1 a plane I/omw{ /0 Ihe wind directioll. The force slwll be assumed
to act parallel 10 fhe wind directioll. Unear illte/po/alion is permilled for h

iD values OIher [hall sholl'lI. Nowlion: /lnder f) '" Diameler of circu/or cross
-section ond Icast horizolllal dimen~iolls (~rsqu(lre. hexagonal or octagollal c
ross-sectiolls al elevolion consideration, m; D' '" Depth (~(prol,./(dillg eleme
nts sllch (IS ribs alld spoilen'< 111: II '" Heigh( (?is(rucrure. 111: and q; '"
Velocity pressure ('valuated at heighr z above ground. kP(I .
Force Coefficients, (; on Chimneys, Tanks,
Rooftop Equipment and Similar Structures of AI! Heights Other Structures Method
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

CHAr-'TE!, 2 .. Minimum Design l.oads
Rounded Members
flat Sided Members
.D,Jq; " 2.5 D,Jq; ,; 5.3
Dfq, >2.5 Dfi >5.3
0.8 0.9 1.1
<0.1 0.1 to 0.29 0.3 to 0.7
2.0 1.8 1.6
Noles: /. 2. 3. Signs lI'ilh openings comprising 30% or //lore a/the gross area
are ch1.l'sijied {J.\' OpCII signs The calculalion oj the desigll wind forces sh
afl he based an the area 0/ 0/1 e:tposed members and eiemcl1H projected (0 (he w
ind directioll. Forces shall be assumed (0 (lct paral/ello the wind direcfioll.
71lc area A/collsisten! with Iheseji.Jrce coe/ficiclI/s is Ihe solid area projec
ted norma! 10 the willd riil"/!Clioll.
plant' lion:
c "0 Ralio o/.wlid area 10 gross area 1J "" Diameter 0/ a typical round member.
m (j: '" Velocity pressure evaluated af heighl z aiJol'{! ground. kPa
Figure 207-22 Force Coefficients, Clan Open Signs and Lattice Frameworks of All
Heights Other Structures - Method 2
Association of Structural Engineers of Ole Philippines

CHAI"TEP 2 .. M'nil1llll1ll)""'[J1l Loads

Tower Cross Section
4.Oc 2 -5.98+4.0
.. .....
Triangle ' - - - - - - - _. ... _ __._......_...
--4.7c+ 3.4
Notes: I. For all lI'il1d directions considered. Ihe IIrea A, ("ollsi.I'fell/ wi
lh {he ,I'!'ec!liedj()/"("(' ('ot{{1icicl!l.\' shall be rhe solid area (?(a IOll
'er/lxl' projected 011 rhe plane o/r/Jmf{lce/of {he lower segment under cOllside
ration The specijied;;,,.ce cm/jieien!,\' are/ill' {OIl'as will! structural allg
!e,I' or .I'imilllljll1l-sided members. For lOwers cOlllaining rOllnded mem/)el"
.\', il is (/('ceptable to mulliply lhe .I'pec(jil'd .FJrei' ('o{~((icicllix h.l
' the /iJ/IO\\'illg faclOr when d('fcrmilling wind/orees 011 .mel! 1II('lIIben '
fUll:! + f).57, /)liI I/O!;:' 1.0
IVilld threes shalf be applied in the direcliOlls re:m/tillg in m(/XilllUIII mem
bel" ji)N'('S and reactiolls. For t{)l\'NS with square erO.IS.I'r!(tion.I. wind (or
c!!s shall be fIIUlliplied by Ihe j()ffowillg/aclOl" when the wind is direcled a
long a IOIVC'r di(lgonal
-I0.751:.1)//11101 > 1.2
calclllilled lI.I'illg
5. (;
Wind /orce.l Oil lower appllrtenallces slich (l.\' ladders. conduil.\". lights. (
'{('\'IIlO!".\". ('1(" sha/l he coe/ficir!ntsjor Ihe.I'e elements. Nolatioll: ""
' Ratio {?j'solid area to gross area O/OIlC lower/ace for (hc segmel1lllndel" co
appropriate force
Figure 207-23 Force Coefficients, Croll Trussed Towers orAl1 Heights Other Struc
tures .~. Method 2
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1


CHM'lEP 2 .. Mirllfllurn Design l. oa(15
120 "
122 "
.~----~-- .--- ." ..- -..--~-----~.
N 20"

V (200kph)
V (250kph)
v "'
.1 . ...

. . . . - ....... . _ j

Figure 207-24 Referenced Wind Zone Map oflhe Philippines

Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippine s

CHAPTloH 2 - Minimum Design Loads

COMPONENT is a part or clement of an architectural, electrical, mechanical Or st
ructural system.
COMPONENT, EQ UIPMENT, is a mechanical or electrical componclll or elemenl that
is part of a mechanical and/or electrical system . COMPONENT, FLEXIBLE, is a com
pa nen., including ils attachments. having a fundamental period greater than 0.0
6 second. COMPONENT, RIGID, is a compo nent, in cludin g its attachments, having
a fundamental period lcss than or eq ual to 0.06 seco nd . CONCENTRICALLY BRACE
D FRAME is a braced frame in which the members are subjected primarily to axial
forces. DES IGN BASIS GROllND MOTION is that ground motion that has a 10 percen
t cha nce of being exceeded in 50 years as determined by a si te-specific hazard
analysis or may be detemlin cd from a hazard map. A suite of ground motion time
hi 5toric5 with dynamic propcr1ies representative of the si te chara cteristics
shall be used to represent thi s ground mo ti on. The dynamic effects of the De
sign Basis Ground Motion ma y be represented by the Design Response Spectrum. Se
e Sec. ion 208.6.2. DES IGN RESPO NSE SPECTRUM is an elastic response spectnllll
for 5 perce nt equ ivalclH viscous damping used to represent the dynamic effect
s of the Design Basis Ground Motion for th e des ign of structures in acco rdanc
e with Sections 208.5 and 208.6. This response spectrum may be either a site-spe
cifi c spectru m based 0 11 geologic, tectonic, seis mological and soi l charac
teristics assoc iated wi th a spccific site or may be a spectrum conslmcted in a
ccordance with the spect ral shape in Figure 208-3 using the si te-specific va l
ues of Co and C,. and multiplied by the accele ration of gravity, 9.815 m/sec'.
See Section 208.6.2. DESIGN SEISMI C FORCE is .he minimum .ota! strength design
base shea r, fa ctored and distributed in accordn nce with Section 208.5 .
208.1 General 208.1.1 Pnrpose
The purpose of the earthquake provisions herein is primarily to safeguard agains
t major stmctural f.1ilurcs
and loss of life. nol to limil damage or maintain fun ction.
208.1.2 Minimum Seismic Design
Structures and portions thereof shall, as a minimum, be
designed an d constructed to resist th e effects of seismic
gro und motions as provided in this section.
208.1.3 Seismic and Wind Design When the code-prescribed wind design produces gr
eate r effects, the wind design shall govcm, but detailing requirements and limi
tations prescribed in thi s sect ion and
referenced sections shall be followed .
208.2 Definitions
BASE is the level at which the earthquake motion s are
considered 10 be imparted to the structure or the level at which the structure a
s a dynam ic vibrator is su pported.
BASE SHEAR, V, is the total design lateral force or shear at the base of a struc
ture. BEARING WALL SYSTEM is a stmc.u ral sys.em wi thout a comp lete vertical l
oad-carrying :; pacc frame. Sec Section 208.4.6 .1. BOUNDARY ELEM E NT is an ele
men t at edges openings or at perimerers of shear wa lls or diaphragms.

BRACE D FRAME is an essentially ve rtical truss sys.em of the concentric or ecce

ntric type that is provided to resist la tera l forces. BUILDING FRAME SYSTEM is
an essentially complete space fmme that provides support for gravity loads. Sec
Secti o n 208 .4.6.2. CANTILEVERED COLlIMN ELEMENT is a column clement in a la
te ral-Iorce-res isting system thaI ca nti levers from a fixed base and has mini
mal moment capacity at the
top. with l'lIcral forces applied essent iall y at the tall.
COLLECTOR is a me mber or clement provided to tra nsfer latera l forces from a p
ortion of a stmcllIre 1 0 vertica l c lements o r lhe latcnll-forcc-rcsisting sy
National Structural Code of the Pililippines 6 Edition Volume 1

?. 74
CHI\PTEH :2 .. MlflirnUIl1 De sign l.oads
DIAPI-IIlAGM is a horizon wl or ncarly horizontal system acting to Irnnsmil late
ral forces to the verticalresisting clements. The tern) "diaphragm" includes hOI
'izont<l1 br[lcing syste ms.
DIAPHRAGM or SHEAR WALL CHORD is the boundary clement of' a diaphragm or shear w
<1 11 that is assumed to takc axial stresses analogous to the nanges or a beam.
DIAPllnAGM STRUT (drag stru t, tic, coliector) is the element of a diaphragm par
allel to the applied load that collects and transrers dia phragm shcfIr to the v
erticalresisting clcments or distributcs loads within the diaphragm. Such member
s may take axial tension or compression. DRIFT. See "story drift."
DUAL SYSTEM is a combinatio n of momcnt-resisting frames and shear walls or brac
ed frames designed in accordance wi th Ihe criteria of Section .
MOMENT-RESISTING WALL FRAME (Mlt\\T) IS masonry wall frame especially detai led
to provide ductile behavior and designed in conformance with Section 708.2.6.
ORDINARY BRACE D FRAME (O BF) is " steel bnlccd fralllc designcd in accordance wi
t h {he provisions of Section 527 or 528 or concrete-braced frame designcd in ac
cordance with Section 421. FRAME MOMENT-RESISTING ORDINARY (OIHRF) is a momcntresisting fi'ame nol meeting special detai ling requi rements fo r ductile behav
ior. ORTHOGONAL EFFECTS are the earthquake load effects on structural eleme nts
common ( 0 the lateralforce~resisting systems along two orthogonal axes. OVERSTR
ENGTH is a characteristic of stl1lctures where the actual strength is larger tha
n the design strength. The degree of ove rstrength is materia l-and
systc m~d cpen dcllt .
ECCENTRI C ALLY BRACED FRAME (EBF) is a steel-braced frame designed in conforman
ce with Sect ion 528. ELASTIC RESPONSE PARAMETERS arc forces and defonnatiolls d
eterm ined from an clastic dynamic analysis lIsing an unreduced ground motion re
presentation, in accorda nce with Sect ion 208.6 . ESSENTIAL FACILITIES arc thos
e st nlctures that arc necessary for emergency operations subsequent to <I natur
al disas ter. FLEXIBLE ELEMENT or SYSTEM is one whose deformation undcr la teral
load is significantly largcr than adjoining parts of the system. Limiting ratio
s for dclini ng specific ncxibl e elemcnts are sct fOrlh in Section 208.5.6. HOI
lIZONTAL BRA C ING SYSTEM is a horizonta l truss system that serves thc samc fun
ction as a di<1phragm. INTERMEOIATE MOMENT RESISTING FRAME (Ii\1RF) is a concre
te rrame designed in accordance wilh
Pil EFFECT is the secondary effec t on shears, axial forces and moments of frame
mem bers due to the action of the vertical loads ind uced by hori zontal displa
cemen t of the stnlCture resulting from various loading.
SHEAR WALL is a wall designed to resist latern l forces parallel to the plane of
the wall (sometimes referred to as vertical diaphragm or stlllctural wa!!). SHE
AR WALL-FRAME INTERA CTIV E SYSTEM lIses combinations of shear walls and fmmcs d
esigned to resist latera) forces in propol1ion (0 the ir relative rigidi ties, c
ons idering interaction between shear wa lls and frames on alI levels. SOFT STOR
Y is olle ill which th e lateral stiffness is less than 70 percent of the stiffn
ess of the story above. Sec Tobie 208-9. SPACE FRAME is a three-dim ensional str
uct\ !ral system, wi th out bearing walls ) composed of mCIri!)(".iS inte rconne
cted so as to function :'IS a complete sclfcontained unit with or \vithollt the
<lid of horizontal diaphragms or noor~bracjllg systems. SPECIAL C ONClcNTHICALLY
BRACED FRAME (SeBF) is a .s lccl~braccd frame desi gned in conformance.: with t
he provisions of Section 526. S PECIAL MOMENT-RESISTING FRAME (SMRF) is a morncn
l-resisting frame speciall y detailed 10 provide
Scction 412 .

LATICRALFORCE- RESISTING SYSTEM is that part of th e structural system desi gned

to res ist th e Design Se ismic Fon.;cs. MOMENT- IU:S ISTI , G F I(AMI-: is " ['
,\l11C in which members and joints Me cap.lblc or resis ting forccs prinwri ly b
y Oexure.
I\ssOClatlOI) of Structural En91tlCerS
or th.n Phl liPPUW5

CHAPTEF :2 .," Ivlinirnum Desi9n LOCld~;

ductile behavior and comply with the requirements given Chapter 4 or 5,
SPECIAL TRUSS MOMENT FRAME (STMF) is a moment-resisting frame specially detailed
to provide ductile behavior and comply with the provisions of Section 525 . STO
RY is the space between levels, Story x is the story below icvel x. STORY DRIFT
is the lateral displacement of one level relative to the level above or below. S
TORY DRIFT RATIO is the story drift divided by the story height. STORY SHEAR, V"
is the summation of design lateral forces above the story under consideration.
STRENGTH is the capacity of an clement or a mcmber to rcsist factored load as sp
ecified in Chapters 2, 3,4, 5 and 7. STRUCTURE is an asscmblagc of framing membe
rs designed to support gravity loads and resist lateral forces. Structures may b
e categorized as building structurcs or nonbuilding structures. SUBDIAPHRAGM is
a portion of a diaphragm used to transfer wall anchorage forces to diaphragm cro
ss tics. VERTICAL LOAD-CARRYING FRAME is a spacc fl'amc designed to carry vertic
al gravity loads. WALL ANCHORAGE SYSTEM is the system of clements anchoring the
wa!! to the diaphragm and those clements within the diaphragm required to develo
p the anchorage forces, including subdiaphragms and continuous tics, as specifie
d in Sections alld \VEAK STORY IS one in which the story st
rength is less than 80 percent orthe story above, Sec Table 208~9,
208.3 Symhols and Notation
ground floor area of structure to include area covered by all overhangs and proj
ections, 1112 the combincd effective arca of the shear walls in the Ill'st story
of the structure, 111 2 the minimum cross-sectional area in any horizontal plan
c in thc first story ora shcar wall, m 2 the torsional amplification f~lctor at
Level x numerical coefficient specificd in Section 20g.7 and set fc)rth in Table
seismic coef'flciellt, as set forth in Table 208-7 numerical coemclent given in
Section C,. ~ seismic coefficient, as set forth in Table 208-8 D dead
load on a structural element De = the length of a shear wall in the first stOI),
in the direction parallel to the applied forces, m E, E", Em' E,. = earthquake
loads set forth in Section 208.5.1, N F I , FII.I;~"" design seismic force appli
ed to Level i, 17 or ,r, respectively, N f'~) "" design seismic force all a part
of the structure, N Fpx =-:-: design seismic force on a diaphragm, N F[ = that
portion of the base shear, V. considered concentrated at the top of the structur
e in addition toF,ION f = lateral force at Level i for use in Equation 208- I 0,
N g ;;:: acceleration due to gravity;;:: 9.815 m/sec 2 h" h",hl , ~"" height ab
ove the base to Level i, 11 or \ respectively, III = importance factor given in
Table 208-\ I" = importance factor for llonstructura1 component as given in Tabl
e 208-1 L = live load on a structural clement =: level of the structure referred
to by the Level i subscript i "i = 111 designates the first level above the bas
e = that level that is uppermost in the main Level n portion of the structure th
at level that is under design Level x consideration "x I" designates the first l
evel above the base IH maximum momellt magnitude .N" near~SOllrec factor uscd in
the determination of' C in SeismiC Zone 4 related to both thc proximity of' the

building or structure to known faults with magnitudes as set forth in Tables 20

8-4 and 20S -() N,. C~ Ilear-sourcc factor Ilsed in the determination of C, . in
Seismic Zone 4 related to both the proximity of the building or structure to kn
own faults with magnitudes as set forth in Tables 208-5 and 208-6 PI ;;:: plasti
city index of soil determined in accordance with approved national standards R '
''' llulllerical coefficient representative or the inherent overstrength and glo
bal ductility capacity or lateral-foree-resisting systems, as set {()I'th in Tab
le 208-11 or 208-13 ,. ;-,. a ratio used in determining p. Sec Section 208.5 . 1
S,,,, Sf), Sc, Su, Sb SF soil proflle types as set f()rth in Table 208-2 )' ...
clastic fundamental perind of' vibration of' the structure in thc directioll un
der consideration, sec II the total design lateral force or shear at the base gi
ven by Equalions 208-4, 208-.\, 2086. 208-7 or 208-11, N V,_ '-'" the design stor
y shear in Story x, N
C C[
National Structural Code of the:: Philippines 6
Edition Volume 1

CHAPTEH 2 .. Minimum DesI9fl l.oads
in Sections and, N Wi. IV,\' that portion of W located at or
assigned to Level i or x, respectively, N FVp ::~ the weight of an element Of c
omponent, N W,n ;.=; the weight of the diaphragm and the clement tributary there
to at Level x, including applicable loads defined 111 Section portions of other, N Z seismic zone factor as given in Table 2083 b. M ,-.c: Maximum Inela
stic Response Displacemcnt, which is the total drift or total story drift that o
ccurs when the structure is subjected to the Design Basis Ground Motion, incluel
ing estimated elastic and inelastic contributions to the total deformation defin
cd in Section, 111m As = Design Lcvel Rcsponse Displacement, which is
the total drift or tOlal story drift that occurs when the structure is subjected
to thc design seismic forccs,
"0 the total seismic dead load dcfined
the design approach used in the design of the structure, provided load combinati
ons of Section 203.4 are utilized.
208.4.2 Occupancy Categories
For puqJOSCS of earthquake-resistant design, each structure shall be placed in o
ne of the occupancy categories listed in Table 1031. Table 2081 assigns importance
factors, I and 1/1' and strLlctural observation requircrocnts for each category
- Seismic Importance Factors
Occupancy Category'
Seismic Importance Factor, J
Seismic Importance 2
Factor, I" 1.50 1.50 1.00
._- .
I. II.
Essential Facilities Facilities
1.50 1.25 1.00
III. Special

horizontal displacement at Level i relative to the base due to applied lateral f
orces, f,' for use in Equation 208-10, mm Redundancy/Reliability Factor given by
Equation 2083 Seismic Force Amplification Factor, which is required to account f
or structural overstrength and set forth in Table 20811
Structures 4
Occupancy Structures 4 Miscellaneous structures
J .00
1.00 1.00
, See Table 103-1/0/' occlipanL)' categol)' listing. TlU' limitatioll of 1,,/or
pond COllllectiollS in Sectioll shalf be 1.0 for the entire connector.
208.4 Criteria Selection 208.4.1 Basis for Design The procedures and the limitat
ions for tile design of structures shall be determined considering seismic zonin
g, site characteristics, occupancy, configuration, structural system and height
in accordance with this section. Structures shall be designed with adequate stre
ngth to withstand the latera! ciisplacements induced by the Design Basis Ground
Motion, considering the inelastic response of the structurc and the inherent red
undancy, overstrength and ductility of the lateral force-resisting system.
Structural Ob.H!IWllion reqllireme!1ls are given in Secrioll /()7.9. For anchora
ge a/machinery and (~qUlj)/ll('nl reqlliredfor I!fe-s(ljery sy.\lellls. Ih(' will
ie (~f I" shall be taken 0.1" 1.5.
208.4.3 Site Geology and Soil Characteristics
Each site shall be assigned a soil profile type based on properly substantiated
geotechnical data using the site categorization procedure set forth in Section 2
08.10 and Table 2082.
The minillluill design
ermined ill accordance
except as modified by Soil Profile

strength shall be based 011 the Design Seismic Forces det

with the static lateral force procedure or Section 20B.S,
Section 20R.6.5.4

Where strcngth design is uscd, the load combinations of Section 20.1.:1 shall ap
ply. Where Allowable Stress Design is llsed, the load combinations of' Section 2
03.4 shall apply. Allowable Stress Design may be uscd to evaluate sliding or ove

rturning at the soil-structure interrace regardless of

Soil Profile Types SA, Su. Sc. So and S/;, are defined in Table 2082 and Soil Prof
ile Type SF is defined as ", ., requiring site-specific evaluation as follows:
Soils vulnerable to potentia! failure O!: collapse lil" seismic loading, such as
liquefiable soils, quick iind
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAP1TR 2 - Minimum Design Loads

hi g hly
clays, and
weakly 208.4.4,1 Seismic Zo ne The Philippine archipelago is divided in lo lwo s
eismic zones o nly. Zone 2 covers the provinces of Palawan, Sulu and Tawi-Tawi w
hile the res t of the country is under Zone 4 as shown in Figure 2081 . Each slnr
cture shall be assigned a seismic zone factor Z. in accordance with Table 208 3.
Table 208-3 Seismi c Zone Factor Z
cemented soils.
Peals and/or highly organic clays , where th e Ihickness o f peal o r highly org
anic clay exceeds 3.0
Ill .
Very high plasticil y cla ys wi th a plasticity inde x, PI > 75, where Ihe depth
of clay exceeds 7.5 m.
Very thick soft/medium stiff clays, where the depth o f c lay exceeds 35 m . .
~~Z ~O ~N ~E=-__+-__~2~__-+_____ 4~___ J
0.20 0.40] Seismic Zone 4 Near-Source Faclor
The cril e ria sci fo rlh in Ihe definition fo r So il Profile Ty pe SF requirin
g site-specific evaluation shall be considered. If th e s ite corresponds to the
se criteria. the si te shall be classified as Soil Profile Type SF and a sile-sp
ecifi c
evaluati on shall be conducted.
Table 208 -2 . Soil Profile Types Soil Profile Type
Soi l Prol1lc Nam e I
Generic Desc riplion
A verage Soil Properties for Top 30 m of Soil Profile Shea r Undrained SPT, N
In Seismic Zone 4, each Site shall be assigned nearsource factors in accordance w
ilh Tables 2084 and 208-5 based on the Seism ic Source Type as set forth in Secti
o n
The va lue of Nfl used to detcnnine Co need not exceed 1.1 for structures comply
ing wit h all the following condition s:
I. The soil profile Iype is SA . So, Sc or S'l'
VCI~ci,~' V,
> 1500

760 10 1500
---.- - .--Hard SA 1-.._ .. Rock
(blowsl 300 nlln)
Sll ca r St r'cngth ,
SI! (kPII)
. _- -' 2.
P ~ 1.0.
Except in single-story stnlclures, residential building accom modatin g 10 or fe
we r perso ns, private ga rages, carports, sheds and agri cu ltural buildings, m
omclH frame syste ms designa ted as part of the lateral forceresi sting sys tem s
hall be special moment-resisting frames , The exceptions to Section 5 15.6.5 sha
ll not appl y, except for co lulllns in oncstory build ings o r columns at the lO
p story of mullistory bu ildings. None of the following stru ctural irregula rit
ies is presem : Type 1,4 or 5 a fTable 2089, and Type I or 4 of Table 208 10.
360 to Soi l ad > 50 > 100 760 so n Roc k Sliff Soil 180 10 1.1 III 50 10 Pro Ii
iI! 360 50 100 Sofl Soi l < 180 < 15 < 50 Pro fil e Soil Requi ring Site-spec i
fic Evaluatioll . See Section 208.4 .3. 1
f} III
Suit Pmfile 7)'/X' Sf: alw iJld/i(/e.{ (lilY .w il profile
\1 '__
more 'hall of soft cia)' (leJim'd as a .w i/wilh plas /icily index, PI :- 10, <1
0 p er('('11I (/lId ,f. < 24 kPa . The Pla.~/ic:i~~' 'lldex, PI, arrd

11' - . .
lI'i," Seismic R esponse Coefficients Each structure shall be assigned a seis
mic coefficienl. en. in accordance with Tab le 208-7 and i1 se ismic coefficient
. C,~ in accordance w ith T< lb le 20XS. Seismi c SOllrce T ypes Table
2086 defines the Iypes o r seismic SOllrces. The location and type o f seismi c s
o urces to be used for design shall be established based 0 11 approved geologica
l data; sec Figure 208-2A. T ypc A sources shall he dete rmined ('rolll Figures
208-2B. C. D. E or the most recent mapp ing of ac ti v~ 1 :1UIIS by th e Philipp
ine Inslilu te of Volcano logy and Seismology (PHIVOLCS).
,h e '
I/W i.f/lIIl! 1'0111<" 1/,
\hall b e
d ('l < 'r mill('d i ll occOI dfll/ C'1!
(lf IPI"lH'l'ti IUI/iwwl ,t l om/nrd.\.
208.4.4 Si t e Se ismi c Hazard C hara c t<.'r is lics
Se ismi c ha zard duracteristics for Ihe site shall be eSlahlished based Oil the
seismic zOll e lind proximit y of th e S lt ~ to ;u.: tive seismic sources, sit
e soi l pro fil e c haracteristics ilnd the st ructure's importance f' IC{Or.
National S tru ctLJ n~ 1 Code of til e Philippines 6
Edition Volum e 1

CHAPTEFo( 2 Muul1lum
Dc:!~ lun
Table 208-4
ear-Source Factor N"
Table 208-6 - Seismic SOllrce Types'
Seismic Source
Closest Dista nce To Known Seism ic So ut'ee 2
S5k lll
2 10k 'll
1.0 _I L
Seismic Source Type ---~ ;:i \~,':c ~;:'"
"._- . --~
;",'r :
Seismic Sour'cc
ca pable that are of large
1\'1ax i~;;;-~-\1;nl-e;~
D\ ti lt ;~~t.'ll
.. M. ~ll.~!! "d.!2...11L.
- - - - -- ........._ _L<2.. _ ....... __._
'fab le 208-5

.... _ ..
Ncar-Source FlI<: tor, N,,)
Closest Oi stance To Known Seismic Soul"ce l
ma gnitude
15 km
events have a
M ,? 7.0
$ 5 km
1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0
hi gh rate of seismic ac ti vity. All faults other (han Types A and
__._-6.5 ~ M < 7.0

Paults that are not capable of producing Jarge magnitude earthquakes and have th
at a relatively low rate of seis mic activity.
Notes/or Tahle's ]08.4 and 108.j :
TIl(' Nl'aT-Sauro.! Foctor m;l)' hI' based 011 tilt' IiI/ifill' illlel]1OluluJII
of 1'1IJII('.~ jiJr distal/CeS 0Ii11'1' Iilol/ lhos(- shou'l/ i" til(' lahle .
The closes! di.HIUIC(' to .'u'ismic
mil/imuflt diJt(lIl(,(' betwe"" til(' sifl~ (llid thl' urca i!l'Jcribl'd lIy tIl
(' verticaf projer'lion of {he ,WI/rei! Oil llie ,1'llijiICI' (i.e .. slIIfaC('
projection (~/jillllt p lul/e) . 77w XIII/aCe projectiol/ lI('ed IWt il/{'/lId('
porrioll.~ of ,II, .I'Olln 'l! al dt'pfhs olIO kill or gn'tlla. TIlt' largest v
alue 0/ 'he Nt'(lI'Sourct' Factor cOJ!sid~'ring I//! source.I' shall IJ(' IIsed/o
r ",'sigll.
L...,-SuhduClio/! S()lIr(,(',\' shall be I!m/ll(lled on
site-specijlc basis.
Table 208-7 - Seismic CoefGcient, So il Profil e
Seismic Zone Z
Z ~ O.4
SI! So

S" S,
S,. 0. 32Na OAONa OAON, OA4N. OA4N. See Footllote I a/Table 2088
0 . 16 0.20 0.24 0.28 0.34 Tab le 208-8 .. Seismic Coefficie nt, Cv
Soil I'rofile Type
Seismic Zone Z
Z" O.2
Z.. O.4
S" SB Sc
0.20 0.32
51) S,
SF L._ _ .
St'C' FOrlilJole I a/ Table 108-8
OAON" 0.56N,,_ __ 0.64N,. - - 0.9611'" - - - Sitt"-V)('dlic ~I'(}{('dmin" illl'l':>liglllic)f/ lIlId dYlI(lmic JI/(' j CSlJOII
.f C' sh(l/J lu" ' < 'lji}l m('d to dC/I'I'mill(, .teiJIII;( C()('j]ir:il'lll.f
Association of Structural
of tliB PhilipPlnmj

CHAPTER 2 .. Minimum Design Loads

2-79 Moment Resisting Frallle System 208.4.5 Configuration nequirelllents
Each structure shall be designated as being structurally regular or irregular in
accordance with Sections 208 .4.5. 1
alln Regular Structures
A structural sysfem with an essenti ally complete space frame providing support
for gravity loads. Momentresisting frames provide resistance to lateral load pri
marily by flexural action of members. Dual Syslem
Regular stnlctufcS have no significant physica l discontinuities ill plan or ve
rtical configuration or in their
lateral- lo ree-resisting systems such as features described in Section 208.4.5.
2. the irregular
A structural system with the following features: I.
An essentially complete space frame that provides supp0l1 for gravity loads. Res
istance to latera l load is provided by shear walls or braced frames and momentw
resisting frames
(SMRF, IMltF, MMRWF Or steel OMRF). The moment-resisting frames sha ll be design
ed to independenlly resist al leasl 25 percenl of Ihe design
, Irregular Structures
ilTcgular structures have significant physical discontinuities in configuration
or in their lateral force-resisting systems. Irregular features include, but
are Ilot limited 1 0. those described in Tables 208-9
base shear.
3. The Iwo syslems shall be designed 10 resisl Ihe lola l
alld 208 10. All slruclu res iu occupancy Calegories 4 and 5 in Seismic Zone 2 Il
eed 10 be evaluated only for verlical irregularili of Type 5 (Table 2089) and hori
zonlal irregularilies of Type I (Table 208-10).
design base shear in proportion to their relative rigidities considering the int
eraction of the dual system a l all levels. Cantilevered Column Syslem A structural system relying on cantilevered
column elements for lateral resistance. Undefined Structural System A
sl ruclural syslem no l lisled in Table 208 11 . NonbuiJding Structura
l System
Sll1Jcturcs having any of the features listed in Table 208 9 shall be designated
as if having a vertical irregularity.

Where I/O stmy drift ratio under design lateral forces is greater thal/ 1.3 time
s rhe story drift ratio of rhe stDlY above, the SfnJcture may be deemed 10 not h
ave the stroctural irregularities of Type J or 2 in Table 208-9. The story drift
ratio for the top two slories need not be considered. The stDlY drifts for this
de/ermina/ion may be
calcuiated negiecliflg torsional effects.
A struc tural system conforming to Section 208.9.
208.4.7 Height Limits
Structures havin g allY of the features listed in Table 208-10 shall be designat
ed as having a plan irregularity.
Height limits Cor the variolls structural systems in Seismic Zone 4 arc given in
Table 20811.
208.4.6 Slnlclu,.J Systems Structural systems shall be classified as one of the t
ypes lisled in Table 208-11 and defined in Ihis seclion. fleadng Wall
Sys tem
ExcepJion: . Regu!ar slruCllJres may exc.~ed /III~se limits by not more than perce
nt for unoccupied st'1lctures, which we not. .. . accessible to tHe general publ
208.4.8 Selection of Lateral Force Procedure
A structu ra l sys tem without a complete vertica l Joadcarrying space frame. nC
ilring wall s or bracing systems provide su pport for all or most gr;wily loads.
Resistance 10 latera l load is provided by slH!Hr Willis or braced
frames . Bllilding Framo Syst em
Ally structure may bel and certain structures defined below shall be, designed u
sin g th e dynamic lateral -force procedurcs ofScclion 20R.6.
A slructural system with (ill cssc!llially complete srmce fnllnc providing SliPP
Orl for gravity IOiH.is. ResistClllce to late ral load is provided by shear wall
s or braced fr:lJnes,
NatiofliJl Struc tural Code of It'll.'! Pililippin es 6
Edition Volume 1

CHAPTEH 2 -- Minimum Design loads
Tablc 208- 10 Horizon[al Structural Irregularities Tab le 208-9 Vertical Stmctur
allrregularities Irregularity Ty pe and Definition Reference Section Irregularit
y T ype and Definition
Rer"'cn cc
Stiffness Irregularity - Soft Story A soft story is one 111 which the Int eral s
tiffness is less than 70 pcrccnt of th at in thc story above or Icss th an 80 pe
rccn t of the average st iffn ess of the three stories above. Weight (Mass) Irre
gularit y Mass ilTegularity shall be considered Itc1l1 2
Torsional Irregu larit y - To Be Considered \ Vhell Diaphragms Are Not Flexible
be Torsional irregularity shall co nsidered to exist when the maximull1 story dr
ift. computed
208.8 .2.8
Item 6
to exist where the effective mass of
any story is more than 150 percent of the effective mass of an adjacen t story.
A roof that is lighter than Ih e ncar below need not be considered.
208.4 .8.3 item 2
including accidenta l tors ioll. at one end of the st ructure transverse to an a
xis is more than 1.2 Limes the average of the story drifts of the two ends of th
e stnJcture.
Rc-Entran[ Cor ner Irreg ularity
Vertical Geometric Irregularity
Vel1i cal geome tric irregularity shall be co nsidered to exist where thc
horizontal dimension of the latera!force-resisting system in any stolY is
208 .4 .8.3
Ite lll 2

Plan config urat ions of a stmcture and its latera l-foree-resisting system cont
ain re-C nLT"dnt co rn ers. where both projections o r the stru cture beyond a r
e-entrant corner arc greater thHn 15 percent of th c pl nn dimensi on of the stm
clure in the givcn directi on. Diaphragm Discontinuity
Irregulari[y disDiaphragms with abrupt continuities or variati ons in stiffness,
including those having ClI to ut o r open items G and 7
morc than 130 percent of that in an
adj acent story. One-slory penthouses need not be co nsidered. In-Plane Disconti
nuily III Vertical
Lateral-Force-Resisting ElclHCllt Irregularity
An in-plane offset of the lateral-I oadresisting clements greater th an Ihe
208.5.8 . 1
length of those clements. Discontinuity In Capacity - \V rak
Sto ry Irreg ularit y A weak story is one in which the
areas greater than 50 percent o f the gross enclosed area of the di aphragm, or
changes in effect ive diaphragm stiffness of more than 50 percent from one story
10 the next.
208.8.2_8 ItemG
Out-Or-Plan e Ofrsets Irreg ularity Discontinuities ill a Illtera l force path,
such as out-of-planc of(,cts of Ihe
208.5 .8.1
Item 6;
stO ry strcngth is less than 80 perccnt
of that in the story above. Thc story strength is the to[al strength of all 208.
4 .9. 1 5.
seismic-resisting clements sharing the story for the direction under considerati
vertica l elements Nonparallcl Systcms Irregu lari ty Thc vertical latcral-Ioauresisting elcments ,Irc not parallcl to or symmetric about th e major orth ogo n
al axes of Ih e lateral force-resisting systems.
515 .7
208.8. 1
--Association of Stru ctura l :n9incefs of tile Phllipplll n~,

CHArYlH, 2 ." Minimuill Design Loads

2-81 Simplified Static
The simplified static lateral-force procedure sct forth in
Section may be used for the following stnlcllHCS of Occupancy Category
IV or V:
soils at the site and shail conform to Section 208.6.2, Item 4. 208.4.9 System L
imitations Discontinuity
Strucfures with a discontinuity in capacity, vertical irregularity Type 5 as def
ined in Table 208-9, shall not be over two stories or 9 111 in height where the
weak story ha;; a calculated strength of less than 65 percent of the story above.
Buildings of any occupancy (including single-family dwellings) not more than thr
ee stories in height excluding basements that usc light-frame
Other buildings not more than two stories in height
excluding basements. Static
The static lateral force procedure of Section 208.5 may be
used for the foHowing structures: 1. 2. All stmcl1Jres, regular or irregular in
Categories IV and V in Seismic Zone 2.
Exception: . Where the weak story is capable of!i~sisting a total lal(rqi. . sei
smic' force of n" times.. jlii design fore. .',,<.. , .. prescribed in Section 20
8.5. Undefined Structural Systems For undefined structural systems not list
ed in Table 208 II, the coefficient R shail be substantiated by approve' cyclic t
est data and analyses. The following items shail be addressed when establishing
I. Dynamic response characteristics, Lateral force resistance, Overstrength and
strain hardening or softening,
Regular stilletures under 75 III in height with latera! force resistance provide
d by systems listed in Table 208-11, except where Section, Item 4, app
Irregular stnlctures not morc than five stories or 20
in height. 4.
Stmctures having a flexible upper portion supported on a rigid lower portion whe
re both portions of the stnlcture considered separately can be classified as bei
ng regular, the average story stiffness of the lower portion is at least 10 time
s the average story stiffness of the upper portion and the period of the entire s

tructure is not greater than 1.1 times the period of the upper portion considere
d as a separate structure fixed at the base.
Strength and stiffness degradation,
Energy dissipation characteristics,
System ductility, and
7. Irregular Features
All structures having irregular features described in Table 208-9 or 208-10 shal
l be designed to meet the additional requirements of those sections referenced i
n the tables. Dyn,"nic
The dynamic lateral-force procedure of Section 208.6 shall be used for all other
structures, inclu.ding the following: I. Structures 7S m or more in height, exc
ept as permitted by Section, Item I. Structures having a stiffness, we
ight or geometric vertical irregularity of Type I, 2 or 3, as defined in Table 2
08-9, or structures having irregular features not described in Table 208-9 or 20
8-10, except as permitted by Section Structures ovcr five stories or
20 111 ill height in Seismic Zone 4 not having the same structural system throug
hout their height except as permitted by Section 208.6.2. St!1lctures, regular o
r irregular, located on Soil Profile Type SF, that have a period greater than 0.
7 second. The analysis shall include the effects of the
208.4.10 Alternative Procedures
Alternative lateral.,force procedures using rational analyses based on well-esta
blished principles of mechanics may be used in lieu of those prescribed in these
2. Seismic Isolation
Seismic isolation, energy dissipation and damping systems may be used in the des
ign of structures when approved by the building official- and when special detai
ling is used to provide results equivalent to those obtained by the use of cOllv
entional structural systems.
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6
Edition Volume 1

2 ... Minil'fH.Hll Design l.oads
208.5 Minimum Design Lateral Forces and Related Effects 208.5.1 Earthquake Requi
rements Loads
For braced frames, the value of ri is equal to the maximum horizontal force comp
onent in a single brace element divided by the total story shear. For moment fra
mes, ri shall be taken as the maximum of the sLIm of the shears in any two adjac
ent columns in a moment frame bay divided by the story shear. For columns common
to two bays with moment-resisting connections on opposite sides at LeVCI i in t
he direction under consideration, 70 percent of . the shear in th,1t column may
be used in the column shear summation. For shear walls,
208.s.l.l Earthquake Loads StJ1lctures shall be designed for ground motion produ
cing structural response and seismic forces in any horizontal direction. The fol
lowing earthquake loads shal! be used in the load combinations set forth in Sect
ion 203:
(2081 ) (2082) where:
shall be taken as the maximum value or
the product of the wall shear multiplied by 31 'wand divided by the total story
shear, where I,.. is the length of the wall in meter. For dual systems, ri shall
be taken as the maximum valur: of ri as defined above considering a!llateral~lo
ad-resisting elements. The lateral loads shal! be distributed to clements based
on relative rigidities considering the interaction of the dual system. For dual
systems, the value of p need not exceed 80 percent of the value calculated abovc
p shall not be taken less than 1.0 and need not be greater
= the earthquake load on an element of the structure
E, .
resulting from the combination of the horizontal component, Ell> and the vertica
l component, E, .. the earthquake load due to the base shear, V, as set forth in
Section 208.5.2 or the design lateral force, Fp, as set forth in Section 208.7.
the estimated maximum earthquake force that can be developed in the stlUcture a
s set forth in Section, and used in the design of specific elements of
the structure, as specifically identilled in this code. the load effect resulti
ng from the vertical component of the earthquake ground motion and is

equal to an addition of o.~/Dto the dead load effect, f), for Strength Design, a
nd may be taken as zero for Allowable Stress Design. .0" = the seismic force amp
lification factor that is required to account for structural overstrength, as se
t forth in Section p = Reliability/Redundancy Factor as given by the
following equation: (20R3) where: ("""
than 1.5. For special moment-resisting frames, except when used in dual systems,
p shaH not exceed 1.25. The Ilumber of bays of special momcnt-resisting frames
shall be increased to reducc r, such that p is less than or equal to 1.25.
/!.,xception: All may be taken as the average floor area in the upper setback po
rtion 0/ the building where a larger base area exists at the ground floor.
When calculating drift, or when the structure is located in SeismiC Zone 2, p sh
all be taken equal to ! .0.
the maximum clement-story shear ratio . For " given direction of loading, the el
ement-story shear ratio is the ratio of the design story shear in the most heavi
ly loaded singlc clement divided by the total design story shear.
The ground motion producing lateral responsc and design seismic forces Illay be
assumed to act nOll-concurrently in the direction or each principal axis or the
structure, except as required by Section 20X.8.1. Seismic de'l(.1 load. /-V, !s
the total dead load :lnd applicable portions or other loads listed below. I. 2.
In storage and w,lrehousc occupancies, a minimulll or 25 percent orlhe floor liv
(, lo,HI shall be applicable. Where a partition load is used in (he floor design
, load of !lot kss (hall (l.S kNhn~ shall be included. Total \'.'eight included.
For fIny given Story Level i, the elcl1lent-stolY shear ratio is denoted as r,.
The maximulll elemcnt-story shear ratio 1'''''1\ is defined as the largest of th
e clement story shear ratios, r" which occurs in any of the story levels at or b
elow the two-thirds height level oCthe building.
permancnt equipment shall be
Association of Structural Enqirwers of tile Phi!IPPIrl(?5

CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design

20B.5.1.2 Modelling Re(IUircmcnts The mathemat ical model of the ph ysica l slru
cture shall include all elements of the lateral-force-resisting system. Thc 1110
del shall also include Ihe sliffness and slrenglh of elemen ts, whi ch arc gigni
ficanl 10 the distri bution of forces, and shall represent Ihe spatial distrib u
tion of the mass and stiffness of the structure. In add ition, th e model shall
comply wilh the fOllowing:
1. Stiffness propcl1ics of reinforced concrete an d masonry eleme nts shall cons
ider the ciTcels o f cracked sec tions.
The total design bilse shear shall not be less than the
In addition, fo r Seismic Zone 4, the total base shear shall also not be less th
an the following:
v = O.BZN,. 1 W
For steel moment frame systems, the contr ibution of panel zone deformatio ns to
overall story driti sha ll be included.
20B.5.2.2 Structure Period The va lue of T shall be determined from one of Ihe f
ollowing melhods:
20B.S.1.3 Ph Effects
The resulting member forces and moment s and the story
Method A:
drifts induced by Ph effects shall be considered in the evaluation of overall Sl
nlctural frame stability and shall be evaluated using the forces produci ng the
disp lacements of tJ-s. P6 need not be considered when the ratio of secondaJY mo
ment to primary moment does not exceed 0.10; the ratio may be evaluated for any
stOty as the produci of the tolal dead and Ooor live loads, as required in Secti
on 203, above the stOty times the se ismic drift in that story divided by the pr
oduct of the seismic shear in that story times th e height o f lhat story. In Se
ismic Zone 4, P6. need'"not be considered whcn the story drift rati o docs not e
xceed 0.02 , R.
20B.S.2 Static Force Procedure
cor all buildings, Ihe value T may be approximaled from the following equalion:
T = C/"II)

31 4
C : : : 0.0853 for steel momen t-resis ting frames.
for reinforced concrete momentresisting frames and eccentrically braced frames.
C, = 0.0488 fo r all other bu ildings.
== 0.0731
Allernativcly, the value of Cr
or mClSOt1r)'
structures with concrcte shear walls may be taken as 0.0743 1.fA: .
The val ue of A, shall be determined from Ihe followi ng
equa ti on:
208.S.2.1 Dcsignllase Shear The total des ign base shear in a given direction sh
a ll be determined from the following equati on:
(208 -4)
(208- 9)
The value of exceed 0.9. 2.
Del hl1used in Equation
(20B-9) shall not
The total design base shcar need not exceed the
Method Il :
V = - - - '- W
2.5C, 1
The fundamental period T' may be calculatcd lIsi ng the structu ral properties a
nd deforma tional characteristics of th e res isti ng elemcnts ill a properly su
bstantiHted analysis. The <Hwlysis shall be in accordance with the requi rement
s Ill' Seelion 208 .5. 1.2. The value of T from Melhod 13 shall !lot exceed a va
llie 30 percent greater than the value of T ob tained from Method A ill Seism ic
Zone 4, and 40 percell1 in Seismic Zone 2.
N8tioJ'lai Structural Code of the
Philj ppl!'l~~S Gi ll Editi on Vo lum e '1

CHAPTEH 2 - Minimum Oesign Loads
Table 208- 11 A Ear1hquake-Force-Resisting Stmctural Systems of Concrete
-~ - Basic Seismic-Force Resisting Syst m
2. 8 2.8 2.8 2.2 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8
System Limitation and Building Height Limitation by Seismic Zone, m Zone 4 Zone
A. Bearill/i Wall Systems Special rein forced concrete shear walls

OrdilHuy reinforced conCrete Shf:I ' walls

4.5 4.5 5.5 5.6 5.5
B. Buildill!: Frame Systems Special reinforced concrete shear walls or braced fr

Ordinary reinforced concrete shear walls or braced frames

frames C. Aloment-Resistill/( Frame Systems

Intcnncdiatc precast shear walls or braced

Special reinforced concrete moment frames InlCnllCdiate reinforced concrete mome
nt frames
Ordinary reinforced concrete moment fra mes

50 50
8. 5 6.5 6.5 4.2 4.2
D. Dual Systems Special reinforced concrete shear wall s Ordinary reinforced con
crete shear walls E. Dual System with Intermediate Momellt Frames SjJCcial reinf
orced concrete shear walls Ordinary reinforced concrete shear walls Shear wall f
rame interactive system with ordinary reinforced concrete moment frames and ordi
nat.I reinforced concrete shear walls F. Cantilevered Column BuildillJ! Systems
Cantilevered column elements G. Shear Il'all- Fram e imeractioll Systems

10 50
2.2 5.5
Association of Structural Engineers of the PI)ilippin8s

CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Load s

Table 208-11B EarthquakeForce Resisting Structural Systems of Steel System Limitati
on nd Building Height Li mi' ion by Seismic Zon e 04 Zone 2
Basic Seismic-Force Resisting System
A. Bearill!! Wall Systems

Light steel-framed bearing walls with tension only bracing Braced frames where b
racing carries gravity load Light framed walls sheathed with wood stntctural pan
els rated for shear resistance or steel sheets Light-framed wa lls with shear pa
nels of a ll ot her light materia ls Light-framed wall systems using flat strap
bracing Steel eccentrically braced frames (EBF), momen t-resis ting connections
at co lumns away from links Steel eccentrically braced frames (EBF), non momentresisting connections at columns away from links Special concentrically braced f
rames (SCBf') Ordinary concentri cally braced frames (OCSF) Light-framed walls s
heathed with wood structuralpanels I sheet steel panels Light fmme wa lls with s
hear panels of all other materials Buck lin g-restrained braced frames (BRBF), 1
10 n l1lolnc llt-resisting beam-colu mn connection Buckling-restrai ned braced f
rames, mOlllcnl resistin.e beam-colunm connections Specia l steel plate shear wa
lls (S PSW)
2.8 4.4 4.5 4.5 2.8
2.2 2.2 2.8 2.8 2.2
' J
..' 0

B. Buildill!! Frame Systems
8.5 2.8 NL
6.0 6.0 3.2 6.5 2.5
2.2 2.2 2.2 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 3 3 3 3 3
.__ ." ..

_.. _.
..- ..

., o
. ..
C. MomentResisting Frame Systems

Special moment- resisting frame (S MRF) Intermediate steel moment frames (1M!')
Ordinary moment frames (OMF) Speciallruss moment framcs (STMF) Special com posi
te steel and concrete momenl frames In lermediate co mp<?s itc moment frames Com
posi te pa rtiall y restra ined moment frames Ord inary co mposite moment fra mc
8.0 4.5 3.5 6.5 8 5 6
.. .

3 3 2.8 2.8
N .
.. .._-_..N
D, Dual S,'slems wilh Special t.lomelJl Fram es

Steel eccent rically braced frames __ S Spcci,lI stcel concent rica lly braced f
ramcs___ ---- - 7-.Co mposite steel and concrete eccentri ca ll y 8 braced frame
- - - -_._.
! , ..
_ .
:. '
2.8 ... - - - - - - - 111
_._----NL =i NL
._ .
National Structuml Code of !he Philippines 6 Edition Volum e 1

CHAPTEH '2 .- MlIlllllum DesIgn Loads
Table 208-1 1B(eonl'd) Ealihquakc-Force-Resisling Sll1Ielural Syslems of Sleel
Basic Seismic-Force Res ist in g System
7.5 8 8 4.2 8.5 4.2 7.5 4.2 6 5.5 3.5 5 2.2 1.2 1.0 2.2
2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3

... .. - -.-_ System Li mii i'. ; !: lIi ;1 1l <i Building Height Limitation hy
Seismic Zone, 111 Zone 4 Zone 2 .." .

Composite steel and concrete concelltric ally braced fiam e Composite steel plate
shear wa ll s Buck ling-restrained braced fmllle
Special Slee l plate shear wa lls Masonry shea r wa ll wit h slee l OMRF Sleel E
BF with sleel SMRF Stecl EBF wi lh slee l OMRF

10 10 10
. -- ...... -50 -_. _-----. -- - ------.NL -- . .-----.

-NL _ _-_ NL
_h ...
Special concentrically braced frames wi th steel
OMRF E. Du al SJ'stem witlt Intermediate IWomelll Frames Special slccl co ncen l
rically braced frame Composite steel and concrete concentrically braced frame Or
dinary co mposite braced frame Ordinary composite reinforced co ncrete shear wal
ls with stee l elements I"~ Calltilel'ered Columll Buildill!! Systems Specia l s
teel moment frallies fnterl11cdiatc steel moment frames Ordinary sleell110ment f
rames Cantilevered colu mn elements G. Steel Systems lI ot Specifically Detailed
fo r Seism ic R esistance, Excluding Cantilever S},stel1ls

Special concentrically braced frames with steel

Table 208- 11C Earthquake-Foree-Resi$till g Structura l Systems or Masonry Syste
m Limitation and Building Height Limitation by Seismic Zone 1 m ZOlle 4 ...Zone
Basic Seismic-Force Resisting System
2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8
A. Bearing IVal/ S~lste ms Masonry shear wa lls 11. Buildi,,!: Frame Sl,.w ems M
ason~ shear walls C l'1oment-R esi.*ifiIlK Fram e SJ'stemJ Masol1JY moment-resis
t ing w<l1I frames JMMRWF) D. Dllal Sy .<lem.l' Masollry s hear walls w ith SMRF
Masonry s hear wa lls with steel OMRF - Maso lllY shear wa lls wilh concrete IMR
F ---_.. Masonry shear wa!ls with Illa ~~~nry MMRWF

4.5 5.5 6.5 5.5 4.2 4.2 (,.0

50 50 50 50 50
_. _.
.As socia tion of Structural Engineers of the Phil ippines

CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads

Table 208- 11 D Earthquake-Farce-Resisting Structura l Systems of Wood System Li
mitalion and Building Height Limitation by
Basic Seismic-Force Resisting System
Seismic Zone (meters)
Zo ne 2 Zone 4
A. Bearing Wall Systems

Li ght- framed wa lls wi th shear panels: wood s tructural panel wa lls fo r s t
ructures three sto ries or less H eavy limbt!r braced frames where bracing carri
es Rravi ty load Light-framed wa lls with wood shear panels walls for structures
three stories or less All other li gh t framed walls Heavy timber-braced frames
where bracing carries gravity load Light-framed walls w ith shear panels: wood
structura l panel walls for structures three sto ries or less Ordinary heavv tim
ber-braced frames 5.5 2.8 NL 20
2.8 NA NA 2.8 2.2 NA NA 2.2 NL NL

B. Building Frame Systems
6.5 5.6 2.8 NL 20

The fundamental period T may be computed by using the following equation:

20 2.2 NL where the value of C. shall be based on Tab le 208-7 for the soil prof
ile type. When the , oil properties are not know n in sufficient detai l to dete
rmine the soil profile type, Type SD shall be used in Seismic Zone 4, and Type
T =21[
(208 -10)
SE shall be used in Seismic Zo ne 2. III Seis mic Zonc 4, the Nea r- Source Fact
or, Na. need not be greater than 1.2 if no ne of the following structural irregu
lariti es are present :
I. 2. Type 1, 4 or 5 of Table 208-9, or Type I or 4 ofTable 208-1 0.
I ,

The values of jl: represent any latera l force distributed approximatel y in acc
ordance with the principles of Equations (208-13), (208-14) and (208-15) or any
other ralional distributi oll. The c lastic de Oect ions. 0;, shall be calculate
d using th e applied lateral forces,r,. Simplified Desig n Base Shear Structures conforming to the req uiremen
ts of Section 208.4.8. 1 may be des igned us ing this procedure. .1 Il
ase Shear The total design base shear in a given direc tion shall be dctennincd
rrom the ro llow ing equa ti on :
V ~--- W Vert ical Distribution The rorces at each level shall be calcu lated
usi ng the following equation : 3C0 w. F .::: __ x 11 ' (208-1 2)
where the value of C(l shall be dctermined as ill Section I. 208.5.2.
3 .3 Applicability Section s, 208.5.1. 3, 20 8.5.2. 1,, 208.
5.5, 208.5 .9, 208.5.10 'lJ1d 208.6 shall not apply when lIsing the simp lified
(208-1 I)
N(llional Stru ctural Cod e of the PhilipPines 6 Edition Vo turn e 1

CHAPTEI< 2 -_. Minim urn Design l.oads
1.1 The flexible upper portion shall be designed as a separate structure, suppor
ted latera ll y by the rig id lower portion, using the appropri ate values of Ra
nd p.
1.2 The rigid lower portion shall be designed as a
Where used , !:lid shall be taken equal to 0 .0 l limes the
SIOIY height of all Slories. In Seclion 208.8.2 .8, Equalion
separate structure using the appropriate value s of Ra nd p . The reactions from
the upper pOl1ion shall be those detennined from the analysis of the upper port
ion amplified by the rat io o f the (Rip) of the upper portion over (RIp) of the
shal1 read
ex ceed Ca ~11pX' but shall no t be less than
O .Sea wpx .
and llo shall be laken from Table 208-1 L 208.5.3 Dctcrm.ination of Seismic Fact
208.5.3,1 Determination of llo
Fo r spec ific e le ments of the structure, as s pec ifically Combinations along Different Axes In Seismic Zone 4 where a structure
has a bearing wall system in only one direction, the value of R used for design
in the orthogonal direction shall not be greater lhan thaI used for the bearing
wall system.
identified in this code, the minimum design strength shall
be the product of the seismic force overstrength factor
and the design seismic forces set f0l1h in Section 208.5. For both Allowab le SUe
ss Design and Strength Design, the Seismic Force Overslrength Factor, flo. shall
be taken from Table 208- I I . Determination of R The value for II shal1 be taken from Table 2081 I. 2
08.5.4 Combinations of Structural Systems Where com binations of structura l sys
te ms arc incorpo rated inl o th e same stru cture, the requirements of this sec
tion shall be satisfied. Vertica l Combinations
Any com bination of bearing wall systems, building frame systems, dual systems o
r moment-resisting frame systems may be used to resist seismic forces in struCtu
res less than 50 m in height. On ly combinati ons of dual systems and special mo

ment-resisting frames shall be used to resist seismic forces in structures excee

ding 50 m in height in Seismic Zone 4. Combinations along the Same Axis Where a combination of different stru
ctural systems is utilized to resist latera! forces in the same direction, the v
alue of R used for design in Ihat direction shall not be greater than the least
value for any of the systems utilized in that same directi on. 208.5.5 Vertical
Distribution of Force The lotal force shall be distribu ted over the hei ght of
the stru clure in confom1ance with Equations (2 08-1 3), (208 14) and (208- I 5)
in the absence of a more rigorous procedure.
The value of R used in the design of any story shall be less than or equJI to th
e value of R llsed in the give n direction for the story above.
Exception: This requirement Ileed not be applied 10 a slory where the dead weigh
t above that stolY is less than 10 percellt of Ihe fatal dead weight a/the Slruc
" v =r~ + IF;
(= 1
(208-1 3)
Thc con ccntrated force F, at the top, wh ic h is ill additi on
shall be dc::rmined fro m th e equation:
Structures may be designed using th e procedures of Ihis section unde r the foll
owing condit ions: The cnli!"!.: stru cture is des ig!1ed using the lowest R or
thc tilleral force-res is ting systems used, or
I. The following Iwo-stagc slatic anal ys is procedures
Illa y be used fo r struc tures con forming 20X.4 .R.2 _Itelll 4. 10
F, =o.07TV
(208-14 )
Sectio n
The value of T used fo r the purpose of calculati ng J-~ shall be Ihe pcriod tha
I corres ponds with the desig n base shear <IS computed usin g Equation (208 -4)
. PI need 110t ex cced O.2:V a nd may be cons ide red as zcro where '" i': 0 .7
second or less. The rcma in ing porti on of th e b;n. :.1. r shall be distributed
over the height of the SIlth: llil"C, includ ing Level II. according to the foHo
w ing equation :
A!:'sociatlon of Structural EIl91 ne ers or the Philippines

CHAPTEH 2 - Minimum Design Loads

= (V - F,)w,."-,.
(20S-ls )
208.5,7 Horizo nta l To rsio n al Mo m ent s Provisions shall be made fo r th e
increased shears resuit ing
L W ihi
At each level designated as x, the force F, shall be applied over the area of th
e bu ilding in ac cordance wi th the mass distribut ion at that leve l. Struc tu
ral di splacements and design seismic forces shall be calculated as the e rfect
of forces F, and F, applied at the appropriate levels above the base. 208,5.6 Ho
r izo ntal Dist ri b nti on of Shea r
from horizontal torsion where diaphragms are not flex ible. The most severe load
combination for each
clemen! sha ll be considered for design. The torsional design moment at a given
story shall be the
moment resulting from eccentricities between applied
desi gn lateral forces at levels above that story and the vertica l-resisting el
ements in that story plus an accidental
torsion. The design story shear. V .n in any story is the sum of the forces F, a
nd F, above th at story. V, shall be distri buted to the various elements of the
vertical lateral fo rce~resi s ti ng system in proportion to their rigidities.
considering the
rigidity of the diaphragm. See Section for rigid e lemen ts that are n
ot intended to be part. of the lateral
fo rc e~
The acciden tal torsiona l moment shall be determi ned by
assuming the mass is displaced as required by Section
208 .5 .6. Where torsi onal irregularity exists, as defined in Table 20S- 10, th
e effects shall be accounted for by increasing the accidenta l torsion at each l
evel by an amplification rae tor, A n determined from the following equation:
resisting systems.
Where diaphragms are not fl exible, the mass at each level shall be assumed to b
e disp laced from the calculated center of mass in each direction a distance equ
al to 5 percent of the building dimension al that level perpendicular to the dir
ec tion of the fo rce under considerati on. The effec t of thi s displ acement o
n the story shear distri bu tion shall be considered.
Diaphrag ms shall be considered flexi ble fo r the purposes
(208 -1 6)

Om,/! =
the average of the displacements at the extreme points of th e structure at Leve
l x, mOl the maximum displacement at Level x, mm
of distribution of story shear and torsional moment when the max imum lateral de
fo rmation of the diaphragm is more th an two limes lhe average story dri ft of
the associated story. This may be determined by comparing the compu ted midpoint
in ~pl ane deflection of the
diaphragm itself und er lateral load with the story drift of adjoining verticalresisting elements under equi va lent tribu tary l.te ra l load.
The val ue of Ax need no t exceed 3.0 208.5.8 Overturn ing
Every structure shall be designed to resist lhe overtull1ing effects caused by e
arthquake forces speci fied in Section 208.5.5. At any level, the overturn ing m
oments to be resisted shall be determ ined using those seismic forces (F/ and F,
) th at act on levels above the level under
consideration. At any level, the incrementa l changes of
the design overturnin g moment shall be di stributed to the various resi sting e
lements in the manner prescribed in Section 20S.S.6. Overturning effects on ever
y element shall be carried down to the fou ndation. See Sect ions
207. 1 and 208. 8 for combining gra vi ty and seismic fo rces.
I ,
! i I
~ ,
j ,
National Stru ctural Code of the Phil ippi nes 6'" Editio n Volume 1
._n, o o!- ( .' .' . ..

CHAP1TF< 2 ... Minimum Design Loa ds
6. 20B.5.8.1 Elements Systems Supporting Discontinuous
20B.5.B.l.l General
Where allY portion of the lateral load-resisting system is discontinuous, such a
s fo r vertical irregularity Type 4 in Ta ble 208-9 or plan irregularity Type 4
in Table 208 10, concre te, masolllY, stee l and wood e lements supporting s uch
discontinuous systems s hall have the design strength
Steel clements designed primarily as flexu ral members or trusses shall have bra
cing for bo th top and bottom beam fl anges or chords at the locut ion of the su
pport of the discontinuous system and sha ll comply with the requirements of Sec
tion 515.6. 1.3. Wood elements des igned primarily as flexural members shall be
provided with lateral bracing o r solid blocking at each end of the clement and
at the ro" nection location(s) of the di scontinuous system.
to resist the combination loads resulting from the special
seismic load co mbinations of Sect ion 203.5.
20 B. 5.B.2 At Foundation
Sec Sections 208.4.1 and 308.4 for overturning moments to be resi sted at the fo
undation so il interface.
th~ qbi1nfithjfj;ljJ.'iech'oif:~03.5 need nbt exce~ the m{lilmum fo.rceiliat caJlb
etransferred 10 Ihe element . !>y Ihe-:1ciletai-fQti:~'resijrin$ System.
! : ~;'\" .~ . ' ,~1;
.t. :., ' ., .' '.' :: '.. .
20B.5.9 Drift
Drift o r horizontal displacements of the structure shall be com puted where req
ui red by this code. For both Allowable Stress Design and Strength Design, the M
aximum In elastic Response Displacement, 6.,.,. of the structure caused by the D
esign Basis Ground Motion shall be determined in accordance with this section. T
he drifts corresponding to the design seismic forces of Section or Sec
tion 208.6.5, /), S, shall be detennined in accordance w ith Section
To determine /),U, these drifts shall be amp lified in accordance with Section 2 Determination of L1s
A static, elastic analysis of the lateral rorce~res i s ting system shall be pre
pared using the design seism ic forces from Section 208 .5.2. 1. Alternatively,
dynamic ana lysis may be performed in accordance with Secti on 208 .6. Where All
owa ble Stress Design is llsed and where drift is being computed, the load comb
inations of Scction 203.3 shall be used. The mathematical model shall comply wit
h Section The resuiting defomlati ons, denoted as 11.<;. sha ll be de
termined at all critical loca tion s in the structure. Calcu lated drift shall i
nc lude translational and torsional deflections.
2. Qq~.crflf~lqos;:~1fpl!.qrlil!g IigJ:lI-/rame wood ,shear >V(JJ):sxstems or il
ghJ.;ji-qme sleel and wood structural
pa~elshe~r wall sYSiemi:
,;.: . .: : .

fo r A ll owable Stress Design, the design strcngth may be detennined usin g an
allowable stress increase of 1.7 and a resistance factor, , of 1.0. This increase
shall not be combincd with the onc- third stress in crease perm itted by Sectio
n 203.4, but may be combi ncd with the duration of load increase pennitted in Se
ction 615.3.4. 20B.5.8.1,2 Detailing requirem ents in Seismic Zonc 4
In Seis mic Zone 4, e lcmcnls support ing discontinllous systems shall meet tbe
following detailing or mem be r limitfltions:
Reinforced co ncretc or rcinforced masonry clcmcnts designed primarily as axja l
~lo ad members shal! compl y wit h Section 42 Reinforced conc rete elem
ents designed primarily as flex ura l members and supporting other than ligh tfr
am e wood shear wa ll system or light-fra me stee l and wood structural panel sh
ear wall systems shall comply with Sections 421.3.2 and 421.3 .3. Streng th comp
u tations for portions of slabs dcsigned as support ing elcment s shall include
only those portions of th e slab tlw.! comply with th e requirements of thesc
20B.5,9.2 Dct enllinatio n of /)'",
Th e Maximum Inelastic Response Displacement, tJ.,\{.
shall be comruted as follow s:
(208- 17)
Masolll)' clemcnts des igned primari ly as carrying mcmbers shall co mp ly with
706. 1. 12.4. Item I. and 70g .
' L~ial - I o ad
Sec tions
Masonry cl ements des ign ed primaril y as ncxural members shall compl y with Se
ct ion 70X.2 .6.2.5.
Steel clemc nts designed prill1;lrily as :lxi'II-load membe rs sha ll compl y wi
lh Sec ti ons 5 15.4.2 il nd 515.4 .3.
() f
Alternatively, 6. M may be :computed by Ilonlinear time
his/DI)' analysis in accordance with Sec/ion 208.6. 6. The analysis lIsed to det
ermi nc the Ma ximu m In clastic Response Displacement AM shall considcr P6 effe
Stfllclu(tll EngIneers of thA

Phiti pprn e ~

CHAryrEF, 2- Minimum D"sign Loads

208.5.10 Story Drift Limitation Story drifts shall be computed using the Maximum
Inelastic Response Displacement, 11 M . Calculated Calculated story
drift llsing !!.'d shall not exceed 0.025
times the story height for structures having a fundamental period of less than 0
.7 sec. For structures having a
representation and shall be performed using accepted
principles of dynamics.
Structures that arc designed in accordance with this
requirements of these provisions.
208.6.2 Ground Motion
The ground motion representation shall, as a minimum, be one having a I O-percen
t probability of being exceeded in
fundamental period of 0.7 sec or greater, the calculated ,tDlY drill shall not e
xceed 0.020 times the stOIY height.
50 years, shall not be reduced by the quantity R and may be one of the following
An elastic design response spectlllm constructed in accordance with Figure 208-3
, using the values of and C. consistent with the specific site. The design
l'lzese drift limits may be exceeded when it is demonstrated that greater drift
can be tolerated by both stmctural elements and nonstructural elements that coul
d affect life safety. The drift used in this assessment shall be based upon the
Inelastic Response Displacement, LlM .
acceleration ordinates shall be multiplied by the acceleration of gravity, 9.815
mfsec 2

There shall be no drift limit in single-story steelframed structures whose prima
ty use is limited to storage, jactories or workshops. Minor accessOlY uses shall
be allowed. Structures on which this exception is used shall !lot have equipmen
t attached to the structural Fame or shall have such equipment detailed to accom
modate the additional drift. Walls that are laterally supported by the steel fra
me shall be designed to accommodate the drift in accordance with Section 208.8.2
A sitewspecific elastic design response spectrum based on the geologic, tectonic
, seismologic and soil characteristics associated with the specific site. The sp
ectrum shall be developed for a damping ratio of 0.05, unless a different value
is shown to be consistent with the anticipated structural behavior at
the intensity of shaking established for the site. 3.
Ground motion time histories developed for the specific site shall be representa
tive of actual earthquake motions. Response spectra from time histories, either
individually or in combination, shall approximate the site design spectrum confo
rming to Limitations
The design lateral forces used to determine the calculated drift may disregard t
he limitations of Equation (208-6) and (208-7) alld may be based 011 the period
determined from Equation (208-10) neglecting the 30 or 40 percent limitations of
Section 208.S.2.2, Item 2.
Section 208.6.2, Item 2.
For stJ1lctures on Soil Profile Type Sr, the following requirements shall apply
when required by Section Item 4:
4.1 The ground motion representation shall be developed in accordance with Items
2 and 3.
4.2 Possible amplification of building response due to the effects of soil-stl1l
cture interaction and
208.5.11 Vertical Component
The following requirements apply in Seismic Zone 4 only. Horizontal cantilever c
omponents shall be designed
for a net upward force of O.7Ca/~r In addition to all other applicable load comb
horizontal prestressed cOlllponents shall be designed using not 1110re ill;!n SO
percent of' the dead load for the gravity load, alone or in combination with th
e lateral force efJCds. 208.6 Dynamic Analysis Procedures
lengthening of building
inelastic behavior shall be considered.

The vertical component of' ground motion may be defined by scaling corresponding
horizontal accelerations by a factor of (wo- thirds. Alterna;ivc factors may be
used \vhen substantiated by ~itew specific data. Where the Near Source Factor,
Nil' is greater than 1.0, site-specific vertical response spectra shall be used
in lieu of the factor of twothirds.
208.6.1 General
Dynamic analyses procedures, when used, shall conform to the criteria establishe
d in this sectiol1. The analysis shall be b;lscd 011 an appropriate ground Illot
208.6.3 Mathematical Model
A mathematical model of the physical structure shall represent the spatial distr
ibution of the mass and stiffness of the structure to an extent that is adequate
for the
Nation;:]1 Structural Code of the Philippines G Edition Volume 1

CHAPTEIi: '2 ..
Miflllllllnl Oesl~Jil
calculation or the significant rcntures of its dynamic response. A three-dimensi
ona l model shall be used for the dYlllllllic analys is of sll1lc(ures wit h hig
hl y irregular plan config urat ions such as those havi ng a pla n ilTegularity
detl ncd in Tab le 208- J 0 and hav ing a ri gid or semi- rig id diap hmg m. The
stiffn ess properti es used in th e analysis and ge neral mathematica l modelin
g shall be in accordance \-vith Section . 208.6.4 Description of Analy
sis Procedures Hes!,ollse SpectrullI Allalysis An elasti c dyn.lI mic ana lys is of a
st ru cture uti lizing the peak dynamic response of all modes hav ing a signifi
cant contri bution to total stmclura l response. Peak moda l responses arc calc
u lated usi ng the ordinates of the appro priate response spectrum curve which c
orrespond to th e modal periods. Maximum mod<1 1 contribut ions arc combined in
a stat istical manner to oblHin <til approximate [olal slmc(ura l response. 208.
6.4.2 Time History Analysis
combined by recognized methods. When lhr eedimcnsiona l modcls arc used fo r ana
lysis, mo dal interactio n efleClS shall be considered when co mbining modal IlH
1X im<1. Rl'dutlion of Elastic Response Parameters for Design Elastic Response
Parameters may be reduced for purposes of design ill acco rda nce with the foll
owing itcms, \\. itll th e limitation th at in no case shall th e Elas ti c Resp
onse I)aramciers b ~ reduced sllch thaI the co rresrond ing des ign base shear i
s less th an th e Elasti c Response Base Shear divided by Ihe va lue o f R.
An analysis of th e dynamic response of a structure at each increment of time wh
en the base is subj ected to a specific ground Illotion time history.
208.6.5 Re sponse Speclrll III Analysis
For all regular structures where the ground motion representalion comp lies wilh
Seclion 208.6.2, Item I, Elastic Response Parameters may be reduced such that t
he correspond ing design base shear is not less than 90 percent o f the base she
ar detenn ined in acco rdance wilh Section 208.5.2. For all regul ar strucrures
where the ground motio n reprcscntati on compli es with Sect ion 208.6.2 , hem 2
, Elastic Res ponse Parameters mny be reduced such that the co n esponding desig
n base shear is not less than 80 percent of the base shear detelmined ill accord
ance with Section 208 .5.2 . f<or all irregula r stru ctures, regardless of th e
ground Illotion re presentation, Elastic Response Parameters may be reduced sll
ch that the cOITespondi ng design basc shear is not less {han 100 percenl or the
base shear determined in accordance wit h Section 208.5.2.
208.6.5. 1 Res ponse Spectrum Represe ntation and Interpretation or Results The
ground motion represl'll!<ltion shall be in accordance \v ith Section 208.0.2. T
he corresponding response parnmclcrs, including fo rces. momen ts and displacC'l
llcnts, shall be denoted <is Elasti c Res ponse Parametcrs. Elas tic Response Pa
ra mc{C rs Illay be rrduccd in acco rdance with Sec lio n 208.6.5 .4. The base s
hCHr for a given direct iol1 . de term ined usin g dynamic analysis must not be
less thall th e value obtained by the equivalent lateral force meth od of" Secti

on 208.5 .2. In this case, alt co rresponding rC!-ipo nse P,lr(l1l1ctcrs arc adj
usted pro portiona tely. Number or Modes
The corresponding reduced design seismic fo rces sha ll be used for design in ~c
cordance wilh Section 203. Direclion a l Errecls
Directiona l effec ts fo r horizontal groun d Illotion shall con form 10 the req
uirements of Sectio n 208.5. 1. The effects of vert ica l ground moti ol1s on h
orizontal cantilevers and pres tressed elements shall be qmsiciered in accordanc
e with Section 208.5.1 t . Altcrnately. vertical seismic re s p o ll s ~ Illay b
e determined by dynamic response me thods ; in no case shall the response uscd f
or design b(.: Jess than that obtllinc<1 by the slatic mc th od.
208. 6.5.6 TO"sion The analysis sllflll HCCO Ulll ror to rsionall'flcc{s. includ
ing ;Jct:jdcn t ~1 torsional efrects as presc ribed in Sect ion 20X.5.7. Where t
hl'ccdimcn:.;ional mode-Is :lrc uscd for ana lysis, erfects of accidcnwl torsion
shall be accou nted fiJI" by appro priate adjust ments in the model slich il f;
adjust men t of" mass loca lions. or by equ ivale nt statio: procedures such as
pro vided in Sect ion 208.5.0.
TilL' requ irc mcnt of Section 20K.6.4. 1 II1<1t all signifi cant modes be inc l
udcd may he sCltisfied hy demonstrating lhat for the modes cOJlsidered. <II leas
t 90 percent or thl.! participating mass of the strurlure is im:ludcd in th\.' c
alcu lation of response I(w each principal hori7.ontal direct ion. 208 .6.5,] CO
lllhini llg Modes The pcn k member j()]"ces. di sp lacements. slory f()fI:cs, st
ory shears ;llld base reactions I()r" l~ ach mode shall be
Assod:ltlon of Structural
Eil~J l ntw r s
of the PhlilPPll leS

CHAVITf, 2 - Minimum Design Loads

2,93 Dual Systems Nonlinear Time History Analysis Nonlinear Time History
Nonlinear time history analysis shall meet ;bc requirements of Section 208.4.10,
and time histories sblll be developed and results detennined in accordance with
the requirements of Section Capacities,eI characteristics of nonlinear
elements shall be modci<:d consistent with test data or substantiated analy<s,
considering the Importance Factor. .The maxirm::n inelastic response displacement
shall no(be reduced ,:lid shall comply with Section 208.5.10.
Where the latera! forces arc resisted by a dual system as
defined in Section, the combined system shall
be capable of resisting the base shear determined in
accordance with this section. The moment-resisting frame
shall conform to Section, Item 2, and may be
analyzed using either the procedures of Section 208.5.5 or those or Section 208.
208.6.6 Time History Analysis Time History
Time-history analysis shall be performed with pairs of
timehistory Design Review
When nonlinear time-history analysis is used to justify,. . structural design, a
design review of the lateral- force resisting system shall be performed by an in
dependcd engineering team, including persons licensed in ihc appropriate discipl
ines and experienced in seisrnic analysis methods. The lateral-foree-resisting s
ystem design review shall include, but not be limited to, the following: I. Revi
ewing the development of sitespecific spectra and ground-motion time histories.
components that shall be selected and scaled from not less than three recorded e
vents. Appropriate time histories shall have magnitudes, fault distances and sou
rce mechanisms that are consistent with those that control the design-basis eart
hquake (or maximum capable earthquake). Where three appropriate recorded groundm
otion time-history pairs are not available, appropriate simulated ground-motion
time-history pairs may be used to make up the total number required. For each pa
ir of horizontal ground- motion components, the square root of the sum of the sq
uares (SRSS) of the 5 percent-damped site-specific spectrum of the scaled horizo
ntal components shall be constructed. The motions shall be scaled such that the
average value of the SRSS spectra does not fall below 1.4 times the S percent-da
mped spectrum of the design-basis earthquake for periods from O.2T second to I.S
T seconds. Each pair of time histories shall be applied simultaneously to the mo
del considering torsional effects.
The parameter of interest shall be calculated for each timc.- history analysis.
If three time-history analyses are performed, then the maximum response of the p

arameter of interest shall be used for design. If seven or more timehistory anal
yses are performed, then the average value of the response parameter of interest
may be used for design.
2. 3.
Reviewing the preliminary design of the lateralforce-resisting system. Reviewing
the final design of the lateral-forceresisting system and all supporting analys
The engineer~of~record shall submit with the plans and calculations a statement
by all members of the engineering tcam doing the review stating that the above r
eview has been performed.
208.7 Lateral Force on Elements of Structures,
Nonstructur.1 Components and Equipment Supported by Structures 208.7.1 Gener.1
Elements of structures and their attachments, permanent nonstructural components
and their attachments, and the attachments for permanent equipment supported by
a structure shall be designed to resist the total design seismic forces prescri
bed in Section 208.7.2. Attachments for noor- or roof-mounted equipment weighing
less than 1.8 kN, and furniture need not be designed. A ttachments shall includ
e anchorages and required bracing. Friction resulting from gravity loads shall n
ot be considered to provide resistance to seismic forces. Elastic Time History Analysis
Elastic time history shall conform to Sections 208.6.!, 208.6.2, 208.63, 208.6.5
.2, 20S.6.5.4, 20S.6.5.5,, and Response parameters
from clastic time-history analysis shall be denoted as Elastic Response Paramct
ers. All clemcnts shall be designed llsing Strength Design. Elastic Response Par
ameters may be scaled in accordance with Section
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6
Edition Volume 1

2 -' MlOimwn Design l.oads
When the stmctural fa il ure of Ihe lateral-force-resist ing systems of nonrigid
equi pment would cause a life hazard, such systems shall be designed to resist
the seismic fo rces prescribed ill Section 208.7.2. When permissible design stre
ngt hs and oth er accept ance criteria arc not contained in or referenced by thi
s code, such criteria shall be obtained from approved national standards subject
to the approval of th e building official.
Forces dctcnnillcd lIsing Equation (20 r.:-:,j \..>:. t: .-, .(;; shall be lIsed t
o design members and cO IH;\'c! j ;".~') (:;;11 tra nsfer these fo rces to Ihe sc
ismicn""' '1;;' ...: .... ~i....:l -". M embers and connection design Shidi l.i 't
C 1 1,.:. ;' f'IJ co mbi nati ons (11)(1 rac tors speci fi ed in S~ C!ii.)n . ~0
3.3 ll l" 203 .4 . The Reliabi lity/Redundancy Factor, !), may be taken eqLlal t
o 1.0. For appli cabl e (orees and Component p,.' : ' O Jl ': ( Modification Fact
o rs in connectors for c;\"l<..~ r i )l p. ;: ;.j diaphrag ms, refe r to Section
s 208.8.2. 3, 2tnU\./ . .. Hi f-orces shall be appl ied in the horizontal di rc<.:I!OH::, \'.Ih il:
208.7.2 Desigll for Total La tHai Force
The total design lateral seismic fo rce, FI" delenn incd from the fol lowing equ
ation: shall be
(208 - 18)
result in [he 1110st crilicalload ings for design .
Altern atively, Fp may be calculated using the fo llowing equ ation:
208.7 .3 Specifying Lateral Forces
Design speci fi ca tions for equi pment sha ll either spcci r/ Ihe design latera
l fo rces prescri bed he rein or reference these pro visions.
F = P
aCI( II)WP P 1 R +
) ---L
(208-1 9)
Except that I'~' shall 1I0t be less than O.7C,/pWp and
need not be more than 4C~JpJ1~) .
where :
the clement or componcn! atta chme nt elevation wiLh respect LO grade. fi x shal
l n01 be taken less tha n 0.0 . h,. = the stnlClure roof elevation wit h respect
10 grade. n,l = the inslruc ture Componelll Amplification Factor that varies fro

m 1.0 to 2.5.
208.7.4 Relative Motion of Equipment AII. chment, For equipment in Categories I
and II bui ldin gs as dcfincti in Table 103 1, th e lateral-force design ~; h a
l! considc) (l,c effec ts of rela tive motion of th e poin ts of attachmen l to
the structure, usi ng the drift based upon AM. 208.7.5 Alternative Designs Where
an approved national stand ard or approved physical tes t dala provide a basis
ror the earthquake resis tant design of a particular type of equipment or other n
onstructural component, sllch a standard or data may be .lcccplea as a basis for
design of the items wit h thc fo llowing limita ti ons:
A va lue for "" shall be selecled from Table 208-12. Altemalively, this factor m
ay be detenn ined based on the dynam ic properti es or e mp irical da ta of the
co mponen t and the structure thai supports il. The va lue shall not be taken le
ss th an 1.0.
Rp is the Componenl Response Modification Factor that shall be taken from Table 2
08-1 2, except that Rp for anch orages shall eq ual !.5 for shall ow ex pansion
anch or bo ilS, shallow chem ical anchors or shallow castinp lace anchors. Sha llo
w anchors are th ose wit h ti n embedme nt IcngtlHodiamcter ratio of less tha n 8
. When anchorage is co nstructcd ofnonducti lc mate rials, or by lise of adhesiv
e, Rp shall equal 1.0.
These provisions sha ll prov ide minim um va lues for th e design of the anchora
ge and th e mem bers an d connections th at transfer the forces to th e seismicr
esisting system.
The force, I;~h and the overturning mo ment used in the design of th e nonstl1lc
tural component sh;\!1 ,i' . be less than 80 percent of the vn lucs that WO\i ~.
: obtained lIsing these provisions.
The design latcnd forces determined using Equat ion (208 I R) or (208- 19) sha ll
be distributed in proport ion I() the mass dis Lri bulioll of fhe element or co
Associat ion of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads

Table 208-12 Horizontal Force Factors, ap and Rp for Elements of Structures and
Nonstructural Components and Equipment
- - - - - -- _._ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . _ --- -- - - - - - , - - , - - - - - - , - - - - - , Category Element or Component ap Rp Footnote
~----.----------------------'-----'-------'---!-----I I. Walls including the following:
................... __ ..
a. Un braced (cantilevered) parapets
3.0 3.0
-._-_ . .._-- 2
- -- -b. Exterior walls at or above the ground floor and 1, Elements or Structures
p_~r:.~p~~~ br~~e~_ a~.oy~th_~ir__~~~1t~I:~~_f_ g~~.~jty
. ..
-- -------~ --c. All interi6r~bcaring and non-bearing walls
1.0 2.5 1.0 2.5
3.0 4.0 3.0 3.0
... _.....2
2. Penthouse (except when framed by an extension of the stmcturai frame)
3 walls. See also Section 208.7.2
. CO ,l;1cci;O-[~;-'f~~-p-~~'f;~b;:i~-~tcd-st;;;-~iu~a"j -ci ~~~;e~-t~-~ti~c~--3
I. Exterior and interior oll1amentations and appendages.
2. Chimneys, stacks and trussed towers supported on or
-------_.~ __ ......_"._ __._ . _. . ~ .. __ ..._ ...... __ ._ __ ~_._.~~ __.__ .. _ a.
Laterally braced or anchored to the structural frame at 2.5 3.0 .~. P5?it_)t_~~
l~~ _t!1~i~ _ _ c_~.!.~~~r~ __()f ~!:l~.~.~" _......_ ..... _ ..____ " .......__
..___ .~_. _.~ .. _ ....___ ._____ _ b. Laterally braced or anchored to tbe stru

ctural frame at 1.0 3.0 O!' ,~bov.c .theil: centers o.f m~ss _. .." ._...~ .. __
~ .. __._,_. __._______ ______ ~. __._ _ _
2.5 3.0 4.0
- -----t----~
3. Signs and billboards
2. NOllstructural Components
3.0 5 tl.la_t~JJ.m_ in ..l!~.jg!.l~. __ (i!lclud~_c:()n!e~~s). __ . ______;____.
. _._.. _. _.... __ ._ .__._______ _ _1 6. 0nchorage and lateral bracing for sus
pended ceilings and 1.0 3.0 3, 6, 7, 8 hght fi.~~_u~es ........__ .._____ .. _.
__ ... _ ______--1
7. Access floor systems
4. Storage racks (include contents) over 1.8 m tall. 2.5 . .. --------.-----5. P
ermanent floor-supported cabinets and book stacks more 1.0
1.0 1.0
- ~ ~- . ~-4,5,9
---- - 8. Masonry or concrete fences over 1.8 m high
9, Partitions,
.~___;_~-_:_;c___;- -- .- - . -- . --~- - -.- - .----.-- 3.0 3.0
-- ---- -_ ..
I . Tanks and vessels (include contents), including support
systems. 2. Electrical, mechanical and plumbing equipment and associated conduit
and ductwork and piping.
_ .. 3.0
I 3. Any flexible equipment iaterally bt~aced or anchored to the 2.5 3.0 stnlctu
ral ft~atl.lC at a point_ ~e!.ow tl~~_t~_~~.~!t.~r ofmas~ 3. Equipment 4. Anchor

age of emergency power supply systems and essential communications equipment. An

chorage and support systems for battery racks and fuel tanks necessary 1.0 3.0 f
or operation of emergency equipment. See also Section 208.7.2 5. Tcmporary conta
iners with flammable or hazardous 3.0 1.0 _ _ __._ __ ._~ _ _ .~ ___.____ _.._.!
.1.1,ltcriaJs._____ _ _ _ ~ _ __..~~ ___,___._ _ ._______+_----1--I. Rigid comro
ncnts with ductile material and attachments.
4., Other
..... 5-:io,T4:.. 11,1.2 _
17, 18
5, 10, ll, 12,13,14, 15, 16
- -19
1.0 1.0 2.5 2.5
2. Rigid components with nonductile material or attachments
J. Flexible components with ductile material and
altacllmcllts. 4. Flexible components with nonductile materi,!! or attachments.
3.0 1.5
National Structural Code of tile Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1
1 h

2 ,-. Minimum Design Loads
Notes/or Table 208, J2
I See Section 208.2 Jor definitions ojj7exible componellls and rigid component,I
'. I See Sectioll and 208.8.2. 7./ar COIlCl'ele (Jnd ma.wllIy 11'(/1/.
\' and Sectioll 20S. 7.2 for cOllnccfio/lsjiu" pond wl/nee/orsji),. jWllc{s. J A
pplil'S to Sci,l'mic ZOIl(,S 2 and 4 only.
Ground supported steel storage racks lIIay he designed IIsing Ihe prol'i.\"jo/l,
I' (~f'S(,Cfi(Jl/s 208.1), Lood and /"esi.\'{III1C1'jilC/o/" design /lilly be ".
\wl JiJr the design oj cold.jonned sfeel 1111'111/;<'1;\', pl"(JI'ided sei,\"lII
i(' dO'ign /hrce.\" are i'ill/o/ to or grea/e!" 11/(111 {hose ,Ipeei/ied ill Sec
/ioll 208.7.2 or 208.9.2 as appropriate.
OI1/Y anchorage or resfrail1l.I' /leed be designed
Ceilillg weight shall include all Iig"fJixfures and olher equII)lIIl!n! or parli
liollS Ihal are lalemlly xupporled II.!' Ihe ceiling For purposes of determillin
g fhe .Ie/slllicjoree, (l ceiling weight o/nolless (han 0.2 kPa shall he used.
1 Ceilings eonslrucled of lath and plaster or gypsum board screw or lIail (Jtlac
hed to slI.Ipellded memher.l fh(lt supp()rt 0 c('iling {It 0111' level extelldiJl
gfrom wall to wall need not be ana~!'zed, provided (he walf,l' (lre I/of over 15
lIIelers oparl. Light jixrures and /l/eclwllical services illstalled ill metal
slI.Ipellsioll sy.l'lel/ls for aco/lstical IiII' (llId lay-in panel cei(ings shi
lll he independently supporledJrolll Ihe SIn/crure abol'l! as specified in VBe S
tandard 25-2, Parr II/,
W,Ior accessjloor systems shall be the dead /otl(1 of the (lCCessjloor system pI
llS 25 percenf'q(lhe/loor livc load pIllS a 0.5 kPo parlilioll load allowal/ee.
Eqllipment includes, but I:V /lot limited to, boilers, chillers, heal exchallger
s, pumps, tlirjwlldling IIl1its, cooling tOl\'ers, control pal/e/s, motors, switc
hgear, trallsformers and life-safety equipment. II shall indude major cO/lduit,
dUelillg and piping, which serl'ices such machill(")' and equipmenl and/ire spri
nkl'r systems. See Sec/ioll 208. 7.2I()r addilioll(ll rcquireml'III.I'jor t/e/{'/
'minillg ar/i)}' nonrigid or flexibly mO/lnted eq!(lj)ment. Seismic res(raints m
ay he omilledFom pipiflg and duct supports ((all fhe/rAlowing condiliOlls are sa
{i.~lied: Latera! molioll (?((he 1)lI)illg or duel lI'il! not calise damaging imp
acl lI'i[h Olher systems motiOIl of rhe piping or duct does not cause impact I?f
Fogife appurlentlnces (e.g. , sprinkler hem/s) with pll)ing or structllral membe
r. supports oIless than 300 mm in length halle top cOl/nections Ihm callnOI del'
elop mOlllenfs.
IUThe piping or due[ l:~ made of ducri!e materia/willi ductile connections.
II J Latera!
olher eqllipmenl.
'14 Lateral mOliOIl o/lhe PII)illg or duct does 1I0t cause loss q( system vertic
al support.

11.1 Rod-III/lip, 116 Support 11

membcn cantile\'ered lip Fall! IhC'/loor are checkedj(!r slability.
Seismic res/milliS may be omilledji'Olll electrical raceways, meh as cable trays
, con(hlil and Ims ducts, i/allthej(}/fllwing ('Oll(/iliol/.\ (Ire saliVied: Later
al 1II0lioll of [he Nl('C'II'ay wi/lllol calise damagillg impact lI'ilh olher sy
slems L(l/eral moliOIl o/the raceway does /lot cause loss (?fsy.~tem vertica! Sl
ippOr/. SlIpporls o(less than 300
I.' 1
I.' "
I.' J Rod-hllng 1.'.<Support
in lenglh hOI'<' rop cOlllleuiolls Ilwl callnot del'<,loll //lOll/ellis
members ct/I/tilel'ercd upFoIII fhejloor are checked/or siahilil)'
Piping ducls (lnd electrical race\I'ays, which IIIIIS[ he /III/Cliol/o! Iollo\\'
ing all e(luhquoke. spllnlling /J('/lI'l'ell di[li>rell/ hllildillgs or slructur
al ,1),.1'/('111.1' .1'//111/ be sI41iciellilyflexible 10 withstand Idatil'" lI1
olio/! oj.I'I{/lporl POilllS assllming out-or/lhIlS" /IIOliU!l.I Vibration isolal
ors supporting equipment sil(1/1 he designcd j()r hl/eml l!lads or reslmined /im
l/ displacing laterll/~1' hy oilier 111('(111.1' Reslrai!1l shall also be pnll'i
ded. \I'lliell limits valiea! displacelllcnt. .weh that hI/era I reslraillt.l do
nOI hecome diwngoged. (1/, (111(/ R,,/iJ/' eqllll)ll1el1l supporlcd (In I'ihrati
on I:wiators shall be lakell as 2.5 and 1,5, reSpeClil'e!y, except Ihal [( Ihe i
solalioll mounling Fame is supported by shalfow or e:q)(ll/sioll allchor,~, Ihe
design forces .f<)r fhe (/lIcllor,\' calculaled hy Equalion (20!) . 18).or (208
- /9) (incl/lding limits), shalf be additionally II1Uflll)/ied by/actor (42.0.
15 Equipmellt anchorage sha/lIlO{ be designed such tllatloads are re.~isfed by g
/'Q\Jityjikliol! (e.g., /ricriol/ dips). 16 Expansion (I/lcllor,\', which are re
quired to r('siSI seismic loads in lellsioll ..\'hal/ 1101 be present.
where operational \'ihNlling loads are
/.lo\'('lIIen[ (?( compon('nts wilhill dectrical cllbillet.I, rack,ol/d skid-moun
ter! equipll/{'II! (ll/d portiOIl,I' (:/skid-lIIl11l11led e/ectrOIlWc/llll1iclIl
equipmenl (hat ilia.\' calise damage 10 other compollents /).1' di.lpillcing, s
hl/If he reslrirled lIy IIl1llchlll('l/t 10 a!lchored ('(/'IIIIIII{'III or suppo
rt/rallies. /Jatteries
racks .1'110/1 h(' restrail/cd agaill.H
aI/ direcliOIl dll(' 10 ('orlhqurlke(o/,c('.\'

5;eismic reSlrllillls lIIoy incll/dc .I'/raps, chaillS. holls, harner.l or olher

lII('chollislIIS fhat pn'I'(,I/{ sliding. /ol/ing alld IIr('(lch ojrllJ/lllillll
lcll1 I!I/lollllllab/e and toxic materials. Friction/illn's IIf(lY I/of he IIsed
10 r('.I'i.l'1 lotl'rof III(/(lI' ill III(' l'e.I'lroilils IIntes.\' flosilil'{
' II/,lil; restrailll i.1 provided which {'IISIII'('S [hal fhc/i'ictioll/or('es
act c()/llil!l/O/ls~l'.
Association of Slructuml EIl~Jille8rs of the Philippines

;> - Minimum DElsiqn I.oads
; 208.8 Detailed Systems Design Requirements ; 208.8.1 General ;' All s(nlctural
framing SYSICIllS sha ll comply Wilh the i requirements of Section 208.4. Only
the elements of the ':" designated scismic-force-resisting system shall be lIsed
to resist design forces. Thc individual components shall be designed to resist
th e prescribed design seismic forces acting on th em. The components shall also
comply wit h the specific requirements for the material contained in ~ Chaplers
4 through 7. In addition, slich framing systems and components shall comply wit
h the detailed system design requiremcnts contained in Section 208.8.
208 .8.2 Str uctural Framing Systems pour typcs of general building framing syst
ems defi ned in Section 208 .4.6 are recognized in th ese pro visio ns and
shown in Table 208-1 1. Each type is subdi vided by the types of vCl1icaJ c leme
n Is used to resist lateral seismic forces. Special frBming requirements arc giv
en in Ihis section and in Chapters 4 through 7. Detailing for C ombina
tions of Systems
For componcnts common 10 different structural systClns, the more resl rictive dc
taillng requircmen(s shall be used. Connections
All building components in Seismic Zones 2 and 4 shall be designed to resist the
effe cts of Ihe seismic forces prescribed herein and the effects of gra vity lo
adings from
dead and flo or live loads.
Con nections that resist design seismic forces shall be designed and deta iled o
n the drawings. Deformation Compatibility All stnl ctural framing elements and their c
onnections, not required by design to be part of the lateralMforee-resisting sys
tem, s hall be designed andlor detailed to be adequate to mainlain suppor! of de
sign dead plus live loads whell subjected to lhe ex pecled deformations caused b
y seismic forces . P6 effects on such clements shall be considered. Ex pected de
formations shall be detcnnill ed as the grea ter of the Maximum inelastic Respon
se Displacement, 11 M cons idering PI1 effecls determined in accordance wit h Se
ction or the defollnation induced by a story drin of 0.0025 limes the
story height. W hen computing
Consideration shall be given to design for uplin effects caused by seismic loads
. fn Seismic Zones 2 and 4, provision shall be made for th e effects of earthqua
ke forces actin g in a direction other than the principal ax es in each of the f
ollowing circumstances:
The structure has plan irregularity Type 5 as given in
Table 208-1 0.
r I

The stnlcture IlHs pJan irregularity Type I as given in
Table 208-10 for both maj or axes.
expecfed deformations, the stiffening effect of those clemen ts not part of the
laleral-fo rce-res isting system
sha ll be neg lected.
A column of a structure forms pat1 of two or intersecling lateral-forcc~rcs i sl
ing systems.
axial load ill the column due to seismic forces ~f'ting in either direction is l
ess than 20 percent of the ~olunlll axial load capacity.
The requirement that orth ogona l effects be considered may be sat is fied by de
signing slich elements for 100 perccnt of thc prescribed design seismic forces i
n one direction plus 30 perce nt of th e prescribed design seism ic forces in th
e pi! rpcndicular direction. The combination requiring th e greater com ponent s
trength shall be used for design . AIIl'rnat ively, the erfects of the t\I./O or
tho!.!o nal directions may be combincd 011 a square rOOI of thc~ SUIll
of the sqllorcs (SRSS) basis. When the SRSS mcthou combining directional c ffecl
s is used, eilch Icrm compulcd shall be assi gned th e sign Ihat will result il
l (he 1110st
For clements not 1'<111 or lhe lateral-force-resisting system, the forces induct
ed by the expected delonnation may be co nsid ered as ultimate or factored force
s. When co mputing Ihe forces induced by expected deformations, Ihe restraining
effect of adjoining rigid structures and nonslructural elCIl.1enlS shall be cons
idered and a rational va lu e of member and restraint stiffness shall be used.
Inelasti c dcfonnations of members and connections may be considered in the eval
uation. provided the assumed ca lculn tcd capacities <Ire consistent wilh member
and connection design and detailing. For concrete and masonry clements that are
pan of the Ia(c ral - fOfce-resi sting system, the assumed fl exural and shear
stiffness pro pcl'lies sha ll not exceed one half of th e g ross section pmpcrli
cs unless fl rational crackcd ~ scction ilna lysis is performed. Additional defo
rmations Ihat Illay result from foundcHinn ncx ibilily and diaphragm deflections
shall be considered. For concrete clements not part or the hllera l- forcc~rcs
i st iJl g sys tem, see Section
421 .9.
~ the
conservative result.
National Struc tural C()(~c: of ll'l~: PhiliPPines
(J lh
Edi ti on Volul'llo 1

CHAf'TEH 2 .. MirlHmml Design Loads Adjoining Rigid Elements
Moment-resisting frames
and shear walls may be
enc losed by or adjoined by more rigid clements. provided it can be shown that t
he participation or failure of the
A positive connection for resist ing horizontal forl,.:c aCling parallel to th e
member shall be provided for each h( am , gi rder or truss. This force shal l n
ot bc less thall (L ). ..../ times the dead plus live load. Collector Elements Collector e!ements shall be provided that are capab
le of transferring the seismic forces originating ill o!hn portions of the struc
tu rc to the clcment providing : he resistance to those forces.
more rigid elements wi ll not impa.ir the vertical and
lateml- load-resisting abi lity of the gravity load and ' lateral-fo rce-resisti
ng sys tems. The eflccts of adjoining rigid clements shall be considered w'l':en
assessing whe ther a structure shall be des ignated rcguial or ilTcgular in Sec
tion 208.4.5. Exterior Elements
Exterior non-bearing, non-shear wall panels or elements tiltH are attached to or
enclose the exterior shall be designed to resi st the forces per Equation (2081 8) or
(208-19) and shall accommodate movemen ts of the struct ure based on 6 M and tem
peralure changes. Such clements shall be suppo rted by means .of cast-in-place c
oncrete or by mechanical connections and fasteners in accordance wi th (he follo
wing provisions:
Collector clements, splices and their connc<.:lio1":<: 10 resisting clements sha
ll re sist the forces d elen ni~lcd ;11 accordance with Equation (208-20). In ad
dition. co llector clements, splices, and the ir connections 10 resisting elemen
ts shall have the design strength to resist the combined loads resulling from Ih
e special seismic load of Sect io n 203.5. Exception:
Connections and panel joints shall allow for a relative movement between stories
of not less than two times :-I tOly drift caused by wind, the ca lculated story
drift based on 11M or 12.7 mm, whichever is greater. Connections to permit move
ment in the plane of the panel for story drift shall be sliding connections usin
g slotted or oversize holes, connections that penni! movement by bending of stee
l, or other connections providing equiva len t sliding and ductility capacity. O
odies of connections shall have sufficient duct ility and rotation capacity to p
reclude fnlcturc or the conc rete or brittle failures at or ncar welds.
The body of the connection sha ll be designed for the force determined by Equati
on (208-19), where lip ~ 3.0 and "" ~ 1.0.
/11 st/velures, or portions thereof, braced entirely by lightframe wood shear wa
lls or light-frame steel and wood stmctllral pallel shear wall systems, col/ecto
l" elen;(,l1ts, splices and connections to resisting elements /l eed olil)' he d
esigned to resist forces in accordance with Equutioli (208-20).
The quantity .\1 need not exceed the maximum force that can be transferred to th

e collector by the diaphragm Hnd other clements of the lateral-force-resisting s

ystem. For Allowable Stress Design. the design strength may be determined using
an allowable stress increase or 1.7 and iJ resistance factor, $. of 1.0. This in
crease shall !lot be combined with the one-third stress increase permitted by Se
ction 203.4, but may be combi ned with the dura tion of' load increase permined
in Seclion 615.3.4. Concrete Frames
All fasteners in the connecting syste m, such as bolts, inserts, welds and dowel
s, shall be designed for the forces determined by Equation (20819). where R, ~ 1.0
and a, ~ 1.0.
Fnstcncrs embedded in concrete sh,1I1 be attached 10, or hooked around, reinforc
ing steel or otherwise termi nated to cfTcctivcly 'transfer forces to the rcinfo
rcing stcel.
Concrete frames required by design to be part of the lateral-force-resisting sys
tem shall conform 10 the following:
In Seismic Zone 4 they shall be specinl 1ll0llwnt resisting frames.
In Seism ic Zo ne 2 th ey sha ll, as a minimum, be inlcrmediatc moment-resisting
framcs. Tics a nd Continuity Anchorage of Concrete or Masonry W:tIlS
All parts of a stntclurc shall be intercollnectcd and the conncctions shall be c
<lpable or transmitting th e seismic fort:c induced by the pans being connected.
As a minim ulll, any smaller portion orthc bui lding shall be tied to the rcm.t
inder of the building with c1elllcnts having at lea st" strength to resist 0.5 C
J limes the weight or the smaller portion .
Concrete or masonry wa lls sha ll be anchored 10 ;1/ 1 noo l and roofs that prov
ide QUI-or-plane lateral support of" the wa ll. The anchorage shall provide a po
sitive direct cnn neclion hetwcen the wall and fl oor or roof COII!'ltruc{ioll c
"pab le of resisti ng the largcr or the horizontal forces spec ified in this sec
tion <Il1d Sections 20().4 and 20~.7. In addition. ill Seism ic Zone 4.
Assol.iatJon of Structural EngIneers o f IIH~ PtlilipPJf10S

CHAPTEf, 2 -- Minimum Design Loads

diaphragm to wall anchorage using embedded straps shall have the straps attached
to or hooked around the reinforcing steel or otherwise terminated to effectivel
y transfer forces to the reinforcing steel. Requirements for developing anchorag
e forces in diaphragms arc given in Section Diaphragm deformation sha
ll be considered in the design of the supported walls. Olll-of-Plane
Wall Anchorage to Flexible Diaphragms This section shall apply in SeISmic Zone
4 where flexible diaphragms, as defined in Section 208.5.6, provide lateral supp
ort for walls.
" F+"F. , L., ,
---,'' ' --'' -'- w,,,, " w; 2: i",x
The force
F"., determined from Equation (208-20) need not exceed! .OCr/wp.\"> but shall no
t be less than O.5CJwp J:'
Elements of the wall anchorage system shall be designed for the forces specified
in Section 208.7 where Rp ~ 3.0 and Q p ~ 1.5. In Seismic Zone 4, the value of
Fp used for the design of the elements of the wall anchorage system shall not be
less than 6.1 kN per lineal meter of wall substituted for E.
See Section 206.4 for minimum design forces in other seismic zones.
\Vhcn the diaphragm is required to transfer design seismic forces from the yerti
cal~resisting clements above the diaphragm to olher vertical-resisting elements
below the diaphragm due to offset in the placement of the elements or to changes
in stiffness in the veliical elements, these forces shaH be added to those dete
nnined from Equation
Design seismic forces for flexible diaphragms providing lateral supports for wal
ls or frames of masonry or concrete shall be determined using Equation (208-20)
based all the load determined in accordance with Section 208.5.2 using a R not e
xceeding 4. Diaphragms supporting concrete or masonry walls shaH have continuous
ties or struts between diaphragm chords to distribute the anchorage forces spec
ified in Section 20S.8.2.7. Added chords of subdiaphragms may be used to form su
bdiapluagms to transmit the anchorage forces to the main continuous crossties. T
he maximum length-to-width ratio of the wood structural sub-diaphragm shall be 2
Y,: I. Where wood diaphragms are lIsed to latera!ly support concrete or masonry
walls, the anchorage shall Zone 2 conform to Section In Seismic and 4
, anchorage shall not be accomplished by lise of toenails or nails subject to wi
thdrawal, wood ledgers or framing sha!lnot be used in cross-grain bending or cro
ss-grain tension, and the continuous ties required by item 4 shall be in additio
n to the diaphragm sheathing. Connections of diaphragms to the vertical elcments
in structures in Seismic Zonc 4, having a plan irregularity of Type I, 2, 3 or
4 in Table 208- I0, shall be designed without considering either the one-third i
ncrease or the dun:tion of load illcrease considered in allowable stresses for e

lements resisting earthquake forces. In structures in Seismic Zone 4 having a pl

an irregularity or Typc 2 ill Table 20g~IO, diaphraglli chords and drat! Illcmbe
rs shall be designed considering illdcp~'lldcnt movement or the projecting wings
or tile structure. Each of these diaphragm
When clements of thc wall anchorage system are not loaded concentrically or are
not perpendicular to the wall, the system shall be designed to resist all compon
ents of the forces induced by the eccentricity.
When pilasters are present in the waH, the anchorage
force at the pilasters shall be calculated considering the additional load trans
ferred from the wall panels to the pilasters. However, the minimum anchorage for
at a floor or roof shall be that specified in Section I, Item I. 6. T
he strength design forces for steel clements of the wall anchorage system shall
be 1.4 times the forces otherwise required by this section.
The strength design forces for wood elements of the wall anchorage system shall
be 0.S5 times the force otherwise required by this section and these wood
clements shall have a minimur" actual net thickness of63.5 mm.
6. Diaphragms
The dcOcction in the plane of the diaphragm shall not exceed the permissible def
lection of the attached clements. Permissible deflection shall be that deflectio
n that wil! permit the attached clement to maintain its structural integrity unc
leI' the individual loading and continue to support the prescribed loads.
Floor and roof diaphragms shall be designed to resist
the forces determined following equation:
National Structural Code of the PhilipPines bill Eclition Volume 1

CHAPTER 2 -. Minimum Design Loads
c lements shall be des ign ed for the mo re severe of the
following two assumptions:
a. b.
sha ll be designed to provide the s trength required [ 0 res ist [he displacemen
ts induced by the minimum lateral forces
Motion of the projec ting wings in the same direction.
Motion of the projecting wi ngs
jn opposi ng
specified in this section. Design shall conform to the
applicable prov isions of other sections as modified by the
provisio ns contained in Section 208.9. C riteria
Exception: This reQl'irell!e!1! (TIllY. be deemed.. satiifl.ed if. .-.the procedllr!
2S of;ec(ion 20R,'6 in cOlljullctio~ with a Ih reedimellsiQllpl . m.odel haye ..b
een IIsed to. de(ermine the lalera/ seismic forces for design. F raming Below the Base The strength and stiffness of the framing betw
een the base and Ihe foundation shall not be less than that o f the supers truct
ure. The special detailing requirements of Chapte r.; 4, 5 and 7, as appropriate
, shall apply to columns supporting discont inu ous lateral-force-resisting clem
ents and 10 SM RF, IMR F, EBF, STMF and
The minimu m design seismic forces prescribed in th is
section a re a( a le"c1 that produces displacements in a fi xed base, clastic mo
del of the s tructure, comparable to th ose expected of th e real stnl ctllre wh
en responding to the Design Basis Ground Motion. Reductions in these forces usin
g th e coefficient R is permitted where the design of nonbu ilding st ructures p
rovides sufficient strength and ductility, consis tent with the provisions speci
fied herein for buildings, [0 resi st the effec ts of seismic ground mo tions as
rep resented by these design forces. When applicable, design strengths and othe
r detailed design criteria shall be obtai ned from o ther sec tions or their ref
erenced s tandards. The des ign of nonbuilding s tJUctures sha ll use the load c
ombi nat ions or factor~ specified in Secti on 203.3 or 203.4. For nonbuildin g
st ructures designed usi ng Secti on 20B.9.3 , 208.9.4 or 208.9. 5, the Re li ab
ility/Red undancy Fac[or, p, ma y be taken as 1.0. When applicable design streng
ths and other design criteria are not con tained in o r referenced by this code,
such criteria shall be obtained from approved national standards. Wei
ght W
MMR WF system elements below the basel which are requ ired to transmit the force
s resulting from lateral loads
to the foundation.
208 .8.2.9 Building Sepa rations All structures shall be se parated from adjoini
ng structures. Separations shall allow for the displacement t!",. Adjacent build
ings on the same property sha ll be separated by at least 6 ,tfT where (20821)

and 6,1(1 and 6.m, arc the displ acemen ts of the adjacent buildings.
When a structure adjo ins a property lin e nOI commo n to a public way, that str
ucture shall a lso be set back from the property line by at least th e displacem
ent tl" of that
The weight, W, for nonbuilding struct ures shall include all dead loads as defin
ed for bui ld ings in Section 20B. S. I.1. For purposes of calcu lating design s
eismic rorces in nonbuilding struc tures, W shall also inc lude all nonnal opera
ting contents for items such as tank s, vesse ls, bins and pipi ng. Pe
Smaller separations or property line seiback.i.::/~ay b.e permitted '.vlten just
ifieq .by ralia/ial 'i.ifci1ysej.bi#ed Oil
eXpected ground motions. :- .:~!.~-'
The fundamental period or the structure shal l be determined by rational methods
slIch as by using Method fl in Section
208.9. 1.5 Drift The drift limitations of Sec lion 208.5.10 need not appl y to n
onbuilding struc tures. Drift limitations sh,!!1 lIe established for stnl ctural
or no nstructural elenH~Il! '; ':h.sc railure would cause life hazards. PA effec
ts ;-.j;.,j! be co nsidered for s tructures whose calcula ted drills c:\cccd the
values in Secti on 208 .5. 1.3.
208.9 Nonhuildi ng S tru ctu res 208.9.IGcncra l 208.9.1'. 1 Sco pe NOllbuilding
st ru Ctu res include
s truc tUl' c~
al l
sclfsupportin g
other than buildings that ca rry gravity loads and res ist th e effects or earth
q uakes. NOllb uildin g stru ctures
Association of Struc tural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAP TEli 2 Minimum

'. InteracCion Effecls : In Seismic Zone 4, Slruclures thai support fle
x ible ; Jlonstnlctural clements whose comb ined we ight exceeds .25 percell I o
f the weight of the stnlct ure shall be designed
208.9.5 Other Nonbuilding Struclures
Nonbuildi ng structures that are not covered by Secti ons 208.9.3 and 208.9.4 sh
all be designed to resist design seismic forces not less th an those determined
in accordance with the provisions in Section 208. 5 with the foll owing additi o
ns and exceptions:
i:considering interaction effects between the structure and
: lhe supported elements .
o 208.9.2
Laleral Fo rce
:jjlllemJediote momeJJl-resisling frames (IMRF) may he (; ,used ill Seismic Zone
4 for non-building structures in ". Occupall( V Calegories III alld IV if (1) Ih
e slrllctllre is ~' less than J5 m in height and (2) rhe value R used ill .; red
ucing ca/clliated member forces and moments does 110/ ; exceed 2.8.
-f. ~.'Exceptiofl: if
! {ateraJ-force procedures for Ilonbuilding stmctu fcs w ith 'structural syslems
similar to buildings (those with ~;tructural syslems which arc listed ill Table
208- 11) shall },e selecled in accordance with Ihe provisions of Section ".208.4
The factors Rand D. shall be as set fo rth in Table 208-13. The tolal design bas
e shear determined in accordance with Seclion 208.5.2 shall not be less than the
(208-23 )
Additionally, ror Seismic Zone 4, the lotal base shea r shall a lso no l be less
than the following:
V ~ 1.6ZN .J W R
, 2.
(2 08-24)

;: 208.9.3 Rigid Siructures

The venical distribution of the design seismic forces in structures covered by t
his section may be dc(cml ined by us ing the provis ions of Section 208.5.5 or b
y usin g the procedures of Secti on 208.6.
! :Rigid
structures (those with period T less than 0 .06 . 'second) and their anchorages
shall be designed for the laleral force obtained from Eq uati on (208-22). (20822) The force V shal l be di stributed according to th e distributi on of mass a
nd shall be assu med to ac t in any horizontal direc tion. 208.9.4 Tanks wilh S
upport ed Bottoms
Exception: For irfelW.lar s~ciures assigned ' to Occupancy Categories r anq.fI th
at plinnPt b~ modeled as a. Single mass, the proceduresoIS.dion 208.6shall be used.
3. Where an approved nationa l standard provides a basis for lhe c8I1hquakeresist
ant des ign of a particular ty pe of non bui lding st ructure covered by this se
ction, such a standard Illay be used, su bject to the limi tati ons in this sect
t F
Flat bottom tanks or other tanks with supponcd bOtlOIllS, founded at or be low g
rade, shall be designed to resist th e i' seismic forces calculated using the pr
ocedures in Section 208.7 for rigid st11JClUreS considerin g the en tire we igh
l of the tank and its contents. Altemative ly. sHch tanks may be designed using
one of the two procedures described belo,w:
The seismic zones and OCCUpl1llcy categories shall be in co nformance with the p
rovisions of Sections 208.4.4 nnd 208.4.2,respecli ve ly. The va lues for total
latera l . force and tOlal base overturn ing moment used in design shall not be
less than 80 percent of {he values that wou ld be obta ined lIsing these provisi
208.10 S ite Catego rization Procedure
A res ponse spectrum ana lysis that includes con sideration of the acllla l grou
nd Illotion anticipat ed at th e sile and th e inert ial cffects of the co nla i
ncd nuid. A design b<lsis prescribed fo r th e particu lar type of lan k by an a
pproved natio nal sl,lJldard, provided that the se ismic zones and occu pancy ca
tegor ies shall be in confo rman ce with the provisions 01 Sections 208.4.4 and
20R .4.2, respec ti vely.
208.10 . 1 Scope This sect ion desc ribes the procedure fo r dClcn nin ing Soil
Profile Types S. , th rough S,.. as defi ned in Tab le 208-2.
Natiorli:1 1Structural Code of the Philipp ine s G Ecliti on Vo lurn(; 1


2- 1U2
2 _. Minimum Design Loads
Table 208-13
R and flo Factors for Nonbuilding
(H > 3 m of peat and/or higL:/ where H = thickness of so il ).
Very high plasti city clays
,''C:' "..
I. Vesse ls, including tanks and
5. (11 > 7.5
2,2 2 .0
with PI > 75).
pressurized spheres, on braced or
unbmccd legs. 2. Casl- i;l-pl acc cOllcrclc-silos ';;1(1 chimneys having walls c
on tinuo us to Ihe foundations
6. 7.
Very thick sofVmedilllll stiff cI ,y.; (H > 36 '~l).
3. Dfsl~ibu lcd- ~11~ss ~~llIikv~;
such as sl acks, chimneys, silos and skirtsupJ)ortcd vertical vessels.
-- ----.
2.9 2.0
~ep!id~i; ,\, - .,; ..". '!i\:.
irii,Qll iM's,q(('Pi:i!kt
la ' S .
4. Trussed to~~~ rs '(f~ccs-[a~ding or
guyed), guyed stacks and
clljlll':t~Ys: ~

2.9 2.2 3.6

2.0 2.0 2.0
estabJishi!4 bjigeoJiCim;c'qj.!/Ibi4.
Tjlle ..~i d nol be' 'OSS""'2;! "t4eJer:inill~s .(hQI S.il P!" jii,' be pr.eSe'1ft
ii. the #fe or .i~ . Ihe evenl Ihat
.;/Ji rno.wni"'~ _ ., ,e ,>,,:~'; ~'fee, TfPe SD slu.!! l i;;;~-~
~'J'1' ~
5. Caruilcvcrcd column -Iype
6. Coo ling towers.
The criteria set forth in the definition for Soil PfO filc Type
SF requiring site-specific evaluatio n s ha H be .... 01i:.. idered. If
the si te corresponds to these cr iteria, Ihe s ite shall be classificd as Soil
Profile Type S,' and " si te-specific evaluation shall be conducted.
.- ':i.- Bi~-s ';'~~j h~ppcrs 0;; b ~~~~~i ~;..
.. ,~!.~:~:.~c.~~_ I.cS_s ..
-. 2.9
~ ~
... .. .....
2.0 2.0
8. Stomgc rack s.
9. Signs and billboards.
10. Amu sement stru ctures and
3.6 3.6 v" Average Shear Wave Vol "cit)'
Vs shall be detennined in accordance wit h the following equation:
(208-25) 208.10.2 Definitions Soil profile types are defined as follows:
'Iard rock with Illcasmcd shear wave veloc ity, I ' . > 1500 IIl/s . Rock wi th 76
0 IIlls < I'. 5: 1500 IIl/s. Very den se soil and soft rock with

V, n
thi ckness of Layer i in m
= shear wave velocity in La yer i in
360 rnls < v.! :::; 760 ll1/s or with
ei ther N > 50 o r s,, ;' N, Average Field Standard Penetration Resistance and N tl" Average St
andard Penefration
Resistance for Co hesion less Soil Layer'
N and Nell shall be determined in accord ance wi th tbe following eq uati on:
Ion kP a.
S tiff soi l with 180 IIl/s'; v.,,; 360 IIlls o r wi th IS'; N,; 50 or 50 kPa ,;
s,,'; 100 kPa .
1\ so il profile wi th l's < J 80 Ill/S or any profile wit h more than 3 III o f
soft c la y defined as soi l wi th PI > 20, W IIIo " ~ 40 perce nt an d x" < 25
kPa .
~o il s
(208 -26)
requiring .:) it c~s pcc i(j c evaluation :
Soi ls vulnerable to poten ti a l ra ilurc or co llapse under se is mic loading
s lich as liqucliab lc so ils, quid nnd highly sensitive clays, co llaps ible wc
nkly cClllcrHcd soils.
Peals andlor highly organic clays
thickness of L.ayer i in mill
Ass ociation of Structural Engineers of tile Philippin es

CH;\PTE:H:? ~
2 ~103
ds = thc total thickllc!is ofcohesiolllcss soillaycrs ill thc
top 30 In N, :~ the standard pcnctralion resistance of soi l layer in
accordance with approved nationally recognized. standards
208.10 .2.3 s,,, Avera ge Undrained Shea r Strength
and fracturing. Where hard rock conditions are known 10 be continuous to a depth
of 30 m, surficial shear wave velocity measUJ emcnls may be extrapolated 10 ass
ess V.I" The rock catego ries. Soi l Profile Types 5',{ Hnd Sfl. shall not be us
ed if th<.re is Illo rc than 3 meters of soil between the rock surface (did the b
ottom of' the sprcttd footi ng or mat rou ndat io n. The definitions prese nted
herein shall npply to the upper 30 meters orthe site profi le. Profiles co nt ai
ni ng d isti nc tly differen t so il layers sllall be su bdivided into those la:
if:rs designated by a number from I 10 11 at the bottom, whe re there are a tota
l of 11 dist inct laye rs inl hc upper 30 meters. The symbol i the n refer to c
illY one or the hlyers between I and 11.
208. 1 I Alt ern a ti ve E arthqu a ke Loa d P.-ocedur c The earthquake load pro
eedur" of ASCE/SE I 7-05 may be
used in determin ing the carthquake loads as an alternative
shall be determined in accordance wil h 1he fo llowing
the total thickness (I OO-d,) of cohesive soil layers in the top 30 m the undrai
ned shear strength in accordance with approved nationa ll y recognized standards
, 110t to exceed 250 kPa Soft Clay Profile , SE
procedure subject to re liable res(~a rch wo rk commissioned by the owner or the
e n gi neer~oll ~ record to provide for all data req uired due to the non~avai
l a b i l ity or Phi\'olcs~ iss ued spec tra l accelerati on maps for all areas
in the
Philip pines.
T he e ng ineer-on ~ reco rd shall be respo nsib le fo r the spect ral acce lera
tion and oth er rcla! i.:d data not issued by Phivolcs used in the delerminatioJ
: of the earthquake loads. This altemative earthquake 1 03.1 procedure shall be
subject 10 Peer Review and approv~d of the Bu ild ing

The ex istcn ce ora lOla I thic kn css of sa lt clay greater than 3 III shall be
in ves ti ga ted where a soft clay layer is defi ned by Sli < 24 kPa, 11'' ' '
'::: 40 percell ! and PI > 20. If these criteri a are met, the site shall be cla
ss ified as Soil
Profi le Type Sf. 208.10.2 .5 So il Profil es So SD a nd S f Sites wi th Soil Pr
ofile T ypes Sc. So and Sf sha ll be
classi fied by using one of the following three methods with l-:<; . Nand Sj' co
mputed ill all cases a5 speci fied ill
Section 20X.1 0.2.
2. 3.
for the lOp 30 meters
N Ii,,' the top 30 meters (N me thod).
Nm lor cohesionle," soil laye rs (PI < 20) in Ihe top III and average Sj/ for co
hesi ve soi l layers ( . nl .> 20) ill the top 30 ill (.I'" meth od). Roc k "rolil es, S ., and S/I
The shear W;lVC velocity for rock, Soil Profile Type 5fl , shull be eithcr Illc,
lsurcd Oil site or estima ted by a
gcotec hllical eng inee r, cnginee ring gco logisl or
scislllologist for cOlllpelellt rock wi th 11l0dCf<11c fracturi ng and wC~j(hcrj
ng . So fieI' and Illore high ly rractured and weathcred rock sha ll either he I
llc;lsured on site for !-ihcar Wavc velocity or classilicd as Soil Profile Type
The ha rd rock. Soil Profi le Type
S.,. category ,hail be
Supported by :>.hear wave ve locity measurcmen t cither 011 site o r ' on profil
es or the S~lIllC rock typc in the salllc forma tion wit h tin equal or grea ter
degree or weathcring
N;il innal Slruc!ural Code of Ole Pllil:ppines (jli' Edilion Volurnn 1

CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loatls
Active Faults and Trenches the/Phi ppines
/ {J
- - - Acttve Faull:
~()Ij<l ine- trace certain apptolOmate offshOre projedlon - - - - da$he:d ~t'\etrace approWnat~
" 00'
Trench Transform FalA
COlislon lOOO TrendHelat&d faUls
Roadshlighw;J ys
e CitylTown
,, '"
' .00'
127 00'
Figure 20S-2A. Seismic SO llrces: Active Faults and Trenches in the Philippines
Associati on of SlruC luHl l Enginecl"s of tile Pllilippin es

CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads

ilO 00'
122 00'
121 00'
Active Faults in N<frtheri?Philippines
_ _ _ Active Fault: solid line- onland :
dashed line- offshore
$ capital CltyfTown
Figure 208-2B. Seismic Sources: Active Faults in Northern Philippines
National Structural Cod e of the Philippines
Edition Volume 1

?~ 1 06
CHAPTEH 2 ~ lViin illlwll Design toad~
I N 00'
us 00'
116 00'
OG cl"
East Central Philip p~n~ s
_ _ Active Faul!: solid hn:: ,-,[".i_. . dashed line- otfshol c
C<l pital CltyfTown
, - -- - -1
I ,
L _ _ __
II . )
_ __

11 to:!'
Fi g ure 20X- 2C Scis mic Sources: /\(;Ii vc Fau lts in Ef1 s! Central Ph ilippi

CHAP TER 2 - Minimum Design Load s

, ,'
" : , ; " I
1 ,", ,
- /l0lY
;:~, .. ,:'
S." .leu
. ,"7' .'

10 00'
\!O 00'
Figure 208-2D. Seismic Sources: Aclive F<lu lts in Wesl CcnlraJ Ph ilippines
N8tionHI Structural CocJe of the Philippine s 6
Editi on Vo lume 1

2- 108
Cf~Af>TER 2 - Minimum Design Loads
- - _ Acttve Fault: solid lin e- onland ,
... ... dashed line- offshore
Capital cltyrrown
IlJ 00'
Figure 208-2E. Seismic Sources: Active Faults in Southern Philippin es
Association of Siructurul En9incers of the PhilipPin es

CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads

-------------------------------_._._-- -- -- -- - - Co nt ro l Periods
1~ =
CJ 2.SCa
= n?T
f f f
--J......------'-_ __ J _ _ _
~ ""O""""'_ _ _ .L_____'__ I _. _ _ _
.L-._.L._ _ - ' - - - : ___ - ' _ _
.J..- .
o 0.2
Period (TITs ) Figure 208-3 - Design Response Spectra Table 209- 1 - Soi l Later
al Load Design Lateral Soil Load' kPa per m width Acti ve pressure At-rest press
ure 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 16 16 16 16 16 Nole b NOle b Nole b NOleb
Description Of Backfill Material ' Well-graded, clean gravels; grave l-sa nd mix
es Poorl y graded clean gravels; gravel-sa nd mixes Si lly gravels, poorly grade
d gravel-sand mixes Clayey gravels, poorly graded grave l-and-clay mixes Well -g
raded , clea n sand s; gravelly sand mixes Poorl y graded clea n sa nds; sa nd-g
ravel mi xes Si lly sands, p oo rly graded sand-s ilt mixes Sand-si lt clay mix
wi lh plastic fines --- Clayey sa nds, poor/ w aded sand-clay mixes Inorga nic s
ills and clayey sil ts Mixtu re of inorganic silt and cla y Inorgan ic clays of
low to mediu m plasti city Organ ic silts and silt clays, low plasti ci ty Inorg
anic clayey sills, elaslic silts Inorga ni c clays of high plast icity Orga ni c
clays and si lty clays

U I/.I'lIiloMe (I.I ha("~fi /lm a(eri{//

Unified Soil Classification GW GP GM GC SW SP SM SM- SC SC ML ML-CL CL OL MH CH
5 5
-7 5 5 7 7
10 10 Note No te Note Note
0 1-1
b b b b
D esig ll Infernl .fOlI IOllds fin! .~i1'(11 lfJr moi.rl COlldiliollS for lite sp
ec!/ied sail.f til Ih eir opfimldl1 d elisi/it's. AOftnJ jh/d ('(mr/lllolls shall
gflll(!ln. Suhmcrgcd or .W llrmf('d .\"oil IH t'.I'.flll ".\" .Ifroff inc/udt' Iht'
wcighl of Ifl(' huoyllill Joil ,,11I.~ Ih" hydro.Hafie lo(/ds.
'! he dc/illifioN (mri dO,l".\i(ic(l l io ll oj".wi f moll'I'iuls shofl hI' ill (
In'o rr/ollce lI"illl ASTM f) 2487
Nallon (-l l Stru c tural CO(j(~ of 11'18 PhlliPPI f"H:)S
r/' Edition Vo lun1e

CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads
1 tilr


Figure 20RA Referenced Seismic Map of the Philippines

Association of Structural Engineers of the PhilipPines

CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads

209.1 General Basemenl , foundalion and re.aining walb' shall be designed to res
ist lateral soil loads. Soil loads speci fi ed in Tab le 209-1 shall be used as
the minimum design lateral soil loads unless specified otherwise in a soil inves
t.igation report approved by .he building official. Basemenl ,valls
210.1 RoofL1r;>inage Roof dra inage -::ystclIls s hall be designed in accordance
wi th th e provisio ns o f the code havi ng jurisdiction in the area. The flow
C,1 j>:1 Clty of secondary (overflow) drains or scuppers shall no t be less than
that of the primary drains or scuppers. 210.2 Design Rain L, ads Each portion o
f a rot f shall be designed to sustain the
and other walls in which hori zon tal movement
restricted at Ihe top s hall be designed fo r at- reSI pressUi ,' . Retaining wa
lls free to move and ro e a. the lOp ar,; permitted to be design ed for active pre
ssure. Design lateral pressure from surcharge loads shall be added to Ihe lalera
l earth pressure load. Design lateral pressure shall be increased if soils with
expansion potential are present at the site.
load of rainwater that \,\/i ll accumulate on it if the primary
drainage syslem for t hat portion is blocked plus the unifonn load caused by wat
er that ri ses above the inl et of Ihe secondary drainage " ystem at its design
flow . (210-1)
\\ ' ICre;
addiLional depth of water on the undeflcctcd
above the inlet of s(-condary drainage system at its design flow (i.e .. the hyd
raulic head), in mm = , t,'plh of water on the undefl ected roof up to the
in let of secondary drainage system when the
prinary drainage sy,;rcm is blocked (Le., the stati c
heac), in mm
rain I"c.ad all the untie " lected roof, in kN/m2
When the phrcY) c "undeflcc: ~d roor' is used. deflections from loads (inclding
dead I, ad s) shali not be co ns idered when dClcrmininh.' I.he amount ')( ra in
on the roof. 210.3 Ponding lnst :l bility For roo fs wilh a slop, less tiu n 6 n
lln per 300 mm (I 19 degrees or 0.0208 rnd 'a n), the desig n calculati ons sha
ll illclude verification 01" adcq ;late s tiffness to preclude progressive defle
c tion in accc- rdance wilh Section 8.4 of ASCE-7-0S. 210.4 Co ntroll ed Drainag

e Roofs equ ipped with hard , a..e to control the rate of drainage shall be equi p
ped .y :th a secondary drainage
system at a higher clevation \:!l~\t limits accumulation of water 0 11 the roof
above that c ',: .Iil li o n . Such roofs shall be designed to susta in the 10[;
\ )[ rainwater that will HCCtllmlialc on them to the c ~V. Ilion of th e seconda
ry dra in age system plus the uuife tll load ca used by W(lter thaI rises above
th e in let or the sc:. ~(ndary drainage system at its design flow determined fr
e ',1' Section 210 .2. Such
roofs shall al so bc checked for !.o nd in g instability in accordance with Sect
ion 2 10.3.
National Structural Code of the Philippin es 6 Edition Volun1e 1
1 h

CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads
first fl ood plain management code, ordi nance or standard,
"Existing construction" is also referred to as "ex isting structures. "
211.1 Ge neral
STR ucr UR E.
W ithin flood hazard areas as established ill Section 211 ,), all new constructi
on of buildings, structures and port ions
FLOOD or FLOODl G , A general and temporary Or complete inundation of no rmally
of buildi ngs and structures, including su.bstantia l improvement and restoratio
n of S4bl;(antial damage to
buildings and structures, shall ' he designed and cons tructed to resist the efT
ects of flood hazards and flood loads. Fo r buildings that are locall' J in mOre
than one flood hazard area, the provisions assvci ated with the most restrictiv
e flood hazard area shall apply,
211.2 Definiti ons
condition of partial d,y land from : I.
The overflow of inland or tidal waters.
The unusual and rapid accumulation or runoff of surface wa ters from any source.
The fo llowing words and term's SI13II, fo r the purposes of this section. have
the mean ings show n herein. BA SE F L OOD , The fl ood having a I -pc rcent cha
nce of be ing equaled or exceeded in any given year. BASE FLOOR ELEVATION. The e
levati on o f th e base fl ood, incl uding wave height, rel ati ve to th e datu
m to be
FLOOD DAMAG E-RESISTA NT MATERIALS. Any construct ion material capab le of withs
tanding direct and
prolonged COrHacl with floodwaters without sustai ning any damage that requircs
more th an cos metic repair.
FLOOD HAZARD ARE A, T he greater of the fo ll o w ing
two areas:
set by the speci fi c national or loc al govern me nt agr.:ncy.
BAS E M E NT, The porti on o f " bu ildi ng havin.g its floor subgradc (below gr
ou nd level) nn all sides, D ES IG N FLOO D. The flood associated w',th the grea
ter of the following two areas:
The area within a fl ood plain subject to a I-percent or greater chance of fl oo
din g ill any year.

The area designa ted as a fl ood hazard area on a co mmu nity's flood haznrd map
, or olhen-vise legally
des ignated,
d hazard area that is subject to high velocity wave action. FLO ODWA y, The chan
nel of the river, creek o r Olher watercourse and the adjaccnt Itllld arcas that
must be reserved in order (0 discharge the base flood without
Area with a flood plain subject tn a lpercent or greater c hance of flooding in a
ny year; or Area designated as a nood haZc1.rd arca on a community 'S Oood hazud
ma'i), or olhelwisc legally
cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation more
than a designated height.
. The e levation of the
"oesign Oood," includi ng W 3 ve heigh t, relative: to the datum specified on th
e co n ' nu ni ty's legally designated
flood hazard map, The desif".1 fl ood elevation shall be the elevation of the hi
ghes t ex sting grade of the building's
LOWEST FLOOR. The fl oor of the lowest enclosed
area, including basement, but excluding any unfinished or
flood -resistant enclosure. lIsable solely for vehicle
perimeter plus the depth J11 1,mber (in meters) speci ried on
the flood hazard map, DRY FLOO DP R O O F r\'G, A combinatioll of design modific
ations that resll ;!s in a building or structure, including the attelldant u :,I
ity and sanitary faci lities, being water tight with walls ' mbstantially imperm
eable to the passage of water and v lith stru ctural components havi ng the capa
city to resist h) ads .1S identified illlhc code. EXI STI NG C ONS" ,. RUCTlON ,
Any buildings and st ru ctures flH" \\"1 !ich the "s tart o f co nstructio n"
parking, building access or limited storage provided that
such enclosure is not built so as to render the structure in
violation of this section. ST A RT OF CONSTIWCfl ON , The diltc of permit issuan
ce for new cOllslruclioll and substantial
improvemcnts to existing structures, provided the actual star! of construction,
repair, rccC)nstlllction, rehab ilitatio n, addit ion, plilcement or ot her impr
ovemen t is within 180 days afte r thc date of issuancc. The actual slllrt of
co nstru ction means the fi rst placement of perman ent co nstruction of a bui l
di ng (inc lud ing n manufactured
co mmcnced be fo rc the effective dat c of th e co mmunit y 'S
home) on a site, such as th e pou rin g of II slab or footings,

Association of Structura l Engineers of Ule Ph!lippines

CHAP TEH 2 ... Minimum Design l.oads .

installati on of pilings or construction of colurnmi. ,:" Pcrnnncnt construction
docs not include land preparation ;. (slid, as clearing, excavation, grading or
filling) , the It instaJlarion of streets or walkways, excavation for a f basem
ent, footings. piers or foundations, the erection of :. temporary fonns or the i
nstallation of accessory buildings K such as garages or sheds not occupied as dw
elling units or ~ not parl of the main building. For a substantial n improvement
, the actual "start of construction" means the r. first alteration of any wa ll,
ceiling, floor or other t structura l parl of a building, whether or not that al
teration , affects the externa l dimensions of the building.
, SUBSTANTIAL DAMAGE. Damage of any origin t sustained by a structure whereby th
e cost of restoring the i structure to its before-damaged condition wou ld equal
or exceed 50 percent of the market value of the structure before the damage occ
urred. SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT. Any repair, reconstruction, rehabilitation, addi
tion or improvement of a building or stru cturc, the cost of which equals or exc
eeds 50 percent of the market value of the structure before the improvement or r
epair is started. If th~: structure has sustained substantial damage, any repair
s arc considered substantial improvement regardless of the actual repair wo rk p
erformed. The term does not, however, include either:
211.5 Flood Hazard Documentation The following documentation shall be prepared a
nd sealed by an engi neer-of-record and submitted to the bui lding official :
I. For construction in flood hazard areas not subject to
wave action:
1.1. The elevation of the lowest floor, inc luding the basement, as required by
the lowest floor elevatio n. 1.2. for fully enclosed areas below the design floo
d elevation where provisions to allow for the automatic entry and exit of floodw
aters do not meet the minimuTJ) requi rements) construction documen ts shall inc
lude a statement that the design will provide for eq ualization of hydrostatic f
lood forces. 1.3. For dry flood-proofed nonresidential bui ldings, construction
docu ments shaH include a statement that the dry flood -proofing is designed . 2
. For construction in flood hazard areas subject to high-velocity wave action:
2. I. The elevation of the bottom of th e lowest horizontal stmctural member as
required by th e lowest floor elevation.
Any project for improvement of a building required to correct existing health, s
an ita ry or safety code viol ations identified by the bui ld ing official and t
h at. are the min imum necessary 10 assure safe liv ing
condi ti ons,
2.2 Constmction documen ts shall include a statement that the building is design
ed, including that the pile or column foundation and building or structure to be
attached thereto is designed to be anchored to resist flotati on, collapse and
latera l movement due to th e effccts of wind and Oood loads ac ti ng si mul tan
eously on all building components, and other load requirements of Chapter 2.
2.3 For breakaway wa lls designed 10 resist a nominal load of less than 0.48 kN
/m 2. or more th an 0.96 kN /ml, construction documents shall include i;l statem
ent Ihm the breakaway wall is designed .

2. Any alteration of a historic sll11cture provided thai the alteration wi ll nO

t preclude the structure's contin ued
designation as a historic stru cture.
211.3 Establishment of F lood Hazard Areas To establish flood hazard areas, the
governing body shall adopt a flood hazard map and supporting data. The flood haz
ard map shall include, at a minimum, areas of special
flood hazard where records are available.
211.4 Design and Construction The des ign and construction of bui ld ings and st
ructures located in flood hazard areas, inc luding flood hazard a rCHS Subject 1
0 high ve locity wave actioll.
National Structural Corle of tile Philippines 6 Edition Volurnc 1

Associat ion of StrlJcluml EngIneers of the Philippines

NSCP C101-10
Association ()f Structural Enginccrs of thc Suite 713, Future Point Plaza Condom
inium 1 112 Panay Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines 1100
Tel. No : (+632) 410-0483 Fax No.: (+632) 411-8606
Email: i\;-i~P9}}EJ1~{~~gmniLQL1~. \V chsi tt': ht f p:iIww\'~' .ascponlinc.org

CHAPTER 3 - Gen eral & Excavalion and Fills

3 1
Table of Contents
SECTION 3()1 GENERAL ...................................... ....................
........... 3 301. I Scope ......... ..... .....................................
............................................ ......... .........................
. ..................... ...................... 3 301.2 Qualily and Design ......
. ......... ..................... .. .................................... ......
................. ..... .. ... ....... ........ .... ..... ....................
3 30 1.3 All owable Bearing Pressures ..... ...................................
.. ... .... .. .. ........ ........ .... ................... ................ ..
....... ... ... ............. . 3 SECTION 302 - EXCAVATION AND FILLS ..........
.............................. 3 302. I General ................................
........ .... ... ......................... ....... .. .........................
....... ............................. ... ...... ..... ... ... ........ 3 302.2
Cuts .. .......................................... ......... ..... .......... ..
... ..... ........... .... ................................. ...... ......... ..
....... ........................ 3 302.3 Excava ti ons .. .......... .. ... ....
................................. .. .... .......... .. ....... .... ...........
.................. .... .. ... ..... ............. ...................... .. 3 3
02.4 Fills ......................... .......................... .... ...........
...... ......... ...... ............... .. ....... .. ..... ... ............ ...
... ... .... ........................ .. .... 4 302.5 Selbacks .................
....................... .................... ..... .............. ..............
... ... ....... ..... ................ ........................................
.. 5 302.5 Drainage and Terraci ng ... .........................................
............................ ...... .. .........................................
........................ 6 302.6 Erosion Contro!. ...... ................. .....
.......... ..................................... ... ....... ...................
....................................... .............. 6 SECTION 303 - FOUNDATIO
N INVESTIGATION ................................................................
............................................ 7 303. I General ..................
........ ...... ........................................ .... ..................
............................................................................ 7 3
03.2 Soil Classification .......................................................
................... ............................................................
......... ............ 7 303.3 Questionable Soil .................... .. .......
......... ............ ...... ................................. .. .............
.......... ........................ ........ ......... 7 303.4 Liquefaclion Slud
y ...... ................................... .......................... .. .. ..
............ ............. .. ....................... ............ ....... .....
.... 7 303.5 Expansive Soil .. ............ ...... ...... .................... .
. ........................... ................ ... .............................
........... ... .................. 7 303.6 Compressible Soils ..................
.......................................................... .....................
................................................... 8 303.7 RepOrts.... ........
............... ............................. ... .. .. ..... ..................
................. .. ....................................... ........ 8 303.8 So
il Tesls .................. ........ . ...... ....................... ..........
....................... . ................................. .. ...... .........
.............. ... 9 303.9 Liquefaction Potenlial and Soil Sirength Loss........
............ ................................. ............................. ..
.. 9 303 .10 Adjacenl Loads.................. ..................................
........ ................ .. ......................... .. ............ .........
............... 10 303 .11 Drain.ge........................................... .
...... .. .... ...... ....... ........................................ ........

.... ... ........... ....... ............... 10 303. 12 Plate Load Test ........
........................... .. ............ .. ........ ........................
............................ ................ .... .. ....... .... ....... 10 SE
................................. 10 304. 1 From Geotechnical Site Investigation
and As sl~ss m e n( ...... ,........... ....... ............. ............... .
. ................. ... .. .......... 10 304.2 Pres umplive LoadBearing and Later
al Resisting Values ........ .. ......................... ....... ....... ......
.... ...... ........... JO 304.3 Mininlunl Allowable Pressures... ..............
.... .................. . .. ....... .. _ ........ ...... . ,....... .. .......
.... ... .... .... ....... I J
304.4 Fou ndmi ons Adjace nt to Exisl ing Retainin g/Basement Walls.. ,...... ,.
........... ... .................. ......... J 1
! f
t t
SECTION 305 FOOTINGS .......................................... ................
........................... .................................... ...............
.......... 12 305. 1 General ...................................................
................................................ ...............................
.................................... 12 305.2 FOOling Design .... .... .........
.............................................. ............... .................
.... ........... ....... .................................... 12 305.3 Bearin g
Walls ................. .......................................................
................... .................................................... .......
....... 12 305.4 S lepped Foundalions .. .......................................
....... ............................................................. ..........
............... .............. 12 305.5 Footi ngs on or Adjacenllo Slopes......
......................................................... .. ...................
....................................... J3 305.6 Foundalion PI ales Or Sills ...
........ ....... ....................................... .......... ............
.......... ....... ......... .. ................ ................ 13 305.7 Desig
ns Emp loyi ng Lateral Bearin g .................................. .. ..........
.... ..... .... ........... ....... ................ ... .... .............. ...
.. ..... 14 305. 8 Grillage Footi ngs .................. ......... .. ..........
.......................................... ...... ......................... .. .
........................... ......... 14 305.9 Bleac her Fooli ngs .. .... .. ..
.. .. ............. .. ..... ... ... .................. ........................
...................... ... ... .......... ... ...... .. ... ..... ..............
14 SECTION 306 PILES - GENERAL REQUIREM E NTS .................................
.................................................................. IS 306. I Gen
eral .......... ............................. ......... ................... ....
.. ................ ...... .. ....... .................................... .....
.................... .. .. 15
306.2 Interco nnection ............................................. "... .... .
....................... .................... .......... ,... ., ........ .. ....
....... ...... .. ......... 15 306.3 DClernlinalion o f Allo\vablc Loads .......
........ .......................................... ............................
.... ....... ................ ...... ....... 15 306.4 Stalic Load Test...... ..
........................ ... ...................................................
......................................................... 15 306.5 Dynamic Load
Tes l...................................................................... ....
........... .. ..................................................... 15 306.6 CO
hl1111l Act ion .................. ................ ...........................
................... ............................... .. ... 15 306.7 Group ACl io
n .................... ............................. ................ .........

.. ............... ....... ....................... 15 306.8 Pi les In S ubs id i

ng Areas.... ................ .... .......... .. ...............................
16 306.9 Jellin g .................................... ................... ....
................ .. .. 16
306. 10 Pro lc<.:lion Of Pile Materials ........................ ..... ... .. 16
306. 1 I Allowable Loads.......... .......... ................. ...............
... . ................ ....................... ..... 16 306. I 2 Usc of Hi gber
Allowable Pile Stresses ............ .... .. .. ........ . ............... .. ..
16 SECTION 307 . PILES - SPECIFIC REQUiREMENTS ................................
....... ............................................................. 17
National Structural COdE: of the Philippines 6
Edition Volum e 1

307.1 Round Wood Piles. 307.2 Uncased Cast-In-Place Concrete Piles .. 307.3 Meta
l-Cased Concrete Piles .. 307.4 Precast C:oncretc Piles ........................
...................................................................... ...... .
.. 307.) Precast Prestressed Concrete Piles (Pretensioncd) .. 10 , ') 307.6 Stru
ctural Steel Piles .. 307.7 CoocreteFilied Steel Pipe P i l e s . . )
SECTION 308 . FOUNDATION CONSTl!UCTlONSEISMIC ZONE 4 ............................
............................ " . ........... 19
308.1 General.. ~08.2 Foundation and ()eotcchnicallnvestigations . 3tnLl Footing
s and Foundations .. 308.4 Pier and Pile Foundations. 30X.) Driven Pile Foundati
ons.. 306.6 Cast-In-Place Concrete Foundations.. ()
/0 ;i . ..................... .
UCTI 0 N .................................... .................................
............. 22

30J.! Scope This chapter sels forth requircmems for exclwarions, fill s, footing
s and foundations for any building Or structure. 301.2 Quality and Design
The quali ty and desig n of materi als used strucltlfally :ii excavalions, fills
. footings and foundations sh all conform to
CHAPTER 3 - Gelleral & Excavation and Fills
302.1 General Excavation or fills for buildings o r structures shall be construc
ted or protected such that they do not endanger life or property. Reference is m
ade to Section 109 of this code
for requiremenls governi ng cxcavalion. grading and earthwork construc tio n. in
cluding fills and e mban kments.
the requirements specified in Chapters 4, 5, 6 and 7.
301.3 Allowable Bearing Pressures
AJlowable stresses and design formul as provided in this chaplcr sha ll be lIsed
with the allowable stress design load
302.2 Cuts 302.2.1 General
Unless otherwise reco mmended in the approved geotechnical e ngineering. c uts s
hall confonn (0 the provisions of this section . In the absence of an approved g
eotechnical engineering report . these provisions may be waived fo r minor cuts
not intended to support structures.
combimuions specified in Section 203.4 .
302.2.2Slol'e The slope of cut surfaces shall be no steeper than is safe for
the intended use and shall be no steeper than 1 unit vertical
in 2 unit s horizont al (50% slope) unless a geotechni cal
engineeri ng, or both, staling that the site has been investigated, and giving a
n opinion that a cut at a steeper slope will be stable and not create a hazard t
o pub lic or private property, is submitted and approved. Such cuts shall be pro
tected against erosion or degradation by sufficient cover, drain age, engineerin
g andlor bi otechnical means.
302.3 Excava tions
302.3.3 Existi ng footin gs or foundations which may be affected by any exc ava
ti on shall be underpinned adequately or otherwise protected agai nst se ttl eme
nt and shall be protected against lateral movemen t.
302.3.4 Protection of Adjoining Property
The requirement for protection of adjacent property and the depth 10 which prote
ction is required shall be defined by preva iling law. Where not defined by law.
the foHo wing
shall apply;
National Structural Cod e of tlie Philippines 6 Edition Vo lume 1

3 -4
CHAP TER 3 - General & Excavation and Fills
Top of Slope
: 1-115 but
Toe of
, I
: min. an .r . -, I 3 In max .. 7'
~ ~ 0.60 m3
~ < HI2 b J!! 0.6 m,> :
: mi n. and 6 m :
C ut or Fill Slope
\ 1or F-I ~ IIII S I Natura
* Permit Area Boundary
Natural or Finish Grade
Figure 3021 Setback Dimensions for Cut and Fill Slopes
Before commencing the excavation, the p e~on making
or causing Ihe excavation to be made shall nOlify in writing the owners of adjoi
ning building not less than
10 d ays before such excavation is to be made and Ihal
302.4 Fills 302.4. 1 General Unless mherwise recommended in the approved
the adjoining building will be protected. The condition of the adjoining buildin
g will be documented to include
photographs prior to excavation. Technical docume nts pe nallllng to the propose
d underpinnin g and excavation plan shall be provided the owner of the adjacent
property. 2. Unless it can shown th rough a det ai led geotechnical
geotec hnical engi neering report, fills shall confonn to th e
provisions o f th is sectio n. In the absence o f an approved geotechn ical e ng
ineering report, these provis io ns may be waived for minor fills not intended 1
0 support st ruc tures. Fills to be used to suppon the foundalions of any buildi

ng or struClUre shall be placed in accordance with accepted engineering prac ric

e. A geotcchnical invcstigation ' report and a report o f satisfactory placement
of fill. both acce ptable to the building offi cial. shall be submitted when re
quired by the building official.
in vestigation that underpinning is unnecessary. any person making or causing an
exca.vation shal l protect the excavati on so that the soil of adj oining prope
will not cave in or settle,
In cases where the existing adjacellt building will have morc bascmcllls tha n t
he proposed bui ld ing. Ihe foundati on of lhe proposed building should be desig
ned so ;IS not 10
impart add itional lateral eanh pressures on the existing
build ing (sec scc ti on 304.4).
No (ill or other surcharge loads shall be placed adjacent to any bu ilding or sl
mClUrc unl ess such building or stru ctu re is capable of wi thstanding the addi
tional vertic<ll and horizontal loads c allsed by Ih e fill or surcharge , Fill
slopes shall not be constlllcted 0 11 natural slo pes Slccpe r th an I unil vcrt
ica l in 2 un its horizonta l (50% slope), provided fUfiher th aI benc hes shal
l be made 'to kcy in the subsequent fill materia l.
As sociation of Structura l Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTER 3 - General & Excavation and FillS

Preparation of Ground
,__ " "inO
ground surface shall be prepared to received fill by vegetation, non-complying f
ill, top soil and other nSl,iW:ble materials by scarifying and benc hing in the
be used based on ASTM D5030 -04. A minimum o[ three tests for every 500 m2 area
should be performed for every lift [Q ve rify compliance with compac tion requir
ements. 302.4.5 Slope The slope of fill surfaces shall be no Sleeper 'han is saf
e [or the inlended usc. Fi II slopes shall be no stceper than I unit vertical in
2 units horizontal (50% slope) unless subs tantiat ing slope stabili ty analyse
s justifying steeper slopes arc submiucd and approved. 302.5 Setbacks 302.5.1 GC
lIcral Cut and fiJI slopes shall be set back from si te boundaries in accordance
with this sect ion subjec t to verification with delailed slope stability study
. Selback dimensions shall be horizontal distances measured perpendicular to the
site boundary. Setback dimensions shall be as shown in Figure 302-1. 302.5.2 To
p of C UI Slope The top of cut s lopes shall not be made nearer [0 a s ile bound
ary line than one fifth of thc vertical height of cut with a minimum of 0.6 III
and a maximum of 3 m . Th( sctback may need to be increased for any required int
erceptor drains. 302.5.3 Toe of Fill Slope The toe of fi 11 slope shall be made
not nearer to tbe site boundary line than one half the height of the slope with
~, minimu11l of 0.6 In and a maximum of 6 m. Where a ft:: slope is to be located
near the s ite boundary and Ih, adjacent off-site propcl1y is developed , speci
al precaution: shall be incorporated in the work as the building offici:.:.! dee
ms necessary to protect the adjoining propel1y fro !: damage as a re su lt of" s
uch grading. These precautions m <! ~; include but are not limited to: I. Additi
onal setbacks.
sloping ground The existing ground surface shall be prepared (0 receive fill by
rem oving vegetation
materials, non-complying fill , lopso il and other Im:,uiltable materials. a nd
by scarifying LO provide a bond Ihe new fill. the natura! slopes arc steeper tha
n I unit venienl in 5
' units horizontal (20% slope) and lhe height is greater than 1.5 m, the ground
surfucc shall be prepared by betlch ing
into sound bedrock or other co mpeten t . mated al as determined by the geotechn
ical engineer. TIle bench under the loe of a filion a slope sleeper than I unit
venical in 5 unils horizon,.,1 (20% s lope) shall be OlleaSI 3 m wide. The area
beyond the loe of fill shall be sloped to drain or a paved drain shall be provid
ed_ When fill is to be placed over a cut, the bench under the toe of fill shall
be at least 3 III wide but the cut shall be made before placing the fill and onJ
y after acccpt.mce by the geotechnical engi neer as a suitable found ation for f
ill . 302.4.3 Fill Material
Any organic or deleterious ma terial shall be removed and

I i
will not be permitted in fills_ Except as pennined by the geoteChnical engineer,
no rock or similar irreduc ible material with a maximum dimension greater than
200 mill shall be buried or placed in [ills.
~~e placemem of larger rock may be permitted when
also apply:
1_ 2.
Ihe geotechnical engineer properly devises a method of placement. alld contitlf(
ollsly inspects its placemellf alld approves lire fill stability_ The following
conditions shall Prior to issuance of the gradinB permit, pOlential rock disposa
l areas shall be delineated on the grading plan.
Rock sizes greater Ihon 300 111m in maximwn dimension shall be 3 m or more below
grade, measured vC!'(ically_
2_ Provisio n for retaining or slough walls. 3. 4. 5_ Mechanical s tabilizati o
n or chemical lreulmen( of I~ ;: fill slope surface to minimize eros ion. Rockfa
ll protection Provis ions Cor the contro l of surface wate rs.
Rocks shall be placed so w 10 assure filling of all voids wilh well-grotled soil.
302.4.4 Co mpa ction
All rill s shall bc co mpac ted in lifts Ilot exceedi ng 200 Illlll ill th icknc
ss 10 II min imuill of" CJ5 percent of maximum density as determined by ASTM Sta
ndard D- I 557. Inplace dcns it y shall be determincd in .\ccordancc with
ASTM D-1556. D-2Ifl? 1)2922. D-lO I? or eq ui va len t.
302.5.4 Modification of Slope Location
The hui lding offici'll may approve allc lllatc sctback s. Ti buildin g offici al
l1lay requ ire an investigation ' ~! ' . rccollllllcn<i<l!ion by a qualified ge
otec hn ical engincC';' demonstrate thill th e inten t of thi s section has been
sat is; .. For clean granular mah.:/"ials. thc lise of the foreg oing procedures is i n;'l
pproprialc. Rcl,Hi vc dcnsi lY critc ri a shall
N;l!IOIl~li Slnl c tlHcll Code of !he Phi lippine s 6 Editi on Volume 1

CHAPTER 3 -- General & Excavalion and Fills
302.5 Drainage and Terracing
302.5.1 General
Unless o therwise indicated
The gradient from Ihe bllildillg pad may be I perccm fr all of the following con
ditions exisl Ihroughout fli .' per;;:;1
the approved grading plan,
1. 2.
drainage facilities and terracing shall conform to the provisions of this sectio
n for cut Or fill slopes Sleeper than I unit vertical ill 3 units horizontal (33
.3% slope).
302.5.2 Terrace
Terraces ill !CHst 2 III in width sha ll be estti bl ished at nOI more than 10 I
II ve nical intervals o n all ellt o r fill slopes to contro l sUlface drainage
and debris except Lhal where on ly o ne lerracc is required, it s hall be al mid
-height. For cuI or fill slopes greater than 20 III and up to 40 111 in vertical
height, one terrace at approximately mid-height shall be 4 m in width . Ten'ace
widths an d spacing for cut and fill s lopes greater than 40 m in height shall
be designed by the civil engineer and approved by the buildi ng official. Suitab
le access shall be provided to permit proper cleaning and maintcnance. Swales Qr
ditches on terraces shall bc designed 1 0 effectively co ll ect surface water a
nd di sc harge to an outfall. It shall have a minimum gradient of 0.5 percent an
d must be paved with reinforced concrete not less than 75 mm in thickness or an
approved equal paving material.
No proposedji fls ore greater thall 3 m maximum depth.
No proposed finish cut or fill slope f(lces have a vertical height in excess of
3 m.
No existing slope faces steeper than 1 IInit verlh.",,: in 10 units horizontal (
10% slope) hGlle a vertical hc,iglll ill excess of 3 m.
302.5.5 Interceptor Drains
Paved or Lined interceptor drains shall be in stalled alo ng the top of all cut
slopes where the tributary drainage area above slopes toward the cut has a drain
age path greater than 12 m measured horizontally. Interceptor drains shall be pa
ved with a minimum of 75 mm of concrete or gu nile and re info rced. They sh:lIl
have a m in imum depth of 300 mOl ilnd a minimum paved width of 750 mm measured
horizontally across the drain. The slope o f drain shall be approved by the bui
lding offic ial.
302.6 Erosion Conlrol 302.6.1 Slopes
The faces of c ul and fill s lopes shall be prepared and maintained to con trol
ngainst erosio n. Thi s conLrol m3Y consist of effecti ve planting adapted to or
indigenous (Q the loca lity. The protection for the slopes shall be installed a
s soo n as practicable and prior to calling for final approval. Where cut slopes
arc not subjec t to erosion due to the erosion-resistant character of the mater
ial s, sllch protection may be omillcd .

A si ngle ru n of swale or ditch s hall not coll ect runoff from a tri but<JIY a
rea exceedi ng 1,000 m2 (projected area) without
discharging into a down drain .
302.5.3 Subsurface Drainage
Cut and fill slopes shall be provided with surface drainage as necessary for sta
302.5.4 Disposal All drainage facilities shall be designed to ca rry waters to
the nearest prac ti cable drainage way approved by the building official or ollI
er appropriate jurisdiction as a safe place to deposit such waters. Eros ion of
gro und in the area of discharge shall be prevented by installation of n on ~ er
osive down drains or other devices or splash blocks ,mei sed iment ation bas in
s. Building pads s hall have a drtlinage gradien t of 2 percent toward approved
dminage facilities, uoles!'; waived by the huilding official .
302.6.2 Othel- Devices Where necessary, check dams, cribbing, Iiprnp or other de
vices or method s shall be employed to control erosion
and provide safety.
/\ssociation of Structural Engu'le(;I'S of the PllilipPIl'1 8S

CHAPT ER 3 - General & Excavalion and FillS

Addit ional studies may be necessary to evaluate soil strength, the effect of mo
isture variation on soil-bearing capacity, compressibilit y, liquefaction and ex
303.1 General Foundation in vest igation shall he conducted and a professiollal
Repor! by a Regis(ered Civi l Engineer experienced or knowledgeable in Soil Mech
anics and Foundations shall be submitted at each building site. 303.3 Questionab
le Soil
Where the classification, strength or compressibility of the soil are ill doubt,
or where a load bearing va lue superior to that specified in thi s code is clai
med, the building official shall require that the necessary soil investigation b
e made.
303.4 Liquefaclion Study The bu ilding official may requi re a Liquefaction eval
uation stud y in accorda nce with Secti on 303.6 when. during the cou rse of the
roundati on investigation, all of the following conditions are discovered:
For structures to two stories or hi gher" it is recommended th at an exhaus ti v
e geotech ni cal study be pcrfonncd 10 evaluate in-situ soi l parameters for fou
ndation design and analys is. II is recolllmended that a minimum of one
borehole per two hundred, 200 11\2 of the slruclUrc's
footprint be drilled to a depth of at least 5 III into hard strata or until a su
itable bearing layer is reached unless otherwise specified by th e consu lting g
eotechnic al e ngi nee r. The total number of boreholes per structure shou ld be
no less than 2 for stJUcturcs whose footprints arc less than 300 m2 and no less
(h an 3 for those sl mcturcs wi th larger footprints.
For buildings with basements, it is recommend ed that the depth of boring should
ex tend to twice the least plan dimension of th e structure ' s footpri nt plus
the depth of the
I. 2.
Shallow ground waler. 2 m or less. Unconsolidated saturated sa ndy alluvium (N <
15) Se ismic Zone 4.
1:.,~\:cep t ioll:
The building offiCial may waive this evaluation upon receipt afwritten opinion o
f a qualified geotechnical engineer that liquefaction is not probable.
303.5 Expansive Soil Soils meeting all four of the following provisions shall be
considered expansive. except that tests to show com pl iance with Items I, 2 a
nd 3 shall not be required if the test presc ribed in hem 4 is conducted:
An exhaustive geotech nical invcstig.ltion should also be conducted in Ci.lSCS o
f questionable soils, expilnsive so ils, unknown groundwater table to determi ne
whether the exist ing ground wale!" table is above Of" within 1.5 m be lo w the
elevation of the lowest 0001' level or whe re such floor is located below the f
inished ground level adjacent to th e foundation, pil e foundations, or in rock
stra ta where the roc k is sllspected to be of doubtful characteristics or indic
mc variati ons in the structure of" th e rock or wlwrc solution cavities or vo i
ds are expected to be prcse nt in the rock.
The building official lIlay req uire that the interpretation and eval uation of
the resu lts of the foundation invcstigation be made by a regis tcred civil engi

neer experienced and knowledgeable in th e field of geotechn ica l cnginccring.

Plasticity index (PI) of 15 or greater, determined in acco rdance with ASTM D 43
18.and Liquid Limi t > 50.
More than 10 percent of the soil particles pass a No. 200 sieve (75 111), determ
ined in accordance with ASTM D 422.
Marc than 10 percent of the soil parti cles arc less than 5 micrometers in sile,
determined in accordan ce with
ASTM [) 422.
Ex pansion index grea ter than 20, determined in
accordance with ASTM D 4829.
303.2 Soil Classific:t lion
For Ihe pu rposes of this cha pte r) the defin iti oll ;1I1d class iri c:lli on
of soi l materia ls for use in Table 304-1 sha ll
Foo tin
e soils
Foo tin

Design fol' Expansive Soils

gs or foundati ons fo r buildings and strucLUres fo unded 0 11 expansi v
shall 1:- designed in accordance wi th Section 1805.8.1 or 1805.8.2.
g or foundati on desig n nced not compl y wit h Section

be accord ing to I\STM D-2487. Soi l classifi cat ion shall. be based on observa
t ion <l nd any necessary field or l<lbora tory tests of tin:: materials disclos
ed by borings or excavations made in appropriate locations .
303.5.3 or 303.5.4 where the so il is rcmoved in accordance
with Sect ion 303.5.4, nor where the building offi cial
approves stabilization of the soil ill accordance with Section 301.5.5.
NotlOll al S ll"l!(:tural Code) of tile
Pl1ilippll"les G" Edition Volume 1

CHAPTER 3 - General & Excavalion and Fills
303.5.2 Foundations
Footings or foundatio ns placed o n or wit hin the active zone of expansive soil
s shall be designed to res ist differenti al
vo lume chnnges and to prevent st l1Jctural damage to the
suppoJ1cd structure. Defl ec ti on and rac king of the supported shall be limite
d to that which will not interfere wi th the usabil ity and serviceability of th
e structure. Found ati ons placed below where vo lume change occurs or below exp
ansive soil shall com ply with the following provisions: I. Fou ndat ions ex ten
ding into or pe netrating expa nsive soils shall be designed to prevent uplift o
f the supported structure. Foundations penetrating expansive soils shall be desi
gned (Q res ist forces exerted on the fou ndation due to soi l volume changes or
shall be isolated from Ihe expansive soil.
303.5.5 Stabiliza ti on Where the active zone of expansive soi l ~ is stabi li z
ed in lieu of designing footi ngs or fou ndations in accord<H1ce Wi lh Section 3
06.2, the soi l shall be stabili zed hy chemi cal . lreat ment, dewntering, presatu rati on or equ iva lent teC hni ques. 303.6 Compressible Soils If th e bore
holes show tlHl t the propo!'ed slruc tul'cs arc to be buill abo ve co mpressibl
e ti negrain ed soi ls (wi th N< 6), it is recomme nded th at conw li darion test
s be perform ed ill accordance with ASTM D 2435 to determine the settl emelll pa
rameters for the si te.
If wide, massive loads within the slmctures to be built on compressible fine -gr
ained soils are to be expec ted for prolonged periods of time built, the settlem
ent effects on adjacent SlruClu rc.1) shou ld be evaluated as we ll.
303.5.3 Slab on G round Foundations Momen ts, shears and deflections for use in
designing slab onground mat or raft foundations on expa nsive soils shall be deter
min ed in accordance with WRIICRSI Design of S!abon-Ground Found~ti on s or PTJ S
tandard Requ irements fo r Analys is of Shallow Concre te Foundations on Ex pans
ive Soils. Using the moments,
shea rs and deflecti ons detemu ned above, prestressed slabs ongroun d, mat or raf
t foundations on expansive soils sha ll be designed in accordance wi th PTJ Stan
dard Requ irements fo r Design of Shalfow PostTensioned Concrete Foundat ions on
Expansive Soils. It shall be permitted to analyze and des ign such slabs by othe
r methods tilat account for soils truclu re interaction, the defo rmed shape of t
h e soil support, the place or s tiffened plme action of the slab as well as bot
h cemer lift and edge lift conditions. Such alt ernative methods sha ll be ra ti
onal and the basis fo r all aspects and param ete rs of the method shall be ava
ilab le for peer rev iew.
303.7 Reports The soi l classification and design bearing capacity shall be show
n 0 11 the plans, unless the fou ndation co nforms to Tab le 305-1. The build in
g official ma y require submission of a written repon of th e investigation , wh
i ch shall include, but need not be limited to, the followin g informati on:
I. A plOl showing the locat ion of all test borings and/or excava ti ons.
2. 3.
Desc riptions and classifi cati ons of the materia ls encountered.
Elevation of the waler table, if encountered. Recommendations for foundation Iyp
e and design criteria, including bcuri ng capacity, provisions to mitigate the e
ffects of diffcrential scttlements and ex pansive soils, provisions to mitigate

the effects of liquefaction and soi l strc ngth , provisions for spec ial fo und
ation solutio ns and ground improvement, and the effec ts of adjaccnt loads. Exp
ected total and differentia! settlement. Laboratory test resu lt s or soil sam p
Field borehole informat ion a) b)
303.5.4 Removal of Expa nsive Soil Where expansive soil is removed in lieu of de
signing footings or foundations in accordance wilh Secti on 302.3.2, the soil sh
all be removed 10 a de pth sufficient to ensure a constant moist ure contenL in
Ihe rema;ning soil. FiJI material shall not cont ain ex pansive soils <1 11<1 sh
all comply with Section 302.3.3.
Exception: Expansive soil need not be removed 10 the depth of constant moisture,
provided the confining pressure in the expallsive soil created by the fill and
supported s/ruClllre exceeds the swell pressure.
co nta ining
d) c)
Project locmioll Deplh of borehole Ground elevation Grollnd water t;tblc c!cv.at
io!1 Date !'tarled and finished
T he soil ciassific.ltion and dcs ignbeari ng capacity shall bc shown on the pla
ns, un lc:-s the foundat ion con forms to
Tab le 305- 1.
Associatio n of Structural Engineers of tile
Pt1i li ppine~~

CHAPTr: R 3 - General & Excavation and Fills

When expansi ve soils are present, the bui lding official may
require thai speci,ll provisions be made in Ihe roundati on
Table 3033 Geophysical Tests
Field Test
design and constmction to safeguard against damage due to this expansiveness. Th
e building official may require a special in vestigati on and report to provide
these design and construction criteria.
Table 303-2 Laboratory and Field Tests
Output OatH I I ASTMJ Test I Parameter Obtained
nCS i 1!Il ~lfioJ1
ASTM Designation
Output Data I Parameter Obtained
Geophysical Tests
Seismic refract ion Seismic reflection
Laboratory I Field Test Moisture content Grain size analysis Atterberg Li mits
Classification oj .soils
D2216-05 D422-63 D4318-05 D2487-00 D854-05 D427-04 D2974-00
Moisturel Waler con lent Soil grad ation Liq uid limit, plasti c Ii mi t Classif
icati on of soils Specific gravity Shri nka~e limit Moisture content, ash contei
H and percent orl!a nic mutter in soi l N~w-value indicating, undrain ed so il s
Ground Penetrating Radar
Specific Gravity Shrinkage Limit Organic Matter Swedis h Weight Sounding Test
UCT Test (Soi ls) Tri-ax ial (UU Test) Tri-axial (CU Test) Oedollleter ( I -D Co
nsolidation) Laboratory Va ne Shear Direct Shear Test UCT for Intact Rock Standa
rd Penetration Tes t Modified Proctor Test Standard Proc'{or
Cross hol e seismic survey
115 A 1221:2002
D2166-00 D2850-03a D4767-04 D2435-04 D4648-05 1)3080-04 D2938-95 D1586-99 D IS57
-02 D698-00"
Geo-resisti vity Survey

