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January 1995

For United States of America

Always Plenty to Do
1 Jehovah's people are busy people. We have m ~ o h & & & y sin connection with our family, employment,
and school. And above all, there is
always "pkn_tyto do-iaQe.mck of
the Lord." (1Cor. 15:58) We must prepare for and attend weekly congregation meetings. We are encouraged
not to let a week go by without having some share in the field ministry.
SUfRcient time must he regularly set
aSi$ for personal and family Bible
s@dy. Elders and ministerial servants
have many congregation @.sAt times we are asked t0 help worthy
ones in need.
2 Occasionally, some of us rnay fee1
overwhelmed by al1 that we have to
do. Yet, the b g J e s t p $ e can be
among the happiest if. Wance and
proper perspectfe-are maintained.
-Eccl. 3:12, 13.
3 The apostle Pau' was one who had
plenty to do. Whig caring for his own
personal needs by working secularly as a tentmaker, he labored in ex-


cess of the other apostles. He worked

tirelessly as an evangeiizer, preaching publicly and from house to house,
while not neglecting his responsibilities as a shepherd of the flock. (Acts
20:20, 21, 31, 34, 35) Despite his busy
schedule, Paul was always eager to do
more in Jehovah's service.-Compare
Romans 1:13-15.
4 paul maintained his balance and a
Q a ~heart
by relying on ~ehovahfor
strength. He found his ministry to be
rewarding and satisfying. (Phil. 493)
He knew that &d would not forget
his work. (Heb. 6:lO) The j y of W p ing.ofhqs to know Jehovah e n m e d
him. (1 Thess. 2:19, 20) The assurG c of realizing his Bible-based hope
impelled him to remain industrious.
-Heb. 6:ll.
5 We should als0 consider the goed
that results from our labors. Our
presence a t and partikieation in
weekly raeeugs serve to upbuild and
encourage others. (Heb. 10:24,25) Our
earnest efforts to reach all with the

Matter of Concern

What matters give us cause for serious concern? We should be intensely

concerned about building and maintaining a close relationship with Jehovah. Personal stucy plays-a-maomle
in developing such intimacy. Today,
few of us have the bircumstmces that
permit spending long periods of time
in meditation and personal study. Yet,
if we do ngt-read G o d ' & J N ! r ylcankecome weakened to the
point of not haGngXhe s2TnJth t o s
s$t t t s m t of the yqlsi and its
fleshly desires.

sonal study can affect us in a similar

way spiritually. Enjoying a few tasty
spiritual morsels rnay whet our appetite for deeper truths. The satisfaction that comes with learning may
encourage US to dig deeper into Jehovah's Word.
Develop a Routine That Works
Best for You: Some set aside an en-

tire ey-g
to o personal study,
while others pref r shorter and more
frequent periods of study. If you find
thatyou canConcentrate better in the
eariy morning hours, you rnay decide
a Longing bor the Word: t ~ d o ~ o ~ t u dbefore
~ i n breakfast.
When we kst learned about God's If you are more alert in the evening,
purposes, likely we were eager to ac- you rnay choose to do your studyquire more knowledge. Over a period ing before r&L@ngatnight. Whatever
of time, however, our hunger for spir- the case, the important thing is to be
itual nourishment rnay have become regular and stick to the routine best
dull. There rnay he- aneedl_d_taofarma suited to your needs.
longing" for spiritual food. (1 Pet. 2:2)
5When we are encouraged to do
e c k c a n we develop such a longing? more personal study, we rnay be quick
The aroma of a favorite food will to point out that we already have
stir hunger pangs because of pleas- a full schedule. However, all of us
ant memories. Brief periods of per- need to be honest
_ _ in_.evaluating how



Vol. 38, No. 1

good news contribute to the advancement of the congregation as interest is cultivated and new ones associate with US. (John 1523) Assisting
others in need promotes a close-knit,
familylike spirit in the congregation.
(Jas. 1:27) Furthermore, like Paul, we
should never forget that -b
proEtable works is wel1 pleasing to $hova&-Q?-d.We deeKira-&-ndc'privilGe to serve him. For us there is no
better way of life!
Vhere is an added benefit in having plenty to do. When we are bus
pursuing a healthy spiritual r o u d
time seems to go by much ffstg.
~ e a i i z l i i ' F i a i ~ a ccJ>
&- that passes brings us c w A o the nepy y9@d,
we gladly accept the full life we enjoy
now. We also realize the wliddq of
staying busy, inasmuch- as w o a v e
16s $he- ~ g ~ & . , j n v o l ~ ~ - i n - X u
w~1dii~s~its.-Eph. 5:15, 16.
7 Surely, there is plenty to do in the
work of the Lord. But we can remain
h a p ~ yif we continue t0 rely on Jehov a @d and Jesus Christ, who make
our service refreshing and rewarding.
-Matt. 11:28-30; 1 John 5:3.

we spend our time. Are many hours

consumed each day watching televiSion programs? Are we willing t o x c -ome
personal interests? A realistic examination of how we use our
time will likeb reveal daily periods
that couid be used more profitably in
personal study.-Eph. 5:15, 16.
"he study of God's Word deserves
our un-@iaeed attention. Trying to
do something e&e at- the-samgtime
minimizes-the benefits. If we are iKz
clined to skudy while eating, listening
to the radio, o? w a k F ~ t e J e ~ s i o n
we are not likm to be absorbed-jn
what we are trying to learn. (1 Tim.
4:15) So there is a need to get rid of
distractions.-See School Guidebook,
pages 33-4.
Daily study and application of Bible counsel are important because
that is the w= we rec*
frpm Je-h~vah.Make it your go@ to get
the truth off the printed page and into
your heart. Ta$e advantage of every
opportunity, no matter how brief, to
read, review, or meditate on spiritual
things.-Deut. 6:6-8; Col. 1:9, 10.


the November 1984OzlrKing-

dom Ministry, page 4.W the Decem-

Week Starting January 2

Song 83
5 min: Local announcements and
appropriate Annou~cementsfrom Our
Kingdom Minisiy.
25 min: "1995 'Joyful Praisers' District Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses." Question-and-answer coverage
by secretary. First, read December 15,
1994, convention assignrnent letter. After considering the third paragraph of
the article, read opening and closing
paragraphs of Recommended Lodging
Locations list from convention. Read
paragraphs 4,5,8,12, 13 of insert. Emphasize need for all to select accommodations from Recommended Lodging
Location$ list even if attending a convention outside the assigned area, as
noted in paragraph 12. Stress the Bible
principles of honesty, obedience,loving
concern for others, and so forth, from
the articleeven if it appears that no one
will be using motel rooms. Commend
those cooperating with the Society's
roorning arrangement. Highlight paragraphs 16 and 17for those who are deaf.
i5 min : "MakingGood Use of Our Older Books." Discuss with audience. Let
congregation know what older books
are available; encourage them to piek
up copies for use in service. Arrange for

ber 1985OW Ki~gomMinistry,pa@ 6.

one or two brief demonstrationsof sug- 17 min: "Show You Care by Makimg
gested presentations.
Return Visfts." Three or four DublishSong 188 and concluding prayer.
ers discuss purpose and i m p o h c e of
making return visits. mphasize goal of
Week Starting January 9
starti~studies.Review suggested presentations.Haveone or two demonstraSong 183
15 min: Local announcements. Ac- tions, with group giving commendation
counts report. Review interesting fea- and suggestionsfor improvement.
Song 196 and eoncluding prayer.
tures of the brochure When S O ~ ? O W
You Love Dies. (See the October 1994 Week Starting January 23
Our KingdomMinistry, page 7.) Encourage all to carry copies and to offer them Song 161
when appropriate. Announce special 5 min: Local announcements.
field service arrangements for Janu- 15 min: Local nees, and where applicable. include discussion of territow
"Y 16:
15 min: "Shepherding That Is Up- seldom worked. Review January 1,1995,
building." Talk by an elder based on in- letter. Encourage publishers to apply
formationundersubheadingpages21-3 early for an a s s i e e n t . If there are
of September 15, 1993, issue of The publishers who wish to assistin territoWatchtower. Highlight Scriptural rv of nearbv conmepations, the circuit
verseer shuld be Contacted through
counsel to help cope with problems.
15 min: Are You Ready to Face a the Congregation Service Committee.
Faith-Challenging Medical Situation? 10 min-"HOW to Organize a TheocratSerious but motivating talk by capa- ic Library." A taikbased on the Novemple elder to help brothers appreciate ber 1,1994,Watchtower, pages 28-31.
the protective value of our AdvanCe 15 min: "Personal Study-A Matter of
MedicalDirective/Releasecard and the Concern." Questions and answers. InIdentity Card. Repeat program of last clude selected comments based on the
January to assure that a l l who qualify June 15,1985,Watchtower, pages 8-13.
and want this protection can have it Song 116 and concluding prayer.
by liing out the cards. See the January 1994 Our Kingdom Ministry, page 2, Week Starting January 30
under "Week Startiig Japuary 10" for Song 141
10 min: Local announcements. Theodetails.
cratie News.
Song 198 and concluding prayer.
17 min: "Always Plenty to Do." QuesWeek Starting January 16
tions and answers. Arrange for two or
three brief interviews with busy ones,
Song 182
such as an elder, a housewife, or a pio10 min: Local announcements. Disask them to explain how they are
c u s ~talking points from latest maga- neer;
able to maintain afull schedule and stiil
zines.Encourageallto sharein Eeld ser- keep
their joy.
vice this weekend.
18 min: Offer the Live Forever Book
18 min: "Show Considerationfor Othin February. Explain why there is a
ers-Part 1," Questions and answers. need for people to have the information
Include reminders about need for el- this book contains. (See the April 1,
ders to work closely together in 1988, Wdchtower, pages 25-6, paracheckir.g to see that the roof, plumbing, graphs 17,18.)Briefly relate experiences
air-conditionin , heating, electrical showing appreciation displayed by sinsystems, and pr&sions for security of cere oneswho have readit. (Seethe Septhe Kingdom Hall are kept in good re- tember 1, 1989, Watchtower, page 32,
and the December 1,1991, Watchtowe~
page 32.) Give some suggestions showing how we might start Bible studies with interested ones with whom
New Zealand: The August report we placed the Live Forever book. Have
shows a new peak of 12,867publishers. capable publisher briefly demonstrate
second presentation under the heading
Thailand: The 1994 service year con"Life/Happinessn in Reasoning book,
cluded with a new peak of 1,487 pub- page 13. Or use another presentation
lishers. This was an 11-percent in- appropriate for local terrifory. Remind
crease over last year's average.
audienceto piek up literature for use in
Trinidad: A peak of 6,601 publishers servicethis week.
was reached in August.
Song 199 and concluding prayer.

l What a joy it was to be among the 1,481,258 who attended the "Godly Fear" District
Conventions in the United States branch
territory this past sumrner! A total of 13,742 expressed proper godly fear by being
baptized. How encouraging it will be to
assemble next summer for the three-day
1995"JoyfulPraisers" District Conventions!
That intriguing theme should truly motivate US to make every effort to attend along
with our Bible students. The program will
prove to be a real source of spiritual refreshment for al1of us as we continue faithfully serving Jehovah in this time of the
Be sure to make your convention arrangement~wel1 in advance so that you
can be there to enjoy al1 three days of

the delightful spiritual program, from the

opening song to the closing prayer. Lovingly include in your plans those who may
need assistance, especially newly interested ones, so that they too can be present at
every session. It would be very helpful to
consider the information in this insert with
any Bible students who may plan to attend.
(Gal. 6:6, 10) The program starts with music at 9:40 a.m. on Friday and ends at approximately 4:30 p.m. The Saturday program begins at 9:30 a.m. and closes with
song and prayer at approximately 4:40 p.m.
The morning session on Sunday begins at
9:30, and the day's program concludes at
approximately 350 in the afternoon. The
following information will assist you with
your preliminary preparations.

Instructions for Obtaining Rooms

After the Service Meeting for the week

What You Should Do: After-NOT
of January 2, congregations should post before-your congregation posts the Recon the information board the Recommend- ommended Lodging Locations list containing the addresses,
ed Lodging Locations
phone numbers, and
list for the district
agreed-upon rates of
convention to which
To Obtain a Room
the motels, you are
the congregation is asi Phone the motel of your choice
free to phone the mosigned. This list gives
after the Recommended Lodging
tel of your choice from
al1 the motels presLocations list is posted.
the list and make resently cooperatingwith
w Identify yobrself as one of Jethe Society's roomervations. Identifying
hovah's Witnesses or as a delegate
ing arrangements.
yourself as one of Jeattending
convenhovah's Witnesses or
Your cooperation with
a delegate att ending
these arrangements
Watchtower conwil1 assist the condeposit
reservavention organization
vention wil1 qualify
tion is made.
you for the rates listin its efforts to proed, which in most casi If ali motels or dormitories are
vide sufficient roomfilled,
es are greatly reduced.
ing accommodations
next list.
for everyone at reasonOne night's DEPOS~ b l priees.

hold the room. Your deposit should be sent ity rooms at lower rates. The convention
directly to the motel AS SOON AS you make Rooming Department wil1 continue to proreservations. If your deposit is not received vide the congregations with revised lists,
by the motel, your reservations can be can- deleting motels that have been flled and
celed at any time. MOTEIS ARE NOT OBLI- listingadditionalmotels until everyone has
GATED T0 HOLD ROOMS WITHOUT A D E a room. Thus, if all the motels on the list
POSIT. If you must cancel your reservation, are filled, please wait patiently for the next
you should immediately notify the motel, list, and you will be able to obtain a room.
making the room available for other deleDormitories: A few conventions use
school dormitories in addition t0 motels in
6If the motel you cali frst is filled, cali order to accommodate everyone. Usuaiy,
your next selection from the list and so on. congregations will receive information on
Often, everyone calls the motels closest to these a month or so after receiving the rst
the convention facility being used; there- motel listing. Those needing such accomfore, you may fnd it beneficial to try some modations should follow the instructions
motels farther away. These als0 have qual- on the list sent to the congregations.

Special Needs
This provision is only for exemplary
publishers, including their well-behaved
children, who are approved by the Congregation Service Committee. Arrangements
to care for persons with special needs
should be made by the congregationwhere
they attend meetings, not shifting this obligation to the convention organization. Elders and others who are aware of the individual circumstances can lovingly extend
help. This often requires that publishers
consider the needs of those in full-time service, the elderly, the infhm, and perhaps
others. miblishers rnay extend help by taking such ones with them or caring for their
needs in other ways.-Jas. 2:15-17; 1John 3:
17, 18.
Of course, the Rooming Department
will endeavor to provide suitable rooming accommodations for publishers with
special needs if they cannot be assisted
by those in the congregation. These publishers may discuss their situation with
the congregation secretary. The secretary
should speak with the Congregation Service Committee to see if it is possible for
the congregation to assist these individu-

als in caring for their own rooming accommodations. If the congregation is unable to
render the needed assistance, the secretary
may give such persons a copy of the Special Needs Room Request form. Only those
with special needs should fiU out this form.
It is to be filled out by the person making the request. It should be returned to
the secretary, who will check it for completeness, accuracy, and verification of the
circumstances that qualify the person for
such consideration. The circumstances are
to be EXPLAINED IN DEZTAIL by the secretary in the space provided on the form. Al1
of this should be done wel1 ahead of the
convention. The secretary will then forward the form to the Rooming Department. The individual making the request
will be notifled directly about the accommodations.
l0 Those with special needs should NOT
go to the convention and request a room
when they arrive because the Rooming Department must have the verification of the
Congregation Service Committee.
n Private-home accommodations are set
aside for those who would experience real

hardship if such accommodations were riod ONLY. Those receiving such accomrnonot available. They are not intended for dations should be sure that they and their
those who can affordmotel rooms but who children act respectfully toward the home
want free or inexpensive rooms just to of their host and not rummage through or
save money. Furthermore, it is not prop- damage the host's possessions or enter prier for those making such requests to pre- vate areas of the home. If householders exsume upon the hospitality of brothers by perience problems dong this line, these
expecting to be accommodated additional should immediately be brought to the atdays before or after the convention. These tention of the rooming overseer at the conrooms are provided for the convention pe- vention, and he will be happy to help.

Delegates Attending From Outside the Assigned Area

l2 In nearly every case, the location assigned for you to attend is the one nearest
your congregation. Arrangements for having adequate seating, literature, rooming
accommodations, and so forth, are based
on the premise that the majority of publishers will attend the convention to which
their congregation is assigned. However, if
for good reason you will be attending a
convention other than the one assigned

and need accommodations, the congregation secretary can give you the address for
that convention headquarters from the list
on the back of the Special Needs Room Request form. Then you can request in writing a copy of the motel listing for that
location, sending along a starnped, selfaddressed envelope. Upon receipt of this
list, you should use it to make your reservation.

Your Cooperation Needed

The success of this rooming arrangement depends on the cooperation of all of
those involved. (Heb. 13:17) Thus, we are
asking everyone to cooperate fully with the
Society's rooming arrangement and USE


COOPERATE, m noted in

the box on page 6.

l4 On the other hand, IF YOU EXPERIENCE A PROBLEM WITH A MOTEL, please do
not hesitate to bring it to the attention of
the Rooming Department overseer at the
ED LODGING LOCATIONS LIST FOR THIS convention so that he can assist you in reYEAR so that major dimculties we still ex- solving the matter right away.
perience in negotiating with the motels
l5 The convention organization is workcan be prevented. We have made contracts ing hard to save our brothers as much exwith the motels on the list, stating that our pense as possible. It is therefore in the best
people will be using them. It is a guaran- interests of all to cooperate fully with the
tee that they wil1 get the business if they Society's roomingarrangementso that this
make special rates for US. Most publish- provision can continue. The listing gives a
ers are taking to heart the clear direction choice of good-quality accommodations at
that hm been given in previous convention motels that cooperate. With this arrangeinserts, and many good results are being ment our aim is to help delegates to be acexperienced. However, it is still necessary commodated as comfortably and economt0 request that everyone PLEASE OBSERVE ically as possible.

Sign Language Conventions

'6 Considering the success of American
Sign Language conventions last year, we
are happy to announce that the Same provision will be made this year. The program
parts will not be interpreted but will be given in American Sign Language by qualified
brothers. This means that the entire convention program will be conveyed directly
to those in attendance, who will als0 be
able to enjoy very upbuilding fellowship. In
view of this, NO PROVISION for any type of

sign language will be made at any other

l7 It is important that al1deaf individuals
IMMEDIATELY begin making plans to attend one of these two sign-language district conventions. The elders should diligently check with each deaf person in their
congregation to be sure that these know
about this arrangement and to determine
whether any assistance is needed so that
they can attend.

Note to Body of Elders: Please read tfie Society's December 15, 1994, convention assignment letter and the first and last paragraphs of the Recommended Lodging Locations list for your congregation during the Service Meeting for the week of January 2.
After that meeting, post the letter and the list on the information board. Elders are
NOT to change their Service Meeting to an earlier night for this week. NO ONE, INCLUD-

ING THE ELDERS, SHOULD MAKE MOTEL RESERVATIONS BEFORE THIS SERVICE MEETING. In this way al1 congregations will receive the information the Same week. To the

extent possible, the congregation secretary should handle convention-related material and announcements on future Service Meetings unless otherwise specified or he is
unable to do so.

Literature to be used during JanAny 192-page book published

prior to 1982 that the congregation
may have in stock. Congregationsthat
do not have the older books in stock
should offer True Peace and Security


-How Can You Find Zt? February: You

Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth

will be featured. Placements of this

b'ook should be followed up with return visits, and efforts should be made
to start Bible studies. March: Revelation-lts Grand Climax At Hand! April
and May : The Watchtower and Awake!

magazines. For territory that is covered frequently, any brochure (except

the School brochure) may be used.
Where interest is found on return
visits, subscriptions may be offered.
NOTE: Congregationsthat have not yet
requested the above-mentioned campaign items should do so on their
next monthly Literature Request
Form (S-14). The pre-1982 publications mentioned above are not available in Brooklyn.
D Congregations should make convenient arrangements to celebrate the
Memorial this year on Friday, April 14,

after sundown. While it is desirable for

each congregation to hold its own Memorial celebration, this may not always be possible. Where a number of
congregations normally use the same
Kingdom Hail,perhaps one or more
congregations can obtain the use of
another facility for that evening. The
Memorial should not start so late that
newly interested people End it inconvenient to attend. Further, the schedule should not be so tight that there
is no time before or after the celebration to greet visitors, make arrangements for continued spiritual assistance for some, or enjoy a general
interchange of encouragement. After
thoroughiy considering al1factors, the
elders should decide what arrangements will best help those who attend
the Memorial to benent fully from the
D On Sunday, April 23,1995, a special
public talk will be given in ail congregations. The title wil be "False Religion's End Is Near." Be sure to invite al1those who attend the Memorial
this year. A special effort will be made
to help the millions of students with
whom home Bible studies are being
conducted. Information to be presented following the meeting that day will

stimulate them and our brothers in

general to anticipate having a share
in distributing a special tract. At the
same time, it will point out problems
individuals are facing and the need
to act decisively in accord with God's
D Starting in F'ebruary, and no later than March 5, the new public t a k
for circuit overseers will be "Divine
Teaching Triumphs Worldwide." This
will be a slide presentation highlighting the special international "Divine
Teaching" Conventionsthat were held
during the 1993 and 1994 service years.
In those areas where the slides will
not be made available until a later
date, circuit overseers will give the
t a k "Trust in the God of AU Comfort"
and continue with it until such time
as the slides are received. When al1
congregations have had the slide t a k ,
circuit overseers will continue giving
the talk "Trust in the God of AU Comfortn until the next new circuit overseer talk is scheduled for early in 1996.
D At the Service Meeting tire week
of January 9, all baptized publishers present will have made available
to them a personal copy of the Advance Medical Directive/Release card
and Identity Cards for their children.

Making Good Use of Our Older Books

Jehovah has provided US with an
abundance of rich spiritual food. Much
of this material has been in the f o m of
192-page books that have been published in recent years. During January
we will be offering any 192-page book
that was published prior to 1982. Do
you have some of these at home that
are still in good condition? Does the
congregation have some in stock? If so,
it would be good to review their contents and pick out some talking points
you can use in your presentation.
Z f you are using the book "Let
YourKingdom Come,"you might
begin by saying:
a "Christians have prayed for the coming of God's Kingdom for alrnost 2,000
years. What do you think the Kingdom will do for mankind? [Ailowfor response. Turn to the box on page 25,
and point out some of the blessings
that will be realized under Kingdom
rule.] This book discusses things the
Kingdom wili accomplish and explains
how you and your loved ones can benest, If you would liie to read ft, I will
be pleased to leave you a copy."

3 Z f you are featurlng the book

"Happlness-How to Find Zt,"
you might t m this approach:
D "Most people have dimculty flnding
happiness in this world because there
are so many problems. Do you think it
is possible to be happy under present
conditions? [Allow for response. Turn
to page 41, and point out some common problems that give US cause for
anxiety.] The Bible shows how we can
cope with these problems and eventually enjoy unending happiness in a
peaceful new world. frurn to page 190,
and read Isaiah 32:17, 18.1 The Bible
gives specific counsel that can help US
nd greater happiness in living. This
book reviews that counsel and explains
how we can apply it."
4 Z f you are usdng the book
"TruePeace and Security-How
Can You Find Zt?," you might
like to t q this:
D "Everyone would liie to live in a
world where there is peace and security. Sad to say, we have not experienced
that in our lifetime. What do you think
we need to do to make peace and secu-

Show You Care by Making Return Visits

Searching out interested persons
from door to door demonstrates your
desire to give others the opportunity to
hear the Kingdom message. So be sure
to follow up the literature placements
you make during the month of January,
&s this is a fhe-way to show you care
about others.
Z f you left the book "Let Your
Kingdom Come," you could try
to resume your conversation this
a "Previously we talked about God's
Kingdom and what it wil1 do for US.
That Kingdom will soon make this
earth a paradise. Since we have never
seen a paradise, it may be hard to visualize it. Here is what it might look like.
[Refer to the illustration on pages 4
and 5.1 Such a paradise is promised in
the Bible." Read Psalm 72:7. If there is
interest, turn to page 175,paragraphs 3
and 4, and point out what we must do if
we want toiive in the coming~aradise.
Here is a suggestion for folZowingup yourplacements o fthe

book "Happdness-How to Find

D "All of US would like to be happy.
Many feel that genuine happiness is an
impossibility in this world. How do you
feel about that? [Ailow for response.]
It has been said that happiness is a
state of mind. If our minds are Elied
with love for others, respect for God,
and a sure hope for the future, we
can experience genuine happiness in
spite of our problems." Read Psalm 119:
1, 2. Explain that a study of the Bible
teaches US how to love others, show respect for God, and flnd a comforting
hope for the futlre.
YOUmight follow up a placement of the book "True Peace
and Security-How Can You
Find l$?'' with a brief presentation something Zike this:
D "World leaders today have been unable to bring peace and security. Jehovah God is the only one who can do that.
The Bible shows US what we need to do.
piscuss points in paragraphs l and 2 on
page 175,and then read Isaiah 26:4.] I'd

rity a reality? [Allow for response.] God

has the power to bring peace to this
earth, and he has promised that he will
do it." Turn to the picture on page 98,
and then read Micah 4:3, 4. If there
is good response, explain more about
the Kingdom hope, offer the book, and
make arrangements for a return visit.
5 YOUmight choose to use the
brochure "DoesGod Really Care
About US?"Z f so, you could say
D "Many people wonder why God permits so much suffering in the world.
Since he is almighty, why doesn't he
do something to bring an end to our
distress? How do you feel? [Ailow for
response.] The Bible assures US that
God has not abandoned US."Turn to
page 27, paragraph 22, and read Psalm
37:11,29. Point out the appealing iliustration depictingwhat we can look forward to. If the brochure is accepted,
offer to return to show how it can be
used for Bible study.
Our literature has motivated thousands of people to exarnine the Bible
more closely. What they have learned
has brought them hope for a happy future. (Ps. 146:5) It is our privilege to
help them.
liie to show you how this book can help
5 YOUmight follow up a placement o f the brochure "Does God
Really Care About US?"with this
a "Previously I left you a copy of this
brochure,which raises a vital question:
'Does God really care about us?' After
reviewing this brochure, what concluSion did you come to? [Allow for response.] Likely you were encouraged by
reading the scriptures that promise a
paradise new world, where we can live in
peace. [Showthe illustrationsonpages 2
and 3, and point out some of the appealing features of the new world.] I feel sure
that you and your loved ones would like
to live in such a world. Notice what paragraph 16 on page 31 says about this."
Read the paragraph, and point out that
searching for Jehovah means learning
more about him and his purposes by
studyinghis Word, the Bible.
Jehovah has set aperfect exampleas
a loving Shepherd who cares for his
sheep. (Ezek. 3411-14) Our sincere effort to imitate his loving care pleases
him, demonstrates our love, and brings
blessings to others.

O 1995 Watch Tower Bibie and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. Our Kingdom Ministry (USPS 295-360) is pubiished monthly by Watchtower Bible and

Tract Society of New York, Inc., and international Bible Students Association. 25 Columbia Heightc, Brqoklyn, NY 11201-2483. Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn, NY,
and at addit~onalmailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes t0 Watchtower, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483.
Printed in U.S.A.

For United States of Ameripa

February 1995

AM . >

H oJ.n o
. p PriviIeg
-The ministry of the good news is . . . might not shine
an honored privilege that Jehovah has
extended to US. (Rom. 15:16; m




1:12) Is that the way you view it? Nei- that our preaching about the King%r the passage of time nor the ridi- dom is the most important work any
cule of others should be allowed to of us could be doing today. We have
diminish its importance in our eyes. a lifesaving message that is available
Bearing God's name is an honor given through no other m e m . (Rom. 10:
only tp a f=. How can weour 13-15) Having God's approval,not that
appreciation for this privilege grow? of man, is what counts. The world's
Preaching the Kingdom message negative view of our preaching actividoes not bring US the world's favor. ty does not deter US from boldly deMany view our work with apathy or in- claring t e
dinerence. Others ridicule and oppose 4 J e ~ S ~ & n & ~ t s & ~ $ ~
it. Such opposition can come from Uege to do his Father's will. J
workmates, neighbors, or even family 4%) He devoted himself exclus&%
members. In their eyes we may appear the ministry and did not allow either
to be misguided and foolish. (John 1 distractions or osto slow him
l Cor. 1:18, 2 1 2 Tim. 3:l$&
Preaching the ~ingdommesdiscouraging cokents are designed sage always took b t place in his life.
to dampen our zeal and cause us to (Luke 4:43) We are commanded to imslow down or to relinquish our hon- i t a k p l e . (1Pet. 221) in doing
ored privilege. Negative views are Pro- so, we serve as "God's fellow werkers."
moted by ~atan,%ho"has blinded thes (1Cor. 3:9) Are we taking full advani'inds of the unbelievers, that the il- \ tage of this privilege? Do we seek oclumination of the glorious good news 'casions to share the good news with

The Word of the Kingdom

-Getting the Sense of It
in his illustration of the sower, Je-

sus said that the seed falling on "the

ne soiln pictured "the one hearing
the word and getting the sense of it."
(Matt. 13:23) After hearing about the
Kingdom, have we got "the sense of
it"? How much does it infiuence our
lives? Have we put Kingdom interests
in &t place, thus revealing that we
did get the sense of the message?
ZA correct understanding of the
Kingdom message requires personal study. We need to take time to
meditate on the spiritual food provided. Hasty reading of The Watchtmer
is like gulping down a tasty and nutritious meal. Do you take time to
give the spiritual food thorough consideration? To gain the most beneflt, there must be an incentive and a
healthy spiritual appetite. If these are
lacking, other activities can minimize
the benefits of personal study or consume the time we need for it. Stick-

1j , L.$

ing to a good study schedule is not

easy. While it takes a earefu balancing of priorities, the spiritual riches
to be gained are price1ess.-Prov. 3:
13-18; Col: 1:27.
3 Examlnfng the Scriptures helps US
each day to entertain positive, upbuilding thoughts about the Kingdom. Those qho are "conscious of
their spiritual needn plan to take a
few minutes every day to read the text
and comments. (Matt. 5:3) Many texts
explain various facets of the Kingdom. For example, on November 22,
1994, the text featured was Matthew
13:4. The comrnent considered the
Kingdom hope and reminded US of
the dangers of unwholesome association with relatives and neighbors.
The fact that at Bethel homes around
the world, there is a 15-minute discussion of the daiiy text each workday
morning emphasizes the beneflts and
the seriousness of considering the




Vol. 38, No. 2 i

rs both formally and informally?

witnesses of Jehovah, we S ~ O U alI ~
be ready to "make public declaration to his name."- eb. 13:15.
Our share in the ministry is large]y determined by our attitude. Do we
deeply appreciate all that Jehovah has
done for US? Have we developed in our
hearts a love for Jehovah that motivates us to do all we can in his ser- A!
vice? Meditating on the blessings wePd
now en&y as well as what Jehovah has b
promised for the future helm US to 4
abound in love f o r x Creator. ~ u c h
love motivates US to action-persistence and regularity in the Kingdompreaching work to the extent our circumstances allow. Our zeal will give
evidence of OW love for Jehavah and
our neighbor.-Mark 12:30,31. ;u ;.q1 b*
6We show how highly we value
something by what we do with it and
say about it. Do we truly value our r
privilege to preach about the King- r.
dom? Do we glorify our ministry?Are
we determined to persevere in this
'vital work in spite of opposition? If
we highly esteem this wonderful privilege, we will surely be zealous and
who1ehearted.-2 Cor. 4:1,7.
* C I;'("'

f !





i )R ' L
yo& hmi-



dayy&kt hgether.
ly include a similar consideration in
your d a i routine?
As you grow in appreciationfor the
be a greater inKingdom, there
centive to share the Kingdom message with others. The Watchtowmand
Awake! provide what might be likened to mental fuel that feeds our
mincis with fresh, up-to-date information. They help us to maintain
a keen awareness of how much the
world neecis God's Kingdom. They
help us to be spiritual persons, who
"have the mind of Christ." (1 Cor.
235, 16) All of this can strengthen
our hope and increase our zeal to
share the Kingdom hope with others.
-1 Pet. 3:15.
5 1 t is vital that we personally get
the sense of the Kingdom message.
The Kingdom is the means that God
will use to uphold his sovereignty, end
wickedness, and bring a new world-a
paradise. Jesus commanded US to put
it flrst in our lives. We must be sheeplike subjects to live under its mie.
(Matt. 6:10,33) Make the most ofyour
opportunity to enjoy its blessings.

Week Starting February 6

Week Starting February 20

Song134 L d
12 min: Locai announcements. Point
out current magazine articles that are
appropriate Por local territory. Demonstrak presentations. ~j
15 mln: "1995District ConventionSimpliflcation." Insert. Talk on paragraphs 1-8, to be handied by presiding
overseer. Stress positive benefits of adjustment to no food service.
18 min: 'Follow Up I n t e g & You
F'oundn Diiuss with audience. Relate
comments expressing appreciation Por
receiving the Live Forever book. (Seethe
May 15, 1986, Watchtower, page 32, and
the March 1,1987, Watchtwer, page 32.)
Have one or two brief demonstrations
showing h m suggested presentations
can be used. Encourage allto tryto start
studieswith interestedones.
Song 147 and concluding prayer.

Week Starting February 13

Song103 2 J<
Locai announcements. Select5 min: Local announcements. Aced Announcements Prom Our Kiqpbm counts report. Mention Society acMinistry. Demo*@e
how articles in knowledgments of donation%thatmay
the latest m m i n e s can be featured in have been received.the door-to-door work.
l 0 min: iacal n&2dh3o&
17 min: "Preaching-An
Honored article "Why Talk About bod?" in the
Privilege." Questions and answers. September22,1994,Azoake!, pages 13-15.
Makeadditionaicommentsbasedonthe 15 min: "The Word of the Kingdom
July 15,1990, Watchtower,page 19, para-bi.--cietting
the Sense of It." Questions
and answers. Have two or three individgraphs 13-16.
18 min: "Effectively Introducing the uals relate h m and when they mange
Live Fo7eve7 Book."Rwiew main points to do their pemnal study or review the
with auience, including cornrnents in daily M. M,q
e School Guidebook, pages 46-7, para- 15 min: "Show Consideration for Othgraplis 9-12. Discuss what kind of intro- ers-Part 2." Talk and discussion to be
duction might be effective in your ter- handied by melder. Point out anyprobritory. Have one or two presentations lems that have been obsewed locally,
and give appropriateadmonition.
Week Starting February 27
Song 82 and concluding prayer.
Song 109 and concluding prayer.
Song 184
10 min: Local announcements. Discuss "Beneflting From Revised Public
Song 73
10 min:


~ u b l i c ~ a l k''rJ


20 min: "1995&tr(ct Convention Simplifla$,ion." nsert. Questions and anl Themodern liistory of 3eho~ahB tmbgL
anticipate t& demiopment
swers on pamgraphsC19, to be handled
Witnesses k accurrhtely described ~f this-inforrna~n,T e e Bate M , by congregation secretary. Call atten,&
the i
words @fPrmefbs &l& 'The arq &est: ways t g ~ p r ~ ~ t l i&e@
tion to box of reminders at conclusion.
&h o f t w rghteous ones ismethe tmts Por ftlturquse. This m u t w $ ' Stressusingingenuity t0 bringony necblight that is @tIng lighter that you will'likr& t&grebenessary food and relateditem to convena n d ~ ~ i ~ d a y i s f k m i y e&tfromherevisedpub~ctallcs.
15 min: OfP m g the Revelation C i m
Public Talks Shwid Info- qnd
book during March. Encourage everyZ I r z line wtb thtg, the OhrfStian r9iW Mothate Listenet'g, YPhen Jeone to be enthusiastic about offering it.
qoagregation com%ues t0 receive sus spoke, he reached tfiR hearts OF
Reviewthe reasonsPor itspublication,as
tImely c ~ c a t l o nof and updat- hislisteners.At theconclusionof J&
explained in the book on page 8. Relate
ad information on Bible teachings. sus' S e m n o n tb Mount, the most
expressionsof appreciationPor the book.
(Mat.W.45-47) Likelyyou canrem rmous puWc @ik eaer @ven, as
(See the March 15, l989, W a t c h t m ,
Matthew 7:s ~%~orts:
"&e m o t
page 32, and the April 15, 1989, Watchsiwee y@ubegilta to wociate wrfth was t h a t ~ werewtiounded
~ ~ ~ o ~ tower, page 32.) Review and briefly demJehwaffs Witnessew Conpegation at hfs way afteaehinghingV
onstrate presentation that begins with
meetings, induding pubiic talgs, 6
:sesus ' p k ia -d,
the question, "Haveyou ever heard of the
WP abreast of the in- bo@w of eidew should me diszefour horsemen of the -Y.(See
awsbgiightuf truth.
tiontnapproiiqgnewlatbiicspeakthe March 1994 Our Kingdom Mimstry,
page 4.) Remind all to pick up copies for
B Rewswi OuttYnesi ment&, the ers, 885Iming onU, those. W h e r s
-3.- C
use in service this weekend.
@acietyhas upa n u n b a of who are @e teacers, wllo wS11 a &
Song 207 and concluding ~ r a y e r j - ~
pubiic kalk aWina.F ~ s material
w been Iimrporatai int0 tanti r h o are a$
bol4 tb at&d important pintis have been tention of tlie audienee, Brothers
Eehe mgregatia ist0re- whoareassignedtfieprfvil$geol@vceive t&
benest of tbis updated
pubm ~ , - d h a i lcantmuald
Wonnation, brothers who &v8 pub- ly sMve to impmw ti&?& tmeakiw :
l i c ~ s h o u i d u s e o n i theverytaty
abiEit~r,acceptin@ any counsel gnd
est outlines.
8recefved m m the el'W i t h a d m to getting tBe most ders.
a n t af public talirs, @v@Same
7 & fwetololdatLaiah @:l%,14,the
fi0sighti:to the titles of t-he Wrs $0 spfrltit.1prosperi%? of God's geaple
Be given.Beforegouat;tendthe Pub- wntinuw to bewme more evident.
IcMeeting,twtorecalltheiatest in- TJie arrangement ibr pubiicWks is
~ t i o n ~ t h e o c r a c s o u r c eoneofthemanywagsthetweare
on the .subject. Then, W e Es- "t$ught by JeitW."-Im. 54:13.



1995 District cdnvention Simplification

How thrilling it is to be present at spiritual feasts, whether at congregation meetings, circuit assemblies, special assembly
days, or district conventions! Why? Feliowship with God-fearing persons is refreshing,
and the spiritual matters presented on such
occasions remind US of the more important
Increasing thousands have been drawn
to such spiritual gatherings in recent years.
Between the years 1985and 1994,the number
of congregations worldwide increased over
50 percent, from 49,716 to 75,573.As Jehovah
speeds up the ingathering work, the number of district conventions and circuit assemblies increases accordingly. (Isa. 60:22)
Even the increase in the number of conventions held just in the United States branch
territory, from 113 in 1985 to 168 in 1994, is
a reflection of this tremendous growth in
the number of congregations. The resulting work involved in arranging for and handling these conventions has been escalating.
Since we assemble to benefit from the spiritual program prepared for these feasts, it is
wise to simplify as far as is practical in caring for the physical arrangements.
Further Steps to Be Taken: We look t0 Jehovah for his blessing as we move forward
progressively. We are happy to see that he
has given his people the needed spirit of wisdom and understanding. We must agree that
through the faithful slave class, Jesus Christ
has directed matters efficiently for the outworking of Jehovah's purpose in a marvel- I
ous way. (Matt. 24:45-47; Col. 1:9, 10) An announcement in the December Our Kingdom
Ministry stated: "Beginning with the 1995
district conventions and the September 1995
circuit assemblies and special assembly
days, there will be no food served. Each one
is to bring his own food and drink." Circuit
assemblies and special assembly days will
continue with their present simplified food
service arrangements through August 1995.

There has been a positive response to this

announcement. You may be interested in
knowing how this change will be of benefit.
Perhaps the foilowing review of adjustments
that have been made in recent years wili
prove to be a good reminder of the benefits
we have already received by simplifying the
work at conventions.
Previous Adjustments to Simplify: Prior
to the implementation of standardized and
simplifieddistrict convention arrangements,
such as food service, volunteer service, and
rooming, much work was required on the
part of thousands of local brothers and sisters in preconvention work. In view of the
pressures and demands made on our brothers by daily living and the continued growth
of the organization, adjustments to simplify
the work were indeed necessary. Additionally, as a result of simplifying our food service operation in the United States in 1978,
over 70,000 brothers and sisters who used to
work hard during the sessions to provide US
with food were able to listen to the program.
In 1987 further simplification procedures
were implemented with regard to food service at conventions and during the foiiowing
service year at Assembly Halls. Later, food
items were made available at conventions
and assemblies at no charge to those attending. What Ene adjustments these were, making the work lighter and allowing more attention to be given to the spiritual aspects
of the convention, with the workers being
able to listen and enjoy more of the program.
(Deut. 31:12) Those faithful ones among US
with many years of loyal service well remember these advancements and have expressed
appreciation for the direction received. But
what work could further be eliminated to
make it possible for even more to benefit fully from the spiritual program?
Anticipated Changes: During the years
that a simplified menu was prepared and
served, it was seen that relatively "few


things" were truly "needed." (Compare Luke

10:38-42.) However, multiplying such few
things times the number attending still represented a great volume of supplies and
work, as well as added expensive equipment.
Then, too, a very large nurnber of volunteers
were needed to organize and support the
arrangements. Food storage and distribution centers had to be provided. Additionally, some municipal health departments
have been extreme in their requirements
for serving food, and this has been a burden to the brothers in charge. The Society's
refrigerated trailers have had t0 be loaded with consignments of food, transported
many miles, and unloaded. All of this has involved liabilities of great Concern t0 the SOciety. The trailers have als0 required maintenance, storage, and routing that involve
werk, time, and expenSe. With f ~ r t h esimr
~lification,there will be n0 need t0 have refrigerated trailers for convention use or tractors t0 move these trailers. Furthermore,
manY bro~herswill be relieved of the
task of maintaining this equipment.
The willing service of those who have
served as volunteers in these related areas
has been of inestimablevalue and very much
appreciated. However, with this fwther simplification, those thousands serving in the
field doing maintenance and driving trucks
as well as purchasing, preparing, expediting,
and serving the food will be able to use their
time in other necessary Kingdom pursuits,
including enjoying fellowship at the conventions more fully. Those volunteers who used
to serve in Food Service will now be able to
assist in other departments, such as Attendants and Cleaning. This wil1 lighten the
load for everyone and will not require that
many work late at night, early in the morning, or during the sessions, as was the case
with a number in Food Service.
Supportlng the Arrangements: The Society appreciates very much the fine support
you brothers and sisters have given "with a
complete heart" over the years to the convention arrangements, including food service. (1Chron. 29:9) This has helped in rnany

ways. It has made it possible to rent good

buildings and care for the convention expenses. It has also enabled those attending
to remain at the convention site during the
short noon break so as to obtain food conveniently, be refreshed, and then be present for the spiritual program. And no doubt
the generosity and support that has been
shown by the brothers and sisters in contributing for these provisions will continue.
It has been an expression of their appreciation in a practical WW.-Prov. 11:25; Luke
8 Caring tor Your ~ o o d
Nee&: With these
further adjustments, however, it will be necessary for individuals and -f
groups t0
provide just for themselves what is needed in
the WW of materlal sustenance during our
noon break. We highly esteem the Ene benefts of the spiritual program. To let physical food assume undue importance would be
unwise. ~t is vital that each ene "make sure
of the more important things" in this regard.
(Phil. 1:9, 10a) Recent large conventions
of Jehovah's people in Poland, Russia, and
Ukraine, as wel1 as in other places, have been
held with Ene success without food service
arrangements. Additionally, some circuits
in this country have held their assemblies
and special assembly day programs without
food service because of local circumstances. In each case the delegates brought their
own food for lunch. We will End that if we
bring just a light noon snack, it will contribute to our having an alert mental state,
enabling US to derive full beneft from the
afternoon program. In harmony with this,
everyone should bring food that is simple
and nourishing. For example, when Jesus
fed the crowds, he provided just two items,
bread and fish. (Matt. 14:16-20; see also Luke
10:42a.) To that end, we are pleased to offer
some suggestions as to what might be appropriate and p r a c t i a in view of the shortened noon break and the type of facilitieswe
Since there will no longer be food service arrangements at the convention, with
good planning those attending will be able

to enjoy breakfa~twith their family either of an extended menu will not be possible for
local eating place. By get- those staying in hotels.
at home or
ting%fficient rest the night before, you
a reminder, please
should be able to rise early enough to obunless they
-- .tain what is necefor m o m ~ ~ w i s h e- n t t e for that
It is dangero
ment and arriye at the
in ~leniy megd do s0 and m damage room furof time to enjoy fellowship with other delewith stains and grease. 1t produces
gces. Another benefit of the new arrange- odors that are hard to remove from the room
ment is that the d o s s t0 the facilities wil1 foF&yss. w of this makes it cwlcult for the
nat need t0 be staffedand opened as early as hotel to rent the room again w i m t h e exwere adrnitted , penSe nrwork of cleaning and deodorizwhen food service ~0l~nteerS
along with their families. Thegoors to the ing it. m a t is why it may be wise to conbuildings will open at &O0 a% 6%dele- sider purchasing nonperishableWms, such
as nuts, ?Wed fric*and c-?ckers, or you
gates, with the e x c i o n of those f e with
specific work a s s i p ~ n tthat
s make it nec- may choose ~ ; t ~dong
n g baI%f&ms, such
essary for them to enter %trlier. As previous- as bread, rolls, or mufins. ff'a - T i h item,
ly, there will be no need for any to rush to the such as a
is desired, perhaps the
convention siteIlo&kiGe'n
may have a delicateshas been adgquaJgge$t@g planned .for the
se items are prepar%.
estimated crowd.
~ u f i i n this
g type of item already made
food preparation in hotel
10 The nqonbreak wil1 be somewhat shorte r h a n at previous conventions. ~oweGr,it rooms or vehicles.
will still provide an opportunity to take in
l3 Inasmuch as the convention site actualsome light nourishrngnt, as well as time for . ly becomes a large Kingdom HaU during the
some association with others. Our broth- convention, it is also wise to avoid developing
ers and sisters who live in the convention a picnic atmosgkhere dm> tPEZf%oon break.
city or nearby and who daily return home in And just as we do not eat during meetings at
the mening wil1 readily be able to prepare a the mgd~rgw
wodd k&be eatsmal1~ o u noft foodfor eaci memEZ3'lhe ing or drinking during7%nvention sessions.
family tomngfor ihday's noon break. This Large family-size pmic coole?s%illnot be
would be much the sase asthxe~PTyouths p e r w e d in the faaity wherethe convedi
take to school, perhaps a ~ -.-.. n - m am tion is held. They could create hmand
piece of f.13t, a cookie, and something t0 cannot be left in aisles or placd-on seats.
drink. Many people take s~~
Perhaps reusable tote bags or disposablepa--to per
thz seculr jobs.
sacks would be better suited to the light
items that will be needed for our noon
11 mis will n0 doubt present more of a
If necessary, a smal1cooler that can be
for these attending from localilziced
under, nat on, a s m g h t be used.
ties outside the &6centi~n$$~,as some advance Bianning lor their noon food items
14 caution als0 needs tobe exercised with
wil1 be necessary. Perhaps such items as regard to the types of d r m i n we
napkins and disposable paper cups for those choose to bring to the convention site. Hot
traveling in your group could be brought drinks rnay be brought in thermoses. Glass
from home. Some rnay End that a light_snack
of some @ a t or vegetables woiiface
enough to satisSy their ne&Tkd this could
be b~frt~mrt_h_me as well. Other food
neeh for each day's noon break rnay be obtained at a g~
rcein the convention in a plastic or alurninwn container, it would
city. Of course, we realize that refrigeration be best to pour it into another tme of smal1


nonbreakable container that would fit under people, we do not attend conventions with
material wants and comforts in view. We a&
your seat.
semble with the posfiive desire togain the
l5 Additional Benefits: Truly we can see
the wisdom of such adjusted arrangements. greatest benefit possible in a spiritual way,
Ail will be able to give full attention to the and Jehovah richly rewards US for the spirit
receiving of spiritual benefits-the real pur- .we show.-l Tim. 6:6-8; Heb. 11:6.
pose of our assembling. These benefits are
l8 hese occasions for encouragement als0
provided in the association we enjoy as wel1 remind US of the progress of the spiritual
as the program itself. So instead of leaving harvest. (John 4:35,36) The opening words of
the facility at the noon break to seetfoad, Isaiah chapter 54 call upon Jehovah's wifehow beneficia1 it will prove to be to bring lik-rsnlz3'1"6n to prgpare for ~oyqusinsomething with US.This will make it possi- creases. Further grovYth; expansion, and reble to enjoy the fellowship of our brothers newed strength are in the offing as Isaiah
and sisters and will prevent US from missing prophesied:."Make the place of your *Cent
any of the afternoon program.
more spacious. And let them stretch out the
tent cloths of your grand tabernacle. Do not
16 Being spiritually refreshed following the
afternoon program, some might h j o y con- hold back. Lengthen out your tent cords,
tinuing Chrisbgin-ikUasiiip and conversa- and make those tent pins of yours strong.
tion about the good things learned while For to the right and to the left you will break
taking in a, mare substan,tialmeal-with fami- forth.")Fulfillment of this exciting prophecy
ly and friends @ca~e$ting establishments. has r$sulted in the p&n~@e~n~~.,expa~
Others lnimust pick up somethlrig inTgro- of true worship that we now see.-Isa. 54:14.
cery store or a delicatessen. Those who are
l9 It truly does appear to be the c o u r s e x
able to return to their own home may choose good -ejnt
to_Lmgigment th@ further
to have an evening meal there, much as they simplified convention arrangement so that
do other days that they spend in secular with less distraction al1 will be able to enwork or field service.
joy the spiritual program that has been preWe truly enjoy the spiritual banquet at pared. we trust thatt_s$l~=U,h~Jehothese assemblies and conventions, where vah's bigssis, since it will allow for more
we receive new publications, fine teaching, efficient handling of further growth. By foand practica1 counsel. These blessings are cusing on what is needed, we wil1 be able to
what everyone remembers, along with the enjoy our planned days of happy fellowship
joy of being with God's assembled people. and spiritual good things. It is our sincere
P!ovcrbs 10:22s a y s p ~ hblessing
of Jehovah prayer that Jehovah wul bless aU our efforts
rich, and he adds no as we continue to convene and be fed at his
pain with it."'<~his
is because as Jehovah's tab1e.-Compare Deuteronomy 16:14,15.





to be used during Februm

YOUCan Live Foreuer in Paradise on
Earth. Placements of this book should
be followed up with return visits, and
efforts shouid be made to start Bible
studies. March: Revelation-lts Grand
Climw At Hand! April and May: The
Watclower andhake! magazines. For
territory that is covered frequent% any
brochure (except the School brochure)
rnay be used. Where interest is found on
return visits, subscriptions rnay be offered. NOTE: Congregations that have
not yet requested the above-mentioned
campaign items should do so on their
next monthly Literature Request Form
iThe secretary and the service overseer shouldreview the activity of ail regularpioneers. Eany are havingdifcuity
meeting the hour requirement, the elar y:

ders shouid arrange for assistance to

be @ven.For suggestions, review Society's letters (S-201) of October 1, 1993,
and October 1, 1992 Also, see paragraphs 12-20 of the August 1986 Our
Kingdom Ministry insert.
i The Memorial celebrationwil1be held
on Friday*April 14,1995. Although the
talk rnay start earlier, please remember
that the passing of the Memoriai bread
and wineshould not begin until after sundown. Check with local sources to determine when sundown occurs in your
area. No meetings other than those for
field serviceare to be held on that date. E
your congregation normaily has meetings on
you rnay want to switch
thase to another day of the week if the
Kingdom HaU is available.
i At the conclusion of congregation
meetiigs as wel1 as circuit assembly
and special assembly day programs on
April 23, 1995, an announcement will
be made concerning a special work to
get under way with the widespread distributionof afour-page tract containii
a tirneiy message. Publisherswill be encouraged to give special attention to
honesthearted ones who seriously reflect on trie perplexing problems facing them and who seek reliable guidance. Every publisher, including new
ones who will start out in field service
during March, April, and May, wiil want
to participate fully and give support to
this specialcampaign.
i In response to many requests from

publishers and interested ones, the Society has prepared a magazine-size brochure entitled Planned Giving to Bene$t Kingdom Senrlce Wwldwide. Those
planning to make a special gift now or
leave a bequest at death to the Society
rnay fhd this information helpful, especially if they wish to accomplish some
family goal or estate-planning objective
while using tax benefits to minimize
the cost of the gift or bequest. A copy
of the brochure rnay be obtained by
writing or calling Watch Tower Society,
Planned Giving Desk, 100 Watchtower
Drive, Patterson, NY 12563-9204, telephone (914)878-7000.
i Publihers who wish to serve as auxiliary pioneers in March, April, and May
shouldmaketheir plans now and turn in
their applicationearly. This will help the
elders to makenecessary field servicearrangements and have suf8cient literature on hand.
iOn Saturday, May 13,1995,the Society's facilities in Brooklyn, Wallkill, and
Patterson, New York, will be close for
spring cleaning. Therefore,there will be
no arrangementsfor tours or for congregations to pick up literature on that day.
i New Braiile Publications Available:
Grademtwo English: Examining the
Scriptures Daily-1995 (four volumes);
Theocratie Ministy School Schedulejor
1995 (one volume).
Mark requests for Braille publications ATTENTION: BRWLE DESK.
Include name and address of the person
who will use the Braille material.

