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The Hon’ble Chief Minister,

Orissa, Bhubaneswar.

Sub: Massive corruption practice being experienced on staff

approval under block grant
for 100 Girl’s High School of Inspectorate Schools , Balasore
Circle, Balasore & on other
administrative works.


With regards, We beg to inform you that a massive corruption practice is being going on for
staff approval in different block grant High Schools under Balasore Circle, Balasore violating
the Govt. norms contained in rule 7,11,4,12 of GIA order 1994 in the manner provided in
accordance with sub para (1) of para 4 of the GIA Amendment Order 2007.

1. It is a fact that the Inspector of Schools Balasore Circle, Balasore approved two no’s
of staff vide sl. no. 4 & 5 in approval statement of Ranapur Baunsagadia High School under
Khaira Block of Balasore Distirct advertently being abettor to the facts and circumstances of that
the MC was not in force in course of appointment of above two incumbents. How darkly the
Inspector of Schools, Balasore Circle approved the irregular appointment those are illegal and
contrary to provisions laid down by the Govt. from ab-initio is not only questionable but also
need free and fair inquiry into the matter. Further, it also caused a financial loss to the Govt.
exchequer since two irregular Teachers have been paid their grant out of the funds illegally due
to advertent action of the present Inspector of Schools, Balasore Circle with a illegal motive.
The notes of dealing Assistant of Inspector of Schools, Balasore dtd. 28.12.2007 was
very clear and superceding the suggestion of D.A the Inspector of Schools, Balasore approved
the staff position of above mentioned school keeping the Head Clerk In Charge in dark (copy

2. Similarly staff of six High Schools out of Sixteen under 100 Girl’s High Schools of
Balasore Circle, Balasore have been approved in a in-consistent manner. Most of the schools
having no standard staff & nos of deficiency as per rule 7,4,11 & 12 of the Govt. order for
release of GIA 1994,2004 & 2007 have managed to get their staff approved by the I/S,Balasore
with a lump sum consideration. Such type of activities of one class-I officer is not only
undesirable but also to be encountered as criminal offence consideration to public interest and
constitutional right. The staff of six High Schools have been approved those were appointed
prior to 01.06.1994 and three to four cases have been approved even staff were appointed after
How did the Inspector of Schools Balasore act discriminately violating the principles as
in rule 7, 11, 4 & 12 of Govt. order is not only questionable but needs a free & fair inquiry by an
IAS officer not below the rank Director to up root the corruption from the Inspectorate for
public interest. We are citing certain case to be verified to test the veracity of this petition and to
initiate action deemed proper against the persons involved in a process contrary to public
interest. Staff approval of (I). Markona Uchha Balika Vidyalaya, Markona,(II). Haladipada Girls
High School (III). Ratikanta Memorial Girls High School (IV). Champakswar Girls High School
may be verified with support of Broad sheet prepared during 2004 and Renewal Recognition
Form wef 01.06.1994 to 22.09.2007. The office order No. 17952 dtd. 15.12.2007 may kindly be
compared to Broad Sheet prepared during 2004 pertaining to staff position and other
requirements of the concerned school and examine the same as per rule 7,11,4,12 of GIA order
1994 & 2004. Similarly the order No.17964 dtd. 15.12.2007 may be examined.

The Sl.No.2 passed B.Ed. after 01.06.94 and Sl.No. 3 appointed after 2004 but manipulation of
record is being made by the concerned MC with the active advice of Present Inspector of
Schools, Balasore & same is revealed from the Broad sheet prepared and preserved at
Inspectorate during 2004. Further one clerk has been appointed in 2007 who was working as
peon prior to 1994. When authority of appointment is questionable & the Inspector has sought
clarification from Govt. how did the C.I. accord approval in favour of this clerk ?.The good
intention of official may kindly be properly examined to squeeze their footsteps from corrupt