Strength parameters Strength parameters Strength parameters Consoli dation param

eters Strengt ll parameters Strength pa ram cters
Maps su bsurface geologic conditions, lithologic unit s and fractures. Maps late
ral continuity of lithologic units and detects changes in the acoustic propertie
s of subsurface geomatcrials. p-wave and !i-Wave velocity determination. elastic
modul i . detcllllination CO!Tosion Potential or so ils, Electrical grounding,
slratigraEhic stlldie~ _
303.8 Soil Tes ts Tables 301-2 and 103 -3 summarize the commonly used fi eld and
labora to ry tests needed in determining the in-situ so il parameters for use i
n foundati on design and analysis. 303.9 Liquefaction Poten tial and Soil Streng
th Loss
When required by Section 3(H.3. the poten ti al for soil
Strength parameters N- va lue
liqucfaction and soi l strength loss during eal1hquakes shall
be cvaluated during the geotechnical investigation. The
Max imum dry densit l' tvlaximulll dry
de nsi ty
Field Density Test Cil R t,,1> Test Cone Penclnltion
Maximull1 dry
density CIl R
D ISH3-05 1)3441-05
Soil strength
~~~ ___,________,_._..._. ______ J.~~~~~.!::.~ _.. _._. ____ ._
geotech nical evalua ti on shall assess potenti,11 liqueractio n susceptib ility
potentia! t:onsequc nccs of any liquefaction ;l!ld soil stre ngth loss, includi
ng estimation of differential se ttl ement. lat cr;i1 movement or reduction in f
o undation ='t1i l-hcill'i ng cap;lcit y. <llld di scu ss mitigating Illea!; ure
s. Sud ! me:lsurcs sha ll he given consideralion in lh e design of the bui ld in
g and may include. but are not limi led to, ground slabil izatio n. selet:!ion o
r appropr i,lt c foundati on type and depths. =,ckc tio n of <Ippropri alc struc
tural S)'slemS to 'I(.Tollllllodat l! anli cipalcd displacements. or :lIly t:oll
lhin'lli o" of these measures.
The potential I'llI' liqu(:rat:tioll :llld soil stre ngth loss shall \J; ' ev,lI
u;IIt.',d for a sile peak ground ac:ccler,llioll that .IS mini mum. confo rms to
the proba hi lity o f cxccct!;lIl,
s pceilicd in SCd ioll 20K.fl.1. Peak grollnd Cleeclerillion m:":
hJ;lllond i S !!Ucl lJ !,ll COd (; 0 1 Ii 1(-: PI1I IIPi J1 :k:'; ((
hl:\IO!l \J()llllill'~ 1

CHAPTEri 3 --. General & Excavation and Fills
be determined based on a site-specific study taking into account soil amplifkati
on effects. In the absence of such a study, peak ground acceleration may be assu
med equal to the seismic zone factor in Table 208-3.
303.10 Adjacent Loads Where footings are placed at varying elevations, the effec
t of adjacent loads shall be included in tile foundation design. 303.11 Drainage
Provisions shall be made for the control and drainage of surface water around b
uildings and ensure that scour will not threaten sllch structures through adequa
te embedment. (Sec also Section 305.5.5). 303.12 Plate Load Test The plate load
test is generally used for determination of soil subgrade properties for rigid f
oundations. If used for building foundations, it mllst be emphasized that the De
pth of fnlluence is only up to twice the width of the test plate. Care must be u
sed when extending the results to deeper depths.
304.1 From Geotechnical Site Investigation and Assessment The recolllmended allo
wable foundation ;in,! 1;,1' '.,; pressures slwtl be estimated from a rcasonahi
y (" . geotechnical site investigation and assessment, which shall include at le
ast the (o!lowing:
a) b) c)
Description or regional geologic
eh;!r;l,;[~' i'isiic:;;
Characterization of in-situ geotechnical conditions; Factual report on the insitu
and lahora!or), :c ~;i:: performed to characterize the site rSc'.,' .\,'clinn 30
3.7 for a list of ill-situ and lal.1;;i<::\):Y IC:;I~ commonly carried out for g
eotechnical site characterization) ; Disclosure of the assumptions and tllc :,-p
pliclbk. analytical or empirical models used in the allowable foundation and lat
eral pre:," ii \:'.; Calculations carried out and Factor til' ;! assumed in arri
ving at the recommended :.llluw,il.:J(' foundation and lateral pressures; and Ev
aluation of existing potential ge(.llogic haZ;\Fds and those that may be induced
or triggered by the construction/installation of the structure.
The geotechnical site investigation and assessment shall be performed by a regis
tered civil engineer experienced and knowledgeable in the field of geotechnical
engincering. A geotechnical investigation and assessment shall !)c presented in
a repoli. The repoli, together with a brief resume and a sworn statement of acco
untability or ' I Je geotechnical engineering consultant who prepilred :i, 11 be
included in the submittals to be reviewed ,-Ull! C'\dl i '. :d by the building o
fficial or government authority in ch:\r,:,~,e of issuing the relevant permits s
tich as ellvirol1:n( ':al compliance cel1ificatc and/or building permit.
304.2 Presumptive LoacrBearing and Lateral Hesisting Values
When no exhaustive geotechnical site assessment and investigation is perrormed,
especially when no in-silu or very limited tests arc carried out, the preSUJ11pl
;\",~ k.;:dbearing and lateral resisting values provided in 'j',lbk ~W I shall b
e uscd. Usc of these v;lIues requires Ihal Ihe. foundation design engineer has,
at the least, clnicd oul iii] inspection of the site and has hecollle familiar w

ith tile predominant soiJ or rock characteristics or the site.

Association of Structul"al Lnqincc:rs of the

3 -- Gene ral & Excav ation and F :llls
3- 11
Presumptive JO:l<J-bcaring values shall apply to lll<Ilcrials with similar ph ys
ical characteristics and dispositions. Mud, prganic silt, orga nic clays, peat o
r unprepared fi ll shall not be assumed 10 have a presum ptive load-bearing capa
city unless data from a geotech ni cal site assessmcllI and jnvcst igalion to su
bstantiate the use of such a value arc submjued. For clay, sandy day, si lty cla
y and cla yey silt, in no case shaJllhc latera l slid ing resistance eKceed onehalf the dead
304.3 Minimum Allowable Press ures. The recommended all owable foundali on and l
ateral values shall be with the allow ab le stress design load co mbin ations sp
ecifi ed in Secti on 203.4.
304.4 Fo undations Adjacenf to Exis ting Relainin g/Basemcnt "" all.1i
In cases where the adjacent building will have more basemcnls th an (he prob'osc
d bu ilding, lhe foundation of the proposed build ing shqukl be designed so as n
ot to impal1 addi ti ollallatcrnl earth pressu res on th e existing building.
It is (he responsibililY of lhe engineer-DC-record 10 determine the applicabilit
y of these presLi mptive values for Lhe Project. Table 304-1 Allowable Foundatio
n lind Lmcrai Pressure
Class of Materials l
Allowable Foundation Pressure!
( kJ'a )
Latera l Gearing
I1 clow Nftl ura l
Lateral Sliding'
(kPaJm of
----Coeffici cntS

2. Sedimentary and Foli ated Rock
100 100 60 30 0.35 0.35
L Mass.i ve Crystalline Bedrock
3. Sand y Grave l and /or Grave l(GW & GP)
4. Well -graded Sand. Poorly-graded Sa nd. Silty Sand. Clayey Sand. Silty Gravel
and Clayey Gra ve l (SW. SP, SM. SC, GM and GC) 5. el.y, Sandy Clay. S ilt y Cl
ay and Clayey Silt (CL. ML. MI-I, and CH)
A geotechnical sire' illl'c.Higmiol! i.~ /'{' c(IIwneIJdl'dfor .wil r/os.\'ifi('
(/li(1/I (Rljl'!' /0 S('rlioll JO.l). Afll/a/IlCS of alloll'able /oU/u/(lIirm p
res.que (lI~' [ul'j()(n ill.t:..f hm'illl; fllllillillll/l11 wit/ill (If .loa //
I1I/1I11t! (} millimum d<'I)(11 (~r JOO mill info I/lI' .wfllml gl'(ldc. Except
as li med in I-nomOft! '(I ' , all iI/crease 0120% i.f o/foll'ed for I'm'" lIa(l
iliOlWI 300m", of \I'lfllil (1I/(lItlt'til'I'th III t/ II/t/xill/mll l 'O/lIt' o
jthrei' lilli,'.,' Iilr desigl1l1/C'(/ \'(Ilile. All inr:rCII,ft! oj f1/1t!-,hir
d i.f {wl'lIIil/('(/ ....h('11 IIsin.': III!' (llt('n/tlft' lam/ nllllbhrll/iol/:
r ill S.'rliOIf 103,4 111m illf/m/t 1";/1/1 o r earthquake
The resi.'iflltl('e 1'(I l l1eS deril'cd from 'he labie {1m IU!111Ii(l('tl /(J b
r il/t'I'c'f1Sl't/ by rhe /II /JII lnr I'n/lle for /'uch mlt/irilllw l .100 111m
oj (/t'll/ll IrJ (I 111/1.1'/1111111/ of 15 limes th e lahular !lallle. I .w/me
d po/e.( fo /' u.w :s .fllch asj/ag{lIIll's fir .fig ll .\ (//1(/ {Ioks 1I.I'('d
10 supJlo rt IlIIiJdill}i .~ Ihlll (11'(' no{ ad" f'l'wty (((fi'I 'ln! hy (/ 12
111111 lliOlio!! af 11/(' groul1d .mrfacl' rill{' /I! .~/1fIrtf('rlll t(l tem! Ir
wds 111'1' p(, l'miw'd III IU' dt'.\igl/t't! II sing Itll cro/ /ic((rillg ('(IIIIC
S equal 10 111'0 1;II!('s Ifll' I(Ilm /1ll

/.alent! hctll'lIIR (1 11(/ f/idil/.~ ,,(.~i.H(lIIn' "'11\ 1)(> Iolllhitud.

C(Jeg;/'iI'1JI {() hI' lilli/lip/iN/ hy
ch'l1(J ',,~/(t.
I.ul/~I'(" didillg rC.f if{m/{'I' " (IIUt' to I,C' lIIulti/,lil'rl Ily 111(' OJ/
llm'l orl'(/ . III
nul' .(Iml/ IIII' /(111'1'(1/ .I/hlmg
/'l'/ '/'('(I (J//(" ./m{f IIii' (ka t! Ir~/fl.
No iIlI'rC'fI.W' .fllalf /1(' a llowed/or OIl i llr /'('a.w' (~r wid fh .
N;)llollal S lrllcl llr~:ll Code of lilt;; PhlllPPill OS (,'
:.dltlon \lOlll l: 1f~

CHAPTER 3 - General & Excavalion and Fills
305.2.1 Design Loads
Footings shall be designeofor the most unfavo rable load effec'ts duc' to combi
nations of loads_ T he dead load i s pennitted to include the weight of foundati
ons, (ooti ngfi and overlying fill. Reduced live loads as penni tlcd in the Chap
ter o n Loadings are perm itt ed to be used in th e design of foot in gs.
305. 1 General
Foo lings and foundations shall be constructed of ma so nry, concrete or treated
wood in conforman ce with Chap ters 4,
6 and 7. roolings of concrete and masonry shall be of
:wli d materiaL Foundations supporti ng wood sha ll extend at least 150 mill abo
ve the adjacent finish grade. Footin gs s hall have a minimum depth as indicated
in Table 305 ~ I, unless another depth is warranted, as eSUIblished by a
305.2.2 Vibratory Loads
Where machinery operations or other vibratory loads or vib rati ons are transmit
ted to the foundations, co nsiderat ion shall be g iven in the repon to address
the founda tion design to prevent detrimental disturbances to the soil due to vi
bratory loadings . Dynamic Soil Properties shall be inc luded where requi red .
foundation investigation.
The provisions of Ih is section do not apply to bui ld ing and foundation system
s in those areas subject to scou r and water pressure by w ind and wave acti on.
Buildings and
found<Hions subject
such loads shall be designed in
305.3 Bearing Walls
accordance with approved nati ona l standards. Table 3051 Minimum Requi rements f
o r Foundations
NlI llIhcr of
-Floors S upported (0101) .. by the -~;ii-Foundations CtHlcretc Masonrv
T hick ness of Foundation Wall
Width ~'hickncss
of of
Depth Belo w
Undis tu rbed
Bearing walls shall be SUppo!1cd on masonry or rc info rced concrcte fou ndat io
ns o r pil es or other permitted foundati on system Ihal shall be of suffic ien
t size to suppOt1 all loads. Where a design is not pro vided, the min im um foun
dation requirements for stud be arin g walls shaH be as set forth in Table 305~1
, unless expansive soils of a seve rity to calise differential move ment are kno
wn to ex ist.

--_ _-150
FOOlin g
(mm )
Gro und
.. _. '
Surface (111111 ) 4
.... .... 2
200 250
.. _. 200
"" 150
150 175
i:.xcepl ions: I.
A o ne~story \Vood or metal{rame building 1101 used 2 for human occupancy alld 1
I()l over 40 m if! floo r a rea may be cOllstructed witll walls supported all a
wood foundarion plale permallelllly Illlder lile waler wble when permitled by th
e buildillg official.
, Wlt",-(, 1111I1 ~jW{
fl .\

flIIlth'fllll.{ IUC
mlll/rmmltllmi/J J'hnlf
1"I'{1II;"1'11 11/ SI', 'li(1/I 305. 1, Tilt' ~rrm/l(!IfIll!l' r ,hi' fllNlr fll
lly IN' I'.IH/wtln!
Ihl' cll' l'(l/jml
If/I' IIJI'I~frHlIIlIg.
I FIH/I/Ilmillll
"f jloorJ. . FllwU/fII;mlS _ 1//PfHlrlin.s:
IIIPI'"nillg tJII(' jloor_ Till' (ir/JlII "11',,,/)(,,/111('/1/
.ff 11/11TtIO[ ill mldi/;o/I UI 1111' 51i,1ll1r1l1'11 !"IIlmlll'" rfHifl' only .f/wlllJl"
(1.1 rl'i/llir(!11 jf/r
IIIIIM (l1\\,(lr.1
111' bl'l,,1I' flO/l'll/iul 11.('/""
305.2 Fnoling Design
Except for special provisions of Section 307 coveri ng the dc .. igl1 uf' piles.
all p0l1io!ls of footing s .. hall he designed in m:cord;lllcc with the :-tl11c
lUml provisions of thi s ernie and :-hall he designed to.:illinimi7_c diffcrelll
i ;'ll ... cttlcmcnt whcn nc('cssary ;Intl thl" effects of expansive soils whl"1
l prc.<:;cnt . Siah-on-gradc and mat type f( XHings I'll!' huildings Ilx-med cxr
ansivc soils may he dcsigncd in act.:orclilllCC with 1he gl"tHcch nil'ltl reco l
lllllcndation as pCl'Illitled hy tile "wildin g official.
nit! support of buildings by /lOsts embedded ill eartli shall be designed as spe
cified ill Section 305.7. Wood posts or poles embedded ill earth shall be pressu
re treated with an approved preservative, Steel posts or poles shall be protecte
d as specified ill Seclioll
305 .4 Slepped !'oundalions
Foundations for all buildings where the surface of the ground slope.... morc tha
n I lInil VCl1ica l in I (J units horizolllal ( 10% .'dope) shall hc level or sh
all he s(eppcd so (hal both top and bouom of such foundation arc level.
/\SSOCi;ltl(lll c)f S tnI C!U( "1 1 Enqu1f:c: rs of (h(~ Pililippilw:;

CHAPTER 3 -- General & Excavation and Fills

3-1 3
Top of Slope
Face O(SII1lClurC
Hn but need not exceed
4.5m m..'tx.
, 7'
Of.5 ,'_ IO_.P"
H/3 but neoo nOi cxccC!d 12 III malt.
- - - --"--I
Figure 305-1 Setback Dim('llsions for Ouilding Clearance from Slopes
305.5 Foolings on or Adjacent 10 Slopes 305.5.1 Scope The place ment of building
s and strucltJres on or adjacent to slopes steeper than I unit vertical in 3 uni
ts horizontal (33.3% slope) shall be ill accordance with this section. 305.5.2 B
uilding Clearance from Ascending Slopes
305.5.4 Pools The set back between pools regul ated by thi s code and slopes sha
ll be equal <0 one half ,he building footing setback di stance required by this
section. Thm portion o f the pool wall within a horizontal di stan ce of 2 III f
rom the top of (he slope shall bc c,lpablc of snpportin g the waler in the pool
without soil SUppOI1.
In general, buildings below slopes shall be set a suffi cient distance from the
slope to provide protection f~om slope drainage . Scour erosion and shallow fail
ures . Except as provided for in Seclian 305 .5.6 and Figure 305-1. 'he followin
g crit eria will be assumed to provide thi s protection. Where the ex isting slo
pe is steeper than I uni t venical in I unit horizont al (100% slope), the loe o
f the slope shall be assumed 10 be at the intersection of a JlOrizontal plane dr
awn from the top of the fou ndmion and a plane drawn {angen! to the slope at an
angle of 45 degrees (0 the horizontal. Whe~e n retainin g wall is constructed at
the toe of [he slope, the height of the slope shaH be measured from the top of
the wall to thc top of 'he slope.
305.5.3 Fooling Selback from Descendi ng Slol)e Surface
305.5.5 Fou ndation Elevation On graded sites, the top of any exterior foundatio
n stwll extend above the elevation of the street guuer at point of discharge or
the inlet of an approved drainage de vice a mininlUlli of 300 mill plus 2 percen
t . The bui lding official may permit alternate elevati ons. provided it ca n be
demonstrated that requ ired drainitge Itl the point of discharge and away from
th e ~ tm c tllrc is provided at all loc:uions on the site.
305 .5_ 6 Alternate Setback and Clearance
Footings on or adjacen t to slope su rfaces shall be founded in finn m<ltcrial w

ith an embed men t and setback from the slope wrface sufficient to provide verti
cal and lateral SUppOf1 for ll.~ footin g without delrimental scHJc mcllt. Excep
t as provided for in Section 305.5.6 and f:'igure 305I, the following se tback i
s deemed adequate to meet the criteria. Where. th e slope is SICCP(~1' than I un
it vertical in I unit horizolltal (100% slope). the required setback shOl l! be
mc'ls urcd from illl imaginary plnnc 45 degrees to the horizontal, projected upw
ard from the toe of the slope.
The building o ffici al Ilwy approve uhcrlliHe selbacks ilnd clearances. The bui
lding offici al lllay require an in ves tigation and reco mlllendmiol1 of a qual
ified engineer to demonslrate that the intent of this section has been inves tig
ati on shall incl ud e satisfied. Such an con1;ideralion of material , heigh! of
slope, slope grildicnl, load intensi ty and erosion chafllc lerislics of slope
material .
305.6 Foundation Plates or Sills Wood plates or sills shall be boIled 10 the fou
ndation or foundation wall. Sleel bolls with a minim ulll lI ominal diameter of
12 I11Ill shall be lI sed in Scismic Zonc 2. Steel ho lts with a minimum nomina
l diameter of 16 mill shall be lIscd in Seismi c Zone 4. Bolts shall he cmbeddcd
at least 180 mm in to the COllcr C(L ' or lllilSOIlrY ilnd sh.JlI Ill' spaced n
ot morc than 2 III apart. There. shall be a minimum of two bolls per piece wi th
(inc bolt inc<uccl nol
N,ll tOn<;lJ ~;!ruclu r<-Ij Code of the Pllil ippHw s G ' Edilioll Volume 1

CHAPTEli3 -- General & Excavation cllld Fills
more than :WO mm or Jess than seven bolt diameters from of the piece. A properl
y sized nut :111(\ washer shall be liglll cncd 0 11 each boIL to Ihe plate_ Foun
dati on "hlles an d sills shall be the kind or wood specified in Chapter 6.
c~c h e nd
305.7.2.3 Vertical load
The resistance to vertical loads is dCl crmi ",cil I,.: allowable soiJbcaring pre
ssure sct forth ill T:!! : _ . ," :
~: i C
305.7 Designs Employing LatcraJ Hearing
305.7.1 General
Constructio n employing posts or poles as columlls eillbedded ill e:lrth or embe
dded in concrete fOOlings in the earth m;IY be used and designed (() res ist bot
h axia l and 1~ll c ntl loads. Th e depth to resis t latera l loads shall be det
ermined by means of the design edteri,l eswb lished he rein or other IllclllOds
;lpp roved by the build ing official .
305.7.3 Backfill The backfill in the annular space around column not em bedded i
n poured footings shall be by one of the following methods:
Backfill shall be of concrete with an UJtiIlHi l.;. s! !"r nglh of ! 5 MPa at 28
days. The hole shall not lw ks': IiLH l 100 mill large r (h an the diameter of
the Cf\ IUlIln :~ t ils
bottom or 100 mm
larger than
~h t:
,: .. .. O Ili:!
dimensi on of a Squ fU"C or rectan gu lar
coi u !lII'.
305.7.2 DeSign C"il eria
Backfill shall be of clean sand . The sand shall be thoroughly co mpac ted by ta
mpin g in la yers not morc than 200 I11I1l in thickness.
305.7.2.1 NOll-cons train ed
The follo wi ng formula ma y be u !'l~ d in delermi ning the depth or embedment
required 10 resist latc ral loads where no constrailll is provided at Ihe gro un
d surface, sllch as rigid floor or ri gid grouJld surface pn\ l' m Cnl.
305.7.4 Limitations The design procedure OlH li llCd in thi s section shall be s
ubject to the fo ll owing limitations:
305.7.4.1 The fri ctional resistance for retaining w(\;L'; and slabs Oil silts l
ind clays shall be limited to one half ur {he normal force impo~ed on the soil b
y the weight of the footing or slab.
II d= 2
( f ----)

1+ 4.3/i 1+ - - 11
(3051 )
2.3 P
305.7.4.1 Posts embedded in eanh shall no. be used provide latera l suppOrt for
siructural or nOllslruclural maleri als such as pl aster, masonry or concrete un
less bracing is provided. 305.8 Gril lage Footings When grillage footings of Sl
l1lclura l steel shapes <I re used o n soi ls. they sha ll be co mpletel y e mbe
dded in concrete. Concrele covel' shall be m least 150 mOl all the bOIl O Ill an
d al least 100 mill at all olher points,
P S,
= uia me ter of rollnd post or foo ting or diilgonill d i lll~n sio n nf squa re
post or foo tin g. III = depth of emhedment in (~art h in 111 btl l 1101 ove r
3.5 III for p"q')ose of com pIlling lateral pressure. III = d ist:1I1CC from gro
und surface 10 poilU of applic;ltion of P, m = applied lateral force. kN = allow
:!blc late ral soil-bearing pressure as set forth in T,lblc 304- 1 based on a de
pth of one third the depth of embedment, kPa = allowabl e latc ral soil-bcclring
press ure as set forth ill Tahle ~04- 1 hased O il it depth equal to the depth
o r cmhedmCIll. kPa
305.9 Bleacher Footings Footings for open -air seating facilities sh;l!1 comply
with Chap.er 3.
ExceptiOlIS: Temporary open -t,;r porlllble bleacher.'i may be JUPI)(l! : :d IIpo
n wood ,'iil/s or .\'I(~el plates placed directly UpOIi the
.r: mull ...J surface. prm-idetf soil pl"l'.\sure doC's /l of ('x: I'(~d
J05.7.2.2 COllsll'a in cd
The following fnrllwlil llIi1y hI..' u:ie(1 [0 del cnninc the depth of emhedment
requ ired to rc."is l 1;l1(,l'ill loads where constrain t i ~ provi ded :tI Ihe
ground surface, such as iI rigid floor or pave mcnt.

CHAPTEFi 3 - General & Excavation and Fills

31 b
306.4 Static Load Test Static axial compressive pile load tcst shan be in accord
ance with ASTM Standard 0-1143. Performance of the load test require that lhe te
st be conducted under the supervision of a registered civil ellgineer experience
d and knowledgeable in the practice of static pile !oad testing.
be designed and installed on the of a foundation investigation as defined in Sec
tion where required by the building official.
The investigation and rCpO!1 provisions of Section 303 shall be expanded to incl
ude, but not be limited to, the
When the a!lowable axial compressive load of a single pile is determined by a st
atic load test, one of the following methods shall be used: Method 1. It shaH no
t exceed 50 percent of the yield point under test load. The yield point shall be
defined as that point at which an increase in load produces a disproportionate
increase in settlement.
. following:
Recommended pile types and installed capacities. Driving criteria. Installation
procedures. Field inspection and reponing procedures (to include procedures for
verification of the installed bearing capacity where required). Pile load test r
equirements. The use of piles not specifically mentioned in this chapter shall b
e permitted, subject to the approval of the building official upon submission of
acceptable test data, calculations or other information relating to the proper1
ies and load-carrying capacities of such piles. 306.2 Interconnection Individual
pile caps and caissons of every structure subjected to seismic forces shall be
interconnected by tic Beams. Such tic beams shall be capable of resisting, in te
nsion or compression, a minimum horizontal force equal to 10 percent of the larg
est column vertical load.
Method 2. It shall not exceed one half of the load, which causes a net settlemen
t, after deducting rebound, of 0.03mm/kN of test load, which has been applied fo
r a period of at least 24 hours.
Method 3. It shall not exceed one half of that load under which, during a 40-hou
r period of continuous load application, no additional settlement takes place.
306.5 Dynamic Load Test
High-strain dynamic load test may be used to determine the bearing capacity of p
iles, in accordance with ASTM Standard 1)-4945. It is required that the test be
conducted by a registered civil engineer experienced and knowledgeable in the pr
actice of pile dynamic load testing. 306.6 Column Action All piles standing unbr
aced in air, water or material not capable of lateral support shall conform to t
he applicable column formula as specified in this code. Such piles driven into f
inn ground Illay be considered fixed and laterally supported at 1.5 III b,elow t
he ground surface and in son material at 3 III from the ground surface unless ot
herwise prescribed by the building official after a foundation investigation by
an approved agency.
306.7 Group Action
Exception: Other approved methods mav be used 'where it can be demonstrated that
equivalent ~es(raint can be provided.
306.3 Determination of Allowable Loads
The allowable axial and lateral loads on piles shall be determined by an approve
d formula, by a foundation investigation or by load tests. Static axial compress
ive pile load test shall be in accordance with ASTM Standard D-1143, and lateral

load testing or piles shall conform to ASTM Standard D-3966. Dynamic pile tcsls
shall be in accordance with ASTM Standard D-4945. Static axial tensile load tes
ting to determine [he uplift capacity of pile-soil systems shall be in accordanc
e with ASTM Standard 1)36X9.
Consideration shaH be given to the reduction of allowable pile load when piles a
re placed in groups. Where soil conditions make such load reductions advisable o
r necessary, the a!lowable axial and lateral loads determined for a single pile
shall bc reduced by any rational method or formula submitted to the building off
hlalloll,'li Structure.'!i Codo of the PhiiippinE)s 6: Edition Volunl(~ 1
1 ',

3 -16
,.. Genera! & Excavation and Pills
306.8 Piles in Subsiding Areas Where piles are dri ve n through subs iding fill
s or other
s ubsiding Siratil .1Ild dClive suppon from underlying
306.12 Use of Higher Allowable Pile Stresses Allowable compressive stresses grea
ter than those
specified in Section 307 s hall be pelmilted
wh" '-' ~
firmer materials, consideralion shall be given (0 the downward frictional forces
, which may be imposed on Ihe piles by Ihe subsiding upper st raw which :-;Ilall
be deductive fromlhc nel pile 10<ld c.lpacily,
substantiating data justifying such higher stresses are submitted to and approve
d by the building official. Such substant iating data shall be included in the f
oundation in vcslig;:nion repon in accordance wilh Section 306, 1.
Where (he influence of su bsiding fill s is conside red as imposing loads on the
pilc, Ihe allowable si resses specified in this chapter may be increased if sat
i sfactory substantiating data arc su bmiucd ,
306.9 Jelling In stallmion of pilcs hy wal eI' jelling shall nol be uscd excepl
wherc .lI1d as spccifically permi{lcd by {he building official. When uscd, jetti
ng shall be carried oul in slich a manner Ihm tile carrying capacity of existing
piles and sl l1icturcs shall not be impaired, After withdrawal of the jet , pil
es shall be dri ve n down untillhc required res istance
is obtained ,
306.10 Protection of rile Mntcriais Where th e boring records of sile conditions
indicate possible delet eriolls action on pilc Ilullerials becau se of soil cOl
lstilllc nls. changing wCllcr lc\fC ls or olher fact ors, such materi als shall
be i.ulequatel y protected by methods or processes approved by Ihe gcotech nical
The effectivcness or sllch methods or proccsses for Ihe particular purpose shall
have been thoroughly established
by sm i,SfaclOry service reco rds or other evide nce, which dClllonst r;lh;-s th
e effectiveness of sud I protective measures,
In su lfate hearing soi ls. the stee l piles shall be prolectcd agains! corrosio
ll or reinforced <..'O l1c['Clc piles shall usc Typc rr ccment.
306.11 Allowable Loads The allowable loads based on soil conditions shall be est
abl ished in accordance wilh Sect ion 306.
Ally ulIca,\'ed casl- iJ/ ~place pile may be assIlIIu1 d 10 d l!\'C'ilJ!' a Fief
iollol l'C'sisf(/l1 ce i'qual 10 (Jill! ,n"xlh (?{ Ihe bea r;IIK I'(t/II(' of ti
le' :wif maferial (11111;11 111111111 de/JIb nf ,\'('1 forth in Table' 305 -1 l)
fa lIot to exceed 25 kPa III rlt'.I",\" a ~U '('(I/('r I'a/ue i ,\' allowed by t
ill' Imildill/o: official (!{ter (I foundation illl'esliga lio/i as sp ecm ed il

l .,'eclioll 303 is slIhlllilled" Frictional r('siS(W1C e (/1/(/ hearillg rcsi,l

'lal/ce shall lIot he a,\'slIlIwd (0 tlct sil1lulllllU'OIiX/Y {(I/{('ss rl!('ol1
lllu'lI(/ed (iffer a jrmlldatirm illVl'sliMaliOI1 as
s{J('{4ied ill

CHAPTER 3 - General & Excavalion and Fills

3- 17
307.3 Me(al-Cased Concrete Piles 307.3.1 Ma(erial Concrete used in metal-cased c
oncrete piles shall have a specified compressive st rength of nOI less than l7 M
307.1 Round Wood Piles 307.1.1 Ma(erial
Except where ulltre:ncd piles arc permitted, wood piles shall be pressure treate
d. Untreated piles may be used only when it has been establ ished that the cutof
f will be below lowes t groundwater level assumed to exist during
[he life ortlle sll1lc lurc.
307.3.2 Installation Every metal casing for a concrete pile shall have a scaled
tip with a diameter of not less than 200 mm . Concrete piles cast in place in me
tal shells shall have shells driven for their full length in contact with the su
rrounding soil and left permanenlly in place. The shells shaH be sufficiently st
rong to resis t collapse and sufficiently watertight to exclude waler and foreig
n material during the placing of concrete.
Piles shall be driven in such order and with such spacing as to ensure against d
istortion of or injury to piles already in place. No pile shall be driven within
four and one~haJf average pile diameters of a pile filled with concrete k:-;s t
han 24 hours old unless approved by the geotechnic;,~J engineer.
307.1.2 Allowable Stresses
The allowable unit stresses for round woodpiles shall nOt exceed those set forth
in Chapter 6 .
The allowable va lues listed in. for compression parallel 10 the grain III extre
me fiber in bending are based on load sharing as OCClII'S in a pile cluster. for
piles which
support their own specific load, a safety factor of 1.25 shall be applied to com
pression pluallel to the grain values (md 1.30 to extreme fiber in bending value
307.2 UncHsed
Concrete Piles
307.3.3 Allowable Stresses Allowable stresses shall not exceed the values specif
ied :i; Section 307.2.2, except that the allowable concrek s[r ( ~ may be increas
ed to a maximum value of 0.401'" fo r that portion of the pile meeting the follo
wing co nditions : I. The thickness of the meta! casing is not less thall 1.7 mi
ll (No. 14 carbon sheet steel gage); The casing is seamless or is provided with
seams c eq ual strenglh and is of a confi gurati on lh ,H \\!~ :: provide confine
mentlo the cast M in-place concre : ~ ;
307.2.1 Ma(erial
Concrete piles cast in place against earth in drilled or bored holes shall be ma
de in such a manner as to ensure
the exclusion of any foreign matter and to secure a sized shafi .
The drilled or cxcav<ltco hole sha ll be prevented from collapse or cOlllaminati

oll by colhtpsing soils. Thorough c1eani ng of the hole shall be asslIreo <'I nd
displHccmenl of the soil cuuings by nOlation shall be ass ured. The le ngth of
such pile shall be limited 10 not more than 30 times the average diameter. Concr
ete shall have a specified compressive strenglhj'(' of 1l00Iess than 17 MPa. Exc
Tile specified co mpressive strength f' .. sha:i r:~' exceed 35 MPa and the rati
o of steel mi l .J;' specified yield strength F,. to concrete spt.-..:ifii, comp
ressive strength!'" shall not be less than 6 ; ;Ul .
The pile diameter is not greater than 400 mm .
The length of pile may exceed 30 rim es the diameter provided th e design and in
stallation of the pile foundation is III accordance with all approved foundation
iflvestigatioll report.
307.4 Precast Concrete Piles
307.4.1 Ma(erials Precast concrete piles shall have a specific i comprc<;si ~a r
eJlglhf'. of not less than 20 MPa. and sh,JI! dey .. ,." compress ive strength of
not less than 20 MPa I.. ere dri ving. 307.4.2 Reinforcement Tics The !ongitudi
md reinforccmcnt in driven precast (' fl JlO pil es shall be laterally tied with
steel lies or wire . Tics and spirals shaI! nOt be spaced morc than
307.2.2 Allow,,!)le Stresses The all owable compressive stress in the concrete s
hn ll not exceed 0.3V,.. The allowable compressive st ress or reinrorcement shall
not exceed 34 percent or the yie ld Mrenglh or the steel or 175 MPa.
National Structu ral Code of IIle P!1ilippin8s Gill Edition Volume 1

CHAPTER 3 -- General & Excava/ion _ and Fills
ap,lrt, centcr to cellter, for a di stance of 600 mill frol11 the
ends and not more Ihan 200 mm elsewhere. The gage o f
lics and spiraJs shall be as follows: I.
For piles ha ving a diameter of 400 mill or less, wire shall nol be smaller than
5 min ;
For piles, having a diameter of morc: than 400 mil1
loads. The effective prestress in the pile sh;i;l ;;',l( h' ; ("'~::; than 2.5 M
Pa for pi les up (0 10 III in !enrol: :/!\~ L,; piles up to 15 m in length , and
5 MPa Iv: I ) ' ' ' : ' t~ ..: . . ~~ r than 15m in length.
T he compressive stress in the concrete du e !o c".!'::-na ll y app lied load sh
all not exceed:
. -,!'.' .)
and Jess than 500 mm, wire shall /l ot be smaller than
f) mm; a.nd
For pi les having a diameter of 500 wire shall not be smaller than 7 mm.
and larger.
~ effective
prestress stress on the gros!':.
:,t'{'!; '! :i.
307.4.3 Allo wa ble Stresses Precast concrete piling shall be designed 10 res is
t stresses induced by handling and dri ving ns well as by loads. The allowable s
tresses shall not exceed the values specified in Section 307.2.2. 307.5 Precast
(Prctensioncd) 307.5.1 Malerials Prestressed Co ncrete Piles
Effective prestress s hall be based on an :i :-':": iir: , ~- ,: i:.,;:: J: 200
MPa in the prestressing steel. The allow i1l, k~ .', irt:... ~ ii , the prestress
i ng stee! shall not exceed the v<ll u~':. :q' ( . ., j in Sec ti on 418 .5.
307.S.4 S plici ng Where required , splicing for concrete piles sh:JI! hr i,v us
e of embedded and properly anchored thick :'h't:1 I);,I'CS at the ends being joi
ned which shall then be rll lii- ". ::i/;. j , (';' by use of adequate sized dow
e l rods and .'it! l.i :( " .' it . sleeves. The dowels and the faces shall then
b (~ J ();, )". ; .' StJ'ucturil! epoxy. Metal splice cans are not :d; ~!\ ..,( :.
307.6 Str uctura l Steel)'iles 307.6.1 Material Structura l steel piles. steel
pi pe piles and full y W(' !dt i; steel piles f:.lbrica ted from platcs shall co
nforlll to olle vi" the rnflteri al spec ifications listed in Sectio n 50 1J. 3
07 .6.2 Allowable Str esses The nllowable m:.i.!I stresses sha ll not exceed 0 t
'i or Ih, . minimum speci fied yield strength F.,. or KCj \ 11':. whichever is

less. Exception:
When justified in accordance with Sectioll .{f).Ii. J? 'ii allowable axial stress
may be increased aboV(! rl5 iliii'" alld 0.35F}~ hut Jhall llot exceed O.5Fr
l '
Precast pres tressed concrete piles shaH have a specified co mpressive strength[
.. of not less than 35 MPa and shall develop a com pressive stren gth of not les
s than 27 MPa before driving.
307.5.2 Rei nfo rce ment
307.5.2. 1 Longitudinal Rei nforce ment The longitudinal reinforcem ent shall be
high-tensil e se ven -wire strand conform ing to ASTM Stand ards. Longitudinal
reinforcement Sh311 be I,Herally lied w ith sleel ties or wi re spirals. 307.5.2
.2 Tra nsverse Reinfo rce ment
Tics or spiral reillforcemclll shall nol bc sp:lccd more th an
75 111m apart, ccnter to center, ror II distance o r 600 mm
from the ends and nol more than 200 I11Ill elsewhere. A( each end of the pile, t
he first five ties or spirals shall be
spaced 25 mOl center to center.
For piles having a diameter of 600 mill or less, wire shall not be smaller than
5 111111 .
For piles having a diameter greater than 600 I11Ill bu t less tha n 9(X) mill, w
ire shall not be smaller (lw l1 6 mrn. For piles having a dinrllelcr grcfltcr (h
an gOO mill, wire shall not be smaller Ihan 7 mill.
Seclions of dri ven rollowing:
307.6.3 Minimulll Dimensions Ii -piles shall co mply with lhr 1. The flan ge pro
jection shall not exceed 14 li~l W" :lle minim um thickness of meta! ill either
tl w n"" the web, and the flnnge widths shall not :J~' k " .' 1')0 percenl of the
dcplh or the secti on.
307.5.J All owa ble St resses
The nominal dcp(h ill the direction of the '. \( L ... .. ;" " not he less than
200 mill.
Precast prestressed piling shall he designed 10 resist stresses induced by handl
ing nnd driving as \vc ll as by
Assoclo tiotl of Slrllclural
En9Ine('~r s
of the Philippines

CHAPTER 3 - General & Excavalion and Fills

3 19
Flanges anti webs shall have thickness of 10 mm ,
minimum nominal
: ~ecljonS of dri ven pipe piles sha ll have nn outside
:: diam eter of not less than 250 mill and a minim um . thickness of not less th
an 6 mm. , 307.7 ConcreteI"illed Steel!'ipe Piles 307.7.1 Material
The sleel pipe of concrele- filled stee l pipe pi les shall
308.1 Gelleral
In Seismic Zones 4, the further requirements of thi s sec tion shall apply to th
e des ign and cons truction of foundati ons, foundation compone nts 'and Ihe con
necti on of superst(1Jcture elements thereto. See Sec ti on 421.10 for additiona
l requirements for S(l1lctural concrete foundati ons resisting seismic forc es.
onc of the material speci ficati ons listed in
Section 50 1.3. The con crete in concrete-fill e d steel pipe piles shall have a
spec ified co mpressive strcnglh [,c of not less than J7 MPa.
! I
i308.2 Foundation and Geotechnical Investigations 307.7.2Allowable Stresses
The all owable axial stresses shall not exceed 0.35 of the minimum specified yie
ld strength F.,' of the steel plus 0.33 of the specified compress ive slrcllglh
/'(' o f concrete, provided J'~' shall lIo t be assumed greater than 250 MPa for
computational purposes. Where a structure is de termined to be in Seismic Zone
4 in accordance with Section 208.4, an investigation shall be conducted and shal
l include an evaluation of the following potential hazard s resu ltin g from ear
t hqu ake motio ns: slope in stabilit y. liquefac lion and surface rupture due t
o faul!ing or la te ral spreading.
In addition , the foll owi ng in vestigations sha ll a lso be met: I.
When justified ill accordance with Section 306.12, /he pllowable stresses may be
in creased to 0.50 F)"
A dctcnnination of lateral pressures on basement and re taining walls due to ear
thquake motions.
An assessment of potenti al consequences of any

307.7.3 Minimum Dimensions

Driven piles of uil iform scction shall have a nomina l outside diamete r of not
less than 200 Illlll .
. ,.
estimati on of diffe ren ti al seule mcm, lateral move ment or reduction in foun
dation soil~be aring capac ity, and shall address mitigation meas ures. Suc h me
as ures shall be give n consideration in the design of the s truc ture and can i
nclude but are not limitcd to ground stabili zation. selec (i on of appropriate
foundation type and depths, selection of appropriate structural systems 10 accom
m odate antic ipated displacements Or any combination of these measures. The pot
ential for liqu efaction and soil strength loss shall be evaluated for site peak
ground accelerati on magnitudes and source characteristics consistent with the
design earthquake ground motions. Peak ground acceleration s hall be determined
from a si l e~ s pecifjc stud y takin g into account soil amplifi cation effects
, as speci fi ed in Section 208.4.
308,3 Footings and Foundations
Where il struclUrc is assigned (0 Se ismic Zone 4 in accordance with Section 208
.4 , individual sprcad footings fo unded on soil de fined ill Sec ti o n 208.4 .
3 as Soil profile Type SE or SF shall be interconn ected by ti c beams . Tic bea
ms shall be capabl e of carr yi ng, in tension or co mpress ion, unless it is de
mon strated th at equival ent restraint is provided by re inforced conc ret e be
ams within s labs 011 gmde or reinforced concrete slabs 011 grade.
Ncll iOl'w l Struc tural Cod e of the Philippines 6
Edition Volume 1

CHAI'TEI1 3 _. General & Excavation and Fills
308.4 Pier and Pile Found.tio Where a stmclUre is assigned to Seismic Zo ne 4 in
accordan ce Wi lh Seclion 208.4 he following sha ll appl y. Individual pilc caps
, piers or piles shall be interconnected by ties. Tics shall be capable of carry
ing, in tension and com pression . 10 % of Ihe maximum axial load unless it can
be demonstrated Ihal cquiv;'l lcnt restraim is pro vided by reinforced concrete
beams within slabs on grade, reinforced concrete slabs on grade, confinemen! by
competent rock, hard cohesive soi ls or very dense granular soi ls. Conc rete sh
all have a specified compressive strength of not less than 21 MPa at 28 days.
wi thin seven pile dia mclers of the pile cap and lhe interfaces of soft (0 medi
u m stiff clay or liquefiable strata. Grade bea ms shall be des igned as beams i
n accord ance Secti on 4. When grade beams have Ihe capacity to rcsis t the forc
es from the load combinations in Section 203.
308.4.3 FlexII,.al Slrength
Pie rs supporting foundation walls, isolated interior posts detailed so the pier
is not subject 10 lateral loads. lightly loaded exterior decks and palios alld
occupancy category IV and V specified in Section 103 not exceeding two stories o
f light-frame construction, are flot subject to interconnection if it call be sh
own the soils are of adequate stiffness, subject to the approval of the building
308.4.1 Connection to Pile Cap
Where the vcrtical la t c ral ~ro rce ~re s i s tin g elements are (';ol umns, t
he grade bea m or pile eel p nex ural strengths shall exceed the column flexural
strength. The connection between batter piles and grade beams or pile caps shal
l be designed to resi st the nominal st rength of lhe pile actin g (IS a short c
olumn. Bauer piles and the ir connection shall be capable of resisting forces an
d moments frol11thc load co mbinat ions of Sectio n 203 . 308.5 Driven Pile Foun
dations 308.5.1 Precast Connete Piles Where a struclllre is assigned to Seismic
Zone 4 the iongilUdinal reinforce ment wi th a min imum steel ratio o f 0.0 1 sh
all be provided throughout the Icngt h of precast concrete piles, Within three p
il e diarnct ers of the bottom of the pile cap, th e longitudiJl<l1 reinforcemen
t shall be confined with closed lies or spirals of a miniinum 10 mm diame ter. T
ies or spirals shall be provided at a mn ximulH spacing eight times (he diameter
of the smalles t longitudinal bar, not to exceed 150 111111 throughout the re m
ainde r of the pi le. the closed ti es or spirals shall ha ve a maximum spacing
of J 6 limes the smalles t longitudinal bar diamc ter not 10 exceed 200 min.
For piles required to resist up lift forces or Lo pro vide rotati onal res train
t, design of anchorage of piles into {he pile cap shall be provided considering
{hc combined effect
of axial forces due '0 uplift and bending momen .. due fixity (0 the pile cap. A
nchorage shall deve lop a min imu m
25 perccnt of the strength of th e pile in (e nsio n. An chorage into the pile c

a p shall be capable of developing the following: In the case of uplift , lhe le

sser of lhc nominal le nsile strcngth of the longi llldi nal reinforcemcnt ill a
conc ret e pile, or the nominal te nsile strength of a s[eeJ pile. or (he pile
uplift soil nomina l st rength factored by 1.3 or the axi al tensi on rorce res
ulting from the load combinations of Secti on 203. 1n the case of rotational res
trai nt, the lesser of the ax ial and shear forces and moments resulti ng from t
he load combina tions of Section 203 or development of the full axia l, bendin g
and shear nominal stren gth of .he pile.
308.S.2 Precast Prestressed Piles Where a stl1Jclurc is assigned \0 Seismic Zone
4, the following shall "ppl)'. The mi nimu m vo lulIletric ratio of spira! rein
forcement shall not be less than O.()()7 or the amount required by the follow in
g formul a for th e upper 6 11') of the pi Ie.
(308.5.1 )
where :
I,, "
308.4.2 Desigll I)ct;:lils for Pie rs, I)ilcs and Gracie Beams
Spccilied compressive strl~ nglh of ro ncrcte, MPa = Yi eld stren gth of spiral
rc inforc ell1 ~~n t. 586 MPa ;:: Spiral reinforce ment index (vol ume of spiral
/v()lu me of core)
Pie rs or piles shall he designed and constructed 10 withsta nd Ill <lX imU Ill
imposed cu r v<l t ure.~ from eel l1hquake ground moti ons and structure respoJl
se. Curvatures sha ll include free-field soil strains modified for soi l-pile st
ructure inlcrnction couplcd wil h pier or pi le deformati ons induced oy l<llenl
l pier or pile res istance to st ru cture seismic forces. Concrcte piers or pile
s Oil soil type Sf: or S" sites, <IS determ ined in Secti on 20RA.l. shall he de
s igned and delailed ill ~Icco rdance with Sections 410
At least o n c~h a lr the vo lullletri c ratio requ ired hy Eq. 4~1 sh;lI ! he p
rovided below t!w upper 6 III or the pi le. The pile cap co nnection hy mea ns o
f dowels. Pile cap connect ion by meall.'i or developi ng pile. reinforcin g str
and is pe rmilled provided lhat th e pik reinforcing strand rC"wlts in a duclile
Association of Structural Enqlneers of the PhilipPInes

CHAPTER 3 - General & Excavalioll and Fills

3 21
Ihe total pile length in Ihe soil is 10.5 III or less, the
but nOl less than:
transverse rei nfo rcement in the ductile region shaH Ouough tile length of the
pile. Where the pile length 10.5 m. rhe ductile pile region shall be taken as gr
eater of 10.5 In or the distance from th e underside of pile cap to the point of
zero cu rvature plus three :' times the least pile dimension.
; In the ductile region, the center- io-ccillcr spacing of th e
=O. 1 2Sh,(.L)[~+ lA P] f,. 2 f,A,
= S 483 MPa
spirals or hoop reinforcement shall not exceed olle-fifth . of tJle least pile d
imcllsiOIl, six times the diallleter of the
longitudinal strand, or 2(Xl mill, whichever is smaller.
" Circular spiral rcinforcClllcnl shall be spliced by lapping one full tum and b
ending the end of the spiral to a 90degree hook or by usc of a mechanical or wel
ded splice. Where lhe transverse reinforcement consists of circular spirals, the
volumetl;c ratio of spiral transverse reinforcemel1l in the ductile region shal
l comply willl the following:
dimension of pile core measured center LO ce nter of hoop reinforcement, mm '= S
pacing of transverse reinforcement measu red . along length of pile. mm = Axial
load, N :: Cross~sec tional area of tran sverse reinforcement,
:= Cross~seclional

:: Gross area of pi le. 111m2 Specifi ed compressive strength of concrete, MPa

=O. 1 2.L.(~ - I )[~ - 1.41']
A,, ,
The hoops and cross ties shaH be equi valent to defonned bars not less than IOmm
ill size. Rectangular hoop ends shall terminate at a comer with seismic hooks.
Outside of the length of the pile requiring transverse confinement reinforcing,
th c spiral or hoop reinforcing with a volumctric rati o not less than one half o
f that required for transversc confinement reinforcing shall be provided .
306.6 Cast-In-Place Concrete Foundations
but not less than :
and need nO[ exceed:
p, = 0.021
(308.5 .4)
where: A" "" Pile crosssct"tional area, mm Ad = Core area defined by spiral outsi
de diameter, m lll ~
f c = Specifi ed compressive stre ngt h of concrelc, MPa
hh = Yield strength of spira! rc.inforce ment :s; 586 MP.I I' = Axial load on pi
le, kN
Volumetric ratio (volumc of spiral! volume of core)
This required amou nt of spiral reinforcemellt is pcrmitled to be obtained by pr
o viding an inner and outer spi ral. When transverse reinforce melll consists of
recta ngular hoops and cross tics, th e total c['()ss ~ sccti ()Jlal are a of l
ateral transverse rcinforccmcill in the ducti le region with spacings, Jnd perpc
ndicular 10 dimension, he. shill! confonn 10:
Where a stJUcture is assigned to Scismic Zone 4, a minimum longitudinal reinforc
ement ratio of 0.005 shall be provided for uncased cast~ in~place drilled or aug
ered concrete piles, piers or caissons in the top o ne~half of the pile lengt h
a minimum length of 3 In below ground or lhroughout the flexural length of the p
ile, whichever length is greatest. The Oexurallength shall be taken as the lengt
h of the pile to a point where the concrete section cracking moment strength mul
tiplied by 0.4 exceeds the requ ired mo me nt strcngth at lhal po int. There sha
ll be a minimulll of four longitudinal bars with transverse confinement reinforc
em ent provided in the pile within three tillles th e least pile dimension of th
e bottom of the pile cap. A transverse spi ral reinforcement rat.io of not less
than onehalf of that required in Section 410 for ot her than Soi l Profi le Type

S" SF or as determined in Section 208.4.3 or liquefiable sites is permitted. Tie

spaci ng throu ghou t Ihe remainder of the concrete section shall neither exceed
1 2~ longiludinal~bar diameters, o ne~half the least dimension of the sec ti on
, nor 300 mm. Ties shall be a min imum of 10 fIllll bars for piles with it least
dimcnsion lip to 500 n1m , and! 2 111m bars for larger piles.
N;:llional Structural CorJe of tile Philippines
(, !II
Edition Vol ume 1

CHA PTE li 3 - General & Excaval ion and Fills
309.1 Special Foundation Systems
Special foundation sys tems or materials other than specified in (he fore goi ng
Sections may be introduced provided thai such syslems can be supported by caic
ul:ltions and theory to be providi ng safe foundati on sohtlions and when approv
ed by the engineer-o f-reco rd. The special foundati ons solutions for incorpora
ti on into the foundation should have proven track record of successful usage in
similar applications.
309.2 Acceptance and Approval
Structure support on improved ground using such spec ial systems or proprietary
system s may be approved s ubject to su bmittal of calculations and other proof
of acceptance
and usage.
309.3 Specific Applications
Specialty foundation systems may be applied or used specifically to address any
or combinations of the improveme nt, soil following: beari ng ca paci ty liquefa
ct ion mitigati on, slope stabilit y enhancement. control and/or acceleration of
consolidation settlements or immediate settlements, increa<;c in soi l shear st
rength and capacity. sliding resistance. increased pull o ut or overt urning cap
acity. special anchors in soil and rock and other beneficial effects. COnlrolled
low strength materi als (CLSM) 10 reduce fill loads may be allowed for use wher
e ap plicable_
Associ8tion of Structura l Engineers of tile Philippines

NSCP C10110
Associa ti on of Structural E nginee r s of th e Philippines
Suite 7 13, F uture Poin t Plaza Co nd omiuiulll I 11 2 Pana), Ave nu e, Q uezo
n C ity, Phil ipp ines 11 00 Tel. No : (+632) 4 10-04H.I Fax No.: (+632) 411-860
6 ElIl a il: ;tscponlinc(ci,lglllilil .com Weusitc : ht tp ://www.asCI}Onli nc.o
Nationa l S tructur;:i! Code of the Philippines
6! h
Edition Volume 1

CHAPTI'J14 . Concrete
4 '
Table of Contents
401 GENERAL ....................................................................
.............................................................................. 7
....... ..... ..... ........ ...................................................
......................................................................... 7
.2 Scope .... ....................... ................. .. ............... .....
........ .............. .. ........................................... .. ......
............. 7 402 DEFINITIONS ................................................
...... ..... ................................................. .................
............... 8 :.- .... -.~" 403 ~ SPECIFICATIONS FOR TESTS AND MATERIAI.S ..
............... ,............... ..................... ............... 13 .. ...
................ . .. 13 .... ............. Tests of Ma terials ........ .... ..
... ......... .. ........... .. ........................ ........ 13 Ccnlcnt...
.. .. ...... ... ....... .... .. ..... .. . 13 Aggregates .. .. ...............
........ ........................ ...... ............... .. .. 13 ........ .....
. .. ... 13 Water .. ....... .......... .... .... S teel Reinforcement.. ..... .
.... .... .... . ... ..... ... .. .. ............... 14 Admixtures ", ... ," ..
... ..... .... ... .. ... 15 Storage of Materials.. ............ ......... .....
.... .............. ............... .. ....... ....... 16 S tandards Cited in th
is Chapter ........................... ... ...... .. .......... ... ... .... . .
... ........ ..... .. .......... ........... 16 SECTION 404 . DURABILITY REQUIRE
MENTS ...... .......................................................... ........
............................... 18 ............... . ......... . ... .... ......
............... 18 404.2 Definitions ... .. ... ................. .. ...........
. .. .... .. ... .. ....... ... 18 ... 19 404.3 Genera l . .....................
. ......................... ........................... ........ 404.4 Exposu re
Categories and Classes. .. ...... .... .. .. .. 19 404 .5 Special Exposure Co n
di tions. ....... .............. ........ ........ .............. . .. .. ......
.............. 19 404.6 RcquiremcllI s for Concrete Mixtures .. :. .............
............... ..... ... . .... ............. .. 19 . ... 19 404.7 Alternati ve
CemelHitious Materials for Sulphate Exposure. .. 404.8 Water-Cem en titi ous Ma
terials Ratio .... ..... .. ...... ". . . ..... 19 404.9 Corrosion Protection o
f Re inforce ment .. ................ ........... . ............................
... 19 SECTION 405 ~ CONCRETE QUALITY, MIXING AND PLA CIN G ....................
................................................... 21 405.1 Notations.. .... ..
.. ... .... .. .. .... .. ... ...... . . .... .. ... ... .... 2 1 405.2 Geo eral
........ .. .. .. ....... 21 405.3 Selection of Concrete Proportions .. ... ..
............ ..... ............... ... 21 405.4 Propollio ning on the Basis of F
ield Experience and Tri .d Mixtures. or Both. .. ..... ... .... . ...... 22 405.
5 Proportioning without Field Experience or Tri al Mixtures .. .... 23 405.6 Ave
rage Strength Reducti on .. .......... .... .. .............. .... .... ..... 23
405.7 Evaluat ion and Acceptance of Concrete ... . ......... 23 405.8 Prepa rat
ion of Equipmcill and Place of Deposit ................. . .. 25 405.9 Mixin g.
.. ...... .... ... . .... .... .... .. .... 25 ........................ .. .....
. 25 405. 10 Conveying ................... ................ ...26 405. 11 Deposi
ting ............... ............ .. ..... .... ........ .... .. ... 26 405.12
Curing.. 4.05.13 Hot Weather Requirements. ............ .. .... ................
... .... .... ....... . . .. .. 26 SECTION 406 . FORMWORK, EMBEDDED PIPES AND C
ONSTRUCTION JOINTS ..................................... 26 .... .......... .. .
. .. ..... 27 406. 1 Design of Forrmvo rk .... ............................ 406.
2 Removal of Forms, Shores and Re sllOring .... .. 27 406.3 Conduils and Pi pes
E.mbcddcd in Concrete. ................ ......... .. 27 ...... .. ...... .......
....... ... ..... ......... .. ..... . ... 28 406.4 Construction Joi nts ......
... ... ......... SECTION 407 . DETAILS Oil REINFOR CEMENT .................. ..
. ........... ......... .................... ............................... ...

. .... 28 407.1 Notations.. . ...... 29 407.2 Stil ildard 'Iooks.. .. ...........

... ..... . .. . ...... .. 29 407.3 Minimum Bend Di,llllctcrs..... .............
... . .... 29 407.4 Bendin g of Reinforcement. . . .. 29 407.5 Su rfa ce Conditi
o ns of Reinforcement. . . ... ... . 29 407.6 Placing Rcinfo rcemcnt.. ...... ..
.... .... ...... .................... . 29 407.7 S pacing Limils for Re inforcc
mcIlL.. . .... 30 407.8 Co ncrete Protection for Reinforce mellt .. 3 1 407.9 S
pecial H. cinforccment Details for Col um ns ...... ... 32 407. 10 Connections .
... ... ...... .. .... . .. J:\

CHAI'lTI14 . Concrete
407.11 Lateral Reinforcement for Compression Members ...... . 407.12 Lateral Rei
nforcement for Flexural Members .. . 407.1 J Shrinkage and Temperature Reinforce
ment ..................... . 407.14 Requirements for Structural Integrity ......
................................... .. SECTION 408 - ANALYSIS AND DESIGN-GENERAL
CONSIDERATIONS ....................................... , ......... j8 408, I No
tations .. 408.2 Design Methods" 38 408.3 Loading.. ............................
...... . 3R 408.4 Methods of Analysis. .........................................
........................... ............. . 408.5 Redistribution of Negative Mom
ents in Continuous Nonprcstressed Flexural ivicmbers 408.6 Modulus of Elasticity
" " .. ,... ,.. ,... "."." .. ,." () ,.. "", .... "".",, .. ,. "" .. ,.. "."",.,
,. ,." .. "., .. " 408,7 Lightweight Concrete 408.8 Stiffness . 408.9 Effective
Stiffness [0 Determine Lateral Deflections .... 408.10 Span Length ... ,.,." ..
,.. ". 408, II Columns ,. ,."" ... " ......... " .. ,.,. ,.,., .. ,.".,." .. , .
"" .. ,.. " .. ,."."" ..... . 408.12 AITangement of Live Load 408.13 T-beam Cons
truction ................................................. . 408.14 Joist Constl
1lction .. 408.15 Separate Floor Finish.. ......................................
.................................. ,., -12 409.1 Notations .. /. . 409.2 General.
. 409.3 Required Strength. , 409.4 Design Strength" 409.5 Design Strength for Re
inforcement ................................ . 409.6 Control of Deflections .. S
ECTION 410 FLEXURE AND AXIAL LOADS .............................................
.................................. . ................ . .. 10 410.! Notations ..
..................................................................... . 410.2 Sc
ope .. . ............. ..Ii <) 410.3 Design Assumptions. . . .'.1 (i 410.4 Gener
al Principles and Requircmcnts .. . ,... 49 410.5 Distance between Lateral Suppo
ns of Flexural Members. ............ ... ,50 410.6 Minimum Reinforcement of Flex
ural Members. ........ ,........... 50 410.7 Distrihution of Flexural Reinforcem
ent in Beams and One-way Slabs. .. ............ so 41 O.S Deep Beams, . . S) 410
.9 Design Dimensions for Compression Members .. 410.10 Limits for Reinforcement
of Compression Members .. . ............ . .............. :)i 410.11 Slenderness
Effects in Compression Members.. ....................... .. . ,.. , .. " " .. ,
." .. ,.. " .. ""." .. ,., .... " .. ," 410.12 Magnified Moments .. " .. " .. "
... " 410. I 3 Moment Magnification Procedure - Nonsway .......................
....... . 4 J 0.14 Moment Magnification Procedure - Sway .......................
................... .. 410.! 5 Axially Loaded Members Suppo[1ing Slab System. .
................ . 410.16 Transmission of Column Loads through Floor System ....
............................. .. .. 4! O. J 7 Composite Compression Members.. .
............ . 4 It}. ! 8 Beari ng Strength ..................... . SECTION 411
- SHEAR AND TORSION ............................................................
..................................... . 41 1.1 Notations .. SI 41 1.2 Shear Stre
ngth., 41 J.3 Lightweight Concrete .. 41 1.4 Shear Strength Provided by Concrete
for Nonprestressed Members 4! 1.5 Shear Strength Provided by Concrete for Prest
ressed Members ..... 411.6 Shear Strength Provided by Shear Reinforcement .. 4 J
1.7 Design for Torsion. ..\, 41 !.8 Shear ~ Friction. 4! !.9 Deep Beams. ......
............... 65
Association of Structural Engineers of tile Philippines

CHAPT ER 4 . Concrete
41 LID Pro visions for Brac kelS and Corbels... ........ .......................
..................... ....... ......... .................. ........ 65 41 Lll Pr
ovisions for Walls ............................................... ........... .
....... .............. .......................... . .. .........................
66 41 Ll2 Transfer of Moments to Columns.. ......... .... .. .. ....... ..... .
. ....... .. ... ...... ..................... .. ......... .....................
...... 67 41 Ll3 Provisions for Slabs and Footings ........ ................ ...
.................................................. 70 412.1 Notations...........
................... .. ............................ .... ..... ........ ... ....
............ .. .. . ... ...... ... 70 412.2 Development of Reinforcemcl1l - Ge
neral......... ... 71 412.3 DevelopmclII of Defonned Bars and Deformed Wi. ~~ in
Tension................ . ............. ,... ... ....... ......... ........ 7 1
41 2.4 Development of Defonned Bars in Compression. ...........................
.... "............. .... ... ... ..... ,... 72 412.5 Development of Bundled Bars
.:.......................... .. ......... ........................... ..........
........ ........................... ............ 72 ...........................
............................. .72 412.6 Development of Standard Hooks in Tension
........ 412.7 Development of Headed and Mechanically Anc ho red [ 'cfofmcd Bar
s in Tension ..... ....... 73 412.8 Development of 'Welded Deformed Wire Reinfor
cer. l ~nt in Tension .... .... .. ... ..... ".... ... ........ ....... .... . .
. .. 73 412.9 Development of Welded Plain Wire Reinforcemenl il Tension..... ...
... ... ....... .. ............ ...... ............ ......... .... 73 412.10 Dev
elopment of PreSlressi ng Strand ................. ............. ...............
....................................... .............................. .........
. 74 412.1 I Development of flexu ral Reinforcement - GeneraL.... .. ..... ,....
................ ........... ...... " .. ....... ............. .............. ..
..... ...... 74 .......................................... ......... ...........
............ ........ ............ 74 412.1 2 De velopment of Positi ve Moment R
einforcemenl... .. 412.13 Development of Negative Moment Rei nforcement ..... ..
................ ..... .. .. ................ . ... ...... 75 412.14 Development
of Web Rein force ment ........... ....... ... ...... ............ ...... ....
........ ................... .. 75 4 12. 15 Splices of Reinforcement - General..
.................... ..... ................ .... .. ..... ...... ........... ...
76 ...... .. 76 412.16 Spl ices of Deformed Bars and Defomled Wire in Tensi \11.
..... ........... .......... ...................... 412.17 Splices of Deformed B
ars in Compression .... .... ................ ................. . ..............
.......................................................... 77 412.1 8 Special Sp
li ces Requirements fo r Columns .... ..... ....................................
......... ... ........................................ .. ......... .... 77 412.
19 Splices of Welded Deformed Wire Reinforcement in Tens '0"-. ........... .. ..
.......... .. ................................................ ........ 77 412.2
0 Splices of Welded Plain Wire Reinforcement in Tension .... ....... ........ ..
....... ............... ..................... 78 SECTION 413 - TWO-WAY SLAB SYST
EMS ............................................................................
...................................... 78 ......... .............. .. .. .......
........ ..... ... ....... .......... .... .. 78 413.1 Notat ions ....... ......
....... ..... .......................................................... 79 413.
2 Scope .......................................... .............................
.......... .... . 413.3 Definitions ... ........... .... ........ .............
................ ................... .. .. ................. .... ..............

.......... 79 413.4 Slab Reinforcement .... ... .. ...................... ......

................... ... ... ............ .............. ....... ........ . .....
......... . ........ 79 .............. ....... ....... .. .. ...................
........................................................... 8 1 413 .5 Openings
in Slab Systems ........ .............. .................... ..... .............
...... .. ..... ....... 82 413.6 Design Proced ures ..... 413.7 Direcl Design Me
thod.... .................... ........ ..... .. .. .. ........ 82 413.8 Equivalc
l1I Frame Method . .................... ............................ ...... . ..
.. 85 SECTION 414 - WALLS ............. .................. .....................
..................... ........................... ..............................
...................... 86 414.1 Notations ........... .... .... ................
.............. ... ........... .... .... ........... 87 414.2 Scope ....... ....
.......... ....... .... ................................ ..... ............. ...
....................... .... 87 414.3 General .... .. ... ........ . ...........
.. ...... . ...... ........ ...... ............... ....... .............. ......
.. 87 . 414.4 Minimum Rcinforcemcnt...... .. ...... ....... .... ...............
... .. .... ....... .. . 87 414.5 Walls Design as Compression Members. .. .. ...
. .... ... ................ .. ... 88 .................... ........ ............
.................. 88 414.6 Empirical Design Method ............. ... ..........
............................... ... 414.7 Non-Bearing Walls. ............. .. ..
...... .............................. ... ................. ............. ......
..................... ... ......... 88 414.8 Walls as Grade Beams ........... ..
..... .............. ........ ........ ........ ..... .. .......... ... .. .....
... ............ .... ... .......... ...... .. .................... 89 414.9 Alt
emale Design of Slender Walls .......................... ... ...................
......... ... ................... ....................................... ......
.. 89 SECTION 415 - FOOTINGS ...................................................
....................... .. . ...................................................
................. 89 415.1 Notalions. .... .......... ...... ... ...... ........
... .... ..... ..... ..... .... .............. . .. .................. .. ...90
415.2 Scope ... ....... .. ... ................ .......... .... ...... ..... ...
........ ................ ... .... ........... .. ........... 90 4 t5.3l/},;<is
and Reactions....... .. ....... .......... .....................................
.. ......... ........................ .... ()O 4l5.4 Footings Su pporting Circu
lar o r Regular Polygon-S haped Columns or PCl.k.. als ..... . .............. ..
............. -:"0 415 .5 MOJllent in Footi ngs ...............................
. ,.......................... ..... ............. ....... ......................
..... .......... ....... ,.. 90 .................. .......... .... .............
.......... 90 415.6 Shear in Footings......................... ............... 4
15.7 Development of Reinforcement in Footings ...... ... ............. .. .. ..
.... ,,' 9 1 415.8 Minimum Footi ng Depth ...... ..... ...... ......... . .. ...
.... 91 415.9 Transfer of Force al Base of Column, Wall or Reinforcement Pedesta
l .. ............ . .......... ..... ................ ......... 91 415. 10 Slope
d or Stepped Footings ..... ...................... ........................... .
...... 92 ................................. ... .................... .... ......
. 92 415 . 11 Combi ned Footi ngs and Mats
Nationa! Structural Code of the Philippi ne s 6 Edition Vo lu; !" ~ 1

CHAPTEH 4 - Concrete
................... _ .................... _............ ... .. .... 92 415.12 P
lain Concrete Pedestals and Footings ...................... . SECTION 416 -PRECA
ST CONCRETE .................................... _ .. ..........................
.......................................................... 92 416. i Notal ioTls
........ . .. _ ..... _ .... __ ............. .. ..............................
......... -- .... -.......... 92 .. .. _ .......... _.............. ...92 416.2
Scope_ .... _ ............................ _ ...................................
........ _ .. .. ........ _ .............. 92 416.3 General ....................
4 ) 6.4 Distribution of Forces among Members ........................... .
.. ...... ..... ....... _ .. _ ...... 92
............ .. ... 93 .. ......... ........... 93 _.. _93 ...... _.............
... . ............. 94 416.8 Items Embcdue '[ \ncr Concrete Placement ..........
..... . 416.9 Ma rking aud Ide ntification................ ............... .....
................................................................. ....... ... ..
...... 94 4 16.10 I-Iandling ... __ ... _ .. _ ... _ ......... ...... _ .. _ ..
___ ......... _.......... .... ........ ..... _ .. __ ...... .... _ .. _._ ... _
......................... .... _ .... _ ...... _ .... _ ..... 94 416.1 J Streng
th Evaluation of Precast Construction ..... _ ................ ..... ,..........
... ................. .......... ................ ... ........................ 9
4 SECTION 41 7 - COMPOSITE CONCRETE FLEXURAL Mi;, ..\!8ERS .....................
... ................................................... 95 417_1 Nota tions. ..
.... _.... .. . .. ........... _ ...............................................
......................... _................ 95 417.2 Scope.. ..... ........ ....
...... .. ... ........... _ .................................... _ ........... _
.............. 95 4 17. 3 General .... _ .. _.... ...... ............ ...... ..
........ .. .. _.......... .. .. ...... 95 ................... .. ........ _ ...
.. _ .......... __ ...... _ ....... _ ............ _ ............... _ ........
_ .. _ ........... 95 417.4 Shoring.. .............. 417_5 Yenieal Shear Strengt
h ................... ...................... .. ... _ .. _ ...... _ ........ ...
................. _ ......... _ .................................... 95 4 ) 7_6
Hori zontal Shear Strength ..... ................ ........... ....... .. .......
.. .. ............................................................. ............
....... 95 417_7 Ties for Horizontal Shear .......... .. _ .................. _
.. _ ........... _ .. _ .. ___ ............ _ ........................ _ .......
.......... _ .. _96 SECTION 418 - PR ESTRESSED CON C RETE .................. ...
....... ........................................................................
................ 97 418_1 Notations ............................ _....... . ....
................................................... .. ................ _ ......
...... 97 4 18_2 Scope ...... .. _ .... _ .. _ ..................... _.. .... ..
.... ....... .. .... _.... ..... .. ....... 97 418 .3 Gene ral ............ _...
........ .. .. ........ ... _.......... ........ .... .... ........... .. .. ...
....... .. .. .... .... 97 ..................... _.... 98 418.4 Design Assumpti
ons .. ................... . _ ...................... 98 418.5 Permissible Stres
ses ill COllcrc lc - Flexural Members ............ _ .. _ ..... __ ._ .. _ .....
____ .. ___ .. _ .......... .. __ ............ __ ...... ___ .... _ .. _ .. ___
99 418.6 Permissible Stress in Prestressi ng Tendons ............... . _ .. ...
... .. .. .. __ .................... 99 418_7 Loss of Prestress ...... _ ......
_ ........ _ ................. .. .. ......................... ............ 99 4
18 .7.2 friction Loss in Post-Tensioning Tendons ... 100 418.8 Flexural Strengt
h ...... _ .................. _ ...... 100 418.9 Limits for Reinforcc mcnt of Fl
ex ural Members .... .100 4 18.1 0 Minim um Bonded Reinforcemcnt 4 I 8. II Stat
ically Jnc.kl cl"minatc S tructures ..... .... .............. .... ....... .....
........ ............. 101 418.12 Compression Members - Com bined Fl ex ural iH

' .. i Axial Loads . .... 101 4 18_13 Slab Systems: ...... .. _ ................
..... _ ...... ............ ____ ................. _ .... _ ....................
.......... 102 4 18. 14 Post -Tensioned Tendon An chorage Zones. ...............
.... .. .................. 103 4 I 8.15 Design of Anchorngc Zones for Monoslra n
d ( Jr Single 16 I11Ill Diamcter Bar Tendons ........... ...... ........... ....
...... ........ 104 4 18.16 Design of Anchorage Zones for Mullislr:HH!,' J T L'
ndons ..........................................................................
...... 104 418.1 7 Corrosion Protection for Unboudcd Prc ~ll ~' .sing Tendons. .
. .......................................... .. ............. ......... . 105 4
18.18 Post-Tensio ning Ducts.. .. .. _ .. __ ..... .. .. __ .. __ ........ . 10
5 418.! 9 Grou t for Bonded Prcstressing Tendon .......... .... .............. ..
... .......... ... 105 4 18.20 Protcction for Prestrcssing Steel ..... ... ....
..... .. ...................... 105 4 18.21 Applicat ion and Measurement of Prc"
t .:ssing Forec........ . ......................................................
....................... 105 4 18.22 Post-Tensioning Anchorages ,mel COl!. tiers
......... ................. . ......... .......... .................... .... ...
........... ................ 106 4 ! 8.23 External Pust Tensioning .. ..........
.... ............................. ... . .............. ...... .......... 109 SE
CTION 419 - SHELLS AND FOLDED PLATE MEMHERS .......... .............. .. ......
__ .............. " .. __ .... .. .......................... 109 419. 1 Notatio n
s .... ......... ... .................... 109 4 19.2 Scope And Definit ions ....
.............. . ................... 109 419.1 Analysis and Design. ......... ..
..... . ... J 10 4 19.4 Design strength ()f Materials.. .110 419.5 Shell Rci nfo
rcemcIlL .... . .... ....... .... .............. .... .......... ...............
....... ......... 110 4 19.6 Construction ...... . ..... ......... .............
...... .................................... 11 1 SECTIO N 420 - STI!ENGTH EY ..I
I .UATION OF EX ISTING STlWCTURES .............. ...............................
......... __ ..... 112 420_1 Notations.... __ .. _ ........ ___ __ __ .. ___ ..
__ _ __ ____ ......... __ .. __ .. __ .... _ .... ___ ..... 112 420.2 Strength E
v,liulitiollGencral ........... __ ........ ... ..... ..... ................. ...
.. ................. 11 2 416_5 Member Design ..................... ..
416.6 Structural Int egrit y .. 4 J 6.7 Con llection and Bearing Design

CHAPTEli 4" Concreto

420.3 Determination of Required Dimensions and Material PropcI1ics ...... ......
............ .............. .. .... 112 420A Load Test Procedure. ..............
......................... ................... .112 420.5 Loading Criteria .....
............... ........................ ... 113 420.6 Acceptance Criteria .....
....... .......... ............... ...... . .......... ............... .........
............. 113 420.7 Provisions for Lower Load Rating.. ....... . ...........
... . ...... 113 420.8 Safety ............................ .............. ......
........... ....... ..... . ......................... 113
SECTION 421 - EARTHQUAKE RESISTANT STRUCTURES ..................................
.................................................. II3 421.1 Notations.. ......
...... .............. ........ . . ............ .............. ..... .. ... 114
421.2 Definitions. ...................................... ......... ..... ......
............... .. ... 115 421.3 Genera! Requirements. . .... 116 421.3.0 Mechan
ical Splices in Special Moment Frames and Special Structural Walls .............
...... .. ............... ".. II? 42 J.4 Intermediate Precast StI1lc(ural WaJls
..................................... . ............ .. ..................... I
J 8 421.5 Flexural Members of Special Moment Frames.. ...... J J 8 421.6 Special
Moment Frame Subjected to Bending and Axial Load ............... . ............
......... . . I !9 421.7 Joints of Special Moment Frames ..................... .
.121 ... ............................. .. .. 122 421.8 Special Reinforced Concre
te Structural Walts and Coupling Beams 421.9 Stmcturai Diaphragms and Trusses ..
............... ..... .......... ...... . 125 421.10 Foundations ...............
.. ....................... .. ......... 127 421.11 Members not Designated as P;:
U1 of the Seismic~Force~Resisting System.. . ............... .. ........... 128
421.12 Requirements for Intermediate Moment Frames, Seismic Zone 2. ............
......... ........ 129 421.13 Special Moment Frames Using Precast Concrete.. . 1
30 421.14 Ordinary Momcll! Frames.. ............................. ..............
.................. ...................... .. ... J 31 421.15 Special Structural
Walls Constlllcted Using Precast Concrete. ........................... .. .... 1
31 SECTION 422 - STRUCTURAL PLAIN CONCRETE .....................................
................................................................ 132 422.1 Notat
ions.. ....................... .. .... 132 422.2 Scope.. ................ ......
........................ ... .............. ................... .. ...... 132 42
2.3 Limitations ........................................................ .. . ..
............. 132 422.4 Joints.. .. . 132 422.5 Design Method. .................
...................................... .. ........... 133 422.6 Strength Design
.... ........ . .................... . .. .......... .. . .. ... 133 422.7 Walls
....................................... .. ....... 134 .... 134 422.8 Footing .
....................................... . 422.9 Pedestals ......................
............................................................... .. . . .........
.. 135 422. JO Precast Members .................................................
..................... . . ............ 135 422.1 J Plain Concrete in EarthquakeResisting Structures. ................. 135 SECTION 423 - ANCHORAGE TO CONCRETE
.......................... 136 423. J Definitions.. ..................... .. ...
...... J 36 423.2 Scope. .. ............. 137 423.3 General Requirements. .. ..
....... . ........... ..... .. ........ ! 37 423.4 General Requirements for Stre
ngth of Anchors.. . ... 138 423.5 Design Requirements for Tensile Loading.. . ..
...... 139 426.6 Desing Requirements for Shear Loading.. .......... 141 423.7 In
teraction ofTensiie and Shear Forces.... .............. 143 423.8 Required Edge
Distances, Spacings, and Thickness to Preclude Splitting Failure.. .143 423.9 In
stallation of Anchors ................. .. ... ............... .. .. ..........
144 SECTION 424 - ALTERNATE DESIGN [I.1ETIIOI) .................................
...................................................... .................. 144 42
4.1 Notalions.. .... 144 424.2 Scope. .. .. ......... 145 424.3 General. .......
...... ........................................... . ............ .... .........

........ .. ... ........... .. .. 145 . ... 145 424.4 Permissible Service Load S
tresses .. 424.5 Development and Spliccs of Reinforcc1llcrll... ... 145 424.7 Co
mpression Members With or Without Flexure.. ..146 424.R Shear and Torsion.. .. 1
FLEXlJ RA LAND COM PRESSION [\oj EM BEllS .....................................
......................................................................... 148 42
5. I Scope. . .. 149
N;l!IOmll ~;!rllctlJr,cl) Code of the P!11lipPlnes
Edition Volume 1

CHAI'TEfi 4 Concrete
425.2 Redistribution of Negative Moments in Continuous Non-Prestressed Flexural
Members ................... ". .. ............. , 1,'19 SECTION 426 - ALTERNATIV
E LOAD AND STRENGTH REDUCTION FACTORS ..........................................
.... 150 SECTION 427 STRUT AND TIE MODELS ......................................
. 152 427.1 Definitions .............. . ................. ................ 152
427.2 Strut-andTie Model Design Procedure.. ........................ ...........
........................... ............................... .. ....... 157 427.3
Strength of Struts.. . . ... ..... ............. . ............................
157 427.4 Strength of Tie$.. ......... 158 ............. ........ .............
.................. .. ....... 159 427.5 Strength of Nodal Zones..
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPT ER 4 . Concrete
401.2.7 Concrete on Sleel form Deck
401.2.7.1 Design and constructi on of structural concrete
401.1 Nolalion
fe :;:: speci fled co rnprcssi ve strength of co ncrete, M Pa
slabs cast on stay-in-place. noncomposi te steel foml deck are governed by this
401.2.7.2 This chapter docs not govern th e co mposite design of structural conc
rete slabs cast on stay-ill-place, composite steel form dec k. Co ncre te used i
n the co nstruc tion of such slabs shall be governed by Sec tions 40 I 406 of .h
is chap'cr, where appli ca ble. Porti ons of
40).2 Scope
401.2.1 Thi s dwptcr prov ides minimum req uirement s for the design Clnd cons t
ruc tion of structural concrete clements
of any building .or othe r structure under requirements of the
suc h slabs designed as re inforced co ncrete are govern ed by
.his Chapter.
Na.ional Building Code of .he Philippines of which .his Secti on of the National
Structural Code of the Philippines, Volume I. forms a part of. This section als
o covers the
strength eva lu ati on o f existing concrete stru ctures. For structural concret
401.2.8 Special Provisions for Earthquake Resistance 401.2.8.) In regions of mod
era.e (seismic Zone 2) o r high seismic risk (seismi c Zone 4). provisions of Se
ction 421 shall be s isfied . Sec Sec.ion 421.3.1.
401.2.9 This chaptcr does not constructi on of tank s and reservo irs. govern
cle sign
No maxi mum value of Ie shall apply unl ess restricted by a
r. shall not be less than 17 MPa.
speci fi c code pro vision.
401.2.2 Thi s chapt er shall govern in all matters pertaining to the design, co
nst ru cti on, and materi al properties of slmclUm] conc rete clements wherever
this chapter is in
con m e t with req uirements contained in oth er stnndard s
referen ced in this chapter.
401.2.3 Design and construction of one- and two-family dwellings a nd multi ple
s ingle-family dwellings (townhouses) and the ir accessory struclU res will be c

ove red by provisions of the National StruclUral Code of the Philippines, Volume
III . Housing.
Guidance on design and construction of concrete tanks and reservoir shall be obt
ained frolll the American Concrete IIlS!i.u.e ACI 3500 I or ACI 35006 "Code Requir
ements fo r Ell virollmenw{ Engin eering Concre te Slru cru res" unless suffi ci
ent supponin g ev id ence can be obta ined from
recogni zed literat ure.
401.2.4 For unu sua l structu res, sllch as arches. tanks ,
reservoirs, bills and silos, blast-resistan t st ructures . and
chimneys, provisio ns of thi s chapter sh~1I govern where
applicable. See also 422.2 .3.
401.2.5 Thi s chapter does not govern design alld installat ion of portions of C
Oncrete piles and drilled pi e rs embedded in ground except for stm cllJrcs in r
egions of hi gh seismic risk
OJ' assigned to hi gh seismic performance or design ca tego rie s. Sec Sec ti on
421.10.4 fo r require me nts for co ncrete piles, drill ed piers. and caissons
in stru ctures in regions o f hi g h scismic ri sk or ~Issig nc d to high sc is'
mic performan cc or des ign Gl tcgorics ..
401.2.6 Thi s ch apt e r docs not govern design and construction o f soi l slIpP
or1cd slabs , unless lhe slab transm it!>. vcnical l o~ds from other portions of
the structllre to thl! soil.
Nation ;:ll Slruc.:tlJl"li Code o f th e Pt1itippines GIl> Edition Votunw 1

CHAPTU14 ' Concrete
The foHowing terms are defined for general usc in this
chapter. sections. Specialized definitions appear in individual
wires, or single bars larger than 16 mil) diameter, that satisfies Section 418.2
2.1 and the bearing stress and minimum plate stiffness requirements of AASHTO St
andard Spec(fic(lfiof!s Jor Highway Bridges, 17'" l:-eJitioJl, 2002, Division I,
Seclions through,4,
BONDED TENDON is a prestressing tendon that is bonded concrete either directly o
r through grouting.
ADMIXTURE is material other than water, aggregate, or
hydraulic cement used as an ingredient of concrete and
added to concrete before or during its mixing to modify its propcl1ics.
AGGREGATE is granular material, slIch as snnd, gravel, crushed stone and iron bl
ast-furnace slag, and when used
with a cementing medium forms a hydraulic cement concrete or mortar.
AGGREGATE, LIGHTWEIGHT is aggregate with a dry, loose weight of ! 120 kg/nY' or
BOUNDARY ELEMENT is that portion along stltldural wall and structural diaphragm
edge strengthened by longitudinal and transverse reinforcement. Boundary clement
s do not necessarily require increase in the thickness of wall or diaphragm. Edg
es of opening within walls and diaphragms shall be provided with boundary elemen
ts as required by Section 421,8.6.2 or 421.9.7,5, Sec Section 421.
CEMENTlTlOUS MATERIALS arc materials as specified in Scction 403 which have cemc
nting value when used in concrete either by themselves, such as pOitland celllen
t, blended hydraulic cements and expansive cemem, or such materials in combinati
on with fly ash, raw or other calcined natural pozzolans, silica fume, or ground
granulated blast-furnacc slag. COLLECTOR ELEMENT is an elemenl that acts in axi
al tension or compression to transmit earthquake-induced forces between a struct
ural diaphragm and a vertical clement of the seismic-force-resisting system. See
AIR-DRY WEIGHT is the unit weight of a lightweight concrete specimen cured for s
even days with neither loss nor gain of moisture at 15 C to 2r C and dried for 2
I days in 50 7 percent relative humidity at 23<1 C 1.1 () C.
ANCHORAGE DEVICE IN POSTTENSIONING is a device used to anchor tendons to concrete
member; in prctensioning, a device used to anchor tendons during hardening of c
oncrete. ANCHORAGE ZONE IN POSTTENSIONED MEMBERS is the portion of the member thr
ough which the concentratcd prestressing force is transferred to the concrete an
d distributed more uniformly across the section. Its extent is equal to the larg
est dimcnsion of the cross section. For intcrmediate anchorage devices, the anch
orage zone includes the disturbed regions ahead of and behind the anchorage devi
ces. BASE OF STRUCTURE is Ihal Icvel at which Ihe horizontal earthquake ground m
otions arc .assurlled to be imparted to a building. This Jevel docs not necessar
ily coincide with the ground level. Sec Section 421. BASIC MONOSTRAND ANCHORAGE
DEVICE is an anchorage device used \vith ;lIlY single strand or a sin,glC' 16 I1
1Ill or smaller diameter bar that satisfies Scction 41 B.22.1 and the anchorage

device requirements of the PostTensioning Institu(e's "Speciflcatio/l fo/' UlI/)

OIl(/e(/ Single
.)', /'(111(/ Tel/(/olls ".
COLUMN is a mcmber with a ratio of height-to-Ieastlateral dimcnsion of 3 or grea
tcr used primarily to support axial compressive load. For a tapered mcmber, the
least lateral dimension is thc average the top and bottom dimensions of the smal
ler side.
COMPOSITE CONCRETE FLEXURAL MEMBERS arc concrete flexural members of precast and
cast-in-place concrete clements, or both, constructed in separate placements bu
t so interconnected that all clements respond to loads as a unit. COMPRESSIONCONT
ROLLED SECTION is a cross section in which the net tensile strain in the cxtreme
tcnsiOll steel at nominal strength is less than or equal to the c()lllprcssion"
colltrollcd strain limit. COMPRESSIONCONTROLLED STRAIN LIMIT is the net tensile s
train at balanced strain conditions. Sec Section 4 J 0.4.3.
BASIC MULTlSTRAND ANCHORAGE DEVICE IS an anchorage device used with multiple str
ands. hal'S or
CONCHETE is a ll1ixture of portland cement or any other hydraulic CClllellt, lin
e aggregate, coarse aggregate (tIle! watcr, with or without admixtures.
!\ssocinIIOI\ of
:~)tnlClllI ' ;ll r:nCJllw~r;Is
th('~ Philippin(?~,

CHAPTER 4 . Concrele
. CONCRETE, NOIlMALWEIGHT is concrete containing only nggregate Ihat co nforms t
o ASTM C33. . CONCRETE, SAND-LIGHTWEIGHT is lightweiglll concrclc cOiliaining on
ly norm al weight aggregate IhaL confonns to ASTM C33 and only lighlweighl aggre
(j',) is the compressive strength of concrete used in design and evaluated in a
ccordance with provisions of Section 405 in MPa. Whenever the quantity f, is und
er a radica l sign, square root of numerical val ue only is intended, and resuh
has units of MPa. CONCIlETE, STRUCTURAL LIGHTWEIGHT is concrete containing light
weight aggregate that conforms to " Section 403.4 and has an air-dry unit weight
as determined by "Test Method for Ullit Weight of Smlclurai Lightweight COllcre
te" (ASTM C 567) not exceeding 1840 kg/nI'. In this code, a li ghtwe ight concre
te containi ng on ly li ght we ight coarse and fine aggregates that co nform to
ASTM C330 is termed "concrete, all-lightweight ", and lightweight co ncrete cont
ainin g li ghtweight aggregate and an equilibrium density, as determined by ASTM
C567, betwee n 1440 kg/m) and 1840 kg/m3, is termed "concrete, Ji gh twcight."
CONNECTION is a region that joins two o r more Secti on 421, a con nection also
refers to a regio n that joins members of which one or more is precast, for whi
ch the following more specific defini ti ons apply:
hooks with at least six-diameter extension at the other end . The hooks shall en
gage peripheral longiludinal bars. TI,e 90-degrce hooks of two successi ve cross
lies engaging the same longitudinal bars shall be alternated end for end. See Se
ctions 407,421. CU Il V ATURE FRICTION is friction resulting from bends or curve
s in the spccifi ed prestrcssing tendon profile. DEFORlVlED REIN FO R CEMENTS ar
e deformed reinforcing bars, bar and rod mats, de(c'nned wire. welded smooth wir
e fabric and welded deformed wire fabric conforming 10 Section 403.6.3. DESIGN D
ISPLACEMENT is the total lateral displacement expected for the design-basis eart
hquake, as required by the governing code for earthq uake-resistant des ign. See
Section 42 1. DESIGN LOAD COMBINATIONS are the combinati on of factored loads a
nd forces in Secti on 409.3. DESIGN STORY DRIFT RATIO is the relative difference
of design displacement in between the top and bottom of a Slory, divided by the
Slory height. See Section 421 . DEVELOPMENT LENGTH is th e lenglh of embedded r
ei nforcement required to develop the design strengl h of reinforcemem at a crit
i caJ sectio n. See Secti on 409.4.3. DIlOP PANEL is a projection below the slab
used to
members. In
DUCTILE CONNECTION is a connection Ihal experie nces yielding as a result of the
. earthq uake design displacements. STIlONG CONNECTION a connection Ihat remains
elas ti c while adjoining members experience yielding as a res ult of the cal1h
quake design displacements. CONT RA CT DOCUMENTS arc documents, including the pr
oject drawings and project specifications. covering the requ ired Work . CONT RA
CTION JOINT is a formed, sawed, or tooled groove in a concrete structure to cre
ate a weakened plane and regulate Ihe location of cracking resu lting frol1l the
dimcnsionnl chnngc of different parts mlhe slnlClU rc . COVE ll, SPECIFIED CONCR
ETE is Ihe diSl.nce
reduce the amount of negative reinforcement over a column
or the minimum required slab thickness. and to increase the slnb shear strength.
Sec Seclions 413.3.5 and 413.4. 7. DUCT is a conduit (plain or corrugated) to a
ccommodate prestressing steel for post-tensioned install ation. Requirements for
post-tensioning ducts are given in Section 418.18. EFFECTIVE DEPTH OF SECTION (
d) is the di slance measu red from ex.treme compression fiber to centroid of ten
sion reinforcement. EFFECTIVE PIlESTRESS is Ihe Slress remai ning in prestressin

g tendons after all losses have occu rred. excluding effects of dead load ilnd s
uperimposed load. EMBEDM ENT LENGTH is Ihe lengl h of embedded reinforcement pro
vided beyond a critical section. EQUILlUIlIUM DENSITY is th e density of li ghtw
eiglH concrete after exposure 10 a relmi ve humidit y of 50 5 percent and a temp
era ture of 2].00 2.(X)O C for a period of lime sufficient to reac h cons tant d
e nsity (see ASTM C567).
between the outermost surface of embedded reinforcement and thc closes t (lu ter
surrace of the concrete indica ted o n
design drawings o r in project specificat ions.
c nOSSTIE is a (';OlllinliO liS reinforci ng bar ha vi ng a seismic hook a\ one
end and a hook not less than IJO-degrcc
11 National Structural Codo of ti le Philippines 6 \ Edition Volum e 1

CHAPTER 4 - Concrete
EXTREME TENSION STEEL is the reinforcement (prestressed or nonpre.'itrcssed) tha
t is the fm1hesl from the extreme compression fiber. HEADEJ) DEFORMED BARS are d
eformed reinforcing
MODULUS 01' ELASTICITY is Ihe ratio of normal .<Iress 10 correspondi ng strain f
or tensile or compressi ve ~; !;c :-,!-,.'.S below proporlional limit of tnillCl
ial. See Section ~1 'Y-i.i_.. MOMENT FRAME is a fr.amc in which
bars with heads att,lehed at one or both ends. I-leads arc attached to fhe bar e
nd by means such as welding or forging
onto the bar, int ernal threads on the hend mating
joints res ist forces through Jlcxure, shear, and axial force. Moment framcs des
ignated as pan of the scismicfor cc~ resis ting system sha ll be categorized as f
ORDINARY MOMENT FRAME is a c'lSl-in -pl,,; ... " precast concrete frame complying
with Ihe requirCl1l1..'.ilt:: i iI' Sections 401 to 418, and, ill the case of or
dinary mOI!:" : ~ l rrames assigned 10 areas with low seis mi c ri sk. :d:-"'_.I
c:o mplying with Section 421 . 14. INTERMEDIATE MOMENT PRAME is a cast- in-plac
e frame complying with the requi remeIHs of Section 421.12 II! addilion to the r
equirements for ordinary moment frrlmes. SPECIAL MOM ENT PRAME a cast- ill-plaee
fra me complying wit h the requi rements of Seclian 42 1.3 .4 thrOllp i: 42 1.3
.7, 42 !.5 through 421. 7, or a precast fraille complyi lfg with the requirement
s of Sectio n 421.5 through 421. ;; . 42 J J 3.1 through 421 . 13.4. Jn addition
, the requireme nts L ordinary momen! frames shall be satisfied. NET TENSILE STR
AIN is the lensile sirain at Ilomin;': strength exclusive of st rains due to eff
ective prestres :~> creep. shrinkage and Icmperilwfc. PEDESTAL is an Upri glH co
mpression member with a rmin of unsupponed heigh! to average least lateral dimc
nsion nol cxceeding 3. For a tapered member, the lensl lateral dimension is Ihe
average of the top und ho ttom dimensions of the smalier side. PLAIN CONCRETE is
!-;trllctura l concrete with Ih"1 reinforcement or with less reinforcement {han
Ihe minimlHil amouill specilied for reinforccd concrctc. PLAIN REINFORCEMENT is
reinforceme lll Lhal doc; not co nform to definition of deformed reinforceme n!.
Sec Section 401.6.4. PLASTIC HING E REGION is Ihe Iellgl h of fra ll;;dement ov
er whi ch Il cx ural yielding is intended to OCCli l d u t.~ to canh quakc desig
n displac.:mcnts, cxte nding not less than a distance. II from the c:rilic:al !;cclioll where ncxlInll yiel ding i nitiatc!-;. Sec Section 421 . POST-TENS IONI
NG is il method of prestressing ill which Icndolls <Ire te nsioned nfter conc re
tc hilS harde ned.
on the bar end, or a separate threaded nut to secure the head of the bar. The Il
et bealing area of headed dcfonnt'd bar equals the gross area of the head minus
th e larger of Iht, arC:l of the bar and the area of any obstructioll. HEADED SH
EAR STUD REINPORCEMENT is a reinforcement consisting of individual headed studs.
or groups of studs. wi th anchorage provided by a head at each end or a common
base rail consisting of a stee l plate. or shape_
HOOP is a closed ti e or cOOli nuously wou nd tie . A closed tie can be made up
o f severa l reinforcement clements each having hooks at both ends. A continuous
ly wound tic shall have a seismic hook at bolll ends. See Sectio n 42 1.

ISOLATION JOINT is a separati on bel ween adjoining

parts of a concrete structure, usually a vertical plane. at a designed location
such as to interfere least with performance of the structure, yet such as to all
ow relative movement in three directions and avoid fonnation of cracks elsewher
e in
the concrete and through which all or pan of the bonded reinforcement is intenupt
ed .
JACKING FORCE is Ihe lemporary force exerted by device that introduces tension i
nto prestressing tendons in prestressed concrete. JOINT is tI pan ion of struct
ure common to intersec ting members. The effect ive cross-seclionnl area of a jo
int of a special momcnt frame, AI. for shear strength comp utalions is defined i
n Seclion 421_7.4.1. LOAD, DEAD is the dead weight sllpponed by a member. as def
ined by Section 204 (without load factors).
LOAD, FACTOn g J) i:-) the load, multiplied by ilppropr i<l1c load factors, u:-)
cd to proportion memhers hy the strength de:-iign method of thi s chClptcr. Sec
Sections 408.2.1 and
LOAD, LIVE is the live load specilicd by Section 205 (without load factors). LOA
J), SEIlVICE is the load specified by Sections 204 10 207 (wit houl load lilclol
pnECAST CONCRETE is a strucltlral COIKl"el C elemelll <.:;Isl in othe r than ils
final position in Ihe slruclurc.
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTER 4 . Concrete
4 11
pRJECmilPIU;SS;ED TENSILE ZONE is that pOI1ion of
member where flexural tension, calculated
grosS section properties, would occur under dC<ld and l ive loads if the prestre
ss force was not
concrete, to provide corrosion protection, and corrosion inhibiting coating.
contain the
SHORES arc vertical or incli ned suppon members des igned to ca rry the weight o
f the forrnwork, concrete and constl1lclion loads above.
SPAN LENGTH . See Secti on 408. 10. SPECIAL' ANCHOHAGE DEVICE is an anchorage de
vice thai satisfi es Section 4 18. 16. 1 and the standardi zed acceptance tests
of AAS HTO "Standa rd Specifications for Highway Bridg{!s ", 17" Editioll, 2002,
Division II, Section SPECIAL BOUNDARY ELEMENT is a boundary clement r
equired by Sec tions 421 ,8,6.2 or 42 SPIRAL REINFORCEMENT is contin uo
usly wound reinforcement in Ihe foml of a cylindri cal heli x. SPLITTING TENSILE
(f;,) is the tensi le
CONCRETE is stl1JclUral concrete ill
: which internal stresses have bee n int roduced to redu ce
' po!entli'''! tensil e stresses ill concrete res ulting from loads.
hi gh-strength Sh::cJ cl em e nt
stich as wire. bar, or :-trand, Of a hundlc o f such cle men ts,
used to impart prcstrc,,, forces to t:oncrclc.
a method of prestressin g in wh ich
tendons arc tensioned be fore co ncrete is pl a(;ed.
REINFORCED CONCRETE is st rllctural concrete reinforced with 110 less tlum the m
ini mum amounts of prestressin g tendons or non prcslrcsscd rein force men t spe
cified ill this chap ter.
REINFORCEMENT is mate ri al th"lt conform s to Section
403,6, exclud ing prestressin g ten dons unl ess specificall y included. RESHORE
S arc sho res pl aced sllu g l y under a CO IKTC iC slab or othe r stfuclUfal me
mber after the original fo rms and
shores have been re moved rrom a large r area, thus req u iring
slrength of concrete delerm ined in accordance with ASTM C496M as described ill
"Specificatiolls for Ught weight Aggregar{! for Structural Con crete " (ASTM C33

0). See
containing dispersed rando ml y oriented steel fi bers .
STIRUUP is reinforcement used to resist shear and torsion stresses in a Slillctu
ral me mber; typicall y bars, wires, or welded wire fabri c (plain or defonned)
bent into L, U or
the new slab or s[nIctural mcmber to deflect and support its own weight and exis
ting construction loads applied pri or to fh e installat ion of the res hores.
SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGOHY is a cl ass ification assigned to a stru cture based on
it s occ upancy t:tl lcgo ry and the severit y or the design earthquake ground m
otion at th e site. as defin ed hy the lega ll y adoptcd ge ncral building code.
SEISMICFORCERESISTING SYSTEM is a portion of the struclUrc designed to res ist ea
rthq uake design forces
rectan gular shapes and located perpendi cul ar
or at an
<Ingle to lo ngitudi na l re inforceme nt. The term "stirrups" is usually (Ippli
ed to lateral reinforceme nt in llex ural me mbers
and the term "ties" to (hose in compression membe rs. Sce
also "Tie."
required by th e legall y adopted general buildin g code using the applicable pr
ovisions and load combinations.
STRENGTH, DESIGN is the no minal strength multiplied by a st rength -reducti on
factor, . See Secti on 409.4 . STnENGTH, NOMINAL is the stren gth o f a memb er o
r cross secti on calcula ted in accordance with provisions and assumptions of t
hc strc ngth design mcthod of thi s chaptcr
SEISMIC HOOK is a hoo k on a stirrup. or crosstie ha ving a bend not less th an
135 degrees, exce pt thaI circula r hoops Shall have a bend nor less than 90 deg
rees. I-Itx)ks shall have a 6dv, but not less than 75 mm extellsion tha t engage
s the
longitUd inal reinforceme nt and pruje<.:ts into the interior of the stirru p or
hoop. Sec Section 407.2.4 and Section 42 1.2.
SHEAR CAP is a projec t below the slab used In increase
before appl ication
Section 409.4. 1.
any strengl h~reduct ion factors . See
STRENGTH, REQUIRED is the strength of " member or
the sl:! h she;lr strength . See Secti on 4 1J.3.6. SHEATHING is a malcri:!1 cnc
as ing a prestressing tl~!l(l on to prevent bonding the tendon with the surroull
cross secti on required to resi st factored loads or reltltcd internal moments a
nd forces ill stich combinations :IS arc stipul <lled in Ihis chapter. Scc Secti
o n 409.2. 1.

STRESS is the intensi ty of force per unit arCl!.

Nationa l Structural Coclo of the Plli!ippirw s 6 Edition Volume 1

4 -12
CHAPTE11 4 - Concrete
STRUCTURAL CONCRETE is all concrete used for s tructural purposes , including pl
ain and reinforced conc rete. STRUCTURAL DIAPHRAGM is a structural member, such
as a fl oor or roof slab, th at transmits forces acting ill the plane of the mem
ber to Ihe vertica l elements of the seismic-force-resis ti ng syste m. See Sect
i oll 42J for requirements in the earthquake-resisting structures. STRUCTURAL TR
USS is an assemb lage of reinforced concrete members subjected primarily to ax i
al forces. STRUCTURAL WALL is a wa ll propoJ1ioned to resi st combinations of sh
ears, moments, and axial forces. A shear wall is a structural wall. A structural
wall designated as part of Ihe seismic-force-resisting system shall be categori
zed as fo ll ows: ORDINARY STRUCTURAL PLAIN CONCRETE WALL is a wall complying wi
is a wall co mplying with the req uirement s of Secti ons 401 through 4 J 8. IN
TERMEDIATE PRECAST STRUCTURAL WALL is a waJl complying with all app licable requ
irements of Sections 40 1 through 41 8 in addition to 42 1. SPECIAL STRUCTURAL W
ALL is a cast-in-place or precast wa ll shall comply with the requirements of Se
ctions 421.3.3 through 421.3.7, 421.8 and 421.15 as app licable, in addition to
the requirements ror ordinary reinforced concrete stnlclUral w'llls.
TRANSFER LENGTH is [he length of embedded pretensionedstrand rcquired to transfe
r the effective prestress to (he concrete. UN BONDED TENDON is tendon in whi ch
the prestressing steel is prevented from bonding to (he l:oiic retc and is free
10 move relative to the concrete. The prestressing force is pcnnanently transfer
red to the concrete al the tendon ends by anc horage only.
WALL is a member, usually vertical, IIsed to enclose or separate spaces.
WELDED WIRE REINFOR CEMENTS are rei nf(.rcing elements consisting of ca rbon-ste
el plain or defo rmed W ires, confo rming to ASTM A82 or A496, respectively, fab
rica ted int o sheets 0 1' rolls in accordance with ASTM A 185 or A497M, respect
ively; or reinforci ng elements consisti ng of stainless-steel plain or deformed
wires fab ricated into sheets or roll s conformi ng to ASTM A I 022. 'W OBBLE F
RICTION in prestressed co ncrete is I'!iction caused by unintended deviation of
prestressi ng sheath or duct from its specified profile.
\\fORK is the entire co nstlllclion or separately identifiable pans Ihereof that
are requi red to be fUl1lished under the contract documents.
YIELD STRENGTH is the specified minimum yie ld strength or yield point of reinfo
rcemenl in MP a. Yield strength or yield point shall be determ ined ill tension
accord ing to appli cable ASTM standards as modified by Section 403.6 of this co
:,,: .
TENDON. In pretcllsioned app lications. the tendon is the pres tressin g steel.
In pos t-tensi oned appli cations, the tendon is a complete assembly consisti ng
of. anc horages, prestressi ng steel. and shea ting with coating ror unbounded
applications or duc ts with grout fo r bonded applications.
TENSION-CONTROLLED SECTION is a cross section in which th e Ilet tensile strain
ill the extreme tension steel at nom inal strengt h is greate r than or equal [

0 O.(XJ5.
<I loop of reinfori.:i'ng btlr or wire enclosing IOllgiwdin;tl reinforcement. A
co ntinuously wound bar or wire in the for m of a circle. rectangle or other pol
ygoll shape without re-entra lll corners is acceptable. 'Sec "Stirrup."
TIE is
T1lANSFEIt is the ac t of transferri ng stress in prestressing tcndons from jads
or prctcnsioning bed to (;Oilcrett! me mber.
Association of Structural Enqineeni of tlln
Ph l hrpUlf:~

CHAPTER 4 - Concrete
403.4 Aggregates
403.4.1 Concrete aggregates shall conform to one of the rollowing specifications
"SpecijicmiollsJor Concrete Aggregares" (ASTM C 33):
yield ""ength of non prestressed reinforcement, MPa ::: nomin al diameter of bar
, wire, or prestressing strand,
= specified
"SpecijicariollS Jar Lighrweighr Aggregates for Srl"Ucrurai
COllcme" (ASTM C 330).
Tests of Materials
TIle engineer may require the testing of any 'materialS used in concrete constnJ
ctioll to determine if malerla" are of quality speci fied.
Tests of materials and of concrete s hall be made in ' ac,cordal1ce with the sta
ndards listed in Section 403 .9.
Aggregates failing (0 ' meel the above specifications but which have been shown
by special tcsL or aC{lJal service (0 produce concrete of adequate s trength and
durability ma y be used where authoriz.ed by the engineer-of-rccord. 403.4.2 Th
e nominal maximum size of coarse aggregate shall not be larger than: I. 2.
One fifth (1/5) the narrowest dimension between sides of rOfln s; or One third (
113) the depth of slabs: or
Three fourth s (3/4) Ihe minimum clear spaci ng between . individual reinforci n
g bars or wires, bundl es of bars, or prestressing tendons or dUClS.
403.2.3 Complete record of tests of Illmclials and of ; concrete shall be availa
ble for inspect iOIl durin g prog ress of , work and for two (2) years after COJ
llph~ lion of [he project, br as required by the implementing agency and shall b
e preserved by the engineer for that purpose.
These limitations may be waived if, in the judgmcm of the engineer, workability
and methods of consolidation are sllch thal concrete can be placed without honey
comb or voids.
403.5 Wat er 403.5.1 Wilter used in mixing conc rete shall be clean and free fro
m injuriolls amounts of oils, acids, alkalis, sa lts, organic materials or other
substances deleteri ous to concrete or reinforcement.
403.3 Cement
; 403.3.1 Cement shall con form
one of the following
"Specifications/or Pon/wu/ Cement" (ASTM CI50). "Specifications for Blended Hydr
aulic Celllellls" (ASTM C 595M), excluding Types S and SA which arc not intended
as principal ceme nting constituents of structural conc rete. "Specifications f
or Expollsil'e Hydraulic Cel11e"," (ASTM
C 845).
Fly ash and natural pozzolan: ASTM C618. Groulld-granulmed blast-I"uflwcc s lag:

ASTM C989.
Silica fume: ASTM C!.'40.
403.5.2 Mixing water fo r prestresscd concrete or for concrete that will corllai
n aluminum embedments, including that portion of mi xing water contributed in th
e form of free moisture 011 aggregates, shall not con tain deleterious amounts o
f ch loride ions. See Section 404.6. I . 403.5.3 NOIl-p0lable waler shall not be
lIsed in concrete unless the rollowing :lfe satisfied :
403.5.3.1 Seleclion of concrele prnp0l1 ioils shall be
on co ncrete mixes using w<ucr from the same source.
403.3.2 Cement used in th e work shall correspond to (hat on which selection of
COllnc (c proporti ons was based . See Section 405.3 .
403.5.3.2 Mortar tc st cubes made with nonpowblc mi xing water shall have 7-day
and 28-day strengths equal to a( k:ast 90 percent of strcngths of similar specim
ens made with pmablc water. Strength test co mparison shall be Il1tlde on 11l0l1
ars, identical except for lhe mixing waler, prepared il nd
Nationa l Structural Code of th e Pll i1ippines G(I\ Edition Volume 1

CHAPTER 4 Concrete
tested in accordance with "Tesl Method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cem
ent Mortars (using 50-nun Cube Specimens)" (ASTM C 109).
403.6 Steel Reinforcement 403.6.1 Reinforcement shall be deformed reinforcement,
except that plain reinforcement sh:lll be permitted for spirals or prestressing
steels; and reil;iorcement consisting of headed shear studs, structural steel,
steel pipe or steel tubing shall be permitted only for resisting shear under con
ditions specified in Section 411.6.6.1(6). 403.6.2 Welding of reinforcing bars s
hall conform to "Structural Welding Code - Reinforcing Steel", ANSIIAWS DIA of t
he American Welding Society. Type and location of welded splices and other requi
red welding of reinforcing bars shall be indicated on the design drawings or in
the project specifications. ASTM reinforcing bar specifications, except for ASTM
A 706M, shall be supplemented to require a report of material properties necess
ary to conform to requirements in ANSI! AWS D1.4. 403.6.3 Deformed Reinforcement
s 403.6.3.1 Deformed reinforcing bars shall conform to one of
Concrete Reinforcement" (ASTM A 496M). exccpt that wire shall not be smaller tha
n size MD25 or larg'' ii i i \i .' i ~ MD200 unless as permitted in Section 403.6
.. h " '" with a specified yield streilgth /y exceeding . ,'~ i:j lvi r'a, /;. s
hall be the stress corresponding to a strain of 0 ..,) ptrC(llt. 403.6.3.6 Welde
plain wire fabric for concrete reinforcement shall conform to "Specijicalio!/.I /
H )'teel
Welded Wire, Fabric, Plain for Concrete Reinfo/"u , iOll" (ASTM A 185M), except t
hat for wire with a ' Id strength fy exceeding 415 MPa, 1,. shall be taken :i\ i
stress corresponding to a strain of 0.35 percen!. \Vc-J.:1ed intersections shall
not be spaced farther apart j i'; ':1 ~(jn ' . :'1 ) in direction of calculated
stress, except for ",ii; 'K ,i as stirrups in accordance with Section 412.14.2.
403.6.3.7 Welded deformed wire fabric I'OJ COllecte reinforcement shall confonn
to "Specifications for .; ('({
Welded Wire Fabric, Deformed, fo ,("on , .rf'-{(~ Reinforcement" (ASTM A 497M),
except lhal for wire with a specified yield strength fy exceeding i~)5 MPa, .r;.
shall be the stress corresponding to a strain of" (LIS pt.TccnL Welded intersec
tions shall not be spaced faIlli, ' ~q!, ! n ; ,an
the following specifications, except as pennitted by Section
403.6.3.3: 1. "Specifications for Deformed and Pia ill Billet-Steel Bars for Con
crete Reinforcement" (ASTM A 615M)
400 mm in direction of calculated stress, eX I ' T (01 e fabric used as stirrups
in accordance with SeCl I');) " .". " Deformed wire larger than MD200 is 'penlli
tt';';j w li::;] in welded wire reinforcement conforming :0 /\,' . A497M, but sh
all be treated as plain wire for de vtlnplJlC lJ1. and splice design.
403.6.3.8 Galvanized reinforcing bars shaU comply wi(\t "Specifications for Zinc
"Coated (Galvanized) Steel!Jol.\.{ il Concrete Reinforcement" (ASTM A 767M) . Epo
xycoal ed reinforcing bars shall comply with "Specification ior Epoxy~Coated Reinf
orcing Steel Bars" (ASTfd A 77.'>1/:' () J with "Specifications for Epoxy-Coated
Prefabli(,j!i'o' ci Reinforcing Bars" (ASTM A 934M). Galvanii:ed (II c,
for seismic resisting members.
2. "Specifications for Low-Alloy Steel Deformed Bars for Concrete Reinforcement"
(ASTM A 706M) for

members resisting earthquake induced forces .

403.6.3.2 Deformed reinforcing bars shall conform to one of the ASTM specificati
ons listed in Section 403.6.3.1 , except that for bars with/y exceeding 415 MPa,
/y shall be taken as the stress corresponding to a strain of 0.35 percent. See S
ection 409.5. 403.6.3.3 Deformed reinforcing bars conforming to ASTM AI035 shaH
be permitted to be used as transverse
coated reinforcement shall conform to specifications listed in Section 403.6.3.
I .
403.6.3.9 Epoxy-coated wires and welded wire fal ;) Ii comply with "Srandard Spe
cification for LI)()xy ("//i : C( " Steel Wire and Welded Wire Fabric for Rei'!f(
!/"{"( .'!; (ASTM A 884M). Epoxy-coated wires shall ",,, I,' Section 403.6.3.5 a
nd epoxy-coated welded wile i (illl; conform to Section 403.6.3.5 or 403.6.3.6.
reinforcement in Section 421.6.4 or spiral reinforcement ill
Section 410.10.3. 403.6.3.4 Bar mats for concrete reinforcement shall conform to
"5jJecijicatiollS for Fabricated D(formed Steel Bar Mats for COllcrete Reillfor
cemellt" (ASTM A 184M). Reinforcing bars used in bar mats shall conform to one o
403.6.3.10 Deformed stainless-steel wire. and deformed ;;:id plain stainless-ste
el welded wire for concrete I"cinf01n l: lit shall conform to ASTM l022M, except
deformed wire .',i; 'll!
the specifications listed in Section 403.6.3.1.
403.6.3.5 Deformed wire for concrete reinforcement shall conform to "Specificati
olls for Steel Wire , Dtjomzed, for
not be smaller than size MD25 or larger t1' . .. ~ and the yield strength for wi
re with Iv eXC l"\'; ill' shall be taken as the stress correspond(ng to a s{rall
! 01 U .j) percent. Deformed wire larger than MD200 is PCI i' :: : (d where used
in welded wire reinforcement confo!"lllilig to
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTER 4 . Concrete
ASTM AI022M. but sha ll be o'eated as plain wire for ' development and splice de
sign. Spacing of welded
Section 410./7.7 or 410.17.8. shall confolln to one of the following specificati
I. "Specifications for Carbon Sree/" (ASTM A 36M).
: inte.",;.;ctions shall not exceed 300 mm for plain welded wire
:: and 400 mm for deformed welded wire in direction of
~ caJculntcd stress, except for welded wire reinforcement used '; as stirrups in
accQrdance with Section 412.14.2.
"Specifications for Hi gh-Strenglh Low-All oy Stilletural Steel" (ASTM A 242M).
"Specificafiolls Jor High -Strength Low-Alloy Columbium- Vanadium Sleds of Struc
tural Quality" (ASTM A 512M) . "Specificatiolls for ihiJ,-Slrength Low-Allo), Sl
ruclural Sleel " with 345 MPa (ASTM A 588M). "Specifications A992M).
403.6.4 Plain Reinforcement
. . 403.6.4.1 Plain bars for s piral reinforcement shall conform to one of the f
ollowing specification: ASTM A615M or A706M . 403.6.4.2 Plain wire for spi ral r
einforcement shall confonn to "Specifications f or Steel Wire. Plain, for Concre
te Reinjorcemem" (ASTM A 82M), except Ihal for wire wilh a specified yield stren
gth!, exceeding 415 MPa./, shall be the stress corresponding to a strain of 0.35
4. 5.
403.6.7.2 Steel pi pe or tubin g fo r composite compress ion members composed of
a steel -encased concrete core meeting requirements of Section 410.17.6 shall c
onform to one of the following specifications:
403.6.5 Headed Shear Stud Reinforcement 403.6.5.1 Headed studs and headed stud a
ssembl ies shall confonn to ASTM AI044M . 403.6.6 Prestressing Tendons
403.6.6.1Tendons for prestressed reinforcement confoml to one of the foll ow in
g speci fi cati ons :
Grade B of "Specifications for Pipe, Steel. Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coaled We
lded alld Seamless" (ASTM A 53M).

"Specifica tions for Cold-Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tll
bing ill Rounds and Shapes" (ASTM A SOOM) . "Specijications Jo r flor-Formed Wel
ded alld Seamless Carboll Sleel Tllbillg" (ASTM A 50 1M).
Wire conforming to "Specifications for Uncomed Stress-Relieved Steel Wire for Pr
estressed Con crete " (ASTM A 42 1M).
Low-re la xati on wire cOllformin g 10 "SjJecijicoliolls for Uncoated Stress- Re
lieved SU 'e/ Wire for Prestressed Concr ete " including Su pplemcill "Lt) w-Rei
axarioll Wire " (ASTM A 421 M) Strand conforming (0 "SpecificmiollS for Steel St
n/fld, Un COaTed Seven- Wire for Prestressed COl/ crete " (ASTM A416M). Bar conf
orming to "Specijicllliolls fo r Uncoated HighStrength Steel Bar Jor Prestressin
g Conc rete " (ASTM A 122M)
403.6.8 Steei discon tinuou s fiber reinforcement fo r concrete shall be deforme
d alld conform to ASTM A820M. Steel fibers have a lell gl lHo~diameter ratio not
smaller than 50 and not grealcr than 1 00. 403.6.9 Headed defo rmed bars shall
co nform to ASTM A970M and obsll1lclions or interruption s o f th e bar defonnat
i ons. if any. shall not extend Illorc lhan 2th rrom the bearing face or the hea
403.7 Admixtures
403.7.1 Admixtures fo r water reduction and setting time modification shall co n
form ASTM C494M . Admixtures for usc in producing nowing concrete shall conform
ASTM C IOI7M. 403.1.2 Air-entrain ing admixlUrcs shall conform to "Specificmio f
lslor Air-EllIrai"inlj Admixtures fur CO/l crete" (ASTM C 260). 403.7.3 Admixtur
es to be used in conc rete lhat do 110t conforl1l lO Sections 403.7.I .ilnd 403.
7.2 s ha ll be subject to prior approval by the engineer.
403.6.6.2 Wire, strands , and bars not specifically listed in ASTM A 4 16M . A 4
21M alld A 122M arc allowed. provided they con form to minimum requirements or I
hesc spccifications and do not have prOI)Cl1ics that make thcm less satisractory
(han those listed in these s pecificati ons. 403.6.7 Structural Steel, Steel Pi
pe or Tubing 403.6.7.J Stmctur<ll steel used with reinforci ng bars in co mposit
c co mpress io n mcmbers meeting req uirements of
Nationa l Structural Code of the Pl1ilippine s Sill Edition Volume 1

CHAPTER 4 . Concrete
403.7.4 Calcium chloride or admixtures containing chloride from other than impur
ities from admixture ingredients shall not be used in prestressed concrete, in c
oncrete containing embedded aluminum, or in concrete cast against stay-inplace g
alvanized steel forms. See Sections 404.6.1 and 406.3.2. 403.7.5 Fly ash or othe
r pozzolans used as admixtures shall conform to "Specificalions/or Fly Ash and R
aw or Calcined Natural Pozzo/an for Use as a Mineral Admixture in POri/and Cemen
t Concrete" (ASTM C 618),
A185/A18507 Standard Specifications for Steel Welded Wire Fabric, Plain, for Conc
rete Reinforcement
A242/A242M04a Standard Specifications Strength Low~Alloy StructuraL Steel for Hig
A307/A307~07a Standard Specijication for Steel Bolts and Studs, 415 MPa Tensile
A416/A416M()(; Standard Specificatiolls for SIal Slrand, Uncoated Seven~Wirefor P
restressed Concrete
A42J/A421~05 Stress~Relieved
403.7.6 Ground granulated blast-furnace slag used as an admixture shall conform
to "Specifications for Ground
Granufoted Blast-fumace Slag for Use in Concrete and Mortars" (ASTM C 989).
Standard Specifications for Uncoated Steel Wire for Prestressed Concrete
A496/A49607 Srandard Specificatians for Steel Wire, Deformed, jar Concrete Reinfo
rcement A497/A49707 Standard Specifications for Steel Welded Wire Fabric, Deforme
d, for Concrete Reinforcement ASOO/ASOO07 Standard Specifications for ColdFormed W
elded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing in Rounds and Shapes
403.7.7 Admixtures used in concrete containing ASTM C845 expimsive cements shall
be compatible with the cement and produce no deleterious effects.
403.7.8 Silica fume used as an admixture shall conform to
"Specificatioll for Silica Fume for Use in Hydraulic-Cement Concrete and Mortar"
(ASTM C 1240).
403.8 Storage of Materials
403.8.1 Ccmentitious materials and aggregate shall be
stored in such manner as to prevent deterioration or intrusion of foreign Imitte
A50 II A50 1-07 Standard Specifications jor fiat-Formed Welded and Seamless Carb
oll Steel Structural Tubing
A5721 AS7207 Standard Specifications Low-Alloy Columbium- Vanadium Steels
for High Structural
403.8.2 Any material that has deteriorated or has been contaminated shal! not be
used for concrete.
AS88/A588M~OS Standard Specifications for High.s'trength Low-ALloy Structural .)

'teel up to 345 MPa minimum yield point with Atmospheric Corrosion

403.9 Standards Cited in this Chapter
403.9.1 In the absence of the Philippine National Standard (PNS), Standards of t
he American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) referred to in this chapter
listed below with their serial designations, including year of adoption or revi
sion, arc declared (0 be part of this code as if fully set forth herein:
A361 A36M05 ,)'tJ'Uct/lral Steel Standard SpecUlcatiol1S for Carboll
A61SIA615M-07 SWlldard Specijications for Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars j
or Concrete Reinforcement A 706/A 706M-06a Standard Specifications for Low-Alloy
Steel Deformed Barsfor Concrete Reinforcemelll A 7221 A 722-07 Standa,.d Sp(~ci
fica(ions for UnCOOfu/ High-Strength Steel Bar/or P}'(~stressillg Concrete
A 76 7I A 767M ~OS Statu/ard S/J'cificatiolls for Zi,u -Coaled (Galvanized) Steel
Barsfor COil crete Reinjoram('J/t
Standard SpeClficatiolls for Pipe, Sted, Black and lim-Dipped, Zinc-Coated Welde
d (Ind Seamkss A821 AB2-07 Standard Spec!fications for Steel Wire, Plain, for Co
ncrcte Reit(forcemelll Standard 5'pec(ficatiolls for Fabricated Dljonlled S'rcel
Bar Mats/or COJJcrete ReiJ!forcement
A 1841 AI 84-06
A . 531 A53 .. 07
A775/A77SM-07 Standard
EjwxyReilljorcint: Slee/ Bars
A8201 A820M06 Swndard SpecificalioJ1s for ,S'teei Fiber' for Fiber Reinforced CO!l
ASSOCIation of Structural Engineers of tile Philippines

CHAPTER 4 . Concroie
A884/A884M-06 Standard . Coated Steel Wire and
Specifications for EpoxyWelded Wire Fabric for
CISO-OS Cement
S'pecifications for
A934/A934M-07 Standard Specifications Coated Prefabricated Steel Reinforcing Bar
s for EpoxyCI72-04 Mixed Concrete
Standard Method of Sampling Freshly
. A955/A9SSM-07a Standard Specifications for Deformed
CI92/CI92M-06 Standard Method of Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete C231-04 Standar
d Method for Air COfltenl of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Me/hod C26006 Standard SpeCificaTions Entraining Admixtures for Concrere "
Bars for
A970/A970M-06 Stondard Specifications for Headed Steel
Bars/or Concrete Reinforcement
A9921A992M-06a Standard Specifications for Structural Steel Shapes
A996/A996M-06a Standard Specifications for Rail-Steel
C330-0S Stondard Specifications for Lightweight Aggregatesfor Structural Concret
e C494/C494M-OSa Standard Specifications for Admixtures for Concrete Cltemical
and Axle Sleel Reinforcement

A!0221AI022M-07 Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Stainless Sleel Wi
re and Welded Wire for
Concrete Reinforcement AI03SIAI03SM-07 Standard Specification for Reinforcement
AI044/AI044M-OS Standard Specification for Steel Stud Deformed
C496/C496M-04 Standard Test Metltod for Splitting Tensile Strength of Cylindrica
l Concn:te SpeCimens
C567-05a Standard Test Method for UniT Weight of Structural LighTweight Concrete
Standard CS9SM-07 Hydraulic Cements Specifications for Blended
and Plain, Low-Carbon, Chromium, Sleel Ban'for Concrete
Assemblies/or Shear Reinforcement of ConerNe
C291C29M-03 Stondard Method for Bulk Demity (Unit Weigh!) and Voids in Aggregare
C31/C31 M-06 S'randard Practice f6r Making Curing COl/crete Test Specimens in t
he Field and
C618-05 Standard Specifications for Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natura! Pozzohm
for Use as a Mineral Admixture on Portland Cemenf Concrete
C685/C685M-O I Sralldard Spccificaliolls for ConcrelC Made by VO!llIllNric Barch
ing and Confinuous Mixing Standard Spec((ications for expansive C84S-04 Hydrauli
c Cement
C989~06 Standard Specifications for Ground Granulated BIaSI-Furnace Slag for Use
in Concrete and Morlars
C33-03 Aggregate
C39/C39M-05 Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of L)lilldrical Concre
te Specimens
C42/C42M-04 Standard M(~lhod of Obtaining Testing Drilled Cores and Sawed Beams
of Concrete C'J.1IC94M-06 Concrete and
C!OI2-04 Tes! Method for Length Chang(~ l1)Ylraulic-Cement Mortars Exposf.>d {()
a Su~(a!e ,)'olurioll
S'tal1(/ard ,S'pec({icarions for Ready-Mixed
C lO I7/C J 0 J 7M-OJ Slandard Specifications for t:hemica! Admixluresfor Use in
Producing F/owinx Concrele
C I J J 6-06/C 1116M~06 Standard SpeCifications for FiherCl 09/C! 09M-05 Standard Tcst Merhod for Compressive Strength (~( Hydraulic Ceme
nr Mortars (Using 50-mill Cub(~ Specimens)

C144-04 ,\'wlldard ";pecUicatiol1s for Ar:grer:of(' for Masonry Morrar

Reinforced Concrete
Slwu/ard C1157-03 (or lIwlrall./ic Cemenr
National Structural Code of the Philippllws 6 Edition Volume "\

CHAP TEI14 Concrete
C 12 18/CI2 18M -99 Srandard Test Method for Soluble Chloride if! Mortar (1m/ Co
C 124005 Standard Specifications for Silicll f ume for Use in l1ydmulic:Cemel1l Co
ncrete alld Mortar
404.1 Notat ion
C 1602/C 1602M-()6 Srandard Spcdjications fo r Mixing War er used ill th e Produ
ction oj Hydraulic C!lnent
= specifi ed compressive strength o f co ncrete, MPa. w/e m = maximum watcr-ee m
el11iti ous materi al ratio ,
404.2 Definitions
ConcreT e
CIr,09lC I609M-06 SUmdard Test Method fo r Flexural Performallce of Fiber- Reinf
orced Concrete (Using Beom With Third-Poilll Loading) Th e Secti on ad dresses t
h ree ex posure categories that affect th e req uirements far co nc rete to ensu
re adeq uate durabi lit y : Exposure Category S applies to concrete in contac t
wi th so il or water contai ning deleterious amounts of wate rsolub le sulfate i
ons as defined in Section 404.4. J. Exposure Category P appli es to conc rete il
l contact wilh water requiri ng low permeabilit y. Exposure Category C applies t
o reinfo rced and prestressed conc rete ex posed to conditi o ns that require ad
dition :!! protection against corros ion of reinforcement. Severity \ ,~. exposu
re within each category is defined by classes W l rl i increasing nume ri cal va
lues representin g increasingly se w n ' ex posure conditi ons. A classific atio
n of "0" is assign'l when the exposu re severity has negligib le effect or docs Il
{;~ apply 1 0 (he s t ~c tura l membe r. Exposure Category F is subd ivided int
o four e xposure classes. However only Exposu re Class FO appl ies II : Phili pp
ine condition; Exposu re C lass F J. Exposure Clas!. F2. Exposure Class F3 do no
t apply as it involve concrete exposed 10 cycles of freez ing and thaw in g, in
conti nuous comaC I with lllo islU re, and whe re e xpos ure 10 deic illt. c he
micals is <l nli cipatcd:
403.9.2. "STructural Welding Code - Reillforcing Steel"
(ANS I/A W S DI.4/D I.4M :2oo5) of Ihe American Welding Society is declared part
of this code as if fully scI fo rth here in.
403:9.3 Sec ti on 203.3 Comb inin g Loads Us in g Strength DeSIgn. or Load and R
esisT ance Fac lor Design of thi s code as if fully sc I forth herein, for the p
urposes cited in Sectio ns 409.3.3 a nd 426.
403.9.4 "Spec ification Jor Unhol/ded S ingle Strand 1'e fldoll Marer;,,/'- (AC
I 423.707)" is decl ared to be pan of this Code as if fully se t fo nh herein.
403.9.5 Seclions 9.21.7. 2 and 9.2 1.7.3 of Divisio n I a nd Secli on 10.0. 2.3
of Di vis io n II of AA SHTO "SllIlIdard Specification for Highway Bridges" (AAS
HTO I t" Ed iti on, 2002) arc declared to be pan of Ih is code as if fully SCI f
onh herein for the purpose ci ted in Section 418.16. 1.
403.9.6 "Qualfficatiol/ of Post-h'.wafh!(1 M edulll ical IlI/ cllOrs in CO/lcret
e ( Ael 355.2-(7) " is decl ared to be pa rt of Ih is Code as if full y sel fort

h herein . fo r the purpose c ited in Sec tion 423, A nc horing (Q Concre te .

403.9.7 S,r/l clllral Welding Code Steel (A WS D 1.1/0 1.1 M:2006)" of the Ameri c
an Welding Soc ielY " decl ared ta be P;1I1 o f I h i ~ Code <IS if full y se l
forth he rein . 403.9.8 "Acceptance Criteria Jor MOIII!'II' Fmmc.\ B(I.\"('(/ Oil
Srruc:lurof TexrillK (Ael 374. 1-05)" is declared to be p iHl of this Code as if
fu ll y set forth he rei n.
Exposure Class FO is assigned to co ncrete that wi ll not b~ exposed to cycles o
f freeli ng a nd th a win g.
Exposure Category S is subdivided into four classes:
CXPOS l!I"(.:
Exposure Class SO is assigned for condi ti ons where n, water-so lu ble sul fate
concen tration in CO il tact wi th COllen.:lt: is low and injuri ous sulfate at
tack is not a conce rn .
EXJlosure C lasses Si t S2, and 53 arc assigned for structural concrelc members
ill direct contact with solub le su lfales in soil or W.1IC r. The severity o f
exposure increases frolll Expos ure Cl ass S I to S3 based on th e marc crili ci
il val ue of Illc<ls urcd water-sol uhle sul fate COllcclltral ion ill soi l or
Ihe concentra tion of dissolved su lfate in Willer. Sea \v:llcr expos ure is clC
lss i(jed CIS Ex pos ure Class S I.
403 .9.9 "Accrl'wl1cr Criferia Jor Spel."ia/ UlliJOIu/ed Pn.fr- Tt'usinl1rd Prec
ast Strllclllr(J/ Wafl.\ Bused 011 Valida/iot! Fe.flif/g (AC T ITG-5 . 1-07) ,. i
s dCcJiln:d to be part of th is Code as if fu ll y SC I fo rth herei n.
of Slfl J r:luraj Er)g inecr$ of tile Phil ippines

CHAPTER 4 . Concre le
~ - 19
Exposure Category P is subdivided into two expos ure classes:
Exposure C lass PO SlIllcturaJ members should be assigned when there nre no spec
i fic penncnbility requirements.
404.5 Special Exposure C onditions
Concrete that will be subject to the exposure given in Table 404-2 shall confonn
to the corresponding maximum watercementiti ous materi als ratios and minimum s
pecified concrete compressive strenglh requirements o f that t:lblc.
404.6 Uequirements for Concrete Mixtures 404.6.1 Based on th e expos ure classes
assigned from Table 404- 1, concrete mixtures shall comply with ti~e JIlost res
trictive requirements accord ing to Table 404 2. '. 404.6.2 Calcium chl oride as
an admi xture shall not be used in concrete to be exposed to severe or very sev
e re su lfate co ntaini ng solutions, as defin ed in T able 3.1 of AC I 222R.
Exposure Class PI is assigned all the bas is of the need for co ncrete 10 ha ve
a low permeability to water when the permeation of water into concrete might red
uce durability or affect the inten ded functio n of the stru ctural member. Expo
sure Class P I should typically be ass igned when other exposure classes do not
app ly. An example is an interior wa ter tank.
Exposure Category C is subdivided into three ex posure classes:
Exposure Class CO is assigned when exposure conditions do not require addi tiona
l protection against the initiation of corros ion of reinforcement
404.7 Alternative Cemenlitio us Materials for Sulphate Exposure
404.7.1 Alternati ve combinat ions of cementitious materials to those listed in
Table 404-2 shall be permitted when tested for sulfate resistance and meeting th
e criteri a in Table 404reinforced and prest ressed concrete members depend ing on the degree of exposur
e 10 ex ternal so urces of moisture and chlorides in se rvice.
Exposure Classes C l and C2 are assigned
404.8 Water-Cemcntitious Materials Ualio
Exa mples of external so urces of chlorides include concrete in direct contact w
ith deicing chemicals, saIl, salt water, brackish water, seawater, or spra y fro
m these sou rces.
404.3 Ge nera l 404.3 .1 The v.lue of /",. sh.1I be the greatest of the values r
equired by Section 404.3. 1, for du rabi lit y in Section 404, and for structura
l strength requirement s and shall apply for
waler~cementiti o u s
materi als ratios specified in Tables
404- 1 and 404-2 shall be ca lcul ated using the weight of cement meeting ASTM C
150. C 59SM. C 845 or C 11 57 plus the weight of ny as h and other pozzolans me

eting ASTM C 6 18, slag meeting ASTM C 989, and s ilica fu me meeti ng ASTM C 12
40, if any.
404.9 Co rrosion Protection of Reinforceme nt of rc inforce ment in watc r solub
le chl oride ion concentrations in hard ened co ncrete at ages from 28 to 42 day
s contributed from the ingredients, including water, aggregates, cementitious ma
teri als and admixtures fihall not exceed the limits of Table 404-2. When testin
g is performcd to determine water soluble chloride ion co ntent, test proced ur
es shall conform to AS TM C 121 8.
protecti on 404.9.2 If concrete with reinforce ment will be ex posed
mi xt ure proponioni ng in Section 405.4 and for evaluation and (lCceplance of c
oncrete in Secti on 405.7. Concrete mixtllres shall be proportioned 10 comply wi
th the maxi mum watcr-ccrnen ti tious material rat io ( w/em) and other requirem
ents based on the exposure class ass igned to tile concrete structural member.
All cememili ous matelials fi pecified ill Secti on 403.3. 1 and the combina ti
ons of these materials shall be included in calculating the w/cm of the co ncret
e mixture.
404.3.2 The maximulll wlew limi{,s in Section 404 do not appl y to light weigh t
404.9.1 For corrosion concrete, maximum
404.4 Ex pos ure C ate go ries and Classes 404.4.1 ' nlC engineerof-record :->h<1
11 assig.n exposure clas:->cs based on th e scverit y of the anti cipated ex pos
u re of structural concrete. members for each ex posure category acco rdin g to
Table 4()4- I.
chlorides from sal\. salt water, hrackish \...lter. se<l Will er Of spray fro m
Ihese sources, requirements of Table 404 -2 for water water-cementitious material
s ratio and concrete stren gt h and the minim um co ncrete covcr requiremen ts o
f Secliol1 407.8 shall be sil ti sfied . In addition, sec Section 418. 15 for un
hondcd pres tressed tendons.
Natlollal Structura l Code of the Pililippin es 6 Eclition Volum e 1

CHAPTEH 4 " Concrele

Table 404" I Exposure Calegories And Classes
TabJc 404-2 Requirements for Concrete by Exposure Class
c 0
c' c
._ CiUIS.
Min. f..,
Additional Mil,limum Requirements
Air Content
Limits on
---------- -- -- -- ---- --w~-i~-~~-~ojui;!e'--

sulfate (SO.) in soil. percent by
(SO~) in
Titious t--~at:?!~
water, ppm
17 3t 31 31
V> 0. V>
'" "'
50'1 <0.10
0.10 ::;50.1 < 0.20 0.20::; 504
50.1 < 150 150:;;50.<1500
1500:5 SO. S
Ccmentitiou$ Materials + Types

> 2.00
504 > 10,000
-- 1 - - '
[n contact with water where
ASTM Ct50 17
NoT)"p rewiClion
No Type
rnHiclion W(MS) .
IS (<70)
No Type:
.q N/A
permeability is not required . SI
'" n.
3' .3 rl
JJ ,

_In contnc\ with wtller where permeability is not required.
~-~--~.-.-. "
IP (11$)
IS 70)
Concrete dry or protected from rnoistme S3 0.45 3I Concrele exposed to moisture
but not to external sources of chloride.
.-- " .~II' (IlS) +
Poaolan or Slag II
pouolan or slag! or IS

70) (I1S) +
U ~,
" . e.S:
" o
" E
u u "
[>07.lolan or
HS+ Pozz.o!an or Slag
None None
<"bloride concrele. [>Crcelll by weight . __ ._~~_m."nl /I Reinforced Concrele
Concrete exposed to moisture and an cxtemal source of chloride from salt, bracki
sh water, seawater, 0' spray from these sources.

WJter",lublc jon (0-) wntem;n
............".Related Provisions
-CO .. __.
1 - ----C2 OAO
0.30 0.15
None Section 407.8.5, Section 418.17"
Fnr /ighnw:ig/rl CQIl(rClc. sa .<:;telion 404.1.2. tA/ICI7I(lliI'( (Olllbifl(lli
OIiS of (t'IIlC/l{illnIlS lIlaleria/.r of IhoJc Ii.llcd ill Table 4042
.t/wll hc fiulllilled II"hcli Inled for .HI/fall": resislalla and 1Il(.'('Iing I
he cdlui(l ill Sr("lioli 404.7.1. I For .{C(/\WU('t" t.I"POS"I"c. 0111<'1" IY{lI
'J of porl/muf (("IIICI1/.1 willi Iric(lleium (I/ulllim/{c
(C3A) (OIllI'IIH /(I! 10 10/1(,(((111 Ol"C p<,t"IIli(tcd i.llllI' II"/cm dol'S 1
101 c.\"("ad 0.40.
f OlliN 1II'(li/ab/e IY{JtS of (('m,'/II .\11(11 0.1 "r:l'lIe III or 1".1'IIC /
arc I!rmill<'lf In DI{losurc Cia.l.lcs S I or S2 if Illc eM ("(ml('llis ar(' less
IIIan <'I or .5 /It'f("C(II. rCS{J{'clil'l:ly. II nl(' Onlmllil (If Ih,' spccif
ic .lOI"("C of 111<, P(!UO/(lil or s/ag /() /", uud shall Iwl be: I{'ss I/rOIi I
h" III/ifIll/II rlilli has h"fli (/('/{'Imill('d by .\eni(c r<'(ord 10 illlflW\'(
' Jill/au U'SiJIWlI."e "hell lI.t,.d ill (1lllOde (1IIlraillillg 7)p<' V all/<'l
iI. A/Icrn(llild)". Ill<' OlnoulII of 1/1<' spccific ./IllI/"(C of Ih" po::zoiall
or .>Iog 10 b(' USN! .Iha/lllOl hI' Ic$.\ Ihwi 111(' (1!1!,,11111 1".II"d ill (1
("("01"<10/1("(' willi ASTM CI012 alld //l('('lillg Ihe criluia ill ,'),'(Iion
K WOIN.w/ulll,' chloridc illli (OIlI(,lIllhal iJ nmll"ilml('dfrom Ill(' illf.:r('
diclli.t illcluding WOIN. agKI"('j:a/is. ("('III('IlIIliIJIlS IIIllIFfia/x. Wid a

ilmi.tiur('J J/w/l bc dcl('(millcd 011 Ihl' (IIII(/"('IC mixllirc by ASTM el218M

(J( (/~(' "('I"'fCIl 28 (Jnd 42 d(ly.f . Rr</lIil"(lIII'IIIJ (:fS('({ioll 407.R.
5 .,Iwl! he .wlisfir(/. Sr(' S('clillil 41R.17 for lIlI/lIIlIded
/\SSOci8tion of Structur<1i El1qincefs of t!~e Philippinos

CHAPTER 4 -Concrete
Table 404-3 Req ui rcments fo r Estobl ishi ng Suitabilit y of
Ccrncntitious Materials Combinations Exposed to Water
Soluble Su lfate
AI6 months
A I 18 monlhs
405.1 Notations
fr = specified compressive strength of concrete, MPa
used as Ihe basis proportions, MPa for se lecti o n of
0.10 percent
Irr ; ;: required average compressive strength of concrete
conc rete
0.05 percenl
f.., = average splitting tensile strength of lightweight
aggregate concrele, MPa
= sample standard dev iat ion, MPa
;;;: standard deviation, MPa
405.2 General 405.2.1 Concrete shall be propol1io ned to provide an average comp
ressive strength , fe r as prescribed in Section 405.4.2, as well as sat isfy th
e durability criteria of Section 404. Concrete s hall be produced to minimize fr
equency of strengths below Fe as prescribed in Seclion' 405.7.3.3. r:()r
concrete deSigned and constru cted in accord ance with the Cod(;,
J,' shall not be less than 17
405.2.2 Requirement s for fl'
sted as prescribed in Section
a ll be based on 28day tests.
indicated in design drawings

shall be based on tests o!' cyl inders made and te
405.7.3. 405.2.3 Unless otherw ise specified,f, sh
If oth er than 28 days , test agc for shall be ,,'
or specifications.

405.2.4 Where design criteria in Sections 408.7 .1. 412.3.4(4) . and 422.6.6. pr
ovide for use of a splilli l"
tensile strength val lie of concrete. laborato ry leS IS shall h: made in accord
ance with Specification for Lig/Jtweig.' Aggregates for Structural Concrete (AST
M C 330)
establi sh val ue offe, correspondin g to speci fied values ofI. . 405.2.5 Split
ting tensile strength tests shall not be used . , basis for field acceptance of
concre tc. 405.2.6 Steel
fib c r ~ reinfoJ'ced
conc re te shall conform
ASTM C1 116. The minimu mfc' for steel fib e r-reinfo!'l
concrete shall conform to 405.2.1. 405.3 Sel ection of Concrete Proportions 405.
3.1 Proportions of mate rials establi shed to provide: I, for concrete shall be
WorkiJb ility and consistency to pe rmit co ncrete to L worked readil y into (or
ms and around reinforcel),:
N<1tional Stru clur,l l Cod(-! of thf~ PI1ilippines 6
Edition Volume 1

- Concrete
under conditions of placement to be employed without
segregation or excessive bleeding. 2. Resistance to special exposures as require
d by Section 404.
Table 405-1 Modification Factor for Standard Lk'\"i;J.;ioll When Less Than 30 Te
sts arc Available
----------- - -.-.~---.-.----,~---~
I_~~~~~~~~~~_I Standard Dcviatio..~~_]_
Less than 15 Usc Table 405-2
~-------------------------I---~---Number of Tests I
Conformance with strength tcst requirements of Section
...... 1
15 20
--~------~ - -405.3.2 Where different materials arc to be used for
different portions of proposed work, each combination shall be evaluated.
1.08 - - - -- 103 1.00
30 or more
405.3.3 Concrete proportions, including w<\tcr-cementitious
materials ratio, shall be established on the basis of field experience and/or tr
ial mixtures with materials to be
employed (see Section 405.4), except as permitted in Section 405.5 or required b
y Section 404.
/ IllIerpo/all! Jor IIIlermedwle /lumber of lesl:.. 1 Modified slandard devialio
ll {() be IIsed to determine rNjllired .\/reIJgth f" ji"O/lI Section 405.4.2.1
Ii),/ .."

405.4.2 Required Average Strength

405.4.2.1 Required average compressive strengthfcr used
405.4 Proportioning on the Basis of Field Experience and Trial Mixtures, or Both
405.4.1 Sample Standard Deviation
405.4.1.1 Where a concrete production facility has test records not morc than 12
months old, a sample standard deviation, SJ> shall be established. Test records
from which a
the basis for selection of concrete proportions shall be the larger of Equation
(405-1) or (405-2) using the sample standard deviation, S.I' calculated in accor
dance with Section
405.4.1.1 or 40S.4.1.2.
-I1.34 s,
(405 !)
./", + 2.33 s, - 3.S
Usc the larger value computed from Eq. 405-\ and 405 :'>, or:
standard deviation I.
is calculated:
Must represent materials, quality control procedures and conditions similar to t
hose expected, and changes in materials and proportions within the test records
shall not have been morc restricted than those for proposed work.
Must represent concrete produced to meet a specified strength or strengths i'c w
ithin 7 MPa of that specified for proposed work.
Must consist of at least 30 consecutive tests or two
t" = t, +
(405-1) (40S-3)
= 0.90 F, + 2.33

Use the larger value computed from Eq. 405-1 and 405-3.
405.4.2.2 When a concrete production facility docs not have. ficld strength test
records for calculation of standard deviation meeting requirements of Section 4 ()'" 405.4.1.2, required average strength fu shall be dctermined from T
able 405-2 and documentation of average strength shall be in accordance with req
uirements of Section 405.4.3.
groups of consecutive tests totaling at least 30 tests as defined in Section 405
.7.2.4, except as provided in
Section 405.4.1.2. 405.4.1.2 Where a concrete production facility docs not have
test records meeting requirements of Section 405.4.1.1(3), but docs have test re
cords [Jot more than 12 months old based on 15 to 29 consccutive tests. a standa
rd sample deviation S" shall be established as -[Ile product of the calculatcd s
ample standard deviation and the
Table 405-2 Required Average Compressive Strength When Data are not Available to
Establish a Standard Deviation
Less than 21 M Pa
21 '5,[, ::; 15
modification factor of Tahle 405-1. To be acceptable, test records shall Illeet
the requircments or Section 40S.4.I.I, Items I and 2, and represent only a singl
e record of consecutive tests that span a period of not less than 4S calendar da
./', "'" g.J
I. Jill', .,. S.II
/\SSOCl,:ltlon of Stn!ctuf(ll Enqll"lcers of

CHAPTER 4 . Co ncrele
405.4.3 Documentation of A vCl'age Strength.
DocumelHalion that proposed concrete proportions will produce an average compres
sive strength equal (0 or greater than required average comprcssive strength (se
e Section 405.4.2) SIHtJl consist of a lield strength test record , several stre
ngth test records, or trial mixllIrcs.
405.4.3.1 When test records in accordance with Sections 405.4.1.1 and 405.4.1.2,
arc used to demonSlratc Ihat proposed co ncrete propo/lions wi ll produce the r
equired average slrcngthf'l"l'" (see Section 405.4.2), such records shall repres
clllmutcrinls and conditions similar to those expected. Changes in materials, co
nditions and proportions within the tes t records shall not have been more restr
icted than th ose for proposed work. For the purpose of documenting average stre
ngth potenti<lI. test records consisting of less than 30 but Tlolless than J 0 c
onsecutive tests may be used, provided test records encompass a period of time n
ot less than 45 days. Required concrete propol1ions may be established by interp
olation between the stren gths nnd proponions of two or more test records each o
f which meets other rcquiremeOis of this section.
Maximum water-ccmentitious materials ratio or 0 minimum cementitious matcrials c
onlent for concrete 1 be used in proposed work shall be that shown by the curve
to produce the average strength required by Section 405.4.2, unless a lower wate
r-ccmenlitious matcrials ratio or higher strength is required by.Section 404.
405.5 Proportion.ing without Field Experience or Trial Mixtures 405.5,1 If data
required by Section 405.4 are not available, concrete proportions shall be based
upon olher ex.periencc or information, if approved by the engineer. The require
d average compressive strength fer of concrete produced with materials similar t
o those proposed for use shall be at least 8.5 MPa greate r than the specified c
ompressive strength,fl"' This alternative shall not be used for specified compre
ssive strength greater than 35 MPa. 405.5.2 Concrete proponioned by Sect ion 405
.5 shall confonn to the durability requirements of Section 404 and to com pressi
ve st rength lest criteria of Seclion 405 .7. 405.6 Average Strength Reduction A
s data become available during construction, it shall be pcmliltcd to reduce the
amOUrH by whi ch f l"l must exceed the specified value off ... provided:
I. Thirty or more lest results are available and average of test results exceeds
th at required by Section 405.4.2 . 1.
405.4.3.2 When ;.Hl acceptable record of field test results is not available, co
ncrete proportions estab!ished from trial mixtures meeting the following restric
tions shall be pcnniltcd:
Combination of materials shall be those for proposed work. Tria! mixtures hav in
g proportions and consistencies required for proposed work shall be made using a
t IC<lsl three different wa ter,ceJ11entiti ous materials ratios or ccmelltitiou
s materials cOlllel1ls that will produce <l range or s trengths cllcomp'lssing t
he req uired averOlgc st ren gt h .I'm and meet the dllra bilit y requirements o
f Sectiol1 404.
using a sa mple standard deviation calculated in accordance with Section 405.4.
1. 1, or
2. Fiftee n 10 29 test results arc .wailable and average of test results exceeds

that required by Section 405.4.2 .1. using n sample standard deviation calculat
ed in accordance with Seclion 405 .4. 1.2, and
3. Trial mixtures shall be designed to produce a slump withi n 20 mill of maximum
permitted. and ror airentrained concrete, within O.5 percent of maximum allowabl
e air content , or within the toleranc e !ipecified for the proposed Work . 4. F
or each walcr-ccmemit iOlls mmcrials ratio or cememitiolls malcri.ds content. at
Icast three tcst cylinders for each lest age shall be made a nd clIreli in acco
rdance wilh "Method (~r Making alld Cllrilll{
COl1crele [e.I{
SPl'Cillll'IIS ill
Spcci<ll exposure requirements of Section 404 are met.
405.7 Evaluation and Acceptance of Concrete 405.7.1 Concrete shall be tested in
accordance with the requirements of Scction 405.7.2 through 405.7.5. Qualined fi
eld testing tech ni cians shall perform tests on fresh concrelc at the job si te
, prepare specimens requircd for curi ng under fi eld conditions. prepare specim
ens required for testing in the laboratory. and reco rd the tempcrnturc of the f
resh concrete when preparing specimens ror st rength tests. Qualified laboratory
technicians shall pcrform all requircd laboratory lest') .
dw Labo/'{llory" (A STM C
192). Cylinders shall he tested at 2& d:1YS or at test age designntcd for determ
ination ()f.r,~ 5. From results of cyl inder tcsl.~. :l curve sl1<l1l he plotted
show ing relationship betw ee n wHler-cC111cnlitiollS materials ralin or c{~mc!
l[itious materials content and com pressive strength OIt desi gnillcd tesl age.
N('llional Structural Code o! the Pllilippin(!S GIll Edition Votl.Jlne 1

CHAPTEli 4 .- Concrete
405.7.2 Frequency of Testing 405.7.2.1 Samples for strength tests of each class
of concrete placed each day shall be taken not less than once a day ,or not less
than once for each 120 m3 of concrete, or not less than once for each 500 m2 of
surface area for slabs
405.7.4 Field-Cured Specimens
405.7.4.1 If required by the engjneer~of~record, rcsults of strength tests of cy
linders cured under field conditions shall be provided. 405.7.4.2 Ficld .. curcd
cylinders shall be cured under field conditions, in accordance with "Practice f
or Making and Curing Concrete Test ,)"'pecimens ill Ih(~ Fidd" (ASTM C 31M).
405.7.4_3 Field-cured test cylinders shall be molded at the same timc and from t
he same samples as laboratory-cured test cylinders.
or walls.
405.7.2.2 On a given project, if the total volume of concrete is such that the f
requency of testing requireo. by Section 405.7.2.1 would provide less than five
strength tests for a given class of concrete, tests shall be made from at least
nvc randomly selected batches or from each batch if 'fewer than five batches are
405.7.2.3 When total quantity of a given class of concrete is less than 40 m3, s
trength tests arc not required when evidence of satisfactory strength is submitt
ed to and approved by the engineer. 405.7.2.4 A strength test shall be the avera
ge of the strengths of two cylinders made from the same sample of concrete and t
ested at 28 days or at test age designated for determination offe. 405.7.3 Labor
atory-Cured Specimens 405.7.3.1 Samples for strength tests shall be taken in acc
ordance with "Method of Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete" (ASTM C 172). 405.7.3.2
Cylinders for strength tests shall be molded and laboratory cured in accordance
with "Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field" (AST
M C 3 J M) and tested in accordance with "Test Method for Compressil'e Strength
(~r Cylindrico! Concrete 5jJecimefls" (ASTM C 39M).
405.7.4.4 Procedures for protecting and curing concrete shall be improved when s
trength of field-cured cylinders at test age designated for determination of fe
is less than 85 percent of that of companion laboratory-cured cylinders. The 85
percent limitation shall not apply if field-cured strength exceedsf,. by more th
an 3.5 MPa. 405.7.5 Investigation of
Test Results
405.7.5.1 If any strength test (see Section 405.7-2.4) of laboratory-cured cylin
ders falls below specified values of Ie by more than 3_5 MPa (see Section 405.73
3. Item 2) or if tests of field-cured cylinders indicate deficiencies in protect
ion and curing (see Section 405.7.4.4), steps shall be taken to ensure that !oad
-carrying capacity of the structure is not jeopardized.
405.7.3.3 Strength level of an individual class of concrete shall be considered
satisfactory if both the following requirements are met:
405.7.5.2 If the likelihood of low-strength concrete is confirmed and calculatio
ns indicate that load-carrying capacity is significantly reduced, tests of cores
drilled from the area in question in accordance with "M(!(hod of Obtaining alld
Testing Drilied Cores and Sawed Beams of Concrete" (ASTM C 42M) shall be permit
led. In such cases, three cores shall be taken for each strength test more than

3.S MPa below specified value off,. 405.7.5.3 If concrete in the structure will b
e dry under service conditions, cores shall be air dried (temperatures ISoC to 2
5C, relative humidity less than 60 percent) for seven days before test and shall
be tested dry. If concrete in the structure will be Illore than superficially we
t under service conditions, cores sh;dl be immersed in water for al least 40 hou
rs and be tested wet. 405.7.5.4 Concrete in an area represented by core tests sh
all be considered structurally adequate if the avcnlge of three. cores is equal
to at !east 85 percent 01'/,. and if no single corc is Jess than 75 percent ofF.
. Additional testing of coreS extracted from locations represented by erratic co
re strength results shall be permitted .
Every arithmetic average of any three consecutive strength tests (see Section 40 equals or exceeds
I, .
2. No individual strength test (average of two cylinders)
falls below.r by more than 3.S MPa, when f'r is 35 MPa or less; or by Illore than
0.1 Of'e when Fe is more than 35 MPa. 405.7.3.4 If either or the requirements o
f Section 405.7.303 arc not mel, steps shall be taken to increase the average or
subsequent strength test results. Requirements of Section 405 .7.5 shall be obs
erved if the requirement of' Item 2 of Section 405.7.3.3 is nol mel.
Association of Structural Enqll inors of tile PhdlPPIIWS

CHAPTER 4 . Concrete
405.7.5.5 If criteria of Section 405 .7.5 .4 arc not met, and if suuctural adequ
acy remains in doubt, the engineer of record shall be permilled to order a stren
gth evaluation in accordance with Section 420 for the Cjllestionable portion of
the structu re, or lake other app ropriate action.
405.7.6 Sleel Fiber-Reinforced Concrele
All iait<lIlce an d other unsound materia! shall be removed before additi onal c
oncrete is placed agains t hardened concrete.
405.9 Mixing
405.7.6.1 Acceptance of !'acei libcr-rcinforccd concrete used in beallls in acco
rdance with 41l.6.6.1(6) shall be determined by testing in accordttnce with ASTM
C J609. In addition, strength tes tin g shall be ill accordance wi th
405.9.1 All concrete shall be mi xed unt il there is a uniform distributi on of
materials and shall be discharged completely before mi xer is recharged. 405.9.2
Read y-mi xed concrete shall be mixed and delivered in accordance with requirem
ents of "Specifications for Ready Mixed COllerete" (ASTM C 94M) or "Specifica tio
lls Jor COII Cf'ere Made by Volumerric Batching and COlllinllolls Mixillg " (AST
M C 685M). 405.9.3 Job-mixed concre te shall be mixed in accordance wi th th e f
ollowing: I. 2.
3. 4.
405.7.6.2 Steel tiber-reinforced concrete shall be co nsidered acceptable for sh
ear resistance if co nditions ( I), (2), and (3) are satisfied:
The weight of deformed sleel fibers per cubic rneter of concrete is greater (han
or equal to 60 kg. The residual strength obtained from Ocxural testing in accor
d;lI1ce with ASTM CI609 al <I mid-span deflection of 1/300 of the span length is
greater ilwn or equ al [090 percent of the measured first-peak stre ngth obtain
ed from a Ocxural tcs t or 90 percent of the slrenglh corresponding to J, [rom E
q . (409 10). whichever is larger; and The residual strength obtained from fl exu
ral tcs tin g in accorda nce with ASTM C 1609 at .1 mid-span deflecti on of 1/ 1
50 of the span length is greater than or eq ual to 75 percc m of the measured fi
rst- peak stre ngth obtained from a flexufnl test or 75 perce nt of the stren g
th corresponding to f, frolll Eq . (409- 10). whi t hcvc r is large r.
Mixing shall be done in a batch mixer of an appro ved Iype; Mixer shall be rotat
ed at a speed recommended by the lllanuf,lcturcr; Mixing sh all be continued for
at least
1 ~ l/2
After all malerials are in lhe dru m, unless a shorter lime is shown to be satis
factory by the mi xing un iformit y tests of "Specifications for Ready-Mixed COf

(ASTM C 94M) ;
Materials handling, batching and mixing shall conform to applicable provisions o
f "Specifications f or ReadyMixed COllcrete" (ASTM C 94 M) ;
A de wilcd record shall be kept to identi fy:
a. 405.8 Preparation of Equipment and Place of J)eposit
405.8.1 Preparation before concrete pl<lcement shall include the following:
Number of batr hes produced; Proporti ons of materials used; Approximatc structu
re; location of final deposi t in
! i
1. 2.
All equipment for mi xing and transponing co ncrete shall be clea n; All debris
shall bc rcmoved rro m Sp<ICCS to be occ up ied by concret e; Forms shall be pro
perl y coa ted; Masonry filler II nits th ill will be in cont3C1 wil h co ncrete
shall be weI! drench ed; Reinforcement sha ll he thoroug hl y dean of dc le(Cri
otls coatings : Water shall be removed from place of deposit before co ncret e.
is placed unless a trernie is (0 he used or unl ess ot herwise permitted by lhe
engi neer:
Time and date of mixing and placing.
405.10 Conveying
405.10.1 Concrete shall be co nveyed from mix er to place of fi nal depo!\it by
me thods th ilt wi ll preven t separation or loss of materi al",. 405.10.2 Conve
yin g equipmen t shall be capable of provid ing a su ppl y of concrete at si te
of place ment wi thout .separati on of ingredients and without interrupti ons su
fficicnt to permit Joss or plas ti ci ty b ~lwcen successive increments.
N3 honl.~! S tructural Code or the Philippines 6 Edillon Volume 1

CHAPTER 4 - Concrete
405.11 Depositing 405. 11.1 Concrete shall be deposi ted as nearly .s practicabl
e in its final position to avoid segregati o n due to
405.12.3.2 Accelerated curing s hal l provide a compressive s trength of concreL
e at the load stage considered at least equal to required design strength at th
ai load stage. 405.12.3.3 Curing process sholl he such as 10 produce concrete w
ith a durabil ity at least eq~li va lent to the curing method of Sccti on 405 .1
2. 1 Or 405.12.2. 405.12.4 When required by the engineer, suppl ementary strengt
h tests in accordance with Secti on 405 .7.4 sh all be perfomled to assure Lhat
curing is satisfactory. 405. 13 Hot Weather Requirem ents During hot weather, pr
oper attent ion sha ll be given to ingredients, production methods, handl in g,
placi ng. protection and cu rin g [Q prevent excessive concrete temperamres or w
ater evaporat ion th at may im pair required s tren,gllt or ser:'ic~abilit y of
the member or s (ruclUrc.
fe-hand li ng or Oowing.
405.11.2 Concreti ng shall be ea rned on at such a rat e th at
concrete is at all times plastic and fl ows readil y in to spaces
between rcinforccnwn!. .
405.11 .3 Concrele th.t has partially hardened or been con taminated by foreign
materials shall not be deposi ted in
the structul"C;.
405.11.4 Re-tcmpcred concrete or concrete that has been remixed after initial se
t shall.nol be used unless approved by
the engi neer:-of-record.
405.11.5 AfLer conc~eting is started. it shall be carded on as a continu ous ope
rati on until pl.a cing of a panel or secti on, as defined by ils boundaries or
prcdcrcnnjncd joints, is co mplet ed, except as permitted ' or prohi bi ted by S
ecti on 406.4. 405.11.6 Top surfaces of veI1icall y fo rmed lifts shall be gener
all y leve l. 405.11.7 When const rucl ion joints are required. joints shall be
made in accordance wit h Seclion 406.4, 405.11.8 All conCrele shall be thoroughl
y consolid.ted by su itable means during placement and shall be thoroughly worke
d around reinforcement and embedded fixtu res and into corne rs of forms . 405.
12 C u ring 405.12. 1 COllcre le (other tha n high -ea rlystren gth) shall be mai
ntained a'bove wOe and in a moi st condition for at Icast lhe fi rst sev~n days
after placement, except when cu red in acco rd ance with Seclion 405.12,3. 405.
12.2 High-cnrly-s lrength concrele shall be ma intained above lOo e and in a mo
ist condi ti o n for at least (he first three days, cxcc~t w hen cu red in accor
dance wilh Section 405. 12.3 . 405.12.3 Accelera ted C uring 405. 12.3.1 C uring
by hig h-press ure stenll1, steam at atmospheri c pressure, heat and mo isture
o r other accepted processes, Ill Hy be employed to accelerate strength g nin an
d redu ce time of cu ring,
. ,,"t; ~)i: '/
.. '
'\:~il~~f;.":' .:,
,: ,~:l}.,~.<~ ~~

Association of Stru ctu ra l Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTER 4 . Concrele
The Slructural analysis and concrete strength data used in planning and implemen
ting form removal and shoring shall be furnished by the co ntractor to tbe build
ing official when so requested . No co nstru ction loads shall be supp0l1ed on,
or any
shoring removed from, any part of {he slmcturc under
406.1 Design of Formwork
406.1.1 Forms shall result in a final structure thaI conforms to shapes, lines a
nd dimensions of the members as required by the design drawings and spccificmion
constructioll exce pt when that pan ion of the structure in com bination wi th r
emaining forming and shoring sys tem has sufficient stre ngt h to ~ upport safel
y its weight and IOilds placed thereon.
406.1.2 Forms shall be substantial and sufficiently tight to prevent leakage of
mortar. 406.1.3 Fonns shall be properly braced or tied together to maintain posi
lion and shape. 406.1.4 Forms and their supports shall be designed so as not 10
damage previously placed structure. 406.1.5 Design of fo nnwork shall include c
o nsideration o r the following factors:
Sufficient slIenglh shall be demonstrated by structura l anal ysis considering p
roposed loads, strength of forming and shoring system and concrete strength data
. Concrete streng th data may be based on tests of fi eld cured cylinde rs or, wh
en approved by the en g ineer~o f record, on ot her procedures to evaluate concre
te slrength.
406.2.2.2 No construction loads exceeding the combination of superimposed dead l
oad plus specified live load shall be supported on any unshorcd pOr1i on of the
stmctu rc under constnlction, unless anal YS is indicates adequate strength to s
upport such additional loads. 406.2.2.3 Form suppo rts for prestressed concrete
members shall not be removed uillil suffi cient prestressing has been app lied 1
0 enable pre.o:;tresscd members to carry their dead load and an ticipated constr
uction loads.
406.3 Conduits and Pipes Embedded in Concrete
Rate and method of placing concrete;
Construction loads, including verti cal, horizon tal and impact loads;
Special form requi rements for constluction of shells. folded plates , do mes, a
rchitect ural concrete or similar types of elemen ts.

406.1.6 Forms for prestressed conc rete members shall be designed alld constnlct
cd to permi t 1ll0VC IllCIlI of Ihe member wi lhollt damage duri ng application
of prestressin g force. 406.2 R emoval of Forms, Shores a nd Reshorin g 406.2.1
Removal of Forms
406.3.1 Conduits. pipes an d sleeves of any material not h,mnful 1 0 concrele an
d within limi tations of Ihis subsection Illay be embedded in eOllcretc with app
roval of the engineer. provided they arc /lot considered 10 rcpl ace struclUratt
y the disp laced concrete. 406.3.2 Conduits and pipes of alumin um shall not be
embedded in siructura l co ncrete unless effectively coared or covered to preven
t alu min uffificoncrete reaction or electrol yt ic action bet ween aluminum and
steel. 4Q6.3.3 Conduits, pipcs and sleeves passing through a slab. wall or beam
shall not impair significantly the strength of the cons tnJ crioll . 406.3.4 Co
nduit s within a co lumn th e area of <.:fOSS whi ch is required and pipes, wit
h their fittings, embedded sha ll not displace more than 4 pcrcclH of sectio n o
n wh ich stren gth is calcu lated or fo r lire protection.
Forms shall be rem oved in such a manner as nol to impair safety and servicc(lbi
lity of the stm cture. Concrete to be exposed by form re mova l shalt ha ve suff
i cient st rength not to be damaged by removal opcnl tioll.
406.2.2 Rcmov:;1 of Shores and n cshol'ing The pro visio ns of Secti on 406.2.2.
1 through 406. 2.2.1 shall apply to slabs and heams except whe re cast Oil the g
rou nd.
406.2.2.1 I3efore starting cons tru clioll , th e co ntra<.:tor shal] develop a
proced ure and schedu le for removal of shores and imaallatioll of reshorcs nnd
for calculating Ihe IOilds trans ferred to the sll1lcturc during the process.
406.3.5 Except when plans for conduits and pipes arc approved by th e structural
enginee r, co ndu its nnd pipes embedded within a slab. wall or beam (ot her th
an those merely pass ing through) shall satisfy the following:
National Structural Code of the Philippin es 6 Edition Vo lume 1

CHAPTER 4 - Concrete
406.3.5.1 TI,ey shall not be larger ill outside dimension than one third the ove
rall thickness of slab, wall or beam in
which they are embedded.
406.4.2 fmmediately before new concrete is placed, all construction joints shall
be wetted and standing water removed. 406.4.3 Construction joints shall be so m
ade and located so as not to impair thc strength of the. structurc. Provision sh
all be made for transfer shear and oth er forces through cOJlstruction joints. S
ec Sect ioJl 411.8.9.
406.3.5.2 They shall be spaced not closer than t hrcc diameters or widths 011 ce
nler. 406.3.5.3 They shall not imp<lir significantly the strength of the constru
406.3.6 Conduits. pipes and sleeves may be considered as replaci ng slfllclumlly
in compression tile di splaced concrete.
406.4.4 Construction joints in floors shall be located within the middle third o
f spans of slabs, beams and girders. 406.4.5 Joints in girders shall be offset a
minimum distance of two times the width of intersecting beams. 406.4.6 Bcams, g
irders or slabs supported by columns Or wHlls shall not be cast or erected until
concrete in lhe vert ical SUppOl1 mcmbers is no longer plastiC.
406.4.7 Bcams, girders, haunches, drop panels and capitals shall be placed monol
ithically as part of a slab systcm , unless otherwise shown in design draw ings
or specifications.
406.3.6.1 They arc not exposed to IlJst ing or other
406.3.6.2 They <Ire of uncoated or galv<lnizcd iron or stcel
not thinner than standard Schedule 40 sleel pipe.
406.3.6.3 They hnve a nominal inside diameter nO{ over 50
mm and arc spaced
less than three diameters 011 centers.
406.3.7 Pipes and fi ttings shall be designed !O resist effects of the material,
press ure and temperature to which they will be subjected . 406.3.8 No liquid,
gas or vapor. except water not exceeding 30:C or 0.35 MPa pressure, shall be pla
ced in (he pipes umillhe concre te has mlained its design strength . 406.3.9 In
solid slabs. piping. unless it is used for radiant healing or snow melting. shal
l be placed between lOp and bOltom reinforCCIllI!I)( . 406.3.10 Conc rete cove r
for pipes. condu it and linings shall not be less than 40 mill for concrete exp
osed to earlh Of wc,lthc r, or less Ihan 20 mm for concrete not exposed 10 weath
er or in con tact with ground. 406.3.11 Reinforcement wilh an arca not less [han
0.002 times the area of co ncrcte section shall be provided normal
to the piping.
406.3.12 Piping and mouit slwW be so fabricated and insta lled thai cutt ing. ben
din g or displacement of rei nforccment from its proper lociHion willnOl he requ
iretl . 406.4 Construction Joints 406.4.1 Surface of concrele constructiun joint

s shall be cleaned and laitancc rcmoved.

Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTER 4 - Concrete
Table 407-1 - Minimum Diamelers or Bend
Bar Size Minimulll Diameter
407.1 Notalions
~IO mm Ihrough <1>25 mOl q,28 mm , ~32 mm and
::::: distance from extreme compression fiber to cen troid of tension reinforcem
ent, mm ;: nominaJ diameter of bar. wire or prestrcs~ing s lrand,
~36 nun
q,42 mm and
407.4 Bending of Reinforcement 407.4.1 All reinrorcemenl shall be ben I co ld, u
nless otherwi se pemlillcd by the engineer-oF-record. 407.4.2 Reinforcement pani
ally embedded in concrete shaH not be field bent , except as shown on the design
drawings or permitted by the engineer-or-record. 407.5 Surface Conditions of Re
infol'eement 407.5.1 At the time concrete is placed, reinforccment shall be free
from mud, oil or other nonmctallic coatings that decrease bond. Epoxy coatings
of steel reinforcement in accordance with Sections 403.6.3.8 and 403.6.3.9 shall
lei = comprcssve
strength of concrete at li me of initia l preSlress. MP. = specified yield stren
glh or non prestressed
rej nforcemen t, MPa
mOl. See Section 4 12.
Ld :; developmeru length,
407.2 Standard Hooks
"Standard hook " as used in this code is one of the following:
407.2.1 180-degree bend plus 4d" eXlension, bUI nOI less than 60 111m at free en
d of bar. 407.2.2 90-degree bend plus 12d" extension al rree end or bar. 407.2.3
For stirrup and tie hooks:

407.5.2 Reinforcement, except prestressing tendons. with ru st, mill scale or a

combination of both, shall be considered satisfactory, provided the minimum dime
nsions (including height of defonnations) and weight of a hand -wire-brushed tcs
t specimen comply with applicable ASTM specifications re ferenced in Section 403
.6. 407.5.3 Prestressing tendons shall be clean and free of oi!, dirt. scale, pi
tting and excessivc lU St. A light coating of rust shall be permiltcd. 407.6 Pla
cing Reinforcement
q,16 mm bar and smaller, 90-degree bend plus 6(1" extension at free end of bHr;
or q,20 mm and q,25 mm bar. 90-degree bend , plus 12(/" extension al frec end of
bar; or
bar and smaller, 135-degrce bend plus 6(h
extension at free end of bar.
407.2.4 Seismic hooks as defined in Section 402.
407.3 Minimum Bend Diameters 407.3.1 Diameter of bend measured on the inside or
the bar. other Ihan ror stirrups and lies in sizes q,1 0 mm Ihro ugh ~ 16 mm, sh
allnol be less Ihan Ihe values in Table 407- \. 407.3.2 Inside diameter of bends
for sti rrups and tics .shall not be less than 4db for ~16 mm bar and smaller.
For bars larger (han 4>16 mm, diameter of bend shall be in accordance wilh Table
407-1. 407.3.3 Inside diameter of bends in welded wire fabric 407.6.1 Reinforce
ment. prestressing tend ons and ducts shall be accurately placed and adequately
slipponcd before concrete is placed. and shall be secured against displacement w
ilhin to lerances of lhis section. 407.6.2 Un less OIherwise specified hy the en
gineer-of\!cord , reinrorcemenL , prestressing lendons and preslressing
ducts shall be placed wilhin Ihe followin g tolerances:
(plain or deformed)
d wire larger thall
r of less than '8d"
National Structural
Edition Volume 1

for stirrups and lies shall not be less than 4(h for deforme
MD40 and 2lh for all oth er wires. Bends with inside diamete
shall not be less than 4(", from nearest welded intersection
Code of th e Philippines 6

CHAI'TER 4 . Concrete
407.6.2.1 Tolerance for depth d, and Ilummum concrete cover in flexural members,
walls and compression members s hall be as follows: r- Tolerance on Effective Dc
plh. Tolerance on d
407.7.3 In spirally reinforced or lied reinforced compression members, clear dis
tance between longitudin al bars shall not be less than LSd. or less than 40 mm.
See also Section 403.4.2. 407.7.4 Clear distance limitation between bars shall
apply also to the clear distance between a contact lap sp lice and adjacent spli
ces or bars .. 407.7.5 In walls and slabs olher than concrete jOiSl construction
, primary Oexural reinforcement shall not be spaced farther apan than three time
s the wall or slab thickness, nor farther than 450 111m . 407.7.6 Dundled Dars 4 Groups of parallel rein forcing bars bundled in contact to ac~ as a uni
t shall be limited to four bars in One bundle. 407.7.6.2 Bundled bars shall be e
nclosed within stilTUPS or ties. 407.7.6.3 Bars larger Ihan ~36 mm shall not be
bundled in beams. 407.7.6.4 Individual bars within a bundle terminated within th
e span of flexural members shall term inale at different points with at least 40
db stagger. 407.7.6.5 Where spac ing limitations and minimum concrete cover are
based on bar diameter (//>, a unit of bundled bars shall be trealed as a single
bar of a diameter del;ved from the equivalent total area. 407.7.7 Prestressing T
e ndons and Ducts 407.7.7. 1 Center !0-center spacing of pre-tensioning tendons
at each end of a member shall not be less than 5db for wire. nor 4db for strands
. except that if concrete strength at transfer of prestress. c; is 28 MPa or mor
e, min imum center to center spacing of strands shall be 45 mm for strands of 12
mm norrtinal diameter or smaller and 50 mm for strnnds of 16 mm nominal diamete
r. See also Section 403.4.2. Closer vertical spacing .tnd bundling of tendon s s
ha ll be permiHcd in the middle portion of a span.
Minimum Concrete
d ,; 200
lOmm 12mm
<I> 2UO /TIm
- 12 ,nUll
except that to lerance for the clear distance (0 fonned soffi ts s hall be minus
6 mill and lOlerance for cover shall not exceed minus one-third the minimum con
crete cover required by the approved plans or specifications. 407.6.2.2 Toleranc
e for longitudinal localion of bends and
ends of reinforcement shall be 50 mm except at discontinuous ends of members wher
e tolerance shall be
12 mill at the discontinuous ends of brackets and corbe ls.

and 25 mm at the discontinuous ends of other members.

The tolerance for concrete cover of Section 407.6 . 2. 1 shall also app ly at th
e discontinuous ends of members. 407.6.3 Welded wire fabric (with wire size not
greater than MW30 or M030) used in slabs not exceeding 3 III in span shall be pe
rmitted to be curved from a point near th e top of s lab over the support to a p
oint near the bottom of slab at midspan, provided such reinforcement is either c
ontinuous ove r, or securely anchored al, support. 407.6.4 Welding of crossing b
ars shall not be permitted for asse mbly of reinforcement.
Exceptions: 1. 2. Rein/arcing steel bars are not required by design. When specif
ically approved by the engineer4o,f.record, welding of crossing bars for assembl
y purposes ill Seismic Zone 2 may be permit/ed, provided that data are submitted
to the engineer to show that rht?Te is 110 detrimental effect on the actioTl of
the structural member as a result afwelding of the crossing b.ars.
407.7 Spacing Limits for Reinforcement 407.7.1 The mini mulll clear spacing betw
een parallc:J bars in a layer sha ll he (It. but not less than 25 1l1111 . See a
lso Section
407.7.2 Where paralic! reinforcement is placed in two or morc layers, bars in th
c upper layers Sh'lll be placed directly ahove bars in the bottom layer with cle
ar distance between la yers not less than 25 mm.
407.7.7 .2 Bundling of post-lensioning duels shall be permitted if it is shown t
hat concrete can be sati sfactorily placed and if provision is made to prevent t
he tendons , wlF ~!! tensioned, from breaking through (he duct.
Association of Structuf(ll Engineers of the Philippine s

CHAPTER 4 . Concrete
407.8 Concrete Protection for Reinforcement 407.8.1 Cast-in-Place Concrete (Nonp
restressed) Unl ess a greater cover is required by Section 407.8.6 or 407.8.8, s
peci fied cover for reinforcement shaJ] nOlless than Ihe following: 407.8.2 Prec
ast Concrete (Manufactured Under Plant Control Conditions) Unless a greater cove
r is required by Section 407.8.6 or
407.8.8, specifi ed cover for prestressed and nonpres lrcssed
I. 2. CQllcrelc cast against and pcnnancnli y
reinforcement , dUCIS. and end fittings shall following:
I. Concrete exposed to earth or weather: a. Wall panels:
less than the
Minimum Cover
Minimum Cover
exposed to earth ........................ ................. 75 mm
Concrete exposed to earth or weather:
mm bar through ~36 nun bar .... . ~I 6 mm bar, MW200 or MD200 wire, and sJllalle
r ....................................... .
3. Concrete not exposed to weather or in
SO mm
40mm ~42 mm and ~58 mm bars 4>36 bar and smaller, prestressing tendons larger th
an 40 mm and smaller, MW200 or MD200 wire and smaller. __ ... 20 mm
b. Olher members:
~42 and .p58 bars, prestressing lendons larger than 40 mm ................. ,.".
. .. .... ...... <1>20 through <1>36 bars, prestressing
contact with ground:
a. Slabs, walls, joists:
50 111m
.p42 mm and .p58 nUll bars
mm b,lfS and smaller
20 nun
tendons larger than 16 mill through 40mm ...... ......... ........ .............

<P 16 bar and smaller, prestressing

40 mill
Beams, columlls:
PrimalY reinforcement, tics, stirrups, spirals .............................. _.
... 40 mm
tendons 16 mm diameter and smaller, MW200 or MD200 wire, and smaller.....
2. Concrete not exposed to weather or in contact with ground :
Shells, folded plale members: .p20 mm bar and larger 20 mm q,16 mm bar, MW200 or
MD200 wire, and smaller ._...................... ......... 12 mill
a. Slabs, walls, joists:
<1>42 mm and 4>58 mm bars, prestressing
tendons larger than 40 mm ................ 30 mm
Prestressing tendons 40 fnm .... 20 111m and smaller ... 4>36 mrn bar and smalle
r, MW200 or 15 mm MD200 wire and smaller. b. Beams, columns:
Primary reinforcement db but flol less than 4J 15 mm and need not exceed .......
. 40 mm Ties, slirrups, spirals ........... ............... 10 mill
Shells, folded plate members: Prestressing tendons. mm bur and larger </>16nll11
bar, MW2000r MD200 wire, and smaller .... ..... .
20 nun J5mlll
Nationa l Structural Code of the Pllllippines 6
Edition Volume 1

CHAPTER 4 - Concre le
407.8.3 Cas tln Place Concrete (Prestressed) 407.8.3.1 Un less a greater cover is
required by Sections 407 _8_6 and 407.8_8, specified cover for prestressed and
407.8.6 Corrosive Environmcnts
nOllprcstrcssed reinforcement, duc ls and end filtings, shall
not less Ih(lll the following:
Minimum Cover
In corrosive envi ronments or other severe ex pOsure conditi ons, amount of conc
rete protection shall be. s:!iWhly increased, and the pel1inent requirements for
concrete bas.cd o n applicable exposure categories in Section 40't shall be met
, denseness and nonporosity of protecting concrcle shall 'be considered, or othe
r protection shall be provided.
407.8.6.1 For prestressed concrete members exposed to corrosive environments or
other severe exposure rilleg!"' such as Ihose defined in Section 404, and whid; .
lfC classi fied as Class T or C in Section 418.4.3. spc:cdl e rl concrete cover
shall not be less (han 1.5 limes tlH : !.', . C tor prestressed reinforcement requir
ed by Sections filJi X.i. < . Iid 407.8.3. This requirement shall be permitted t
o be \Vaiv~d if the precompressed tensile zone is not in tensi on under sus tain
ed loads. 407.8.7 Future Extensions Exposed reinforcement, insens and plates inl
cndcd for bonding with future extcnsions shall be prot<~ {;l(;d from
Concrete cast against and permanently exposed 10 earth
Concrete exposed
LO Cll11h
.. .
or weather:
Wall panels. slabs, joislS
Other members ........... .... .
2S mm
Concrete not exposed to weather or in
co ntact with ground:
Slabs, walls, joists
20 mm

Bc:uns. columns:
Plimary reinforcement
Tics, stirrups. spirals
25 mm
407.8.8 Fire Proteclion
Shell s, folded plate members: <j>16mm bars, MW200 or MD200 wire,
and smaller ......... ". ... ... .. ........ ...... 10 nun Olher reinforcement .
........... lit. > 20 ml11
407.8.3.2 For pres tressed concrete members exposed to earth , weather o r corro
sive environmcnl s. and in which permissible ten sile s tress of Sec ti on 41 8.
5. 1. Item 3. is exceeded. minimum cove r shall be increased 50 percent.
407.8.3,3 For pres tressed concrcte members manufacturcd under plant comrol con
ditions, min imum concrete cover for nonpreslressed reinforcement shall be as re
quired in Section 407.8_2. 407,8.4 Bundled Bars
If the National Building Code, of which the N;Jli () nal Structural Code of the
Philippines (onns a p:lri, jl:qi1frt :: a thickness of cover for fire protection
greater than (he minimum concrete cover specified in Seciion:. tl( ri .,; . 1 th
rough 407.8.7, such greater thickness shall he ~ p(;(; iI H .. j ,
407.9 Special Reinforcement Details for Columns 407.9.1 Offset B:trs Offset bent
longitudinal bars shall confoml to (he followir'f::
407.9.1.1 Slope of inclined portion of an offset bar with (lxis
of co lumn shall not exceed I in 6.
407.9.1.2 Portions of bar above and below all
parallel to axis of column. 407.9.1.3 Horizontal support at offset bl'n ds ~ ! d
1 ; ll~ prov ided by lateral li es, spirals or purts of {Ii;: fL,,! constru ctio n
. Hori zontal suppo rt pro vided shaH lie t1. ;.i;, -J to res ist o lle and onehal
f limes the horizontal ,~}jllp: l(le I H .;f th e computed force in the inclined
portion or :w urr,:'1 11. '. Late ral lies or spirals. if used, shall be placed
/lO! m Oil: rb,q) 150 mOl from po ints o f bend. 407.9.1.4 Offset bars shall be
belli before ,,1,''C'nc'" i"
For bundled bars, minimum concrete cover shall not be less than the equivalent d
iameter of the bundle, but need not be greater than 50 mill; except for concrete
cast against and permanently exposed to earth, minimum cover shall not be less
than 75 mill.
407.8.5 HC:ld ed Shear Stud J{cinfor(.'clI1cnt
shall be
For headed shear stud reinforcement, speci fied co ncrete cover for the heads or
base raits shall not be Ic..o;s than thill requi red for the re inforcement in
the type of member in which th e headed shear stud reinforcement is pl'lced.
forms. See Section 407.4.

Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTER 4 - Concrete
407.9.1.5 Where a column face is offset 75 mm or greater. longitudinal bars shal
l not be offset bent. Separate dowels, lap spliced with the longitudinal bars ad
jacent to the offset column faces, shall be provided. Lap splices shall conform
to Section 412.18. 407.9.2 Steel Cores Load transfer in structural steel cores o
f composite compression members shall be provided by the following:
407.11.3 It shall be permitted to waive the lateral reinforcement requirements o
f Sections 407.11, 410.17 and 418.12 where tests and structural analyses show ad
equate strength and feasibility of construction. 407.11.4 Spirals Spiral reinfor
cement for compression members conform to Section 410.10.3 and to the following:
407.9.2.1 Ends of structural steel cores shall be accurately finished to bear at
end-bearing splices, with positive provision for alignment of one core above th
e other in concentric contact. 407.9.2.2 At end-bearing splices, bearing shall b
e considered effective to transfer not more than 50 percent of the total compres
si ve stress in the steel core. 407.9.2.3 Transfer of stress between column base
and footing shall be designed in accordance with Section 415.9. 407.9.2.4 Base
of structural steel section shall be designed to transfer the total load from th
e entire composite member to the footing; or, the base may be designed to transf
er the load from the steel core only, provided ample concrete section is availab
le for transfer of the portion of the total load carried by the reinforced concr
ete section to the footing by compression in the concrete and by reinforcement.
407.10 Connections 407.10.1 At connections of principal framing elements (such a
s beams and columns), enclosure shall be provided for splices of continuing rein
forcement and for anchorage of reinforcement terminating in such connections. 40
7.10.2 Enclosure at connections may consist of external concrete or internal clo
sed ties, spirals or stirrups. 407.11 Lateral Reinforcement for Compression
407.11.4.1 Spirals shall consist of evenly spaced continuous bar or wire of such
size and so assembled as to permit handling and placing without distortion from
designed dimensions. 407.11.4.2 For cast-in-place construction, size of spirals
shall not be less 10 mm diameter. 407.11.4.3 Clear spacing between spirals shal
l not exceed 75 mOl or be less than 25 mm. See also Section 403.4.2. 407.11.4.4
Anchorage of spiral reinforcement shall be provided by one and one-half extra tu
rns of spiral bar or wire at each end of a spiral unit. 407.11.4.5 Spiral reinfo
rcement shall be spliced. if needed. by anyone of the following methods: I. Lap
splices not less than the larger of 300 mm and the length indicated in one of (a
) through (e) below: a. b. c. d. deformed uncoated bar or wire plain uncoated ba
r or wire epoxy-coated deformed bar or wire. 48 db
72 db 72 db
plain uncoated bar or wire with a standard stirrup or tic hook in accordance wit
h Section 407.2.3 at ends of lapped spiral reinforcement. The hooks shall be emb
edded within the core confined by the spiral reinforcement .....................
............... ........ 48

407.11.1 Lateral reinforcement for compression members shall conform to the prov
isions of Sections 407.11.4 and 407.11.5 and, where shear or torsion reinforceme
nt IS required, shall also conform to provisions of Section 411. 407.11.2 Latera
l reinforcement requirements for composite compression members shall conform (0
Section 410.17. Lateral reinforcement requirements for prestressing tendons shal
l conform to Section 418.12. 2.
epoxy-coated defonned bar or wire with a standard stirmp or tie hook in accordan
ce with Section 407.2.3 at ends of lapped spiral reinforcement. The hooks shall
be embedded within the core confined by the spiral ..... 48 db reinforcement
Full mechanical or welded splices in accordance with Section 412.15.3.
407.11.4.6 Spirals shall extend from top of footing or slab in any story to leve
l of lowest horizontal reinforcement in members supported above.
National Structural Code of the Philippines
ell Edition Volume 1

CHAPTEH 4 Concrete
407.11.4.7 Where beams or brackets do not frame into all sides of a column, lics
shall extend above tcnninmion of s piral to uonom of slab, drop panel, or shea
r cap.
407.12 La teral Reinforcement for Flexural Members
407.12.1 Compress io n reinforcemen t in beams shall be enclosed by lies or stir
rups satisfying the size ami spacing limitations in Section 407 .11.5 or by weld
ed wire fabric of cq uiva icill area. Suc h tics or stirrups shall be provided
throughout the di stan ce where compression re inforcement is req uired. 407.12.
2 Lateral rei nfo rcemcnt fG! nexural framing members subject to stress reversal
s or to to rsion at slIppons shall consist of closed tics, closed stirrups, or s
pirals ex tending around Ihe flexural reinforcement. 407.12.3 Cl osed lies or Sl
il11Jps may be formed in one picce by overlapping standard stil11Jp or tie end h
ooks around a longi tudinal bar, or formed in one or two pieces lap spliced with
a Class B splice (lap of 1.3Id ), or anchored ill accordance wi lh Section 4 12
. 14 . 407. 13 Shrinkage a nd Te mpera ture Reinforcement 407.13.1 Reinforcement
for sh rinka ge and tc mperalllre st resses normal to fl ex tlrnJ re inforccl'l
1ent shal l be provided in structural slabs whe re the flexural rei nforceme nt
extends in one direction o nl y. 407. 13.1.1 Shrinkage and temperature reinforce
ment shall be provided in accordance with ei the r Section 407.J3.2 or 407.13.3.
407.13.1.2 Where shrinkage and tempcrature movements arc significamiy restraine
d. the requirement s of Sections 408.3 .4 and 4093.3 sha ll be considered . 407.
13.2 Deformed reinforcemcnt co nformin g 10 Sect ion 403 .6 .3 lIsed for shrinka
ge and temperature reinforcemcnt shall be provided in accordance with the follow
ing: 407.13.2.1 Area of shrinkage and te mp erature reinforcement
407. 11.4.8 III columns with capitals, spirals shall extend to level fit which t
he diameter or width of capital is twO times
Ihm of th e co lumn .
407.11.4.9 Spirals shall be held firmly in place and tru c to line.
407. 11 .5 Tic reinforcement for compression member!) shall
conform to the following:
407.11.5.1 All non prestressed bars shall be enclosed by latcral (ies. a( least
mID mOl in size for longitudinal bars U!32 111m or smalier. and at least rnl2 mm
in ~ize for liI36 mm, rn42 mm. 1.!J58 111m bars. and bundled longitudinal bars.
Deformed wire or we lded wire fabric of equivalent area s hall be permilled. 407
.11.5.2 Vel1ical spac in g of lies shall not exceed 16 longitudinal bar tlinmetc
rs , 48 ti e bar or wire diarneters, or leas t dimensioJl of the compression mem
ber. 407.11.5.3 Ti cs sha ll be arranged slich tl1m every corner and alternate
longitudinal bar shall have lateral SUppOI1 provided by the corne r of 11 tic wi
th an included angie of not more than 135 degrees and a bar shall be nOt fanher
than 150 mill clea r all each side along the lic from such a laterally supported
bar. Where longi tudinal bars arc IOC.HCd around the perimcte r of a c ircle, a
complete circuhu lie shall be pcnnincd. 4 07. 11.5.4 Tics shill! be locateo vert
ically not more than on e half a tic spncing above the lOp of footing or s lab i
n an y slOry and shall be spaced as provided herein to nol more than o ne half a
tic spacing below the lowest horizontal reinforcemellt in slab, drop panel, or
shear CHP above. 407.11.5.5 Whe re beams or brackets frallle from fOll r d irec
ti ons into <I co lumn, terminati on of li es not more than 75 mill below reinfo
rcement in sha ll owes t of slI ch beams or brackcts shall be pennittcd. 407.11.
5.6 Where ,Hlehor bolls are pklccd in (he top columns or pe destal s , the bolls

shall be enclosed by lateral reinforcement 111<It al so surrounds at Icit st fO

llr vcnkal bars of the colu mn or pedeslal. The laleral reinrorcement shall be d
istributcd within 125 nllll of thc lOp or column or pedcstal. and shall consist
of at least [wo m l2 ml11 or three rnlo nun bars.
shall provide at leflst the fo ll ow ing ra tios of re inforcement
area to gross con crete area, but not less than 0.00 14:
Slabs where Grode 280 and Grade 530 deformed bars arc used ....... ... .. ......
... .......... 0 .0020 Slabs where Grade 4 15 deformed bars or welded wi re fabr
ic (smooth or deformed) "re used .............................. ...... 0.0018
Slabs where rei nforcement with yield . stress exceeding 415 MPa measured at 0.0
0 18 x415 a yield strain of 0 .35 percent is used
Association of StrtJ clural Englllcers of tile Phil ippines

CHAPTER 4 . COllcrele
407.13.2.2 Shri l1kage and tClllpcralu r~ rein forccmcllI shall be spaced nol f.
wher ap,IJ1 than ri vc timcs the sla b lhickness or 450 mm.
407.13.2.3 AI <t il secti ons whcre requi red. rei nforcc men t for shrinkage an
d tcmpe.rillure ~(rcsscs shall develo p the ccord;lncc wit h specified yicld str
cngth J~ in (elision in .k Scclion 41 2. 407.13.3 Prestressin g Icndons conformi
ng to Scct ion 403.6.6 used for shrinkage ,lIld temperature reinforcement shall
be provided ill accorda nce wilh the followi ng:
At Icast onc-qual1cr reinforccment requi red two bars.
of thc posit ivc momcnt midspa n, bUI not less Ih'lll
A l non-con tin uous suppOl1S, the reinforce ment shall be anc hored to develop
1,. at the face of the support lIs in g II standard hook satisfying Sec ti on 41
2.6 or headed defonncd bar sa ti sfying Section 412 .7.
407.13.3.1 Tendons shall be proportioned to provide a mini mu lll average co mpr
essive Sl rC!\s of 0.70 MPa on gross COll cretc area using effecti ve prestress,
after losses, in accordance wi th Sccti on 418.7.
407.13.3,2 Spacing of prl.!s lrcssed te ndons shall not exceed
i .8 meter.....
407.14.2.3 The co ntinuous moment reinforcement required ill Section 407. 14.2.2
shall bc enclosed by transverxe reinforcement or the L ype specified in Section
4 The transve rse rcinforcemenl Shilll be an chored as specified ill
Section 4 The transverse rein forcement need not be extended thro ugh
the coluilln . 407.14.2.4 Where splices are required to salisfy Section 407, 14.
2.2, (he lOp reinforcement shall be spliccd at or near midspan and boltom reinfo
rcement shall be spliced near the support . Splices shall be Class B tension spl
ices, or mechanical or welded splices satisfyi ng Section 4 12. i 5.3 . 407.14,2
.5 In other than perimeter beams . where transverse reinforce ment as dcfined in
Secti on 407 .14.2.3 is provided, there arc 110 addi tion al requirements for l
ongitudinal reinforcement . Wh ere such transverse integrity reinforcc melll is
nOt provided, nt least one-qual1cr of the positive 1l10lnCllI rein forcement at
midspan, but not less than I WO ba rs, shall pnss through the regi on bounded by
the longiludinal reinforccll1clHof thc COI Ulllll :lIld shall be co ntinuou s o
r shall be spliced over OJ' ncar the support wilh a Class B tens ion spli ce, or
mec hanical or weld ed split:cs sa ti sf yi ng Section 412. 15.3. A I 11011 co
ntinuous suppOI1S, the reinforccment sl1:111 he 'lIlchored 10 (ievel opJ~ at the
face ()f Ihe SU PP()f1 using a standard hook sali s fying Section 4 12.6 or hea
ded de forilled bar sa tisfying Sct: ti o ll 4! 1 .7. 407 ,14.2,(' For IlOll pre
sLresscd two-way sl" b COllst rllCli ()]). set: Sel' tion 41 J .4.R.5. 407. 14.2
.7 For prt:stressed two-way slab cOllslnlcli on. see Secti on 4 18. 13 .6 and 41
8 13.7 407. 14 ,) For precast concrc te
CO]l Slrut'l io n .
407.13.3.3 WIlen the spacing of pres tressed tcndOlls exceeds 1.4 Ill, <Iddi lio
nal bonded shrinkage and temperature reinfo rceme nt conforming with Secti on 40
7 .13.2 xlmll be pro vided between (he (c!l tk>ns at slab ed ges extending from
the Slil b edge for a distance equal 10 the tendon spacing,
407.14 UCCJuircmcnts fo r Stru ctll ra lln tcgrity 407.14,1 III the dc/ailing of

re info rce ment and connec ti ons. members of' . 1 structure shall be effectiv
el y tied toge ther (0 impro ve illlcgri ty of the ove ral l struc ture.
407.J4.2 For cast-I n-plan. ' olllslnl<.'tion. llIinilllUlll r e quil'l~ lIlcnls
I h~'
following sh;1I 1
c() ll s tillftl~
407,14.2. 1 In joist conslnll' ti oll. its delincd in Sections 408.14.1 through
01 08. 14.3. at lea~1 nile hO(t Olll har shall he continuous or shal l he splice
d over the support wi th a Class B tens ion spl icc 0 ]' a Illct' h;m ic al ~)I'
welded s plice satisfy ing Section 412. 1S .] <lod at nOIl-cont inllolls suppor
t s sh all be '1IH.:hored 10 develop f, a! the face of the slJppon lI sin g a sta
ncbnl honk satisfying Sect ion ~ 11.6 or hcmicd (kfo rmcd bar SiU i~ryi llg Set
'! inn 412.7. 407.J4,2.2
I k:1Il1S
tcnsio]) lies
11 ;1\\ , ~: ()llt i l1\1\1\1s
throu gh tht: rcinfnrcl'Illl'1lI o r I Ill! L"lliu llIl1 l'oll si:-tlllg
1 \1
al tl w pcrilllt'!l:r of Ih e St I1l C!\lI\' sh,dl I'ci nrmccillcill O\:l! Ihe :
-.pan kll gth p assin g region bounded hy l ile longitudilla l
shall be provided in the transverse. longitudinal. and vcrtit'al dircction s and
arou nd t h ~' perimcter o f the slrllc tll rc In ~rrl~\,:tivdy til' ek lll c l
Jt s toget her. The provisions of Sec ti on
4 I (,.!, shall "ppl)' .
( I ) and (2):
It'a.\( (llll' -s ixth nf the tens ion rc ill i'orn'm t'1I1 I'l'q uil'l'd for ll
~ga ti\'l: 11101111..'1\1 al the :-. uppOl'1. hU I no t k::-.s 111:111 t\V() 1)
.:107. 14.4 For lif, "I,,11 and ..t 18 . 1:IX
l'oll~trlll'tioll, St'C. St:t't ioIlS .~
1l.tX 6

CHAPTEI, 4 . Concrete
Table 407-2 Steel Reinforcement Information Information on Sizes, Areas and Weig
hts of Various Steel Reinforcements
. . . ..... .. _ . _ - - - - - _..
- - - - - - . - _.
Nominal Diameter, mm
Nominal Area, mm 2
Nominal mass, kg/m
0.560 -------.- .--.. 0.994 1.552 2.235 3.042 3.973
Bar Size Designation
..Nominal Area, mm 2
79 113 201 314
. ..._._- - - _.
Nominal mass, kg/m
--~--12.7 15.9
71 _ - _._-_ 129 199
-- ~..
12 16

0.890 1.580 2.465

19.1 22.2 25.4 28.7
284 387 510 645 819 1006
. - 1-.
25 28 32 36 42 58
491 616 804 1019 1385 2642
32.3 35.8 43.0 57.3
._... _ ...... _.
5.060 6.404 7.907 11.380 20.240
4.831 6.310
. .
7.986 10.870 20.729
1452 2581
.."" ... _ . _ - - - - ' - . _ - - ~
/\SSOC i8t ioil of Siructur81 Enqineers of tile Pll i lipPllll~' ;

CHAPTER 4 . Concrole
~ -37
Table 407 -3 WRI Standard Wire Rein force men t MW and MD SIZE
- - --_..
MW 290 MW200 MW130 MWI 20 MWI OO MW90 MW80 MW70 MW65 MW60 MW55 MW50 MW45 MW40 MW
35 MW30 1----MW 25 MW20 MWIS MWIO MW5
MD290 MD200 '. MD130 MD I20 MDI OO MD90 MD80 MD70 MD65 MD60 MD55 MD50 MD45 MD40
MD35 1922 15.95 12.90 12.40 11 .30 10.70 10. 10 9.40 9. 10 8.70 8.44 8.00 7.60 7
.10 6.70 6.20 5.60 5.00 4.40 3.60
-50 5800 4000 2600 2400 2000 1800 1600 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700
75 3900 2700 1700 1600 1300 1200 1100 930 870 800 730 670 600 530 470 400 330 27
0 200
100 2900 2000 1300 1200 1000 900 800 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200
150 100 50
150 1900 1300 870 800 670 600 530 470 430 400 370 330 300 270 230 200 170 130 10
0 70 33
200 1450 1000 650
250 1160 800 520 480 400 360 320 280 260 240 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 4
0 20
300 970 670 430 400 330 300 270 230 220 200 180 170 150 130 120 100 83 67 50 33
2.270 1.570 1.020 '0.942 0.785 0.706 0.628 0.549 0.510 0.471 0.432 0.393 0.353 0
.314 0.275 0.236 0.196 0.157 0.118 0.079 0.039
500 450 400 350 325 300

250 225 200 175 150 125 100 75 50 25

--- - ---MD 25
MD 30
600 500 400 300 200 100

CHAPTEfl4 - Concrete
408.1 Notations
408.3 Loading
408.3. 1 Des ign prov isions of thi s code nrc based on the ass umption that 51
ructurcs sha ll be designcd to resist all applicable loads. 408.3 ,2 Servi ce lo
ad s shall he in iH:corda nce with C hapter 2 or this code Wilh appropriatl.!. l
ive IO<ld reduct ions as pe l'ln iHcd therein. 408.3.3 In ~csig n for wind :111<
1 c4l11hquakc loads, intcgraL structural pans shall be dcsigilCd to resist th e
(otal lateral
A. ;;: area o fnonprcstrc.o;:scd tension rci n(ol'CCI1lCnL I11m ~ A '. ;;: area
of compression rei nforce ment, 1111112 b ;;: width of compression face of membe
r, mm d ::: di stance from extreme compressi oll fiher 1 0 ce nt roi d of (ensio
n rcinforccmcllI. 111m
408.3.4 Considerat ion sha ll be given to e ffcc ts or rorces due to prcstrcssin
g. crane loads , vihratio n, impac l, shrinkage , temperature changes. creep. ex
pansion of shrinkageco mpcnsating C{) llcrC le tul d uneqllal settl cmcllt of su
r, :;:
V, Iii, IV"
:;: modulus of elas ti cit y o f concrete . MP,1. Sec SC'lion 208.6. 1 :;: modul
us of elasticity of rcin f'o rcc m clH. MPa. Sec Sections 408 .6.2 and 408 .6.3
speci fied compressive strengt h of cOllc re te. Mila ;; speci fied yie ld stren
gth of Ilo nprestn::ssed re inforce ment. MPa :;;: length of clear Sp:lH measure
d facc~ l o- fC!(:c of
408.4 Methods of Analysis
408.4.1 All members or ffum es or <.:o minll ous construction shall be designed
(or tile ma ximulll effects or fa c tored loads as determined by th e th eory o
f clastic 'IIln lysis, exc ept as modified by Section 408.5 , It sha l l be perm
incd to si mplify the design by usin g tilt:: nss ll ll1p ti olls spccilkd in Sc
ction s 408 .8 th rough 408 .12. 408.4.2 Except fo r prest resse d concrct!.! ,
approximate me thod s or frallle anal ysis ma y bc lI sed for buildings of usual
Iypes of construct ion , ~p a!ls .1Ilt! story he ig ht s.
Slipp0 11 S. mill ;;: no m inal shear stre ngth provided by concrete :;: ullit w
eight of concrete, kghn , l ;;: facLOrccl load per unit len gth of beam Or' per
Llnit area o f slab = raCIOr defined in Seclion 410,3 ,7.]
in ex treme tens io n steel at nom inal strcng th ;:: w ti o or no nprcstressed

ICllsion rcinrorcclllcnl
;:: net tens ile stra in
= liJbd ;:: rati o or lIonprcsl rcssc cJ compression l'l.!inforL'cmclH
ratio produci ng
IO .,~ .2
= II ',1M Ph :::: rcinrorccmcnt

~ tn li !l
408.4.3 As all a ltenlm!.! In fraillc illHlIY'iis, till' rollowi ng approxim.llc
mOlllclltS and 'ihcar~ ~ h ;tll I ~ l>cnn ittcd (0 he used in t.Ic sign o r l'
()JlI i lltl(H1~ heam:.. and OIl!.! ""';I)' '\1 <1hs (~ I ahs reinforced to rc ~
is t Ikxllral :.. trcs,cs ill on ly olle
directit)ll). provided:
condi li ol1s, Sec Sccl io ll..j
.:::: streng th -red uct ion rac tor.
St' C
SCCl io1l409.4
408.2 Design Methods 408.2. 1 In dc~ign or stnH.:tural t'tHH:n.'te. mcmhe rs ~ha
ll he proportioncd fo r <\(lcqlla!c ~Ircllg th in ;!(conl'lIll'e wi th pro visio
ll~ o f this C h a pl~f. using load f;K h )r~ and "tn'llgt hn.'(iLU,'li on r;lcl
o r~ ~~srccificd ill Scn io ll -Hl9 ,
40X.2.2 f)c~ign of reinrorced ClHllTl'!t' of Set'lillll 425 ~hall he pcnnillcd,
T here are two I)r mo rc
SPilIlS ;
2. Spans 'arc :l)proxilll:ltcly equal. wil h lhe
lar~cr of two adj'll"l'nl SpilllS tl OI grcater than the shoneI' by more than :W
I .();!d ~

.1 ,
-I .
arc Uillftll'lll i y d i ~ lril)llt ed :
pm\'i,itl ll ~
U nfaclOrcd li ve IO<ld, I .. dck,':-' 1101 e\lcl,.'d IllIce timcs unfa('(ored (k
a(~ j1.1I 1. /) : ;lII d

arc prismalic
40 H.2.J An<.: h llr~ wit hin the St'Olk ' II!' Set'ltlln ,n.\ 111'.. 1:111('(1
in (o nne h.' 10 I r: lII ~ kr l" ;,,ds !~I\vl'l'n rnll n l'~ t l' d Llt' l lIl'
n "
s ha ll he Ik:-. ig ned US III~ Sect ion 123 .

CHAPTI: R 4 . Concrete
For caJculming negative 1ll0IllCIHS, orthc <ldjaccnt clca r span lengths.
is IiIkcn as the avcrage
Stati c equi librium shall be maintained after redi stributi on of moments for e
ach loadi ng arrangement 408.6 Modulus of Elasticity 408.6.1 Modulus of elastici
t y E,. for concrete shall be permitt ed to be take n as w/sO.043 (in MPa) for
End spans
Discontinuous end unrestrained Disco ntinu ous end integral with
.... wlIl,i'~1J4 w J}1l6
Intelior spans
For values of Wr between 1.500 and 2,500 kg/ml. normal. weight co ncrete, Ec sha
ll be permitlcd to be taken
as 4700
ex tcrior face of first intcrio r sllppon
408.6.2 Modulus
w,.J,,'~/ IO
Two spans ................. .
More than two spans .. at other faces of interior support s at face of all su pp
orts for: slabs with sp:lnS not cxceeding 3 meters; and beams where ratio of su
m of column sl iffnesses (0 beam stiffness exceeds cigh l at each end of lhe spa
n al interior face of exterior support for members built integrally with suppons
: where support is a spandrel beam where su pport is a column
of elasticit y Es for nonprestressed reinforcement shall be permitted (0 be take
n as 200,000 MPa.
1V.,/,/! 11 1
408.6.3 Modulus of elasticity Es for prest ressing tendons shall be dClcnnined b
y lc:-itS or supplied by the manufacturer. 408.7 Lightweight Concrete
408.7.1 To account for the usc of liglHweight concrete, unless !:>pccifically no

ted otherwise, a modification factor ),

w)}'124 w)}1!6
appears as a multiplier of
in all applicable equations
at face of first interi or suppon .. .. . ... ..... face of all ot her slIppOJ1S
. ...... ............
1. 15 11',,1,/2 11',,/,,/2
408.4.4 Stru HlIld -tie models shall be penn illcd to be used in the design of s
lruclunll concrele. Sec Section 427. 408.5 Redi stribution of Negative l\1omcnts
in Continuous Nonprestressed Flexural Members 408.5.1 Excep t where approximate
va lue.. .c; for moments arc used. il is pe rm itted to decrease factored momcn
ts calculated by clas ti c thcory at sections of max.i mu m nega tive or positi
ve momcnt in any span of contin uous fl exu ral mcmbers ror any ass umed loading
arrangement by nOI morc than IOODE, percen t, wi th II maxim um of 20 percen!.
408.5.2 Hcdi stribu ti oll of negat ive moments shill I he madc only wh c n t.j
is equal to or greater than 0.0075 H( the sec ti on at whi ch mome nt is reduced
. 408.5.3 The reduced IllOJllent shall be used for calcula ting redistribut ed m
oments at all other sections within the spans.
and sections of this code, where } , = 0.85 for sandlightweight COllcrete and 0.
75 for all-li ghtweight concrete. Linear interpolation between 0.75 and 0.85 sha
ll be permitted, on the basis of volume tri c fracti ons, when a pOl1ion of the
ligili weight fine agg regate is replaced with normal-weight fine aggregate. Lin
ear interpolatio n between 0.85 and 1.0 shall be permitted, on the basis of volu
mclric frac ti ons. for concrele con taini ng normal-weight fine aggregate and
a blend of li giliweigh t and normal -weight coarse aggregates. For normal weigh
t conc rete, }. = 1.0. If average splitting tensile strength of li ght we ight c
oncrete,Fe/> is specified, A ~ t" 1(0.56 408.8 Stiffness 408.8. 1 Use of any set
of reasonable assumptions shall be pCl'mitlcd fo r co mputing relati ve ncxu ra
l and torsional sliffnc!;scs of colu mns. walls. Ooors and roof sys tems. The <l
sslIlllptions adopted shall be consistcnt throughout
< lIlal ys is.
F, .) $
408.8.2 Effect of haunches shall be considered both in determining moments and i
n design of members.
National Structural Corle of tl'l('; Pililippines 6
Edition Volumr? 1

CHAPTEI, 4 . Concrete
408.11 Columns 408.9 Effective Stiffness to Determine Lateral
Deflections 408.11.1 Columns shall be designed to resist the axial forces from f
actored loads on all floors or roof and the maximum moment from factored loads o
n a single adjacent span of the floor or roof under cOllsideration. Loading cond
ition giving the maximum ratio of moment to axial load shall also be considered.
408.11.2 In frames or continuous constl1lction, consideration shall be given to
the effect of unbalanced floor or roof loads on both exterior and interior colu
mns and of eccentric loading due to other causes. 408.11.3 In computing gravily
load moments in columns, it shall be permitted to assume far ends of columns bui
lt integrally with the stl1lcture to be fixed. 408.11.4 Resistance to moments at
any floor or roof level shall be provided by distributing the moment between co
lumns immediately above and below the given floor in proportion to the relati ve
column stiffnesses and conditions of restraint.
408.9.1 Lateral deflections of reinforced concrete building systems resulting fr
om service lateral loads shall be computed by either a linear analysis with memb
er stiffness determined using 1.4 times the flexural stiffness defined in 408.9.
2 and 408.9.3 <>1' by a more detailed analysis. Member properties shall not be t
aken greater than the gross section properties. 408.9.2 Lateral deflections of r
einforced concrete building systems resulting from factored lateral loads shall
be computed either by linear analysis with member stiffness defined by (I) or (2
), or by a more detailed analysis considering the reduced stiffness of all membe
rs under the loading conditions:
I. 2. By section properties defined in 410.12.3 (I) through
(3); or
50 percent of stiffness values based on gross section properties.
408.9.3 Where two-way slabs without beams are designated as part of the seismicforee-resisting system, lateral deflections resulting from factored lateral load
s shall be permitted to be computed by using linear analysis. The stiffness of s
lab members shall be defined by a model that is in substantial agreement with re
sults of comprehensi ve tests and analysis and the stiffness of other frame memb
ers shall be as defined in Section 408.9.2.
408.12 Arrangement of Live Load
408.12.1 It is permissible to assume that: l. 2. The live load is applied only t
o the floor or roof under consideration; and The far ends of columns built integ
rally with the structure are considered to be fixed.
408.10 Span Length 408.10.1 Span length of members not built integrally with sup
ports shall be considered the clear span plus depth of member, but need not exce
ed distance between centers of supports.
408.10.2 In analysis of frames or continuous construction for determination of m
oments, span length shall be taken as the distance center to center of supports.
408.10.3 For beams built integrally with supports, design on the basis of m'()m
ents at faces of support shall be permitted.
408.12.2 It is permitted to assume that the arrangement of live load is limited
to combinations of: I. 2. Factored dead load on all spans with futl-factored liv
e. load on two adjacent spans, and Factored dead load on all spans with full-fac
tored live load on altemate spans.
408.13 Tbeam Construction
408.13.1 In T-beam construction, the flange and web shall be built int.egrally o
r otherwise effectively bonded together. 408.13.2 Width of slab effective as a T

-beam flange shall not exceed olle-fourth the span length of the beam, and the e
ffective overhanging slab width on each side of the web shall not exceed:
408.10.4 It shall be permitted to analyze solid or ribbed slabs built integrally
with supports, with clear spans not more than 3 111, as continuous slabs on kni
fe edge supports with spans equal to the clear spans of the slab and width of be
ams otherwise neglected.
Eight times the slab thickness; or One-half the clear distance to the next web.
Association of Structural Enginems of the Philippines

f ,
408.13.3 for beams with a slab on one side on ly. the effective overhanging flan
ge width shall not exceed:
CHAPTER 4 . Concrete
Onctwclfth the !span"length of the beam;
Six limes the slab thickness; or
408.14.5.2 Slab thickness over permanent fillers shall nol be less than one twel
fth the clear distance between ribs nor less than 40 mm. 408.14.5.3 In one-way j
oisls, rei nforcement normal to Ihe ribs shall be provided in the Slil b as requ
ired by Secti on 407.13. 408.14.6 When removable forms or fil lers not complying
with Seclion408. 14.5 are used: 408.14.6.1 Slab thickness shali not be less than
one twelfth the clear distance between ribs, or less than 50 mm . 408.14.6.2 Re
inforcement normal to the ribs shali be provided in the slab as required for fle
xure. considering load concentrations, if any, but not less than req uired by Se
ction 407.13. 408.14.7 Where conduits or pipes as pcrmjlled by Section 406.3 are
embedded within the slab. slab Ihickness s hall be al least 25 mm greater th an
the total overall depth of the conduits or pipes at any poin!.. Conduits or pip
es shall not impair sig nificantly the stre ngth of the cons truction. 408.14.8
For joist cons truction, contri bution of concrete to shear strengt h Vc- is per
mitted lO bc 1 0 percent morc than that specified in Section 411. It shall be pe
ml ilted lO increase shear strength using s hear reinforcement or by widening Ih
e ends of the ribs. 408.1 5 Separate Floor Finish 408.15.1 A floor finish shall
not be included as pan of a strucwral member unless placed monolithically with t
he floor slab or designed in accordan ce with requiremen ts of Section 4 J 7. 40
8.15.2 It shall be permitted to consider all concrete floor finishes as part of
required cover or tOlal thickness for nonslructural considerations.
Onchalflhc clear di stance to the next web.
408.13.4 Isolated beams. in which Ihe Tshape is used 10 provide a flange for addi
tional compression area, shall have a flan ge thickness not less than one half t
he width of web and an effective fl ange width not more th an four limes the wid
th of web.
408.13.5 Where primary ' flexural reinforce ment in a slab that is considered as
a Tbeam flange (excluding joist cons tru ction) is paraliel to Ihe beam, reinfor
cement perpendicular 10 the beam shall be provided in tl,e lOP of tl,e slab in a
ccordance with the following:
408.13.5.1 Transverse reinforcement sha ll be designed to carry the factored loa
d on lhe overhang ing s lab widl.h assumed 10 act as a cantilever. For iso latcd
beams. the full width of overhanging flange shall be considered. For other T-be
ams, only the effective overhanging slab width need be considered.
408.13.5.2 Transverse reinforcement shall be spaced not farther apart than five

times the slab Ihickncss or 450 mill.

408.14 J oist Construction 408.14.1 Joist constmction consists of a mOllolilh ic
combination of regularly spaced ribs and a top sJab arranged to span in one dir
ection 01" two oI1hogonal directions. 408.14.2 Ribs shall not be less than 100 J
llln in width and shall have a depth of not more than three and one-half times t
he minimum width of rib. 408.14.3 Clear spacing between ribs shali nOl exceed 75
408.14.4 Joi sl. constmclion not meeting the Iimitalions of Seclions 408.14. 1 I
hrough 408.14.3 shali be designed as slabs and bea ms. 408.14.5 When permanent b
urned c11l)' or conc rcte tilc fillers of J1lillcrial having a unit comp ressive
slrenglh at least equal to that of the speci fied strength of co ncrete in the
joists are used: 408.14.5.1 For shear and nega(ivc~momem strength computati ons.
it shall be penniued to include the vertical shells of fillers in cont act with
ribs. Other pOI1ions of ml eT s shall not be included in strength compu tations
Nationa l Structural Code of tl1e Philippines
Edition Volume 1

CHAPTER 4 - Concrete
409.1 Notations At :;:: gross area of secti on. mm :;:: area of compression rein
forcement, mm 2 :;:: width of compression face of me mber, mOl = distan ce from
extreme compression fiber to neutral
D cI tI'
axis. mm
;::;: dead loads, or related internal moments and forces :;:: distance from ext
reme compression fiber to centroid of tension rei nforcement, mrn :;:: distan ce
from extreme compression fiber to
centroid of compression reinforcement, mm ds

ff == square rom of specified
= average
distance from extreme te ns ion fib er to centroid of tension reinforcement, mm
distance from ex tre me compress ion tiber to extreme tension steel, mm load eff
eclS of earthquake, o r related internal moments and forces modulus of elasticit
y of concrete. MPa. See Section 408.6.1 loads due to weight and pressures of flu
ids with well defined densities and controllable maximum heights. or related int
ernal moments and forces specified compressive strength of concrete, MPa compres
sive strength of

I, L I
co ncrete. MPa splitting tensile stre ngth of lightweight aggregate concrete, MP
a = modulus of rupture of concrete, MPa :: specified yield strength of nonprestr
essed reinforcement , MPa :: loads due to weight and pressure of soi l, water in
soi l, or ot her materials, or related in tern al mome nts and forces = overall
thickness of membe r, mm moment of inerti a of cracked section trans formed to
concrete. mrn~ effective mOlllent of inertia for co mputati on of delleclion, 1l
11ll4 = moment of inertia of gross concrete seclion about 4 cClHroidal ax is. ne
glecting rein forcement, mm == Jive loads. or re lated in ternal moments and for
ces == span length o f beam o r one ~w a y s lab, as defined in Section 408 . 10
; dear proj ec tion of cantilcver, mrn = length of clear span in long uirection
of two-way construc tion, measured face to face of supports in slabs without bea
ms and face to face of beams or o ther SUpp0l1S in olher cases =- maxim um momen
t in membe r at stage d eflection is comput ed = crack ing mOlllcnt. Sec Equatio
n 409-9
nominal axial load strength at balanced ~>train co nditions. See SCClion 410.4.2
:: nominal ax ial load strength at given eccentricity =-rai n load, or related
internal moments a!ld fo rces. Sec tion 409.3.1 :: cumulative effects of tempera
ture, creep, shrinkage. d iffe renti al settlement and sh rinkage compensatin g
concrete = requ ired strength to resist fa clOfcd loads or relate d internal mom
ents and forces = w ind load, or re lated internal moments and forces 3 = weight
of concrete. kg/m = distance from centroidal axis of gross section , neglecting
rei nforcemelH, to ex.treme fiber in tension = ratio of flexural sti ffness of
beam section to flexural stiffness of a width of slab bounded laterall y by cent
er line of adjacent panel , if any. on each side o f beam . Sec Secti on 4 J 3 :
: average value of Of for all beams on edges of a panel :: ratio of clear spans
in 10ng~lo-sh ol1 direction of two-way s labs = time-dependent factor for sustai
ned load. Sec Section 409.6. 2.5 = net tensile strain in ext reme tcnsion ste d
at nominal strength modification factor rellec ling the rednccd mechani ca l pro
perties of lightweight concrete. See Section 408.7. 1 = multipli er for addition
al l ong~t ime dei1cction as defined in Section 409.6.2.5 = ratio of nonp restre
ssed tcns ion reinforcement,
= rei nforcement rati o for no nprestressed compressio n

reinforcement, A 'jbd

:: re inforcement ratio producing balanced strain

conditions. See Section 410.4 .2
= st rength -reducti on fa cto r. See Section 409.4
409.2 General 409.2.1 Structures and structural members shall Iw (k~iJ ';! cd (0
have design strength s at all secti ons at !cil :-.i n;i:, ' required st rength
s calculated for the faclOr.:,! hi: forces in such combinations as arc sti pulat
ed in l his <.'< l(lc.
409.2.2 Members also sha ll meet all other requi remc nts of thi s code to e nsu
re adequate perfo rm ance al :lcrvi{ ( to ad levels. 409.2.3 Des ign of Slructur
es and stru c tural mClllbc'I",'\ Will i'. the load faclor combinali ons and st
renglh r(' (b ':i '.~' ";! (.;., . o f Section 426 shall be permiued . Usc ( l l"
;,;.,,,j ilt.:h.
Association of Structura l Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTER 4 . Co ncrete
combinations [ rom this chapter in conjunction with st rengt h reduction factors
of Section 426 shall not be permitted.
409.3 Required Strength 409.3.1 Rcquired SlrclIgth U shall be at least equal to
the effects of factored load s ill Eq. 409- 1 through Eq . 409-7 . The effect of
one or more loads not acting simultaneously shall be investigated.
the appropriatc load combinations of ASCE I SEI 7 shall be used. 409.3.5 For pos
t-tensioned anChorage zone des ign, a load factor of 1.2 shall be applied to the
ma ximum tendon jackj ng force. 409.4 Design Strength 409.4.1 Design strengtll
prov ided by a member, its con necti o ns to other members and its cross section
s, in terms of fl ex ure, a xial load, shear and torsio n, shall be take n as th
e nomi nal strengt h ca lcul ated in accorda nce with requiremen ts and assumpti
o ns of this Section, mult iplied by a s trength- reduction factor in Sections 4
09.4.2, 409.4.4 and 409.4.5. 409.4.2 Strength-Reduction Factor Strength-reductio
n factor shall be g iven in Sections 409.4.2. 1 through 409.4 .2.7 :
1.4(D + F)
(409- 1) (409-2)
(409 -3)
U = L2 (D+ F + T) + 1.6 (L+H) + O.5(L. or R)
U = 1.2 D + 1.6 (L, or R) + (1.0L or 0.80 W)
U = 1.2 D + 1.6 W + 1.0 L +O.S (L, or R)
(409-4) (409-S )
U = 1.2 D + 1.0 E+ 1.0 L
U = 0.9 D + 1.6 W + 1.6 Ii
U = 0.90 [) + 1.0 E + 1.6 Ii
(409-7 )
except as follows:
409.4.2.1 Tension contro lled sections as defin ed in Secti on 410.4 .4 (scc als
o Scction 409.4.2.7) ............ .... .. .. . 0.90 409.4.2.2 Compres sion co nt
roll ed sections, as defi ned in Section 410.4.3:
I . The load factor on tile livc load L in Eq . 409-3 to 409-S
shall bc permitted to be reduced to 0.5 except for garages, areas occupied as pl
aces of public assembl y, 2 and all areas where L is greater th an 4.8 kN /m
Members with spiral reinfo rcement conforming to Secti on 4 10. 10.3 .. .... ...
....... Other reinforced 1l1cmbers
0.7S 0.65
\Vhere wind load W has not been reduced by a directionality factor. it shaH be p

ermitted to use I.3 W in place of 1.6W in Eq. 409-4 and 409-6. W here E, the lo
ad effects of earthquake. is bascd 011 ser vice-level seismic fo rces, 1.4 shall
be used in place of 1.0 E in Eq. 409-S and 409-7. The lo ad factor on H, loads d
ue to weigh t and press ure of soil, wa ter in soil, or other materi al s, shall
be set cqual to zero in Eq . 409-6 and 409-7 if the stmctural action due to H c
o unteracts that due to W or E. Where lateral earth press ure provides resi stan
ce to structural ac tions from o ther forces, it shall not be included in Ii bu
t sh all be includ ed in the design res istance.
foo r sections in whi ch th e net tensile strength, Cr. is between th e limi ts
for co mpressio n-controlled im d ten sio n-colHroll ed sectio ns, shall be pc n
niucd 10 be linearl y increased from th at fo r co mpressio n-con tro ll ed sect
iolls to 0 .90 as c, inc reases fro m the compression-cont ro ll ed strai n limi
t to 0.005 . Altern at ively, when Sec ti o n 425 is used, for mem bers in whi c
h h' does not exceed 415 MPa, with s ymmetric reinforcement, and with (II . d')/
h not less than 0.70, shall be permitt ed to be in creased linearly 10 0 .90 as
P(l decreases from 0.10 fr A,( to zero. For other reinforced mem bers, shall he
permi tt ed to be increased linearly to 0.90 as P., dec reases from 0. 10 AK or
Ph, whic hever is smaller, 10 7.ero.
409.3.2 If resistance to impact e ffects is laken into accouni in des ign, stich
effects shall be included with live load L. . 409.3.3 Estimat io ns o f differe
nt ial settlement, creep. shrinkage , expansio n o f shrinkage-co mpe nsatin g c
onc rete or temperature change shall be based o n a reali stic assess ment of su
c h effects occ urring in service. 409.3.4 If a structu re is in <I n ood zone.
or is subjected 10 forces from at mos phe ric preci pitatio ns, the Oood loads a
409.4.2 .3 Shea r and torsio n (Sec also Section 409.4.4 for shear wn lls <lnd r
ram cs in Seismic Zo ne 4) 0.75 409.4.2.4 Bearin g on concrete (excepl for postt
ensio ning anchomge zones) ................ ...................... 0.65 409.4.2.
5 Post-ten sioned ancho rage
National Structu ra l Code of th e P!)il ippines 6 Edition Volume 1

CHA I' TEI1 4 . Concrele
409.4.2.6 Slmland-lie models (Secli on 427).
and struts, lics, llodaJ zones, and bearing areas in such models
409.5 Design Strength for Reinforcement The values of hand 11' used in design ca
lculations shall not exceed 550 MPa, except for prestressing tendons and for tra
nsverse reinforcement in Section 410. 10.3 and 421 .3.5 .4. 409.6 Control of Def
409.4.2.7 Flexural sections in pre-tensioned members where
strand embedmen t is less than the development length as
provided in Seclion 412.10.1.1:
I, 2.
longlh ...
Prom the end of the member to the end of the transfer .0.75
From the end of the transfer length to the end of
the devclopmcm length shall be permitted to be
409.6.1 Reinforced concrete members subject to lkxur('. shall be designed to hav
e adequate stiffness to lim it deflections or any deformatio ns that adversely a
ffect strength or serviceability of a st ructure.
409.6.2 One-Way Construction (Nonprestressed) 409.6.2. 1 Minimum thickness stipu
laled in Table 409 : shall apply for one-way construction not supporting or att
ached to partitions or other construction likely to be. damaged by large deflect
ions, unless computation of deflection indicates a lesser thickness Illay be use
d without adverse effects. 409.6.2.2 Where deflections are to be computed, defle
ctions: that occur immediately on application of load sId! lv' computed by usual
methods or formulas for e1as: ic deflections, considering effects of cracking i
~nd reinforcement on member s tiffness. 409.6.2.3 Unless stiffness values arc ob
t:lined by a more co mprehensive analysis, immediate deflection shall :lC comput
ed wilh the modulus of elasticity c- fo r conc rete as specified in Section 108.6.
1 (normnl wcight or ligh tweight concrete) and with the effective moment of incn
ia as follows , but not grefttcr than It:.
linearly increased from .......................... 0.75 100.9
Where bonding of a strand docs not extend (0 the le:nd of the
member, strand embedment shall be assumed (0 begin at the end of Ihe debonded le
ng.h. Sec also Seclion 412.10.3. 409.4.3 Developmenl lenglhs specified in Sec. i
on 4 12 do no! require a factor.
409.4.4 For structures that rely on intermediate precast structural walls in Sei
smic Zone 4, special moment frames, or special structural walls to resist earthq
uake e.ffccls. E, shall be modified as given in Seclion 409.4.4.1 Ihrough
409.4.4.3: 409.4.4.1 For any structural member that is designed to resist E, for
shear shall be 0.60 if the nominal shear strength of the member is less than th
e shear corresponding to Ihe deve lop ment of the nominal Ocxural st rength of t
he member. The nominal flexural strength shall be determined ' considering the m
ost critical factored axial loads and including E; 409.4.4.2 For diaphragms. for

shear shall no. exceed the minimum for shear used for the vertical componen ts
of the primary seismic-foree-resisting system; 409.4.4.3 For joints and diagonal
ly reinforced coupling beams. forshear s hall be 0.85. 409.4.5 Strength reductio
n factor for nexure, co mpression. shear find bearing of structural plain co ncr
ete in 'Secli o n 422 shall be 0.60. .
J, I , - - -)"
and for lIonn al-wcighl concrete
J, = 062}. ff,
Association of Structura l Eng ineers of the Philippin es

CHAPTER 4 . Concrete
4 45
Table 409 1 . Minimum Thickness of Nonprestrcssed Beams or One Way Slabs Unless De
flections are Computed
Minimum Thi ckness. It
409.6.3 Two-Way Construction (Nonprestrcssed ) 409.6.3.1 1ltis sectio n shall go
vern the minimum thickness of slabs or other two-way constru ction designed in a
ccordance with the provisions of Seclion 413 and confanning with the requirement
s of Section 4 13.7. 1.2. The thickness of slabs without interior bcall'lS spann
ing betwecn the suppon s on all sides shall satisfy the requirements of Section
409.6.3.2 or 409.6.3.4. Thickness of slabs WiU, bea ms spannin g between the sup
po rts on all sides _ shall sa tisfy the requirement s of Section 409.6.3 .3 or
409.6.3.4. 409.6.3.2 For slabs without interior beams spanni ng between the supp
orts and having a ratio of long (0 short span not greater than 2, the minimum th
ickness shall be in accordance with the provisions of Table 4093 and shall not be
less than the following value.o;:
Simply Supponcd
One end
Both ends conrinuous
Can tilever
Members not supporting or auachcd to partitions or other construction likely to
be damaged by large deneclion!i
Solid o"e way slabs
Beams or
_ t 28 _ t 21
ri bbed one way slabs
_ t 16
_ t 18.5

Voluu gi1't~n shalJ 1M used directly for numbers wilh 11001101 weight COl/erne (
w.. 2,400 I:glm 1 ) and Grade 415 reinforcement. Fo r other condirimlS, the mhus
sholl be modified as/ollows: 0) For structural Ughnveighl concrete having !mit
wtight ir! the rangt 1.5002.000 kg.m ' , tilt values slutlf be multiplied by (1.6
5 . O.OOOJwrJ b/lf 110 1 Ius Ihan 1'(J9. whut! wf is the unit weight iI' kg/mI.
/J) For h olher Ilion 4/5 MPa. Ihe ~'{Jlues shall be mulJipJied by (0.4 +
I . Slabs without drop panels as defi ned in Sections413.3.5 .............. ....
... ..................
125 mm
409.6.2.4 For co ntinuous members, effective moment of inertia shall be pcnnitte
d to be taken as the average of values obtained from Eq. 409-8 for the critical
positive and negative moment sec tions. For prismatic members, effective moment
of inertia shall be permitted to be taken as the value obtained from Eq. 409-8 a
t midspan for si mple and continuous s pans, and at support for cantilevers. 409
.6.2.5 Unless values are obtained by a more comprehensive analysis, additional l
ongtime denect ion resu lting from creep and shrinkage of flexural members (nonn
al -weight or lightweight concrete) shall be determined by multiplying the immed
iate denec li on caused by Ihe sllstained load considered. by the facmr Ail
Slabs with drop panels as defi ned in Sections 413.3.5 .......... ..............
................ 100 mOl
409.6.3.3 For slabs wilh beams spanning between the sllppons on all sides, the m
jnimum thickness shall be as follows: 1. 2. For ll/rn equal to or less than 0.2,
the provisions of Section 409.6.3 .2 shall apply. For /lfm greater than 0.2 but
)10t greater th an 2.0. the thickness shall not be less Ih an:
I. (OR+ "'&'-) 36+5P(a- ",, - O.2)14()()
(409 12)
and not Jess than 125 111m .; 3. For llfrn greater Ihan 2.0, the thickness shall
not be Jess than :
I (0.8 1400 " = -'--:-3-:-6-+-':9-':p;-:-L and not less than 90 mill .
- 1+50p'
- -q(409- 11 )
where p' shall be the value at midspan for simple and continuous spans, and at s
u pport for cantil evers. :It is permi ttcd to assume the time-dependent factor
~ for sustained lands to be equal to:

5 years or Illore
12 months 6 months
................. 2.0 ............... ............ 1.2 ............... .........
. .. . I .0
................................. 1.4
J mon,hs
At discontinuous edges, ~U1 edge beam shall be provided wi th a stiffness ratio
Of", not Jess than 0 .80; or the minimum thickness required by E. .!. 409- 12 or
409- J3 shall be in creased by at !C,lst J{) percent in the panel wi th a disco
ntillllow; edge.
409.6.2.6 Defl ection co mputcd in accordance with Scclions 409.6.2.2 th rough 4 shall not exceed Ii mits stipulated in Table 4092.
National Structoral Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

CHAPTER 4 . Concre te
Table 409-2 - Maximum Pennissible Computed Defl ections
Type of Member Deflection 10 be cons idered
Table 409-3 - Minimum Thickness of Slabs
wit hout Tnterior Beams
Wi thout drop panels'
Yield stre ngll!
Deflection Limitalion
With drop panels2
._--_._._-----Flat roofs not supportin g or att ached
to nOIl-stnl c[ural elements likely to be damaged by large deflections Floors no
t support ing
or all ached (0 nOll!,
Exteri or panels
Inte rior
E)(tcrior panels
without edge
edge be:lIn
Immediate defl ection due (0 live lomJ, L
_ ,_ '
With edge
280 415

40 36
Slniclural elemen ts likely (0 be damaged by
l afl~e
immediate deflection
due to Jive load. L
~ 360

Roof or floor construction supporting or allached 10 lI on~ struclum l elcments
likel y 10 be damaged by larJ!c dcflecl ions Floor or fl oor constmcti oll sll P
Por1 in g or attached to nO Il structural cl ements not likcly 10 be damaged by
larne defle cti ons
That part of the totnl defl ection occurring afler aHachmcnl of nonslfUclUral cl
emenIS (sum of the long-term
defl ection du e to all sustained loads and lhe immediate deflecti on
~ 480
For W11ll~.s of ubJjor'amerli yield strength b~ nyt:~n the I'(llues given ill ta
ble, minimum tMckn ~ss .shall b, det~n"i"ed by /incar imerpoiation. 1 Drop pOlle
ls i.s deft/Jed ill 4 / 3.3.5. ) Slab.s with bcarlu benytcfI co/umlls along exte
rior edg~s. The mlue of a fOr' Ille edge beam shaff /lOt be less 1 "011 0 .8.
duc to any additi onal live load) }
-240 '-'
Tenn I" in (2) and (3 ) is length of cl ear span in long direction measured face
-to~face of beams . Term fJ in (2) and (3) is ratio of clear spans in long to s
hort direction of slab. 409.6.3.4 Slab thickn ess less than th e minim um thickn
ess requ ired by Sections 409.6.3.1 . 409.6.3.2 and 409.6.3.3 sha ll be pe rmitt
ed LO be used if shown by computation that the deOccf io n will fl ot exceed the
limits stipu lated in Table 409 -2. De flections shall be co mputed taking into
acco unt size and shape of the panel. conditions of support. and na ture of res
traints at the panel edges. The mod ulus of elastic it y of co ncrete E( sha ll
be as specified in Section 408.6. 1. The effec ti ve moment of inertia shall be
that given by Eq. 409-8; other values s hall be permilled to be used if they res
ull in computed de fl ections in reasonab le agreement with the resu lts of comp
re he nsive tests. Add itional lo ng te rm defl ecti on s hall be computed in ac
cord ance with Section 409.6.2.5 . 409.6.4 Prestressed Concrete Construction
409.6.4.1 For fl exu ral me mbers designed in accorda nce with provisions o f Se
cti on 41 8. immedi a te de fl ection shall he co mputed by lI sual met hods or
form ulas for elastic deflecti olls, a nd the momen t o f ine rt ia of the gross
co ncrete section, I, . shall be perm itted to be used fo r C lass U flexura l
members. , as defin ed in Sections 4 18.4.3.
Limif flO / illl~ rlfl(!(1 /() sajegmm l againsl pOllding. POllding .should be c
hecked by sui/able C(l /c II /alioris of dC'fll'c /iotl, incllldillg addc(/ til'
jleclioru due to ponded W Oler, and cOllsiderillg 100lgtentl effects of all su.st
aifll'd loads. camber, camtnlc{iol/ w{crar/ces. alld reliabiliry of pTlll'i.siOI
/S for dminnge. 1 Lollg temr dcj7~rtimr slrafillt' dell'nniMd irl (l (('o rdmrC(
' with 409.6.2.J or 409.6.4 3. bill 1110)' hl' reduced by (11110/1111 of defll'c
tion ca/culatl'd W OCC/lr lu,/ore all(lci!mcnf 0f11OIIs/ructural c/~mC'/lIS. T1r
~ omOUIII.rlwl/ b(' dete17l1illc(1 (III bilsi.f oj (lccepfC'd cII,I;il1urillg t/
m(l re/millK to time dcjkclimr dwnWlcri.\IIC.f of IIIemlu!rs xill/iltlr f() Ihast
' brillK cmr.{il/erc'(i. limit may 1)/.0 ('XC('c'cJce/ if adequ(l/C rlll.'lI.U/r
cs {ITt' ,aJ:e" In P"' I'('1I1 damage ((J slippon('(1 or (lllacireel delllC'lIfs
. 8 11t 1101 greate, tium tolerallce "ravil/cd Jor lIflt/sl rUClUra l cJC'IIICfI
f.{. l.imil may be cxl'('cdcd if camber i ... t'ml'/'dr~d .m 111m tolal t1('-fI/
~c:fi(1n millie; ca mhrrt/o(!S 1I 0 1 1'xcn~d limil.

409.6.4.2 For C lass C and Class T flexural members, a.' defi ned ill Section 41
8.4.3, dcflecti on calcul ations shall he based o n .a crac ked trans fonned se
cti on 3lWl ysis. 1t shall he perrniUcd to base comput ati ons on a bilinear Ill
omenl dcn eclion relationshi p, or an effecti ve mo ment of inel1ia, le , as defi
ned by Eq. 409 8.
Assoc iat ion of Structu ra l Enginee rs of the Pllil ippines

CHAPTER 4 . Concrete
409.6.4.3 Addit ional long-time deflection o f prcstressed concrete members shal
l be computed taking into accoun t stresses in concrete and steel under sustaine
d load and includi ng effects of creep and shrin kage of concrete and relaxation
of steel.
410.1 Notations
409.6.4.4 Deflection computed in accorda nce with Secti ons 409.6.4. 1, 409.6.4.
2, and 409.6.4.3 sha1l no. exceed limi ts stipulated in Tablo 409-2. 409.6.5 Com
posite Construction 409.6.5.1 Shored Construc tion
Ag As
II .J.min
If composite nexural members are supported during
construction so that, after removal of temporary supports, dead load is resisted
by the full composite section, it shall be pennitted (0 consider the composite
member equivalent to a monolithically cast member for computation of deflection
. For non prestressed members, Ule portion of the member in compression shall de
termine whet he r value.~ in Tab le 409-1 for normal-weight or lightweight concr
ete s hall apply. If deflection is computed, account shall be taken of curvature
s resulting from differential shrinkage of precast and cas t-in place components
, and of axial creep effec ts in a prestressed co ncrete member. 409.6.5.2 Unsho
r ed Const ruction If the thiclOlCSS of a nonprestresscd precast nexuraJ member
meets the requirements o f Table 409-1, de nection need not be computed. I f (he
th ickness of a no npreslressed composite member meets the requirements of Tabl
e 409 -1, it is not required to compute deflection occurri ng aflcr the member b
eco mes co mposite, bu t the long-time dCnecliol1 of the precast me mber simI! b
e investigated for magnitude and duration of load prior 10 beginning of effecti
ve composite action. 409.6.5.3 Deflecli oll computed in accordance with Sections
409.6.5. 1, or 409 .6.5.2 shal l not exceed limits stipula.ed in Table 409-2.
:::: depth of equivalent rectangu lar stress block as defined in 5oc.ioI1410.3.7
.1, mm = cross-sectional area of a slmctural member measured to ou tside edges o
f transverse reinforcement, mm2 ::::= gross area of section, 111m2 ::: area of n
on prestressed longitudinal tension rei nforcement, mm 2 =m.nimum amount of nex u
ral reinforcemen t, mm 2. See Sec.ion 410.6 :;::;area of structural steel shape,
pipe, or tu bing in composi te section, mm 2 . See Section 410.17.5 ~total area
of nonpres tressed longitudinal 2 reinforcement (bars or steel shapes), mm ::::
= area of structural stee l shape, pipe or tubing in a composite section, 111m2
~ loaded area, 111m 2 = the area of the lower base of the largest frustum of a p

yramid, cone, or tapered wedge contained wholly wi.hin .hc support and having fo
r its uppcr base the loaded area, and having side slopes of I unit vertical in 2
units horizontal (50% slope),
mm w idth of compression face of member, mill web width , mill distance from ext
reme compression fiber to neutral axis, mm clear cover from the nearest surface
in ten sion to the surface o f the nexural ten sion reinforcement ,
"" ;::
1 :.."1
mrn ::; a factor relating actual moment diagram to an equivalent uniform momelll
diagram ::; distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of tension rein
forcement, mill = thickness of concrete cover measu red frolll extreme tension f
ib er to center of bar or wire located closest thereto, mm ::; distance from ext
reme compression fiber to extreme tension steel, mm :;:: modulus of clasti city
of concrete, MPa == modulus of elasticity of reinforcemen t. MPa ::; n ex ural s
ti ffncss of compression member. N_mm 2 Sce Eq. 41015 illld 410-16 = specified c
ompressive slrenglh o f concret.e, MPa ::; ca lculated stress in reinforcement a
t service load s, MPa = spccified yield strength f,. of tran:..vcrsed reinforcem
ent , MPa = overall dimcnsion o f me mber in dirccti on ac tio n co ns idered ,
National Structural Code of th e Philippines 6 Edition Volum e 1

CHAPTER 4 . Concrete
:: moment of inenia of gross concrete secti on about
ccntroidal axis, neglecting reinforcement, mm ::= moment of inertia of reinforce
ment about ccnlroidaJ axis of member cross section. mm 4 = moment of incI1ia of
stl1Jctural sleel shape, pipe or tubin g about ccnlroidaJ axis of composite memb
er cross secl.i on, mm~ ;;: effective length factor for co mpression members ::
length of a compression member in a fram e, measured from center to ccnter of th
e joints in th e
frame ;; unsupported length of compress ion member, mill. ;: factored mo ment to
be used for design of
= factor defined in Section 410.3.7.3
compression member
= moment due to loads causing app reciabJe sway
;; factored momenl at section
= smaller factored end moment on a compression member, positive if member is ben
t in single curvature, negative if bent in double curvature = faclOrcd end momen
t on a compression member at the end at wh ich M J acts, due to loads that cause
no apprcciable sidesway. calcul atcd using a first-order clastic frame analysis
= fn ctored end moment on co mpression members at the end at which M/ acts, duc
to loads thm cause appreciable sides way, calculated using a first-order elasti
c frame analysis = larger factored end moment on compression member. always posi
tive = minimum value of M l = factored end mome nt on compression member at the
end at which M2 acts. due to loads that cause no appreciable sidesway, calculate
d using a first -order elastic frame analysis = factored end moment on co mpress
ion member ill Ihe end at which M2 aCIS, due 10 loads thtlt cnuse ;:Ippreciable
sides way, calculated usi ng a first-order elasti c frame ana lysis = nominal ax
ial load strength at balanced strai n co nditions. Sec Section 410.4 .2 = critic
al load. Sec Eq. 410-14 = nomina! nxialload strength at given ecccntricity = nom
inal axial load strength at ze ro eccentri cit y = factored axial load at given
eccentricit y

M /lu
= ratio used to accoun t fo r reduction of stiffness of columns due to sustained
axial loads = ratio used to account for reducti on of stiffness of columns due
to sustained lateral loads = relative lateral denection between the top and bott
om of a story due to V,,, computed using a firstorder clasti c frame ana lysis a
nd stiffn ess values satisfying Section 410. I 2.4 .2 = momcnt magnification [..
1. . . 101' for frames braced against sidesway (0 reflect effccts of member curv
ature between ends of co mpression members = moment magnification factor for fra
mes not braced against sidesway to reflect laternl drift resU lting from lateral
and gravity loads = net tensile strain in extreme tension steel at nominal stre
ngth = ralia of nonprestressed tension reinforcemcnt = A/bd = reinforcement rati
o producing balanced strain conditions. Sce Secti on 410.4.2 = ratio of vo lume
of spiral reinforcement to total volume of core (out-la-out of spirals) of a spi
rally reinforced co mpression member = strength-reduction factor. Sec Section 40
9.4 == stiffness reducti on factor
M Vrlill
M 2/tJ
410.2 Scope
Provisions of Section 4 10 shall appl y for design of members subject to flexure
or axial loads or to combi ned flexure and axial loads.
410.3 Design Ass umptions 410.3.1 Strength design of members for flexure and axi
loads shall be based on assu mptions
;n Sections
410.3.2 through 410.3.7 and on satisfacti on of applicable
co nditions of equilibrium and compatibility of strains.
410.3.2 Strain in reinforcement and COl1crete shall be
P, PI! PrJ
.s (J P

= stability index for a slory. See Section 4 I O . I 2.4 .2 = radius of gyrati o
n of cros:-; secti on of a compression member = maximum ccnter-to-centcr spacing
of fl cxur;t1 tensioTl reinforcement nearest to the extreme tension face. mm (w
here thcre is onl y one hal' or wire neares! 10 the extreme tension face. s i!oi
the maxi mum width of the extrcme tension face .) = factored horizontal shear i
n a story. N = quantity limiting di stribution of fl exural re inforcement. See
Section 4 10.7
assumed directly proportional to the disI;uwe from the neutral axis, except that
, for deep fl exural IJi' ;U H ,'.'; 'o k, ;-; ~~d in Section 4 10.8. 1. an anal
ys is th at con,,!,! distribution of strai n shall be used. A hern :;;,' l i .''
''permitted 10 use a strut-and-t i::: model. See :)Cl.IHlIt . hU~. 4 11.9. and S
ection 427 .
410.3.3 Maximum usable strain at cxtJ't'!lU' co mpression fiber shall be assumed
equal "('; ~ .. :.
'l h . .
Association of Structural Engineers of the Pililippin es

CHAPTER 4 - Concrete
410.3.4 Stress in reinforcement be low speci fied yield strength Ir for gmde of
reinforcement used shall be taken as t"s times steel strain. For strains greater
than that conesponding to h" stress ill reinforcement shall be cons idered indc
pendem of strain and equal to1;.. 410.3.5 Tensile strengt h o f concrete sha ll
be neglecp.ed in axial and flexural calculation s of reinforced concre te , exce
pt where meeting requirements of Section 418.5.
conditions, For Grade 415 reinforce ment, and for all prestressed reinforcement,
it shall be permitted to set the compression-controlled st rain limit equal to
410.3.6 The relationship between concrete compressive stress distribution and <.
:onc rCle strain shall be assumed to be rectangular, trapezoidal, parabolic or a
ny other shape that resull s in prediction of strength jn substantial agreement
with resu lts of comprehensive lests.
410.4.4 Sections arc tension-controlled if the net tensile strain in the extreme
tension sleel, et, is equal to or greater than 0.005 when the conc rete in comp
ression reaches its assumed strai n limit of 0 .003. Sections with t( between th
e compression -controll ed strain limit and 0.005 constitute a transition region
between compress ion-contro lled and tension-colltrolled secii,)ns.
4]0.4.5 For nonpreslressed flexural members and nonprestressed members with fact
ored axial compressive load less Ihan 0.1 Of,' A" e, at nominal sirength shall n
ot be
less Ihan 0.004. 410.3.7 Requirements or Seclion 410.3.6 may be 410.4.5.1 Use or
compression reinrorcemenl shaJJ be permitted in conjunction with additional ten
sion re inforcemenllO increase the strength of flexural members.
considered satisfied by an equivalent recta ngular concrete stress distribution
defined by the following:
410.3.7.1 Concrete Slress of 0.85[, shall be ass umed
unjfofJ1l1 y distributed over an equivalent compression zone bounded by edges of
the cross section and a straight line located parallel to the neutral axis at a
dis tance a:: (3, c from the fiber of maximum compressive strain. 410.3.7.2 Dis
tance from fiber of maximum strain to the neutral axis. c, shall be measured in
a dire:ction perpendicular LO the axis.
410.4 .6 Design axial load strength Pn of compression
members shall not be taken greater than the following :
For nonprestressed members with sp iral reinforcement confonning to Section 407.
11.4 or composite members conforming to Section 410.17 :
(410- 1)
410.4.6.2 For nonprestressed members reinforcement conformin g to Section 407. 1
/~ (mwl =

410.3.7.3 Faelor P, shall be laken as 0.85 ror eoncrele strengths!, for 17 MPa u
p 10 28 MPa. For siren glhs "bove 28 MPa. P, sliall be reduced linearly al a rat
e of 0.05 ror each 7 MPa of strength in excess of 28 MPa, but (31 s hall not
be takcn less than 0.65.
0.80[0.85[, (A,- A,,) +
/,A"j (4 10-2)
410.4 General Principles and Requirements 410.4.1 Design of cross scction subjec
i to flexure or axial loads or to combined flexure and axial loads shaH be based
on stress and strain compat ibi lity using assumpt ions in
410.4,6.3 For prestressed members. design ax ial load stren gth. riP" shall not
be taken grea ter than 0.85 (for members with spiral reinfo rcement) or 0.80 (fo
r members with lie reinforcement) of the design axial load strength at zero ecce
ntricity. ' Po.
Seclion 410.3.
410.4.2 Balanced st rain conditions exi~t at a cross section when tension reinfo
rcement reaches the strain corresponding to its specified yield strengt h f. jus
t as con crete in compression reaches it s assumed ultinlat c strai n of 0.003 .
410.4.7 Members subjecllo compressive axial load shall be designed for the maxim
um moment that can accompany th e axial load. The factored axial load PII at giv
en eccentricity shall not exceed that given in Section 410.4.6. The maximum fact
ored moment Mu shall be magnified for slende rn ess effecls in accordance with S
ection 410 .11 .
410.5 Distance between Lateral Supports of Flexural
410.4.3 Sect io ns IIrc compressionco lltrolietl if the ne t
tensile strai n in the extremc tensioll slee l, t:/. is equa l 10 or les s thall
the compression-controlled strain limit when th e concrete in comprcssion re;\c
hes its assullled strain limit of 0.003. The co mpress io n-controlled s t r~ jn
limit is the: net tensile strain ill the reinforcement at balanced stra in
410.5.1 Spacing of laleral slIppons ror a beam shall nol
exceed 50 times b, the least width of compression fl ange or fa ce.
National Str. uctural Cod e of the Philippines 6 Edilion Volume 1

CHAPTEI1 4 .. Concrete
410.5.2 Effects of lateral eccentricity of load shall be taken into account in d
etermining spacing of lateral supports.
410.7.3 Flexural tension reinforcement shall be well distributed within maximum
flexural tension zones of a member cross section as required by Section 410.7.4.
410.7.4 The spacing s of reinforcement closest to a surface in tcnsion, s, shal
l not cxceed that given by:
410.6 Minimum Reinforcement of Flexural Members
410.6.1 At every section of a flexural member where (ensile reinforcement is req
uired by analysis, except as provided in Sections 410.6.2. 410.6.3 and 410.6.4.
A. provided shall not be less than that given by: A
.J /" 4 /y
b d
and not less than 1.4 bwdl/y 410.6.2 For a statically determinate T-section with
flange in tension, the area As,min shall be equal to or greater than the smalle
r value given either by:
but not greater than 300(2801/.). where co is the least distance from surface of
reinforcement or prestressing steelto the tension face. If there is only one bar
or wire nearest to the extreme tension face, s used in Eq. 410-5 is the width o
f the extreme tension face. Calculated stress in reinforcement Is in MPa closest
to the tension face shall be computed based on the unfactored moment. It shall
be pennitted to take Is 'as 2/3 of specified yield strength J,.. 410.7.5 Provisi
ons of Section 410.7.4 are not sufficient for structures subject to very aggress
ive exposure or designed to be watertight. For such structures, special investig
ations and precautions are required. 410.7.6 Where flanges of T-beam constructio
n are in tension, part of the flexural tension reinforcement shall be distribute
d over an effective flange width as defined in Section 408.12, or a width equal
to ~:)Ile-tenth the span, whichever is smaller. If the effective flange width ex
ceeds Olle tenth the span, some longitudinal reinforcement shall be provided in
the outer portions of the flange. 410.7.7 Where II of a beam or joist exceeds 90
0 mm, longitudinal skin reinforcement shall be unirorm~y distributed along both
side faces of the member. Skm reinforcement shall extend for a distance hl2 from
the tension face. The spacing s shall be as provided in Section 410.7.4, where
Cn is the least distance from the surface of the skin reinforcement or prestress
ing tendons to tbe side face. It shall be permitted to include such reinforcemen
t in strength computations if a strain compatibility analysi:: is made to determ
ine stresses in the individual bars or wires.
= 2/

b.d "
or Eq. 410-3, except that b", is replaced by either 2 b", or the width of the fl
ange, whichever is smaller.
410.6.3 TIle requirements of Sections 410.6.1 and 410.6.2 need not be applied if
at every section, As provided is at least onc-third greater than that required
by analysis. 410.6.4 For structural slabs and footings of uniform thickness, the
minimum area of tensile reinforcement in the direction of span shall be the sam
e as that required by Section 407.13.2.1. Maximum spacing of this reinforcement
shall not exceed the lesser of three limes the thickness, nor 450 Illlll. 410.6.
5 In structures located at areas of low levei seismic risk, beams in ordinary mo
ment frames forming part of the seismic~force~resisting system shall have at lea
st two main flexural reinforcing bars continuously top and bottom throughout the
beam and continuous through or developed within exteriur columns or boundary el
ements. 410.7 Distribution of Flexural Reinforcement in Bemus and One-way Slabs
410.7.1 flexural and in stresses This section prescribes rules for distribution
of reinforcement to control flexural cracking in beams one-way slabs (slabs rein
forced to resist flexural in only one direction).
410.8 Deep Beams
410.8.1 Deep beams are members loaded on olle face and supported on the opposite
face so that compression slruls can develop between the loads and the supports,
and Ii::':{ either:
410.7.2 Distribution of flexural reinforcement in two-way slabs shall be as requ
ired by Section 413.4.
Association of Structural Engineers of tl"18 Philippines

CHAPTER 4 - Concrete
4-5 t
Clear spans, J", equal to or less than four times the overall member depth; or R
egions wi th concen trated loads withi n (wice the member depth from (he face of
the support.
area. This provision shall not apply to special moment frames or special stlllct
ural walls in Seismic Zone 4 that are designed in accordance with Section 42 1.
410.10 Limits for Reinfor cement of Compression M emb ers 410.10.1 Area of 10ngi
tuainaJ reinforcement, All! for noncomposit e compression members shall not be l
ess than 0.01 or morc than 0.08 times gross area Ag of secti on. 41 0.10.2 Mini
mum nu mber of longi tudinal bars in compression members shall be 4 fo r bars wi
thin rectangul ar or ci rcu lar ties. 3 for bars witltin triangu lar ties. and
6 for bars enclosed by spirals conforming to Section 4 10. 10.3. 410.10.3 Volume
tric spiral reinforcemen t ratio, be less than the value gi ven by:
Deep beams shall be designed either taking in to account nonlinear dist ri buti
on of strain, or by Sectio n 427. (See al so Section 411 .9. land 4 12. 11.6). L
at eral buc klin g shall be co nsidered.
4W.8.2 VII of deep hi.:!ams shall be in accordance with Section 4 11.9.
410.8.3 Mi nimum nexural (ension reinforcemcnt, AI. shall confonn to Section 410
410.8.4 Minimum horizontal and vert ical reinforcement in the side faces of deep
flexural members shall be the greater of the requirements of Sections 411.9.4.
4 11.9.5 and 427.3.3. 410.9 Des ign Dimensions for Compression Mcmbers 410.9.1 I
solated Compression Member with Multiple Spirals
Ps. shall not
(41 0-6)
where the value of /,., used in Eq. 410-6 shall not exceed 700 MPa. For /" great
er th an 415 MPa, lap splices acco rdin g to Section 407. 11.4.5 (1 ) shall not
be used. 410.11 Slenderness E lTccl< in Compression M embers 410.11.1 Slendernes
s effeclS shal l be pemli ucd to be ncglected in lhe following cases:
Ou ter limits of the effective cross section of a compression
mem ber with Iwo or morc interlocki ng spirals shall be taken at a distance outs
ide (he ext reme limi ts of the spi rals equal
to the mini mum concrete cover required by Section 407.8.
410.9.2 Com p ressio n M ember Built Monoli thi cally With W a ll Outer limits o
f the effective cross section of a spirally rei nfo rced or tied reinforced com
pression member built mo no lithicall y w ith a concrete wall or pier shall be t
aken not greater than 40 nun outs ide the spiral or tie rei nfo rcement. 410.9.3
Equivalent C ircular Compression M ember
For compression members not braced against sidesway when:
k1u < 22

For compression members braced agains t sides way when: 34 - 12( ; : ) :540 (410
As an alternative to usi ng the full gross area for des ign of a com press ive m
ember with a square. octagonal or other shaped cross section. it sh'llI be permi
tted to usc a ci rcu lar secti o n with a diameter cqual to the least latera l d
imension of the actual s h~i;C . Gross area considered, requi red percen tage o
f reinfu rcemen t, and design strength shall be based on that circular section.
410.9.4 Limits ofSec tioll For a compression member with <l cross section larger
than requ ired by considerations of loading, it shall be permitted to base Ihe
minirnu m reinforce ment and des ign strength on a reduced effective area Ag not
less than one ha lf the tota l
where MIIM2 is positive if the colu mn is bent in single curvatu re. and negativ
e if the member is bent in double . curvature.
It shall be pcmlitled to co nsider compression members braced against sideway wh
en bracing elements have a total sti ffn ess, resisting lateral movement of that
story. of at least 12 times the gross stiffness resisting lateral movement of t
hat story. of at leas t 12 times the gross stiffness of the colu mns wit hin (he
Nati ona l Structura l Code of th e Pll i1 ippines G Edition Volume 1

CHAPTER 4 . Concrete
410.11.1.1 The unsu pported length of a compression l11~cm be r . lu. shall be t
aken as the cJc<lr distance between floor slabs, beams, or other members capable
of provid ing lateral support in the direction being considere:d. Where column
capitals or hau nches are present, I., shall be meas ured to the lower ext remit
y of the capital or hau nch in the plane cons idered. 410.11.1.2 It shall be pe
n niued to take the radius of gyration, r, eq ual to 0.30 li mes the overall dim
ension in Ihe d irection stability is be ing conside red for ft:!clangul ar
co mpression members and 0.25 times (he diameter for circular compression member
s. For o lher shapes, it shall be perm itted (0 compute r for the gross concrete
sectio n.
410.12.3 It shall be permined to usc the fo ll owin g properti es for the member
s in the structure: I. Modu lus of el ast icity ................ Er from Section
408.6.1 2. Moments o f inertia, J Compression members: Coiulnns ........... ...
.. ....... .. ....... ................... . Walls Uncracked. .. ...... ........
.... ........... .. Walls Cracked . Flexu ral members: BeaITIs ...... .. .......
..... . Flat plates and fla t s labs ... ......... ..... .
0.701, 0.701, 0.3 51,
0.35/, 0.25 1.
3. Area ......................... ......... ...... ......... .
410.11.2 When s lenderness effects arc not negl ec ted as permitted by Sec tion
41 0. 11.1. the design of com pression mem bers. restrai ning beams, and other s
lipPol1ing members shall be based on the factored forces and moment s from a sec
ond -order analysis satisfying Sections 4 10. 1 J .3, 41 0. 11.4, or 410.11.5 .
These members shall also sati sfy Sections 410.11.2.1 and 410.11.2.2. The dimens
ions o f each member cross section used in the analysis shall be within 10 perce
nt of the dimensions of the members shown on th e design drawings or the analysi
s shall be repealed. 410.11.2.1 Total moment including secondord er effects in co
mpression members , restraining beams, or oth er structu ral members shall not
ex ceed 1.4 times the moment d ue to firs t ~ order effects. 410.11.2.2 Secondord
er effec ts shall be conside red along the length o f compression members. It sh
all be pe rmitl ed to accouOl for th ese e ffects using the momc nt magnifica ti
on procedure out li ned in Secti on 4 10.13 . . 410.12 Magnified Moments 410.12.
1 Nonlinear Second-Order Analysis Seco nd-o rder ana lys is shall cons id ermate
rial on linearity, member curva ture an d lateral drift, du ration of loads, shr
i nkage and crecp. and interac ti on wilh Ihe sopporti ng found ation. The analy
s is proccdure shall have been shown [0 result in prediction of streng th in sub
stant iil l a.grcemcilt with resu lts o f co mprehe ns ive tes ts of co lu mns i
n sta ticall y indelcn nin ate reillforceu concrete structures. 410.12.2 Elastic
SecondOrder Analys is Elasti c sct:o n d ~ o rd er analysis s hall cons ider sec
tion propert ies det ermin ed taking into account th e infl uence of ax ial load
s. the presence of cracked regi ons along th e le ngth o f th e member, and the
effects of load durati oll .
Altem alively, the moment s of ineni:l of compression and fl exural members. I ,
sha ll be permitted to be com puted as follows: Compress ion members:
1 = ( 0.80+ 25A,, )( 1 M.. . 0.501:" j

/. S 0.875 I,
Where Pu. and Mu. shall be det ermined from fhe pallicular load combination unde
r co nsiderati on, or the comhillation of Pit and Mu. resulting in the smallest
value of I. J need !lot be taken less than 0.35/,. Flexural members:
1 = (0.10 + 25p)( 1.2 - 0.2 b.) 1,:0 0.5/,
(~ 1 0 1O )
f or cont inuous flexura l members. I shall be permillcd to be taken as the aver
age of values obtained from Eq. I~ 10 10 for lhe critical posi tive and nega tive
moment scctions. J lIeeo not be taken less than 0.25 /, . The cross~sect iolla
l dimensions and reinforcement r~fio used in the above form ul as shall be withi
n 10 pr nT!:1 d :hc d imensio ns and re inforcement ra tio shown on ! h t: de i
t;l i drawings or the stiffness evaluati on shall be rcpc'llt:<i. 410.12.3.1 Whe
n sustained lateral loads an' Pfl:\ " ; co mpression me mbers slw ll be divided by
( I + !~:,i . ., : term /Jd.l shi.iIJ be ta ken as the ratio of maxi lllulli fac
toli...o susta ined shi::ar wilhin <I story 10 the ll1 axilll U! :, I:lI ; .: .
shear in that story associmed wi th the s;Jln~ i<mo combinat ion, but s hall no!
be taken greiltcr l h ;~ n 1.0. 410.12.4 I \:lomcnt Magnification I'roccdu l"!'
Co lumns and stori es in structures shall be no ns way or sway columns or stori
es. The dl',,, i: I: "j in nonsway frames or stori es s hall be based ,iIi
( ;,~ ;
::; .. ,1"\;0,;
Association of Structural Enninecrs of the Philippin e:;

CHAPTER 4 . Concrete
410.13. The design of columns in sway frames or stories
shall be based on Section 410.14.
410.13.1.3 The effective length factor. k, shall be permitted to be taken as 1.0
410.12.4.1 It shall be permitted to assume a column in a structure is nons way i
f the increase in column end moments due to second-order effects docs not exceed
5 percent of the first-order end moments. 410.12.4.2 It also shall be permitted
within H structure is nons way if:
410.13.1.4 For members without transverse loads between supports, c'1I shall be
taken as:
0.6 + 0.4 (M/M,)
assume a story
where M,IM 2 is positive if the column is bent in single curvature, and negative
if the mem.ber is bent in double curvature. For members with transverse loads b
etween supports, e", shall be taken as l.0.
410.13.1.5 The factored moment M, in Equation (41012)
(4101 I)
shall not be taken less than is less than or equal to 0.05, where ,[P" and Vus a
rc the total vertical load and the story shear, respectively, in the story in qu
estion and Lto is the first-order relative deflection between the top and boltom
of that story due to V,,~.
410.13 Moment Magnification PnlceduJ'c - Nonsway 410.13.1 Compression members sh
aH be designed for the factored axial load, Pu , and the moment amplified for th
e effects of member curvature, Mn as follows:
M 2.min = PI. (15 + O.03h)
about each axis separately, where 15 and h are in millimeters. For members for w
hich M 2.min exceeds M 2 , the value of Cm in Equation (41017) shall either be ta
ken equal to 1.0, or shall be based on the ratio of the computed end moments, M,
410.141\:\0ment Magnification Procedure Sway 410.14.1 The moments MJ and M, at th
e ends of an
individual compression member shall be taken as:

M ln.1 +
(41019) (41020)
Mz"s +
0: MI.! and Os M zs shall be computed according to
Sections 410.14. J.3 or 410.14. 1.4.
(kl" )'
410.13.1.1 El shall be taken as:
410.14.1.1 Flexural members shall be designed for the total magnified end moment
s of the compression members at the joint.
(41015) 410.14.1.2 The effective length factor k shall be determined
E I =fE:2EJ, +EJ,,)
1+ PdllJ
using the values of Be and I givcn in Section 410.12.2 and shall not be less tha
n 1.0.
410.14.1.3 The moment magnificr (5s shall be calculated as
(O.4E,1 , )
1+ Pdll.1
(41016) (41021)
Alternatively, EI shall be permitted to be computed using
the value of 1 from Eq. 4109 divided by (I + (I"",).
If 8.\ calculated by Eq. 410-21 exceeds 1.5, S.! shall be calculated using secon
d-order elastic analysis or Section
410.13.1.2 The term f!,/".< shall be taken as the ratio of maximum factored axia
l sustained load to maximum factored axial load associated with the same load co
mbination, but shall not be taken greater than 1.0.
National Structural Code of the PhilipPines Gill hlition Volume 1

CHAPTE" 4 . Concrete
410.14.1.4 Alternatively. it shall be permitted to calculate os as;
< ~----->I
410.17.2 Strength of a composite member shall be computed for the same limiting
conditions applicable to ordinary reinforced concrete members. 410.17.3 Any axia
l load strength assigned to concrete of a composite member shall be transferred
to the concrete by members or brackets in direct bearing on the composite member
concrete. 410.17.4 All axial load strength not assigned to concrete a composite
member shall be developed by direct connection to the structural steel shape, p
ipe or tube.
where 'fPII is the summation for all the factored vertical loads in a story and
"LPc is the summation for all swayresisting columns in ':1 story. Pc is calculat
ed using Eq. 41014 with k determined from Section 410.14.1.2 and EI from Section
410.13.1.1, where lid, shall be substituted fol' lidm.
410.15 Axially Loaded Members Supporting Slab System Axially loadcd members supp
orting slab system included within the scope of Section 413.2 shall be designed
as provided in Section 410 and in accordance with the additional requirements of
Section 413. 410.16 Transmission of Column Loads through 'Floor System When the
specified compressive strength of concrete in a column is greater than 1.4 time
s that specified for a floor system, transmission of load through the floor syst
em shall be provided by Sections 410.16.1, 410.16.2, or 410.16.3: 410.16.1 Concr
ete of strength specified for the column shall be placed in the floor at the col
umn location. Top surface of the column concrete shall extend 600 mm into the sl
ab from face of column. Column concrete shall be well integrated with floor conc
rete, and shall be placed in accordance with Sections 406.4.6 and 406.4.7. 410,1
6.2 Strength of a column through a flnor system shall be based on the lower valu
e of concrete strength with vertical dowels and spirals as required. 410.16.3 Fo
r columns laterally supported on foUl' sides by beams of approximately equal dep
th or by slabs, it shall be permiued to base strength of the column on an assume
d concrete strength in the column joint equal to 75 percent of column concrete s
trength plus 35 percent of floor concrete strength. In the application of this S
ection, the ratio of column concrete strength to slab concrete strength shall no
t be taken greater than 2.5 for design. 410.17 Composite Compression Members 410
.17.1 Composite compression members shall include all such members reinforced lo
ngitudinally with structural steel shapes, pipe or tubing with or without longit
udinal bars.
410.17.5 For evaluation of slenderness effects, radius of gyration, r, of a comp
osite section shall not be greater than the value given by:

O.2EJg +E~~ 0.2E,A, + E,A"

and, as an alternative to a more accurate calculation, EI in Eq. 41014 shall be t
aken either as Eq. 41015; 01'
EI ~(~)E I E I
1+ fJdlU
~ K
410.17.6 Structural Steel Encased Concrete Core 410.17.6.1 For a composite membe
r with concrete corc encased by stI1lctural steel, thickness of the steel encase
ment shall not be less than:
for each face of width b nor
h -8E .'
for circular sections of diameter h
410.17.6.2 Longitudinal bars located within the encased concrete core shall be p
ermitted to be used in computing An and /.u" 410.17.7 Spiral Reinforcement Aroun
d Strudllrai Steel
A composite member with spirally reinforced conereii' around a stmctural steel c
ore shall conform to Sections 410.17.7.1 through 410.17.7.4.
410.17.7.1 Design yield strength of structural steel corc shall be the specified
minimum yield strength for gr;Hic structural steel used but not to exceed 350 M
Association-of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTER 4 . Concrete
410.17.7.2 Spiral reinforcemen l shall conform to Section
410.17,7,3 Longi tudi nal bars located within the spiral shall f1 0 t be less th
an 0.01 or morc than 0.08 times net area of concrete sectio n. 410.17.7.4 Longit
udinal bars located within the spiral shall be permitted to be used in computing
As'\" and I,x. 410.17.8 Tie Reinforcement Around Structural Steel
410.18.2 Section 4 10, 18 does not apply to post-tensioning anchorages,
A composite member with laterall y lied concrete around a slructural steel core
shall conform to Secti o ns 41 0.17,S. 1 through 4 10,17,8,7: 410.17.8.1 Des ign
yield strengtll of structural steel core shall be the specified minimu m yield
strength for grade of structural steel used bu t not to exceed 350 MPa. 410.17.8
.2 La teral ties shal l eX lend co mpletel y around the stru ctural steel core.
410.17.8,3 [-'1teral ti es shall have a di ameter not less than 0.02 times the g
reatest side dimen sion o f composite member, except that ti es shall not be sma
ll er than 10 mm diameter and are not required to be larger th an 16 mill diamet
er. Welded wire fabric of equi va lent area shall be permitted. 410.17.8.4 Vert
ica l spac ing of lateral lies shall not exceed 16 longitud in al bar diamcters,
48 tie bar diamcters , or one half times the leas t side dimension of the compo
site member. 410.17.8.5 Longit udi nal bars located within the tics sha ll nOI b
e less than 0.0 1 or more th an 0.08 limes net area o f concrete seclion. 410.17
.8.6 A longitudinal bar shall be located at every comer of a rectangular cross s
ection, with other longitudinal bars spaced not farther apart than one half the
least side dimension of the c O l11 po~ ite member. 410.17.8 .7 Longitud inal ba
rs located with in the ties shall be .0 :, permitted to be used in compu ting A.
u ,l nd 1 410.18 B earing S trength 410.18.1 Design bearing stre ngth on concret
e shall not exceed (0,8S[, A,), except when the supporting su rrace is wi der o n
all si des th an the loaded area , the n the des ign bearing streng th on (he l
oaded area shall be penn ili ed 10 be mu ltiplied by A21 A" bu t by nOI more (h'
ln 2.
National Structura l Code of the PhilippifwS 6
Edition Volum e 1

CHAPTER 4 - Concrete
411.1 Notalions
A ~.
arc<t of co ncre te section resisting shear transfer,
A fP
= area enclosed by outside perimeter of concrete
cross section, mm 2. Sec Section 411.7.1 ::= area of reinforcement in bracket or
corbel resisting factored moment [Vua + Nuc(IJ d)). mm 2 = gross area of section
, 111m2. For a hollow section, A, is the urea of the concrete on ly and does not
inctude the arca of the void(s) = area of shear reinforce ment parallel to prim
ary tension reinforcement in erbel or bracket, 111m2 = lotal area of longitudina
l reinforce ment to resist
torsion, mm 2
.JT: ;: :;
direction of the spa n for which l11omel1lS .Irc being determin ed, mm ;:::; dim
ension of rectangular Of equivalent rectangular column, capital or bracket measu
red tran sverse to the direction of the span for which moments arc being detenni
ned. 111m ;:::; distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of longitudi
nal tension reinforcemellt, mm ;:::; distan ce from ext reme co mpression fiber
to centroid of prestressing steel, mm ;:::; specified compressive strength of co
ncrete, MPa square root of specified compressive strength of
A ,.mill
A"h AJ

A ,!
A ,.11
A". mill
minimum area of longitudinal reinforcement to resist torsion. mm 2, Sec Section
411 .7.5.3 :::: area of reinforcement in bracket or corbel res isting tensile fo
rce NII(, nun 2 See Section 411 .10 ::: gross area enclosed by shear flow path.
mm 2 :;: area enclosed by centerline of the outermost closed transverse torsiona
l reinforcement, 111m2 ;:; area of non prestressed longitudinal tension reinforc
ement . mOl 2 ;:; area of primary tension reinforcement in a corbel or bracket,
ffim2. Sec Section 411.10.3.5 := area of one leg of a closed stirrup reSisting I
Orsion within a distance s. mm 2 ;:; area of shear reinforcement within a distan
ce s, mm 2 ::; area of shearfriction reinforcement, mm 2 ;: ;lrea of shear reinfo
rcement parallel to nexural tension reinrorccmenl within a spacing Sz, mlll 2 =
minimum arca of shear reinforcement within it Spacing s, 111m 2. Sec Sections 41 ,md
II h,. h",
a b b" ht
:::: shea r span, distance between concentrated load and
face of supports. mm :;: width of compression face of member, mm :::: perimeter
of cri tical section for shear in slabs and footings, nUll . See Section 411.13.
J.2 ::: width of thilt part of cross section containing the closed stirnJps res
isting torsion, mm ::: web width, or diameter of circular section, I1Ull :;; dir
nc.nsion of the critical section /)0 defined in Section 411 ,13. 1.2 measured in
the direction or the span for which moments are determined, mill == dimension o
f Ihe critical :-;ecti oll /}o defined in Section 411 . 11.1.2 Illc<1surcd in th
e direction perpendicular to b,. mOl ::: dimension of re-clangular or equivalent
rectangular column , capital or bracket measured in the
/" I,. /".
concrete. MPa = average spli tting tensile strength of lighlweigi,t aggregate co
ncrete, MPa = stress due to unfactored dead load, at extreme fibc! of section wh
ere tensile st ress is caused by externally applied loads, MP. = compressive str
ess in concrete (after allowance for all prestress losses) at cen troid of cross
sectio n resisting externally applied loads or at junction of web and nangc whe

n (he cel1lroid lies within the flan ge, MPa. (In a composite member, he is resu
ltant compressive stress at centroid ur composite section, or at junction of web
and flang(.;. when the cCl1Iroid lies within the flange. due ( 0 both prestress
and moments resisted by prccw;{ member acting alone). = compressive stress in c
oncrete due to effective prestress forces on ly (after allowance for all prestre
ss losses) at ex treme fiber of sec ti on where tensile stress is caused by exte
rnally applied loads, MPa ::: st ress in prestressi ng steel at nOminjll nexural
strength, MPa ::: specified (ensile strength of prestrl;.ssing steel, MPa = spe
ci fied yield strenglh of reinforce ment, MPa ::; specified yield st rength J...
of transverse reinforcement, MPa = overall thickness or height of member, nUll
::: lotal depth of shearhead cross section, mm = height of entire wall from base
to top or height of lile segment of wa ll considered, mill = moment of inertia
of seclion of heam about til e celllroidal axis, mm 4 ;:::; length of clear span
measured face to face of supports, mill = lenglh of shearhcad ;!I'1ll from cCJl
Iroid of concentrated load or reaction, m11l :;; length of entire wall or lenglh
of segment of wall considered in direction of shear force, mill = momenl causin
g flexural cracking at sectioll duc (0 externally applied loads, N-IllIl1. See S
= factored
4" .5.3 .1 moment modified 1 0 accolin{ for cI'J'v ' ot . axial compression, Nmnl
. See Section '111.4 .1..2
Association o f Structural Engineefs of tile P!ljJjppines

CHAPTER 4 . Concrete
= maximum factored moment at section due to
externally applied loads, N~mm Mil :::: nominal flexural strength at section, Nmm Mp = required plastic moment strength of shearhead cross section, N-mm Mu = f
actored moment at section, N-mm M\. = moment resistance contributed by shearhead
reinforcement, N-mm 11 number of items, such as strength tests, bars, wires, mo
nostrand anchorage devices, anchors or shearhead arms Nil = factored axial load
normal to cross section occurring simultaneously with VII or TIl; to be taken as
positive for compression, negative for tension, N NIl(' factored horizontal ten
sile force applied at top of ~)racket or corbel acting simultaneously with V" to
be taken as positive for tension, N Pcp outside perimeter of the concrete cross
section, nun /h perimeter of centerline of oulennost closed transverse torsiona
l reinforcement, nun s =- center-to-center spacing of items, such as longitudina
l reinforcement, transverse reinforcement, prestressing tendons, wires, or ancho
rs, mm S2 = center-to-center spacing of longitudinal shear or torsion reinforcem
ent, mm 7~ = nominal torsional moment strength, N-mm 1~ = factored torsional mom
ent at section, N-mm I ~ thickness of a wall of a hollow section, mm V, nominal
shear strength provided by concrete, N Vci ;;;: nominal shear strength provided
by concrete when diagonal cracking results from combined shear and moment, N V(!
I' := nominal shear strength provided by concrete when diagonal cracking results
from high principal tensile stress in web, N Vd = shear force at section due to
unfactorcd dead load, N VI =: factored shear force at section due to externally
applied loads occurring simultaneously with M"'(H.
::::: ratio of long to short dimension; sides of column, concentrated load 01' r
eaction area, or sides of footing, see Section 411 ::::: factor used to compute
Vc in prestressed slabs. = factor used to determine the unbalanced moment transf
erred by flexure at slab-column connection. Sec Section 41 I = factor used to de
termine the unbalanced moment transferred by eccentricity of shear at slab-colum
n connections. See Section 411.13.7.1
= =
= I - Yr ;: ;: number of identical arms of shearhead = coefficient of friction.
See Section 411.8.4.3 = modification factor reflecting the reduced mechanical pr
operties of lightweight concrete, all relative to normal weight concrete of the
same compressive strength. See Section 411.8.4.3. =- ratio of nonprestressed ten
sion reinforcement.
= Ajbd
of area of reinforcement to gross to that reinforcement = ratio of area of reinf
orcement to gross to that reinforcement
= ratio

distributed longitudinal concrete area perpendicular distributed transverse conc

rete area perpendicular
PI\' B
= angle of compression diagonals in truss analogy for

= strength reduction factor.

See Section 409.4
411,2 Shear Strength
411.2.1 Except for members designed in accordance with Section 427, design of cr
oss sections subject to shear shall be based on (41 I-I) where VII is factored s
hear force at section considered and V,\ is nominal shear strength computed by (
411-2) where Vc is nominal shear strength provided by concrete in accordance wit
h Seclion 411.4 or Section 4 J 1.5, and VI is nominal shear strength provided by
shear reinforcement in accordance with Section 411.6.6.
N Vn
= nominal shear strength, N
component of effective prestress force at section, N ;;;: nominal shear strength
provided by shear reinforcement, N = factored shear force at section, N ::;:: n
ominal shear stress, MPa. Sec Section 411.13.6.2 ::::: distance from centroida!
axis of gross section, neglecting reinforcement, to tension face, mm =: angle de
fining the orientation of reinforcement =: constant used to compute Vc in slabs
and footings = ratio of flexural stiffness of shearhead arm to surrounding compo
site slab scction. Sec Section 411.13.4.5
= vertical
411.2.1.1 In determining shear strength V,,, the effect of any openings in membe
rs shall be considered.
411.2.1.2 In determining shear strength V,., whenever applicable, effects of axi
al tension due to creep and shrinkage in restrained members shaH be considered a
nd effects of inclined flexural compression ill variable-depth members shall be
permitted to be included.

National Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

CHA PTER 4 Concrete
411.2.2 The values Of..Jf': used in SCClion41i1 shall not exceed 8.0 Mra. except
as allowed in Section 411.2 .2. 1. 411.2.2. 1 Values o f ..Jf': greater th an 8
.0 MP" are all owed in compu ting Vo V ... and Vel<' fo r rcinl orced or prestre
ssed concrete beams and concrete joist cons tru ction having mi ni mum web reinf
orce ment in acco rdance with Sect :OIts 411.6.6.3 .411 .6.6 .4 and 411 .7.5.2.
J. ~ f" 1(0.56
JF:.) ,; 1.0.
N.B. Sect. 411 .3 nol in AC I. ad apted from NSCr 5~ Ed. 411.4 Sh ea r Slrength
Provided by Concre le for
Nonp rcstressed Members
411.4.1 S implified Calculation for Yc Shear strength Vc s hall be co mputed by
pro ViS. \lf.S {1[ Sections 411.4.1 . J thro ugh 411.4 . 1.3 unless a more detai
I(..j calcul ation is made in accord ance with Secti on 41J .4.2. Throu ghout th
i s Section, except in Secti on 411.8, A, shall b~ as defined in Section 408.7.
1. 411.4.1.1 For members subjecllO shear and nexure only: (411 -3)
411 .2.3 Co mputations of maximum [aclOrcd shea.r force Vu al su ppons in accord
ance wilh Section 411 .2.3. 1 or 4 shall be permitted if all o f Ihe fo
ll o wing three condit io ns are sali s ficd :
J. Support reaction, in di rection of
introdu ces compress ion member; 2. into
the end
shear. regions of '
Loads Urc applied at or near the top o f the membe r; and
No concentrated load occurs between face of support <l!Id location of critical s
ection defined in Sections
411. 2. 3.1 and 4
411.4.1.2 For members subj ect to ax ial co mpression,
4J For Ilonprestressed members, sections locawd less th an a distance d
from facc of SUPI)Qlt shall be pennilteci to be de signed for thc same shear V"
as Ihat computed at a di stance d.
(I'" ~')2ff b . d (411-4) 14A
,." t
Quan tity Nu/Ag shall be expressed in MPa. 411.4.1.3 For members subject (0 si g

nificant axial tension, Vc shall be taken as zero, unless a more detailed analys
is is made using Section 411.4 .2.3.
411.4.2 Delailed Ca lcu la li on for V,
Shear strength V.. shall be pcnnillcd 10 be computed by the more dClailed calcul
.at io n of Sectio ns 4 11.4 .2.1 throu gh
411.2,3,2 For prestressed members, secti ons locat ed less than .1 distance hl2
from face of support shall be permitted to be designed for Ihe same shenr V" as
thaI co mputed at a distance " 12. 411.2.4 Fo r deep bC Il IllS, brackets an d c
orbels. wa ll s and slabs and foolin gs, the specia l prov isions of Secti ons 4
11 .9 Ih rough 4 11. 13 sholl opply. 411.3 Lightweight Concrete 4J 1.3.1 Prov i
sio ns for shcar stre ngth Vc apply to norma lweigh t co ncretc. When lightweigh
t aggregate conc rete is used, one o f the fo ll ow ing modifi cat ions shall ap
pl y: 411.3.1.1 When J,., is not spec ifi ed . all values o f ~
4 11.4 .2.3. 411.4.2.1 For members subject to shear and n cx.ure onl y,
(4 115)
but not great er {hall 0.29..Jf': b... d. Whe n computinr. where Mil occurs simu
ltaneollsly with considered.
hy Eq . 411-5. Vu d / M u shall not be taken grea tcr th;m ::.
V.. ;\1
SCl'I :!,,;
affecting \I, . ., ~ amI. M n s hall be lllultiplied by a mod ilicat io ll fac t
or A. where}. is 0.75 for all -li g htweigh t conc rete and 0.85 for sand-li ght
weight concrete. Linear illlcrpol:ltion between 0.85 and 1.0 shall be permit te
d, Oil thc basis of vo lumetric fractions, for concrete containing normal weight
fine agg regate and a blend of li ghtweight and normal wei ght coarse aggregate
s. For normal wei ght co nc rete , ), = 1.0. If av erage splitting tensile stren
gth of li ghtweight con crete.Pn. is specified,
411.4.2.2 For me mbers subj ect to axial compression, il shall be pe rmitted to
compute Vt. using Eq, 4 11-5 wilh M,.; substituted for Mu and VI ,d/MI, not then
limitcd to ! .0. where:
M", - M "Nil
(4" 8-11 )
--Association of Stru ctural Engineers of the Pililippines

CHAPTER 4 . COllcrete
However, Vc shall not be taken greater than:
411.5.3.1 Shear strength V,; shall be computed by
.j-j-:- b = A. --'
+ V + _,_ .
M rn"~
where dp need not be taken less than 0.80h and
NjAg shall be expressed in MPa. When Milt as computed by Equation (411-6) is neg
ative, Vc shall be computed by Equation (411-7).
411.4.2.3 For members subject to significant axial tension,
M cr<'-~' _10 SA Y.lc r;:;-(, + . (p c - .d
(411-11 )
and values of M"wx and Vi shall be compmed from the load combination causing max
imum factored moment to occur at the section. Vci need not be taken .less than 0
.1 no.
411.5.3.2 Shear strength
ff bl.ji.
but not less than zero, where Nu is negative for tension. N"IAg shall be express
ed in MPa.
411.4.3 Circular Members
v..". shall be computed by
For circular members, the area used to compute Vc shall be taken as the product
of the diameter and effective depth of the concrete section. It shall be permitt

ed to take the effective depth as 0.8 times the diameter of the concrete section
411.5 Shear Strength Provided by Concrete For
where dp need not be taken less than 0.80h. Alternatively, Vc ". may be computed
as the shear force corresponding to dead load plus live load that results in a
principal tensile stress of 0.33}
ff at the centroidai axis
Prestressed Members
411.5.1 For the provisions of Section 411.5, d shall be taken as the distance fr
om extreme compression fiber to centroid of prestressed and nonprcstressed longi
tudinal tension reinforcement, if any, but need not be taken less than 0.80h. 41
1.5.2 For members with effective prestress force not less than 40 percent of the
tensile strength of flexural
of member, or at intersection of flange and web when centroidal axis is in the f
lange. In composite members, principal tensile stress shall be computed using th
e cross section that resists live load.
411.5.4 In a pretensioned member in which the section at a distance 1112 from fa
ce of support is closer to end of member than the transfer length of the prestre
ssing steel, the reduced prestress shall be considered when computing V,." .. Th
is value of \~'l<" shall also be taken as the maximum limit for Eq. 411-9. The p
restress force due to tendons for which bonding does not extend to the end of th
e member shall be assumed to vary linearly frorn zero at point at which bonding
commences to a maximum at a distance from this point equal to the transfer lengt
h, assumed to be 50 diameters for strand and 100 diameters for single wire.
reinforcement, unless more detailed calculation is made in accordance with Secti
on 411.5.3.
+ 4.8
~ ~ Jb
but Vc need not be taken less than 0.17),
ff by.Li
nor shall
Vc be taken greatcr than 0.42), jf~ bud
nor the value
given in Sections 4 I J .5.4 or 411.5.5. VlldlM" shal! not be takcn greater than
! .0, where M" occurs simultaneously with V" at section considered.
411.5.3 Vc shall be pennittcd to be computed in accordance with Sections 411.5.3
.1 and 41 where Vc shall be the lesser of Vci or V '.l>".

In a pretensioned member where bonding of some tendons does not extend to end of
member, a reduced prestress shall be considered when computing Vc in accordance
with Section 411.5.2 or 411.5.3. The value of Vcwca!culated using the reduced p
r{'stress shall also be taken as thc maximum limit for Equatioi( (411-9). Prestr
ess force due to tendons for which bonding docs not cxtend to end of mcmber may
be assumcd to vary linearly from zero at the point at which bonding commences to
a maximum at a distance from this point equal to the transfer length, assumed t
o be 50 diamcters for strand and 100 diameters for single wire.
National Structural Code of the Ptlilippines 6 Edition Volume 1

4 60
CHAPTER 4 . Concrete
411.6 Shear Strength Provided b)' Shear Reinforcement 411.6.1 Types of Shear Rei
nforcement 411.6.1.1 Shear rcinforccn1cnI consisting of the following shall be p
Where Vs exceeds 0.33
ff,. h ... d.
maximum shall b:;
spacing given in Sections 411.6.5.1 and reduced by one half.
1 11. 6. ~. 2
411.6.6 Minimum Shcar Reinforccme nt 411.6.6.1 A minimum area of shear fl'i nfor
cc ment, A".min, shall be provided in all reinforced COw'n .":. flexural members
(prestressed and nonpres(resscJ ) Wht:T:. / // eXCe{~i~", O.5V(". except in memb
ers satisfying one or ;..orc of (i ) through (6):
Solid slabs and footings;
Slinl1ps perpendicular to axis of member;
Welded wire fabric with wires loc<tlcd pcrpcndiclJl:lr to axis of member; and
Spirals, circu lar ties, or hoops.
411.6.1.2 For lIonprcslfcssed members. shear reinforcement shall be penrullcd to
also consist 0[:
SlinlJps making an angle of 45 degrees or morc with iongilUdinallcnsion reinforc
Longitudinal reinforcemclH Wil h belli porti on Jll<lkjng
units with tOlal unlopped depth Ilot
h ollow ~c o rc
greater than 300 mm and
un its where
Vu is not greater than O .S V("".;
nn angl e of 30 degrees or more wi th the longitudi nal tension reinforcement;
3. Combinati on of

Concrete joist construction defined by Section 408.14 ; Bcams with (owl depth, I
i not greate r thnn 250 mm~ Beams integral with slabs with total depth, " not gr
eater than 600 mm, and not greater than 2 .~) limes thickness of flange or 0.50
th e width of web; Beams constructed of steel ti bc r.. r e i nro ~ c ed, 110nn;;
I weight concrete with It' not exceedil1 g 4~J MPa, h Ho i greater than 600 mill
, and Vu not grealer (han O. J 7
4. 5.
411.6.2 Tile values of 1;. and 1,./ llsed in the design of shear rein fo rce men
t shall not exceed 41 5 MPa, except the value shall not exceed 550 MPa for a we
lded defo rm ed wire rei nforcemenl.
411.6.3 Where the provisions of Section 411.6 are applied to prestresscd mcmbers
. d shall be laken as the di stance from extreme comp ression fiber to centroid
of the pres tressed and non prestressed longitudinni tension rei nforcement, if
an y. bUlllecd not be taken less than 0.80h.
411.6.6.2 Minimum shear reinforcement rcquir:mcnts of Section 411.6.6.1 shall be
waived if sh uwn by test that required nominal nexural, Mn and shear :-.' rcngth
, "" can be developed when shear reinforcement is ( ,It(ed . .,l;h I.esl shall si
mulate effects of differential '!! icm,' ,. creej:, shri nkage and temperature c
hange, be ,!}"': 0 11 : H ;disli: assessmelll of such effects occurring in sen i
ce. 411.6.6.3 Where shear reinforcemenl' is reqlli re(\ ,,)' :-'ectioJ ' 4 11 .6
.6. 1 or for strength and where Secril,;} 4; I.; i . ;J ow ~ torsion to be neglec
ted, the min imulll :~ ..~:! o ~ :.he.l' reinforcement for prestressed (except as
. ) j )\lidj'~ ; !i ' " " li' J; 4 I and nonpre5tressed member', :-.1:
d ;1:. '.\ . ',11', by:
411.6.4 Stirrups and other bars or wires used as shear reinforcement shall exten
d to a distance d frolll extre me compression fiber <lnd shall be anchored at bo
th ends according to Section 412.14 to develop the design yield strength of rein
forcement. 411.6.5 Spacing Limits for Shear Reinforcement 411.6.5.1 Spac ing of
shear reinforcement placed perpendi cular to axis of member 5h311 not exceed dl2
in nonprcstrcsscd memhers and O.75h in prest ressed melnbcrs. nor 600 mill. 411
.6.5.2 Inclined slim.lps and belli longitudinal reinforcement shall be so spaced
{hat every 45c!egrcc linc, extending tow.mJ the reaction frOI11 mid ~d c pth of
member d/2 10 longilUdi nal tension reinforcement. shall be crossed by al le.lsl
one line of shear reinforcement.
b .f A . = 0.062 V rr;-j' ~ J r; j
r . 1IlI11.
(4 111 3)

but shall not be less than (0.35b ...'i)IJ;. " in millimeters.

WIL i~: i) .. .',,:.
Association of Stru ctura l Enginee rs of the Philip pines

CHAPTER 4 - Concrete
411.6.6.4 For prestressed members with effective prestress force not Jess than 4
0 percent of the tensile strength of flexural reinforcement, A"min shall not be
less than the ,mailer value from Equatio;\s (411-13) and (411-14).
411.6.7.6 Where shear reinforcement consists of a series of parallel bent-up bar
s or groups of parallel bent-up bars at different distances from the support, sh
ear strength Vs shall be computed by Eq. 411-16.
Av, min
AI"!'" s
80! d
411.6.7.7 Only the center Ulfee fourths of the inclined
portion of any longitudinal bent bar shall be considered effective for shear rei
411.6.7 Design of Shear Reinforcement
411.6.7.1 Where factored shear force VII exceeds shear strength Vn shear reinforc
ement shall be provided to satisfy Equations (411-1) and (411-2), where shear st
rengU\ V~ shall be computed in accordance with Sections 411.6.7.2 through 411.6.
411.6.7.8 Where more than one type of shear reinforcement is used to reinforce t
he same portion of a member, shear strength, Vs shall be computed as the sum of
the Vf values computed for the various types of shear reinforcement.
411,6,7,9 Shear strength V, shall not be taken greater Ulan 0.66.JT: bwd. 411.7
Design for Torsion
411.6.7.2 Where shear reinforcement perpendicular to axis
of member is used,
V =
Design for torsion shall be in accordance with Sections 411.7.1 through 411.7.6,
or 411.7.7. 411.7,1 Threshold Torsion
where A" is the area of shear reinforcement within spacing s. 411.6.7.3 Where ci
rcular ties, hoops, or spirals are used as shear reinforcement, V, shall be comp

uted using equation (411-15) where d is defined in Section 411.4.3 for circular
It shall be pennitted to neglect torsion effects if the factored torsional momen
t Tu is less than:
For nonprestressed members: (411-18)
members, Ay shall be taken as two times the area of the bar
in a circular tie, hoop, or spiral at a spacing s, s is measured in a direction
parallcl to longitudinal reinforcement, and 1)'1
is the specified yield strength of circular tie, hoop or spiral
reinforcernent. 411.6.7.4 Where inclined stirrups are Llsed as shear
For prestressed members: (411-19)
A.,.J"d . ) Vo = - - - (sma+cosa s
For nonpreslressed members subjected to an axial tensile or compressi ve force:
where a is angle between inclined stirrups and longitudinal axis of the member,
and s is measured in direction parallcl to longitudinal reinforcement.
411.6.7.5 Where shear reinforcement consists of a single bar or a single group o
f parallel bars, all bent up at the same distance from the suppOI1,
For members cast monolithically with a slab, the overhanging flange width used i
n computing AfJl and Pcp shall conform to Section 413.3.4. For a hollow section,
Ag shall be used in place of Acp in Section 411.7.1, and the outer boundaries o
f the section shall conform to Section 413.3.4.
411.7.1.1 For isolated members with flanges and for
members cast monolithically with a slab, the overhanging flange width used to co
mpute Aq) and Pcp shall conform to Section 413.3.4, except that the overhanging
flanges shall be neglected in cases where the parameter A2cp fpcp calculated
but not greater than 0.25 J7~~- b"d, where
between bcnHlp reinforcement and longitudinal axis of the member.

National Structural Code of t~e Philippines 6

Edition Volume 1

CHAPTER 4 . Conerele
for a beam with flanges is less th an thal computed for the sa me beam ignoring
the flanges.
411.7.2 Ca lculation of Factored Torsional Moment 411.7.2.1 Hlhe factored torsio
nal moment,
a concentrated torque OCClI rs within this di stance, the critical section for d
esign shall be at the face of the SUppOIl.
411.7,3 Torsional Moment Strength
r u , in
a member
411.7.3.) The cross-secti onal dimensions shall be such lhat:
I. For sol id secti ons:
is required to maintain equilihrium and exceeds the minimum val ue given in Sect
ion 411.7. 1, the member shall be designed to carry Tu in accordance wit h Secti
ons 411.7.3 through 41 1.7.6.
411.7.2.2 In a staticall y indeterminate structure where reductio n of the torsi
onal moment in a member can occur due to redi stri bution of internal forces upo
n cracking. the max imum factored torsional moment, Tu shall be permilled lO be
reduced to the values given in (I). (2). or (3). as applicable:
(4 11 24) 2. For hollow sections:
:.....) +( 1.7 l~p, )<(~+ 2JT:) (...' b . d A... ' b .tI 3
For nonprcslrcsscd members, at the sections desc ri bed in Secti on 41 1.7 .2 .4
-~--- --- For prestressed members. d shall be detcnnincd . in accordance with Section 41 1
4 .fj-:: 3
( ._A,~ )
(4 11 2 1)
For prestressed members, at the sections described ill Seelion 411.7.2.5:
411.7.3.2 If the wall thicknes s vades around the perimeter of a hollow section.
Eq. 41125 shall be evaluated al the location where the left hand side of Eq. 41125
is a
411.7,3.3 If the wall thi ckness is less Ihan A",/p,.. Ihe seco nd term in Eq. 4

1125 shall be taken as:

(411 22)
For non prestressed members subjected to an ax ial tensile or compress ive force
,l vi, 3
ry(A':)R. P:; A.,lfT:
(4 11 23)
+ 0.33
where I is the thickness of the wall of the hollow section at the locat ion wher
e tile stresses arc being chec ked.
411.7.3.4 The values of
In (I). (2). or (3). the correspondi ngly redislributed be nding moments and she
ars in the adj oining members shaH be used in [h e design of these members. For
hollow sections. ACfl shall not be replaced with A, in Secti on 411 .7.2.2. 411.
7.2.3 Unless dctennincd by a more exact ana lysis, it shall be penn iHcd 1 0 tak
e the torsional loading from a s lab as un iform ly distributed along the member
. 411.7.2.4 In non prestressed members. secli o"ns located Jess th an a d istanc
e d from the face o f a suppo rt shall be des igned for not less than the IOrsio
ll Til comptiled <:11 :l di stance d. If a concent rated torque occ urs within t
his di stan ce, tbe critical sect ion for design shall be at the face of th e SU
used for design of
lOrsional reinforcement shall not exceed 4 15 MPa.
411.7.3.5 Where T. exceeds Ihe Ihreshold torsion. des ign of the cross section s
hall be based on:
411.7.3,6 Tn shall be compu ted by:
T, = 2A.A,f" cotO

where A" shaH bc determined by analysis except that it dJa!i he permitted to tak
e Af) equal to O.85Alllr: e shall II:':.. taken smaller than 30 degrees nor larg
er than 60 degrees. ii
shall be permitted to take
411.7.2.5 In prestressed members , sections located less than a distance hl2 fro
m the face of a support shall be designed for not less than the torsion 'f;, com
puted at a distance h12. If
e equal to:
45 degrees for nonprcstrcssed members or mcm/)el':'; with less prestress than in
Itclll 2 below,
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippine s

CHAPTER 4 - Concrete
37.5 degrees for preslre.o;;sed mcmbers wilh an effective prestrcss force not le
ss than 40 percent of the tensile strength of the longitudinal reinforcement. re
A closed cage of welded wire fabric with transverse wires perpendicular to the a
xis of the member; or In l10 nprestressed beams, spiral reinforcement. shall be
411. 7.3. 7
Tile additional longitudinal r(;quired for IOrsion shall not be less than :
411.7.4.2 Transverse torsional reinfo rcement anchored by one of the foll o wing
A, f,., '0 A, = P .,,_._'- cot " s j'
A 135-degree standard hook, or
a longilUdinal b,u'; According
in regions where the concrete
palling by a flange or slab or

seisrnjc hook as defined in Sec lion 402, around

to Sections 412.14.2.1, 412.14.2.2 Of 412. 14.2.3
SUITounding lhe anchorage is restrained against s
similar me mbe r. torsion reinforcement shall

where 0 shi.lll be Ihe sa me value used in Eq. 411-27 and A, 1\' shall be Hlken
as the a mount compuled from Eq. 4 f 1-27 nol m odified in accordance with Secti
on 411 .7 .5.2 or 4 ; J,., refers to closed transve rse torsional rei n
forcemem, and J,. refers lO lo ngitudinal torsional reinforcement.
411.7.4.3 Longitudinal
de velo ped
bolh ends.
411.7.3.8 Reinforccmcm required for torsion shall be added
to thal required for the shear, moment and axial force thaI ac t in combinati on
with the LOrsion . The most restricti ve requircl1lcnl s fo r reinforcement spa
cing and placement must
be met.
411.7.4.4 For hollo w sections in torsio n, the di stance
measured from the centerlinc of the lransverse torsional reinforcement to the in
side face .of the wall of a hollow seclion shall not be less th an O.SAo/,!p"

411 .7.3.9 It shall be permitted to reduce the area of lo ngitudinal torsion rei
nforcement in the flexural com pression zone by Cl /l amounl equal to MlI/(O.9dh
.)' where M" occurs at the sec ti on simultaneous with 7:" except that the reinf
orcement provided shaH not be less than that req uired by See li olls 411.7.5.3
of4! 411.7.3.10 In Pres tressed Beams:
411.7.5 Minimum Torsion Reinforcement 411.7.5.1 A minimum area of torsional rein
forcement shall
be provided in all regions where the facLOred torsional moment TIJ exceeds the v
alues specified in Sectio n 411.7.1 .
411.7.5.2 Where tors io na l re inforcement is required by Secli oll 411 .7.5.1,
lhe minimulll area of tran sverse c losed s tirrups shall be computed by:
lOW I longitudinal reinforcemen t inc luding prestrcss ing steel iH each sectio
n shall resist the factored bendi ng 1ll0 m CIl1. M" :11 that secl io n plus iJl
1 additi onal concentric lo ngit udinal ten sile fo rce equal (0 Ad)'> based o n
the facLOred torsion , 7~ allha t secti on; and
(A,. + 2A,) = 0 .062 ff, b.s
(41 1-29)
but sholl not be less than (0.35b. s)It,.,.
The spaci ng of th e long iwdinal reinforcemclll including tendons shall sat isf
y the requirements in Section
411.7.6.2. 411.7.3.11 In prestre ssed beams, it shall be permitted to
reduce the llrca o f longitudinal torsi o nal reinfo rcement 011 the side of th
e member in compression due to nc xurc below that re qu ired by Sec tion 4 11.7.
3. 10 in accordance with Seelioll 411.7.3.9.
411.7.5.3 Where torsional reinforcement is required by Section 411.7.5. I, the m
inimum total area of longitudinal lo rsiona l reinforcement, AI.mil! shall be co
mputed by:
A . = I.~u!l
5ff, A", 12/
(~) b...
/ ,. /,

where AJs shill! not be taken less than 0. 175b ..../h,; /,., re fers closed tfi
1 nsvcr~e tors io nal reinforcement, and/, re fe rs 10 lo ng itudinal reinforcem
411.7.4 I)ctnils of Torsional R einforceme nt
Torsion rcinforce ment shall consist of longitudinal hars or tendons a nd Olle o
r more of the foll ow ing:
411. 7.4.1
411.7.6 Spacing of Torsion Reinforcement 411.7.6.1 The spacing o f tran sverse t
orsi on re info rcement :- hall no t exceed the smaller of PhiS or 300 mill .
Closed stirrups or closed tics, perpendi cular to the axis of the member;
National S tructural Code of the Pllilippines 6
1 h
Edition Volume 1

CHAPTEH 4 . Concrele
411.7.6.2 The longitudinal reinforcement required for
torsion s hall be di stributed around the perimeter of the closed !itinups with
a maximum spacing of 300 mm, The
411.8.4.2 Where shear-fri ction reinforcement is inclined to shear plane, such t
hm the shear force produces tension in shear-friction reinforcement. shear stren
gth V" shall be
computed by:
longitudinal bars or tendons shall be inside the stirrups. There shall be at lea
st one longitudinal bar or tendon in each corner of the stin-ups. Longitudinal b
ill'S shall have a diameter at least 1'124 of the stirrup spacing but not less t
a 10 rnm .
VII = 1I'1f,. (psin a + cosa)
(4 11 32)
a is angle between shear- fri cti on reinforcement and
shear planc. 411 .8.4.3 The coefficient of friction JI in Eq. 411 -31 and Eq. 41
132 shall be taken as:
4J Torsion reinforccmclH shi.tlJ be provided for a distance of at least
(b, + d) beyond the point required by analysis.
Concrete placed monolithically ... ..... .
411.7.7 Alternative Design For Tors ion
For torsion design of solid sections within the scope of this Chapter wit h an a
spect ratio, hlb{, of 3 or greater, it shall be pennitlcd to usc another procedu
re, the adequacy or whi ch has been shown by analysis and substantial agreement
with results of comprehensive tests. Sections 4 1 1.7 .4 and 411.7.6
s hall apply. 411.8 Shear Friction
Concrete placed against hardened concrete with surface intentionally roughened a
s specified in
Sec tion 411. 8.9 1.0,<
Concrete placed agai nst hardened concrete not intentional! y roughened .... O.6
il. Concrete anchored to il!i-rolled structural steel by headed studs or by rein
forci ng bars (see Section
411.8.10) .......... 0.7-'
411.8.1 Provisions of Section 411 .8 are to be appJied w here it is appropriate
to consider shear transfer across a gi ven plane. such as an existing or potenti
al crack, an interface between dissimilar materials. or an interface between two
concretes cast a{ dirferent times.
411.8.2 Design of cross sections subject to shear transfer as described in Secti
on 411.8.1 shall be based on Eq. 411 - 1 where V" is calculated in accordance wi
th provisions of Sect ions 4 11.X.3 or 4 11 .8.4. 411.8.3 A crack Sh;'lll be ass

umed to occur along the shear plane considered . The required arca of shear-fric
tion reinforcement A'l across lhe shear plane Illay be designed usi ng cither Se
ction 411.8.4 or any oliler shear transfer
where A = 1.0 for normal-weight concrete, 0.75 for allli gh tweight concrete. Ot
her\vise, ,{ shall be determined based on volumetric proportions of ligh twe igh
t and nonnalweight aggregates as specined in Sec ti on 408.7. 1. but sh,d l not
exceed 0.85.
411.8.5 For nonna l-weight concrete either placed monolithically or placed again
st hardened co ncrele with surface intenti onall y roughened as specified in Sec
tion 411 .8.9, V" shall not excecci the small cst o f O.2f,'A" (3. 3 + 0.08;:: )
II .. and I IA ... where Ac is area of co ncrete section resislin g shear lrans
fer. For <111 other cases, V" shall not exceed the smaller of 0.21,.'11,. Or 5.5
A,,, Where concretes of different strengths arc cast aga inst each other. the va
lue of J..' used (0 evaluate V" shall be that or the lowcr-strcngm
design methods that result in prediction or strength substantial agreement wit h
results of co mprehensive lcsls.
411.8.6 The value of 1;. used ror de sign of shear-friction reinforcement shall
not exceed 415 MPa. 411.8.7 Net tension across shear plane shall be resisted by
additional reinforcement. Pcnnanenl !lei cOll1pn~ssiol1 j!cross she'lr pl,me sh.
1I1 be permitted to he taken as addi tive to A ,i ... the force ill the shear fri
ction reinforcement. when
calcu lating required A,:t
411 .8.3.1 Provisions of Sections 41 1.8.5 throu gh 41 1.8. 10
s hall apply for all calculations of shCilr transfer strength .
411.8.4 Shea r-Fri ction Design Method
411.8.4.1 Where shear-fri cli on reinforce ment IS perpendicular 10 sheilI' plan
e. shl~:!r strength VII shall be <.:o mpul cd by:
(411 -31)
411.8.8 Shc;:IIfriction reinforcement shall he appropri<lleJy pl;lccd along the sh
ear plane and shall be tllI(:l l(l: ,: 10
develop f . , on bOlh sides by emhcdmen!. hooks or h ) special devices .
WC';:i illg
where I' is cocflici cllt o r frict ion ill accordance wi th Sectio n
4 J I.H.9 For the purpmic of Secti on 41 1.8. wilen concrete is placed agai!lst
J1r~vjously hardened cOIH.:.re\C, thc interface
Association oj Structural Engineers of tile Philippines

CHAPTER 4 . Concrete
for shear transfer shall be clean and frcc of iai tancc, If J1 is assumed equal
to J .O..?, interface sha ll be roughened to a full .lInplitudc of approximately
6 mm.
411.8.10 Whcn shear is tr~ms ferred between as-rolled steel and co ncrete using
headed slUd s or welded rei nforci ng bars, steel shall be clea n and free of pa
int. 411.9 Deep Beams 411 .9.1 The provisions o f thi s sectio n shall appl y fo
r members with I" Ilot exceedi ng four limes the overall member depth or regions
of beams with concent rated loads withi n (wice the member depth from Ihe suppo
rt Ihal are loaded on one face and supported on the opposi te face so Ihal Ihe c
o mpression struls can develop between the loads and the supports. Sec also Sect
ion 412.11.6. 411.9.2 Deep beams shall be designed using either nonlinear analys
is as permitted in Seclion 410.8.1, or Secti on 427.
411.10.2 Depth at ootside edge of bearing area shall not be less than O.5d. . 41
1.10.3 Secti on at face o f support shall be designed to resist si mu/(aneous ly
a shear Vi/o a factored moment [V"al' + N,l(' (II - tf)]. and a factored horizo
ntal tensile force Nil,., 411.10.3.1 In all design calculations in accordance wi
th Section 411.10, strengthreduction factor shall be taken equal to 0.75. 411.10.
3.2 Design of shear-frict ion reinforcement A"j to resist shear V" shall be in a
ccorda nce with Secti on 4 11 .8. 411. Fo r nOnllal -weight concrete, sh
ear s trength Vn shall not exceed the smallest of 0.2t,b.,d.(3.3+ 0.08!,' )b.d.
and Ilb.d411. For all lightweight or sand-lightweight concrete. shear st
rengfh V" shall not be taken greater th an the smaller of (0.2 - 0.07a/d)j ,b.d
and (5.5 - 1.9a/d) b.,d. 411.10.3.3 Reinforcemen t AI to resist moment [V"a l ,
+ N"c (ii -d)] shall be computed in accordance with Sections 410.3 and 4 lOA. 41 Reinforcement All to resist factored tensile fo rce Nllc shall be deter
mined fr~m A,I,. ~ N u(' Fac(ored tensile force. N".. shall not be laken less tha
n 0.2 V" unless provis ions arc made 10 avoid tensile forces. N"c shall be regar
ded as a live load even if tension resu lts from restraint of creep. shri nkage
or temperature change. 411.10.3,5 Area of primary ten sion reinforcement Au' sha
ll be made less than the larger of (AI + A.) or (2A'I/3 + A.). 411.10.4 Total ar
ea, of A,,, of closed sti rrups or lies parallel to primary tension reinforce me
nt shall not less than O.5(AJ'cA,,). Distribute uniformly within (2i3)d, adjacen
t to primary tension reinforccm en.
411.9.3 V" for deep beams shall not exceed 0.83
ff Ivl.
411.9.4 The area of shea r reinforcemeOl perpendicular to (il e flexural tension
reinforcernen[, A,. shall not be less than 0.0025 b"slt and 52 shall not exceed
dl5 and 300 mm . .
411.9.5 The area of shear reinforcemen t parallel to the nexu ral tens ion reinf
orcement. AI' /I shall not be less th an 0.00 15 b.. 520 and .r) shall nOI excee
d dl5 and 300 mill.
411.9.6 It shall be permitted 10 provide reinforcement satisfying Section 427 .3
.3 instead of the minimum hoJizontal and vertical reinforcement specified in Sec
ti ons 411.9A and 411.9.5 . 411.I0 Provisions for Brackets and Corbels 411.10. 1
Brackets and corbels with a shear span -ta-depth ratio 0,.1 d less than 2 shall
be permitted to be designed using Section 427. Design shall be permitted using
Sections 411.10.3 and 411 .1OA for brackets and corbels wit h:
411.10.5 A"i bdshall not be less than 0.04 (j',i/,.).

411.10.6 At front face of brac ket or corbel, primary tension reinforcement As s

hall be anchored by one of the following:
a" /d not greater Ihan I; and
Subject tv factored horizontal te ns il e force. Nut:. not larger than V,..
Bya structural weld to a transverse bar of at least equa l s ize; weld to be des
igncd to deve lop specified yield slrcnglh/y of primary tension reinforcement;
of Sections 41 1. 10.2. 411. 411. 411.10.5. 411.10.6. and 411.
10.7 shall apply to design of brackets and corbels. Erfective depth d shall be d
e term ined at the f'lce of the SUppOIl . The requirements 3.
l3y bendi ng primary tension reinforcement back to fonn
a horizontal loop; or By some other means of positive anchorage.
National Struc turC:J! Code of the Philippines 6
Edition Volurne 1

CHAP TEll 4 - Concre te
411.10.7 Bearing area on bracket or corbel shall not project beyond straight por
tion of primary tension reinforcement, nor project beyond interior face of trans
verse anchor bar (if one is provided). 411.11 Provisions for Walls
411.11.1 Design for shear fo rces perpend icu lar to facc of wa ll shall be in a
ccordance wil h provisions for slabs in
Sec ti on 411 . 13. Design for hori zont al shear forces in plane o f wall shall
be in accordance wilh Secti on 411 . 11 .2 through 411 . 11.9, Alternatively, i
t shall be permilled to des ign walls
whe re I,.. is the ove rall length of the wall, and Nu is posi ti ve for c{ )mpr
ession and negative for tensioll. If (MjVII - I", 12) is negative, Eq. 4 J 134 sh
all not apply. 411.11.1 Secti ons located closer to wa ll base Ihan a di stance.
/,,/2 or one half thc wa ll hc ight, wh ichever is less, shall be pcrmillcd to
be designed for the sCllne VI" as Ih:\I computed at a diswnce 1 .. 12 or one hal
f the height. 411.11.8 W hell (actol\;u shear force VI. is less than VJ2, re info
rcement shall be provided in accordance wi th Secti on 4 I 1. 11 .9 or in accord
ance with Sec ti on 41 4. When V" exceeds V,. 12, wall reinrorcement for resisti
ng shear shall be provided in acco rdance with Section 411.11 .9. 411.11.9 Desig
n of Shear Reinforcement for Walls
with a height not exceeding two rimes the length of [he wall for horizontal shea
r forces in accordance with Secti ons 427 and 411.11.9,2 throu gh 411.11.9.5,
411.11.2 Design of hori z.ontal section for shear in plane of wa ll shall be bas
ed o n Eqs. 411- 1 and 411 -2, where shear st reng th Vco shall be in acco rda n
ce wit h Section 4 11 .11.5 or 4 11 . J J.6 and shear strength Vs shall be in ac
corda nce wi th Secti on 411. 11.9, 411.11.3 Shear strength VII at an y horizoll
la! sectio n for shear in plane of wall shall not be taken greater than
411.1 I .9.1 Where ractored shear rorce VII exceeds shc:.il" strength V,., hO I;
zonlal shear reinforcement shall be provided to s'lIis ry Eqs. 4 11 - 1 and 4 11
-2. where shea r strength V, shall be com puted by
Jf'e lid, where II
V ~ A,J,d , s
(411 -35)
i s thickn ess
or wall, and d is dcl1ned
in Section 41 J . 11 .4.
411 .11.4 For design ror hori zontal shear forces in pl;me of wa ll , d shall be
taken eq ual to 0,8'." A larger value of d, equal to the distance fro m ext rem
e co mpression fiber 10 ce nter o f fo rce of a ll rein forcemelll in tension, s
hall be permilled to be used w hen determined by a strai n co mpatibility an aly
where Al is area of horizontal shear reinfo rce ment withi n spacing s. and dist
ance d is determ ined in i:\ccordance with Section 4 11 . 1 1.4. Vert ical she:l
r re inforce ment shall be provided in accordance wi th Section 411.11.9.4. 4J ]
.11 .9.2 Rati o horizom:1I shear rei nforccmcnl arca to gro!'s co nc re te are:
1 or vertical sccli on, Pr . slmll not be less Ih a" 0,0025 . 4 J 1. t 1.9.3 SP'
lc.i ll g of horiwntal sllcar reinforce ment shall ]Jot exceed the small est of

/".15, 311 and 450 111m, where I", is th e overa!l length of th e waiL
411.11.9.4 Ra tio of vertical shea r rei nrorcement area 10 gross concrete area
or horizontal sccl ion, P,. shall not be Ie $:-> than the larger or:
411.J1.5 Unless a mOre detailed calculation is made in acco rdancc with Secti on
4 J J . 11 ,6, shear strcngth VI" shall
not be taken greater th an ( 1/6 ) f f hd for wa lls subject
to ax ial co mpression, or V,. shall not be take n grea ter than
the va lue given in Sectio n 41 1.4 .2.3 r<'l r wa lls subject to axia l tension
. 411.11.6 She,ll st reng th VI sh:.11 1 be permillcd to be ic!'scr or th e va lue
s computed rrom Eqs. 411 33 and 411 14.
(411 -33)
~ 0 0025 + 05( 2.5 - ~,:'
}p, 0,0025)
(411 -36)
and O . OC~;) . The vaill (! of 1'1 calculated by Eq. 411 36 need not be greater
th an 1', required by Sec tion 411 . 11 .9. 1. In Eq. 4 11-.16. I". is Ihe overa
ll length or the \vall. il nd II ... is the overall height of Ihe wall.
41 J. J 1.9.5 Spadllg or vertical shear reinforccmcnt sh::l ! exceed 1.../3 . 3h
or 450 111m, where I ... is the oventll I cnt;.~ . : the wal l.
(411 -3 4 )
I\SSOclCl \lon
of S truC:llJf< l ! F.n~Jlnenr$ of tile
Phil ipp ll1es

CHAPT ER 4 . Concrele
411.12 Transrer of Moments to Colullllls 411.12.1 When gravily lo.d, wind, earlh
quake, or ol her lateral forces cause Iransfer of momenl al conncctions of frami
ng clcments 10 columns, the shcar res uhing from moment transfcr shall be consid
ered in lhe design of lateral reinforcement in th e columns. 411.12.2 Except for
con nections not part of a primary seismic load-resistin g system that arc res
trained 011 four sides by bea ms or slabs of appro ximately equal depth, co nnec
tions shal! have lateral reinforcement not less than Ihal required by Eq. 4 11 13 within the column for a depth not less than that of Ihc deepest connection o
f frallling elemems to the columns. See also Section 407.10. 411.12.3 For stnlct
ures buill in areas of low seismicity, columns of ordinary moment framcs having
a clear heightto-max imum-plal1-dimension ratio of five or less sl1<l1l be desig
ned for shcar in accorda ncc with Section 421 .9.3. 411.13 Provisions for Slabs
and Footings
IransfCITed between a slab and a column, Section 411.13.7 shall apply.
411.13.2.1 ror nonpreSiressed sl.bs and fomings, Vc shall be Ihe s maliesl of (
I), (2), and (3):
1. 6
(II 2 fJ .)
~f' b
where f3 is the ratio of long side 10 short side of the column, co ncentra.tcd l
oad Of reacti on area; 2.
~ ~ (a ,d 12 h r.
'f'"" b v)
(4 11 3&)

where v is 40 ror interior columns, 30 ror edge columns <lnd 20 ror comer columns
; and
411.13.2.2 At colum ns of two-way prestresscd slabs and fOOlin gs that lllcet th
c req uirements of Section 4 18. 10.3:
(411 40)
411.13.1 The shear strength of slabs and footings in the vicinity of columns, co
nce ntrated loads or react ions IS gove rned by the more se vere of two condit i
o ns:
411.13.1.1 13C;:111l aClioll where each critical sec ti on 10 be in vcstigmed ex
tends in a plane across lhc entire width. For bc<tm action the sIal> or rooting
shall he des igned in accordance with Secti ons 411 .2. 411.4, 41 1.5. and 4 11
.6. 411.13.1.2 For two-way action where each or th e critical sec ti ons to be i
nvestigated shall be located so thm its perimeter. h". is iI minimum. but need n
o! approach closer
than dl2 1.
wh ere jJ" is Ihe smaller of 3.5 or (a,d/b" + 1.5)11 2, a, is 40 for interior co
lumns, 30 for edge columns and 20 for co rner columns, bo is perimeter of critic
al scction defined in Section 4 11. 13. 1.2. 1;". is the 'Iverage value of1;),.
for the two direct ions, and VI' is the vertical component of all effective prcs
trcss forces crossi ng the critical scction. V( shall be permittcd (Q be com put
ed by Eq . 4 J 1-40 ir the foHowing arc s.ltislied; otherwise , Section 411.13.2
.1 sha ll apply:
1. No portion of thc column cross section shall be closcr
to the discontinuous edge than four timcs thc slab thick ncss:
Edges or corners of col ulll lls, concent rnted loads or reaction areas; and
Changes in sinh thickness such as edges of cap itals,
The va lue of F
in Eq. 4 11 -40 shall
be rakcn
grealcr th;:lll 5.8 MPa: and 3.
drop panels, or shcar caps. For two-way action. the slab of rooting shal! be des
igned in acco rdance with Sections 411 . 13.2 through 41 1.13 .6. 4J Pa
r square or rectangul ar colu mns, concentratcd loads or reacti ons arcas, the c
ritical scct ions with four straight s ides shall bc permittcd.
411.13.2 TIle design or a slab or foot ing for twoway action is based on Eqs. 4 I
I I and 4 I 12. Vc s h. 1i be compUlcd in .ccordance wilh Secli on 4 11.1 3.2. 1,
411 . 13.2.2 or 4 11 . 13_3.1. V J: shall be computed in accordan ce with Secti
on 41 1_13 .3. For slabs with shear heads, VII shall bc in accordance with Secti
on 41 1.13.4. Wh cn momcnt is
III each direction, /,'( shall not be less than 0.9 MPa, nor be taken greatcr th
an 3.5 MPa.

411.13.3 Shear reinrorcemcnt consisling of bars or wires

anu singlclcg or multiple-leg stilTUpS shall he permitt ed in
sl;!hs and rootings with d greater th an or eqnal to 150 1111ll . but not less t
han 16 times the shear reinforce ment bar diametcr. Shear reinforcc mcnt shaH be
in accordan ce wi th Secliolls 4 I I. J3 .3. I Ihrongh 4 I I. 13.3.4.
411.13 .3.1 V. shall be compnled by Eq. 4112, where V,
shall nol be laken grealer Ihan ( 1/6) )..
".d, .nd V, shall
he calculatcd in accordance with Section 41 1.6 In Eq. 411 15 , A,. shall bc tak
cn as the cross-scctional area of all legs of
National Structurt~ l Code of the Philippilles
Edition Volum e 1

CHAPTER 4 . Concrete
reinforcement on one peripheral line that is geometrically
similar to the perimeter of the column section.
where is for tension-controlled members, 71 is the number of spearhead arms, and
II' is the minimum length of each shearhead ann required to comply with require
ments o{
Sections 41 and 41 I. 13.4.8.
shall not be taken greater than 0.5
) F,
b" d.
411.13.3.3 The distance between the column face and the
first line of of stirrup legs that surround the columns shall
not exceed d/2. The sparing between adjacent stirrups legs in the first line of
shear reinforcement shall not exceed 2d measured in a direction parallel to a1co
iumn face. The
411.13.4.7 The critical slab section for shear shall be perpendicular to the pla
ne of the slab and shatl cross each shearhead ann at three fourths the distance
[I,. - (c,/2)] from the column face to the end of the shearhead arm. The critica
l section shall be located so that its perimeter i>{) is a minimum, but need not
be closer than the perimeter dellned
in Section 41 L13. 1.2(1). 411.13.4.8 VI! shall not be taken greater than (I/3)
spacing between the successive lines of shear reinforcement that surround the co
lumn shall not exceed dl2 measured in a
direction perpendicular to the column face.
411.13.3.4 Slab shear reinforcement shall satisfy the anchorage requirements of
Section 412.14 and shall engage the longitudinal flexural reinforcement in the d
irection being
bod, on the critical section defined in Section 41 J. J 3.4.7. When shearhead re
inforcement is provided, VI! shall not be
taken greater than 0.58
ff bod
on the critical section
411.13.4 Shear reinforcement consisting of steel J- or channel- shaped sections
(shearheads) shall be permitted in slabs. The provisions of Sections 411.13.4.1
41 L13A.9 shall apply where shear due to gravity load is

defined in Section 41 L13. 1.2(1). 411.13.4.9 The moment resistance M,. contribu
ted to each slab column strip computed by a shearhead shal! not be taken greater
transferred at interior column supports. Where moment is
columns, Section 41 L13.7.3 shall apply.
=a"v".(l 2 1/ '
411.13.4.1 Each shearhead shall consist of steel shapes
fabricated by welding with a full penetration weld into identical arms at right
angles. Shearhead arms shall not be interrupted within the column section.
411.13.4.2 A shearhead shall not be deeper than 70 ti mes
where is for tension-controlled members, 1} is the Humber of arms, and I,. is th
e length of each shearhead arm actually provided. However, M,. shall not be take
n larger than the smallest of:
the web thickness of the steel shape.
411.13.4.3 The ends of each shearhead arm shall be
Thirty percent of the total factored moment required for each slab column strip;
The change in column strip moment over the Icnflll fl'; and
The value of M" computed by Eq. 4114 '2.
permitted to be cut at angles not less than 30 degrees with the horizontal, prov
ided the plastic moment strength of the remaining tapered section is adequate to
resist the shear force attributed to the arm of the shearhead.
411.13.4.4 A!l compression flanges of'steel shapes shall be
located within O.3d of compression surface of slab.
411.13.4.5 The ratio 0;. between the stiffness of each
411.13.4.10 When unbalanced moments are considcn',d, tlH" shearhead must have ad
equate anchorage to transmit MI' lo column.
shearl1cad ann and that of the surrounding composite cracked slab section of wid
th (C2 + d) shall not be less than 0.15.
411.13.4.6 The plastic moment strength Mil required for each arm of the shearhea
d shall be computed by:

i;d" , (t,
4J 1.13.5 Headed shear stud reinforcement, P: ,i"i>,d perpendicular to the plane
of a slab or footing, sll;l.il ue permitted in slabs and footings ill accordanc
e with SC('iolls 411.13.5.1 through 411.13.5.4. The overall height 01 the shear
stud assembly shall not be less than the thicknc.c:.,; of the member less the su
m of: (I) the concrete cover Oil the top nexural reinforcement; (2) Ihe concrete
cover ('. ~: lhe base rail; and (3) one-half the bar diameter of the ~( :ion fl
exural reinforcement. Where flexural !c: ion reinforcement is at the bottom of t
he section, a:-; in a [(I ,:ing, the overall height of the shear stud assembly S
hil!i il()! be less than the thickness oCtile member less the SUII; tii: (I)
Association of Structural En9ineefs of tile PhilipPines

CHAPTER 4 . Concrete
the co ncrete cove r all the bottom Oe:Ulral reinforcement; (2) the concrete cov
e r on the head of the stud; and (3) one-half the ba r diameter o f Ihe botlOrn
flex ural rein fo rcement 411.13.5. 1 For the critical sect ion defin ed in Sect
ion 4 11.1 3.1.2. V" shall be computed using Eq. 411 2. with V, and V" nUl exceed
in g
concentrated load or rcactlOn area and tangent to the boundaries of the openings
shall be considered ineffecti ve. 41 J.l3 .6.2 For slabs with shearheads. the i
neffective portio n of the perimeter sh:t ll be one half of that defined in Secl
ion 4 11 . 13.6.1 411.13.7 T ransfer of M o m ent in Slab-ColullllI Co nnections
4 11.1 3 .7. 1 Whe re gmv ily load, wind, earthqua ke or otht l
O.25A~ b"d
O.66~ b"d.
respecti vely. V.I shall be calc ulated using Eq. 41 1- 15 with AI' equal to th
e cross-sectio nal area of all the shear reinforce ment on One periphe ral line
that is approximmcl y parall e l (0 the pc rimc te r of the co lumn section, whe
re s is the spac ing o f the peripheral lines of headed shear stud
rein fo rcement. III" /(b.,<) sha ll not be less than 0. 17
411 .13.5.2 The spaci ng belween the column face a nd the first pe riphera l lin
e of shear rein fo rcement sha ll nOI e xceed d12. The spaci ng be tween perip h
era l lines of shear reinforcement . measured in a direct io n perpend icul ar 1
0 any facc o f the co lumn, sha ll be constant. For prestressed slabs or foo tin
gs satisfying Sec ti o n 4 . this spacing shall not e xceed O.75d; fo
r aJl ot her slabs ~lI1d footings, the spac ing shall be based o n th e value o
f Ihc shear slI'ess due to fac tored sh eilI' forcl! and unbalanced moment at th
e cri tical sec tio n defin ed in Sec tion 4 I J .13.1 .2, and shall not exceed:
lateral forces cause transfer of unba lanced moment. Mil, between 11 slab and a
column, a frac tion yptu of the unba lilnced mo men t s ha ll be transferred by
flcxu re in accordance wit h Section 4 13.6.3. T he remai nder of the unbalanced
mome nt given by 'XMw shall be considered to be transfcrred by eccent ricity of
shear about the cCIH roid of the cri tical section defi ned in Section 4 J 1.13
.1.2 where:
y,. = ( I )t)
411. 13.7.2 The shear sU 'css res ulting fro m mo me nt transfer by eccentri c i
ty of shear sha ll be assu med to vary linearly
abo1l1 the centroid of th e crit ical sections defi ned in Sec tion 4 J J .13. 1
.2. The ma xim ulll shear stres s due to the factored shear force. V " and mome
nt . Mil shall no t e xceed V'I:
0.75d whe re maxim um shear stresses du e
loads are less th an or eq ua l to O.5

ff,. ;and
For members wi thout shear rein forcement:
0.50d where maximum shear st resses due
loads arc greater than O.5
\', = (~)
b,. d
I' +V ) Iv" ;::: - ' - - ' ( b .. d
(4 1144 )
where V" is as defi ned in Section 411. 13.2. 1 or 4 For members with
shear rei nforcement other than she:lrhcads: (411-45)
411.1 3.5.3
spacing betwcen adjacent shear reinforcement cleme nt s . measu red on the perim
eter of the first peripheral line of s hear reinforcement , shall not exceed
411.13 .5.4 She<lr stress du e to factored shear fOfce c ll1d mo ment shall not
O. 1 7 A~ at
the c rit ica l
sec ti on located d/2 outside the ou termost peripheral line of shear re inforce
me nt. 411.1 3.6 O penin gs in Slabs Whcn openings in slabs afe locmed at ::1 di
stance less than 10 times the slab thickness from a concentrated load or reacl
ion area, or when openings in n at Slilbs are located wi thi n co lumn strips as
defined in Sec ti on 4 13, the critical slab sec tions for shear defined in Sec
tion 41 1. 13. 1.2 and Section 4 I 1. 13.4 .7 sholl be modi fi ed as fo ll ows:
where Vc and Vs arc de ti ned in Secti o n 4 11.13. 3.1. If shear re inforce men
t is prov ide d, the des ign sha ll take in to account th e vari ati on of shear
s lre~s around th e column . The shear stress due to factored shear fo rcc and
moment shall not exceed 0. 17(12

the c ritical sectioll localed

outside Ihe olltermost linc o( the st ilTIiP legs that surround the colullIll.
4 For slabs withou t shcarheads. that pan of the pcrimeter of the c ri
tical section that is enclosed by stra ight
li ncs projc(,;ting fro m the ccntro id of the col umn.
411.U.7.3 Whe n shear reinforccment consisting of s teel 1nr channel-shaped sect
iolls (shcarhcads) is provided. the sum of the shc<lr stresses due to ve ni ca l
1 0~l d ac ting on thc critic'll section defined by Secti on 4 11. 13.4 .7 <lnd
the sheHf stresses resuiting from momClll transferred by ecce ntricity of shcaf
:JbOllt the centroid o( the cri ti cal section defined in
Nati on al S tru ctura l Code of thr-J P hilippines G: EcJ ilion Vo lumo 1

4 70
. Concrete
Sections 41 Ll3.1.2 (I) and 411.13.1.3 shall not exceed
412.1 Notations
=- area of <In indi vidual bar or wire,
= net
bearing area of the head of stud . anchor bolt, or
head ed dcfonncd bar, mlll
;::: area
of all
reinforce ment, mm ::::; toral cross-sectional
reinfo rcement which is within the spacing .\' and
w hi ch c rosses the potential pJane of splilling through the reinforcement bein
g developed , 111m2 = web width. Or diameter of circula r section, mm = small er
of: (1) the distance from center of a bar or
wire lO the nearest concrete su rface, and (2) onchal f the cenlcr-to-ccnter sp<
lcing o f bnrs or wires
being developed, mill. Sec Sec ti on 412.3.4
;::: distan ce
extreme compression fiber

centroid of tension reinforce ment, mm :::: nominal diameter of bar, wire or pre
stressing strand, mm :::: specified compressive stre ngth of concrete, MPa
= squa re root of specified compressive strengt h of
concrete, MPa :::: average spliu in g ten sile strength of lightweight <1ggreg.H
e conc rete, MPH = stress in prestressed rci nforecmcllI at nominal
flexural strength, MPa strcss in prestrcs:;ed reinfn n:clllc lli (after allowanc
e for all prestress losses), 'MPa = specifi ed yiel d strength of Ilonprcslf"css
ed reinfo rcc ment , MPa = specified yie ld s.trc ngth [,. of transverse
= cfTcctivc
reinforcement, MPa
= overa ll thickness or height o f member, 111111
re inforcemen t index. Sec Sectio n 412.3.3 = A,r ~" I IOSII ;::; additional cmb
edment length beyond cen terline of support or point of in nectio n, mill ;::; d
evelopment length in tension of deformed bar, deformed wire, plain and deformed
welded wire reinforcement , or prctcnsioncd strand, 111m :::: developm ent lengt
h in compression of deformcd bars and deformed wire, mm :::: development length
in tCli sion of dcformcd b:tr or deformed wire with :t standard hook, measure/l
from c ritical section to outside end of h ll. (straight e mbcdment length bc tw
een crilic;lI seeli -," and start o f hook (point of tangency) plus inside
:::: transvcrse
l rlt"
Associa tion of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTER 4 . Concrete
r:t<Jius of bend and one har diameter), 111111 . Sec SCClioll 412.6 ;; developme
nt length in tension of headed deformed bar, measured from the critical sec tion
to the bearing face of the head, mm. See Seclion 412.7 ;; nominal moment streng
th at secti on, N~mm = AIr(d al2) ;; number of bars in a "lyer being spliced or d
eveloped at a critical section ;; number of bars or wires being spli ced or deve
loped .along the plane of spl itting ;; cen ter-Io-center spacing of items, such
as longitudinal reinforcement, transverse reinforcement , prestrc.'ising tendon
s, wires, or (Illchors, min ;; spacing of wire 1O be developed or spliced, Jllll
l = factored shear force al section, N ;; ratio of area of reinforcement cut off
to total area of tens ion reinforcement at section. == modification factor refl
ecting the reduced mechanical properties of lightweight COl1crel:c. all relativc
to normal-weight concrcte of the same co mpressi ve strength. See Sections 412.
3.4(4) and 4 12.6.2 = factor used to modify devclopmellt length based on rei nfo
rccmcnt coating, see Section 412.3.4 = factor used to modify development leilgth
bas(!d Oil reinforcement size, see Section 412.3.4 rnctor used 10 modify develo
pment length based on reinforcement location, see Section 412.3.4 ;; faclOr used
to modify developme nt length for welded deformed wi re reinforcement in tcnsio
n, sec Section 412.8
412.3 Development of Defor med Bars and Deformed Wire in Tension 412.3.1 Develop
mentlcnglh, Iii. in lenns of diameter, db, for deformed bars and deformed wire i
n lension shall be dctcrmined from either Section 412 .3.2 or 412.3.3 and Ihe ap
p licable modification factors of Section 412.3.4 and 4 12.3.5, but I,{ shall no
t be less th an 300 mil). 412.3.2 For deformed bars or deformed wi rc, lei sh.al
! be as follows:
ffi20 mill bars <Ind sma ller mid deformed wi res
C!car spilcint of bars beillg dcvclol>cd or ~pl i ce d 1101 less Ihan d~. cleilr
cover nOI less Ilwn (I". ;md stirrups or lies (hroughout 1.1 not less lhall the
1i125 nun bars and larger

f'V'~)d /.
( /;/f,V', }
lUff: "
Clear spacing of bars being developed or spliced nOI tess lhun 2dl , and clear c
over .... ~.9Llcss than (h Olher
1 [_ I,.VI,VI, _ }
IA:t fj,
[ I,",",
lI:tff "
412.3.3 For deformed bars or deformed wi re. 1,/ shal l be: (4 12 1)
412.20cvclopmen( of Reinforccmenl- General 412.2.1 Calculatcd tension or compres
sion in reiMorcc: lllcnt eac h l-iccti on of structural concrete members shall b
e developed on each side of that section by embedment length, hook, headed defor
med bar or mechanical device, or a co mbination thereof. Hoo ks and heads shall
not be lIsed to develop hars in compression.
in which the term 2.5. and
+ K,r)l<h sh(lll
be lakc n grcater than
412.2.2 Thc val ucs of
exceed 8.0 MPa.
ff lIsed in Secti on 412 shaH not
= 40~
(4 122)
412.2.3 In addition to th is requirements in t:.i : secti on that affec t detail i
ng of reinforcements, structural integrity rcq llircmc.: nls o r Scc tion 407.14

shell l be sa tisfied .
wherc 1/ is thc number of bar: or wi res being spliced or deve loped along the pl
ane of spl illing. It shall be pefmi Hcd to lI :->C KIT = 0 as a design simpli f
icatio n even if tr.lIlsvcrsc rei nforce ment is prescili. 412.3.4 The factors u
sed in the expressions for developme nt of dcformed l>I'us ..tnd defor med wires
ill tension in Section 412.3 arc as follows:
I. Where
horizontal reinforcement is placed such that more than JOO rnm of fre sh conc re
te is cast below
N;ltionai Structu !"(:li Co de of the PliilipPllW5
C;n Edition
Volume I

CHAI'TEI< 4 - Concrete
the development JCIlgth or splice, situations, !f/I = 1.0; 2.
IjII :;:
1.3. For other
For epoxy-coated bars or wires with cover less than
3(h, or clear spacing less than 6db , VIe ::;: 1.5. For all
other epoxy-coated bars or wires, VIe:::: 1.2. For uncoated and zinc-coated (gal
vanized) reinforcement, l.fIt ::;:: J .0. However, the product VI/Vie need not b
e greater than 1.7;
412.5.2 For determining the appropriate spacing and COV':'::r values in Section
412.3.2, the confinement term in :>'~[i'.m 412.3.3, and the Vir factor in Section
412.3.'1U), a ;)f bundled bars shall be treated as a single bar 01' a JiiliiiU
; .~J.' derived from the equivalent total area and having a (:,:ntn ,d that coin
cides with that of the bundled bars. 412.6 Development of Standard Hooks in Tens
ion 412.6.1 Development length 1"'1 in 111m for deformed b;1!'~' . 'I tension te
rminating in a standard hook (see S(;clioll -'107 .~), shall be determined from
Section 412.6.2 and the. modification factor or factors of Section 4JX6.) ~;:!;,
: shall not be less than 8(h or less than 150 mill.
412.6.2 For deformed bars.
Fc.>! ta20 mill bars and smaller and dcfonncd wires, ;:;:; 0.80. For 25 mill dia
meter and larger bars;
l.0; and
Where lightweight concrete is used, A shall not exceed 0.75 unless fc, is specif
ied (see Section 408.7). Where normal-weight concrete i~ used, A.::;: 1.0.
shall be (024\11, i.l) II:;)
412.3.5 Excess Reinforcement
Reduction in development length shall be permitted where rcinforcemcIH in a flex
ural member is in excess of that
with IfIr taken as 1.2 for epoxy~coated reinfo!\'cmc!!L :Ul(i taken as 0.75 for
lightweight concrete. For odlcr C:1:;'-.:5, ~o' and) shall be taken as J .0.
required by analysis except where anchorage or development for 1;. is specifical
ly required or the reinforcement is designed under provisions of Section 421.3.1
.5 .. ... .... [(As.lequil"l:d}/(As.provided)]

412.6.3 Length ldh in Section 412.6.2 shall be penniHed be multiplied by the fol
lowing applicable factors:
412.4 Development of Deformed Bars in Compression 412.4.1 Development length for
deformed bars and deformed wire in compression, {dc> shall be determined from S
ection 4! 2.4.2 and applicable modification factors of Section 4 I 2.4.3, but Id
e shall not be less than 200 mIn. 412.4.2 For deformed bars and deformcd wire, I
'k shall be taken as the larger of (0.24f,/ Je.jT:) d" and (0.043/,) d"
with). as given in Section 412.3.4 (4).
412.4.3 Length ide in Section 412.4.2 shall be permitted to be multiplied by the
applicable factors for:
1. For 36 mm bar diameter and smaller honks \'.'i(h sick. cover normal to plane
of hook) not less than h.i Inm, and for 90~degree hook with cover 0)) . :,1' C.\
\C; :;iu:: beyond hook not less than :-)0 Ifj)i)
............ n. 'j
For 90-degree hooks of f1l36 mm bars an,' ~:i)r ::", 111::' are either enclosed
within ties or stirrups I :'l"f)( "<lieu);',, to the bar being developed, spaced
not gr(';' i.j !iJan 3(/;. along [dll; or enclosed within ties or stiln'p~: pa:;
;1!el If the bar being developed, spaced not gr('~lin th;m 3rJ" along the length
of the tail extension or () !lOoL plu:: bend ... .cHi arc enclosed within ties
or stirrups perpcn!l:culal io thr bar being developed, spaced not greate)" 1r!,
; ,1(;)).:
3. For ISO-degree hooks of 036 mm bars and :;malk: !h<:.
Reinforcement in excess of that required by analysis ...........................
........................... (As required)/(A provided)
Reinforcement enclosed within spiral reinforcement not less than 6 mrn diameter
and not more than 100 mOl pitch or within 12 mm diameter ties in conformance wit
h Section 407.11.5 and spaced at not more than 100 111m on center . ..... 0.75
Where anchorage or development r specifically required, reinforcement in require
d by analysis .. .... (As It":"
412.5 Development of Bundled Bars
In Sections 412.6.3 (2) and 412.6.30). db is IL. ',"',ICltr c: the hooked bar, a
nd the first tie or stirrup ,shall l"-lld(!:;e til bent portion of the hook, with
in 2db of the m<:,ide of III bend. 412.6.4 For bars being developed by a stil:,,
:< itO)K ;' discontinuous ends of members with side COV('T :md lnp (r:: bottom)
cover over hook less than 65 mill . .]:(: ,; shall be enclosed within ties or st

irrups peli bar being developed, spaced not greater th,nl :)\';, ilL ro[; i,:
412.5.1 Development length of individual bars within a bundle, in tension or com
pression, shall be that for the individual bar, increascd 20 percent for 3-bar b
undle, and 33 percent for 4-bar bundle.
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTER 4 . Concrete
The first tic or stirrup shall enclose the bent portion of the hook, within 2 (h
of the outside of the bend, where db is diameter of hooked bar. For this case,
the factors of Sections 412.6.3 (2) and (3) shaU not apply. 412.6.5 I-looks shal
l not be considered developing bars in compression. effective in
412.7 Development of Headed alld Mechanically
Anchored Deformed Bars in Tension
412.7.1 Development length for headed deformed bars in tension, llil' shall be d
elermined from Section 412.7.2. Use of heads to develop defonned bars in tension
shall be limited to conditions satisfying (I) through (6): I. Bar/, shall not e
xceed 415 MPa;
Bar size shall not exceed f?J36 mm; Concrete shall be normal-weight; Net bearing
area of head A brg shall not be less than 4A/!; Clear cover for bar shall not b
e less than lit/>; and Clear spacing between bars shall not be less than 4(h.
Section 412.3.2 or 412.3.3, times welded deformed wire reinforcement factor, If/
k" from Section 412.8.2 or 412.8.3. It shall be permitted to reduce the developm
ent length in accordance with Section 412.3.5 when applicable, but id shall not
be less than 200 mm except in computation of lap splices by Section 412.19. When
using the welded deformed wire reinforcement factor, If/w, from Section 412.8.2
, it shall be permitted to use an epoxy-coating factor, If/(, of 1.0 for epoxy-c
oated welded deformed wire reinforcement in Sections 412.3.2 and 412.3.3.
412.8.2 For welded deformed wire reinforcement with at least one cross wire with
in the development length, ld and not less than 50 mm from the point of the crit
ical section, the welded deformed wire reinforcement factor shall be the greater
but need not be taken greater than 1, where s is the spacing between the wires t
o be developed. 412.8.3 For welded deformed wire reinforcement with no cross wir
es within the devclopment length or with a single cross wire less than 50 mm fro
m the point of the critical section, the wire fabric factor shall be taken as 1,
and the deve!opment length shall be determined as for deformed wire. 412.8.4 Wh
en allY plain wires, or defonned wircs larger than 16 mm diameter, are present i
n the weldcd deformcd wire reinforcement in the direction of the development len
gth, the reinforcement shall be developed ill accordance with Scction412.9.
403.6.9, development length in tension
412.7.2 For headed deformed bars satisfying Section {dl shall be (0.191.f/~/ )d"
, where the value of J/ used to calculate shall
not exceed 40 MPa, and faclor !fI~ shall be taken as 1.2 for epoxy~coated reinfo
rcement and 1.0 for other cases. Where reinforcemcnt providcd is in cxcess of th

at required by analysis, except where development of ;;, is specifically require

d, a factor of (AJ required)/(AJ" provided) may be applied to the expression for
(It. Length {"I shall not be less than the larger of Sd/! and! 50 mm. 412.7.3 H
eads shall not be considered developing bars in compression . effective in
412.9 Development of Welded Plain Wire
Reinforcement in Tension
412.9.1 Yield strength of welded plain wire reinforcement shall be considered de
veloped by embedment of two cross wires with the closer cross wire not Icss than
50 mm from the point of the critical section. However, the development length f
d , ill millimeters, shall not be less than:
412.7.4 Any mechanical attachment or devicc capable of developing!;. of reinforc
ement is allowed, provided that test results showing the adequacy of such attach
ment or device are approved by the building official. Development of reinforceme
nt shall bc pcrmitted to consist of a combination of mechanical anchorage plus a
dditional embedment length of reinforcement between the critical section and the
mechanical attachment or device. 412.8 Development of Welded Deformed Wire
Reinforcement in Tension
412.8.1 Devc!opment length of weldcd deformed wire reinforcement in tension, ttl
, in millimeters, measured from the point or critical section to thc end of wire
shall be computed as the product of the dcvelopmcnt length td , from
Where ttl is measured from thc point of the critical section to the outermost cr
oss wire, s is thc spacing between the wires to be developed, and .,tas given in
Section 412.3.4 (4). Where reinforcement provided is in excess of that required
, this length may be reduced in accordance with Section 412.3.5. Length td shall
not be less than 150 mm except in computation of lap splices by Section 412.20.
National Structural Code of the Philippines
Edition Volume 1

4- 74
CHAPTEr, 4 - Concrete
412.10 Development of Prestressing Strand 412.10.1 Excep t as provided in Sectio
n 4 I 2. 10.1.1, seven wire s trand shall be bonded beyond the critical section ,
a di stance not less than:
412.11.5 Flexural reinforccment shal l not be tennin(l.lcd in a tension zone unl
ess one of the following conditions is satisfied:
412.11.5.1 V. at the eu tofT point docs not exceed (213) 9>V, .
= ( i ") d
i p,
)d "
Expressions in parentheses are used as co nslants wllhou( units, where db is str
and di ameter in millimeters. and.!;,.. and fJr <lfC expressed in MPa. 412.10.1.
1 Embedment less than Id shall be permitted at a sectioJl of a member provided t
he design strand stress at Ihal section docs not exceed values ob tained from th
e bi linear relationship defined by Eq . 412-4 . 412.10.2 Limiting fh e investig
ation 10 cros s sections nearest each end of {he me mber that arc required to de
velop full design strength under specified factored loads shall be permitted exc
ept where bonding of one or marc strands docs not extcnd to the end of (he membe
r. or whcre conce ntrated loads arc aprlied with in the strand development lengt
h. 412.10.3 Where bonding of a strand docs not ex tend to end of member, and des
ign includes tension at service load in pre-compressed [ensile zone as permined
by Section 418.5.2 . development length. Id specified in Secti on
4 I 2.1 0.1 shall be do ub led . 412.11 Development of n exu ra l Reinfo rcement
- General
412.11.5.2 Stirrup area in excess of that requircd for shear and torsion is prov
ided along each terminated bar or wire over a di stance from the tenn ination po
i nt eqllal to three fOUl1hs the effecti ve depth of member. Excess slirrup area
A,_ shall not be less than 0.4 I b,..s i" _Spacing s shull not exceed dl(8/3b)
where Pb is the ratio of area of reinforcement cut off to total area of tension
reinforcement at the sec tion.
412.11.5.3 For 1lI36 mm bar alld smaller, continuing rei nforcement provides dou
ble the area required for flexure at the cutoff point and V. docs not exceed (3
f4)9>V,. 412.11.6 Adequate anc horage shall be provided for tensiOIl reinforceme
nt in nex ural members where reinforce ment stress is not directl y propo rt ion
al to moment. such as sloped, stepped or tapered foo tings; brackets; deep flex
ural members; or members in which tension rei nforcemen t is not parallel to com

pression facc. See Sections 412.12.4 and 41 2. 13.4 for deep fl ex ural members
. 412.12 Development of Positive Moment Reinforcement
412.1 I.J Devclopment of tension rcinforccn1cIlI by bending across the web to be
anch ored or mad e con tinuou s with fcinrorccm~nl on the opposite fnee of me m
ber shall be perlnitlcd. 412.11.2 Critical sect ions for devclopment o f reinfor
cement in nexural mcmbers nfe at points of maximum stress and at points wi th in
the spa n whe re adjacent reinforcement termina tes or is ben I. Provisions of
Section 412.12.3 must be satisfi ed . 412.11.3 Reinforce mcnt sh<lll ex tend bey
ond the point flt which it is no longer required to resist flexure for a dista n
ce equal to the cfTccl ivc depth of melllber or 12dl " whichever is greater. exc
cpt at ~ tlppon s of si mpl e spans and at free end of canti levers. 412.11.4 Co
nti nuing reinforcement shall have an embedment length Il ot less than the devel
opment length //(
beyond the point
412.12.1 A t least one third the positive moment reinforcement in simple members
and one fourth the positive moment reinforcement in con tinuous members shall e
xtend along the sa me face of member into the sup port. In beams. sllch reinforc
e men t shall ex tend illlo the suppOrt at least 150 mill.
412.12.2 When a flexural membe r is part of a primary lateral-load-resisting sys
tem, positive moment rein forcement required to be extended into the support by'
Section 412. 12. I shall be anchored to develop the specified yield strength/I.
in tension at the face of suppo rt.
412.12.3 At simple supports and at points of inncction. positive moment tension
reinforcement shall be limited to a diameter such that ld computed for 1;. by Se
ction 412.3 satisfies Eq. 4 12-5, except Eq. 41 2-5 need not be sati sfi ed for
reinforcement terminating beyond center line of simpk SUPPOf1S by a standard hoo
k or a mechani cal anchorage at Icast cq ui va lent to a stand ard hook.
where bent
reinforce ment is
longe r required to resist ncxure.
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

. Concrete
:\ M" is calculated assuming all reinforcement at the section to be stressed to
/y; Vu is calculated
fa fa
412.14.2.1 For III I 6 mm bar and MD 200 wire, and smaller, and for 000 mm and 1
lI25 mm bars wil h !,., of 280 MPa or less, a standard stimlp hook around longit
udinal reinforcement. 412.14.2.2 For !ll20 rnm and 025 mill stirrups with.!;.( g
reater tiian 280 MPa, a standard stirrup hook around a longitudinal bar plus an
embedment between mid-height of the member and the outside end of the hook equal
to or grealer.lhan 0.17dJ,.,
the section;
at a support shall be the embedment length beyond center of support; or at a poi
nt of inOcction shall be limited to the effective depth of member or l2(h. which
ever is greater.
An in crease of 30 percent in the value of M,/Vu shall be
412.14.2,3 For each leg of welded smool h wire fabric forming simple U-stirrups,
permitted when the ends of reinforccmclH are confined by a
compressive reaction. 412.12.4 AI simple suppons of deep fl exu ral members, pos
itive moment te nsion reinforcement shall be anchored to develop the specified y
ield strength h in tension at the face of support except that jf design is canie
d out using Section 427, the positive moment tension reinforcement shall be anch
ored in accordance with Section 427.4.3. At interior supports of deep beams, pos
itive moment tension reinforcement shall be continllous or be spliced with that
of the adjacent spans. 412.13 Developmenl of Negative Moment Reinforcement
Two longitudinal wires spaced at a 50 mm spacing along Ihe member al Ihe lOp of
Ihe U; or
One longitudinal wire located not marc than d/4 from the compression face and a
second wire closer to the compression face and spaced not less than 50 mm from t
he first wire. The second wire shall be permitted to be localed on Ihe slirrup l
eg beyond a bend, Or on a bend with an inside diameter of bend not less than 8db
412.13.1 Negative moment reinforcement in a cOlllinuotls,
rcs!rained or cantilever member, or in any member of a rigid frame, shall be anc
hored in or throu gh the supporti ng member by embedmcm length, hooks or mecha n
j caJ anchorage. 412.13.2 Negative moment reinforcement shall have an embedment
length into the span as required by Sect ions 4 12.2 an"412.11.3. 412.13.3 At le
ast one third the total tension reinforcement provided for negative moment at a

suppon shall have an embedment length beyond the point of inflection not less th
an effective depth of member, 12(h, or 1116 the clear span, whichever is greater
. 412.13.4 AI interior supports of deep flexural members, negative moment tensio
n reinforcement shall be continuous with that of the adjacent spans.
412.14.2.4 For each end of a singleleg slirrup of welded pJain or deformed wire f
abric, two longitudinal wires at a minimum spacing of 50 mm and with the inner w
ire at least Ihe grealer of d/4 or 50 mm from middeplh of member dI2. Outer longi
tudinal wire at tension face shall not be farther from the face than the pOl1ion
of primary flexural reinforcement closest (0 the face. 412.14.2.5 In joist cons
truction as defined in Section 408.12, for 12 mm diameter bar .llld MD 130 wire
and :o; mallcr, a standard hook. 412.14.3 Between anchored ends, each bend in th
e continuous portion of a simple U~s tirnIp or multiple Ustirrups shall enclose
a longitudinal bar. 0 acl as shem' 412.14.4 Longiludinal bars ben I 1 reinforcem
ent, if extended into a region of tension, shall be con tinuous with longitudina
l reinforcement and, if extended into a region of compression, shall be anchored
beyond ll1id~ depth d/2 as specified for development length in Section 412.3 fo
r Ihal parI of!, required 10 satisfy Eq. 41117. 412.14.5 Pairs of U-stirrups or t
ics so placed as to for m a closed unit shall he consi de red properly spl iced
when length s of laps arc 1.31//. In members .It Icast 450 111m deep. such splic
es with AJ,./ not more than 40 kN per leg may be co n$ide red adequate if stirnl
j) legs extend the fu ll avai lable depth of member.
412.14 De\'elopmenf of 'Veb Reinforcement
412.14.1 Web reinrorcement shall be carried as close to comprc~si{)n <l nd tensio
n surfaces of member as cover requirements and proximity of other reinforcement
pcnllit:-;. 412.14.2 Ends of single leg, simple U- or multiple Ustirrups :-ohall
be anchored as required by the following:
National Structural Code of Ule Philippines 6
Edition Volume 1

CHAPTER 4 - Concrete
412.15 Splic", of Reinforcement - Gencral
412.15.1 Splices of reinforcement shall be made only as required or permitted on
design drawings or ill specifications, or as authori zed by Ihe engineer-or-fec
412.15.2 Lap SI)li ces 412.15.2.1 Lap splices shall nOI be used for bars larger
than 36 111m diameter. except as provided in Secljolls 412.17.2 and 415.9.2.3. 4 Lap sp lices of bars in a bundle shall be based on (he lap splice leng
th required for individual bars within the bundle, increa<;cd in accordance with
Sec ti on 4 12.5. Individual bar splices within a bundle shall nOI overlap. Ent
ire bundles shall not be lap spl iced. 412.15.2.3 Bars spliced by non-conlact la
p spl ices in flexural members shall not be spaced transversely farther apart th
an one the requi red lap splice lengt h. or 150 mill.
412.16 Splices of Deformed !lars and Deformed Wire in Tension
412.]6.1 Minimum lengt h of lap for tension lap spli ces :.haIl be flS required
for Class A or B splice, but not less than 300 mill, where:
Class A spl icc C lass IJ splice
where Id is calculated in accordance with Section tjJ2.3 to develop 1;. , bUl wit
hout the 300 mm minim ull1 u! .\ :ection 412.3.1 and wi thout the modi fi cation
fa<.:tor of Sec tion 4 12.3.5.
412.16.2 Lap splices of deformed bars and deforn1("d wire in tension shall be Cl
ass B splices except that Class A splices may be used when:
The area of reinforcement provided is at leasl twice that required by ana lysis
over Ihe entire length of the splice; and One half or less of the total reinforc
emcnt is spliced within th e required lap length .
412.15.3 Mechanical and Welded Spliccs 412.15.3.1 permiued. Mechani cal and we l
ded splices shall be
412.15.3.2 A full mechanical splice shall develop in tension or compression . as
required. atlcast 1.25J;. of Ihe bilr. 412.15.3.3 Except as providcd in (his ch
a pler, all weldin g !ihall confonn to "Strife/ural W{~/ding Code Reinforcing Sle
el" (ANSIJA WS D 1.4). 412.15.3.4 A full-welded sp lice shall develop al leasl 1
.25 !, of the bar. 412.15.3.5 Welded splices and mechanical connections not meer
ing requirement s of Section 412./5.3.2 or 412.15.3.4 ru-e allowed only for rnl6
111m ba rs and smaller and in accordance with Section 412./6.5.
412.16.3 When bars of differen l size arc lap "pl iced in ten sion, splice lengt
h shall be the larger of Id of larger bar and tension Jap splice length of small
er bar. 41 2.16.4 Mechanical or welded splices used where area of reinforcement
provided is less than twice that req uired by analysis shall meet requirements o
f Sections 412. 15.3.2 or 412.15.3.4.

412.16.5 Mechani cal or welded splices not meet.ing the requiremenl" of Secli on
s 412.15.3.2 or 412.15 .3 .4 shall be permitted for 16 mm diameter bars and smal
l er if the requirements of Secti ons 412.1(\.5 .1 ulcough 412.16.5.3 arc met:
412.16.5.1 Splices shall be staggered alieaSl600 mm.
412.15.3.6 Welded splices and mechanical conncctions shall maintain the clearanc
e and cove rage requirements of Secti ons 407 .7 and 407.8.
412.16.5.2 In computi ng the tensile forces Ih:l{ can be deve loped at eac h sec
tion, the spliced reinforccrnr.!li ':lfrSr. sll<lll be taken a~ I.hc specified s
plice strength, hU1 1101 than [,.. The str~:,s in the unspliced reinforcement sh
illl be taken as J; timcs th e ratio of the shOI1CS{ Icngth cmbcddcJ beyond thc
section to Id but nol gren ter th an!,.. 412.16.5.3 The total tcnsilc force that
can be devclop('.(i ;1' each section must bc at least twice thtll required by a
n;ll y: < Iud al least 140 MPa times the LOtal arca of rcinforcemCili. provided.
Association of Structural Engineers of tile Philippines

CHAPTER 4 . Concrele
412.16.6 Sp li ces in tension lie members sha ll be m ade with a fuJI mechani ca
l o r full welded splice in accordance with Secti o ns 412.15.3 .2 or 412.15.3.4
and splices in adjacent bars shall be staggered at least 750 mill. 412.17 Splic
es of Deformed Bars in Compression 412. 17.1 Com prcssion lap splice length shal
l be 0.07 1fA . . for 1,. of 420 MP. or less, or (0.13 I, - 24) d. for 1,. g,,;,
ner thall 4 15 MPa. but nol less than 300 mill. For fo less than 2 J M P'l, leng
th of lap shall be increased by one third. 412.17.2 When bars of different size
are lap spli ced in compress io n, splice length shall be the larger I",., of la
if one half or fewer of the bars are spl iced at an y sec tion and alternate Jap
splices are staggered by
412.18.2.3 Where the bar stress due to factored loads is grea ter than 0.5 h in
te nsio n, lap splices shall be Class B
tension lap splices.
412.18.2.4 In tied rei nfo rced com press ion members, where lies throughou t th
e lap splice length have an effective area not less than 0.0015hs, lap splice le
ngt h shall be permitted to be Illu lti plied by 0.83, but lap length shall not
be less th an
300 mill. Tie legs perpend icul ar to dimension" shall be lI sed in determining
effecti ve area.
412.18.2.5 In spirally reinforced compression members, lap splice length of bars
within a spiral sha ll be permitted to be multipl ied by 0.75, but lap le ngth
shall not be less than 300
bar Hl1d co mpression lap splice length of smaller bar. Lap spli ces of 42 and 5
8 mill diamete r bars to 36 mm di ameter ;md smaller bars shall be pcr milted .
412. 17 .3 Welded sp lices or mechanical connect ions lIsetl in compression shal
l meet requirements of Sections 4 12. 15.3.3 an d 4 12 . 15.3.4. 412.17.4 E nd-Be
aring Splices
mm .
412.18.3 Welded Splices o r Mechanical Connectors in Columns
Tn bars requ ired fo r co mpression (Jn])'. transmissio!l of compressive stress b
y bearing of square cut ends held in concentric co ntact by a suita ble device s
hal! bc pcnnittcd.
412.17.4.1 412.1 7 .4.2 Bar cnds shall (ermin,lIc in nat surfaces wi th in 1.5 d
egrees of a right ang le to the u;.; is of the bars and shall be filled within 3
degrees of fu ll bearing after assembly. 412.17.4.3 End-bearing splices shall b
e used only in me m hers containing closed tics. closed sti rrups or spirals. 41
2.18 Spedal Spikes Requiremcnts for Columns
Welded splices or mechanical connectol"!i in columns sha ll meet the req uireme
nt s of Secti on 4 o r 4 12. 15 .3 .4 .
412.18.4 End-hearing Splices in Columns
End-beari ng spli ces complying wi th Secti on 41 2.17.4 shall be permitted
e used fo r colum n bars stressed in co mp ression provided the splices are
gered or add iti onal bars nrc provided at splice locat ions. The conti nui
ars in each fa ce o f Ihe column shall have a tensile st rength, based 0 11

10 b
ng b

specified yield strength h., not less tha n 0.25/1, limes the area of the vert i
cal rein fo rce mcnt in that facc.
412.19 Splices of \-\'cldcd Dcfornwd Wire
Reinforcemcnt in Tension
412.19.1 Mi nimulll lengt h o f lap fo r 1 ,1)) splicc..... o f wel ded de forme
d wi re fabl;c measu red be tween the ends o f each fabric sheet shall not be le
ss th an 1.3/d or 200 mm. and the ovcrhlp measured between ou termos t eros!'; w
i res of each fabric sheet shall not be less than 50 mill, I" shall be the deve
lop men t le ngth for Ihe .specificd yield stre ngth 1.~. in accorda nce with Se
cti on 4 12 .R. 412.19.2 Lap spli ces of wel ded deform ed wire rei n foru' lllc
nt , with no cross wires within the lap splice Ic.n gth . shall be determined as
for (kf"onn cd wire.
412.HU Lilp s pl ices, bult we lded spi kes, mcchnni cal co nnecti ons or end-be
ari ng splices shall be used wi th the limi tations of Sect ions 4 12. J 8.2 thr
ough 412. ! 8.4. A spl ice shnll satisfy req uiremcnts for all load cOJllb in:lt
iOlls for the column.
4 J 2.1 H.2 Lap Spikes ill Columns
4q.1H. 2.1 Where th e bar stress du e (l factored l()l1d ~, is r ()!llprl~ss i v
e . lap sp lices sha ll co nform 10 S~~c ti o ns 4! 2. 17. 1 and 412.17 .2. and
where :lp pl it~ab!e, to Sec tio n 4 J 2.1 X.2 ,ll or "II ~ . I K25 . 41 2. 1X.2
.2 Wh(:r~~ Ihe hal' Sl ress due to is tensi le lind dncs nol exceed () .~r.. in
tension. l;l P splices sha ll he Class B tcnsioll lap "pikes if more tha ll nne
half of the hars arc :-,plin'd <II a n)' secl ion. or Class 1\ tension lap spl i
(.lctOfcd loads
412.19.3 Where any pl aul wires, or de formed wi res large r than MD 200, arc pr
csent in the welded deformed wire reinforcemcnt in the direction or {ilc lap !\p
lice or where welded ddonncd wire reinforcelllent is l"lp spliced In we lded pla
in wirc reillfon:cmcnt, the rein forcement sha ll he I.. p spliced in aCC() rdil
llCc with Seclion 41 2.20.
Nafiondl SIIUctt ll"i" ll Co cle of the PhilipPIi"l (-!-s G Edition Vol\l1"t1(: 1

CHAPTEI'4 Concrete
412.20 Splices of Welded Plain Wire Reinforcement in
Minimum length of lap for lap splices of welded plain wire reinforcement shall b
e in accordance with the foHowing:
412.20.1 When area of reinforcement provided is less than twice that required by
analysis at splice location, length of overlap measured between outermost cross
wires of each reinforcement sheet shall not be less lhan the largest of one spa
cing of cross wires plus 50 mm, or less than 1.5 id , or ISO mm, Id shall be the
development length for the specified yield strength/" in accordance with Sectio
n 412.9.
413.1 Notations
::: dimension of the critical section bo measured in the
412.20.2 Where area of reinforcement provided is at least twice that required by
analysis at splice location, length of overlap measured between outermost cross
wires of each reinforcement sheet shall not be less than 1.5 1,1, or 50 mm, /,/
shall be the development length for the specified yield strength/;. in accordan
ce with Section 412.9.
direction of the span for which moments arc determined, mm ::: dimension of the
critical section bo measured in the direction perpendicular to /)1, mm ::: cross
-sectional constant to define torsionnl properties of slab and beam. See Section
I(1_O.63.::.)x y y 3
(.'1 ("2
E("J h
= 'dimension of rectangular or equivalent rectanguJa:' column, capital, or brack
et measured in the direction of the span for which moments arc being determined,
mm = dimension of rectangular or equivalent rcctangulai column, capita! or brac
ket measured transverse to the direction of the span for which moments arc being
detennined, tnm ::: modulus of elasticity of beam concrete, MPa = modulus of el
asticity of slab concrete, MPa ::: overall thickness of member, mm = moment of i
nertia about centroidal axis of gross section of beam as defined in Section 413.
7.1.6 = moment of inertia about centroidal axis of gro:;:) section of slab defin
ed for calculating fXt and /3( ,

::: h.1/12 times width of slab defined in notations aand PI ::: torsional stiffn
ess of torsional member; moment per 'unit rotation ::: length of clear span in d
irection that moments arc being determined, measured face to face (i~'
= length of span in direction that moments are being
determined, measured center to center of support:: ::: length of span transverse
to I" measured center to center of supports. Sec also Sections 413.7.2.3 ill::]
413.7.2.4 ::: total factored static moment ::: factored moment at section = fac
tored load per unit area ::: nominal shear strength provided by concrete. See Se
ctioll 411.13.2.1 ::: factored shear rorce at section ~ factored dead load per u
nit area ::: factored live load per unit area ::: shorter overall dimension of r
ectangular parl cross section, mill
AssocicltlOll of Structur("d EnDineers of the PhilipPines

CHAPTEfi 4 - Concrete
::: longer overall dimension of rectangular part of cross section, mill ~: ratio
of Ilexural stillness of beam section to flexural stiffness of a width of slab
bounded lateral!y by cenler lines of adjacent panels (if any) on each side of th
e beam = E
10',.,/ ,
413.3 Definitions
413.3.1 Column strip is a design strip with a width on each side of a column cen
ter line equal to 0.251 2 or 0.251" whichever is less. Column strip includes bea
ms, if any. 413.3.2 Middle strip is a design strip bounded by two column strips.
413.3.3 A panel is bounded by column, beam or wall center Jines on all sides. 4
13.3.4 For monolithic or fully composite construction, a beam includes that port
ion of slab on each side of the beam extending a distance equal to the projectio
n of the beam above or below the slab, whichever is greater, but not greater tha
n fOLlr times the slab thickness. 413.3.5 When used to reduce the amount of nega
tive moment reinforcement over a column or minimum required slab thickness, a dr
op panel shall:
al a?
= ain direction of I, :::: in direction of t2 = ratio of torsional sl:ffness of
edge beam section to flexural stiffness of a width of slab equal to span length
of beam, center to center of supports = _s"C::_
::: fraction of unbalanced moment transferred by

flexure at slab-colullln connections. Sec Section 413.6.3.2 ;:: fraction of unba

lanced moment transferred by eccentricity of shear at slab-column connections =
I - y; :::: ratio of nonprcstressed tension reinforcement = reinforcement ratio
producing balanced strain conciitions = strength reduction factor
I. 2.
Project below the slab at least one-quarter of the adjacent slab thickness; and
Extend in each ciirection from the centerline of SUppOlt a distance not less tha
n one-sixth the span length measured from center-to-center of supports in that d
413,2 Scope
413.2.1 The provisions of this Section shall apply for design of slab systems re
inforced for flexure in more than one direction, with or without beams between s

upports. 413.2.2 For a slab system supp0I1ed by columns or walls, the dimensions
<.', and C2 and the clcar span til shall be based on an effective support area
defined by the intersection or the bottom surrace or the slab, or of the drop pa
nel if there is one, with the largest right circular cone, right pyramid, or tap
ered wedge whose surfaces are located within the column and capital or bracket a
nd arc oriented no greater than 45 degrees to the axis of the column. 413.2.3 So
lid slabs and slabs with recesses or pockets made by permanent or removable fill
ers between ribs or joists in two directions arc included within the scope of th
is Section. 413.2.<-! Minimulll thickness of slabs designed in accordance with t
ll;s Section shall be as required by Section 409.6.3.
413.3.6 When lIsed to increase the critical condition section for shear at a sla
b-column joint, a shear cap shall project below the slab and extend a minimum ho
rizonlal distance from the face of the column that is equal to the thickness of
the projection below the slab soffit.
413.4 Slab Reinforcement
413.4.] Area of reinforcement in each direction for two-way slab systems shall b
e determined from moments at critical sections, but shall not be less than requi
red by Section 407.13.2.1. 413.4.2 Spacing of reinforcement at critical sections
shall not exceed two times the slab thickness, except for portions of slab area
of cellular or ribbed construction. In the slab over cellular spaces, reinforce
ment shall be provitj'~d as required by Section 407.11
National StllJCturai Code of tile PhilipPines 6 Edition Volume '1

CHAPTEI1 4 . Concrole
Figure 413-1 Extensions for Reinforcements in Slabs without Beams (Sec Section 4
12.! 2. J for reinforcement extension int n supports)
0,301n 50%
least two bars
or wires shall 1111 conform 10 13,3,6.5
Splices shall be permitted in this region
0.211 .
150 mm
Max. 0.151.
Max. 0.151.
Clear span oln Face of support Cenler to center Center to center span
Extenor support (No slab continuity)
Intenor support (Continuity provided)

Ext 101
(No s!ab ml1lll'''lII,
I\ssociatlon of Structural Ellqlllccrs of 1111: PI-lilIPPIJ'lC':',

CHAPTER 4 - Concrele
413.4.3 Positive moment reinforcement perpendicular to .\ discontinuous edge sha
ll ex tend (0 the edge of slnb aud ha ve embedment, straight or hooked, at leasl
150 !l1l11 in spandrel beams, columns or walls. 413.4.4 Negative moment reinfor
cement perpendicular to
4 13.4.8 Delails of Reinforcement in Slabs without Beams 413.4.8.1 In addition t
o the other requirements of Section 413.4, reinforcement in slabs without beams
shall have min im um cxtensions as prescribed in Figure 41 3- 1. 413.4.8.2 Where
adjacent spans are unequal, extension of ncgative moment reinforcement beyond t
he face of support as prescribed in Figure 4 I 3-1 shall be based on requiremcnt
s of longer spa n. 413.4.8.3 Ilelll bars shall be pennilled only when dcplhspan
ratio pennils use of bends 45 degrees or less. 413.4.8.4 In framcs where two-way
slabs act as primary members reSisting lateral loads, lcngths of reinforcement
shall be delcnnined by analysis but shall not be less than those prescribed .in
Figure 413-1. 413.4.8.5 All bo([om bars or wires within the column strip. in eac
h direction, shall be continuous or spliced with Class B splices or with mechani
cal or welded splices satisfying Seclion 412.15.3. Splices shall be located as s
hown in Figure 413-1. At least two of the column strip bOllom bars or wires in e
ach direction shall pass within thc regio n bounded by the longitudinal reinforc
ement of the column and shall be anchored at ex terior SUpp0l1S .
discontinuolls edge shall be bent, hooked or otherwise llllchored, in spandrel b
eams, co luillns or walls, to be developed at f;lce of StJPPOJ1 according to pro
visions of Section 412.
413.4.5 Where a slab is nOI s li pPol1ed by a spandrel beam or W,lJl at <1 disco
ntinuous edge or where a slab cMti levers beyond [he support, anchorage of reinf
orcement shall be permitted within the slab.
413.4.6 At exte rior corners of slabs su pported by edge walls or where onc or m
Ore edge beams have a value of greater than 1.0, lOp and bottom slab reinforceme
nt shall be provided at exterior comers in accordance wi th Secti ons
413.4.6. llhrough 413.4 .6.4 :
413.4.6.1 Corner reinforcement in both top and bottom of slab s hall be sufficie
n t to resist a moment equal 10 the maximulTl positive moment (per meIer of widt
h) in the slab
413.4.6.2 Tile lllomelH shall be assumed to be about an axis perpe ndi cular to
the diagonal from the corner in the lap of the slab and about an axis parallel t
o the diagonal from the corner in the bottom of the slab.
413.4 .6.3 Corner reinforce ment shall be provided for a distance in each direct
ion from the corner equal 10 one-fifth th e longer span.
413.4.8.6 In slabs with shearheads and in liflslab construclion where it is not p
ractical to pass the bottom bars reql~red by Section 413.4.8.5 Lhrough the colum
n, at least (wo bonded bOllom bars or wires in each direction shall pass through
the shea rh ead or lifting collar as close to the column as pract icable and be
co ntinuous or spliced with a Class A splice. At ex terior columns, the reinfor
cement shall be .mchored at the shearhead or lifting foHnL
413.5 Openings in Slab Systems

413.4.6.4 ConteI' r~inrorcc mcill shall be pl<1ccd parallel 10 the diagollul in

the lOp of the slab and perpendicular [0 the diagonal in the hallom of the slab.
Alternatively, the special reinforcement Sh ;'l ll be placed ill two layers pil
rallcl 10 the sides of the slab in both the top and h0l10111 of the sl ab .
413.4.7 When n drop panel is used to reduce the a!llount of negative moment rein
forcemcnt over the column of a flat :-;Iab, the tiilllCIlSiolls of thc drop pane
l shall be in accordance wilh Section 41 :t3.5. In computing required slab rcinf
orcclllcllI. the thickness of the drop panel below the shih shall not be ilSSlIl
IlCtl 10 be greatcr than one-quar:er Ik <.I ist,mcc from lhe edge or drop pa nel
10 the r<l cc 01 the column or coillmil capital.
413.5.1 Openings of any siz.e shall be permitted in slab sys tems if shown by an
alysis lhal the desi gn strength is at least equal 10 the sirength considering S
ections 409.3 and 409.4, and that all serviceabil it y condi tions. including th
s pecified Iimil.'\ on deflcclions . Ire mel.
413.5 .2 As (11) altcrnate In spcciill analysis ns required by Section 413 ..1 .
1, openings shall be permitlcd ill slab syslems wiLhout bt. . ams only in ,lccnr
dancc with Ihe follow i ng: 413.5.2.1 Ope nings or <l ilY size shall be permitte
d in th e area co I)) ll10nto illtl~rs('clin g mid dle strips, provided lOla! al
llOunt or reinfo rce ll'lcnt rt.'q uircd for Ihc pand withollt the opening b ma

4 -82
CHAPTEIi 4 - Concreto
413.5.2.2 In the area co mmo n to intersecting column stlips,
flot more than onc-eighth the width of column strip in either
span shall be interrupted by openings. An amou nl of reinforcement equ ivalent t
o thaI intermptcd by an opening sha ll be added on the sides of Ihe opening. 413
.5.2.3 In the area common to one column strip and one middle strip, not more tha
n one-fourth the reinforcement in eilher strip shall be inl efnlpled by openings
. An nmount of reinforcement cquivalcl; : to that interrupted by an open ing sha
ll be ndded 0 11 the sides of the opening.
slab or drop panel thickness (1.511) outside opposi te faces of the column or c"
pilal, where Mil is the moment to be transferred and (4 13- 1)
413.6.3.3 For unbalanced moments about an axis pa rallel to Ihe edge at exterior
Supp011S. Ihe value of Y/ by Eq. 413~ 1 sha ll be in accordance with Ihe follow
I . For edge columns with unb~llanced moments about an
413.5.2.4 Shear requirements of Section 411.13.6 shall be satisfied. 413.6 Desig
n Procedures 413.6.1 A slab system shal! be desig ned by any procedu re snl is f
yi ng conditi ons of equilibrium and geomet ric compati bilit y, jf shown that t
he design strengt h at every section is at l ea~t equal to the required strength
set fo nh in Sec ti ons 409.3 and 409.4 and that all serviceab ility co nditi o
ns. including limits on defl ec ti ons, arc mel. 413.6.1.1 Desig n of a slab sy
stem for gravity loads in clud in g th e slab and beams. if any, between support
s and supporting co lumns or walls forming orthogo na l fr amcs. by ei lhe r the
Direct Design Method of Section 413.7 or the Equiva le nt Frame Method of Secti
on 413 .8, shall be pc nn iucd .
41 For lateral loads. analysis of frames shall takc into nccount effects
of cracking and reinforcemcnt on stiffness of frame me mbers.
an axis parallel to the edge, It = 1.0 provided that Vu at an edge support docs
not excced O.75V,. or al a comer support does not exceed 0.5q,V,..
2. For unbalanced moments al interior SUppOI1S. and for
edge co lumns with unbalanced momcnts about an axis transverse to the edge, inc
rea se '}f to as much as 1.25 ti mes the value from Eq, 413 ~ 1 , but not more t
han '}j= 1.0, provided that V" at the su pport docs !lot exceed O.4<pVf . The ne
t tensi le strain CI' ca lculated for the effective slab width ciefined in Secti
on 413.6.3.2, shall not bc less than 0 .0 I O.
The value of V,. in items ( I) and (2) shall be cakul31cd in accordance wi th Se
ction 411. 13.2.1.
413.6.3.4 Concentration of rcinfo rceme nt over {he col um n
by closer spaci ng or additional rein forcemc lll shall be used
to rcsist moment 011 the effcclive slnb width defined in Section 413.6.3.2.
4) Combining the resuils of the gravity load unalysis with the results o
f the latcral load analysis shall be pcrmillcd.
41 3.6.4 Design for tranxfcr of IO:lci fmm sl;'!h to sllppon ing columns or wiJl
Is through shcm' ;lI1d torsion xll.1l1 he in accordance with Section 41 I.
413.7 Di rect Design Method

413.6.2 Thc slab and beams. if any, betwccn suppmls shall

be proportioned for factored moments prevailing al evcry section.
413,7.1 Limitati on s
Design of slab xys rcms within the following limil<ltim}s hy the direct design m
ethod sh.lI l he permitted:
413.6.3 When gravity load. wind , earthquake or other latcr,,1 forces c<luse tra
nsfer of moment between slab a nd co lumn. tI f:-<tClioll of the unbalanced mome
nt shall hc transferred by
flexure in accordance wi th Sections 413.6,3 ,2 and 4 13 .6.1.4 .
413.7.1.1 There sh;:tl i he a mi nimum of Ihree c'OIui m',,"
sp.IIlS in each direction.
4[3.7. 1.2 P:lIlcis shall be rectangular. with it ratio or lungc'" cenlcr~lo ~cc
l1lcr supports within it pant:! no; greater than 2.
413,6.:t l Fra ction of unbalanced moment 110t transferred by ncx.ure shall he t
ransfcrred hy eccentric it y of shc:lr in accordance with Secl ion 4 11 . 13.7.
4J3.6,3 .2 A rnlctioll of thc unhahlllccd momcn l given by Yr M" sha ll be consi
dered to be Inlnsfcrred hy flexur e
10 shorter span
413.7.1.3 Successive span lengthS ccntcHoccnh-r SI! l'Y": ill each directio n s hal
l not differ hy more tlt'"II1 olH>lh ild i~ .. ; longer sp.m.
wi th in an cfl'l.!ctivc slab width between lines thaI arc one and
Associ8tlon of Structura l Engll'1ecl's of the r:)hilipPlnes

CHAPTER 4 . Concrele
413.7.1.4 Offset of columns by a maximum of I() percent of the span in direction
of offset from either axis between center lines of successive columns shall be
polygon-shaped supports shall be treated as square supports with the same area.
413.7.3 Neg::ltive and Positive Factored Moments
413.7.1.5 All loads shall be due to gravity only and uniformly distributed over
<1n entire panel. Live load shall not exceed two times dead load.
413.7.1.6 For a panel with beams between supports on an sides, the relative stif
fness of beams in two perpendicular dircclions.
413.7.3.1 Negative factored moments shall be located at face of rectangular supp
orts. Circular or regular polygonshaped supports shall be treated a,s square sup
ports with the same area. 413.7.3.2 In an interior span, total static moment Mo
sha!l bc distributeci'<ls follows:
Negati ve factored moment shall not be less than 0.2 nor greater than 5.0, where
OfJ and Qj2 are calculated in accordance with Equation (413-3).
................... 0.35
Positive factored moment
413.7.3.3 In an end span, total factored static moment M" shall be distributed a
s foHows:
Exterior Edge
Exterior Edge Fully
413.7.1.7 Moment redistribution as permitted by Section 408.5 shall not be appli
ed for slab systems designed by the Direct Design Method. See Section 413.7.7. 4 Variations from the limitations of Section 413.7.1 shall be permitted i
f demonstrated by analysis as long as requirements of Section 413.6. J arc satis
.."._--" -.. Interior
Slab without

Beams between
Interior SllP[X)rts
Without Edge
_ _~ar~~
between All
413.7.2 Total Factored Static Moment for a Span
413.7.2.1 Total factored static moment for a span shall be determined in a strip
bounded laterally by centerline of panel on each side of centerline or supports
. 413.7.2.2 Absolute sum of positive and average negative f~lctored moments in e
ach direction shall not be less than
factored Moment Exterior

I I ' .~~
413.7.3.4 Negative ll10ment sections shall be designed \0 resist the larger of t
he two interior negative factored moments determined for spans framing into a co
mmon suppor1 unless all analysis is made to distribute the unbalanced moment in
accordance with stiffness of adjoining elements. 413.7.3.5 Edge beams or edges o
f slab shall be proportioned to resist in torsion their share of exterior negati
ve factored moments. 413.7.3.6 The gravity load Illoment to be transferred betwe
en slab and edge coluilln in aCl:crdancc with Section 413.6.1.1 shall be (UM".
where II! is length of clear span in direction that momcnts arc being determined
413.7.2.3 Where the transverse span of panels on either side of the centerline o
f SllPpO!1s varies, 12 in Eq. 413-4 shall be taken as the average of adjacent tr
ansverse spans. 413.7.2.4 When the span adjacent and parallel to an edge is bein
g considered, the distance from edge 10 panel centerline shall be substiwted for
/2 in Eq. 413-4. 413.7.2.5 Clear span (II shall extend from face to face of col
umns, capitals, brackets or walls. Value of II! used in Eq. 413-4 shall not be l
ess than 0.651,. Circular or regular
N8!1onal Structural Cocl(:; of tile PlliJipplncs G!' E:dllion Voluille 1

4 84
CHAPTER -I. Concrete
413.7.4 Factored Moments in Column Strips
413.7.4.1 Column strips shall be proponioncd 10 resist the following percentage
of interior negati ve raclOred l11oments: I, l l , (a,I,!I,)
413.7.4.5 For slabs wi th beams between supports. ihe slab portion of col umn sl
rips shall be prop0l1ioncd to re~is ( that portion of column st rip moments no t
resi sted by beams. 413.7.5 Facto r ed Moments ill Beams 41 3.7.5. 1 Beams betw
een SUPI}()11s shall be proportioncd to resist 85 perccn( of column stri p momen
ts if (all l lil is equal to or ~reate r than 1.0.
0.5 0 75 90
1.0 75 75
2.0 75 45
(a",,'!,)1 1.0
Linear interpolations shall be made between va lues s hown. 4 Colull1n
strips shall be proportioned to res ist th e follow ing percen tage of ex.tenor
negative factored moments: I,ll,
413.7.5.2 For values o f (a,l ,II,) between 1.0 and zero, proportion of column s
trip momellts resisted by beams sha ll be obtained by linear interpo lation belw
cen 85 and zero percent. 4 In additi on to moments calculated for unifo
rm loads according to Sections 413 .7.2.2. 413.7 .1.1 and 413.7 .5.2, beams shal
l be proportioned 10 res ist "lI mo mellls ca used by concentrated or linea r lo
ads applied directly to beams, including weight of proj ec ting beam stem above
or below the slab. 413.7.6 Factored MOlll en ts in Middl e St ri ps 4 T
hat portion of nega tiv e nnd pos iti ve factored moments not resi sted by colu
mn strips ~hall be proponionately assigncd 10 correspo nd in g half midd le stri
ps. 4 13 .7 .6.2 Each middle strip shall be proportioned to resist the sum of th
e momcnts assigned to its two hal f mi ddle strips. 4 A middle strip a
djace nt lO and p_mllid \'!iIh an edge supported by a wall shall be proportioneo
ttl l (:s-is{ twicc the moment assigned to the half lllitJdk :.Irip correspondi
ng to the first row of intcrior supports. 41 3 .7.7 Modifi ca ti on of Factored
MO lll ents Modification of negative and pos iti ve factored 1l10Jll('I! !.o,; h
y I () percent shall be permitted provided ( he I (:! :ll . ,. !il" moment for a
panel in the direc ti o n th an that required by Eq . 4 134.
COIlS ilL:l d ;" ;:.:. ), .':.
1.0 100 75 100 75
2.0 100 75 100 45
(f,,, 2.5 (f,

75 100
(a,/,II,)/ 1.0
/f,:> 2.5
Linear interpolations shal l be made between values shown,
where p, is calc ul ated ill Eq . 4135 and C is calc ula ted in Eq.4136.
(4 136)
The constant C or T or L-scctions shall be pClmiltco to be cva)u:ucd by dividing
the secti on into separate recta ngu lar
defined in Secti on 413.3.4. and .!\umming the val ues
of C for each part. 413.7.4.3 Where suppon s consist of column s lor walls exten
ding for a di stance equal to or greater th an three fourths Ihe span lengt h I}
lIsed (0 compu te M ,,, negativc momcn ts shall be considered to be uni formly
distributed across f} . 4 Column strips shall be proportioned to res is
t the fo ll owing perccillage o f positive factored IllOrnCI1IS:
413.7.8 Factored Shear in S lab Sys tems wi th Beams 413.7 .8. 1 Beams with a,tz
lt, eq ual to or grf'.' Ir.r Ilwn J.n shall be propo rtioned to resist s hear ca
u!\cd 1 , ~. r;\f'[':'- : loads on (ributitry areits hound ed by 45-degn..c Ii!!,:
::; .!J.: from the corners of the panels and the cc nlf''' !inf's of fh:-: Hdja
ccnt panels parallcl to (he lo ng s ides.
--_._-(u,/,II, )
1,1 /,
--'- 1.0
'- '---'_ ._ - -(i()

(0, 1 ,11,)1 1.0
..---------- ~----- 90
- -- 45
Linear inlerpolations shall be made between values shown :
!\ssocin ti on of S tru Clu((1 1Engineers of the Ph ilippine s

CHAPTE f1 4 . Concrele
413.7.8.2 In proportioning of beams with a//]II, less th an
1.0 to resist sheaf, linear interpolation, ass uming bea ms carry 110 load at a,
::; O. shall be permitted .
413.7.8.3 111 addition to shears calculated according to Sections 413.7.8. 1 and
41, beams shall be propol1iol1cd to resist s hears caused by factored l
413.8.2.2 Each frame shall consist of a row or columns or su pports and slabbeam
strips. bounded laterally by the centerline of panel on each side of the centerl
ine or columns or supports. 413.8.2.3 Columns or su pports shall be assumed to b
e aU<tched to slabbeam st rips by torsional members (Section 413.8.5 ) trans vers
e to the direction of the span for which moments are being determined and extend
ing to bounding Interal panel center lines all each side of a column .
413.8.2.4 Frames adjacent ano parallel 10 an edge shall be
applied directly on beams.
4] Computations of slab shear slrcngih o n the
ass umption that load is distributed
supportin g beams
. 1\
accordance with Section 413.7 .8. 1 or 4 shall be permitted. Resistan c
e to lOtal shea r occurring on a panel shall he provided . 413.7.8.5 Shear stren
gth shall satisfy requirements of Section 4 I I. 413.7.9 Factored MOlllents in C
olumns and Walls
bounded by that edge and the ce nt erline of adjaccnt panel. 413.8.2.5 Analys is
or each equiv.alenl frame in its entirety shall be pennitted. Alternatively, fo
r gravit y loading. a separate anal ysis of each floor or roof wit h far ends of
columns considered fixed shall be permi tted. 413.8.2.6 Where slab beams are ana
lyzed separatel y, determinmion of moment at a given support assuming (hat the s
labbeam is fixed at any su pport two panels distant therefro m, shall be permilte
d provided the slab continues beyond that point.
413.8.3 Slab-Belll"s
413.7.9.1 Colum ns and wa lls built integrally with a slab
system shall resist moments caused by factored loads on the s lab system.
413.7.9.2 At an interior support, supporting clements above and below the s lab
shall resist the ractored moment specified by Eq. 4137 ill direct proportion to t
heir stiffncsscs unless a general analysis is made.
M = 0 .07 [('I,,,, + 0 .5 q",) I, I,,' - q '".1',
(I ',,)'J
(4 13 7)

413.8.3.1 Determination of [he moment or inertia of slabbeams :11 any cross sect
ion oUlside of jOints or column capitals using the gross Mca of conc rete shal l
be pennittec1. 413.8.3.2 Varia ti on in moment of inerti a along axis of slab be
ams shall be taken into account. 413.8.3.3 Moment of inert ia of slabhcilms from
cClHcr of column to face of column, bra cket or capital shall be assumed equal 1
0 the moment of inertia of the slabbea m al face of column. bracket or capilal di
vided by the quantity {I - ell ])1 where c] and I] .tre measured transve rse to
the directi on of the span for whi ch moments arc being determined.
413.8.4 Columns
where q'd. /'2 and /'" refer to shorter span . 413.8 E(Juivalenl li"rame Method
413.8.1 Design of slab systems by the equi val ent frame method shall be b,lsed
on assumpti ons given ill Secti ons
4 13.8.2 through 4 I 3.8.6 and all seelions or slabs and
suppo rt ing members shall be proportioned for moments and shears thus obtained.
413.8.1.1 Where metal column capitals arc used, it shall be permitted to take a
ccount of their contributions to stiffness and resistance to moment and (0 shear
. 413.8.1.2 Ncg lc(; ting Ihe change in le ngth of col umlls and slabs uu e 10 d
irect stress, .1I1d derl c{, l.io ns due to she.lr, shall be permillcd.
413.8.2 E'IUiv"lcnl Frame
413.8.4.1 Determination of the 1l1 0 lllCIll 01' inerti a of columns ,It any cro
ss section outside of joints or colu mn capitals using the gross area or concret
e ~ha ll be perm itted. 413.8.4.2 Variation in 1l10ment of inertia along axis of
colu mns shall be taken into account. 413.8.4.3 Momcnt of inert ia of columns f
rom top to bottom of th e slabbea m ;It a joint s hall be ass umed infinite.
413.8.2. I The stl1lclUrc shall be considered 10 be made up of equivalent frames
0 11 colullln lines taken IOll gitudin:lll y nne! transversely through the buil
Nati ona l StrucltJr(11 COd e of li te Philippines 6 1\ Edition Vo lume '1

CHAPTEI1" Concre\()
413.8.5 Torsional Members 413.8.5.1 Torsional members (,sec Section 413.8.2.3) s
hall be assumed [0 have a constant cross section throughout their length consist
ing of the larges! or:
from face of supporting element not greater than one-half the projection of brac
ket or capital beyond face of supP0l1ing element. 413.8.7.3 Circular or regular
polygon-shaped supports shall be treated as square supports with the same area f
or location of critical section for negative design moment. 413.8.7.4 When slab
systems within limitations of Secti{)11 413.7.1 are analyzed by the Equivalent F
rame Method, il shall be permitted to reduce the resulting computed moments in su
ch propol1ion that the absolute sum of the positive and average negative moments
used in the design need not exceed the value obtained from Eq. 413-4. 413.8.7.5
Distribution of moments at critical sections across the slab-beam strip of each
frame to column strips, beams and middle strips as provided in Sections 413.7.4
, 413.7.5 and 413.7.6 shall be permitted if the requirement of Section 413.7.1.6
is satisfied.
A portion of slab having a width equal to that of the column, bracket or capital
in the direction of the span
for which moments arc being determined; or
F'OI" !llonolithic or fully composite constmclion, the portion of slab specified
in (J) above plus that part of the transverse beam above and below the slab; an
The transverse beam as defined in Section 4! 3.3.4.
413.8.5.2 Where beams frame into columns in the direction of the span for which
moments arc being determined, the torsional stiffness shall be multiplied by the
ratio of moment of inertia of slab with sllch beam to moment of inertia of slab
without such beam.
413.8.6 Arrangement of Live Load 413.8.6.1 When loading pattern is known, the eq
uivalent frame shall be analyzed for that load. 413.8.6.2 When live load is vari
able but does not exceed three~fOt1J1hs of the dead load, or the nature of live
load is such that all panels wil! be loaded simultaneously, it shall be permitte
d to assume that maximum factored moments occur at all sections with full factor
ed live load on entire slab systelll. 413.8.6.3 For loading conditions other tha
n those defined in Section 413.8.6.2, it shall be permitted to assume that maxim
um positive factored moment ncar midspan of a panel occurs with three-fourths of
the full factored live load 011 the panel and on alternate panels; and it shall
be permitted to assume that maximum negative factored moment in the slab at a s
upport occurs with three-rOll!ills of the full live load on adjacent panels only
. 413.8.6.4 Factored moments shall not be taken less than those occurring with f
ull factored live load on all panels. 413.8.7 Factored Moments 413.8.7.1 At inte
rior supports, critical section for negative factorcd moment in both column and
middle strips shal! be takcn at face of rectilinear supports, but nol greater th
an O.17.')f! from ccnter of a columll. 413.8.7.2 At exterior supports provided w
ith brackcts or capitals, critical section for negative factored moment in the s
pan perpendicular to an edge shall be taken at a distance

Association of Structural Enguieers of tile Philippines

. Concrete
reinforcement ratio producing balanced strain conditions ;::: minimum ratio of v
ertical reinforcement area to gross concrete area
414.1 Nolalions
AI-' At
414.2 Scope
414.2.1 Provisions Section 414 shall apply for design of walls subjected to ax i
al load, with or without fl exure. 414.2.2 Cantilever reta inin g walls are des~
gned according to flexural design provisions or Section 410 with minimum horizon
tal reinforccmcnt accordi ng to Sect ion 414 .4 .3.
Au c
2 segment, Illm = area of effective longitudinal (ension reinforcement
= gross area of section, 111m2 :::;: area of longitudinal tension rei nforcement
in wall
II fa
in wall segment, mm as calcul ated by Eq. 414-8 = distance from extreme compress
ion fiber 10 ne utral axis , mOl :::;: distance of extreme compression fiber to
centroid of longitudinal tension reinforcement, 111m = modulus of elasticity of
co ncrete. MPa ;: ; specified compressive strength of concrete, MPa
= specified
414.3 General 414.3.1 Walls shall be designed for eccentric loads and any
lateral or olher loads to which they are subjected. 414.3.2 Walls subject to axi
a l loads shall be des igned ill accordance with Sections 4 14.3, 414.4 and e it
her Sections 414.5,414.6 or 414.9. 414.3.3 Design for shear shall be in accorda
n ce with Section 411.11. 414.3.4 Unless demonstrated by a de tail ed analysis,
horizontal length of wall to be considered as effective for each concentrated lo
ad sh<l ll not exceed center-to-ce nter distance between load s. nor width of be
aring plus rOllr limes Ihe wall thickness . 414.3.5 Compression members built in
tegrally wilh walls
shflll conform to Section 410.9.2.

= QveraJlthickncss of member. mm
;::: moment of inertia of cracked section transformed 10 concrete, 1111114
yield strength reinforcement, MPa
Ir k
/". M
;:: effective moment of inenia for co mputation of
deflecti on.
::::: effective length factor
;::: vcrtical distance betwcen supports, mm
= honzollwl length of wall , rn III = maximum unfactored moment due to service l
oads, including PA effects ;::: max imum l110 melll in member at stage deOeclion
compUl cd
M ",
Mu M"fI
Pt ,
.d.. ..1"
to applied lateral and vertical loads = no min al moment strength ttl sec ti on
::::: ma ximulll unfactored applied momcnt d ue to service loads, not including
PA effec ts ::: factored mOIllCIlI at section including PA effects ;::: moment a
l the mid hcight secti on of the wall due to factored lateral and eccentric vert
ical loads ::: modular ratio of elasticity, but nOl.l ess than 6 ~ E/E, ;::: nom
inal axiiIl load strength of wall designed by Section 414.5 = unf"aclored axia l
load at (he desig n (midhcigilt) sect ion incl ueling effccts o f sclr-wcigtll
= factored axial load = maximum deflection at or flear Illidhc ight due to servi
ce loads, I11Ill = denc.ctioll at midheighl of wall due to fHclmed
;::: moment cau!> in g nexural crack in g due
414.3.6 Walls shall be flllchored to intersect ing elements such as 1100rs or ro
ofs; or 10 co lumns. pilasters. buttresses, and intersecting walls; and to footi
ngs. 414.3.7 Quantity of" reinforcement ancl limits of thickness required by Sec
tions 414.4 an d 414.6 shall be pe rmitted to be waived where structural ana lys
is shows adequate strength and stabi lity. 414.3.8 Transfer of force to fOOling
at base of wall shall be in accordance wi:h Section 4 15.9 . 414.4 Minimum Reinf
orce ment 4J4.4.1 Minimum vertical and horizontal reinforcement shall he in acco
rdance wit h Sections 414.4 .2 ,lIld 414.4.3 unless a greater ;1I110Ullt is requ

ired for shear by Sectiolls ~11 . 11.8 <111<1411.11.9.

loads, mill :::. strcllgtlH'cd uctioll factor. Sec Sec ti o n 409.4 ;::: mtio of
te ns io n re inforcement
A /(I"d)
Nelliona! Slructur(ll Code of ti""H: PI'ilippill(~s G E:cJition VolumH 1

4 . Concreto
414.4.2 Minimum ratio of ve rti cal reinforcement area
gross concrete area, /1" shall be: L 2.
414.5 Walls Design as Co mpression Members Except as provided in Secl ion 414.6,
walls subject 10 nxi.aJ load or combined flex ure and axial load shaH be design
c'; as compression members in accordance with provisions of Seclions 410.3, 410.
4 , 410. 11, 410. 15. 410. 18, 4 14 .3 nnll 414.4 . 414.6 Empirical Design Metho
d 414.6.1 Walls of solid rectangular cross section shaH he permitted to be desig
ned by the empirical provisions of Seclion 414.6 if resultant of all factored lo
ad s is localed within the middle third o f the overall thickness o f wa ll and
. 11 limits of Sections 41 4.3, 414.4 and 4 14 .6 are salis fled. 414.6.2 Design
axial strength P, of a wall satisfyi ng limitations of Section 414.6. 1 shall be
com pUled by Liq . 414-1 unless designed in i.lccordance with Section 414.5.
0 .0012 for deformed bars 11 0 1 larger than rn l6 mill with spcci (jed yield st
rength not less than 4 15 MP,l; or
0 .00 15 for other deformed bal's; or
0.0012 for welded wire reinforcement (plain or
deform ed) nOt larger than MW 200 or MD200
414.4.3 Minimum ratio of horizontal reinforcement arc.1 1 0
gross concrete arc, P" shall be: I. 0.0020 for deformed bars not larger than 16
mill d i:l mcter with a specified yield streng th 110 1 less (han 415MPa;or 0.00
2S for oth er defo rmed bars ; o r 0.0020 for welded wire reinforcement (p lai n
or deformed) not larger than MW 200 o r MD200.
414.4.4 Wall s morc than 250 111m th ick, except basement
walls, shall have reinforcement for eac h di rection placed in two layers parall
el with faces of wall in accordance with the following: 1. One la yer co nsistin
g of not less than one half and not more than two-thirds of total reinforce ment
required for each direct ion shall be placed not less than 50 mm or more than o
ne-third the thickness of wall from exterior surface. 2. The ol her layer. co ns
isting of the balance of required
reinforcemen t in that directi on. s hall be placed not less than 20 I11Ill o r
more than one-third the thickn ess o f
= o 55f'c A,[I-(;~~JJ
(4 14-1)

where shall correspond to compression~c()ntrolled sections ill accordance with S

ect ion 409.4.2.2 and effectivc length faclol' k shall be: For walls braced lOp
and bo ttom against lat eral translati on
I. 2.
Res trained against rotarian at one Or both ends (top, bOllom. or bOlh) .. . ...
.... Un restra ined against rotation at both ends
wall from imcrior surface .
For walls not braced against lalcrallranslali on
414.4.5 Vertical and hori zontal reinforceme nt shall not be spaced farther '.P<
lll than three times the wall thickness, lIor f .. nher apall than 450 mill.
414.6.3 Minimum Thickness of W"Us Des igned by Empirical Design Method
414.6.3.1 Thickness of bearing walls shall not be less thnn I!2S the supported h
eigh t or length, whi chever i~; :;1\01( nor less than 100 mill .
414.4.6 Vertical reinforcement need not be enclosed by lateral tie~ ir vClikal r
einforcement area is not greater than 0.0 I times gross conc rete area. or where
veliical reinforc eme nt is not req uired as com prcssion re inforcemcl1t. 414.
3.7 In additioll 10 the mini mum rein forcement requi red hy Sectioll 4 14.4. 1.
nOI less than two 1?l 1<1 111111 bars in walls hav ing I Wo JaYl'rs o r rein fo
rceme nt in hOlh directi o ll s ilnd nnc J?Jl(1 111111 har 111 wa ll s having a
single la yer of 1\.'inforn.'Illl'lll ill both direction shall he provided aroun
d window, uoor. and similar s iz.ed o penings. S tich bars shilll be ilndlOretl
10 develo p .r;. in {e ll sio n at the cnrncrs or the open ings.
414.6.3.2 Thi ckness ex terior ba:-;clllcnl walls ;'. founda ti o ll walls s hal
l not he less than 190 Illill . 414.7 Non-Bearing \Alalls
414.7.1 Thickncs!-i lion hearing walls sha ll 1101 hI' k ~: . I l!," ~ 100 mill.
or lIot less tllilll II~O the IC;I~t di ~.I: III ' f .' members thai provi de 1;l
tcral support.
!\%OC i,l tIClfl of Structural
En9111ecns of tile
PtliliP PU10S

CHAPTEn 4 . Concrete
414.8 Walls as Grade Hearns 414.8.1 Walls designed as grade beams shall have top
reinforcemclll as required for moment in accordance
with provisions of Sections 410.3 through 410.8. Design for shear shall be in ac
cordance with provisions of Section 411 . 414.8.2 Portiol1~ o[ grade beilm walls
exposed above grade shal l also meet rcqlJircmcl1ls of Section 4 14 .4.
414.9 Alternate Design of Slend er Walls
M"llJ is Ihe maximum factored moment at the midheight sect ion of Ihe wall due (
0 lateral and eccentric venical loads , not including Pd effects and L1.. is:
5M 1 2
414.9.1 When nCltural tension controls the out-or-plane design of a wall. th e r
equiremenls of Section 414.9 arc conside red (0 satisfy Seclion 4 10.1 L .
414.9.2 Walls designed by the pro visions of Section 414.9 shall satisfy Section
s 4 14.9.2. I ihrough 4 414.9.2. 1 The wa ll panel shall be designed a
s a simply suppol1cd. axi;lll y loaded me mber su bjected to an out-of planc unif
orm later;1 1 load, with maximulll moments and deflec tions occurring at midspan
. 414.9.2.2 The <.: ros s section shall be constant over the
Mil shall be ohlaincd by iteration of denections, or by direct calculati on usin
g Eq. 414-6.
= E, (A
+ P)l . (d -c )' + I .. c" f,.2d 3
(4 147)
and the value of E/l:.~, shalinOl be takcn less 111M 6.

height of th e panel. The wall shall be tension-comrollcu. 414.9.2.4 Rcinforccmc

414.8.4 The maximum dcncctiOIl 4,. due to service loads. including P6 effects. s
hilllnol exceed 1,.1150.
If Mf ,. maximum moment al midhcight of wal l due to service loads. includi ng P
LI effects, exceeds (2J3) M ." 1 , sh.1I be calc ulated by Ell . 414 -8
LI =2136 !!1,,-2 ~~ M"){6 -21J6 ) (4 14-8) " ( M .-2IJM .. ' ..
provide a dcsign strength
(414 -2)
wherc "'-I.. sha ll be oblilincd using the modulus (If fupture, };" give n by 1:
(1 . 40l)-t). 414.9.2.5 Concentrated gravi ty loads applied 10 Ihe wall above th
e design ncxural section shall be assumed to be distributed over a width:
I. Eqllallo the bearing width, pillS (1 width all each side that increases at a
slope of 2 vertical 10 I horizontal
If M" docs not exceed (2I3) M .... 6 , shall be calculated by Eq.414-IO
down to the dcsign sec tion; but 2. 3. Not gre.Hcr Ilwn the spacing of the concc
lllrmcd loads: and Docs not extcnd beyond the edges of the wall pancl.
= 5M 48 E , 1,
r ,l/
'" = 5M), ~_ " 48.1..,
414.9.2.6 Venical stresses P,/A g at the midhcighl section shall nnt exceed O.O(
y... 414.9.3 The design moment strengt h (k\1" fOf ro mhincd fl ex ure and a:dal
loads at the midhcighl s hall he
(4 14-3)
I,.r sll<l ll be c;dcu lalcd by Eq . 4 14-7 and Mil shill l be oblaincd hy itera
tion of defl ecti ons.
Nn!IOrl r.l l StlllctlJrnl Code of ti lO P ililippinw;
(jIl l
E:dition VOllll'lle '1

. Concre te
,"'-.; -',.:.
. ,R, '.
-."/- S., ., ......
415.5.2 Maximum factored moment for 'an isolated footing shall be computcd as pr
escribed in Sec ti on 4 15.4.1 al critical seclions located as follows: I, 2.
AI f(lce of colum n, pedestal , or wall, for footings
suppol1ing a concrete column, pedestal, or wall ;
415.1 Notations
= gross area of section, mm
Halrway between middle ami edge of wall, for footings suppo rting a maso nry wal
l; Halfway bet wee n facc of column all(; .edge of steel base
pl'HC, for footi ngs suppo l1 ing a col ldlHl with steel base
: ;.
diameter of pile. il l footing base, mm ralio of long side to shon side of footi
n g
415.2.1 Provisions or Section 415 shall 'Ippl y for des ign of isolmcd fOOlings
and. where applicable. to combined
415.5.3 In one-way footings and two-way squarc foolin?.:; , reinforcement shall
be disltibu(cd unifonnly across entire widt h of fooling. 415.5.4 In l WO-WHY re
ctangu lar footi ngs, reinforcement shall be distributed as follows : 415.5.4.1
Reinforceme nt in lon g direction shall di stributed uniforml y across cmire wid
th of footing. be

foot ings and nwls.

415.2.2 Addit ional requirements for design of co mbined
foo tings and Illats are gi veil in Section 4/5.11.
415.3 Loads and Reactions
415.3.1 Footin gs shall be proportioned to resist th e factored loads and induce
d reactions, in accordan ce wit h the appropriate design req uiremen ts of this
code and as provided in thi s section. 415.3.2 Base area of foot ing or !lumber
<lllti arra ngeme nt of piles shall be determined from unfaclOrcd forces and mom
ents tra nsmitted by fooling to soil or piles and p e r[))i ~s ihl e soi l press
ure or permiss ible pile. IcapClcilY selected th rough principles of soil mechan
ics. 415.3.3 foor footings on pi les. co mputatio ns for 1ll0llh!nts and shears
Ill:ty be based on the assumpt ion thai the reaction from any pile is cOll cel1
trmcd at pile center. 415.4 Footings Su pporti ng Circul ar or Rcgulur Polygo n
Shap ed Colu mn s or Pedcs tal s Fo r locati on of cri tical sections for moment
, shear <lll d developmen t or reinforcemelll in footi ngs. it shaH be permillco
to trCaI circular or regular polygon-s haped concrete col umn s or pcdcstHb as
sq uare me mbers with til\!
:;amc arCi!.
415.5.4.2 For reinforcement in short direction, a portion of the total reinforce
ment y,A, given by Eq . 415-1 shall be distributed uniformly over a band width (
centered on centerline of column o r pedeslrI l) equal to the length of sll' dt
side of footing. Remainder of reinforcement requi red in short direction , ( I )',)A" shall be distributed uniform ly outside center band width of foo ting.
Rcillforccmem in
" A ," __l _,a _"_d_w_id_ t_h_
(ji+ I )
(415- 1)
TOlal ReinforcemclII in short direction
where Pis ratio of long to short sides of fOOling.
415.6 Shear in Foo tin gs
41 5.6.1 Shear strength in footings shall be in accn nl ance with Section 4 11.1
] .
415.6.2 Locali on of crilical sec tion for shear in 'Ic{:{ml :!'ce wi th Section
41 1 sh.a ll be measured from face or (:ok!lJ lI. pedesta l or wall, for footin
gs support in g a co lumn , pedestal Of wall. ro r foo lings suppon ing a colull
ln or pedestal wilh steel base pl <lle:-. the criti cal secti on shall be measur
ed fro m loca tion de li ned in Secti on 4 15 .5.2, Itcm 3.
415.5 Moment in Footings
4]5.5.1 EX lerna l moment o n an y seclio n of a foo ting shall
be determined by passing a vertical planc through the (oming and com puti ng the
moment of the rorces acting over the cn ti re ;lfca of fo()( ing o n olle ~ idc
of tl1 ,11 vertical JlI;Jnl~.
4J5.6.3 Where the disla nce hctwecll the axis of an y p;~'~ to the axis of the c
olumn is Jllore th an t WO times the di~wl1ce between the to p or th e pile ca p
and til e top of !Il(' pi!; , {ile pile cap shall sati sfy Sections 4 11 , 13 <
Inti 415J).'~. (Jl her pile ca ps shaH satisfy either Section 427, or both Secti

/l..$so cintlon of Stru ctll r111

E n911"lC:CJS
of Ihn Phili ppines

CHAPTEfl 4 - Concrete
411.13 and 415.6.4. If Section 427 is used, the effective concrete compression s
trength of the struts, fw shall be determined using Section 427.3.2.2, Item 2. 4
15.6.4 Computation of shear on any section through a footing supported on piles
shall be in accordance with
bearing strength for either surface as given by Section 410.18.
415.9.1.2 Reinforcement, dowels, or mechanical connectors
between supported and supporting members shall be adequate (0 transfer: I. All c
ompressive force that exceeds concrete bearing strength of either member; and An
y computed tensile force across interface.
Sections 415.6.4.1,415.6.4.2, and 415.6.4.3:
415.6.4.1 Entire re~iction from any pile whose center is located dl'i/J2 or' 'mo
re' outside the section shall be considered as producing shear on that section.
415.6.4.2 Reaction from any pile whose center is located dpil )2 or more inside
the section shall be considered as
In addition, reinforcement, dowels or mechanical connectors shaH satisfy Section
415.9.2 or 415.9.3.
415.9.1.3 If calculated moments are transferred to supporting pedestal or footin
g, reinforcement, dowels or mechanical connectors shall be adequate to satisfy S
ection 412.18. 415.9.1.4 Lateral forces shall be transferred to supporting
producing no shear in that section.
415.6.4.3 For intennediate positions of pile center, the portion of the pi Ie re
action to be considered (IS producing
shear on the section shall be based 011 straight-line interpolation between full
value at dp ",.12 outside the section and zero value at dpi /,J2 inside the sec
415.7 Development of Reinforcement in F()otings 415.7.1 Development of reinforce
ment in footings shall be in accordance with Section 412. 415.7.2 Calculated tel
lsion or compre~sion in reinforcement at each section shaH be developed on each
Side of that section by embedment length, hook tension only or mechanical device
, or combinations thereof. 415.7.3 Critical sections for development of reinforc
shall be assullled at the sallle locations as defined III Section
pedestal or footing in accordance with shear-friction provisions of Section 411.
8 or by other appropriate means.
In cast-in-place construction, reinforcement required to satisfy Section 415.9.1
shall be provided either by extending longitudinal bars into supporting pedesta
l or footing, or by dowels.
415_9.2.1 For cast-in-place columns and pedestals, area of reinforcement across
interface shail not be less than O.005A g , where Ag is the gross area of SUppo!
1cd member.
415.9.2.2 For cast-in-place walls, area of reinforcement across interface shall
not be less than minimum vertical reinforcement given in Section 414.4.2. 415.9.
2.3 At footings, fM2 n1ln and [1J58 mill longitudinal

415.5.2 for maximum factored moment, and at all other

vertical pJanes where changes of section or reinforcement occur. See also Sectio
n 412.11.6.
415.8 Minimum Footing Depth
Depth of footing above bottom reinforcement shall not be less than 150 mill for
footings on soil, or not less than 300 mm for footings on piles.
415.9 Transfer of Forc{~ at Base of Column, \Vall or Reinforcement Pedestal 415.
9.1 Forces and moments at base of column, wall, ill'
bars, in compression only, may be lap spliced with dowels to provide reinforceme
nt required to satisfy Section 415.9.1. Dowels shall not be larger than [1]32 mm
bar and shall extend into supported member a distance not less than the larger
of ide> of fil42 mOl or ru58 mm bars or the splice length of the dowels, whichev
er is greater, and into the footing a distance not less than the development len
gth, ide of the dowels.
415.9.2.4 If a pinned or rocker connection is provided in cas.-in-place construc
tion, connection shall conform to Sections 415.9.1 and 415.9.3. 415.9.3 In preca
st construction, anchor bolts or suitable
pedestal shall be transferred to supporting pedestal or footing by bearing on co
ncrete and by reinforcement, dowels, and mechanical connectors.
415.9.1.1 Bearing 011 concrete at contact surface between supported and supporti
ng l11ember shall not exceed concrete
mechanical connectors shall be permitted for satisfying Section 4! 5.9.1. Anchor
bolts shall be designed in accordance with Scclion 42~.
Nnlionili Structural Code of tl'1(-; Philippines Gill Edition Volume 1

4 92
CHAPTER 4 . Concrete
415.9.3.1 Connection between precast columns Or pedestals
und supporting members shall meel Ihe rcquircmcnls of
Section 416.6.1.3 , Item I.
415;9.3.2 Connection between precast walls iJnd supporting members shall meet th
e rcquircIllcllts of Scclioll 4 16.6. 1.3,
It ems 2 and 3.
415.9.3.3 Anchor bolts and mechanic<I! COllllectors sh"U be designed lO reach th
eir design streng!!. i J rior to C:lIlchorugc
416.1 Notations
gross arC'l of column, mill = clear span, n1l11
failure or failure of surro unding concrete. Anchor bohs shall he designed in ac
cordance with Section 423.
415.10 Sloped or Stepped Footings 415.10.1 In sloped or stepped footings, angle
of slope or depth and location of steps shall be such Ihal design rcquircmcnls a
rc satislicd al every section. (Sec also Section 412.11.6).
415.10.2 Sloped or stepped footings designed be constructcd to ensu re action <I
S a unit.
(I S
416.2 Sco pe
416.2. 1 All provisi ons 01" this code not speei ricall y I~ .~.l :rd,",! and not
in conniet with the pro visions of Section .11(1 . ..;k-'! apply to structures
incorporating precast concrete :-.liU..:lUHii mel1l bers.
416.3 Gene ral
n unit
415.11 Combined Footings and Mats
416.3. 1 Design of prectlst members and connections shall include loading (ltld
rcslraim conditio ns from initi ,,1 fabri cat ion to end use in the S lrucrure,
including fo rm rcm ovill , storage. Inlnsportatioll lind erection.
415.11.1 Footings supponi ng Illore thall aile column. pedestal. or wall (combin
cd footings or mil ts) sha ll be propol1ioned to resist the factored loads and i
nduced reactions, in accordance with appropriate design
rcquirements of lIlis codc.
416 .3.2 When precast members are incorpol'fur.d ill!o a struc tural sys tem. th
e forces and deformations {lI., ui J"i lifl i!l ;lnd adjace nt 10 cOllnections sh
all be included in Iht dcsign. 4 J6.3.3 Tolcr'lIlccs for both precast mcmbl'r~ a
nd illlcrf<lcing mcmbers shall be specified. Design of" pr(' ca~i members ilild
cnnl1~ctions :-;Imll include Ihe effecls of (hese IOlen.lI1("cs.
416,3.4 In addition 10 the stand,lnl rcqui rclll!.: nts for (Irawings and SPCl'i
fil:!tioll!' in Section !OO.1.2. (I) <lne! (2):. Ihe i"ollmving shall be included

ill either lh~ COll1raci documcnts or SllOP drawings:

415.11.2 The Direct Des ign Method of Section 411 shall 1101 be used for design
of cOlllbincd footings and milts.
415.11.3 Distribution of soi l pres!'>urc ti nder t:o mhilled footings and mats
shall be consistel1t with properties of the soil and the structure <Ind with est
ablished principles of soil
415.11.4 Minimum reinforcing steel illllonprcstrcsseu llIilt foundations shall m
eet the requirements or Sectioll 407. 13.2 ill each principill directi oll. Mt.l
ximull1 sp.tdng shall 1I0t exceed 450 mill. 415.121)lai:o Concrete Pedestals and
F ()O lill ~s
Details of reillf"orcc mcm, inserts and lifting devices required to resist lempo
rary loads from handline. stor~lge . Iransport .llion and erection; Required con
c rele strc ngth at st.lle.d ages or consl nlctiOiI.
4 J 6.4 Dis tribllti on 01' Forces among MClllhcrs
Sec Section 422.
4 16.4. 1 Distributioll of forl:ts Ihm arc pl~ rpcndicul;\r 10 Ih e. pi ail e or
rlll'.Jl1hcrs shall he c...;tahli shcd by <llwlysi:-; Ill" hy (cst. 416.4.2 \Vh
crc the system hdliIVior requires in pl;HlI' furcC", he lfal1SrclTcd hl' tween I
he IHemhe rs of a prcca:.1 IiOtlf w
wall sys tem . the 1 ()llowing :-.l1all appl y:

CHAPTER 4 . Concrete
416.4.2. 1 In-plane force paths shall be continu Dus through
Doth connections and members.
Precast wall panels shall have a minimum of two ties per panel, wit h a nomi nal
tensile strength not less than 44 kN per tic ; When design forces result ill no
tension at th e base, the lies requ ired by Sec tio n 416.6.1.3. Ite111 2. shal
l be pcrmi ll ed 10 be anchored illlo an approp ri ate ly rein forced concrete n
oor slab 011 grade.
4J6.4.2.2 Where tension forces occur, a cont inuous paLh of slcel or steel reinf
orcement shall be provided. 416.5 Member Design 416.5.1 In one-way precast /1001
' an d roof' slabs and in oncway precast, prestressed wall panels, all no! wider
than 3.7 Ill, and where members arc ' not mec hani cally co nnected 10 cause re
straint ill the transverse di recti on, the sh rinkage and tempcrcuure reinforce
ment requirement s o f Section 407 . 13 in the direct io n normal to the flexur
al reinforce ll1elll shall be pcnni ued 10 be waived. This waiver shall not appl
y to members which require reinforcement to resist transverse fle xural stresses
. 416.5.2 For precast. nonpreslrcssed wall s the reinforcement shall be designed
in accorda nce wilh the provisions of Sections 410 or414 . exce pt that the are
a horizontal and vert ical reinforcem ent 511<111 eac h be not less than O.OO IA
!:, where Ag is the gross cross-sec tional area o f the wall panel. Spacing of r
einforce men t shall not exceed 5 limes the wall thickness nOr 750 111m for inte
rior wall s or 450 mm for ex terior wall s.
416.6.1.4 Connection details that rely solely on friction ca used by gravilY loa
ds sha ll nOI be used. 416.6.2 Por precasiconcrete bearing wall structures three o
r more stori es in height, the following minimum provisions shall apply: 416.6.2
.1 Longitud inal and tran sversc lies shall bc provided in floor and roof sys te
ms to provide a nominal strength of 22 kN/m of widlh or lenglh. Tics shall be pr
ovided ove r interior wall supports and between members and exterior walls. Tics
shall be positi oned in or within 600 mm of the plane of the fl oor or roof sys
tcm. 416.6.2.2 Longitudinal lies parallcl 10 floor or roof s lab spans shall be
spaced not more Ihan 3 m on ce nters. Provisions shall be made to transfer force
s around openings. 416.6.2.3 Transverse ti es perpendicular to floor or roof sl
ab spans shall be spaced not greater than the bealing wall spaci ng. 416.6.2.4 T
ies around the perimeter of each Ooor and roof, wi thin 1.2 III of the edge, sha
ll prov ide a nominal strength in tension nOllcss Ih an 70 kN . 416.6.2.5 Vcn ic
al tens io n lies s hall be provided in all walls and shall be continuous over t
hc height o f the bu ildin g. They sha ll prov ide a nominal tensi le stren gth
not less than 44 kN per horizontal meIer of wa ll. Not less than two lies shall
be provided fo r cilch precasl pallci. 416.7 Connection and Bearing Design 416.7
.1 Forces sha1l be permitted to be tran sferred between members by grouted joint
s, shear keys, mechanical COll nectors, reinforcing stee l co nnections, reinfo
rced topping or a co mbination of these means . 416.7.1.1 The adequacy of connec
tio ns to transfer forces est. between members shall he detennined by analysis o
r by L Where shear is Ihe primary res ult of imposed loading. it sha ll be permi
Hed to lise the pro vis io ns o f Sect ion 41 1.8 as applicable. 416.7.1.2 When
designing;! co nnection using materials with
416.6 Structural 1ntegrity

416.6.1 Except where the provis ions of Sc<.:tion 416.6.2 govern, the minimum pr
ovisions of Sections 4 16.6. 1.1 through 4 for slru clUrai integrity sh
all app ly to al l precast cO ll crete struc tures:
41 6.6. 1.1 Longitudinal and transverse li es required by Seclion 407. 14 .3 sha
ll connect members 10 a latera l load resistin g system. 416.6.1.2 Where precast
elements form floor or roof
diaphragms, the connections between diaphragm and those members being laterall y
suppol1ed shall have a nominal tens ile strength capable of resisting not less
than 4.4 kN/m.
416.6.1.3 Ve rti c:!! tension tic req ui re ments o f Section 407. 14.3 shall ap
pl y 10 all ve ni cal struchl r;ll mc mbcrs, ('xeepl cladding, ill UJ slwll be a
c hi eved by prov id ing co~, nccliol1 s .11 horiz.ontal joints in <lL:cordan ce
with the followi ng:
I. Precast
s hall have
nornimd strength in
tension nol less than I.4Ag , in N. For columns with a larger cross sec tion tha
n required by cOlIsiiJer:llioll of seclioll
reduced effective area AG based on (fOSS btll not less Ih an olle-hal f the (ola
l arc.l. s hall be permitt ed:
different structura l properties. their relali vc st iffnesscs,
st rength s and ductili ties s hall be co ns idered.
requirl~ d
N~ltiona l Slru c(ufnl Co de or th e PIli iiPPll18S b!1l Edition VOl!lnl O '1

4 94
CHAPTER 4 Concrete
416.7.2 Dearing for precast floor and roof members on si mple support s shall sa
tisfy the following :
416.7.2.1 The allowable bearing stress at the cont act surface between supported
and slippol1ing members and between any intermediate bearing elements shall not
exceed the bearing strength for both su rface .mil the bearing elemen t.
Concrete bearin g strength sha ll be: as given in Section
416.9 Marking and Idenlificalion 416.9.1 Each precas t member shall be marked 10
indicate its location tint! ori en tati on ill the sln_cture and date of manufa
ctu re.
416.9.2 Ident ification marks shall cOITespond to placing drawings.
410.18. 416.7.2.2 Unless shown by test or analysis that pcrfonnance will not be
impaired, the following minimum requirements shall be met:
I. Each member and its supporting system shall ha ve design dimensions selected
so that, after consideration of tolerances, the di stance from the edge of the s
to the end o f the precast member in the direction o f the
416.10 Handling 416.10.1 Member design shall cOllsider forces an d di stortion s
during cu ring, stripping. storage, transportation and erection so that precast
members are not overstressed or otherwise damaged .
416.10~2 Duri ng erection, precast memhcrs and st ructures shall be adequately s
uppo rted and braced to ensure proper alignment and Slmctural integrit y until p
e nnanenl connections are completed.
span is at least 111 80 of the clear span, I, but not less than: For solid or ho
ll ow-core slabs ..
For beams or stemmed members ... . 2.
50mm 75 mm
Bearing pads at unarmored edges shall be se t back a
minimum of 13 111m from the face of the support. or at
least the chamfer dimension at chamfered edges. 416.7.2.3 The requirements of Se
cti on 412. 12.1 shall not a pply to the posi tive bending moment reinforcement
for s tatically delermi nale precas t members. but at least oncthird of such rei
nforcemen t shall extend 10 the ccn tcr of the bearing length. 416.8 lIems Embed
ded After Concr.le Placement 416.8.1 When appro ved by the engi neer, embedded i
tems s uch as dowels or inserts that either protrude from the concrete or rem ai
n exposed for inspecli o n shall be permitted to be embedded while the concre t
e is in a plastic state provided that: 416.8.1.1 Embedded items are not required
to be hooked or tied to reinforcement within the concrete. 416.8.1.2 Embedded i
tems are maintained in th e correct position while the concrete remain s plasti
c. 416.8.1.3 The concrete is properl y consolidated around the embedded item.
416.11 Strenglh Evaluation of Precast Conslruction 416.11.1 A precast elemen t t
o be made compositc wi th c'ls l inplace concrete shaH be pcrmitted to be tested i
n fle xure a~, a preenst element alone in accordance with the [oll owing: 416.11
.1.1 Test loads shall be applied only whell calculations indicate Ihe isolated p
recast element will not be critical in compression or buckling. 416.11.1.2 The t
est load shall be th at load whi ch, when applied to the precast me mber alone.
induces Ihe same lol ;,! force in the te nsion rei nforcement as would be induce
d hy loading the composite mem ber with th e test load required by Section 420.4
.2. 416,11.2 The provisions of Section 420.6 shall be th e basi; element. rejiwJ

i on of the
Associ ation of Structura l Eng ineers of tile Pl1i!ippines

CHAPTER 4 - Concrete
417.3.4 In s trength co mpu tation s or com pos ite me mbers, no distin ction sh
all be Ill ude betwee n ~ h o l'cd and unshored members.
417.3.5 All elemenl s shall be designed 1 0 suppon all loads 417.1 Notations
introduced prio r 10 full develo pment o f design strength of composite me mbers
. 417.3.6 Rei nforcement shall be provided as requ ired to contro l crack ing an
d to prevent separation o f indiv idua l clements of composi te members. 417.3.7
Compos it e members shall meet requ irement s for control of denection s in acc
ordance with Section 409. 6 .5.
::: area of conlnel surface bei ng ili vestiglllcd for hori zon lal shear, Illn/
::: area of tics wi thi n a d ista nce s, 111 m 2 ::: width of cross section at
comae ! sur face being
in vestigated for hori zolllal shear, mill = distance from ex treme co mpress io
n nbcr (0 centroid of tension rein fo rce ment for entire composite section, mil
l = overall thi ckn ess of composite members, mm
::: spacing of ties measured along the longi tudi nal
417.4 Shoring
Whe n used, sholing shall not be re moved until supported cle ments have develop
ed design properties requi red to suppan all loads and limit defl ections and cr
acking at time of shori ng remo val.
ax is of Ihe member, 111111 ::: nominal hOJizont a) shear strength ::: facto red
shear force a l sec tion :: correction factor re lated to uni t weight of concr
ete ::: ralio of tic rcinforccmc ni area (0 a rea o f co/uac!
417.5 Vedical Shear Strength
417.5.1 When an entire composite member is assumed to resist vertical shear, des
ign shall be in accordance with requiremcnts of Sccti on 411 as for a monolithic
all y cast membcr o f the same cross-scctional sha pe. 417.5.2 Shear reinforceme
nt sha ll be fully anc hored into interconnected elements in accordance with Sec
tion 412.14. 41 7 .5.3 Ex tended and a nc hored shear reinrorce mem shall be pCJ
'ln itlcd 10 be incl udcd as lies for ho ri zon(a l shear.
;;: strength-redu cti on factor. Sec Section 409 .4
417.2 Scope
417.2.1 Provisions of Section 4 17 shall app ly for design of co mpos ite conaet
e flexura l members defined as precast or casl-in-p lace concrete clcmelHs or bo

th consllucted in separate placemell ts but $0 intercon nec ted thm ,I II c leme

nts respond 10 loads as a unit. 417.2.2 All provision s of this code shall nppJ
y 10 compos ite concrete fl e xural ll1 e mlH~ r s, except as specifi cally modi
fied in thi s Secti on.
417.6 Horizontal Shear Strength
417.6.1 in a compo:> ite member, full transfer of horizollwl shear forces shall
be assured at contac t surfaces of intercon nected e lements. 417.6.2 For the pr
ov isions of 4 17.6, d shall be taken as the distance from ext re me co mpress i
o n fi ber ror enure co mpos it e sec tio n 10 cent ro id or prcslressed and non
presll'csscd longilll di na l tension rcinforccment, if any, but need 110t be ta
ke n less than (l .BOh for prestressed
417.3 General 417.3.1 The usc of an e ntire composite member or portio ns
thereo r for resistin g shciIf illld mo me nt s ha ll be permitted . 417.3.2 Ind
ividual cJerlH.:llt s shall he critical stages or loading.
in vcs tigat(~d
for all
concrete members.
417.3.3 If the s pc(.; ificd stre ngth . unit we ight or other pro pcI1ics of lh
e va ri olls dements are d ilTc rcll l, propert ies of the individual clelllc ll
ls or the mos t criti cal va lues sh:1I 1 he used in dc."ign.
National Structural Code of HIe Pililippin os G!1l Edition Volllrll e 1

CHAPTER 4 . Conerele
417.6.3 Unless calculated in accorda nce with Seclion 417.6.4. design of cross s
ections subject to horizontal shear shall be based on (4 17- 1)
417.7 T ics ror Hori zont al Shea r 417.7.1 When ties arc provided to transfer h
orizontal she;~;-. tie area shall not be less than that requ ired by Sec!i\!q 4
11 .6.5.3 and tic spacing shall not exceed four times th:' Icas t dime ns ion or
supportcd clement. or 600 mm. 417.7.2 Tics for hori zo lllal shea r shall consi
st of single bars or wire, mUltiple leg stirrups. or vCrli callcgs of welded v,<
le fabri c (plain or de formed). 41 7.7.3 All lies shall be fu ll y anchored int
o interconnected clcments in accordance with Scction 4 12. 14 ,
where Vol is factored shear force a[ secti on considered and V II}, is nominal h
ori zontal shear strength in acco rd ance with Ihe foll owin g:
417.6.3.1 Where C('l1~:ICt surfaces arc clear, free of lai tancc an d intemional
l y roughened, shear strength V,III shall not be take n grea ter tha n O.55b,d,
in newtons. 417.6.3.2 Where minimum ties are provided in accordan ce wilh Sectio
n 417.7 and contact surfaces are clean and free of laitance, but not intentional
ly roughened, shear strength Vnh shall not be taken greater than O .55b,.d. in n
ewtons. 417.6.3.3 Where min imum ties are provided in accordance wit h Section 4
17.7 and contact surfaces arc clean, free of lai l3nce. and int entionally rough
ened to a fu ll ampl itude of app rox imately 5 mm, shear strength Villi shall b
e taken equal 10 ( 1,8 + O.6pJ,)J.b,d in newlon" but not greater th an 3.Sb,d, i
n newlons. Values for ..l in Seelion 411.8.4 .3 shall apply, and P. is A.I(b,s).
417.6.3.4 Wherc facto red shear force VII at sectio n considered exceeds 3.5I>"
d, des ign for horizo ntal shear shall be in accordance wit h Section 411 .8.4.
417.6.3.5 Where detemlining nominal horizontal shear st rength over prestressed
concrete elements. d shall be as defined or 0.8h, whichever is greater. 41 7.6.4
A s an alternative (0 Section 417.6.3. hori1.oJlt;.tI shear shall be permiLled
(0 be detcnni ned by compu ti ng the ac tual change in compressive or tensile fo
rce in any segment. and prov isions shall be made to tra nsfer th at fo rce as
hori zo nt al shear to the support in g elemen t. The fac tored hori zo nt al sh
ear force shall not exceed hori zont al shear strength V"h as givcn in Secti ons
417.6.3. J throu gh 417 .6.3 .4 wh ere area of contact slIrfnce A(' shall be sub
stituted fo r b,ll. 417.6.4.1 When tics provided to resist horiwl1laJ shear are
designed 10 satisfy Section 417.6.3, the rieMarca-loMt ie M spacing ralio along
Ihe l;lCJ ;lber shall approxim.ucly reflect the distrihuli oll of s hear forces
in tile member. 417.6.5 Where tension exists across any contact surface
betwecn intcrcon nected clements. shear transfer by contact
may be assulllcu only when minimum tics arc provided in :Jccordancc with Section
417.7 .
Association of S tr uctural Englr1eers of the Phil ir>Plnes

CHAPTER 4 . Concrete
418.1 Notalions
:::: urea of that pm1 of cross secti on between flexural
~~~~~()Il face and center of gravity of gross section,
intersecting al <I co lumn of a two-way slab, 1n1ll 2 ::;: area of prestressed r
einforcement in tell sion lone.
= larger gross cross-sec tional arCH or the slab-beam strips of the two ol1hogo
nnl equiva lent frames
b D d
::;: area of nonprcstressed tension reinforcement, 111m2 ::;: area of compressio
n reinforcement, mm 2 = width of compression face of member, mill :::: dead loa
ds or related internal moment s and forces ::::: distance from ex treme compress
ion fiber to ce nt roid of nonprestressed tension reinforcement, min :::: distan
ce from extreme. compression fiber to
tensile force in concrete due to unfactorc.d dead load plus live load (D + L) pr
estressing tendon force aljack ing end = prestressing tendo n force at any point
x ;:: factored pos t-te nsioned tendon force at the anchorage device ;:: total
angular change of prestressing tCllu on profile in rildians from te ndon jacking
end 10 ,IllY poill! x = factor defined in Sec tion 410.3.7.3 ;:: factor for typ
e o f prestressing tcndon . = 0.55 for .!"//,,, not less than 0.80 = 0.40 for /,
,,I/,," not less than 0.85 = 0.28 for /,,,11,,,, not less than 0.90 = correction
faclor rclated 10 un it weight of conc rete (See Sect ion 411 .8.4.3) = curvatu
re friction coefficient = ratio of nonprcstressed tension reinforcemcnt = A,!{bd
) =. ratio of com pression reinforcement

