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Tour of the Tomb of Nefertari

Nefertari, also known as Nefertari Meritmut, was one of the Great Royal Wives (or
principal wives) of Ramesses the Great. Nefertari means 'beautiful companion' and
Meritmut means 'Beloved of the Goddess Mut'. She is one of the best known Egyptian
queens, next to Nefertiti and Hatshepsut. Her lavishly decorated tomb, QV66, is the largest
and most spectacular in the Valley of the Queens.


Mdw Ntr or Hieroglyphs (MDC)

Gardiners code (ie G17A)
Egyptological Pronunciation
English Translation

Upper Chamber South East wall


Dd mdw hrw sA Ast

Jed medew heru sA Aset
Words spoken by Heru, the Son of Aset.


Hmt nsw wrt nbt tAwy

Hemut nesut weret nebet TAwy
Great Wife of the King, Lady (First Lady) of the two lands.


nfrt iri mrit n Mwt mAa xrw

Nefertari Meritmut maakherew
Nefertari Meritmut true of voice (justified).


Giving life or may (she) live.

Xr wsir(Asir) nTr aA
Kher Asar Netcher aa
In the presence of Asar the great God.
Lets Read all together Now! lol
Jed medew heru sA Aset. Hemut nesut weret nebet TAwy. Nefertari Meritmut maakherew Ankh-tee
Kher Asar Netcher aah.
Words spoken by Heru, the Son of Aset. Great Wife of the King, Lady (First Lady) of the two lands.
Nefertari Meritmut true of voice (justified). Giving life or may (she) live in the presence of Asar the great
Moving along the wall we meet non-other than the great Netcheru Ra Horakhty and Hetheru

Dd mdw di n n aHaw n ra
Jed medew di en ek ahaw en ra
Words spoken, I give you the lifetime of ra.

Dd mdw di n n Dt m anX Dd wAs
Jed Medew di en ek Djet em ankh Djed was
Words spoken, I give you, life, stability and power eternally.

Ra Hr AXty ntr aA
Ra-horahkty netcher aa
Ra-horahkty the great God.

Hwt-Hrw Hr tp wAst Hnwt
Hetheru her tep henewet
Het-heru, Chief of Waset, Mistress

nTrw nbw
Netcheru nebu
All the gods.

Jed medew di en ek ahaw en Ra. Jed Medew di en ek Djet em ankh Djed was. Ra-horahkty netcher aa.
Hetheru her tep henewet, Netcheru nebu
Words spoken by Ra-horahkty the great God; I give you the lifetime of ra. Words spoken, I give you, life,
stability and power eternally. Het-heru, Chief of Waset, Mistress of all the gods.

Nxbt HD nxn
Nekhbet hej nkhen
Nekhbet of Hieraconpolis

Dd mdw di n k nHH mi ra
Jed medew di ek neheh mi ra
Words spoken, I give you eternity like ra

Dd mdw di n k xa ra m pt
Jed medew di en ek kha em pet
Words spoken, I give you appearances of ra in heaven.


Dd mdw di n k st m tA Dsr
Jed medew di en ek em ta joser
Words spoken, I give to you a place in the sacred land


Xpri Hry ib nSmt f nTr aAi

Khepri nesmet ef netcher aai
Khepri the Great God, who resides in his boat.

Jed medew di ek neheh mi ra. Jed medew di en ek kha em pet Jed medew di en ek em ta joser. Khepri
nesmet ef netcher aai

Words spoken, I give you eternity like ra, Words spoken, I give you appearances of ra in heaven. Words
spoken, I give to you a place in the sacred land Khepri the Great God, who resides in his boat

Dd mdw mAat sAt ra xwy sa hmt nsw wrt nfrt iri mrit n Mwt mAa xrw
Jed medew maAt
Words spoken by Maat, daughter of Ra, the protector of her daughter
Note: G39&Z1 is says sA which should be sAt also curious to note sa as V17 sA also means protection


Wsir hmt nsw wrt nbt tAwy nfrt iri mrit n Mwt mAa xrw xr wsir
Asar hemet nswt weret nebet tawy Nefertari merimut maakherw kher Asar
The great wife of the king, lady of the two lands, Asar Nefertari Merimut Justified before Asar

Djed column flanked on both sides by wAs Power & dominion scepter.

Wsir hmt nsw wrt nfrt iri mrit n Mwt mAa xrw
Asar hemet nswt weret nebet tawy Nefertari merimut maakherw
The great wife of the king, lady of the two lands, Asar Nefertari Merimut Justified
Note: this is written a little difffernet but it is still read the same as other tibularies

Wsir hmt nsw wrt nbt tAwy Hnwt Smaw tA mHw nfrt iri mrit n Mwt mAa xrw xr wsir
Asar hemet nswt weret nebet tawy henewet semai Ta mehew Nefertari merimut maakherw kher Asar
The great wife of the king, lady of the two lands, Asar Nefertari Merimut Justified before Asar

mAa xrw xrf wsir xnty imntt sa anx Dd wAs nb Awt ib nb mHw z nb mi ra

imAt Ht mrt hnwt Smaw tA mHw hmt nsw wrt nbt tAwy nbt

Dd mdw di n k Xai ra m pt Dd mdw di n k trn nhh mi ra

wsir htp m ra
ra pw htp m wsir
Asar hotep em Ra
Ra pw hotep em Asar
Asar is at peace in Ra
Ra is at peace in Asar

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