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User Guide

DGD gINT Files

DGD-UG-002 - 2.02
August 2014
The information in this publication is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment
on the part of Datgel Pty Ltd. The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement
or nondisclosure agreement. The software must be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the

Every effort was made to ensure accuracy of this information. However, Datgel Pty Ltd makes no warranty as
to the correctness of this information or the supplied files.

Printed in Australia. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form
or by any means without the prior written consent of Datgel Pty Ltd. Comments are welcome and become the
property of Datgel Pty Ltd.

All products mentioned are trademarks of the respective producers.

Copyright © Datgel Pty Ltd 2014

Datgel Pty Ltd

Suite 73, Level 4, The Hub
89 - 97 Jones Street
Ultimo NSW 2007

Tel: +61 2 8202 8600

Fax: +61 2 8079 5855

Datgel Asia Pte Ltd

261 Waterloo Street
#03-36 Waterloo Centre
Singapore 180261

Tel: +65 6631 9780

Fax: +65 6681 6649

About this Document .......................................................................................................... iv
System Requirements .......................................................................................................................v
Software ........................................................................................................................................................ v
Hardware and Operating System .................................................................................................................. v
Required Windows Components ................................................................................................................... v
Conventions and typography used in this guide ...............................................................................v
Field Colours..................................................................................................................................... vi
1 Description of System ................................................................................................. 1
2 Installation and Configuration ...................................................................................... 2
2.1 Installation ............................................................................................................................... 2
2.2 File Types ............................................................................................................................... 2
2.2.1 General file locations .................................................................................................................... 2
2.2.2 *.GLB - Libraries........................................................................................................................... 2
2.2.3 *.GPJ - Project Databases ........................................................................................................... 2
2.2.4 *.GDT - Data Templates. .............................................................................................................. 3
2.2.5 *.GDW - Drawings ........................................................................................................................ 3
2.2.6 SETUP.GSH ................................................................................................................................ 3
2.2.7 *.GCI / *.GCX – Import/Export Correspondence .......................................................................... 3
2.2.8 *.GSC – Script .............................................................................................................................. 3
2.2.9 *.DTY – Coordinate File ............................................................................................................... 3
2.2.10 *.GAS – gINT AGS Schema ......................................................................................................... 3
2.3 Configure Optimal System Properties .................................................................................... 3
3 Input ............................................................................................................................ 5
3.1 Make a new Access Project ................................................................................................... 5
3.2 Database Structure ................................................................................................................. 5
3.3 Logo ........................................................................................................................................ 6
3.3.1 Logs ............................................................................................................................................. 6
3.4 Options tables ......................................................................................................................... 6
3.5 General Data Entry ................................................................................................................. 7
3.6 Lab Data Entry ........................................................................................................................ 8
3.7 Site Maps ................................................................................................................................ 8
3.7.1 Importing DXF files ....................................................................................................................... 9
3.7.2 Importing ECW files ..................................................................................................................... 9
3.8 Alignments ............................................................................................................................ 10
3.8.1 Importing an Alignment .............................................................................................................. 10
3.9 Drapes .................................................................................................................................. 12
3.9.1 Importing a Fence Drape ........................................................................................................... 12
3.10 Surfaces ........................................................................................................................... 14
3.10.1 Importing Grid Files .................................................................................................................... 14
3.10.2 Importing Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) Files ................................................................. 15
3.11 gINT Rules ....................................................................................................................... 15
3.11.1 Activation.................................................................................................................................... 16
3.11.2 Table and System events ........................................................................................................... 16
3.11.3 Add-In commands ...................................................................................................................... 16
4 Output ....................................................................................................................... 17
4.1 Logs ...................................................................................................................................... 17
4.2 Fences .................................................................................................................................. 18
4.3 Graphs .................................................................................................................................. 18
4.4 Histograms ............................................................................................................................ 28
4.5 Graphic Tables...................................................................................................................... 28
4.6 Text Tables ........................................................................................................................... 28
4.7 Graphic Text Documents ...................................................................................................... 29
4.8 Text Documents .................................................................................................................... 29
4.9 Site Maps .............................................................................................................................. 29
5 Convert Projects........................................................................................................ 30
6 AGS Support ............................................................................................................. 31
6.1 Importing AGS Data.............................................................................................................. 31
6.2 Exporting AGS Data ............................................................................................................. 31

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6.3 AGS Checker .........................................................................................................................32
6.4 Editing AGS Files ..................................................................................................................32
6.4.1 Editing in Excel® ........................................................................................................................ 32
6.4.2 Editing in a Text Editor ............................................................................................................... 34
7 Configuring Logos in the Library ................................................................................ 35
7.1 Import a new raster file ..........................................................................................................35
7.2 How to add a new Office .......................................................................................................35
8 Material and Geology Unit Graphics .......................................................................... 37
8.1 Graphic ..................................................................................................................................37
8.2 Geology Unit 1, 2 & 3 ............................................................................................................37
9 gINT Program updates .............................................................................................. 38
10 Tutorial....................................................................................................................... 39
10.1 Preliminary settings for tutorials .......................................................................................39
10.2 Data entry of a borehole ...................................................................................................39
10.2.1 Make a new project by cloning data template............................................................................. 39
10.2.2 Enter data ................................................................................................................................... 40
10.3 Lab Data Entry Add-In ......................................................................................................47
10.4 Graphical Data ..................................................................................................................48
10.5 Preview from INPUT .........................................................................................................48
10.6 Formatting .........................................................................................................................49
10.6.1 Format Menu .............................................................................................................................. 49
10.6.2 Interface changes ....................................................................................................................... 49
10.6.3 Input tools ................................................................................................................................... 49
10.7 Importing/Exporting Data ..................................................................................................50
10.8 Output ...............................................................................................................................51
10.8.1 Logs ........................................................................................................................................... 51
10.8.2 Fence Exercise 1 ........................................................................................................................ 52
10.8.3 Fence Exercise 2 ........................................................................................................................ 54
10.8.4 Graphs........................................................................................................................................ 58
10.8.5 Other reports .............................................................................................................................. 58
10.8.6 Further Output Options ............................................................................................................... 58
10.9 AGS Format ......................................................................................................................58
10.9.1 Export AGS Format data ............................................................................................................ 58
10.9.2 Import AGS Format data ............................................................................................................ 59

Appendix A Example Reports

Figure 1 – INPUT with tree and tab navigation .......................................................................................... 5
Figure 2 – PROJECT_OPTIONS ..................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 3 – POINT_OPTIONS .......................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 4 – Graphical Data Input ................................................................................................................. 7
Figure 5 – Site Maps Support module ....................................................................................................... 9
Figure 6 – Site Map application with ECW file ......................................................................................... 10
Figure 7 – Alignments Support module ................................................................................................... 10
Figure 8 – Alignments table ..................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 9 – Site Map application with two Alignments .............................................................................. 12
Figure 10 – Fence Drapes Support module............................................................................................. 12
Figure 11 – Fence Drape showing a seismic section .............................................................................. 13
Figure 12 – Surfaces Support module ..................................................................................................... 14
Figure 13 – TIN Surface ........................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 14 – Convert Projects ................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 15 – Import from AGS File ............................................................................................................ 31
Figure 16 – Export to AGS File ................................................................................................................ 32
Figure 17 – Select Points to Export ......................................................................................................... 32

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Figure 18 – Editing AGS Files in Excel® ................................................................................................. 33
Figure 19 – DG_COM_OFFICE ..................................................................................................................... 35

Table 1 – Field Colours
Table 2 – Graph User Report Variables ................................................................................................... 28
Table 3 – Site Maps User Report Variables............................................................................................. 29

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About this Document
The DGD gINT Files is designed to fulfil the needs of the following classes of organisation operating in

 SI contractor logging boreholes and undertaking in situ testing

 Geotechnical consultant
The key features of this product are:

 Import and export of AGS 3.1, AGS 3.1(SG), AGS4, AGS4 NZ

 Component descriptions, log reports and pick lists for
o ASTM standard
o Australia
o British standard locations, such as UK, Ireland, Middle East, HK, Malaysia, and
o New Zealand
 Fence diagrams with basic option
 Site maps with basic option
 Summary graphs with extensive options
 Summary tables
 DLL program with calculations or features for:
o core
o point load
o soil classification from PSD and Atterberg results
o borehole related validation
o lab data entry – enter results of man tests into one table, and data is automatically
written to the detailed lab test tables
This document describes how to use the custom set of gINT files. It is not an all-encompassing
document and should be read in conjunction with gINT’s online help and PDF Manuals.

This version was written for DGD gINT files version 2.06, DLL version 2.0.8 and gINT version
8.30.03.### or later.

Related documents
 Procedures for Checking AGS (SG) Data
Describes checking and review procedures for AGS Format data.
 Bentley gINT User Guides, installed with gINT and stored in this folder:
C:\Program Files\Bentley\gINT\docs
 Datgel Administration Tools User Guide
Tools for gINT Administrators and Power Users: Convert Tool, Export Tool, Find or Set
Properties Tool, SQL Tool, and Lookup List Check Tool.
 Datgel Fence and Map Tool User Guide
Extensive range of fence reporting option based on the DGD database structure. Dynamically
defined scale bars on both fence and map reports. Dynamically defined fence post and map
data marker legends. Pages sizes ranging from A4 to A1.

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For technical support please email, call +65 6631 9780 or +61 2 8202 8600.

System Requirements

 The product runs optimally using gINT Professional or gINT Professional Plus, version or higher
 Datgel DGD gINT Files DLL program version 2.0.8 or higher

Hardware and Operating System

Same system requirements as gINT V8i Ss1 (08.30.03.###)

Required Windows Components

1. Windows Installer 3.1
2. .NET 3.5 Framework SP1

Conventions and typography used in this guide

Note: Tips and additional Information to help you.

> Used to indicate a series of menu commands.

e.g. Select File > Open.
| Used to indicate a gINT Application Group, Application, Table Group or Table , e.g.
DATA DESIGN | Project Database

Bold Text Items you must select, command buttons, or items in a list.
e.g. Navigate to UTILITIES | Convert Projects (4th tab).

Italics Emphasis Use to emphasize the importance of a point such as parameters.

e.g. Data Entry – Check Omit Must Save prompt when save is required

CAPITALS Names of keys on the keyboard. for example, SHIFT, CTRL, or ALT.

KEY+KEY Key combinations, for example CTRL+P, or ALT+F4.

Code Snippet Indicates a code snippet within a paragraph

Code sample Indicates a sample program codes inserted in user guide e.g.
public override string ToString ()
File name or path Used for formatting file name and paths e.g. abc_lib.glb or
V:\10 gINT\Datgel Install Files\

Table_Name Database table name, e.g. POINT_TABLE.

Field_Name Database field name; e.g. PointID

Command line Command line, presented exactly as it must be entered e.g.


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Field Colours
Each of the fields in the project tables have been coloured to improve the data entry process as
indicated below in Table 1.

Table 1 – Field Colours

Field Colour Field Name and Explanation

Yellow gINT Key Field – mandatory data entry

AGS Data – data associated with the AGS Data

Pastel Purple
Interchange Format
Calculated Field – data is written to this field by Datgel’s
Pastel Green

Brown - Green Data Enter and Calculated field

Data Entry Field – data should be entered into this field,

Pastel Beige
or data in this field influences the calculation
Legacy Data Field – historic data entered here, is
Pastel Red
typically from an old database
Output Option – used to control how data displays on a
Pastel Blue
Remark or Metadata Field – additional data associated
Pastel Orange
with the primary information

Grey Read-only

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1 Description of System
The system comprises of the following components

1. gINT Professional or gINT Professional Plus V8i Ss1 ( or later): Application
installed on client PCs
2. SQL Server – optional if using gINT Professional Plus
a) This hosts the gINT SQL Server database(s)
3. Custom gINT Files: Customised configuration files stored on a file server and used by the
gINT application
a) Library: dgd lib 2.##.glb

b) Project Files (Access format, *.gpj) – Access format files stored on file server with other
project related files

c) Data Template: dgd 2.##.gdt

d) Correspondence files (*.gci and *.gcx)

i. ags 3.1 to dlst 2.01 01.gci
ii. ags4.0.3 to dlst 2.01 03.gci
iii. dlst 2.01 to ags 3.1 04.gcx
iv. dlst 2.01 to ags 4.0.3 07.gcx

e) gINT AGS Schema:

i. ags4_0_3 NZ.gas
ii. ags 3_1.gas

4. Datgel DGD gINT Add-In: gINT Rules DLL program which is referenced by the custom gINT
Library and Project databases. Code for validation and calculations that return a result to the
project are in this DLL. For example the SPT and Core table calculations are here. A software
key license must be activated or validated for this.

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2 Installation and Configuration
2.1 Installation
Install the following applications:

1. gINT Professional Plus V8i – see question How do I install gINT 8.3 V8i, or upgrade from the
8.2.007 or older to gINT V8i 8.3? on Install the 3
dependencies, and if you have an old version of gINT installed, first manually uninstall the old
2. Datgel DGD gINT Files program. To install, run the setup.exe. After installation, validate or
activate the user license as described in Chapter 2 of the Datgel Product Licensing System
User Guide.
The custom gINT Files (*.gpj, *.gdt, *.glb, *.gcx, *.gci, *.gas) should be stored on your
organisation’s file server and backed up daily.

Place the *.gdt, *.glb, *.gcx, *.gci and *.gas files in a non-project specific folder on your file
server, for example R:\gINT\

Now open gINT.

Open the dgd lib 2.##.glb Library, using command File > Change Library

If you are the first to use this set of gINT files in your company, you will need to apply your company
logo. Refer to section 7 Configuring Logos in the Library.

2.2 File Types

2.2.1 General file locations

 Program Installation folder: C:\Program Files\Bentley or C:\Program Files
 Custom files: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Bentley
 User specific setting files: C:\Users\<User name>\AppData\Local\Bentley\gINT

2.2.2 *.GLB - Libraries

All reports, symbols, lookup lists, and library tables. On installation the name is LIBRARY.GLB.
However, you can have as many GLB files as desired, named as you wish.

Location: The Library File property of the File > System Properties or File > Change Library menu
item in any application sets the location and name of the current library. You can change this in any
application and it will go into effect immediately. See Network Considerations for special options
regarding this file.

2.2.3 *.GPJ - Project Databases

These contain the data from the Input application.

Location: The default folder is specified in the Projects property of the File > System Properties menu
item. However, they can be located anywhere.

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2.2.4 *.GDT - Data Templates.
These store the structure and input formatting of project databases. You use these to create new
projects through the cloning process and reports use them to display the database structure.

Location: The default folder is specified in the Data Templates property of the File > System
Properties menu item. However, they can be located anywhere.

2.2.5 *.GDW - Drawings

These are drawing files that are not connected to any project, data template, or library. They are
accessed in the Drawings > General Drawing application. Each General Drawing file can contain as
many pages as desired. All output from the Output application group can be sent to a GDW file via the
Export field.

Location: The default folder is specified in the Drawings property of the File > System Properties
menu item. However, they can be located anywhere.

Contains the information shown in the File > System Properties dialog, stores the previous current
project, point, page from each application, and the recent file lists.

Location: C:\Users\<User name>\AppData\Local\Bentley\gINT

2.2.7 *.GCI / *.GCX – Import/Export Correspondence

A correspondence file tells the program the relationships between the tables and fields in the source
and the target files.

Location: The default folder is specified in the Data Template property of the File > System Properties
menu item. However, they can be located anywhere.

2.2.8 *.GSC – Script

A script file is an ASCII file with a list of commands for gINT to follow.

Location: Can be located anywhere.

2.2.9 *.DTY – Coordinate File

Stores custom/user defined coordinate systems. This file is created by Bentley Map.

Location: Can be located anywhere.

2.2.10 *.GAS – gINT AGS Schema

Defines a non-standard AGS format standard. For example, different data types, units, or additional
headings and groups. This file must be manually created in a text editor. An example for standard
AGS4 is provided here C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\gINT V8i\bin\ags4 dict.gas.

2.3 Configure Optimal System Properties

1. Call the command INPUT | File > System Properties, and configure:
2. File location defaults
 Set Project Database and Drawings to the top of the folder hierarchy where you store
project data

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 Set Data Template, Scripts and Custom coordinate to the non-project specific folder on
your file server, e.g. R:\gINT\
 Check the box, Allow more than one user to open a file for editing
3. Page Defaults

4. Data Entry
Check Omit ‘Must Save’ prompt when save is required.
5. gIDraw
If you can’t see the drawing cursor in drawing applications the check Use small drawing
6. Output
 Set Unspecified Line Thickness (inches): 0.007
 Set Unspecified Point Thickness (inches): 0.01
 Set Number of digits to force sci. notation on frame divisions: 9
 Check Boundary Line inserted below last text segment at a depth.
7. DXF Files
No change
8. General
If you wish to use Database Design, Report Design etc, you will need to uncheck Hide Design
Applications. This is now unchecked by default.

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3 Input
The INPUT application is where data entry is done, and is the primary area where data can be imported
and exported.

3.1 Make a new Access Project

To make a new Access Project File:

1. Run the command INPUT | File > New Project or the (new) icon > Clone Data Template…
2. Browse to the data template dgd 2.##.gdt, and click Open
3. Name the new project file, and click Save

3.2 Database Structure

The project database tables are grouped and ordered in a logical way, with borehole related table
groups first in the list, followed by in situ testing, lab testing, and then other tables.

Figure 1 – INPUT with tree and tab navigation

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3.3 Logo

3.3.1 Logs
The logo on all reports is controlled by the field PROJECT.Office. This allows the user company to display
their logo on analysis type reports.

See section 7. Configuring Logos in the Library for further details.