= A, "/(bd)

= ratio of prestressed reinforccment
= A,,/(bdp ) = s{rcngth~rcductioll factor. See Section 409.4 = pl/F,
centroid of co mpression reinforcement, mm
:::: distance from extreme com pression fiber to centroid of prestressed reinfor
celnc lll, mm ;:: basc of NapicJian logarithms ;:: spccified comprcss ive streng
th of concre te, MPa ;:;: square root of spec ifi ed compressive strengt h of co
ncrete, MPa
(j)' ". ;:: reinforcemc nt indices for flanged sections compu tcd as for (U, Uf.
. and oJ except that b sh'lll be the web width, and reinforcement area sha ll be
thaI req uired to develop compressive stre ngth of web on ly
WI' = 00 .... WI""
;:: compress ive strengt h of concrete ilt lime of initial
prestress, MPa ;:: avcmge co mpress ive stress in con cretc duc (0 effective pre
stress force only (aner allowance for all prestress losses). MPa ::: stress in p
restressed rcinforcclIlclll at nomina l st re ngth, MPa ;:: specified tensile st
rength of prestressing tc ndons ,
418.2 Scope 418.2.1 Provisions of this Sec lion sha ll apply 10 members prestres
sed wi th wire. strands or bars conrormi ng to provisio ns for prestressing tcn
do ns in Section 403,6.6. 418.2.2 AI! provisions of this code not specifically e
xcl uded, anc! not in conflict with provisions of thi s Section, shall apply to
prestressed concrete. 418.2.3 The fo llowin g provisions or this code shal l not
specified yield strength of prestressi ng tendons,
::: modulus of rupture of concrete, MPa ;:: effective st ress in prestressed rei
nforcement (after

allowance for a ll prestress losses), MPa = specified yield strength of nonpresl

rcsscd rcinforcement, MPil ;:: ove rall dimcns ion of me m ber ill direction of
action co nsidered, 111111 = wobble fri ction coellicient per 111 III of prcs tr
c.~s ing tendon ;:: length of prestressing tendon clement from jacking end to an
y point x. m. See Eqs. 4 18- 1 ,lIld 4 18-2 = Ji ve IOi.1ds or rci;l1ed internal
moment s and forces = number of Illonoslrand anchorage devices in . 1
it pply to prcstressed concrete, ext'cpt as specifically noted:
Secti ons 407.7.5. 408.5 . 408.11.2 through 408 . 11 .4. 408.12, 4 10 .4.2 and 4
10.4.0 , 410.6 . 410.7, 410. 10. 1. 410. 10 .2. 4JJ . 41 4 .4 . 414.6 and 414.7.
National Siruct urni Cod,,; of th e PililiPPU18S G!h Edition V()lurnC 1

CHAI'TE" 4 - Concrete
418.3 Gelleral 418.3.1 Prestressed members shall meet the strength
requirements specified in this code. 418.3.2 Design of prestressed members shall
be based on strength and on behavior at service conditions at all siages that m
ay be critical during the life of the structure 1'1'0111 the time prestress is f
irst applied.
418.3.3 Stress concentrations due to prestressing shall be
418.4.3 Prestressed flexural members shall be classified as Class U, Class T, or
Class C based on h' the computed extreme fiber stress in tension in the pre-com
pressed tensile zone calculated at service loads, as follows:
Class U: J, S O.62Jl Class T: 0.62J];' <f,:o I.OJ]; Class C:f, > 1.0J];
2. 3.
Prestressed two-way slab systems shall be designed as Class
U with!, :0 O.SOJ];.
considered in design.
418.3.4 Provisions shall be made for effects on adjoining
construction of elastic and plastic deformations, deflections, changes in length
and rotations due to prestressing. Effects of temperature and shrinkage shall a
lso be included. 418.3.5 Possibility of buckling in a member between points wher
e concrete and prestressing tendons are in contact and of buckling in thin webs
and flanges shall be considered.
418.3.6 In computing section properties prior to bonding of
The serviceability requirements for each class are summarized in Table 418-2. Fo
r comparison, Table 418-2 also shows conesponding requirements for nonprestresse
d members.
418.4.4 For Class U and Class T flexural members, stresses at service loads shal
l be permitted to be calculated using the uncracked section. For Class C flexura
l members, stresses aJ service loads shall be calculated using the cracked trans
formed section. 418.4.5 Deflections of prestressed flexural members shall be cal
culated in accordance with Section 409.6. 418.5 Permissible Stresses in Concrete
- Flexural Members 418.5.1 Stresses in concrete immediately aftcr prestress
prestressing tendons, effect of loss of area due to open ducts shall be consider
418.3.7 The serviceability requirements for each class are summarized in Table 4
18-1. For comparison, Table 418-1
also shows corresponding requirements for nonprestressed members.
418.4 Design Assumptions 418.4.1 Strength design of prestressed members for flex
transfer (before timc-dependent prestrcss losses):
and axial loads shall be based on assumptions given in
Section 410.3, except that Section 410.3.4 shall apply only
Extreme fiber slress in compression permitted in (2) shall not exceed

to reinforcement conforming to Section 403.6.3.
418.4.2 For investigation of stresses at transfer of prestress, at service loads
, and at cracking loads, straight-line theory shall be lIsed with the following
assumptions: 418.4.2.1 Strains vary linearly with depth through entire
2. Extreme fiber stress in compression at ends of simply 0.70// supported member
s shall not exceed... 3. Where computed concrete tensile strength,;;,
O.5J);'~ at ends of simply
members, c'
bop-; '"
load range.
418.4.2.2 At cracked sections, concrete resists no tension.
reinforcement shall be provided in the tensile 7-01':,' iii resist the total ten
sile force in concrete computed \vifll the assumption of an uncracked section.
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTER 4 - Conerole
418.5.2 For Class U and Class members, stresses in co nc rete at uncracked sect
ion properties, and prestress losses shall not exceed the plus sustained loads.
. . . . . . . . 2.
T prestressed n ex u!"al service loads based on after allowance for all foll ow
418.6 Permissible Stress in Prestressing Tendons 418,6.1 Tensile stress in prest
ressing tendons shall not exceed the following:
I. Extreme fiber stress in compression due
prestress . ... ... 0.45/".
Due L a prestressin g tendon j acking force
.. _. O.94J;,),
Extre me fiber stress in compression due to prestress plu s to tal load .. ... .
. . . . . .. .. .. 0.60/".
but 110t greater than the lesser of 0 .80 J"u and the maximum va lue recomme nde
d by manufacturer of prestressing te ndons or anchorage dev ices. Immediately af
te r prestress transfer .. . but not greate r than ........ _....... _...... .
P os t ~ tensioning
. .0.82/py
... 0.74/,"
418.5.3 Permissible stresses in concrete of Secti ons 418.5.1 and 418.5.2 may be
exceeded if shown by lest or analysis
that performance will not be impaired . 418.5.4 For Class C prestressed fl ex ur
al members not
and couplers, immediately after force transfer. , ,.70J,,,,
418.7 Loss of Prestress 418.7. 1 To derermine effective prestress fm allowance f
or the following sources of loss of prestress shaJl be co nsidered: I. 2. Te ndo
n sealing at lransfe r; Elastic shorten ing o f co ncrete; Creep of concrete; S
hrinkage of con crete; Relaxation of ICIl<JOIl stress; Friction loss due to int
en ded or unintended curvalUre in post-tens io ning tendons .
su bject

fatigue or
aggressive exposure, the spacing of
bonde d reinforcement nearest the extreme tension fa ce shall not exceed thal gi
ven by Section 410.7.4
f or structures subject to fatigue or exposed to corrosive ellv ironments, inves
t iga ti ons an d precautio ns are required .
418.5.4.1 The spac ing requirement s shall be met by Ilonprcstrcssed reinforceme
nt and bonded tendons. The spacing o f bonded tendons shall no! exceed 2/3 of t!
lC maximum spacin g permitted for Ilonprestressed reinforcemenl. Wh ere both rei
nfo rcement and bonded te nd ons are used [Q mee t the spaci ng requirement, the
spacing between a bar and a tendon shall not exceed 5/6 o f th al permi tted by
Sec tion 41 0.7.4. See also Section 418 .5.4.3. 418.5.4.2 In applyin g Eq . lOA
to prestressing tendons, A.ft,,\ shall be substituted for .f..., where ~r" ., s
ha ll be takcn as the calculated stress in the prestressing stee l at servi ce l
oads based on a c racked section analys is minus the decompressio n st ress hl("
' It shall be penn itled to take /d,' equal to the effective stress in the prest
ressing steel [,,,. Sec also Section 418.5.4.3 . 418.5.4.3 In applying Eq. 10-5
to prestressing tendons, the magnitude of 6/"s shall not exceed 250 MPa . When A
J;" is less th an or equal to 140 MPa, the spacin g requirement s of Sections 41 and 418.5.4.2 shall not apply. 418.5.4.4 Where h of a bea m e xceed s 90
3. 4.
5. 6.
418.7.2 Friction Loss in Post-Tensioning Tendons
418.7.2.1 Pp, force in pos t-tensionin g tendons a di stance ',,, from th e jack
ing end shall be comput ed by:
) - ( KI P px = I 11je
~. /f
(41 8- 1)
P 11,C
When (KI11.,+J1P CI,I.t) is not greater than OJ, permitted to be computed by:
sha ll be
418.7.2.2 Friction loss sha ll be based 0 11 experime ntally determin ed wobble

K .~uld curvature P I' frictio n coeffi cie nts and shri ll be verified duri ng
tendon stressi ng operations. 418.7.2.3 Values o f K and p J' coenicien ts used
in design shall be shown on design drawings. 418.7.3 W he re loss o f pres tress
in member may occur due to connecti on of me mber to IIdj oi ni ng cons tmc li o
n, such loss of prest ress shall be IIl10wed for ill des ig n.
the area
iongiludi ll:ll ski ll reinforcemen t consistin g of reinforce lne ll!
or bond ed tendo ns shall be prov id ed as required by Section
N8tional Structural Cod e of Ille Philippines (/' Edition Volume 1

4 100
CHAPTE R 4 Concrele
418.8 Flexural Slrenglh 418.8.1 Design moment st rength of fl ex ural members sh
be computed by the strength des ign methods of this chapter.
418.9 Limits for Reinforcement of Flexural
For prestressing tendons, ];,.1' shall be subst ituted for ,h. in strength compu
tations. 418.8.2 As an ahcrnati vc to a more accu rate determination Oil .strain
compatibility, the following "J)[Jl'Oxirnatc va lues OfJ,~f shall be permitted
to be used if IS( is nol Jess Ihan 0.5/,,;.
418.9.1 Pres lressed concrete secti ons shall hr ! '.! '. ' :'>-d 's c Hher I c
n s ion ~c onlroll ed . transition, or (OlliP:""::, j <m_ CO lli rolled sec ti o
ns, in accordance with Secti ons 4Iu.j .3 and 410.3.4 . The appropriat e strengt
h redu ction fac\t)J's, if , from Seclion 409.4 shall apply. 418.9,2 Total ilmou
nl I of prestressed and 1l01l111 :'Slrc.ssed reinforcement in members with bonde
d pres;),' \SI: d reinforcement shall be :Idequate to develop a fal;lorclj w.hl
at least 1.2 times the cracking load computed \ )1: th:' i,;:, !". '~ f (he modu
lus of rupture fr specified in St'( ", . .!!!";: -~ This provision shall be perm
incd to bc W 1U Yc! ,(': . "", members with shear and flexural st rength a ll ea
~;l !9!:ce \iii\! required by Seclion 409.3.
418.9.3 Part or all of the bonded reinforcclJ !!'i,; l om;i :;li! of bars or ten
dons shall be provided as clos!: :.'; !,::w! lc ab lt to the tensi on face in pr
estressed nex ural lllcmlwf s. In members prestressed with unbonded tendolls, fl
:i . fl,':! I Il1Ul l' bo nded reinforcement consisting of bars or K n<.loll:'>
~.~, ;; !I b' as required by Sccli on 418. I O.
(,; If'S based
For members with bonded tendons:
I 1" = I ,.., (I - ~[p ~ (0 PI 1',. +..!!-. d ,.
(O 'J])
where", is pl//e' , ",' is pJ//e', and YP is 0.55 for 1./1.. nol less Ihan 0.80;
0.40 for /,.//,.. nol Jess Ihan 0.85; and 0.28 for1.//'", nol less Ihan 0.90.
If any cOlilpression rein forcement is lakcn into account when calcu lnling J,.s
by Eq. 4 J 83. the term
, P p -f,,,, f ~
+ - --{/)-{U
d (

418.10 Minimum Bonded Reinforcement
418.10.1 A minimum area of bonded rcinfor('cl'twJ'd . . Id l !II . provided in a
ll fl exural members wiill UiJtollfi(.i i prestressing tendons as required by Se
ct ioJ)!: 1 :::.iiJ.1.. : 'I!: 418.10.3. 418.10.2 Except as provided in Section 4
1 8.IOJ. IIl:Hi mull area of bonded reinforce ment shall be COl1l rHlkd hy:
:-; hall be taken not less tha n 0.17 and d' shall be no
greater thill) 0 . 15 2.
For members with unbonded to-dcpth ratio of 35 or less:
tendons and with a span ;/ +70+~ /P '" 100
(4 184)
but /,,, ill Eq. 418-4 shall not he I<lkcn grea ter Ihan j~ .. nor grcmer tha ll
(k. + 4 15).
A, = 0.004A,., where AC l is area of thai part of cross seelie:, i){'t".'!, n i!,
nexura l tension face and ce nt er of gravity of i:.' .,;.:.. :,' , ', .;,. 418
.10.2.1 Bonded reinforcement requin~d ~.,' i . ; . shall be uniformly distributed
over prC-C\lI :li" " :""~ \l:'} zo ne as close as practi ca ble to extreme ten
siUli iii;;;.
418.10.2.2 Bonded rei nforcement sh,lIl rega rdless of service load stress condi
tions .
:: ;
mcmbers with un bonded prestressing tendons and with a span-to-depth ratio great
er than 35:
Fo r
f,,, ; / " + 70
(4185 )
but /,,, ill Eq . 418-5 shall not he takcn grea ter than /;')" nor grcillcr tlw
n <hI' + 2 10).
. 418.H.3
lei!"; ',
NOll prcs trcsscd rei nforcc mellt con forming to Section 403 .6.3 , if lIsed wi
th prestressing tendons, 511<1 11 be pc rmi!1cd to he considered 10 contribute 1
0 the tensile force and 10 be included in moment stren gth co mputations at .1 s

trcss equal to the specified yield strength fro Other nonprcslresscd reinforceme
nt shall be permitted to be included in strength computatiolls onl y if a strai
n cOlll p.Hibili ty analysis is made 10 determine stresses in such reinfo rcc r
418.10.3 ror two-way flal slab syste ms, . mi r:: .. :":l,; ., a ili itj d islri
bution o f bonded reinforcement shall he , 1 I . -: '_,;] .:d in Secli on, 4 I 8.
10.3. 1, 4 I 8. I0 .:1.2, and 4 I 8. IOJ.I. 418.10.3.1 Bond ed rei nforcement Shi
lJl not i . ;;.. ; .. " positi ve momen t ;lfCa s whc reji, Ihe cxtrcm ' '. -.:,
' tension in the pre~ comp ressed tcnsile lone :~\ ':!': "i,'" i,~,,1 (afler ;dI
OW<lllcc ror prcstress losscs) docs 1I ~, : , : ('l:': u.,,
I\ss oCi,:l ti on of Stru ctuml E r1girwGfs of tile Philipp ines

CHAf'TEf1 6 Wood
r .
lnl cnncdialc colullllls (/,.1 d greater than II but less than K):
619.1 General
Timher co nnectors and fasten ers may be used to transmit forces bet ween wood m
embers and bet ween wood and
metal members. 111C allowable loads and installation of timber connectors and fa
steners shall be in accard:mce with the tables as provided ill th.is Chapler. Th
e allowable IOHds and installation of timber connec tors shall be (\s set forth
in Tables 6.2. 6.17. 6 . 19. and 6.20. Safe loads and design practice s for Iype
s of connectors and fasteners not mentioned or fully covered may be determined i
ll a manner permiucd by the Building Official.
619.2 noll' Safe loads in kN for bolts ill shear ill se.asoned lumber shall
Long column ( Ir/ d of K or grcillcr):
(618- 11)
618.5 Compression at Angle fo Grain The allowable unit stress in compression at
an ilngle of load (0 grain between 0 find 90 shall be computed from the Hankinson
Equal iOIl as follows : F =
I~. f~.J. I;~. sill 1 0 + I~'J. cos] 0
(618- 12)
not exceed the values sci forth in Table 6.17. Allowable shear values used to co
nnect a wood LO concrete or masonry are. permitted to be determined as olle hal
f the
tabulated double shear values for a wood member twice the thickness of the membe
r attached to the conCrete or masonry.
619.3 Nails and Spikes 619.3.1 Safe Lateral Strength
Allowable values F,: shall be adjusted for duration of load before lise in Hanki
nson's Equation. Values of F" and 1~J. are not subjected to duration of load mod
ifications . '. ,,:. ,:.:. .... . ,~
A cornman wire nail driven perpendicular to grain of lhe
wood , when used to fasten wood members lOgether, shall
not be subjected LO a greater load causing shear and bending
than (he safe lateral strength of lhe wire nail or spike as SCI forth in Table 6
.21. A wire nail dri vcn parallel to the grai n of the wood shall not be subject

ed more than two thirds of the lateral load allowed when driven perpendicul ar t
o the grain. Toenails shall not be subjected more Ih an five sixths of the later
al load allowed for nails driven perpendicular to the grain.
619_3_2 Safe Resistan ce to With,h-awal A wire nail driven perpendi cuhlf" to gr
ain of wood shall nol be subj ec ted to a greater load, tend ing to cause withdr
awal , than the safe resis(ance o f th e nail to withdraw al, as sct forth in Tab
l e 6.21.
Nalionai Siruciural Code of Ihe Philippines 6 Edilion Volume 1
1 h

619.3.3 SI)acillg and Jlent'trtllion Common wire mliis shall have penetration in
to the piece receiving the point as SCI forth ill Table 6.21. Nails or spikes fo
r which the wire gauges or lengths Elrc not sct fOrlh
in Table 6.2 1 shall have a required penclnttion of lIot less than II diameters,
lind allowable lond s ma y be inlcrpoliUcd.
Design values shed! be increased whell the pe netratioll of nail s into the memb
er holding the point is larger than the required by Ihi s item. For wood to-w(lod
jOints, the spacing center to center of nails in the direction of stress shall
not be less than one half
of lhe required pcnctralion. r=.dgc or end di sta nces in the direction of stres
s shall not be less one ha lf of ehe required penetration. All spacing and edge
and end distances shall be suc h as to avoid splitting of the wood. Hol es for n
ail s, where necessary to prevent spliuing, shall be bored of a diameter smalle
r than th at of the nail s. 6J 9.4 Joist Hangel"s and Framing Anchors Con nectio
ns depending upon joist ha ngers o r rraming an chors, tics and other mechanical
ra ste nings no t otherwise covered may be used wtlcrc <lpprovcd
I ,
'j .<l .J ..-. - .-1-- .
HOt Olt-.G LU;MBt-:A
Figure 619.5.2 -A: Basic Withdrawal ConnCl'ti uH
:rl -~-- H~~~~;
Figurc 6J9.S.2-U: Withdrawal from End-Grain
619.5 Miscellaneous Fasteners 619.5.1 Drift Bolts or Drift Pins
Connections involving the li se or drirt bolts or pillS sh<.11I be designed in a
ccordance with the provisions set fOll h in this

(not allowed)
Chapter. 619.5.1.1 Wood Screws and Lag Screws
Wood and lag screws shall be used where there is limited penetration, especially
in a withdrawal design, as these provide greater resistance. Design of th e sc
rews shall be in accord ance with the provjsion s set fOl1h in thi s Chapter.
./ __
Figure 6J9.S.2-C: Tocnail Connecti oIl Withdrawal from
Side Gr~,in
6 Laleral Design Va lues Allo wable lateral design values for drift bol
ts and drifl pins dri ven in the side grain or wood shall nOI exceed '/5 Ji;,'r:
,'11I of lhe all owable laleral des ign values fo r common : :
th e ~ al11c diameter and Icilgth in main me mber. A{ \:i tj ~ii\a l penetration
of pin into members should he provided in lieu o f the washer. head find nu t 0
11 it com m Oil boll.
619.5.1.2 Withdrawal Design Va lues Drift boll and dlifl pin connections loaded
in withdrawal shall be designed in accordance with good engineering pmctice. Fi
gures 619.5.2A to 619.S.2-C are exa mpl es of withd rawal connecti ons.
619.5.2 Spike G.-ids
Wood-Io-wood connection s involving spike grit.ls for hlnal load transfer shall
be desig ned in accordance wi!:l od
Associalion of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTER 4 . Concreto
418.10.3.2 In positive moment areils where computed lensil e stress in concrete
at service load exceeds D,l71l'
minimum area of bonded reinforcement 5h:'11I be computed
418. 11 Statically Ind eterminate Stru ctures
(41 8-7)
418.11.1 Fr~ ll1 es and COl1linllOUS co nstruction of prcstressed concrete shall
be designed 1'01' satisfactory perfo rmance at service load condi tions an d fo
r adequate strgngth .
41H.l1.2 Performance at se rvice load conditions shall be determined by clas ti
c ana lysis, c~~lsidc r ing reactions, moments. shears, and <lx ia! forces proo'
u'ccd by prestressing, creep, shrinkage, tcmpcrature cha nge, ax ia l deformatio
n, restraint o f altac hed structuftll clements and foundati on settlement.
418.11.3 Moments used to compute required st rength shall be lhe sum of the momc
nts due to reacti ons induced by prestressing (with a load factor of 1.0) and th
e moments due
where design yie ld strength
j;, used in Bq. 418 -7 shall /lot
exceed 4 J 5 MPn . Bonded reinforcement sha ll be uniformly
dist ributed over pre-comp resse d tensile zOlle as close as practicahle to extr
eme tension fiber. 418.10.3.3 In nega ti ve mome nt afC(lS at column supports, m
inimum area of bonded reinforcement AJ in the lOp of the slab in each direction
shall be computed by:
= 0.OO075A,{
where A. j is the larger gross cross-sectional area of the slabbeam strips ililw
o oflh ogona l equi valent frames imcrsccLing a t a co lumn in a I wo-way slab.
to factored loads. Adjustment of the sum of these moments
shall be permiLted as a llowed in Section 4 18.1 1.4. 418.11.4 Redistribution of
Ncgativc M011lcnl.'i in Continuous Prestrcssed Flexural Members 418.11.4.1 Wher
e bonded reinforcement is providcd at SUPP011S in accord ance Wilh Section 41 8.
10, it shall be permitted to decrease negative or positive moments calculated b
y clastic theory for any assli med londing, in accordance with Section 408.5.
Bonded reinforceme nt required by Eq. 4 1R-8 shall bc distributed between lines t
hat are J .511 outside opposite faces of the column suppo rt . AI Icast four bar
s or wires shall be provided in each di rection. Spacing of bonded reinforcement
shall not exceed 300 mlTI.

418.10.4 Minimulll lengt h of bonded re inforccmelll req ui red by Sections 4 18

.10.2 and 418.10.3 shall be as required in Sections 418.I0.4. 1,4 ! 8. 10.4.2, a
nd 418.10.4.3.
418.10.4.1 in positive moment areas. minimum Icngtl1 of bonded reinforcement sha
ll be one-third the clear span length, /", and celHered in posi tive mOlllcnl ar
ea. 418.10.4.2 In negat ive momen t arC;:ls. bonded reinforcement shall ex tend
one-six th the de.l r span, I,,, on eac h side of support. 418.10.4.3 Where bo n
ded reinforcem ent is provided for design moment stre ngt h, A1., in acco rdance
with Section 418.8.3, or for tens il e st ress conditions in accordance with Sec
ti on 4! 8. 10.3.2. minimum length also shal! conform to provis ions of Section
418.11.4.2 The reduced moment shall be used for calculating redistributed moment
s at all other sections within the spans. Static equi librium shall be maintaine
d after rcdistJibution of moments for c,lch loading arrangement.
4J8.12 Compression Members - Co mbin ed F1exm.. 1 and Axial Loads
418.12.1 Prestressed conc rete mcmbers subject to flexure and axial load, with o
r without nonprcslressed reinforcement, shall be proportioned by the st rength d
esign methods of this chapter. Effects of prest ress. creep. shrinkage and Icmpc
ralllrc cha nge sha ll he included.
co mbined
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Voltll'llr? 1
i1 l

CHAPTEf14 - Concrete
418.12.2 Limits for Reinforcement of Prestressed Compression Members 418.12.2.1
Members with average compressive stress in concrete less than 1.6 MPa, due to ef
fective prestress force only, shall have minimulll reinforcement jn accordance w
Sections 407.11, 410.10.1 and 410.JO.2 for columns, or
be met, with appropriate consideration of the factors listed in Section 418.11.2
418.13.4 POI' uniformly distributed live loads, ;;pacing of tendons or groups of
tendons in at least one di!l:dion shaJi not exceed the smaller of eight times t
he slab thickness, and I.S m. Spacing of tendons also shall provide a :ninimum a
verage prestress of 0.9 MPa on the slab section tributary to the tendon or tendo
n group. For slabs with v;,; \ing cross "ndicular section along the slab span, e
ither parallel or to the tendon or tendon group, the minill1: :;" "/erage effecti
ve prestress of 0.9 MPa is required <It ('v! I'Y (~ross section tributary to the
tendon or tendon gro'T the span. Concentrated loads and opening in slab:-; sila
ll be considered when determining tendon spacing.
Section 414.4 for walls.
418.12.2.2 Except for walls, members with average prestress It),. equal to or gr
eater than 1.6 MPa shall have all prestressing tendons enclosed by spirals or la
teral tics in accordance with the following:
1. 2.
Spirals shall conform to Section 407.11.4; Lateral ties shall be at least 10
diameter in size or
welded wire fabric of equivalent area, and spaced
vertically not to exceed 48 tie bar or wire diameters or least dimension of comp
ression member;
418.13.5 In slabs with unbonded prestressing tendons, bonded reinforcement shall
be provided in accord :-.lIlce with Sections 418.10.3 and 418.10.4.
418.13.6 Except as permitted in Section 418.J3.7, in slabs with unbonded tendons
, a minimum of two 12 m:n diameter or larger, seven-wire post-tensioned strand.,
; shall be provided in each direction at columns, eithu passing through or ancho
red within the region bounded by the longitudinal reinforcement of the column. O
UWdc. columJl and shear cap faces, these two structural inlC jil'tendons shall p
ass under any orthogonal tendons in adjii',:clll spans. Where the two structural
integrity tendon~: irC!t'.lICd within the region bounded by the longitudinill "
::!;" r CHJ(.n! of the column, the anchorage shall be \oC<11e :: tbe: column ce
ntroid and away from the anchored si .:il.
Tics shall be located vertically not more than half a tie spacing above top of f
ooting or slab in any story, and shall be spaced as provided herein to not more
than half a tic spacing below lowest horizontal reinforcement in members support
ed above; Where beams or brackets frame into all sides of a column, it shall be
permitted to terminate ties not more than 7S mIll below lowest reinforcement in
such beams or brackets.

418.12.2.3 For wall.s with average prestress J;". equal to or greater than 1.6 M
Pa, minimum reinforcement required by Section 414.4 may be waived where structur
al analysis shows adequate strength and stability.
418.13 Slab Systems
418.13.1 Factored moments and shears in prestressed slab systems reinforced for
flexure in more than olle direction shall be determined in accordance with provi
sions of Section 413.8, (excluding Sections 4 t3.8.7.4 and 413.8.7.5), or by Ill
ore detailed design procedures. 418.13.2 Moment strength, M" of prestressed slabs
required by Section 'f09,4 at every section shall be at least equal to the requ
ired strength Mil, considering Sections 409.3, 418 . 11 J and 4 I 8, 11.4. Shear
strength f&V", of prestressed slabs at columns shall be at least eqllal \0 the
required strength considering Sections 409.J, 411.2, 411.13.2 and 411.13.6.2. 41
8.13.3 At service load conditions, all serviceability limitations, including spe
cified limits on dellcctions, shall
418.13.7 Prestressed slabs not satisfying Se_, ::\)11 ':J~\.13.6 shall be permit
ted provided they C(:: \;ottOlll reinforcement in each direction passing wilhiii
!'('ginn bounded by the longitudinal reinforcement of 1\1, and anchored at exte
rior supports as required by Scc!iul1 41 J.4.8.5. The area of bottom reinforcenK
!'~ c/" direction shall be not less than 1.5 times that !,\' I 410-3 and not les
s than 2.1b"LlIf"" where b" i': [1:: 1\ ,i: the column face through which the re
info: Minimulll extension of these bars beyond th cap face shall be equal to or
greater li:; development length required by Section 412.2 L 418.13.8 'In lift sl
abs, bonded bottom reinforcelllcli: :,)i:,:' be detailed in accordance with Sect
ion 4IJ.4.~U'
I\sSOCii1tIOIl of Structural En9ineers of the Phitippines

CHAPTER 4 - Concrete
418.14 Pos t-Tensioncd Tcndon Anchorage Zones 418.14.1 Anchorage Zone The Hnchor
age zone sha ll be considered as composed of two zones: I. The 10c.1I zone is th
e rectangular prism (or cquiv'l lent rectangular prism for circular or ova l anc
horages) of co ncrete immedimely su rrounding the anchorage device and any confi
n ing reinforcement; The general zone is the anchorage zone as defined Section 4
02 and includes the local zone.
418.14.4.2 Exce pt for conc rete confined within s pirals or hOOp5 providing con
finement equivalent to that corresponding to Eg. 410~6, nomin al compre5sive str
ength of concrete in the general zone shall be lim ited 100.7 )f(,;. 418.14.4.3
Compressive strength of concrete at time o f posHensioning shall be s pecified i
n the contract documents. Unless oversize anchorage devi ces are si7..cd to co m
pensate for the lower compressive strengt h or the tendolls arc st ressed (Q no
more than .50 percell( of Ihe fin al tcndon force, tendons shall not he stressed
until co mpressive strength of concrete, as indicated by tes ts consistent with
the curing of the member, is at leasl 28 MPa for multi strand tendons or at lea
st l7 MPa for single-strand or bar tendons. 418.14.5 Design Methods 418.13.5.1 T
h e following methods shall be permitted for the design of general zones provide
d that the specific procedures used result in predi ction of strength in substan
tial ag reement with results of comprehensive tests:
418.14.2 Local Zone 418.14.2.1 Design of local zones shall be based upon (he fac
tored tendon force. PJ u and the requirements of Sec tions 409.3.5 and 409.4.2.5
418.14.2.2 Local-zone rei nforcement shall be provided w here req uired for pro
per fu ncti on ing of the anchorage device. 418.14.2.3 Local-zon e requirements
of Section 418.14.2.2 are satisfied by Sec ti on 418. I 5.1 or 418 .16. I and 41
8 . I 6.2. 418.14.3 General Zon e
Eq uilibrium models);
Linear stress analys is (inclu di ng fini te element ana lysis or equ ivalent);
or Simplilied equations where applicable.
418.14.3. 1 Design of general wnes shall be based upon the factored tend o n for
ce, P fU , and Ihe requirements of Sections 409.).5 a nd 409.4 .2.5 418.14.3.2 G
ene ra l-zone reinforcement shall be provided where required to resist bursting,
spallin g, and longitudinal edge. IClls io n forces induced by an chorage devic
es. Effects of abrupt change in sectioll sha ll be considered.
418.14.5.2 Simplified equations shal l nOl be lIsed where member cross sections

arc Ilonrectangular, where di scontinu ities in or ncar the ge ne ral zone cause
deviations ill Ihe force n ow path, w here minimum edge distance is less than 1
. 5 times the anchorage device laleral dimensi on ill thai direct ion, or where
multiple anchora ge devices are used in OIlier than one closely spaced group. 41 The stress ing seq uence shall be specified on the design drawings and
considered in the design. 418.14.5.4 Three-dimens ional effects shall be conside
red ill design and ana lyzed using three- dime ns iona l procedures or approxima
ted by considering the summation of effects for tw o ort hogonal planes. 418.14.
5.5 For intermediate anc horage devices, bonded reinforcement shall be prov ided
10 trilllsfer at least 0.35 p." into the concrete section behind {he anchor. Suc
h reinforce ment shall be placed symmetrically around the anchorage devices and
shall be full y developed both behind and aheHd o f the anchorage devices ,
418.14.3.3 The gClIcrHI-zone requircmelHs of Section 4 18. 143.2 are satisfied b
y Sections 418.14.4, 4 18.14.5, 418.14.6 and whichever one of Section 4 I 8. 15.
2 o r 418. I 5.3 or 418. 16.3 is applicable.
418.14.4 Nominal Material Strengths 418.14.4.1 Nominal te nsile streng th of bon
ded reinforcemcnl is limited to J,. for l1onprcstrcs$ed reinforce ment ;md to h,
,' for pres tressed rcin forceme nt Nomina l tensi le stress of unhomJcd prestre
ssed rein forcement for resisting tensile forces in th e anchorage zone shall be
limited to!,,)::; h .. +70,
Nationa l Structural Code of the Philippines GIll Edition Volume 1

CHAPTER 4 Concrele
418.14.5.6 Where curved tendons arc used in the general
zo ne, except for monostrand tend ons in slabs or where analysis shows reinforce
ment is not required, bo nded rei nforcement shall be provided (0 resist mdial a
nd splitting forces. 418.14.5.7 Except for ll1onostrnnd tendoJl!'i ill slabs or
where analysis shows
minimulll reinforcement with a nominal (ensile st rength eq ual 10 2 perce nt of
each factored lendon force shall be provided in on hogonal directi ons paralic!
[ 0 the back face of all anchorage zones to limit spaJling.
418.14.5.8 Te nsile strength of conc rete shall be neglectod in calculaii ollS o
f reinforcement rcquircmcnLs. 418.14.6 Detailing Requirem euts Selection of rein
forcemen t sizes, spacings, cover, and other dcwils for anchorage zones shall ma
ke allowances for tolerances on the bending, fabri cation, and placement of rc.i
nforcemcnI, for th e size of aggregate, and for adequ ate placement and consol i
dation of th e concrete.
conside red as a grollI'. For each group of six or mOre nnc.:horagc devices, Il+
J hairpin bars or closed .o;ti rrllps at leas t 10 mill diameter in size S h ~l
l\ be provi{kd . wlK'.re II is the number of anchorage devi ces. One hairp in b~
lr or stirrup shall be placed bCIwecn eac h nnchorage lJcvicl: and one On eac h
side of Ihe group. The haiq)in bars 01" sli nnps shall be placed with the legs cx
tending into the slab perpendicular to the edge. The ce nt er portion of [he ha
ilpin bars or stirrups shall be placed perpendicular to the ,;lane of the slab f
rom 3"'8 10 hJ2 ahead or the anchorage deVIces. 418.15.2.4 For anchorage devi ce
s /lot conforming 11) Section 4, minimulll reinforce ment shall be b:.
lscd upon ;\ detailed analysis satisfying Scction 418. 14 .5.
418.15.3 GencralZone Design for Groups of Monost rand Tendons in Beams and Girder
Design of general zones for groups of m0l1o11 :l nd iendon$ in beams and girders
shall meet Ihe requiremelll:-> or Sections 4 18.14.3 Ihrough 418. 14.5. 418.16 D
esign of Anchorage Zones for MuIri s(nm nd
418.16. 1 Local Zone Design
l3asic mu ltist rand tlnchoragc devices and local zo ne reinforcement shall meel
the requirement ::; 'II" t\/'.S HTO "Standard SpecificatitJl1.rfor Highway Brid
gd, " Division 1, Articles Ihrough 9.21.7 .2.4.
418.15 Design of Anchorage Zones for Monos trand or Single 16 nlln J)iamctcf B~l
r Tendons
418.15.1 Local Z<lIle Design
MOllostrand or single 111 16 111111 or smallcr b'lf anchorage devices and local
lone reinforcc mcm shall mcel the requiremen ts of the AC I 42.1.7 or thc specia
l anchorage dcvi(.:c requirem ents of Section 418. I 6.2. 4J8.15.2
Gellc r al~'l'..A)IIC
Design for Slab Telldons

Special anc horage devices shall siltisfy (he tests rl~qujred in AASHTO "Standar
d Spec{(icariolls for fligh ll ilY /)ridge s, " Division 1, Art icle 9.2 1.7 .3 a
nd described , II .A.AS HTO "Sumdard Specijlcariolls fnr Highway IJridj;es, " 17
111 Edilion, 2002, Division II, Anicle
418.16.2 Usc of Special Anchorage Devices
418.15.2. 1 For anchorage devices ror 12 mill or smalier diameter strands in non
nalweight concrete slabs, minimum rcinforccmc. 1l1 meeting the requirements of S
ection 418 .15.2.2 and 418.15.2.3 shall he provided unless a dClniled <lllaIY!ii
s satisfying Section 4 18.14.5 !)hows stich reinforcement is not required. 4J8.1
5.2.2 Two horizo ntal bars at least 1?J!2 111111 ill size shal! be provided para
llcl to the slab edge. Tiley shall be pc rmilt cd 10 he ill contact with the fro
n t f"ac.:c of the ancho rage device and shall he wi lh in a dis1<lncc of V1 " H
hcad of each device. Those bars shall extend at least 150 111m eithcr side of th
e outer edges of each device. 418.15.2.3 If the center-to-center spaci ng of an
chorage dev ices is 30n mill or Icss, the anchora ge devices shall be
Where special anchorage devices arc to he 1I~I~d, supplcmental skin reinforcemcn
t 5h<lll be rurn ished in the cO ITcspo ndi ng regions or the < lIlchoragc ZOIF"
. ,[I ,.;d n;on I() the confining reinforcemcnt specified t{) : .:",1 .a gl~ de
vice. This supple mental rcinforcemelll sll:I !! i.: .iini'l1" in c~H1 l ipl ralio
n and al leas t equivalen t in VOIU! ll1' tric 1":1'10 to any supplementary skin
reinforceme nt used t i l Ii.' (IH:difying acce ptance teslS o f the anchorage d
ev ice.
418.16.3 GeneralZo ne Design
Design for general
Ihe req uiremenls
for mullistrand tendons
~hallll1ee t
or Sl'ctions 418.14.3 Ihro !, ~~i ; .: 1~;.: 1 ..
Association of Strllc{urai Fnq!neors of the

CHAPTER 4 . Concrete
418.17 Corrosion Prot(~ction for Unbondcd Prcstrcssing Tendons 418.17.1 Unbonded
tcndons shall be encased with sheathing. Thc tendons shall be completely coated
and the sheathing around the tendon filled with suitable material to inhibit co
rrosion. 418.17.2 Sheathing shall be watct1ight and continuous over entire lengt
h to be uhbonded. 418.17.3 For applications in corrosive environments, the sheat
hing sl1<111 be connectcd to all stressing, intermediate and fixcd anchorages in
a watertight fashion. 418.17.4 Unbonded single strand tendons shall be protccte
d against cotTosion in accordance with ACt 423.7. 418.18 Post-Tensioning Ducts 4
18.18.1 Ducts for grouted tendons shall be mortar-tight and nonreactive with con
crete, tendons, grout, and corrosion inhibitor. 418.18.2 Ducts for grouted singl
e wire, single strand, or single bar tendons shall have an inside diametcr at le
ast 6 mm larger than tendon dinmcter. 418.18.3 Ducts for grouted multiple Wire,
multiple strand, or multiple bar tendons shall have an inside cross-sectional ar
ea at leas! two Ii IllCS the cross-sectional area of tendons. 418.18.4 Ducts sha
ll be maintained free of ponded water if members to be grouted arc exposed (0 tc
mperatures below freezing prior to grouting. 418.19 Grout for Bonded Prestressin
g Tendons 418.19.1 Grout shall consist of ponland cement and water; or portland
cemcnt, sand, and water. 418.19.2 Materials for grout shall conform to Sections
418.19.2.4 Admixtures conforming to Section 403.7 and known to have no injurious
effects on grout, steel, or concrete shall be permitted. Calcium chloride shall
not be used. 418.19.3 Selection of Grout Proportions 418.19.3.1 Propol1ions of
materials for grout shall be based on either of the following:
Results of tests OJl fresh and hardened grout prior to beginning grouting operat
ions; or Prior documented experience with similar materials and equipment and un
der comparable field conditions.
418.19.3.2 Cement used in the work shall correspond to that on which selection o
f grout prop011iol1s was based. 418.19.3.3 Water content shall be minimum necess
ary for proper pumping of grout; however, water-cement ratio shall not exceed 0.
45 by weight. 418.19.3.4 Water shall not be added to increase grout nowability t
hat has been decreased by delayed use of the grout. 418.19.4 Mixing and Pumping
Grout 418.19.4.1 Grout shall be mixed in equipment capable of continuous mechani
cal mixing and agitation that will produce uniform distribution of materials, pa
ssed through screens, and pumped in a manner that will completely fil! the ducts
. 418.19.4.2 Temperature of members at time of grouting shall be above 2e and sha
ll be maintained above 2C until field-cured 50 mrn cubes of grout reach a minimum
compressive strength of 5.5 MPa. 418.19.4.3 Grout temperatures shall not be abo
ve 32C during mixing and pumping. 418.20 Protection for Prestressing Steel Burnin
g or welding operations in the vicinity of prestressing steel shall be performed
so that prestressing stee! is not subject to excessive temperatures, welding sp
arks, or ground currents.
418.19.2.1 through 418.19.2.4.
4HU9.2.1 Portland celllcnt shall conform to Section 403 3. 418.19.2.2 W<Her shal
l conform to Section 403.5. 418.19.2.3 Sand, if used, shall conform to "S{(mr/ar
for Ag;.:!'(?gate for Masonl), Mortar" (ASTM

C! 44) except that gradation shall be permitted to be modified as necessary to o

btain satisfactory workability.
Nallonal Siruclul-ai Code of the Philippines
Eclition Volume -I

CHAPTEFl 4 Conerele
4J8.22 PostTensioning Anchorngcs and Couplers 4]8.21 Application and Measurement
of Prcstl'cssing
4J8.21.1 Prc~trcsslng force shaH be determined by both of th e following methods
: I. Measurement of' steel elongation. Required elongation shal l be dctcnnincd
/'rom average load -elonga tion curves for the prestressing steel u';:!.!; Obser
vation of jacking force on a calibrated gage or load cell or by use of a calibra
ted dynamometer.
418.22.1 Anchorages and couplers for bonded and un bonded tendons shall deve lop
at least 95 pen:C-IH of the specified breaking strength of the (lmdons. j;."" w
ilen It:stcd in an unbondcd condition, without exceeding anti('ip~l\ed set. POI'
bonded tendons, anchorages and couplers \hall be located so that 100 perce nt o
f' th e spcci ned breaking strength of the tendons. j;.". , shall be developed :
ll C) ::ical sections after the prestressing steel are bonded ill the member. 41
8.22.2 Couplers shall be placed ill areas approved by the engineer-all-record an
d enclosed in hOllsing long ellough to
permit lIecessluy movements .
Cause of ;:IIlY difference in force determination between methods J nnd 2 that e
xceeds .5 percent for prctcnsioncd elements or 7 percent for posl-lcnsiollcd con
struction shall
be ascertained and corrected.
418.21.2 Where the transfer of force from the bulkheads of pre-tensioning bed to
the concrete is accomplished by name cutting prestressing tendons, cutting point
s and cutting sequence shall be predetermined (0 avoid undesired tcmpomry stress
es. 418.21.3 Long lengths of exposed pre tensioned strand shall be cut ncar the m
ember to minimize shock to concrete. 418.21.4 Total loss of prestress due to unr
eplaced broken te ndons sha!l not exceed 2 percent of IOlal prestress.
418.22.3 III unhanded construction subject to repet itive loads, special attenti
on sha ll be give n to the possibility of fatigue in anchorages and couplers. 41
8.22.4 Anchorages. couplers, and end fittings shall be permanently protected aga
inst corrosion.
'" '" 0 :;
'" I--

~ .c
"" '" '"
Table 4 ) 8-1 Friction Coefricicnts for PoslTensioncd Tendons for Use in Equation
418-1 or 4 182 Wobble
--~---~ ---- -- - ~.- - .- -- . - -ClIrv'lturc
........._ .Wire tendons Highstrenglh bars strand .._--_. __ ._ ..... - ----- . 7wire
--~.-- .
__ _._-_._
Wire tendons
15-=-0.25 0.00330.0049 O. ..- - .OJ)0030.0020 O. 08 ())O ---.---. ----.-0: 1"5:0.250
00160.0066 .. .-.-.-- .....--.-.-.. _-.--.. ..---- -------- ~~.--cienI , JifJ?cr rad ian .____ ~y.fflci~~~~~~~cr _~_ _. __...__c()cffi ..
_-----' .
O. 050 15
OJ)50 15
'0 '0
.t:> ~ ;:;> I-0 "
. '""
0 '0

'" '"
7-wirc strand
" '"
'" '" '"
Wire tendons
0.00 IO(). 0066
o. 05() 15
-- --~-L _ _ ...
----7-wirc strand
----~-- ---- ---0.00 I(J.(U)()66
Association of Structural Engineers of Ule Philippin es

CHAPTE r , 4 . Concre le
410 7
Ta ble
4 18~2
Serviceabilit y Design Requirement s
Prestressed Nonprcstrcssed
Class U Class T Class C Cracked Crack section Sec li on 41 8.4.4 Sec ti on 41 8.
5.1 Cracked
Assullled behavior
Uncrac ked
Transition betwee n
uncmckcd and cr acked
Section properties for stress calculation at service loads
Allowable stress at trallsfer ABowabJc compressive stress based 011
Gross sec tion Secti on 4 18.4.4 Sectio n 41 8.5. 1
Gross section
Sectio n 4 18.4 .4 Secli on 41 8.5. 1
No requirement
No requirement
uncracked section p,'operties Tensile stress at service loads
Sect. 418.4.3
4 18.5.2
SeclioIl41 8.5.2
No requirement
No requirement
so62 ft
Sect. 409.6.4. 1 Gross section
ft <ft sft
No requirement
No requirement
Sect. 409.6.2, 409.6.3
Sec t. 409 .6.4.1
Sect. 409.6.4 . 1 Cracked section,

Deflection calculation basis

--.----~ .
Cracked section,
.... _ -_.. _."_.._...
Effective moment of inertia
Section 410.7.4
MI(A s x lever arm). or O.6fy
Crack control
Computatioll of Alp.\' orfs for
Seclion 410.7.4
No requirement
-.._ ._.
Modified by Sect. 418.5.4.1 Cracked seclion
crack control Side skin reinforcement
_ ..
No rcquirement
Scction 410.7.7
No rcq tl iremell l
Sec lion 4 10.7.7
National Structural Code
or tl18 Pililippines Gill Edition Volume

CHAPTER 4 ConcrelO
Table 418-3
ASTM Standard Prestressing Tendons
kg/m 0.182 0.294
Nomiual Arca,
mlll 2
tn,l kghn
0.4 32
Seven-wire Strand (Grade 1725)
---_..ll.l 12.7
OA05 0.548

Sevell-wire Strand (Grade IS60)

_ ..
9 Sl I 1.10 12.70
54.8 74.2 98.7 140.0 IS.7 ------_ . 19.5 31.7 38.6
_ _ ~ _ _ u
92.9 139A 284.0 387.0
0.730 1.094 2.230 3.040 3.970
Prestressing Wire
... _ - 4.88
15.2 19.0 22.0 250
4.98 6.35 7.01 15.0
--.-- . ---~
'--.Prestressing Bars (Plain)
503.0 639.0 794.0 955.0
29.0 ----32.0 35.0
----,--~-.-.--.--.-5.030 . -------_._6.210 -_._.... ...Prestressing

. ........ __ ......._---7.520
Bars (Deformed)
20.0 - - - - _..._ ... 26.0
~-271.0 548.0 806.0
.. _------32.0
, ,(I
Association of S!I"lIcturai Engineers
or the

CHAPTER 4 ..- Structural Concrete

418.23 External {)ost- Tensioning 418.23.1 Po)-;t-tcll)-;ioning tendons shall be
permitted to be external to any concrete section of a member. The strength and
serviceability dcsign methods of this code shall be used in evaluating the elfcC
ls oj" external tendon forces on the concrete structure. 418.23.2 External tendo
ns shal! be considered as unbonded tcndons when computing llexural strength unle
ss provisions are made to effectively bond the external tendons to the concrete
section along its cntire length. 418.23.3 Extcrnal tendons shall be attached to
the concrete member in a manner that maintains the desired eccentricity between
the tendons and the concrete centroid throughout the full range anticipated memb
er derJcctioJ1.
419.1 Notations
:::: modulus of elasticity of concrete, MPa, See Section 408.6.1 = sDecified com
pressive strength of concrete, MPa :::: sqt:are root of specified compressive st
rength of concrete, MPa yield strength of nonprestresscd reinforcement, MPa ::::
thickness of shell or folded plate, mm :::: development length, mm :::: strengt
h-reduction factor. See Section 409.4
h /"
: : specified

419.2 Scope and Del1nitions
419.2.1 Provisions of Section 419 shaH apply to thin-shell and folded-plate conc
rete structures, including ribs and edge mcmbers. 419.2.2 All provisions of this
code not specifically excluded, and not in conflict with provisions of Section
419, shall apply to thin-shell structures.
Extema! tendons and tendon anchorage regions shall be protected against corrosio
n, and the details of the protection method shall be indicated on the drawings o
r in the project sped fications.
419.2.3 Thin Shells
Three-dimensional spatial structures made up of one or more curved slabs or fold
ed plates whose thicknesses are small compared to their other dimensions. Thin s
hells are characterized by their three-dimensional load-carrying behavior, which
is dctcrrnined by the geometry of their forms, by the manner in which they are
supported, and by the naturc of the applied load.
419,2.4 Folded Plates
A class of shell structure formed by joining flat, thin slabs along their edges
to create a three~climensional spatial structure.
419.2.5 Ribbed Shells
Spatial structures with materia! placed primarily along certain preferred rib li
nes, with the area between thc ribs filled with thin slabs or left open.

419.2.6 Auxiliary Members

Ribs or edge beams that serve to strengthen, stiffen, or support the shell; usua
lly, auxiliary members act jointly with the shell.
Nation,)1 Structural Code of the Philippines 6
Edition Volume 1

CHAPTER 4 -- Siruciural Concrelo
419.2.7 Elastic Analysis
An analysis of deformations and internal forces based on
equilibrium, compatibility of strains, and assumed elastic
behavior, and representing to a suitable approximation the three-dimensional act
ion of the shell together with its auxiliary members.
419.2.8 Inelastic Analysis An analysis of dcfornlJ~lions and internal forces bas
ed on equilibrium, nonlinear stress-strain relations for concrete and reinforcem
ent, consideration of cracking and timedependent effects, and compatibility of s
trains. The analysis shall represent to a suitable approximation thrcedimensiona
l action of the shell together with its auxiliary members. 419.2.9 Experimental
Analysis An analysis procedure based on the measurement of deformations or strai
ns, or both, of the structure or its model; experimental analysis is based on ei
ther elastic or inelastic behavior. 419.3 Analysis and Design 419.3.1 Elastic be
havior shall be an accepted basis for determining internal forces and displaceme
nts of thin shells. This behavior shall be permitted to be established by comput
ations based on an analysis of the uncracked concrete stmcture in which the mate
rial is assumed linearly clastic, homogeneous and isotropic. Poisson's ratio of
concrete shall be permitted to be taken equal to zero . 419.3.2 Inclastic analys
is shall be permitted to be used where it can be shown that such methods provide
a safe basis for design. 419.3.3 Equilibrium checks of internal resistances and
external loads shall be made to ensure consistency of results. 4]9.3.4 Experime
ntal or numerical analysis procedures shall be permitted where it can be shown t
hat such procedures provide a safe basis for design . 419.3.5 Approxi mate metho
ds of anal ysis shall be permitted where it can be shown that such methods provi
de a safe basis for design . 419.3.6 In prestressed shells, the analysis shaH al
so consider behavior under loads induced during prestressing, at cracking load a
nd at factored load. Where prestressing tendons arc draped within a shell, desig
n shall take into account force components on the she!! resulting from the tendo
n profile not lying in one plane.
419.3.7 The thickness of a shell and its reinforcement shall be proportioned for
the required strength and serviceability, using either the strength design meth
od of Section 408.2 . I or the alternate design method of Section 408 .2.2. 419.
3.8 She\! instability shall be investiWlled and shown
design to be precluded.
419.3.9 Auxiliary members shaH be designed according to the applicable provision
s of this code. It shall be pennittcd to assume that a portion of the shell equa
l to the flange width, as specified in Section 408.13, acts with the auxiliary m
ember. In sLlch portions of the shell, the reinforcement perpendicular to the au
xiliary" member shall be at least equal to that required for the flange of a T-b
eam by Section 408_13.5. 419.3.10 Strength design of shell slabs for membrane an
d bending forces shall be based on the distribution of stresses and strains as d
etermined from either elastic or an inelastic analysis . 419.3.11 In a region wh
ere membrane cracking is predicted, the nominal compressive strength parallel to
the cracks shall be taken as 0.4(". 419.4 Design strength of Materials 419.4.1
Specified compressive strength o/" conere!etc at 2g days shall not be less than
21 MPa . 419.4.2 Specifled yicld strength o/" nonprestressed reinforcclllcrH./;.
shall not exceed 415 MFa. 419.5 Shell Reinforcement 419.5.1 Shell reinforcement
shall be provided to resist tensile stresses frolll internal membrane /"{)rL'c~
;. to resi ~~ ~ tension from bending and twisting mOllle );: s, iu control shrin
kage and temperature cracking and as special reinforcement as shell bOllndaries,
load a!lachnll"llts ;11,;1 shell openings. 419.5.2 Tensile reinforcement s!lalJ

be provided in two or more directions and shall be proportioned Sl !("!; that i

t,: resistance in any direction equals or exceeds the component of internal forc
es in that dircction .
Alternatively, reinforcement for the mell1br;!i .' resist axial tensile forces p
lus the. tensile fI~ : friction required to transfer shear across ;.~ j<,
i it .('
slab shall bc calculated as thc reinforcCI11C,i! )
u ~ .'
;11 the. til
.. . :;, ; , .:
Association of Structural Engineers of tho r.)!iilipPllles

CHAPTEH 4 .- SIrUCIUral Concrete

of thc membrane. The asslimcd coefficient of friction. fl. shall not exceed that
specified in Section 411.8.4.3. 419.5.3 The area of shell relnforcemelll ,II <l
ny section as measured in(wo onhogonal directions shall not be less than [he sla
b shrinkage or temperature reinforce ment rcqllin::<1by Seclioll 407. 13. 419.5.
4 Reinforcemellt for shear and bending moments about nxes in the plane of the sh
ell slab shall be calculated in accordn~l{'e with Sections 410. 41 I and 413. 41
9.5.5 The area of shell tension reinforce ment shillJ be limited so tll3.1 the r
einforcement will yield before either crushing of concrete in compression or she
ll buckling can lake place. 419.5.6 In regions of high tension, membrane reinfor
cement shall, if practical. be placed in the general directions of the principal
tcnsilc IllCll1br<Ule forces. Where this is not practic<ll. it shall be pemlitt
ed to place me mbran e reinforce ment in two or more component directi ons. 419.
5.7 If th e direc ti on of reinforcement varies more than 10 degrees from th e d
irection of principal tensile membrane force, th e alllou rl( of reinforcement s
hall be reviewed in relat ion to cracki ng at se rvice loads . 419.5.8 Where Ihe
magnilude or Ihe pri ncipal lensile membrane stress wit hi n th e shell varies
great ly over Ihe area of the shell surface, reinforcement resisting the total t
ension Illay be concentrated in the regions of largest tensile stress where it c
an be shown Ihal this provides ,I safe basis for design. Howeve r, the ratio of
shell reinforcement in any portion of the tens il e zo ne shall no( be less than
OJJOJ5 oased on the ovcrallthickness of the shell. 419.5.9 Reinforccmcllt requi
red to resist shell bending
moment s shall be proportioned with due regard to Ihe
that the minimum development Icngth shalll>e 1.2/d hut not less than 500 mm.
Splice developmenl lenglhs of shell 419.5.12 reinforcement shall be governed by
the provisions of Section 412, except thaI the minimum splice length of tension
bars shall be 1.2 limcs the value required by Sectioll 412 but nol less than 500
Illm . The !lumber of splices in principal tensile reinforcement shi.lll be kep
t to a practical minimum. Where splices arc nccessary. lhey shall be staggered a
t least Id with not mord than onc-third of the rcinforccment spliced at any sect
419.6 Construction
419.6. 1 \Vhc ll removHI of fonnwork is based on a specific modulus of elasticit
y of concrete because of stability or denection considermions. the value of the
modulus of elasticity E(. shall be detennined from ncxural tCSIS of fieldclired
beam specimens. The Il umbe r of teSI specimens. the dimcnsions of lest beam $pe
cimens .md test procedures sha ll be specified by the engi neer-of-record. 41 9.
6.2 Tile lolerances
Ille shape
or ll1e
shell shall be
spl.!cificcl. If construction res ults in deviations from the
shape greater than the specified to lerances. an analys is of the effect of the
deviations shall be made and any required remedia l aCl i ons shall be taken to
ens ure safe behavior.
simultaneolls action of membrane ax ial forces al the Sil lllC location. Where s

hell reinforcement is required in only one face to resist bending moments. equal
amOUJlts shall be placed near both surfaces of Ihe shell even though a reversal
of bending moments is not indicated by thc an.tlysis.
419.5.10 Shell reinforccmelH in <tny direction shall nOI be spaced farther <tp:1
I1 than 500 mill. or fi ve limes the shell thickness. Where the principal fllcml
millc tensile stress 011 the gross co ncrete area due to factored loads exceeds
O.33 A.[( reinforcement shall nO! be spaced f.1rtllcr ap:lrl
(han three limes the shell Ihickn(:ss.
419.5.1 I Shell reinforcement at the jUllction oj' the shell and slipporling mem
bers or edgc members shall be anchored in or extended through sudl memhers in ac
cordancc wi th the requireme nls of Sc<.:l ioll 4 I 2, excep t
N;)\lonal Structural Code of l11H PI1ilippines
[clition Volum e 1

CHAPTEr~ 4 -SIr'UClural Concrete
420.3 Dcterminati on of Hcquircd Dimensions a nd Material Properti es
420.3.1 Dimensions or the struc tural clcmcnts shall be established at critical
sections .
420.1 Nol ations D = dead loads or rcl.Hed inlemaJ moments and forces 1'.. = spe
cified compressive strength concrete. MP" " = overall thickness of member in the
direction of action considered. mm :: li ve loads or related internal moments a
nd forces :: span of member under load tcst, mm. (The shorter I, the span for (w
o-way slab systems.) Span is smaller of (I) distance between centers of su pport
s Il nd (2) clear distance between supports plus th ickness II of member. In Eq.
420-1. span for a ca ntilever sha ll be taken as twice the disl.lncc from suppo
rt to canl ilcver end 6"w.~ = measured ma ximum dcOec tion. 111111 . Sec Eq . 42
420.3.2 Locations and siz.es of the rcinforcing b'lI'S. welded wire rabric or te
ndons shall be determined by IllC.lsurcmcm. It sh~ 1I be permitted to base reinf
orcemcnt k .::<ltiolls 011 avail:.I-:!e drawings if spot checks arc made ctll1fm
ni ng the information on the drawings. 420.3.3 If required. concrete strength sl
1;l1l Ii' based em res ults of cylinder tests from the original ('on :,;li iCliul
I l li tests of corcs removed from the part of Ih;; SlI b iill e \vhere the stre
ngth is in question. For strength c.vaillillioll of :m existi ng st ructure. cy
linder or core l es t dat i: sha n be IIseti l'; es timate an equivalent 1/. The
mel hod for o!,\,nning a l h~ testing cores shall be in accordance wit h AS I'M
t .::! 2M. 420.3.4 If req uired . rein fo rce mcn t or tendon stre ngt h shall
be based 011 tensile tes ts of reprcscntntive sa mpl es of" the material in th e
stru ClUre ill ques ti on. 420.3.5 If the required dime nsions and material pro
pcfli''" ': arc determined throu gh measurements and ! (, sl il1!~. ,;)Id ;~ cal
culati ons ca n be made in accordallC(' wi th Seeti n: 420.2.2, it shall be permi
tted to incre;\sl. the stre.!lHtllreduction factor, <P. from those specified in S
ection 409.4 . but the strength -reduct io n ractor, shalln ol hi.' illore !Iwo:
Tension.controlled sections. as dcfined in SCl.:l l0n
410.4.4 .... 1.0
D.''''(I> = measured resid ual defl ec tion. mill. Sec Eqs. 420-2
and 420-3
6,m/l.i :: max ilJ")urn dcOection meas ured du ring th e second tes t relative 1
0 the posit io n of th e strllctu re at the
beginning of the second test. 420.2 Strength Evaluatioll-Gcneral
Illlll .
See Eq. 420-3
420.2. 1 I r there is a doubt t h~ l .1 P;U1 Of all of a Slnlcture rneets the sa
fety requircments of this code, a strength cv,IiUCl tioll shall he cCl ITicd out
liS required hy the engineerof-record or building official. 420.2.2 If the effe
ct or the strength deficiency is well und erstood and if it is feasible to measu
re the dimcnsions and material properties required for analysis. annlylical ev'l
lualions of strength based 011 those mcasurelllelllS shall suffice. RC4uired dat
a shall bc determined in accordance with Section 420.3. 420.2.3 If the effect of
the strength deficiency is not well understood or if it is Hot feasible 1 0 es
tablish the required dimensions and material properties by measuremellt, a load

test shall he required if the struclUre. is lO remain in service. 420.2.4 If the

doubt ahout safety or it pallOr :111 of a structure involves deterioratioll il
nd if the ohserved response during (he 10;1(..1 test satisfies the :lcccpt ancc
criteria, the structure or part of the stfllcturC shal l be permitted (0 remai n
in !-icrvicc for <I specified lime pe riod . Ir deemed nccessa ry by the enginc
er, peri odic reevalu ati olls shall be conduc ted.
Compression-controlled sections, as definn J in Section 410.4.3: Mcmbers wilh sp
iral reinforcement ,:onl<mnill t .() Section 410. 1OJ .. ........... l).'iO Othe
r reinforced members ........ .
Shear and/or torsion Bearing 011 concrete ... _. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . .
- 'j
'! ~'n
420.4 Load Tcst Procedure
420.4. 1 Load Arrangement
The number and arrangement of spans or p::nds I{)(It\1
sh<lll be selected to m'lximize the dcO ccti nn jllid ~ t r(' ~:~" ''\ th e crit
ical regions of the struclUral d :.;., " strength is in doub t. More than one te
;..!! , '. i . ;H_" shall be used if a single arnllll't'W .. ~ ! \\"~ 11 simultan
eous ly res ult in ma xim uill V,ill! ( S ': ;i.: (suc h as dcncction. rotat io
n or stre ... :;) 1:,'.\ ',:;,:.,,' ." demo nstrate the adeq uacy or the structur
Association of Stwctural [: nglneers of t l H~ PI1ilipPIfles

CHAPTER 4 - S truct ural Concrete

4 1 :3
420.4.2 Load Inlensily
nle IOlal lesl load (incl uding dead load already in place) shall nol be less Ih
an Ihe larger of ( I), (2), and (3):
420.6.2 Meas ured maximum de fl ect ions shall satisfy onc of the following cond
it ions:
1.15D + I.5L + O.4(L,or R) 1.1 5D + 0.9L + I.5(L, or R)
I!. < I, , - 20,000"
(420- 1)
The load faclor on Ihe Ii ve load Lin. (2) shall
b'i. p.ennilled
to be reduced to 0.45 except for garages, areas ' occupie~ :as
places of public assembly. and all Meas. where L is greater 2 than 4.8 kN/m . II
shall be permitted to reduce L in accordance with the provisions of the applica
ble code .
If the measured maximum and residual denections, ~I and I!., , do not sat isfy E
q. 420-1 or 420-2, it shall be permitted [0 repeat the load test.

420.4.3 A load tcst shall not be made until Ihat portion of the structure to be
subject to load is at least 56 days old . If
the owner of the Slnlcture, the cont ractor, and all involved parties agree, it
sha ll be pCfll1iH Cd to make Ihe test at an
The repeal lest shall be conducted not earlier than 72 hours afte r removal of t
h e first tes t load. The pOL1ion of (Ile stnlcture tested in the repeat test sh
all be considered accept able if defl ec ti o n recovery sa tisfied the conditiu
n: I!.
earlier age.
420.5 Loading Crileria 420.5.1 The initial value for all applicable respon se me
asuremenls (such as deflecti on, rotation, strain, ~ Iip , crack widths) shall b
e obtained nOl more th an one hour before application of the first load incremen
t. Meas urements shall be made at locations where maximum response is expected.
Additional mcasurements shall be made ifrcquircd . 420.5.2 Test load shall be ap
plied in not less than four approximately equal in cre ments. 420.5.3 Un iform t
cst load s hall be applied ill a ma nner to ensure uniform distribution of (he l

oad lransmiucd to the Structure or portion of the stru cturc being tested. Archi
ng of the applied load shall be avoided. 420.5.4 A set of response measureme nts
shall be made after each load increment is appli ed and after the total load ha
s been app li ed all the structure for at least 24 hours. 420.5.5 TOlal lest loa
d s hall be removed immediately aner all response measurements defined in Sectio
n 420.5.4 arc made. 420.5.6 /\ sc t of [in al response measurements shall he mad
e 24 hours nfter the test load is remo ved. 420.6 Acceptance Crit eria 420.6.1 T
he pOl1ion of the structure tested 5h;.111 show nc) evidence of fai lu re. Spall
ing Clnd crushing of com pressed concrete shall he considered all ind icat ion o
f failu re .
<~ , 5
where ..1; is the maximulll deflection measured during the second test relative
10 the posit ion of the stru cture at (he beginning of th e seco nd tesl. 420.6.
3 Stl1Jctural members tested shall not have cracks indicating the imminence of s
hear failure. 420.6.4 In regions of structural members without tran sverse reinf
orcement. appearance of stru ctural cracks inclined (0 the longi tud inal axis a
nd having a hori zontal projection longer th an the depth o f the member at midpoint of the crack shall be cvalu<tled. 420.6.5 In regions of anchorage and lap
spli ces, the appearance along the line of reinforcement o f II series of short
inclined cracks or horizontal cnlcks sh:ill be evaluated. 420.7 Provisions for L
ower Load Rliling
If the s tructure under in vestigation does not satisfy conditions or criteria o
f Sections 420.2.2, 420.6.2 or 420.6.3, the slnlcture may be permi lled for usc
aI a lower load rating based 011 the results of the load test or analysis, if ap
proved by the building offici'll.
420.8 Safety
420.8. 1 Lo;\d tests s hal! be cond ucted in stich a mann er as to provide for s
a fet y o f lire <l IHI stru cture dl lri ng the te:oil.
420.8.2 No safely IllC.ISUrC$ s hall interfere with load test procedures or affe
ct rcsulls. ' . .' ., .
.j '
" J
Nalional Structural Code of the Philippines 6 [(!ition Volume 1

CHAPTER 4 - Structural Concrete
h ..,
1 ,/
421.1 Notations ::;
cross~sec(io n al
mOl 2
a st ructural
measured out-lo-out o f transverse rei nforcement,
I, I"
::; area o f concrete section, resistin g shear. of. an individ ual pier or hori
zofual wall segment , 111m2 :::; gross area of concrete section bounded by web t
hickness and length of section ill the direction of shear force considered, 111m
::; gross area of section, 111m2
::;; effecti ve cross-secti onal area within a joint (see Section 421.7.4_1) ill
a pl ane parallel to plane of 2 rcinforccmcllI ge nerating shear in the joint.
mm . The joint depth shall be the overall depth of the column . Where a beam fra
mes into a suppOI1 of larger width, the effective width of the joint shall not e
xceed the smaller of: I.
Beam width pJU$ the joint depth; or
Twice the smaller perpendicular di stance from the longilUdin al axi s of the be
am to the co lu mn side. Sec Section 42 J .7.4.1.
= height of ent ire wall or of the .segment of wall considered, mill = maximum h
o rizontal spacing of hoop or cross tic legs on all faces of Ihe colllmn , mm =
de velo pmcnt length fo r a straight bar = deve lopmcnt length for a bar with a
standard ho~k as defi ned ill EG- 421 -6, mm = c lear span measured face-to-face
of Sll PPOflS , mm = minimum length , measured fro m joinl face alon g axi s of
s tru ctuntl member. over whi ch trans It: '-Sl!reinforcement must be prov ided
, mOl == lenglh of enlire wall or of segmen t of wail considered in direction of

shear force, mm = moment at the face of the joint, corresponding It) the nomina
l flexural strength of the colum ,': framing int o (hat joi nt , calculated for
the factored axia.l force, consistellt wit h the direction of the lateral fo rce
s considered, resulting in (he lowest nexural s trength , see Scction 421.5_2.2
== moment at the face of the joint. corresponding to the nominal nexural st reng
th of the girder including slab where in ten sion, framing inro that joint. see
Section 421 .5_2.2 = probable ncxuraJ stre ngt h of members, with or without axi
al load. det ermined using th e properties of the member at the joint faces assu
ming a tensile strength in the longitudinal bars of at least 1.25.0. and a stren
gt h-reduction fac tor of 1.0 ::: portion of s lab moment balanced by SUppOJ1
moment = factored moment at secti on == spacing of longitudinal reinforcemen t,
b ...
;:: tOlal cross-sectional area of transverse rein forcement (i ncluding cross li
es) withi n spacing, s. and perpendicular ro dimension , 11(, mm 1 ;:: lotal are
a of reinforcement in each grou p of diago nal bars in a diagonally rein forced
coupling bea m. 111m 2 ::;: effective co mpressive flan ge width o f a structu r
a l membe r, mm = web wid th, or diameter of circular secti o n, mill ;:: di sta
nce from the extreme compression fiber to neutral <lxi s, sec Section 410.3.7, c
alculated for the fa ctored axial force and nomi nal moment strength. consistent
with the design disp lace ment 0,,, resulting in the largest neutral ax is d ep
th. mill == effective depth of sect ion, mm :::: bar diameter, mm ;; load effect
s of eanhquakc, or relat ed internal momen ts and forces ::: specified com press
ive strength of concrete. MPa :::: sq uare root of specified compress ive streng
th of
concrete. MPa specified yield strength of reinrorcement. MPa :::spcci(icd yield
strength of transverse reinforcemen t. MPa == cross-sec ti onal di mension of co
l umn core mea sured ccntcr-lO-center of con finin g reinforce ment , rnm
reinforcement. prestressing tendons, wi res, or anch ors. 111111, Sections 410 t
o 412. 417 to 421, and 423 ::: moment , shear or axial force <H connection corre
sponding (0 development of probab le strength at intended yield loca ti ons base
d o n the govemiJl /'. mechanism of inc\<tstic late ral deformation , considerin
g both gravity and eanhquakc load effects, Section 421 ::: nominal nexural , she

ar or axial s tren gth of co nnection, Section 42 1 == maximulll spacing o f tra

nsverse reinforcement within 1 (>1 mOl, Section 421 == longitudinal spacing of I
nlllsverse reinforcement withillthe length I... nun :;:: nomin al sheilr strengt
h provid ed by concrete. Sections 408, 411. 413 and 421 = design shear force cor
responding to the development of the probable moment s trength of (he memher, se
c Sections 421.5.4 . 1 or 421.6.5.1 == nomin al shea r strengt h. Sec tions 408,
41 0, 411. 421,422 and 423 ::: factored shear force .11 secti on, Secti ons 41
J h) 413,417 .42 1 alld 422
Association o f Stru ctural Engineers o f tile Ph ili ppi nes

CHAPTER 4 - Structural Concrete

4 -1 15
: : : angle defining the orientation of rcinforcC Il1CIll, Sections 411. 421 and
427 : : : coeffi cient defi ni ng the relative cont ribut ion of
concre te sirength 1 0 nomin:11 wall strength , Sec
hoo ks of two successive cross ties e ngaging the same longi tudinaJ bars shall
be ahemated end for end.
DESIGN DISPLACEMENT. Total lateral displacement
ex pected fo r the desig n-basis ea l1hqu ake, as required by Ihe governin g cod
e for earthqu ake-res istant design.
Equation 42 1-7.
::::: des ign di splaceme nt, mm , Sectio n 42 1
= rati o of nonprcstrcsscd tension reinforcement = A/ (/>"). Secti ons 411. 41 3
. 421 and 425 .
::::: ratio of area of distributed longitudinal reinforce ment (0 gross concrete
fa ctored loads and forces specified in Section 409 .3.
pC'1)cndicllinr to th at reinforcement, Sectio ns 4 1 J, 414 and 42 1 PI = r.ali
o o f area of d istributed transverse
rcinforccmCnllO gross concrete area perpcndi cuJar (0 th aI reinfo rcement, Sect
i ons 4 1/. 414 and 421
WALL. A wall co mpl yi ng with the requircn~e nts of Secti on 422 . including Se
ction 422 .7.
::::: rati o of yo lume of spiral reinforceme nt to to lal volu me of core co nf
ined by the spiral rc inforccmcllI (measured oul-(Q-Qu t of spirals) ::::: ratio
of area of distributed reinforcement perpendicular lO the plane o f An to gross
concrete area A f~ = stren gt h-reduction factor

crit ical section (where the sirengt h o f the bar is to be develo ped) and a ta
ngent to the ou ler edge of the 90-degrce
hook. DRY CONNECTION. A connection used between precast
me m bers whic h does not q ualify as a wet connec tio n.
FACTORED LOADS AND FORCES . Loads and fo rces 421.2 Definitions BASE OF STRUCTUR
E. Level at whi ch eaJ1hquake motion s are ass umed to be- imparted to a buildin
g. Thi s
le ve l d oes not necessari ly coinc id e w ith th e grou nd leve l. modified by
the factors in Section 409.3.
IIOOP. A closed ti c or continuously wound tic. A closed tic can be made up of se
vera l reinforcin g c lem e nts, each
hav in g seismi c hooks at bot h ends. A co nt inuously wou nd lie s ha ll have
a seismi c hook a t bo th ends_ JOINT. The geometric vo lume common to illlcrsec
ling membe rs.
BOUNDARY ELEMENTS. Portions along " ructu ral wall
and sl niclural d i<tphragm edges s trengthened by long itudina l and transverse
re inforccment. Boundary clements do not nccc....sarily requi re an increase in
th e thickness or the wall or di:lphragm. Edges of openings wit hi n walls ilnd
cli.lph ragms shall be provided wilh bound ary e lements as requ ired by Secti
o ns 421.8.6, and 42
of the struct ure co mposed of mem be rs propoJ1ioned to resist forces related t
o cm11lqua kc e ffec ts.
COLLECTOR ELEMENTS. Ele men t' thai ,erve 10 transmit the incrti a l fo rces wit
hin structural diaphragms to
members of the lateral-foree-resisting syste ms.
AII li g htw eight or sand -li ght weight aggregate co nc rete made with lightweight
aggregates cO llfonning to Sec ti o n 403.4 .
CONFINED CORE. The area within the co re defined by
MOMENT FRAME. Space frames in which mem bers and j oi nts res ist forces th roug
h ncx ure, shear, a nd, axial force. . Mo me nt fr am es shall be categorized as
fo ll ows: INTERMEDIATE MOM ENT FRAME. A cast-in-place
frame complyin g w ith the requirements of Section 42 1. 12.
CONNECTION . An clemenl that joins two precast
members or a precast mc mber an d a c asi -in-place me mber.
COUPLING UEAM . A horizonlal clement in plane with and cOllllecting two she;lr w
C ROSSTIE. A COlll ill llOliS rein forci ng bilr havi ng a se is mi c hook a l o
ne e nd a nd H hook o( nO I less th illl 90 degrees wilh at leas t six-d iamete
r ex tens ion a t the o ther e nd . The hooks sha ll e ngage peri pheral longit
ud ina l bilrs . The 90-dcg rcc

ORI>INARY MOMENT "RAMK IX cast-in-place or

precnst concrete frame. complying wit h the requiremcnts of Sections 40 1 throug
h 418. a nd in the case of ordi nary moment fra mcs ass ig ned to seismic zone 2
, also complying wit h 42 1.1 4 .
National S iru ctural Code of th e PI)ilippin es 6
Edition Volu me 1

CHAPTER 4 - Struclural Concrele
SI'ECIAL MOMENT FRAME. A cast-in -place frame complying with the require ment s
of Sections 421.3.3 through 421.3 .7, 421.5 throu gh 42 1.7, or a pre"aS! frame
WALL. A wall complying with the requiremen ts of Sec ti on
422, excluding Sec tion 422.7.
ORDINARY REINFORCED CON C',m Tfi STlWCTURAL WALLS. A wall cOll1pl yi ng w,' h th
requirements of Sections 40 1 thro ugh 418.
complying with the requirements of Secti ons 421.3.3
through 421.3.7, 42 1.5 throu gh 421.7, 421.1 3. III addition,
the req ui rement s for o rdinary mo me nt frames s hall be
s ati sfied .
NONLIN EAR ACTION LOCATION . Th e ce llter o f the region of yielding in Ilexufc
, shcm o r axial action . NONLINEAR ACTION REGION . The member le ngth
INTE RMEDIATE I'RECAST STRUCTURAL ' -"ALL . A wall complying with all applicab l
e requil clllt" .1 s or Sect ions 401 through 418 in additi on to 42 1.4. SPECIA
L STRUCTURAL WALL. 1\ cas t-'''-pb" ,. " .. precast wall complying with the requi
rements d .<~ 1io 421.3.3 through 421.3.7, 421. 8 and 421.15, as "pi;lie "!"., ;' .
addit ion to the requiremen ts for concrete structural walls. ordi nary rc in!"o
over which nonlinear action takes place. It shall be taken as extendi ng a dista
nce of no less than 1112 on either s ide of the nonlinear action locati on.
SEISMIC 1 100K. A hook on a Slirl1lp, hoop o r crosS!ie
ha vin g a bend not less [han 135 deg rees . except tlh'll circular hoops s hall
have a be nd no t Jess th an 90 degree s. Hoo ks s hall have a six-di ameter (b
ut n OI less than 75 mill), ex tension Ihal en gages the longi tudinal reinforce
ment and projects into the interior of {he stirrup o r hoop.
STRUT. An clement of a structural diaphragH ' u. ! prov ide cOIH inui! y around an
opening in lhe diap!iJ;lt;
TrE ELEMENTS. Elements that serve
SHELL CONCnETE. Concrete outside th e tra nsverse rei nforcement confining the c
on crete. SPECIAL BOUNDARY ELEMENTS. 1loundary c lemctll s required by Sections
42 1.8.6 .3 or 42 . SPECIFI ED LATERAL FORCES. Lateral forces
to trm lSllIi r I :::nia forces and prevent separation of building cornpO!:wh ;i
nch as foo lings and walls.

WALL PIER. A wall segmen t with a hori w ll t3[ ;, I?n, ~ thickness ratio betwee
n 2.5 a nd 6, and whose cl t:ili l~ c j r ~ i:: ;,' at leas t two ti mes its hor
izonlal length.
W ET CONNECTION. Uses an y of the "dici ng I, ,,'ti,,,,:o.
corres ponding to the appropriate di stributi on of lhe des ign base shear force
prescribed by the governing code for
connect precnst members and uses ca s t-in-pl at:e
eart hq uake-resistant design. STRONG CONNECTION, 1\ con nection th at remains e
la stic. while the designated nonlinear acti oll regions undergo inelasti c res
ponse under the Design I3i1si s Ground Mot ion . STRUCTURAL DIAPHRAGMS. Structur
al members,
Ooor and roof slabs. lhat tran s mit inertial forces H Cling in the plane of th
e member to the vertical ele:ments of the seismic-foree-resisti ng sys tem.
or grou t to fill the s plicing closure. see Sections 4 2J .'; 42 1.1 3.
421.3 General Requirements
421.3.1 Scope 42 Section 4 2 1 contain s s pecial rcq uin:u){'},;': io~
design and construc ti o n of reinforced COl1 cn:h 11\ ;;1:' . :; t l: a structur
e for w hich the design force:;. rda!'. ~ i 10 earthquake mOli ons. have been de
termined nn ill h.,,; , ~.,. energy d issipal ion ill the nonlincar range of H.'!
".PIW .
STRUCTURAL TRUSS. I\ssemblage of reinforced co ncrete members s
ly to axial forces. STRUCTURAL WALLS. Walls proportioned to res
combiniltions of shears, mo men t. and axial fo rces induced by
on s. A s hear wed l is a struc tural wall. Stru ctuftll wall s
ori zcd as foll o ws:

ubjected primari
earlhquake mo ti
s hall be c.aleg

421.3.1.2 All structures shall he assigned to a :-;ch,lJ'J ic in accordance with

Section 401.1 .8. 1 .
42L1.1.3 A ll members shall sati s fy n-q nirrn: n:!:. o f Sections 401 to 419 a
nd 422. S tructures :lssi !.: ::l" !' .. , L,:,' zo nes 4. or 2 :-;hall al so s
at is fy Scction s 4 2! : . . ,: iL!,.:.,t'.!; 42 1.3 .1.7 as appli cable.
Association of Structural En gineers of the Philipp ines

CHAPT ER 4 - Structural Co ncrete

4 t t 7
421.3.1.4 Structures assigned to seism ic zone 2 shall satisfy Sections 421.J.1
.2 and 421.3.1.7. 421.3.1.5 SlruclUrcs ass igned to seism ic zone 4 s hall satis
fy Sections 421.3. 1.2 through 421. 3. 1.7 and 421.9. 421.10. and 421. 1 I.
421.3.4.3 Speci fied compressive strength of lightweight
421.3.1.6 A reinforced concrete stru ctural system not satisfying Il1c - reCJuir
ements of this Section shall be pcnnillcd if it is demonst rated by expcrimclHal
evidence and analysis thaI the proposed sys tem w1J[ have strength and lOughncs
s equal to or exceeding those provided by a comparable monolithic reinforced co
ncrete structure satisfyin g this Secli <> l1.
421.3.2 Analysis and Proportioning of Structural
concrct c,!c' , shall not exceed 35 MPa unless demonstrated by experimental evid
ence that structural members made wi th that lightweight concrete provide streng
th and toughness equal to or exceeding those of comparable members made with nor
mal weight concrete of the same strengLh . Modificalion factor 1 for Iightwciglu
concretc in thi s Secti on shaH be in accordance with Section 408.7. ( unless s
pecificall y noted o thclwi se.
421.3.5 Rei nforcement in Special Moment Fram es and
Special Structural Walls 421.3.5.1 Requirements of 421.3.5 apply to special' mom
frames and special structural walls and coupling beams.
421.3.2.1 The interaction of all st ru ctural and nOllsi l1lctural members wh ic
h ntmcriall y affec l the linear and Ilonlincaf response of the Sll1Icturc LO ea
rthqu ake motions shall be co nsidered in the analysis.
421.3.2.2 Rigid mcmbers assum ed not to be a part of th e latera1-forcc resistin
g system shall be permitted, provided their effect on the response of the s.ys t
em is considered and accommooated in the stnlclural design . Consequences of ffl
ilure of sll1JcltJr<l1 and na nslruc tural members. whi ch arc not a pan of thc
l<Heral-fafre resi sting system, shall also be considered.
421.3.2.3 StruclUr;'11 members. ex tending below the base o f structure that arc
required to tr<lllsmit forces rcsulling from eanhq uakc effcct~ to the foull di
ll io n shall comply with the requirements of Section 42 1 th at are consis ten
t with Ihe scismic-force-resisting system above fhe base of S\nlcturc . 421.3.3
Strength-Reduction Factors
421.3.5.2 Defomled reinforcement resisting earthquakcinduced flexu ral and axial
forces in frame members. structural walls, and co upling beams, shall comply wi
ASTM A 706M. ASTM A615M Grades 280 and 420
I ,
reinforcement shtllJ be penni tied in these members if:

The aClUal yield stre ngth based on mill tests does not
exceed the specified yield strength by more than 125 MPa ; and 2. The ratio Of(l
hc actual ullimatc tcnsile strength 10 the actu al tensil e yield strength is 1
10t less than 1.25.
421.3.5.3 Prestressing steel resisting eart hquake-induced flexural and axi al l
oads in fram e mem bers and in precast stru ct ura l walls shall compl y with AS
TM A416M or
A722M .
421.3.5.4 T he va lue of 1;., used to compu te Ihe amount of co nfinem ent reinf
orccmelll shall not exceed 700 MPa. 421.3.5.5 The value of f y or h'l used in de
sign of shea r reinforcement sh<llJ co nform to Section 411 .6.2.
421.3.6 Mechanical Splices in Special Moment Frames and Special Structural Walls
Strength reduction faclO!'s shall be as given in Section
421.3.4 Concrete in Speci ~11 '''loment Frames and
Special Structural Walls
421.3.6.1 Mechanical splices shall be classified as either Type 1 or Type 2 mech
anical splices. as fo llows: Type J Splice. Mechan ical splices shaH co nform to
4 12. 15.3 .2: Type 2 S pli ce. Mecha nical splices shall conform to Secti on 4
I 2. 15.3.2 <lnd slw ll develop the specified (cns il e strength
42J .3A.l Req uiremcnts of Section 421 J.4 apply to speci al 1ll0lllCI1l fnlln c
s and s pecia l struc tural walls and coupling beams. 421.3.4.2 Compressive ~ t
rcllg (h .f'.. shall be no! less (han
21 MPa.
of the spliced bar.
National Slructural Code of the Philippines 6 Ed ition Volume 1

CHAPTEF14 -- Structural Concrete
421.3.6.2 Type 1 mechanical splices shall not be used
421.5.1.3 Width of member b". shall not be less than the smaller of 0.311 and 25
0 ml11. 421.5.1.4 The width of member shall not exceed the \',!idth of the suppo
rting member, C2 plus a distance on each side of thc supporting member equal to
the smaller of (I) and (2):
within a distance equal to twice the member depth from the column or beam face f
or special moment frames or from sections where yielding of the reinforcement is
likely to
occur as a result of inelastic lateral displacements. Type 2
mechanical splices shaH
be permitted to be used at any
Width of supporting mcmber,
0.75 times the overa!! dimension of sLJppOiting member, CI.
421.3.7 Welded Splices in Special Moment Frames and Special Strnctural Walls 421
.5.2 Longitudinal Reinforcement
421.3.7.1 Welded splices in reinforcement resisting earthquake-induced forces sh
aH conform to Section 412.15.3.4 and shall not be used within a distance equal t
twice the member depth from the column or beam face for
special moment frames or from sections where yielding of the reinforcement is li
kely to occur as a result of inelastic lateral displacements. 421.3.7.2 Welding
of stimJps, tics, inserts or other similar elements to longitudinal reinforcemen
t required by design shall not be permitted. 421.4 Intermediate Precast Structur
al Walls
421.4.1 Seape
421.5.2.1 At any section of a flexural member, except provided in Section 410.6.
3, for top as well as for bOllo; reinforcement, the amount of reinforcement shal
l not h, less than that given by Eg. 410-3 but not less than I Ab"ti/i and the r
einforcement ratio, p, shaH not exceed 0.025. /.' least two bars shall be provid
ed continuously both top aI' " bottom. 421.5.2.2 Positive-moment strength at joi
nt face shall nc be less than one half of the negative-moment strengt! : provide
d at that face of the joint. Neither the negative n, the positive-moment strengt
h at any section along men:', length shall be less than one fourth the maximum m
on!c;c( strength provided at face of either joint 421.5.2.3 Lap splices of flexu
ral reinforcement shall be permitted only if hoop or spiral reinforcement is pro
Vii:: (; over thc lap length. Maximum spacing of the tranSV(', j reinforcement e
nclosing the lapped bars shall not exceL,; d!4 or 100 mm. Lap splices shall not
be used:

Requirements of Section 421.4 apply to intermediate precast structural walls for
ming part of the seismic-forceresisting system. 421.4.2 In connections between w
all panels, or between wal! panels and the foundation, yielding shall be restric
ted to steel clements or reinforcement. 421.4.3 Elements of the connection that
are not designed to yield shall develop at least 1.5S,. 421.5 Flexural Members o
f Special Moment Frames
421.5.1 Scope
Within the joints; Within a distance of twice the member depth from Ihe face of
the joint; and At locations where analysis indicates Ocxural yirldin;'. caused b
y inelastic lateral displacements of the frame.
421.5.2.4 Mechanical splices shall conform to Secli(i), 421.3.6 and welded splic
es shall conform to SCClHJil
Requirements of Section 421.5 apply to special moment frame members that form pa
rt of the scismic-force-rc 0 isting system and arc proportioned primarily to res
ist flexure. These frame members shall also satisfy the following conditions; 42 Factored axial compressive force on the meillber, P shall110t exceed (A,
II , Prestressing, where used, shall sati , 'J,;' i I through (4), unless us
ed in a special moment frame ;;::; permitted by Section 421.8.3:
The average prestress, .I;"., calculated for an arca ( to the smallest cross-sec
tional dimension or [i l (', member multiplied by the perpcndicular cro.\~;":: '
>: ;;," dimension shall not exceed the smaller or 3.5 1\-) i';i Hii\;
/' 110.
421.5.1.2 Clear span for the members, /", sha!1 not be less than fOllr times its
crfectivc depth.
Association of Stru(;tural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTER 4 - Structural Concrete

Prestressing steel shall be unbonded in potential plastic hinge regions. and the
calculated strains ill prestressing sieel under the design displacement shall b
e less than I percent
Prestressing steel shall 1101 contribute 10 more than oneqU<11 1er of (he posi (
i ve or negative flexura l si rength at the criti cal section in a plastic hin g
e region and shall be anchored at or beyond the exterior face of (he joint.
shall have their 90~degree hook.1.i at opposite sides of th e flexural member. I
f the longitudinal reinrorcing bars secured by the crosslies arc confined by a s
lab on only one s;ide of the flexural frame member, the 90-degree hooks of the c
rossti es shaJI all be placed on that side.
421.5.4 Shear Strength Requirements 421.5.4.1 Design Forces The design shear for
ces V,. shall be determ ined from consideration of the static forces on th~ port
ion of the member between faces of the joint. It shalt bc assumed that momcnts o
f opposite sign corresponding to prob;'lble flexural strength Mpr act at lhe joi
nt faces and that the member is loaded with the tributary gravity load along its
span .
Anchorages of the post-tensioning tendons resisting cl.lrthquakc-indllced forces
shall be capab lc of aJlow ing tendons 10 wit hstand 50 cycles of loadi ng. bou
nded by 40 and 85 percent of the speci fied tensile' strength of Ihe prestressin
g steel.
421.5.3 Transverse Reinforcement 421.5.3.1 I'loops shall be provided in the foll
owing regions frame members:
Over a length equal to twice the member depth measured rrom th e race or the sup
porting member toward midspan, at both ends of (he tl exural member; Over length
s equa l to twice the membe r depth on both sides of a section where flcxural yi
elding is likely to occur in connection with inelastic latcral disp lacements of
the frame.
421.5.4.2 Transverse Reinforcement Transverse reinforcement over the lengths ide
ntified in Secl ion 421.5.3.1 shall be propol1ioncd to resist shear assuming V..
. :>:: 0 when both of the following conditions occur: 1. The earthquake-induced
shear force calculated in accordance with Secti on 421.5.4.1 represents onchalf
or more of tile max imum required shear strength within those lengths;
2. The
421.5.3.2 The first hoop shall be located not more than 50 mill from the face of
a supporti ng member. Maximulll
spacing of thc hoops shallno{ exceed : I. d /4 ; Eight

axial compressive force

incl udi ng
eart hquake effects is less than
limes thc di alllci er of lhe smallest longi tudina l
421.6 Special Moment Fr:une SUbjected to Bending a nd Axia l Load 421.6.1 Scope
The requirements of Section 42 1.6 apply to special moment
24 times the di.lllletcr of the hoop bars: and
421.5.3.3 Wh ere hoops arc required, longitudinal bars on the perimeter shall ha
ve lateral support co nfo rming to Section 407. 11 .5.3.
frame members that rorm pan of the seismic-foree-resisting systeJll and that res
ist a factored axia l compressive force PII under any load combination exceeding
AJ/ IJ O. These rrame members shall also satisfy the conditions of Sections 421
.6.1. 1 and 421.6 .1.2. 421.6.1.1 The short cst cros!Hicctional dimensi on, meas
ured strai ght line passing through the geometric ccnt~~i.d, shall not be less (
ban 300 mOl. .
011 II
421.5.3.4 Where hoops arc not required , sti rrups wit h seism ic hooks at both
ends shall be spaced at a distallce not more than tll2 throughout Ille length or
the member. 42],5.3.5 Stirrups or ti c.Ii required ({) fcs ist sheilI' shall bc
hoops ove r lengths of members il S specified in Sections 42 421.5.3.6
I-loops in Oex ur:11 members shall be permitted to be made lip or two pieces of
rei nforcement: a stirrup having seismic hooks at both ends and closed by a cro
sslic. Co nsecutive crossties engaging the same longitudinal har
421.6.1.2 The ratio of the shortest cross-sec tional dimension 10 the perpendicu
lar dimension shall not be less
Ihan 0.4.
National Structura l Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volum a 1

CHAPTER 4 ~ Structural Concrete
421.6.2 Minimum Flexural Strength of Columns
421.6.4 Transverse Reinforcement 421.6.4.1 Transverse reinforcement as required
421.6.2.1 Flexural strength of any column shall satisfy
Section 421.6.2.2 or 421.6.2.3.
421.6.2.2 The flexural strengths of the columns shall satisfy
LM", " (6!5)LM"r,
421.6.4.2 through 421.6.4.4 shall be provided ov,,'" 10 from each joint face and
on both sides of allY .'-;('.r' 'In where flexural yielding is likely to occur
as :\ i(~S!lj if inelastic lateral displacements of the frame. Length /0 c;L:tll
not be less than the largest of (I). (2), and (3):
". ,,'h
) " )S
= sum
The depth of the member at the joint face {::;':H section where flexural yieldin
g is likely to ()(,.'" . One-sixth of the clear span of the member; and
450 mm.
of moments at the faces of the joint corresponding to the nominal flexural stren
gth of the columns framing into that joint. Column flexural strength shall be ca
lculated for
the factored axial force, consistent with the direction of the lateral forces co
nsidered, resulting
in the lowest flexural strength. .EM"" = sum of moments at the faces of the join
t carfes
ponding to the nominal flexural strengths of the girders framing into that joint
. In T-bcam
construction, where the slab is in tension under moments at the face of the join
t, slab reinforcement within an effective slab width defined in Section 408.11 s
hall be assumed to contribute to flexural strength, Mllb if the slab reinforceme

nt is developed at the critical section for flexure. Flexural strengths shall be

summed such that the column moments oppose the beam moments. Eq. 421-1 shall be
satisfied for beam moments acting in both directions in the vertical plane of t
he frame considered. 421.6.2.3 If SectioJl 421.6.2.2 is not satisfied at a joint
, the lateral strength and stiffness of the columns framing into that joint shal
l be ignored when determining the calculated strength and stiffness of the struc
ture. These columns shall conform to Section 421.13.
421.6.3 Longitudinal Reinforcement
421.6.4.2 Transverse reinforcement shall be provided :)y either single or overla
pping spirals satisfyi!ll' .'.;('.~ ,I,m 407.11.4, circular hoops, or rectilinea
r hOOf"~ :i!, Or without crossties. Crossties of the same or smal!:" :';,. I .C
as the hoops shall be permitted. Each end of tll<' ; Tii" <e shall engage a peri
pheral longitudinal reinfol' ';!~ r. Consecutive crossties shall be alternated e
nd for ::;j ilj, ig the longitudinal reinforcement. Spacing of croSS!> iir of re
ctilinear hoops, lin within a cross sccliu; <il :C member shall not exceed 350 m
m on center. 421.6.4.3 Spacing of transverse reinforcement ;i~ Ji'I?, i ~IC leng
th (, of the member shall not exceed the snwllc,: l o( (i ),
(2), and (3):
One-quarter of the minimum member dirncnsiuli; Six times the diameter of the sma
llest longiH!(Liiall, 'r; and
s", as den ned by Eq. 421-2.
350~1r.) ( --'-3-'~e
The value of Sf! shall not exceed 150 mill, and need not taken less than 100 rnm
421.6.3.1 Area of longilUdinal reinforcement, be less than 0.01 Ag or more than
0.06 Ai."
shall not
421.6.4.4 Amount of transverse reinforcement required
(I) or (2) shall be provided unless a lar!V:i'
;::;" , I liin
ill ,.,
required by Section 421.6.5. 421.6.3.2 Mechanical splices shall conform to Secti
on 421.3.6. J and welded splices shall conform to Section 421.3.7.1. Lap splices
shall be permitted only within the center hall' of the member length, shall be
designed as tension lap splices, and shall be enclosed within transversc reinfor
cemcnt conforming to Sections 42! .6.4.2 and
The volumetric ratio of spiral or ( i \, I:: reinforcement, P." shaH not be less
than rcqllircd by !

= O. I 2 f",. 1/;.,
and sha!ino( be less than required by 2.
The total cross-sectional area of reinforcement, A,,,, shall not be Jess tlv"
Eqs. 421-4 and 421-5.
l[' '(Ii
= 03 (s/J,(",I(,,) [(AlA,,,) .IJ
:\ ..
Association of Structural Engineers of Ole Philippines

CHAPTER 4 Slr" cl " ral COnCrel"

A,. " = O.09(.rb,.!',./f,.,)
(42 1-5)
the joint. In no case shall Vt' he less til'1I1 .the fac tored shear determined
by analysis of the s l!uctUrc.
421.6.5.2 Transverse reinforce ment over the length s 1//. identified in Section
42, shH II be propol1ioned to resist shear assuming V I" :;; 0 when bot
h of the following conditions occur:
42).6.4.5 JJeyond Ihe Icngl h I" speeiJied in Seelion 421.6.4. 1, the colullln s
hall contain spiral or hoop reinforcement salisfying Secti on 407. 10 wilh celll
er-IOccnler spacing. s, not exceedi ng the smaller of six tinllcs the diameter o
f the smallest longitudinal column bars and 150 mnl, unless <I larger amou nt of
transverse reinforcement is req uired by SCClions 42 I .6.3.2 or 42 I .6.5.
421.6.4.6 Columns supporting react ions from discOlllinucd stiff members. such a
s walls, shall satisfy (I) and (2):
Transverse rei nfo rcement as spec ified in Sectio ns 42 lilrollgh 42 1.
6.4 .4 shall be provided over their full height beneath the le vel at whi ch the
di scontinuity occurs if the factored axia l com p r,~ssivc force in these memb
ers, relmed to earthquake eCfect,
The earthquake-induced shear force, calculated in accordance with Secti on 421.6
.5. 1, represe nts onc- balf or mo re of the max imum requ ired shear strength w
ithin I,,; The factored ax ial co mpressive force, PII , including ca nhquake ef
feels is less Iha n A,t,120.
421.7 Jointl) of Special Mom ent Frames
421.7.1 Scope
exceeds AJJ IO. Where design forces have been magn ifi ed 10 aCColl nt for the ov
er slrenglh of" the ven ical clements of the seismic-foree-resisting system , Ih
e limi l of AI.: /I 0 ,baJJ be illcrea,ed 10 A"f.'/4. 2. Transverse reinforcemen
t sha!1 ex tend illto the di sco minllcd member at least Id the l:lrgesl longitu
dina l bar, where Id is determined ill accordance with Section 421.7.5. Where th
e lower e nd of the colum n terminates on a wall , th e req uired tran sverse r
e inforcemcnt shaH ex tend into the wall il! . least Id of the larges t longitud
inal column bar at the pain t of terminatioll . Where the column lerminHtcs on a
footing or mat, the required tra nsve rse reinforcemcnt shall extend at least 3
00 Illm into the footing or mal.
Requ irements of Section 42 1.7 npp ly to beam-column joints of" special moment
frames formin g pan of the seismicforce~resisting systelll. 421.7.2 General Requ
irements 421.7.2.1 Forces in longitudinal beam reinforce ment at the joint face
shall be determined by assu min g thaI the stress in the flexurallcns ile reinfo
rceme nt is 1.251;.. 421.7.2.2 Beam longitudinal reinforcement terminated in a c
olumn shall be ex tend ed to the far face of the confined column co re and ancho
red in tension accordi ng to Seclion 42 J .7.5, and ill compression according to
Section 4 J 2. 421.7.2.3 Where longi tud inal beam reinforcement ex ten ds thro
ugh a beam-colulllll joint, the column dimensioll parallel to lhe beam reinforce

ment s hall not be less th an 20 ti mes [he diameter of the largest longilUd ina
l bar for normal weight concrete. For lightweight conc rete, the dimension shall
not be less tha n 26 times the bar diameter.
421.7.3 Transverse Reinforcement 421.7.3.1 Join t (ransverse rci nfmcemen t sh~1
1I satisry either Seclion 42 I) or 421.6.4.4(2), and , haJJ also sali,f
y Seclions 421.6.4 .2. 42 1.6.4 .3, and 421.6.4.7, excc pl as permi Hed ill Sect
i on 42 1.7 .3.2.
42) .6.4.7 If the concrete cover olll side the confi ning In.lllsversc reinrorce
me nt specified in Sections 42 1.6.4 . 1. 421.6.4 .), and 421.6.4.0 exceeds 100
mm, add itiona l transvcrse reinron.:clllcnt shall be provided . Concretc ,cove
r for addi tional transverse rei nforcemen t shall not exceed 100 mill and SI)ac
ing of additional transverse rein forcc:mcnt shall nOI exceed JO() 111m.
421.6.5 Shear Strengt h Requirements
421.(,.5. I Des ign Funcs The design shear force \I,. slwll be determilled from c
ons iderat ion or [he max imulll forces thil t CtIll be gCllcr,lIed at the faces
of the joints al eac h e nd of the memher. T hese j oint forces shall be determ
ined using th e lllilxillltlHl probab le moment strengths Ml'n at each end of the
llle mber associated wi th the range of facto red axial loads, PII, acti ng on
the member. The member shears need nOI exceed r. hose det ermined from joint st
rength s based on the probab le mom e nt strength Mill of the transverse members
rramil1g in
421.7.3.2 Where membe rs frame into all four sitlcs of lhe joillt ,Hld whe re e:
lch mem ber width is: al lellst three-fotlllhs the column width, the amOllrH or
reinforcement specified in Seelion 42 I) or Seclion 421.6.4.4(2) ,baJJ
be permitted to be reduced by half. and the spacing required in Section 421.6.4.
3 shall be permitted to be increased to 150
Natlollal Stru ctur,:ll Cocle of th e PllilipplfK~S G~h Edition Volume 1

CHAPTE R 4 - Structural Concrete
mm within the overall depth II of the shallowest framing member.
421.7.3.3 -Longitudinal beam reinforcement outside the column core shall be conf
ined by transverse reinforcement
(42 1-6)
For lightweight aggregate concrete, the development Icngth ,
l,th for a bar with a standard 90degree hook shall not be les!-;
passing through lhe column that satisfies spacing req uirements of Section 421.5
.3.2, and requirements of Sections 421.5.3.3 and 421.5.3 .6, jf such confin emen
t is not provided by a beam framing into the joi nt.
421.7.4 Shear Strength
421.7.4.1 The nominal Sheil[ strength VII! of the joint shal!
than the. largest of IDrib. 190 mm. and 1.25 times that requ ired by Eq . 421-6.
The 90-dcgree hook shall be locatcd within the co nfincd core of'l column or of
a bound;lry member. 421.7.5.2 For bar sizes 10 mill through 36 nun dimncter, lh
l.! development length II' for it straigh t har shall not be Ics~: than the lar
ger of ( I ) and (2):
nOt be taken greate r than the va lues specified below for normal weight aggrega
te concrete.
For joints confined on all four faces . .. .. 1.7
.[1;Aj .[1;A/
times (he leng(h required by Section 421.7.5.1 if (he depth of the concrete cast
in one lift beneath the bar docs not exceed 300 111m: and times the length requ
ired by Section 421.7.5.1 if th e depth of the concrete cast in one lift bencath
the. bar exceeds 300 mm.
For jOinls confi ned on three faces or on two opposite
For others
A member Ihal frames illio a face is considered to provide con fin cment to the
joint if at least threefourths of the face of the joint is covered by the framing
member. Extensions of beams at least one overall beam depth" beyond the joint f
ace are permitted to be considered ali confining members. Exteilsions of beams s
hall satisfy Sections 421.5. 1.3. 4 2, 42, 421.5.3.3, alld 421.5
.3.6. A joint is co nsid ered to be co nfin ed if such confining mcmbers frame i
nto all faces of the joint. is the effective crosssec{jonal area within :t join!
computed from joint depth times effective joint width. JOlm depth shall be the o
verall depth of the column , II . Effective joint width shall be the overall wid
th of the colum n. except where a beam frames inlo a wider column, elTectivc joi
nt width , halllla< exceed the smaller of (I) alld (2):

421.7.5.3 Strai ght bars terminated i.l1 a JOInt shall pa s~ through the con fin
ed co re of a coluilln Or o f 11 boundary .1 mcmber. Any portion of the strai gh
t embedment length, 1 no t withi n the confined core shall be increascd by a fac
tor of 1.6. 421.7.5.4 If epoxy-coated reinforce ment is used, the lengths in Sec
tions 421.7 .5.1 through 421.7 .5.3 shall be multiplied by (he applicable factor
specificd ill Section 412 .3.4 or 412.6.2.
develo pment
421.8 Special neinforccd COllcrc(' Structllral ':Valls and Coupling Beams
421.8.1 Scope The requircments of Section 421.8 apply 10 special rein
I. 2.
Bea m width plus join< depth : Twice the smaller pcrpcndi culill' distan ce long
i tudinal <lxis of beam to column side. from
forced concrete structural walls and coupling bealns serving
as part of th e earthquake forcc-res isting sys tem. SpCCl;;!
structural walls constructed using precast conc rcte !-illa;!
'l lso comply with Section 421. 15.
421.7.4.2 For lightweight aggregate concrete, the Ilomimil shear strcngth of the
joi nt sh<lll not exceed thrccfollrths of th e limits for l1 onn.tI wcight aggreg
ate concret e given in Section 421.7.4 .1. 421.7.5 Developmcnt L..cngth of Bars
in Tcns io n 421.7.5.1 For bur s i Zt~S 10 mill through 36 mm di . ullctcr, the
development length trll, for a bar with n st:lildard 90dcgrce hook in normal weig
h t aggregate co ncrete shall not be less thall the largest of Rtf", 150 111m. a
nd the length required by Eq. 4216.
421.8.2 Reinforcement 421.8.2.1 The <'\i slributc(.\ web rcinfon.:cmcill fillios
, p,. aod P.!> 1'01' st ructural walls sha ll not be less than 0.0025, cxtl'11:
if (he design shc;u force. V" docs not exceed (1/12)A(.J.rr:..
P. 1Ild PII' shall be permitted to be reduced to that requlJ(d
in Section 414.4. Reinforcement spacing c. lch W'L)' in sl l1lclural walls shall
not exceed 450 LlUll . Rcinfon:CJlICiil co ntlihuting to V" shall he <.ontinuoll
s <l nd sh,dl be distribulcd across the shear plane.
Associnlion o f Stnlciliral EngIneers of the Philippines

-1 .. Structural Concrete
4 123
: 421.H.2.2 A! leasl two curtain s of reinfon.: cmcm shall be
. used in a wa ll if V" cx.ncus ( 1/6)A"J.J1..
421.8.2.3 Reinforcement jn
~Irtl (;turil l
one of the individual wall picrs, v" shall not bc takcn larger th an 0.8311 ....
. . where A, .... is the afca of t:oncrctc sectioll o f" the indiv jdlml pic r c
onsidered . 421.8.4.5 For horil',ontal wa ll segme nts and coupli ng beams, \/"
slHl Ii not bc t;lkcn !<lrgcr than (5/6)A '1. JT,wherc
s hall
developed or spliced for ./;, ill tension in <It'cordance with Section 4 12 exce
The effecti ve depth of the member rcfcrclH.:cd in Sectioll 41 2. 11.3 shall be
permitted lO be ta k(~11 as OJ~ /", for walls.
2. The requ ire ments o f Secti o ns 412. 12. 412. 13. :lIld
" ,.p is the area or a hori'l..olllal wall segme nt o r
cou pling bCH I11.
42) .8.5 Design for Flexural and Axia l Louds 421.8.5.1 Stru ctural walls and po
rtions of such w<l lIs:
subject 10 com bined flexural and axia l loads s hall be designcd ill accordance
with Sections -110.3 and 410.4 except thai Secti on 410.4 .7 .md the nonline'l:
f strain req uirements of Section 410.3.2 sha ll no( apply. Concrcte <lJld devel
oped longitudinal rei nforccmclll within effective
412. 14nccd not bc .'iUlisficd.
. 3.
AI localiolls where yield ill g of IOllgiludillal reinforcement is likely to occ
ur as a result of latenll dis placements, development lengths of
J ongitudin<ll
va lues caicuimcd
rcinforccmcill shall be 1.25 times the for~. ill tension .
Mechanical sp lices of reinforcemellt shall conform

Section 421 ..1.6 and welded spli ces of re inforce me nt sha ll co nfol1n to Se
ction 421.3 .7 .
nangc widths, boundary clements, and th e wall web shall considered effective. T
h e effec ts of ope nin gs shalt be considered.
421.8.3 Design Force!)
The desig n s hear force lIu shall be outai ned from the liller;]]
load analYSis in accordance with the facto red load combinat io ns.
421.8.4 Shear Strength 421.8.4.1 Nomi nal shear strengt h VII of structural wall
s shall not exceed:
\I" = A,,I CI,.(i112 ))',fJ; + p,f, J
421.8.5.2 Unless <l morc de tai led analysi S is performcd , effective flan ge w
idths of nangcd sections shall extend from th e face of the web a dist ance eq u
al to the smaller of one-half the di slanee to an adjacent wall web and 25 perce
nt of the total wall height.
421.8.6 Boundary Elements of Special Ilcinfol'ccd Concret e Structural Walls 421
.8.6.1 The need for special boundary elcmenls at the edges of structural walls s
hall be evaluated in accordance wit h Secti on 42 or 421.8.6.3. The requ
irements of Seeli ons 42 and 421.8.6.5 also shall be salislied. 42J.8.6.
2 This scction applies to walls or wall piers that are effectively continuous fr
om the base of structure to top of wall aud designed to ha ve a single critical
section for fl ex ure and ax ial loads. Walls not satisfyi ng these requirements
shall be designcd by Section 42J .7.6.3.
(42 1-7)
where Ihe cocfficielll CI,. is 0.25 for 11.11". ~ 1.5, is 0.17 for hJ/II" ~ 2.0,
and varies linearl y between O.2~ and 0.17 for 11,11... belweell I .5 alld 2.0.
421.8.4.2 In Seelion 421.8.4. 1. Ihe val lie of ,"Iio 11,/1 .. lIsed for dcteml
ining V for segments of a wall shall be the larger of the rati os fOf th e entir
e wall and the segme nt of wall co nsid ered .
Compression z.ones shal! be reinforced with special bou ndary clcmenls where:
c ~ .=--,/~._421.8.4.3 Walls Sh:lll have distril.nllcd shear rei nforcemcnt providing resista
n ce in \1,1,10 orthogonal directio ns ill [he plane of th e wall. If" th e rati
o h"l/". docs nOI e.xceed 2.0. reinforccment I"il!io PI' sh;lil not be less than
rcinforccmcnt nltio p". 421.8.4.4 Nominal shear strength of all wall piers shar
ing a Common lateral fortc, Vn shall not be assumed to exceed
(42 1-8)
600(0.' '' .>
c in Eq. 421-8 corrcsponds 1 0 the largest ncu tral (IX is depth calculated fo r
the factored ax ial rorce and nominal moment st rength consistent with the desi
gn di splacement ()u. Ratio 6.. 111\1' in Eq. 421-8 shall not be laken less Ih a
n 0.007.

(2/3)An' \~J whcre An. is the gross arca of concrete

bounded by web th ick ness and length of section. For any
Whcrc special boundary clements are required by Seelion 421.7.6.2 (I), Ihe spec
ial boundary elemenl reinforcemen! shall extend YCl1ically fcom the crit ical
National Siruciural Code of Ihe Philippines 6"' Edition Volume 1

11 ~
Structural ConcretP.
/(4 \I..}.
dis{i\JlcC no! less than lhe larger Ilf / .._or M"
421.8.6.3 Structural walls nol designcd to th e provisions of Section 421.8.6.2
shall have special boundary elcmen!s al
42 J .8.6.S Where special boundary clements arc not rC'ql!in~d hy Section 42 1.8
.6.2 or 421.8.6.3, the following ~L.!l ;.;: satisfied:
If the longitudinal reinforce-ment ratio al thL'
boundaries and edges arou nd openings of structural walls where the Jll<lximuill
extreme fiber compressive strcss, corresponding 10 load combinations including
earthquake effect, E, exceeds 0.2/,:. The special boundary elcment shall be perm
itted to be <l:<.;co ntinucd where the calculated compressive suess is less than
O.15f'~. Stresses shall be calculated for the facLOrcd forces usi ng a linearly
elastic model and gross sect io)) properties. For wa lls wi th Oanges. an effect
ive nange width as defined in Section 421.8.5.2 shaH be used.
421.8.6.4 Where special boundary clements are required by Section 421.8.6.2 or 4, through (I) through (5)
houndary is grealer than 2.8/];. boundary tran;; \'( ': .
reinforcement shall satisfy Sections 421.6.4.2, ,i; 421.8.6.4 (I). The maximum l
ongitudinal spacing 0)' transverse reinforc ement ill the boundary shall :, 01 e
xceed 200 Jlllll ;
Except whell VII in the plane of the w;!l1 h; it.:,:; {han ( 1/12)A ., .ff,., llo
rizontal reinftl/"tt ;'i: ..; Icrminaling 81 Ihe edges of struclUral Willi ; .'.il !
~ I)u t boundary elements shall have a stand mj -::L engaging th e edge rei nforcem
ent or the "dgc reinforcement shall be enclosed in Ustirn1p:. ::".... ,} the same
size and spacing as. and spliced :l\ ik horizontal reinforcement.
shall be satisfied:
The boul1d~lry clement shall extend horizontfllly from the extreme co mpression
fibe r a dislance 110t less than the larger of c ~ 0.11". <lnd (.'/2 . where c i
s th e largest neutral axis depth calculated for the factored axial force and no
minal moment strength consistent with "II;
421.8.7 Coupling Hea llls

In flanged sections, the boundary clement shall include
the effective flange width in compression and shall extend at least 300 mm into
(he web;
421.8.7.1 Coupling beams with aspect ratio 'II Id -;;' { :1):., 0 satisfy {he re
quirements of Section 421.5. The prm'i. ,;.' Sections 421.5.1.3 and 421.5.1.4 sha
ll not be rcquir",,~ Ii H ca n be shown by analysis that the beam has adcqllal(~
)('(:1 '
Special boundary element transverse reinforcement shal l satisfy the requirement
s of Se~ t ions 421.6.4.2 th rough 421.6.4.4, except Eq . 421-4 need not be sati
sfied and the transverse reinforcement spacing limit
of Section 421.6.4.3(1) shall be one-third of the least
421.8.7.2 Coupling beams wi lh aspect ralio, /" II! ..-: 2, ;!Jld with faclOrcd
shear force V". exceed ing (1I3V \{ i ., A. ~
dimension of the boundary elemcl1I; 4. Special boundary elemem transverse reinfo
rcement at the wall base shall extend in to the support at least the
development length , ld' according to Section 421.8.2.3,
shall be reinforced with two intersecting grou /!"- 1)1 ;;i:lr:onally placed bar
s symmetrical about the midspan, \II ,j- ':s it can be shown thaI loss of stiffn
ess and strength ol Ihe cou pling beams will not impair the vertical load c: 'I!lg
capacity of the structure, or the egrcss from the stnll:l f"',!J. the integrity
of nonstruclUral com ponents itlHi ; :t,. connections 10 the Slnlcturc. 421.8.7.3
Coupling beams nOI governed by Sr:! j" 421.8.7. 1 or 421.8.7.2 shall be permitted
to he: .,' ; i' ) either with two intersecting groups of bars f-Y;: ,:!"'; abou
t the midspan, or according to Sections ,1) 1 ~\ "through 421.5.4.
of the largest longitudinal reinforcement in the special boundary element unless
the special boundary element terminates all a footing or mat, where special bou
ndary element transverse reinforcement sha ll extend at least 300 mill into the
footing or mat ;
Horizon tal reinforcement in (he wall web shall be anchored to develop the speci
fied yie ld strenglh f". wilhin (he confined core of (he boundary element; .
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAP1TH t1 ... StruC!lJr ..ll Concre le

421.8.7.4 Coupling beams rcillror<.t~d w ith (WO intcl'<;ccling gro ups III' diag
ollally placed hm '~ sj'IIlIHelricid ilbout Ihe midspan shall salisfy (I). (2).
and cilher (3) nr (4). Requirell1enls Secti on 411.9 sh<lllnut allply:
421.8.8 Construction
A ll construction joints ill structu ra l walls shall con form to Section 406.4
and contac t su rr<lccs shall be roughened as in
Seclion 411.8.9. 421.8.9 Discontinuous Walls Co lumns supporting discontinuous s
tructuml Willis shall be. reinforced in accorda nce with Section 421.6.4.6.
421.9 Structural Diaphragms and Trusses
The nominal shear stn..:nglh. VII' sImI! be determined
(42 1-9)
2. Etlch grmlp or di<lgonal hars shall consist of <I minimum of four bars provid
ed in two Of more layers. The di clgonal bar.> sha ll be embedded into the wall
not less than 1.25 times (he devclopmem knglh ror /; in te nsion.
Eile l! grou p of diagonal hars shall be enclosed by transverse reinforcement ha
ving oul-(o-out d imensions not smaller than b,/2 in thc direction paralicilO b
w <lIld b,,!.') along the ot her si des, where b". is the web width the coupling
bcam . The Iransvcrse re infon.:ement s/Jal l satisfy Sections 42 I .6.4 .2 and
42 I .6.4.4. shall have spacing meas ured pHrailcl to Ihe diagonal bars satisfy
in g Scclion 421.6.4.3 (3 ) and not exceeding six times th e diam cter o r the d
iagona l bars, and shall have spacing of cJ'()~s ti es or legs of hoops measured
perpendi cu lar w tIle diagonal bars no t excecding 350 mill . For Ihe purpose
of compu tin g AN for usc ill Eqs. 410-6 and 421 4, the conCre te cover as requi
red in Section 407.8 sha ll be ass umed on ~lll rour sides of each grou p of diC
!lgonal bars. 11le transverse re info rcement , or its alterna.ti vely conligure
d tr<tllsverse reinforcement satis fying the spacing and volume rati o requireme
nts of the transverse reinforcement along the diagonals, shall conti nue through
the intersection of the diagonal bars. Additional longitudinal and transverse r
einforcement shall be distributed around the bcam perimeter with lotal area ill
each direction not less than O.002blos and spacing not exceeding 300 mm.
421.9.1 Scope Floor and roof slabs acting as Sll1Jc lUral diaphragms to Iransmit
design :'lc tiollS ind uced by ea rthquake ground motions shall be designed in
accordance with this Sec ti on 42 1.9. Th!:-; Section also applies to strul S, t
i l!s, c hords, and co llector clements th at transmit forces induced by earthqu
akes, as well as tru sses servi ng as parts of the
ea rthquake force-resisting sys tc ms.
421.9.2 Design Forces The seismic design forces for stru ctural diaphragms shall

obta ined from {he lateral load analysis in accorda nce with the design load com
binatiolls .
421.9.3 Seismic Load Path
421.9.3.1 Alr diaphragms and the ir connect ions shall be proportioned and de(ai
led iO provide for a completc lransfer or fo rces to coll cclOr eleme nts and t
o the venical clements of the seismic-foree-resisting syste m . 421.9,3.2 Elemcn
ts of a stnlctural diaphragm system thai are subjected primarily to axial forces
and used to transfer diaphragm shear or flexura l forces around openings or oth
er discont in ui ljes, shall comply with the requirements for colleclors in Secl
ions 421.9.7.5 and 421.9.7.6.
4. Transverse reinforcement shall be provided for the
entirc beam cross section satisfying Sections 421 .6,4,2. 421.6.4.4, ..md 421.5
.4.2. with long iludina l splicin g l10t exceeding the smalle r of 150 mm and si
x times the diamcter o f the diagoll<ll b<ll's, and with s paci r:lg o r c rossl
ies or legs of hoops both verticall y and horizon tall y in the plane of the bea
m cross sect io n not exceedi ng 200 mill. Each crosslie and each hoo")) leg sh
all e n g~\gc a longitudinal b<lf of equal or ~a rge r diameter. h sha ll be per
mined to configure hoo ps as specifi ed in Seclion 421.5.3.6.
421.9.4 Cast-in-Place Composite-Topping Slab Diaphragms A composite-lopping slab
G ast in place o n i.l precast noor or
roof s hall be pcrlllitt ccl io he used .1S a strucltlral diaphragm provi ded th
e lOpping slab is rei nforced <111(1 it s connections arc proportioned and detai
led to pmv id e for a co mpl ete transfer o f forces 10 chords, collector elemen
ts. and the late ral-force-resisting system. The surface of the previously harde
ned concrete all which the topping sial.> is placed shall be clean, free of iait
ance, and intenti onall y roughened.
National Structural Code of th e Philippines 6
Edition Volum e 1

4 12()
CHAPT!: R 4 _. SlflIClliral ConOelC
421.9.5 Casl-in-Plner Topping Slab Diaphragms
A cast -in-pl;\(,.'c non-l:ompOSilc lOpping on a prccast Ooor or roof shall be p
enni lied 10 serve as a struclural di'lphragm, provided the casi-i n-place loppi
ng acting alone is propol1ioncd and dCI<ti led lO resisllhe design forccs.
res isting sys tem, thc limi! of 0.2[. ' shall he ilKTc;!scd to
O.v.', and the limit ofO . I S]; ' shall be increased In 0.4[,,' .
421.9.7.6 LongilUdi nal reinforceme nt 1'0.. colleclor cleme nts iii splices alH
I illlchoragc I'.ones shall have either:
421.9.6 Millimum Thickness of Diaphrag ms Co ncrete slabs and composi tc lOpping
slabs servi ng as sl ru clural dia phragms used to transmit ea nhquakc forces s
hall flat be less than 50 10m th ick. Topping slabs placed ovc r prccast Ooor or
roof eleme nts, acting as structurn l diaphragms and not relying on composite a
c tion with the precast elemclHs 10 rcsisl the design seismic forccs. sh:11I ha
ve thi ckness not less than 65 mm. 421.9.7 Reinforcement 421.9.7.1 The minimulll
reinforcement rati o for structural diaphragms slwll he in conformancc with Sec
ti on 407. I 3. Reinforccmcnt spaci ng each wa y ill non-post te nsioned fl oor
or roof sys tems shall not exceed 450 mill. Where welded wire fabric is used as
the di stributed reinforceme nt to resist shear ill lOpping slabs placed over pr
ecast 0 001' and roo f clemcnts. th e wires parallel to th e span of tile precas
t clcments shnl1 be spaccd nol less than 250 mill 011 ce nt er. Reinforcemen t
provided for shear strength shall be cont inuous and shall be distributed uni fo
rml y acro!>s thc shear plane.
421.9.7.2 Bonded prest ressing tendons used as primary reinforcement in diaphrag
m chords or collectors shall be proportioned such that the stress due to dcsign
seis mic forces does not exceed 415 MPa. Pre-compress ion from unbonded tendons
shall be penniHcd to resist diaphragm design forces jf a complete load path is p
A minimum cemer-to-ccnler spacing of three longi tudin al bar diameters. but not
less than 40 111111, aI~d a minimum concret e clellr cover or two llnd onehail
longitudinal har diameters, bUl nol less Ih'lI1 50 mill; or
411.6.6.4. cxCCpl as required in Seclion 421.9.7.5.
2. Transverse reinforcement (is required hy Section
421.9.8 Flexural Strength Diaphragms and port ions of d:aphragms shall be design
ed for nex ure in accordance with Scctions 410.4 and 410.5 exeCI'I 111m the nonl
inear di stribut ion of strain requ irements of Section 410.4 .2 for deep bea ms
need not appl y. The efrects of openings slwll he co n s id c n~d .
421.9.9 Shear Strength
Nominal shcar strcngth V" of stru ctural diaphra gms shall not exceed:
v" = A,, 1 11!6)!.J/", +M,)
(421 10)
421.9.7.3 All reinforcement used to resist collector forces, di aphragm shear. o
r flexural tension shall be developed or spliced for j,. in tensioll .
421.9.7.4 Type 2 splices arc requ ired where mechanica l splices nrc lIsed to tr

ansfer forces between the diaphragm and the veni cal elemen ts of the seismi c-f
o rcc-re:sisting sys tem. 421.9.7.5 Collector clements with compressive stresses
exceedi ng O.2ft at any section shall have transverse reinforcement , as in Sec
tions 421 .8.6.4 (3) over thc Icngth of the clemcnt. The special transverse rein
forcement is allowed to bc di sco ntinued at a section where the calcul atcd com
pressive strength is less than O.15fe.
For cast-in-pl ace topping slab diaphragms on precast 0001' or roof members, An
shall be computed using the thickness of topping slab only for non-compositc lop
ping slab dial-!~ragms and Ihe combined thi ck ness of cast-in-place and precast
clements for composite topping slab diaphragms. For composi te topping Si;lb di
aphragms. the value of J/ used to determine \I" shall not exceed the smaller ofJ
/ for Ihe precnst membcrs andj;.' for the lopping
sl ab.
diaphragms shall not exceed 0.66 A".
of structural
421.9.9.3 Above joints bctwecn precast clements in noncomposite and composite ca
sti n.plncc lOpping :;Ial: diaphragms, VI/: shall not exceecl :
"II = A'ff.JI
(421-1 l)
Where design forces have been amplified to accoun t for the
overstrcngth of the vertical elements of the seismicforce
where A", is {olal area of shea r fric tion reinforcement wili,;n topping slab,
including both distributed and hOIl!H :" .~ reinforce ment, that is ori en ted p
erpend icular to joint s ;;. !' . ' precast system and coeffici ent or fri cti o
n, fl, is I.O A. wl J{;~ A is given in Section 411.8.4 .3. At leas t one- hal f
of A,.' :: ,I be uniformly distributcd along the length of lhe pOle.:
Association of Structu ral Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTER 4 " Structural Concrete

shear plane. Area of distributed reinforccment in topping slab shall satisfy Scc
tion 407.13.2.1 in cach direction.
421.9.9.4 Above joints betwecn precast elemerlls in noncomposite and composite c
ast-in-place topping slab diaphragms, VII shall not exceed the jimits in Section
411.8.5 where Ac is computed using the thickness of the topping slab only.
421.10.2.3 Columns or boundary clements of special reinforced concrete structura
l walls that have an edge within one-half the footing depth from an edge of the
footing shall have transverse reinforcement in accordance with Sections 421.6.4.
2 through 42 J .6.4.4 provided below the top of the footing. This reinforcement
shaH extend into the fOOling a distance no less than the smaller of the depth of
the footing, mat, or pile cap, or the development length in tension. 421.10.2.4
Where earthquake effects create uplift forces in boundary elements of special r
cinforced concrete structural waHs or columns, flexural reinforcement shall be p
rovided in the top of the footing, mat or pile cap to resist the design load com
binations, and shall not be less than required by Section 410.6. 421.10.2.5 See
Section 422.11 for use of plain concrete in footings and basement walls.
421.9.10 Construction Joints
All construction joints in diaphragms shall conform to Section 406.4 and contact
surfaces shall be roughened as in Section 411.8.9.
421.9.11 Structural Trusses 421.9.11.1 Structural truss clements with compressiv
e stresscs exceeding 0.2/,,' at any section shall have transverse reinforcement,
as givcn in Sections 421.5.4.2 through 421.6.4.4 <lnd Section 42! .6.4.6, over
the length of the clement. 421.9.11.2 All continuolls reinforcement in structuml
truss clements shall be developed or spliced for;;. in tension. 42I.l0 Foundati
ons 42I.l0.1 Scope 421.10.1.1 Foundations resisting caJ1hquake-induced forces or
transferring earthquake-induced forces between structure and ground in structur
es assigned to scismic zones 4 and 2, shall comply with Section 421.10 and other
applicable code provisions. 421.10.1.2 The provisions ill Section 421.10 for pi
les. drilled piers, caissons, and slabs 011 grade shall supplement other applica
ble code design and construction criteria. See Sections 401.1.5 and 401.1.6.
421.10.2 Footings, Foundation Mats, and Pile Caps
421.10.3 Grade Beams and Slabs on Grade
421.10.3.1 Grade beams designed to act as horizontal ties between pile caps or f
ootings shall have continuous longitudinal reinforcement that shall be developed
within or beyond the supported column or anchored within the pile cap or footin
g at all discontinuities. 421.10.3.2 Grade beams designed to act as horizontal t
ies between pile caps or footings shall be proportioned such that the smallest c
ross-sectional dimension shall be equal to or greater than the clear spacing bet
ween connected columns divided by 20, but need not be greater than 450 111m. Clo
sed ties shall be provided at a spacing not to exceed the lesser of one-half the
smallest orthogonal crosssectional dimension or 300 mm. 421.10.3.3 Grade beams
and beams that are part of a mat foundation subjected to flexure from columns th
at are part of the lateral-force-resisting system shall conform to Section 421.5
. 421.10.3.4 Slabs-on-ground that resist seismic forces from walls or colulllns
that are part of the lateral-force-resisting systcm shall be dcsigned as structu
ral diaphragms in accordance with Section 421.9. The design drawings sha!1 clear
ly state that the slab-Oil-ground is a structural diaphragm and part of the late
ral-force-resisting system. 421.10.4 Piles, Piers, and Caissons
421.10.2.1 Longitudinal reinforcement of columns and structural waHs resisting f
orces induced by earthquake effects shall extend into the footing, mat, or pile
cap, and shall be fully developed for tension at the interface.
421.10.2.2 Columns designed assuming fixed-end conditions at the foundation shal
l comply with Section 421.10.2.1 and, if hooks are required, longitudinal reinfo

rcement resisting flexure shall have 90-degree hooks Ileal' the bottom of the fo
undation with the free end of the bars oriented towards the center of the column
421.10.4.1 Provisions of Section 421.10.4 shall apply to concrete piles, piers,
and caissons SUppoI1ing structures dcsigned for earthquake resistance.
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

41 28
CHAPTEH:1 - Strutlural Concrele
421.10.4.2 Piles, piers, or caissons rl!~i~ ling tens iull loaus shall ha ve con
tinuous longitudill'll fcillforccmcill over the length resisting design tension
fon:cs. The longitud inal reinforce ment shall bc dChlilcd to trans fer (c nsion
forces within the pile ca p 10 ~u pport cd structu ral members.
it shall be pcnllllll'd 10 ap ply th:.: rl lltl i rl..~lll l'l lI .... of Sect io
n 421. 11.4 . For two way ~ " Ibs wi thuut bl"!.iI11S, slab.colul1l1l cnnnccliol
ls slwli 1l1L'I,.' ! Ihe rl'lj ll in.: mcllIs of Secti o jj 42 1.11.6.
421.10.4.3 Where tension fon..: es illdu~cd by earthquake effects <Irc transfe r
red between pile cap or mal foundat io n and precast pile by reinforcin g bars g
rou ted or p(l s t ~ il :wllled in the lOp of the pile, the grouting. system sha
ll have been Ul!lIIollstratcd by test to develop al least 125 perccnt of the spe
ci ti.cd yield st rength of the b(tr.
421.10.4.4 Piles, piers. or caissons shall havc transverse reinforcemellt in acc
ordance with Secti ons 42 1.6.4 .2 through 42 at the following locati on
AI the lap of the member fo r at teast .') limes the
421.1 1.3 Wh ere !he indu ced 1ll011H!lIl s al1d shears under design displ aceme
nt.. . of Sl"l"liOIl 421. I 1.2 combil1ed with Ihe factored gravity mome nts and
shean.; do 110 t exceed the design moment and shear strength of tl w frame lIle
lllber, thl~ conditions of Sc(.:tions 421.! 1. )', 1, 421 . 11.l .". an.; ! ~2 I
.1 1.33 shall he satisfied. For this purpose, the l:r:l vi h IOCld combi nat io
ns ( 1.21)+ I .OL+O.2S) Or 0.9D. whicl ;t~"e r i~ critical. sh<lll bc used. The Iml
d fa ctor on the live b .ld ! sha ll be pcrmincd 10 he reduced 10 0.5 except for
!!;!I;lt~\::: areas occupied (I S places o r publ i<: asscmbly. ~I!ld all a r~:;i
~ where L is greater tha n 4.M kN/m:'. 421.J 1.3.1 Members with fac tored gravi
ty a xi al forces !l O! exceeding AJ'.I10 shill I satisfy Sections 42 1.).:?!. S
tirrup'i sha ll be spaced not more th;111 tll2 throu ghout the length of thc mcm
ber. 421.11.3,2 Members with factored gra vi ty ax ial fo rces exceeding A!lj"",
/IU, shall satisfy Sections tl21.6. 3.J, 42 ! .6.4.2, and 421 .6.5. Thc rnaxilll
llill longitud illr!! ~;paci : i }: or tics shall be S,/ for Ihe full column hei
ght. The s}xlCi pg s,) shall not exceed the smaller of six diamet ers of (ile ;\
!\Wlk:,l longillldinal bar e nc losed, and 150 111m. 421.11.3.3 Members wilh fac
tored gra vity axiili fl)r('(~': exceeding O.35 P" shall satisfy Secti ons 421.1
1.3.2 ;:J!d 421.6.4.7. The amount of transverse rei nforccBwHt providt,j shall b
e one~ h alf of that required by Section 41.1 .(l.4.4 bUI shall not exceed a spa
cing S(I for the full mem ber lenglh.
421,11.4 Ir the inuuccd moment or shell r II nd'-!" design displacements , (5",
exceeds Mn or V., (Il" t;:c; fram t member, or ind uced moments ;ue not cal: . l;M:
d, H1C co nditions of Sect io ns 421.11.4.1, 421 .11.:.2, au d 421.1 1.4.3 shall
be sati sfied.
member cross-sectional dime nsion, hut nol less than 1.8 Ill. below the bUllom o
f the pile cap:
2. For the portion of piles in soil that is not capahJc o f pro vidi ng lateral
support, or in air and water, alon g th e entire unsupPol1ed length plus th e le

ngth required in Section 42 I. I O.4. 4( I).

421.10.4,5 For precast concrete driven piles, the length of transverse reinforce
mel1t provided shall be suffi cient to account for potential varia tions in the
elc.vlI tion in pile tips.
421.10.4.6 Conc rete piles, piers, or caissons in foundmions supporting one- and
two-story stud bearing wall construction are exempt from the tr<'ll sverse re i
nforcement requirements of Sections 42 1. 10.4.4 and 421.10.4.5.
421.10.4.7 Pile caps incorpora ting bauer piles shall be designed to resi st the
full compressive strength of the bauer piles act ing as short columns. The slen
demess effects of balter piles shall be considered for the pOl1ion of ihc pi les
in soil that is not capable of providing laterClI support, or in air or water.
421.11 Memoers not Designated a s Part of the SeismicForce-Resisting System 421.
11.1 Scope
421.11.4.1 Materia ls shaH
satisfy Sectio!1';
'12 1.~/.) ,
421.3.4.3, 421 .3.5.2. 42 1.3. 5.4, and 421.3 .5.) M"c1", ,';c;,1
spli ces shall sal isfy Section 421.3.6 <1Jld ,\ ,.Id;, j .. :" shall smis fy Se
ction 421.3 .7. 1. 421.11.4.2 Mem bers with faclored grav it y }lxi;!! fnrrl'.:> not exceeding AJ 'J IO shall stlli sfy Sections 'i .! ,d 421.5.4. Stirrups shal
l he spaced a\ not I1lUI{~ Ihan dfl througho ut the length of the membe r. 421.1
1.4.3 Members wi th factored gra vit y exceedi ng Agref iO simll sati sfy Sectio
ns (t2 ~ .' J ~ , 421.6.5 and 421.7.3. J.
Requirements of Section 421.11 appl y to frame members not designated as part o
f the se is mi c- force~ resis ling system in structures assigned lO seismic zon
es 4 and 2. 421.11.2 Frame members assumed not to contribute to lateral resistan
ce, except two~way slabs without beams, shall be detai led according to Sections
42 1.11.3 or 421.11.4 depending all the magnitude of moments induced in those m
embers if subjected to the desi gn di splacement, 0". If effects of design displ
acements arc not explicitly checked,
l.:J .t ,. '.
Association of Structural Engineers of the Pllilippines

<'1 _.
Structural Concrete
421.11.5 I)rccast C()Jlcrctc frame mcmbers assLJmcd llot to contributc to latera
l resistance, including their cOllnections, shall satisfy (I), (2), and 0), in a
ddition to Sections 421.11.2 through 421.11.4:
reinforcement details in any span resisting moments caused by lateral force /:.;
shall satisfy Section 421.12.6.
421.12.3 Design shear strength of beams, VII' and columns resisting earthquake ef
fect E shall not be less than the smaller of (1) and (2):
Tics specificd ill Section 42l.lJ.3.2 shall be provided over the elltire colulll
n height, including the dl~pth of the beams; Structural integrity rcinforcement,
as specified in Section 416.6, shall be provided; and Bearing length at support
of a beam shall be at least 50 mm longer than determined frolll calculations us
ing bearing strength values from Section 41O.18.
2. 3.
The sum of the shear associated with
the member at each retrained !!pd of
factored gravity loads; The maximum
ns that include earthquake effect E,
in Section 208.

development of
the clear span
shear obtained
with E assumed

nominal moment strengths of

and the shear calculated for
froln design load combinatio
to be twice that prescribed

For slab-column connections of two-way slabs without beams, slab shear reinforce
ment satisfying the requirements of Sections 411.13.3 and 411.13.5 and providing
V~ not less than 0.29 b;;d shall extend at least four times the slnb thickness
frolll the face of the support, unless either (I) or (2) is satisfied:
421.12.4 Beams
421.12.4.1 The positive moment strength at the face of the joint shall be not le
ss than one-third the negative moment strength provided at that face of the join
t. Neither the negative nor the positive moment strength at any section along th
e length of the member shall be less than one-fifth the maximum moment strength
provided at the face of either joint. 421.12.4.2 At both ends of the member, sti
rrups shall be provided over lengths equal to twice the member depth h
The requiremcllts of Section 411. I 3.7 using the design shear \lug and the indu
ced moment transferred between the slab and column under the design displacement
; The design story drift ratio docs not exceed the larger
orO.D05 and [0.035 - 0.05(1I,,/II,)).

Design story dri ft rati.o shall be taken as the larger of the design story drif
t ratios of the adjacent stories above and below the slab-column connection. Ve
is defined in Section 411.13.2. Vug is the factored shear force on the slab crit
ical section for two-way action, calculated for the load combination 1.2D + I.OL
+ 0.2S. The load factor on the live load, L, shall be permitted to be reduced t
o 0.5 except for garages, areas occupied as places of public assembly, and all a
reas where L is greater than 4.8
421.12 Requirements for Intermediate I\1oment Frames,
measured from the face of the supporting member toward midspan. The first stiITI
lp shal! be located at not more than 50 mm from the face of the supporting membe
r. Maximum stirrup spacing shall not exceed the smallest of:
2. 3.
Eight times the diameter of the smallest longitudinal bar enclosed; Twenty four
times the diameter of the stirrup bar; and
300 nun.
421.12.4.3 Stirrups shall be placed at not morc than dl2 throughout the length o
f the member. 421.12.5 Columns
421.12.5.1 Columns shall be spirally reinforced in accordance with Sections 407.
11.4 or shall conform with
Sections 421.12.5.2 through 421.12.5.4. Section 421.12.5.5
Seismic Zone 2
421.12.1 The requirements of Section 421.12 apply to
intermediate moment frames forming part of the scismicforce-resisting system in
addition to those of Sections 401
through 418.
421.12.2 Reinforcement details in a frame member shall satisfy Section 421.12.4
if the factored compressive axial load for the member does not exceed At/'jlO. I
f Pil is larger, frame reinforcement details shall satisfy Section 421.12.5. Whe
re a two-way slab system without beams forms a part of the seisI1lic~force-resis
ting system,
shal! apply to all colulllns, and Section 421.12.5.6 shall apply to all columns
supporting discontinuous stiff members.
National Structural Code of 1I1e Philippines 6'" Edition Volume 1

<1 ~.
Structural Concrete
421.12.5.2 AI both ends of the column. hoops shall be pro vided ill sp:lci ng SO
l Over "I length I" measu red from thc j Oi lll facc. Spacing .\'/. sha ll !lot
exceed the small e st oj' (I). (2). (3). and (4); I. 2. 3.
Ei gh t times the diametcr bar enclosed;
or the
smallest longi tudinal
421.12.6.2 Reinforcemcnt placed wililin the effect i Ve widt h speci fi ed in Se
cti on 4 shall be propo l1 io ncd to resis t 11A'I~loIIr Efl'cctive sla
b wid th for exte rior and co rnel' l:l>nncclions shall not ex tend beyond the c
olumn face a distance grc<I1c r than (", mcasured perpendi cular to the s lab
sp an .
24 times the diameter of the lic bar: OncllUlf of the smallest cross sccti oll <l
l dimcn":')Jl of thc column ; ~i,nd
421.12.6.3 Not Jess than o ne~halr of the reinforce ment in Ihe column strip at
SUppOI1 shall be placed wi thin the effecti ve slab width specified in Secti on
421.12.6.4 Nol less Ihan one-fou rt h o[ Ihe lOp reinfo rcement at the support i
n the column strip sll<l ll be cont inuous th roughout lhe span.
4. 300 nlln
Lenglh I" shall nOI be less Ihall Ihe largesl 0 [: I. 2.
Onesixlh of the clear span of the membc.r; Ma xi mulll cross-sectional dimension
of the column; and
450 mm. 421.12.6.6 NOl less Ihan one-hair o[ all bOllom re inforcement and all b
ottom column strip reinforcement at midspan shall he cominuous and sllflll de ve
lop its yield strenglh, .f;., at f<lce of support as defined in Section 41 3.7.2
421.12.6.5 Continuous bottom reinforcement in the column strip shall be not less
than o ll c~third of the top reinforcement at the support in the column slIip.
421.12.5.3 The first lie shall be loc,ated at not more th an s./l fro m the join
t face. 421.12.5.4 Outside the length 1 ,,, spacing of transvcrse reinforcem ent
shall conform (() Sections 407.1! and 411.6.5. 1. 421.12.5.5 l oi nt reinforcem
ent shal l conform to Section 411.1 2. 421.12.5.6 Columns suppol1ing reac ti ons
fro m discontinuous stiff members, such as walls, shall be provided wilh transv
erse reinforcement at th e spacing, s," as defined in Seclion 42 over I
he [ul1 heighI benealh the le vel at whi ch the discontinuit y occurs if (he por
ti on of fac tored axial co mpressive force in these mem bers related to earthqu
ake effects exceeds AJ,' flO. Where design forces have becn magnified to aCCOUf
l{ for the overstrenglh of the vertical elements of th e seismic- fo rce~resi st
ing system, th e limil o[ AI,' 110 shall be increased 10 AI,' 14. This transvers
e reinforcement shall extend above and below the columns as required in 42 1.6.4
.6 (2). 421.12.6 TWO-Way Slabs Without Beams 421.12.6.1 Factored sltlb moment a
t support incl udin g earthqllake effects. E, shall be dctennined for load combi

nalions defined by &15 . 409-5 and 409-7. All reinforcement provided to re sist
M,f, the pOlt ion of slab moment balanced by sllppon mome nt shall be placed wit
hin the column strip defined in Sectio n 4 13.3. 1.
421.12.6_7 Al di sconlinuous edges o [ Ihe slab all lOp and bOllom reinforcement
at suppon shall be and shall be deve loped at the face of suppo n as defi ned i
n Section 4 421.12.6.8 At th e critical sec tions for columns defined
in Section 4 I, lwo ~ way shear caused by factored gra vity loads shall
not exceed O.4Vr' where Vt shall be calculmed as defined in Sectio n 411.1 3.2.
1 for nonprestrcssed slabs and in Seelioll 411 .13.2.2 for prestressed slabs. It
shall be permitted to waive this requi rement if the slab design satisfies requ
irements of Seclion 42 1.11.6. 421.13 Special Moment Frames Using Precast Concre
te 421.13.1 Scope Requirements of Section 421.13 app ly to speciaJ mOlrw> t fram
es conslm cteu llsin g precas t concrete fonning pari u[ the seismi c-forcc-resi
stin g sys tem. 421.13.2 Special moment frames with ductile COllllcctions constr
u cted using precast co ncrete shall satisfy (I ) an d (2) and all requirements
for special moment frames constfllcll.(: with cas l -i n~pl ace concrete:
I. Vn for connecti ons computed acco rding to Sf' ''!!'''' 4 11 .8.4 shall nOI b
e less Ihan 2V, . wh,-!e L ". caleulaled according 10 Seclion 421.5 .4.1 or 4 ?.
1.('. 5.1 ;
As sociation of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

2. Mechanical splices of beam reinforcement shal! be located not closer than hl2
from the joint face and shall
meet the requirements of Sections 42! .3.6. 421.13.3 Special moment frames with
strong connections
CHAPTER 4 Structural Concrete
Columns having clear height less than or equal five times the dimension shall be
designed for shear in accordance with Section 421.12.3.
constructed using precast concrete shall satisfy all requirements for special mo
ment frames constructed with
421.15 Special Structural \Valls Constructed Using Precast Concrete 421.15.1 Sco
Requirements of Section 421.15 apply to special structural walls constructed usi
ng precast. concrete forming part of tile seismic-foree-resisting system.
concrete, as well as (I), (2), (3), and (4).
1. . Provisions of Section 421.5.1.2 shall apply to segments
between locations where- flexural yielding is intended
to occur due to design displacements; 2. 3. Design strength of the strong connec
tion, lS,!> shall be not less than S/.; Primary longitudinal reinforcement shall
be made
continuoLls across connections and shall be developed
421.15.2 Special structural walls constructed using precast concrete shaH satisf
y all requirements of Section 421.8 in addition to Sections 421.4.2 and 421.4.3.
421.15.3 Special structural walls constructed using precast concrete and un ban
ded post-tensioning tendons and not satisfying the requirements of Section 421.1
5.2 arc permitted provided they satisfy the requirements of ACI lTG-S.1.
outside both the strong connection and the plastic hinge region; and 4. For colu
mn-to-column connections, Sf) shall not be less than 1.4 Sr. At column-to-column
connections, Mil shall be not less than O.4M,If for the column within the story
height, and V/I of the connection shall be not less than Vr determined by Section
421.13.4 Special moment frames constructed using precast concrete and not satisf
ying the requirements of Sections 421.13.2 or 421.13.3 shall satisfy the require
ments of ACI 374.1 and the requirements of (I) and (2):
1. 2. Details and materials used in the test specimens shall be representati ve
of those used in the structure; and The design procedure used to proportion the
test specimens shall define the mechanism by which the frame resists gravity and
earthquake effects, and shall establish acceptance values for sustallung that m
echanism. Portions of the mechanism that deviate from Code requirements shall be
contained in the test specimens and shall be tested to determine upper bounds f
or acceptance values.

421.14 Ordinary Moment Frames 421.14.1 Scope

Requirements of Section 421.14 apply to ordinary moment frames forming part of t
he seismic-foree-resisting system.
421.14.2 Bcams shall have at least two of the longitudinal
bars continuous along both the top and bottom faces. These bars shall be develop
ed at the face of SUppOIt.
National Structural Code of tile Philippines 6'" Edition Volume 1

4 132
422.2.3 For unusual structures. stich as arches. underground lItility structures
. gmvity wall s. and shieldi ng wa ll ~ provisions o f (hi s section shall gover
n where appli cable. . , 422.3 422.1 Nolalions
Lim ita( i oJl~
= loaded <lrca, 111m 2 = the .Irea of the lower base of the hugcsl frustum of
cone, or tapered wedge co ntai ned wholly within the suppon and havi ng for its
upper base the loaded area, and having side slopes of I vertical to 2 horizontal
. mm? :: widt h o f member, mm :: perimeter of criti cal secti on for shear Ln f
= gross <lrca o f sec ti on, mm:!
.1 pyramid,
422.3. 1 Provisions of Section 422 shall apply for design of s tru ctural pl ai
n concrete members defined as eith er unreinforccd or cont;ti nin g less rr:;nfo
rcement than t h;:o: minimum alllount specified in thi s code ror rcinforl:(.,- !
concretc. See Secti on 402. 422.3.2 Use of structural plain concrete shall be l
imited to :
b b"
Members that arc contin uously supported
l members capablc of provid ing conti nu
c h arch act ion provides compress io n
Wall, and pedestals. Sec Secli ons 422.7

by soil or supported by other structura

ous vertical suppo rt ; Members for whi
under a ll condit ions of loadin g; or
and 422.9.

/" .
:: nominal bearing load
:: specified co mpressi ve stre ngth o f co nc rete. MPa Sec Seci ion 405 con cr
ete, MPa average sp lilting ten si le strengt h of li gillweigh t aggregate conc
rete, MPa. See Secti ons 405.2.4 and
ff :: square root of specified co mpressive s-t rcnglh of

The usc of structural plain co nc rete co lumns shall not pcnnitted. 422.3.3 Sec
tion 422 shall not gover n design and installati on of cast -in -place co ncret
e piles and pi ers embedded in ground. 422.3.4 Minimum Specified Strength Specif
ied com pressive strength of plai n concrete to be used for structural purposes
shall not be less th an the larger of 17 MPa and that required fo r durability i
n Section 404. 422.3.5 Seismic Zones 2 and 4 . Pl a in concrete sh<lll not be us
ed jn Seismic Zone 2 o r 4 except where specificall y permiHed by Seclion 422.11
.1. 422.4 Joints 422.4.1 Contrac tion or isolatio n joint s shall be provided In
divide stflic lUra i plain concrete me mbers inln nr.x ur<l ;:Y d iscontinuous
elemcnt s. The size of each elcmcil l ~hall l ili ,:~ or control excessive build
up of internal strc ss(' ~ (;;; t: ~.t,) i,) reslraint to movemelll s from c ree
p, shlink"gc and temperature effecls. 422.4.2 In determining {he number ~nd loca
l ion of co ntrac tion or iso lat ion joints. co nsideration shall he given : ,
I to; influence of climatic conditions ; ~(~k("li , , proponioning of mate ria ls
; mix. ing, plll c i ll i~ :111\; , . concrete; degree of restraint to movcment
; strC"'!'se': , hit. iO loads to which an ele ment is subjeci; ;U\d tOn i." ,. t
ec bniques.
405.2.5 :: overa ll thickness of membe r, mil)
M il
:: vertical distance between supports, mJl1
:: l10 mi nal moment s lrc ngth at sec tion
:: fac tored moment
:: nominal slrength of cross sec ti on s ubj eci to
compression = nominal ax. ial load strength of wall designed by Sec lion 422 .7.
5 :: factored axial load at given ecce ntricity :: c lasti c secti o n modu lus
of secli on :: nomina l shear strength at section :: shear stress due to factore
d shear force al secti on. :: fa ctored shear force at secli on = ratio oflong s
ide to short side of concentrated load or reacti on area :: strength redu c tion
fact or. See Section 409.4 .5

422.2 Scopc
422.2. t Section 422 provides minimum requirements for design and constl11clion
of s tructura l plltin co ncrCl e members (cast-ill-place or precast). 422.2.2 U
nl ess in conniel with the provisions of Sec tion 422, Ihe roll owing provi s io
ns o r Ihis Code sha ll app ly 10 s tructural plai n conc rete members: Sections
40 1. 1 through

407.6, 407.7. 1, 407.7.2, 407 .7.4. 407.8, 409.2.3, 409.3, 409.4.5, Secli ons 42
0, 421.10.2.5, 426.409.3, 426.409.3.5, a nd Seclion 423.
Assoc iali ol1 of S tructura l Eng ineers of the Phil ipp ine s

CHAP rt:= n -1 . StrllcllI ra l Concrete

4- 133
421-.5 Design Method
422.6.2 Des ign of cross shall he based on: concre te membe rs shall be
scc t ion~
subject In
StmcIlIfil l plain
des igned for adcquill c sire ngth in accordallce WiLh the code,
(JPt! ~ P"
whe re PI' is factored load Hnd strc ngth co mputed by:
/: using load faclOrs and design strength .
422.5.2 Factored load s and forces shall be in co mbinations as in Section 409 .
3 . 422.5.3 Where rcqtli rcd strength ex ceed s des ign slfcnglh, rei nforceme n
t shall be prov ided a nd the me m be r designed
11 is
nomin al com p re~s i()11
0.60} , I 1 (. !,---) 32 11 ' JA
(4 22-5)
where A 1 is the loaded mea. 422.6.3 Me mbers su bj ec t 10 combined nexure and
axial IOitd in compress ion sha ll be propol1i o ned such tha t On the com press
ion face:
as a reinforced cancreIC member in accord ance with
appropriate des ign require me nt s of the code. 422.5.4 Strength design of st r
uctural plai n conc re te mem bers fo r fl exure and axia l loads shall be based
on a li near stress-stra in relationShip in both te nsion ~md compress ion. 422
.5.5 Ten sile strength of conc rete 5h<l ll be permitted to be conside red in de
s ign o f pl ain co nc rete me mbers when provi sions o f Sec ti on 422 .4 have
bee n foll owed. 422.5.6 No strength shall be reinforcement that may be present.

ass igned to steel

1',,/ P" + M"/$M,
and 011 the te nsio n face:
rI 1
M"/S -Po/A, ,; OA2(!J.ff.
422.6.4 Design of recl1lll gular c ross sec ti ons subject 1 0 3hear shall be ba
sed on :
whe re V" is factored shear and V'I is nominal shear stre ngth
422.5.7 Tens ion shall not be transmitted through ou tside edges. constru cti on
j oi nt s. contracti on joints. or isolati on j oints of an indi vidua l pl a i
n concrete ele men!. No ne xural contin uit y due to tc nsion shall be assumed b
e tween adjace nt sU11cw ra l plain concrete e lement s.
422.5.8 When comput ing strength in flexure. combined flex ure and axial load, a
nd shear, the ent ire cross section of a member shall be considered in des ign.
except fo r conc rete cast aga ins t soil where overa ll thi c kness II sha ll b
e take n as 50 mm less tha n act ual thi c kness .
compu ted by:
= 0. 11 ).
ff. b,.h
for bea m acti on and by:
for two-way aClion but nol greater than O.22.l../T: bjl. In Eq . 422- 10./1 corr
espo nd s '0 rat io of long s ide 10 short sid e of co ncentrated load or reacli
on area. 422.6.5 Design of bearin g areas subject to compress ion shall be based
422.6 Strength Design
422.6.1 Design of cross sections subj ect to ne xure shall be b ased on
(422-11 )
where E" is rac tored bearing load and Bn is the nomina l bearing strength of lo
aded a rea A I computed by:
(422- 1)
where Mu is factored mo me nt and Mt! is nomiB<t1 moment strength computed by
= 0.85!"

(422- 12)
= (51J2)J../T: S,"
except where the supporting surface is wider Oil all side., than the loaded area
, design bea ring strenglh on the loaded arca shall be m ultipli ed by
if tension controls, and
JA, I A,
bu. not more .han 2.
if compressi on contro ls, whe re. Sill is th e correspondin g elastic section m
odulu s.
National Stru ct ura l Code of the Philippines 6'h Edition Volume 1

4 .- Sll"Uclural Concrete
422.6.6 Lightweight Concrete Modification factor ), for lightweight concrete in
this Chapter shall be in accordance with Section 408.7. J unless specifically no
ted otherwise.
422.7.6.2 [:xccpt as provided for in Section 422.7.6.3, thickness of bearing wal
ls shalJ [lO! be less than 1/24 the unsupported height or length, whichever is s
honeI', nor less than 140 1111ll.
422.7.6.3 Thickness of exterior basement walls foundation walls shall be nol les
s than 190 mill.
422.7 Walls
422.7.1 Structural plain conCk .. .; walls shall be continuously supported by so
il, footings, foundation walis, grade beams or other structural members capable
of providing continuous vertical support. 422.7.2 Structural plain concrete wall
s shall be designed for vertical, lateral and other loads to which they arc subj
ected. 422.7.3 Structural plain concrete walls shall be designed for an eccentri
city corresponding to the maximulll moment that can accompany the axial load but
not less than O. 1011. If the resultant of all factored loads is located within
the middJc- third of the overall wall thickness, the design shall be in accorda
nce with Sections 422.6.3 or 422.7.5. Otherwise, walls shall be designed in acco
rdance with Section 422.6.3. 422.7.4 Design for shear shall be in accordance wit
h Section 422.6.4.
422.7.6.4 Walls shall be braced against lateral translation. Sec Sections 422.4
and 422.5.7. 422.7.6.5 Not less than two lZl16 min bars shall be provided around
all window and door openings. Such bars shall extend at least 600 Illill beyond
the corners of openings.
422.8 Footing
422.8.1 Structural plain concrete footings shall be designed for factored loads
and induced reactions in accordance with appropriate design requirements of this
Chapter and as provided ill Sections 422.8.2 through 422.8.8. 422.8.2 Base area
of footing shall be determined from un factored forces and moments transmitted
by footing to soil and permissible soil pressure selected through principles of
soil mechanics. 422.8.3 piles. Plain concrete shall not be used for footings
422.7.5 Empirical Design Method
422.7.5.1 Stmctural plain concrete walls of solid rectangular cross section shal
l be permitted to be designed by E.q. 422-13 if the resultant of all factored lo
ads is located within the middle-third of the overall thickness of wall. 422.7.5
.2 Design of walls subject to axial compression shall be based on: loads in 422.
8.4 Thickness of structural plain concrete footings shall be not less thall 200
mm. Sec Section 422.5.7. 422.8.5 Maximum factored moment shall be computed at cr
itical sections located as follows:
At the face of the column, pedestal or wall, for footing supporting a concrete c
olumn, pedestal or \vall;

Halfway between center and face of the wall, for fOOling supporting a masonry wa
ll; Halfway between face of column and edge of steel ba~c plate, for footing supp
orting a column with SiC": ba~:c: plate.
where Pu is the factored axial load and PII is nominal axial load strength compu
ted by:
PfI~' = 0.45!' (~ A [1 - (-'"--) 32h
422.8.6 Shear in Plain Concrete Footing 422.7.6 Limitations 422.7.6.1 Unless dem
onstrated by a detailed analysis, horizontallcngth of wall to be considered effe
ctive for each vertical concentrated load shall not exceed center-to-center dist
ance between loads, nor width of bearing plus four times the wall thickness. 422
.8.6.1 Maximum factored shear shall be (:omputed in accordance with Section 422.
8.6.2, with loc;!!!"" of 'TiticnJ r section measured at facc of column, ped ,""
footing supporting a column, pedestal or \"' ,; ... ,) supporting a column with
steel base jlL~ ' section shall be measured at location deC! l: 422.8.5 (3).
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTE R 4 - StruclUral Concrete

422.8.6.2 ShenT strength 01" structural plain conc rete footings in the vicinity
of concentnucd loads or react ions shall be governed by the more severe of two
Beflln actioll for footing. with a cr il ic~1I section extending ill H pl<llle a
cross the enlire fooling width and loca ted at uistancc II from face of concentr
ated load or reaction areil. For this condition, th e foolin g shall be des igne
d in accordance with Eq. 4229;
422.J0.4 Prct:;:lst mcmbers sh311 he adcquiltcly bri.lced and suppol1ed during e
rection to ensure proper alignment and siructllml integrity until pcrmanent conn
ections are completed. 422.1) Plain C{)ncrete in EarthquukcRcsisting Structures
Twoway <1ctiol1 for r~)(Jting. with 11 critical secti{J\1 perpendicular to plane
of footing and l<leated so that its perimeter bu is a minimum , but need not app
roach closer Ihan "12 to perimeter of concentrated load or reaction area. For th
is condition, the footing shall be designed in accorda nce with Eq . 422-10.
422.1 1.1 Stl1lctures design ed for earthquake induced forces in regions or high
scislIlic risk or assigned to high sc i~mi c performance or design categori es.
e.g. zone 4, shall not have foundation elements of slnicturaJ plain concrete, e
xcept as follows:
422.8.7 Circular or regular polygon shaped concrete columns or pedestal s shall
be permitlcd ( 0 be (reated as squa re members with the same area for location o
f crilical sections for moment and shear. 422.8.8 Factored bearing load, Bu, on
concrete at contnct surface between supportillg and supported member shall not e
xceed design bearing stre ngth, B'I> for eilher surface as given in Section 422.6
.5. 422.9 Pedestals 422.9.1 Plain conc rete pedestals shall be designed for vert
ical, lateraJ .tod other loads 10 which they are subjected. 422.9.2 Ralio of uns
upported height to average least lateraldimension of plain concrete pedestals sh
all not exceed 3. 422.9.3 Maximum factored axial load, p., applied to plain Conc
rete pedestals shall nOI exceed design bearing strengt h, B", given in Section 42
2.6.5. 422.10 Precast Members 422.10.1 Design of precast plain concrete members
shall consider all loading conditio ns from initial fabrication to completion of
th e structure, including form removal. storage, transportati on and erection.
422.10.2 Limitatio ns of Section 422.3 apply to precast members of plain concret
e nOL only (0 the final condition but also during fablication, transponation and
erection. 422.10.3 precast members shall be connected secu rel y to transfer al
l lateral forces into a structural system capable of resisting such forces.
For detached one and Iwofamily dwellings three stories or less in height and const
ructed with stud bearing walls, plain concrete footings without longitudinal rei
nforce ments supponing walls and isolated plain concrete footings supponing colu
mns or pedestals arc permitted; supporting castinplace reinforced conc rete or rei
nforced mas onry w(llls arc permitted provided the foo tings are reinforced long
it udina lly with not less than two continuous reinforcing bars. Bars shall not
be 0lal small er than 12 111m diameter and shall have a 1 area of not less thall
0.002 times the gross crosssectional area of the footing . Continuity of reinfo

rcement shall be provided at comers and intersections;

2: Fm all other Structures, pJain concrete footings
For detached one and two-family dwellings three stories or less in height and con
structed with stud bearing walls, plain concrete fou ndations or basement walls
arc pClluitled provided lhe wall is nOl less (han 190 nun thick and retains no m
ore than 1.2 111 of unbalanced fill.
National Structural Code of th e Philippines 6
Edition Volurne 1

4 136
CHAPTE R 4 -. Structural Concre te
CkIllCIl' . ::,
" 'cnsile
lest cJongillioll of ilt least 14 percellt and 1'1'11:" 'ion '!1 area of at leas
t 30 perccnt. A steel CICll\t'1l1 . . \' I i;'g th e requiremcnts or ASTM AJ07 s
hall he (':oll sili c.:!. ...~i: ~ ti le. 423.1 Dcl1l1itiOIl' ANC}fOH A stcel el
ement either cast into co ncrete or postinslallcd into a hardened concrcte mcmbcr
und uscd to transmit app li ed loads, including headed bolts, hooked bolts
(J- Or L-bolt) , hetl(jed studs, expansion unchors, or undercut anchors.
E DGE DISTANCE. The di s lHll tC from tl1(' ('che of the conc rete surface to Ih
e center of the nearest anc! ll)! :
EFFECTIV E EMIlf;DMENT DEPTH . The ("'crail <Iep,h
through which the 1I"' hor transfers force ,,', . .; !itllll the surft)u lldi ng c
oncrcte. The effective cmbct!ll i:',,! ,it pt h w ill norma lly bc the depth of
the conc retc fai l1lfl: su rface in tension application s. For cast -i n headed
an,l,t,; hl,li ' and headed studs, the effective embedment dep n. ,: lW:;l,Ll r
ed from the bc.:1ring comac t s urface of the head .
approximatcly equal effective e mbedment depth with each anchor s pnced lit less
than 311 tt frolll One or more adjacent anchors when subjected to tension or 3.'
0/ from one or more adjacent anchors when subjec ted to shear. Only (ho se ancho
rs susceptible to the particular failure mode under investigation shall be inclu
ded in the group.
correspo nding 1 0 the anchoring device or a major component of the device slidi
ng o ut fro m th e concrete withollt breaking out a sub stant ial portion of the
surrounding conc re te.
EXPANSION ANCHOn. A post-in~la ll ed :tndHlr, inW l1ed imo hardened co ncrete tha
t tran sfers load s It ) :H r' lIi:, the co ncrete by direct bearing or friction
or bo;;;. ;:-::I,;:I.!;ion anchors may be torque controlled, where tht ,- ,.j,a

lisi,.Hl is achicved by a to rqu e acting a ll the scrc\'.' 1)1' holt; or displa

cemenl-comrollcd, where the expnnsil .j ,;", adlicved by impact forces acting 01
1 a slee ve 01 !,jll!' and the expansion is cOlllro ll cd by the length of trav
ri L d (1 )(: skeve
or plug. EX I'ANSION SLEEVE. The ou 'er pOri "I' "" ""I'",,';on anchor lhal i ~ f
orced outward by the cent c! p.t:!, lilli, l by applied torque or impact, to bear
against (Iii.: ~.j(h:~ oj the predrilled hole. FIVE PEH CENT FRACTILE. A s' a'i
ANCHOR RErNFOHCEMENT. Reinforcemen. used
transfer the full design load from the anchors into the structuralmcmber. Scc Se
ction 423.5.2.9 or 423.6.2.9.
ATTACHM ENT. The SlruClUral asse mbly. eXlernal.o .he
surface of the conc reLe, that transmits loads to or receives load s from !~Ie a
Il 'Mlling
90 perccnt confidence that there is 95 percellt r.ll hiJ hilil y of the actual s
trength exceeding the nominal strcllt:lil .
BHITTLE STEEL ELEMENT. An elemen! wi.h a .ensile
{cst elongation of less than 14 percent, or reducti o n in area
orIess .han 30 percen or bo.h . CASTIN ANCHOR. A headed bol . headed slUd. or
hooked bolt inst alled befo re plac ing concrete.
HEADED STUD. A steel anc hor confnUli ll!!
d affix.ed to it F !;;!< or si milar stcel
I ,(!::S before ca sting. HOOKED BOLT. A
bearing of .he 90degree bend (Lbol,) or
s cmbed,k.1 (:lid. ;~ lId

to the requirements of A WS D 1. 1 an
attachment by the stud arc welding II
casl -in ancho r ancholi't! 111::1111" by
-Ild (J-boIL) against the concrete, at it

I"" :. ,. "
correspondi ng to a volume o f concrete surrounding th e anchor or grCllp of anc
ll ors separating from the member.
ha ving a mi nimu m ell of 3dn .
',,, ::.:'
con'esponding to formation of a concrete spa ll behind shon , stifr a nchors dis
pl,lced in the direction opposi te 10 the applied ~hca r force.
Ilardencd concrete . Ex pan~i on anchors ;!lld ancllors arc ex<tmplcs o f post ~
in s t ;l llcd allcJltll.,,>. PROJECTED AREA, The area

lIIHh, .. rcut
DISTANCE SLEEVE. A sleeve .hal encases .he ccn.er
part of an undercut anchor, a torque-conlrolled cApansioLl anchor, or a di splac
emen t-controlled expans ion anchor, but does nOl expand.
concrete member thaI is llsed to represent Ill;, th c ass umed rectilinear failu
re surface.
the fr('c ~'ud :';' I' of the . ;(: Il
anchors with deeper cmbedmcnt but t h ij~L, :.! .. ,: ' .'. -: corresponding to
concrete spalling Oil tim side :-,1((; mOUlni
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTEn 01 ..
Concre te
4 13('
Ihe ~mbcddcd head while no major bn:i1koul occurs al tile lOp (;OJ)(.'fC le slIr
falc. SPECIALTY I NSEnT. !'redesigned and prcrabricall:d
423.2.4 I_oad i.I PI>licmions that arc predominantly high l'ye le fatigue or imp
act Jo'lds are nOI covcred by thi s secti oll.
cast-in HIU.:h ol"s spccificillly designed for aUachmc.nt of boltcd 01' sJolwd l
orlllcltil)lls. Speciall y inscl1s arc oftt::n used for handling. transportation.
and erectioJl. but arc aiM) u$cd for <lllchoring stru ctural elcments. Spcci.i1
ty inscl1s arc 11tH within the scope of this appendix .
SUPPLEMENTARY REINFOR CEMENT. Reinforcemcnt Ihat ac ts LO rC$train the potential
con crete breakout but is no t designed to transfer the full desi gn load frol1
1 the a nchors in to the struclUral member. UNDERCUT ANCHOR. A post -installed a
nchor that develops its tensile stre ngth from {he mechani cal imerlock prov ide
d by undercutting of the concrete at Ihe embedded e nd of th e anchor. The under
cutting is ac hi eved w it h a spec ial drill before in stalling the anchor or a
lternatively by th e anc hor itself durin g its installation. 423.2 Scope 423.2.
1 This secti on provides design requireme nts for anchors ill concrete used 10 t
ransmit structural loads by means of tension , shea r. or a combination of tensi
on and
423.3 General Ucquircmcnt s
423.3.1 Anchors and an c hor group s sh.1I1 be design ed for critical dTccl:-. o
f f<.lc lon::d loads as de termincd by clastic analysis. Plastic analysis ~Ippro
aches are permitted where nominal st rength is controlled by ductil e steel elcm
ents. prov ided th;1I dcformmional co mpiUibility is taken illlo account. 423.3.
2 The des ign strength of anchors sl)<111 equal or exceed Ih e largest required
st re ngth colleUliltcd from the applicable load co mbinati on s in Secti oll 4
02 . 423.3.3 W he n ancho r design includes earthquake forces for structures ass
igned {o seism ic zones 2 or 4, the <\dditional requirements of Sectio ns 423.3
.3. 1 through 423.3 .3.6 shall app ly. 423.3.3.1 The provisions of this sec ti
o n do llOl apply 10 the design of anchors in plastic hin ge zones o f concrete
structures under earthquake forc e~. 423.3.3.2 Post~instal!cd structura l anchor
s shall be. q ualified for use in cracked conc rete and shall have passed the Si
mulated Seismic Test $ in accordance with ACJ 355.2. Pullout strength N" and ste
el st rength of th e anchor in shear \1$'1 shall be based on the results of the
AC I 355.2 Simulated Seismic Tests. 423.3.3.3 The a nchor design s trength assoc
iated with co ncrete railure modes shall be taken as O.7SN" <Ind O.75VII' where f
/Jis given in Section 423.4 .4 o r 423.4 .5. and N" and Vn are determined in acc
ordance with Sections 423.5.2, 423.5.3, 423.5 .4 , 423 _ 6 .2, and 423 .6 .3, as
suming the concrete is cracked unless it can be dClllonslralcd that the co ncret
e remain s uncracked . 423.3.3.4 Anchors shall be designed to be govemed by the
steel strength of a ductile steel element as determined in <.Iccordance with Sec
tions 423.5.1 and 423.6 . 1, un less either Section 423.3.3.5 or 423.3 .3.6 is s
atisfied . 423.3.3.5 Instead Section 423.3.3.4, the aHac hmcllt Ih31 the anc ho
r is connecting to the struc ture sha ll be designed $0 thal the att achment wil
l undergo ducti le yieldin g at a force level corresponding to lInchor rorces no
greater than the design st rength of ancho rs specified in Section 423.3.3.3. 4 As an alternative to Sec tions 423.3.3.4 and 423.3.3.5, it shall be per
mitted to take the design strength of the anchors as 0.4 times the design st ren
gth determined in

shear be tween :
Con nected struc tu ral clcments; or
Safely ~rc l a ted attachments and structural element s;. Safety leI/cis specifi
ed are intended for in -service condi ti o ns, rathe r than for shon-lcrm handl
in g and construction conditions.
423.2.2 Thi s section applies to both cast-in ancho rs and post -installed ancho
rs. Specialty inserts. through bolts , multipl e anchors connected to a single s
teel plate at the. embedded end of the anchors. adhesive or grouted anchors. and
direct anchors such as powder or pneumatic actuated nails o r bolts, are not in
cluded. Reinforcement used a $ part of the embedment shall be designed in accord
ance with other pariS of Ihis section . 423.2.3 Headed stud s and headed bolts h
a vi ng a geometry that has been de mo nstrated to resull in a pu ll out strengt
h ill unc nlckcd concrete equa l or exceeding I .4NI , (w here Np is g ive n by
Eq . 423 -15) are include. Hooked bolts th "t have" geome try {ha t has been dem
onstrated to res ult in a pu ll o ut strength w ithout the bene lit of frict ion
in unc racked concrete eq ua l or exceeding 1.4NI' (where NI1 is given by Eq. 4
23-16) are included. Post-installed anchors th at meet the assessme nt requireme
nts of ACI 355.2 arc in cluded. The suit abili ty of the pos{~illsta!!cd anchor
for use in concrete shal l have been demonstrated by the ACI 355 .2prequ alifi c
ation tests.
National Structural Code: of tile Philippines G Edition Volume 1

4 - Structural COI1(;Ielc
accordance with Secti on 423.3.3 .3. For the ,mehor.Ii of SlUt! bearing wall s,
it sh;J!I be permitted to take the design strength of the anchors as 0.5 times (
he desi gn strength det crm ined i ll <lCCOrdallt'c wi th Secti on 421.3.J.3.
423.3.4 M~)(l il1t.: alion fa cto r ). for ligh t weight concrete ill Ihis appen
di x shall be in accordan ce with Section 408.7.1 unless specifically noted othe
rwi se. 423.3.5 Th e vallles ')!" ~.' used fo r cnk:u lation purposes in this ap
pendi x shall not exceed 70 MPn for cast-i n .:111ch9r5, and 55 MPa for post inst
alled anc hors. Testing is required
consideration oj: (Nu,' eithe r N'h or .pVCf'.\:
423.4.1.3 Whe n Seclioll 423.4.3 .
fjJII,bx' and l'it hl'f V
bm h N,,,, and \','" (l rc prese nt interaction crfccts shall be considcwd in ac
cordance Witl;
for posl-i nswlled anchors when used in concrete with J,.' greater than 55 MPa.
423.4 General itequircments for Strength of Anchors 423.4. 1 Strength design of
anchors shall be based either on computation using design models that satisfy th
e requirements of Secti on 423.4 .2. or 0 11 tes t eva luat ion using the 5 perc
c nt rraclile of les t result s for the following:
423.4.2 The nominal strength for any anchor or gro up of anchors shall be based
on design models that result in predictions of strength in substanti al Clgrcell
lcnl wit h reS ults of comprehe nsive tests. The materials lIsed in the tests sh
all be compati ble wit h the materials used in th e structu re. The nominal stre
ngth shall be based 011 the 5 percen t fnlctile of the basic individual anchor s
trength . For nomin.l l strengths related to concrete strength. modifications fo
r size effects, the number of anchors, the effects of close spacing of anchors,
proximity to edges, dep th of the concrete member, eccentric loadings of anchor
group~. and presence or absence of crack ing shall be taken into account. Limits
011 edge distances and anchor spacing in the design models shall be consisten t
wi th the lests [hill veri fied the model. 423.4.2.1 The effect of reinfo rceme
n t provided to restrain the conc rete breako ut sha ll be permitted 10 be inclu
ded in the design mod els used to satisfy Section 423. 4. 2. Where anchor reinfo
rceme nt is provided in accordance with Secli ons 423.5.2.9 alld 423.6.2.9. o<1l
clllalioll of Ihe
Steel strength of anchor in tension (Section 423.5.1); Steel st rength of anchor
ill shear (Sec tion 423.6.1); Concre te breakout strength of anc hor
(Sect ion 423.5.2);
2. 3. 4.

in in
tension shear
Concrete breakout
(Sec li on 423.6.2);
of anchor
concrete breakout strengt h in accordance wi th Secti ons
423.5.2 alld 423.6.2 is 1101 requ ired . 423.4.2.2 For anc hors with diameters n
ot exceedi ng 50 ITIm, and tensile embedments not exceeding 635 mm in
Pullout st rength of anc hor in ten sion (Sec tion 423.5.3); Concrete side face b
lowout strength of anchor in tension (Section 423.5.4); and Concrete pryollt str
ength of anchor in shear (Section
6. 7.
depth, the concrete breakout strength requirements shall be co ns idered satisfi
ed by [he design procedure of Sections
423.5.2 alld 423.6 .2. 423.4.3 Resi stance to combi ned tensile and shear loads
shall be considered in design using un interaction expression that re sults in c
o mput ati on of strength in subs tantial agree men t wi th results of comprehen
sive tests. This requirement shall be considered sati sfied by Section 423.7. 42
3.4.4 Strengt h reduc ti on factor for anchors in concrete shall be as follows w
hen the load co mbi nat ions Section >102. nrc used:
In additi on, anchors shall satisfy th e requi red edge di stan ces, spaci ngs,
and thi cknesses to p;ecl ude splilting failure, as required in Section 423.8.
423.4.1.1 For th e design of anch ors, except as required in Seclion 4 23.0.3 .
N,, ?: N u"
(423 - 1) (423-2)
Anchor govcrned by strength of a ducti le steel clement
a) b)
423.4.1.2 III Eq . (4231) and (4232) . N" and V" arc Ihe
lowest design strengths determined fmlll all appropriate failure. modes. (W" is
the lowest design strength in tension of an anchor or group of anchors as determ
ined from considerati on of (>N.1(II fliNt"', either N.,'" or t/JNstJK' and eithe
r Nrh or NCb&' V" is the lowest design strength in shear of an anchor or a group of
anchors as determined from
Tension loads ........ ..
Shear loads
...... .................. .......0.75
.. ............................. .....0.65
Anchor governed by strength of a brittle steel element a) Tension loads ..
b) Shear loads .....

..................... ..... ....... 0.6)

................................. 0.60
Association of Structural Engineers of the Plli1 ippines

<1 ..
St ructurell Concret e
t 39
Andwr governed hy conc rete breakout, side-face blowuul. puiloUl. or pryollt str
423.5.2 Concrete llreakouf Strength of Anchor in
423.5.2.1 The nomill:.!l con cret e break o ut strength. N,-b or N. bg , of i.l
single anchor or group of anchors in te nsion shall
Condition A
Conditioll B
Shear load ...
not exceed
I. r or <I single anch or
Tension loads Cast-in hC<lded studs,
IWi.tdcd bolt s. or hooked
(4234 ) 0.75
. bolts Posi-instctlled anchors with caiegoTY as determined (rom ACI 355.2
Category I (Low sensi ti vi ty to insta ll.lI ion and high reliability)
2. For a group of anchors (423 5)
Category 2
(Mediulll sensitivity (0 installation and
medium reliability)

Category 3 (High se nsitivity to j nstallation and

lower reliability)
Condition A appl ies where supplementary re inforcement is present except for pu
llout and PTYOUI st rengt hs . Condition B applies whe re supplememafY reinforce
me nt is nol present , and for pullout Of pryou t strenglh . 423.5 Design Requir
emcnts for Tensilc Loading
Factors IPu,N, Vlcd,N, Iflr,N, and '1'ep,N are defined in Sections 423.
.5.2.5,423.5.2.6. and 423 .5.2.7, respectively. ANc is the projected concrete fa
ilure area of a single anchor or group of anchors that shall be approximated as
tile base of the rectilinear geometri ca l figure that results from projecting t
he failure surface ou tw ard 1.511,,/ from the ce mcrlines of the anchor, or in
the ClISe: of a group of anchors, from a line through a row of adjacent anchors.
AN,' shall not exceed nANn" where n is th e number of tensioned anchors in the
group. AN,,, is the projected concrete failure area of a single anchor with an e
dge distance equal to or greater th an 1.511 rf
423.5.2.2 The basic concrete breakou t strength o f a single anchor in tension i
n cracked conc rete , Nb , shall not exceed:
Nh ~K , A,,J
7' ilf'-' r
423.5.1 Steel Strength of Anchor in Tension
423.5.1.1 The nominal strength of an anchor in tension as governed by the steel,
N~ , shall be evaluated by calculations based on the properties of the anchor m
aterial and the physical dimensions of the anchor. 423 .5.1.2 The no minal st re
ngth of a single anchor Of group of anc hors in tension. N 1fI shall not exceed
kc kc
10 for cast-in anchors; and == 7 for post -installed anchors.
The value of k, for post-installed anchors shall be pennilled to be incfeased ab
ove 7 based on ACI 355 .2 pfoductspccific tests. but shall in no case exceed to.
Ahcrnativcly. for cast-in headed s tuds and headed bolts wi lh 280 min::; hcf~
635 mm. Nb sll3ll not e xceed
N'(I = nAn.N/ufI)
Nb ~ 16A ff: hJ '"
where 11 is the number of anchors in the group, A st,N is the effec ti ve cross
-sectional area of a single anchor in ten sion,

mm 2, alld /Ilm shall not be taken greater than the smaller of

1.91,., and 860 MPa.
423.S.2.3Where anchors arc located less th an l .5hcf from three or mOfe edges,
the value of htj used in Eq. 423-4 through 423-11 shall be (he greater of c o.ml
l /l.5 and onethird of the maximum spacing between anchors within the group.
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6'" ledition Volum e 1

414 0
CHAPTE H tl .. Struc lul a l COnCre !(>
423.5.2 .4 T hl.' Illodificmion fac lor fo r anc hor groups loaded cc:r:r nlrica
ll y in le ns ion. Iflu.N, sha ll be computed as:
T ht cracki ng in the l'nllcrctc shull he co ntrolled by flex ural reinfo rcement
. dist ributed in accordance with Section ' 410.7.4. or eq ui valent (Tack con t
ro l shil ll he provided by t"{lIlfi ning reinforceme nt. 423.5.2.7 The modificC
lt ion f"iICWJ" for poslins1:.ilJcd anchors designed for uncrat' kcu concrete in
accordan ce with Scctioll 423.5 .2 .6 wi tho ut supplementary reinforceme nt 10
control sp lillin g. IfI(P.N. sha ll be comp uted as ;i~;lows usin g [h e c rit
icii. dis tance Cat as lkfincd in Section 423.8.6.
blll VI...Ns hall not be taken greater than 1.0.
If the 100Iding o n <til anchor group is suc h that onl y so me ancho rs arc in
lensioll, only those anchors that are in te llsioll shall be cons idered when de
termi ning the eccentricit y e 'N for usc in Eq. 423-9 and fo r the calculation
of N"" ill Eq. 423-5. In the case where eccentric loading exists aboul two axes
. the modi fi ca ti oll fac tor, Vlu.N. shall be compu ted for each axi s indiv
idually and the product of these (actors used as V/~'.N in Eq. 4235. 423.5.2.5 Th
e modification factor for edge effec ts for
If e a,mil( ?
V'",."" = 1.0
(423- 12)
si ngle anc hors or anchor groups load ed ill le nsio n, shall be co mputcd as
but II'(p,Nd eten n in cd fr olll Bq. 423- 13 shall flot be taken less than 1.5h
,,! Ie", . wherc the c ritic a l dista nce ell( is defined in Scction 423.8.6 .
For all othcr cases, incl uding c<l st-in anc ho rs, taken as ! .0.
shall be
th e ll
(423- 10)

1.5h rf
t Ilen
III "f'
e = O.7+0.3~~~I 51
(423- 11)
423.5.2.6 For anchors located in a reg ion of a concretc member where analysis i
ndica te s no c racking a t service load levels, the foll ow ing modificill ion
fac tor s hall be
penni tted :
VIr,,.. = 1.25 for castin anchors; and VI",\' :::: 1.4 for post-installed anc hor
s, whe re the val uc of k, uscd in Eg. 423-7 is 7.
Where the va lue of kc used in Eq. 423-7 is taken from the ACI 355.2 prod uct ev
aluation rcpon for post-installed ~lI1 cho rs qual ified for lISC in hoth c rack
ed and unc rac ked concretc, Ihc vallics of kc and V'c-.N shall be based all the
ACI 355.2 produc t evaluation reporl. W here t h L~ v<tl ll l" of k" used in Eq
. 4237 is taken from the ACI 355. 2 produc t eva lua tion repoll for pose-insta
ll ed an chors qu alified for lise in u ncracked conc rele , Vlc.N shall be take
n as 1.0.
423.5.2.8 Where an addi tiona l pl ate or washer is added at th e head of the an
c hor, it shall be permi tt ed to calculate the projected area of thc fa ilure s
urface by projec ting the fa ilure surfacc outwa rd 1.5h r/ from the e ffec tivc
perimete r of the plate or washcr. The effec ti ve peri meter shall not exceed
the valuc at a sec ti on projecte d outward more than the thickness of the was h
er 01" plat c from the outer cdge of the he'ld of the anchor. 423.5.2.9 Where an
chor reinforcement is developed in accordance with Section 4 I 2 on both sides o
f the breakout surface, the design strength o f the anchor reinforcement shaIl b
e pemlincd to be lI sed in stead of th e co ncrete breakout strength in determin
ing Nn. A strength TI'duclion fac to r of 0.75 s hall be used ill the dcsign of l
ilt: anchor re info rcement. 423.5.3 Pull oul S trength of An ch o r ill T ellsi
o n 4 The llomin;11 pull o ut strength i ll te nsi on , N"", s hall Il
ot exceed
or a ~ illtk . ~ic h or
is defined in Section 4
Wh en ana lysis indicates crackin g at service load lc:vels, lI' c,N
s hall be taken as 1.0 for both cas t-in anchors and postinstall ed anc hors. Po
s t-installed anc hors shall be quali fied for usc in crac ked concrete in accor
dan ce with ACr 355.2.
Association of St ructura l Eng ineers of the Philippin es

CH/,Pi t: .;
., It- I
423.5.3.2 For post inswllcd expansion and undercut iU H.:hors, (he values IIf Nf
sh;11I he based 011 the 5 percen l fracti lc of results of les ts perfo nncd and
evaluated H ccof(l ing 1 0 AC I 355.2. II is not permissib!e to c alc ul ate th
e pull o llt strength in tcnsion fo r such anchors .
423.5.3.3 For singlc (,'<lsl*in headed studs and hemkd bolts, it shall be permit
t ed to ev.tluate th e pull ollt strength 'in tcnsion using Sec ti on 423.5.3.4.
For sin gle J. or L*bolts. it
;lOchors sllsceptihle 10 nol exc..'cc<!
'Ilk- rae!.: blo\\'OIII railu re N" ,_~ sllilll
.1") N = I + _ (
(42) I X)
where s is [he distance be tween the otHer anchors al() ng tlie edge, ,l1le! N ,
II! is obtained from Eq. 423 *17 wit ho ut modi fi cati on for a pe rpendkular e
dge d istan ce.
426.6 n csing Requirements for Shcm' Loading
li hnll be permill cd (0 evalu<Hc (he pullout strength in tension lIsing Secti o
n 423.5.3.5. Alte rn a ti ve ly, il shall be pcrmitted 10 use values of Np based
on (he 5 perce nt fractilc of tesls pe rformed and evalu<llcd in thc sa me Ilwn
ner as the ACI 355.2 proced ures but without the benefit of friclion .
T he pullout strength in tcnsion of a si ngle headed stud or headed bolt, N,., f
or usc in Eq. 423* 14, sha ll not exceed 423.5.3 .4 (421- 15) 423.5.3.5 The pull
out stre ngth in tension a sin g le hoo ked bolt. Nt" for LJ S~ in Eq . 423* J
4 shall not excee d (42316)
423.6.1 Steel S trength of Anchor in Shear
423.6.1.1 The nominal strength of an anchor in shear as governed by steel. \/",.
shall be evaluated by calculalions based on thc properlies of Ihe anchor materi
al and the phys ic'll di Ille nsio ns of the anchor. 423.6.1.2 Th e no m inal st
rengt h o f a single anchor or gro up of' anchors in shear, \/."" shall not exce
ed ( I ) thro ugh (3) :
For cas(*in headed stud ancho r
(423 19)
where II is the Hu mber of anchors in the group, A .... 1, is {he effec tive cro
ss*secli ona l area of a si ngle anchor in shear, mm2, and!."., shall nOI be tak
en grealer Ihan the

423.5.3.6 For an ancho r located in a region of a concrete membc r where analysi

s indicates no c racking a t service load levels, the following modi fi cat ion
fa(,'tor shall be pennilted
s malle r of 1.9[,." a nd 860 MPa.
= 1.4
For casl*jll headed boh and hooked bolt anchors and for posl*installed anch ors
where sleeves do not extend through the shear plane
Where analysis in dicates cracking at service load levels,
Iflc.p shall
be taken as 1.0.
is the number of anc hors
the group, A ~ <"y is
the erfective cross*sccti otlal area of a si ngle " lIchor in
423.5.4 Concrete Side-Face Blowout Strength of a Headed Anchor in Tension
3. For a sin gle headed anchor with deep e mbed ment close to an edge (h.1 > 2.5
c(,,) , the Ilomi n<l ! sidc* face blowout strength, NJ/J. shall not exceed
423.5.4.1 (42317)
2 1111n ,
and };'1<1 shall !lot be taken gre ater th an th e
smaller of 1.9};" and 860 MPa.
For post-installed an chors where sleeves ex tend through the shear pl ane, VJ<I
shall be based on th e resu lts of tests performed and evaluated accord ing to
ACI )55.2. Alte rn at ively, perm itt ed to be used. Eq . 42320 shall be
4 Where anchors arc used wilh bu ill -up grout
If en1 for the single headed anchor is Ic.."s than Jell" the value of N. b shall
be lIlultiplied by the faclor (I +(1121(.'",)/4. where 1.0 S; en/cal ::; 3.0.
423.5.4.2 For mulliple headed an cho rs wi lh deep embedment close to 3n edge (I
I!,! > 2.5cll l) and anchor spacin g less th an 6c a f, the nominal strength of
thos e
pads, Ihe nominal strengthS of Section 423.6. 1.2 shall bc multiplied by.\ 0.80

National Structural Code of the Pili li ppines 6

Eclition Volume 1

423.6.2 COlltTcl<' Hn' a kou ( St r cn~th of AndlOr ill Shea r
42],6,2, I '1'11\' !lomina! connell' hrc<l koUI sl rcnglh. V,,, or V'h.~' in shL
:'u' o j' a single arKhO!' or group or anch ors sh;d l no( exceed :
nitiL."al. and all of Ihe s heil!" ~hall he assumed 10 be ca rri ed hy Ihis nili
ca l anchor row "lo ne .
423.6.2.2 The haf\ il: (.'Ollcn:tl' hn'a knu t o;: trcngth in shear of a sin gle
anc ho r in Cfilcked C Ollncte, 1'". shall not e xceed:
(423 -24)
For shear f'on:c perpendi clliar 10 th e edge on a sin gle
V.I, = '" "I V A '-. '" 'f' ",{.I' 'f' ,.1" '" ".I' "
H ..
(42J.2 1)
vi.here I,. is th e load -bearing length of the au t hor fe' ., 'l e<lr:
= h'f
Por she Hr ro rce perpendicu lar to Ih ~ edge o n anchor.-;
group (If
lo r andlOfs wit h a consl;UH stiffness over the full length o f embedded sec ti
o n. :.;uch as he,h ir;l stud s or post-in sta lled anchors wit h one wInd;,,, s
he ll ovcr full length of the embedmcnt de pth;
For shear force parallel 1 0 an edge. V,." or 1 "'/;K she, ll be prnnilted 10 be
twice thl' v,lluc of the shear force determined from Eq. 42l-2 1 o r 423-22, re
spectivcly. wi lh (he. Sh Cili' force aSS trrn l~<..I (0 ,1(;1 pc'~rpc ndi cular
to (he edge and with 1,II"dy taken equa l (0 1.0. For ilm.: hors loc a(l~d at a
c"Orner, Ih e li rn itine nomin al concrete bn~lIko Ui strength sha ll be deler
J11ine~j for cac h edge, and the minimum va illc sh all be used.
= 2d" for torque-controlled ex pan sion :tllchors with !l distance sleevc separa
ted from expansion sieev(.. and in no e'lse shall I,. exceed 81" in all c<lses.

r-or cast-i n headed st uds, headed hoils , Or hooked bolts OWl ;ire cOlltinuous
ly we lded to s leel nua chmcnts having a rni nimuill th ickness equal to the gr
eate r of I () 111m and half of the an chor diam eter, the bas i<' co ncrete bre
akou t stre ngth in shear of C! sin gle anchor I \ crac ked concrete. VII> shall
not exceed : 423.6.2.3
(4232:> j
Factors '1'., .1 '. Vlr,I.\ ', VIr. I'. and '1III.v are defined in Sec ti o ns 42
3 ., ', and 423 .6.2.8, respeclivcly. \I" is the basic c
o nc rete brea kout stre ngth va lu c for a si ngle anchor. A I', is the projecte
d areH of the fai lure surface on the s ide of the conc rete member a l its edge
for a single anchor o r a group of ancho rs. It shall be permitted to e.valuate
All, as the base uf a tru ncated half pyra mid projec ted on the side face of t
he me mbe r where the top of the ha lf pyramid is gi ven by (he ax is of the anc
hor row selected as c ri tical. The value of C-li shall be taken HS the di stanc
e from the edge 10 this axi s. A ve shall not exceed AI,cOl where n is the numbe
r of anchors ill the grollI'.
where I.. is defin ed in Sec tion 423.6.2.2. prov ided that:
I. For grou ps of anchors. (he strength is dctermined bas...,) on the strength o
f {he row of anchors farthest from I t,:
2. 3.
Anchor spacing. s, is not less than 65 mm .: and
Re inforcement is pro vided at the corners if Col'S 1.511,":"
A vn, is the projec ted area for a single anch or in a deep memb er with a di st
ance from edges eq ual or greater than 1.5ca ! in the directi on perpe ndicular
10 the shear force. It shal! be permitted to evaluate AI'n' as the bnse of a ha
lf pyramid with a side length pamllel to the edge of 3c", and il depth of 1.5c;o
A \'r.o
423.6.2.4 Whcre an chors arc inO uellced by th ree or 111m,'. e dges, the va lue
of e(l} used in Eqs . 423 -23 through 423 - 2~) shall not exceed th e greatest
of: c,JI.5 in either dirccli O!; , h(l 11.5; and one ~ third of the maximum spac
i ng bctwc(;:ij anc hors within th e group.
423.6.2.5 The modifi cation faClOr fo r anchor grOt!p . loaded ecccntric<.l ll y
in shc ar.lf/rc. "\ shall he compu ted a~::
= 4 .5('(I/)~
\Vhcre anchors are loe,lted at vnrying distances frol11 the. edge and !he anchor
s arc ' . . e lded to the attach ment so as to di stribute the force to all anch
ors, it shall be pennitleo to evaluate the strengt h based on the dista nce to t
he farthest row of an cho rs frolll the edge. In this case, it shall be permi tt
ed to base the value of CII / on th e di stance from th e edge to the nxi s of t
he fart hest anchor ro w that is selected as

btu V'n."shall not be l<iken g reate r than 1.0 .

[f the loadi ng on .111 an chor group is such that on ly some anchors are loaded
in shear in the sa me direction. {,'.Jy those anchors th at arc lo aded in shea
r in the sa me dii :[' ; .. 1 shall be considered when determining th e eccentri
ci ty ui
Associa tion of Structural Engineers of the Pllilippines

for usc in Eq. 423-26 and for the calculation of V,b/: in Eq.
423.6.3 Concrete Pryout Strength of Anchor in Shear 423.6.3.1 The nOlllinal pryo
u( strength, V"I' or V,I'!: shalj no! exceed:
423.6.2.6 The modification factor for cdge effect for a single anchor or group o
f anchors loaded in shear, VI,.,!.\' ' shall be computcd as:
For a 5i nglc anchor
For a group of anchors (423-31)
If Ca2 < 1.5to'
k,p:= 1.0 for 11'1< 65 mm.; and k,.p = 2.0 for h,/2:. 65
423.6.2.7 For anchors located in a region of a concrete member where analysis in
dicates no cracking at service loads, the following modification factor shall be
/flc.v :::
Ncb and N cbg shall be determined frorn Eqs. 423-4 and 4235, respectively.
423.7 Interaction of Tensile and Shear Forces Unless determined in accordance wi
th Section 423.4.3, anchors or groups of anchors that arc subjected to both shea
r and axial loads shall be designed to satisfy the requirements of Sections 423.
7.1 through 423.7.3. The value of N'I shall be as required in Section 423.4.1.2.
The value of VI shall be as defined in Section 423.4.1.2.
For anchors located in a region of a concrete member where analysis indicates cr
acking at service load levels, the following modification factors shall be permi
J.O for anchors in cracked concrete with no supplementary reinforcement or edge
rcinforcemcnt smaller than a l2mm diameter bar; =J.2 for anchors in cracked conc
rete with reinforcement of a 12 111111 diameter bar or greater between the ancho
r and the edge; and ::: 1.4 for anchors in cracked concrete with reinforcement o
f a 12 mm diameter bar or greater between the anchor and the edge, and with the

reinforcement enclosed within stirrups spaced at not more than 100 mm.
If V,," S O.2V", then full strength in tension shall
be permitted:
2:: Nlw '
423.7.2 If N,," S O.21N", ihen full strength in shear shall be permitted: VII 2:
V,w. 423.7.3 If V"" > O.2V" and N,," > O.21N,,, then
423.6.2.8 The modification factor for anchors located in a
concrete member where ha < I.Seal> as:
!i..",_ + N ,,,
N" V"
~ 1.2
shall be computed
'fh.y - J1.5C., Il"
423.8 Required Edge Distances, Spacings, and Thickness to Preclude Splitting Fai
Minimum spacings and edge distances for anchors and minimum thicknesses of membe
rs shall conform to Sections 423.8.1 through 423.8.O, unless supplementary reinf
orcement is provided to control splitting. Lesser values from product-specific t
ests perfornied in accordance with
but Wh. vshall not be taken less than 1.0. 423.6.2.9 Where anchor reinforcement
is either developed in accordance with Section 412 Oil both sides of the breakou
t surface, or encloses the anchor and is developed beyond the breakout surface,
the design strength of the. anchor reinforccment shall be permitled to be used i
nstead of the concrete breakout strcngth in determining VII. A strength reduction
factor of 0.75 shall be used in the design of the anchor reinforcement.
ACI 355.2 shall bc permitted.
423.8.1 Unless determined in accordance with Section 423.8.4, minimum center-tocenter spacing of anchors shall be 4d(l for untorqued cast-in anchors, and 6d(l
for torqued cast-in anchors and post-installed anchors. 423.8.2
Unless determined in accordance with Section 423.8.4, minimum edge distaaces for
cast-in headed anchors that will not be torqued shall be based on specified
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6~h Edition Volume 1

t:ovcr rC(lu in'tJlc llI S for rL'infIJlTC llh!ll t in St't'l ion 407.X. For t:;
lsling hC<ldcd 'lIlellOr..; tha i will Ill' torqued. lhe minim ulll edge di st'!
Ilt'cs ~ ha ll he 6d". 423.8.3 Unless determined in ;H..- c.:ordilllt"l' with Se
<.: tion 423.8.4. millillltll1l edge distan u:s for posl -in slalicd anchors sha
ll be based on the gn':'l!t~f or specified COV\!!' requircmellts for reinforccll
lell[ in Sl.!c tion 407 .8, ur minimum edge di slancc requireme1lts for the prod
uct s as determined by "':'-s ts in <lCCOrdi! r ll: ('~ with ACI \"'1. 2, and sh
a ll not be Ics.'\ lhan 2.0 limes the maximum aggregate size. In Ihe <lhscncc of
prodw.: t-spcd li e ACf 355.2 lest infonnillioll. the min imum edge di stan cc
shall be taken as not less than :
424,1 Notations
Some notat io n defi nitiolls arc modi li ed from thost" in lh~~ main body or th
e t'otl e for ~pccific lise in Ihe :q)plication of' Sec (ion 424.
= gross an.:a or secti on, mm 2
o f shear rcinforccmclH wit hin a distalH.;c x. mill:! = londed area = maxi mum
urea of the portion of Ill'.' upponing surface thilt is geomctrica lly si mil ar
to and conccntri c with the loaded area = perimcter of critical scction for slab
s and footings, mm = wcb width , Of diametcr of circultlr s('.ct in n, mm = disl
anc.:c from ext reme co mpressioll flbcr to centroid o( tension reinforcement, m
ill = modulu s of elasli city of concre te. IviPa. See Secti on 408.6. J : ;:;:
modld us o f elasticity of rcinforcement, MPa. Sec Section 408.6. 2 = specified
com pressive stren gth of concrete, Mr". Sec Section 405. = square root of speci
fied co mpressive slrength of
= <lrca
UnderCUI anchors .... ... .. ... ....... .. .... .. ...... ..
... 6d"
Torque-controll cd anchors ...... ... ......... ..... ... .... . 8d" Displaccmel
ll-controlJeu ,.II1CI1OI"S ....... .. . ..... IOd"
423.8.4 For a nc hors where install at ion docs not prod uce a s pl itti ng forc
c a nd tha t wi ll remain ulltorqued , if the edge distallce or spacing is less
th an those speci fied in Sections 423.8.1 to 423,8.3, calculations sha ll be pe
rformed by substituting ror d" a smaller va lue d'" (hal meets the requirements
of Sections 423. 8, I to 423.8 .3. Calc ulated forccs applied to the anchor shal
l be limited to th e va lues corresponding to an anchor havin g a diameter of cI
'O' 423.8.5 The va lue of for an ex pansioll or undercut posi- installed anchor
shall not exceed the grealcr of 2/3 o( thc member thickness and th e member thi
ckn ess minus 100
b" d

423.8.6 Unless determined from tension tesls ill accordance with ACI 355.2. the
cri tical edge distance, clI(" shall nol be takcn less tha n:
U ndcrcut anchors ....
Torque~con troJled
.... 4h(,/ . 4h~!
Displacement-controlled an c hors ...
423.8.7 Proj ect drawings and project specifications shall specify use of anchor
s with a minimum edge dist ance as assumed in des ign.
In s lal1 ~lti o n
of Anchors
423.9.1 Anchors shall be in stalled in accordance with the proj ect drawings, pr
oject spcc ifi cations and/or manufacturer's installation procedures.
concrete, MPa :::: average spliuing tensile strength of lightwe ight aggregate c
oncrete. MPa. Sec 40.') .?.4 = permissible tensile st ress in reinfort:cm::n; ,
MP:l :::: specificd yield strength of rei nforcement, MPa. Sec Secti on 403.6.3
= design moment :::: modular rnli o o f elas ti city = .1/(, = design axia l load
normal to noss :;eclion occurring si multaneously with Vj to be taken as positi v
e for co mpression, negative [or tensioll , and to include effects of tensioll d
ue :(: creep and shrink age = spacing of shear reinforcemen t in dir('ction para
llel to longi tudinal reinforce.Jnr.nt , ): 1!: ; :::: des ign shea r stress = p
ermissible shear stress carri ed hy n i: ' ,t.:ir, MPa :::: permissiblc horizonl
al shcar strcss. Ml ';( = design shcar force at section :::: angle between incli
ned st irrups .ntO longia:dina! axis of member = ratio of long s ide LO short si
de or (;OWT = . .d load or reaction area = rali o of tension re inforcement
Association of Structural Engineers of the Pililippines

<1 -Strllc!tua! Con:rcte
= stre ng th reduct io n raclOr. Sec Sectio n 4243. 1
424.2 Scope
Jois ts: S he:l r carried by concre te,
1'( .
Two-way slabs Clnd footings: 424 .2.1 Nonprcslrcssc d reinforced concrete member
s shall be penni tied 1 0 be. designed using serv ice loads (w itho ut load fac
tors) and perm issible serv ice load st resses in acco rdance. with provis ions
o f Section 424. 424.2.2 For design of members 11 0 ( covered; Sect io n 424, ap
propriate provisions of thi s code shall appl y. 424.2.3 All app licable provi s
ions o f th is cod e [or nonprestressed conc rete, except Section 408.4, shall a
pp.l y to members desig ned by the Alternate Design Met hod . 424.2.4 Flexural m
embers shall meet require me nt s for deflecti on co ntrol in Sect ion 409.6, an
d requirements of Sections 410.5 through 4 I 0.8 of this code. 424.3 General 424
.3.1 Load fHctors and strength reduction fac tors shall be taken as unity for me
mbers designed by th e Alternale Design Method. 424.3.2 It shall be permitled to
proportion members fo r 75 perce nt of capacities required by o lher parts of S
ection 424 when considering wind or earthquake forces co mbined with
o the r load s , provided the resulting sect ion is no t less than Ih at require
d for the combinatio n of dead and live load .
Shear carried by cOll crele, 1',. 1 .. ('/ 12 ) (1+21/3..)
but not greater th an
Jr. ''"li.
3. Bearing 'o n loaded area l.
424.3.2 Tensile stress in reinforce ment It sha ll not exceed the fo ll owing: I
Grade 275 reinforcement
140 Mr.
2. G rade 415 reinforccment or greater and welded wire fabric (plain or deformed
) .... 170 Mra
For flexural rei nforcemcnt , mlo mm or less, in o ne way slabs of not more than
4 In spa n but not g reat er th an
200 MPa.
0.50 J,
424.5 Development and Splices of Reinforcement 424.5.1 Development and splices o
f re inforce ment shall be as required in Section 412 of this chapter. 424.5.2 I
n satisfyin g requirements of Sectio n 4 I 2.12.3, Mil shall be taken as compute

d moment ca pacity assumi ng all

pos itive moment tension reinfo rcement at the secti o n to be stressed to the p
ermissible tcns il e stress h, and Vu shall be taken as un factored shear force
aI the section.
424.3.3 When dead load reduces effects of ot her loads. m embers shall be design
ed for 85 percent of dead load in combination with the other loads. 424.4 Permis
siule Service Load Stresses 424.4.1 Stresses in concretc shall not exceed the fo
ll owing:: I.
Flexure Extreme fiber stress in compress ion .
426.6.1 Flexure
Fo r investigation of st resses at service loads, straight-line theory for flexu
re shaH be used with the following ass umptions:
424.6. 1 Strains vary linearly as th e di stance from the neutral axis, except f
or deep flexural members with overall
depth span ratios g reater than 215 for continu ous s pans anti
4/5 for simple spans. a nonlinear di stributi on of strain shall be co nsidered
. See Section 410.8 of thi s Chapter.
Bcams and olleway s hlbs and foolings: Shear c"rried by co nc rete,
\Ie ..
......009 JT O.38JT
, If shear reiuforcement is provided, see Sectiolls 424 .8.7.4 and 424.8.7.5 I W
hen the !iuppor!ing SurfOlCC is wider un all sides 111:111 the loaded ilrC:l. pe
rmiss ible bearing stress Oil the loaded area sh:tll be permitted 1(1 he multipl
ied by ~ 1\ I A, but not more than 2. When the slIr>porting surface
Maximum shear carri e d by concrete plus shear
reinforcemen t,
, For morc detailed calcula!ion of !he shear slress carried by COI\C [\~tc and s
hear values for lightweight aggregate concrete, see Section 424.8.4. H Desiglled
in at:cordi111Ce with Section 408. J 2 of this code.
is sloped or stepped , Al shall be permitted to be taken as the area of the lowe
r base of the largest f!1Jslum of a Tight pyramid or cone contained wholly withi
n the support and baving for ils upper base the loaded area, and having side slo
pes of I vc:rtical-to 2 horizontal.
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6'" Edition Vol ume 1

4 14 6
CHAPT U l <'l -. StrucltJraf CO rlCI('!tc
torsion shall be taken as 55 pcn.:c nt of thl! v.li u('s givcn in Section 411 .
424.8.4 ShCHI' Stress C;lrri ed by COIl<'Tctc 424.8.4. J Por members subjec t to
shear and flexure Only, ~ hear stress carried by c o n('~l'ctc 1', sh"n not exc
eed 0.09
424.6.2 Stn::'ss-slnlin rel ationship or l.:Olil.:rCIC i ~ .. st ra ight linc UI
H..I CI' se rvice loads wilhill pC!rmissible sCfvil.'c load suesses.
424.6.3 III reinforced t'oncrclc members. concrete resists
no tension.
424.6.4 It sh all be permitted (() take th e modular ratio, E IE, .. as Ihe near
est who le !lumber (but no t less Own 6) . Excepl in calcu lations for deflec ti
ons , vallie of 1/ for lightwe ight conc rete shall be ass umed to be the s<unc
as for norma l we ight concrete o f the same st rengt h.
ff :;:
lrnlcss a more dcwiled calculntiun is made in
actordance with Section 424.8.4 .' . 424.8.4.2 Por members subject 10 axial co m
pression , shear stress carried by concrete 1/(' J shall no t exceed 0.09
In doubl y reinforced nex ural members. an effect ive modul ar ratio of 2E/,. sha
ll be lIsed (0 transform
compression reinforcemenl for stress co mpuuH ioll s. Co mpress ive stress in su
c h reinforcement sha ll not exceed permissible tensile stress. 424.7 Compressio
n Members With or Without Flexure
unless a mo rc de tailed c<lleulmion is made in accordance wi th 424 .8.4.5. 424
.8.4.3 For membeJ's subje ct to significant 'Ixial tension, shear reinforcement
shall be designed to carry lotal shear, unless a more detailed calculation is ma
de lIsing
I', = O.09( I + 0.6N/A,)
424.7.1 Combined flexure and axial load capaci ty of
compression membcrs shall be takcn as 40 percent of that computed in accordance
with provision s in Sec tion 410 of thi s C hapter. 424.7.2 Sle nderness effects
shall be included according to requi rements of Sections 410.10 through 410. 13
. In Eq s. 410 I3 and 4 1022 the term p" shall be re placed by 2.5 times the des i
gn axial load. and the fa c tor 0.75 shall be taken equal to 1.0. Wall s s hall
be desi gned in accorci:a nce with Section 414 of thi s secti o n with ncxurc a
nd axial load capacities ta ken as 40 percent of thaI compu ted using Sectioll4
14. III Eq. 4141 , shall be taken eq ual to 1.0.

where N is ncgative for tcn sion . Quantity NIA g shall be expressed in MPa. 424
.8.4.4 For members subject to shear and flexure only, it shall be permitted 10 c
o mpute IIr by
= 0.085
If: + 9p".vdIM
simI! not excecd 0. 14
JT .Quanti ty VdlM shall not
be. taken greater than J .0, where M is des ign moment occurri ng simu ltaneousl
y wi th Vat sec ti o n considered.
424.8.4.5 For membcrs subject to axia l compression. it shall be pennilled 10 co
mpu te 1'(' by
v, = 0 .09( I + 0 .09N/A,)
424.8 Shear and Torsion
Quantity NIA, ,hall be expressed in Mra.
Design shear s tress v shall be compu ted by
" = VI(b.d)
where V is design shear force at section considered .
(424 I)
424.8.4.6 Shear stresses carried by concretc 110 apply to norm al weigh t conc r
cte. When Iigiliweight aggregate concrete is used, one of th e following modific
ations !-ildl appl y:
4 24.8.2 When the reaction, in d irect io n app lied shcar. introduces co mpress
ion in to the e nd regio ns .11 member, sec tions loc ated less lim n a dis tan
ce d frol11 ftJ<.:e SUppOl1 s ha ll be perm itted to be designed for the sa me s
hear v as (hat computed at a distance tf.

