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Joe Delinski

CI 402 T
Oral History and Narrative Interview Exercise (Using the Combined Activity with the English Class)

Date: Slave Narrative Unit, Week 3, Thursday & Friday

Grade Level: 8
Time: 40-50 Minutes
Students: 25

16.A.3c Identify the differences between historical fact and interpretation.
16.A.3a Describe how historians use models for organizing historical interpretation
18.A.3 Explain how language, literature, the arts, architecture and traditions contribute to the development and transmission of


1. What role do slave narratives play in the society? How does this perspective change our ideas about the history of slavery?
2. What is oral history, and what is its role in African American culture?
3. How does religion, language, literature, the arts, architecture and traditions contribute to the development and transmission of
slave culture?

1. Interviewing can be used to create oral and narrative histories with multiple perspectives.
2. Biography and autobiography are important components in forming understanding historical events, individuals, and culture.
3. Writing an autobiography from another perspective can help people understand the mentality and thought processes of other
individuals and groups of people.

OBJECTIVES: Students will:

1. Utilize voice recordings (Oral History) to create a biography about their interviewee.
2. Understand how history is created along with how different perspectives can change historical interpretation.
3. Write a biography about the interviewee from that person’s perspective (It will read like an autobiography).


Interview Handout (Attached, Developed with English Group), Recordings of Interview, Transcripts of Interviews


1. Knowledge of Oral History and Narratives
2. The ability to analyze Primary Sources

1. 2 Minutes - Short class review of oral history.
2. 3 Minutes - Review of the requirements of the paper and ask for any questions about the assignment.
a. Clarify the requirements by giving examples of writing from a person’s perspective. Teacher writing from Abraham
Lincoln’s point of view, etc.

PROCEDURE: 40 Minutes
1. 5 Minutes - Teacher will pass out digital audio players with recordings of interviews and transcripts of interviews (From
English class).
2. 5 Minutes - Teacher will either take students to a computer lab or allow students to use in-class computers.
3. 30 Minutes - Students will begin writing their biographies. Teacher will redirect and assist students if necessary.

CLOSURE: 5 Minutes
1. Teacher will redirect the students.
2. Teacher will review tomorrow’s plan to continue writing and field any questions.
3. Teacher will remind students to bring materials and handouts for class on the following day.

1. Students will be informally assessed through observation – they should be on task and working.
Joe Delinski
CI 402 T
2. Students will be formally assessed when they hand in their final draft.

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