3.4 Options tables

The PROJECT_OPTIONS and POINT_OPTIONS tables are stored under the Options table-group.



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If a Point level option is configured, then it will be used in precedence over the Project level option.

The Graphic_Log fields control which graphic source will be used on log reports, the options are:

 Graphic – sourced from STRATA_MAIN.Graphic

 Geology Unit 1 – sourced from STRATA_MAIN.Geology_Unit_1
 Geology Unit 2 – sourced from STRATA_MAIN. Geology_Unit_2

3.5 General Data Entry

Probably the simplest way to first use gINT to produce a log is to use Graphical Data Input in contrast
to Grid Input. Graphical Data Input is found under Additional Modules > Graphical Data Input or
by clicking on the following icon . It allows the user to see a representation of the log on the
screen, click on the data area of interest and the associated tables will popup. To change the report you
are working on, go to File > Select Report for Input. To change PointID when in Graphical Data Input,
double click anywhere on the title bar to bring up the PointID interface and click Select to choose the
PointID you want, as below.

Figure 4 – Graphical Data Input

The alternative is Grid Input which is a spread sheet type interface that users will find faster and more
convenient as experience is gained with the data structure. This interface is always the default and can
be returned to by clicking on the Grid Data Input tab.

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3.6 Lab Data Entry
The Lab Data Entry feature provides the user with an option to efficiently enter and edit multiple lab
results in one table interface. The procedure is as follows:

1. Navigate to INPUT | Main Group | Lab Data Entry

2. Select the desired PointID
3. Call the command, Add-Ins > Datgel DGD gINT Files > Pre-populate Lab Data Entry Table.
This will cause all existing lab data within the scope of the table to display.
4. Now the user may:
a) Enter/edit data on existing records,
b) Create new records and enter data. Select a Sample and enter a value for Specimen Depth
and optionally Specimen Number.
c) Delete a record by checking the delete check box.
5. When the table saves a message box will display and the user may choose from the option, to
update, discard, or return to the grid continue editing.

The configuration of this feature is stored in the library table DG_LAB_DATA_ENTRY_CONFIGURATION. To

add additional test results it is a simple exercise of adding a field to LAB_DATA_ENTRY, and then adding a
corresponding record to DG_LAB_DATA_ENTRY_CONFIGURATION.

3.7 Site Maps

Before trying to work with Site Maps in gINT, you should verify that the Site Maps module has been
enabled. This is done by selecting the Additional Modules menu and ensuring that there is a next
to the Site Maps Support item; as illustrated below in Figure 5.

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Figure 5 – Site Maps Support module

3.7.1 Importing DXF files

Drawing file type site maps are stored in the Site Maps group.

Note: gINT only supports DXF files saved in the AutoCAD Version 12 DXF file format.

To import a site map, you should move to the Site Maps group:

 Select File > Import/Export > DXF Import

 This will open a Windows Explorer window, in which you should browse to the location of the
DXF file.
 Once you have selected it, click Open and the drawing will be imported into your gINT project
Assuming that the information in the original DXF file was stored on separate layers, you can use the
(Layer) button or the Modify > Layer menu item to display a list of the layer properties. From the
window that is displayed, you can chose to Hide, Lock, change the Colour of the entities on a particular
layer or Delete the entire layer; with the exception of Layer 0 which cannot be hidden or deleted.

3.7.2 Importing ECW files

Geocoded Image (such as Ortho-rectified Aerial Photographs) Site Maps are also stored in the Site
Maps group.

Note: gINT only supports images that are in the Enhanced Compression Wave (ECW) file format.

To import a Geocoded image, you should move to the Site Maps group:

 Select File > Import/Export > Import Geocoded Photo

 This will open a Windows Explorer window, in which you should browse to the location of the
ECW file
 Once you have selected it, click Open and the image will be imported into your gINT project file
You can edit the properties of the image, such as the Print Order or the Layer it is stored on, by double
clicking on it to bring up the properties window. Once you have completed any required changes, click
OK to save the changes (or Cancel to undo any changes) and to return to the Site Map view.

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Figure 6 – Site Map application with ECW file

3.8 Alignments
Before trying to Import an Alignment into gINT, you should verify that the Alignments module has been
enabled. This is done by selecting the Additional Modules menu and ensuring that there is a next
to the Alignments Support item; as illustrated below in Figure 7.

Figure 7 – Alignments Support module

Alignment data can be used on the Fence Reports, and to calculate chainage/offset from East/North for

3.8.1 Importing an Alignment

Alignments are stored in the Main Group | Alignments table.

Note: gINT only supports alignments that are in the LandXML file format.

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To import an alignment, you should move to the Alignments table:

 Select File > Import/Export > Import Alignment

 This will open a Windows Explorer window, in which you should browse to the location of the
alignment file
 Once you have selected the alignment file, click Open and the alignment will be imported into
your gINT project file
The Alignment (upper) table contains the general information about the alignment and, once an alignment
has been imported, you can add additional attributes for it by selecting or entering values into the
Description, Initial Station, Alignment Line Type, Alignment Line Thickness, Alignment Line Colour and corresponding
“Z” fields.

The “Z” lines are optionally associated with each alignment and allow for the storage of a profile along
the alignment, such as original ground level. These line thicknesses are, by default stored in millimetres
but you can override this by checking the Line Thickness in inches field. If you do not want to display the
alignment line on your site maps, you should check the Do not display on Site Maps field for the relevant

The Alignment (lower) table contains the Northing and Easting values of the alignment and up to 3
optional Z values. The Station field is read only as it is automatically populated by gINT and it records the
distance along the alignment, based on the Initial Station value in the Alignment (upper) table.

The Z fields could hold the vertical alignment, natural ground surface, or invert of a tunnel. Further, this
data will display on the fence reports.

Figure 8 – Alignments table

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Figure 9 – Site Map application with two Alignments

3.9 Drapes
Fence Drapes are a vertical view of a linear feature, such as a geophysical interpretation, that can be
projected onto a 2D Fence. They are stored in the Input | Fence Drapes group and there is no
limitation on the number of drapes that can be stored in a project file.

Before trying import a Fence Drapes into gINT, you should verify that the Fence Drapes module has
been enabled. This is done by selecting the Additional Modules menu and ensuring that there is a
next to the Fence Drapes Support item; as illustrated below in Figure 10.

Figure 10 – Fence Drapes Support module

3.9.1 Importing a Fence Drape

Fence Drapes are a gINT Drawing object (such as an imported DXF file or image) that is stored in the
project file and they are defined by a name and the coordinates of the Drape line in plan. To add a

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Fence Drape to your project file you should move to the Input | Fence Drapes group and click on the
(new) icon or select File > New.

You should then enter a Name for the Drape and either:

 the Coordinates (as a series of East and North values) and optionally specify the Initial Station
if required; or
 chose an Alignment if one already exists in your project file

You should only enter either the Coordinates or chose an Alignment but not both

The Page Size and Orientation properties are only used if printing directly from with the Drapes

The drapes themselves are drawn in the same way you draw any gINT Drawing object, however the
scales differ:

 The X axis is the distance along the drape line

 The Y axis is defined as the elevation

Figure 11 – Fence Drape showing a seismic section Importing a Fence Drape Image

Once you have defined the name of the Fence Drape:

 Select Draw > Graphics > In Place Bitmap Symbol

 Select the Load Bitmap Symbol button to open a Windows Explorer window; in which you
should browse to the location of the alignment file
 Specify either the Override Height or Override Width of the image (in metres)
 Specify the Override Horz Align and Override Vert Align of the insertion point of the image

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 Define the X and Y values Align to determine the insertion point of the image relative to the
Override Horz Align and Override Vert Align
 To view the Fence Drape image, ensure that Show at Design Time is checked Importing a Fence Drape Drawing

Once you have defined the name of the Fence Drape:

 Select File > Import/Export > DXF Import

 This will open a Windows Explorer window, in which you should browse to the location of the
DXF file.
 Once you have selected it, click Open and the drawing will be imported into your gINT project
 gINT supports DXF release 12.

3.10 Surfaces
Before trying to work with Surfaces in gINT, you should verify that the Surfaces module has been
enabled. This is done by selecting the Additional Modules menu and ensuring that there is a next
to the Surfaces Support item; as illustrated below in Figure 12.

Figure 12 – Surfaces Support module

The Surfaces group allows you store surface definitions, such as the ground surface level, in your
project file. You can model a surface grid from your data by exporting it to a contouring program, like
Surfer, by using the File > Import/Export > Export Contouring Data option in the Input application.

Further information can be found on how to do this via the gINT Help menu; Help > Index and then
enter “Export Contouring Data” in the keyword field.

3.10.1 Importing Grid Files

If you have already created a surface grid file, you can import it into your gINT project file, which can
then be displayed on your Fence Reports.

Note: gINT only supports regularly spaced XY grid files in the GS ASCII file format

To add a Surface grid to your project file you should move to the Input | Surfaces group and click on
the (new) icon or select File > New.

 Enter a Name for the surface grid and optionally add a Description.

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User Guide 14 DGD-UG-002 - 2.02 - August 2014
 Select the Line Type, Enter a Thickness (in inches) and select a Line Colour
 Click on the Import Grid File button to open a Windows Explorer window; in which you
should browse to the location of the grid file
 Click on OK to import the surface file
Note: the thickness of the line is in inches, and a value approximately 0.01 is appropriate..

3.10.2 Importing Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) Files

Note: gINT only supports TIN files in the LandXML file format or gINT TIN (GTN) file format.

To add a Surface grid to your project file you should move to the Input | Surfaces group and click on
the (new) icon or select File > New.

Note: If there is more than one TIN surface in the file that you are trying to import, gINT will prompt you to
select which surface you wish to import.

 Enter a Name for the surface TIN and optionally add a Description.
 Select the Line Type, Enter a Thickness (in inches) and select a Line Colour
 Click on the Import TIN File button to open a Windows Explorer window; in which you
should browse to the location of the TIN file
 Click on OK to import the surface file

Figure 13 – TIN Surface

3.11 gINT Rules

gINT Rules are additional programed functions. Some automatically run as you enter data or move
through the INPUT application, others are run when an Add-In menu is called by the user.

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3.11.1 Activation
A license must be activated for these functions to run. Normally a Software Key type license is
provided. Please refer to Datgel’s fulfilment email.

3.11.2 Table and System events

A number of gINT Rules procedures are included in the Datgel DGD gINT Files program to validate
data entry, optimise data entry and calculate data. These include:

1. Validation that depths do not exceed the Hole Depth

2. Specimens lay within a sample range
3. Calculation of specimen description based on PSD and Atterberg data to BS and ASTM
4. Calculation of SPT data based on raw readings
5. Calculation of Core table data based on measured data
6. Calculation of DCP data
7. Calculation of Point Load Test data
8. Calculation of Data Marker and colour on the POINT table.

3.11.3 Add-In commands

Add-in commands are available from the menu INPUT | Add-Ins > Datgel DGD gINT Files, these

1. Field and Lab Description Comparison

2. Rock UCS Average Calculations
3. Point Load Test Form
4. Pre-populate Lab Data Entry Table
5. Licensing
6. About

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User Guide 16 DGD-UG-002 - 2.02 - August 2014
4 Output
4.1 Logs
Name Description

IS AU BOREHOLE 1 Non-cored borehole log for Australian market.

IS AU BOREHOLE 2 Non-cored borehole log for Australian market.
IS AU BOREHOLE 3 Non-cored borehole log for Australian market.
IS AU BOREHOLE Non-cored borehole log for Australian market.
IS AU CORED Cored borehole log for Australian market.
IS AU CORED Cored borehole log for Australian market.
IS AU CORED Cored borehole log for Australian market.
IS AU PAVEMENTS 1 Pavement / Test Pit Log for Australian market. Single field sketch per page for each
PointID. Each jpg/bmp file must be located and named: <path of project file>project
name> photoPointID>.jpg/bmp.
IS AU PAVEMENTS 2 Pavement Borehole / Test Pit Log for Australian market. Single field sketch per page for
each PointID. Each jpg/bmp file must be located and named: <path of project file>project
name> photoPointID>.jpg/bmp.
IS AU TEST PIT 1 Excavation / Test Pit Log for Australian market.
IS AU TEST PIT 2 Excavation / Test Pit Log. Single field sketch per page for each PointID. Each jpg/bmp file
must be located and named: <path of project file>project name> photoPointID>.jpg/bmp.
IS AU TEST PIT 3 Excavation / Test Pit Log for Australian market.
IS COASTAL BOREHOLE Borehole log for coastal construction A4P.
IS COASTAL BOREHOLE Borehole log for coastal construction A4P.
IS DCP Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Log.
IS DCP 3 PER PAGE Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Log - 3 Per Page.
IS DCP WITH TEXT AND DCP Log with Text and Plot.
IS HK BOREHOLE 1 Hong Kong Log. For the HKQAA logo to print, the ISO and Certificate numbers must be
entered in DATA DESIGN | User System Data. If those fields do not exist, they must be
added. They are called: HKQAA_ISO and HKQAA_Certificate. Adapted from Bentley's
AGS4 Standard gINT Files.
IS HK BOREHOLE 2 Hong Kong Log. For the HKQAA logo to print, the ISO and Certificate numbers must be
entered in DATA DESIGN | User System Data. If those fields do not exist, they must be
added. They are called: HKQAA_ISO and HKQAA_Certificate. Adapted from Bentley's
AGS4 Standard gINT Files.
IS MY BOREHOLE 1 Borehole log for Malaysian market.
IS NZ BOREHOLE NZ Contaminated Land Smart Borehole/Test Pit/Well Log.
IS NZ DRILLHOLE 1 Hybrid drillhole Log.
IS NZ DRILLHOLE 2 Hybrid borehole Log.
IS NZ DRILLHOLE 3 Hybrid drillhole Log.

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IS NZ SCALAR Scalar Penetrometer Log.
IS NZ TEST PIT 2 Trial Pit Log.
IS NZ TEST PIT 3 Test Pit Log with scalar.
IS NZ TEST PIT HAND Test Pit or Hand Auger Log.
IS OFFSHORE Offshore borehole log with lab and cptu plots A3P
IS OFFSHORE Summary offshore borehole log with lab and cptu plots A3P.
IS SG BOREHOLE 1 Land Transport Authority Singapore borehole log report.
IS SG BOREHOLE 2 Housing Development Board (HDB) Singapore borehole log report. GWL source is
Piezometer reading with Display on Log checked.
IS SG BOREHOLE 2 Housing Development Board (HDB) Singapore borehole log report with all pages on one
MULT HZT sheet distributed horizontally. GWL source is Piezometer reading with Display on Log
IS SPT DESIGN LINE SPT Design Line vs Depth log report. Datgel DGD gINT Files / Datgel Lab and In Situ
IS UK BOREHOLE UK Borehole Log. Adapted from Bentley's AGS4 Standard gINT Files.
IS UK DRILLHOLE UK Drillhole Log. Adapted from Bentley's AGS4 Standard gINT Files.
IS UK DYNAMIC PROBE Dynamic Probe Log. Adapted from Bentley's AGS4 Standard gINT Files.
IS UK STATIC CONE Static Cone Penetrometer Log. Adapted from Bentley's AGS4 Standard gINT Files.
IS UK TRIAL PIT UK Trial Pit Log. Adapted from Bentley's AGS4 Standard gINT Files.
IS VIBROCORE 1 Vibrocore log for coastal construction A4P.
IS VIBROCORE 2 Vibrocore log for coastal construction A4P.
IS VIBROCORE 3 Vibrocore log for coastal construction A4P.
IS VIBROCORE 4 Vibrocore log for coastal construction A3L.

4.2 Fences
Name Description

FENCE A3L Fence – A3 paper size – Landscape orientation with a site map
FENCE A3L NO PLAN Fence – A3 paper size – Landscape orientation without a site map
FENCE A4L Fence – A4 paper size – Landscape orientation with a site map
FENCE A4L NO PLAN Fence – A4 paper size – Landscape orientation without a site map

4.3 Graphs
Name Description

A IS CH VS DEPTH BY PTID Horizontal coefficient of consolidation from dissipation, ch verses Depth with data
marker grouped by PointID.
A IS CH VS DEPTH BY UNIT Horizontal coefficient of consolidation from dissipation, ch versus Depth with data
marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A IS CH VS RL BY PTID Horizontal coefficient of consolidation from dissipation, ch verses Elevation with
data marker grouped by PointID.
A IS CH VS RL BY UNIT Horizontal coefficient of consolidation from dissipation, ch versus Elevation with
data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.

