Pork Barrel

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Dela Cruz, Nolein Verniz V.


My claim about the pork barrel issue

Nowadays, pork barrel is a widespread topic in the country especially when the issue
about pork barrel scam and the so-called Pork Barrel Queen, Janet Lim-Napoles became
popular. The word pork barrel is defined as any allocated budget used for the lawmakers. It is
also characterized as a bill or project requiring considerable government spending in a locality to
the benefit of the legislators constituents. It originated during the colonization of the Americans
in 1916 with the purpose of dividing and ruling the Philippine Assembly. There were Filipinos
who wanted independence. Some waned statehood so some Americans used the pork barrel to
appease their allies (La Vina, 2013). When former president, Ferdinand Marcos reigned, he
abolished the pork barrel and distributed the money to his cronies. Currently, pork barrel is also
known as Priority Development Assistance Fund or PDAF for short. The term PDAF was
renamed during the administration of Joseph Ejercito Estrada in the year 2000.

If I were to ask if I agree with the pork barrel system, undeniably, I would say no. With
the rampant corruption that happens in our country, I wouldnt entrust the taxes to our lawmakers
that we, Filipinos pay. Maybe its true that not all senators or congressmen take advantage of the
budget for their pork barrel. But what are they doing to abolish corruption especially at the
present time when it is out of control? The pork barrel system entitles every member of the
House of Representative a 70 million pesos allocation of budget annually whereas every senator
receives an annual allocation of 200 million pesos. The president also benefits from Presidents
Social Fund or PSF worth around 1 billion pesos which resembles the PDAF system. Our
country wouldnt suffer if only these funds were used properly and if only the government
officials dont allocate the money for their own luxury. Probably, our country would even have
the chance to progress and regain its title, Tiger of Asia. As the campaign slogan of PNoy
states, Kapag walang corrupt, walang mahirap, Philippines wouldnt lag behind its
neighboring countries which are now progressing.

In the case of Janet Lim-Napoles, this so-called Pork Barrel Queen was alleged stealing
10 billion pesos worth of pork barrel fund. The JLN Corporation, headed by Napoles is a trading
company/syndicate that Napoles used to corrupt. Over the past 10 years, Napoles used funds
from the pork barrel of lawmakers and she invented at least 20 fake NGOs as ghost projects.
Napoles brother, Reynaldo Lim was her accomplice. This modus operandi was exposed by a
whistle blower named Benhur Luy which happens to be Napoles cousin. He revealed that

Napoles manufactures fake receipts, forges signatures of local government officials and
fabricates names of beneficiaries of stated funds. Napoles established fake foundations or nongovernment organizations with her close affiliates, including a nanny, named as presidents.
Napoles also talks with senators to get involved with her ghost projects with the promise of
getting commission in return.

I dont know what had gotten into Napoles mind to do such thing. I was definitely
outraged when I heard and learned about this issue especially the information mentioned above.
Pork barrel must be abolished as soon as possible considering the evidences gathered that
revealed the corruption of lawmakers and even NGOs specifically, Napoles. If pork barrel
system will continue, rampant corruption will still prevail. It is a poison that damages our
country, leaving many Filipino citizens suffer from poverty, hunger, unemployment, lack of
education, etc. Pork barrel could have been advantageous if its only used responsibly. If senators
and congressmen adhere to hundreds of poor people who seek financial assistance especially
those regarding the health and medical needs, pork barrel could have benefited millions of
Filipinos. Former health undersecretary Alex Padilla says he welcomes pork barrel allocations
for the medical needs of the poor. This is in his capacity now as the president and chief executive
officer of the state-run Philippines Health Insurance Corporation or PhilHealth. The bottom line
is there is better use for pork barrel of lawmakers that can help achieve this universal coverage of
state medical insurance for the Filipino people (Villanueva, 2013). Pork barrel could have been
used justly but then the lawmakers and even a businesswoman took advantage of it. Truly, it
proves that even NGOs can have access t the pork barrel fund even though its illegal. This
intensified the urge of many Filipinos to abolish the pork barrel system. In fact, last August 26,
2013, Million People March was held at the Luneta Park wherein Filipinos gathered to show
their resentment towards the pork barrel system and requesting the president to abolish pork
barrel. This proves that Filipinos are trying to show the government that they are against their
rotten system and thus, reform should take place.

Many Filipino would celebrate if the president will abolish the pork barrel system. There
are many benefits that our country would benefit from if pork barrel be abolished. Candidates for
congress will henceforth come from those motivated solely by the desire to serve the country,
without no intention of enriching themselves in office (Diaz, 2013). The information mentioned
above were just a few to prove my stand, Abolish pork barrel!


A short history of the pork barrel. (2013, August 26). Retrieved from http://www.abscbnnews.com/video/nation/08/26/13/short-history-pork-barrel
Carvajal, N. (2013, July 14). How P10-B racket works. Retrieved from
Carvajal, N. (2013, July 12). NBI probes P10-B scam. Retrieved from
Diaz, J. (2013, August 26). Benefits from abolishing pork. Retrieved from
Pork barrel: costs and benefits. (2013, July 20). Retrieved from
Villanueva, M. (2013, September 4). Better use of pork barrel. Retrieved from

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