" p p b."*Effectively IntroducingthY

;? %.-r


LiveForever Book
l Jesus was masterful in his use of
introductions. He knew what to say to
stimulate interest. On one occasion he
initiated a conversation with a Samaritan woman by simply asking her for a
drink of water. This irnmediatelv caDtured her attention because '~ewshad
no dealings with Samaritans.' The ensuing conversation eventually helped
her and many others to become believers. (John 4:7-9, 41) We can learn
from his example.
When preparing to offer the Live
Forever book, ask yourself, 'What are
the immediate concerns of people in
our territory? What will appeal to a
teenager, an older person, a husband,
or a wife?' You could prepare more
than one introduction and plan to use
the one that seems most Etting for the
Since the deterioration o f
family life concerns many, you
might say:
i "Daily pressures of life have put

great strains on families today. Where

can they find assistance? [Allow for
response.] The Bible can be a real
help to US.[Read 2 Timothy 326, 17.1
The Scriptures offer beneficia1 guidelines that can help families survive.
Note what is stated in paragraph 3 on
page 238 of this publication, You Can

Live Forever i n Paradise on Earth."

Read paragraph 3, and make offer.

* If you are using a local news
item, you might say:
i "Did you hear the news report about
[mention item of local concern]?What
did you think about that? [AUow for
response.] It makes you wonder what
this world is coming to, doesn't it? The
Bible foretold such things as evidence
that we are living in the last days."
Then consider information in the Live
Forever book, pages 150-3.
Many are concerned about
the growing crime problem. You
could use the first introduction under the heading "Crime/

Follow Up Interest You Found

l When working from house to
house, we are usually limited in the
amount of time we are able to spend
with an interested person. In most
cases the real teaching work is done
when we make return visits and conduct Bible studies. (Matt. 2839, 20) In
order to teach effectively on the return
visit, we need to review what we discussed on the Erst cal1 and then prepare for further discussion.
Z Z f you talked about instability o f the family arrangement, you might use material in
chapter 29 o f the "LiveForever"
book. You could say:
i "Previously we talked about the wisdom of following Bible counsel in order to have a happy family life. What
do you feel is the key to unifying families today?" Allow for response. Refer
to paragraph 27 on page 247, and read
Colossians 3:12-14. Make further comments showing how genuine love can
hold families together. Explain how a
systematic study of the Live Forever
book can help solve problems.

If you discussed deteriorating world conditions on your

initdal call, you might follow
that up by saying:
i "I'm sure you will agree that big
changes are needed if we're ever going
to live in peace. The Bible shows
that Satan is the primary cause of
our problems. Many wonder why God
has permitted him to continue for
so long. What do you think?" Aliow
for response. Turn to page 20, paragraphs 14 and 15, in the Live Forever book, and explain why Satan has
not yet been destroyed. Then read Romans 16:20, wqich shows what we can
expect in the near future.
Z f you talked alrout the blessings that will be realdzed under
Kingdom rule, on your return
visit, you could say:
i "God's Kingdom will bring wonderful blessings to the earth and mankind. These blessings are wel1 illustrated here on pages 12 and 13. What
do you see that appeals to you? [Allow
for response.] Think what it would

Safety" on page 10 o f the "Reusoninu" book:

i "We are talking with folks about the
matter of personal safety. There's a
lot of crime around US, and it affects
our lives. What do you think it would
take for people like you and me to
feel safe on the streets at night?" You
might read Psalm 37:10, 11 and point
out blessings that God's Kingdom will
bring, using pages 156-8 of the Live
Forever book.
you prefer a simpler approach, you might use an introduction similar to that found at
the top o f page 12 in the "Reasoning" book:
i "We are encouraging our neighbors
to consider the grand future that the
Bible holds out to US. [Read Revelation 21:3, 4.1 Does this sound good
to you? [Allow for response.] Chapter 19 of this publication highlights
other blessings obedient mankind will
experience under God's Kingdom." If
there is interest, offer the Live Forever
Preparing an effective introduction can help you to reach those hungering for righteousness.-Matt. 5:6.
be like to live in a world like this."
Read DaX-EiFTaDh 12. If there is interest, ask thqiestion on paragraph 13,
and discuss the answer. Point out that
this chapter answers more questions
about Kingdom blessings and that
you will be pleased to discuss them on
your next visit.
YOUmight be able to start a
study by saying:
i "Many people have found answers to
their Bible questions with the use of
this book." Turn to the table of contents, and ask: "Which subject here
interests you the most?" Allow for
a response, turn to the chapter that
caught their interest, and read the
Erst paragraph. Explain how the questions at the bottom of each page highlight the main points in each paragraph. Illustrate by discussing one or
two more paragraphs, and then make
arrangements to call again.
Following up interest in the Live
Forever book demonstrates our desire to accomplish our ministry fully.
(2 Tim. 4:5) We may be able to help our
hearers to reach out for everlasting
1ife.-John 17:3.

3 1995 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. Our Kin dom Ministry (USPS 295-360) is published monthly by Watchtower Bibie and
Tract Society of New York, l p . , and International Bible Students Association, 25 columbia?ieights,
Brqoklyn, NY 11201-2483. Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn. NY.
and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtower, 25 Columbia Heights. Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483.
Printed in U.S.A.

March 1995

For United States of America

Timely Kingdom News

to Be DistributedWorldwide
On Sunday, April 23, a special pubEncourage AI1 to




lic talk wiil be daive%id on the arresting subject ("False Religion's End Is
Near.'yAt the conclusion of the meeting that day, a thought-provoking
four-page Kingdom News will be released. The timely message it contains will be given worldwjrlde distribution during the three-weekpexbd
from April 24 to May 14.
In all parts of the world, people are
peryiexed. No matter where Eiy live,
they are p l a m d by p r o w . The
Kingdom News will be of real interest
to those who are sincerely concerned
about what is happening, since it will
direct them to God's Word as the infaiiible source of guidance for man.
(Ps. 119:105) Al1 of US look forward to
getting a copy of the Kingdom News
when it is released on April 23. In
the meantime, there is much-in
preparation for this i n g s i ~ ethreeweek cinpaign.

Much Is Given-Much

Have a Zeal-

Who may have a share

in the work? ~ z t a i n l yeveryone who
is already a publisher will be eager
to do so! W-hat-aboyt Bible s-t
who are regularly attending corgregation meetings? Some have associated with US for quite a while and are
making steady progress. If they have
b r o u g m i ? E h T h g m n y with
SCriptural p r i n ~ i ~ l eare
s , they qualifled to be counted as ~in@m%djimers? The publishr conducting
the Bible study may discuss the matter with the student, and if the student is d ~ i r o x oCs@ring
in the fleld
service, two eliiers wiriIreview with
him the material on pages 98 and 99
of the book Organized to Accomplish
OUTMinisty. This should be done as
soon as possible so that those who
q u m as unbaptized publ&hgs may
ha*-& funS3ar'tthe Campaign. Bible students who are not yet. qualied
c?ous Share:

Is Demanded

'How favored we are to have the regardless of the amount, we will be

truth! Because of our dedicatil to Je- ble3d.-Col. 3~23,24.
hovah, we have been " e n t ~ s t e dwith
Ask yourseif, 'Are Kingdom inter(1 Thess. 24) This esthe good-."
in my life? Am I using my
places us under grgater resg_mil- tSmmddin a w
@. Jesus said:G~veryoneto whom resuihi-in-me to God's name and
much was given, much wil1 be de- beneflt to others? Do I %d that my
manded of him." jLuke 12348b.
greatest d e m e comes from %eg2 H o true
~ those words are! Since i n g m . h rather than from selfishall of US have been blessed with a ly enjoying ma erial things?' Our honknowlgdse of God's Word, a won- est answers to these questions re
derfui association of b=s,
and a the m o a e s within our hearts.-Luke
it can truthfully be 6:45.
marvelous h=,
said that m ~ c h _ ~ a s b e e a . g i Y ~ sAvoid
Being Tempted to Do What
Reasonably, much is expected in re- Is Bad: N e ~ beforz
have there been
such temptations and pressures toMaintain a Proper View of Re- ward seif-infeEst, greed, analove of
quirements: m e have conclud- sensual pleasure. Every day we are
ed that toomuch is ex ected of US. faced with mora1 chaiinges, with
As Head of the Christik c o n m w - tem~tationsto commomise. To meet
tion, Jesus Christ dete~m-ine~@&$is these challenges ~uccessfully,we
needed" t0 make it function ~ r o ~ e r l vmust
ask Jehovah to hel^ US.(Matt.
(Eph. 4:15, 16) He assures usthat 'h& 26:41) Through his spirit, &ecanmake
JIoke is- kin~~_@~-l~d.&l~gfi~ US strong. (Isa. 40:29) Reading God's
(Matt. 11:28-30) He lovingly m*es-@Word daily is a great help. (Ps. 1:2, 3)
lowances for those who have limita- Self-scinline and seJf-con&l
tk%i.("Luke 21:l-4) If we @veour best,. play a maar role.-l Cor. 9:27.



Vol. 38, No. 3

to be counted as unbaptized publishers rnay still be encouraged to share

this timely Kingdom News w i t h e
quaintances or family members.-See
15, 1988,
page 17, paragraph 8.
This wok- is not gmcult; everyone can have a sh-9. parenis m G incrude practice sessions with the Kingdom News as part of the weekly famm
Bible study so that all family members will be y I l _ p - p l e d to present it from house to house. A simple
pr-entatign is usually best. ---a
brifc&oduction, offer the K[ngcclo_m
N&s t0 the husehor(ier, and encourage him to read it. When householders
6 b s r s t , make a record so
t6at yU=return
to cultivate the
interest. (1 Cor. 3:6, 7) The key to success is to have a siqIe-well-Dre~a~d
There wil1 be "plenty tkdo" during
April and May. 1 n - n e x x s gsve of Our Kingdom Mini&y, -er
Qfo-~ation will be provided in the
inserf eniitled "Plenty to Do in the
Work of the Lord."-l Cor. 15:58.
OIt is not enough to love what is
good-we must also hate Wa$
(Ps. 97:lO) This means not cultivating a yearning for those things that
are bad. Prove~bs616-3 lists s F n
things that Jehovah hates. Obviously, one who wants to please Jehovah
must also hate such things. Having
been blessed with an accurate knowledge of the truth, we should want
to act in accord with that knowlon good
edge, keeping our minds
- -- bed
- - -- - - .
71t is proper to pray for circumstances that are favorable for "always
having plenty to do in the work of
the Lord." (1 Cor. 15:58) Many have
found that a busy-&hovah's s e r y b is2 pE@Sion because it
allows little time for pursuing worthless things.
All things considered, what Jehovah requires of US is very reasonable.
(Mic. 6:8) We have every cause to be
grateful for each privilege of service.
(Eph. 5:20) Therefore, we keep "werking hard and exerting ourselves," connaent-thtor reward will be inflnitely greater than anything required of
Tim. 4~10.


the Memorial. Explain why we need to

invite interested ones and hel^ them
20 min: .Bethel service-More vOi-~Aamin: *B&hel &Mce-Mom
volWeek Starting March 6
unteers Needed." Question-and- unteers Needed."
covering paraSong 25
graphs 14-18, arrange fora demonstral a min: Local announcements and cmsw'r coverage of w h s 1-13.
tion in which a father is talking to his
selected Announcements from ur Song 36 and concludingprayer.
teenage son about the goal o f ~ e t h e l
Sngdom Ministry. Discuss Question Week Starting March 20
service and what the son can do to preBOX.
pare for it in harmony with the su&sSong40
1 5 mln: "Much IS Given-Much
offered. If there are former or
Demanded." Questions and answers.
Encourage those who qualify to think onstrate fmily use of the 1995 Year- current Inembers of the Bethel fmiUl
about enrolling as auxiliary pioneers hook. Family group expresses appre- in the cOn!Zregation, the father may
ciation for the book; father briefly
One Or two Of these hother
during April.
17 min: "Proclaiming 'the Words of reviews highlights of introductorgma- h the disCussion with his SOn. After
3-11. ~ h e discuss
how the demonstration ~ a r a g r a ~ h19-23
the Prophecy.'" Review highlights. In- teria1on pages
read a few
of should be discussed with questions
vite audience to relate experiencesenanswers.
joyed using or placing the Reuelation the Yea~booktogether each week
GlimMok. Urge ail to be positive in make sure tb+, each day they gim con-'3Y O min: OfferingThe Watchtom and
In frequentIJ'
offeringthe book, since it deals with sideration to the designated Bible text worked temitoq,April..
we mW als0 offer
current events that concern everyone. in Emmining the scriptms Daag.
(exCePt the School
Have one or two presentations demon- 1 5 min: Los needs. Or t& on the chure). Where interest is found on reTaxes, Pay Taxes," turn visits, subscriptions may be
/i) 5article uIfYou
in The Watchtower of November 15,
Song 31 and concluding prayer.
offered. Review the following sug1994,pages 26-8.
gestions for offering magazines from
Week Starting March 13
Others 'Observe
house to house: Have a friendly smile.
Song 24
Things Written'"' Review the main Be enthusiastic.Speak slowly. Discuss
then have One Or two rearticle in
10 mln: Local announcements. Make points*
the magazines to the householder. Let
brief comment caing attention to box Songvisits
52 and concluding prayer.
it be known that you will return with
'Reminder for Secretary and Service
Overseer." Accounts report.
next issues. Have a positive concluWeek Starting March 27
sion if magazines are refused. Keep a
1 5 min: "Timely Kingdom Nms to Be
~orldwide."T& by an el- Song 205 c
record of dl interest and placements.
In conclusion,demonstrateone or two
der. Emphasizeimportante of this up- 5 min: Local announcements.
coming special activity during April 12 min: 'The Most Important Event brief presentationsofferingcurrent isand May. Urge all, incluing new ones, in Human Historg." Discuss with audi- sues of the magazines.
ence. Review local arrangements for Song 176 and concluding prayer.
to plan for a full share.



, ,,



Schedule for congregation studies in the book
Revelation-MS Grand Climax At Hand!



March 6:

p. 88,820 p. 90,115

March l3

p. 90,116

Mareh 20:


March 27:

p. 100,n 1

p. 94,819

05,1120 p. 99,1132
p. 109, 8 l 2


Au Au
Hrs. Mags. R.V. BiSt.

Number of:
Sp'l Pios

191 121.4 79.9 52.0 5.2


76,064 77.7 34.5 2 4 a 2 A


24,946 5BA 26A 14.6 1.9







9.7 OA

Baptized: 2 , m

m What attention
to be @ven
equipment welLw inthe*
n e s work?
' -0ugh havlng an WPmPriae
S c f i p m presentation in
Publisher of the
news @ht be
unprepared when it comes t0 the
equipmen) he uses. m e n at the
door, he rnay not have the Cument
literature offer.The mumines, brochures, and tracts in his witnessing
case may be wrinkled or tattered.
He rnay be unable t0 find a PenCil
or a house-ia-house record because
his case is not properly organized. It
is important to give careful attention to your equipment before sharing in fleld service.
What items should a wellequipped witnessing case contain?
ABible is essential. Include a supply
of house-ia-house records. Be sure

that you have the publication that is

being featured for the month. Current issues of the magazines, as wel1
S tracts and brochures, are also
needed. Carry a copg of the Reusoning b o k . Having the latest Our
Kingdom Ministty will aow you t0
review suggested presentations before going to the door. When working in terribrg where you are Uely
to meet peopie who speak a foreign language, it would be good to
have the booklet Good Nms for AU
NatZons. Having a copy of one of
our publications designed for young
people will help you to be prepared
to speak to teenagers.
Everything used shouid be neat]y arranged in your case.The case itself does not have to be new, but it
shouid be clean and in good condition. Your witnessing case is part of
your equipment for use in declaring
the good news. Keep it in good order.

bathel Service-More

Volunteers Needed
its doors, and the famiy moved int0 its new home.
Brooklyn Bethel has been in this Same location for
85 years.
3 Was Bethel an appropriate name for the Society's headquarters? Consider the Biblical origin
of the name and its connections. Going back over
3,700 years, Genesis chapter 28 relates the experience of 77-year-old, unmruried Jacob. Jacob appreciated sacred things but was hated by his twin
brother, Esau. At the direction of Isaac, his father,
Jacob fled from Beer-sheba and headed north t0 the
land of Abraham's relatives, among whom Jacob intended to find a wife. After traveiing some 62 miles,
Jacob stopped to rest for the night at a place cailed
Luz in the Judean hills. At Genesis 28:lO-19, we read
the fascinating details of how Jehovah gave Jacob
full assurance of divine support. In a dream, Jacob
saw a ladder extending from earth to heaven. Angels
were busily ascending and descending the ladder,
and Jehovah was stationed above it. Then Jehovah spoke, conrming that the promise to Abraham regarding a seed was being passed on to Jacob and that Jehovah would not leave hirn. What a
fear-inspiring experience for spirituaiiy-minded Jacob! Is it any wonder that this became a very special place in his eyes? To him this place was the
"house of God," or, in the Hebrew language, Behth'Ei',Behth meaning "house" and %I meaning "God."
-Gen. 28:19, ftn.
Thus, the name Bethel has a rich historica1
background and is appropriate for the world headquarters of Jehovah's people. Today God's servants
do not have divinely inspired dreams. Angels are not
seen ascending and descending on a ladder from
Bethel to heaven. Brothers are not receiving visions
or hearing God's voice directly. Yet, when you consider aU that has happened at Bethel these past
85 years, from the time of Brother Russell till now,
there is no doubt that Jehovah's hand has been with
his anointed servants, part of the spiritual seed of
Abraham, at Bethel. So many outstanding events in
the history of Jehovah's modern-day Witnesses are
closely associated with Bethel! Consider some highlights:
m On October 2, 1914, as he entered the Bethel dining room, Brother Russell accurately announced: "The Gentile Times have ended; their
kings have had their day."
iIn the early 1920's, during morning worship, a
member of the Society's editoria1 stafl used the
expression "God's organization." This so stimulated their thinking that by 1925the brothers had

1 We are thriiied to see the great work that Jehovah is doing in these last days. Psalm 110:3 indicates that during this time an outstanding quality
of God's people would be their willingness to have
an active share in Kingdom service. Around the
earth Jehovah's people are expendingthemselves to
get the good news of the Kingdom preached. The
Proclaimers book, page 295, states: "Some serve as
members of the global Bethel famiiy. This is a stafl
of full-time ministers who have volunteered to do
whatever they may be assigned in preparing and
publishing Bible literature, in caring for necessary
oBce work, and in providing support services for
such operations. This is not work in which they
gain personal prominence or rnaterial possessions.
Their desire is to honor Jehovah, and they are satisfled with the provisions made for them in the way of
food, lodging, and a modest reimbursement for personal expenses." If you have visited Bethel, you are
to some extent already acquainted with the work
being done there. However, we wish to provide additional information to enhance your appreciation
for this unique privilege of service and als0 t0 make
you aware of the Society's needs.
TOput into perspective the signilcanceof Bethel service and its rich heritage, let us review a bit of
history-some ancient and some modern-of Jehovah's organization. For some 19 years, the Watch
Tower Society had its headquarters in a fourstory brick building at 56-60 Arch Street, Wegheny, Pennsylvania. It was cailed the Bible House.
Howwer, by 1908, the Bible House family, or the
Society's headquarters stafl, had grOW to over 30
members. It was time to expand. After seeking divine guidance, the brothers decided that Brooklyn
would be the most suitable center for the work. So
a building at 13-17 Hicks Street in Brookiyn was
~ S an aupurchased to house the Society's O ~ C and
ditorium. These omces were opened on Januaity 31,
1909, but there were no housing accommodations
as part of this Hicks Street building. At flrst, it
was thought that housing facilities could be rented. However, none of the residences in the Brooklyn Heights area were for rent. As things turned
out, to their Surprise and joy, the brothers were
able to purchase "at a bargain price" a four-story
brownstone at 124 Colurnbia Heights, the former
residence of Henry Ward Beecher. Also, 126 Columbia Heights became available. The March 1, 1909,
W d c h Tower joyfully announced: "The new home
we shall call Bethel," supplanting the Pittsburgh
term "Bible House." So in April 1909,Bethel opened


come to see that there are two distinct and opposing organizations, Jehovah's and Satanss.-w85
3/15 p. 10.
m In the early morning hours one day in 1931,
shortly before the convention in Columbus, Ohio,
the president of the Society, Brother Rutherford,
discemed that the name Jehovah's Witnesses tnily described God's people and the work thw were
already doing and that thw should be identified
as His witnesses.-yb75 p. 151.
iEarly in 1935, questions were raised about who
are the "great crowd," or "great multitude." (Rev.
7:9; KJ)Same among these Wh0 expressed themselves at that time suggested that they were an
earthl~ClasS. On MaY 31, 1935, at the Wasmgton, D.c., convention, a satisfying explanation
was @ven.-@ p. 166.
5 These few examples ilustrate how Jehovah,
throWh bob' spirit, bas @venmdance andsupbis faithful anointed servants at Bethel.
And what about the angek?When you c~nsidera l l
the bitter opposition ftom Our enemies and the difflcult years when resources Were SCarCe, there is n0
doubt that without angelic Protection and assistance, ~ e t h ecould
not have operated s0 remarkably all these years.
'Besides the headquarters
in the United
States, there are Bethel familes in the 100 branches scattered throughout the ~0rld.Organized t0 Ac~ ~ P Z
MM i n m , Page 116, states: "'I'he name
Bethel . . - is certainl~~ ~ r o ~ r ifor
a these
t e centers
of theocratie a&ivity." mt kind of work are Bethel volunteers assigned to do?
I A Variety of Work: The a~~igImentS
of work
@vent0 mmbers of the Bethel fa mil^ are varied.
At BrookUln and in a number of ether branches,
some brothers werk in the factov OPerating Presses that print Bibles, hooks, magaanes, brochures,
and tracts for worldwide distribution. Others share
in binding the Bibles and books, while the work of
Yet ethers involves shipping these Pub~~tiOI1s
COngregations around the world A number are ass&nd maintah the equipment and the bmdin@. In the Bethel Home, a lot of werk i$ involved
in caring for the familY. F'or example, at Brooklyn
Bethel, within 20 dnutes bre*fast is SeNed to aPProximately 3,700 PeoPle in 12
rooms. In the
laundry, brothers and sisters ProCess 35,000 pounds
of clothing each week, including 13,000shirts. In addition, housekeepers maintab a high stmdard of
cleaniness in the 21 resfdence buildings in Brooklyn and care for a host of other vital duties.
Qualificationsand Requirements: In view of the
pbysical stamina and strength required for much of
this work, presently there is a need for healtby single young men. To apply for Bethel service, a young
man must be dedicated and baptized for at least a


w+, ,


*i,,.> $
z - 3



year. He must be a devoted, spiritual person. Also,

he must be willing to perform hard work. In the
world today, many people view hard work as something to be avoided. So the young man applying for
Bethel service needs to put on the new personality
to such an extent that he wants to do hard work, doing with his hands what is good work. (Compare
Ephesians 4:28.) That means that he should not be
one who has his mind on the pursuit of personal
pleasures, recreation, or entertainment.When considering Bethel service, he should already have put
aside such y o u t m traits. Paul's words at 1Corinthians 13:ll well apply: "When I was a babe, I used
to speak as a babe, t~ think as a babe, to reason as
a babe; but now that I have become a man, I have
done away with the traits of a babe."
9 Are you between the ages of 19 and 35? Do you
and emotionally? can
eaoy goed he,th,
you read, wrik, and speak English well? Are you a
spiritual person who has a deep love for Jehovah
and his organization?If called to Bethel, would you
r e m faithfw in that service for at least ene
y=, werking at any job @venyou? ~f you can answer yes to these questions, you do wel to consider
the udque privilege of Bethel service. The blessings
are abundant.
lo Blessings of Bethel Service: The article
'~ookingwith Appreciation Upon the
m*in he w & h t m of June 15, 1994, n o w
"When attending an aasembly, do you sense a deep
contentment, smounded as you are by happy worshipers of J e h a ? Just imaoe, a Bethel werker
has the privilege of serving Jehovah amid a group of
brothers evev
(p26:12) a t excellent
prospects for spiritual growth that offers! A brother remarked that he learned more to help him shape
his personality within one year at Bethel than he
did in three years esewhere.Why? Because nowhere
else did he have the opportdty observe a d imthe S t h of so many mature Christian personaiities." (Prov. 13:20) Indeed, this is one of the
uniwe blessings of Bethel service.
l1 At Brooklyn Bethel, volunteers eaoy close associationwith members of the GoverningBody and
other anointed ones, as well as with longtime faithful brothers of the other sheep class. No matter
what assignrnent of work one has, it is a blessing
to work in unity with such f a i t m , loyal companions. Here are some comrnents ftom members of the
Brooklyn Bethel family that reflect the feelings of
these who have a part in this precieus privilege of
A brother with 62 years of Bethel service, who
has worked in a variety of assignments over the
years, commented on the spirit that exhts at
Bethel: 'We're a i l one family; we're all brothers.
We work together. AU of us have our assignments.

It's wonderfui to see the brothers work hard; you

can see the effort they put forth. We have brothers who sweep the fioor. When you're keeping the
place clean, you're keeping the family heaithy.
When you keep the famiiy healtby, the family is
productive. It's essential. It's important to have
people in the office. AU together we produce the
result-the Kingdom witness worldwide. This is
the best place in the world to make a career of
servingJehovah. If you want to be in the full-time
service, you can do that best right here. Everything is available to you. We enjoy extra things
here. It makes you see the organization because
you hear from all corners of the earth."
iOne 75-year-old anointed brother, whose rst
work assignment was in the bookbindery some
48 years ago, observed: "It's a beautiful experience
to live among dedicated, baptized servants of Jehovah. When I see a young man coming to Bethel, my heart wells up with thanks to Jehovah because I know this man is going to have a happy life
here at Bethel." Regarding things he treasures
about Bethel, he added: "I love its people. I think
they are beautifui. There is something about the
brothers that have been at Bethel many years
that you don't flnd any place else on the face of
the earth. There is the warmth, understanding,
and unity that is beyond understanding."
iAnother brother who has been in Bethel service for over 62 years commented on further beneEts received: "Coming to Bethel enables you to
get a specialized education in the fleld of publishing. . . and above all, a Bible education to equip
you to be a proper representative of Jehovah God
wherwer you're sent in the world."
iA member of the Governing Body, who is now
92 years old, has been serving at Bethel for 58
years. What does he think of Bethel service?"The
Bethel family here and worldwide is a marvelous
arrangement of dwoted people."
iSome months before a member of the Ctoverning Body died faithful in his assignment at
98 years of age, he expressed himself this way: "I
love to serve at Bethel. It is the best place under
the sun."
i What is a young man's view of Bethel service?
One young brother recently wrote: "Since, as Jesus said, 'giving reaps the greater happiness,'
Bethel is the happiest place I have ever been.'' He
has captured the spirit of Bethel-giving.
iA brother who has 51 years of full-time service nicely summed things up by saying: "Bethel
service is realy unique. It is a vital part in the
outworking of Jehovah's purpose here upon the
earth. So anyone who has the privilege of serving
at Bethel should esteem that very highly. Realy,
Bethel enables us to give Ai11 expression to a life
of godly dwotion."

lZThe Daily Routine: The daily routine of a

member of the Bethel family totaly absorbs him
in a life of Kingdom activity. At 7:00 a.m. Monday
through Saturday, morning worship begins in our
dining rooms. There are comrnents on the day's
text by members of the family and then a summary by a member of the Governing Body or by
another brother with many years of full-time service, followed by the morning prayer. This program
strengthens the family spiritually for the day's activity. Members of the Bethel famiiy wiU tel1 you
that it is a highlight of the day. After a hearty breakfast, Bethel family members eagerly go to their various assignments of work. The workday Monday
through Friday extends from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.,
with one hour set aside for the noonday meai. Work
is also scheduled from 8:00 a.m. to 11:55 a.m. on
Saturday. In the evenings, on Saturday afternoons,
and on Sundays, Bethelites go to their congregation meetings, share in the house-to-house or Bible
study activity, or care for personal responsibilities.
They may use the Bethel library facilities for personal study or to prepare for meetings. Oh, yes,
there is time for needed rest and relaxation. (Mark
6:31,34) From this brief description, it can easily be
seen that Bethel service allows a person to devote a
great arnount of his time each day to sacred service,
free from distractions of this old system of things.
13Congregation Activlties: Members of the
Brookyn Bethel family are assigned to more than
350 congregations in the New York City area. They
value the role of the local congregation in maintaining their spirituality. Thus, thw are active with
their congregation, attending the Eve meetings and
reguiarly sharing in the fleld ministry with their
brothers. In addition to congregation meetings,
the Bethel family has its own Watchtowe7 Study
on Monday evening; elders and rninisterial servants
are assigned to make comments for the beneflt of
all. Since the Bethel schedule emphasizes spiritual
things, it results in a joyfUl, happy life of service to
Jehovah.-l Cor. 15:58.
l4 Preparation for Bethel Service: Young men
frequently ask what they can do in order to prepare for Bethel s e r v i c 2 z b e r of the Governg Body serving on the P e r s o n ~ommittee-saia
"WhniTj6iu come to Bethel, come to serve, not to be
served. The more you learn to serve, the greater will
be your happiness. Learn to give and not to take.
Be modest, be hurnble. The fruitage of the spirit
-that's where real Christianity lies."'es, develop


selected for Bethel. When a person has disciplined

over a period of time to spend 99a

- - -,,
is done here. This has l e m n y to come to .-Bethel
._%r finishing their education.
I9 Experienced Ones: Occasionally there is an
opening for a brother or a sister who is somewhat
over the age of 35 and who has the training and
skilis that Bethel needs. Much of the work that
the Society is presently engaged in requires expeones t0 serve along with streng, capable
Young en Wh0 can be trained, "the a p e r t dong
with the leamer."-l Chron. 25:8.
An increasing mnount of todays werk calls for
thOse Wh0 have a background in ekctronics or experienCe with Computer progrmming. p he society
has likrally scores of photocopy machines, laser
Printers, and personal computers, ail of which require maintenance. There is als0 a need in the legal and medical fields: attorneys, doctors, ~Wsical
registered and licensed practical nurses.
Those skilled in various construction trades, such
as engineering, plumbing, electricd, and HVAC
(heating, ventilation, and air-conatiofing), can be
used. Mature brothers with in-depth accounting
fr backpmund,
aiho might be
tified, could be helpful. In order to reduce costs,
parents and their children who are still of school the Society has its own fleet of vehicles used for
age to consider carefully the balanced view of secu- supporting shipping operations. Therefore, experieneed drivers and meehadCs are needed.
lwciucatlon that is
~ r e s e n t ~21'~ aeclskdon
e - W ~ C F , t O : w ,,rOur geatest need is for deacated
bpages l5
these with special sMb, some of whom
secular education is a personal matter. m&ever a
married. You may obtain Bethel applicaperson decides, he should make sure that he is able tions be
your circuit overSeer or at a
t0 m z t a i n bis spiritual progress by continuing to
at the special meeting held for these
focus on the prineipal werk of Jehovah's people, interested in
Bethel service, or you may write
bearing witness to the truth.
to the Personnel Committee, 25 Columbia Heights,
matter what kind of secdar training ene re- Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483. If you are married, keep
ceives, it is highy valuable to learn how to think. in mind that your mate must
be spirituw,
The Bible commends thinking ability and pmc&cal
emotionaily, and pWsicaily qualifiedfor Bethel serw s m . (Prov. 1:4;3:21) rearning how to think and vice. If you have training and experienCe in
information enables you toracquire kn~wl- the fielt& previously mention&, please write out a
edge and skiik that will be
t0 you and Je- detailed rsum and attach it to your Bethel applihovah's worldwide organization. Finaly, no matter cation.'
what skills one may have, it is ve '
t0 be
Can You Answer an Urgent Call? An urgent
able to get along weli with others
need exists for Bethel volunteers. If you meet the reC10Se13'
as a team t0 ac Omm ~ &
quirements for Bethel service, we strongly urge you
plish the work. Thus, an independeior co peti- t0 submit a Bethel appllcation in answer to this urtive spirit I ' ~ u s ~be replaced by a C00perati~eand gent call. DOnat be ascouraged if you are nat invitloving disposition and a wilingnesb t0 submit t0 ed right away. You can renew your application yeartheocratie direction.-Compare Ephesians 4:16.
ly. This provides US with current information about
a your availability.
23 In the hearing of the prophet Isaiah, Jehovah
erve asked: "Whom shall I send, and who wil1 go for
at Bethel, they wil1 be in a good position t0 be US?"Without hesitation Isaiah responded: "Here I
Jehovah's 0rganization for further re- am! Send me." Thus, Isaiah embarked on a remarks p o n s i b i l i t ~We urge you Christian parents and able career as God's prophet. Can you say, "Here I
elders to continue keeping this matter before young am! Send me"? Many blessings await you if you are
ones. Many parents brins" @eir children to toyr called to serve in the "House of God," Bethe1.-Isa.
-- reguildjrly, thus acquainting them with what 6:8.




month preaching and teaching and giving t e 0thers, as wel1 as scheguiing necessary w= to sustain
h i m f , he has built a good spiritual foundation for
Bethel service and its orderly way of life. Please
note, however, that Bethel service is not limited to
e meeting the bathose who are ione eer ing. m
sic requirements can apply.
' 5 Additionaily, it is good for young men to earn
how to work with their hands. Manual labor
-- is not
looked upon with favor in this old system of things.
Love of self motivates many people to desire w o l
that reguires little effort gr. that giw ri oiti%ard
appearance of prestiqe. Yet, knowing how t0 use
vhus toxs and devices is very practsical and useful. (Prov. 22:29) Often, young men can leam manual skills from their parents or by h&ingaperi--.... eneed
men work-on various projects around
-the ~
or~by assisting
~ elderly
d ones with
necessry maintena
their homes.
16 sometimes
a&: ashoud I get extra
secdar training t. quali@for Bethel service?" secP


m Literature to be used during


m m At Handt

Grand Cli-

April and May: The

Watchtower and Azoake! nmgazhes.

For territory that is covered frequenty, any brochure (except the School
brochure) may be used. Where interest is found on return visits, subscriptions may be offered. dune: Lije
- H m Did Zt Gei Here? By EvoZutm
or by Creation? N m Congregations
that have not yet requested the abovementioned campaign items shoud do
so on their next monthiy Literature
Request Form (5-14).
m The presiding averseer or someone
designated by him should audit the
congregation'saccounts on March l or
as soon as possible thereater. Make
announcement to congregation when
this has been done.
m New Publications Available:

Tower Publications Index 1946-1985;

When Someone You Love Dies. Flnnishi When Someone You Love Mes.
Frenohi WEnS0me0ne Y wLove Mes.
Oerman: When Someone You Love
Dies. Qreeki W&h bwer PUbik&kWS
Index 1986-1990; W7ren SOmeW YOU
Love Dies. Hungarian: When S m o n e
You Love Dieg. Italian: When Someone You Love u.
Japanmm: Z
Lovt? Dim. Karean: When Someone
You Love Dies. btvian: You Can Uve
Rm?ver in ParadiSe on Earth (Large
size). Uthwnian: Does God M g
Care About US?; You Can Uve brever in Pamdtse on Earth (Large size).
Maoedonlan: WhenS m o n e YouLove
Dies. POIIS~&Nao World TransWon of
the Chrlstian Greek Scripturn; W7ren
Someone You Love Dies. Portuguesei
When Someone You L m Dies. Romanian: When Someone You Love Mes.
Vietnamese8 WhenSomeone YoU Loue

Aibanlani When Someone You Love mes.

Dies. Arabio: WhenSomeone You Loue m New Videocassettes Available:
Dies. Chinese: When Someone You Engllsh tor the Deaf: You Can Live
Love Dies. Croatlani When Someone Fbreoer in Paraise on Earth (VidYou Love mes. Czeoh: When Someone eocassette No. 1). Qreeki The Bible
Y w Love Dies. Danishi Wateh TOW- -Accurate Hhtory, Reliuble Prophew.
er Publications Index 1986-1990; When Pollsh: Jeluwah's Witneses-The OrName.
Someone You Love Dies. Dutoh: Watch ganization Behind t?~?

Proclaiming'the Words of the Prophecyg

l We are living in a time when prophecies in the book of Revelation are
being fWUied. Many are seeping to
understand the meaning of the disturbing events taking place. They can
benefltfrom 'hearingthe words' of the
prophecy ofRevelation. (Rev. 1::B)Duringthe month of March, we have o p
portunity to assist them by featuring
the Revelation Climax book. When offering it we should keep in mind that
the problems facing mankind today
were foretold in the book of Revelation. What, then. can we say?

lation Climax book to chapter 16,

and point out the illustrations on
pages 91-7.1 While this prophecy predicts a time of great distress, it als0
offers hope. [Read Revelation 6:2 in
pamgrapg 3 . f ~ h eRider on the white
horse is Jesus Christ. He has promised to conquer wickedness andbring
about a world of happiness and peace
through the Kingdom that he taught
US to pray Por." Offer the book.

iuWar, famine, and disease have

plagued mankind in this 20th century. Why do you think that is so when
man has made so much technica1
advancement? [AUow Por response.]
Many are surprised to learn that
these conditions were foretold in the
Bible. Likely you are famiiiar with
the expression 'the four horsemen of
the Apocalypse.' What the Bible says
about these horsemen is actually a
prophecy that is being fulfllled in
world events today. [Open the Reue-

[Allow Por response.] Most people

agree that there is a need Por rastic changes if this world is going to
survive. The Bible shows that God
knows how to solve our problems and
has promised to help US."Turn to the
Reuelation Climax book, page 171, and
read Revelation 11:15 in paragraph 1.
Turn to the illustrations on pages 302
and 308, and point out the blessings
that will be reaized under Kingdom
rule by Christ. Then explain how the
householder can personaUy beneflt.

s Perhaps thls quesHon might

prompt a meanlngful discusSb:
z Thes approach mlght be ef- m "What do you fee1 is needed to refedve:
move the bad conditions in the world?

You might feeZ comfortabk

saying somethlng Zlke thtsr
i 'Many people who have read the Bi-

ble book of Revelation found it difflcult to understand. It describes a vafiety of unusua and signicantevents.
This book, Revelation-Zts Grand Climaiz At Hand? provides a verse-byverse consideration of the entire book
of Revelation and shows how we are
personaUy mected by the Ailflllment
of its prophecies." Open the book t0
Page 15, paragraph 2, and point out
Revelation 1:1, in bold type. Explain
that speciflc comments of this kind
are provided on every single verse in
the book of Revelation and that this
information will help him to understand these remarkable prophecies.
Oner to leave the h o k if there is a favorable response.
51f the person is busy or you are
not certain there is sufrlcient interest, you might leave a magazine or a
tract. When you return and interest is
shown, the book could be offered.
message contained in Revelation aects all mankind. Everyone
needs to hear the words of the prophecy. May we do ail we can to proclaim
this vital message.

* You mtght Zike t0 try thbs b0

Help Others 'Observe the Things Writtenm inlt-ate
a Scrbptural dlscztssCorr:
1It is not enough to 'hear" the
words of the proph&ies in the book of
Revelation. To beneflt fiillv. one must
"observe" what is written.. @ev. 1:3)
Placing literature is just an initia1
step toward making disciples. Once
we have found interested ones who
are willing to hear, we should go back
promptly to assi5t them in leaniing
more. What can we taik about on our
return visit?
z Zf wou spoke about the sym-

p u r opinion, what kind of gov-

i Show the illustration on page 302 of

the Reuelation Climax book, and explain: "ManMnd wiil enjoy these conditions when God's will is done on the
earth as it is in heaven. Howwer, some
fear that bad conditions will come
back again.That will be impossiblebecause ail the wicked ones wil1 be mne."
ReadPSalm 37:10,11. Invite the householder to take advantage of our Bible
study program to learn more.
S Z f you teft the tract uLife in
a Peacsful New WorM," pofnt

direct his own m s . Attempts to

do that without &d's help are the
cause of most of our problems. God's
Kingdom is the only government that
can provide what we need." Turn to
page 230 in the Reasonim book, and
dtscuss the scriptures under the rst
sub he ad in^?. Continue the discusSion
by e x p e WW we can put our full
trust in Wd.

i "Ifwewant tolive in a worldlike that,

there is something important that we
must do." Read the last paragraph,
and offer the Revelatlon Climax book.
6 Since our objective is to start Bible studies, we need to make effective return visits. Schedule time Por
them, and prepare m. this way
we can tny help the honesthearted.
-Rev. m.6.7.

opinion? IAUow Por response.1 Jesus'

&ciples -were interested in ihe answer to this auestion." Read Matthew
24:3, where tiie question is raised, and
then verse 34, where Jesus gave the answer. If the response is positive, explain more about the hst days.
Z f you dtsmsed God's Klngdom ontheir8t caZZ,youmay deH e zo continue by asktng tha
i 'In

bot& four horsemen on your lnb ernment is needed to satisfy ail man- to the CZZstration on the front
*Z vlslt, you mlght begin your kind's nef#is? [Allow Por response. and then read paragraph 1 unconversation thls way:
Read Jeremiah 10:23.] As you can see, der the heading uLlfedn God's
iuPreviously we talked about the God never intended that man should N8W W H ." ThsnSU@:

book of Revelation and how its prophecies are being fuilled today in world
events. Revelation chapter 6 foretold
the ride of the symbolic four horsemen, which would result in much vio- lence and distress in the earth. We
have seen this take place right before
our ms. M m wonder when this distress-wlll end so that we can e4oy
Me in a peaceful world. What is your

k3 1995 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Psnnsylvania. All rights resened. Out Kingdom Min/stry (USPS 295-360) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and
Tract Society of New a r k , Inc., and International Bible Students Association, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483. Second-class postage pald at Brooklyn, NY,
and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtower, 25 Columbia Helphts, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483.
Prlnted in

April 1995

For United States of America

Thanktulfor What We Have

1 "God recommends his own love to
us in that, while we were yet sinners,
Christ died for w." (Rom. 5:8) How
thanlriulailof usshoudbeforthesupreme sacriice made both by Jehovah
Qod and by his Son in our behaJf!
By means of Clwist's shed blood, we
are glven the opportunity for everlasting Me, somethingthat no human can
give US.
can we show our appreciation? There are many people who are
thirsting for true knowledge, which
can only be found in God's Sacred
Word. It is Jehovah's will that they
come to a knowledge of the truth.
(1 Tim. 24) We show our appreciation for the truth by 'declaring the
good news of the Kingdom of God.'
(Luke 443) Wholehearted participation in this work shows that we appreciate that Christ died for us and that
we want to imitate hirn by faito b m g his command to make &iples of 0thers.-Matt. 28:19,20.

a What

are some avenues of preachto us? Is it poissible for us

ing open

to enroll as auxillary pioneers from

time to time? After countingthe cost.
some mag be abie to take up the reguar pioneer service.By takhgadvantage of these fne opportunities, we
can increase the amount of time we
spend in spreading the Kingdom good
news. In times past you may have considered enroing, but there were obstacles. Perhaps your circumstances
have changed. If so, have you given serious thought to entering the pioneer
service or serving as an auxUary pioneer?
4 Our thankfuiness becomes more
intense when we look at what is taking place around US. There is increasing violente, hatred, and strife worldwide. Paul wel1 described our times
as "critical" and "hard to deal with."
(2 Tim. 3:l) In the midst of these
distressing conditions, we have good
news in abundante to share with oth-

Vol. 38, No. 4

ers. We have two fne magazines, The

Watchtower and Azoake! This month
we can oller individuai copies or subscriptions. We als0 have brochures on
a number of subjects. These publications can bring genuine refreshment
to those who read them.-ess
for what we have should move us to be
liberal in sharing them with others.
-Heb. 1316.
6 It may be that in the area where
you live,people demonstrate little interest in spiritual things. In contrast
with that, there are territoriesthat are
fniftfui. Much interest is being found
among foreign-language groups. If
you are able to speak more than one
language, is it possible that you can
serve in an area in this country where
there is a real need for your help? Your
circuit overseer may have some suggestions dong these lines.
B There is every reason to be thankful for what we have, truy an abundance of good things. Our thanks
to Jehovah can be best expressed by
making known his name and purposes to 0thers.-Isa 12:4,5.