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Name Description

A IS CPT NORMALISED SU VS Undrained Shear Strength / Effective Vertical Stress (Normalised Undrained Shear
DEPTH BY PTID Strength) verses Depth with data marker grouped by PointID.
A IS CPT NORMALISED SU VS Undrained Shear Strength / Effective Vertical Stress (Normalised Undrained Shear
DEPTH BY UNIT Strength) versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A IS CPT NORMALISED SU VS Undrained Shear Strength / Effective Vertical Stress (Normalised Undrained Shear
RL BY PTID Strength) verses Elevation with data marker grouped by PointID.
A IS CPT NORMALISED SU VS Undrained Shear Strength / Effective Vertical Stress (Normalised Undrained Shear
RL BY UNIT Strength) versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit
A IS SPT (N1)60 VS DEPTH BY Corrected SPT (N1)60 Value verses Depth with data marker grouped by PointID.
A IS SPT (N1)60 VS DEPTH BY Corrected SPT (N1)60 Value versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped
UNIT by Geology Unit 1.
A IS SPT (N1)60 VS RL BY PTID Corrected SPT (N1)60 Value verses Elevation with data marker grouped by
A IS SPT (N1)60 VS RL BY UNIT Corrected SPT (N1)60 Value versus Elevation with data marker and colour
grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A IS SPT N VS DEPTH BY PTID Uncorrected SPT N Value verses Depth with data marker grouped by PointID.
A IS SPT N VS DEPTH BY UNIT Uncorrected SPT N Value versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by
Geology Unit 1.
A IS SPT N VS RL BY PTID Uncorrected SPT N Value verses Elevation with data marker grouped by PointID.
A IS SPT N VS RL BY UNIT Uncorrected SPT N Value versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped
by Geology Unit 1.
A IS SPT N60 VS DEPTH BY Corrected SPT N60 Value verses Depth with data marker grouped by PointID.
A IS SPT N60 VS DEPTH BY Corrected SPT N60 Value versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by
UNIT Geology Unit 1.
A IS SPT N60 VS RL BY PTID Corrected SPT N60 Value verses Elevation with data marker grouped by PointID.
A IS SPT N60 VS RL BY UNIT Corrected SPT N60 Value versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped
by Geology Unit 1.
A L CH CACO3 VS DEPTH BY CaCO3 versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L CH CACO3 VS DEPTH BY CaCO3 versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L CH CACO3 VS RL BY PTID CaCO3 versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L CH CACO3 VS RL BY UNIT CaCO3 versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L CH CACO3 VS UCS BY PTID CaCO3 versus UCS with data marker grouped by PointID.
A L CH CACO3 VS UCS BY CaCO3 versus UCS with data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L CH CHLORIDE VS DEPTH Chloride versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L CH CHLORIDE VS DEPTH Chloride versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L CH CHLORIDE VS RL BY Chloride versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L CH CHLORIDE VS RL BY Chloride versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L CH ORGANIC CONTENT VS Organic Matter Content versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by

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Name Description

A L CH ORGANIC CONTENT VS Organic Matter Content versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by
DEPTH BY UNIT Geology Unit 1.
A L CH ORGANIC CONTENT VS Organic Matter Content versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by
A L CH ORGANIC CONTENT VS Organic Matter Content versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by
RL BY UNIT Geology Unit 1.
A L CH PH VS DEPTH BY PTID pH versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L CH PH VS DEPTH BY UNIT pH versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L CH PH VS RL BY PTID pH versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L CH PH VS RL BY UNIT pH versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L CH RESISTIVITY VS DEPTH Resistivity versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L CH RESISTIVITY VS DEPTH Resistivity versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L CH RESISTIVITY VS RL BY Resistivity versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L CH RESISTIVITY VS RL BY Resistivity versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit
A L CH SULFATE VS DEPTH BY Sulfate versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L CH SULFATE VS DEPTH BY Sulfate versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L CH SULFATE VS RL BY Sulfate versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L CH SULFATE VS RL BY Sulfate versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L CR CBR SWELL VS CBR Swell versus Chainage with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L CR CBR SWELL VS CBR Swell versus Chainage with data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit
A L CR CBR SWELL VS DEPTH CBR Swell versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L CR CBR SWELL VS DEPTH CBR Swell versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L CR CBR SWELL VS PI BY CBR Swell versus Plasticity Index with data marker and colour grouped by
A L CR CBR SWELL VS PI BY CBR Swell versus Plasticity Index with data marker and colour grouped by
UNIT Geology Unit 1.
A L CR CBR SWELL VS RL BY CBR Swell versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L CR CBR SWELL VS RL BY CBR Swell versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit
A L CR CBR VS CHAINAGE BY CBR versus Chainage with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L CR CBR VS CHAINAGE BY CBR versus Chainage with data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L CR CBR VS DEPTH BY PTID CBR versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L CR CBR VS DEPTH BY UNIT CBR versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L CR CBR VS PI BY PTID CBR versus Plasticity Index with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.

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Name Description

A L CR CBR VS PI BY UNIT CBR versus Plasticity Index with data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit
A L CR CBR VS RL BY PTID CBR versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L CR CBR VS RL BY UNIT CBR versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L CR DD VS MC BY PTID Dry Density versus Moisture Content with data marker grouped by PointID.
A L CR DD VS MC BY UNIT Dry Density versus Moisture Content with data marker and colour grouped by
Geology Unit 1.
A L CR MDD VS OMC BY PTID MDD versus OMC with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L CR MDD VS OMC BY UNIT MDD versus OMC with data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L CR OMC VS FMC/OMC BY OMC versus FMC/OMC with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L CR OMC VS FMC/OMC BY OMC versus FMC/OMC with data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L CR OMC VS NATURAL MC OMC versus Natural MC with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L CR OMC VS NATURAL MC OMC versus Natural MC with data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L CS ATTERBERG BY PTID Plasticity Index vs. Liquid Limit with data marker by PointID.
A L CS ATTERBERG BY PTID Plasticity Index vs. Liquid Limit with data marker by PointID.
A L CS ATTERBERG BY Plasticity Index vs. Liquid Limit with data marker by specimen.
A L CS ATTERBERG BY UNIT Plasticity Index vs. Liquid Limit with data marker and colour grouped by Geology
Unit 1.
A L CS ATTERBERG BY UNIT Plasticity Index vs. Liquid Limit with data marker and colour grouped by Geology
A4L Unit 1.
A L CS BULK DENSITY VS Wet/Bulk Density versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L CS BULK DENSITY VS Wet/Bulk Density versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by Geology
A L CS BULK DENSITY VS RL Wet/Bulk Density versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by
A L CS BULK DENSITY VS RL Wet/Bulk Density versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by
BY UNIT Geology Unit 1.
A L CS DRY DENSITY VS Dry Density versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L CS DRY DENSITY VS Dry Density versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L CS DRY DENSITY VS RL BY Dry Density versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L CS DRY DENSITY VS RL BY Dry Density versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by Geology
UNIT Unit 1.
A L CS EMERSON CRUMB VS Emerson Class Number versus Chainage with data marker and colour grouped by
A L CS EMERSON CRUMB VS Emerson Class Number versus Chainage with data marker and colour grouped by
CHAINAGE BY UNIT Geology Unit 1.
A L CS EMERSON CRUMB VS Emerson Crumb versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L CS EMERSON CRUMB VS Emerson Crumb versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by Geology

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Name Description
A L CS EMERSON CRUMB VS Emerson Crumb versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by
A L CS EMERSON CRUMB VS Emerson Crumb versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by
RL BY UNIT Geology Unit 1.
A L CS HAND VANE VS DEPTH Hand Vane Undrained Shear Strength versus Depth with data marker and colour
BY PTID grouped by PointID.
A L CS HAND VANE VS DEPTH Hand Vane Undrained Shear Strength versus Depth with data marker and colour
BY UNIT grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L CS HAND VANE VS RL BY Hand Vane Undrained Shear Strength versus Elevation with data marker and
PTID colour grouped by PointID.
A L CS HAND VANE VS RL BY Hand Vane Undrained Shear Strength versus Elevation with data marker and
UNIT colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L CS INDEX PROPS VS Index Properties (WC, PL, LL, Fines) vs. Depth.
A L CS INDEX PROPS VS Index Properties (MC, PL, LL) vs. Depth with data marker and colour grouped by
A L CS INDEX PROPS VS Index Properties (MC, PL, LL) vs. Depth with data marker and colour grouped by
DEPTH BY UNIT Geology Unit 1.
A L CS INDEX PROPS VS Index Properties (WC, PL, LL, Fines) vs. Depth, each PointID on new page.
A L CS INDEX PROPS VS RL Index Properties (WC, PL, LL, Fines) vs. Elevation.
A L CS INDEX PROPS VS RL BY Index Properties (MC, PL, LL) vs. Elevation with data marker and colour grouped
PTID by PointID.
A L CS INDEX PROPS VS RL BY Index Properties (MC, PL, LL) vs. Elevation with data marker and colour grouped
UNIT by Geology Unit 1.
A L CS INDEX PROPS VS RL Index Properties (WC, PL, LL, Fines) vs. Elevation, each PointID on new page.
A L CS LINEAR SHRINKAGE VS Linear Shrinkage versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L CS LINEAR SHRINKAGE VS Linear Shrinkage versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by Geology
A L CS LINEAR SHRINKAGE VS Linear Shrinkage versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by
A L CS LINEAR SHRINKAGE VS Linear Shrinkage versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by
RL BY UNIT Geology Unit 1.
A L CS LIQUID LIMIT VS DEPTH Liquid Limit versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L CS LIQUID LIMIT VS DEPTH Liquid Limit versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L CS LIQUID LIMIT VS RL BY Liquid Limit versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L CS LIQUID LIMIT VS RL BY Liquid Limit versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by Geology
UNIT Unit 1.
A L CS LIQUIDITY INDEX VS Liquidity Index versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L CS LIQUIDITY INDEX VS Liquidity Index versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit
A L CS LIQUIDITY INDEX VS RL Liquidity Index versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.

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Name Description

A L CS LIQUIDITY INDEX VS RL Liquidity Index versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by Geology
BY UNIT Unit 1.
A L CS MC VS DEPTH BY PTID Moisture Content versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L CS MC VS DEPTH BY UNIT Moisture Content versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by Geology
Unit 1.
A L CS MC VS RL BY PTID Moisture Content versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by
A L CS MC VS RL BY UNIT Moisture Content versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by
Geology Unit 1.
A L CS PARTICLE DENSITY VS Particle Density versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L CS PARTICLE DENSITY VS Particle Density versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by Geology
A L CS PARTICLE DENSITY VS Particle Density versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L CS PARTICLE DENSITY VS Particle Density versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by Geology
RL BY UNIT Unit 1.
A L CS PC CLAY/PC FINES VS Percent Clay / Percent Fines versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped
A L CS PC CLAY/PC FINES VS Percent Clay / Percent Fines versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped
DEPTH BY UNIT by Geology Unit 1.
A L CS PC CLAY/PC FINES VS Percent Clay / Percent Fines versus Elevation with data marker and colour
RL BY PTID grouped by PointID.
A L CS PC CLAY/PC FINES VS Percent Clay / Percent Fines versus Elevation with data marker and colour
RL BY UNIT grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L CS PERCENT CLAY VS Percent Clay versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L CS PERCENT CLAY VS Percent Clay versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit
A L CS PERCENT CLAY VS RL Percent Clay versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L CS PERCENT CLAY VS RL Percent Clay versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by Geology
BY UNIT Unit 1.
A L CS PERCENT FINES VS Percent Fines versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L CS PERCENT FINES VS Percent Fines versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit
A L CS PERCENT FINES VS RL Percent Fines versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L CS PERCENT FINES VS RL Percent Fines versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by Geology
BY UNIT Unit 1.
A L CS PERCENT SAND VS Percent Sand versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L CS PERCENT SAND VS Percent Sand versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit
A L CS PERCENT SAND VS RL Percent Sand versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L CS PERCENT SAND VS RL Percent Sand versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by Geology
BY UNIT Unit 1.
A L CS PI VS PERCENT CLAY Plasticity Index versus Percent Clay with data marker grouped by PointID.

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User Guide 23 DGD-UG-002 - 2.02 - August 2014
Name Description
A L CS PI VS PERCENT CLAY Plasticity Index versus Percent Clay with data marker grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L CS PLASTIC LIMIT VS Plastic Limit versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L CS PLASTIC LIMIT VS Plastic Limit versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L CS PLASTIC LIMIT VS RL Plastic Limit versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L CS PLASTIC LIMIT VS RL Plastic Limit versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by Geology
BY UNIT Unit 1.
A L CS PLASTICITY INDEX VS Plasticity Index versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L CS PLASTICITY INDEX VS Plasticity Index versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by Geology
A L CS PLASTICITY INDEX VS Plasticity Index versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L CS PLASTICITY INDEX VS Plasticity Index versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by Geology
RL BY UNIT Unit 1.
A L CS PP UCS VS DEPTH BY Pocket penetrometer UCS versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by
A L CS PP UCS VS DEPTH BY Pocket penetrometer UCS versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by
UNIT Geology Unit 1.
A L CS PP UCS VS RL BY PTID Pocket penetrometer UCS versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped
by PointID.
A L CS PP UCS VS RL BY UNIT Pocket penetrometer UCS versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped
by Geology Unit 1.
A L CS PSD 10 PER PAGE 10 PSD per page with classification and PSD data. Includes data from sieve and
SUMMARY sedimentation (hydrometer) tables.
A L CS PSD 20 PER PAGE 20 PSD per page summary. Includes data from sieve and sedimentation
SUMMARY (hydrometer) tables.
A L CS PSD ENVELOPE Summary of many PSD on one graph with envelope data. Data from sieve and
SUMMARY sedimentation (hydrometer) tables.
A L CS PSD ENVELOPE Summary of many PSD on one graph with envelope data with data marker and
SUMMARY BY PTID colour grouped by PointID.
A L CS PSD ENVELOPE Summary of many PSD on one graph with envelope data with data marker and
SUMMARY BY PTID A4L colour grouped by PointID.
A L CS PSD ENVELOPE Summary of many PSD on one graph with envelope data with data marker and
SUMMARY BY UNIT colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L CS PSD ENVELOPE Summary of many PSD on one graph with envelope data with data marker and
SUMMARY BY UNIT A4L colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L R POINT LOAD LOG VS Point Load Index versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L R POINT LOAD LOG VS Point Load Index versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by Geology
A L R POINT LOAD LOG VS RL Point Load Index versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by
A L R POINT LOAD LOG VS RL Point Load Index versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by
BY UNIT Geology Unit 1.
A L R POINT LOAD VS Point Load Index versus Chainage with data marker and colour grouped by

DGD gINT Files Datgel

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Name Description

A L R POINT LOAD VS Point Load Index versus Chainage with data marker and colour grouped by
CHAINAGE BY UNIT Geology Unit 1.
A L R POINT LOAD VS DEPTH Point Load Index versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L R POINT LOAD VS DEPTH Point Load Index versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by Geology
BY UNIT Unit 1.
A L R POINT LOAD VS RL BY Point Load Index versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by
A L R POINT LOAD VS RL BY Point Load Index versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by
UNIT Geology Unit 1.
A L R POINT LOAD VS UCS BY Point Load Index versus UCS with data marker grouped by PointID.
A L R POINT LOAD VS UCS BY Point Load Index versus UCS with data marker and colour grouped by Geology
UNIT Unit 1.
A L R TENSILE STRENGTH VS Tensile Strength versus Depth with data marker grouped by PointID.
A L R TENSILE STRENGTH VS Tensile Strength versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by Geology
A L R TENSILE STRENGTH VS Tensile Strength versus Elevation with data marker grouped by PointID.
A L R TENSILE STRENGTH VS Tensile Strength versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by
RL BY UNIT Geology Unit 1.
A L R UCS VS CHAINAGE BY Uniaxial Compressive Strength versus Chainage with data marker and colour
PTID grouped by PointID.
A L R UCS VS CHAINAGE BY Uniaxial Compressive Strength versus Chainage with data marker and colour
UNIT grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L R UCS VS DEPTH BY PTID UCS versus Depth with data marker grouped by PointID.
A L R UCS VS DEPTH BY UNIT UCS versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L R UCS VS DRY DENSITY BY UCS versus Dry Density with data marker grouped by PointID. Average of Dry
PTID Density from the same sample +/- 0.5m the UCS depth.
A L R UCS VS DRY DENSITY BY UCS versus Dry Density with data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
UNIT Average of Dry Density from the same sample +/- 0.5m the UCS depth.
A L R UCS VS MOISTURE UCS versus Moisture Content with data marker grouped by PointID.
A L R UCS VS MOISTURE UCS versus Moisture Content with data marker and colour grouped by Geology
A L R UCS VS RL BY PTID UCS versus Elevation with data marker grouped by PointID.
A L R UCS VS RL BY UNIT UCS versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L R UCS VS YOUNGS UCS versus Young's Modulus with data marker grouped by PointID.
A L R UCS VS YOUNGS UCS versus Young's Modulus with data marker and colour grouped by Geology
A L R YOUNGS MODULUS VS Young's Modulus versus Depth with data marker grouped by PointID.
A L R YOUNGS MODULUS VS Young's Modulus versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by Geology
A L R YOUNGS MODULUS VS Young's Modulus versus Elevation with data marker grouped by PointID.
A L R YOUNGS MODULUS VS Young's Modulus versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by
RL BY UNIT Geology Unit 1.

