Mission: "Vitality Is at The Heart of Everything We Do. It's in Our Brands, Our People and Our Approach To Business."

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Vitality is at the heart of everything we do. It's in

our brands, our people and our approach to

The four pillars of our vision set out the long term direction for the
company where we want to go and how we are going to get
We work to create a better future every day
We help people feel good, look good and get more out of life with
brands and services that are good for them and good for others.
We will inspire people to take small everyday actions that can add up
to a big difference for the world.
We will develop new ways of doing business with the aim of doubling
the size of our company while reducing our environmental impact.


Firstly,I am thankful to Allah Almighty, for giving us courage at each and every step of our lives, and
especially in making this report. I have been given topic Marketing Management of the Walls Ice cream
company towards its Product. During tour assignment, i conducted an understanding of the existing
Marketing concepts, procedures; plan of Walls Company of launching their Products and detailed
Marketing plan and process is submitted as under. I performed our research on the Walls Product
launching, Marketing and distribution processes with the objective of evaluating the overall process for
various functions and performed procedures as communicated by and in accordance with the guidance
provided by our teacher. This report contains detail of marketing process that i identified while
performing research along with their effects and belongings. The report has been discussed and agreed
with the respective Group members. We analyzed the existing process to obtain a better understanding of
the companys marketing process for a better understating of our subject

In 1993 Lever Brothers formulated a team to search for new business potential in Pakistan. The team
concluded that there is a lot of potential in ice-cream market in Pakistan and Lever Brother should enter
the ice-cream market without any hesitation and so they decided to launch WALLS Ice cream in

In February 1995, WALLS launched with twelve products. After the launching of WALLS it gave
tremendous services and Polka loosed its market share by a huge extent. At this time Polka tried to sell
itself to WALLS but now WALLS had done all the hard work which they initially did not want to do by
acquiring Polka, so they were not ready to buy Polka. But Polka spread a rumor that Nestle is coming
through Polka which obviously WALLS did not want, so they purchased Polka in 1997.
This acquisition made WALLS an unchallenged market Leader and it also emerged as the Impulse
brand with new level of excellence in take-home or desert ice cream.
WALLS was launched firstly in Lahore and lately in Karachi and Islamabad. In 1996, it was launched in
Faisalabad and in 1997 it was launched in Multan, Quetta, Hyderabad, Peshawar and Sukhar as well.
The Heart was launched in 1997 to unite Unilever's ice cream businesses and brands, and has grown to
become the most-recognized logo in the world of ice cream. In 2003, we announced the next step in
building the world's most powerful ice cream brand, re-launching the Heart as symbol of the serious fun
of ice cream.
WALLS has its 38 plants all over the world. And has a share of 22% of international ice cream market. In
Pakistan it is 35-40% of total ice cream market.
Walls started its factory on Multan Road (Bhai Pheru) in Lahore. Bringing some of the most loved brands
in the world like Cornetto, Magnum, Paddle Pop, Carte Dor and Creamy Delight.
Fully equipped with state of the art machinery, the Walls factory is a standard of hygiene and technology
in the region and has become synonymous with quality.

All Walls products are made with Halal ingredients in a Halal

compliant manner.

The Walls Global brands available in the Pakistani market are:



Price Strategies


Skimming refers to products that company manufacture for particular class which can afford.
Like Magnum and CARTE DOR. Due to high prices everyone cant enjoy this. Rich people can
afford it because they are not price conscious and just go for good quality.
Penetration refers to those products that are assessable for everyone, having low income. Like
Paddle Pop and Local Jewels. These products have a low price thats why their sales are high and
occupy maximum market share as compared to skimming products.
It includes the elite or higher income class who can afford even the most expensive items without
much botheration. They consume ice-cream more on the basis of taste and preference rather than
This class includes people with moderate kind of income. You can neither put them in free hand
category nor very less purchasing power category. These people normally take the taste and
affordability both into consideration.
These are the people with very little income to spend. These people usually prefer the low price
and economy than taste and preferences.


1. ADULTS will mostly prefer the quality product which not only fulfill their taste and preference
requirements but also reflects their personality. The adults are normally ready to pay for a product
which fulfills their physical and psychological needs because they are the income generators.

2. TEENAGERS dont have any specific taste and preferences. New products and new ideas
always attract them. But they have a limited product and they have to maintain their expenditure
within that.