When In is spec ifi ed ,111<1 concre tc is proportioned ill accorda nce wi th Se

cti o n 405.3, [../6.7 shall be s ubstituted ror exceed
bu t the va lu e of [../6.7 shall not
\1 f 'r .
is not s pcci f-,cd, the valu e of !l~~ shaH bt~
424.8.3 Whenever applicable , effects of torsion, in accordance with provisions
of Section 4! 1 of this section, shall be added. Shear and torsio nal momellt st
rength s provided by Conc rete and limiting maximum strengths for
multiplied by 0.75 fo r "all~lighlweight" concrete and by 0.85 for "sand~lightwe
ight " co ncrete. Linear
Associ ation of Structu ral Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPT ER 4 .- S tructura l Concrcte

4 .47
inlc rpo]'ll ion sha ll be pcrm illctJ whcn pania l sand re pl accmc nt is used
424.8.5.5 Mini mum She;! r Uci nforcc mcnt
In de tc rmi ning shcar stress carried hy co ncrete
1'(., whenever appli cab le. effects o fa x. i al tensi on duc {O creep and shri
nkage in restrained mem bers shall be incl uded and it shall be pcrmillcd to in
c lud e e ffec ts or incli ned flexural compressio n ill variabl e-dep th member
or !-ohear re info rce ment Shilli be prov ided jll ali re info rced concrete fl
ex lI f<l 1 me mbe rs whe re desig n shear strc:ss )I is g rc.llc r than o n e~
hal r the r e rlll is~ i b ic shear st ress \If carried by conc re te. e xcept :
424. A minimulIl area
I. 2. Slabs and footin gs;
Co nc rete joist cons(rll cti o n defi ned by Sect ion 40g , 14
of this section;
424.8.5 Shea r Stress C;l r ri cd by Shear Ucinfo rcemcnt
424.8.5. 1 Types of Shea r Reinforcement
Shear re in forceme nt shall consist of o ne o f the fo ll ow ing:
Bea m with total depth Jl o t greater than 250mrn. 2.5 times thic kness of flan
ge, 0 [" o n e~ha l f the wid th of we b, whicheve r is gre atest.
StiITups pcrpe nd ic ul ar
ax is of membcr;
W el ded wi re fa bric with wi res located perpendicular to ax is of mem ber mak
ing an anglc of 45 degrees or more wi th longitudin al tensio n reinforcem ent
424. Minimu m shear re inforceme nt req uire ~m e n(
8 .5.5. 1 shall be pcnni tled to be waived if shown by test
ate fl ex ural a nd shear stre ngth ca ll be developed when
t is o milted. 424 . Where shea r re info rcement is
n 424 .8.5.5. I o r by anal ysis , minim um are a of she ar
ll be compu ted by:
Longi tud inal re info rce ment wit h bent portion ma king
an ang le of 30 degrees or mo re wilh lo ngitudinal

s of Sec ti o n 424.
that required ultim
shear reinfo rceme n
requ ired by Sec tio
re info rce ment sha

ten sion rei nfo rce me nt; 4. Combinat io ns of sti rrups and bent longitud ina
l rein forcement ;
A,. = b,sI3(,.
wh e re bl< ' and s are in 111m .
(424 5)
Spira ls.
424.8.5.2 De sign yie ld strength of shear re info rcement shall no. exceed 41 5
MPa. 424.8.5.3 Stirrups and olher bars or wires used as s hear
rein fo rcement sha ll extend Lo a dista nce d from ex treme compression fi ber
and shall be anc ho red at both end s accord ing to Secti o n 412. 14 of thi s s
ec ti o n to develop design yie ld stre ngth of re inforcement .
424.8.5.6 Design of Shea r Reinforcement 424. Where design shear stress \
' exceeds shear
stre ss c arried by co nc rete \/f , shear re inforcemen t shall be prov ided il
l accordance wit h Sec tions 424.8 .5.6. 2 thro ugh
424. 424. W hen s hear re in fo rce me nt perpendic ular to axis
of member is used:
424.8.5.4 Spacing Limits for Shear Reinfo rcem ent 424. 600 mm . Spacing
of shear reinforcemen. placed
A,. = (v - v,)b"s 1[,.
rei nforccmel1 t;
424. When incli ned stirrups are used as shear
perpendicular to a xis of me mber shall no t ex ceed d/2, nor
(v-v , k ."
Inc lined sti rru ps and be nt lo ngitudin a l re inforcement shall be so spaced
lhat eve ry 4 S ~ deg ree line , extending toward the reaction fro m Ill i d~d
ep{ h o f me mbe r (d/2) to l o ng itudinal tCrl:-;i on reinforceme nt . shall b
e crossed by al icasl o ne li lle of shear re in forcemen t.
= (,(s in a + cos a)
424. Whe n shear re inforcement consis(s o f ;l s ingl e bar or a single
group of para lle l bars, all ben t up at the sa me di sta nce from the suppo l1
424. When (v-ve) exceeds 1/6 f f , maxi mu m spacing given in See. ions 4 and 424.8.5 .4 .2 shall be redu ced by one half.

(.si n a
(424 8)
where (v v, ) shall not exceed ( 1/8)
National Struct ural Code of the Philippines 6'" Edition Volum e 1

CHAPTEJi 4 -~ Str"uCl(Jral Concrete
424. When :>hcar reinforcement con:>i:>t:> or a series of paralic! benl-u
p bars or groups of parallel bent~up bars at differcnt distances from Ihc suppor
t, required area shall be computed by Eq, 424-7. 424. Only the center thr
ee-quarters of the inclined pOI1ion of any longitudinal bellt bar shall be consi
dered effective for shear reinforcement. 424. When more th If! ,one type
of shear reinforcement is used to reinforce the saille portion of a member, requ
ired area shall be computed as the sum of the various types separately. In such
computations, v(" shall be included only oncc.
Design shear stress v shall be computed by
where V and b" J shall be taken al the critical section defined in Section 424.8
.7.1.2. 424.8.7.3 Design shear stress v shall not exceed I',. given by Eq. 424-1
0 unless shear reinforcement is provided
", =
I( + 7{ 2)1--I V!',
shall not exceed (l/6)J7~: f3,- is the ratio of long side
Value of Iv - v,) shall not exceed (3/8)'[1';.
to short side of concentrated load or reaction area. When lightweight aggregate
concrete is llsed, the modifications of Section 424.8.4.6 shall apply. 424.8.7.4
If shear reinforcement consisting of bars or wires is provided in accordance wi
th Section 411.13.3 of this section, II,. shall [lO! exceed (1/12) Ir~:, and \'
shall not
424.8.6 Shear-Friction Where it is appropriate to consider shear transfer across
a given plane, such as an existing or potential crack, an interface between dis
similar materials, or an interface between two concretes cast at different times
, shear-friction provisions of Section 411.8 of this Chapter shall be permitted
to be applied, with limiting maximum stress for shear taken as 55 percent of tha
t given in Section 41 I .8.5. Permissible stress in shear-friction reinforcement
shall be that given in Section 424.4.2. 424.8.7 Special Provisions for Slabs an
d Footings 424.8.7.1 Shear capacity of slabs and footings in the vicinity of con
centrated loads or reactions is governed by the more severe of two conditions;
424. Beam action for slab or footing, with a critical section extending i

n a plane across the entire width and located at a distance d from face of conce
ntrated load or reaction area. For this condition, the slab or footing shall be
designed in accordance with Sections 424.8.1 through 424.8.5. 424. Two-wa
y action for slab or footing, with a critical section perpendicular to plane of
slab and located so that its perimeter is a minimum, but need not approach close
r than dl2 to perimeter of concentrated load or reaction area. For this conditio
n, the slab or footing shall be designed in accordance with Sections 424.8.7.2 a
nd 424.8.7.3.
exceed 0.25 [1;.
424.8.7.5 If shear reinforcement consisting of steel 1- or channel-shaped sectio
ns (shcarheads) is provided in accordance with Section 411.13.4 of this section,
I' on tlie critical section defined in Section 424. shall nut exceed 0.3
and I' on the critical section defined in
Section 4 I l. I 3.4.7 shall not exceed (1/6)
ff . In Eqs.
41141 and 411-42. design shear force V shall be Illultiplied by 2 and substituted f
or VII . 428.8 Special Provisions for Other Members
For design of deep flexural members, brackets and corbels, and walls, the specia
l provisions of Section 411 of this section shall be used, with shear strengths
provided by concrete and limiting maximum strengths for shear taken as 55 percen
t of the values given in Section 411. In Secfior: 41 J .11.6, the design axial l
oad shall be multiplied by 1 '2 if compression and 2.0 if tension, and substitut
ed for Nw 424.8.9 Composite Concrete Flexural Members For design of composite. c
oncrete flexural mer, permissible horizontal shear stress Vir shall not exccr,rl
'/j percent of tbe horizontal shear strengths given in SCi',', ; 417.6.3 of thi
s section.
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHA PTE: H 4 - Struct ural Concre te

1 4 ~,
425.410.4 General Prin ciples and Requirements 425.410.4.3 For flexural members
and members ~ubject to combined flex ure ilnd compressive axial load where P" is
less than the smaller of O. IO!c...A . . an d Pb , the rat io or reinfo rcement ,
P. provided sh all not exceed 0.75 of the ratio PI, that would produce balanced
st rain c onditions for the section und er flexure without axi(\1 load. For mem
bers with compression rei nforcement. the portion of PI> equali zed by compressi
on reinforceme nt need not be reduced by the 0.75
425.1 Scope
Des ign fo r flexure and axi a l load by provis ions of Section 425 shall be per
mitted. When Section 425 is used in design. Sec lion , 425.2. 425.2.1 . 425.2.2.
"nd 425.2 .3 shall replace the corresponding provisions in Section 408 ; Sectio
n 425.410.4 .3 shall replace Seclions 410.4 .3. 41 0.4.4. and 410.4 .5, excepl S
ection 410.4.5.1 shall remain; Sections 425.418 .2.3. 425.418.9. 1. 425.418.9.2.
and 425.418.9.1 shall replace the com!sponding numbered sec tions in Seclion 41
8; Seclion, 425.418.11.4. 425.418.11.4 . 1. 425.418.11.4 .2. and 4 25.418. 11.4
.3 s hall re place Secli ons 41 8. 11.4 . 418 .11.4.1 .4 18. 11.4.2 and 4 18. 11
.4.3. [f any sec lion ill Section 425 is used. all secti ons in Section 425 shal
l be substituted for the corresponding secti ons in the body of the code, and al
l other sections in the body of the code s hall be applicable.
425.418.2 Scope 425.418.2.3 The following pro visions of thi s code shall nol ap
ply to prestressed concrete, except as specifically noted : SccliollS 406.4.4. 4
07.7.5. 408 . 13.2. 408.13.3, 408 . [3.4 , 408 .13. 410.6. 410.7. 410.10.1. 410.
10.2. and 425.2. 425.4[0.4.3; Seclion 413 ; alld Seclions 4[4 .4 . 414 .6 alld
4 14 .7. 425.418.9 Limits for Reinforcement of Flexural Members 425.418.9.1 Rati
o of prestressed and non prestressed reinforcement used for computation of momen
t strength of a member, e xcept as provided in 425.4 18.9.2, s hall be such Ihal
co,. [(oJ, + (dld,)(co - <0' )J. or [<0,. + (dldp)(<O . - 00 )] is not grea ter Iha
n 0.36Pl. except as pe rmitted in Secti on 425.41892. Ratio (tll' is co mpuled a
s p,fp//t. Ratios 0)... a nd wpw are co mputed as 0) and wI" respectivel y. exce
pt that when co mputi ng P and PI' b". shall be used in place of b and the area
of reinforcement Of prestressing steel required to develop the compressive stren
gth of the web only shall be used in place of A, or A pI' Rati o w'... is comput
ed as 00', except that when computing P'. b ... shall be used in pl ace of
425.2 Redistribution of Negative Moments in Continuous Nonprestrcssed Flexural M
For cri teria on momcllI redistri bution for prestressed concrete members, see S
ec ti on 425.41 8. 11.4 . 425.2.1 Except where approximarc values for moments ar
e used , it shall be pcnnilted to decre ase factored moments calculated by elast
ic theory at sections of maximu lll negative or maximum positive moment and in a
ny span of continuous nexu ral members for any assumed load ing arrangemcill by
not more than:
20 (I- P;,p')
(425 - 1)
425.2.2 Redistribution of moments shall be made only whcnlhc section at whi ch m

oment is reduced is so design ed th at fJ or p - p' is not greater th an 0.501'1

w he re:
425.418.9.2 \\' hen a reinforcemen t rati o exceeds the lim;t specifi ed in Sect
ion 425.4 18.9. 1 is provided, de.<;igll moment slre ngt h sha ll not exceed the
moment st rength based on the co mpress ion portion of the moment couple.
p, = .0.85
fl, f', (~_) f,. 600 + f ,
425.2.3 The redu ced moment sh all be used for calculatiIlg redistributed mom en
ts at all other sections within the spans. SIalic equilibrium shall be maintaine
d after redistribution of moments al each loading arrangement.
Naliona l Struc lu ra l Code o f the Philippines 6'" Edilion Volume 1

4 I !)O
CIfI\PTEr1 11 _. StruclUfal Concrete
425.418 .9.:\ Tma l allloun! of prestressed and lIonprcstn:ssc::d reinforce mcnt
shall be i1dcquatc to deve lop iI fac tored load ilt least 1.2 limes the cracki
ng load computed 1)1} tile basis of the 11IOd uius of rupture!, specil'ied ill S
ection 409.6.2.3. This provision shall be permitted to he \v.lived for:
425.418.11.4.3 The reduced nwment shall be used for calcui<tling redistributed m
oments :11 all other sect io ns wi thin the spa ns . Static equilibrium shnll be
maintai ned <lncr redistribu tion of momen ts ror CHcli loading ammgemenl. .::~
~~:~~/~~,*':~~~~i.f;i ~;' :.",:;'1.
. .:
Two-way, unho nded post -tc nsio ncd slabs; and
2 . . Fl exura l members with shear and n ex ura l st rength at . leas t twice t
hat required by Section 409.3. 425.418_11 Static'llly Indeterminate Structures 4
25.41 8.11.1 Framcs and continuous co nstruct ion of prestressed concrete shall
be des igned for satis f actory pe rfo rm ancc al se rvice load co ndi tions and
for adequate strength . 425.418.11.2 Pe rfonnance at service load condit ions s
hall be dctermi ned by el astic anal ysi s, considering reac ti o ns, mome nt s,
shea rs . and axial forces produced by pres tress in g, creep, shrinka ge. tcmp
erature change, ax ial deform ati on, restraint of attached structural elemcnt s
, and foundati o n sc tll clne nt . 425.418.11.3 Moment s to be used to co mpute
requ ired strength sha ll be lhe sum of the mome nts due to reac ti o ns induce
d by prestressi ng (with a load factor o f 1.0) a nd the moment s due to fac tor
ed loads. Adjust ment o f th e sum of these l110menl S sha ll be penn itt cd as
all owed in Section 425.418.11.4. 425.41 8. 11.4 Redistribution of Negati ve M o
m ent s ill Continll olls Pres tressed Flexural M embe r s 425.418.11.4.1 W here
bonded rein force ment is provided at supports in accordance wit h Section 418.
10, nega tive or posi tive moments calcul ated by elastic theo ry fo r any assu
med loadi ng, arrangement shall be perm itt ed to be increased or decreased by n
ot more than:
+ (d Idl')(w - (V')]perccill 0.36/3,
425.4J 8. 11.4.2 Redistributio n of moments shall be madc onl y when the section
at which moment is reduced is so designed that COp. I'd" + (dld,,)(w - w).J or I
co,,,,. + (dltlp)O",(I)',J.I. whichever is a ppl icable, is not greate r th an O.
24P .
Assoc ia tion of S tructural Engine ers of Ole Philippi nes

CHAPTEfl -1 . StfllClllral COllcrelC

1j 151
426.409.2.5 If resistance_ to iJllpat.'1 cfTct.'ts is taken into 'JCCOli nt in d
esign , slich effects shall be included with L. 426.409.2.6 Where structural cJT
c('(s oj' differential settlelllent . creep. shrir)kagc, expansion or sh rinkage
compensati ng (;Or1crcle. or temperature <.:hange. T. arl~ signifll.:alll , U s
hall not be less than the larger of Eqs. 426-5 and 426-6:
U=O.75(1.4D+ 1.47'+ I.7L)
426.409.1 Scope
Structural concrete shall be pennillcd to be designed lIsing th e load combinati
ons and strength reduction factors of
Section 426. When Section 426 is used in design, Sections 426.409.2. I through 4 shall replace Sections 409.3. I through 409.3.5, and Sections 426.409.3
. I through 426.409.3.5 shall replace Section 409.4.1 through 409.4.5.
426.409.2 Required Strength 426.409.2.1 Req uired streng th U '0 re,ist dead loa
d D and live 1 0:ld L shall not be less than:
U; I.4D+ 1.7L
U ; 1.4(1) + 1)
Estimations or differential settlement, creep. shrink<lge, expa nsion of' shrink
age-compensating concrete, or temperature change shall be based on realistic ass
essment of slicii effects occurring in service. 426.409.2.7 POf pos t tensioned ,
mchofage zone design. ~ load factor of J.2 shall be applied to the maximuill pre
stressing stee l jacking force.
426.409.3 Design Strength
(426426.409.2.2 For stlUc tures thaI also re sist W, wind load, or
E , the load effects of earthquake. U shall not be less than
the larger of E<I" 426- I. 426-2, and 426-3:
U; 0.75(1.4D + J7L) + (J.6W or J.O)
U=0.9D+(J.6Wor 1.0)
426.409.3.1 Design strength provided by .1 mcmber, its connections to other memb
crs, and its cross sections. in terms of nexurc, axial load. shear, and torsion.
shall be taken as Ihe nominal strength calculated in accordance with requiremen
ts and assumptions of this Code, multiplied by the [actors ill Secti ons 426.409
.3.2, 426.409.3.4. and 426.409.3.5 .
426.409.3.2 follows:
Strength reduction f<lcwf shall be <IS

Where W has not been reduced by a direc tionality factor, it shall be permitted
to use I.3W in place of 1.6W in E<IS. 4262 and 426-3. Wh ere E is based on servi
ce-level seismic forces, 1.4 shall be u'ed in place of 1.0 in Eqs. 426-2 and 426-3
426.409.3,2.1 Tension-controlled secti ons, as defined III Section 410.4.4 (Sec
also Section 426.409.3.2.7) ........ 0.90
426.409.3.2.2 Compression-controlled sections, as defined in Section 410.4.3:
426.409.2.3 For stmctures that re sist H, loads due to weight and press ure of s
oil. water in soil. or other related materials, U shall r,ot be less than the la
rger of Eqs. 426- I and 426-4:
U= I.4D+ 1.7L+ 1.7/-1
I. 2.
Members with spiral reinforcement conforming to Section 410. 1003 .. 0.75 Other
reinforce.d membe rs
For sections in which lhe net tensile strain in
nominal strengt h, c" is between the limits for
on-controlled sections. shall be pcnnillcd to
for compressioncontrolled secti ons to 0.90 as
n co ntrolled strain limit to 0.005.

the exlre!l1(~ tension steel at

compression-controlled and tensi
be linearly in cre~lscd from that
1:1 increases from th e compressio

In Eg. 426-4, where D or l. reduce the effect of II, 0.9/J shall be substituted
for lAD, clnd z.ero value of L shall be used to determine the greatest required
strength U.
426.409.2.4 For struct ures that resist F, load due to weight and pressure of nu
ids with well-defined densities, the load factor for F shall be lA, and F shall
be added to all loadi ng combinat1ons that include L.
Alternatively, when Section 425 is used , for members ill which ];. docs ' not e
xceed 415 MPa. with symmetric reinforcement, and with (d - d')/h not less than 0
.70, shall
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6'h Edition Volume 1

4 -1 ~2 C'; HAPT f: Fl 4 . Structural Concrete
be pcrmiltcd to be increased linearly to 0.90 as (JP" dec reases from O. IOf'.A
g to zero. Fo r ot he r reinrorccd members, shall be permilled 10 be incrca ~c d
linearly 10 0.90 as rfJPII decreases from O.JOj;"Ag or rpp". whi che vcr is sma
ller. to zero. 426.409.3.2.3 Shear and torsion ... .. .. ... . 0.R5
427. 1 Definitions B-REG ION. A port ion or a member in which th e pianC'. secti
ons ass um ption of nexurc Iheo ry from SC(;iion 410. ':. 2 call be applied.
426.409.3.2.4 bearing on concre te (except for posttcnsioned anc horage zones an
d stnlt-<Ind-lic models) . . . . 0 .70 426.409.3.2.5 PosHensioned an chorage zon
es. 0.80
DISCONTINUITY. An abrupt chan ge in geome try nr
426.409.3.2.6 Strut-and-ti e models (Section 427), and slnl!!), lics. nodal zone
s, and bearing areas in such model s 0.85 426.409.3.2.7 Flexure sections without
axial load in pre~ ten sioned mem be rs where strand embedment is less than the
development length as provided in Section 412. 10. 1. 1...... ..... .... ......
.. .... ............................ ... 0.85 426.409.3.3 Development lengths s
pecified in Sec tion 41 2 do not require a -factor. 426.409.3.4 For structures lh
at rely on intermediate precast structural wall s in region s of high seismi c r
isk or assigned ( 0 hi gh seismic performance o r design categories (seism ic zo
ne 4), spec ial momenl frames, or special struclU ral wall s to resist E, sha ll
be modified as given in (l) through (3):
D-REG10N. The ponion of a Incm ber withi n <I di stance, h, from a force discont
inuity or ~ geometric dis(;olltinu it/ DEEP BEAM. Sec Sections 410.8.1 and 4 ! 1
Figu re 427 -2(,). 427-2(b), and 427- 3.
NODAL ZONE. The volume or co nc rete ,1I'OllllU ;t ',ode that is assumed to tran
s fer strut -und-tic forc!.';,. ; 1I1rou;', the node . Hi slOrically. hyd rosl3t
ic noda l zones ;j ~; s h o ",r~ ii, Figure 427- 4 werc used . These we re largel
y S('li, : "'_ ;:, ' "> whal a rc called extended noda l lones, shown in Fi l~.u
r(' :12 7
NODE. Th e point in a joinJ. in a strut-and-ti c model wll e re. the axes of the
s tnllS. tics, a nd concent rat ed (ll rco :.;.1, :: ,. ! !I the joint intersec
STRUT. A compression member in a slrul ":I!HI-lie IlL'del. A st rut represen ts
the resuhalll of a parall el or a fall-shaped compression fi eld. BOTTLE-SHAPED
STRUT. A strut th at is wieler at mil' length than a t its cnd s. STRUT-AND-TIE
MODEL. A tru ss model nf a struc- 'I;'! member or of a D-region ill such a mClll
b, .', \ ;-'i ! de \J, struts a nd ties connected at nodes, cap<lbk ,Jl i,;-;dd:
': "- .', the factored loads to the supports or (0 adj;:I{"'!. TIE. A te ns ion
memb er in a strut -and -tic I~ , : <
For any structural member that is designed to resis t E. for s hear shall be 0.6
0 if the nomi nal shear strength of the member is less than th e shear correspon
din g to the development of the nominal flexural strength of the member. TIle no
minal flexural strength shall be determined cons idering the most critic al fact
ored axial loads and including E; For diaphragms, if> for shear shall not exceed

the for shear used for the vertical mi ni mum component s o f the primary latc
ralforcew resisting
ror joints and diagonally reinforced coupli ng bea.ms , fo r shear shall be 0.85
426.409.3.5 In Secti on 422, if> shall be 0.65 for n exure, compression, shear,
and bearing of st ru ctu ral plain concre te.
Association of Structu ral Engineers of the Philippines

.~ S lfllCtl.JF(l!
Co ncrete
427. 1. 1 J)isl'on tinuily
A dis(.olll illuity ill the stress distribution occurs al a chan ge in the geome
try of:l stru ctural clemcnt or at II cO Jl('cntratcd 10<ld or n!'K ti oli . St.
VellH Il( 's principle indi cates that the stresses due to axial load and bendi
ng approach" linear di stributi on at <I di stance approximaICly cq Ll<I1 to th
e overa ll height or the member, 11, away from the discontinuit y. For this rcas
o n, discominuilics nre assumed (O ex tend a distan ce h rrOJ11 'lIlC secti on w
here the load or change in geometry occurs. F:igll re 427- J (a) shows typical g
di scontinuities, and Pigure 427-1 (b) shows combined geome tri ca l and loading
discontinuities. 427.1.2 Dregio ll The shaded reg ions in Figu re 427 1(a)
res ult!i in bearing stresses thin arc equa l 10 the st resses ill the Mruts. Th
e bea rin g phne 011 the left s ide of Figure 4274(h) is used to represe nt an a
CIU,d l ie an chorage. The tic force <.:<lrl be anchored by a plate. or through
or st raight or hoo ked hm's, ilS shown in Figure 4274{c).
The shaded areas ill Fi gu re
427 ~ 5(a)
lind (b) nrc extend ed
of a
nodal zones. A n exte nded nod:11
zolle is thaI porti on
member bou nded by lhc inlCJ'seclion of the cffec livcq rut width , I!I" and th e
effective li e widlh, 11', (sec Sec ti on 427.4 .2).
and (b) show Iypical D-regions. The pl ane sections ass umpti on of Sec ti on 41
0.3.2 is not applicable in such
Each shear span of the beam in Figure 427-2 (a) is it D as show n in Fi gure 4272{b), they ca n be considered as a singl e D ~ reg i o n for design purposes. Th
e ma ximum l e n g t h ~ t o -d ep th ratio of sll ch a D-rcgion would be approx
.imatcly 2. Th us, the small es t a ngle be tween the strut and the tie in a D-r
cgio n is
regi on. If two D-region s overlap or meet arctan V,
= 26.5 degrees , rounded to 25 dcgrees .
If there is a B-region between th e D-rcgi o ns in a shear span, as shown in Fig
ure 427-2(c), the st rength of the s hear span is governed by the strength of th
e B-region if the B- and D regions have simil ar geomctry and reinforcemcnt. This
is because the shear strength of a B-region is less Ihan the shear slrength of
a comparable D-region. Shear s pans
427.1.3 Hydros lalic Noda l Zone has loaded faces perpe ndi cu lar to the' axes
of the strut s and ties actin g on the node a nd has equa l stresses o n the loa
ded faces. Fi gure 427 ~ 4(a) shows a C-C-C nodal zone. If th e stresses on the
face o f the nodal zone are thc sa me in all threc struts, the ratios of th e le

ngthS of the sides o f the nodal lone, w~ J: w.2: \II 3 are in the sa me proport
ions as the three forces C: C,: C). The fa ces o f a hydrostatic nodal zone ~re
perpendi c ul ar 10 the axes o f th e struts and lies ac ting on the nodal zo ne
These nodal zo nes <Ire called hydrostalic nodal zones because the in -plane str
esses are the same in all direc ti ons. S tri ctl y speaki ng. thi s te rminolog
y is incorrect because the in M plan e strcsse.."i arc not equal to the out-or-p
lane stresses.
A C-C-T nodal zone can be represented as a hyd rostatic nodal zone if the ti e i
s ass umed to extend through the node 10 be anc hored by a plate on the far s id
e of Ihe node. as shown ill Figure 427-4(b), provi ded lh at the si ze of the pl
National Struc tural Code o f Ihe Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

-'I 1!;ll
CHAP I F f ~ t1 - - Str'llcl(Jr~11 Cr)fl(.;r el {~
h1I(tf=r~--.Gi-)I h2
J......I ... -+-t
- D-region
h1 h2
(a) Shear span, av< 2h, deep beam
(a) Geometric discontinuities
11._~_=_ 2--,L h_ . t Min. of 25 deg "I (b) Shear span, av = 2h, limit for a deep
av =2h , I
(t{ , - , tD Ih
CJ t t t
(b) Loading and geometric discontinuities
Fi gu re 427 -1 I) -Regions An d Disco nt inu ities
mmlll HI III

_ h--'-'C a'v_ > _2 h __ , 1 - ,_------' av_>

_~h_ h_ :I
.J l
(c) Shear span, av > 2h, slender beam
FiguI'C 4272 Descripti on of Deep and Slender Beams

Bottle-shaped strut I
"r Nodal 7.one
prismatic strut
Figure 427-3 Description of Slrllt-and-Ti c Model
(8) One layer of slee'
see A.4.3.2
(b) Dislribuled sleel
Figure 4274 Hydrostati c Nodes N. B. : For A.4.1.2, refer to 427.4.3.2
In the nodal zone shown in Figure 427-6
ertical components of the forces C, and
r if lhe reaction R is divided into R I
ents of the force C, as shown in Figure

(a), the reac ti on R equilibrates the v

C1.. Frequently, calculations are ea.sie
, which equilibrates the vertical compon

N<~non(ll Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1


tl 1S6
CHAP fEFl4 .. S!ruCiUfi!1 Concrete
., .,
(8) Noda/ zone
(a) Gooma/ry
(b) Subdivid8(i l1c>C/"r .OJ,
Figure 427-6 Subdivisioll of Noda l Zone
(b) Tension force anchor(J(} by 8 plate
\ \
t.m::. see AA .3.2
,~-----c I
(b) C-C- T Node
(a) C-C-C Node
~ Critical soction for

development f)( tie reinforcemenl
(c) Tension force anchored by bond
Pignrc 4275 EXlcndcd Nodal Zone Showing the
Effect of the Distributi on of th e Force
N. 13 . : For A.4.3.2, refcr to Scction 427.4 .3.2
(e) C- T- T Node
(d) T- T-T N(,,:,!
Fi gure 427 -7 Classificat ion of Nudes
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

427.1.4 Nodes For equilibrium, at lcasllhrcc forces should act on a node in

a strut-and-lic model, as shown jn Figure 427-.7. Nodes
/~classiticd according to the signs of these forces. A C-C-C node resists three co
mpressive forces, a C-C- T node resists
" ,":>-' .'
to compute Ao (b)
(wo compressive forces and one tensile force, and so on.
427.1.5 Strut
In design, struts arc usually idealized as prismatic
compression members, as shown by the straight line outlines of the struts in Fig
ures 427-2 and 427-3. If the
Bottle-shaped Strut: (a) Cracking of a Bottle-shaped Strut; and (b) Strut-andTie
Model of a Bottle-shaped Strut
effective compression strength};", differs at the two ends of
a strut, due either to different nodal zone strengths at the two ends, or to dif
ferent bearing lengths, the strut is idealized as a uniformly tapered compressio
n member.
427.2 Strut-andTie Model Design Procedure 427.2.1 It shall be permitted to desig
n stI1Jctural concrete members or D-regions in such members, by modeling the mem
ber or region as an idealized truss. The truss model shall contain struts, ties,
and nodes as defined in Section 427.1. The truss model shall be capable of tran
sfen'ing all factored loads to the supports or adjacent B-rcgions. 427.2.2 The s
trut-and-tic model shall be in equilibriulll with the applied loads and the reac
tions. 427.2.3 In determining the geometry of the truss, the dimensions of the s
truts, ties, and nodal zones shall be taken into accounl. 427.2.4 Ties shall be
permitted to cross struts. Struts shaH cross or overlap only at nodes. between t
he axes of any strut and any 427.2.5 The ang1e, tie entering a single node shall
not be taken as less than 25 degrees. 427.2.6 Design of struts, ties, and nodal
zones shall be based on: (427-1) where Fu is the factored force acting in a str

ut, in a tic, or on one face of a nodal zone; 1~1 is the nominal strength of the
strut, tic, or nodal zone; and is specified in Section 409.3.2.6.
Bottle-shaped struts - A bottle-shaped strut is a strut located in a part of a m
ember where the width of the compressed concrete at mid length of the strut can
spread laterally. The curved dashed outlines of the struts in Figure 427-3 and t
he curved solid outlines in Figure 427-8 approximate the boundaries of bottle-sh
aped struts. A split cylinder test is an example of a bottle-shaped strut. The i
nternal lateral spread of the applied compression force in such a test leads to
a transverse tension that splits the specimen. To simplify design, bottle-shaped
struts are idealized either as prismatic or as uniformly tapered, and crack-con
trol reinforcement from Section 427.3.3 is provided to resist the transverse ten
sion. The amount of confining transverse reinforcement can be computed using the
strut-and-tie model shown in Figure 427-8(b) with the struts that represent the
spread of the compression force acting at a slope of 1:2 to the axis 'of the ap
plied compressive force. Altematively for to' not exceeding 40 MPa, Eq. 427-4 ca
n be used. The cross-sectional area At of a bottle-shaped strut is taken as the
smaller of the cross-sectional areas at the two ends of the strut. Sec Figure 42
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

S(J'c l1 ~th (If
427.3.1 The l1 omin ;d comp ressive strength of' ;1 str ul '\lilhoHI h)lI gilUdi
nal n:i nfon..:elllcllI. r~", sh;dl be wkcll as the smallcr value of:
wil en! A" is th e tollil ,Ire;! of sli rfaL' c r~inrorc cmelll al spaci ng x, i
n the Hh I<l ye r ~ If reinforcement crossing a Slnu :It an <1I1!;1..:: Uj to th
l: ;)xi:-: of ihe stnll .
427.3.3,2 TIll' rc inh>n.:e mcn! requ ired in Sect ion 427.3 .3 shall be placed
in ei ther two orthogona l directi ons at ang les (.(, and 11.1 10 the axis uf t
he st rut. or in one dircction at an angk (I. !O the axis or the strut. If the r
einforccment is in only one directi on, 0. sha ll not be less thall 40 dcgrees.
427.3.4 If docllmentcd hy tests ,tnt! atwlyses, il shall be permitled 10 lise an
increased effective compressive strength of a strut due to confining reinfo rce
al th e IwO end ... of II}!! stru t, where 11(1 is thL ..:.oss-stttion:tI al Ol
h! end of Iht' sI nH. and /.1' is the slllilJ lrr ()f ( I) <I nel
I. The clTcctivc compressive strenglh of the conc rete in the SInH given in Sect
i on 427.3.2;
The effecti ve compressive strenglh of th (.'. concrete ill the nodal 7.0nc give
n in Scc iion 427.5.2. strength
of the
427.3,2 T he effecti ve comprcssi ve concrete, };.,. in a strut shall be taken a
s :
/.e = (J.XS/IJ.'
(427 ) 1
427.3.2.1 For a stlllt of un iform cr()ss~seclion a! area over ils lel1glh ... .
.. .. ............. /1, = 1.0 427 .3.2.2 For stmls located such thai Ihe width o
r the midsecti on of the sinH is large r than th e widt h (II Ihe nodes (bottlesh
aped slnns):
427 .3.5 The usc of compression reinforcement shall be pe rm itted {O increase I
he si rength of it SinH . Comp ression reinforcement shan be properl y anc hored
, parallel to the axis of the SUIII . located wit hin the stru t. and encl osed i
n tics or sp irah salisfying Section 407. 11. In such cases, the Homin,,1 stre n
glh ('I f il longi tudinall y re in forced strut is:

1':,. , =};,A ,., + A:);'

427.4 Strength or ncs
.. .
427.4.1 The nom inal strengt h of a tic. F,,,, shall bc taken as:
Wit h reinforce ment sati sfy ing Sec ti on 42 7.3.3 . p, =0 .75
WithOl1t 427.3.3 ...
sati sfying
................ If,
Section =O .6(J!'
where (f..,. + 1:-:../;'; shall not exceed nonprcst resscd members .
and A,l' is zero for
where the VIII lie of I.. is defined i n Secti on 408.7.1.
427.3.2.3 For struts in tension members, or the tension Oanges of members .... .
........ .. /1, = OAO 427.3.2.4 For all other ease s
In Eq. 427-6, it shall be pCllnillcd to (ake (~hl equal (04 15 MPa for bonded pr
estressed reinforc ement, or 70 MPa for ullbonded prestressed reinforcement. Otl
ler values of (51;, shall be permitted whcn justified by analysis.
p, = O.60i.
427.3.3 Ir the value or p, speciried ill Section 427 .3.2 .2( I) is used. the ax
is of the st rlll shall be crossed by reinforccmcllI propoJlioncd to resist Ihe
tran sverse ten sile force res ulling fro m the compression force spreading ill
the SInH . It Sh'll! he permitted to assume the co mpressive force in the strut
spreads <It <I slope of 2 longillldinal to 1 transverse 1 0 the
427.4.2 Th e axis of th e reinforcement ill II tie shall coincide with the axis
of the ti e in Ihe stl1l tand-tic model. The effec ti ve tie width assumed in des
ign WI can vary betw{'('11 the following limi ls. depending on the di stribution
of the ( i(; reinrorcement.
axis of the strut.
427.].3.1 For // 110t greater Ihal1 40 MPa, th e requirement of Sectio n 427.3.3
shall be pcrmiHed to be satisfi ed by the axi s of lhe sInH being crossed by la
yers of reinforcement th at satisfy Eq . 427-4:
If the hars in the tic- <If!.! in olle layer. the crrecti ve lie width C'1n b(~

taken a~ the diameler of tile bars inlilc tic plus twice th e cover to [he su rf
a ce of the bars, as show n in Fi gure 427-5(a); ;llld A practical uppcr limil o
f thc tic width cn n be Ifll:(1\ ::s thc wid th cO ITcspomlin g to the width ill
a h ydro~t:'hC nod al zone, calc ulat ed as :
"" _. =1-:, {(f..b.)
Association of Structural Engineers of tile PI)ilippines

where I. IS computed for the nodal zone in accordance with Section 427.5.2. If t
he tic width excccds tlw v,due from (a), the tic reinforcement should be distrib
uted approximately uniformly over the width and thickness of the lie, as shown i
n Figure 427-5(b). 427.4.3 Tic reinforcement shall be anchored by mechanical dev
ices, posttensioning anchorage devices. standard hooks. or straight bar devclopmen
t as required by Sections
427.4.3.1 through 427.4.3.4.
where the value or IJ" is given in Seclions 427.5.2.1 through
427.5.2.1 In nodal I.ones bounded by struts or bearing areas, or bOlh . ji" ~ J.
(): 427.5.2.2 In lie .. or 427.5.2.3 In nodal zones anchoring two or more lics /
i" ~ 0.611. 427.5.3 In a three-dimensional strut-and-tie model, the area of each
face of" a nodal zone shall not be less than thaI given in Section 427.5. I. an
d the shape of each face of the nodal zones shaJ! be similar to the shape of the
projection of the end of the struts onl0 the corresponding faces of the nodal J
lodal zoncs anchoring /1"
427.4.3.1 Nodal lones shall develop thc difference between the tic force on olle
side of the node and the tic force 011 the other side. 427.4.3.2 At nodal zones
anchoring one lie. the tic force shall be developed at the point where the cent
roid of the reinforcement in a tic leaves the extended nodal zone and enters the
span. 427.4.3.3 At nodal zones anchoring two or more tics, the lie force in eac
h direction shall be developed at the point wher~ the centroid of the reinforcem
ent in the lie !eaves the extended nodal lone. 427.4.3.4 The transverse reinforc
ement required by Section 427.3.3 shall be anchored in accordance with Section 4
12.14. 427.5 Strength of Nodal Zones 427.5.1 The nominal compression strength of
a nodal zone, f~"" shall be:
where Itt is the effective compressive strength of the concrete in the nodal zon
e as given in Sect. 427.5.2, and An;; is the smaller of (I) and (2):
The area of the face of the nodal zone on which Fu acts, taken perpendicular to
the line of action of Fu;
The area of a section through the nodal
taken perpendicular to the resultant force on the section.
zone, line of action of the
427.5.2 Unless confining reinforcement is provided within the nodal zone and its
effect is supported by tests and analysis, the calculated effective compressive
stress, fee. on a face of a nodal zone due to the strut-and-tie forces shall no
t exceeclthe value given by:
ic, ~ 0.85/3,".'

National Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1


NSCP C101-10
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines
Suite 713, Future Point Plaza Condom iniullI I 112 Panay Avenue, Quezon City, Ph
ilippines 1100
Tel. No : (+632) 410-0483 Fax No.: (+632) 411-8606 Email: .ill?920nJill!lliYgmai
l.com Website: hft p:llwww.aseponline.org
Nalional Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

CH AP TEl1 5 " Steel an d Metals

5 '
Table of Contents
.............. II PAIr!' I SPECIFICATION FOR ST EE L MEMBEHS ...................
... ............ ..... ............................... .........................
...... 11 SyMBOLS ..... ................................................. ......
........................ ........ ................................. ............
....... ... ................. ............ II DEFINITIONS ...... ...............
................................ ........................................... ..
............ ....... .................................................... 18 SEC
TION 501 . GENERAL PROVISIONS .. ..... ............... ......... ...... ........
... .... ......................................................................
28 501. 1 Scope ... .. ............... .........................
............... ...............
.. .................. ..... .. ..... .... .......... .... ........ .............
.......... 28
... .... ..... ..... ... ....... ......... .. .... .. ...... ....... 28
50 1.2 Referenced Specifications. Codes and Standards ......
501 .3 Matena!. ... ................ ...
.. ........... ................... 30
............. ......... . ...... 32
50 1.4 Structu ra l Design Drawings and Speci fi catiolls.... ..
SECTION 502 DESIGN REQUiR EMENTS .................. .............................
.............. ......................................................... 32
502.! Gcneral Pro visions .. 502.2 LoaJs and LoHd Combi llal ions ..... . 502.3
Design B'ISis, ............ " .... ...... ........ . 502.4 Classification of Sec
tions for Local Buck li ng .............................................. . 502.
4. Un sriffencd Elements ......... .. ..... . 502.5 FabJi c.: ation , Erection a
nd Quality Co ntrol .. 502.6 Evaluation of Ex istin g Stnlctures. .. ..........
.... 33 .. ..... 33 .......... 35 ..35 ........... .... ....
...... ....... ........ ..... 36 ...36
SECTION 503 ... ................................. ................. ............
.................. ....... 39 STABILITY ANALYSIS AND DESI GN .... ..............
..... .............................. ..................................... .....
............. .................. 39
503. J Stability Design Requirc l11cllls ... 503.2 Cal c ulation of Required Str
ength s... .. ... ............... ........ .... .. ......
. ... .... ..... . ...... 40
SECTION 504 . DESIGN OF MEMBERS FOR TENSION ....................................
................................................. .......... 42
504 . J Sle nderness Limi tations ...... .. . 504.2 Tensilc Strength .... ......
......... . 504.3 Area DClermin:uion ...... .... .... .

504.4 Bui(( up Members ..... .. .......... ... .. 504.5 Pin -Co nnected Membe rs
... ....... ....... ...... ...... " .. 504.6 Eyebars ..... .. ...... .
....... 43 .. ... 43 .. .. 43 ... ... . 44
.. .... ....... ...... ...... 44
...... 46
SECTION 505 - DESIGN OF MEMBERS FOR COMPRESSJON ........................ .......
............... ...................................... 46 ................... 46
505.1 General Provisions ................ ............................ . 505.2
Slenderness Limit.llion s a nd Effective Le ngth .......... . ,, ' ......... .46
505.3 Compress ive Strcngth for Flexural Buckling of Members With out Slende r
Elcmc lH s . .... . .. ... ......... .... . .. .. 47 505 .4 Compress i ve: S tre
ngth for Torsio na l and Fl ex ural-Tors ional Buck l ing of Members without Sle
nder Ele ment s, ........ ... 47 505.5 Single Angle Co mpression Membe rs .....
....... ,..... ....... 48 505.6 Bu ilt- up Mc mber,
505.7 Membe rs with Slender Elements
.. ................
.. ......... 49
.. .... 50
SECTION 506 DES IGN OF MEMB ERS FOR FLEXURE .............. .......... ...........
................ ............................................ 52
506. 1 Gen eral Provisions ..... ........ ..... ....... ......... 506.2 Dou bly
SY lllm e tri c Com pac t I-Shaped Me mb ers and Channel s Bent abou t their Maj
or Axi s.....
..... 53
. ..... 55 506.3 Doubly Symmc lric I-S haped Members with Com pac t \Vebs and No
ncompacl or Sle nder Fl a nges Ben l about their
Major Axis ............................ ...... ... ......... ...................
....................................................................... ..... ..
............ .. ...... 56
506.4 Other I-Shaped Members w ith Compact or Noncompac\ Webs Bent about their M
ajor Axis ,........... .... ,..... .................. 56
506.5 Doubl y Symmetric and Singly Symmetric IShaped Members with Slender Webs Bc
nt about their Major AxiL ........ 58
National Structural Code of tile Philippines 6
Edition Volume 1

5 ?
C HAP T!: H 5 . Steel and Meta ls
506.6 1Shapcd Mcmbr.:rs and Ciwllnl!is Gent abo ut their Minor Axi s 506.7 Square
illH.1 Rct:liUlgu!ar HSS and Box-sh,lpcd Members ........ . 506.8 Rou nd IISS .
............ .. .... ......... .. .......... .. 506.9 Tees and Dou ble A ngles L
o,lded ill the Plane of Symmetry ................ . 506.10 S ingl e Angles......
........... ................ .. ..................... .. 506.11 Rcclangular Bars
and Rounds .. ... ........... .... .... ........ . ........... . 506.1 2 Unsymm
etrical Shapes ....... ................... ................ . 506.13 Prop~r! ion
s of Beams and Girders.... . .......... ....... . .. . ...... ... .... . .......
.. ....... . .
..................... .')~
.. .. 59
..... 6u
.. ..... 60 61 . ..... ... 62 ..... ........ ...... ...... ... 63 .. ........... ..
.... 63
SECTION 507 DESIGN OF MEMBERS FOR SHEAR ........................................
........................................................ 65 507.1 General Prov i
sions... . ............ . 507.2 Mcmber!'> with Unstiffened or Stiffe ncd Webs ..
507.3 Tension field A clion .. ...................... ............ ... .. .....
....... ..................... 507.4 Single Angles .............................
... .. .......... .. 507.5 Rectangula r HSS and Box Members .............. .. 50
7 .6 Round HSS .......................... .... .. ................. .. 507.7 Wea
k Axis Shear in Singly and Do ubly Symmetric Shapes ............................
...................................... . 507 .8 Beams and Girders with Web Openi
ngs ................ ......................... .................................
..... .
.... .. .. 6)
.. .... .. 65 ..... ........ 66
. . ... .. ..... C'}
.. ..... 67 .. 67 .... 67 .. ... 67
.............................. 68
508. 1 Do ubly and Singly Symmetric Members Subject to Flex ure a nd Axial Force
... ... ........ ............. ....................... .. 508.2 Unsymlllctric a
nd other Me mbcr$ Subject to Fl exure Ilnd Axial force ..... .. .... ........ ..
. ......................... . 508.1 Members under Torsion <lnd Combined Torsion,
Flexure, Shear andlor Ax ial Force ..
68 .. .69 .. .70 . ..... 71
SECTION 509 DESIGN OF COMPOSITE MEMBE RS ........................................
......................................... .. . 509.1 General Provisions ........
............. . 50~.2 Axial Members .... 509.3 Flexural Members ...............
...... . 503.3 Flexurlll Strength of Concrete -Enc ased and Filled Members.. 509
.4 Combined Axi a l Force and Flexure.................. ............... ... ....
........... .. ................ 509.5 Special Cases ............................
............................. ..................................................
. .. ...... 72 . .. 7:' .... ' ., . .. .._ ...... 7g . ..... 79 ..... 79

SECTION 510 DESIGN OF CONNECTIONS ...............................................
................................................. ...... ....... .. .. 79
510.1 General Provis io ns 510.2 Welds.. .......... .. ............ . 510.3 Boll
s and Threaded Pans ... .......................................... . 510.4 A ffe
cted El e ments of Members and Connecting Elements .... ............ . 510.5 Fil
l ers.. ............... .. ............ ........ .. ................. . 510.6 Sp
lices.. .. .. ... .. .. ......... ........................ ........... ..... . 5
10.7 Bearing Sirength ................... .. .......... ........... ............
.... .. 510.8 Column Bases and Bearing o n Concrete .... . 510.9 Anchor Rods and
Embedments ...... .............. .. . SID.IO Flanges and Webs with COllcentrate
d Forces ........ ...... ....... ... ... .......... .
... 79 ... 81 ..87 . ..... ....... _ .. .. 92 .... 9:\
........ .. 93 .91
.. 0,'~
. ... i)/t
. ... ... 1) . ;
................... .
51 1.1 Concentrated Forces on HSS .. 5 11 .2 HSSto HSS Truss Connection s ...... .
. 5 11 .1 HSS toHSS Mo ment Connecli ons .. .
. .. 10"
.. 106
SECTION 512 DESIGN FOR SERVICEABILITY ...........................................
..................... ..... .............. .... .................. 110
512.1 General Provis io ns .............................. . 512.2 Camber .......
.... .. ........................................................................
.......................................... .. 512.3 Defiections ................
................................................ .................. ............
............................ .................. . .. 512.4 Drift ...............
............................................................................. ..
............................................................. . 512.5 Vibration
......................... .................... ......................... .... ..
........................ ... 512.6 WindInduced Motion ...........................
.. .............. .......................... ........... ......................
.. .
.. , I Ii
Association of Siructural Engineers of IIle Philippines

512 .7 EXP;IIISioll allJ Culltra<.:tiull ................ " ...... " ...........

.............................. ............................. ...................
.................... . 110 5 12 .8 CU fl IlC<:t IOJ1 Slip .................. ...
............... ...... .........................................................
......................................... ____ 110
........................ ............... .. 110
5 13. 1 Shop ;lIld Ef'c(.lion I)l'il\vings ............................ .........
.................................. .............................................
................... 5 13.2 pahrilillioll ... ....................................
.................. .......................... .. ...............................
....................... 513 .3 Shop Paillling..... . ...........................
................................ ...............................................
. ..... 5 J 3.4 Erectioll ....... .................... .........................
....... ................. """ ... ,, ... 513.5 Qualil v Conlrol .... .... ......
..................................... .............. . . .......................
......... .......................
II J 111 112 112 113
APP E NDIX A-I - INELASTIC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ....................... _ .......
............................................................. , 114
A I . J Gc ne,...1 Provisions .......... " ............................. ........
.......................................... ........ ............................
......................... ) 14 A-I .2 Mal erial s ................ .............
.................................... , ............... ,.. ,....................
.................... ........... ,........... ,.. ,................ 114 A ] .3 M0
111cnt Rcdi stlibuli on ........................................................
......................................... ......................................
.......... J 14 A-I,4 Local Buckling .................. ........................
................................. 114 A- 1.5 SI.bilily .nd Second-Order EffeCIS
.............................................. .. .............. ...............
................................. 115 A- I .Sa Braced Frames ............ ......
....................................................................... ...... .
........ .... ... ........................................ . 115 A ~ J .5b M Ol
llCll 1 Fr;ullcs .................... . ".......................................
............ ............ ................................. ....................
.......... J 15 A- I.6 Columns and Olher Compression Mcm bers....... ...........
..... .............. ." ................................................. J 15 A
I .7 Beams and Ollicr Flexural Mcmbers.. . .................. ........ ...... ..
..................................................... 11 5 .. .................
........................... 11 5 A- I.S Members under Co mbi ned Forces ........
............... ........ ... .... . A-I .9 CO rlnecli olls .. "5
APPENDIX A-2 - DESIGN FOR PONDING ......... ""." """""" .. " .......... """"""""
""" .. "",,.,, ... ,,.,,""""""""""." .. " .. "" .. 116
J\ ~2 .J Simplifi ed Design for Ponding A-2.2 Improved Design for Ponding
.... . 116 116
APPENDIX A-3 - DESIGN FOR FATIGUE """"""""""""", .. """"""""""""" .. ,, .......
,,""""""""""" " ,,"""""""", .. ,,'" 117 A-3. 1 Ge ner;d .,', ........ ,.........
........ .................. ,..................................................
........................ ,.................................. A3.2 Calculation of
Maximulll St resses and Siress Ranges ..........................................
................. ....................................... A-3 .3 Design Siress R
ange .......... ................................................................
....................... " ..................................... ....... A-3,4 Bo

ilS and Threaded P.rts ...... .. ....................... " .....................

... .. .. A-3.5 Special Fabrication and Erection Req uirements .............. ..
. ............ .................................................................
" .......... 11 7 I J8 118 119
."" .. " .. "."".""",, ...... ,, .......... Il9 A-4.1 General Pro vi sions ... .
.......................................... ................................. ...
............. ..................... ................ .. ,........... ...... 120
A-4 .2 Structural Design for Fire Conditions by Ana lysis ......... .. .........
....................................... .. ................... ...... ..........
.... .... 136 A-4 .3 Design by Qn.lificalion Tesling ...........................
..................... ,.. ,............ ..................... ..................
.................. ,.......... 138 APPENDIX A-5 - EVALUA TlON OF EXISTIN G STRU
CTURES .. ,_"""." .. """"", .. "".""" .. "."""""" """,,.,, ........ ,,",139
AS. I Ge neral Provisions ............ ......... .. .............................
...................... .. ................... ...................... .... ......
....................... 139
A-5.2 A-5.3 A-5,4 A-55 Material Pro pel1i es ............................. .....
...... ...... .. _............................. ................................
.. .............. .. ...................... E valumion by Slmclural Anal ysis ..
....... ................. _......................... .. .................... ...
........... ,........................................ Evalllalio n by Load Tests
....................................... _............................... ......
........ .. ,... ,............... .. ................................. Evalualio
n Reporl ." ............... .... ............................ _........ .......
" .............. ... ............................................ ,............
.......... 139 140 140 140
" ... " ...... """""""",, .. ,, ......,," 140 A6. J General Pro visio ns .. A-6.2
Columns ................... .. A-6.3 Bea ms ........ .. ............. .. ......
....................... ............................ .......... .... ...........
.......... ,..................... ,............ 141 .. ............... .. ......
...................................... .. ........................... ...... 141
.. ............................................................................
........................................................ 141
APPENDIX A- 7 DIRECT ANALYSIS M ETHOD "' _" " """""""".""""."."" .... _" ... "".
" .... """".",, ..... ,,"",, ......... ""'"'' 143 A7. 1 Gener.1 RequirelllenlS ..
............................ . ,........... _ ....... ,......... ,..............
............................. ...................... ........ " ........ 143 A-7
.2 Notion.1 Loads ... . .. ......................................... ....... "..
... .... .. ......... " .............. .. ..... " ................. 143 ........
.. ... ........... ... ........ ..... ............ 143 A-7.3 Design -A nalysis C
''''''''''''''''''''''',,'''''''''' ,,"" " " " ,," 145
National Structural Code of the PI1ilippines 6 Edition Volume 1

CHAPTER 5 . Steel and Metals
SyMBOLS ....... ................... ................... ........... .. .........
....... ... ........ ... ................................. .....................
... ............. ................ 145 DEFINITIONS ..... ... ...................
............. .............. ........................ ..........................
..... ................ .... .. .. ..... ............................. 147 PART 2
........ ......................... 150
514 . Scope .. ... ......... ................................. .................
................ .
. ............ ................ ... .... ISO

...... ....... 151 SECTION 516 GENERA L SEISMIC n ES IGN REQUIREMENTS .............. .
.. ..... ............. ... ............................ ....... .... 151 SECTI(h
517 LOADS, LOAD COM B I NATIONS, AND NOMINAL STRENGTHS .................. .. .. . ...
............... 15i
517. 1 Loads and LO<ld Co mbinations ................ .. .... ....... . 5 17 .2
Nominal Strength ... ... ......... .
..... 152 .. . .. .......... .. 152
ECTION DRA WiNGS .............. ............................................ ...
.................. ............. ................. .......................... ..
............ 152
5 18. 1 Structural Design Drawings Hnd Spccifictltimls .......... _.. ..........
................ . 5 18.2 Shop Drawings .......................... .............
....................................................... 5 I 8.3 Ercction Dra\vin
gs ....... ............ . ...... ........ ....... ............ ...... .. .......
. .. ................. , .. .
152 ..... 152 ............. ......... 153
SECTION 519 MATERIALS .................. ....... ........... ....................
...................... .........................................................
.... .. 153
5 19 . 1 Material Specifications ....... .,...... ................. . ..........
.. ................... . 5 19.2 Material Propcni cs for Delcnn inalion of Rcqui
red Strength of Mcmbers and Co nnect ions, ..... .. 519.3 Heavy Section CVN Requ
ireme nts. ..... ... .... ...... . ... .. .... ... .... ,., .. .
. ........ 153 ...... 153 . .. .. 154
SECTION 520 CO NNECTIONS , JOINTS, AND FASTENERS ................................
.................................................... 155
520.1. Scope ... ............... ... 520.2 Bol ted Join ts .......... ..........
.......... . 5203 Welded Joint s ............................ . 520.4 PrOleeled
Zone. 520.5 Continuity Pl ates and Stiffeners
........ .............

.... 155 ............. 155 .... ....... 155 .................... .. .. .........

.......... 158 .................. 158
SECTION 521 . MEMBERS ........ ..... ............... ...........................
............................. ..................................................
.......... 159
52 1. 1 Scope ........ ............. .. .... .. ... ............ ... ........ .
52 1.2 Classification or Sections for Loca l Bucklin g ....
52 1.3 Column Stren gth ... .... .... ...... ........ ..... ..... ..... .. 52 1.
4 Column Splices ...... ...... .... . 52 1.5 Column Bases .. ................ ..
. . 521 .6 HPiles ..... .
.......................... 159 .. 159 . . . . ....... 159 159 .. IGO . 160
SECTION 522 SP EC IAL MOM ENT FRAMES (SMF) .....................................
...................... ....................................... 161
522.1 Scope ............ ........... .. .. ....... ............ ................
. ........... ... ...... ....... .............. .............. ................
522.2 Beam-Io-Columll Connections ,.................................... ...... ,
....... , 522.3 Panel Zone of Bcam-to-Colulllll Connecti ons (Beam Web PClrallc
l lo Col umn \Veh) ............ .............. 522.4 Beam and Column Limi tati o
ns . .............................
............. 161 .. 161 . ..... 167.
.I (,?
.')22 .5 Continuit y Plat es .............. ............. ,. .... . ............
... 522 .6 Column- Beam Mome nt Ratio. ........ .... .. .. .......... ... .....
. ... .. ................. 522 .7 La teral Bracing at Beam -In-Column Connection
s ..... ...... ... ........ ... ... .... ...... . 522 .8 Lateral Bnlci ng of Bea
ms .. ......... ..... 522.9 Column Splices .... ............ ... .
.... .... ...... .
..... .... .. ...........
.. l( '
. l: - ~ . 1(>:\ .... H)';
SECTION 523 I NTERMEI))A TE MOMENT FRA~-IlCS (IMF) .. ..........................
............................. .... ....................... ](.4
523 .1 Scope ..... ........ ....................... ........ . .. ...... .. .. .
........................ ......... ............
............ .. .. .... ........... .......... . . ' "
523 .2 Beanl-to-Coiunlll Co nnect ions ...... ........... ,... , .... ........ ,
........ , ....... ............... , .... .... ........... , ... , .. , .......
.............. , ....... " , 523.3 Panel Zone of Beam-la-Column Connections (Bea
m Web Parallel to Column Web) ............ ............................ .......
.. . .J 523.4 Beam and Column Limitations. ............ .... ............... ..
........... ............. .... ... .. .... ,.. ..................... ,(,5

523 .5 Contin ui ty Plates.. ...... ..

........ ...... .
.. ................... .. .... .... .
..... ............. .. ... .. .. .... ...... ...
. ' 65
Associa tion of Structural Engin eers of the Philippines

CHAPT Eri fi . Sleet and Melals

523 .6 Col umn -Beam MOnlclll Rat io ....... .. .............. .
.................... ............ 165
SECTION 524 . ORDINARY MOMENT FRAMES (OM F) ....................... ............
. ... ............. .......................... ....... ,....... 166 524.1 Scope
. ....... .......... .. .... .... ....... ... ..... ........... ..... ...... ...
....... ............... . ......................... .... 166 524.2 BeamluCol umn .
.......... ...................... .................... .................. ......
........ .. ................. 166 524.3 Pimcl Zone of BcanH o-Column Con necti o
ns (Beam Web Paralle l To Colu mn Web) ... 167 524.4 Beam and Col umll Limitatio
ns........ ....... ........ ........ ....... ......... ......... .. .. .. 168 52
4.5 Conlinuily I'lllle5.. ..... . ... ............. ...... .... ........ ... ...
............ .168 524.6 Columll-Beam Moment Ratio......... ............... .....
............ . loS 524.7 Lateral Bracing al Beam-Io-Column Connections .........
........................................... .. ........................... " ...
........... 168 524.8 Laleral Bracing of Bea ms ............. .. .......... ...
........................ .. ....................................................
........... 168 524.9 Col umn Splices.. ......... ..............................
............. ........... ............ .... .................. .. ......... ....
................. .... 168 SECTION 525 SPECIAL TRUSS MOMENT FRAMES (STMF) .......
.................. ........................... .............................. 16
9 525.1 Scope ............... . 525.2 Special Segmenl .... ........... . 525.3 S
lrenglh of Special Segmenl Members .... ..... .. 525.4 Sirengih of NonSpecial Seg
menl rs....................... .. ............. . 525.5 WidlhThickness Limilalion
s .......................................... ................... ........... . 5
25.6 Laleral Bracing ........................................... ...... .. ... .
169 .... ... 169 .. 169 .. ........ 169 .. ....................................
........... 169 .. ......................... 170
............... .................... 170 526.1 Scope ..... ........ ...... ... .
......... .... ........ ............... . . .......... 170 526.2 Members .......
..... .. ....... .......... ...... ............. ....... .. ............ ... ..
.. 170 526.3 Required Slrenglh of Bracing Conneelions .. .. .. 17 1 ............
.... .. 17 1 526.4 Special Bracing Configuration Requiremenls ..................
....... .............. ................... .................... 526.5 Column Spl
ices ........................................................... ........... ...
.... .................................... ......................................
..... 172 526.6 Protected Zone ..... ... ......................... .. .... .. ..
. ......... ............... ............... .. ..... ........ ... ...... .. ...
............................................ .. 172 SECTION 527 ORDINARY CONCENTR
I CALLY BRACED FRAMES (OCBF) ...................................................
... I72 527.1 Scope.. ..................... ............................. ......
........................ .. ...... ........ ....................................
............ 172 527 .2 Bracing Members ........ ..... .. . .. ................
. ........ ...... ..... ........ .... ... 172 527.3 Special Bracing Configuralio
n..... .......................... .... ............... .. ..... ...... ...... ..
... 172 527.4 Bracing Conneelion'...... .... ............... ..................
...... ............... ........... .. .... ............... .. ..... 173 527.5 OC
BF above Seismic Isolation SySiems..............................................
....................................................................... 173 SECT
ION 528 ECCENTRICALLY BRACED FRAMES (EBF) .......................................
............................................ 173 528.1 Scope ... ...............

................ ................. .............................................

.................................................. ........................... 1
73 528.2 Links .................................................................
........ .. .............. ..... ........................... .. ................
..... .. ........................... 173 528.3 Link Stiffeners .......... ......
. ....................... ............. ....... .. .............................
.................. 174 528.4 Lin kl oColumn Connections ..........................
..................... .......... .. ......... ..... ............... .... .......
..... 174 528.5 Lateral Bracing of Link ... ........................... ........
.. ......................... .. .... .... ............. ............ ...... ....
... .......... ........... 175 528.6 Diagonal Brace and Beam Outside of Link ...
........................................................................... ....
... ............................. 175 528.7 BeamtoColumn Connections ......... ...
..................... ..... ...................................................
............................................. 175 528.8 Required Slrenglh of Col
umns .................................. ... ...................................
................ .................................. ...... 176 528.9 Protected Z
Olle .......................... .. ............ ........ .......................
..... ......... ..... ............ .. .................. ..... .................
............... 176 528.10 Demand Critical Welds................. ..............
.............................. .. ...... .. ....................................
......... .. .............. 176 SECTION 529 IlUCKLINGRESTRAINED IlRACED FRAMES (Il
RIlF) .................................................................. 176 529
.1 Scope .. ......................... ....................... ..................
...................... ....................... ... ............. . .. ..........
... 176 529.2 Bracing Members ..................................................
........................................ .................. ....................
.... .. .................. 176 529.4 Special Requirements ......................
................... ....................... 177 529.5 Beams and Columns ........
....................... .... ...................................................
.......................... .. ................................... 178 529.6 Prot
ected Zone .. .. ........ .. ....................... ..... .....................
.......... ... ........... ............................................ ... ....
.................... 178 SECTION 530 SPECIAL PLATE SHEAR WALLS (SI'SW) ..........
Nalional Structural Code of the Philippi nes 6'" Edilion Vo lume 1

'i.10 . I Scope .... ............ .. .. .......... ............ ............ ..

.. ... . 'i30.2 Webs .'DO,) Conllcclion s oj' Webs {O Boundary Element s . .') )
0.4 Horii'3.lfllal and Vertical BtltlJldilry Elements ...... ....... ..... __ ..
......... .
.. ... 17~ ...... . 179 .. ...... ... .179 .. ...... .. 17~
SECTION 5]1 QUALITY ASSUHANCE PLAN ............ .................................
................................ ....... ......................... 180
5.1 1. 1 Scope ........ ...... .... ............................................
............................... .................... ....... ........ ..........
...... ... ..
.. ........ 180
PART B APPENDiCES ............... .......... ....................................
.................................................. ... ..... ........... .......
... ... ...... . 180
.. .. .. .... ... ..
........ .......... ............. ............ ...... .. ..
8-1 .2 General Requirements B*!.4 Prcqualificmioll Variables..
B ~ J .5.
B ~ 1.6.
.. .................. ..... ... ... ....... ... ...... ........... ... .. . ....
.... .... .".. . ................ .......... .. ....... ....
. ...... ........ .... ....
Design Procedure...
Prcqll,llil1c,ui oll Record ...
. ......... 181 181 .. ...... .. ..... 181 . ....... .. 182 ..182
B-2. QUA L1TY ASSU RA N CE PLA N ...............................................
............... ................................ ....................... .......
.... 183 B2 .1 Sco pe ... .......................................................
................................. ..............................................
....................... ..... 18 3 8 -2.2 In spec tion and No ndestructive Tes t
ing Perso llnel. . . ..... ,....... .. ..... 183 132.3. COlllraclOr Doeumellls...
.. ....... ............. ................ .............. . ... 183 .. ..........
....... 183 13 -2.4 Qualj( y Assurance Agc ncy Doculllcnts ................ .. 8
2.5 rn spcctioll Poillls and Frequencies .... . ... 183
....................... 187
B3.1 Scope ........ ...... . B-3.2 Symbols
.. .. .......... .. 187 .. .. ......... ...... .... ... .......... .... 187
B4 .1 Scope .................. ..... . ............... .. .......................
..................... .. .... .. .. ........... . .. .. 189 ....................
189 B4 .2 Symbo ls......... .. ........................................ . 8 -4 .
3 Definitions .......... .. ........................... .. ........... . .. .. .

..................... 189 B-4.4 Test Subasscmblagc Require ments ...............

..... . ................... 189 0-4.5 Essential Test Variables ...... .... ....
.. ... ................ .. .. ............... ... 189 .... 191 IJ4 .6 Loading His
tory. .............. ........ .. .......... .......... .. .... 191 B-4.7 Instrum
entation . ................... .. .. ............ .. .191 B-4 .8 Materials Testi
ng Requirements . ............. .. ........... . 8 -4 .9 Tesl Repol1ing Requirem
ent s .... ... ... ........ .... ....... .. " ... .... .... .. ..... ...........
....... ... ......... ........ ... . 192 193 B-4 . 10 Acceptan ce Criteri a ....
....... ... . ........ .. ...................... ... .... ................ .....
................. .. ..... ............................... . BS. QUALIFYING CYCLI
C TESTS OF BUCKLINGRESTRAINED BRACES ............................................
............ 193
B5 . 1 Scope .. .............................................. .. .. ............
............ ....................... ....................... ... ....... .. ....
......... .. ......... .. .......... 191 B5 .2 Symbols ...................... ...
........................................ ... ... ... ...........................
. . ... ................. ... ... ...................... 193 B-S .3 Definitions.
.. ...... ...... ... .................... ........ ............... .. .. 194 ..
194 135.4 Subassemblage Tes t Specimcn . ..19'1 13-5.5 Brace Test Specimen ......
... ......... ............ . : 195 B-5 .6 Loading Hist ory.. . .............. ..
.... .. ...... ........ ........ .......... ...... .. .. .. ............ .. ..
.. . . .. 195 8 -5.7 Instrumentati on. .. . .. ............... .. .. . .. 195 ..
.. ........ ...... .. .. B-5.8 Materials Testin g Requirements. .. ............
........ .. ... .... ...... " ....... .... ... . .. .............. 196 B-5.9 Tes
t Repon ing Requiremcms ............ .............. .. .........................
........................ . . .................. 196 B-5.10 Acceptance Criteria .
............................. ................ .... .. .................. .. ...
.......... ..... ............ .
B-6. WELD I NG PR 0 V lSI 0 NS ................................ ................
........................................ .......................................
........... " 197
B-6.2 Sll1lctural Design Drawings and Specifications, Shop Drawings, and Erectio
n Drawings ............. .. ..... .... ......... ........ .. i en B-6.3 Personne
l ..... ....... ..... .. .... ...... .. ................ .. ................. ..
.... llJ7.
B-6.4 Nondestructive Testing Procedures ...
Association of Struclural Engineers of the Philippines
B6. 1 Scopc .....................................................................
... ............... ............. .................... ..... .... ..............
.. ........................ 19',
............................... .... .... 19~

13-6.5 Additional Welding ProvisicHls .. 13-6.6 Additional Welding Provisions fo

r Demand Critical Welds Only ..
........ 19X ......... 199
B 7.1 B-7.2 13-7.3 8-7.4 Scope ..................................................
............. .. Test Conditions .. Test Specimens .............................
............................................. .. l .... Acceptance Criteria ...
. ....... 199 . ...... 200 .. 200 .. ..... 200
........... 201 DEFINITIONS ....................................................
................................... 201 SECTION 532 SCOPE ......................
.................................................. 202 SECTION 533 . REFERENCED
SpECIFICA TIONS, CODES, AND STANDARDS ..........................................
......... 203 SECTION 534 . GENERAL SEISMIC DESIGN REQUIREMENTS ................
.............................................................. 203 SECTION 535 .
................. 204
535.1 Loads and Load Combinations .............. . 535.2 Nominal Strength ......
................................................................. .. .. .... 204
. .................. 204
SECTION 536- MATERIALS .........................................................
.... 204
536.1 StnlCturai Steel ................................................. ... ...
536.2 Concrete and Steel Reinforcement ............... .. .. 204 .. ...... 204
SECTION 537 COMPOSITE MEMBERS ..................................................
..................................................................... 205
537.1 Scope... . ....................... .. 537.2 Composite Floor and Roof Slabs
... . 537.3 Composite Beams ......... .. 537.4 Encased Composite Colomns ......
.. 537.5 Filled Composite Columns .. .............................. 205 .. .....
205 .. ...... 205 . .................... 205 ... . ................ .. ... 207
SECTION 538 COMPOSITE CONNECTIONS ..............................................
................................................................ 208
538.1 Scope ........................ .. 538.2 General Requirements .............
. 538.3 Nominal Strength of Connections .... .. ...... 208 . ..................
. 208 . ...... 208
............... 209
539.1 Scope ......... .. 539.2 Columns .........................................
..................................... .. .......................................
.................................... .. 539.3 Composite Beams
539.4 Moment Connections ...... .
.. ............. ......... 209
........ 209 .. ..... 209
....... 209
SECTION 540 COMPOSITE SPECIAL MOMENT FRAMES (CSMF) ..............................
....................................... 210

540.1 Scope ......................... . 540.2 Columns. 540.3 Beams .............

......................... .. 540.4 Moment Connections .. 540.5 Column-Beam Momen
t Ratio .................... .. ...... 210 . .. 210 .. .. 210 . .... 210 . .....
........................................... 210
............................... 211 54 J.1 Scope ...................... .. .....
.... 211 541.2 Columns ........................... .. .. .......................
............. 211 541.3 Beams ........... ..... . ..............................
.......................................................................... .. ..
................... 211 541.4 Moment Connections .. "" .............. . .......
......................... ............... .................................... .
.................. ............... 211 SECTION 542- COMPOSITE ORDINARY MOMENT FR
AMES (COMF) ............................................................... 211
rh National Structural Code of tl're Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

CHAP"!"!: n:.:,
Steel (]n(J /Act,jb
542. 1 Scope ......................... .... . 542 .2 Colulll lls ... .. ........
....................... .. ..
542.3 BeClllls ..
542.4 M ome nt COllllcelion s
.. ............ .... ......................... .. ...... .. .. .. . .... 2 11 ..
.. .................. ... .... ........... .. ..... 2 11 .. ...... ............
..... .... ............... .... .... ............................. .......... 21
1 ................................ ........ 211
FRAMES (C-eBF) ............................. 211
543.1 SCOP" .... ........... ................... ................ .. ...........
............................................. .................... 2 12 543.2 CO
iUt11IlS ....... .......... ................... ................ .. .. ....... .
........... ..................................... ............ 212 543 .3 Beams
................... ......... .. .... ............... ...... .... ..............
........... .. ........... 212 543.4 ilrace.s ........ .. ............ .........
................. .................. ................ ............ .............
...................... .. ........ 212 543.5. Conllc(:lions.. ......... ..... ..
..... ... ......... .. .......... ................... .................. .......
....... ...... .,........... .................... ... . 212
544 . 1 Scope .................................. .... . 544 .2 Columns.. .......
......................... .. 544.3 Beams ...... ............................ ..
544.4 Braces ................................................................. .
(C-OBF) ........................................ .................... 212
544 .5 Conneclions .......... ..
.. .................................................... 2 12 ...................
........................................................................... 212
................ .. ............. .................. 212 .... ........ ........
.. ........... ............ ........................ 212 . .....................
............................. .. ... 212
..................................... 213
545. 1 Sco pe .. . 545 .2 Co lullllls .. 545.3 Links ........ ..................
........... ....... .. 545.4 Bra""s ......................................... ..
.................. . 545.5 Connec[ions ..
.. ............. .. .... .... 213 .. ........ . 213 .. ... ... 213 .. ..........
... 213 .. . . . 213

STEEL ELEMENTS (C-ORCW) .......................................................

....... .. .....................................................................
.. 213
546.1 Scope .... .. .................................... ....... .. .. .........
....... . 546.2 BOllndary Members ... 546.3 Steel Coupl ing Beams .............
".. 546.4 Encased Com posile Coupling Bcams ... .................. 214 .. .....
............ 214 .. ............ 214 .. ............... 214
STEEL ELEMENTS (C-SRCW) ............. ....... ................. ............. .
................................ ........................ ......................
........ 215
547.1 Scope........ . ...................................................... ...
.................. ....... .... .... .. ........... .... 215 547.2 Boundary Memb
ers ................................................... .. .. ......... ........
..................... .. ............................................ 215 547.3
Steel Couplin g Beams ...................... .. ...... . .......................
.......................................................... 215 547.4 Encased Com
posite Coupling Beams ...... ............................... .... .. .. ........
............................... .... ...................... ... 215
SECTION 548 - COMPOSITE STEEL PLATE SHEAR WALLS (C-SpW) ........................
.......................................... 216
548 .1 Scope. ........................... .. ..... .............................
................. ........................................... .. ........ ......
.... ............... 216 548 .2 Wall Elements.. ... . ..........................
..................................... _ ...................... .................
.................... 216 .. ....................................................
.... 216 548.3 Bo undary Members ... ............... " .... .... ...............
.......................... ............... . ...................................
.. .. 2 16 548.4 Open in gs. ....... .. ............... .. .... ........ .. ....
. ... .............................. ............. .
D ERECTION ORA WiNGS" ..........................................................
. ..... ................................ .. ........... ........................
............... 21 7 SECTION 550 - QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN ....... ..............
................................ ........ .... ..... ...........................
................................. ................... 2I ~ SyMBOLS .............
...................................... .........................................
.. 2L DEFINITIONS ..............................................................
.......................... 22-"1 SECTION 551 GENERAL PROVISIONS .................
....................... 228
551.1 Scope, Applicability and Definitions ................ .... ...............
........... .. .................. ........................ .................. 22
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

55 1.2 Material ................................................................

........................................... . ..................................
.................. 22<) 55 1.2. 1 App li cable Steeb ......... .. ..............
.................................... ..... ..... ............. .................
........ .... ............ .... 22~ 55 1.3 Loads .................... . ........
........................................ ........... 231 55 1.4 Allowahle Streng
th Des ign .................... ............ ...................................
. . ............................................... .......... 2) I 551.5 Load a
nd Hcsis(;.IIH:C Fal:lOr Design ................................................
".... ... ........... ..... ................ ..... 23 1 551 .7 Yield Siress and
Strength Increase from Cold Work of Forming . ............... .. .. ...........
.............. .212 55 1.B Serviceahi lity. .......... ........... . ...........
... .. .. ............... ............................... ... ... ..... .. ... 2
J2 551.9 Referenced Doculllents ..... ....... ............................. , .
... ....... .. ............ .... . 232
SECTION 552 - ELEMENTS .........................................................
...............................................: ...............................
.. ..... 234
............ ......................................... 234 552 .2 Effective Widt
hs I)f Stilfened Elements ......................................................
.......... ....................................................... 235 552.3 Ef
fecti ve Widths or Ullstilfcllcd Elements ......................................
........... ...................................................................
238 552.4 Effeclive Widlh of Uniformly Comprc~scd Elcmcllt~ wilh a Simpl e Lip E
dge Stiffener ......................................... "." 240 522.5 Effective
widths of Stiffened Elcmcnls Willi Single or Multiple Intcnllcdiale Stiffeners o
r Edge Sti lTened Elements with In lcnncdiate Sliffc l1cr(s) ...................
....................................... ............................. ..........
...................... , ...... , ........ 241
552. J Dimcilsiorwi Limits .lIld Considerations ... ....................... ....
SECTION 553 - MEMIIERS .. __ ........ _ ......... _ ............... _ ......_ ..
__ .. _ ......................... _ .. _ ......................................
... _ .................... 243
553. 1 Propcnics Sections , ....... ........... ........ .. ....................
.. .............................................................................
.................. 243 553.2 Tension Member.; ......... .. .......... .. .......
........................... 243 553 .3 Flex ural Menlbers ...... ,... .. .......
................. ,..... .............. . ... ..................................
... 24] 553.4 Conce ntri cilily Loaded Compression Members .. ..................
... .. .................. 259 553.5 Co mbilwd Axi,ll Load and Bending.. ........
...... . ................ .. ....... 262
SECTION 554 - STRUCTURAL ASSEMBLIESAND SySTEMS .................................
.................................................. 2G5
554. 1 Built-Up Sections.. .................................... ................
.... .. .............. .. 265 ................ .......... .... .. .. .. .......
.. .............. .............. ...................... ...266 554 .2 Mixed Syst
ems ........... 554.3 Lateral and Stability Bracing .... .................... ..

........... ................. .. ..............................................

266 554.4 Cold -Formed S teel Light-Frame Construction .........................
................. ... .. ................................................ 268 55
4.5 Floor. Roof. or Wall SteCi Diaphragm Construction ...................... ,..
........... .. ............................................ .............. 268 5
54 .6 Metal Roof aud Wall System .... ..........................................
........ .. 269
SECTION 555 - CONNECTIONS AND JOINTS ...... ...... _ .. _ .....................
_ ......... __ ..... _ ...... _ ................................................
555.1 General I'ro"isions .......... ...........................................
.................................... ..... .....................................
...................... 275 555.2 Welded Connections ............................
.. ................................................ ............................
... ......................................... 275 555.3 Bolted Connec ti on ....
..................................................................... 28 1 555.4
Screw Connections ............................. ...............................
......................... .. .. ..... ...... .. ................................
.. ... .. 283 555.5 Ruplure .................................. ...... ..........
.......................................................... ..... ...............
.......................................... 285 555 .6 Connecting to Other Materi
als .. ...... .... .......................................................... ..
........... .................................................. 286
SECT/ON SSG - TESTS FOR SPECIAL CASES ....... _ ........ _ .....................
......................................................................... 286
556. J Tests for Determining Structural Performance .. . .......................
. .......... .... ................. ... ................. .. .... 286 556.2 Tes
ts for Confirming Structural Performance" .. "........................ .... ....
.. .. ............. ".".......... .. ... 288 556.3 Tests for Determinin g Mechan
ical Properties ." .................... ".............. .. .. ..................
................... . . " .,288
CYCLIC LOADING (FA TIGUE)................................ ....... .............
....... ................................... ....................................
....... 290
557. 1 General ................................... ..... .......................
.......................... 290 557.2 C<llculalion of Maximum Stresses and S tres
s Ranges ............ ....................... ......................... ........
........ ...................... 29 1 557.3 Design Stress Range ............... .
.... ..... ............................................. 29 I 557.4 Bolts and Th
readed Parts .......... ...... .. ..............................................
29 1 557.5 Special Fabrication Requirements ....................................
........ ... ................ .... ......................... ............... ...
.................. 292
RENGTH METHOD .................. _ .............................................
.................................................................... ...........
......... 292
C-I Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members Using the Direct Strength Met
hod .................................................... 292

National Structural Code of the Pil ilippil10S 6 Edition Volume 1


SECTION C2 . SECON()ORnEIt ANA I. I'SI'S ........... .............................

..................................... .................................. 299
C.2. 1 Gellera l HcquirclIlcllts ...................... . C.2.2 Design and Ana l
ys is COIlSII':li IlI S ....... .
................................... ....... 299 ............................ .. 299
SECTIO N C3 - Af)()ITlONAL PROVi SiONS ... ... ............................. ...
........ ......................... : ..........................................
C.3.1 Scope . ................ . ......................... .... 300 C.3.2 Olhor
Sle<is .................. . ................ ............ 300 ..... .. ....... .
. .. C.3 .3 Londs .. ........... .... . . ........ 300 C.3.4 RcfcrclH.:cd Docume
llts ................ ,' . ........... _ ......... . ... .... ..... ........ ...
........................................... ...... . 300 C.3 .S Tension Members
..... . . 30 1 .................................................................
. C.3.6 Liglll-Framc Steel Constru clioll ... . ..................... .. ..... .
............. ......... ........ ........... ..... ..... 301 C.3.? Welded Connec
tions ... ........... ............... ................ .......... ... .. .... ..
............... ............. ..302 C.3.8 Bolted Connecti ons .... . ..... :~O7
. C.3.9 RuplUrc..... .................. . .................. ................. .
........ ..... .. ... ..... ......... . ......... ......... ...... ......... - .
....... .... 30(j
Association of Structural Engineers of the Pllilippines

The Specification for Structural Steel Buildings, hereafter
referred to as the Specification, shall apply 10 the design
AJ.~ A1;,
. Ag
of the structural steel system, where the steel elements arc defined in the AISC
Code of Slttlidard Practice for Steel
Buildings and Bridges, Section 2.1.
This Specification includes the following Part I Part A Fal12 Specification for
Steel members Appendices for PaIl 1 Seismic Provision for StJ1lctural Steel Buil
A, AJ ,
Area of compression llange, Illrn~ Gross tension Hange area, tnm 2 Net tension f
lange area, !lln/ Area of tension flange, IYIm 2 2 Gross area of member, rnm Cjr
oss area of section based on design wall thickncss mm! 2 Gross a'r~~l of composi
te member, Jl1m 2 Chord gross area, mm J Gross area subject to shear, Illm Net a
rea of member, 111m2 2 Net area subject to tension, mm Net area subject to shear
, 111m2 2 Projected bearing area, mlll Area of adequately developed longitudinal
reinforcing steel within the effective width of the concrete slab, 111m2 Area o
f stcel cross section, mm? Crosssectional area of swd shear connector,
Part 2A Structural Stee! Buildings - Provisions Part B Appendices for PaIt 2
Shear area on the failure path, mill:: Area of continuous reinforcing bars, Illm
Part 2B Composite SIJ1lctural Steel and Reinforced
Concrete Buildings
Part 3
Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed
Pan C
StJ1lclural Members
Appendices for Part 3


Column cross-sectional area, mnl Total cross-sectional area of member, nun:? 2 L
oaded area of concrete, mm Cross-sectional area of the base metal, mm 2 Nominal
unthreaded body area of bolt or threaded part, mnl Cross-sectional area of the o
verlapping branch,
A, A,
Stiffener area, mm~ Net tensile area, 111m2 Web area, the overall depth times th
e web thickness, til", , 1111112 Effective area of the weld, mm 2 Effective area
of weld throat of any ith weld element, mm 2 Area of steel concentrically beari
ng on a 2 concrete support, mm Maximum area of the portion of the supporting sur
face that is geometrically similar to and concentric with the loaded area, 111m2
Overall width of rectangular HSS member, measured 90 to the plane of the connec
Overall width of rectangular I-ISS main member, connection, measured 90 to the pl
ane of the
A, A,
Cross-sectional area of the overlapped branch, 2 mm Area of COllcrete, mm 2 Area
of concrete slab within effcctive width,
Factor for lateral-torsional buckling in tees and double angles Overa!! width of
rectangular HSS branch member, measured 90 to the plane of the connection, mm Ov
erall branch width of the overlapping branch Overall branch width of the overlap
ped branch. V.,lidth of plate, transverse to the axis of the main
member, mm
Area of an upset rod based on the major thread diameter, 111m2 2 Effcctive net a
rea, mm Summation of the effective areas of the cross section based on the reduc
ed effective width, b ,',
Factors used in determining Mu for combined bending and axial forces when firslorder analysis is employed HSS torsional constant
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

1 .:ttt:r;ll-lorsional buckling lllodifit,lI ion factor for nonu niform momCIH d
iagrams when hoth
ends of (he.' unsupported segment ;lrc braced
COCfriC iCll1 rclaling rela tive brace stiffn ess and
1 ':.,.
Elastic nl!xul"ill bllc~ling stl"l'SS about the major axis. MPa ElcCll"odl! clas
s ification number, MPa Elastic l1exural buckling stress about the minor
axis, MPa
COm>lil1l1 lHlscd 011 slress ca tegory. giVl'1l in
Coefficient assu ming no lateral tr;lll slalion of th e
ncxibilit y
fo r
member in a flat roof
Coefficient for web 5idcsway buckling Ponding flexibility coefficient for second
C,. Cn D
f) f)
member in a flat roof Web shear coefficient
Warping constant , rnm ('
Nominal dead load Outside diameter of round HSS member.
Outside diameter, mill
!Hill .

Ou tside diameter of round HSS main member.

111 III
Chord diameter. mm
Outside diameter of rOllnd I-tSS branch meJ1Jber.
Factor us ed in Equation 507 .3 -), depe ndent on type of transverse stiffeners
used in a plme girder In slip-critical co nn ections, a multiplier that rencets
the ratio of the mean installed bolt pretension (0 the specified minimum bolt pr
etension Modulus of elasticity of steel = 200 000 MPa Modulus of elasticity of c
oncrete =
0.043w/' MPa Modulus of elasti ci ty
te mperatu re, MPa.
concrete. at elevated
Effective stiffness of composite section, N_mm 2 Mod ulus of elastiCity of steel
at e1evatcd temperature, MPa Modulus of elasticity of steel =200 000 Mra Availab
le ax ial stress at th e. point of consideration, MPa Nominal strength of th e b
ase metal per unit area, MPa Available flexural strc.ss at the point of consider
ation about the major axis, MPa Ava ilable flex ural slress at the poi nl ' of c
onsideration about the min or axis, MPH Available stress, MPa Critical stress, M
Pa Buckling stress for the section as determined by analysis. MPa Critical stres
s about the minor axis, MPa Critical torsional buckling st ress, MPa EI:!stic cr
itical buckling stress, MPa
Elastil.' torsiollal huck ling stress. MP" A caltu latcd strcss lIsed ill the ca
lculation of nominal flexural strength. MPa Nominal torsional stre ngth Nominal
tensi!!: ..:trcss Fill ,or shear stress, rnv from Table: ) I 03.2. M I'a Nominal
tcnsile strc.'iS from T<lblc 510.3.2, MPa Nominal tensile stress Illodilied 10
include th e effects ofshe;Jri ng stress, MPH Nominal shear stress from T:lblc 5
10.1.2, MPa Design stress range, MPa Threshold fati gue stress range, maximuill
stress ran ge ror indefinite design lil"e frolll Table 501) . 1. Mla Specified m
inim um tensile st rength of the type of steel being lIsed, MPa Specified minimu
m tensile stre ngth of a stud sh("1I" connect or, MPa Specified minimum tcnsile

st rength of the cOllfl ec ted material , MPa Speci fi ed minimum tensil e stre
ngth of HSS material. MPa Speci fi ed minimum tensile stre ngt h of thc type of
steel being used at elevated temperature, MPa Nominal strength of th e we ld met
al per unit MPa area. Nominal stress in any ilh weld c.icmcnl, MPa x component o
f stress Fwi , MPa y component of stress Fwi , MPa Specil1ed minimum yield stres
s of the type of steel being lIsed, MPa. As used in (h is Specification, "yield
stress" denotes either the specified minimum yield point (for those steels that
have a yield point) or speci fied yield strength (for those steels that do not h
ave a yield point). Spccilied minimum yield stress of the compression flange, MP
H Specified minim um yield stress of the colu mn web. MPa Specified mi nim um yi
e ld stress of HSS member material. MPa Specified minillllim yield stress of HSS
main member material , MPa Specified minimum yield stress of HSS branch member
material. MPa SpeCified 1ll11lJIll UIH yield $ ~ reS1> of Il l"':' overlapping b
ra nc h material, MPa Specified 1l1immUIl1 yield ~t rcss of I!!:' overlapped bra
nch materi al, MP;l
Association of Structural Engineers of the Pllilippines

Specified minimum yield st ress of the flange.
Speci fied minimuill yie ld stress of the I)'I>C of steel heing used al ele vate
d IcmpcralUrc. MPa Speci fi ed minim um y ield ~>lrCSS of plate, MPa
SpcciJi cd minimulll yield stress o f reinforci ng
Length of" member between work POilllS a\ truss chord cenlcrlincs. mill . Length
bctwc('!1 points that :If(~ cit her hr:u:cd against lalerClI di sp l<lcClllCllt
o f cOlllprcssioll n a nge or braced tlgainst twi:>t of the l.TOSS
bH fS, MPa Spccilicd minimum yield stress of the stiffener material . MPH
Specified minimum yield stress o f the web. MP;l She;lf modulus of elasticity of
steel :: 77 200 Ml'a Story shear produ ced by the lateral forces used (0
co mpu te II JI N Overa!1 height of rectangul ar HSS member, measured in th e pl
ane of the connection, 111111 . Overall height of rectangu lar HSS main member,
measu red in the plane of the connec li on, mill.
secti on, mill . Distance between bnl(.cs. 111111 . Length of channel shca r co n
ll ector. Illlll. Clear dis tance. in the direction ~)f thc force , between the
cdge of the hole and \I;~ edge of the adjacent hole or edge of the mate ri al. m
ill. TOlal effective weld length of groove and fillct welds to rectangular HSS.
mm. Limiting laterally unbraced lengt h for the limi t slate of yieldi ng mm. Co
lumn spacing in direction of girder. m. Limiti ng laterall y unbraced length for
plastic ana lysis, mm . . Maximum unbraced length for Mr (t he reqUIred
ll exural strength ). mm .
Flexural constant.
Ove rall height of rectangul ar !-ISS bmnch member, measured in the pl a ne of l
he co nnec ti on. 1111ll . Overall depth of th e overlapping branch. Moment of i
nertia in the place of bending, mm~ . Moment of incllia about the axis of bend i
n g,
, nUll .

I" I" Is
I, I"
I), I,.
I,. .
I, I),
K K,
Moment of inertia of the concrete section. mllf1. Mome nt of inenia of the steel
deck supported 011 seco nd ary members. mm4. 4 Mome nt of inertia of primary me
mbers, I11m , 4 Moment of inertia of secondary members, 111 III . Moment of iner
tia of steel shape, mm", Momen t of inertia of reinforcing bars, rnm4. Momen t o
f inertia aboU\ the principal axes. I11m4 . Outof-planc momcnt of inertia. 11111l
4. Minor principal axis moment of inertia. nlln4. Moment of inertia about y-axis
referred to the compression flange, or if reverse curvatu re bending referred t
o smaller flange , mm4. Torsional constant, mm4. Effect ive length factor determ
ined in accordance with Section 503. Effect ive length factor for torsional budd
ing. Effective length factor in the plane of bending. calcu lated based on the a
ssumption of no latera l translation set equal to 1.0 unless analysis indicates
that a smaller value may be used . Effective length fac tor in the plane of be n
din g, calcu lated based on a sidesway buckling analysis. Story height, mm Lengt
h of the member. mill. Actual length of end-loaded weld, mm . Nominal occupancy
live load. Laterally un braced length of a member, 111m . Span length, 111111.
M il
M b, Me
M, M,.
Limiting laterall y unbraccd length fo r the limit Slate of inehlsti c latera ltorsional bucklin g, mill . Column spacing perpendi cul ar \0 direc tion of gird
er, m. Distance from maximum to zero shear force. mm. Absolute va llie of moment
at quanel" point of the unbraccd segment, N-mm Required fle xural strength in c
hord, usi ng ASD load combinati ons, N-1ll111 Absolute value of moment at center
line of the unbraced segment. N-mITI Required bracing moment. Nmm . Absolute valu
e of moment at three-quarter polin of the un braced segment, N-mm A vailable fle
xural strength determin ed III accordance with Secti on 506. N-mm Available Oexu
ral-lorsional strength for strong axis flexure determined in accordance wi th Se
ction 506, N-mm Elastic lateral-torsio nal bucklin g moment. N-mm First-order mo

ment under LRFD or ASD load combinations caused by lateral translat ion of. the
frame only. N-f11Tn Absolute val ue of maximum Illomelll in the un braced segill
ent, N-mm Nominal flexural strength, N-I1Ull First-order moment using LRFD or "
SD load combinations assuming there is no lateral translation of th e frame, N-m
m Plastic bending moment. N-nun Required second-order flexural strength under LR
FD or ASD load combinati ons, N-ml11 Required fiexural strength using LRFD or AS
D load combinati ons, Nmm Required flexural strength in chord , N-mln
National Stru ctural Code of til e Pll ilippines 6 Edition VO!lJnlC 1

.~,> \,
. ..
M, 'f'
M , "I'
R cq llir~d in-plant.' Ik xura l st rength ill branch.
N- 1Il1ll
Rcqui rt.'d ow-or-plant' flexural strcngth in hnllich . N- mm M" Required l1 exl
lral strength in chord_ using. LRFD load cornbil\iII i on~. N-1ll1ll . M, Yield
moment aholJt the <lx is or bcnding. N-Illlll MI S!lIaller Illome nt , calculate
d from a firsi-Mder nJlalysis, at th e ends of that portion of' the mcmbcr unbmc
c{. i;! th e plane of bending linda considera ti on, N-mm M"!, Larger moment , c
.llc ulatcd from a lirst-(Inlt.'r i11l<1l ys is, lit the ends of that P0l1i oll
of the member unbracccf in the plane of bCllll ing tinder ct Hlsideration, N-mm
N Length of be<l ring (nol less than k for cnd beam reactions). mill . N BCilrin
g length of-the load. measured parililel to the axis of the HSS member, (or mea
sured ilt TOSS the width of the HSS in the case of the loaded cap plates), mill.
N Number of slress range flu ctuatioJl s in desi gn life . N" Number of bolts c
arrying the appli ed tension. N, Additional lateral load. N, Notional lateral lo
ad applied al level j, N Number or slip planes. N 0,. Overlap connection coeffic
ient. P Pilch, Ilun per thread. PI" Required brace strength, N P,. Avaiitlble ax
ial compressive strength, N P, AV<lilable tensile strength. N Pc" Avai lable comp
ressive strength ou t of the plane of bending. N P("I,P("] Elastic critical buck
ling load for braced and unbraced frame, respectively, N Pd _ Euler buckJing loa
d, evaluated in the plane of bending. N ptrUJ Firsl~order axial force using LRFD
Of ASD load combinations as a result of lateral translation of the frame only (
ten sion or compression), N P II(I.r J First~order axial force using LRFD or ASD
load combinations, assuming there is no lateral translation of the frame (tensi
on or compression),N 1'" Nominal axial strength, N P" Nominal axial compressive
strengt h wit hollt consideration of length effects, N P" Nominal bearing streng
t h of concrete, N Pr Required seco nd-order axial strength using LRFD or ASD lo
ad combi nations, N Pr Required axial compressive strength using LRFD or ASD loa
d combinations. N P, Required tensile strength using LRFD or ASD load combinatio
ns, N Pr Required strength, N
P" 1', (i
/I /I
Rcq ui rnl <lxiil l :-.tfcngth in hra nch. N Rcqui n:d axial stfl' ogth ill chor
d. N Req uired :Ixial strength in c:olllprc','iinn. N Memher yie ld st r~ l1 g t

h, N pull reduction factor for slende r t:omprcss io ll cknH.'llts. Rcdut'tion

for slender stiffelled compression clements. Cho rd-st ress interac tioll p;\rar
ncte.r. Nominal st rength of one slUd shear l'Ollllc.cior, N Reduction f"m:tor f
or slender u n ~ l i fTe n('.d comprcssion clements. Nominal load due to fili nw
alc r or snow, exclusive of the pon ding t'olllrihulill!l, i\1Pa Sei smic respons
e modiliea ti on coe ffici!.":nt . Required strength (ASD). Redu ction factor fo
r joints using a pair or Inllls vcrsc fillet welds only. Coefficient 10 account
for group effect. Faclor in Equation 50J-6h dcpcm.l en t on Iype of system. Cros
s-sec ti on Illollosy mrnctry parameter. Nominal st rcngth , spct' if"ied ill Se
ction 502
through.') J I.
R, " R"JI'
N fl/
S S S S Sc
Nomina! slip resi sta nce, N Position erfect factor for shea r studs Web piast i
fi cat ioll factor Reduction factor for reinforced or nonrcinforced transverse p
ani al"joilH"pcnetralioJ) (PJP) groove welds Web plastificalion faclOr correspon
ding to the tension nange yielding limit Slate Required strengt h <LRFD> Total n
ominal strength of longitudinally loaded fillet welds, as determin ed in accorda
nce with Table 5 10.2.5 Tala.! nominal strength of transversely loaded fillet we
lds, as detennined in 'lccordance wil h Table 510.2.5 without the alternate in S
ect ion 510.2.4 <a> Elastic section modulus of round HSS, Illml Lowest elastic s
ection modulus rel<lti ve to the axis of bending, mm J Spacing of secondary memb
ers, Ill. Chord elastic secti on modulus, 1ll1l1"' Elastic section modulus to Il
lt~ toe il ' compression relative to lhe axis of bending, mn< Effecti ve section
modulus about Inajor <lxis, Ill m ; Elastic section modulus referred to tension
and 3 compression flan ges. respecti vely, mm Elastic secti on modulus taken ab
out the prillcip;!l axes, mm 3 For channels, taken as the minimum see:;:)) : modu
lus Nominal forces and deformations due !o L:: design-basis fire defined in Sect
ion 1\-4.2.1
Association of Siructural Engineers of Ihe Philippines

CHI\PTEH :J . Steel and Met HI s

S l:i
Tensioll force due 10 ASD load combinations, kN
Min im um fasten er SIOJ. I ,kN
tens ion
g ive n
Available tors ional strength, N-Ill!ll Nomin:d IOrsiona l strength, N-IllJ11 Re
quired torsional strength, N-Il1J11
Tension force.: due to LRFD load combi(1alions, kN
U., U, V
Sheil!' hig (;II.:lor Utiliz<lt ion nui o
Reduc tion coefficient. used in calcul ating bloc k s hear rupture strength Stre
ss index
b ..... , bN W
Stress index
Required shear force introduced to colu mn, N
. he width b is th e distant:e from the free edge to '-:!stcHers or line of we l
ds , o r the d i 'itancc bc t wc<.~ 11 adjacclII lines or fa ste ners o r li l ~
cs of welds: fo r rectang ul ar HSS , the widt h b is Ille clear di stance betw
een the webs less the insi de corner radills on each side, mill Wid!.!j of thl!
angle leg resisting the shew' for ce, mm Width l)f column fl ange, mm Rcducuj er
fec tive width, mm Effecti ve edge distance; the distance from the edge of t l}(
~ hole to the edge of the pari me asured in the di recti on norma l (0 the appli
ed force, m m Effective w idth or the branch face welded to the chord Effe.Cliw
'wi dth of the branch face welded to the Qverlapp<,'d brace.
I 'le first row of
Required shear force transfen"cd co nn ectors, N Available s hear streng th , N

bf , hI b" b, d
d d d
V" V,
Nominal shear st rength. N
Req ui red shear strength eH the locati on of the
stiffener, N Required shear strength usin g LRFD or ASD load combinations, N Gra
vit y load from the LRFD load co mbination or J.6 tim es the ASD load combinmion
applied at level i, N
Hole re du cti on coefficie nt, N Plasti c secti o n mod ul us about the axis of
bending, mill) Branch plastic sectio n modulus abou t the correct axi s of be n
ding, 111111" Plastic sec tion modulus abou t the principal axes, J mm C lear d
istance be twee n transverse sti ffeners,
111111 .
Flange w idt l), mm Compression nangc width, 111 m Width oftensiv il fl ange. mi
ll Longe r leg of a f, gle, mill S honeI' leg o r .11} /~Je. mill Stiffener widt
h for o ll e-sid ed stiffeners, 1111ll
Nominal fastener lliametcr, mm Full nominal depth of the section, mill Full nomi
n a! de pth I 'f tee, 111111 Depth of rectangular bar, 111m
Full nominal deplh of ",cctlon, 111m
d d
Full nonunal depth of It 'C, mm
Dinmeter, 111m
a a
d d
d " ti,
D islallCC between cOll nectors in a built -up member, 111111 Sh0l1 est di stan
ce from edge of pin hole to edge of member measured parallel to direction of for
ce, mm Half th e length of the nonwelded root fa ce in the direction th e th ick
ness of the te nsio!l-loCl ded

.Ii"",. :,
Pin diameter, mill RoBe r diameter, mill Beam depth. I11Ill Nominal diameter (bo
dy or sl .:mk diameter), Illill Column depth, mOl Eccentricity in a truss c.;oll
llectic..n. positive being away from the branches, m ill Dist<lIlce from the edg
e of slUd sila.llk to the stee l deck web, measured at mid-heigh!. of the deck r
i b, and in th e load bearing direction I) f th e stud (in otller word s, in the
direction of I.naximum moment for a simply supported beam ), 1ll ,'1 } Required
axial stress at the poiI'I , of co nsideration lIsi ng LRf-n or ASO ,!,)ad
combinations. MPa Required fl ex unl l stress .11 {he point 0 1 considerat io n
(major .. xis. minor axis) using
plate, Illlll
(1,,Rat io of two times the web area in co m press ion due to appli cati on of major
axis bendi ng moment
/, b b
alone lO the area of the comprc.o.;sion !lange components Outside width of leg i
n compression, Illlll Full width of longest angle leg, mill 'Widt h o f ullstiff
cncd com pression e leme nt ; for fl anges of I-shaped members and tees, the wid
t h b is ha lf the fil II -flange width, bf ; for legs or angles and flanges of
cha nn els and zees, the width b is the full nominal dim ension; ror plates,
LRFD or ASD IO<ld combinatio ns, MPa
[ 1'1"
Spec ifi ed minimulll co mpress ivc stlcngth of
conc rcte., MPa Spec ified minimum compressive stn 'ngth or concrete at clevtt t
c temperatures, MPa Slress due to D + R (the nominal dead lead + tloc nominal lo
ad due to minwater or snow c.xcl lls ive of the ponding contribu tion), MPa Req
uired shear st rength pCI' unit area, 1\1]> 1',
N,'ltional Structufi::11 Code of the Philippines
Gi ll
h@on Volum e 1

5 1(j
. St(wl and Metals
" ",.
Transvc rsL' c:.:cntcr-h>-rcnter spadng tgage) between fastener gage lines, 111m
Gap hetw(.~cn lUes of branch members in a gapped K- co nnc ctioll, neglecting t
h e wdd s, 111m Clear distance between /langes less the liJIel or corner r.adius
for rolled shapes; fl Jr built -up sections. the di stance between adj(l( ellt
li nes of fasteners or the dear distance bct v .'ccn Jlangcs when welds arc used
; for tCC!'i. the ove rall depth; ror rectangul<lr I-ISS, the clear di st<tncc b
etween the flanges less the inside comer radius 011 each side, mm Distance betwe
en centroids of individual components pcrpendiculnr to the member ClJ>;is or
buckling, mill Twice the di sta nce from the ce ntroid {o the following: the in
side face of the co mp res sion nangc less the fillet or corner radius , for rol
led shapes; th e nearcs t line of fasteners at the compression nangc or the ill
side faces of the compression l1ange wh en welds arc used, for
Mini mum
gyrat ion
of individunl
component in a built-up rncmht.:L I11Ill
Radi us or gyralU)1I uf indi vidu al co mponent relative (0 its centroidal axis
paralkl 10 member axi s of buckling. mill
r oO
Pola r radius of gynllion alHHIl the shear t.:c ntcr,
r, r
Radius of gyralion oj" the !lange comp(1)L!llls ill flexur;!l compression plus o
ne-thi rd of the web arca in cumpression due to app lil;alion of maj or axis ben
ding mome nt alone Effective radius of gyration used in th e Lr for the lateraltorsional determination buckling limi t stale fo r majo r <lJ>;is bending of dou
bl y symmetric compact I-shaped members ilnd channels Radius of gyrati on aboul
geometriC axis paraUcl

to connected leg. mill Radius of gyra ti on about y-iIXis, mill
Radiu s of gyrati on for the minor principal axis,
h" II f'
h~, .
k,. k.\
builHIj> secti ons, mm Distance between flange .;cnt roi ds, mill Twicc the di s
lallce frolll the plastic neutral axis to thc nearest line of faste ners at th e
co mpression llallge or the inside face of the compression nange when welds arc
used, mill Hole factor Factor defined by Equation 507.2 -6 for minimum Ploment o
f' incniH for a transverse stiffcnr r. Distance from ouler face of flange to the
web toc of fillel, mm Outside corm:.r radius of the HSS, which is permitled 10
he taken as I.St i r unknow n. Illlll Coefficie nt tor slender ullstiffened clem
ents, mill Slip-criti c.ll combined ten sion and shear
coe ffici ~ nt
Longitudilwl ccnter-iQ-(;CIHCr spacing (pitch) of any two consecutive ho les, mi
ll Thickness of clemen!. mm Wall thickl1 ess, mill Angle leg thickness. mill Wid
th of rectangul ar bar parallcl to ilxis or bending. 111m Thickness of connected
material, 111m Thickness of pliitc , II1Ill Design Willi thi ckne ss for HSS eq
ual to 0.93 times the nominal wall thickness for ERW HSS and equal to [he 110min
al wall thickness ror SA W
Total thickness of fillers, mill
Design wall thi ck ness of HSS ma in membe r, mm Design wall thi cknes s of HSS
branch member,
Thick ness of the overla pping branch. I11Ill Thickness of the overlapped branch
. mm Thickness of the column nan ge, Illlll Thicknes:-; of th e loaded flange, I
lllll Flange thickness of channel shear co nnector, mm Compression flange thickn
ess. mill Thickness or plale, 111m Thickness of ten sio n loaded plale, mm Thick
ness or the .Htac hed transverse pl at(~, Jllin Web sliffener thickness. mill W
eh lhickness o f ciw lln c l :-;hear conncctor, I11Ill Beam web thickn ess, 1ll1
ll Web thickness, mill Column web thickncss. 111111 Thickness of clement, 111m
Width of cover plate, Inm
Weld leg si ze, mill
k,_ I
Web pl,ale buckling coefficient Largr st laterall y unhraced length along either
flan i!-c at the point of load , mm L(' nglh of be.aring, mill tl'nglh of cOll

nection in th e direction of loading,

111m Number or nodal braced points within the spa ll
Threads per mill RH tio of cleme nt i deformation to its deformation at maximum
stress Proj ected length of the overlappin g branch o n the chord O vcrlnp le ng
t h lIlea:mrcd along the connecting face of the chord bene at h th e t wO branch
es Governi ng radius of gyratio n, mm Distance frolll instantaneous cellter of r
Olation to we ld clement with minimum u hi ratio, nun
\I' \I'
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTEfi 5 . Steel and Metals

Subscript relating symbol to major principal axis bending Plate width, mill Leg
size of thl' reinforcing or contouring ri Ilet , ir any, in the direction of the
thickness or the tension-loaded plate, mm Weight or COJlcrete per unit volume (
90 '.s II', < 1 155 Ibsm or 1500 W ,':' 2500kg/m\ A vcr-age width or concrete db
or haunch, mm Suh'\'Tipt relating symbol to strong axis Coordinates of' the she
ar center with respecI to the centroid, mm Connection eccentricity, mill Subscri
pt relating symbol to weak axis Subscript rclating symbol 10 minor principal axi
s bcnding FaCIOI' uscd in 132 equal Scparation ratio
Gap ratio; the ratio of the gap between the branches of a gapped K-connection to
the width oj" thc chord for rcctangular HSS Load length parameter, applicable o
nly to rcctangular HSS; the ratio of the length of contact 'of the branch with t
he chord in the plane oj" the connection to the chord width Slenderness paramete
r Limiting slenderness parameter for compact clement Limiting slenderness parame
tcr for compact nange Limiting slenderness parameter for compact web Limiting sl
cnderness parameter for noncompact element Limiting slendcrness parameter for no
ncom pact flange Limiting slenderness parameter for noncom pact
members:;;:; __ .12......"
/1 /1
Reduction factor gi ven by Equation 5 J 0.2-1 Width ratio; the ratio or branch d
iameter to chord diameter for round HSS; the ratio of overall branch width to ch

ord width for rectangular HSS Brace stiffness requirement excluding web dist0I1i
on, N-Il1Il1/radian Rcquircd brace stiffncss Effective width ratio; the sum of t
he perimeters of the two branch members ill a K-conncction divided by eight time
s the chord width Effective outside punching parameter Web distor1ional stiffnes
s, including the effect of web transverse stiffeners, if any, N-mmlradian Sectio
n propCI1y for unequal leg angles, positive for short legs in compression and ne
gative for long legs in compression First-order interstory drift due to the desi
gn loads, mill First-order interstory drift due to lateral forces,
Deformation of weld elements at intcrmediatc stress levels, linearly proportione
d to the critical deformation based on distance from the instantaneous center of
rotation, ri, mm Deformation of weld clcment at maximum stress, mm Deformation
of weld clement at ultimate stress (fracture), usually in clement flU1hest from
instantaneous center of rotation, 111111 Chord slenderness ratio; the ratio of o
ne-half the diameter to the wall thickness for round HSS; thc ratio of one-half
the width to wall thickness for rectangular HSS
Mean slip coefficient for class A or B surfaces, as applicable, or as establishe
d by tests Resistance nlCtor, specified in Section 502 through 5 I 1 Resistance
factor for bearing on concrete Resistance factor for flexure Resistance factor f
or compression. Resistance factor for axially loaded composite columns Resistanc
e faclOr for shear on the failure path Resistance factor for torsion Resistance
factor for tension Resistance factor for shear Safety factor Safety factor for b
earing on concrete Safety factor for llexure Safety factor for compression Safet
y factor for axially loaded composite .columns Safety factor for shear on the fa
ilure path Safety factor for torsion Safety factor for tension Safety factor for
shear Minimum reinforcement ratio for longitudinal reinforcing Angle of loading
measured from the weld longitudinal axis, degrees Acute anglc between the branc
h and chord, degrees Slrain corresponding to compressive strength, f'c Parameter
for reduced flexural sliffness using the direct analysis mel hod
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volurne 1

5 -18
CHAP rER 5 . Steel and Metals
BATTEN PLATE. Plc ne rigidl y cunnected
p colulll ll or be a:?l designed LO tra
Terms thilt appear in this Glossary are
where they first " ppe:lr within a sub

to t \Yu pamllel components of a buill-u

ns mit sht.:iIf between the (;umpOllcnt:
ifalicizn/ throughout the Specification,

BEAM. Stnu:tura l member IlwI hilS the primilry fUIlClioll of resisting bending
mome nts.
BEAM-COLUMN. Structural member Ihat resists both axial force and bending Illomen
7l' rtI ' \' designated wilht art' common AISIAISC term.\' thai are coordinated b
ellveen thl' two sta" r/ardJ developers.
BEARING. In :1 boiled co nnec lion, limit stale 01 shear rorces transmitted by t
h e bolt to the con nectio n clements.
BEARING (LO CA L CO MPR ESS IVE YIEL[)[NG )_ Lim it state of loca l compressive
yielding due to the ac ti c!: of a member bearin g against another member or sll
lfacc. BEARING-TYPE C ONN ECTION_ Bolted conncction where shear forces are trans
mitted by the bolt bea ri !:;.! ag.linst (he conn ecti on c lement s. BLOCK SHE
AR RUPTU RE. In a connecti on, li mit state of tension fra ctu re alo ng o ne pa
th and shear yielding or shear fracture along another path . BRACED An essent ia
ll y vertical tn: resistance to latera! forces ;''''~ provides stabilit y fo r
the structural system. FRAME.
Terms desig nated with * are usually qualified hy Ille type of load effeel, for
example. lIominoi tel/sile strenglh, available compressive slrclIglh, design fle
xural.'itrenJ.:lh. Terms desig nated with U ore usually qualified by the ryp e o
j compOIlt'Ilf. for examplt>, web local buckling. JIlmge local bending.
ALLOWABLE STRENGTH_ Nominal strength dividcd by th e safety factor. R "I D. ALLO
WABLE STRESS. Allowabl e strcngth dividcd by the app rop ria te section property
, such as secti on mod ul us or cross-secti on area. AMPL IFI CA TION FACTOR Mul
tipli cr o f the resu lts o f first-order ana lysis to reflect second - o rder e
frccts _ AS!) (ALLOWABLE STRENGTH DES IGN). Mct hod of propol1ioning stmc tural
components slI ch thaI the allowable st rength equals or exceeds the required st
rength of the component under the ac tio n of th e ASD load combinations. ASD LO
AD COMllINA TION _ Load comb inati o n in th is code intended for allowable stre
ngth design (a llowable stress des ign)_ HAVING JURISDI C TION. AUTHORITY Orga n
i z:lIion. political subd ivision, office or indi vidua l charged wi th the resp
onsibility of admi ni stering and enforcing the provisio ns of thi s code. AVA I
LABLE STRENGTH _ Des ign allow:tble strength, as appropriate. strength or
sys tem that provides

BRANCH FACE. Wall o f HSS branch I11cmber. BRANCH M E MBER. For !-ISS co nnecti
ons. melll! ,. _ th ai tem1inatcs at a chord member or main meil iber.
BUCKLING. Limit state of sudden change in I ~ ;C geometry or a structure or an y
of its clements unde: i. cri tical loading condition.
BUCKLING STRENGTH. Nomina l buckling or instabilit y limi t stales. strength for
BUILT-UP MEMBER, C RO SS-Snr";'!c; : '. SECTION, SHAPE. Member. cross-s",:ti"n.
,,-," ,-,: shape fabricated from structural stee l ~:, 'I1I {" JiI -; i- .: weld
cd or bolted together. CAMBER . Curvature rabricated int o ;t hC; ! ~1 1 (' 'rll
~s so a~ to compensate fo r denection indt :~l~ d by III .. i:;. C!-IARPY V-NOTC
H IMPA CT dynamic test mc;tsuri ng notch specimen. T EST.
I\;~ :: L!lt';';,
St.. "d"rd
AVA ILAB LE STR ESS_ Dcsign strcss or allowahle stress, as appropriate. AVERAGE
RIB WIDTH. Average wid th o f the ri ll of a
corrugat ion in a fonned sleel deck.
CHORD MEMBER. For !iSS. pri.:. :.::.extends through a truss co nn ecti on.
Associa tion of Stru ctura l Engineers of the Philippin es

CHAPTE:li 5 . Sleel and Metals

5 19
CLADDJNG. E Xlcrior cove ring
or slrLl(; llI rc.
COLDFORMED STEEL STRUCTURAIL MJt:MIIEn . Shape manufaclu rcd by press-bnlking bla
nks shc<lrcd from sheets, cut length s of coi ls o r plates. or hy roll fonning
co ld - or hot- rolled co il s or shects; both fOllning operations being perform
ed at ambient nXlJll Icmpenlture. that is. without mani fest addition of hem suc
h as would be required for hot (arming.
CROSS CONNECTION. HSS co nn ec ti on in which forces in bran ch members or conne
cting cle meJlt s transve rse to the main member are primarily equili bra ted by
forces in otliel' bra nch members or connecting elciTlcn l ~ 011 the opposi te
side of the mai n member. DESI GN LOAD. App lied Iliad detcnnincd ill accordance
with either LRFD load co mbinati ons or ASD load combinations, whichever is app
licable. DESIGN STRENGTH. Resistance factor multiplied by the nominal stren gth.
RI!. DESIGN STRESS RANGE. Magnitude of change in st ress due to th e repeated ap
pli cHtion and removal of service live loads. Por locations subject 10 stress re
versa l il is the algebraic difference of the peak stresscs. DESIGN STRESS. Desi
gn strength divided by the appropriate sec tion propcrty, such as section modulu
s or cross section area. DESIGN WALL THICKNESS. HSS wall th ickness
assumed in the determination of sec ti on propeI1i es.
COLUMN. Stru ctural member that IHI!; the primary function of resisting (lxi nJ
COMDINED SYSTEM. StnlCture comprised of two or more lateral load-resisting sysle
ms of diffe rent type. COMPA CT SECTION. Section capable of developing .a fully
pi<lsti c stress distribution and possessing a rotation capacity of approximatel
y three before the onset of local buckJing. COMPLETEJOINTPE NETRATION GROOVE WELD
(CJP). Groo ve weld in which weld mctal extend s th roug h the joint thickncss ,
except as permitted for HSS connections. COMPOSITE. Cond il ion in which steel
and concrete elements and members work as a unit in the distribution of internal
forces. CRUSHING. CONCRETE Limit state of comprcssive railure in concrete havi
ng reached the ultimate strain . CONCRETE HAUNCH. Section of solid concrete that
results fro m stopping the deck 011 eac h side or the girder in a composite flo
or system constructed using a fomled steel deck. CONCRETE ENCASED BEAM. Beam tota
lly encased in concrete cast integrally wi th the sial>. CONNECTION. Combination
of struc tu ra l eJemeHls and joints used to trall!;mi t forces between two or
mo re
DIAGONAL BRACING. Inclined structural member canyin g prima ril y axial force in
a braced frame. DIAGONAL STIFFENE R. Web s tiffener at column panel zone orient
ed diagonally 10 [he ~anges, on one or both s ides of the web. DIAPHRAGM PLATE.
Plate possess ing inplane shear sti ffness and strength, lIsed to transfer forces
10 the suppol1ing elements. DIAPHRAGM. Roof. floor OJ" olher mem brane or braci
ng system th at transfers in -plane forces [Q the lateral force resi sting syste
m . DIRECT ANALYSIS METHOD. Design method for stability that captures the effect
s or residual stresses and initi al out-of-plumbness or frames by reduci ng stif
fness a nd appl ying flotional londs ill a second-o rder analysis. DIRECT BOND I
NTERACTION. Mechan ism by which force is transferred between stee l and concrete
in a com posilc seclion by bo nd stress. DISTORTIONAL FAILURE. Limit state 'of
an HSS truss connect ion based on distortion of a rectangular HSS c hord member
into a rhomboidal shape. DISTORTIONAL STIFFNESS. Oulofplane flexural stiffness of

COPE . Cutou t made in a structura l member to remove ,\ nmlge and co nform to t

he sha pe oj' an intersect ing member.
COVER PLATE. Plate welded or bolted to the flange of a member to increase crosssectional area, section m odulus or moment of inertia.
National Structural Code
or tl1 8 P ll ilippines G!II Edition Volume 1

:) ~lO
CHAPTUi [) . Steel and Metals
DOUBLE CURVATURE. Deformed shape of a beam with one or more inflection points wi
thin the span. DOUBLE-CONCENTRATED FORCES. Two equal and opposite forces that fo
rm a couple on the same side or the loaded member.
EYEBAH. Pin-connected tcnsion rneml)(:r of uniform thickncss, with forged or the
rmally cut head of greater width than the body, propo!1ioncd to provide pproxima
tely equal strength in the head and body. FACTORED LOAD, Product of a load facto
r and the nomina! load . FASTENER. Generic term for bolts. rivets. nr other cOll
necting devices. FATIGUE. Limit state of crack initiation and growth resulting f
ro III repeated application of live loads. FA YING SURFACE. Contact surface of c
Ollnectioil elements transmitting a shear forcc . FILLED COMPOSITE COLUMN. Compo
site colulll;] consisting of a shell of HSS or stee! pipe lJ!led with SLJ:uctura
l concrete. FILLER METAL. Metal or alloy
10 be added
DOUBLER. Plate added to, and parallel with, a beam or column web 10 increase res
istllllce to concentrated forces.
IHUFT. Lateral deflection of' structure.
EFFECTIVE LENGTH FACTOR, K. Ratio between the effective length and the unbraccd
length of the member. EFFECTIVE LENGTH. Length of an otherwise identical column
with the samc strcngth when analyzed with pinned end conditions.
EFFECTIVE NET AnEA. Net area modified to account for the effect of shear lag.
EFFECTIVE SECTION MODULUS. Section modulus reduced to account for buckling of sl
ender compression clements. EFFECTIVE WIDTH. Reduced width of a plate or slab wi
th an assumed uniform stress distribution which produces the same effect on the
behavior of a structural member as the actual plate or slab width with its nonun
iform stress distribution . ELASTIC ANALYSIS. Structural analysis based on the a
ssumption that the structure rcturns to its original geometry 011 removal of the
load. ENCASED COMPOSITE COLUMN. Composite column consisting of a structural con
crete column and one or more embedded steel shapes.
in making
a welded joint.
FILLER. Plate used component.
build lip the thickness of
added to groove welds.
FILLET WELD. Weld of generally triangular CI""; ,. section made between intersect
ing surfaces of clcments. FIRST-ORDEH ANALYSIS. Structnral analysis in which equ
ilibrium conditions arc formulated on the: undcformed structure; second-order ef
fects arc neglected. FITTED BEARING STIFFENER. Stiffener used at ,. support or c
oncentrated load that fits tightly against Oi'" or both flanges of a beam so as
to transmit load throul'.! 1 bearing. FLARE BEVEL GROOVE WELD. Weld in a groove
formed by a member with a curved surface in contact \\ a planar member. FLARE VGROOVE WELD. Weld in a groove formed by two members with curved surfaces.
FLAT '''IDTH. minus twice the knowledge of the taken as the total thickness.

END PANEL. Web panel with an adjacent panel on one side only.
END RETURN. Length of fillet weld that continues
around a corner in the same plane.
ENGINEER-OF-RECORD. Licensed professional responsible for sealing the contract d
ocuments . EXPANSION ROCKER. SUppOit with curved surface on which a member bears
that can lilt to accommodate expansion. EXPANSION ROLLER. Round steel bar on wh
ich a member bears that can roll to accommodate expansion.
Nominal width of rectangular ll ~ ,' ~ ' outside corner radius. In ab~ (" corner
radius, the flat width Iii: ,} b(; section width minus three times the
of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

C H APTE:~~ ~
. Stee l and Metals
FLEXURAL BUC KLINC. Buckling mode in which
(om pn:ssion memher de flects lalcrn ll y without twist or change in LTOSS ~sct.
.' t j() nal shape.
GRA VfTY LOAD. Load, such as that produced by dr.:aJ and live loads, acti ng in
the downwa rd direction .
GUlP (OF HOLT). Th ickne~s of materia l th rough whic h a bol! passes.
mem ber
Buck ling
bends and
whi ch
com pression
(wists simultaneo usly wi thout change ill cross-sectional shape.
ROOVE WELD. Weld ill a groove between t:o lln cc lioll clements. Sec also AWS D
1.1. . GUSSET PLATE. Plate clement co nnecti ng tru s:\ members or <l stru t or
brace 10 a beam or colum n.
HORIZONTAL SHEAR. Force at the in terfa('(' between steel and concrete surfaces
in <I composih.: beam.
FORCE. Hcs ult ant of di stribution of stress over a presc ribed "rca.
FORMED SECTION. See cold- fo rmed stee l structural
FORM ED STEEL DECK. In co mposite construc ti o n. sleel col d formed inlo a dec
king profile used as a pennanenl concrete form. F ULLY RESTRAINED MOMENT CONN E
CTlON_ Connection capable of Iransfen'i ng moment with
negligi bl e rot ati on betwee n connected members.
HSS. Squa re, rectangular or round hollow stnlctural steel section produced in a
cco rdance wi th a pipe or tubing product specificali on.
User Now: A pipe can be designed using the same design rules for round HSS secti
ons as long as it confonns to ASTM A53 Class B and the appropriate parameters ar
e used in the design. INELASTIC ANALYSIS . Structural anal ysis th aI takes
GAGE. Transve rse ce nter-Io-center spacing of fasteners. GAP CONNECTION. HSS tr
uss connection with a gap or space on (he chord face be tween intersecting branc
h members. GENERAL COLLAPS E. Li mi l stale of cho rd plaslificalion o f opposi
ng sides of a round HSS chord membe r at a cross-co nnection. G EOMETRI C AXIS.
Axi s parallel to web. flange or angle leg. GIRDER FILLER. NalTow piece of s hee
t steel used as a fi ll between th e edge o f" a deck sheet and th e flange of a

gi rd er in a composite floo r system co nstru cted using a formed steel deck.

GIRDER. Sec Beam.
int o acco un t inelastic material beha vior, incl uding plastic analys is.
IN-PLANE INSTABILITY. Lim iL state of a beamcolumn bem about its major axis wh i
l e lateral buck li ng or lateral-torsional buckling is prevented by lateral bra
cing. INSTAIllLlTY. Limit state reached in the loading of sll1Jctural component.
fra me or structure in whic h a slight disturbance in the loads or geometry pro
duct..... large displacements.
JOINT ECCENTRICITY. For HSS tru ss co nn ec tion. perpendicular distan ce from c
hord member ce nt er oj' gravity 10 infersection of branch member work poi nts.
GIRT. Horizo nt al st llH;tura l member th at su pport s wall p:lIlels and is pr
im aril y subjected to bending under horizon tal loads, such as wind load. GOUG
E. Relatively smooth surface groove or cavi ly n:.sulting from plasti c dcfoflll
fltion or remo va l of material. GRA VITY AXIS. Axis through the cent er of grav
ity of a member along its le ngth. GRAVITY FRAME. Poni on of the framing system
not included in the la ternl load resisting system.
Joi nt t. Area wh ere two or more ends, surfaces, or edges arc aft ached. Calego
rized by type of fastener or we ld used and method of force transfer.
K- CONNECTION. !-ISS connectio n in which forrt'..... in bnmch members or cO lln
ecting elemen ts tnllls vcrsc 10 the ma in member [Ire primarily cquilibriated b
y fOref!, in other branch members or connecting elemenls 011 the same side of th
e main member. LA C ING. Plate, angle or other steel shape, in " lattice confi g
uration, th at connects two steel sil nlh::; together.
National Structural Code of the Phili ppi nes 6 Edition Volume 1

LAP JOINT. Juint between two ovcrl<l pping cO llllect ion c1cments in parall c l
planes. LATERAL BRACING. Diago nal brat'ing. shea,. walls o r equivalent mC'lIl
s for provid ing in pl allc lateral sta hilit y. LATERAL LOAD RESISTING SYSTEM. S
tructural sys tem dcsigned to resist latent! lo;nds ;Jlld provid e stabilit y fo
r the struchu:e as.l whole . LATERAL LOAD. Load. suc h as Ihal produced by wind
or c<u1hquake effects. acting in a latera l directi o n. LATERALTORSIONAL BUCKLIN
G. Buckling mo dc of a Ilcxural member invol ving de llcction no rmnl to the pla
ne of bending occurring sillluit:lIlcolisly wilh twi st :tbou! the shear center
of fhe crossscclioll. LEANING COLUMN. Column designed 10 ca lTY gnlvi'ly loads on
ly, with connections that ::Irc nOI int cnded to provide resistance to lateral l
oad s.
LOCAL C IHPPLI NG. Lillli t SW l l' 0 1' 10(.";11 ra il ul"llofweb plat e in the
immed iat e vicinit y of a n)lll"C nl r .. l l~d load or rcm:linn. LOCAL YIELDI
NG. Yi~ l ding that occurs in;1 local arC'l or un element. Ull'D ( L()AD AND R E
SISTANCE DESIGN ). Method of propol1iu ~l illg FACTOR struct ural
cOlllponent s sllch that the design slI ':-'i l~th l~l ual s or
cxcccJ s the required strength of the component under the acti o n of the LRFD I
Otid cOl nbill tlt iol1s. LRFD LOAD COM nINA TlON. Load com binali o n in this c
ode inlcnded for strength dcsign (load amI resista nce fclclOr design) . MAIN ME
MBER. For HSS connect io ns. cho rd member, column or other H SS membcr 10 whidl
bmnch members or other connecting clements arc allachcd.
LENGTH EFFECTS. Considermion of the redu ctio!] in streng th of a member based o
n its unbraccd leng th.
LIMIT STATE. Condilion in which a Sll'llclurc or component brcolllc~ unfit for s
ervice < .IIld is judged ei ther to be no longe;' usefu l for it s intended fUJl
cti on (servi ceability limit slate) or to have reac hed its ultim<uc load-ca r
rying capac it y (strength limit siate). LOAD. Force Of Olher ac tion that resu
lts fro m the we igh t o f building mate ri als. occupants and their possessions
, envirollJ1lcnl<ll effects. differential 1ll0VC IIll!I l1 1, or restrain cd dim
ensional changes.
MECHANISM. Structuntl sys tc m that includes a sufficient number of real hin ges
, plastic iii l1):,cs or both, so as to be abl e 10 articulate ill 011(' in IliO
]"C' rigid body modes. ]'VIILL SCALE. Ox ide surface coating on sted i"m mc (] b
y tile hot ro!ling process.
MILLED SURFACE. S urface [hal has beell Iln(:h:ll(~d nm by a mechalli c,ill y gu
idcd too l to it !;,!l, :;l\1oolh condi tion, CONNECTION. MOMENT momcnt tra nsm
it s bendi ng Conllection that ( ('Ilncctcd
bCI weell
MOMENT FRAME. Framing 'ysle m Ii;;" .lro" d,.; resistance to lateral loads and p
rovides sltlbilipf' 10 the structural system. primarily by shear i!nd ' ;, '::,:
..:. Gf
LOAD EFFECT. Perces. Stresses and ucfonnat iolls
produ ced in a stru ctu ral componenl by Ihe appli
' {hilt acco unt s for dev iations o f the nominal
or uncertainti es in the an al ys is thal l ransfo
ad effect and for the probabilit y that more tha n
r simultaneous ly.

ed load,. LOAD FACTOR Fac IoI

load from the actu al load. f
rllls the 1 0,1d! ill w 11 lo
olle ex tre me load will occu

the framing mcmbers and the ir connection:. NET AREA. Gro5s area reduccd materia
Illo vc m c n t

to aCCOIE1< ~o :
I ;' .
or twist indcpendentl y o f 0:]; I adjaccllt brace po ints (sec relati ve brace)
iii..'J _ : .,i
LOCAL H1~NDING. Limit stale of la rge deformation o f a O:lI1gc under a concentr
ated te nsile force.
LOCAL BUC KLING. Limil Slale of buckling of a compression element within a cross
NOM INAL DI !'VIENSION. Designated or llieordic;,;
dimension , as in Ihe tahles
section pi ,.:--:.
NOMINAL LOAD. Magniwtl e of Ihe 1 o,, '!
this code.
Association of S tructural Ellginc(;)["s of the Philippines

NOMINAL lUll H E IGHT. I-ki gh

erside of th e lowest point to
GTH. St rength of a stru cture
Of or safety r< lclor applied)

t of I' ".,ned steel deck mcaslII'cd from the und

(he top o f th e hi ghest point. NOM INA L STRE '
or com ponent (wi tho ut th e l:csisl;IIlCC f<ttl
to re sist load effects , as dctcnni rwd ill

PIPE. Scc HSS Longitu din al ccn\ (:I'-((H.'c ntcr spaci ng oj' CClltcr-IO-CCllt
cr spac ing or bol l th reads along axis of bolt.
f~l stclle rs.
accordance wi th this SpecificHtion.
NONCOMPAcr SECnO N. Section that can dcvelop th e yield stress in it s co mpress
ion clemen ts before loca l bUl'kling occurs, but can not develop a rotati on ca
pacity of'
PLASTI C ANALYSIS. StrllcllIral ana lysi s based on lhe assumptio n of rig id-pl
aslic behav ior, in olhe r words. tilat equilibrium is sm isfi ed throughout the
slrtlcturc and the stress is at or be lm'>' the yield stress. PLASTI C HINGE. Y
ielded I.Oll e th at form s in n structural member \vhcn th e plasti c moment is
at tained. The member is assumed to rot ate further as i f hinged, exccpl that
such rotat ion is restrained by the phlsti(' mOlllcnl ,
PLASTI.C 1\tIOMENT. Theoretical rcsisting momen t de veloped within a fully yiel
ded cross section. PLASTIC STRESS DISTHIB UTION METHOD. Method for determi ning
the st resses ill a composite member assumin g Ihat the stee l secl ion and the
concrete in the cross section arc fu lly plilstic.
NO NDESTR UCTIV E procedure wherein 110
TESTING. Ins pection tnaterial IS destroyed and
illlcgrily of the material or compo nent is not alTcctod.
NOTCH TOUGHNESS. Energy absorbed at a specified
temperature as measured i n the Charpy V -Notch lesc
NOTIONAL LOAD. Virin a) load applied in a " roetura) ;mal ys is 10 accotlnt for
dcswbili zi ng cJTccts Ihill are not otherwise accollllled for in the design pro
visions. OUT-OJi'-PLANE IIlJCKLING. Lim it state of a its Jll (~io r axis while
hea m-col um n belll about lateral buckling or lateral -torsional buckling is n
ot prevent ed by laleral bracing. OVERLAP CONNECTION. HSS lru ss coll ileeti oll
in wh ich imersecting imUlch members overl ap.
PLASTIFICATION. 111 an HSS con ne cti on, limit stale bHsed 011 an oU I-of-pla n
e ncxural yie ld line mechanism in the chord <It a branch member connection.
PLATE G IRD E R. Buill -up beam_
PLUG WELD. We ld m.ute in a circular hol e in one element of ajoint fusing that
clement to an othe r element.
PONDING. Retention of water d ue solely to th e deflecti on of Oat roof framing.
POST-B UCKL!. G STRENGTH. Load o r fo rce that can be ca rried by an element, m
ember, or frame after initial buckling has occ urred . PRETENSION E D JOINT. JOi
lll wilh high-strength bolts lightened to the specified minimum pretension. PROP
ERLY DEVELOPED. Reinforcing bars detClilcd to yield in a ducti le manner before
crushing of the concrete occurs. Bars meeting the provisions of ACJ 3 18 insofar
as deve lopmclll lenglh, s pacing and cover shall be dee med to be pro perl y d
eveloped. PRYfNG ACTION. Amplifi cation of the te nsion force in a bo lr caused
by leverage between the poin t of applied load, the bolt and the reliction of th
e connected elemcm:-i. P UN CHING LOAD. Compooellt of brallch member force perpe
ndicular to a choro.

PANEL ZONE. Web arc;] or bemll-IO-colull1l1 connection delineated by the extensi
on of bea m and column fhlll gcs through the connecti on, transmitting moment th
rough a shenr pane l.
PAHTIAL-JOINT-PENETRATION GROOVE WELD (PJ]. Groove weld in which the penetrati o
n is intentionall y less than the co mpl ete thickness of the connected clement.
PARTIALLY RESTRAINED MOMENT CONNECTION. Con necti on capable of transferrin g m
oment with rotati on between connected members that is not negli gib le. PERCENT
ELONGATION. Measure of d uctilil y, determ ined in a tensil e test ns the max i
mum elongation () f the gage length d ivi ded by the original gage length. PERMA
NENT LOAD. Load in which variations over time arc rare or of small magnitude.. A
ll other loads are variable loads.
Nationa l Structural Cod e of th e Philipplnes 6
Edition Vol ume '1

PlJRLIN. Horizontal structural member that supports roof deck and is primarily s
ubjected to bending under vertical loads such as snow. wind or dead loads.
~(5 EFFECT. Effect of loads act! ng on the deflected shape of a member between j
oints or nodes,
rotation that a given shape can accept PrJor to excessive load shedding, defined
as the ratio of the inchl:>tic rotation attained to the idealized clastic rotat
ion at first yield.
P -A EFFECT. Effecl of loads acting on the displaced location of joints or nodes
in a structure. In tiered building structures, this is the effect of loads acti
ng 011 the laterally displaced location of floors and roofs.
RUPTURE STRENGTH. In a connection, strength limited by tension or shear rupture.
QUALITY ASSURANCE. System of shop and field
activities and controls implemented by the owner or his/her designated represent
ative to provide confidence to the owner and the building authority that quality
requirements arc implemented.
FACTOR. Factor that accounts for deviations of the actual strength from the nomi
nal strength, deviations of the aClUal load from the nominal load, uncertainties
in the analysis that transforms the load into a load effect, and for the manner
and consequences of failure, SECOND,ORDER ANALYSIS. Structural analysis in
QUALITY CONTROL. System of shop and field
controls implemented by the fabricator and ereclor to ensure that contract and c
ompany fabrication and erection requirements are mel.
which equilibrium conditions are formulated on deformed structure; second-order
effects (both and P-Il, unless specified otherwise) are included,
based on theory that is appropriate for the situation, relevant test data if ava
ilable, and sound engineering judgment.
SECOND,ORDER EFFECT. Effect of loads acting on the deformed configuration of a s
tructure; includes P-O effect and P-/1 effect. SEISMIC RESPONSE MODIFICATION COE
FFICIENT. Factor that reduces seismic load
effects to strength level.
REENTRANT. In a cope or weld access hole, a cut at an abrupt change in direction
in which the exposed surface is concave. RELATIVE BRACE. Brace that controls th

e relative
movement of two adjacent brace points along the length of a beam or column or th
e relative lateral displacemcnt of two stories in a frame (sec nodal brace).
under which serviceability limit states are evaluated.
SERVICE LOAD. Load under which serviceability limit
states are evaluated.
deformations acting on thc structural component, determined by either structural
analysis, for the LRFD or AS]) load combinations, as appropriate, or as specifi
ed by this Specification or Standard.
condition affecting the ability of a structure (0 preserve its appearance, maint
ainability, durability or the comfort of its occupants or fUllction of machinery
, under normal usage.
SHEAR BUCKLING. Buckling mode in which a RESISTANCE FACTOR. Factor that accounts
unavoidable deviations of the nominal strength from the actual strength and for
the manner and consequences of failure. plate clement, such as the web of a beam
, deforms under pure shear applied ill the planc of the plate.
SHEAR CONNECTOR. Headed stud, channel. plate or
other shape welded to a steel membcr and cmbedded in concrete of a composite mem
ber to transmit shear forces at the interface between the two materials.
REVERSE CURV ATURE. See double curvature ROOT OF JOINT. Ponion of a joint to bc
welded where
the members are closest to each other.
reaching the strength of a shear connector, as governed by the connector bearing
against the concrete in the slab or by the tensile strength of the connector.
Association of StructuI'81 Engineel's of the Philippines

~--- CHAPTER 5 ~ Sleel and f",./etals

SHEAR 10 shc<lr.
Limit state of rupt ure (fracture) due
SLlpCRITICAL CO NECTION. Boiled conneclion
des igned to resist movemen t hy rriction on (he raying surface of the conn ecti
on under th e clamping for ces of the bolts. SLOT "VELD. Weld made in an elongat
ed hole fusing an e lcmel1l 1 0 another Cle ll1 CIll.
SHEAI{ \VALL. \Vall that provide:) resis tan ce to lateral loads in the plan e o
f th e wall and provid es st ab ility for the SlJllClU ru l systc:m. SHEAR YIELD
ING. Yielding that occurs due to shear.
YIELDING (PUNCHING). In an HSS connectioll. limit state. based on out-of-plane s
hear strength of the chord wi.tll to which branch ITlcmbe rs are 'I tlHelled.
SNUGTIGlfTENED Joint with JOINT. lilc connected plies in firm contact as specifie
d in Section 510. SPECIFIED MINIMUM
SHEET STEEL. In a comp osite floor system, st eel used
for closure pl<u cs or mi scellaneo us trim min g in a form ed steel deck. SHIM.
Thin layer or Ilwtcri,ll used to fi ll a space hetwee n raying or bearing surfa
Lower limit of tensil e strength Illaterial as defin ed by ASTM.
SPECIFIIW MINIMUM YIELD STRESS. Lower limil oj" yicl d siicss speciried fo r a ma
terial as defi ned by ASTM. SPLICE. Co nnec ti o n between two structura l cleme
nts joined at their ends (0 rorm 11 single. longer elemenl .
STABILITY. Condition re ached in lhc loading of ..1 structural co mponent, frame
or structure in which a slight di sturbance in fhc load s or geometry does !lot
produce large d ispl;'lcemcnts.
IlUCKLING. Limil sla lc o f lalcra] buckling of the tension flange opposite (he
location of a co nccn tr::ncd compress io n force.
SIDEWALL CRIPPLING. Limil slalc of web crippling 01" the si dewall s of i.I chor
d member at a HSS truss
CRUSHING. Limil Siaic based o n bearing strength of chord member sidewall ill HS

S truss cOllnect i oJl .

STIFFENED ELEMENT. Flal compression elemenl with adjoi ning out -o f-plane cleme
nts along both edges parallcllo the dirct:tion of loading. STIFFENER. StruclU ra
l element, usually an angle or
plaLc, <luached to a member to distribute load, transfer shear or preve nt buck
ling. STIFFNESS. Rcsfslancc lO deformation of a member o r structure. measured b
y the ratio of the appli ed force (or moment) to the. corresponding displacement
(or rotation).
SIMPLE CONNECTION. Connection thm lnmsmi ts neg l igible hending moment between
connected lllcm bcrs.
FORCE. Tensi le or compressive force applied normal to the fl ange of a member.
! ,
SINGLE CURVATURE. Deformed shape of a beam with 110 inflection point within the
spall. SLENDERELEMENT SECTION. Cross secl ion possessing plate components of suff
i cien t
slenderness such that local buckling in the elasti c range will OCC llr. S LIP.
In a boiled connection, limit stale of relative motion of connected pans prior t
o the attainment of the available strcngl h or the conneclioll.
METHOD. Method for determining the stresses in a compos it e member considering
ihc s tress~st raiJl relalionships of each material and its location with respec
t to the neutral axis of the cross sectio n. STRENGTH LIMIT STATE. Limiling cond
ilion affecting the safety of the stfllc ture, in which th e ult im ate load-car
ryi ng capaci ty is reached .
STRESS. Force per unit area cau sed by ax ial force, moment, shear or tors-ioll
National Structura l Code of 111(-J Ptlili ppine s 6 f'. Edition Volume 1

st ress
considcrnb ly higher than <lvcrage (even in uniforml y loaded <:ross set:ti ons
of lilli fofm thic.:kne ss) due to ahrupt changes in geollll'try or localized lo
TIE PLATE. Plate clelllcllI lIscd to join two p~l ra1iel l;omponcllts of .1 huil
t -uJ> (":ol ulI)l1 . girder or strut ri gidly connected 10 the parallel l.:ompu
llcn ts and (k ~ iglle d to transmit shear hCl\vct!1l them.
TOE OF FILLET. JUlll'lion or a rillel wel d race and base mC la !. TangclH point
uf il rolled secti on fllle!.
STnONG AXIS. Major principal wlIroidal axis or a cross sectiull. STRUCTURAL ANAL
YSIS. DClerminalioo or 10ild effects on members and COllllcc lions bmicd on prin
of'sll1IclUral mechanics.
TORSIONAL HHAC1NG. Br;lci ng resis ti ng twist of i~ beam or column.
TORSIONAL BUCKLING. Buckling mode ill ,',h ieh a compression membe r twi sts abou
t its :-.11<'.,:- c.. : nt cr
STRUCTunAL COMPONENT. Member. w nneclOr, connecting element or assemblage. STRUC
TURAL STEEL. SICcl clemeols as de lined in Seclion 2.1 or Ihe AISC Code of SIaoo
ard Pracl ice ror Steel Buildings and Bridges. STRUCTURAL SYSTEM. An assemblage
of load can'ying components thaI arc joined together (0 provide
imcracliol1 or interdependence.
TORSIONAL YIELI>ING . Yielding Ihal Occ urs due torsion.
TRANSVEnSE REINFORCEMENT. Slcel reinforcement in the forlll or closee! ties or w
elded wire fabric providing confinement for (he concrete. surrounding the steel
shape core in an encased concrete composite column . TRANSVERSE STIFFENER. Web s
l iffenCl' (,riented perpendicular to the flange s, att ac hed to the web. TUBIN
G. Sec HS S. TURNOF NUT METHOD. Procedure whereby rhe specified prelens ion in hig
h-s trength bolts is controlled by rotating the fastener componellt a predetermi
ned amount aher the bolt has been silug lightened. UNDRACED LENGTH. Distance bet
ween br:H:ed points or a membcr, mCilsu rcd between the ce nters o~ ~:l . : .i:.;
>l[ the bracing members. UNEVEN LOAD D1STRIIlUTION. In "" lISS connection, cond
ition in which th e In:.;! :'; distriblll cd through the cross secti on nf" ("o
lHlfTf n i clemel1ls in a manner thai can be rC<tdily d ct~' i H'::lU;. UNFRAMED
END. The end or a',.'." .. res trained against ro tati on by stiffener:.; or { {
lJllj(~cl iol1
cl ements.

conneclion in
wh ich Ihe
bmnch member or connecting element is pcrpcndi cu J,u'
to the main member and in which forces lransverse to the
main member arc primaJily equilibriatcd by shear in th e
main member.
TENSILE RUPTURE. Lim il Slale or ruplllre (rraclure) due to tensioll. TENSILE ST
nEWGTH (OF MATERIAL). Maximum tensi le stress lhat ~I material is capablc of sus
taining as defined by ASTM. TENSILE STRENGTH (OF MEMBER). Maximum tension force
th at a member is capablc of sustaining. TENSILE YIELDING, Yielding Ihal occurs
clue te nsio n.
TENSION AND SHEAR IWPTUn E. In a bol'l, lim il s tal e o r rupture (rractu rc) d
ue lO simultaneous tcns ion and shear force. TENSION FIELD ACTION. Behil vior of
a panel under shear in which diagona l tensile forces develop in the web and co
mpressive rorces devclop ill the transvcrse stiffeners in a manner similar to a
Pratt truss. THERMALLY CUT, elll wilh gas, plasma or laser,
UNSTIFFI~NED ELEI\'IENT. Flat COllljl i\;'Wlil I:kmc.n! with an adjoining oUI-ofplane elemeJlt .;;.: : parallel to the directi oll of loadin g.
VARIABLE LOAD. Load nOI class iG,:.! loael,
Associati on of Stru ctural Engineers of the Philippines

VEHTlCAL BHACING SYSTEM. SYSlCIll of shc"r walls. hraced frallles or bOlh. exten
ding through one or lI10re HOOfS of'l building.
throughout Iht cross section of it member bending moment reaches lhe plasti c mo
sect ion .
M illOI'
principal cCHtroidal axis of' a crOss:
YIELDING (YIELD MOMENT). Yielding allhe extreme fiber on the gross sec tion of a
member when the bending m O llll'!lI rcaches Ihe yiclc.l moment.
WEATHEnING STEEL. High-strength, low-alloy steel
:hat, with suitable precautions, can be used in normal
atmospheric exposures (not marine) without protective
paint coaling.
WEn BUCKLING . Limit Slat e of lateral instabi lit y of a
ollt-or-plane compression buckling of the web due concentrated compression force
WEB SIJ)ESWA Y BUCKLING. Limil slale of lale ral
buckling of th e tension fl ange opposite the location of a
concentrated compression force.
WELD METAL. Portion of a fusion weld th at has been
completel y melted during welding . Weld metal has elements of filler metal and
base metal melied in the weld themlal cycle.
WELD ROOT. See rOOI of joi nt. HSS conneclion in which Ihe or connecting e lemen
t is not perpendicular 10 the main member and in which forces transverse to the
main member arc primari ly equilibrialcd by shear in the main member. Y-CONNECTI

YIELD MOMENT. In a member subjecled 10 bending, the mom ent at whi ch the ex tre
me outer fiber first attains the yield stress. YlELD POINT. First stress in a ma
terial at which an increase in strain occu rs without an increase in sHess as de
fined by ASTM. YIELD STRENGTH. Stress at which a material exhibits a speci fied
limiting deviation front the proportio nalit y of stress to s lr~lill as defin e
d by ASTM. YIELD STRESS. Ge neric lerlll 10 den ole eilher yield point or yield
strength, as appropriate for th e materiaJ. YIELDING. Limit state o f in elastic
deformati on thal
OCcurs after the yield stress is rcached.
Naliona l S iruciural Code of Ihe Philippines 6'" Edilion Volume 1

!; 2H
Steel ane! Me tals
8.J.!}QTION,{ $Ql : ; ..
SO1.1 Sco pe Th is section slatcs the scope or the Specifica tio n, sll flli lla
ri zcs rcfefcllccd spccificalioll, code. and standiu'd documents, and providl!s
rcqllircmcnls for materials and contract dO<.:V lllcnl s,
Th e secli on is orgal1i ~c d as follows:
Buildings (NSCP Chapter .<i 1',111 2)' in adtJitilill to Ihe provisiolls of th i
s Spc6Iil';lliol1 .
501.1.3 Nudc a r App li cat ions The desi gn or IHlt:lear stnlt'llI fCS shall (;
o mply with th e requirclllcllt~ or the SI)cl' ific;'tionfof the Design, Fahrici
ll ioll , and Erec tion <l IS lecl Safety-Re la ted Structures in Nuclear rac il
ilics (ANSI/A ISC N(90) inclu di ng Su pplement No,2 or the Load ;lIld Rcs ist;!
I1cC F;.lctor Des ign Spec ific atioll ror Stee l Su rely- Related SlrtlC Lurcs
for Nuclear Facilities (A NSIIA ISC N()90 L). in add ition to the prov isiuns of
thi s SpcciliL:ilt ion.
50 1.2 Referenced Specifi ca tions. Cndcs and Standards The rollowing specificat
ions. (;Odl~S and stilndards arc refe renced in this Specification : AC llnlcrn"
li o na l (AC I) AC I3 JS-08
501. 1 501.2 SOl.) 501.4
Scope Hcfereneed Specifications. Codes ilnd Sttlnd:lrds Material Slfu<.:lufal De
sign Drawings and Spccific~H i ons
The User NOlcs interspersed Ihroughoul arc not pan o r the Spcci fi c.: atioll,
User Note: User notes arc intended to provide concise and practical gu idance in
the application of the provisions. Thi s Specificatio n sets fort h criteri a f
or the des ign, fabricati on, and ercc ti on of structural steel buildings and o
th er st niC lUreS, where oth er structu res arc de fined as those stnJcrures de
signed. fabricated, and crectcd in a manner similar to buildings. wiLh buildingl ike vert ic;.!1 and lateral load resi~tin g element s, Where condi tions are n
ot covered by the Specificmion. designs are permitted to be based on tes ts or a
nalysis. subject 1 0 the approval of the authority havi ng jurisdiction. Altemat
c methods of analys is and design shall be pcmliucd, provided such alternate met
hods or 0 the authority havi ng jurisdiction, criteria arc acceptab le 1 User No
te: For the design of structural members, other Ihan holl ow structu ral seclion
s (HSS). lhal arc cold formed to shapes, with elements not more than 25 mm in th
ickness, the pro visions in the AISI North American Specifi calio n for Ihe Desi
gn of Co ld- Formed Sleel Structural Members are recommended,
5 01 .1.1 Lo w-Seis m ic Appli ca ti ons
When the seismic respo nse modifi cation coeffi cient. R, (as specified in this
code) is taken eqlwl to or less than 3, the design, fabrica tion. and erection o
f stfllcllIr<ll steel-framed huildi ng~ and olher st ruc tu res shall co mply wi
th this Specification ,

f or
St'-Ul'llll"a/ COllcre te (llId CUllltII!'lIrary
AC I 3 JSM-08 M errie /Ju i/dilll{ Cude /?('qllirem<!IIf,,' f or
SrJ'l(Cfu!'(I / COllcrete alld Co mlll (, I1 !~! "y
Am eri ca n Institute of S teel COII!-.Irll ctio n, Inc. (AlSC)
AISC 3 03-05 Code of SUlIIdard Prac tice for Sleel Bui/ding!; and Bridges
ANS I/ AISC 34 10 5
Se ismic
PreJl' isions
S/rllcl lira / S teel Bu i l ding!;
ANSIIA ISCN690-1994(R2004)
Specification Jor t"e
Design. Fabricatioll and rec rirJlJ of Stet'! Safefr-Rl'faled
Structures lor Nuclear Facililies. includ ing Su pplement No. 2
AN S I/AISC N690 L-03 Load and Resistwlce FaclOr Design Sped[ica lioll fo r Stee
l Safety !?"lated StfU Clllres fo r Nuclear Facilities Am erican Society of C ivi
l E ngin ee rs (ASCE)
SEIIASCE 702 M inimum Design LO(l(/s for l1uifdin,p', (llld Other SII"f-l(.'llIre
s ASCElSFPE ',l9-99 SUIII./Ufu' ClI/cu/llIioll Methm}sfl)I' Structural Fire PrcJ
Am er ican Society or Mecha ni cal Engineers (ASI\'l E)
Applica ti olls Whe n the scismic response modi fi catio n coefficicnt, R, (as s
pecified in this code) is taken greater than 3, the design, fabrication and erec
tion of struc tural-steel-framed build ings and other stnlctures shall comply w
it h Ihe requirements in the Seismic Pro visions for Stl1lctural Steel
50 1.1.2
Hi g h ~Sc i s mi c
ASME 13 1 8.2,6~96 Fasteners /0 1' U.W~ ill '\'(I'UN ii:,-'Applications
ASM E B46.1-95 SlIrJacc Textllre. SlItiace ROllgh"" H 'avil1ess. alld Lay

Association of Slructural Engineers of" the Philippines

CHAP1TH 5 SIGel and Melals

ASTM Intcrnlltiolllll (ASTM)
SWI/dard .~i}ecijic{/f;oll for Cit-neml !?('l!u;rl'lIIel1/s jiJI" Nul/cd SlruC:l
llml Sleel iJars. 1'/(11(,,\' ,
ShaJ)e,\', (llId Shc('f Pi/inK
A500-03'1 Standard ~iJl'cijic(J/ioll fiJI' ColdFm11ltd We/tit'll (Illd Scumle.," ,
," Carbull S(l'('1 Structural Tubing ill f(ound,"
alld Shape.,"

ASOJ-OJ Slandard Sj)('cUiclIliol/ for Jim Formed Hle /ded (IIu1 Sl.'lImlt'sJ GII"
boll S(c'cl Stn,(.'tumJ Tubin!:
StrU('lura! Steel
SWlldard Sped/ieaf;oll Jor
AS02 -03 SI(11I(I(lI"(/ Specific:alioll [or Sleet Stnn:rural
AS3/ASJM-02 ~'((mdard Specijicalioll for Pipe. Sled. Black lIlId HOI- Dipped, Zi
llc-COlunJ, Welded and
A5 14/A5 14MOOa Sumc/o,-t/ Sju'"ijiwtioll fodlighYieid Strength, QUlmclwd lUul Temp
ered Alloy Steel PfaH'. Suitable Jor Welding
A 193/A I 93M-04a SfUlu/urd ~i}ecificatioll Jor AlloySteel lind Slainless Stcel B
O/lillg MlIIerials Jor High , Tt.~tllper{1 lure Sen/ice
A I 94/A J94M-04 Sllmdard ~i)ec~{icari()11 Jor Carbon and' Alloy Steel NUls J(Jl
Bolls For High Prl'ssure o r Higli''/'l1mperol/(u: S(,I"I'i('(', or 130th
AS29/A529M-04 Stanc/ard Specification for High -Strength Carbon-Mangallese Steet
ofS'truclUral Qua/ity A563-04 Standard Specification for Carbc)1I and Alloy Ste
el NUls A563M-03 S'umdard Spec(/icarioll for Carbon and Alloy Sleet NUIS I Metri
c] A568! A568M-03 SlIlIdard Specificarion for Steel, Sheer, Carbon. and High-Stre
ngth. Low-Alloy, HOI-Rolled alld Cold-Rolled, Gelleral Requirements for
A216/A2 J 6M93(2003) Slam/ard SpaijiclIliofl for Steel Castings, Carboll, Suitabl
e for FIlSioll Welding, for High Tempemtul'r! Service
A242/A242M-04 Standard Specijicafiol1 for HiKh-Strength wlv-Alloy Structural Ste
A283/ A283M-03StGlldard Specificatioll for Low and Illtermediare Tef/sile Streng
th Carbon Sleel Plale.'i A307 -03 Standortl Specification for Carbon Gild Sluds,
60,000 PSI Tellsile Slrellgl"
A572!A572M-04 Slalidard Specljicolioll for Hi ghStrengfl! Low-A 1I0y ColumbiumVanadium StrUCTUral Steel A5881A588M-04S(Qndard Specificalioll S trength Low-All
oy Sfrllctural far High-

A325-04 Standard ,~i)ecificar;oIlJor SrrllclUral BO/IS, Steel. /-leaf Treated. 1
201105 ksi Minimum Tensile Slrength A325M-04 Standard SpecijiclJ.Iiol! for Bolts
for SlruclUrai Steel Joints (Metric) High-Strength
Steel wilh 345 MPa Miliimuf1I Yield Poinl 10 100 mill Thick A606-04 Standard Spe
cification Jor Steel, Sheet and Slrip, High-Strength, Low-Alloy, fl OE-Roiled an
d ColdRolled, wirh improved ATmospheric Corrosion Resistance A618/A618M-04 SWlld
ard Specificalion for HOI-Fomlfd Welded and Seamless High -StrengTh LowAlloy Stru
clural TII.bing A673/A673M-04 SIandard Specification for Sampling Procedurefor I
mpact Teslillg ofStruclllrtll Steel A668/A668M-04 Standard Specificalioll for Sl
eet Forg illgs, Carbon and Alloy, for Genera/Industrial Use A709/A709M-04 Slanda
rd Specificalioll for Carboll and liighStrength Low-Alloy Stmcrural Steel Shapes.
Plates, and Bars and Quenched-and- Temp ered Alloy Structural Steel Plates for
A354-03a Stalldard Specificatioll for Quellched alld Tempered Alloy Steel BolES,
Studs, and Other Externally Threaded Fasfell ers A370-03a Standard Test Methods
alld Definitions Jor Mechanical Testing o/Steel Products
A449-04 Stamlord SpecificationJor Quellched alld Tempered SteeiBolts and Sluds A
490-04 Standard Specification for Hem-Treated Sleel Structural BoilS, J50 hi Mil
limum Tel/ sile Strength
A490M-04 Slandard Specification forliigh-Slrengl" Sleel BoIlS, Classes 10.9 alld
10.9.3, for Slruclllml Sleel Joillls (Metric)
National Structural Code of tl18 PlliJippines 6 Edition Volume 1

. Steel and Melals
A 751-0 J SWI/dard Test M('[hods, Pracliu's, and Tf/rmil1o{ogyfor Chemical Alwly
sis of Steel Products A847-{}{}a (2001) S'lwulord 5j)('ciji('(ltiO!l for ('o/d-F
om1('d We/dnl dlld Seam/e.l's 1-1I"!;h-Slrellgth, Low-Allo), StmcfUrof 'jilbi'l~
with Il1Ipr(JI'ed AlfllO.spheric CO!Tosion Resisl(lIJCe A852/A852M-01 Standard
,~jJe(.'lfic(Jtion for Quellched and Tempered Low-Alloy Stl'llctum/ Steel Plate
wiTh 485 MPa
American Welding Society (A WS)
AWS Dl. JlD I, IM-20()4 S!mClllral We/din~ Cor/e"Steei
Fo/' Shielded
A WS A5, 1-2(X)4 .~j}('c(/ic(l/ioll for Carbo/l STeel Efecfrodes MeW/An: Wddi!/~
AWS AS.5-96 SpeC/jicalioll for Low-Alloy E!eumdesfor Shielded Mew/ Arc Wel</il/I
Minimum Yield Slrenglh 10 iOO mill 711ick
A9J3/A9I3M-04 Slandard 5jJecijication for HighSlrel/gtll Low-Alloy Steel Shap(!s
of Srructura/ Quality, Producl'd by Quenching and Self-Tempering Process (QS7]
AWS AS. 17/A5. 17M-97 Specijic(l/j(jh j()r Carbol1 ,\'teel Eleur()(ks and F/uxes
j()r '<;Ilbmerxed Arc Wdding
A992/A992M-04 Standard Specificatioll for Steel for Structural ShapesJor USl' in
Building Framing
AWS AS. 18:200 I Sj)ec(/icatioll /or Carbon Stec/ Electrodes and Rods/or Gas Shi
dded Arc Welding AWS AS.20-95 Spec{{icariol1 for Carbon Steel Electrodes jor Flu
x Cored Arc Weldillg
User Note: ASTM A992 is the most commonly referenced specification for W shapes.
AlOI I/A10l IM-04 Standard Spec(ficationfor Steel, Sheet
and Strip, /-lot-Rolled, Carbon, Structural, High-Strength Low-Alloy and High-Sr
rellgrh Low-Alloy wiil! Improved Formabilil),
AWS. AS.23/AS.23M-97 Specificatio" for Low-Allo), Steel Electrodes and Fluxes/or
Submerged Arc Weldillg
AWS AS.2S/AS.25M-97 5jJeq'(icalionj()r Carbon and LowAlloy Stee! Elec!l'Odes all
d Fluxes /or Electroslag Welding AWS A5.26/A5.26M-97 Specificationfor Carbon and
LowAlloy Sleel Elecrrodesfor Electrogas Welding
AWS A5.2896 SpecificaTio/l for Lmv-Alloy Electrodes and Rods for Gas Shielded Arc
C33-03 Standard Specification/or C()ncrete Aggrl.!gales
C33004 Standard Specification Aggregates for Structural Concrete

A WS AS.29: 1998 Specification for Low-Alloy Sled Electrodesfor Flux Cored Arc W
El 19-00a Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Consrruction and Mate
rials E709-0 I Standard Examination
Research Council on Structural Connections (RCSC) S'pecification for SfrucfUra!
Joints Using ASTMA325 orA490 Bolts. 2004
F436-03 Standard Specification for Hardened Steel Washers
F959-02 Standard Specification jar Compressible-WasherType Direct Tensioll indic
ators for Use with Structural Fasteners F1554-99 Standard Sp(~cificatiol1lorAnch
or Bolts, St(?el, 36, 55, and 105 ksi Yield Sfrlmgrh
501.3 Material 501.3.1 Structural Steel Materials Material test reports or repor
ts of tests made by the fabricator or a testing laboratory shall COI1::\ ; iJ! C
sliffi, :CJl! evidence of conformity with one of n' ,,, ' ASTM standards. For ho
t-rolled structur,: and bars, sllch tests shall be made in 'ii.X: ;cI;'"ii(:,' \
:; :.;
ASTM A6/A6M; for sheets, such tests sl;:': l~i:' ' 11 accordance with ASTM A568/
A568M; lur lubJlIi. :::;d pipe, such tests shall be made in aeco:,1 '(: wi:', c r
equirements of the applicable ASTM ~!:'!:d~rrl<.: 11"",(1 above for those product
forms. If requc shall provide an affidavit stating that furnished meets the req
uirements of the
User Note: ASTM FI554 is the most commonly referenced specification for anchor r
ods. Grade and weldabiity must be specified. FI852-04 Standard Specification!or
"Twist-Off' Type Tension Control Structural Bolt/NutIWasherAssemblies,
Steel, Heat Treated, 1201105 hi Minimum Tensile Strength
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTEH [) . Steel Hnd Molars

501.3.1 a ASTM Designations
," ;rnwfIlral .\"/('C'/ material conforming to one of the followi Ilg ASTM speci
ficatiolls is ;lppro vC<! for usc unde r (I l is Spcciri(;;tliUlI I. H OIrol led
struc.:lural shapes
501.3.1< Rolled Heavy Shapes ASTM A6/A6M
ess exceeding 50 mill , used as membe rs
ile forces du e to te nsion o r nexu rc
uion groove welds thilt fu se through th
ied us follows

hOI -roiled shapes with a nangc thick n

subj ec l to primary (co mput cd) ten s
and spliced using complctc-joint-pencln
e thickness Ihe member, shall be specif

ASTM A16/AJ6M IISTM 11529/11529M ASTM ,,5721 A572M IISTM A5 881 A588M ASTM A 709
1 A 709M ASTM A9131 A913M IISTM A9921 A992M
The contract documents shall require thut such shapeo; be supplied with Charpy V
-Notch (CVN) impact (cst results in accordance with ASTM A6IA6M. Supplcmcnlary R
equircment 530, Charpy V -Notch Impaci
Structu ral tubing
ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM 1150n 11501 MI8 11847
Test for 5 lIUciuraJ Shapes - A llernate Core Locat ion. TIle
impact tcst shall meet a minimum average value of 27 J abso rbed energy at +21
The above requirements do nol apply if lhe splices amJ cOllnections arc made by
boltin g. The abo ve requirements do not apply 10 hot-rolled shapes with II flan
ge thickness exceeding 50rnm that have shapes with flange or web clements less t
han 50 mill thick welded with complete-joint penetration groove welds 10 th e fa
ce of til e shapes with Ihicker elements. User Note: Additional requirement s fo
r joiIlts in heavy rolled members are given in Sections 510. 1.5, 510.1.6, 510.2
.7. and 513.2.2. 501.3.1d Built-Up He"vy Shapes
Buill-UP cross -sections consisting of plates with <l thickness exceeding 50 III
III , used as members subj ect (0 primary (computed) tensile forces due to te n
sion or n cxure and spliced or connected to olher me mbers using co mplctc-joinl
penetralioll groove weld s thaI fu se through Ihe Ihickness of the plates, shall
be specified as follows. The conLIact document s shall require thai the steel b
e supplied wilh Charpy V-Nolch impacI lesl resuits in accordance wilh ASTM A6/ A
6M, Supplementary Requ irement S5. Charpy V-Notch Impact Test. The impact test s

hall be co nducted in accordance with ASTM A673/A673M. Frequency p. and shall me

et a minimum a"e rage va lue of 27) absorbed energy at +21
AS,),M 1136/1136M IISTM 11242/11242M IISTM 1128.1/1128JM IISTM 11514/11514M ASTM
A529/A529M ASTM 11572/11572M IISTM 11588/A588M ASTM A 7091 A 709M ASTM A852/A85
2M ASTM AIOIIIAIOIIM 5. Bars ASTM A36/ A36M ASTM 11529/A529M ASTM 11572/A572 M A
STM A709/11709 M 6. Sheets IISTM A606 AIOIIIAIOIIM 5S IISLAS HSLAS -F 50J.3.1b Un
identified Steel Uniden tifi ed slee l free of inj urioll s defects is permitted
to be used for unimportant members or details, where the precise physica l prop
erties and weldabiity of the steel would not affect the stre ngth of the structu
Thc above requirements also apply 10 builtup crosssections consisting of plates e
xceeding 50 111m th<lt are welded with complete-joint-penetration groove welds t
o the face of other sections.
User Note: Additional requirements for j oin ts in heavy built-up members are gi
ven in Sections 510.1.5, 510.1.6, .' .. 510.2.7. and 513.2.2. '
National Structural Code of til e Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

Steel and Metals
501.3.2 Steel Castings and Forgings Cast stee! shaH conform to ASTM A2J6/A2J6M,
Gr. WeB with Supplementary Requircment S 11. Steel forgings shall conform to AST
M A668/A668M. Test rcpOi1S produced in accordance with the above reference stand
ards shall constitute sufficient evidence of conformity with such standards. 501
.1.l Bolts, Washers and Nuts
Bolt, washer, and nut material conforming to one of the following ASTM specifica
tions is approved for use under this Specification: I.
Threads on anchor rods and threaded rods shall conform 10 the Unified Standard S
eries of ASME 13 I X.2.6 and shall have Class 2/\ tolerances. Manufacturer's cCI
1ification shall constitute evidence of conformity with the standards.
501.3.5 Filler Metal ::lnd Flux for Welding
Filler metals and fluxes shall conform 10 one ".):' Ihe following specifications
of the American VvclcJing Society:
Bolts: ASTM A307 ASTM A325 IA325M ASTM A449 ASTM A490 I A490M ASTM 1'1852
Nuts: ASTM A194/A194M ASTM AS631 AS63M
AWS AS.l AWSAS.S AWS A5.17/A5.17M AWS AS.lS AWSA5.20 AWS A5.23/A5.23M AWS AS.25/
ASTM F436/F436M
Manufacturer's ceI1ification shall constitute sufficient evidence of conformity
with the standards. Filler metals and fluxes that arc suitable for the intended
application shall bl: selected. 501.3.6 Stud Shear Connectors Steel stud shear c
onnectors shall conform to the requirements of Structural Welding Code-Steel, AW
[) 1. 1.
Compressible-Washer-Type Direct Tension Indicators:
ASTM 1'959 IF9S9M
Manufacturer's certification shall constitute sufficient evidence of conformity
with the standards. 501.3.4 Anchor Rods and Threaded Rods Anchor rod and threade
d rod material conforming to one of the following ASTM specifications is approve
d for use under this Specification:
ASTM A36/A36M ASTM A193/A193M ASTM A354 ASTM A449 ASTM AS721 AS72M ASTM A5881A58
8M ASTM 1'1554 User Note: ASTM F 1554 is the preferred material speeificationfqr
anchor rods. A449 material is acceptable for high-strength anchor rods and thre
aded rods of any diameter.
User Note: Studs are made from cold drawn bar, either semi-killed or killed alum

inum or silicon deoxidized, conforming to tile requirements of ASTM A291 A29M-04

, Standard Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon and Alloy, Hot-Wrought, General
Requirements for.
Manufacturer's certification shall constitute evidence of conformity with AWSD 1
501.4 Structural Design Drawings and Specifkatioll.'j The design drawings and sp
ecifications shall meet (lie requirements in the Code of Standard Practice for S
tee) Buildings and Bridges, except for deviations specifically identified in the
design drawings and/or specifications.
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

C Hr~P T E R
5 Steel :1110
Me !a l~
!) ], ',
S02'}. J3 Gross a nd Nct Arca De(e rmina(ion J. Gross Arc ;!
Th e gross arC,I,
('ros s-s l~c t i(l nal
a mcm ber is the IOtal
502.4. Unstiffcned E1elllelits For unstiffened elements supported along onl y on
e edge parallel 10 the directi on of the compression loree. the width shall be t
aken as follows:
Net Arca
The net area. II,,, or a member is the SLIm of the
For !bnges or I-shaped members and leeS. the width b i ~ oJlclwlrthe ful!t1angc wi
dth, bj.
For legs of angles and flanges of channels and lees, the width b is 'the full no
minal dimension.
products of the thickness and the net width of each clcmcn! co mputed as fd!iows
In computing nct arc" for tension and shea r. the width of.1 bolt hol e shall bc
taken as 2 111m greater than the nominal di mension of the hole. For a chain of
holes extendi ng across a pan in any
diago nal or z.igzag linc. the nct width of the part shall
For plmcs, the wid th b is the distanc e from the free edge 1 0 the firsl row of
fasteners or linc of we lds.
For stems aftees, d is taken as the fullnomin4ll depth of the section.
be obtained by deducting from the gross widt h the sum of the dia meters or slot
dimensions as provided in Section 510.3.2, of all holes in the chain. and addin
g, for each g'lge space in the chain , Lhc quanti ty s "!. /4 J:
User Note: Refer to Table 502.4.1 for the graphic representation of unstiffencd
element dimensions. 502.4.2 Stiffened Elelllents For stiffened clements supporte
d along two edges parallel 10 the direction of the compressionforce, the width s

hall be taken as follows:

I. For webs of rolled or formed sections. h is th e clear distance between nunge
s less the fillet or comer radius at each flange; h.. is twice the distance frol
llihe centroid co the inside face of the compression flange less the fillet or c
orner radiu s. For webs of built-up secti ons, II is the distance between adjace
Jll lines of fastene rs or the clear distance between flan ges when welds arc us
ed, and hr is twice the di stance frol11 the centroid to the nearest line of fa<
;teners at the com pression flange or the inside face of the compression flan ge
when welds are used; IIp is twice the distance from the plastic neutral axis (0
the nearest line of fasteners at the compression flange or the inside face of t
he compression Oange when welds are used. For flange or diaphragm plales in buil
l-up seclions, the width b is the distance between adjacent lines of fasteners o
r lines of welds. For flanges of rect angular hollow structural secti ons (HSS),
the width b is the clear distance betwee n webs less the inside comer rad ius o
n each side. For webs of rectangular HSS, " is the clear distance between the fl
anges less the inside comer radius on each side. If the corner radiu s is not kn
own, b and II shall be taken as the corresponding outside dimension minus three
times the thickness. The thickness, I, shall be taken as lhe design walllhicknes
s, per Seclion 502.3 .12.
::;:: longitudinal center to-center spacing (pitch) of any two consecutive holes,
;;;; transvcrse celltertocenter spacing (gage) between fastener gage lines, mm .
For angles, the gage for holes in opposite adjacent legs shall be the sum of (he
gages from the back of th e angles less thc thickness. For slotted HSS welded t
o a gusset plate, the net area, An, is the gross area minus lhe product of the t
hickness and the total width of material that is removed to form the slot. In de
termining the net area across plug or slot welds, the weld metal shall Jlot be c
onsidered as addin g to the net area.
User Note: Section 510.4.1(b) limits of 0.85A, for splice pi ales with holes.
to a maximum
502.4 Classification of Sections for Local !3ucklillg Secti ons are classified <
lS compact, noncompact, or slcnderelemcnt sections. For a section to qualify as c
ompact its !langcs must be cont inuolls ly co nnected to the web or webs anti th
e widtlH hi ckness ratios o f its co mpression eicmcnts must not exceed the li m
i ti ng wid thth ickness ratios J.." from Table 502.4.1. If the width-thickn ess
rat io of one or more compression clements exceeds 1.1" but does not cxceed Iv
from Table 502.4 . 1. the section is noncom pact. If the widtlHhickness ratio of
any elemcnt exceeds )~F"' the section is referred LO as a slender-clemen( secli
User. Niite: .Refer to ' Tabl~ .. 59ntl;, for , the lIT~phic ~~p'te;2Ilt1i~<iii
'i;htifr6i1~~ 'ei~\):jbn fllirrr~nsi bi).~ ;:' ::. .. ..

National Structural Code of tile PI1ilippincs 6 Edition Volume 1


CHAPT[n S . S1eel and Metals
Ratios " """--1 A/
Description of Elements
Limiting Width Til ic kness 1Ratio )'p
-""-""" - - -- " - - " " "- ""T"" " - - -" -c -" - "" " "
Flexure in flanges of rolled 1shaped sections and channels
I; I I
Flexure in flanges of doubly and singly symmetric I-shaped built-up sections
Uniform compression in flanges of rolled I-shaped sections, plates projecting fr
om rolled I-shaped sections; outstanding legs of pairs of angels in continuous c
ontact and flanges of channels
o 56jtj F,
Uniform compression in flanges of I-shaped sections and plates or angle legs pro
jecting from built~up l~shaped sections

Uniform compression in legs of single angles, legs of double angles with separat
ors, and all other unstiffenecl elements
Flexure in legs of single angles
0"54)/ F,
For tapered flanges of rolled sections , the thickness is the
nominal valuc halfway betwecn the free edge and the corresponding face of the we
502.6 Evaluation of Existing Structures Provisions for the evaluation of existin
g structures are
presented in Appendix A -5, Evaluation of Existing Structures.
502.5 Fabrication, Erection and Quality Control
Shop drawings, fabrication, shop painting, erection, and quality control shall m
eet the requirement s stipulated in Section 513, Fabrication, Erection, and
Quality ControL
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines


502.3.2 Limit States
Design shall be based on the principle that no ClppJic<l blc strength or service
abilit y limit state shall be exceeded when th e st ructu re is subjected to all
approp ria te load co mbin ations.
The gCIl!!rai rcqui rl!lllC nts I ~)/' the anal ysis and des ign or steel slru<.
.:tu rcs Ihal i!I\! appiit. : ablc 10 all scclioll of the spc('i li catioll are
given in this scctiOl1 .
The section is orgilJlizcd as follows: 502 .1 502.2 502.3 502.4 502.5 502.6
502.3.3 Design for Strength Using Load and Itl'Sis tancc
Factor Design (L RFD) Design according to the provisions for Load anti Resistan
ce FactoI' Design (LRFD) ~atisfies th e requirements of Ihis Speci ficati on whe
n the desi gn strength of each structu ral component equals or exceeds the requi
red strength detennined on the basis of the LR FD load combinations. All provisi
ons of this Specification, except for those in Section 502.3.4. shall apply. Des
ign shall be perfonncd in accordance with Equation 502.3- I:
General Prov isi ons Loads and Load Combinati on!) Design Basis Classification o
f Sections fo r Local But:kling Pabrical io n, Erection and Quality Control Eva
lua tion of Existing Structures
502.1 General Provisions
The design of members and t:onnccl iollS shall be consistent wi th the intended
bch.wior of Ihe frami ng system and the assumptions made in the structural analy
sis. Unl ess restricted by the this code. lateral load resistance and stabilit y
may be provided by any combination of members and connecti ons.
R,j $ RIl
(502.3- 1)
R" = requ ired strength (LRFD) RII = nominal strength, specified in Section 502
throu gh
502.2 Loads and Load Combinalions
loads :Uld load combinations shaH be as stipulated by thi s code. In the absence
of a building code, the loads and load combinations shall be those stipulated i
n SEIJASCE 7. For design pu rposes, th e nominal loads shall be taken as th e lo
ads stipulated by thi ' code.
= resislancefactor,
specified in Section 502 Ihrough
511 (JR, = des ign strength
User No"': For LRFD designs. the load combinations in SElJASCE 7. Section 2.3 ap
ply. For ASD designs. the load combinationS in SElJASCE 7. Section 2.4 apply.
502.3 Design Basis

Des igns shall be made according to the provisions for Load and Resistance Facto
r Design (LRFD) or to the provisions ror Allowable Strength Design (AS D).
502.3.4 Design for Strength Using Allowable Strength Design (ASD) Design accordi
ng to the provision s for Allowable Strength Design (ASD) satisfies the requirem
ent s or thi s Specification when the allo wabJe strength of each structural com
ponent equals or exceeds the required s trength determi ned on the bas is of the
ASD load combin at io ns. All provisions of thi s Specification , except those
of Secti on 502.3.3. shall app ly.
Des ign shall be performed in accordance with Equation 502. 3-2: (502.3-2) whe r
502.3.1 Required Strength The required strengt h of stru ctura l mcm bers and co
n necti ons shall be determined by structural an alysis
for the appropriate load combinlltions as stipul ated in tion 502.2.
Sec ~
= requ ired s trengt h ( ASD) = nominal s trength , specifi ed
in Sectio n 502
Sec tion 502
Design by clasLic, inelastic or plastic analysis is p!rm.iltcd. Provisions for i
nelastic and plastic anal ysis are as slipulated in Appendix I, lnela~ li c Anal
ysis and Design. The provisions for moment redi strib ution in continuous beams
ill Appendix A, Section A-J.3 are penllitted for elastic analysis only.
through 5 11 Q = safety fa c tor , s pec ified thr o ugh 5 1 I /l oW = all owabl
e strength
502.3.5 Design for Stability Stability of the struclure and its elements shall b
determined in accordance with Secti on 503.
National Structural Code of tile Philippines 6'" Edition Volume 1

5 :J-1
CHAP'-!::" ~ . Sled and MalClls
502.3.6 Dc."lign of CO lln ct'liOlls
Connection clements shall be designcd in ;lccorcbnrc with the provbions of Secti
ons 510 and 511 . The forces and defonll<lIions used in design shall he consiste
nt with the intended pclionnancl' of the COllllcclion ilnd the ;l,,!mmptioIlS us
ed ill tIll.' structural analysis.
User Note: Section 3.1.2 of the Code of Standard Practice . addresses communicat
ion of nece:.sary information for the design of connections. 502.3.6. Simple Con
A si mple connection transmits a negligible moment across the connectioll. In th
e analysis of the SlruclUrc, simple connections may be assumed to allow unrestra
ined relative mImi on between the framing clements being connected. A simple con
nect ion shall ha ve suffi cient ro tatio n capaCit y to acco mmodate the requ i
red rotati on dctermin ed by the analysis of the struclUre. Inelastic rotalion o
f the conncction is pcrmitted .
502.3.8 I)csign for Pondin~ The roof systcm shall be investigated through . . :!
"m.:turA anal ysis to assu re adequilte !'trcngth ;111<1 SI :';:: . ;'nd ponding
condi ti ons, un less the roof Stlfra< : c. IS !HOVld(' (t with a slope of 20 n
l1ll per mc tcr or grc<Hcr hm :!i , ! P{)jlii ~ of free drainilge or all adequat
e ~yslCIll of dr;!inagl' IS provided to pre ve nt the acc umu lation of wilter.
Sec Appendi.': A2, Design for Ponding, for methods of checking ponding.
502.3.9 Design for
F~ I(iguc
Faliguc shall be considered in accordance wilh A !'~" .':lld i-: A3, Design for p
.lIigue, for memhcJ.; :Itjd !: . i connections subject to rcpeated loading. Fali
;'ll' ;It d be considered for seismic effects or for the cffl: t.:I~ 01 willci l
oading on normal bui lding Ia.lentl load resisilll;' ::Y~Ic.! ..: and building en
cl osure compone nt s.
502.3.10 Design for Fil-c Co nditi ons methods of des ign for fire co ndi tiom;
are provided ill Appendix A4, SlrlIctunll Dr,sij' 1I [Ui ' Fire Conditions : Qual
ification Testing and I ~ ll ?i)](';:, i,l! ' Analysis. Complianc e with the fir
e pj( Jlo'd (If, rcquircments in thi s code shall be deemed , il if requirements
of thi s sec ti on and Appendix Aof.
T wo
I' : ,
502.3.6b Moment Connections A momen t co nnection transmits moment across th e c
o nnec ti on. Two types of momelll co nnecti ons, FR and PR, arc permitted, as s
pecified below.
FullyRestrn ined (FR) Moment Connections A full yrestrai ncd (FR) moment connecti
on trJ.llsfers momclll with a negligible rotation bel"'een the connected Inember
s. In the analysis of the structure, the connection may be assumed to allow no r
elative rotati on, An FR con nection shall have sufficient st ren gth and st iff
ness to maintain th e angle between the con nected members al the strength limit
Parti all y Reslrained (PR) Moment Connections Partiall yrcslrained (PR ) moment c
onnections transfer moments. but the rotation between connected members is not n
egligible. In the analysis of Ihe struc ture, the forccdefonnation response chanlc
tenstics of the connection shall be included . The response charactelistics of a
PR connection s}lall be documented in the {echnical literature or established b
y analytical or experimclllal me'lns. The componc nt elements of a PR con nectio
n shall ha ve sufficiel1l strenglh, stiffncss. <111(1 dcforl11il1i on capacity a

t the strength limit Slales.

Nothing in th is sec ti on is inte nded to cn';,k w i :n IJl~';1 contractual req
uircme l1l fo r th e engir:: t rof H:Ciif(; responsible for th e stru ctural des
ign ( : r ::ny f'!OlCr member of the design team .
User Note: Design by qualification [( ~,> iijji'. i:. :h:'. prescriptive method
specified in mosi I.)llHdill t I,de.!;. Traditionally, on most projects where the
::rd rfK,,:1 >, file. prime profcssionaJ, the architect has been i1. ";;!;;'.;:
:~'. party to specify and coordinate I:' i,'(J' : ';: " ': 1 requirements. Desi
gn by Engineering An:' " i . .- I . \! engineering approach to fire protection.
D, ,., """, .. ,.. ,. person(s) responsible for designing for fire rn'ldilin,,'
, .. contractual matter to be addressed on cae!: i -; " ;
502.3.11 Design for Corrosion Effect s Where corrosion may impair the 5lrc n g t
l ~ " ' n'WI : ":;,;-,' of a structure, sU1lctural componellls sh,,; ,;. \1:" to
lerate corrosion or shall be protected a;: ..!-' .t ::\:l I I:~.i ,j ...
502.3.7 Design for Serviceability
Thc overall structure and the individual members, and connectors shall be checke
d for serviceab ilit y. Pcrformance req uirements for servicea bility design arc
given in Secti on 512 .
co nnections,
502.3.12 Design "Va ll Thickness for 1I ~;:) The design wall thickness, t, shall
be lI srti !;l c:'!(':!!':!ions invol ving the wall thi ckness of hol low SUI:'
i;;; ,: !-':, . : ;Ol! :: (HSS). The design wall thi ckness. t. sh",: :',. : -'
., .. , to 0.93 limcs the nominal wn ll thick i ,. !,,,' t- . ' resistanccwelded
(ERW) I-ISS and equal ill ,Ii:: "'-1,; ,: 11:,. thickness for submerged-are -we
lded (SA \1' ) ; S ;.
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippin es

CHAPTE R 5 - Steel Clnd Iv1 elal$

5 3;
" '"
Dcscription of Elcmcllls
W idth Thickncss Ratio
Limiting W idth-Thi ckncss Rati os
Flexure in fla nges of lees
bI I
0.38)E/ F,.
I.Opi/ F,.
Uniform compressio n in stems of tees
dl l
o 75)tjF,U
Flexu re in webs of doubl y symm etric I-shaped secti ons and chan nels
h l t...
5.70)E/ F,.
Uniform comp ression in webs of doubly sym met ri c I -shaped sections

Flex ure in webs of sin glysymmetric I-s haped sec tions
h .. / I".
(0.54 Unifonn compressio n in nanges of rectangul ar box and hollow structural sec
tions of unifonn thickness subject to bending or compression; nange cover plates
and di aphragm pla tes between of fas teners or welds
Mp 2 - 0.(9) My
bl l
1.l2)E/F,Flexure ill webs of rectan gula r
h/ (
242.Ji,/ F,
Nationat Structura l Code of the Philippines 6'h Edition Volume 1

Description Element s
Width Th ick Ness Ratio
Limit ing Width Th ickness Ratios
, ,
, I
E};;U llpi;.'
Unil<)J"Jll compression ill all other st iffcncd c lement s
Circ ula r holl ow sect ions
/J/ {
15 In unirorm compression
In Flexure
Il.07 E / 1',
(U 1 1 1',.
0.31 Ell',.
I~I k,.
= -;:;::;::= , but s hall ~, h l r\\"
nol be taken less than 0.15 nor grc;lI l.!r Ihan 0.76 for ca ktd .ttion pU 'l)os
cs. (See Cases 2 and ,I)
Ihl Fl. = O.7/~, for minor-axis bending, major axis bending. or sl c l1d ~~ r wcb
built-up I -sllilpcd mcmbers, and major ;,:\; ; bend in g of compacl and nOllco
rnpact web built-up I shaped mcmbers wilh SlI / S" ?: 0.7 ; F,_ = F/;,I / S" ~ O-S
F, for bending of co mpact and JlollcOmpacl web buillUp I-shaped llll~ ll1h crs w
ith S',J S". < 0.7. (See Case 2)
Associati on of Structu ra l Engineers of tl1e Pililippirl es

. Slee!
Me! als
~j 3 ~1
SECTION '503 ,_ . -, .1.\. ".'_" . , '... ' .
. _ .',

or sat isfying this requ ire men t are provided in Append ix 1\6, Stabilil Y Bra
cing for Columns and Beams
This sc<':lion
adul'l"!sscs general requi remen ts for the slabili ly anal ys is anti desi gn o
f members and frames.
The section is organized .as fo ll ows: 503.1
Stability Desigll Requirem ents Calculation of Required Strengths
503.1.3 System Stability Design Requirements Latera l stabi lity shall be provid
ed by morncnlframes, bmccdframcs, shear walls, .lndlor other cquivaicill lateral
load resisting systems. The {)vcilurning elTer!s of drifl and the desta bilizin
g inll ucllcc of gravity loads shall be considered. Force {r::lnsfer and load sh
aring between clemen!s of the fra ming sys tems shall be considered . Braced -fr
ame and shca r-wlIlI sy5 tclllS, moment rra mc~, gravit y framing systems, an d
co mbined systems shall satisfy the fa llowing speci fic requirements: 503.1.3a
Braced-Frame and Shear-Wall Systems In strucllJres wh ere IHtend stnbility is pr
ovided solely by diago nal bracing, shCH r walls, or cqui valent means, the effe
ctive length factor, K , for compression members shall be taken as 1.0. unless s
tructural analysis indicates that a smaller valuc is appropriate. In braced-fram
c systems. it is permitted to design the colu rnns. be;.ulls. and diagonal membe
rs ns a vc nically c;;Inlilevered. ~imply connected truss.
User Note: Knee-braced frames function as momenlframe systems and should be trea
ted as indicated in
Secti on 503. L3b. Eccentri cally braced fram e syslems
503.1 Stability Design Requirements
503.1.1 General Requirements

S labilil Y sha ll be provided fo r th e struc ture as a whole <lnd

for cac h of it s clements. Any method that considers the influence of second-or
der effec ts (incl ud ing P- tl and P(5 effects) , fl exu ral. shear and axial de
formations, geometric
impe rfectio ns, and member stiffness reduction due to
res idual stresses on the stabili ty of the struclUrc and its elemeili s is perm
itted . T he method s prescribed i n thi s secti on and Appendix A-7, Direc t An
alysi s Met hod, SiHisfy these requi re ments . All compo nent and cOllnection
<.iefonnations that contribu te [0 the lateral displacements shall be considered
ill the stability analysis. In stru ctures designed by elast ic analysis, indiv
idual member siability and slabilil y o f the st ruct ure as a whole
are pro vi ded jointly by:
function as combined systems and should be treated as
indicated in Section 503 . I.3d.
C:.liculation of
clements usi ng
n of the membe r
based upon those

the re qu ired stre ngth s for mem be rs, connections and other
one oflhe methods specified in Section 503.2.2, and Satisfactio
Hlld connec ti on design requireme nt s in thi s specification
required strengths.

S03.!.31J Moment-Frame Systems in frames where lateral stability is provided by

the flexural stiffness of con nected bemns and colu mns. the effcc ti ve length
fac tor K or elas ti c critical buckling stress. Fe, for columns and beam-column
s shall be determined as
specified in Section 503 .2.
In stmctures designed by inelastic ana lysi s. the provisions
or Appendix A I . Inelasti c Analys is and Des ign, shall be
503.1.2 Member Stability Dcsig n Requirements Individualmcmber stability is prov
ided by S(l ti sfying the
provisions or sections 505, 506, 507.508 a nd 509.
User Note: Local buckling of cross section components can be avoided by the use
of compact sections deli ned in Sectio n 502.4.
503.1.3c Gravity Framing Systems Columns in grav ity framing sys tems shall be d
esig ned based on their actual length (K = 1.0) unl ess analysis shows that a sm
aller value ma y be used. TIle lateral stability of gravity framing systems shal
l be provided by momcn t frames. braced frames, shear wa lls, and/or other equi
valent lateral load res isting systems. P-IJ. effects due to load 011 the gravit
y colu mns slwll be Imnsfc.lTed to the lateral load resisting sys tems and shall
be considered in the cal<:ulation of the required st ren gt hs of th e lateral
load res istin g systems. S03.1.3d Combined Systems The an alysis and design of
members. cOllnections and other elements ill combined systems of moment frames,
braced frames, and/or shear walls and gravi ty frames shall meet the requirement
s of thei r respecti ve systems.
Where clemen ts arc designed to fUllction as braces to define. the un braced len
gth of colum ns and beams, the bracing sys tem shall have sufficien t sti ffness
and strength to control member movement at the braced points. Methods

National Structural Code of tile Philippines 6'" Edition Volume 1

Steel <lnd Metals
503.2 Cuiculation ()f HC(IUircd Strcngths
Except as pcrmitted in Se.ction 503.2.2 h, required strength s shall bc dctcrrni
ncu lIsing II sCl'o nd -ord cr a na l y~is as specifi ed in Sect ion 503.2. 1. D
esign hy eit her second-order or lirst-ordc r an alysis shall mee t the requ ire
ments speci fied in Secti on 503,2.2.
503.2.1 Melhods of Second-Ord er Analysis
obtained. for instance, by a firsl-orderelastic ana lysi s) by Ihe 8, amplifie r
, in other word s, M, B2(M"1 + Mil }.
1_ aL /~~1I
(503. 2- 3 )
L /~'2
Second-order an ti lysis shall confo rm to the requ irements in this Secti on.
503.2.1. General Sccond-Orde, Elaslic Analysi.'
Uscr Nole: Note th at the 8 , ampl ifier (Eq. 503.2-3) can be estimated in preli
minary design by using a max imum lateral drift limit corresponding to the story
shear H in Equation 503.2-6b.
An y second-order clastic anal ysis method thai cOllsiders both P-6. and P-o cff
eclr may be used. The amplified First-Order Elastic Analys is Method defined in
Section 503.2. 1b is an accepted mcthod for second-order clastic analysis of bra
ced. moment, ,Hld combined fram ing sys tems.
503.2.10 Second -Order An.lysis OJ" Amplified FirS!Order Elastic Analysis
a = I.OqLRFlj
a= 1.6c(AS~
I ! s
Uscr Note: A meUtod is provided in thi s section to account for second-order eff
ects in frames by amplifying the axial forces and moments in members and connect
i ons from a firs t ~ ord er analysis.

The following is an approximale second-order analysis procedure for calculating

th e req uired n exural and axial stre ngths in mc mbers o f lateral load resist
ing systems. The rcqu ired second-order fle xura l st rcngth, Mr. and axia l str
ength, PI", shall be determin ed as follows:
(503.2-l a) (503.2- 10)
= requ ired seco nd-order Oex ura l strength usi ng LRr-O or ASD load combi nati
ons. N-llllll = fi rst-order moment using LRFD or ASD load combinations, assumin
g there is no lateral translation of the frame, N- mm = firs t-ord er moment usi
ng LR FD or ASD load co mbi nat ions caused by 1<lleral trallslation of the fmll
le onl y, N-rnm. ;::: required seco nd -order axial :-; trcngth using LRFD or AS
D load co mbination s, N. = fi rs t-order axial i()rec using LRFD or ASD load co
mbinations, t.lssum ing there is no lateral lransJati on of Ihe frame, N. = tota
l vert ical load supported by the story using LRfD or ASD load co mbillatiom;. i
ncluding gravi ty column loads, N. = first-o rder axial force using LRFD or AS!?
load combi nations caused by lateral translati on of the frame only, N. = a coe
rfi cicnt ass umi ng no Itt te ral transla tion o r th e fr ame whose va lue sh
all be laken as foll ows:
__ -, C ,-,, ",,-_
I- a
For beam-co lu mns not subject to Intnsvcrsc loading between SUPP 0l1S in the pl
ane of bending.
1', /1'"
For members subjected to axial compression, lJ, may be calculated based on th e
first-o rd er es timat e PI" Pili +
P i t.
User Note: ill is an amplifier to account for second order effeclS caused by dis
placements between brace poin ls (P-S) and B, is an amplifier to accoun t for se
cond order effects caused by displacements of braced points (1'-6.) . For me11lb
ers i~ .w~ich .!l, 1.05, il is conservative to amplify Ihe sUm of Ihe .non-sway
and sway momenls (as
where MI and 1'4 1 , calculaled from a fi rs!orde r anal ysis, arc th e small er
and larger moment s, respecti vc ly. ill (he cnd s of lil,ll p0l1i on of th e m
ember un bn.lced in the plane of bending under co nsideration. M/Ml is positive
when the member is ben( in reverse cu rva ture. negative when bent in single cur
vature. b. For beam-columns subjected 10 transverse loading between supports, th
e value of C... shall be detennincd either by analysis or conservatively taken a
s l.0 for all cases.

Associa tion of S truclura l Eng ineers of the Ph ilippines

CHAPTE: H ~ . Steel and Metals

P l=~
,'. (K,Lj2
503.2.2 Des ign Require m e nt s
rcsi ~ I ;IIl (:l'
= CI,ISlic
Ihclll!.!mbcr in the plane of hcndil1!!. (,.' lIk'ulatcd based olll hc m;su!1l p
tion oj' zcm side.sway. N.
= clasti c cri ti ca l buckling resistan ce for (h e story
determ in ed hy sidcs way bu ck ling,:HIl<lJ ysis, N.
For moment fram es, where sidcsway buckling effect i ve K~ nrc dete rm ined for
thc col umns, il is perm ined 1 0 calculate thc c last ic slOry sides way buckl
'Illesc requi rcments apply 10 all types of braced. momcnt, and combined 1i~\lll
i n g sys tcms. Whcre the ratio of second orde r drift 10 first order drift is cq
ual to or less lhall 1.5. lilt, required ~ Ircnglh s of members. conneclions and
other clements shall be determined by one of Ihe methods specified in Sections
503.2.2a or 503.2.2b, or by the Direct Anal ysis Method of Appendix A-7. Where t
he ratio or seco ndorder drift to first ~ order drift is grcater ,th an 1. 5, the
required st rength!,; shall be determined by the DiIeel Analysis Method o f Appen
dix A 7.
User Nole: The ratio of second-order drift to ftrstorder drift can be represented
by 82. as calculated using Equation 503.23. Alternatively, the ratio can be calc
ulated by comparing ule results of a second-order analysis to the results of a f
irst-order analysis, where the analyses are conducted eiuler under LRFD load com
binations directJy Or under ASD load combinations with a 1.6 factor applied to t
he ASD gravity loads.
lengt h fac(ors
rcsi slancc as
I.I'" =I
1[ '
(K ,L)'

For a ll IYPCS of lalc l" ll load resisti ng s),ste ms, il is pen n itied 10 lIS
For Ihe methods specified in Sections 2.2a or 2.2b:
Analyses shall be conducted according to the design and loadi ng requirements sp
ecified in either Section 502.3.3 (LRFD) Or Section 502. 3.4 (AS D). The st ru c
ture shall be analyzed llsing the nom inal geomet ry and the no mi na l elastic
sliffness for all elements.
= modulus of elast icit ), of steel =200 000 MP"
.- ! .O for braced-fmllle systems; 0.85 for momclH-frame and co mbi ned syste ms
, unless a larger v.tltle is justified by analysis
503 .2.23 Desig n by Second-Ord er Analysis Where required stre ngths are determ
ined by a sccondorder analysis: I. 2.
= moment of inertia in the planc of bending,
= slUry height, Illlll = effective length factor
in Ihe plane of bending,
provisions of Section 503.2. J shall be satisfied.
calcul ated based on the assumption of no lateral translation. scI eq ual to 1.0
un less analysis indicates Ihal a sma ll e r value mny be used = effective leng
th factor in the plan e or ben ding, calculated based on a sidcswa y buckling an
For design by ASD, anaJyses shall be canied out under 1.6 timcs the ASD load co
mbinations and the rcsults shall be di vided by 1.6 10 obtain the required stren
User Note: Methods for calculation of
jn the AISC Commentary.
are discllssed
USCI' Nole: TIle amplified first order analysis metllod of Se<:tion 503.2.lb inc
orporates the 1.6 multiplier directl y in the 0 and lh amplifiers, such that no

other modificati on is needed.

= first-order i lltt.~rs{()ry drift due to Imeral forccs,
mill. \Vhcrc flu varies over Ihc-plan area of the st ru cture. !J. II shall be t
h e average drift weighted in proportion to vcrliC<ll load or, al ternatively. t
hc maximulll drift. = story shea r produced by the latera l forces used 10 compu
te, N
All gravity-onl y load combinati ons shall incl ude it min imuill Ialeral load a
pplied a( each level of the Slnlc(ure of O.D02}',-, where Yi is (he design gravi
ty load applied at level i. N. This minimum lateral load shall be considered ind
ependently in two orthogonal directions.
User Note: The mini mum Jaleral load of O.OO;2Y/, in conjuPclion wilh the oute'r
designalH;lysis cOristrilirits lisied .' htlhlS section, liriiitS Ihe en-at . th
at would oUlerwise be caused 'by neglecti~g' initial out-of-plumbnes,
National Stru c tural CoeJe of the Ph ilippin(~s G Edition Vol ume 1

.. ~
and member stiffness reduclion due to residual stresses in the analysis.
This additional ialcr:1i loml shall he independemly in two 011 hogonil I directi
ons. 3.
Where the ralio of second-order drift 1 0 lir$I-Ord~f drift is less Ihall or cyu
al 10 1.1, members ilrc permitted 10 be designed using K = 1.0. Otherwise. colum
ns and heam-columns in moment frames shall be designcd using a K fnctor or co lu
mn buckling Siress, Ft', det ermin ed from a si desway buckling an:! ~ ysis of t
he slniclUre. Stiffness reduction adju:il:nel1t due to column inelasticity is p!
;rmillcd in Ihc determination of the K factor. For braced frames, K for compress
ion members shall be taken as 1.0, lIllless structural analysis indicates a smal
ler value may be used.
The non -sway :llIlpliliCiUioll or hea nH :olumn 1 1I{)!IlCntJ; is considered by
i1pplying th e JjJ amplifier of Seclion 503.2.l to the IOlal member momellls.
503.2.21> Design I>y First-Order AnalYSis Required strengths arc permitted 10 be
dcterminc:d by a fina-order an'llysis, with all members designed using K 1.0. p
rovided that
The: n.'tllJircd compressive strengths or all mcmbers whose flexural stiffncsses
are consitlcred to contribute 10 the lateral stability of the stn.lcture sati s
fy the following limitation:
aP, $ 0.5/\
a = 1.0 (LRFD)
a = 1.6 ( ASD)
= required axial compressive stre ngth under LRFD or ASD load combinations, N. =
mcmbcr yicld strength (= A F.,.), N.
All load combinations include an additional la teral land, Nj , applied in combi
nation with other IOtld.s al each level of the stnlcture, where
N, = 2. I (IVL) Yi 2 0.0042Y, where l'i

= gravit y load from the LRFD load combination or 1.6 times the ASD load combina
tion " pplied at level i, N. = the maximum rario of f1 to L for all stories in t
he structure = first-o rder intcrs!ory drift due to the design londs, Illlll . W
here /J. vaJies over the plan area of the stnlcturc, 6. shall be the average dli
fl weighted in proportion to vertical 10:(\<1 or, altcmtltivcl y, the maximum d
rifl. = story height, mill .
. d rift tJ.
"'idfto "r un<ld A~b .l?W4 .'d;ill$.i.O\itiCi~s the ASD gr#~ii)"oads':r:'
urider .Lil.FJjload
Association of S tru ctural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTI:= n 5 - Sleel and Metals

SEC'I'lON:5(i4 '< :, : . '" :,
TENSlbN . .. ' " \ " .' ,
])Estgl:~Fj~Am~~ FQR :
! .'.
1/1, =11.75 (LRFD)
=2. 00(ASD)
Thi s sectioll applies 10 members subjec t 1 0 axia l tension caused by sialic f
orces aCli ng Ihrough the centroidal fiX is.
The secli on is orgttnizcd as follows : 504. 1
504.2 504.3 504.4 504.5 504.6
;:: effecti ve n e l <.I rea, 111m 2 = gross arCH or member. mm2 ;:: specified m
i nim um yield slreSli of the type or !H ccl heing used, MPa ;:: specified minim
um tensile strength of the type of sttel being used. MPH
SICIHJc rness Limitations Tensile Strength Area Determination
Built-Up Members P ill -Con nected MClnbers Eyehars
When Illcmbers without holes arc full y connected by
welds, the crfective net area used in Equation 504 .2-2 shall be as defined in S
ection 504. 3. When holes arc prescllt in a mcmber with welded end cOllnection s
, or at the welded cOJlJleclion in the case of plug or SlOI welds, lhc efrectivc
net arcn through the holes shall be used in Equation
504.2-2. 504.3 Area Determination
User Note: For cases not included in this section the following scctions apply:

502.3.9 508 5103 510.4. tension. 510.4,3

Members subjcct to fatigue Members subject to combined axi{ll tension and flexur
e. Threaded rods.
504.3.1 Gross Arca The gross area. A.>:, of a Illember is the total cross section
al area. 504.3.2 Net Arca
Connecting elements in
Block sheau rupture strength at
T he net area, Ar., of a member is the SUIll o f tile products o f the thi cknes

s and Ihe !leI wid th of each clement computed

cnd connections of tension
as follows: In computing Ilet area fo r tension and shear. the width of a boil h
ole shall be taken 2 111111 greater th an the nomi nal di mension of lhe hol e.
For a chai n of holes ex tending across a part in any diagonal or zigzag line. t
hc nct width of the pan shall be obtaincd by dedu cting from the gross width the
sum of the diameters or slot dimensions as provided in Section 510.3 .2, of all
hol es in the chain, Ilnd addin g, for ellcll gage spilce in the chain. the qua
mity J)/ 4g
wh ere
504.1 Slenderness Limitations There is flO maximu m slenderness limi t for desig
n of members in te nsion.
User Note: For members designed on the basis of tension , the slendemess ratio V
I' preferably should not exceed 300. This suggest ion does nOI apply to rods or
hangers in tensiou.
504.2 Tensile Strength
The design tensile strengt h, , /~, . and the allowable tensile
strength, I~JQI of tension members. shall he the lower value obtained according
to the limit st,l tes of tensil e yielding in th e gross secti on and tensile ru
pture in the net section. 1. For tensile yieldin g in the gross section :
= longitudinal center-to -center spacing (pitch) of any Iwo conseclltive holes.
mill . = transverse ce nter-to-centcr spacing (gage) between fast ener gage linc
s, mill.
= F.r A.'i
D, = 1.67
(504.2- 1)
(AS D )
For an glc:s, the gage. for holes in opposite adjacent Icg ~ shall he the sum of
the gages from the bac k of the an gles less the thi ckness.
por slotted HSS welded to a gusset plate, the nel area, /\'" is Ihe gross area m
illus the product of the thickness and the total width of material that is remo
ved to form {he 51 01. III delcnnining the net area across plug or slot welds, t
he weld metal shall not be considered as adding to the net area.
1/1, =0.90 (LRFD )
For (ensile rupture in (he net sect ion:
National Struc tura l Cod e of 1/10 Philippines 6 Ed ition Volume 1

~) 44
CHAPTEH 5 Steel and Metals
User Note: Section Sl 0.4.1 (b) limits All to a maximum of O.gSA, for splice pla
tes withholes.
504 .3.3 Effetlive Nel Area The clTectivc area of ten ~ i on
dClc nnincd
=0.75 (LRFD)
J1l1ll :!
n" =2.00 (ASD)
mcmbers slwll
follows: (504.3 1)
= 2t(a + (112).
where U, thc ShCM
Table 504.3. I.
factor, is determined ltlO showI'
Members such as si ngle angles, double angles and WT sections sh<lll have connec
tions proportioned such thaI U is equal to or greater than 0.60. Ahemativcly, a
lesser value of U is permitted if these tension members arc designed for the eff
ect of eccentricit y in accordance with 508. 1.2 or 508.2.
504,4 Buill-Up I'vl embcrs
= slw rl csi distance from edge of the pin hole to the c:dge of the membe r meas
ured parallel to the direction of thc rorce, mill . = 21 + 16. mm bu t no t more
than the aClu,,1 distance from the edge of the hole to the edge of the pan meas
urcd in the direction nonn.}1 to the applied force = pin d iameter. mill . = thi
ckncss o f platc, mm .
For be ari ng on the projec ted area of the pin. see Section 510.7 . For yield i
ng Oil the gross section, usc Equation
3. 4.

504.5.2 Dime nsional Requir cmcnl s
limitations on the longilUdina l s paci n ~, of conncctors betwcen clements in c
ontinuou s contac t consist in g of II platc and n shape or two plates, sec Sect
io n 5 10.1.5.
Either perforated cove r plates or ti c. pl<HCS without lacing me pCfm iu e(\ to
be used all the opell sides of built -up tells ion mcmbers. Tie plates shall ha
ve a Jengul not less than two-thi rds the distance between the li nes of welds o
r fasteners connecting them to the components of the member. The thickness of su
ch tie plates shall not be less thnn onefiftieth of (he distance between these l
ines. 'I11e longitudin al spacing of inrennittcnl welds or fasteners at lie plat
es shull 1101 exceed 150 mill. User Note: The longitudinal spacing of connectors
belween componenls should preferably limil the slenderness ratio in any compone
nt between the 0 300. connectors 1
504,5 Pin-Connected Members
The pin hole shall be located midway bctween the edges of the member in the dire
cti on normal 10 the applied force. When the pin is expected to provide for ['th
rive movement between co nn ec ted parts while under full load, the diameter of
the pin hole shall not bc more than I mm greater than the diameter of th e pin.
504.5.1 Tensile Slrenglh
'n1e design tens ile sirengrh, $)~, . and the allowable tensile
strength. ~.JQt of of pin-connected members. slwll be the lowl~r va lu e obtain
ed accordin g to the li mit states of tcm;ilc ruplllre, shear Illpturc, bearing.
,tOd yie lding
I. For tensile J1JplUrc 011 the net effecti\'e area: (504 .5 1)
= 0.75 (Ll~FD)
0, = 2.00 (AS D)
POI' shear rupture 011 the effectivc area:
Association of Stru ctural Engineers of the Philippj n~) s

CHAPT[ H S - Swel <311(.1 Metals

,-----------------------------------------------------------------,;,, ' :Ta,b'!
~ 504.3.1 , ' , ; , Sheilr~ilg ,Fa~tots forCo~nections to Tension Members '
':. "
Description of Element " AlIlcnsion members where Ihe tensio n load is tra ns mi
llcd directl y 10 each or cross-secti onal elcmelHs by faste ners or welds. (exc
ept ,IS ill Cases 3. 4. 5 and 6) All tension Ill'! Plbcrs. except plates .mel HS
S, whcre the tens ion load is Irans'miHcd to some but nol :)j J of the cross-sec
tional clemellls by fa stencrs or longitudinal welds (A ltern ately. 1 '01' W. M
. S and HI', Case 7 may be used,) Alllcnsion members where thc ten sion load is
transmitted by transverse welds to somc but not all of the cross -sectional elem
ents. Plmcs where (he tension IO<ld is tr<l nSmiHCd by longitudinal welds only.
She <II' Lag Fac "'" o,, r,-,U " --_j__-cE " .:: x ':"::':'-"1'1',,10'---__1
u= 1,0
U :::.1_ "i:11
U= 1,0 and All =area of the direct! y con nected elemenls 1,, 2,,' '" U = 1,0 2w
> I" 1,5 ""., U = 0.87 1.5w>I"", ,,. U = 0.75
~ ~_l
1 ?I.3D.. 1J = 1.0
Rotlnd H SS with a single concentri c gusse t plate .
D :-:: 1<1.3D ... U =1- :;:1/
- ---1----------------_._-,---,---------------+---_.------------1
with a single conce ntric gusset pl.ate
I ~ H ... U = 1-'' ' '

Rect'lngular HSS wi th two side gusset plates wilh nange connected with 3 or mor
e fasten-crs per I'Ine . ' d' , f' I'
4(8 + 11)
I ~ H ..U=I-;/I
'1 S or HI) ,hapes S v.., 1\. or Tees
cut f rOIll these shapes . (1 f' U is 1_--c',;:n-",l.::re;::>c",,,,o,,ll,-o,,,_,,
I Oc;a""c.,,::.,,g~;calcu lated pCI' Case 2, the larger with web connected with
4 value is permitted to be used) or more fasteners per line in direction of loa
ding With 4 or more fastcners per line in direction of loading Single angles ( I
f U is calculated With 2 or 3 fastte ners per per Case 2, the larger val ue is p
ermi lied to be used line in the direction of loading
1 -.---- - -- - --+-----"-----1
U = 0.70 U=0.80
U = 0.60
"r" 2/3d .,, U=0,90 "1< 2/3d '" U=0.85
I = length of connecti on, mm, w= plate width, mill ; X;::. con nection eccentri
city, mill ; B = overall width of rectangular HSS member, measured 90 degrees to
the plane of' the connect ion, mm H = overall height of reclangular HSS member,
measured ill th~ plane of th e cSHl nection, 111111 ____ _ __ _ _ __ _,_ _ _ _ _
__ __ _ ______ _
National Structural Code of
Philippines G Edition Volum G 1

CHAPTE :H 5 . Steel and Melals
The width of the plale al the pin hole shall nol be
mini mum extension. (I, beyond the bCClring end of
e axis of the member, slmll not be less than 1.33 X
The corners beyond th e pin hole me pcnnillcd to be
he member. provided the net ,Ifea

less Ihilll 2b,g + d and the

the pin hole, parallel to th
b 4J
cu t at 45" to Ihe axis of t

This secti on addresses members subject compression th rough the centroidal axis
. The scctiPil is organized il S rollows:
505.1 505.2 5053
axi al
beyond the pill hole, on a plane perpendicular La the cut. is not I c.~s than th
aI required beyond the pin hole p.lr:Jllcl (() the axis of the member.
504.6 Eycb;lrs
General Provisions Slenderness Limillliions and Erfective Lcnglh Compressive Str
englh for Flexural Buckling of Mem be rs withou t Slender Elcmcllis
504 ,6.1 Tensile Strength The i.lvailable tensile strengt h of eyeba rs shilll b
e determi ncd in accordance with Section 504.2, with A", tak en as the cross-sec
tional area of (he body.
For calcu llll ioll purposes, the width of the hod y of the cycba rs shall not e
xceed eight tim es its thi ckness .
User Note: For members not included in this section the following sections apply
: 508.1 - 508,3
508.4 5lO.4.4
504.6.2 Dimensiollal Requirem ents Eycbars shall be of uniform thickn ess, witho
lll reinforcement at the pin holes. and have circular heads wit h the periphery
concentric with the pin hole.
The radiu s of transition between the circular head and Ihe eyebar body shall no
t be less than the head diameter. The pin diameter shall not be less than seveneighths times the eyebar body width, and the pin hole diameter !-i hall not be m
ore than I mm greater than the pin diameter. For steels having F,. greater than
485 MPa. th e hole diameter shall not exceed five times the plate th ickness. an
d the width of the eye bar body shall be reduced accordingly. A thickness of les
s than 13 mm is pennissible onl y if external nuts are provided to tighten pin p
l ates and fill er plates into snug contact. The width from the hol e (~dge to t
h e plate edge perpendi cular to the directi on of applied load shall be greater
than two~ {h irds and, for the purpose of calculation, not morc th an thiee-fou
rths times the eyebm' hodywid th.
Members subject to combined axial compression and Dcxure. Members subjcci to axi
al compression and torsion. Compressi ve strength of connecting elemenL". Compo

site ax ial members.

505.1 General Provisions The design compressive strength .
as follows :
Ie' 1" 1, and !he
allowable compressive strength . I'n/ n c" ,Ire dClermincU
The nomi nal cO.'l1prcssive strength, I'n. shall he the lowest value obtained ac
cording to the limit states omcxur;;~ buckling, (orsional buckling and nexural-t
orsional buc kling. I. 2. For doubly sYlllmelric and singly symmetric members th
e limIt state of Ilcxural buckling is applicable. For singl y symmetric and ulls
ymmetric members, <Inc! certain doubly sy mm elric members, such as cnl ciform o
r built-up colum ns, lhe limit slates of torsional or nexural~tors i o nal buckl
ing arc also applicable.
505.2 Slenderness Limitations and EITective Lenglh The erfectivc length faclOf,
K, ror calc ul;lIion or column slenderness, KLlr, shall be detcrmined in accorda
nce with sec ti on 503,
L r
K = huerall y unbraced length or the member, ::::; governing radiu s of gyration
, mill .
Illlll .
= the
effective length ractor accord ance with Section 503.2
Association of Str uctural Engineers of the Philippines

CHA P TEf~ [j .
Stewl aneJ Mutals
User Note: For members designed on ' the basis of compression. d,e slenderness r
atio KUr preferably should not exceed 200. 505.3 Compressive Strength for Flexur
al Bucklin g of Members Without Slender Elements
This secti on appli es to compression members with
505.4 Compressive Stl'cnglh for Torsional and Flexural -Torsional Buckling of Mc
mbt'.fs withou( Slender Elements This section app lies to singly ~Y!ll!1lctric a
nd UIl... YIll!11Cl rH" members. and cCI1Hin doubl y symmetric members. such
as cruciform or built-u p columns with co mpact allt!
compHel and noncompact sections, as defined in Section 50~.4, for uniforml y com
pressed clements.
User Note: When the tOrsiQ'iJaJ 'iiilb~ /el@l! is larger than the lateral unbfii
ced Iclihlh; 'iJij' ~\>i.iIi:lliy;.to~t!Ul the design of wide l1angeliild~iiiill
arWsliaJ*i cbiUffii!s . ..Iloncompaci sections, as de fined in Secti on 502.4 for uniformly compressed ele
ments. These provision:; arc nil!
required for single <Ingles. which arc covered in
<iC('\ !, iE !
505.5. The nom inal compressive strength, P,!, shall be determined based on the
limit states of f1 cx ural- toJ'sion. iI and torsional buckling. as fo llows: (5
05.4-1 )
The nominal compressive sucngth. P", shaH be dClemlincd based on !.he limil state
of fle xural buckling.
(505.31 )
I i
1 ,
The fl ex ural buckling stress, F'r:r. is det ermined as follows:
-KL $4.7 1 r F).
For double-angle mcmbers:
tcc ~ s hap cd
comprc~s i {)n
or (F,

Fcr = 0.658 P, F,.
wherc Ferr taken as Fer from Equal ion 505 .32 or 505 .3-3. for nexura l buck lin
g abo ut thc y-axis of . symmctryand 2.
when -KL > 4.71 r
, and
or (F, < 0,44F,.)
= GJ
(505.3-3) where
critical buckling stress determined according to Equalion 505.3-4. Sectio n 505.
4. or the provisions of Seclion 503_2. as applicable. MP.
::;; clastic
For all other cases, Fer shall be determined according Equ ati on 505.3-2 or 505
.3-3. using Ihe lorsi onal or nexural~t o rsional elastic buckling stress, F'r,
determ ined as follows:

For doubly symmetric members:

F= ,
,,'E (~Lr
User Note: TI,e two equations for ~alcu\ating the limits and ajJpljcability of S
ections 505.3{aj"and 505.3(b). one based on KU, and one based on F,. provide the
same result.
For singly symmctric members where), is Ihe ';,: is symmetry:
, ,j
' 2 f1
( F~)' +
1I-i \ - 4FnF" -----,!.
(Ft'J' + FCl ), !.
For un sYIllI11ctJ"ic members, Fe is the 1\)\'. \ i the cubic equation :
:U( II
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

5 tH.!
CHAPTEH 5 ' Steel and MeWls
)_F 2(F'(' - Ie )( XO )2 (F{' - F('.r )(Fl' -Fl'y )(Fe _Ie ez t' ey"',
_P(' 2( F(' -p( ' \ '
o )'_ F 2( F - F )(Y") =o )(X ~ I' ex~ ~
505-3 or Section 505-7, as appropri ate, for axially loaded members, as well as
those subject to the slcndcmess modification of Secti on 505-5(a) or 505-5(b), p
rovided th e members meet the cri ICrl (\ imposed.
The effects of ccccmricity on single angle members arc pcnniUcd to be neglected
when the members arc evaluated as axially loaded compress ion members using one
of the
efleeti ve slenderness ratios specified below, provided tllat: (I' members are l
oaded at tllC ends in compression through lilt.. same one leg; (2) members arc a
ttached by welding or by mjnimum twoHbolt COIUlCCtions; and (3) Ihere arc no int
ermediate trans verse loads.
:::: gross arei~ of member, mm 2 : : warping constant , mm b
ro ::; x" + y + - - /. As
) 2
I .. "" J )'
11=1_..to +yu
-, r
(505.4 -8)
For equal~ l cg angles o r unequal-leg angles conn ected throu gh the longer leg
that are individua1 members o r arc web members of planar trusses with adjacent
web members atl ached (0 the same side o f the gusset plate or chord: when

,L)' (K ,,
05- 580:
(505 .4-9)
(505.4- 10)
/'" =(KrLJ'
wben L
F= ("'(K,L) EC GJ)_Iw
r ;:
rx KL
> 80:
32+ 1.25 ,.,
$ 200

(505.4 - 11 ) For unequal leg angles wi th leg length rali os less than 1.7 and c
onnected through the shorter leg, KU,. from Equations 505 .5- 1 and 505.5-2 shal
l be increased by adding 4 [(bib.,)' - I], but KU,. of Lbe members sball not be
less than 0.95U,., .
l x, i y
:::: shear modulu s of elast ici ty of steel = 77 200 MPa. :::: moment of inerti
a abo ut the princi pal axes.
J K,
Xo , y o
= to rsio nal cons tant, mm'! .
:::: effec ti ve length fac lor for torsi onal buckl ing :::: coordinates of she
ar center with respect to the centroid. mm. :::: polar radiu s of gyration about
the shear center, mm. :::: radius of gyration about y-ax is, mm.
For equal-leg angles or unequal-leg angles connect ed through tbe longer leg tha
t arc web members of box or space trusses with adjacent web members attached to
the same side of the gusset pl ate or chord: when
05- 5 75:
User Note: For doubly symmetric I-shaped sections,
C w may be laken as I yh; / 4, where 110 is tlle distance
between flange centroids, in lieu of a more precise analysis. For tees and doubl
e angles, omil tenn with Cw when computing F" and take X o as 0,
(505 .5-3 )
wben L
> 75:
=45 + -$200

505,5 Single Angle Coml>rcssion Members The nominal compressive strenglh , p~, o
f single angle members s hall be detenni ned in accordance with Sect ion
Association of Structura l Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPT EI1. 5 . Slee l and Metals

For 1Illcqual leg angles with leg length ratios less than 1.7 ,lIld connccted thr
ough the shorter leg. KU,. rrom
""Iuations 505 .5-3 and 505..1-4 shall be increased by adding 61(bl1>,)' - II. b
ut KU,. of the member shall not be less than 0.82I1r"
= modified column slenderncss of buil l-Up
= column slenderness or bu ilt-up member
acting as a ullit in th e buckling
L b/ ::: Ic ngth of member between work point s at truss chord centerlines. mm .
= longer leg of angle. mm. = shorter leg of angle. mm. = radi us of gyration ab
out geometric axis parallel to connec ted leg. mm. == radius of gyration (,or th
e minor principal axis. mm.
d ir ection bein g considered
. ;::
distan ce between connectors. mill. minimum radius of gyration of indi vi dua l
component. mill.
3. Single angle members with differem end conditions from those described in Sec
tion 505.5(.) or (b). with
leg length ratios greater than 1.7. or with transverse loading shal l be evaluat
ed for combined ax ial load and nexurc using the provisions of section 508. End
connection to different legs on each end or {Q bothlegs, the usc of singlc bollS
or the attachment of adjacent web mcmbers to opposite sides of the gu sset plat
e or chord shall consti Lute different end conditions requiring the use of secli
on 508 provisions.
= radius of gyra t i on of indi vidual component relative to its ccntroidaJ axis
parallel 10 member axi s of buc kling. mill. == separation rati o;:: hl2rib ==

distance betwccn ce nt roids of individual compo nent s perpendicular to the mem

ber axis of buckJing. mill .
The nomina! compressive strength of built -up members composed of two or morc sh
apes or plates wi th at leas{ onc open side interco nnected by perforated cover
plates or lacin g with tie plates shall be detennined in accordance with Section
s 505.3. 505.4, or 505.7 subject to the llloditicatiOil given in
Section 505.6.I(a).
505.6.2 Dimensional Requirements
Individual components of compression members composed of two or marc shapes shal
l be co nnccted to one another at intervals, a, such that the effecti ve slende
rness ratio Ka/ri of each of the component shapes, between the fasteners, docs n
ot exceed threefourths limes the govcming s lenderness ratio of the built-up memb
er. TIle least radius o f gyration, rio shal l be used in computing the slendern
ess ratio o f each component part. The end connection shall be welded or pretens
ioned bolted with Class A or B faying s urfaces.
505.6 Built-up Members 505.6.1 Compressive Strength
1. The nominal compressive strength of builtup members composed of two or more sh
apes that are
interconnected by bolts or welds shall be determined
in accordance with Sectio ns 505.3. 505.4, or
505.7 subject to the following modificati on. In
lieu of more accurate a nal ysis. if the bucklin g mod e involves relative defor
mations th at produce shear force s in the connecto rs between individual shapes
KUr is replaced by (KUr)m determined as follows:
For intermediatc conncctors that are snug.tight
User Nore:. It is apceptabl~ ..td , design .. a bolto,d ' eod
bolted: (505.6-1)
For interm ediate connectors that arc welded or prelcnsioned boil ed:
intended 'fdifue -resistanCe 'tIf the ax'iaHorce.in.tMi;mill-up member, but~~tlie
:r to PIJiveiit ;.elaiiv~ moyement between tlle c~niP9ji~n~ " at jile ,~nd ;a.s .
tl1e Quiltiup.}g~mtxrr t!l,k!lsa curved $hape: ' . ' : : '",.
At the ends of buihup compression mcmbers bearing on base plates or milled surfac
es, aU components in colllact
biuing;v<iJu,ei how.~veii ;ipi!.ht\lt$ /n.1\StbC;J'ti;tl'l15i.odcd. The. i-eqii.ire
!IJeJ;1l:.f!)tJ;;li!s.s,-A, Qr,J~, ~aY.Wl\ $iuf~ces." $ not
a.bJiUt,up coinPfl'Ssi9tl: 1I)ernbe\' for tbefuU oomp~iW l6iithvith,.\liiIt,ii{l.
. ,Sh~..andi/)olt :~.'!iues. bal;cd

)' C .. Pl(..'!... '.,.

)' . 082
Witll one another shall be connected by a weld having a
length not less than the maximum width of the member or
by bolts spaced longitudinally not more than four diameters
apart for a distance equal to II f2 times the maximum width where
of the member. National Structural Code of the Philippines 6'" Edition Volume 1

Along the ICIlgih or buill-up cOlllprcssi()n members betwecn thl: l~ l1d connect
ions required above , longitudinal spacing for i!llCfm illCIlI welds or bolts sh
all be adctluatc 10 provide for the transfer of the rC<luirr.d forces. For limit
ations on the longilUdina! spacing of fasteners between clements ill continuous
conl<lct consisting of a plate and a shape or two plates, sec Section 510.3.5. W
here a component of a built-up compression member consists of an outside plcue,
the maximum spacing shall not exceed the th ickness of the thinner outside plate
ollc-half of Ihis di stance. The Ihickness or lie plll{cs sh<lll be not less tha
n onc-fiftieth of the distan ce between lines of welds or fasteners connecting t
hemtn !he. segments of the memhers. In welded construction, the welding on each
line connecting II tie plate shall toW I !l0l less than onethird the length of th
e plme. In bolted construction, the spacing ill the direction of stress in tie p
lates shall be not more than six diameters and the tic plates shall be con necte
d to each segment by at least three fasteners. Lacing, including nat bars, angle
s, chan neb, or other shapes employed as lacing, shall be so spaced Ihat the Ur
ratio of the flange included between their connections shall not exceed tiu'cc-f
ourths times the govcming slendemess ratio for the member as a who le. Lacing sh
all be proportioned to provide a sheari ng strength nonnal to ~,e axis of Ihe me
mber equal to 2 percent of the available compressive strength of the member. The
Ur ratio for lacing bars arranged in single systems shall not exceed 140. For d
ouble lacing this rati o shal l not exceed 200. Double lacing bars shall be join
ed at the intersections. For lacing bars in compression. I is pemlitted to be ta
ken as the unsupponed length of the lacing bar between welds or fasteners connec
ling it to the components of the built-up member for single lacing, and 70 perce
nt of that distance for double lacing. User Note: TIle inclination of lacing bar
s (0 the axis of~~ member shall ~referably be not less than 60 for si;',~L~: laci
ng and 45 for double lacing. When the distaij~ between the lines of welds or fas
teners in the f1ange~'iJ~l more than 380 mrn, the lacing shall preferablY';' IJA
double or be made of angles. .. ".<.:; For additional spacing requirements, sec
section 510.3.5.
505.7 Members with Slender Elements This secti on applies to compression members
with slender sections. as defined in Section 502.4 for unifonl1ly compressed el
tilnes O.7SJ 1~1 Fy , nor 305 mm, when intermittent welds arc provided along the
edges of the components or when fasteners arc provided on all gage lines al cac
h section. When fHslcnen; are staggered, the maximulll spacing on each gage line
shall not exceed the thi ckness of Ihe Ihinner oUlside plale limes 1.12JE/ F y
nor 460
mm .
Open sides of compression members built up from plates or shapes shall be provid
ed with continuous cover plates perforated wilh a succession of access holes. Th
e unsupported width of such plates al access holes, as defined in Section 502.4,
is assumed to contribute to the available strength provided the following requi
rements are mel:
The widlh-Lhickness ratio shall conform to the limitations of Section 502.4.
User Note: ]{ is conservative to use the limiting width/thickness ratio for Case
14 in Table 502.4. 1 with the width, b, taken 'as the transverse distance betwe
en the nearest lines of fasteners. The net area of the plate is taken at the wid
est hole. In lieu of tills approach, the limiting width thickness ratio may be de
tennined through analysis 2. The ratio of length (in direction of stress) to wid
th of hole shall not exceed two . The clear distance between holes in the direct
ion of stress shaH be not less than the transverse distance between nearest line
s of connecting fasteners or welds. The peliphery of the holes at all points sha
ll have a minimum radius of 38 mm.

The nominal compress ive strengt h, P", shal l be delerminctl based on {he limit
states of flexural, torsional and flexural torsional buckling. (505.7-1 )
a. when -KL $4 .71 ~E - r
As an alternative to perforated cover plates. lacing with tic plates js permitte
d at each end and at intennediate points if the lacing is interrupted. Tic plate
s shall be as Ilear the ends as practicable. In members providing available stre
ngth, tile end tic plates shall have a length of not less than the distance betw
een the lines of fasteners or welds connecting {hem to the components of the mem
ber. Intermediate tie plates shall have a length not less than
Association of
~ Q O.658/~ {)'
Engineers of the Philippines

h. when -KL > 4.7 1 - - '-. r QI';.

I~, = 0877f'~
(or r~,
For Ilangcs. angles. and plates projecting from bu ilt up columns 01' other comp
ression members:
< 0.44Q1'.,,)
whcn - ,; 0.64 - I
clas tic <.:ritical buckling stress, calculated
Q, = 1.0
h. when
(505.7-7) 0.64 - " < b/I ~1. 17 ~
using Equations 50534 and 505.4-4 for
and 505.4-5 for singly symmetric members, 41lld Equmioll 505.4-6 for unsYlllmcl
doubly sYlnll1ctric members, Equations 50,5..3-4
'k pJ,
I, ,.
members, except for single angles where F, is
calculated using Equation 505.3-4.
Q,=1.415 -0.6

and c,
( -' Ek(.
502.4, for uniformly compressed elements
noncompac( sections, as defined in Section
Q,fQ(I for
b/I > I. 17 -:!-\ 1- ,
sections. as defined ill Section 502.4, for uniformly compressed elements,
Ql =
O.90Ek ,.
User Note: For cross sections composed of only stiffened slender elements, Q Q,
(!2. = LO). For cross sections
composed of only stiffened slender elements, Q = Qa (Q, = 1,0). For cross sectio
ns composed of both stiffened and unstiffened slender elements, Q = Q, Q, . 505,
7.1 Slender Unstiffened Elements, Q, The reduction factor QJ for slender unstiff
encd elements is defined as follows:
where k =_ _ 4_ and shall not be laken less than 0.35 nor
, Jh1I:
grealer than 0.76 for calculation purposes
For single angles
when b ~ 0.45 -

For flanges. angles, and plates projecting from rolled

columns or olher co mpression members:
I F ,.
(505.7-10) (505 .7- 11)
when -~ 0.56 I
Q,. = 1.0
when 0.45 JE/ F, <b/ ISO.9IJE/ F).
Q, = 1.0
b. when O.56JtjF, <bll <l.03JE/F,
i '7 ) (F; =1.415-07\
when bIt> O.9 IJE/ Fy
Q = _._~~3E
,F ,(7)'
= full width of longest angle
(505 .7- 12)
Q., =
(,,)2 F Y I

leg, rulll.
For stems of tces
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6'" Edition Volume 1

CHAPTER 5 . Steel and Metals
whe n
~$().75 r~
For flanges of square and rccl 'lngul ar slender-element
{i ;.
seclions of uniform Ihickne" wilh
'f ~ 1.40J!j:
(505.7- 18)
Q . =1.0
when 0.75 -:- <d/I <; 1.03 - / 'y
. ' 1*
(505.7- 13)
Q, = 1.90S- 1 2{
when tI/ l > 1.03 0.69
' 1*
(505.7- 14)
/= P,/A'f!
:;: thickness of elemem. TllJl1 .
(505.7- 15)
3. For axially-loaded circular sections:

D 0. 11 - < - <0.45 Fy I f 'y
=width of ullstiffcned compression element, as = th e full llomi nal depth ortee
, mill .
defined ill Section 502 .4, mm .
) ~Q =..'l..038
Q ,
F,{D/l) 3
505.7.2. Slender Stiffened Elements, Q. The reduction factor, Qo for slender sti
ffened elements is defined as follows:
:;: out side diameter, mill . = walllhickness, mOl.
A ~1f
:;: total cross-sectional area of member, mm 2 . :;: summation of the effec tive
areas of th e cross
section based on the reduced effective width, be, mm2 .
reduced cffccH ve width, b", is de termined as follows: For uniformly cO l1wress
cd slender elements, with
~. ~ 1.49 fI, except
rectangular sections of uniform th ickness:
flanges of square and

f is laken as Fa will! Fa calculaled based on
Q= 1.0.
Association of Structulal Engineers of Ihe Philippines

and the nominal Ilcxural strength. M,I' shaH he dctcnnincd according to Sections
506.2 through 506. 12. This section applies to members slIbjec t to simple bend
ing about OIlC pJim:ipill Ilxis, For simple bending, (he member is loaded in a p
lane parallel to a plincipal axi s that passes througl~ the shea!" cCiHcr or is
restrained ngai nst twisting at load POJll!S and suppons , The .section is organ
The provisions in Ihis Secti on arc bnscd on the ass umption that points of supp
orl for beams imd girders arc rcslmincd against rotation abotH their longitudina
l axis.
The following teITI1S are commOiJ 10 the equations in this Scction except where
506.1 506.2 506.3
506.6 506.7
506.9 506.10 506. 11 506.12 506.13
General Provi sions Doubly Symmetric Compact l ~Shapcd Members and Chmmcls Bent
abou t Thei r Major Axis Doubly Symmetric I-Shaped Members with Compact Wcbs and
Non-compact or Slender Planges Dent about Their Major Axis Olher I ~ Shapcd Mem
bers with Compact or Noncompacl Webs Benl about Their Major Axis Doubly SymmclJ'
ic and Singly Symmetric 1Shaped Members wit h Slender Webs Bent about Their Majo
r Axis I-Shaped Members and Channel s Bent about Their Minor Axis Square and Rec
tangular HSS and Box-Shaped Members Round HSS Tees and Double Ang les Loaded in
the Plane of Symmetry Single Angles Rectangular Bars and Rounds Unsymmetrical Sh
apes PropoI1ions of Beams and Girders
lateral~torsional buckling modification fact or for nonuniform moment diagrams w
hen both ends of the unsupp ortcd segment arc braced
25M,,,,,+ 3MA +4M/J + 3Mc
R", $3.0
(506. 1-1 )
= absolute
value of maximum moment in the

unbraced segme nt, N -mm.

II ,
= absolute value of moment at quaner point of the unbraced segmenl, N-mm , = abs
olute value of moment at centerline of Ihe unbraced segment. N-mm . = absolute v
alue of moment at three-quarter point of the unbraced segment, N-mm, = cross-sec
tio n monosymmctry parameter = 1.0. doubly symmetric members = 1,0, si ngly symm
etric members su bjec ted to single curvature bending = 0,5 +
2(!.L)2, 1,singly symmetric mcmbers
User Note: For members not included iri this section the folibiiiing'sdlilins ~~
"ly: :: .. ; ., .:. 508.1-508.3 M,mbers subject to.biax;a!flexure or to co.jJiiinc
iUiexure and1lXi:iiirofee. "... . 508.4 . , .einbers subject to f1exure;~nd..tors
I, ',.("
SeCtion 507
oY ,
.. ,
. ..
subjected to reverse curvature bending = moment of inertia about the principal y
~axis, mm4. :: momenl of inertia abou t y-axis referred (0 the compression flang
e, or if reverse curvature bending, referred to the smaller flange. mm'l .
For guidanCe in determining tlw aiipropriates~tiOllS of tills section to apply, T
able User Note 506.1.1 may be used.
506.1 General Provisiolls
In singly symmetric members subjected 10 reverse curvature bending, th e lat era
l~t orsionaI buckling strenglh shall be checked for both n anges. The available
flexural strength shall be greater than or equal to the maximulll required Illo
ment causing compression within the flange under consideration G, is permined to
be conservatively taken as J.O for all cases , For cantilevers or overhangs whe
re the frec end is

The design fl exural strength , rp" M

nexura l strength, foll ows:
and the allowable
A111 If'l/>. shall be determined as
unbraced, C.
For all provisions in this Section
1'. =O.90(LRFq
fl.. = 1.67 (ASj
Nalional Structural Code of Ihe Philippines 61h Edition Volume 1

5-5 4
CHAPTER 5 - Steel and Metals
In Seclion 506
Cross Section
Web S len derness
Limit States
Y, L1'8
1--- T
-t-t--LJ C, NC,S

o eC. NC,S
N /A
506. 10
I _ ___ ~ ___ . -1=:.-- / ... "
506. "
Unsymmetrical shapes

All limit states

Y = yielding, LTD = laleral-Iorsional buckling, FLB ;, flange local buckling, WL
D yielding, LLB = leg local buckling, LB =local buckling, C =compacl, NC = non c
om pact, S :;; slender
= web local buckling, TFY =lension flange
Association of Stru ctural Engineers of the Fhilippines

User Note: For doubly symmetric members with no transverse loading between bnlce
po,ints, Equation 506.1 1 red uces 10 2.27 for the case of equal en d moments of
opposi te sign and to 1.67 when olle end moment equals
(506.2 4)
506.2 Doubly Symml'fric Compact ISlwpcd Members and Channels Bellt about their Ma
jor r"ix is
: : . modulus
of~ cla s tj ci t y
of' steel::: 200 oon MPa.
This section applies to doubly symmetri c Ishapcd mcmbers
and channels bellt about their major <IX is, havi ng compacl
= torsional conStam, 1111ll4 . ::: elastic section modulus taken about lhe x-axi
s, mm).
a l1d CO mptlCl
defined in Section 502 .4. User Nole: The square root tenn in Equation 506.2-4 m
ay be conservati vely taken equal to 1.0.
User Note: All current ASTM A6 W, S, M, C and MC shapes except W21x48, W 14x99,
W14x90, W1 2x65, WIO x I 2, W8x31, W8xlO, W6x15, W6x9, W6x8.5, and M4x6 have com
pac t fl anges for F, :5345 MPa; all current ASTM A6 W, S, M, HP, C and MC shape
s have compact webs al F ,.$450 MPa .
The limiting lengths L/,<llld L. arc determined as follows :
'-" =I. 76r,.
The nOllli n<l1 flexural stre ngth, M", shall bc the lower va l ue obta ined acc
ording to the li mit states of yie lding (plastic moment ) find latend -torsiona
l buc kl ing.
506.2,1. Yielding
M .. = M
E 4=1.95;,-_.
Jf-,-----o -.F,.

He I SA,
s/\,J-. - . \ 1+ \ 1+6.7{07/'; - .E
t.=F .,.Z.
(506.2-1 )
F. Z
yield stre ss of the t ype of s leel being used. MPa. = plastic sec ti on modulu
s abolll the x axis . mm '.
= specified minimuill
,= J',C" - -b
506.2.2 Lateral-Tors ional Bucklin g
I. When u. S L,.. thc limit Slale of lateral-torsiona l buck ling does n OI appl
y. When L
For a doubly symmetric Ishal'c: c= I For n c han nel:
< LJ. ~ 1...,
M" =C"[M,, -(M" -07l';.s,)(4, =L"J]~M" L, Lp
3. When L" > L.
= distance between the flange centroids, mm.
User Note: If the square root lerm in Equation 506.2-4 is conservati vely taken

equal to I, Equation 506.2-6 becomes

= length bl!lwccn points Ihat arc either braced against ]<ltem ] displacement of
comp ression flange or bra ced against twist of the cross section. IllIlL
Note Ulat this conservati ve.
Par dOHP!X sJ.ni'P~lIjc~-strape$ ,'~,;tb re~tangular flanges,
C . ~1;;'~~.~
4 'md tliusEqu alion506. 2-7 beCOfQes
1 11
National Structural Code of tile Pllilippines 6 Edition Volum e 1

Ap is the lilllillng. skndcrlu::-,:-,
I ~} r it
( (lmpaCI niUlge.
Tahle 502.4 . 1
may bc approximated accurately and conscrvi:UivcJy as the radius of gyration of
the compression fl anges plus OIlC.ixth of the web:
A'l::::: }')' is the lim iti ng :-. Icndcrncss ror it Illlil compact
!lange,Tahle 502.4 . 1
~_ 4~
and shal l nol he take n less {han 0.35 nor ~
grea ter tha n O.76.for cakul;uioll IHlrposcs.
506.4 Othn JShapcd J\1t'll1iJcrs with Com pHer or
NOIiCOllllwcl " ' cbs Bent <lho ut Iheir Major Axis
506.3 Doubly Symmetric I-Shaped
Slcnciel" FJangt's Dellt about
Thi s section applies to doubly
heir major axi s hewing com pac

Members wil h Comp:'lct \Vcbs and NOllcompact or

their Major Axis
symmetri c 1 - sll<tpcd rncmbcl":-' bent about t
t wehs and n Oll

This section <Ipplies to: (a) doubly symmetric 1- shaped members bent about thei
r 11l ,~or axi.s wi th nOll com pact wcbs; and (b) singl y sym metric Jshaped mcm
bers with webs
iHLached to the mid-wid th ' or the fl :m gcs, bent about their
major ax is. wi th COI11I>;l( t
in Sec ti on 502.4.
Or' nOll
compact wcbs, as defined
compilcl or slender Oanges as defined in SectioJl 502.4 .
User Note: The following shapes have non co mpact flanges for F,::; 345 MPa: W21
x48, WI4x99, Wl4 x90, W12x65 , WIOx l2, W8x31, W8x 10, W6 x 15, W6 x9, W6 x 8.5,
and M4x6. All other ASTM A6 W, S, M, and HP , hap"' have com pact flanges for F
,,::; 345 MP .
The nomina! ncxu ral strength , M 1/ ' shall he the lower the limit stat es or l
atcra ltors ional buckling and compression nange l oca l buckling.

User Note: I-shaped members for which lhis section is applicable Illay be design
ed conse rvatively using Seclion 506.5. The nominal Ilc xural strcngth , Mil, sh
all be the lowest value obtaincd according to the limit stal CS or compression f
hmge yielding. laleral -Iorsional huckling. com pression nangc local buckl ing a
nd tension nangc yie ld ing.
value obli.lincd accordi ng
506 .4.1 COIllJlression Flange Yieldin g
506.3.1 Lateral-TOI'sional Buckling
For lateral-torsional buckling, the provisions of Section 506.2.2 shall apply.
Mn =R,wM .w ::; R,K F., S.U
506.4.2 Laleral-Torsional fiu c kling
506.3.2 Compression Flange Local Buckling For secti ons wi th non co mpact fl an
\Vhen!J, ~ LJl. lhc li mit st:.1l e of lateral-torsional buck ling docs not ilpp
When L" <Lh :S: L
(506.0 -1 )
=+V1" -(~)1" -/).S,{~, = ~j]sJS.M"
Fo r sections wit h slender flanges
\Vh c n
4, > L
M /I .._ _ 0_ .9_E""k-'..,,_~x')..2
1'~, S\l :5
R ill
M ".

Association of Stru ctural Engineers of the Philippines

M " I S""S'
(50(, 4 4 )
=2" r .. -;:-/.6S"F, = das( ic section modulus referred [0 tensi ol1 lind co mpre
ssi ol1 nallgcs, rcsp l.!(l ivc!y. Illml
= h, / 1" = l p, the lim iti ng sle nderness for il compact web, Table 502.4 . ,
= /t, the li miting \Icmlcrncss for a nOllcolllJlilc t
web, Table :')02.4.
' or
!L < 0.20. J ell,I'lle t IkeIlaszcro
_ . i
The effec ti ve radi us of gyration j'ur la teral-torsiollal buckling. r( is det
ermined as follows :
'.\ '
The stress, Fl., is determ in ed as follows:
For I-sh apes with
rccwngular compression Oangc:
" ,or -.-~ Sn 0.7 I
I{ :;
(t\\ , : : = - -+ "" :.:,:, )
(506.4- 10)
For _.- <;;0.7 S.U
,: S" >05F\' r: 1.= \' - , - - '
. Src .
(506.4 6b)

"J ... brJ I'

(506.4 1' )
The limit ing latc rally ullbra ccd length for the limit stale yielding, L/I. is
bj <
compressi on flange width,
:;; co mpression lliinge thicknes s, mm
For I-shapes wit h chan nel caps or cover plates atlached the compression nange:
The limiting unbraccd length for the li mit stme of inelasti c lateral-torsional
buckling, Lr, is
f'-+' /=I;=6='.7=r{ =P =, ..=.s = .'= "'=1)=0,
\ E
The web plaslification factor, follows: NI,,:, is determi ned as
rad iuS of gyration of the flange components in flexural
hird of thc wel> area in compress ion due to application
moment alone, mm. ;;:: the ratio of' I wo times the web
e to appl icati on of major ax.is ben ding momcnt alone
pression fl ange components

compress ion plus one-t

of n1:ljor axis bending
area ill compression du
to the area of the co m

flange. t may be approximated accurately and conservatively as (he radius of gyra
tion of the compression flange plus one-third of (he compression porti on of (he
web; in other words,
User Note: For I-shapes with a rectangular compression r
(506.4 9a)
506.4.3 COlllpression Flange Locailluckling
L 2.
w here

For sections with compacl flanges . (he limit sla te local buckling docs 110! ap
ply. For sections wi th non co mpact flan ges
National Structural Code
or tl10 Pllilippines 61h Edition Volum e

C H APTE R 5 . Stcc-!I a ne! M e tals
} p ll'
= 11.11"
::: J.p ,t hc liJllili ng slende rness for
c.:ompilt:l web,
nOll l'olll pac!
defined in Tabl c 502.4. I ::: )' '-, 1he limit ing slc nde rn ess for ,veb. def
ined in Tahle 502.4 . 1
For secti ons wit h slende r flanges
O.9Ek,Sx.. '.
SUfI.5 Doub ly Symmetric ~llId Singly Syml1lctrk 1,
(506.4 - 13)
Shap ed Mcmbtl's with Slr lHlc r '""c bs Bent about their
Major Axis This scclioll applies 10 doubly sYllll11c lrk" 'IIH..I singly symmc(r
i c 1- slwpcd mc mbe rs wilh sle nde r webs aUl.Ichcd to Ihe mid-w idth 0 1" Ihe
!langes. be lli abou l Iheir 1I1:1j Ol" (IX is, as de fin ed in Secti on 502.4
Thc no mimll flex ural sifengih. M". shall be the lowes! value obt ained accordi
ng 10 (he lim il slates of compressio n n.mgc yielding, lalc ral-I o rsion al b
uck li ng. < :o lllprcssio ll llimge IO C'11 buckling and tens io n !la nge yie
ld ing. 506,5 . 1 C ompr ess ioll Flangc..' Yielding
RJ/< .
;:: defined in Equa tions 506.4 -6<1 ,md 506.4-6 b lhe wcn pl astifi cali o n ra
cto r. dete rm i.ned by Eqmlliolls 506.4-9
k,. =
<l nd s h.1I 1 nol he wken Icss Ih illl 0 .35 no r
v"/' .

greater thall 0 .76 fo r ca lc ulalion purposes

= (I',.J 2,fo)
:;; 1.1 1 ,the limiting slenderness fo r il cO lnpact Ilange, Table 502.4.1 = J.
,.,the limiting ' slenderness for <I Iloncompact Dange, Table 502.4. I
!tr1n ::;; Rpgr~\};.I'("
50fl.5,2 Latcral-Torsion;d Bu tk ling
(5065- 1)
506.4,4 Tension Flange Yielding
I. When
SXI ~ Sxc the l imit state of' tensioll fl <tn g<.~
I. Whe n U.
yi eldillg does not apply.
I '.
th e limil stale of late ra ltorsional
Wh e n
SX I < S.\'( .
(';06.4- 14)
buckling docs not apply.
M il ::: R,J,M yt
Wh c nL ,. <:. L/.S: L.
[ F .' - fO.:lF \ { /
I."''-1L,,)] S F '
. 1

The we b pl as tifi l:tIl io n faclOr corres po nd ing 1 0 Ihe tensio n Oangc yi
eldin g limit st ale, R I , is determi ncd as fol lows:
Whe n
LI~ >
L ,
w here
(506.4 15,, )
L I' is defi ned by Eq ual iO Il
S06.4 ~ 7
For ->11. 11 11'
I ".
= --) " - (M" [M
rA-A''' )J
L :::
M "
' R,i

O .7 /~\,
RIlf. is the bending stre ngth red uction fac!O r:
(506.4 - 15b) where
1200+300(1 \,.
(':.r.._' S.7
Association of Stru ctUrA l Engineers of the Philippines

SI()c f <lnd Metal
506.6 .1 Yieldin g
M" = M I' = F,.2,. $1.6FrS,.
= defined hy Equat ioll 506.4 - 11 hu t sha ll not
exceed 10 and
(506.6- 1)
506.6.2 Flange Local HUl'kling
= the erfective radius of gyration for late ral buckling as defined ill Sectioll
506.4 .
For Sections with compact Ilangcs the limit yield ing shaH appl y.
Slat e
506.5.3 ComI~rcssion Flange Local Bu ckling
(.'i06.5 -7)
Us~rN~J~: All curren! ASTM A6 W,S,M,C and MC shapes excepLW21i<48;W14x99, W14x90
, W12x65, . WIOx12, \V8x3!, W8xlO, W6xlS;: W6~9;,;W6x8!5; arid' M4x6 have compact ft
ingesal Fy =345 Mpa.
For sect ions wit h com pact flanges. the limit si ale of
compression Oangc local buck lin g does not apply.
For secti ons wit h nOIiCOlllpact flan ges
For sect ions with noncom pact flanges
Mn =M - (M -O.7F.s{ 2-;'"I )S M
P I'

'hI - ;'"I
(506.5 -8 )
(506.6-2) (506.6 -3)
wh ere
Por secti ons with sle nder flange sections
= 0.9k,.
(506.5 -9) (506 .6-4)
k = - - - and s hall no t be la ken less than 0.35 nor
; bit
calcu lation purposes i.rf
= Ap,the limiting slenderness for a co mpact fl ange,
Table 502.4. I
great er than 0, 76 for
= b,,I2I,c
= J.p, lhe limiting slenderness for a compact flange. Table 502.4. 1 = .J.r,lhe
limiting slenderness for a nO llco mpacl fl angc, Table 502.4. I
li mitin g slenderness for a Iloncompact
flange,Tab le 502 .4 . 1 = for a chan nel shall be taken as thcminimum
sectio n mod ulu s
J. lf
506.5.4 Tension Flange Vielding

506,7 Square a nd Rectangul ar HSS and Box-shaped Members

When SXI ~S:\'{. th e limit state of te nsioll flange yie lding doe s not apply.
When 5.rI<SXf"
Thi s secti on applies to square and rectangul ar !iSS. and doubly symmetric box
-shaped mCll1bcrs bent abou t ei th er
Hxi s, ha ving co mpact or non co mpact webs and co mpact, nOll co mpact or slen
der Ilangcs as defin ed in Section 502 .4 .
= r,.s u
The nomina l Ilcxura l strength. Mil, shall be the lowest val ue obt ai ned acco
rding III the lim it stales of yieldi ng (pJa:->tir mome nt ). nangc 10c.1I huc
kl ing amI web local buckl ing
un der pure I1 cxufc.
S06.6 1Shapcd Members and Chann els Bent ahout th eil'
Mino r Axis
This sec tion applies
5(1(, .7 .1 Yieldin g
I-sh aped mCmbCf!\ and channels bent
about their minor axis.
The nomina! ncxura l strength,
Mil =Mfl:;::: I~.z
(506-1- 1)
11111 " shall be the lower val ue
obtained according to the limit states of yieldi ng (plaslic moment) and flange
local buckling.
:::; plastic section
modul us aboll t the 'Ixis o f
bending, 111m'
N;l\ional Stru ctura l Code of tllE) Phil ippinc'ls GIll Edition

CHAPTER 5 . Steel and Metals
506.7.2 Flange Local Buckling
2. For compact sections, the limit state of Ibnge local
buckling does no.! apply.
For sections with non compact flanges
O.02IE. M" ~ -.. -~-- + l-y .1 [
MIFMI' -(MI' "-f;S 1ST - -4.0 "M1, . ,E
For sections with slender walls
{ "j?i'; )
For sections with slender flanges
F = 0.33E
S('jf is the effective section modulus determined with the
= clastic section modulus, mm)
effective width of [he compression flange taken as:
._10 ...[ JF,.
. - 1--- -,- "b

506.9 Tees and Double Angles Loaded in the Plane of Symmetry This section applie
s to tees and double angles loaded in the plane of symmetry.
506.7.3 Web Local Buckling
For compact sections, the limit state of web local buckling does not apply. For
sections with non compact webs
The nominal flexural strength, Mil> shall be the lowest value obtained according
to the limit states of yielding (plastic moment), lateral-torsional buckling an
d flange local buckling.
506.9.1 Yielding
(506.9-1 )
= FyZ;t
:::; 1.6M y for stems in tension
(506.9-2) (506.9-3)
:::; My for stems in compression
506.9.2 Lateral-Torsional Buckling
506.8 Round HSS This section applies to round liSS having Dlt ratios of less
tlao I -0.4510
Mil =Mcr
ff)ElyGJ [
(506.9-4) (506.9-5)
The nominal flexural strength, M'l'shall be the lower value obtained according t
o the limit states of yielding (plastic moment) and local buckling.
506.8.1 Yielding

(506.8-1 )
506.8.2 Local Buckling
The plus sign for J3 applies when the stem is in tension and the minus sign appl
ies when the stern is in compression. If the tip of the stem is in compression a
nywhere along the unbraced length, the negative value of B shall be used.
506.9.3 Flange Local Buckling of Tees
1. 2.
For compact sections, the limit state of flange local buckling does not apply. F
or non compact sections
(506.9-6) S xc the elastic section modulus referred to the compression flange. j
<~rdetermined as follows:
Association of Siructural Engineers of Ihe Philippines

Steel and Metal
I. 2.
For (.'olllpac t sections, the limit state or flunge local huckling docs not app
ly. For nOll comp.lcl sections
/',., = /'y 1.19 - (J.S(
. .[
{b Jfi' "J
i 21 i
--,. L
(506 .9 7)
A1/. the clastic latcral-Iorsi olwl buckling moment, is
). For s "~ ndcr sections
dCl c nnincd as follows:
F = 0.69E
For bending about one of tile geomeuic axes of all cqual(~r
leg angle with no lateral- torsional buckling I)10mCllI
With maximum comprcss ion at the IOC
506.10 Singlo Anglo, This secl ion applies to single angles with ilnd without
cOrltinuolls lateml rcstraint along their Icngth . h. With maximum tension at th
e toe
Single anglcs with continuous lateral-torsional restraint along the length shall
be pcnlliued LO be designed on the basis of geometri c axis (x.),) bending. Si
ngle anglcs without continuous Imeral-torsional restraint along the length shall
be designed llsing the provisions for principal axis bending except where the p
rovision for bending about a geometric axis is permitted.

066~;4/C~ ( I+ O.7(~ )+1)

My shall be taken ;\s 0.80 times the yield moment caJculalcd
using the geometric sectiorl modulus.
User Note: For geometric axis dcsign , use section
properties computed about the x- and y-axis of the anglc, parallel and perpendic
ular 10 the legs. For principal axis design use section properties computed abou
t the major and minor principal axes of the angle. The nominal flexural strength
, 111" shall be the lowest valu e obtained according to the limit Slates of yiel
ding (p lastic moment), lateral-torsional buckling and leg local buckling. 506.1
0.1 Yielding
User Note: M n may be taken as My for single angles will' their vcrtical leg lac
in compression, and having a span-todepth ratio less than or equal to
(!...)2 -1.4 F,.
b E
For bending .tbolll one of the geometric axes of an eq ual-l eg angle withlatera
ltorsional restraint at the point of maximulll moment ani),
J .25
M ,,= LSM,.
M,(506. 1 01 )
Me shall be taken as
limes M(, computed using
= yicld
mill .
1ll0mCIlI about th e axis of
bending, NEquation 506.104" or 506.1 04b . M .\. shall be taken <I!'; the yield moment calcu
lated using the
geometric section !llodulllS.
506.10.2 Lateral-Torsio"al Buck ling For single angles without comilluous latera
l-torsional restraint alon g the length (a ) When Mr 5; M,
For bending abou t Ihe rnajor principal axis of equal-leg angles:
M"JO.92-0. 17M')Mr
0.46b,,',2 CI,

(506. 10.2)
For bending llbout the major plincipal axis of unequal -leg angles:
when M t >M )"
Nalional Siructtlfal Code of tile Philippines 6 Edition Volwne 1

5 6?
CHAl'lTIl 5 . Sleel and Mela ls
M'f~~;lCb)( (pw'+oostJ)+p"')
(506. 106)
506.1 J Recta ngul ar 1I3rS and Rounds
'nl is section applies to rccwngular bars bent about either
geo metri c axis and round s.
Th e nom ina! flcxunl l stren g th , M ", shall he (he low('. 1"
value obtained according
the limit stales of yielding
(plastic moment) and lateral -torsional buck ling, :IS required.
= computed
using Equat ion 506. J" I
wi th
111111 ."
506.11.1 Yielding ..or rcc t'Ulgu l bar Wit ' I1 -L"d " 1Ir ,
maximum val ue of 1.5.
:: laterally un braced length of II member.
minor principal axis
of inertia, mm4 .
(J.08!i . - bent abou t tIlCl' r major
::;: radiu!i of gyralion for the minor principal axi s.
axis. rcctangular bars bent about thcir minor axis. and rou nds: (506.11- 1) 506
.11.2 Lateral-Torsiona l Buckling
= angle leg thickness , mm. = a section property for unequal leg angles, positiv
e for short legs in compression and negative for long legs in compression. If th

e long leg is in compression anywhere along the unbraced length of Ihe me mber,
the negative value o f shall be used.
0.08 L.d 1.9 ror reclang ular bars with - - < - - $ - - ben! F,. ,2 Fy about their
major axis:
User Note : The equation for
n the Commentary. 506. 10. 3
uckling applies when the toe
ions. the limit state of leg

3w and values fo r common angle sizes arc lis ted i

Leg Loca l Bu ckling The limit state of leg local b
of the Jeg is in compression . I. For com pact sect
local buckli ng does not apply.

M" =C.[1.52- 0.27 {LbdJF ~2' E My ~ M"

y b ]
(506.1 12)
For rectangular bars with -2- > -F bent abou t their
major axis; (506.1 1-3)
For sections with
110 n
compact legs
For sections with slender legs
(506. 10 8)
b S,.
:; ollt5ide width of leg ill compression, mill. = clastic section modulus to Ihe
toe in compression relative to the axis of bending. mm l, For
bending abou t o ne of the geometri c axes of an equa l-leg angle with no latera
l-torsional restraint , Sc s hall be 0.80 of the geometric axi s
secti on modu lus.

Associa tion of Structural Eng ineers of the Philippines

Steel and Meta:
docs not apply
F = 1.9EC" cr LlJd
(506. 1 J 4 )
For Full /'1 < Y, FyA fl>. the nomin al flexural strength. at
the locati on of th e holes in th e te nsion flan ge shall nol be taken greater
than :
= widlh of rec tangula r bar pcua llcl to axis o f
() bending, mill , ;;; depth of recwngular bar, in . mill , ;;; length between p
oillls Ihal arc either braced againsl lateral displ acement of the compression r
egion or braced agai nst (wist of Lhe cross section , in . mm. For rounds and re
ctangular bars bell( about their minor ax is , the limit stale of lateral*lorsio
nal budd i ng need not be consid ered.
F;/Afrl M" = -- S,
(506. 13 -1)
;::: gross tension fl ange area , calcul ated in accordance with the provisions
of Scclion
504 .3. I. 111m2.
AI'I ;;; net tension flange area, ca lculated in accordance
506.12 Unsymmelrical Shapes
This sec tion applics to all un symmetrica l shapes. except single angl es. The
nomin al flexural s trength, M n, shall be the lowest value o bt a in ed accordi
ng 10 the limit states of yield ing (yie ld moment), lateraJ*torsional buckling
and local buckling whe re
with the provisions of Section 504.3.2. 111m2. 1.0 for FIF, S 0.80
;::: 1.1 otherwi se
506.13.2 Proporlioning Limils for I Shaped Members Singl y symmetric I shaped memb
ers shall satisfy (he fo ll owing limit:

Mn =F"S
whe re S
O.I~/)'c ~0.9
I ).
(506.13 -2)
= lowest clastic modulus relative to the axis o f
1* shaped members with slender webs shall also sati sfy the following limits:
I . For ~"1.5
bending, mm 3.
506.12.1 Yielding
F" =F)'
506.12.2 LateraITorsiol1aI Buckling
(.!!..J I1\'
= I 1.7
V i~y[f
(506. 133)
-F. <F}' Fncr where
2. (506.123)
For ~ > 1.5
;;; buc kling stress for the section as dcte rmined by analysis. MPa.
(506. 134)
506.13 Proportions of Beams and Girders 506.13.1 H ole Reductions
This section applies to rolled or built -up shapes, a nd COVCI'* plated bea ms w
ith boles, pro portioned on the basis of flexural strength o f the gross secti o

n. In additi on to the limit slates specified in other sections of this sectio n

, the no minal flexural stre ngth,
;;; clear distance bet ween tran sverse stiffeners . mill
tn unstiffened girders IJI ... shall not exceed 260. 1l1C ratio of the web area
to the compress ion flange aren shall not exceed to.
506.13.3 Cover Plates
Flanges of welded beams or girde rs may be varied in thickness or width by spli
ci ng a series of plates or by the use of cover pl ates. The total cross-sectio
na l a rea of cover plates o f bolted
M'l shall
limited accordi ng to the limit state of tensile rupture of the te nsion Oange.
1. For Fit A/II 2: Y, F." AIe' the li mit state of tens il e rup ture
girders shall no' exceed 70 percent of 'he ,olal fl ange area.
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6"' Edition Volume 1

., .'"
CHAPTER 5 . Steel and Metals
High-strength bolls or welds co nnccting tlangc to web, or <.:ovcr plate to na n
gc, shall be propol1iollCd 10 resist the total horizontal shear resulting from t
he bendi ng forces on the girder. The longitudinal distri bution of these bolts
or inlcrmiucllt welds sha ll be in pro portion to the intensity of the she;IL Ho
wever. the longilIIdinal spacing shall not exceed the maximum pcmlitted for comp
ression or tension members in Section 505.6 or 504.4, respectively, Bolts vr wel
ds connecting fl ange to web shall also be propollioiled to tran.s mit to the we
b any loads applied directly to the flan ge, unl ess provision is made 10 transm
it such loads by direct bearing. Part iallength cover plates shall be extended be
yond the theoreti cal eUioff point and the extended portion shall be attached to
the beam or girder by hi gh-strength bolts in a slip-critical connection orfill
et welds. TIle attachment shall be adequate, at U,e applicable strength given in
Sections 510.2.2, 510.3.8, or 502.3.9 to de velop the cover plate' s portion of
the flex.ural slfength in the beam or girder at the theoretical cutoff
W hen there is ,I continuous weld equaJlO or larger !hnn th ree-fourths of the p
late th ickn ess l.Icross the end of the
(506. 135)
= width of cover plate, mill
When Ulcre is a continuous weld smaller than lhr('-cfo urths ortlle plate thickn
ess across th e end of th e plate
a' = L5w
(506. I 36)
When there is no weld across the end of the plate
a'= 2w
(506. 137)
For welded co ver plates, the welds connecting tlie cover plate termination to t
he beam or gi rder shall have continu ous we lds along both edges of the cover p

late in tile length a', defined below, ruld shall be adequate to develop U,. cov
er plate's portion of the strength of the beam or girder at the di stance a' fro
m the end of the cover plate.
506.13.4. Buill-Up Beams Where two or morc beams or channels are used side-by-si
dc 10 fonn a fl exu ral member, Lh ey shall be connected loget her in compliance
with Sec tion 505.6.2. When concentrated loads are carried from one beam to ano
ther, or distributed between the beams, diaphragms having sufficient stiffness t
o distribute the load shall be welded or bolted betw c(",u the beams.
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

Steel and Melal
h /I... 0; 224) Ej F ,.
This secti on :lddresses we bs of singl y or doubly symmetri c members subjec t
II) shear in the plane of the web. single anglcs and /iSS sC( lions. and shear i
n the weak direction of .singly or doub ly symme tric shapes. The secti on is or
gani zed as foll ows:
507. 1 507.2 507.3 507.4 507.5 507.6 507. 7 507 .8
,. = I .OCXLRFl1
0,. = 1.5QASLj
C,. =1.0
(507.2 -2)
General Pro vision s Members with Unsti ffe ned or Sl iffened Webs Tension Field
Action Single Angles Rectangu lar HSS and Box Members Round HSS Weak Ax is Shea
r in Singly and Doubly Synunctrk Shapes Beams and Gi rders wit h Web Openings
For webs of al l other doubly symmetric shapes and singly symmclJic shapes and c
hannels. except round
HSS, the we b shear coeffi cienl , C1" is determ ined as foll ows:
C,. =1.0
(507. 2-3)
b. For
507.1 General Provisions Two method s of calculating shear strength are presente
d below. The method presented in Sec ti on 507.2 docs not ulili ze the post buck
li ng strength of the member (tension field action). The method presented in Sec
tion 507 .3 utili zes; lension fi eld action. The design shear strength, vv,. , a
nd th e all owable shear strength , ~'/fJ... , shall be determi ned. as fo llows
UujV/Fy <lttw o; 1.37Jk.,E/ F y
C = 1.51E~.
For ,,/Iw
> 1.37)I<.,.E/1';.

