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Napolitano Eamon Barkhordarian

Period A 1/25/10
US gov

Section 1.1
1. The State
a. Aristotle
i. One of first students of government
ii. Many terms for government originate from Ancient Greece and Rome
b. Country and State
i. State-a political community that occupies a definite territory and has
organized government with power to make and enforce laws without
approval from higher authority.
ii. Country basically same meaning.
c. State vs Nation
i. Nation- sizable group of people united by common bonds of race,
language, custom, tradition, and sometimes religion.
ii. Nation-state- territorial boundaries of modern states and those of nations
states the same
2. Essential Features of a State
a. Population
i. Consensus- agreement about basic beliefs
ii. States where population shares a consensus have the most stable
iii. Mobility
1. Shift in population South, West, East, North some states gain
representation and some lose.
b. Territory
i. A state has established boundaries were typically is source of conflict.
ii. Can grow or shrink
c. Sovereignty
i. Political sovereignty- the state has supreme and absolute authority within
territorial boundaries.
1. Complete independence
2. Right to make and enforce laws
d. Government
i. Government-institution through which the sate maintain social order,
provide public services, enforces decisions that are binding on all people
living within the state.
3. Theories of the Origin of the State
a. Evolutionary theory
i. Government evolved from head of family. Extended family needed
b. Force Theory
i. Government emerged when all people brought under authority of one
person or group.
c. Divine Right Theory
i. God chose certain people to rule
Napolitano Eamon Barkhordarian
Period A 1/25/10
US gov
d. Social Contract Theory
i. Thomas Hobbes
1. Without government to protect one another, life would be cruel
and harsh
ii. John Locke
1. People naturally given the right to life liberty and property
4. Purposes of Government
a. Decision of government based on legitimacy and ability to use coercive force
b. Legitimacy
i. How much the people will listen to it
c. Coercive force
i. Government can force people to pay taxes and punish offenders
d. Maintaining Social order
i. People need government to maintain social order
ii. Government provide ways to solve problem. Civilized life possible
e. Provides Public Services
i. Make community life possible and promote general welfare
ii. Example: building sewage system, check meat
f. Providing National Security
i. Protect people against attack and providing security
ii. Establish relations with other countries
g. Making economic decisions
i. Foreign nations come to aid in country in economic distress
ii. Makes economic balance between rich and poor
iii. Control economic environment

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