Council Position of The Residential Zones To 081 Unitary Plan

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Residential Zones

Terrace Housing and Apartment Building zone

Objectives seek to achieve an urban residential character, enabling
terrace housing or apartment building development of four to six
storeys (proposed change five to seven storeys).
Applied to areas that are highly accessible and adjacent to
metropolitan, town and local centres and transport links.

Terrace housing

Four - six storey


Terrace Housing and Apartment Building zone

Key permitted activities:

Up to two dwellings per site.

Home occupations
Care centres accommodating up to 10 people per site, excluding staff
Supported residential care, boarding houses and visitor accommodation
accommodating up to 10 people per site, including staff and residents / visitors
Demolition, alterations and additions to dwellings
Conversion of single dwelling into two dwellings
Accessory buildings
Applications to infringe core development controls (Height infringements greater than 2m,
Building setbacks and HIRB, HIRB when the development adjoins a lower density zone,
building coverage, landscaping) subject to the normal tests for notification under the RMA.

Terrace Housing and Apartment Building zone

Building height

Summary of Rule
No density controls apply
16m or 19.5m or 22.5m in identified locations.
2m infringement requires nonnotified resource consent.

Height in Relation
to Boundary

3m + 45 degrees on side and rear


Alternative Height
in Relation to

Restricted discretionary activity, subject to consideration of effects

on neighbours.
Buildings must not exceed a height of 8m + 60 degrees within 20m
of the front boundary.

Impervious Area

Maximum 70% of the site

Maximum Building

Maximum 50% of the site


Minimum 30% of the site

Minimum 50% within the front yard.

Mixed Housing Urban zone

Objectives seek to achieve an urban residential character of up to
three storeys.
Applied to areas with good access to transport and services, close
to higher density residential, business zones and transport links.

Low rise terrace housing

Low rise apartments

Detached dwelling

Mixed Housing Urban zone

Key permitted activities:

Up to two dwellings per site

Home occupations
Care centres accommodating up to 10 people per site, excluding staff
Supported residential care, boarding houses and visitor accommodation
accommodating up to 10 people per site, including staff and residents / visitors
Demolition, alterations and additions to dwellings
Conversion of single dwelling into two dwellings
Accessory buildings
Applications to infringe core development controls (Height, HIRB, Alternative HIRB, building
coverage, landscaping) subject to the normal tests for notification under the RMA.

Mixed Housing Urban zone

Building height

Summary of Rule
No density controls apply
11m + 1m for roof form

Height in Relation 3m + 45 degrees on side and rear boundaries.

to Boundary
Alternative Height Restricted discretionary activity, subject to consideration of effects
in Relation to
on neighbours.
3.6m + 73.3 degrees up to 6.9m in height, then 45 degrees.
Impervious Area

Maximum 60% of the site


Maximum 45% of the site


Minimum 35% of the net site

Minimum 50% within the front yard.

Mixed Housing Suburban zone

Objectives seek to achieve a suburban residential character of up to
two storeys.
Most widespread residential zone that provides a transition between
the Mixed Housing Urban and Single House zone.


Low rise terrace housing

Detached dwelling

Mixed Housing Suburban zone

Key permitted activities:

Up to two dwellings per site

Home occupations
Care centres accommodating up to 10 people per site, excluding staff
Supported residential care, boarding houses and visitor accommodation
accommodating up to 10 people per site, including staff and residents / visitors
Demolition, alterations and additions to dwellings
Conversion of single dwelling into two dwellings
Accessory buildings
Applications to infringe core development controls (Height, HIRB, Alternative HIRB, building
coverage, landscaping) subject to the normal tests for notification under the RMA.

Mixed Housing Suburban zone


Proposed change


Sites up to 1000m2 1 dwelling per 200m2 site area

No density controls apply for sites over 1000m2
Building scale and form managed through development controls and design

Building height

8m + 1m for roof form

Height in Relation 2.5m + 45 degrees on side and rear boundaries

to Boundary
Alternative Height Restricted discretionary activity, subject to consideration of effects on
in Relation to
3.6m + 73.3 degrees up to 6.9m in height, then 45 degrees.
Impervious Area

Maximum 60% of the site


Maximum 40% of the site


Minimum 40% of the site

Minimum 50% within the front yard.