3. KIDS normally do not have a great know-how of the taste rather they are psychologically
attracted towards the product. They are not concerned with the taste of ice cream and they just
want ice cream. As they are dependent and cannot spend money themselves, so their parents
mostly just provide them with an economical ice cream, not any specialized ice cream as it is not

One of the competitive advantages of WALLS is its availability, which is ensured by extensive
distribution. The distribution of ice cream is different from other products. To keep it in a good

form it must be chilled at appropriate temperature. For this purpose deep freezers are used, which
are provided by the company. However, the running costs are to be paid by the retailer. For this
purpose walls gives a margin of 18% to its retailers\distributors, which is distributed over entire
channel. Pakistan is divided in three major sections. These are as follows:
1) North
(Islamabad, Peshawar and Northern areas)
2) Central
(Lahore and Central Punjab)
3) South
(Sindh and Baluchistan)


Distribution channel consists of all the people and organizations, which are involved, in the
physical distribution of goods. Distribution is making the product available but this availability
should ensure that product must be:
At right place
At right time
In right condition
If there is any deficiency in any of these basic elements of distribution, the future of product
would be uncertain.
WALLS has a Hybrid Distribution System. It reaches different customers through different
WALLS is using two types of distribution channels, both are indirect channels.
This is commonly used, in which the WALLS factory send the products to the local distributors
who supply the products to the retailer in the required quantity. The retailer then sells it to the
customer. The specialty and effectiveness of this system is excellent.
The reason for such an excellent distribution system is the distribution policy.
During this distribution channel, the standard temperature of the cold chain is maintained.
One of the major reasons of early success and clean sweep given by walls is its availability, which
is ensured through extensive distribution. There is not even a single city in the country where one
cannot find a walls freezer or hear the sweet music of the trike (tricycles), which acts as a direct
marketing for it. Thus, WALLS has always tried its best to ensure the availability of the product
as close to the customers as possible and WALLS has been very successful in that.
There are two main distribution strategies, which WALLS has very effectively used.
1. in first strategy include incentives like free deep freezers, discounts on bulk purchases.
2. Advertising campaign that reminds and persuades customers to buy ice cream supports 2nd
strategy, which is facilitated by price offs, which are frequently offered by the company

Promotional Strategies

Distribution channel or the marketing channel plays a very crucial role in making the product available to
the final customer or the target consumer. There are various types of marketing channels or distribution
These are:Push and Pull Strategies:
In Push Strategy, manufacturer uses his sales force, trade promotion, money or other means to include
intermediaries to carry promote and sell its products to end users. MAGNUM does not include any push

In Pull Strategy, manufacturer users advertising, promotion and other forms of communication to
persuade the consumer. This is the form of communication MAGNUM prefers and uses. Magnum uses
pull strategy as there is high brand loyalty and high involvement in the category. Kwality walls adopts
pull strategy to persuade the consumers to demand the product from the intermediaries. It uses
advertising, promotion and other forms of communication for generating the demand for the product.
It also uses an exhaustive distribution network that includes kiosks, carts and stores spread across streets,
malls and theme parks.

Direct and Indirect Channel:

Direct channel-In this type of distribution channel the direct they directly provide the finished goods to
the customer without any intermediaries in between.
Indirect distribution- Indirect distribution channel consist of one or more intermediaries between the
manufacturer and the final customers. MAGNUM uses indirect distribution for its products.

SWOT Analysis

1. Massive distribution , availability of ice cream in all the cities of
2. Walls a strong brand name, under the umbrella of Unilever.
3. Unbeaten taste, quality.


Brand name has swallowed up the Parent company name.

2. No variation in taste.
3. Buying power is decreasing due to Inflation.

1. Tie-up with food chains, restaurants


2. 53%of our business comes from emerging markets.

1. Kulfi in rural markets

Competitive Analysis
Competitive analysis of Walls shows us that it is the leading frozen desert in Pakistan.









s Competition is not only with the other marketers of Ice cream but also with the brands that
arrange some kind of fun activity e.g. Cadbury, bakeries, candy land etc.


Wall's select to promote its product, personal selling, advertising, and sales promotion.
For personal selling it introduced "SPDs", for advertising, and sales promotion it used
printed and electronic media. Advertisement of Wall's are eye catching and attractive.
Through advertising it informs the consumer about new brands and flavors. For sales
promotion Wall's introduced different Schemas which are:
In solo ice cream, one ice cream piece is free in the packet.
In max-cup the Wall's gives bubble gum free.
The Wall's launch the scheme for 15% extra in top ten.
In family pack i-e King Kulfa, Mango or Select" special discount price scheme.


There is a gap in the market for Diet Ice Cream. Wall's should introduce it because they
are financially strong company. Through this they can capture a big market of the people
who are health conscious.

Wall's should increase its distribution area and should goes in that area where Wall's is
not available.

They should continuously advertised on different media.

Concentrate on delicious taste not too sweet or too fruity.

Saving schemes should be introduced on special events like Ramadan. Through this their
sale will increase

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