(507. 2-5)
For all provisions in thi s section except Section 507.2. l a:
= 0.90 (LRFD)
=1.67 (ASD)
= the overall deplh times Ihe web thickness. mm2
507.2 M embers wilh Uns tilTened or StilTened Webs 507.2. 1 Nomin al Shea r S tr
ength This secti on applies 10 webs of singly or doubly symmetric members and ch
annels subject to shear in the plane of the web. The nom inal shear strength , V
", of unstiffened or stiffened webs, according to the limit stat es of shear yie
lding and shear buckli ng. is
The web plate buckling coefficient. k l . , is detennined as follows:
a. For unstiffened webs with
hit <260.
1<.,. =5cxeept for
the stem of lee shapes where kv ~ 1.2 . b. For stiffened webs,
k,. = 5 + (a/h)2
=5 when
a/ h > 3.0
v" =O.61';.A" . C,.
For we bs of rolled ' shaped members with
(507.2 1)
or alh>
260 ]2 [(lift... )
Nalional Siruciural Code of Ihe Philipp ines 6th Edilion Volume 1

5 66
CHAPTEfi S . Steel and Metals
whe re
c nd panel s in all membe rs wit h transverse Stiffcn crs;
members when
" II
= for built -up boiled sccti ons, the distance bctween
fastener lines, 111111.
= dear di stance between transverse st iffeners, lllln. = for rolled shapes, the
clear distance bclwecn llanges less the fillet or comer radii, mill. = for built
-u p welded sections, the clear distance be twccn fla nges, mill . .
2. 3.
exceeds 3.0 or 260/("/ ',,}';
2A w /(A lc +A ft 2.S; or
4. "/bl, or "/bl' >6.0
= for tces . the overall depth, mm.
= area of compression nange, mm
= a rea of tension flange, I11m
bfi. bff
= wid th of co mpress io n flange , m m
= w idth of te nsion
n ange.
m Ol
507.2.2 Transverse Stiffeners
Trans vc rse s tiffeners
1I 0 t
III these cases, the no minal shear strength,

V'P shall be
requ ired shear
de termined according to the provisions of Section 507.2.
507.3.2 Nominal Shear Streng th with Tension Field Action Wh e n tension field a
c ti o n is pe rmitted acc ording to Section 507.3.1, the no mi na! shear streng
th, VII' with tension field action, accordin g to th e limit state of tensioll
wh ere hi t I\" S 2. 46J
E JFy , o r
th e
rcqu ired
strength is less than or equal
the available shear strength
provided ill acco rdance with Section 507 .2. 1 for k I'
Tran sverse stiffeners lIsed to devclop the available web shear strength, as pro
vided in Section 507.2.1, shnll have a mom ent of incrtia abollt an axis ill the
web center for stiffen er pairs or about the face in contact with the web plate
for sin gle stiffencrs, whi ch shall not be less than at ;'. j, wh ere
field yielding, shall be
2.5 j = - - -nO.5
(al II)'
(507.3 I)
Transverse stiffene rs arc pennitted to be stopped sha n of thc tc nsion fl a ng
e, provided bearing is not needed to ;t ran smit a concentrated load or reaction
. The weld by wh ic h 1ransvcrse stiffe ne rs are 311ached 10 the web shall be
terminalCd lIot less than four ti mes nor more than six limes the web thic kness
from the ncar toe to the web-to-nange weld. When si ngle. stiffeners are lISed,
they shal l be attached to the compression fl ange. if it consists of a rectang
ular plate, to resist any uplift tendency due to torsion in the flange. When lat
eral bracing is altached to a stiffener. or a pair of stiffen ers, these, in tum
, shall be COlUlccted to the compression fl ange to transmit 1 percent of the lo
tal fla nge fo rce, unless the fl ange is co mposed o nl y of
'II,., > 1.1OJk,.E/ Fy
1'" =0. 6 F y A

h{C" + I
where kl' and
C,. arc as defined in Section 507.2. 1.
507.3.3. Transverse Stiffeners
Transverse stiffeners subject to tension field aclion sh ~;i :ncel the requ ire
me nts of Section 507 .2 .2 and the !"oHm, jog limi tat ions:
Bolts connecting sti ffeners to the girder web shall be spaced no t more than 30
5mm on center. l f imenlliHent fillet welds arc lIsed, the clear distance betwee
n welds shall not be morc than J 6 times the web thickness nor more Ihan 250 mil
l . 507.3 Tension Ficld Action
(b/t) t $ 0.56 .s \
. (-t.
507.3.1 Limits on the Use of Tension Field Action
Consideration of tension field action is pennitted for fl anged members whe n th
e web plate is supported on all four sides by flan ges or stiffeners. Considerat
ion of tens ion fi e ld ac ti on is not permitted for:
A,, >
~, [O. ISD,JtI".(I-CJ; - 1 8 t~.J;,() \ ("
= the width-thi ckn ess rati o of tile stiffener
Association of Siructural Engineers of the Philippines

Steel Hnd Metal
= srcl:i fir.::tl
1', D,
minimum yield stress of the stiffener
material. MPa. ;:; coeffki ent defined in Section 507.2.1 ;:; 1.0 for stiffene r
s in pairs
:: 1.8fof single angel stiffeners
F,., shall be the Jarger of
=- 2.4 for si ngl e plate stiffeners ;:; required shear strength at the locati o
n of the stiffene r, N.
= avai lable
507.3.2, N.
f'~r =--3
v,'/D." (ASD)
507.4 Single Angles
The nomi ll~11 shear strength. determined
lIsi ng
with V , as defined in Section

V,,, of a si ngle angle
leg shaJl be wi th
but shall not exceed 0.6F,
Equat ion
C" = 1.0, AI\' :: bl where b = width of the leg resi sting the
she ar force . mill and k,.:: 1.2 507.5 Re ctangular HSS and Box Members
The nominal shear strength. \I'll of rectangu lar HSS and box
wall gross area of secti on based on design thickness. mm 2. :=; outside diamete
r, mm. ::: the di stance from maximum to zero shear force,
I !
mClllbcn; shall be de termined us in g th e provis ions of = 2ht where h for th
e width resisting the shear force shall be taken a<; the clear distance between
the flanges less th e inside corner rad ius on each
Section 507.2.1 with A .design wall th ickness. equal to 0.93 limes the nominal wall thi ckness for ERW
HSS and equal 1 0 the nominal thickness for SA W HSS, mm .
side and '", = I and k l = S. lf the comer radius is not known,
It shall be taken as the corresponding outside dimension minus three limes the l
hi cluless.
507.6 Round HSS The nominal shear strength, Vn of rou nd HSS. accord in g to
User Notc: . The shear buckling equations, Equations 507.6-2a and 507:6-2b, will
control for Dlt over 100, high strength steels, and long lengths. If the shear
strength for standard sections is desired, shear yielding will usually control'
.' . 507.7 Weak Axis Shear in Singly and Doubly Symmetric Shapes For singly and
doubly symmelric shapes loaded in the weak ax is without torsion, the nominal sh
ear strength, V'I' for each shear resisting element shall be determined using A
=b f Equation 507.2-1 and Section 507.2. J(b) with w f! and k" = 1.2

I ,
i I ,
the limit Slates of shear yi elding and shear buckling, is
507.8 Bemns and Girders with Web Openings The effect of ali web openings 0 11 th
e no mina l shear strength of steel and composite beams sha ll be dctennilled. A
dequate reinforcement shall be provided when the required strength exceeds the a
vailable strength of the member at the opcning.
NaJionaJ Structural Code of the Philippines 6 'h Edition Volume 1

."!!!I ..
CHAPTER 5 . S leel and Melals
:::: su bscript relati ng symbo l .to stron g axis bendin g :::: subscript relat
ing symbol to weak axis bending
For design cH,;cording to Section 502.3.3 (LRFD )
This secti on addresses members subject 10 ax ial force and flexure abollt one o
r both axes, wilh or without torsion, and to members subject to torsion o nl y
The section is organi %;cd as foll ows: 508.1 508.2 508.3
Doubly and Singly Synunctric Members Subject to Flexure and Axial Force Unsymrnc
tric and Other Members Subjecl 10 Flexure and Axial Force Member.; under Torsion
and Combined Torsion, Flexure, Shear ;Uldlor Axial Force
Mr Me:
c b
= rcquired .txial !,;omprcssivc slrength lIsing U?FD load combinations, N . ::::
design <Ixiill compressive strength, determ ined in accordance wilh Secti on 50
5, N. = req uired fl exural strengt h usin g LRPD load com binations. Nmm. = bMIl=
design flexura l strength determined in accordan ce wi th Secti on 506, N~nml. :
::: resistance factor for co mp ress ion :::: 0,90 = resistance fa ctor for flex
ure;::: 0.90
For design according
Seclion 502.3.4 (ASD)
508.1 Doubly and S ingly Symmetric Members Subj ect
to Flexure and Axial Force
508.1.1 Doubly and Singly Symmet ric Members in
Flexure and Compression
The interaction of flexure and compress ion in doubly symmetri c members and sin
gly symmetri c members for which 0.1::;; (! )Ie / I y ) ~ 0.9, that are con stra
ined to bend aboul a geometric axis (x andlor y) shall be limiled by Equations 5

08. 1 1a and 508. I 1 b, where I yr the momenl of in ertia about the

:::: required axial comp ressive strength usin g ASD load combinations, N. ::::
P,IQI.::::a lJ owable axia l comprcssive strength, dctermincd in accordance with
section 505, N, :::: required flexural strcngth using ASD load co mbin at ions,
N-mm , =MnIQb:::alJowab le flexural strength determined in accordance wi th sec
tion 506, N mm. = safety factor for compression:::: ) .67 = safety factor fo r fl
exure = 1.67
referred to the compression flange,
USer. I)lQI~; .SectiQI.15!J8Q,ispcPnitte<!to ~ usC<! ill:lieu of the ~Visi~~;(jf
{tbtS~8Cctj6li: j~I~:\n~;-~:~;;~.I ' .. ~:}'-:~;-., ~-;.;:. ,!:,.:. :, ; -.; .508.1,2 Doubly and Singly Symmetric M e mb er s in Flexurc and Tension The inter
action of flexure ~U1 d lension in doubly synunctric members and singly symmetri
c members constrained to bend about a geometric axis (x and/or y) shall be li mi
ted by Equalions 508. I . I a and 508.11 b,
For design accord ing to Seclion 502.3.3 (LRFD) P, (508.11a)
2. For - ' < 0.2
(508. 1 I b)
!5...+(M" + MoJS I.Q 2Pr Mn Mcy
= required tensile strength using LRFD load combi nalions, N. = ,Pn::::design ten
sil e stren gth, determined in accordance with Section 504.2, N. = required fl e
xural strength lIsing LRPD load combinat ions, N~mm. :::: bM,,::::design flexura
l st re ngth determined ill acc ordance with sectIon 506, N ~ll1ll1, = resistanc
e fact or for tension (see Secti on 504.2) : : resistance faclor for flexure::::
For do ub ly sy mm et ric members, C b in section 506 may
:::: required axial compressive strength, N, ;:: avai lable axial compressive st
rength, N. = required flexural strength, Nmm. = available flexu ral strength, Nmm.
be increased by

p I +_11
for axial tension that acts
concurrently with flexure, where
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

Steel and Metal
For design according to Sec tion 502.3.4 (ASD) 1'1'
M.o ).
= available compressive sirength out of the plane of bending. N. = available Oex
ural -torsional strength for strung axis n cxurc determincd from sec tion 506. N
::: req uired t cn~ il c strengt h us ing AS!) load combinatio ns, N. = P,I!2 I
=a ll owable te nsil e stre ngth , dete rmined in accorda nce wi th Sec tion 504
.2. N. ::: requi red fl exural stre ngt h us ing ASD load combinations, Nmm. = Mn
/Db=allowable flexuraJ strength determined in accordance with section 506, N-mm.
::: safelY factor for tcnsion (see Section 504.2) = safety factor for nexure =:
: 1.67
If bending occ urs only abou t th e weak axi ~, the momen t ra ti o in Equa<ion
508 .1-2 shall be neglected.
For members with significant biaxial moments (MrlMr 2: 0.05 in both directions),
the provisions of Section 508.1.1 shall be followed . 508.2 Unsymmetri c and ot
he r Membe rs Subject to
Flexure and Axial Force
This section addresses the interaction of flexure and axial stress (or shapes no
t covered in Section 508.1. It is permitted to use the provisions of this Sectio
n for any shape in lieu of the provisions of Section 50S. I .
rol' doubly symmetric members, C b in section 506 may be
incrcased by
1+ 1.5P'1
for axial
ten sion that acts
concu rre ntl y with fl exure where where
(508.2 1)
A morc detailed analysis of the inte raction of fl exure and tensio n is permj t

ted in lieu of Eq uations 508.1- 1a and 50B.I - Ib.

= requ ired axial stress at the point of consideration,
= available axial stress at the point of
consideration, MPa.
508.1.3 Do ubl y Sy mme tric M e mb er s in S in gle Axis
F lex ure and Compression
For doubly symmetric members in flex.ure .Uld compression with moments primarily
in one plane, it is perm.issible to consider the two independent limit SLates,
in-plane instability and out-oC-plane buckling or flexural torsiollal buckling, s
eparately in lieu of the combined approach provided in Section 50B. I. I.
fb ... JlJ:
= required flexura l stress at the point of
conside ration, MPa. Fb. .~Fb~ = available flexural stress at the point of
considerat ion, MPa. = sUbscripl relating symbol to major principal axis bending
= subscript relating symbol to minor principal axis bending
For the limit stale of inp lane instability, Equations
50B.1.I shall be used with Pc, M c. and Me determined
in the plane of bending.
For design according to Section 502.3.3 (LRFD)
For the limit state of out-of-plane buc kling
-;!-+ P (--' M J' ~ l .O M
fb ....fb ~
Fb ...., Fb1
axial st ress usin g LRFD load combin at ions. MPa. =desig n axia l s tress, det
ermined in for accordance with sec t ion 505 compression or Section 504.2 for te
nsion,MPa . = required Oexural Slress at Ihe specific locat ion in the cross sec
ti on using LRFD load combinations. MPa. = ;bMnIS=design flexural s tress deter

mined in accordance with s ection 506, MPa . Use the section modulus for the spe
c ifi c location in the cross section and consider the sign of the stress.
= req uired
= res istance factor for compression := 0.90
National S tructural Code of the P hilippines 6'h Edition Volume 1

CHAPTER 5 - Sleel and MOla is
;::; resistance faclOr for tension (Section 504 .2) =rcsist<lncc factor for flex
ure == 0.90
. F
For design "ccording 10 Seclion S02.3.4 (ASD)
" fEe:):
1.23E =--.---(50~ . 3
;: required
us ing
fb ..Jbt
co mbinations. MPa = FrIDt' ::: ililowable axial stress determined in :'lcconJan
cc with section 505 for compression, or Section 504.2 for ten s ion, MPa _ ;::;
required flexural stress at the specific locati on in the cross section using AS
D load combinations.
and (508.32b)
but shall not exceed 0.6F)" where
rb .... Fbl

M" / Q~' = allowable flexural slress detcnnincd in

I !
Q, Q"
accordance with section 506, MPa. Use the section modulus for the specific locat
ion in the cross section and consider lhe sign of lhe stress. ;:; safety factor
for compression = ).67 =safey faclor for tension (Section S04 _2) ;::; safely. f
actor for flexure;::; 1.67
L D I.
:=; length of the member, 111111 . = ou tside diameter, mill.
For rcctangular !iSS
a_ For h/T$ 2A5JEf F,
(508.33) h . For 2ASfE/ F,. < II/T S 3-07JEri~
Equation 508.2-1 shall be evaluated using [he principal bending axes by consider
ing the sense of the fl ex ural stresses at the cri tical points of the cross se
ction. The nexura l terms are either added to or subtracted from the axia l tcrm
as appropriate. When the axial force is compression. second order effects shall
be included according to the provisions of secti on 503.A more detailed analysi
s of the imeraction of nexure and tension is-pcnniUed in lieu of Equation 508 .2
- J.
50S.3 Members under Torsion and Combin ed Torsion,
F" = 0_ 6F!. (2.4SJEj Fy
For 3_07
JE/ Fy < hiT S 260
=OASSn' E/(h/T)'
.she~r . con~\lIu~
Flexure, Shear and/or Axial Force
50S.3.1 Torsional Strength of Round and Rectangular HSS The de sign torsional st
rength , rpr~,. and (he allowable torsional strength. Tn/fl r for round and recta
ngular HSS sha ll be detennined as follows:
(SOB.3 -S )
User, Note! - 1"1!e torsional
con_se!'Y~~v~!y t.I\k~/l-.aS: .. "" -

. '.,. ",' -itf.p ..:. tf,.t

Foq round HSS :
For' l'&WigliJaf HS~-:;
(ir =0.90 (LRFD)
Q r =L67(ASD)
-.; 2;;).{}j.'. ,Xif -iXi-4W:.."jt'.'
508 _ 3.2 HSS Subject to Co mbin ed Torsion, Shear,
The nomina l torsi ona l strength. Til according to th e limit states of torsion
al yieldin g and torsional buckling is:
(508_3 J)
Flexure and Axhll Forct'
When the requi red torsional strength. 7~. is less thall 01 equal to 20 pcrcellt
of the avai labl e torsional strength.
where C is the HSS torsional constant shall be determined as follows:
Tc .the interaction o f tors ion, shear, nexure and/or axial
force for HSS shall be determ ined by Section SOB_I and Ole torsional effects sh
all be neglected . When exceeds T" percent of
1_ For round HSS, Fa shall be the larger of
Te the interaction of torsion. shear, flexure and/or
axia l force shall be limited by
Association of S tructura l Engineers of the Philippines

Steel and Metal
(50X.3 -6 )
508.3.3 Slrength of Non-HSS Members under Torsion and Combined Stress
The design torsional slrellglll.lPTI~1' and (he .lIlowablc IOrsional strength. I~
JQT' for llonHSS members sha ll be the !owest value obtnined according to the lim
it states or yield ing un der norm al stress, shear yieldillg under shear
stress, or buckling, de termin ed ;]s follows:
For design according 10 Seclion 502.3.3 (LRFD)
= required
combinations, N. = ,pPII design tensile or compressive strength in accordance wi
th section 504 or 505. N. == required flexural strength using LRPD load
tPr =O.90(LRFD)
=1.67 (ASD)
For the limi t stale of yielding under normal stress
combinations. N-mm. bMIl,design flexural strength in accordance
using LRFD load 2.
with section 506, N-Illm. : :;: required shear strength combinations, N.
For the limit state of shear yie lding under shear stress
= design = required

shear strength ill accordance wi th

F" = O.6Fy
or the lim it Slate of buckling
seclion 507, N.
torsional strength using LRFD load combinations. N-Il1:m. : :;: design torsional
strength in accordance with
Section 508.3 . 1. Nmm.
where ::: buckling stress for the section as determined by analysis, MPa. Some c
onstrained local yielding is permitted adjacent to areas that remain elastic.
For design according 10 Seclion 502.3.4 (AS D)
P, : :;: required axial strength using ASD load combinations, N. = P,1D, allowab
le ten sile o r compressive strength
in accordance with section 504 or 505, N. = required flexural strengtll using AS
D load
combinations detemlined in accordance with Seclion 502.5, N-mm. ::: M,/D1 Oexura
l strength In " allowable accordance with section 506, N~l1lm. ::: required shea
r strength llsing ASD load
Me V,
combinations, N.
::: allowable shear strength in accordance with seclion 507, N. ::: required tor
sional strength using ASD load combinations, N-mm. :::: T,/DT allowable torsiona
l strength in accordance with Section 508.3. 1, N~mm .
National S lruclural Code 01 the Philippines 6 'h Edilion Volume 1

5 72
CHAPTER 5 . Sicel ilflU Metals
l'OIKr~t l'
Thl' s tr~ss' ~ l r a ili rcl;Hi ollsh ips for stccl <l nd shall he ohwilll'd ff
Olll tes ts or from publis hed results fnr s illli !ar ma terial s.
This sc<.: tion ac.h.Jrcsxes composite columns com posed or roll ed or buill-up
struclUral steel shapes or HSS. and strucltlral co ncrete acting togclher. and s
tcel heams supp0l1ing a reinforced conc rete slab so intcrconn ected that the be
ams .1I1 d the slab tiCI toge ther to resist hcndillg. Silllple and cOJ}li'lu(}u
S composilc beams with shcar connectors and concrctc-encased bemns. constnti;ted
with or wil hout temporary shores. arc included . The scction is organized
509. 1 509.2 509.3 509.4 509 .5
User Note: The Slrain compalibility method should be us:e.i" 1 0 determine nomin
al strength for irregular sections a nd for cases where tbe "eel dO eS not exhib
it e)a,'to-pJW).~ behavior. General guidelines for the slrain-compatibiUfh tnedl
Od fO'r encased columns are given 'ip 'AISC De~rg-Ir Guide6 alld ACl31 8 Scclion
s 10.2 and 10.3. '?("
509.1. 2 Material Limitatiolls
Concrete and ~ I cd reinforc ing bars in c.:()lllposi{~ sys tems 511<111 be subj
ect \0 the fo llowi ng lilll ililliolls.
General Provisions Axial Members Flex ural Members Combined Axial Force mnl Flex
ure Special Cases
For the determi nation of the availablc strength. COnCrete
shall have:1 com pressive stre ngt h f,~ ornot less than 21
MPa nor morc than 70 MP" for normal weight concrete and not le.'\ s th an 21 MP"
nor more than 42 MP" for light weight cOI1<.:rcte. User Not.e:. Higher strength
cqncrete materials lTliIY be us"q. for stiffness calculations but may not be re
lied ,Jlp~.n JiiF strength calculations unless juslified by testing or analysis.
509. 1 General IJrovisiolls
In dctennining load effec ts in mcmbers and co nnec ti ons of' <I stru cture tha
t includes composite members, co nsideration shall be given to the effcctive sec
tions at the lime each increment of load is applied. The design. detailing and m
ate ria] properties related to Ihe concrete and reinforcing steel portions of co
mposite const ruction shall comply with the reinfo rced co ncrete and rei nforci
ng ba r design specifications stipulated by Ihis code. In the absence of a build
ing code, the provisions in Chapter 4 shall apply.
509.1.1 Nominal Strength of Co mpos ite Sections Two Inethods .ne provided for d
ctcnnining the nominal strength of composite secti ons: the plastic stresS distr
ibuti on method and the strain -compatibility method. The tensile strength or th
c concrete shall be neglccted in th e determinat ion of the nomin:ll strength or
composi te mC lllbers. 509.1.13 Plastic Stress Distribution Method
2. The specified minimum yield stress or s tru c tural stecl a nd reinforcing ba

rs lIsed in calculating the strength of a compositc colum n shall not exceed 525
Hi ghcr material strengths are permi llcd when their use is justified by testi n
g or analysis.
User Note: AdditiolHll reinforced concrete materia'l~ limitations are specified
in Chapler4.
509.1.3 Shear Connectors Shea r connectors shall be headed sleel studs not less
than four stud diameters in length after installation, or h ot ~rolkd steel chan
nels. Shear stud design values shall be taken as p. r Secti ons 509.2. 1g and 50
9.3.2d (2). SlUd connectors sh;.; i conform to the requirements of Section 50 1.
3.6. Cham:d connectors sh<l ll conform to the req uire lllclHs of Sec(lu ll 501.
3. 1. 50Y.2 Axial Members This sect ion applic!-. to two types of composi te axi
al members: cncased and filled secti ons.
For the plastic stress distribution method. the nominal strength shall be compu
ted ass uming th at steel components ha ve reached a stress of F \' in either te
nsion or co mpression and concrete co mpon ent s ill co mpression have rcac hed
a stress of 0. 85/; For roun d HSS fillcd w ith concrete, it stress of' 0.95/c is
pCI111illed to be used for concrete components in uniform compression to accoun
t ror the errects of concrete confi nemcnt.
509 .1.1b Strain-Compatibilit y Method
For the strain compatibility mClhod, a linecu' distribut ion or strains across t
he section shan be assumed . with th e maximulIl concrete co mpressive strain cq
ual 1 0 0.003
509.2. 1 Encased Composi te Col umns
509.2.1.1. Limitations To qualify as an encased co mposite col u111 11, lhe foJ!
;~~';;; ..: limitatio ns slwll be met:
Association of Structural Engineers o f tile Philippines

The cross-seetio/wl area of' the steel core shall cornprisc
aI least I percent of rhe total composite cross section.
= area of th e steel section, 111 m2
Concrete cnr,lsc mc nl
th e steel core shall be
reinforced with cOlltinuous longiludilll1l bars illld latent! lics or spirals .
The minimum transverse reinforcement shall be at lcast 6 mm 2 per mm of lic spa
ci ng .
bars, mm 2 :::; modulus of elasticity of cOll crelc
= are a of concrete. mm 2 = area o f co ntinuoll s reinforcing
( 004 3",:5
jZMPa )
The minimulll rcillforccmcn(
for continuoll s
== modulu s of elasti city of slee! :::; 2 10 MPa.
longitIJdinal reinforcing, P.I"/"' shall
be 0.004. where
= specified compressive strength of concrete,
MP,. = specified mi nim um yield stre ss of steel section. MP . :=; specified min
imum yield stress of reinforcing bars. MPa . = mo ment o f in e rl ia o f th e c
o ncr e te
sec ti o n , mill
PSr' is
given by:
1 P . , - 1\

wh ere
A'i Ag
::; area of continuQu s reinforcing bars, 111m2 ;; gross CIrca ofcomposilc membe
r, mm 2
I" K
509.2.1.1 b Compressive Strength
The design compressive sirenglh , cf!p and all owabl e
compressive strength,
P,JQ c ' for axially loaded encased
moment of inerti a of steel shape, mm-l 4 moment of inerti a of reinforcing bars
, mm =thc effective length factor determined in accorda nce with Secti on 502 =
laterall y unbraced length of the member, mill = wei ght of concrete per un it v
olume (90S we S I 55/bs/ filo, 1500S we S 2500kg/m l )
:=; :=;
composite columns shall be determi ned for the limit state
of fle xural buckling based on column slenderness as
:;:: effective stiffness of composi te section.
<Pc =0.75 (LRFD)
When p,
n., =2.00 (ASD)
(50 9. 2-2)
N_mm 2
EJ,jJ = E, I, +0.5E, I" +C,Eel e (5 09.2-6)
0.44 p ,
P" - Po 0.658

CI ~ O . I +2 (
A(' + A ,
) ~ O .3
When Pe <0,44Po
509.2.1.1 c Tensile Strength (509.2-3 )
P" =0.877p"
The design tensile slrength,
4>1 P'll and
allowable tensile
strength , Pn / Q./ I for encas ed composite columns shall be determined for the
limit state of yielding as
(509.2 -8)
12, = 1.67 (ASD)
509.2.1.1<1 ShclIr Strength The avail3ble shear strength shall be cal culat ed b
ased on eithcr the shear stre ngth of the steel secti o n alone as specified in
Secti on 507 plus the shear strcngth provided by ti c reinforcement, if present,
or the shear strength of the reinforced concrete portion alone.
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

5- 74
CHAPTE n 5: - Swel and Melals
User Note:. The nominal shear strength of tie reimfprcel1lQQt rnay~e<itt~mll~e.d
.s>,4"t"'iJ4jf),w~iflt.f4~ii;;jiii~; ~~~\t
of tie reinforgernent, dis ' the-'effective .; depth of the concrete ' "seetion,
'" and . 'so' is':" 'ih6' ,. s~iidrig ::, of' the . tie reinforcement. The ' shear
dlplidt)f of reinforCeil ' concrete may be determined according to ACr 318, Cha
pter 11 . 509.2.1.1 r Load Transfer Loads applied to ilx ially loaded ellc<lscd
composite columns shall be trilllsfcrred between the sleel ilnd concrete in tlcc
ord'lJlcc wi th the following requircmcnt s:
When (he extcrnal force i s applied directly (o the stee! section, shear connect
ors shall be provided to transfer th e required shcar force, V', as follows:
encased composite column above an d below th e IO;JfI tnm sfcr region. The ma xi
mum connector spacing :-!1:1!1 h , ~ 405111111. Co nnectors (0 transfe r ax ial
IO~ld shall be placed on :\~ k:!:.;! two faces of the steel shape in a configura
tioJl symn](.'lric,d about the steel shape axes.
!~ . the composite cross section is built up from Iwn or morc encased stcel shap
es, the shapes s 1 ~:l !l i ... interconnected with lacing, tic plates, ballcn p
l<tles or simil;l[ componcn ts 10 prevcnt buc kling of individua l shnpcs dii (:
i.) load.5 applicd prior to h ~lfdeni ng of the concrete.
1" =V(I - AJ F.).
/p )
509.2. L 1g Strength of Stud Shear Connectors The nominal strength of one slUd s
hear connector el1l h ~{i ._ ; c( : in solid conc rete is:
where :::; required shear force introduced 10 column, N. :::; arca of steel cros
s sec ti on, mill:! :::; nominal axial compressive strength without consideratio
n of length effects, N.
Q, =05As<);;:t~
whe re
(5092 i 2)
Wh en thc external force is app li ed direcUy to thc concrete encasement. shear
co nn cctorS shall lx~ provided to transfer the required shear fo rce, V', as fo
(509.2- 1 0)
:::: cross Mscc li onal area of stud shear co nnetl or, liH,,: :::; specified mi
nimum tensile strength of it !i 1\Jd shear connec tor, MPa.
509.2.2 Filled Composite Columns 509.2.23 Limitalions To qualify as a fill ed co
mposite column the fo!1 o\'.. -:: limitations shall be rnet : The crossM scction

al area of the steel /iSS shall least 1 percenl of

I. The low l composi tc cross secli on.
, j
When load is applied to the concrete of an encased composite colum n by direct b
earing the desig.n bearing stren gt h, lnPp' and tile allowable bearing st rength
pp /fl./J' of the co ncrete shal l be:
comp; ~ ~,~ :H
(509.2-1 1)
Ii = 0,65 (LRF~
Q Il =2JI(ASD)
2. The maxim um bit rati o [or a rec tangu lar I-ISS \ a compositc column sha!1
be cqlwi
2.26J E/ F. r .Hi gher ratiO,S are permitted whe~
is justified by tes ting or analysis . .,'.
:::; louded area of concrete, mm:!
509.2.1 . Jf Detailing Requirements 1\( Icas t four continuo us iongilUdinal re
infnrcing ha rs shall be lIsed in encased co mpos it (' columns . Transve rs . .
rcinforcemcllI s hall bc spaced at the slll al lc:st or 16 longi llidill al hal
" diameters. 4g tic btu di;UllCICI"S or 0.5 times lhe leasl dimcnsion of the co m
posite sec ti on. Tht e!lcasemcnt shall pro vide at IcaM 38 mill of' clear cover
to thc re info rcing steel.
The maxim um D/, ratio for a rollnd !i SS fii! \" l co nc rete shall he O. I 5 E
/ Fy . Highr.r ra:i, permilled whe n th eir use is j ustifil!d by tlIlillysis.
509.2.21> Compn.'ss h 'c St reng th The dc."igll (':olllprcs~ivc strength, tPl.I
~ I ' tUld il li\i\\,tblc
Shear con ncc tors :-oha ll be provided 10 Irall sfc r th e required shea r forc
e specified in Sect ion 509.2 . Ie. The shear connectors shall be distribut ed a
long th e length of the member at leas t a distance or 2.5 times the depth of th
co mpressive st rcngth, Pit / 0.1"' for ax ially IO:H[": (:omposiic colum ns sha
ll be det ermin ed for thc.li m:l . ..:..' ...,1 ncx ulIll buckling based on Sec
tion 509.2. Ih '. ;1i.followi ng modificcltions:
(51}) ..' i ,j
Association of StructlJral Ennineers of the Phil ippines

CHAP H . n !j
Steel and Melal
5 7!,
::::: 0.85 I'm reclangular sec ti ons ;l lld 0.95 for circular sccli om;
(509.214 )
it distance or 2 .5 limes the width of a rectangu lar HSS or 2.5 ti mes the d im
l1CICr pf a rotlnd HSS hoth abo ve ilnd below the load tnill sfc r region . '111
C maximu m connect or spacing Shllll he 40SIllJll . .
member at least
c, =06+ 1-~)$0.9
. lAj"+A.\.
509.2 .2c. Tensile Strength
509.3 Fltxural Mcmh crs (5092 15) 509.3.1 General 509.3. 1:1 Effective Width The
effective width of (he conc rete slab is the sum of the
effective widths for each side of the beam centerline, each
The design tensile strength. $(~" and allowable te ns ile
P" jn ,. for
fi ll ed com posite columns shall be
of whic h shall
dClCnnincd for the limit siale of yield in g as:
one-eighth of the beam span , center-Io-cen ler of
(509.2. 16)
2. 3. one-half th e distance to th e cente rlin e of the adjacent beam : or the
di stClllcC to the edge of the shib .
, =O.90(LRF!i
S09.2.2d Shear Strength
n, = 167 (ASD)
The available shear st rength shall be c<l lculalcd based 0 11 ei ther the shear
strength of the steel secti on alone .(I S specified in Section 507 or the shea
r strength of the reinforced concrete portion alone.

User Note: The shear strength of reinforced concrete may be determined by AC13 1
8, Chapter 11. 509.2.2e Load Transfer
509.3. 1 b Shear Strength The avai lablc shear strength of co mposite bC;Jllls w
i th shear co nnectors shall be determined based upon the properties of th e ste
el sect ion alon e in (lccordance with Section 507 . The available shear st reng
th of concrete-encased and fill ed com posite members shall be deterrn ined base
d upon th e properties of the :){ccl sec tion alone in accordance with Section 5
07 or based upon the properties of the concrete and longi LUdi nal stcci rei nfo
rcement. User Note: Thc shear strength of the reinforced concrete may be detemli
ned in accordance with ACI 318. Chapter 11. 509.3.1c S trength During Cons truct
Whe n temporary shores are not used du ring constructi on, the steel sec tion al
one shall have adequate strength to support all loads app lied prior L O the co
ncrete attaini ng 7S
Loads applied to filled composite columns shall be transferred between the steel
and concrele.. Wh en th e ex ternal force is applied either to the steel sectio
n or to the concrete infill, tran sfer of force from the steel sec tion to the c
oncrete co re is required from direct bond interaction, shear connecti on or dir
ect beari ng. The force transfer mechan ism prov iding the largest nominal stren
gth may be used. Th ese force transfer mechanisms shall not be superimposed.
When load is applied to th e concrete of an encased or fi lled compo!)ite column
by direct bearing th e design bearing strength, ' 8 Pf!' an d the allowable bear
ing strength,
p"ln.n of th e co ncrete shall be:
(509.2 17)
pe rcent of its specified strength .The avail able llexural strength of the stee
l sec ti on shall be determined according to Section 506.
509.3 .2 Strength of Co mpo s ite Beams
0." ~ 23 I(ASD)
50 9.3.2" Posi tive Flexura l Strength
The desi gn positive fl ex ural strength, ~bMI1 ' and th e
all owable positive fl exu ral strength, M,)D.1pshali be dete rmined fo r the li
mit slale of yielding as foll o ws:
= lhe loaded area, 111m2
509.2.2f Detailing Requirements
Where required, shear connectors transferring the required s hear force shall be
distributed along the length of the
National Structura l Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

CHAPTE n 5 . Steel and Metals
M" shall be dctcnnined from the plastic strl!S~ di stribution
Oil Ihe: composite secti on for the limit slate of yie ld ing
wi th welded slUd sheilI' connectors It) mill or less in diamcter (A WS D 1. 1).
SlUd~ shall be welded either through the deck or dircl: tly 10 the steel l:n>ss
sectioll. St ud shear COllncl:lUrs, 'Ifler inslall;uiun. shall cxtend 110{ less
than 38 IllI11 above the lOp of the steel de ck (!Ild there shall be at leasl 1
3 mill of concrete COver above the (OP of the installed slluls. c. d. Thc slab t
hickness above the steel deck shall be
th an 50 mill.
User Nole: All current ASTM A6 W. Sand HP shapes satisfy the limit given In Sect
ion 509.3 .2.(a) for Fy $ 345 MP . 2. For 1>/1 ..
> 3.76~Ej F,..
Mil shall be dc te rmined From the ~lIpcrposi ( io l1 of elastic stresses, consi
dering lhe effects of shori ng. for thc limit sHlte of yieldi ng (yield moment).
509.3.2b Negative Flexurnl Strength
The design nega tive ncxural st rength, (AM 1/' and the allowahle nega tive flex
ura l st reng th, sha ll be determined for the steel secti on alone, in accordan
ce with th e requircments of Section 506. Allernatively, the available negative
flexural strengt h shal! be dctermined from the plastic stress di stributi on 01
1 th e compos ite section, for the limit s13te of yi elding (plastic moment ), w
ith 3. 2.
Steel deck shall be illlc horcd to all suppol1i ng members at a spacing 1101 1 0
exceed 460 111 Ill . Such anchorage shall be provided by !>Iud connecto rs, a c
o mbinalion of stud conneclors and arc spot (p uddl e) we lds, or other devices
specified by the designer. Deck Ribs Oriented Perpendicul;lf 1 0 Steel Beam Conc
rete below the top of the steel deck shal! be neglected in dc termining composi
te section propcI1ics and ill calculating At, for deck ri bs ori e nted pef pendi
cular to th e stecl beams. Deck Ribs Oriented Parall el to Steel Beam Concrete b
elow the top of the steel deck may be included in determining composite section
properties and shall be included in calculating A~ . Formed steel deck ri bs ovc
r supp orting beams may be split longitudinally and separated to form a concrete
Mn /n" ,
1/>" = 0.90 (LRFd)
provided that :

The steel beam is compaci and is Rdeq ual ely bmced according 10 Secrion 506. Sh
ear connectors connect the slab ( 0 the steel beam in the negative 1Il0 lllc nl
region. The slab reinforcement parallcl (Q the steel beam, within the effecti ve
width of the slab, is properly developed.
When the nominal depth of steel deck is 38 mill or greater,
the averagc width, HI r of thc sUPP0rled haunch or rib shall be nOI less than 50
mill for the first stud in the transverse row plus four stud diameters for each
add itional stud. 509.3.2d. Shear Connectors
1. Load Transfer for Positive Momen t The entire horizontal shear at the interfa
ce between the steel bea m and the concrete slab shall be .ssumed to be transfer
red by shear connectors, except for concrc t c~encased beams as defined in Secti
on 509.3.3. For composite action with concrete subject to nexural compression,
the total horizon tal
509.3.2c Strength of Formed Sleel Deck
Beams with
General Tile availab le ncx ural strength of composite cOIl~tl1lction consis tin
g of concrete slabs on formed steel deck connectcd to steel beams shall bc dcter
mined by tlie applicable. POl1i oilS of Seeliol l 509.3.2a and 509.3.2b, wil li
the following requi rements:
shea r force, V',between tile point of maximum positive momen t and the point of
zero momenl fihaJJ be taken as the lowest value according to the li mi t states
of concrete cl1lshing. te ns ile yield ing of the steel sectioll. or strength o
f the shc:c:' COllllcctors: u. Conc rete crushing (509.3- 1a) b. Tensile yieldin
g of th e steel sectio n (509.3-lb) c. Strength of shear conllectors
This section is applicable to decks with nominal rib height not greater than 75
mill . The average 'v.'idlh of concrete rib or haunch, w ,. shall be nol less th
an 50 mill, but shall not be taken in calculations as morc than the minimum clea
r width near the top of the steel deck.
The co ncrete slab shall be connected to the stc-.el beam
Association of Structural Engineers of the Pllilippines

Steel and Metal
: ; - arca
or concrete s lab within effecti ve widt h

A, EQ"
= area of .'lIce! cross section, 11)111:.' : ; - sum of nominal strengths of she
ar connectors
between the point of maximum positi ve 11lOlllcnt
and the point of zero moment, N.
2. In Load Tran s fer for Negative Moment continuous composite beams where longi
reinforcing steel in the negati ve IllOlllent regions is
cons idered to act compositely with the steel beam, the total horizontal shear f
orce between the pOint of maximum negative moment and the point of zero moment s
hall be taken as the lower value according to the limit states of yielding of th
e steel reinforcement in the slab, or strength of the shear connectors: a. Tensi
le yield ing of the slab reinforcement
steel shape iJnd the rati o of the average rib width to rib depth ~ 1.5 :; 0.85;
(a) for two studs welded in a steel deck rib with the deck oriented perpendicul
ar (0 the steel shape ; (b) for one ' IUd welded through steel deck with th e de
ck oriented parallel to the steel shape and the ratio of the average rib width t
o rib depth < 1.5 :::: 0.7 for three or more studs welded in a steel deck rib ':
"ilh the deck oriented perpendicular to the steel shape 1.0 for studs we lded di
rectly to the stee l shape (in other words, not through steel deck or sheet ) an
d having a haunch delaiJ with not morc lhan 50 percent of the lOp flange covered
by deck or sheet stccl closures 0 .75; (a) for studs welded in a composite slab
with the deck oriented perpendicular to the beam and
2:2io. (50 mm); (b) for studs
V ' ::;;- A"P, I'"

= area of adequHtely developed lon gitudina l
reinforci ng stee l within the effective width of the 2 concrete slab, mm = spec
ified minimum yield stress oftlle reinforcing Sleel, MPa.
welded through steel deck, or steel sheet used as girder filler material, and em
bedded in a com posite slab with th e deck oriented parallcl10 the beam :::: 0.6
for studs welded in a composite slab with deck oriented perpendicular to the be
am and
emid-ht ~ in. (50 mm)
a. Strength of shear connectors
(509 .3-2b)
distance from the edge of stud shank to the steel deck web. mea. mea.surcd at mj
d~height of the deck rib. and in the load bearing directi on of the stud (in oth
er words, in the direction of maximum moment for a simply supported beam). mm. =
weight of concrete per unit volume (1500 ~ w e ::: 2500kg/m'.
3. Strenglh of Stud Shear Connec tors
The nominal strength of one slUd shear connector embedded in solid concrete or i
n a composi te slab is
Q n ;:::;O.5A sc Jf;E c
Asc Ec
= cross~scctional area of stud shear co nn ector 2 ' '
= modulus of e lasti city of concrete ::::
( 0043",~5 J/, MPa)
FII = specifi ed minimulll tensile streng th o f a stud
shear connector, MPa.
= 1.0; (a) for one stud welded in a steel deck rib with
the deck oriented perpendicular to the s teel shape; (b) for any number of studs
welded in a row directly to the steel s hape; (c) for allY number of studs weld
ed in a row Ulrough steel deck with the deck oriented parallel to the National S
truclural Code of Ihe f'11i1ippin es 6'" Edition Volume 1

5-78 CHAPTEH 5 - Sleel and MCIaIS
horizontal shcilr force as determined in SC((iOllS 509.).211( I )
and 509.1.2t1(2) dividcd by the nominal strength of nIH: ~hear l'onncclOr as det
ermined from Section 509.3.2d(1) or
Section 509.1.2d(4).
7. Shear Con nector Place men t Hnd Spacing Shea r connectors required on each s
ide or th e poi nt of nwx imum bending moment, po~ilive or ncglllive, shall be d
i~ triblltcd uniforml y between that point and the adjacent points' of zero mom
ent, unlc~s ()thcrwisc specified . However, the number or shear connec tors plac
ed he tween any concelHfated load a nd the nearest point of zero moment sl1<l1l
be sufficient to develop the maximum moment required at the concentrated load po
int. have at Icast 25 mill of lateral the ribs of formcd steel decks. The diamet
er of studs shall nol be greatcr than 2.5 limes the thickness of the nange 10 wh
ich they arc welded. unless loemed over Ihe wcb. The minimum center-to-center sp
acing of slUd COllncclOrs shall be six diamcters along the longitudinal axis of
the support ing co mposite beam and rour diameters transvcrse to the 1011 gi lll
dinal axis of the supporting composite beam, cxcept that withi n the ribs of for
m cd steel dec ks oriented perpendicular 10 the steel bea m the minimum cen terla-center spacing shall be four diameters in any direction. The maximum cc ntC .
f-lO-cc nter spacing of shear connectors shall not exceed eight limcs the total
slab thi ckncss .
concrete cover, except ror conneCLOrs installed
conneClOrs shall
to the maybe
such as
~. fPiili, !1 t
5. Strength or Channel Shear Connectors The nominal strength of one channel shea
r connector slab is embedded ill a solid
503.3 Flexural Strength of Concrete Encased and Filled Members Thc nominal flexur
al stren gth of concretc-cncased and filled following membcrs ~ shall be dctcnni
ned using onc of methods;
TI1C superposition of clastic st resses on the composite section, conSidcri ng t
hc effects of shori ng, for the limit stale of yieldin g (yield lllo l11enl), wh

= web thi c kne ss of
mm .
flange thi ckness of channel shear connector, Jl1m . chann el shea r con nector,
1ft, =O.90(LRF~
The plastic stress distribution on the steel section aIOl)(:, for thc limit slal
e of yielding (p lasti c moment), where
= length of channel shear conneClOr, mill.
l 1lc strength of the channel shear COllllcctor shall be developed by wclding ul
e channel (0 the beam flange for a force equal to Q". considering eccentricity o
n the connector.
If shear connectors are provided and the concretc
mects the requirements of Section 509.1.2. Ihe nominai flexural strength sha1l b
e computcd based IIj}vll thc plastic stress distribution on the composi te secti
on or from thc strain-compatibility method, where
6. Required Number of Shear Connectors The nu mber of shear connectors required
between the section of max imum bending moment, positi ve or negative, and Ihe a
djacen t secti on of zero moment shall be equal to th e
fA =O.85(LRF~
Associa lion of Struclural Engineers of Ihe Pililippine s

Steel and Metal
Combined Axial Fonc and Flexure
The interaction be(ween axial forces and flcxure in composite mcmbers shall acco
unt for stJbility as required
by Sec(ion 503. The design compressive strength. J~I' and
allowable compressive strength, I~Jflc' and the design flexural strength,
hMn! and allowable flexural strength,
This Section addresses connecting clements, connectors, and the affected clement
s of the connected members not subject to fatigue loads. The Section is organize
d as follows: 510.1 General Provisions Welds Bolts and Threaded Parts Affected E
lements of Members and Connecting Elements Fillers Splices Bearing Strength Colu
mn Bases and Bearing on Concrete Anchor Rods and Embedments Flanges and Webs wit
h Concentrated Forces
arc determined as follows:
,. = 0.75 (LRFD)
0., =2.00(ASq
0." = 1.67 (ASq
11, =0.90(LRFq
510.3 510.4
The nominal strength of the cross section of a composite member subjected to com
bined axial compression and flexure shall be determined using either the plastic
stress distribution method or the strain-compatibility method. To account for t
he influence of length effects on the axial strength of the member, the nominal
axial strength of the member shall be determined by Section 509.2 with Po taken
as the nominal axial strength of the cross section determined in Section 509.4 (
1) above.
510.7 510.8
510.9 510.10
509.5 Special Cases
When composite construction docs not confonn to the requirements of Section 509.

1 through Section 509.4, the strength of shear connectors and details of constru
ction shall bc established by tcsting.
510.1 General Provisions 510.1.1 Design Basis
The design strength,
#?", and
the allowable strength
R'l / flof connections shall be determined in accordance
with the provisions of this Section and the provisions of Section 502 .
The required strength of the connections shall be detemlined by structural analy
sis for the specified design loads, consistent with the type of construction spe
cified, or shall be a proportion of the required strength of the connected membe
rs when so specified herein. Where the gravity axes of intersecting axially load
ed members do not intersect at one point, the effects of eccentricity shall be c
510.1.2 Simple Connections
Simple conncctions of beams, girders, or trusses shall be designed as flexible a
nd arc permitted to be proportioned for the reaction shears only, except as othe
rwise indicated in the design documents, Flexible beam connections shall accommo
date end rotations of simple beams. Some inelastic, but self-limiting defOImatio
n in the connection is permitted to accommodate the end rotation of a simple bea
m. National Structural Code of the Philippines 6'" Edition Volume 1

CHAPTEH 5 . Steel and Metals
510.1.3 Moment Connections
End connections of restrained beams, girders, and trusses shall be designed for
the combined effect of forces resulting from moment and shear induced by the. ri
gidity of the cOllnections. Response criteria for moment connections m'e provide
d in Section 502.3.61>.
5IU.1.6 Beam Copes and \Veld Access Holes
All weld access ho!c.s required (0 facilitate welding operations shaH have a len
gth from the toe o/" the weld preparation /l0{ less (han 11/2 times the thicknes
s oj" the material in which the hole is made. The height of the access hole shal
l be
j 1/2
times the thickness of the matelial with the access hole, t W'
User Note: Sec Section 503 and Appendix A-7 for analysis requirements to establi
sh the required strength and stiffness for desigll of connections.
but not !css tlHU1 25 !lllll nor docs it need (0 exceed 50 mll1. The access hole
shall be detaikd to provide room for weld backing as needed. Fo!: sections that
arc rolled or welded prior to cutting, the edge of the web shall be sloped or c
urved from the surface of the flange to the reentrant surface of the access hole
. In hOI-rolled shapes, and built-up shapes with CJP groove welds that join the
web~to-Oange, all beam copes lmd weld access holes shall be free of notches and
sharp reentrant comers. No arc of the weld access hole shall have a radills less
than 10 mill. In built-up shapes with fillet or partial-joint-penetration groov
e welds that join the web-to-flange, all beam copes and weld acccss holes shall
be free of notches and sharp reentrant comers. The access hole shaH be permitted
to terminate perpendicular 10 the Oange, providing the weld is terminated at le
ast a distance equal to the weld size away from the access holc. For heavy secti
ons as defined in 501.3.ic and 501.3.ld, the thermally cut surfaces of beam cope
s and weld access holes shall be ground to bright metal and inspected by either
magnetic particle or dye penetrant methods prior to deposition of splice welds.
If the curved transition pOJ1ion of weld access holes and beam copes arc formed
by predrilled or sawed holes, that portion of the access hole or cope need not b
e ground. Weld access holes and beam copes in other shapes need not be ground no
r inspected by dye penetrant or magnetic pal1ic1e methods.
510.1.4 Compression Members with Bearing Joints
1. When columns bear on bearing plates or are finished to bear at splices, there
shall be sufficient connectors to hold all parts securely in place. When compre
ssion members other than columns are finished to bear, the splice material and i
ts connectors shall be arranged to hold all parts in line and shall be proportio
ned for either (i) or (ii) below. It is permissible to use the less seve-re of t
he two conditions: An axial tensile force of 50 percent of the required compress
ive strength of the member; or The moment and shear resulting from a transverse
load equal to 2 percent of the required compressive strength of the member. The
transverse load shall be applied at the location of the splice exclusive of othe
r loads that act on the member. 'D1e member shall be taken as pinned for the det
ermination of the shears and moments at the splice.
a. b.
User Note: All compression joints should also be proportioned to resist any tens

ion developed by the load combinations stipulated in Section 502.2.

510.1.5 Splices in Heavy Sections
When tensile forces due to applied tension or flexure are to be transmilted thro
ugh splices in heavy sections, as defined
Section 501.3.1e and 501.3.1d,by completc joint510.1.7 I'hlcement of Welds and Bolts
Groups of welds or bolts at the ends of any member which transmit axial force in
to that member shall be sized so that the center of gravity a/" the group coinci
des with the centcr o/" gravity of the member, unless provision is made for III
eccentricity. The foregoing provision is not applicable to c; connections of sta
tically loaded single angle, double ang); and similar members.
penetration groove (CJP) welds, material notch-toughness requirements as given i
n Section 501.3.lc and 501.3. ld, weld access hole details as given in Section 5
10.1.6 and thermal cut surface preparation and inspection requirements as given
in 513.2.2 shaH apply. The foregoing provision is not applicable to splices of e
lements of built-up shapes that arc welded prior to assembling the shape.
User Note: ClP groove welded splices of heavy sections
510.1.8 Bolts in Combination with Welds
Bolts shall not be considered as sharing the load in combination with welds, exc
ept that shear connections v,< . any grade of bolts permitted by Section 501.3.3
installed i:.! standard holes or short slots transverse to the direction of the
load are permitled to be considered to share the load with longitudinally loade
d fillet welds. In such connections the available strength of the bolts shall no
t be taken as greater than
df:~~~~~e~e:;f[~ec~ts of weld shrinkage. Members
that are also
to tensile shrinka:~e if
Association of Structural Engineers of tile Philippines

Slcol anci Mela l
!; 61
50 PCft:1.!1l1 of the available strcngth of bcarin g-type bolts ll1 ("onnctlioll
510.2 Welds
In making welded aherillions to structures, ex.isting rivets and high strength b
olt . . ligillcned to Ihe requi rcmcnts for slipcrili<..'aJ COlllh;!Ctions arc p
ermittcd 10 beuliJized for ca rryin g J O;ld s pre-scllt <II th e tim c of alter
atioll and the welding IIced on l y provide the addi tional required stre ngth .
of the ci led A WS provisions as follows:
All provisions of AWS DI.I apply under thi s Specification, with the cxception t
hat th e provisi ons of the listed NSCP Spccific'Hion Sections apply under th is
SpecifiGation in lieu
510.1.9 Iligh-Slrenglh
with Rivets
III both new work and allenHiolls. in connec ti ons designed <I S slip-c rit ic.
1I cOllllec tions in accordance with the provision s of Section 5 10.3, high-s t
rength bolts are permitted 10 be considered as S haring th c loud with exi sting
ri vets.
510.1.I0 Limitalions on lIolled and Welded
Pretensiollcd j oirHs, slip-crit ical joints or welds shall be. used for thc fol
lowing connec tions:
NSCP Sleel and Melals Seelion 510. 1.6 in lieu of AWS DI.I SCClion5.I7.1 NSCP Sl
eel and Melal'; Seelina 510.2.2.. in li eu of AWS DI.I Seelion 2.3.2 NSCP Sleel
and Melals Table 510.2.2 in lieu of A WS D I. I Table 2. 1 NSCP Sleel and Melal
s Table 5 I 0.2.5 in li eu of A WS D 1.1 Table 2.3 NSCP Sleel and Melals Appendi
x A3. Table A3. 1 in lieu of AWS D I. I Table 2.4 NSCP Sleel and Mel als Seeli o n
502.3 .9 and Ap pendix A 3 in lieu of A WS D 1.1 Seelion 2. Pan C NSCP Slccl and
Melals Sccli on 513.2 ill lieu of AWS DI.I Secliolls5. 15.4.3 and 510.
2.1 Grooye Welds 510.2.10 Effective Area
The effec ti ve area of groove welds shall he considered as the length of the we
ld times the effective throat thickness.
Column spli ces in all mult i-story structures over 38 m in height.

,IllY other beams and gi rders on which the bracing of columns is dependent in S
lmc(ures over 38 In in height
In all structures carrying cra nes of over 50 k.N capacity: roof truss splices a
nd connecti ons of trusses to columns. column spli ces, col umn bracing, knee br
of all beams and girders to columns and
The effective throat thickness of a partial-joint-penclfation
(P1P) groove weld shall be as s hown in Table 510.2.1. User Note: The effective
throal size of a partial-join!: penetration groove weld is dependent on the proc
ess used
and. the weld position. TIle contract documents should either
and crane supports
Conn ecti ons for the suppon of machinery and other live loads that produce impa
ct or reversal of load
Snug-li ghl ened joinlS or joinls wilh ASTM A307 bolls shall
be permitted exccpt where otherwise specifi ed.
indicale the effective IlU'Oal required or Ille weld streoglh required. and 'the
fabricalor should detail the joinl based 00 Ille weld process and position 10 b
e used 10 weld the joint.
The effecti ve weld size for fl are groove welds, when filled flu sh to the surf
ace of a round bar. a 900 bend in a fonned section, or rectangular HSS shall be
as shown in Table 510.2.2. unless other effective throat s arc demonstrated by t
ests . The effective size of Oare groove welds filled less than flu sh shall be
as shown in Table 510.2.2, lcss the greatest perpendicular dimcnsion measured fr
om a line flush to the bnse metal su rfClce to the weld surface .
Na tional S lruc lural Code of Ihe Philippines 6 'h Edition Volume 1

CHAPTEr{ [) . Sled and Metals
------------------------------,;;; -,; ',_ -", 'Welds
Welding Process
Effective Weld Sizes of Flare Groove
Flare Bevel Groove!;01 Flare V Groove
Table 510:2.2
1------ -------------------- -----------Groove
"""""1'"n Process
Posi{:on F(llai), H (horiz.), V(vcrt.), I All
(AWS DI.I. Figure 3.3)
Effective Throat
5/8 Ii
3/4 Ii
------------------1-----SMAWand FCAW-S SAW
5/16 Ii 5/16R
5/8 Ii
'/2 R
Shielded Meta! Arc (SMAW) Gas MClal Arc (GMAW) Flux Cored Arc
J or U
Groove 60' V Depth of Groove
Submerged Arc (SAW) Gas Metal Arc (GMAW) Flux Cored Arc (FCAW) Shielded Metal Ar
c (SMAW)
ra)Por Flare Bevel Groove with R< 10 mm llse only reinforcing fillet weld on fil
led flush joint. General Note: R"", radius of join I surface
(can be assullled to be 21 for I-ISS), mm
J or U Groove 60' Bevel or V


I ,
Depth of Groove

Depth of
Material Thickness of Thinner Part Joined, mOl
Minimum Effective Throat Thickness,!a) mIn. 3
Minus 3 mill
Depth of Groove
Gas Metal Arc (GMAW) Flux Cored Arc (FCAW)

To 6 inclusive Over 6 to 13 Over 13 to 19 Over 19 to 38 Over 38 to 57 Over 57 to
150 Over ISO
1"ISee Table 510_2_ L
5 6 8 10 13 16
Material Thickness of
Minimum size of Fillet
weld,r'l) llun.
Thinner Part Joined, To 6 inclusive
Over 6 to 13 Over 13 to 19 Over 19

3 5 6
Dimension of fillet welds. Single pass welds be used. Note: See Section SIO.2.2b
for maximum size of welds.
Association of Structural Engineers of tile Pl1i1ippines

S!ce! tl nc.! Met;)!
Larger dlcctivc throat thicklll!s~cs than those ill Table 510.2.2 arc permitted,
pro vided the fabricator C<.Ill establish by qualdic<ltion the consistent produ
ction of slich larger effective throilt tllicklu!sscs. Qua lilicHtioli shall con
sist of sectioning the we ld normal to its <Ixi~, at mid-length and Icnninal end
s. Such sectioning shall be made Oil a number of combinations or material sizes
rcprc scll1<Hivc of the range 10 be used in the
fabri c.1t i on.
510.2.lb Limitations The minimum effective throat thickness of ;:1 partial ~joiJ
1( penelnllion groove weld shall not be less Ihan the size required to transmit c
alculated forces nOT the size shown in Table 510.2.3 . Minimum weld size is dete
rmined by the thinn er of the two parts joined . 510.2.2 Fillet Welds 510.2.2. E
ffective Arca The errective area of a fillet weld shall re the effcctive length
multiplied by the erfectivc throat. The effective lhroat of a fillel weld shall
be the shortest dislance from lhe root 10 the face of tile diagrallll1lmic weld.
An increase ill effecti ve Ihroat is permilled if consistent penetralion beyond
the root of the diagrammatic weld is demonstrated by tests using lhe producti o
n process and procedure variablcs.
For fillct welds in holes and slots, the effective Jenglh shall be Ihe length of
Ihe cenlerline of Ihe weld along Ihe center of the plane through the th roat. I
n tbe case of overlapping fillets. the effective area shall nOI exceed the nomin
al crosssect ional area of the hole or slot, in the plane of lhe faying surface.
The minimum effecti ve Icngl h of lilkt welds designcd 011 the basis of strength
shall be no! less than fOllr tillles thl' nominal size. or else the size of the
weld shall be considered not IU exceed 1/.1 of it s effecti ve Icngth. If longi
tudinal fillet welds arc lIsed al one in end conneclions of nat-Imr tension memb
crs. Ihl'. length of each fillet weld shall be nOI less lhan the perpendicular d
istance between Ihem. For the effect of" longitudinal fillet weld length iJ~ end
cOJlnections upon the effectivc arc;\ of the connectcd '.Jllember, sec Section
504.3.3. .. For end-loaded fillet welds with a length up to 100 limes the leg di
mension, it is pemlitled to take the erfective length equal 10 the aeluallenglh.
When the lenglh of the end-loaded fillet weld exceeds 100 times the' weld size.
the effective length shall be delcnnined by multipl ying the nc(Ual lenglh by t
he reduction factor, p,
,6= 1.2 -O.OOJ:l/w)~ 1.0
(510.2 1)
= actua llenglh of endloaded weld, 111111 . = weld leg size. mm .
When the length of lhe weld exceeds 3(X) times the leg size. Ihe value of {J sha
ll be laken as 0.60.
In tcnnittem fillet welds are pennitted to be used to transfer cakulated stress
across a joint or faying surfaces when (he required strength is less than that d
eveloped by a continuous fillet weld of the smallest pemlilted size, and (0 join

componenls of built-up members. The effective length of any segmel1l of intermi

ttent fillet welding shall be not less lhan four times the weld size, with a min
imum of 38mm.
510.2.2b Limitations The minimum size of fillet welds shall be not Jess than the
size required to tra nsmit calculated forces, nor the size as shown in Table 51
0.2.4 . These provisions do not apply to fillet weld reinforcements of partial or
cOT11plel e~joilll penetration groove welds.
The maximum size of fillet welds of connected parts shall be : ).
In lap joints, lhe minimum amount of lap shall be five times the thickness of th
e thinner part joined, but not less than 25 nml _ Lap join ts joining plates or
bars subjected to axial stress that utilize transverse fillet welds only shall b
e fillet welded along Ole end of both lapped parts. except where the deflection
of the lapped parts is sufficientl y restrained to prevent opening of the joint
under maximum loadi ng.
Fillet weld temlinalions (I.fe pennilted to be slopped short or extend 10 the en
ds or sides of parts or be boxed except as limiled by the following: 1. For lap
joints jn which one connected part extends beyond an edge of another connccted p
art that is subjecl to calculated tensile strcss, filicI welds shall terminate n
ot less them the size of the weld from Ihat edge. For cOllnections where nexibil
ity of th e oll tslanding elements is required, when end returns are used, the l
ength of rhe retum shall not exceed four times the nominal size of rhe weld nor
half the width of the part Pillet welds joining transverse stiffeners to plate g
Along edges of material less than 6 mm thick, nol grea ter than the thi ckness o
f the material. Along edges of material 6 111111 or Illore in th ickness, not gr
eater th an th e thic kness of the mat eria l minus 2 mm, unless the weld is esp
ecially designated 011 the drawings 10 be buill oul. to obtain [uJl!..Ilfoat thic
kness. In the as-welded condition, the distan ce between the edge of the base me
tal and the loe of the weld is pcnnined 10 be less than 2 mm provided the weld s
ize is clearl)' verifiable.
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

~j .
Steel and !v1ctals
webs J 9 mm thick or less shall end 110\ less than fou r times nor morc than six
times the thickness of the web from the web toe of the web-lo-flange welds, exc
ept where lhe ends of" sliffeners are welded to lhe flange. 4. Fillet welds that
occur on opposite sides of a common plane, shall be interrupted at the com er c
ommon to both
The thickness of plug or slot we lds in lllmerial mm or Ic.<.;s in thickness sha
ll be equal to the thickness of (he mat erial. In material over 16 mm thick, the
thi ckness of the weld shall hi; at least one~ ha lf the thickness of the mater
ia l but not less than 16 111m.
510.2.4 Strength
The design stre ngth, rjJ Rn and
cOlln~Jhlg .s tiffe))efs to -'girdei ,wcbs, ;aie ,noLa. ~!ltlse
correCtioi~' . :" \'.
app,r\~xj~~latcly Qilt;,.,.wel'~,I .:sizeJ~om :'. o( ~le~:,.~ge ()f th~ sqJ~Jli!
c:90Ji" ,18 , : ~)~niiWA~. H9l~~~f)ij:~'~:, :,: ths~~~e. ' JP~~l,~l. -yillpl ~e\d
s t"rminated at tll~ cnd ~fth e joint,' other 'ilion tllOse
,, :'
" ' <, :'" .-,v"" < ,,.,, <, ,,'c',"I", ''-''''''.:., ,':'','
Usc!" Note: Fillet weld tCJlllinations should be localed
Rn/ of welds shall be the lower v:.ilue of the base material and rile weld metal
strength determined according to the iilllil states of tens ile rupture, shear
ruplllre or yielding as
For the base metal
Fillet welds in holes or slots are permitted to be used to transmit shear in lap
joints or to prevent the buckling or separation of lapped palis and to join com
ponent s of built-up members. Such fillet welds may overlap , subject to the pro
visions of Section 5 10.2. Fillet welds in holes or slots are not to be consider
ed plug or slot welds.
(510.22) For the weld metal (5 I 0.2-3) where
510.2.3 Plug and Slot Welds 510.2.3a Effective Arca
The effecti ve shearing Mca or plug and slot weld s shall be considered as the n

ominal cross-sectional area of' the hole or slot in the plane of the raying surf
= nominal stren gth of the base metal per unit area,
= nominal strength of the weld mcta! per unit area, MPa = cross secl i on al are
a of the bas e metal,
mm = effective area of th e we ld . 111m2
51O.2.3b Limitatious
Plug or slot welds are permitted to be used to transmit shear in lap joints or t
o prevent buckling of lapped pans and to join component parts of built-up member
s. The diameter of the holes for a plu g weld shall not be less than the thickne
ss of the part containi ng it plus 8 mm, rounded (0 {he next larger mill, nor gr
eater than the minim um diameter plus 3 mm or il4 times the thi ckness of the we
ld. The minimum cen ter-to-center spacing of plug wclds shall be four times the
diameter of the hol e. The lenglh of slot for a slol weld shall not exceed 10 ti
mes th e th ickness of the weld. The width of the slot slmll be not less than th
e thickness of the pan containing it plus 8 mm rounded to the next larger mill,
nor shall it be larger than 21/4 times the thickness of the weld. The ends of th
e slot shall be semicircuhu' or shall have the comers rounded to a radius of not
less than the th ickness of the part containing it, except those ends which ext
cnd to the edgc of the part. The minimum spaci ng of lines of slot welds in a di
rection tran sverse to their length shall be fo ur limes the width of the slot.
The minimum cent cr- l() ~cen ter spacing in a longitudinal direction on allY li
ne shall be two times [he length of the slot. The values of , Q,F/JM,f~l'and limi
tations thereon arc given in Table 510.2.5. Alternatively, for fillet welds load
ed in-plane the design ' (S IS st ren gth, Rn and th e all owable stre ngth, 11I
I (0., of. we 11 penniued to be determined as follows:
For a linear weld grou p loaded in-plane tbrough the center of gravity
(5 I 0.2-4)
Fw =O.60F"xx (J.()+O.50sinI. 5 e)
= electrode classification number, MPa. = angle of loading measured from the wel
d longitudinal axis, degrees = effective area of the weld, mm2
Associatio n of Stru ctura l Engineers of tile Philippines

Sieel and Metal
clements ~re in a ii~l e or a;c paralieL
User Note! . A jinear weld group is , one in _ ' which nil
For weld clements wi thin a weld group that <I rc loaded
illpJane and an alyzed using an instantaneous cen ter of rotati on method, the co
mpollent's of the nomina l s trengt h, RIIX and R " .~.;"are 'permitted 10 be de
term ined
= the L olal nomin al strength of transversely loaded fillet welds, as determine
d in accordance with Table 510.2,5 without the alternate in Section 5 10.2.4(a),
5JO.2.5 Combination of Weld s
If two or more of the general types of welds (groove, fillct , pl ug. slot) arc
co mbi ned in a s ingle joint, the st rength of each shnl! be sep.mllcly co mput
ed with reference to the axi s of the group in order to determine {'he strength
o f the combination.
as fo ll ows:
where A"y
= effect ive area of weld throat of any i th weld
clement , 1ll1l1 2
5JO.2.6 Filler Melal Requirements
The cho ice of eleclrodc ror use with comlctejoim pcnctrati on groove weld s subje
ct lO tension normal to the effec tive are a shall comply with the requirements
1'01' matching filler meta ls given in AWS Dl .1
= 0.60
(1.0 + 0.50 ' in
e)/ (I')
F Wi
/ ( ,,) ~ [p (I .9 - 0.9 p )]0 ' (5 10.2-8) = nominal stress in any it h weld ei

cment. MPa.
x co mponc lll of s tress ,
= y compon ent of s tress, Fl1'i = LI;/ Ll"" rat io of clcmcill i deformati on t
o its deformati on at maximum stress = weld leg size, mIll. = disl<lncc from ins
ta ntaneolls center of rotl1t ion to
c:hh cr
User Not~: TIle following User Note Table summari zes the A 'WS 0 I :_. I provis
i ons for matching fiBer metal s, fest ric, ti6n,~, ~xist. , For 3. complet~ l.i
s.~or.base ll}ctals
and prequali1ied h'1atching tiller metals',see AY'lS '". Dl.l , Table 3. 1. . ,
weld clement with minim uill b.u /'; ratio,
= defonn nti oll of we ld elements at int ermediate
stress ievels, lincarly pr o po r tion e d 10 the critical de f ormation based 0
11 distance fr o m the instant aneous cent er o f rotati on, Ii,
/j. III
0 . 209
(6 + 2to.:n
dcf'o rmationof
= 1.087(0 + 6ro.c, :'i1l' ~ O. J 7\\', deformalion of
weld clement at ulliJ113le stress (fracture), usually in elemen t furthe st fror
n instantaneous cen le r of rotati on, mill .
weld clemenl at maximum stress, in. (mm)
Fo r fille t weld groups concentrically loaded and consistin g of e lement s tha
t arc oriented bot h longitudinally nnd transversely to the directio n of applie
d load, the combined strength , RII, of the fillet weld group shall be determine
d as the gretHer of (510 .2-911)
(5 10.2-9b)

= the total nom in al strength of longitudinall y louded fillet weld s, as dcter

mjn ed in accord ance with Table 5 10.2.5. N.
Nati on(~ l Structu ral Code of Iht7 Pililippin es 6 Edition Volume 1

CHAPTIOR 5 - Slc QI and Metals
Load Type and
Pertinent Metal Strengt h
Required Fi ller
Relative \0
Weld Axis
FlY )
lAHM or A w )
Nannal to weld ax is
Strength of lhe:joint is controlled by the base metal
Mmching filler metal shall be used. forT and comCf joints wilh backing left in p
lace, notch lough
metal is requirecl . See Section 510.2 A ! Fill er meta l wilh a .
Compression Normal to weld axis
Strcnglh of the. joint is controlled by Ihe base metal
level equal 10 or olle strength level less than matching filler metal is
Tension or
Tension o r cOlnprcssi'01l in pans joined parall el
Parallel to weld ax is
to a weld need not be considered in des ign of
welds joining the parts.
level equal to or less Ihan matching filler metal is
r Matching filler metal shall
~==-'~::-:$ ~ O.90
be used. Ie}

Tension Normal to weld axis
Sec 5 10.4
$ ~ O.80
Q ~ 1.88
Sec SIO.2.1a
Column to base
Plate and column splices design ed
Compression Conncctions or mcmbers designcd to bear other
Compressive stress need 110 1 be considered in
design of welds joining the part s.

Q= I.67
= 0.80 n ~ 1.88
5 10.4
Sec SIO.2. Ja
than columns as described in 510. 1.4{b)
Filler metal with II strength level equal 10 or less than matching filler metal
Co mpression Connections not fin ished-la-bear Tension or Compression P.arallell
o weld axis

n '"
9 n=
Sec 510.2. 1'
Tension or compression in parIS joined parallel
to a weld need not be con sidered in design of welds the
Association of Structural Engineers of tile Philippine s

Steei a nd Metai
Lo;;ld Type and Di recli on Relati ve 10
I'eltinent Melal
Weld Axis
NOlllimll Sirength (11J11f or '~vl
Efrcctivc Area
Requircd Filler
S hear
= 0,75 n = 2.00
Tension o r Compression
weld axis
Te nsion or comprcssiolll in pans joined parallel 1011 weld need no t be conside
red in design of welds ' the
Filler me tal wilh ;t strength level equal to o r less than matc hing filler met
al is permitted.
Shear Pa mllel to f;'lyi ng surface on the
Governed by 5 J 0.4
Filler metal wilh II st rength level equlIlto or less than
$ = 0,75

cffccti vc area
matching filler metal is pcnnittcd .
Fur nmtch ing, weld IIlclal sce I\WS 1)1 . 1, Secliun JJ.. Fillc r mel;11 with;o
~!rcnglh kl'd nile .~ I ren<,t h grc;l1er 11i:1Il m;IlChi11~ is Filler metals w
ilh ;1 ~u<: nglh !cl'\!! h:.~s lhan tll;uclti ng may be u~cd fo r groo",.. w,-Id
s bc!wecn the webs and fI;!lIgc s ur buill-Up sections tt,II1SICITilig shcar loa
ds. ~\r j' . . \\'h('n~ high r<:s!raim is a concern. In thc~c applieatitln~. the
weld joinl sh;tli IX' det,\iletl and till', weld shall be designed lIsing lhe l
hickn~ ss of lh~ malerial as
:=o.SQ n", I.SS
:Llld O.60FE:XX liS the nO!ninal strcng,lh.
~~; ~:':;:,~:;::~;:,,:":~',; I';i:O::" :i:sii,~o;n.~ of
510.2.4(:1) tha i prO\'idc fur deformation
510.2.4(,1) are pennillcd ]llOvided the Ilcforma\ion c(llllr~\ihi ]i l yoI' the
I':lr;j)us weld clclllenls is ennsidCf("1. ,\llcmalivc1y. Scctions 510.2A(b)
compat ibil ity.
510.2,7 Mixed Weld Metal
Filler metal with a speeified Charpy V-Notc h (CVN) tou gh ness o f 27 J at 4'Cs
hall be uscd in the !'o llowin g joints: When Charpy V-Notch toughness is specif
ied, the process consumables for all weld metal , tack weld s, root pass and sub
sequent passes deposited in a joint shall be compati ble to ensure notch-tough c
omposite we ld mctal.
1_ Complete-joint-penetrati on groove welded T ,md
comer joillls with sleel backing left in placc. s ubject to tension normal to (h
e effective area, unless the joints are designed using the nominal strength and
resistance factor or safety factor as applicable for a PJP weld. 2. Complete-joi
nt-penetration groove welded splices subject to tension normal to the effective
area ill heavy secli ons as defined in 50 1.3. Ie and A3_ Id.
510,3 Bolts and Threaded Parts 510.3,1 High-Strength Bolts
Use of high-strength bolts shall conform to the provisions of the Specification
for Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts. hereafter referred to as th
e RCSC Specification, as approved by the Research Council on Structural Connecti
ons, except as otherwise provided in thi s Specification,
The manufacturer's Certificate of Con formance shall be sufficient evidence of c
National Structural Cod e of the Philippines 6'" Edition Volu me 1

CH APTER 5 Steel and
I::,,:::;: F1~~~ ." r:~~.::'
I ' ,":\~, , . " ... , .~" '" ,. -,.,
r -'"
< Table 51 O.3~1
, 'i. ," .(MiiiimulJj!Jlolt\l'i'ete~~io#;i~'~ " .W'gi
Nominal Shear
;"" .. -"
Description of Fasteners
Nominal Ten sile
Stress in Bearin g-Type
Stress, l4~1I' Con nections. l~:,v' MPa MPa
310 [allt>1
620 lei
165 tbl!cll fl
330 If!

A125 or A325M tXlII!>, when

~ 1:.qlli\1
1(1 0 70 Ulnc,~ lhe tlLmullum 1t'11!.1It' J'lrt'/Iglh uf bolts. ountk d orr LO 1
1l'.U~St kN. S st>CClficd III AsrM sp<.'Clflcallo ns for A125M and A490M loll, \
\Ilh UNC lllle,ub;
from shclIr planc);
A325 or A~25M bolts, when threads arc excluded from
4 !4t11
When assembled, all joint surfaces, including those alij,acent to the washers, s
hall be free of scale, except tight mill scale. All ASTM A325 or A325M and A490
or A490M bolts shall be tighrened to a boll tension 1101 less than th ilt given
ill Table 510.3.1. except as noted below. Except as permitted below. install ati
on shall he assured by allY of th e following methods: tlirn-of~l1ut method, a d
irect tension indicator, calibrated wrench or alternative d(~sign bolt. Bolts ar
e permitted to be installed to only the snug .. tight condition when used in I.
2. bearing-t ype connec ti ons. tension or combined shear and tension applicatio
ns, for ASTM A325 or A325M bolts only, where loosening or fati gue due to vibrat
ion or load flucllHuio ns arc not design considerations.
shear planes
~-~------~----~-I-~- -----~
A400 or A490M bollS, wilen threads: arc not excluded
from shear pl,l1les
414 [0
._- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . _ - - A490 or A490M bolls. when Ihreads ar
c excluded from
520 In
shear planes
paris meeting the requirements of Section 510.3.4, when threads arc nOI excluded
frorn shear planes Thrc..ldcd
O.75F., [(1ld)
The sil ug-tight condition is defined as the tigbtness attained by either a few

impacrs of an impacl wrench or th e full dfolt of a worker with an ordinary spud

wrench thaI brings the cOllnected plies into firm contact. Bolts to be tightene
d only to the snug-tight condition shall be clearly iden!ified on the design and
erection d rawings. When ASTM A490 or A490M boils over 25 mm in diamcter are lI
sed in slotted or oversized holes in ex tern al plies. a single hardened washer
conforming to ASTM F436. except with 8 111m minimum thickn ess, shall be used il
l lieu of (he standard washer. User J'lote: Washer re.quirements are proyided in
the R.CSC Specification, Section 6. Thrcadetl parts mecting Ihe
of Scc li o n
510.3.4. when threads arc excluded from shell!' planes
!.oISubjl.'CIIO Ihe rc! luiremc ll b or l\ppt!lIo.iix 3.
[~I r '"(l" 1\107 holls the I:lhlllatcd ",IIIlCS sh:11! hI.' rcdu('('d by 1 rlCr
cc nl over 5 diame[crs of ICII!![ h ill the grip. J'1"nUo.!ilds permitted in ~ t
lCilr planes.
\'ach 2 111111
[d""he nominal tensile slreng!h of !hc threaded ponioll o f an upset rot!. bilsc
d UpUIl the cro.~ scct ion:l l area :ll il.!; major thrcad diamclcr. AD. which sh
~n be larg<.'r Ihall
tm; nominal bod)' ;UC;I of the rod hefore upseuil1~ times I /~)'
) For A32 5 0)' A32 5M il11d A490 or 1\490M bolls su hject 10 tell~il c fali gllc
sec /\ppc nd ix 3.
1'1Whcn hcari ng.typc COIlIlcctiulIS u~l'd 10 splice tcOSill1l mcmhcrs h:I\'~' :
i (listener jl,mcnl who!ic:: kngtll, I1Ic.'Rl>u rcd parallcl 10 the hne or force
. c.uc('(L~ 1270 mill. lahuhucd valucs sh;lll be reduced by 201lCrccIIL
Asso ciBtion of Stru ctu ral Enginee(s of the Philippines

'i" :;0
Steei and Meta!
In sl ip-critical con nections in w hich the d irec ti on of k}(lding is toward
a n edge of a connected parI, adequate ava il able bearing strength shall be pro
vided based upon the applicable

uirements of Secl ion 5 10.3. 10.

hcn bolt requirem ents cannot be provided by ASTM A325 lIn ei A325M, FI 852,
A4 90 anel A490M bolts because o j'
'quiremcn ts for lengths exceeding 12 diameters or diameters

Ove rs ized holes arc perm itt ed in any o r all pl ies of slipcri ti cal con nc
ct ions, but they sh,,11 Ilot be used in bearingtype connections . Hardened wash
ers shall be installed over overs ized holes in an Oll ter ply. S hort-sl otted
hole." are pcnni tted in any or all p lies of slipcritical or bearing-type conn
ections . The slots arc permitted witho ut rega rd to d irect ion o f loading in
s lip-criti ca l connectio ns, but the length shall be norm;ll to the direct io
n of the load in bearing-lype connectiOns. Vvashers shall be insta ll ed over Sh
0l1-slo tled holes in an ouler ply; when highstrength bolts are used, such washe
rs shull be luU'<lcned. Long-slott ed hol c!-i arc permitted in only one of th e
con nected parts of e ithe r a slip-crilical or bearing-typc connection at an i
ndivi dual raying surface. Long-slolled holes are permitted w itham regard lO di
rection of loading in slipcritical connecti o ns, but shall be normal to the di
rect ion of load in bearing-type connecti ons. W here long-sloHcd holes arc llse
d in an outer ply, plate washers, or a contlnllolls bar w ith standard ho les, h
avin g a si ze suffi cient to compl etely cover t he slot afte r installati on,
shall be provi ded. 1n hi ghstrength bolted connections, sllch plate washers or
continuous bars shall be noLless than 8 mm th ick and shall be of SU 11cturai gr
ade mate ri al, but need not be hardened. If hardened washers arc required for u
se of hi ghstrength bolts, the harde ned washers shall be pl aced over tile outer
surface of the pl ate washer or bar.
exceeding 38 1 m}). bolts or threaded rods conforming to AST M A354 Gr. BC, A354
Gr. BD, or A449 arc perllli lled to be used in acco rdance with the provisions
for lhrci.ldcd roels in Table 510.3.2. W he n AS TM A3 54 G r. BC, A3 54 Gr. BD.
or A449 bo its a nd th readed rods arc ll sed in slip-cri tical co nnections, t
he bolt geometry including the head and llut(S) shall be equal La or (if large r
in diameter) proportional to that prov ided by AST M A325 and A325M, or ASTM A4
90 a nd A490M bolts. Installati on shaH comply with all appli cab le requirement
s of' the RCSC Specification with modilicatioll s as requ ired for the increase
d d ia me ter andl OJ' length to provide the design pretension.
510.3.2. Size 'Illd Use ofl-loles
T he ma ximum sizes o f ho les for bo il s are given ill T a bl e 5! 0.3.3 , exc
ept that larger holes , required for tolerance on location of anchor rods in con
crete foullu at ioIlS, ~l l'e penniucd in columll b;'ls e details.
510.3.3 Minimum Spacing
The di sta nce be L ween centers of stand ard , oversized , o r slotted ho les ,
shall no t be less than 2 2f:, times the nomi nal diameter, d, of the fastener;
a distance of 3d is preferred .
Hole Dimens ions

(DI;t )
Sho n -Slot (Width x l..englll)
L(llI~ S !"t
( Width xLcngth)
M1 6
M20 M22 M24 M27 M30
IS 22 24 27
20 24 28
33 d+3
30 35
38 d+8
8).; 22 22x 26 24 x 30 27 x32
?:M36 _ .
30 xl? 33 x 40 (i/+3)x(d+ 10)
18 x 40 22 x 50 24 ;( 55 27 x 60 30 x 67
33 x 75 (,/ + 3}.\' 2.5 (/
i.\ s ta nda rd ho le to an edge o f a co nn ected part in a ny d irection sh al
l not be less th an eit her the <lpp licabJ c value from Table 5J 0 .3.4, or as
required in Section 5 J 0.3 . 1O. The di stance from the ce nter o f' an ove rsi
zed or slotted hole to all edge of a conll ected part shall be no t less tha n t
hat requi red for a stHllda rd hole to an edge of a con nected part plus the <.l
pplic.:1ble increment C2 from Table 5 10 .3.5.
510.3.4 Minimum Edge Distance The distance from the center of
-User~~~~: '['h~ edg~. 9istaIl~es< in T,~l>les . ~ JO.~.4 me
Standard holes or short-slott ed holes transverse to the direct ion of the load
shall be provided in accordance wilh the provisions of this specification, unles
s oversized holes, ShOIl-sloned holes parallel to the load or 1 0ng-sloHed holes
are appro ved by th e e ngin eer-of-record. Fin ger shims up to 6 mIn are permi
tted in slip-c ritical connection s designed on the bas is o f standard holes w
ith out redu cin g the nomin al shear strength of the faste ner to that specifi
ed for slo Lted

minil!ju,rn ""e,dg~ " ".djstal~~es : ,:,' bas~ .on stal1~ard fa~ric~,tion Pf"J.ct
iccs and . workmanship tolerances. The appropdate provi sions of S eclions 510.3
.1 0 and 5 J0.4 muSI be sa ti sfi ed .
l\lationa l Structu ral Cod e of tile P hili ppines
(-3(1 1 Editio n
Vo lume 1

GHAPTEFl S . Steel and Metals
510.3 .5 Maximulll Spacing a nd Edge Distauce The IIl<lXilll1l1ll dislilnce from
the cC lllcr of ilny boll or rivet Ihc IIcarcsl edge of pallS in conlact shall
he 12 limes thc thickness of lhe conncctcd pall um.ler considcrati on. but shall
lUll exceed J 50 mill . The Jongiludinal spaci ng of faslcners bCIWCCIl clcmenl
s in cominllous COll\;lct consisting or .1 pIcHe and a shape or two plates shall
be as follows:
':'vid~isilf;EdglDJ~lliri'~~Iiicr~riieilt Ci,:itiJh:~'"
Slo((ed Holes
-.-----~--;\;:",;,.; :::,';' '.. ':Tjbjt51013~5,' ','
", '.
Nominal l)iamctcr of Fastener
I Al ug Axis Pcq ){'lUlkulilr
I AlII~ Axis
Oye rslzed Holes
I'andle! (0 Edge
ShUr1 Slots
Sims . 1
3 3
Boll Dj.ullcle!" (mill)
Sheared Edges
A. Rolled Edges of Platc,o;.
1 . IWhcn !cnVlh of ~ t lJl is bs tliall n~.timutll aHI)W"~bt~ (see Tallie ~IO.
3.JMJ. C2 hi pcnniucd to be rcduC'c-U by olleh:oIr the tl iffercnc\! txll"."Cen t

il ... maximulll :mtl :K'lu.l1 ~IOI !C'flg!hs.

Shapes or Bars. or Thermally Cut Edges
'6 20 22 2' 27 30 36
28 3'
38 hll
22 26 28 30 3'
For painted membe rs or unpainted mc mbers not subject In corrosion, Ihe spacing
shnl! nOl exceed 24 limes 111<:. thickncss of thc thinncr plate 01' 305 III Ill
. For unpainted members of weathering steet subject III atmospheric corrosion. t
he spacing shall lIot exceed l--i limes the th ickness of thc Ihilmer platc or 1
80 mm .
38 '6
Over 36
5JO.3.6 Tension and Shear Strength of Bolts and Threaded Parts
1,c~~1 ... d~ discttlCti JR permitted 1 (1
Ix used pn1\'ided pro\isiolls
The des ign tell sion or shear sirength. f/J RII and the 3110wablc tension or sh
ear strength , R,JQof a silug-lightened or pretcnsioned high-strength bolt or th
readed p:ut shaH he dctermined according to the limit states of tensile lupturc H
nd shear mpturc as follows:
(510.3- 1)
Scchuu :'i IO.1JO. II~ appropri:uc .1I1! S3li ~l'i ... d. !bl FOI ovcfsilCd or ~
t(111cd hok:~. sec Tab le 51003.5 fel All edge distances in 1 111~ co\umn ;"c pe
rmitted 10 be ,cducl,:d 3 I1In\ Ihe hok U ;I! a [)Oin! where required s lreuglh
docs not exceed 2:'i perccill of the m:u.:illlulO Slten&th IheciemCn! . Idlll,e~
c .\IC pcmliltcd 10 be 32 nun ~t the em.1I of bealll eonOC(1ton ~n&lc$ . sh... a
r end plates.

Q =20CX:ASD)
= nominal .cnsile SIre"
or shear
Slress, F,,,.from Tab le 51 0.32,M p" :::: nominal unthrca(/cd body area of bolt
or threaded pan (for upset rods, sec footnot e d, Table 5 10.3.2). m",'
The required tensile strength shall include any I!'l ';;' } resulting from pryin
g action produced by dcfoflnali ul;"': : , .~ connected pm1s.
Association of Structural Engilleers of Ihe Philippines

S!eei and Metal
510.3.7 Combint'd T ensioll and Shl'ar in Ilc.ilringType C onn ec ti uns The ilv
ailablc tensil e strength or <l bolt subjc(lcd 10 com bi ncd tensi o n <lnd shea
r shall he determ ined according 10 the lill li t simes of (CI1SiOll aile! shear
I1Jpture :L'i f() ll ows:
(0 I 0.3-2)
The design slip resistHl1ce, R,p and the allowable slip resistance. R"jQ,shall b
e detcrm ined for the li mit slip as follows:
sl(II C o r
(5 10.3-4)
For co nn ections .in
se rv iceability limit state
whi ch prevention
or sli p is a
= 0.7 _~LliFlJ
whe re
f~, ::::: nomi na l (ensil e Slress modified effec ts of sheari ng stress, M pft
</! = LOO (LRFq
ind udc the
For connec tio ns designed strength leve l
1 '1= LSO (ASD)
prevent slip at (he req ui red
. ::::: 1.3F,,, - $F,w I~"f\. S F", (LRFD ) F,l,
~ -n./~1I l" m::::: 1.31-,,( '- . /'..
= 08S(LRFLi
.Q= L76(ASD)
Fm. (ASl) . 'J
;; mea n slip coeffi cient for Class A or B surfaces,
as appli cable . or as es tablished by tests ;; 0.35 fo r Class A su rfaces (unp
ai nted clean mil l scale sleel surfaces or sUlfaccs wit h Class A coalings on b
l a<;I-eJeaned steel and hot-dipped galvanized and ro ughened surfaces)
~II =nominal (cnsile stress fro m Ta hlc 5 10.3.2 , M Pa
Fm = no mi n<l l shea r s tress fro m T able 5 10.3.2, MP a

I ..
=the req uired s hear stress, MPa
Thc available sh ear stress of the fastener shall equal or cxceed the req uired
shear s trength pe r unit Jrea,F, User Note: Note that when the req uired stress
,f. in either shear o r tcnsion. is less than or equal to 20 percent of the corr
esponding availab le stress, the effects of combined stress need not be invest i
ga ted. Al so note th al Equations 5 10.3-3a and 51 0.3, 3b can be rewritten so
as to find a nomina l shear stress, F~\" as a fu nction of the required [ensile
= 0.50 for Class B surfaces (unpainted bl as tDu
cleaned steel surfaces or surfaces with Class B coatings on blast-cleaned steel)
;:: J .13; a multiplier that reflects the ratio of the mean installed bolt pret
ension to lhe specified minimum boh pretension. The use o r other va lues may be
approved by the engineer-of- record.
11.\( = hole fac tor determined as follows:
For standard size holes
short-slollcd holes
h,,_= I .00
h,,, =0.85
(b) For ovcrsizcd and
510.3.8 High-Strength !lolls
Slip- C riti cal
High-s trength bolts in sli p-c riti cal connections arc permitted to be designe
d to prevent slip either as a serviceability limit slat e or at the required str
e ngth limit slate, connection mu st also oc checked for shear strength in Hccor
dancc with Sectio ns 510. 3.6 and 5 ! 0.3.7 and bea ring stre ngth in accordance
with Sec tions 510.3. 1 and 5 10.3.10.
Nl Til
(e) For long-sloHed ho lcs h". =0.70 ::;: number o f slip planes ::;: minimum fa
stener tension given in Table 510.3.1, kN
Slip-cri tical connecti ons shall be designed as follows. unless otherwise des i
gnated hy the cnginecr- of- record. Connections with stJndard hol es or slots tr
ansverse to the direction o r rile load shall be de sign ed ror slil) as a scrvi
cc:lbility limit state, Connections with oversized holes or slots p"rallel 10 Ih
e directio n of the load shall be designed to prcvclll slip;,1t the rcquired str
ength level.
User Note: TIlere are special cases where, with oversize . holes and slots paral
lel to the load, the movement possible due to connection slip cou ld cause a str
uctural fai lure. Resistance and safcty faclors arc provided for connccti ons wh

ere slip is prevented unt il the req uired strength load is reached. Design load
s are used for either design method . and all
connections must be checked for stre ngth as beanngrype
Nation al Structural Code of the Philippines G Edi tion Vol ume 1

CHAPTEH:> Steel and MClals
510.3.9 Co mbined Tension and ShcH!' in Slip .. C riti cal
ConnecOo ll s When a slipcritica! connection is subjected to ;;111 applied ten si
o n that reduces Ihe nct d<llllping forl:c , the available slip res isl<lllcc pe
r bolt, from Section 5JO . 3. 8 ~ shall he ll1ulliplied by the factor, k.r , as
foll ows: (510.35a)
= specified mini m um ten sil e strength of the
connec ted materia l, MP"
= clem' di stance. in Ihc direction of the force,
between the edge of the hule and th e edge of th e .uljacelll hole or edge o f t
he mat erial.
= thi ckness of cOllllec ted material. mill
For co nnections, the beating resistance shall be taken as the sum of the bearin
g rc~i s lan c cs of the i ndi vidual bolts. Bcaring strcngt h shall be chec ked
for hoth bearing-type and s ljp ~c ri(i caJ co nn ection s . Th e usc of overs
ized holes and short and lo ng -s loH ed holes para ll e l ( 0 th e line of force
is restri cted to s lip -critical co nnecti ons per Section 510.3.2.
(5 10.351
= number of bolts carrying the applied te:nsion = tensi o n force due to ASD loa
d combin a ti ons,
kN. 1i,
510,3,11 Special rasteners
The nominal strength of spec ial fasteners o ther than the bolts presented in Ta
ble 5! 0.3.2 shal! be verified by tests.
= minimum fastener tension given ill Table
510.3.1, kN. tcnsion force due kN.
to LRI~D
load combi nati ons.
510.3.12 Tension Fasteners
When bolts or other fasteners in (e'nsion arc attached to an unstiffened box or
HSS wall, the strength of the wall shall be determined by rational analysis.
510,3.10 Hearing Strength at Holt Holes

The available bearing strength,

q,Rn and R,Jn, flt
holes shall be detemlined for the limit sta te of bearing as
510.4 Affected Elcmcnts of Members and Connecting Elements
This section applies to elements of membe rs at connections
and connecti ng elements. such as plates. gussets , angles,
For a bolt in a connection with standard. oversized, and Sho ll- sJolted hol es,
independent of lhe direc tion of loading, or a lon g-s lolled hole with the s l
o t parallel to the direction ort he bearing force: when deformation at the bolt
hole al service load is a de sign co nsideration
5 10.4.1 Strength of Elements in Tension
The design s tre n gth ,
and the a llo wab le s tren ti h,
Rn /n ,
of affected a nd connecting clements loaded in
R" = 1.2LJF"
5, 2.4d1F"
tension shall be the lower value obtained according lo the limil slates of tensi
le yielding and tensile n1pture .
For tensile yielding of connecting elements:
(510.4- 1)
when defoml<H ion at the bo ll hole at service lo,ad is not a design considerat
11" = 1.5J.,1F" o,3.OdIF,.

(5 10.36b) 2.
= 1.67 (ASD)
For a bolt in a connection with long-s loHed holes with
the SIOI [>Clpcndicular to the direclio n of force: (510.360)
For tensile nlplurc of connecting e le me nts:
where At'
For connections made using bolts that pass compll~ lcly through an unstiffencd b
ox member or HSS, see Section 510.7 and Equation 510.7l,
= 1l01!linal holt diameter, mm
= effective net area as defined in Section 50~. :; 3, 111m 2; for bolted splice
plat es , A, = A" 5, 0.85A,
Association of S tructura l Engineers of the Philippine s

CHAPT [11 :;
Steel r.wc! Met;li
510.4.2 Strength of Elements in Shear
The ilvaililhlc ~hc<lr yield strenglh of affec ted and connecting d~~ lllcnt s i
n shear shall be the lower value obtained according
III the limi! stales uf sl1ear yielding and shear IlJplurc :
for KUr > 25 the provisions of Sectio n 505 apply,
510.5 Fillers
For sheilI' yielding of the clement:
= Loo(umJ
Q = 1 .5()(AS~
For shear rupture of the clement:
== net area subject to shear, mnl.
In welded consllllction. any filler 6 mill or more in thickness shall extend bey
ond the edges of the splice plate and shall be welded to the part 011 which il i
s Ijtt ~d with sufficient weld 10 l rall~mit th e splice plate load, applied at
the su rfac.:c of the filler. The welds joining the splice plate to the filler s
hall be sunicicllI 10 transmit the splice plate load and shall be long enough [0
avoid ovcrJotlding the filler along the toe of th e weld . Any filler less than
6 111m thick shall have its edges made nush with the edges of the splice plate
and the weld size shall be the sum of the size necessary 10 caJTY the sp lice pl
u s the thickne ss of the filler plate. When a bolt th at carries load passes th
rough fillers thai arc equal [0 or less than 6 mm thick, the shear strength shal
l be used without reduction. When a bolt that carries load passes through filler
s Ihat arc gretltcr Ihan 6 !Hm thick, one of lhe following requirements shall ap
I. For fillers that are equal to or less than 19 mm thick, the shear slrcnglh of
the boilS shall be mul1iplied by the factor II - 0.4(1 - 0.2 5)J [S .I.: II - 0
.01 54 (1 - 6)JJ.
510.4.3 Block Shear Strength
Th e available st rength for the limit sta te of block shear rupture alollg a sh
ea r failure path or path(s} and a perpendi cul ar tension failure path shall be
taken as
where I is the total thickness of the fill ers up to ! 9 mm
(5IOA5 )

A g ., = gross area subject

The f,lIcrs shall be extended beyond the joint and the filler extension shall be
secured with enough bolts to unifomll y distribute the total force in the conne
cted element over the combined cross section of the connected clement and the fi
ll ers;
shear, 111m2
Am ::::- nci aren subject to tension. mm2 Am' :;:nct area subject
to shear, mm ]
The size of the joint shall be increased to accomlllodate a number of bolts thai
is eq ui valent to lhe lOla I number required in (2) above; or The joint shall
be designed to prevent sli p at required strength Icvels in accordance with Sect
ion 5 10,3,8.
Wh ere thc tension stress is uniform, Ub.t == J: where the tension stress is non
uniform, V')s :;:0,5. User Note: The cases where Ubs must be taken equal to 0.5
510.4.4 Strength of Elements in Compression The ava il able strength of connecti
n g clements in compression for the limit stale., of yie ldillg and buckling sll
<lll be determined"as follows.
510.6 Splices
Groove~welded s plices in plate girders and beams shall develop the nomi nal str
ength of the smaller spliced section. Other lypes of splices in eros-ii sections
of plate girders and beams shall develop the strength required by the forces at
the point of the splice.
510.7 Bearing Strength
The design bearing st rength, R11 ilnd the allowable
For KUr $25
bearing strength, R/I of surfaces in contac t shall be determined for the limit
stale of bearing (local compressive yielding) as foll o ws:
P" = FyAg
=O.7S (LRFq
The nominal bearing strcngth,Rl/,is defined as follows for
= 1.67 (ASD)
the various types of bearing:
Nalional Struclural Code of the Philippines 6 'h Edition Volume 1

!; 9t1
CHAPTER 5 . Steel and Meta ls
For mi lled SUrf'ICCS, pins in reamed, drilled. or hored h()les.lmd ends offiued
bearing stiffeners:
5 10.9 AndlOr Rods Hnd Embedments
Anchor rod s shall be designed 10 provide Ihe rClJui l'cd resi stance to loads o
n the. completed strucHlrc al the base Dr columns including the !let tensile com
ponents of illly bendin g momenl Ilwl Illay rcsu l1 from load combinations s lip
uJ;llcd in Section 502 .2. The anchor rods shall be de.... ignc-d in accordance
wI,h the requirements for thread ed parts in TaI1I 0 510.3.2. Larger oversized ;
\nd slotled holes arc permitted in base plates when adequ< l1c bearing is provid
ed for the nU L by using slruclHra l or plate washers to bridge the ho le.
= specified minimum yield stress, MP,I :; projected bearing area, Illln 2
For expansion rollers and rockers fd S635mm
(5 10.72)
b. If d > 25 635 min
r~e rl11 i tted ho le s izes and corresponding washe r dime nsions are given in
the AlSC Manual of Steel Construction
User Note: The
(SI ; Rn = 302(F) -90Y,1/20)
(51O.7}M) (S IO.7.})
W hen horizon tnl forces nrc prcsclH at column bases, th ese rorces should, wher
e possible, be resis ted by bearing agai nst concrete eleme nts or by shear fric
t ion between the column base plate and the foundation. Whcn anchor rods <-I re
(~ s igncd to res ist horizontal force th e base plate hole size, the anchor rod
setting toleran ce, a nd th e horizo lll al movement of the column shall be con
side red in th e des ign. User Note: See Chapter 4 for embedme nt design and for
shear friction design. See OS HA for special erection requirements for anchor r
where d
;: d iameter, 111m = length of bearing, n11ll
510.8 Column Bases and Bearing on Concrete
Proper provision shall be made to transfer th e co lumn loa ds and mome nt s to
the fOOlings and fou ndati ons.

In Ih e absence of code regulations. the design bearin g strength , fA PI" and t

he allowa bl e bearing strengt h,
P" l ilc ,for the limit state of concrele cru shing arc
penni tl ed
510.10 Flanges and Weos with Co ncentrated Forces
This sec ti on applies to sing lea nd doublec oncentrated force app lied norma l
to the fl ange(s) of wide flange sect ions a nd simi lar built -up shapes. A sin
gleconcentrated force can he ei the r tensi le or compressive . Double-concentra
ted forccs are o nc tensi le and one compressive and form a couple on the same s
ide of the loaded member. When the required strength exceeds the available stren
gth as dctennined for the limit states listed in this section, stiffener.-; andl
or doublers shall be provided and sh~ll be sized for Iht difference between the
required strength and the avai lahlc strength for the appl icable limit state. S
tiffeners shall also lll(;t1. the design requirements ill Section 5 10. 10.8. Do
ublers ~; h: .i i also mce{ the des ign requ irement in Scc li o n 510. 10 .9. U
ser Note: See Appendix A-6.3 for requirements fo r the ends o f cantilever membe
rs. Stiffeners arc required at unframed e nds beams ill accordance will I the re
quirclnents of Seelioll 510.10.7.
be taken
fo llows:
<1>, = 0.60 (u mi
.Q, = 2S(ASD)
The nomi nal bearing strength, PI" is de termined as follows:
On the full area of a concrete support :
Pp =O.85f~A,
(510.8 1)
On less than th e full area of a conc rete SUPPOI':
;: area of sleel concentrica ll y bearing 0 11 a 2 concrete su pport, rnm ;;; ma
ximum area of the portion of the suppol1ing surface that is geometrically simila
r 10 and co nce ntric wi th the loaded area, mm 2
510.10.1 Flange Local Bendin g
Thi s section appli es to ten sit e sin gle-co ncentrated forces
and the tensile compone nt of doub le-conce nt rated forces.

Associa tion of Structu ra l Enginee rs of the Phi lippines

Steel and Metal
The design strength, Nn , and the allowable strength,
web thickness, 111m
R,)r.2.f'or the limit state of flange local bending shall be determined as follo
Ii" = 6.251 j 1",1
When required, a pair of transverse stiffeners OJ' a doubler plate shall be prov
Q= 167(AS~
510.10.3 Web Crippling This section applies to compressive single-concentrated f
orces or the compressive component of doubleconcentrated forces.
The available strength for the limit state of web local crippling shall be deter
mined as follows:
= specified minimum yield stress of the flange,
= thickness of the loaded flange, mm
If the length of loading across the member flange is less than O. ISlh, where h,
is the member flange width, Equation 510.10-1 need not be checked.
When the concentrated force to be resisted is applied at a distance from the mem
ber end that is less than 10 I! , H'I shall be reduced by 50 percent.
When required, a pair of transverse stiffeners shall be provided.
The nominal strength, Rn , shall be determined as follows:
When the concentrated compressive force to be resisted is applied at a distance
from the member end that is greater than or ~ual to &2:
=08CX~.[I+-l NY ~)J.5l "\d AI!
EF),,,I J

510.10.2 Web Local Yielding
This section applies to single-concentrated forces and both components of double
-concentrated forces. The available strength for the limit state of web local yi
elding shall be determined as follows:
When the concentrated compressive force to be resisted is applied at a distance
from the member end that is less than d12: For Nld $0.2
The nominal strength, R n , shall be determined as follows:
When the concentrated force to be resisted is applied at a distance from the mem
ber end that is greater than the depth of the member d,
R" =(Sk+N)1",.,)",
(510. I 0-2)
When the concentrated force to be resisted is applied at a distance from the mem
ber end that is less than or equal to the depth of the member d,
R" = (2.5k
-IN )1"),,,,/ '"
. FyII'
= distance from ouler face of the flange to the web toe of the fillet, mm = spec
ified minimum yield stress of the web,
N = length of bearing (not less than k for end beam reactions), mm
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6'" Edition Votume 1

CHAPTEH 5 . Steel and Melals
b. For NIt! > 0.2
C,I~.f1 =-2h
[0.4(hll",)'] -Il bl
(5 10. I 07)
b. por, (h/ I,.: (5 1O. 10-5b) where
XI/b I
1.7. the limit stille of web sidesway
buckling does not apply. When the required strength of the web ex.ceeds the ,wai
lable strength. local lateral bracing shall be provided at bOlh flanges althe po
int of application of Ihe concentf3tcd forces.
In Equations 510.10-6 definitions apply:
= flange Ihi ck nc~s. mm
= overall depth of the member, mm
When required. a transverse stiffener, or pair of transverse
stiffeners, or a doubler plate extending at Icasl one-half Ihe
deplh of Ihe web shall be provided .
510.10.4 Web Sidesway Buckling
This Section applies only to compressive singlc-colltcnl nllcd forces 'Ipplied t
o members where relative lateral movemclll between the loaded compression Oangc
and lhe tension flange is not restrained at the point of application of lhe conc
entrated force .
= nangc widlh, 111111 .
The available strength of the web shall be determined as

Q = 1.76(ASD)
If I .
The nominal strength , R,p for the limit state of web sidcsway buckJ ing shall b
e dClcnnined as follows: if the compression flange is restrained against rotatio
10" MPa when 1.1" <My ( LRFD) or 1.51.1" <My (ASD) al Ihe loealion of the force
= 3.31 x 10' MP. when 1.1" ~ My (LRFD) or I.SMa ?: My (ASD) at th e iocc l1ion o
f the force = clear distance between flan ges less the fillet or corner radius f
or rolled shapcs; distance between adjacent lines of! asteners or the clear dist
ance between l1anges whcn welds arc used for builtup shapes, 111m . = iargestiat
crally unbraced lcngth along either the flange at the point of load, mm. = Oange
thi ckness. mill . = web thickness. mm .
= 6.62 X
User Note: For detenninalion of adequalc restraint, ref~~1!r Appendix A-6. -:.;
For (1l/ l w XI/b f )5,2.3
lR =- 1+0. 2
"h I/bl
b. For
C'I~.r/[ {h l.. )3]
510.10.5 Web Compression Buckling This Scction applies to a pair of compressive
singJcconcentrated forces or the compressive components in a pair of
(510. 10-6) double-concenlrated forces, applied at bolh flanges of a member at t
he same location .
(II/I .. 'N/b f )> 2.3,lhe limit slale of web sidesway
TI1C available strength for the limit slatc of web local buckling
shall be detennined as follows:
buckling does not apply.
When the required
ral bracing shall
e stillcners or a
is not restrained

slrengUl of (he web exceeds the available strength, local late

be provided at the tension nangc or either a pair of transvers
doubler plate shall be provided. I. If the compression flange
against rotation:

0. = 1.67 (ASD)
When the pair of concentrated compressive forces [0 be resisted is applied at a
distance from the member end (hat is less Ihan dl2,
R" shall be reduced by 50 percenl.

When required, a single transverse stiffener, a pair of transverse stiffeners, o

r a doubler plate extending the fuIl
deplh of the web shall be provided. Association of Structural Engineers of the P

Steel and Metal
510.10.6 Web I'II/IC I Zone Shear This section appli es to double-concentrated f
orces applied In one or bo th na ngcs of a member al lhc same locati on.
When required. doubler piate(s) or a pair of diagonal stiffeners 51 1<111 be pro
vided withi n the boumhtries the rigid conncction whose webs lie in a common pla
The ava i l~l bl c strength of the web panel zone for the li mit state ofshc.u'
yielding shall be de termined as foll ows:
Sec Section 5 I 0. 10.9 for doubler plale design req uiremen ts.
510,10,7 Unframed Ends of Hearns and Girders At unframed ends of beams and girde
rs not otherwise restrained aga inst rotati on about th eir longitudinal axes, a
pai r of tnlllsversc st iffeners. ex tend ing the fuJI depth of the web, shall
be provided, 510,10.8 Add itional
Q = 1.67 (A SI~
The Ilomina! strength, R /I shall be determined as follows:
I. When lh (~ '.! ffcCI o f panel-zone deformat ion on frame sf{Jbilil), i.\' no
t consider ed ill rhe allaly.\';s:
For Pr S O.4 P...
Stiffener Requirements
ConcentraCed Forces
R" = O .60F,.dJ '"
b. Fo r p ,
(5 10 10-9)
> O.4Pr
(510.1- 10)
incl uding
pl astic panel-zone

Stiffeners required to rcsist tensile conccntrated forces shall be designcU in a

ccordan ce with th e requirements of Section 504 and welded to the loaded flange
and the web. The welds 10 the flange shall be sized for the difference between
the required strength and avail ablc limit stale strength. The sti ffe ner to we
b welds shall be sized to transfer to the web the algebraic difference in tensi
le force at the ends of the stiffener. Stiffeners required to resist compressive
concentrated forces shall be designed in accordance with the requirements in Se
cti ons 505,6 .2 and 5 10.4,4 and shall either bear on or be welded to the loade
d fl ange and welded to the web. The we lds 10 the nange shal l be sized for the
difference between the required strcngth and the applicable li mit stale streng
th. The weld to the web shall be sized to transfer to the web the algebraic diff
erence in compression fo rce at (he ends of the stiffener. For fitted bearing st
iffeners. sec Section 5 10.7. Tn.1Ilsvcrse full depth bearing stiffeners for co
mpressi vc forces il pplicd to a beam or plate girder flangc(s) shall be designe
d as ax iall y co mpressed members (co!unUls) in accordanc(". with the requireme
nts of Sections 505.6.2 and
defonnation. is considered in the anal ys is:
a. For p, :.sO. 75Pr
(510_10- 11 )
b . Fo r p ,
0_ 75P,
In Eq u3Iions 510. 10-9 through 5 10_I 0- 12, the followi ng definitions appl y:
db de
P, P,
1 \
= column cross-sectional area, = width of column fl ange, mm. :;:;; beam depth,
mill. := column dept h, mm. := specified mi ni mum yield stress of the column we
b. MP._ = P y,N (LRFD ) = O.6P y.N (AS D) := required strength, N. := FyA ,axial
yield ~ trc n g lh of th e co lumn , N. := thi ckness of th e column fl ange, m
ill . := coJ umn web thi ckness, 111m.
mm 2,
The member properties shall be determin ed using an effective length of O.75h an
d a cross section composed of two stiffeners and a strip of the web having a wid
th of 2St at intcrior stiffeners and 121 at the ends of members. TIle weld conne
cti ng full depth bearing stiffeners to the web shal l be sized to transmit tile
differcnce in compressive force at each of the stiffeners to the wel>. Tnlllsvc

rse :tnd diagollal stiffen crs shall compl y with the following additional crit
eria: I. The width of each stiffener pl us o lle ~ hal f the thickness of the co
lumn web shall not be less than one-third of the width of the Oange or moment co
nnection plate deli vering the co ncentratcd force. TIle thi ckness of a stiffen
er shaH not be less than onchalf the thi ckness of thc flangc or moment connecti
National Structural Code of the PI1ili ppines 6'" Edition Volume 1

CHAPTER 5 . Steet and Meta ts
plate del ivering the concclllfiucd load, and grea ter tlwn or equal 10 the widt
h divided by 15 .
Transverse stiffeners shall extend it mi nimul1I o f ollehal f the dept h of the
member except as required in 5 10.10.5 and 5 10.10.7.
510.10.9 Add itio nal
This Section covers me mbe r strength design consider<ltions perwining 10 connec
tions to HSS IIlclllhers and box SCt~t ion s of unifo rm wall th ic kness. Sec a
lso Sec ti on SIO for ad{lition al requ ire ment s fo r bolt ing to lISS. The Se
c tion is organized as follows:
Doubler plmes required for compression strength shall be designed in accordance
with Ihe requirement s o f Section 505. Doubler plates required for tensi le str
englh shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of Section 504 . Dou
bl er plates required for shear strength (see Section 510.10.6) shall be design
ed in accord ance ' with the pro vis io ns of Section 507.
511.1 511.2 5 11.3
Concentrated Forces on )-I SS I-ISS-to- HSS Tru ss Connections HSS-Io-HSS Moment
SIl.l Concentrated Forces on IlSS
In additi on, doubler plates shall comply wi th the fo ll owi ng c riteria: I. T
he thickness and extent of the doubl er plate s11<111 provide the additionalmale
rial necessary to equal or exceed the $(rength requirements .
111e doubler plate shall be welded to devel op the proporti on of the lotal forc
e transmitted to the doubler plate.
511. 1.1 Definitions of Parameters
Fyp PI(

:::: overall width o f rcct<ln gular IISS member, measured 90 degrcc$ to the phl
llc of the connect ion, 111111 :;:: width of plate, measured 90 degrees to the p
lane of the connec li on , I11Ill = outside diameter of round HSS member, mill =
specifi ed minimum yie ld Slress of HSS member material , MPa = specified min im
ulll yie ld stress of plate, MPa = speci fied minimum tensi le strength of HSS m
aterial , MPa = overa ll height of rectangular I-lSS member, measured in the pla
ne of the connection, mm :::: bearing le ngth o f the load. measured parallel 1
0 the axis of the HSS member, (or measu red across the width of the HSS in the c
ase of loaded cap plates). mm :::: design waJl thickness of HSS member. mOl =thi
cknc:cis of plate. mm
511.1.2 L imits of Appl icability
'OlC cri tcria hcrcin are applicab le onl y when the connecl::l'; configuration
is within the following limi ts of applicah;l i:::
I. 2.
S trenglh : Fr S 360 Ml'a for /iSS Ductility: F)/F" S 0 .8 for II SS Olhcr limit
s apply for speci fic cri lcrin
511.1.3 Concentrated Force Dis tributed Trans\,("-';<:i
511.1.3. Criterion for Round IISS Whcn a conccntrated force is di stri buted 1l'
lI nsvcrsciy Ie; ; ..... axis of the HSS th e desi gn strength, fRII, Hnd the al
Association of S truclural Enginee rs of the Philippines

SIGl?l and Metal
5 9!~
sifeng lh, Rilln, fOf Ihe limit siale of local yielding shall be dClermined as f
ollows :
This limit state need 110 \ be chec ked unless the chord member and brall ch mem
ber (connecting clement) have
Ih e same widlh
Rn = Fy l' 15.5,{ 1 - 0.8IJJpID)JQf
= 0.90 (LRFD)
(5 11.1 -1)
(P = 1.0).
= 1.67 (ASD)
c. l . 1 For the limit state of sidewall loca l yielding.
where Qj is given by Equation 5 11. 2 ~ I. Additional limits of app li cability
R" = 2F,.r[5k + N]
l' = 1.0 (LRFD)
~ 40 for cross= 1.50 (AS)))
0.2 < 8p1V "5 1.0
Dlr S 50 for Tconnccl ions and DII
co nnections
= o Ulsidc comer radius of Ihe HSS. which is pcrmitlcd to be taken as ! .51 if u
nknown , mill
Sl1.1.3b Criteria for Rectangular HSS
When a concen tratcd force is distributed transversely to (he axis of Ihe HSS Ih
e design slrength, Rn, and Ihe allowable sire nglh, RnlfJ., shall be the lowest v
alue according to [he limit states of local yielding due to unevcn load dis lrib
uti on, shear yielding (punc hing) a nd sidewall strength. Additional Ii mils o
f applicability are c. I .2 For the limit stat e of sidewall local crippling, in

=1.612[1 + 3N/(H 3 1)]
(EFy )o"Qf
(5 11.1-5)
= 0.75 (LRFD)
where Qf is given by Equation
= 2.0 (ASD)
0 .25 < 8,,18 '" 1.0
8/1 for Ihe loaded HSS wall '" 35
5 1 1.2~lO.
c.I.3 ror the Iimil slate of sidewa ll local buckling in cross
For the limit Slate o f locaJ yielding due distribution in the loaded plate,
uneven load
1111 = 1 4813,{H - 3r)] (EFy )05Qf
(51 1. 1-2)
(5 11.1-6)
l' = 0.90 (LRFD)
n = 1.67 (ASD)
= 0 .95 (LRFD)
= 1.58 (ASD)
where QJ is given by Equati on 511.2-10.
For Ih e limit state of shear yielding (punching), Thc nonun iformity of load tr
ansfer along the lin e of weld , due to the fl ex ibilit y of Ihe HSS wall in a
transverse plate toHSS connection, shall be considered in proportioning such welds
. This requirement can be satisfied by limi ting th e total effeclive weld lengl
h, u, of groove and fill el welds 10 reclangular HSS as follows:
R" =0.6/::" I

[211, + 2Bep]
(511. 1- 3)
= 0.95 (LRFD)
= 1.58 (ASD)
= I OB"/(BIt) ~ Ell'
Lc = 2[10/(Bh)11(Fy l),{FYfllp)]Bp~ 2B"
Thi s limit Slate need nol be c hecked whe n 8p > (13 21), nor when 81' < 0.85 8
For the limit Sl,lte o f sidewa ll under tens ion loading, the available strengt
h shall be ta ken as the strength for sidewall local yielding. For the limit sla
le of sidewa ll under compression loading, ava ilable strength shall be taken as
the lowe st va lu e obtained ~ccording to th e limit s lales of s id ewall loca
l yieldin g, sidewa ll local c rippling and sidewall local buckling.
;:; total effective weld length for welds sides of lhe transverse plate, in. (mm
In lieu of Equation 511.1-7, this requirement may be satisfied by other rational
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6'" Edition Volume 1

CHAPTEI1 5 - Sleel and Melal!;
51 J.J.4 Concenlraled Force Distributed Longitudinally al the Center of the HSS
J)iaIlH'tcr or Widlh, and Actin,.; PCrlH!IIdieufar 10 Ihe IISS Axis When a cOllc
cntrti(cd forcc is di stributed long ttudinall y a long the axis of the HSS a! t
he center of the HSS diillllc tcr
or widlh , ilnd also acl s perpendicular to Ihe axis directi o n of th e i-ISS (
or has a co mponent perpendicu lar to the. axis dircr;ti'}[I o r Ihe HSS), the d
esign slrength, IfJR'I, ,Iud the allowable stre ngth, RIlIn, perpendicl.;J(If to
thc IISS axis shall be dClcrmincd fo r Ihe limit state c hord piaslificlHioli a
s follows .
511.1.6 Concentrated Axial Foret' 011 of a ncctangular HSS with a C "p Plat e.
I~ nd
When (l COIlCClllnllCd force aCls on the end of iI ca pped HSS, and th e force i
s in the direction of thc HSS axis. the des ign strengt h, JRn, and the al lowa b
le strengt h. Rl1/n, 511 .11 b e dctermined for lhe limi t states o r wall local
yielding (due to tcnsile or comprcss ive fo rces) an d wa ll locn l crippling (d
u e to compressive forces on ly), wi th consideration for shear
lag, as follows. 511.1.4. Crilerion for Round HSS An additional limit o f applic
ability is:
DII S 50 fo r Tco nnectiolls and 0 11 connec tio ns
40 fo r crossRn = 5.51')' n( I + O.25NID)Q;
(5 11 . 1-8)
tF 0.90 (LRFD)
n = 1.67 (ASD)
If (SIp + N) ?: B, the ava ilable S lrength of the I-lSS is co mputed by summing
th e contribulion s of all four HSS
If (SIp + N) < /3, th e available strength of Ihe HSS is co mputcd by summing (h
e co ntributions of thc two walls into which the load is di stributed. a. For th
e limit stale o r wall local yielding, ror one wall.
where Q/ is given by Equation 511.2-1.
SI!.1.4b Criterion for Rectangul ar HSS An I1ddilional limit of applicability is
8/1 for the loaded HSS wall" 40
R. = [/'>" 2ItI - Iplli) [2NIB + 4(1 - IP/iJ)' Qj] (5 11.1-9)

R. = 1',. 1[511' + N)
= 1.00 (LRFD)
BI',. 1
(5 11.1-1 J)
=1.50 (ASD)

=1.00 (LRFD )
= 1.50 (AS D)
For the lim it stale of wall local c rippling. for one wall,
Qf= ( I - U2)o ,
V is given by Equalion 511.2-12
(511.1 -12)
ifF' 0.75 (LRFD)
511.1.5 Concenlrated Force Distributed Longitudinally at the Center of Ihe HSS W
idth, and Acting Parallel to the H SS Axis
When it conce ntrated rorce is di stributed 1 0 ngilUdin a il y alon g the axis
of a rectangular HSS, and a lso aCls parallel bUI eccentric to the ax is direc t
i on of the member, the connection shall be verified as fo]lows:
Fyptp ~ Ful
=2.00 (ASD)
(5 11.1 -10)
Association of Structura l Engineers of Ihe Pllilippin es

CHAPTI:. n ~)
StGel nnd Metal
5-10 1
511.2 HSStolISS Truss Connections
511 .2. 1 Definitions of Parameters IJ
IISS-(() - I-fSS truss connections <Ire llc1incd as connections
th at cons ist of one or morc branch members lhal afC directly
welded 10 II cominu.ous chord that passes through the connection and s hall be c
lassified us follows :
When the punching load (Pr sinfJ) in a brandl memher is equilibrated by beam she
ll f in the dlOro member, the
connecti on shall be classified as a T-connection when the branch is perpendicul
ar to the chord and it Yconnection otherwise.
= ove rall width of rectangula r I-ISS milin membcr, measured 90 deg rees to th
e pl ane of the (;oll llection. m ill ;:; overall widlh of rc(;wngular HSS branc
h member, measured 1)0 degrees 10 tile plan e of the
connection, mill ;;- out side diamc ler o r round HSS main member,
= olltside diam eter of round HSS branch member,
When the punching load (Pr sin8) in a branch member is essentially equilibraled
(wi lhin 20 percenl ) by load s in other branch member(s) on the same side of th
e connection, the connection shall be classified as a Kco nnection_ The relevant
gap is between lhe pJimClry branch members whose load s equilibrate. An Nconnec
tio n can be considered as a lype of K connec tio n.
Us~r Noti'! .kK.~iii)~Ii\)fi\YiIh 'oii~'brancIi !Jle. ri!ji.ular
to liie'cbord,is often Cl!liOd . anN-'comi.,qUoniY ;,:'
';; 'J'., ,
1 /

When the punching load CPr sill fJ) is transmitted through the chord member and
is equilibrated by branch member(s) 011 the opposite side, the connection shall
be classified as a cross-connection. When a conn ection has more than two primar
y branch members or branch me mbers in more than one plane, the co nn ec ti on s
ha ll be c lassified as a general or Inulliplanar connection.
;:;cccenlricity in a truss connection , posili ve being away from Ih e branches,
mm ;:; specified minimum yield stress of HSS main member matcrial , MPa ;:; spe
cified min imu m yie ld stress of HSS branch mcmber mat eri al. MPa ;:; specifie
d minimum (en sile st rength of HSS material, MPa ;:; gap between lUes of branch
members in a ga pped K-conncctioll, neglecting the: welds , mm = overa ll heigh
t of rectangular HSS main member, measured ill the plane of thc co nnecti on, mi
ll == overall hei ght of rectangular HSS branc h member, measured in the plane o
f the connection, mm ;:; design wall thickness of HSS main member, mm ;:; design
wall thickness of HSS branch member,
When branch members tran smit part of their lo ad as K connections and pan o f t
heir load as T-, Y -, or crossconnecti ons, the nontinaI strength shall be de te
rmined by interpolatio n all the proponi on of eac h in total.
For the purposes of thi s Specification, the cen terJincs of branch me mbers and
chord members shall lie in a co mmon plane. Rectangular HSS conneclions are fur
th er limited to have all members oriented with walls parall e l to the plane. F
or trusses that are made wi th HSS that are connected by welding branch members
10 chord me mbers, eccentricities w ithin the limits of applicability are p.ermi
tted wi th o ut consideration <;>f th e re sultin g moments for the design of th
e con necti on.
::: the width rat io; th e ratio of branch diameter to c hord di ameter =- DblD
(or rou nd HSS; the ratio of overall branch width to chord widlh ;:; Bbl B for r
ectangular HSS ;:; the effect ive width i'Cilio; lhe Slim of the perimeters of t
he two branch members in a K connection divided by eight limes the chord width :;
::: the c hord slenderness ratio; the ratio of one-half the diameter 10 the 'wal
l thickness = DI2I [o r round HSS; the ratio o[ onehal[ the width to wall thickne
ss:;::: Bnl for rec tangular HSS = the load length parameter. applicable only to
rectangular IISS; Ihe ralio of Ihe lenglh of contact of the branc h with the ch
ord in the plane of the connection to the chord width ;:; NIB. where N:: I1blsi
nO =- acute .angle bet ween the branc h and c hord (degrees) = lhe gnp ratio; th
e rafi o of th e gap between fil e bran chcs o f a gapped K connection to lhe wi
dth of Ihe chord = 8/B for rectan gular HSS

National Structural Code o f the Philippines 6'" Edilion Volu me 1

5 102
CHAPTER 5 . Sleel and Melals
511 .2.2 C rileria for Round HSS The in teraction of stress due to chord member
forces and local branch connection forces shall be incorporated through the chor
d-s tress in teraC li on parameter Q/. Vlhc n the chord is in tension,
3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Tension branch wall slenderness: mti o of diameter to willi th ick ness less tha
n or equa l to 50 Compression branch wall slenderness: ratio o f diameter to wal
l thickness less th an or equal to O.OSEIFy Width nuio: 0.2 < DhID:::: 1.0 in ge
neral. and 0.4 DblD ~ 1.0 for gapped K-connections If a gap connccti on: g grcal
cr thall or equal of the branch wall thi ck nesses
0 =I
When the chord is in compression,
the sum
0= 1.0 V=
0.3U (J + U)
where U is the utilization ratio given by
(51 1.2-2)
If an overlap connecti on: 25%:5 Ov ~ 100%, where 0" = (qlp)xlOO%. P is Ihe proj
ected length of lhe overlappi ng branch on the chord; q is Ihe overlap length me
asured along the con necting face of the cho rd beneath the two branches. For ov
erl ap con nect ions, the larger (or if equal diameter, the thicke r) branch is
a 'th ru member" connected direct ly to the chord. Branc h thickness ratio for ov
erlap con necti ons: thic kness of overlappin g branch to be less th an or equal
(0 Ihe thickness of the overlapped branch Srrenglh: F,.:s: 360 MPa for chord an
d branches
Ag I-",
= required axial stren gth in chord, N; for K-conncctions, P, is to be determine
d on the side of til e j oin I Ihat has the iowercomprcssion stress (lower U) =r
equired flexural streng th in chord, N-m m = chord gross area, mm 2 =available s
tress, MPa

10. Ductilily: 1-",.1 F"
= chord elasti c section modulus, mm
Fo r design according 10 Secli on 502.3.3 (LRFD):
Sll.2.2b Branches with Axial Loads in T, y ~ an d CrossConnections For T and y. con
nections, (he design slrength of the branch
~Pn, or the allowable strength of the branch, P,,/fl shall be the lower value ob
taincd according [0 the limit stales o[ chord plastification and shear yielding
= Pu =:. req uired axial strength in chord, using
LRFD load combinations, N
::::: Mu ::::: required flexural strength in chord, using LRFD load combinations
, Nmm = Fy , MP.
For the limit Siale of chord ptastificati on in connections,
and YFor design according 10 Seclion 502.3.4 (ASD):
P"sin9 = F; ('[3.1 + 15.6/fJ-1''QJ
(511.2- 3)
::::: Pa::::: required ax ial strength in chord, usin g AS!) ,
load combinations, N
= 0.90 (LRFD )
n = 1. 67 (AS D)
::::: Mo::::: requi red flexural strength in chord, using AS D load combinati on
s, Nmm F, = 0.6 Fy , MP.
For Ihe limit Slale of shear yielding (punching).

Pn = O. 6Fy mDb[(J + si nS)/2sin'S]

= 0.95 (LRFD)
.Q = I. 58 (AS D)
511.2.2a Limils of Applicability
The criteria herein arc appl icable o nl y when the connection configurati on is
within lhe foll ow ing limits of applicabilit y:
This Iimil Slale need nol he checked when 3.
fJ> ( I Ify).
loint eccentricity: -0.55D $ c $ O.2SD, where D is the c hord diameter and c is
positive away from the branches
ror the lim it sta le of chord plaslificati on in crossconneclions,
Branch angl e: 9 ;, 30' Chord wall slenderness: ratio of diameter (0 wall thickn
ess less Ihan or equal 10 50 for T -, Y - and Kconnectio ns ; less th an or equa
l (0 40 for crossconnecti ons
P"si nS = 1',",, [5.7/(1 - O.81,8)]QJ
(511 .2-:,)
if = 0.90 (LRFD)
= 1.67 (ASD)
Association of Structural Engineers of the Pililippines

S!eel and Meta!
5 10J
511.2.2(.' Branchl's wi lit Axial Loads in K-C onnections
For K COllll ct'lions, the des ign s lrl~llglh of the bmnch, P.. , iUH ll hl' ;ll
Iowabh.' s tfl'lll! th of the brand l, I',,/n, shall he the lower vill uc ohtain
cd a(.:(;or<i ing to Ihe li mi l states of chord pl;lstj lic'l li(111 1 (l f g:l
l lpc(1 ;lnd 11 verlappcd co nnecti ons and shear yiddi ng (ptJJH.:hingJ f()I' g
apped.connections only.
I. hlJ" the limit
of chord plastifi<.'a tioll,
= () 9() (I.RFD)
h I !'
n = 1.67 (ASD)
F,. S
the nllllprcssion branch :
= req uired ax ial strength in chord, N. foor gapped K-conllections, 1', is to b
e determined on the side of the jOil)! thaI has the higher compression stress (h
igher U). :;: required flexural strength in chord, N-mlll :;: chord gross area,
mrnl = available stress, MPa :;; chord clastic sec ti on mod ul us, mml
!'.sine = 1"./,12.0 + I U3D,/D]Q,Q,
(51 12-6)
For design accord ing to Sec tion 502.3.3 (LRF D):
refers to the co mpression branch only, <lnd
(511.2 7) P,
using LRFD load combinations, N :;; Mu ;;:;; required flexural strength in chord

. using .LRFD load co mbinations, N-nliTI = F.. MPa

;:;:: P II = required axial st rength in chord,
For des ign accordi ng to Section 502.3.4 (ASD):
In gapped connectiolls, g (meas ufed along the crown of" the chord neglecting we
ld dimensions ) is positive. In overlapped connections, X is negative and eq ua
ls q.
For the tension bnwch .
req uired axial strength in chord, usin g ASD load combinations, N :::: Mil :::;
required flexural strength in chord, usi ng ASD load combinations, N-mm = 0.61'
, . MPa
:;: P" Limits of Applicability
PI/sinS = (P"si nS) com press ion branch
(5 11 2-8)
The cri teria herein arc applic ab le only w hen the connection configuratio n i
s within the fo llowi ng limits:
POf the limi t state of shear yielding {punching} in gapped K-connectioJls,
!,,, =
Joint ecce ntricity: -O.S5H $ e 5 0.251-1, wh ere H is the chord depth and e is
posi ti ve away from th e branches
O. 6Fr mIJ;,1 (I ,. sinG)i2sin 'e]
(SI I.2-9)
Bntllch angle:
e ~ 30 ,
= 0.95 (LRFD)
n = 1.58 (ASD)
S11.2.3 Criteria for Rectangular HSS
The interaction of SU'cst,; due (0 chord member forces and local branch connecti
on forces shall be incorporated throu gh the chord-s tress in terac tion paramet
er Qr.
or overall wall width to thickness less than or equ al to 35 for gapped Kcon nec

tio ns and T, y . and cross-connections; I e..~s than or equ al to 30 for overlap

ped K-connections
Chord wall slenderness: rati o
4 . Te nsion branch wall slenderness: ratio of overall wall width 10 thickness l
ess than OJ' equal to 35
When the chord is in tension,
Qr= I
2. When the chord is in comp ression ill T -. )' -, and crosscon nections,
(S II2 IO)
Compression branch wall slenderness: ratio of overa ll wall widlh 10 Ihi c kness
less than or equal 10 1.2S(J::IF r,,)05 and also less than 35 for gapped Kconne
ctions and T ~, Y- and crossconnections; less than or cq llalto 1.1 (/'.11;\./)).5
for ove rlapped K,colln ecliolls Width ratio: ratio of overall wall width of br
anch to overall wa ll width of chord greater than or equal 10 0.25 for T-, Y-, c
ross- and overlapped K-conncctions; greater than or equal 1 0 0,35 for gapped Kconnec tiolls
Aspect ratio: 0.5
When the chord is in compression in gapped Kcon nectills,
0= I. 3 - 0.4 U!Jl<ffS I
4. Where U is the utili zation ratio given by
(S I1. 2- 11 )
ratio of dcpth to width
National Structural Code of the Philippines G Edition Volum e 1

C HAPTUi 5 Sleel and Metals
Overlap: 25% ~ u, $ 100%, where (),. = ('III') x 100%. {J i!-i the..: projCl:tco
length or the overlapping bmnch on the dlOrd ; q i!-i the overlap length measure
d a long the L'onnec ti ng face of the chord beneath the two brallches. For over
lap connections. the larger (or if equal width, the thicker) branch is a "thru m
ember" connected directly to the chord
Branch width ratio for overlap connec tions: ratio of overall wall widt h of ove
rl apping bra nch to ove rall wall widt h of overlapped branch greater than or e
qll"sI to 0.75
bmllchcs in compression shall be taken as the lower of the strcngths for sidewal
l 1 0c:1I yiel ding and sidewa ll local crippling. For Cf(1s:H;on nccli ons with
a branch angle less than 90 degrees. all additional check fo r c hord sidcwf.l1
I she'lr failure mu st be made ill tteCOrdilllcc wi th Sec ti on 507.5.
This limit state need not be checked unless the chord member and branc h member
have 'he same width (B = 1.0).
For the limit state of loca l yield ing.
P "sin9 =
'0. Branch thic kness ratio for overlap con nec ti ons: thic kness o f overlappi
ng branc h to be less than o r equld to the thic kness of the overlapped branch
2Fy l[Sk + NI
(5 11.2-15)
$= 1.00 (LRFD)
1.50 (ASD)
II . Strengt h:
I'~\' S;
360 M Pa for chord and branc hes
12. Duc lilil y: 1',.11'" $ 0.8 13. Ot her limits apply for specific criteria
comer radius of the I-:I SS, which j~i permilted to be taken as f .sf if unknown
. mm = bea ring length th e load, ptlrallel to the <lxis of the HS S lll'lin mem
ber, Hbls illO. 11m,

= outside
51 1.2.3b Bntnehcs with Axial Loads in '1'-, yand Cross Connections For T, Y~, and
cross-connections, the design stre ngth of the
brun ch, rpPII, or lhe allowable strength of the bran c h, P,/fl, shall be the l
owest value obtained accordin g to the limit stales of chord wall piastificati o
n, shear yi elding (punching), sidewall strength and local yielding due to uneve
n lo ad distribution. In additi on to the l.imits of applicability in Seeli on
5 11.2.3a, fJ shall not be less Ihall
For the limit stale or sidewa ll 10CHI cri ppling, in T- and Y-connections,
P" sine = 1.61'[ 1 + 3N I(H - 3t))(EF) )05 Qf
=0.75 (LRFD)
n = 2.00 (ASD)
For the limit state of sidewall local c rippling in crossconnections.
For the li mit slale of c hord wall plastifi cation. P"sill O = 1', 1 212'1/(1 P" sine
= [4 81'/(H 31))(EF)' )05 Q;
(51 1.2- 17)
= 0.90 (LRFD)
n= 1.67 (ASD)
fJJ + 4/(1 - fJJ.lJQJ
($ 11.2- 13)
fJ= 1.50 (AS D)
For the lim it state of loca l yielding due to uneven load distribution,
1.00 (lRFD)
P,,= F),blb[2Hb+ 2b<o; - 41b)
(5 1 L2I g)
=0.95 (LRFD)
bro , = I I O/(BII)JI F, II(F" ,lh)]B h ~ B"
This limit'state need not be checked when f3 > 0.85.

For the limil stale of shear yielding (punching), l'"sinO = 0.61'" 8[2'1+ 2fJw,,
n = I. 58 (ASD)
(5 11.2-14)
=0.95 (LRFD)
fJ= 1.58 (ASD)
(5 11 ) is-')
In Equation 5 11. 2- 14 , the effect ive out s ide punc hing
Th is limit state need not be c hecked w hen B< 0.85.
jlillTlmctc r /In,, = Sj31y slm ll not exceed P
This lim it state need not be c hecked when when fJ < 0.85 and BII" 10. 3. For t
he st ren gth available glale of limit sl ate of sidewall strength, [h e availab
le for branches in tension shall be take n. as the stre ngth for sidewall local
yielding. For the limil sidewall s(renglh, the available strenglh for
f3 > (l - l /y), nor
Sl1.2.3c Branches wilh Axial Loads in Gapped K Connections
. For gapped K-co llncc!ions, the design strength oj' !l branch, P n , or th e al
lowable streng th of the branch, p" 1/( shall be the lowest value obtained accor
ding to th<. states of chord wall plaSlificati on, shear yi , idlfJ,l', (pullchin
g), shear yielding and local yielding due to Uil(:yeU
Associati on o f Structural Engineers of tl18 Philippines

Slewl and Metal
~) .
I 0:)
load distribution. In additi o n to (he limils of i1pplic,abil ily in SCl:tioll
K23a. the following limits shall apply:
(511.224 )
lh 11/ ? O. I ; . Y/50
/hl ? 0.35
:5 0. 5( I - fl.t!)
Gap : g greater tl1<l0 or equal to the sum of the branch wa llthicknessc5
Th e smaller fib > 0.63 times the larger 8/,
POI" the overla pping bntnch, and for overlap 50P/v ~ 0 ,. < 80% measu red wit h
rcspeci 1 0 the overlapping branch,
P,,::: f<~I'I"
[2Hhi 4t/II
+ b~m + b..",. J
(5 1! .225)
For the ove rl apping br'lf)ch. and for overlap 80% :::: 0,. ~ 100% measured wit
h re spect to the overlapping branch,
(51 1.226)
For the li mit state of chord wall plastification ,
i'" sinO ~ 1',. t'19.8fJ,IiY''JQr
(5 11.2.20)
~ 0.90 (LRFD)
Q ~ 1.67 (ASD)
foor the limit state of shear yieldi ng (punch in g) ,
P" sinO ~ 0.6F,. 1 131 211 + fJ + ~"''' ]
(5 11.22 1)

is the effeclive wid lh oflhe branch face welded 10 the chord. ~ [ I O!(BIt)J[ (
1')" ,Y( F,bi I., ) ]Bbi 00 Bb, (51 1.227) is the effective width of the branch f
ace welded (Q the overlapped brace. ~ [ I Of(Bbj !tbi )]I (F""i 110, YC!'~'bi I"
, )] Bbi :5 Bbi
(5 11228)
0.95 (LRFD)
1.'i8 (ASD)
;: :;: overall branch widt h of the overlapping branch ,
In the ,lbovc cqlJ<Hj on, the effective ou tside punching p:lramctcr jl'IJJJ ==
5 Ply shall nOI exceed P Thi s limil Slate need only be checked jf BiJ < (8 - 2t
) or the branch is not square .
overall branch width of Ihe overlapped branch.
For the limit stale of shear yielding of the chord in the gap, available strengt
h shall be checked in accordance wi th Section 507.5. Thi s limi t Slale need on
ly be checked if the chord is not square.
For th e limit state of local yielding due to un eve n load distribution,
i'" ~ F,.blb[2f1" + IJ" + h,,,, - 4th]
(511.2 22)
5pccificd minimum yield stress of th e overlappin g branch material, MPa ::: spe
cified minimum yield stress orthe overlapped . branch material, MPa
= overall depth of the overlapping branch. nun
Ihickness of th e overlapping branch, mm
= thickness of the overlapped br~nc h , mm

For the overlap ped branch. Pn shall not exceed PII of the overlapping bra nch.
calculated using Equation 511.2-24 ,
511.225. or 5 11.226, as applicable, multip lied by the
~ 0.95 (LRFD )
Q ~
1.58 (ASD)
factor (A bj Fybj lA b; F yui), where
b,,,, =[I O!(I)!t)II F,. 1!(r,.iJlb) ]13" 00 13"
(5 1 1.223)
AI,,' Abj
= cross-secti onal area of the overlapping branch ;:: cross-secti onal area of t
he overlapped branch
This limi l stale need only be checked if (he branch is not square or Blr < 15.
511.2.3e Welds to llra nches
The nonuniformi ty of load tran sfer along the line of weld, due to differences
in relative flexibility of HSS wall s in HSS-Io- HSS conn ectio ns, shall be con
sidered in proportionin g such welds. This can be considered by limiting the tot
al effective weld length , 1 ..<. of groove and fillet welds (o rectangular I-l
SS as follows:
I. In T-, Y - an d cross-connecti ons. for 0
2 (11" - 1.21,, ) L, = . --.-- - - + (/J" - 1.21,,)
511.2.3d llranches with Axial Loads in Overlapped K - Connections For overlapped
K-connccti ons, the design strength of the branch, (1P". or the allowab le stre
ngth of the branch, PI/fl , shall be det ermined from the lim it slate of local
yielding due to uneven 10ild di stril>lllioll ,
50 degrees
().9S (LR FD)
Q ~ 1.58 (AS D)
For the overlapping branch, and for overlap 25% ~ 0 1' :S 50% measured with resp
ect to the overl apping branch.
e? 60 degrees

~ F,,, lbi [(O,/50)(2f1bi - 41bi)

+ b",; + b,... ]
National Structural Code of tl1e Philippines 6'11 Edition Volume 1

C HAl'rEI~
5 . Steel and Malals
L e, .----.--.---.-- .
2( 11" -- 1.2,,, )
sin (}
(5 11 .2-30)
t t)
Lincilf inlcrpnhui OIl shall bc-used ofe hctwccn50a nd 60 degrees.
delermine J..,.. for va lues
In ,gapped Kcoll neclions, arou nd each branch, for e $ 50 degrees
2(11 , -1.2,,) . +2(11,,- 1.2,.)
e ;, 60 degree s
L,.I I
1,-1 " 11)
(5 11.2-32)
Linc;lr inLCrpoli.llion shall be used 10 dCLcrmine /...,. for va lues of a betwe
en 50 and 60 degrees. In lieu of the above criteri <l in Equati ons 51 1.22910 51

1.2 32. olher raLional criteria arc pcnnillcd.

511.3 HSS-to-HSS MOlllent Connections HSS to HSS moment connec ti ons arc defin ed
as conn ections titat co nsist of one or two branch mcmbers that lire directl y
welded to a co ntinuolls chord that passcs through th e connection, with [he br
anch or branches loaded by bending moments.
A connecti on shall be classi fi ed
:;:: ultimatc st rength of HSS mem ber. MP" :;:: overall he ight of rec tan gula
r IISS main ml~ llIbn. m ca~u rcd in the plan e or th e connct..:liDIl. rllill :
=: overall hcight o\" rccwngul ar !-I SS branch membcr. 111c:lsurcd in the plane
of lilc connecti()U , mill :;:: dcsign wall thickncss or IISS m<lin mcmber. mil
l :;:: design wall thi ckness of HSS brnnch member, mm :;;: th e width mlio: the
rati o of branch diameter ! ~. chord diamctcr :;:: D1IDror rou nd IISS ; Ihe rmi
t> of ove rall hru llch widt h to dlOrd wi(lI h = IJbli; foJ' rec tan gular HSS
:;;: thc chord slendern ess ratio: the ntlio of o nc~ha ir Ihe diameter to Ihe W
il li thic kn ess::; 012, for round HSS; Ihe rati o of one-half the width h' wa
ll th ickness = 812, for rectangular HSS :;:: the load length paramcter. applica
ble only 10 rectangular HSS; the ratio of the length of contact of the branch wi
lh the chord in the plane of the connection 10 the chord width ::; NIB, where N:
:; Ht/sine :=: acule angle betwccn the branch and cho; ;; (degrees)
511.3.2 Crileri" fo r Round HSS The interaction of stress due to chord mcmber fo
rces n.nd local branch connection forces shall be incorpormed through rhe chord
-);trcss interaction parameter Qr.
As a Tconnection when there is one branch and it is perpendicular to the chord an
d as it Y-connection when there is one br:lnch but nOLperpendic ular to (he chor
When the chord is in tension.
Qr = 1
Whcn the chord is in compression ,
As a cross-c:onnec tio n wh cnlhcrc is a branch 0 11 eac h (opposite) side of th
e chord .
Qr= 1.0 - O.JU(1 + U)
where U is the uti li zati on ratio gi vcn by
U= IP,IA, F, + M,ISF, I
(51 U "
For the purposes of th is Specification, the centcrlines of the branch member(s)
and the chord member shall lie ill a common plane.
511.3.1 Definitions or Param eters B :;:: overall width of rectangular HSS main
member, measured 90 degrees LO the pl.me of the con nec tioll, mm E'l :;:: overa
ll width of rectangular HSS bra nch mcm be r, mcm;;u red 90 degrees to [he plane
of thc con nec tion. nUll /J :;:: outside di<llllelcr of round HSS main memher.
1', M,

F, S
:;:: requi red axial strength in chord. N :::: required Oexural strength in chor
d. N 2 :;:: chord gross area. mill :::: 'lva ilablc stress. MJ>'I :;:: chord cla
sti c section modulus, mil'"
mm ::: outside diameter of round HSS branch member. mm
specified minimum yield stress of HSS main
memOcr, MPil specified minimum yield stress of HSS branch member, MPa
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

S!e<::1 <llld Metal
For design according
Section 502.3.3 (LRFD):
511.3.2c Branches with Out-of-Plane Bending Moments in '1'-, Y- and Cross-Connec
The design strength, Mil, and the allowable strength, MnlQ,
:::: M I, : : :
required axial strength ill chord, using LRFD load combinations, N required llex
ural strength in chord, using LRFD load combinations, N-J11l11
shalt be the lowest value obtained according to the limit states of chord plasti
fication and shear yielding (punching).
I. For the limit state of chord plastification,
:::: Fl' , MPa
M"sin8 For design according to Section 502.3.4 (ASD):
= F),I'Db[3.0/(1
- 0.81,8)JQr
required axial strength in chord, using ASD load combinations, N :0: M" required
llcxural strength in chord, using ASD load combinations, N-mm = 0.6F,.. Mra
= PI!
= 0.90 (LRFD)
fJ = 1.67 (ASD)
For the limit state of shear yielding (punching), M" = O.6/S.IDb'[(3 + sinG)l4si

511.3.2" Limits of Applicability

The criteria herein are applicable only when the connection configuration is wit
hin the foHowing limits of applicability:
= 0.95 (LRFD)
fJ =
1.58 (ASD)
This limit state need not be checked when
fJ > (l
- l/y).
Branch angle:
e 2 30
Chord wall slenderness: ratio of diameter to wall thickness less than or equal t
o 50 for T - and Yconnections; less than or equal to 40 for crosscoonections Ten
sion branch wall slenderness: ratio of diameter to \\Iall thickness less than or
equal to 50 Compression branch wall slenderness: ratio of diameter to wall thic
kness less than or equal to O.OSEIFr Width ratio: 0.2 < DblD" 1.0 Strength: Fy:5
360 MPa for chord and branches Ductility: FrlFII:5 0.8
SI1.3.2d Branches with Combined Bending Moment and Axial Force in T~, Y and Cros
s - Connections Connections subject to branch axial load, branch in-plane bendin
g moment, and branch out-of-plane bending moment, or any combination of these lo
ad effects, should satisfy the following. For design according to Section 502.3.
3 (LRFD):
(P/p,) + (M,-iplrf!M,-ip)2 + (M,-oplrjM,-op) " 1.0
(511.3-7) where
5. 6.
511.3.2b Branches wilh In-Plane Bending Moments in
T-, y ~ and Cross-Connections
The design strength, M", and the allowable strength, M"IfJ, shall be the lowest v
alue obtained according to the limit states of chord plastification and shear yi
elding (punching).
8M ,I .ip M r , ofl
required axial strength in branch, using LRFD load combinations, N = design stre

ngth obtained from Section 51 J .2.2b :0: required in-plane flexural strength in
branch, using LRFD load combinations, N-l11m :0: design strength obtained from
Section 511.3.2b = required out-of-plane flexural strength in branch, using LRFD
load combinations, N-mm = design strength obtained from Section Sl1.3.2c
::; PI!
For the limit state of chord plastification, M"sin8
For design according to Section 502.3.4 (ASD): (511.3-3)
(P,/(P';fl)) + (M,-ipl(M,,-iplfl))' + (M,-opl(M,,-op/Q)) " 1.0
= 5.39F,.I'Y'SfJ Db QJ
r(F 0.90 (LRFD)
fJ =
1.67 (ASD)
(5113-8) where
For the limit state of shear yielding (punching), M" = 0.6F,.ID,,'I(I + 3sinO)l4
sin'O) (511.3-4)
= Po
= 0.95 (LRFD)
fJ = 1.58 (ASD) lly).
This limit state need not be checked when fJ> (I :0:
:::: required axial strength in branch, llsing ASD load combinations, N allowabl
e strength obtained from Section 511.2.2b required in-plane flexural strength in
branch, using ASD load combinations, N-mm
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6'h Edition Volume 1

Mn-iplS2=. allowable strength ohwined from Section 511.3.2il Mro{) =. required ou

t-of-plane flexural strength in branch, using ASD load combinations, N-Il1!ll MI
I-ojJ/S2=. allowable strength obtained from Section 511.3.2c
5 I 1.3.3 Criteria for Rectangular HSS
1.25(UF,h)O.5 and also less tll"l1 ::\)
Width ratio: ratio of ovcrall wal] width of branch (0 overall wall width of chor
d greater than or equal to 0.25 Aspect ratio: O.S :S ratio of depth
:s 2.0
Strength: Fr S: 360 MPa for chord and branches Ductility: F/F" ~ O.X
The interaction of" stress due 10 chord member forces and local branch connectio
n forces shall be incorporated through the chord-stress interaction parameter QI
Other limits apply for specific criteria
Whcn thc chord is in tension,
Qr= I
51 I.3.3b Branchcs with In~Plane Bending Momcnts in T~ and Cross-Connections
When the chord is in compression,
QI= (1.3 - OAU!j3):" 1
The design strength, MJl, and the allowable strength, Mil/D., shall be the lowest
value obtained according to the limit states of chord \vall plastification, sid
ewall local yielding and local yielding due to uneven load distribution,
(51 1.39) J.
For the limit state of chord wal! plastification,
M" = 1',.1'11,,[(11211) + 2I( I - ~)05 + '1/( I - P)[Q{ (511.31/)
where U is the utiliz<lIion ratio given by
= IP,/A,r~
+ M, ~)f)
= 1.00 (LRFD)
=. =. =. =. =.

(3 = 1.50 (ASD)
required axial strength in chord, N required flexural strength in chord, N-mm ch
ord gross area, mm 2 available stress, MPa chord elastic section modulus, mm 3
This limit state need not be checked when 2. For the limit state of sidewal! loc
al yielding,
> 0.85.
M" = O.5F:t(Hld 5,)2
= 1.00 (LRFD)
(3 = 1.50 (AS D)
For design according to Section 502.3.3 (LRFD):
required axial strength in chord, using LRFD load combinations, N required flexu
ral strength in chord, usingLRFDload combinations, N-mm 3.
0.8F,. for
= F,., MPa

This limit state need not be checked when

fJ < 0.85.
For design according to Section 502.3.4 (ASD):
P,. Mr
::; Pa
Ma ::;
required axial strength in chord, using ASD load combinations, N required flexur
al strength in chord, using ASD load combinations, N~mm
For the limit state of local yielding due to uneven load distribution, M" = F,.b
[Zb - (I - b,,,;lB,,)B,,li,,l,,j (511.313)
= 0.95 (LRFD) (3= 1.58 (ASD)
= 0.6F,., MPa
511.3.3a Limits of Applicability The criteria herein are applicable only when th
e connection configuration is within the following limits:
1. 2. 3. 4. Branch angle is approximately 90" Chord wall slenderness: ratio of o
verall wall width to thickness less than or equal l() 35 Tension branch wall sle
nderness: ratio of overall wall width to thickness less than or equal to 35 Comp
ression branch wall slenderness: ratio of overall wall width to thickness less t
han or equal to
= IIO/(B/t)J[hl/(F,blI,)]B,,$IJt.
::::: branch plastic section modulus about the axis bending, fnm 3
This limit state need not be checked when j3< 0.85.
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

51 J .3. 3(' Br:lIlChl'S

Ou(of-Plane BCIl(ling Momellts in '1'- and Cruss-Connections
(I', II'.. J + (M, ;pltP-W.. ;I')
+ (M'"I'/lM1 .. -opJ ::: I.U (51 10320)
The design slr(.~ n gl h , ~~M". and Ihe allow'lulc streng th . Mil/P. shall be
the lowest va lu e ohtained according to the limit slates of' chord wall plastif
icat ion, sidcv.l<I lI local yield in g, loca l yi eldi ng due [ 0 uneven load d
istribution ,lIld chord
1 ,
di slOn i o llltJ failure .
(JP" M,.w
Mu .,1' Mr-.'I'
For the limit sl ate of c hord w;tl i plastificalioll.
M ,, = ,..,,'10.511b(1 + /J)/(I - /J! +1 2[JIl/,(1 + fJ)I( I-(J}J"'JQr
8= 1.00 (LRFD)
11 = 1.50 (ASD)
= required axia l st rength in br'lIlch. lIsing LRFD load cornbinmions. N ;:: de
sign strength obtaincd from Sec ti on 51 1.2..31> ;:: required in-plane flexural
strcngth in branch, using LRFD load co mbinations, N-mm ;:: design strength obi
<lined from Section 511.3.3b = required oUI-of-plane Ilexuml strength in bmllch.
using LRFD load combinations. N-mm :;: design strength obtained from Secti on 5
1 1. 3.3<:
= PIt
This lim it stl.1lc need nOI be checked w hen P>
For design according to Section 502.3.4 (ASD)
(Pr /( P"I11
For the limit s(fttc of sidewall local yieldin g.
M" = F'I(Il-I)(I1/, + 51)
(511.3- 16)

+ (M,.ip/(Mn.ipln.) + (Mr.fI,,!(M'H!pln) 5 J.O (511.3-21)

t/J= 1.00 (LRFD)
I~\ '
fJ= ISO (AS D)
P, ;:: P<I
= required axial strength in bra nch. usi ng
= F , for T-COllnCClions = O. SFy for cross -conn ec tions
This limit state need nO{ be checked when
fJ < 0.85.
For the limit state of local yield ing du e to uneven load
M" = I',.lz" - D.5( I t/F 0.95 (LRFD)
(5 11.3-17)
fJ = 1.58 (ASD)
ASD load combinati ons, N = aIlowable st rength obtai ned from Section 5" .2.3b
M r.i!' ;:: required in-plane flexural strength in branch, using ASD load combin
ations, N-mm M".,,)l1 = allowable strength obtained from Section 5 I 1.3.3b M'-h
fl = required out-of-plane flexural strength in branch, using ASD load combinat
ions, N-mm M" .(1,1Q ;:: allowable strength obtained from Section 5 I 1.3.3e
(511 .3- 18)
= branch plastic section mod ulus about th e axis of bending. mm)
This limit state need not be checked when 4.
f3 < 0.85.
(5 11.3- 19)
For the limit state of chord distortional failure.
M" = 2F,. I[lib l + [Blil(1l + H)JO.5J
= 1.00 (LRFD ) fJ = 1.50 (AS D)
This limil stale need nOI be checked for cross-con nections or for T-conllcctiol

ls if chord distortional failure is

. prevented by ot her mea ns.
Sll.3.3d Branches with Comuined Bending Moment and Axial Force in '1'- and Cross
Con nections subject to brf'lllch axial load, branch in-plane bending moment, an
d branch out-of- plane bending moment. or any combination of these load effects,
should satisfy For design according to Section 502.3.3 (LRFD)
National Structural Code of U ,e Philippines 6'" Edition Volume 1

5 110 CHAPTUi5 ~ Steel and Metal:,
l {. ~'
members, the additional denections duc to the shrinkage
and creep of the concrete should be considered.
'rhis Section addresscs s~rvice<lbj l i l y perf()nnanl'c cJC!'tigll requi remen
ts. The Section is organized as rollows:
5 12.1 5 12.2 512.3 5 12.4 5 12.5 512.6 5 12.7 512 .8
General Provisions
Dcncuions Drift Vibralion
Wind w lnduced Motion
Expansion and COlllraclion
512.4 Drift Drift of a ~trllc ture sh<lJl be cv,dualco under service loads to pr
o vide for sCJ'vi ceability of the SIl'lIC':lUf'C . including the integrit y or
interior partitions and exterior cladding. D rift under strength load combinatio
lls shall nol cause l'olli s i(lll with adjacent structures or exceed the limiti
ng "alues d such drifts th at may be specified by this code.
5 12.5 Vibration The effect of vibration 011 Ihc comf0l1 of the occupants an,! t
he fUllction of the S l ru<.:turc shall be considered. Th~ sou rces of vibration
10 he considered include pedestrian
loading, vibratin g machinery and o thers identified for t h ~
Connection Slip
512.1 GCII Cr:tI Provisions Serviceability is a sUite in whic h lhe functi on or
a building. its appeara nce, maintainability. durabilit y, .. nd comfol1 or it
s occupants arc preserved undcr no rmal u S~lgc. Lim iti ng values of structural
heha vior for scrviceabi lil y ( rOf' eX<l mplc, maximulll deflections, acceler
ations) :-;h'llI he chosen Wilh due regard to the intended functi on of the stru
ctu re. Serviccability shall be evaluated using appropriate load combinations fo
r the serviceability lim i t Slates iJclllili cd .
5 12.6 \.vi ndlnduced Mo tio n T he effec t of windi nd uced mOlion of buildings o
n the
of oCCtJP!lJlIS shal l he considered .
are those that act on the StructUIC at an arbitr~tY point in time. That is, the
appropriate .load combinations are often less severe. than those in ASCE 7, Sect
ion 2.4, where the
User Note: Additioii.rinforination on serviceability limit states, senilce' lo.i
id;i'lUid appropn~te load cOl1lbin ations for serviceability h!qui!iments' '",an
be fou n:d in ' ASCE 7 Appendix' . B t,;).nQlehiary. inc ' perfonuan~ requit'emei
tts fof~erVi2~abiiilY' In 'iiiis S&tioli :ite consistent with those rCquiieineht
siSeiVke'loads, as stipulated herein,
512.7 Expansion and Contraction The efrects of th ermal expa nsion and co ntract
ion of ;1 building shall be co nsidered . Damage 10 bui lding claddiE i~ can c.l
use water pe.nc\r:uiotl and Illay lead to corrosio n. 512.8 Conncclion Slip The

eerects of conneclion slip s hall he included in ilL; design where slip at bolte
d connections may cau~ c deformations. tilat impair the serviceability of the st
''hllii '.lts
LRFD load 'combinations are given.
512.2 Camber
Where appropriate, the co nnection s hall be designed to preclude slip. For the
design of sl ip wcriti cal connections sec Sections 510.3.8 and 510.3.9 .
User Note: For more infonnation on connection sli p, rer to tbe RCSC Specification
for Structural Joints Usi" g ASTM A 325 or A490 Bolts.
Where camber is used to achieve proper position and location of the structure, t
he magnitude. direction and location of camber shall be specified in the stru ct
ural drawings.
User NQle: Camber recommendations are provid.ed in the Code of St'!'ru!ar4 Pract
ice for Steel Buildings and Bridges.
512.3 Deflecti ons
DcOcclions ill structural members and stru,ctura i systcms undcr appropriate ser
vice load combinations shall !lot impair th e serviceability of the structure.
User Note: Conditions to be considered include levelness of floors, alignment 'o
f structural members, integrity of buililiP8 finishes/ 'and .bther :factors that
aJfect tb.e normal u ~ag'e .ai\d f~.i)2iion ofthesti-u~ttire: For composite
Association of Structu ral Enginee rs of the Philippines

C HI\P n~ n !J
Sl eet and Mc ta!
Th is Section addn!sscs requirements for shop drawings, fabri cation. shop paint
ing. erection and qualit)' cO Jltrol.
The Section is organi zed <\.'0 follows:
513 .1 513 .2 5 13.3 5 13.4 513.5
Shop and Erection Drawings Fa brica tion
Shop Painting
Erection Quality Control
513.1 Shop and Erection Drawings Shop drawi ngs shal! be prepared in advance of
fabrication and give complete information necessary for the fabrica tion of the
component paris of the structu re. including the focation. type and size of weld
s and bo ils. Erecti on
drawings shall be prepared in advance of erect ion and give
requin::IHcllls of SC1.:tioll 5/0. /.6. Beam cope!'. amI wdds 'H.'cess holes ill
Sh<lPl~S thm arc to he g.dv;mizcd shall b~ groUJld. For shapes wi th flange thi
c kness not exceed ing SO mill the rough ness or the rmally cu t sUffaces of (:o
p ~s shall be 110 g.reener [han iI surf,l<.c roughness v,ti uc or 50 } . un as dc
fined in ASME 1346.1 Surface Texturc (S urfill'(" Rou ghn ess, Waviness, and Lay
). For beam copes and we ld ac cess holes in which Ihe curved part of the accc))
S hole is thcnll<1J1y cut in ASTM A6/A6M hot rolled shapes wi th a flange thickne
ss exceeding 50 mm and welded buill-Up shapes with materi al thi ckness greater
than 50 111m', a preheal lemperature of not less than 150 F (66 C) shall be appli
ed prior to thermal CUlling. The thermally cu t surface of access holes in ASTM
A6/A6M ho t-rolled shapes wi tha flange thickness exceeding 50 mm and built-up s
hapes w ith a material thickness greater than 50 mm shall be ground and inspecte
d for cracks using magnetic panicle inspection in accord ance with ASTM E709. An
y crack is unacceptable regardless of size or location,
information necessa ry for erection of th e structure. Shop ;]nd erection drawin
gs shall clearly di stin gui sh between shop and field weld s and bolts and shal
l clearly identify hi ghstrcngth bolted prctensioned and slip-critical connection
s. Shop and erection drawings shall be made with due regard to speed and economy
in fabri cation and erection .
513.2 Fabricalion
513.2.3 Planing of Edges

Planing or finishing of sheared or thermall y cut edges of plates or shapes is n

ot required unless specifically called fOf in the contract documents or included
in a stipulated edge preparation for welding,
513.2.4 Welded Construction The ' technique of welding. th e workmanship, appear
ance and quality of welds, and the methods used in correcting nonconforming work
shall be in accordance wi th AWS D1. 1 except as modified ill Secti on 510.2. 5
13.2.5 Boiled Construction Parts of bolted members shall be pinned or bolted and
rigidly held together during assembly. Use of a drift pin in bolt holes during
assembly shall not distOl1 the metal or enlarge the holes. Poor matching of hole
s shall be ca use for rejec ti on . Bolt ho les s hall comply wi th the provision
s of the RCSC Speci fi cati on for Structural l oi nts Using ASTM A325 or A490 !
lollS, Sect ion 3.3 except that thermall y cut holes shall be pCl'lnitled with a
surface roughness profi le not exceeding 25 ,un as defined in AS ME !l46.1. Gou
ges shall not exceed a depth of 2 mm.
513.2.1 Cambering, C urving and Straightening Local appl ication of heat or mech
anical means is pennilted to be used to introd uce Of correct camber. curvature
a.'1 d straightness. The tcmpcralUre of healed areas, as measured
by approved methods, shall not exceed 1,100 ' F (593 'C) for A5 14/A514M and A85
2/A852M steel nor 1,200 (649 'C) for other steels. 513.2.2 Thermal Cutting
Thermally cut edges shall meet the requirements of AWS Dl.l , Sections 5. 15. 1.
2, 5. 15.4 .3 and 5. 15.4.4 wi th the exception that thermall y cut rree edges I
hal will be subject to calculated stat ic tensi le stress shall be rree of rou n
dballom gouges greater than 5 mm deep and sharp V-shaped notches. Gouges deeper
than 5 mm and notches shall be removed by grinding or repaired by we lding.
Reentram corners, except reentrant corne rs of bea m copes and weld access holes
, shall meet the requirements of A\\'S DLI , Section AS.J6 . Jf anothe r s pecif
ied contour is required it must be show n on [he conlract documents. Beam copes
and weld access holes shall meet the geometrical
full y inscned finger shims, with a lOla] thi ckness of nol more than 6 111m wit
hin a joint, are permitted in joints wi thou t changing the strength (based upon
hol e type) for the design of con nections. The orie nt at ion of such shims is
National Siru ciural Code of the Philippines 6'h Edition Volume 1

Steel (]nd Met<-lis
indepcndent of thc direction of application or the load, The use of high-strengt
h bolts shall conform to the requirements of the RCSC Specification for Structur
al Joints Using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts, except as modified in Section 510.3.513
.2.6 Compression Joints Compression joints that depend on contact bearing as par
t of the splice strength shall have the bearing surfaces of individual fabricate
d pieces prepared by milling, sawing, or othcr suitable means.
513.3 Shop Painting 513.3.1 General Requirements
Shop painting and. surface preparation shall be in accordance with the provision
s of the AISC Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges. Shop pa
int is not required unless specified by the contract documents.
513.2.7 Dimensional Tolerances
Dimensional tolerances shall be III accordance with the AISC Code of Standard Pr
actice for Steel Buildings and Bridges.
513.3.2 Inaccessible Surfaces 513.2.8 Finish of Column Bases
Column bases and base plates shall be finished in accordance with the following
requirements: Except for contact surfaces, surfaces inaccessible after shop asse
mbly shall be cleaned and painted prior to assembly, if required by the design d
Steel bearing plates 50 mm or less in thickness are permitted without milling, p
rovided a satisfactory contact bearing is obtained. Stcel bearing plates over 50
111m but not over 100 BUD in thickness arc permitted to be straightened by pres
sing or, if presses arc not available, by milling for bearing surfaces (except a
s noted in subparagraphs 2 and 3 of this section), to obtain a satisfactory cont
act bearing. Steel bearing plates over 100 111m in thickness shall be milled for
bearing surfaces (except as noted in subparagraphs 2 and 3 of this section). Bo
ttom surfaces of bearing plates and colulllll bases that are grouted to ensure f
ull bead ng contact 011 foundations need not be milled. Top surfaces of bearing
plates need not be milled when complete-joint penetration groove welds arc provi
ded between the column and the bearing plate.
513.3.3 Contact Surfaces
Paint is permitted in bearing-type cOllnections. For slipcritical cOllnections,
the faying surface requirements shall be ill accordance with the RCSC Specificat
ion for Stnlclural Joints Using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts. Section 3.2.2(b).
513.3.4 Finished Surfaces
Machine-finished surfaces shall be protected again.sl corrosion by a rust inhibi
tive coating that can be removed prior to erection, or which has characteristics
that make removal prior to erection unnecessary.
513.3.5 Surfaces Adjacent to Field Welds
Unless otherwise specified in the design documents, surfaces within 50 mm of any
field weld location shall be free of materials that would prevent proper weldin
g or produce objectionable fumes during welding.

513.2.9 Holes for Anchor Rods

Holes for anchor rods shall be permitted to be thermally cut in accordance with
the provisions of Section 513.2.2.
513.2.10 Drain Holes
When water can collect inside HSS or box members, either during construction or
during service, the member shall be sealed, provided with a drain hole at the ba
se, or protected by other suitable means.
513.2.11 Requir'emcilts for Galvanized Members
Members and parts to be galvanized shall be designed, detailed and fabricated to
provide for flow and drainage of pickling fluids and zinc and to prevent pressu
re build-up in enclosed parts.
Association of Structural Engineers of the Pllilippines

Sleel anclMe tal
511 ::5
513.5 Quolit), Control 513.4 Erection 513.4.1 Alignmenl of Column Bases
T he fabricator s hall provide qualit y control procedures to .Xlent that the fa
bric.:ator deems neccssary (() assure thm the C thc work is performed in accorda
nce with this Spccific<ltion. In i.ddilioll 10 the fnbric.uOf's q uali ty comrol
procedures, materia l a nd workmanship at all tim es Ill ay be su bject to insp
ecti on by qu al ified inspectors representing th e purchaser. If such ins pecti
on by represent ati ves of the pu rch aser \\,i ll be required, il s hall be so
stated in the design documents.
Column hascs sh.tll he SC I level and 10 correct clcvmioll with
full bearing 011 concrete or maso nry.
513.4.2 Bracing
The frame o f steel ske le ton buil di ngs shall be cflrricu lip true and plumb
within the limits defined in the A l SC Code of Standard Practice for Steel Bui
ldings and Bridges. Temporary bracing shall be provided. in accordance with the
requ irements of the Code of Sta ndard Practi ce for Sleel Buildings and Bridges
, whe rever necessary to suppOrt the loads to whi ch [he struc ture may be subje
cted, in cluding equipment and the operati on of same. Such bracin g shall be le
ft in place as long as required for safe ty,
513.5.1 C ooperati on
As far as possible, the in spection by re prese ntati ves of the pu rc haser sha
ll bc mad e at the fab ri cator'S plant. The fabricator shall cooperate with th
e inspector, permitting access for in spection to all places wh e re work is be
ing don e. The purchaser's inspector sha ll schedule th is work for mini mum int
erru pt ion to the work of the fabri cator.
513.4.3 Alignment
No pe rmanent bolt ing or welding sha ll be pcrfonncd un til Ihe adjacent affect
ed portions of Ihe structure h;we been properl y al igned.
513.5.2 R ej ections
Mmerial or workmans hip not in conform ancc wi[h the provisions of this Specific
atio n may be rejected at any ti me du ring the progres s of th e work. Th e fab
ricat or shall recei ve co pies of all reports furnished to the purc haser by th
e inspecti on agency.
513.4.4 Fit of Column Compression Base 1>lates
Joints and
Lack o f contac t beari ng not exceedi ng a gap of 2 mm , regardless of the type
of splice used ( paJ1 ial -joint penetrat ion groove welded or bo lted). is perm
itted. If the gap exceeds 2 mm, but is Icss than 6 mm, and if a n e ngineeri ng
in vestigati on shows that suffic ie nt cont act area does not exist , the ga p
sh all be packed out with nonlapered steel shims. Shims need not be oth er than
mild steel, regardl ess of the grade of the ma in materi al.
513.5.3 Inspect ion of We ldi ng The inspection of welding shall be performed in
accordance wit h the provisions of AWS 0 1.1 except as modifi ed in Secti on 5
10.2. Whcn visu al in specti on is required to be perform ed by A WS certifi ed
weldin g inspec tors, it shall be so specified in the des ign documents. When no
ndestructive testing is req uired , the process, ex tent and stand ard s o f acc

eptance shall be cl earl y defin ed in thc design documents. 513.5.4 Ins pection
of Slip-Critical High-Strength
513.4.5 Field Welding
Shop pai nt on surfaces adjacent to joints to be field welded shall be wire brus
hed if necessary to assure weld qualit y. Field welding o f attachments to insta
ll ed e mbe dme nts in contact with concre te shall be done in suc h a mann er a
s to avoid excessive thennal expansion of the e mbedment which could result in s
pallin g or c rac king of the co ncrete or c xcess i ve stress in the c mbedmell
l anc ho rs.
Bolted Connections.
T he in specti on of slip-criti cal hi gh-strength bolted co nnection s shall be
in accordan cc with the provisions of the RCSC Specification for Structural Joi
nts Using ASTM A325 or A4 90 Bolts.
513.5.5 Id entifi cation of Steel 513.4.6 Field Painting
Responsibility fo r touch-up painting, clea ning and field pa inti ng sh all be
allocated in accorda nce with acceptcd local practices, and tb is allocat ion sh
all be scI forth exp lic itl y ill the des ig n docum ents.
The fabricator !ihall he able to dcmonstrate by a wrillcn procedure and by actua
l practi ce a mc thod of material ide ntific ation, visible at leas t through th
e "fi t-up" operatj on, for the main sl rtlctural clements of each
513.4.7 Field Connections As c rec[i on progresses, the structu re shall be secu
re ly bo lted or welded to support the dead, wind and erection loads.
Na tio na l St ructura l Code of the Philippines 61b Edition VolLlme 1

11 t!
Stet?i and Metal::;
Design by inelastic analysis is sub.iect to the supplementary provisions of this
The appendix is organized as follows:
Ag Fy
::: gross arca
or mcmber, mm?
:=specified minimuill yield stress of the compression flange, MPa ::: resistance
faclOr for compression::: 0.90 :::safety factor for compression::: 1.67
A-l.2 A-1.3 A-I.4 A-1.5
A- J.8 A-I.9
General Provisions Materials Moment Redistribution Local Buckling Stability and
Second-Order Effects A-I.Sa Braced Frames A-I.8b Moment Frames Columns and Other
Compression Members Beams and Other Flexural Members Members under Combined For
ces Connections
A-I.4 Local Buckling Flanges and webs of members subject to plastic hinging in c
ombined flexure and axial compression shall be comp:H.:\. with width-thickness r
atios less than or equal to the limil;I);! Ap defined in TabJe 502.4.1 or as mod
ified as follows: ~,
For webs of doubJy symmetric wide flange members and rectangular fiSc)' in combi
ned flexure and compression
hl[", <;3.76 -_-(1---,-)
A-I.1 General Provisions Inelastic analysis is permitted for design according to
the provisions of Section 502.3.3 (LRFD). Inelastic analysis is not permitted f
or design according to the provisions of Section 502.3.4 (ASD) except as provide
d in Section A-I.3.
A-1.2 Materials Members undergoing plastic hinging shall have a specified minimu
m yield stress not exceeding 450 MPa.

(A-l-l )
ehl y
h PI!
A-1.3 Moment Redistribution Beams and girders composed of compact sections as de
fined in Section 502.4 and satisfying the unbraced length requirements of Sectio
n A-I.?, including composite members. may be proportioned for nine-tenths of the
negative moments at points of support, produced by the gravity loading computed
by an elastic analysis, provided that the maximum positive moment is increased
by onetenth of the average negative moments. This reduction is not permitted for
moments produced by loading on cantilevers and for design according to Sections
A-IA through A-I.S of this appendix.
$" 2.
= modulus of elasticity of steel = 200,000 MPa :;:: specified minimum yield stre
ss of the type uf steel being used, MPa :;:: as defined ill Section 502.4.2, mm
:::: required axial strength in compression, N :::: member yield strength, N :::
web thickness, mm :;:: resistance factor for flexure;::: 0.90
For flanges of rectangular box and hollow stnl' sections of uniform thickness su
bject to bendi; compression, flange cover plates, and diaphraglll between lines
of fasteners or welds
If the negative moment is resisted by a column rigidly framed to the beam or gir
der, the one-tenth reduction may be used in propor1ioning the column for combine
d axial force and flexure, provided that the axial force does not exceed O.15f,F
y A, for LRFD or O.15f,A,IQ, for ASD,
::: as defined in Section 502.4.2, lllm :::as defined in Section 502.4.2, mm
For circular hollow sections in flexure
DI[ ,; O.04SEIF,

Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

!.... l ! }\P1EH:,
.sW(!i:1 rlU M CIil I
~) l i ~j
whcn. '
I) ;:: outsitlc diameter of fOund HSS mcmber. nUll
A-1. 7 Bea ms a nd Othe r Fl ex ur:tl M emb ers
T he required mO lHent slrcngth. M il, of hea lll s dc!<Oigned on
Ihe h;I!<Oi" of inelastic.: iIIwl ysis shall not exceed the dc!<O ign
A I.S S iubilif y and Second -Order Efl'crls
Continuous beams nOl subjected to <lxial loads ;lIld thill dl) nO( contribute to
1;l!t'ral Slability of framed strut'lU rcs ma),
slrcnglh. $M". wher.,;
(A - I-Il)
be des igned based on (I first -order inelastic analysis or it plaslic Il1cchani
!; 111 antilysi s. Braced frames and moment fnllllcs may be designed bi.lsed 011
a firs t-order ine l:.\ stk una lysi s or ;t pl<lslic Il1cch;mislll analysis pr
ovided th:tt stabi li ty and second-order effects arc taken into accoulll .
Structures may be designed on the basis of a second-ord er inelastic ana lys is.
For beam-columns, connections and connected members, the required strengths sha
ll he determined from a second-order inelas tic analysi s , where equi li brium
is satisfied on the deformed geometry, taking into accounllhe c hange in stiffne
ss due to yie ldi ng.
$ = 0.90 (LRFD )
Design by inelastic analysis i!<O permitted for members that arc co mpact as dcf
ined in Section 502.4 and as modified in Section A- 1.4 . The latcrally unbraced
length. 1.)1, of the compression nangc adjacent to plastic hinge locations shal
l not exceed Lpd , detc rmincd as follows.
A-l.Sa Braced Frames
In brac ed fmflles designed 011 the bas is of inelastic analysis. braces shall b
e des ig ned to remain clastic under lhe design loads. T he required axial stren
gth for col umns and com press ion braces sha ll not exceed tj;.. (0. 85 I-~)"A,
). w he re
For doubly symmelric and singly symmc tric I-s haped membe rs wi th the compress
ion nange equal to or la rger than the len!<O ion n,lJlge loaded in the planc of
the web:
L"" = IO.1 2+ 0.076(-M' )](F)r,
2 ,

= smaller moment at e nd of un braced length of
= la rger moment at end o f unbrnccd length of = radius of gyralion about mi nor
axi s. mm(MIIM2)
is positive when moment s calise reverse curv<tlllre and negative for single cur
vature. beam, N-mm
beam, N-ffilll
Al.Sb M oment Fra mes In mo ment frames designed on the basis of inelast ic analy
sis , the required axial strength of columns shall not
exceed ~(0.75F)"A,). where
For so lid rectangular bars and symmetric box beams:
c = 0.90 (L1~FD)
A-1.6 Columns and Other Compression Members
In addi ti on to th e li mits set in Sections A- I .5.a and A-1.5 .b. the req ui
red axi al stre ngth of col umns designed on the basls of inelastic a nal ysis s
hall not exceed the design strength, cf>cPn, detemuncd according to the provi si
ons of Section 505.3. Design by inelastic am'lysis is pennitted if the colullln
slenderness rali o, U r, does not exceed 4.71J / Fy where
M E E L pd =[0.17+0.10(-' )I( - ) r,. ~ O. L O(-)"r M, F,. . F,.
(A-I-8) 111erc is no li mit on Lb for members with circular or square c ross sec
tions or for any beam ben I about its minor axis.
A- 1.8 M e muer s under Co m bin ed F or ces
When ine lastic analysis is used for symmetric members subj ec t to bending and
axial fo rce. Ihe provisions in Section 508. ) appl y. Inelastic analysi s is lI
ot permitted for members subject 10 torsion and combined torsion, flexure. she.
.1r an(Vor axial force. A-1. 9 Connecti ons Co nnections adjace nt to plnsti c h
ing in g regions of co nnected members shall be designed wi th suffi cient stren
gth and ductili ty 10 sustai n the forces and deformations im posed under the re
q uired loads.
= lalerall y ullbracc-d length of a member, mm
= govern ing md ius of gyra tio n. m m
National SLructural Code of tile Philippines 6'" Edilion Volu me 1

5-11 G
CHAPT EH 5 - Steel and Metals
34 ~ 3 2 - - -
= r:::r :: _:
=_ -.
3.0 - ---- - This appendix provide!; methods for delCnn ining whether a roof system has adequ
ate strength and stiffness 10 resi st pondin g. The appendix is organized as fol
lows: A-2.1 A-2.2 Simplified Des ign for Ponding Improved Design for Ponding
-- - - - .- - ...
-- .-.. -.... --- ._, ..- .- .

~ 2.0 -~=--j~~-:-t--i:: ~-'%:j:: - -1- -:: ~ : ~ = = 1.8 - _ _ _ . _ - -+ _ - .-t ~ 16

e .
2.2 _ . A-2.t Simplified Design for Ponding
The roof sys tem shall be considered stable for pond in g and no funher in vesti
gati on is needed if both of the following two conditions are mel: Ct' + O. 9C,
:" 0.25
1_ 0
0 .8
0.6 0.4
(A-2- 1) (A- 2-2)
I" ~ 3940 SA

504L,L" C=-__-., 1
Upper Limit of Flexi/)ilily Cons/ani Cp
A-21. Limiting flex ibiliry coefficienr for systems.
rh e primaJ)'
S Ip Is Id
f-or secondary members, the stress ind ex shall he V =(
0.8F,. 10
= column spaci ng in direclioll of girder (length of
primary members), m
= co lumn spacing perpendicular \0 direction of
girder (length of secondary members), m == spacing of secondary members , III 4
moment of inenia of plimary members. mm = moment of inertia of secondary me mbe
rs, Illm4 == mome nt of inenia of the sleel deck supp0l1ed on 4 seco nda ry memb
ers, mm per III

= stress due \0 the load combination (D + R) = nominal dead load = nominal load
due to rainwater 01' snuw, exclusive of the pondin g cOlU ribution, MPa
For trusses and steel joists, the moment of inertia Is shall be decreased 15 per
cen t when used in th e above equation. A steel deck shall be considered a secon
dary member when it is directly supported by the primary members.
A-2.2 Lmprovcd Design for J)onding
The provision s given below are permilted LO be lIsed \",hen a more exac t de te
rmination of framing stiffness is nceded than that given in Section A-2 . 1. For
primary members, the stress index shall be
For roof framin g consisting of primary and secondary members, the combined stif
fness shall be evaluated as follows: enter Figure A2 1 at the level of the compute
d stress indcx Up determined for the prim ary beam; move horizontally to the com
pu ted Cvalu c of the secondary bcnnu; and the n downward to the abscissa scale.
The combined stiffn ess of the primary a nd secondary framing is . suffic ient
to prevent ponding jf the n ex ibi lity constanL read from this laller scale is
more than the va lue of Cp computed fo r the given primary me mber; if not, a sl
iffer plimary or secondary beam, or combination of bOlh, is required .
0.8F, 10
Associa tion of Structural Engineers of tile fj hilippines

Sl<!c! and Mewl
~) .
I 17
A similelr p n x:cd ur~ must bc followed using Figll re A-2-2.
3 ~
-- - 32 ~
I - r~!
=~~ :J
= - --_~.
r=~Y. - ':1
This appcndix applies 10 members and COllllcctiollS sllbjecI to high cycle loadi
ng within the clasti c range of stresses of frequcncy ,md magnitude sunil' jelll
(0 initiate cracking and progressive. failure, whi ch defines the limit slate o
f fatigue . The lolppendix is organized as roll ows:
A3 .1 A 3.2 A3.3 A 3,4 A3.5
1-""-'-' !} 2.0 - 2-1li~I?1~Iiittll '1_. .._
' .8 _. - 1.-/
,~ ,
... 1.6
0 .
General Calculation of Maximum Stresses and Stress Ranges Design Stress Range Bo
lts and Threaded P ailS Special Fabrication and Erecti on Requirements
04 -0.2 00

0. 1
0 .5
0 .7
A3,\ General The provisions of this Appendix apply to stresses calculated on the
basis of service loads. Thc maximum permitted slress due 10 unfaclOre:d loads is
Upper Limit of FlexilJilty Consr8ri Cs
Fig. A -2-2. Lilllilitlg fleXibility (:oc/ficieru for rile secolldtll), s),stems
For roof framing consisting of a series of equally spaced wall-bearing beams, th
e stiffness shall be evaluated as fo llows. The beams are considered as secondar
y members sup ported on an infinitely sliff primary member. For (his l:lISC, enl
er Figure A-2-2 with the computed STress index UJ . The limiting value of Cs is
determined by the intcrce pl of a horizontal line reprcsenting the U~ value and
the curve for
Stress range is defined as the magnitude of th e change in stress due to the app
lication or removal of the service live load. In the case of a stress reversal,
the slrc.."is range shall be co mputed as the nu merical sum of maximum repeated
tensile and compressive stresses or the numerical sum of maximum shearing stres
ses of opposite direction at the poi nt of probable crack initiati on. In the ca
se of complete-joint-penetration but( welds. the maximum de sign stre."iS range
calculated by Equat ion A-3-) applies only to welds wiLh intemal soundness meeti
ng the acceptance requirements of Section 6.12.2 or 6. 13.2 of AWSDLL No evaluat
ion of fatigue resistance is required if the live load stress range is less than
the thresho ld stress range, Fill. See Table A3 L No evaluation of fatigue resist
ance is required if the number of cycles of application of live load is legs tha
n 20,000. The cyclic load rc sistnnce detcrmined by th e provisions of this Appe
ndix is appl icable to structures with su ilable corrosion prolection or subject
only to mildl y corrosive atmospheres, slIch as normal atmosphelic conditions.
.. nle cyclic load resistance determined by the pro visions of thi$ Appendix is a
pplicable onl y to structures subject to tem peratures not exceeding 300F (ISOC).
el ,:::. O.
Uscr N9(el Ti1e pooding<!eflectioll c<in. l!ibuted by ,a metal deck is' 4S'uhlIY
i $uch h(siii~lfpartiQtilit:iQiill, iX.Jrl~i'Jg deflection of ~ r<>of prul~f\li
at it IS suffiiiienlm:erely:.to'\UiUt its mOIl!~nt, of)l!~riia ~r:)n~te~ 9.f!l'.
id./!1 ri9~aJ to :it~ ,..p,~
',.: " .,'

:c~' ...
;-" ." ' : , ..,:,; , . .
For roof fram ing consisting of melal deck spanning between beams supported on c
olumns, the stiffness shall be evaluated as follows. Employ Figure A-2- 1 or A-2
-2 using as CJ the flexibility constant for a I III width of the rooC deck
= 1.0) .
National Structural
Code of the Philippines 6'"
Edition Volume 1

The engincer-or-record shall provide ei ther compl lelc deUl ils incl uding weld
sizes or shall specify the planned cycle lire :11111 Ihe 1ll:l.\:i IlH lIlI rtl
llgc of lllomenJ:... shears and n:ilt.: lions for the c.:o nncl'tions.
A-3.2 C'llcul;slion of Ma xi mulIl Stn'sscs and Str" css n a Jl gcs
_(c:rI IX IO'
)". 11,'
.'iN Calcu lated st resses shall be b<:lsed upon clastic alwl ysis. St rcsses shall n
ot he amplified by st ress concel1t nuion filClors for geometrical discoJllinuit
ics. For bolts and threaded rods subject 10 axial tension. the calculnted stress
es shall include the effects of pryill1g aClion. if any. In the case of ax ial s
tress co mbined with bending. the maximum stresses. of each kind , shaH be those
determined for concurrent arrange ments of the 3pplie(J load .
foOl' members having symmetric cross sections, the fasteners and welds shaH be a
rranged sy mmetrically about the axi s of the member, or the total stresses incl
uding those due to ecce ntricity shall be included in the calcu lation of the st
ress I':l nge .
For axially loaded angle members where th e center of grav ity of th e cOllnecti
ng welds lies between the !tne of th e ce nt er of gravi ty of the angle cross s
ection and the ce nter of the con nected leg, the effects of eccentri cit y shal
l be ignored. If the center of gravi ty of the connecting we lds lies out side t
his lone, the total stresses. incJuding those due to joint cc.:cclltricit y. sha
ll be included in the calculation of stress range .
For tension-loaded pl atc dements t.:olllll"t.:lcd ilt Ihcii end by cruciform. T
. or corner dcta ils wi th complelcjoilll~pcneiratioll (CJP) groo"e welds ()f pa
rtial joillt penetration (PJP ) groove welds. fillet we lds, or co mbination s o
f the preceding. tntllsvcrse-. to I/!,: direction of stress, the design stress r
ange 011 Ihe ("rl)'-.' section of the tension-loaded plate clement ill the toe l.
J ( the weld shall be detcnnined as follows: Based upon crack initiation from t
he loe of the weld On the tension loaded plate clement the design stress rang...
. F SR. shall be dcteOlli lled by Equation A -J-3, for strcs:-. category C whic
h is equ31to
_ ( 14.4XIO")0JJ3>689
(5 I )
(A -3-3)
Based upon crack ini ti ltti on from the root of the weld the design stress nlll
gc, F SH, 011 the lell5io[1 loaded plme clement usin g transverse PJP groo ve we
lds, with OJ without reinforcing or con touri ng fillet welds, I !" design stress
ran ge on th e cross secti on al the toe of !!:: weld shall be determin ed by E
quation A-3-4, stress category C_ as follows:

Fm = 111'11' (
(5 .1.)
(A -3-4)
1\-3.3 Design Stress Range The range of stress at service loads shall not exceed
the design stress range computed as rollows. I. For Slress calegories A, B, B_,
C, D, E and E_lhe design stress range, FSR , shall be determined by Equalion A3 -1.
the reduc ti on factor for nonrcinforced transverse P1P dctennin ed as follows:
reinforced or groove welds
10 (5.\.)
FSR -- (e[ X 329 )0.333
(A-3- 1)
If RPJP = 1.0, usc stress category C.
= design stress range, MPa = constant from Table A-3-1 for the categ()ry = numbe
r of stress range flu ctuati ons in de-.s ign life = number of stress range fluc
tu atio ns pe r day x 365 x years of design life = threshold fatigue stress rang
e, maxi mum stress range for indefinite design life from Table A-3 ~
= the length of the Jlollweldcd
face in
( :. >

direction of the thi ck.ness of Ihe plate. 111m
Icnsion- l o~H.h..c
=the leg sile of the reinforcing or contonrin" fillet, if any. in the direction
of the t hi cklll::,~> ,.: the tension-loaded plate. 111111
= thickness of tension loaded plate,
I , Mr"
For stress category F, the design stress range, Psn, shall be determined by Equa
tion A-3-2.
Based lIpon crack initialion from the root s of :1 :', . transverse fillet we ld
s on opposite sides of til(: t ,:.; .. loaded plate element th e des ign stress
range, h/i, Oil tli,;
Association of S tru ctural Enginee rs of tile Philippines

c ros ~
section <II the lOt! or the we lds shall he determined
by Equation A-1- 5, strcss Ciltcgory C as follows ;
( 14.4XIOII
--) N
(S. I. J
(A -3-5l
Hm. is the reduction facI o)' for joints llsing a pair of transverse fillet weld
s only.
the tensile stress nlllgc in the prctcnsiollcd holts due to the total service Ii
ve load and moment plus effects of any pryin g acti on. Alternatively. Ihe stre
ss ran ge in the bolts shall be ass umed to he equal to the stress on the net te
nsile arca due to 20 pen:':l!1lt of the absolute vn lue or the service load ax i
illlo<ld and Ill ome nt from dC<ld. live ancJ other loatis. A-3.S Specia l Fabri
Erection Requiremcnts
0.10;. 1.24("'/ 1
0. 167
I,)) S 1.0
Jf R"'IJ. = I .0, usc stress category C.
A-3.4 Bolls and Threaded Parts
Lon gitudin<:l l backing bars afC permittcd to remain in place , and if used, sh
ill: be' continuous. If splicin g is necessary for long joi nts. the har shall b
c joined wit h complete pCllctnllion bUll joints and the reinforcement ground pr
ior 10 assem bly in the joint. In tra nsversc joints subject to tension. backing
hal'S, if used. shall be removed and thcjoillt back gouged and welded.
The nlngc of st ress .11 sen'ice IO<1ds shall not exceed th e stress runge compu
ted as follow s.

I. For mechanicall y fastened connections loaded in shear. the m:lximum r:mgc of

siress in the cOllllccted material at service loads slwlt not exceed Ihe design
stress rilngc co mputed using Equ:uion A-3-1 where C, and F rot arc wken from S
ectioll 2 of Table A-J. I.
In tran sverse complete-jojnt ~ pe llelrati on T and corner jOints, a reinforcin
g lille! weld, not Icss than 6 mm in size shall be added .11 rC -cll tralll co rn
The surfacc roughncss of
cut edges subject
signifi cant cyc lic tensi le stress ranges shall nOI exceed 25
where AS ME B46.1 is the refercnc:c standard.
For high- strength bolts, comm on bolts, and threaded anchor rods with CUI , gro
und or rolled threads, the maximum range of tensile stress on the net tensile ar
ea from applied axial load (lnd moment plus load due (0 prying action shall not
exceed the design stress range computed using Equation A+ 3-1.
Reentrant corne rs at cut s. copes and we ld access holes shall fonn a radius of
not less than 10 I11Ill by prcdrilling or su bpunching and reamin g a hole, or
by thermal cutting to form the radiu s of th e cuI. Jf the radiu s portion is fo
r med by therm al cutting, the cut surface shall be ground to a bright metal sur
face. For transverse bUH joints in reg ions of hi gh tensile stress, run -off ta
bs shall be used to pro vide for cascading the weld termination olltside the fin
ished joint. End dams shall not be used. Run~off tabs shall be removed and the e
nd of the weld fini shed nush with the edge of the member. See Section S I0.2.2b
f Of requirements for end retu rns on ceI1ain fillet welds subject to cyclic se
rvice loading.
The fac tor Cf shall be taken as 3.9 x 108 (as for stre ss category E'). The thr
esho ld stress. Fnl shall be laken as 48 MPa (as for stress cmego r), D). The ne
t tensile arc'l is given by Equation A~36 .
(S. I. )
(A -3-6)
P Db
= pitch, mm per thread = the nominal diameter (body or shank diameter).
= threads per 111m
For join ts in which the mat erial within th e grip is not limited 10 steel or j
Oints whi ch are no! ten sioned 10 the requirements of Table 5 10.3. 1, all ax i
al load and moment applied to the joint plus effects of any prying action shall
be assumed to be c arried exclusivcly by th e bolts Or rods.

For joints in which the material within the grip is limited 10 steel and which a
re tensioned to the requ irement s of Table 510.3. 1. an analysis of th e relati
ve stiffness of the connectcd parts and bolts shall be permi(led 1 0 be used 10
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6'" Edition Vot ume 1

Thi s 1Jppcndi x provides criteria fOl' th e design and evaluation of' struc tur
al stee! com pollcllIs, sys tems and frames for fire condi tions. These cri teri
a provide for the determination of the heat input, thennal expansion and dcgrada
tinn ill mechanic .. ] propcItics of materials at clcv.ltcd iCilIpcraturcs that
cause progressive decrease ill strength and stiffness of structural components a
nd systems at eJcvoHcd temperatures.
The appendix is organized as follows :
A-4 .1 A-4 .2 A-4 .3
Gcncml Provisions StruclUml Design [or Fire Conditions by Analysis Des ign by Qu
alificalion Testing
A-4.1 Gcncntl Provisions
The mClhOLl s co ntained in this appendi x provide regulatory evidence of compl
iance in accordance with the: design applicati()n~ outlined in this section.
The appendix uses the following terllls in addition 10 the terms in the G lossar
ACTIVE FIRE PROTECTION: Building m.lerials and systems that a.re activated by a.
fire to mitigate adverse cffects or (0 notify people 10 take some action Illili
gare adverse effects. COMPARTMENTATION : The enclosure of a buildin g space with
clcmcllIs Ihal have a specific fire endurance. CON VECTIVE HEAT TRANSFER: The I
ransfer of th ermal energy from a point of higher temperature to a point of lowe
r temperature. through the motion of an int ervening medium. DESIGN-IlASIS FinE:
Asel of condilions Ihal define Ihe
development of a fire and the spread of combustion
products throu ghout
building or portion thereof.
ELEVATEIJ TEMPERATURES: J-iealing condilions experienced by building elements or
structures as a resull of fire. which (lrc in excess of the amicip'IICd <11llbi
ent conditions.
FIRE: Destructive burning, as manifested by any or all of th e fQllowing: light
, flame, heal, or smoke.
Association of Structural Enginee rs of the Philippines

"-I-.I-B,l.~c~~~~.;: exc~~;;~' -;I-;:;~:oal~I-T---'Cj III III'" - - - -- -- - -- --- -- ------ ---------------- -------- - - ---- ----- ---- ----- --------- ---SECTION I -PLAIN MATEItIAL A WA Y FROM ANY WELDIN
G -----_._. __ .--_._---. .. _---_.-------- . . --_ ... ,--...
Des(11 )!IOl) I
- - --- -J- --, SIJCSS Cltegol)
Table A-3.t Fatigue Design Parameters
-r---------- -r---- ------- Till eshold
, Potent),,1 (r,lCk InltJdtlllll PUlill
wealllcrilig sled, with rolled or cleaned surf'ace. Flwl1e-cut edges with surfac
e roughncss value of 25 pm or less but witllOU! recntrant corncrs,
2511 x lOs
Away from all welds ur structur,ll connections
1.2 NOll-coaled welilhering sleel base metal with rolled or cleaned surface. Fla
me-cut edges wilh surface roughness value of 2S pm or less, but without reentran
t corners . .------.. 13 MClllbef wilh drilled or reamed holes. Member with reen
trant corners at copes, Cllls, b!ock~Ollts or other geometrical discontinuities
made to requiremellts of Appendix 3.5, _~~~.'::.~J2.~~:~(L!.~.~~~5s hoi e s. 1.4
Rolled cross sections with weld access holes made to requirements of Section 510
.1.6 and Appendix A-3.S. Members with drilled or reamed holes corllaining bolts
for attachment of light bracing where there is a small longitudinal component of
brace force.

------------- - - - - - Away from aJJ welds Of structural connections -_. _._ ..

_---120 x lOX
120 x 10'
A! any external edge or ,H hole peri meter
44 x 10'
At reentrant corner of weld access hole or at any small hole (may contain bolt f
or minor connections)
- - - - - - ---------- ----------SECTION 2 - CONNECTED MATERIAL IN MECHANICALLY
Through gross section near hole
2.1 Gross area of base metal in lap joints connected by high-strength bolts in j
oints satisfying all slip-critical requirements for connections.
120 x 10'
.._In net section originating at side of hole
~ ~.---------.-.~.-2.2 Base metal at net section of high-strength bolted joints, designed on the ba
sis of bearing resistance, btlt fabricated and installed to all requirements for
slip-critical cOllllections. .. _---_._._----_._---_.
120 x lOx

--~...--_._-22 x 10H
...... _-----,.
2.3 Base metal al the net section
of other IllCc!1I1l11cally fastened joints except eye bars and pin plates
In net section originating at side of hole
..------- - - - - - - - _..- -------- .- E
II x 10"
2.4 Base meta! at net section of eyebar head or pin plate.
In net section originating at side of hole
--'-Nationa! Structural Code of the Philippines 6
Edition Volume 1

_--,,-=::!~Ta:::b::.le'..:A:::'!!!:3::c.l~( z::n~t.)=:.:.....--------~---------~
~------l Fafigue.Desigll.Pal'!.m!ters_~ .... _ .... _
IlluSlrative Typical Examples
f. J and 1.2
- - - - - - - _ . _ - - - - ----_.
__.__ __._._----_._ _ ._--_._--_._-._-_. _._-_.._ - - - - - - ..
SECTION 2 - CONNECTED MA TERIAL IN M~~II_i\,l'I!~:\!:LYl'~l'.!'NED JOIN.,-,T"S,--~_____._______...
.----~----------------------Association of Structural Engineers of Ole Philippines

Steel and Metal
Stress Category
Potential Crack Initiation Point
120 x 10~
From surface or internal d;scontinuitics in weld away from end of weld
3.2 Base metal and weld metal in members without attachments buillup of plates o
r shapes, connected by continuous longitudinal complelejoint-penetration groove
welds with backing bars not removed, or by contin UOU$ pal1 ial-joi Ilt-penetrat
61 x 10
From surface or internal discontinuities in weld, including weld attaching backi
ng bars
termination of longitudinal welds at weld access holes in connected
3.4 Base metal at ends of
22 x 10 6
From the weld termination into the web or Oange In connected material al start a
nd stop locatiolls of any weld deposit
longitudinal intermittent fillet weld segmellts.
II x lOs

3.5 Base metal at ends of partial length welded coverplales narrower tban the fl
ange having square or tapered ends, with or without welds across the ends of cov
erplatcs wider than the flange with welds across the ends. Flange thickness:5 20
mill Flange thickness> 20 mill
11 x 10
31 18
In flange at toe of end weld or in flange at termination of longitudinal weld or
in edge of flange with wide coverplates
3.9 x 10 8
In edge of fiange at end of coverplate weld
loaded members with longitudinally welded end connections. Welds shall be on eac
h side of the axis of the member to balance weld stresses.
:5 20 mm
11 x 1o~
31 18
Initiating fro111 end of allY weld termination extending into the base metal
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

5- 124
CHAPH,H 5 - Steel <in(1 Mel<lls
l i~;;( . ' \(,
Table A'3.1(cont.) ' FMigUe J).e$igl) J!ilfaml.ltllrs
Illustrativt' Typil'a l E.'(itmpic-s
{ ---, - f:: ~a,:1'
. ~:.:(....
(<il l
<- -~ (hl--~~.J
:::,..;;:-.- / ...
((I~ ~~,
.. _--------_. 3.2
_._--------'''I C~~t7iJ}-~---4t ::.~":.

--]:1 ~~:" j
. )I
( I)) ~
--.~ -. -.--- - --- -- .-..- - -.
(a)S~4 (b)~
~. ~
..(~;.-~ ~JL)

___ ~ ___
(al~~~ ~~ :,-: . . . .
- .....
U t"~1k -.:"""'"'"~I , u":I.:' '''''7
.,,~.... ""'---. ...../'
-Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

Descri pti on
Potential Crack
Initiation Poinl
From interna l di~colll i lluilies in lill cr metal or along the ru ~ ioll bound
adjacent It) cOlnplclc-joinlpcnclnlliol1 groClvc wclded spl ices with wclds grou
nd essen tially parallel j() the direction of stress :11 transitions in thic kne
ss or width made 011 a slore no great er than 8 to 20%. F:.- < 620 M P.t
120x 10"
6 1 x I O~
Il iJ
From internal discontin uities in ril](:r metal Of along fusion boundary o r .11
start of transi ti o n wht!! F, ~ 620 MPa
5.3 Basc mctal with Fy equal to or
greater than 6 20 MPa and weld mctal ill o r adjacent to co mplclcjoint -penc tr
ation groove welded splices with welds ground essentially parall el to the direc
tion of stress at Iran sitio ns in width made on a radius of nO! Jess than 600mm
with the point of tangency <ltthe end of thc i I or adjaccnt 10 the toe of comp
lctcjoint-penetration T or corner joint s or splices, with or withou t trans iti
ons in thickncss having slopes no greater than 8 to 20%, when weld reinforcemen
t is nOI
120x10' 'Si
From internal discontinuitics in filler metal v discontinuities a long the fusio
n boundary

44 x 10 6
from surface di scontinuity loe of weld eXI~. lldi!l~ into base metal or along f
u :-;ion boundary.
transverse end connecti ons of te nsion -load ed plate clements using par1ial-jo
ini- pe netrat ion bUll o r T or comer joints. wilh reinforcing or contouring fi
ll ets, FSR shall be the sma ller of the toe c rack o r ront c rack stress ran g
e. Crack initiating from weld 10C : Crack initialing frolll Weld roOI:
In iti ating from geometrical discontinuity at toe of weld extending into base m
etal or, initialing :11 weld ront subject C 4-1
to ten sion cxtendi ng up and
then ()til through weld
Eqn .
A-) 4
Nunc provided
National St ructura l Code of the Philippines 6
Edition Volume 1

5 126
CHAP l ER 5 Sler:! and Met als
Jilustrllli vc Typical
f~xa ll!pJcs
5. 1
(b )
r .-L{

Association of Structu ra l Engineers of the Philippines

'. ,,!i . ':
Tabl~ A-~.l (cont.) Faiis!~e'j)eSt2ij'ir.iriilrieters
Threshold Pm
M I'a
Polcntial Crack
Init iation Point
5.6 Base melal and filler metal al transverse end COIl IH!c tions of Icns]oll- i
o:ldcd plate clements using pl,ir of fillet welds on opposite sid es of the plat
e r~H !:ih'lll be the smaller of the toe crack or rool
crack stress range.
Crack in itiating frolll weld toe:
C C..
44 x lOt(
Nonc provided
Inililll ing from geometrical discontinuity al loe of weld
ex tendi ng inla base
melal or,
Crack initialing from
weld root:
A- 3-5
initialing at weld rool subject to ten sion extend ing up and then ou t through
we ld
5.7 Base metal of tension loaded
plale clemcnls and on g irders and rolled beam webs or flan gcs <II IOC of trull
sve rse fillet we lds adj acent 10 welded transverse stiffeners,
44 X

From gCOI llctrieal d iscontinuit y at lac of fill et ex tending into base meW I
6, I Base metal at detail s au ached by complete-j oint penetratio n groove weld
s long itudinal subject 10 IO< lding only wheu the de tail embodies a transi ti
on radi us R wilh termination g ro und Ihe weld smooth.
R?: 600mm
120 x 10'
44 ;tIOS
11 0
600mm> R?: 150mnl ISOcllm > R ~ SOmlll
50lllm > R
Ncar point of tangency o f radius at edge of member
22 x I O~ I I x IO!;
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6'" Edi tion Volum e 1

!i l?H
CHAPTEIl 5 STeel <lml Metals
J llu slr<ltivc Typicill Examples
r.~: :I! r
J-i~r! f - r
-J,~, . ~~ ..
f ,.-<
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

Initiation Po int
thi ckness altachC{j joint-penetration groove
su bject to trall sverse load ing wit h or without longitud in al loading when t
he detai l embodies a transi ti on mdi us R with the weld lenninalion ground s m
oolh: When weld reinforcement is not removed :
R ;:: 600mlll 600n1l11 > R 2: I.sOmm
I S01l111l > R ;:: 50llUII 50mm> R
22 x Jog I I x: I O~
69 48
Near points of tangency of radius or in the weld or aI fusion boundary or me mbe
r o r atlachl nenl
When weld reinrorccmclH is not
R ~
600mm > R ;:: 150mlll
J 50mm
c c
At toe of the weld either alo ng edge of member or the attachment
69 48
> R 2: 500101
50mm > R
thickness attached by completcjoi nt - penetration groove welds su bject 10 tran
SVCfse loading with or without longitud inal load ing when the detail embodies a
transition radi us R with the we ld termination
ground smooth.
Whe n weJd removed: R > 50mm reinforcement is

22 x JO~
At toe of weld alon g edge of in weld (hinner material termination in SI11(1I1 m
R ?: 50mlll
When weld re inforcement is nol fCmoved :
At toe of weld along edge of thin ner material
II x 10'
Any radius
National StrucllJral Code of the Philippin es 6'" Edition Volum e 1


(b) \ - ~ (e)
~ Ie)
I\ssociation of Structural Engineers of th e PI1ilippines

. F$Ui!ile' i)i\sIi!n;:Pa~meters
:r1!~1~.4:~3.l (f!9I!~)
Thres hold f'm
. :: ."j.,::" . ,:.: ~:
Stress Calegory
PUlcllIial Crack
6.4 Base metal su hject to
Init iation Point
]ollgilu di nul stress al lntllSYcrsc members. wit h or wit hout l r a n .~vc rs
stress, illIachcd by lilk'l Of ran ia l penetration groove welds parallel to dir
ection of stress whellthe detail
embodies a tranl>ition radius. R. wi th
the weld terminati on ground smOOlh :
In we ld Icnninalion or from
the IOC of the we ld ex tendi ng into member
22x 10' II x 101
R > 50mnl
R 2::5011l1ll
7. 1 Base metal subject to iongih.:dinaJloading at details atlachcd by fillet we
lds parallel or tra ns verse (0 the di rection of stress where the de ta il e m
bodies no tnmsitioll radiu s and wi th detail lengt h in direct ion of stress, a
, and auachment height norma l 10 the surface of the member, b: a < 5001111 C
44 x 10"

In the member ctt the end of

the weld
50mm ::; a ::; 12b or 1000101
a> J2b or JOOIllIll when b is :5 25mm a> 12b or IOOmm when b is > 25mm
II x l Oll
3.9 x 10'
7.2 Base metal subjcct
lo ngitudinal stress at detail s ::Iuached by fi lle t o r parti:-tl jointpenetra
ti o n g roove welds, with or with ou t transverse load on detail. when the deta
i l embodies a transi ti on. R. wi th weld termi nati on ground smooth :
In weld te rmination extendi ng inlo member
2 x 101i
II x lOS
R> 50111111
R 5 S0mm
I .
Attac hments" as used herein. is defi ned as any steel detail welded to a member
which, by ils mere presence and independent of ils loading. causes a discOl~il1
uity in the stress now i~llh c member and thus redu ces Ihe fati guc resistance
. ..
National Structural Code of tile Philippines 6
Edition Volume 1

Steet and
Illustrative Ty P!C,\ '" I LX<Illlplcs '
ructural En glneers . Association of St' of the Philippines

Descri pi i on
Iniliation Point
44 x I
8. 1 B:I.~c melal ill s l ud~lypc she'lr con nCClOrs ilH:lchcd by filici or clcc
lric s tud welding .
150 xJO LO
AI toe of wcld in basc metal
8.2 She,lr on throat of corHinu ulIs ()r
intcrmitlc nt longil udinal o r
Iransvcrse fi llct we lds .
or slol welch.
(Eqn A -3-2)
In Ihro<11 of weld
II x I
At end of we ld in b;lSC lIlet:.!
AI fay ing surface
[ high. strcngth holt s. COllllll on bali s, threaded anchor rods and han ger ro
d s with cui , ground or rolled threads. Stress rangc all tensile stress area du
e to li ve l oad plus prying acti on when applicable .
(Eqn A -3-2)
3.9 x 10'
A t the root of the [hreads extending into the ten sile stress area.
Nolional Structura l Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1


Il tuslralivl! Typical Examples

-.. c.? ~~,
.~~~. :::~,
_-- -_......._._._----,----- - - - - _ . _----_._._...._ .... _ .... _ -_.
L -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ .. _
Association of Stru ctural Engineers of tile Pililippines

Slel:1 all(f
:; 135
FIRE BARIUER: ElcmcllI of con stru ction formed of fircresist ing materials ,1Il
d lested in acco rd ance with ASTM Sl<Indard E 11 9. or other approved st'lndard
fi re resistance lc st, 10 dCIllOnSll'<He compliance with the Building Code.
FIRE ENDURANCE: A meas ure of the elapsed time during which a material or (lsscm
bly con tinu es to exhibit fire resistance. FIRE RESISTANCE: That property of as
se mbli es that preve nts or retards the pnssage of excessi ve heat, hot gases O
r names uluJe r cond itions of use and enables them to continue to perform a sti
pulated function. FIRE RESISTANCE RATING: The period of time a building clement
, component or asscmbly maintains the abilit y to contain a fire. continues to p
erform a given structural fUllction, or both; as detennined by tcst or methods b
<rsed 011 tests. FLASHOVER: The rap id transition 10 a slate of total su rfi:Jcc
in volvement in a rire of combustible materials within an enclosure. HEAT FLUX:
Radiant energy per unit surface area. HEAT R ELEASE RATE: The rate at which the
rmal energy is generated by a burning material. PASSIVE FIRE PROTECTION: Buildin
g materials and systems \vhose abili ty 10 resist the cCfecls of fire does not r
ely on any outside activat ing condition or mechanism. PERFORMANCE-BASED DESIGN:
An en gineerin g approach to st ru ctural design that is based on agreed-upon p
erforma nce goals and objectives, engineering analysis and qua ntitative assessm
ent of altematives against those design goals and objectives using accepted engi
neeri ng tools, methodologies and performance criteri a. PRESCRIPTIVE DESIGN: A
design method that documents compliance with general criteria established in a b
uilding code. RtSTRAINED CONSTRUCTION: Floor and roof assemblies and ind ividual
beams in buildings where the surrounding or su pport ing stl1iclUrc is capable
of resisting subst antia l thermal expansion throughout the range of an ti cipat
ed elevated te mpera tures. UNRESTRAIN ED CONSTRUCTION: Fl oor and roof assembli
es and individual beams in buildi ngs that arc assumed to be free to rotale and
expand throughout th e range of ant ici pated elevated temperatures.
A 4.1.1 Performance Objective
Structural components. members and building frame systems shall be designed so a
s to maintain their loadbearing function during the design-basis fire and 1O slI
I isfy olher performancc rcquirements specifil:d for the building occ up ancy. D
eformmion critelia shal l be applied where the means of providing structural fir
e resistance. or the design criterill for fire barriers, requires co nsiderati o
n of th e deformat ion of the load-carrying structure. Within the compartment of
fire origin, forces and deformations from the design basis fire shall not cause
a breach of hori zontal or vertical compal1mentati on.
A-4.1.2 Des ig n by Engineering Analysis
TIle analysis me thods in Section A-4.2 arc permitted to be
used to document the anti cipated performan ce of steel framing when subjected t
o desig n-basis fire scenarios. Methods in Section A-4.2 provide evidence of com
pliance with perfonnancc Objectives established in Secti on A-4 .1.1. The analys
is methods in Section A-4. 2 are permj tted to be lIscd to demonstrate an equ iv
alency for an alternative material or method, as permined by the building code.
A-4.1.3 Design by Qualification Testing
The qualification testing methods in Section A-4.3 are permitted to be used to d

ocument the fire resistaJlce of steel framing subject lO the standardized fire t
estin g protocols required by building codes.
A-4.1.4 Load Strength
The required strength of the struclUre and its elements shall be determined from
the following gravi ty load combinat ioll:
[0.9 or 1.2JD + T+ 0.5L + 0.2S
= nominal dead load = nominal occupancy live load ;::: nomi nal snow load
nominal forces and deformations due to the design-basis fire defi ned in Section
A lateral noti onal load, N; =O.002Y;, as defined
A-7.2, where Ni = notional lateral load applied at framing level i and Yi= gravi
ty load fro m co mbination A-4-J acting on framing level i, shall be applied in
combinati on with the loads stipulated in Equation A-4- 1. Unless otherwise stip
ulated by the authorit)' havi ng jurisdiction. D. Land S shall be the nominal lo
ads specified in ASCE 7.
National S tructural Code of the Philippines 6'" Edition Volume 1

!) n G
CHAPTEI1 5 StC'cl and Metals
A-4.2 Structural Design for Fire Conditi ons ul' Analysis It is permil{cd to des
ign structural members, components <lnd buil di ng frames for clcv<Hcd tem perat
ures i n acco rumlcc with the requireme nts of th is section. A-4.2.1 ncs ign-fi
asis Fire
A design-basi s lire shall be id cntifi l!d to dcscribe th e hea ting conditi on
s for Ihe sl nl clure. These heat ing conditio ns shall relate 1 0 the fuel comm
odities and comp:H1 mcnt characteristics prese lll in the assumed fire area. The
fuel load densit y based on th e occ upa ncy of the il l fue l space shall be c
onsidered when de termin ing the tOL load. Heating conditions shall be ,~pccj(ie
d either in terms of a hea! flux or tempe rature of the upper gas layer created
by Ihe fire. The Vttriali on of the heatin g cond it ions with time shall be det
e rm ined for the du ration of the firc.
A- Pust-fl ashovt.'" Co mpartm ent Fires Where the hea t release rm.c fro
m thc fi re is sufficient to callse fl ashover. a post " f1 a~h()vc r (';omparlm
CIl1 fire shall be assumed. The detc'rmination of the Icmj>eralurc versus Ii Ill
e pro fil e resu lt ing fro lll the fin.: shall include fue l load, ve nt ilati
on cha rac teristics In Ihe Spil(';(" (natural .and mechanical ), compan rnelll
dl nlcnsJons and thermal t'har;:tl'!cristics of the cornpilrL lllCJlI bounda ry.
A- Exterior Fires The exposure of eXlcrior structu re ( 0 names projecli
ng from windows or other wall openings as a result of a postflashover companmenl
lire shall be considered along wit h the rad iatio n from the interior fire thr
ough the opening. The sha pe and length of the fl ame projec tion shall be used
along with the dis tance between the flame and the ex terior steelwork to determ
ine (he heal flux LO the steel. The met hod idclH ifi ed in Section A- sh
all be used for desclib ing the charac teri stics of th e int crior co mp arlmen
t fire. A-4.2. I.4 Fire Duration The fire du ration in a parti cular area shal!
be determ ined by considerin g the tolal combustible mass, in othe r wo rds. fue
l load ava ilable in the space. In the case of eit her a locali zed firc or a po
st-flashover compartment fire, Ihe time dura ti on shall be determined as the to
tal combusti ble mass divided by the mass loss rate, except where determined fro
m Seclion A-4.2. 1.2. A-4.2.1.S Active Fire Prote('.tion Systems The efrcels of
<lclive fire protection systems shall be considered when describing Ihe design~b
a s is fire.
When the ana lysis met hods in Section A-4.2 arc used to dClllonslnltc ~1I1 equi
va lency as an ah cfnat ive material or met hod as perm itt ed by a bui ldi ng
code, (he des ign basis fi re shall be determined in accordance with ASTM E 11 9.
Table A-4.2.1
Properties of Steel lit Elevated Tem Jeratures
Sh :d Tt lll f)('r& lur('
)20 1 93 1204 13 16
/ty::: / ,..JF1
427) 538)
649 )

17601 87 1) 19821 11 0931 11 204 1

1.00 0.90 0.78 0.70 0.67 0.49 0.22 0.11 0.07 0.05 0.02 0.00

/t " ", F... / f ,
. .
1.00 0.94
1.00 0.94 0.66 0.35
0 .16
O .o.,
0.02 0.00
0.35 0.16 0.07 0.04 0.02 0.00
... Usc ambient pro >ertie5.
Where automatic smoke and heal ve nts are installed in nonsprinklered spaces, th
e resu lting smoke temperature shall be detenn ined from calcu lation .
A-4.2.2 Temperatures in Structural Systems "der }i'ire Conditions Tempera tures
within structural members, components anJ frames due to the healing condi tions
posed by the des ign. bas is fire shall be determined by a heal transfer analysi
A- Localized Fire
Wh ere the heat release rate from the fire is insuffi cient 1 0 nashover. a loca
lized fi re exposure shall be ass umed. In sllc h GISeS , the fuel composition,
arrangemem of the fuel array ami nnnr area occupi ed by the fuel shall be used 1
0 dete rmin e the radiant hea t flu x from [he n ame and smoke plume to the slm
Associalion 01 Structural Engineers 01 lhe Philippines

Tuble A-4.2.2 Properties of Conc"ete at Elevated TemperatUres '

NWC 1.W<: _ ffil"CI c- I .we 1.00 .-I<~~---~----u.;j3~ ~~ 11J .1 ]
0.75 I . ~~ __. - .---":=F.i~IL ._~~ .... _g:.~.~. ____ ...--_ () ,~~_ I.UO
(J,34 ._-"
A-4.2.4 Stru ctural Design Requireme nts A4.2.4.1 General Stru ctural Integrity T
he structural rrame sl);111 be c"pable of providing adl!<ju:II1! slrt!ngth and d
eformalion capacity 10 withstand. as a system. th e structural actions developed
during the fire within the prescribed limits of deform ation. The str uctural s
ystem shall be des igned to sustain l oca l damage with the structural sys tem a
s a whole remain ing stahh- .
Con tinuolls load paths sha ll be provided to transfer a!l force.; from the expo
sed region 10 the final poi nt of rcsisl<Jncc. The foundation shall be designed
to resist the fon:c!' illld to accommodate the deformations developed during Ihl
' design-basis fire.
(;ulu: n .-Ic Tl'lI1lH'nllun'
=F<- IF.
t', . ( % )
1~1 61_"_
_ ....
O.H6 OX!,
0.6 1
- i)5l1..-'::
0.62 O.RO I.Of> .1.32
0.98 0.85 0.71
1'271 1.538) 1(49)
_- ..
0 .71 0 .54

IR71) 19R21 110931
0.21 0.10 0.05 0.01 0.00
0.58 0.45
0.38 0.20 0.092 0.073 0.055 0.036 0.018 0.00
1.41) -1.50
A-4.2.3 Malcrial St rengths at Elevated Temperatures Malcrhd propcJ1ics at eleva
ted temperatures shall he dClcmlincd rrolll lest data. In the absence of such cl
aw. it is permillcd tn use th!! material pro perties stipulated in this section.
These relationships do not apply for steels with a yield streng th in excess of
448MPa or concretes with specified compressio n strength in excess of 55 MPa.
Thermal expansion of structural and reinforcing steels: For calclilmions m tempe
ratures above 65C, the coefricicnt of thermal expansion shall be 1.4 x I O~/<C::
. Thermal expansion of nonnal weight ' concrete: For calculalions at temperature
s above 65C, the coefficient of thermal expansion shaJl be 1.8 x IO"'C. Thermal ex
pansion of li ghtweiglll concre te: For calculations at temperalUres above 65C, t
he coefficiem of thermal
A4.2.4.2 Strenglh Req uirements a nd Deformation Limits Co nformance of the struc
tural sys tem to these requirements .; hall he demonstrated ~y constructing a ma
thematical model of the structure based 011 principles of structural mechanics a
nd evaluating this model for the internal fo rccs and deformations in th e mcmbe
rs of th e structure developed by th e temperatures from Jhe design-b asis firc.
Individual members shall be provided with adequate strength to resist the shear
s, axial forces emu moments detclll1ined in accordance with these provisions . C
onnecti ons shall develop the strength or (he connected members or the forces in
dicated above. Where the means of providing fire resistance requires the conside
rati on of deformation criteria. the deformation of the structural ~)'S lCIl1. o
r members thereof, under the design-basis fire s hall not exceed the prescribed
expansion shall be 7.9 x JO'IC. A- Mechanical Properties at Elevated Tempe
ratures Thc deterioration in strength and stiffness of structural members, compo
nents, and sys tems shall be taken into accou nt in the structural analysis of t
he frame.
The values r~\7111 Film, Em. f _CIII, Ecm and Lnl at eleva ted tcmperature to be
used in s(llJctural analysis. ex pressed H....
A4.2.4.3 Methods of Analysis A- Advanced Methods of Analysis The methods
of analysis in thi s secti on arc perm ill cd for the des ign of all steel build
ing strll ctures for firc co nditi ons. The design-basis fire exposure shall be
lhat determined in Sct:lioll A-4.2.1. The ana lysis shall include both CI therma
l response and the mechani cal response to the design-btlsis fire .
The thermal response shall produce 11 temperature field in each structural eleme

nt as a result of the des1t!ll-hasis fire and shall incorporate temperature depe

ndent thermal propenies of the structural elements ilnd lire-resistive materials
as per Section A-4 .2.2.
the r<ltio wilh respect to the propeny at ambient, assumcd 10 be 68 1' (20C). shal
l be derined as in Tables A4 .2. I lind A-4 .2.2. It is permittcd to interpolate
between these valucs.
I'or lighlweighl cOllerele (LWC). values of lju shall be obtained from tests.
The mechanical response results in f(lfCl:S and deflections ill the structural s
ys tem subjected to the thermal response calculated from the desi gn-basis firc.
The J11 cr.;hanical
National Structural Code of U " le Philippines 6
Edition Volum e

!; 138
CHAPlEH 5 Sleel a nd Metals
responsc shall take into <lccoUIH explicitly the <.ictcriof'{ltiull in strength
and stiffness wi th incre<ls ing tempcr~tturc. ti ll.: effects of thermal expans
ions and large defonnatiolls. Boundary t.:ondi{iolls lind connection fixity lIlu
st rcprescill the proposed slnlclUral design. Material propcrtil!s s hall hc dcf
incd ilS per Section A-4.2.3. The resulting annlysis slwll cOllsidcr all relevan
t limit Slatcs, !i:ucI: as exccssive denections, connection fractures. and ovel'
lll or 10c<l1 buckling. A- Simple Methods of An"lysis The methods of ana
lysis in this section are applicttble for the evalu mion pf the performance of i
ndividual members :.u elevated temperatures during exposure to firc. The support
and rest raim conditions (forces, moments and boundary condit io ns) applicable
ill normal lemperatures may be assu med to remain ullch.lIlged throughout the f
ire ex posure.
dimcnsiOll<ll hC:1l trans!"er equatioll to cak:ulatc honom /lange (Cmper:Hurc. T
hat tcmperature sll<lll be taken as constant between the bOIlOIll nangc and middepth of the web and shall dccre:lsc lin t.:arly by no more than 25 percent from
the mid-depth of Ihe web tu the lOp fl<.lIlgc of the
or a composite llexlIfil l member shall be determined using the provisions of St
!ction 509. wilh reduced yie ld slrt!sses in th e sleel consistent w i t!~ the (
emperature varimioll described under thermal response.
The design strength
A- Design Str ength The design strength shall be dClennined as in Section
502.3.3. The nominal strength. Rn. shall be calculatcd using material proper1ie
s, as stipulated in Section AA.2J. al the temperature developed by the dcsign -b
nsis lire.
A-4.3 Design by
Tension members
It is permined to model the thermal re sponse of a lCIl Sioll clemcnt using a on
cdirnensiona! heat transfer equation with heal input as directed by the design -b
asis fire defill ed ill Secti on A-4.2.1.
The des ign st rength of a tcnsion mcmber shall be dct ermined usi ng the provis
ions of Section 504. with steel properties as sti pulated in Section A-4 .2.3 an
d assumin g it unifonn temperature over the cross section using the temperature
equal 10 the maximum steel temperature.
2. C;ompression members
A-4.3.1 Qnalification St;\Ildards Stru ctunl! members and compone nts in steel b
uildings shall be C]unlified for th e ratin g period in conformance wilh ASTM El
19. It shall be permitted to demonstrate co mpliancc with these requirements usi
ng the procedures specified for steel construction in Section 5 of ASCE/SFPE 29.
It is pemliHed to model the thennaJ respon se of a compression element using a o
nc-dimensional heat transfer equation with heat inpu t as directed by the design
-basis fire defined in Section A-4.2. I. The design strength of a compression me
mber shall be determined using the provisions of Section 505 with steel properti
es as stipulated in Section A-4 .2.3,

A-4.3.2 Restrained Cons truction For Ooor and roof asse mblies and individual be
mus in buildings. a restrained condition exists when the surrounding or suppor1i
ng stmcture is capable of resisting actions caused by lhermal expansion througho
ut [he range of anticipated elevatcd temperatures.
Steel beams, girders and rrames supporting concrete slabs that are welded or bol
ted to integral framing members (in other words, columns, girders) shall be cons
idered restrained constmclion .
Flexural members
It is permiHed to model the thermal response of flexural clements using a ollc-d
imensional heal tr:msfer equation to calculat e botlom flange temperature and to
assume that this bouom nangc temperature is conSl<1nt ovcr the depth of the mem
A4 .3.3 Unres trained Constru ctio n Steel beams, girders and frames that do nOl
support a concrete slab shall be considered unrestrained unless the members are
bolted or wclded 10 surroundin g cOl1stlllcti w. that has been specifically dcsi
gned and detailed to re~.; '.: actions caused by therm al ex.pansion.
The design strength or a flexural member s.hall he determined usi ng the provisi
ons or Section 506 wilh steel properties as stipulated in Section A-4.2.3. 4.
Composite floor members
A steel member bearing on a wall ill a single span or at the end spa n of multip
le spnns shall be considered unreslrain c(! unless the wall has been designed an
d detailed to n: :.. , effec ts of therma l expa nsion .
It is permitted to model the thermal response of flexural elements supporting a
concrete slab using a oneAssociation of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

STR . uCttJRES <,," ": ... .

" . .
ava ilable, th e us c uf app licable projCt.:1 records ~haJ! he pcrmi Hcd to rcd
ucc or eliminate the need for IC!-i ting.
A-S.2.2 Tt'nsilc Proper ties
Tensi le properties or members shall be considered in
This appc.ndix applies to lhe evaluation of the strength and stiffness under sIa
lic ve rtical (grav it y) loads o f existi ng s truc tures by Sl fll t'l ural an
al ysis. by load le!>ls, Of by .1 combination of struc tura l cuwlysis ,lIld loa
d lests when specified by the cnginccl"-o[ rccord or ill the con:raCI docum ent s
, For slIch evaluation, th e steel grades afC not limi lCd to those li sted ill
Section 50 1.3.1. This appendix
evaluati on by stnl clu ral analysis (Secti on A 5
A-SA). Such propcI1ies shall include the yield stre
rcellt elongat ion. Where avai lable. ccnified mill
poriS of tests made by the fabricator or a te sting
accordance will' ASTM A6/A6M or ASD8/A568M, as

. ~) Of load tc~;(s (Secti on

ss, (ensi le strength and pe
test reports or CCrlified rc
la bo rat ory in

docs not address load testi ng for Ihe effects of seismic loads or moving loads
(vibrations). The Appendix is organi zed as follows :
A-5.1 A-5.2 General Provisions Material Properties
applicabl e, shall be permitted for this purposc, Otherwise, tcnsi le tcsts shal
l be conducted in accordance with ASTMA370 from sa mples cu t from components of
lhe structure.
A-S.2.3 Chemical Composition Where we lding is 31l1icipated for repair or modifi
calioll of exis tin g structures, the chemical com pos ition of the steel shall
be deter mined for use ill preparing a welding procedu re specificat ion (WPS).
Where available. resuhs from cCI1ificd mi ll test reports or certi fied rcpor!.'
) of lests made by lhe fabric.nor or a tes ting laboralory in <lccordance with A
STM procedures shall be pennilled for this purpose . O therwi se, an alyses shal
l be co nducted in accordance with ASTM A 75 1 from the sa mples used to determi
ne tensile properties. or from samples lakcn from the same locations.
A-S,2.4 Base Melal Nolch Toughness
A-5.2.l Determination of Required Test A-S.2.2 Tensile Properties A-S.2.3 Chem i
cal Composition A-S .2.4 Base Metal Norch Toughness A-5.2.5 Weld Melal A-S.2.6 B
olls alld RivelS Evaluation by Structural Analys is A-5.3. 1 Dimensional Data A5.3.2 Slrenglh Evalualion A-5.J.3 Serviceabi lity Evaluation Eva luation by Load
Tests A-SA.' DClermina(ion of Load Rating by Testing A-5.4 .2 Serviceability Ev
aluation A-5.5 Eva lu ation Reron
A -5.1 General Pro visions
These provisions sha ll be applicable when the evaluation of an ex isting sleel
structu re is specified for (a) verificati on of
Where welded tension splices in heavy shapcs and plates as defi ned in Section 5
01.3. 1d are critical to the performance of the structure. the Charpy V-Notch to
ughness shall be determ ined in accorda nce with the provisions of Section 50 1.
3.1 d. If til e notch tou ghness so determin ed docs not meet the provisions of

Sect ion 50 1.3. 1d , lhe engineer of record shall determine if remed ial actions
are required.
A-S.2,S Weld Metal
a specific set of design loadings or (b) determination of the avai lable strengt
h of a load resisting mClnber or system. The evaluation s hall be perfonncd by s
t ructural analysis
(Secl ion A-53). by load lesls {Seclioll A-5A}, or by a
co mbination of structural analysis and load test s, as specifi ed in the contra
ct documents. Where load tests arc used. the ~ n gi l1 eer-of- record shall firs
t <1 nalyze the $I I'llCl urC . prepare <I lc~ting plan , and develop iI wrilici
l procedure tn prevenl excessive permanell t deformi1 tion or catastrophic co ll
apse during lc ~tillg .
A-S.2 Material Properties A-S.2.1 Determination of UC(1I1ircd Tes ts
\Vh ere structura! performance is dependent on existing we lded connections, rep
resentative sa mples of weld metal shall be obtained. Chemical analysis and mech
anical tests shall be Ill<tde to characterize the weld met al. A determin ation
shall be made of the magnitude and consequences of irnperfectioll~ . If th e req
uirements of AWS D 1.1 {l rc not mct, the enginecrof-rccord shall dctermine if re
medial ac tioll s are req uired ,
A-S .2.6 Bolts lind Hivets Rep rcsent ative samples of bolts shall hc inspecled
to determine markings and classifications. \Vhere bolts cannot he properly idcnt
incd visuall}'. represcnt ative samples shall be rem oved and tested to determin
e tensile strength in acco rdance wilh ASTM 1'606 or ASTM F606M and Ihe boll
The e ll g ine er-o f~rc cord shall determin e th e specifi c lests Ihm are requ
ired from Section A-S.2.2 lhrough A-S.2.6 and specify th e locations where they
arc required. Where
classified accordingly. Altemalively. the assumption that
Ihe bolls are ASTM A307 shall be permilled. Hivels shall be
National Structural Code of Ihe Phili ppines 6 Edition Volume 1

~) 140
C HAPTE:r~ ~;
. Steet anti Met als
i s csw hli shcd
assumed IU he ASTM A502, Grade I, unless a higher grade th rougil dOcUIHclHation
or testing.
such as member dellcctiulls, shall be monito red at criti cal
A-S.3 Evaluation by Strueturnl Analysis
A-S.3.' DimclIs ionnl Data
All dimensions lIsed in Ihe evaluation, such as spans, column heigills, memher s
paci ngs, bnlcing locati() lIs, cross sectio n dimcllsioJ)s, thicknesses and con
necti o:. dct ai ls, shall be detcrmined fmlll a field survey. Alternatively, wh
en available, it shall be permitted 10 determine such dimensions from appli cabl
e project design or shop drawings wilh field verificati on of cri tic.:al va luc
A-5.3.2 Strength Evaluation Forces (load effects) ill members and co nnectiolls
shall be determined by structllral analysis appli cable to the type of stru ctur
e evaluated . The load effec ts shall be detcrmined for the loads and faclOred l
oad combinations stipul ated in Secti on 502 ,2. The ava il able st ren gth of m
embers and connections shall be determ ined from il pplica blc provisio ns o f S
ections 502 through 5 1J of this Speci ficalion . A-S.3.3 Serviceability Evalual
locati ons during Ihe test, referenced 10 the initiLl I position before loading,
It sball be de!ll onstfil tcd, while ma int aining maximuill test load foJ' Oll
e hour that the deformation of the structu re does not in crease by more than I
() percent above that ,II the beginning o f the holding period, It is permissibl
e 10 repeal the seq uence if necessary to demonst rate co mp liance. DefoJ'IllHt
ions or the s tru c t~lre shall also be reco rd ed 24 hours after the test loadi
ng is removed to determine the amount of perm anent set. Because the "mounl of a
cceptabl e permimcnl deformat ion depends on the specific structure. no li mit i
s specified for permanent de formation at maxi mum load ing. Where it is not rea
sible to load {cst the entire structu re, II segme nt or l onc of not less th an
onc complete bay, representative of the most crilical conditions, shall be sele
c ted. A-S.4.2 Serviceability Evaluation Wh en load tests arc prescribed, the Sl
ruClU rc shall be loaded increment all y 10 lhe servi ce load level. Deformation
s shall be monitored for a peri od of aile hour. The structure shall th ell be u
nload ed and th e deformation recorded.
A 5.5 Evaluation Report
Where required, the deformati ons at service loads shall be calcul ated and repo
'ned ,
A-S.4 Evaluation by Load Tests A-5.4.1 Determination of Load Rating by Testing T
o detennjnt the load rating of an existing Ooor or roo r stru cture by testin g,
a test load shall be applied increment al ly in accorda nce wi th the engineer
of record 's plan. The Slnlclure shall be visually inspected for signs of di str
ess or imminent failure at each load level. Appropriate measures shall be taken
if these or any othe r unusual conditions are encountered.
The tested strength of the structure shall be taken as {he ma ximum applied test
load plus (he in-sit u dead load. The live load rating of a fl oor stru cture s
hall be dete rmined by setting the tested strength equal to 1.2D + 1.6L, where D
is th e nominal dead load and L is the nominal live load ratin g for the struct

ure. The nomjnal live load rating or the noor stnlctu re shall nOI exceed th at
which ca n be calcul ated using applicable provisions of the spccification . For
roof structures, Lr, 5, 01' R as defined in the Symbols, shall be substitut ed
for L. More se vere load combin ati ons shall be used where required by thi s co
de. Peri odic unl oading shall be considered once th e service load level is att
ained and after the onset of inelastic structural behavi or is identified to doc
ument the amount of permanent set and the magnitude of the inelastic deformation
s. Deformations of the structure,
After the ev,alua ti on of an existin g structure has been co mpl eted, the engi
neer-of-record shall prepare a repon documentin g the evaluation. The report sha
ll indicate whethcr the evaluation was performed by structural anal ys is, by lo
ad testin g or by 11 co mbination or structural ana lysis and load testing. Furt
hermore. when lestin g is pcrfonned. the repon shall include the loads and load
combination used and the load-deformat ion and timedcfOJ:lllation relationships
observed. All relevant information obtained from design drawin gs. mill test rep
orts and auxiliary material testing shall also be reported , Finally, the report
shall indicate whether the stmc{urc, including all membe rs and connecti ons. i
s adequate to withstand the load effec ts.
, .', ~.;~)i"':'_~f.~tf.
;_ ",.: \ 'J
Association of Structural Engineers of Ihe Philippines

C i IAprUl
Sii2(::1 and Metal
'1l1C rcqu ired br:lcc JriJj;I('.).\ is
= - - ' (I..RFD ) 0 \ I.},
1(21' )
[J,,, = " - -A[21',) ,
.L ,.
(AS !)
(A-n-21 This appendix addre sses the minimum brace . ')trcnglh and stiffness nec
essary 10 provide member strengths based 011 th e unh :~c('d length betwccn brac
es with all cfTcctivc length factor. !" {'qual to l.O . The appcndix is organizc
u A-6.1 A-6 .2 A -6.3
= 0.75 (LRFD)
= 2.00 (AS)))
:; disliUlce between bnlccs, in. (mm)
For desig n according to Section 502.3.3 (LRFD)
General Provisions Columns Bcams
required axial co mpressive slrength using LRFD load combin .tliOils. N
Usrr' Note: The requirements for the stability of braced[rall le ~ystems are pro
vided in Section 503. The provisions
For design according to Section 5023.4 (ASD)
p, :::. required tlxiai compressive strength using ASD load combinati ons. N

in Jus appendix apply to bracing. intended to stabilize

in, ljvidual members.
AG.3.2 Nodal Bracing
A . 6.1 General Provisions H I acing is assumed 10 be perpendicular [ 0 th e mem
bers to r..~ braced; for inclined or diagonal bracing, the brace ~ trength (forc
e or moment) and stiffness (fo['ce per unit Ji splace ment or moment per unit ro
tation) shall be adjusted for the angle of inclination. The evaluation of the st
furn ished by a brace shall include its member and gcometric properties. as well
as the effecls of connecti ons and anchOling detail s.
required brace strength is 1',,, = O.() J P,
The required brace stiffness is
[J,,, = Q ( 81' ) (AS!)
= 0 .75 (LRFD)
= 2.00 (ASD)
Two general type~ of bracing system s arc conside red, relative and nodal. A rel
ati ve brace cont rols th e movement of lhe brace point with respect to adjacent
braced poin ts. A nodal brace controls Ihe movement at the braced poinl wit hou
t direct interaction Wilh adjacelll braced point s. The ava ilable strength and
stiffness of the brac ing shall equa l or exceed the required limits unless anal
ysis indi c at es thai smaller values arc justified by analysis.
For design according to Section 502.3.3 (LRFD)
required axial compressive slrenglh using LRFD load combimuions. N
for design according to Seclion 502.3.4 {AS D)
PI' :; required axial compressive strength using ASD load combinations, N
A seeond~order analysis that includes an initial out~of straightness of the membe
r to obtain brace strength and stiff~ess is permitted in lieu of the requirement
s of this
A6.2 Columns It is permined to brace an indi vidual col umn .11 e nd and intermed
iate points al ong its le ngth by either relat ive or nodal bracing systems. h i
s assumed that nodal braces arc equall y spaced along the columll.

When Lb is less than I...t/, where /..,q is the maximum unbraced length for the
required column force with K equal to J.O. then IAI in Equation A~6 -4 is pcrmiu
ed to be taken equal to /..q
A6.3 Beams AI points of suppon for beams, girders and tnlsses, restraint against
rotation about their lo ngitud inal axis shall he provided . Ream bracing shall
prevent the relati ve di splacement of the top and bottom flanges. in other word
s , twi st of the secti on. Lateral stHbility of beams shall be
A-6.2 .1 Relative Bracing
The required brace strength is
(A-6- 1)
provided by laleml
braci ng, torsional
combination of the Iwo. In members subjected
bracing or a (Q doubJr.
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

curvature bending, the in!lcclioll pOin! shall not be <.:onsidc n:d a brace poin
:::: required flexural strength using LRFD lCld
combinations, N-m/l)
For design <lccording to Seclion 502.3.4 (ASD)
M. = reyuired
A6.3.1 Lntcral Bracing
Brac ing shall he .ulachcd Ilcar Ihe compression flange. execpt for II c31lfilcv
cred member, where an end brace shall be illliIchcd ncar the lOp (tcm ioJl) flan
ge. Luera! bracing stull I be mUlched 10 hOlh nanges at the brace point nearest
lhe inllcclioll poinl for beHIllS subjected 10 double c ur valure be nding along
the length 10 be brHced. A-6.3.l.Ia Relative Ilntcing The required brace stre n
gth is (A-6-5) The required brace stiffness is
ncxufill strength combinations, N-IllIH
When Lit is less than M". then Lh in
u,. the m:'ximulll unbraccd lcngrh for
Equatio!l A-6-S shull be permilled to be taken equal to ! "/. A-6.3.2 Torsional
Uracing II is pennillcd 10 provide either nodal or cO lllinu~':> us tors ional b
racing along (he beam length. It is pe rmitted 10 attach (he bracing al any cros
s-sectional location and it nC t! d
not be attached ncar the compression flange . Th ,.~ conncction bet wcen a torsi
onal brace and the beam shall b ~ able 10 support Ihe required mo ment g iven be
low. (A-6-6)
A- Nodal Bracing The required bracing moment is
$ = 0.75 (LRFD)
= 2.00 (ASD) =
_ 0'_ 02_4M-,-, L-,-,
:::; distance between flange ce lllroids, mill :::: 1.0 for bending in single cu
rvature; 2.0 for doubl e curvature; Cd = 2.0 only applies to the brace closest t
o the infl ection point =- laterally unbraced length. mill

The required crossfrarne or diaphragm bracing stiffness i;
For design according to Section 502.3.3 (LRFD)
AB = [ 1- fiscc
(A- u- :(-.
= required flexural strength using LRFD load combinations, N-mm
For design according to Section 502.3.4 (ASD)
= required
flexural strength combinations, N-mm
=~(2.4LM':)(LRFD) Pr =0.(2.4LM':)(ASfiJ IIElyC IIElyC.
(A -G - II) (A -6- i:O )
A- b Nodal Bracing
The required brace strength is
(A-6-7) The. rcq uircJ brace stiffness is
$ = 0.75 (LRFD)
= 3.00 (ASD)
(A-6 -8 ) where
User Note: Q = 1.521$ = 3.00 in Equation A-6-11 bee_us" the moment term is squar

= span lengt h, mm
= number of nodal braced poinls wiLhin the :-: ~ .
$ = 0 _75 (LRFD)
!2 = 2.00 (ASD)
For design according to Section S02 .}.3 (LRFD)
= modulus of elasticity of steel = 200 000 i\ :. ' = out-ofplane mornelll of iner
tia, mm~ = modification fRctor defined in Section 506
l\.::so::.:iation of Structural :::n9ir.eers
or the Pililippines

= beam web thic kness.
= web sl i/fcncr thickness, mm
= stiffener width for one-sided slifft'ncrs (usc twice the individual stiffener
width for flilirs of stiffe ners ). 111m = hrace stiffness excl udin g web disto
lli oll. N-mm/radia n = web distortional sliffncss, including th l! effect of'
web transverse stiffeners, i f any. Nmmlradiiln
Thi s appendi x addresses thc direct :!J1alysis method for st rw..'llInli sys t
~ms compri sed of moment [nunes. braced frames. shear walls, or combinalions the
The appendix is organized as follows :
A7.1 A7.2
For design according to Section 502.3.3 (LRFD)
= required flexural strengt h using LRFD load combinati ons. N-mm
General Rcq uirclllcllts Noti onal Loads DesignAnalysis Constraints
f or design according 10 Section 502.3.4 (ASD)
A-7.1 General nequircmcnts Mcmbers shnll satisfy the provisions of Section 508.
1 with
= required Ilcxura! strength combinat ions. N1ll1ll
usin g ASD load
If B.uT < P T. Equation A6 IO is negati ve . which indicates that tors ional bea/J
I bracing will not be effective due to inadequa te web distorti onal stiffness.
When required. the web stiffener shall extend the full depth of the braced membe
r and shall be aHac hed to the flange if the torsional brace is also altached to
the flange . Alternati vely, it shall be permi ss ible to stop the stiffener sh
on by a distance equal lO 4(,, frolll any beam flan ge that is not directly attac
hed (Q th e torsional brace. When uJ is Jess than Lq. then Lb in Equati on A-69 s
hall be permitted to be taken equal to i.,q .
the nominal column slrcngths. 1'". determined usin g K = 1.0. Thc required st re
ngth s for members, co nnecti ons and other structural elemelHs shall be determi
ned using a second order elastic annlysis Wilh the cons traints presented in Sec
ti on A7 .3.

All componenl and connecti on dcfofmtll ions that contribute to th e IHlcral dis
placement of the structure shall be
cOl1sidcrc<.l in the ana lysis.
A 7,2 Notional Loads
A- Continuous Torsional Bracing
For continuous bracing, use Equations A-69, A-6JO and A-6 13 with Un taken as 1.0 a
nd LII taken as l .q; the braci ng moment and stiffn ess are given per unit span
length . The distonional stiffness for an unsliffencd web is
NOlionalloads sha ll be applied to the lateral fr aming system account for the e
ffects of geometric im perfections. inelastici ty, or both. Notional load s arc
lateral loads that arc applied at each framing level and specified in terms of t
he gravity loads applied at that level. The gravity load used to dc(cnn inc the
noti onal load shall be equal 10 or greater than the gravity load associated wit
h th e load combination being evaluated. Notional loads shall be applied in the
direction that adds to the destabilizing effec ts under the specified load co mb
A-7,3 Design-Analysis Constraints
I. The second -order analysi s shall consider both po and p .6. effects. It is pe
rmitled to perform the analysis lIsing any general second order analysis method.
or by the amplified firstorder analysis method of Section 503.2, provided that th
e 81 and 8 2 [Helors are based on the reduced sti ffncsses defi ned in Equations
A7-2 and A7 3 . Analyses sha ll be conducted according to the design and loading r
equirements specified in either Section 502.3.3 (LRFD) or Section 502 .:1.4 (ASD
). For AS D, the second-order analysis shall be carried out under 1.6 times the
ASD load combinations and th e results shall be divided by 1.6 to obtain the req
uired strengths.
Methods of analysis that neglect the effects of P-o o n the lateral displace men
t of the struc ture arc permitted
National Structural Code of the PhilipPInes 6 Edition Volurm~ 1

where the axi.!l loads in all members whose flexural sliffllcsscs ,Irc considere
d to l'olltributc to (hc lillcral stability of the structure satisfy the followi
ng limit :
shall he uscd for all
(onsidercd to cOnlributc to the lateral stabilit y of structure,
whose t1cxunll stiffness is I hr'
< 0.15P,/.
(A 7) )
Pl" .
= required axi.t/ COl lpressivc strenglil under LRFD
or ASD load com~l;lla!ions, N 1 = rc EJI/}, evaluated in the plane of bending
mOIll(,.IlI of inertia "hou t the ,Ixis or hCIlJing, 4 Jl1m
a = 1.0 (LRFD)
J.() for al', /P)'~ O .5 ;: : 41 ap,.IPr (l-aPrll'.\")J for 0.1', IP y > 0.5 ~ 1
"I.~4uircd axi,lI compressive strcrigth under tUr/J or ASD load t.:ombinations,
N . :::;: APr, lllC'mber yield strellc,h, N
a = 1.6 (ASD)
A nOlionalload. M = 0.002Y;. applied independently in two orthogonal directions,
shall be applied as n ItlI('ra l (oad ill all load combinations. This load shal
l be in addition to other latcral loitd s, if an y,
= 1.0 (LRfD)
a = 1.6 (ASD)
= noti ollill I<lh.:ral load applicd .1( level i . N = gravity load from Iht: LH
FD load combination or 1.6 tillle s thl; ASD load cOlllbination applied at level
i . N

In lieu of using '[I, < 1.0 where aPr /1 \ > 0.5. tit = 1.0 Ill:l)' be lIsed for
all members. provided 111<11 an additive not io nal load 01"0.00 1Yiis added to
the nOlio!lalload rcqllircd in (2).
4. A rr.!duccd axial stiffness, fA 1,: ,
IA7) )
The llolitllHti Ivad ltldl icicnl of {Ul02 b h<ts('d {Ill ,Ill ass limed inilia)
!-tto,.~' 0I11.0fpltllllhnc-.:-. ratio of IIS00.
Where a ~m;lI!l~r a~sul1!cd ollt-of-plu;llhlles~ j ", justified , th e no tiolia
llo;ld l..."ocfTi cil..."II' may be ad"ll" ll.'d plOponiullHlly.
shall be lIscd for members whose axia l s tiffness is <';ollo;;idcred to cont ri
bute to the lateral stability of :11t"" struclUrc. whcre A is the cross~scctioll
al mcmber area.
order Jrifl : ~. {.qua l
\'.'hO!I"l' 1 11. ralio of set:ond-nrdC'1" drir. :0 fi r~I' III or less than 1.5
. it j ., jlCI 'li i~.i ihlc tu app ly Ihe Iltli l on;I/ 10il.:l. Ni, as :.t min
illllllll l:ucl"::1 ioml for For
the gril\ it~ unly JO;ld nJillbinationl' <llld nol ill (ombin:ttion with (llhl~ r
ialrraJ 10<lcl-..
For illl
plllmblH.' ~~
it I~ permissible III lI~e Ih(' \i~"ulllcci ~'ul()r !,'.("ollldry in the anal)'!.\
{)f ~. tn! :P II "~ In ]it'll
of <..Ipplyinr, ;s noliollal load or a minimum !:tIc-lid loud defined :Ihmc.
User Not e: The unreduced stiffncsses (I ~I ilnd AF) af(' u.;r.d in the above c~
klliation s. The rat i,) 1)1" ~cco lld - ()nkr drift 10 first-order dJifi can be
represented by H2. ;1" cOl.klll ill :?d using Equation 503.2-3, AllCm<1tivd y.
Iht~ f<llio ,_ ''' I I tIC calculated by cOl1lp3ring the r(' .lt u/l~ ,., :' ';{
{'.'III.t " 1 'er analysis 1 0 the re.'\ults of a firsl~ord cl ;Bli.dy"i:-. ,'.
r~c\ ihe analysc~ are conducted either under 1 j{FD l ~ )ad combinatiolls direct
ly or ulI{kr ASD loal1 ('ombinatiolls with" 1.6 factor applied to the !ISO gruvi
ly loads.
A reduced flexur:1I stiffness, EI*,

Ei' = O.8t" EI
(A 72)
AssociBtlon 01 Structmal Engineers of the Philippine s


Cross-SCCliOllni <lrC<l of n hori:lOlltal bound<lf), clemen! (I-mEl, 111m2 Cross
-sc~li onall1rca of a ve rtical boundary clement
(VBE), mm2
K I.
Moment (If im:11ia or <I v(!rtif.:al boundary dl'mt:ut (V BE) taken perpendicula
r \() thc direct ioll of thl~ web plilLC linc, t1lm4 Effec:tivc length factor ro
r prismatic membcr Live load due to OCf.:upalH:y alld 1ll0Vl',Ihk
equi pment, kN Spa n length of the tru ss,
flange arc<l, 111m2
Gross area, 111m2
CroS!i-scctional area of the s truc tural steel core,
Area of the yielding segment of steel core, rnm2
Minimuill arca of tic reinforcement , mm2 Hori zontal area or the steel pl ale i
n compos ite
sheaf wall, mm2
Area of link stiffener, mm 2
Link web area,
C" Cd
Ratio of required strength to available strength. Coefficient relating relative
brace stiffness ilnd
Diswllcc between VilE cCI1[CrIiIlCS, mill Length between points whkh are ei ther
braced against lateral <.lisplaceiiu!1lI or compression flange or braced against

twist of the cross section, mill Link length. 111m Clear diSlnncc between VUE f
langes, mm Distance between plastic hinge locations, 111m Limiting laterally unb
raced length for fuli plastic flexural strength, uniform momenl case, rom Limiti
ng laterally unbraccd length for plastic: analysis, Illlll Length or the special
seg ment , mm Required nexural strenglh, using ASD load combinations, NlTun Addi
tional moment due to shear amplificntioll from the local ion of the plastic.: hi
nge to the colullln ce nterline based on ASD load combi nati ons, Nnun
Deflection amplification Parameter lI sed for determining the approximate
I', If
fundamental period Dead load due to Ihe weighl of the structural clements and pc
nnanelll features on the building. Outside diamcter of round HSS. mm E:,u1hquak
c load EfreCl of hori z.ontal and venical earthquake induced loads Modulus of ela
sticity of sleei, 200,000 MP" Flexural clastic st iffncss of [hc chord mcmbcrs o
f the special segment, Nmm2 Specified minimum yicld stress of the type of steel t
o be used, MPa . As used in the Specification, "yield stress" denotes either the
minimum specifi ed yield poinl (for Ihose Sleels that ha ve a yield point) or t
he specified yield strength (for those steels that do not have it yield point) F
y of a beam, MPa Fy of a column, MPa Specified minimulll yield stress of the tie
s, MPn Specified minimum yield strc::>s of the steel core, or aewal yield stress
of tile steel co re as determined from a COHPOJltcst, MPa Specifi ed minimulll
tensile strcngth, MPa H cight of story, which may be takcl1 as the distance betw
ee n the centerline of Iloor framing al each of the levels above and below, or t
he dislnnce between the top of Ooor slabs aI each of the levels
above and below, mm
M" M,,,
M " MI'"
Nominal flexural strength. N-mm Nominal flexural strength of the chord me mber o
f the special segment. Nmm Nominal plastic Oexural strength , Nmtn Nominal plastic
flexural strength modified by ax. ial load, N-mm Nominal plastic flexura l stre
ngth of the beam, Nmm
Expec ted plastic moment, N-mm Nominal p l a~ilic nexural strength of the column
M ..,.
Expected nexural strengt h, N-1ll11l .. Additional moment due to shear amphfical
1ol1 from the location of the plastic hinge to the column ce nterline based on L
RFD load combinations, N111m

P" P"
Required flexural strength, using LRFD load co mbinations, N-mm Expected requ ir
ed flexural strengt h, Nm111 Required axial strength of a column usjn~ ASD I oad
combinaliolls, N Required compressive stfength lI sing ASD load combinations, N
Required strength of lateral bmce ;It ends of the link, N Available axi:11 stren
gth of a column , N Nominal axial strength of a column , N
Moment of inertia, mm4
Nominal compressive strength of the composi te column calcul ated in accordance
with the Specificalion, N
National Structural Code of the PhilipPules 6
Edition Volume 1

Nomina! axial compressive strength of diagonal members or the special segment, N

Nomina! axial tensile strength of diagonal
members of the special segment, N
Nominal axial strength of a composite column at
zero cccc!Hricity, N
F r,
Required compressive strength, N Required compressive strength using ASD or LRFD
load combinations, N Required axial strength of a column or a link using
LRFD load combinations, N
Required axial strength of a composite column, N Required compressive strength l
Ising LRFD load
combinations, N
d d d,
Nominal axial yield strength of a member, equal to fy Ag, N
Axial yield strength of steel core, N
P l I,
Ii /I"
Maximum unbalanced venical load effect applied to a beam by the braces, N Axial
forces and moments generated by at least 1.25 times the cxpected nominal shear s
trength of the link Seismic re~ponse modification coefficient Nominal strength,
N Ratio of the expected tensile strength to the specified minimum tensile streng
th Fu, as related to overstrcngth in materia! yield stress Ry
Required strength
V" VII<.

Panel zone nominal shear strength Ratio of the expected yield stress to the spec
ified minimum yield stress, Fy Required shear strength using ASD load (olllbinati
ons. N Nominal shear strength of a member, N Expected vertical shear strength of
the special seglllent, N Nominal shear strength of thc steel plate In a composi
te plate. shear wall, N Nominal :--hear strength of an active link, N Nominal sh
ear strength of an active link modified by the axial load magnitude, N Required
.~hcar strength using LRFD load combinations, N Distance from top of steel beam
to top of concrcte slab or encasement, mm Mnxilllum distance from the. maximum c
oncrete compression fiber to the plastic ncutral axis, mill Plastic section modul
us of a member, mm3 Plastic section mociulus of the beam, mm3 Plastic section mo
dulus of the column, mm3 Plastic section modulus x~axis, mm3 Minimum plastic sec
tion modulus at the reduced beam section, mm3
Angle thaI diagonal lllembers make with the horizontal Width of" compression cle
ment as defined in Specification Section502.4. I. Ill!ll Width oj" COIUIllIl fla
nge, mill Flange width, 111m Width of the concrete cross-section minus the width
of the structural shape Ille;n" d pc:'p'.'ndicular to the direction of shear, 1
11m Nominal fastencr diameter, mm Overall beam depth, nlln Overall column depth,
mill Ovcrall pancl zone depth between contiI1U;l.',' plates, mm FIJF link lengt
h, mill Spccificll compressive strength of concrete, lvl!'u Cle<tr distance hetw
een flange.s less the filL ' corner radiu:-- for rolled shapes; and for ht:.i;, s
ections, the distance between' adjacent lin;', fasteners or the dear distance bc!
\vecn flanges when welds are used; for tees, the overall delhi.; and for rectang
ular ItSS, the clear dis!:tIlCl between the flanges k'ss the inside corner ladil
on each side, mill Distance between horizontal buundary clemellt centerJines. mI
ll Cross".~cctional dimension of the confined t" region in composite columns meas
ured tl":]',,' to-center of the transycrse reinforcement, I11rll Distance betwee
n flange centroids, mill Unbraced length between stitches of bUll: t'j) bracing 1
1ll'"mbers, mm Unbraccd length of compression or br:v.:ing member, Illm Governin
g radius of gyration, m!Tl Radius of gyration about y-axis. 1l1m SpaciJlg of tra
nsverse reinforcement me;).I:;! tI along the longitudinal axis of" the Sill" compos
ite member, 111m Thickness of connected paJi. m111 Thickncss of e1emcnt, mill Th
ickncss of column web or doubler plate, ill:,l Thickness of beam flange, 111m Th
ickness of" columll nange, I11Ill Thickness of flange, 111m Minimum wa!] thickne
ss of concrcU" rectangular HSS, mm Thickness of panel zone Including doubler
Thickness of web, mill Width of panel zone between column mm
Parametcr used for determining the approx;;;, .::: fundamental perinci (I-R2)
Association of Structural En9ineers of the Ptlilippines

Minimuill plastic secti on modulus at the redu ced sect ion ,m m1 M0I11!.!1l1 (1
\ beam and column cCllIcrii nc determ ined by projecting the slim of the nominal
col ulllll pl:lslic mome nt strength , redu ced by lhc axial st ress Puc/Ago fr
om the 101' and bo[\om of th e be illll moment connect ion MOllle1l1 at the inte
rsection of the beam <lltd
ADJUSTED BRA CE STRENGTH. Strengrh of' a brace
ill a hucklillg- rcslraincd braced frame at dcJol"ln;tliolls c.:o rrcsponding to
2.0 times the design story drift.
ALLOWABLE STRENGTH. by the safcty faclor. Nil / n. Nomi na! strengr h d ivided
column ccntCrliilCS determined by projecting the
beam maximum developed moments f ro m the
Ma xim um
mom ents
shall be determined from {cst resu ll s. Co mpress ion strength atljwamcn t fact
or Design story drift
Deformation qUtJlllilY used to co ntrol loading of tes l specimen (lOtal brace e
nd rotation for th e
NSCH CODE. Build ing code under which {il e structure is designed. NSCP 6,h Edi
AMPLIFIED SEISMIC LOAD. Horizon'a! componen, of earthqu,lke load E mult ipli ed
by no, where E and the horizontal component of E arc speci fied ill the NSCP cod
e. AUTHORITY HAVIN G JURISDI CTIO N (AHJ ). Organization. political subdivision.
oftice or individual charged with th e responsibi lity of administcring an d en
forcing th e provi sions of this standard. A VAILABLE STRENGTH. nllowablc st ren
gth , :IS appropriate .
! !
! I

subasscmhlage lest spec imen; lowl brace axial Dcfortnlltiol1 for th e brace tes
t specimen) I1bm V"luc of deformati on quamity, I1b, corresponding to the design
story drift I1by Value of defo rm ation quuntity. 6b, <It firs:t signi ticanl y
icld of test specimcn Q Safcty f.lctor Qb Safely factor for flexure = 1.67 Qc Sa
fe ty factor for co mpression:::;: 1.67 Do Horizontal seismic overstrengt h facr
or Q,' Sa fety f'H;ror for shear strength o f panel zone of bellm-to-column conn
ections A ngle of diagonal members w ith the horizontal a Angle of web yielding
in rad ians. as measured relati ve lathe vert ica l Dc:fonml1ion quantity lIsed
to control load ing of test specimen /jy Value of deformation quantity 0 al firs
t significant yield o f lest specimen p' Ratio of required axial force Pu to req
uired shear strength Vu of a link J.I', AI'S Limiting slenderness parameter for
com pact eleme nt Resistance factor 'I' Resistan ce factor fo r flexure 'I'b <pC
Resistance fact9r fo r compres$ion (PI' Resistance factO!" for shear strength o
f panel zone of beam -to-column con nee li o ns Rcsistance fac(or.for shc" r '1'
" (Pl' Resistance faclOr for th e shear strength of a composite column Ii lnt cr
story drift angle, radians ),10(0/ Link rolation angle Strain hardening adjustHl
c l1I factor
ASD (ALLOWABLE STRENGTH DESIGN), Method of proponio ning structural components s
uc h th al tile allowable strength equals or exceeds the requi red stre ngth o f
th e component under the action of thc ASD load co mbin at ions . ASD LOAD COMI
JINA TION. Load combinarion in 'he NSCP code in'ended for allowable streng,h des
ign (al !owable srress design). BUCKLING-RESTRAINED BRACED FRAM E (IlRBF). Diago
nally braced frame saflsfyin g 'he requircmellts of Section 529 in which all mem
bers of the brac in g system are subjected primarily to {lxial forces and in whi
ch the limit statc of compression buckling of braces is prec luded at forces and
deformati ons correspondi ng to 2.0 times the design story drift. BUCKLING-REST
RAINING SYSTEM. Sys tem of restraints that limits buckling of the steel core in
BRBF. T hi s syste m includes the casing o n the sleel core and structural cJC11
1CrHS adjoining its connections. The buckli ngrestrain ing system is intended to
permit the tran sverse cxpans ion an d longitudinal contraction of the steel co
re for deformations concsponding to 2.0 ti mes {he design story drift.
CASING. Elemcnt that resists forces transverse
the axis
o f the brace thereby re~ trailling bllckling of th e core . T he casing require
s a mea ns of delivering thi s force (0 thc
remainder of the buckling-restraining systelll. The casing resists little or no
fo rce in the axis of the brace.
Ncltional Struclural Code of the Philippines 6 Edi\ion Volume 1

5 148
Sf0.Ul [lnd r...-ietais
Assemblage of pla (c~, cOl1nC,~lO r s. bolis, and rods at Ihe base o f a column l
Ised to tra nsmit
EX PEC TED YIELD STRENGTH. Yield slrength in te ns ion o f a member, equal 10 th
e expecL ed yie ld sI!'css
forces bClwcenlhe steel superstructure and the foundatioll. CONTINUITY I' LATES.
Column stiffe ners al II", top and bottom of the panel zo ne; also known as tra
nsve rse
mul ti plied by A. .~.
EXPECTED TENSILE STRENGTH. Tensile strenglh 0.1' a mem ber, equal to the specifi
ed minimum tensile strengt h, Fu, mu ltip lied by R,. EXPEC TED YIELD STR ESS. Y
ield stress of Ihe material , equal 10 th e specilicd minimum yield stress, Fy,
mullipl ied by R,. . INTERMlmlATE MOM ENT FUAME (1M F). Momcnt
C ONTRACTOR. Fa bricalor or ereClOr. as app li cable. DI<:MAND CIUTI CAL WELD. W
eld so designateD by these Prov isions. DESIGN EARTHQUAKE. The earthquake repres
enled by Ihe de sign response speclll llll as specifi ed in the NSC P code. DESI
GN STORY DRI FT. Ampli fied story drift (drifl un der th e desi gn earthquake, i
ncluding the effccfs of inelastic action), determined as specified in the NSCP c
ode. DESIGN STRENGTH . Res is tance factor multiplied by the nominal strenglh, <
rRn. DIAGO NAL nn-ACING. Inclincd stru ctural members carrying primarily axi al
load that arc empl oyed to cn<lbJc a st ru ctural frame lO act as (L truss to re
sist lateral loads. DUAL SYSTEM. Siructural syslcm wilh the fo.llo-wing features
: (I) (In essenliHlly complete space frame that provides support ror grav it y l
oads; (2) resiSi<lIlce to laleral load provided by moment frames (SMF, IM F or O
M F) that m\~ capable of resisti ng at least 25 percent of the base shear, and c
oncrete Of slee l s hear wails, or steel hri.lced frClrnes (ERF, SeRF or OCB F);
<1nd (3) c(lch system designed to re~i-;i the tolal ialenli load in proportion
to its rdati ve rigidi l). DUCT ILE LIMIT STATE. Du ctile limil ,tates in"'udc m
ember :ll1d cOJ1nec ti on yielding, bearin g deformation at bolt holes. as well
as huckling o f members th al I.:onform to the width-thickness limitations t)r T
able 52 J -I. FraclUre of a member or of i.l connection, or buckling of a conne.
ction e lem cnl. is not a ductile limit s tale. (EBF). ECCENTRICALLY BRACED FRAM
E Diagonal ly braccd frame meeting the requirements of Secti on 15 that has at l
east one e nd of each brac ing me mber con nected to a hcmn a short distance fro
m another beam tobrace connection or n beam-to-column con necti o n. EXEMPTED COL
ll MN. Column not rt:quircments of Equat ion 522-3 for SMF. mccting the
frame sys tem that meets th e re qui remcllL s or Sect ion 523.
I NTERSTORY DRIFT ANGLE. InlerSlo.ry displacement
divide.d by story hei gh t, radians.
INYERTED-V-BRACED FRAME. Sce V-braced r,.am e.
K-A n EA. The k-arca is the region of the web that extends from the tangent poi
nt of the web ilnd the flange-web fi llet (AISe 'Ok" dimension) a distance uf 38
lllm into the web

beyond the " k" dimens ion.

K-BRACED FRA1\-'1E. A bracin g co nfiguration in which braces COllllect to a col
um n a( a location with no diaphragm or other OUt-of-plane SUppOI1.
LATERAL BRA C ING ME~mER. Member that is designed 10 inhihil Iment! buckl in g o
r !meral-tor sional buck lin g of primary fram ing 111~ll1b ers. In EBF, the seg
mc nt or it beam Ihat is located bClweclllhc ends two diagonal br;'iccs or betwe
en the end of a di ag on:!! brac e and il column. The length of the link is defi
ned as the clear di st ancc between the end s of two diag o llaJ braces or hetwe
e n the di agona l brace find the column face .
LINK I NTERMEDIATE WEB STIFFENERS. Vertical web stiffeners placed within the lin
k in EBF. LINK ROTATION ANGLE. lnelmaic angle between thc link and the beam outs
id c of the li nk whcn Ih<.' to\,tl story drirt is equal to the des ign story d
rift . LI NK SHEA R DESIGN STR ENGTH. Lesser of the avail able ~ hear slrength o
r the link developed rrom the mo mcnt or sheilI' strength of the link. LOWEST AN
TI CIPATED SERVICE TEM PE RATURE (LAST). The Io.west I-hour average tem perature
with a IOO-year mean recurrence intcrval.

RED UCE D BEAM SECTION. Redu ction ill cross scc,ion
DESIGN). Method of proportioning structural component s
such that the design st rength equal s or exceeds th e required strength of the
component under the HClion of the LRFD
load combi nations.
over a discrete len gth that promotes a i.O!le or inelastici ty in
the member.
LRFD LOAD COMlIlNATION. LO<1d combination in 'he NS CP code intended for strengt
h design (load and resistance factor design). MEASURlm FLEXURAL RESISTANCE. Bend
ing momelll mea sured in a beam at the f;lce of the column, fo r a bea m-to-colu
mn tcst s pecimen tested in accordance wilh Section B-4. NOMINAL LOAD. MagnilUde
or 'he load s pccificd by 'he NSCP codc. NOMINAL STRENGTH. Slrengl h of a slnlc
lurc or
deformations proulIl:cd in a structural co mponent, determined by either stru ct
ur<11 analysis, for the LRFD or
ASD load combinations, as appropriate, or as specified by the Specification and
these Provisions. RESISTANCE FACTOR, 'I). FaclOr ,ha, accounl s fur unavoidable
dev iations of the nominal strength from the actual st rength and for the manner
and conseque nces of fai lure. SAFETY FACTOR, n. Factor that accounts for devia
tions of the actual strength from the nominal strengt h, deviation s of the actu
al load from the nominal load, 1I11certailltics in th e analysis thnt transform
s the load into a 1 0;:ld erfect and for the manne r ,JIld consequences or fail
ure. SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY. ClassiOcalion assigned to a building by lhe NSCP c
ode based upo n its seism ic ll Se. group and the des ign spec tral res po nse a
cce lcnnioll coefJicicnt s. SEISMIC LOAD RESISTING SYSTEM (SLI~S). Assembly of s
tructural e lements in the building that resi sts seismi c load s, incl udin g s
truts, l:ollectors, chords, di aphraglns and tru sses. Seismic respomic mudilica
tion coeflkicnl, R. Facto r that reduces seismic load eCfects to strength leve l
as specified by the NSCP code.
com pon ent (without the resist ance ractor or sa fely factor
applied) to resist the load cffecls t as determined in accordance with thi s Spe


(OCBF). Diagonally braced frame- meet ing the requiremcnts of Scction 527 in whi
ch all members or th e brndng system arc subjected primarily In axial forces.
OlWINARY MOMENT FRAME (O~11'). M lllllcll! li'ame syste m that meets the rc quir
emcnts of Section 524. OVERSTRENGTH FACTOR, QO. FacIOI' spcci lied by th e NSCP
code in order to determine the amplili cd 'iC'ismic load, where req uired by the
se Provi sions. PREQUALlFIED CONNECTION. COI1I1lion compli es with the requiremen
ts of Section B-J. ,hat
SEISl\1lC USE GROUP. Classification assigned to a
structure based
its use as specified by the NSCP code.
PROTECTED ZONE. Area or l11emb",,, in whi ch limitations apply to fabrication an
d .auac hllll.~ Ill S . Src Section 520.4, PROTO TYPE. The cOl1neclion or brace
design Ihat bc used in the building (SMF, 1MI', EBF, and BRBF).
SPECIAL CONCENTRICALLY BRACED FRAME (SC BJi'). Diagonall y braced frame meeting
the requirements of Sectioll 13 in whi ch all members of the bracing system ,1i1
~ subj ected prirmll'il y lO axial forces. SPECIAL MOMENT FRAME (SMF). Momen! fr
ame system that meets th e requirem en ts of Section 522. SPECIAL PLATE SHEAR WA
LL (SPSW). Plalc shcar waIJ system that meets the requirements of Section 530. S
PECIAL T1WSS MOMENT FRAME (STMF). Truss mOllll!1l1 frame system (hal meets rhe r
cq ui re mcllls of SCCliotl 525, SPECIFICATION. Refers 10 'hc AIS C Specific", i
on for S'nlcl ural S'eel Buildings (ANS I/A IS C 360).
PROVISIONS. Refers to thi s document, and in reference' to the AISC Seismic Prov
isio ns for Structural Steel Buildings (ANSIIAIS C 34 1). QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN
. Wri((cn dcscrip'ion or qualifications, procedures, quality inspections., rcsou
ru: s\ and record s to be used to provide assu ralll.:n Ihal Ihe st ru ct ure co
mpl ies with the engineer's qua lit y rcqu:rcmcllls, specificat ions and con tra
c t doc uments.