Key differences between MHS, MHU, and

Dwelling activity

Maximum density

Mixed Housing Suburban

Mixed Housing Urban


1-2 dwellings = permitted

3+ dwellings = restricted

1-2 dwellings = permitted

3+ dwellings = restricted

1 dwelling = permitted
3+ dwellings = RD

One dwelling per 200m2 on

sites smaller than 1000m2
(non-compliance with this is a
discretionary activity)

No density controls

No density controls

No density controls for sites

over 1000m2

Maximum height

8m + 1m for roof form

11m + 1m for roof form

16m + 2m for roof form

impervious area




Maximum building








Single House zone

Objectives seek to maintain and complement areas with identified historic
character or environmental values and limit growth in areas with significant
environmental or infrastructure constraints or poor accessibility to the City
Centre, Metropolitan, Town and Local Centres, the existing or planned
public transport network or large urban facilities.
Applied to locations further away from centres, historic character areas,
areas subject to natural hazards, and serviced villages.

Single House zone

Key permitted activities:
One dwelling per site
Home occupations
Care centres accommodating up to 10 people per site, excluding staff
Supported residential care, boarding houses and visitor accommodation
accommodating up to 10 people per site, including staff and residents / visitors
Alterations and additions to dwellings
Demolition of buildings
Conversion of an existing dwelling to two.
Accessory buildings
A minor dwelling where it is located within an Historic Character overlay and
outside an identified flood plain.
Applications to infringe core development controls (Height, HIRB, building coverage,
landscaping) subject to the normal tests for notification under the RMA.

Single House zone

Dwelling activity status

Minimum lot size for


Summary of Rule
One dwelling per site = Permitted
More than one dwelling per site= Discretionary

*different lot sizes apply in areas subject to the additional

subdivision control. These are generally in serviced village

Maximum height
Height in relation to

8m + 1m for roof form

2.5m + 45 degrees on side and rear boundaries

Maximum impervious

Maximum 60% of the site

Building coverage

Maximum 35% of the site


Minimum 40% of the site

Minimum 50% within the front yard

Rural and Coastal Settlement zone

This zone applies to unserviced rural and coastal Villages located
outside urban areas in a variety of environments including high
quality landscape areas and coastal areas.
Objectives seek to maintain a rural and coastal residential character
and respond to infrastructure constraints.

Rural and Coastal Settlement zone

Key permitted activities:

One dwelling per site

Home occupations
Care centres accommodating up to 10 people per site, excluding staff
Grazing of livestock on sites greater than 2,000m2 net site area
Demolition, Alterations and additions to dwellings
Accessory buildings


Applications to infringe core development controls (Height, HIRB, building

coverage) subject to the normal tests for notification under the RMA.

Rural and Coastal Settlement zone


Dwelling activity
Minimum lot size for

Maximum height
Height in relation to

Summary of Rule

No change

2500m2 but this is varied through precincts or area

specific additional subdivision controls.

8m + 1m for roof form

2.5m + 45 degrees on side and rear boundaries

Maximum impervious 35 per cent of site area or 1400m, whichever is the lesser
Building coverage

20 per cent of net site area or 200m, whichever is the


Large Lot zone

The Large Lot zone is generally located on the periphery of urban
areas and provides a transition from urban to rural areas.
Development is managed to take account of infrastructure or
geographical constraints and/or landscape qualities.

Large Lot zone

Key permitted activities:

One dwelling per site

Home occupations
Care centres accommodating up to 10 people per site, excluding staff
Grazing of livestock on sites greater than 2,000m2 net site area
Demolition, Alterations and additions to dwellings
Accessory buildings


Applications to infringe core development controls (Height, HIRB, side and rear yards,
building coverage) subject to the normal tests for notification under the RMA.

Large Lot zone

Dwelling activity
Minimum lot size for

Maximum height

impervious area
Building coverage

Summary of Rule
1 dwelling per site

4000m2 but this is varied through precincts or area

specific additional subdivision controls.

