Position On Election Count

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April 20, 2010

In order to have full transparency and enhance the credibility of the

coming elections, we support the position taken by a group of
Information Technology (I.T.) professionals during their press
conference last April 13. This position was subsequently supported
by the Management Association of the Philippines representing the
business community and the Alyansa Agrikultura representing the
farmers and fisherfolk on April 14 and 15, respectively.

We now urge the Comelec to likewise support this position during

their en banc meeting tomorrow, April 21.

This position is that, after the voting has been finished, the Board of
Election Inspectors manually count the votes in 100% of the precincts
for president, vice president, and a local official selected at random
such as governor, mayor or congressman/congresswoman. This
count will then be compared to the computer count.

If the counts are similar, then the assumption is that the computer
count is valid and not rigged. The votes for all positions can then be
transmitted as the basis for the proclamation of the winning

If the votes are dissimilar, then the computer count can be assumed
to be not valid and possibly rigged. In these cases, the count of all
positions will then be undertaken. The manual count will be the basis
for proclamation.

For the sake of credible elections and our democracy, we strongly

recommend that Comelec adopt this position in their en banc meeting

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