[i ISO
CHAPTFri (S ~ St()(:t and fvh)[aL;
STATIC YIELD STRENGTH. Strength of a structural member or connection determined
on the basis of testing conducted under slow monotonic loading until failure. ST
EEL CORK Axial-foree-resisting clement of braces in BRBF. The steel core contain
s a yielding segment and connections to transfer its axial force to adjoining cl
ements; it may also contain projections beyond the casing and transition segment
s between the projections and yielding segment. TESTED CONNECTION. Connection th
at complies with the requirements of Section B-4. V-BRACED FRAME. Concentrically
braced frame (SCBF, OCBF or BRBF) in which a pair of diagonal braces located ei
ther above or below a beam is conn ccted to a single point within the clear beam
span. Where the diag 011<;1 braces are below the beam, the system is also refer
red to as an inverted-V-braced frame. X-BRACED FRAME. Concentrically braced fram
e (OCBF or SCBF) in which a pair of diagonal braces crosses ncar the mid-length
of the braces. Y-BRAClm FRAME. Eccentrically braced f!'ame (EBF) in which the st
em of the Y is the link of the EBF system.
514.Scopc The Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings, hcreinafter ref
erred to as these Provisions, shall govern the dcshw, fabrication and erection o
f structural stcel members and '-'connections in the seismic load resisting syst
ems (SLRS) and splices in columns that arc not part of the SLRS, in buildings an
d other structures, where other structures are defined as those structures desig
ned, fabricated and erected in a manner similar to buildings, with building-like
vertical and lateral lond-resisting-elemcllts. These Provisions shall apply whe
n the seismic response modification coefficient, R, (as specificd in the NSCP co
de) is takcn greater than 3, regardless of the seismic design category, When the
seismic response modification coefficient, R, is taken as 3 or less, the struct
ure is not required to satisfy these Provisions, unless specifically required by
the NSCP code. These Provisions shall be applied in conjunction with Chapter 5
Steel and Metal, hereinafter referred (0 as the Specification. Members and conne
ctions of the SLRS shall satisfy the requirements of the NSCP code, the Specific
ation, and these Provisions. Wherever these provisions refer to the NSCP code an
d there is no local building code, the loads, load combinations, system limitati
ons and general design requirements shall be those in SEllASCE 7,
Part 2A includes H Glossary that is specii1cally applicable to this Part, and Se
ction B-1, B-2, B-3, B-4, B-5. B-6and B-7
Association of StnJctural Engine81'S of the Philippines

8nd jvk;i<11
The documenls refcrencto in these Provision s shall include those listed in Spec
ification Section 501.2 with the following additions tlnd modifications:
Thc required strength :md other seismi c provisions for seismic Zones 2 and 4 in
cluding limilations on height and irregularity shall be (IS specified in the NSC
P code. The des ign story drift shall be determined as required in the NSCP code
American InstilUlC of Sleel Construction (AISC)
Specification Jor Structural Steel Bllildillgs, ANS/IA/SC 36005 Prequlllified COl
lnections for Special (llld Intermediate Sleel Momem Frames for Seismic Applicat
ions, ANSIIA/SC 358-05
Ameri c,lil Society for Nondes tTucti ve Testin g (ASNT ) RccOJl1Jnendcd Practic
e for the Training and T esting of No ndestru ctive Testin g Personnel, AS NT SN
T TC- I a-200 1 S tandard for the Qualifi cation and Ce rtifi cati on of Nondest
ructi ve Testin g Personnel, ANSIIAS NT CP- IS92001
Am erican \Vcldin g Society (A WS)
Standard Methods for Determination of the Diffusib le H yd rogen Content of Mart
ensitic, Bainitic, and Ferrit ic Steel Weld Metal Produced by Arc Weldin g, A WS
Standard Methods fo r Mechanical Testing of Welds-U.S. Customary, ANSII A WS B4
.0-98 Standard Met hods for Mechanical Testing of We lds-Metrie Onl y. ANSIIAWS
B4.0M :2000 Standard for the Qualification of Welding l nspectors, AWS B5.1:2003
Describing Oxygen-Cu t Surfaces. A WS C4. 1 Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA ) Recommended Seismic Design Criteria fo r New Steel Moment -Frame Buildi
n gs, FEMA 350, Jul y 2000
National Struclu ral Code of tile Ph iljpp in(~ ~; 6~i""i [clition \lolurn o

517.1 Loads and Load Combinations The loads and load co mbinati oll s shall be a
s sti pulat ed by the NSCP code. Where amplified seismi c loads arc requ ired by
these Provisiolls, the horizontal pon ioll of the e;u1hquakc load E (as defi ne
d in the N S .(P code) shall be multiplied by the ovc rstrength factor. Q u. pre
scribed by the NSC P codc. 517.2 Nominal Strength The nomi nal strength of syste
ms. members and conllections shall co mpl y with the Specificmion, ex<:epl as l1
10diried tllroUghout these Provi sions.
S18. 1 Structural Design Drawings and Sr~ ecifi ca fiol1s SlnlclurllJ design dra
wings and spcci ri c~ltions shall show the work \0 be performed , and include it
ems required by the Speci fi cation find Ihe following, as app licable:
Desigllalion of th l! seismi c load resisting syst em (S LRS) Designation of the
members and connections thaI are part of the SLRS Configuration
the con necti ons
Connec ti on materia! speci ri c!llions Hnd sizes Loca ti ons of dema nd critica
l wc lds Lowesl anli cip<.ned service temperature (LAST) of the sleel stru cture
, if the structure is not enclosed and Illaintained at a Icmpermure of JO C or h
igher Locations and di mcnsions ofprotcctcd zones Loc<.H ions where gusset pl at
es arc accom modate inelastic rotation
8. 9.
be detai led to
Weld ing requirements as specified in Secti on B6, Section I36.2 .
Uscr Note: These Provisions should be consistent witlLtlie Code or Siandard Prac
lice, . s designaiM in Section 501.4':(i( Ihe Specifica tion. There may be speci
fic connections . ~fl appHcitiiins 'for 'which 'details aretiol specifically:a d
" by O,e ' Provisions. If such a condinon exists, 'ihe .c documents 'spould 'inc
lu& appropriate requirerri~ those ipplicitlions: Th~e may ind ude ' .'nondeS ..
testing requii-ements beyond those in Section B-2i :b'Ql( fabrication requiremen
ts beyond those pennitt~ bY ".'5~~ Specification. bolting requirements other tha
n those' j n<ilje: Research Council on Structural Connections (lttScj Specificat
ion for Structural )oinl$ Using ASTM A:i2~~~r A490 Bolts, or weiding requiremenl
s other than Ihose'i ii Section I3-6. .",.,.:5 I 8.2 Shop Drawings Shop dr'lwings shall incl ude items requi red by \he Speci
fi ci:ltioll and (he following, ,IS applicable: I.
Designation of the members and co nnect ions thal arc pa,1 of the SLRS Con necti
on matelial specifications Locations of demand critical shop we lds

Association of Structural Engineers of Ibe Philippines

4. 5. 6.
Loc;lliol1S and dimcnsions of protectcd
ZO IlC:';
Gusset plates drawn 10 scale whcn tlley arc detail ed m:cc)JlllllodalC inelasli<
.: rotation
Welding rcquircmcnls as speci fied in Section B6, Secli on B-2.2.
519.1 Material Spccific.~tions Structural steel uscd jll the seis mic load resis
ting system (SLRS) shall Illccllhe fl::qu ircmcms of Specificati on Section 50 1
.3.1 ;1, excepl as modified in these Prov isions. The speci fi ed Ininimlllll yi
eld sH'ess of steel \0 be used for members in wh ich inelasti c bchavio!" is exp
ec ted shall 110t exceed 345 MPa for sys tems defined in Sect iolls 522, 523. 52
5. 526, 528, 529, and 530 nor 380 MPa for syslems defined in Sections 524and 527
, unl.css the suitability of the material is determined by testing or oIlier rat
ional criteria. Thi s limitation docs nOt apply to columns for which the only ex
pected inelastic behavior is yielding at the column
518.3 Erection Drawings Erection drawings shall include ilems requi red by the S
pecification and (he [ollowing, as applic.lble:
Designa(i on of (he members and cOllnections that arc pari of Ihe SLRS
Field connection material specifications . lIld sizes
Locati ons ofdernalld criti ca l field welds Locat ions and dimensions of protec
ted zones Loca ti ons of pretensiolled bolts Field welding requireme nts as spec
ified in Secti on B(), Seclion B-2.3
The struclUral steel used in the SLRS described in Sections 522,523,524,525,526,
527. 528, 529 and 530 shall IllCCI o ne of the fo ll ow ing ASTM Specifica lion
s: A361 A36M. A53/A 53 M , A500 (Grade B or C). A501. A529/A529M, A572/A572M IGr
ade 42 (290 Mpa), 50 (345 Mpa) or 55 (380 Mra ), A588/A588M, A913/A913M IGrade 50
(345 Mra), 60 (415 Mpa) or 65 (450 Mpa ), A992/A992M, or A 101 I HSLAS Grade 55
(380 Mra). The struclural 'Iccl used [or column base plates shall meet onc of th
e preceding ASTM specifications or ASTM A283/A283M Grade D. Other steel s and no
n-stcel ma terials in buckling-restraincd braced frames arc permitted to be used
subject 10 Ihc requiremellls of Section 529 and Section 8-5.
User Note: This sec\io~ only.,coyers malerial prqperties for strUClural sleel us
ed in !be SLRS ai,d included in the 4etjffip.9-B 8~ , ~,u,uCI'!f"l . s~"t, I'!Y~\
l io ,.~,Cflion of .~,e AISC, G.oo~ .of,1\tand;tr<J !>(aG!icc. (:jthetsteel; snc
h as cables fQrpe@.~;'\ bn;~il)g, [s'n;( ilJiOiud. '. ' .. .
User Note: 'TIlere may be specific connections and
applications for which delails are not specifically addressed by the Provisions.
If such a condition exists, the erection drawings should include appropriate req

uirements for that application. These may mclude: b-oltirig requirements other t
han .those in the RCSC SpecificatioJi for" Stiucturiil Ioints Using A,STM - A325
or A490 .:Bolts, and.. :welding r~uirc;\llents other than tliose in SCIOtion B-6.
See Section Mf . '::ule Specification for R.dditional pro~ision; on erection dr
awings. ' .
519.2 Material Properties for Determination of Required Strength of Mcmbcrs and
Connections When required in these Prov isions, th e required strength of an ele
ment (a member or a con neclion ) shall be delcnnjned from the cx:pecled yield s
tress, R)" F,., of an adjoining member, where Fy is the specified rninimum yield
stress of the grade of stecl to be used in the adjoining members and RI. is th
e ratio of the expected yield stress to the specified 1l1inimum yield stress, "~
n of lhal material .
National Structural Code of the Pililippines 6'" Edition Volume 1

Rv and
Ri ValueS ctit Different Meril/lcr.T;,nes
Rt .. Talil~ Sl~l
. ......
S l9.3l1 cavy Section CVN Hequir(l l1lenfs
For structu ral steel in the SLRS, in add iti on (0 the rcqu ire mcnt s or Spcci
f'icatiol) Section 501.3. k. hoI rolled shapes with na ng!.!s 38 I1lIll thick an
d th icker shall have 11 minimum Charpy V Notch toughness 01'20 f't lb (27 J) a\
70 lIF (2 J D C), tested in the alt erna te core loca tio n as describcd in ASTM
A6 Supplclllcillilry Rcquirement S30. Plates 50 I11Ill thick and thi cke r shal
l ha ve II minimum Cha rp y Y ~ Notch toughocss of 20 ft l b (27 J) at 70 ' I' (
2 1 ' c) , measured .1I any locHti oll pCI~jnittcd by ASTM A673. where the plate
is used in the following:
.._ ___ ___.._.~E!.iE.i!~'2~ _ __._____ __ ~L_
lint -roiled slnK' lu rid shapes and bars: AS TM A36/36 M ASTM A 572/572M Grade
290 ASTM A572/572 M Grad e 345 or 380 ASTM A9 13/A9 13M Grau e 345 ,4 15,450 AST
M A588/A588M ASTM A992/A992 M . AIOII HSLAS Grade 380 ASTM A529 Grade 345 ASTM A
529 Gmde 380 Holl ow structura l sections (HSS) ASTM A500 (Grade B or C) , ASTM
A501 Pi pe ASTM A53fA53M Plat es ASTM A36/A36 M ASTM A5721 A572M Grade 34 5 ASTM
A5881 A588 M

1.5 U
1.1 1.1
1.2 1.1 IA 1.2
Members built-up frolll platc Connection plmes where inelastic strain under seis
m ic loading is expected At the steel core of buckling-restrained braces

1. 6

User Note: Examples of connection plates where inelastic behavior expected inclu
de. but are not lim ited to . g'u sset plates intended to func ti on as a hinge
and allow Oll t-O( plane buckling of braces, some bolted flange plates for momen
t connections, some end pl ates for bolted moment connections. and some column b
ase plates designed as a pin
The available strength of the element, rpR" for LRFD and R,/
Q for ASD. shall be equal to or grea ter than the required stre ngth, where R" i
s the nomin;.11 st rengt h of the connecti on . The expected lensil e strength ,
RfF", and the ex.pected yield stress, R. F\, arc permiltcd to be used in lieu o
f F.. and FI>
respectively. in dClcnni ning the nominal strength. Rno of rupture and yie ldi n
g limit Slales wi th in the same me mber for wh ic h (he requ ired strength is d
ctcnnined .
User Note: In several instances a member, or a coniIe'~Jjon li mit state within
that member, is required to be designed for forces corresponding to the expected
strength of- the member itself. Such cases include brace fracture limit states
(block shea r rupture and net section fracture in the brace in SCBF), the design
of the beam outside of the link In EilF, etc. In suC;h cases it is permitted to
use the expected material st rength in the detennination of availab le member s
trength . For connecti ng elements and for other members. specified matetial str
ength should be used.
The values of HI' and R, ror various stee ls are given ill Tnbl e 5 J 9 1. Other
v.~ l ues o f RI , and RI 51mll be permitted ir the values arc determined b)' te
sti ng spccimcns si milar in s izc and source conducted in accordHl1cc with the
req uire mc nts ror Ihe specified grade s tee l.
Association of Stru ctural Eng ineers of the Philippines

(;:1-11\1) 1En s
Sleel ,lild Metal
520.1. Scope
load resisting
normal to the force resisted by welds, such as a moment connection in which weld
ed flanges .transmit fJe~ure and a bolted web transmits shear, is not considered
to be sharing the force. . 520.3 Welded Juint s Vlclding shall be performeJ in a
ccordance with Section B 6. Welding Shilll be performed in accordance wilh it wel
ding procedure specificatio n (WPS) as required in AWS DJ.I <l nd appro ved hy t
he engineer-of-record. The WPS v~riHblcs sll:\l1 be within thc parametcrs cSl<lh
lished by the filler mewl
Illanu f [leI urer.
Con nections, joirHs :IIlU fasteners Ihal arc P,1I1 of the se ism ic.:
sys tem
,om pI)'
Specification Section 510, and requl rcmellts of th is Section.
The design 01" connections for a member thai is a pan or tile
SLRS shall be configu red such IIial ..I ductile limit slale in
either the co nll ection or the member cOlltrols the design .
User N~te: An example of a ductile limit state is tension yielding. It is unacce
ptable to design connections for mcmbers that are a part of the SLRS such that t
he strength limit state is governed by nonductile or brittle limit states, such
as fracture, in either the connection or the member. 520.2 lloltt'd Joints All b
olts shall be prctcnsio ncd high strength bolls and shall Ti[icnJ rayin g surfac
es in meet lhe rcquircrncllls for s!iIH . accordance wi th SpcdficiHi o ll Secti
on 510. J.8 with a Class A surface. Boils shall he installed in standard holes o
r in short- sloHed holes perpendicular to the applied load . For brace diagoll<l
is, oversi zed holes sh. all be penniucd when the connection is designed as a sl
ip-critical joint, and the oversized hole is in one ply only. Alternative hole t
ypes arc permitted iC designated in the Prcqua lified Connections for Special an
d Intermediate Momell! Frames for Seismic Applications (ANSUAISC 3S8), or if oth
erwise determined in a co nnection prequaiificatioll in accorda nce with Section
B-1 , or if detemlincd in a program of qualification testing in accordance with
Section B-4 or B5 . The avaibble shear strength of bolted joints usi ng standard

holes shall be calculated as that for bearing-type joints in accordance with Sp

ecification Sections SI O. J.3 and 510.1.10, except that th e nominal bearing st
rength at bolt holes shall not be wken greater than 2.4dtFu.
520.3.1 General Requirements All welds used in mcmbers and cOJ)llcetions in thc
SLRS Sllldl be mmle wi th a filler metal that ca n produce welds that have a min
imum Charpy V-Notch lOughncss of 20 fI-lb (27 J ) a! 0 ('F (minus 18C), as determ
ined by th e appropriate AWS A5 classification test method or manufacturer certi
ficiHiOl)' This requirement for notch toughness shJII ,ll so apply ill other ca
scs itS required in these Provisions . 520.3.2 Demand Criticul 'Velds Where weld
s arc designated as dcnHmd cri ti cal , they shall be mad e with <l li ller meta
l capable of providing a minimum Charpy V-Notch (CV N) toughness of 27 J at 29 C
as dctcnnincd by the appropriate AWS cl as si fication test method or manuractur
er certification, and 54 J at 2 1C as determined by Section B 7 or other approved
method, when the steel fra me is normally encl osed and maintained at a lemperat
ure of 10C or higher. For stmclUres wit h service temperatures lower than 10 e, t
he qualiric31ioll temperature for Sec ti on 13-7 shall be II C above the lowest a
nticipated service tcmperalU re, or aI a lower temperature.
SMAW electrodes classified in AWS AS.I as E7018 or E7018-X , SMAW electrodes cla
ssified in AWS AS .S as E7018C3L or E8018-C3, and GMAW sol id electrodes arc exem
pted fro m produclioll lot testing when the CY N toughness of the electrode eq u
al s or exceeds 27 J at a temperature not exceeding 29C as determined by AWS clas
sification test method s. The manufacturer' s certificate of compliance shall be
co nsidered sufficient evidence of mectil}g thi s requirement .
Th e laying sill/aces for (,lid plllle II/omelll COIIIl(XliOI/!i ore permirred t
o be COaled with comings 110( tested for slip rcsi.\'/allce or with cOOling.\' l
I'ilh a .\"lip coejJici(J 11I /('.\',\' 1/1011 11/(/( (~ra Class Af(lying sUI/oc
r. Bolts <Iud welds shall nOl be designed 10 share force in a joint or the same
force component in a con necti o ll. User Note: A member force, such as a brace
axial force, must be resisled at the connection entirely by onc type of j oi nt
(in o.t her wqrds, either entirely by bolts or entirely by welds). A connection
in 'whkb bolts resist a force that is
User Note: Welds designated demand critical arc specifically identified in the P
rovisions in the section applicablc to the designated SLRS.
There rnay he spccific welds similnr 10 those designated as demand cri tical by
these Provisi ons that ha ve not been specific~l ll y identified as demand criti
cal by these Provisions that warrant such designation . Considerati on of lhe de
mand criti cal designation Cor such welds should be bnsed upon the inelastic str
ain demand and the consequence
National Structura! Code of tile Philippines G ' Edition Volume 1

of failure. Complclc-joint-pcnelfillion (CJP) groove welds between columns and h

ase plales should be considcred oem,lIlo criticlll similar to colulIlll splice w
elds, whcn CJP groove welds llsed for COIUIlIIl splices ill th e desig nated SLR
S ha ve bcc n designated dcmand crit ical.
I 1
pm special alld intcrmediate moment frumes. typica l
ex.amples of delll<llld critical welds includc the fo llowi ng
CJ P groove welds: I. 2. 3. 4. Welds of beam flanges to columns Welds of single
plale sJlcar conncc ti ons to col umns Welds of beam webs to col umns Column spl
ice we lds, incJuding colum n bases
Por ordinary moment frames, Iypica l exa mpl es incl ude Cli> groove welds in it
ems 1, 2, and 3 above .
! ;
I ,
Association of St ~uctura l Engineers of the P hil ippines

Flexure in !langes of fOiled or Imill -up l-shilJX:d scl'lions:

'I- .
. 4,) . .'." , ';'
;1 . '
l'l.lel.lel.l sl.lhl
Uniform compre ssion in ilangc:s of rolled or buill-up t
- -.,---,,-,-.,---,, --c--_\--- -. -- - ..- -bit hll
- - j- - -- - - ' - -. -- ---j
,m.': : ~;. ,
sharx:d:;cl'liom/b]'lhl -";~:~j~~'~c~(:;~~:el~:on in l1:mgcs Qf rolled or builtup I
Unifo rm cOlllpn!ssi()11 in fla nges of channels. outstand in g
--- -- - -- -- -- - - - j - - - -- - -- - - -- - --1
::. ;\~,~-S' ;.: ~ :~~~~:~.;.
. ,:;,;,.,
:~f~:r pairs of ang les ill continuous contac t, ;j nd braces
1 - - -- - - - - - -- -- ---11'111
- -- - --1 O.30 .fEli~
'.';:.: . \ :.: . . ..: . ;. ....:
__ :~
_;.i~ .~
,.." ,
~ ~;~J~J,a~,~I'~f~ "';~~:,'c~,7.~.I ;'l,-'-'I-~re-'--'.7i-o-r~'-,7,-,~le- -g.-~ ,
o~r;,~h-,-g7.-,c~-a-'-'-g. 7,-C-,-.,~,--c.-g--,.- <-,7,-.--~--=--- ----.---.-..-- .~~~~~-"1,~,~, '.:.~ ~ ~~~~-~-==t=========~=~j2t.5~-~=~=========~
do uble lingle me mbers wilh sc pc ralOrs, or Oang.cs of ices hIt
Unlfo"" comp", ,,lo,, I" ",nges of H-pll' 'C<~l i (m-'-----\-------I-,'' ------+----O -.4 -5 -.fEi-;=E= 1'~ F=>~ ' -----j
O .30ji IFy a.3ofi IF,.
V~ For C. SO .125[kl - - -- - -\

2.4 5
" '" .,.~ ;.
'. "
lS i
Uniform compression in
SiC Ill:.
(J f Ices 19l
. ....
Webs in flexural co mpn:ssion in 522 .unlt-ss noted o lher .....ise
in S M F. Scct iull
Webs in !1cxuraJ comprcssion or combin cd flc.'(ur(: and
axial compression !u].[c ].!g],[hl,lij./j)
.. -!!/
3.I,JEIFY (I . I.54 C,)
=~ 111)
, . ., S
; .... 'C!
"ii5 ..
For Ca > 0.1 25 IkJ
1.1 1 ,iEIFy
' en
(2 .33C, )
1.'9 Jf:IFY
Roun d HSS in axial and/or fl c.xur<ll C<l m p'r~ '~"~ ' ;~ Oi~ '~ I '~I~,IH.II~
_\ ------~I~ )A "---------I -----' O ~.04 ""-4 '-'( EJF .~.~ F .LLY_ __ _ -j Rec
tangular HSS in :u :ial and/o.>r flexural compression O .64/EIF" .leU.) bII or l

oll. ,
1-_ _ __-'--'W'-""b"s"of"'I" I..: .P"'''"'''''e,, c,, tio,,'-' '' --_ ____ ___ _
fbi le J (d] Ie)
_ --'_____-',,,,,,"',_ ____.___-'-_ _____._a.9~ElFy}
[a j Req uired for b<!anl~ in SMF Section 522 und SI'SW S~c tion 530 Required fo
r columns in SMF Section 522 . onlcH the r,llios ftom Eq.522.} arc gre:lter than
2.0 where il is l>crmillcd to usc J,. in spcc ilic:ltion Table 50 2,4 1 Require
d for br.ccs ilnd co lunl1ls in ScnF SCClion 526 and brat"cs in OCBF Seclioll 52
1 It is pemlillcd 1 0 use),. in Spocific:iU ion Table 502A.I fOt columns in STMF
Section 522 and colllmils in EBF Seclio n 528 Req uired fOf link in EBF Seclion
528 CJ.cCpl iti is per millcd 10 use l.t in Ta ble 502.4. 1 of the: ~p;:ci rica
lion fOI n:tnges of links or JcnSlh 1.6 M,fY pa re dcfill: <.l in Secl;l,\n 528
III Di ~gonal web mcbers with in Ihc s pecial segment of STMF Section 5ZS IsJ Cl
lord members of STM F SeClion 525 IhJ Requiled for beams and colu mns in ORlJF S
eclioll 529 Ii) Required for colu lI1ns in SJ>SW Seelion 530 [j] For colum ns in
STMF Section 522 c\llu(1)n ~ in SMI'. ;rthe (<llim [10m E'l. sn Jarc gre.alel Ih
~11 2.0: for colunms in Eli I' Section 52 8: or EI3 F wcb$ of lin ks of I.::nglh
1.6 M/V ~ (lr less, it is permillcu lU US(' the following f()r I, .
For C.
""= 3.76 'Ii /FY(I .2..1S C.I
For C, :;:. 0. 125. >'r = 3.76 JE f FY (2.33 C.) ? 1,49 ,JEIFy
for ASD. C, = (0" 1'/1\1 where I ). ::: required compressi\'\! slr-cuglll (ASOJ.
f'l f . = required comprcssh'C stlcngth ( LRFO). N PT a~i 3 1 yield strc nglh.
~= O.90 Q~ 1.67
National Structura l Code of the Philippines 6 Edilion Volume 1

CHAPTEF{ 5 Sleel and Metals
For l!ccciltricilil y braccd frames (EBF). typic.!! cx;unpl cs of demand <.:n ti
cal we lds include CJJ> groove welds betwc\!1l link b\!,UllS and columns. Other
welds, such as those joining the web plale to flange plates in builtup ESr:- lin
k bcams, and column splice welds when made using CJP groove welds, should be con
sidered for designation as demand cri ti cal welds.
520.3.3 Recommcll(l,d Joint
weld. II" a cu rved clip IS used. il s h.d l have :1 m i l. ;:~:; : ;:1 rad ius
of 12 I1Ull.
AI the end of th e weld udjaccnt to the column wch/lh ngl..' juncture, weld tabs
for co ntinuity plates shall nut he lI st.'d. except when permitted by the e ng
il1 cc r~ of~ rcco rd. U!l les~: specified by the cllginecJ'of"rccord Ihill th ey
be I-C,!ll OVt'(L weld tabs shall not be removed when used in this locatiO:\.
Tile usc of Type I welded joints is nO( allowed in seismic Zone 4. Type' II join
ts arc recommended as in the usc of Proprietary W ~~ l ded Joint .
520.4 Protected Zone
Where a protected zone is designated by these Provisions or ANSIIAISC 358. il sh
all comply wilh the following :
Withi n the protected zone, discolllinuit ies created by fa bri cati on or erect
ion operations, slich as tack welds, erection aids; airarc gouging and thermal cu
tting shall be repaired as required by the engineefof record.
Wt~lded shear studs and decking Httachmcilts til at penetrat e Ihe beam flange s
hall not be placed on beam fl anges within the protected zone. Decking arc spo t
welds as required to secure decking shall be permitted .
Weldcd, bolted. screwed or shotin attachments for perimeter edge angles. exterior
facades. panilions, duct work, piping or other construction shall not be pl ace
d within the protected zone.
E.rception :
Welded s"eor studs and ot"er ('0,,"ectioIJ5 s"all be permiued when desigllated i
ll the Prequalijied Connections f or 5iJecioi and Intermediate Momelll Frames fo
r Seismic Applications fANSIIAISe 358), or as Ofherwise determined in accordall
ce with a conrl eetioll prequo/ijicatiofl ill accordance wilh Section B 1, or aJ d
etermined ill (l program of qualification testing in accordan ce wilh Section 84.
Outside the protected zone, calculations based upon the expected moment shall be
mnde to demonstrate the adequacy of the member net secti on when connectors th
at penetrate the member are used.
520.5 Co ntinuity Plates and StifTcncrs
Corners of continui ty plates and stiffeners placed in the webs of rolled shopes
sholl be clipped as desc ribed below. Along Ihe web, Ihe clip shall be deloiled
so Ih a! Ihe clip ex lends a distan ce of at least 38 nllll beyo nd the publish
ed k detail dimension for the rolled shape. Along the flange. the c lip shall be

delailed so Ihal lhe clip does nOI exceed 0 di slOnce of 12 mm beyond Ihe publi
shed kl delail dimen sion . The clip shall be delailed 10 facililale suilable we
Jd terminations for both the flange weld and the web
Associa tion of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

Sleel and Metal
SJj)~'flQN;5,21 ' MEMBE~ ;.
521,1 Scope
Members in the seismic load resisting syste m (SLRS ) ~ha ll compl y wilh the Sp
ccitic'lIioll and Section 521. For col umn s that arc !lot pari of the SLRS, sec
Sect ion 52 J. J .2.
521.4 Column Splices
52 I .4.1 General
The requi red strength of colu mn splices ill the seismic load resi!'>ling sys t
em (S LRS ) shall equal [he required st rength of Ihe COI Ullll1S. including tha
t determined from Sections 521 .3,
522.9,52).9,524.9,526.5 and 529.5.2.
or Sections for Locailluckling
52L2,1 COlllp"ct When requi red by Ihese Provisions, members of the SLRS shall h
ave flanges continuously connected to the web or
webs (lnd dlC width -t hickness r<Hios of its com pression
III addition, welded colum n splices th aI are subj ect 10 a calcul ated net ten
si le load effect dctcnn;ilcd using th e load co mbinations st ipulated by the
NSCP code including the am plilicd seis mi c load, shrtll salisfy both of the fo
Howi ng requirements:
Th e available strength of partial-joint-penetration ( P1P)
clements shall
exceed the limiting width-thickness:
r:ltios, ).'). from Specific:llion T'lblc 502.4 . 1.
groove welded joillls. if used, shall be at least eq ual to 200 percent of the r
equired strength. The available strength for each nange splice shall be al
le ast equal to 0.5 fI,F,A, (LRFD) or (O .S/l.S) R,F,A,
52L2,2 Seismic"liy COlllpact
When required by these Provisions. members of the
must hnvc flanges continuously cOllllected (0 the
kness nHies or its compression clements shall nol
ckness nHios , APS, from Provisions Table 52! -!

web or webs and the width-thic
exceed the limiting width-t hi

(AS D), as ap propriatc, whe re U)'l~. is the expected yield stress of the colum
n material and AI is the nange area of th e smaller column connected . Beveled t
ransitions arc not required when chan ges in thickness and wid th of Ilangcs and
webs occur in column splices where flJP groove welded joints are used.
Column web splices shall be either bolted or welded, or
521.3 Column Strength
When PI< I Pn (LRFD ) > 0.4 or D,P,;P,. (AS D) > 0.4, as ilppropriare. wi thout c
onsideration of the <lInpliricd seismic load,
welded (0 one column and bolted to the other. In moment frames using bolted spli
ces, plates or channel s shall be used on both sides of the column web. The cent
erline of column splices made wi th fillet welds or pa ni a l ~jojJl{-penctraiio
n groove welds shall be located 1.2 III or more ,",way from the beam-to column c
o nn ections. When the column clear height between beam-ta-column connections is
less than 2.4 Ill , splices shall be at half the
clear height.
= 0.90 (LRFD)
Q,. = 1.67 (ASD)
P" P" P"
= required axial strength of a column using ASD Load co mbinat ions, N :::: nomi
nal axial st rength of a column, N :::: required ax ial st rength of a colum n u
si ng LRFD load combi nations, N
The following requirement shall be mel: I. The req uired axial co mpressi ve and
ten sile strength, considered in the absence of any applied moment. shall be de
termined lIsing the load combinations stipu lated by the NSCP code including the
amplified seismic load The required axial compressive and tensile stren gt h sh
all not exceed either of th e following: The maximulll load transferred to the c
olumn conside rin g LlRy (LRFD) or ( 1.1 11 .5) Ry (ASD), as appropriate. times
the nomi nal stl'engths of the connecting benm or brace clements of lhe building
. b. The limit as determined from the resistance of the fo und ation (0 overturn
ing uplift
521,4,2 Columns Not Part of lhe Seismic Load
Resisting System
Splices of col um ns that are not a pan of the SLRS shall satisfy the following:
Splices shall be located 1.2
or morc away from the
2. n.
beam -Io column conn ections. When the column clear
hei gh t betwee n bea m-to column connecti ons is tess than 2.4 Ill , splices sh
all be (11 half the clear height. 2. Th". required she<lr streng th of column sp
lices Wilh respect to both orthogonal axes of the co lumn shall be

Mpc IH (LRFD) or Mpc 11.5H (ASD), as appropriate,

where Mpc is the lesser nomin al plasti c fle xu ral strcngth of (he colu mn sec
tions for the di recti on ill question , and H is the story height.
National Siructural Code o r the Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

s- 1GO
CHAPTEH 5 . SI(;.'el and Melnls
521.5 Colulllll Bases The required stre ngth of colum n bases shall be ca!culill
cd in ;u.:con.hlllcc with Sectiolls 52 J .5.1.52 I .5.2. <IIul 521.5.3. The avai
l<tblc strength of anchor rods shall be determined in accordance with Specificat
ion Section 5 10 .3. The available st ren glh of concrete clement s at the colum
n b<lsc, including anchor rod embedment and reinforcing steel, shall be in accor
dance with ACJ 3- 18, Appendix D.
height of swry, which may be taken as the distance. helwccilthc centcrline or 11
00r framing ill car.:ll of the levels above and below, or the distillH.:e helwee
n the top uf noor slabs OIl cach or the levels above and below. mill
,. .
The shcilr cakulHtcd using the IO<1d combina ti ons or the N~;c: r code, includi
ng the amplified seismic load.
Secti on 52 1.5.2. Requ ired Flexural Strength . The required flexura! strength
of column bases, including their att ac hment 10 the foundation, shall be the su
mmati on of th e. required strengt hs or the stcel c1cmcnts thai arc conncc ted
to lhe column base as rollows:
Exceplion: The special requiremel1l5 in ACI 3 JB, Apptmdi:t' D. for "regions of
moderme or high seismic risk. orfor sirucllfre.r assigned 10 illlermedime or hig
h seismic per/ormllllce or
design categories" lI eed
For diagona l bracing. the requi red nexural strength shall bc a\ lenst equal 10
the required strength or bracing co nncctio ns for the SLR S. for columns, the
required flexural strength Shill! be ,H lea!;t equal 10 the lesser of the (ollow
1. 1 R,F,Z (LRfD) or ( 1.111.5) Ii,F,Z (ASD). os appropriate, of the column or
2. a.
lu.' applied.
521.5.1 Required Axial Strength The required ax ial strength of column bases, in
cluding their altachmcnl 10 the foundation, shall be the summation of Ihe venica
l components of the requi red strength s of the steel eleinents that nre connec
ted to the column basco 521.5.2 Requi red Shear Strength The required shear str
ength of colu mn bases, including their attachments to the foundations . shall b
e the sll lllmmion of the horizontal component of the requ ired st rengths of th
e steel elements that arc connected to the columJl base as follows:
the moment calcu lated using the 1000Id com binations o f' the NSCP code. includ
ing the amplifIed seismic load.

521.6 H-Piles 521.6.1 Design of HPiles Design of H-piJes shall compl y wi th the
provisions or the Specification regarding design of members subjected to combine
d loads. H -p iles shall meet the requirements of
Sectioll 521.2 .2.
For diagonal bracing, the ho rizontal component shall be determined from the req
uired strength of bracing connections for the seismic load resisting sys tem (S
For columns, the horizolllal component shall be at least equal to the lesser of
Ihe fo ll owing:
521.6.2 B.Hered H-Piles Ir baltered (sloped) and vertical piles arc used in a pi
le group, the v.crtica l piles shall be designed to support the combined effects
of the dead and live loads without Ihe participati on of the baltered piles. 52
1.6.3 Tension in H-Pile Tension in each pile shall be transferred 10 the pile ca
p by mechanical me'lIls slI ch as shea r keys. rcin forcing bars or studs welded
(0 (h e embedd ed porti on o/' the pik . Dircc!l y below the botlom of the pile
ca p, e:lch pi le shall he free of all:lchmCllls .lnd we lds for a length al le
ast equal to the depth of the pile cross section.
2R.,. F). Zx IH (LRFD) OJ' (211.5) Ii,. F, Z, If! (ASD). as appropriate. of th e
columJl ..
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHA P 1E: '~ !>

S l (~c l
<'I nd Metal
~16 1
522. 1 Seo!,c
Spec ial moment frallles (S MF) arc cxpe(.~ lcd 10 withstand significant inelast
ic deformations when subj ec ted to the forces resulting from th e 1I10[ions of
the design ca nhquak~. SMF shall satisfy the require ments in this Section. .
Usc of a connecti on prcqualified acr ordam.:c wit h Section B- 1.
for SMF in
Provision or qualifyi ng cytl ic lcst result s in <lc<': llrd ancc wit h Section
B-4. Results of at least two cyclic cOllnct:tioll tests shall be provided and a
re permin ed to be based on one of' the following:
522.2 Bc;.un-toColuJUI1 Connections
522.2. 1 Requiremen ts
Bcam-to-columll cOllllecti ons used in the seismi c lo,\d
Tes ts reported ill th e research literature or docull1ented tes ts performed fo
r other projects that represe nt the project conditions. Ivi th in the limits sp
ecified in Section 1l-4. Tests that arc conducted specifically for the project m
}d are represcntati ve of project member sizes, matcri<tl strengths, connection
configurations, and matching co nnection processes , with in the limits specifie
d in Section 8 -4.
resisting system (SLRS) shall satisfy the follo wing Ihrce requirements:
The connec tion shall be capable of sust:.umng an iu(crstory drift angie of at l
east 0.04 radia ns.
The Illci.lsurcd flexural rcs islancc of the COIHlccl ion,
522.2.3 Welds
determined <1\ Ihe column face, shall eq ual al
eam at an inlcrslOry drift angle 0[0.04 radians
3. The required shear strength of the cOllnecti
e followi ng quantit y for the earthquake load
= 211.111., M,,) 1 L.,

least O.80Mp of th e connected b

on shall be determined usin g th
efrect E:

Unless otherwise designated by ANSIIA ISC 358, or otherwise determined in a conn

ection preq uali fi cati on in <lccordancc with Section 13 - 1, or as dctcrmined

in <l program of qualificnlion test ing ill accordance with Section B-4, cOlllp
l ctc-joint-pcnetration groove welds or beam flanges, shear plates, and beam web
s to col umns shall be demnnd critical welds as described in Section 520.3.2 . U
ser Note: For the designation of demand 'critical .we)~.s. staltdatds such as AN
SIIAlSC358 and tests addrci'sitig sp.;.,itic cOriiJectionsand j oin~) .h\'uld ,.
be.tlse&1ii lieu of the moIt general ' tenns of >thest , )P.JoYisio~..c "Wbere t
hese Prqyisio~ iri\licate that a p,artlc.,.lar , ,,,,~)d ~ i~ , aesigtia)cd demai
id t:ritical. but the more specific stll;nilaro.'!>r test does n<ii ri1*e:'uch,
a de$ignatiQ~,. the mOre sj;ei~,itaJidard, or tcil.t shQiild govert. .. Lik'ewis~
,. these starida(~S'_.nd leS~; iriay design~ic.-welds as ,demand'.critical that
are,- n6t'<identificd 8S such'liy theSe Provisions.
522.2.4 Protected ZOlles
(1:'1. 522- 1)
R., Mp L "
:::: ratio of the expec ted yield stress to the speci lied minimum yield stress,
F, = nominal plastic fl exural strength, N - Illlll :::: distan ce between plas
tic hinge locat ions, 111111
When E as defined in (Eq. 522-1 ) is used in ASD load combinatio ns that arc add
i ti ve with other transient loads and
that arc based on SEIIASCE 7, the 0.75 co mbination factor for transient loads s
hall not be applied to E. Co nn ec tions that acco mmodate the required illicrsto
ry drift a ngle within the co nnection clements and provide the measured flexura
l resis tance and shear strengths specified above are pe rm itted. In addition t
o s<ltisfying the requirements nOled ahove, the dcs ign shall de monstra te that
till y additio nal drift due to con nect ion deformatioll call be accommodated
by the SlruC lUrc. The design shall incl ude anlll ys i$ for stabilit y effects
of the overall frame, induding seco nd-order effects.
5 22.2.2 Co nformance Demonstrati on
The regi on at each end of the beam subject to inelasti c straining shall be des
ign ated as a protected zone, (l1ld shall thee t the requirements of Section 520
.4. The extent of the protected zo ne shall be as designated in ANSIIAI SC 358,
or as otherwi se determined in a connection prequalification in accordnnce with
Section B-1 , OJ' as detennjncd in a program of qualification testing in accorda
nce wi th Section 13-4.
Beam-la-column con nections used in the SLRS shall satisfy th e requirements of
Section 522.2 by one o f th e following:
h t!Wf,u~~ iii t: :W,bhe ~W'- 0fiW~,~~~~l ;~~ptl!bey<ind the plastic
, ge:-p.0m ,:,, ;; ' ,' , ' , " . :" ': '
cOli~~C:\i.o~s; ih.~ ~r9t,*t~ 10~~ Wiil :~Xl~M :frOtli t~,~ 'f~c~ .\\f
User Note: The plastic :hinging zones at the ends of SMF beams shoul d be treate
d as' protected zones. The plastiC hinging zones should be established as part o
f a prequalification or qu'a1ificatioQ"prograni for:the ,cpnneetion. per ,...s.<
;clJ~P' 05~2,,2,2. " W.,1 ,gen:~raI, , fOf " , unrein(orcOd
Use of SMF connecti ons designed in accordance with ANSIIA ISC 358.

National Structural Code of the Philippin es 6

Edition Vol ume 1

Steel and Metals
522.3 Panel Zone of Beam-to-Column Connections
(Beam Web Parallel to Column Web)
522.4.1 Width-Thickness Limitations Beam and column members shal! meet the requi
rcmcnts (:.;' Section 521.2.2, unless otherwise qualified by tests.
522.3.1. Shear Strength The required thickness of the panel ",one shall be deter
mincd in accordance with the method used in proportioning the pancl zone of the
tested or prequalificd COll'lCction. As a minimum, the required shear strength o
f the ~~:illel zone shall be determined from the summation of the moment~; at th
e column faces as determined by projecting the expected moments at the plastic h
inge points to the column faces.
The design shear strength shall be f{JvR" and the allowable shear strength shall
be R/QI' where
522.4.2 Beam Flanges Abrupt changes in beam flange area arc not permitted ii, pl
astic hinge regions. The drilling of nange holes or trimming of beam flange widt
h is permitted if tc.';[~ng or qualification demonstrates that the resulting conn
gunlli(\,~ can develop stable plastic hinges. The configuration shaH [;,.;: cons
istent with a prequalified connection designated ;;. ANSIIAISC 358, or as otherw
ise determined in connection prequalification in accordance with Section B : or i
n a program of qualification testing in accordance with
Section B-4.
= 1.0 (LRFD)
Q, = 1.50 (AS D)
and the nominal shear strength, R,., according to the limit state of shear yield
ing, is determined as specified in Specification Section 510.10,6.
522.3.2 Panel Zone Thickness The individual thicknesses, t, of column webs and d
oubler plates, if used, shall conform to the following requirement:
(Eq. 522-2)
522.5 Continuity Plates Continuity plates shall be consistent with the prequalif
icd connection designated in ANSIJAISC 358, or as otherwise determined in a conn
ection prequalification in accordanc with Section B- J, or as determined in 11 pr
ogram (;1 qualification testing in accordance with Section 3-4.
522.6 Column-Beam Moment Ratio The following relationship shall be satisfied at
beanHo- column connections:
=thickness of column web or doubler plate, mIll.
= panel zone depth between continuity plates,

L: [ L:
M p"
= panel zone width between column flanges, mm.
Alternatively, when local buckling of the column web and doubler plate is preven
ted by using plug welds joining them,
the total panel zone thickness shall satisfy (Eg. 522-2).
522.3.3 Panel Zone Doubler Plates
Doubler plates shall be welded to the column flanges using either a complete joi
nt-penetration groove-welded or filletwelded joint that develops the available s
hear strength of the full doubler plate thickness. When doubler plates are place
d against the column web, they shall be w61ded across
the top and bottom edges to develop the propol1ion of the total force that is tr
ansmitted to the doubler plate. When doubler plates are placed away from the col
umn web, they shall be placed symmetrically in pairs and welded to continuity pl
ates to develop the proportion of the total force that is transmitted to the dou
bler plate. 522.4 Beam and Column Limitations The requirements of Section 52 I s
hall be satisfied, in
addition to the following.
= the sum of the moments in the column above and below the joint at the intcrsec
tion of the beam and column centerlines. IM"e is determincd by summing the proje
ctions of the nominal flexural strengths of the columns (including haunches wher
e used) above and below the joint to the beam centerline with a reduction for th
e axial force in the column. It is permitted to lake EM,,,. =ElJ F". -1',,, IA,)
(LRFD) or I2AIF,/i.5) Po, lAg)] (ASD), as appropriate. When the centerlines of
opposing beams in.the same joint do not coincide, the mid-line between centerlin
cs shall be used. = the sum of the moments in the beams at the intersection of t
he beam and column centerlines. EM,,/! is determined by summing the projections
of the expected flcxural strengths of the beams al the plastic hinge locations t
o the column centerline. It is permitted to take EM"b=(l.iR,E'~bZ,,+ M",.) (LRFD
) or E[(l. 1I1.5)R y F)bZ" + M,,,.] (ASD), as appropriate. Alternatively, it is
pennitled to determine EMp/J consistent with a prequalified connection design as
designated in ANSlIAISC
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

P,,, Zh Z,.
358, or as otherwise determined in a con nection prcqlwlific(llioll in ilccordan
cc with Seclion B-1 , or illli program of qualific,Hion testing in accordance wi
th Section B-4. When connccti ons with reduced bc;nH sections lIrc used, it is p
ermitted 10 lake l'Mph=I.{ 1.IRJ F,h ZIIIIS+M,,,.)( LRF))) or .1.1r 1.1I1.5)R,F,
b ZRlIS + M",. ) (AS))), as "pprapriale. . 7' gross area of column , Illm 2 ;: s
pcdficd minimulll yield SIF"~;S of colu/1lll, MPa ;;: the add itional moment duc
[0 shear amplification from the location of (he plilslic hinge lO the COIUIllIl
cCIHcrline. based on ASD load combin3lions. N-mm. :::: the additional moment du
e to shear amplification frolllthe location of Ihe plastic hinge to the column c
enterline, based on LRFD load combinations, N-mm. = required compressive strengt
h using ASD load combinations, (a positive !lumber) N = required compressive str
ength using LRr=D load combinations . (<1 po!)itivc number) N ::: plastic sectio
n modulus orille beam, I111ll3 ::: plasti c section modulus of the column, 111m3
= minimum plastic section modulus at the redu ced bealll section, IlHll ~.
P" .
= PUC> required comfJr('ssil'(~ .l'treIlKth, usilllt LR Ff) load combillllliolls
, N.
For design (l('(:ordillg to Specijicatioll Sl'('lioll 502.3.4
P, Pro'

= FI'.A,,//.5. N ;;:; P:., . required (ompl'('s.,i\( srrength. usillg A.St) load c()l1
bill(l(ioIlS, N
Columns ill any story that has a ralia (~(~jv(lilabl(' .die'ar Strength to I'l'q
uired sheor strength Ihal is 50 perci!l1f grea ter Ihall Ihe !ilory above.
522.7 Lateral Bracing at Beam-to-Column Co nn ection s
522.7.1 Braced Connections Colum11 f1ange.~ at beam-to-column connections requir
c lateral bracing only at the level of the top Ollngcs of th e beams, when the w
ebs of the beams and column are coplanaI'. and a colu mn is shown to remain clas
t ic outside of the panel lOne. h shall be permitted 10 asstll.ne that thc colul
llil remains clastic when the ratio CaJculnlcu using (Eq . 522-3) is greater tha
n 2.0.
When a column c(lnnot be shown to re main elastic outside of the panelzonc, the
following requiremcnts shall apply: Thc column flanges shall be I[tlerally brace
d at the levels of both the top and bottom beam nanges. Lateral bracin g shall b
e either direct or indi rect. User Note: Direct lateral suppolt (bracing) of the
column f1iu1lle is 'iichieved through iise of braces or other members, deck' ari
d 's!iih'; attached ta 'the column flange at or near the desired br4ci ng pOint ta
resist lateral budding. Indirect iate\iU suppon refers to braCing that is achiev
ed tllfough the stiffness:ofmembers and connections that are noL directly attached
Lo the column f1anges, but rather aet tlu"Ough tllC column web or stiffener plates
This requirement does not apply two conditions is satisfiul:

if either
of the following
Columlls with Pn' < O.3Pc for all foad combinatiolls other than dIOse determined
using the amplified seismic load ,har sariJf1' either of 'he following:
CO/UII1I1S used in a one-story building or the top story oJ (l multistory buildi
n_ b_
Columns when': (J) Ilw sum oj tlie available shear sfrenRlhs of all exempted col
llml1.~ ill (he slory is It!SS than 20 percellT of (he sum of til(! CIvailable sh
ear Sirengths of al/ mOll/ellf Jrame columns in Ihe story acting ill the same di
rection; and (2) the su m of the Gl'al/able shear slrellgt!Jj' of all exempu'd C
OIIlIllIlS all each moment frame column line IvirhilJ fhat .<NOf)' is tess lhall
33 perullI of rhe CJvailabJ(' shear sll'('llglil oJ 01/ moment fram e COIUIII I
lS 011 that COIUIIIII linc. For lilt! purpOSl' of this e.xct!ptioll, {1 col WHO
lille is defined as (l single lille of columns or parallel lifU','j (~r CO/UI1lI
1.'i located within ]0 percent of the plan dimensiol1 peljJendicular to the lill
e of columlls.
Each column-flange lateral brace shall be designed for a required strength th at
is eq ual to 2 percent of the available beam flange strength 1~\'bflf4 (LRFD) or
/;:"bj thj 11 .5 (AS))), as appro prime.
For design according to 5j)ecijicmion Sectioll 502.3.3
522.7.2 Unbraccd CO lln ect ion s A column containing a beflln-to-column cOlllle
ctio n with no latcral bracing tran sverse to the seismic frame at the connectio
n shall be designed lIsing the distance between adjacent lateral braces as the c
olumn height for buckling transverse to the seis mi c frame and shall conform to
Specification 508, except that:
1. Thc required column strength shall be determined from the appropriate load co
mbinations in the NSCP code,
NaJional S iruciural Code 01 Ihe Plli1ippines 6'" Edition Volume 1

except that 1:: shall be Ii.lkCIi CIS the Jesse!" of:

The ampJified scis mit: J Oild .
nu' rCf(lIirc' c/ ....'reI1XIfI oj Iflt' ("01U11111 spliC<1 comic/nil1k (lpprofJ
riu/(1 S/n'.H cOIweli/ntiiOIl [cu.:lOrs or ji'u ctun: lIIl'dlllllics slre.\.\" il
ll(,JI.'.ily jllC/or.r lI('ed I/ot t'xn'cc/ flult
11 .
125 percent of tile frame avai lable strength based upon either the heam av,ji l
ahlc /lcxuf,d strength or pilllel zo ne aVili JahJc sht.'ar strength.
The slenderness l.Jr for lhe column sh.tlln OI cx(;(:cd 60.
de/ermilled by illdo.Hie tl/w{y.I'l'.I".
The t.:ol ullln rC{lujr~d nexuret' strength lransvc.s' 10 lhe seismic frame shal
l include that JIlOlllenl t.:<lused by tile applicatioll of th!! beam flilnge fo
rce speci fi ed . in Secli on522.7.2 ill addil ion 10 the second-order mOIllCll1
the resulting column flange displaccmcili.
522.8 Latent. Bracing of Hc,alJls
DOlh fla nges of beams shall be I.uerall y braced. with ,I maximum spacing o f L
I/ ;::; O.086ryElF\.. Braces sha ll mee t the provis ions of Equations A-I -7 an
d A-1-8 of Appendix A-I.6 of the Specification. where M, = M. = R,ZP, (LR FD) or
M , = M" = R,ZF,.11.5 (ASD). as appropriate. of the beam ;lIld Cd = 1.0. .
III 'J(ldi ti OI1. lateral braces shall be pl aced ncar cOllcen trated
forces, changes in cross .. scction , and o th er locati ons where anal ysis ind
icates Ihal a plastic hinge wi ll fOf m during inelastic defo rmations of the SM
F. The placement of lateral bracing shall be consistent with that documented for
a prcqualificd connection designmcd in ANSUAISC 358. or as otherwise determined
in a con necti on prcqualificalion in accordance wit h Section BI , or in a prog
ram of qualificmion testing in accordance wit h Section 8 -4.
The required st rength of imcral bracing provided adjacent to plastic hinges sha
li be p. = 0.06 M. Iii" (LRFD) or p. = O.06M 1/1" (ASD). as appropriate, where I
I" is the distance between flange centroids; and the req uired stiffness shall I
lleet the provi sion s of Equation A-J-8 of Appendix A-1.6
of the Speci fi cat ion. 522.9 Co lumn S pli ces Column splices shall comply wi
th the req uirements of Secti on 521.4.1. Where groove we lds are llsed 10 make

spli ce, th ey shall be complete-joinl-penetration groove we lds that meet the r
eq uirements of Sect ion 520.3.2. Weld labs shall be removed . When column split
.:es are not I1lmlc with groove welds. Ihey shall have a required flexural stren
glh thaI is at least equal to RyI~\2.1 (LI~FD) or RrF..\Z.1 /
1.5 (ASD). as appropriate. of the smalicr columl1. 11,e
required shear strength o f colum n web splices sllil ll .be ill
least equa l to EM, ... 111 (LRFI) ) or EM,,,. 1/.5H (ASD). as appropriate. wher
e LMpc is the sum of tile nominal plastic flexural strengths of the columns abov
e and below the spli ce.
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines


523.1 Scop"
1l10mCll! frames (lMF) arc expected !o withSland limited incJasli c deformations
in thei r members and co nnecti ons when suhjectcdlo the forces resulti ng from
the motions of the design earthquake. IMF ~; hal! meet the IntcJ'fncdial c
designate welds as demand critical that are not identified as
such by these Provisions.
523.2.4 l)rotected Zone
The region at cHeh end or Ille beam subjcl"t 10 inelastic
requiremcn ls ill thi s Section.
straini ng shell I be Irt!ntcd itS a prot ected zone. ;l nd ~ ha ll meet the req
uiremcnts or Section 520.4. The ex tent oj" the prot c<.: tcd zone shaH be as dc
sig nat ed in AN SIIA IS C 15 8, or as otherwise detcrmined in it <.:onnctt il)n
prclj ualifi cill ion in accordance with Scction 8 - 1. or as detcrmined in a p
rogram o f qu.lliHciltion tcsting in a<.:cordar.cc wi th Section B-4.
523.2 Beam to-Column Connections
523.2.1 Requiremenfs
BcmnlO-columl1 COIHlcclions used in the se ismic lo'ld rcsisling syslcm (SLRS) sh
all sati s fy the requ irements of
Section 522.2. with the following exceptions:
I. The required inlcrslory drift angle shall be a minimu lll of OJJ2 radian.
User Note: The plastic hinging zones at the ends of IMF b~aJ11s should be treate
d as ' pioteCted 'wnes. The plastic hinging zo'nes should be established as part
of a prequalification or qualificiuion program for the connection. In general,
for unreinforced cOnriections, the protected zone will extend from the face of the
column ' to one half of the beam depth beyond the plastic hinge point.
523.3 Panel Zone of llea mto-Column Connections (lJen," Web ParaUel to Column Web
No additional requircmellts beyond the Specification.
The required strength in shear shall be dClcrmined as specified in Section 522.2
. 1, except thaI n lesser valut' of V" or V(I' as appropriate, is permitted if
justified by analys is. The requi red shear stre ngth need not exceed the s hear
resulting from the appli cat ion o f appropriate lood combinations in the NSCP
code using the amplified seismic load.
523.4 Bcam and Column Limitations. The requircmcnts of Section 521.1 shall be sa
ti sfi ed, in addi[ion to the foll owing.
523.4.1 Widlh- Thickness Limitations
523.2.2 Conformancc Dcmonstration
Conformance demonstration s hall be as desc ribed in Section 522.2.2 to satisfy
th e requirements of Section 523.2. 1 for IMF, exeepl that a connecti on prcqual
ificd for IMF in accordance with ANSIIAISC 358, or liS otherwise determined in a
connection prequalilication in accordance with Section B l. or as delermined in
<1 program of qualification testing ill accordance with Section 0-4.
Beam and column members shall meet the requireme nts of Section 52 1.2 . 1, unl
css otherwise qualified by tests .
523.4.2 Beam Flonges
Abrupt changes in beam flange arca arc not permitted in plastic hinge rcgions. D

rilling of flange holes or trimming o f beam n angc width is permiued if testing

ur qualification demonstrates that the resulting configuration can develop stab
le plastic hinges. The configurati on sha ll be consistent with a prequalified c
on nec ti on dcsignated in ANSIIAISC 358, or as otherwise determined in a connec
tion prequalification in accordance with Secti on B-1 , or in a program of quali
fica ti on tes ling in accordance with Section 1J4 . 523.5 Continuity Plates Cont
inuity plates shall be provi de d to be consistent with the prcqu alified con ne
c ti ons design.lle.d in ANSIJA ISC 358. or as otherwise delermined in it con ne
cti on preq u,llificalion in accordance wi th Section 13-1 , o r as deten n in e
d in a program of qualificati on testing in accordance with Scction B ~ 4. 523.6
Columnlleam Moment Ratio No additional requirement s beyond th e Specification .
Lat eral Bracing at Beam-lo-Colulllll COllllecti ons No
523.2.3 Welds Unless otherwise designated by ANSIiAISC 358. or
otherwi se determined in a connection prequalification in ::lccordilnce with Sec
tion Bl, or as determined ill a program of qualification testing in accordance wit
h Section B-4, comple te joint penctratio ll groove welds of beam nanges.
shear plates, and beam webs 10 columns shall be demand
cri tical we lds
<I S
described in Section 520.3.2.
User Note: For the designation of de mand critical welds, standards such as ANSI
I AISC 358 and tests addressing specific connections and joints should be used i
n Jieu of tJ)e more g~ner.al. . teqns of these Pr~JVisiol.1S. Where these
PrQvis!ons j~d,i.9.a\e tl)at , R ' p;uticular . ",eld i$. ,designated demand cri
tical, b),i.i. the 'l1)0re spe,Wc staI),Qd'Or te.sl does nQt Jilak~ ~l'~~;"l . 4sigl
),a~6Iidtw: mQr~ ' spefj@ s,tan~,~d or lesLSAQulq go)i~J;Il, .Like\~ise, thesest"
!4iu:ds .,~nd.,.i\'~is: may
National Struclura l Code of the Philippines 6:1; Edition Volum e 1

addi tional rcquirclllcllts beyond th ~ Specificl.ltion. Latcml Bracing of Beams

BOIh flanges sh,lIl be lat crilJly braccd dirc<.:lly Of indin!<.:ll y. The LJnb
ril ccd kllglh betwecn latcral hr<lccs shall nOI exceed O. J 7 R,. I:YI ~. Braces
shall meet the provisions of Equations A-I-7 ;lIld I\ - I-H of Appendix AQ~WAAY.:M()MENT F~;i,i;iJ~1~\.\
(OMF) .
" ~t::iri
524.1 S,opc Onlill;.lrY mOlllcnt frallles (OMF) nrc expected 10 withstand minim a
l inelastic (/eronumions in their members and co nnections when subjec ted to th
e forces resulting from the motions of the design c.lrthquakc. OMF shall meet th
e rcqlJirClllcnts of thi s Section. Connections in conformance
with SCClions 522.2.2 and 522.5 or Sections 523.2.2 and 523.5 shalt be permitted
for usc in OMF without mceting the requirements of Secti ons 524 .2. 1,524.2. 1
. and 524.5.
;,..1 .'iii
1.6 of the Specificmion. where M,= M,,=R,ZF, (LRFD ) or M. =M,=R,ZF,.II.5 (ASD).
'" appropriate . 01" Ihe bealll. and C" = 1.0.
JIl addi lion, lateral braces shall qc placed nc.u concentr<lIed loads, changes i
n cro.'>S-section and other locations when: analysis ind icates tbm a plasti c h
inge will fC)J'Jl1 during
inelastic deformati ons of the IM F. Where the design is based upon assemblies t
ested in accord:lllce wit h Secti on B4, the placement of lateral bracing for th
e beams shall be consistent with Ihat used in the tests or as required for prequ
alification in Section 8-1. The required stren gth of lateral bracing provided a
djacent to plaslic hinges shall be P.=O.06 M" Ih. (LRFD) or p. = O .06M. I .. (A
SD). as approprime. where. ho = distance hetween nange centroids; and the requir
ed stirrness shall meet the provisions of Equation A-I-8 of Appendix A- 1.6 o f
the Specificati on. Column Splices Colllmn splices shalt comply will! the requir
ements of Sect ion 521.4.!. Where groove welcls arc used (0 make the splice, the
y shall be complete-jointpenetration groove welds that mee! the requirements of
Section 520.3.2.
they may ruso be ~liPtt<;\l to pthet s~~pes sucfi . ~. clianne1s' buiit-up secti
ons, and hollow s truei~ral sections (HSS): . c>'.
,!ss[J'fJ!1!: j.'Ilil,~ UI~seef?visi.Qn". for9MF. )r,~~;P~~!y deY.el?,~ t?r.,se_l
l'!tt~ wtde fiarge sb~peS . With JU~~~~J ,
524 .2 Bcam-to-ColuIl1l1 Connections 13eanHocolumn cOllnections shall be made wil
h welds andlor hi gh-s trength bolts. Conncctions are permitted to be fully rest
rain cd (FR) or partially restrained (PR) momenl connect ions as follows. 524.2.
Requirem ents for FR Moment Co nnections FR moment connections that are part of
the seismic load resisting system (SLRS) shall be designed for a required nexu,
.al strength that is equal to 1.1 Ry Mp (LRFD) or (1.111.5) R, Mp (AS D). as app
ropriate. of the beam or girder. or tile maximulll moment that ca n be developed
by the sys tem. whichever is less.

FR cOllllections shall meet the rollowing requ irements.

Where Rteel backing is used in connections with co mplete-joint-penetrati on (CJP
) beam flange groove welds, steel backing and tabs shall be removed, except that
top-flange backing attached to the column by a continuous fillet weld on the ed
ge below the CJP groove weld need not be removed. Removal of steel hacking and t
abs shall be as follows: FOllowing the removal of backing. the root pass shall
be back gouged to sound weld metal and back welded
wil h a reinforci ng fill et. The reinforcing fi llet shall ha ve a minimullllcg
size or 8 mm . h. Weld tab removal shall extend Lo within 3 111111 of the base
metal surface, except at continuity plales where removal to within 6 mm of Ole p
late edge is acceptable. Edges of Ihe weld tab shall be finished to a surface ro
ughness value of 13 ~111 or betler. Grinding to a flush conditi on is not requir
ed. Gouges and notches are not permitted. The transitional slope of any area whe
re gouges and notches have been removed shall nof
Association of S tructural Engineers of tile Philippines

excecd 1:5. Malcri4l1 rem()vcd by grinding Ihal cxtCIUJ.s morc than 2 111111 bel
ow th e surrace of the base Illct.1l sha ll be lillcd with we".! mctal. The cont
our of Ihc weld 11 the ends shall providL'" II SllloOlh transition. free of" notc
hes illld sharp corners.
Where we ld access holes arc prov ided. the), s!1iI11 be as shown in Fi gurr 524
- 1. The we ld access hol e shall have il surfill'c roughness v:llue not to exc
eed 13 'lin, and shall he free of nOlch.es and gouges. Notches ilne! go uges sha
ll be repaired as required by the engineer-of record . Weld access holes arc proh
ibile.d in the beam web adjace nt 10 the end-plate in boiled mOIllC IlI end plate
con necti ons.
The required st rength of double-sided panial-jointpenet ration groove we lds an
d double-s ided fillet welds that resi st tensi le forces in COllllcctions shall
be I.IJlJ ' ,A, (LRFD) or ( 1.1 / 1.5) JI,F,A , (AS D), as appropria te, of th
e connecled element or poln. Singlesided panial-joinl'penctrm ioll groove welds
and !<iinglcsided fill et welds sha 1J not be llsed to res ist tensile
fo rces ill the con necti ons.
~, ...."
) '-f''''''
~ I> '"

U... ~I .., ""f"'~II, .. ....1.....,,-.1 , .... ....... ~ ..I : 1.;00,." "i ..

... ~; ... I l l _... lrl~. 1/:(.... ,.- '''' .... , '.~ ~; r.; 'd fl O n,,,~,
.1 '.,' 1 II: '" "t II."",.

'111 ,,'m ' "'''','''''''' "oJ"" ' rl.. , ...... fo.."I.....

, \', '"
l:>l,'~n '1o~1l .~ ~ :"'~"",I .... ~. 'I...
,1>." .... . ""~' I,' ",
,b.' ~ ..". " h ..), ,u' ,.. ,) .... 11:\"...
For PI? moment con neelions, (he required shea r st rength, V" or II", as approp

ri ll te. or th c cOllncc tion shall bc determined using th e following qua nti

ty for tile eart hquake load effect :
Fig. 5241 Weld Access hole detail ( rro lll FEMA 350, "Recommended Seismic Des ign
Criteria for New Steel Moment-Frame Buildings") 524.2.2 Requiremenfs ror PR Mom
ent Con llections
E; 211 .1".,. Mel / L"
(Eq . 524 1)
Where (his is llsed in AS D load combi nations Ihat arc additive witli other tra
nsi ent loads ilnd that are based o n SEIIASCE 7, the 0.75 combination factor fo
r transient loads shall not be applied to E.
Altertlillivcly, 11 Icsser valuc of V" or \1 " is permitted if justifi ed by ana
l ysis. The required shear strength need not exceed the shea r resu lt ing from
Ihe app li cati on of appropriat e load combinations in the NSCP code lIsing the
a mplifi ed seismk load .
PR momen t connections are permitted when the following requiremen ts are mel:
I. Such connections shall be designed for the requ ired strength as speci fied i
n Section 524.2. 1above.
The nomin al flcxuml strength of the connection, M". shall be no less th an 50 p
ercent of M il of the con nected beam or column, whichever is less.
The stiffness and strength of the PR moment connec tions shall be considered in
the design, includin g the effect on overall frame stability.
For PR moment connecti ons, VII or Va, as appropriate, shall be determined from
the load combination above plus the shear resulting from thc maximum end mOJl'lc
nt 1h;]1 the connection is capablc of res isting.
524,2.3 Welds Comple te-joill t-penetrat ion groove wel ds of beam l1anges. shea
r plates, and be.1111 webs to columns shall he demand critical welds as describe
d in Section 520.J .2. 524.3 Panel Zone of BeamtoColumn Connecti ons (Beam Web Par
allel To Column Web)
No addi ti onal req uirement s be yo nd the Specification .
Na tional Struclura! Code of lhe Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

524.4 Beam and Co lullllI Limitations

Nu requirements hl!yond
524.9 Column Splices
Columll splices shall comply with the rcquircmcnls or Sectioll 521.4.1.
521 . 1.
524.5 Continuity Platl's
When FR moment t'ollncctiollS arc madc by me,tIls uf welds of beam l1angcs Or bC
<!!ll nangc con ncction platcs dircct ly
to col umn fl anges, con tinuit y piCll cs sllll il be provided ill accordance w
ith Section 5 : (; of the Specification. Con tin uity pi ales shall also be requ
ired when :
l' ,.
td< 0.54
Jb {'/I/ F,, "{F,(,
or when
< bf l6
Where cOnlinu it y plates arc reCjuired, th e thickncss of the plates shall be d
etermined :JS fo ll ows:
For onesidcd conncclions. continuity plate thickness shilll be at least one half
of the thi ckness of the beam
2. For twosided connections thc continuity plates shall be
at least equal in thi ckness to the thicker of the beam
The welded joints of the continuity plates to the columll nanges shall be made w
ith e ither comp!ctcjointpenctration groove welds, Iwosided partial-joim penetratio
n groove welds combined w ith reinforcing fillet welds, or two-sided fillet weld
s. The requi red strength of these j oint s shall not be less than the avai lab
le strength of the contact area o f the plate with the column flange. The requir
ed strength of the wel ded joints of the continuity pl atcs 10 the column web sh
all be the least o f the foll owing: a. The sum of the available strengths at th
e connection s of the contin uit y plate to the column flange s. The avai lable
shear s trength of the contact area of the plate with the column web.
The weld avai lable strength that develops the avai lable
shear strength of the column panel zone. The actual force transmitted by the sti
524.6 CohunnBcam Moment natio
No additional requirements beyond th e specificati on 524.7 Lateral Bracing at l

leam-loColumn Connections No additional requirements beyond the Spccifi ca tio n.

524.8 Laleral Bracing of Beams
No additional requirement s beyond the Specifica ti on.
Associa tion of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

SECTION 525 . _ . . . . . SPECIALTRUSSM(j'MENl'FMMES (STMF) < :'. ..

525. I Scope Special tru ss mo ment frames (STMF) arc expected 10 withs tilnd si
gnificant inelasti c deformation within a speciall y designed segment of the tru
ss when subjected 10 the forces from the Illotion~ of the desi gn earthquake. S
TMF shall be limited to span lengths betwee n colu mns not to exceed 20 III and
ovcm1J depth not to exceed 1.8 m. The columns and truss seg ments o utside of th
e speci al segments shall be designed 10 remain elasti c under the forces that c
all be generatcd by the full y yieJded and strain-hardened special segmcnl. STMP
shall meet the requirements in th is Section. 525.2 Special Segmenl
dlOnl mrmhc r!\ through ncxllr~ . and thc shcar strcngt h correspo nd ing to the
availab!e lCIl!'iilc strengt h and 0.3 limes tht: avai bhJc co mpressive stre n
gth of the diagomil mcmbers. when they arc used. The top and bottom chord member
s in th e spccial segmcnt shal! be mad e of identical scctions and shall provide
at !ea~ 1 25 pen.:C!l1 of the requircd vert ical shear slrcngth . The required
axial strength in Ihe chord mcmbers. detCfmined according to the limit St<\tc of
tensi le yie lding, shall not exceed 0.45 limes rpP,j (I_Rr-D) or P" / S) (ASD)
. as appropri"le, 'P = 0.90 (LRFD )
wh ere
n = J .67 (ASD)
T he end connection OJ diagonal web members in the special segment shall have a
required stre ngth Ihal is at lea!;1 equal to th e expected yi eld stre ngt h. i
n tension, of the web
Eac h horizontal tru ss lhal is pall of the seismic load resisting system (S LRS
) shall have a special segment thm is located between the quartef point s of the
span of the tfUSS. The length OJ the special segment shall be between 0 .1 am.l
0.5 times the truss span length . The lengtlHo-deplh ratio OJ any panel in rhe
special segment shall ne ither exceed 1.5 no r be less Ihan 0.67 . Panels within
a special segment sha ll e it her be all Vi ercndeel panels or all X-braced pan
els; neither a combination thereof nor the use of other truss diagonal configura
tions is permitted. Where diagonal rnember:s afC used in the special segment , I
hey shall be arranged in an X paHcm separated by vertical mem bers. Such diagona
l members shall be interconnected al poin ts where th ey cross. The interconnect
ion shall have il required strength equal to 0.25 times the nominal tensile stre
n gth of the diagonal member. Bolted connections shall not be used for web membe
rs within th e special segment. Diagonal web members within the special segment
shall be made of nat bars of identical sections.
Splicing of chord members is not permitted within Lhe special segment , nor with
in one~halJ the panel lenglh from th e ends of th e special segment. The require
d axi al strength of lhe diagonal web members ill the special segment due to d e
ad and li ve loads wi thin the special segment shall not exceed O.03(-~A g (LRFD
) or (0.03/1.5) F,A, (ASD), as appropriate.
Illember. II, r ,A, (LRFD) or R,F ,A, 1 1.5 (ASD). as < lpprOflriate.
525.4 St rength of Non-Special Segment rs. Members and connecli ons of STMF. exc
ept those in the special segmellt specified in Seclion 525 .2. shall have a requ
ired strength based on the appropriate load co mbinalions ill the NSCP code . r
eplacing the earthquake load term E with the late ral load s necessary to develo
p the expected vertical shear strength of the special segment Vne (LRFD) or V" /
1.5 (ASD), as appropriale, al mid-I englh , given as:
VII" = 3.75R y M",.
+O.075 El-(L _ '_ ~_,-) +R ,.(P", + O.3Pnc)sill
L(: '

(1'.'1.5 25-1)
Pili P,,,
:::: nominal ncxu ral streng th of a chord mcmber or the special segment, N-mm .
:::: nex ural elastic segment of a chord member of the special segment. N-mm2 :
::: span length of the [russ, mill. :::: length of the special segment, in. (mm)
:::: nominal tensile strength of a diagonal member of th e special seg ment, ki
ps (N) :::: nomina! compressive strength of a di agonal me mher of th e special
segment. kips (N) :::: anglc of diagonal memoers with the horizon tal
The speci al seg ment shall be a protected i:'.one meeling th e requi rements of
Section 520.4.
525.3 Strenglh of Special Segmenl Members The available shear strengl h of Ihe s
pecial segmenl sl,,11 be calculated as the sum of the available shear strength o
f the
525.5 \Vidth -Thickness Limitati(lils
Chord members and diagonal web members within the special segmclll shall meet th
e requircments of Section 52 1.2.2.
National Structural Code of tile Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

!i i '/0
/:, n b . Steel anti fI.~(H<lIS
525.6 La(crul Bracing
The top and bouoJl1 chords of Ill e trusses shall be lall~ral!y br:lccd at the e
nds of' the special segment. and at irllc rva ls nOI to exceed I", ac('ording 10
Spccific:lli oll Secti on 506, along the entire length of the (russ. The requ i
red strengt h of each latcr;,ll brace a[ Ihe ends of ilnd wi lhin the special se
gment shall be
1'" = 0.06 II, 1' . (LRFD) or P" = (0.06/ 1.5) II,. P,,, (ASD). as appropriat ~.
526.1 Scope
Spcl'i:t1 concen trically braced fmrnes (SeRF) arc Cx.pcctcd
= is Ihe nomina! compressive strength of the
to withstand sig nificant inelastic deformations whe-II subjected (0 !:!lC force
s rcsuhi ng from the Illoti ons of Il!:: design earthquake, SeBf- shall meet the
requirements in (hi:; Secti on. User Note: Sectioh 527 (OCBF) should be used fo
r tile design of tension-only bracing. 526.2 Members 526.2. 1 Slenderness Bracing
members shall ha ve
/Jraas with 4 ,IE If). < Kllr S 200 a re permillfd ill jr(ll1l<'S ill 'which th
e (lvoilable Slrel1!; lh of Ihe cO!/im ll is at le(l.r! ('qua/ to !he lI1aximum
load [ramferred tv the CO/1I11111 n Il! sideriflg R,. (LRFD) or (//1.5) R\. (ASD
). as appropriOi ('.
-special segment chord mcmber. Lateral braces outside 01' the special segment sh
all ha ve .1 rc()uired strength of
P" = 0.02 II,. P_. (LR FD) or 1'" = (0.0211.5) II, I',,, (AS D). as appropriate.
The required brace stiffness shall meet the provisions of Equmion A-I-4 of Appen
dix A-l.6 of the Specification,
where I'r
= I'll =11,.1',.. ( LI~FD ) or
PI" = Pa = II!. Pm / 1.5 (AS D). as appropriate.
time.\' 'he ' 1I0mil/(// slrenglli:) oj fhe cOllnecting brace l'/twen ls of the
building. Column forces need IIOT excp(!/! those determined by illelaSTic analys
is. 1/01' ril e maximwa load effects that CllII be del'e/oped by tire system.
526.2.2 Required Strengt h Where the effective net area of bracing members is le
ss than [he gross area, th e required tensile strength of the brau : based upon
the limit state of frac tu re in the nct section shall be greater than the lesse
r of the following:
The expected yield strength , in tension, of the bl'<l{'in j~ member. determined
as II!F.A, (LRFD) or R!F,A,!1 5 (ASD). as appropriate.

2. The maximulllload effect, indica ted by analysis th:1l can be lnlllsferrcd to

the brace by (he system.
USCI' Note: This provision applies to bracing memh(,Ts
where the section is reduced. A typical case is a slotlcd l i~:, .. brace at the
gusset plate cOll nection.
526.2.3 Latera( Force Distributi on
A long any line of bracing. braces shall be depl")' : altcrnate dircctions such t
hat, for either di rectio n I;] : ."., parallcl to the bracing, alleast 30 perce
nt ~ut no more li,;:i ~
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

Sleel and Ivlelai
70 percent of the total horijl,ontal force along that line is resisted by braces
in tension, unless the available strength of each brace in compression is large
r than the required strength resulting from the application of the appropriate l
oad combinations stipulated by the NSCP code including the amplified seismic loa
d. For the purposes of this provision, a line of bracing is defincd as a single
line or parallel lines with a plan ofl<;e( of 10 percent or less of the building
dimension per pendicular to the line of bracing.
526.3.2 Ucquired Flcxural Strength The required flexural strcngth of bracing con
nections shall be equal to 1.111, Mp (LRFD) or (1.111.5) II, Mp (ASD). as approp
riatc, of the brace about the critical buckling axis.
Brace connections thot meet the requirenwflfs of Sectio/J 526.3.1 and can accomm
odal(' the inelastic rotations associated with brace post-buckling deformations
Ileed not meellhis requirement.
526.2.4 Width-Thickness Limitations
Column and brace members shall meet the requirements of Section 521.2.2.
User !\lOW: HSSwallS.iil~~W$UtfenC4 (ocom.plY With thjs
. .
526.3.3 Required Compressive Strength
Bracing connections shall be designed for a required compressive strength based
on buckling limit states that is at least equal to 1.111/'" (LRFD) or (1.1/1.5)
II,P" (ASD), as appropriate, where Pn is the nominal compressive strength of the
526.2.5 Built-up Members
The spacing of stitches shall be such that the slenderncss ratio 1/,. of individ
ual clements between the stitches docs not exceed 0.4 times the governing slende
rness ratio of the built-up mcmber. The sum of the available shear strengths of
thc stitches shaH equal or exceed the available tensile strength of each clement
. The spacing of stitches shall be uniform. Not less than two stitches shall be
used in a built-up member. I30lted stitches shall not be located within the midd
le ane-faunh of the clear brace length.
526.4 Special Bracing Configuration Requircmcnts
526.4.1 V-Type and Inverted-V-Type Bracing.
V-type and inverted V-type SeBP shall meet the following requirements:
Exception: Where the buckling oj braces about their critical bucking
aJ.:is does no! cause shear ill lhe stitches, the spacing of the stitches shall
be such rha! the slenderness ratio I/r of the individual elements between the st
itches does nor exceed 0.75 times the governing slenderness ratio of the buiit-u
p member.
The required strength of beams intersected by braces, their connections, and sup
porting members shall be determined based Oil the load combinations of the NSCP

code assuming that the braces provide no support for dead and live loads. For lo
ad combinations that include earthquake effects, the earthquake effect, E, 011 t
he beam shall be determined as follows: The forces in all braces in tension shal
l be assumed to be equal to I?.J~\AI:. The forces in all adjoining braces in com
pression shall be assumed to be eqllal to O.3Pn. Beams shall be continuous betwe
en columns. Both flanges of beams shall be laterally braced, with a maximum spac
ing of Lho::.Lpi/, as specified by Equation A-I.I-7 and A-1.1-8 of Appendix A-Io
f the Specification. Latera! braces shall meet the provisions of Equations A-! .
67 and A-I.6~8 of Appendix A-I.Gor the Specification, where M ro::.M"o::.l? y ZFr
(LRPD) or M,=M,,=R,ZF,. II.) (ASD), as appropriate. of the beam and Cd = 1.0.
526.3 Required Strength of Bracing Connections 526.3.1 Required Tensile Strength
The required tensile strength of bracing connections (including beamH to~column
connections if part of the bracing system) shall be the lesser of the following:
1. The expected yield strength, in tension, of tile bracing member, determined
as RyF\Ag (LRl-;"D) or RJ'~A/I.5 (AS D), as appropriate.
b. 2.
The maximum load effect, indicated by analysis that can be transferred to the br
ace by the system.
As a minimum, one set or lateral braces is required at the point of intersection
of the V-type (or inverted V-type) bracing, unless the beam has sufficient oUlo[..,plane
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6
Edition Volume 1

5 172
CHAPTER 5 . Steel nn<l Metals
strength <Iud stiffness brace poilus.
ensure stability between ildjaccnt
527.1 Scope
526,4,2 K-Type
Bracing Ktype braced frames are not permitted for SCBF.
526_5 Colullln Splices
Ordinary concentrically braced fml11es (OC13F) arc expected to withstand limited
inelastic deformations in their members and conneclions when subjeclcd 10 the f
orces rcsuhing froln the mOlions of the design earthquakc. OCBr shalL!llcet thc
requirements in this Section. OCBr tlbovc Ihe isolation system ill seismically i
solated structures shall meet the requirements of Sections 527.4and 527.5and nee
d nOl meet the requircments of Sections 527.2and 527.3.
527.2 Bracing Members
In addition (0 meeting the requirements in Section 521.4,
column splices in SCBF shall be designed 10 develop 50 perce nt of the lesser av
ailable flexural strength of the con nectcd mcmbers, The required shear strength
shall be EM"c Iii (LRFD) or EMpc /J.5H (ASD), as appropriale. where Mpc is the s
um of the nominal plastic flexural strengths of th e columns above and below the
526.6 Protected ZOlle
Oracing members shall mcet Ihe. requiremenls of Seci :oll 521.2.2.
COl1crl.'/c' lJ(~ed
/ISS braces thar are filled with with this provision ,
flor cOII',Ay
Bracing members ill K, V, or inverted V configurations
shall have KI/ r
4J / Pi"
The protected zone of bracing member$ in SCOF shall include the center one-quart
er of the brace length , and n zone adjacent to each connection equal to the bra
ce depth in Ihc plane of buckl ing. The prolecled zone of SCBF shall include ele
ments that connect braces to beams and colum ns and shall salisfy Ihe requiremen
ts of Section 520.4 .
Such.praces m~y be used in other configurations andru:e .np1 I);!Iuired . tQ.. s
ati~fy .thjs .provisi9.n. ~ucb members ,!,},a),',

User N9te: Br1\WD.& mem~... tI,1~t lj!e desig!led as tcn~id.ii ;;;,]y (iliaCi . t
iegjecting .ih~1r ;trength .ip C9!l)Pif:iS~OI~~ nol apprPP!iate for K. V. and Ulv
erted V cQnfigurnli6iis.
(~c'iude)\e,n.,q~i.i!Pgl"" .p~~te. qr Gabl~ oracing, whh;h, are,!lqt. excluded by
Seclion 519.1. .
527.3 Special Bracing Configuration
Requirements Beams in V-type and invel1cd V-type OCBF and columns in K-type OeBF
shall be COnlinuous at bra( ing connections away from the beamcoluml1 connection
Rnd shall meet thc following requirements:
The required strength shall be determined based on the load combinations of the
NSCP code assuming that the braces provide no support of dead and live loads. Fo
r load combinations thai include em1hquake effccts, the earthquake effect, E. on
the member shaJi be detennined as follows:
l1lc forces in braces in tension shall be assumed to be equal to R.lFJA G ror V.t
ypc and inverted V-type
OeBr, the forces in braces in tcnsion need not exceed
the maximum force that can be developed by the system. b. 2. The forces in brace
s in co mpression shall be assumed to be equal to Q,3P w Both flanges shall be l
aterally braced. with a maximum
Association of Stru ctura l Engineers of the Philippines

Sluel and Mel;:ll
spacing of L" = '-I'd, as specified by Equations A- J .7-7 and A-U~-g of Appendi
x A-J of the SpeciflcatioJl. Lateral braces shall meet the provision.s of Equati
ons A-I.6-7 and A-I.6-H of Appcndix A-J.6 of the Specificatioll, where M,=M,,=R\
ZF,. (LRFD) or M,= Mu=/(ZF\. 11.5 (ASD), as appropriate, of the beam and C,= 1.0
. As a minimum, one set of laten.d braces is required at the poillt of intersect
ion of the bracing, unless thc member has sufficient out-of-plane strength :?nd
stiffness (0 ensure <;\abiJity between adjaccnt bracc p()il1ts.
UsH Note: See User Note in Section 526;4f<?r~ni~ojI.of establishing sufficientou
t-of-plarte strengt/t afidstifl'ri:ess 'of
':. ::";"',
: " ' .:, ~.'~:,:.":,::/:',,~,::,.~>.~{;:::.>
527.4 Bracing COllnections The required strength of bracing cOllnections shall b
e determined as follows.
528.1 Scope Eccentrically braced frames O::BFs) arc expected to withstand signif
icant inelastic deformations in the links when subjected to thc forces resulting
from the motions of the design earthquake. The diagonal braces, columns:, and b
eam segments outside of the links shall be designed to remain essentially clasti
c under the maximum forces that can be generated by the fuJly yielded and strain
-hardened Jinks, except where permitted in this Section. In buildings exceeding
five stories in height, the upper story of an EBF system is permitted to be desi
gilcd as an OCBF or a SCBF and still be considered to be part of an EBF systcm f
or the purposes of determining system factors in the NSCP code. EBF shall meet t
he requircments in Ihis Sectioll. 528.2 Links
For the limit state of bolt slip, the required strength of bracing connections s
hall be that determined llsing the load combinations stipulated by the NSCP code
, not including the amplified seismic load. For other limit states, the required
strength of bracing connections is the expected yield strength, in tension, of
the brace, determined as R.J~\AIi (LRFD) or R/;',\A g 11.5 (ASD). as appropriate
528.2.1 Limitations Links shall meet the requirements of Section 521.2.2.
Thc web of a link shall be single thickness. Doubler-plate reinforcement and web
penetrations are not permitted.
Exception: The required strellgth oj the brace connectioll need not exceed eithe
r of the following: 1, 2. The maximum for(.'(' that can be developed by the syst
em A load (ffect based upon using fhe amplified seismic load

528.2.2. Shear Strength

Except as limited below, the link design shear strength,
tpvV", and the allowable shear strength, V,/Qv, according to
the limit state of shear yielding shall be determined as follows:
::: nominal shear stre ngth of the link, equal lesser of Vp or 2Mp Ie, N.
rpv = 0.90 (LRFD)
= 1.67 (AS D)
527.5 OCBF above Seismic Isolation Systems 527.5.1 Bracing Members
Bracing members shall meet the requirements of Section 521.2.2 and shall have
Kif,. < where
= "'1' Z, N-J11m = 0.6F,. A,n N = link length, mm = (d-2t t)t".
The cffect of axial force on the link available shear strength need not be consi
dered if
1'" S 0.151', (LRFD) or 1'" S (0.15/1 .5)1',. (ASD). as appropriate.
527.5.2 K-Type Bracing
K-type braced frames are not permitted.
27.5.3 V-Type and Invcrted-V-Type Bracing. Beams in V-type and inve11ed V-type b
racing shall be
continuous between columns.
= required axial strength combinations, N
National Structural Code of tile Philippines 6\h Edition Volume 1

5- 17"
CHAPTEr. 5 - Steel MId Me tals
= rcquired axial strength using ASD combinations, N = nominal axial yield streng
th = FJ. A", N
and 2.6Mp IVp. 528.3 Link StitTeners Full ~ depth web stiffeners shall be provid
ed on both sides of the li nk web at thc diagonal brace ends of th e link _The s
e stiffeners shall have a combined width not less than (hI' 2t w) and a thi ckn
ess not 1C".."i s lh.Ul O.75tw or 10 mm, Whichever is larger, whe re hf and {war
e the link \yidth and link web thickness respectively.
nal\g ~'
If I'u > 0.151',. (LRFD) or P" > (0.1511.5) P,. (AS D), as approp,;atc, the foll
owing additional requirements shall be met: I. Thc availablc shcar strength of th
e link shall be the lesser of ~vV,m and 2qJVM,,,, Ie (LRFD) or V,,, I Q, and 2 (
M,,,, le}/D,. (ASD), as appropriate,
Links shall be provided with intermediate web stiffeners ;\'; fol lows: I. Links
of lenglhs 1.6Mp /Vp Or less shall be provided with inlenn ediatc web stiffener
s spaced at intervals no! exceed ing (301w -dl5) for a link rotation angle of O.
Uil radian or (52 tw -dl5 ) for link rotation angles of 0 .02 radian or less. Li
near interpolation shall be used fl1:values bel ween 0.08 and 0.02 radian. Links
of length grea ter than 2.6Mp IVp and less th at: 5Mp IVp shall be prov ided wi
th intc nned iatc web sii ; fell ers placed at a dist ance of 1.5 timcs bf from
cae!. end of the link. Links of lenglh between /.6Mp IVfl and 2.6Mp /V I' shall
be provided with imemle<.i iale web stiffener!> meeting the rc quirements of (a)
and (b) above. Intermediate web stiffeners arc not required in links of lenglhs
grealer lhan 5Mp IV". Intermediale wcb stiffeners shall be full depth. Fo;' lin
ks th at are less than 635 mm in depth, stiffeners an; required on only one side
of the link web. The thickness of ollc~sid ed stiffenc!'s shall not be less tha
n tw or 10 mill, whichever is larger, and th e width shal: be not less lhan (bf
/2)- lw. For links lhal arc 635 Ill'" ill deplh or greater. similar imcmlediate
stiffeners arc.required 011 both sides of the web.
=0.90 (LRFD)
nv = 1.67 (ASD)
(Eq . 528- 1) (Eq.528-2)
M". = I.IS Mp
1', = 1'" (LRFD) or
P" (ASD), as appropriate
P,. = P,. (LRFD) or 1',.11.5 (AS D), as appropriate
The leoglh of the link shall not cxceed:

I LIS - O.5p'(A.JAg}] 1.6M"N"

(Eq. 528-3)
whcn p' (AwIA, ) ?: 0.3 nor
h. 1.6Mp N ,
4. (Eq.528-4) 5.
when p'( A,JAg} < 0.3
AIV= (d - 21/}1".
pi = P,IV,
V, V,
= V, (LRFD) or V. (ASD), as appropriate
= required shear strength based on LRFD load combinations. N = required shear st
rength based 0 11 ASD load combinations, N
The required st rength of fillet welds connecting a li nk stiffener to the link
web is As,FI ' (LRFD) or As,Fr I 1.5 (AS D), as appropriate. where Ast j's the a
rea of the stiffcIII!. The requ ired strength of fillet welds connecting the sti
fkH,'" lO the link flanges is A"F, /4 (LRFD) or A"F,. /4( 1.5) (liSP).
528.2.3 Link Rotation Angle Tile link rotation angle is the inelastic angle belw
ecn the li nk and the beam outside of the link when the total story drift is equ
al to the design story drift. 6 . The link rotation angle shall not exceed the f
ollowin g values: I. 2.
0.08 radiaos for links of length 1.6Mp /Vp or less. 0.02 radians for links of Ie
nglh 2.6Mp /Vp or grcaler. The value detennined by linear interpolation between
the above values for links of length between 1.6Mp /VI'
Connections connections must he capable of sustainin:l. the maximum link rot~tio
ll angle based 0 11 the length of 11;;: link. as specified in Section 528 .2.3.
The strenglh of ti ", connectio n mea sured at the column face shall equal at h'
m..! th e nominal shear strength of the link, Vm as specified iil Section 528.2
.2 at (he maximum link rotation angle. Link~ to ~ co lumn connections shall sati
sfy the above requirements by One of the following:
Link ~ to ~colunlll
Usc a connection prcqualified for EBF in accordance
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

Sleel <lnt! Me la l
l 1fj
with Section 2.
B~ 1.
Provide qualifying cyclic I('S I results in accordance
of:ll leasl Iwo cyclic connection tes ts shall be prov
be based on one of the fo llowi ng; Tests rcpm1cd ill
oc umentcd tests performed for other projects lhal arc
conditi ons. within the limits specifi ed in Secti on

wilh Section (l4. Resulls

ided and are permitted to
resca rch literature or d
rcpresentative of project
B -4 .

force s and moments gCJlcralcd by at Ie.!!)! J .25 times the ex pec ted nominal
shea r strength o f Ih c link RyV" , wherc V" is as defincd in Sec tion 528.2.2.
The available strcngth or th c diagona l brace shall comply with Spedfical ioll
Section 508. Brace membe rs shall meet the requ iremcnls of Section 52 1.2.1.
il .
528.6.2 Beam Outside Li nk
The requi red combined ax.ia l and flexural sirengt h o f Ih e bcam outside of t
he li nk shall be dctermined based on load combinations stipulated by the NSCP c
ode. For lo;,td combinations including seismic effects, a load QJ shall be subst
ituted for the term E where Q I is defincd as the forccs gencratcd by al least 1
.1 timcs the expected no minal shcar strength of lh c link, RyV,,, where V.. is
as defincd in Section 528.2.2. The available strength of the beam outside of the
link sha ll hc ac term ined by the Speci fi catio n, llluiliplied by
Tests that are conducted specifically for the project and are represenl ativc of
project mcmbe r sizcs. matcrial strcngths. connection con fi gurati ons. and ma
tch ing conncction processes, ~vi t h i n thc limits specified in Scc tion 84 .
Wh ere reill/iJrcem em of fhe beal1l-/()-coJlIlIIll cOl/flecfion at the link end
predudes yieldillg oj fhe beam twl'r th t' reinforced leng,h. Ihl' fink is perm
i fl eti to be the beam seKm(~1II from 111(' eml of the reillforcemeJll 10 rh e
JHacl' CorUl{lCfioll. Wh err such links (lI'{I used alld the link lellg,l! does
nol exceed J.6Mp / \11', cyclic leslinc of Ihe reinforced connection is not requ
ired if rife available .r/rangr" of the rl!illforced section ami th e C OlUwctio
n eqlia/s or eXl''eds the required strellgrh calclilated based upon tile stra in
hardened lillk as described ill Section 528_8. Full depth sfiffellers as require
d ill Seclioll 528.2 .3shall be placed a r the Iillk~ to- ,.eillforcem ell1 im e
528.5 Latcl-al Br aci ng of Li nk
Lateral bracing shall be provided at both the lOp and bottom link fl anges at th

e ends of the link. The required Strength of each latcra! brace at the ends of t
he link shall be Ph = 0 .06 Mr III", where 110 is the distance between flange cC
lllfoids ill mill. For des ign accordi ng 10 Specificati on Section 502.3.3
AI the con neclion between the di agonal brace and the beam at the link end of t
he brace, the intersection o f the brace and beam centerlincs shall be at the en
d of the link or in thc link ,
528 .6.3 Braci ng Con llectiuns
The required strength of the diagonal brace connections. at both ends of the bra
cc. shall be at least equal to the required strength o f the diagonal brace, as
defined in Section 528.6. 1. TIle diagonal brace co nn ection s shall also satis
fy the requirements of Section 526_3.3 _ No part of Ihe diago nal brace conncc
tion at thc link end of the brace shall cxtend over the link length. If the brac
e is des igned to resist a pOI'lion of the link end moment , then the diagonal u
f<lce connection at the link end of the brace sha ll he designed as a fully~rest
raincd moment co nnect ion.
Mr =M,1,exp
= R)Zf~r
For des ign accord ing to Specification Section 83.4 (AS D)
= M", ex"I1.5
The required brace stiffness shall meel the provisions o f Equation A ~ 1.6~ 8 o
f the Specification, whcre Mr is defincd ahove. Cd = I. and Lb is the link lengt
h .
528.6 Diago nal B.. ace and Beam Outside of Li nk 528.6. 1 Diago na l Bracc
The required co mbi ned axial and flexural strength of th e di agoll ul brace sh
all be determin ed based on load combi nati ons st ipu lat ed by the NSCr code.
For load combi nati ons including scismic effec ts, a load QI shall be substitut
ed for th e term E, where Q l is defincd as the axia l
528.7 13ca m-to-Co!UIIlIl Connec ti ons
If the EI3F system factors in Ihe NSC P code require moment resist ing con nccti
ons away frolll the link, th en the be.mHOco lumll connections away from Ih e li
n k shall mect the requirement s for bcaJll-lo-column connections for OMF specif
ied ill Sections I 1.2 and 11 .5.
Na tionat Structural Code of Ille Philippines 6'" Edition Volume 1

5- 176
. Sleel (lnd Me tals
If the EBF system fll 1:IOI"S in the NSCP code do not require moment resistin g
cOllnections away from the ti!lk . then the bcam-lo-colulIlli conllections lIW,l
Y frolll the lin k arc pennillcd 10 be designed as pinned in the plane oflhe web
528.8 Required Strength of Columns
FRAMJS'il\JinF) ..
In addit io n to the requiremcnts in Section 52 1.3. the req uired stren gth of
columlls shall be det erm ined from load combinatiolls as stipul;l(ed by the NSC
P code, except that the seismic IO,ld E.sJmll be the forces gencnHed by 1.1 lime
s the expected nominal shear strength of all links above the level under conside
rtll ioll . The expected nominal s h e~ r strength of a link is RyV/lI where VII
is as defined ill Section
529.1 Scope Buckling-restra ined braced fram es ( BRBFJ; arc expected In withsta
nd significant inelastic deformations when subjected 10 the forces resulting fro
m the moti ons of the design eanhquake. DROP shall meet the requirements ill thi
s Section. Where th e NSCP code docs not contain design coefficieflls for BRBF,
the pro visions of Section B-3 shall apply. 529.2 Bracing Members Bracing membe
rs shall be composed of a structural steel core and a system tlim restrains the
steel core frolll buckling. 529.2.1 Steel Core The steel corc shall be designed
force in the ~race.
Column members shall meet [he requirements of Section
521.2.2 .
528.9 Protected Zolle
Links in EBFs 3re a protected zone, and shall satisfy the req wrements of Sectio
n 520.4. Welding all links is permitted for attachment of link stiffeners, as re
quired in
Section 528.3.
res ist Ihe en tire axial
528.10 Demand Critical Welds Complete-joint-penClration groove welds attaching t
he link flanges and the link web to the column are demand critical
welds, and shall satisfy the r~qujrement s of Section 520.3.2.
The brace design ax ial strength , fl)F 'y. " . (LRFD), an d the brace allowable
axial strength, PrJ' /0 (ASD), in tensi on and compression, according to the lim
i t slate of yield ing, sha ll be determined as follows:

(Eq. 529- 1)
0.90 (LRFD)
1.67 (AS D)
= specified minimum yield stress of the steel core,
or actual yield stress of the steel core as determined from a coupon test, MPa.
=net area of steel core, 111m2.
Plates used in the steel core that are 50 mm thick or greater
shall satisfy the minimum notch toughness requirements of
Sec ti on 519.3.
Splices in the stcel core are not permitted.
529.2.2 Buckling-Restraining System The bucklingM restraining sys tem shalt cons
ist of the casing for th e steel co re. In stability calculations, beams, column
s, and gu ssets connecting the core shall be considered part s of this .system.
The buckling-restraining system sha ll limit local and overall buckling of lhe s
teel core for deformati ons corresponding to 2.0 times the design story drift. T
he buckling -rest n~ ;Jl illg system shall not be permitted to buckle within def
corresponding to 2.0 times the design story drift.
Association of Struct ural Engineers of the Philippines

User Not.c:Con{onnance t~ thi~ Wf>)'ision is qempnslraled by means of testing as

described in Slltioh5;!9,2,3,
529.2.3 Testing The design of braces shall be based upon results from qllalifyin
g cyclic lests ill accordance with the procedures and acceptance criteria of Sec
tion 13-5. Qualifying tcst results shall consist of al least Iwo successful cycl
ic tests:
onc is required to be
corresponding to 2.0 times the design story drift) to Fr." of the test specimen.
The larger value of (0 from the two required qualification tests shall be used.
Where the tested stec! core material docs not match that of the prototype, (I)
shall be based on coupon testing of the prototype material. 529.3. Bracing Conne
529.3.1 RC<fuired Strength
test of a brace subasscmblage thaI
includes brace connection rotational dcm:lI1ds complying with Section B-5, Secti
on B-5.4 and the other shall be either a uniaxial or a subasscmbJagc test comply
ing with Section 135, Section 13-5.5. Both test types arc permitted 10 be
The required strength of bracing connections ill tensioJl and compressioJl (incl
uding bcam-to~~:()lul1ln connections if part of the bracing system) shall be I.
t times the adjusted brace strength in compression (LRFD) or 1.111.5 times the a
djusted brace strength in compression (ASD).
upon one of the following:
Tests reponed in research or documented tests
performed for other projects.
Tests that are conducted specifically for the project.
529,3,2 Gusset Plates The design of connections shall include considerations of
local and overall buckl.ing. Bracing consistent with that lIsed in the tests upo
n which the design is based is required. User Note: This provision may bernet by
designing tile for a..lfan,$VerSe f9rc~ cQD.sisteQt wi~).Jrap.sverse bracing fo
rces qetermilled from testinl\, by~dqing a stiffener to it to re~i$ltl~s, fOrc~,
or by providing ab.race to the gt\sset plate or to !he bra"" i!!;elf. Where ,clw
supporting tests didnN,includetransverse ~racing, ,nosucbbracingis required. A~y
attachment of bradng to the sieel core must be included in the qualification testi
gus.s~t p'l~~e
Inlerpolation or extrapolation of test results for different member sizes shall
be justified by rational analysis that demonstrates stress distributions and mag
nitudes of internal strains consistent with or less severe than the tested assem
blies and that considers the adverse crfects of variations in material propertie
s. Extrapolation of lest results shall be based upon similar combinations of stee
l core and buckling-restraining system sizes. Tests shall be permitted to qualif
y a design when the provisions of Section B-5 are mel.
529,2,4 Adjusted Ilrace Strength \\'here required by these Provisions, bracing c
onnections and adjoining members shall be designed to resist forces calculated b
i1sed on the adjusted brace strength.

The adjusted brace strength in compression shall be fJwRyPysc. The adjusted brac
e strength in tension shall be
529.4 Special Requircmcnts Related to Bracing Configuration. V-type and invcrted
-Vtype braced frames shall meet the following requirements:
(vRJ\ . \(".
EJ..:ception: The factor R.I need nol be applied if Fnc is established using yiei
d stress determined from a coupon lest.
The required strength of beams intersected by braces, their connections, and sup
porting members shall be determined based on the load combinations of the NSCP c
ode assuming that the braces provide no SUpp0l1 for dead and live loads. For loa
d combinations that include earthquake effects, the veI1icai and horizontal eart
hquake effect, E, on the beam shall be detennined from the adjusted brace streng
ths in tension and compression. Beams shall be continuous between columns. Both
nanges of beams shall be laterally braced. Lateral braces shall mect the provisi
ons of Equations A-I.6-7 and A-l.6-8 of Appendix A-l.6 of the Specification, whe
re M, ~ M" ~ II, ZFv (LRFD) or M, ~ M" ~ II,. ZF\' /l.S (ASD), as apPI:opriate, o
f the beam and Cd ~ I.e). As a minimum, onc set of lateral braces is required at
the point of intersection of the V-type (or inverted vtype) bracing, unless the
beam has sufficient out-ofplane strength and stiffness to ensure stability betw
een adjacent brace points.
The corn pression strength adjustment factor, rl, shall be calculated as the rat
io of the maximum compression force to the maximum tension force of the tcst spe
cimen measured from the qualification tests specified in Section 13-5, Section 1
3-S.6.3for the range of deformations corresponding to 2.0 times the design story
drift. The larger value of [) from the two required brace qualification tests s
hall be used. III no case shall 13 be taken as less than 1,0,
The strain hardening adjustment factor, cu, shall be calculated as the ratio of
the maximum tension force measured from the qualification tests specified in Sec
tion B5, Section B-S.6.3 (for the range of deformations
Uscr Note: The beam has. sufficient oUI,of-plane strength and stiffness if the b
eam bent in the horizontal plane meets
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volurne 1

5 178
CHt\I)T I::r~ !j Sleel an(i MelJI: >
529.6 Protected Zone
The protcctcd I.o nc sh.1l1 include thc steel tore of' h rac ing
For purposes of brace design and jesting. the calculated ma xi mum deform atioll
of braces sha l! he increased by including th e effect of the vertical deDcctio
n of the beam und er the loading defined in Section 529 4. K ~ I Ypc braced fram
es Hrc not penniltcd I.:'":: 9ROF.
529.5 Beams and Columns Beams and columns in BRBF shall meci the following requi
rements. 529.5.1 Width-Thickness Limitations Beam and column members shall meet
the requirements of Section 521. 2.2.
members and clements that connccl1hc steel core to hea ms and columns, and shaH
satisfy th e requirements of Section 520.4 .
529.5.2 Required Strength The required strength of beams and columns in BRBF sha
ll be determined from load combinations as stipulated in the NSCP code. For load
combinat ions lhal include earthquake effects, the canhquakc effect, E, shall b
e determined from the adjusted brace strengths in tension and compression.
Th e required strength of beams and colu mns nced not exceed the maximum forc e
thal can be developed by the system.
529.5.3 Splices In addition to meeting the requirements in Section 52 1.4: colu1
11n splices in BRI3F shall be designed to develop 50 percent of the lesser avail
able flexural strength of the connected members, dctermi ncd based on thc limit
Slale of yielding. The required shear strength shall be l.Mpc !II (LRFD) or EMpc
1I.5H (ASD), as appropriate, where EMpc is the SlIm of the nominal plastic flex
ural st rengths of the columns above and below the splice.
Association 01 Structural Engineers of the PI1 ilippines

530.2.3 Openings in Webs Opening:-; in webs shall be bounded 011 all sides by H
BE (lnd VUE extending the fill! width and heigh! of the panel , res pec ti ve ly
, unl ess otherwise ju:-;tificd by t(' siing and ana lysis. 530.1 Scope
Special plate shear wall s (SPSW) afC ex pected 10 withstand significant in elas
tic deformations in the webs wh en subjected to tile forces resulting from the m
otions of th e design cJ rlhquakc. The horizojHal bound ary clements (HBEs) and
vertical bou ndary elements (VBEs) adjacent to Ihe webs shall be designed 10 rem
ain essentially elastic
under the maximum forces that can be generated by the fully yielded webs, except
that plastic hin ging at the ends of HBEs is permiUed. SPSW shall meet the requ
irements of
530.3 Connections of ~'c bs to Boundary Elements The required stren gth of web c
o nn ec tions to th e surro unding HBE and VBE shall equal the expected yield st
rength, ill tension, of the web calculat ed at nn a!lgl~ ll. dcli ncd by
Eq .S30-2.
530.4 Horizontal and Vertical Boundary El ements 530,4.1 Required Strength
In addition to the requi re ments of SCt.1ion 52 1.3, the
this Section. Where the NSCP code docs not contain desi gn coeffi cients for SPS
W, the provisions of Section B-3 shall
530.2 Webs 530,2.1 Shear Strength
The panel design , hear strength, q> V" (LRFD), and the a llowable shear stren g
th, V,/Q (ASD), according to the limit s tale of sh ear yielding, shall be deten
nined as follows:
required stren gth of V8 E shall be based upon the forces corresponding to the e
xpected yield st rength , in tension , or the web calculated at an angle n. The
req uired stren gth of HB E shall be the greater or the forces cOITcspondi ng to
th e expected yield strength , in tension, or th e web calc ul ated at an ,mglc
a or th'lI determ ined from th e load combinations in the NSCP code assuming th
e web prov ides no su pport for grav it y loads. The beam~coJumn mOlllent rat io
provisions in Secti on 522.6 shall be met for all HBf .YVB E intersecti ons wit
h out consideration of the effects of the webs.
V" ~ 0.42 P,. 'w L,rsin 2a
'" ~ 0.90 (LRFD)
(Eq .530-1)
n ~ 1.67 (ASD)
== thicknes$ of the web, mm.
L er
= clear distan ce between
VBE flanges, mm .
a is the angle of web yielding in radi ans, relative to the vertical, and it is
given by:
I +-2A I

530.4.2 HB[' to- VBE Connections J-m E~ to- VBE conn ections shall s.uisfy the re
q uirements of Section 524.2, The required shear strength, VI" of a HBE-toVB E c
onnection s hall be determined in accord;:1I1ce wi th the pro vis ions of Secti
on 5.24.2, except that the required shear strength shall not be less than the sh
ear correspond ing to
moment s at each end equal to I.IR,M" (LRFD) or ( 1.111 .5)
+,,, "(1~ + 36i~~L J
(Eq .5302)
R)Mp (ASD). as appropriate. together with the shear resulting from the expected
yi eld strength in tension of the webs yielding at an angle a. 530.4.3 Width-Thi
ckness Limitations HB E and VBE members shall meet the requ irements of
Section 521.2.2.
A" AI'
=cross~scc ti ona l area of a HB E, mm2. = cross-sectional area of a VI3E, 111m2
. = moment of inenia of 11 YBE take n perpendicular to the direction of the web
plate line, mm4 . = disl:m cC'- bet ween YBE ccnl crlin c:-; , mill.
== distance between HU E centcrlincs , mill.
530.2.2 Panel Aspeel Ratio
The rat io of panel length to height, VIT, shall be limited to 0.8 < Vii 50 2. 5
530.4.4 Lateral Bracing HU E 511nll be lalernll y braced at all intersections wi
th VI3E and 11t a spacing not to exceed 0.086 RJ:JF.,.. 1301h fl anges of HB E s
hall be braced ei ther directly or indirect ly. The required strengt h of latera
l bracing shall be at least 2 percellt of lhe HBE fl ange nominal strength, P,.
bf tf. The requi red stiffness of all lateral bracing shal t' be detcnnined in
accordan ce with Equation A-I .6-8 of Appendix A-I .6 of the
Specification. In these equations, Mr shall be co mputed
RJZP,. (LRFD) or Mr shall be computed as R)ZF,. 11.5
rh National Structural Code of Ihe Plli1ippines 6 Edition Volume 1

(AS D), as appropriat e, and Cd ::: I.O.5l0. 4. 5. VB E Splic.:cs . VBE ..:pl ic

c..: ..:hall com pl y wit h 11K'. n:quirenH:ms oj" Sectio n 521.4. 530.4,6 Pancl
Thc VUE pa nel i'.olle next 10 the lOp and h;I SC !-IBE of the SPSW sha ll com p
ly wi th the requin~ll1 e nl s in Sec ti on 52 2.3 .
531.1 Senpe
530.4.7 Stiffness or Vcrtical
BOllnd ~ II'Y
When required by the NSCP code or th e cnginccI"Hof' rccord, a qmdi l), ass uranc
e plan shall be pro vided . The qu ,llil y assurance plan shaH in cl ude the req
uirement s or Sc<.:ti on H2.
The VBE slwl! have momc nt s o f in~rt i: 1 about an axis taken pcrpendicu lar 1
0 Ihc plane 01" the web, I" 110t less th an 0.00307 "" MIL.
consider~d ad'''luate.
User Note: The
of a response modification factor of 3 or '
assumption of system, clement, and ~:~~~.: ~;~I~~~J~~ reduce design forces. The
qualily assu""""",e to ensure thaI the seismic . .sy'sfe.rl.:~;,:;is significant
ly free of defects that . tMiJ&:llj[ ductility of the system. There may be cases .
non-redundant major transfer members; or whereWot'Kftff penonned in a location t
hat is difficult t<f itce;iS) '<Wb'iii!! supplemenlal lesting might be advisable,
Ad\lilionaiJ.\< where the contractor's quality control has. demonstraled the ca
pability to perform'some laskSihis Pl~ has assigned to qualilY assurance, modific
ation of the.pIM could be consIdered. .;:'1
program .
'~~~i :'"
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

The CPR sha ll ;!lso provide the sam e informa tion when limits arc It) be change
d the COIiIlCt:tioll has the ability and reliabilit y 10 undergo the required il
licrstory d!'in angle for SMF and IMI~ and the required link rotati on ilngle fo
r EBF, where the link is adjacent to columns . The limits on member sizes for pr
cqualificatioll shall 1101 c,x<.:ccd tile limits spc.cificd in Section 13-4. Sec
tion 132's.2.
B- I.l Scope 'nli s appendix contains minimum requirements for prcqualificntion
of beam to-column mOJllent connections ill special moment frames (SMF), intermed
iate moment frames
(lMF), and Iink-to-colul1ln conn ection s in eccentricall y
n 1.4 Prcqualification Variables
In order to be' prequalified, th e effect of the following
variables on connection performance shall be conside red. Limits on the permissi
ble values for each variable shall be eSl<lblished by the CPRP for the prcqualif
ied connection.
braced frames (EBF) , Prequalified connections arc penni lied 10 be used, within
the applicable limi ts of
prcqU<llilicat ion, without Ihe need for funhcr qu.alifying cyclic tests. When t
he limits of prcquuJificatioll or design requirements [or prcqualificd connectio
ns co nOiel with the
Beam or link parameters: Cross-section shape: wide na ngc, box, or other Cross-s
ection fabric:l! iOIl method: rolled shupe. welded shape, or other Depth Weight
per foot
Flange thickness
b. c.
requirements of these Provisions, the limits of prequalilicatioll and design req
uirements for prcqualiricd connections shall govern.
B-I.2 General Requirements
B-1.2.1 Basis for ('re'lualiticalion
c. f.
Material specification
Span-ta-depth ratio (for (for EBF)
Connections shall be prcqualificd based on test data sat isfying Section 8-1.3,
suppot1ed by analytical studi es and design models. The combined body of evidenc
e for prequalification must be sufficient (0 assure that the con nection can sup
ply the required inlerslory drif[ angle for S MF and IMF systems, or Ihe require
d link rotation angle for EBF, on a consistent and reliable basis withi" the spe
cified limits of prequalification . All applicable limit states for the connecti
on that affect the stiffness. strength and deformation capacity of the connectio
n and the seismic load resisting system (SLRS) must be identified. These include
fracture related limit states, stability related limit states, and all other li

mit states pertinent for the connection under consideration. The effect of desig
n variables listed in Section B- lA shall be addressed for connection prequalifi
11-1.2.2 Authority for Prcqualification
SMF or IMF), or link length
Width thickness ratio of cro ss-sec tion clements Lateral bracing Other paramete
rs peninent to Ihe specific con necti on under consideration Column parameters:
Cross-section shape: wide flange, box, or mile!' Cross-section fabrication meth
od: rolled shape. welded shape, or other Column orientation with respect to beam
or link: beam or link is connected to column flange, beam or link is connected
to' column web, beams or links are connected to both the column flange and web.
or other
Prcqualificat ion of a connection and the associated lim its of prcqualitication
shull be established by a connection prcqualification review panel (CPRP) appro
ved by the authority having jurisdiction .
Section U-1.3 Testing Requirements Data lIsed to SlipPOll conneclion prequalifiC
fllion shall be based on tests conducted in accordance with Section 134. The CPRP
shall determine the number of tests and the variables considered by the tests f
or connection prequalification.
Weight per foot Flangc thickness Material specification Width-thickness ratio of
cross-section elemcnts Lateral bracing Other parameters pCI1incnt to tile speci
fic connection under consideration
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6'h Edition Volume 1

Bcam (or link) colu mn relat ions: Panel zone sl rcnglh Doubler pl;lI c all ac h
mcl1t det'lils
Column bea m (or li nk) 1l1OIllcni r<t!io
connec tion hy the CPRP
un der
consideratio n,
Continuit y platcs :
B-I.S. Design Procedu re A comprehensive design procedure must be available fo r
a prcqualificd co nnec liull. The design procedure must add ress all applicabl
e li mi t states within the limits of preq uali fication .
B-l .6. PrC<Jualilica ti oll n.ccord A prequ alitied con nection shall be provid
ed wit h a wri tte n prcq ualiric31ion record with the fo llowi ng information:
Idcl1t ific.uion c< conditions under whi ch contin uity plates arc rcquir-.;u
Thi ck ness. widt h and de pl h
c. 5.
Atlachment d eta il s Welds: Location, ex tent (including ret urn s), type (CJP,
PJP, fill et, CIC.) and an y reinforcement or co nt ouri ng required Fi ller me
tal classiliCluion st rength and lIolch toughness Detail s and Irca(mCIlI of we
l d b':lck in g and weld tah!)
General dcsc riplion of the prcqu alified connec tion an d drawings th at dea rl
y identify key fea tures and components of th e cOllnection Descripti on of the
expected behav ior of the connection in the clastic and ine lastic ranges of be
havior, intended )ocati on(s) of inelastic <lc lion. and II descri pti on of li
mit slates controlling the strengt h and deformation cnpacit y of the con necti
on Listi ng of systems for wh ich connection is prequalified: SMF. IMF. Of lOBI"
L..ist ing of li mits for all prcqualificati on variab les listed in Section 13
- 1.4. Listi ng of deman d cril ical welds Definiti on of t he region of the co
nnection th at co mprises the protec ted zone

d. c.
Weld access holes: size, geometry and fi nish Welding q uali ty control and qu a
lity ,\ssurancc beyond that described III Secti on 18, including th e nondestruc
tive tes ting (NOT) method, inspec.tion frequency, acceptance criteria Imd docu
mentation requirements
Bolts: Bolt dia meter Bolt grade: ASTM A325. A490. or other
3. 4.
De tailed descri ption of the design procedure for the connection. as req uired
in Section B- 1.5.
Lis t of references of test reports, research reports and other publications th
at provided the basis for preq ualiflca ti on SUlllmary or quali ty co ntrol and
quality assurance proced ures
Installmioll requirements: prctcilsioncd, snug-tight, or other
!-lole type: standard, overs ize.
$ho r{ ~slot,
long-slot, or
c. f. Hole fabricati on method: drill ing, punching, su bpunching an d rea ming,
or other
Other parameters pertin ent to the specific connection
un der co nsideration
Work manship: All workma nship para illcle rs lhat exceed AlSC. RCSC and A WS re
qu irements, pCl1incnt to the specific connecti on und er consideration, sllch a
s: Surface roughness of thennal cu t or gro und edges Cutt ing to lera nces We l
d reinforcement or con touri ng Presence of holes, fasteners or we lds fo r aUac
a. b. c. d. 8.

Additional connecti on detail s: All variables pertinent to
Association of Structural Engineers of the Pllilippines

C:HI\Pil: l~
!)teel <lrrd Metal
:)- HB
I. 11-2.1 Scope
Quality control (QC) and quality <lssur;tJlcc (QA) shall be pro vided as specifi
ed in thi s Section.
M;lIcrial test rcpOJ1S for structura l steel, boll s, shear conncctors. and we l
di ng materials Inspcction procedures
NOIK'o nforrnancc procedure
Matcrial cont rol prm;edurc
Bolt installation procedure
13-2.2 Inspection and Nondest ructive Testing Personnel Visual welding inspectio
n and nondestructive testing (NOT) shall be cond~Jctcd in accordance with a writ
ten practice by personnel qualified in accordance with Section B-6.
Welder perform,wee qualilicalion record s (WPQR j, including any suppl emental t
esti ng req liiremellls
QC Inspec tor qualifi cations
8-2.4 Quality Assurance Agency Documents
Bolting inspection shall be conducted in accordance with a written practice by q
ualified persollnel.
The agency responsible for qualit y assurance shall submit the following docum e
nts to the authori ty having jurisdiction, the engineer-of-record, and the owner
or owne r's designee:
QA agcncy's written practices for the monitoring and control of the agency's ope
rations. The wrilten practice
B-2.3. Contractor Documents The following documents shall be submitted for revie
w by
the engineer-of-record or designee, prior to fabricat ion or erection, as appl i
sha ll include:

a. The ;tgency's procedures for the selection and admini st ration of inspection
personnel, describing the trainin g, experience (\nd examination requirements f
or qualification and certificati on of inspection personnel ,
2. 3.
Shop drawin gs
Erection drawings Welding Procedu re Specifications (WPS), which shall
The age ncy's inspection procedu res, including general
specify all applicable essential variables of A WS D I and the foll owing, as ap
a. po wer source (constant current or constant voltage)
inspection. material controls, and visual inspection
weldin g
b. 4.
for demand cri tical welds, electrode manufacturer and trade name
Copies of the man ufacturer's typical certificate of confonnance for all electro
des, fluxes and shield ing gasses to be used. Certificates of conformance shall
satisfy the applicab I~ A WS AS requirements.
Qualifi cations of management and QA personnel desi gnated for the project Quali
tic<lIioll record s for Inspectors technicians designated for lhe project and
NDT procedures and equipment calibration records for NOT to be performed and equ
ipment to be used for the
For demand critical welds, applicable manufacturer's certifications that the fil
ler metal meets the supplemental notch toughness requirements, as applicable. Sh
ould the filler metal manufacturer not su pply suc h supp lemen tal certifica ti
ons . the contractor shall have the necessary testing performed and provide the
applicabl e test reports.
Manufacturer's product data sheets or catalog d'lta fo r SMAW, rCAW and GMAW co
mposite (cored) filler
project 5.
Daily or weekly inspection repoI1s Nonconformance reports
B2.5 Inspection Points and Frequencies
Inspection points and frequcncies of quality con trol (QC)
and quali ty ass urance (QA) tasks and doc umentation for th e

metals to be used. The data sheets shall descril?c the product, limitations of u
sc, recommended or typica l welqing parameters, and storage and exposure require
ments, including baking, if applicab le. The following documents shall be availa
ble for revi ew by the engineer-of-record or designee prior to fabrication or er
ection, as applicable, unl ess specified to be submitted:
seismic load resistin g sys tem (SLRS) shall be as provided in the followin g ta
The following entries are used in the tables:
Observe (0) . The inspector shalT observc these functions on a random, daily bas
is. Weldin g operation s need not be delayed pending observations.
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6'h Edition Volume 1

!) 184
CHAP " t t:1i!~

Stl:el and tv1etat5

Perform (1') - These inspections shal l be performed prior to tIll: !ina! acccpt
,lncc or the item. Where a task is noted to be pcrf{)J"Jllcd by both QC and QA,
il shall be pCfJJliltcd to (:oordinale the inspection fU llc tion bel ween QC a
nd QA so tlllli the inspectio ll fUllct ions need he performcd hy only one p'lrt
y. Where Q/\ is to rely upon inspection rUllctions performed by QC, the approval
of the engineer-of-record Clnd the authority having jurisdiction is required. D
oculllent (I)) ~ Thc inspector sh.}11 prepare reports indicming that the work ha
s been performed in acc'lmJance with the contract docullleJlts. The repol1 need
Jlot provide dctclilcd measuremcnts for joint fit-up, WPS scltings, complctcd we
lds, 01" . other individual items li sted in the Tables ill SCCliolls B-2.5.I, B
-2.5.3, or B-2.5.4. For shop fabrication. Ihe report shall indicate the piece ma
rk of the piece inspected. For field work. the report shall indicate the referen
ce grid lines and floor or elevation inspected. Work not in compliance with the
contraCt documents and whether til e noncornpliance has been satisfactorily repa
ired sha ll be /loted in the inspection rerml.
B-2_5.1 Visual Welding Inspection
Base Metal NDT for Lamellar Tearing and Laminations
After joilH cOlllplction, base mC1i'1i thicker than J1-\ 111m loaded in tension
in the through Ihickncss direction in lee and COffler joints. where the conn ect
ed !Hateri,,! is great er than 19 mill ;lild con tains CJP groove welds. shill I
be lIltrasonically tcsted for discontinuities behind and adjacent to the fusion
line of such welds. Any base met;:}1 dbwvIltinuities fOlllld within tJ4 or the
steel surfac.:e shall be accq>tt!d or rejected on the basis of criteria AWS D 1.
1 Table 6.2, where t is thc thi ckness of the P;:111 sul~icC1Cd to the Ihrough~t
hickJlcSS strain .
Beam Cope and Access Hole "DT
At welded splices an d connection!>, thermally cui surfaces of beam copes and ac
cess holes shall be tested lIsing m;lgnctic particle testing or penctrant tcst i
ng. when the nangc thickness ex.ceeds 38 mm for rolled shapes, or when the web t
hickn ess exceeds 38 mm for built-up shapes. c. Reduced Beam Section Repair NDT
Visual inspection of welding shall be (he primary method used to confirm that th
e procedures, materials, and workmanship incorporated in construction arc those
that have been speci fied and approved for the project. As a minimum, tasks shal
l be as follows:
B-2,S,2 Nondestructive Testing (NOT) of Welds Nondcstnlctive testing of welds sh
a ll be performed by qualit y assurance personnel.
Magnctic particl e test ing shall be performed all :IIlY weld and adjacent area
of the reduced bC<lln section (RI3S) plastic hinge region lhat has been repaired
by weldin g, or on t}lC base metal of th e RBS plastic hinge region if a sharp

notch has been removed by grinding.

Weld Tab Removal Siles
Magnetic particle testing shall be performed on the end of welds from whi ch the
weld tab s have been removed, except for continuity plale weld tabs. g. Reducti
on of Percentage of Ultrasonic Testing
Ultrasonic tcsting shall be performed by QA according {o th e procedurcs prescri
bed in Section B-6, Section 13~6.1. Magnetic particle tes ting shall be performe
d by QA according to the procedures prescribed in Section B~6, Section B-6.2.
2. a. Required NDT k-A rea NDT
When welding of' doubler plates, continuity pllnes. or stiffeners has been perfo
rmed in thc k-arca, the web shall be te.sted for cracks lIsing magneti c particl
e testin g (My). The MT inspection fuea shall include the k-arca bnsc Tlletal \.
" ithin 75 Illill of the weld.
The amount of ultrasonic testing is permitted to be reduced if approved by the e
J1gitleer-of~rccord and the authority having jurisdiction. The nond estructive t
esting rate [or an individual welder or welding operator may be reduced to 25 pe
rcent, provided the reject rate is demonstrated to be 5 percent or less of the w
elds tested for the welder or welding operator. A sampling of at least 40 comple
ted welds for <I job shall be made for sllch reduction evaluatioll. Reject rate
is the number of welds containing rejectable defects divided by the number of we
lds completed. For evaluating the reject rate of continuous welds over I III in I
ength where the effective throat thickness is 25 111111 or Icss, each 300 mill i
ncrement or fraction Ihereof shal l be considered as one weld. For evaluating th
e. rej ect rate on continuous welds over I m in length where the effective throa
t thickncss is greater than 25 mill, each 150 mill of kngtl1 Of fraction thereof
shall be considered one weld. h. Reduction of Percentage of Magnetic Pm1icic Te
Cll' Grbove Weld NDT
The amount of MT on ell' groove welds is permitted to be reduced if approved by
the engiJleer-of~record and the authority having jurisdiction. The MT rate for a
n individual welder or welding operator may be reduced to 10 percent,
Ultrasonic testing shall b.e performed on 100 percent or CJP groove welds in mat
erials 8 mm thick or greater. Ultrasonic res ting in materials less than 8 mm th
ick is not required. Magnetic panicle \esting shall be performed on 25 percent o
f ali beam-to-column Cll' groove welds.
Association of Structural Engineers of tile Philippines

provided the reject nte is delllonstntecl to he '5 percent or less of the welds
tested for thc welder or welding operator. A sampling or at !east 20 completed w
elds for a job shall be made for sueh reduction evaluation. Reject rale is the !
lumber welds containing rejectable defects divided by the number of welds comple
ted. This reduction is nOI permitted on welds in the k-area, at repair sites, we
ld tab and backing removal sill'S and access holes.
Visual inspection During Welding
WPS followed - Selling on welding
Task I-,;;---c,..:<i CC~----t-,;;c-.,-"i CA"",-cTask Doc, Task' Doc.
.. '.I.'.r(ly.~.I .. ~p'~~.~J. - Selected welding
......_.... ~
.~--- .... .. -~.
r-,7 "'is-u-a]-;--'j"nV sl'-ec-,-:u"o--n---;;T"'a'7 sk - -o-C----- ------QA'----:i _ -"~4~;;~;~I\~;gg;;S {y;;c;iT(,;;;ratc,, ___7C'-:-___
____ _ - Preheat applied - Interpass temperature
Before Welding Task Doc, _ Task DOc, f--77-'~:--:'::;=~-c:--Material idelltifica
!iol1 0 0 (Type/Grade) __________ ~ _ _ __ Fit-up of Groove Welds (including joi
nt g~om~L ~ Joint rreparation
maintained (rnin.lmax.)
- Proper position (F, V,H,
...~. DiIII cl-;<;i~)-;~~<;-(~ll j W1 mcn-t:-P/O** root opening, roo! race,
_.mlt____ ___ ._. ___.._____
- Intermix of filler metals ._~\voi~_~~._~~~~I_~~~.~IPp~~~~~.~_. __ ---;::-----~~___ -;:::---- .____ .. .__~~~_~.~~C~L~\.~~.~.~_~. .~::.~~~~E:~~_. ~. ......~Q
0 COl1trol and handling of welding conslJ!nables
- Cleanliness (condition of
_.~!~~l sur!~~~~.L ______......._____ _ - Tacking (tack weld
.. "'.~.': ... _ _ _ _ _ I__ ~ - Backmg type and fJl (II P/OH 0 applicable) _~ -.-;c:-- _____ _ __ ~ Configuration and finish of 0 0
quality. and location),
.. :..... Pac k <t.gi !l g ____.____...____ .. _______ _

o o
- Exposure control
.____.__._.______ _
- Wind speed within limits
- Precipitation and te m per~~l..!..~~ __.__ .m_. _______ ~._" ___ _
access holcs_~ _ _ _ ------I----/-------i Fitup of Fillet Welds Welding technique
s - Dimensions 9alignmcnt, () - Intcrpas;- <~Ild final o gaps at root) cleaning
- Cleanliness 9condition of P/O** o --~+---J----j.---. =-Each pass within profile
slee.! surfaces) Imitations - Tacking (tack weld o o - Each pass meets quality q
uality and location) requirements .. _______ .. __ **Foll()wing pcrforln~i"iluof
tl;Tsill~I;;"ctTo~l--(ask for len ----.--+---l~_____I NO-~~eld i J1go~~;:-c;~~(j<c(
i-welds to be made by a givcn welder, with the welder o o tacks demonstrating ad
equate understanding of requirements and possession of skills and tools to verif
y these items, the Perform designati~n of this task shall be reduce to Observe,
and the welder shall perfonn this task, the task shall be returned to Perform un
til such time as the Inspector has reestablished adequate assurance that the wel
der will perfonn the inspection t~sks listed.
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

CHAPTHi :) . Steel and Metals
Yls~;H ...
Welds cleaned Welder idc;i'iTifc~;;tioll -_. __ .... x A .. QC Task ])0",.. TililK \1)OC1
0 0
Task . P~(itlll ,
lOIWi1!g ..
..QC. .. ,Task Poe!
0 0
Vcrify size, length, and 0 location or welds - - --_.\!F;:l!ly inspect welds t o
~!ilnc~ criteria ... __ ..- Crack porhibitiol1 Weld/base-metal fusion - Crater
cross*section P
------ - _.__._.
- Weld profiles

Weld size - Undercut _._---- Porosity Placement-or reinforcement

Fastener assemblies placed in all holes and washers (if () 0 required) arc propc
rly positioned ------_._.__. .. ... ....Joint brought \0 the snug 0 0 tight cond
ition prior to thw 1 pretem;ioninp- operation .. ----_. __. ._--Fastener compone
nts not 0 0 returncs by the wrench prevented from rotating ------- - - - - ----B
olts arc pretensioned progress systematically 0 0 from most rigid point toward f
ree edges
"'---~--~-.~-Task:. "~
~- - .---.
--Backing bar:<;-~C~10ved alld weld tabs removed and . finished (if required) Rc
oair activities Inspection Task Prior to
Inspeclion Solting
--... ... ...Task

Document accepted and rejected connections 3. Documentation
_ __
Bolting Task Doc. Task - Proper bolts selected for 0 0 the joint detail Proper b
olting procedure 0 0 selected for joint detail Connecting clements arc fabricate
d properly, including the appropriate faying surface condition 0 o and hole prep
aration, if specified, meets applicable requirements r-===~-----+--I---~------Pre
-installation verification testing conducted for fastener assemblies and method
used I-"'="'-"=-~----- . Proper storage provided for bolts, nuts, washers, and p
All NDT performed shall be documented. For shop fabrication, the NOT report shal
l identify the tested weld by piece mark and location 111 the piece. For field w
ork, til:,' NOT feparl shall identify the tested weld by location in the structu
re, piece mark, and location in the piece.
B-2.S.3 Inspection of Bolling
Observation of bolting operations shall be the prima;,y method used to confirm t
hat the procedures, m<iteriais, and workmanship incorporated in construction are
those th;ii have becn specificd and approved for thc project. As ,; minimum, th
e tasks shall be as follows:
B-2.S.4 Other Inspections
Where applicable, perfonl1cd: the following inspection shall
...._ .. ----- ----1-------1
0 0
/--;;-;-_-,--_ _~---+-T'c!a~s"-k+",D:<:>o,:cc'__ 1_'as~k

Reduce beam section

Other Inspection Task
.. _~)~er ras~~!2.~~",~!.l~I?Q~CI1[~~ ~~ ___.____ .. __
(RI3S) requirements, if _"JljJlicabJc .. .-- - ..
- contour and finish
- dimensional tolerances Protccted zone-no holcs--'--'-- .-.-... ~.---- .~----..
------~+'"---------i and unapproved attachments made by contractor ...---.... ----.---~.---.--~-.---.
l _
---- ------_.- ---- ,,----- ---Association of Structural Engineers of tile Philippines


PARAMETERS " . .' . . .... . .
fl3 .l Scope This apPl'.ndix contains des ign cocmcicnts, sys tem lim itat ions a
nd design panl mcl Crs for seismic load resisting systems (SL .RS) that ,Ire inc
llJdcd ill th ese Provisions but
yet defi ned in thi s code for bllCk!illg ~ rcstraincd braced
frames (BRBF) and special pl ate shea r walls (S PSW). The
values prcsclHcd in Tables B-3-1 and 13-3-2 in this appendi x shall only be used
where neither Ihe NSCP code nor
SEIIASCE 7 contain such va lues.
User Nciie:The design. co'dficicnts' :and . parameters prcse\l~1f:$\~' aOPf~<!i~
,,~~~ ,fron'.tl,l2l1Q~ NE.ffRP Rec8,mmei)P.e4 .PIPX~s[~qsJarSeistl.iic Rejiulati
Ons for New Buildings and < Oilier Stiii,ctures, ]l1is appcnaix will be
codes .acld the. BRBl'illldSPSW tatli~irlis,t of acCcpmhlc strnctlihil$ys!\irnfJ
tis ;~i*i~. tii~i.}lI.li il~te6 wlll be in,!lI.deil ill an .pperl$$"'~ ' SE,i!.;:)
\S~ .' ?;,'W!\l~~ ' is cxpectl:lhob<i'pi1bli~h~jn i)iidt6 i~te 'Z<X)5\": ':'::"
Yo', :, ,:'
B-3,2 Symbols
The fOl/owing symbols arc lIsed in thi s appendix.
deJeted ,fro!U Ulcs~Jm1visigl1,~ ,9~cc . S..EIi'.1S91}
7 an~ : Ulis
!l" R
Deflecti on amplifi cation fac tor Paramelers used for determining approximate f
undament al period Syslem ovcrstrcngth factor
R es ponse mod ificatio n coeffi cient
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6" Edition Volume 1

!;- i 88
CHAP TER 5 - Steel and Metals
Basic Seismi c Load Resisting Sys tem
Response Modification Coefficient
System Ovcrslrcngth Factor
Deflecti on Amplification Factor Cd
(Zone 2)
(Zone 4)
(Zone 4)
Bucking- Restrained Braced Frames, nOIl Design Coefficients and Factors for basic Seismic Load Resi sting Systems From (
Associ ation of Stru ctural En 9ine8fS of t!18 Philippines


B-4.1 Scope
This appendix includes requirements for qualifying cyclic tests of bcam-to-colum
n moment connections in special and intermediate moment frames and link-la-colum
n connections in eccentrically braced frames, when required
in these Provisions. The purpose of the testing described in
this appendix is to provide evidence that a beam-la-column connection or a linkto-column connection satisfies the requirements for strength and interstory drif
t angle or link rotation angle in these Provisions. Alternative testing requirem
ents arc permitted when approved by the cnginccrof-record and the authority havi
ng jurisdiction. This appendix provides minimum recommendations for simplified t
est conditions.
mcmbers and connection clements. For bea!lHO~colul11n moment connections in spec
ial and intermediate moment frames, inelastic rotation is computed based upon th
e assumption that inelastic action is concentrated at a single point located at
the intersection of the centerline of the beam with the centerline of the column
. For link~to-colul11n connections in eccentrically braced frames, inelastic rot
ation shall be computed based upon the assumption that inelastic action is conce
ntrated at a single point located at the intersection of the centerline of the l
ink with the face of the column. Prototype. The connections, member sizes, steel
properties, and other design, detailing, and construction fcatures to be used i
n the actual building frame. Test specimen. A portion of a frame used for labora
tory testing, intended to model the prototype. Test setup. The supporting fixtur
es, loading equipment, and lateral bracing used to support and load the test spe
cimen. Test subassemblage. The combination of the test specimen and pertinent po
rtions of the test setup. Totallink rotation angle. The relative displacement of
one end of the link with respect to the other end (measured transverse to the l
ongitudinal axis of the un deformed link), divided by the link length. The total
link rotation angle shall include both clastic and inelastic components of defo
rmation of tbe link and the members attached to the link ends.
Values of Approximate Period Parameters from (AISC)
B-4.2 Symbols
The numbers in parentheses after the definition of a symbol refers to the Sectio
n number in which the symbol is first used. () y total Interstory drift angle (S
ection 13-4.6) Total link rotation angle (Section B-4.6)
B-4.4 Test Subassemblage Requirements
The test subassemblage shall replicate as closely as is practical the conditions
that will occur in the prototype during earthquake loading. The test subassembl
age shall include the following features:
B-4.3 Def1nitions
Complete loading cycle. A cycle of rotation taken from zero force to zero force,
including one positive and one negative peak. Intcrstory drift angle. story hei
ght, radians. Interstory displacement divided by 2.
The test specimen shall consist of at least a single column with beams or links
attached to one or bon1 sides of the column. Poims of inflection in the test ass
emblage shall coincide approximately with the anticipated points of inflection i
n the Prototype under earthquake loading. Lateral bracing of the test subassembl
age is pennilted ncar load application or reaction points as needed to provide l
ateral stability of the test subassembJage. Additional latcral bracing oj' (he t
est subasscmblage is not pcrmitted. unless il replicatC's lateral bracing 10 be
used in thc prototype.

Inelastic rotation. The pcrmancnt or plastic portion or the rotation angle betwe
en a beam and the column or between a link and the column of [he lest specimen.
measured in radians. The inclastic rotation shall be computed based on an analys
is of test specimcn deformations. Sources of inelastic rotation include yielding
of members. yielding or connection elements and connectors, and slip between
B-4.S Essential Test Variables
The. test specimen shall replicate as closely as is practical the pertinent desi
gn. detailing. construction features. and

material properties of the prototype, The fol!owing variables shall be replicate

d in the test specimen.
B-4.S.1 Sources of Inelastic Rotation
Inelastic rotation shall be developed in the test specimen by inelastic action i
n the same members and connection clements as anticipated in the prototype (in o
ther words, in the beam or link, in the column panel zone, in the column outside
of the panel zone, or in connection clements) within the limits described below
. The percentage of the total inelastic rotation in the test specimen that is de
veloped in each member or connection clement shall be within 25 percent of the a
nticipated percentage of the total inelastic rotation in the prototype that is d
eveloped in the corresponding member or connection element. 2.
The yield stress shall be determined by materi~d tests OJ] the actual materials
used for the lest specimen, as specified in Section B-4.8. The use of yield stre
ss values that are reported on certified mill test reports arc not permitted to
be llsed for purposes of this Section. The yield stress of the beam shall not be
more than J.') percent below RyF)" for the grade of steel to be used for the co
rresponding clements of the prototype. Columns and connection elements with a te
sted yield stress shall not be more than 15 percent above or below R.J~~\" for t
he grade of steel to be used for the corresponding clements of the prototype. R.
J'y shall be determined in accordance with Section 519.2.
Jl-4.5.6 Welds
Welds on the test specimen shall satisfy the following requirements: I. Welding
shall be performed in strict conformance with Welding Procedure Specifications (
WPS) as required in AWS D 1.1. The WPS essential variables shall meet the requir
ements in AWS D1.l and shall be within the parameters established by the fillermetal manufacturer. The tensile strength of the welds llsed in the tested assemb
ly and the Charpy V-Notch (CVN) toughness used in the tested assembly shall be d
etermined by material tests as specified in Section B-4.8.3. The use of tensile
strength and CVN toughness values that arc reported on the manufacturer's typica
l certificate of conformance is not permitted to be used for purposes of this se
ction, unless the report includes results specific to Section B-7 requirements.
The specified minimum tensile strength of the filler metal llsed for the test sp
ecimen shall be the same as that to be used for the corresponding prototype \vel
ds. The tested tensile strength of the test specimen weld shall not be more than
125 MPa above the tensile strength classification of the filler metal specifica
tion specified for the prototype. The specified minimum CVN toughness of the fil
ler metal used for the test specimen shall not exceed the specified minimum CVN
toughness of the filler metal to be used for the corresponding prototype weJds.
The tested CVN toughness of the test specimen weld shall not be more than 50 per
cent, nor 34 kJ, whichever is greater, above the minimum CVN toughness that will
be specified for the prototype. The welding positions llsed to make the welds o
n the test specimen shall be the same as those to be used for the prototype weld
s. Details of weld backing, weld tabs, access holes, and similar items llsed for
the test specimen welds shall be the same as those to be used for the correspon
ding prototype welds. Weld backing and weld tabs shall not
3-4.5.2 Size of Members
The size of the beam or link used in the test specimen shall be within the follo
wing limits: 1. 2. The depth of the test beam or link shall be no less than 90 p
ercent of the depth of the prototype beam or link. The weight per foot of the te
st beam or link shall be no less than 75 percent of the weight per foot of the p
rototype beam or link,
The size of the column llsed in the test specimen shall properly represent the i
nelastic action in the column, as per the requirements in Section B-4,5.1. In ad

dition, the depth of the test column shall be no less than 90 percent of the dep
th of the prototype column. Extrapolation beyond the limitations stated in this
Section shall be permitted subject to qualified peer review and approval by the
authority having jurisdiction. 2.
Jl-4.5.3 Connection Details
The connection details used in the test specimen shall represent the prototype c
onnection details as closely as possible. The connection clements used in the te
st specimen shall be a full-scale representation of the connection elemellls use
d in the prototype, for the member sizes being tested.
3-4.5.4 Continuity Plates
The size and connection details of continuity plates used in the test specimen s
hall be proportioned to match the size and connection details of continuity plat
es used in the prototype connection as closely as possible.
3-4.5.5 Material Strength
The following additional requirements shall be satisfied for each member or conn
ection element of the test specimen that supplies inelastic rotation by yielding
: 5.
/I,ssociation of Structural Engineers of the Pililippines

Steel and Metal
be removed from the tes t specimen welds unless the correspondi ng wel d back-in
g and weld tabs arc remo ved from the prototype welds, 6. Methods of inspection
and nondestructive testi ng and standards of accept ance used fo r test spec ime
n welds sha ll be the same as those to be used for the prototype
sha ll be conducted by controlli ng the interstory drift angle, 0, imposed on th
e test specimen, as specified below:
6 cycles at
e= 0.00375 rad
6 cycles at 0 = 0.005 md 6 cydes at 0 =0.0075 rad
4 cycles at 0 = 0.01 rad
we lds.
B-4.S.7 Bolts
T he boiled po rt ions of the test speci men shall rep licate the bolted porlion
s of the prototype conncction as closely as possible. Add itionally, bolted port
ions of the lest spec imen shal l satisfy the fo ll owing req ui rement s: 1. T
he boll grade (for exa mple, ASTM A325, A325M, AST M A490, A490M. AS TM F1852) u
sed in the test specimen shall be the same as that to be used for the prototype,
except that ASTM A325 bolts may be substituted for ASTM F 1852 ho lts, and vice
vcrsa. T he type and orien tation o f boll holes (standard , overs ize, shOll s
lot, long s lot, or other) used in the test specimen shall be the same as th ose
to be lI sed for the correspondi ng bolt holes in the prototype. W hcn inelasti
c rotation is to be developed either by yielding or by sli p within a bolted por
tion of the conncction, the met hod used to make the bolt hole s (d rill ing, su
b-punching and reaming, or other) in the test spec ime n shall be the sallle as
that to be lIsed in fh e correspondi ng bolt holes i n the prototype.
2 cycles at 0 = 0.Ol 5 rad 2 cycles at 0 = 0.02 rae!
2 cycles at 0 = 0.03 rad 2 cycles at 0 = 0.04 rad
Continue loading at increments of 0 = 0.01 radin n, with two cycles o f loading
at each stcp.
B-4.6.3 Loading Sequence
C Ollnections

Qun li fy ing cyclic tests of link -to-co lumll mo ment connecti o ns in eccentr
ically braced frames shall be conducted by controll ing the total li nk rotation
<.I ngle, l' total , imposed on th e test specimcil, as follows:
6 cyc les at fw!al = 0.00375 rad
6 cycles at f tola l = 0.005 rad
2. 3.
6 cycles at Y,o",' = 0.0075 rad
6 cycles a t 11 0131= 0.01 rad
Bolts in the tcst spec imen sh<\l1 have the same installation (pretensiolled or
other) and faying surface preparati on (no specified slip res istance, C lass A
or 13 slip resi stance, or other) as that to be Ll sed for the corresponding bol
t s in the prototype.
5. 6.
4 cycles at Yloull = 0.0 15 rl.ld
4 cycles at flOlal = 0.02 rad 2 cycles at flot,ll = 0.03 m d
J cycle at Ylotal J cycle at
= 0.04 rad = 0.05 fad
11-4.6 Loading History 11 -4 .6.1 General Req uirements
The test specimen shal l be subjected to cyclic loads according to the require m
ents prescri bed in Secti on Section B-4.2 for beam-to-column moment connections
in special an d interm ediate moment frames, and according to th e requi rcmcI1
ls prescribed in Section Section BA.3 fo r linkto~col u l1ln con nections in ecc
elll rically braced frames. Loadi ng sequences other th an those spec ifi ed in
Sect ions Section B-4.2 and Section B-4.3 may be used when they are dc monstrate
d to be of equivalent or greater sever ity.
10. J cycle at f lOlal = 0.07 rad
II. I cycle al fto lnl = 0.09 rad
Contin ue loading at increments of YlOtal = 0.02 rad ian, with one cyc le of loa
din g at each step. B 4,7 Instrumenta tio n
Suffi cient inst ru mentation shall be prov ided on the test speci men to perm i
t measurement or calculat ion of the quantities listed in Seclion 8-4.9.

B-4.6.2 Loading Sequ ence for Moment Connecti ons

B-4.8 Materials Testing Requirements B 4.8. 1 Tension Testin g Requirements for
S tru ctural Steel
Quali fying cycl ic tests of bea l11 ~ t o - col lJ mn 1110 men t connecfions in
special and int ermediate moment frames
Tens ion testi ng siUll! be conducted on samples of sleel ta ken from the materi
a l adj at.:cnl to each test specime n. Tensio n ~
!\]ationa! Structurai Code of the Philippines
Edition Volume 1

S 192
CHAPTEn: ~i Sleet and Metals
tes ( res ults from cCI1i llcd mill tes t reports shall he reponed hut arc not p
ermitted to he used ill place of speci mcn testing. for the purposes o f this Se
ction. Tension-test results shall be based upon test ing that is conducted in ac
co rdillH':c with
A draw ing of Ihe connccti on dClail s howin g lilcmher sizes, grades of steel,
th e si"l.-cs o f all connec tion cle ments, wel di ng details including fi ller
mewl, the size and locati on of holl hol es, the size and grade of boils, and a
ll other pertinent de tails of the connection.
Section B4.8.2. Tension testing shaH be conducted and reported for th e following
portions of the test specimen:
A listing
n Section
A listing
A listing

of all othcr esse nti al va riables for thc lest specimen, as listed i
13 -4.
or plot showi ng the applied load displacement hi s1 .?ry of the test
of all dcmand critica l welds. or

Flange(s)' and web(s) of bc;.:~, s and columns at standard

Any e lcment of thc connection that supplies inclastic
rota ti on by yielding
11-4.8.2 Methods of Tension Testing for Structural Steel Tensio n testing s hall
be conducted in accordance with ASTM A6IA6M, ASTM A370. and ASTM E8, wit h the
fo llowing cxccpt ion s;
Dcfinition of the regio n of the connection that co mprises thc protected zones.
A 1'101 of the applicd load versus the di splacement of

yield Sl ress, Fl" that is repol1cd from th e tcst shall be based upon thc yi
strength definit ion in ASTM A370, using the offset mcthod at 0.002 strain,
loading ratc for the tension tcst shall replicate, as closely as practical,
loading rate to be uscd fo r th c tcs t speci men.

the tcst spcci mcn. TIle di splacement re ported in (his plot sha ll bc measured
III or near Ihe poinl of load application . 1lle locations on the tcst spccimen
where. the loads and di splace men ts werc mcasured shall be clearly indicated.
8. A plot of beam moment versus interstory drift angle for beam-to-column momen
t connccti ons; or a plot of link shcar force versus link rotation angle for lin
k-to column connections. For bcall1-(Qcolumn connections, the beam momenl and the i

nterstory drift angle shall be computed with respect to the centerlin e of the c
olumn. The interstory drift ang le and {he total inelastic rotation de veloped b
y the test specimen. The components of th e test specimen contributing to Ihc to
tai inelastic rotation due to yielding or sli p shall be identified. The portion
of the total inelastic rotation contributed by each co mponcnt of the test spec
imen shall be repolled. The method used to compute inelastic rotati ons shall be
clearl y shown.
1l-4.8.3 Weld Metal Testing Requirem ents The tensile strength of the welds used
ill the tcsted assembl y and the CV N toughness used in the tested assembl y sh
all be determined by l1latcri~1 tcsts as specifi ed in Section B-7.
The use of
H~ n s il e s1reng1 h
and r:VN IOllghn(',ss v:l liles Ihat
are reported on the manu fac turer's typical certifi cate of conform<l!lce is no
t permi tted to be used for purposes of th is sect ion, unlcss thaI rep0l1 inclu
des result s specific to Section B~ 7 rcquirements. A single lest plate may be u
sed if the WPS for the tcst specimen wclds is within plus/minus 0.8 kJ/mlll of t
he WPS for the test plate. Tensile specimens and CVN specimens shall be prepared
in accordance with ANSIIAWS B4.0 Standard Methods for Mechanical Testing of Wel
B4.9 Test Reporting Requirements For ei.lch lest spec imen, a written test report
meeti ng Ihe requirc mcnts of the authoJit y havi ng jurisdicti on and the requ
irements of th is Scction shall be prepared. Thc repoll shall thoroughly documen
t al l key features and resul ts of tile tes t. The report shall include the fol
lowing in formati on:
10. A chronological listing of significall t test observations, including observ
ations of yielding, slip, in stability, and fracture of any porti on of the tes
t specimen as applicable. II. The controlling failure mode for the test specimen
. If the test is terminated prior to failure, thc reason for terminating the tes
t shall be clearly indicated.
12. The results of the materi al tests specified in Scction B4.8.
T he Welding Procedure Spccilic"Hi olls (W PS) and welding inspection repolls.
Additional drawings . data, and disclission of the test specim en or tes t resul
ts are permitted to be included in the repo rt.
A drawing or clcar description of thc test subasscmblagc, including key dim ensi
ons, boundary conditi ons at loading and reaction points, and location of-latera
l braces.
Association of Structura l Engineers of the Philippines

CHAP1Tfi 5
Steei8nd M(:)!.;]I
Accephtncc Criteria
The test specimen must satisfy the strength and interstory (li"ift angle or link
rotation angle requirements of these Provisions for the special momcnt frame, i
ntenncdj,ile momcnt frame, or eccentrically braced frame connection, as applicab
le. The test specimen must sustain the required interstory drift angle or link r
otation angle for at least one complete loading cycle.
B-S.l Scope
This appcndix includes requirements for qualifying cyclic tests of individual bu
ckling-restrained braces and bucklingrestrained brace subassemblages, when requi
red in these provisions. The purpose of the testing of individual braces is to p
rovide evidence that a buckling-restrained brace satisfies the requirements for
strength and inelastic deformation by these provisions; it also pcrmits the dete
rmination of maximum brace forces for design of adjoining elements. The purpose
of testing of the brace subasscmblage is to provide evidence that the brace-desi
gn can satisfactorily accommodate the deformation and rotational demands associa
ted with the design. Further, the subasscmbJagc test is intended to demonstrate
that the hysteretic behavior of the brace in the subassembJagc is consistcnt wit
h that of the individual brace elements testcd uniaxially. Alternative testing r
equirements arc permitted when approved by the engineer-of-record and the author
ity having jurisdiction. This appendix provides onJy minimum recommendations for
simplified test conditions.
B-S.2 Symbols
The numbers in parentheses after the definition
n number in which the symbol is first used. ,db
1trol loading of the test specimen (total brace
ge test spccimcn; total brace axial deformation
ction -5.6).

of a symbol refers to the Sectio

Deformation quantity used to cOl
end rotation for the subassembla
for the brace test specimen) (Se

Value of deformation quantity, 6b, corresponding
to the design story drift (Section -5.6).
Value of deformation quantity, db, at significant yield of test specimen (Sectio
n -5.6).
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6'" Edition Volume 1

B-S.3 Definitions BRACE TEST SPECIMEN. A single buckling-restrained
brace clemen! llsed for laboratory testing intended to model the brace jn the Pr
The calculatcd margins of safety for the prototype conncction design, steel core
projection stability, overall buckling and other relevant subasscmb!agc test si
)cciJ}1en brace construction details, excluding the gusset plate, for the protot
ype, shall equal or exceed those of the subasscmblage test specimen construction
. Latera! bracing of the subassemblage test specimen shall replicate the lateral
bracing in the prototype. The brace {Cst specimen and the prototype shan be man
ufactured in accordance with the same quality control and assurance processes an
d procedures.
DESIGN METHODOLOGY. A set or step-by-step
procedures, based on calculation or experiment, used to
determine siles, lengths, and details in the design of buckling-restrained brace
s and their connections.
INELASTIC DEFORMATION. The permanent nr plastic portion of the axial displ<.lccm
cnt in a buckling-restrained brace. PROTOTYPE. The brace. connections. members,
propcl1ics, and other design, detailing, and construction features to be used in
lhe actual building frame.
Extrapolation beyond the limitations stated ill this section shall be permitted
subject to qualified peer review and approval by thc authority having jurisdicti
SUBASSEMBLAGE TEST SPECIMEN. The combination of the brace, the connections and [
esling apparatus that replicate as dosely as practical the axial and flexural de
formations of the brace in the prototype. TEST SPECIMEN. Brace test specimen or
subassembJage test specimen. Subassemblage Test Specimen The subassembJage test
specimen shaH satisfy the following requirements:
1. The mechanism for accommodating inelastic rotation in the subassemblagc test
specimen brace shall be the same as that of the prototype. The rotational
Brace Test Specimen The bracc test specimen shall replicate as closely as is pra
ctical the peninelH design, detailing, construction features, and material prope
rties of the prototype.
B-S.S.l Design of Brace Test Specimen The sallle documented design methodology s
hall be used for the brace (cst specimen and the prototype. The dcsirr: calculat
ions shall demonstrate, at a minimum, the followin;: req ui rcments:
The calculated margin of safety for stability again::: overall buckling for the
prototype shall equal or exceed that of the brace test specimen. The calculated
margins of safety for the brace test specimen and the prototype shall account fo
r differences in material propeI1ies, including yield ;m' i ultimate stress, ult
imate elongation, and toughness.

deformation demands on the subassembJage test specimen brace shaH be equal to or
greater than those of the prototype.
Manufacture of Brace Test Specimen
The axial yield strength of the steel core, Pl'sn of the brace in the subassembl
age test specimen sh'all not be less than that of the prototype where both stren
gths are based on the core area, Asp multiplied by the yield strength as determi
ned from a coupon test. The cross~sectional shape and orient<ltion of the steel
core projection of the sllbasscmblage test specimen brace shall be the same as t
hat of the brace in the prototype. The same documented design methodology shall
be used for design of the subassemblage as used for the prototype, to allow comp
arison of the rotational deformation demands on the subassemblage brace to the p
rototype. In stability calculations, beams, columns, and gussets connecting the
core shall be considered parts of this system.
The brace test specimen and the prototype shall be manufactured in accordance wi
th the same quality contn:) and assurance processes and procedures.
B~S.S.3 Similarity of Brace Test Specimen and Prototype
The brace test requircmcnts:
The cross-sectional shape and orientation of the steel core shall be the sanie a
s thaI orthe prototype.
The axial yield strength of the steel core, 1\,(,> o( braee test specimen shal!
not vary by !llor~ {h~" percent from that of the prototype where both strenglils
arc based on the core area, A.ln multiplied by tbe yield strength as determined
from a coupon test.
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

The material 1'01', and mcthod of. separation between the stec/ core ill1d the.
buckling restrainin g mechanism in the brace test Spct..:lll1cn shall be thc sa
me as tha t in I he prototype.
be applied and maintained as the protocol is folloWL!d for axial deformation.
Ex trapolation beyond th e limitations staled in th is section be pcnnittcd subj
ect to qualifi ed peer review and Clpproval by the authori ty havingjurisdictiol
l .
.~ha ll
US.S.4 Conned ion Details The connection detail s lIsed in the bmcc Icst specimcn
sha ll represent the prototype connection details ns closciy as pmcl iea l. US.5
.5 Materials
B-S.(. 3 Loading SC(llICIl('(' Loads shall be applied to the test speci men 10 pr
odu(;c the following deformations, where the deformation is Ih l~ steel core. ax
ial deformation for the {cst specimen ilnd the rOlational deformation dema nd fo
r the subassclllblagc test specimcn brace:
2 cydes of loading at the ucformation correspondi ng to lib = IIby
2 cycles or IOilding = 0.50<111111
the deformation corres ponding 10
Steel core: The following requireme nts shall be sat isfied for the stee! core o
f the brace test specimen:
The specified minimum yield st ress of the brace lest specimcn steel (;orc shall
be the senne as th aI or the
2 cycles of loading at the deformation corresponding to lib = 11111111
2 cycles of loading .db = 1.5.dbm
th e deforma tion corresponding
prototype. b.
The measured yield stress of the material of thc steel core in the brace lest sp
ec imen shall be at least 90 percent of that of the prototype as det ermined fro

m coupon tests.
2 cycles of loadi ng at the dcrOrinaliol1 correspondi ng to .db = 2.0.dbm
The specified minimulII ultimate stress and strain or the brace test specimen st
ee) core sha ll not exceed those of Ihe protolype. Buckling-res training mechani
sm Materials used in the buckling-restraining mechanism
of the brace test spec imen shall be th e same as those
Additional complete cycles of loading Ut the deformation cOITespondillg 10 db:::
:: 1.5/.Jbm as required for th e brace test speci men 10 achieve a cumu lative i
nelastic axial deformation of (\( !east 200 times the yield deformation (not req
uired ror the subasscmblage lest spec imen ).
used in the prototype.
The design story drin shall no t be ta ken as less th an 0.0 1 times the story h
eight ror th e purposes or calculating /.fbI/I. Other loading sequences are perm
itted to be used to qualify the tcst specimen when th ey are demonstrated to be
or equa l or grea ter severity in terms of' maxi muIll and cUlllulat ive inelast
ic deformation. Il-S.7 Instrumentation Sufficient instnlmentati on shall be prov
ided on the test specimen to permit measurement or calculation of the quantities
listed in Section I3~5.9.
115.5.6 Connections
The welded, bolted, and pinned joints on the tcst speci men shall replicate {hos
e 011 the prolOlype as c10sc as practi cal.
115.6 Loading History
B-S.6.1 General Require ments The test specimen shall be subjected to cyc lic lo
ads accord ing to the req uire ments presc ri bcd in Secti ons D5.6.2 and 8-5.6.
3. Addit ional increments or loading beyond th ose desc ribed in Section 13-56.3
arc pennillcd. Each cycle shall include a full tensi on and full compression ex
cursion 10 th e prescribed deformation.
D-S.S Materials Testing Requirements 85.8.1 Tension Testin g Requirements
Tens ion testing shall be cond ucted on samples of steel taken rrom the same mat
erial as that lIsed to manuraclure the steel core. Tension test results from cen
ified mill test repo rt s shall be reported but arc not permitted to be used in
place oj' specimen testing for the purposes of this Section. TCIl Sio lltest res
ul ts shall be based upon testing that is conducted in accordance with Section B
IlS.6.2 Test Control
The test shall be condu cted by cont rolling the level or axiCli or rotati onal
deformation, LIb, imposed on Ihe lest speci men. As an alternate, th e maximum r
otational deformati on may
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6
Edition Volume 1

~) 19G
CHAP1TFl5 Stet;i ancJ Met als
Bs.8.2 Methods of Tension Testing
Tension iCsting shall be C(lIH .lucted ill accordance wilh ASTM A6, ASTM A37(),
and ASTM EH, with th e lollnwing exceptions:
Add itional drawings, data, and discussio n or the test speci men or test result
s arc pcrmillcd (0 be inclu(k~d in the rcpol1.
The yield st ress Ihm is reponed from the test shall he based upon the yield str
e ngth definition in ASTM A370, lIsing th e olTset method of 0.002 strain. The J
oadiq; !atc for the (cl)sion lest shall repliciUc, as closcly as is practical, th
e IO}lding ratc L1sed for the test specimen. The coupon shall be machined so th
ai its longitudinal axis is parallel to the longitlldinal axis of the stcel core
BS. I ()
At Icast olle subassem blagc test til al sati sfies th e requi re ments 0(" Sect
ion 85.4 shall be performed. At least one brace lest that satisfies the requireme
nts of Section B 4.5 shall be performcd. Within the requ ired protocol ran ge all
tcsts shall satisfy the following requirem ents:'
" The plot showing the applied load vs. displ llccmcllt history shall exh ibi t
stable. repe<ltable beha vior with positive illcrementa! stiffness.
H-S.9 Test Reporting Requirements For each tcst specimen, a written test rcp0l1
mce.ting th e requ irements of thi s Section shall be prepared. The rcpol1 shall
thorough Iy docu melll all key fea lUres and resul ts of the test. The repO[1 s
hall include the following information:
There shall be no fracture. brace in ~tabil i ty or brace end connection failure
For brace tests, each cycle to a deform ation greatcr than !.1by the maximum ten
sion and compression fortes shall not be less than the n omi n ~1 stre ngth of t
he core.
F~'o r brace tests, each cycle to a deformation greater than /.Jby the ratio of
the maxim um com press ion force to the
A drawing or clear descriptioll of' the lest speci mell , including key di mensi
ons, bou nd ary cond itions al loadin g and reactioll points, and location of la
teral bracing, if any. A drawing of the connection delHi ls showing member sizes

, grades of steel. th e sizes of all con necti on clements, weldin g details inc
luding tiller metal, the size and location of bolt or pin holes. the size and gr
ade of co nnectors, and all other peninent details of the connections. A listin
g of all other essential varinbles as listed in Section B-5.4 or 3-5,5, as appro
A listing or plot showing the applied load or displacement hi slory.
maximum tension force shall not exceed 1.3. Other acceptance criteria may be ado
pted for the brace test speci men or subasse mbl age test specimen subject to qu
alified peer reyiew and appro val by the authority hav ing
A plot of the appli ed load versus the deform ation, 6.b. The method used to del
ennine the deformations shall be clearly s hown . The locations on the lest spec
imen where the loads and deformations were measured shall
be clearly identifi ed,
A chronological listing of sign ificant test observations, including observation
s of yielding, slip, instability, transverse displacement along the tesl specime
n and fraclure of any portion of the test specimen and co nnecti ons, as app lic
able. The results of th e material tests specified in Section U5,8, The manufact
uring qu ality control and quality ass uran ce plans used for the fabricati on o
f tbe lest specimen. These shall be included with the welding procedure specific
ations and welding inspection reports,
7. 8.
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

B-6.2.3 Erection Dnlwings

Ercc!ioll drawings shall inclu de .
a minimum. the
B-6.1 Scope
This ap pe ndi x provides addi tiona l d ew il s regardi ng we ld ing
foll owing in formation: I.
Locati ons where backing bar.-; to be removed Loca!ions where su pplemental lWet
s arc required when
backing is penn ilied to remain
and welding inspection, and is included on an interim basis pendin g adoption of
such critcriu by A WS or ot her
acc redi ted org.\I\iZell ioll . Structural Design Drawings .wd Speciflcatiuns,
Shop 'D rawings, and Erection Drawings /16.2. 1 Structural Specifications
Loca ti ons where weld hlbs are to be rem oved Those joints or groups of joints
in whi ch ;" sl.'.cdfic asse mbl y order, welding sequ ence. welding tech niqu e
or other special precau tions arc re4ui rcd
Stru ctunll design dra wings <lnd specificat ions sh;:11 1 include, tiS a minimu
m, the followi ng inrormati on:
B6.3 Personnel
B-6.3.1 QC Welding Inspectors QC weld ing inspection personnel shall be associat
e welding ins peclOfs (A WI) or high cr; ~ as defined ill A WS 85.1 Standard fo
r thc Qualificati on of Welding Inspectors, or ot herwise qua lified undcr the p
rovisions of A WS 01. 1 Secti on 6. i.4 and to tile satisfaction of the con trac
tor's QC plan by the fabricator/erector. B-6.3.2 QA Welding Insp ecto rs
QA welding inspectors shall be welding inspcc tors (WI), or senior we lding insp
ectors (SW I). as de li ned in A WS B5.1,
Location s where backup bars arc req uired removed
2. 3.
Locations where supplemental fill ct weld s arc req uired whe n backing is pCfm
ill cd 10 remai n Loca tion s where fillet wel ds arc used

reinfo rce
groove welds or 10 improve con necti on geometry Loca tion s where wel d ta bs a
re required to be rem oved
Spl ice locations where ta pered tran sitions are req uired
ti~!~m!t:D1~o2i~~~~~;!tf~~s:t:;iffff.~ ii~'~tr;o~
peC~iit ohii'e' ~itPi!i;\\!d 'y;,iM " tte"ngih
Usr Ni1tC':Butt spIi~ SUbjeCt tp [eliSion greatenh"" 33
iinder ' anY ':ldad
except AWls may be used under thc direct supervision of WIs, 0 11 si te and avai
lable when weld inspection is being co nducted.
cofur.d>pld cause\~ yi&\ding~heilllie tehSlle. siYess excee;i~ :)3p.,tcentoYYiddI
.6wet levels of ~tfess would be accepta~Ic w'i"ih the ~StiiSs concentration from
a non tapered
sha l ~
B6.3.3 Nondestructive Testing Technicians NDT techni cians shall bc qu alifi ed a
s follows:
I. In accordance with their employer's writte n practi ce which shal l mcet or e
xceed the critcria of the American
Society for Non destructive Testing, Inc. SNT TC-I A Recommended Practice for th
e Training and Testin g of Nondestru ctive Personnel, or of ANSIIASNT CP- 189, S
tandard for the Qualification and Certification of Nondestructi ve Testin g Pers
The shape of we ld access holes, if a special required
Joints or gro ups of joints in which a specific assembly order, welding sequence
, wclding tcch ni que or othcr special precautions are required
B-6.2.2 Shop Drawings S hop drawin gs shall incl ude, as a minimum , the foll ol
,l,.'ing informat ion:
Access hole dim ensions , surface profi le and fini sh requirements
Ul trason ic testin g for QA may be performed only by UT tcch nicians certified
as ASNT Level III through examin ati on by the ASNT, or certified as Levcl II by
their employer for flaw detection. If tile engineer-ofrecord approves the use o
f fl aw siz.i ng techni ques, UT technici ans shall also be qualifi ed and certi
fied by their em ployer for fla w sizing.

Locations where backing bars are to be removed
Locm iolls where we ld tabs arc to be removed
NOT to be pcrfotrned by the fabri cator. if any
Mag neti c p,utide tes ting (MT) and dye penetrant testing (PT) for QA Illay be
perforilled only by technicians certifi ed as Level 11 by their e mployer, or ce
rtified as AS NT Level III throu gh examination by th e ASNT and certified by th
eir employer.
u National S tructural Code of the Philippines 6 , Edition Volume 1

!j 19B
CHAPH:11 S . Steel iln<J Mal,lls
B-6.4 Nondestructive Testing Procedures U-6.4.1 Ultrasonic Testing
Ultrasonic test ing s hall he performed accordi ng 10 the procedures prescrihed
in A WS D 1.1 Sect ion 6, Pan F following a written procedure containing thc cle
III. The steel used for the qualification testing shall same type and grade as w
ill be llscd in production.
!)l'. of
prescribed in paragraph K3 of Annex K. Section 6, Part F procedures shall be qua
lified using wcld mock-ups having 1.5 mlll-diamctcr side drilled holes similar t
o Annex K, Figure K-3. .'
B-6.4.2 Maglletic Pmtiele Testing Magnetic particle testing shall be performed {l
ceording to procedLlrcs prescribed in A WS D 1.1 , following a wrillen procedure
utili zing the Yoke Method thtH conforms 10 ASTM E709.
B~6.5 Additiollal Welding Provisions
The max im ulll heal input to be used in production sha ll be used in the qunJil
icatioll tesling. The qualificd Illaximum intcrpliss temperature s hall he th e
lowe:.;t intcrpass temperature used for any pass during qualijicatioll testing.
Both weld melal and HAZ shall be tested. The weld meta! ':l1all meet all the mec
hanical properties required by Section 520.3.1, or th ose for demand cri ti cal
welds or Scction 5203.2. as appli cable. The hem "ffeeled ?olle CVN toughness sh
all mect a minimum requircment of 27 J at 2 I C with specimcns taken at both J an
d 5 mm from the. fusion line.
B6.5.5 Weld Tabs Where practicable, weld tabs shall extend beyond the edge of the
joint a minimulll of olle inch or the thi ckness of the par!, ~hichever is grea
ter. ExtensiDns need not exceed SO
B-6.S.1 Inlermixed Filler Mettlls
When rCA W-S filler metlll s arc used in cOlllbin,lIion wil h filler metals of o
ther processes, including rCAW G, a test spccimen shall bc prepared and mechanica
l testin g shall be conducted to verify that the notch toughn ess of the combine
d materials in thc intermixed region of the wcld meets thc notch tough ness requ
irc ments of Secti on 520.3.1 and, if req uired, the notch toughness rcquiremen
ts for demand critical welds of Section 520.3.2.
B-6.5.2 Filler Met,,1 Diffusible Hydrogen Wclding electrodes and cicctrode nux co
mbinati ons shall meet the requirement s for H J6 (16 mL maximum diffusible hydr
ogen per 100 grams deposited weld metal ) as tested in accordance with AWS A4. 3
Standard Methods for Determination of the Diffusible Hydrogen Content of Marten
sitic, Bainil!c, and Fcrrit;c Steel Weld Metal Produced by Arc Welding. (ExCel'l
ion: GMA W solid electrodes.) Thc manufacturer's typical certificate of conform
ance shall be considered adequatc proof that the supplied electrodc or electrode
-flux co mbination meets this requirement. No testing of filler metal samples or
of production welds shall be required. 1J-6.S.3 Gas-Shielded Welding Processes
Where used, weld labs shall be rcmoved to wi th in 3 illJll of the base metal su
rface, except at continuity plates where rcmoval to with in 6 !llmof th e plate
edge is acceptable, and thc end of the weld finished. Removal shall be by air ca
rbon arc cutting (CAe-A), grinding, chipping, or thermal culti ng. The process s

ha ll be con trolled to lIlinimiz.e errant gouging. The edges where weld tabs ha
ve been removed shall be finished to a surface roughness of 13 ~ln1 or betlcr. G
rinding to a flush condition is not required. The contour of the weld end shall
provide iI smoo th tran sition, free of notches and sharp comers. At T-joints, a
mini mum rad ius in the corner necd not be provided. The weld e nd sha ll be fr
ee of gouges and notches. Weld defects not greater than 2 nun deep shall bc fair
ed to a slope not greater than I :5. Other weld defects shall be excavated and r
epaired by welding in nccord ancc with an applicable WPS.
11-6.5.6 Bottom Flange Welding Sequence
When using weld access holes to facilitate eJP groove we lds of beam bottom flan
ges to column flanges or continuity plates, the groove wcld shall be sequenced a
s follows: . 1.
GMA Wand FCA v.,'-G shall not be performed in winds exceedi ng 5 kill/hI'. Winds
creens OJ' ot her shelters may be used to shield the we ld ing operation from ex
cess ive winci.
As far as is practicable, starts and stops shall not be placed directly under th
e beam w('.\). Each la yer shall be completed across the full width e,l'
(he llange before begi nni ng the next laycr.
B-6.S.4 Maximum Intcrpass Temperatures
Maximum inlerpass temperatures shall not exceed 290 oc. measured at a distance n
ot exceeding 75 rnm from the St31t of the weld pass. The maximuill illlcrpass te
mperature Illay be increased by qualification lc.<;ting thal includes we ld meta
l and base metal CVN testin g using AWS D 1. J Annex
For each la yer, the weld s{(trts and stops shall be nil :h!' opposite side of t
he beam web, as compared to the previous layer.
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

\!\i) iii;
B-6.6 Additional Welding Provisions for Demand Critical \"('Ids Only B-6.6.1 Wel
SMAW, C;MAW (except short circuit transfer), FCAW and SA W may be used to fabric
ate and crect members governed by this specification. Other processes may be use
d, !Jrovidcd that onc or Jllore of tile fo!lowing criteria is me!: I.
This appendix provides a procedure for qualifying the weld metal toughness and i
s included Oil an interim basis pending adoption of s!Jch a procedure by the Ame
rican Welding Society (AWS) or other accredited organization.
B-?.! Scope
The process is part of the prequalified conllection details, Wi listed in Sectio
n B-!,
The process was used to perform a connection qualification test in accordance wi
th Section B-4, or The process is approved by the engineer-of-record.
2. 3.
B-6.6.2 Filler Metal Packaging Electrodes shall be provided ill packaging Ihal l
imits the ability of the electrode to absorb moisture. Electrode from packaging
that has been pUllctured or torn shall be dried in accordance with the manufactu
rer's recommendations, or shall not be used for demand critical welds.
Modification or lubricatio/l of' the electrode after manufaclUre is prohibited,
except that drying is permitted as recommended by the manufacturer.
This appendix provides a standard method for qualillcation testing of weld Illle
r metals required to have specified notch toughness for service in joints design
ated as demand critical. Testing of weld metal to be used in production shall be
performed by filler metal manufacturer's production lot, as defined 1Il AWS AS.
O I, Filler Metal Procurement Guidelines, as follows:
2. 3.
Class C3 for SMA W electrodes,
Ciass S2 for GMA W -S and SA W electrodes, Class T4 for FCAW and GMAW-C, or
B-6.6.3 Exposqre I....imitations on FCA \V Electrodes After removal from protcct
ive packaging, the perJnissible atmospheric exposure time of FCA W electrodes sh
all be limited as follows:
Class F2 for SA W fluxes.
Exposure shall not exceed the electrode manufacturer's guidelines.
In the absence of manufacturer's recommendations, the total accumulated exposure
time for PCA '0/ electrodes shall not exceed 72 hours. When the electrodes are
not in usc, they may be stored in protective packaging or a cabinet. Storage tim
e shall not be included in the accumulated exposure time. Electrodes that have b
een exposed to the atmosphere for periods exceeding the above time limits shall
be dried in accordance with the electrode anufaclurer's recommendations, or shal

l not be used for demand critical welds. The electrode manufacturer's recommenda
tions shall include time. temperature, and number or drying cycles permitted.
Filler metals produced by manufacturers audited and approved by one or more of t
he following agencies shall be exempt from these production lot testing requirem
ents, provided a minimum of 3 production lots of material, as defined above, are
tested in accordance with the provisions of this appendix: J.
2. 3.
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS),
L10yds Register of Shipping,
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (AS ME),
ISO 9000,
US Department of Defense, or A quality assurance program acceptable to the engi
B6.6.4 Tack Welds
Tack welds attaching backing bars and weld tabs shall be placed where they will
be :ncorporated into a final weld.
Under this exemption from production lot testing, the filler metal manufacturer
shall repeat the (esting prescribed in this appendix at least every three years
on a random production lot.
National Structural Code of tile Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

(l7.2 Test Conditions

Test s shall be conduclCd <It the ran ge of heal inputs for
whi ch th e weld liller met al will be qualified under the weldin g pfOt:cdurc s
pecification (WPS). It is recommend ed that test s be co ndu cted at the low hea
l input level and high heat input level indicated in Table 0 7.2 /'
assembly has rcm .: hcd the inlcrpass temper.H ure prescribed in Table 13 -7.21. The inlcrpa ss temperature shall be maimaincd for the rema inder of the weld.
Should il be !letcss.lr)' 10 in terrupt weld in g, the asse mbl y sh,11J be all
o wcd (0 cool in air. The assc mbl y sha ll then he heated 10 th e prescribed in
terp;!ss temperature befo re welding is resumed.
No thermal treatm eIH or weldment or test :-.pecimcns is permitted, except that
rnach!lled tensile test SpC(;!lllenS may be aged at 200 F (93C) io 220 F (104C) I,),
. lip to' 4 8 hours, then cooled 10 room temperature before testin g.
Heat Input
Low heat
30 klIin.
( 1.2kJ/mm)
input test
High heal input les t
80 kJlin. 1.2kJ/mm)
AhermHivcl y. Ihe filler melal manufacture r or contractor may ci cc I to test 1
1 wider or narrower ran ge of heat input s
and interpass temperatures. The range
tested shall be clearly stated on the
less of the method of selecting tes t
ractor, sIJall fall within the ran ge

of heat inputs and interpass temperatures

test report s and user data sheets. Regard
heat input, the WI'S, as used by th e cont
of heat inputs an d interpass temperatures

B-7.4 Acceptance Criteria The lowest and hi ghes t Charpy V-Notch (CVN) toughnes
s values obtained from the five specimens from a single test plate shall be di s
regarded. Two of the remaining three values shall equal , or exceed, the specifi
ed toughn ess of 54 J energy le vel at the tesl ing temperature. One or Ihe thre
e ma y be lower, but not lower than 41 J, and Ihe average of the three shall not
he less than the required 54 J energy level. All tcst sam ples shall meet the J
l otch toughness requirements ror th e electrodes as prov ided in Section 520.3.
For filler metals classi fi ed as E70, materi als shall provide a minimum yield
stress of 58 ksi , a minimu m tensile st rength of 70 ksi , and a minim ulll elo
ngation of 22 percellt. For filler metals cl ass ified as E80, materi als shall
pro vide a minimum yiel d stress of 68 ks i, a minimum tensile strength of 80 ks
i, and a min imum elongation of 19 percent.
B7.3 Test Specimens
Two test plates, one for each heat input, shall be welded following Table 13-7.2
-1. Five CVN specimens and one tensile sped men shall be prepareeJ per plate. Ea
ch plate shall be steel, of any AISC-listed structural grade. Tlw test plate sha
ll be 19 mill thi ck with a 13 111m root opening and 45 included groove angle. Th
e test plate ~lId specimens shall be as shown in Figure 2A in A WS A5 .20, or as
ill Figure 5 in AWS A5.29. Except for the root pass, a minimum of two passes pe
r layer shall be used to fill th e width. All test specimens shall be taken from
near the centerline of the weld at the mi d-thickness lo cati on, in ord er to
minimi ze dilution e ffects. CVN and ten sile specimens shall be prepared in acc

ordance with AWS B4 .0, SHindard Methods fo r Mechanical Testing of Welds . The
ICst assembl y sllall be restrained durin g we ld ing, or preset at approximatel
y 5 10 prevcnt warpn ge in excc;;:) of 5. A welded Icst assembl y that has warped
more than 5 shall be di scarded. Weld ed (cst assembli es shall not be straighte
The lesl asse mbly shall be l<ick we ldeu and heated to the specified preheat te
mpcrnturc, measured by temperature indicating cra yons or sUifacc (emperature th
ermometers one inch from the ce nter of the groove al the location shown in the
figures ci ted above. Weldin g shaH co ntinue until the
j.l"ssociation of Structural Engineers of the Phili ppines

transfer load 10 an d bc tween clements of the seismic load resistin g system.

mee ting th e req uirements of Section 543. COMPOSITE SPECIAL MOMENT FRAME (C-8
MF). Composite moment frame I1lcetjng tl. 1c rcqu irements of Section 540. COMPO
SITE STEEL PLATE SHEAR WALL (CSPW). WHI! consisting of steel pl ate with reinfor
ced concrete encasement on one or both sides that provides OU Iof-plane stiffeni
ng to prCYCIH buckling of the steel plate and mee ting the requirements of Secti
on 548.
COUPLING BEAM. Structural steel or co mposite. bemll connecti ng adjacent reinfo
rced concre te wall clements so that th ey (lct together to res ist lateral load
BOUNDARY MEMB ER. Portion along wa ll and diaphragm edge strengt hened with slj"
uclural steel sections and/or longitudinal sleel reinforcement and transverse re
inforcemenr. COLLECTOR ELEM ENT. Member that serves to Inll1sfer loads between f
loor diaphrngllls :lI1d the members of the seismic load resistin g sys tem.
COMPOSITE BEAM. Structural steel bea m in contact with and actin g compositely w
ith reinforced co ncrct(~ via
bond or shear connectors.
ENCASE!) COMPOSITE IIEAM . Composite beam COMPOSITE BRA CE. Reinforced-concretecncased structural sleel section (ro lled or built-up) or concrete-filled steel
section used as a brace. COMPOSITE COLUMN. Reinforced-concrete-encased
structural s teel sec tio n (ro ll ed o r huilt -up) or co ncretc-fi ll ed comp
letely c ll c loscd in reinforced concrete.
ENCASE!) COMPOSITE COLUMN. Structural steel column (rolled or built-up) complete
ly encased in reinforced concrete. FACE IIEARING PLATES. Stiffeners a[[ached to
structural sleel beams that arc embedded in reinforced concrete wa lls or colum
ns. The plates are located at Ihe face of the reinforced concrete 10 provide con
finement and to
transfer londs to the concrete th rough direct bearing.
steel secti on used as a columll.
COMPOSITE ECCENTRICALLY BRACED FRAME (CREDF). Composite braced frame meeting the
require men ts of Section 545.
COMPOS ITE INTERM EDIATE MOMENT FRAM E Co mposite moment framc meeting the requi
rements of Scction 54 I .
FILLED COMPOSITE COLUMN. Roun,! or rectangu lar structural steel section fill ed
with concrete. FULLY COMPOSITE IIEAM. Composite beam that has a sufficient numb
er of shear conllectors to develop the nominal plastic flexural strength of the
composite secti on, INTERM EDIATE SEISMIC SYSTEMS. Sei smi c sys tems designed a
ssumin g moderate inelastic action occurs in some mem bers under the des ign ear
thquake. REINFORCEMENT. LOAD-CARRYING Reinforcemen t in composi te mcmbers desig
ned and detailed
to resist th e required !oil(b.
COMPOSITE ORDINARY BRACED FRAME (COBF). Composite braced frame meeting the requi
rements of Section 544 . . COMPOSITE ORDINAHY MOMENT FRAME (COMF). Co mposite mo
ment fra me meeting the requirements of Section 545. COMPOSITE PAHTIALLY HESTHAI
N ED MOMENT FnAME (CPRMF). Composite lllomen t frame meeting {he requ ire ments o
f Seclion 539. COMPOSITE SHEAH WALL. Reinforced conc rete wall that has uncilcas
ed or rcinforced ~co ncrete,cncased structural steel sections as boundary member
s. COMPOSITE SLAB. Concrete slab suppOIted on and bonded to a formed steel deck
Ihat acls as a diaphragm to

). Co mposite shear walls meeting the requirem ents of Section 546.
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1


de_signed assllming limited inelastic action occurs in some
members under the design earthquake.
These Provisions shall govern the design, fabrication, and erection of composit9
structural steel and reinforced concrete members and connections in the seismic
load resisting systems (Sl.. .RS) in buildings and other structures, where othe
r structures are defined as those designed, fabricated, and erected jn a manner
similar to buildings, with buJjding~like vertical and lateral load-resisting sys
tems. These provisions shall apply when the seismic response modification coeffi
cient, R, (as specified in the NSCP code) is taken greater than 3. When the seis
mic response modification coefficient, R, i: taken as 3 or less, the structure is
not required to satis! these provisions unless required by the NSCP codc. The re
quirements of Pall 2B modify and supplement tk' requirements of Part 2A and form
these Provisions. Thev shall be applied in conjuJ1c tion with the AISC Specific
alio;l for Structural Steel Buildings, ANSIIAISC 360, hereinaf"i" referred to as
the Specification. The applicable requiremCiii:i of the Building Code Requireme
nts for Structural Concl"u' and Commentary, ACI 318, as modified in these Provis
io'o'-; shall be used for the design of reinforced concre!. componcnts in composi
te SLRS. For seismic load resisting systems incorporating reinforce': concrete c
omponents designed according to ACI 318, (ii': requirements for load and resista
nce factor design
specified in Section 502.3 of the Specification shall be used.
composite beam with a nominal flexural strength controlled by the strength of th
e shear stud COllllectors.
CONNECTION. Plll1ially restrained (PR) C01l!Icctions as defined ill the Specific
ation that connect partially or fully composite beams to stee! columns with flex
ural resistance provided by a force couple achieved with steel reinforcement in
the slab and a steel scal angle or similar connection at the bottom flange.
Structural steel sections encased in reinforced concrete.
RESTRAINING BARS. Steel reinforcement in composite
members that is not designed 10 carry required loads, but is provided to facilit
ate the erection of other steel reinforcement and to provide anchorage for stirr
ups or tics. Generally, such reinforcement is not spliced to be continuous.

(C-SRCW). Composite shear walls meeting the requirements of Section 547. SPECIA
L SEISMIC SYSTEMS. Seismic systems designed assuming significant inelastic actio
n occurs In some members under the design earthquake. UNENCASED COMPOSITE BEAM.
Composite beam wherein the steel section is not completely enclosed in reinforce
d concrete and relies on mechanical connectors for composite action with a reinf
orced slab or slab on metal deck.
When the design is based upon elastic analysis, the stiffnl'! propeJlies of the
component members of composite systCi:" shall reflect their condition at the ons
et of signific,IL', yielding of the structure. Wherever these Provisions refer t
o the NSCP code and the"" is no local building code, the loads, load cornbina!i{
;:;. system limitations and general design requireI~ents shall i,:.; those in SE
llASCE 7. Pail 2B includes a Glossary which is specifically applic: . to this Pa
ll. The Part 2A Glossary is also applicable to j 'i":
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

Steel nn(j Ivletal
The documcnl s refercnced in Ihese provisions shilll include Ihose lislcd in P'1
!1 2A Sceli oll 5 J 5 with the follo wing mlditions: American Socicl y or Civil
Enginccn; .Standard for thc Structural Design of Composite Slabs, ASCE 3-91 Amer
ican Welding Sociely Structural Welding CodeReinforcing Steel, AWS D 1.4 -98
The required strength and olher I>J"{)visions for seismi c de sign catego ries (
SDCs) and seismic usc groups and the limitations on height and irregularity shal
l be as specificd in the NSCP code. The design story drift and story drift limit
s shall be determined as requircd jn the NSCP code.
: :.f'~~ :,:;::';ii~ ?~.: ~~~::~{:;' /f:~f~\~,~~W{~:!:.~~~,}~~~@~t~tNfH(::i{:; ~
Nolional Siruciural Code of the Philippines 6 'h Edition Volume 1

CHAPT[H 5 . Sleel and Metals
535.1 Loads and Load Combinations Where amplified seismic loads are required by
these Provisions, the horizontal portion of the e<lI1hq uake load E
(as defined in the NSCP code) shall be multiplied by the
ovcrstrcngth fac tor Do prescribed by the NSCP code. For the seismic IO<ld resis
ting system (SLRS) incorporating reinforced concrete components designed accordi
ng to ACI 318, the requirements of Section 502.3 of the Specification shall be u
536.1 Structural Steel Structural steel members and connections used in composit
e seismic load resisting systems (SLRS) shall meet the requirements of Specifica
tion Section 501.3. Structural steel used in the composite SLRS dC'~cribcd in Se
ctions 539,540, 543, 545, 547 and 548 shall also meet the requirements in Pa.1 2
A Sections 5 19 and 520. 536.2 Concrete and Steel Reinforcement Concrete and ste
el reinforcement used in composite components in composite SLRS shall meet the r
of ACI 318. Sections 21.2.4 through 21.2.8.
535.2 Nominal Strength The nominal strength of systems, members, and connections
shall be determined in accordance with the requirements of the Specification, e
xcept as modified throughout these Provisions.
Concrete and .\"led rdnjorcement used ill the composife ordillary seismic sysfem
s described ill Sections 542, 544. (lnd 546 shall meel lh e requiremen ls o[Secf
ioll 509 {llld AC/ 318. 21.
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Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippine s

St r:::cl an d Metal
~i2 0:)
537.4 .2.
2. The con trihuti on of ,the reinforcedconcrete-encased shape to the strength of
the colulllll as provided in AC I 3 18. The seismic requirement s for reinforce
d concrete columns as speci fied in the descript ion of the composi te seism ic
systems in Secti ons 539 through 548.
537.1 Scope The design of composite members in the SLRS described in
Sec tions 539 throu gh 548 shall meet the require ments of
Ihis Section and th e Jll<llcriaJ requirements of Section 536.
537.2 Composite Floor and Roof Slabs
The desi gn of composite flo or and roof slabs shall meet the requirements of AS
CE 3. Composite sla b diaphragms shall meet th e requirement s in thi s Section
537.4.1 Ordinary Seismic Syslem Requirements
The followin g requirements for encased com posi te columns are applicab le to a
ll composite systems, including ordin ary seism ic systems:
537.2.1 Load Transfer
Details shall be des igned so as 10 transfer loads between Lhe di aphragm and bo
undary members, collector clements, and clements of the hori zomai framing syste
537.2.2 Nominal Shear Strength
The nominal shear strength of composite diaphragms and concrete-filled steel dec
k diaphragms shall be taken as the nom inal shear stre ngt h of the reinforced c
onc rete above the top of th e steel deck ribs in accord ance with ACI 3 18 cxcl
u'ding Chapter 22. Alternatively, the composite diaphragm nominal shear strengt
h shall be determi ned by in-plane shear [~st s of concre te-filled di aphragm s
The available shear strength of the co lumn shall be determined in accordance wi
th Specification Section 509.2.1 .1d. The nOr'ninal shear strength of the ti e.
reinforcement shall be determined in accordance with ACI 3 18 Secti ons 11.5 .6.
2 through In ACI 318 Sections and 11.5 .6.9, the dimension bw
shall equal the width of the conc rete cross -section minus the width of the sl
Il1ctura l shape measured perpendicular to the directi on of shear. Composite co
lum n!; designed to share the appli ed load s between the stl11c tural steel sec
tion and the reinforced co ncrete encascmem shall have shear connectors th at me
et the requirements of Specification Section 509.2.1. TIle maxi mum spaci ng of
transverse tics shall meet the requirements of Specificat ion Sect ion 509.2.1.
537.3 Composite Beams
Com posite beams shall meet the require ment s o f Section 509 . Composite beams
Ihat are part of compos ite-special moment frames (C-S MF) shall also mect the

requirement s of Sec tion 540.3.

537.4 Encased Composite Columns
Thi s sectio n is appli cable to columns th at 1. consi st of reinforccd-concrct
e encased shapes with a struclural steel area lhal comprises at least J percent
of the total composite column cross section; and meet the additional li mit ati
ons of Speci ficati o n Section 509.2. J. Such co lumns shat! meet the requi rem
ents of Specification Section 509 , except as modifi ed in thi s Sec ti on. Addi
ti ona l require me nts, as speci fied for intermediate an d specia l seismi c s
ys tems ill Sections 537.4.2 and 537.4 .3shall apply as required in th e descrip
tions of the com pos ite seismi c sys te ms in Sections 539 through 548.
Transverse ti es shall be located vertically within one-haif of the lie spac ing
abo ve the top of the footin g or lowest beam or slab in an y story and shall b
e spaced as provided herein within one-half of the tic spacin g below the lowest
beam or slab framin g into the column .
Transverse bars shall have a diameter th at is not less than
one-fiftieth of the greatest side dimension of the composite member, except that
lics shall not bc smaller than Diam 10Illm bars and need not be larger than Dia
m 16 mm bars. Alternatively, welded wire fabtic of equiva lent area is permitted
as trans verse re inforcemen t except when prohibited for intermediate and spec
ial seismic systems . 4.
Colum ns that co nsi st of reinforced-concrete-en cased shapes
Load-ccHTying rein fo rcement shall meet th e detai ling and spli ce requiremcil
ts of ACI 318 Sections 7.8.1 and 12.17. Load-carryin g reinforcement shilll be p
rovided at e very corn e r of (I rectangular cross-secti on. The maximum spacing
o f other load carryin g or resu:ai ning longitudinal reinforcement shall be on
e- half of the least side dimensio ns of the compos ite member.
Splices an d end bearing details for e ncased com posite co lumns in ordill ary
seismic systems shall meet th e requirements of the Speciiicatio n and ACI 3 }8
shall meet the requirements for re inforced concre te COIUIllIIS 0(' ACI 31 8 ex
cept as modified for
I. The st ructural steel secti on shear con nectors in Section
National Stru ctural Code of the Philippines 6 '1> Edilion Volume 1

CH I\P T[j ~~)
Sloe l iJnd Metals
7.X.2. The design shall comply with ACI 318 Sections
2 J .2.6, 21.2.7 and 2 1. 10. Th e design shull <':ollsi<icr all Y
= O'(l9h,.,.s
adverse behavioral effects due to abrupt changes in either the member sti ffness
or Ihe nominal tensile strength . Such locations shull include transitions to r
ei nfon.:cd conc rete sections without embedded structural steel members, transi
tions to hare structural steel sections, and column bases.
537.4.2 Intermediate Seismic System Requirements EncHscd composite columns jn in
termediate seismic systems shall mcet the following requirements in additi on to
those of Secti on 537.4 .1: 1.
F).A ,](r' ,.. .J (1- I" I
(&J. 537 1)
cros!; ~ dcc{ional dim ensi on of the co nfined corc measured cC llt er- t o~sC
llt c r of the tic reinforcemen t, mm . :::; spacin g of transverse reinforcemen
t measured along the longitudinal axis of the structu ra l member, mill: :: spec
ified minimum yie ld stress of the structural steel core, MPa. :: c ros s~scc ti
on(l l area of the structu ral corc, JllJ1\2 :: nominal compressi ye strength o
f the composi tc column calcul.tted 'in accordance wit b the Specifi cation, N.
:: specified compressive strength of concrete, Ml-'a. :::; specified minimum yie
ld stress of the-ties, MPa .
The maxi mum spacing of trans verse bars at the top and bOllom shall be lhe Jeas
l of lhe following:
onc-half the least dim ension of the section
8 longitudinal bar diameters
24 tie bar dimneters
300 mOl

These spacings shall be mai ntained over a verti cal distance equal to the great
est of the following lengths, measured from each joint face and on both sides of
any secti on where flexural yielding is expected to occur:
Equation 537- l nccd not be sa ti sfied if the nomin al strength of the reiJlfor
ced~ c oncre te-en cas cd structural steel section alone is greater than the loa
d effect from a load combi nati on of 1.0 D + 0.51...
The max imu m spacing of tran sverse reinfo rcement along the length of the colu
mn shall be the Icsser of six' longitud inal load-carrying bar diameters or 150
When specified in Secli ons 537.4.3(4). 537.4.3 (5) or 537.4 .3 (6), the maxim u
m spacing of transverse reinforce ment shall be th e lesser of onc~follrth {he l
east member dimension or 100 mm. For thi s reinforccment, cross li es, kgs of ov
erl apping hoops, ,1IId ot her confining reinforcement shall be spaced not more
th an 350 mill on centcr in the tran sverse direction. Encased composite columns
in braced frames with nominal compressive loads (hat arc larger than 0.2 times
Pn shall have transverse reinforcement as specified in Secl ion 537.4.3 (3)(iii)
over lhe 1 0lal elcment length. This requirement need not be satisfied if the n
omi nal strength of the reinforced-concreteencased steel section alonc is grea t
er than the load effecl from a load combination of J .OD + O.SL. Composi te colu
mns suppor1ing reactions from discontinued stiff members, slIch as walls or brac
ed frames, 51Ia)) Ilave tr.ansverse reinforcement as specified in Sectio n 537.4
.3 (3)O;i) over the. full length beneath the level at which tb e discontin uit y
occurs if th e nomin al compressi ve load exceeds 0,1 times Pn . Transvcrse rei
n forcement shall extend into th e di scontinued member for at leas t the lengt
h required to develop fuJI yielding in th e reinforced-concrcte-encased shape an
d longitudinal reinforcement This requirement necd not be satisfied if the nomin
al strength of th e rejnforced-concrete encased stlUctural steel section
one-sixth the venical clear height of the column the maximum cross-secti onal di
450 mm
Tic spacing over lhe remaining column lengl h shall nOI exceed twice the spacing
defined ab ove. Welded wire fl.lbric is not permitted as trans versc reinforcem
ent in intermediate seismic systems.
537.4.3 Special Seismic System Requirements Encased composite columns in special
seismi c sys tems shalJ meet the foll owing requirements in addition to those o
f Seclions 537.4 .land 537.4.2:
I. The required axi al strength for encased composite columns li nd splice det a
i ls shallmcet (he req uirements in Part 2A Section 521.3. LOilgitudinal load -c
arrying reinforcement sllall mcet the requircments of ACI 3 18 Section 2 1.4.3.
Tra nsverse reinforcement shall be hoop reinforceme nt as defined in ACI 318 Cha
pler 21 and shall meel lhe foll owing requi rcmellls: The minimum area of ti e

reinforcement Ash shall meet lhe following :

2. 3.
Association of Stru ctu ral Engineers of th e Phili ppines

S!Cel and
k~(!lll l
alone is greater th an the load effect from a load combinat ion of I.OD + O.St.
6. a. Em:,lsed composite colullllls used in a C-SMF shall meet the following req
uirements: Transverse reinforcement shall meet the requ irements in Seetinn 537.
4.3 (3)(c) at the top and bottom of the column over the region specified in Sect
ion 537.4.2. The strong-column/wctl k-bcull1 design requirements ill Section 540
.5shal (bc stltisfied. Colulllll bases shall be detailed to sustain inelastic fl
e xur<-l l hin ging. The rcquired shear strengt h of the column shall meet the r
equirements of ACI 318 Section 2 When the column terminates on tl footi
ng or mat foundation, the transverse reinforcement tiS specified in this sectio
n shall extend into the footin g or mat at least 300 Illm. When (he column termi
nates on (t wall, the transversc rei uforccmenl shall extend into the wa ll for
a t least the length required to develop full yielding in the rei nforced-concre
te-encased shape and longitudinal reinforcement. Welded wire f'lbri c is not per
mitted as transverse reinforcement for special seismic system s.
The minimuill wall th ic kness rectangu lar HSS shall be
Im in =:
of concrclc-/i lled
(E'I. 5)7 .- 2)
for th e flat width b of each face, where b is as defined in
:!:i:'~i~:X~:i:~': .,IT;rabb:llli~C'502.4.1.
53i.S Filled Composite Columns This Section is applica ble 10 columns th at mee
t the limita ti ons of Specification Section 509.2.2. Such columns shall be desi
gned to meet the requirements of Specification Section 509, except as modified i
n thi s Section .
I. The nominal shear strength of the composite column shall be the nomin al shea
r strength of th e structural steel section alone, based on its effective shear
<lrea. The concrete shear capacity may be used in conj ullction with the shear s
trength from the steel shape provided the design includes < \11 appropriate load
transfen'ing mechanism. In addition to the requirements of Section 537.5(lj, in
the special seismic sys tems described in Sections 540, 543 and 545, the design
loads and column splices for filled composite columns shall also meet the requ
iremen ts of Part 2a Section 521. Filled composite columns used in C-SMF shall m
eet the following requirements in additi on to those of Section s 6.5(1 ) and 6.

5(2): The minimum requ ired shear strcngth of th e column shall meet the require
ments in ACI 318 Section 21.4. 5.1. The strong~co lul1ln/wea k-beam design requi
rements in Secti on 521.5 shall be mel. Column bases shall be designed to sustai
n inelast ic flex ural hin ging.
National Structural Code of the Ph il ippi nes 6'" Edition Volume 1

. St()el and Met"!:;
538.1 Scope
The nOlllin;il be,lring and shear-friction strengths shall
Iw'eJ I he. reql!i r t'! . mcnl~ of ACr 1! H Chaptcr~ 10 and
This Secti on is applicable to cOJlncI:tiolls in buildings thai utilize composit
e or dual steel and concrete systems wherein seismic load is transferred between
structural steel and reinforced concre\C components. Composite connect ions sha
ll be delliunstnlled to have strength, ductilit y :md tough ness co mparable to
lhat exhibited by simi la r structural steel or re inforced concrete conncctions
that meet the requirement s or Part 2A and ACI 318, respecti vely. Methods for
calculating the connection strength shall mee t the requircment s in this Sectio
538.2 General RC{luirclllcnts
I I. Unl ess a hi ghe r slrcngth is substantiated hy cyclic tcsling. the nominal
hearing and shea r-fricti on strengths shall he rcdtu,;ed by 25 percellt for the
compOsite seismic systems described in Secti ons 540, 543, 545. 547. and 548.
Th(> available strength or struclllral steel components in CO!!~t)osite connecti
ons shall be determined in accordance with Part 2A H nd th e Specificati on. Str
uctura l steel clements Ihat arc encased in confined reinforced concrete arc per
mitted (0 be considered to be braced agllinst () lIt ~o f~plane bucklin g. race
bearing plates co nsi sting of stiffeners between the Oanges of steel beams are
required when beams arc embedded in reinforced co ncrete columns or wall s.
The nomin al shear strength or reinforced-concreteencased steel panelzoncs in hea
m-to~column connections shall be calculated as the su m of the nominal strengths
of the struclUral steel and confined rein forced concrete shear clement s as de
termined in Part 2A Section 540.3 and ACI 3 18 Section 21.5, respectively.
COJl!leClions slwll h,l ve adequ ate def(mnalion capac it y to resist the requir
ed stren gth ilt the design slOry dri ft. Add iti onally. co nnec ti ons that ar
c n~ qlljrcd for the lateral stabi lity of' th e building under seismic loads sh
all meet Ih e requirem ents in Sections 539 through 548 based upon th e specific
system in which the connecti on is used, When th e available strength of the co
nnected members is based upon nominal material streng ths and norninal dimension
s, the determination or the available strengt h or the con nec ti on shall Clcco
unt for any effects that res ult from the increase ill th e actual nominal stren
gt h of the co nnected member.
538,3 Nomina l Strength of Connections
The nominal strength of connections jn com posite structural
systems shall be determined on the basis of rational lllodels that satisfy bo th
equi libriulll of int ernal rorces and tlw strengt h li mitation of component I
ll(l{cria ls and clements based upon poten tia) limit states. Unless the cOlllle

c ti on stren gth is determined by anal ysis and testing, the models used for an
alysis of connecti ons shall meet the requirements of Sections 538.3(1) through
538 .3(5).
Reinforcem ent shall be provided to resist all tensile forces in reinforced conc
rete components of the connectiolls. Additionally, the concrete shall be confine
d with tran sverse reinforcement. All reinforcement shall be fully de ve loped i
n tension or compression, as appropriate, beyond th e point at which it is no lo
nger required to resi st the forces. Development lengths shall be determined in
accordance with ACI 3 18 Chapter 12. Additi onally. development lengths for th e
sys tems described in Sections 540, 543, 545. 547, and 548 shall meet the requi
rements of ACI 318 Section2l.5.4. Connections shall requirements: meet the follo
wing additional
When required, force shall be transferred betwee n structural steel and reinforc
ed co ncrelc through (a) direct bearing of head ed shear studs or suitable l.l h
ern ative devices; (b)by oth er mcclwnic'll mc.U1S; (c) by shea r fri ction wi t
h th e necessa ry clamping forcc provided by reinforce ment normal to the plane
of shen r transfer ; or (d) by a combination of thest means. Any potenti.d bond
strength betwee n structural slee! and reinforced co ncrele shaH be ignored for
the purpose of the connection force transfer mechanism. The contribution or diff
erent mech ani sms can be combined onl y if the stiffness and deformation capaci
ty of the mechan isms are com patible.
When the slab transfers horizontal diaphragm forces, the slab reinforcement shal
l be designed and anchored to carry the in ~ plane tensile forces at all critica
l sections in the slab, including cOJ,1nections to collector beams, colum ns, br
aces, and w'llls. For con necti ons between st mclural steel or composite beams
and reinrorced concrete or encased composite columns, tran sverse hoop reinforce
ment ~ha ll be provided in th e connection region of the column to meet the requ
iremen ts of ACl318 Section 2 1.5, except for the followiilg modifications: b. )
Stl1lctural steel sections framing into the connections are co nsidered to prov
ide conrinemcnt over a wid lh equal to thal of facc bearing plales welded to Ihe
beams between th e flanges.
Association of Structural Enginee rs of the P!lilippin es

b.2 Lap splices are pcrmitted for pcrimctcr tics when confinement of the splicc
i:-; provided by face bearing plates or other me,lIlS thm prcvents sp<l lling of
the concrete co ver in the system:-; described ill Sections 541,542.54 1 and 54
b.3 The longitudinal bar sizes and layout in reinforced
concrete and composite columns shall be detailed to minimi ze slippage of the ba
rs through the b~am to-column connec tion due 10 high force ~rallsfcr associated
with lhe change in colll/nn 1ll01l)Cnts over the height of the connection.
539.1 Scope
This section is applicable to framcs that consist of strllc!llral stc!'1 '('plum
ns and composite beams that are connected with ol.lrlially restrained (PR) momen
l con nections Iha\ meet Ihe requirement s in Specification Section 502.3.6b(b).
Compos ite partially restrained moment frames (CPRMF) shall be designcd so that
unde r earthquakc loading yielding
occurs ill the ductile compollcllts or thc compo:-;itc PI{ bcanHowcolumn mom ent
cOJlllections, Limited yielding is permitled at other locmiolls. such as column
base connections, Connection ncxibility and composite be am action shall be acc
ounted for in dctermining the dynami c characlCrislics, strength and dfifl of Cw
539.2 Columns
Structural steel columns : .: hall mect the requirements of Section 5 J 9 and 52
1 and the specification.
539.3 Composite Beams Composite beams shall be unenc ased , full y composite <l
shall meet the requiremcnts of Speci fication Sectio n 509, For purpose of anal
ysis , the stiffness of the be am s shall be dCl cnnin ed with an effec ti ve ll
10mciH of inert ia of the
composite scction,
539.4 Moment Connections The required strength of the bcanHowcolumn PH. moment c
onnecti ons shall be determincd considering the effec ts of conncction nexibilil
y and second-order mome nts. In add ition, composite connections shall have a n
ominal strength that is a( least equ al to 50 percent of M" , wh ere M" is the n
ominal plastic flexural strength of the connec ted structural steel beam ignorin
g composite action. Connections shall meet th e requirements of Section 520 and
shall have a total interstorcy drift angle of 0,04 radians that is substantiated
by cyclic testing as described in Secti on 522.2b.
, ,','
National Siruclul'e:l l Code of U'18 Philippin es 6 Edition Volume 1

2 10
CHAP TEH 5 - Steel and Metals
540.1 S"opc This section is applicable to moment frallles lhat consist of ei the
r ciJmpositc or reinforced concrete columns und either stru cturai steel or comp
osite beams. Composite special momcnt frames (C-SMF) shall be designed assuming
that significant inelastic deformations will occur under the dcsign earthquake,
primarily in the beams. bUI with limited inelastic deformations in the column an
dio r con necti ons 540.2 Columns
Composite colullllls shall meet the requirements for special seismic sys tems of
Sections 537.4 or 537.5, as appropria te. Reinforced concrete columns shall mee
t the requirem ents of ACI 318 Chapter 21. excluding Section 21.10.
540.4 Moment Connections The required st rength of beam-to-colu mn mOlllcm conne
ctions shall be determined from Ihe shellr and flexure associated with the expec
ted fl ex ural strength, RyMn (LRFD) or R,At" 11.5 (ASD). as appropriate. of the
beams framing into the connection. The nominal strength of lhe connection shall
Illeet the requirements in Section 538. In addition, the connections shall be c
apable of sustaining a total interstory drift angle of 0.04 radian. When be ~1'.
!1 flanges are interrupted at the connec ti on, the connections shall demonstrat
e an interstory drift angle of at least 0.04 radian in cyclic tests that is sub~
talltiated by cyclic testing as described in Part 2ASecti on 540.2.(b). For co n
nections to reinforced concrete columns with a beam th at is continuous through
Ihe column so that welded joints are not required in lhe flanges and the connect
ion is not otherwise susceptible to premature fraclurcs, the inelastic rotat ion
capacity shall be demonstrated by tcsling or oth cr substantiating data. 540.5
Column-Beam Moment Ratio The design of reinforced concrete columns shall meet th
e requirements of ACI 318 Section 2 1.4.2. The column-tobeam moment ratio of com
posite columns shall meet the requirements of Part 2A Section 522.6 with the fol
lowing modifications:
Composite beams that are part of C-SMF shall also meet the following requirement
The distance from the maximum concrete compression fiber to the plastic neutral
axis shaH not exceed
(Eq.540 -1)
1+ - - 1700Fy
The available Oexural strength of the composite column shall meet the requiremen
ts of Specification Section 509 with consideration of th e required axia l slren
gth. Pre The force limit for Exception (a) i n Part 2A Section 522.6 shall be P"
< 0. 1P, . Composite columns exempted by the minimum flexural strength requireme
nt in Part 2A Section 522.6(a) shall have transverse reinforcement that meets th
e requirements in Section 537.4.3(3).

2. 3.
= di stance from the lOp of the steel beam to the lOp
of concrete, mm. = depth of the steel beam, mm. = specified minimum yield stress
of the steel
= elastic modulus of the steel beam, MP"
Beam flanges shall meet the requirem ents of Part 2A Section 540.4, except when
reinforced - concre te ~ encased compression elements have a reinforced concrete
cover of at least 50 mm and confinement is provided by hoop reinforcement in re
gion s where plastic hinges are expected to occur under seismic defonnations . H
oop reinforcement shall meet th e requirements of ACJ 3 18 Section 21.33. Neithe
r structural steel nor composite tnlsses are permitted as Oex ural members to re
sist seismic loads in C~SMF unless it is demonstrated by; testin g and analysis
that the particular system provides adequate ductility and energy dissipation ca
beam, MPa
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippin es

Steel ailel Mc!al
541.1 Scope
542.1 Scope
This Section is applicable to moment frames tl1al consist of cithcLcompositc or
reinforced concrete columlls and either
structural sleel or (:ompositc beams. Composite intermediate
monient frames (C-IMF) shall be designed assuming that inelastic deformation und
er the design earthquake will occur primarily in the beams, but with moderate in
elastic deformation in the columns and/or connections.
541.2 Columns
This Section is applicable to mOlllenl frames that consist of either composite o
r reinforced concrete columns and structural steel or composite beams. Composite
{)r<ijnary moment frames (C-OMF) shall be designed assumiilg that limited inela
stic action will occur under the design earthquake in the beams, columns andlor
542.2 Colullllls.
Composite columns shall
the requirements
intermediate seismic systems of Section 537.401' 537.5.
Reinforced concrete columns shall meet the requirements ACI 318 Section2!.12.
541.3 Beams
Structural stee! and composite beams shall
Composite columns shall meet the requirements for ordinary seismic systems in Se
ction 537.4 or 537.5, as. appropriate. Reinforced concrete columns shall meet th
e requiremcnts of ACI 318, excluding Chapter 21.
542.3 Belllns Structural steel and composite beams shall meet the requiremcnts o
f!hc Specification. 542.4 Moment Connections
meet the
requirements of the Specification.
541.4 Moment Connections Tile nominal strength of the coonections shall meet the
requirements of Section 538. The required strength of beam-lo-column connection
s shall meet one of the following requirements:
Connections shall be designed for the load combinations in accordance with Speci
fication Sections 502.3.3and 502.3.4, and the available strength of the connecti

ons shall meet the requirements in Section 520 and Section 524.2 of Part 2A.
The required strength of the connection shall be based on the forces associated
with plastic hinging of !he beams adjacent to the connection. Connections shall
meet the requirements of Section 538 and shall demonstrate a total inters tory d
rift angle of at least 0,03 radian in cyclic tests,
National Structural Code of tile Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

CH AP'/[: F{ :> Steel and Mu tals
544.1 Scope 543.1 Scope This Section is applicable to braced framcs that consist
of concentrically co nnc cted members. Minor eccentricities :.I rc permilled jf
they Hre accounted for in the design. Colunins shall be struct ural steel , com
posite stru ctural steel , or reinforced concrete. Beams and braces shall be eit
her structural steel or composite stl1l clllral steel. Composite special concent
rically braced frames ( C ~CBF) shall be designed assuming that inelastic acti o
n under the design earthquake will occur primarily throu gh tension yielding and
/or buckling of braces. This Section is appli cable 10 concentrically braced fra
me systems that consist of composite or reinforced concrete columns. structural
steel or composite beams. and structural steel or composite braces. Composite on
Jinary braced frames (C~OBF) shall be designed assuming that limited inelastic a
ction under lhe desig n cal1hquake will OCc ur in th e beams, column:;, braces,
and/or connecti ons. 544.2 Columns Encased composite columns shall meet the requ
irements for ordinary seismic systems of Sections 537.4. Filled composite column
s shall meet the rcquircmcnts of Section 537.5 for ordinary seismic systems. Rei
nforced concrete columns shall Illeet the requiremen ts of ACI 3 18 excl udin g
Chapt er 21. 544.3 Beams Structural steel and co mposite beams shall meet the re
quirements of the Speci fi cation. 544.4 Draces Stru ctural steel braces shall m
eet the requircme nts of thc Specifi cation. Composi te braces shall meet th e r
equirements for composite co/umlls of Sections 537 .4<1, 537 .5, and 544.2.
543.2 Columns
Sti'UC!uml steel columns shall lIlee t the requ iremellts of Pm1 2A Sections 537
and 539. Composit e columns shall meet the requirem ent s for special sei smic
systems of Section 537.4 or 537.5 . Reinforced concrete columns shall meet the r
equirements for structural truss clements of ACI 3 I 8 Chapter 21. 543.3 Deams S
tructural steel beams shall meet the requirements for special conce ntri cally b
raced frames (SC BF) of Part 2A Section 526. Co mposite beams shall meet the req
uirements of the Specificflli on Sectioll 509 and the requirements for special c
oncentrically braced frames (SCBF) of Part 2A Section 526. 543.4 Ilraces StruclU
ral steel braces shall meet the require ments for SCDF of Prul 2A Sec ti on 526.
Composite. braces shall meet tile requirements for co mposite columns of Sectio
n 543.2. 543.5. Connections Bracing connec ti ons shall meet the requi rements o
f Section 538 and Part 2A Section 526.
544.5 Connections Connections shall be designed for the Joad combinations in acc
ordance with Specification Sections 502.3.3 and 502.3.4 , and the available stre
ngth of the connections shall meet the requirements in Sec ti o J ~ 538.
. ' :, .).,. " ., '~"
'. '; ,
Associalion of Siruclural Engineers of the Pllilippincs

C HJ\Pl"I:n~)
~; lee l
and rv 1e tal
S-2 13
qpMtfO~IrE ll;P;~N1;~~A!~,"Y .
545.4 Ilraecs Structural steel braces 'shall meet the requirements for EBF of Pa
rt 2/\ Section 528 .
545.5 Conllcdions
545.1 Scope This Sect ion is applicable to braced frames for which one end o f e
ach brace intersects a beam al an eccentricity from th e intersection of the cC!
Hcrlincs of the beam ,IIHI co lumn , or intersects a beam at all ecce ntricit y
from the in tcrsCC: li oll
of the centerlines of the beam and <tn adjacellt brace.
In addition to the requ iremen ts fo r ESF of Part 2A Section .128, connectio ns
shall meel the requirements of Section 520.
Composite eccen trically braced frames (C>EBF) shall be designed so that inelast
ic deformation s under the design
carl hquak c will OCClIr only as shear yielding in l ile links.
Diagonal braces, columns, and beam scgm en Is olltside of th e link shaH be desi
gned to remain essentially clastic under the maximum forces that can be- gCllcfm
cd by the fully yielded and strain-hard ened link. Columns shall be either compo
s ite or reinforced concrete. Braces shall be struct ural steel. Links shall be
stnlctural steel as described jn this Sectioll. The avai lable strength of membe
rs sha ll meet the requiremellts ill (he Specification, except 'IS modifi ed in
th is Section. C-EBF shall meet the requiremen ts of Pari 2/\ Section 528, excep
t as modifi ed in this Section.
545.2 Columns Reinforced concrete columns shall meet the requirements for struct
ural tru ss clements of ACI 3 18 Chapter 2 J. Composite columns shall meet the r
equire-ments for special seismic systems of Secti ons 517.4 or 537.5. Additional
ly, where a link is adjacent to a reinforced co ncrete column or encased composi
te column, tran sverse col umn reinforcement meeting the requirements of ACI 318
2 1.4 .4 (or Sect ion 537.4c(6)a for composite co lumn s) shall be provided abov
e and below the link connection. All
columns shall meet the requirements of Part 2A Sect ion 528.10. 545.3 Links
Links shall be uncllcased stlllctural steel and shaH meet the
requirement for eccentrically braced frame (ESF) link s in Part 2A Section 528 .
It is pel"mi Hed ( 0 encase the portion or the beam outside of the link in rein
forced concrete. Beallls cont aining the link arc permitted to act compositely w
ith the floor Sl;lb lIsing sI\c<H" COllneClors along ,111 or any port ion of (he
beam if the composite action is considered when determining the nominal strengt
h of th e link.
N(llional Structural Code of lhe Philippines 6 Ed ition Volume 1


[5- ?1 t1
5 . Steel and Metals
546.3 Steel Coupling /leallls StruclUral steel coupling beams lhm am used be twe
e n ( V.'O adjacent reinfo rced concretc wall s shall meet th l: requircments of
the Speci fica ti on 1l11d th is Secti on:
546.1 Scope
The requirements ill thi s Sec tion apply when rei nforced concrete wa lls are c
omposilc wit h slmcturaJ stcel elemcnts, either as infill panel s. such as reinf
orced co ncrete walls ill stru ctural steel frames with unencased or reinforced
~ concrcte ....encased structllrlt l steel secti ons Ihal act as boundary member
s, or as stl1lctural steel coupling beams that connect tw o adjacent reinforced
concrete wall s. Reinforced concrele walls shall meet the requ iremenls of
ACI 3 18 exciliding Ch apter 21 .
Co upling bea ms shall have tin cmbcd mcllI Ic ngth into Ihe rei nforced concret
e wa ll tl1m is suffi ci ent 10 de vel o p the maximum possiblc combi nati on of
momcnt and shear that ca n be gcncnlled by the;,!lominal bending an d shear str
ength of the coupling bea m. The embcdnH :: :i length shall be considered to beg
in inside th e first lay, ; of confining reinforcement in the wall hou nda !-~; m
ember. Connecti on strength for the transfer of h id : between the coupling beam
an d the wall shall meet tlh~ requ irements of Section 538. Vertical wa ll reinf
orcement with nominal axiHJ streng th eq ual 10 the nominal shear stren gth of t
h e coupling beam shall be placed over the embedment length of the bea m with I
wo ~lh i rd s of the steel located over the firs t half of lhe embedment length.
Thi s wall reinforceme nt shall extend a dist ance of at l ea~! one tensio n de
ve lopment length above ,lI1d below the fl anges of' the co uplin g beam. It is
permitted \ 0 usc vertic;,\ reinforcement placed for oth er purposes, such as f
e,,' verti cal bo und ary members, as par1 of Ihe requ ired verti cal rei nforce
546.2 Boundary Members
Boundary mcmbers shall /Hect th e requ irement s of this Secti on: I. When une n
cased structural steel sections fun ction as boundary mem bers in reinforced con
crete infill pa nels, the structural steel sec ti ons shl1li meet the requi reme
nts of the Specificati on. The required axial strength of the boundary mem ber s
hall be determined assuming lhal the shear forces are carri ed by th e rei nfo r
ced concrete wall and the entire gravit y and ove rturnin g fo rces are carri ed
by [he boundary mem bers in conjunction with the shear wal l. The rei nforced c
oncret e wall shal l meet the requirements of ACI 31 8 excl uding Chapter 21. Wh
en reinforc ed ~con crete ~ encas ed shapes fun ction as boundary members in rei
nforced concrete infill panels, the anal ys is shall be based upon a transfonn e
d concrete section using clastic material properties. The wall shall meet (he re
quirements of ACI 3 J 8 excluding Chapter 21. When the reinforced~ c on c ret e
~en c ased structural steel boundary member qu alifies as a composite colum n as
defined in Speci fication Secti on509, it shall be designed to meet th e ordina
ry seismic system requirements of Section 537 .4a. Otherwise, it shall be design
ed as a composite column lO meet the rcquirements of ACJ 318 Section 10.16 and S
509 of the Specifi cation.

546.4 Encased Composite Coupling Beams Encased co mposi te seclions servin g as

co upling beams sh all meet the requirements of Section 546.3 as modified in [hi
:'. Section:
Coupling beams shall have an e m bedme nt Icnglh into the rcinforced concrete wa
ll tl1at is suffi cient to deveJ o)' the maximum possible comb ination of momen
t <lnd shear capac ities of the encased composite steei coupling beam . The nomi
nal shear cap acity of the encased composi te steel coupling beam shall be used
to meet the
requirement in Section 546.3(1 ).
The stiffness of th e encased composite steel coupli ng beams shall be used for
calculating th e req ui red strength of the shear wall and coupling beam.
l" Icad eci shear stu ds or welded rein forcement anchors shall be provided to t
ransfer vertical shear fo rces between thc structural steel an d reinforced conc
rete. Headed she ar st ud s, if used, shall meet th c req uircmctH s of Specific
a tion Section509. We lded rei nforcement anchors, if used, shall mee t thc
requirements of AWS D1.4 .
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

requirements for boundary members of AC I 3 18 Section 21 .7 .6.

547.4 Encased Composite Coupling Beams Encased composite sec ti ons serving as c
oupling beams shall Illeet th e requirements or Section 546.3, except the req ui
rements of Pm1 2A Section 528.3 need not be met. 547.1 Scope Special reinforced
concrete she'::1 walls composite with structural steel elements (CSRC W) syste ms
shall meet Ihe requirements of Section 15 for C-ORCW and the shear-wall require
ment of ACI 318 including 0haptcr 21 , except as
modifi ed in this Section.
547.2 Boundary Members In addition to the requirements of Section 547 .2( I) , u
ncncascd structural steel columns shall meet the rcqu ircrncnts of Pa rt 2A Sect
ions 519 and 521.
In addition to th e requirements of Section 15.2(2). rhe requ ire ments in this
Section s hall apply to walls wi th
rei nforced-conc ret e-encased structural steel boundary members. The wall sh al
l meet the requirements of ACI 3 18 incl udin g Chapter 2 J. Rcinforccd -co ncrc
tc-cncascd st ructural steel boundary me mbers that qualify as co mp()site colum
ns in Specification Section 509 shall meet the special seismic sys tem requi re
ments of Section 537 .4. Otherwise, such mc mbers shall be designed as co mpos i
te compression members to ' meet the requi rc mclHs of AC I 318 Section 10.1 6 i
nclud ing the special seismic req uirements for boundary members in ACI 318 Sect
ion 2 1.7.6. Transverse re.inforcemcnt for confin ement o f th e composit (: bou
ndary member shall ex tend a di stance of 2h into the wall , where h is the over
all depth of th e boundary member in the plane of the wall. Headed shear studs o
r welded reinforcin g bar anchors shall be provided as specified in Section 546.
2(3). For connection to uncncased structural steel sections, the nominal stren g
th of welded reinforcing bar anchors shall be reduced by 25 percent from their s
tatic yield strength.
547.3 Steel Coupling Beams In addition to the req uirements of Sec tion 546.3, s
tructural steel coupling beams shall meet the req uirements of Part 2A Scctions
528.2 and 528.3 . When requ ired in Part 2A Sec tion 528.3, the cou pling rotati
on shall be assu med as O.OS radian unl ess a smaller valu c is justified by rat
ional anal ys is of the inelastic deformati ons thlll are ex pected under the de
s ign ea rt hquake. Face bea ring plates shall be provided 011 both s ides of th
e coupling beams at the face of the reinforced concrete wall. These stiffeners
shall meet th e detailing requi rements of Part 2A Section 528.3.
Ve rtical wall reinforcement as specified in Secti on 528.3(2) shall be confin e
d by trans verse reinforcement that meets the
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volu me 1

~) 216
CHAP T: H 5 - Steel and Melal:.
members wit h we lds andlor slip-crit ical high- strength bolts to develop Ihe n
om in al shea r strength of the plate. The design of welded and bolted con necto
rs shall meet the additional requirements of Part 2AScction 520.
Section 548.1 Scope
This Section is applicable to structural walls consisti ng of stee l plnt cs wit
h reinforced concrete t!1casemcnl 0 11 One or bOlh sides of the plate and struct
ulaJ steel or compos ite boundary mcmbers.
548.3 Boundary Members
Structural steel and composite boundary members shall be designed to resist the
shear capacity of plate and any reinforced concrete p0I1iol1s of the wall active
at the design story drift. Composite and reinforced co ncrete boundary members
shall also meet th e requi rements of Section 547.2. Steel boundary members shal
l also meet the requirements of Part 2A, Scclion 530.
548.2 Wall Elements
The avail able shca r slrcnglil sha ll be 9'Vns (LRPD) or V,jj I n (AS D), as ap
propriate, according (0 the limit slate of shear yielding o f composite steel pl
ate shear wa lls (CSPW) wit h
548.4 Openings
Boundary members shall be provided around openings as
re~cd b ~ ana lysis.
" stiffened platc confomling 10 Seclion 530.2( 1) shall be (Eq.548-1 )
= 0.90 (LRFD)
n = 1.67 (ASD)
A sp
::;: nomi nal shear strength of the stee l plate, N
= horizontal area of stiffened steel plate, mrn 2.
= speci fied minimum yield stress of the phnc, MPa.
The ava il ab le shear strength of CwSPW with a plate that does not meet the sti
ffening requirement s in Section
530.2(1) shall be based upon Ihe strenglh of the plate.
excluding the strength of the reinforced concrete, and meet th e req uiremen ts
of the Specification Secti ons 507.2 and
The stecl plale shall be adequ alely sti ffened by
encasement or aU8chmcnt to the reinforced concrete if it can be demonstrated wit

h an elastic pi me buckling analysis that the composite wall can resist a nomina
l shear force equal to V,lS . The concrete thickn ess shall be a minimum of 100
111m on each side when concrete
is provided on bOlh sides of the Sleel plale and 200 mm
when concrete is provided on one side of the stcel plate. Headed shear stud conn
ectors or other mechanical co nn ectors shall be provided to prevent local buckl
in g and separation of the plate and reinforced concrete . Horizonta l and vert
ical reinforcement shall be provided in the co ncrete encasement to meet or exce
ed the detai li ng requirement s in ACI 318 Secti on 14.3. The rei nforcement ra
t io in bot h directio ns shall lIot be I c~:-; (han 0.UU25 ; (he ma ximum spaci
ng between bars shall not exceed 450 111111.
Seismic forces acting perpendi cu lar to the plane of the wa ll as specified by
this code shall be considered in the design of th e compos it e wall system. 2.
The steel plate shall be continuously connected on all .edges to structural stee
l framing and boundary
Associ ation of Structu ral Engineers of the Philippin es

Steel and Mel,1l
021 7
When required by Ih is code or thc cngineer-or-record, a qu alil y assu rance pl
an .s hall be pro vided. For th e sleci portion or the cOllstructi on, the provi
sions of Part 2A, Secti on 53 1 apply. Structural design drawings and specificat
ions, shop drawings, and erection drawings for composite steel mId steel buildin
g constructi on shall meet the requircmcn ts of
Pal' 2A $eclion518.
For reinforced concrete and composite steel building construction, the con tract
documents, shop drawings, and crec tion drawings shall also indicate the follow
in g:
Bar placement, cutoff<;, lap and mechani cal splices, hooks and mechanical ancho
2. Tolerance for phlccment of tics and other transverse rei nforccll1cllI .
3. Provisions for dime nsional changes resulting from tem perature changes, cree
p and shrinkage.
4. Location, magni tude, and sequenci ng prestresssing or posH ensio ning presen
t. of
If concrete floor slabs or slabs on grade servc as diaphragm s, connecti on deta
ils bet ween the diaphragm and the mai n l a {eral~ l oad resistin g system shal
l be clearly identified .
National Structura l Code of the I'llilippines 6'" Edition Volu me 1

~) ?18
~) .
Sleel and Metals
bf ' b ,.b, h,.h]
, I,' .,
La rgest sub-elemen t nm width Effective widths Effective widths of bearing slif
Tcncrs For comprcssion mcmbers, ratio or total corner cross-sectional area to tO
l1l1 cross-sec tional area of full section; for nex uJ"ClI members, ratio of tOl
al corner cross-sect ional area of co ntrolling llangc to full cross-sccti cmal
area of COJl trolling flange Coefficicnt Bearing factor Bending coefficient depe
ndent on moment gradient Constant from T able 557. 1 Web slenderness coefficient
End moment coeffi cient in interacti on formula End moment coefficient in inter
acti on formula End moment coefficient in interacti on formula Bcaring length co
effi ciellt Correction factor Inside bend radius coefficient Coefficient for lat
eral-torsional buckling End moment coefficient in interactioll formula Shear sti
ffener coefficient Torsional warping co nstan t of cross-sec tion Torsional warp
in g constant of fl ange Compression strain factor Axial buckling coefficients C
oefficients tabulated in Tables 554-3 to 554-5 Calibration coefficient Strip of
flat wi dth adj acent to hole Distance . Amount of curling displacement Horizont
al distance from edge of clement {o centerline of stiffener Outside diameter of
cyl indrical tube Overall depth of lip Shear stiffener coefficien t Dead load Li
p dimension Depth of section Nomi na l screw diameter Flat depth of lip defined
in Figure 552') \Vid th of arc sca m weld Visible diameter of out er surface of a
rc spot weld Diameler of boll Average di amcter of arc spol weld at mid thicknes
s of t Average width of seam weld
.' "
full unreduced cross-sectional arC,l of member Area of dircctly connected elemen
ts or gross area hfl + A for bearing stiffcner at interior SUppOJ1 and or under
concentrated load , and b21 + As, for bearing stiffeners at end support Gross cr
oss-sectional area of bolt 18t2 .... A Sh for beari ng stiffener at interior sup
port ()f under co ncentrated load, and IOl2 of- A s!. for bearing stiffeners at
end suppor! Effec tive area al stress Fu
j ,
Cmll: Cmy
Ab Ac
Cr C"

Ag Ag
Agv A n! A ll v All
Effective net area Cross-sec tional area of compression flan ge plus edge stiffe
ner Gross area of element including stiffeners Gross area of section
Gross arca subject to shear Net area subject to tension Nct area subject to shea
r Net area of cross-section 0 local buckling Reduced area due 1 Gross-sectional
area of roof panel per unit width Cross-sectional area of hearing stiffene r Gro
ss area of stiffener Gross area of shear stiffener Net tensile area Area of web
Net web area Shear panel length of unrein forced web clement, or distance betwee
n shear stiffeners of reinforced web clements Interncdiatc fastener or spot weld
spacing F<lstcner distancc from or outside web edge Lcngth of bracing interval
Term for determinin g tensile yield point of corncrs
Effect i ve design width or compression element
C rF
C Cw
C wr
Ad AI' As As
A s!
c c
Aw Awn
a a
b b
D D DZ, D3
d d d d
b, b, b, or

Flange width Effective wid th for oeOection calculati on Effec ti ve width of el
ements, located at ce ntroid of clement including stiffeners Effecti ve width Ef
fect ive width determined eithcr by section 552.4 Section 552.5. 1 depending on
Sliffness of stiffeners Total flat width of stiffened element Tolal Oat width of
edge stiffened elemen t
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

Steol ,Hld Melal
52 Hl
db fI,. d,. d"
"" dj1iJ
d ,
d".,\ d"
Nominal diamcter (body or shank diamclCr) Effcctive diamet er of fused area Effe
ctive width of arc scam weld at fused surfaces Diameter of hole Depth of hole Di
a meter of sl.mdard hol e Distance alon g roof slope between the itll purljJl li
ne and thejth anchorage device Reduced effective width of stiffener Depth of sti
ffener Effective width of stiffener calculated according to Section 552.3 Screw
head or washer diameter Larger value of screw head or washer diameter Mod ulus o
f elasticity of steel , 203,000 Mpa, or 2,070,000 kg/cm'
Li ve load due to earthquake Twist of stud from initial, ideal, unbuckled shape
Reduced modulus of elasticity for flexural and ax ial stiffness in second -order
analysis, 551.2.3 Nominal tensile stress in flat sheet Tensile strength as speci
fied in Section 551.1.1. 551 .2.2, or 551.2.3. Tensile strength of virgin steel
specified by Section 55 J.2 or establi shed in accord ance with Section 556.3.3
Lower value of Fy for beam web or Fy .\ for bearing
Tensile strength of electrode classification
Tensile strength of members in co ntact with screw head Tensile strength of memb
er not in contact wilh screw head Nominal shear stress Yield stress used for des
i gn, not to exceed specified yield stress or stabli shcd in accordan ce with Se
ction 556, or as increased for cold work of fonnalling in Section 551 .7.2 or <I
S reduced for low ductil ity steels in Section.
A verage yield stress of section Tensile yield stress of corners Weighted averag
e tensile yield stress of
e nl ;"
Distance measured in line of fOJ'ce from center of a standard hole to nearest ed
ge of an adjacent hole OJ' to end of connected part toward which the force is di

rected Distance measured in line of force from center of <l standard hole to nea
rest end of connected pal1 Minimum allowable distance measured in line of force
from centerline of a weld to nearest edge of all adjacent weld or to end of co n
nected part toward which the force is directed Ecce ntricities of load component
s measured from the shear center and in the x and y directions. respecti vely Yi
eld strain = FIE Fabrication fact or Design stress range Threshold fatigue stres
s range Critical buckling stress Plate elastic buckling stress Elastic di storti
onal buckling stress Elastic distortional buckling stress Elastic buckling stres
s Mean va lue of fabrication factor Nominal buckling stress Nominal strength of
bolls Nominal tensile strength of bolts Nominal shear strength of bolls Nominal
tensile st rength for bolts subject to combination of shear and tension Yield st
ress as specified in Section 551.2. 1,
Yield stress of stiffener steel Tensile yield stress of virgin steel specified b
y Section 551.2 or established in accordance with Section 556.3.3
Fc Fe
I;~>I F~,
Stress ill compression element co mpweci 011 has is of effective design width Av
erage comput ed stress in full unreduced fl ange width Stre ss at service load i
n cover plate or sheet Normal stre ss du e to bending alon e at the maximum nonn
al on the cross section due to combined bending and torsio n Normal stress due t
o torsion alon e at the maximum normal stress on the cross section due to combin
ed bending and torsioll. Co mputed compressive stress in clement being considere
d. Calculations are based 011 effective section at load for which serviceability
is determined. C6m puted st resses fl and f2in un sti ffened clement, as define
d in Figures 552-5 10 552.8. Calculations arc based on effec tive section at loa
d for whi ch serviceability is determined. Required shear stress on a bolt Stres
ses on unstiffened element defi ned by Figures 552-6 to 552-8
National Structura l Code of the Philippines 6 'h Edition Volume 1

:i " 5 10el anej
Me tals
Stresses at the opposite ends oj" web
Shear modulus of sleel. 78,000 Mpa or 795,000 kg/e m' Vertical dislance betwccll
lWO rows of" cOllnections nearest to top an d bouom flanges Transvcr.'i( ! (enle
r-Io-cenler spaci ng between faste ner gage lines Gauge. spacing of fastene r pe
rpendicular to force
A pennancllI load due to lateral canh prcssure, incl uding groundwater
section parallel to web using ullrcduc.:cd sect ion y-ax is moment of incrlia of
llange Index of stirre ner Index of each purlin line
Saint-Venant torsion constant
Saint- Venum torsion constant of
g g
compression flang plus edge stiffener about an x-y axis located at Ihe centroid
of the nangc Section propcI1y for torsional-flcxural buckling Index for cach anc
horagc device Effective length factor A constant Lateral sti ffncss of :'lnchora
gc dcvice Parameter for determini ng axial strength ofZ-Secti on member having o
ne fl ange fastened to sheating Effective lateral stiffness ofjth an chorage dev
ice with respect to ilh purlin Required stiffness Lateral stiffness of roof syst
em, neglect in g anchorage devices Effective le ngth factor for torsion Effectiv
e lateral stiffncss of all elements resisting force Effective length f<lctor for
buckling about
j j
Depth of fl.H portion of web measured along pl ane of web Width of clemcnts adjo
ining 5ti ffelled clement Lip hcight as defined in F" igurcs 555 15 to 555 18 Ove
rall depth of unstiffcncd C-scct ion member as defined in Figure 552-8 Depth of
soil supPOJ1ed by the structure Coped nat web depth <IIlCC from the centroid of
flange 10 x di 51 the fl ange / we b junction
Iz, h,,"("

Ka Kat
K,. IJ;J
Importance faclOr for earthquake
K" ,"
I'JJ I, I,
Importance factor for wind Adequa te moment of inertial of stiffe ner, so that e
ach compo nent elemcnt wil! behave as :1 st iffe ned clement Effective momcnt of
inertia Gross moment of inenia Actual moment of inertia of full stiffencr about
its OWJl centroidal axis parallel to element to be stiffened Minimum moment of
inerti a of shear stiffen er(s) with respect to an axis in plane of web MOlllenl
of inertia of .stiffener about ccnterl ine of flat pon ion of element
Moment of in cliia of full unreduced
K.r k
K if
Effecti ve length factor for buckling about y- axi s Plate budding cocfficicnt P
late buckling coefficicnt for di slortiOTwl bll<:kJi ng Plate buckling cocfficic
nt for local sub-element buckling Shear buckling coefficient Rotational sti ffne
ss Elasti c rotati onal stiffness provided by the flange to the flange/web junct
ure Geometric rotat ional stiffness demanded by the
Oange from the Dangc Iwcb juncture Elastic rotational stiffncss provided by thc
web to the flan ge/web juncture Geometric rotational stiffness demanded by the
K," K
k" /I:
section abou t principal axis x-axis moment of inertia of the fl ange Product of
inertia of full unreduced section about major and minor cen troida! axes Produc
t of inerti a of flange about maj or and minor centroidal axes Moment of inertia
of co mpression pOl1ion of secti on about centroiclal ax is of ent irc
web from the flan ge/web juncture
Full span for simple beams, distance h CI \'.'C{'Jl inflecti on point for contin
ous bea ms, I\"j , ' : member length for cantilever beam s Span length

Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

C HAP'lT. H~)
SIt'QI Jild Melal
:)-2;: 1
Lcngth uf weld Lcngth of longitudi nal welds
Len gth of SCll m weld not in clu ding circ ular Lengt h of con necti on l1nbrac
ed length of member
Overa lilen gih Live load Minimum of L", and Lm Distance bet ween braces on one
compressio n IllclJ} ber Unsupported length between brace points or other restra
ints which restrict distOl1iolwi buckling of clcment Summation of critical path
lengths of each segment Critical unbraced length of distortional buckling Gross
failure path length parallel to force Lenglh of hole Distance between discrete r
estraint s thai restrict distortional buckling Net fai lure path lengt h paralle
l to force Overhang length measured frolll the edge of bearing (0 the en d of me
mber Net fai lure path len gth inclined to force Length of bearing stiffener Un
braced length of compression l11em hcl for torsion Net failure path length norm
al to force d ue to direct tension Lim it of lInbraced length below which IHlera
l torsional buckling is not considered Unbeaced leng th of compression member fo
r bending about x-axis Unbraced length of compression member for ucndill g about
y-axis Length at which local b uck ling stress eq uals flexural buckling stress
Dsitance fro m concentrated load to a brace
Nominal flexural strengths ,thout Section 551 Nom ina l flexural strengths Ircsi
stanceJ about Cell troidal axes J elef"llll!lcd in accordance willi Section 553
.1 excl ud ing provisions of Secti on 553 . l. l.b Nomi nal flex ural strength a
bou t cen troid.d axes determined using gross , unreduced cross-secti on propeni
cs Requi red all owable fl exura l stren gth wit!: respect .\ '. to ccntroid al
axes for ASD
M" M"y M,. My
Required fl ex ural strength with respect to Cenlroid"1 axes for LRFD moment cau
si ng maximum strain c)' Yi eld momelll (= S,F,) Small er end moment in an 1I1lh
raccd scgmenl Larger and moment ill an unbraced seg men t Required flexural stre

ngth Required n exural strengt h Torsional momen t. of required load P aboll l s

hear center Degrees of freedom Teelll fro determinin g tensil e yield point of c
orners Distance frolll shear center of one C-section to mid -plane of web. Modif
i cation factor for type of bearing connection Actual length of bearing Num be r
of stress range flu ctuations in design li fe Number of anchorage devices along
a lin e of anchorage Notio nal lateral load ap plied at level i Number of purli
nlines on roo f slope Coefficient Number of stiffeners Number of holes Number of
tests Num ber of equ ally spaced intermediate brace locati ons Number of anchor
s in test assemb ly with same tribu tary arc,} (for anchor fai lure), or number
of pan els with identical spans and Jocad ing to failed span (for non -JTlchord
-failure) Number of threads per inch Number of boll hol es Numbe r of compressio
n flange stiffeners Number of web sti ffeners andlor folds Number of tension fl
ange st iffe ners Required allowable stre ngth fo r co ncentrated load reaction
in presence of bendi ng moment for AS D
N, N /I "
/I /I /I /I
M 'l
Req uired allowable flexural slrenglh, ASD Bending moment M ud Distortional buck
ling moment M err Overall buckling moment A1u! Local buckling moment A1d Nominal
moment with consideration of dcflection MJ Facto red moment MJx . Moments due t
o factored )o<tds with respect to M.ti' ce nt roidal axes M'n Mean va lue of mat
erial factor M.,U}.... Absolute value of moments in unbraced segme nt, "'" A.M/J
, lIsed for determining C h Nom inal flexural strengt h Nominal flexural strengt
h for distortional buckling Nomina l flexura l slrenglh for overall buckling Nom
inal flexu ral sirengih for local bu ckling
National St ructural Code of the Philippines 6'" Edilion Volu me 1

CHAPTEli :; . Steel ami Melnls
p p p p
Required allowable strength (nominal force ) transmitted by weld lor ASD Require
d ll llowahle compressive axia l strength for AS!) Professional factor Required
concentrated Jocad within a distance of O.3a on each side of a brace. plus 1.4 (
! -lIa) Ii mes each required concentrated load located fan her than O.3a but not
farther than 1.0a from the brace Required nominal brace strength for a single c
ompression member Elastic buckling strengths
Section flexlJI"lll member Components of required loml P parallel ax is. res pec
tively Me mbe r yield strength
\0 x and
Required strengt h for concentrated load o r reaction concentrated load reaction
due 10 factored loads ill presence of bending moment Required compressive axial
strength Pitch (mm per thread for SI units and cm per thread for MKS units) Req
uired allow(lb le shear sl rength of connecti on Required shear strength ofconn
ection Load effect Design loead in plane of web Reduction facIO!" Required allow
able strengt h for ASD Modification fac tor Reduction faclor Reduction factor Re
duction factor determined from uplift tests in accordance with AISI S908 Coeffic
ient Inside belld radius Radius of outside bend surface
lJ / la
Pu,P u Lateral bracing forces Lateral force to be resist ed by the jlh anchorage
Plj device Dis(Qr1ional buckling load Petti Local buckling load P..rl Axial for
ce due to factored loads 1', Conce ntrateu load or re~lc tio n due to facto red
loads 1', Lateral force introduced into the system al the ilh I' , purlin Mean v
a lue of the tested-tn-predicted load ratios Nominal web crippling strength Nomi
nal axial strength of member Nominal axial strength of bearing sti ffener compon
ent Nominal strength of connection Nominal bearing strengt h Nominal tensile str
ength of welded member Nominal bolt strength Nominal web crippling strength of C
or Z-Section with overhang(s) Nominal axial strength for distOl1ional buckling N
ominal axial strength for overall buckling No minal axial strength for loca l bu
ckling Nominal axial strength of member determined III accordance wit h Section
553.3.4 with F,,=F,< Nominal pull-out strength pel' screw . Nom inal pull~over s
trength per screw Nominal shear strength per screw P,,~ Nominal tension strength
per screw 1'" Required axial compressive strength 1', Concentrated load or reac
ti on 1', Nominal shear strength of screw as reported by PS .1 manufacturer or d
etermined, by independent laboratory testing Nomina! tension strength [resistanc
e] of screw as reported by manufacturer or determined by independent laboratory
testing Required axial strength for LRFD weld, for Factored force transmitted by

LRFD Pu Required strength for co ncen trated load reaction in presence of bendi
ng moment for LRFD Pwe Nominal web crippling strength for CQ
Q, q
Allowable design strength Reduction factor Reduction factor effect of factored l
oads Nominal strength Nominal block shear rupture strength Average val ue of all
test results Reduction factor Req uired strength for LRFD Correction facto r Le
ast radius of gyration of full unreduced cross~ section Centerline bend radius M
inimum radius of gyration of full unreduced
Polar radius of gyration of cross-section about shear center Rad ius of gyration
of cross-secti on about cenlroid al prinCipal axis
128 fEj!"
Variable load clue to snow, including ice and associated rain or rain Elastic se
ction modulus of effective seel ie :) calculated relastive to extreme compressio
n fiber ::~ F, Elastic section modulus of effecti ve section calculated relative
to extreme compression or
. Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

Steel (Inc! Metal
Elastic scclion s~>ction modulus of full unreduced section relative (0 extreme c
ompression fiber Elastics section modulus of full unreduced section relative to
extreme fiber in firs! yield
tension fiber at F I,
Required shear strength for LRFD
Required shear strength of connection for LRFD
Required shear strength Wind load, a variable load due to wind Required strength
from critical load combinations for ASD, LRFD, or LSD Total required vertical l
oad supported by irh purlin in a single bay Components of required strength W Fl
at width of element exclusive of radii Flat width of beam flange which contacts
bearing plate Flat width of narrowest unstiffened compression element tributary
10 connections Width of Oange projection beyond web for 1beams and similar secti
on::;; or half distance
.\' .\'
In-plane diaphragm nominal shear strength Ccntcr-Io-ccnlcr hole spacing Spacing
in linc of .slress of welds, rivets, or boils connecting a compression cover pla
te or sheet to a nOll-integral stiffener or other clemen!
Sheet width divided by Humber of bolt holes in cross-section being analyzed W tI
d spacing Pitch, spacing of fastener parallel 10 force Longitudinal ccnlcr-tQ-cc
ntcr spacing of any consecutive holes Clear distance from the hole a1 ends of me
mber Maximuill permissible longitudinal spacing of welds or other connectors joi
ning two C-sections to form an I-section

I, I, I;
I, , I, I, I,
Required allowable tensile axial strength for ASD Required allowable tension str
ength of cOllllection Load due to contraction or expansion caused by temperature
changes Nominallensile strength Design strength connection in tension Required
tensile axial strength for LRFD Required tension strength of connection for LRFD
Required tensile axial strength Required tension strength of connection Base st
ell thickness of any clement or section Thickness of coped web Total thickness o
f two welded sheets Thickness of thinnest connected part Lesser of depth of pene
tration and t2 Effective throat dimension of groove weld Thickness of incompress
ed glass fiber blanket insulation Thickness of stiffener effective throat of wel
d Based thickness connected with fillet weld Thickness of member in contact with
screw head Thickness of member not in contact with screw head Reduction coeffic
Required allowable strength for ASD Coefficient of variation of fabrication fact
or Shear force due to factored loads for LSD factored shear force of connection
for LSD Coefficient of variation of material factor Nominal shear strength Coeff
icient of variation of tested-to.:predicted load ratios Coefficient of variation
of load effecl
x x
between webs for box-or U-type sections Required distributed gravity load suppor
ted by the i/h purlin per unit length Out-to-out width Leg of weld Leg of weld N
on-dimensional fastener location Nearest distance betwccn web hole and edge of b
earing Distance from shear center to centroid along principal x-axis Distance fr
om centroid of flange to shear center of flange Distance from shear plane to cen
troid of crosssection Yield point of web steel divided by yield point of stiffen
er steel Gravity load from tile LRFD or 1,6 limes the ASD load combinations appl
ied at level i Y distance from centroid of flange. to shear center of flange Coe
fficient for purlin directions Coefficient for conversion of units Load factor C
oefficient for strength increase due to overhang Coefficient aCCOllnts for the b
enefit of an unbraced length, L"" shoner than Lo Magni ficatioll factors
a a a a

V, V f
Vf VM V"
fibr, I
Coefficient A value accounting for moment gradient Required brace stiffness for
a single compression member Target reliability index
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

CH AP T H i ~)
St eel and Me tals
Lateral displ:Jcemc lll of purJi n l Op ll ange jlt the line rcslrailll
()", (~,
General Terms APPLICABLE BUILDING CO DE. Building Code un ki th which the struct
ure is dcsigned (i.e NSCP 6 Edition). BEARING. In a co nn ection. the ultimate s
helr forces transmitted by the mcchanical fastencr to the cv!..1cction c1cments.
BI,A RING (LOCAL COMPRESSIVE YIELDING). Local co mpressive yielding du e to the
action of II member bearing against another member or surface. BLOCK SHEAR RUI'
TUR E. In a con neclion, Icns ion mptures along one path and shears yieldin g or
shear rupture along anothe r path. BRACED FRAM E. Essentially venical truss sys
tem that provides resistance lO lateral loads and provides stability for the str
uctural system. BUCKLING. Sudden change in the geometry of a structure or any of
its clements unde r critical loadi ng condition. BUCKLING STRENGTH. instability
limits slates. Nominal Slrenglit for
y; r;
(I), ( 1
St ress gradient in web
Load factor Angle between web and bC'-Iring surface > 45 " but 11 0 more than 90
0 Angle between vertical and pJanc of web of Zsection, degrees
Angle of segment of complex lip
). /. ).1.
Slenderness factors
Parameters used in dClCrmining compressio n strain
A" A "
At A"
Slendcmcss factor
Slenderness factor Poisson's ration for slecl:::0.10
Reduction fHelor

(rr2E) / (K,L, / r.)' (rr2E) / (I., / ,j (rr2E) / (K,.L,. / r,J' . . 1 (rr2E) /

(L / r,.) Torsional buckling Slress
Reistancc factor Resistance fac tor bending Resistance factor for conce ntri cal
l y loaded co mpression strengt h Resistance fac lOr fo r diap hragm s Resistanc
e faclor for tensile stre ngth Rcsistance factor for fracture 011 net section Re
sistance factor for shear strength Resistallce factor for web crippling st reng
I f/Ji I
COLD-FORMED STEEL STRUCTURAL MEMBER. Shape manufaclUrcd by press~braking blanks
sheared from sheets, cui lengths of coils or plates, or by ro ll forming colelor
- hot rolled coils or sheets: both formin g operations bei ng performed at ambie
nt room temperature, thai is, without manifest addi tion of heat such as woul d
be required for hot forming. CONFIRMATORY TEST. TeSi made, witen desired, on mem
bcrs, connections, and assemblies designed in accordance with the provisions of
Section 551 through Section 557, Appendices 1 and 2, and Section C~3 of this Spe
cification or its specific references, in order to compare actual to calculated
performance. CONNECTION. Combination of stru ctural clements and joi nts lIsed t
o tran smit forces between two or more members. CROSS-SECTIONAL AREA: EFFECTIV E
AREA. Effec ti ve area, Ae, calcubted using the effective widths of component e
lemen ts in accordance with Sec tion 552. If the effective widths of all compone
nt clements, determined in accordance with Section 552, arc equal to the actu<ll
; ,, '; widt hs, it equals the gross or net area, as applicable. FULL, UNREDUCE
D AREA. Fu ll , unreduced area, A, .
Parameter for reduced stiffness lISing analysis
sccond ~ order
fl flb fl,.
n" n,
n ...
Safely factor Safety facto r for bending strength [aclor [or concciltricnll y Sa
fety comp rcssion st rcngth Safcty factor for diaphragms Safety [actor for tensi
on strength Snfely factor for shear strength Safety factor for web crippling str
Association of Structural Engineers of 1118 f>hili ppines

cakulaled without considering joca! buckling in th e componellt clements, which

equals either Ihe gross area or
net area, Os applicable.
FLEXURAL-TORSIONAL BUCKLING. Buckling mode in which a compression member bends <
lnd twi sts Si!lluJWllCOllSly without change in cross- sectional shape.
Gross An::t. Cross area, At, without dcdlH.:lions for hol es, openings and culou
ts. NET AHEA. Nel area, An, equal of holcs,'opcnings, and ClIlOuts.
Horizolltal structund member tilm SU ppOJ1s Willi p,mels and is primaril y subje
cted 10 bending under hOlizontal loads, sllch <is wind load.
gross arca less the
IN-PLANE INSTABILITY. Buckling involving in the plime of the frame-or the-member
. INSTABILITY. Ultimat e loading of a structural componen1, frame, or strllcture
in which a slight disturbance . in the 10(l(ls or geometry produces large displ
acements. JOINT. Area where two or more ends. surfaces, or edges arc altnched. C
ategorized by Iype or fastener or weld uscd and the method of force Inlllsfe r.
LATERAL-TORSIONAL BUCKLING. Buckling mode of a flexural member involving deflect
ion out of the plane of bending occurring simuhaneolJsly with twist about the sh
c'll' center of thc cross -section.
CURTAIN WALL STUD. A member in the steel framed cxterior wall system that transf
ers transverse (oul-or-plane) loads and is limited to a superimposed axinl load,
cxcilJsivc of sheathing materials, of /lot more thllll 1460 N/m, or superimpose
d axial load of /lot more that 890 N per stud. DIAPHRAGM. Roof, floor, or other
membranc or braCing system llulI transfers in -plane forces to the lateral force
resisting system. DIRECT STRENGTH METHOD. An alternative design method deHl llc
d in Section C-I that provides predictions of member strengths without the usc o
f effective widths. DISTORTIONAL BUCKLING. A mode of buckling involving change ,
in cros s~sec tional shape, excluding local
LOAD. Force or other action that results from the weight of building materials,
occupants and their possessions, ellvironmental effects. differential movemcnt,
or restrained dimensi onal changes. Forces, stresses, and defonnations LOAD EFFE
CT produced in a structural component by applied loads. Load Factor. Factor that
aCCOU!llS for deviation of the nomina! load from the actual load, (or uncertain
ties in the analysis that transforms the load into a load effect and for the. pr
obability that more than one extreme load will occur simultaneously.
LOCAL BENDING. Ultimate state of large deformation of a flange under a concentra
ted transverse force. LOCAL DUCKLING. Buckling of a compression clement where th
e line junctions between elements rem ain straight and angles between clements d
o not change. LOCAL YIEL[)ING. Yielding that occurs in a local area oi' all elem
ent. MASTER COIL. One co ntinuous. weld-free coil as produced by a hal mill , co
ld mill, metallic coating line or paint line and identifiabl e by a unique coil
number. In some cases, thi s coil is cut into smaller coils or slit into narrowe
r coils; however. all of these smaller and lor narrower finished coils arc said
to have come from the same mast er coil if they arc traceable to the original ma
ster coil number.
DOUBLY-SYMMETRIC SECTION. A section symmetric about two orthogonal axes through
its centroid. EFFECTIVE DESIGN WIDTH (EFFECTIVE WIDTH). Flat width of an clement
reduced for design purposes, also known simply as the effective width. FACTORED

LOAD. Product of a load factor and the nominal Imld. FATIGUK Crack initialion a
nd growth resulting from rereated application of live loads. FLANGE OF A SECTION
IN BENDING (FLANGE). Flat width of flange including any intermediate stiffeners
plus adjoining comers.
FLAT WIDTH. Width of an clement exclusive of corners measured along its plane.
asured along its plane, divided by its thickness. FLEXURAL BUCKLING. Buckling mo
de in which a compression members defl ects laterally without a twist or change
in cross-sectional shape.
National Structural Code of Ihe Philippines 6'" Edition Volum e 1

~; 226
and Metal5
MOMENT FRAME. Framing system that pro vides resi stance 10 lateral loads and pro
vides stability 10 th e struct ural sys tem primarily by shear and Ilexure of th
e fra ming Illcillhers alul thei r cOllllecl ions. MULTII'LE-STIFFENED ELEMENT_
Elemen t stiffened between webs, or between a web and a stiffened edge, by means
or intermediate stiffeners parallel to the direction or stress. NOTIONAL LOAD.
Virtual load applied in a structural analysis to account for destabilizing effeC
ls that arc not otherwise accollllIed for in the design provisions. OUT-OF-PLANE
IlUCKLlNG. Ultimate state of a beam, column or bea m-column involving lateral o
r lateraltorsional buc kling. PERFORMANCE TEST. Test made on structural mem bers
, coullect ions. and asse mblies whose performance can not be determined in acco
rda nce wilh Section 551 to Section 557 of this specifica tion or its specific r
eferences. PERMANENT LOAD. Load in which variations over tim e arc rare Or of sm
all magnitude. All other loads are variable loads. POINT-SYMM ETRI C SECTION. Se
ction symm etrical about a point (ce ntroid) such as a Z~scc( i on havin g eq ua
RESISTANCE FAC TOR, q>. Factor that "cco unts for unavoidable deviatiolls of the
nominal strength from the tlc!U,l l strength and for the manne r .111<1 COJl Sl.
qIlCllc CS o r fai lure. RUPTURE STRENGTH. Strength limited by breaking or tcari
ng of members or cOllnecting clements. SECOND-ORDER ANALYSIS. Structural analys
is in which equilibrium conditions arc formulated on the deformed struct ure; s
ccond ~ ordc.r crfects (both P-O and P-A, unless specified otherwise) are indude
d. SECOND-ORI)lm EFFECT. Effect of loads actin g on the deformed configuration o
f a structure; includes P-O effect and P-Il effect.
~HEAR IlUCKLING. Buckling mode in whi ch a plate e leme nt , suc h as the web of
a beam , de forms under pure shcCll" applied in the pl ane of the plate.
SHEAR \VALL. Wall that provides resistallce to late ral loads in the plane of th
e wall and provid es stability for the structural system . SINGLY-SYMMETRIC SECT
ION. Sec ti on sym metri c 3bout only one axis through its cenlroi(/. SPECIFIED
MINIMUM YIELD STRESSES. Lower limit of yield stresses speci fied for <I material
co mpression elements (i.e., a plane co mpressi oll flange 0(" .1 f1exural memb
er or a plane web or fl ange of compress ion member) or whi ch both edges parali
el to the directi on o f stresses are stiffened ei th er by a web . flange. stif
fenin g lip. in termediate st iffener, or the like. SS (STRUCTURAL STEEL). ASTM
designation f<o:. celtain steels intended for stlUcturai appli cati ons. Stress.
Stress as used in this Specifi cation meilllS force pc :' unit area. STRUCTURAL
ANALYSIS. Dete rmination of 10';<;
flan ges.
PUIlLISHED SPECIFICATION. Requiremen ts for a steel listed by a manufacturer, pr
ocessor. producer, purchaser, or other body. which ( I ) arc generall y availabl
e in the public domain or arc available (0 the public upon request, (2) arc
established before the steel is ordered. and (3) as a minimulll, specify Illlnim
um mechanical properties, chemical compos iti on lim its. and . if coated sheet.
coati ng properties.

PURLIN. Horizontal structural member that supports roof deck and is primarily su
bjected to bending under vCltica l loads such as live. wi nd , or dead loads.
PA EFFECT. Effect of loads 'Icli ng on the deflected shape of a me mber be tween
joints or nodes.
P- A EFFECT. Efrect of loads actin g on the displ aced location of joints or nod
es in a structurc. In tiered building structures, thi s is the effect of loads a
cting on the laterall y displaced location of floo rs and roofs.
effects on memb ers and co nnections based on princip les oj"
structural mechanics.
STRUCTURAL MEMBERS. Sec the definition of (\ : . For med Structural Steel Strllc
lunli Me mbers STRUCTURAL COMPONENT. Member, connecting clemen t, or assemblage.
COl" : .v,.
RATIONAL ENGINEERING ANALYSIS. Ana lysi s based on theory th at is appropriate f
or the situation, an y relevant lest data, jf available, and sound engineeIing j
Ass ociation of Structural Engineers of the Pililippines

Port ion of a multipl e stiffened clement
YIELD STRESS. Ge neric term to denote either yield strength, as appropriat e for
Ihe material.
YIELDING. Lilllit stal e of incias\j(,; deformation that
occ urs whe n the yield st ress is reached.
between IIdjaccnt inlCJ'lll C dialc stiITeJ)!'!!"s, bL~Lwccl1 web and
intermediat e stiffener , or between edge ,tilt! inlCnlH:dialc
stiffener .
TENSILE STRENGTH (OF MATERIAL ). Maxim ul11 tensile stress thaI a rn;ncriaJ is c
apable of sustaining ;t S defined by ASTM. TENSION AND SHEAR RUPTURE. in a boll
or olher
YIELDING (PLASTIC MOMENT). Yielding Ihroll ghoul the cross section of a member u
s th e bending mOlll ent reaches the plastic momellt. YIELDING (YIELI) MOMENT).
Yield ing allhe cxlreme
type of a mec hani cal fastener, limit slate of rupture du e
simultan eo us tension and she ar force.
fiber 011 the cross secti on of <l member when the bendin g moment reaches the y
i eld moment.
ASD and LRFD Terms ASD (ALLOWAIlLE STRENGTH DESIGN). Melhod of propol1i o ning s
tructu rn l component s sll ch as th at the
THICKNESS. The thi ckn ess, t. of <lil y clement or sectio/l is the base steel t
hickness. exclusive of coatings. TORSIONAL BUCKLING. Buckling mode wh ich a
compression member twi sts about its shear center axis.
UNSTIFFENED COMPRESSION ELEMENTS. FI:ll compress ion ele me nt sti ffe ned ill o
nl y O IiC edge parallel to thc directi on of stress . UNSYMMETRIC SECTION. Sec
li"n nol symmclric
allowabl e strength equal s or exceeds the required strength of th e component u
nd er thc action or thc ASD load combi nati ons.
ASD LOAI) COMBINATION. Load combin ,"ion in Ihe
either about an axis or a poil1t.
VARIAULE LOAD, load. Load nol classi fi ed as permanent
appli cable bui lding code intended for al lowable strcngth design (allowable st
rcss design). Allowabl e Strength . Nominal Strength divided by th e safe ty r'l
etOJ'. R.,Ifl .

A VAILABLE STRENGTH. Desi gn Sirengih or allowa ble

strength as appropriat e. VIRGIN STEEL. Steel as received frolll the steel produ
ce r
or warehouse before being cold worked as a result of
fabricating operations.
VIRGIN STEEL PROPERTIES. Mec hani cal propcni es
DESIGN LOAD. Appli ed load del ermined in accord ance with ei ther LRFD load com
binations or ASD load
combinatio ns wh ichever is appl icable. of virgin steel such as yi eld elongati
on. stress, tensile strength, and
DESIGN STRENGTH. Resistance raclOr llluiliplied by
the Iluminai strength, H".
WEB. In a member subjected to flexure, th e portion of the section that is joine
d to.two flanges, or that is joined to onl y one flange provided it crosses the
neutral axi s. WEll CRIPPLING. Loca l failure of we b plate in Ih e immedimc vic
init y of a concentrated load or reaction.
DESIGN). Method of proponioning stru ctural component s sllch that the design st
rength equals ur exceeds the required strength of the component under the action
of the LRFD load co mbin ations.
LRFD LOAD COMBINATION. Load co mbinal ion ill Ih e
YIELD IVIOMENT. In a me mbcr subjec ted to bending, the moment at which the c xt
r(,~ JllC outer fiber first attains th e yield stress.
appli cab le building cod e intended for stre ngth design (Load and Resistance F
actor Design).
NOMINAL LOAD. The ma gllillides or Ihe loads specifie d
YIELD POINT. First stress in a materi al at which an
increase in strain occ urs without an j-ncrcasc in stress as
defined by ASTM. YIELD STRENGTIL Sires> "I whi ch a maleri"ls exhibits a specifi
ed Iimiling de viation from the propo rtionalit y of s tress to slrain as define
d by ASTM.
by the applicahle bu ilding ( ode.
NOMINAL STRENGTH. Strenglh of a slruetllre or
component (without th e resistance facto!' or safety factor applied) to resist t
he load effects, il S determin ed in accordance with this Specificati on.
National Structural Code of the Philippin es 6 Edition Vol ume 1

CHAPTE ii 5 ~ Siee! and Metals
deformations acting on a gtructural component, determined by either structural a
nalys is, for the J. ... RFD or ASD load combinations , as appropriate, or as sp
ecified by this Specincation. RESISTANCE. See the definition of Nominal Strength
. SAFETY FACTOR, U. Factor that accou nts for dev iations of the actual strength
, deviati ons of the actual loads from the nominal loads, uncertainties in the a
nalysis that transforms the load into a load effect , and for the manner and con
sequences of failure.
SECTION 551 . .
Thi s see-tion states the scope of the Spcl.:ification, sum marizes refcrenced s
pecification , code, and sHindard lIld doctllllents, and provides requirements f
or materials < contract documents. The section is organized as follows:
SERVICE LOAD. Load under which serviceability limit
slales are evaluated.
553 554
555 556
General Provision Elements Members
Structural Assemblies < 1I1d Systems Connections and Joints
which the maximum components is reached. strength
Limiting condition, in
of a structure or its
Test for Special Cases Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural members
and Connections for Cyclic Loading (Fatigue)
55!.! Scope, Applicability and Definitions 551.1.1 SeQl'C
This specification applies to the design of stru ct ural members cold-formed to
shape from carbon or low-alloy steel sheet, strip, plate, OJ' bar not more than
25 mm in thickness and used for load -carrying purposes in 1. 2. Buildings; and
Struclurcs othcr than buildings provided allowances are made for dynami c effect

551.!.2 Applicability
Thi s Specification in clud es Symbols and Definitions, Section 551 through Sect
ion 557, Section C-I, to Section C3 that shall apply as follows:
Sect ion C- I
Desi gn of Cold-Formed Steel Struct urell Members Using Direct Design Stren glh
Section C-3
Second -Order analysis. Addition al Provisions
This Specification includes dcsign provisions for
Allowable Strength Design (AS D), and Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD).
The nominal strength and st iffness of cold-formed steel
elements, membcrs, assemblies , connections, and details shall be determined in
accordance with the provisions in Section 552 to Section 557. Section C-I to Sec
tion C-3 of the Specification. Where the composition or
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

Si. 00! and Motal
5 ~229
co mponents is such thal calculati o n of strength andlor stiffness cannot be ma
de in accordance with those provisions, struc tural performance shaH be establis
hed from either of the following:
ASTM A572/A572M, Standa rd Specification for HighStrength Low~Allo y Coiumbiulll
- Vanadium Strucllll'<ll Steel ASTM A588!A588M , Standard Specification for High
Strength Low-All oy Structural Steel with 345 MPa Minimulll Yield Point to 100m1
11 th ic k ASTM A606, Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip, High-St
rength, Low- Alloy, Hot-Rolled and ColdRoll ed, with Improved Atmospheric Corros
ion Resistance ASTM A 653M/A653 M (SS 230 MPH , 25 MPa, 275 MPa, 340 MPa Class I
, Class 3 and Class 4. and 380 MPa; HSLAS and HSLAS-F, 275 MPa. 340 MPa, 380 MP
a Class I and 2, 410 MPa , & 480 MPa and 550 MPa , Standard Specification for Sl
ccl Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanizcd) or Zinc - [ron Alloy-Coa ted (Galvan nealed)
by the l'lo t-Dip Process ASTM A792!A792M. (230 MPa, 255 MPa, 275 MPa, and 340
MPa Class I and Class 4), Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, 55% Alum inumZinc Alloy-Coated by the HotDip Process. ASTM A847!A847M, Standard Spccification
for ColdFormed Welded and Seamless High Strength, Low Alloy StJ'l\ctllJ'aJ Tubi
ng with Improved Atmospheric Corrosion Res istance ASTM A875/A875M (SS 230 MPa,
255 MPa, 275 MPa. and 340 MPa Class I and 3; HSLAS and HSLAS-F, 340 MPa, 410 MPa
, 480 MPa, and 550 MPa) , Standard Specifi cation for Steel Shed, Zinc-5% Alumin
um AlloyCoated by the Ho t -Dip Process ASTM A1003/AI003M (ST 340 MPa H, 275 MPa
H, 255 MPa H, 230 MPa H), Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Carbon, Met a
llic- and Nonmetallic-Coated for ColdFormed Framing Members ASTM AI008/AI008M (S
S 170 MPa, 205 Mra, 230 MPa Types I and 2, and 275 MPa Types I and 2; HSLAS Clas
ses I and 2, 3 10 MPa, 340 MPa, 380 MPa, 410 MPa, 450 MPa, and 480 MPa; HSLAS-F
340 MPa. 4 10 MPa, 480 MPa, and 550 MPa), Standard S pecification for Steel, She
et, Cold-Rolled, Carbon, Structural, High-Strength LowAlloy, High-Strength Low-A
lloy with Improved Formab ility, Solution Hardened, and Bake Hardenab le ASTM AJ
O ll /AIOllM (SS 205 MPa, 230 MPa, 250 MPa T ypes I and 2, 275 MPa, 3 10 MPa, 34
0 MPa, and 380 MPa ; HSLAS Classes 1 and 2, 310 MPa, 340 MPa, 380 MPa, 410 MPa,
450 MPa, and 480 MPa ;HSLAS-F 340MPa, 410 MPa, 480 MPa, and 550MPa), Standard Sp
ecification for Steel, Sheet and Strip, Hot-Rolled , Carbon, Structural, High-S
trength Low-AllOY and High-S treng th Low- Alloy
Available strength or stiffness by te:m;, undertaken and eva luated in accord iu
lce ~'ith Section 556, Ava ilable strength or stiffness by rHtional engineering
analysis based on appropriate theory, related testing if data is avail able, and
en gineering judgmen t. Specifically, the available strength is determined from
the calculated nominal strength by appl yin g the following safet y factors or
reSiS1<lIlCC factors:
For Members
= 2.00 (ASD)
= 080 (LR FD)
For Connec tions

Q = 2.50 (ASD)
= 0.65 (LRFD)
551.1.3 Definitions In thi s Specification, "shall" is used 1 0 ex press a In<ll
ldatory requirement, i.e., a provisions that the user is obli ged to satisfy in
order to comply with the Specification; and "shall be permitted" is used it expr
ess an option or that which is permissible withinlhe limits of the Specification
. 551.1.4 Ullil. of Symbols alld Tenns The unit systems considered in .-hose sec
tions is SI units. 551.2 Material 551.2.1 Applicable Steels This Specification r
equ ires the llse of steels intended for structural applications as defined in g
eneral by the specifications of the American Society for Testing Mat erials list
ed in this section. The term SS shall designate sheet material and the terms HSL
AS and HSLASF s hall designate hi gh- strengt h low-a ll oy steels. ASTM A36! A36
M , Standard Specificatio n for Carbon Structural Steel ASTM A242/A242M, Sta nda
rd Specificati on for Hi ghStrength Low- Alloy Structu ral Steel ASTM A283!A283M
. Standard Specification for Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel
Plates ASTM A500, Standard Specification for Cold-Formcd Welded and Seamless Car
bon Steel Structural Tubing in Round s and Shapes ASTM A529/A529M, Standard Spec
ificatio n t"r High Strength Carbon- Manganese Steel of Slructural Quality
National Structural Coele of tile PhilippinEls
I:':dition VOIUIT1e 1

CHAPTEr:=: 5 - St081 and Metals
with Improved Formability ASTM AI039/AI039M (SS 275 MPa, 340 MPa, 380MPa, 410 MP
a, 480 MPa, and 550 MPa), Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet, Hot-Rolled, C
arbon, Commercial and Structural, Produced by the Twin-Roll Casting Process. Thi
cknesses of 380 MPa and higher that do not meet the minimum 10% elongation requi
rement are limited per Section 551.2.3.2. 551,2,2 Other Steels See Section 551.2
.2 of Section C-3 551,2,3 Ductility Steels not listed in Section 551.2.1 and use
d for structural members and connections in accordance with Seclion 551.2.2 shal
l comply with ductility requirements in either Section 551.2.3.1 or Section 551.
2.3.2: 551,2,3,1 General The ratio of tensile strength to yield stress shall not
be less than 1.08, and the total elongation shall not be less than 10 percent f
or a 50 mm gauge length or 7 percent for a 200mm gaugc length standard specimen
tested in accordance with ASTM A370. If these requirements cannot be met, the fo
llowing criteria shall be satisfied: 1. 2. Local elongation in a 12.7 mm gauge l
ength across the fracture shall not be less than 20 percent, and Uniform elongat
ion outside the fracture shall not be less than 3 percent. When material ductili
ty is determined on the basis of the local and uniform elongation criteria, the
use of such material shall be restricted to the design of purlins, girts, and cu
rtain wall studs in accordance with Sections 553.3.1 (a), Section 553.3.2, Secti
on 554.6.1, Section 554.6.2, Section 554.6.2a, and requirements given in Section
C-3.2.1 of the Section C-3. For purlins, girts, and curtain wall studs subject
to combined axial load and bending moment (Section 553.3.5) rJJJIP'1 shall not e
xceed 0.15 for ASD, P,! ,?" shall not exceed 0.15 for LRFD.
strength in Sections 551 to Section is taken as 75 percent of the specified mini
mum yield stress or 410 MPa, whichever is less, and 2. The tensile strength, Fm
used for determining nominal strength in Section 555 is taken as 75 percent of t
he specified minimum tensile strength or 427 MPa, whichever is less.
Alternatively, the suitability of such steels for any multiweb configuration sha
ll be demonstrated by loads tests in accordance with the provisions of Section 5
56. Available strengths based on these tests shall not exceed the available stre
ngths calculated in accordance with Section 552 through Section 557, Section C-J
to Section C-3, using the specified minimum yield stress, F,Y' and the specified
minimum tensile strength, PI/" Erceplion l: For multiple-web cOI{figuratiol1s,
a reduced .specified minimum yield stress, R"Fs )', shall be permitted for deter
mining the nomina! flexural strength in Section 553. 3. la, for which the reduct
io/1 factor, Rb , shalf be determined in accordance \v;th (a) or (b): a. For stU
Tened alld partia!!y sfUTelled compression flanges For
wi! -::;O.067EI F.,),
Rb = 1.0 For 0.067 ElF". < wit < 0,974 E I F,y Rb= 1-0,26/1
Fsy I (tE)),O.067/"
For 0.974 ElF,) Rb= 0.75 b.