Our KlngdomUnlty

at his disposal to sow dscord and

create m i s u n d e r s t a u ~try
~ to
produce contention and m.(Prov.
6:19; Qal5:19-21,26) He would ike us
to get invoved in the world's controveEE ana even to take sides on pol i m a n d social issues. (Jas. 3:14-16)
The Scriptures exhort us to resist his
infuence; otherwise, he wili devour us
ashisprey. (1 pet. 5:8, 9) he reaty of the Kingdom hope must not be
ailowed t0 fade from our hearts and

1Qod's Kingdom is a real govem- gives us needed reminders of what

ment, having power and authority. It
of us as Icingdom subwas the theme of Jesus' preaching.
mnal study of OW publica(Matt. 417) Teaching others and bearh m %he faithtul
ing witness to Kingdom truth was and discreetslavenhelp us apply W s
part of Jesus' mjnistry. He lawsinoureve
taught us to pray for the Kingdom
ersonal applicaand to keep on seeking it llrst. (Matt. tion, the Kingdom Iseeomes increas6:9. 10, 33) Remainlng close to Je- &&i
real to us. d r a m us closer tohovah and his organhtion, fullhq geiher in the worldwidbrotherhood,
our preaching comrnission. and keep- m a m us a united lamiIv of worshi~ing separate &om the world enable s ers under fesusprulership.
Main ning our unity requires
lmiintain our Kingdom unitY. m
ss of mind and wisdo from
Unity Through Kingdom Pnat- soun
actions and words, we show that Ing: Our comrnission is to preach the above. When difculties arise,"f, espe=.are on the side of the mgdom.? good news of the Kingdom "t@ the ciaily if they involve our brothers, we
must manifest the fruitage of the spirit to keep peace. Worldly traits, such
us as we strive to "glorify"Jeho- as pride, enw, and egotism, are divisive and must be overcome. (Eph.
41-3; Col. 35-10, 12-14) We need to
keep our minds lilled with positive,
upbuiiding thoughts. The Kingdom is


vigilant to ?p it that way!-Eph. 6:


r e a e a of God's Word

y interferhg with our

t 1 .L L

The reality of our marvelous King-

dom hope unites us in a spirit of oneness that wll never end-Ps. 1331.



Starting April 24

Song 167 ,F
O ~ P min:
O " ~ e n t/toDo
of l 6 mln: Local announcements. ReWeek Starting Aprli8
the Lord" Question-and-answer m- view progress of Kmgdom Nms disSong 203
erage by the service overseer. Review Mbution in the territorg. Invite publ 0 min: Local announcements and -ded
arrangemenu for house- lishers to relate experiencm eqjoye
selected Announcements trom Our *hooffering the Kingdon News. Suggest
distribution of W
Kingdom Ministry. Review "Get
Netos. Mscuss plans for cov- magazine presentations that would
Things Ready for the Memorial."
ering al the local congregation's as- be appropriate in locai territory. Au1 5 mln: "Thankful for What We
mm what should nounce any arrangement6for the conHave." Questions and answers. As signed
be done ,-t help new ones t. share gregation to share in evening witnesstime permitst make additional
'Omin service for the first time. (See the ing as dayllght hours increase. /IR 5
ments based on August 1,1990,WatCh- March 1995
Mngdom Minist~, 12 mln: Locai needs. Or give a tak,
tower, pages 19-20, paragraphs 15-20.
Be Encouraging to Others, based on
m mln: .The Wd~htowerand &a&! ~ n g and
~ concl~ o
the January 15, 1995, Watchtower,
-Magazines for Our Urgent Times!"
pages 21-3.
Discuss with audience. Relate experi- w-k stading ~ p nqi7
18 mln: Conduct Your Family stud9 ;
ence expressing appreciation for the
RegulaIly. Husband and m-expregs
mamanes. ($791 7/22 D. 9) Have two Song214 G w
concernabout a lacg of s~iritualD=publishers &h& 6 p&pare a pre- 1 s mln: Locai announcements. Re- ress on the part of theii cihi1dren.-HU&
sentation u s m the sugg&iom @v- late encoMgMightsof the Me- band acgnowleges that he has been
en, and then have theuidemonstiate morial obserwnce, and review ways negligent when ft comes to conductby giving their presentations to each thatfurtherassstancecanbegivento ing the famiiy study., sometimes sevnew ones who attended. Urge aii to at- era1 weeks go by without any family
tend the special talk on April 23 and instmction. They rwiew the adrnoSong 219 and concluding prayer.
als0 to help newly interested ones to nition and direction provlded in the
Week Starting April 10
return. Review field service arrange- School Guidebook, pages 37-8, paraments for Kingdom News distribution. graphs 12-14. Both agree to give prlorl 5 min: "Do You See a Need?" Ques- ity to the family study each week, not
J:t?E:2~cai announcements. AC- tions
and m m . Briefly relate cur- allowing other activities to interfere.
counts report and donation acknowl- rent goals
elders are tto achieve Song 142 and concluding pmyer.
edgments. Theocratie N m . Remind in their ShepheIding
wo*. Explain
evergone about theneed to help interindividuals can do to help.
ested ones to attend the
mln: 'Search for the Teachable
Urge aii to make a special effort to
Ones." Discuss the importante of
share in field service W& weekend.
making return visits. Encomige use
15 mln: "Maintaining Our Kingdom
of the Bible. Have one or two presenP Unity." Discuss with audienee.
Has everyone, including the
tations briefly demonstrated.
speaker,been infomedof the exact
Song 197 and concluding pmyer.
time anplace of the celebration?Is
ConaReoArIonmoor .nis
thespeaker awarethat the program
Schedule for congregation studies I$@b2&kb'
shoud not exceed 45 minutes?
* Revelation-lts pand Cliw At H@ .,
Has someone been assigned t0
obtain the emblems? (See The
CentmlAtitrlorn Repubib 5ervice ac15,1990.
tivity during the month of October Watchhwr of FebA P ~ I 3:
p. toa, 11 i a P. ioi;ne
was outstanding, with a new peak of pages 16-18.) Rave arrangements
April 10:
p. 107, 11 10 p. l l % f Z O
been made for the table to be
1,846pubisers. Specia assemblyday
set with a clean tablecioth and a
April 17:
p. 110, 121 p. 112,m
programs were presented in 19 locations, with a total of 5,577 in atten- suicient number of glasses and
April 24:
P- 11Sr 1l
U 18
dance and 32 baptized
Have plans been made to clean
~exico:1n dovember, 411.292 publishthe Kingdom Hall beforehand and
ers reported. This was another new
afkrward? Have the attendants
J A N U ~ Y S E R W ~ & R & O R ~ wak.
and sems been assigned? Has a
Au Av.
Au Au
meethg been held with them to go
Sri Lanka: There were 1,873 publishNumber of:
Hrs. Maas. R V BiSt. ers reporting in November, a ne inover their duties? What procedure
wi be foilowe to ensure that ail
9 percent.
Sp'l Pios
178 1W.1 69.8 54.4 8.8
are served elllciently?
Talmn: Besides a peak of 2,523 publishers,the November report showed a
78,441 77.0 82.8 24.0 2.8
new peak of 44,514 return visits and
im -72
S8.8 24.9 16.1 1.4
4,234 Bible studies.
Vlrgln Island. (U.S.b A new peak of
9.7 8.8 8.7 0.4
M7 publishers alongwitha total of 778
een made for them
Bible studies brought great rejoicing
B a p t i i 2,721
i in November.

2 g kerk






6 Congregation Book Study conductors should

make denite arrangements for m u p witneming
on Saturdays and on Sundays. -ve&ne should
be encouraged to have an active share. In addition to activity on the weekend, mening witnessing should be scheduled at least once a week dur' We certainly have a full schedule of theocratie ing the capaign. Same may wish to meet for
m-A-,ivities t0 look fOrward to durin! April and service after school to accomrnodate students
May! On April 14 we will celebrate the Memoria who would m e t0 have an extra share.
Of Christ's
people as possible
7 Meetings for feld service should be scheduled
should be encouraged t0 be present for that lm- s0 that publishers and pioneers can get an exportant O C C ~ Sbusiness
~ O ~ : acq~aintances,unbe- ly ,tart in the
each day. These meetUaring relatives, schoolmates, newly interested ings should be brief. Each should feature a simPersons, and Bible StudentS. Make a list of these ple presentation of the K i n g h N m s . Afternoon
you plan to invite so that none are missed.
meetings for service may include a suggestion or
z The foUweek we will encourage Wh0 two for making r e t m visits on those who have
attended the Memorial t0 h m the special public accePtedthe K i n g m
Hawever,some pubtalk On April23, On the subject "False Religion's lishers
prefer to engage in the distribution
End Is
It is hop* that many
both morning and afternoon. To that end, the
Ones who
this forthright message
service overseer will want to ensure that enough
the need t0 associate with the congregation on a territory is available. The name and address of
regular basis, not just on special occasions.
everyone who shows interest shouid be noted on
Spoelal Kingdom New8 t0 Be R9leas.d: A
a house-to-house record. The main points of the
higmght of the meeting on April23 willbe the re- brief discussion may be included in the
lease of a timely four-page K i n g h NWS NO. 34 column.~ h i pave
~ the
for a returnvisit
that will be @ven wide distribution through kter in the week or month.
therewill be
14.Do you
If one congregation helps another to cover its
during this Met~ do in the work of the brdn
ad&sses of interest& perterritory,
morial season?-l Cor. 15:58.
som should be turned in to the congregation
A supply of Kingdom N m s will be consigned to holding the territom.
each cong"egaton. 'l'he
containing the
,parents, are your (,hilaen wormg beKiwam
be &Ored in a
phCe coming unbapwd publishers? It h a ~
been oband
be Opened until the conclusion Of served that in some conmegations,weu-behaved
the program
23' At that time the
have accompded their dedcated pardom News wil1 become available for distribution
in the ministry a number Of years9
to the brothers and to the public. At the conclusion of the congregation meetings, circuit as- children do verg well, although they are not yet
semblies, or special assembly &y programs on publishers of the goed news- Parenk ought t0
do qualifg
April 23, those in attendance wil1 eaeh receive a
copy m that they
become acq-ted
the factors with the family head and determine
contents and be equipped for its distribution.
whether the child can be counted as an unbapElders Wil1 Have Plenty to D.: Eafly this
pp- 99-100rnonth the body of elders should meet to discuss t"ed publisher-'O h e a n publishers
in your congregation's terdetails of the special campaim. Congregations
should endeavor to cover ai their assigned terri- fitory n0 longer active in offeringa sacrifice of
tory. Before the campaign enas, make special ef- ~'".iSet0 Jehovah? (Heb. 13:15) Some who are infort to work those territories that have not been active may have been overcome by diScOuragecovered in the past six months. In view of the im- ment Or by the IlXI~ietiesof li&, altho~ghContinportance of the work, we will want to set aside as -g t0 adhere the Bible's Imral ShMW'ds. A
much time as possible for the ministry. No doubt friendl~visit by ene of the elders maY move them
t0 r e m association with the congremore publishers than usual wil1 enrou as a m t e to renewed acry pioneers. Quite likely many Bible students will gation and, at an a p ~ m ~ r i atime,
also be joining US as newly approved unbaptized tivity in the ministry.
publishers. What an enjoyable time we will have
l1 All Who QualifyCan Sharo in This Enjoyabla
as we labor together in the Lord's work!
Work: DOsome of you children or teenagers find

''Plenty t0 Do in the
Work of the Lordgg

-.-s,: y+-





it diicult to share in the house-to-house minis-

tiieliness of the message in the KfngdomNews.

Listen c a r e m as the householder expresses his
opinion on what he has read, His comments will
help you to know what to offer in the latest magazines and perhaps how to pdpare for furtherdiscussions. If you get a favorableresponse on the return visit, try to start a Bible study.-l Cor. 3:6,7.
l* Y
Y Labor
~ N0t
~ In Valnn: Will
Werk be ~~rthwhile?
Paul assured the CbrinthianS:"You~labor is n0t in ~ a i n
in ~0IlIlectionwith
the Lord." (1o r . 15:58)Overthe Pars, oureffo*s
t0 distribute Kingclom News have been greatly
blessed. One couple who were moving int0 an
empty apartment found an older copy of Kingdom
Nezos in a drawer. It was the only thing left in the
it, they conhetwhole
ed the local congregation
and requested a Bible
studg. Thw battending the
later expressed a desire t. be bapt'ized.
a copy you leave will bring similar resultsl-km
11/74 p. 1; see als0 Azuake!, Nwember 8, 1976,
page 15,
i5 we have a tremendous task ahead of W. Our
goal is for each congregation t0 cover its assignmentof territory by May 14 or by the end of the
month if it is necessary to extend the time for the
Kingaom N m s distfibution. C o m e n t s have
been made so that each regular and auxiliary pioneer wil1 receive 250 copies of KingNas.
Each congregationpublisher wiil get up to 50 copies. Publishersand pioneers should accept only as
many copies as they wiil be able to distribute and
should return any extras for others to we. ~ o o
cooperation in this regard wil1 ensure the widest
distribution possible of this important message.
If because of having a large territory assignment
some congregations have not cwered their territory by mid-May and copies are still available, it
may be practica1 to invite nearby congregations
to help. In other congregations the nee may be
lled locally if publishers increase their activity
by enrolling as auxiliary pioneers or by engaging
in the ministry more often.
18 nole-souled devotion to Jehova will be required if we are going to accomplish our work.
(Col. 3:23) Lives are involved. People cannot aard
to ignore the meaning of world conitions today.
Time is running out. They must face the fact that
man does not have the solution to this world's
problems. God does. Those who wish to obtain
God's blessing must act decisively, without delay,
in harmony with his requirements.
At the conclusion of the special campa&n on
May 14,will we let our hand rest? No! We wiil keep
busy in harrnony with Paul's inspired counsel.

try? What about you new ones whose experience

in the preaching work is quite limited? You wiil
find working with this special Kingdom News to
be most enjoyable! A simple presentation is ail
that is neeed.
You mQht say somethdng ZCks tha:
month -'re istfibuting an important
message in 232 lands around the world. The message is important because it gives soud reasons
to believe that there is a solution to the problems
we face today. We would like you to have your personal copy."
Or you mQht try thh:
B "Thh month about five million volunteers are
distfibuting an important message in =ores of
languages. It
been prepeople who
would like to see an end to the problems ail of w
face today. This is your persona copy."
Ta JrnpZe presentation may 8udt you:
B "We're encouraging everyone to read this important message entitled [read title of K i n g m
Newsl. Notice what it states here on page 2 concerning the uicreasing problems of. . . [read Se.
lected sentence fr0m KingaOm N ~ S ]we're
you'll eaoy reading the rest of this time& ilessage. This is your copy."
n Take a pt3SOnal interest in a c h one wh0 aCclearcepts the Kingdom N m s . Spe* dowis
ly; there is n0 need W hurry your presentation. We
want to be thorowh in covering our territory and
see that all who express an interest in reading the
Kingdom News are @vena personal COPY.
m e n no
one is at home, carenuly mark your house-tohouse record so that you can return at an appropriate time to offer the Kingdom News to the
householder. This Kingdom News may be used in
street witnessingwhen an individualshows an interest in reading the material. Copies should not
be handed out indiscriminateb as if they were
handbilis. Rather, approach passersby, and explain the importance of the message being featured. U S the
~ Kingdom News in informa witnessing, such as while traveling or when witnessint2 t0
fellow employees during your lunch break. Those
who are shut-ins or othenvise indisposed may
offer them t0 visitors, doctors and nurses, al esmen, and others who come to their home.
How many return visits will you make during
the campaign? No doubt a great many, since ail
those who have shown interest in the Kingdom
News should be revisited. On the initia1 call, it is
best to feature only the Kingdom News. Then,
when you return, make a few comments about the


Closed-book review on material covered in Theocratie Ministry School assignments for the
weeks of January 2 to April 17,1995. Use a separate sheet of paper to mite down answers
to as many of the questions as you can in the time allotted.
[Note: During the witten review, only the Bible may be used to answer any question.
References that follow the questions are for your personal research. Page and paragraph
numbers may not appear on all references to The Watchtower.]

Answer each of the foZZowing statements T m or False:

,/ 1. The issue of sovereignty is really a
question of who is the most powerful,
Jehovah or Satan. [ju pp. 11-12]
2. The Christian congregation of the
first century was a loose association of
independent local congregations. [ju
p. 29 pars. 1-31
: 3. To accept counsel is a sign of weakness. [uw p. 127 par. 41
4. The terms "overseer" and "older
man," or "elder," al1 actually refer to
the Same position. I_jvp. 35 footnote]
/ 5. Proverbs 11:25 is an example of parallel thoughts or ideas in Hebrew poetic
style, and Prqverbs 10:7 is an example of contrasting parallelism. [si
p. 107 par. 71
6. In 33 C.E., when he was resurrected
and took his place at God's right hand,
Jesus began to mle at that time over
his anointed disciples. (Col. 1:13) [gt
chap. 1321
/ 7. About 3,000 years before scientists
discovered the genetic code, Psalm
139:13-16 reflected knowledge of it.
[Weekly Bible reading; see w92 5/1b
P. 4.1
$ 8. Proverbs 8:22-31 is solely a description of wisdom. [Weekly Bible
reading; see w87 5/15 p. 28.1
9. A true Christian should not hate anything. [Weekly Bible reading; see
w92 1/1p. 21.1
r 10. Because many of the early Christians
witnessed in the face of death, the
Greek word for ''witness" acquired



the meaning that applied to people

who were willing to die for their beliefs. [ju p. 131
the follounng questbm:
Name three pre-Flood
esses of
hovah. [ju pp. 13-14] r*
According to Isaiah 43:lO and 61: 1;2,
for what two reasons did Jesus have


.&.I- Je-/*


already knew God's name, in what.

sense did Jesus make it manifest, o&
known, to them? [ju p. 21 par. 1
What two significant
changes found their way into the congregation within 150 years or so of-:
the death of the last of the a @les?'.
p. 35 par. 2, p. 36 par. 21
Although the Reformation accomplished some good things, cite a t
least two basic flaws the Protestant
churches camied over hmIcism. [ju p. 39 pars. 2, 31 *What false teaching repulsed t e onest heart of teenage Char es Tazez,
Russell? [ju p. 43 par. 21 ,
What made Brother Russell's approach to explaining Bible teachings
distinct from that of many writ rs of
his day? [ju p. 53 par. 31
Of what benefit to Jesus was his
knowledge of the Psalrns? [si p. 105
par. 301 \ J ~ P J &
Why were the faithful apostles, Jesus' half brother Jarnes, and upwards
of 500 disciples convinced that Jesus
was resurrected? [gt chap. 1311




20. Who gave Solomon his wisdom, and

what should that make US appreciate
when we read Proverbs? [si p. 106
par. l] 91-

means that we (cease from commit-

P r d d e the word or phrase needed to

complete each of the foilowing statements:
21. Those to whom Jesus addressed his
words at ts :8 w re already witnesses -of
, d they were
the added privilege of be, >. : ing witnesses of
[ju p. 26

28. Jesus was declared innocent at least

five times by (Hemd; Pilate; Felix),
who later caved in to the Jews' relentless demands and handed Jesus over
to be executed. [ g t chap. 1241
29. Al1 of God's faithful servants who died
and remained dead before Pentecost
(36; 35; 23) C.E. were not anointed
with holy spirit for heavenly life. [uw
p. 111par. 51
30. Satan contends that al1 humans are
motivated by (love; hate; desire for
personal d n ) and that their chief
concern is for (God's name; others;,
s s . [uw p. 124 par. 141



22. Brother Russell was co

Christ's return would be
and it is of interest to note that long
before Russell's time, Sir Isaac Newwould return
[ju p. 46 foot-


Match the following scriptures to t h e

W e d below:
Prov. 3:27, 28; John 19:4-6; 19:25-27;
Rom. 15:2, 3; Rev. 7:16, 17
31. Christians have the responsibility
see to the care of their aged parents.
[gt chap. 1261
32. We are genuinely concerned about
the effect our appearance may have
on others, so we willingly sacriice
the pleasing of ourselves. [uw
pari 10,11]
33. Whenever we have the opportud@6j
do good to others, whether in a spir-"
itual or a material way, we should
seize the opportunity and help our
fellowman, especially our spiritual
brothers. [Weekly Bible reading; see
w93 12/15 p. 20.1
34. Quiet dignity and calm in the face of,9
adversity can bring honor to Jeho- q
vah and win the respect of men. [gt
chap. I231
35. We are already beginning to enjoy the
vromised conditions that are amroPriately termed "a spiritual puadise." ,
[uw pp. 107-9 pars. 9-11] &n/ 7

23. In his famous speech at Pentecost

33 C.E., Peter qpot
peatedly from
the bmk of W
on that oc&'fl c'
persons were
casion about
baptized and added to the congregation. [si p. 105 pars. 25,261
24. The Psalms for told at Jesus would
would be cast for his outer 8
and that he wo ld appeacfo be forsaken by
.[si p. 105 par. 301
became known as
it was a .way, or
manner, of life that centered on faith
and the close following of
his footsteps. [ju p. 29 par. 51




Select the correct answer in each of the
foilowing statements:
26. At his impalement, Jesus was offered
wine with myrrh, but he refused to
drink it becauk (the Law forbade it;
he was a Nazirite; he wanted to have
full possession of his faculties). [ g t
c h a m
27. To wash our robes and make them

: k b '

and h y : The W&hhwf?r and Amke!
ma@zhes. Fbr territory thatis covered
X0ChUm (==Pt
Sc?lool brochure) may be usea Where
interest is found on return visits, subscriptions may be olTered. Juno: We

- H m Did Zt Get Here? By E v o l u t h or

by >y?
July and August: Any of
the foilowing32-page brochures may be
used: Does God Really Care About US?,
l&joyLtfeon Eurth Rnwer!,aLook.tZ Am
Maicing W Things Nau,"Sun You Believe in the Mny?, Te Diuine Name
!'ha WUI Endure Rnwer,Te GoYenz-

the special talk later than April 23 may

release and begin distribution of the
iBeginning in April, istrlct convent b bage cards for 1995 in Chinese,
ch.Oree& Italian, Jamn&, Kolvan, polish, pomiguese, spanish, Tagalog; and V i w e s e will autmmcally be included with literature
shipments. It will not be necessarg to
request these. Based on the size of each
congregation, cars w111 be shipped in
lots of 25. If additional badge cars
are needed by the congregation, these
should be r e q u a on a LiteratureRequest ~ o r m
(814). ~tis necessary to request plastic badgecard holdersfor any
k the-xngwgaUnwho desire them.
iNew Publications Awilable:
Afrikurn: Nm world TmnslaEionoZthe

Do Jelomws Weiieue? (Tract

No. 14); What HopeforDeaaimecl Ones?
(Tract No. l@, win mWOrId sumive?
(Tract NO. lsk wha m y Rules the
World? (Tract No. 22). Ban@an: a

gregations today with a similar disposition. Bu!,whether we are young or

old, there are things that we can do if
we see a need.
4 Have you ever felt that some have
needs that could be given better rittention? Perhaps a brother or a sister was
in the hospitai, and few came to visit;
or someonebecame incapacitated, but
there was no one to run errands or assist with household chores. Jesus views
those servingJehovah as members of a
family who $enuin@ care for one another. (Mark3:33-35) In the parable of
the sheep and the mts, he showed
that those who enjoy the right hand
of the King's, favor do so because of
their helpfulness t0 the King's brothem.-Matt. 25:40.
Hou Can I Help?What can be done
to provlde help when there is an o b
vious need?Could we takethe nitiative
to assist in some way? Perhaps there
are older ones who need encourage
ment, but they have no close associates
to help them. There may be goung m

ple who nee a helphg hand. b ,.,N@ interested family with 8everal &Qdren may show up at the mgdom
Hall when the publisher who studies with them is not present. They
may appreciatehaving someone miunteer to help them wth the chil-

m's WUnesses M the ZmMh Century. h t b n : H m to Z~pmk?Yow

Szmking and Teaching Abiuty *mti: Jehomh's W
in the Roentiei% C d y ; Sun You eiieve in tite
Triny? HebmmA Peac@ New World
-WUI Zt Come? (Tract No. 17; for Jews).
Hlndi: Jebvah's Witnesses in the T m tieth Century; Wl This World Survive?
(Tract No. B);
comfortfr the LkpmSed
(Tract No. 20); EFamy We (Tract
No. 21); Wh0 Really Rules the World?
(Tract No. 22). Hungirian: SMg Praises
t0 Jeluwah Wcs o e ) . It.lhn: W7ry
ShouM We Wmhip God in Love and
Zhrth9. for Hindus). Kaman: New World

Is the Purpose of We-Hou, Can You
Rnd Zt?, and Wen Someone You Love
Dies. NOTE: Congregauons that have ChristianOreekScriplutes(bfl).Alb8not yet requeste the abcimmentimed nbn: United in Wmhipof the Only Truc
campagn items should do s0 on their God; What Is the Purpose of W e - H m
(29 Som). Uthmnhn: Nng Pmisn& monthly Literatwe Request Fbrm Can You Find Zt?; WUI There Eaer Be es to Jeluwah (29 Songs). Podan: The
Time for True Submisslon to God (for
iAs announceci previousiy, the special h r l t : Should You Belieue in the Mni- Muslims); What Do JeomhS Witnesses
Kingdom News will be released on Sun- tg?; Spirits of the Dead-Can They Help Beliect?? (Tract No. 14); WtU This Worl
day,April 23, at congregation meetings, You or Ham You? Do They ReaUg Ex- Surulw? (Tract No. 19); Comfortfor the
as weU as at circuit assembliesand spe- ist?; Y w Youth43etXing the Best Out Depmsed (Tract No. 20); Eqby Famuy
(Tract Life(TractN0.21);WoReallyRuEesthe
dal assemby days scheduled for that of zt; WUI m World SU&?
date. Distributimof theKZngm Nem No. l9);ComfdfortheDepmW(Tract Wwld? (Tract No. 22).
may begln i m m m after its release. No. 20);Enjog mjoyy Ldfe (Tract NO. 21); iNew Compact Mscs Avaable:
nits wpiies to ALL w ~ o I in& w h a R e o l y R u l e s t h e W o r 2 b ? ~ t EnglWi: Sing Pmises to Jehocah on
Cludtngthosethatmayberequiredto No. 22). m b n : a h WZ Am Making Compact Dfsc (setof eght dtscs).
ajust tb& meeting schedule because A Things Neto." hsyrbn: The Go~ern- iNew Vd
of assemblies, circuit overseer visits, or mentThatWu1Bt#igPwaclise;WhyYou Chlnon: The Bibze-Accurate Histcny,
CannuSttheBibze(TractNo. 13); What -mother activities. Cmgre@ions

00IYou See a Need?

Jehovah is described as a Helper
and a Refuge. We k m we can go to
him in time of need and he will help
us. (Ps. 18:2; 46.1) We can imitate this
empathetic quality by omring to assist others when we see a nee&

and for Jehovah's 0%-on,
als0 grow in appreciation and concern for others in the congwgation.
Paul encous to widen out m
thisregard. (2 Cor. 6:ll-13) Jesusem-

phasized that our showing lovq to

one another is the primary way we
demonstrate that we ar$ truip his
followers.-John 13:35,
So when we see a neecl, genuine
love for our brothers and Por the congwgation should motivate us to take

we Can. (Gd.6:9 10) Thts mcem for others draws us together in
close bonds of love and unity. (1Car.
1O:X) In this way, we do OW pout to
help ia need in the congmgation.


-A TabooSub$&?" Whsn offering the magazine,you oouM say:

i "It's often said that religion is one
subject that should not be discussed
you think about that?"Then refer to a
stakment in thearticle.
'watcht&er" wth the rticle
"IsRetfAtowrW t hAttainaZe?"
You mbght g& a go& response
tdth thls introducth:

for Our

'In fullnent of Bible prophecy,

world-shalsing erexlts are taking place!
As we contemplate what is happening
amund us in the world and als0 witbn
the theocratic ommkatioa we can BP
preciatehow urgent it is that we preaih
"themod newsnof the Kingdom. (Mark
13:10j ~ h i gives
us reaGn to carry
on o u ministry with zeal during the
month of Aprfl.
a The importante of o u message is
being emby the special work
we will undertake this montaWith eager anticipation we amit the release of
theKingdomNaasthatwewilldlsMbute during April and May. T0 build

o u enthusiasm for this work as well

as cultivate interest in o u temtorg,
The Wai!c?ower and Awake! will carry
timely articles that emphasfie the prouhetic simificance of dstubia world
vents.H can
we prepare a prsentation that will stimulate interest in the
JLikely you will be able to develop
au efIectlve DIeSentation bY following
thesebasic skpx (l) Select &articlei6
one of the magazines that you feel will

appeal to people in gnir community.

(2) Pleg out a statement or a quoted
scrlpturein this artielethat gou believe
wfll stimulatethe interestof the householder. (3) Prepare a brief presentation
that includesa friendlygreeting,a guestion or statement that highlights au interesting Scriptualthought, and a sin- i "Because there are so many religions
e r e invitation to accept themagazines. today,some people wonder if xeligious
Asyoucansee,thisisquitesimpleand tmth is attainable. This article reveals
uncomplicated. Perhaps you could get a way that you and I cau ind a stogether with another publisher whom ingmtothisquestion.. .."
1 Before going out in the mrk, why
pare a presentation.
not practicey o u presentationwith au'Since the Apr21 Z.9 "Awake!" otber publisher to get the fee1 of it?
m b e s the qued&m, "Are These Likey you will be able to share helpful
the Last Days?," you mndd re- mggestions with each other that will
vteu, the materlat under the inweaseyou effectivenessand give you
haading "LastDays" on page 13 greakr contdence.
o f the "Reasontw" book. You
8 A s the end of this system draws
mdght begin by savtng:
nearer, rnay we quicken our pace to
i "We're caling t0 discuss the mean- help honesthearted ones t0 escape
ing of the turbulent events taklng from Babylon the Great. @ev. 18:4) !i7@
place amund us. Note what this article W a t c h h w and Azoake! play a vitai
role in this never-to-be-repeated mrk.
s The Apr31 1 "Watchtower" WearetlmMUthat Jehowhhaspm
rataes the qusstCon: "ReZ@&m Wedtheseineinstnunentsfor o u use!
be leamed through a pemnal Bible

man can come to me unless
the Father, who sent me, draws him."
(John 6:44) Jehovah, who searches
the heart, wll reward those who are
teachable and act on what thw leam.
(Jer. 17:lO; John 6:45) We have theprivilege of being his fellow workers in
searchingfor meeg ones who yeanifor
a new wor1d.-Ps. 37:ll; 1Cor. 3:s.
Jesus described his Wiples as
%hers of men." (Matt. 419)While that
typeof work can sometmesbe &nuous, there is mueh satisfaction in getr
ting g o d mmlts. nstead of werking
for o u personal gain, we are actualy rescuing the "nsh" from certain destniction. A successftil fisherman has
to know what t0 do to attract the &sh.
Llkewise, we must present the Kingdom message in an appeang manner that will amuse the interest of o u

iUFVeviouslywe spoke about why

many people do not like to discuss
religion. Don't you feel that's rather
strange, since most of o u neighbors
claim to be Christian? Perhap6 you
wonder why religion is such a divisive
aud controversiai subject." Allow for

1esponse.Tumtopage322intheReasoning book, and share a few thoughts

under the heading "W@ Are There S0
Many Relgions?"
Youmight use thta similar approach to start a dbcusston on
the s u b b o f rezig8on:
i"Is there some way we can be sure
that we have the true religion? [AUow

for response.] Because thete are s0

many diflerent religions, many people fee1confusedand unce-."
t0 the Reamaing book, pages 328-9.
where it discusses the question "How
makeretunivisitstsWhatcanwesay? can a person k m which relgion is
Comment briefiy on question
If tnterest was 8 h ~ w n
in the -t?"
"Watchtower" a W & s deattng number 5, "Doits members i m l y love
with religion, gfoumight say:
one anotlier?" Ekplain how more can

s Z f the househotder seemed

concemed about wortd condiWons,you might want to try this:
i "Apparently you feel concerned
about the bad conditions we have to
cope with in living and in raising OW
families.The Bible rwealsa wonderful

future." Read hoverbs 2:21, 22, and
explain how Jehovah has pmmised a
world of lasting peace.
BWhen making return visits after
the special Kingdom Nms campaign
has begun, please be sure to leave a
copy of the Kingdom News with house

holden who do not have one. What you

rnight say on return visits when following up placements of the KZngdom
News will be discussed in the Mav issue of Our Mngdom Ministry.
Since the Word of Qod 'exerts power," we should try to use it in OW presentations. (Heb. 4 3 ) Make it a point
to encourage the householder to read
the Bible for himself. (Compare Acts
17:ll.) If we diligently do o u part, Jehovah wiU bless our efforts.

1995 Wtch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. Our Kin dom Ministry ( U S 6 295-360) is publishad monthly by Wtchtawer Bible and
Tract Society of Nyyrk, Inc., and International Bibie Students Ascociation, 25 Columbia !bights, Bmpklyn. NY 11201-2483. Secondslass postwe p i d at Bmoklyn. NY,
and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtower, 25 Colurnb~aHeights, Brookiyn, NY 11201-2483.
Printed in U.SA.

For United States of America

May 1995

A Special Khgdom Neumtor Everyone

l Starting April 24, we began general distribution of the special Kingdom
News that has stirred the interest of
concerned people everywhere!Its message is not only timely but also urgent. Publishers in every congregation
have expressed wholehearted support,
wanting to put this message into the
hands of thousands of people. Are you
reaching out Por a Pull share?
A consignment of Kingdom News
was sent to each congregation,supplying approximately 50 Por each publisher and 250 Por each pioneer. How many
have you been able to distribute?If you
have not been able to do as much as you
had hoped, have you considered ways
to do more before the distribution ends
on May 141 What about enrolling as an
awiliary pioneer? Can you take advantage of extra meetings for service during the week, such as those Por evening
S The elders will be carefuily reviewin^ territom coverm. If it will not
bpossible for the a&igned congrega-

tion to work some portions, the elders

should contact neighboring congregations to enlist help. Our wholehearted
efforts, dong with good cooperation
between congregations,should get the
job done.
You have likely experienced extra
joy in this work because so many have
been able to participate, includiignew
publishers and youngsters. Hopefully, thfs spirit of joy will be sustained,
encouraging all to follow through by
returning to visit those who have responded favorably, We were urged to
keep good house-to-house records,
taking note of those who manifested
interest. The latter part of May would
be a ne time to concentrate on making return visits with a view to starting
new studies.
What can we say when we go back?
You might nd it effective to say: "You
may recail the printed informationI left
with you recen-m;I hope you had an op~ortunityto read it and gfve the matter
;ome thought.1tsmess& has certain-

That makes us spiritual light bearers,

who must never aii-ii anything to hide
or obscureXhat light
a Jehovah's organizatlon provides
to show f3"how to be e=tive light bearer~:~If~closely
the counsel and direction we receive,
we will be able to enlighten people of
all sorts concernhg Kingdom truth.
(1Tim. 46)Serving as light bearers involves not only talking the truth at

emplar's conduct was above reproach.

As his followers, we must demonstrate
that Christianity is our e~e-.
afiiioe. (Eph. 5:9; Titus 27, 8
must produce ne works that others
can see, moving them to glorify God.
-Matt. 5:16.

ly stirred up a

lot of discussion in our

community, since it touches on vitai issues that confront all mankind." Refer
to some of the thought-provokingstatements on the second Dage. and then ask:
"What do you think-6 need to do to
make sure we are prepared Por what the
future will bring?" Allow for response. If
interest is shown, discuss other points
on pages 2-4 of the Kingdom News, and
offer a Bible study or, if that is not possible, the latest magazines.
you work in another congregation's territory, be sure to turn over the
names of any interested ones you locate so that return visits can be made
by the publishers of that congregation. Likewise, if you are given some
calls for follow-up, do not fail to return
7The s~ecialdistribution of this
Kingdom ews has created excitement
and motivated all of us to intensifY
our efforts in the ~ingdom-preaching
work. We can be confident that it will be
a resounding success, heightening the
awareness of people everywhere of Jehovah's great name and purpose. (Isa.
12:4,5)The more we are able to do, the
greater will be our joy.-Ps. 126:3.

and had
to adrnit that she had not s m e
s ~ e $ ~ a to
@ stand up for her conSOne Witness encountered an un- victions. The n&gaaLfhe announced
r usual request while going from house that she was
to house. The m-an of the house and his class i n a f u t u r e holid- celebrawife were quite iil, but they needed to tionsTzme of w & i c . d i d not believe
dFp--FIoWmney in the barik.-~hey inTGrseif!
asked f t e ~ 5 C i i would
do it. He
Jehovah's people are eager to let
agreed and was gi_veennwKl-in ca@ to their light shine, no matter where they
take to the bank! When he retumed, he are. The exemplary conduct ojyowy p Y P u J ~81WIs ~ ~ s sters at sc@ol h a s " f a v o r a b i y i y u e d
asked: "How
out even
g me?" The answer: schc5obates and teachers. Adult Wit"We Enow, and everyone else knows, nexez who display ne conduct in the
t h d JehvahIs Witnesses are the 2I-y neighborhood cause o$ho_Cs~m
on$s-@J@-e How thankful we can be well of the ~i~~9m.snessage.
Inforthat our adhering closely to the moral mal witnessing under a multitude of
principles of the Bible produces such a circumstances attracts sinc=~&Qple
God-honoring reputation!
who want t~$~51i~~ven o u r - a i
honest2 in gsCuiauakgive
'A fir-.
er -1-ain-ed
to gence m
no matter where we are
h e r - c ! W~=%&I~
Witness a witnep. d,
studenywas not p @ & i m i n col- or what we are doing, we can arouse inoring ~alloweepictures. The teach- terest in the truth.
er said she was very proud of her Por
By keeping our eyes on the flawless
having the c ! & o
b m r n t be- life-pattern of our great Fxemplar, we
cause of what she believes. If we irmly cancontinue to perfect our skills as his
believe soEthing, the teacher com- disciples. Copying his example will enmented, we should have the courage to sure that our light "shines upon all."
stand up for it. That night the teach- -Matt. 5:15;1 Pet. 221.

FoilowingOur Exemplar a i Light Bearers

l Jesus declared concerning himself:
"I am the light of the world." By following his example, Jesus' disciples als0
were "the light of the world." (Matt.
5:14) As "the light of the world," Jesus

Vol. 38, No. 5



Woak Starting May l

Song 43
10 mln: Local announcements and
selected Announcements from Our
Kingdom Ministry.
1s mln: 'Good News for the Meek
Ones." Discuss article with audence,
and then have one or two presentations demonstrated.
PO min: "A S~ecial
KimYdom N m s for
Everyone." Talk and adience discusSion by service overnr. Review what
has been accomplished so far in dlstribution of Kingdom News, especiaiiy
noting the good support given to service arrangements and participation
by new ones in the fleld service for
the first time. Report on the coverage of territory; explain what needs
to be done if help is requested by
another congregation. Encourage all
to make an extra effort to distribute their allotment of Kingdom N m s .
Stress irnportance of keeping a record of interest and making return visits in an effort to start Bible studies.
Have the suggested presentation demonstwted.
Song 55 and concluding prayer.

time permits, invite audience to reiate encouraging experiences eqloged

while presentingKiwom News.
16 mln: Local nee&. Or a talk on the
article 'Hm Christians Cope With
Public Reproach" in The Watchbwm
of April l, 1995,pages 269.
16 min: "W@ Keep a Record of Notat-Homes?" Questions and answers.
Song 60 and concluding prayer.
Wook Startlng May 15
Song 54
10 mln: Local announcements. Accounts report.
16 min: 'FoliowSng Our Exemphr as
Light Bearers." Questions and answers.
20 min: '1995 'Joyiul Praisers' District Convention." Question-andanswer coverage of paragraphs 1-16.
Song 45 and conclung prayer.

Wook Startlng May 22

Song 66

10 min: Locai announcements. Encourage awillary pioneering during

thesummer months. Review the quaifcatio~~
outined in the book Oraanized t0 Accom~UshOw Mftaisbv,
Wook Startlng May 8
pages 113-14.
l 6 min: "Marking That Brings DelivSong 61
18 mln: Local announcements. 'You erance." Audience diseussion. Include
Too Can Ehjoy Good Experiences!" As one or two demonstrations to show
how return visits can be made.
n0 min: "1995 'Joyful Praisers' DisCONQREQ~TION BOOK STUDY
trict Convention." Question-andSchedule for congregation studies in the book
answer coverage of paragraphs 17-28.
Revelation-lts Grand Climax At Hand!
Review "District ConventionRemindem." As time permits, review pertiFmm:
nent details from "1995 District
May 1:
p. 118, 714 p. 120.75

May 8:
May 15:
May 22:
May 29:

p. 1

p. la,1117
p. 128, VSO
p. lS2,110


p. 127,fPO
p. lS1,79
p. lm, 720

Sp'l Pios.




Hrs Mags. R.Y. BiSt.

180 121.4 71.7 52.7







Song 74 and concluding prayer.

Week Starting May 29

Song 79
l 5 mln: Local announcements. OEer
suggestions that will encourage pubiishers to try to read a Scripture text
as part of their presentation at the
doors. Many people have respect for
the Bible and are willinb?to listen when
it is read. Its counsel-&mies weight
and will motivate someone who B sincere. It may be appropriateto have the
Bible in hand when approaching the
door. Texts should be read with feeland fluency.43ee School Gwdebook, pages 32-3, pamgmphs 12-15.
12 mln: Question Box.Questions and
answers. Explafn wby we beneflt more
fmm the meetings when we prepare
in advance and take all the assigned
stubv materiai with US.
i 8 Gin: OEer Creation Book During
June. Relate expressions made by interested ~ e m nwho
s were im~ressed
by the book Life-How ~ t d - l Get
Here? By Emlutm OT by Creation?
(See Tlre Watc?ubum, March 15,1987,
page 32; May l, 1986, page 32; September 1.1986. page 31.) Point out illustratiom on
6, 236-7, 243. and 245,
and show how these might be used
to start conversations. Have a capable publisher demonstrate a presentation that explains the choice each one
must make to gain everlasting We, using the thoughts and scriptures on
pages 250-1. Remind everyone to pick
up copies for use in service this weekend.
Song 63 and concluding prayer.

I You Too Can EnjoyGood Experiences!

p. 124,718

Number of:

ConventionSimpIlflcation,"which appeared in the F e b ~ a r y1995Kingdom


SA 0.4


Some pubUShers ahays seem to

haveTresting, encoexpe
rien to reiate about a nice ca or a
return vlsit that has brought them
much joy. Qood experiences usually
do not come by accident. Most are
the result of dilkent and sustained
effort.Thw are nt necessarily limited to ~ubiisherswho are more fluent
or mire capable.
Here are some of the things that
have been obeerved in those who
in fleld service on a regular basis,usualy several times each wek,
which assures them of many oppor-

tunities to make contact with interested penmg (2) they majntain a

positive attitude toward householders, not concluding in advance that
they wil1not respond; (3) they havean
outgoingmanner,displayinga warm,
mnuine interest in those who listen;
(4) they are diligent and persistent in
callinrr back onretumdsitsaswell as
not-&homes; and (5) they have the
goalof star-Bible
After anabrzfng pur activity, perhapsgaicanseehow~caneqjoy
more of thw delightful experiences
thatdo somuchtomaketheministry
productive and &&@ing.


1995 Joyf UIPraiserswDistrict Convention

they were "shining as illuminators in the world."

(Phil. 2:15) Why were these first-century Christians
different? Because they obedientiy foilowed the
leadings of hoiy spirit that directed them to meet
together "to incite to love and ne works."-Heb.
The world w o u l d - m c e us otherwise, weakenin_-OE-desire to m-(?e~?h-our brothers and
praise Jehovah. This summer we are invited to
yield to Jehovah's spirit and enjoy all three days of
the convention. Are we determined t0 be in attendance with our entire family?We need to fortify our
love and faith on a regular basis. Jehovah has provided annual conventionsto help us in this regard.
Take Home a Treasure: How can you -t&e
_~&9oa$from the convention? In one word the
anmer is "c-n".
This is no easy task in
today's high-strung, fast-maving society. Energetic young people may find concentration difticult,
but it is a challenge all of us face when attending a
district convention. We wil1 find concentration to
be easier if we plan ahead. Ask yourself, 'What is
the convention theme?' Meditate on it! 'Why am I
going, and what will I be doing during the three
dsys? Will rny evenings be fiied with recreation, or
have I scheduled s-cient time for rest and review
of convention highlights?
8 The Fkbruary 1, 1984, Watchtower article "Do
You Meditate or Just Daydregm?" offered seved
suGstions on h mhe-t
most from a meeting and then drew this conclusion: ' ' ~ a d . . ~
p ~ J g ~ ~ sthe
j pmost
s ____important factor." When
a speaker begins, we are usuai& attentive, but perhaps partway through the talk, we let our mind
"slip out of gear." How can we prevent this from
Suggestions offered in the past bear repeating
because they work. If at all possible, try&-ficient rest each night. This is not always easy beGuse travel may be involved,and if you are staying
in a hotel, you may got retire as soon or rest as weU
--at home. Good planning will usually allow you
t0 get the needed rest.
l0 Simple note-taking has proved to be an aid in
concentration.If you t= to-&&u&yn too muchgformation,some vital_eoints mav be missed entirea-suggestion,take notes with the object of
presenting a sumrnary of the program to a Bible
student or a shut-in. Even though you may not
have a specific individual in rnind, you will have a
purpose in"t+ing no@, and after the convention

l How many reasons do we have to be joynil?