3. One contract Teacher Smt. P. Susmita who was initially engaged as CBZ Teacher in
Avana High School, Avana vide order No. 3077 dtd. 11.04.2007, re engaged vide order no. 4138
dtd.25.04.07 and posted to UNHS, Aruhabad (Copy enclosed).It is a fact that Smt. P. Susmita
had never joined at UNHS Aruhabad the re-engaged school. But the Inspector of Schools
transferred/re-posted her at a vacancy advertently created at her will at Podadiha High School,
podadiha. One CBZ teacher was shifted to other place to accommodate Smt. P. Susmita and
further it is not post meant for contract teacher.
The PIO office of the Inspector of Schools, vide his letter no. 2929 dtd. 07.03.2008
supply information under RTI Act that one contract teacher can avail 10 days special leave in a
calendar year and there is no provision to engage one contract teacher of CBZ (TG) against the
vacancy not created by the Govt. and no remuneration could be paid out of the sanctioned
amount released against the created post to the contract teacher who is not working against the
created post.
It is a fact that how the AAO singed the bill of Smt. P. Susmita and who has pressurized
his to do so violating Govt. norms ?. The un usual gratification could able to reverse the Black to
White & White to Black as desired by the Inspector of schools Balasore on a war footing. The
C.I was very much anxious to accommodate Smt. P. Susmita at a place of her choice at any cost.
The office order No. 17738 dtd. 10.12.2007 and 17850 dtd. 12.12.07 may be examined and
imagined on what interest the C.I. was running his pen so sharply ?.

4. The Inspector of Schools Balasore Circle countersigned some illegal TC/SLC of

different Sanskrit Tol who will appear ensuing Madhyama Examination 2008 advertently with a
ulterior intention and the information was sought under RTI Act. 2005 vide form –A dtd.
14.02.2008 But the PIO of Inspectorate supply information vide letter dtd. 22.02.08 that no TC
has been countersigned by office of the Inspectorate till date. In this context We would like
convince you that the office was aware that any cause of action is being taken place later on to
supplied under RTI Act. However another Form-A was submitted on dtd. 28.02.2008 seeking the
information on above matter. But the PIO of Inspectorate, Balasore issued a letter that the TCs
of student of Sanskrit Tol who will appear Madhyama Examination 2008 under BSE, Orissa
have been countersigned during the year 2008. But no information are available in this office as
requested by the applicant in form-A. (copy enclosed).This is nothing but the suppression of
facts and isolative action in nature and huge amounts have been collected to satisfy the authority

5. It is a fact that the Inspector of Schools Balasore Circle Balasore sanctioned TBA
scale in favour of persons appointed temporarily have been regularized in the year 1996 as per
MC resolution in Christian High School, Balasore irregularly. Such action of Inspectorate
encouraged alleged drawl of Govt. Money financial misappropriation and the restoration of
normalcy needs immediate intervention in to the matter. (Copy enclosed)

6. After joining of Sri G.S. Panda as Inspector of Schools Balasore has passed so many
illegal order /orders contrary to Govt. order as exhibits from order no.16034 dtd. 18.03.08 of
Director of Secondary Education, Orissa, Bhubaneswar. Further, so many Examination Centre
fixation has been reported against him before the Board authorities. It is a fact that Sri Panda is
collecting huge amount of money from different centre superintendent and HM of different High
Schools for illegal fixing of centers. How many orders of transfer /allowed to work order have
been passed with the whom’s instructions to be verified and examined considering the Govt.
norms in course of inquiry. There are lot of irregularities to be observed and to be imagined how
lakhs of Rupees have been gone to pocket of present Inspector of Schools Balasore circle

7. With the alliance of one racket indulged by some corrupt officials those are
intended to retain their chair in the office of the Inspector of Schools dare to drag the neck of
subordinates enforcing and encouraging them to collect money for each of his signature. Further
the present Inspector will retire from Govt. Service at the end of Sept.2009 and since date is
going to be nearer his expectation for money and exercise of autocratic power is very much
increasing. Recently he has submitted a list of bona fied teachers who will get president award
and the list contains one of his relation brother-in-law named Bharat Senapati the Ex-HM,
Manibhadra High School, Gopalpur. Further, it is known to all how he is putting pressure from
different quarter to secretary Gandhi Sevashram School, Soro to restore the service of his sister
detrimental to his own duties as an officer in the Balasore Distirct.

