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IIM Ranchi




IIM Ranchi Celebrates Teachers Day

Special points of

Teachers Day
Rajbhasha Pakhwada
Futsal 3.0
Ganesh Chaturthi
Toast Masters
In India, 5th September
is celebrated as Teachers
Day as a mark of tribute
to the contribution made
by teachers to society.
5th September is the
birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli
Radhakrishnan, who was
a staunch promoter of
education, a well-known
diplomat, a scholar, the
President of India and
above all, a great teacher.
The students of IIM Ranchi arranged and performed various types of
cultural programs and
activities as a token of
love and respect towards
their teachers. The event
started with a prayer
song by Priyanka Das
and was followed by a
mesmerizing Odissi performance by Jasmini.
Prof. Anindya Sen, Director In-charge, in his
speech remarked that
Teachers day and Janmashthami falling on the
same day was perhaps
not a coincidence after
all, as Lord Krishna was
not only a statesman
warrior but also a su-

preme teacher. Dr. Sen

also urged his students to
thoughts: the teacherstudent relationship and
the technological advancements. At the end of
the speech, he welcomed
the students of DPS, DAV
and Army Public School,
the fresh minds of India,
and invited them to share
their thoughts on the
topic Digitization of Education system in India.
After the cake cutting
ceremony, a mime show
and several musical performances followed. The
students from the three
invited schools and IIM
Ranchi presented their
ideas on the topic. They
mentioned how the digitization of classrooms has
the way
learn. It

advanced this world becomes, the connection

between a teacher and a
student is unparalleled
and will stay forever.
After the presentations,
faculty members from all
three schools were invited
on stage to discuss about
the points put forward by
the students, which led to
System of chalk and talk
can never be replaced.
The evening culminated
with an Assamese dance
performance by the first
year students of IIM Ranchi. It was evident from
the smiles on the faces of
each and every teacher
that the evening could not
have been better.

Deloitte Maverick

Inside this issue:

Teachers Day

Hindi Fortnight



Student Article

Futsal 3.0

Editors Message


Page 2

Hindi Fortnight Celebration

The students and staff of IIM

Ranchi came together to observe the importance of Hindi,
our official language, from 7th to
24th September, on the occasion
of Rajbhasha Pakhwada. The
events began with a debate
competition on the 7th of September. The event was judged
by Prof. Amit Sachan and Prof.
Gaurav Marathe. The winners
were the team of Shiv Shankar
Mahato and Madan Kulkarni,
with the team of Madhushree
Ayala and Piyush Jain finishing
This was followed by a poetry

recital competition for

the students
of IIM Ranchi. Prof Tanushree
event, which
was won by
Piyush Jain,
with Radhika
Bhama coming in as the runnerup. A similar recital competition
was also held for the faculty and
staff, with Prof. Swarup Kumar
Dutta and Prof. Rohit Kumar
judging the event. The competition was won by Mrs.
Swati Kindo, and Prof.
Gaurav Marathe came
in second place.

event. It was won by Sourabh

Snehdutt, with Shubhadeep
Mukherjee coming in second.
The celebrations came to an end
on the 24th of September. Dr.
Arun Kumar, HOD, Dept. of
Hindi, Ranchi University and
Prof. Anindya Sen, Director,
IIM Ranchi, were the esteemed
chief guests for the event. The
celebrations closed with the
winners being awarded certificates, and Dramebaaz, the
drama group of IIM Ranchi
performing a small skit about
the importance of Hindi. Let us
take a pledge to uphold and
encourage the use of this great

The event was held at Suchna

Bhawan. The contest had partici-

disagreement is

defeat, it is

Teal Swan

Toastmasters : International Humor Day

IIM Ranchi students had significant activities on 12th September on account of "The International Humorous Speech Contest" organized by Toastmasters,
IIM Ranchi. It was a day to celebrate laughter, joy and the importance of humor to ward off all
boredom and negativity from
ones hectic life. The entire team
of Toastmaster's IIM Ranchi put
in enormous efforts to make the
event a grand success.