Probabiy few of US have tried to list all of them. Despite living in a world of turmoil and uncertainty,
we have so many reasons to be joyful. As announced in the January 1995 OUTKingdom Minist?y,"Joyful Praisers" is the encouraging theme for
the 1995 district conventions.
2 We praise Jehovah because he taught us the
truth. (Isa. 54:13; John 8:32) In turn, we joyfuliy
share the truth with a who are searching for Security and happiness. (Ezek. 9:4; Acts 20:35) Our
Christian brothe~hoodalso b4$ngs US joy. A laving
spiritual family brings contentme%"and happiness. These are just a few of the reasons for our
joy that impels US to praise Jehovah. The convention -@
t s ~&J&pmmons~ions
will draw our attention to additional Scriptu_l_easons for joy in
these troubled last
3 A Three-Day Conventlon: Have you made arrangements with your employer to get time offin
order to be in attendance for all three days of the
convention? Parents of school-age children who
will be attending one of the conventions whiie
school is still in session should respectfully inform
teachers that the children will be absent from
schoolon Friday for this important part of their religious worship. m e r e is the convention nearest
you? The February 15,1995,Watchtower listed the
dates and locations for - ; L 8 1ccmventions in the
United States branch territory. By now your congregation secretary has infonned you of the details
for your congregation.In addition to E z s h , there
will be conventions in Chinese, fiench, Greek,
Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish,
Tagalog, Vietnamese, and American Sign Lmguage.
The program will begin onm
and concludeon Sundayat approximateiy 3:50 p.m.
On Saturday and EWx&y,the program will start at
9130 a.m. Doors will open at 8:00 a.m. 0fi those
with s p e c G o r k a s s @ k e n be permitted
to enter earlier.
WIIi You Be in Attendanoe): We are urged to
attendall thr~.daysof the convention. W&is that?
~ e h o v wants
a ~ us to be there. TO& our faith
and spiritual health are under intense bmTardment. Paul counseled conlerning "not forsaihg
tFe gathering of ourselvestogether" at a2-ime when
ChriiEiiXh Judea were experiencing great pressure. (Heb. 3:12,13; 10:25)The Philippians were living "amonga crooked and twisted generation."Yet,




you may find occasions to present highlights of the

program while witnessing informaily to unbelieving famiUr members. BY
notes and shar$g
what you hemd, you wil1
- not
-qucki-lose the
-- information. ~xpTessionincreases retention.
l1 Although food wili no longr b e m e d , there
is still con&d~erablge&&~volved
in the rentai
of the conyentionf a c m which often inc1ude"aaditionai cost for public-address equipment, literatu;e,.gnd so forth. H Oare
~ these m e m ~ - ?
Through our v o l u n ~ - ? X ~ t h in
e rcash or
by check made payable to "Jehovah's Witnesses."
This is in harmony with Psalm 96:8 and 2 Chronicles 31:12.

want to leave the impression that we lack appreciation for Jehovah's provisions.
16 At ai times we should ask ourselve ' m o m do
I represent, and why am I attenaiftg t 's convention?')our spirituaiity and godly dwotion are reour s ~ s hcogb_uct,
and appreciation
flected in.--.
for spiritual provisions. (Jas. 3:13; 1Pet. 22, 3, 12)
Brothers who have endured years of restrictions
and bans are often observed to be far more attentive and respectful at conventions, remaining in
their seats, absorbed in the talks and demonstrations.
l7 Your Dressand Grooming Send a Message: At
1 Samuel 16:7, we are reminded that "man sees
what appears to the eyes; but as for Jehovah, he
l2 Joyful Praisers Honor Jehovah by Godly Consees what the heart is." Thus, people often judge US
duct: Last year encouragininositive cq-ts
a b ~ g t a r c m - w e r ereceived from motel per- on the basis of our appearance. Our dress and
songel and the e
nl5XM. grooming come under close scrutiny, especiaiiy
a pleasure when we are attending a convention for worship
to a
e they are and instruction in Christian living. If you are a
patient and co erative and keep a close eye on young person going to school or if your secuiar emtheir children.!&other hotel director said the ployment puts you in close contact with people
-- to b-rManGh
more OF- who foliow worldly styles, it may be a chailenge to
Witnesses seem
ganged than other groups. Even though our con- adhere to Christian standards for modest attire.
ention was the largest held in the area, he said:
18 Standards of dress and grooming vary
culties than throughout the world. Christians are expected to
have f e ~ e c0mplaints
with groups a fraction of their s
wear modest, weli-arranged clothing. Who should
disclosed that a recent determine this? Parents should be sure their teenesuitedin mugh darn- age children do not dress like worldly youths in
a&, as wel as &Ir-,
even thou2h the facilities school. Constructive guidelines have been providregarding our convention,he ed to help us make sound decisions in this sensihave to worry about that tive area. We encourage review of the F'ebruary 8,
with the Witnesses. . . . When they're here, we only 1987, Awuke! article "What Do Clothes Mean to
De~leon You?" What was observed at some of our convenproblerns tions last year?
with machinery."
l9 After one of the "Godly Fear" District Convenl4 We wish all the reports received were similar,
tions, we received this observation: "The brothers
but sadly, that i$ n t the case. O* convention and sisters have imprwed considerably in their
ehobserved(After sessions, many of the dress, gmoming, and conduct at the convention
teenagers congregate'n large numbers in the [ho- this year. . . . There are still certain conditions and
tel] lobby late at night, laughing loudly and yeiling. habits that need further imprwement, however."
This disturbS o t h s guests . . . ,who appear irritat- After another convention it was reported that imed. Some young ones run in the corridors. slfun- modest dress was very noticeable.The report menming do*
they visitwe q o E ' s r9~ms-nd' tioned that the dress of some was offensive to
talk very loudly in the rooms."
others. Some outsiders present als0 noted the iml5 +oth~rt&Jgm
that has persisted over the modest dress. The clothing of some was both too
years is the large number of b g h e r s visiting
- --- in revealing and t00 tight.
corridors and outside
- - the auditorium
sesZo The majority of the brothers and sisters wear
slis~Atone convention last year, a n* gom a modest, respectable clothing while at the convenBgb tudent was found in the con_tribution b=
tion site. Later, however, at hotels or in restaur e a d : b ~ never
been so shocked and appaied rants, some brothers and sisters,still waring their
as I am at the noise, activity, talking, and carrying- badges, were dressed in "tank tops, old denirns,
on in the hallways during the t a k s . . . I'm not yet short-shorts,and ...faddish clothes not becoming
to God's people." If the elders observe that some
have a tendency to dress this way duringleisureacI




tivity, it would be appropriate to offer kind but firm

counsel before the convention that such attire is
not appropriate,especiallyas delegates attendinga
Christian convention. Please review with your Bible students who will be attending the convention
the guidelineson conduct anddressoutnedabove.
Hotels: Each year considerable effort is made
to provide accommodations at reduced rates in order not to impose a financial burden on anyone.
Please remember to be patient and kind when
dealingwithhotel employees.We rnay be tired from
travel and the lne of those waiting for accornrnodations rnay be long, but your patience will not go
unnoticed. It would be very beneficial for publishers to review with their Bible students the January 1995Our Kingdom Min- insert regardinghotel accommodations. We must als0 remember the
need to tip in an appropriate lWhion.June 22,

physicaly disabled. Please be sure not to occupy

seats in one of these sections if you do not q
Aiso, be alert to assist those with special needs to
nd a seat ifthey are not accompaniedby someone
responsible for their care.
-ring for your Convention F O O ~
you k m ,the December 1994Our Kingdom Min&
try announced: "Beginning with the 1995 district
conventions and the September 1995 circuit assemblies and special assembiy days, there will be
no food served. Each one is to bring his own food
and drink." Then the F'ebruary 1995 Our Kingdom
Ministry h e r t explained why this aaustrnent has
been made and gave ne suggestions as to how
everyone can care for his own food and drink needs
at the convention. It would be good for all not oniy
to review that insert themselvesbut als0 to go over
it with their Bible students as they prepare to attend the convention. It is important that Bible stu1986,Awake!
mmeras rnd n.oording mvi-:
M is fitting dents be informed that ail attending should bring
to offerkinw reminders about m e m and re- their own food and drink to the convention.
26 Just to emphasize some points, you will want
cording equipment. Please remember, if you plan
to use cameras, camcorders, or any type of re- toremember thesesuggesteditemstobringfor the
cording equipment, show consideration for those noon break: light, sirnple, and nourishing lunch
around you. Moving around during the sessions or items similar to what people often take with them
even recording from your seat could be distracting to a secular job, such as cold sandwiches, dried
to others. No recording devices of any sort are to fruits, nuts, baked items, and fresh flwit. Liquids
soft drinks, fruit juices, or botbe connected to the electrical or sound systems, may include co-,
nor should equipment block aisles or walkways. tled water, in a nonbreakable container or a therWhether you decidetotake pictures or record parts mos. If sma coolers are necessary, they are acof the program with a camcorder or an audioc8s- ceptable if they wil1 fit under your seat. However,
sette recorder is a pemnal matter. Pictures and no large
picnic coolers, alcoholicbeverrecordings can bring back fond memories when ages, or glass containers should be brought into
viewed at a later date. All such equipment should the convention facility. Eating or snacking durbe used conservatively, in a way that does not dis- ing the program sessions should be avoided. This
tract others or hinder you from gaining the most would show disrespect for the spiritual meal being
benefit from the program. After you return home, semed.
will there be time t0 review the recordings? You
An additional caution is that n0 cooking is to
may nd that takingnotes will suflce. .
be done in hotel rooms unless they have a kitchSoatlng: At the 1994 "Godly Fear" District enette for that purpose. It is good to reflect on the
Convention, did you note imprwement in the mat- fact that the time allowedfor the noon break is deter of saving seats? Some progress has been made, signed so that we can take in light refteshment and
but we still need to be conscious of this renfmder: eqioy theocratie asoclation with our brothers and
SEATS MAY BE SAVED ONLY FOR YOUR IMMEDIsisters. AS Jehovah's people, We recothat the
ATE FAMILY MEMBERS AND ANY WHO MAY BE spiritual food at the conventions is of primary irnTRAVELING WITH YOU IN YOUR CAR.We are there portance in comparison with material things, and
as guests of the Society. The rental of the auditori- we should plan accordingiy.
bas been paid for by volunw donations.
as On June 2,1995,the first of the "Joyfui Praisers"
Would it be loWig and considerate to save a scat District Conventions wil1 begin. Have you completthat we are not sure will be occupied?We are sor- edyour preparations, and are you now ready to enry that it will not be possible for us to accommo- joy three days of happy f e u m p and spiritual
date requests for separateareasor rooms for those good things? ~tis our sincere prayer that Jehovah
with environmental problems, such as allergieS.
will bless your efforts to attend this summer's conEach convention makes provisfon for those vention with your brothers and sisters as we dwell
with special needs, such as the elderiy and the on h m to be joyfupraisers of Jehovah.

District Convention Reminders

Baby Strollen and Lawn Chalrs: In many 10Baptlsm: Baptismal candidates should be in
their seats in the designated section before the cations,baby strollers cannotbeusedin places of
program begins on Saturday morning. It has public assembly. F'ire regulations prohibit placbeen observed that some wear types of attire h g them in corridors and aisles or between rows
that are not ignifed and detract from the oc- of seat.5. Sincelarge crowds may cause congested
mion. A modest bathing suit and a towel should conditions,baby strollersare potentim dangerbe brought by each one who plans to be bap- 0- nat on]yt0 the baby hut -0 t0 W who may
tized. After the baptism talk and prayer by the stumble over them. So please do not bring them
speaker, the session c m a n mgive brief inthe ~0nventionsite. Hawever, hfant Or W
these W be secured
structions t. the canadates and ~ 1 1 then
~ a l l seats are permissible,
parentS. Also, please do
for a song. After the last stanza, the attendants in ~ e a tnext
mdirect the candidates to the immersion site. bring lawn
Since baptism in syrnbol of one's dedication is "Ot flowed
at large public facilities. Your coan intimate and personal matter between the operation inthese matters is *preciated.
VoIunteer Servlce: Can YOU set aside some
individual and Jehovah, there is n0 provision
for somcalled partner baptisms in which two time at the convention to assist in one of the deOur bromer%if omfor a
or more baptismal candidates embrace or hold partments? Se*g
helpful and bring a good
hands while being baptized.
If you can assist, please
the lgg5badge report to the Volunteer Service Department at
card at the convention and while traveling t0 the convention,
maer 16 years of age
and from the convention site. This often makes
by werking
make a &e
give a
under the direction of a parent or other respontraveling. Badge cards and holders should be sible
obtained through your congregation, as thw
Words of Caution: By keepingaled t0 potenwil1 not be available at the convention. Resave ourselves mecestial problems, we
Medical sarg dff8cultY.Often thieves
member to carry your current
and &her unscmDirective/Release.card. Bethel family members pulous fndividualswill prey on people who are
and pioneers should have their identification
their home environment. Be sure
cards with them,
your vehicle is locked at al1 times, and nevfor the cooperation of er leave anything visible t0 tempt someone t0
Rmming: We are
everyone in using oNLY the fistingof wom mmo- break in. Thieves and pickpockets focus their
dations provided by the convention. If we bypass attention on large gatheringS. ~t would nat be
the Society's arrangement and secure a hotel wise to leave any valuables at your scat. You cannat on the approved list or PW more than the not be sure that everyone around you is a Chrisagreed-upon rate at ene of the listed hotels, tian. why offer any temptation? mports have
we undermine much of the hard werk of Our been received of attempts made by some outsidbrothers who negotiate with the hotels for bet- ers to lure c h i e n away.
WITH A HOTEL, please do not hesitate t0 bpng
Cable television that is available in many hoit to the attention of the Rooming Department tels often features l a , pomographic movies.
overseer at the convention so that he can assist Be alert to this snare, and do not permit chilyou in resolving the matter right awW. CoWe- dren to have unsupervised acces to the televigation secretaries should be sure that Special sion in the room.
Nee& I3oom ReWest farms are promptl~forPlease do not phone the management of
warded t0 the appropriate convention a d d r e ~ ~ the
. convention auditorium seeking information
If you must cancel an a~commodationmade about any convention matters. If the informathrough the special needs arrangement, you tion is not available from the elders, please write
should immediately notify both the landlord or to the convention address found on the back of
hotel and the convention Rooming Department the Special Needs Room Request forms on file
so that the room can be reassigned.
with each congregation secretary.


ticai for every farnily member to

take his own copy; perhaps one volume could be brought so that the
we take
family will have it available for refermeetings?
week we
beneflcial Fbr the Service Meeting, we need
InStmction and encouragement at
m the cument
congregation meetings. (Isa. 48:17; ~ i ~ b t r y the &-ing
Heb. 10:24,25)How much we beneflt, Take along any publications redepends largeW
ferred to during the meeting, such
er we come weu prepared or not.
as literature items that will
good *Or
family in presentations to be demonstrathave
ed. Elders should have a copy of Orand Other items
ganized to Accompsh ur Ministry.
the meetings. This would include
endeavor to have
a Bible, a songbook, the publicationcs) being studiod, a notebook. ~
and a pen or pencil.
them with personai copies of
For the Theocratic Ministry viding
m wachtOW
ether PuburnSchool, the Theocratic Ministry tions,
even before they are able
&ho01 &hedule and the ' Z ' & ) , y & Minbtry School Ouidebook are read, encourafzesthem to take 811inOnes are taught
needed. These items help US to terest. When
keep in
the theme of the sturespect theocratie publications
dent taks being givm and b fel- and b use them, lifelong, wholelow the school overseer when he Same
habits are formed.
gives counsel. we can make personThe joy and satisfaction we deal appiication of the counsel and rive from congregationmeetings are
suggestions in order to improve our greatly enhanced when we come fulown talks and fleld service pre- ly equipped. (2 Tim. 3:17) This is
sentations. Since January, most of the best way to ensure that we are
the instruction talks are based on "iiled with the accurate knowledge
JehowKs Witnesses-Proclaimers of of [Ood's] will in all wisdom and spirGod's Kimdom. It may not be prac- itual comprehension."-Col. 1:9.


since ur Kingom M i n W is mixt ta

the presiding overseer's addrew.

Why Keepa Recordof Not-at-Homes?

l A Witness wuple were out in intent on covering the assigned terrifleld service early in the day. Later torg,perhaps we are not as diligent in
that same day, they returned to m- keeping a record of those who are not
er their not-at-homes in that terri- at home. Some sag: W
' e work our tertory. One man invited them in and ritory every twu or three wee% there
listened intently. He took a Live is no need to keep such a record beFwever book and asked if the Wit- cause we wiil be back very soon anynesses would return. He had nev- way.' But that gives us even more reaer taked with Jehovah's Witnesses son to keep a record. Where territory
is freguent, followingUPnotbefore and had many guestions he cove
wanted answered; a Bible study was at-hom s enables us b be more thorstarted. This couple were oveaoyed OUgh in sean:Ug out deserving OmS.
to locate such a sheeplike individu- How SO?
ai. Would you like t0 have an experi3 In many areas, 50 percent or more
ence such as that? Keeping a good of the residents are not at home durrecord of not-at-homes and return- ing the day. So, in effect, we make
ing promptly may make it possible more territory available by concentratfor you to do SO.
ing more on our not-at-homes. Even
a We have repeatedy been urged to if the territom is seldom worked, we
keep an accurate record of not-at- can imprm the results when an efhomes and to call again soon. As fort is made to reach everme before
the above experience shows,anoth- marking the territory as having been
er visit on the same day may bring worm.
4 Calling on not-at-homes can usualexcellent results. While we may be


ly be arranged for another day,pref-

erably within a week. Many fhd it

better to return on a day and at a
time diflerent fmm when the initial
call was made. You may choose to
use some t i e on Saturday or Sunday to follow up not-abhomes noted
during the week. Then again, many
congregationsfhdthat making such
calls in the early evening h o m has
been fruitful. They may lnd more
than half the residents at home.
5 You should l
ist return visits in
your personai records. ~ f y o are
u unable to get back to where no one
was at home, your record of not-athomes should be given to the brother handling the group, for use by the
next group going tnto that territory.
6 aiving closer attention to this
feature of
our productivity as well as our joy.
It can give us the satisfaction that
comes with knowing that we are
thorough in searching out and caring for sheeplike ones.-Ezek. 34:

Gaod Ne-

b r the Meek Ones

l We iive in a time of impendingjudgment. @z&. 9:5, 6) It is urgent that

me& people everywhere be informed
coming. In his laving-kindnes, Jehovah has commfssioned his people 'to
tel good news to the meek ones." (Isa.
61:1,2)Our magazines help US declare
this good news far and wide.
2 The Watchtowerand Azuake! provide
solid spiritual food that strengthens
and motivates US. The Watchtower comforts meek ones with the good news
that Giod'sKingom will soon turnthe
earth into a paradise. Awake! buil&
conldencein theCreator's promise of a
peaceful and secure new world. Widespread distribution of these journais is
one of the fastest ways to bring the
goodnewsto the meek ones.What taikingpointscan we highiight in the latest
3 You cmld present the May 1
uWatchtower'Jby pdnting to the
aWZe uBeneting From DaiZy

B&& Reading" and askcng the

i 'What beneftt do you think we can
derive h m reading the Bible? [AUow
for response.]The Bible itseif, at Ft&
mans 15:4,helm US to reamn on that
question. [Read Romans 134.1 Most
people in our cornmunity have a Bible,
but few ind time to read it regularly,
We believe that the oniy sure hope for
the future is to be found in the Bible, and we will be blessed if we read
it." Make additional appropriate comments, and then offer the magazines.
4 The May 15 'Watchtower"
features an intrtguing arttcle
entitZed: New Lfe for Our Ancesbors." You miglrt bs ab& to
8tlr interest d t h tha tntroduc-

iuMany have often wondered what
their ancestors were ike. Sincethey are
dead and pne, most people conclude
that we will never know.Do you think
there is any possibility thatwe will ever
get to know our ancestors?" W o w for

response. Read John 328,29, and explain how God has promised to give
them a new life in a paradie earth.
5You could offerthe May 8
"Awake!"by askng a qzceston:
i 'What do you think it wouid take to
make life reaily worth Ilving?"AUow for
response. Reier to the article Vhat Is
the Meanlngof Life?",page 26,and read
Salomon's words at Ecclesiastes 2:ll.
Then, point out his advice at chapter 12,verse 13.Invite the householder
to accept the magazine.
B If you are working with the magazines prior to May 14,be sure to carry
copies of King&nn News No. 34 and offer
them to angone who has not yet received a copy.In distributingthe magazines, we should remember thathouseholders are welcome to give a smaU
contribution toward the support of our
work if they wish. We should alwags be
ready to share our literature, reaizing
that it may be read by others in the
family as well as by friends who may
visit them. (1Tim. 6:18)The good news
we bring to the meek ones may save
their Uves.-l Tim. 4:16.

can use it to open up a treasure-house

of wlse counseLW
Continueby turningto
'Love" in the section 'Bible Wors In'Before executing his righteous plains what W ' s Kingdom will ac- dexed" in the back of the New Wor2d
judgments, Jehovah always gives m- complish when W's will is done on ICransbn,and point out some of the
ing and provides the meek ones with a earth. This is the good news that Jesus referentes that show h m love can help
way of escape. In Ekekiel's day, there said wouid be declared in all the earth." US resolve dif'erences with others.
werethose who weresighingand m- Read Matthew 24:14, and explain how
Withthe goal of startin@a Biing about all the detestable things be- The Watchtower can be obtained regu- ble stud@,you might choose t0
ing done. Jehovah caused such deserv- larly andusedforpersonalBible study. w e the book "YouCan Lgve Poring ones to be marked for deliverance.
mminParaaCse onEarth,J'ustng
4 you rnaghtprsf~
go focus a-k.
9:4-6) w PreaChlngworktodaY pZy on the BibZe itself and stress tha intmdu&on:
a w m p m e s the Same PurPoSe. We the need to rsait re@thrZy. Y m i "We love our families and want
can play an important mie.
the best Por them. How would your
'Locasincere P*Ple 1s just the m 'It seemsthatjust about everyonewe family beneflt h m iving in a world
first step. We arrangefor a return -tknow woud appreciate m e practia like this?" Show the iUustrations on
~ ~ o n f ~ t h e r ~ ~ ~ i t advice
i s monahow
d to
e cope with the prob- pages 156-7. Read one or two of the
vrhere do
scriptures quoted on thw pages, and
and the subject cb~ussed.w success think we -jwd advice that we
explain that these are promim made
by Jehovah God, who cannot lie. Refer
back will
depend On trust? [ ~ o for
w response.] ~ a n who
what we are prepared
say and do have put their trust in the advice of to the list of chapters on pages 5-6,and
when we return.
friends or who have paid for profession- ask the householder which subject inIn f o l l ~ i n 9UP theplacement al counsel have been sadly disappoint- terests himmost; turn to the chapterhe
of uThe Watchtower,"y m cmZd ed. On the other hand, millions of peo- selects, and discuss one or two parafoczcs on its ~
i them%:
ple have found the Bible to be the ony m w .
i'Note that on the fmnt cover of The source of advice thw can reaily trust.
@Wouldyou like to help anothWatchtowerappearsthestatement'An- The Bible provides instruction on how er person to be marked for deiivernouncing Jehovah's Kingdom.' What to cope with any problem we may hice. ance?Sulies in 'fuily aceomplishmakes this magazine unique is that it [Read2Timothy 3% 17.1 Although you ingyour ministry' by preparingweli and
advocates W ' s Kingom as the OW may have f o n d the Bible cult to promptly foilowing up all the interest
solution to the worl's problems. It ex- understand, let me show gou how you gou wd.-2 Tim. 45.

MarkingThat Bring. Ddiverance

G3 1995 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Sockty of Pennsylvania. Al1 rights resem&. Our Kin dom Ministry (USPS 295-360) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and
Twt .%iet
of New, Yrk. Inc.. and International Bible Students Assoclation, 25 Coiumbia Lightc, Bropklyn, NY 11201-2483. Secondclasc postage paid at Bmohlyn. NY,
iddlJonal mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send addrass changes to Watchtower, 25 Columbia Heights. Bmoklyn, NY 11201-2483.
Printed in

June 1995

For United States of America

Jehovah Imparts Power

As Jehovah's people, we have been
given the assignment to preach the
good news wMe maintaining our con- .
duet " h e among the nations." (1Pet.
232; Matt. 24:14) In view of the critical
times as wel1 as our own weaknesses
and shortcomings, we could never accomplishthis work on our own. (2 Tim.
3:l-5) How happy we are that we can
look to Jehovah for help!
a The apostle Paul endured many
trials. (2 Cor. 11:23-27) How was he
able to cove with these and finish his
assigned &rk? Jehovah granted him
"vower b m n d what is normal." (2 Cor.
47) ~aul-acknowledgedsuch divine
help when he wrote: "For all things I
have the strength by virtue of him who
imparts power to me." (Phil. 4:13) Jehovah will help US in the same way.
How can we obtain this assistance?
s By Praylng Incossantfy: Jesus
urged US to 'keep on asking, seeking, and knocking,' and not to give
up. (Luke 11:5-10) Our persistente in
prayer demonstrates to Jehovah the
depth of our concern, t b intensity

of our desire, and the genuineness of

our motive. (Ps. 55:17; 88:1,13; Rom. 1:
9-11) Paul recognized the importante
of perslstence in prayer when he urged
US to "pray incessantly." (1 Thess.5:17)
Prayer is one of the primary ways in
which we obtain Jehovah's help.
4 By Pollowlng Thmooratlc Dlrection: "Theocracy" means "rule by

God," who is love. We benefit from his

rule by accepting his authority and
following his instructions in large and
smal decisions. "The faithfui and discreet slavenrepresenk theocratic rule
on this earth. (Matt. 24-45-47)Cooperation with the organimtion that-the
"slavenuses is vital if we are to obtain
Jehovah's blessing. (Compare Hebrews
13:17.) Jehovah wil1 reward our loyalty
to him and our wllingness to obey hii
laws by supplyingthe power we need at
the appropriate time.-Heb. 4:16.

By KmeplngC l o u to Our Brothen:

Love is the identifying mark of Jesus' disciples. (John 13:34, 35) With a
wide variety of personalities, friction
can arise among US because of per-

Christ as a Modelfor Youths

After a lengthy Bible discussion,
youth stated: "I was struck by the
ynamic personality of Jesus CMst.
Here is a leader I could believe in." The
same cannot be said of any national flgure or of sports'and entertainment heroes. True Cbristians do not
view as models thme who openly embrace worly standards and unchristian We-sty1es.-Ps. 146:3,4.
a Young people can be assured that
when they come to exercise faith in Jesus Christ, thej present themselves as
God's sheep and are known by Jesus.
The F i e Shepherd cares for them.
(John 10:14,15, 27) Youths who follow
Christ as their Model are blessed.
3 One brother who currently serves
at B r o o m Bethel had this privilege
of service as a goal from the time he
was eight years old. He was encouraged to view Bethel service as a practical way to follow Christ's example
when he got older. His parents, as well
as trr
ng oven r, kept this before l
To helt
n orenare. thw

encouraged him to apply himself diligently fust like a member of the

Bethel family, perPorming chores at
home, helping to maintain the Kingdom Hall, developing skills in the
ministry. After enjoying Bethel service for years now, he is thankfui that
as he was growing up, he made the effort to imitate Christ's example.
Jesus did dot pursue a worldly
career; he chose the ministry. A m g
sister wanted to pioneer when she
graduated from school but held back
because of not having suitable parttime employment. She kept thinking:
'First I'll h d a job, then 1'11 put in my
pioneer application! An elder pointed
out that the longer she waited, the
better a full-time job would look, since
she would not have anything holding her back from accepting it. She
related: "I prayed to Jehovah for his
spirit to guide me." She immediately
enrolled as an auxiliary pioneer and
later became a regular pioneer. Shop
lv after that, she found ideal emplo

Vol. 38,No. 6

sonal dinerences. We need to be tenderly compassionate, freely forgiving

one another. (Eph. 432) This makes
it possible to remain close to our
brothers in the faith and to be encouragedby their steadfast endurance
under trial. "Knowing that the same
things in the way of sulTeare being accomplished in the entire association of [our] brothers," we have the
God-given strength to deal with similar pressures.-l Pet. 5:9.
By Malntalnlnaa Oood Routine of
~orsnalStudy: firtifying our minds

and hearts sviritually enables

US to
fight off ~ata;i'sattack. (1 Pet. 53) A
good routine of personal study wil1 increase our bank of godly knowledge.
We can draw from this when facing everyday challenges. Paul stressed
that "accurate knowledge" plays a vital part in gaining salvation. (1 Tim. 2:
3,4) It is essential to take in spiritual
food regularly.
AU the provisions necessary to help
us keep strong are reaily avaUabie
through the Christian congregation.
Wholehearted support of its activities
wil1 guarantee that we "wil1walk and
not tire out."-Isa. 40:29-31.

ment that accommodated her pioneer

s Jesus boldly declared the Kingdom message to everyone. (Matt. 423)
Young Christians can als0 learn to
be bold in preaching, not being intimidated by others. One 14-year-old
Witness reported: "Everyone at school
knows my position as a CMstian.
. . . They know it so well that if I
meet a classmate while I'm engaglng
in the ministry, I do not fee1 embarrassed. Fellow student8 usually listen,
and many times they accept literature."
Considering Christ's example can
help young people make wise decisions about their future. Instead of
being preoccupied with worldly pursuits, they 'remember their Grand
mator' by showing zeal in Jehovah's
service. (Eccl. 121) Like Christ Jesus, they are cultivating "the love of
the Father," which brings blessings
far more desirable than anything offered by the world. Instead of :passing
awayn with the old world, they can
look forward to 'remaining forever.
-1 John 215-17.

Week Startlng June 20

Song 75
ments of the Kingdom N m s distribut- 15 mln: Local announcements. Briefly iscuss the importance of mqkhg
ed during April and May.
return visits. The m o r part of our
Song 17 and concluding prayer.
teaching work is done when we reWeek Starting June 12
turn to cultivate interest. Few people
can make spiritual progress with the
Song 221
10 mln: Local announcements. Ac- literature alone. When we fail to return, we miss our best opportunity to
counts report.
produce ~ i b l e
17 mln: "Christ as aModelPor Youths." help them. ~ e t u r visits
Questions and answers. nclude com- studies. Manv ~ublishershave got the
ments ftom the September 1, 1986, best results byreturning w i t 6 a day
or two rather than waiting a week.
Watchtotcw, pages 4-6.
18 mln: Tielp Those Without Faith." -See Our Ministry book, pages 88-9.
Congregation Book Study conductor i s mln: Question Box. Questions and
reviews article with two or three pub- answers to be handled by Watchtower
lishers and then iscusses how t use Study conductor. Make Airther comthe material. Thw Dractice by demon- ments based on Scliool GuWbook,
strating presentatins to one another. pages 91-2.
I s mln: Review literature oifer Por
Song 122 and concluding prayer.
July. Discuss outstanding features of
Week Starting June 5
Week Starting June l 9
the brochures the congregationhas in
stock. Have publishers briefly demonSong 7
Song 80
12 mln: Local announcements and 10 ,in: L,-,C~ announcements. Dem- strate how they can be offered at the
selected fbmouncements ftom
onstrate two or three brief magazine door. Examples: Does God Really Care
mWdom Ministry. Review UPcoming presentationsthat may be used in fleld About US?(Turn to pages 26-7, point
out the illustrations,and discussone of
summer activities; remind all to keep
this week.
aCtive in the service, get to the meet- 18 min: Qrant Recognition to Others. the scripturesabout the coming Paraings,and turn in reports.
Talkbymelder, based onDecember l, dise.) Wh& Is the Purpose of LVe-Hm
1s mln: 'Jehovah Imparts Power." 1994, Watchtm,pages 28-30. Stress Can You Find Zt? (Turn to pages 30-1,
Questionsand answers. Relate experi- theneed to show honor andlovingcon- wnsider one of the quoted scriptures,
and iscuss the ilustration.) Witen
ence in the Febl, 1992. Watch- cernfor othersinthecongregation.
toloer,page 32.
I 7 mln: "Make Good se of Your Someone Youb v e Dies. (Caattention
18 mln: 'JehovahIs OU^ Creator."Dis- Time." Questions and answers. Re- to questionsraised on page 2, and then
cuss with audience. Have two demon- garding time spent watching TV, re- comment on one or two comforting
strations showing how to use the sug- view suggestions under subheading Scriptura thoughts found on page 31.)
gested presentations. nclude some "Taking Control," on page 11 .of the Let the congregation know what brochures are currentlyin stock.
brief suggestions about how to make May 22,1991,&a&!
Song 225 and concluding prayer.
a return visit, following up op place- Song 208 and concluding prayer.

NOTE: OUT Kingdom Ministry

schedule a Service Meeting Por each
week during the summer. Congregations may make adjustments as needed to allow Por attending the 'Joytul Praisers" District Convention and
then Por a 30-minute review of the programhighiightsat the ServiceMeeting
the followingweek. The day-by-day review of the district convention programshould be assigned in advanceto
two or three qualified brothers who
will be able to focus on outstanding
points. This well-prepared review will
help the wngregation remember key
for p e & h application and for
use in the field. Commentsftom the audience and experiences related should
be brief and to the point.



overall theme 04 ,#+e b & e r ~hen comments wud include P&& cavp~eparibgtxm&& &m a publica- ered in cited Scripture k t s . Listen
tion that ~
~stusi~r careftilly to~what ethers say s0 that
o f a B i b l e I ) o o k , ~ ~ ~ S a ayoucauavoidanyunnemmwyreg.
e~tion ~ b a baak,
x iuiw a etition.

particularvemerel@k&M-Wq@es Itisgoodtorazsegourhand$ecrgether at week& wx&w%ati6n nleet- surrounding
ings. There m h m an o p p o ~ t J rgestions wiU
to express out feith and encabilty. ~twil1
goo in commenting- ~f you are hestant
others by om wmmenting. Prm. 20: comments and flndjag in gwir par'bel- about speaking up, you may let tM
15; Heb. 10.23, 24) We shouid view paw.
wnductor h o w \in gdvance wIriTcZi
he bqst cohme,fag ,&@'$@dse, pwwaph you wuld fike W com- ,
to hap a reguiar share. &OW can we simply ~tated,(ind W oq me ~ u b - ment on, and Ifkeb he wil be abletD
do thils mos6 efktively?
lication being s W & The
Coril- gfveyoii an o p p o m t y to do so.
Preparationis the s
. Read- menter khould answer the questuoh AU of us shoud make an w e s t
ing anti pondering over the &ria1
irectly, leaving &&er pahts For addi- enort to have somethhg to share at
in advanceis important. Try to cap- tional cbmmats. Abid 10% rambng congregation meetings that invove
ture the spirit of what is b e i pre- commenk that take up excesbe time audience partkipation. Remember,
sented.. Although the subject may and prevent others iram sharing. Ek- the success of such meetings dehave been discwisedinthe past,look press gow8eliingour own word$,rath- pen&s to a great extent upon om
and MqtWene88 in wmfor any enlarge or enhamepoin& er than read your comment word Por -ess
that are presented. Keep in mind the word from the publiwition. Auxlliary inentW.-Ps. !X%=

Does God Really CareAbout US?

iNew VideocassettesAvailable:
-Georgian, Welsh The BibLe-Accurate Histoty, Reliuble
h'lemmtaty Bible Teachings -Punjabi
Prophecy -American Sign LaniLiterature offer Por Juno: Life-How
guage, Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin)
Did lt Get Here?By Evolution or by Cre-Russim
Ib the Ends 01th Earth
ation?July and Augu.1: Any of the fol- H m to Fina the Roa to Paraise
lowing 32-page brochures may be used:
M m )
-Croatian, Spauish
Does God Really Care About US?,Enjoy
a j e on EurthWem!, "Look!lAm Mak- Is There a God Wo Cares? -Bengaii
Schedule for congregation studies in the book
ing A ThingsNew,"S M You Belieut?
Revelation-11s Grand Climax At Hand!
in the Trinity?, The Diuine Name T?mt C ~ T Y
W Endure Fbrever, The omrnmat Jehovah's Witnesses-Unediy Doing
God's W Wordwke -Macedonian
Thui W BTing Paradis?, What Zs the
June 4
p. 134,121 p. 198,188
Purpose of We-Hm Can You Find Zt?, Mg Book of Bibk Storh (Large size)
-Estonian, Gujarati June l2 p. 198. (6 p 142, a4*
Juna W
Entiro pag. 189
tomkr: The Live Fbrever book wil1 be &Ilestions Young People Ask-Anszoers
used, and efforts should be made to
June 26:
p. lm, 15
p. la,q 17
Thui W ~ r k
start home Bible studies. NOTE: Con- Reveuiim-Zts Grand C l i mAt Hand!
gregations that have not yet requested
Except lor page 139.
the above-mentioned campaign items School an Jehouah's Wnases
should do so on their next monthly Lit-Amharic
eratureRequest Form (5-14).
Uned in Worship ojthe Only True God
iThe presiding overseer or someone
-Ctujarati, Marathi, Nepali, Samoan
designated by him should audit the Watch Tower Publications Index
Au Au
Au Au
Number ct
Hrs. Mags. R.V BiSt.
congregation's accounts on June 1or as
soon as possible thereafter. Make an199 124.6 75.7
nouncement to the congregationwhen Watch Tower Publications Scripture Zn- Sp'l Pios.
&X 1986-1990
this has been done.
When Someone You Love Dies -CebuPios.
75,147 79.8 86.4 26.4 2.6
iIf it is necessary to telephonethe Soano,
Taciety's Service Department, please use
Aux.Pios. 28,875 SS.0 27.7 15.8 1.4
galog, Thai
the foiiowing telephone number as of
June 1,1995:(914) 87-7000.
Pubs 608,295 9.9 5.9 8.7 0.4
(Por Jews)
iNew PublicationsAvailable:
"AU Scripture Is Zmpired of God and iNew AudiocassettesAvailable:
TOTAL 910,516
Bapllzed: 8,385
-Romanhul Doing God's WE11With Zea2 -Arabic

Make Good Useof Your Time

Jehovah is time conscious. He
wants US to be aware of tihe too.
Through bis organization he help
us to be time conscious. We are
u w d aways to have "plenty to do
in the work of the Lord." (1Cor. 15:
58) In this way, we can be more effective in Jehovah's service.
8 Each of US has the Same amount
of time each week-168 hours. How
wel1 do we use our time?Do we show
that we really know what time it
is &om Jehovah's standpoint? &e
we being distracted by nonessentiai
It is important that we be weii
organized. Many try to maintain
a priority list. Each item is put
on the list according to its impor- '
tance. How can that be determined?
The Bible says that a man should
"see good for aU his hard work."
(Eccl. 313) Some tasks yield better
results than others. Consider the results that each one wil1 bring- Will

finishing the

6uEVenthe stork . . .well knows

its appointed timeswto migrate, and
the ant 'prepares its food even in
the summern in order to be ready
for the winter, says the Bible. (Jer.
8:7; Prov. 6:M) Therein lies the secret of making good use of time.
We too must 'know our appointed
times.' Without being m r v M d ,
we should be time conscious. We
need to know not o m what we have
do hut also when it needs be
done. We shodd ge.into t b habit of
de&. And we should
be willing cut short some activities to make time for something
more h p ~ f i a n t such
as preparationfor our meetings,fieldministry,
and ether theocratie activities,
" We mt be like Our
Father* Jehom -4 who
es that
mmmg there is
an appointed time." (Eccl. 3:l) By
making go0d use of Our time, we
can 'rulfy accompiish our ministry!

job produce signilcant

beneflts?WiU you "see good" for your
hard work? If not, it mag nok be a
high-priority taf&.
In Our Minietry: We appreciate it
when othersarrive at meetingsPor service on time, listen careAuis to instmctions, and leave promptUr Por the
territory. We would rather be busy
preaching thanwaiting. Paul obviously Pelt st ongly about the need Por good
order w ,en he wrote: "Let ali things
take place decently and by arrangement."-l Cor. 1&40.
are out in field services
we can lose vaiuable time on cofee
breaks. However, when weather conditions are severe, a break wil1 refresh us and help us to keep going.
Many, though, prefer to keep busy witnessing to people anti forgo sociallzingwith the brothers oncofiee breaks
during the time that has been set
aside for the ministry. Baance is
-2 Tim. 45.

Jehovah Is Our Creator

l Miiiions of people believe that God
created Me. Many others believe in
evolution. Then there are those who
are not sure what to believe. The book
Llfe-How Did Zt Get Here? By Evolution o7 by Oeatkm? is for all such people. This publication presents a thoroughly researched explanation of how
Me got here and what this means for
our tuture. During June, we will be
featuring this ine bok.
aEven prominent ones in the scientifc community have acknowledged
the book's logic. One scientific researcher in the Netherlands wrote:
"This book reaily does exceed aU expectations. The logical buildup of
the chapters and the iiustrations are
scientifically so up-to-date that you
would have to be blind to mise any
objections to them." An attomey declared: "I have read it four times and
continue to be impressed with the
depth of study, scholarship, and documentation that went into its production." 80 we can be confident that yet
others will appreciate this book.

iOpen to page 6, and say: "Many people think that our beautiful earth and
Me upon it resulted ftom an accident.
What do you consider to be a reasonable explanation as to how all of
this came about?[Allow for response.]
Mountains of evidencecothe Bible's account of a Creator who not
only is very powertul but als0 loves us
very much. He is the tme God, and
his name is Jeharah." Read Psalm 83:
18, and briefly explain how it is his
purpose to transform the entire earth
into a paradise.
4 Z f you want to come to the pdnt
quickly, you might say:

i "Have you ever wondered about this

question?" Point to the title of the
book, turn to page 7, read the questions in paragraph 2, and explain that
the book provides satisfying answers
from the Bible.

Or you might try th9:

ever wonder how the earth

came into existence?Many insist that
it is the result of some colossal cosmic
SYou might choose to make a explosion. What do you think? [Allow
for response.] The Bible teaches that
brief presentataon like th9:


i"Did you

Without Falth

'In this day and age, it has become popular to be viewed as educated and progressive in thinking.
Human philosophies and fancm theories are extolled, while spiritual values are ignored. Sincere people who
are interestmi in simple facts and understandable tmths will welcome the
opportunity to examine the book Llfe
-Hou, Did Zt Get Here? By Emlutwn
07 b21 Oeation? This book can help
those who lack faith. (Rom. 1:19, 20)
Be sure to make return visits on all
those who express interest.
You might begin your discuss i m th9 way:
i"I'm sure you are aware that many
educators support the belief that the
human family got here by evolution. It
teaches that everything exists by accident. How do you fee1about that? [Allow for response.] This idea is still referred t0 as a theory. A theory is 'a
speculation' or 'an unproved assumption.' FoI centuriesmen believed that
the earth was fiat; now we know that

was a foolish assumption nOt based

on fact. Could the same be tme of
the theory of evolution?" Read the introductory comments on page 4, and
then discuss Isaiah 425.

God created the earth as our everlastina home. It is ciiXerent from the otherplanets in our solar system. As far
as we know, it is the only one in the
universe that has aU the complex provisions needed to sustain Me." Turn to
paragraph 5 on page 130, and explain
why the earth must be the work of a
Master Designer.
6Anoter approach might be
something &milar to thh:
i 'Some people think that we evolve
from ape-men. They claim that our
ancestors looked like this. [Show the
picture on page 89.1 What do you think
about that?"Allow for response. Point
out what is stated in paragraph 20,
and then read Acts 424, which identifles Jehovah as our Creator and LifeGiver. "Thisbook examines the entire
theory of evolution in relation to what
is stated in the Bible." Refer to table
of contents on page 5, and point out
some titles, such as those for chapters 1,7,15, and 19.
7 This book can be a blessing to sincere people who have been deceived
by those without faith in Jehovah or
his Word. The factual information the
Creation book contains can help such
ones to grow in appreciation for our
Creator, who lovingly cares for -a.

might open te conversatlm by

i"We are calling again to point out

why a study of the Bible is practical for our times. Most people have a
Bible, but few take time to read it.
Some franky tell us that they don't
have much confidence in the Bible
3 0 r you mfght take this up- anymore. How do you feei about that?
[AUow for response.] One of the things
proach when you m m :
that convinces us that the Bible is the
to meet people
UI^ is
beuevein -d. Years ago, that inspired Word of God is the Ailnllment
t m
of its prophecies." Refer to Scripture
many havelost faith in ~ o d[mm
for texts in Paragraph 6 on page 234.
response.] Many attribute their loss of
Th9 thought might get a favorfaith to the a p m g increase in vlo- able response:
lence and @stress in our world. They i"We can see beauty and marvelous
reason that if there is an alrnighty evldence of wisdom in the things that
God, why doesn't he put an end to all surround US on this earth. This lovely
this suffering? Those who can't flnd picture of a sunset is a fltting exama satisfying answer t0 that queSti0n ple." Show the illustration on pages 12
often become atheists. But there is and 13. Mention points from "Some
overwhelming evidence to prove that Things to Think About," and explain
God exists and that he will soon make how this book provides satisfying anthe earth a place of happiness .and swers to vital questions about our
peace."Continue thediscussion byus- world.
h g the Scriptural thoughts found in
6 We can be a blessing to others by
~aragraph19 on page 196.
using this book to help them ind a
4 With your Bib& in h a d , y m
solid basis for faith in their Creator.

63 1995 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennqlvania. All rights reserved. Our Kin dom Ministv (US% 295-3601 is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and
Tract Society of New Yrk Inc. and International Bible Students Association 25 Columbia fleights Brooklyn NY 11201-2483. Sacond-class postage paid at Brooklyn. NY
and at addRional mailing 8ffice0. POSTMASTER: Send addrecs changes to hchtower, 25 ~olumbb~eights:Brooklyn. NY 11201-2483.
Printed in

July 1995

For United States of America

&Keepon the Watch"

l When Jesus spoke the words recorded at Matthew 26:38-41, he was a p
proaching the most critical time of hts
human existence. It would prove t~ be
the most important time in ail human
hlstory. The salvation of all mankind
was at stake. Jesus' disciplesneeded to
"keep on the watch."
a Today we stand at the threshold of
Jesus' arrival in the dual role of deliverer and executioner. As watchfui
Christiansreazing the urgency of the
times, we do not just fold our arms and
wait for deliverance. We know that we
must be ready at all times. It is necessary for US to keep "working hard and
exerting ourselves" in our service to
Jehovah. (1Tim.410) What about each
one of us individually?Are we keeping
on the watch?
3 Eumtnlng 0ur"lv.m:
Jesus als0
*payattention JQ-~~s."
(Luke 21:34, 35) We must be attentfve to OurSelves, makhg sure that we
are "blameless and hnocent . . . in
among a crooke and twisted genera-

tion." Wil. 215) Are we living each

day as Christians,imitating Jesus and
walking in h-OW
with the principles outlined in Ood's Word? We must
avoid unchristian conduct characteristic of aworld that is "lyingin the power of the wicked one." (1 J o h 5:19;
Rom. 1331-14) When we exa*e
OWselvesin the light d t h e Scriptures,are
we tnily on the wateh as Jesus insh~cted?
4 Elders must be alert to be diligent
in carrying out their assignments in
the congregation, realizing that they
will render an account for how they
care for the flock. (Heb. 13:17) F'amily
heads have a special obligation to direct their householdsin theways of Jehovah. (Gen. 18:19; osh h. 24:15; compare 1 ~imothy3:4,5.) ~ l s oh, m vital
it is that aii Of us fulfiii the Scriptural
command to love one another!It is the
markof h e c h I ' i S W ~ . - J o h 13:35.

The psaimst lauded Jehoviih, say- study and meeting attendance.This is

ing: "Your reminders are a concern to done because these activities are so vi-

me." (Ps. 119:99) The Hebrew word for

"reminders" conveys the thought that
back to Our min* what
is stated in his laws,his orders, his
bis co-dments,
bis statutes. If we respond, they will
rouw us s ~ i r i t u a land
l ~ make us hag
m.-Ps. 119:2.
a As Jehovah's people, we regularly receive admonition and counsel.
Much of it we have heard before. Alt h o ~ g hwe appreciate
encomagement, we are inclined to forget. (Jas.
1:25) J e h m patientlyprovides10reminders. The
Peter mcorded some of these reminders in Order
to '81uuw our dear thfnkingfacdties
that we should remember the commandments of the Lord!-2 Pet. 3:1,2.
3 Again and again we are reminded about the importante of personal

commission to make disciples of others. (Matt. 28:19, 20) Love of nefghbor

should move us to wam others s that
they may survive the destmction facing this world. T m is a responsibuty
resting upon Christians. ~tis an essential part of our worshlp. (Rom. 10:
g, 10; 1 cor.9.6) oftenwe encounter
or outright opposition
lifesavingwmk. fie have obi&ation
the majority
lovefor Godandne&hbor
Thisisno time complacency-we



nor kcome

SOinVO1vedinthepleasuresOf thissys-

tem that they prove t0 be. a

(Luke21:34,35) If there ever was a need
for a sense of urgency, it is now. The
time is rapidly approaching for Jesus
Christ to execute judgment against
this wicked system. Only those who
are awake, alert, and w a t c m willsur6 8.A k r t to Wam 0tk.n: Keeping vive. If we obeyJemis' instmctions and
in escaping aii these things,"
on the watch invohres more than pay- "SUing attention to ourselves. We have a how thangftil we wil1 be.&Luke 21:36.

Are Jehovah's Reminders

Rousing Us Spiiritually?

Vol. 38, No. 7

tal to our spirituawell-king.-l Tim.

415; Heb. 10:24,25.
The greatest challenge for some is
t b mco-ion
preach. It takes effort, determlnation,
and perseverqce. m though it requires much of us. we are helped to
"stand fhn" by having our "feet shod
with the equipment of the good news."
-Eph. 6:14,15.
6 our service bas t0 be motivated by
more than just mental awareness of
Jehovah's requirements. The apostle
Paui reminds us that the heart provides the motivation we need to make
"public declaration for salvation."
@om. 10:lo) IC.we have strong faith
m d ip OW hheart is inclined toward jereminders, we
compelled to speak out in giving praise to
his name.-Ps. 119:36; Matt. 1234.