8m + 1m for roof form

Front yard 10m Side and Rear Yards 6m

35 per cent of the site area or 1400m2, whichever is the

20 per cent of net site area or 400m, whichever is the lesser

Business Zones


Metropolitan Centre
Town Centre
Local Centre
Neighbourhood Centre
Mixed Use
General Business
Business Park

Light Industry
Heavy Industry

Metropolitan Centre
Applies to centres that serve sub-regional catchments, act as focal
points for community and commercial activity, and contain hubs
serving high frequency transport.
Objectives seek to enable significant development and
intensification, and provide for a wide range of commercial,
community, and residential activity.

Metropolitan Centre
Key permitted activities:
Retail and offices of any scale
Supermarkets of any scale
Trade suppliers, garden centres, marine retail
Commercial services
Food and beverage
Dwellings, retirement villages, boarding houses, visitor accommodation and supported
residential care
Care centres, community facilities, education facilities, healthcare facilities, recreation
facilities, and tertiary education facilities
Light manufacturing and servicing, repair and maintenance services, warehousing and

Applications to infringe height and height in relation to boundary controls are subject to the
normal tests for notification under the RMA.
Restricted discretionary consent required for new buildings.

Metropolitan Centre

Summary of Rule

Building height

72.5m, except in some centres where a lower height limit applies,

such as Newmarket (32.5m), Papakura (27m 40.5m)

Height in Relation
to Boundary

Building setback at
upper floors

Dependant on adjoining zone.

Single House and MHS: 2.5m + 45 degrees
MHU: 3m + 45 degrees
THAB, Mixed Use and General Business: 8m + 60 degrees
Public Open Space: 8.5m / 16.5 (depending on direction of
boundary) + 45 degrees.

Building must be set back 6m at a height of 32.5m

Buildings fronting the


Buildings subject to the Key Retail Frontage layer must adjoin the
entire length of the site frontage


Different glazing rules apply according to the frontage control that


Maximum Building


No limit on building coverage or impervious area

3m rear and side yards apply at the boundary with residential

zones or the Maori Purpose zone.

Town Centre
Applies to suburban centres that are typically located on main
arterial roads and have good public transport access.
Objectives seek to provide for a wide range of commercial activities
and enable development and intensification.

Town Centre
Key permitted activities:
Retail and offices of any scale
Supermarkets of any scale
Trade suppliers, garden centres, marine retail
Commercial services
Food and beverage
Dwellings, retirement villages, boarding houses, visitor accommodation and supported
residential care
Care centres, community facilities, education facilities, healthcare facilities, recreation
facilities, and tertiary education facilities
Light manufacturing and servicing, repair and maintenance services, warehousing and

Applications to infringe height and height in relation to boundary controls are subject to the
normal tests for notification under the RMA.
Restricted discretionary consent required for new buildings.

Town Centre

Summary of Rule

Building height

Most centres range from 13m to 27m, depending on their size and
context, and any relevant limitations (e.g. Historic Character or
Volcanic Viewshafts). Of the listed height, the uppermost 2m is
for roof form only and cannot be a habitable area.

Height in Relation
to Boundary

Building setback at
upper floors

Dependant on adjoining zone.

Single House and MHS: 2.5m + 45 degrees
MHU: 3m + 45 degrees
THAB, Mixed Use and General Business: 8m + 60 degrees
Public Open Space: 8.5m + 45 degrees
Building must be set back 6m at a height of 27m

Buildings fronting the


Buildings subject to the Key Retail Frontage layer must adjoin the
entire length of the site frontage


Different glazing rules apply according to the frontage control that


Maximum Building

No limit on building coverage or impervious area

3m rear and side yards apply at the boundary with residential
zones or the Maori Purpose zone.

Local Centre
Applies to small centres that provide for the local convenience
needs of the surrounding residential area, and are generally well
connected to public transport networks.
Objectives seek to enable commercial activity that provides for
local convenience needs.

Local Centre
Key permitted activities:
Retail up to 450m GFA per tenancy
Offices up to 500m GFA per site
Supermarkets up to 2,000m GFA per tenancy
Commercial services
Food and beverage
Dwellings, boarding houses, visitor accommodation and supported residential care
Care centres, community facilities, education facilities, healthcare facilities, recreation
facilities, recreation facilities
Light manufacturing and servicing, repair and maintenance services, warehousing and
Applications to infringe height and height in relation to boundary controls are subject to the
normal tests for notification under the RMA.
Restricted discretionary consent required for new buildings.

