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From a common point of view, the dento-manducatory apparel is not part of the
postural system as it isnt a sense organ.
In fact, it plays a role of misinformation for the central nervous system. It frequently
interferes with balance and jeopardizes the postural system.
Its fragile and constitutes a fundamental element of the triptych eye-necktemporomandibular joints (TMJ) in which it could be target or arrow.
The dento-manducatory system also relates in weird fashion with psyche, particularly
for women. It had to adapt itself to bipedalism and tries hard to adapt to postural,
physical and psychic disorders today.

This apparel includes the occlusive system with mastication and also swallowing.
Occlusive troubles will influence the craniosacral mechanism and the muscular
chains (via superior maxillary bones and mandible). Gravity body lines will then be
modified along with postural tone.
Trigeminal nerve (CN5) innervates the teeth. It conveys afferences from the
periodontal ligaments, alveolar cavities, gingivas and joints. This nerve also conveys
efferences to the muscles. Some of these information relay into the stellate ganglion;
some find their way to the fasciculus longitudinalis medialis to reach the nucleus
This organization shows that the CN5 is the postural nerve. Any neuropathy or crush
syndrome will affect the osteo-muscular system that regulates the tonic postural
We find TMJ dysfunctions in relation to occlusion, mastication, swallowing and tong
When facing a mandibular issue, we have associated troubles in the cervical spine
and the pelvis caused by muscles: temporal muscles, longus colli, scalenes, psoas,
quadratus lumbarum. All these tensions modify the body gravity lines.

SARL IRFOR Modle dpos.

The tongue and orbicularis oris muscles manage dental version.

Swallowing troubles will modify the hyoid bone. Consequently, the biomechanics of
TMJ and craniosacral mechanism will be affected via temporal bones.
The elements passing through the jugular foramens located at the base of the skull
(CN 9-10-11, jugular veins) will also be affected and have postural neuro vegetative
Furthermore, a cervical spine dysfunction (C3+) could cause:
- an occlusion problem via the hyoid bone associated with TMJ pain,
- a pseudo-parotiditis (auricular branches of the superficial cervical
- scapular pains (supraclavicular branch of the superficial cervical
- occipital neuralgia (Arnold).
We often find a laterality dysfunction ipsilateral to the painful mandible.
Dysfunction that we found in the superior cervical spine can have an influence on
CN5. Actually, the descending root of the trigeminal nucleus extends throughout the
brainstem and continues into the spinal cord down to C3.
CN5 is also closely linked with CN9 (glossopharyngeal), CN10 (vagus) and CN8
(vestibulocochlear) because its sensory branches receive somaesthetic fibers.

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1. Heterolateral tilts of scapular and pelvic girdles.

2. Heterolateral rotations of scapular and pelvic girdles.

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3. Limited effective bilateral rotation of the cervical spine.

4. Rachialgia, erratic pains, headaches, vertigo, asthenia, tinnitus.

5. Exacerbated painful signs at the end of the night and in the morning.
6. Craniomandibular algodysfunction associated with psychic disorders.

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We only consider the isolated dysfunction of the dento-manducatory sensor. This test
is performed intercusping. In case of prosthesis, the practitioner performs the test
with and without it.
During basic examination, we constantly find:
1. Heterolateral tilts of scapular and pelvic girdles.

2. Heterolateral rotations of scapular and pelvic girdles.

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3. Limited effective bilateral rotation of the cervical spine.

4. Asymmetric lower limbs rotations in supine position.

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Congenital occlusion troubles also provoke postural issues:

Class 2 is characterized by a forward tilt of head and shoulders (turtle-like).

Class 3 is characterized by a backward tilt of the head, a stiff attitude, and chin back
in (position of attention).

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To only diagnose an isolated dysfunction of the dento-manducatory



Disconnect bypass the TMJ relaxing the jerked muscles. In order to

avoid dento-mandibular afferences that interfere the postural system.

o The practitioner uses a 1500 gauss magnet, north face directly
applied on the skin with tape (red face on Statipro magnets and
pointed face on Eporec magnets). This device has a musclerelaxant effect.
o This magnet is placed under the inferior edge of the zygomatic
arch, just in front of the caput mandibulae. The patients mouth is
o This magnet is on the side of the longest arm, the lowest
shoulder, highest pelvic bone, lowest mastoid, and jerked side
(opposite side of the main articular dysfunction).

SARL IRFOR Modle dpos.


Immediately, the practitioner can observe:

o Both girdles become horizontal,
o Increase of bilateral neck rotations,
These corrections confirm the initial diagnosis of isolated dysfunction of
the dento-manducatory sensor.


Anterior flexion of the spine must cause a bilateral girdles ascent.

When palpating the mastoids, the practitioner can evaluate a higher
mastoid and it gets higher when the mouth is closing.
Girdles tilts can be modified using a thick dental wedge.

SARL IRFOR Modle dpos.

More tests can also be included:

Cross-test of arm abductor muscles and wrist extensor muscles

(without rotation) can confirm the diagnosis.

1- Lower limb abduction in extension against the practitioners resistance: we

then study the tensor fasciae latae muscle. This test is performed bilaterally,
mouth open and closed (refer to lower limb abduction test). A muscular
weakness mouth closed directs us towards a TMJ dysfunction.

SARL IRFOR Modle dpos.



1- Magnet test
2- Observation of girdles tilts
3- Observation of girdles rotations
4- Romberg test
5- Basani test
6- Lower limb abduction maneuver
7- Head-neck rotation maneuver
8- Barrs vertical B type
9- Barrs vertical C type
10- Upper limb abductor muscles test
11- Wrist extensor muscles test
12- Oculomotor reflex
13- Mandibular lateral excursion reflex
14- Dental interference test
15- Exogenous interference test

Note: Dont forget to relate 10 and 11.

SARL IRFOR Modle dpos.

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