For unstllfened compression/langes For wit

0.0173 EI F" (Eq. 551.2-2)
lib = J,O
551,2.3.2 Steels Steels conforming to ASTM A653! A653M SS (550 MPa), AIOOSI AI00
8M SS (550 Mpa), A792/A792M (550 Mpa), A875! A875M SS (550 Mpa), thicknesses of
ASTM AI039 Grades (380Mpa), (410 MPa), (480 MPa), and (550MPa) that do not meet
the minimum 10 percent elongation requircment in Section 551.2.3.1, and other st
eels that do not meet the provisions of Section 551.2.3.1 shall be permitted for
cOllce11lrically loaded closed box section compression members as given in Exce
ption 2 below and for multiple-web configurations such as roofing, siding, and f
loor decking as given in Exception 1 provided that: 1. The yield stress,
1"01'0.0173 EI F,y
lib = 1.079 - 0.6
< I,vlt ::;60
used for determining nominal
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

Steel and Meta l
551.4 Allowable Sh'cngth Design
= :::: :::: ::::
Flat width of compression flange Thickness (~f section Modulus (~r elasticity o/
steel ,S'peClfied minimum yield st((~SS determined in accordance ""iill Section
551.6 5.550 MPa.
551.4.1 Design Basis
Design under thi s section of the Specification shall be based on Specificati on
s shal l be based 011 Allowable St rength Des ign (ASD) principles. All provisio
ns of thi s Speci l1 cati on shall H pply, except for those in Sections 551.5 a
nd in Secti on 55 3 and Section 556 designated for LRFD.
The above Exception shalJ not appl y to the use of steel deck for com pos ite sl
abs, fo r which the steel deck acts as the tensile reinforcemenl of slab.
EJ:ceptioll 2: For concentrically loaded compression members lVith a closed box
section, a reduced yield stress, O.9Fsy, shall be permilfed to be used ill p lac
e (~f F.\. ill Eqs. 553.4.2, 553.4.3, and 553.4.4 for determining the axial stre
ngth in Sec/ion 553.4. A reduced radius of gyration (R,)(r) shall be used in Eq.
553.4.1 when the value of the effective length KL is less than 1.1 La is given
by Eq. 551-3, and R,. is given by Eq. 551 -4.
551.4.1 a ASD Requirements
A design satisfi es rhe req ui rements of this S pecificati o n when the all owa
ble strength of each structural component eq uals or exceeds the requ ired stren
gth, determined on the basis of the nomi nal loads, fo r all appli cable load co
mbinatio ns. The design shall Eq. 55 1.4: I - I:
be performed
accordance with
(Eq.551.4- 1) where
(Eq. 55 1.2-3)
II , = 0.65 + O.35( KL)
I. J Lo
(Eq. 551.2-4)
=Req uired strength =Nominal Strength specified in Section 552 through Section 5
57 and section e-l. =Safety factor specified in Section 552 through
Section 557 and sectio n C I. = All owable streng th

= Length at wh ich local buckling stress equals jle:rural buckling stress = Radi
us gyration offull unreduced cross section Minimum critical buckling slress for
seClioll ca/cu/aled by q. 552.2 Reductionjllctor = Effective lenglh
551.4.1b Load Combinations for ASD Load combination for AS D shall be as stipula
ted by Section
C-3.3. l. la of Section C-3.
= =
551.5 Load and Resistance Factor Design 551.5.1 Design Basis
Design under thi s sec tio n of th e Specifi cation shall be based Load and Resi
stance Fac(o r Design (LRFD) principles. All provisions of thi s Specification s
hall appl y except for those in Sections 551.4 anel in Chapters 553 and 556 desi
gnated for ASD and LRFD.
a ll
551.2.4 Dclivered Minimum Thickncss
T he uncoated min imum steel thi ckness of the cold-formed steel product as deli
vered to the job site shall not at any location be less than 95 percent of the t
h ickness ,t, used in its design; however, lesser thicknesses shall be permitted
at bends, such as corners, due to cold Mforming effects.
551.5.1.1 LRFD Requirelnents
A design satisfi es the requ irements of thi s Specification when the design str
ength of each st ructural component equ als or exceeds th e required strength de
termined on the basis of the nomi nal loads, multiplied by the applicable load f
actors, for all applicable load combinati ons.
551.3 Loads
Loads and load combinations shall be as stipulated by the appli cable provisions
in Section C-3.3 of Section e-3.
The desig n shall be performed in accordance with the Equ ati on 551.5- 1: II" ~
~II,, (Eq. 55 1. 5-1) where
Nati onal Structural Code of tile Phili pp ines 6th Edition Vo lume 1

CHAPTEB 5 - Steet and Metals
:= Required ~lrcngl h :;; Resistance facIO!" specified in Seelio!) 552 through 5
57 and Appendix C-! ::;: Nominal slrcngth specified in Section 552 through 557 a
nd Appendix C-l ::;: Design strength
nange flan ge
full cross- sect ional area of l:Olllrolling
F r (,
::::lJ,FpJ (N/t)'1I,
tensile yield
~ trcss
or corners.
(liq. 551.7 -2)
Eq . 551.7-2 applies only when
SSI.S.lu Load FHctors and Load Combinations fol' LRFD Load factors and load comb
inations for LRFD shall be stipulatcd by Section C-3.3.1. J b of Scction C-3.
r:"I "\'L' : :
1.2, Hil :$ 7, and the included
angle <; J 20" .
~ 3.69 (1'",11',.,.)-0.819 (F,,,/J.~...)' - 1.79 . (Eq.55U -1) ::;:: Tcnsile yiel
d stress of virgin steel specified by Section 551.2 or established in accordance
with Set ion 556.3.3.
551.7 Yield Stress nnd Strength [ncrea froll1 Cold Work of Forming 551.7.1 Yield
Stress The yield stress llscd in design, I;~. , shall not exceed the spccificd m
inimum yield stress of steels as listcd in Scclion 55' or 5512.3.2, as es
tablished in accordance with Section 556, or as increased for cold work of formi
n g ill Section 551.7.2.
551.7.2 Slrenglh Increase from
Inside bend radiu !;
:::: Thickness of section

~ 0.192(1',,,11',.,.) - 0.068 (E'1 . 55 1.7-4) = Tcnsile streJ~gth of virgin ste
el spccified by
Section 551.2 OJ' established in accmdancc with
Strength increase from cold work of forming shall be pennittcd by substitutin g
Fya for I~\., where I~II is the nverage yield stre:;:; of the full section. Such i
ncrease shall be limited to Sections 553.2. 553.3. 1 (excluding Section 553.3.1.
1 (b)). 553.3.4. 553.3.5, 554.4. and 554.6.1. The limits and methods for detenni
ning F ya shall be in accordance with (a), (b) and (c).
Section 556.3.3. :::: Wei ghted average tensile yi eld stress of nat portions es
tablished in accordance with Section 556 .3 .2 or virgin steel yield stress if t
ests arc not made
For axially loaded tension
mined by eithe r method '(
sect ion.
The effect of ,my we lding
ined on the basis of tests
e length,

members, the yield stress of thc steel shall be deter

I) or method (3) prescribed in paragraph (a) of this
on mechanical propeJ1ies of;:\ member shall be determ
of full section specimens containing, within the gaug

for axially loaded cumpression members and flexural members whose proportions ar
c such that the quantity p for strength determination is uni ty as detcrmined in
accordance with Section 552.2 for each of the component clements of the sec tio
n, the design yield stresses, F)'(f> of the steel ShllII be determined on the ba
sis of oJ~e of the following methods:
such welding as the manufacturer intends to u ~e . Any necessary allowance for s
lich effect shall be made in the structural use of the member.
Full section Icnsile lesls [see paragraph (a) of Seclion 556.3.11,
b. c.
Stub columl1 tests [see paragraph (b) of Section 5563.11. Computed in accordance
with Eq. 551.7- 1.
J~'II :::: cr~n
551.8 Serviceability A structure shall be designed to perform its required funct
ions during its expected life. Serviceability limit statc~; shall be chosen base
d on the intended functi on of tbe slructure and shall be ev<tluated using reali
stic loads and load cOlnbinations. 551.9 Referenced Documen ts The following doc
uments OJ' portions thereof arc refcrellc(:~d in this Specification and shall be

c()ll sidered p ~\J1 of the: requirements of this Specification.

I. American Iron and Steel Inslitute (AISf) , 1]. 1C Connccticut Ave., NW. Washi
ngton . DC '20036:
AISI S20007, North American Standard for ColdFormed Steel Framing - General Provi
sions AlSI 5210-07, North American Standard for ColdFormed - Floor and Roof Syst
em Design
+ ( I -C)
1'~f'S. F,,,.
== Average yield stress of full unreduced section of
compression members or full flangc sections of flexural members :::: For compres
sion members, rati o of total corner cross- sectional area to total cross-sectio
nal area of full scction; for flexural mcmbers, ratio of tOlal corner cross-sect
ional area of controlling
Associalion of Slruclural Engineers of Ihe Philippines

AISI S211-07, North Aillerican Standard for ColdFormed Steel Framing - Wall Stud
Usc. ASTM A490-06, Standard Spc...:ification for Structural Bolts, Alloy Steel,
Hcat Treatcd, 150 ksi Minimuin Tensile Strength ASTM A490M-04a, Standard Specifi
cation for High Strength Steel Bolts, Classes 10.9 and 10.9.3, for Structural St
eel Joints [Metric] ASTM A500-03a, Standard Speci lieation for Cold FOJ'n)ed Wel
ded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing in Rounds and Shapes ASTM A529/A
529M-05, Standard Specification for High Strength Carbon-Manganese Steel of Stru
ctural Quality ASTM A563-04, Standard Specification for Carbon
and Alloy Steel Nuts
AISI S212-07, North American for Cold-Formed Sleel Framing - Header Design
AISI S214-07, North American Standard for CoJdFormed Steel Praming- Truss Design
AISI S901-02*, Rotational Lateral Stiffness Test Method for BcanHo- Panel Assem
blies AISI S902-02, Stub-Coluilln Test Method for Effective Area of Cold-Formed
Steel Columns AISI S906-04, Standard Procedures for Panel and Anchor Structural
Note: * A/5;/ {est procedures previously designated as 7:)!I-XX are reo-designat
ed to A/SI S9n-x).,:, where "/1" is flU' (eSf procedure sequence number and "xx"
is tlw year the standard was dcwdoped or updated.
ASTM A563M-04, Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts IMetric) A
STM A572/A572M .. 06, Standard Specificatiun fur High -Strength Low Alloy Columb
ium-Vanadium Structural Steel ASTM A588 I A588M-05, Standard Specification for H
igh- Strength Low Alloy Structural Steel with 50 ksi 1345 Mra) Minimun Yield Poi
nt to 4-in. IIOOmm) Thick ASTM A606-04, standard Specification for Steel, Sheet
and Strip, High-Strength, Low alloy, lIot- Rolled and Colel- Rolled, with Improv
ed Atmospheric Corrosion Resistance ASTM A6531 A653M-06, Standard Specification
for Steel Sheet, ZincCoatcd (Galvanized) or Zinc>Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed)
by the l'lot-Dip Process ASTM A847 I A847M-05, Standard Specification j()r Cold
Formed Welded and Seamless High Strength, Low alloy Structural Tubing with Impro
ved Atmospheric Corrosion Resistance ASTM AS75 I A875M-05, Standard Specificatio
n for Steel Sheet, Zinc-5% Aluminum Alloy- Coated by the Hot-Dip Process ASTM A
I 0031 A I 003M-05, Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Carbon, Metallic-and
NOll MetallicCoated for Colel Formed Framing Membcrs ASTM A100S1 A IOOSM-05b, S
tandard Specification for Steel, Sheet, Cold- Roiled, Carbon, Structural, I-ligh
- Strength Low Alloy, High- Strength Low Alloy with Improved Formability, Soluti
on Hardened, and Bake Hardenable ASTM AIOIIlAIOIIM-05a, Standard Specification f
or Steel, Sheet and Strip, Hot-Rolled, Carbon, Structural, High-Strength Low All
oy and High Strength Low alloy
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 1828 L Strret, NW, Washington,
Dc 20036: ASME B46.1-2000, Surface Roughness, \Vavincss, and Lay Texture, Surfac
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), 100 Barr Harbour Drive, West
Conshohocken, Pennsylvania 19428-2959: ASTM A361 A36rn-05, Standard Specificatio
n for Carbon Structural Steel ASTM AI94/A 194M-06, Standard Specification for Ca
rbon and Alluy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High . Pressure and High~Tempcraturc Scr
vice, or Both ASTM A2421 A242 M-04el, Standard Specification for High-Strength L
ow-Alloy Structural Steel ASTM A307-04, Standard Specification for Carbon Steel
Bolts and Studs, 60,000 PSI Tensile Strength ASTM A325-06, Standard Specificatio

n for Structural Bolts, Steel, I-leat Treated, 120/105 ksi Minimum Tcnsile Stren
gth ASTM A325M-05, Standard Specification for Structural Bolts, Steel, Heat Trea
ted, 830 MPa Minimum Tcnsile Strength [Metric] ASTM A354-04, Standard Specificat
ion For Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel Bolts, Studs, and Other Extcrnaslly Th
readed Fasteners ASTM A370-05, Standard Specifications for Standard Test Methods
and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products ASTM A449-04b, Standar
d Specification for Hex Cap Screws, Bolts, and Studs, Steel, I-leat Treated, 120
/1 05/90 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength, General
National Structural CodG of the Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

CIiA P lE H ~)
Steel ami Meta l!;
A1 db
Net tensi Ie area
::: Nomi nal diameter (body or shrank di ameter) ::: Pitch (mill per thread for
SI unit s)
SECTION C-l DESIGN OF '"'v'......,.-J.' v ..... ~.''"'v. STRUCTURALC ' ~~~~~ THE
C~l Design of ColdFormed Steel Struc;,turClJ Members Using (he Direct Strength Me
557.5 Special Fabrication RC<luircmcnts 13<1cking bars in welded connections tha
t an: ,,:Ir<i1lcl to th e stress fi eld shall be permillcd 10 remain in pl<tce.
and if used, shall be continllous. Backing bars that arc pcrpcndicul;!r to the s
tress fi eld, if used, shall be removed and the joint bad gouged and welded.
Flame cu i edges subj ect
C-I.I. GcncrClJ Provisions
C-l.l.l Applicability
The prov isions of this Secti on shall be permitted 10 bc used
del ermine the nominal Hxial (P,,) .md fl ex ural (Mil)
surface roughness not to exceed 25 ASME 1346. )
cycl ic siress ran ges sh ... 11 have a 11111 in accord ance with
sire ligths of coldformcd stecl 1l1cmbcrs. Sections C. I.2.1 ,1Ild C. 1.2.2 prcsc
nt a mcthod appli cable to all coldfonned
Re ~entrant co rners at cuts, copes, and weld Hccess ho les shall form a radius
of not less than 10 mm by pre-drilling or sub-p ul\ chin g and reaming a hole, o
r by t!l enni!! cutting to forlll th e rad ius of the cut. If the radius porti o
n is form ed is formed by thermal cutting, the cut surface 511(111 be gro und to
a bri ght metal contour to provide a radiu sed transition, free of notches, wit
h a surface roughn ess not to exceed /lot to exceed 25 liI1l in accordance with
ASME 846. I or anoth er cquivalent approved standards.
steel colu mns and bc.uns. Those members meeting the gcomct ric and IllClterial
limitati ons of Secti on C. I. I.I.I for columns and Section C. J. 1. 1.2 for be
ams have been prequatificd for usc, and the calibrntcd safety factor, D, and res
istance facwr, , given in C.1.2. 1 and C. 1.2.2 shall be pcrmi[{ed to apply. Th e
usc of the provisions of Section C.!.2.! and C. J .2.2 for other colullIlls and
beams shall be permitted, but the standard Q and factors for ration.a} engineer
ing analysis (Section AJ.2 (b) of. the. main Specification) apply. The main Ame.
rican SpeclficatlOll for the Design of Cold Formed Steel Structural Members. Curr
entl y, the Direc t Strength Method prov id e~ no cxpl~ ci t provisions for memb

e rs in tension, shcar, com bmed bendm g and she'lI", web crippling, co mbined b
ending and web crippli ng, or combined ax ia l load and bendin g ( beam~ colum n
s). Fun her, nO provisions arc given for structura l assc mblic!) or conn ecti o
ns <lnd joi nt s. As detailed in mai n Spccification, Scct ion 55 J. 1.2, Ihe pr
ovisions of thc main Specification, when appl icable, shall be used for all case
s listed above. It shall be permitted to sub stit ute the nominal strength, resi
stance factors, and safety factors from this Appendix for the corresponding valu
es in Secti ons 553.3.!, 553.4.l.l,. 553.4.1.2, 553.4.1.3, 553.4. 1.4, 554.6. 1.
1. and 554.6.1.2 of th e main Specilicalion. For members of si tuations to which
Ihe main Specification is not appJicHblc, the Dircc t St rength Method of thi s
Ap pen dix Sh'1 1J be permitted to be med, liS :lppJicahl~ . TI~c usage of the
engineering analysis procedure, as detailed JIl Section 55 11 .2 (b) of the mai
n Specificati on:
For transverse bUll joint s in regions of hi gh tensile st ress, we ld tabs shal
l be used to provide for cascadin g the we ld tcrmination outside the fini shed
j oint End da ms shall not be used. Weld tabs shall be removed and (he end of th
e weld fini shed flush with the cdge of the member.
Weld tabs shall no! be requiredfor sheer material iJthe weldiflg procedures used
result ill smoOlh, flush edges.
Association of Stru ctural Engineers of tile fJhilippin es

SlOe! and
M ct~li
app lirable provi siolls of 1I~c. main Spccificllt ion shall he
follo w ( ~ cI whelllh,~y f'XiSI ,
C. 1.2 Members C. I.2.1 Column Design The nominal axial sirength jresisia/lce ].
fJ'l> shall be the minimum of P"''' Fill, and Pm/ as gi vcn in Sec.tions C.l.2.
1.1 to C. For columns mceting the geometric and material criteria or Se
ction C.1.l.! <I, Qc and c shall be as follows:
Q, = 1.80
in cn!<l scd safety faclOrs, n, and reduced resi stance facto rs, . shall be empl
oyed for strength when rat io n;1i engincering analysis is conducted.
C. J .1.1 ,iI Prc-<Iualificd Columns
Unperformed columns that fall within [hc geometric and material limitations give
n in Table C-l ~:hall be permitlcd 10 be design cd using the safe ty factor, il,
and resistancc faclor. , defined in Section C. 1.2. I.
c.1.1.1 b Prc-qllalilicd Beallls
$, = 0.85
Un perforated bca ms Ihal rail wi lhin the geomctric and marcritll limitations g
i ven in Table C-2 shall he pennillcd to be designcd using (he s;lrety ractor. i
l, ~II}(I resistance faclor, , de fined in Secti on C.1.2.2.
C.1.1.2 Elastic Buckling
For all other columns, Q and of [he main Specification, Section 55! .1.2(b), sha
ll appl y. The :lVailablc strength shall be dctermined in accordance with applic
"ablc mcthod in Section 551.4 . or 551 .5 of the main Speci fi cation.
C.I.l.I .. Flexunll, Torsinllal, or FlexurnI-Torsional Buckling The Ilomina! axi
al strength, PIll"~ for flex ural, torsiona!, or Oexural -torsiona! buckling sha
ll be cidculatcd in accord.mcl' with the following:
Analysi s shall be uscd for the determination of th e clastic buckling loads and
/or moments used in this Appendix. For columns, this includes the local, distort
ional, and overall buckling loads (P,.,.(, Pnd , and P('f(" of Section C.!.2.!).
For beams, this includes the local, distortional, and overall buckling moments
(Ma (. Mm/, and Mat of Section C. ! .2.2). In some cases, for a given column or

beam, al! three modes do not exist. In such cases, the non-existent mode shall b
e igno red in the calculations of Sections C.1.2.1 and C.1.2.2. The commentary {
Q this Appendix provides guidance 011 appropriate anal ys is procedures ror clas
ti c buckling dctcnninatio n.
C. I.t.3 Serviceability Determination
(Eq. C.1-2)
For I"~ ~ 1.5
=(0.877)1' ...t;
(Eq. C.1-3)
(Eq. CI-4)
The hending deflection at any moment, M, due to Ilominnl loads shall be pcrmiltc
d to be determined by reducing the gross moment of inertia, I g , to an effectiv
e momcnt or inertia fOf deOeclioll, as given in Eq. C.l- L
(Eq. C. I . I)
::;:; Nomina! ncxural strength, M'I! defined in Section C.1.2.2, but with M,. re
placed by M in all equations or Section C. (2.2 =:: Momcnt du e to nominal loads
on membe r 10 be conside.red (M ~ My)
A,F,. (Eq. C.I-S) = Minimum of the critical elastic column buckling load in flex
ural, torsional , or flexural-torsional buckling determined by analysis in accor
dance with Section C.1.1.2.
c.J.l.l b Local Buckling The no minal axial strength, Pur, for local buc kling s
hall be calcu lated in acco rdance with the following:
For AI S 0.776

(Eq. C. 1-6)
(E'I. C.1-7)
National Structural Code of the Pililippines 6 Edition Volume 1

. Sl eel
;}llcj M (~ I,I I S
wh crt'.
For 2.78 M,. i: M, .. ? O. 56M,
;~::'" ~ J----I~'rt
(Eq. C 1-8)
L~ M
[I. .~.A::. -:._ ')
36 M or
(Eq. C. I-I.1)
= A valu e as defined in Secti on C. J .2. ).1 = Critical clastic local column b
uckling lo,ld determin ed by analys is in accordance with Secli oll C. 1.1.2
For M,.... > 2_ 78 M ,.
A1,,,. = A1,.
CEq. C. 1-14)
CI.2.! c ()jstortional Buckling
Thc nominal axi H i strength, Pili" for distortional buck ling shall be calculat
ed in accordance with the followin g:
;;;: Criti cal clasti c lateral-torsional buckling momCn t determined by anal ys
is in accordance wilh Secti on C. ! .1.2
(Eq. CI-15)

(10'1 _CI-9)
For J." > 0.561
= Gross section modulus referenced fiber ill first yield
the extreme
JI~~ )0 ."](.!;~.!!.. )".<, P, I~", ~ [1- 0 21.
(E'I. C I - IO)
C.1.2.2h Local Buckling The nomin al flex 1I 1'<1 I sl re ngth, M.". for local b
uckling shall he calculated in accordance wil h the following:
For /..( S 0. 776
(Eq . C. 1-16)
(Eq. C I - II)
Fod, > 0_ 776
Py Pml = A valu e as given in Eq . C. 1-5 ::;;: Critical clastic distorti onal c
olumn bucklin g load determi ned by anal ysis in accordance wi th Section C. 1.1
[ [
---M a l
1- 0. 15 M crt. Mflt'
':! -') (_ )"
crt .
M ,W
M ne
0" 1. CI- 17)
11.-1 ...C.1.2.2 Bealll Design The nominal flexural strength, M,,, shall be the minimum o

f M ilt'. MII { . and Mud as given in Section s C. 1.2.2. 1 to C . for

beams meeting th e geometric and mat ena l crite ria of Section C., 0 "
and , shall be as foll ows:
,. JM ,~
(10'1. C. l-IS)
,= 0.90 (LRFD)
For all other beams, Q and of th e main Speci fi cati on, Sec tion 55 I. 1.2.(b)
, shall appl y. 111e a vai lable st rength [factored resista nce] shall be de te
rm ined in accordallce wi th appl icable meth od in Section 55 1.4, or 551.5 of
th e main
= A val ue as defined jn Section C.1 .2.2. 1 ;:;: Criti cal elastic local buckli
n g mome nt determined by analysis in accordance with Scctioll C I.1.2 C.l .2.2c
Distortional Buckling The nominal fl exural strength , Mm/, for distortion:l l
budl i shall be calculated in accordance with the followil1 g:
For ),,, S 0 .67 :\
Specifi cation.
C.1.2.2a La(cral~Tor s ional Buckling Th e nominal nexural strength, M ilt' . fo
r lateral-torsional buckling shall be. cal culated in a CCOrd<lIlCC with th e fo
ll owing:
(6'1 . CI !'))
For 2" > 0 .673
For Mm < O.56M.I'
(Eq. C. 1-12)
:::: 1-0.2
"'5J(M J0.5 M .I. J M
Cf d

(10'1 . C. J20)
Association of Structura l Engineers of the Phil ippines

(10'1. <:. 1-21 )
= Critical clastic distortional buckling moment
= A value as given in Eq. C.1.2.2"4
determined by analysis in accordan ce with Sectioo C I.I.2
National" Struclural Code of the Philippines G'" Edition Volum e 1

~) ' 296
!j .
Steel and Metats
Table C- I
Upped C..s.ctio .... Simpl" lipo :
I<- .. ....,
LIInb Icf ~ CoI\IIMW. For aU C_<ma; boll <02 bolt < 159 4 <: D/t < 33 0.7 <: hoI
b" <: 5.0 0.05 < O/b" < 0.41
Complex Lips:
> 340 Ify < 86 bI (593 MY. or (,o()!lO i<8/<m'l1 I'ot C-.:tiont with C:OIllf"ex
lips: D:z/t < 34 D:z/D< 2
34 1
Lipped C.secoon with Web Stiff.,.,.".(.)
.) Ih is permill>ed 10 .....ry (D" lip i!I penni1kd in ""Sic inw..nt outwml, etc
.) ollh I.s IX'mllttoo to vary iDlllp Is oormdtted to ahcle lID, down.. etcOt Fa
r .OC'U! or two intamcduk- ltifienars.: hoIl < 4Il9
b,,/t <: lW 6 < 0/1 <33 1.3 < hoIb" -< 2.7 0.05 ~ Olt.., < Q.l
l-&>ctkm f!U(~

"IFy> 340 IPT < 86 bj (593 MI'. OT Y.iO i<8/<m'l1
I\,jl < 137
bolt <: 56 O<O/I<:
Rack Uprlgftt
1.5 < hoIbo 1.7
01 b" '" 0.73
". W'
6ff, > 590 If,. <: 50 ~ (J.45 MY. or .352t11os/cm')1
r T
bzl<See C-5octian with Compb Lips
n..JI < 51)
~.- - ~
'" 1
N04~ :
b,,/ t ""i!!IJ- t{!; < 0/1 < (, 1.0 <: I\,jb. <: 1.2
D/I;,, {).n
E/Fy > nil !F~ <: ~ hi {476 Mf'lI <)I' ~'I(I ~/<m')1 - the a:ntMti~ IHmd r.aditl
iil .. :r l ~ < 10~ whl!t"l:! r IS 1>" - C7Vef'OJl "'idth; D ...,.'<!roD Wp d..,
.h.! I ~ ~ mql>/ol r.'IJ.*"ta<; ""
eovertll deplf'

Association of Struclural Engineers of Ihe Philippines

Table C2
c-sectJoru stmple Ufl'$;
For .U Csectklos hoIl < 321
0<0/1<34 1.5 < ho/bo " 17.0
0" 0lb" "0.10
Complex Ups ;
44'" e" 9Ir B/Fr " 421 /F y < 70 bi (483 Mr. oc 4920 kg! em1 )]
For C~OT6 with complex
OYI<: 34
DlID" 2 D:3/1" 34 D:3/Dl" 1
a) Ih 1$ permitted to VAry (D, lip i. pt!fIIlittrd to .ngle inward or outward) b
e., is
Upped C-StJons with Wtb Stiffener 1<-""-1
1 ~
14 <: D!t < 17 5,S" 1>0/1>0 <: 11.7
027 < D/bD < 0,56
E/Fy "578 (Fy "51 ksi (352 MPa or 3590 kgleml)]
For all z..-:ti0IlB: hoi I < 183 boll" n
10" 011 < 16 2.5 < hoIb" < 1
Simple Ups;

0.15 0/1>0 '" 0.34 36< < 0 < 90" E/Fy" 440 [Fy < 67 ktil (462 Ml'lI or 4710 k8l=
"H For Z-sect:ioo<) with wrnplex lips;
Complex Lips:
Dz/I <: 34 oyO<: 2 D:3/t < 34 D:l/Dl < 1
0, G,
National Stru ctural Cod e of the PI1ilippines 6'" Edition Volume 1

Hats (Decks) with Stiffened F1al18" in Compression

f h,
Umltatlons for ~WlltfIed aaaIM (COntInued) ho/l<97 bolt < 467 O<d s/t<26 (d. =De
pth of stiffener)
0.14 < ho/bo < 0.87 0.88 < bo/hj < 5.4 0< n ~ 4 (n = Number of compression Ilang
e stiffeners) E/Fy > 492 [Fy < 60 ksi (414 MFa or 4220 kg/cm')] ho/I < 203 boll
< 231 0.42 < (ho/.tne)/bo < 1.91 1.10 < bo/b, < 3.38
Trapezoids (Decks) with Stiffened Flange in Compression
b,-+i T
o < nw S 2 (nw 0< I\: ~ 2 (I\: ':' Number of compression flange stiffeners) Number of web stiff
eners and/or folds)
0< "t S 2 (nt Number of tension flange stiffeners) 52' < 9 < 84' (9 = Angle betwe
en web and horizontal plane) E/Fy > 310 [Fy < 95 ksi (655 MFa or 6680 kg/em')
r I I < 10, where r is the centerline bend radius. See Section for defin
itions of other variables given in Table 1.1.1-2
Association of Structural Engineers of tile Philippines


This Scclion C.2 addresses second-order an til ys is for stru c tural systems co
mprised of moment fram es, braced frames, shear wa!ls, or combinations thereof.
C.2.! General Rcquil'cmcnL'j
;:: Required axial co mpressive strength Ifactored ;!xiai n)lllpressivc force],
(N) :.:. : Member yield slrenglh (;AF\., where A is the fuJI unreduced cross-sec
ti onal are a), (N) = 1.6 (ASD) ~ 1.0 (LRFD)
Members shall salisfy the provisions of Section 553.5 with
th e nominal COIIlI11I1 strengths Inominal axial rc:-;istanccj,
Pn, determ ined usin g K~ and Xx = 1.0 , as well as (,l X= 1.0 , ay= 1.0, e".. =
1.0. iHld e m .l . = 1.0. The required strengths
Ifaclored forces and moments) for Il1clnbcrs. con nections,
III (;!ses where llexibilit y of other structural componcllts such as connection
s, fl exible column base dctails. or l1orizo!\wl trusses acting as diaphragms is
modeled explicitly ill the analysis. thc stii'fnesscs of th e other st ruc tura
l co mponent s sllall be reduced by a factor of 0.8. If notio nal loads arc use
d. ill li eu of using rb < 1.0 where > 0.5. rb = 1.0 shall be pcnnit(ed to be lI
sed for all members. provided that all Hddi tional notional load of O.OO! Yi is
"dded to the noti onal load rcquircd in Section C.2.2.4.
nlld other structural clements shall be determined llsing a sccond~ordcr analysi
s as specified in this Sectio]). All co mponent and connection deformations that
co ntribute to the lateral displacclllcn! of the structure shall be co nsidered
in the t.lnalysis.
<:'2.2.4 Nolionallonds
C.2.2 Design and Am'lysis Constraints C.2.2.l General
The second-order analysis shall consider both the effec t of loads acting on the
deflected shape of a member between joints or nodes (P-& effects) and the effec
t or loud s acting on the displaced location of joints or nodcs in a structurc(P6 effec ts ). It shall be permitted to perform fhe anal ys is using
any general sccond-order amllysis mct hod . Anal yses shall b(~ conducted accord
in g to the design and loading requirements specified in Section 551. For the AS
D, the
Noti onall o,lds shall be appli ed 10 the latera l framing system ,H:count for t
he effects of geometric imperfecti ons. Notional loads arc lateral load s that a
rc applied al each framing level and specificd in terms of the gravity loads app
lied al that level. The gravity load used to determine the notional load shall b
e equal to or greater than the gravity load associated with the l()ad co mbinati
on being eva!u~ted. Noti onal loads shal l be applied in the direction th at add
s 10 the destabili zing effects under the specilied load co mbinatioll .
second-order analysis shall be carried out under 1.6 times th e ASD load combina
tions and the results shall be divided hy 1.6 to obtain th e required strengths
at allowable load levels.
A notional load, N; = (1/240) Yi shall be appl icd independe ntly in two o[1hogo
nal directions as a lateral load in all load combinations. Thi s load shall be i

n addition to other latcral IOlHis, if any.

C2.2.2 Types of Aunlysis
It shall be permissible to carry out the second-order analysis either on the out
-or-plumb geometry without noti onal loads or on the plumb geometry by appJying
notional loads or minimum latera! loads as defined in Section C.2.2.4.
= Notionallntcrnl load applied at level I, kips (N) ; Gravity load from the LRFD
load combination or i .6limes the J\ SD load combinati on applied at level I, N
For second-order clastic analysis, axial and fl ex ural stiffness shall be reduc
ed as specified in Section C.2.2.3.
C.2.2.3 Reduced Axial , and Flexural Stifrnes""
Flexural and axial stiffness shall be. reduced by using E* in place of E as follo
ws for a!1 members whose flexural and axi~1 stiffncsscs arc co nsidered to contr
ibut e to the lateral stability of the. structure:
The notional load coefficien t of 11240 is based on an assumed initial story ou
t ~of-pluIl1bness ratio of 1/240. Where a differcnt assumed out - of~ plumbness
is justified , thc notionnl load coefficient shall be pcnniHco to be (l(lj usted
proportionally to a value not less tha n 11500.
= O.8rbE
(Eq. C2-1)
= 1.0 for 0"1'11',:0 0.5 =4[0"1'11',.11 - al'll',.!] for 0.1',11',. > 0.5
National Structura l Code of the Pllilippilles 6[h Edition Volume 1

fj 300
!i . Steel and Metals
This Section provides .design provisions or supplements to Secti on 551 through
557. C.3.1 Scope Designs .~:!;:. Jl be made in accordance with the provi sions f
or Load and Resistance FaClOr Design, or with the provisions for Allowable Stren
gth Design. C.3.2 Olher Sleels The listi ng in Section C.3.1 shall not ex.cl ude
the use of steel up to ,\11<1 including 25 mill in thickness, ordered or produc
ed to othe r than the listed specifications. provided the
following rcq uireme lli s arc me l:
C.3.2.1 Ductility In seismic design ca tegory I), E or F (as defined by I\SCEJSE
I 7), when materi al du ctility is dl:te rmin cd on the basis of the local and u
niform elo ngation cri teria of Section C.3.3.I, cllrtain wall studs shall be li
mited to the dead load of the curtain wall assem bly divided by it s surface are
a, but no greater tllilll O.75kN/m 2 . C.3.3 Loads C .3.3.1 Nominal Loads
The nominal loads shall be as stipul atcd by the appli cable
building code under wh ich the Slnlcturc is designed or as di ctated by the co n
diti ons in volved . In (he absence of a building code, the nominal loads Shlill
be those stipulated in the ASCEISEI 7. C.3.3.l.1a Load Combinations for ASD The
structure and its components shall be designed so that the allowable strengths
equal or exceed the effects of the nominal loads and load combinations as stipul
ated by the applicable building code under which the structure is designed or, i
n the absence of an applicable building code, as slipulated in Ihe ASCE/SEI 7. C
. Load Factors and Load Combinations for
The steel shall conform 10 (he chelllical and meciwnic(ll requi remcnt s of one
of the listed specifications or othcr publ ished specification.
The che mica! and mechanical properti es shall be determincd by the producer, th
e su pplier. or the purchaser, in accordance with the foll owing specifications.
For coated sheets, ASTM A9241 A924M; for hal-rolled or cold-rolled sheel lind s
lrip. ASTM AS681 A568M: for plate and bar. ASTM A61 A6M; for hollow structural s
ections, sllch tes ts shall be nwcJc in accord ance with tlie requireme nt s of"
A500 (for c<!rilon sleel) or A847 (for IISLA steel).
The structure and its co mponent s shall be de signed so that des ign strengths
eq ual or excced the effects or the factored loads and lond co mbinatioll s stip
u lated by the applicable building code under which the structure is designed or
, in the absence of an a ppli c ab le building code. as stipulat ed in Ihe ASCE/
SEI 7 .
C.3.4 Referenced Documents The, following document s are rercrefl(~ed in Section
The coating propcrl ies of coated sheet shall be de tc lill iue Li b y Ille I'rU
f.Juccr, lilt.' suppl ier. or the pu rchaser, ill accordance wilh ASTM A924/ A92
.L 5.

The steel shall meet the req uireme nts of Secli n!) C.3.3. If the steel is to b
e \VeldC"~l. its suitability for th e intended we lding process shall be establi
shed by the produce.l". the supplier, or the purch <l~cr ill accordance wilh A W
S D 1.1 or D U as applicabl e.
If th e idenlificalion lind documentalion of Ihe producli on of
Ihl! sled have not heen established , th e ll in addition to rcquirC!l1lmts (I)
through (5), the manufacturer of the cold
formed steel product shall establi sh that the yield stress and t(:'lls il ~ str
ength of the IlHlstcr coi l <lrc al l e a~ t 10 percent
!!n'ilh: 1
American Inslilule of Sleel ConstlUclion (AISC), One Easl Wacker Drive. Suite 70
0. Chi cago, Illinois 606011802: ANSI! AISC 360-05. Specificalion for Siruciural
Steel Buildings Amcrican Iron and Steel inslitutc (A ISI), 1140 ConnecliclIl Av
enue. NW, Washin gton, DC 20036: AISI S211-07 . North Ameri can Siandard for Col
drormed S Ie!.! I pmming - Lateral Design A ISI S90804, Base Test Method fo r Pur
lins Supporti ng a standing Sea m Roof Systcm
rcf"e rcm:cd
pu blis hcd
s p~ ,.: i fi~ali on.
Amcrica n Sociely of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 1801 Alexande r J3ell Dri ve, Resto
n VA, 20191: ASCE/SEI 7-05. Minimum Design Loads in Bui ldings and Other Structu

Slee l and Metal
:)30 1
Amcrican Welding Sodcty (AWS ), 550 N.W . I...cJcunc Road, Miami , Florida 33 J
35:A WS D 1.3-98, Sl l"ucltJral
V ole/din g Code-Sheet Stee l A WS C I.I /CI. I M-2000,
discrete point bracing and thl! provis ions of Secti on 553.3. 1.2. 1. o r shall
be c.:;:llculatcd in "Iccordance with thi s
sec tion. The safel y fa..-wr ,HI d th e resistance ra<: lOr prov id ed in this
section shall be applied to the nomina! strength. M". calculated by r~l. 554 .6.
1.2-1 10 determine the availab le strengths ill accorda nce with the appli cli b
le method ill Scclion 551 .4 or 55 1.5.
RCcolllllwnucd Practices for C.3.S Tension Members
Res istance Weld ing
For axially loaded tension members, the nominal tensile strength, 1;" shall be t
he smallest value obtained in accordance with the limit States oj" (a). (b) and
(c). Unless otherwise specified. Ihe corresponding safety faclOr am.! the rcsisl
ancc faclor provided in thi s section shall be lIsed to determine the available
strengths in accordance with (he applicable method in Section 551.4 or 551.5.
(Eq . CJ:!)
where R
. ; ..
For yielding in gross sectio n
= Reduction factor determin ed in accordance with AISI S908
(Eq . C31)
See Section 553.3.1. I for definitions of S,. and F.rC.3_6_2 Compression of Z-Se
ction Members Having One
0,= 167 (ASD)
= 0.90 (LRFD)
where :::: Nominal strength of member when loaded il; tensi on :;;: Gross arc a

of cross section :::: Design yield sucss as de lermined in accord ance with Secti
on 55 1.7. 1
Flange Fastened 10 a Standing Scum Roof These prov isions shall apply to Z-sccti
OllS <:oncentrica!ly loaded along their longitudinal axi s, with -only one flang
e <lllached 10 standing seam roof panels. Allcnwli vely, de sign values for a pa
rticular system shall be pcrmined 1O be based on discret e point bracing locatio
ns, or on tests in accordan ce with Section 556. The nominal axial strength of s
imple span or continuous Zsec tions sh all be calcul :lted in acco rdance with (
a) and (b ). Unless otherwise specified, the safety fa<:lor and the resistance f
actor provided in thi s section shall be used to de tcnninc the available streng
thS in accordance with the applicable method in Section 551.4 or 551.5.
r 'Of
rupture in net secti on away from connection
(Eq. C32)
0,= 2.00 (ASD)
1,= 0.75
= Net area of cross section
= Tensile strength as specified in eilher Section SS 1.2 . 1 or SS
For weak axis available strength
(Eq. C.34)
Q= 1.80 (ASD)
For rupture in net section at connection
= 0.85(LRFD)
The available tensile strength shall also be limited by Sections 555.2.7, 555.3,
and 555.5 for tellsion members using welded connections, bolted connections. an
d screw connections.
<l .
For dlt ::; 90
ko/ = 0.36
C.3.6 Light-Frame Steel Construction In ;]ddilion 10 th e cold-formed steel fram
ing standards lisled in Section 554.4. Ihe followin g standard shall be followed
as applicable:

For 90 lit
d k = 0.72 - -0 /
(Eq. C.35)
Light-framed shear wall s, diagona l strap bracing (lilat is p;'1rt of a structu
ral w,l ll) and diaph ragms to resist wind. seismi c and other in-plane lat eral
loads sha! 1 be designed in <l ccordance with AISI S2 13.
For til t > D O
k,,j= 0.20
:::: Reduction factor determined from uplift tests
performed usi ng AISI S908
C.3.6.l Flexural Meml>ers Having One Flange Fastened to a Standing Scam Roof Sys
tem The available flexural strength of a C- or Z-section, loaded in a plane para
llel to the web with the top flange supporting a standing seam rooC system shall
be determined llsing
= Full unreduced cross-sectional area of Z-scctioll. = Z-section depth
= Z-scction thickness.
See Section 553.3.1.1 for definition of F,..
National Stru ctural Code of tile PI1ilippines 6
Edition Volume 1

C Hfl. I:>TE:li 5 SlO el and Metals
Eq. 554.6. J -4-1 shall be limited to roof sysle mg mccling the
fo llowing con d itions:
C.3.7 Welded Connections
Welded l.:on ncclions in whic h Ihe lh i {. knc ~s of Ilw Ihinncst
Purlin th ickness, I.:n mill :::; ,::: ).22 mill
150 mm ::; d ::; 300 111111
Flimges arc edge stiffened compression clemcnts
70 "" dlt Oo 170
connected p<u1 is grea ter than :') mill shall be in ,-icco rdan cc
wilh ANSJlII ISC360.
Except as muddicd herein, arc clds
steel where at Icas!
g. h.
2.8 S d / b < 5, where b= Z section flange width.
I6 5
one of the the con nected parts is 5 mm or less ill th ic kn ess shall be made i
n accordance wi th AWS D1 3. Welders and weldi ng procedures shall e qualified a
s specified in AWS
D 1.3. These provisions arc intended to co ver the welding
posi(ions as li sted in Table C.3.1 . Res istance welds shall be made in conform
ance wit h the procedures given in AWS C I .I or AWS CIJ . Tabl e C.31
flange flnr width
< 50
OOl h flanges arc prevented from moving hltcrall y at the supports
Yield stress,
1'~\. :5 483
'-' -~quare
Con~~ .

P() ~;i ti on
The available s trength about the strong axis shall be determined in acco rdance
with Section 553.4.1 and
Weldin Position
Groove . But(
~ ..
C.3.6.3 Strength of Standing Scam Roof Panel Systems
In addition to the provisions pro vided in Section 554.6.2. 1.
l'ilje' AA WOld, ~~.~: . 'Up ' Weld
F orT F
F 11
. Bevel
Weld F
for load combinations that include wind uplift, the nominal
wind load shall be peflnitl ed 10 be multiplied by 0.67 provided the tested syste
m and wind load evalu ation satisfies the foll owin g co nditions:

Shcctto Support
0 1-1
F 11
0 11


I. The roof system is tes ted in accordance with AISI S906.
Th e wind load is calcu laled using ASCfJSEI 7 for components and cladding, Meth
od I (Simplified Proced ure) or Method 2 (Analytical Procedure). Th e arca of th
e roof bei ng evalu.alcci is in Zone 2 (edge zone) or ZOll e 3 (corn er zone), a
s defined in ASCE/SEI 7. i.e. Ihe 0.67 faclor does nOl appl y 10 Ih e field of I
he roof (Zone I).

( I _ 031. Ii _ - hOfi lOnI.ll. V _ \erll\;al. 011 _ O'Ct head)

0 11

The base metal thickness of the standing seam roof panel is greater than or eq u
al to 0.60 mIll and less than or equal to 0.80 mill. For trapezo idal profile st
andin g seam roof panels, the dis tance between sidelaps is no greater than 600
ITIm. For vertical rib pro file sta nding scam f(Jof panels, the di stance betw
een sideJ aps is no greate r tha n 450 Illlll .
Th e observ ed failure mode of the test ed svstem is o rH~
C.3 .8 Bolted Connections In add ition to the design criteria gi ven in Section
C3 .8 of thi s Specification, the following design requirements shall also be fo
llowed for bolted connecti ons used for coJdform ed steel structu ral members in
which the thi ck ness of the thinnest connected part is less than 4.76 mm. Bolt
ed connections in whi ch the thickness of the thinnest con nected parr is equal
to or greater than 4.76 nlln shall be in acco rdance wilh ANS I IA ISC360.
The holes for bolts shal! not exceed the sizes specified in Table C.3-2, except
that larger hol es arc pcrmitted to be. used in colullln base details or st ruct
u ral systems connected to concrete walls. Standard holcs shall be lIsed ill bol
ted connections, except that oversized and slotted holes shal1 be permitted to b
e used as approved by the designer. The length of sloued hol es shall be nor mal
to the direction of the shear lond. Washers or backup plates 51 1<111 be instal
led over oversized or slotted holes in an outer ply unless suitabl e performan c
e is demonstrat ed by tests in accordance with Secti on 556. In the situati on w
here the holes occurs within the lap of lapped an d nested lee members, the abov
e requirements regardin g the direction of the slot and the usc of was hers shal
l be
of Ihe foll owing:
(i) The standing scam roof clip mechanically fai!.s
by sepa rat ing from {ile panel side lap
(ii)Thc st and ing sca m roof clip mechanically fails by the sliding lab separat
ing from Ihe stationary basco
Associa tion o f Structural Engineers of the Philippines

permittcd not to apply, subject to the following limits:

12.7111111 diamctcr boll.,> only, Maximulll slot size is 14.3 mm x 22.2 vertical
Maximum oversize hole is 16 mm diametcr, Minimum member thickness is 1.52
In addition, the minimum distance between centers or bolt holes shall provide su
fficient clearance I'DI' bol! heads, nuts, washers and the wrench but shall not
be less than 3 times the nominal bolt diameter, d. also, the distance from the c
enter of any standard hole to the end or other boundary of the connecting member
shall not be less than I Y2 d.
For oversized and slotted hole:.;, the distance between edges of two adjacent ho
les and the distance measured from the edge of the hole to the end or other boun
dary of the connecting member in the line of stress shall not be less than the v
alue of e-(dhl2), in which e is the required distance used in Eq. C3-G, and dh i
s the diameter of a standard hole defined in Table C.3-2, In 110 case shall the
clear distance between edges of two adjacent holes be less than 2d and the dista
nce between the edge of the hole and the end of the member be less than d.
5. 6.
Maximum mcmbcr yield :.;tress 410 MPa, Minimum lap length measured from center o
f frame to end of lap is 1.5 times the member depth,
Table C3-2
Nominal Bolt
C3.8,2 Rupture in Net Section (Shear Lag)
< 12.7
(d+0.8) by (d+6.4) (d+1.6) by (d+6.4)
(d+0.8) by (2';) eI)

(MI.6) by
C.3.S.1 Shear, Spacing and Edge Distance
The nominal shear strength, PII , of the connected part as affected by spacing a
nd edge distance in the direction of applied force shall be calculated in accord
ance with Eq.C36, The corresponding safety factor and the resistance factor prov
ided in this section shall be used to determinc the available strength in accord
ance with the applicable method in Section 551.4 or 551.5.
The nomina! tensile strength of a bolted member shall be determined in accordanc
e with Section 553. For rupture in the effective net section of the connected pa
rt, the nominal tensile strength, PI! shall be determined in accordance with thi
s section. Unless othcrwise spccified, tbe corresponding safety factor and the r
esistance factor provided in this section shall be used to determine the availab
le strengths in accordance with the applicable method in Section 551.4 or 551.5.
(a) For flat sheet connections not having staggered hole patterns
(Eq. C3-7)
When washers arc provided under both the bolt head and the nut
(F.q. C3-6)
When I'~I F" 2 1.08
For single bolt, or a single row of bolts perpendicular to the force
= 2.00
= 0.70 (LRPD) = 0.60 (LRFD)
(Eq. C3-8)
For multiple bollS in the line parallel to the force
When Pu / Fsy , 1.08
n = 2.22
= 2.00
(Eq. C3-9)
For double shear: :::: Nominal strength per boll Distance measured in line of fo
rce from center of a standard hole to nearest edge of a adjacent hole or to end
of connected part. :::: Thickness of thinnest connected part :::: Tensile streng
th of connected part as specified in Section 551.2.1,551.2.2 or 55 1.2.3. :::: Y

ield stress of connected part as specified in Section 551.2.1,551.2.2 or 55 1.2.

l' = 0.65 (LRFD)
1 = (J.55 (LRFD)
For single shear:
n = 2.22
(2) When either washers are not provided undcr the bolt head and the nut, or onl
y one washer is provided under
either the bolt head or the nul
National Structural Code of tile Philippines 6 EcJition Volurnc~l

. Steel
For single bolt . or <I single row of bolts peqJcnd ic ul ar to the
(2) For channc l mcmbcrs having two or more bolts in the line or r{)n. l~
U = 1.0 -- 0.3(, xli. dl.9
(E(I. C.3- 16) blli IJ ~ 0.5.
F = (2.5,-d/,)<' < /' 1"1/ f
(Eq. C3- 10)
For multiple boils in Ihe linc parall el 10 the force
(Eq. C 3- 11)
Q =
= Dist;!lH;e from shear plane to ce ntroid of the
2_22 (ASD)
= 0.65 (LRFD)
cross = Lengt h of cO llllec tion
C.3 .H.3 Shear ~lIId Tension in HoU~
= Net Area of connected,pan
::::: Nominal Tensile stress in Oat sheet = Nominal bolt diam eter = Shee t wid
th di vided by num be r of bolt holes in cross secti on being analyzed (w hen ev
aluati ng !',) ::::: Tcnsile strength of cOll ncct ed part as spccified in Secti
on 55 1.2.1, 551.2.2 Or 551.2. 3.
The nominal bolt strength, PII , resu lti ng from shear. {cnsi(w or of combinati
on of shear and tension shall be calc ulated ill accordan ce wi th th is secti o
n. The correspondi ng safety factor and the res istance factor prov ided in Tabl
e C.3-3 shall be used to determ ine the available strengths in accordance with I

he appl ica ble mcthod in Section 551..4 or 55 1.5.

(Eq.C. 3-17)
(b) Fo r flat sheet con nectio ns hnving staggered ho le patic lll s
whe re ::;: Gross cross-sectional arca of bolt :::: Nominal strength ksi (M Pa)
is determined in accordance with (a) or (b) as foll ows: (a) When bolts are subj
ected to shear onl y or tcnsio n only F" shall be given by Fm. or Fill in Table
C.3 -3. Co rrespo nding safety and resistance factor. Q and , shall be accordance
with Tablc C. 3-3. The pullover stre ngth of the connected sheet at the bolt he
ad, nut or washer shall bc considered where boll te nsion is involved. See Secti
on 555.6. (b) When b olts arc su bjected to a co mbination of shear and tension,
F" . isgi vcn by F'II I ill Eq .C.3-1 8 or C.3- 19 as fo llows For ASD
F'fI1 ::;: 1.3 F'll - QF",/v:S; 1'~11
(Eq. C3- 12)
Q = 2.22 (ASD)
= 0.65
(LI~FD )
= determined in accordance wit h Eqs. E3.2-2
[s'214g) t] Eq. C.3- 13) = Gross area of mem
ter spac ing of any tw o consecutive holes =
ing between fastener gauge lines :::: Num be
on being an alyzed = Diameter of a slandard

to E3.2-5. = 0.90 [A, -- nbdhl + (.

ber = Lo ngitudi nal center-Io-cen
Transverse ceni er-Io-eelller spac
r of bolt holes ill the cross secti

See Sec tion C.3.8. 1 for the defini tion of I. (c) For other than n at sheet
(Eg. C.3- 14)
(Eq. CJ- J 8)
= 2_ 22
(AS D)
= 0.65 (LRFD)
w here

= A"U, effec tive net area wi th U defin ed as fol lows : :::: I .U fo r members
when lhe load is lransm iHf..'d di rectl y to all of the cross-secti ona l clem
e nts. Otherwise, the reduction coefficient U is determined as foll ows:
(Ell. C.3- i 0)
( I ) For A ngl e member:-; having two or more bolt s in the
li ne o f force
u = 1.0 1.20 xlL < 119 (Eq. C.3- 15) hut U ~ 004
Association of Slnlclum! Engineers of the Philippines

whc re
I'~' I
":". F"

Nomi nal tcns ile stress modified 10 include 111\.~ effc(;ls of required shear s
tress, MPa = Nominal tensile stress from Table (:,1-1 ;:: Nominal shear stress f
rom THble C.3 -3 :::: Required :o;hear stress, MPa ;:: Safety factor for shear f
rom Table C.1-3 :::: Resistallce factor for shear from Table C.3-3
In addition, the required shear stress,!.., shall not cx(;eed the allowable shea
r stress, f~", I 12 (ASD) or (he design shear stress, $ F",. (LRFIl), of the fas
Table C.3 3 Nominal Tensile and Shear Safely Boll' . for Bolts
streSs Pnl
Slre,i Pi.
' Mp"
621 621 696
0 .75
496 407

6.4 mm S d < ! 2.7 mm, when threads .lre not excluded frol1l shea r :Illes A449
Bolts 6.4 111m Sd < 12.7 111m, when threads
\I,'hell threads <lfe not excluded from shear
A490 Bolts
when threads arc not excluded from
shea r In Table C.3-3, the shear st rength shall apply LO bolls in holes a$ limi
ted by Table C.3-2. Washers or back-up plates shall be installed over long-s Jol
lcd holes and the c<lpaci ty of connections ll sing long-slotted holes shall be
determin ed by load tests in accordance with Section 556.
C.3.S.3.1a Connection Shear Limited by End [)i!;lmlcc
The nominal shear strength per screw, 1"11 shall not exceed that calcu l<lIcd in
accordance with Eq. C.3-20 where the di stance to an end of the con nected pm1
is parallel to the line of the applied force. The safety factor and the resistan
ce factor provided in this section shall be used to determine the available stre
ngths in accordan ce with the applicable
method in Section 551.4 or 551.5.
National Structural Code of O le Philippines 6
Edition Volume 1

~j .
Steel and tv-tetal:;
{) - ).00 (AS D)
mct hod in Sl'l.:liol1 551.4 or 551 5.
(13'1. C.322) (Eq. CJ231
= 0.50 (I .R !'D)
= Thickness of pari in which end (jisllUlce is Illcasurcd = Distance measured in
lille of for!';c from center of 11 standard hole to nearest end of con nected p
an. = Tensile strcngth of pall in '::ilich end distan<.:c is
For bolted t:ollncctiolls
= 2.22 (ASD)
0.65 (LRI'D )
For welded connections
n = 2.50
(AS D)
t = 0.60 (/'RI'O)
C.3.9 Rupture C.3.9.1 Shear Rupture
At bcamwcnd connec tions, where one or more flanges arc coped and failure might
occur along a plane through the fasteners, the nomin al shear strcngth, Vn shall
be calculated in accordance with Eq, C.3 21. The safcIY factor and Ihe resistan
ce factor provided in this section shall be used to determine the available stre
ngths in accordance with thc applicable method in Sect ion 551.4 or 551.5.
Gross area subject 10 shear Net arca subject to shear Net area subj ect 10 tensi
= 2.00

= 0.75 (LRFD)
A"." II"., "
= (h",<, - nd/j)t
= Coped flat web depth = Number of holes in cri ti cal plane = Hole diam eter =
Tensile strc ngth of connected pMt as specificd in Section 551.2. 1 or 551.2.2 =
Thickness of coped web
C.3.9.2 Tension Rupture The av'lilable tensile strength along a path in the affe
cted elements of connected members shall be determined by Section 555.2.7 or 555
.3.2 for welded or boited connections, respectiv ely. C.3.9.3 llIock Shear Uuplu
When the thickness of the thinncst connected part is less
than 4.76111111, the block shear rupturc nominal strength, N", sha ll be determi
ned in accordance with thi s sec tion. Connections in whi ch the thi ckness of I
he thinnest connected part is equal to or greater than 4.76 mm shall be in accor
dance with ANSI/ AIS C-360.
The nominal block shear rupture strength, R , shall be " determined as the lesse
r of Eqs. C.322 and C.3-23. The corresponding safety factor and the resistance fa
ctor provided in thi s section shall bc used to determine the avai lable strengt
hs in accordance with the applicable
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

NSCP C10110
Chapter 6
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines
Suite 713, Future Point Plaza Condominium I 112 Panay Avenue, Quezon City, Phili
ppines lion Tel. No: (+632) 4100483 Fax No.: (+632) 4118606 Email: .ll5.l)on!i!l.@.l
gmai!.com Website: http://www.aseponline.org
National Structural Code of tile Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

VI / OO(j
() 1
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 6 . WOOf) ..............................................................
................ 4 SECTION 60 1 - GENERA L .....................................
................................ 4
601.1 Scope .. 60 1.2 Design Method ........ ..... ..... ..... ... ..
...... 4
. ..... 4
SECTl () N 602 - DEFI NITI ON S ................................................
..................... .'................................................. ,.....
.................. 4
602.1 Definitions ..
........ 4
SECTION 603 - MINIMUM QUA LITY .................................................
603.1 Quality and Idcnlifical;oll ... ... ...... .. ....... ...... . 603.2 Minim
um Capacity or Grade ....... ........................... . 603.3 Timber COllllec
tors and Fasteners .... 603.4 Fabrication, Installation and Manufacture ,., .
..5 ... 5 .... 5
. .... 6
SECTION 604 - DESIGN AND CONSTIWCTION REQUIREMENTS .............................
................................................ 7
604.1 General.
Part 1 - nequircmcnts AppJie3ulc (0 All Design
Methods ....................... " ..............................................
......... "" ........ 7
SECTION 605 - DECA Y AND TERMITE PROTECTION ....................................
.............................. ,.............................. 7
605. 1 Preparation of Building Site .... 605.2 Wood Suppon Embedded in Grou nd .
605.3 Under-Floor Clearance .. .. 605.4 Plales, Sills and Sleepers ... 605.5 Col
umns and PosIS..... .......... . 605.6 Girders Entering Masonry or Concrete Wall

.. .. . 7 .7 .... 7
.... 8 .8 ..8
605.7 Under-Floor Ventilation .. .
605. 8 Wood <1nd Earlh Separation ..............................................
. .
.... 8
... 8 ....... 8
605.9 Wood Supporting Roofs and Floo rs .. 605.10 Moisture Comcnl of Trcatcd Woo
d .. 605 .11 Retaining Walls ...... . 605.12 Weather Exposure ... ....... .... .
... 605.13 WalerSplash .. .. ........... .... .......... .... .. ..
.. ....
' 8
....... . 8 ...8. .. ... 9
SECTION 606 -WOOD SUPPORTING MASONRY OR CONCRETE .............. ,...............
. ,...................... ,.. ,.................. , 9
606.1 Dead Load ... 606.2 Hori zontal Force ..
..... ............. 9 .... 9
SECTION 607 - WALL FRAMING .....................................................
.............................................. ,......... ,.....................
.... : 9 SECTION 608 - FLOOR FRAMING ............................... ,..........
...... ,.................................................. ,....................
... ,........ 10 SECTION 609 - EXTERIOn WALL COVERINGS .........................
................................. ,........................................ :...
..... 12
609.1 Gen eral. 609.2 Sidiug ......... .......... ... .. 609.3 Pl ywood .. . 609
.4 Shingles or Shakes .. 609 .5 Parlicleboard ..... . 609.6 Hardboard .. .... .
................ .. . 609.7 Nailing..... . ..... .. ........................ ...
... ........... .. . .
.. 12 ..... 12 ......... 12 .. ... 12 .. 12 .. ........... 12 ... I3
SECTI () N 610 - INTER! () R P A NELIN G .. ,.... ,.... ,............... ,.....
,.... :.......................... ,.............................................
.......... ,.. 13
National S tructural Code o f U 1e Philippines 6
Ed ition Volume 1

CHAPlLfi 6 . Wood
SECTION 61 I . SHEATHING .......................................................
........ 14
6 J I" I Structural Floor Sheathing .. 61 J.2 Structural Roof Sheathing ..
.. ................. 14
...... 14
..................................... 14 SECTION 613 . POST-BEAM CONNECTIONS ...
............................. 14 SECTION 614 WOOD SHEAR WALLS AND DIAI'HRAGMS ...
........................................... .....................................
.. 15
614.1 General ..
.. .. ............. 1,')
614.2 Wood Members Resisting Horizontal Forces Contributed by Mas(wry and Concrc
tc ..................................... Ie 614.3 Wood Diaphragms.. ............
................. 16 614.4 Particleboard Diaphragms .. .........................
.... 17 614.5 Wood Shear Walls and Diaphragms in Seismic Zone 4 .. . ...... ....
.... . ..................... II 614.6 Fiberboard Sheathing Diaphragms .. . .....
............................................. 18
SECTION 615 . STRESSES .........................................................
.......... 18
615.1 General ..
615. J.I Repetitive Member System .. 615.2 Stresses in Piles Used as Structural
Members .. 6iS.3 Adjustment of Stresses ........................................
................................... .
6i6.1 616.2 616.3 6 J 6.4
.. ..................... 18 .. ................. I g . .........................
................... IS ........... .... 19
DESIGN .........................................................................
.......................... 22
................. 2? .......................... 2; .............................
27 ................ 22 . ..................................... 2!
................. . ............ 23
Beam Span ..
Flexure .. Horizontal Shear.
Horizontal Shear in Notched Beams .. 6 J 6.5 Design of Joints in Shear .. 616.6
Compression Perpendicular to Grain ..
616.7 Lateral Support.. . .............. ..
616.8 Lateral SUPPO!1 of Arches, Compression
Chords of Trusses and Studs ..
.......... 2:l ............. 24

SECTION 617 COLUMN DESIGN .......................................................

.............................................................................. 2
617.1 Column Classifications.. 617.2 Limitation on lid Ratio.. 617.3 Simple Soli
d-Columll Design. 617.4 'rapered Colunlns ............ ........................
. ................... 24 . .............. 24 ... ,............................ 2
4 .... 25
LOADING COMBlNED ...............................................................
............ 25
618.1 Flexure and Axial Tension ............................... . ......... 26 6
18.2 Flexure and Axial Compression .............................................
............................................................... . . ... 26 . ...
2() 618.3 Spaced Columns ......................................................
..................................... . 6 J 8.4 Truss Compression Chords.. . ...
................ .. ....................... 26 ..... 21 618.5 Compression at Ang
le to Grain ............................................................ . SECTI
ON 619 . TIMBER CONNECTORS AND FASTENERS .......................................
................................................. 2'7
619.1 619.2 619.3 619.4
Gelleral ................... .......................... ........................
.............................. Bolts... ............................... Nails un
d Spikes.. ..... 2"1 ..27 .. ...... 27
Joist Hangers and Framing Anchors.. 619.5 Miscellaneous Fasteners.
619.5.2 Spike Grids.
....................... .............. .........................................
... ..................
.. .... 28 .. .. 28
........ 28
................ 28
620.1 General ..................................................................
........................................... .. 620.2 Design of Portions.........
.. ............................ ............... . .... 29 29 ...29
620J Additional
Requirements for Conventional Construction in High-wind Areas.
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

, G"
620.4 Addit ional R(:qlliremcllI s for Conven ti ona l CU llslnKlioll ill Se ism
ic Zone 2 620.5 Additional Requirements for COllve ntional Consllw:tioll in Seis
mic ZO IW 4 " . 620.6 G irders 620.7 Floor Jois ts .. 620.8 Subnoorin g .. 620.9
Part icle boa rd Undcrlaymcnt. 620.10 Wall Fram ing" """"""""" """" "" """""."
.... 2t)
,,"" 29
.30 .... 31 ..31 "".3 1
62 J. J Design and Fabrication..
621.3 Jn ~ PJant Inspection .... . 621.4 M arkin g
.. ... ........ ...... ""
621.2 Performance ........ .................................... ... ,'
.. 34 . """" " 34 ." 34
" 34
SECTION 622 - USE OF MACHINE GRADED LUMBER (MGL)" ... ""." .....................
........................... " .................... 35
622. 1 General "." .... "" .. " ................. . "." .. "
622.2 Design Properties for Machine Graded Lumber ..... 6223 Des ign Us in g Mac
hine Graded Lumber ........................ .. . 622.4 Prese rvat ive Treatment
............................................ .
622.5 Mois ture Co nt em .
622.6 Markings """""""",,,, ",,""",,",, " """" .,, "" """. """"" " " ."
........ "" .. " ..... " .. ,," 35 ...,," 35 . . ." .. 35 ... 35 "" 35 " 3S
National Structural Code of th e Philippines 6'" Edition Volume 1


601.1 Scope
T he qu al ity and design of wood membe rs an d their
FIBERBOAHn is a fih rous-fell ed, homogeneous P'U1ci made from li gnocellu los i
c libel'S (usua ll y wood or SUgiU <: alH,~ bagasse) lIlld havin g 11 de llsity
o f kss than 497 kg/m.l but morc than 160 kg/ nr',
01' Science and Tcdlll ology's (DOST) rcsearch and development arlll on forcs t
prod ucts utili zation. It !" mandated 10 conduct basic an d ap pli ed research
to help the woodHusing ind ustries di sscmirwl c in ronnati on ;:1l 1d technolo
gies on forest produ cls \0 end users, GLUED BUILT-UP MEMBERS a rc st ruc tural
cle mc",s.
the sections of which arc composed of built -up lumbe r, wood structural pan els
or wood structura l panels in
fa stenings shall co nform
the pro visions of Ihis chapter.
601.2 Desigll Method
Des ig n shall be based
one o f the foll owing methods:
601.2.1 Allowable Stress Dcsigll (ASD).
Design usi ng alhlWit b!c stress design methods shall res ist
th e different load cO lllbinations in ac(';o rd ancc wi th th e
co mbination wi th lumber, all pa rts bonded IOgcther Wi lh adhesive.
GRADE (Lumber) , th e cJass ili cat io ll or lumber in regard to strength and ut
ility in accord ance with th e grading rules of an approved lumber gnloin g agc
l1 CY.
app licabJe rcql]irCIllCllis of Section 604.
(0) .2.2 Conventional Light-Frame Construction.
The design and construction of conventional li ght -fram e wood slnJ clUrc.s sha
ll be in accordance with th e applicabl e
rcquircmcllIs of Section 604 and the NSCP Volume 3 on '-lo usi ng.
HARDBOARD is a fib rotl s (cit cd , homogeneolls panel made from lignocellul osic
fi bers co nsolidated under hc,i\ and pressure in a h OI press 10 a de nsit y n
ot less than Ij\ i ) kg/Ill'.
MACHINE GRADED LUMBER (MGL) is a IUlllbu evalu atcd by a mach ine usi ng <1 n on
~dc$t ruc ti ve lesl <Iu d sorted into different stress grades. MOISTURE CONTENT
(M e) is the o f moist ure in wood, usuall y measu red as the p:!rcc nt age of
w;lt er to tli! oven dry wei ght of the wood .
602. 1 Definitions
The following tefm s used in thi s chapter shall hnve the me anin gs indi cated
in this section:

BLOCKED DIAPHRAGM is a diaphragm ill whi ch all "ht.::;ltll i ng edges not occun
'ing on framin g mem be rs are S LlPI' { H ' (~'d on and connected to blocking.
BR,\ C J::Jl WALL LINE is a scrics of braced Wil li pa ll cls ill a si ngic stor
y that meets the requiremellts of Secti on 620. 11 ),,\. CO NVENTIONAL LIGHT-FRA
ME CO NSTR UCTION is a type o r COll s tlllCt ioJl in whi ch the pr imm)' stJ'Uc
lUral clement s nrc formed by a system of re petiti ve wo()(I rr;l ming members.
NOMINAL SIZE (Lumber) refers to th e co mmercial si?-i.: designation of width an
d depth , in standard sawn lUlllh~; grades; somewhat larger th an the standard n
ct size \i1 dressed lurnber.
NORMAL LOADING . a dcs igll load that stresse': mcmber or fastening to the full
all owable stress tabula{c, ' thi s chapter. This loadin g may be appli ed for a
ppro xim;" J() years, eit her continuously o r cum ulativc/ y, and 90 pe rcc nt
of th is load may be applied fo r the remainder of tl),; lire of' th e mcmber or
fasteni ng. I)ARTJCLEBOARD is a malltlfactured pa nel pn"in, co nsistin g o f p
al1icies of wood or combinations of ':,'0.,, ; particles and wood fi bers bonded
togeth er wi th sYl,dlctit: resins or other suitable bondin g sys tem by a h ll
ld ing process, in accordance with app roved nati onally r(',cognized standard.
I)lAl'l-IRAGM is
hori z.ontal or nearl y horizontal sys tem
actin g to tra nsmit late ral forces to the ve rti cal resisti ng C k~ Jll e nI
S. Wh en the term "diaphragm is used, it incl udes hori l,OIHal bracing systcms.
Associati on of Structu ra l Engineers of the Philippine s

PLYWOOD is it pane! of lalllinated veneers conforming [0 Philippine Nation,ll St

andards (PNS 196) "Plywood Speci II cations".
nOTATION is (he (orsiollal about a vertical axis.
III 0 V,'""," (
01 a diaphraglll
603. J Quality and Identificatioll All illlllbcr, wood structural panels, partic
leboard, Limber. end-jointed lumber, Ilberboard shemhing (when used structurally
), hardboard siding (when used sLructurally), piles and poles regulated by this
chapter shal! conform to the applicable standards or grading rules specified in
this code and shall be so identified by the grade mark or a certitlcate of inspe
ction issued by an approved agency. 603.2 Minimum CHpacity or Grade Minimulll ca
pacity of structural framing members may be established by performance tests. Wh
en the tests Me noL made, capacity shall be based on allowable stresses and desi
gn criteria specified in Lhis codc.
SLuds, joists, rafters, foundation plates or sills, planking 50 mill or more in
depth, beams, stringcrs, posts, structural sheathing and similar load-bearing mc
mbers shall be of" at Jc.ast the minimum grades set forth in Table Nos. 6.1 or T
able 6.2 or Table 6.35. Approved end-jointed lumber Illay be used interchangeabl
y with solid~sawn members or the same species and grade. Such usc sha!l include,
but not be limited to, light-framing joists, planks and decking. Wood structura
l panels shall be of grades specitled in accordance with Philippine National Sta
ndards (PNS).
STRUCTURAL GLUED-LAMINATED TIMBER rs any member comprising an assembly of lamina
tions of lumbcr in which the grain of al! lalllinatioJl.~ 1.'-; approximately par
allel longitudinally, in which the laminations arc bonded with adhesi ves.
SUBDIAPHRAGM is a portion of a larger wood diaphragm designed to anchor and tran
sfer local forces to primary diaphragm struts and the main diaphragm.
TREATED \\I00n is wood trc,\(cd with an approved
preservative under treating and quality control procedures.
WOOD OF NATURAL RESISTANCE TO DECA Y OR TERMITES is the heartwood of the species
set forLh below. Corner sapwood is permiLted on 5 percellt of the pieces provid
ed 90 perccll! or more of the widLh of each side 011 which it occurs is hcartwoo
d. Recognized species arc
Decay resistant: Narra, Kamagong, Dao, TangiJe. Termite resistant: Narra, Kamago
WOOD STRlJCTlJRAL PANEL is a strtlcttlral panel product composed primarily of wo
od and mecting the UBC Standard 232 and 23-3 or equivalent requircments of Philipp
ine National Standards (PNS). Wood structural panels include all-veneer plywood,
composite pancls containing a combination of veneer and wood-based material, an
d mat-formed panel such as oriented stranded
board and waferboard.
603.3 Timber Connectors and Fasteners Safe loads and design practices for types
of connectors and fasteners 110t mentioned or fully covered ill Section 6 I y, l
llay bc determined in a manncr approved by the building official.
The number and size of nails connecting wood mcmbers sha!l not be less than that
set forth in Tahles 6.:1 and 6.4. Other connections shall be fastened to provid
e equivalent strengLh. End and edge distances ilnd nail penetrations shall be in
accordance with the applicable provisions of Sectio]) 619.
Fasteners for prcssure-preservative treated ,lJ1d f"ircretardant treated wood sh
all be of hot-dipped I.inc coated galvanized, stainless stcel, silicon bronte or
copper. Fasteners required to be corrosion resistant shall bc either zinc-coate
d fasteners, aluminu1Tl alloy wire. LIsteners or stainless sleel fasteners

6 ()
C H!\P 1[r~ G . VI/oud
COII IlL'ctions depending on joist h:mgc rs or fra ming JIIH.:hors. fi es, mid o
ther mechanical fastenings nol otherwise covered lJla y be used where 'Ipprovcd
by th e Building Offici'l!. 603.4 Fabrication, Installation and Manufacture Fabr
i<.:ation, installation, and manufllcture of wood clements shall be in accordanc
e with the following guideli nes:
60 . ~ . ,i ,J
603.4.7 Shrinkage Conside r'l li on shall be given ill tht, d e"ig n 10 Ihl..' p
m:~ j hl t"_ elTect uf cros s-g rain dimcnsilHlill l: han!,~l:s l'OIl.'.;(] Cl':
>, j ve rtically which ma y occur in IUIll lwl' r"bric<lted in a give l] conditi
on. 603.4.8 Rejection
The building official may delly pC lll1i ss io[] for the lIse oj' a wood member
where permissible grade charac( eri<':';'.:s ()r defects arc present in sllch ,.
\' comb ination that they allcC( detrimentally the serviceability of th e member
Prepa rmion, fabrication and installation of wood members rind th eir fastenings
shall conform to accepted engineering practices and 10 the requirements of this
code. All members shall be framed , anchored, tied and bmced to deve lop Ihe st
rength and rigidity necessary for the purposes for which th ey arc used.
603.4 .2 Timber Connectors :md Fasteners.
T he install ation of limber connectors and fasteners s hall be
illllccordllncc with the provisions set forth ill ScclioJl 6 19. 603.4.3 Mct:llPlate-Collnected Wood Trusses Metal -plate-connected wood trusses shall conform
10 the provisions of Section 618. Each manufacturel' of trusses Ilsing metal pla
te connectors shall retain ,1I} approved agellcy having no financial interest in
the plant being inspected to make nonscheduled inspecti ons of tru ss fabricati
on, delivery, and operations. The inspection shall cover all phases of truss ope
ration, including lumber storage, handlin g. cutti ng, fixtures, presses or roll
ers. fabrication, bundling and banding. handling and deli very.
603,4.4 S tru ctura l Glued-Laminated Timber
The manufacture mul fabrication of stru ctural glucdla!llinatcd tiln bcr shall b
e under the su pervis ion of qua lified personnel. 603.4.5 Dried Fire-RetardantTreated Wood Fire-retardant treated wood shall have been dried. following treatm
ent, up to maximum moisture content (Me) as follow s:
J 9% - for so lid sawn lumber up to 501ll1ll thick 15% ~ for plywood
603.4.6 Size of Structul'al Membel's Sizes of lum bcr referred 10 in {his code a
re nominal sizes. Compulati oJl$ to determinc (he required sizes of me.mbers sha
ll be based Oil the net dimensiolls (acl ual Si7.C) ilnd not the nomina l sizes
. The- rough size lumber shall not be less than the nomina l size .and the red u
cti on in face di mensions of dressed lumber shall not be morc than 6 mm of the
nominal sizc.
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHA pnl~G
604.1 G I.'m'ral
, ..... , ' ' ' ' :'r'.''.f;'''' -' '-.' , ,'. ' " . '.,
PAjlT I . . ; . '.
. ' .
Th e foll owi ng desig n requirements apply.
6()4.1.f All wood slnH.: turcs shall be designed and
PROTECfldN'"r,.<. . ;i ..(
. ."','",'>. __ .-.';. ". ,,'
I ,
,', .
constructed in m:conlanct: ,. .ith the requirements of Section ()(J J up to St!ct
ion 611.
604.1.2 Wind and c<ul hquake load-resi stin g sys te ms for all
wond sl ruclU res shall be designed and construc ted in accordance w ilh the req
ui rements of Section
6 14.
cJlg jn ~c rcd
605.1 Preparation of Building Site All Slumps and roots shall be removed from th
e so il to a depth o f at least 300 mm below the surface of th e grou nd in the
area to be occupied by the bui lding.
All wood forms whi ch have been used in placing concrete. if within the ground o
r between found.llion sills and the ground, shall be removed before a building i
s occ upi ed or used for any purpose. Before completion, loose or casual wood sh
all be removed from direct conwct with the ground under the building.
User Note: Ahe rn ati vely, lateral load-resisting' sys tems for single family d
wellings may be propo!1ioncd accordiJ1g to the provisions of NSCP Volume 3 on Ho
604.1.3 T he design and construction of wood structures ll si ng all owable st r
ess design (AS!)) methods shall be in accordance with Section 615 and Section 6
J 8. 604.1.4 The design and construction of" conventional light fraille wood str
uctures shall be in accordallce with Sectioll 620.

604.1.5 The des ign and installation or limber conllectOrs and fasteners sh;lI l
he in 'Kcordallcc with Scclion6 19.
605.2 Wood Support Embedded ill Ground Wood embedded in the ground or in di rect
contact with the earth and llsed for the support of permanent structures shall
be treated wood unles s continuously sub merged in fresh water. Round or rectan
gular posts, poles tln d sawn timber coluillns supporting permanent stru ctures
which arc embedded in concrete or masonry in direct cont act wit h the earth or
embedded in concrete or maso nry exposed to the wea ther shall be treated wood.
The wood sha ll be treated for ground contact. 605.3 Undcr~Floor Clearance When
wood joists or the bottom of wood st ru ctu ral 1100rs without joists arc locate
d closer than 450 mill or wood g irders are located closer th an 300 mm to expos
ed grou nd in crawl spaces or unexcavated areas located within the periphery of
the building foundati on. the floor assembly including posts, girders, joi sts a
nd subfloOf, shall be approved wood of natural resistance to decay as listed in
Section 605.4 or treated wood.
604.1.6 Mcta l pblcnHlnected wood tru sses shilll conform to thc provisions of Sec
tio1l 62!.
When th e above under-rIoor clearances arc required, the under"l1 oor area shall
be accessibl e. Accessible und er~noor arC,I$ shall be provided with a min imum
450 mill by 600 mill openin g unobslructed by pipes, ducts and similar co nstru
cli on. All under-floor access open ings shall be effec tivel y screened or cove
red. Pipes, ducts and other co nstructi on shall not interfere with the accessib
il ity to or wit hin under-floor areas.
National Structural Code of tile Pililippines 6 \ Edition Volum e 1

G . \Nood
605.4 PIHtCS, Sills and Sleepers All fOllnd;l1ioll plates or sills and sleepers
OJl a concrete or masonry slab, wh ich is ill direct co nt ac t with earth, and
sills thai rcs t 0 11 concrete or masonry foundations, shall be treated wood, al
l marked or branded by an approved agency. Foundation wood marked or branded by
an approved agcncy may bc uscd for sills in localities subject to moderate hazar
d, where termite damage is nol frequent and when specifically approved by the bu
ilding oiiwial. In localit ics where ha zard of termite i s slight, any spccies
or wood pcnnillcd by thi s chapter ma y be used for sills when specificall y app
ro ved by the building offi cial.
(llld located ncarer than 150 min (0 eHrth shal l be treated wood or wood of lI,
tlllral n;!)istmlCc Iu dc(;,ty. Where loca ted on concrete slabs placed on coll'
lh. wood slwll be tre ated wood or wood or natural resistance to dec<ly. Where n
ot subject to Willer splash or (0 exterior moisturc alld located on concrete hav
ing 11 minimum thicknL"s!) of' 75111111 with an imperviolls membr an(~ installe
d between co ncrete and earth, Ihe wood may be untreated and of any species .
Whew planter boxes arc in!)ta!ied adjace nt 10 wood frame wa ll s a 50 I11Ill :I
iI' sp;:lce shall ilt least be provided bet ween (he planter and the wa ll. Flas
hing shall hc installed when
"lid Posts
Columns and posts located on concrete or masonry floors or decks exposed 10 the
weather or 10 water spla<;h or in basements and which supp<H1 permanen t structu
res shall be supported by concretc piers or metal pedestals projectin g above fl
oors unless ;:Ipproved wood of natural resistance to decay or treated wood is us
ed. The pedes tal shall project at , Icas( 200 mill above exposed earth or at le
ast 2S mill above finish floor level of sLl ch floors. Individual co ncrete or m
asonry pi ers shall project at least
200 mm above exposed ground unl ess the supported
the air space is less th an 150 mill in width . Wherc Oas hing is used, provisi
ons shall be made to permit circulation of the air in the air space. The wood fr
ame shall be provided with an exterior wall covering conforming 10 the provision
s of Section 609 .
605.9 \\food Supportillg Roofs Hnd Floors
Wood stnlctura l members su ppo rting concrete or masonry slabs which arc permea
ble 10 moisture and nrc exposed to the weather shall be approved wood of natural
resistance to decay or treated wood unless separated from such noms or roofs by
an impervious moisture balTic!'.
605.10 Moisture Content of Treated \\food
columns or posts arc treated wood or of approved wood wi th natural res istance
to decay.
605.6 Girders Entering Masonry or Concrele Walls Ends of wood girder entering ma
sonry or co ncrete walls shall be provided with a 13 mm air space on tops, sides
and ends unless approved woud or natural resistance (0 decay or treated wood is
used. 605.7 Under-Floor Venlilalion
When wood whic h has bee n prcssurc-trcalCd with

waterborn prese rvat ive is used in enclosed locations where
drying in service ca nnot readil y occ ur, slich wood must have 11 moisture con
lc.nt of 19 percellt or less before being cove red with insula ti on, intcrior w
all finish 11001' coverin}"
or other materials.
605.11 l{c(aining Walls
Under-floor areas shall be ventilatcd by an approved mechanical mea ns or by ope
nings in exterior foundation walls. Such ope nings shall havc a nct area of not
less than 0.067 111 2 for each 10 rn 2 of under-floor arca. Openings shall be lo
cated as close to corners as practical and shall provide cross ventilation. The
required area of such openings shall be approxim ately equally distributed along
the length of at least two opposite sides. They shall be cove red with conosioll
-resistant wire mcsh with mesh openings of 6 I11Ill dimension. Where moist ure d
ue [0 climatc and grou nd watcr conditions is not considered excessive, the buil
ding official may allow opclable louvers and ma y allow the required net area of
vent openin g 10 be reduced to 10 percent of the above, provided th e under-flo
or ground surface area is covered with an approved vapor barrier.
605.8 Wood and Earth Separation
A ll wood llsed as permanent part s of retain ing or c rib walL shall be treated
605.12 Weathcr' Exposurc Those pm1ions of glued- lam inated timbers that form l:
j' ~ st ructural supports of Cl building or other stru cture and which are expos
ed to weather and not propcrly protected by a roof or cave ove rhangs of similar
covering, shall be press ure -treate d wi th an approved preservati ve or \;(~
ma nuf:tctu red fro m wood of natunli resisl;mcc to decay.
All wood structural panels, whcn designed !O be exposed ill outdoor application,
shall be or exterior type, exce pt ns provided in Section 605.2
Protection of wood against deteriorati on as set fort h in the previous sections
for speci fied applications is required. In addition, wood used in construction
of permanent stIUctures
In geogra phi cal areas where ex perience has demonstrated a speci fi c need , a
pproved wood of natural resi stance to decay or trea ted wood shall be used for
those stru cturfl!. co m.ponents of buildi'ngs or similar perm anent buiJdih ; ~
appurtenances whcn such members are exposed 10 til weather and are without adeq
uate protection provided by ?
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

roof. C; IV(,\ overhang or other covering against moisture or wat er <lc(:umulat
ioll on the surface Of al joints between
mcmben:, SlIt' ll Illt'.mhers Illay indude: hori zon !,,1 memb(;'.~
sllch as girder.Ii, joists and decking; or vertical members such as posts, poles
and columns; or both hori zo ntal and vertical mcmhcrs.
605.13 W'Hcr Splash Where wood-framc walls and partitions arc covered on the int
erior with plaster, tile or similar materials and are subject 10 water splash, t
he framing shall be protected with approved waterproofing .
. ':W :: '<II"';': .:.-: .:'1
~' .
606.1 Dead Load Wood men1bers shal! not be lIsed to permancntly support dead :oa
d .9f.any masonry or concrete except in cases listed below or allowed by relevan
t sections of NSCP Volume 3 Oil HOllsing.
Exceptions: 1. Masonry or concrete lion-structural floor or roof surfacing !l0/
more than 100 mIT! thick may be supported by wood members. Any structure may res
t upon wood piles cons/rucled itl accordance with the requirem etJIs of Chapfer
3 on "Excavations and FOllndations" Veneer of brick or concrete stOlle may be su
pported by approved (n!ated woodjoufldafions when tile maximum height of veneer
does lIot exceed 9.0 m aboY(! the foundations. Such lIelleer used as all iflferi
or wall finish may also be supported on wood jIoors which are designed to suppor
t the additional load, and be designed to limit the deflection and shrinkage to
1/600 a/the span a/the supporting I1u!miJers. Wood may be Ilsed to suppor! glass
block masonry having an installed weight of 98 kg/m2 or less. When glass block
is supported 011 wood floors. fhe floors shall be designed to limit deflection a
lld shri"kage to 1/600 of the span of the supporting member,\ alUl the allowable
stresses for the framing members shall be reduced in accordance with Section 615
, ,'
606.2 Horizontal Force Wood mcmbcrs shall not be used to resist horizontal force
s contributed by masonry or concrete ' construction in buildings over one story
in height except where allowed by provisions of Section 614.2 of this code.
National Structural Code of the Pililippines 6'" Edition Volume 1

C IM p ! E n G WOO(t
The framin g of exterior and interior wa lls shall be ill accordan ce with provi
sions specifi ed ill Section 620 unl ess a specific design is furnished. Wood st
uds walls and bearing partitions shall not support more than two noors and a roo
f unless .1Il anal ys is satisfactory to Ihe bui lding official shows th.1I shri
nk age of wood framing will not have adverse effect upon the st ructure nor any
plumbing, electrical, mechani cal systems nor other equ ipment installed therein
due 10 Ihe excessive shrinkage or differential movements caused by shrinkage. T
he analysis shall also show that the roof drainag~ system and the forcgoing syst
ems or equipmcnt will not be adversely affec ted or, as an alternate, suc h syst
ems shall be designed to accommodate the differential shrinkage or mo vements. W
ood.joist ed floors sh;lll be framed and co nstructed and anchored to supporti n
g wood stud or masonry walls. Fire block and draft stops shall "Ie in accordance
with thc follow ing provision:
I. In combustible const ru cti on, fi re bloc ks and draft regu lators shall be
install ed to cu t off all concealed draft ope ni ngs (both venical and hori zon
tal) and sh all form an effective barrier between floors. between a top story an
d a roof or attic space, and shall subdivide attic spaces, concealed roof spaces
and floor-ceiling
assemblies. Th e integrit y of all fire and draft SlOps shall
be maintained. 2.
Firc. bloc ks slwll locati ons:
he provided in the following
2. t In concealed spaces or stud walls alHl pa!1ilions, including furred spaces
, at the ceiting and floor levels, and at 250 mm intervals along the Icngth the
E'(ceptioll: Fire bloi'ks may be omitted at floor and ceiling levels when approv
ed smoke-actual(~d fire dampers are installed at these levels.
2.2 At all interconnections betweet) cOllcealed ve rtical and horizontal spaces
such as those that occur at soffits,
drop ceilings, and covered ceilings.
2.3 In concealed spaces between stair stringers, at tbe top and botlom or the r
Ull , and betwee n studs along and in line with the nm of the stai rs if the wal
ls under the stai rs are unfinished .
In open ings around vents, pipes, du cts, chim neys, fire places. and similar op
enings which afford a passage for the fire at ceiling and floor levels, with non
combustible materials.
3. Fire blocks shall consist of SO mm nominal lumber or one thi ckness of 18 mil
l plywood wi th joints backed by 18 mm plywood or one thi c kness of 19 111m Typ
e 2-I\-; particleboard. I. . jrc stops may also be of gypsu m board . mineral fibe
r, glass fiber or other approved material:; securely fastened in place. Walls ha
ving parallel (I, staggered studs for sound-trallsmission co ntrol shall have st
ops of mineral fiber or glass fiber or ot/: approved non-rigid materials.
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippin es

CHAPTErl6 . Wood
G 1t
4. 4.1
Dnlfl SlO pS shall be provided in the followi ng
l oe<llions:
the grealest hori i'.olll:1I dime nsion docs not exceed
Ill .
Floor-Cei ling Assemb lies.
Exception: Where approved automatic sprinklers are j'Htalled. 'he 1 area between
fhe draft STOpS may he 800 m and fhl' greatest horizontal dimensiolJ may I)(~ 3
0 m.
4.1.1 Single-fami ly dwellings. As recommend ed in NSCP Volume 3 Oil I'lousing o
r when there is usablc space above and belqw the concealed space of :l llo0J"M c
e iling assem bly in a singlcMfamily dwelling. draft stops shall bc il,stalled s
o that the ' area of the concealed space does not exceed 90 1112. Draft stops sh
al l divide the concealed space into approximate ly equal areas. 4 1.2 Two or mo
re dwelling units and hotcls. Draft stops shall be installed in Ooor-ceiling ass
e mblies of building havi ng more than one dwe lling unit and in hote ls. Such d
raft stops shall be in line wi th wa lls
sc panll ing lenants from Cl.tch o ther a nd scpanui ng
4.2.4 Draft stopping materials shall bc 110\ Icss than 12 mill gypsum board. 9 m
ill plywood . 9 111m Type M-2 particleboard or other approved mat erials adequat
ely supported. Openings in Ihe partitions shall be protected by sc lr~cJos ing d
oo rs with au tomatic latches constructed as rcquired for lhe partitions. .. ;:
'.' . , .. ' .: .... .., . ,.
tenants fro m other areas. 4.1.3 Olher uscs. Draft stops shall be installed in n
OOI"M cei ling assemb lie s of buildings or ponions of buildings used for other
than dwelling or hOle I occ upanci es .so that the area of concealed space docs
not exceed 90 1ll 2. and so that the hori zo ntal dimension between stops docs /
lot exceed 18.30111. Exception: Wh ere approved automatic sprinklers are install
ed within th e COli cealed space. the area between draft stops may be
270 nl. a nd the ho";zontal dimellsion may be 30
4.2. 1
Si ll gle~ f;unil y
dwellings. Refer to NSCP Volume 3 on
Housing. 4.2.2 Two or more dwelling unit and hotels. Drafts stops shall be insta
lled in the attics, mansards, overhangs, false fro nt s set Ollt from walls and
similar concealed spaces of buildings containing more than one dwelling unit and
hotels. Such drafts stop shall be above and in line with walls separating tenan
ts from each oth er and from other uses. Exceptions:

Draft STOPS may be omitted along one of rhe corridor walls. provided draft stops
at tenant separation walls extend to rh e remainillg corridor droll stop.
Where (lpproved sfJrillklerj' are illstalled, drajtstoppill8 may be as specified
ill the exception below.
4.2. 3 Ot her UScs. Draft stops shall be install ed in ;:\Hi es. mansards. ovcr~
hangs , false fronts set Ollt from walls .and similar concealed spaces of build
ing)) havin g uses other than dwellings or hotels so that th e area between draf
t stops does not exceed 270 m2 and
National Structural Code of tll('; Pllilipplnes 6 Edition Volume 1

6 12
shipla ps or joillls ::.hall he lapped hori zon tall y or otherwise 1l1acl(~ w:l
609.4 Shingles
609.1 General
Exterior wood stud walls shal! be covered 011 the outside with the materials and
in the :mlllllcr spccit1cJ jn this
section Or elsewhere ill this code. Studs or sheathing shall be covered on the o
utside face with a weatherresistive barrier when required. Exterior wall covering
s or the minimum thickness specified in this section arc based upon a max imulll
stud spacing of 400 mill unless ot herw ise specified.
609.2 Siding
Solid wood sidin g shall ha ve lin average thickness
Wood shingles or shakes may be llsed for exterior wall covering, provided the fr
amc of the structure is covered with building paper. All shingles or shakes atta
ched to sheathing other than wood sheathing shall be secured with approved corro
sion-resistant fa steners or 011 furring strips attached to the studs. Wood shi
ngles Or shakes may be applied over fiberboard shingle backer and sheathing with
annular grooved nails . The thi ckness or wood shingles Or shakes between wood
nailing hoards shall not be less than 9 mill . Wood sh ingles or shakes o r sidi
ng Illay be nailed directl y to appro ved fi berboard nail base sheathing not le
ss than 13 mill nominal thickn ess with annular grooved nail s. The weather cxpo
sure or wood shingle Or shake siding lIsed on exterior ,>,.'alls shall not excee
d maximum set forth in Table 6.6.
609.5 Particleboard When particleboard is used for coveri ng the exterior of out
side walls, it shaU be of the M-I. M-S and M-2 Exterior Glue grades. Particleboa
rd panel siding shall bc installed in accordance with Table 6.3 and 6.7. Pancl s
hall be gapped :3 mm and nails shall be spaced not less than 9 mm from edges and
cnds of sheathing. Unless applied over 16 mIll net wood sheathing or 13 mm plyw
ood sheathing or 13 mill pClrticleboard sheathing. joints shall occur over frami
ng members and shall be cove red with a continuous wood batl' or joints shall be
lapped horizonta ll y or ot herwise mad~ waterproof 10 thc sa ti sfaclion of th
e building official. Pal1icJcboard shall be sC<l led and protected with exterior
quality finishes.
or 9 I11Ill
unless placed over sheathing permitted b y thi s code.
Siding patterns known i~S rustic, drop siding or shiplap shall have an average t
hickness in place of not less than IS 111111 and shall have a minimum thickness
measured not less than 9 111m. Bevel siding shall have a minimum thickness m eas
ured at the butt section of" nol less than 11 mrn and a lip thi ckness of not l
ess than 5 mm . Siding of lesser dimensions may be used, provided such wall cove
ring is placed over Sheathing which conforms to the provisions specified elsewhe
re in this code.
All weatherboarding or siding shall be secu rely nailed to each slud wilh
ss (han one nail , or to solid 25 I1Ull n omi n ~11 wood sheathing or J 2
wood ShclHhi ng or 13 111m particleboard sheathing with not Ie.... s than
i ne of na ils spaced nol more than 600 IIl1l1 on center in each piece of
atherboarding or siding.

no( le
mm ply
o ne l
the we

Wood board siding applied horizontally, diagonally or vertically shall be nailed

to studs, nailing strips or blocking set maximum 600 mm on center. Fasteners sh
all be nails or screws with a penetration of not less than 40 mm illto studs. st
uds and wood sheathing combined, or blocking. Distance between suc h fastenings
shall not exceed 600 111m for horizontally or vertically applied sidings and 800
111111 for diagonally applied sidings.
Where pl ywoud is used ror cove ring the ex teri or or otll::.idc walls, il shal
l be of (he exterior Iype not less Ihnn 9 Illill
609.6 Hardboard When hardboard siding is used for coveri ng the outside of exter
ior walls, it shall conform to Table 6.8. Lap siding shall be installed horizont
ally and applied 10 sheathed or . unsheathed walls. Cornel' bracing shall be ins
talled in conformance with Section 620.6. A weather-resistive barrier shall be i
nstall ed under the lap siding. Square-edged, non ~gro(}ved panels and shiplap g
rooved or nOll-grooved siding shall be applied vCl1 ica ll y to sheathed or un s
heathed wa lls. Siding Ihal is grooved shall not be less than 6 nUll thick ill t
he groove. Nai l size and spaci ng shall follow Table .6.8 and shall
pcnetrate framing 38 mill. Lap si ding shal! overlap 25 I11 Ill minimulll and be
nailed through both courses and il1lo framing members with nails located l3 mm
from bottom ,~. the overlapped course. Square-edged non-grooved pane;';.
thi ck. Plywood panel siding shall he inslalled in accordance with Table 6.5. Un
less applied over 25 mm wood shea thing or 12 mm wood structural panel sheathing
or 13 mill particleboard s heathing joints shall occur over framing members and
' shall be protected with a continuous wood batten, approved caulking, flashing,
vertical or horizontal
shall bc nailed 9 111m from the perimeter of the panel and intermediately into s
tuds. Shiplap edge panel siding with
Associa ti on of Structural Engineers of the Philippirws

(j - I ~:!
I) IlUll shipl ap shall be Il<li led 9 m ill from the edges Oil bot h sides of t
he shiplap. The 19 mm shiplap shall be Iwil l!d 9 mm from th e edge and pcnctrmc
through hoth the ove rlap <llld urHJerJap . Top and bottom edges of the panel s
hal l be nailed 9 mill from the edge. Shiplap and lap siding shall not be force
fil. Square-edged panels shall maintain a 2 mm gap i!! joints. All jOints and ed
ges of siding shall be over framing members, and shall be made resistant 10 weat
h er penetratioll with battens, horizontal overlaps or shiplaps to the sHlisfac
ti on o f the building official. A 3 mrn gap shall be provided around all opcni!
;... ' ....
All softwood wood structural panel s shall conform to the provisions of the prev
ious Chapter and shall be installed in accorda;'{"cc with Table 6.3 Panels shall
comply with UI3C Standard 23-3.
609.7 Nailing
All faste ners used for thc attachmcnt of sidin g shall he of it corrosion-resis
tant type.
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National Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

CHAPTEr! 6 . Wood
SECTIoN 6.12
611.1 Structural 1'1001' Sheathing
.... ..... .,
Structural floor sheathing shall be design ed in accordffncc with the general pr
ovisions of' this code and the special provisions in thi s scction. Sheathing us
ed as subflooring shall be de signed to SUPPO!1 al! loads specified in this code
and shall be capable of su ppOJ1ing concentrated loads of not less than 1.33 kN
without failure. The concemra(ed load shall be applied by a loaded disc, 75 mm
or smaller in diameter. Flooring, including th e finish nom, ulldcrla yment l.Ul
d sub noo r. where used, shall meet the following requirem ents: I. 2. Deflectio
n under uniform design load limited to 1/360
of the span between supportingjoi sls or beams.
A I.uninuted :.:JJllber flo or or deck built up of wood mcmbers sct 011 edge. wh
en rnecling the fOllowing requirements, may be designcd as u solid floor or roof
deck of the same thi ckncss and continuous span may bc designed on the basis of
the full crOSs section using the simple span moment coeflicicllI . Nail length
shall not be less than 2~J/2 times the net thickness of each laminat ioll. When
deck supports are 1.20 m on cc nter or less, side nai Is shall be spaced not mor
e than 750 mm on centcr and staggered olle third of lhe spaci ng in adjaccnl lam
inations. Wh en supports arc spaced more 'than 1.20 III on ccnter, side nails sh
a ll be spaced not more than 450 mm on ccnter al lcrn.l1ely near lOp and bottom
edges, and also stagge rcd onc th ird of Ihe spaci ng in adjacen t laminations.
Two side nail s shall be used at each end of butt-jointed pieccs. L1minalions sh
all bc toe nailed to suppons with 20d or larger common nails. Whcn supports arc
1.20 III 0 11 center or less, alternate laminations shall be toe nailed to alter
nate suppons; when suppons arc spaced more than 1.20 m on cente r, alternate lam
inat ions shall be toenai led to every support. A single-spall deck shall have a
ll laminations full length.
A con tinuolls deck of two spans shall have not more than cvery fourth laminatio
n spliced within quarter points adj oi ning support s.
Detlec tion of fl ooring rei at; ve to joists under a 25 mm diam eter concentrat
ed load of 0.90 kN limited to 3 min or less when loaded midwa y between supporti
ng jois ts or beams nOI over 600 mm on ce nter and l/360 of lhe span for spans o
ver 600 mm .
Floor sheathing conforming lo Ihe provisions or Tablcs 6.9,
6.10. 6 . 12. or 6. 13 shall be deemed to meet the
requirements of thi s section.
611.2 Structural Roof Sheathing Structural roof sheal hing shall be designed in
accordance with th e general provisions of this code and the special provisions
in this section. Structural roof sheathing shall be designed to support all load
s specified in thi s code and shall be capable of suppolling concentrated loads
of not less than 1.33 kN without failure. The concentrated load shall be applied
by a loaded disk, 75 mm or smaller in diamet er. Structural roof sheathing shal

l meet the following requiremellt :

1. Deflectio n und er uniform design live and dead load limited to 1/180 of the
span between supportin g ruflcrs or beams and 11240 under live load onl y.
Joints shall be closely butted over supports or staggered across the deck but wi
thin th e adjoining quarter spans. No lamination shall be spliccd more th an twi
ce in any span .
Roof sheathing conformi ng to th e provisions of Tables 6.9 or 6.10 and 6.11 sha
ll be deem ed to meet th e requirements of thi s section. Wood' structu ral pane
l roof sheathing shall be bond cd by intennediate or exterior glue. Wood structu
ral panel roof sheathin g exposed 011 the underside shall bc bonded wit h exteri
or glu e.
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines


Where post and beam or girder construction is used, (!11.~ design shall be ill a
ccordance with Ihe provisions of Ihis code. Posi tive connection shaH be providc
cJ. to ensure a~ains[ upli~'t and lateral di splacement.
614.1 Gelleral Unless permitted by the Building Official or by relevllnt pro v i
s i n l ~s of NSCP Volume 3 Oil Housing. usc of' wood
shear walls and diaphragms shall be limited to I !O 2-5torcy dwellings. Where ap
plicable, succeeding provisions of this
Section shall be used as bases for their design.
Particleboard vertical diaphragms and lumber and wood
structural panel horizonwl and veni ca! diaphragms may be used to resis t horizo
ntal force s in horizontal and verticul distributing or resisting elements, prov
ided the deflection in the plane of the diaphrag ms, as determined by calculatio
ns, tests or analogies drawn therefrom . does not exceed the permissible detlect
ion o f attac hed distrib ut ing or resisting clcments. Permissible deflection s
hall be that defl ection up to which a diaphragm and any auachcd distri buting o
r resi sti ng element wi!! maintain its structural integrity under assumed load
conditions, i.c. continue
support assumed loads
without da nge r 10 occ upant of the stmclurc.
Connecti ons and anchorages capable of resisting the design forces sha ll be pro
vided between the diaphragms and the resisting elements. Openin gs in diaphragm
which materially aff~(.;1 Iheir !) llcnglh shall be fully detailed on the plAns
and shal! have their edges adequately reinforced to transfer all shearing s t]"I
Size and shape of each horizontal diaphrngm and shear wall sha ll be limilcd as
se l fOllh in Tablc 6.14. The height of <l shear wall shall be defined as: I. Th
e maximum clear height from foundation to bottom of diaphragm framing above, or
The maximulll clear height from top of diaphragm 10 boltom of diaphragm framing
The width of a shear wall shall be defined as the width
Where shear walls wilh o penings arc designed for force transfer around the open
ings, the limitations of Table 6.14 shall apply to the overall shear wall includ
ing openings and to each wall pier at the side of an opening. The height of a wa
ll pier shall be defined as the clear height of the pier at the side of an openi
ng. The width of a wall pier shall be defined as the sheathed width of the pier
at the
National Structural Code of the Pl1ilippines 6 Edltion Volume 1


CHAP"! Ef l 6 - W ooc1
side of HII opening. Des ign for force tran sfe r sha ll be based
011 a rtuiollal an al ysi s.
mm.olll), or concrele walls 10 {!x("(!ed 0.005 lime., each story hei,;"t. 2.4 Wo o
d structural panel sliemhing in horizontal diaphragms shall havc all unsupported
edgcs blocked. Wood sfruNliral panel sheathing for bOlh , \'lOries of vertical
diaphragms shall have all unsuppor!(~d edges blocked alld for Ih e lower walls h
ave a minimum thickness of J2 mm. 2.5 There ,~'''all be no olltol-plane horiz.ol/
tal offsets between the first alld secon d stories of wood srructural pane! sh e
ar wails,
In buildings of wood-frame construction where rOlati on is provided for, the dep
th of the diaphragm Ilorma! to the open
side shall 1I0 ( exceed 7.50 III or 2/3 the d ia phragm widt h. whichever is the
smaller depth . Strai ght sheathi ng sh:Il J not be pCJ'lll i((cd 10 resis t sh
ears in diaph rag ms acting in
rotat ion.
Exceptions: 1. Olle-story, wood-framed structures willi the depth norma/to th e
open side not greater than 7.50 m. may have a depth equa/to the width. Wh ere ca
lculations show that diaphragm deflections caf! be tolerated, the depth normal t
o th e open end may be increased to a depth-Io-width ratio II0t greater Ihan J.5
: J for diagorral sheathirrg or 2: J for special diagonal sheathed or plywood or
particleboard diaph ragms.
614 .3 Wood Diaphragms Wood Diaphragms shall conform wit h the fOllO wing guid c
lincs: 614.3. 1 Conventional Lumber Diaphragm Construction Such lumber diaphragm
s shall be made up of 25 mm nominal shcnthing boards laid at an angle of approx
imatdy 45 degrees to supports. Sheat hin g boards shall be di rt~cil y nailed (0
each intennediate bearin g member with nO( less th an two 65mltl nails for 25 1
11m by 150 111m nominal boards and three 65111J1l nails for boards 200 mm or wid
er; and in add ition, three 65 mm nai ls and four 6S mill nai ls
shall be used for 150 mm and 200 mm boards, respeclively,
I n nwsonry or con crete buildings, lumber and wood
stm ctural pa nel diaphragms shall not be considered as transmitting lateral for
ces by rotation.
Diaphragm sheath in g nail s o r other approved sheathing connectors sha ll be d
riven nu~h but shall not fracture the surface of the sheathing .
614.2 Wood Members Resisting Horizontal Forces Contributed by Masonry and Concre
Wood mem bers sh all not be used to resist horizontal forces contributed by ma s
onry or concrete construct ion in b ujld ings over one story in hei ght .
at the diaphragm boundaries. End joints in adjacent boards shall be separated by
at least one joist or stud space, and there shall be at leas t two boards betwe
en joints on the same support, Boundary members at edges of diaphragms
shall be designed to resist direct te ns ile or comp res!; i"e
chord st resses and adequately tied together at corners,

Wood floor and roof members may be used if! hariZOll/at trusses alld diaphragms
to resist horizontal
f orces imposed by wind, earthquake or earth pressure, provided such forces are
not resisted by rotation of the truss or diaphragm.
614.3.2 Special Lumber Diaphragm Co nstru ction Special diagonally sheathed diap
hragms shall conform :0 conventional construction and in addition, shaH have ;;
il elements designed in conformance with the provisions of this code.
Each chord or ponion thereof maybe considered as a beam loaded with a uniform lo
ad per meter equal to 50 percent of the unit shear due to diaphragm act ion, The
load shall be assumed as acting norma! to the chord, in the plane of the diaphr
agm and eithe r towards or away from the diaphr<lgm.
Th e span of chord, or porti on thereor, shall be th e dis tance
Ver/jeal wood sfructural panel-sheathed shear walls may be used to provide resis
tance to wind or ear/hquake forces in two-slOt}' buildings of masonry or concret
e construction, provided the follo lVing requiremcfIls arp. met: 2.1 Story-to-st
ory wall heights shall not exceed 3.6 meters. 2.2 Horizorllal diaphragm shafl no
t be considered to transmit lateral forces by rotation or camilever action.
between structural members of the diaphragm such as the joists, studs and blocki
ng, which se rve to transfer the ll ss lIIned load to Ihe sheathing, Special dia
gonally sheathed diaph rag ms shall includr. cOllventional diaph ragm s shea the
d with two layers c( diagonal sheathin g at 90 degrees to each other and on the
sa me face of the supportin g members.
2.3 Deflection of horizontal and vertical diaphragms
shall not permit per-slory deflection of supported
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTErl E . Wood
G 17
(.14 ..1.3 \Vood Slrudul':tl ))and Dblphnl J.!. 1U
Horizo nlill and ve rtical diaphr:lgm s shea thed wi th wood slructural pimcis I
llay be used 10 resist hori/.onwi rorces for horizontal di,lphraglll and for ver
tic al diaphragms, or may be calculated by principles of Jllechan i(~s without l
imi!atioll by usin g values of nail strength lHld wood structural pane! shear va
lues as spec iii cd elsewhere in this code . Wood structural panels for horizont
al diaphragms shall be as sct forth in Tablcs 6.10 and 6.11 for corresponding jo
ist spacing "and londs. Wood structural panels in shear wnll s shall be :II leas
t 8 mill thick for studs spaced 400 lllill on ccnter and 9 mm thick where studs
arc spaced 600 mill 011 center. Maximum spa ns for wood struclUral panel subtloO
l' ulldcr!aymcnt shall be as set forth in T<tble 6. 12. Wood stmclUraJ panels us
ed for horizoillill and vert ical di aphnlgms siwli conform 10 UB C S,.md.lr<J 2
3-2 and UHC Stand ard 23 -3 or equivalent Philippine National Slandards
(PNS ).
unless blocki ng o r olhe r meilns of provided.
~ h car
t n Ul ~fc r
614.5 Wood Shear Walls and Diaphnlgms iII Seismic 7-0'1<' 4 Section 614.).1 1061
4.5 .5 shall be used for wooden shear Willis and diaphragms dcsign for Seismic 7
..\)Jlc 4 areas.
614.5.1 Scope Design and cOllstruction of wood shear walls and diaphragms in Sei
smic Zone 4, as allowed by provisions o f Seclion 6 14.1 and NSCP Volume 3 on Ho
usin g, shall confo rm 10 the req ui rements oflhis sect ion. 614.5.2 Framing Co
l lector members shall be provided to transmit tension an d compress ion forcc~.
Perimcter members <"11 opcnings s hall be provided and shall be dClailcd to di
stribule the Shearing stresses. Diaphragm sheathing shu ll not be used to splice
these members.
Diaphrag m chords and tics shall be placed in, Or tangent to, the plane of the d
iaphragm framing unless it can be demonstrated that the moments, shear and defle
ctions and deformations resulting from other arrangements can be tolerated.
A ll boundary members shall be proportioned and spliced where necessa ry 10 tran
smit direct stresses. Framing members shall be at least 50 mm nominal in the dim
ension s to whi ch the plywood is attached. In general, pancl edges shall bear o
n the framing mcmbers and butt along th eir centerlines. Nails shall be placed n
ot less than ]0 mrn ill from the panel edge, shall be spaced not more than ]50 m
in 011 center along panel edge bearings, and shall be firmly driven into the fra
ming members. No unblocked panels less th an 300 mill wide shall be used .
Diaphragms with pa nel edges supportcd in acco rdance with Tables 6. I 0, 6. 11
and 6. J 2 shall not be considered as blocked diagrams unl ess blocking or ot he
r means of shear tran ~ fer is provided.
614.4 Particleboard Diaphragms
Vertical diaphragms sheathed with pal1icleboard may be used to resist horizontal
614.5.3 Wood Structural Panel Wood structura l panels shall be manufact ured us

ing ex terior glu e. -t Wood slnlclUrai panel diaphragms and shear walls shall b
e co nstlllcted with wood stnictural pa nel sheets not less th.m 1.20 III by 2.4
0 111 , except at boundaries and changes in fr:imi ng where minimum sheet dimens
ion shall be 600 mm unless all edges of the undersized sheets are sUPPol1ed by f
raming members or blocking.
Framing members or blocking shall be provided at the edges of all sheets in shea
r walls. Wood structural panel sheathing may be llsed for splicing members, othe
r than those noted in Section 6 14 .5.2, where the additiona l nailing required
to deve lop the transfer of forces wil l not cause cross-grain bendin g or cross
-grai n tension in the nailed member.
All boundary mcmbers shall be proportioned and spliced where necessa ry to trans
mit direct stresses. Framing members shall be at least 50 mm nominal in the dime
nsion to which th e pa[1icleboard is attached. 111 general, panel edges shall be
a r on the framing members an d butt along Ihei r ce nt erlines . Na ils shall b
e placed nol less than 9 mm in from Ihe panel edge, ~11iI1I he spaced nol more I
han 150 I11 Ill 011 ccn ter along panel edge beari ngs, and sha ll be firmly dri
ven into the framing members. Unblocked p;lIlcls less (h an 300 mm wide shall no
t be all owed or used.
Diaphragms with panel edges supported in accordance with Table 6.13 shall not be
considered as blocked diaphragms
614.5.4 Ilea,'), VVood Panels
Diagonally sheathed panels uti lizing 50 I1l1l} nom inal boards may be used 10 r
~li st the sa me pern~i ss i blc shear as ~5 Jlllll nominal lumber, exeept thm 16
d n ~lI 1s shall be used lIls1ead of8d.
Nalional Structural Code of Ihe PI1 ilippines 6'" Edition Volum e 1

G ! 8
C HI\P1t: H f:
may be uscd
Pallcls IHili zing strai ght dccking overlaid wit h plywood 10 resist shear forc
es usin g the SiUn c shear V.dll(.~ S a.~ permi ned for the wood stn!l:llIfal pa
n!.!! "Iolle.
Wood structural panel joints parallel to the decking shall be locilwd at least 2
5 /llJll offset from any parallel decking join!. Heavy decking panels utilizing
dowel pins, or vcnit:ally laminated panels connected by nailing units 10 olle an
other, resist shear forces based 011 the permissible shear values of th eir conn
615.1 General Except as herein provided, str(.~s~cs shall not l~xceed the allowa
ble unit stresses for th e respective spcc ies and Li:ldc' \i(' fabricated produ
cts as se t forth in Table 6.1 and I'a: 6.15 for lumber. Values thcrein indicate
d are rek, de::;ign values. All the tabulat ed design values (cxcep! (h e ave rage
modulu s of elasticity E) include reduct iolb s<lfcly and arc primaril)' intend
ed for direct applic<Hi(m ,:~
614.5.5I'articlebo,,,d Pal1icleboard shall nOI be less th an Type M "Exteri or
G lue" .
Shear walls shall be shea thed wit h particleboard sheets not less than 1.20 III
by 2.40 m except aI boundaries and changes in framing. The required nail size a
nd spaci ng in
Table 6.3 apply to panel edges only. All panel edges shall be backed with 50 mm
nominal or wider frailling . Sheets arc permitted to be installed either horizon
tally or vertically. For 9 111m particleboard sheets install ed with the
Reference design v<l lucs arc give n th e symbol of uppercase
F. and a subscript ._. I for tensio n. c for compressio n, b for bending -.- is
added to indicate the type of' st ress.
long dim ensi on parallel lO the studs spaced 600 111111 on cenler, nails shall
be spaced at 150 mm on cent er along intermediate framing members. For all other
co nditi ons, nai ls of th e sa me size shall be spaced at 300 llllll all cente
r along intermediate framing members.
Reference design values for wood represent a starling point in the determination
of the allowable stress for a pani n llar design. Adjusted ASD design va lues a
re determined hv multiplying the reference values by the appro])1 adjustement fa
ctors. A prime is added to the symbol o( i reference value 10 indicate th at th
e necessary adjustJl:c:. i " have been applied to obtain the adjusted design val
= F~ x
(product of adjustlnen t factors)
614.6 Fiberboard Sheathing Diaphragms Wood stud walls sheathed wit h fibe rboard
shcathing may be used to resist hori zont al fo rces nOI exceeding Ihose SCI fo

rth in this section. The fibcrboard sheat hing. 1.2 m by 2.4 Ill. shall be appli
ed verticall y [Q wood stud s n OI less than 50 mm nominal in thi ckncss spaced
400 mm on cent er. Naili ng shall be provided at the perimeter of the sheathing
board and at the intermediate studs. Blocking not less than 50 nUll nominal in t
hickness shall be provided at horizontal joints when wall height exceeds length
of sheathing panel, and
sheathing shall be fastened to the blocking with nails sized
For a design to be acce ptable, the actual stress. i .c. It r!lH.'.,: be Jess lh
an or eq ual to the adjustcd design va lue F,' :
spaced 75 mIn on centers each side of joint. Nails shall be spaced not less than
9 mm from edges and ends of shea thing, Marginal studs of shear wall s or shear
-resisting clements shall be adequately anchored at the top and bottom and desig
ned to resist all forces, The maximum height -width ratio shall be 1.5: I .
615.1.1 Repetitive Memoer System A repetitive member system is defined as one th
at /Ja.': three (3) or more parallel members of Dimension lun -.l ; structural c
omposite lumber; (2) Members spaced not lllUi ,; than 600mm; (3) Members connect
ed together by a distributing clement such as roof, floor, or wall sheathi: For a
repetitive member system, Ihe reference Fi} rlW\' multiplied by a repetilive me
mber factor, C, = 1.15. 1-(; olher framing systems, C, = 1.0.
Va lues for species and grades not tahuhlled shall !';,' approved by the buildin
g official.
615.2 Stresses in Piles Used as Structural Mcmb(~rs Induced stresses for normal
loading of round poles Pl"' . when used as a st ructural member, except modI;;;:
:'; " I elasticity which shall be the same as for sawll lum ber, sh~lll not exce
ed 60 percent of the basic unit working stresses WI' the species as forth in Tab
le 6.1
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHM' lTnGWou(i
6J5.3 Adjustlllcnl ofSlresscs
The allowable uui! stresses specified in this chapter shall be su bject (0 appli
cahle adjustmen ts.
615.3. 1 Gcneral.
When the ,1C(.;UIllUl tttcd durati oll of the full maximu m load during the life
of the member docs not exceed the period indicated below, the val ues may he in
c reased in the tabl e as follows :
--~ --r~ ---- ---- -'- '- -------- ---~--The adjustments shall be as sc t forth in the footnotes to the approprialc Slrcs
s wbk~s and 1(; the requiremen ts or th is section: ::: load dunll;ofl faclor ;;
;. wei servi ce fact or := size faclor ::: form factor :;: Ial lI SC faclOr :;: s
upport factor :;: incising Iclor :;: temperature fact or :;: repetitive member fa
ctor := column stability factor = beam sla bili t y factor :;: slenderness facto
r =. coeffi cient of variation :::: volume factor These adjustment factors do no
t ap pl y design values.
6 J5.3 .2 Preservative Treatment.
Increase Period .- - - --- For seve n days dunllion. li S for roof 25% load s --I :13.3% f.'or e,lr! hquake
.--~- .-=---~=------'--.----'
.~--- __:_ -__:_____c---- - - -. - - -1.25
For wind (for connect ions and fasteners)
For wind (me mbers only) For impact
The fo regoing examples arc no! cumulative. For combined dural io n of loadings
the resultant struc!urnl membe rs shall not be smaller than the required for the
longer duration of loading. The duration of load factors in this ilem shall 11
0 1 appl y 10 compressionperpendicular-to- grain design values based on 1I deform
ation limi t, or 1 0 modulus of el(lslicit y. 3. V'llues for normal loading cond
itions may be used without regard to im p(lct if the stress induced by impact do
es not exceed the val ues for normal loading.
al! reference

The values for wood press ure impregnat ed with an approved process and preserva
tive need no adjustment for trea tment but arc subjected to ot her adj ustments.
615.3.3 Firc-Retardant Treatment
The values for lumber and plywood pressu re imprcgnated with approved fire~ reta
rd a nt chemi cals, including fastener value s, shall be recommended by ihe Irea
ter and su bmitted to the building official for approval. Submittal to the build
ing official shall include all substanti ating data, Such y,llues shall be devel
oped fl'Om approved test methods and procedurcs th at consider potential strengt
h -reduction characteristics, including effects of elevated temperatures ilnd mo
Other adjustments are applicable, except thm the impact lo ud-duration factor sh
all not apply.
615.3.5 Size Factor Adjustment When the depth of a rec tan gular sa wn lumber be
nding member 125 I11Ill or thicker exceeds 300 mm, the bending vHlues , 1"1" sha
ll be multiplied by the siz.e factor, C,. ., as determined by the Equatio n (615
- 1):
Cr - where:
(6 15- 1)
:::: size factor :::: depth of beam, mill
615.3.4 Duration of Load Values for wood and mecha ni cal fas tenings (when the
',yood delennines the load capacity) are subj ec ted adjustments based on (he fo
llowing vi:l riati olls in the duration of load:
For be<llllS of circul ar cross sec ti on thaI have a diameter greater than 340
mill, or 300 I11Ill or Inrger sq uare beams loaded in th e pJ <lIl C of the diag
onal, the size faclor C'. may be determined on the basis of an equivalellt conven
tionally loaded square beam of th e same c ro ss ~ s ect io Jlal area. Size fact
or adjustments are cumulative with form factof adjust ments specified in Section
615.3.7, except for lumber I beam and box beams, but arc not cu mul ative with
slendemess factor adjustmen ts specified in Section 615.3.6. The size factor adj
ustment shall 1I0t 'apply to visually
Where a member is fully stressed to the max imum allowable stress, either contin
uously or cumulatively, for more than 10 years under the conditions of maximum d
esign load, the values shall not exceed 90 perce nt of those in the tabl es.
National Structural Code of the Philippines 61h Edition Volume 1

graded lumber 50 mm
strcss-rtllcd lumber.
100 nun thi ck or to machincWhen the slenderness factor C, is greaLer than I () but docs not exceed CI;. the
all owable unit stress ill bending 1-"" sha ll he determined from the following
equati on:
F 'b
615.3.6 Slenderness Factor .Ind Flexural Stress.
When the depth of a bending member exceed s it s breadth ,
latera! support may be required and the slenderness factor Cs shall be calculate
d by the followin g Equation: where:
= F/J
[I - .3 I. (~:t)' l C '
o ,
Cs If
(i7[ . =v/7
(615 ..
= mod ulus of elasti ci ty
= effective
slcndc mcss factor length of bea m, mill from the followin g tabl e
= allowable unit stress ror extreme nbe!" in bend ing = allowable unit stress fo
r cKtremc fibcr in bending. adjusted ror sle nd erncss.
:::; depth of beam, 111m :::; breadth of beam, mm
The effective lengths, I.. in the tabl e arc based on an Ijd rati o of 17. For o

th er f../d ratios, these effective lengths may be multiplied by a factor equal

to 0.85+2.55/(1,/d) except that thi s factor shall not apply to a single-s pan b
eam with equal end rnomems Or :::; 1.841u) or [0 a single span or cantilever bea
m with any load (ii' = 1.921u). When the slenderness facLor Cs doe s not exceed
10, the full allowable unit stress in bending Fb may be used . Effecti ve Length
of Beams Type of Beam Span and Nature of Load Value of Effecti ve Length, [,
When the slenderness factor C is greater than Ct but less than 50, the allowable
unit stress in bending F';, shall be determined by the following Equation:
' _ 0.4 38E Fb,
C,(6 15-5)
In no case shaH C.. exceed 50. The design valu es for ex treme fiber in bending,
F h , and modulus elasticity, E, used in the formulas for F'b shall 1:0(: modif
ied to account for moisture service condition, duratiol l. of loading, temperatu
re and type of treatmen t in accordance wi th the Section 615.3 except that the
modification for size faclOl' shown in Secti on 6 15.3.5 shall not be used. Desi
gn va lues for extreme fiber in bending adjusted for slendemess factor, F'b. are
not subject to further modifications for moisture service co ndition, duration
of loading, temperature, type or treatment or size. The design value for ex trem
e fiber in bending. F'b, shall not exceed the full design value for ex treme fib
er in bending. FI" modified as allowed in thi s section. including the size fact
or adjustment. When the compression edge of a beam is suppOited throughout its l
ength to prevent its lateral di splacement, and the ends at points of bearing ha
ve lateral support to prevent rotation, th e unsupported lengt h 11/ may be take
n as zero.
When latera l SU ppOI1 is prov ided to prevent rotation at the
Single-span beam, loael 1.611" concentrated at the center Single-span beam, unif
orlnly 1.92/1/ distributed load Single-span beam. equ al end 1.84[. moments Cant
ilever beam. load 1.69[. concentrated at unsupported end Cantilever beam, unifor
mly 1.06[" distributed load Cantilever beam, uniformly distributed load with 1.6
9[" concentrated load at c'lIltilcver end Single-span or cantilever beam, 1.92["
. anY_<l~!2er load ...__ .. --- -_.'. - - -- - -.--..- ..-'"--.. {II =unsupport
ed length of beam, mIll
- .-.--.~
points of end beal;ng but no other lateral support is provided throu ghout th e
length of the beam, the. un supported III is th e distance between such points o
f end bearing, or the length of th e cantilever. When a beam is provided with a
lateral support to prevent rotational and lateral di splacement at intermediate
points as . well as the ends, unwppo rted length lu is the di slilW;.; between s
uch points of intennediate lateral su pport,
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philipp in es

G :~ l
(liS.3.7 Form Fador Adjustments The allowable unit strcss in bcnding for non-pri
smHtic,' Illcmbers shall not exceed thc value established by mulliplyillg such s
tress hy the form faclOr Cj dctcrmincd liS follows:
Beam Section
Squ <l re (\\1111 diagonal vertic,l l) Lu mber I Beams and Box Beam
Form Factor (Cj-)
615.3.9 Temperature The allow:lble unit stress for unlrcatl.'.d and prcscrvalivc
treated wood specified in this chapler Hlld as modified in this sc!.:tion applie
s (0 uses within the ran ge or climatic tempcra ture ordina ri ly encoulltered i
n buildings. Wood members shall not be usctl in areas suhjcl:t to tempcratures a
bove 66(' unless the expos ure is infreque nt and any permanent loss in strengt h
is accounted for in the design.
The al lowable un i! streSS for lirc-rcl:u:dant-trealcd soliJ . sawn lumber and p
lywood, including fas\Cners va lucs. subject to prolonged elevated temperatures
from manufacturing or equipmcnt processes, bUI not exceeding 66C, shall bc develo
ped frol11 approved tes t methods that properl y consi der potential st rength-r
edu cti on cha racteri stics, including cffects of heat and moisture.
1.180 1.414
1 +[( 2~> r2~~~3 -Ijc,]
--_._- ) + 88 ( 25.4
8p + 3/) (I - q) + q
C,: P
=s upport f'lclor =/',(6 = form
(615-7 )
615.3.10 Moisture Service Condition Where sawn lumber and fastenings arc exposed
10 service conditions causing the wood to possess morc than 19 percent moisture
colHent, the t:lbulmcd design vaiues 5htll l be reduccd as specified in Table 6
615.3.11 Boiled Joinls
= f<stio of" depth of" cumpression nange to full
= ratio of thickness of
o f beam
of beam

eb or webs to the full width
Bolt values used in conjunction with mctal side plates shaH be in accordance wit
h Secl ion 619.
Thc form (newr adjustment shall be cumulative with the size factor adjustment, e
xcept for lumber I beams and box
615.3.8 Modulus of Elasticil), Adjuslmenl Thc usc of avcrage modul us of elastic
ity E va lues is appropriate for the design of normal wood structural members an
d assemblies. In special applications where deflections arc critical to the stab
ility of structures or structural componcnl s, and where exposcd to varying temp
erature and relative humidity under sustained loading co nditions, the average v
alues of the modulus of elasticity E listed in Table 6.1 shall be reduced to acc
ount for variability. Coefficients of variation Cv in the modulus of elasticity
E for lumber as foHows:
Visllally graded !'i(lwn lumbor. Machine Sll'css*rated sawn lumber.
... 0.11
The average modulus or claslicily E valucs listed in the table shall be Illultip
lied by 1*(\" or 1-1 .65Cv to oblain a modulus of elasticity E va lue exceeded b
y 84 percent or 95 percent indi vidual picces, re specti vely.
The duration-or-load adjustments specified in Section 615.3.4 do not apply to mo
dulus of elaslicil y va lues.
National Structural Code
or the Philippines 6tl1 Edition Volume

6 "2
616.1 Bel"n Span For simple beams, (he span shall be taken as the distance
from fac!..: to face of support, plus one half the required l ength or bearing a
t each end; for continu'.1us beams. the
616.4 Horizon(HI Sht':lf ill No(chcd Bemns Whcn rcclangular-shapcd girder. bl~.t
lns or joists <Ire notched at points of support 011 lht! tension sid{', they shu
ll me!.!t thc design requiremcnts of thaI section ill bellding and ill shear. Th
e llorizor1! ;d sh~'ar Stl\~SS at such point shall not exceed the value calculat
ed by Equillion (61()-2):
span is the distance between centers of Lea
over which the beam is continuous.
on slJppon
d d'
616.2 Flexure 616.2.1 Circular Cross Section
A beam of circuli'll' cross section may be assumed 10 ha ve
= lOud depth of beam. = acwal dcpth of beilln lit 110(ch.
the same st ren gth in Oexure as a sq uare beam having the S;UllC cross-sectiona
l area. If a circular beam is I<Ipercd, it sha ll be co nsidered ~I beam of vari
able cross seclion.
Whcn girder, beams or joists with circular cross section are notched al poillls
of support Oil the tension side. they shall meet the design requirements Of lha!
scction in bending .and in shear. The <lc tual shc:lr stress at SIK h point sha
ll not exceed the value calculatcd by Eqll<ltioll (616-3):
616.2.2 Notching
If possible, notching of beams should be avoided. NO[chcs in sawll lumber bendin
g members shall not exceed oncsix th the depth of the member and shall not be lo
ca ted in thc middle third of the spall. Where mcmbers arc notches at til e cnds
, the notch depth shall not exceed onc- fourth the beam depth. The tension side
of the sawn lumber bending members of 100 mill or greater nominal thickness shaH
nOt be nOlched cxcept at ends of members. Cantilevered portions of beams less t
han 100 111111 in normal thickncss shall not be notched unless the red uced sect
i on properties and lumbe r defec ts afe considered in (he design. 616.2.3 L'ltC
'rall"lolllcnt Distribution Lateral mOlllent distribution of a cOllcentf<lted lo
ad fmm a criticaHy loaded beam to adjacent panlilel beams shnll be calculated.
(-~l('-~!'l 2A" till
where: All = cross-sectional mea of l10tched member

= total depth of beam = actual depth of beam at nOlcil
For bending members with other th an rectangular or ci rcular cross section and
notched at point of SUppOl1 on the tens io n side. the <lctual shear stress para
llel to grain shall be cakuillled in accord ~mee wi lh conve nti onal engineeri
ng mechanics. When girders, beams or joists arc notched at point of support on t
he compression side, they shall meet design requirement for that net section in
bending and in shear. The shear at slich point shall not exceed the value calcul
ated by :
616.3 Horizontal Shear The maximulll horizontal shear stress ill a solid-sawn wo
od shall not exceed that calculated by mean, of Equation (616-1):
(616- 1)
artual unit shea r fl' shall !lot exceed the allow,lblc ror th e species and lIH
.~ grade as givcn in Table 6. I adjusted for duration of loading. as provided in
Section 615.3.4 . '-"hen calculating the shear force, \'. distribution or load
10 <HljacclH pilra!lcl benms by r100ring or other members InRy be considered, am
i all loads \vithin a distance from either support equal to the depth of the bea
m may be neglected for beams support by full bearing 011 O!W surfacc and loads a
pplied to th e opposite surface.
d' ('
= IOlal depth of bC<l1ll ::::: <Icltm l depth of bC<11ll at /lotch ::::: dista n
ce notch cx tends i nside the inner edge of support
The shear ror the not ch on the compression side shall 1)(' further limited to t
he value determined for a beam of ,:. d' if e exceeds d'.

(116.5 Design of J()inl~ in Shear Eccc!l1ri c connector and bolted joints and be
ams SUppOil by conlleClOrs or bolt shal! be designed so thai li, in Equation (6
16-5) does not exceed the allowable un it stresses ill horizon ta l shear.
For hea ring of less thMI 150 mill in leng th an d not IIc;trcr than 75 111111 t
o the end of a member, the maximulll allowa ble load per SYUl.lfC olin ma y be o
blain c,d b), multiplying the allowable unit stresses in compress ion perpendicu
lar to grain by th e factor indicated by:
. 3V j,. = ._._. 2b{{,
in whi ch !" is theJe))glh of bc<tring in mIl) Ille,u;urcd alon g the grain of t
he wood.
The multiplying factors for indicated length of bearing on
d,. (with co nnectors) = the deplh of the member less the dislance from the unlo
aded edge of the member to the nearest edge of the nearest con nector.
d(' (with holts or lag screws)
such small areas as plates and washers may be:
=- the depth of the member less
Bearing (mill) Factor
the distance from the unloaded edge of the member to the center of the nearest b
olt or Jag screw. Al lowable unit stresses in shear for joint involving bolts or
con nectors loaded perpendicular ( 0 gra in may be 50 percent . greater th,m (h
e horizontal shear values as set f011h in Table 6.1 and, provided thaI the joint
occurs at least five times the depth of th e member frol~l its end. Wh en the j
oint is less than five times the depth of the member from its end, the included
shear st ress is calculated by:
25 1.38
"i.13._- . 1.10 1.25 _. 1.19 .

In us ing the preceding equation and table for round washers or bearing areas, u
sc a length equal 10 the diameter.
In joists sUPP0I1ed on a ribbon or ledger board and spiked to the studding, the
allowable stress in compression perpendicular to grain may be increased 50 perce
616.7 Lateral Support Solid-sawn rectangular lumber beams, rafter and joist shal
l be suppoI1ed laterally 10 prevent rotation or lateral displacement in accordan
ce with the following:
ff the depth-to-thic kness dimensions, is:
2bd c
(6 166)
and the 50 percent increase in design values for shear in joints docs not apply.
nom inal
616.6 Compression Perpendicular to Grain In appli cati on where defonnation is c
ti ti cai, Equation (616-7) shall be lIsed to calculate the compression pClpcndi
culnr-tograin design val ues.
Fe.1' = 0.73 Fe.1
Two to one, or 2: I, no lateral support is required. Three to one, 3: I or four
to one, 4: I, the ends shall be held in posi,ion, as by [ulldep,h solid blocking,
bridging, nailing or bolting to other framing members, approved hangers or othe
r acceptable means. Five to one, 5: 1. one edge shall be held in line for its en
tire length. Six to one, 6:1 , bridging, fulltiepth solid bloc king or cross brac
ing shall be installed at interval s not exceedi ng 2.4 meters unless:
Both edges of the member arc held in line or,
compression-pcrpendicu iar-to-grain values from Tables 6. 1 ::: critical compres

siollpe rpendicular-to-grain value

The durati on of load modification factors give n in Section 615.3.4 shall not a
pply to comp rcssion -perpendicula:-to grain values for sawn lumber. The allowable
unit stresses for compression perpendicular to grain ill Table Nos. 6.1 and 6.1
7 apply to bearings of any length at the ends of the beam and to all bearings 15
0 mill or more ill length at any other location.
The co mpression edge of the me mber is support ed throughout its length 10 prev
ent lateral displnccmcm, as by adequate sheathing or sub-flooring, and the ends
and all points of bearing have lateral support to prevent rotation.
Nalional Siruclural Code of the Philippines 6'" Edilion Volu me 1

CI1AI'TE'li r; . Wood
Seven 10 one, 7: I, both edges shall be held ill line for
th eir cn{in:~ Icngth.
SEC'llION'6 p . ' ..
617.1 Column C lassifications
If a heam is subj ect 10 both fl ex ure ~l lld co mpressio n parallel to gra in,
the ratio may be as mu ch as 5: I if one edge is held tlrmly in!inc. If under a
ny combil1atioll of load
the un braced edge of the member is in tension, the rati o may be 6: I .
617.1.1 Simple Solid-Wood Columns
Simple column consist of a single piece or of pieces properly glucd together to
(W!ll a Si~lglc mcmber.
In lieu of providing lateral support by the methods specified in items 2 th roug
h 5 above, the ;IIJOWllhlc stresses shall be reduced by the slenderness factor s
ci forth in Secti on 615.).6.
616.8 Lateral Support of Arches, Co mpression Chords of Trusses and Studs
Where roof jni.l;( or purJins are llscd between mehes or
617.1.2 Spaced Column , Co nn ector Joined Spaced columlls arc formed of two Of
mo re indi vi dual members with th eir longitudinal axcs parallel, separated at
the ends and middl e points of their Icngth by blocking and joined at the ends b
y timber connectors capable of developing the required shear resistancc. 617.1.3
Built-Up Columns Bu ilt-u p colu mn s. other IIwn cOllneclof-joined spaced col
umns and glued- laminated columns, ~ h all n Ol bc designed as solid colullllls.
617.1.4 Glulam Columns Gi lliam columns shall be composed of at least four lami
nations, with their grain essentially parallel.
Lil1lit~ltion on lid Ratio For simple sol id columns. /1 d shall not exceed SO.
compression chords, th e largest value of I)d, calculated
using the depth of the arch or compression chord or
calculated using the breadt h (Icast d i men~ i o ll ) of the arch or co mpressi
oll chord bctween poillts of inlcnni nent lateral suppOI1, shall be uscd. TIIC r
oof joist o r purlins shall be placed to account for shrinkage (for example, by
placing th e upper edge~ of unseasoned joist approxi mately 5 percent of the joi
st depth above the lOpS of the arch or chord) but also placed Jow enough to prov
ide adequate lateral support. Where roof joist or purlins are pl aced on top of
an arch Or co mpression chord and are secu rely fastened to the arch o r compres
sion chord, the largest va lu e of !,Jd, calcu lated using the depth of the arch
or compression chord or calculated using the breadth (least dimension) of the a
rch or compression chord between points of intermittent lateral support. shall b
e used. Where planks are placed on top of an arch or compression chord and secur
ely fastened ( 0 the arch or compressio n chord, or whe n sheathing is nai led p
roperly to the top chord
of trussed rafter, the depth rather Ihan Ihe breadlh of Ihe

617.3 Simple SolidColumn Design The cffective column length, I,. shall be used in
design Eq uations given in thi s sec tion. The effective column length. I, shal
l be detcrmincd in accordance with good engineering practice. Actu al column len
gth, I, may be multiplied by the factors given in the following table 10 determ
ine effective column length, I".
Allowable unit stresses in newton per square millimeter of cross-sectional area
of sq uare or rectangu lar simple solid columns shall be determined by the follo
win g formulas, but such unit stresses shall not exceed values for co mpression,
parallel 10 gra in Fe in Table 6. 1 adjusted in accordance wilh provisio n of t
h is secti oll.
arch, compressio n chord or trussed raflcr may be used as the least dimension in
determinin g Vd. Where stud walls in light~frame construction are adequ ately s
heathed on at least one side, the depth rather than breadth of the stud, may be
laken as the least dimension in calculat in g the Ijd ratio.
(6J 71)
Associalion of Structural
of the Pililippincs

where: c = 0.8 for sawn lumber. = 0.85 for round timber piles.
SUppO!1 Conditions: Largc end fixed, small cnd unsuppoltcd Small end fixed, larg
e end un supported
BOIh ends simply supported: Tapered toward one end Tapered toward both ends
a = 0.70 a = 0.30
r, _
= E~ilcr <.:ritica! buckli ng stress for columns
Fc* = lahuhllcd co mpress ion design value multiplied by all of the ,Ipplicab!c
adjustment L1 ctors. gel:" = 0.3 for vis uaJl y graded l u m~}er. Kc = 0.418 ror
products such as machine S (rC s~Hi.He d sawn lumber.
a = 0.50 a = 0.70
For all other SU pp011 conditi ons:
_--- ---._- - _. _.
, , , , , , , , ,
.Ii". , ~ , , , ,
, , , , , , , , ,
\ \
t ~
, ,, , ,, ,,

Do .....
condltto,.. approJj.

, , , , , , , ,,
\ . \ \
, , , ,
,, ,
, ,, , ,,
The design of a column of rou nd cross section shall be based on lhe design c,ll
culali olls for a squa re colu mn 01" the same cross ~sectional area and having
the so\!l1c degree of
, , , , ,,
Ji. II,
I. 20

2. 10 2.'
...... -,
Y' .,.
User Note:
Rotation fi x. Rotzrti.ou frcc , traNiatiotl fIXed
End Condition
Rotation fixcd, translation free

Rotation fr ee, lIanslation free
t, = K; I
617.4 Tapered Columns
When designi ng a tapered colum n with a rectangular cross section, tapered at o
ne or both ends, the representative dimension, dul' fo r each face of the column
slwll he deri ved as foll ows:
d n p
= dm in + {cimax - dmil,Ha-.Q. 15 ( [dmifl I dm "J1
(61 7-2)
thc minimum dimension, d, for that face of the column d"'lI.l = tbe maximum di me
nsion, d, for that face of 'he colu mn
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

CHAPTU! G . Wood
and (2 ) w he n checkin g the design perpendic ular 10 the plane of bend ing the
~Ie ndt~rn('.s~ nHio. Uti. in Ihe plan e o f bending shall be \lsed 10 <.:ldcul
atc F', and J shall be SCi.
618.1 Flexul'e and Axial Tension Members subjected 10 bOI!~ .-lcxu['c .and axial
tension shall be so proportioned that
(6 181 )
6JX,3 Spaced ColulIlIls In the case of spaced columns, this co mbined stress for
mula maybe applied only if the bending is in a direction paralIcl to the greater
d of the individual member.
618.4 Truss Compression Chords Effect of buckling of a 50 mill by 100 mill or sm
aller tIllSS compression chord hav ing effec tive bucklin g lengths or 2.40 III
or less and wi th 9 mm or thicker pl ywood sheathing nailed to the IUlITOW face
of the chord in accordance with the appropriate slandllrds 5h"1 1l be determined
from the
equil tion:
Iv - I, I~ **
= 1 + O!,2!,
tabulated bending design value multiplied by all
applicable adjustment factors except beam stabi Jjt y
factor. CI.
"'" buckling of the stiffness factor "'" 0.819 for rnachine-strcssnucd lumber f,.
.,"'" effective bucklin g length used in design of chord for compression loading
Eo.o.l = 0.589E for visually graded lumber = Modulus of elastici ty from tables
of allowable UTlit stress. N/mmJ

Fb ** =
F (C")(C,,,)(C,)(C,.)(C)(C,) for sawlllu",ber " (C,,)(CM)(C,) (C,.) for glulam F
b tabulated bending design value multiplied by all
applicable adjustment factor except volu me faclor. Cy . = Fv (CO)(CM)(C,)(CL)(C
,)(C,)(C,) for sawll lumber = F. (Co)(CM)(C,)(CLl for gilliam = allowable tensio
n design value parallel to grain = actua l unit stress in ten sion paraJl ellO g
rai n. = actual unit st ress for extreme fiber in bending.
618.2 Flexure and Axial Compression Members subj ected to both flexure and axial
compression shall be proportiolled that
The va lues of C r determined from th is eq uati on arc for wood seasoned to a m
oi sture content of 19 percent or less al the time th e plywood is nailed to the
chord. For wood that is unseasoned at the time of pl ywood auachmcnt, Cr slwlJ
be determined from the Equalion (6187):
(6 18-3)
F' c F' I>~
The value of J shall be derived as
J = -'--/, ! d -II K-II
For chords with an effective buckling length greater thall 2.40 Ill, C shall be
taken as the value for a chord having an effective lenglh of 2.40 m.
(6 18-4)
-_. E K =0.67 1 JF,
(0 5!, 1$ 1).

(6 18-5)
except that J shall not be less than zero nor greater thull Olle
The buckling stiffness factor does not appJy to shari col umns or trusses used u
n der wet co nditions. The {Il1owablc unit co mpress ive stress $hall be modifie
d by the buckling stiffness factor whcn a truss chord is subjected (0 combined f
le xure an d com pression and the bendi ng moment in th e di rection thaI induce
s compression slres:,,--, in the chord face to wh ich the plywood is attached. T
he buckling stiffness factor CT shall apply as follows: Short column ( /, 1 d of
II or less ):
F'e and K shall be determined in accordance with the provision in Section 617.3,
except (I) when checking the design in the plane of bending the slenderness rat
io, Vd, in the plane of bending shall be lIsed to calculate F'e and J
Associat ion of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

620.4.2 Veneer Anchored masonry and sto lle wa ll veneer shall not exceed J 25 I
lllll ill thickness. 620.4.3 Unusually Shaped Buildiugs When building is of an u
nusual shape as defined in Section 620.5.3, buildings of light-frame co nstructi
o n in Seismic L,one 2 shall have a latcral~force~ rcs i stillg sys tem designed
to resist the forces specified in Chapter 2. 620.5 Additional Requirements for
Con ventional Construction in Seismic lAne 4 620.5.1 Braced Wall Lines
In areas under Seismi c Zone 4 and where the basic wind speed exceeds 125 kph. h
ui Idings shall be provided with
ex te rior and interior hnlccd wa ll lines not exceeding 7.50111
620.1 Genel'al The requireme nts in this section arc intend ed for conventional
li g ht ~fram c construction. Olher methods may be used provided a satisfactory
design is submitted showing compliance wi th other provisions of this code.
Onl y the fol/owing occupancies ma y be cons tnlClcd in
accorda nce wit h (his di vision:
O n c~,
two- o r three-story residential buildings.
O ne -story Occup.lncy Category
IV bui ldings, us
defined in Table 103-1, when constructed on a slah -ollgrade floor. 3. 4. 5. Cat
egory V Occupancies Top-story walls and roofs of Occupancy Ca tegory IV building
s not exceeding two storeys of wood framin g. Interior non-load bearing partitio
ns, ceilings and curtain wa ll s in all occ upancies.
on cen ter in both the longitudi nal and transverse directions in each story.
Exception: In one- and two-stmy dwellings and lodging houses, imerior braced wal
l line spacillg may be increased to lIot more than 10.0 m on center in order to
accomnwdate one single room per dwelling unit flot exceeding 84.0 m2 The building
official may require additional walls to contaill braced panels when this excep
tion is used.
Olher approved repet itive wood mem bers may be llsed in
lieu of solid-sawn lumber in conventional constluction provided these members co
m ply with the provisions of thi s code.
620.2 Design of Portions
620.5.2 Veneer Anc hored masonry and stolle wa ll ve neer shall 1I0 t exceed 125
mill in thi ckness and shall not extend above the fi rst sto ry. 620.5.3 Unusua
lly Shaped Buildings When of unusual shape, build ings of light-frame constructi
on shall have a latcraJ-force-rc!iisting sys tem designed to resist the forces s
pecified in Chapter 2. One or mOre of the following shall be considercd to const
itute an llnusual shape: 620.5.3.1 When exterior braced wall panels, as required
by Section 620.10.3, arc not in one plane veltically from the foundat ion to th
e upperm ost story in which they arc
When a building of otherwise conventio nal constructi on

contains non -conventi911aJ structural elemen ts, those

elements shall be designed in accordance with Section "Rationality of Design Met
hod" on the previous chapter. 620.3 Additional Requirements for Conventional Con
struction in High M wind Areas
Provisions for conven tional conSiIllction in high ~willd areas shan apply when
specifically adopted. 620.4 Additional Requirements for Conventional Constructio
n in Seismic Zone 2 620.4 .1 Braced Wall Lines In areas under Seismic Zone 2 ;:l
Ild whe re the basic wind speed obt'li ned frolll Figure 207-) is not gre ater t
han 125 kph, buildings shall be provided with exterior tl nd in terior braced wa
ll lines not exceeding 10.0 m on center in bot h the longitudinal and transverse
directions in each story.
Floors with can tilel'e!:'; or setbacks not exceeding/ow times the nominal depth
of the floor joists may support braced lVall panels provided:
1. 2.
Floor joists are 50 mm by 250 mm or larger and spaced at not more thall 400 mm 0
11 center. The ratio of the back span to the cantilever is at least 2 to 1.
National Structural Code D f the Philippines 6'" Edition Volume 1

6 30
CHAPTEH 6 . Wood
Floor joists at ends of braced IVall panels are doubled.
A continuous rim joists is cOflnected to ends of all cantilevered joists. 1'liC
rim joist may be spliced using (J metal fie no/less than 1.47 mm (/6 galvaniz.ed
height, .!l1 illlerior braced waJl p;'lIlcls shall be supported on continuous fO
Exception: Two-story buildings may have interior braced wall lines supported on
continuous jOUlu/mions al il/tervals he.... exceeding 15.0 m. provided: 1. Crippl
e l,<'!al! h(!ighr does nOl exceed 1.20 m.
and 38111111 wide/astened with six 16 d nails. 5. Gravity loads carried at the e
nd of cantilevered joists
Gre limited to uniform wall and roof load alld the reactions/rm!z headers having
a span of 2.40 m or less.
620.5.3.2 When a section of floor or roof is no! lmcrally Sllppol1cd by braced w
all Jines on all edges.
First - floor braced wall panel~i are supported ,.,'. doubled floor joist, COlll
iIZU O U~' blocking or FO{ir beams.
Dislallce between bracing lines does not exceed li l 'i, " _ ' the buildillg wid
th parallel (0 lhe braced wall line.
PoriioTIS of rooff or floors which do 110/ support braced waJ/ panels above may
extend up to J .80 111 beyond a braced wall/ine.
620.5.3.3 When the end of a required braced wall pallel exte nds more than 300 m
m over lin opening in the wall below. This provision is applicable to braced wal
l pancls offsc t in plane and to braced wall panels offse t ou t of plane as per
mitted by Section 620.5.3.1.
Braced wall panels may extend over an opening 1101 more than 2.40 nl. in width w
hen the header is a 100 mm by 300 mm or larger member.
620.6 Girders Unless ol herwise permitted by pro visions in NSCP V Ol:J!:1 , ~ 3
on I-l ousing, girders for single-story construclinJ'r ',r girde rs supporting
loads frolll 11 single nOol' shall not be- k:-::s Ihan lOOmm by 150 IlUll for sp
ans 1.80 III or less, provided that girders are spaced not more than 2.40 Jll on
center. Other girders shall be designed to suppo rt the I()ad~,; specified in t
his code. Gi rder end joints shall occur over supports. When a girder is spliced
Ove r a support, adequate tic shall be provided. The end of beams or gillh:; s
suppo!1ed Oil masonry or concre te shall not have less lll:ii! 75 111m of bearin
620.7 Floor Joist s 620.7.1 General
The limits of defects by grade ill joists and plalli;s fur
620.5.3.4 When an openi ng ill a floor or roof exceeds the lesser of 3.60 m or 5

0 percent of the least fl oor or roof dimension. 620.5.3.5 Construct ion where p
Orl ions of a nODI' level are verticall y offset such that the framing members O
il either side of the offset cannol be lapped or lied lOgcthcr in an approved ma
nner as req uired by Section 620.7 .3.
seasoned wood arc set forth in Table 6,15.
620.7.2 Bearing Except where supported on a 25 mill by 100 mm ! ;; ,1-:-'1: stri
p and nailed to th e adjoining stud, the ends of eaell shall not have less than
38 Illlll of bearing on wood or metal, or less than 75 mm on masonry. 620.7.3 Fr
aming Details Jois ts shall be supported laterally {It th e ends and at (";;" 11
support by solid blocking ex cept wh ere th e ends or .! <) arc nailed to a hea
der, band or rim joi st or to an iHI.i o~lLJ ',i: stud or by other <Ippro ved me
ans. Solid blocking shall not be less 50 mill in thi ckness and the full depth o
f joist.
Framing supported directly by foundations.
620.5.3.6 When braced wall lines do not occur in two perpendicular directions.
620.5.3.7 Other config urations which, in the opinion of th e building official,
create irregularities or di scontinuities wh ich arc 1101 addressed by this Sec
620.5.4 Lumber Roof Decks
Lumber roof decks shall have solid shemhing.
620.5.5 Interior Braced Wall Support
In one-story buildings, interior braced wall lines shalt be
suppol1ed on continuous foundation s at intervals not
exceedi ng 15.0
In buildings more than one-story in
Notches on the ends of joists shall 1101 exceed one-fou rth the joist depth . Ho
les bored in joist,; shall not be wit hi n ~n mill of the top or bottom of the j
oist and the diamch': l .,' ") such hole shall not exceed one-third the depth of
{[;\. jl; )sL Notches in the top or bottom of joists shall not eX<T\ ' . ~ :i ,
. sixt h the depth and shall not be located in the middle dl!; d of the span.
Associa tion of Structu ra l Engineers of the Philippines

C HAPTE.!' G . WooO
Joist framing from opposite sides o/" a beam. gintcr or pani tioll ,.,hall he la
pped al Jc.ast 75 mm or the opposing joists shall he tied together In an 'lpprov
cd manner. Jo is ts frelllling il1lo the side or a wood girdcr shall be supp(mcd
by framing ,lIlellors or nil ledger strips IH)[ less tlWll 50 mill by 50 mill.
620.7.4 Framing Around Openings Trimmer amI header joists shall be doubled, or o
f lumber of equivalent cross sec tion, when the span of the header exceeds J .20
Ill. The ends of header joists more than 1.80 m lon g shall be su pported by fr
aming anchors or joist hallgers unl ess bea ring on a beam, panition or wall. Ta
il joists over 3.60 III long shall be supported at header by framing anchors or
011 ledger strips not less th'lIl 50 I11I1l by
620.8,3 Plnnk Flooring Plank floo ring shall be designed in ;Icconlancc with the
genera! pro vis ions of thi s codc .
In lieu of such dcsign, 50 Jll1l1 tongue -and -groove planking Illay be llsed in
accordance with Tabl e 6.22. Joints in such planking may bc 'randomly spaced, p
rovided th e system is applied to not less than three continuous spuns, planks a
rc center-matched and cnd~1l1atched or spli ncd, eac h. rlank bears on at least
one support and joints are ~;c para.tl~d by at least 600 mm in adjacent pieces.
25 mill nominal strip square-edged flooring; 13 mm tongueand -groove flooring or
9 mill wood structural panel shall be applied at right angles 1 0 Ihe span of Ih
e planks. The 9 mm plywood shall be applied with the face grain at right angles
lO the span of the planks.
s shall
e joist
s shall

Supporting Bearing P~lrtjtions Bearing partitions perpendicular to joist

not be offset from support ing girders, walls or partitions more than th
deplh . Joists under and parallel doubled . 620.7.6 Blocking Floor joist
be blocked when required by the provisions of Section 620.7.3. 620.8 Sub

620.8.4 Particleboard Where used (IS structural subOooring or as combined subflo

or underlaymcnt, particleboard shall be as set f0I1h in Table 6.13.
bearing partitions shall be
620.9 P~lrticlehoard Underlaymcnt In accordance with approved recognized standard
s, particleboard floor undcrlayment shall co nform to Type PBU . Underlayment sh
all not be less than 6 mm in thi ckness and shall be identified by the grade mar
k of an approved inspection agency. Underlayment shall be installed in accordanc
e with this code and as recommended by the manufacturer. 620.10 Wall Framing
620.8.1 Lumber Subnoor Sheathing used as a st ructural sub-floor simi I conform
to the limitations set (ol1h in Table 6.9. Joints in subtlooring shall occur ove
r SUpp0I1S unless cndmatched lumber is used in which case each piece shall bear
on at least two jOists. Subflooring may be omitted when joist spacing does not e
xceed 400 111111 and 25 mm nominal tongue-and-groove wood strip flooring is appl
ied perpendicular to the joi sts. 620.8.2 Wood Structural I'"nels \:Vhere used a
s structural sub nooring, wood st ru<.:w ral panels s hall be ns sci forlh ill T
ables G. 1O and G. II . \Vooel stru ctural panel co mbination subfloor 1I1lde ri
ayment shall ha ve maximum spans as set fort h ill Table 6.12. When wood struct
u ral pane) noOl"s are glued to joists with an adhesive in accordance with the a
dhesive manufacturer's directions, fasteners may be spaced a maximum of 300 mm o
n center at all supports. 620.10.1 Size, Height and Spacing
'Jlle size. height and spacing of studs shall be in accordance

wit h Table 6.23 except that utility grade studs shall not be spaced more than 4
00 mm on center, or sup port more than a roof and ceiling, or exceed 2.40 111 in
height for exterior walls and load-bearing walls or 3.00 m for interior non loa
dbearing walls. 620.10.2 Framing Details St ud s shall be placed with th eir wid
e dimension perpendicular to the wall. Not less Ihan three st uds shall be insta
lled at each corner of an exterior w,l l1 . L::xceptiolls:
At comers, a third stud may be omifled lhrough (he use of wood spacers or backup
cleats of 9 mm wood structural pallc/, 9 111111 Type M "Exterior Glue" particle
-board, 25 mm lumber or other approved devices rliat will serve as an adequate b
acking for the attachment of facing materials. Where fire resistance ratings or
shear values are involved,
Natio~,al Structural Code of (he Philippines 6"; Edi(ion Volume 1

CHAPT"" 6 . Wood
wood spacers, backup cleats or other devices shall flot be used unless specifica
lly approved for Stich use. Dearing and exterior w<l1I studs shall be capped wil
h double lOp plates install ed to provide overlapping at corners and at intersec
tions with other paI1itions. End joints in double top plates shall be offset at
least 2.40 fll . Exceptions:
than 9 ml11 for (lOn I11Ill stud spacirlt in <I<.:cordancc with Tables 6.5 lind
Fiberboard sheathing 1.20 III by 2.40 III panels 110t less than 13 Illlllihick a
pplied vCrl icall y on studs spaced not over 406 mill on center whcn installed i
l) accordance with Seclion614 .6 and Tablc6.27.
A single top plote
be used, provided Ihe plate is
adequately tied al joints, comers and intersecting walls by at least the equival
ent of 75 111111 by J50 mm by 0.9 111111 galvanized sleel that is nailed to each
wall or segmenl of wall by six 8d nails or equivalent, provided the rafters, jo
ists or tmsses are centered over the studs with a tolerance of flO more than 25
When bearin g studs arc spaced at 600 111m intervals and EOr plates arc less tha
n 50 nun by 150 mm or 70 mill by 100
Gypsum board (sheathing 13 mrn thi ck by 1.20 III wide, wallboard or veneer base
) 011 studs spaced not over 600 /llill 011 center and nailed at 175 mill on cent
er with nail s as required by Table 6.28. Particleboard wall sheathing panels wh
ere installed in accordance with Table 6.29. Portland cement plaster on studs sp
aced 400 mm on center installcd in accordance with Table 6.28.
f[~lrdboard panel sidi ng when installed in accor<ian(.:c with Section 609.6 and
Table 6.8.
111m members and when the floor joists. floor tl1lSSCS or roof tru sses which th
ey support are spaced at more than 406 Illlll intervals, such joists or tmsses s
ha ll bear with in 125 mm of the studs beneath or a third plate shall be install
Interior nonbearing partitions may be capped with a single top plate in stalled
to provide overlapping at corners and at interscctions with other walls and pal1
itions. The plate shall be continuously tied at joints by solid blocking al leas
t 400 mill in length and equal in size to the plate or by 3 min by 38 111m metal
ti es with spliced sections fastened with two 16d nails on each side of the joi
For cripple wall bracing. sec Section 620.10.5. For Methods
111 in Icngth, covering three stud spaces where studs are spaced 400 111m apart
and covering two stud spaces where studs arc sp~\ccd 600 mill apart.
2, 3, 4, 6 and 8, each braced panel rnust be at least 1.20

For Mcthod 5, each braced wall pancl must be at least 2.40 III in Icnglh when ap
plied 1O onc facc of a braced wall panel and 1.20 m whcn applied to both faces.
All vcr1ical joints of pane.! sheathing shall OCCllr over studs. Horizontal join
ts shall occu r over blocking equal ill size to the studding except where waived
by the installation requirements for the speci fic sheathing materials.
Studs shall have full bearing on a plate or sill not less than 50 mill in thickn
ess having a width not less than that of rhe wall studs.
620.10.3 Bracing
Braced wall lines shall consists of braced wall panels which meet the requiremen
ts for location, type and amount of bracing specified in Table 6.24 and arc in l
ine or offset from each other by not more than 1.20 111. Braced wall panels shal
l start at not more than 2.40 m from each end of a braced wall linc. All braced
wall panels shall be clearly indicated on Ihe plans. Constnu.:tion of braced wal
l panels shaIl bl! by one of the (oIlowing method s:
Nominal 25 111m by 100 mill con tinllous diagonal braces let into 101" and bott
om plates and intervenin g studs, placed at an angle not more than 60 degrees or
less thall 45 degrees from the horizontal, and attached to the framing ill conf
ormance with Table 6.3. Wood boards of 16 mm net minimum thickness applied diago
n ally on studs spaced not over 600 mm on center. Wood structural panel sheathin
g with a thickness nOI
Braced wall pancl sole plates shall be nailed to the floo r framing and top plat
es shall be connected to the framing above in accordance with Table 6.3. SiIls s
haIl be bolted to the foundation or slab. Where joists are perpendicular to brac
ed wall lines above, blocking shall be provided under and in line with the brace
d wall panels. 620.10.4 Alternate flraced Wall Panels Any braced wall pnllci req
uired by Sectioll 620. 10.3 lIla y be re placed by an nlternatc brnced wall pan
el cOllstruc ted jl~ accordance with thc following: 1. In one-story buildings, e
ach panel shall have a length of not less thnn 800 111m and a height of not more
than 3.0!ll. Each pan el shall be sheathed 011 o ne face with 9 mm plywood shea
thing nailed with 65mm common or galvanized box nails in accordance with Table 6
.3 and blocked at all plywood edges. Two anchor bolts installed shall be provide
d in each panel. Anchor bolts shaIl be placed at panel quarter points. Each pane
l end stud shall have a tic-down device fastened to the
less than 8 111m for 400 mm stud spac ing and not less
Association of Structural Engineets of the Pililippines

CHAP '!'En 6 . Woo(1

foundtlti oll. capahle of providing un approved uplifl capaci ty of not less Iha
n 820 kg. The lie-dow n device stltllJ be installed ill llccordancc with the man
u fac turer' s recommendati ons. The panels shall be" suppol1cd direcll y on a f
oundation or on floor framin g SLJPIJO l1C d directly O n a foundation which is
continuous acroS5 [he entire length of the braced wall line. This foundati on sh
all be reinforced with not less than one 12 IllIl1 bar lOp ilnd bOlIOfll.
2. In the first story of two-story buildings, each braced wall panel shall be in
accordance with Secti on 620. 10.4, item I, except that the plywood sheathin g
shall be provided on both faces, Ihree anchor bolts shall be placed alone-fifth
points, and tic-down device uplift capacit y shall not be Jess than 1360 kg.
joisls unocrnc:H h stich parti tions slwll he doubled and spaced 10 perm it the
passllge of such pi pes and shall be briuged. Where plumbing, hea ting or olher
pipe.Ii arc placed in O r paI11 y in a partition, necessit ating the cuttin g of
the soles or plales, a metal tic not less tl wn J.4 7 mm (16 galvanized gage) a
nd 38 mill wid e shall be fastened to each plate across and to each side of' th
e opening with not less than six 16 d nails.
620.10.5 Cripple Walls FO llndalion cripple wall s shall be framed of studs fl o
t less ill size than the studding above with a minimum length of 350 mm, or shal
l be framed if solid blocking. When exceeding 1.20 m in height, such walls shall
be framed of studs having rhe size required for a!1 additional story.
Cripple walls having a stud height exceeding 350 mm shall be braced in accordanc
e with Table 6.26. Solid blocking or wood structural panel sheathing may be used
to brace cripple walls havin g a stud height of 350 mm or less. In Seismi c Zon
e 4, Method 7 is not permitted for bracing any cripple wall stud s. Spac ing of
boundary nailing [or requ ired wall bracing shall n OI exceed 150 111m on cenler
along the foundation plate and the top plate of the cripple wall. Nail size. na
il spacing for fi eld nailing and morc restricti ve boundary nailing requirement
s shall be as requi red elsewhere in the code for the speci fi c brac ing materi
al used.
620.10.8 Bridging Unless covered by interior or ex teri or wa ll coverings or sh
eathing meeting the minimum requirements of' this code, all stud partitions or w
alls with stu ds ha ving a hci g ht - to ~ least thi ckness rati o ex~ceedill g
50 shall ha ve bridging not less than 50 mm in thickness and of Ihe same width a
s the studs fitted SJlugl y and nailed thereto to provide adequate lateral suppo
rt . 620.10.9 Cutting and Notching In exteri or walls and bearing partitions, an
y wood stud ma y be cut or notched to a depth not exceedin g 25 percent of its w
idth. Cutting or notching of stud s to a depth not greater than 40 percent of th
e width of th e stu d is pcnnitted in nonbearing partitions supp0l1ing no loads
other than the weight of the partition. 620.10.10 Bored Holes Bored holes may be
peonitted in any wood stud provided th e holcs arc not greater than 40 percent
of the stud width . Bored holes not greater th an 60 percent of th e wid th of l
he stud y is permilted in Ilonbea ring partitions or in any wall where each bore
d stud is doubled, provided not more than two such successive dou bled st ud s a
rc so bored.
III no case shall the edge of the bored hole be nearer than 16 to the edge of th
e stud . Bored holes shall lIot be located at the same section of stud as a cut
or notch.
620.10.6 Headers Headers and lintels shall conform to the requirements set forth
in thi s paragraph and together with their supporting systems shall be designed
to support the loads specified in this code. All openings 1200 mm wide or less

in bearin g wa1l5 shall be provided with headers consisting of either two pieces
of 50 mIll framing lumber placed on edge and securely fa stened together or 100
mm lumber of equival ent cross secti on. All openings more than 1.20 m. wide sh
all be provided with headers or lintels. Each end of lintel or hc.ader shall hav
e a length of bearing of not less than 38 nun for the full width of the lint el.
620.10,7 Pipes in Walls Stud partitions containin g plumbing, heating, or other
pipes shall be so framed and the joists underneath so spaced as to give proper
clearance for the piping. Where a partition conlaining such piping runs parallel
to the floor joists, the
620.10,11 Roof and Ceiling Framing 620.10.11,1 General The framing details requi
red in thi s secti on apply to roofs having a minimum slope of 3 units vertical
in 12 units hori zo ntal (25% slope) or greater. Wh en the roof slope is less th
an 3 units vertical in 12 units hori zon tal (25% slope), members supporti ng ra
ncrs and ceiling joisls such as ridge boa rd, hips and vall eys shall be des ign
ed ~IS beam s. 620.10.11.2 Framing Raft ers shall be framed directl y opposite e
ach other at Ihe rid ge. There shall be a ridge board at least 25 mill nominal t
hi ckness at all ridges and not less in depth than the cut end of the rafter. At
all valleys and hips there shall be a single valley or hip rafter not less than
50 mIll nomin al thickness and not less than the Ctlt of the raft er.
National Siructural Code of th e Philippines 6'" Edition Volume 1

620.10.11.3 Notches and Holes
Not c hin g at the e nds of nlficfs or ceiling joists sh all not exceed olle fou
rth th e depth. Notches ill (he top or bottom
620.10.11.9 Roof Planking Pl allk ing shall be de signed in accordance with the
gencr:d pro visions or thi s code.
In lieu of ~uc h design, 50 mill lOnguc-:'lJlll-groovc planking lila), bc uSI..'
d in accordance wit h Table 6.22. Joints in slIe i l planking Illay be randomly
spaced. provided the system is applied to not less th an three COl1linliOLlS spa
ns, the plank s lire ce nter matched and end-matched o ::~ plined , cach pla nk b
ears on at least one SUppOI1, and the j0lll\.S arc separated by at least 600 mm
in adjacent pieces.
of the rafler or ceiling joist shall nOI exceed one sixth the depth and shalt no
t be located in the middle one third of the span , excepl (iHI! a not ch not exc
eeding one third of the depth is permitted in the top of the raft er or ceili ng
joist 11m
fUl1hcr from the face of the SUppOI1 than the deplh of the
member. Holes bored in rafters Or ceiling joists shall not be within 50 mill of
the top and bottom and their diameter shall not exceed one third the depth of th
e member.
620.10.11.4 Framing Around Openings Trimmer and header rafters shall he doubled.
or of lumber
of equivalent cross section, when the span of the hcad(:r
620.10.11.10 Exit Facilities In Seismic Zone 4. exterior ex it balconies, stairs
and simib r exi t facilities shall be 'lOchored 10 the primary st mcture <II no
t over 2.40 Ill. on cen ter or shall be designed for later,;)
forces. Such attachment shall not be acco mpli shed by
lI s(,~:i
The ends of header rafters more than 1.80 m l ong shaH be supported by framing a
nchors or rafter hangers unless bearing on a beam. pa!1ition or wa ll.
Ill ,
exceeds 1.20
of toe nails or nails subject to withdrawal.
620.10.11.5 Raner Ties Rafter shall be nailed to adjacent ceiling joi sts (0 for
m a con tinuou s tic between exterior wa lls when such j oists are paralic I to
the rafters. Where not parallel, rafter. shall be ti ed to 25 mm by 100 Illlll (
nominal) minimum-size crossties. Rafter ties shall be spaced l10t more than 1.20
III un center. 620.10.11.6 Purlins The maximum span of 5011)111 by 150 111m purJ
ins shall be 1.80 m but in no case shall the purlins be smaller than 50 mm by 10
0 mm members. The unbraced length of strut s shall not exceed 2.40 m and the min
imum slope of the struts shall be 45 degrees from the horizontal. 620.10.11.7 Bl
Roof rafters and ceiling joists shall be suppor 1ed laterally to prevent rotatio
n and lateral displacement When required by Section 616. Roof trusses shall be s
upported laterall y at points of beari ng by solid blocking or by other equivale
nt means to prevent rotarion and lateral displacement.
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621.1 Design and Faurication
The desi gn and fabri cation of metal plate connected wood
tmsscs shall be in accordance with ANS IrfPI 1 199:;, National Design Standard fo
r Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Construction of the Truss Plate Institute.
621.2 Performance FuJI-scale load tests in accordance with ANSlfTPJ 2 may be req
uired at the option of the building official to provide a means of demonstrating
that minimum adequai e performance is obtainable from specific metal plate conn
ector plates. various lumber types and grades. it particular truss desi gn and a
particular fabricatiot! procedure. ANSlffPI 2 provides procedures for testing a
n d evaluating wood tl1JsseS designed ill accordance wit h ANSlffPI I. 621.3 InPlant Inspection Each truss manu facturer shall ret ain an approved agcnr ,' ha
ving no financial interest ill the plant being inspcc(c.: make nonscheduled insp
ections shall cover all phases of the truss operat ion, in cl ud ing lumber sto
rage, handling, cu ttin g, fixtures, presses or rollers, fabrication bundling an
d ba ndi ng, handling, <md delivery. 621.4 Marking Each truss shall be legi bly
branded, marked or otherwi <;(~ have permanently affix ed thereto the following
inform31iol! located within 600 mm of the centcr of the span on the face
of the bottom chord:
620.10.11.8 Roof Sheathing Roof sheathing shall be in accordance with Tables 6,
I 0 and 6.11 for wood structural panels, and Table 6.9 for lumber.
Joints in lumber sheathing shall occur over support unless approved end-matched
is used, in which case each piece shall bear on at least tw o supports. Wood str
uctural panels used for roof sheathing shall be bonded by intermediate or exteri
or gille. Wood structural panel roof sheathing exposed on the underside shall be
bo nded with exterior glue.
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

Identity of the company m<lnuf<lcturing the truss. The design load . The spacing
of trusses.
2. 3.
622.1 General In cases where the identification of a particular wood species is
110t known. thereforc-,working stresscs CtUlilOl be found in Table 6.1, machine
grad~d lumber can be lIsed for general and structural applications. 622.2 Design
Properties for Machine Graded Lumber design propcrlics for mach ine grn<.led lu
mber developed by the Forest Products Research and Development Institute arc sho
wn ill Table 6.31 - 6.34 . These propenies .Ire appli ca ble for dry lumber (moi
slure content :S 16%) only. In green lumber (moisture content ?:: 28%) , the des
ign strength shall be reduced by 40% and Illodulus of elasticity by 20% For lumb
er with moisture content between 16% and 28%, the dcsign properties may be obtai
ncd by direct intclpolation.
622.3 Design Using Machine Graded Lumber
The bas ic work ing va lues given in Secti on 622.2 may be llsed to de sign timb
er structures in accordance with th e
rul es given by NSCP and other appropriate national and/or international standar
622.4 Preservative Treatment
To ensure the durability of MGL against bio-deteriorating agent s such as fun gi
and insects, MGL should be treated wit h an ellvironment -friendly prescfv,l{iv
622.5 Moisture Content A given piece of lumber is considered dry, partially seas
oned, and green, when their respective moisture contents is above 10%, 22% - 28%
. and greate r than 28% . 622.6 Markings
Prior to usc, each machine graded lumber should be inspec ted for a mark that co
ntains the mill in which the lumber was graded, organi7..atioll that eellifies
the quality of the grading procedure, timber size, stress grade and moi sture co
National Siruciural Code of 1i1O Philippines 6'h Edilion Volume 1

CHAPTEr! G . Wood
Table 6.1 - Working Stresses for Visually Stress-Graded Unseasoned Structural Ti
mber of I)hilippine Woods "
~,".--80% Stress Grade
Compression l)arltll('llo GrHin
-..__.._._-"-'" r
~- - . -- - 'Specie'S (Com ilion and not . 'H1ieal Nmncs)
~~.....------ . - ---.( 1)
Bending lind Tcn."ion j'aritllello Grain (2)
Modulus of
Elast icit)' in Bending ..... _-Compr('."sion
P'pcndicul;uSh('ur I'arallello
to Grain
(3) x IO"
._----. (6)
2. 95 2.64 3.02 2.78 2.8 8 2.6 1 3.38 2.49
14.5 15.6 15.8 16.0 15.4 13. 7 21.60 15.8
5.91 4.3 1 8.70 6.03 6.34 4.97 10.2 6.27
High Strength Group

Agoho (C(Jsuarin<l equiset ifoli a Forsl) Liusin (Parinari corymbos,,(lllullle)

Miq .)
MaJabayabas (Trislania SPIJ.)
Manggachapui {Hopea sP!> .) Mojave (Vitcx parviOora Juss.) Narig (Vatica spp.) S
asa lit (Tcijmanniode ndron lIhcrniiinum (Merr) llkh .) Y akal (S hore!! spp.)
263 25 .0 28.7 25.8 24.0 21.8 31.3 24.5
9.36 830 9.63 6. 54 8.33
Ant ipolo (Arlhocarpus spp. )
Moderately High Strengtl I Group 18.6 18.9 18.1 16.2 20.8 21.8 20.9 19.0 18.8 18
.4 19.8 16.5 20.5 18.9 18.0 16.6 5.35 6.57 6. 36 5A 3 6.84 8.47 7.20 7.56 6.82 8
.04 7.9 2 4. 66 6.72 6.66 5.94 6.53
Binggas (Tcnni na lia spp.)
Bokbok (Xanth ophyllum ex ccls um (Bllllne) Miq.J
Dao (D racontomc lon spp.) Gat.lsan (Garci ni a vcnulosa (Blanco) Choisy ) Gu ij
o (S horea spp.) Kamagong (Diospyros spp. )
Kamatog {Erythrophloeum dcnsiOorum (Elm)
10.8 I 1.4 11.3 9.44 13.5 13.2 I 1.7 11.2 11.9 10.6 11 .8 10.5 11 .4 11.1 2 11.4
3.90 3.27 3.4 1 2.27 3.52 4.26 4.39 3.95 4 .84 3.46 ).98 3.83 3.70 2.32 3.07 2.5
2.06 2.24 2. 18 1.92 2.3 6 2.40 2.47 2.35 2.29 1.96 2. 18 2.7 1 2.40 2. 14 1.91
Merr.) Kalmon (Dillcn ia spp) Kata (Amoora spp.)
LOJll <lrau (Swintouia foxwo rlhyi Elm.)
Mahogany, Big-leafed (Swi etcnia macrophylla
Makaasim (Sysyg iulIl nitidt1111 BCllIh) Malaka uayan [D ec Lisocarpll s philipp
iIleIlsi~ (Foxw.) de u llIb.) Naml (Pterocarpu s indicus Willd) Pahu(an (Mangi f
era spp.)
Medium Strength Group Apitong (Diptcrocarplis sPP .) Bagtikan [Parashorea malaa
nonan (Blanco) MeIT_) DangkaJan (Ca lophyllum sp p.) Gi sa u (Canariul11 spp.) L
anutiln-bagyo fGol1ysly lu s ma crophyllllm (miq.)
Malaanonang (Shorca spp.) Malasag ing (A gJa ia spp.) Malugai (Polllctia sp p) M
iau (Dysox)'lulll spp.) Nato (Palaquiu m spp.) Palosapis (Ani soptcra spp.) Pine
(Pinus spp.) Salaki n (A hanamixis s 1 1.)
A iry ShilW] Lau<ln (Shorca spp. )
16.5 16.6 16.3 14.3 15.0 13 .9 13.8 16.8 15.4 15 .7 16.2 13.8 14.7 15.7

7.31 6.4 8 6.38 5.3 3 606 5.83 5.41 5.94 6.30 6.50 5.56 5.98 6.66 5.67
9.56 9.89 9.20 8. 16
8. 18 8.54 9.51 9.33 8.83 9.17 8.38 8.29 8.83
2.20 2.33 7. .48 1.99 2.02 1.72 1.96 2.92
1.73 1.87. 1.98 1.90 1.8'1 1.48 1.59 1.85
:1 .0"1
2.78 2.33 2.7:1 1.88
2J)(, 1.98
I ,(i ~~
p'I ___L ',..
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

__..-.-,-;---.------ .--~
Species (Commun and Botanical Names)
nClldin~ alld
80% Stress Grade .....-~~
COlllprl'ssio n Parallel lu
........._ .... _..
l'a rnUcI til
Modulus of Elaslidl)' in Iltonding
l'arall el (0
III Gra in

:' .>
Vidal lalluta!) [Hibiscus campylo.sipiloll l\m:1.. var. glabrcccns (Har. Ex. Per
k.) 1
IV Moderately Low S(rengtl~ Group
A Inmciga rAg'lIhis dtlHlIllar<l (Lamb.) Ri III . J Bayok (Plcrospcrmum spp.)
Lingo-lingo (V itcx IUfczaninowii Merr.) Mangasinoro (Shorea .spp.) Rain1ree [Sa
manca Sillll<lll (Jacg.) Mcrr.] Yemanc (Gmc1in <l arborca R. Br.)
11.8 12.6 13.2 12.8 11.9 12.6
5.47 4.75 4. 13 5.36 2,75 4.09
6.27 733 6.85 7.46 7.23 7,87
1.44 1.30 2.00 1.97 3.32 3.40
1.4 7 1.20 1.66 1.44 2 ,07 1.96
--,--,-- - -- - -- -- - Hendin g And Tens iOIl Pan-lllc1to
._- ---.
Compression I" pcudicul ar To Grain
S hc:lr f'ar.lll ci To Gr<lin
. - --S peci es (COIllJllOIl and Bo(anical NUlllcs)
Modulus Of
E1aslicity III Bcnding
63% Stress G rade
COlllprcs."ion "a ra llel Til Gr:lin
I. Hig h Strength Group Agoho (Casuarina equisclifoli a r orsl) Liusin (Parinari
corymbosa (Bl ume) Miq.J Malabayabas (Tri slilnia spp.) Manggaehapui (Hopea spp
.) 20.7 19.7 22.6 20.3 18.9 17.2 24.7 19.3
x I O~ MPa
6.47 7.37 6,53 7.58 5. 15 6.5 6 7,65
11.4 12.3 12.5 12.6 12. 1 10 8 17,0 12,0

2,3 2 2,08 2,38 2, 19 2,27 2,06 2,67 1.96
Molave (Vitex parvinora Juss.) Narig (Vatica srp .) Sasal it [Tcijmanniodcnciron
Bkh. ] Yakal (Sho re. spp,)
4,65 3.39 6.85 4.75 5,00 3,92 8.07
Moderately High Strength Group Antipolo (A rthoearpus spp.) Binggas (Terminali a
spp.) Bokbok (Xanlhophyllum CXCCISllll1 (Blumc) Miq.J Dao (Draconlomcion spp.)
5,17 5,01 4,28 5,39 6.67 5,67 5.95
8.53 8,98
3,07 2.57
Gatasan {Garcinia venulosa (Bl anco) Choisyj
Guijo (Shorea spp.) Kamagong (D iospyros spp.) Kum310g IErythrophlocuJll Merf.]
Kalmon (Di llcnia spp)
12,8 16.4
17. 1 16.6 15,()
2.68 1.79
2,77 3.35 3.46 3,1 )
10 .4
9.2 1
8,79 9.38
1.62 1.77 1.72 LSI 1.86 1.89 1.95 1.85 1.80 !.54 1.71 2,13

Kata (Amoora spp.) Lomarau (Swintonia fox worlhyi Elm.) Mahogany, Big-leafed (Sw
intonia mClcrophylla
King) Makaasim (Sysyg iul1l nilidul1l Bcnlh) Malakauayan (Dccusocarpus philippin
ensis (Foxw.) de Laub,] )_ _ _ Narra (Ptcrocarpu s indicus Wi !l",dL
5.37 6. 24 3,67
8.34 9.30 8,24
8,95 8 ,79
16.1 14 ,9
3.81 2.n 2.34 3'o! 2,92
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6'" l"ditiOIl Volu me 1

_----- -~ -- - - ---- -.- ----.-- . - --~- --- -- -- ---.-.
63% Stress Grad(,'
Clllnpression !'arullel To Gruiu
..-.-...-- ..
Bellding And
Teu.~ j oll
-_ ..__._._-- ---_._ ._.._-;-::-- --.._ _ _ __ ___ (_ 1>-._
Hobluica l Nanlt.'s)
j\-iodulus or ElllstkH)' In
C()l1lpJ"(~ ssion
" ' pcndicu.hl .. To (;rll ill
-'~~i;~i~, I'urallt'l Ttl G roth
________ .__ _
- -_ ..._.- ._--- .
-. _...J1L_. _ ._ (8) --1 X 10.
_ ___12.L_~ ~-::::~_(!_O
7 .88
- - --.i-= =- __ _.l.!.!)_
--MPa 1.6 1
136 1.43 1.56 1.49 1.45 1.17 1.25 1.46 1.63 1.62 1.56 1. 33 1.23 1.48 1.88

.- _.
III Mcdiuoll Slrcngth Group
ApilOllg (I)iptcrocarpus spr.) Bagtikan IParashorca malaanonan (Blanco) Me IT.J
Dangkalan (Calophylluill spp.) Gisau (Canariulll spp.) Lan u ta n ~bagyo fGonys
tylus m<lcrophyllulll miq .) Airy Shaw } Lauan (Shorca spp.)
13. 1
5. 15
13.0 13 .1 12.8 11.2 11 .8 10 .9 10.9 13.3 12.1 12.3 12. 7 10.9 11.6 12 .4 15.4
5.76 5 . 10 5 .03 4 .20 4.77 4 .59 4.26 4.68 4.96 5. 12 4 .38 4 .7 1 5.24 4.47 4
7.53 7.79 7.24 6 .4 3 7.06 6.44 6.72 7.49 7.35 6 .96 7 .22 6.60 6.53 6.96 6.73
1.73 1.84 1.96 1.56 1.59 135 1.54 2. 30 2.42 2 . 19 1.84 2.15 1.48 2 .32 2.09
Malaanonang (Sh orca spp.) M,\Iasaging (Aglaia spp.)
Malugai (romcli !! spp.) MimI (Dysoxy luJl1 srp.) Nato (Palaquiulll srp.) Palosa
pis (An isoptcra spp.) Pine (Pinu s spp .)
Salakin (Aphanamixis spp. )
V ida l lanu tan lHibi scus camp ylo siphon T mel.. var. gJa brccens (H af. Ex.
Perk.) J
Modcl'atcly Low Strength Group
Almac iga {Aga thi s dam mara (Lamb.) Rilh .) Bayok (Ptcrospermu m spp.) Lingo-J
ingo (Y itcx turczaninowji MelT.) Mangasinoro (Shorca spp.) Raimrec [Sarnanca sa
mail (Jacq.) MelT.} Ycmanc .(Gmclinft arborea R. 13]J__ ._..... __ _ _ 9 .26 9.9
4 10.4 10.0 9.37 9.90 4 .30 3.74 3.25 4 .22 2. 16 3.22 4.94 5 .78 5.39 5 .8 7 5.
70 6.20 1.1 3 1.03 1.58 1.55 2.61 2.68 1.1 6 0.95 1.31 1.14 1.63 1. 55
.50% Stress Grade
(Common and Botanic.. 1 Names)
Bending and Tension Parallel to Grain _. (12) Modulus or Elaslicity in Bending C
ompression Parallel 10 Grain Compression ()'pcndicular to Grain Shea !: I'aralle
l to Grain

MPa 1.84 1..65 1.89 1.74
xlO MPa
5. 14 5.85 5. 19 6.02 4.09 5.20
906 9376 93 90 10.0 9 .60 8.59 13.5 9 .55 .
3.69 2.69 5.44 3 .7 7 3.96 3 .11 6.40 3.92
High Strength Group Agobo (Casuarin a cquiselifoli<! Forst) Liusin IParin ari co
rymbosa (B lume) Miq.}
Malabayabas (Trisl<lnia spp,) Manggachapui Olopca spp.) Molave (Vitex parvinora J
uss.) Narig (Va tica spp.)
Sasalit {Tcijmanniodcndron Bkh.] Yakal (Shore. ""'.)
(M en")
16.4 15.6 17 .9 16 . 1 15 .0 13.6 19.6
15.3 __ , -. 3. 11
1.63 2.12
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines


._ ..- --. - --------_._
Specics (Common ,Hid Botanical Names)
(I )
Bcnding and Tcm;ion Parallel to Grain '(12)
50% Stress Grade Coml'rcS$lon Modulu,,, or Comprcs..'iion P'pcndicular I'arallcl
to Elasticity In 10 Grain Gn.in 8cndill~
Shcllr Parallel to
II. Moderatcly"High Strcngth GrouJl
(13) x 10' MP" 3.34 4.11 3.97 3.39 4.27 5.30 4.50 4. 72
(14) MP" 6.77 7.13 7.06 5.90 8.42 8.22 7.31 6.98 7.44 6.62 7.38 6.54 7.10 6.98 7
.12 6.25
2.44 2.04 2.13 1.42 2.20 2.66 2.74 2.47 3.03 2.17 2.86 2.39 2.31 1.45 1.92 ' 1.5
Antipolo (Arthoclirpus spp.) Binggas (Tcrminl1lia spp.) Bokbok (Xanthophyllulll
CXCclSUIll (B lume) Mi q.] Dao (DracontolllcJoll spp.) Gafi.ISan IGarcinia vcnul
osa (Blanco) Choisy] Ouijo (Shorea spp.) Kamagong (Diospyros spp.) Kamatog IEryt
hrophloculll densifIonlfll Elm) Men.] Katmon (Dillcnia srp) Kato (Amoora spp,) L
.oll1arau (Swilltonia foxworthyi Elm,) ,ylJa Mahogany. Big-leafed (Swinlonia mac
ropJ King) Makaasirn (Sysygiulll nitidurn Bellth) Malakauayan IDcclIsoc,uvus phi
lippinensis (Fo xw .) de Laub.] Nana (Ptcrocarpll:-l indicU:-l Wind)
Puhutan (Mangilera spp.)
11.6 I 1.8 I 1.3 10. 1 13.0 13 .6 13. 1 11.9 11.7 I 1.5 12.4 10.3 12.8 11.8 11.2
1.29 1.40 1.36 1.20 1.47 1.50 1.54 1.47 1.43 1.23 1.36 1.69 1.50 1.34 1.20 1.28
5.02 4.95 2.9 1 4.20 4.16 3.71 4.08
Medium Strength Group

Api long Diptcrocarpus spp.) Baglikan [Parashorea maiaano nan (Blanco) Mer r.] D
angkalan (Calophylilllll spp.) Gisau (Canarium spp.) Lanulan-bagyo fGonyslylus m
acrophyllum (miq.) Airy Shaw] Lauan (Shorca spp.) Malaanonang (Shorea spp. ) Mal
asaging (Aglai a spp.) Malugai (Pometia spp.) Miau (Dysox ylum spp.) Nato (Palaq
uiulll spp.) Palosapis (Anisoptera spp.) Pine (Pinu s spp.) Salakin (Aphanamixis
spp.) Vidal lanutan IHibi scus campylosipholl Tu rez., var. glabrccclls (Har. E
x. Perk ,) ]
IV Moderately Low Strength Group
103 10.4 102 8.93 9.39 8.68 8.63 10.5 9.62 9.80 IO.I 8.65 9.19 9.83 12.2
4.57 4.05 . 3.99 3.33 3.79 3.64 3.38 3.71 3.94 4.06 3.48 3.73 4.1 6 3.54 3.64
5.97 6.18 5.75 5.10 560 5. 1 I 5.34 5.95 5.83 5.52 5.73 5.24 5.18 5.52 5.34
1.37 1.46 1.55 1.24
1.08 1.14 1.24 1.1 8 I. 15 0.93 0.99 1.16 1.30 1.29 1.24 1.05 0.98 1.18 1.50
1.07 1.23 1.83 1.92 1.74 1.46 1.70 1.18 1.84 1.66
Almaciga /Agatbis dammara (Lamb.) Rilh .]
Bayok (Plel'OSpCnnUlll spp.) Lingo-lingo (Vilcx turczaninowji Merr.)
M<lJlgasinoro (Shorea spp.) Rainlree [Sa manca samail (Jacq.) Merr.) Yemane (Gmc
lina arborea R, Br.)
7.35 7.89 8.27 7.98 7.43 7.86
3.4 2 2.97 2.58 3.35 1.72 2.55
3.92 4.58 4.28 4.66 4.52 4.92
0.90 0.8 1 1.25 1.23 2.07 2. 13
0.92 0.75 1.04 0.90 1.30 1.23
National Siruciural Code ollhe Philippines G'" EdiJion Volume 1

Tllblr 6.2 - Grouping of Spcc.:it's for Determining AlI()w~d)I<. LfHld . . for Ti
mher Joints
~-.--- -.-.-..
--- ~.
(2)- - (iL.~~=. _._
Relativc __ ..~cnsi!'y
. ~.----.-.Rchltivc __ Dcnsitl_
--~ . ._._- - _._----_._----_ ..III _-_.. -- ---_....
..~-.--.---'--'--iV--- ' - -Species
--_. _-_ ._- _.
Itclnti\'c ~~t.L 1
--- ---_._____..._. ______..
RdHti VC Dcnsity ._
--. __.-.JQ.L....... ..
_ .J:!l...._....... .... J~)

0.48 0.48
Mlllabayabas Sasalit
0.90 ;).90 0.84 0 .79 0.76 0.72 0.71 0.69
Makaasim Kama gong Guijo
il .70 0 .70 0 .68 0 .67 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.59
Api(ong Salakin
0 .56
Allllac iga
Liu sin
K a llllOIl
Manggachapui Mo lave
053 0.52 0.52 0.5 I 0.50 0.50 0.49
Manggasi noro
YC Il)(l l) C
Mi,lU Pal(Jsapis Malllsaging Vidal Lanutan Gisau Nato

Kal a
Pahutan Mahogany. big
A ntipo lo
0.52 0.52
0.50 0.48
Malakauayan Dao
a See Table 6.35 for Working Stresses for Other Visually Stre ss-Graded Unseason
ed Structural Timber of Philippine Woods. SOURCE: Philippine Timber Design Stand
ards (1. E Rocafort and J. O. Siopongco) November, 1991 (FPRDI Temlinal Report)
Association of Siructura l Engineers of the Philippines

Tahle 6.3 - Nailing Schedule
I. 2.
1 .
Co nlwt'lioll Joist 10 sill Of I~ jnkr. toco;jij iJridginl::! 10 jois t. [oena i
l c,le h end 25 III x I SO Jllill su bflooJ' or less!{) each joist, far e nail W
ider than 25 IlUli x 150 mill slIhnoor 10 cach juist. f~lcc
1-65Jll!ll 2-651l1ll1 2-6SIllIll 3-65mlll 2-901ll1ll
__ ...~. __
Na!!~l1g-~~ __ ~'~='==
nail 50 mm sub r!ool' (0 joist or girder, 'blind and face nail Sole pJa[(~ 10 jo
ist or blocking. typical face nail So le picHe ,10 joist or blocking, at braced
wall panels Top plat e 10 slud , end nail
$lU d 10 sole plale
90mJll al 400 Illlll O.C . 3-90mlll pcr 400 IllIJl
4-65mm, toenail or 2-90mlll. end nail 90mm at 600 mm D.C. 90mm at 400 111111 O.C
8~90m lll
I ,
9. 10.
I I.
Double studs, fa ce nail Doubled lOp plates, typic.tl face nail Double lOp rim e
s. Iilp splice Blocking between joists or nlftcrs to top rlate, {oenail
12. 11 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20 21

Rimjoisl to top plate, toenail

Top phll cs. laps and intersections, f<lcC nail Con tinu ous header, two pieces
Cei ling joists to plate, toena il COll ti nuous header 10 slUd. tocnai l CC iii
ngjoists, lap s over partitions, face nai l Ct~i ling jOis)s !O parallcl raftcrs
. face nail
3-65mm 65111111 at 150 111m o.c. 2-9001m
90mm at 400 mill
3-65m!ll 4-6511)11)
along each cdgc
3-90mm 3-65n1l11
RaJkr 10 plale, toenail
25 mm brace to each stud and plate , face nair 25 Illlll x 200 mill sheathing or
less (0 each bearin g, face
I ;
23 24
25. 26.
Wider than 25 nun x 200 lnm shcmhing to cach bC<1ring, face nai l Buill-Up comer
studs 13l1ilt-up gird er Hnd beams
50 mill planks
Wood structural panels and particleboard 2; Subnoor and wall sheilthing (to fram
in g): 12 I11Ill <lnd less l6 IllTll- 20 mm 22 mm - 25 mm
90mlll at 600 Illlll O.C . lOOmm at 800 ml11 D.C. at lOp and bottom and siaggere
d 2- 1OOmn) <'It ends and at each spli ce 2-90mm al each bearing
50mm )
65Jl11ll ~ or SOHlIn
Illlll 32 mill
65mm .! 75 mlll J or 65111111
Combination subfloor-underJayment (10 framing): 20 mm and less
SOmm S

6501m .~
25 mill 30111111 - 32 mill Panel siding (to framing/ 12 mill or less 16 mill 22
Illlll or 65mm
.. 651l11ll _'_ _... ___ ~ _ __~. _ __ ~ _________ .___ _______
National Structura l Code of the Philippines 6 Edition VO!Ull1C 1

6 -42
CHAP TEH 6 - Wood
-. - ~ -...Table 6.3 - Nailing Schedule (Col\('d)
~~ ..
-_._- -.----.- .-- - -.-~~~ . Nailing
-- - --.--. -I
Ts~bcrboard sheathing 7: 12 111m
IOmnl x 40111Jll s
IOmm x 30111111 y lOlllm x 40rnm II
65 mm
IOJr.m x 30mm \I
Inlerior panelin g
6 nUll JOmm
Nares Fol' Table 6.3
50nlln~ _ ____ ___ ~ _______ ~
- - ----------Com mon o r box nails may be u.~ed i!XCCP' where otherwise sWlcd.
} Nails sluIced af 150 m/1l 01/ ("(/liN 01 edge:;, 300 111m at illlemJcc/ialc SI
IPI'lHl.\' e:lTCpl 150 IIlIIlllI (Ill sfll'porl s where .f/milS afe 1200 111111

For ,wilillg a/wood Slrucfu r(J.1 panel and pa r(icle/JoCJrd diaphragms (ll1d sl
lf'(//' wol/s. (('fl.'" /0 Secfiolls 6 /4.3.3 (I/ld 6 14.4. Nails f or 11'011
sheathing ma), be ('ommon, box or casing. ComlllOIl or deformed shank.
Dejonm:d shank.
Corro.riofl-rcsiS/(1Il1 Siding or {'(Ising flails cQIl/arming /0 Ihe rel/llirell
lt'nlS o/S(,"Iioli 603.3, 1 Faslener.l" s/1{Iced
75 111111 on ("Cllft'r at e,ncrior edgt.'i anA 150 mlf! on cemer Of h!/('rmediOf
(' l'IIf'POrfS. Corrosion-resiswn/ roofing nails wilh 10 111m head (lnd 40 mm le
ll8th for J2 mill .rheathing and 45 mm fen grll filr 20
con/onnin8 to 'h e f('q uiremCIIIJ o[Sectioll 603. 3.
~ CorrosiOfl'resisfatl' staples wilh 1I0mil/a i 10 mill croW/I 30 mill length fo
r 12 /11111 sheathillg alld 40 11/111 iI'1I8111 f or 20 11/11/ s/telllltillg cOl
l/omlitlg to th e requirements o[Sectioll 603.3. 10 Pan('/ supports at 400 mill
(500 mm if sire/18th axi.\' in the lont: direc tion of th e pa lle!. ullloJ otha
wi, \"(.' marked). C/lsing or/ill ish lIail.~ spaced 150 IIIITI on palle! edges,
300 11111/ at i'l/ermediale supports.
P(lfleJ SIIP/wrtS 01600 trim, Casillg Qr finish ,wi/of spa('Cd 150 111m all pane
J edges. 300 mill aI illlenlt('diatl' SIl/'I.'!)rt.f.
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAr'TEf, G - Wood
Table 6.4 - Wood Structural Panel Roof Sheathing Nailing Schedule ---------- --------~ROOF FASTENING ZONifT-- --WIND REGION
Greater thall J 45
Fastening Schedule
_________. __.___. __~m on ccnter)
~kjlh to
Greater than ! 29
65mm common
6Smlll common
__+----.J.2<l....-150 150 300 150 300
__. .J..5Q
-_._---- ISO
----100-,----ISO ' ---.'~------.-----,---145 k h
129 kph or less
Panel Field __ Panel cdgc2. Panel Fi('.ld -Pa!lclcdg~ Panel Field
150 150
100 150 150 300
Applies ollly to 1I1('WI r()(~r heighl.I' lip 10 10.5 TIl(' mo/fiHtelling WIIl'.
I" Ill"(' shown below:
For melll! roof heights oW'r 10.0 m., Ihe !wiling ~'h(/II be designed.
1.20 rn

110m - .
... _
-*-1 ,,"it) III (INCLUDING O"I(j
1------1- 1 - - - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1 1 1
m V
1 1 1 1 1
1 1
Roof Fastening Zones
Edge spacing also applies Ol'er roofframing Use 65111111 ring-shank nails ill fh
is wne
gable-end wa/,'s. rooflleight is greater than 7.50 III
if mean
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

CHAPTER 6 ~ Wood
~ ______________---,,'Ir-'able
6.5 - Exposed
Panel Sidin
Stud Sp:lcing Plywood Siding Applied Directly to Studs or Over Sheathing
n . _ . . ~~. _ _ _ _ _
Minimum Thickness]
10 111m
Minimum Number of Plies
_ _ _ _ _ _. _
400 2
12 111m
1Jllckness of gram'cd ponds /.1" measured (/( bO/f()111 of grool'('S. May he 600
111111 If plywood siding applied with face grain fN.'rpelldirular 10 SlUffs or
()I'('T olle of fhe following' (/) 25 min board sheathing, (2) 10 mm wood sfl"uc
fllml pm!!'! sheathing or (3) 10 mill wood Slm({lIral pallet shcO/hing willi .l'
Irl'n[.:111 axis (which i.r rhe long direction oflhe pm!l!1 unless otlwnl'ise ma
rked) ofs/U'alhing pc/pendiCIIla!" {(J slut/s,
Table 6.6 - Wood Shingle and Shake Side Wall Exposures
Shin1!lc or Shake _.
Length and Type
400 mm shingles 450mm shingles ~_2QO nun shingles .___ . . _-----450 nun rcsawn
shakes 450mm straight-split shakes L_~OO mm rcsawr~._~}"~~~~~ __ ~~_
Maximum Weather Exposures (mm) DOllbl('~Coursi n Single-Coursing
No.2 No.1 180 180 " 210 210 ----290 290 . -- - - - - - ------_. 180 _ ._---180

1 - -.300 .. 350 - - 400------ - _ .

---_._-...." ...
350 _...400
_- -_.__..-~--~-------_ ...
SOO -........-.- -... ...
-- -~~~
Table 6.7 - Allowable Spans for Exposed Particleboard Panel Siding
,-----------,-----------, Minimum Thickness
Stud Spacing
10 n-,-n-,---~~-----I-O-,-n-n-, .~
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPT cn 6 . Wood
Table 6.8 - Hardboard Siding
Minimal Nominal Thickness
(SOIlIJI1 x 100mm) Maximum Spacing
N.iI--Size '.' (!lUll)
1 .-.. --- -- NAil. SPACING'"-- '' - -''' - GCller:]uraCin g Pallels ,-, .,
~-.IAlP Sidina
Direct to SllJd~ Over Sheath in '
_ _
~9_"-f 10
_._-----_. -_._111111
- - ----I
400 mill o.c. 400 mill O.C .
Not 8Ep liclI blc___ Not applicable
.~_.400 4(X)
Illm O.C .

65 75
~~~re ~e
Panel Siding
Direct to
600 nun o.c .
Over Sheathing
600 mlTIo.c.
150 mill O.C. edges; 300 mm o.c. at intermed iate supports 150 nun o.c. edges; 3
00 mm o.c. at
intcrrnediatc suppo rts
._- - - - - - .---100 ':1lI1
200 mm o.c.
intermediate supports
) 00 mm o.c. edges; 200 111m O.C. intermediate
SUpp OI1~
..1:...._hiplap Edge I'anel Sid~!R. __ - - ---=--- r-Dirccl lo SlUds
--- - --10
400 mill O.C.
I--Over Sheathin g
._-_ .. .. _ ...._-10
l1un C.C.

150 mill o.c. edges; 300 mill o.c. al intcflncd iate supports 150 mm o.c. edges;
300ml11 o.c. at intermediate suppons
-- --100 !llm o.c. edges; 200 mill O.C. inlermediale supports 100 mm o.c. edges;
200 mmo.c. intermediate
" wah SectlOlI 6/ 9. Nmls shall be corro.flon reslstan/ III accorda1/ce
1 Minimum acceplabfe nail dim ensions (mm) .
Shank diiln-'cC"'cr--- - - - ._.______ !~_~ncl
Head diameter
--1----------7'-;;-------- ..-6.0
Si~.~~lg (mOl)
-~-La p Siding 2 .. 5 6.0
_ _ _
When /I.H~d 10 comply wllh
Table 6.9 - Allowable Spans for Lumber Floor and Roof Sheathing 1.2 Minimum Net
Thickness (mOl) of Lumber Placed
~_-==:====t~~- 7~ ----~1.
- - ---- -- -- -, -- - ""7~..- -- - ,- -.. - ___ ROOl_ S- - L.:.:J'-;--c--:,, 6=
00---:-..,,--'-c1 ---,,---,:,, 16,--.-::--:--:-:-,1.--- 16
_ __ ~ __=J__.__ ~~_~~I=JL_~=
----- .--- ..... 16 -- 20
Instal/a/ion deltll/.f JIm" c:ollfonll (0 SecllOIl 620.8./ (Jnd 620.1 1.7 for fl
oor atlll roof s/watl/mg, 'l'.f/Jee/wel)'.
MaximUIII 19 pcrcel/ll/loiSfl/,." callfenl.
1 Floor 01" roof silem/Jillg cOI\fo nllillg wilh Ih is fable shall be deemed 10
meet lit e design crilnia oj Sefliofl 620.10.11 .

National Structural Code of the Philippines 6'" Edition Volume 1

Tahle 6.JO ~ Allowable Spans and Loads for Wood Strllctul'HI Panel Sheathing and
Single~Flo()r Gradts Continuous Over Two or More Spans with Strength Axis P(~rpc
ndiclllal' to Supports /,? ~I; I,', ~ Grades Floor ' Roor '
1 {I
Pmlcl Thi ckness
Maximum Spall (nun)
(kN/ m2)
300/0 400/0 50010 60010 600/400 800/400
8, 9
8, 9 10,12 12 12, 16 16, 20, 22 20, 22 22, 25 22, 25, 30
Wi th ou' [~dgc ~:,~:lp~;~tg6e ... ..... Support 300 300 400 400 500 . . 500 600
500' 600 600 800 700 1000 800 1200 900 1350 1000 1500 1200
Total Load
1.92 1.92 1.92 1.92 2AO 1.92 1.92 2.16 2.16 2.16
Live Load
Maximum Spall (mm)
'.'1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.92 1.44 1.44 1.68 1.68 1.68
0 0
400 400" 500 ' .' 600 SOO

. Grades
Load ~ (kN/n/)
Total Load Li ve Load
::::~~ ~~l~'~)
400 D.C. 500 D.c. 600 D.C. 8000.c. 1200 D.C.
P'lliel Thickness
Maximum Span (mm )
Milx imu m Span
( mm)
600 SOO 1200 1200 1500
600 800 900 1000 I ZOO
12,16 16,20 20 22 . 28, 30
2.40 1.92 1.68 2.40
1.92 1.44 1.20 1.92 2.40
400 500. 600 800 12(X)
Applies to f)(lllels 600 mm or Wider.
Floor a",1 roof sllealhillg cOllforming wilh IM.{ lable sha/l be d('cm('d 10 mN
t Ille desigll criteria of Sectioll 6. J /.
Ulli/on" load deflectioll JimilalioflS 1 /111(} of Slmll IlIlder lil'e load I)il
ls d ead load, 1 610 under iiI'(' I<)(u/ ol/I)'. Panel edg es sh{/ff have appro
ved fOltlill eandglOolic joinf.~ or Jlralf be SUf'llOrted Wilh blocking Imle.ts 6
mm lIIill i lllum IhicJ;nes.~ Imdcr/lI),mcn{ o r 40 mm of approw!d cel/ular or l
igh/w('igh/ concrete is placed m'e/" Ihe subjloo,., or finish floor is 20 111m w
ood strip. Allowable IIIIi/onn load based 011 deflection oj/I)U) of span is 4.8
kNlm 2 ('xcep l Ihc span mling oj J200 111m on CCII/C/' is /Jased ( 11/ /I lowl
load oj 3. /0 kNlm.
Allowa/1fe load (It maximulIl span. Tongul! . and.groo\,e edges, pan'" edge clip

midway betwc('1/ ('(l eh support, except

/ W(J
equ(lIf.)' SP(1C('t/ be/w('('n supportS 1200
on arUNj, lumber blocking, or olher. 0111)' Ilimbe! blocking !ilwll slIli!)j), b
locked diapilmgm.f 1"11 (jW'l"ellll!lll.r. " -01" /2 111m punel. maxilllum spml
shall be 600 mm.
Ma y bl' 600 111111 0/1 eenrer wh<'re ZO 11/111 woad strip flooring is installed
at riSlu (mgles to joist.
v Ma)" he 600 mill 0 11 ('ellter forflaol"s where 40 tlUlI (If ccl/ular or lighr
weiKhl concrete is Ol1piil'd (II'cr th e panels.
Association of Structura l Engineers of tile Pililippines

CH f\PT EH G Woud
Table 6.1 1 ~ Allowable Loads for Wood Structural Panel Roof Sheathing Continuou
s Over Two or More Spans and Strength Axis Parallel to Supports
r .___ ~__~~~~~-, (~P~I,I L'" :.:'.:: o::: oTd-,sc:t::ru",c"t",u,-,r:::a,-l,, 1":
::""n", c", ls"a'T,,,c,,fic:"v ,-e ,,-,,p,c:,II'l: ' ,,,,fi,,l;; vc ,_ ' -'. la,,
'YL(c'ir ,-" u :.: 1l1.~ss otherwise noted) 1. 1 . r---~.-.-Tlli cklless (111111
) MaxilllUlll 51)"11 .. ______ ._~~~i! at fv!.~'!!...~.P_~!. U J~_~.pn.l . .-_ _
,. . -._ ...._ . _. Panel Gnuk (mill) l.Ave Iowl ._-- ---s;;:;;-ct;;;;;(I- -"-" "- ")2" -"'-'--" ~-- '''0:96-'''-''-''''-' - -- ......"1"'.4"4'-- -'- "--'-'-600--"-'-. 600 . 60IJ
;=....... ___ .:=,:", _=+_. .
...~ ... ---!'T2"T- ...... 1.68
2. 16 .1
----2~40'--~600 -. 3.35 ~- --3:8'l----~ ... 4.N 600 4.3 1 .__. Othel' Grades Covered in J2 2
.40 400 1.92 --;-;;~;"'::':':;=::~:';;::':':~'::-I---..--;.;::.~--+.. ~~,-- --+---~~.--t_-__:_;;_;:_-- .. une Standard 232 Of' 23-3 12 I. 20 0.96 600 1.20 600 600
1.92 .... 600 2. 16 W 2.87 ' 3. 11 ' 600
Noo/ shcar/rlllf.: COli/On/tillS WIlIt tJIIS wblt- shall be dl'emed /0 //lCt'l r
hr dr.\"I"f.[l1 (Tlleria II/Sec /lOll 6.11 .
U"iformload dejleclioll /im ilatioltJ: 11180 oj 5pWI undl'r li\'(' 10(1(1 pIllS
til'lul loa(/. 1124() under liI'I' load ollly. Edge.\" .Ihalf />e bloc-h'd
wilh lumbl'l" or OIlier appn!l'l'd fyp<' 0/ NIgl' supporlJ For composite alld /tm
rl'iy 1 ' /YlI"fJod .~/ruCflll"lll ,umrl. Imul shol/ be rCI/II( w il,y 0.72 kNlm
Table 6.12 - Allowable Span for Wood Structural Panel Combin<ltion Subfloor-Unde
rfloor-Underlayment (Single Floor) U Panels Continuous over Two or More Spans an
d Strength Axis Perpendicular to Support.;;
r-~--- '

Maximum Spacing of Joists (mm) 400 1200 I 600 I 800 I 500 c_~S~p~e~c~ie ~s ~G ~,
~r~o~u~p_ ' _'I __~~~~~-'~~__~7'~~~r-~ T~h~i~c~k~n~es~s,,(~n~'m~)'-____ '__~~~~r~~~~~~~_1 I 12 16 20 1 ___ _~2,~3~_~1 _ __~16~_~ _ __ ~20~__ ...~ _ _ _~22 ~_~_
_~_ _ ~ _ _ _ __ ~~ 4 20 22 25 1200 o.c. Span r.ling' 4000.c. 500 o.C. 6000.c.
800 o.C, Identification
S,)(lIU Imliled II) mille sllOWII becO/ue of po.t.nbi(' ehecfs of CQflCl"lItrofe
d food.f. Allowable lilli/un" itJllds ' }(Iud 01/ deft/'CIIOtI of 'IJ6/} of span
i.l 4.8 kNlm'. ('XCCPI afll)I\'able 101/'11 uniform load for J() "u" wood SlI"Il
c tliral pallel.l OI'er joisfS spaced 1200 mill 011 eellter is 3.1 kNlm ). Panel
ttfgCJ shaf/ }'(II'e app/"()\'(!d IOngue-al/d-croO\'e joillis or shaf/ be .wppo(
"wd Il'it!t block in!;, III1IeSS 6 mm minimulli 'lrickn ess IIndcrlaYlIlcm or 38
mill of apllrmwi cd/Illn r or lightweight com:rett> is ploccd (lI'('f tilt .wbf
loor, or fillishflool' is 2011/111 wooff Jlrip.
1 Floor JUme/s conformillg with tlli.~ table ,tholl be deemed fa weer the de.~ig
/! criteria ofScctioll 61 1. .1 Applicab le to af! grades of,landed eXlerior-lyp
e plywood. See UlJC Sr(JIuiard 23-2for pl),wood slu'cies groups. Appfica /llt~ 1
0 IInderlaymem grade WId C-C (plugSrd) plywood. alld single floor grade wood str
uCluml p(meIJ.
National Structural Code of tile fJllilippines 6'" E ,dition Volume 1

~Thickness (mill)
----- 12 16 20
All pallels art' continuous oW'r /11'0 or II/ore spalls. Floor sheathing cO/lfor
ming wilh fhis table slwfl hi' deemed 10 /lweI/he dt's;!?n cri{{'riu oj.';('clio
/l 6.1 I.
Uniform defiediol) limira/ion: '1J6() oflhe span Imdcr 4.8 kNII1/ minimuII! food
Edge,\" shafllwl'e ronglw-and-grool'l' joim.\" or shall be xuppor/ed wilh blocki
ng. The /Oil/:UI'-tJlld-gro()\'I' palli'ls arc illstaf/ed lI'ill! rhe IOllg dime
nsion peq)<'lUiitu/ar /0 supports. A finish wearing surj(lce is /() be applied 1
0 rhe lOp ojfhe p{lIId
~--------==~~===-=-=;="-===-==~~~~~--Hortizontal Diaphragms Vertical Di3phragms
Maximulll Material
S[)an~Width Ratios Height-Width Ratios Diagonal sheathing, conventional 3; J I:
J .. ~2. Diagonal sheathing, special 1-____..24,,:I'------+--------~=~=E~-=~~-.:
:~= 3. Wood structural panels and particleboard, nailed all edges 1 ______4=.:1'-____ ~._. .~~~-._----_.---._ 4. Wood structural panels and pal1icleboard, block
ing omitted at 4: 1 __ interIn~i<!~c;joints. .~_~_. _________ ... _. __.__ ,.. _
........... __ ._. __.__ ~ .. _~ _____ .... _ _._ .... _. __ .... _
Table 6 14 - Maximum Diaphragm Dimension Ratios
+ ____ .. ___
III Seismic Zolle 2, the maximum ratio may b(.' 2: 1.
2 111 Seismic Zolle 2, the maximum ralio may be 3%: J
Nor permitted.
Association of Structural Engineers of tile Pllilippines

CHA fYlT f~ 6 . Wood

(j tl9
Table 6 IS - Limits of Defect. bl' Grade in Joists and Planks for Seasoned
Stress Grade Sln'~s Grade Stress Grade ._____ _ Kit~d of Defect.~ _____________
80 % _~ ____ ___ __ !i!!~ _ ______ _.__ ~_~_~_2.!'~&___ ___ _ A N~lturHJ Dcfcds
Worm holes, average diameter (1ll1lximum allowable size in mm) Individual b. Qua
ntity limitation Slope of Grain (maximum variation in mm from longitudinal axis
per 300 nun within middle half of length) Checks and Shakes Sil.C of each check
and shake, or if in combination, Ihc sum of a_ thc sizes of all checks and shake
s within middle half of depth of thc piece shaJl not exceed: splits at the middl
e half of the depth of the piece shall not
Wo~_ d ________
Not pcrllliued No! permiued
Not clustered
6 Not cl ustered
of thickness
IA of thickness
. 1/ "(,
of th ickness

----.. -----E;~di1enec;:-ati~i;~'cf;e-cks~;~I--- - .. _..- . ' .....---... --.-- ..

- -_.-.-_.-- --,--.
of thickness
!/4 of thickness
extend a distance greater greater
7 u--a-l c -- I--:N -:-a -rr -o -"-'--,- - - - .. ...... --N~~~~~--'-" Knots (Max
imum allowable size of ir;"di-v.,-;d

-........- - - ---_._._-Nam)w
fllce On edge of
Along center line of wide face
wid e face witb in lhc
--.-- knOI in mm I)
face on edge of
wide face within th e micklle third of length o f piece Along center line of wid
e face
face on edge of
wide face within the middle third of length of piece
midd le (hird of
lengt h of piece
Along ce nter line of wid e face
Nominal width o f face. in mm
length may be Ulcreascd proportlOl1mcly lOwards rhe ends of th e piece of twice
the size permitted Of! fhe narrow fa ce bUI not to exceed that allowable alol!g
the allier fin e of the wide face. The size of kllol,'i 011 the edge of wide fac
e within rhe middle fhird (llengrh may be incrca.'ied pl'Opol"tiollOfe/y toward\
' fhe eel/fa of rhe wide face and towards the ends of flU! piece to the size per
mitted alollg fh e all fer fille of the wide face. 111C sum of the .\'ii:,e:o of
01/ knots ;11 ally 150 mill of lellg," of fhe piece shall 110 1 exceed twice fh
e m axi mulII p ermissible size of kllots. Two knots of maximum shall tlO! be al
lowed itl the same J50111111 of leng th Ofl Otl)' faa . CiIlSla knots and knots
ill group shallllot be permilled.
50 6 75 12 100 20 125 25 150 30 ZOO 35 40 250 300 45 50 350 400 50 450 and over
50 The SIze of knots orl the narrow face wuhm rhe mIddle tlilrd of
20 25 30 40 50 55 65 70 75
12 20 25 30 45 50 55 65 70 75 75
38 40 50 40 60 50 75 60 100 80 110 90 125 100 125 100 125 .... IOO ____.--'----'-' IO ,~ Oc . ---I----"=20 25 40 50 60 70 80 90 95 100
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6'" Edition Volume 1

6 -S0
CHAPTEI1 ti - Wood
Table 6.15 ~ Limits of Defects by Grade in Joists and Planks for Seasoned Wood
(;-ra -d;--- St~:;~s G;" lIdc- - - ---st;'t~SS (;';:~ \(I ; --~~~____~____~~~~_t
_______~ 80 ~O~~~_____~ _______~ 6~3~% 500/.
Kind of Dcf<.'c (s
---~-- --~Str "s -' s
Handling, Manufacture or Processing I)efc('fs I, Wall e (maximum tlllowablc size
in Illlll) Nominal fact dimension ill nUll
SO 75
3 6
12 12
15 15
15 20
200 250 300
15 18
25 28
450 and ovcr
2. Torn grain (allowable depth if! 111m)
20 25 30
45 50
20 25 30 38 45 50 55

Skips. ,liiowablc size not to exceed:
surface arc,\ (Widt h mill x length ) Depth mm Quantity
width x 100
widt h x 100 2
width x IlX) 3
skip per 5 m or
I skip per 5 m or
I skip per 5 m or
~_. _.~ ._ ._ . .~!~~~.~~~:...L~.I. ~g~_I. ~_._. _ _ _
._ _ ._.....!!2r.!U.~~~g_~.!. )._.._ .____ .. .._ . .__ ......s1!E~r_t~<::E..!.~.!
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

Screw Size
-~----,~---.-Withdrawal Load from Side Grain per 25 mill of Pcnetration of Threaded Portion l
---.--~-.-.-LatcI'HI Load in Sidc
Species Group
.. _-"._- ._.. .
Grain, (N)
.... _------_ ...
___ S
)e~es Gn~.!!p
24 20 18 16 14 12 10 9 8 7 6
9.5 8.0 7.5 7.0 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.8 3.5
2695 2315 2130 1940 1750 1565 1375 1280 1185 1095 1000
1985 1710 1570 1430 1290 1155 1015 945 875 805 735
1370 1180 1085 985 890 795 700 650 605 555 510
950 820 750 685 620 550 485 450 420 385 355
31 (X) 2295 1935 1610 1315 1045 810 700 605 510 425

266; 1970 1665 1380 1130 900 695 605 520 440 365
2190 1620 1370 1135 925 740 570 495 425 360 300
1825 1350 1140 945 770 615 475 415 355 300 250
SOURCE: Philippine Timber Design Standards (1. E. Rocafort and J. O. Siopongco)
November, 1991 (FPRDI Terminal Report)
National Stl"uctul"ai Code of tile Philippines 6(\' Edition Volume 1

Tahle 6.17 Allowable Loads in kN on One Bolt in Seasoned \Vood Load at Both Ends
( Do u hI(' SI~ e_~1 ~L ~_~~!:~~!~JJ~~_~F~! J ~(.~I~_ _._.~~_~_______ . ___ ...
_._ .... _________ .. ...__ ____ ~.,, ___ _ ___ ,_ _,,,-'_ .. _ .. __ ~P_~_~~~~_
Groul~jl!.~.~':'.~ to li~.i--'~K in_Tabl~..:.~ ___ ... _.~_ .__._ ..___._.___ _
.... I
Length of
Bolt in
of Boll d
... 1
+ W _ ___ I
Perpendicular to Parallel to Grain Pcrpcndicula!' to
... IV
-Main Member L
Parallel to Grain
Perpcndicular to
.......____'p_____(_;~-.a~~--_ "~_';?'~ __ G_~_liI~ __'___,:::-,_+_~~~~~_
Parallel to Grain
Parallel to Grain
rular to
--;;c--i----~1 __-,(~I)~-j __ .j.21.__
..- - - ...- - , . . . - - . - - - - . --~-..j-~ccCC"--+--;;cc-+~.cc____.I
7.08 3.76 4.86 1.98 4.20 8.75 . 4.19 _ _... 6.01 ___ 2.21 5.20 40 20 11.0 4.85 7
.55 2.56 6.53._ 22 12.1 5.04 8.30 2.66 . _L~~_ _ . _ _ _ _ ~..._~._. 13.7 5.47 9
.43 2.89 8.16 12 8.38 4.70 5.75 2.48 4.98 16 10.8 5.23 7.42 2.76 6.43 13.7 607 9
.38 3.20 8.12 50 20 .__.21. ... _ ...__.. 15.1 . . - . . 6.30 10.3 3.32 __ =~-8.9

5~ ____ . 25 -; i}--- 6.83-- ---11-.8---- --- 3.61 10.2 12 ..............

_~_._~ __.
. ._'2.._.. _ :---)6_.__
( 4 ) _ ....J2)___
- -...J!l)c-

3.36 _468 ---2~i 6.80 .... 8.95 3.59 7.74 3.74 6.29 __ 3.29 I 65 20 17.4 7.89 11
.9 ._~ __ ._.10.3 4.34 8.10 -~.84 .. 22 19.3 8.19 13.2 4.32 11.4 4.50 8.97 3.96
-ZU---s:88---1S.2-- 4.69 13.2 .4.89 10.2 4.29' 12 9.35 6.84 6.42 3.61 5.56 3.76 4.79 3
30 16 13.8 7.85 948 4.14 8.2 I 4.32 6.85 3.79 75 20 13.3 .._.. 4.81 11.5 5.01 9.2
2 4.40 - -19.4 ------- -_..9.10 . -----_._ _.~ __ ._fl:2..... ~_ 9.45 15.0.__ 4.9
9___... 13.0 5.20 10.2 4.56 75 255 10.2 17.5 5.41 152 5.64 IIY 4.95 12 9.4~ 7.14
645 3.77 5.59 3.93 4.84 .. ~~ 16 14.1 8.37 9.66 4.42 8.36 4.61 7.09 4.05 80 ~_
20_.__ ~2.9:l9.7 1-::: ::=- I 4c9:=== I 3=:=- :=:- I 2L_ _ .2~ =_977 4.69 22 22.9 _
__ ~.~~_ 15.7 _. 5.32 13.6 5.54 10.9 4.87 25 26.9 10.9 184 5.77 16.0 6.01 12.5 5
.28 12 9.39 7.42 6~44--- - 3.92 5.58 4.08 4.84 3.59 16 .--i4J.... - 9":20 9.79 4.86
848 5.06 7.28 4.45 90 _ .._.1.2...___ 21.3 10.9 14.6 5.77 12.7 6.04 10.5 5.28 22
24.9 11.3 17.1 5.98 14.8 6.24 12.0 548__ 25 294 12.3 20.2 6.49 17.5 6.77 13.9 5
.94 _ll.... ____ 9.40_._ :-7.40- --6A~'i.--.-~. 5.58 4.07 4.84 3.58 100 16 14.2 9.8
4 9.78 5.19 -8.4"7-- 541 .. : -f34.___ .-l_6_. 2 o j i - : i l : = .. J2,I__ . __15.
1....... __.._. !l.:il.. __ .__ 13J..._ . ....._ ...!l.(",~ ___ ILl 5.87 __ B_ _
__ 25.9 ...__ ~._L~,L_ ...._._.1Zc.8_. ...._.2,65 _._. 1504 7.35 12.8 6.45 1 _ _
_ ~+-.. -..3~.. -31.8 1:\.7 .............21.8 ...... _.~J-'_. 18.9 7.52 15.3 __
6cCJ~ 12 9.3 8 ()J2.._ . __.6,-4.'1:._._ __--'''62....._. 5.57 3.81 4.83 3 34 _
_ . . ._ .....I.CJ..._._ 14.2 10.1._ 9.77 533 846 _._5S6 __ ~.~. 4.89 20 22.3J..
'1.:~ _ . . ....... 153 .... _._.. 7.53 13.2 7,~ _ _ 1_1,~_.. 6.1'9_ 125 22 .._
2690......1S.} ____ .....1.8.:.5......___. 8.10 160 844 13.8 7.42_ 25 3404 17.1
23.6 9.02 204 940 17.3 .f: L -_ _ _- - ' - _ . 28 41.8 __ 18_.5 ____ 28_.7._. 9.
78 24.8 10.2 20.5
:929-==_0.,,-1 -_~=.:~I3_.=:=::J~i3-~552
(9) (10) 2.07 3.26 1.82 ._ 2.30 4.01 2.()2 2.67 S.Q2 2.35 2.77 5.52 2.43 3.01 6.
27 2.64 2.59 3.99 2.27 2.88 5.00.~ 2.53 3.34 6.27 2.93 3.46._~~~i.._ 3.76 7.84 3
.30 I
_ . _.___ =25"-..
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

.----.---. ------...
Ll'llglh clf Bolt in Ma in Mcmbcr
DiHIIH. 'I l' r
-~- -~.--- ...---.----.----== :_:_::'_c_ -,.-c:.-:--c.----.-.-----.---...--.-...- ....- . __.
.~_...___ . _ _ _ _ S I'I ~!f:~G lli~ U I~i!!<'Icr l<>. listill ~'3 I!!!:.21L __
.. _....._._.. __._ .. _.-- .. ...... 1 __..__.____ ._____ -''--_. __...___ ~_ _
_ III.__..___..._____ ._._-'-".__. ___ ._ .. .
Parolll cl to Grain
w _._. _ _ _ _ _
of Boll d
(mill )
Pa rallcl to Pcrpl' fHIi (;rain ('lIlar to " .'".._" .. ~ _ _ ~~. __ I' Q
(mm) ___ _ _ ._ . . _~_ ._. ___ ._ . _._. ____ . _ _ ___ - ..- j. - - = c - - . - - -..- ... ~~.- . . ___ (_ 1)___ ._ _.G L.. _ . (1) (4) _ 1-__ (6) .. __ S!.l
..._ . (8) _. -@L.Pcrp cnd i- Parallcl to Pcrpcnd i. Parallcl to PcrpcndiculHr to Grain tul ar to
G I' ~lin t ulnl'to ._0 .__ Grai~ .. _ . _ ._._ _ ._~; rail~ ___ __ .. _______ .
.. _ _ .__Q.~~. ~~_ Q Q Q I' I'
--22-- ..-.
25 28 16 20
12 16
938 14.2 22.3 26.90

14:":l" -- i~G"-6n 10.1

6 44
-- - - ----753----m
8. 10 9.02 9.78 5.06 7.78 8.84 10.4 11.6
3 65 5.3:'

557 8.46
-.-.----- -'-16-'-- 14.2 . "'884'-'- -''9'j'2- '-" 4'-6(~- - -842"-'-'''"'486---732
'--- ' -"427 - -iiJ'- ----.............--.-----.--'.-----. - .... ........:....--.~.-6.82 . .
__ ~._ 4 1.8 14.2 22.3 22 26.9 25 34.6 -28 --' 43.5
15.3 17. 1 18.5 9.59 14.7 16.7 19.7 21.9
18.5 23 .6 28 .7 9.76 15.3 18.5 23.S 29.9
16.0 20.4 24.8 S4 5 13.2 16.0 20.6 25.9

3.8 1 4.83. ___ 334. , 5.56 7.33 4.89 - '7 .85----iT5--6~89 8.44 13.8 7.42 9.40 17.3 8
26 - - IO .2 ---..-iO's ----S 9S-5.28 7.33 4.64 8. 11 11.5 7. 13 9.2 1 13.8 8.09 1
0.9 17 8 954 12.1 22 1 ---~6-. ~
22 16 22 25
..._. __ ............._22-'~_ . ....._ . l~J......_ .._ . . .._ ...1.5..2..._ .
~~= =:i~:~== :=.::~~. ;
26.9 34.8 43.6 14.2 22.2 26.8 34.6 16.3 20.7 25 0 8.37 13.5 16.1 20.5 IS.5 2:1.9
299 9.90 15.2 18.4 23.8
== :=:
~~r' -'''-:~~ ''-::::~* ::'- ~~0-8.44 4.73 7.30 4.15 --7:61-- " - 1 1-.4-.- 6~69
I 3.2 _ 16.0
._L7!:....__.!.!.:i.._ --~C;:---j
9. 12 13.9 8.01
..- 20 -Z2.:1- -I3S ---....i5J"190
14.2- .... 8~59----9:75---- 4.54 8.63 10.9 13.2 4.42 7. 13 8.48 1(l.S 13.3 6.69 7.98 1
0.4 13. 1 16.8 6.54 7.S3 10.2 13.0 16.8
-"'"'"7.36---"13~2 -

16. 0 ._ ~~_ 13.9 7.90 20.7 11.4 17.9 10.0 _ _j_--,2~8:-__ 25 .9 13.8 22.5 12. 1
16 8.44 4.61 7.30 4.05 - . -- .. 20 13.2 740 11.4 6.50 200 22 16.0 8.84 13.9 7.
77 25 20.6 113 :-:.._ =~-I7.8_._ 9.9 1_ . ~-i8--~4i'6'"'-'29.9-' 25.9 139 22.4 1
2.2 --- - -1 --;:: 20 '--22.2 12.7 -1 5.2 ~" 13.2_._ .....::6.97 11.4 6.12 __ 22_
__ 26.L_. 15. 1 18.4 15.9 _~.:~_ 2 _ .__ J3.9 ____ 7.3 1 25 34.7 19.7 23.8 20.6
10.9 17.9 9.54 230 28 43.5 24. 8 299 25.9 13.7 22.5 12.0 ._ 32 56.8 31.9 39.0 3
3.8 17.5 29.3 15.4._ 20 22.2 12.4 15.2 13.2 6. 81 __ __ -IJ.A ._. 5.98 . 22 268_ 1
4.8 18.4 16.0 8. 15 13.8 7.16 240 ~ ___ ._ .._ ..~~L._ . ._._1 9.4 23 .8 20.6 __
10.7 _ _ . .....!22. . ___ 9}2._._ 2S 43.6 24.6 29.9 25.9 13.5__ . __ ._~?':'~
___ ....J.IY __. .._._---_. --.32 57.0 3 1.9 39.1 33.9 17.5 29.4 15.4 - -..- -'2
2 - '-26~ --i-;f4'- -'18:4- - 7:61--- - 15.9 .- 7.93 -. 13.8 ' '-6~ -:C:::---f-::-~--II -~'-;;--' --;,-::-- ---~ - . - -- . . - - - - - - - - . _ - - . - - . 25 34.7 18.8 23,R 9.93 20.6 10.4 17.9 9Jl2........ 260 28 43 .5 24.0 29.S 12.7 2
5 .8 13.2 22.4 11.6 - 32--- 56.7 3 1.5 38.9 16.6 33.7 17.3 29.2 15.2
Nationa! Structural Code of the Pililippines 6 Edition Volurn e 1

Leng(h of

......... --............ ::=.~=== =:=::::.:.~:~ ~i;iiCii;si;R{jij!;(RCic~i;;-ii;;ungii

Tablc6.2j- - ~~====~.~ -==. --.. -~---.,---.---- - -----' , -~- - - _ __-"L _ ___
---.-..1X--- .. Dialllt.~ ('r
of Bolt d (111m )
Parallel (0 Grain Perpendi c-ular (0
Q~ -Holl in
Main Member
I),u"a llcl to Grain
Grai n .... _--,-,--.. - ....
- j;---' - Q - - -Pcrpendi. cular 10 Grain
Parallel to Grain
cular to
Parall el to Grain
---'-p-" (7)
'- - Q- ' - --"(8)
p --' - -Q"17.9Sj; Pcq;cndi. ('uJar to Grain
---(1)-'-" --'(2)'''(mrn)
--- "(4)-- 18.1 308 17.8 22.7 _. 17.3
(S) -------w-.- 23.8 39.0 23.8 29.9 9.53
--- (9) -- -~(TO)-

-~- .. - ---- i5-----3-4-.6--~

f-____j_ _ .._--i T 72 -_-==
.~ ._
~ 4-32 25 - -2 -f __43.4 _
56.9 34.7 43.5 34.7
9.94 12.6 17.0 9.79 12.5 16.7 9.51
---.1l- ~~ __ J_~_
16.3 9.39 12.0
--56.8-- W:4~L-_ 30_5_-'-.

-_-_~; :+ :.:'-.-_..- --~.- . . -~H-- ---~J-- --iH-----iH--- ---":-7~: .: :~-+--;::;~

- :~~F- J
--39.0----T6-:-i-. 238 _ ..._ .._~Jc~ __ .
~_ 33.8 20.6 25.9 33.7 . 20.6
22.4 11.129.3 14.9 17.9 8.60 __._ 22 _.4 ___ ~_1.!Ji_ 29.3 14.7 17.8 8.36
Association of Structural Engineers of tile Pililippines

, Ullit 'md Holt ill .. , , . AlIow;lblc I, o'HIs in SC'l ,.so lll'd Wood (Norma
l DUI"ltion ) for Onc Shc'lrPhte . Table _ _(,:._J8 ._= ._--------.Loudrd "nralld
Sillgl~~_hl'lIr .
I'lale diam.
nolt dilllu.
of Fll t't of Ilit-n' wilh ConIlN'tors /JC
Thickness uf Lumber
=. .
--Allownhtc I~~ld-i;~~Connector Unit nnd Bolt (kN) Sl'l'(: il'3..g!:OI!l!._~
. ..
_---------_._.._..Un luaded
Llladcd Perpendicular to Grain (9U")
---_ ___ (k --- _._- ---~ ===---fu~~s GrOlll
Edge Distance (mm',
C()lllll'Cl 0r
Allowahle LOll(i per lJ niland HoH
--_. ------ --_._---- .-~~ .._
oj I
_ _.. -- - _._- _ ..
- -11 .70

. . ... _
Edge (min.)
------ _
1-6.76 1
8. 184
min imulll 70 m
8.1 40
2 40
70 or more 45 or more 70m
7.65 1

7.605 9.296
5. 293
6 ..'6 1
5,47 1
5.5 16
._ ----1:"1.26
9 .5 19
7. 740
5.87 1 7.072
GS &
I 1.70
10. 10
- . mininlUIU
70 or
K. 140
th ic ker 40 minimum
8. 1

1'1.1 9
95 or mor(! 70
9 ..
II .52
13 .&30
4S &
10 .23
12 .37
th icker
ml ni Jl1um
? l.I7
17 .66
15.2 J
95 or
J4.I O
11 .74
minimum 95 or
rn on~
9 .8 75
(,. 805
5. 871
7 . 117
8. 229

\ 5.75
13. 12
minimu lll 95 OJ
9. 118
II J130
70 minillllllll 95 \)r
9. 163
10 .720
10. 7fiO
I ~A 6
15. :\9
7() minillluln 95 or more
14 .()60

II. 740 10. 2~O

8 .807
90& [hid-.n
1. 17
15.2 j
14. 1 9
'1 5 III
1(l .Hl
\)) , )1
mill iIllll III
_AW_' _ _
I ________ .__ ..1 _______ --- _._ _.._--I

12.0 I (l
, ,
9 ..)( I I..
-_._-------'------,--_.- L __ ..
- --- ~_~~~_.L
i to.

CHAP1:H 6 Wood
~ .- -..._--._ -- , -_ ..... . _
Number of Flll'l' of I'ieee
Minimum l.:dl:c
.1.olldcd 1)llrallcilO
Grain (0")
Allowahle l..{lad,)Cr-_ ._---- --_.._-_ . _ ------ -_..'- --,. . -" - "'-AlloWl~bi;'- Loaa" jiC~'----"
Edge Distallce (nun)
Bolt dialll.
Councclor ... of
Thil' kncs... of Lumber
Conllector Unit IIlId Holt (kN)
Conllector Unit alld nul{
S }ccies Grou )
. - - - - .Unloaded

Loaded_~~l'~S Gro~~=-II
-- - - ---.,.. ._1!g.I~~_
th icker
-2 1.17
- - -15.2 1
- - -'
--- ----14 .810
- -- -.
45 min imum
14 .10
! 1.74
70 minimum 95
6.805 8.229 7.606
9.1 63
7.! 17

'" '"
9. 11 8
16. 19
70 minimum 95
11 .030
10 .720
I HAll
15 &
thicker 2(}.IO
70 minimum
11.650 )01 .060 I:U80

9.697 11.740 10.230

70 minimum 95
"' '"
2 1.17
!5 .21
70 minimum 95
0 8.807 10.6&
Association of Structural Engineers of Ille Pililippines


_._ ----_..
, '(Joilled
Nu mbcr or FII('c Bult
Luad cd PUnlll('\ tn
Nt't Thickm'ss of Lumhel'
diufl\. (n ull )
of I'i('('("
with Cu nncrt OI'S
Edge Distllnrc
-------All ownhlf.) Load
p C I'
Grain (0)
l"(I:I<I('d J'crl'cmlicuil!.l' to G ruin (90")
._Edge Distance ( mm ) Unloaded Edge LoadedEdge
(mill )
C(JIIIIC("l or Unit lind 11011 (kN) _.. ..--.fu ceics G roup
AllowRhlc Load per Conllector Ullit and Bolt
Ik N) S ceics Groll )
.Sa Ill('
--- -- _._--..-- _.. _ Holt ----- .. _---_.
25 minimum
.-... _....__.- .- --II III

40 & thicker
50 12
40 minimum
.87 1
5 . 29.~
32 millimum 50 or more )2 minimum 50 or more 32
)2 mi nimulll 50 or morc 32 minimum 500r more 45 minimum 60 or morc 45 minimum
60 or more
).20) 3.647 3.5 14 4.003 3.20) 3.647
3.5 14
).20) 3.647 3.514
2.758 3.158 3.069 3.469 2.758 3.158
4.11\ 1
) .203 3.647
50 & thicke r
3.5 14
'.804 5.'17 1 6.005 6.805 4.804 5.47\ 5.293
3.469 4.181 4 .759 5.204 5.916 4. 181 4.759

25 minimum
4.804 5.471 6.005 6.805 4.804 5.47 J 5.293
40 & thicket
40 minimum
8 .(X)6
7.206 7.962
6.227 6.891
45 minimum 60 or more 45 minimum
60 or more
45 minimuill
65 & thicker 25 minimum
6.716 6.672 7.562 6.939 8.229 9.385 11.I2()
6.005 6.805 6. 227 7,428 8.451 10.0 10 6.227 7.428
5.249 5.204 5.91 6 5,427 6.45() 7.295 8.674
10 .0 1 I();1 1
8.985 9.385
7.828 8.1'0
60 or morc
55 minimulll

80 or morc
55 minimum 80 or more
40 & thicker
14 .()6 55
40 minimum
10 A!
55 minimum 80 or more
5A27 60450
-_.. -- '---- .-------_..National StrLlctural Code of the fl ilipprnes 6'" Edition Volume 1

-" -" -- -' - -'- l ~._ .._.-- - --- - ~-- -, -- -.

- --_... _----- Net
Thick uess of Lumber
. -- ~-. -- , - --- Table - (conlinued) -_.... 6.19 .......--- ._--Loaded I';lrnllel Itl Grain (0")
Loa(ktll'l'rIH'IHlkular to (;ruill (I}O")
'l 't)4)llll'd
Boll cliam.
( mill )
Number of Fal'e of I)iccc wilh
MinimulII f<::dgc Distallce
torS or Sallie
=~.)(!cics Gro~J~._._ "lj~11
Allowa.ble Load pcr Connector Unit ~nd Uolt (kN)
F (min
~-.--- .
---- ._ --9 .029 h.71 X

. 11.39
R O Of 1ll1)rC
K051 7,29:;
)) .03
I J .74
10.1 9
55 mil1irnull1 80 or more
9 .296 8.1151
9.365 11.120
75 &
80 or mor('
7.s! 7
8.674 6.494
m ininwllI
JO .050

95 or more
9.786 ! 1.743
7() minimu m 16.32 70 14.68 12.72 70 70 minimum 90 or Ill(lfe
95 or !!lOfe
40& 100 20
thic ker
8.162 10.050
9 .029
6.494 7.828
70 minimum 95 or more 70 minimum
8. 139
9.186 9. 163 10 .990
10. 190

95 or more
I C.B50 13.030
thi cker
70 minimum 95 or more
1) .700
8,45 1
10. 12 ..
Association of Structural Engineers of tile Pllilippines

CI-lAPTEfl 6 . Wood
Taole 6.20 - Allownbl c Load.Ii in Seasoned Wood (No rmsl Duration) for One Spli
t.Ring Unit and Bolt in Single Shear
._ _ . - - -- .. - - -- - -- - T- - - No. uf Flicc uf
Split Rill":
nul! DiIUII.
with COlillce tors of
Net Thick
L(ludcd l'itrallel to Grain (0') Allowahle Load pcr CmHlcCI(jr Unit und Holt
LUlld ed P('qx'ndicular to Grain (90)
Edge dt'itlmec
Allowable Load Per
Connector Unit And lIolt
nc ....~ of Lumber
M in. Edge Dis lalll(.'
S H,'eies Groun
Unlolld('d Edge (Min.)
S des Group
Loaded Edge I

---- --_._------_._- ---- - -- ----- - - - 25 minimulll
11.0. 1 9.252
45 minimum
(56) 7.784 7.873
4 .7 15
70 or more
6.583 7.784 5.471
5.560 5.649 6.672
40 &
64 12 2 40 minimum 50 & thicker 25 minilllum
40 & 45
45 minimum 70 or more
45 minimum 70 or more
5.649 6.672 7. 11 7 8.496

45 minimum
70 or morc
7.872 9.385 9.875 11.830
6.583 -'.784 8.229
70 minimum 9 5 or more
9.875 12.320
100 20 2 40 minimum 50 66 70
70 minimum 95 or more
10.6)0 12.110 7.413 8.985 8.585 10.320 10.450 12.540 10.6)0 12.770
17.790 10.360
12.450 11 .970 14.320 14.540 17.440
14,8 1
70 minimum 95 o r more 70 minimuill 9S or more 70 minimum 95 or more
8.629 10.360 9.963 11.970 12.100 14 .540
12.320 14.8 10
17. 17

th icker
7()lllinimum 95 or more
-----..-.-- ._.
National Siructural Code of Ihe Philippines G'h Edition Volume 1

6 60
CHAPTE:11 6 Wood
Table 6.21 - Common Wire Nails and
Size of Nail or Spike (mm)
Diam eter
(mill) (4)
Loads in Seasoned Wood-Normal Duration .. ( N) '"'' Withdrawal Loud from Side Gr
ain per 'Latc,;;! LOlid in Side G raj~\. 25 nllll or Penetration of Nail or Spik
e into (he Member Holdin1!. the Point (N ) Species Grolll) Species Group - ,- .'
. - - - - - -..IYII I III I II III IV . _._ .. ._- ... _ - -- -- .~ ~- .
(8) 2 15 200 180 170 155 130 120 \05 90
1320 1180 1045 920 825 640 555 465 370
(10 )== J.!J.L. -= 930 830 735 650 580 450 395 325 260

150 125 11 0 105 100 90 75 65 50
150 140 125 115 100 90 75 65 50
6.5 6.0 5.75 5.25 4 .75 4.00 3.75 3.25 3.00
805 750 690 685 590 495 455 4011 345 550 510 470 435 400 340 31 0 275 235 340 3
15 290 265 245 210 190 170 145 1iJ5 1010 895 790 705 550 480 400 320
48.\ 375 330 275 220
.- - -_ ...
3/8 3/8 150 140 125 110 100 90 80 75 2 15 180 150 140 125 115 100 90 80 75 9.5 8
.0 7.0 7.0 6.75 6.0 5.75 5.25 5.0 5.0 1035 860 780 780 725 675 620 570 530 530 7
05 590 535 536 495 460 425 390 360 360 435 360 325 325 305 280 260 240 220 220
275 230 205 205 195 180 165 150 140 140
2020 1535 1325 1325 1185 1060 940 830 740 740
1735 1320 1140 11 40 102() 910 805 7 10 635 635
1425 1085 935
84() 750
1190 90.\ 780 780 700
585 525 525
555 490 435 435
" SOURCE. PllihpplOe TImber DesIgn StandlUds (1. E. Rocafort and 1. O. SIOpongco
) November, 1991 (FPRDI Terminal Rep0r1)
,-;-;. ----_._-,.. - _...
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPf Ul E . Woo(i
6 6 1
--- ~~~~_ ._ _ _ __
Table 6.22 Allowable S >ans for 50 mm Ton Jlle and Groove Decking
---- - [ - -.__.,_
O .95H
J./ ~%;;,~~~"
,--_ Roofs
(N"~"" I
I I O?
j- ~N~::,:~-~=I
1171,)() 1763.84
J 763.84 2(;45-.-;;7;- .
-------... --~--.-1/360
. ---'~3 -7---- =~~~~==Y--,II.'l;;~-=='== --~~J~;;'''--.----- =~_. . . ov
1/240 1 /240 I.H60
- - -..-- - - - -...-../3c:6<l - - - -- .- , ____- j ' - _.__ .-;1"' ".... _ _ _
+ _____._____J__ -_ -_-__"'35;Si"''r'''(;8 ::--__-===-1 ..-.
1.37H \667 .38
~---234i60---. 1350
------I.'-)1-6--- ' --~==-.----ill.:'4~O'=--:...---- /-----2.4,, ----1---~31"3C;4
".7~6--_ . __ . _ _. __.._ .. _. __ ._ __ __ _ _ .. _ _ ___. 1136<l 0.958 1/240
1/360 1/240 1!360

2101.01.5 2501.07 - - 2790.45 " - ' - ______--I____
J .437
- 1 - - -- - . - - __ 1.722 _ --;';1/3~6"'0---+ __ ._ _ _
1/240 1/360 2.894
+__---;4"'9"'95".2"'5_ _ _-1
_ __ ...,'''''8'-;7".4-::8_ ___ 3445.0{)
'4.547.40 6890.00
----,----. - --)4J"(l.5-. I ----
...-~~-~;:.--..- - -- .
_. ___ -""=-36~;Oc.-..- - _ __ ._227~_ .. _._. __
-._----si 12.38
_ _ __ ._
_____._______ --7I/"' lo:6<lc.--_ . ____. ____ ._____________
- ..-.--.-,-----~ I .916
"1724.Q_.__ ~==
1/240 1/360
_ ... _~._. _ ____.______ ._._.'"._ ..-._--- - - -- . - - - 1 - -.. 0.958 1800
--..- . - .- ----.-.- - -.4. 14 3
3045.38 + _____,,4-::54,,7 ".4 ', , 0 c-___
,,-- c;O<)()j(;----"---
4561.18 6876.22
11360 _ _ _ ____ 3.445 ._ _ .. ____.__ -;9,,';;6:-3.,,7';-1_ _ 1-_ _---"l/o;24;:
;OC_ ..._ 2.480 3961.75 1/360 . 5939.18 ----j----~~-----+------------------~S~~--I 11240 3.307 5939.18 1/360 8922.55
1.'240 792350

1.9 16
19S(} 1.437
------ - -----1- ---;:c;,;;"'~ ;;1/360
1136<l 12 1 _ __ -"::0 0:; 4,,_ .___
2 894
. --- - ----:-.-.. ---.-..--- --- - - {~:;~~i----
"~---'-- --.----~::
11919.70 __ _. __ ._.__~Q9Jl.55 __.. _ _
-----.._--...-.------ ----., _ __ _ ~.~~2 ._. ___ ._H_
1.9 16 Ji360
" -'-'-'-~923z~760;;----1
_.J!.L22J ()-..~---;1.823 119J9.70 -'1 "i2"4"'o- - - - - I - - - .- - - - - - - -j ----"",2' 6;'"'
9."'90 , ;----1-_______
1 - - -- - - -- -/- 2250
3376 ~"-----~ 1 /=36<l~-._.-_---------4----'9~3~70~ 42--11240 4.478 9439.30 1.437 1
1360 _'"'I3;o:78"'0"'.00c.---__ _ 11240 12539.80 1.916 11360 5.581 18775.25 - -0
-9-58-- - - - - --.-",12"'4"'0- -- +----3.-858---+------0 7"'75"',"" .2;:;5'---1
. . 11360 11609.65
1.437 11240
1---- -- - - - I - ---:Ie;I3C;6;cO------ _. __._ _________.
1.9 16 0.958 . _- 11240
-.J..!...~7'50- - -..
17431. _ _---'0(;55';',,2.,; 50 0 '-____ _
6.408 4.410
- . - -.--------.- ------------I-----;';:~:;:~"'o----2400
-.--.--.--.----+----~ ;;,,;"'~8"-;4(=2;i-_-_ -14055.60 --'

14055 .60
1.4 37 ---.-.--.~-~'7._---5.856 ___ ._". __ L...... __ ._. _ ___ _ _ .. _._ ....
.. _... "'60 ____________ _ _ _ _._
Nalional Siruciura l Code of Ihe Philippines 6 Edilion Volum e 1

6 62
CHAPTER 6 - Wood
Table 6.22 - Allowable Spans for 50
Tongue and GrooYe Decking (Cont'd)
__ ~
-~-----6K9(l .()( )-~-"j
~~~-_-_-_--_~--,-:;"Z,,~,----_~ -. ~___ '_9~_'--:--c-:c-:---,JL-,---:----:----:'-,.'{,... " - -I
-==~-~-=.D~~ ---=---l~=~~~~={,~~~~~~~~:~-- . - -_ ..
Span-\' (lrc ba.\'ed Oil simple ht'am tic/ion with 0.50 kN/I// dead load mul pro
vi.riO/lS for a 1300 N conanu(l{/'d /o(1d fill
.i(X) mm widlll fljp,'> O!
dl'cking. Rando/ll laY-Ill' p('I"mil(('d i'lll(.'cortiu!lcc willi t}w ()TOl'isio
/ls ojScctioll 620.8.J or 620. 10.11.9. i.rw))/' r l/ticlall'ss OSJUIIl('(1 IJ/1
{) mll1, /W/
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

_-- ""-'--_._-- Table 6 23 Size
Stud Size (mm) SO x 75
Laterally Unsupported Stud Height I
Hci~ht and Spacing of Woods Studs ._- ... ..-.-----Hearin' Walls _________~ on~
BCi!!'i~~KYV ails Supporting Supporting Supporting Latcrally One Floor, Two Floo
rs, Spadng Roof and Unsupported Roof and Roof and Stud Height I Ceiling Only Cei
ling Ceiline- - - - _ .._....- --------_.._--, (mm) (mm) Spacin2 (mm)
~-------.---~.-.--.---.~.~ ~ ~
50 x 100
75 x 100 50 x 125 SO x ISO
250 250 250 250
600 600 600 600
400 600 600 600
3000 4200 4200 4800 6(XIO
~---600 600 600 600

---{ U.fted heights are d,sf(/nces between points of la{('tal supporf placed perpen
dicular 10 Ih(' plane of Ih(' waf!. permirred where jllstified by an analysis. 1
Shall not hi' used in eXlerior walls.
in IlfIsufJPorll!d helghl
Seismic Zone
One~story, three~story
top of two or
Table 6 24 - Braced Wan Panels I Construction Method ',J 1 2 5 3 4 6~_ 7 X X X X
X X-4
--_..- -First- story of two~story or X X X second-story of three-story --_. Firs
t~story of three-story X -- X One-story, top of two~story X X or three~story Fir
st-story of two~story or X X second of three-story First-story of three-story
Braced Panel Location and Length" Each end and not more than 7500 mm on center
'XT X X --- - .. ~ X' X X X

Each end and not more than 7500 mm on center Each end and not more than 7500 mm
on center but not less than 25% of building Ieogth' Each end and not more than 7
.5 In on center but not less than 40% of buildin~.~~,~~....
1111.'; (able specifies mill/mum reqUirements Jor braced pands whu:hJonu /rIterl
or or exterior braced walllmes. See Section 620.10.3 forJull descriptiol/. ) See
Sec/ion 620.10.4 for altemate braced panel n~quirement, Buildillg length is the
dimensioll parallel 10 the braced wall length. 5 Gypsum wallboard applied to su
ppons at 400 mm on cell IeI'. 6 Nol permiffedJor bracing cripple walls in Seismi
c Zone 4. See Section 620.JO.5. 7 The reqllired lengths shall be doubledJor gyps
um board applied to only olle filce oj a braced wall panel.
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6'h Edition VolUlne 1

CHAI"TEfl 6 Wood
Table 6.25 - Cripple Wall Bracing
__ .~~.ne __
One-story above cripple wall Two-story above cripple wall
Amount of Cripple Wall Bracing 1,1
lOmm wood structural panel with 65111111 at 150 I 300 111m nailing on 60 percent
of wall ienO'th minimum lOmI11 wood structural panel with 65mll1 at 100 1300 mm
nailing on 50 percent of wall length minimum
_2 2
l0l11111 wood stnlctural panel with 65111111 at 150/300 mm nailing on 75 percent
of wall ----_.. J~.g.!h n~]il11ul11 Ollc~slOry above cripple lOmm wood su'uctur
al paneJ with 65mm at 150 / 300 mm nailing on 30 percent of wall wall length min
imum Two~story above 10m111 wood structural panel with 65m111 at 100/300 mill na
iling on 40 percent of wall cripple wall length minimum
lOmm wood structural panel with 65mll1 at 150 / 300 mm nailing on 60 percent of
length minimum
Braced panellenglh shall be or least two times the height of the cripple wall, b
itt not less 1/)011 1200 mm. All P(wels along a waH shall be nearly equal in lcn
gth and shall bc nearly equally spaced along the length of the wall.
-Minimum Thickness
(Not eXDosed to the weather, strength axis Darallel or nemcndiculal' to studs)

Panel Span Rating

10 10,12 10,12
1610, 1610, 2010 Wall -- 16 o.c. 16/0,2/0,24/0,32/16 Wall 24 o.C. 24/0, 24/16, 3
2/16 Wall - 24. o. c.
Stud SI)3cing (mm) Siding Nailed to Sheathing under Coverings Specified in Secti
on Studs 1--_ 620.10.3 Sheathing Parallel to Sheathing Studs Perpendicular to St
uds 400 400 600 400 600 600 600 600
In }'(ference to Section 620.10.3, biockmg of honzonlai,loints is not required.
Table 6.27 - Allowable Shears for Wind or Seismic Loading on Vertical Diaphragms
of Fiberboard Sheathing Board Contraction for Type V Construction Only)
~Size and Application
Nail Size
Galvanized roofing nail 40 mm long, 10 111m head Galvanized roofing nail 45 111m
long, 10 111m head
12 x 1200 x 2400 mm 20 x 1200 x 2400 111m
Shear Value in 75mm Nail Spacing Around Perimeter and 150mm at Intermediate Poin
Fiherboard sheathing diaphragms shall 1101 be used 10 brace ('onereI(' or III(1S
01ll), walls. The shear vallle may be 780 Nfor 12 by 1200 by 2400 mm.liberboard
/lail-base sheathing.
f\ssociation of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAf'TEH 6 - Wooel
Table 6.28 - Allowable Shear for Wind or Seismic Forces in Pounds per Foot for V
ertical Diaphragms of Lath and Plaster or Gypsum Board Frame Wall Assemblies I T
ype of Material
Expanded metal, or woven
Thickness of Material (mm)
Nail Spacing 1 Maximum (mill)
-Value -------_.._----_._--------40 mm long, 10 mm head
Staple, 22 mm legs
Minimum Nail Size 3 (mill)
I ,
22 mm Unblocked
wire lath and porliand cement plaster
I ,
Gypsum lath
10 mm lath and
Staple, 30 mm long, 6 mm head,
! 2 111m plaster

plasterboard blued nail

Gypsum sheathing board
ml11 x 2,400 111m
12 mill x 1200
45 mm long, 10 mm head, diamond-point, galvanized
12 mm x 1200
175 175
1460 1825 1825 2190 1679 2117 2117
Gypsum wallboard or venecr base
2 mm dia., 40 mm long, 6 mm head) or
wallboard (2 mm diu. 40 mill long,
6 mmhead)

175 Blocked 16mm
(2.5 mm dia., 45 mm long, 6 mm head) or wallboard (2.5 mm dia. 50 mm long, 6 rum
Blocked Two ply
Base ply: 225 Face ply: 175
Base ply - (2.5 mm dia. 50 mm long, 6 mm head) or wallboard (2.3 mm dia. 50 mm l
ong, 6 mm head) Face ply - (3.0 mm dia., 60 mm long, 6111m head) or wallboard (3
.0 mm dia., 60 mm long, 10 mm head)
111ese verfical diaphragms shallllof be used to resist/oads imposed by masolZl}'
or concrete construction. Values shown are for shorl-term loading due to wind o
r due to .I'dsmic loading. Values shown l/Iust be reduced 25 percent for normal
loading. The values shown ill Items 2, 3 and 4 shall be reduced 50 pen'(!l1Ifor
loading due to earthquake ill Seismic Zones 3 and 4. Applies to nailing {/{ all
.wuls, top and bottom plates, and blocking. Affel'l1ate I/ai!s lIIay be u.w!d {f
rlwir dimensiol)s are 1I0t less than the !'pec[(ied dimension.
National Structural Code of tile Pllilippines 6'h Edition Volume 1

CHAP TEI, Ci - Wood
Table 6_29 - Allowable Spans for Particleboard Wall Sheathing J I paralleI or pe
rpencrleu I ar to stu(I s) (Not exposed to the weather, Iong dimenslOll o f the p
anel Stud Spacing (IInll)
Siding Nailed to Studs
Sheathing under Coverings Specified in Section 620_10_3 Parallel or Perpendicula
r to Studs
M-I M-S M-2 "Exteri or Glue"
I /"
400 400
400 400
referellce TO Sec/ion 620.10.3, blocking (If lwrizoll{a! joims i.I' 1101 require
Table 6,30 Scientific Name of Philippine Timber Species
J. Malabayabas (Tristania spp.) iuc ludcs: Mnlabayabas (1'. dccorlicata MelT.) T
iga (T. micrantha Mcrr.)
Dangkalan (Callophy llum spp.) includes:
Dangakalan (C. obHquincrvium MelT.)
Bitangho! (c. blancoi FI. & Tr.) Bitaog (C. inophyl1um L.)
M:mggilchapu i (Hopea spp.) includes:
Dalingdin gnn (H , foxw orlh),i Elm.) Manggachapui (H. aCllminala MelT.) Yakal-s
aplungan (H. plaga!a (Blanco) Vid.]
Gisau (Canarium spp.) includes:
Dull t [C. hirslltum Willd. Forma lllultipinna!u m (Llanos) H. 1. Lam] Gisau (C.
vriescanum Engl.) Pagsahingin-hu log (c. ealophyllum Perk.) Piling-liitan (C. l
u zonicum (lliume) A. Gray]
Nnrig (Valica spp.) includes:
Narig (Y. manggachapui Blanco spp. manggachapoi) Narig, Thick-leafed (Y. pachyph

ylla Mer!'.) 4. Yakal (Shorca spp.) includes: Yakal (S.astylosa Foxw.) Yakal-gis
ok (S.gisok Foxw.) Yakal-Mabolo (S. c illat.1 King) Yakal-malibato (5. malibato
(Shorca spp.) includes :
Almon (S. ul mon Foxw.) L..luan. Red (S. negrosensis Foxw.) 1 . <1uan, White (S.
contorta Vid .) Mayapis [So squamata (Turcz. Dyer.] Ta ngilc [S. polyspcrma (Bl
anco) MCIT.j
Malaanonang (Shorc<l spp.) includes: Kalullli is. hope i folia (Heim). Syrn. J M
alaanonang (S. poli ta Virl.
Antipolo (Anhocarpus spp.) includes: Anlipo lo IA. blanco (Elm .) Merr.] Anubing
(A. ovalo Blanco) Kubi (A. nilida Tree. Spp. Ni tidn) Nangka (A. hcterophy!1a u
lm .)
Malasaging (Agiaia spp.) includes:
no ilo IA. iloilo (B lanco) Merr.] Kuling-man ok lA. luzonicnsis (Vid.) Merl'. &
Rolfe) Malasaging (A. diffusa Merr.)
Binggas (Tcrminaiia spp.) inc ludes:
Binggas [T. ci trina (Gaertn) Rox b.] Kalumpit (T. microcarpa Decne) L.1nipau (T
. copclandii Elm.) Sakat (T. Nitens Frcsl.) Talisai-gubat (T. foetidissim:l Grif
f.) 7. Dao (Dracontolllclon spp.) includes : Dao ID. dao (Blanco) MCIT. & Rolfe]
L:unio {D. cdu!c (Blanco) Skee ls.)
J 3.
Malugai (Pomelia spp.) includes: Malugai (P. pi nnata Forsl.) Malugai-liitan (P.
pinnala forma rc sponda Jacobs)
Miau (Dysoxylum spp.) includes: Kuli ng-bahui (0. alt issisulll Men .) Miau (D.
euph lc biu m Merr.)
Association of Structural Engineers of tile Philippin es

CHI\PTEP 6 . Wood
Guijo (Shore:l spp.) includes: Guijo IS. guis(J (Blanco) Blume]
Malagu ijo (S. plagata Foxw.)
2 1.
Nato (pa laquium spp.)
i nd\ld~s:
!iPP.) includes:
lVlalak-malak IP. philippcllsc(Perr.) C. B. Rob.] Maniknik (P. lCIlUipCI I()IH11
11ll MelT.) Nato W iuzon ic nsis (F. -Viii.) Vid. J Parak -pa lak (P. lanccot\Wl
ll Bianco)
Anang D. pyrrhocarpa Miq.) A nnng-guloll ( D. inelus:1 MeIT.) Ala-lila (D. miuda
naesis Merr.)
!>alosHpis (Anisoptcra spp.) includes: Aru (A. brunnea Foxw. )
Dagang (A. ,HlrCH Foxw .)
Bolollg-cta (D. piiosanlhcra Blanco)
Kurnagong ID. phiJippincnsis (Rcs ... ) Gurke]
Kamagong , Ponce (D. pOllcci Merr.) Katilma (D. Ililidll Mcrr.) 17.
Katlllo n (Dilknia spp.) inchldes: Katmon (D. Jlhi1ippinen~is Rolre) K:llrnOn-ba
yani (D. megalanlha MelT.) M(liakatmon ID. luzoniensis (Vid.) Martelli]
Pillc (Pillus spp.) includes: Pine, Bcnguct (P. kcsiya Royle ex. Gordon) Pine, M
indoro (Po mcrkusil Jungh & de Yr.)
Sn!akin (Aphatl<ltl1ixis spp.) includes: Kangko (A. perrotteliana A. Juss) Salak
in IA. c Ulllingiana (c. Dc.)]
Kato (Amoora spp.) includes :
Kol\l) (A. aherniana Mcrr.) Katollg-lakihall (A. m:lcrocarpa MelT.)

Bayok (Pterosperrnu m spp.) includes: Bayuk (P. di versifoliu m Blume) Bayok-hay

o k.m (P. nivculll Yid.)
Pahutan (Mangifcl":l spp.) includes:
Pilllllian (M. a hissima Blanco P:thong-liitan (M. men'i llii Mukh.)
Manggasi noro (Shqrea spp.) includes:
Mangg<lsi noro IS.
(Brandis) Sym .]
Apilong (DiplcmcalllUs spp.) includes: Apitong (D. grandif10rus Blanco) Apitong,
Basilnll (D. basilanicus Foxw.) Apitong, Broad ~w inged (D. spcciosus Brandis)
H ~.gakhak (D. warbugii Brandis) Malapanau (D. Ken'ii Kin g) Panau (D. grand is
Blume) Pannu, Lcaf-u.iled (D. cauclalus Foxw .)
Mllnggasinoro ng - lakiha n (S. virenccns Parijs)
Machine Stress Grade
Table 6.31 Basic Working Stresses and Modulus of Elasticity for Dry Machine Grad
ed Lumber Basic Working Stress (MPa) Modulus of Elasticty Bending Compression Sh
ear Strength, Fv Tensile (GPa) Strength, Fb Strength, Ft Strength, Fc 5 10 15 20
25 3 4
M5 MIO MI5 M20 M25
11.45 14.34 17.23
1.95 2.10

National Structu ral Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1


(; G8
CHI\PH' fl r; . Wood
'!:a hi c_.~:g.!!asi.('. \V.~E.~i Jlgl.:'}ad,s.. I:~1' Nails i'I_I"'.~te..':!l!.
.!.:'lad!J11!jM ~!LL __.__. _ ___
J ~ ulllbcl'
D=2.S D=3.15 D=3.75 D=4.5 - -.----. - - - -- + -- -11 - - - -- -1 - ----- . - - - M5 92 112 m 188 25S
._-_. __.. - _._--_._.- ..CapHcity (N) _.__ Load-._-- . __ ...._. __... . _._._----_._-.
-----+ -- - -- - ---1
------ - -------557 745. 940
c---- - - - - -------- -----..- -- 1- - - -MI5 M20 M25 182 229 279 222 279 340 2
72 279 340 369
457 6 11
- --- f - - - - - - -- 508 641
- - -. -- -.---.--.-.-....-.. _--- - - 1 -- -- - + ----1 - -- 1 - - -566

Table 6.33 Basic Worki ng Loads for Nails in Withdrawal (MGL) Load Capacity (N/m
mj---- - -- -- - - -- -- ____ Q~~l.<!.c... __. . :~~~_Q~;;~I_=:r: _D=2Jl..._
M5 52 96 MIO 85
_ I)_~"~!..?_
59 lOS
.__..J M 7L _ __J?~~2
70 ----In 84
__ _ .__ J)=..~______.
--- MW- - - --1-- -:- - 1 --,,___--1 154 J71 19 1 -----MIS-- ---1:14- -- ----iSc)--- '
- -"68--- ---"'201----241-- - .. 267' 30{)
--~,,____j-__:,,___-__I---_j---D=5.6 ___ _ 105
-"- -'2 15 - ---24T .. - --T87-- ---"345""- -29C)--' 327 389 ---_._- - - _ ._-------._---_..466 _Table 6.34 Design Stresses for Machine Graded Lumber
M25 259 *D=nad dlal11ctcl (mill)
5 I8
- - 4~--'581----'-'--'---'-- -.M2S
Design Stresses --.-.-----.. Allowable Strength Properties (MPa)
--.-~- -MS
.Dcndi ng
...... _ _

20 12 .. _.. _._._ --0.29 16 5.2
Tension Parallel to grain
--- ~
Tension Perpendicular to gra in Compression Parallel 10 grain
Compressioll Perpendicular to grain
._- - ' - '4
-_...._ --_.
0.29 8
0.29 12 4.3
.----_._030 20 6.2
Shear Stiffness Propenies (GPa)
- ~.--'-Modulus of Elasticity (mean)
Modulus of Elasticity (20th percentile)

._------ __
Shear Modulus
- - - - -5.1
7.6 0.52
11.3 - ---10.1 0.65
13.9 12.6 0.78
16.4 15.1 0.91
Associa tion of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

Addilional Spcci(~, (Common and BOlaniral

Tahle 6.35 - (In addition to Table 6.1) \Vorking Stresses for VisualJ)' Stress-G
raded Unseasoned Structural Timber of Philippine Woods. -. -..." .-.. --.------K(
j,;,,-.~-;ri{I-:-.~-s(;TiAmt--~-------.---- --~-----------SO%S1l<ESS(jRAT)!--iic';;~li-;;gand
Tension paralll'l to graBI
._-MPa _ ..
M~~thlhl.;" --C;;-;;!;rc'~;;i~ - C()mJ;;-~~~jo~;" "St~ar -1k;Jir~g of ));Ir,lIk)
10 [wqlt'ndicuhlr parallcl alld l'laslieily Tt:n,ion 10 grain in pilralkl grain
bcnding to grain
Ci;ISlicily in bending
C)mprcssion parallcllo
-- Shcill
10 gralll
.-..- .....-- --,;xX'- ....- ... -.....-- - - - - - - - - - - .-.. -----+--- - - - - . - - --.-...- ..- - ----..- -- __ _ - - 1 - - - - + - - - 1 - - - - - - - . _
.._. --..High Strength Group
- -~'- Mr;;--"-

--I\W;-'-- ~;-- -Hl'a

- - - 1----1---.- ..
--~-.-A Commercial Species
Alupag amo [Litchi chincnsis Sonl), ssp pliilippinclisis (RaJlk)Lcenh.J A!a-a!a
(Diospyros mindanacnsis Men.) l3ilkauan (Rhizopho-;:;I aniculata Blume) KatilnUi
(Diospyros nitida
- - 26,li'"'3 J .21
~--..~~ ~~
KubJ (Al1ocarpus IlItlOUS Trecc. snn, nitidus) Narig (Ya!ica mangachapoi .. Blan
co ssn. manpachanoi)
24.47 27.04
_._....7.92 8.15 8.34
'---sJl- ---~--. -~3~.S~,--j-~2~.676~+~16~.735~~---'57.1~9c-+---'S~.O~2c--l---~c
c:----j-",-j 2,21 1.66
-.~~- ..- - 1 1.()4 5.47
-2~85'- ---I-~i.S
3.42 2.62
1.78 J.53 L81
Narig, 'Illick leafed (Ymica
pcchyphylla Mcrr)

Tiga [Tristeniopsis micrantha (Merr) Wik &
Yakal (Shorca asty!osaYaka!-yamban(Shofca
Tindalo [Afzclia '-)0.17 -8~88 ---'Ti~i9--'-"' --~7ccS"6--I-~3~.471-i-"I8".8"6-1-S~.<C5SC-----~7'-.'-12;--I---;4~73 rhomboidea (Blanco) V.,;'~I.LJ-+~~~_I_~_._
25.05 9.92
_.. 29.17
.. ~
--9.50- 9.8~
"'-(;:72 ...~ '----2:33- '~'l5---:66-'~ '-~'-(;:ii)"-- -"---'(~i'4'"-.~--I~=c-I."~~.j--~ ..~---"2.43 18.23 -S,94
6.13 6.15
--'-'-4.20 - 3.94
fakiferoides ssp. faJdfcroidcs) Yakal-malibato (Shore:! malibato Foxw) Yakal-sap
!ungan [Hope;] olaMta (Blanco) Vid.)
Diosp)TOS sp.
8.70 11.18 7.98
10.[4 12.76 8.48
6.34 7.97 5.30
3.84 5.62 3.57

1.82 1.65
B. Lesser-Known Species
Alllsoan (Cassia javanica L. iavenica) AraClgen !GanophylJum oblio;lUnI (Blanco)
27.47 26.85
7.62 ],86
5_08 6.88
17.17 16.78
4.76 4.91
5.90 6.14 6.70 7.12
3.17 4.30 5.60 3.42
1.87 1.87 L80
Bansilai (Ochua foxwor1hyi 27.99 9.24 10,72 Elm) SalirlWood (Chloroxylon 32.92 8
.40 J 1.39 swicleuia DC.) ._. _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ ........ _ ._ _ _ .___1_ _ _ _ ...
- - . - i - - - - ...-~-..-. _ .._. __._j_____
I-c-~~~~~-_I_--_l---I-- ------ - - - . _...- . - - . -...'lS.t"""""li'''"''.'C'G",to'''';,"-=O_~_--I .___--1 __.___1 ____--1_ ..___ ---.
A. Commercia! Species

II. Moderately High

- . - - - 1 - - - -+--1
Aklc [Albizia ade (Blanco)
Morr.} . _... _ . __.. __________ _ Amugis 19.48 6.71 [KoordersiodcndfOll
~innalum (Blanco) Mm.)
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6'" Edition Volume 1

--A;;;';~(i)tll" I ;)'m~""'------ -22.(JO - 7.02 .'-'--'"7.41-'- -7.iij--- -- ~-).:i'i --.- ~I~~r;'- --'4~:W'- - - -j"T,l--'--'-- ~,-'---" -''' '---i~') 1
-'!):':!.'! .I~I"~}.~ !!Jl ______ _
An; 1I11: ' gllh)( l lJ)iv~ p yn l~
--ili. 2 () ----;,-.T5---1-------J.41
'--;j7,7-- - --TT(~?-' -..-- )
Io:S---- - .Il;,j'----1".2(;--' - -I--:-(;-J
U1 ),fU11 'I)(aty'>' (JIii.'m J
Jbkh J
-'"il i' !i;o(;';T~I-;;;;i;;---- ---
- - -- - - - - - - - - - ----.---.--- ---.-'"----.........
_._.. _.__. __.._-_.. _.__._._- _ ... _....!.l.!!!.(:D.:!.~t!.l!.~L.!)() 1 1 L ____ __.._
B iU Wt ~
,~ il ri n;1
"---?:'Io' .... . --..'". j:fij~r--- . . . :r-.1'.1 "'. _- ---T7?--( G:t ~~ nn.)
Hox h. cx, FlclIl,j
J)ungtlU (Iicri! icr;, syl \' ;tl ic ~ Vi(];il)
v .n
--~- I ---,~~--6.~!:I 2.38
----- - '17."10-- ---6.18'

.. -. - - --.- -.-- ..-----.. ---.----- - ...- ..----.-- .--.--'C2.00 IO.W 3.R6
4.10 1.49
Ipil l lntsia bijugll <Colcbr)
O . K t1.e J
3.16 8.54
6 .1:16
Kanl1lgollg (
r.) KaI1110rl
(D y~()); )'I
4.29 4.04
3.0 1
fJ .JO
45 1
21. 17
2. 1J
. .... 4.7:\

Diospyrtls d iscolor Willd.) Kumagong po nce (Oiospyros poucci Mcr

-bay.tni (Oil!cn hl
Men.) Kawn g lakih an
\J III ~'r}'l(JhOlryum

_- -2.K2 2.1 4
1. 33
'- '1 2.22
- 5.14 ,-c-- --'-.'i - .4.65 4.63 ,1":24
1-:: ~-c 1 i" q'L ) ______ Lithl)(;.lfTIlIS sp. -~
(Mcrr.) Rids d.J
~52-- '-g{~T''---'-rYJ - -'
- -'-TA9~-' ---JI:57- ----~5.0i-I_. ~=~_I __~,~_ ---0.9) 3.9.1 2.4<)
-T..iJJCkii ::Udcki":l- hcrnardt:;;-- ... '"-"24~)O--" ~7M-
---"-7,Jr' ...--, ---~~Ts-- ~7.37
-Ts .18
Malakaunon IDil!c nia luw lliensis (Vidal) Martelli cx Our. CI Jacks. l . Malapa
n au (Diptcrocarpu~ kcrri i Kin ' J Manggis IKoompassia
cxccl sa (nccc.) Taub.) M,mi\.:u ik (Palaquiurtl
).40 SAO
3.79 2,18 3.79
2 A6
-_.- --_ ..4.6 1

17 .26 24 .96
18.6 1 20.60 17.10
6. 12
9 .0?
1.10 2.2 7 2.21 2.24 2. J5
10 .79
4 .29 5.59
1.3 1
1.07 1.4 2
11.6 3
6. I R
6 .94
7.0 1
1.4 2
1.40 1.34
IcnuipetiolalUtll Mcrr.J
11 _ 88
6.36 6 .05
H S~ "~k.~ "~(~ T" "~ "~ 'i~ "~ <lI~ i'"~ 'i~ "~ "' --+~2""f~'---5 ~.7 6' ~ '-~------ --~2~ ..7~)~-~----+ -'-iT?? ~- -----:-- --.- 1 .7 ~ -----

Pi:mg;t !GOI l1 ua \)hU\,;lli (oli,l (MaL) A ~~c lll i

5~7i, Prc~ l.) I Lil !l\lt'iHP U -;, __=+-.=co+-~~-I --oo,o-I-~=-I-U l'li;lll S lI;lnmii
17.67 5.55 .-----(, -.,-:.-- --~~-.uS :l 21 ... - -,I.().1 ~A 7 "4. 1 -. 1 --H T~
"i li~";J~i.~,~"~ h~a\~(~ T~~~'"~ 'i-".~"~i'' --I-,)o ,~ ",~.,-I-~ ) .' .17.,- --(1:~-- ---2.R,~ - - ---~ --1.1 .62
TIlIl!! !I >":l": f:' i ;j!l l hu ~ (A. n C.)
l~c h d . 1
rl ...~ li d i s~ i lll; 1 Gtirf. )
--:I:5"f"-- --uc i"----- '-" '-~:;:,--- ~--,i":"im--~)- (1.:'1.1------t;.':p;---:~.7,1
------:!:o. l~JI l.-!.-.=c.--I-~c; qu;,;tria latu s (/'.k rcl MI".e'l Y ;II.;;II Lllio; 11101'0;;1
2."\.96 :-:.2:'1-'~~~;,(tl hl,,\\'.l B. l.esserKnowJl
(Blall t"l ) Me lT.t
Sp,,:, i..:~
-+---.+--- --~_~ ---7.62 ----:t.~ -~1.7.5o , -I-7.I7. "~.9~"-I-~ -~,-'- "~I (l ~ ____....___. ____
__ -.----i- - - - I-----I--- I.SX
T.Ir-- -'-- iJl'
1j;' la~;I'iZl~.iri~~~I;J;ln;li- - ! 6.Hi)- --4~K7-- --X-.iiT- --TiJr-- - -2~.~17
~+-~lc O~55 ---,1~O:-;-- ---~-- ---H !I~ "~1i7k~hi~ k~;!t~ '~ (,~),",~.p~ ,,~,,-

,----- 2 4.82
IUlig irlllin (Il lume) I ';l.~ 8.: K
-'-'rc;i- '- --~2.0S -- -~. 4.)\'1 ---- ----:r-7(~--- ---f.~ ~
~:;::~:::}I\Sal1;li Gmup
--'4!N- -5~~)- --" -_..,,---:--_.--- --J.~- -2:14~ --9."14-' --~~ .---.-.-:...._..
._ ... -----I .:i}---I.34""
. __.___.__.._____._.___ ... _ ..~ " ._._ .. _ .. __ _
_(N c (ll1:n~~.!.~:!!..;:.rU______ _ ..___ ----------' _ _ _
_ ._- -

CHAPTEfl6 . Wood
(;.1 1
iTiiy ". Tii:l" .. ----:fiT---. ---T;hr-'- 122
fl .1 7
"-Ki lp(l l as;u'i{NtprlCri~~-'---""Vid.j
1Ill!l3bile Bluml') 1":lIIgillAlhil.ia khh~k 0 .. ) .. -n~ ~.- --~- ----:<;j2- Ikn
lh .1
4 .16
P;llangis IM<lgu(tl i;t \:<tndt)llei (Blume) Kl'lll: var. candollei] S:ar {PcllO
plcrt}(;<lrpurn (IX:.) K.
,.-;-;:;r .63
. '~

HI~.~m~"~)"~"~m-(~rS"'~"-"~"'~"-) S~i;t---I- )"O.575- -7:4:T- -1 6:-f~--' ~~ ---:u-2

J.09-I-'4.'675-1--~(' ,.")6;--+-<M--t-",,-j 1.95 5.06
-L~~:;i~~~~~:c~()lrcJ. --17:0.';"- --5.39- ---~5.(;(I- -- ----J.lJ2-- -2."f:f""~ -1
0.66 --- ).3~ --3."54- ---',--;;;;---+,,,",1 1.)) 1.89
.. C. Planlatio n Species
" (~B~',~"=,o~R~"d~ik~ J ~~___~'_'____ I_ ______
_________ I _ ______----1
._._---2.1}1 12.5 5
4.24 3.32
AC:lcia erassicafTl:l A. Cunn. ex BClllh Acacia cincinrl;l(a Banaba /l...agcrslr
ocmi;l spec io'~'j (L) PeTs.) Ipil .ipil, Giani /!...cutacri:"j h:occx~cphala (La

m.) de wit)
1.42 9.53 4JJ4 1.86 2.2H 3.61 --<5~3u6--+---'5<.~,---j----').-;;8"----I-",,--t~"
"-t-"""__i--""n-+--o,,:__-i-,:;;_1.42 2.27 lOA5 :'1.70 2.3H 3.35
.'i .50
'''-'130-- 9.71
hl" J1~ .~ M~ '~d~ iu~u~ '''S~"~,,,g~ ,,,,--'+----I---I-'A ~.C""":::: nm=,,,=.;,,
07Sp::-:,,~;,c ,-I--Group
--------i-------j-- -4----1--~-----~---~--1--'--3.9)-"
1.5 I 1.25
..- ._-.- .-.-.----- -------j---j--- I - - - j - -- ------1- --1
,_ 3.67-~---J:2i J1}4

.. Apilong (DiplcTocarpus -..- 17.6:' .~ -""8.01" - --(;:2"(;-- - ~r--- --2.00---;S... o"grandinorus Blanco) .__ ~__ Apilong,i3asilan ---_. - Tlf.i6- 7~- 5 . H
7"- ---1.9)~- ! -~- 11.4!- 4.76 (Diplerocarpus curYflchu s Mio.) Api!ong Bfa:ld.wi ng
cti 16.57 6.76 5.51 10.36 4 .23 1.59
(Oiplerocarpus kunsllc ri

w g HD2,=go"n~g'7(7A':'";C'SO!::'C;'''::':-'""::,,,,, : -1--'''4,, .9 c-I-"c5 '.