Local Centre
Building height

Height in Relation
to Boundary


Maximum Building

Summary of Rule
18m, unless a different height is specified by the Additional Zone
Height Control. Of this 18m, 16m is occupiable building height,
and 2m is additional height for roof form.

Dependant on adjoining zone.

Single House and MHS: 2.5m + 45 degrees
MHU: 3m + 45 degrees
THAB: 8m + 60 degrees
Public Open Space: 4.5m + 45 degrees
The ground floor of buildings must be glazed for at least 50 per
cent of its width and 50 per cent of its height where it faces a
street or other public open space
No limit on building coverage or impervious area
3m rear and side yards apply at the boundary with residential
zones or the Maori Purpose zone.

Neighbourhood Centre
Applies to single corner stores or small groups of shops primarily
located in residential neighbourhoods.
Objectives seek to provide for commercial activities limited in range
and scale to serve local residents and passers-by, and small scale
buildings typically up to three storeys high.

Neighbourhood Centre
Key permitted activities:
Retail up to 450m GFA per tenancy
Offices up to 500m GFA per site
Supermarkets up to 450m GFA per tenancy
Commercial services
Food and beverage
Dwellings, boarding houses, visitor accommodation and supported residential care
Care centres, community facilities, education facilities, and healthcare facilities
Repair and maintenance services
Applications to infringe height and height in relation to boundary controls are subject to the
normal tests for notification under the RMA.
Restricted discretionary consent required for new buildings

Neighbourhood Centre
Building height
Height in Relation
to Boundary


Maximum Building

Summary of Rule
13m, of which, 11m is occupiable building height, and 2m is
additional height for roof form
Dependant on adjoining zone.
Single House and MHS: 2.5m + 45 degrees
MHU: 3m + 45 degrees
THAB: 8m + 60 degrees
Public Open Space: 4.5m + 45 degrees
The ground floor of buildings must be glazed for at least 50 per
cent of its width and 50 per cent of its height where it faces a
street or other public open space
No limit on building coverage or impervious area
3m rear and side yards apply at the boundary with residential
zones or the Maori Purpose zone.

Mixed Use
Typically applies around centres and along sections of the rapid
and frequent service network, and forms a transition, in terms of
scale and activity, between centres and residential areas.
Objectives provide for a range of residential and commercial
activities, provided that they do not diminish from the function, role
and amenity of the city centre, metropolitan centres, town centres
and local centres.

Mixed Use
Key permitted activities:
Retail up to 200m GFA per tenancy, where it is located within a 200m walk from the centre
zones (excluding Neighbourhood Centre)
Offices up to 500m GFA per site
Supermarkets up to 450m GFA per tenancy
Commercial services
Food and beverage, where it is located within a 200m walk from the centre zones (excluding
Neighbourhood Centre) or forms part of an integrated retail development of up to 5 retail
activities or a maximum total GFA of 1,000m
Drive-through restaurants
Dwellings, retirement villages, boarding houses, visitor accommodation and supported
residential care
Care centres, community facilities, education facilities, and healthcare facilities
Repair and maintenance services, warehousing and storage
Applications to infringe height and height in relation to boundary controls are subject to the
normal tests for notification under the RMA.
Restricted discretionary consent required for new buildings.

Mixed Use
Building height

Height in Relation
to Boundary

Summary of Rule
18m, unless a different height is specified by the Additional Zone
Height Control. Of this 18m, 16m is occupiable building height,
and 2m is additional height for roof form

Dependant on adjoining zone.

Single House and MHS: 2.5m + 45 degrees
MHU: 3m + 45 degrees
THAB: 8m + 60 degrees
Public Open Space: 8.5m + 45 degrees

Building setback at
upper floors

Building must be set back 6m at a height of 27m

Maximum Building

No limit on building coverage or impervious area


3m rear and side yards apply at the boundary with residential

zones or the Maori Purpose zone

General Business
Provides for business activities that may be less appropriate for or
unable to locate in centres, including light industry, large format
retail and trade suppliers.
Typically located in areas close to the City Centre, Metropolitan
Centre or Town Centre zones or within identified growth corridors
where there is good transport access and exposure to customers.
Has a limited application, but forms an important part of the
strategy to provide for commercial growth and manage the effects
of large formal retail. Typically applied to existing areas of large
formal retail.