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Name Description

A L S 1D CONSOL CA VS Coefficient of Secondary Compression (C alpha) from 1D Consolidation versus

DEPTH BY PTID Depth with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L S 1D CONSOL CA VS Coefficient of Secondary Compression (C alpha) from 1D Consolidation versus
DEPTH BY UNIT Depth with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L S 1D CONSOL CA VS RL BY Coefficient of Secondary Compression (C alpha) from 1D Consolidation versus
PTID Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L S 1D CONSOL CA VS RL BY Coefficient of Secondary Compression (C alpha) from 1D Consolidation versus
UNIT Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L S 1D CONSOL CA VS SIGV0 Coefficient of Secondary Compression (C alpha) versus Vertical Effective Stress.
A L S 1D CONSOL CAE VS Secondary Compression Index (Cae) from 1D Consolidation versus Depth with
DEPTH BY PTID data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L S 1D CONSOL CAE VS Secondary Compression Index (Cae) from 1D Consolidation versus Depth with
DEPTH BY UNIT data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L S 1D CONSOL CAE VS RL Secondary Compression Index (Cae) from 1D Consolidation versus Elevation with
BY PTID data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L S 1D CONSOL CAE VS RL Secondary Compression Index (Cae) from 1D Consolidation versus Elevation with
BY UNIT data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L S 1D CONSOL CAE VS Secondary Compression Index (Cae) versus Vertical Effective Stress.
A L S 1D CONSOL CC VS Compression Index (Cc) from 1D Consolidation versus Depth with data marker
DEPTH BY PTID and colour grouped by PointID.
A L S 1D CONSOL CC VS Compression Index (Cc) from 1D Consolidation versus Depth with data marker
DEPTH BY UNIT and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L S 1D CONSOL CC VS RL BY Compression Index (Cc) from 1D Consolidation versus Elevation with data marker
PTID and colour grouped by PointID.
A L S 1D CONSOL CC VS RL BY Compression Index (Cc) from 1D Consolidation versus Elevation with data marker
UNIT and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L S 1D CONSOL CR VS Recompression Compression Index (Cr) from 1D Consolidation versus Depth with
DEPTH BY PTID data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L S 1D CONSOL CR VS Recompression Compression Index (Cr) from 1D Consolidation versus Depth with
DEPTH BY UNIT data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L S 1D CONSOL CR VS RL BY Recompression Compression Index (Cr) from 1D Consolidation versus Elevation
PTID with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L S 1D CONSOL CR VS RL BY Recompression Compression Index (Cr) from 1D Consolidation versus Elevation
UNIT with data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L S 1D CONSOL CV VS SIGV0 Coefficient of Consolidation versus Vertical Effective Stress.
A L S 1D CONSOL E0 VS Initial Voids Ratio (e0) from 1D Consolidation versus Depth with data marker and
DEPTH BY PTID colour grouped by PointID.
A L S 1D CONSOL E0 VS Initial Voids Ratio (e0) from 1D Consolidation versus Depth with data marker and
DEPTH BY UNIT colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L S 1D CONSOL E0 VS RL BY Initial Voids Ratio (e0) from 1D Consolidation versus Elevation with data marker
PTID and colour grouped by PointID.
A L S 1D CONSOL E0 VS RL BY Initial Voids Ratio (e<<SUB>>0<<SUB>>) from 1D Consolidation versus Elevation
UNIT with data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L S 1D CONSOL E0 VS SIGV0 Initial Voids Ratio (e0) from 1D Consolidation versus Vertical Effective Stress with
A4L BY PTID data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L S 1D CONSOL E0 VS SIGV0 Initial Voids Ratio (e0) from 1D Consolidation versus Vertical Effective Stress.
A L S 1D CONSOL E0 VS SIGV0 Initial Voids Ratio (e0) from 1D Consolidation versus Vertical Effective Stress with

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Name Description
A4L BY UNIT data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L S 1D CONSOL E0 VS SIGV0 Initial Voids Ratio (e0) from 1D Consolidation versus Vertical Effective Stress.
A L S 1D CONSOL OCR VS Over Consolidation Ratio (OCR) from 1D Consolidation versus Depth with data
DEPTH BY PTID marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L S 1D CONSOL OCR VS Over Consolidation Ratio (OCR) from 1D Consolidation versus Depth with data
DEPTH BY UNIT marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L S 1D CONSOL OCR VS RL Over Consolidation Ratio (OCR) from 1D Consolidation versus Elevation with data
BY PTID marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L S 1D CONSOL OCR VS RL Over Consolidation Ratio (OCR) from 1D Consolidation versus Elevation with data
BY UNIT marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L S 1D CONSOL P0 VS Preconsolidation Pressure (P'0) from 1D Consolidation versus Depth with data
DEPTH BY PTID marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L S 1D CONSOL P0 VS Preconsolidation Pressure (P'0) from 1D Consolidation versus Depth with data
DEPTH BY UNIT marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L S 1D CONSOL P0 VS RL BY Preconsolidation Pressure (P'0) from 1D Consolidation versus Elevation with data
PTID marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L S 1D CONSOL P0 VS RL BY Preconsolidation Pressure (P'0) from 1D Consolidation versus Elevation with data
UNIT marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L S OCR VS DEPTH BY Overconsolidation Ratio versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped
SOURCE Source. Datgel DGD gINT Files / Datgel Lab and In Situ Tool. Copyright (c) 2014
Datgel Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
A L S P-WAVE VS DEPTH BY P-Wave versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L S P-WAVE VS DEPTH BY P-Wave versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L S P-WAVE VS RL BY PTID P-Wave versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L S P-WAVE VS RL BY UNIT P-Wave versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L S SENSITIVITY VS DEPTH Sensitivity versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped Source. Datgel
BY SOURCE DGD gINT Files / Datgel Lab and In Situ Tool. Copyright (c) 2014 Datgel Pty Ltd.
All rights reserved.
A L S SU VS DEPTH BY PTID Undrained Shear Strength versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by
A L S SU VS DEPTH BY UNIT Undrained Shear Strength versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by
Geology Unit 1.
A L S SU VS QNET Undrained Shear Strength from lab and in situ tests versus CPTU qnet.
A L S SU VS RL BY PTID Undrained Shear Strength versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped
by PointID.
A L S SU VS RL BY UNIT Undrained Shear Strength versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped
by Geology Unit 1.
A L S S-WAVE VS DEPTH BY S-Wave versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L S S-WAVE VS DEPTH BY S-Wave versus Depth with data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L S S-WAVE VS RL BY PTID S-Wave versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by PointID.
A L S S-WAVE VS RL BY UNIT S-Wave versus Elevation with data marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L S TRIAXIAL EU VS DEPTH Undrained Young's Modulus, Eu from Triaxial versus Depth with data marker and
BY PTID colour grouped by PointID.
A L S TRIAXIAL EU VS DEPTH Undrained Young's Modulus (Eu) from Triaxial versus Depth with data marker and
BY UNIT colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.

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Name Description

A L S TRIAXIAL EU VS RL BY Undrained Young's Modulus (Eu) from Triaxial versus Elevation with data marker
PTID and colour grouped by PointID.
A L S TRIAXIAL EU VS RL BY Undrained Young's Modulus (Eu) from Triaxial versus Elevation with data marker
UNIT and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.
A L S TRIAXIAL SU VS EU BY Undrained Shear Strength (su) versus Undrained Young's Modulus (Eu) with data
PTID marker grouped by PointID.
A L S TRIAXIAL SU VS EU BY Undrained Shear Strength (su) versus Undrained Young's Modulus (Eu) with data
UNIT marker and colour grouped by Geology Unit 1.

Table 2 – Graph User Report Variables

Name Notes

Title Report title

Drawn Enter person’s initials / name
Drawn Date Enter a date
Checked Enter person’s initials / name
Checked Date Enter a date
Scale Text Default text is already entered, otherwise enter text
Figure Number Enter text
Revision Enter text
Sheet Enter text

4.4 Histograms
Name Description

A IS R RQD RQD histogram

A IS S SPT N SPT N Histogram
A L CR CBR CBR histogram
A L CS PSD FINES CONTENT Fines content histogram with statistics, count and frequency axes
A L CS R BULK DENSITY Soil and Rock Bulk Density Histogram
A L R POINT LOAD INDEX Point Load Index histogram for all or selected test types
A L R UCS UCS histogram for all or selected test types

4.5 Graphic Tables

Name Description

A L G RESULTS SUMMARY Summary of Laboratory Test Results


4.6 Text Tables

Name Description

LAB SOIL PSD Sieve data text table

LAB SOIL PSD SUMMARY Summary of PSD test results

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4.7 Graphic Text Documents
None in library

4.8 Text Documents

None in library

4.9 Site Maps

Name Description

MAP A3L A3 landscape orientation

MAP A4L A4 landscape orientation

Table 3 – Site Maps User Report Variables

Name Notes

Scale Enter an override scale (optional)

Min E Enter an minimum easting value to override the calculate value (optional)
Min N Enter an northing value to override the calculate value (optional)

Site maps of many page sizes and orientations have been set up, and they all operate the same way.
The scale and minimum E and N are automatically calculated based on the PointIDs you chose to
output (either by filter or pick list), and can be overridden by adding data to the “Scale”, “Min E”, and
“Min N” user report variables.

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5 Convert Projects
There can be differences in the data structure between versions of the DGD gINT files. This means old
files should be converted to the new format which can be done very easily using gINT.

To convert your existing gINT project (*.gpj) files into the newer version format, you MUST be using
the newer library file.

1. Open gINT. Check you are using the newer library file. This is important as you could lose data
if you are not.
2. Go to Utilities | Convert Projects
3. For Data Template, select the file newer data template dgd #.##.gdt
4. For Correspondence File, select the file dgd <old #.##> to dgd <new #.##>
<##>.gci. A correspondence file is not always needed if, hence often this can be left blank.
A correspondence is needed when an existing field or table name was changed or we need to
move data from one field to another during conversion.
5. In the box Convert Files, select the project files you want to convert. You may list several
projects in this box.
The converted project retains the original file name. The original project will be stored in the same
directory with the extension .org.

Figure 14 – Convert Projects

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6 AGS Support
The DGD gINT Files supports the import and export of a range of AGS Format versions, including: AGS
3.1, AGS 3.1(SG), AGS4, AGS4 NZ

gINT allows AGS import, export, checking and editing in excel and text editors. All of these functions
can be accessed from within the Input application.

AGS File Commands are located in INPUT | File > AGS Files.

Note: The field AGS Edition, found on the Transmission Information Export table, must always be set.

6.1 Importing AGS Data

In Input, select the File > AGS File > Import from AGS File menu item and the following dialog

Figure 15 – Import from AGS File

Supply the path and name of the AGS file in the first field. Then specify the Correspondence File ags
3.1 to dgd 2.## (sg) ##.gci. The Correspondence File will map the AGS data structures to the
appropriate gINT tables and fields. The program remembers the correspondence file between sessions
so once you have specified one, you will never have to specify it again, as long as you use the same

If you are importing to a new project, the Overwrite Option doesn't matter: there is nothing to overwrite.
If you are importing to a project that already has data, the choice of the Overwrite Option can be very
important. Refer to the gINT Online Help Overwrite Options section for an explanation.

See Section 6.3 – AGS Checker below for details on the Check file before import option.

6.2 Exporting AGS Data

To export your data to an AGS file, select the File > AGS Files > Export to AGS File menu item in the
Input application. That will export the currently active project. The following dialog appears:

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Figure 16 – Export to AGS File
Supply the path and name of the AGS file (it MUST have an ags extension for proper export) in the
AGS File field. You must also supply the correspondence file dgd 2.## to ags 3.1 ##.gcx. Like
the import dialog, the program will remember the selected correspondence file between sessions.

You can also select particular Holes (PointIDs) to export using the Select Points field. If left blank, all
PointIDs will be exported. You can type the PointIDs in the field by separating each with a comma or
you can use the browse button at the right of the field to pick from the list of PointIDs defined in the
current project:

Figure 17 – Select Points to Export

6.3 AGS Checker

Refer to the separate document Procedures for Checking AGS (SG) Data.

6.4 Editing AGS Files

6.4.1 Editing in Excel®

In the Input application, select the File > AGS Files > Edit AGS File in Excel® menu item. This option
will not be available to you if you do not have Excel installed. On invoking the command, the following
dialog appears:

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Figure 18 – Editing AGS Files in Excel®
Select the desired AGS file in the first field.

The Data Structure in Excel field has the following choices:

 All data in one worksheet

 Each dataset in a separate worksheet

With the latter option, each AGS group is placed on its own worksheet in the spread sheet file with the
worksheet named by the AGS group.

If the Consolidate <CONT> lines check box is marked, continued heading, units, and data lines are
combined into one line so that there are no continuations.

If you wish to view lines in the file where errors were pointed out in the AGS File Checker set, use the
following configuration:

 Set Data Structure In Excel to All data in one worksheet

 Do not mark Consolidate <CONT> lines

With this configuration the worksheet will match the line numbers given in the AGS File Checker log.
However, the program will not recreate the AGS file from any edits you make in this mode. For edits in
Excel to be saved, the Consolidate <CONT> lines property must be marked.

If you wish to actually edit the file in Excel, you must mark the Consolidate <CONT> lines property. The
program will not recreate the AGS from the Excel spreadsheet without this property being marked. To
facilitate editing, it is also better to select Each dataset in a separate worksheet for the Data Structure in
Excel property. This makes finding data and adding new rows much easier.

Note that while you are in the spreadsheet, you will not be able to access gINT.

If you have marked the Consolidate <CONT> lines property, make changes in Excel, and then save the
file, on returning to gINT, the program will recreate the original AGS file based on the new data. Quotes
will be put around all data cells and lines broken appropriately to satisfy the 240 character limit imposed
by the AGS standard.

If you do select the Each dataset in a separate worksheet option, you may find some worksheet tabs
with some strange looking names. For example, Excel does not allow the ? character. ? is a required
group prefix for tables not in the AGS specification. The program translates ? to %%d, so a worksheet
tab may read %%dABCD. If the AGS file is recreated from the spreadsheet, the program will translate
these codes back to their original characters.

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6.4.2 Editing in a Text Editor
In the Input application, select the File > AGS Files > Edit AGS File in Text Editor. On invoking the
command a standard Windows file open dialog appears. Select the desired file and click the Open
button. gINT will launch the default Windows text editor (e.g. Notepad or WordPad, depending on
operating system). Make whatever edits you wish.

We recommend using one of the follwing freeware text editors

 Notepad2 available from

 Notepad++ available from

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7 Configuring Logos in the Library
7.1 Import a new raster file
This is done in SYMBOL DESIGN | Bitmap Symbols.

To overwrite an existing raster with a new one:

1. Select the item from the object selector list

2. Open the Page Properties

3. Using the Load Raster File browse, select the file you wish to import, and click OK

To add a new organisation and raster:

1. Create a new page

2. Enter the Name, Description
3. Using the Load Raster File browse, select the file you wish to import, and click OK

7.2 How to add a new Office

1. Import the raster file as described in section 7.1
2. Navigate to DATA DESIGN | Library Data, and open table DG_COM_OFFICE

Figure 19 – DG_COM_OFFICE
3. Copy an existing record, and update the Office, and Contractor Logo or Engineer Logo fields

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4. Return to INPUT, and on the Project table select new item in the Office field. If you generally
wish to use the new office for your projects, then set it as the field default, and make a new
data template.

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8 Material and Geology Unit Graphics
8.1 Graphic
The symbols/hatches for the primary material graphic stored in STRATA_MAIN.Graphic, is configured in
SYMBOL DESIGN | Material. You may design more graphics here, but note to comply with AGS 3.1
and AGS 4 you need to use the 3 number codes.

For instructions on how to design a composite symbols using gINT, refer to on-line help topic
Composite Symbols (symbols) and the Datgel gINT Training Manual.

8.2 Geology Unit 1, 2 & 3

Geology Unit lists are stored in the Project database on like named tables in the Lists table group.

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9 gINT Program updates
Call Help > About gINT to display the version software that is running.

The latest full installation package for gINT may be downloaded from Bentley’s SELECT services
website: Your user account needs the right to download
software. Alternatively, the latest good version of gINT is available from

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10 Tutorial
10.1 Preliminary settings for tutorials
1. Install and license gINT and the DGD gINT Files DLL program.
2. For the tutorial copy the dgd custom gINT files (*.gpj, *.gdt, *.glb, *.gcx, *.gci,
*.gas) to a folder titled c:\Datgel Training\.
3. Open gINT
4. Open the dgd lib 2.##.glb library using the command File > Change Library. If you’re
running trial version, the library will be read-only and the design applications will be hidden.
5. Launch File > System Properties, and configure the following on the first tab.

6. Refer to section 2.3 Configure Optimal System Properties for further instruction.

10.2 Data entry of a borehole

10.2.1 Make a new project by cloning data template

To make a new Access Project File:

1. Run the command INPUT | File > New Project or the (new) icon > Clone Data Template…
2. Browse to the data template dgd 2.##.gdt, and click Open
3. Name the new project file Tutorial.gpj, and click Save

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10.2.2 Enter data Project Point
 Use Tab or right arrow to move to the next cell.
 F2 will make a cell editable.
 Ctrl+Enter to move to next line

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To rename a PointID, simply change the name in the POINT table PointID field. Strata Main

Note how lookup lists work. F2 makes the list drop, you can type into fields and it will jump to item that
matches. Soil Description in Strata Soil

Enter a description, and delete the Strata Main Description data for that layer Rock Description in Strata Rock

Enter a description, and delete the Strata Main Description data for that layer

DGD gINT Files Datgel

User Guide 41 DGD-UG-002 - 2.02 - August 2014 SPT Core Sample
Other than the TW type records, the data was automatically created by Datgel’s DGD program. You
can edit the data without it being overwritten, since the same creating code only runs when new records
are created on the SPT and Core tables.

DGD gINT Files Datgel

User Guide 42 DGD-UG-002 - 2.02 - August 2014 Shear Vane

DGD gINT Files Datgel

User Guide 43 DGD-UG-002 - 2.02 - August 2014 Pressuremeter

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User Guide 44 DGD-UG-002 - 2.02 - August 2014 In Situ Permeability Project Options

 Enable Specimen Description – check

 Note the Graphic Log option controls the log report column, set it to Graphic. Selected lab results

First create specimen table records – this is the bottom half of the Sample tab

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DGD gINT Files Datgel
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10.3 Lab Data Entry Add-In
The Lab Data Entry feature provides the user with an option to efficiently enter and edit multiple lab
results in one table interface. The procedure is as follows:

1. Navigate to INPUT | Main Group | Lab Data Entry

2. Select the desired PointID
3. Call the command, Add-Ins > Datgel DGD gINT Files > Pre-populate Lab Data Entry Table.
This will cause all existing lab data within the scope of the table to display.
4. Now the user may:
a) Enter/edit data on existing records
b) Create new records and enter data. Select a Sample and enter a value for Specimen Depth
and optionally Specimen Number
c) Delete a record by checking the delete check box
5. When the table saves a message box will display and the user may choose from the option, to
update, discard, or return to the grid continue editing.