8. One Banchhanidhi Girl’s High School, Bahanag which was an un-aided educational
institution as 3rd Girls High School in Bahanaga Block till the year 2005 managed to get the
name published to receive 100% block grant from Govt. vide 1994 & 2004 GIA order
violating the natural justice of other schools having similar feasibility in the state. However, the
Department of School & Mass Education, Orissa, Bhubaneswar issued instruction to All
Inspector of schools in the state to verify the details before accord approval in respect of staff of
a school in conformity with rule 7,4, 11 & 12 of the GIA order 1994 & 2004 vide order dtd.
22.09.2007. The present Inspector of Schools, Balasore circle Balasore accorded approval in
favor of staff of above mentioned Girls High School violating the rule quoted in above
notification dtd. 22.09.2007. The irregular approval of staff and release of bulk grant in favor of
above school not only violate the Govt. norms but also amounts gross financial irregularities and
caused a huge financial loss to Govt. exchequer. This is a co-habitual corrupt practice of
present Inspector of Schools, Balasore which needs proper inquiry into the matter and erring
official to be cognizanced as per rule.

9. It is a fact that one Ramakanta Nayak, Asst. Teacher of Biswanath Uchha Vidyapitha ,
Kandagaridi under Oupada Block of Balasore Distirct has been suspended by the M.C. on
certain grounds. The Inspector of Schools, Balasore Circle issued a instruction to the Head-
Master In-Charge concerned to join Sri Nayak immediately and since the M.C is not in a mood
to join him before finalization of proceeding against him, the Inspector of Schools, Balasore
Circle, Balasore suspended the grant of that school for last 5 months. The salary meant for the
staff have been drawn but not disbursed till yet. In this connection the Present
Director,Secondary Education, Orissa, Bhubaneswar asked the Inspector of Schools to submit
details basing to the petition received from Secretary & President of that School for last two
months but the Inspector of schools, Balasore is so arrogant that neither is trying solve the
problems nor taking steps to release the salary of the staff drawn & kept with AAO till date &
responding letter of Director.
Is it admissible as per rule to keep the salary of staff with the DDO for couple of months ?. Is
not it a temporary misappropriation of Govt. funds ?.
10. Further, a peculiar trend is going on in Inspectorate of Schools, Balasore Circle,
Balasore regarding movement of file. Most of the files are approved by the Inspector of Schools
without noting of Head clerk. So many important decisions are being taken at Inspectorate
keeping the Head clerk in dark which violates the Govt. rules codified in this regard during the
period of present C.I. The issue register is not maintained at the Inspectorate by the issue
section. The office is working against the public interest and most of the corrupt official engaged
in the irregular process and suppressing the material facts to RTI applicants. Unusual
harassments are being made to applicants those are seeking information under RTI Act. 2005.So
many irregularities have been committed by the Payment section of the Inspectorate with the
instigation of present Inspector of Schools caused a loss to Govt. exchequer to grate extent &
needs to be inquired into the matter by a team of qualified Auditors to establish the veracity of
the complain.
11. That, one Bharat Senapati, Ex. Head Master, Manibhadra High School, Gopalpur was
intentionally appointed as Observer in last HSC Annual Exam by the present Inspector of
Schools, Balasore. Sri Senapati who is Brother-in-law of present C.I. of Schools, Balasore and
with connivance of both huge funds have been collected from different centre superintendent
during examination. This may kindly be inquired under which circumstances Sri Senapati was
appointed as Observer overlapping so many competent retired personnel in the circle. How ever,
how many centre he has supervised during last exam, and what is his reports and how the reports
are contradicting to the report of other squads visiting the same centre ?.This may kindly be
enquired to test the integrity of the present C.I. Balasore.
12. That, one Hindi Teacher Sri B. Pradhan, who was transferred from Sundargarh C.I. in
the year 1997-98 by the Directorate of Secondary Education and placed before C.I. Balasore for
placement against existing vacancy has been posted to Paunsakoli High School in the first week
of April 2008 by the present Inspector of Schools, Balasore after lapse of 10 years. Without
taking fresh order from Directorate, how did the present C.I. pass one placement order in
favour of above Hindi Teacher ?, this may kindly be inquired in to that whose’s unseen hand
encouraging to do so or the C.I. having ill motive has done the irregular work with what
consideration ?.
Hence, we would like to request you to enquire into the matter by a senior officer at
Govt. level or by the Director Secondary Education to keep the image of our beloved
Honourable Chief Minister clean so far transparency in administration is concerned and
stringent action to be initiated against the erring offenders motivated to erode Govt. exchequer
so that the other do not embolden to emulate their footsteps.
Place: Balasore. Yours’Faithfully,
Date: 27.03.2008.