General Business
Key permitted activities:
Retail greater than 450m GFA per tenancy
Offices up to 500m GFA per site
Commercial services
Food and beverage
Drive-through restaurants
Trade suppliers, marine retail, garden centres, motor vehicle sales
Recreation facilities
Industrial activities, light manufacturing and servicing, repair and maintenance services,
warehousing and storage
Applications to infringe height and height in relation to boundary controls are subject to the
normal tests for notification under the RMA
Restricted discretionary consent required for new buildings

General Business
Building height
Height in Relation
to Boundary


Maximum Building

Summary of Rule
Dependant on adjoining zone.
Single House and MHS: 2.5m + 45 degrees
MHU: 3m + 45 degrees
THAB: 8m + 60 degrees
Public Open Space: 4.5m + 45 degrees
A landscape buffer of 2m in depth must be provided along the
street frontage between the street and car parking, loading or
service areas visible from the street frontage (excluding access
No limit on building coverage or impervious area
3m rear and side yards apply at the boundary with residential
zones or the Maori Purpose zone

Business Park
Applies only to existing business parks, which refers to locations
where office-type business activities group together in a park or
campus like environment.
Has a limited future application, as the primary location of
commercial activities is expected to be the city centre, metropolitan
centres and town centres.
Objectives provide for the efficient use of existing business parks,
whilst allowing new business parks only where they are easily
accessible to public transport networks and do not diminish the
function, role and amenity of centres.

Business Park
Key permitted activities:
Offices, although these are generally subject to a GFA threshold appropriate to the location
Supermarkets up to 450m GFA per tenancy
Commercial services
Food and beverage
Care centres, healthcare facilities, recreation facilities.
Light manufacturing and servicing, repair and maintenance services, warehousing and
Applications to infringe height and height in relation to boundary controls are subject to the
normal tests for notification under the RMA

Restricted discretionary consent required for new buildings

Business Park
Building height
Height in Relation
to Boundary


Maximum Impervious

Summary of Rule
Dependant on adjoining zone.
Single House and MHS: 2.5m + 45 degrees
MHU: 3m + 45 degrees
THAB: 8m + 60 degrees
Public Open Space: 4.5m + 45 degrees
A landscape buffer of 2m in depth must be provided along the
street frontage between the street and car parking, loading or
service areas visible from the street frontage (excluding access
5m rear and side yards apply at the boundary with residential
zones or the Maori Purpose zone

Light Industry

Provides for industrial activities that do not generate objectionable odour,

dust or noise, such as manufacturing, production, logistics, storage,
transport and distribution activities.

Provides for some lawfully established heavy industry and commercial


Limits the establishment of new commercial activity.

Limits activities sensitive to odour, dust or noise, and ensures that effects
at the interface with adjacent zones are managed.

A moderate to high level of air quality amenity applies in the zone.

Light Industry
Key permitted activities:
Industrial activities
Accessory offices that do not exceed 30% of all GFA on site or 100m
Accessory retail where the goods sold are manufactured on site and the retail GFA does not
exceed 10% of all buildings on the site
Existing lawfully established retail, office and commercial services
Garden centres, marine retail, motor vehicle sales, service stations, trade suppliers, and
storage and lock-up facilities
Horticulture and animal breeding or boarding
Dairies up to 100m GFA and food and beverage up to 120m GFA
Applications to infringe height and height in relation to boundary controls are subject to the
normal tests for notification under the RMA
Applications for dwellings and retirement villages will be publicly notified
No resource consent required for new buildings that do not infringe development controls

Heavy Industry
Provides for large scale, low-intensity industrial activities that may
produce objectionable odour, dust or noise.
A reduced level of air quality amenity applies within the zone.
Typically applies over established areas of heavy industry that are
located close to freight routes.
Limits new commercial or residential activities that could create
reverse sensitivity effects.