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10.4 Graphical Data
GDI allows you to edit data and then instantly see the change on an interactive log report. This
interface is not as fast to enter data as Grid Input, but is ideal for data entry in the field on a table PC,
when you’re new to a gINT database and don’t know what fields to entre data, or you’re review data
and wish to make a few minor edits/corrections.

Click on the tool bar button :

 To avoid a defect, first click on the log report to make the window appear, before using a zoom
 Change reports by calling: File > Select reports for Input
 Change PointID: Click on the page, and click on the Select button.
 Make a new PointID: Click on the page, and click on the New button.

10.5 Preview from INPUT

A fast way to preview reports while in the mist of entering data is to use the File > Print > Preview, or
the toolbar icon . You will be asked to assign a report to the table if one is not already assign. The
assigned report can be changed on the table properties form, launched by the toolbar icon .

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10.6 Formatting

10.6.1 Format Menu

Try out some of the Format menu commands to create:

<<CLR!16711680,Very Light Blue>><<DMK!BETA LC>><<G>>=<<G>>5°<<CLR!-1>>


Change the text case in the Description field, double-click on the text and highlight a word or phrase.
Select Format > Upper Case and notice that all of the selected words are now in upper case letters.

10.6.2 Interface changes

1. Modifying Field Properties
2. Modifying Table Properties
3. Column width
4. Column Order
5. Row Height
6. Table order
7. Group order
8. Assigning a table to a group can only be done in DATA DESIGN | Project Database
9. Adding Fields and Tables

10.6.3 Input tools

1. Short cut keys and scanning through records
2. Text Macros
3. Spell check
4. Replicating a Point

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5. View Entire Table
6. Edit Entire Table
7. Point Sort Field
8. Comparing Databases

10.7 Importing/Exporting Data

gINT can interop with a wide range of file formats. These commands are located in the File menu.

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10.8 Output

10.8.1 Logs Preview the PointID using the two log reports

Then switch to the other log report by changing the yellow drop down list Open a new data source project

Click in the Source File …, and open the file dgd 2.##.gpj. PDF a log report for multiple PointIDs with child bookmarks
1. Click on the PointID… button, and using the Ctrl key, select the indicated 6 PointIDs.

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2. Click on the PDF icon, and name a file.
3. Check View document after export
4. Click on the Bookmark path … button
5. Right click on the text ROOT, and select insert child. Name item Logs
6. Click on Child Bookmarks, and click OK
7. Click Export

10.8.2 Fence Exercise 1

1. Click on Site Layout
2. Use Fence Spec. > Draw baseline
3. Click on some boreholes to select them for use on the fence

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User Guide 52 DGD-UG-002 - 2.02 - August 2014
4. Click on Return to Output
5. Set scales, 1 = 1:1000, 30 = 1:30000, 0.1 = 1:100

DGD gINT Files Datgel

User Guide 53 DGD-UG-002 - 2.02 - August 2014
6. Click preview
7. Configure the User Report Variables as desired

8. Click OK

10.8.3 Fence Exercise 2

Move to the INPUT application.

DGD gINT Files Datgel

User Guide 54 DGD-UG-002 - 2.02 - August 2014 Create Alignment
Create alignment S1, and configure A1 Land XML Alignment

1. Move to the INPUT | Alignments
2. Select File > Import/Export >Import Alignment…, and select C:\Datgel Training
\auxiliary files\Alignment 1.xml ECW File link in INPUT Site Map Application

1. Move to INPUT | Site Map
2. Select File > Import/Export > Import Geocoded Photo…, and select C:\Datgel
Training\auxiliary files\Blue Mountains.ecw Alignment in INPUT Site Map Application

Set Site Map > Alignment Scale Display

DGD gINT Files Datgel

User Guide 55 DGD-UG-002 - 2.02 - August 2014 Fence Drape
1. Enable Additional Modules > Fence Drape Support

DGD gINT Files Datgel

User Guide 56 DGD-UG-002 - 2.02 - August 2014
2. Click on the Fence Drape tab (on the far right of the table group tabs)
3. Click on the new icon
4. Configure the form, and click OK

5. File > Import/Export > DXF Import…. Select C:\Datgel Training\auxiliary

files\SL 1.dxf
6. Select the text Seismic refraction DXF output test by clicking to the bottom left of the text, then
clicking to the top right of the text. Then, press the Delete button. Output
Now move to OUTPUT | Fences. Configure:
1. Report: FENCE A3L
2. Use Alignment: A1
3. Baseline offset: 20
4. Drapes: check Seismic 1, set Text Scale 0-100 = 0
5. Preview
6. Configure User Report Variables
7. Click on Edit File, and provide a file name for the *.GDW gINT drawing file.

DGD gINT Files Datgel

User Guide 57 DGD-UG-002 - 2.02 - August 2014
8. Add annotations and filled polygons

10.8.4 Graphs
1. Preview the following reports
 A L CS PSD 10 PER PAGE SUMMARY - select about 20 specimens
2. Configure the range filter, in the Criteria row select Like from the drop down, the type

3. Preview the same reports again

10.8.5 Other reports

Now preview Histogram, Graphic Table, Text Table, and Site Map reports.

10.8.6 Further Output Options

1. Filter
2. Sort
3. Scripts

10.9 AGS Format

10.9.1 Export AGS Format data

1. Return to INPUT, and ensure you have the dgd 2.##.gpj project open.
2. Set the field AGS Edition, on the Transmission Information Export table. For example, 3.1 or 4.0.3

3. Call File > AGS Files > Export to AGS File…

DGD gINT Files Datgel

User Guide 58 DGD-UG-002 - 2.02 - August 2014
4. Configure as per the screen shot, and click OK
5. Review the export log for problems, click OK.
6. On the checker form, click View Report, and name a file. The checker report will now display
in a text editor.
7. FYI are not generally a concern, if you find errors you should investigate the issue, and if
needed contact Datgel for advice.
8. Open the AGS file in a text editor and review the data and file layout

10.9.2 Import AGS Format data

1. Return to INPUT, and open the tutorial.gpj project
2. Call File > AGS Files > Import to AGS File…

3. Configure as per the screen shot, and click OK

4. Review the import log for problems, click OK. You may like to save this to a text file for future

DGD gINT Files Datgel

User Guide 59 DGD-UG-002 - 2.02 - August 2014
Appendix A
Example Reports

DGD gINT Files – Datgel

User Guide 1 DGD-UG-002 - 2.02 - August 2014




SPT (N) / mm

Somewhere, World


Old Police Academy (Near Blk 26C)
EASTING: 28173.42 m
NORTHING: 34488.38 m SVY21

1 2 3 4 5
Trial pit(1.0x0.5x1.0)m, Hand auger (1.0~3.0)m
,Firm Brown Sandy SILT with hard cores (FILL)

119.88 1.50 FILL MS

Firm to very stiff Yellowish brown mottled reddish
2 brown Sandy CLAY with gravel, Residual soil

TW1-1 (MC=33%, w=1.79 Mg/m3,
TW1 d=2.69 Mg/m , GRAVEL=5% SAND=25%
SILT=34% CLAY=36%, LL=62%, PL=28%,
117.38 4 3.90 2.50 G(VI) CS PI=34%, c'CU=0 kPa, 'CU=35°,
4.00 UCS=100.00 MPa, ALKBW=5%, OMS=7%)
TW2 Stiff Yellowish brown mottled reddish brown
Sandy SILT with gravel, Residual soil (BUKIT
TW2-1 (c'CD=0 kPa, 'CD=30.5°,
TW3 UCS=125.00 MPa)
5.60 TW2-2 (MC=35%, w=1.73 Mg/m ,
6 SAND=24% SILT=45% CLAY=31%, LL=66%,
6.00 PL=40%, PI=26%, pc=300 kPa, Cc=0.302 kPa)
TW4 TW3-3 (MC=37%, w=1.74 Mg/m3,
d=2.68 Mg/m , SAND=16% SILT=71%
6.80 CLAY=13%, LL=62%, PL=36%, PI=26%,
7.00 UCS=175.00 MPa)
TW4-1 (c'CU=13 kPa, 'CU=33°)
TW5 TW4-4 (MC=38%, w=1.75 Mg/m3,
7.70 SAND=18% SILT=59% CLAY=23%, LL=65%,
8 PL=38%, PI=27%, ALKBW=5%, OMS=8%)
TW4-1 (suu=134 kPa)
TW6 TW5-1 (c'CD=0 kPa, 'CD=30°)
8.60 TW5-5 (MC=38%, w=1.78 Mg/m ,
d=2.70 Mg/m , SAND=26% SILT=56%
9.00 CLAY=18%, LL=67%, PL=37%, PI=30%,
UCS=250.00 MPa)
TW7 TW6-6 (MC=35%, w=1.71 Mg/m3,
10 9.90 CLAY=15%, LL=65%, PL=39%, PI=26%)
10.00 TW7-7 (MC=40%, w=1.74 Mg/m3,
TW8 d=2.69 Mg/m , SAND=37% SILT=50%
CLAY=13%, LL=69%, PL=39%, PI=30%)
10.80 TW8-1 (c'CD=10 kPa, 'CD=36°)
11.00 TW8-8 (MC=37%, w=1.75 Mg/m3,
TW9 SAND=18% SILT=65% CLAY=17%, LL=58%,
PL=38%, PI=20%, pc=280 kPa, Cc=0.348 kPa,
11.70 UCS=275.00 MPa)
12 TW9-9 (MC=34%, w=1.71 Mg/m ,
12.00 3
d=2.71 Mg/m , GRAVEL=6% SAND=39%
TW10 SILT=44% CLAY=11%, LL=60%, PL=36%,
12.90 TW10-1 (c'CU=0 kPa, 'CU=28°)
13.00 TW10-10 (MC=38%, w=1.77 Mg/m3,
SAND=29% SILT=55% CLAY=16%, LL=60%,
TW11 PL=39%, PI=21%)
13.80 TW10-1 (suu=75 kPa)
14 TW11-1 (c'CU=0 kPa, 'CU=38°)
BCA LIB 1.10.GLB Log IS SG BOREHOLE 1 BCA 1.10.GPJ <<DrawingFile>> 20/12/2011 23:38 8.30.004 Datgel Lab and In Situ Tool

TW11-11 (MC=37%, w=1.77 Mg/m3,

TW12 3
d=2.68 Mg/m , GRAVEL=3% SAND=35%

14.70 SILT=51% CLAY=11%, LL=53%, PL=34%,

15.00 TW11-1 (c'CD=0 kPa, 'CD=31°)
TW13 TW12-12 (MC=35%, w=1.81 Mg/m3,
GRAVEL=12% SAND=33% SILT=44%
15.80 CLAY=11%, LL=58%, PL=37%, PI=21%,
16 pc=370 kPa, Cc=0.315 kPa)
TW13-1 (c'CU=0 kPa, 'CU=30°)
TW14 TW13-13 (MC=37%, w=1.77 Mg/m3,
d=2.70 Mg/m , GRAVEL=2% SAND=36%
16.90 SILT=49% CLAY=13%, LL=55%, PL=34%,
17.00 PI=21%)
TW13-1 (suu=78 kPa)
TW15 TW14-14 (MC=49%, w=1.68 Mg/m ,

SAND=3% SILT=80% CLAY=17%, LL=60%,

18 17.90
PL=39%, PI=21%)
TW15-1 (c'CD=12 kPa, 'CD=32°)
TW16 TW15-15 (MC=49%, w=1.72 Mg/m3,
d=2.72 Mg/m , SAND=4% SILT=78%
18.90 CLAY=18%, LL=69%, PL=40%, PI=29%)
19.00 TW16-1 (c'CU=0 kPa, 'CU=31°)
TW17 TW16-16 (MC=51%, w=1.67 Mg/m ,
SAND=5% SILT=81% CLAY=14%, LL=69%,
20 19.90 31.35 G(VI) MS PL=39%, PI=30%)
BORING TYPE: I II III IV V VI Permeability / Cassagrande

RO - Sample - M - Mazier PZS -

Packer Test (PKT) Piezometer

Thick Wall

U - Water

DIAMETER (mm): Pressuremeter - SPT N Value Open Drive WSP -


Test (PRM) C - Core Run
% % % - Core Run TW/P/MZ/U SPTLS - SPT Liner
P - Piston Sample W - Water
Vane Shear
Test (VST) TW - Thin Wall Push
Construction Project 13/04/2010 - 16/04/2010
Contactor 1 12345 / 12345 D 1/2
Sheet 1 of 2
PROJECT: Construction Project
CLIENT: Land Transport Authority BORING LOG:
PROJECT NO: 12345 ST/1090A
CHECKED BY: DRILLED BY: Soil & Foudation Pte Ltd/ Kaliyamoorthy
GWL: m dated



SPT N blows / 300 mm Rock Shear Strength

Type & No.

British Soil
Depth (m)
Level (m)



20 40 60 80

20 40 60 80

RQD (%)

TCR (%)
Grain Size
Description Undrained Shear Strength Analysis C Bulk Density
kPa Mg/m3
20 40 60 80 G/SA/S/C (kPa) (°) 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4
Trial pit(1.0x0.5x1.0)m, Hand auger
(1.0~3.0)m ,Firm Brown Sandy SILT
with hard cores (FILL)
(1.50) FILL MS

119.88 1.50
Firm to very stiff Yellowish brown
2 mottled reddish brown Sandy CLAY
with gravel, Residual soil (BUKIT
(2.50) G(VI) CS
3 0 35
3.00 5/25/34/36 (CU)

4 117.38 4.00 3.90 0 30.5

4.00 Stiff Yellowish brown mottled reddish 0/24/45/31 (CD)
TW2 brown Sandy SILT with gravel, Residual
5.00 0/16.1/70.9/13
6 13 33
6.00 0/18/59/23 (CU)
TW4 134
7 6.80
0 30
0/26/56/18 (CD)
8.00 4/25/56/15
9.00 0/37/50/13

10 9.90 10 36
10.00 0/18/65/17 (CD)

11 10.80
11.00 6/39/44/11
12 0 28
12.00 G(VI) MS
BCA LIB 1.10.GLB Log IS SG BOREHOLE 2 BCA 1.10.GPJ <<DrawingFile>> 20/12/2011 23:38 8.30.004 Datgel Lab and In Situ Tool

0/29/55/16 (CU)
TW10 75
13 12.90 0 38
13.00 3/35/51/11 (CU)
TW11 0 31
14 13.80
14.00 12/33/44/11
15 0 30
15.00 2/36/49/13 (CU)
TW13 78
16 15.80
16.00 0/3/80/17

17 16.90 12 32
17.00 0/4/78/18 (CD)

18 17.90 0 31
18.00 0/5/81/14 (CU)
TW16 112
19 18.90
19.00 0/4/78/18
20 19.90 0 36
Permeability / Cassagrande REMARKS:
- Sample - M - Mazier PZS -
Packer Test (PKT) Piezometer
Thick Wall Terminated
U - Water
Pressuremeter - SPT N Value Open Drive WSP -
- Standpipe
Test (PRM) C - Core Run
- Core Run TW/P/MZ/U SPTLS - SPT Liner
P - Piston Sample W - Water
Test (VST) TW - Thin Wall Push D
Sheet 3 of 3
PROJECT: Construction Project
CLIENT: Land Transport Authority BORING LOG:
PROJECT NO: 12345 ST/1090B/PRM
DRILLING DATE COMPLETED: 12/04/2010 CORE DIA: 52 mm EASTING: 28173.8 m
CHECKED BY: DRILLED BY: Soil & Foudation Pte Ltd/ Kaliyamoorthy
GWL: m dated



SPT N blows / 300 mm Rock Shear Strength

Type & No.