not victory or

The final competition in

this series of events was
contest, open to all participants. Prof. Saumya
Sarkar and Prof. Shilpi
Dasgupta judged the

pation from Parijat Gaur, Novika Anand , Trisha Sardar,

Prajakta Sisodiya and Aparna
Yadav . The Contest Chair was
held by Prachi Jha. The Sergeants At Arms for the day
were Ankit Bansal and Swathi
K while Vanya Sanjar and Raj
Kiran took the role of Timekeepers. The various humorous speeches left the audiences
cracking in laughter. The Chief
guest for the contest, Mr. Arnab
Nag, Area Governor of the club,
who hails from TCS Kolkata was
really impressed by the participants narrating funny anecdotes
of simple things in daily mundane situations. One by one, all
the speakers narrated humorous
stories based on their wit and
quirky world view. The winner of
the speech contest was Novika
Anand who amused everyone
with her speech on life of an
MBA student. The speech left

The purpose

everyone in splits as it was easily

relatable to all the students present in the room. The 1st Runner
up was Trisha Sardar with her
amusing comic timing. The 2nd
runner up was Parijat Gaur who
spoke on the topic "Whats in a
name?" which made everyone
laugh till tears filled their eyes.
It was the beginning to a wonderful day, full of enthusiasm
and happy moments as funny
bones were tickled and people
rolled in laughter. It was a much
needed break for the students
and a really lucky day for the
winners Novika Anand and
Trisha Sardar as they will now
get the chance to represent IIM
Ranchi at Kolkata for "The International Humorous speech contest". We wish them the best of
luck and hope they will bring
the trophy home!


Page 3

IIM Ranchi Students Celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi

of a
culture can
be found in

Ganesh Chaturthi, sometimes

referred to as Vinayak
Chaturthi is the celebration of
Lord Ganeshas birthday,
while Maharashtra observes
the festival in all its splendour,
the charisma of the Lord Ganesha is such that he unites
everyone in the community.
The 2012-2014 batch did the
first Ganesh Sthapna, and
thus the legacy was continued
for the 3rd year. Preparations
for the big day caused a frenzy
of activity at the IIMR Hostel.
Sharayu, Girija, Rutuja,
Prachiti, Prajakta, Varsha and
Ankita along with the Cultural
committee beautifully decorated the room while Himanshu arranged the Ganesh
Murti. 17th morning started
with a grand Ganesh Sthapna
and the zest and zeal continued till day 3, the 19th of Sep-

tember. Dhol was called for,

the Visarjan puja where everyone parted with Lord Ganesha
with a heavy heart and the idol
of Lord Ganesh was immersed
in the sacred waters of the
river Subernarekha. There was
a traditional band of the
Nashik Dhol to mark the
the Khelgaon
danced to the
rhythm of the
Dhols and
finally it was
a time for
bidding adieu
Lord Ganesha leaving
with mixed

feelings, sad that he was leaving and happy that he will

definitely come back next
year. As they say , "Ganpati
Bappa Morya, Pudhcya Varshi
Lavkar Ya' The 3 days were
filled with fun, frolic, beautiful
rangolis, eccentric decorations
and yummy prasad.


Page 4

The Deloitte Maverick Journey

challenge and sleep. We decided
that the returns for not just us but
also the institute would be huge if
we won. So we allocated maximum
time into preparing for the case
challenge and relied only on class
Author of The
learnings for examination.

The Deloitte Campus Maverick

journey started for us with the
Sports Retail Case of Round 1. We
submitted the entry with a lot of
work being done at the eleventh
hour. Although we were over the
moon when our dear friend Rajashekhar Reddy - brought us the
unexpected good news, we were
well aware that it was only the beginning and we had to be at our
best for the Regionals, competing
against IIM-C and XLRI. For the
regional rounds, our seniors Ron
Babu John, Nitin Ningaiah and
Abhijoy Sarkar helped us immensely with their critical and
honest feedback which kept us on
our toes. The primary motivation
at this stage was to at least match
the achievements of our seniors.
The Regional Round
The cases were released the day we
the senior batch - were busy
organizing Freshers and none of
us were aware of it till the next
morning. There were three optional cases along with one mandatory case. We had hardly four days
in hand to submit the deliverables.
We pulled four consecutive allnighters with the help of coffee and
our friend Kaustubh Chatterjees
much-needed support and encouragement. To him we owe a lot of
gratitude for being extremely patient and for being our midnight
barista. Next was the presentation
which required us to travel to the
city of Bhubaneswar and although
the idea of wandering around town
was such a lure, we stayed put in
our hotel room and prepared.