When we work hard in perfonning

good works, we rightly expect that this
will bring US joy. (Eccl. 2:10) Paul identMes joy as a fniit of Jehovah's spirit,
and we should seek to abound in displaying it. (W.522) Peter added that
an "earnest effort" will be rewarded
with a fruitfui ministry, which producesjoy.-2 Pet. 15-8.
'When we are faced with a challenge, we should remember the apostles' irm stand as they declared: We
cannot stop speakingabout the things
we have seen and heard." (Acts 420)
We are strengthened to carry on when
we remember that 'by doing these
things, we will save both ourselves and
those who listen to m!-l
Tim. 4:16.
We do not chafe or fee1resentment
because of receiving constant reminders. Rather, we deeply appreciatetheir
exceing vaue. (Ps. 119:129) In these
cdtical times, we arethankfulthat Jehovah keeps sending us reminders to
rouseus up spirituaUyand to motivate
US to be zealous in iine worksl-2 Pet.


Week Starting July 8

Song 194
i0 mln: Local announcements. Call
Outstanding April fle1d
service report.
i7 mln: "Keep on the Watch." Questions and answers.
i0 min: "UseaVarietyof Brochures in
Your Ministry." Discuss with audience
the suggested presentations. Make
briefcommenb about interesthg festures of the brochures. Have two or
t h e e brief demonstrations to show
h m they can be offered.


Week Starting July 10

Song 110
i0 mln: Local announcements and
selected Announcements from Our
Kingdom Ministry.
15 min: "Are Jehovah's Reminders
Rousing US Spirituaily?" Questions
and answers.
20 mln: MakingOpportunities toWitness. During the summer months,
many of US have opportunity to
travel in connection with conventions
and vacations, and fine opportunities for informal witnessina arise. Us80-2,
ing the School ~uidebook,--s
paragraphs 11-16, review suggestions
on how to initiate conversations with
strangers. Showhow advancepreparation helps to get better results. Have
t h e e dilTerent publishers briefly demonstrate how to start a conversation

with a gas station attendat, apassenger On public transportation,

persen standing in line at the supert0 keep
those who show interest and arrange
to have someone contact them later.
Week Startlng July 17
Song 192
10 mln: Local amOuncements. Ac-


RetUTnvisits on
Brochure Placements.,, Brother assigned this part wil1 discuss with three
other publishers WWit is important t0
follow up all interest and placements.
They review the suggested presentations and demonstrate to one another
how they can be used.
i5 min: Conducting a Home Bible
Study. A talk by elder who conducts
progressive Bible studies. Encourage
a greater effort to start Bible studies. Review suggestions offered in OTganized to Accomplish Our Ministry,
pages 89-91. May include brief local experiences.
Song 164 and concluding prayer.

Week Starting July 31

10 min: L o c a i ~ ~ ~ ~ e m e n t s - T


cratic News.
i5 mln: "Be Upbuilding." Discussion
and taJk by an elder.
20 mln: Review Literature Offer for
August. Mention 32-page brochures
that may be used. Invite publishers to relate interesting experiences
offering brochures during Juiy. Demonstrate how to start a Bible study
using the brochure Does God Really
CareAbout US?Raise questionposed in
Week Starting July 24
paragraph 1 of Part 1. Get reaction of
householder to thoughts expressed in
Song 126
i0 min: Local announcements. Re- paragrap& 2-4. Explain that the braviewSNewCircuit&sembuProgramamnchure shows that God reallydoes care
i 5 min: Local needs. Or give a talk on and that we can enjoy a life free from
"Showing Christian Love to the Elder- suffeering in his coming new world.
ly," based on August 1, 1994, Wdch- Offer to return for further discussion.
Song 179 and concluding prayer.
tower, pages 27-30.
, .

WWCircuit Assembly Program

'Beginning in September, the
theme for circuit assemblies wil1
be "Listen and Learn to Carry Out
God's Word." This theme, based
on Deuteronomy 31:12, 13, provides
a fltting basis B r the entire program to highlight lessons we need
to learn an apply,
2 ~lthough
most people b d a y USten to misleading inspired expresslons, there is a vitai need for each
of US to listen to God's Word and
learn to carry it out. ( L u b 11:28;
1 Tim. 41) With this in mind, the
circuit assembiy program has been
designed to provide encouragement
and hefp for publishers, families,
elders, m d pioneern. Un Saturday,

PO min: What Wil1 the Neighbors

Think?Talk and demonstrationbased
on April 1, 1974, Watchtower, pages
201-3. ~ i v ae talk on WW we are oaen
pressured by our worldly neighbors.
(Cover page 201 and arst paragraph on
202.) Then have a demonstration
at a Bistudywith a newlyinterested family that is being intimidated by worldly
neighbors who oppose studyiig the
Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. (Review main points in remainder of the
article.) Stress reasons why newly interested farnily should not be discouragedorgiveup.
Song 169 and concluding prayer.

there will be a four-part symposium on the subject "Coping With

Our Problems-By Paying Attention
to God's WorctnAna onSunday moming, there
be a sympo&iumentitled "How
Discipline in
Righteousness." The entire program
wil1 present spirituai encomagement
that you and your family should not
3 0 n bath Saturday and Sunday,
practica1 suggestions for the fleld
ministry wil1 be ofered and demonstrated. Encouraging and instmctive
experiences and interviews wili also
be presented. Thus, by being present
and listening with a view to putting
int0 practice what p u Iearn, you will

a bet-ter
of ma'carry
s word.
* One of the highiights of the c&"
assembuwiu be the

ti* Of



express theirdesire fQr

b@tism t0 tihepresiding OverSeer
that hecm arrage for the elders to
meet with them.
5 h public talk for this circuit
assembly series is entitled "Why Be
Guided by the Bible?" Invite interested Persons 60 attend. In antlcipation of the muchaeeded encouragement amd aSsistzince JKIU and
your farnily wil1 receive, make definite plans to be present for the entire program.


iLiterature ofer for July and August:

iThe Society is producing ENOLISH

bound volumes of The W a t c m for
the gears 1951 to 1959. Any new publishers or new congregations that desire these publications mag now request them through the congregation.
These items wiil not be permanentb
stocle by the Society. Eound volumes

of the following 3%brochures

may be used. Does God Reaay C m
About US?,Eqjoy Life on Ewth Fbrever!,
"Loolc! Z Am Making A12 mngs Na,,'
Should You Belfeue M the lMnily?, l%?
Divine Name Tliat Win: Enm Fbreuer,
l%? Govenament Tliat Win: Bring PamAPmLmRwcERE#nrr
ise, Wd Is the Pwpose of We-Hou,
Au R
Au Au
Can You Find Zt?, and Wlien Someone Number d:
Hrs Mags RU BLSt
You Love Dies. 8opternb.r: Tee Live
Fbreverbookwiil beused, andeorts
1OI 1SS.S 71.4 52.S & l
should be made to start home Bible Spl Pbs

studies. Ootokr: Subscriptions for ei- Pk&

7%1(W e%5w4ARther Azoake! or The WatCMmer. Make
spedal Mort to place copies of the magA i a h 76,W.0 26.6 1L1 1.1
azines. Subscriptions mag be 0fPered
on return visits. NOTE: Congmgations 'hbs . WSI@S8 11.4 SA 0.7 6.4
that have not get requested the aboveBaptned: 4,087
mentionedcampaignitemsshould dos0 TOT% Oe$,7M
on their next monthly Literature Request Farm (3-14).
Jho3ahih8S flcp bless8.d &t unlted &forts
iCircuit overseers are currently giving
t of Aprll. T b
the public talk entitled "Divine Teach- in tfra leid h d u g tb mman
ing Triumphs WorldwideV-a slide Y&48%~@fi 1gp0meIS a new wit and
presentation highlighthg the special , mpr$nle 4 w w e af 9& ent mr the
<r jeBB
international "Divine TeachinEr" Con- p*mu Laima
n a ~ P nd
X repreytc
ventions held recently. Circuit okrseers t
m in~o$$3d 2.1-~4matover the previws
will continueto give this talk untilit has peak cf bpril 1992 but'dligent efforts have
been presentedh al the congregatiions m u l W in otwqaoi pubiishers awginu
in the circuit. When that is completed, 112 &JunIn.uie minict* Hkt p that Jeho-

arespecM-request itemsand shouldnot

be stocked by the congregations.
iNew PublicationsAvailable:
Happiness-How toFind Zt -Chinese
Watch Tower Publications Index
m New VdiAvailable:
You Can Ltoe Fozever Q ParaLw on
Eurth, (Volume2) -Americau Sign
Schedule fw cona&fion sfudisc in the book
Rmlation-lts Grand C~~IIMX
Ai Hand!

JU^ 3:

~ u l y10:
Juiy 24:
Juk 31:

p. 147, a18
p. 158,gis
p. 1649 $7

p 180, q9
p. tsr,qno
p. ren, q6
.p. 166,1[ 18


A new peak of 1,626publishers

&Z,~~MBwas reached
in F'ebruary. Their special

theywillgivethetalkUTrustintheGod vah wit b@ w r c o n U w (48s to Idlw

of AU Comfortnuntil the frst week in
up the interest shomi by ttrose iwe caitacred
M m h , when the n& new talk is scheddufing the maith of @N.



assemblyday attendancewas 2,%9.

Phlllppines:A new peak of 119,549publishersreported in Wbruary.
Rwanda: The "Godly Fear" District
Convention was recently held in small
groups with a total attendance of 6,062,
and 1'78were baptized.

9uretohelpusbeco~e%sefor&wtioaW(2 m.335)We can exptess

our appreolationfor the onaste conduct P&
W these In -hovalirs Cleanm
We 0an ex-,
tol the lombie act8 of kinhess by
that ace UW spoof i n C l W t4e
wholesome ChrWin qualities of
Mth,3agt peaoe, and long@that we 0Wr~eh Our brothers.
abot't sucb virtuow.
P&tbfng. is <iwod

lSincewelive inYcritealthnes inapositivewaywMnwesha@e;rq>ehatdto deal with." all ofus need en- riences, give commenwon,. or discuss spiritual matters, ~ u c wholeh
: m ~ m e n t (2
. m.%l)
~ ~ o f t h i s n e e d ~ i n f r i s m rso
, useof theb'is good Por
Paui m anxious ia use contmts buflding up, imparng what is famrw.
with his brot4ers as oppWnnities able to the hearem.'-E&&
ibr "m Interchange.of encomam
8 rnk hbout ~ h ~ lm
r ~ iup,
p m p p m s 428, paul
ment." He urged his brotihers to hllamg:
por m r
*"'.*PUSU~the things . . .that me u p prbvlded
to ofie mother: mm 1: speech.
of semm
,-11, la; 1459) These qTor& sueceed&.la "sE-re~gtFWthe
concern, r'.gbtmu".s, GBMe, lovable, 16:2.
'*ip1~s9 @*ouwdngI mem .t0 re w gom af, e t ~ and
~ praiae;
4mry tlpe are:u&~&B by
' ,aaisM %he &%h,"
Ik*) We ~@rtfigr.we ban 4way be sure that the d f 9 c o p r of~ tlie
~ .~
WkW n@ that kind of encownat we
be true snd ben@- world. H
m reffesto W ttiiese
@ a t today.
cial to athers if %t
Is i w e d on God's thk@ wide md share 10141~
asso?we can be u p b u i f a to athem word. pr oh 17:11) w %ristfanded- eiation with om airotmrt4 The pre~byW~t~say.Whenm?dproperication,whatwelearn&thecongre cious timesge ~ a b t;ok spend
we ~ r l ac$ -er
Is a fxeam& to Be "cm- .
y, OU]: words can be "s& mles of gation m
m the
wld In siher wmingkn (Pro!& 25: compllsh ourmtWqt ando-r such .WedIf wem aEww5 en, 1 1 ) 8 y p a r t c i ~ i the
n meetings, matters arefhings ofsenlous concern. and upbuil@@%@ibers Wll trut&
-.we are "enco-'
one wther." Positiveconversam-t-stanWwibft?s:
'WWhame MkesheU
Out tongue w
be Used and prindples&GroB Word are t 4 ~ rmirit."-l Cor,lW8. .



Use a VarOety of Brochures

[Open to page 30.1 This last question

has stirre the interest of many: 'How

may you prepare for everlasting life in

ParadiSe?'" If you discuss pamgmphs
57-8 on pages 29-30 and read RevePeople today are interestedin a va- i"Do you think the day willever come lation 21:3, 4, you will have laid the
riety of subjects. As you engage in fleld when none of US wil1 have to lose gromdwork for starting a Bible

inYour Minktry

a loved one in death? [Allow for re- Conclude by leaving the brochure and
sponse.] This beautifully written bro- arranglng f0r a return visit when you
discuss some of the other queschure has comforted miUions with the
Bible's sure promise that S U C a~ d a is~ tions.
You might like to try thh simCOming in the near future. [Turn t0
page 5, and read the flfth paragraph, plepresentation with the brochure
including l Corinthians15:21,22.Then ''me LNdne Name m a t WiZZ Enturn to the illustration on page 30.1 dure Forever":
Here the artist has captured the joy we i"One of the rst things I learned
couM ask:
may experiencein welcomingback our from the Bible was God's name. Do
deaci loved ones in the resurrection. you know what it is? [AUow for re&like if God
But where will that happy scene take sponse.] Let me show you. It's here in
resPOnse.] Having God take place? This brochure wil1 show you the Bible at Psaim 83:18. [Read.] This
Over the ruleiship Of the
is ex- the Bible's answer to that question." If brochure shows how God's name, Jeacm
asking for when we the brochure is accepted, you might hovah, appears in mauy Werent lanpray
Or Our Father* add: "I would like to return later and guages. [Show the box on page 8.1 If
that Jesus Christ taught US.
to discuss thfs subject further."
you would like to learn more about Jepage 3, and read the flrst ~ a r a g r a ~ h , 4 y, might feature the -hure
hovah and his purposes, you should
which quotes Matthew 6:lO.l If You L O ~I ~ ! MaMng AZI ~ h i n g s read this brochure." Hand the browould like t0 live in a world like that, New,j9 w n g th& direct approach chure t0 the householder.
you should read tNs brochure." Offer t. start a
6With shch a variety of fine broto leave it.
i"Manypeople have questions about chures to use, we certainly are wel1
3PWhent30meoneYouLoaeDtes" the Bible. You may have wondered equipped "to tel1 good news to the
about the answer to one of these. meekones."-Isa. 61:l.
couM be featured in tha mag:
service during JW, you could have
wlth you several merent brochures,
using a specac one that would
to people in the kmitory. Perhaps you
would like t0 try ene of these presentations:
tb bmchure
Goaernmerrt mat

view pamgmphs 1-4 as wel1 as the ulustration on the cover of the brochure.
Read one or two scriptures cited in the
footnote on pamgmph 4. Ekplain that
l The apostle Paul commended the Explain that you will answer that ques- the Bible is the onUr hook that offers
such a marvelous hope. Make arrangePhilippians because thw 'revived their tion on your next visit.
mentsfor your nextvisit.Afterthethird
thinking in hls behaif! (Phil. 4:lO) If we
3 you might take th& approach
use their exampleasamodelfor the fleld whm
Session* if it looks like
w h took t & -brochuw
continue, Pu start reporting a
ministry, we will 'revive our thinking' in
behalf of those to whom we witness and SOWOIL~you ~ o a e D a e s ~ :
mi& m m a dbe prompted to make returnvisits.
i"1 made a specfal mrt
Zf yozc placed the brochure UTTein view of our discussion about losing On am
Nam TliatWca EnGommment *t WW Bdng P m - aommneindeath."Showill~onon
dim," you might 8ay 8omething Zike page 30asyou sag:"Rememberthishap
~ ~ s e " , ~ i s ~ V 1 ~
i'I was thinking about the conversa- reunited with their lovedones?I left m
w 31,
tionae had the other day,and two scrip with the q p n i about ahere this is
pobib in
in heaven or on earth.
tures came to mind that I would like to to take P
mJob 1 ~ and
45. Exshare with you. You may recall that we Perhaps you found the Bible's answer plainthat we pravidea Bible study prot a l m about God taking over the ruler- On P W 26 Of thiS brochure." DisCuss -that
ship of the earth. In the Bible, Jehavah the main points in the third through be smctifledin aproper ~ a y how we
Qod has promised that this will take thefifthpamgmphs,andreadJob5:21,can enjay the blessings of a p
epiace. @ead Daniel 244.1 Do you believe 28,29. As time permits, read any of the &h.
that could really happen? [Allow for re- remainingscriptureson the pagereviveyourthinkingin behalf of
sponse.] Listen to what God sags about
Dta you start a s t d 1 in "Look!I those you hrme c o n a Be persistent
hfs ability to WUl his promises. @e9d Amilaking AU TiringsNew"?'
On the in going back, and prepare sometbing
isaiah 55:ll.l Shouldn't that encourage return obsit, you c o u M &o this:
beneicia toshare.You can be one %ho
inmadngnewdisUS to put our trust in God's Kingdom? i Refer againtopafp 30,andpointtothe reallydoes bearf!tW
But when will God WUlhis promises?" question:"Inwhat ways is the Bible out- cip1es.-Matt. 13:23.

Make ReturnVisits on
All Brochure Placements


8 1995 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society d Pennsylvanla. Al1 rtghts reserved. Our K~n~dom
Minrstry (USPS 295-360 is published rnonthly by Watchtower Bible and
Tract Societ d New Yrk. Inc., and International Bible Students Association, 25 Colurnbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201-&83. Second-class postaga paid at Bmoklyn, NY,
Printed in US A.
and at addiional rnail~ngofilces. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtower, 25 Colurnbla Heights, Brooklyn, NY H201-2483.
' F
, b



August 1995

For United States of America

What Sort of PersonsOught You to Be?

A time of accounting draws near for
ail mankind. The Bible calis it %he day
of Jehovah." It is the time when divine
judgment wiil be executed against the
wicked; it is als0 atime of deliverance for
the righteous. Al1 persons then aive will
be caed to account for the way they
have used their lives. With that in mind,
Peter raises a probing question: " W a t
sort of persons ought you to ben? He
stresses the importante of 'hoy acts of
conduct, deeds of godiy devotion, and
keeping close in mind Jehovah's -)I as
wel1 as the need to be 'spotless, unblemished, and in peace!-2 Pet. 3:ll-14.

zeal in the ministry is an outstanding

way that we manifest this quaity. Our
motive in preaching goes beyond a mere
sense of duty; it springs from a deepseated love for Jehovah. (Mark 1229,30)
Being motivated by such love, we view
our ministryas ameanhgfulexpression
of our godly devotion. Since our devotion must be constant, our share in the
preachingwork should be consistent.It
should be an integral part of our weekly
schedule of activity.-Heb. 13:15.
4 Keeping Jehovah's day "close in
mindnmeans keeping it foremost in our
daiiy thoughts, never relegating it to
Holy Acts of Conduct and a place of insigniflcance in the backDoods of Godly Devotion: Hoiy con- ground. It means keeping Kingdom induct includes exemplary works that terests irst in our lives.-Matt. 6:33.
show respect for Bible principles. (Titus
5 Spotless, Unblemlshmd, and In
27, 8) A Christian must aVOid worid- peam:
part of the great
b' conduct that is motivated by se-h,
we have 'washed our robes and made
fleshiydesires.-Rom. 13:11,14.
them white in the Lamb's blood.' (Rev.
''mdevotion" is described as "a 794) Being "spotless" means, then, that
personal attachment to God, springing we must steadfastly guard against our
from a heart stirred by a deep apprecia- clean, dedicated lives being sprinkled
tion for his appealing qualities." Our with impuritiesfrom the world. We keep

ChrOstianConduct in School
If you are a Christian youth still in
school, you need strong faith to keep
your integrity. You are being exposed to
bad associates and to situations that
can test your faith. It is important that
you appiy Peter's counsel to "maintain
F u r conduct h e arnong the nations,
that . . . they may as a result of your
ne works of which they are eyewitnesses glorify God." (1 Pet. 2:12) You need
courage and determinationto meet this
a In or out of school,you are bombarded by the wntaminating influences of
premarital sex, obscene language, tobacco, and abuse of drugs. Every day,
you encounter temptations that threaten t0 corrupt your record of good conduct. Like adults, you must "put up a
hard @ht for the faith" if you are to endure such trials.-Jude 3; see July 15,
1991, Watchtower, pages 23-6.
S At school, there are patriotic c e m
monies and worldiy holidays. Do you
know what national and religious holidays are promoted in your school? If a

chailenging situation arises, could you

"hold a good conscience, so that . . .
they rnay get ashamed who are speaking slightingiy of your good conduct"?
-1 Pet. 336.
You may be tempted by the lure of
school sports activities or social gatherings. You must be alert to recognize
how these se mingly enjoyable activities can comp omiseyour faith. There is
a need to choose associates with whom
you can enjoy "an interchange of encouragement," each one being built up
through the other's faith.-Rom. 1:12.

5 Y o Can
Endure, Wlth Jehovah's Help: Satan is constantly test-

ing your faith. The trials you must endure can be severe, but the rewards
make it ail worthwhile. (1 Pet. 1:6, 7)
You cannot successfuly endure on your
own;you must look to Jehovah for help.
Jesus urged his disciples: "Keep on the
watch and pray continuaily, that you
rnay not enter int0 temptation." (Matt.
26:41) Discipline and self-control are vital.-l Cor. 9:27.

Vol. 38,No. 8

ourselves "unblemished"by refusing to

let ungodiy, materiastic pursuits disflgure our Christian personaity. (Jas.
1:27;1John 2:15-17) Wedemonstratethat
weare livinguinpeacenby reflectingUthe
peace of God" in ail our dealings with
ethers.-Phil. 47; Rom. 12:18; 14:19.
61f we successfuliy guard against
worldly contamination,we will never be
"fashioned after this system of things,"
which has been condemnedbv Jehovah.
Rather, our h e works will help others
seethe distinction "between one serving
God and one who has not served him."
-Rom. 12:2;Mal. 3:18.
Most of US have attended the "Joyfui Praisers" District Convention, and
the refreshing spiritual food has undoubtedly intensilied our desire to demonstrate our godly devotion. Many new
ones sharethis desire.We can be a blessing by helping them to participate in
field serviceduring August.
Jehovah's name is magnified, the
congregation is strengthened, and others are benefited when we conscientiously maintain " h e works." (1 Pet.
2:12) May we always be that sort of person.
BAlwaysremember that you are accountable to Jehovah for your conduct.
@cd. 11:9) Even though what you do
may not be ObSe~edby others, Jehovah
is aware of what you do and will render
judgment. (Heb. 413) Asincere desire to
please him should moveyou to 'work out
your salvation with fear and trembling!
(PM. 2:12) Reading God's Word daiiy is
a great help. It is fllled with excellent
counsel and h e examples to imitate.
-Heb. 12:l-3.
TParents, you play a vital role. You
need to supervise your children, be
aware of problems they face, and provide
help when it is needed. Do you have a
good rapport with your children? Have
you inculcated in them an appreciative
understanding of God's laws and principles? When faced with pressures or
temptations, are your children strong,
or do they giveup easily? Do they get discouraged because they have to be difPerent from their peers? As parents, you
have the responsibility to help them.
(Deut. 6:6,7) If you do your job well, you
can help them be victorieus in the aght
for the faith.-Prov. 22:6.

Week Starting August 7

Song 118
l 0 mln: Local announcements. Se1ectedAnnouncements&omOurKzngdom Ministry. Point out articles in
current issues of the magazines that
might be featured in presentations.
1s mln: "What Sort of Persons Ought
You to Be?" @estions and answers.
20 mln: 'Be Teachers of God's Word
-Using Brochures." Brother assigned
this part wiii discuss with two or three
other publishers various features of
the brochures. They wiii then practice
their presentations with one another.
Song 137 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting August 14

Song 124
S mln: Local announcements. Accounts report.
10 mln: Make the Best Use of School.
Elder demonstrates how a parent
might talk to teenage son or daughter about selecting study courses in
school. Discuss need to choose subjects that will help in pursuing a

career in the ministry.-See November 1, 1992, Watchtower, pages 16-18,

paragraphs 3-11.
15 mln: "Parents Who Rejoice!" Talk
by elder. Include comments &om August 15,1987, Wat~htower,pages 13-15,
1s mln; 'Christian Conduct in
School." Questions and answers. Encourage G e n t s to review the July 15,
1991, Watchtower, pages 23-6, with
their children, especially the portions
deaing with issues the children are
likely to encounter.
Song 157 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting August 21

Song 148
10 mln: Local announcements. 'New
SpecialAssemblyDayFTogram." Ifit is
known, announce date of next assembly. Encourage ail to attend.
ls min: "Offering Ourselves Willingly
for Every Good Work." Enthusiastic
talk by elder on paragraphs 1-9.
PO mln: "Offering Ourselves Willingly
Por Every Good Work." Question-andanswer coverage of paragraphs 10-15.

ParentsWho Rejoice!
l f you are a yo&
person living in
a Christian home, there is a special
way you can make your parents happy. IP you pursue a righteous course,
yam ather and your mother will rejoice." (Prov. 23:22-25) Your parents
naturally want the best for you. Nothing could please them more than to
set?you make the truth your own and
dedicateyour We to Jehovah.
2 You can be thankftil to have parents who are in the truth. From your
birth, they have fed, clothed, and
housed you as wel1 as n m e d you
through times of sickness.Evenmore
important, they have endeavored to
teachyou about Jehovah and hii righteous ways; this is training that can
ensure your werlasting iife. mph. 6:
1-4) How can you show p u r appmciation?

Make the Truth Your Own:

Your parents have tried to teach you

to take the truth seriously,make spiritual progress,and keep closet0 Jehovah's organizaion. You can show appreciation by taking an interest in
the family studywithout havingtobe

coerced Demonstrate a desireto attend

meetings, taking the initiative on your
o m to get ready so that the family can
arrive on time. Sit with your parents
during the meetings, and pay close attention by foliowing along in the publications being studied. Reach out Por
a share in the meetings by commenting. Show yourself to be a wilng student in the Theocratie Ministry School,
accepting assignments and dohg your
best to fulflll them. Volwiteer to help
care for tasks aroundtheKingdomHal1,
where Ur assistance would be useful.
Involve ent in such activities can keep
your heart focused on what is good Por
you spiritually.
4 Set Progresslve Goals: Reach
out for a meaningful share in field service, showingadesiretoquaufyasapublisher. Keep up with the weekly Bible
reading or, even better yet, read the entire Bible on p u r own. Make up p u r
mind that you are goingto meet the requirements for dedication and bapt'i.
Your parents can help you to plan your
curriculum in school carefuily, with a
view toward acquiringtrainingthat wil1

Point out local needs and ways that ali

can provide assistance.
Song 156 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting August 28

Song 173
10 mln: Local announcements. Announce special field service arrangements Por September 4.
lS mln: 'Successful ReturnVisits Require Effective Teaching." Review
main points and have one or two brief
20 mln: Offer the Live FbreDer Book
During September. Ehplain how this
book plays an important role in delivering Jehovahs judgment message.
(See the April 1, 1988, Watchtower,
pages 25-6, paragraphs 17-18.) Relate
experiencein w h s 3-4 on page 15
of the April 1,1992,Watchtower. Cali attention to strikingillustrations appearing on pages 3, 11-13, and 156-8 of the
book. Discuss ways these illustrations
can be used to initiate conversations.
Have a capable publisher demonstrate
a brief presentation using one of the
Scripturetexts featured on pages 156-8.
Emphasizethegoalof tryingtostart Biblestudies. Remindalito pick up copies
for me this weekend.
Song 178 and concluding prayer.
equip you for a full share in Jehe
vah's service. Concentrateon developing the kind of reputation that will
prompt others ta recommend you for
special privileges such as pioneering
orBethelservice.(Acts 16:1,2)Achiwing goals can help you 'make sure of
the more important -t,
s0 that
be . . . filed with righteom
fruit."-Phil. l:lO, 11.
6 Youth is atirneto learn, to gain experience, and to acquireskilk in dealing with others. It is a time when you
can enjoy life without ail of the pressures and responsibilities that come
with adulthood. Solomon said: "Rejoice, young man,in your youth, and
let your heart do you good in the days
of your youngmanhood." (Eccl. 11:9)If
you set your heart on servingJehavah
in your youth, you will Rap blessings
that wil1 last forever.-1 Chron. 28:9.
s If you "pmue righteousness" instead of "the desires incidental to
youth," you wiii relieve p u r parents
of a heavy burden of anxiety and
heartache. (2 Tim. 2:22) You will glve
your own heart eauseto rejoice. (Prov.
12:25) Most of a, you wiii bring joy
to your Creator, Jehovah God.-Prov.


Offering Ourselves Willingly for Every Good Work

l A worlcily publication made referente to Jehovah's
Witnesses, saying: "It would be diicult to flnd members
of any other group who work as hard at their religion as
do the Witnesses." Why do Jehovah's Witnesses work so
hard and with such a willing spirit?
a One reason is that they are imbued with a sense of
urgency. Jesus recognized that he had a limited time in
which to finish his work on earth. (John 9:4) While the
glorifled Son of God goes subduing in the midst of his
enemies today, Jehovah's people realize that they have
a limited time to do their work. Therefore, they keep offering themselves willingly for sacred service. (Ps. 110:
1-3) With more workers needed to bring in the harvest,
there can be no letup in their efforts. (Matt. 9:37, 38)
Hence, they endeavor to imitate Jesus, who set a perfect example of willingness and diligence in his work.
-John 5:17.
Another reason Jehovah's Witnesses work wholesouled as to Jehovah is that their worldwide organization is different from all other groups. Worlcily religious
organizations typically require only a minimum of time
and effort from their adherents. What they believe has
little or no effect on their daily lives, their dealings with
others, or their pursuits in life. Lacking the motivating
power of true faith, they have insisted that their shepherds 'speak to them smooth things,'assuring them that
their token effort is sunicient. (Isa. 30:lO) Their clergy
have obliged by 'tickling their ears,' instilling a spirit of
apathy and spiritual laziness.-2 Tim. 4:3.
* What a contrast among Jehovah's people! Everything
about our worship involves effort, exertion, and work.
Every day and in everything we do, we practice what we
believe. While the truth brings us much joy, it involves
"a great deal of struggling" for us to fulll what it requires. (Compare l Thessalonians 2:2.) Just caring for
the responsibilities of daily living is enough to keep most
people busy. However, we do not allow these concerns to
prevent us from putting Kingdom interests fust.-Matt.
What we are @ven to do in Jehovah's service is so
beneficial and urgent that we are moved to 'buy out'
time from other pursuits and use it more profitably on
spiritual matters. (Eph. 5:16) Knowing that our gocily
devotion and willing spirit please Jehovah, we ha? the
greatest incentive to keep on with our hard work. With
the rich blessings we receive now and prospects of the
life to come, our determination is to continue "working
hard and exerting ourselvesnin behalf of Kingdom interest&-l Tim. 410.
Wevotlon and the Spirit of Self-Secrlfice: Most
people today give material needs and interests priority
over everything else. They feel fully justified in focusing
attention on what they will eat, drink, or wear. (Matt.
&31)Not being content with necessities, they are motivated by the goal of eqjoying good living to the full now
and 'having many good things laid up for many years,
s0 they can take their ease, eat, drink, and enjoy themselves.' (Luke 1219) The typical churchgoer feels that

any personal effort required by his religion is an encroachment upon hts rights. The idea of abandoning or
even curtailing some materialistic pursuit or giving up
a pleasurable interest is repugnant. With his thinking centered upon himself, cultivating a spirit of selfsacrifice is unreal, impractical.
We view this matter different&. God's Word has e l e
vated our thinking so that we think God's thoughts instead of those of men. (Isa. 55:8, 9) We have goals in life
that transcend fleshly pursuits. The vindication of Jehovah's sovereignty and the sanctification of his name
are the most important issues in the entire universe.
The magnitude of these issues is so great that, in comparison, all the nations "are as something nonexistent
in front of him." (Isa. 40:17) Any attempt to live our lives
in a way that ignores God's will must be viewed as foolishness.-l Cor. 3:19.
8 SOwhile some material things are needed and others are useful in carrying on our Kingdom activities, we '
perceive that these are not really "the more important
things." (Phil. 1:lO) We adhere to the spirit of 1 Timothy 6:8 in limiting our pursuit of material interests and
wisely endeavoring to keep our hearts focused on 'the
things unseen that are ever1asting.'-2 Cor. 4:18.
g The more we think God's thoughts, the less anxiety
we have about material things. When we contemplate
what Jehovah has done for us already and the marvelous blessings he has promised for the future, we are willing to make any sacrifice he asks of us. (Mark 10:29,30)
We owe our very existence to him. Were it not for his
mercy and love, we would have no enjoyment of life now
and n0 future whatever. We feel obliged to give of ourselves, since everything we are doing in his service 'is
what we ought to be doing.' (Luke 17:lO) Anything we
are asked to give back to Jehovah, we part with cheerfully, knowing that we will "reap bountifu1ly."-2 Cor. 9:
6, 7.
la Willing Workers Arm Needed Now: From its
very beginning, the Christian congregation entered into
a period of intense activity. A thorough witness had to
be given before the overthrow of Jerusalem in 70 C.E.
During that time Jesus' disciples were "intensely occupied with the word." (Acts 18:5) Rapid expansion made
it necessary to train more evangelizers and skilled shepherds and to enlist their help. Men with experfence in
dealing with secular authorities as weU. as capable ones
able to supervise the collection and distribution of material things were needed. (Acts 6:l-6; Eph. 411) While
a few served prominently, most remained in the background. But al1 of them 'exerted themselves vigorously,'
working together wholeheartecily to get the work done.
- L W 13:24.
l1 Although there was relatively little need for vigorous activity on a worldwide scale during the many centuries that followed, a great revival of Kingdom activity began when Jesus took his Kingdom power in 1914.
At fust, few realized that the need for workers in behalf
of Kingdom interests would become so great, requiring

Taking Up tho liuil-Time Service: The congregation functions primarUy h preach the good news.
(Matt. 2414) What a blessing when zealous ones intensify their efforts by enroiUng as pioneers! This usually
involves making adjustments in their personal life. Additional adjustments may be required for them to continue in this special fleld of service. But those who hold
on to this privilege instead of giving up after a year or
so because of some temporary discouragement are sure
to experience Jehovah's rich blessing. Loving elders and
other mature ones can contribute to the success of the
pioneers, encouraging them by word and deed. Wbat a
fne spirit is demonstrated by young people who go directly int0 the pioneer work upon nishing school! The
Same is true of adults who enroii as regular pioneers as
soon as their secular obligations are reduced. What satisfaction it brings to a dedicated Christian when he thw
cooperates with Jehovah's speeing up of the ingathering worktIsa. W22.

the help of miliions of willing ones in lands aii around

the globe.
Today the organization is deeply involved in a great
varietyof projects that have taxedour r e s o m to their
limits. Kingdom activity is moving ahead on a grand
scale. The urgency of our times moves us to exert ourselves and to use every asset at our disposal to accomplish the work at hand. With the end of the entire wicked system of things drawing so near, we anticipate even
more intense activity in the days ahead. Every dedicated servant of Jehovah is being cailed upon to oler himseif willing]y in the urgent ingathering work.
What Noos to Be Done? We can truthfuiiy say
that there is "plenty to do in the work of the Lord."
(1 Cor. 15:58) In many territories the harvest is ripe, but
the workers are few. We are invited to do our part not
only in being more thorough in witnessing throughout
our own territory but also in meeting the chalenge of
serving where there is a greater need.
l4 It is commendableto see h m Witnesses in aii put8
of the world o e r themseives willing]y for other activities. These may rangefmmvolunteeringin the construction of places of worship, serving at conventions, and
assistingwith relief efforts in times of disaster to cleaning the local Kingdom Haii on a regular basis. In connection with the latter activity, there is the matter of
always making sure the Kingdom Hall is left in a clean
and orderly condition after each meeting. Completing
tasks that may be considered menia demonstrates a
proper understanding of Jesus' WO* at Luke 16:lO:T h e
person faithful in what is least is faithful als0 in much,
and the person unrighteous in what is least is unrighteous also in much."

Sharing in t b Constructionand Maintenanco

of Mwting Piacos: Literaiiy hundreds of modern
Kingdom Hals as wen as many Assembly Halls have
been constructed. Amazi@y, almost aii the wo& has

been done by our brothers and sisters who have willingly volunteered their time and skills. (1 Chron. 28:21)
Thousands of willing workers keep these facilities in
good repair by perfoming whatever tasks may be required. (2 Chron. 348) Since this work is one aspect of
sacred service, those assisting oler themseives wiiingy, not asking to be reimbursed for their service in this
regard, any more than they would ask to be paid to
preach fmm houseto house, give public taiks in the congregation, or help with assembly or convention work.
These volunteers freely offer their services in planning
and constructing places of worship to Jehovah's praise.
They eagerly assist with such things as completing legal
documepts, keeping records of accounts, making purchasing contacts, and calculating the mount of materials needed. These 1- s e m t s of Jehovah do not add
some type of overhead charge or in any way seek to profit materiaily ether direct& or indirectiy from services
they render, since all their talents a n i resources are
dedicated to Jehovah. (See February 1992 OUTKingdom
Ministry, page 4, paragraph 10.) Tbis activityrequires diligent workers who perform their services "whole-souled
as to Jehovah."-Col. 3:23.
What is it, then, that makes the wihwness of Jehovah's people unique? It is the spirit of glving. Their
generous gMng invohres more than money or materlal
things~they"offer themselves wiingly." (Ps.110:3) This
is the essence of our dedication to Jehovah. We are r e
warded in a special way. We experience "more happiness" and we "map bombecause what we do is
appreciated by others, who give to US in return. (Acts
20%; 2 Cor. 9:6; Luke 6%) Our greatest Benefactor is
our heavenly Father, Jehowh, who "ioves a cheerfu giver." (2 Cor. 9:7) He wiU repay us a hundredfold, with
blessings that wil1 last forever. (Mal. 3:lO; Rom. 6:23) So
when privileges in Jehovah's service are made available
to you, will you volunteer yomelf willingly and 8115wer
as did isaiah: "Here I am! Send men?-Ba. 6:8.

B Giving Support to the Activities of the Congrogation: While each congregation functions as part

of the overal organization and receives direction fmm

"the faithfui and discreet slave." it is made up of inividual Kingdom publishers. (Matt. 24:45) Its accomplishments depend hgely on h m much each Witness
is willing and able to do. The congregation focuses on
getting the good news preached in its territory, making
new disciples, and then strengtheningthem spiritually.
Each one of US can contribute toward this work. We can
als0 set goals for ourselves in personal study, meaningPul participation in the meetings, and assistance to 0thers in need within the congregation. These activities
offermany fne opportunitiesfor US to demonstrate our
Taking the b a d in Positionsof Ovorslght: Jehovah has entmted the supervision of each congregation to its appointed elders. (Acts 20:28) These are men
who have reached out in order to qualify for this privilege. (l Tim. 3:l) Virtually every brother in the congregation has some potential for quaifying for greater responsibilities. Many brothers are developing spiritualiy
and need to keep growing under the guidance and lming assistance of the congregation elders. These men
should be diligent students of the Bible and our publications. They can demonstrate their willhgness by being submissive to the spirit-appointed elders, imitating
their faith, and cultivating the quaities looked for in
~verseers.-Heb. 13:7,17.


Closed-book review on material covered in Theocratic Ministry School assignments for the
weeks of May 1to August 21,1995. Use a separate sheet of paper to write down answers to
as many of the questions as you can in the time allotted.
[Note: During the written review, only the Bible may be used to answer any question.
References that follow the questions are for your personal research. Page and paragraph
numbers may not appear on al1 references to The Watchtower.]

Answer each of the following statements

True or False:
1. Worship of God is a personal matter
and does not depend in any way on our
relationship with others. (1John 4: 20)
[uwp. 134 par. 71
2. The governing body's counsel to Gentile Christians that they abstain from
idolatry, blood, and fornication was
based on the Mosaic Law. (Acts 15:
28,29) [uw p. 149 par. 81
3. Originally, the Law of Moses was to
be binding on al1 mankind. (Ps. 147:
19,20) [uw p. 147 par. 51
4. Chapter 53 of Isaiah, written some 700
years before the birth of Christ, is like
a vivid eyewitness account describing
Jesus Christ and the way that he was
treated. [si p. 119 par. 81
5. Brother Russell expressed deep disappointment that he was not taken to
heaven in 1914. [ju p. 62 par. 31
6. There is na worldly source that can
equal the sound advice that the Bible
gives on family matters. [uw p. 144
par. 111
7. The book of Proverbs gets to the heart
of our problems in counselinq that
we put our complete trust in God. [si
p. 111par. 351
8. At a convention held in Washington, D.C., in 1935, it was pointed out
clearly that the modern-day Jonadabs
did not have to show the same degree
of faithfulness to Jehovah as do the
anointed. [jup. 83 par. 5, p. 84 par. l]
9. When problems arise in marriage, a
true Christian wil1 not seize on his
mate's shortcomings as an excuse for



sidestepping his own responsibilities.

[UW pp. 140-1 pars. 4, 51
10. Salomon's declaration in the book of
Ecclesiastes that al1 is vanity applies
to everything without exception. [si
p. 114 par. 151

Answer the following questions:

11. What bold educational venture did
Brother Russell and his associates embark on in 1912? [ju p. 59 par. 5, p. 60
12. What did the tests that came upon the
Bible Students from 1914 to 1918 reveal? [jv p. 61 par. l ]
13. What highly significant milestone was
reached at a convention held in Columbus, Ohio, in 1931? (Isa. 43:12) [ju
p. 79 par. 4, p. 82 par. 21
14. What Scriptural insight was revealed
in 1942 in the talk "Peace-Can It
Last?," and why was the title of this
talk so thought provoking? [ju p. 93
Par- 21
15. In 1943, congregations were urged to
start what new school, leading to what
result? [ju p. 94 pars. 2, 31
16. In addition to blood transfusion, name
three other ways that a person could
become bloodguilty before God. [uw
pp. 155-6 pars. 3-61
17. In harmony with Proverbs 1:2-4, what
does the book of Proverbs highlight?
[si p. 109 par. 191
18. Name two sound-transmitting mediums that the Society used extensively
in the 1920's and 1930's to get the good
news preached. [ju pp. 80-1, 871
19. When did the fwst Kingdom Ministry

School class begin, and what was its

purpose? [ju p. 102 par. 31
20. What practical lessons are taught in
the beautiful Song of Solomon? [si
p. 117 par. 161

a total of (154; 193; 237) times. [ju

p. 99 par. 21
28. Evidence that Solomon was the writer
of Ecclesiastes can be seen in that (his
name occurs throughout the book;
writers of other Bible books name him
as its writer; the book itself establishes
Solomon as the writer without naming
him). [si p. 112 par. 41
29. In 1932 it was explained that Jehonadab (Jonadab), King Jehu's associate,
prefigured a class of people who would
(compose a secondary heavenly class;
enjoy everlastinglife on earth; not take
a km stand for the truth). [ju p. 83
par. 31
30. The Song of Solomon highlights (Solomon's role as king; Solomon's great
riches; a country girl's faithfulness to a
shepherd boy). [si p. 115 par. 21

PrOulide the word(s) or phrase needed

to compiete each of the following statements:

21. Brother Russell nished his earthly

course October 31,1916, and
became the next president of the Society. [ju p. 63 par. 3, p. 65 par. 21
22. In 1917 and 1918, the Bible Students energetically distributed the
,and because of clergyinspired opposition, Brother Rutherford and seven associates found
themselves in the
in Atlanta,
Georgia. [ju p. 69 par. 3, p. 70 par. l ]
23. In a letter that was read to the brothers assembled for the annual meeting
of the Watch Tower Society in 1919,
Brother Rutherford wrote from prison that "Satan's chief weapons
l and
[ju p. 72 par. 3, p. 73 par. 71
24. In 1922at the mternational convention
at Cedar Point, Ohio, Brother Rutherford declared: "The world must know
that Jehovah is God and that Jesus
Christ is King of kings . . . Therefore.
, the
and his
."[ju p. 72
Par. l1
25. Brother Rutherford finished his earthly course on January 8,1942, and five
days later, Brother
president of the Society. [ju p. 89 par. 3,
p. 90 par. 31
Select the correct answer in eeah of thefob
bwing statements:
26. Gilead school for missionaries was established in (1919; 1935; 1943). [ju
p. 95 par. 21
27. The New WOTW Translutm of the
Chr2stun GreekSmiptures was rst released in (1946; 1950; 1953), and in it
the divine name, Jehovah, was restored

Match the foliowing scriptures to the

statements Msted helm:
Prov. 22:3; Eccl. 7:21, 22; Isa. 13:
19, 20; Matt. 5:23, 24; Col. 3:18-20,
23, 24
31. Though Jehovah does not automatically protect his people from accidents,
civil strife, or crime, the exercising of
Bible-based practical wisdom can be of
value. [Weekly Bible reading; see w92
1/1p. 17 par. 23.1
32. There is good reason never to doubt
the fulfillment of inspired prophecy.
[Weekly Bible reading; see w93 5/15
P- 6.1
33. A true Christian goes out of his way
to promote peaceful relations with his
brothers. [uw p. 135 par. l01
34. Progress in family relations comes, not
by each one waiting for the other person to do something, but by each one
doing his own part well, thus showing
that he personally practices godly devotion at home. [uw p. 143 par. 101
35. Do not unrealistically expect perfection of yourself or of your relationships
with other imperfect humans. [Weekly Bible reading; see w90 3/1 p. 8.1


iLiteratyre to be wed during August: Any of the following 32-page

brochures may be used: Does God

Really Care About US?, Enjoy Life
on Earth Forever!, "Look! I Am Making Al1 Things New," Should You Believe in the Trnity?, The Di&
That Will Endure Fbrever, The Government That Will Bnng Paradise, What
Is the Purpose of Life-How Can You
Find It?, and When Someone You Love
Dies. September: The Live Forever
book will be used. EfPorts should be
made to start home Bible studies. October: Subscriptions for eitherhake!
or The Watchtower. Make special effort
to place copies of the magazines. Subscriptions may be offered on return visits. November: Offer the New World
Translation with the book The Bible
-God's Word or Man's? NOTE: Congregations that have not yet requested
the above-mentioned campaign items
should do so on their next monthly
erature Request Form (5-14).
iAn adequate supply of forms for use
during the 1996 service year is being
sent to each congregation. These forms
should not be wasted. They should be
used only for their intended purpose.
iEach congregation will receive three
Literature hventory forms (S(d)-18).

The congregation secretary should

meet with theliteratureservant early in
August and set a date for taking inventory of the congregation's stockof literature at the end of the month. An actual count must be made of ai literature
instock, and the totalsareto be entered
on the Literature hventory form. The
total number of m m e s on hand can
be obtained from the magazine servant.
Please mail the oriainal to the Societvno
later than s e p t d e r 6. Keep a carbon
copy for your liles. The third copy may
be used as a work sheet. The inventow should be supervised by the secret&, and the completed fo& should be
checked by the uresiding overseer. The
secretary -and ihe presding overseer
will sign the form.
iCongregations should begin requestiqg the 1996 Calendar of Jehovah's Witnesses with their September literature request. The calendars
will be available in Chinese, Croatii,
Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Fnnish, French, Gerrnan, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian,
Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish,
Turkish, and Ukrainian.
iFrom August 29, 1995, to September 1,1995,the Societywill be taking an
inventory of all literture on hand in
Brooklyn.Because of this inventory, no

congregationliterature requests wil1 be

processed for shipment or for pickup
during those days.
iNew PublicationsAvailable:
Revelation-lts Grand Climax At Hand!
United in Worship of the Only True God
-Chinese (Simpliied)
Watch Tower Publications Index
Watch Tower Publications -1ndex
What Hone for Dead Loved Ones?
(Tract NO. i6)
What Is the Purpose of Life-How Can
You Rnd lt ?
Why Should We Worship God in Love
and Tmth?(for Hindus) -Punjabi
Will There Ever Be a World WithoutWar?
-Italian, Portuguese
(for Jews)
iNew Audiocassettes Available:
Doing What Is Right in Jehovah's Eyes
Genesis (set of four audiocassettes)
The Second to the Corinthians, To the
Galatians (single audiocassette)
iNew Videocassettes Ayailable:
The Bible-Accurate Histoy, Reliable

Scheduie for congiegation studies in the book
Revelation-lts &rand Climax At Hand!