British Soil
Depth (m)
Level (m)



20 40 60 80

20 40 60 80

RQD (%)

TCR (%)
Grain Size
Description Undrained Shear Strength Analysis C Bulk Density
kPa Mg/m3
20 40 60 80 G/SA/S/C (kPa) (°) 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4
40.00 Hard Yellowish brown mottled reddish 73/300
(1.40) SPT30
brown Sandy SILT with gravel ,
41 80.50 41.00 (continued)
41.00 100/0
Strong Light grey GRANITE moderately
weathered, Core loss(42.05-43.00)m
(1.50) G(III) GR

79.00 42.50
CR2 5 0
Hard Yellowish brown mottled reddish
43 brown Sandy SILT with gravel
43.00 ,completely weathered (BUKIT TIMAH 100/290



46 (6.70) G(V) MS
46.00 60/300



72.30 49.20 49.00
SPT34 100/50
72.00 (0.30) Moderately strong Dark grey GRANITE G(IV) GR
49.50 highly weathered, highly fractured,
CR3 J1=20-30, J2=30-40, J3=50-60, 100 50
50.20 Strong Dark grey GRANITE moderately
(2.10) weathered, moderately fractured G(III) GR
69.90 51.60
CR5 Moderately weak to strong Light grey 67 34
52 GRANITE highly weathered, Core Loss
BCA LIB 1.10.GLB Log IS SG BOREHOLE 2 BCA 1.10.GPJ <<DrawingFile>> 20/12/2011 23:39 8.30.004 Datgel Lab and In Situ Tool

52.20 (51.90-52.20)m (BUKIT TIMAH
68.97 52.53 GRANITE)
CR6 Hard Yellowish brown mottled reddish 33 0
53 brown Sandy SILT with gravel
(1.47) ,completely weathered, Core 100/45
53.26 Loss(52.55-53.20)m (BUKIT TIMAH
54 67.50 54.00 SPT36
53.96 100/30
53.96 Moderately weak to strong Light grey
54.00 GRANITE highly weathered, Core
CR7 Loss(54.60-55.45)m (BUKIT TIMAH 60 0
(2.00) 55.00 G(IV) GR

CR8 55 0
56 65.50 56.00
Moderately strong to strong Light grey
GRANITE slightly weathered, slightly
CR9 fractured (BUKIT TIMAH GRANITE) 100 100
57 (1.75) G(II) GR

CR10 75 65
63.75 57.75
58 63.44 (0.31) Moderately weak to weak Light grey G(IV) GR
58.06 58.00
GRANITE highly weathered, Core
Loss(57.75-58.00)m (BUKIT TIMAH
CR11 GRANITE) 100 94
59 Moderately strong to strong Light grey
(1.94) 59.00 GRANITE slightly weathered, slightly G(II) GR
CR12 100 100
60 61.50 60.00 Hole Terminated at 60.00 m
Permeability / Cassagrande REMARKS:
- Sample - M - Mazier PZS -
Packer Test (PKT) Piezometer
Thick Wall Terminated
U - Water
Pressuremeter - SPT N Value Open Drive WSP -
- Standpipe
Test (PRM) C - Core Run
- Core Run TW/P/MZ/U SPTLS - SPT Liner
P - Piston Sample W - Water
Test (VST) TW - Thin Wall Push D
BCA LIB 1.10.GLB Fence FENCE A4L BCA 1.10.GPJ <<DrawingFile>> 20/12/2011 23:39 8.30.004 Datgel Lab and In Situ Tool

0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000


(-343 m)
(-342 50 100

(-404 m) 50 100

(747 m) 50 100
0 20
10 30
20 EOH 35.35
40m bgl, RL 121.38 m

30 50
40 60
60 50
RQD (%)
EOH 60.00 m bgl, RL 121.50 m
EOH 45.00
50 m bgl, RL 101.79 m 70
EOH 50.34 m bgl, RL 101.75 m

40 104.00 m
EOH 58.00 m bgl, RL 103.98 ST/C301
60 80

30 27
00 50
0E 0



Rotary open hole










FILL MS Land Transport Authority Datgel 20/12/2011

G(VI) CS Engineer 1 Datgel 20/12/2011
G(III) GR Somewhere, World SCALE
H 1:31390 V 1:1000 A4
G(V) C
Construction Project
Subsurface Section 12345 3




Depth (m)



BCA LIB 1.10.GLB Graph IS SPT N VS DEPTH BY POINTID BCA 1.10.GPJ <<DrawingFile>> 20/12/2011 23:40 8.30.004 Datgel Lab and In Situ Tool




0 20 40 60 80 100
SPT N Value
PointID Legend


Land Transport Authority Datgel 20/12/2011

Engineer 1 Datgel 20/12/2011
Somewhere, World SCALE
Not To Scale A4
Construction Project
SPT N Value versus Depth 12345 5




Depth (m)



BCA LIB 1.10.GLB Graph IS SPT N VS DEPTH BY UNIT BCA 1.10.GPJ <<DrawingFile>> 20/12/2011 23:40 8.30.004 Datgel Lab and In Situ Tool




0 20 40 60 80 100
SPT N Value
Geology Unit Legend
FILL - Fill O(C) - Old Alluvium - C S(II) - Jurong Formation - II
B - Kallang Beach (Littoral) O(D) - Old Alluvium - D S(I) - Jurong Formation - I
E - Kallang Esturaine (Transitional) O(E) - Old Alluvium - E G(VI) - Bukit Timah Granite - VI
F1 - Kallang Alluvial soil ( Granular ) FC - Fort Canning Boulder Bed G(V) - Bukit Timah Granite - V
F2 - Kallang Formation - Alluvial soil ( Non-granu... S(VI) - Jurong Formation - VI G(IV) - Bukit Timah Granite - IV
M - Kallang Formation - Marine Clay S(V) - Jurong Formation - V G(III) - Bukit Timah Granite - III
O(A) - Old Alluvium - A S(IV) - Jurong Formation - IV G(II) - Bukit Timah Granite - II
O(B) - Old Alluvium - B S(III) - Jurong Formation - III G(I) - Bukit Timah Granite - I

Land Transport Authority Datgel 20/12/2011

Engineer 1 Datgel 20/12/2011
Somewhere, World SCALE
Not To Scale A4
Construction Project
SPT N Value versus Depth 12345 6



Elevation (m, MSL)


BCA LIB 1.10.GLB Graph IS SPT N VS RL BY POINTID BCA 1.10.GPJ <<DrawingFile>> 20/12/2011 23:40 8.30.004 Datgel Lab and In Situ Tool



0 20 40 60 80 100
SPT N Value
PointID Legend


Land Transport Authority Datgel 20/12/2011

Engineer 1 Datgel 20/12/2011
Somewhere, World SCALE
Not To Scale A4
Construction Project
SPT N Value versus Elevation 12345 7



Elevation (m, MSL)



BCA LIB 1.10.GLB Graph IS SPT N VS RL BY UNIT BCA 1.10.GPJ <<DrawingFile>> 20/12/2011 23:40 8.30.004 Datgel Lab and In Situ Tool


0 20 40 60 80 100
SPT N Value
Geology Unit Legend
FILL - Fill O(C) - Old Alluvium - C S(II) - Jurong Formation - II
B - Kallang Beach (Littoral) O(D) - Old Alluvium - D S(I) - Jurong Formation - I
E - Kallang Esturaine (Transitional) O(E) - Old Alluvium - E G(VI) - Bukit Timah Granite - VI
F1 - Kallang Alluvial soil ( Granular ) FC - Fort Canning Boulder Bed G(V) - Bukit Timah Granite - V
F2 - Kallang Formation - Alluvial soil ( Non-granu... S(VI) - Jurong Formation - VI G(IV) - Bukit Timah Granite - IV
M - Kallang Formation - Marine Clay S(V) - Jurong Formation - V G(III) - Bukit Timah Granite - III
O(A) - Old Alluvium - A S(IV) - Jurong Formation - IV G(II) - Bukit Timah Granite - II
O(B) - Old Alluvium - B S(III) - Jurong Formation - III G(I) - Bukit Timah Granite - I

Land Transport Authority Datgel 20/12/2011

Engineer 1 Datgel 20/12/2011
Somewhere, World SCALE
Not To Scale A4
Construction Project
SPT N Value versus Elevation 12345 8
1,000 )
50 0)
I s( I s(5
0* 0*
10 3
= S=

I s(5
1 0*
I s(
Uniaxial Compressive Strength (MPa)


BCA LIB 1.10.GLB Graph L R POINT LOAD VS UCS BY POINTID BCA 1.10.GPJ <<DrawingFile>> 20/12/2011 23:41 8.30.004 Datgel Lab and In Situ Tool


0.01 0.1 1 10
Point Load Index, Is(50) (MPa)
PointID Legend


Land Transport Authority Datgel 20/12/2011

Engineer 1 Datgel 20/12/2011
Somewhere, World SCALE
Not To Scale A4
Construction Project
Point Load Index versus UCS 12345 27

Young's Modulus (GPa)


BCA LIB 1.10.GLB Graph L R UCS VS YOUNGS MODULUS BY POINTID BCA 1.10.GPJ <<DrawingFile>> 20/12/2011 23:42 8.30.004 Datgel Lab and In Situ Tool

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9100 2

PointID Legend


Land Transport Authority Datgel 20/12/2011

Engineer 1 Datgel 20/12/2011
Somewhere, World SCALE
Not To Scale A4
Construction Project
UCS versus Young's Modulus 12345 37


Plasticity Index (%)




0 20 40 60 80 100
Liquid Limit (%)
BCA LIB 1.10.GLB Graph L S ATTERBERG BY POINTID BCA 1.10.GPJ <<DrawingFile>> 20/12/2011 23:42 8.30.004 Datgel Lab and In Situ Tool

PointID Legend


Land Transport Authority Datgel 20/12/2011

Engineer 1 Datgel 20/12/2011
Somewhere, World SCALE
Not To Scale A4
Construction Project
Atterberg Limits Summary 12345 43




Void Ratio



BCA LIB 1.10.GLB Graph L S CONSOL VOID RATIO BY SPECIMEN BCA 1.10.GPJ <<DrawingFile>> 20/12/2011 23:43 8.30.004 Datgel Lab and In Situ Tool



10 100 1,000

Stress (kPa)

Hole ID Depth (m) Classification d MC%

ST/1090A 4.00 Slightly sandy SILT (MH) of high plasticity, fine and coarse sand 1.23 43

ST/1090A 10.00 Slightly sandy SILT (MH) of high plasticity, fine and coarse sand 1.25 42

ST/1090A 14.00 Slightly gravelly slightly sandy SILT (MH) of high plasticity, fine and coarse sand, fine gravel 1.34 38

ST/1149A 6.00 CLAY (CH) of high plasticity 0.93 69

ST/1149A 9.00 Marine CLAY 0.98 66

ST/1149A 12.00 CLAY (CV) of very high plasticity 0.95 68


Land Transport Authority Datgel 20/12/2011

Engineer 1 Datgel 20/12/2011
Somewhere, World SCALE
Not To Scale A4
Construction Project
Consolidation Summary 12345 46




Depth (m)



BCA LIB 1.10.GLB Graph L S INDEX PROPS VS DEPTH BCA 1.10.GPJ <<DrawingFile>> 20/12/2011 23:43 8.30.004 Datgel Lab and In Situ Tool




0 20 40 60 80 100

Moisture Content
Plastic Limit
Liquid Limit


Land Transport Authority Datgel 20/12/2011

Engineer 1 Datgel 20/12/2011
Somewhere, World SCALE
Not To Scale A4
Construction Project
Index Properties versus Depth - ST/1090A 12345 51












0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
0.0001 0.002 0.006 0.02 0.06 0.2 0.6 2 6 20 60 200

Hole ID, Depth, Spec Ref Classification LL PL PI

ST/1090A, 3.00, 1 Slightly sandy CLAY (CH) of high plasticity, fine and coarse sand 62 28 34

ST/1090A, 4.00, 2 Slightly sandy SILT (MH) of high plasticity, fine and coarse sand 66 40 26
BCA LIB 1.10.GLB Graph L S PSD 10 PER PAGE SUMMARY BSI BCA 1.10.GPJ <<DrawingFile>> 20/12/2011 23:45 8.30.004 Datgel Lab and In Situ Tool

ST/1090A, 5.00, 3 Slightly sandy SILT (MH) of high plasticity, fine and coarse sand 62 36 26

ST/1090A, 6.00, 4 Slightly sandy SILT (MH) of high plasticity, fine and coarse sand 65 38 27

ST/1090A, 7.00, 5 Slightly sandy SILT (MH) of high plasticity, fine and coarse sand 67 37 30

ST/1090A, 8.00, 6 Slightly sandy SILT (MH) of high plasticity, fine and coarse sand 65 39 26

ST/1090A, 9.00, 7 Sandy SILT (MH) of high plasticity, fine and coarse sand 69 39 30

ST/1090A, 10.00, 8 Slightly sandy SILT (MH) of high plasticity, fine and coarse sand 58 38 20

ST/1090A, 11.00, 9 Sandy SILT (MH) of high plasticity, fine and coarse sand 60 36 24

ST/1090A, 12.00, 10 Slightly sandy SILT (MH) of high plasticity, fine and coarse sand 60 39 21

Hole ID, Depth, Spec Ref D100 D60 D50 D30 D10 Cc Cu DMF %Boulders %Cobbles %Gravel %Sand %Silt %Clay

ST/1090A, 3.00, 1 0.0228 0.00828 5.0 25.0 34.0 70.0 36.0

ST/1090A, 4.00, 2 2.00 0.0185 0.00858 0.07294 0.0 0.0 0.0 24.0 45.0 76.0 31.0

ST/1090A, 5.00, 3 2.00 0.0203 0.0124 0.00462 0.00173 0.6109 11.75 0.04429 0.0 0.0 0.0 16.1 70.9 83.9 13.0

ST/1090A, 6.00, 4 2.00 0.0174 0.00970 0.00301 0.000935 0.5572 18.61 0.04630 0.0 0.0 0.0 18.0 59.0 82.0 23.0

ST/1090A, 7.00, 5 2.00 0.0266 0.0144 0.00419 0.00122 0.5401 21.77 0.08606 0.0 0.0 0.0 26.0 56.0 74.0 18.0

ST/1090A, 8.00, 6 0.0320 0.0173 0.00504 0.00147 0.5401 21.77 4.0 25.0 56.0 71.0 15.0

ST/1090A, 9.00, 7 2.00 0.0512 0.0257 0.00646 0.00163 0.5016 31.50 0.1463 0.0 0.0 0.0 37.0 50.0 63.0 13.0

ST/1090A, 10.00, 8 2.00 0.0196 0.0115 0.00399 0.00138 0.5882 14.21 0.04761 0.0 0.0 0.0 18.0 65.0 82.0 17.0

ST/1090A, 11.00, 9 0.0981 0.0426 0.00887 0.00185 0.4337 53.07 6.0 39.0 44.0 55.0 11.0

ST/1090A, 12.00, 10 2.00 0.0316 0.0169 0.00481 0.00137 0.5340 23.02 0.1019 0.0 0.0 0.0 29.0 55.0 71.0 16.0

Land Transport Authority Datgel 20/12/2011

Engineer 1 Datgel 20/12/2011
Somewhere, World SCALE
Not to Scale A4
Construction Project
Particle Size Distribution Summary 12345 73
BCA LIB 1.10.GLB Hist L R POINT LOAD INDEX BCA 1.10.GPJ <<DrawingFile>> 20/12/2011 23:48 8.30.004 Datgel Lab and In Situ Tool





Frequency (%)






0.03 0.03 - 0.1 0.1 - 0.3 0.3 - 1 1.0 - 3.0 3.0 - 10.0 >10

Count: 0 Count: 0 Count: 0 Count: 0 Count: 5 Count: 29 Count: 0

0% 0% 0% 0% 15% 85% 0%

Is(50) (MPa)
Mean: 5.41 Land Transport Authority Datgel 20/12/2011
Minimum: 1.00 CHECKED DATE
Maximum: 9.00 Engineer 1 Datgel 20/12/2011
Standard Deviation: 2.38 Somewhere, World SCALE
Not to Scale A4
Construction Project
Point Load Index Histogram 12345 84
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100





Frequency (%)




BCA LIB 1.10.GLB Hist L S PSD FINES CONTENT BCA 1.10.GPJ <<DrawingFile>> 20/12/2011 23:48 8.30.004 Datgel Lab and In Situ Tool

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Fines Content (%)

Number of Tests: 111

Average: 74
Minimum: 5
Maximum: 100
Standard Dev: 27


Land Transport Authority Datgel 20/12/2011

Engineer 1 Datgel 20/12/2011
Somewhere, World SCALE
Not to Scale A4
Construction Project
Fines Content Frequency 12345 86
CLIENT : Land Transport Authority
PROJECT : Construction Project
LOCATION : Somewhere, World SHEET: 1 OF 5
PROJECT No. : 12345
RFI No. :
Sample Identification Moisture Content Density Particle Size Distribution Atterberg Limits Chemical Analysis Oedometer Consolidation Triaxial Shear Box Rock Properties

Acid Soluble Water Soluble Total Peak Point Load Index

Precon- Angle Angle

Natural Organic Initial Comp- Undrained Cohesion Cohesion
Moisture Particle Dry Bulk Silt Chloride Sulphate Chloride Sulphate Chloride Sulphate solidation of of E Axial Diametral
Sample Sample Depth Moisture Cobbles Gravel Sand LL PL PI Matter Void ression Test Shear Intercept Intercept UCS Porosity
PointID Content Density Density Density Clay as Cl as SO3 as Cl as SO3 as Cl as SO3 pH Pressure Friction Friction Modulus Is(50) Is(50)
No. Type (m) Content 3 3 3 (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) Content Ratio Index Type Strength c' c' (MPa) (%)
(%) (Mg/m ) (Mg/m ) (Mg/m ) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) 'p ' ' (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
(%) (%) eo Cc (kPa) (kPa) (kPa)
(kPa) (deg) (deg)

ST/1090A TW1 TW 3.00 33.0 2.69 1.35 1.79 5 25 70 62.0 28.0 34.0 7.0 CU 0.0 35.0 100.00 20

ST/1090A TW2 TW 4.00 35.0 1.28 1.73 0 0 24 76 66.0 40.0 26.0 0.30 300.0 CD 0.0 30.5 125.00 25

ST/1090A TW3 TW 5.00 37.0 2.68 1.27 1.74 0 0 16.1 83.9 62.0 36.0 26.0 175.00 50

ST/1090A TW4 TW 6.00 38.0 1.27 1.75 0 0 18 82 65.0 38.0 27.0 8.0 CU 13.0 33.0

ST/1090A TW4 TW 6.45 UU 134

ST/1090A TW5 TW 7.00 38.0 2.70 1.29 1.78 0 0 26 74 67.0 37.0 30.0 CD 0.0 30.0 250.00 75

ST/1090A TW6 TW 8.00 35.0 1.27 1.71 4 25 71 65.0 39.0 26.0

BCA LIB 1.10.GLB GrfcTbl L S R RESULTS SUMMARY A4L BCA 1.10.GPJ <<DrawingFile>> 20/12/2011 23:49 8.30.004 Datgel Lab and In Situ Tool