The Regional Finals started with

the boardroom rounds where the
teams had to present the optional
case in front of a panel comprising
of senior Deloitte managers. A tenminute presentation followed by a
five-minute Q&A round. Seven of
the sixteen teams qualified for the
stage rounds in which the mandatory CSR case was to be presented
on stage in front of an audience.
Both these rounds were especially
challenging as we were informed of
the time limit just before the
round, which pushed us into pacing our presentation accordingly.
Three teams from the East zone
qualified for the national finals to
be held at Hyderabad and it was no
less than being in seventh heaven
to hear the name of Ranchi Dreamers in the final list.
The Finals
The biggest challenge we faced just
before the national finals was that
the term final exam schedule coincided with the Deloitte Maverick
schedule. After multiple discussions with the Faculty Assistants
and with the consent of the concerned faculty, we were allowed to
pre-pone the exam. A huge thanks
to the college administration for
being accommodating in this regard. A bigger thanks to our batchmates as quite a few had to sit for
3 exams on the same day due to the
rescheduling. Another dilemma
was that Deloitte released caserelated data during the time our
final exams were going on and we
had to make a choice between
three things: the exams, the case

We reached Hyderabad on 3rd September by taking 2 consecutive

flights. We were introduced to the
maverick team the next day and
were asked to expect a surprise in
the coming two days. Starting at 4
PM, we were given 4 questions one
each at regular intervals. A senior
manager from Deloitte was assigned to every team to help the
teams gain insights into the case
data. The final deliverables included two solution slides concerning two distinct problem areas. The
presentations would take place the
next day.

Deepak Nair

That night it was all about preparing ourselves to communicate

whatever we had put in the slides
in the most effective and lucid way. Deepak Nair,
Like in the regional rounds, we
went into a board room where
nearly 10 Deloittes senior managers evaluated us. The stage for the
Praveen and
final round was set in the spacious
food court of Deloitte. Bands from
three different colleges had been Yagna Teja of
invited to perform in the War of
Bands national finals. The format Team Ranchi
again was similar to the regional
stage round. 5 minutes of presentaDreamers
tion followed by 2 mins of Q&A.
This time we were better prepared
and timed our presentation correctly and were therefore able to
communicate our ideas much more
effectively. When they finally announced the results, it took a while
to sink in. In the end what we
would probably remember about
Deloitte Maverick isnt the prize or
the presentations. It would be the
weeks of sleepless nights, screwing
up the end term examinations,
getting the exams rescheduled for
the entire batch, brainstorming at
the airport, calling up seniors for
anything and everything, getting
help from peers and the cups of
coffee. Wed also remember that all
of this trouble was totally worth it.


Page 5

FUTSAL 3.0 - The Football Extravaganza!

"A trophy
caries dust.

mary lou

Futsal 3.0, IIM Ranchis very

own Football league, organized
by the Sports Committee had
yet another great season with
fresh talents onboard. It
started with the customary
Auctions. Nitish Anand was
the first prize pick made by the
team GOAL DIGGERS. At the
end of the auctions the six
teams to put their heart and
soul on the line in the quest for
glory, were ready. Futsal
kicked off with the clash of the
titans, SMOKIN ACES Vs
AUZAAR. These two were the
oldest franchises in Futsal. The
familiar foes, each team being
finalists in previous editions of
Futsal, fought tooth and nail.
The closely contested game
was decided on penalties,
where Satyajit Das and Chetan
Sehgal, with a goal each ensured that the ACES emerge
The points table
transposed each day
with see-saw movements. At the end of
the 5th day RONIN
the roost, followed by
The two best teams
of the tournament,