New Special Assembly Day Program

should we declare the good
news without letup? What are tbe requirementsforbewaprewheroftEle
good news? HOW can even shy or timid ones take W initiatwe in s&@gthe goodnews with othew Tese
W other tktought-provoltirrg q u a tions wjfi be ~~~ in the speassembly day
starhing in
September, with the t m e
Bed as Ministers of the
-Conipare 2 Corinthians 3:5.
, %As
SehcPvh's people, we must be
e:iScUmspect about om behavior. EB-'couragingexperienceswil1 be piby
young people who willrelate h o w t W
have resisted peer pressure. Parents
will be provided with loving encour:, ,asment regarding the need to train
"heir children as ministers of W.
of u~
be helped t0 a ~ P m i a t te b
necessit~t0 preach and the b1mingS
that ~ c c m ebath t0 0urwh'@8
fisten t0 W.-1 Tim, 4~16.
8BweIy the baptfsmwin be a highl@$ of the day. Prior to this Wnt, a
1 Why



Biblbb88ed talk Milbe directed specifldly to newly dedfmted pernom.

Of COU'Se, present will want to
Pa9 mefu1attention as the subject of
baptism is discussed and its meaniw made cltfar. Any Wh0 desire t0 be
at the special msembly
~hQUldEkabe t h b k n a ~ n the Presidixkoverseerwel1in a d m e e s~that
he flhave suf8cient time t0 arrange
fw eldera to review the designated
questionswith baptistmi candidates.
Anotqer highlght wiil be the princlpaltallrdeliv~edbyaguatspeakerP
It is
8<$uauried Equipped
main provisions that equrp as bilinistem
thetalk wiu m u d e
t. be in attendance for
a sure

persons and Bible s t ~ vf&

d m b s0 that they t00 c m ben&
from this &p of theocratic education.
way we w make sure that we
are Uadequatelyqualifled""as minis@Hof tke goodnews.

August 7: p. 167, iq l 9

p. 171, g29



August 21: p. 176, g12

August 28: Q. 178, g7

p. 178, t 6
p. i82,gro


Au Au
Hrs. Mags. R.V Bi.St

Numbet of:


189 125.8 S.7 47.6



71,313 82.8 24.6 22.4 2.5


4,718 59.1 1S.9 12.3 1.1







8.4 0.4

EaptizM 2,280

Jehovak has richiy blessed our united efiorts .in

p ~ n t i n gKingdWn News No. 34, bur diligent
efforts have resulted In congregation publishers
averaging 11.4 hours in the ministv. We pray
Jehovah's continued blessing on our work of
foJlbwing up the interest shown by those contacted during the campagn.

shows that God wants us to live in a

world like this." Point to the ilustration
onpage21, andthenturntopages25and
26, p-hs
4-6, and expain what he
has promised. Raise this question for
opinion, why has this become such discussion when you return: "How can
a problem? [AUow for response.] It is we be sure that God wil1fullii his promof special interest to US that the Bi- ises?"
ble predicted this would happen. [Read
Youmight offerthe brochure "En2 Timothy 3:l-3.1 Note that this is to jov U f e on Earth Farmer!" by distake place in 'the last days.' This implies paging the full picture on the front
that something is about to come to an and back covers and asking:
end. What do you think it is?" AUow for i "Wouldyou like to live in aworld full of
response. Turn to page 22, point out happy people like this? [AUow for rethe iliustration,and discuss one or two sponse.]The Bibletellsus that God loves
scriptures quoted on that page. Make people and wants them to live forever in
arrangements to return later to explain happiness on this earth." Turn to picwhy we believe these blessings are near ture number 49, and read one of the citat hand.
ed Scripture texts. Then, point to picY m r n w t like to w e this ap- ture number 50, and explain what we
proach when ohing the brochure must do if we want to live in this Para'-t
Is the Purpose of Ufe-How dise. Offer to return and discuss why
faith in Jesus Christ is so important.
Can YouMnd Zt?":
i "Many people experience difculty in
0 Jehovah is pleased when we make
trying to find a reai purpose in living. our 'advancement manifest by paying
While a few enjoy some limited happi- attention to our teaching.' (1 Tim. 4:
ness, most live lives that are fled with 15,16)Our brochures can be a reai help
disappointment and smering. Do you to us in our efforts to assist those who
think thisis theway God intendedforus parn to hear "goed news of something
to live? [Ailow for response.] The Bible better."-ha. 525'.

BeTeachers of God's Word

-Using Brochures
1 Every dedicated servant of Jehovah
hm a resDonsibilitv to share in the work
of teachhg the word of God to others.
The seriousness of this responsibility
becomes clear when we appreciate that
it is the one with ali authority in heaven and on the earth who has given us
the commission to "make disciples of
people of ali the nations, . . . teaching
them." (Matt. 28:18-20) So, sharing in
the preachingof the good news requires
that we become teachers!;-2 T m . 2:2.
z During August we canuseour teaching skilis when offering brochures. We
can pick out some interesting Scriptural thoughts in them and prepare a few
commentsthat will heli,
- US get a conversation started.
3 When offering the brochure
"Does God Really Care About US?"
you cmld say:

i u W e have caled on many of your

neighbors and found that they are concerned about the sharp increase in
crime, terrorism, and violence. In your

low for response. Read Isaiah 55:11, and

then discussthe thoughts in paragraphs
25 to 27 on page 30. Recommend a personal Bible study as the best way to nd
aworthwhilepurpose in life.

Succerutul ReturnVisits
Require EffectiveTeaching
l Return visits are an important and
joyful part of our feld ministry. Why
should we be diligent to cal1 back on interested ones? Jehovah's name is made
known and is honored by this disciplemaking werk, and M - f e m g ones are
helped to nd the way to life. (2 Cor. 2:
1743) min^ that bath the
tdcation of J e h m 9 s name and the lives
of others are involved should move us to
prepare wel1 before goingback.
= A goed teacher wil1 help the student build on the foundation already
laid. Just as a schoolteacher builds on
theknowledgestudentsmfrom dayto
d a ~we
, shouldusuall~fouowup our initial cal1 with hrther comments on the
same subject.This makes for continuity
of thought and for Progressivethinking.

you return after P W n g

the brochure "DoesGod Reallv Care
About us?" P u
flml this effective:
i "On my previous visit, we were discussing 'the last days' mentioned in the

Bible and what that means for us. You

Tb folloicr up preutous interest
may wonder how we know that we are shoum in the brochure ''Em~bgLife
living in the last days. (2 Tim. 31) Jesus' on Earth Forever!" you m l d disdisCiPleS were anxious t0 get the an- piu y it again and say:
swer to that westion. [Read Matthw i "We taked about the beautiful world
243.1In his reply, Jesus described condi- depicted on the cover of this brochure. I
tions that we sec about todaY. l%ese want to tellyouwhy faith in Jesus Christ
include distress and violence as never is so important to people who want to
seen before." Point out the featureof the live there." Turn to picture 41, and read
in paragraPb and On Isaiah 9:6. Refer to picture 62, and read
page 19. If the response is good, point John 3:16, stressing the need for obediout other features of the sign in paragaphs t. 8 on page 20. OfPer return ence. hrpain that Jehovah's Witnesses
the questions raised on the are helping people learn how to exercise
front of brochure.
faith by studyingthe Bible and trying to
, fellow up interest in the h- live by its counsel.
chure "nat
of Mfe
BAfter each return visit, analyze it
ztP"you rnhht with a view to improving your effective-,W
Can You
ness. Ask yourseif:Did I have something
have been
t0 resume om definitein mind to sapDid I keep attend
conversation about our purpose in liv- tion focused on the ~ i b l e~? i I build
ing. I think we bath agree that ~ o ind the foundation laid on the initial call?
tended for us to live on this earth in hap- Was rny presentation designed to lead
w and peaceful conditions rather than int0 a Bible study?Positive answers give
the h o i 1 we experience today. Do assurance that you are striving to be a
you think he willfulfl his promise?"Al- good teacher of God's Word.

O 1995 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. Our Kingdom Ministry (USPS 295-360) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and
Tract Socie!~ of New, F r k , Inc., and International Bible Students Association, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483. Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn, NY,
and at additional mailino oiices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtower, 25 Columbia Heights. Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483.

Printed in U.S.A.

September 1995

For United States of America

Vol. 38.No. 9


Joyfully PraiseJehovah From bay to Day!

the trumpet sounds an n


m - - e m .
14:8) Was the call that went out at the
"Joghu Praisers" District Convention
loud and clear?Yes, indeed. Traise Jehovah joyfuly and daiiy' was the r a - )
! Was your heart stirredi
cal1 to action? The convention program aboaide Imth e r iul -for
our constantispraising
b ~ i n g o eternity,


decme J+

maintaining d-, consistent activity

in publicis exaiting Jehovah, we will
( ~ s96:2,4
~ o e this
s app
\ experience
jagful. m
Anoworlng t b -11:
Wili you anh i u i d m t o swerthecatopraiseJ e h m b l i c l y
about Jehovahwhenever and wherever eachday?Remember, is no barrier.
we can,even on days we are not eninvites
gaged in the house-to-house ministry?
and boys to praise JehoYes! The need t0 praise Jehovah daily vah.
and tell others about his means of sal- vah
vation Is urgent. Peo e must know during ths new school par? M-L,)
tbat Jehovah is the
those you work with at your piace
that He has given world miership to-' are
His gloried &n, Jesus Christ. I&ge! of employment hearing about Jehovah
andhispurposes,whenthereisanapfor Jehovah and for
e will
propriate occasion to talk together?
a h u t this
Allof US shouldmagetaikingaboutJehovah a
Even ff-@&,@a



we say,there is One who does, and he

will reward -.-Ma
3:16. &..c .,c,.<'
s As the system's end draw5near, the

"Praise Jah, you people!" (Ps. 10631)
May our shout of p w e gmk~

know that the One whose name% Jehois the Most Hi h over all tse
eartb-PS. 8 3 : e

Examined by Jehovah-Why
Everyone desires good health. It
makes Iife much more eaoyable. Yet,
many who enjoy good health stil get a
checkup occasionaiiy.Why? They seek
to detect any developing health problems s0 that measurm can be taken to rem* t h e h It is even more
important to safeguard our spirituai health. Jehovah's appnmal depens
on our keeping "healthy in the faith."
-Titus 1:13.
a Now is an appropriate time to be
examined by Jehovah. Why so? Because Jehovah is in his holy temple,
men (Ps. 11:4,5; Prov. 17:3) LikeDavid,
we ask Jehovah to give us a thorough
"Examine me, O Jehe
vah, and put me to the test; rene my
kidneys and my heart."-Ps. 26:2.

We must guard against threats to

our spiritual health that may come
ikom within us hecause of our im-


"Morethan all else that is to be guarded, safeguard your heart, Por out of it
are the sources of Me."
4Our spiritual health can also be
threatened by the conupt, immoral
world that .nn,unds US. If we allow
Ourselvesto get t00 close to this wieed system, we could begin to think as
it does and deveiop worldiy attitudes.
Or we might adopt a worldly Me-style
and be overcome by the spirit of the
wor1d.-Eph. 2:2, 3.
5 Satan may use persecution or direct oppoution in au @ort to devastate us spiritualy. Far more often,
however, he craftiy uses worldly atM i o n s to seduce US. Peter urges
u8 to 'keep our senses and be watchrul,' since Satan is "like a roaring lion,
seeking to devour someone." We are
him, reurged to 'take a stand
maininp ~nlidin the faith.'-l
Det. 5:

s There is a need to proteet our spiritual health, keeping our iirith strong
by strengthening it each day. The
apostle Paul recommendsthat we test
our faith continualiy, Just as we wiseiy heed practical advice given to US by
a competent doctor, we als0 listen to
Jehovah when His spiritual examination revealsa problem thatneeds to be
correcWL This makes it m b l e for
us Yo be reajusted."-2 Cor. 13:5,11.
Jehovah is truiy the great Examiner. His diagnosis is aways accurate. He knows exactly what we need
Through his Word and 'the fathful
slave,' he prescribes a healthful spiritual diet. (Matt. 24.45; 1 Tim. 4:6]
Regular feeding on this diet of nutritious spiritual food at home and al
congregation meetings enables us ta
keep spirituay healtby. Regular spiritual exerciae in the ministry and 0ther Christian activity is also beneflcial
Therefore, we welcome a reguar examination by Jehovah, confident that
he will keep us in the best of spiritual

youths or older ones who have served

Jehovah &omtheir youth relate briefly. how their parents helped them
10 mln: Local announcements m d
choose wortmhile goals -tered
selecte Announcements from Ou?
i intemts.
Kingdom Mfnlstsy.
Song 187 anti concluing prayer.
20 mln: "District Convention Sounds
a Stirring CU-Joyftilly Praise Jeho- Week Starting September 18
vah mom Day to Day!" Questions and Song 168
10 mln: Local announcements.
15 mln: 'Help Others to Benefit
1s mln: "Make the Best Use of Our
Themselves." Review suggested pre- Magazines."
Animated talk by service
sentations, and then have two brief overseer,bas&
on pamgmphs1to l3 of
Song 204 and concluding pmyer.
20 mln: "Fellow Up AU Interest to
Others." Review presentations
Week Starting September l 1 suggestea for return visits. Brother
Song 216
hanling this part iscusses with two
S min: Local amouncements. Ac- or three publishers what they wil1 say
and then asks them to demonstrate
wunts report.
22 mln: "Maintaining a Balanced their presentations.
View of Computer Technologg." In- Song 162 and concluding prayer.
sert. Questions and answers. Read key
pamgmphs, such as 4 4 and 12-13,as Week StartPng September 2s
Song 177
time permits.
18 mln: "What Qoals Have You Set
S min: Local announcements.
for YOUIChildren?"Questionsand m- 15 mln: "DoAll Thingsfor God's G~oswers. Have one or two exemplary ry." Talk and audience discussion wnWeek Startlng Septemer 4
Song 224

boAU Things for God's Glory

ducted by an elder. As time permits,

make additional comments based
on the August 15, 1992, Watchtower,
pages 15-20.
10 mln: "Examined by Jehovah
Beneflcial? Ehwumghg talk
by elder.
15dmln: "Make
the~Best Use of Our
Magazines." Discuss with audience
paragrsphs 14 to 17 of insert. Stress
makingspecial effort to distributeThe
Watchtower and Atoake! d u w October. Since the magazines are published in a variety of langmges, we
should teil foreign-language-speaking
persons that the magazines are available in their native language. (The 10cal foreign-language congregation assigned to that territory should be
informed.) In fiequently worked territory, distributing our m a m e s can
bethe most effectivemeans of cultivating interest, since they provide itesh
information on a wee- basis. Where
interest is f o n d on return visits, offer
a subscription. Have a family group
demonstrate a practice session, as described in pa~agmph14. Also, point
out some practical sugfptions for increasingplacements.
Song 193 and concluding prayer.

. .such
cases should
thw W
feel~ pemnalare
O hosts:

iy mponsibie for what takes piace.

wtth this in mind, disceniingchris;
tforns have seen the wisdom of limtm the e of such group~sand t b
oi the gat-."
indicated that nothing elaborate is
n d e d when om goal is to encQur$@)e @w
Men&spfrituaUy.-Luke 10:

How rereahlng X
t is to a s s o c ~~ W t decency
and Bible prfnOiPie$.
wieh out dear brokhers m d sis- -Ram. 1%13,14; mh.kl5-213.
t e a (1 Cor. 16:17. 1% We do tsrf,
been reported that large
at meetfngs,at
at co* numbersef witneses havegatheredat
mted iaeillies where the entertainWe
ment is unwholesome md WMlais and
siomas WheD.we
where proper supervision is WlqlF,
in o@ home. Daing %o. we show h m
a*aesadveas a J* 40-42.
PtWty m d cou uwe one 8110th- S.-,,
S It is a llne tbing to show hospier. @om. 12.13; 1 Pet. 49) When arreceptlons, keep in held at hotels or m*. Becaurfe of mitsto b p o cwwm~.
theri? is a big dWerence beimeen a
m ~ m gamriang
home m d
of pril 15~1%. m w c b
%-ia'Orgrnired SoeLI Atfairr:
ragesl, && even
ly spirft in a rented Leiliw. When
-weare"eatiworrnetime8resulted~h gwinviteothei~tobego~guests,
we shOuld
that you can
*doal things for W'sgiorg.."
(1Cor. 53, 4) Social @hWh@ *ere such gou should be
is rist
Conduct OCeq do S O t hOD.Or J e h m w m e
responsibIty br what
Rather, ihw bring r&rouyeh upon the taiEespoaic,e.-Sw T& Wmmer of
pages 17-20.
of H goed n= of the c o e o n and ~ u g u s15,1992,
tfnue devel&
pMperis stumble 0thers.-l Cor. 10:23,24,29.
6Tnily, Jehgvah ah blblessed US
=me MW,
are e n m m &OW with a brotherhood !om which we
hOspitaliQ, but the empSh0uld derlve refrwhllng enwwagement
&&j of peopk are
arate mctions wher~~ 0 r 1 men- be focused 0x1 the' spiritual intp- tWt motivates w t o continu^ i n m
t e m n t b faure& m m e s chaage. (Rom. l:li, 12) S M g&-, works. (Matt. 5:16,1 Pet. 212)By disthage &tendingarea&dtg wad- Wethers are usually bes't. The Out ~Io$tngmodestyand~naMeness
mbSion 01 0-1 feea. Wich gather- dbb&&g baok si@ On pages lm.u&
b sodal aCtiviHeS, we wlll a l m
giorg to out Cfad and be up. ings doseiy resembleworldlgafPaira times, several ikmilies mag b$ in*
%Wspirit of which is out of h m o - ed to a home for CWWan PeWMshtp. buildingto oGIiem.-Rom. 1Pd.


Make the Best Use of Our Magazines

l When you approach a newsstand, what do you
see? Magmines. At a corner store, what catches
your eye? Magazines. What makes the mailman
bend under the weight of his mailbag?Magazines.
Thus, what are many people reading? Magazines.
Surveys have shown that 9 out of 10 youths b+
tween the ages of 10 and 18,and the same percentage of adults, read at least one magazine every
month. The world is magazine conscious.
a Can we make honesthearted persons Watchtower and Awah! conscious?Yes, if W E are Watchtower and Awaice! conscious. What can help us?
Consider these suggestions:
w Read the Mag&nes: One traveling overseer reported that, on the average, only 1 publisher in 3
in his circuit reads each issue of The Watc?&mer
and Awa7u?! ftom cover to cover. Do you? As You
read each artide, ask yourself, 'Wh0 would aPpreciate this information-a mother, an agnostic, a businessman, a youth?' In your ~ersonal
copy, mark a point or two that you can use when
presenting the magazine. Then think of h m y0i.
might a~OUSeinterest in the subject in just One Or
two sentences.
Have a Deinite M ~ d n Order:
Place a r e m tic Order
the brother hanag
*gazines for
a demte number of copies of each issue. In this
you and your
have a WUIar
adequate supply of xriagazines.
congregationshave set aside a designated day primari l for
~ mame
you support the
'Orne service time periodically
witnessing and personal distribution of the magazines, bath &om door t. door and on magazine
w Be awatchtme, and UA-!"
~Carry copies of the magazines with you when traveling Or shopping. Offer them when you t&
coworkers, neighbors, schoolmates, or teach@
One couple who often travel by plane use a point
in one of the current magazines to strike up a conversation with the passenger seated next to them.
They have enjoyed many delightful experiences.
Some young people reguiarly bring to school articles that they feel wil1 interest their teachers or
feiim students. Carry copies with you when you
rn errands, and offer them to the merchants after you have nished your business. Many of US
buy gasoline reguhry; why not offer the magazines to the gas station attendant? Keep them
handy when relatives visit, when you use public
transportation, or when you are waiting for an ap-


pointment. Can you think of other appropriate occasions?

w Prepare a Brief Magazine Presentation: Plan to
say only a little, but say it weil. Be enthusiastic.
Appeal to the heart. Be specific. Pick out one
idea from an article, put it into a few words, and
offer the magazines. The best presentation raises
a question on a subject of interest and then points
to an articlethat gives the Scriptural answer. Consider a few examples of how this might be done:
3 If you are highlighting an artiele on the
ridng crime rate, 2/ou could ask:
w "What will it take to make it possible for us to

be able to sleep at night without fear of crime?"

The householder may be pessimistic about things
gettingbetter. You can reply that many people feel
the same way and add that you have some information you believe will be of interest to him. Then
refer to an appropriate point in the article.
oertng an aMcle on family Zife,you
mgght gay:
w YMany people m d mt it is a real challenge
a liand raise a family these days. A num-

ber of books have been written on the subject, but

even the experts don't agree on the solutions to
our problems. Is there anywhere we can go to obtain reliable guidance?" men point t0 a specific
comment in the magazine that demonstrates the
wisdom fomd in the Bible.
Wght tafieth& a p m h m h featuriw an
on d l
w "Mat peopleare under
todag. God
never intended for us to live this way." Then show
how the Bible-based material in the article can
cape with life's problems now and provide
hope for a permanent solution in the future.
To make appreciative
b What about
Ones aOf
assist, You codd
589: 'Altho~hOUr literat~reis offered without
charge, we d0 accept modest donations for Our
worldwide Werk-"
Stnmt Wltnmsslng Is Lffoctlvm: It was in the
January 1940 issue of Informant (Our Kingdom
Ministry) that publishers were encouraged for the
rst time to schedule a special day each week for
street witnessing using the magazines. Do you engage in street witnessina;ftom time t0 time? Ifyou
do, is the metho you use truiy effective? Some
publishers have been observed standing on a busy
street corner, taking to one another while scores
of people passed by unnoticed. Rather than stand
side by side with the magazines, it is more effective to separate and approach people. Strangers


may stop and listen briefy if they are approached

by only one person, but few will take the initiative to approach a group engrwed in conversation. Since we attract a lot of attention on the
street, there is a speciai need to be well-groomed
and modestiy dressed as beflts God's ministers.
-1 Tim. 2:9,10.
Magazine Routea: Those who have a magazine route place many magazines even though the
territories are being covered regularly. Magazine
routes are an excellent source of potentiai home
Bible studies.
O When you make regular return visits to deliver
the magazines, you will nd that the warrnth and
friendlinessbetween you and the householder will
grow. The better you become acquainted, the easier it will be to converse about Scriptural topics.
This can lead to starting a productive home Bible
study. At calls where there is obvious appreciation
for the magazines, offer a subscription. And remember, each time you contact the householder
you can report a return visit.
l0 One sister regularly took magazines to a woman who always accepted them but said: "I don't beieve what you're telling me." On a later visit, the
sister found the husband at home. After a friendly talk, arrangements were made to start a Bible
study. The sister made friends with the three sons
who came to join in the study. Eventuaiy, the
mother and her som dedicated their lives to Jehovah and were baptized. To date, 35 members of the
family have accepted the truth. AU of this because
the sister followed up on her magazine route!
l1 There are many ways to start a magazine
route. You can start a route by simply keeping a
record of your placements and arrangingto return
every two weeks with the latest issues. One way is
to use informationunder the heading "InOur Next
Issue." When you return, teil the householder that
you have the article you mentioned previously.
Or, when making the return visit, you could say:
"When I read this article, I thought it might interest you . . ." Then make a few brief comments
on the article and offer it. When you have completed the call, note five simple points on your
house-to-house record: (1) householder's @me,
(2) householder's address, (3) date of visit, (4) issues placed, and (5) article featured. Some publishers have been very successful in developing
magazine routes, accumulating as many as 40 or
more calls on their list!
la Busineaa Territory: Many magazines are
placed by publishers who work business territory.
Have you tried the store-to-store work? Reports
indicate that in some congregations, participation
in this feature of service is quite limited. At frst,
some are apprehensive about calling on businesspeople, but after they try it a few times, they flnd
it both interesting and rewarding. Why not ask an

experienced publisher or pioneer to help you get

l3There are sweral advantages to working from
store to store. There are very few not-at-homes, at
least during business hom! Businesspeople are
usuay courteous, even if they may not be particularly interested in the Bible. Get an early start,
you wil1 likely be better received. After introducing yourself, you might say that you rarely find
businesspeo le at home, so you are visiting them
for just a fei? moments at their workplace to offer
the latest issues of 2"iE W d c h t o w and Awake!
Point out that many businesspeople appreciate
our magazines because they need to keep up-todate on world events but have little time to read.
The magazines present thought-provoking information from a fresh perspective, without religious, political, or commercial bias. A magazine
route may be developed with interested persons
found in business territory.
l4 Prepare aa a Famiiy: Some time may be set
aside during your family study to discuss which
articles in the latest magazines rnight be appropriate for use in your territory. Farnily members
-including the children-can take turns practicing their presentations and overcoming common
objections that are raised, such as: "I'm busy," "We
have our own religion," or "Pm not interested."
Good cooperation can make it possible for the
whole family to have a regular share in magazine
l6 Book Study Conductor* Can Help: Whenever
practical, schedule the meetings for service on
Magazine Day at the book study locations instead of having the entire congregation meet at the
Kingdom Hall. Those in charge of meetings for
field service should be wel1 prepared with specific
suggestions for the group. These may include a
sample presentation and a point or two from the
current issues that might be used to arouse interest locally. Meetings for fleld service-including
the organizing of the group-should be brief, lasting no more than from l0 to 15minutes.Stuy conductors should make sure that there is sucient
territory so that the group will be kept busy for
the entire field service period.
l6 Show Appreciation tor the Magazines: The
article "Making Good Use of The Watchtower and
Awake!" that was published in the Juy 1993 issue
of Our Kingdom MhisEry made this important
point: "The Wdchtower and Awake! do not lose
their value, even if they have not a l l been placed
within a month or two of their issue date. The information they contain does not become less important with the passage of time. . .AUowing older magazines t0 accumulate and never using them
shows a lack of appreciation for these valuable instrument~....Instead of setting aside er issues

est, talking faster wil1 not help. Try to be relaxed,

and give the householder opportuxiityto respond.

and forgetting about them, would it not be better

to make a special effort to place them in the hands
of interested people?"
l7 Today there are many honesthearted people
who are searching for the truth. The information
contained in one magazine could be just what they
need to lead them to the truth! Jehdvah has given
US a thrilling message to proclaim, and our magazines play a vital role in getting the message to
others. Will you be more conscious of magazine
istribution in the future? Will you apply some of
these suggestions this very weekend? You wil1 be
richly blessed if you do.

Offering Magazines From Houseto House:

i'Have a friendly smile and a kindly tone of voice.
iBe enthusiastic about the magazines.
iSpeak slowly and distinctly.
iSpeak on only one subject; briefly stirnulate in-

terest, and show its value to householder.

iHighlight just one article.
iFeature only one magazine, offering the other
as a companion.
iHand the magaznes to the householder.
iLet the householder know you plan to return.
iHave a friendly, positive conclusion if the magazines are refused.
iMake notation on house-to-house record of all
interest and placements.

iRead the magazines in advance, and get acquainted with the articles.
iSelect an article that deals with something of
general interest in your community.
iPrepare a presentation that will be appropriate
for a variety of people, whether men, women, or
youths. Show how the magazine relates to the
householder and how the whole family will enjoy it.
iPlan to engage in your field service activity
when most people are at home. Some congregations arrange for mening witnessing with the
iKeep your presentation short and to the point.
iDon't talk too fast. If your listener has no inter-

Opportunities to Place Magazines:

iHouse-to-house witnessing
iStreet witnessing
iStore-to-store work
iMagazine route
imening witnessing
iWhen making return visits
iCalling on former Bible students
iWhen traveling, shopping
iWhen taiking to relatives, morkers, neighbors,

schoolmates, teachers
iOn public transportation, in waiting rooms

Maintaininga Balanoed View of Computer Technology

signed computerprograms for keeping congregation
records. It is,of course,a personal decisionas to h m
an individuai uses his computer. However, congregation records for which forms have been provided
should not be kept on computers, since children or
other unauthorized persons could access them. Al1
congregation records-accounts records, Congregation's Publisher Record cards, and so forth-should
be kept on the forms provided by the Society,and the
information on these congregation forms should not
be stored in a computer. In Uiisway, the confidential
records of the congregationwil1 be protected.
5Responsible overseers should be discerning in
making assignments for the Theocratie Ministry
School and Service Meeting program. They need to
have in mind the material to be covered in a particular part. In the school, for example, some materiai
may not be appropriate for just any student to handle. The purpose of the presentation as wel1 as the
quaications of the individuai and the nature of the
materiai should be considered. It shouldnot be left to
the computer to decide.
6 A brother who is assigned a part to be presented
at congregationmeetings should not rely on materlal
prepared by someone else, particuarly an unknown

l The apostlePaulurged Christians in the rst century not to be distracted,because %hetime left is reducedn(1Cor. 7:29) As the end of this old system of
things nears, h m urgent it is for us to 'seekjirst the
Kingdom and God's righteousness' and to 'buy out
the opportune time'! Time is precieus.-Matt. 6:33;
Eph. 5:15,16.
Technology has been hailed as a great saver of
time. For example, at the click of a computer button,
a user can instant&accesshuge amounts of information. Computers can often do in seconds what would
have taken hours or weeks to do by other Ipeans.
When properly used, they are a helpful tool.
Wil1 It Roally Save Timet: On the other hand,
such technology does not come to the user without substantial costs-both in money and in time.
Hours may be required to learn how to make the
computer do sorne tasks. Moreover, a person who
becomes intrigued with the technology itsef may
'consume time that could be better spent. We must
keep a baianced view, having in mind the principle
involved in the apostle Paul's adrnonitionto walk "as
wise Persons, buying out the opportune time for
ourselves."See 1Corinthians 7:31.
L number of well-intentionedindividualshave de-

individuai, just because ik has been made avaiiable l994,pages $11.) A Christianhas the seriousresponon a computer network and using it wil1 save hirn sibility to safeguard his faith against all comipting
work. Responsible Christians do not presume to pre- infiuences and, basic to that, should always know
pare Bible taks or meeting parts and make them withwhom he is ass0ciating.-Matt. 2445-47; 2 John
available on computer networks for others to use. 10,ll.
H m e r , the computer and the Sodety's WatCul0 The sameW a t c m articleemphasizedtheimLibary on CD-ROM may be vauable bols in the portance of respecting copyright laws. Most compahands of the individual brother, contributing to ef- nies that prepare and sell computer programs copyfective research in the limited time avaiable.
right these, anci they pmvide a license outining how
As for reproducing and distributing computer the programs can legally be used The license usualprograms, Ilsts, and related documentation among ly says that the owner cannot giveto others copies of
the brothers, and preparing and distributing parts the program; in fact, international copyright law
on the Service Meeting and Theocratie Ministry makes it illegai to do m. Many greedy people haveno
Schoolby electronicor other means, it is usualiy bet- scruplesabout breakingthe law. Christians,though,
ter for brothers to prepare their own materlal, with should be conscientious in legal matters, renderlocal benets in mind. (1Tim.4:13,15) On no account ing to Caesar what belongs to Caesar.-Matt. 22:21;
should congregational connectionsever be exploited Rom. 13:l.
for making flminclal gain.
11 Some large firms seil computers containing
What about the distribution of computer print- preinstalied and icensed programs. Hawwer, cerouts of scriptures wed in the Watchtower Studyor in tain computerstores do not provide licenses because
the CongregationBook Study? Weli, it may be pref- theprogramsthey preinstali are illegal copies, meanerable for pubishers to make their individuai notes ing that the purchaser violates the law in using the
and markings right in the Bible and the publica- programs. Related to this, CMstians should avoid
tions being studied. At the meeting, use of computer putting onto, or downloadingfrom, electronic bulleprintouts of Scripturetexts that are cited in the pub- tip boards materia1 that is copyrighted (as are the
lications could (iiscourage use of the Bible itself in Society's pubications)and that isbeing copiedwithnding scriptures. Yet looking up Scripture texts out legal permission from the mem.-Heb. 13:18.
during a Bible study or at a congregation meeting
* The vaue of any application of technology must
is part of the training received, equipping us for beweighed against the potential dangers inherent in
effective use of the Bible in the field ministry. In its use. Just as television can be usedto goodadvanmost instances, and especMy with longer quota- tage, the unwholesome effect it is hayingon mankind
tions, reading directly from the Bible is more effec- today has caused even worldly sourcesto express setive, particularly when the audience is encouragedto rious concern. Computer networks &end worldfollow along in theBible.
wide m d can bring unlimited valuable information
into the home or workplace. They ofkr much-needed
Serioua Pitfalls: As outlined on page 17of
the August 1,1993,issue of TheWatchtower,connect- servicesto businesse5 and organizations as we11as to
ing a computer to an electronic bulletin board can individuals who need to keep pace with persona
open the wajr to serious spiritual dangers. Just as or business interests in the Isemoving society in
an unscrupulous individuai can piace on a bulletin whichwe live. At the same time, computer networks
bami a virus-a program designed to corrupt and are plagued with problems such as pornography, didestroy computer Bes-apostates, clergymen, and visive hate propaganda, and detalled information on
persons seeking to corrupt others moraUy or other- h m to performde and wicked deeds.
wise can freely piace their poisonous ideas on bui&
l3 There are many important reasons, therefore,
tin boards. Unles a bulletii board, even one labeled why a CMstian must rnaintain a balanced view of
"JWOnly," is properly supervised, with its use being computer technology.Many individuaisare enjoying
limited to those who are mature, faithfd senpnts of the Ne20 WcwIrl Tra12sWkm,Zmight volumes, and GetJehovah, it could expose Christian users to "bad as- Verseprogram, which the Society has made available
(lCor. 15:33) The Society has received re- on computer iskettes. Others have been benefik
ports that such s W e d private networks have been by using the Society issued WratchtowerL2brary on
used not only to speculate regarding spiritual mat- CD-ROM,which incorporates aditionai research
ters but als0 to give bad avice, spread gossip and capabilities. While mmg&hg the vaue of certain
false information, plant negative ideas, raise ques- technology,a person who usessuch moderntechnoltiom and doubts that subvert the faith of some, and ogy for beneficia1purposes should also be on guard
disSeminate private interpretations of Scripture. On to protect himself and others from any negative asthe fmrace, fame information may appear to be in- pects. We need to exercise baiance so that even the
teresting and informative, and yet it may be laced harmless use of technologydoes not consume an inwith poisonous elements. Christians look to "the ordinateamount of our dedicated time or distract us
faithfuiand discreet slavenfor timeiy spiritual food from our primary work and goais.-Matt. 6:22; 28:
and for clariications. (See The WatCuower of July 1, l9.20.

tower,mmcW any dispflmpped regardingestate,nandal,atid tax plan-

or disassodatedpersons who may be inclinedtoward becomingreimtakd.

8 A new WCl&?&YWtT
has been prepared, and four copies are
being sent to each congregation. They
should be distributed to the secretary
and to the brothers caringfor literatme,
and 8CCOunts.
B The Society receives many inquiries
ftom publishers and others interested in in811ciaUy advancing theocratie
activities. In response to these inquides, a magazine-size brochure entitled
Planne Giving to Ben@ Kingdom Service WmZdwW? has been prepared. The
brochure contains inlormation on m,
wiiis, and trusts, as weii as information


to be used during k p
tomkr: The Live Foeve7 book wil1 be
used, and effom shouidbemadeto start
home Bible studies. Octokr. Auuk!
a n d m watc?ltowf3.
Make special specialort
to place copies of the magazines. Subscri~tionsmav be offered on returnvisits when genuine interest is
Novomkr: Offer the Neu Wwld TransWon with the book The Bibk-God's
Word or Man's? NOTE: C o m i o n s
that have not m reauested the abovementionedca~paigr-items
shoulddo so
on their next monthhr Literature ReiThe presiding overseer or someone
desislatedbv him should audit the congw&tionb ccounts on September 1
or as soon as posslble themafter. Make
an announcement to the cowgegation
when this has been done.
B Publishers planning to serve as auxiiaw Dioneers in October should turn in
th& application eariy. This wil1 ailow
the elders to make necessary arraugements Por literatureand territory.
iThe elders are reminded to follow thrOugh on ~ C t i o n given
Pages 21-3 of the April 15, 1991, WatCh-

Schedule for cong&?gationstudies in the book
ReWtion-lts Grand Glimar At Hand!

September 4:



lk i8a4*T21

p. 186,880

September fl: p. 489,


Capieniber l t p. *w,71s
September 25: p. l-;725


ing to beneflt Kngdom service worldwidetoselect thebest wayto do so,given

their family and personal circumstances. By reading the brochure and conferring with those working with the SocietfsPlannedQ~Desk,manyhrrve

been ableto assist the Soci&y and at the

sametime maxhize the tax benefits of
doing so. The elders have a brochure
available Por inspection, or a personal
copy may be obtainedby writing or c a ing the Watch Tower Society,Plauned
GivingDesk, 100WatchtowerDrive,Patterson, NP -9204,
telephone (914)



p. l-,7

What G m k HaveYou Set for Your Chlldren?



Number d:
Spl naS


p. 180.7 1P

ning. It is designed to help those desir-

Au Au
Mags R.V. EiSt.

179 119.7 7a.6 55.1 5.0

70,767 71.7 81,

2.P 2.4

WPios 26,OOP S7.0 25.4 1P.8 1.2





TOTAL .891,695

S.6 0.4

Bapthed: 6,077


aged to pursue the "Wof single

l ~ c c e s sin ~e depends on set&t an achieving worthwhiie g a .

ThOge who p m e trivla or unreallstle8c#iis end up dbappointe8ndun ~ ~ e c~titalces
wisdom to iscern
which objectives to pursue in order.
to "get a rm hold on the reai We."


andthenm*s ifW
thw m be in a p a b aBsume the h& responstbilftlm crf mmiw. (Mamt. IQAO,IG
1 car.
B y s p e a w a mit.h WW ah& p i o m ? m
neeti &

on Wie more important

(PM. k1O)They can start with
the fami& s t q *encomagingthe chid r a to apprec$ate I& irnpomce mci
to -1
fiom t, ~tis
for mdren t0 acqure the habit of studying in advauce fot c o w o n meetmand
offercommentsin vieOr-v-mts
embm--atanm.p~achingm k Ui tmportant. Young & ~ & d ~ & " , ~ h ~ , l i ~ ~ ,
children can cwtrlbtte by offerlhg
tracts, reading
or m&

them f

through h i Word
organimti~aa h m u s araW which
way to @!-w
pmding such laving guid.=c+ J e h o s a h M s a ~ e < - &
to their fneqermwd children to
as mbag
e h w e wMch way is best,
parP m e& train them in the way tmt thq tW mbItshef oi: being aceegted Por
aBoutd go, and when they & alti, txptim is E' 4 0 r step forward.
W "wil1 n ~ turn
aside ffom it."
As their chidrenappmaehthe teen(hov. 226) Christian m
s know age years, or eaen earlier, parents
dMan arpetience that W cannot should reastidy talg to m about
ttheir own judgment; w must career &mb. Schql counselors and
on ~ehovah.(Prm. 3:5, B) ThiS claasmEaes can easiy influ~cethem
neef3is mgreaterfor cNidren, who in fmr of woriCny,
aie lhnlted ln knmeage and w r i - S& ~sigihls~uld"t"it
a Parents can set before their chil- vide practical traWng, equippingthem
ren wortbwhile goals that wiU help to care Por their matterial neeaS with-


s " ~ ) a n U ~ ~ i n * o ~

M pursue mcmic
attdbute8 to laviag pm@ntsts
If ~ r o u

are a parent, where do your CM.

seem be
ming aoeaaprogressivear tawarb a We
focused on Kiogdom in-?
Remember, o& ofthe moirl;imp0rtSnt
tbine;s PU mdo i@
to ipcuidte the
m aard-bfio
household that is faithltrt in sei-clSng
6% 7; Josh. W15.

~ e l thers
to Benefit Themselve~
Jehavah promises to teach us what riage but thw can nd genuhe happiwe need to know. He assures us at ness as well. The key to success lies in
Psalm 32:8: 1shal make you have in- appying counsel found in the Bible."
sight and instruct you in the wag you Read Epheaians 528, 29, 33. Turn to
sh0uldgo.Iwillgiveaavlcewithmyeye page 243, discuap w h s 16and 17,
upon gou." This assurance is of great and then offer the book.
beneflt to US. Unselfishly, we want
3 Chi1am need quali@ Wnrs a d
to show others how thw can beneflt training from thdr parmts. In feathemselves by heeding the wise coun- turfngtheuLCae-book,you
sel fmm the Bible. (Isa. 48:11) Dwing coula eau:
&pternber we can do this by offering B "All of US are concemed about the
the Uue Rn'em book. In making our future well-being of our young peopresentations, there are various ways ple. In your opinion, what is the best
we can show the practical value of the
that m
s can help their chilBible.
dren ind a secure future? [AUow for
2 Z n o f a a o f t h e p r e a ~ o f n l response.]
Listen to this advice fmrn
proverb written about 3,000
riage problems toaay, you nitght a
ohoose to feature thte thught from years agoc[Read Proverbs a2.6.1 W e
the *LiveForseer" book:
out children can benefit a meat deal
B "Most of the people I have spoken to fmm instructionthey recei6in school,
are very concemed about the tremen- their most valuable trainiiigis 1)roviddous increase in maritai unha~pine88
and divorce. HOWdo gou fee1abut this time, attention, and love, but it is well
oroblem? IAUow for response.1 M m worth the effort." Turn to page 245, dishave faileci to realize the underl@i? miss par&raphs 20 and %l,-andthen
crnises. If they make a sincere a r t , explain h m the book can be used as a
study of the Bible.
not ony can couples save their mar- basis for

earth w bet-a*padse:
i"I'm sure mu are concemed about

what your li&wil1 be like in the future.

In the Lord's Prayer, Jesus taught us to
pray for God's wiU to be done on tbe
earth as it is in heaven. What wi ttie
earth be Ilge when that takes P-?
[AUow for response.] Here is an artist's
portrayal of a paradise world. [point
out the illustration on pages l2 and 13.
Then read Isaiah ll:6-9, included in
paregraph EL]Wouldn't it be wonderrul to live in such a world? This book
wil show you hm you and your iamily
Preparing your presentation in advance is a k q factor in determining gour success at the door. Before
you knock, make sure you have som*
thing specc to say about a Scriptural thought. Also, have in mind a
brief comment about an interesting
plan to of& if the book is not aecepted. Take admtage of every opportunity you have ta sow the seeds
of Kingdom truth during &ptembey.
(Eccl. 11:6) You wi be helping others
to reap benets that wiU last forever.

tlse subject of your conversathe PawitSe earth, t b n

you m&ht eay Uris t0 retndle the
to page 246, and,discussparegraph 23. interest:
determine whether or'not we shouid Read John 1t3, and of%r your assis- m We looked at some illustrations in
leave our literaturewith someone? In- tance in helping the farnily t0 begin this book that showed us what the
earth will be like when CM makes it
terest! The Same is true when it comes studyingthe Bible in 'the home.
to malring rehrn visits. Whenever s Z f you spoke about chftamand into a paradise. It would mean little to
could not enjog f t with our
someone show8 even a little interest in t W r need Por brorinng, you might us if
theKingdommefsage,wewanttodo continue the disoussion in t h b , loved ones. Wouldn't gou agree?"Allm
for response. Then turn t0 page l62 in
what;ever we can to benet that per- manner:
son. 80we make return visits with the IUPreviouslywe spoke about the spir- the LW! Ebmm book. Read Revelation
objectlveof cutivatingthe personb in- itual training that children need and 21:3,4, and explain h m our loved ones
terest and startinga homeBible studg. h m parents can help them.Most par- canalwaysbewitbus.Ifthereisgood
Thisisourgoalevenwhenwedonot ents I have spoken to are alarmed response, read John 5:28, 29 to show
leave literature. H m can this be done? about the bad conduct of so many that the dead will return to we. Point
S Z f your previ.0~8converrratlon goung people today.What do gou think to the cover of the book and say: "It's
was adout the mevazenoe of mtrr- about . . . ? Mention an exam~leof really true-we can live forever in Parriage prookmtoday and you left gouthful mfsconduct offen obseried in adise on earth!" Airange for another
the "Live Bmwer? h o k . uou couzd mur co mm unit^. Allm lor res~0nse.T visittodiscusswbyweknmit isnear.
open your conversation hte -y:
kme show J& some of the practi: sThemainpurpcweofaretumvisit
i "On my previous visit, we talked cal advice given in the Bible." Tum to is to help interested persons benet
about marriage and practical Bible paragraph 22 on page 248 in the L W from the Kingdam message. Most peocounsel that can help us nd greater &ener book,discuss the main point, ple need a stimulus to whet their appehappinm.Isn't it true that even in the and read Ephesiaus 6:4. Point out that tite for spiritual thiws.Direct their atbest of families, problems arise fmrn most children actually want disciplne
time t0 time? [Allm for response.] The and guidance. When parents are diliBlble gives us excellent counsel that gent in .proviing it, the children are can help them to undemtand $heBible
can help US resolve problems in family happier and more respectful in their better. Return M t s that accomplish
relationshipis. A family can be blessed conduct. lkplain h m we study the Bi- these W wiU help others to beneflt
bs studying the Bible together." Tum ble with our children.
themsehx in the best w a Dogsible.

Follow UpAll Interest to Benefit Others

4 l f


reserved. Our K dom Ministty (l!SPS 295-360 Is p u b l i i nianthly by YYdtchtwr BiMe and
W i e t . d New Ibrk, Inc.. and International Brme Ctudentc Association 25 ~dumbi,"ae@hts, Bmo n, NY 11201-h83. Sewnd-clws postage paid at. Bmoklyn,-N3
~d a t addJonal mailing offices. PomM*STER: a n d address changes to htchtowf~r, 25 Caltlmbia HeighlYs, Brnokh.- w 11201-2483.

7 1995 Watch Towr Bible and Tm3 Society d Pennsyfvania All *hts

October 1995


For United States of Arnerica

Nways Prai- Jdrovah


There are few activities so important

that they always deserve our attentioa
Among them we include eating, breathing, and sleeping. These are essential

Vol. 38, No. 10

ers.canweimtatemaanipeofcourage and persist in

t,umestop- - - - O


good n- in a

- when he


bme if I did not

Other faithl CMstians were encouraged to be ready always to make a dei fense of their hope to others. (1Pet. 3:15)(
of thousauds-

fireburningwithinhim. e er. ~ : 91n) th&

face of what seemed to b e r m r i n g
adversity, Jeremiah almays found some
way to speak JehwaW messa@ to 0th-

The privilege of praising Jehovahwill

every breathing thing should be praisingJehovah,andsureiywewantto be included. (Ps. 150:6)If our heart moves US c
to do
' -wiU take advantage
opportunitiestospeak about Jehovah and his Word.

z 3 4

tions. But such wrsona concernsmust

not be
to diminirihour aware- ness of the Pasea~~rcmcbim
end of this
sgstem of things.l~ark13k.
Nothing would please the Devii more
Jesus gave a war*
"Keep awake, JAnother common dishaction that
to succeed in putting us in a
...thatgou rnaysucceedin escaping"ca- causes spiritual drowsiness is the de- than
lamities that were sure to come. (Luke sire for unnemsary material thiugs. dreamllke state, chasing after some
21:36) We are livingin the most perilous This requires that a person spend more worldiyfantasy.We haveto battletokeep
time in humau history. Djsaster m t s time at secuiar work and causes spiritu- awake spiritualy. We know that 'Jehothw whO ghre fn to Spiritual dn>wsf- al pursuits to be crowded out. Some vah's day is corning as a thief,' and it is
ness. This poses a danger for each one have lost sight of spiritual goals by vitai that we 'stay awake and keep our



of US. Jesus mentioned eating, drinking, and the anxieties of everydqyliving.

Why? Because even these thfngrr could
preoccupy us, become distractions,and
induce dangerousspirituaidrowsness.
Common Dlstractlono: Some have
become preoccupied with excessive or
questionable recreation, even becoming TV addicts. Of course, seeking rst
the Kingdom does not mean that we
mus't avoid aii formsof recreation. When
we use reasonableness and moderation,
recreation can be beneflcial. (Compare
1 Timothy 48.) But it is a distraction
when it becomes a big thing in our lives,
cutting deeply into our time, our resources, or our share in the Kingdompreaching work.

sed in acquiring maorder to achieve

a more comfortable way of life. m e
we need "sustenance and covering," we
must guard against developing a love of
money, which can lead us astray from
the faith. (1 Tim. 6:&10) By failing to
keep our eyes focused on Kingdom interests, we could become lax in caring
Por the spiritualneeds of our family and
fail to accompish our ministry.-l Tim.
5:8; 2 Tim. 4:5.
S U others d o w their 'hearts to bewmeweighed down with the anxietiesof
Me' to the point that they fali asieep
spiritualy. (Luke 21:34) At times, anxieQ is experienced because of health
problems or distressing family situa-

senses." (1Thess.5:2,6) Ifwe detect signs

of clrowsiness in ourselves, it is urgent
that we "put off the works belonging to
darkness."-Rom. 13:ll-13.
B Aldo to Halp US Stay Awaka: What
are such aids? Prapr is essential. We
should pray incessantiy. (1 Thess. 5:17)
Closeness to the Christian congregation
will 'incite us to love and fine works!
(Heb. 10:24)A regular, honest exarnination of ourselvescanhelpto keen US alert
to our need to overcohe wehesses.
(2 Cor. 13:5)Good wrsonal studv habits
&Ukeep s "nou&hed with the wo&
of the faith." (1Tim.46) If we are diligent,wecanbeconldentthatwewiUbe
able to m i d distractions, 'stay awake,
andstandfrminthe faith.'-l Cor. 1633.