ST/1090A TW7 TW 9.00 40.0 2.69 1.24 1.74 0 0 37 63 69.0 39.0 30.0

ST/1090A TW8 TW 10.00 37.0 1.28 1.75 0 0 18 82 58.0 38.0 20.0 0.35 280.0 CD 10.0 36.0 275.00 85

ST/1090A TW9 TW 11.00 34.0 2.71 1.28 1.71 6 39 55 60.0 36.0 24.0

ST/1090A TW10 TW 12.00 38.0 1.28 1.77 0 0 29 71 60.0 39.0 21.0 CU 0.0 28.0

ST/1090A TW10 TW 12.45 UU 75

ST/1090A TW11 TW 13.00 37.0 2.68 1.29 1.77 3 35 62 53.0 34.0 19.0 CU 0.0 38.0

ST/1090A TW11 TW 13.45 CD 0.0 31.0

ST/1090A TW12 TW 14.00 35.0 1.34 1.81 12 33 55 58.0 37.0 21.0 0.32 370.0

ST/1090A TW13 TW 15.00 37.0 2.70 1.29 1.77 2 36 62 55.0 34.0 21.0 CU 0.0 30.0

ST/1090A TW13 TW 15.45 UU 78

ST/1090A TW14 TW 16.00 49.0 1.13 1.68 0 0 3 97 60.0 39.0 21.0

ST/1090A TW15 TW 17.00 49.0 2.72 1.15 1.72 0 0 4 96 69.0 40.0 29.0 CD 12.0 32.0

ST/1090A TW16 TW 18.00 51.0 1.11 1.67 0 0 5 95 69.0 39.0 30.0 CU 0.0 31.0

ST/1090A TW16 TW 18.45 UU 112

ST/1090A TW17 TW 19.00 51.0 2.69 1.13 1.71 0 0 4 96 65.0 38.0 27.0

ST/1090A TW18 TW 20.00 31.0 1.34 1.75 2 37 61 52.0 33.0 19.0 CU 0.0 36.0

ST/1090A TW18 TW 20.45 CD 0.0 33.0

ST/1090A TW19 TW 21.00 31.0 2.69 1.40 1.83 0 0 32 68 50.0 35.0 15.0 UU 69

ST/1090A TW20 TW 22.00 33.0 1.36 1.81 0 0 29 71 50.0 33.0 17.0

ST/1090A TW21 TW 23.00 30.0 2.71 1.43 1.86 3 34 63 50.0 31.0 19.0 CU 19.9 35.0

ST/1090A TW22 TW 24.00 34.0 1.35 1.81 0 0 33 67 48.0 35.0 13.0 CU 0.0 32.0

ST/1090A TW22 TW 24.45 UU 93

ST/1090A TW23 TW 25.00 29.0 2.70 1.40 1.81 2 39 59 45.0 33.0 12.0

ST/1090A TW24 TW 26.00 29.0 1.40 1.81 1 36 63 46.0 35.0 11.0 CU 0.0 35.0

Form Number: DGL41 RL

ST/1090A TW25 TW 27.00 33.0 2.71 1.34 1.78 1 31 68 48.0 35.0 13.0

ST/1090A TW26 TW 28.00 31.0 1.40 1.84 2 32 66 47.0 34.0 13.0 CU 0.0 33.0

ST/1090A TW26 TW 28.45 UU 133

ST/1090A MZ1 M 29.00 35.0 2.69 1.37 1.85 5 33 62 47.0 34.0 13.0

ST/1090A TW27 TW 30.00 33.0 1.38 1.83 4 29 67 51.0 33.0 18.0 CU 0.0 35.0
BCA LIB 1.10.GLB SiteMapReport MAP A3P BCA 1.10.GPJ <<DrawingFile>> 20/12/2011 23:49 8.30.004 Datgel Lab and In Situ Tool






34,000 34000N 34000N


33,000 33000N 33000N


32,000 32000N 32000N



31,000 31000N 31000N


30,000 30000N 30000N


29,000 29000N 29000N




28,500 ST/1162B/VST_PZW





27,500 28,000 28,500 29,000 29,500 30,000 30,500 31,000 31,500 32,000
EAST (m)
Rotary open hole