SMOKIN' ACES and RONIN go and continued to lay siege

CURVE FC were up against on their opponents goal, as
each other in the Grand Finale. the game was approaching the
end of the regulation time it
RONIN CURVE FC had steam- appeared to be playing into
rolled all their opponents and the hands of the ACES. But
had scored a whopping 11 goals cometh the hour, cometh the
in 5 games. With their star man! In the dying seconds,
player and captain Raja Sunder, Raja from RONIN CURVE ran
Man of the tournament of Fut- with the ball inside the box,
s a l 2 . 0 a n d t h e f i n d drifted near the post and
of Futsal 3.0, Ankit Tiwary the played an excellent shot. This
team was ready to battle their last stab on goal proved fatal
opponent, the SMOKIN' ACES. as it went away from the reach
Nevertheless, the ACES had of ACES into the net. RONIN
already impressed one and all CURVE was then declared
with their stunning perform- Champions of IIMR Futsal
ances, especially the penalty 3.0. They redefined the word
shoot out wins. Battling pain dominance as they became
and odds the two teams had the First team to remain uncome a long way since the start. beaten throughout the tourIn the finale, hey locked horns nament in the history of Futone last time to determine the sal. The football fever thus
ultimate champion.
reached its culmination point.
IIM Ranchi will continue to
Though RONIN CURVE started entertain the crowd with furattacking right from the word ther seasons of Futsal.

IIM Ranchi, Literary Club

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IIM Ranchi


Indian Institute of Management

Suchana Bhawan,
5th Floor, Audrey House
Meurs Road, Ranchi 834 008

The ninth Indian Institute of Management was established at Ranchi in 2010. This was made possible
with the extensive support of the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta and the Government of Jharkhand, working under the guidance of Ministry of HRD, Government of India.
We started at a time when competition and aggression was prevalent in management education. Understanding the need to incorporate right values in young minds, IIMR was started to incorporate right values in
young minds and impart education for the information age that encourages networking and collaborative
IIM Ranchi currently offers a two year PGDM in General management and another two year fulltime
programme on Human Resources Management (PGDHRM), Fellow Program in Management and 18
month part time Diploma in Management (PGEXP).
Our Programs are different and we are an institute with a difference.

Letter from the Editor

The brick walls are there
for a reason. The brick
walls are not there to keep
us out. The brick walls are
there to give us a chance
to show how badly we
want something. Because
the brick walls are there to
stop the people who dont
want it badly enough.
Theyre there to stop the
other people.
~ Randy Pausch,
The Last Lecture
Yes, the quote roughly translates to Never Give Up.
And yes, its probably one of
the most clichd and oft repeated phrases youve heard
in your life. But theres a
reason why these sayings are
clichs. It is because there is
age old wisdom in them.
The temptation to give up is
a common one, and nobody
is exempt. At some point or

other, we have all thought

about giving up. Do you
think Thomas Edison, Walt
Disney or JK Rowling became famous and successful
overnight? A significant
number of hugely successful
people got off to very rocky
starts. Most had to endure
rejection after rejection professionally and personally.
But, they just learnt to take
rejection in their stride and
kept ploughing on.
Missed opportunities and
failures are largely responsible for making you the person you are today. If the
Grand Canyon were shielded
from the never abating
windstorms, would we be
able to behold the true
beauty of its carvings? Similarly, we are nothing without
the challenges and hardships
that we fight so hard to

As Winston Churchill, no
stranger to rejection himself
was so fond of saying,
never give innever, never,
never, never, in nothing
great or small, large or petty,
never give in except to convictions of honor and good
sense. Never yield to force;
never yield to the apparently
overwhelming might of the
No matter what the task is,
we may get to a point where
we can no longer see the
light at the end of the tunnel.
Sometimes the hardest thing
to do is to make it to the
finish line. At times like
those, just believe in yourself
and tell yourself that there is
ALWAYS light at the end of
the tunnel.
- Adarsh K A M
On Behalf of
The Literary Club
IIM Ranchi

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