-God's Word or Man's? During November. Review features of the Nm

World Translation in the Reasoning
Week Starting October 2
turn visits. Arrange have capable book, pages 276-80. Read "Defnition,"
publishers demonstrate two merent
produced. A ~ Song 149
On ~ h a t
1 0 mln: Local announcements. Sethis werk is
this translation based? Who were the
lected Announcements from Our Song 130
concluding prayer.
translators? Is it realy a scholariy
Ki7yrabm Ministry. Cal special attention t0 announcement regarding N e week Starting October 23
name Jehovah
used in the Christian Greek Scrip
vember 8 Awake! if appropriate for Song 100
tures? Then explain why we can be
your territory.
A praise
~ ~
~ h ~1 0~mln:
~~ Local
~~ h anno~ncements.
. ~
grateful to have this translation. (See
"Al1 Scripture" book, page 331, paraQuestions and answers. Emphasize Theocratie News.
appucation of cikd and quoted Scrip 1 6 min: "We Need the ConWega- graphs 22 and 23.) Have a capable pubtion." Questions and answers.
lisher demonstrate a brief presentature texts.
2 0 mln: 'Offer Magazines on Every 2 0 mln: Direct Interest t0 the Or- tion using the introductory comments
Occasion." Dmuss main points, and g8nization- Service OverSeer conduct& to chapter 14 in the book The Bible
pub- a d ' s Word 07 Man's? page 1%. Rethen review articles that d g h t be a dbCussion Mth two Or
mind all to pick up copies for use in
used in offeringlatest issues. Havetwo lishers*
or t h e e presentations demonstrated. witneses-Unite@!l Doing
Wul service this week.
w@ it is benefi- Song 138 and concluding prayer.
Be sure to include suggestions on let- WorIdwdk. mlain
make cial to make interested ones aware of
ting people know how they
how the organization functions, how
a donation to worldwide work.
various activities are arranged, and ~ E - I I C
Song 153 and concluding prayer.
how thw can become involved. Review
points from pages 14 and 15 on "Meet- Cuba: Recently the Cuban governWeek Starting October 9
ings for Inciting to Love and Fine
permitted a representative of
Song 131
Works." Group briefly demonstrates ment
1 0 mln: Local announcements. Ac- how this material might be included the Society to visit Cuba as zone overcounts report.
in a discussion on a return visit or Bi- seer. A meeting was held with the cirl S mln: Local needs. Or a talk by ble study to help an interested person cuit and district overseers. The brothers are now able to assemble in groups
an elder, 'Disfellowshipping-A Lov- appreciate the need to attend.
of up to 150. They appreciate that they
ing Provision?" based on the July 15, Song 126 and concluding prayer.
now e4oy increased freedom and that
1995, Watchtmer, pages 25-7.
the Bethel Home can again be used
2 0 mln: "Are We Staying Awake Week Starting October 30
as a center for Jehovah's Witnesses in
-Avoiding Distractions?" Questions Song 159
and answers. As time permits, make 1 0 mln: Local announcements. With Cuba.
additional comments based on May 1, worldly holidays coming up in Novemr
1992, Watchtower, pages 20-2.
ber and December, encourage all to
Song 128 and concluding prayer.
consider enrollment as auxiliary pioSchedule for congregation studies in the book
Week Starting October 16
Revelation-lts Grand Climax At Hand
is mln: Have You Tried Referrals?A
Song 120
1 0 mln: Local announcements. Call to start new Bible studies in this way:
p. 198, n l
p. 201, lj 11
October 2:
attention to the booklet Good Nmsfor After studying with an interested perOctober 9:
p. 201, 112 p. 208, q7
AU Natiom, which provides a door-to- son for a while, they ask the perp. 211,lj20
October 16: p. 208, lj8
door presentation in 59 Merent lan- sen if he knows of anyone else among
0ctoter23: p. 211,821 p. 215, na
guages. Encourage use of this book- his friends, relatives, or acquaintancp. 216, V4
p. 218.n 16
October 30:
let when persons who speak a foreign es who might be interested in a Bible
language are encountered in the ter- study.
several narnes are given.
Ask if you can use his name when calllS mln: "Jehouah's Witnesses and Ed- ing on these individuals. When makJULYSERVICE REPORT
ucation." Elder, using notes taken on ing the call, you might say: "So-andconvention talk, discusses with audi- so has enjoyed studying the Bible so
Au Au
Hrs. Mags. R.\ BiSt.
ence features of new brochure. Have much that he thought you too would Number of:
weli-menared demonstration show- like to beneflt from our free Bible
158 120.0 74.0 58.3 5.0
ing howa parent would speak with a study program." This can provide a Sp'l Pios.
teacher or school of8cial and present nice list of return visits that may de69,67.2 30.1 21.7 2.8
,the brochure. Encourage those who velop into productive Bible studies. Pios
have chlldren in school to distribute Include one or two experiences from
58.6 24.4 ia.0 1.1
the brochure as directed in conven- publishers who have found interested A U X . P ~ 26,848
tion talk if they have not done so al- persons or started new studies in this P u ~ S 818,917 9.8 5.6 9.6 0.4
20 mln: "Return Visits With a Pur- 2 0 min: Offering the New World
TOTAL 915,884
Bapzed: 10,889
pose." Discuss our goals in making re- Translation With the Book The Bible

FOU, O ~ W R R



During 1996 the following will be the arrangements when

ASSIGNMENT NO. 4: 5 minutes. This will be assigned to a
brother or a sister. It will be based on a Bible character. For
conducting the TheocraticMinistry School.
TEXTBOOKS: The NW world Translation of the ~ o l y each assignrnent the name of a Bible character and a theme
ScHptures [bila, Jebvah's Witnesses-Proclaimers of Go& are set forth in the schedule. Information about the Bible
Kingdom uv], "Al1Scripture Is Inspired of God and Bene$cialn character can be found in Insight on the Shptures, Volume 1,
(1990 Edition) [si], Reasoning From the Scriptures [rs],Knowl- under bis name. The student should study Scri~turalreferedge ~ h a &a&
t. Everlastiw Life [kl],
Insigat on the ences in the materiaiin order t0 get a ciear picture of the Bible
character-the events of his life, as wel1 as his personaity,
ShpturesVol. 1[it-l] will be the basis for assignments.
The school should begin ON TIME with song, prayer, and traits, and attitude. Thereafter, the student should develop
the assigned theme of the talk and select appropriate scripremarks of welcome and then proceed as follows:
tures to be used. Additional scriptures that highlight Bible
ASSIGNmNT NO. 15 minutes, This should be handled principles that tie in with the theme rnay be included. The
by an elder or a ministerial servant, and it will be based on
Of the talk is show what canbe leanied from the exJehovah's Witnesses-proclaimers of &esKingdom or "Al1 pU'PoSe
of the Bible character under consideration whether
Scripture Is Iwired of &d and BeneJinal.' When based on ample
goed or bad. ~~t~
of faithlness, courage,
unthe Proclaimers book, this assignment should be delivered as
furnish goed examples t. be followed; unfaithl
a lbminute instruction talk with no oral review; when based acts, as well as undesirable traits, stand as a streng
on the "Al1 Scripture" book, it should be delivered as a 10- to t. turn ckistians awag from
12-minute instruction talk with a 3- t0 5-minute oral review asigned t. a brother this talk should be given with the in^following, using the printed questions in the publication. The dom HU audience in'mind. When a sistpr is Bven this P&, it
objective Should be n0tjuS.t t0 Cover the materid hut t0 focus should be presented as outlined for A s s i m e n t NO.3.
attention on the practica1 value of the information being
REMARKS: ft^^ each student presendiscussed, highlighting what will be most helpful t0 the con- tation, the school overseer will give speciffc counsel, not
gregation. The theme ShOm should be used. mustrations, necessariiy foiiowing the program of progressive counsel
PhotograPhs, and charts found in the Proclair7zers hook maY outlined on the Speech Counsel slip. Rather, he should conbe commented on bythe speaker and used as teaching aids.
centrate on those areas wherethestudent needs to improve. If
The brothers assigned this talk should be careful to keep the student merits solely a "G" and there is no other speech
within the time limit. Private counsel rnay be given if necessary qualitymarked "I" or "W,"then the counselor should circlethe
or if requested by the speaker.
box, where the "G," "I," or "W" would normally appear, of the
HIGHLIGHTS FROM BIBLE READING: 6 minutes. This speech quality that the student should work on next. He will
should be handled by an elder or a ministerialservant who will advise the student of this that evening as well as show this
effectively apply the material to local needs. This should not speech qualit~on the student's next Theocratic Ministry
be just a summary of the assigned reading. A 30- to 60-second school hsignment slip (5-89). These on the program should
overall review of the assigned chapters may be included. The Sit tOWard the front Of the h a . This will Save time and enable
principal objective,however, is t0 help the audiencet0 appre- the School OverSeer t0 give hiS CO~nseidirectiy t0 each stuW S the givingof ne~esSaK'y0ral
ciate why and
the information is of value t0 us. The dent. h time ~ ~ O after
be !$ven by the
on infcn'rmtive and
students will then be dismissedto their various classroomsby
practical points not covered by the students. The school overthe school overseer.
ASSIGNmNT NO. 2: minutes.
is a Bible reading of seer should use no more than a total of two minutes for counsel
material t. be
by a brother. This will ap- and any other brief remarks after each student presentation.
Bible highlights assignment left something to be dein the main school as well as in the
grOups. If the private
The reading assignments are usually short enough to perPREPARING
Before preparing an asmit the student to present brief explanatory information in
part, the student should' read carefully the
the openingand concludingremarks. Historical background,
and application of princi- Guidebook material deding with the speech quality to be
or doctrinal
ples mag be included. AU the assigned verses should be read
without a break. Of course,where theverses to be read are not
consecutive, the student maycite the verse where t e reading
in linewith
TIMING:No one should go overtime,nor shouldthe counsel
ASSIGNMENT NO. 3: 5 minutes. This will be assigned t0 a d, remarks of the counselor. Assignments NO. 2 tkough 4
sister. The subject for
0q should tactfully be stopped when the time is up. The one desReasoning
Scriptures Or Knowledge
Leadsto ignated to give the stop signal should do so promptly When
EverlastingLife. The student assigned should be able to read. brothers hanahg hsignment NO. 1 and ~~b~~highlights go
While presenting this information, the student rnay be either overtime, they should be given
counsel. ~ 1 should
seated or standing. When the assignment is based on the Rea- watch their timing carefully. Total program: 45 minutes, exsoning book, the sister presenting this part will need to adapt cludingsong and prayer,
the theme and the material to be considered to apractical setWRITTEN REVIEW: periodically a
ting, preferably one that involves fleld service or informal given. In preparation, review the assiwed matefial and comwitnessing. When the assignment is based on the Knowledge plete the scheduled Bible reading. Only the Bible rnay be used
bOOk, the Setting mag be a return visit Or a home Bible Study. dufing this 25-minute review, The balance of the t i e will be
The School OverSeer will be Parti~ularlyinterested in the way devoted t0 a discusSion of the questions and answers. Each
the student helps the householder to reason on and under- student will check his o m paper. The school overseer will
stand the material and in how the scriptures are applied. consider with the audience the answers to the review quesParagraphsin the book neednot be read. One assistant will be tions and concentrateon the more dif8cult ones, helpingallto
scheduledby the school overseer, but an additional assistant understand the answers clearly. If local circumstances make
rnay be used. Not the setting but the effectiveuse of the mate- it necessary, thewritten review rnay be given aweek later than
rial should be given prime consideration.
what is shown on the schedule.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ t e

" Jan. l Bible reading: Jeremiah l 3 to l5

,Feb. 26 Bible reading: Jeremiah X -41

song NO. 191
Song No. 91
No. 1: Conduct That Sets USApart From the World (ju p. 178 No. 1: Traveling Overseers Strengthen the Congregations (ju
par. 4-p. 183par. 1)
p. 222 par. l-p. 227 par. 4)
No. 2: Jeremiah 14:lO-22
No. 2: Jeremiah 38:l-13
No. 3: Jesus Did Not Go to Heaven in a Pmical Body (m
No. 3: Christ's Return Is Invisible (rs p. 341 par. 3-p. 342
p. 333 par. 3-p. 334 par. 3)
Par. 2)
No. 4: Aaron-Theme: Continue Faithful Despite Human
No. 4: Abraham-Theme: Live for the Doing of God's Will
M&Ti>~iblereading: Jeremiah 42 to 45
"aan. 8 Bible reading: Jeremia l6 to l9
Song No. 184
Song No. 157
No. i: Theocratic Alignment and Training for Overseers (ju
No. 1: Respect for W e and the Moral Cleanness of the
p. 227 par. 5-p. 232 par. 3)
Organization (jup. 183par. 2-p. 187)
No. 2: Jeremiah 43:l-13
No. 2: Jeremiah 18:l-17
No. 3: The Manner of Jesus' Coming and How Every Eye Will
No. 3: Why Jesus A ared in Materialized Bodies (rs p. 334
See Him (rs p. 342 par. 4-p. 343 par. 5)
par. 4-p.
par. 2)
No. 4: Absalom-Theme: Selfish Ambition Leads to
No. 4: Abednego-Theme: Youths-Honor Jehovah byYour
Mar. l1 tBible reading: Jeremiah 46 to 48
Jan. l5 ~ i b G
reading: Jeremiah 20 to 22
Song No. 24
Song No. 53
No. 1: Tnie Christians Are No Part of the World (jv
No. l: Gearing Up for Explosive Growth (jup. 233
p. 188-p. 192 par. 2)
par. l-p. 235)
No. 2: Jeremiah 20.1-13
No. 2: Jeremiah 48:l-15
No. 3: Those Resurrected to Rule With Christ Will Be Like
No. 3: Events Associated With the Presence of Christ (rs
Him (TS p. 335 par. 4-p. 336 par. 2)
p 344 pars. 1-5)
No. 4: Abel-Theme: Exercise Faith That Pleases God
No. 4: Achan-Theme: Robbing God Brings Dire
Jan. 22 Bible reading: Jeremiah 23 to 25
Song No. 38
Bible reading: Jeremiah 49 and 50
No. i: Loyalty to God and Christian Neutraiity (ju p. 192
par. 3-p. 195 m.4)
No. 1: Meetings That F'ill Spiritual Needs (jvp. 236-p. 241
No. 2: Jeremiah 2316-32
Par. 1)
No. 3: What the ResurrectionWill Mean for Mankind in
No. 2: Jeremiah 49:l-ll,15-18
Generai (rs p. 336 par. 3-p. 337 par. 3)
No. 3: Christians Are Not Required to Keep the Sabbath (rs
No. 4: Abiathar-Theme: Disloyalty Can NullifyYears of
p. 345 par. 2-p. 346 par. 3)
Faithful Service
No. 4: Adam-Theme: Why We Must Keep God Eirst in Our
Jan. 29 Bible reading: Jeremiah l to 28
Song No. 163
reading: Jeremiah 51 and 52
No. 1: Worldly CustomsThat Challen a Christian's
Song No. 70
Faithfulness (jup. 196par. p p . 201)
No. 2: Jeremiah 26:l-16
No. l: Jeremiah-Why Beneflcial (.si p. 129pars. 36-39)
No. 3: Why Resurrected Ones Will Not Be Condemned for
No. 2: Jeremiah 51:41-57
Their Past Deeds (m n. 338 w.1)
No. 3: No Bible Record of Adam's Keeping a Sabbath Day (rs
No. 4: Abw-Theme: ~ i s p ~ ~ u a k~ iheaHonor
p. 346 par. P p . 347 par. 2)
No. 4: King AhabTheme: There Can Be No Peace for the
-Feb. 5 Bible reading: Jeremiah 29 to 31
song NO. 185
Apr. l Bible reading: Lamentations l and 2
No.-1: Ear .Developments of the Modern-Day Organization
o. 140
p. 24-p. 209 par. 1)
No. 1: Introduction to Lamentations (si pp. 130-1pars. 1-7)
No. 2: Jeremiah 31:27-40
No. 3: How the "Rest of the Dead" Come to Life on Earth (rs No. 2: Lamentations 213-22
No. 3: Jesus Did Not Divide the Mosaic Law Into
p. 338 par. 2-p. 339 par. 2)
"Ceremonial"and "Moral" Parts (rs p. 347
No. 4: Abihu-Theme: Prominente Does Not Excuse
par. 3-p. 348 par. 1)
King Ahaz-Theme: Idolatry Brings God's Difavor
Feb. i2 Bible reading: Jeremiah 32 and 33
pr. 8 Bible reading: Lamentations 3 to 5
Song No. 6
No. 1: Organizingto Get the Good News Preached (jvp. 209
par. 2-p. 217 par. 1)
No. 1: Lamentations-Why Beneficial (si p. 132pars. 13-15)
No. 2: Jererniah 33:l-3.14-26
No. 2: Lamentations 5:l-22
No. 3: Those Who Are Included in the Earthly Resurrection
No. 3: The Ten Commandments Passed Away With the
(rs p. 339 par. 3-p. 340 par. 3)
Mosaic Law (TS p. 348 pars. 2-3)
No. 4: Abishai-Theme: Be Loyal to Those Taking the Lead
No. 4: Ahithophel-Theme: Jehovah Thwarts the Schemes
' Feb. l9 Bible reading: Jeremiah 34 to 31
of Traitors
Song No. 98
Bible reading: Ezekiel l to 4
No. 1: Theocratic Organization and Its Beneflts (jup. 217
Song No. 124
par. 2-p. 221 par. 4)
No. l: Introduction to Ezekiel (si pp. 132-3 pars. 1-6)
No. 2: Jeremiah 35:l-ll,17-19
No. 2: Ezekie1316-27
No. 3: The Events Associated With Christ's Presence Take
No. 3: Why Moral Restraint Was Not Removed When the Ten
Place Over a Period of Years (rs p. 341 pars. 1,2)
Commandments Passed AWW(rs p. 349 pars. 1,2)
No. 6: Abner-Theme: Men Who Live by the Smrd Die by the
No. 4: Amnon-Theme: Semsh Erotic Love Is Ruinous






reading: bekiel27 to 29

No. 1: Commemoration of the Lord's Death (jvp. 242
par. l-p. 243 par. 3)
No.2: Ezekiel &l-l5
No.3: What the Sabbath Means to Christians (rs p. 349
par. 3-p. 351 par. 2)'
heme: Preach With Zeal and Be Hospitable
Review. Complete Jeremiah 13 to

No. 1: Seek Frst God's Kingdom (jvp. 283-p. 287 prir. L)

No. 2: Ezekie129:l-16
No.3: The Bible Is Accurate and Reliable (W p. 17
pars. 14,15)
No. 4: Boaz-Theme: Be Morally Clean and Accept Godly


Bible reading: hekiel 30 to 32

Song No.
- 85
-~;l: Trustin in Jehovah With AU Their Heart (jvp. 287
par.%-p. 292 par. 4)
No. 2: Ezekiel31:l-l4
Is a
(kl pp.
pars. 16-18)
No.4: Cain-Theme: How We React to Counsel Tells Much

e reading: Ezekiel 9 to l1

No. 1: Young Ones Given Attention and Ail Encouraged to

Preach u v p. 244 par. l-p. 248 par. 3)

No. L Ezekiel9:l-l1
No. 3: God Wants You to Have a Happy Future (W pp. 6-7

Ezekiel33 and 34


pars. 1-5)

Love to Senre God (jvp. 292 par. 5-p. 298

par. 1)

No.2: Ezekie134:17-30
No.3: Bible Prophecies About Jesus (k1pp. 19-21 pars. 19,ZO)
No. 4: Caleb (son of Jephunneh)-Theme: Jehovah Makes


Meetings Arran@d
par. 4-p. 253)
No. L Ezelriel l4:l-14
No. 3: Everlaating Life in Paradise-Not a Dream (k1pp. z7F
pars. 6-10)
No. 4: Queen Athallah-Theme: Beware of the Jezebel



Powerfui Those Who Follow Him Fully

ible reading: Ezekiel35 to 37

No. 1: Pioneeringand Seizing Opportunitiesto Witness (ju

l5 and 16

No. 2: Ezekie135:l-15
p. 299 par. l-p. 303)
No.3: Form a Longing for the K ~ l e d g ofe God (W pp. 21-2

No.1: Conventions Give Evidence of Our Brotherhood (ju

pars. 21-3)
elius-Theme: Jehovah God Is Not Partial

p. 254-p. 260 par. 2)

No.2: Ezekie116:46-63
No.3: What M e Wiil Be Uke in Paradise (k1pp. 9-10 pars

No.4: Balaam-Theme: Greed Can Blind US to a Wrong
May 27 ible reading: Ezekiel l7 to l9
c 2 2 5
No.1: Miestones in Spiritual Growth (jvp. 260 par. 3-p. 264
par. 5)
No.2: Ezekie118:21-32
No.3: Why the Knowledge of God IsVital (W pp. 10-11
pars. 17-19)
arnabas-Theme: Be Warmhearted and Generous in
Your Ministry

June 3 qble reading Ezekiel20 and 21

-Song N d 8 0
-No.1: Conventions Energize the Evangelizhg Work (jv

p. 265 par. l-p. 268 par. 3)

No. 2: Ezekie121:18-32
No.3: The Book That Reveals the Knowledge of God (k1
pp. 12-13 pars. 1-6)
No. 4: Baruch (Jeremiah's secretary)-Theme: Senre
( > & e a B i b l e reading: Ezekie122 aad 11
'73mgRo. 97
No.1: Memorable Gatherings of Jehovah's People (jup. 269
par. l-p. 275 par. 2)
No. 2: Ezekie12217-31
No. 3: What the Bible Reveas About God (k1pp. 14-15
pars. 7-9)
No. 4: Bath-sheba-Theme: Repentant Wrongdoers Can
God's Favor

June l!

Bible reading. Ezekie124 t& 26

No. 1: ConventionsOrganized for International Praise to

Jehovah ~JV p. 275 par. 3-p. 282)

No.2: Ezekiel26:l-l4
No. 3: WhyYou Can Trust the Bible (k1pp. 15-16 pars. 10-13)
No.4: Belshazzar-Theme: Learn Humility and Avoid

Song No. 173

No. 1: Gmwing Together in Love 0'2) p. 304-p. 307 par. 1) OB
No.2: Ezekie138:1-4,10-12,18-23
# 3-3-A
No.3: The True God and His Name (k1pp. 23-4 pars. 1-5) @I P
s-Theme: God's Word Always Comes True

Bible reading: Ezekiel4O to 44

Song No. 115
No. 1: Brotherly Love for Victims of War u v p. 307
par. 2-p. 310 par. 2)
No. 2: Ezekie140:l-15
No.3: Why You Should Use God's Name (k1pp. 24-5
pars. 6-8)
No.4: Daniel (God's prophet)-Theme: Jehovah
Whole-Souled Devotion

mg.5 '

Bible reading: -kiel

45 to 48

J O . l l 2
No. 1: Ezekiel-Why Beneficia1(s2 p. 137 pars. 29-33)
No.2: Ezekie147:l-12
No.3: How Jehovah Made His Name Great (k1pp. 25-7
pars. 9-13)
No.4: David-Theme: Youths, Prepare Now to Serve
Jehovah Courageously
reaDaniel l and 2
Song No. 82
No. 1: Introduction to Daniel (si pp. 138-9 pars. 1-6)
No. 2: Daniel 23145
of the True God (W pp. 27-8 pars. 14-16)
ess)-Theme: Faithful Women

ible reading: Daniel 3 and 4

No. 1: Chriitian Love When Natural Disasters Strike (jv

p. 310 par. 3-p. 315 par. 2)

No.2: Daniel 3:16-30

No. 3: Jehovah God Is Merciful and GracYous (k1pp. 28-9
pars. 17-19)

No. 4: Dinah-Theme: Bad AssocTations Can Lead to



Review. Complete Ezekie19 to Daniel 4


reading: Amos l to 5

No. 1: Introduction to Amos (si pp. 148-9 pars. 1-6)

No. 2: Amos 31-15
Song o. 29
No. 3: Jesus' Prehuman Existente (k1p. 39 pars. 12-14)
No. 1: AUnited Brotherhood in the Face of Persecution Uv
No. 4: Eliphaz (the Temanite)-Theme: Jehwah Hates a
p. 315 par. 3-p. 317)
No. 2: Daniel 6:4-ll,16,19-23
B i i p Z g r Amos 6 to 9
No. 3: Jehovah Is Slow to Anger, Impartial, and Righteous
m g NO. ia
(k2 p. 30 pars. 20,21)
No. 1: Amos-Why Beneflcial (si p. 150pars. 13-17)
No. 4: Doeg-Theme: Beware of Those Who Love What
Is Bad
No. 2: Amos 8:l-14
No. 3: Jesus' Life Course on Earth (k1pp. 40-1 pars. 15-17)
Sep . S Bible reading: Daniel 7 and 8
No. 4: Elisha-Theme: Have Deep Respect for Jehovah's
Son o. 148
No. 1: Building Together on a Global Scale Uv p. 318
par. l-p. 325 par. 5)
.s' Nov 1 Bible reading: Obadiah to Jonah 4
No. 2: Daniel 7:2-14
No. 3: Jehovah God Is One (k1pp. 30-1 pars. 22,23)
No. i: Introduction to Obadiah and to Jonah and Why
Beneficial (si pp. 151-3 pars. 1-5,lO-14; pp. 153-5
No. 4: Dorcas-Theme: Genuine Christians Abound in
pars. 1-4,9-12)
od Works
No. 2: ~ o n a h
3:10; 4:l-11'
ble reading: Daniel 9 and l0
No. 3: Jesus Is Alive and Ruling as King (k1pp.41-2
pars. 18-20)
No. 1: Refinement and Enlargement of the Building Work
F y l i z a b e t h - T h e m e : Be God-Fearing and Blameless
UVp. 325 par. 6-p. 333 par. 3)
/,Nov. 18 Bible reading: Micah l to 4
No. 2: Daniel 9:20-27
SoAg No. 138
No. 3: Jesus Christ Is the Key to the Knowledge of God (kl
No. 1: Introduction to Micah (si pp. 155-6 pars. 1-8)
pp. 32-3 pars. 1-3)
No. 2: Micah 4:l-12
-melech-Theme: Be Fearless, and Honor
No. 3: Worship That God Accepts (k1pp. 43-5 pars. 1-5)
Jehovah's Servants
No. 4: Enoch (son of Jared)-Theme: Walk With Jehovah
Bible reading. Daniel l 1 and l2
Bible reading: Micah 5 to 7
bng o. 89
No. 1: Daniel-Why Beneficial (si pp. 141-2 pars. 19-23)
No. 1: Micah-WW Beneflcial (Si pp. 157-8 pars. 16-19)
No. 2: Daniel 121-13
No. 2: Micah &l-16
No. 3: The Promised Messiah (k1p. 33 pars. 4,5)
No. 3: Doing the Will of God (k1pp. 46-7 pars. 6-10)
No. 4: , ud (son of Gera)-Theme: Jehovah Delivers His
ras-Theme: Pray and Slave for Your Brothers
Sept. 30
ible reading: Hosea l to 5
reading: Nahum l to 3
Sep 2 Biblereading: Daniel5 and6


to Hosea (si pp. 143-4pars. 1-8)
No. 2: Hosea 5:l-15
No. 3: Jesus' Lineage Identiies Him as the Messiah (k2 p. 34
par. 6)
No. 4: Eleazar (son of Aaron)-Theme: Steadfastly Serve
reading: Hosea 6 to l0
par. 4-p. 339)
No. 2: Hosea %:l-14
No. 3: Fulfllled Prophecy Identifles Jesus as the Messiah (k1
pp. 34-6 pars. 7,8)
(the high priest)-Theme: Permissiveness
Dishonors God
reading: Hosea l 1 to 14

No. 1: Hosea-Why Beneflcial (si p. 145pars. 14-17)

No. 2: Hosea 11:l-12
No. 3: Further Proof That Jesus Was the Messiah (k1P. 36
par. 9)

pp. 158-60 pars. 1-7,11,12)

No. 2: Nahum l:2-14

No. 3: Worship God His Way (k1p. 48 pars. 11-13)
No. 4: Epaphroditus-Theme: Have Respect for
Trustworthy Men

Bible reading: Habakkuk l to 3

No. 1: Introduction to Habakkuk and Why Beneficial (si

No. 1: Rapid Expansion Around the Globe (jv p. 333

No. 4: Elihu (sen of Barachel)-Theme:

No. 1: Introduction to Nahum and Why Beneficial (si

Truc Friends Speak


to Joel and Why Beneficial (si pp. 146-8

ParS. 1-5, 12-14)
No. 2: Joel 2:1-ll,28-32
No. 3: Jehovah Bears Witness About His Son (k2 p. 38
pars. 10,ll)
No. 4: EQah (the prophet)-Theme: Never Underestimate
the Power of Prayer

pp. 161-3 pars. 1-5,12-14)

No. 2: Habakkuk 1:12-2:8

No. 3: C+uardAgainst Offenmg God (k1PP. 49-50
pars. 14-17)

No. 4: Esau-Theme: Our Decisions Rweal Whether We

Appreciate Sacred Things

Dec. l 6 Bible reading: Zephaniah l to 3

Song No. 146

No. 1: Introduction to Zephaniah and Why Beneficial (si
pp. 163-6 pars. 1-6,10-12)
No. 2: Zephaniah 1:7-18
No. 3: Keep God,s High
pp. 50-1
18, 19)
NO.4: Esther-Theme: How True Beauty Is Made Manifest
Dec. 23 Bible reading: Haggai l and 2
Song No. 164
No. 1: Introduction to H a m and Why Beneficia (si
pp. 166-8 pars. 1-7,13-16)
Ham 2:6-19
No. 3: Give Jehovah WholeSouled Worship (k1pp. 51-2
pars. 20-2)
No. 4: Eunice-Theme: An Example for Christian Mothers
Dec. 30 Written Review. Complete Daniel 5 to Haggai 2
Song No. 177


to be used during OtAwake! and The Watchtower.

Make special effort to place copies
of the magazines. Subscriptions rnay
be offered on return visits when genuine interest is manifested. Novemb r : Offer the New World Translatim with the book The Bibk-God's
Word m Man's? Decombr: The new
book, entitled Knowkdge TRat Leads
to Emlasting Lve, will be offered, and
a special effort will be made to follow up all placements, with a view
to starting home Bible studies. January: Any 192-page book published prior to 1982 that the congregation may
have in stock. Congregations that do
not have a supply of such books may
offer True Peace and Secury-How
Can You Find It? NOTE: Congregations
that have not yet requested the abovementioned campaign items should do
so on their next monthly Literature
Request Form (5-14). The pre-1982
publications that may be used during
January are not available in Brooklyn.
iThe insert in this issue of Our Kingdom Ministry is the "Theocratic Ministry School Schedule for 1996" and
shoud be kept for reference throughout 1996.

iCongregations should begin requesting Examining the Scriptures

Daily-1996 with their October literature request. The booklets will be
available in Arabic, Chinese, Chinese
(Simplilied),Croatian, Danish, Dutch,
English, Finnish, French, German,
Greek, Gujarati, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Iloko, Italian, Japanese, Korem, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese,
Romanian, Russian, Samoan, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish, Tagaiog, Turkish, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese. Until these booklets are available and
shipments are made, they wil1 appear
as "Pending" on congregation packing
lists. Examining the Scriptures booklets are special-request items.
iThe November 8 issue of Awake!
will include articles on Mormonism.
This coverage is not an attack on the
Mormon faith but rather a clear exposition of some Mormon beliefs in comparison with the Bible. These articles
have been carefuliy researched and
checked Prom Mormon sources. We
believe this examination of Mormon
history and doctrine wil1 help sincere
persons to see where the light of tmth
really lies. You may wish to order extra copies Por your future contacts
in the ministry. Congregations should
notify the Society at once of any increased orders Por this issue.

We Need the Congregation

'The sons of Korah once s-tmth. (1 Tim. 3:15) Jesus' followers
pressed t e a preciation for Je- must 'al1 be oneW-at mini with God,
way: with Christ, and with one another.
(A day in your courtyards is
(John 17:20,21;compare Isaiah 54:13.)
than a thousand
No matter wherz--y? mm go in the
w~&Jour b r o t k believe the Bible's
teachings and principles, and t h w
share those feelings, you should conduct themselves in harmony with
make the c o n m ~ A f o c a them.
of your
We are trained and equipped to
From its inception, the Chris- fulll our asTwent to m a m
tian congregation has manifest- ples. E*h month, The Watchtower,
ed that it has Jehovah's blessiw. Awake!, and Our Kingdom Ministry
(Acts 16:4,5)None of US should take offer helpfUl i n f o r m g n zo assist US
the congregationfor g r i d or fee1 in startlng Scriptural discussions.
that it is simply a m
The meetings are designed t0 show
sically. The con- us how to flnd and develoi,
grega ion is the rallying point for The increase we see worldwide proves
Jehovah's Witnesses in every com- that we have heavenly backing in this
munfty. It provides for united as- work.-Matt. 28:18-20.
m that we can be
6 Through the congregation, we reb~~
and organized for King- ceive daily encouragement 'inciting
dom activity.-Isa. 2:2.
us toloy~and-.'
teeg3The -- istian congregation is a 24, 25) We are str-bed
basic cl iel Por teaching us the dure trials faithfully. Loving over-

iNew Publications Available:

Does God Reallu Care About US?
How to Start and ContinueBible Studies
Jehovah's WZtnessesand Education
-EnWh, French, Greek, Itallan,
Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish,
Jehouah's Witneses in the Twentieth
Century -Lithuauian, Macedonian
iWwleue Thai Leads to Everlastinu
-Chinese, English, ~rench,
Greek, Itaian, Japanese,Portuguese,
Spanish,Tagaiog, Vietnamese
iNew Audiocassettes Available:
Doing WRat Is Right in Jehouah's Eyes
Sina Praises to J e M (set of eifzht
a~ocassettesin an album) PO^
iNew Braille Publications Available:
Examining the Smiptures Daily-1996
(four volumes) -Grade-two English
TheocraticMinistry School Schedulefor
1996 (onevolume)
4rade-two English
Please mark requests for Braille
DESK. Include name and address of
the person who willuse the Braille material.
iNew Videocassettes Available:
The New World Society in Action (A
review of the historie 1954 im of the
same title)

seem help US to cope with pressures and anxieties. (Eccl. 4:9-12)

We are given needed counsel when
we are in danger o1 gamg astray.
What other organization provides
such loving me?-l Thess. 5:14.
8 It is Jehovah's will that we stay
c w t 0 his organization to preMm our u n i ~ l 0 : 1 6 One
way the congregation helps US
maintain contact with the faithful slave class is by sending out
Por our encourtravelina -o
agement. Our responding to loving direction draws US together in
a closeness that helps to keep US
spiritually StrOng.
7 The congregation is vita1 to our
spiritual survival. 1t would be impossible to serve Jehovah acceptably apart Prom it. Let w , t h e e y
close to -aded. May we work in harmony with
iKgoals and sincereiy appw the
c o x e l we receive there. Ztlsoniy
in this way that we can show how
much the congregation means to
us.-Ps. 27:4.

offer Magazines On Every-8i0n

We have good reason to appreciate
Te Watchtower and Awake! What other magazines have such international
aPPeal?This month the magazines will
be featured in our preaching activity,
and what powerful informationthe October issues contain! Usually, we place
most Of Our magazines in the house-tobe
prepared 'lso
Offer them
other appropriate occasion.
a When Offe'erin@
the Ootober
@Ou mi@ht stimulate
Without War-WhenP" saying:
" M ~ people
wonder why a world
without war seems to be unattainable
in spite of al1 the efforts of men. What
do you think about these statements
on page 5 of the Ootober 1 W&&tower? [Read the flrst sentence in each
of the flrst two paragraphs under the
subheading "Religion-A Great Hindrance," and allow for response.] Of
course, this doesn't mem that there
will always be wars. Notice God's promise here at Isaiah 9:6,7." You may read
this text from your Bible or as it is
quoted in the Watchtower article. Ex-

is S ~ Oand
W ~offer
the magazineif interest

plain briefly that The Watchtoweradvocates Jehova's Kingdom as the only

hope for a peaceful world, and encourage the person to read the article.
3 m, presen~ng
the october 8~
~ c A ~you
~ might
~ ~ !say:
awhat do
think about the ques-

ti0n On the cover Of this ma@Uine: 'WW

ISLife S0 Short?' [ N O Wf0r I'espoXlSe.]
This series Of articles CallS attention
to what modern scientists and others
have to say about aging, and then it focuses on what our Creator has promised regarding prospects for everlasting life. I would be pleased to leave you
this copy if you care t. read it.v

When working from house to

house, do not pass up smal1 storea
and shops. Those who regularly
Cal1 on stores describe this actiwlty
as enjoyable ancl productive. You
c O U try
~ ~a AmPle~sentathn
this when offering the October 8
m "We know that businesspeople appreciate being kept up-to-date on issues that mect their co-unity,
sure these articles wil1 be of interest to you." Then briefly share a point
from the article "One-Parent Families
-How Successful Can They Be?"
6 Z f the person you approach is
genuinely busy, you could display
the magazines and say:
m "I know you weren't expecting a visi-

reliNusly incWned, why

fes- tor today, s0
be brief. I'd like to give
"'B an a d c l e f r m the October 15
"Watchtower"t This presentat$On you have selected, and offer the magamay
a responsive chord:

"I'd like t0 get mur Opinion On

question: 1s it possible tolove God and
fear him at the .!iame time?" N o w for
rep135 and then read the caption text of
the article "Why Fear the True God
Now?" @ccl. 12:13) U S one
~ of the illustrations on page 199 of the Reasoning

M u mVisits With a Puipoae

l When making a return visit, you
If you placed the articie "AWorld
should endeavor to use a Scripture that Without War-When?" you might
wil1add to the person's knowledge of the say:
Bible subject you discussed previousiy.
"What would Me on this earth be like
One of the goals in making return if thereweren0 m r ~ w a r s[Ailm
forrevWt8 on magazine placements is t0 s~o-e.1 Let me show Wu what God bas
establtsh a magazine r0ute.A simple Promised t0 do." Read Psalm 3T10911,
presentation like this might be d e c - and describe how things m be when
God's will is done here on earth. Remind
m "I hope you enjoyed the Watchtower the persen of what Jesus hught bis a s article I left with you that explainedwhy CiPlesto P r a for
~ as recordedat Matthew
we should be in fear of God. Today I 6:9,10. Help him to reason on the meanbrought an article in the &a,&! maga- ing Of Jesus' words. If there is genuine
&e that
1s Life S0 Short?' interest, u may Offer a subscription to
That9sa pood westion, isn9tit?" You m W & C ~ O W
and IQakearcould continue by saying: "Jesus'
rangements to come back for further
known words at John 3:16 givepromise of discuSSi0n.
everlasting life. Please accept this magIf you retumd for further disazine and be encouraged by the solid cussion on the cover series W h y Is
hope offered in God's Word." Then ex- Life So Short?"you might begin thh
plain that you will be back to bring the way:
next issues and perhaps discuss further m "The last time I called, we taiked
what God has promised for obedient about human longevity.As you no doubt
mankind.Rememberthat eachtimeyou noted in the Awake! articles, scientists
deliver the magazines, you can report a hold out little hope of helping us to live
return visit.
beyond 70 or 80 years. But what do you

7 Keep a careful house-to-house pcord, and cali back on al1 placements. If

sinCere interest is found on the return
c d , offera subscription to one or both
of the magazines. Let US be prepared
and alert to offer our magazines on
every appropriate occasion.

think about what the Bible promises?

[Ailowfor answer.] The Bible shows that
Clod has somethingmuchbetter in mind
for man." Then read John 17:3, and explain how taking in howedge can lead
to everlastinglife. At this point you rnay
be able t0 offera home Bible s t u a or arrange for another Bible discussion.

5 Startiw a ~ i b study
is an (mp,,,-tant goal in
minism. perhaPSyou have
a perSm zaho
accepted the wuzines.
try this approach
the ne3cttime wucalZP
"People have many merent ideas

are cOnfllCting
permitted wickedness or why we grow old and die. Some
byGod." Open One Of Our
Biblestu~publicatiOristoasubject you
fee1 wil1 interest the householder, and
briefly demonstrate
is con-

Jehovah is a God of purpose. Let US

imitate him during October by making
return visits with a purpose.

0 1995 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Al1 rights resemed. Uur K~ngdomMlnistry (USPS 295-360) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and

Tract Society of New irk, Inc, and International Bible Students Association, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483 Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn, NY,
and at addifional mailing offices POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtower, 25 Coiumbia Helghts, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483
Printed in U S A.

November 1995

For United States of America

Vol. 38, No. 11

B ThrilBod With Reioase of New 'Book at District Convention
W.w Book Hiahliahktho Knowllc of God
At our district convention this past
summer, how delighted we were with
the entire program!On Saturday afternoon our joy overflowed when we heard
the announcement concerningthe new
book, Knowledge Tliat Leads to Ever2astitagL$fe,and the related information
that foilowed. Earth's billionsof people
need knowledgethat only Cfod can give
-knowledge of God ancl of his Son, JeSus M.-hov. 216; John 123.
a How vivim the speaker described
portions of the book! The captivatingchapter headings,practica1i k t r a tions, positivepresentation of thetmth,
uncomplicated questions, and, at the
endof eachchapter,aboxentitleduTest
Your Knowledge" are among the features that will appeal to all who read it.
But our Bible &dents will especially
beneflt as they rapidly acquirethe Auidamentals of the Bibleb teachings.

During the'concluding talkson Saturday and Sunday,we were encouraged

to have a family study using this new
book. By now, wehave likely become acquainted with its contenta. No doubt
p u have als0 discussed points to have
in rntnd when ofleringthis new book in
the fleld.
4Polntr to Revkw: You may recaU t h t when presenting the subject
WhyMangind Nee&the Knowledge of
the speaker ernphasized a number of points, including the following
(1) hen you use this book to conduct
studies, it is not wiseto bringin outside
material,which could becloud the main
points; just concentrate on conveying
what the book is proving in each chapter. (2)Chapters are of moderate length
so that puwill usuallybe ableto cover
one each time you study. (3) At the
end of each capter, the questions in

Roguiar MeetingAttendam
-Essentiai t0 OW Standing timi
The apostle Paul urged us to remain "healthy in the faith." (Titus l:
9, 13) At conwegation meetings we
consider wholesome thoughts and are
instructed in how to keep ourselves
fully clad in spiitUrU amor S0 that We
against the machhati0118of theDeviLn-Eph. 6:ll;PhiL 48.
Ymmtlng. Provid. What We N

Attending cowregationmeetings wulary is essentialt0 our standingfirm.

(1Cor. 16:13)At meetings prayers are
offered to thank end to praise God, as
wel1 as to petition him in behalf of the
congregation aud its needs. (Phil. 4:
6, 7) Joining in Kingdom songs u p
M b US and enables US to express our
sentiments and feelings as we worship Jehovah. (Eph. 5:19, 20) ur fellowship together at the Kingdom Hall
before and &fter meetings entourages
buila US UP, and refieshes US.
-1 Thess. 5:ll.
S Last April the special talk, *F'alse
Reiigionb End Is Near," forcefully
pressed upon the min& of truth lovers the urgency of taking immedi-


ate action to get out of Babylon

the boxentitled"'DxtYourKnowl-

wil1 provide a succinct review.

Uae on Blbk Studkm: Quite a few

publishers have inquired whether it is
advisable to change their Bible studies over to this new book. If you are
well along in the book being studied at
present, it would be practical to completethestudyof that publication.Otherwise, it is recommended that you
switch over to the Rhow2edge book. If
gou used a brochure or a tract to start
a Bible study, introduce the new book
at the approprate time and use it Por
the study. More informationon the use
of the Knowledge book will appear in
OUT Kingdom Ministry in the coming
B Jehovah has provided this new book
to help us teach others about the
knowledge that leads to everlastingMe.
Pull share in the work yet to be done.

seen in the exceptional results worldwide. (Compare 2 Corinthtans 9:6, 7.)

~ h a regularly
~ e
attending the meetingswere encouraged,and they helped
generate the support that was given
the campaign.
BA^ the congregation Boek
our sense of
is heightened by
the things we are learningfiom
Wordwiththe a i d o ~ t hai
bok. with even@m m swiftly
on t b world -e,
derstand the fUillment of the deeper
prophecies of Revelation.

the Great. (Rev. 18:4) During June

and J a how stimulat'ing it was to
cover three Watchtowerstudy articles
on the flashes of Ught that have enlightened the path of the righteous!
(hov. 418) Think of what We WOU^^
missed had we neglected to attend thosemeetings.
At our *JoyPul Praisersn District
waslaid on the need
.r ak. p i k n t y te R - U ~ , m"tlng
Por edue8tiOnthet enhances O W m- ~ t t 0 n d . m :In many lan& where OW
try. AS w a n d t0 ~ ~ p l f s h bmthers are d e r i n g trials, they still
Ministry poin?out on page 72, the recoh m ~W it Por them O
Theocratie Mjni~trySchool is a Provi- come together each week. For examSion Por the ongoing education of the pie, in Bunindi, R m d a , Liberia, aud
entire congregation.Currently,one fea- Bosnia and Herzegovina, so many new
ture of the program helps us t0 become ones are at the meetings that two or
better acquainted with the modem- even three times the number of pubday history of the OrganizatiOn by W- lishers attend. In this way J e h o m
ing.the PrOdUfme7S hook. We CannOt helps the bmthers to remain h in
aliord to miss out on this education.
one spirit.-Phil. 1:m;Heb. 10:23-25.
s 0ur service Meeting equips US to
who may hrme been neglecting
be more effective in the ministry. regular meeting attendance should
This was illustrated by the meettake steps now to rectify this trend.
in which we received instructions f0r (Eccl. 49-12)In order to stand flrm,
sharing in the wide distribution of we need the mutual interchange with
KingdomNewsNo. 34. Jehovah's bless- mature ones, as provided by regular
ings on this work were abundant, as meetingattendance.-Rom. 1:ll.

Week Startlng November 6

song 6
lected Announcements from OUT
15 mln: "New Book Highights the
Knowledge of Gd." Question-=danswer disCussion. Encourage al1
to become COmpletely flunUW with
Of hook s"
make etcient use of it in the fleld.
20 min: "AU script^ IS
Por Teaching." Discuss features of
the New World Tramlation, showing why it is superior to others.
Explain advantages because it is
rendered in modern
"A12ScePture" hook, Page 3289 Parapresentations
Song 2 and concluding prayer.

Week start'ng November l3

Song 33
10 mln: Local announcements. Accounts report. Review arrangements

Por expanded fleld service activity during the worldly holiday period Weok Starting November 27
next week.
I S mln: "Regular Meeting Atten- Song 96
Standing 10 mln: Local announcements.
Firm." Talk and discussion with au- I S mln: "Keep Your Mind Fixed on
the Things Above." Questions and
10 mln:
ha^ in a -er
War- answers.
4 0 min: Offering the New Book,
m of the Goed Ne-." Questions Kmledge
Thut Leads to Everasting
M&e additional mmments based on June 15,1989. WatCh- Lve, During December. Review appealing features of the book-striktotoe7,pages 16-17, b
ing chapter titles and interesting
concluding prayer.
pictures as weli as simplicity in explanations, compact size, and s W
Weok Starting November 20
use of questions. Isolate a few talking
points that might appeal to people in
mln: Localannouncements.
local territory. The Knozuledge book
i s mln: Local needs. (Or give a talk is uniquely designed Por conducting
you ~~j~~ Peksonal study?" progressive Bible studies, and a spebased on June 15,1994, WatChtoWe?', cial effor0 should be made to follow
pages 8-11.)
up al placements, with a view to
2 0 mln: "Help Others to Appreciate starting Bible studies. Have a capathe Bible's Value." Elder discusses ble publisher demonstrate one OL two
with two or three publishers why we brief presentations. Encourage al to
should make return visits with the make good use of this new book in
goal of starting Bible studies. Re- the fleld, starting in December.
view and then demonstrate suggest- Song 78 and concluding prayer.