Heavy Industry
Key permitted activities:
Industrial activities
Accessory offices that do not exceed 30% of all GFA on site or 100m
Accessory retail where the goods sold are manufactured on site and the retail GFA does not
exceed 10% of all buildings on the site
Storage and lock-up facilities
Accessory education and tertiary education activities
Dairies up to 100m GFA and food and beverage up to 120m GFA
Applications to infringe height and height in relation to boundary controls are subject to the
normal tests for notification under the RMA.
Applications for offices listed as a non-complying activity will be publicly notified
No resource consent required for new buildings that do not infringe development controls

Light and Heavy Industry controls

Building height

Summary of Rule

Height in Relation
to Boundary

Applies at the boundary with residential zones, public open space

zones, and Special Purpose Maori Purpose zone and School
zone: 8m + 18 degrees

Maximum Building

No limit on building coverage or impervious area


Front: 3m
Rear and side: 5m, where the boundary adjoins a residential
zone, public open space zone, or the special purpose zones listed


Yards must be planted with a mixture of trees, shrubs or ground

cover plants for the full extent of the yard

Storage and screening

Any outdoor storage or rubbish collection area directly facing a

residential zone, public open space zone or one of the listed
special purpose zones must be screened from those areas by
landscaping, or a solid wall or fence at least 1.8m high

Rural Zones

Rural Zones summary

Rural production

Key Objectives
Provides for rural production activities and rural industries
Productive capability is protected from inappropriate subdivision
and activities.

Mixed Rural

Provides for rural production and greater flexibility for the

establishment of non-residential activities such as cafes, produce
sales and visitor-related activities

Rural Coastal

Recognises rural character and amenity values, local coastal

character and biodiversity values of rural areas along Aucklands
coastline, while enabling rural production and local non-residential


Zone is spatially smaller than other rural zones and recognises high
natural values and habitats. Provides for ongoing established
activities to continue but adopts a conservative approach to new
land use and development.


Provides for rural lifestyle living on land closer to urban Auckland.

The zone is the principal receiver zone for Transferable Rural Site
Subdivision from other zones.

General principles for Rural Zones

Overarching strategy
to protect rural land for its productive potential, its rural character and
amenity values, its landscape features and its biodiversity
to protect rural land from inappropriate subdivision, urban use and
the productive capacity of elite and prime land is maintained for
primary production purposes, not rural lifestyle living
further fragmentation of rural land is prevented through
amalgamation and transfer of rural sites through Transferable Rural
Site Subdivision (TRSS)
rural subdivision protects significant biodiversity

Rural subdivision

In situ subdivision site size:


Min. average
site size (ha) size

Rural Production



Mixed Rural



Rural Coastal



Rural Conservation



Countryside Living zone 2 ha minimum lot size and 1 ha with TRSS

Rural Subdivision contd

Minimum site sizes appropriate given the:

rural character and amenity associated with each of the zones;

fundamental purpose of each of the zones; and
likely resulting total yield from subdivision in rural areas as modelled by

Rural Subdivision enables:

a development entitlement to be created by the environmental enhancement
of an area adjoining an existing SEA. The development entitlement
generated only after area has reached SEA quality or is guaranteed to do
so; and
development entitlements generated through enhancement as well as SEA
protection can be realised on-site (i.e. they do not have to be transferred to
a Countryside Living zone)

Rural provisions

Post harvest facilities in the Rural Production and Mixed Rural Zones
specifically added to the rural activity table as Restricted Discretionary Activities
in the rural coastal, mixed rural and rural production zones.

A definition of post harvest facilities added as follows:

Buildings operated by any number of growers on a co-operative or commercial basis and used for the
storage, packing, washing, inspecting and grading of eggs, fruit, vegetables, or other (natural and
unprocessed) primary produce brought to the post-harvest facility from a range of locations, and includes all
activities that are an integral aspect of post-harvest operations.

Subsidiary dwellings in all rural zones added to the activity table as a Restricted
Discretionary Activity.

A definition of subsidiary dwellings added as follows:

Dwellings erected in a rural zone which are occupied exclusively by dependent relatives of the occupiers of

the principal dwelling on the same site.

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