Land Transport Authority Datgel 20/12/2011

Engineer 1 Datgel 20/12/2011
0 200 400 600 800 1000m
Coord.System: SVY21 Height Datum: MSL Somewhere, World SCALE
1:20000 A3
Construction Project
Site Map 12345 88
Client: Land Transport Authority
Project: Construction Project
Location: Somewhere, World
Number: 12345
PointID Sample Number Sample Type Depth D100 D60 D50 D30 D10 Cc Cu DMF %Boulders %Cobbles %Gravel %Sand %Silt %Fines %Clay
ST/1090A TW1 TW 3.00 0.0228 0.00828 5.0 25.0 34.0 70.0 36.0
ST/1090A TW2 TW 4.00 2.00 0.0185 0.00858 0.07294 0.0 0.0 0.0 24.0 45.0 76.0 31.0
ST/1090A TW3 TW 5.00 2.00 0.0203 0.0124 0.00462 0.00173 0.6109 11.75 0.04429 0.0 0.0 0.0 16.1 70.9 83.9 13.0
ST/1090A TW4 TW 6.00 2.00 0.0174 0.00970 0.00301 0.000935 0.5572 18.61 0.04630 0.0 0.0 0.0 18.0 59.0 82.0 23.0
ST/1090A TW5 TW 7.00 2.00 0.0266 0.0144 0.00419 0.00122 0.5401 21.77 0.08606 0.0 0.0 0.0 26.0 56.0 74.0 18.0
ST/1090A TW6 TW 8.00 0.0320 0.0173 0.00504 0.00147 0.5401 21.77 4.0 25.0 56.0 71.0 15.0
ST/1090A TW7 TW 9.00 2.00 0.0512 0.0257 0.00646 0.00163 0.5016 31.50 0.1463 0.0 0.0 0.0 37.0 50.0 63.0 13.0
ST/1090A TW8 TW 10.00 2.00 0.0196 0.0115 0.00399 0.00138 0.5882 14.21 0.04761 0.0 0.0 0.0 18.0 65.0 82.0 17.0
ST/1090A TW9 TW 11.00 0.0981 0.0426 0.00887 0.00185 0.4337 53.07 6.0 39.0 44.0 55.0 11.0
ST/1090A TW10 TW 12.00 2.00 0.0316 0.0169 0.00481 0.00137 0.5340 23.02 0.1019 0.0 0.0 0.0 29.0 55.0 71.0 16.0
ST/1090A TW11 TW 13.00 0.0550 0.0280 0.00723 0.00187 0.5084 29.44 3.0 35.0 51.0 62.0 11.0
ST/1090A TW12 TW 14.00 0.106 0.0426 0.00887 0.00185 0.4001 57.53 12.0 33.0 44.0 55.0 11.0
ST/1090A TW13 TW 15.00 0.0547 0.0271 0.00662 0.00162 0.4946 33.80 2.0 36.0 49.0 62.0 13.0
ST/1090A TW14 TW 16.00 2.00 0.0128 0.00830 0.00350 0.00148 0.6497 8.639 0.01447 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 80.0 97.0 17.0
ST/1090A TW15 TW 17.00 2.00 0.0128 0.00824 0.00340 0.00140 0.6426 9.130 0.01474 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 78.0 96.0 18.0
ST/1090A TW16 TW 18.00 2.00 0.0142 0.00927 0.00395 0.00169 0.6532 8.412 0.01596 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 81.0 95.0 14.0
ST/1090A TW17 TW 19.00 2.00 0.0128 0.00824 0.00340 0.00140 0.6426 9.130 0.01474 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 78.0 96.0 18.0
ST/1090A TW18 TW 20.00 0.0589 0.0299 0.00774 0.00200 0.5084 29.44 2.0 37.0 51.0 61.0 10.0
ST/1090A TW19 TW 21.00 2.00 0.0391 0.0216 0.00657 0.00200 0.5517 19.57 0.1191 0.0 0.0 0.0 32.0 58.0 68.0 10.0
ST/1090A TW20 TW 22.00 2.00 0.0345 0.0199 0.00667 0.00223 0.5783 15.46 0.1033 0.0 0.0 0.0 29.0 63.0 71.0 8.0
ST/1090A TW21 TW 23.00 0.0518 0.0270 0.00735 0.00200 0.5216 25.91 3.0 34.0 53.0 63.0 10.0
ST/1090A TW22 TW 24.00 2.00 0.0412 0.0225 0.00671 0.00200 0.5459 20.62 0.1247 0.0 0.0 0.0 33.0 57.0 67.0 10.0
ST/1090A TW23 TW 25.00 0.0688 0.0339 0.00852 0.00214 0.4918 32.13 2.0 39.0 50.0 59.0 9.0
ST/1090A TW24 TW 26.00 0.0518 0.0270 0.00735 0.00200 0.5216 25.91 1.0 36.0 53.0 63.0 10.0
ST/1090A TW25 TW 27.00 0.0381 0.0204 0.00581 0.00166 0.5340 23.02 1.0 31.0 55.0 68.0 13.0
ST/1090A TW26 TW 28.00 0.0432 0.0231 0.00659 0.00188 0.5340 23.02 2.0 32.0 55.0 66.0 11.0
ST/1090A MZ1 M 29.00 0.0539 0.0246 0.00512 0.00107 0.4565 50.42 5.0 33.0 44.0 62.0 18.0
ST/1090A TW27 TW 30.00 0.0399 0.0208 0.00567 0.00154 0.5216 25.91 4.0 29.0 53.0 67.0 14.0
ST/1090A MZ2 M 31.00 0.169 0.0630 0.0112 0.00200 0.3723 84.60 15.0 35.0 40.0 50.0 10.0
ST/1090A MZ3 M 32.00 0.0768 0.0346 0.00771 0.00172 0.4504 44.59 7.0 35.0 46.0 58.0 12.0
ST/1090A TW28 TW 34.00 0.303 0.138 0.0199 0.00200 0.6559 151.7 16.0 44.0 30.0 40.0 10.0
ST/1090A MZ4 M 35.00 0.150 0.0579 0.0108 0.00200 0.3873 74.77 13.0 36.0 41.0 51.0 10.0
ST/1149A TW1 TW 3.00 0.0630 0.00512 0.00274 0.007674 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 55.0 100.0 45.0
ST/1149A PS1 P 4.00 0.0630 0.00489 0.00258 0.007506 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 54.0 100.0 46.0
ST/1149A PS3 P 6.00 0.0630 0.00512 0.00274 0.007674 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 55.0 100.0 45.0
ST/1149A PS5 P 8.00 0.0630 0.00489 0.00258 0.007506 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 54.0 100.0 46.0
ST/1149A PS7 P 10.00 0.0630 0.00377 0.006440 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 49.0 100.0 51.0
ST/1149A PS9 P 12.00 0.0630 0.00293 0.005790 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 45.0 100.0 55.0
ST/1149A PS11 P 14.00 0.0630 0.00274 0.005625 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 44.0 100.0 56.0
ST/1149A PS13T P 16.00 2.00 0.0301 0.0132 0.00256 0.000495 0.4398 60.77 0.1103 0.0 0.0 0.0 31.0 42.0 69.0 27.0
ST/1149A PS13B P 16.45 2.00 0.0259 0.00850 0.1138 0.0 0.0 0.0 32.0 31.0 68.0 37.0
ST/1149A TW2 TW 17.00 0.281 0.168 0.0501 0.000503 17.70 559.3 2.0 67.0 15.0 31.0 16.0
ST/1149A TW3 TW 18.00 2.00 0.277 0.169 0.0630 0.000456 31.40 608.2 0.3376 0.0 0.0 0.0 70.0 14.0 30.0 16.0
ST/1149A TW4 TW 19.00 2.00 0.00297 0.009923 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.0 35.0 91.0 56.0
ST/1149A TW5 TW 20.00 2.00 0.00200 0.005525 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 38.0 98.0 60.0
ST/1149A TW7 TW 22.00 2.00 0.0129 0.00508 0.06627 0.0 0.0 0.0 23.0 37.0 77.0 40.0
ST/1149A TW8 TW 23.00 2.00 0.00200 0.007191 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.0 34.0 94.0 60.0
ST/1149A MZ1 M 26.00 2.00 0.269 0.163 0.0492 0.000356 25.25 756.2 0.3307 0.0 0.0 0.0 69.0 14.0 31.0 17.0
ST/1149A MZ2 M 28.00 2.00 0.269 0.163 0.0501 0.000503 18.48 535.5 0.3309 0.0 0.0 0.0 69.0 15.0 31.0 16.0
ST/1149A MZ3 M 30.00 2.00 0.00983 0.00406 0.04661 0.0 0.0 0.0 19.0 39.0 81.0 42.0
ST/1149A MZ4 M 32.00 2.00 0.0221 0.00779 0.1030 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 33.0 70.0 37.0
ST/1149A MZ5 M 34.00 2.00 0.133 0.0674 0.0107 0.00166 0.5207 80.02 0.2263 0.0 0.0 0.0 51.0 37.0 49.0 12.0
ST/1149A MZ6 M 36.00 2.00 0.0743 0.0299 0.00463 0.000717 0.4023 103.6 0.1727 0.0 0.0 0.0 42.0 37.0 58.0 21.0
ST/1149A MZ7 M 38.00 2.00 0.00808 0.00355 0.03014 0.0 0.0 0.0 15.0 42.0 85.0 43.0
ST/1149A MZ8 M 40.00 2.00 0.0156 0.00612 0.07678 0.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 37.0 75.0 38.0
ST/1149A MZ9 M 42.00 2.00 0.0156 0.00612 0.07678 0.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 37.0 75.0 38.0
ST/1149A MZ10 M 44.00 0.745 0.430 0.144 0.0479 0.5776 15.55 22.0 63.0 15.0
ST/1162A/PZW TW1 TW 4.00 0.267 0.143 0.00701 0.0000132 13.89 20210 8.0 55.0 11.0 37.0 26.0
ST/1162A/PZW TW2 TW 5.00 0.272 0.140 0.00399 0.00000402 14.54 67700 10.0 52.0 10.0 38.0 28.0
ST/1162A/PZW TW3 TW 6.00 0.210 0.0989 0.00431 0.0000932 0.9487 2251 10.0 46.0 18.0 44.0 26.0
ST/1162A/PZW TW4 TW 7.00 0.390 0.208 0.0483 0.000239 25.01 1630 14.0 55.0 13.0 31.0 18.0
ST/1162A/PZW TW5 TW 8.00 0.618 0.322 0.0873 0.000201 61.50 3082 22.0 53.0 9.0 25.0 16.0
ST/1162A/PZW TW6 TW 9.00 0.579 0.302 0.0818 0.000252 45.77 2294 21.0 53.0 10.0 26.0 16.0
ST/1162A/PZW TW7 TW 10.00 0.476 0.248 0.0672 0.000163 58.39 2926 18.0 53.0 11.0 29.0 18.0
ST/1162A/PZW TW8 TW 11.00 0.433 0.246 0.0790 0.000417 34.62 1038 13.0 61.0 11.0 26.0 15.0
ST/1162A/PZW TW9 TW 12.00 0.458 0.260 0.0836 0.000201 76.16 2285 14.0 61.0 9.0 25.0 16.0
ST/1162A/PZW TW10 TW 13.00 0.509 0.348 0.163 0.0762 0.6839 6.685 4.0 91.0 5.0
ST/1162A/PZW PS1 P 14.00 2.00 0.0140 0.00578 0.06664 0.0 0.0 0.0 23.0 39.0 77.0 38.0
ST/1162A/PZW PS2 P 15.00 2.00 0.00575 0.00284 0.01014 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.0 49.0 94.0 45.0
ST/1162A/PZW PS3 P 16.00 0.0630 0.00377 0.006440 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 49.0 100.0 51.0
ST/1162A/PZW PS4 P 17.00 0.0630 0.00377 0.006440 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 49.0 100.0 51.0
ST/1162A/PZW PS5 P 18.00 0.0630 0.00334 0.006118 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 47.0 100.0 53.0
ST/1162A/PZW PS6 P 19.00 0.0630 0.00377 0.006440 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 49.0 100.0 51.0
ST/1162A/PZW PS7 P 20.00 0.0630 0.00355 0.006279 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 48.0 100.0 52.0
ST/1162A/PZW PS8 P 21.00 0.0630 0.00355 0.006279 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 48.0 100.0 52.0
ST/1162A/PZW PS9 P 22.00 0.0630 0.00334 0.006118 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 47.0 100.0 53.0
ST/1162A/PZW PS10 P 23.00 0.0630 0.00377 0.006440 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 49.0 100.0 51.0
ST/1162A/PZW PS11 P 24.00 0.0630 0.00377 0.006440 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 49.0 100.0 51.0
ST/1162A/PZW TW11 TW 25.00 0.0630 0.00377 0.006440 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 49.0 100.0 51.0
ST/1162A/PZW TW12T TW 26.00 0.0630 0.00443 0.00228 0.007165 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 52.0 100.0 48.0
ST/1162A/PZW TW12B TW 26.45 2.00 0.00456 0.00216 0.008904 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 46.0 95.0 49.0
ST/1162A/PZW TW13 TW 27.00 2.00 0.00355 0.007977 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 42.0 95.0 53.0
ST/1162A/PZW TW14 TW 28.00 2.00 0.00524 0.00235 0.01150 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.0 43.0 91.0 48.0
ST/1162A/PZW TW15 TW 29.00 2.00 0.00431 0.00200 0.008718 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 45.0 95.0 50.0
ST/1162A/PZW TW16 TW 30.00 0.0630 0.00334 0.006118 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 47.0 100.0 53.0
ST/1162A/PZW PS12 P 31.00 0.0630 0.00377 0.006440 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 49.0 100.0 51.0
ST/1162A/PZW PS13 P 32.00 0.0630 0.00355 0.006279 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 48.0 100.0 52.0
ST/1162A/PZW PS14 P 33.00 0.0630 0.00355 0.006279 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 48.0 100.0 52.0
ST/1162A/PZW PS15 P 34.00 0.0630 0.00293 0.005790 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 45.0 100.0 55.0
ST/1162A/PZW PS16 P 35.00 0.0630 0.00274 0.005625 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 44.0 100.0 56.0
ST/1162A/PZW PS17 P 36.00 0.0630 0.00254 0.005458 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 43.0 100.0 57.0
ST/1162A/PZW PS18 P 37.00 0.0630 0.00355 0.006279 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 48.0 100.0 52.0
ST/1162A/PZW TW17 TW 38.00 0.0630 0.00377 0.006440 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 49.0 100.0 51.0
ST/1162A/PZW TW18 TW 39.00 0.0630 0.00377 0.006440 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 49.0 100.0 51.0
ST/1162A/PZW TW19 TW 40.00 0.0630 0.00489 0.00258 0.007506 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 54.0 100.0 46.0
ST/1162A/PZW TW20 TW 41.00 0.0630 0.00583 0.00322 0.008173 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 58.0 100.0 42.0
ST/1162A/PZW TW21 TW 42.00 2.00 0.00812 0.00474 0.01048 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 64.0 98.0 34.0
ST/1162A/PZW TW22 TW 43.00 2.00 0.00751 0.00422 0.01036 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 60.0 97.0 37.0
ST/1162A/PZW TW23 TW 44.00 2.00 0.00683 0.00381 0.009607 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 59.0 98.0 39.0
ST/1162A/PZW TW24 TW 45.00 2.00 0.00516 0.00262 0.008567 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 51.0 97.0 46.0
ST/1162A/PZW TW25 TW 46.00 2.00 0.00585 0.00272 0.01185 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.0 45.0 91.0 46.0
ST/1162A/PZW TW26 TW 47.00 2.00 0.00983 0.00406 0.04661 0.0 0.0 0.0 19.0 39.0 81.0 42.0
ST/1162A/PZW TW27 TW 48.00 2.00 0.00578 0.00239 0.02178 0.0 0.0 0.0 13.0 39.0 87.0 48.0
ST/1162A/PZW TW28 TW 49.00 2.00 0.00563 0.00238 0.01834 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.0 40.0 88.0 48.0
Date Reported: 20/12/2011 23:49:31
Sheet 1 of 2
PointID SAMP_Depth SAMP_REF SAMP_TYPE Depth SPEC_REF Reading Percent_Passing SPEC_PAS1 Remark
ST/1090A 3 TW1 TW 3 1 0.002 36
ST/1090A 3 TW1 TW 3 1 0.063 70
ST/1090A 3 TW1 TW 3 1 2 95
ST/1090A 4 TW2 TW 4 2 0.002 31
ST/1090A 4 TW2 TW 4 2 0.063 76
ST/1090A 4 TW2 TW 4 2 2 100
ST/1090A 5 TW3 TW 5 3 0.002 13
ST/1090A 5 TW3 TW 5 3 0.063 83
ST/1090A 5 TW3 TW 5 3 2 100
ST/1090A 6 TW4 TW 6 4 0.002 23
ST/1090A 6 TW4 TW 6 4 0.063 82
ST/1090A 6 TW4 TW 6 4 2 100
ST/1090A 7 TW5 TW 7 5 0.002 18
ST/1090A 7 TW5 TW 7 5 0.063 74
ST/1090A 7 TW5 TW 7 5 2 100
ST/1090A 8 TW6 TW 8 6 0.002 15
ST/1090A 8 TW6 TW 8 6 0.063 71
ST/1090A 8 TW6 TW 8 6 2 96
ST/1090A 9 TW7 TW 9 7 0.002 13
ST/1090A 9 TW7 TW 9 7 0.063 63
ST/1090A 9 TW7 TW 9 7 2 100
ST/1090A 10 TW8 TW 10 8 0.002 17
ST/1090A 10 TW8 TW 10 8 0.063 82
ST/1090A 10 TW8 TW 10 8 2 100
ST/1090A 11 TW9 TW 11 9 0.002 11
ST/1090A 11 TW9 TW 11 9 0.063 55
ST/1090A 11 TW9 TW 11 9 2 94
ST/1090A 12 TW10 TW 12 10 0.002 16
ST/1090A 12 TW10 TW 12 10 0.063 71
ST/1090A 12 TW10 TW 12 10 2 100
ST/1090A 13 TW11 TW 13 11 0.002 11
ST/1090A 13 TW11 TW 13 11 0.063 62
ST/1090A 13 TW11 TW 13 11 2 97
ST/1090A 14 TW12 TW 14 12 0.002 11
ST/1090A 14 TW12 TW 14 12 0.063 55
ST/1090A 14 TW12 TW 14 12 2 88
ST/1090A 15 TW13 TW 15 13 0.002 13
ST/1090A 15 TW13 TW 15 13 0.063 62
ST/1090A 15 TW13 TW 15 13 2 98
ST/1090A 16 TW14 TW 16 14 0.002 17
ST/1090A 16 TW14 TW 16 14 0.063 97
ST/1090A 16 TW14 TW 16 14 2 100
ST/1090A 17 TW15 TW 17 15 0.002 18
ST/1090A 17 TW15 TW 17 15 0.063 96
ST/1090A 17 TW15 TW 17 15 2 100
ST/1090A 18 TW16 TW 18 16 0.002 14
ST/1090A 18 TW16 TW 18 16 0.063 95
ST/1090A 18 TW16 TW 18 16 2 100
ST/1090A 19 TW17 TW 19 17 0.002 18
ST/1090A 19 TW17 TW 19 17 0.063 96
ST/1090A 19 TW17 TW 19 17 2 100
ST/1090A 20 TW18 TW 20 18 0.002 10
ST/1090A 20 TW18 TW 20 18 0.063 61
ST/1090A 20 TW18 TW 20 18 2 98
ST/1090A 21 TW19 TW 21 19 0.002 10
ST/1090A 21 TW19 TW 21 19 0.063 68
ST/1090A 21 TW19 TW 21 19 2 100
ST/1090A 22 TW20 TW 22 20 0.002 8
ST/1090A 22 TW20 TW 22 20 0.063 71
ST/1090A 22 TW20 TW 22 20 2 100
ST/1090A 23 TW21 TW 23 21 0.002 10
ST/1090A 23 TW21 TW 23 21 0.063 63
ST/1090A 23 TW21 TW 23 21 2 97
ST/1090A 24 TW22 TW 24 22 0.002 10
ST/1090A 24 TW22 TW 24 22 0.063 67
ST/1090A 24 TW22 TW 24 22 2 100
ST/1090A 25 TW23 TW 25 23 0.002 9
ST/1090A 25 TW23 TW 25 23 0.063 59
ST/1090A 25 TW23 TW 25 23 2 98
ST/1090A 26 TW24 TW 26 24 0.002 10
ST/1090A 26 TW24 TW 26 24 0.063 63
ST/1090A 26 TW24 TW 26 24 2 99
ST/1090A 27 TW25 TW 27 25 0.002 13
ST/1090A 27 TW25 TW 27 25 0.063 68
ST/1090A 27 TW25 TW 27 25 2 99
ST/1090A 28 TW26 TW 28 26 0.002 11
ST/1090A 28 TW26 TW 28 26 0.063 66
ST/1090A 28 TW26 TW 28 26 2 98
ST/1090A 29 MZ1 M 29 1 0.002 18
ST/1090A 29 MZ1 M 29 1 0.063 62
ST/1090A 29 MZ1 M 29 1 2 95
ST/1090A 30 TW27 TW 30 27 0.002 14
ST/1090A 30 TW27 TW 30 27 0.063 67
ST/1090A 30 TW27 TW 30 27 2 96
ST/1090A 31 MZ2 M 31 2 0.002 10
ST/1090A 31 MZ2 M 31 2 0.063 50
ST/1090A 31 MZ2 M 31 2 2 85
ST/1090A 32 MZ3 M 32 3 0.002 12
ST/1090A 32 MZ3 M 32 3 0.063 58
ST/1090A 32 MZ3 M 32 3 2 93
ST/1090A 34 TW28 TW 34 28 0.002 10
ST/1090A 34 TW28 TW 34 28 0.063 40
ST/1090A 34 TW28 TW 34 28 2 84
ST/1090A 35 MZ4 M 35 4 0.002 10
ST/1090A 35 MZ4 M 35 4 0.063 51
ST/1090A 35 MZ4 M 35 4 2 87
ST/1149A 3 TW1 TW 3 1 0.002 45
ST/1149A 3 TW1 TW 3 1 0.063 100
ST/1149A 3 TW1 TW 3 1 2 100
ST/1149A 4 PS1 P 4 1 0.002 46
ST/1149A 4 PS1 P 4 1 0.063 100
ST/1149A 4 PS1 P 4 1 2 100
ST/1149A 6 PS3 P 6 3 0.002 45
ST/1149A 6 PS3 P 6 3 0.063 100
ST/1149A 6 PS3 P 6 3 2 100
ST/1149A 8 PS5 P 8 5 0.002 46
ST/1149A 8 PS5 P 8 5 0.063 100
ST/1149A 8 PS5 P 8 5 2 100
ST/1149A 10 PS7 P 10 7 0.002 51
ST/1149A 10 PS7 P 10 7 0.063 100
ST/1149A 10 PS7 P 10 7 2 100
ST/1149A 12 PS9 P 12 9 0.002 55
ST/1149A 12 PS9 P 12 9 0.063 100
ST/1149A 12 PS9 P 12 9 2 100
ST/1149A 14 PS11 P 14 11 0.002 56
ST/1149A 14 PS11 P 14 11 0.063 100
ST/1149A 14 PS11 P 14 11 2 100
ST/1149A 16 PS13T P 16 13T 0.002 27
ST/1149A 16 PS13T P 16 13T 0.063 69
ST/1149A 16 PS13T P 16 13T 2 100
ST/1149A 16.45 PS13B P 16.45 13B 0.002 37
ST/1149A 16.45 PS13B P 16.45 13B 0.063 68
ST/1149A 16.45 PS13B P 16.45 13B 2 100
ST/1149A 17 TW2 TW 17 2 0.002 16
ST/1149A 17 TW2 TW 17 2 0.063 31
ST/1149A 17 TW2 TW 17 2 2 98
ST/1149A 18 TW3 TW 18 3 0.002 16
ST/1149A 18 TW3 TW 18 3 0.063 30
ST/1149A 18 TW3 TW 18 3 2 100
ST/1149A 19 TW4 TW 19 4 0.002 56
ST/1149A 19 TW4 TW 19 4 0.063 91
ST/1149A 19 TW4 TW 19 4 2 100
ST/1149A 20 TW5 TW 20 5 0.002 60
ST/1149A 20 TW5 TW 20 5 0.063 98
ST/1149A 20 TW5 TW 20 5 2 100
ST/1149A 22 TW7 TW 22 7 0.002 40
ST/1149A 22 TW7 TW 22 7 0.063 77
ST/1149A 22 TW7 TW 22 7 2 100
ST/1149A 23 TW8 TW 23 8 0.002 60
ST/1149A 23 TW8 TW 23 8 0.063 94
ST/1149A 23 TW8 TW 23 8 2 100
ST/1149A 26 MZ1 M 26 1 0.002 17
ST/1149A 26 MZ1 M 26 1 0.063 31
ST/1149A 26 MZ1 M 26 1 2 100
ST/1149A 28 MZ2 M 28 2 0.002 16
ST/1149A 28 MZ2 M 28 2 0.063 31
ST/1149A 28 MZ2 M 28 2 2 100
ST/1149A 30 MZ3 M 30 3 0.002 42
ST/1149A 30 MZ3 M 30 3 0.063 81
ST/1149A 30 MZ3 M 30 3 2 100
ST/1149A 32 MZ4 M 32 4 0.002 37
ST/1149A 32 MZ4 M 32 4 0.063 70
ST/1149A 32 MZ4 M 32 4 2 100
ST/1149A 34 MZ5 M 34 5 0.002 12
ST/1149A 34 MZ5 M 34 5 0.063 49
ST/1149A 34 MZ5 M 34 5 2 100
ST/1149A 36 MZ6 M 36 6 0.002 21
ST/1149A 36 MZ6 M 36 6 0.063 58
ST/1149A 36 MZ6 M 36 6 2 100
ST/1149A 38 MZ7 M 38 7 0.002 43
ST/1149A 38 MZ7 M 38 7 0.063 85
ST/1149A 38 MZ7 M 38 7 2 100
ST/1149A 40 MZ8 M 40 8 0.002 38
ST/1149A 40 MZ8 M 40 8 0.063 75
ST/1149A 40 MZ8 M 40 8 2 100
ST/1149A 42 MZ9 M 42 9 0.002 38
ST/1149A 42 MZ9 M 42 9 0.063 75
ST/1149A 42 MZ9 M 42 9 2 100
ST/1149A 44 MZ10 M 44 10 0.063 15
ST/1149A 44 MZ10 M 44 10 2 78
ST/1162A/PZW 4 TW1 TW 4 1 0.002 26
ST/1162A/PZW 4 TW1 TW 4 1 0.063 37
ST/1162A/PZW 4 TW1 TW 4 1 2 92
ST/1162A/PZW 5 TW2 TW 5 2 0.002 28
ST/1162A/PZW 5 TW2 TW 5 2 0.063 38
ST/1162A/PZW 5 TW2 TW 5 2 2 90
ST/1162A/PZW 6 TW3 TW 6 3 0.002 26
ST/1162A/PZW 6 TW3 TW 6 3 0.063 44
ST/1162A/PZW 6 TW3 TW 6 3 2 90
ST/1162A/PZW 7 TW4 TW 7 4 0.002 18
ST/1162A/PZW 7 TW4 TW 7 4 0.063 31
ST/1162A/PZW 7 TW4 TW 7 4 2 86
ST/1162A/PZW 8 TW5 TW 8 5 0.002 16
ST/1162A/PZW 8 TW5 TW 8 5 0.063 25
ST/1162A/PZW 8 TW5 TW 8 5 2 78
ST/1162A/PZW 9 TW6 TW 9 6 0.002 16
ST/1162A/PZW 9 TW6 TW 9 6 0.063 26
ST/1162A/PZW 9 TW6 TW 9 6 2 79
ST/1162A/PZW 10 TW7 TW 10 7 0.002 18
ST/1162A/PZW 10 TW7 TW 10 7 0.063 29
ST/1162A/PZW 10 TW7 TW 10 7 2 82
ST/1162A/PZW 11 TW8 TW 11 8 0.002 15
ST/1162A/PZW 11 TW8 TW 11 8 0.063 26
ST/1162A/PZW 11 TW8 TW 11 8 2 87
ST/1162A/PZW 12 TW9 TW 12 9 0.002 16
ST/1162A/PZW 12 TW9 TW 12 9 0.063 25
ST/1162A/PZW 12 TW9 TW 12 9 2 86
ST/1162A/PZW 13 TW10 TW 13 10 0.063 5
ST/1162A/PZW 13 TW10 TW 13 10 2 96
ST/1162A/PZW 14 PS1 P 14 1 0.002 38
ST/1162A/PZW 14 PS1 P 14 1 0.063 77
ST/1162A/PZW 14 PS1 P 14 1 2 100
ST/1162A/PZW 15 PS2 P 15 2 0.002 45
ST/1162A/PZW 15 PS2 P 15 2 0.063 94
ST/1162A/PZW 15 PS2 P 15 2 2 100
ST/1162A/PZW 16 PS3 P 16 3 0.002 51
ST/1162A/PZW 16 PS3 P 16 3 0.063 100
ST/1162A/PZW 16 PS3 P 16 3 2 100
ST/1162A/PZW 17 PS4 P 17 4 0.002 51
ST/1162A/PZW 17 PS4 P 17 4 0.063 100
ST/1162A/PZW 17 PS4 P 17 4 2 100
ST/1162A/PZW 18 PS5 P 18 5 0.002 53
ST/1162A/PZW 18 PS5 P 18 5 0.063 100
ST/1162A/PZW 18 PS5 P 18 5 2 100
ST/1162A/PZW 19 PS6 P 19 6 0.002 51
ST/1162A/PZW 19 PS6 P 19 6 0.063 100
ST/1162A/PZW 19 PS6 P 19 6 2 100
ST/1162A/PZW 20 PS7 P 20 7 0.002 52
ST/1162A/PZW 20 PS7 P 20 7 0.063 100
ST/1162A/PZW 20 PS7 P 20 7 2 100
ST/1162A/PZW 21 PS8 P 21 8 0.002 52
ST/1162A/PZW 21 PS8 P 21 8 0.063 100
ST/1162A/PZW 21 PS8 P 21 8 2 100
ST/1162A/PZW 22 PS9 P 22 9 0.002 53
ST/1162A/PZW 22 PS9 P 22 9 0.063 100
ST/1162A/PZW 22 PS9 P 22 9 2 100
ST/1162A/PZW 23 PS10 P 23 10 0.002 51
ST/1162A/PZW 23 PS10 P 23 10 0.063 100
ST/1162A/PZW 23 PS10 P 23 10 2 100
ST/1162A/PZW 24 PS11 P 24 11 0.002 51
ST/1162A/PZW 24 PS11 P 24 11 0.063 100
ST/1162A/PZW 24 PS11 P 24 11 2 100
ST/1162A/PZW 25 TW11 TW 25 11 0.002 51
ST/1162A/PZW 25 TW11 TW 25 11 0.063 100
ST/1162A/PZW 25 TW11 TW 25 11 2 100

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