Behave in a Manner Worthy

of the GO@ News
JPunctuality is a mark of loving
l As Jehovah's Witnesses, we deSire to bring honor to Jehovah's consideration and thoughtfulness.
name. We know that our conduct, Qccasionally, unavoidable circumspeech,grooming,andclothingcan stances m prevent US m minfluence how others view truewortime for a meettng. gut habitualsup. ThLs is eSpeCbdiy tnie when ly m- late map display a lacg
we are at
We want
of respect for the sacred purpose of
that i~
the meetings apd a faflure to apprecidone at
is ate our responsibility to avoid disOf the good news
brin@ turbing others. Latecomers often dishonor to Jehovah.-Phil. 2:4.
tract others and prevent them from
2Many Of
woria's standarcis getting the iull beneflt from the profor
and woorning i~~ unac- gram. Pun tuality shows respect Por
ChristianSla a t b feelint and interests of al in atmatter that should be given care- tendanCe.
tul attention by ministers of the
4 Love Por our neighbors should
goodnew;9.The June 19a9,
cloth- make US careful to avoiti causing distowe,., page 20, stated:
be expensive, hut it tractions during the meetings. Whisneed
gum, rattling
should be clean, tastem, and mod- pering, eating, chest, ourfootwear should alsobe in papers, and making unnecessary
good repair and of g o d appear- trips to the rest room may interance. Similarly, at al1 meetings, fere with the concentration of others
including the Congregation Booq and detract fiom the digoity due JeStudy, our bodies should be clean, hovah's place of worship. It is inapand we should be neatly and appro- propriate for any to be conducting
priately dtessed."
congregation business or conversing

ed presentations for return visits; as

in a practice session.
Song 8 and concluding prayer.

with others uniess there is some

emergencythat requires the brothers to be away from their seats:
Otherwise, ail should be seated and
btening the Program s0 as
beneflt themselvea and their famiMs. Poer manners are out of piace
in the Kingdom Hall because 'love
. . . does not .behave indecent@."
-1 cor. 13:4,5; Gal. 6:lO.
S The flne behavior of our children at meetings als0 brings praise
and honor to Jehovah's name. Close
supervision by parents is. vital.
Children should be encouraged to
listen and participate. Many parents with young children choose to
slt in a location where they can
easily exit and care Por the nee&
of their Youn@em without undul~
distracting ethersBPauladmonshed: "Behave in a
manner wort@' of the good news."
(Phil. l:27) &bus, then, strive to be
maiinerly and considerate of others
when attenng meetings. Cooperation by a will ensure that there
will be 'an interchange of encouragement . . .by each one through
the ether's &ti$~*-Rorn. 1:12.


to be wed during Novamber: Wer the New Wofld Wamlation with the book The Bibk-God's
Word of Man's? Decombr: KnowZedge That Leads to Eoeriasting Life.
A special effort wi be made to follow up aii placements, with a view
to M n g home Bible studies. Jan*
arv: Any 192-pagebook published prior to 1982 that the congregation may
have in stocic. Cong~@ons that do
not have a supply of such books may
offer TriSe Peace and Secu+Hcno
Can Yqu Flnd Zt? Fobnmw: Reoelation-Zts Grand C i f m At Hand! may
be offered NOTE: Congregations that
have not yet requested the abovementioned campaign items should do
so on their next monthly Literature
Reauest Farm (5-14). The pre-1982
publications that mG be used during
January are not available in BrookLVn.
iCongregations should begin requesting the 1996 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses with their November
literature reauest. (See the Watchtower ~ublications~ i s t ,paragraph
10.) The Yearbook will be available
in rabi bic, Chinese, English. French,
German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portu- .

guese, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish. Until the Yearbook is available

and shipments are made, it wiil apwar as "Pending" on congregation
packing lists. Yewbooks are specialrequest items.
iNew Publications Available:
Does God ReaIly CaWAbout US?
-Armenian, CLech, Maceonian
E@qjl;hmQyLjfe (Tract No.21)
yte in a Peacefu New Wori Vract
NO. 15)
OrgmkxdtoAccomplish ur Minisiry

SNm e s to i~


The Government That Wil1 Bring

The GreatestMan Wha Eoer Lived

Watch Tower Publications Index

1991-1993 -Danbh, German,Greek,


Videocasettes Available:

15% B i b k - M e ' s



Au Au
Au Au
Hrs Mags RV. Bi.Si.

Number d:
Cp'l Pios


1SS 116.8 72.1 50.9 4.7

72,962 59.7 26.7 19.4 2.8

Aux.Pios 21,240 56.2 26.0 19.9 1.2




Schedule for congregation studies in the book



Revelation-lts Grand Climau At Hand!

November 6:
hmber 13:
hmber 20:
Nowmber n:



11 17

p. 228,115

p. 224, 116

p. 228, 11 l 9

p. 229, 1120

p. 23% 11SS

p. =S, US4

p. 287,115



8.1 0.4

Baptized: S,6SO

The report shows a new peak of 956,346 total

publishers. This repremts an increase of 20;
082, or 2.1 pekent, wer the previous peak, in
August 1994. The 43,909 baptized during the
service year represented an increase of 4,803,
or 12.3 percent, over the number baptized the
previous service par.


Keep Ywr Mind Fixed

On th8 Things A ~ o v .~
l Commenting on the generation
that surrounds us audits outlook on
the future, an article in TheN m Ymk
Times of December 31, 1994, stated: 'They're fearing the future. They
fear it in terms of jobs, in t e m of
disease, in t e m of the economy, in
t e m of world situations." Ever~rwhere we look, there is a feeling of
u n c e m t ~about life. Our minisas Jehovahs WitneSSes bmgs
int0 dPlb contact with pe0ple who
feel this way. While we facethe Same
problems as thw do, our fatth and
con&dence in the sure promises of
God's Word enableus to have amuch
dinerent outlook on life and the future of mankind.-Isa. 65:13,14,17.
a Our optimism and outlook of
sure hope cause many honesthearted people to listen to the message
that we bringto them. Many individuals who feel depressed and downtrodden flnd it comforting to talk
with us. Because they like what they

The Lliufne Name That Wil1 Endure


hear, some agree to study the Bible

with us. At times, however,people may
flrst want to unburden themselves of
their personal problems. While some
time may be spent listening to someone's personal anxieties, we should not
lose .sight of our objective, which is
to teach peopie the ~ i t i v te~ t h S
God's Word.
s We do want to be sympathetic t e
ward tho ewhoareburdeneddown. Jesus set t i e example when he said, as
recorded at Matthew 11:28: "Come to
me, all you who are toiling and loaded
down." We want to encouragepeople in
the Same manner. Notice, homer, at
the conclusionof verse 28, Jesussaid:"I
will refresh you.; That should be Our
airn.We do that by sharingthe refreshing promises from God's Word. Being a
good listener demonstrates our Personal interest and concern and is vital
to fufling our commission to preach
the good news of the Kingdom, helping
others to realhe that the Kingdom is

the only sureremedy for al1the problems of mankind-Matt. M14.

*OU =k is not that of professional health-care experts. Rather,
it is as the apostle Paul explained,
as noted at l Timotb 4.6, a
that focuses on me
the teachingsthat are found in tbe
word of ~ o ~h~
having pemnal
or ,,motional problm
need ,t
1- on hova va h.
Teach them t0 keep their
fixed on the thlngs abw-things
that are related to the Kingdom
hope. (Col. 3:2) When people keep
their attention focused on the Word
of God, they can be built up as a result of the powerful intluence it exerts in their 1ives.-Heb. 4:12.
6 So our goal is to help people concentrate their thlliking on things
that are 'rlghteous, chaste, lovable,
and pralmrthy.' (phil. 4:8) If they
focus attention on the Kingdom
hope, they willbe blesseci in the same
way as we are. They too will experience the joy that comes with the
knowledge that Jehovahwi eventually solve all their pmblems through
his Kingdom.-Ps. 14516.

AU %flflun 18 Bemflcial b Teachlng

You Can
to discuss
Trust te
Bibie. oner toitreturn
is that
Bible prophecies are being fullilled in
~ ~evenb.
~ ~ ~
l Opinions about the Biblek value are for response.] I have found that the Bi- C X Imrld
Z f t h w are m n y nonreZt%&us
many and varied. Howwer, we are con- ble offerspractieai advice that can help
, might
vinced that within its pages lie the an- us avoid unnecessary problems. Let me peopk in ?@UTt d t ~ r yyou
swers to mankind's perplexing prob- show you an example." Turn to page l63 try thk approach:
lems as wel1 as reliable guidance for OW in the book The B l e - G o d ' s W W OT i "Many people in this area v i m r yr-0b
and as
personal course in We. (Pm3:5,6)
The Man's? and read 1 Timothy 6:9,10, quot- tain holv
wisdom of its counsel is unequaled. The ed in paragraph 3. Make further com- nothfng more than m~ths.They have
in we
moral standarcisit advocates are unsur- ments on paragraph 4, and then offerthe Seen S0 m W bad t-done
name of religionist they do got trupt
passed. Its message is powerful, "ableto book.
&n e -e.
In fact, more and more
cScem thouats and intentions of the
W e m t aoMUw
gestkn y o ~pple are
the Bible
heart.* meb. 412) HOW
we help 0th- might e m e r :
is peur
ers to see the need to takethis book off
E time
~ we ~read ~the paper
or lis- opinion?" Aliow for answer. Depending
the shelf and give it
ten to the news we hear about anoth- oh householder's response, tt. a
You may wishto some Of the follow- er distresslng problem that mahes us portion of the hook m ~ k - d ' s
when o&t& New fee1 anxious. wention some distwbinp word
Man's? that de& with the obW*IdTramm
with the
TIieBi- Went reported recentw in the news.1 jection viewpoint ofthe householder,
How can we cope with problems like d, disene or two points. ~ o exr
this? [AUow for response.] Back in 1983 ample, you may have occasion to use
Since m m y people zoorry about the then president of theunited States m p h s 27-9 b w i n g on page 66,
meding thdr baslc needs, perhps @onald Reagan]said that the Bible has under the ubheading "Jesus-A
thk approach ~~9~
thdr atten- the greatest message ever written and Person:
'mide PWW
the m ~ w e r s OWOrand Instructorhas made sure
people I talk to these days are to all the problems that man has ever that aknowledgeof his will is accessibie
about m e e t i i their hancial known.' What he sdd brings t0 mind to aii who want to Iem. Helping others
tobligations. Many are caught up in the what theBibleitselfStateS. Wad2Tim- toappreciatethe Bible's realvalue is one
pursuit of material things, and this re- othy 3:16,17.1 Let me show you why we of the best things we can do to help
sults instress. Where is the best placet0 can have confldenee in the Bible."Point thern; it can save their lives.-Prov. l:
tum for advice on such matters? [AUow out some highlights from the tract Why 32,33.





thians 44. Explain how God will destroy

the Devil and will bring a world of lasting peace and happiness. Read Revelation 21:3,4. You can then say: "The n&
graph 15, and read Matthew 7:12. Add time I call,I would liketoshow you some
thoughts expmsed in paragraph 16.1 scripturesthat explain why you can look
This is another example of the wlsdom forward to a world without distress."
Zf you wed the direct approach
found in Bfble counsel. The n& time I
call,I'd liketo show you advice the Bible to start a study and there waa a good
offers to help married couples to find response, you might say tht when
greater happiness in their relationship." y>u return:
Make arrangement8to return to discss i "When we spoke previously, we dispages 170-2, which show what the Bible cussed some reasons why it is beneflcial
wkmends fora happy family life.
to study the Bible. A sincere effort to
zf you spoke to someone who do more of this can help us appreciate
shoeued interest in the Bible. then what God has in store for us. @ead
perhps thk approach mightbe ef- John 17:3.] We have developed a Bible
fectve L aettrw a studu s t a d :
study program that hah assisted thoui * ~ i r t & aii those y i talk to will sands to leammore about what Godhas
tell you that they would like to have a promised and how we can please him."
peacenil and secure world in which to Display the K m k g e book, review the
live. Ifthat's what everybodywants, why chapter titles, and demonstrate how we
do we have a world that's flled with so conduct a Bible study.
much turmoil and violence? [Aliow for
5 If you can help sincere persons to
response.] The New World Tramlation appreciate the excelling value of God's
shows you where in the Bible you can Word, you have helped them in the best
find the answer to that question." Turn way possible. Thewisdom they can learn
to page 1659, and point to "Bible Topics by a study of its pages can be "a tree of
for Discussion" No. 43a, "Wh0is respon- life,"whichwill bring them much happisible for world distress." Read 2 Corin- ness.-Prov. 318.

Help 0thto Appreclat*

the BiMe's Value
Jesus provided what his disciples
needed. Luke,'14:45 reports: "He opened
up their mincis nuly to grasp the meaning of the Scriptures." He knew that if
they wanted to have hls Father's approval, it was essentialfor them to study and
understand God's Word, the Bible. (Ps.
1:1,2) Our preaching work has the Same
objective.Our goal is to start Bible studies, where we can 'teach people to observe the things Jesus con-imanded.'
(Matt. 28:20) With this in mind, the following are some suggestions on What
might be helpful when you make return
a Z f you initiaZZy discussed the
book "The BibZe-God's Word or
Man9sP"you might contnue your
d k m h thk way:
i "I would like to show you something
else that illustrates the practica1 value
of Bible counsel. Many people flnd it
dicult t0 get along wel1 with others.
What can we do to develop a better relationship with those around us? [After
a response, turn to pages 167-8, para-

O 1995 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society ot Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. Our Kingdom Ministry (USPS 295-360 is published rnonthly by Watchtower Bible and
Tract Societ , of New, Wrk, Inc., and International Bible Students Associatfon, 25 Colurnbia Heightc, Brooklyn, NY 11201-d2483. Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn, NY,
and at addiional mailing omces POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtowsr, 25 Colurnbia Hetghts, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483.
Printed in U.S.A.

December 1995

For United States of America

Vol. 38, No. 12

6 Some find it possible to give a witness when salesmen or others caii at

their door. A sister in Ireland received
Our Ood, Jehovah, is a marvelous,
~Opportunltlem Are Aw~v.llable acaiifromamansellimlifeinsurance.
loving Creator, the Source of aii Me ~ v & - D a ~ Today
many find that thw She explained that &is looking forand happiness. In view of his great- can ~raiseJehowh daihr bs informal ward to eqloying everlasting Me. This
ness, Gie-tmlyis deserving of P*
witn-essing. ~dvancepianning helm was an entirely new thought to this
from ali his creation. Indtviduall~,we them to be more productive. A sider man, who had been raised as a Roman
wfsh Say as dia the -t:
'I m who had resolved to share in informal Catholic. He accepted the Live Zbrever
add to all your praise. My o m mouth witnessng f o n d that someone had book, attended a meeting the followm o m t your righteousness, aii smashed two windows and broken int0 ing week, and agreed to have a Bible
day long p u r salvation." (Ps. 71:14,15) her car. She caled a repair service study. Now this salesrnan is a baptized
Todothis,wemustseekwa~stopraise and then prepared to witness t0 the brother.
Jehovah day by day and be motivated serviceman.Her preparation included
AU of us should be alert to opporto speak wel1 of him, his righteous- praylng Por Jehovah's direction. As it tunities to praise Jehovah daily. It is
ness, and his pravisions Por salvation. turned out, she witnessed to the ser- helpfu to keep a few magazines or
a The early Christians set a fine ex- viceman Por an hour and placed the tracts where they can be seen and can
be readily offered to visitors. In some
ample in praising Jehovah. in refer- Live Rweuer book with him.
areas a little time spent on a park
enceto the 3,000 baptizedat Pentecost,
4Another sister regularly met a bench might ave you several chances
we read at Acts 2:46,47: "Day after day
they were in constant attendance at neighbor while they were walking to witness to others who stop to rethe temple with one accord, . . .prais- their dogs. During one encounter,thw lax Por a few minutes. Some Witness
in$ Ood and finding favor with all the had a serious conversation about Me's youths in school keep Bible literature
people. ...[And]Jehovah continued to problems, and that led to more discus- on their desk as a way to initiatea conjoin to them daily those being saved." sions. in time, a Bible stuw was start- versation with someone who notices it
Thw were learning wonderfui truths ed. Interestingly, the neighbor later and asks questions. Have in mind one
about Jehovah and his Messiah. Their confessed that she would not have lis- or two Scripture references that you
joy was contagieus, encouraging stffl tened to Jehovah's Witnesses if they can use.Ask Jehovah to help you. You
others to listen and learn and to praise had W e d at her door, since she did wil1 be blessed Por doing so.-l John
not believe in God or the Bible.

Prai- Jeovah Daily

Prepanb r and Enjoy

'As an easocfaton of brothers, we
wisely congregate regularly Por our
weekly meetings. (1 Tim. 415,16) How
can we Woy and derive the most benefltfwmthem?
Time should be set aside on a regular basis to prepare Por the meetings.
Somemay be ableto spendmoretime in
Preparation than others. However, no
matter how busywe are, it is wiseto nd
sometime to prepare Por m e e t w . Preparing togaher as a famiUr is especially
beneficial.-Eph. 5:15,16.
s For the Theocratlc Mlnlmtry
School: Strivetok e e UD
~ withtheweek-

reading scheiluie.(Josh. 1:8) Review the material that wil1 be covered,
and brlng the neceasarJI publications
s0 that you can foliow along with the
speakers.Think about ways you canuse
this information ingourministry.
Cor t b k w b h t l n g : Look over
the program outiined in Our Kingdom
the articlea that will be

to auswer the questions in gour own

wlml you haveprepared the les-

the main points and lines of reasoning.
-2 Tim. 215.
discussed. If material from a WdchEnJoy t b h t l n g . : To Woy the
tower article or some other publication
will be considered, look that up and meetingstotheful,itisimportantto
be on time in order to shareinthe openread it too. IP fleld service presentations ing prayer, asking Por Jehovah's spirwill be demonstrated, review these in it. You also benefit from the r e k h be ready
ing Kingdom songs. If you do not have

them in Your mbistry.

Cor th. Wa$htow.r Study: Read

young ones or some other reason Por sit-

tingin the back of the hall,likely you will

over the lesson in advance, noting the nd that if you sit towarcl the front,
answers to the questions. Looking up there will be fewer distractions and you

the cited scriptures will help you to ga

a better understan-.
Meditating on
how the lesson fits in &h what y& already know will broaden your knowledge. Plan to DarticiPate during the
study by pre&
brief comments on
at least one or two pamgraphs. This is
an important way to make 'public declaration of our hope."-Heb. 1023.
Cor th. Congng.tion Book Study:

First, survey the ,consider the

chapter title and sub-.
Then, as
you read, takenote of the key ideas. R e
view the supporting Bible verses. Try

wiU g& more out of the program. Par-

ent# with little ones who may have to be

taken out during the meeting can minimize the distraction by sitting clme to
the aisle and toward the rear.
Endeavor to look UP the scri~tures
that are read. This wil help you rmember what sou hear. talk in^ to mur family and M&
about whatyo1earnwill
impress the information on your mind
Appbring these suggestions will make
the meetings more meaningftiland enjoyable, and thegwill tny 'incite [US]to
love and ne works."-Heb. 1V24,25.


Week Starting Decembor 25

Song 88
Week Starting December 4

Song 181
10 mln: Local aunouncements. Select-



,s mln:


Our Engdom


tions and answers. Have pamgmphs

read. Have ene or
publishers relate
encoexperiences amwme
witnessing infonmlly.
PO mln: "Ofperingthe Book iiowkdge
That Leads toCverMngl2fe."mthusiastically recommend offering the new
book, especiayto thosewho havemanifested interest in the past. Review the
swmsted ~resentations.and have one
ort-wo of these demonstrated. include
appropriate expia.nationsof how householder can make donation to worldwide
Song 224 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting December l 1

turn visits in advance and arramging to

work with others who plan to stay out
for two h o m or more.
needs. Or a talk M
on me article "TheRewaras of Per&tence," h m the August 1,1995, Watch-,
pages 25-9.
17 min: ' ~ ~ f o r a n d ~ w
gation Meetings." Taik and discussion.
invite one or two publishers to relak
what they do that helps them to enjw
the meetings and get the full benat
Song 28 and concluding prayer.
Week Startina December 18
Song 139
announcements. Offer
some suggestions on how to respond
tactftilurto holiday g r e e t i i . Announce
special witnessing arrangements fOr
December 25.
1s mln: "Make Your Advancement
"Returnto ThoseWho
interest." Review suggested presentations, and have
brief demonstrations.
f l make return visits with thegoalof startingstudiesinthe

Song 201
18 mln: Local announcements. Accounts report. Briefiy review some reasom why we shouid plan for a full and
m e a a sharein fieldservice.Rather
than U&t ourselves to an hour or so
when we mout. wkm not a-to
out for t% h o k r more if --ibl?
Successusualy dependson lining up re Song 44 and concluding prayer.

5 mln: Locai aunouncements. IP your

meeting times are due to change January 1, give enco-ment
for all to
give fullsupport by making any needed
adjustments. (See December 1994 Om
Ktngdom Ministry, page 2.) Announce
special witnessing arrangements for
January 1.
15 mln: Question Box. Two elders discuss value of h e a l t h a power of attorney @m)
f o m used localtg, which
the congregation received irom the Society last gear. Use information h m
the-December 1994 ur Engdom Ministi21 aunouncemenC the November 15,
1994, letter to all congregations; and
the question-and-answer folder that accompanies the power of attorneyform in
use in your area Highlight the headings,
some of the questionsand answers, and
the checklist with references irom the
question-and-answer folder. (Allbodies
of elders should follow the instmctions
in the September20,1995,letter &omthe
Society about supplying copies of these
materials to the publishers.)
25 mln: "Letting Our Light Shine Continuously." Base brief introduction on
paragraphs 1-5. Paragraphs 6-16 to be
covered by questions and answers. Read
w h s 6-9, 15, and 16. USe paragraphs 17-19 for conclusion. Handled by
service overseer ifpossible.
Song 3 and concluding prayer.

Wemayneedtodobetter indisplaying
the fruits of God's spirit,such as sefcontrol, mildness, or long-suering.
(Gal. 92,231 Ifwehave WCU~@t~Y
l Think back to the time when you some of your goals? Do you have the
ethers or mpeast heard the Kingdom message. Same zeal you "had at the beginning"? tint? ang
Simple truths stirred p u r desire for (Heb. 314) Timothy was already a ma- with the elders, it is important that
knowledge and understaning. Soon ture CMstianwith years of experience we cultivatehumilityand lowlinessof
JQU were ableto see a needto make ad- when Paul urged him: "Ponder over mhd-Pm. 2% 3.
justments in your way of life because t h e things;be a b r b e d in them, that
6 Can we make our advancement
Jehovah's ways are so much higher your advancement may be mauifest to manifest by reaching out for privthan your ways. (Isa 55:8,9) You made all persons."-1 Tim. 415.
ileges of service? With extra effort
advancement,deicatedgour Me, and
4 personaal examinaation ~eeded: brothers may be able to quallSp as
got baptIzed.
When we ponder over OW past course, miniSkrhl Servants or elders. Some
Even after making some spiritual do we @d that we continue to have of US may be able to enroll as regular
progress, there were still weakness- some of the weaknesses we had when pioneers. Fbr many more, aiudliary
es that had to be overcome. (Rom. we started? Have we failed to reach pioneering may be a reachable goal.
122) Perhaps you had fear of man, some of the goals we set? If so, why? Othersmaystrivetoimprovepersonal
which made you reluctant to share Even though we had good intentions, studyhabits,becomemoreactiveparin field service. Or perhaps you were we may have procrastinated. P e r m ticipants in congregationmeetings,or
falling short in displayhg the fruit- we have allowed the anxieties of life or be more productive as congregation
age of God's spirit. Rather than hold the pressures of this system to hold US pubbhm.
back, you were detenninedtomake ad- back.-Luke 17:28-30.
It is, of course,up to each one of us
vancement by settingtheocratie goals
to declde where we need to make ad6 WUe we can do little about the
for yourself.
past, we can certainly do something vancement. We can be sure that our
a everal years may now havepassed about the future. We can make an hon- sincere&ort to "presson tomaturity"
since you made your deication. In est appraisal of ourselves, detennine willadd~toourjogandmakeus
looking back, what advancement can where we are lacking, and then put more productive membeis of the conyou see in yourself?Haveyou aehieved forth a concentrated effort to improve. gregation.-Heb. 6:l.

Make Your Advancement Manifest

Letting Our Light Shine Continuously


How Can We Shine as liluminators?The primary

What is light? The dictionary defines it as "some

thing that makes vision possible." But really, despite
,his advanced technology, man stiil does not fully
: h o w the answer to the question Jehovah raised as
i recorded at J O ~ 2 4can
. we get dong without light?
Without light we could not exist. ~
physical s$@,, and the Bible telis us that in a spirituai sense, "God is light." (1 John 15) We are to-w
dmendentupn the One who "gives US light."-PS.
his h
i e~ in a p h y s i a senSe hut m n more
in a spiritual
bas rnisguided the
rnasses of people, leaving them in spiritual darkness,
"gropingfor the wal1just Uke blindmen." (Isa. 59:9,10)
Prompted by his unsurpassing love and compassion,
tmth! (Ps.
erally millions of appreciative ones have responded,
of darhess into
-1 Pet. 2:9.

way to let our light shine is t0 share in the Kingdompreaching work. Every congregation has regular, or-

ganized Errangements fOr preaching in its assigned


quantitgiweme are made
in m a t variety and in many languages. Exr
tensive education is Provided through the meet-,
and ass~~.~~nTf;hW personally is offered
by thie who are experienced. Opportunities to participate are open to men, women, older ones, and even
children. Evew individual in the congregation is invited to participate at whatever level his abilities and
circumstances permit- @._nuictions
Of *E
l -%!DOn preachin% with provisions
mv member share ui 'Ome
close association with the congregation is the best
that Our light keeps
We can shine in ways that may not involve averbal
witness. We G attract the attention of others simply


to the world. He said: l

haaemme as a

nat ~en-lainin the darhess*"(John 12~46)AU

toWard -ng
light Of
breadth of bis homeland, preachllig and teaching in
evev city and vuiape. He e n d m relentless
persecution hom every side, but he remained steadfast in his commission to spread the light of truth.
Jesus concentrated on selecting, training, and ordisciples, with a 'pecific goal in
5:1416 we read
"You are the light of the world. Let
light shine
before men, that they may see your fne works and
give glory to your Father who is in the heavens." Just
like Jesus, they were to be "illuminators in the world,"
disseminating the light of tnith far and wide. (Phfl.
2:15) They glady accepted that responsibility,viewing
it as their primary purpose in life. A short t i e later, Paul was able t0 say that the ~ o news
q "was
preached in all creation that is under heaven." (Col.
1:23)The entire Christian congregation was united in
accomplishingthat great work.
We today should be thankful that we have come to
be among th-e who have "put 0f.Tthe works belanging to darhess." @om. 13:12,13) We can show our a p
preciation by imitating the example set by Jesus and
the faithful Christians in the past. The need for others to hear the truth is more urgent and criticai now
than at any time in human history. No other activity
can begin to compare with this work in its urgency
and far-reaching benets.

duct of those associatedwith it. When observers nok

people who are morally clean, honest, p&
l ~ - ~ - hdp ~e asi werent
conclude that
standar& that are on a r
mioh wher level than these fOllOwed by the msjo
ty. m a h band is lett.
bis light shine when he
honors and
a laving
wJf@iis,het~e by respectingher husband's headship. Children stand out as digrsimt when the-ey
their parents and avoid s m a l immorality and the use
ious about his
werk, hones
u&. BYdemonstrating these Christian quaties, we
are letting our u t shine, recomending
life 0the.s.
s Preaching is talking ethers
what we gave
l e & e S f o c ~ sword. That is done hom the pub-il
or at the doom, hut it s'by n0 m e m limited such occasions.
m activities
contact with score-ple.
- i hbors?How often
do you speak to your
does someone b o c kWat- Y
many aller-


opportunities to speak to others are virtually unlimited. AU you need to do is to =a
few Scriptural thowhts in mind, keep a Bible and some tracts


At her secular ob, a sister heaai a~~

u b o~ u
ithat she believed could
solve the world's problems. The s@terspoke up, relatingymmises about what God's -tl3%is
dkussion at work led to a reguiar ~ i b l stuw
in the
home, and eventuay the lady and her husband became Witnesses.
l5 Never Forgot You A m a Witness! When Jesus described his dgjples asstJe light of the world," he reasoned that they should be h e l ~ i nothiers
~ to benefit
If we
from the spirit&htenment of ~ o d ' word.
apply Jesus' counsel, how will we view our migistry?
l6 When searching for employment, o
sechoose a part-time job. They put limits on how much
puti lintit
because t h m r e fer to use most 01 Gnex time pursuing activities they
fnd more rewarding. Are we taking a similar view of
ur ministr$?$n though we rnight feel obiigated
l0 Wo A m BloWhon Wo k t Our Llght Shlne:
Here are some examples of refreshing e r i e n c e s re- and even be willing to set aside some t i e for the minm
sulting from info& witnessing: A 5 5 - m ? lady istry, should?
n Realizing that there is no such thing as a partwas attemp&in_gto cross the street. Just as a car was
about to hit her, a siser -her
arm and p ~ x d time Christian, we made our dedication, 'disowning
take care. We are living -o
-d--ipreeing to fogllc~

why the times (Matt. 16:24) Our desire is to continue being'wholeyou one of souled," taking advantage of every opportunity
-- to let
ons o f u r our light shine in order tSach people wherever they
bwks Prom sister, the lady wanted to meet one of ar.(&3=24)
We must resist worldls attitudes,
maintain our zeal as in the beginning, and make sure
Jehpah's W i t n ~ sand
, tseciuiideiffpOSsible.
that our light continues to shine forth brillimtly.
handy, and take the initiative to speak up when you
get the chance.
Even though info& witnessing is quite simple,
some feel reluctant to try it. They may be reticent, insisting that they are e h y or too nervous to approach-strangers.
-They may fee1 ap@reveabout
draWing attention to themselveso p e t i n g a harsh response. Those who are experienced in infon%f%%n i - can teil you that th-ely
any cause for
anxiety. Othersare basicayjust?ike US; they h K 6 e
Samneeds, feel the Same concerns, and want the
a n m e i r famiies. Most
wil1 respond in a kiniy rnanner to a cheernU smile or
a nieniy greeting. To get started, you rnay have to
'm-uster up boldness.' (1 Thess. 2:2) Once you get
going, h o w e m m a y be surprised and deiighted
with the results.

helping others learn the truth. While waiking home

n.Om field service, two sisters n o t i e a n elderly wan who a p e to be iU as she got off the bus. They
spped and as-k%-t&&iy
if she needed help. She
w& so surprised that two complete strangers would
show interest in her that she i@sted on (knowiq
w l i a t that
~ ~s w k e d such a kind gesture. This
opned the door for a witness. The lady rz&ly gave
her address and warrnly invited them to visit her. A
study was started. Soon the lady began attending
meeanafsnow sharing the truth with others.
Is An elderly sister takes advantage of earlym0I'niIIg xnessing on the local beach. She meets
housemai-cis, baby-sitte~,bank clerks, and others
wh& their rnorningjgtmilsnthe bardwalk. She
conductsBible &udies. s i t w t h e benches. Severaipeople have learned the truth from her and are now

---news." (Rom. 1:16) One who is ashamed

the good
f&& inferior or unworthy. How c o d 6 5 i b l y e l
w e T d about the Supreme Sovereign of the universe and the marvelous provisions he
has made for our eterna happiness? It is wthi-&
able th& m~~~&iee_lul~or or unworthy when we
speak these truths to others. Instead, we should feel
compeled to do our utmost, displaying ur coSc?
tfonthd u% hv i%lih@j-to be ashamed of."-2 Tim.

The light of truth that is now shining in lands all

around the earth warmy offers the hope of everlasta paradise new world. Let us show tnat we
hm taken -to- heart the admonitio b-if,oe-UglIt
she continuody! Ewe ao, we win have cause to rejoice just ike the disciples who every day ucontinued
without 2etup teaching and deciaring the good n
about the Christ, Jesus."-Acts 5:42.

. ,


Closed-book review on material covered in Theocratie Ministry School assignments for the
weeks of September 4 to December 18, 1995. Use a separate sheet of paper to write down
answers to as many of the questions as you can in the time allotte.
[Note: During the written review, only the Bible may be use to answer any question.
Referentes that follow the questions are for your personal research. Page and paragraph
numbers may not appear on all references to The Watchtower.]
' -\J$,

Answer e a c h of t h e following statements True or False:

1. Jehovah's Witnesses have no leader. Ijv
p. U 7 par. 41
2. Isaiah 38:5 helps US to appreciate that
sincere supplications may move Jehe
vah to do what he might not otherwise
have done. Weekly Bible reading; see
w95 4/1 p. 15.1
3. Puny man on earth can make the Creator of the universe fee1hurt or joy. (Isa.
6310) weekly Bible reading; see w93
6/15 D. 15.1N. H. Barbour claimed to believe in the
ransom, that Christ died for US. He r e
jected the idea of "substitution"-that
Christ died instead of US.
p. 131
pars. 3,4, footn'ote]
Isaiah 53:5, 12 foretold that Jesus
Christ would die as a ransom sacrifice
to cover the sins of others. [Weekly Bible reading; see w92 10/1 p. 14.1
Through his study of the Scriptures,
Russell came to realize that Christ
would not only return invisibly but als0
remain invisible, even when manifesting his presence by judgment upon the
wicked. Ijv p. 133 par. 31
Although Jehovah's Witnesses take no
part whatsoever in politica1 activities,
they do not interfere with what others
do as to joining a politica1 party, running for ofce, or voting in elections.
[uw p. 166 par. 121
Faithful servants of God prior to the
time of Christ had no knowledge about
the new world that we hope for. [Weekly Bible reading; see w95 2/15 p. ll.]

9. Cyrus became Jehovah's "anointed

one" even though there is no evidence
that literal oil was poured on him. (Isa.
451) [Weekly Bible reading; see w92
l l a 5 p. 30.1
10. In order to serve God with full devotion, ,
Christians need to know the day and
the hour when Jehovah wil1 execute Satank earthly system. [uw p. 176 par. 21
Answer the following

ll. When should a

doctor about his decision to abstain
from blood? [uw p. 158 par. 91
12. In what way was Jesus no part o he
world? [uw p. 161 par. 21
13. What does speaking God's Word b~ldly
not mean? [uw p. 175 par. 131
14. Who is the real "Israel of God," and in 4
what year was it identified? (Gal. 6:16)1
Ijv p. 141 pars. 3,4]
15. What principle was clearly discerned
back in 1962 that clarified our understanding of submission to "the superior


par. 31
Although we were known in 1931 asd
Christians and as Bible Students, why r
was there a need to embrace the distinctive name Jehovah's Witnesses? Civ
p. 150 par. 5-p. 151 par. 21 a
17. What belief in connecti&&the
earth and the text at Matthew 5:5 has
set Jehovah's Witnesses apart from a
18. In which boo s and c apters do hree
of the Gospels provide information
about the composite sign identifying "the conclusion of the system of
things"? [uw p. 178 par. 51





19. Why is the name Jehovah's Witnesses

? [ju p. 158 par. 41

U\ nat,ju~t&LCEN,

U). Why is there no question among Je-

hovah's Witnesses as to how adultery,

fornication, or homosexuality should
# e 2 v i e m p a l , p. 174par. 31

Provide the wrd(s) or phrase needed

to complete each of the following statements:

27. In Jesus' illustration a t Matthew

13:36-43, the wheat represents (the
faithful men of old; the great crowd;
anointed Christians), whereas t h e
weeds represent (al1 nonbelievers;,&
itption Chrthe scribes and
Pharisees). [uw p. 179 par. 7J
28. God's chief purpose is the (salvation of
man; destruction of the Devil; vindication
-- of his sovereignty). Ijv p. 167par. l]
29. An organizational change that began
in October 1, 1972, stipulated that (an
overseer; a congregation s e r v a n t ; . ~
b?iy of elders) be appointed to care for
each congregation. Ijup. 106 par. 21
30. We possess a more complete biography
of Jeremiah than of any of the other ancient prophets with the exception of
(Daniel; Isaiah; M x s ) . [sip. 124par. 51

21. When a Christian is checked into a hospital, he should request in &

blood be used, and he should
about it personally to the
doctor who will be handling his case.
[uw p. 158 par. 91
22. Two ways that we show our reliance
are by regularly attendregularly turning
k .[uw pp. 170-1 Match the following scriptures to the

23. From 1976 to 1992, volunteer

w rkers helpedwith building new
kiL& facilities in some 60 lands,
over 29,000 new
were fOrmed
de, and the orga ization
in size to over 4,470,000 Kingdom publishers. Ijv p. 114 par. 1, p. 115
par. 1, and p. l l 7 par. 21
24. In June 1882, Z'on's Watch Tower declared that
and not one b g, that
the sense of being
the spirit is no
more a
han is the spirit of


25. On June 22, 1977, two

ks after
Brother Knorr's death,
decame president of the Watch ower
Society. Ijv p. 109 par. 31


Select the correct answer in each of the

following statements:
26. Early Christians were derided as haters
of the human race because they (would
not speak to unbelievers; did n o t - m
ship ido?s;shunned violent an=oral
entertainment). [uw p. 163 par. 7J

statements listed below:

Lev. 17:i, 12; Isa. 4310; Jer. t31; John
10:16; Acts 413


31. A limited secular education does not

disqualify one from becoming a fearless
proclaimer of the good news. [uw p. 172
par. S]
32. The only Scriptural use to which b100
could be put highlights its sacredness
and emphasizes the value of Christ's
sacrifice. [uw p. 159 par. 11]
33. There is no rivalry between the anoint4
ed class and the great crowd, nor is
there any reasoning that because of
hope or position, one is superior or inferior to the other. uv p. 171par. 21
34. Jehovah has no predecessor; no godf
existed before him, and there will be
none after him because he is eternal,
the Supreme Sovereign. [Weekly Bible
reading; see w92 1/15 p. 22.1
35. Most adults today would not even thinky
of offering their children as sacrifices?
to idols, yet untold millions of babies
are purposely destroyed by abortion,
and millions of youths have been offered up on the altar of war. p e e k l y
Bible readi
:e w88 1/15 p. 31 -



through the congregation. Please note

that there is no subscription anangement Por this quarkry magazine.
m Work is aimost finished on a new
CD-ROM,which is watchtowet Ub7ary
-1995 Eduion This wiU contain a revisedprogram and will add publications
releaseddurlngi995,l994,and 1979-1970.
There wiU als0 be versions in Oennan.
assoonaspo&blethereaPter.Makean- ItaUan, and spanish. speciuc details
nouncement to the congregLrt01-1when have been provided in a leter m m the
this has been done.
Society to all congregLrtons, dated m
8 TheMemoriaiPor1997wiUbeon8un- vember 25,1995. Requests Por this CD in
sund&wn.mad- one or more langUSges shoud be sub
day, m 23,
vance notice of the date Por the 1997 m i t t e d b y t h e ~ o n n o i a t m t h a n
~emorialcelebration is @ven s0 that January 15,1996.
brothers may make necessary reser- 8 New Pubications Avallable:
vations or contracts for avatlable haus DoesI;tdeRaeOur~-OrDoesGod
when there are
Hold USResponsiole? ('rract No. n)
using the Kingdom Hall and they must
flnd other iaclllties.
Enjog W e on Earth Fbreuer! -Russim
8 Beginning on April 29,1996, the book
Jehovah's Witnesses-ProclaZmers of
God's Kzngdom
will be considered at the Congregation Listening to the Great Teacher
Book Study.
8 Beginnhgwiththe August 1,1995,isWorld Translation of the Holy
sue of The Watchtower,a simultaneous, New
monthly edition is being produced in
rgan2zed toAccomplish Our M i n w
8 Albanian has been added to the lanWordorMan's 4 h x h
guages in which Awake! is available. TheBtblt?-Go@~
This is a quarterly edition and be- TheGreatestMan Wno Ever Lived
gins with the January-March 1996issue.
Mstributor copies may be requested TheGreatestName (Tract No. 72)

ish, Portuguese, Romania, ~ussian,

and Spanish. Untfl the bound volumes
are avaiable and shipments are made,
9 LiteWtobe-dw-m
appear as Upendingon conTliat
gregation packing Uts. Bound volumes
ing W. A Aspecial &ort wiU be made to are ~~ecial-req~est
followup all p-mts,
Wth a view to 8 ~ hpresi,
or someone
mhome Bibie studies. Condb-y
himshould audit& contions that nat have this pUblid0n gregation%accounts on December 1or

mayuse*uw-bkJanUWaking Your -Y
H W ,
Or IfuePeace a n d m
-Hm Can You M Zt? Congmgations
that have hand anY 192pub-prior
b b irst. hbni.ry: Either MYour -Y
Llfe Happy or Reueiatton
-Ib Gnrnd C 1 i m At H a d krceh:
That Leads t0 EuerkzStiw
W e . NOTE. Congregations that have
not yet requested the above-mentioned

campaign items should do so on their

n& m0nthly Literature Request Fbrm
m Conmigations should begin requesting bound volumes of The Watcht w e r and Awake! Por 1995 with their
December literature request. (See
the Wdchhmer Pub1baths List,paragraphs 6-8, 10.) The bound volumes
will be available in Chinese, Croatiau, Dutch, Engsh, French,Oerman,
Greek, Itaiian, Japauese, Korean, Pol-

QumTlo Box
pubuhflllout the health-care power of att o n @~OW)
farms that the Sodety sent to all congregations last
- "IYme and unioreseen ocmrrencen

Per to legai authority for jwlges and

hospital lawyers W h 0 mtQ' queatson
addition, these fom set forkh dew e d media ido-on


nor blood fractions, m nonblood mamgement, and end*-ure

Should all baptdzed pu%u
oan suddeny thrust US int. si*
out a h e a l t h m power of attorttonsthat teat our integrity to Jeho- ngi @roxy) form? As the Decemwb. (E&. 9:ll) F9tpukg for such ber 1994 OW K'hWnn MiniStm anc h a l l q ahead of time w$l mini- nouncement satd, "pubishers are
to prepltre these farms."
mfie Satan's opportunity to get US t
a not ob
mmpromise. prov.
x Rt. s@ mw,v a permmi -OD
Unlore8eenmediaalemergenciesthat me of u8 must make. Howwx, to
qhaitnge OW resolve to %eep ab- make an infowed dwWon about
~ ~ , . , P r o m b l c w Y " ' eWs
~ ~prov&ion
@omthe W e t $ we
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Watch Tower Publications Index


~ ~ B o a r r g r v
Sehedule for congregation studies in the book
R m l a t b l t s Grand Climax A t HanaY
December 4:
December 11:
Dacember l&
December 25:



p. 287, f 6

p W, 741

p. W, f22

p. P18,70

p. 24% 710

p. 25S, 77

p. PW, 118

p. 258,1[22

Offering the Book Knowledge That Leads

to Evulasting U h
l We were delighted when the new
book, Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Lue, was released! It is designed to
help people to come quickiy to an accurate knowledge of the truth. In December we will have the first opportunity to
offer this bookin our territory. What can
we say to stimulate interest?
a H& is a presentation thut might
appeal to the person w h s e faith in
God ha8 become weak:
m "Many people grew up believing in
God, but now they have found that their
faith is not what it used to be. What do
you think may be the reason for that?
[Allow for response.] Our faith in God is
strengthened by considering the marvels of the universe. [Read Psaim 19:l.l
The One whose laws govern these heaveny bodies has aiso provided valuable
direction for us. [Read Psaim 19:7-9.1
These verses stress how important it is
to learn all we can about God and his
purposes. [Call attention to the illustration on pages 4 and 5, and read the

caption.] If you would like to beneflt

from this special knowledge, I would be
pleased to leave this book with you."
HavPng some recent distressing
news event in mind, you might say:
m "Likely you heard about [mentionthe
event]. Have you ever wondered if God
is reaiiy concerned about the injustice and suffering that we set? about
US or even experience ourselves? [Allow for response.] The Bible assures
us that God loves us and that he will
help US through times of distress." Read
portions of Psalm 72:12-17. Open the
book to page 70, and point out that this
book, KnowledgeThat kads to Everlastin@Life, answers a question that millions have asked,
does God permit
smering? "You will find the Bible's answer to that question very comforting. I
would like to leave this book withyou so
that you can read about it yourself."
Z f you meet a parent, you might
focus on the family:
m "Most parents agree that there are

many problems in tryhg to maintain

a happy famiiy We. What do you observe to be serious obstacles? [AUow for
response.] Most of us do the best we
cm, but we usually appreciate assistance that will help us achieve better results. The Bible gives excellent advice.
@ead portions of Colossians 3:12,1&21.1
The Bible has a lot more to say on th$
subject,as outlined in chapter 15of this
book, entitled 'Building a Family That
Honors God.' It reviews counsel given in
the Bible showing how to relieve marital stress and how to cope with the
problems facing our children. I arn sure
you would enjoy reading it."
5 Z f you prefer something brief,
you might try this:
m "Haveyou ever wondered why we grow
old and die? Chapter 6 in this book explains the cause of death and how God
will remove it. The Bible tells us that
God has promised everlasting life for
those who love hirn. @ead John 173.1If
you would like to read about this, you
will find the book most enlightening."
If we are wel1 prepared, we may be
able to use this book to 'open up the
Scriptures' to others in a way that will
bring them great joy!-Luke 24:32.

m 'I know that you, as aparent, want the

best for your chiidren. Since it is impossible to shield them from everything
in God. An excellent way we can learn that is bad, Wu have t0 teach them how
l When releasing the new book,
Knowledge Th& Leads to Everlmting what we need to know is by systemati- t0 COPe with We's problems. How do
Life, the convention speaker explained caily studyingthe Bible." Turn to chap- P U think that can be done? [Allow for
that "honestheartedstudentsshould be ter 1 and point out some of the en- response.] One of the most important
able to learn enough through a study couraging thoughts in paragraphs l to things aparent can provide is training."
of it to take a stand for Jehovah and 5. Explain how aBible study is conduct- Turn to pages 145-6 in the Knowledge
get baptiid." The book is designed to ed, and offer to return f0r more discus- book, and cal1 attention to the Bible's
teach the truth quickiy. It concisely pro- sion.
practica1 counsel, emphasizing its imvides specBc information that can mo3 zf w u return to continue your
portance and how following it can be a
tivate studenta to make spiritual prog- disczcssh on why God permits suf- blessing.Offer to return againto demonress. It presents the truth in a positive f d n g , you mbht say:
strate howto usethis book tolearn more
waywithout dwemgonfalsedoctrines. m "The last time I was here, we talked about acquiringahappy familylife.
Tohavesuccessinus~tNsnewinstm- about [whatever the event was]. The
5 1 f you are m ~ n ag call whme
we must make
visits on question carneup as towhy God permits
wed a m
f p r e s e n t a h , you
those who showed interest.
so much smering in the world. What c o u say:
Z Z f you spoke t0 a person who
conclusion(didyou come to? [Allow for
that we
lacked faith in God 2/et demomtrut- response.]Itisencouragingtoknowthat
"It was never God's
die' He
that we
ed some interest, you mbht begin by God is not responsiblefor such distress- @Ow 'ld
in a
Disopening the book to the illustratiun fulconditions."Turn to pages 71-2 in the live
on pages 4 a d S and saging:
hook Knowledge
t. mrlast-PlWtheflustrationonpages M-9. Read
m "When Iwas here previously,we looked ing Lu', and discuss some Of the Scrip paragraph l' O n p w
for mother returnvisit.
Bt this lovely illustration of beau- tural thoughts covered in par-hs
Sureiy this new book is another protiful surroundings. The caption asks, t0 5. Offer to return againt0 explain why
'What must you do to enjoy them?' H m we can be sure that God's pennission of vision from Jehovahto 'speed up' the ingathering work in these last days. (Isa.
would you answer that? [Allow for re- smering will soon come to an end.
sponse.] The Bible clearly identifies one
4 Zf youareretumzing to M t apar60:22) I f we use it effectively,we can imof the basic requirements. [Read John ent who is concerned about family part knowledge that may help someone
173.1Knowledge is essentiai to our faith proOlems, uou mbht sau this:
toward gaining everlastinglife.
Q 1995 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. Our Kingdom Ministry (USPS 295-360) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and
Tract Society of New, F r k , Inc., and International Bible Students Association, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483. Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn, NY,
and at additional mailing oiiices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtower, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483.
Printed in U.S.A.

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