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Laura Howard
OMDE 610 9040
Module 1
Second Entry (Bulleted items/questions taken directly from the OMDE 610 9040 Syllabus)

Early in the module, identify what you want to learn:

Although learning about in-depth theoretical concepts of distance education is a little

intimidating for me, so far the readings have helped in providing me a good foundation and start
to this class. I really would like to learn more about, besides the other questions I mentioned in
my previous first entry, how to be able to start thinking in a theoretical and analytic mind frame
and be able to present this in my writings. This is the first class I have taken so far that is
completely focused on the theory analysis of the distance education, so I would want to be able
to say that I am sufficiently familiar and knowledgeable on the most important theories of
distance education.

What big idea, concept or issue from this module had the greatest impact on your thinking?
As I am continuing through module 1, the most thought I have had on a topic is trying to

understand the aspects of learning. This is a subject that I know will continue to be discussed
during my whole degree experience. Sabas (2003) article really sums up the idea of the distance
education ambition, will there be a continuance of expectation to learn in the same traditional
education format after all these years, or can distance education demonstrate the importance and
how to reveal new ways of educating that incorporates and facilitates differences in and the

unique capabilities of human learning (Saba, 2003, pp. 17-18). I hope that Sabas (2003) desire
for people to recognize the importance of distance education (Saba, 2003, pp. 17-18) really has
an immense change and understanding in how people view and interpret distance education.

How will this idea, concept, or issue influence your practice as a DE Professional?

I think Sabas (2003) insight about education (Saba, 2003, pp. 17-18), that I reflected on in
the previous bulleted item, will help remind me about the purpose and importance of distance
education. My current career has provided me with the opportunity to experience how some
online distance education courses administratively operate. I temporarily assisted in the set up
and monitoring of some online continuing education courses. Some of the key factors that I
noticed were the benefits that they appeared to present in convenience and financial factors.
However, since I have learned more in-depth information about distance education in my degree
classes, I now feel that I am able to recognize the differences between different educational
environment more respectively and to provide more knowledgeable insight if the college decides
to offer more online or other type of distance education courses.

What questions remain for you from this module? How will you resolve these questions?

Some questions, as I continue in this module are, if I will be able to start thinking more like a
theorist or in a theoretical way, after this module and class is over? A theoretical presentation, I
would think, should be proposed from someone who has in-depth knowledge, interest and
experience with distance education. So, what, how much and when it is appropriate to really
proceed with producing my own opinions and insight on distance education theory? I can
continue to analyze my progress, writings and thoughts to see if I start to think in a more

theoretical way, such as reflecting back on my journal, progress and class activity to seek the
Saba, F. (2003). Distance education theory, methodology and epistemology: A pragmatic
paradigm. In M. G. Moore, & W. G. Anderson (Eds.), Handbook of Distance Education
(pp. 3-19). Mahwah, New Jersey & London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.
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