' 84"--- --5.24 - - --~- --;1.76)"~-" 9.')(;-'-1-~3'.6"5'--+-~)'.'''8;--f--"'.6"-11--' 1."0,,--1
Fox w.)
King) Bilaog (Calophy!lurn inophyllum L )
111 ./6
\"llidus Blume) Kal llll1pil (Tcnnilmli-;;--'" mic,ocarpa Deene.) K:llmon (Dillc
nia philippinensis Rolfe)
4.60 3.32
_._--_.._---2.08 1.54
2.37 1.42
5. 16
I 1.48
r1KFu~I;7,g~.ib'~b~u? ; (~D~)= ,o~,~y~h~ " ,~ , -I--~'4'.49,-1---5<.~7''-~----' S
.' 7),---t---~'~.6~,----I--;L -7;;6 c-+-"C9'.06",-I--'3~.5'7c--I---'3~ .5 ~ 8c--r---'l.no, , ---1--~
1"",'~'~ 'cl~,u~"='~D~lu~"~"~)~~----j-"~'-l--,",---j Kuling-manuk IAglaia 18.42
5.25 1--~7".""S8 ;--j--)-'.O"'8-- -~2;C.O;;;6 ,--1--;,<,<.5"-I-'3'.2;;;8- i - -'4
'.7"'4 ---.1----.0;----+--,"'--1 1.92 ].29
luzoniensis (Vid.) Merr &

1 ....1miolDracOfltornelon
~c~d~u~Io~(~D~r"~"2'~U)~S~kS'2'~I'~I----I--".,,--I--'07--+---~7T---1----",----I"--+--",---I----",----j----,-,,,--1..1nirau (Tcnllinalia 15.63 5.94 6. 11 1.84 '--r
TR -- -9~77 3.71 3.82 1.15 ~ ~'~o ~p~c'="~ 'd~;~;=E~'''~'f):c:,------ILokinai lDacry
IJeccarij Pari .)
~ct.1b i lis
----"'----j----,~,_--1--,"'--II--oc"'--li ---.,"'3.65 2.09 1.70 9.65 2.10 -2.28
H ,-" ":= ",,,=g7. (P ';'="::";:-h':::"" l ia::---+"'9;. ;, ),- I--.'<f~ --5.6) -- - -,1ffi-Mere) Magabuyo (Celtis luzonicil
-2.09- 1-''''<.9''6-1-~3;-.'17''-- -- 3.52-- I----'2.n9~ ' - -I- ' I.,),,--i
- -) -. '-6 -- - ----;" .3"2--- - '-.IJ-'"""'N7a~w""'V~;'~ ""~';~'~rP~o-"~"-n~,,---I-C , 76-;.)~ 4--1--,cS.();~6 -1- - '.5
''---- -'-'~27ii)-- -2:06' --'T5~ --"~."7:--+ --;; , '.4'8- -S
vilJallli!ii (Merr) BachniJ Philippine mapic (Ater
laurinum liassk. :'IpuJ Boe ven & de Vriese) Piling,liilan (CallariuUl
IU7.0niconl (Blume) A.

2.9 1
13 1
Gray ]
NaHonal Structura l Code of the Philippines 6'" Edilion Volum e 1

C HAP TEr, f; . Wood
T;Ulgik'I Sh ()J'~a - -!loly~peml:l (1I1:ul("o)
6 .2)
--5J1)"---- - - I"1V '-~~ -'"i).X(j--'-"-rK~
--_. -" - :i A1-- _.. .. ...... -1:"i2" "'--"
Il .
Lc.~scr-Klll1wl1 Spct'il'~
.-- - ...
_._- - -.. --.'--"- A,;;;;lg (DiosPY7c;s--- - - -l5.iiR - 5:1(; ...- ._-_.-.-._- - --f3S--' --_ [ ,R6 - '--''7i:(Tf-3.2.1 JI}Trhocarp 3 Mjq.) ,-,-- -- 10 .54 - - -'4.(j
-, -- _ .. _--- .._ AIIlll 1l3 1 (O"'phciI 6.34
.------- ----.~"- - 16.86
...- ''".. -. .. ,,-.. -j A(j--" -'"
.--- ; . ~
----- - --T !(;-"
--I.Qij-. -- ~ 1.75
---:'.96 --:1 .48
1.. 14
.....~.!!!i!~0I1a Vi~_____.__
Apani! !Maslillia pCJ]landra Blume ssp. philippincnsis

(WlIlIj!.) M all .) ,
n .I O
6.4 8
- - '5',-'2557
- .- 1.69 ... ..-,
- iTi:fiiJ -'--"Ilj~- - " :l.20--~.
---,-_.1.06 __ .. _ ---.
O:lIukanal: IChisochclOJl cu mingianu.<; (C. DC.) Hamls ] Danai-banai IRlidenlli
le-hem ....Jti.nnal<l (Blanco) Seem) llitanghol (Cillophyliu m blancoi PI. & Tr.
) Dalullg (PhylJocladus hypopilyllus Hook f.) Oapas-gllpas ICamptostcmol1 philip
pincllse (Vid.) Becc.) Jtangan j WeinmMnia luzonicnsis Vid.) Java sala jSloanca
javrlllica (Miq.) Koord & VaL] Kangko IAplulllamiK.is polyslachya Wall.) R.N. Pa
rker) Malakmalak [Palaquium phiJippcnsc (PefT.) C13.
2.4 3
---2 .02-l.51
' lUI
.iTx)----. '-'-i~:26'0.94
1031 20.51 18.04
-.----s.!5-. '-- --1iJi--'4 .67 5.70 5.36

~-: i'm--12.Rif-- ~-"J . 22 "---'-"4.3:-1 --- ...6.44 12 .82 2.92

---~ 1.92
__ ...2.55
1.85 1.67 2.24
-43D 4.54
1.02 J.59
1.1 6
0.90- 13.92
4.74 6 .30
.-.-~1.62 2.00
g.7() II .J6
-'-.0-'-..-0;-17.8 5'
' 6.08
13 .37
5 .7 1

3.35-1. 25
--- -2.8.3
--TO.05 .--357"" ---YJi:""--- .--- "" "1.71"--._2.94
5.7 1
.__..,..".--- ---Ui-1.34
[.02 1.62
Nato jPaJaquiunl luzon iense (P. Viii.) V.i.~. __ Pagsahinginbulog (Canarium a~pc
lUm Bentb) Panang (paJaquium sp.) Philippinc chestnu t [Castanopsis philipincnsi
s (llI:lnr:n) Virl j Sagimsim ISYl.giunl brevislylum (cn. Rob.) Mcn.] Snntiki fC
lcidion spiciOorum (DUIli. E)
MClr. )
16 .72 16 .SR 14.44 14.02
10 .45 10.36 9 .03 8.76
3.40 4 .16 3.42
5 .48 4.98
- .....--.

._---. --TT6
2.59 4.90
"-'15~7T" 4.03
10 .54
-----;us-4 .21
3.' 8 1.89
1.78 l.91 2 .63
- --_. _.- ---"'-- 1.91;._ ---2.66 2.80
2.63 2.80 3.'8 3.37
3 .33 3. 12 4 .34
_ _. ..
Syzgium sp. Tall -ag (KJeinhovia hosp;",
12 .05
18.81 15.49 19.51

4A 8
2.47 4.5 1
- 9191 1.76
-_..3.12 _-- - - - 1.55 --2.82
'- 1:20
1.1 2
Ui!lian (Lilhocarpus celebicu$ (Miq .) Rehd. ) Usuang-saha (Endiandra laK.iOora
MelT.) TemSlIocmia sp.
5.09 5.39
5 .32
2.8 1
2 .1 2
C Plantation Specics
;"lcia mangiulll Wi!ld. AC Nancka (Artocarpus hctcrophyllu s Larnk.) River red g
um (Eucalyptus camalduJcnsis Dchnh.) Teak (Tee-lOna grandis U .)
15.51 20.55
16.2 2
-- - -J.J3

1 .49 2.8 1
1.9 ' --~ 1.92 1.51 2.01
12.85 10 .14
_ .. 3.50
-1 .',0
--l.~ ~1.22 1.20 0.94 1.26
.- ~ --z:]44.99
- - -4.93
3.1 2
IV . Moderately Low Group A. Commercial Species
S trcng~ 1
---- ._ - -- - ----- ----- - -- --_.
9.57- -3.83
12 .17 3.43 3.34
Almon (Shorea almon Foxw.) Anubing (Artocarpus ovatU$ Blanco)
15.3 2 19 .46

5.48 5.34
1.4 1
Association of Structu ral Engineers of tile Philippines

CHAPTEri G . Wood
G 13
'Ti~~'ik;;i;og{T;!;~-;;~;~:;;'~;~~ Mnr.) ~\;;;illd. Forma'
'J:fu' --. '1."i6
1"5Uii!!C~;;;;-;Tt;;\Jlir.~lI{~;;;---- -'~'T2~lJ'-- --.~.5T-~----4,("j--_U- ---1.21
'-'13X--' -7.~'- ---2:10- -----27JO--'f----~O~.7~5--+-cO~g~6~1
.... ..
-~ ~ ~--:-- - . -----:--.
(Shore,] vircsccns Pari's) MayJpis !Shorca paloslipis (Blanco) Men.)
sUIlL,t'ranUI11 (Jack) Blume
ssp. sum,1IranuJ\l Robs.), Tuai (Bischofia j,lVanica Blume) Shorea sp.
. 13.92 4. J 4-- 1 --"'.67 ,,---1--4 ""."10"- 1-';;.8"'O"'-""2;C2;-+-';2'.5c;;,--I-~2;;.
---:fsr'- -------4':-2'(;---3.68

-"- ---n};'l
oB-.i,~=s;;sc='~.Kv,~>o~w~"::cS~p'='''.ie='~.--1----- .-....--~ 1-----+--Anongo (Tu
rpinia ovalifolia Elm.) 1l.70
------ _...__._.. ~.-.--- ~-----+-.--I
2.30 2.36
0.86 7.07 2.39
. 0.72
Balakat-guhHI [Sapiurn
iUl.Onicunl (Vid.) Mcrr.J
11~32~ -'3~8j
I3aJal;(i [J-lornalanlhus populncus (GeiseL) Pax
~~~"~.~N~P"~"~"C~"~'~J~~~~+-.,,",_+_co~_ Eakle (Ficus ba!clc MCfT.) J 3,84 ~----1~
-~,,-+-c17'"2c- -8~65'"
3,25-- --~.~.',.;--+---,;,.7. ".-+~'''O.'37c-i~~2''.9cc4c--j-~~~~I-~I~95--I~ 02
---cl.c c----j--I'.O'"g;44

0.94 0.87
-- Q ] 5
Himbabao {Brou$$onctia Jumnica (Blanco) Bur. var.
12.83 404 4.45
! .40
Hcc"7,, '"I"A'+""'' ' c(Chisochclon pcntandrus (Blanco) Mcrr.] ''ni'-''----I-,,,,,.''',,- -3~ T it o phi
lippincilsis (Braid.) Gordonia sp.) -;;C~ .. 7-p~,,~,,~,"':-,;~,~,,~S~p~ccC';~,,~
'---t----I~.-..--4-Ki---I;--'1.'63~--I "CC5".,C"-1~'8'.8"2'1--.;2'.3"8-1- -~2."88oc--i---,,c.O'2'
--~ -O-.'-7~
-----.--...- . -----1-I-;B~'~g~"=,~(~E~'K=':>"):"~,,~,,;;,---1-'II'.7~'-I-~4~("}j':-dcglupt3 Blume) Dur
ian (Durio zibcthinus-MelT.) Para-rubber (lkvca brasiliensis (HBK) Mucll

--'-4 .!SO --- ----"T.2"3"--3-J-3--- ~~2'.~'9~-I-":.6"7c-j~:(').9"6c-+~2-;4C'5-1--c;

-7.40--I 3.881--'''".''90;;--I--c5,.;c'5'-+--;':>8~()--J
. 3.9 I
~;~;~l {Sandoricum
- - ~'-'-.8-4-~2-.9-1--- --3.62---- --~'-.44~ ~T
~-1.-8f-- --'--2-.2-6- ~~O-.9-0 -~ -0-.8-2-- I'
_. ___ ._ _ _ ._. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'-~
LCk",ocCC"",jj"=p",,(B,,",,-',,"',,.~f.)"',"n"OIT,,.,-J_ ' -_ _.______.L_ _ _ _'-_ _ _ _--'_ _ _.L____
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Vo}urne 1

CHAI'TEH 6 . Wood
'~ V ".' I ~.o~ " ~''' S~".~ "~ ,. ,,,tI~,7G''m~"~,,'--'----'----'-----, - - - --..,---- r - --- - - - - -.-~.--- -----.-.--.. ~-
~A-.7C~o~ ,,~ "' ~ ,, ~ ,~ cic: .~J.' ~r~ 'c: '~i"'~'--11- --+---.+-----If-----+-~------..-- -----..-. ----.--.- ----.----... -()5S- -(),~7--Kalll!lI:\'~ ('1'0011<1 t'alanl:1S --1--; 9~ .(~">C: -if-~3'.'""")- t---Yi):1- ---(j~ (iR-~'-- --6.{~1-- --2"::11-" - -'''--T.ifi.")--' '--'--D~S:i'-- . -. Men
. & Rolfe) ~ Iun lpang {S(crc u~'- '-'7j2 ~~ '-'--:l'3if-- --- TIi!I----u:9i--- -----,l.Kf '----}j:j ..... "-'---'f"i:!-'~-- .-.--....(l.(;~\ - -.- - .
hR~ '"",c: g'[.. Ec: ,y ~,J,,,7 ;,,,, - -+-----"s::uJ
- (f7T----- - -(Ug- _.
3.2r-- --Tl:s -"-'jjY'--" '-' "'---"-(J:;J:<;--. --i)Ag~
subumurans (Hassk) MClT.] Tra~mg (Shore:l uvma f)ycr-- ~-I1:5(;
ex Brandis)
TalulO IPlcrocymbium
f--7';~"~'~'''~d=",,''~'(~B~'~ar="~o~)":M~'::"~['-j----j----+------I- ___ 0_,_ ..
_~~ _________ ._....___ .___ ..______....... , .___ .. __ .. _. ______ ,___..._
n. Lesser-Known Species
I-: A ~ n'~b~ ; o-lI~g~r~r-"-n-"-on--,-,-,,7,,.. ,;-,+-5~.75,7,--l---;2~.3;;6C:-+
-'2-:;.47.6--II--", . 0"'-- - I j n - ,-,-,-- '---T'{,--1.5' H~"~"c '~~"'"n 7g7"--;('CM""'j;-,---.- -"13 -i-- --,-.,-(;- ----')iiazedarltch L
-I.~----- ---"1":72-- -"6.45 "-- 2~ '----D2--- -----0.9 -' - --- --TOs-~ -~6 .07
2. 15 3.66
J.9 1

Oinuang (Oclomclcs
sumal(ana MiQ.)
9 .09
n .5S
D'.a IAlsl()llia scholaris
. 64
0 .86 1.29
034~ ~ i
It Dr. var. scholarisis)
KaitanlL {Zanthoxylum
).42 4.36
H I!
0 .96

-~ ----rC>l7-----o:c;,-- -"()JjJi
Tallgisanr,-bay.\wak (Ficus+--c;c;c,+-",.--j-------4.32 J .56 varicgma Illume Vilr
. varicsa~ .. _ ._ __._ ._____ C. p J:mtation Species
limonclla (OCI11151.) Alston )
-"--0:&1'--{}:7!i-- -----------" (j!ir - ----:--- ._--O::W---2.70
+---+---+------ ___..__.. .._ .______. _. _ _______ .._____________ ,,[i
Alnussp. 9.66 2.53 2.81 1.78--I-~I--,,,'.04"-j--7' 175';;---j--. - . T:;~1.11 hB~'
;: IS~"" (=,~ Oc "o :c':n;:c' :- - - ---1-o,'.,"'''-+---c;2.'no;---j---,-,.'6,.,'----1----; ".1"' 0- --1---+-;c5'.4'8 _ . - -----"" ."1- + - -'2'.2"'--1---;'''
1.8"'1. -..------1
~~ "'' :>:"'' '",m,,,;d,,',,',,(\,:C,,' ' ,,'':) ':-"U':'(c:>.J'c:--j_~,.,.---+_
Bayabas (Psidiulll guajava L.) Ilans ilnng ICananga odorata (Lmll.) Hook f. &
_ --+_. ___-j_ __+---,=-!__"",-j---- - - -......_._______._
- ---1---+--1------------1-- ---/-9 .66
J 1.08
1-T(1 ~"~)rG,,3'~"~"~'[~C7c---+---;,"-+---c;,"-I----77 __-+--~",,-~-,,"oo"Lumban
g IAlcuri(cs 6.39 2.47 1.63 0.71 0.88 '-4.00
Malapapaya IPolyscias nodosa (Blullle) Seem]
I-+. "i, "[SC"'-''':;b'','' "'' ,'"'''',,'',d''',,L..--1I ---;.'.2,,,--I-'''1.'''35 ~-I--TW- ---o.-:~ K"," po
Gubas (Endm:pemlUnl pe ll ll UHIl Mr:rT I KaalO<Ul bangkal (Anlhocepha)us chincn
sis (Llimk .) Rich. ex . Walr)

2.96 2.77
1.1:15 1.7.1
0 .64
6 .93
2.67-0 .88
0 .83
01>3 ------0:&4-- - -W- - - -0. 46- --- ----0.39'~5--'---- i.oz- - --.~-----. {).55
Illoluccana (L.) Willd.j
-.-I-="'--+-"";-__j----;-=---0.9" 10.92 4.04 5.25
.--,'.",,-I-"'7=-II-cc;,-,;---I- -I- -;c.,-.,--+--;c=1 6.82 2.53 ~.28 0.61 0.73
I--'i 7o ",",,",::," n":;a""= ==--I-,,,O=.i..;;- --3-.8-'- - -4 -.2(;-'- --".' II
..---+-"~.2",--lI---;6-.""'2-+---c;2.--;42 ,,-+--'2;-.6"6 ~-I--"0".'''0--1-'0''.
'''''--'' M
[Par8serianmcs ralcataria
~s':p"::'":;;"i sh'-"::,"i d":ar"(rCc:: ,d :;:,:c";::,---j!--";0".9"4.---1--;-".
6"'- -!--'4' .2"2--+ ---"' .3"'- -!--"'.2"0-- -"(rS4-- --""'2'.27 6 -+ --"' 2'.6
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OG 1.63 2.3.1 o.8T~- 0.98 3.79 1 m 1.46 - ---0.53--'--""-'0-:6]
C 311lpanutata I3cau v.) '--""=,-""'-=:.L.._J. _ _-'-_--'_ _ _ L ___ ______.__-'
--_ _,_ ______ ._. __ .. __ ._ _ _ _ _ .. <--.__.
(L.) Nielse n]

Ass,ociation of Structural Engineers of ([le rOlJilippine s

NSCP C101-10
Chapter 7 MASONRY
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines
Suite 713. Future Point Plaza Condominium I 112 Panal' Ave nu e. Quezon City. Ph
ilippines 1100 Tel. No : (+632) 410-0483 Fax No.: (+632) 411-8606 Email: ascponl
incUi)glnai l.colll WeiJsilc: htlp:llwww.ascponline.org
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

7 . MW;Oilfy
"l 1
Table of Contents
CHAI'TER 7 - MASONRY ...........................................................
........... 4 SECTION 7() 1 - GENERA L .........................................
................................ .. 70 1.1 Scope. . ............................
........ .. .. .. . 701. 2 Design Me thod s ....................................
.. .................. ....... .. 701.3 Defi niti ons ...........................
................................ .. 701.4 No tatio ns ..... ....................
........................... ...... .
d .... ....................... " " " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' .........
... 4 . .. 4
.. ...... 4
SECTION 702 - MATERIAL STANDARDS ............................................. ~
........................................................................... 7 7
02. 1 Quality........ . .......................................... .. .. .. 702.
2 Standards of Quality................. . ................ ..
.. 7
..... 7
SECTION 703 - MORTAR AND GROUT .................................................
.............................................................. " .......... M 70
3. 1 General .. . 703.2 Materi als .. . 703.3 Monar .. .. 703.4 Gro ut .........
.......... .. 703.5 Additives and Admixlllres .................... .............
. .. . ................ 9 .. ...... 9 .. ..... 9 ...... .. 9 . ......... 9
SECTION 704 - CONSTRUC'nON .....................................................
................ ,..............................................................
.... 9 704.1 704.2 704.3 704.4 704 .5 Gener,,1 M ateria ls: Handling, Storage an
d Preparation Placing Masonry Units .. Reinforcement Placing ................. .
. Grou ted Masonry ................................... .. .... 10 .10 ...... 10
10 . .. 10
SECTION 705 - QUALITY ASSURANCE ................................................
.......................................................................... 12 70
5. 1 General ................... ..... . .. .............................. .. 70
5 .2 Scope ...... 705.3 Co mpl ia nce wit hf'm .. .. ...........................
............................ . 705.4 MOt1ar Test ing ............... . 705.5 Gro
u t Testin g ........ ........................ ... .. .. ............ . 705.6 Re
cycl t1 Aggrega tes ....... .................. .. . 12 .12 12 .. ......... 14 ..
14 14
SECTION 706 - GENEHAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS ......................................
........................................................... 14 706.1 General . .
.................. ................ .............. .................... ........
...... .. ................ ..... .. ......... .. .... 14 706.2 Allowable Stress

Design and Strength Design Requirements for Unreinforccd and Reinforced Maso nry
... ......... ......... 17 706.3 Altemative Strength Design (ASD) and Strength
Des ign Reqn irements for Reinforced Masonry ...................... .......... 1
9 SECTION 707 - ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN (ASD) OF MASONRY .......................
.............................................. 21 707.1 General ............ ...
................ .. 707.2 Des ign of Reinforced Masonry .............. .........
...................... .. . 707.3 Design of Unrei n forced Masonry .. . ..... 21
..22 ....... 26
SECTION 708 - STRENGTH DESIGN OF MASONRY .......................................
............................................................. 27 708. 1Genem l .
... 708.2 Re inl()rced Maso nry ............................. . ..... 27 . .....
........... ................................... 29
SECTION 709 - SEISMIC DESIGN ...................................................
... ............................................................................
.... 37 709.1 Scope .. 709.2 Gene ral ............. .. 709.3 Seismi c PerforJ1la
nce Category A. .. ...... ...... ... . 709.4 Seismic Performance Category B ....
.............. . 709.5 Seismic Performance Category C .. ..... 38 .. 38 ." 38 .
. 38 . ... 38
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

CHIII' TU1 7 Masun,y
709.6 Se ismic Performance Ca legory D .. 709.7 Seis mi c Performance Category E
.. .... 39 . ........ 40
SECTION 710 - EMPIRICAL DESIGN Of MASONRY ......................................
............................................................. 40
710. 1 Ileight.. .... ............. ........ ........ 710.2 Latera l Stability...
..... ................... .... ... 71003 Co mpressive Stresses.. .. ... ".. ....
......... 7 J 0.5 Minimum Thickness ..................... .. .. ..... ..........
.. .. .. ............................... 710.6 Bond.. .......... ...............
....... ............ ......... ... .. .............. ........ 710.7 AnChorage ..
............................. ............... .............. .... 7 J 0 .8 Unbur
ned Clay Masonry .\.; 710.9 Stone Masonry..................... .................
.. . ................ ......... ...... .. .. .................. . .40 .. .......
........ ..... .40 . ...... .40 ........................ 4 J .. ............ .41
.. .... 42 .............. .42 .. ...... .42
SECTION 711 .. GLASS MASONRy ...................................................
.. 43
71 1. 1 Genem l ...................................... . 7 11 .2 Mortar Joints .
...................... . 7 11 .3 Lateral Support ................. . 7 J 1.4 Rei
nforce ment ............... . 7 11. 5 Size of Panels .... . 711 .6 Expansion l o
ints .................. . 711 .7 Rellse of Units ...............................
........................ . . ........... ..... . 43 .. .................... 43
.. .... .......... ....... 43 ..43 . .. 43 ..43 ...... 44
SECTION 712 - MASONRY FIREPLACES ...............................................
................................... ..................................... 44 7 12
.1 Definition ................................. ........... ....... ........ ..
7 12.2 Footings and Foundations.. . ........ ........ . 7 12.3 Seismic Reinforci
ng.. ......... ...... . 712.4 Seis mi c Anchorage. .. ................. . 712.5
Firebox Walls .................. . 712.6 Firebox Dimensions 712.7 Lint el and Th
roal. .... ............. . 712.8 Smoke C hamber Wall s .........................
....................................................... .. 7 12.9 Hearth and Hea
rth Exten sio n 7 12. 10 Hearth EXlcnsion Djmcnsions........ ...................
. . ... ................... . 7 12. 11 Fireplace Cleara nce..... ........ .....
.................. .. .......................................... . 7 12.12 Firep
lace Fireblocking ... ...... ...... . ................... . ...................
. 7 12. 13 Exterior Ai!'... ... ....................... .. .....................
........... .
......... ... .. ..... ... ....... .......... ............ .44 .................
.. .4,1 .. ............. 4,; .. ............... .. 45 ........... 4S ...........
. ......... 4 5 .. ....... 4 ~i .. .................. 45 .......................
.. .45 .. ............ ... ................ ... .46 .. ................ .46 .. .
.................... .46
................... ,,46
SECTION 713 .. MASONRY CHIMNEyS ................................................
............................................................................ 47
. .................... ........ ..................... ...................... 47
713.1 Defini tion ......................................... ................. ..
......................... .. . ....................... .... ... ................
.................... 47 713. 2 Footings and Foundations ................ ......

.. .................................. .. .. 713.3 Seismic Reinforcing ..........

................. .......... ..... ................. .. .. ......... ... ... ...
..... ............ ......... ....... .41 . ............. .41, 713.4 Seismi c Anc
horage ......................... ............ " ........... .. .......... .48 71
3 .5 Corbeling. ..................................... ...... ......... ...... .
713.6 Changes in Dimension ..4 1: .................. ............... . ...4 ;: 7
13.7 Offsets.. .............. ...... . 713.8 Additional Load .............. . .
.......... .4 0 7 13 .9 Temlinati on........ .................... ... .. . .....
....................... ................. . . .. ..48 7 13. 10 Wa lllllickness .
............... .............. ........................ ............. .. .......
........ .48 7 13. 11 Hue Li ning (Matelial )................. .................
..... .............. .. ......................... ........... .48 7 13. 12 Clay
Flue Lining (lnslall ation) ....... ................. .. .......................
.......... .. .................................. 50 7 13 .13 Addi ti onal Requi
rements ... . ............... ..... ........... . ........................... ..
.................. .. .. ..... .... 50 713. 14 Multipl e Flues..................
.. ..... ... .. ................. .. .................................. 50 713.1
5 Flue Arca (Appliance)................... ........ .... ................. .....
........... ....... ..... .. . ...................... 50 713.16 Flue Area (Mason
ry Fireplace) .......... .......................................................
... .. ... .. .......................... 51 713.17 Inl et .................... .
................... ....................... .. .............................. ..
................. ................ .. ...... ................................. .
713.1 8 Masonry Chimney Cleanout Openings ....................................
Association of S iru ciural Engineers of the Philippines

CHI\ PlU ~
1 <l
7 J3.20 Chi miley FircbJocking ..
7 13. 19 C himney Clearances .. .
. ..... 51
...... 52
National Struclural Code of the Philippines 6'" Edition Volume 1

AREA, NET is the gross cross-sectional arc .! minus (he

area o f" ungroulcd <.:orcs, notches, cel ls and wlbeddcd areas.
Net area is th e actual su rface area of cross sec tion of
AJ~liA, TRANSFORMED is the equivalent area of one malerial 10 a second based Oil
the nuio of modulus of elasticit y of the first material to the second.
701.1 Scope
The materials, design, const ruct ion aild quality assur<lIlcc of
masonry shall be in accordance with Ihi s chapler.
701.2 Design Methods
BOND, ADHESION is the adhesion between masonry and mOl1ar or grout.
Masonry shall co mply with the provisions of one of the
following design methods in this chapter as wei! as the
BOND, REINFORCING is the adhesion between steel reinforcement and mOl1ar or grou
t. BONO BEAM is a horizontal grouted ele ment within masonry in which reinforcem
cnt is cmbedded. CELL is a void space having a gross greater than 970 111m 2.
c ross~scc[i() nal
requirements of Sections 701 through 705.
701.2.1 Allowable Stress Design
Masonry {ksigncd by allowable stress design method shall comply with the provisi
ons of Secti ons 706 and 707.
701.2.2 Strength Design
M<lsonry designed by the strength design method sha ll comply with the provision
s of Sections 706 and 708.
CLEANOUT is an opening to the bott om of a grout space of sufficicnt size and sp
aci ng (0 allow the removal of debris. COLLAR JOINT is the mortared or grouted s
pace between wythes of masonry. COLUMN, REINFORCED, is a vertical structural whi
ch both the reinforcement and masonry resist compression.
member in
701.2.3 EmpiricaJDesign
Masonry designed by the empiric a l design method shall comply with the provisio
ns of Sections 706.1 and 710.
701.2.4 Glass Masonr.\"
Glass masonry shall co mpl y with the provisions of Secti on
701.3 Definitions For the purpose of this chapter, certain terms are defined as
COLUMN, UNREIN FORCED, is a vertical structural member whose horizontal dimensio
n measured at right angles to the thickn ess does not exceed three times the thi
ckness. DIMENSIONS, ACTUAL arc the I11ca:-;urcd di mensions of a designated ilem
. The aelu.11 dimension shall not vary fro m the specified dimension by more tha
n the amount .l!lowed in the appropriate standard o f quality in Scction

AREA, BEDDED is the <Irea o f the
S llrl ~U.; C
uni t which is in contacl with mortal' or the surface of
another masonry ullit in the plane: oflh cjoint. EFFECTIVE AREA OF REINFORCEMENT
is the cross-sectional area of rcinforccmcIH muhiplicd by th e
cosine of the angle between the reinforcement and the
DIMENSIONS, NOMINAL of masonry unirs arc equal to its specified dimcn:-;iolls pl
us the thickness of the joint with whi ch the unit is laid. DIMENSIONS, SPECIFIE
D are the dimensions speci fi ed for the manufacture or collstmction of masonry,
masonry units, joints or any other compo nent of a structure.
direction for which effective area is to be determined.
AREA, GROSS is the lotal cross-sectional area of a specified section.
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAfY1TH l . Masonry
GROUT LIFT is an increment of grout height within the total grout pour.
GROU'J' POUR is the IOtal height of masonry wall to be grouted prior 10 the erec
tion of additional masonry. A grout pour will consist of one or more grout lifts
WALL, BONDED is a masonry wall in which two or more wythes arc bonded to act as
a structural uni!. WALL, CAVITY is a wall containing continuous air space with a
minimum width of 50 mm and a maximum width of 100 mm between wythes which arc t
ied with metal tics. WALL TIE is a mechanical metal fastener which connects wyth
es of masonry to each other or to other materials.
GROUTED HOLLOW-UNIT MASONRY is that form of grouted masonry construction in whic
h certain designated cells of hollow units are continuously filled with grout. G
ROUTED MULTl-WYTHE MASONRY is that form of grouted masonry construction in which
the space between the wythes is solidly or periodically filled with
WEB is an imerior solid portion of a hollow-masonry unit as placed in masonry. W
YTHE is the portion of a wall which is one masonry unit in thickness. A collar j
oint is not considered a wythe.
701.4 Notations cross-sectional area of anchor bolt, mm 2 effective area of maso
nry, mm 2 gross area of wall, 111m2 total area of special horizontal reinforceme
nt through wall frame joint, mn/ ;::: net area of masonry section bounded by wal
l thickness and length of section in direction of shear force considered, rnm 2
;::: area of tension (pullout) cone of embedded anchor bolt projected onto surfa
ce of masonry, :::: ::: :::: ::::
JOINT, BED is the joint with or without mortar that is horizontal at the time th
e masonry units m'e placed. JOINT, HEAD is the joint with or without mortar havi
ng a vertical transverse plane. MASONRY UNIT is brick, tile, stone, glass block
or concrete block conforming to the requirements specified in Section 702. HOLLO
W-MASONRY UNIT is a masonry unit whose net crossHsectional areas (solid area) in
any plane parallel to the surface containing cores, cells or deep frogs is Jess
than 75 percent of its gross cross-sectional area measured in the same plane. S
OLID-MASONRY UNIT is a masonry unit whose net crossHsectional area in any plane
parallel to the surface containing the cores or cells is at least 75 percent of
the gross cross-sectional area measured in the same plane. MORTARLESS MASONRY SY
STEM is a method of masonry wall construction that eliminates the use of mortar.
PRISM is an assemblage of masonry units and mortar (if
present) with or without grout used as a test specimen for determining propertie
s of the masonry.
REINFORCED MASONRY IS that form of masonry constl1lction in which reinforcement
acting in conjunction with the masonry is used to resist forces.
SHELL is the outer POI1ioil of a hollow masonry unit as
placed in masonry.

:;;: effective cross-sectional area of reinforcement in column or flexural membe
r, mm? :::: effective area of reinforcement, ::: total cross-sectional area of r
ectangular tic 2 reinforcement for confined core, mm :::: area of reinforcement
required for shear reinforcement perpendicular to longitudinal reinforcement, 11
1m2 :::: effective cross-sectionaJ area of compression 2 reinforcement in flexur
al member, mm :::: depth of equivalent rectangular stress block, mm :::: nominal
shear strength of anchor bolt, kN ~ allowable tensile force on anchor bolt, kN
:;;: nominal tensile strength of mlcilar bolt, kN :::: allowable shear force on
anchor boll,kN :::: effective width of rectangular member or width of flange for
T and I sections, mm :::: factored shear force supported by anchor bolt, kN :::
: computed tensile force on anchor bolt, kN :::: factored tensile force supporte
d by anchor bolt, kN :::: computed shear force on anchor bolt, kN :;;: width of
web in T or I section, rnm
National Structural Code of the Philippi,nes 6'" Edition Volume 1

::-: nominal shear strength coefficient as obtained

from Table 70R-2
:::: distance from neutral axis (0 extreme fiber, mill :;;; dead loads, or relat
ed internal moments and forces :;;; distance from compression face of flexural m
ember to centroid of longitudinal tensile
reinforcement, mm
:;;; diameter of reinforcing bar, mm :::: diameter of largest beam longitudinal
reinforcing bar passing through, or anchored in a joint, mm == diameter of large
st pier longitudinal reinforcing bar passing through a joint, mill
:;;; load effects of c,u1hquakc, or related internal moments and forces
K k
modulus of elasticity of masonry, MPa eccentricity of Puf, mill maximum u!->able
compressive strain of masonry loads due (0 weight and pressure of fluids or rel
ated moments and forces := allowable average axial compressive stress in columns
for centroicially applieci axial load only, MPa :::: allowable llexuraJ compres
sive stress in members subjected to bending load only, MPa == allowable bearing
stress in masonry, MPa :::: allowable stress in reinforcement, MPa :::: allowabl
e compressive stress in column reinforcement, MPa == allowable Ocxural tensile s
tress in masonry, MPa ;: : : allowable shear stress in masonry, MPa
:::; computed axial compressive stress due to design
:::: ::::: :;;; ::::
:::: cross-section a! dimension of grouted Core measured center to center o/" co
nfining reinforcement, mnl :::: pier depth in plane of wall frame, mill == effcc
tive height of wall or column, mm ::: moment o/" inertia about neutral axis o/"
crosssectional area, mm~ == effective moment of inertia, mm'1 :::: gross, cracke
d momcnt of incl:tia of \'_ ~lll Cross section, Jllm~ == ratio or distance betwe
en centroid of flexural compressive forces and centroid of tensile forces of dep
th, d :::: reinforcemcnt cover or clear spacing, whichever is less, mm :::: rati
o of depth of compressive stress in f1exura! member to depth, d ;: : : live load
s, or related internal moments and forces == length of wall, mill == length of w
all or segment, 111m ::: cmbcdment depth of anchor bolt, mm :::: anchor bolt edg
c distance, the least distance measured from edge of masonry to surface of ancho
r bolt, nUll = required development length of reinforcement, mm == design moment
, kN-m :::; maximum moment in member at stage deflection is computed, kN-m ;: :
: moment capacity of compression reinforcement in Oexural member about centroid
of tensile cracking moment strength in masonry, kN-m = moment of compressi ve fo
rce in masonry about centroid of tensile force in reinforcement, kN-m = nominal
moment strength, kN-m = moment of tensile force in reinforcement about ccntroid
of compressive force in masonry, kN-111 == service moment at midheight of p~nel,

including P!1 effects, kN-m ;::: factored moment, kN-m :::: modular ratio ~ E/E
.' m ;: : : design axial load, kN :::: allowable centroidal axial load for rein
masonry columns, kN
J, J,
J,. J,
axial load, MPa :::; computed flexural stress in extreme fiber due to design ben
ding loads only, MPa ;: : : computed comI)ressive stress due to dead load only,
MPa :::; modulus of rupture, MPa = computed stress in reinforcement due to desig
n loads, MPa == computed shear stress due to design load, MPa :::: tensile yield
stress of reinforcement, MPa :::; tensile yield stress of horizontal reinforcem
ent, MPa ;: : : specified compressive strength of grout at age of 28 days, MPa =
= specified cornprcssive strength of masonry at age of 28 days, MPa ;: : : shear
modulus of masonry, MPa :::: loads due 10 weight and pressure of soil, waler in
soil or ,"Ciated internal moments and forces :::: height of wall between points
of support, mm :::: beam depth, mm
= nominal
force, kN--m
nominal balanced design axial strength, kN load frol11 tributary floor or roof a
rea, kN nominal axial strength in masonry, kN nominal axial load strength in mas
onry without nexure, kN ~ factored axial load, kN :::; factored load from tribut
ary floor or roof loads, kN ;: : : :::; = :::
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

1 "/
s s
:::; factored weight of wall tributary (0 section under cOllSidcralioll, kN ::;:
weight or wall tribulary 10 section under consideration, kN :::; radius of gyra
tion (based on specified unit dimensions or Tables 7 I I - 1,7 I I -2 and 711-:1
), mill ;::; ratio of area of reinforcing bars cut oil to tol<1l area of reinfor
cing bars at the section. ::::: s-C2tion !~loduILlS, mm 3 :.:: spacing of stirru
ps or of bent bars in direction parallel to that of main reinforcemcnt, 111m ::;
: effects of temperature, creep, shrinkage and diffcrelHial settlement ::;: effe
ctive thickness of wythe, wall or column,
generally accepted good practice, subject to thc approval of" the building offic
ial. Reclaimed or previously used masonry units shall mcct the applicable requir
emcnts as for new masonry units of the same material for their intended usc.
702.2 Standards of Quality The standards listed below labeled a "UBC Standard" a
rc also listed in Chapter 35, Part II of UBC, and arc part of this code. The oth
er standards listed below arc recognized standards. See Sections 3503 and 3504 o
f UBC.
V, V"
= required strength (0 resist factored loads, or related intcrnalmoments and for
ccs_ ::;: bond stress pCI' ullit of surface arca of reinforcing bar, MPa :::: IO
tal design shear force, kN :;:: 10lal horizontal joint shear, kN ::;: nominal sh
ear strength of masonry, kN :::: nominal shear strength, kN :;:: nominal shear s
trength of shear reinforcement, kN ::;: required shear strength in masonry, kN ;
:;:: wind load, or related internal momcnts in forces ::;: factored distributed
lateral load :::: horizontal deneetion at mid height under factored load, mill =
deflection due to factored loads, mill :::: ratio of area of flexural tensile r
einforcement, A" to area bd ~ reinforcement ratio producing balanced strain cond
itions ::;: ratio of distributed shear reinforcement on plane perpendicular to p

lane of AIII \. :::: sum of perimeters of all longilUdinaJ reinforcement, mm

ASTM C 144, Aggregates for Masonry Mortar
1.2 ASTM C404. Aggregates for Grout
ASTM C9! -93, Cement, Masonry. (Plastic cement conforming to the requirements of
UBC Standard 25-1 may be llsed in lieu of masonry cement when it also conforms
to ASTM C 9193).
2.2 ASTM C I SO, Portland Cement 2.3 ASTM C270. MOl1ar Cement
ASTM C5-79, Purposes
3.2 ASTM C207-91, Hydrated Lime for Masonry Purposes. When Types Nand NA hydrate
d lime arc lIsed in masonry mortar, they shall comply with the provisions of UBC
Standard ASTM C270-95. Section 21.1506.7, excluding the plasticity requirement.
:;: square
root of spccified strength of masonry at
Masonry Units of Clay ot' Shale 4.1 ASTM C34. Structural Clay Load-bearing Wall
the age of 28 days, MPa strcngth-reduction facLor
702,1 Quality
4.2 ASTM C56, Structural Clay Nonload-bcaring Tile
4.3 ASTM C62-87, Building Brick (solid units)
Materials used in masonry shall conform to the requirements stated herein. If no
requirements arc specified in this section for a material, quality shall be bas
ed on

ASTM C126, Ceramic Glazed Structural Clay Facing Tile. Facing Brick and Solid Ma
sonry Units. Load-bearing glazed brick shall conform to the weathering and stl1l
ctural requirements of ASTM C73-85, Section 21.106, Facing Brick
4.5 ASTM C216-86, Facing Brick (solid units)
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

4.6 ASTM C90-H), Hollow Brick
S.2 ASTM C270, Field Tcsts Spc<:imclls for Mortar Brick ;md
9. 8.3 ASTM Grout 9. I ASTM C I 0 I 984, Mcthod
4.7 ASTM C67, Sampling lind Stnl(;luraJ Clay Tile
Standard Test
Flexural B()Ild Strcngth or Mortar CC mC\lt
ASTM C212, Structural Cla y Facing Tile
4.9 ASTM
Non -Load
Sampling and
bearing Screen Tile.
S. Masonry Units of Concrete 5. I ASTIV! C55-85, Concrete Building Brick
Testing Grout
9.2 ASTM C476-83, Grout for Masonry
10. Reinforcement
10.1 ASTM A82, Pan I, Joint Reinforccment fo r Masonry
10.2 ASTM MIS, A616, A617, A706, A767 and A 775, Deformed and Plain lliJlet-Slce
i Bars,
Rail~stccl Deformed and Plain Bars, Axle-steel Deformed and Plain Bars, and Defo
rmed Lowalloy Bars ror Concrete Reinrorccmcnt
5.2 ASTM C90-85, Hollow and Solid Load-bearing
COllcretc Masonry Units
5.0 ASTM C 129-8), Nonload bearing Concrete
Masonry Units

5.4 ASTM C140, Sampling and Testing Concrete

Masonry Units
55 ASTM C426, Standard Test Method for Dryi ng
Shrinkage of Concrete Block 6. Masonry Units of Other Materials 6. J Calci L11ll
6.2 ASTM C73-85, Calcium Silicate Face I3ri ck (Sand-lime I3rick)
10.3 ASTM A496, Part 11, Cold-drawn Steel Wire
for COHcrete Reinforcement
6.3 ASTM C216, C62 or C652, Unburned Clay Milsonry Units and Standa rd Methods o
f Sampling and ASTM C 67, Testing Unburned Clay Masonry Units
ACI 704, Cast Stone ASTM E92b, Test Method for Compressive
St rcngt h of Masonry Prisllls
7. I Wall ties and anchors made from steel wire
shall conform to UBC Standard 2 I -10, Part II,
and other steel wall ti cs and anchors shall
confonn to A36 in accordance with USC Standard 22-1. Wall tics and anchors made
frolll copper, brass OJ' other nonferrous meta! shall have minimulll tensile yie
ld strength of
200 MPa. .
7.2 All such items not fully embedded in mortar or g rOllt sh,\11 either be corr
osion resistant or shall be coated after fabrication with copper, zinc or a mcta
l having at least equivalent corrosjon ~ resistant properties.
8, Mortal'
8. I ASTM C270-95, Mortar for Unit Masonry and
Reinforced Masonry other than Gypsum
Association of Structural Engineers of the Phllippines

CHAP Il f~ '/
'/ 9
" , -,
, '.
703.1 G elleral Monar and grout shall co mply with the provisions of this
sec tion. Special mortars, grou ts or bondin g systems Illay be llsed, subject t
o satisfactory evidence their capa bilities when approved by the building offici
703.4.2 Selecting Proportions Willer con tent slwl/ be adjusted to provide prope
r workabil ity and to enable proper placclllclH under existing field condi tions
. withou t segregation. Grout shall be spcd licd hy one of the followin g met ho
d s: I. Proportions or ingredients and any additives ,shall be hased on laborato
ry or field ex perience with the grou t ingredients and the masonry units to be
used. constituents in
The grou t sllall be specified by the pn'Jporti oll of its tCllllS of parts by v
olume. or
703.2 Malerials Materials used as ingredients in mona!" and grout shall conform
to the applicable requirements in Section 702. Ccmentitious materials for gro ut
shall be one or both of the lime and P0!11and cement. Cemcmitious following: ma
terials for lllo11ar shall be one or more of the following:
lime, masonry CCI1H:IlI , Portland cemellt and Illortar cement.
Minimum compressive strength which wi ll produce the required prism strengt h, o
r Proportions by grout type shall be used as given in Table 703-2.
703.5 Additives and Admixtures
Ccmcntitiolls materials 01' additives slwll not contain epoxy resins and derivat
ives, phenols, .lsbcstos libel's or fire da ys. Willer lIsed in mortar or grout
shall be clean amI free of dclclei-iolls amou nts of acid, alkalies 01' organic
material or other harmful substances.
703.5.1 Gelleral Addi ti ves and ad mixlUres to morta r or grout used unl ess ap
proved by lhe building offici al.
703.5.2 Air Entrainment
~ haJi
not be

703.3 MoriaI' 703.3.1 General MOllal' shall consist of a mixture of ccmclll itio
llS l11<ltcrials and aggregate to wh ich sufricicnt waleI' and approved additive
s, if any, have been added to achieve a workable, plastic consistency.
703.3.2 Selecting Propol'(ivus
Air-entraining substances shall not be used in mortar or grout unl ess tests are
conducted to determine compliance with the requirements of thi s code.
703.5.3 Colors
Only pure mineral oxide, carbon black or syn th etic co lors
may be used. Carbon black shall be limited to a maximulll of 3 percent of the we
ight of the cement.
Mortar with specified proportions of jngredients lhat differ from the mortar pro
portions of Table 703,1 may be approved for usc when it is demonsu'ated by labor
aLOry or field experience that Ihis mortar wi th the specified proportions of in
gredients, when co mbined with the masonry units to be used in the structure, wi
ll achieve the speci fied compre~sive streng th ttl!' Water content shall be adj
usted to provide proper workability under existing field conditions. When the pr
oportion of ingredients is not specified, the proportions by mortar Iype shall b
e used as gi veil in Tablc 703-1.
703.4 Grout 703.4.1 Gelleral
Grout shall cOllsist of a mixture of ccmcntiti ous materials and aggregate to wh
ich water has been added stich thaI the mixture will flow without segregation of
the constituents. The specified compressive st rengt h of grout, 1'R' shall not
be less (han 15 MP.
National Structural Code of the Philippin es 6 Edition Volume 1

CHAI'TU1! " MasolllY
704.3 Placing Masonry Units
704.1 General
Masonry shall be constructed according to the provision of this section.
704.3.1 Mortal' The monaI', whellllsed shall bc suiTicicn!ly plastic and unit-;
shall be placed with surticiellt pressure to extrude mOl"!,!!' from the joint an
d produce a tight join!. Deep ftlfTO\VJl1!~, which produces voids shall not be u
When mortar is used, the
joint thickness shall
704.2 Materials: Handling, Storage and Preparation
All materials shall comply with applicable requirements of Section 702. Storage,
handling and preparation at the site shall conform also the following: 1. Mason
ry materials shall be stored so that at the time of usc the materials arc clean
and structurally suitable for
the intended usc.
be less than 6 m!l1 or llwrc than 25 mm; subsequent L," joints shall not be less
than 6 mm or more than 16 mill in
704.3.2 Surfaces Surfaces to be ill contact with monar or grout shall be clean a
nd free of deleterious materials, 704.3.3 Solid Masonry Units Solid masonry unit
s sha!l have full head and bed joints. 704.3.4 Hollow-Masonry Units Except for m
ortarless system all head and bed joints shall be filled solidly with mortar for
a distance in from the f'ael' of the unit not less than thc thickness of the sh
Head and bedded joints of open-ends units with bcvdc,! ends that are to be fully
grouted need not be mortared. The beveled ends shall form a grout key which per
mits gr()\i~ within J 6 mm of the face of the unit. The units shall be tightly b
utted to prevent leakagc of grout. 704.4 Reinforcement Placing Reinforcement det
ails shall conform to the requircmcnts of this chapter. Metal reinforcement shal
l be located ifl accordance with the plans and specification(:. Reinforcement sh
all be secured against displacement prior to grouting by wire positioncrs or oth
er suitable deviccs a! intervals not exceeding 200 bar diameters. Tolerances for
the placement of reinforcement in wa!!s and flexural elements shall be plus or
minus 12 mm for d eqwtl to 200 mill or less, 25 mm for d equal to 600 mm OJ but
greater than 200 mm, anc! 20 m!l1 for d greater thill: mm. Tolerance for longitu
dinal location of reinforcl'.li'. shaH be 500 mm
2. 3.
All metal reinforcement shall be free from loose rust and other coatings that wo
uld inhibit reinforcing bond. At the tillle of laying, burned clay Ulli!s and sa
nd lime units shall have an initial rate of absorption not exceeding 1.6 liter p
er square meIer during a period of one minute. In the absorption test, the surfa
ce of the unit shall be held 3 mm below the surface of the water. Concrete mason
ry units shal1 not be wetted unless otherwise approved. Materials shall be store
d in a manner such that deterioration or intrusion of foreign materials is preve

nted and that the material will be capable of

meeting applicable requirements at the time of mixing
or placement.
The method of measuring materials for mOf1ar and grout shall be such that propor
tions of the materials can be controlled. Mortar or grout mixed at the job site
shall be mixed for a period of time not less than three minutes or Illore than 1
0 minutes in a mechanical mixer with the amount of water required to provide the
desired workability, Hand mixing of stl1<l1l amounts of mOJ1ar is permitted. Mo
rtar may be re-tempered. Mortar or grout which has hardened or stiffened due to
hydration of the cement shall not be used. In no case shall mortar be used two a
nd one-half hours, nor grout used one and one half hours, after the initial mixi
ng water has been addcd to the dry ingredients at the jobsite.
Exceptions: Dry mixes for mortar and grout which are blended in the factory and
mixed at the job site shall be mixed in mechanical mixers until lvorkable, but n
ot to exceed 10 minutes,
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPT!: n 7 . Masonry
7 11
7()4.S Grotlted Masonry
All cells Clnd spaces conta in ing reinforcement shall be filled wi th grou t.
704,5.2 Construt'tion Requirements Reinforcement shall be placed prior to grouti
ng. Bolts :-;haH be accurately set with templates or by approved equ ivalent Ill
C"I!l S and held in place to preve nt dislocation during gro utin g.
704.5.1 General Conditions
Grouted masonry shall be constructed in such a manner that all clements of the m
asonry act together as a stru ctural
Prior [0 grou ting, th e gro ut space shall be clean so th at all spaces 10 be f
illed with grout do not conta in mOrln!"
projecti ons greater than
Segregation of the grout materials and damage to the masonry shall be avoided dur
in g the grou tin g process. Grout shall be consolidated by mechani cnl vihrnti
on during placement before loss of plasticity in a manner to fill the gro ut spa
ce. Grout pours grciHer than 300 mm in height shall be reconsolidated by mechan
ical vibrati on to minimi ze voids due to wa ter loss. Groul pours )00 mill or l
ess in height shall be mechanically vibrated or puddled.
mill, mOl1ar droppings or oth er
fo reign material. Grou t shall be placed so that all spaces
d es ig nated to be grouted sha ll be fi lled with grout and the grou t shall be
con lined (0 those s pecific spaces.
Grout materials and water content shall be controlled to pro vide adequate fluid
ity for placement wit hout scgreglltion of th e corlslihlcnts, and shall be mixe
d thorough ly. The grouting of any section of walt shall be completed in one day
with no interruptions greater than one hour. Between grout pours, a horizontal
construction joint shall
be form cd by stopping all wythes at the sarne elevation and
with the grout stopping a minimum of 40 mm below a mortar joint, cxcept the top
of the wall. Where bond beams occur, the grout pour sha ll be stopped a minimum
of 10 nlln below the 101' of th e masonry.
S ize and height limi tat ions of the grout space or cell shall -no t be less Ih
an shown in Table 704-1. Hi gher g ro ut pou rs Of small er cavity wid ths or ce
ll size than shown in T.able
704 ~ I
111 olle-storey buildings having wood-frame exterior walls, foundations not over
600 I11Ill high mc:tsurcd frolTl the top or the footing may be constructed of h
ollow-masonry units laid in running bond without mortared head joints. Ally sti.
lndard shape unit may be used, provided the maso nry units permit horizontal flo
w of grout 10 adjacen t units. Grou t shall be solidly poured to the full height
in a ile lift and sh<lll be puddled or mechanically vibrated. In nonstnlctural
clements which do Ilot exceed 2.4 m in height above the hi ghest point of latera
l support , including fireplaces and rc:-;idential chi mneys, I11Ol1ar of pouri
ng consis tency may be substit uted for gro ut when Ihe masonry b constructed an
d groute.d in pours of 300 mill or less ill height.

may be used when approved, if it is demonst rated th at grou t spaces wi ll be p

roperly filled.
In multi-wythe grouted masonry, vertical barri ers of
Cleanouts shaH be provided fo r all grout pours over 1.50 III in height. Where r
equired, cleanouts shall be provided in the bottom course at every vertical bar
but shall not be spaced more than 800 mm on cent er for solidly grouted masonry.
When cJeanouts arc required, th ey shall be sealed after inspection and before
grouting. Where. cleanouts arc not provided, special provisions .must be made 10
keep the bottom . and sides of the grout spaces, as well as the minimum total c
lear area as required by Table 704~ I. clea n and clear prior to grolllillg. Uni
ts may be laid to the full height of the grout pour and grout shall be placed i
n a continu ous pour in grout lifts not exceeding 1.8 Ill . When approved, grout
lifts may be greater than 1.8 III if it ca n be demonstrated the grout spaces c
an be
properly filled.
masonry shall be built across the grout space the entire height of the grout pou
r and spaced not more than 9 III horizontally. The grouting of any section of wa
ll between baniers shall be completed in one day with no interruption longer th
an one hour.
704.5.3 Aluminum Equipment Grout shall not be handled nor pumped utili zi ng alu
minum eq uipment unless it can be demonstrated with the materials and equip ment
to be used that there will be no dcleterio us effect on the strength of the g r
ou t 704,5.4 Joint Rcinforcemcllt Wire joint reinforcemen t used in the design a
s prin ci pal rein force ment in hoJJ ow~ulli t construction shall he co ntinu o
us between supports unless splices are made by lapping:
Fifty-four wire diameters in a grou ted cell, or
National Structura l Code of the Philippinos 6'10 Edition Volume 1

CHAPT[I,7 Moson,y
2. 3.
Seventy-fivc wire diameters in the mortared bed joint,
In allcrnatc bed joints of running bond masonry a distance not less than 50 diam
eters plus twice the spacing of the bed joints, or As required by calculation an
d specific location areas of minimum stress, such as points of ini1cctiOiL
70S. I General Quality assurance shall be provided [0 ensure thai materials, con
struction and workmanship arc in compliance with the_ plans and specifications,
and the applicable requiremellts of this chapter. When required, inspection reco
rds sha! I be maintail}.cd and made available to the building officiaL 705.2 Sco
pe Quality assurance shall include, but is not limited to, assurance that:
I. Masonry units, reinforcement, cemellt, lime, aggregate and all other material
s meet the requirements of the applicable standards of quality and that they arc
properly stored and prepared for usc. Mortar and grout arc properly mixed using
specified proportions of ingredients. The method of measuring materials for mor
tar and grout shall be slIch that proportions of materials arc controlled. Const
ruction details, procedures and workmanship arc in accordance with the plans and
specifications. Placement, splices and reinforcement sizes arc in accordance wi
th the provisions of this chapter and the plans and specifications.
Side wires shall be deformed and shall conform to ASTM A82 Joint Reinforcement f
or Masonry.
3. 4.
705.3 Compliance withI'm 705.3.1 General Compliance with the requirements for th
e specified compressive strength of masonry 1'", shall be in accordance with one
of the sections in this subsection.
The actual compressive strength of masonry I'm shall not be less that 4 MPa or t
he minimum requirement of NSCP Volume on HOllsing, whichever is lower.
705.3.2 Masonry Prism Testing The compressive strength of masonry determined in
accordance with ASTM E447 for eilch set of prisms shall equal or exceed I'm. Com
pressive strength of prisms shall be based on tests at 28 days. Compressive stre
ngth al seven days or tllrec days may be used provided a relationship between se
ven-day and three-day and 28-day strength has been established for the project p
rior to the Wlli of construction. Verification by masonry prism testing shall me
et the following: l.
A set of five masonry prisms shall be built and tested in accordance with ASTM E
447 prior to the starl of constIUction. Materials used for the construction of t
he prisms shall be taken from those specified to be used ill
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAP TE n 1 . flAasolll y
'I 1:1
the project. Prisms ~ h(lll be constructed und cr the obse rva ti on of the cngi
neer-of-record or special inspct:lor or all lIpprovcd agenc y ,lIld tested by a
n approved agCJH .:y.
2, When full allowahle stresses are lIsed in design, a ~C ( of
705.3.4 Unit Strength Method
Verifi cation by the un it strength method sha ll mee t tht'
foll owing: I. Whcn fuJI allowab le stresses arc used in design, units shall be
tested prior 10 construction and lest units during co nstruction for each 460 11
12 of wal! area for compressive strength to show compliance with th e co mpressi
ve strength rcq uirc(1in Table 705-1; and
pri$llls shall be buill and tested during construction in accordance with ASTM E
447 for each 2 460 m of wall areH, but not less than One sc t of three masonry p
risms for th e project. three
When one lwlf the all owable masonry stresses arc used in design, testing during
construct ion is not requiJed. A leiter of certification from the manufacturer
and/or suppl ier of the material s used to verify the /,,,, in accordance with S
ection 705.3.2, Item J, sha ll be provided at the time of, or prior to, delivery
of the materials to the j ob si te to ensure the materials used in co nstructio
n arc represen tative of the materials used to construct the prisms prior to con
stnlction. ;~
Exception: Prior to the start of constrllctioll, prism testing may be used ill l
ieu of testiflg the lin;' strength. During cOflsfmclioll, prism testing may also
be used ill lieu of testing Ihe utlil strength and the grout as required by Sec
tion 705.3.4, Item 4.
2. When one half the ;:lllQwable masonry stresses are llsed in design, testing i
s no! requ ircd for the units. A lett cr of cert ification from the Ill,Ul ufacw
fcr of the un its shall hc provided at the time of, or prior to, de li very of t
he units t9 Ihe job site (0 ass ure the units compl y wit h thc com pressive str
en gth required in Table 705-1; and
70S.3.3 Masonry I'rislll Test Record
Compressive strength verification by masonry pri sm test records shall meet !he
follow ing: I. A masonry prism tcst record approved by th e building official of
at least 30 masonry prisms which were built and tested in accordance with ASTM
E447. Prisms shall have been constructed under the observation of an engineer or
special inspector or an approved agcncy and shall ha ve been tested by an appro
ved agency. Masonry pri sms shall be corresponding cons truc ti on. represen tat
ive of the
Mortar shall comply with the mortar type .required in Table 705-1; and. When ful
l streSSeS arc lIsed in design for concrete grout shall be tested for eHeh 460 I
II of wall area, but not less than onc tcst per project, to show co mpli ance wi
th the co mpress ive strength required in Table 705-1 , Footnote 4.
1ll<I.SOIlI Y\

2. 3. 4.
The average compressi ve strength of th e test record sha ll equal or exceed 1.3
3 I'm. When full allowable stresses are used in design , a set or Ihree masonry
prisms shall be built durin g constructi on in accordance with ASTM E 447 for ea
ch 460 1112 of wall area, but not less than one set of three prisms for the proj
ect. When one half the allowable masonry stresses are used in design, field test
ing during construction is not required. A Jetter of cel1ification from th e sup
plier of th e materi als to th e job sitc shall be provided at the liJ~e of, or
prior to, deli very of the materials 1 0 assure the' materi als lIsed in const r
u cti on arc representati ve of lhe materials used to develop the prism te st re
co rd in accoillancc wilh SCl:tion 705. 3.3, Item I.
When one half the all owable stresses arc used in design fol' concrete masonry,
lCs ti ng is not required for the groll t. A Jetter of certification from the su
pplier of the grOlJt shall be pro vided at the time of, or prior 10, deli very o
f the grout to the job site to assure the grollt complies wi th the compressive
strength requ ired in Tabl e 705- 1, Foolnote 4; or When full allowable stresses
are used in design for clay maso nry, grout proportions shall be verified by th
e cngineer~of~record or special inspector or an approved agency to conform wilh
Table 703-2. When one half the allowable masonry stresses are used ill de$ign fo
r cla y masonry, a letter of cCI1iri cation fro m (he suppl icr of Ihe grout sh
all he provided ilt the timc of. or prior to, dcli ve.ry of the groul to the job
site to assure the grout conforms to the proporti ons of Table 703-2.
National Structural Code of the Philippines G'I> lodition Volum e 1

CHA F)"fEH ., . Masonry
70S.3.5 Tes ting Prisms from Constl'ucted Masonry When approved hy the building
official, ,H xcptill1Ce of masonry which docs not mcet the requirements of Secti
on tests of prisms CUI fro m the accordancc with th e followin g: I.
705.3.2. 705.3. 3 or 705. 3.4 sha ll be permitted to be based Jlla ~o nry constr
uction il)
70(,.1 Gcncral
A sel of three masonry prisms that arc at Icasl 28 days old slwll bc saw cut fro
m the masonry for each 460 ml: of th e wall area thm is ill question but not les
s than one sel of three maso nry pri sms for th e project. The length, width and
hei ght dimensions of Ihe pri sms shall comply with the requirements of ASTM E
447. Transporting, preparation and testin g of pris ms shall be ill accordance w
ith ASTM E 447. The compressive stren gth of prisms shall be the value calcul at
cd in accordance with UB C Standard 2 J -1 7, Secti on 2 J . 1707.2. except that
the net cross-sectional area of the prism shall be based On the net mort ar bed
ded area. Compliance with the requ i" rement for the specificd co mpressive st r
ength of masonry, f',~, shaH be considered satisfied provided the modified compr
essivc stren gth equals or exceeds th e specified /',,,. Additional testing of s
peci mens cut from locat ions in question shall be permitted.
706.1.1 Scope The design or :llasonry structures shall co mpl y wit h th e ~l lJ
owabJc ~trcs~' Jcs ign pro vis ions or Section 707, or the strcngth dcsign provi
sions of Section 708 or th e empiric;! design provi sions of Section 71 0. and w
ith the pro visions of this section. Unless otherwise slaled, all c<llculmiolls
s h all be made usin g or based on specified dimensions. 706.1.2 Plans
Plans submitted for approval shall desc ribe lhe required de sign strengths of m
asonry material... and ins pection requirements;' for whi ch all parts of (he st
ructure were designed, and any load lest requ irements.
706.1.3 Design Loads Sec Chapter 2 for dcsigll loads and load comhil li.llio ns.
706.1.4 Stack Bond Jil bearing and 1I0nbearing Willi s, except veneer wa ll s,
i f less than 75 percent of the units in any transverse veJ1 icai pl ane lap the
ends of the unit s below a distance less than one hal f Ihe height of th e unit
, or less than one fourth the length of th e unit, the wa ll shall be consi dere
d laid in stack bond. 706.1.5 Multi-wythe Walls 706.1.5.1 General
705.4 Mortar Testing
Wh en required, mort ar shall be tested ill accordance with ASTM C 270.
705.5 Grout testing
Wh en required, grout shal! be tes ted in accordance with ASTM C 476-83.
/105.6 Recycled Aggregates

Recycled aggregates shall refer to those materi als whose mi xt ures are part of
masonry blocks or concrete debris th at have been crushed for fe-use. Recycl ed
aggregates shall pass the necessary (eSls before considered for re-use.
All wythes of multi wythe walls shall be bonded by grout or tied togeth er by cOI
TOsioll-fesistant wall ties or joint reinforcement co nforming to the requiremen
ts of Section 702, and as set forth in thi s secti on. ,
706.1.5.2 Wall Tics in Cavity Wall Construction
Wall ti es shall be of sufficient length
engage all wythc.s.
Th e pOl1ion of the wal! ties within the wythe shall ! ,,:
completely embedded in mortar or grout. Thc ends oj" t wall lies shall be bellI 1
0 90-degrce an gles wit h an eXlc!l:.i:. i.t nol less than 50 mill long. Wall ti
cs not comptc.I<+, cmbedded in mortar or grout between wYlhes shaH be it single p
iece wil h each end engaged in each wythe. There shall be ,it least one rnl 0 11
1m wall ti c for each OAO of wa ll area. For cavity wall s in whi ch Ihe width o
f ir cavit y is greater than 75 Illlll , but not more than 11 5 m lll . .least o
nc 10 mill diameter wall ti c for each 0.25 1112 oj ,. ;, ;; area shall be provi
ded .
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

Ti cs in alternate courses shall be staggered. The maximum vertical dist ance be

tween ties shall not exceed 600 mm and Ihe max im u lll horizo nlu l distance be
tween ti c~ sh all HOI exceed 900 mill. Add it io nal tics spaced not more (ha
n 900 mill apart shall be provided around openings wi th in 11 di stance of 300
mm fro m the edge of the opening.
Adj ust able wall ti cs shall meet the foll owing req uiwmcn ts:
706.1.7 Lateral Support Lat eral su pport of mason ry may he prov ided by cmss W
illis, (o lumns, pilas ters, countc rfor!s or buttresses where spallning horizol
lla lly or by noon. , heams, gi rt s or roofs
wlle re spann ing vert ically.
Th e clear distance betwee n la teral suppon~ of" a be.ull shall not exceed 32 l
imcs the leas! wid th of the compression area.
I. Onc ti e shall be provi ded for each O . J 6111 2 of wa ll area. Ho ri zon ta
l and ven ical slH lcing sha ll not exceed 400 I11 1ll. Max imum misali gnment
of bed joi nts fro m o lle wyt he to th e other shall be 30 ml11 . 2. Maximum cl
earance between the conn ecting parts o/" the lie shall be 1.5 mm. When used, pi
ntle ties shall have at least two 5 n Ull di amctcr pintle legs.
706.1.8 Protcction of 'I'ics ~Uld Joint Rcinforcement A mini mulll of 16 I1Ull m
ortar cover shall be provided between tics or joint rein fo rce me nt a nd any e
xposed face. The thickness of grout or mortar between masonry units and join t r
einforcement sha ll nOI be less than 6mm, except th at 6 mill or smaller diamete
r reinforcement or bo lts may be placed in bed joints wh ic h are at least twice
the thickness of the reinforce ment or bolts. 706.1.9 I)ipes and Co ndui1s Embed
ded ill Masonry
Pipes o r conduit shall not be e mbedded in any masonry in a manner that will re
d uce the capacity of thc masonry to less l ilan that necessary for rcqlli red s
tren gth or req uired ti re
Wa ll ti cs of di fferent size and spac ing that provide
eq uiv:'ll elll stre ng th between wythes may be used.
706.1.5.3 Wall Tics for Grouted Multi-wythe Construction Wythes{)f multi -wyth e
wall s shall be bonded together with at leas t 4.8 mm di ameter steel wall tie f
or each 0.20 m2 of area. Wall li es of different size an d spacing th at provide
eq ui va lent strength between wythes ma y be used. 706.1.5.4 Joint Reinforceme
protection. Placement of pi pes or condui t ~ in unfilled corcs of ho llow uni t
nwsonry 5h,1I1 nOI be considered as embedment.
Exceptions: I. Rigid electric conduits may be embedded in structural lI!(Jsonry
when their locations have been de tailed on rh e approved plan Any pipe or condu
it may pass ve rtically or horizontally through any masonry by means of a sleeve
at least large enough to pass allY hub or coupling on (he pipelille. Such sleev
es shall not be placed closer Ihall three diameters, cenrer to center, flor shal
f they unduly impair the strength of constructiolT.
Prefabricated j o ill t reinforcemeIll for masonry wall sh all have at least one
cross wire o f at least No.9 gage steel for each 0.20 m2 of wall area. The vert
ical s pi.~cing uf the joilll rei nforce ment sh all not exceed 400 mill . T he
longi tudinal wires shall be thoroughly embedded in the bed joint mortar.
The joi nt rei nforce me nt shall e ng:'lge al l wytlles. W here (h e space betw
ee n tied wythes is solidly fill ed wit h grou t or mortar, lhe all owable stres
ses and ot her provisions for masonry bonded walls shall apply. Wh ere the space
is !lot filled, tied walls sha ll conform to the allowable stress, lateral supp
ort, thickness (ex cluding cavity), height and tie requi rements for cavi ty wal

706. 1.6 Ve r ti cal Support
S tructu ra l members providing vert ica l support of masOIi ry
706.1.10 Load Test When a load test is required, the member or portion of the st
ructure under consideration shall be subjected 10 a superim posed load equal to
twice the design li ve load plus one hal f of 'he dead load: O.5D + 0.2L
shall provide a bearing surface on whic h the initial bed joi nt shall not be le
ss th an 6 ml11 or more th an 25 111m in thickness and shall be of noncombustibl
e material, except where masonry is a Ilolls tructural decorat ive fea ture or w
earing surface.
Th is load shall be len in position fo r a period of 24 hours before remova l. I
f, du ring the tes t or upon removal of lhc load, th e member or portion of th e
structure shows evidence of fai lure, such changes or modifications as are nece
ssary to make the sl"ruc ture adequate for the rated capacity shall be made; or
where approved, a lower rating shall be established.
National Structural Code of tile I'llilippines 6'" Edition Volu me 1

"1 16
C/li\PIEli 7 Masonry
A fl cxul'<ll member !iha " he cOllside red to h.lvc passed the
Icst if Ihe maximulIl deflection D ,H the end of the
24~ hour
reinforcemenl or by hori zontal rei nforcement spaced not over 1.2 III and fully
embedded in grout or mortar.
period does not exceed the value of Formu la (706-1) or
(706-2) <lnd the beams and slabs show a rccowry oj" at least 7) percent of the o
bserved dellcClio/l within 24 hOllrs aftcr
I'CIllO"'!! of the load.
f) ~ - - S.
The follo wing m;'llcriais shall 1 101 bc lIsed ;'IS parI of the vertical or lat
cml IO;'ld ~ rcsi s ting system: Typc 0 mortar, masonry ccrnent. plasti c ccment
, nOll-load bearing masonry units and glass block.
(706- 1)
706.1.12.3 Special Provisions for Seismic Zone 4
All masonry structures buill in Seism ic Zo ne 4 shall be designed and construcl
td in accordance with requirements for Seismic Zone 2 and with the following add
itional requirements and limitations:
:. ' .
706,1.11 Reuse or Masonry Units
Masonry units may be reused when clean , whole and confonning 10 the olher requ
irements of thi s sectioll . All structural propcI1ics of masonry of reclaimed u
nits shall be determined by approved test.
I. Column Reinforcement Tics
In columns Ihat are stressed by tensile Or compressive axial overturning forces
from sei sm ic loading. the spacing of colullllI lies shall not exceed 200 mill
for the full height of such columns.
706.1.12 Special Provision'5 in Area of Seismic Risk 706.1.12.1 General
Masonry struct ures constructed in the seismic zones shown in Figure 208- J shal
l be designed in accordallce with the design requirements of this chapter and th

e special provisions for each seismic zone given in this sec ti on.
706.1.12.2 Special Provisions rol' Seismic ZQlle 2
In all other columns, ti cs shall be spaced a maximum of 0.20 m in the tops and
bottoms of the columns for a distance of the greatest among ( I) one sixth of th
e clear column height, (2) 450 111m, or (3) the maximum column cross-sectional d
Tic spacing for the remaining col umn height shall not exceed the lesser of 16 b
ar diameters, 48 tie diamcters, lhe least column cross-sectional dilllension, or
450 mill. Column lies sha ll terminate with a minimum 135-degrec hook with exte
nsions not less than six bar diameters or J 00 mill. Sueh extensions shall cngtl
gc the longitudinal colum.n reinfo rcement and project into the interior of the
column. Books shall comply wilh Seclio n 707.2.2.5, It em 3. Exceptions: Where t
ies are placed ill horizontal bed joints, hooks shall consist of a 90-degree ben
d having an inside radius of not less than four tie diameters plus an extension
of 32 tie diameters. 2. Shear Walls
2.1 Reinforcement The portion of the reinforcemcnt rcq uired to resist shcar sha
ll be uniforml y di stribut ed and shall be joill! IcinfOi cclIlcnl , dcCormed
bars or a combin ation thereo f. The spacing of reinforcem ent in each direction
shall !lot exceed one half the length of the elemenl. nor one half tho:height o
f the elemenl , nor 1.2 nl .
Masonry stru ctures in Seismic Zone 2 shall co mpl y wilh the following special
Columns shall be reinforced as specified in Sections 706.3.6,706.3.7 and 707.2.1
3. Vertical wall reinforcement of ,II Jellst J 30 mm2 in cross-sectional area sh
all be provided continuously froIn sUppOIl to su pport at each corner, at each s
ide of each opening, at the ends of walls and at maximum spacing of 1.20 m apart
horizontally throu ghOllt walls. Horizontal wall reinforcement not less than J3
0 mm 2 in cross-sectional area shall be provided (1) at the bottom and lOp of wa
ll openings and shall extend not less th an 600 mm Or less than 40 bar diameters
past the opening, (2) continuously at structurally connected roof and fl oor le
vels and at the top of walls, (3) at the bottom of wa lls or ill the top of foun
dations when dowel ed in wa lls. and (4) at maximum spaci ng of 3.0 III unless 1
Illiful"lnly di ~lributcd joilH rein fo rcement is pro vided. Reinforce mcn{ at
the top and bOil om of openin gs when conlinuous in wa lls may be used in determ
ini ng the maximulll spacing speci fied ill Itelll I of th is paragraph. Where s
tack bond is used, the minimulll horizontal reinforcement ratio shall be O.0007b
c This ratio shall be satis fied by uniformly distributed joint
Joint reinforcement used in exterior walls and cOllsid(:j"i' ~ . the determinatio
n of the shear strength of the J1lcmh ~" be hot-dipped galvanized in accordance
with i\STM " & A 641.
Associatio n of Structural Engineers of Uw Philippines

CHAPTE:n 1 .
Rcinforcement required to resist in-plane shear shall be
terminated with;! stalHlard hook
defined in Section
4. Concrl'-te Abutting Structural Masonry
Concre te abutti ng strm;tural masonry, suc h as at s(ancr courses or ill wall i
n tersections not designed as true
707.2.2.5 or with an cx t e n ~ jon of proper embcdmcnt length beyond the reinfo
rcement at the end or the wall scction. The hook or extension may be turncd up,
down or hori7.ontaliy. Provisions shall be made not to obstruct grout placcment.
Wall reinforccment terminatin g ill columns or bcams shall be fully anchored in
to these elements.
2 . Bond Multi-wythe grouted masonry shear walls shall be designed with considera
tion of the adhesion bond strength between the grout ,lfld masonry units. When b
ond strengths are not known frolll previous Icsts, thc bond stren gt h shall be
determined by tesls.
2.3 Wall Reinforcement
All walls shall be rcinforced with both vCl1icai and horizontal reinforcclllcm.
The sum of thc areas of horizontal and vert iC'll reinforcement shall be HI leas
t 0.002 times the gross cross~scctional area of the Willi, and the ' minimum are
a of reinforcement in either direction shall 110t be less than 0.0007 times the
gross cross-sectional area of thc wall. The mjnimum steel requirements for Seism
ic Zone 2 in Section 706. 1.l2.2, Items 2 and 3, may be included in the sum. The
spacing of reinforcement shall nol exceed 1.2 In. The diameter of reinforcement
shall not be Jess than JO mm except that joim reinforcement may be considered a
s a part or all of the requirement for minimum reinforcement. Reinforcement shal
l be continuous around wall corners and through intersections. Gnly reinforcemen
t which is continuolls in the wall or clement shall be co nsidered in computing
the minimum area of reinforcement. Reinforcement with splices conforrning to Sec
tion 707.2.2.6 shall be considered as continuous rei nforecmen!.
separation joints, shall be rnughcncd to II full amplitude of 1.5 Jlllll
ll be bonded to the masonry in accordance with the requirements of thi s
as if it were masonry. Unless keys or proper reinforcemcnt is ptoyided,
l joints as specified in Section 706.1.4 shall be considered to be stack
d the reinforcement as required j'nl' st,\ct.; bono shall extend through
nt and be anchored into the concrete.

and sha
bond an
the jOi

706.2 Allowable Stress Design and Strength Design Requirements for Unrcinforccd
and Reinforced Masonry 706.2.1 General In addition to the rcq uireJllclll!> of S
ection 706. 1, the design of Illnsonry struct urcs by the allowable stress desi
gn method and strength design method shall comply with the requirements of this
section. Additionally, the design or reinforced masonry structures by these desi
gn methods shall comply with the requircments of SectiDIl 706.3. 706.2.2 Specif
ied Compressive Strength of Masonry The Itll owablc stresses for the design of m
asonry shall be based 011 value of selected for the construction.
Verification of the value of I'm shall be based on compliance with Scction 705.3

. Unless otherwise spccified, f'm shnl! be based on 28 -day te-sts. If other tha
n a 28 ~ day test age is used, the value of j'HI shall bc as indicated ill dc'si
gn drawings or specifications. Design drawings shall show the value of m for whi
ch c<lch part of the slnlcturc is designed.
2.4 Stack Bond Where stack bond is used, the minimuIll horizontal reinforcement
ratio shall be O.OOISbl. Where open-end units arc used and grouted solid, the mi
nimum horizontal reinforcement ratio shall be O.OO07bt.
Reinforced h o llow~lI nit stacked bond co nstru ct ion which is part of the se
i smic~ re sis till g .system shall USe opc ll ~c nd units so that all head join
ts arc made solid, shall usc bond beam units to faciJit,ltc the nnw of grout and
shall be grouted
706.2.3 Effeelive Thickness 706.2.3.1 Single-Wythe Walls The effective thickness
of single-wythe walls of either solid or hollow units is the specified thicknes
s of the wall. 706.2.3.2 Multi-wythe Walls The effcctive thickness of IlHilti -w
ythc walls is th e specific, ) thickness of the wall if the space between wythes
is filkd with mortar or grout. For walls with an open space between wythes, the
effective thi cknC'-ss shall be determined as for cavity walls.
3. Type N Mortar
Type N mortar shall not be used as palt of the laleral~load-resis(ing system.
ve l1ical~or
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6 ' Edition Volume 1

'( Iil
706.2.3.3 Cavily Walls
01" the wal! parallel 10 the shear forces may be assumed 'to carry horil.ollta]
Where bOlh wylhcs of <l cavity wldl arc <lxi'llly IO;ldcu, c<lch wythe shall be
considcreD 10 ;1(;1 independently and the effective thickn ess of" each wythe is
as defined in Section 706.2.:1. I. Where only one wythe is axially loaded, the
effective thickness of the cavity wall is taken as the square roOI of the Stllll
of the squares of" the specified thicknesses of the wythcs. cavity wall is comp
osed of a single wythe and a and both sides arc axially loaded, each side of th
e cavilY waH shilll be considered 10 aCI independently and the effective thickne
ss of each side is as defined in Sect ions 706.2.3. 1 and 706.2.3,2. Where only
one side is axi ally loaded, the effective Ihickness of the cavity wall is the s
quare root of" the su m of the sq uares of tile speci fied thicknesses of the si
706.2.7 DistribuHon of Concentrated Vertical Loads in Walls The length of wall l
aid up in running bond which may be considered cap"ble of working al the maximum
allowable ('I)mpressive stress to resist vertical concentrated loads shall L~;
. exceed the cel1ter~IO~cclltcr distance between Stich loads. nor the width of b
earing area plus rour limes (he wall thickness. Concelltrated vertical loads sha
ll not be assumed 10 be distributed across continuous vertical monar or con tro!
joints unless clements designed to di stribute the conce ntrated vcnica] loads
arc employed.
706.2.8 Loads OIl NOlluearing Walls Masonry walls lIsed as interior partitions o
r as exterior surfaces or a building which do not carry vcrtical loads imposed b
y other clements of the building shall bc designed to carry their own weight plu
s any superimposed fini sh and IHteml rorces. Bonding or anchorage of nonbcaring
walls shall be adequate 10 support (he walls and to transfer lateral forces to
the Suppo!1ing elements. 706.2.9 Vertical Denectioll
706.2.3.4 Columns
The effect ivc thi ckness for rectangular columns in the di rcction considered i
s the specified thickness. The effective thickness for nOIl~rcctanglllar columns
is the thi ckncss of the square column with the same moment of incrtia about it
s axis as that about the axis considered in the actual column.
706.2.4 Effective Height
The effective height of columns and walls shall be taken as the clear height of
members laterally supported at [he top and bottom in (\ direction normal to the
mcmber axis considered. For members nOI supported at the top normal to the axis
considered, the crfective height is twice the height of the member above the sup
port. E:Jfective height less than clear height may be llsed if justified.
706.2.5 Effective Area
Elements supporting masonry shall be designed so that their vertical deflection
will not exceed 11600 of the clear span under total loads. Lintels shall bear on
supporting masonry on each end such that al!owable stresses in the supporting m

asonry arc not exceeded. A minimum bearing length or 100 mill shall be provided
for lintels bearing on masonry. 706.2.10 Structural Continuity Intersecting stru
ctural clements intended to act as shall be anchored together to resist the desi
gn forces.
706.2.11 Walls Inlersecling
The effective cross~sectional area shall be based 011 the minill1l1!l1 beddcd ar
ea of hollow units, or the gross area or solid units plus any grouted area. Wher
e hollow unils arc used with cells perpendicular to the direction of stress, the
effective (uea shall be the lesser of th e minimum bedded area or the minimulll
cross~sec ti o llal area. Where bed joints are raked, the effective area shall
be correspondingly redu ced. Effective areas for cavity walls shall be that of t
he load ed wythes,
7()6.2.6 Effectiv(~ ,\lidth of Intersecting \V;,lIs
wHh Floors and Roofs Walls shall be anchored to all !loors, roofs or other eleme
nts which provide lateral SUpp0I1 for the wall. Where noors or roors are design
ed to transmit horizontal forces to walls. the anchorage to such walls shall be
designed to resis t the horizontal forcc. 706.2.12 Modulus of Elaslicity of Mate
rials 706.2.12.1 Modulus of Elasticit)' of Maso",'),
Where a shear wall is anchored to an intersecting wall or walls, the width of th
e overhanging flange form ed by the intersected wall on ei ther side of the shea
r wall, which may be assumed working with the shear wall for purposes of" flexur
al stiffness calculations, shall nOI exceed six times the thickness of the inter
sected wall. Limits of the effective flan ge may be waived if justified. Only th
e effective area
The moduli for masonry Illay be estimated as provided below. Actual values, wher
e required, shall be established by lest. The modulus or elasticity of masonry s
hall be determined by the, secant method in which the slope of the. line for the
modulus of elaslicity is taken from O.05f'", to a point on the curve at 0.33 I'
m. These values arc not to be reduced by one half as scI fonil in Seclion 707. J
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

l 19
Modulus of clas ti<: ity of clay or s hal ~ unit masonry.
J ~.",
= 750/,,,,,
205 OPt! maximum
(706 -3 )
di st ribut ed 10 the wyllles accordi ng hJ Ihei r rcspt.:cti vc Ikxu ral ri gid
it ies
706.3 Alternative Strength Design (ASD) and S trength Des ign Requirements for R
einfor('ed Ma sonry
Modulus of l!lasticity of concrele unit masonry.
1:," = 750/,,,,, 20.5 (JPa maximum
706.2.12.2 Modulus of Elasticit), of Steel
E,=200 GPa
(706-4) 706.3.1 General
In addition 10 the requirem en ts of' Sect ions 706.1 and 706.2, tbe design of r
einforced masonry i; lructu res by th e working stress design method or the stre
n gth des ign method shall co mply with the require ments of thi s sec tion.
(70GS) .. ,
706.2.13 Shear Modulus of Masonr),
G = 0.4 Ii:.,
706.2.14 ('Iacemcnt of Embedded Anchorllolts 706. 2.14.1 General
706,3.2 Plain Bars The use of pi<lin bars large r than 6 mill in diameter is not
permitted . 706.3.3 Spacing of Longitudinal Reinforcement
requireme nts for plate anchor boll s, hcadcd anc hor boilS find bent biir ancho
r bolts sha ll be detcrmincd in accordance with this subsection. Bcnt bar anchor
bolts shall have a hoo k with a 90-dcgree bend with all inside diam ete r of th
ree bolt diameters. plus all cxtension of" one and one Iwlf bo lt diameters at t
hc frce cnd . Plat e anchor bolts shall have a plate welded to thc shank to prov
ide lent to headed anchor bolts. anchorage eqlliv H
The dear di stance between parallel h'l!"s, except in columns,
shall nol be less than Ihe nominal diameter of the bars or 25
llllll. except thaI bars in a splice may be in contact. Thi s clea r distance re
quirement applies 10 tile dc,lr di stance be twee n a contact splice and adjacen
t splices or bars.
The effec tive embedmen t depth Ib for plate or headed anchor bolts shall be the
length of embedment measured pe'l)end icul ar from the surface of the masonry t
o the
hc.uin g surface of th e pl ate or head of the ancho rage , and II)

The clear distance between th e su rface of a bar and any surface of a masonry u
nit shall not be less th an 6 mm for fine grou t and 12 mm for coarse grout. Cro
ss webs of hollow units may be used as support for horizontal rei nforceillent.
for bcnt bar anchors shall be the length of embedment measured perpend icular fr
om the surface of the mason ry 10 the bearin g surface of the bent end minus one
anc hor bolt d iameter. All bolls shall be grouted in place with ill leasl 25 J
l1m of grou t between the boll and the rnasonry. except th at 6 fllll1 bolts Ill
ay be placed in bed joints which area al least J 2 mm in thickness.
706.2.14.2 Minimum Edge Distance
706.3.4 Anchorage of Flexural Reinforcement The tension or co mpression in <lily
bar at any section shall be devl'-loped on each side of th at section by thc re
quired develop ment length. The developme nt Ic ngth of the bar Illn)' be achiev
ed by a combi nation of an em bedment le ngt h. anchorage or, for tensi on on l
y, hooks. Except at suppOJ1S or at the free end of cantilevers, every rei nforci
ng bar shall be extended beyo nd the point at which il is no longer needed to r
e sist tensile stress for a distance equal to 12 bar diameters or th e depth of
the beam, whichever is greater. No fle xural bar shall be terminated in a tensil
e zone unless at least one of th e fo ll owi ng co nditions is satisfied:
TIle minimum anchor bolt edge distallce !l>c measured from the edge of the maso
nry paralle! with the anch or bolt to the surface of the anchor bolt shall be 38
706.2 .. 14.3 Minimum Embedment Depth
The minimu m embedment depth of anchor bolts
Ih shall be
boll d iamclers but not less th an 50
The shear is not over one half" that permittcd, induding ,lIlow"Ulcc for shear r
cin forcc mclH where pro vided.
Add it ional shear rei nforcement in excess of th at required is provided each w
ay from the cutoff a dist;mcc eq ua l to the dcpth of the bea m. The shear reinf
orccment spacing shall nol exceed d/8 rJ,.
706.2.14.4 MinimulIl Sp:ldllg bc(wcen Bolls The minimum center-to-ccnter distanc
e between anchor bolts shall be four bolt di ameters. 706.2.15 Flexural Resistan
ce of Cavity Walls For computing the fl exural resi stance of cavity walls. late
ral loads perpendi cul ar (0 the plane of the wall shall be
The cont inu ing bars provide double lhe arca requ ired for flexure at that poin
t or double the perimctcr required for reinforcin g bond.
National Structural Code of the Pllilippines 6 Edition Volum e 1

CHAPTEFl 7 Masonry
AI least one third of the total rcin/{)fccmcnt provided for
negative mOllle/ll at the support shal! be extended beyond the extremc position
of the poill! of in(Jcdio1l a distance sufficicllt to develop one half the allow
able stress in the bar, not less than 1116 of the clear span, or the depth d of
the mcmber, whichever is greater. Tensile reinforcement for negativc moment in a
ny span of a e);j!inuous restraincd or cantilever beam, or in any member of a ri
gid frame, shal! be adequately anchored by reinforcement bond, hooks or mechanic
al anchors in or through the supporting member. At least one third of the requir
ed positive moment reinforcement in simple beams or at the freely suppOJ1cd end
of continuous beams shall extend along the same face of the beam into the SUppOi
1 at least J 50 mm. At least one fourth of the required positive moment reinforc
ement at the cOlltinuous end of continuous beams shall extend along the same fac
e of the beam into thc support at least ISO mill. Compression reinforcement in f
lexural members shaH be anchored by ties or stirrups not Jess than () mm in diam
eter, spaced not farther apa!1 than 16 bar diameters or 48 lie diameters, whiche
ver is less. Such ties or stinups shall be used throughout the distance where co
mpression reinforcement is required.
project beyond the end of the bend at least 12 stirrup diameters.
706.3.6 Lateral Tics
AI! longitudinal bars for columns shall be e.nclosed by lateral tics. Lateral su
ppO!1 shall be provided to the longitudinal bars by the corner of a complete tic
having an included angle oj' not more than 135 dcgree~' or by a standard hook a
t the end of a tic. Tile corner bars :;liall have such SUPPO!1 provided by a com
plete tie enclosing the. longitudinal bars. Alternate longitudinal bars shall ha
ve such lateral support provided by tics and no bar shall be farther than 150 mm
from such laterally supported bar.
Lateral tics and longitudinal bars shall be placed not le.';s than 38 mm and not
more than 125 mm from the surface or the column. Lateral tics may be placed aga
inst the longitudinal bars or placed in the ,horizontal bed joints where the req
uirements of Section 706.1.8 are met. Spacing of tics shall not exceed 16 longit
udinal bar diameters, 48 tic diameters or the least dimension of the column but
not more than 450 111m. Tics shall be at least 6 mm in diameter for 20 mm or sma
ller longitudinal bars and at least J 0 mm for longitudinal bars larger than 20
mm. Ties smaller than J 0 mm may be used for longitudinal bars larger than 20 mm
, provided the total cross-sectional area of such smaller ties crossing a longit
udinal plane is equal to that of the larger tics at their required spacing.
706.3.5 Anchorage of Shear Rcinfoffcment.
Single, separate bars used as shear reinforcement shall be anchored at each end
by one of the following methods:
Hooking tightly around the longitudinal reinforcement through 180 degrees. Embed
ment above or below the mid-depth of the beam on the compression side a distance
sufficient to develop the stress in the bar for plain or deformed bars.
706.3.7 Column Anchor Bolt Ties
Additional tics shall be provided around anchor bolts which are set ill the top
of columns. Such ties shall engage at least four bolts or, alternately, at least
four vertical column bars or a combination of bolts and bars totaling at least
four. Such tics shall be located within the top 125 mill of the 2 . column and s
hall provide a total of 260 nun or more l!l cross-sectional area. The uppermost
tie shall be within 50 111m of the top of the column.

By a standard hook, as defined in Section 707.2.2.5,
considered as developing 50 MPa, plus embedment sufficient to develop the remain
der of the stress to which the bar is subjected. The effective embedded length s
hall not be assumed to exceed the distance between the mid-depth of the beam and
the tangent of the hook.
706.3.8 Effective Width B of Compression Area In computing flexural stresscs in
walls where reinforcement occurs, the effective width assumed for running bond
masonry shall not exceed six times the nominal wall thickness or the center-la-c
enter distance between reinforcement. Where stack bond is used, the effective wi
dth shall not exceed three times the nomina! wall thickness or the center-to-cen
ter distance between reinforcemcnt or the length of one unit, unless solid grout
ed open-end units arc used.
The ends of bars forming a single LJ Of multiple LJ stirrup shall be anchored by
one of the methods set forth in Items 1 through 3 above or sha!l be bent throug
h all angle of at least 90 degrees tightly around a longitudinal reinforcing bar
not less in diameter than the stirrup bar, and shall project beyond the bend at
least J 2 stirrup diameters. The loops or closed ends of simple U or multiple U
stirn!ps shall be anchored by bending around the longitudinal reinforcement thr
ougb an angle of at least 90 degrees and
Association of Structural Engineers of the Pililippines

CHAPTEn 'l . Masonry

707. 1.4 Des ign Assutnl)(ions
The working stress design proced ure is bllsed Oil working stresses and linear s
tress-st rain distribu tion assumpt ions with al l strcsses in the cl astic rang
e as fo ll ows:
707.1 Ge neral 707.I.I Sco pe The design hI' inaso nry structures usin g all owa
ble stress design sh;ill compl y with the provision s of Sec ti on 706 unc.l
this sec tion. sec tio n . Stresses in cl ay or concret e maso nry under
Pla ne sections be fore bendin g remain pla ne aft cr bc nding. Stress is propor
tional to strain.
Masonry clcmcnts combin e to form a IH) ll1o ge noLl,1 mem ber.
service loads shall not exceed th e va lues given in this
707.1.5 Emuedded Anchor BoiL, 707. 1.5.1 General
707. 1.2 Allowaule Masonry Stresses When qualit y a$;su mncc provisions
incl ude
require ment s for spec ial inspecti o n as prescribed in Section 70 1, the all
owilble stresses for masonry in Sec ti on 707 sha ll
be reduced by one h'llf.
Allowa ble loads for pl ate <l llchor boll s. headed anchor boll s and he nt bar
" lIchor boll s shall be dete rmined in accord ance with thi s :-;ecti o n.
\A/ hen one half all owa bl e ma sonry stresses arc used ill Seismic Zone 4, the
va llie of I'm from Ta ble 705~ J sh all be
707.1.5.2 Tension All owable loads in tension shal! be the lesse r val ue se lec
ted from Table 707-1 and 707-2 or shall be determi ned from
the lesser of Forilluia (707-1) or Forillu ia (707-2). (707 - 1) (707-2)
The area A" sh all b~ the lesser of Fonmil a (7073) or Fo rm ula (707-4) and wher
e th e projected areas o r adjacent
limi ted to a max imum of J () MPa for concrete maso nry and 18 MPa for clay mas
o nry unless the value of/'/II is verified by tes ts in a!.:co rdancc with Secti
on 705.3.4, It elll!) 1 and 4
or 6. A lettcr of certifi cation i!) not required. Whcn one half all owab le mas
o nry st resses are used for design in Seismic Zo nes 4, the value of/,,,, sha l
l be limited (0 10 M Pa for concrete maso nry a nd 18 M Pa fo r clay maso nry fo
r Secti on 705.3.2, item 3, a nd Sect io n 705.3.3, Item 5, un less thc val ue

of /,,,, is verifi ed during construction by the 1csling requireme nt s of Secti

o)) 705.3.2, It em 2. A letter of certificatio n is not required.
anchor boilS c verlap, At' or each anchor bo lt shall be reduced by o ne half o
f Ihe overl a pping area.
707. 1.3 Minimum Dimensions for Masonry Structures L oca ted in Se is mi c Zones
2 and 4 Elements of masonry stl1lc tures located in Se is mi c Z.olles 2 a nd 4
shall be in accordance with this section. 707.1.3.1 Bearing Walls
Thc nom inal thickness of reinforced masonry bearin g walls shaH not be less tha
n 150 Illlll except th at no mi na! 100 !TIm load-bearing re info rced hollow-cl
ay unit masonry walls may be used, provided net area uni t strength exceeds 55 M
Pa, un its are laid in nlllning bond , bar s izes do nol exceed 12 mill w ilh no
more tha n Iwo bars or o ne s pl ice in <l ce ll , and j o ints are flu sh cu t
. concave or a protl1ldi ng V section.
707.1.5.3 Shear
Allowable loa ds in shear shall be the va lue selected fro m Tab le 707 ~3 or sh
all be determined from thc lesser of Formula (707-5) or Formul a (707-6).
B,. ~ 1070(1'", AI>
13,. = 0.12 A,l,
Where the anc ho r bolt edge di stance hr in the direct ion of load is less than
12 bolt dia me le rs. Ihe va lu e of B. ill
Formul a (707-5) shall be reduced by iinc<lr inl c rpolal io ll to
z.ero at .1Il he- d istance o f 40 mill. Where adj accllI anchors arc spaced clo
ser th an 8th, the a ll owable shear of the
adj acent a nc ho rs delCrmined by Formul a (707~5) shall be reduced by linear i
n terpolat ion to 0.75 ti mes the allowa ble shear va lue at a center-to-cen ter
spacing of fo ur bolt diameters.
707.1.3.2 Columns
The least nominal di mension of a reinforced masonry column shall be 300 mm exce
pt th at, for AS D, if the a ll owab le stresses are reduced by one hal f. the m
inimum nomin al dimension shall be 200 mm.
Nolional Structu ral Code of tile Philippines 6'" Edition Volume 1

7 -22
CHAPHT? 7 Ma.sonry
707.1.5.4 Combined Shear and Tension
707.1.8.2 Determination of Modulus of Elasticity
The modulus of elasticity
Anchor bolts subjected 10 combined s.hear and tension shall be designed in accor
dance with:
each type
masonry in
composite construction shall be measured by tests if the modular ratio of the re
spective types of masonry exceeds 2 \0 I as determined by Sectio!] 706.2. I 2.
707.1.8.3 Structural Continuity
707.1.6 Compression in Walls and Columns 707.1.6.1 Walls, Axial Loads 707.1.8.3.
1 Bonding of Wythes All wythes of composite masonry clements shall be tied toget
her as specified in Section 706.1.5.2 as a minimum requirement. Additional tics
or the combination of grout and metal tics shall be provided to transfer the cal
culated stress. 707. Material Properties The effect of dimensional change
s of the various materials and different boundary conditions of various wythes s
hall be included in the design. 707.1.8.4 Design Procedure, Transformed Sections
Stresses due to compressive forces applied at the centroid of wall may be compute
d, assuming uniform dis.tribution over the effective area, by
= PIA,.
707.1.6.2 Columns, Axial Loads
Stresses due to compressi ve forces appl led at the centroid of columns may be c
omputed by Formula (707-8) assuming uniform distribution over the effective area
707.1.6.3 Columns, Bending or Combined Bending and Axial Loads
Stresses ill columns due to combined bending and axial loads shall satisfy the r

equirements of Section 707.2.7 where j;/Fo is replaced by PIP". Columns subjecte

d to bending shall meet all applicable requirements for flexural design.
707.1.7 Shear Walls, Design Loads
In the design of transformed sections, one materia! is chosen as the reference m
aterial, and the other materials arc transformed to an equivalent area of the re
ference material by mUltiplying the areas of the other materials by the respecti
ve ratios of the modulus of elasticity of the other materials to that of the ref
erence material. Thickness of the transformed area and its distance perpendicula
r to a given bending axis remain unchanged. Effectivc height or length of the cl
ement remains unchanged.
707.1.9 Reuse of Masonry Units The allowable working stresses for reused masonry
units shall not exceed 50 percellt of those permitted for !lew masonry units of
the same properties.
707.2 Design of Reinforced Masonry
When calculating shear or diagonal tension stresses, shear walls which resist se
ismic forces in Seismic Zone 4 shull be designed to resist J.5 times the forces
required by Section 20SS.
707.1.8 Design, Composite Construction 707.1.8.1 General
The requirements of this section govern masonry in which at least Olle wythe has
cOIllPosition characteIistics different from the or wythes and is adequately bo
nded to act structural elemcnt.
multi-wythe strength or other wythe as a single
707.2.1 Scope The requirements of this section arc in addition to the requiremen
ts of Sections 706 and 707.1, and govern masonry in which reinforcement is lIsed
to resist forces.
The following assulllptions shall apply to UK design of composite masonry:
Analysis shall be based on elastic transfolll1cd section of the net area. The ma
ximum computed stress in any portion of composite masonry shall not exceed the a
llowable stress for the material of that portion.
Walls with openings used to resist lateral loads whose pier
c within the dimensional limits of Section 708.2.6. J.2 may
dance wi til Section 708.2.6. Walls llsed to resist lateral
e dimensional limits of Section 708. may be designed
ce with this section 0,' Section 708.2.5.
Association of Struc~ur81 Engineers of the Philippines

and beam clements ar

be designed in accor
loads not meeting th
as walls in accordan

CHAPTEJl ., . Masollry
707.2.2 Heinforc('.mcnt 707.2.2.1 Mnximulll Hcinforccmcnt Size
The maximulll size of reinforcement shall he 32 111111. Maximuill reinforcement
area in cclIs shall be 6 percellt of the ce Jl area withollt splices and 12 perC
Cll! or th e <-:ell area with spli ces.
J . Inside diameter or bend for 16 mm or smalkr stirru ps and tics shall not be
less than four bar diameter. Inside diame[c-l' of bend for 16 mill or larger sti
rrups ,Illd ties shall not be less than that sct f01111 in Table
4. Hooks shall not be permitted ill the tensio n portion of any beam, except at
the ends of simple or cantilever beams or at the freely supported end of co ntin
uous or
707.2.2.2 Cove,. All reinforcing bars, except joint reinforcclllclll, sha ll be
completely embedded in mortar or grout and have II minimum cover, including the
masonry unit, of at lca ~t 20 mJll, 40 nun of <..:over when the masonry is ex po
sed to wea ther and 50 mill of cover when the masonry is exposed to soi l.
707.2.2.3 Development Length The required dcvelopment le ngth I" for dc formed h
ars or t1cformcd wire shal! be cllkulated by:
Hooks shall not be assumed to carry a load which would produce a tensile stress
in the bar grea ter than 52 MPa.
Hooks shall not be considered effecti ve in adding to the cO lupressivc resistan
ce of bars.
An y mcchani cal device c:lp,-I blc of developing. the st re ngth of the bill' w
it ho llt damage 10 the masonry may he used in lieu of a hook . Data mu st be pr
esented 10 show the adequacy of such devi ces.
I" = 0.29 d,,/s for bars in tension
(707 9)
I" = 0.22 d'i/: for bars in compression
Devel opment length for smooth bars shall be twi ce thc length determined by For
mula (707~9).
707.2.2.4 Reinforcement Bond Stress Bond stress u ill reinforcing bars shall not
exceed th e
following: Pl ain Bars 4 10 kPa Deformed Bars 1370 kP" Deformed Bars without 690
kPa ~~~ In spectio~ _ __.__ - --------707.2.2.6 Splices The amount of lap of lapped splices sha ll be sufficient to tr
ansfer the allowable stress of th e reinforcement as spec ified in Seclions 706.
3.4. 707.2.2,3 and 707.2.12. In no case shall the length of the lapped splice be

less than 30 bar dia meters for compression or 40 bar diameters for tension.
Welded or mechanical connec ti ons shall develop 125 percent of the specified yi
eld stre ngth of the bar in tension .
For compressiotl bars itl columns lhat are ItOI parI of (h e seismic-resistillg
system and are !lot subjec f 10 flexure, ollly III ; compJ'(~.HiI}e slrength Iwe
d be developed.
707.2.2.5 Hooks
1. The term "standard hook" shall mean one of th e following: 1.1 A 180-degree t
urn plus extension of at least 4 bar diameters, but not less than 63mm at rrec e
nd of bar. 1.2 A 90-degree turn plus c:xtension of al least 12 bar diameters at
free end of bar.
J.3 For stirrup alld ti e anchorage o nl y, e ithe r a 90degree o r a J 35-degrc
e tum , plus an ex tension o f at least six hal' dimllcters, bU I nol less than
65 mm at the free end of the hal'.
When adjacent spJices in grouted masonry are separated by 76 mill or Jess, the r
equired lap length shall be increased 30 percent.
Wh ere lap splices are staggered at leas! 24 bars diameters, in crease ill lap l
ength is required.
Sec Secti on 707.2.12 for lap splice
707.2.3 Design Assumptions
The followin g (Issumptiolls <Ire in addition w those stated ill 50clion707. 1.4
Maso nry ca rries no tens ile stress. Reinforcement is completely SlII'l'ounded
by and bonded to masonry material so th at they work together as a homogenolls m
aterial within the ran ge of allowable working stresses.
Inside diamete r of bend of the ban" other th an for stirrllps and ti cs, shall
not be less than that set forth in Table 707-4
Nationa! Structura l Code of the Ph il ippi nes 6
Edition Volurne 1

e IMP'1 EFI 7 Masonry
707.2.4 Nonrcctangular Flexural El ements Flcxunll cleme nl s of nonrccla ngular
cross see lion sh all IJ...~
designed ill <lcconJance with the HS!i Ulllplions given 111
Where shear reinforcement desi gned to lake emirc shear fo rce is provi dcu. the
ullowahlc shea r siress. in Ile XUf .d me mhe rs is:
Secli ons 707. 1.4 and 707.2.3.
707.2.5 Allowable Axial Compressive Stress and Force
I'~. :::: O. 25~ , 1.0 MPa maximuJll
707.2.9 Allowable
(707 -I H)
For members other than reinforced masonry columns, th e allowable axia l compres
sive stress I;~, shall be determined
as follo ws:
Stress in Shear Walls
I:;' =0.25!'... II_(~)2 J
for h 'I
Where inplan e fl exural reinfo:~celllenl is provided an d masonry is used to re
sist all ~jiLar, th e a ll o wHb le slw ,~r slress Fv in shear wall is:
(707 - 11 )
M F, =1/36 (4- -M ),;-f' (80 -45 - ) ma x. imulll , Vd /11 Vel
r" 99
= 0.25!'".c,~,rr
For M /Vd ~ I, r~,
; ; 1/12 ~
, 240 kPd max.im um
(707- 20)
for h'lr > 99
For re inforced
masonry co lumn s, the .a llowab le axial
co mpress ive fo rce P" shall be detcnllin cd as follows:

= 10.25!, ...
A, +0 65A,F"J[{ I~~r
Where shear rein forceme nt desi gned ( 0 t;'lke .111 Ihe shear provided, the al
lowa ble shear stress F,., in ShCM wall s is:
(707-1 3)
Fo r MIVd < J,
for h'lr " 99
F , =1/24(4- -M ) f' (120-45 -M ) , Vel m. Vel (707- 14 )
(707-2 1)
P" = /0 25!, ... A,. +0.65A, F" ]( T
for h'lr> 99
M / Vd " I, F,. = O. 12~ ,520 kPa maximulll (707-22 )
707.2.10 Allowable Bearing Siress When a member bcar5 on the ful! area of cle me
nt, the allowabl e heari ng stress Fllr is:
I~" =
707.2.6 Allowable Flexural Compressive Stress The allowabl e f1 exura l compress
ive stress F,! is:
F" = 0.33!,,,, ' 13.8 MPa maximum
707.2.7 Combined

(707-23 )
Elements subjected to combined axial and flexural stresses shall be design ed in
accordance with accepted principles of mechanics or in accordance with Formula
(707 - 16)
When a member bears of! one thi rd or less e le ment, the allowable bearing stre
ss F"r is:
or a masonry
707.2.8 Allowabl e Shear Sln'ss ill Flcxuml Members shear stress F,.
Wbere no shear re inforcement is pl ovided, the allowable jll ncxural members is
Formula (707~24) applies only when th e least dimensi<m between the edges of the
loaded and unl oaded arc'ls is minimu m o f one fo urth of Ihe para llel s ide
di mcnsi01 I of l!i,' lo.aded a rea. The all owable bearing stress on a reasonab
ly co ncentric area great er than one th ird bu! less than the full
area shall be interpolat ed between the valu es
or Formulas
(707-23) and (70724).
r-;, =a.083!!,,,;, 345 kPa maximum
For a distaltce of 1116 tlie clear span beyond rhe point of inflection, th e max
imum stress shall be 140 kPa.
Association of Structural Engineers of the Phi lippines

707.2.11 Allowahk' Stresses in Rcinf()IT('mcnt '1l 1 {~ ;d low;lhlc s tresscs il
l rci nfon:clllclll shall hc as follows :
1. 1 Deformed hal's,
0.5;;- , Ie) MPa maximulll
J.2 Wire reinforcement ,
f~r::::: 0.5!y \ . 200 MPa ma xi muill
1.1 Tics, an chors li nd s mooth bars,
707.2.14.2 Walls, Bending or Combined Bending and Axial Loads Stresses in walls
du e to combined bending and ax ial loads shall satisfy thc requirements of Sect
ion 707.2.7 where);, is givcn by Formula (707 . 8). Wall s subjected to bending
with or without ;Ixiallo<lds shall mcet .dl appli cable requirements for flexura
l design. Th e design of walls with an II 'If ratio larger than 30 shall be base
d on forc es and moments determined fnun an ana lysis of the st ructure. Such ll
llal ys is shall consider the illf1 Il(:nce of axial loads and variable mome nt
of inertia on member stiffness and fixed-end JllOlllents, effect of deflections
011 moments and forces and the effec ts of duration of loads. 707.2.15 Flexural
Design, Rectangular Flexural
F,,::::: OAf;. , 140 MPa maximum
(707 -27)
Compressive Stress
Dcf()rrn~d J;~,_ :::::
bars in columns,
0.4/;. , 165 MPa maximum
, 165 MPa ma ximum
Elements Rectangular clements shall be designed in accordance with the rollowing
formulas or othcr meth ods based o n the assumptiolls g iven in Sect ion s 70 7
. 1.4, 707 .2.3 and this
section. I. Co mpress ive stress ill the masonry:

2.2 Deformed bars in flexural members,

O.5 J.~.
23 Deformed bar~ in shear walls whidl are confined by lateral tics throu gho ut
the distance where compression reinforce ment is required and where sllch l<Hera
! tics are not Icss than 6 mm in diametcr and spaced nOI farther apart than J 6
bar diameters or 48 tic diameters,
~, =.~-(- )
M 2 /Jd 2 ik
(707-3 1)
Tensile stress in the longitudinal reinforcemeJll:
l:',.c= O.4/;. ,165MPamaximum
/' = A'd ,J Design coefficients:
(707 -32)
707.2.12 Lap Splice increases In region s of moment where the design tensile s t
resses in thc reinforce ment are greatcr than 80 percent of (he allowable steel
tensile stress r" the lap length of splices shall be increased /lot less than .)
0 pen.~e n( of the minimum required length . Other equivalent means of stress tr
ansfer to accomplish the same 50 percent increase may be used.
=.fi~~;)2 + 2111' - "l'
707.2.13 Reinforcement for Columns Columns shall be provided with reinforcement
as specified in (his section .
707.2.13.1 Vertical Reinforcement
The area of vertical reinforcement shall not be less than 0.005 A.. and 110t mor
e than (l.()4 AI". A t le.}st four 10 n1l11 bars shall be provid ed . The minimu
lll clear distan ce be tw ee n panlll ei bars in columns shall be IwO and one ha
lf times the bar diameter.

' i= 1- 3
707.2.16 Bond of Flexural Reinforcement In flexural members ill which tensile re
inforcement is paJ"<\!JC! to the compressive facc, the bond stress shall be comp
uted by the form ul a :
= -.-V
["i d
707.2.14 Compression ill Walls and Columns
707.2.14.1 General
Stresses due to compressive forces in walls and columns shall be calculated in a
ccordance with Section 707.2,5.
National Stl'Llctural Code of the Philippines 6
Edition Volume 1

707.2.17 Shear in Flexuntl Membtrs and Shear Walls
.. :. ,. . + ii, <I .1 ~ -,,~,
The shear stress in flexural members and shear walls shall be computed by;
7()7.3.5 Allowahle Tellsile Stress Resultant tensile stress due [0 cOlllbined be
nding and aXI load shall not exceed the allowable nexural tensile :;(1'cs.-; , F
For members or T or I section, tJ' shall be substituted for b. Where j.. as comp
uted by Formula (707-37) exceeds the allowable shear stress in masonry, F,., web
reinforcement shall be provided and designed to carry the total shear force. Bo
th vertical and horizontal shear stresses shall be considered. The area required
for shear reinforcement placed
The allow;~blc tensile stress for walls in flexure \'.~ ! ho\l: tensile reinforc
ement using portland cement and hydrated lime, or using mOI1ar cement Type M or
S Jllol1ar, sbl! n<'! exceed the values in Table 707-5. Values in Table 707-5 fo
r tension nOfmalto head joints ;n-!' for running bond; no tension is allowed acr
oss head ill stack bOlld masonry. These values shall not be 0:-.','0 horizontal
flexural members.
707.3.6 Allowable Shear Stn'ss in Flcxural Members The allowable shear stress Fv
in flexural members is:
perpendicular to the longitudinal reinforcement shall be
computed by:
Where web rcinforccment is required, it shall be so spaced that every 45~degree
line extending from a point at d/2 of the beam to the longitudinal tension bars
shall be crossed by at least one line of web reinforcement.
707.3 Dcsign of Unrcinfol'ccd Masonry 707.3.1 Gelleral The requirements of this
section govern masonry in which reinforcement is not used to resist design force
s and arc in addition to thc requirements of Sections 706 and 707.1 707.3.2 Allo
wable Axial Compressive Stress.
l~. = tl083JY:~, 345
kPa maximuill

For a distance of 11/6 111 the clear .\pan beyond fhe p( it(fleCfiofl, fhe maxim
um slress shall be /38 kPa.
if)! ;',"
707.3.7 Allowable Shear Stress ill Shear Walls The allowable shear stress Fv in
shear walls is as follo\\ .;:
F;, ::::: (J.(J25~, 550 kPa maximum
Concrete units with Type M or S mortar, F,. maximum. Concrete units with Type N
monar, F,. :;: maximum. The allowable shcar stress in unreinforced may be increa
sed by 0.2/lIId .
The allowable axial compressive stress
J 60
[1-(_h'_)'J forh'/r$99
m:: ' _)f1~
707.3.3 Allowable Flexural Compressive Stress The allowable Ocxural compressive
stress Pi, is:
707.3.8 Allowable Beariug Stress When a member bears on the full area of a eleme
nt, the allowable bearing stress Fhl' shall be:

0.33Fm .
14 MPa maximum
(707-41) Unity
707.3.4 Combined Compressive Strcsses, FOl'mula
When a member bears 011 one-third or less of a clcmcnt, the allowable bearing st
ress h" shall be:
FiJI::: 0.38/,,,,
Elements subjected to combined axial and flexural stresses shall be designed in
accordance with accepted principles of mcchanics or in accordancc with the Formu
la (707-42):
Formula (707-46) applies only when Ihe leasl <I; .('. between the edges of the l
oaded and unloaded (ti ' ,:, ,; a minimulll of one fourth orlhe paralic I side d
imension of the loaded area. The allowable bearing stress on a re~lsonabJy
Association of Structural Engineers of tile Philippines

concentric area greater than olle third but less than the full area shall be int
erpolated between the values of Formulas (707 -4.1) and (707-46).
707.3.9 Combined Bending and Compressive Stresses Axinl Loads,
S~CTIQN708 , ' .' .:' ;"N>',''''
708.1 General
Compressive stresses due to combined bending and axial loads shall satisfy the r
equirements of Section 707.3.4.
707.3.10 Compression in Walls .md Columns
708.1.1 General Provisions The design of hollow-unit clay and concrete masonry s
tructures using strength d~sig!l <;hall comply with the provisions of Section 70
6 and this section.
EJ.:ception: TlVo-wythe solid-unit maso!l1)' may 708.2.1 and 708.2.4.
Stresses due to compressive forces in walls and columns shall be calculated in a
ccordance with Section 707.2.5.
707.3.11 FlexlIral Design
used under Sections
Stresses due
flexure shall not exceed the values given in
Sections 707.1.2, 707.3.3 and 707.3.5, where:
ii, = M,.I!
708.1.2 Quality Assurance Provisions Special inspection during construction shal
l be provided as set forth in Section 1701.5, Item 7 of UBe. 708.1.3 Required St
rength The required strength shall be determined in accordance with the factored
load combinations of Section 203.3. 708.1.4 Design Strength Design strength is
the nominal strength, multiplied by the strength-reduction factor, $, as specifi
ed in this sectioll. Masonry members shall be proportioned such that the design
strength exceeds the required strength. 708.1.4.1 Beams, Piers and Columns 708.1
.4.!.l Flexure
707.3.12 Shear in Flexural Members and Shear Walls Shear calculations for flexur
al members and shear walls shall be based on Forllluia (707-48).
= V / A,.

707.3.12 Corbels
The slope of corbelling (angle measured from the horizontal to the face of the c
orbelled surface) or unreinforccd masonry shall not be less than 60 degrees.
The maximum horizontal projection of corbelling from the plane of the wall shall
be such that allowable stresses are not exceeded. 707.3.13 Stack Bond
Flexure with or without axial load, the value of 4) shaH be determined from Form
ula (708-1):
(708-1 )
Masonry units laid in stack bond shall have longitudinal reinforcement of at lea
st o.0002f times the vertical crosssectional area of the wall placed horizontall
y in the bed joints or in bond beams spaced veI1icaily not more than 1.20111 apa
708,1.4,1.2 Shear
Shear: = 0.60
708.1.4,2 Wall Design for Out-of-Plane Load 708. Walls with Factored Axia
l Load of 0.04/,,,, or less Flexure: = 0.80. 708,1.4.2,2 Walls with Factored Axi
al Load Greater than 0.04 /'m
Axial load and axial load with flexure: ~ = 0.80. Shear: 0.60.
National Structural Code of tile
Philippin~s 6'"
E:dilion Volume 1

708.1.4.3 Wall Design for in-Plane Loads 708. Axial Load
Axial load and axial load with flexure:
70S.1.5 Anchor Bolts 70S. 1.5. I Required Strength
4) = 0.65.
For walls with sYlllmetrical reinforcelllent in which .I~, does not exceed 4 I:)
MPa, (he value of </> may be increased linearly (0 0.85 as thc valuc of </> P"
decreases from 0.1 () I'III A,. or 0.25 f\ to i'.crn.
The, required strength of embedded anchor boilS shal! bc determined from factore
d loads as specified in Section 70S.I.5. 708.1.5.2 No-ninal Anchor Bolt Strength
The nominai sirength of anchor bolls limes the strengthreduction factor shall eq
ual or excced the required strength.
The nominal tensile capacity or anchor bolts sbaH be determined from the lesser
of Formula (708-S) or (708-6).
For solid grouted walls, the valuc of P" lllay be calculated
by Formula (708-2) (708-2)
111, :::::
O.85d {e"," / /e"",
-I((,.I !~~)]}
708. Shear
Slrear: <P
The value of 4J may be 0.80 for any shear wall when its nominal shear strength e
xceeds the shear corresponding to development of its nominal flexural strength f
or the factored-load combination.
The area AI' shall be the lesser of Formula (708-7) or (708-8) and where the pro
jected areas of adjacent anchor bolts overlap, the value of All of each anchor b
olt shall be reduced by one half of the overlapping area.

= hJ
008-7) (708-8)
AI' = 1C 1,,/
708.1.4.4 Moment-Resisting Wall Frames 708. Flexure With or Without Axial
The value of </> shall be as determined from formula (7084); however, the value
of <p shall not be less than 0.65 nor greater than 0.85.
The nominal shear capacity of anchor bolts shall be determined from the lesser o
f Formula (708-9) or (708-l 0).
(708-9) (708-10)

Pf( 0.85- 2 (---) An/'m
708. Shear Shear: '" ~ 0.80. 708.1.4.5 Anchor
Anchor bolts: '"
Wherc the anchor bolt edge distance, 1"<,, in the direction of load is less than
12 bolt diameters, the value of BII! in formula (808-9) shall be reduced by lin
ear interpolation to zero at an he distance of 38 1111ll. Where adjacent anchor
bollS arc spaced closer than 8th, the nominal shear strength of the adjacent anc
hors determined by Formula (708-9) shall be reduced by linear interpolation to 0
.75 times the nominal shear strength at a centeHo-center spacing of four bolt di
Anchor bolts subjected to combincd shear and tcnsion .';l1all bc designcd in acc
ordance with Formula (708-1 I).
708.1.4.6 Reinforcement 708. Development Development: '" ~ 0.80. 708.1.4.
6.2 Splices
Splices: <P
708.1.5.2 Anchor Bolt Placement
Anchor bolts shall be placed so as to meet (he rdr,c distance, embedment depth a
nd spacing rcquircmc.ll; Jf Sections 706.2.14.2, 706.2.14.3 and 706.2.14.4.
Association of Structural Engineers of tile Philippines

70R.2 n.cinfoncd Masonry 708.2.1 Gene,",,1 70S.2.1.1 Scope The requi rements of t
his sect ion arc in addition to the rcquircmcrlls of Sections 706 and 70M. I and
govern m;:lsonry in which reinforcemcnt is used to res ist rorces. 708.2.1.2 De
sign Assumptions
paralic! to the Dl'utl'al axis at a distancl' a ::: O.X5l rrorll till' fiber or m
aximuill (omprcssivc strain. Distanc e c from filwr or max imulll strain to (he
neutral axis shall bl' Illca..-ured in a direct ion perpend ic ular to that ax i
708.2.2 neinfun:emcllt Requirements and Details 708.2.2.1 Maximum ncinforcclIlen
The following assumptions appl y: Masonry carries no tensile
The maximum si ze o r rci ll forc cmcill shall be 28 mill. The diameter o r iJ b
ar shall not exceed on e fourth th e least dimcns'iull or it cell. No more than
two bars shall be placed in a ceii oj' a wa!! or a wall frame. greater than the
708.2.2.2 Placement The place ment of reinforcement shall compl y with th e
fOllowin g:
~trcs s
Reinforcement is completely surrounded by and bonded to masonry matclial sO that
they work together as a homogeneous material .
No minal strength of singly reinforced masonry waH cross sections for combined I
lexure and axial load shall be based on applicable conditi ons of equilibrium an
d compatibilit y or stmins. Strain ill reinforcemeJlt and maso nry wall s shall
be ass umed to be directly proportional to the di stance from th e neutral axis.
In columns and pi ers, the dea l di stance helwccil vcrti cal reinforcin g bars
sh all not be less than one and one-half lime s the nomina l bil!' diameter. nor
less than 40 mm. 708.2.2.3 Cover All reinforcin g bars shall be completely embe
dded in monar or grout and shall ha ve a co ve r of not ICss than .18 mm nor Jes
s th<ln2.5 (ft,. 708.2.2.4 Standard Hooks A standard hook shall be one of the fol
Maximum usabl c strain, enllO , at Ole extreme masonry cOlllpressioll nber shall
be 0.003 for the design of beams. piers. columns and walls.
not exceed 0.003 for mom ent-resisting wall frames , unl ess lateral reinforceme
nt as defined in Sec tion
708.2.6 .2.6 is lHili zed.
A 180degrce turn plu..- an extension of <II least four bar diameters. but not les
s thiiJl 60 mm ;u the free end of the bar.
A I 35 degree turn pi US an extensioll diam eters at the free end of the bar.
or at

least six bar

Strain in reinforcement and masonry shall be assumed (0 be directl y proportiona
l to the distan ce from the neutral axis. Stress in reinforcement below specifie
d yield strength f; for grade of reinforcement used shall be taken as E~f times s
teel st rain. For strains greater than that corresponding to J;., stress in rein
forcement shall be considered indepcndent of st rain and equal to1;..
T ens ile strength of masonry walls shall be neglect ed ill fl ex ural calculati
on of strength, except when computing requirements for deflection.
A 90-degree turn plus an exten sion of at least 12 bar diameters at the free end
of the bar.
708.2.2.5 Minimum Bend Diameter for Reinforcing Bars
Diameter of bend measured on the inside of a bar other th<lll for stirrups and t
ies in sizes 10 111m through 16111111 shall not be less than the values in Table
707-4 Inside diameter of bends for sti rrups and lics shall not be less than 4(
", for 16 mill bars and smaller. For bars larger than 16 mm di ameter of bend sh
all be in accordan ce with Tabl e 707-4
708.2.2.6 Development The calculated tension or compression reinforcement shall
be developed in accordance with the following pro visions: The embedment length
of reinforcement determined by Formula (708-12).
Relationship between masonry compressive stress and masonry strain lIla y be ass
umed to be rectan gular as defined by the following: Masonry stress of 0.85 I'm
shall be assumed uniformly di stributed over an equivalent compression zone boun
ded by edges of the cross section and a straight line located
National Structural Cod e of the Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

708.2.3.3 Balanced Reinforcement Compression Limit Statf.'.
(70S- J})
Cilcullili on of the b.li<.lllced reinrOrtT IllCIl1 ratio, PI" shall be b'lsed o
n the following assu mption s: I. The distribut io n of strain across th e secti
o!) shall be assumed (0 vary linearly from the maximum usable strain, e"III' at
th e extreme compressio n fiber of the element, to II yie ld strain of fiE"~ at
the ex treme tensioll fiber of the clement. ..
Compression fo rces shail be in equili brium with the sum of tcns io n fo rces i
n the reinforcement and lhe maximum ax ial load associated with a load ing combi
nati on I .OD + I .OL + ( I AE or 1. 3 W).
K shall 1101 exceed Jd".
The minill lulll embedment Icngtll o f' reinforceme nt shal l he 300 Illlll .
708.2.2.7 Splices
Reinforcement splices shal! comply with one of the
followin g:
The minimum length of lap for bl:lrs shall be 300 or the length determined by Fo
rmula (708~J 4).
',= '",./'
(708 14)
1. The reinforcement shall be assum ed to be uniformly distributed over the dept
h of the clemen t and the. balanced rei nforcement ratio shal l be calculated as
th e area of this reinforce ment di vided by th e net :l rCll of the clemen t.
4. A ll longitudinal reinforcement sha ll be included ill calcu lating the balan
ced reinforcement ratio except that the contribution of compression reinforcemen
t 10 resistance of co mpressive loads shall not be considered .
Bars spliced by non,contact lap sp lices sha ll be spaced transversely a distanc
e not greater than one fifth th e required length of lap or more than 200 rnm.

A welded splice shall have the bars bu((cd and welded to develop in tension 125
perce nt of the yield strength of th e bar.!,..
Mechanical splices shall have the bars connected to develop in tension Of compre
ss ion, as required , al least 125 percen t of the yield strength of th e bar.f,
708.2.3.4 Required Strength Except as req uired by Sections 708.2.3.6 thro ugh 7
08.2.3. 12, the requi red strengt h shall be determi ned in accordance with Sect
i on 708. 1.3. 708.2.3.5 Design Strength
708.2.3 Design of Beams, Piers and Columns
708.2.3.1 General
The requirements of thi s section are for the design o f masonry beams, piers an
d columns.
Design strength provided by beam, pier or column cross sec ti ons in terms of ax
ia l force, shear and momen t shall beco mputed as the nominal strength multipli
ed by the applicable strength -redu ction factor, cpo specified in Secti on 708.
708.2.3.6 Nominal Strength 708. Nominal Axial and Flexural Strength Thc n
omina l axial st rength. P", and th e nomi na! n ex u r~d stre ngt h. M", of a c
ross' secti on s hall be determ ined ;;\ accord ance wit h the design i\SSlimpt
ions or Secti on 708.2.1.2 an d 708.2.3.2.
The value of /,,,, shall not be less than 10 MPa. For computational purposes, th
e value of/,,,, shall not exceed 28
708.2.3.2 Design Ass umptions
Member design forces shall be based on an analysis whi ch considers the relati v
e stiffness of structural members. The calcu lation of lateral stiffness shall i
nclude (he contribution of all beams, piers and columns. The effects of cracking
on member stiffness shall be considered . Thc drift ratio of piers and columns
shall sati sfy the limits specified in Chapter 2.
The maximum nominal axial compressive strength shall be determined in accorda nc
e with Formula (708- 15).
p" = 0.8010.85/,,,, (A, - A ,) +fA,]
708. Nominal Shear Strength
The nomi nal shear strengt h shal l be
Associatior: of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTEn l l\1asonry
whe re:
(708 17)
Where seismic loads are derermill ed bfJSed 011 Rw 1101 greater than three and w
here all joirus satisfy the provisions of Section 708.2.6,2.9, the piers may be
used to provide seismic load resistance.
V, = A,P,J;.
(708 I8)
708.2,3.6.2 Nominlll Shellr Strength The nominal shear strength shall be:
708.2.3,9 Dimensional L,imits Dimcnsions shall be in accordance wi th th e follo
Thc ' nominal shear strength shall not exceed the value given in Table 708 I.
The va lue of V"' shall be assumed to be zero within any region subjected to net
tension factored loads.
The va lue of V", shall be ass umed 10 be J 70 kPa where M is greH1c r th.Ul 0.7
Mil" The required momen!. Mil> " for seismic design for compa rison with the 0.
7 M" V,\)u c of this section shall bc based on an R ... of 3.
1.1 Thc nominal width of a beam shall not he
than 150
mm .
1.2 The clear di stance between local ions of laleral bracing of the compression
side of the beam shall not exceed 32 timcs thc leasl width of the compression a
rea. 1.3 The nominal depth of a bea m shall not be less than 200
m ill.
708.2.3.7 Reinforcement
Wh ere transverse reinforcement is required, thc maximum spacing shall not excee
d one half the depth of th e member nor J 200 mm. Flex ural reinforcement shall
be uniformly di stribut ed througho ut th e depth of the clement. Flexural cleme
nts subjected to load reversals shall be symmetricall y reinforced. The no mi na
l moment strengt h at any sec tion along a member shall not be less than one fo
urth of the maxi mum momcnt strength. The flex ural rei nforcement rat io, p, sh
all not exceed 0.5 Ph. Lap splices shall comply with rhe provisions of Secti on
708.2.2.7. Welded splices and mechanical splices which develop at leas t 125 per

cent of tile specified yield strength of a bar may be used for splicing the rein
forcemcnt. Not more than two longitudinal bars shall be spliced at It section. T
he distance between splices of adjacent bars shall be at least 750 mm along the
longilUdinai axis. Specified yield strength of reinforccmcll! shall not exceed 4
15 MPa. The actual yield st rengt h based 011 mill tcsts shall not exceed 1.25 t
imes the specificd yield st rength.
2. 1 The nominal width of a pier shalinOl be less than 153 mill and shall !lot e
xceed 400 mill . 2.2 The distance between lateral supports of a pier shall not e
xceed 30 times the nominal width of the piers except as provided for in Section
708.2.3.9, Itcm 2.3. 2.3 When the distance between lateral supports of a pier ex
ceeds 30 times the nominal width of 1he pier, the provisions of Section 708.2.4
shall be used fo r design. 2.4 The nominal lenglh of a picr shall not be less th
an three tillles the no minal width of lhe pier. The nomi nal length of a picr s
hall not be greater tha n six times thc nominal width of the pier. The clear hei
ght of a pier shall not exceed fi ve tin1es the nomina l length or the pier.
Exception: The length of a pier may be equal to the width of the pier wh en the
axial force at the location of maximum moment i.'f
2. 3.
S. 6. 7,
less than 0.04 f
3. Columns
3.1 The nomina! widt h of a column shn Jl
he less th an
300 mill.
3.2 The di.'ilance bet ween lateral supports of" colullllI shall not excced 30 t
imes Ihe nominal widt h orlhe column , 3.3 Thc nomina l lengt h of a CO)UIIl Il
shall not be less th an 300 n1ln an d not greater th an threc tim es the nomi na
l width of the column.
708.2.3.8 Seismic Design Provisions
The lateral seismic load resistance in any line or story level shall be provided
by shear walls or wall frames, or a combination of shear walls and wall frames.
Shear walls and wall frames shall provide at least 80 percent of the lateral st
iffness in any line or story level.
National Structural Code of th o Pililippincs 6'" Edition Volume 1

CHAI'TUl 7 . Masonry
708.2.3.10 Bellms 708. Scope Members designed primarily to resist flexur
e shall comply with the requirements of this section. The factored axial compres
sive force Oil a beam shall not exceed (LOS A,I'm. 708. Longitudinal Rei
708.2.3.1 1.3 Transverse Udnforcement Transverse reinforcement shall be provided
where V exceeds VII!' Required shear, VII' shall include the effects of drift.
The vllluc of VI< shall be based on LlM . When transverse shear reinforcement is
required, the following provisions shall apply:
J. The variation in the- longitudinal reinforcing bars shall
110( be greater than one bar size. Not more
li~an two bar
sizes shall be used in a beam.
Shear reinforcement shall be hooked around the extreme longitudinal bars with' a
180~degree hook. Alternatively, at wall intersections, transverse reinforcement
with a 90-degrcc standard hook around a vertical bar in the intersecting wall s
hall be permitted. The minimum transverse reinforcement ratio shall be 0.0015.
The nominal flexural strength of a beam shall not be
less than 1.3 times the nominal cracking moment
strength of the beam. The modulus of rupture, f" for this calculation shall be a
ssumed 10 be 1.6 MPa.
708. Transverse ReinfOl'Cemcnt Transverse reinforcement shall be provide
d where VI' exceeds Vm' Required shear, VI" shall include the effects of the dri
ft. The value of VII shall be based on .dM . When transverse shear reinforcement
is required, the following provisions shall apply:
708.2.3.12 Columns 708. Scope Columns shall comply with the requirements
of this section.
708. Longitudinal Reinforcement Longitudinal reinforcement shall be.a mi
nimum of four bars, one in each corner of the column.
Shear reinforcement shall be a single bar with degree hook at each end.
J 80Maximum reinforcement area shall be 0.03 Ac. Minimum reinforcement area shall be
0.005 A.,.
Shear reinforcement shall be hooked around the longitudinal reinforcement. The m
in. transverse shear reinforcement ratio shall be 0.0007. The first transverse b

ar shall not be more than one. fourth of the beam depth from the end of the beam
708. Lateral Tics
I. 2.
Lateral ties shall be provided in accordance wilh Section 706.3.6. Minimum later
al reinforcement area shall be 0.0018 A g .
708. COllstruction Beams shall be solid grouted. 708.2.3.11 Piers 708.2.
3.11.1 Scope
708. Construction
Columns shall be solid grouted.
708.2.4 Wan Design for Out-of-Plane Loads 708.2.4.1 General
Piers proportioned to resist flexure and shear in conjunction with axial load sh
all comply with the requirements o/" this section. The factored axial compressio
n on the piers shall not exceed 0.3 AJ'",.
The requirements of this section are for the design of W,il is for out-of-plane
708.2.4.2 Maximum Reinforcement
The reinforcement ratio shall not exceed 0.5 p".
708.2.4.3 Moment and Deflection Calculations All moment and deflection calculati
ons in Seclion 7(!; 7.L1 are based Oil simple support conditions top and b,'.. )
In. Other SUppOI1 and fixity conditions, moments :tnd deflections shall be calcu
lated using established principles of mechanics.
708.2.3.1l.2 Longitudinal Reinforcement A pier subjected to in-plane stress reve
rsals shall be longitudinally reinforced symmctrical!y Oil both sides of the neu
tral axis of the pier.
Olle bar shall be provided in the end cells. The minimum longitudinal reinforcem
ent ratio shall be 0.0007.
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

708.2.4.4 Walls with Axial Load of 0.041'm

The nominal shear strength shall be determined by Formula
(XOH -26).
The procedures SCI forth in thi s secti on, which c() ll ~ i dcr the slende rnes
s of walls by represellting e ffe cts of Hxial forces
and deflection in cakul<11 ioll or moments, shall be used when the vertical load
stress at the locat io n of maximum moment docs not exceed 0.04/'1II as comput
ed by Formula
(708- 19). The vaillc of!,,,, sha lillot excecd 40 MPa.
P", + PI -----. < () 04 j" Ag _.
708.2.4.6 Dellectlon Design
The mid-height deflcction, 6;, under service lateral and vertical loads (without
load factors) shall be limited by the relation:
6 , = 0.007 Ii (708-27)
Walls shall ha ve
minimum (hi ckncss of 150 111m.
P6 effec ts shall be included in deflect ion calculation. The
Required moment and axial force shall be det ermi ned at the mid -height of the
wall and shall be used for design. The
fa clOrcd moment, M,,, .11 the midhcight of the wall sha ll be determined by Forl
iluia (708 20).
midheight deflection shall be computed with the following formula :
(708 -28)
- u ' P6. "--8+ p11/'2+ /I II

Li/l ;:: deflection at mid -height of wall due to factored loads

(708'-2 1)
The cracking momcnt strength of the wall shall be determin ed from the formul a:
M" = Sj', Th e modulus of mplUre,J,. shall be as follows: (708 -30)
The des ign st rength for out-of-plane wall loading shall be
determined by Formul a (708-22)_
For fully grouted hollow-unit masonry,
Mo = A"j,. (d - aI2)
(708-2 3) (708-24)
II' =O.33..J1:
' 1.6 MPa maxim um
(708 -3 1)
A Jr = (AJ;.
-IPu}J;., effective are;'l of steel
For pal1iall y grouted hollow-unit masonry,
=(P" + A,j,.) /0.85 I'", b, depth of stress bl ock due to factored loads (708-25
f" = 0.2 1 .J1: . 0.86 MPa ma xi mum
3. For two-wythe brick masonry,
708.2.4.5 Wall with Axial Load
this section shall be used for
ad stresses at the location of
n 0.2/,,,, and the slenderness
exceed 30.

Greater than O.04['m The procedures set forth in

the design of masonry walls wh en the vertical lo
maximum mome nt exceed 0.04/,,,, but are less [ha
ratio h 'II docs not

j,. = O.166..} I'm ,0,86 kPa

(708 708.2.5 Wall Design for In-Plane Loads
708.2.5.1 General

Design strength provided by the wall cross secti on in terms of aXi al force, sh
ear and moment shall be computed as the nominal strength multipli ed by the appl
ic ab le strengthreduction factor, <fl, speci fi ed in Section 708.1.4. Walls sh
all be .propol1ioned such that the desi gn strength exceeds the required strengt
The req uireme nts of this section are for the desi gn of walls for in-plane loa
The value of/'IIJ shall not be less than 10 MPa than 28 MP.
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6'" Edition Volume 1

CHAPlEH! Masonry
708.2.5.2 Reinforcement Reinforcement shall be in accordance with the following:
For a shear wall whose nominal shear strength exceeds the shear corresponding to
development of its nomin:tl flexural strength, two sheacregions exist.
Minimulll reinforcement shall be provided in accordance with Section 706.1.12.4,
Item 2.3, for all seismic areas using this method of analysis. When the shear w
all failure mode is in flexure, the nominal flexural strength of the shear wall
shall bc at least 1.8 times the cracking moment strcngth of a fully grouted wall
or 3.0 timcs the cracking momcnt strength of a partially grouted wall from Form
ula (708-30).
The amount of vertical reinforcement shall not be less than one half the horizon
tal reinforcement.
r:or all cross sections within the region defined by the base of the shear wall
and a plane at a distance L". above the base of the shear wall, the nominal shea
r strength shaH be determined from Formula (708-39).
The required shear strength for this region shaH be calculated at a distance L,,
/2 above the base of the shear wall, but not to exceed one half story height. Fo
r the other region, the nominal shear strength of the shear wall shall be determ
ined from Formula (708-36).
708.2.5.6 Boundary Members Boundary members shall be as follows:
Spacing of horizontal reinforcement within the region defined in Section 708.2.5
.5, Item 3, shall not exceed three tillles the nominal wall thickness nor 600 mm
708.2.5.3 Design Strength
Design strength provided by thc shear wall cross section in terms of axial force
, shear and moment shall be computed as the nominal strength Illultiplied by the
applicable strength-reduction factor, , specified in Section 708.1.4.3.
708.2.5.4 Axial Strength
Boundary mcmbers shall bc provided at the boundaries of shear walls when the com
pressive strains in the wall exceed 0.0015. The strain shal! be determined llsin
g factored forces and R". equal to i.5. The minimum length of the boundary membe
r shall be three times the thickness of the wall, but shall include all areas wh
ere the compressive strain per Section 2108. is greater than 0.001 S. Lat
eral reinforcement shall be provided for the boundaryelcments. The latcral reinf
orcement shall be a minimum of 10 111m diameter at a maximum of 200 111m spacing
within the grouted core or equivalent confinement which can develop an ultimate
compressive masonry strain of at least 0.006.

The nominal axial strength of the shear wal! supporting axial loads only shall b
e calculated by Formula (708-34).
P" = 0.851'" (A,,- A,J + J; A,
Axial design strength provided by the shear wall cross section shall satisfy For
mula (708-35).
P,,::; 0.80
708.2.5.5 Shear Strength Shear strength shall be as follows:
708.2.6 Design of Moment-Resisting Wall Frames 708.2.6.1 General Requirements 70 Scope The requirements of this section arc for the design of fully gro
uted moment -resisti ng wall frames constructed (,r reinforced open-end hollow~u
nit concrete or hollowtini~ clay masonry.
The nominal shear strength shall be determined using cithcr Item 2 or 3 below. M
aximum nominal shear strength values arc detemlined from Table 708-1. The nomina
l shear strength of the shear wall shaH be determined from Formula (708-36), exc
cpt as provided in Item 3 below
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTEn'1 . Maso nry

708.2.6.2,3 Dcsign Asslimption for Nominal Strength 708. Dimcnsional Limi
ts Dimensions shall he in accordance with
708. !loa illS
Clear span for the beam shall not be less than two times its dcpth.
Tile nominal strength of member cross sections shall be bHscd on assulnptions pn
;scribed in Section 708.2. J .2.
The valu e of ['lit shall not he less th an 10 MPa or greate r than 2H MPa.
708. Reinforcement
The nominal depth of lhe beam sha!! not be less than two units or 400 n1ln, wh i
chever is greater. Th e no minal beam depth to nominal bCHIll width f<ltio sh:11
I not exceed 6. The nominal width of the beam shall he the great er of 2(X) mm o
r 1126 of the clear spall between pier fa ces . 708. Piers The nominal
depth of pi ers shall not exceed 2.4 m. Nominal depth shall not be less than two
full units or HOO mm, wh ichever is gre.lIer.
T he nominal wid th of' pi ers shall Ilot he less than the nominal width of th e
beam, nO!' less than 2(X ) mill OJ' 1114 or the clear height bel wee n beam fac
es, whichever is greater.
The nomin,,1 moment strength at any section along a
member shaH not be less tlwll one -fourlh of the highcr mOllle nl strength provi
ded ill the two ends of the member.
Lu]> splices shall be as defined in Section 708.2.2.7. The center of the lap spl
ice shall be the center of th e member clear length.
Welded splices and mechanical connection conforming to Sec ti on 412.! 4.3. Item
J throu gh 4 of UBC, may be used for splicing the reinforcelllenl al .my sectio
n provided not more than alternate longitudinal b:trs arc spliced at section, an
d the di stance between splices or alternate bars is at least 600 111111 along t
he longitudinal axis. Reinforcement shall not have a specified yield strength gr
eater Ihan 415 MPa. The actual yield strength based on mill tes ts shall not exc
eed the specified yield strength times
The clear height-to-dcpth ratio of pier shall not exceed 5.
708. AlIlllysis
1.3. Flexural Mem bers (Hearn) Requirements of this secti on apply !O bea
ms proportioned primarily to resist flexure a ~ follows.
Member desi gn forces sha ll he the based 011 an analysis which considers the re
l ative stiffness of pier and beam lllC!mbcr, includin g th e stiffening influen
ce of joint s. The calculation or beam mOlllen! cap;l city for the determination
of pier design shall include any contribution of floor slab reinforcement. The
out-of-plane drift ratio of all piers shal ! sati sfy the drift ratio limits spe
cified in Section 2-47.
708.2.6.2 Design Procedure 708. Required Strength Except as required by t
he Sections 708 .2.6.7 and 708.2.6,2.8, the required strength shall be determine
d in accordance with Section 708. J.3 708. Design Strength

The axial compressive force on beams due to factored loads shall not exceed O. J
0 A,J'III.
1. Longitudinal Reinrorcement At any section of a beam, each masonry unit throug
h the beam depth shall contain longitudinal reinforcement.
The variation in the longitudinal reinforcement area between units at any sectio
n shall not be greater than 50 percellt, except multiple diam . 12 bars shall no
t be greater Ihan 100 percent of the minimum area of longitudinal rei nforcement
contained by an y one un it, except where splices occ ur. Minimum reinforcement
ratio calculated over the gross
Design strength provided by frame memb er cross sections force, shear and mom el
H shall be c.omputed as the nominal strength multiplied by the applicable streng
th-redu ction factor. <p , specified in Section 708.1.4.4
in terms of axial
cross section shall be 0.002.
Maximum reinforcemcnt rati o calculated over the gross . cross section shall be
0.15 j'", / f,
Members shall be proportioned such that the design strength exceeds the required
National Stru ctu ra l Code of the Philippines 6'" Edition Volume 1

CHAPTEF! ? . Masonry
The minimuill transverse rcinfofCClllCrH ratio shall be
Transverse Ucinfor't'll1ent
O.O() I S
Tran sverse rci llfon.:cmcllt shall be hooked arou nd top and hOIlOIll longilUdi
nal hilI's wit h <I standard IRO-dcgrec hook, as defined in Sec tion 708.2,-2.4
, and shall he single pieces.
:-"ithin an end region extending one beam depth from pi cr
faces and at any region at which beam flexural yielding may occur during seismic
or wind l()ad i nl~, maximuJll spacing or transverse reinforcement shall not' e
xceed one fOllJ1h the nominal depth of the bc;;m:
The maximum spacing of transverse reinforcement shall not exceed one hal f the n
ominal depth of the beam. Minimum reinforce ment ratio shall be 0.00]5 The first
transverse bar shall not be morc than 100 mm from the face of the pier.
3. Lateral Reillfor'cclllcnt L ueral rein forcemen t shall be pro vided to conii
ne the grouted core when co mpressive strains clue 10 axial and bending forces e
xceed 0.0015, corresponding 10 factored forces with Rw equul to 1.5. The unconfi
ned portion of the cross section with strain exceeding 0.0015 shall be neglected
in computing the nominal strengt h of the sec tion.
Thc total crossscct ionHI area of rectangul ar tie rei nforcement for the confine
d core shall not he less than :
Alternati vely, equivalent confinement which can develop an ultimate compressive
strain of at least 0.006 may be substituted for rectangular lie reinforcemcnt.
708. I'ier Design Forces Pier nominal momCIll strength shall not be less
than 1.6 times the pier moment corresponding to the development of th e beam pla
stic hin ges, cxcept at the foundati on level. Pier axial load based on the deve
lopment of beam plastic hinges in accordance with the paragraph above and includ
ing factored dead an d li ve loads shall no t exceed 0.15
708. Memuers Suujected to Axial Force and Flexure The requirements set fo
nh in this subsection apply to piers proportioned 10 resist flexure in conjuJlct
ion with axi al
1. Longitudinal Reinforcement A minimum of four longitudinal bars shall be provi
ded at
all sections o f every pier.
Flexural rei nforcement shall be distributed across the member depth. Variation
in reinforcement area between
reinforced cells shall not exceed 50 percent.
The drift rati o of piers shall satisfy the limits specified in Chapler 2.
Minimum rei nforcement ratio calcu lated over the gross
cross seclion shall be 0.002 Maximum reinforcement ratio calcul ated over the gr

oss cross seclion shall be 0.15 I'm ( /'"

The. effects of cracking on member stiffness shall be co nsidered .
The base plastic hinge of the picr must form immediately adjacent (0 the leve l
of Ialeral support provided at the base
or fou ndation.
Maximum bar diameter shall be one eight nominal width of
the pier.
708. Shear Design.
1. General Beam and pier Ilom in,ll she:\! slrength shall not be less thlln 1.4 l
imcs the shears cOIH',sponding ( 0 the development of lhe fle xu ral yieldi ng.
2. Transverse Reinforcement
Tran sverse reinforcement shall be hooked arou nd the extreme longitudi nal b.ar
s wi th stand ard 180-degree hook as defined in Secl ion 708 .2.2.4.
Within an end region ex tending one pi er dept h from the end of the beam, and a
t allY region at wh ic h fl exural yielding may OCCllr durin g seismic or wind l
oading, the maximum spacing of transverse reinforcement shall not exceed olle fo
urth the nominal depth of the pier. The max imulIl spacing of tran sverse reinfo
rcemcni shall not exceed one half th e nominal depth of the pier.
It sha ll be assum cd in the calcu lation of mcmber shear force tllat moments of
opposite sign act at the joint faces and that the member is loaded with the tri
butary gravi ty load along its span.
2. Vertical Memuer Shear Strength The nominal shea r s(renglh shall be determine
d from Formula (708-4 1).
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTER l . Masonry
Picr longitudinal rcinfon:cmel1! tcrminating in a beam shall be extended to the
fur face oj' thc bcam and an chored by a sumdard 90 or 180 degree hook, as defin
ed in Section 708.2.2.4, bellt back to the beam.
2. Transverse Rcinforcemcnt
(708-43) The vallie of II", shall bc zero within an end "cginn
extending one pier depth from beam fllecs and at any region where pier flexural
yielding may occur during seismic
nel lcns ioll fa c tored loads. The nominal pier shear strength, V,p 5h,,11 1101
exceed the
Special horizontal joint shear reinforcement crossing a pote nrial corner to cor
ner diagonal joint shear crack. and an chored by stf\lldard hooks, as defincd in
Section 708 .2.2.4, around the ext re me pier reinforcing bars shall be
pro vided suc h thtlt
loading. clOd at pi crs s ubj ected
value determined from Table 708-1.
3. Beam Shear Strength The nominal shear strength shall be determined from
Formula (708-44).
Venical shear forces may be considered to be carried by a combination of masonry
shear resisting mechanisms and tru ss mechanism involving intermediate pier rei
= 001 A"".jT.,~
(708 -44)
The value of \/m shnll be zero wit hin an end region
extending one beam depth from pier faces and to any region at which beam fl exur
e yielding may occur during seismic
3. Shear Strength
The nominal horizontal she ar strength of lbe joint shall not
The nominal beam shea r strength, V,,, shall be dc1Crmined

frol1l Formula (708-4 5).

0.58..ff:: or 2.5 MPa, whichever is less.
<~~~i~;~~';";~.<:~~1~ ~r:~{lf7~ii~~~rltW~~~~~f~;~~1~~B1~f~&.;;~~1~;
V 'I '5:0.33
708. Joints
A m "R.
1. General Requircl11cllts Where reinforcing bars extend through a join t, th e
joint dimensions shall be proportioned such thaI
h, > 57827 d"" I f', and h, > 21685 d"" / f',
The grout strength shall not exceed 35 MPa for the purposes of Formula (7 08-46)
and (708-47).
Joint shear forces shall be calculated on the assumptiollthat the stress in all
flex ural tension reinforcement of the beams at that pier faces is J.4 f~..
Strength or joint shall be governed by the appropriate strength reduction factor
s specified in Secti on 708.1.4.4.
Deam longitudinal reinforce ment terminating in a pier shall be extended to the
far face of the pier and anchored by a
s tandard 90 or 180 degree hook, as defin ed in Section 708.2.2.4, bent back to
the beam.
National Stru ctura l Code of the Pililippi nes 6 Edition Volum e 1

/ :38
CHi\PTEH 7 Masonry
709.2.1.3 Dcsign Strcngth
709.1 Scope The seismic design requirements of this section apply to the design
of masonry and the construction of masonry building clements, except glass unit
masonry, for all seismic
performance categories as defined in ASCE 7.
The design strength of masonry provided by a mcmber, its conncctions to othcr mc
mbers and its cross sections in terms of flexure, axial load, and shear shall be
taken ilS the. nominal strength multiplied by a strength reduction factor,
(a) Axial load and flcxure (.;.':cept for llexural
0= 0.80 0=O.4() 0=0.60
tension in unreinf0rced masonry (b) Flexural tension in unreinforced masonry
(e) Shear (d) Shear and tension in anchor bolts embedded
709.2 General Masonry structures and masonry elements shall comply
with the requirements of Sections 709,3 through 709.7 based on Seismic Performan
ce Categories A, B, C, D or E as defined on ASCE 7. In addition, masonry structu
res and
in masonry
masonry clements shall comply with either the requirements of Section 706 or the
requirerncnls of Section
709.2.1.4 Drift Limits The calculated storey drift of masonry structures due to
the combination of seismic forces and gravity loads shall nut cxceed o.cxn times
the storey hcight. 709.3 Seismic Performance Category A Structures in Seismic P
erformance Category A shall comply with the requirements of Sections 707, 708 al
709.2.1 Strength Requirement For masonry struclures that are nol designed in acc
ordance with Section 706, the provisions of this section shall apply. The design
strength of masonry structures and masonry elements shall be at least equal to
the required strength determined in accordance with this section, except for mas
onry structures and masonry elements in Seismic Performance Category A designed
in accordance with the provisions of Section 7 J O. 709.2.1.1 Required Strength
RequiI:ed strength, U, to resist the seismic forces in such combinations with gr
avity and other loads, including load factors, shall be as required in the em1hq
uake loads section of ASCE 7, except that nonbearing masonry walls shall be desi
gned for the seismic force applied perpendicuhu' to the plane of the wall and un
iformly distributed over the wall area in lieu of the provisions of ASCE 7 Secti
on 9.8. L L 709.2.1.2 Nominal Strength The nominal strength of masonry shall be
taken as 2.5 times the allowable stress value. The allowable stress values shaH
be determincd in accordance with Section 707.2 or Section 707.3 and arc permitte
d to be increased by one-third (1/3) for load combinations including earthquake.
709.3.1 Anchorage of Masonr), Walls Masonry walls shall be anchored to the roof

and aU floors that provide lateral support for the wall. The anchorage shall pro
vide a direct connection between the walls and the floor or roof construction. T
he connections shall be capable of resisting the greater of a seismic lateral fo
rce induced by the wall or 14590 times the effective pcak velocity- related acce
leration, N/m of wall. 709.4 Seismic. Performance Category B Structures in Seisr
nic Performancc Category B shall comply with the requirements of Seismic Perform
ance Category A and to the additional requirements of this section. The lateral
force resisting system shall be designed to comply with the requirements of Sect
ions 707 and 708. 709.5 Seismic Performance Category C Structures in Seismic Per
formance Category C shaH comp). with the requirements of Seismic Perf"onnancc Cat
egory B and to the additional requirements of this section.
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTEH'1 . Masonry
709.5.1 Dcsign of Elements that are Not Part of Latcral F()rce~nesisting System
709.5.1.1 Load Bearing Frames Load bearing frames or columns that are not part o
f the latera! force resisting system shall be analyzed as to their effect on the
response of the system. Such frames or columns shall be adequate for vertical l
oad carrying capacity and induced moment duel to 'the design story drift.
perpendicular or parallel to the wall, but not less than 2.9 kN/m of wall. The m
aximum spacing between connectors shall be 1.2
709.5.1.2 Masonry Walls and Elements Masonry p;:uiition walls, masonry screen wa
lls and other masonry elements that are not designed to resist vertical or later
al loads, other than those induced by their own mass, shall be isolated from the
structure so that vertical and lateral forces are not imparted to these element
s. Isolation joints and connectors between these elements and the structure shal
l be designed to accollllllodate the design story
709.5.2.2 Connections to Masonry Columns Connectors shall be provided to transfe
r forces between masonry columns and horizontal clemcnts in accordance with thc
requirements of Section 706. Where anchor bolts are llsed to connect horizontal
clements to the tops of columns, anchor bollS shall be placed within lateral tie
s. Lateral tics shall enclose both the vertical bars in the column and the ancho
r bolts. There shall be a minimum of two 12 mm diameter lateral tics provided in
the top 125 mm of the column. . 709.5.2.3 Minimum Reinforcement Requirements fo
r Masonry Shear Walls Vertical reinforcement of at least 129 mm 2 in crosssectio
nal area shall be provided at comers, within 400 mill of each side of openings,
within 200 mm of each side of movement joints, within 200 mm of the ends of wall
s, and at a maximum spacing of 3.0111. Horizontal joint reinforcement shal! cons
ist of at least two WI.7 wires spaced not more than 400 mm; or bond beam reinfor
cement shall be pr~:)Vided of at least 129 mm 2 in cross-sectional area spaced n
ot more than 3.0 m. Horizontal reinforcement shall aiso be provided at the botto
m and top of wall openings and shall extend not less than 600 mm nor Jess than 4
0 bar diameters past the opening; continuously at structurally connected roof an
d floor levels; and within 400 mill of thy top of walls. 709.6 Seismic Performan
ce Category D Structures in Seismic Performance Category D shall comply with the
requirements of Seismic Performance Category C and to the additional requiremen
ts of this section. 709.6.1 Design Requirements Masonry clements other than thos
e covered by Section 709.5. 1.2 sh,1I1 be designed in accordance with the requir
ements of Sections 707.2 and 708.2. 709.6.2 Minimum Reinforcement Requirements f
or Masonry 'Valls Masonry walls other than those covered by Section 709.5.1.3 sh
all be reinforced in both the vertical and horizontal direction. The slim of the
cross-sectional area of horizontal and vertical reinforcement shaH be at least
0.002 times the gross cross-sectional area of the wall, and the minimum cross-se
ctional area in each direction shall be not less than 0.0007 times the gross cro
ss-sectional area of the wall. Reinforcement shall be uniformly distributed. The
709.5.1.3 Reinfol"{'cment Requirements for Masonry Elements
Masonry elements listed in Section 709.5. 1.2 shall be reinforced in either the
horizontal or vertical direction in accordance with the following: 709. H
orizontal Reinforcement Horizontal joint reinforcement shall consist of at least
two longitudinal WI.7 wires spaced not more than 400 mill for walls greater tha
n 100 mill in width and at least one longitudinal WI.7 wire spaced not more 400
mm for walls not exceeding 100 111m in width; or at least one 12 111111 diameter
bar spaced not more than 1.2 Jl1. Where two longitudinal wires of joint reinfor

cement are used, the space between these wires shall be the widest that the 1110
liar joint will accommodate. Horizontal reinforcement shall be provided within 4
00mm of the top and bottom of these masonry elements. 709. Vertical Reinf
orcemen't Vertical rei nforcement shall consist of at least one 12 mm diameter b
ar spaced not more than 1.2 Ill. Vertical reinforcement shall be located within
400 mm of the ends of masonry walls. 709.5.2 Design of Elements titat are Part o
f the Force - Resisting System
709.5.2.1 Connections to Masonry Shear Walls Connectors shall be provided to tra
nsfer forces between masonry walls and horizontal elements in accordance with th
e requirements of Section 706. Connectors shall be designed to transfer horizont
al design forces acting either
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volurne 1

C HAPH:l-11
I1l<1XimUIll spacing o f rc infon.:cmcilt sha ll hc 1.2 III provided th at the w
;lIls lIrc solid grouted and cons tructed of hollo w opcrH~Jld units, hollo w un
its laid wi th full head joints or two wythcs of so lid units. The ma xi mum slM
c in g or rcinfon;c rll CIl I shall be 600 Illlll for all other masonry.
710.1 Height Building relying Oil IlWS(}OI"Y will!s for late ral resistance shal
l not exceed !() III inllcigill.
709.6.2.1 Shear '''all Reinforcement Requiremen ts The maximum spacing of vertic
al and horizo ntal reinforccment shall pc the Sllh'.llcr or; oncthird th e k~ngth
of th e shear wall, 911c-third the height of th e shear wull, 1.2 Ill . . The m
inimuill cross-sectional area of vertical reinforcement shall be one-third of th
e requi red shear reinforcement. She;:lr reinforcement shall be anchored .Iround
ve rti cal reinforcing bars wit h .1 Slalldard hook. 709.6.3 MinimullI Reinforc
ement for Masonry Col ulllils L.ateral li es in mason ry columns shall be 5:p;lc
ed nOI mor'c Ihan 200 mill on cen tcr and shall bc <II lea ~;1 10 mill diaillctcr
. Latera l ti es sha ll be elllbedded in grout. 709.6.4 MHterial Requirements
710.2 Lateral Stability Where the slrucill!"e depends 0 11 ll1i1sonry walls for
lateral stability, shear walls shall be provided parallel to the direct ion of t
he lalcral forces r~si s t cd.
Minimulll nominal thickn ess he 200 111 11l .
0 11
masonry shea r wall s shall
In each direclion in which shear walls <Ire requ ired for lateral stabilit y, th
e minimum t: ulllul mivc le ngt h of she"'f wall s provided shall be 0.4 times th
e dimension of the building. The cumulative length oj" she ilI' walls shall not
Include openi ng.~. The maximurll spacing o j" shea r WI.! !ls sll a!l flot exce
ed the ratio listed in Table 710- I .
710.3 Compressive Stresses 710.3.1 General Compressive stresses in masonry due t
o ve rt ical dcad loaJ. " plu s live loads, excluding wi nd or seismit: loads, s
hall Iv.:' dctennined in accordance with Sct:lion 7 10.4.3. Dead <Iud live IOild
s shall be in uccordu ncc with th is code wi th penni lied li ve load reduc tion
s. 710.3.2 Allowable Stresses
The comprcssive stresses in maso nry shall not exceed the values set forth in Ta
ble 7 J 0 2. The allowable slr(:ss(',,';
Neither Type N mortar nor masonry cement shal l be used as pan of th e lateral f
orce resisting system.
709.6.5 Late"al Tie Anchorage Standard hooks for lateral tic anchorage shall be
either a 135 degree sta ndard hook or a J SO degree stand <lrd hook.
709.7 Seismic Performance Category E Structures ill Seismi c Pelfonnance Categor
y E shall com ply with the req uirements of Seismi c Perform ance Category D and
to Ihe addi ti onal requircments of this section.
709.7.1 Design of Elements that Force Resisting System

Not Part of Lateral

Stack bond masonry that is not pan of thc lateral forceres isting sys tem shall
have a hori zontal cross secti onal area of reinforcement of at least 0.0015 tim
es the gross crosssec ti onal area of masonry. The maximum spacing of hori zo n
tal reinforcement shall be 600 mm. These elements shall be solidly grouted and s
hall be constru c.ed o f hollow open end units or two wythes of solid unit s.
given in Table 71 0-2 for the weakest combination of the units and mortar used i
n an y load wythe shall be used for loaded wythes of multi wythe waH s.
710.3.3 Stress Calculations Stresses shall bc calculated based on specified rath
er ~ '. nominal dimensions. Calculated compressive slressc:: '. " ." bc de term i
ned by di vi ding the design load by the gili ....; cross-sectional arc,1 of the
member. The arca oj" OpCIl >~' ch<lses or recesses in wa lls shall not be inCl
uded inlhe glOss cross-sectional :lfCil of the W' IJI . 710.3.4 AncIror Bolts Bo
ll va lues shall not exceed those set forth ill Table 71O.j.
709.7.2 Design of Elements that are Pal't of Lateral Force Resisting System St<l
ck bond Illaso nry thal is pa rt o f (he lateral force-res isti ng system shall
have a hOJi zontal cross secti onal area of reinforcement of at least 0.0025 tim
es the gross crosssecti onal arc<I of masonry. The ma ximum spacing o/" hori zon
tal reinforcement shall be 400 mill. Thcse clements
shall be solidly grouted and shall be constructed of holl ow open-cnd units or t
wo wythes of solid units.
Association of Structura l Eng ineers of the Philippines

710.4 Lalcral Supp!u'l Masonry walls sh Oll! be laterally supporlcd in eit her t
he' horizoJltal or vertical direction no! exceeding (h e int erv al s se t forth
in T<lblc 7104
Lateral support shall he provided by cross walls. pilasters, buttresses or struc
tural framing members horit.ollli:llly or by floors, roof or structural framing
members vcrticalJy.
E.~ c cpt
710.5.5 FOllndatioll Walls Morl<lr uscd in nwsolll')' fou nd ation walls shall h
Type M or S.
for parapet' \;Valls. the rati o of height
thi ckness for cantilever Willis shall not exceed 6 for so lid masonry or 4 for
hollow masonry.
Where the height of unb.liilllccti fiJI (ht~ight of flilishl.'d grad e above bas
emcnt /loor or in side gradc) and the hei gh! of the wall between lateral suppor
t docs not cxcced 2.4 Ill, and when the equivalent Iluid weight 01' un balanced
Iill docs not exceed 480 kg/m 2, the. minimum thickncss of foundation walls shal
l bc as set forth in 'rable 710~5. Maximum depths of un balanced fill pcnniltcd
in Table 7105 Illay be increased with the approval of the building official when
local soil condi tion s warrant such an increase. Where the hcight of unbalance
d fill, heigh t betwecil lateral supports or equivalent fluid weight of unbalanc
ed fill exceeds that set forth above, foundation walls shall bc designed in acco
rdance with Chapter 3.
710.6 Bond 710.6.1 General The facing and backing of multi-wythe masonry walls s
hall be bonded in accordance with this section. 710.6.2 Masonry Headers Where th
e facing an d backing of solid masonry conslnlction are bonded by masonry header
s, not less than 4 percent of the wall surface of each face slHllI be composed o
f headers extending not less than 75 mm into thc backing. The distance between a
djacent full ~ le ngth headers shall not exceed 600 mill either vertica!ly or ho
rizontally. In walls in ..>,.'hieb a $ingle header does not extend th rough the
wHII, headers from opposite sides shall overlap at least 75 mm, or headers from
opposite sides shall be covered with another header course overlapping the heade
r below at least 75 mill .
In computing the I'<\lio for cavily walls, the value of thickness shall be the S
UIllS of the nominal thickn ess of the inner and outer wythes of the masonry. II
I walls co mposed of different classes of units and monars, the ratio of height
or length to thickness shall /lol exceed that allowed fo r the weakes t o r the
combinations of unit s and monar of which th e member is composed.
710.5 Minimum Thickness 710.5.1 General
Th e nominal thickness of masonry bearing walls in
buildings more than one story in height shall not be less than 200 111m. Solid m
asonry walls in one-storey buildings may be of 150 111m nominal thi ckness when
not over 2.7 m in height , provided that when gable construction is used, an add
itional 1.8 111 is permitted to the peak of the gable.
Exception: Th e thickness of unrein/arced grouted brick masonry walls may be 50m
m less than required by flii.'i section, bur i/l no case less (han 150 111m.

710.5.2 Varialion in Thickness Where a change in thickness due to minimum thickn

ess occurs between fl oor level s, th e greater thickness shall be carried up t
o the higher floor level. 710.5.3 Decrease in Thickness
Wh ere walls of masonry of hollow units or rnasonr ybonded hollow walls are decr
ease in thi ck ness. a cours e or courses of solid masonry shall be const ructed
bet ween the walls below and the thinner wall above, or special units or constr
uction shall be used to transmit th e loads from face !> hells or wythes to the
walls below.
Where two or more hollow unit s are used 10 make up {he thickness of the wall, t
he stretcher courses shall be bonded at vertical intervals not exceeding 865 mm
by lapping at least 75 mOl over the unit below, or by lapping at verti cal inter
vals not exceeding 430 mm with units which are at least 50 pe rcent greater in t
hi ckness than the units below.
710.6.3 Wall Tics Where th e facing and backin g of masonry wall s are bonded wi
th 4.8 mill diameter wal! ties or metal tics of e-qllivi.i1cnl stiffness embedde
d in the horizontal mOJ1ar joi nts, th ere shall be ell least one metal tie for
each 0.42 m2 or wall area. Ties in allematc courses shall be staggered, tile max
imum vertical distance between tics shall not exceed 600 mm, and the maximum hor
izontal distance shall not exceed 900 mill. Rods ben I to rectangular shape shal
l be used with hollowmaso nry units laid with the cells vertical. III olher wall
s, the ends of ties shall be bent to 90-degree angl es to provide
710.5.4 I'arapels
Parapet walls shall be at least 200 mill in thickness and their height -shall no
t exceed three times their thickness . The parapet wall shall not be thinner tha
n the wall below.
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volu me 1

hooks not less thall 50 mm long. Additiollal ties shall hc prov ided a l 1.111 o
pen ings, Spilccd !lot more (han 900 mill apart aro und th e perimeter and. with
in 300 mm of the opening. The facing and b;!(' king of masonry Wil li s may be b
onded with prcfabri('ated joi nt reinforce ment. There sh<l!1 be at least one cr
oss wire serving as <I tic for each 0.25 111 2 of wall arc'l. The verti c,,[ spa
cing of Ihe joint rei nforcement shal! not exceed 406 mill . Cross wires of pre
fabric:lled joint reinforcement shall be at Ica~i No.9 gage wire. The longitudin
al wire shall be embedded in mortar. 710.6.4 LOllgitudilllllllolld In each wythe
of masonry, head joints in successive co urses shall be ofL.;;et at least one f
ourth of the unit length or the
wall s shall be reinforced longi tudinall y as required in Seclioll 706. 1.1 2.3
, IIem 4.
Wood fl oor joists ht'<tr ing on masonry wa lls shall be an<: hored 10 the w~ 1
1I hy ;Ippro vcd mcwl strap :ulCho n; a\ intervals not excc.eding !. 8 m . Joist
s paralle l ;1; i h,: wall shall be anchored with melal straps sp;[(:(:,l l] '_,\
lHore than l .l{ m 011 center c:< tendin g over and under mId secured to at lea
s t three joi sts. l3Iocking Shil ll lJt. provided between joists at each strap
anchor. Steel floor joists shall be anchorcd to masonry wall ,; with 10 mill dia
mclCr bars, or their equ iv,lIcllt, "'p,l(X '; not more than I.H m on celller. W
here joist.'> :; '-,: parallel to the wall , ancho rs shall be located at joi st
s cross bridging. Roof struclUrcs shall be tIllchored 10 1ll,Isollry w;-i' -; wi
th 12 I11Ill bolts at 1.8 III on center or their equivalent. Bolts shall extend
and be embedded at !cast 400 !')'! into th e masonry. or be hooked or welded to
Ij( l( i than 130 mm l of bond he<llll re inforcement placed i i :;~ less than 1
50 mill from the top of the wall.
I , I
710.7 Allchorllgc 7]0.7.1 In(crsccting " '<Ills Masonry walls depending 011 one
another for lateral support shall be an chored or bonded at locatio ns where th
ey meet or intersect by one of the following methods:
Fifty percen t of (he units at the intersection shall be laid in an overlapping
pattern, with alternating units havin g a bearing of not less than 75 I11Ill on
the unit below. Walls shall be anchored hy steel connectors having a minimum sec
tion of 6 mm by 38 mOl with ends bent up at least 50 111m, dr with cross pins to
form anchorage. Such anchors shall be al leas t 600 mm long and th e maximum sp
acing shall be 1.2 rn verticall y. Walls shall be anchored by j oint reinforce m
ent spaced at a maximum distance of 200 mm verticall y. Longitudinal rods of suc
h reinforcement shall be at least No.9 gage and shall extend at least 750 111m i
n each direction at the intersection.
Int e ri o r no nbea ring wall s may be anc ho red at thei r
710,7.3 Walls Adjoining Structural Framing Wherc wa lls arc dependcn t 011 the s
tructu ra l ffa tne \"(;;. latera l support, th ey shall be anchored to the s t
rUt l" members with metal anchors or keyed to th e Sln l' members. Metal anch or
s shall consist of 12 mill hl)u ~~ sp<lced al a max imum of 1.2 III on ce nter a
nd el1lbcd d~:d ;" least 100 mm into the masonry, or thei r equivalent arca.
710.8 Unbllrned Clay Maso nry 7 10.8.1 Gellcral

Maso nry of stabilized cl ay unburned units shall not be u~;ed in any building m
ore than one story in height. The unsupported heigh t of every wa ll or unhunlcd
clay units shall not be more than 10 times the th ic kJless nfstleh w;: lls. Be
aring walls shall in no case be less than 400 n'r;1 th ickness. All footin g wal
ls whi ch support maSOlJ' unburned cl ay un its shall ex tend to an elevation nu
l [;.;:..:; tlHlIl J 50 mm above the adjacent ground at all points.
710.8,2 Bolt,
Bolt va lues sl1(l1l not exceed those set forth in Table 710/ .
710.9 Stonc Masonry 710.9.1 Genel'lll
SlOne masonry is thaI form {)f co nst ruction made with
intersection, at veJ1ica l spaci ng of not more than 400 mill with joint reinfor
cement or 6 mill mesh galvan ized hard ware cloth. 5. Ot her metal lies, joint r
einforce men t or anchors Illily he used, provided they arc spaccd to provide cq
uivnJellt arca of anchorage to that required by th is section.
natura! or cast stOlle in which the units arc laid (mel mOl1ar with all joints f
~, :(
710.7.2 Floor alld Roof Anchorage Floor and roof diaphragms providing lateral su
pport to masonry walls shall be connected to the masonry walls by one of the fol
lowin g methods: 710.9.2 Construction In ashlar maso nry, bond stones uniformly
dislriill,t\ ,.:d ,\" '1 be provided to the extent of not less than 10 jKTC t';
,i -,(.' arca of exposed facets. Ru bble stolle masonry G U O mill or less in th
ickn css shall have bond stones with a maximum
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

spar.:ing 01'900 mill vertically and 900 Hlin horizonHil!y and, jf tile masonry
is of" greater thickness than 600 mm, shall have one bond stone for each 0.56 m
of wHII surface on both sides .
710.9.3 Minimum Thickness
711.1 General
The thickness of slOne masonry bearing walls shall not be less than 400 mm.
Masonry of glass blocks Illay be used ill /lon-loud-bearing cXlerior or interior
walls ,lllti in openings wh ich might ot herwi se be filled with windows, cithe
r is oluted or in cont inuous bands, provided the glass block panels h,lve a min
iI.11UJ11 thickness of 75 mm at the mortar joint and the mortared surfaces of th
e blocks arc treated for mortllr bonding. Glass block may be solid or hollow and
may contain inserts.
711.2 Mortar Joints
Glass block shall be laid in Type S or ~ mortar. Both vertical and horizontal mo
rtar joints shall be at least 6 mm and not more than 10 mill thick and shall be
completcly filled . All monar cOnlac{ surfaces shall be treated to ensure adhesi
on between mortar and glass.
711.3 Lateral Support
Glass panels shall be hlterally supported along each end of the pancl. Lateral s
upport shall be provided by panel anchors spaced not more than 400 mm on center
or by channels. The lateral support shall be capable of resisting lhe horizo nta
l design forces determined in Chapter 2 or a minimum of 3 kN/rn of wall, whichev
er is greater. The connection shall accommodate movement requirements of Section
711.4 Reinforcement
Glass block panels shall have joint rei nforcement spaced nOl more than 400 111m
on ccnter and located in the 11)011ar bed joint extending the entire length of
the panel. A lapping of longitudinal wires for a minimum of 1SO mm is required f
or joint reinforcemen t splices. Joint re inforcement shall also be placed in th
e bed joint immediately below and above openings in the panel. Joint
reinforcement shall conform to ASTM A 385 and A 641.
Joint reinforcement in exterior panels shaH be hOI-dip
gal vani zed in accorda nce with ASTM A 385 and A 641 . 711.5 Size of Panels
Glass block panels for exterior wal ls shall not exceed 13.5 111 2 of unsupport.
ed wall surface or 4.50 III in any dimension. For interior walls, glass bloc k p
anels shal l not exceed 23.2 11)2 of unsuppol1ed area or 7.60 In ill any dimensi
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6'" Edilion Volume 1

711.6 Expansion Joints Glass block shall be provided with cxpansion joints along
the .';idcs and top, and these joillls shall have surlicicnt thickness [() acco
mmodate displacemcnts of th e supporting SllUclUrc, but /lot less than 10 mill .
Expansion joints sJull1 be entirely free of mortar and shall be filled with res
ilient material . 711.7 Reuse of Units Glass block units shall !Hlt be reused af
ter being removed frolll an existing panel.
SECf1!J@N .712 ... . .
7 I 2. I Definition A masonry fireplace is a fireplace constructed of COllcret(~
or masonry. Masonry fireplaces shall be constl11C1cd i ;: accordance with this
section. 712.2 Footings and Foundations Footings for masonry fireplaces and thei
r chimneys shall be cOllstnlcted of concrete Or solid JIlasonry al least 300 lll
m thick and shall extend at least 150 mill beyond the face of the firepLace or f
oundation wall on :i11 sides. Footings shall be founded on natural undisturbed e
arrh or engineered fill below frost depth. In areas not SUbjected to freezing, f
oolings shall be at least 300 nun below finished grade. 712.2.1 Ash Dump C1eanou
t Cleanout openings, located within foundation walls below fireboxes, when provi
ded, shall be equipped with ferrous metal or masonry doors and frames COllstlll(
;ted to remain tightly dosed, except when in usc. Cleallouts shall be accessible
and located so that ash removal will Ilot create a hazard to combustible maleri
als . 712.3 Seismic Reinforcing Masonry or concrele fireplaces shall be construc
ted, anchored, su pported and reinforced (is required in thi s chapter. In Seism
ic Design Category D, Illasonry and concre te fireplaces shall be reinforced and
anchored as detailed in Section s 7 I 2.3. J, 7 I 2.3.2, 7 I 2.4 and 71 2.4. I
for chimneys servi ng fireplaces. In Seismic Design Category A, B or C, reinforc
ement and seismic anchorage is not req uired. In Seismic Design Category E or F,
masonry and concrete chimneys shall be reinforced in accordance WiUl the requir
ements of Sections 701 through 709. 712.3.1 Vertical Reinforcing
.~Yf~~~~\f:'(:;iri\::?~~~riitJ~\~?T;~W~:.:: .~., :_,. ~.
For fireplaces with chimneys up to 1.0111 wide, four 10 mm diam ete r continu ou
s vertical bars, anchored in the foundation, shall be placed in the concrete bet
ween wythes of solid maso nry or within the cells of hollow lInit masonry and gr
outed in accordance with Section 703.4. For fireplaces with chim neys greater th
an 1.0 III wide, two additional 12 mill diameter vertical bars shall be provided
for cnch additional J.O III ill wid th or frac tio!) thereoL
712.3.2 Horizontal Reinforcing Ve!1ical reinforcement shall be placed enclosed w
ithin 6
mill) tics or other reinforcing of equivalent net cro~ sectional area, spaced no
t to exceed 4S0 mm on center in
concrete; or placed in the bed joints of unit masonry at a
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTFH l . 1 ,,1asonry
, 45
minimum of every 450 nun of vertical height. Two such ties shaH be pro vided at
CilCh bend in the vertical bars.
712.4 Scismic Anchorage Masonry and concrete chimneys in Seismic Design Category
. D shall be anchored at each 11001', ceiling or roof lille marc than 1.8 III ab
ove grade, except where const ructed compl etel y within the exterior walls. Anc
horage shall confonn to the fo llowing requiremen ts. 712.4.1 Anchorage 4.8 mm b
y 25 mm straps sha ll be embedded a minimum of 300 mm into th e chimney. Straps
shall be hooked around the outer bars and extend ISO mm beyond th e bend . Each
strap shall be fastened to a minimum of four Ooor joists with two 12 mm bolts. 7
12.5 Firebox Walls
Masonry fi reboxes shall be constru cted of solid masonry ullits, ho llow maso n
ry units grout ed so lid, stone or co ncrete. When a lining of firebri ck at lea
st 50 mm in thickness or ot her approved lining is provi ded, the minimum thickn
ess of back and sidewalls shall eac h be 200 mm of soli d ma sonry, includin g
the lining. The width of joints between firebricks shall not be greater than 6 m
m. When no lining is provided, the to tal minimum thickness of bac k and sidewal
l s shall be 250 mill of solid masonry. Firebrick shall conform to ASTM C 27 or
ASTM C 1261 and shall be laid wit h medium-duty refractory mortar confonning to
ASTM C 199.
712.7 Lintel and Throat Maso nry ove r a fireplace opening sh all be su pported
by il lintel of noncombustibl e material. The minim um requ ired bearing length
on each cnd of the fireplace opcn ing shall be 100 mill. The fireplace throat or
damper sh:.tll be hx:a tcd a minimum of 200 mill above th e top of the IircpJac
c ope ning. 712.7.1 Damper Masonry fireplaces shall be equi pped with CI fcrro\l
"~": "l1letal damper located at least 200 mill above the top of the fireplace op
en ing. Dampers sha ll be installed in the fireplace or at the top of the Ouc ve
ntin g the fireplace, and shall be operable from the room containing the firepla
ce. Damper controls shall be permitted to be located in the firepl ace. 7 12.8 S
moke Chamber Walls
Smoke chamber walls shnll be constructed of solid masonry unit s, hollow masonry
units grou ted solid, stone or concrete. Corbe ling of masonry units shall not
leave unit Cores exposed to th e inside of the smoke chamber. The inside su rfac
e of corbe led masonry shall be parged smoolh. Where no lining is provided, the
total minimum th ic kness of frolll, back and sidewall s shall be 200 mm of soli
d masonry. When a lining of fire bri"ck at least 50 mill thick, or a linin g of
vitrified clay at least 16 mm thi ck, is provided, the total minimum thickness o
f front, back and sidewa ll s shall be 150 mm of solid masonry, including Ih e l
inin g. Firebrick shall conform to ASTM C 27 or ASTM C 1261 and shall be lai d w
i th refracto ry mortar conformi ng to ASTM C 199. 712.8.1 Smoke Chmnber Dimensi
ons The inside hei gh t of the sm oke chamber from the fireplace throat to the b
eginning of the flue shall not be greater th an the inside width of the firep la
ce opening. The inside surface of the smoke chamber shall not be inclined more t
han 45 degrees (0.76 rad) from vertical when prefabricated smoke chamber linings
are us ed or when th e smoke chamberwall s are rolled or sloped rather than cor
beled. When the inside su rface of the smoke cha mber is formed by corbeled maso
nry, the wa ll s shall not be corbeled more than 30 degrees (0.52 rad) from veni
712.5.1 Steel Fireplace Unit,
Steel fireplace units are permitted to be installed with solid masonry to form a
masonry fireplace prov ided they are installed acco rding to ei ther the req ui
rements of their listing or the requirements of thi s sect ion. Steel firepl ace
un its incorporating a steel firebox linin g sh all be co nstructed with steel
not less than 6 mm in thi ckness, and an air-c irculating chamber which is duet

ed to the interi or of the buildin g. The firebox lining shall be encased wi th

solid masonry to pro vide a total thickn ess at the back and si des of not less
than 200 mm , of which fl ol less than 100 mill shall be of solid masonry or con
crete. C ircul ating air duc ts employed wi th stee l fireplace units shall be
constructed of metal or masonry.
712.6 Firebox Dimensions
Th e firebox o f a concret e or ma so nry firepl ace sha ll have a mini mu m dep
th of 500 mm . Th e throm shall not be less thHI1 200 mm above the fireplace o p
enin g. Th e throat opening shall not be less than 100 mm in depth. The cross sec
tional area of the p assageway above the firebox, in cludi ng th e throat, damp
er and s moke chamber, shall not be less than the cross-sectional area of the fl
u e.
712.9 Hearth mId Hearth Extension Masonry firep lace hcat1.hs and hea rth c-xtc.
.:lSions shall be const lucted of concrete or masonry , sup po l1 ed by noncombu
st ible materials, and reinforced to carry their own weight and all im posed lo
ads. No combust ible materi al shall rem ain against the underside of hearth s o
r hearth ex ten sions aft er constructi on.
National Structural Code of tile Philippines 6'" Edition Volume 1

712.9.1 Hearth Thicklless T he minimulll !hickn l~ss of fircplm:c hc,lI1h s shal

l he 100
mill ,
712.9.2 Ht.'arth Extension Thickness
Th e minimulll thic knes s or hearth ex te nsi o ns shall be 50
Jlllll .
1 ;,~rCeIJl ;()1I :
Wh en th e b O/fOIll of the firebox o/)!nillg is raised at Ifast 0.20111 above th
e fOp of rhe heart" eXfell sifJII, (I !warlh extension of not less than 10 mm th
ick brick, concrele, , \'(OJle. [i if! o r other approved IIollcomJm.Hibh! 1II00
erial is
Exposed combustible malltels o r trim is permitted to be placed directly 0 11 th
e nlasolllY fireplaa from surrounding the fireplace opening provided sl/ch combu
stible malerials shall 1101 be placed within 150 111m of a fi replace opening, C
ombustible material directly above alld with ill 300 mm of tlU! fireplace openin
g shall fwt project more fhan 3,2 mm for each 25 mm distance from such opening.
Combustible materials located along the sides of the fireplac e opening ihat pro
ject more than 40 mmfrom th e/ace of the fireplace shall have all additional cle
arance equal to th e projection.
712.10 H ea rth Extension Dimensions
Hearth extens ions shall ex te nd a l leas t 400 mill in fro nl of, and at leas
t 200 I11Ill beyond, each side or the lircplacc opening. Where the firepl ace op
enin g is 0.60 111 1 or larger.
the hearth extension shall exte nd
least 500 mm in front
o f. a nd aI least 3<X) mm beyon d, each side o f !he fi rep lace opening.
Figure 7 12.1
712.11 Fireplace Clearance
Any pOl1i on of a masolll)' fireplace loc-:IIcd in the interi or of a building o
r within the exte rior wall o f a building sh all ha ve a cl earance to combusti
bles o f not less (han 50 Illlll from the front fa ces and sid es of masonry fi
replaces an d not Jess than a . lOm frolll the back faces of maso nry fi replace
s. The airspace shall not be fill ed , except to- provide firebloc kin g in acco
rdance w ith Sec ti on 7 J 2. 12.
Illustrati on of Excepti on to Fireplace Clearance Provision
712.12 Fireplace Fireblocking
A ll spaces between fire pl aces and floors and ce ilin gs
Excep tio."s:
Mason ry fireplaces listed Q nd labeled fo r use ill cOflfact' with combustibles
in Qccordance wi,II UL 127 and illstalled iTl accordance with the manufacturer
's installation instructiolls are permitted to have combustible materia l in con

tact with their exterior suifaces. When masonry fireplaces are cOllstructed as p
art of .masonry or Concrete walls, combustible materials shall 110 1 be ill cont
act wilh Ihe masonry or COf1C,.el l~ walls less thall 300 mm fro m th e inside s
urface of th e f/~ares{ firebox hn ing . Exposed combustible trim and the edges o
f sh eathing materials. stich as wood siding, flooring and dl)ll1loll, are pe rm
itted to abut th e masonry {lrepltlce side walls alld hearth extellsion. ill ac
cordance with Figure 712 .11, provided such combustible trim or sh eathing is a
minimum of 300 mm from Ihe inside Sill/ace of the nea rest firebox linillg.
throu gh which fireplaces pass sh a!! be fireblocked with noncombustible materi
al sec ure ly faste ned in pl ace. Th e fi rebl oc king of spaces between wood j
oists, be ams or headers s hall be to a depth of 25 mm and shall on ly be pJaced
on strips of metal or metal lath laid across the spaces be tween combustible ma
terial and the chimney,
712.13 Exterior Air Fact ory-built or ma sonry firepl aces covered in this secti
on shall be eq uipped wit h an ex terior air su ppl y to ensure proper fuel comb
ustion unless the room is mechan icall y ventilated and con troll ed so that the
indoor pressure is neutral or pos itive. 7 [2.13.1 FactOlylluilt Firephlccs
Ex te ri or combustion air due ls for faclOry-built fireplaces shall be li sted
compone nts of th e fi repl ace., a nd in stalled 'lccord ing to the fi replace
manufacture-.r' s instruc ti ons ,
712.13.2 Masonry Fireplaces
Listed combustion ,a ir ducts for masonry firepl aces shall h~ installed accord
ing (0 the lcnns of the ir listing ~\lid manufacturer's in structions,
Associa tion of Structural Engineers of th e Philippines

712.13.3 Exterior Air Intake The exterior air intllke shall be capable of provid
ing all combustion air from the exterior of the dwelling. The exterior air intak
e sha!! not be located within the garage, allie, basement or crawl space of the
dwelling nor shall the air intake be located at an elevation higher than the fir
ebox. The exterior air intake shall be covered with a corrosionresistant screen
of 6.4 mm mcsh.
712.13.4 Clearance
713.1 Delinition
A masonry chimney is a chimney constructed of concrete or masonry, hereinafter r
eferred 10 as "masonry." Masonry chimneys shall be constructed, anchored, suppor
ted and reinforced as required in this chapter.
Unlistcd combustion air ducts shall be installed with a
minimum 25 Il1m clearance to combustibles for all parts of
the duct within 1.5
of the duci outlet.
712.13.5 Passageway
The combustion air passageway shall be a minimum of 1112, except thai combustion
air systems for listed fireplaces or for fireplaces tested for emissions shall
be constructed according to the fireplace manufacturer's instructions.
0.040 m 2 and not more than 0.035
713.2 Footings and Foundations Foo\ings for masonry chimneys shall be constructe
d of concrete or solid masonry at least 300 mm thick and shall extend at least 1
50 mm beyond the face of the foundation or support wall on all sides. Footings s
hall be founded on natural undisturbed eanh or engineered fill below frost depth
. In areas not subjected to freezing, footings shall be at least 300 111m below
finished grade. 713.3 Seismic Reinforcing
713.13.6 Outlet
The exterior air outlet is permitted to be located in the back or sides of the f
irebox chamber or within 600 mm of the firebox opening on or near the floor. The
outlet shall be closable and designed to prevent burning material from dropping
into concealed combustible spaces.
.\<'Wtx~ '~i.':;>::S;i~F":
Masonry or concrete chimneys sha!l be constructed, anchored, supported and reinf
orced as required in this chapter. In Seismic Design Category D, masonry and con
crete chimneys shall be reinforced and anchored as detailed in Sections 713.3.1,
713.3.2 and 713.4. In Seismic Design Category A, Bore, reinforcement and seismi
c anchorage is not required. In Seismic Design Category Eor F, masonry and conCr
ete chimneys shall be reinforced in accordaQce with the requirements of Sections

701 through
713.3.1 Vertical Reinforcing
For chin;neys up to J.O m wide, four 12mm diameter continuous vertical bars anch
ored in the foundation shall be placed in the concrete between wythes of solid m
asonry or within the cells of hollow unit masonry and grouted in accordance with
Section 703.4. Grout shall be prevented from bonding with the flue liner so tha
t the flue liner is free to move with thermal expansion. For chimneys greater th
an 1.0 m wide, two additional 12 mm vertical bars shall be provided for each add
itional 1.0 III in width or fraction thereof.
713.3.2 Horizontal Reinforcing VeJ1icai reinforcement shall be placed enclosed w
ithin 6.4 mrn tics, or other reinforcing of equivalent net crosssectional area,
spaced not to exceed 450 mm o.c. in concrete, or placed in the bed joints of uni
t masonry, at a minimum of every 450 mm of vertical height. Two sLlch ties shall
be provided at each bend in the vertical bars.
National Structural Code of tile Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

CHAPTEH 7 . Masonry
7 13.4 Scislllk Ant..'horagc
Maso nry and concrete chimneys and fo und ations in Seismic Design Category D sh
a ll t)C anchored at each f1 oor. ceiling or roof lille more th an 1.8 III above
grade, exce pt where constructed compl ctely wi thin the exlerior wall s. Ancho
rage shall co nfo rm to lilc fol lowing rcq u i reme nl ~.
713.4. 1 Anch orage
713.9 Termination Chimneys shall extend at leas t 600 I11Ill hi ghcr than allY p
orti oll of Ihe buildi ng wil hin 3.0 Ill, but shall not be less th an 900 m ill
above the hi ghest poin t where Ihe chi mney passes through the roo f.
713.9.1 Spark Arrestors
Two 4.8 mill by 25 mill straps shall bc embedded a mi:li mum of 300 nun into the
chimney. Straps shall be hoo ked arollnd the outer b.w.; and extend 150 mill be
yond the bend. Each strap shall be fas tened to a mini mu m of fo ur floor joist
s with two 12 mill bolts. 713.5 Corbeling Masonry chi mneys shall Ilul be corbel
led more th an half of the chim ney 's wall thickness from a w.l ll or fou ndati
on, nor shall a chimncy be corbeled from a wall or foundati on that is less than
300 mill in Ihickness un less it prl.~ec t s equ all y on each side of Ihe wa l
l , exce pt that on thc second story of a two -slO ry dwelling, co rbelin g of c
himneys on the exterior of thc encl osing wal ls is pennillcd to equal the wall
thickness . The projection of a singl e co urse shall not exceed one~h a lf the
unit hei ght or o n c~ third of the unit bed de pth , whichever is less.
713.6 Changes in Dimension
Where a spark arrestor is installed on a masonry chimney. the spark arrestor sha
ll meet all c !' the follOWing requirements: I. The nCI free arca o f the arreSl
Or shall not be less tha n fo ur tim es the net free area of tile outl et of the
chimney flue it serves. 2. The arrcs tor sc ree n shall ha ve heat and co rrosi
on res istance equi valc nt to 1 9~ 9a ge galvani zed steel or 24 ~
gage slaill lcss slee l.
Openings shall not permit th e passage of spheres havi ng H di ameter greater th
2n J2 mill nor block the passage of spheres ha ving a diameter less than 10 mm.
The spark arrcs tor shall be accessible for cleaning and th e s<.: ree n or chim
ney cap shal l be rem ovable to allo w fo r clca ning of the chimney fl ue.
713.10 Wall Thickness
The chi mney wa ll or c himney flue li ning shaH not cha ngc in size or shape wi
thin 150 mOl abo ve or below where the chi mney passes through noor co mponenls,
ceiling com ponents or roof com ponen ts. 713.70ITsets Where a masonry chim ney
is construc ted with a fi reclay flue liner surrounded by one wythe of maso nry
. th e rnax imum offset shall be such that the centerlin e of the flue above the
offset docs not extend beyo nd the center of the chimney wall below the offset.
Where thc chim ney offset is supported by maso nry below the offset ill an appr
oved manner. the maximum offset limitations shall not apply. Each indi vidual co
rbeled masonry course of the offset shall not exceed th e projection limitati on
s specified i~ Section 7 13.5. 713.8 Additional Load Chim neys shall not support
loads other than their ow n weight unless th ey are designed an d constru ct ed
to support the additional load. M< \sonry chimneys arc permitted to be construc

ted as part of the masonry walls or concrete Wil lis of the building.
Maso nry chimney walls shall be constru cted of concrete, solid maso nry uni ts
or hollow masonry un its grouted solid with not less than 100 mm nominal thickne
ss. 713.10.1 Masonry Veneer Chimneys Where masonry is Llsed as veneer for a fra
med chi mney, th rough n ashing and wee p holes shall be provided as required by
Chapter 14 of me.
713.11 Flue Liniug (Material)
Maso nry chimneys shall be lined. The lining material shall be appropriate for t
he type of appliance connec ted, according to the tenns of the appliance listing
and the manpfacturer's inst ructions. 713.11.1 ResidentialType Appliances (Gener
al) Flue lining systems shall co mpl y with one of the followi ng:
Clay flu c lining complying wit h the requircm cnts of ASTM 0 15 , or equivalent
. Lis ted chimney lining sys tems com plyi ng wi th UI . 1777. Faclory*built chi
mneys or chimney uni ts li sted fe:' installat ion withi n masonry chimneys. Ot
her approvcd materi als that will resist corrosion , erosion. softening or crack
ing from Oue gases an d condensate at tem peratures up to 1,800' 1' (982' C).
3. 4.
Association 01 Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAP TEfll . Mas on ry

'H 9
713.1 J.l.1 Flue Linings for Spedlk Appliances
Fhl(: li nil lgx other than those covered ill Sect!()!l 71 ~.I I.I inte nded for
usc with specific applian ces shall com ply with Sect ions 7 13. 1 J. 1.2 throu
gh 713. 11.1 .4 and Sections 7 13 . 11.2 ilnd 7 13. 1 1.3. 713.11.1.2 G as Appli
allt'es Flue lining systems for gas app liances shall be in acco rdan ce with Ih
e T,lumlUfiol1a/ Flit!! Ga.~ ("ode. 713.11.1.3 Pellet Fucl-nurning Appliances Flu
e lining and venl systems for use in masonry chimneys with pellet fuel-burni.ng
appli ances shtlll be limi ted 10 flue lining s y s tem s complying with Secti o
n 71 3. 11.1 an d pellet vents listed for in stallati on wi thin maso nry chimn
eys (sec Seclion 7 I 3. I I . 1.5 for markin g). 713.11.1.4 Oil-Fired Appliance
s Approved for Usc with L- Vent
Flu e lining and vc nt syslems for usc in masonry chimneys
713,11.2,) Lining ConcrelC and masonry chiJl1lleys shall be !ined with ,lil appr
oved mediu m-duty refractory brick a min imum of 11 5 mm thi ck lai d o n the 11
5 Inm bed in an approved mcdiumdut y refractory m o r l(l J". The linin g shall
start 6(X) mill or more below the lowe st chi mil ey con nect or elllrance. Chim
lleys terminating 7. 5 III or less above a chim ney conneClOr enlnUlce shall be
li ned to (he to p. 7 13,11.2,4 Multiple Passageways
Concrete and masonry chimneys containing more than one passage wa y shall ha ve
the liners separat ed by a minimum lOO mill thick concrete or solid maso nry wal
713.11.2.5 Termination Height
Concrete and masonry chimneys for medium-heat applitlllccs shall extend a minimu
m of 3.0 m hi gher than any pon ion of allY building within 7.5 m.
7]3,11.2,6 Clearance
with oil-fired appliances appro ved for use with Type L vcnt shall be limited to
flu e lining systems co mpl ying with Secti on 713. 11. '" and li sted chimney
line rs co mplyin g with UL 641 (sec Seclion 71 3. 11.1.5 for ma rking).
A minimu m clearance of 100 Illlll shall be provided be tween the ex terior surf
aces of a concrete or maso nry chimne y for medium-heal appli tlllces and combus
tible materi al.
713,11.3 Concrete and Masonry Chimneys for HighHeat Appliances 713,)1.3,) Genera
713.11.1.5 Notice of Usage
When a flu e is relined with a nateri a l not compl y ing w ith Seclion 713. 11.
1, Ihe chimn ey shall be plainl y and
permanentl y identifi ed by a la bel attached to a wall , cei li ng or other con
spicuous locati on adjacent to where (he connector enters the chimney. The !abel
shall include th e following message or cq ui va lenl language: " Thi s chim ne
y is for use only with (type or category of applian ce) that burns (type of fllc
l). Do not connect other types of appliances."
Concrete and masonry chi mneys for hi gh-heat appliances shall compl y wilh Sec
ti ons 7 13 .1 Ih rough 7 13 .5.
713.1 1.3,2 Construction
713.11.2 Concrete and Masonry Chimneys for MediumHeat Appliances 713,)1.2,) Gene
ral .

Chimn eys for high ~heat appliances shall be constru cted with double wa ll s of
solid masonry units or of concrete, each wall to be a minimum of 200 mrn thick
with a minimum airspace of 50 mm between the walls.
713,11.3,3 Lining
Concrete and masonry chimneys for medium-heat appliances shall comply with Sec t
ions 713.1 through 713.5 .
7 ]3,) 1.2,2 Construction
Chimllcys for medium -heat appli ances shall bc constructed
The inside of the interior wall shall be lined with an approved high-duty refrac
t ory brick, a minimum 115 mOl th ick laid 011 th e 11 5 mm bed in an approved h
igh-duty re fractor y mortar. The lining shall start at the base of the chimney
and ex tend contin uously to the top.
7l3.11.3,4 Termination Height
of solid maso nry un its or of co ncrete with walls a mi nimu lll
o f 200 mm thick, OJ" with ston e masonry a mi nimu lll of 100 mm thick.
Co ncrete an d masonry chimneys for hi gh-heat appli ances shall ex tend a minim
um of 6.0 Jl1 higher th an an y porti on of any building withi n 15.0 IH .
National Structu ral Code of tile Phili ppines 6 Edition Volume 1

CHAPTEr:1 7 . Masonry
713.11.:1.5 Cle" ..."'"e Concrete and masonry chimncys for highheClt appli:lf1ces
shall havc approved clearance from buildings and structures to prevcnt ove rh e
ating combustible materials, penn it inspection and maintenance operations on th
e chimney ilnd prevcnt danger of burns to persons. 713.12 Clay Flue Liuing (Inst
"U"lion) Clay flue liners shall he in~talkd in accordance withASTMC 1283 and cxt
end from a point not less IIHlII 200 JIlin below the lowest inlet or, in the cas
e of fireplaces, from the top of the smoke chamber 10 a poilU above the enclosin
g walls. The lining shall be carried up vertically, with i.\ Ilwximum slope no g
reater (han 30 degrees (0.52 .rad) from the vertical. Clay flue liners shall be
laid in medium duly refractory mortar conforming to ASTM C 199 with tight mortar
joints left smooth on the inside and installed to maintain'lI1 air space or insu
lation not 10 exceed the thickness of the flue liner separating the flue liners
from Ihe interior face. of the chimney masonry walls. r':-Iue lining shall be su
pported on all sides. Only enough IDm1.1r shall be placed to make Ihc joint and
hold Ihe liners in position.
713.13 Addition,,1 Requiremenls 713.13.1 Listed Matedals Listed matcrials used a
s flue linings shall be installed in accorda nce with the terms of their listing
s an d the manufacturer's instructions.
Ta ble 7JJ.16(1) Net CrossSectio nal Area of Round Flue Sizes
Flue Sii'.c, Inside Dialllcicr

- - ---- ,5(f-- ---- - --- -- i !i:()- ---' - -- -175 .- --.. -.-- -- - --245-- - - ~-Cross,Scclionll l A;~~3 (1ll1ll2 x 10 )
.250_==-_ _~ ____ _ __ _ 275 __.__ ___ __ _-= 5~8.~ 1 - -.22.L_==_
- -1
1-----" 3~OO----._I---.--_:_'7:=::2."'9c---_ _ _ -"-38~0c......._. ___ _ _ _ _~11;.;;3"!:.5----, 460 163.9
Table 713.16(2) Cross-SecliollCli Area of Square and Rectangular Flue Sizes
713.13.2 Space Around Lilling The space surrounding a chimn ey lining sysrclll o
r vent installed within a maso nry chimney shall nOI be used to vent any qtbcr '
Exception: This shall not prevent the installation of a separate flue linillg il
l accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
713.14 Mulliple Flues
Cross Sectional Area (mm' x 10') 114 x 216 14.8 - -' --1 14 x 336 - - -- - ... 21.9

203 x 203 27. 1 f--. -216 x 216 31.6 43.2 ._ __ 1 2 16 x 305 .. --". 49 216x330
305 x 305 65.8 216 x 457 65 .2 .. ~ 330 x 330 81.9 .. _-J -305 x 406 84.5 111 .
6 330 x 457 .... f -. 406x 406 11 6.8 - 143.2 406 x 508 ..- ------150~3----457 x 4
57 192.3 508 x 508 -- - _. 1---508x6 10 _ . 216 .1 278.1 610 x 610
Flu e Size, Outside Nomin:tI Dimensions (mill)
When two or more flues are located in the same chimney, masonry wythes shall be
built between adjacent flue linings . TIle masonry wythes shall be at least 100
mm thi ck and bonded into the walls of the chimne y.
Exception: When venting only Oll e appliallce, two flues are permittcd adjoin ea
ch other ill the same chimlley with only Ihej!J ,it.! lining separation between
them. The joints of the adj4.stf.i.t. flue Iini1Jg s shall be staggered at least
100 mm. .,
Association of Structural Engineers of th e Pllilippines

CHAPTEn "? . Ma sonry

7 ~1
7B.IS .Flue An.'lI (Appli:lI1ce)
ChiJl1Jll~Y flues shall not be smaller in area than the arca t)f the <.:OIIl1O<.
:tOI' froJl1 the appliance. Chimney flue s connected to Illore than olle applian
ce shal! not be less than the arC,l oj' the largest COJlllector pills SO percell
t of the areas or additiollal chimney connectors.
Figure 711. 16
Flue SizeS" for Masonry Chimne ys
Exceptions: 1.
Chimney flues servillg oil-fir(d appliances sized in accordance with NFPA 31,
Chimney flu es serving gas-fired appliances sized ill accordance with {h(' illfe
maliollol Fuel Gas Code,
._._- --7"
-_ .
"" ,,,.
713.16 Flue Area (Masonry I'ircplacc) Fille sizing (or chimneys servi ng firepla
ces shall be ill accord;mce wi th Section 713,16.1 or 7 13, J 6,2, 713.16.1 Mini
mulll Area Round chimney flues shall have a minimum net crosssectional area of a
t least 1/12 of the fireplace opening. Square chimney nues shall have a minimull
l net cross-sectional area of at least I/loof the fireplace opening. Rectangu la
r chimney nues with an aspect ratio less than
2 to I shall have a minimum net cross-sectional area o f a least 1/10 of the fir
eplace opening. Rectangular chimney flues with an aspect ratio of 2 to 1 or morc
shall have tl minimum net cross-sectional are;] of at leas t dgof the fireplace
" " "

" ~ "
- :------+- 1-- '"
713.16.2 Determination of Minimum Area
The minimum net cross-se.c tiona l area of the flue shall be determined in accor
dance with Figure 7 I 3. J 6. A fi ue size providing at least the equivalent net
cross ~sec !ional area shall be used. Cross-sectional areas of clay nue linin g
s are as provided in Tables 713.16(1) and 713.16(2) or as provided by the manufa
cturer or as measured in the field. The height of the chimney shall be measured
from the firebox floor to th e top of the chimney flue.
713.18 Masonry Chimney Cleanout Openings Cleanout openings shall be provided wit
hin 150 mm of the base of each flue within every masonry chimn ey, The upper edg
e of the cleanoul shall be located al least 150 mOl below the lowest chim ney in
let opening. The height of the opening sh<lll be al leasl 150 mm . The c1eanoul
sha ll be provided with a noncombustible cover.
E.xceptioll: Chimney flues serving masonry fireplaces, where cleaning is possibl
e through the fireplace opening.
713.19 Chimney Clearances Any portion of a masonry chimney located in the interi
or of the building or within the exterior wall of the building shall have a mini
mum airspace clearance to combustibles of 50 mm. Chimneys located entirely outsi
de the exterior walls of the building, including chimneys that pass through the
soffit or cornice, shall have a minimum airspace clearance of 25 111 1ll . The a
irspace shall nOI be filled, except to provide fireblocking in accordance with S
ection 7 J 3.20.
713.17 Inlet Inlets to masonry chimneys shall enter from the side. Inlets shall
have a thimble of fireclay, rigid refracwry material or mctallhat wi ll prevent
th e co nnector from pulling Oul of the inlet or from extendi ng beyond the wall
of the lin cr.
Masonry chimneys equipped with a chimney tining system listed and labeled for us
e ill chimneys in contact
with combustibles in accordance with UL 1777, and installed in accordance with t
he numufacturer's instructions, are permitted to have combustible material in co
ntact with their exterior sur/nees.
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6
Edition Volume 1

CHAPTEn l . Masonry
Where masonry chimneys are constructed as part of masonry or concrde walls, comb
ustible materials shall
not be in conlact with the masonry or concrete wall less than 300 mmJrom the ins
ide sluface a/the nearest flue lining.
3. Exposed combustible trim and the edges of sheathing materials, such as wood s
iding, are permitted to abut the masonry chimney sidewalls, in accordance with F
igure 713.19, provided such combustible trim or
sheathing is a minimum of 300 mm from the inside
surface of the nearest flue lining. Combustible material and trim shall not over
lap the corners of the chimney by more than 25 mm
Figure 713.19
of exception three chimney clearance provi:;ion
713.20 Chimney Fireblocking All spaces between chimneys and floors and ceilings
through which chimneys pass shall be fircblockcd with noncombustible matcrial se
curcly fastcned in place. The fireblocking of spaces between wood joists, beams
or headers shall be to a depth of 25 mill and shall only be placed on strips of
metal or metal lath laid across the spaces between combustible material and the
chimncy. Table 703-1- Mortar Propo!1ions for Unit Masonry
MORTAR Cement -Ume
Mortar cement
._.Masonry cement
Portland Ccmcnt Blended Cement I
Masonry Cement
Mortar Cement N M S

---:-- --_.__. -:-_._.
Hydrated Lime or Lime Puttr.... 'I<
I ._. -_...-.
over l/.j to 1/1 ovcr 1/1 to I l/.j ...-over I I;' to 2 1/2 Not Jess than 2 1;.\
and Ilot morc than 3 times the SUIll of the separate volumes of ccmcntitious ma
--....:-- __1...----'-----~."
0 I Masonry cement conforrnlllg to the requirements of UEe Standard 21 11. 2 Mor
tar cement conforming to the requirements of UBC StHTldard 2 J -14.
-Tablc 703-2 - Grout Proportions by Volumc

Fine grout Coarse grout
010 I"
-.-----.~2!f.! to 3 times the sum of the volumes of the ccmentltlouS mate! 1,lls 2 l/.j t
o 3 tUlles the sum of the volumes -- I to 2 times thc SUIll of the volumcs I to
110 of the cemcntitious materials of the cemcntitious materials Grout slMll atla
lll a Jl1J1lI!llum compressive silength at28 d,lYS of 13.8 MI >.,\. The btll!dll
lg offiCial may lcqulre ,\ comprCSSl\e ,dd strength test of grout made in accord
ance with UEC Standard 21-18.
Fine --_._._-----------_._.---~~---~~--.
Association of Structural Engineers of the F'hilippines


/ S]
Tabl e 704-1- Groul in g Limitations
- ... -- ....- ...- . ---MlNiMtJMj)ji;jNSi()N.~-6V;mi:Tol;A I . CI.I" I<
'r;~,-;;---'-----r-'------'- )00 - -- - - - -- Fine Fine
..._..~;I{()l2IJXJ~!L. __.._.~.;J{()U'I.!~.Q!!.l{ MA~.Iig~Q.Ul0.!!!!.~L~ ==~~.-.
- '-------. r--=:=-~-'-~==-==] ,500 2.400
_ _ .-.!'1ultl.wr.~~ Ml.':..~..t. ___. _ __ .. _llllllow ~~n;I:r~ ~~____ '" _
35 35
15 x. 50 3S x. 50
45 x 75
Coar.~e 50 (); x 75 Co;lrse 50 x 75 Coarse 60 75 x 75 Coarse 75 7S x 100 Sec als
o SCCllOfI 2 ] O:l .6. } 11\c ac tual gro ul space or grout cell dimen sions mus
t be larger than the su m of the foll ow ing items (I) The required minimum dime
nsions of total c lear areas ill Table 704 1 ; (2) The width o f an )' 1ll0J1tU p
rojections within the space: .. nd (3) 11,e horizont;11 projections o f the d ia
meters of the horizontal reinforcing bars wi!ilin II cross section of the grow s
pace or cell. ~ Tile minimum dimensions of thc \Ol a! clear 'JI"ea s shaH be m:l
de up of one of morc open ,lre;IS wilh at least onc arca being 19 mm or grcaLcr
in wio!h.
7,200 JOQ.] ,SCX) 2.400 3,600 7,200
50 35
x 75 35 x 75
Table 705 I . Specified Compressive Slrcnglh of Masonry, f", I MPa) Ba sed on Spe
cifying the Compressive Strength of Maso nry U nits
'fype MOl' S Mortar l

.82.7 68 .9
,-55. 1
36. 5 32.4 27.6 23. 1
'- -'
-----Jo.T ------~
26.2 22.7 18.6 15.2 11.0
rtar) I (MPa) ( MP.) I
20.7 17 .2 1).8
33.lormon", 25.&
19.3 --- _ ._----.. --- ---13-.1 -8.60
.----- ~--..ToY - --- -- -- .._ 6 .. 90
-_ ...._,,-~ .
.. masonry unus IS based on g loss area. Comprcsslve strcngth of ho !!ow d..ay n
ldsonry urllL~ IS based on nlll11lllum nct .\rCd . compress ive slrenglh of soli
d clay Values nl3y be interpo laled . When ho llow clay m,lsonr >' units .lre gr
o uted ,the grout shall con form to lhe prop<lJ1 ion in Table 7032. 2 A ssumed as
semblage, The specificd compressive stre ng th of mason ry f'", is based on gros
s area strength when usi ng sol id un its or solid grouted mason ry and nct area
slrcngUI when using ungrou ted ho llo w units. 3 M ortar for unit masonry. prop

ortio n specificatio n, as speci fied in Table 703- 1. These values apply to pOJ
1land CeOlen! - li me mortars wi tho u! added air - entraining materials . Vatue
s may be interpolated. In groulCd concrete m,lsonry, the compressive strength o
r grout shall be equal to or g rcak'r than the compressive strength o f the CO!1
CfCle m asonry u nits .
16, 19 1 12.7 9 ..30 6.. 50
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6'" Edition Volume 1

1 501
CHA PTUi 7 .
Tabl e 707 - I - All owable Tension, 13/1 for Embed ded Am:hor Bo/(s for Clay an
d Co ncrete Masonry, kNI.21
124 13_8
-~:-- EMBE~~ENT LEN(;~~!, t", ()rJm(;lfl)jST~NCE;~~~~~'~):==~~~~=:-~-=:-2~~I::~_
I!!_ _ _ 2~_
1_25 2_80 I
, -l~ --__ _-__
fI-- ___ 24;' __
~ . ___
4_76 4_ 98 7_08 7_92 8_68
-- ______ ------,.--;----------- -------- - -27:0-'I 6-76_ _ _ ___________ ____.
.....2-74 __________ 1_7~ ------__ _ ~_ ) ______ J..0} ___ __ ______J:.."_____ --..l2..!,_ -I
II 2
__ -_
20_ 0_
312 __
: .~~
1.78 1.96 2.146
~~!---i]-- ---+H- ----~}---- -I U)4-----_ 15_9 17_8
19 ~5
28-~i------- -44-~i"
---- I

I nlC
344 41..3
445 4.85 12..37 13_ 53
31.6 34_7
494 ---~=_ ~_
I ,
allowable tensIon valucs In Tahlc 707- 1 arc based 011 compre ssIve
rn.lsonry a s~cmbl.lges. Wherc )'Ield slrength o[ ,me llor bolt the
ellsion in kN is g iven in Table 7072 . 2 Vlllucs arc for bolls of
307 qualify. Bolls shall be those specified in Section 706.2. 14 .1
wll arc for work with or without special inspection .

strength or
:lllowable f
1II le;!!)1 A
) Values sho

Table 707-2 - All owa bl e Tension, Bf for Embedded Anchor Dolts for Clay and Co
ncrete Masonry, kN 1.2
_ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ -'A ""N =CHOR BOLT DIAMETER (111111)
6 1..56
10 3..5 1
12 6.27
16 9_83
20 14.1
Values arc for bolts of allcast A 307 quality. Bolls sha ll be tllose specified
ill Sectio n 706.2.14. 1 Values shown aTe for work willI or with9ul special insp
ection .
Table 707-3- Allowable Shear, B,_, for Embedded Anc hor
Bolts for Clay and Co ncrete Masonry, kN
J 'm
_._- --- - 10 2.14 2_14 2. 14 2.14 2_ 14 2. 14 2.1 4 2. 14

!\_ i'lCHOR nOLl'

DIAMETER (inches)
10..3 ---- 12.4 13.8 17_2 20_7 276 34 .4 41.3
, V ,\ I uc~ ,Ill. f01 i)()lts of -C-. - .- _ - - - ':-:-'_ ,1\ ic,\sl A 307 qua
hty . BoilS sh,lil be those spec Ified 111 SCdIOJ1 7()6.2. 14.1.
12 3_78 3.78 3_78 3.78 3.78 3_7 8 3_78 3_78
16 5.92 5_92 - - ---_._."5_92 5_92 5_92
- ----_._---------5.92
5.92 5_92
._----- --_._- --_.----------------- ---_.20 - - ----- --22 --- -_._-25 ---28 -- T7
7.92 8.45 9_12 -- 10_ 1 8_28 9..35 __ 9.57 - -9)9__ 8.45 9.1 7 --- lOA 9_70 11 .
0 10..4 845 11 _5 10.1 10.9 845 12;1 11.7 8.45 10.9 l3~i 11 .5 12.3 845 12_9 J:U
11 .6 8.45
2 Values shown arc for work w ith or wit hou t specia l inspection .
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CH/\PTEfl 1 . M<lsoruy
Table 707-4- Minimulll Di ameters of Bend
Table 70 7-5- All o wabl e Flexural Tensi oll (kPa)
MORTAR TYPE r-_~C ~e~i~n~ en ~t~-~I~in~le ~a~ nT d~ M~o~rt~ a~r~C ~e ~"~ l1~CI~l
t~_-i.___ 77-~~M~a~s~ o~nr~Ccnl~C~II~(~~---~
M or S N M or S
I---;:;-,---"'T:':''-;-'--~'--:--+------r_------___.-- -------T--Normal to bed Joints
No rmal to head joints
207 131
103 62
222 . . . . . ._-_Hollow ... . _-_._ - ---- - -_._ =
267 330 262 2()7 _._-_._-- _ ._-- - -- --- - -------1.2
.___--.!24 _ __ _
Table 708-1 - Maximum Nominal Shea r Strength Values
,-M IVd

---_.._ ._ - 50 1691 A, 50 111 3 A,
50.25 2: LOO
6.0 A,1i I'm
50 380 A, (3 22 A,
4.0 A ,liT,: 50 250 A, (214 A, Ii
M IS the Ilkl X lmu m bendmg moment (h at occurs sImu!t,Ulcoust}, \\,Ilh the she
ar 10:ld \ al the section unde r considerat ion. Interpolation may be by straigh
t line for MNd values between 0.25 and J .eX). Vn is in N, and 1'", is in kPa.
Table 708-2- No min al Shear Strengt h Coefficient
M is the maximum bending moment lhal occurs simu!t,llleously with the sh ear loa
tl \f at the sectioll under consideration . Interpolation
_.may be by straight line (or MlVd values between 0. 25 and 1.00.
Table 7 l0-1 Shea r Wall Spacing Requirements for Empirical Desi gn of Masonry
Shea r \Vall Spacing to
Casl- in -p lace
CO tl C r c ( c
Shear Wall Length
5: 1 4: 1 3: I 2: 1 2:1
Precast Co ncrete Mew I deck with concrete iiI! Metal deck with no Ii II
Wood Di aphragm

National Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1


CHAPTEn! Masonry
710~2A!!owabJc Compressive Stresses for Empirical Design of I\1<1S011l")'
~-~i~;iU;'r::fMOl"t;1 r
Solid masonry of brick and other solid units Sand-lime or concrete brick: 55.1 p
illS, MPa
31.0 MPa 17.2 MP" 10.3 MP"
(;r da)-:~;~:~<;h,~ic';~'"'~'
2,41 1.55 1.10 0.79
or concrete:
Grouted masonry, of clay or shale;
31.0 plus, MPa 17.2MP"
1.89 1,48
---:----~.-.----.------.------~----.c-_c";I0",.:c:eM ""I..,' "'--~-;c '-;-_ -;
3 Solid masonry of solid concrete masonry units:
1.2 I
1.38 0.96 0.69
20.7 plus, MP" 13.8 MP" 8.27 MP" Masonry of hollow load-bearing units: 13.8 pill
S, MP" 10.3 MPa 6.89 MP" 4.82 MPa
L55 1. 10
0.96 0.69

0.79 .~--j-------'-"-'-0.96 0.79

0.52 OAI
0.83 0.69 OA8
Hollow wa!ls (cavity or masonry bondedt solid units:
17.2 plus, MP" 1--;-:---:-:-,-1",0.",-3 M=..P,::..a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .._.. _
_ , -:,H"o",ll"o-,W,-,;,"J:;-:li",ts:..______ _____ _. __..__._-------_._LlO
0.79 - - - - - . - .. 0 52
--.-----. -~
0,48 4,41
Stone ashlar masonry: Granite Limestone or marble Sandstone or cast stone Ru bbl
e stone masonry ."_..__ Coarse,_.~~ or rando-"m'--_______ ~_. _____ ~ _____. Unb
urned clay masonry
4.96 3.10 2A8
0.837 0.21
0_69, ---------_.Linear InterpolatIOn llMy be IIsed for dcter=;nj~~~g~II~;~~~bk~i.~css~;f;~ mason;
~ts havi;g~~;';~p~cssi-~~'"~'~-;:;-gtt;"s which-',!rc-Tr";u;'~'Tllediate Octween
those given in the table. 2 Where floor and floor loads arc can-ied upon wythe,
the gross cross-section;11 area is that of the wYlhe under load. If both wythes
arc loaded, the gross cross-sectional area is that of the wall minus the area o
f the cavity between the wythes.
Tablc 710-3- Allowable Shear
Bolts for Empirically
Designed Masonry Except Unburned Clay Units
--.--~""._______ 1_2_ _ _ _ _

_ __
..... ---~
--~.--.--.... --22------..
..... ---- --------: ~-~------.--..- ..--.------~ ----4"'3"'~~'------j --~ 150------ 4.45------6X7---------175----- ------5.56--18.2 2
------------_._. _ _ _ _ _ :20~___________..!>'_62 __ ~~__
10.0" _ _
An additional 50 mill of embedment shall be provided for anchor bolts located in
(he top of columns for buildings located in Seismic 7...ones 2 and 4. 2 Permitt
ed only with not less than 17.2 MPa units.
Association of Structural Engineers of the fOhilippines

CHAPTErI ., . 1",1;\$()!1(Y
i :J 7
Table 71 04 Wall Lateral Su pport Rcq ujrc m <.~n l $
for Empiric.1I Design of Masonry
---- ----c~~~~~-::---c-_ -c' C",O,--,-N-,-,S,--,TIWC _"_ rr _ON _________ _____ M_A_X_I~_lJ_M _
I/I _oIJ_ ,;/___ _
Bearing walls
Solid or solid grolltccI --------.--.
All other
-.-----~ - .--- ,, walls
...- -...--.-18 ----------. ,----- - - --,--" ------'-"---.__.. _ - - - - _.._--_.__._- -- - -j--18 36
~,--- ,----- -- --.,-.- ----.. 20
Table 710-5 - Thickness of Foundation Walls for Empirical Design of Masonry
( Ill )
Mw;onry of hollow units, un grouted
- Mason ry (;f solid units
Mason ry of hollow or solid units, fully grouted
Masonry of hollow units reinforced vertically with 12 mm bars and grout at 600 m
m o,c, Bars located not less than 115 mm from pressure Side of wall.
200 250 300 200 250 300 200 20 300 200
-,.. __..
-1.22 l.52 1.83 1.52 1.83 2,13 2, 13 2,45 2.45 2,13
------- .--.~
Table 7 10-6 - Allowable Shear on Bolts for Masonry of Unburned Clay Units

-12 16 20 22 25 28
- - -300 380 457
----.__ _____2.2.2..______ - -. 600
0,89 1.33 1.78 2.22 2.67
_.-National Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1

Table 7! 1-1- Radius of Gyrat ion' for Concrete Masonry lJni t ~/

) The md ius of gyral
Ihe masonry units or
ch arc based o n lI!c
unit face sht' l1s an
cell UllilS.

iol) );lmB be based Oil ihe s pec ified d i.lllwsiolls o f

shilll be in ;u,:I:onl,lIICe w ith the va lue); shown wh i
m in imuill di , "clls i on ~ of hollow n)llcrcte masonry
d IYd)~ in aCI,.'()Hialicc wilh UBC SI(Uldard 2 14 for llYO

Table 7 ! 1- 2~ Ra dius
or Gyralio n
for Clay Maso nry Uni t Lcngt h, 400 MM ~
~U T
._ - ,
100 Solid Groutcd 26.92 400 29.45.,..__ , 600 30.48 800 31.24 -..' ..' -' 1000 .
.., - " '.. --_. ' -"31.75'-.. 1200 1400 1600 1800 No grout 32.00 32.26 ..---32.
26 32.50 33.53
._for smglc wYlhe m"son ry or for ,Hlll1o l v ldu<l1 wythe
.. wall. or a C,.Vlly
NOMINAL WIDTH OF WALL (mm ) _ .__. .. 300 250 150 200 86. 10 4 1.65 71.37 5664 .
._ .. _ ... .... _92.70 6 1.4 7 77.00 45. 20 .., .... .., . 63 75 95.80 47.00 79
.50 97.80 47 .75 8 I .00 -_.- _._.- 65.02 ~-----sz:oO--- ' - 99. 1(1 '" .. .. ....
'._48.50 65.80 99.80 49.00 66.29 .. 82.80 100.3(j 49.28 66.80 . .. 83.30 100.80
49.53 67.05 83.80 loi.35 84. 10 49.53 67 .30 ,-104.9() 86.90 51.31 69.8 5 .- .
~. -.
=..,,) !lA ,.
~' I hc mdill s of gYI';lI ion shal l lx: based 011 Ihe specified d imensi ons I
)f Ihl! masonry uni ts or shall be in acc ord~lIIce wi th the v alu c~ s ho wn w
hich IIrC'. based (II I the minimum di ll1tllsions o( ho llow dny con crete maSQ
nry face shdls and webs in acct)rd<l nce wit h UB C Standard 2 1 ] for lW() cel !
U ll i l~.
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

Table 7 11-3- Radius

-. -.- -- .- - -.--.- - .- - ,,-- -. ~ or Gyrati oo ' for Clay Masonry Unit Length. 300 MM'
- -- -- ------ _._- 26.92-- - ------ ---"-_. __ ...._ - - --- - - - ---- -- - --'-r ..
. -----~~(~i'id Gn;uteu.---- 300 450 600 750 900 1050 1200 1350 1500 1650 1800
--- -__~!-'l(}_lJ:I:_"~!' AC!.N _ (;J'll'llL ..._---_._- --_._ 100
NOMINAL WIDTH OF ".:~L L (mOl) ...-. __... ----- ---_..._ .. _" ---_. _ ------. - --_.-.-.-200- _.".... - _._ 250--- .._ 150 - .
...__._.- --- ---- _ .._ -------- -_..._---_. __
29.20 --- ------ 30.20---30.70 3 1.20 31.50 3 1.50 3 1.75 31.75 32.00 32.00 32.0
0 32.77
No grout
41.90 45.00 46.23 47.00 47.50 47.75 48.00 48.26 48.26 48.50 48.50 48.50 49.50
56.90 61.00 ------- .. --62.74 .. 63.75 64 .26 -64.77 65.02 65.28 65.53 65.79 65
.79 65.79 67.30
._- ....
._J ()f slllg IC-W} lhc masonry or for an IndIVIdual wythe ora C(lV lly wall.
86.60 71.63 9 1.69 ....._. 76 .20 --94 23-- ---78 -23 == --95.50- .... 79 .25 80.00
-- - -- 9652 9706-~= 80.52 97 .54 81.03 97 .79 8 1.28 98 .00 81.53 98.30 8 1.53
98.55 81.79 : 9855 8 1.79 100.33 83.30 i
---- --joo -_--. ..
=-V' !IA,
Z111 c radius of gyr:tlion sh;tll be ba sed on the speci fied dimensions or lhe
Inasonr y unils or slmll be in :Jccord;ulce W ilh the valuC's shown which arc ba
sed on the minimum dimension s or hollow clay concrete masonry rilec shells and
webs in ileeordanec with UBC Swndard 2 1-1 ror two ecl1 units.
Nalianal Structural Code of the Philippines 6'" Edilion Volume 1

- -. . . . . . . . . --.. . -.--.. . . . --. --- . .
SI-mctric stress
~ . -~ -~l -----,--'"----.. . -... -----..--- -. . . . . --------- --.--.-.-..------.--.-------.
mks -!l1ctric stress
'j _._. _ _ _
U.S. Customary units stress i
_...______.__.__._ ....".""."....... _ _ _ __ ________. . _ . _.In M!~:.I__. ___
_ .__. . ___. _". ._.~.~~.Y.!"~~~_.__ I MP" 10 kgl/CID - --_....__..- ----.-~-:--------- -j- - - - - - -- -----;---,j', = 21 MP" .. /" . = 210 kgllclll-- ......
. f'.. = 280 kgllclll/" . - 28 MP"
/" . - 35 MP" /" . - 40 MP"
..l?~:n~ls per square inch (ps.i-L .. 142 .2 psi
./" = 3,()(XI psi
/". - 4,000 psi
f'.. = 350 kgUcm'
j", = 420 kgUClll /" = 5.000 psi
/" - 6,000 psi
I,. = 280 MP"
--_.. __._----/;. = 2,800 kgUClll '
---_._------ -_.. ,. - ---_. /,'" = 250,000 psi J;m ;: : 1.725 MP" /,'" =17,600
kgflclll ._---- -. - -._- ----- --_.. i,,,, = 19,000 kgf!c m/,'" - 270,000 psi /
,'" 1.860 MP" -3. 18//,- in kgflcm~ 12/r, in psi f1' , in MPa --_. fl'--~11 kgfk
~~~2-----3.77jf:" in psi OJI3 Jf': ill MPa \ , ._.... __.._------ .,--- --_._.. 0. 27 ji':- in kgfl(:Jl1~ \r 1', in psi 0.083 Jf': ill MPa . . ...,,-_.- ----- -_._._...__..._----_ ...;:::
- - - _ - - - _ _ 0 ' _ _ - - - - f,:" 420 MP"
f, = 4,200 kgUClll -,._ --f, = 40,000 psi f, = 60,000 psi

in MP:!
in psi
/,,, - 1',. + 2.33s, /" , =/" . ... 7.0
/" ., = /" . + 2.33s, - 35
/", - /" + 2.33s, - 500
Table 405-2
. - .-. --~
Section 407. 13.2. 1 (3) Secti on 408.6.1 Sect. 408.7.1 Table 409-1 E'I. 409-1 I
Eq. 409- 13
1',., =J',. + 1000 1',., = 1',. + 70 - - --_._--- - ------_._._----_.f'cr - f'( +
1200 /", =/" . + 8.3 /"., = J',. + 84 - .... _ ...- .---.-. f' ("I ::: 1.10[',.
+ 50 f'cr - 1.1 Of ',. + 700 /", - 1.10/',. + 5.0 .. _. .. ._..._------ .... - .
.. ..- .- .-.--...- - ... _-_ .. -"'-- -0.00 18;60 000 ----- .... 0.0018x4200 (l
J10 I 8x.'l1Q
---~- . _-_
__ __
t.... = ",/'0.043 Jf':
E = 4700 Jf': . "
E,. ==

----E, = ",,'-' 0.14 Jf':
I:. ~= 15,100
.._-J. =f., /(0.5 6 Jf':) <:, 1.0
(1.65 - 0.0003w,.) ;0:,1.09
A = f,., /(1.78
rr:) : :
;. = 57,000 Jf':
J. =f;,1(6.70 Jf':) $ 1.0
( 1.65 0.005"".) ~ 1.09 (0.4 +f,JIO,OOO)
--.-(004 +/,1700)
_ .. _-- (1.65 - 0.0003",,) 2: 1.09 (0.4 + /,17000) _____ _
I, = 062), Jf':
1 ( 0.8 + " 1400
I, = 2.0)" Jf':
I, = 750)" Jf':
_--_..,._. . .: _ .::_i~:~~~~.~.:~~~,.:.:. ~:!.~ .~. .:.~~I~~_
h ::::
" 14.000 II == 3'(;':;~'s/T(a--"-=-o'-i) ;: 12 .scm -........-..:---.--!:..:-.-~
-.-.--...-... "'-I
II :::: ----.-.-.-- - - ;,:: 9cm

(0 .8 .... f, .... )
.~:~~~. EC:~:~.~~~[~-(;;~:~.~~~}~~::~~_. ...

(08 ...
Eq.409- 14
(0.8, I[iii J ..- .. .-..
361- 9jJ
90 mill

(08... [4.000 I, )
3(, + 9 fJ
Eq . 4 10-3 Eq.410-4
A .
Ji, '.- 4/,. b...
=..- .-.-----.-....,. ;?, 3.5111.

n. + 'r.) - ... (8 200.000

d ~T b...d

A . = - - - b d ?-b.ll
' .....n
. -~
A . = - - b d >-- /) .d
... - /, ..
S = 38{ 280)_ 2.5e,. :;; 30{ 280)
S = 3{ 2800) _ 2.Se, :;; 3{ 2800)
S= l{
4~OO)_25<; :;;30t4~00)
Association of Structural Engineers of tile Pllilippin es


iNIT OF NONHOMOGENOUS EQUATIONS IN THE CODE _._ -_._. - ---- ro' -51- met ri c st
mk s- mctric s lress
1''1. 410-1 8
M".i.- I',,(15 + 0 .(311)
i--- --.-.~-. --.- - . E'I.41'1-3
f,' '" 8.3 MPa
------- -----E'I.411-4 Eq . 4 11-5
V = 0.17!. f,.' b"d
-_..._ -_._-- --_._-v.
- -- --in kgllc1ll M 2 .",,,, = PI 1.5 + 0.0311)
- - -- -------.,--- -----7/-"0
f,.' ~ 27 kgllc mU.S. Customary units stress ..2.l:~~ls per sguare inch (psi) M?..mm = Pu(O.6 + OJ
100 psi
-.-= 0.53;;:- b"d
v, =017(1 +
- '

}JT h" "

-------- -- - - --------"..._ -_.
V =( U .II>-<./T: +1 7p y"!')b" .' M"
~ 0.291.
V") 6.<1 '" =(0.5~r 1'. +176P.f.1
-\~ l;iT -- " ---b""
------_._V, = 2.00!';:- b"d
-;~+9AJT. +250Op" ::/F~
~ 3.501..fF: b"d
='2(1+--~---llfT;'-~-2000 A ,. . "
-E'I.411-7 Eg.411-8
.fF: b"d
S 0.931. .fF: Ivi
V . =09{ \
~ =0 29()1 +~t).!jTb.d
O2 v. =0.17 ( I+ . : ,N" lAIT)" "~O
- + 4.8 -" - b .d V, = (,Iff 20 M ,,'
F3". }"Tb." 35A, ."
V "--, =35( \/t+----"' 50M,
=0 53(I +Jf;}JT),,"~O
v, ~ 1.33;./J: /),,1'
I' J
v, = 2(1+ 5~~, )AJI':'b""
v,, )
V 2A V =(1 . 20 ff." 49 M~ ''')hd ~
O.S3..!j1; hOod ~
V ,',
V =( 1 2Aff. + 700 V" " }," . 20 M,, '

E<I. 41 1-9
O, 17i.j1: b"dS. V,. "S.O.42J.rr..b"d
2i./i b"d S V(5 5;,[f> .
V =Aj/, b
,', 20
"" r
d +V ;- Y:M ..,~
M "w.
=3.2J. E~b d 20
+~Mc~!".. M", ...
V = 12A fi: b d +V + V, Me!!
20 '"
2: O.14!.fj')J"f1
Eq. 4 1 I- II Eq. 41 1-12
- _.
2: 045J.j1,b"d
2: I7J.Jl,b"d
\' -,
M", =(osA.f{, + /'. - IJ!... . )"
M",=(J6 A.f{, + I" - IJ.!..
1.10!.j1, 1.10 j1,b"d
M", =(6A.f{, + I." - IJ.!..
+ V,
=(0.29J.[i'; +-03/,."".d" + V"
0.33) j1,

v" ~(0.9'1t/T: +O.3/"h.d, + V; v" =l3.s;,fT +O.3f,.!).d"

-.- -- -- Sec!. 41 1.6.5 .3
Sec!. 411.6.6. I
0.33j1,b"d . _ - ---- -_._- ----- - _ ._----_.-_._--_..
If 4.00 iT , b"d
Eq. 411-J3
OI7 J f', IMI
O.53fi': b"d
A ,." =0.062,J'T:
b s
=0.20 ff""s f, --T'
2: 3.s0",~
.J!', b,,(1 fb A. .,,, . =0.75 fj', J

-------" Sec!. 4

Sec!. 4 117. 1 (I) Sec!. 411.7.1
v, = A,.f,. sine! '" 0.25 j1, h"d
0.66,if, b"d
7 ~f<
V, =A,l, siIl6 ~ 0.8Jj,b"d 2.2j1,b"d
v ,=
A,.j,. sina. ~ 3 j1, b"d
8 Jr,l)"(1
T,, <
.. _...1AlC(::" l
-_...__._ ._._-_.
- ( --;"A' pO.27 J. Jr.
-,._- .-....-,.- -...--.-..
II- " ( ... -". 1 A'
-.~ .~.----.-.
Sec!. 411.7. 1
.~ ;'~L (~: ) F: -~:~~i~~1:,<
T , [A.~ rfi..l.27 Ar .'."" 1
) r--1,:+ .
7:, <
A.{F: [ A ;, )

P 'P
4.l /f',.
f 'c""
- 12 J.JTt~ ) ~-" p" 1+ o.33A, AIf:"
0.27 A -ArrPcr
( ' )h-N I ;- - "-~
A ( -A 1+ --":' ) F N Per 4A.J..ff
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volum e 1

Eq. 41 125
E<I 411 29
> 3.5 b .s
E". 4 1 130
I .\.,
1.33/1'>'" _ [.1)1.
. .--.---==-"'---------.-1\.",,, =sf )1,' p"
> 50b ....\'
F;"', -(;
.~ > ~~~~
s - /"
------------ ~~~~~----I-----~~~~~ --~---~~~~~-----(3.3 + a.OS};.' )A ,.
(34 + O.O S};' )A,.
(4S0 + O.OS};: )A,.
IIA" 1 lOA" 1600A,., 1~~~~~______~5~.5~A~' ' ________i _ ______~ 55~A~,~,______~
------~S~ OO~A,~ , --.-------Sect. 4 11 .S.5
Sect. 411.9.3 Section 411.10. 3.2.1 Section
0.S3 jl'b"d . (3.3 + D .OS}; ' )b"d
11b"d (5.5 . .L2.,q,'j7)"d d

ff b"d
"""{34 + D.OS};' )b"li
110b"d (55 20a . )b"d d ,-;:;265" /" lid
7"-~~:-;-,------j-----;-:c=-,--;;-;=-:-;-'7-" -'"
(4S0 + O.OS};' )b"d
Section ~ rr.-" I (5/6)y/',. li d 1O \1/', lid , ......i.'.IJJ.)_ ..._ ....._ _.
...________ _ ._ ..__._ . ___....._._ _ . _ ..__________ _.. . _.__......._~
- _.. _---41 LlO. 3.2.2
1600b"d ' :-,---;-_ _-I (800 2S0a ,.)b"d d !
Scction 411.11.5
(11")1. ,, . ,. lid
, . r( ' -;0
- ---- 1-----..----,----- -~---_c,~,~~--~---~-~_4-7"--~---~. rr 1.(01 A./l:+02;',) r- 1.(
03Y..fi.+02N.)' . j" 1 ('25l,/],;'0/') v = uOSl!L.+ __ .. ____ L lid v= Q J 6i~&
. + .. _- . - - - IJ!... lui v= 06lL+-\----2!.. lui
Eq . 41 134
Eq.411 33
t/= 0.27,1 .j (' hdl -- "
"-_.._---- - N d
53, ,,
'/-f" ,hd
N d
. ,
V =08S,1 ,1' hdl-" ' 41"

f'... _.
2' /--1 ' I I , " , l( -_.--- - - -----_._--.--_ .
1' = 33,1'1(' hd + - '" ' '4/".
r N d

M I.

M I.
\~ 2
L.... _ _ _--L_-'~_.____._.._. _____ I___=__ ______ _~'____'__'_._ _ _ ______ .:
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

A. 4
I~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~~;~-~'---"---~~-----'-----APPENDIX A:: EQUIVALENCE BETWEEN -SI-METRIC, MKS-METRIC, AND U.S. OF NON HOMOGEN
- -- - . _-- - - _ . - - - _.. _..._._ - - - - ----- - - ---- -_._ ....- - - _._
Eq.~11 -37
41 1 3"
v. "'
II. = 053(1+ '~).1ji',b..d
V =u2 -1.I'+2) , /j . . ,. bd 'l /{, '''l!."
(2+ ~).1H~b.. "
.._- --j
V =12 . I('2'+2)"j . . ' . bd I~. 1\.1. ",
II = (':l'!+2)'/f '- bd 'I", A,J., "
Eq.4Ti~9 -v-~J.i.T r ;;~;f -- - \;---::-~7T'-;;:~/' --'Eq . 41 1-40 Note:
II. = 4J. JJ':"hOod ~,).jr:- '03f," h." + v,. --- I e=(J.16/!,J.jl': +o3f,Jh. d
+ v, v, =1fJ,J.jl-~(;.3f ~)/;b-Ood-+V,----1
Il,. bas units
5 0.50
f--;;--cc---+---; ' =/~____
Seel io n 411..13.2 . 2 Secti o n 411..13.3 . 1 Secti o n 41 !.I 3.3 . 2 Sectio
n 411.1 3.4..8
Sect ion 411..13..5.1
Note: IJ ,. has th e same un its as The Sf-metri c version 55 kgficm'
Note,: /lphas units

:5 70 psi
0 . 17.1
If: h" d
1.I0lf:b"d 4lf:b"d
0 . 50jr, h" d
h" d
If: h" d If:
If: h" d 0 . 80), If: h" d
If: h" d 3), If: b, d
0. 66 !1': 1",,1
0 . 17
Secti on 41 !.I 3 . 5.2 Secti on 411 .13 . 5,,4 Section
2.1O fT.:b"d
SJr, b"d
r-iY-" 13. 7..2 Section
41 1.13 . 7.3 Section
Section 412..3 . 2 Section 41 2..3..2
ff Ol71.ff 0. 1 7,ff 0..33)' ff
L6 ff 0 . 53(1), ff 0.53), ff 1.l0'\ ff
6 ff 2J. ff 2 J. ff 4J. ff
-..!'.~;?.:.~.- --- --~.- -----. - - .-- -.-....

/ _ ( f,.'!',VI, )d ,- 2.IAJT: " /

If: < 8 . 3 Mra
JJ: :5 26..5 kgficm
, 6.6AJT,
--- - - - - - , - - - - -- , - - --1
, 25J.ff,
ff :5 100 p,i
f ,'I','f, ")d
=(_ /,'1', '1', )d
L7Aff, ,
/ _( f ,'I','I', /
J~~~--+_----_7--~~.----_l--. ----~-~~~--~------_7--~~--. --~
, - 5..3A..JT: J"
41 2.3 . 2
Secti on
=( 1.4J.ff, f ,. 'I','I', )d '
=( 4.4 f,.'!','I', )d A.ff, "
f ),If, VI,If,
/' =( 20J.ff, f ,'!', '1', )d / =( 3f ''!'''!'')d , SOA.ff, ,
Eq . 412- J
+~';ff: },'
.... ,/
I"~ =(3~fg.~},

----I -------7---~-----4
/ /
_,_V~!_ V" .V'I / "'" __. ___/
=( ::~ff.:}. -....
, - lIJ.Jrt'~~) :_. _ _7"._=_3. _ 5-c .1J_f_~_"r_c:_:: .K:_::-"-r_'_
_!---_;_'_~_ 4~",).i:jf-' : (,-C-d. :; .;:R--,)-'-'-~
(~~H d, >O OOO3[,. d,
41 2,,4. 2
[~J7) ", > 0.043/ ,<1,
/ =
(J.~H') ". ~ OOO44/A.
412 . 6 . 2 '--_ _--'_
d~ A.fT b ~),I1;-; . ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___--'-_ _---'---'---'---'_---1_
[0.24\1', & .) d
(~m5\1',iL) d
Jd~ = Itff d~ _ ..:......'---'-_
(O . 02,i, )
. National Structural Code of the Pl1i1 ippines 6'h Edition Volume 1

OF NONHOMOGENOUS EQUATIONS IN THE CODE _ _ ~ __ _ _ ~~ ____________. _
' :I~~(~;Eq.41 2-3
''' ' [~7F!J d, --- ----- .-TJ;~,241-- - --- ---- ,,, = [O~7J' J d,
---F~;~~Or ----" - _._- -_ .
" ' -'-(i_~ ;,'; '; ;r --- ,,"027;:'{dj,J
1, ~rOO,i;'('J'J d,.
-~Oq 412-4
Seclioll 412.11.5.2
VJJ'NTJ7;~) I, =( if}";( r"fc}.
" =;hj7~J
--- -----_._._----_._.=(to)". +( ~c7~L}.
O.053d bf)"
=(~}. +( ~oT}~
1---_ __ .._ ------"...,;/~,:... , -:---_ _ _
Section 412.14.2.2
Sec,ioll 412.1 7.1 Section 417.6.3.1 and 417.6.3.2 Section 417.6.3.3 Section
O. J7d,JJI
+ _ _._.."...:.Il:.,,~-----+----::~/,:...,-,--- ----i
;.ff,-0.0005 lA, (0.0009.r, . 24 )d" 80b,d O.(Xl73 !,db (0.0 13 (. - 24)d"
OJ)7! J,db (0.13,{.. - 24)d"
( 1.8 + 0 .60.(..))..b,d < 3.5b,.d Class U: f, 5 0.62!fc Class T: 0.62
( 18 + O.6p,[,.))..II,d ~ 35b,(/ Class U:f, S 2ji, Class T: 2
(260 + 0.6e-f.'))..",(/ :S 5(Xlb,Ll Class U:f, S 7.5JI', ClassT: 7.5!fc <f, 5 12
Jf; Class c: I, > 12
JT < f, 5 I JJ~

50 Jr:.
JJ: <f, 5 3. 2 ji,
Class Cf, > I.0ji,
f, :5
Section 418.5.1 (3)
1 _ __

Class C:f, > 3.2ji,

f, :5 1.6 Jr:.
s 6Jr:.
. -6.JT:.
3 .J /,,;
--=_r;:-;Y /,,; - - 1 -- 025 -..:.::...::...- ......
080 V /,,;
Eq.418-4 Eq.418-5
7 -'- ..-.-I - -- - --...c"" , '---- .f" + 70 + JOO"f = f + 700 + -f'-~--_~~_l----~~..:.::. p!...,_ _+ __ "__" _ 300P r Sect 418.10.3.1 0 17 .Jf': 0.35.Jf':
f 1" = f " ;. 70+...L:.... lOOp,.
.700 +._1_ , _' lOOp,.
I ' + ---'-/ /" = / " +'0000 ' JOOp p

-'-/ P' = / " +'0000+ , 300p,.
and 418.10.3.2
300 bJ
1-""1,-8_.1.,.3_.7_......;1-_ _ ,-..:. 1..:.,~.~~---+--~-=/..:.>- =c- . . ._ _ _
+ _ _ -,--..:f_c>~-c-..c-=,------i Section J", = J" + 70 J", = J" + 700 Jp, = f
" + 10,000
418. 14.4. 1
Section 4
2 l b.d
_. ..:c4~ 19~.5~.1:=..0______---,--,-'-c-c-__ .- - -I- - --..,..,..-- -- -Sectio
.1A b,,!~.
o 33J..[i',
i - - . -- - -- - - - 200-",., <1.
1 - -- ----lI - - --'.2.,'.---~----- - -----'-',:.., . __-,--___ 1 _____f-2.._....
_.... _ _.._
Eq.42 1-2
-,, =IOO +(350 - h,) 3
.'.= l o l( 15 ~h,)
4.0ff,A j 32{i':Aj
S, = 4+(~; h,_)
100 millS So < 150 n,-",lIC.'ll_._j_--,I,-"O~c~n.'..1<~S''-' ' <~.~15o.:c,"n'CI_
_ Section 42
--+___..:4'--"'.in"-.", <~s''-'' <=-6~in!:. . __ 20JiA

1 5[i~Aj
Association of Siructural Engineers of the Pllilippines

421.8 _2.2
=AJa).fT; pJ,.)
v. =AJa,J...jJ, + pJ,)
II a,. = O.80for~: :s 1.5
Eq .42 1-7
a .. = O. 25for/~ S 1.5
v. ='\. la,;</i', + M,J II a,. = 3.0jor I:' s: 1.5
a" = 2,Ojor ': 2 2.0
at" = 0.17/0(1: ~ 2.0
=0.53for ,:"~ 2.0
212ANff 2.65A, .. f f
----- - 1-- ----"=-- ---+- - - ----''=- .-.-- -n
.f f
I-"",Sc -c -:-C- lio n
-i- - - -----r,;-- -----0-83A''' vf,
IOA, .. ,f,
- --':G"=.421.8.45
Secti on

421.8.6_5 (I) ___ _ '--' I ,_ _-=~---j---.:.I'-,_ -=0--_ _--1 _ __ ---' 1-'--,--;=--- ----1 ~oo 17 ~ ~ O_083A".A, f, O_27An. Ayf, ANA,}, 421.8_6_5 (2)
I Eq_421-9
i Eq- 421-10
=A,,(O.I7J.fr: + M,)
=A,,(0.53J.fr: + M,)
V. = AJ2J.fr: + M,)
35 ff: b"d
42Ll 1.6 Eq.4222 Eq_ 4227 Eq.4229
Y, =OII(I+%)..tJ!')""
Eq_ 422-10
=03 5(1+%)..tJT,b."
"0 0_7 I) .fj~ boh
Y , =(~+ 3~),jJT,b."
"0 2-66'-ff: b,il
"0022), ff: boil

National Siructural Code of Ihe Philippines 6 Edilion Volume 1


,-- -. ----.~-- .
~-- . --- -_._. To convcI1
I mile (U.S . sl,ttul')
I yd I fI ._ 1 _;_"___ .. _. _____ __
I mi le' (U.s, SIJlllle) I acre (U.s. survey)
.--J ,m
Ill' 2
to _:=.:~_~==_ ____==~=:=::~. ____ _
--------- - - --.601J .:14r--0 .9144 03()4S
-- 1
_________ _____ ___ __ iii:::
--_.. _. _. -_."_._- ~~-.-..--~----.--.-2.589998 0.4<>1 6gn
.. _j
I yd2
I (12 I in2
0.8)6 1274 0.092 903 '"
1 acre ft
I yd'
100 board ft

I (I)
m' m'
0.764 5549
0.2359737 0028316 g5 28.3168
16387.()6 16.3871
I in)
mL (ern)
I barrel (42 U.S. J:al!ons) I gal (U,S. liquid ) I qt (U.S. liquid) 1 pi (U.S. li
quid) I n 07.. (U.S) 1 gal (U.S. liquid)
~~Hon (UK) ~2l?rox. 1.2 Gal (U.s.)
0. 158987.'\
3.785412 946.3529
1 in
rnL mL mL m' U I liter appf(lx. OJXJI cubic met('.r SECOND MOMENT OF AREA
473.1 765 295735 0.003785 4 12
...._ -! :~~
1 4162314
"4 162314x 10" 0.0174';3 29
I " (degree)
l' (minule) J" (second)

1 ftls
.mrad urad
29().8882 4.g48 137
SPEE~ ____
1 mile/h
I 0.3<>18
. _-I rt Is I ftl/min 1 gaVmin I gal/min I gallh
1.609 344 0.447 04
O.oz8 316 85
0.47 1 9474
1 million gaVd I acre fUs
mUs Us
0.0630902 0.0038 1.051 SO 43.8126 1233.49
- 1F . _. __ ._~.I:EMPERA TURE INTER VAL Cor K
_ ._.----~.".-.,
.. .
--J 0.555 5.%
----- ---.---- ..
sJ 9 "C = %K

.....- -- I toF= 9/st(,("+32
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

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6.894757 6.894 757 47.8 803 101.3250
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MPa kP, MPa
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National Structurat Code of the Philippines 6'" Edition Volume 1

NSCP C10110
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines
Suitc 713, Futurc Point Plaza Condominium 1 11 2 Pa nay Avcnuc, Quczon City, Phi
lippincs 1100
Tel. No : (+632) 410-0483 F ax No.: (+632) 41l-8606 Enlail : .<.!~eron!ine@gll1a
il.com Wcbsitc: http://www.ascponlinc.org
National Structura l Code of the Philippines 6'" Edition Volume 1

JOEL MalUllln UDINA, M.M;-;:--~

Conau!llng Structural Enllilloor5. SIE 153
Address: Blk 6! 1. La! :l4, l'llasc 6 MelrO{jlllC Moycauayan Ii LDG Marilao l3ul
ac<lfL GILBERT B. MAGBUTAY, ... , .o.5EP Address: 93 Kalikasan SlIoe!. Karaogala
n Villaoe Phase 2A Dela Paz, Pas~ Cily 1611
1'11011(1: 4257076
GISMA Englnef)rlng SCrvlces Phona: (02) 682-7114; 5171159 Mobile: 09209226441; 092
33917297 Email: oibma2003@yahoo.com
DAM C. ABINALES. "'-'>110. Insoo Managing Principal JOHN OLIVER D. PENANO. nmoo
Associalo Partner Office: UG48 Cilyfand Pioneer Cond 128 Pionoer S1..,l.~artdalu
Adam. Abl.nales nO;<1oo,j"o 8. COnsutlanCY PhOflO: 7468156: 5024223 Mobile: 0908S72
-2326; 09!75~2'2326 Email: aaoplusc<i.i>yahoo.com: mlo@aaepl\lsc,corn WObsile: w
7496154; 7437992 Email: aceanuphil@yahoo.com; Addross: 551 M.F. Jhocson 81" Sampal
oc, Manila
ALLAN DERBY A, ALFILER, ... .ASfP Addloss: l100nl 31'. 3JF Aliloo 8reln 1191 Qui
rino HiQhway No~alictlOs, Qualon City
A.D.A ALFILER EnglnoorlnQ Consultant" Phone: 4163059; 4190136 Mobile: 09209235232:
09228235232 Email: adaallileroc@yahoo,corn
"CHRrsroPRERPT.T~YO, f. o\5~p
MIRIAM LUSICA-TAMAYO, _ _ Addross: 4/f. 15781riQa SlrM\' Makati City
~RYT:-WONG .....0.5p
TandeM Englnooring Consultancy
PhOM: 8902022: 8966930 Email: lafldcm.onQ@gmail.com
Phone: 7122201: 7127025 Mobile: 09175379654 Email: halrytingwonQ@yalloo,com Pimente
l & A.$soc lIes Eng neer n8 Consu tants Phone: 7217391: 7226278 Mobile: 09262600094
Address: Shop !22 AI Tawila Bldg .. Juliair, Manama, Baillail1
Email: wcenghoy2001@yahoe.. com Websile: kooheiionll;nOClinll-collsullafICy.cOr!l
V.B. Columna Construction Corporation

Address: Chunics Bklg. (lower ground lit). 3368 1'1. Mflgs~ysay Blvd .. Manila.
f'hilippinos ANTHONY VLADIMIR C. PIMENTEL. F .o.5EP Address: GfF 430 Mafigaya III
VIRGILIO B. COLUMNA,. '" ...., Address: 1133 Azucena St. Violela Village, Sla. C
ruZ. Sixlo Bulacan
E. Rodriguez Avonue,Cubao
AIIx!r1 C, Cailctc, ... seE.
f. ASE!'
P'''''r..o: f ''o>W11
Uoil20l, Joe!"r Bldg. Comrnonw(!a~h A~e" Quewn Cily
[>hono; 931-5214: <153-5151 Facsimile: 95127(; 1
Address: U2F Maginhawa 81dg" 154 Maginhawa 51.. Sikaluna Village, QUOl.On Cily
Phone: ~339313 Mobile: 092090901 4 7 Email: rt;ra._eng'@yahoo_com
--~~-----..... ---.
--------Address: 84 2nd Floor General Espino St.. Zone IV, Signal Village, T3{1u
ig City Phone: 666 1087 Facsimile; 6388351 Mobile: 09395214051: 09394755915 Email: e
alioo Aklan PhOM: (036) 26B 6076, (036)2589020 Mobile: 092131979134 Email: eplum
Address: P3b B 12 L 13 Eastwood [. Greenview. 6rgy. San Isidro, Rodflgue~. R,!ai
Address: CIC Compo\lnd Francisco Feli~ Ave_. Cainta. fkal
Pilone: 6555429 Facsim;le: 6557671 Email: allan.aban@grllail.com

____._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.-L

1108 Antel Global Corporate Ctr" Julia Vargas Ave " Ortigas Clr. . Pasig City Te
l. No,: 638-3414 to 24 Fax No,: 916-3740 Email: acs_manufacturing@yahoo .com Web
site : www.acs-manufacturing.com
Concrete Admixtures
"Ve make good concrete a better concrete.

Unit 401 4th Floor Lancaster Hotel, #662 Shaw Boulevard Mandaluyong City, Metro
Manila, Philippines 1500 Tel. Nos. (+632) 571-8668 t070 Fax No. (+632) 571-6285
Email: info@ddtkonstract.com Website : http://www.ddtkontract.com.p~l
MISSION: We will steadfastly strive to provide good services to the need of our
clients through quality and timely delivery by pursuing excellence in every aspe
ct of our services. We will continuously support and enhance the well being of o
ur hardworking workforce to meet the challenges offered by expanding market and
stronger competition. We will continuously enhance a management vision to remain
a partner in the development of our society and country. GOD WILLING

Sales Office Address: Unit 2104 ANTEL GLOBAL BLDG, Julia Vargas, Ortigas Center,
Pasig City, 1600 Tel. Nos. .667-3278; 633-3474; 633-3477 Telefax Nos . 667-3279;
II ~ l! Q, 1l- lYJ< 6, ~,
6ltft c:;
1258 Sandoval Ave" San Miguel, Pasig City, 1600 Tel. No.: 643-7802 Tel. Fax: 640
C. Raymundo Ave., Caniogan, Pasig City, 1600 Tel. No.: 641-7919 Tel. Fax: 6428020
." If!1 4' q, 'Jr'i - .!If!;J<::1li. Z,Jtf, Ii;
Purok Uno, Baranggay Makiling, Calamba, Laguna
PRCI$'4N 11. A .ltH,." '-JfC.
~ ~~

Thlrty.four years In the Industry says a lot about a company. Our able staff of
geoscientists, drillers and engineers Is In demand for both consultancy and actu
al wor1< In geothennal exploration and development. This enabled us to become th
e largest focused producer of geothermal energy in the world. Globally recognize
d for our knowledge and expertise, EDC is now at the frontline
wet steamfield technology and geothermal energy production. At EOC,
we know green energy and we make it happen.
We never stop moving forward on green energy.

Executive Offices
No.12 Manggahan St. , Brgy. Bagumbayan , Quezon City 1110, Philippines Tel. No.
: (632)635-0843 : (632)635-0861, (632)635-0609 , Facsimile No. (632)635-0612 E-m
ail address:eeicenter@eei.com.ph Website Address : http://Vv''WW.eei.com.ph
EEl Corporation is one of the Philippines' leading construction companies. Long
years of contracting and collaborating with global contractors, particularly in
the Middle East and Asia Pacific countries, have enabled the Company to achieve
wondcaliber project management and construction expertise and competencies . EEl
possesses the broad capability to undertake construction contracts from designandbuild, lump-sum basis to labor and construction supervision services across d
ifferent classes of projects. It is the major provider of construction services
to the power, oil, gas and petrochemical, Infrastructure property and Industrial
sectors. As it continues to undertake major projects in different industries bo
th here in the Philippines and abroad, it is likewise contributing its share in
the country's national development and progress.

PGA Technical Center No. 85, Kamuning Road Quezon City 1103, Philippines Tel. No
s . (632) 929-33-52 to 55; (632) 929-17 -86 TeleFax (632) 929-33-53 Website pgate
E-mail Address.pgandtl@gmail.com Phone #'s: 632-929-34-05 Fax #. 632-929-34-06
E-mail Address:pgamain@gmail.com Phone #'s: 632-929-33-53/929-33-55 Fax #. 632-9
E-mail Address:em2apartners@gmail.com Phone #'s: 632-371-18-04/371-18-06 Fax #:
E-mail Address: pgacalab@pgatech.com.ph Phone #'s: 632-929-35-36 to 38 Fax #: 63
~A Geopie,"
P(JAo.<>p'''' PIuJf('1'tl_
E-mail Address.pgageopier@gmail.com TelelFax #: 632-372-79-48 Exclusive Licensee
GEOPIER Technology
E-mail Address.peterground@gmail.com Phone #'s: 632-371-18-03/371-18-09 TelelFax
#: 632-372-79-48
,,_ Exdum, PnlfilOO D~nM"HGRID c.osln~'ocs
E-mail Address:contact@philgeogreen.com Phone #'s. 632-332-26-57 Fax #: 632-92866-27
E-mail Address:egrid.pga@gmail.com Phone #'s: 632-927-09-84 Fax #. 632-929-33-54

Head Office Address: 5/F Benpres Building, Excllanga Road cor Meralco Avenue Ort
igas Ctr. Pasig City, Philippines 1600 Tel No. ; +632 910-4111 Fax No. +632 9104141; +632467-9018 Vlkbsite W'N'W.firslbalfour.com E-mail ; firstbalfour@firstba
First Balfour
Excellence In Engineering & Cons1ructiOn
First Balfour is committed
to providing wond-class construction services for eMI,
mechanical and electrical works.
It has served as a contractor for a growIng number of public and prtvate buildin
gs, various
water and transport infrastructuta works, as wa~ as power geooration and transmi
The company has the ability to design and construct various worns in coordinatio
n with its pool of designers fi'om diverse disciplines.

2326 Pasong Tamo Ext. . 1231 Maka!i City, Philippines Phone: +02 784 7100 Fax: +
02 764 7101 E-Mail: customerservice ph@hiltLcom
Website : www.hilti.com .ph
Reliable fastening. Anytime. Anywhere.
Anchoring for 5tructural applications Hilli anchor solutions that address the is
sues of load bearing performance in different concrete strengths, steel strength
reduction, loosening of nuts & progressive displacement in earthquake and/or dy
namic load influenced applications Post-installe<J re-bar applications Wlth Hilt
l solutions. making post-installed rabar connections is Just as easy as planting
a tree.

Head Office 7th Floor Two World Square

Tel: 459-3333 Fax: 459-3425 Ready Mix
ayo Tipas Taguig City Tel +632409-7933
al Estate Bicutan, Paranaque City Tel:

McKinley Hill, Fort Bonifacio Taguig City

Concrete Plants Taguig Plant Barangay. Ib
Parafiaque Plant Km. 16 Severina Industri

Headquarter OFFICINE MACCAFERRI S.p.A Tel. No . +39051 643600 Fax No.: +39051 05
12365 Email: commit@maccaferri .com Website: maccaferri.com
Regional Headquarter MACCAFERRI MALAYSIA SON BHO Tel. No. : +60 3 7957 8330 Fax
No.: +60379579080 Email: hq@maccaferri-asia.com Website: maccaferri.com.my
Philippines PHILIPPINE GABIONS, INC. Tel. No.: +6328130211 Fax No.: +63281302111 Email: sales@philgabions.com Website : philgabions.com
Philippine Gabions
The Officine Maccaferri Group is a global player in the research, design and man
ufacture of advance solutions in geosynthetics and soil erosion control. Started
in 1879, the experience gained makes Maccaferri a reliable problem-solving part
ner for soil stabilization, slope reinforcement, erosion control , infrastructur
e development, and construction works. Constant research and exclusive know-how
enables Maccaferri to guarantee maximum innovation and efficiency, and these con
cepts are transformed into versatile solutions to meet customers' specific requi
rements. Maccaferri manufactures and distributes a wide range of geotechnical pr
oducts, and provides services to compliment a broad range of drainage, filtratio
n, reinforcement and erosion control applications in the fields of civil and env
ironmental engineering.

Philsteel Tower 140 Amorsolo Street, Legaspi Village, Makati Philippines 1229 Te
l. No.: 813-8382 Fax No.: 840-2123 Email: philmetal_sales@philsteelgroup.com
. I .Phil m eta I A
The aest In Steel Decking Technology
STEELDEK SERIES: Steeldek I, Steeldek II , Steeldek IIA, Steeldek III (Designed
to endure anything. Used in SLEX SKYWAY & MRT.) STRUCTURAL ROOFING: Colorbond Me
gadek, Colorbond Super V Dek, Colorbond Crimplok, Colorbond KLiP-LOK STEELFRAME
SECTIONS; Studs & Tracks, l.C & BC Channel, Ceiling System

Unit 810, Pioneer Highlands Condominium Pio~er cor. Madisons Sts, Mandaluyong Ci
1552 Metro Manila
Tel. No.: (632) 637-3367 Fax No.: (632) 636-5295 Email: email@pozzolanic.ph
Recovering Resources For Our Future
Specify FLY ASH in your Concrete .fHigher Strength .f Sulfate Resistant Concrete
.flow Heat of Hydration in mass concrete .fEw-friendly Green Concrete
An ISO 90012000 Cartifled Company

731 Aurora Blvd, Quezon City, 1112 Philippines Tel No . (632) 721 .5781 1414 .159
3-95 Fax . (632)414.1596 Email .info@repchem com
Adhesives, Sealants, Coatings, Waterproofing and Painting Preparations for your
construction needs,

Unit 2309 Cityland Condominium 10 Tower II, 6819 HV Dela Costa St., Salcedo Vi l
lage , Makati City Tel. No.: (632) 894 5067 / 8922140 Email: info@rsia-engineers
.com ranni e.ison@gmail.com
Consulting Engineers
RONALDO S. ISON Civil/Structural Engineer

Office Adress: Unit 2204-0, 22/F West Tower Philippine Stock Exchange Centre Exc
hange Road , Ortigas Center Pasig City 1605, Philippines Tel. Nos. : +(632)631 3
075/6378286 Fax No. : +(632)6378236 Email: systraphil@systraphil.com Website : w
SYSTRA PHILIPPINES, Inc. or SPI was created in 1995 as a Joint Venture undertaki
ng of JAVLON International Philippines, Inc. (JIPI) and SYSTRA SA in France. SYS
TRA S A is a limited liability company whose main shareholders are the Paris Tra
nsport Authority (RATP) and the French National Railways (SNCF). RATP operates t
he Paris Metro and is considered one of the biggest urban mass transport operato
rs in the world while SNCF operates the country-wide railways network ill France
. SYSTRA has over 50 years of experience in 140 countries and boasts of a solid
reputation of uncompromised professionalism and technical faculty. According to
the year 2001 survey carried out by the Engineering News Record, SYSTRA ranks fi
rst among international design firms in the mass transit and rail category. SYST
RA operates on major international markets whose activities cover all the skills
and expertise in the field of urban and rail transport - from high speed trains
to buses, to intermodal transport, conventional rail, suburban or inter-city ra
il services, metro, tramways, automatic guided systems, road guided systems and
people movers.

Offlce and Plant

2E San Andres Street, Canumay, Valenzuela City Philippines
SatttUite OffIce 1108 C.M. Recto Ave Manila. Philippines Tel. Nos, : (632) 292-7
049; (632) 292-7050 (632) 2927052 : (632) 292-6780 Fax No Email : unitanconstruct
ion@gmail.com Website : www.unltanconstruction.com

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