(Pitambar Panda)
Ex-General Secretary,
All Orissa Vocational Teachers’Association. Bhubaneswar.
NB:= Copy submitted to Hon’ble Minister and BJP ZP Member (contested) in last Election.
School & Mass Education, Orissa, Bhubaneswar/
the Chief Secretary to Govt., Orissa, Bhubaneswar/
Commissioner-Cum-Secretary to Govt. Department of
School & Mass Education, Orissa, Bhubaneswar/ Director,
Secondary Education, Orissa, Bhubaneswar/D.G.Police(Vigillance),
Orissa, Cuttack/S.P.Vigillance, Balasore for favour of
kind information and necessary action.

The public Information Officer :Director,Secondary Education
Orissa, Bhubaneswar.
(Name of the office with address)
1.Full Name of the applicant: Sri Pitambar Panda.
2.Father/Spouse Name: Sj. Daityari Prasad Panda.
3.Permanent Address. At.-Damodarachack. Po-Rupakhanda.
Via-Avana. Dist. Balasore.-756051.

4.Particulars in respect of applicants.: D.L. issued by RTO, Bhub aneswar.

5.particulars in respect of information solicited. :

(a). 1.The copy of Circle Transfer order in favour of B.Pradhan a Hindi Teacher from Sundargarh Circle to Balasore
Circle may be provided.Is there any transfer order has any force after lapse of 10 years ?. Is it a fact that the C.I. Balasore placed one
Hindi Teacher who was transferred to the circle before 10 years , in first week of April 2008 at Paunsakuli High School under Basta
Block ?. Supply details and copy of Govt. norms in this regard.
2. What steps the C.I. Balasore has taken after receipt of letter No. 16034 dtd. 18.03.08 and what is the status of employees those
orders have been setaside by the Director, Secondary Education with effect from 18.03.2008 ?.Whether they are entitled to get their
salary wef 18.03.2008 without back to their former place, at C.I. office Balasore ?.Supply detailed action taken in the matter along
with note sheet movement both in Inspectorate and Directorate.
(b) The period to which the information relates. _____________. 1996-2008
(c) Specific details of information required _________________. As above.
(d) Whether information required by post or in person_______. In person.
(The actual charges shall be included in providing information)
(e) In case by post _________________
(Ordinary, registered or speed)
6. Address to which information will be
sent in which form: Plot No-353/69.Mundachhak.
Po-RRL Branch.Jaydevvihar.
Bhubaneswar. Dist. Khurda.
. 7. Has the information provided earlier:? No.
8. Is this information not made available
by the public authority?. No.
9. Do you agree to pay the required fees?. Yes.
10. Have you deposited application fee ?. Yes
(I f yes, details of such deposit)
11. Whether belongs to B.P.L. category No.
12. Have you furnished the proof of the same?.
Place: Bhubaneswar.
Date: Full signature of the applicant
Address: Plot No-353/69.Mundachhak.
Po-RRL Branch.Jaydevvihar.
Bhubaneswar. Dist. Khurda.


Received the application form________________________________________________________________________________


__________________________________________________on dated_________________________________________________
seeking information.

Date: Full Name of the PIO,
Designation & seal.

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