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January 1997

All Sorts of PeopleW111 Be Saved



l Jehovahwills "that all sorts of men

should be saved and come to a n accumte kmwledge of truth." (1 Tim.
2:4) Altough people are inftuenced to
some extent by heredity, background,
and enwonment, theg have free
and can choose IndivlduW how thw
wil1 use their life. They can do what is
good and live, or they can do what is
bad and perish. (Matt. 7:13, 14) How
does this understanding afrect our
view of the people we approach with
fhe Kingdom good news?
2 We should not presume that a permn's inbrest in the t n t h is dictated
by factors such as nationai or culturd background or by socid position.
The truth can appeal to those with either limited or advancedewcation, to
those involved in politicai pursuits,
and to professionals, atheists, agnostlcB, and even to notorious wrongdoers. People from all backgrounds and
social levels have changed from their
former course of conduct and are
now in line for life in God's new world.

Vol. 40, No. 1

For United States of America

(Pm.11:19) Therefore, we should not

hesitate to approach people in al1
walks of life with the Kingdom message.
~ o n s i d e rThese Examples: A

man had planned to kill his stepfather

but did not. Later he decided to commit suicide but could not. After he
was irnprisoned for stealing and drug
tralcking, his mrhge failed. Todag this person is rnaking an honest
living and is enjoying a happy marriage as wel1 as a fine relationshipwith
his stepfather. What made the difference?He studied the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses and applied what he
leamed. Jehovah did not consider him
to be beyond redemption.
4 A young woman's fame as a TV actress did not bring her happiness. But
hwing become impressed by the Ene
morai conduct of the Witnesses, she
aceepted a Bible study, and she was
soon helping others to leam about the
Kingdom good news. Everywhere she
went in the door-to-door ministryshe

e Upreachthe WordH

l True to the Bible's description of and a thlrst. not for water, bug for
;he last days," m
e today h e a t h e r i n ah."
g (Amos
have oniy "a form o mdiy devotion." 8:ll) More than anything else, people
(2 Tim. 3:1,-5) This is because reli- need the spiritual food in God's Word.
gious leaders have failed to give g6E"
How to Satlafy People's Spiritual
o- eG
their flocks.
of Christendom do not adThe c-l
vocate the Bible. They p r e f e r m
tne vain teachingsof philosophers and and he therefore solemdy charge
theologians or to propound mcial and him to reach the word" to others.
rather than p m e
42) As Jehovah's Witord of God. Many re ous baders *2(
d o t believe the Bi$?They
fee1 it n e s , we must stick to what the Biis antiquated, and so they perversely ble teaches when we preach, thus imin- Jtating our Exemplar, Jesus, who said:
promo e
theo of e
"What I teach is not
e, but belongs
stead f:
Biblg tealm%$%bout(
a Grand Creator. Most clergymen do 'to him that sent m 3 4 9 h n '7:16) We
use God's Word as the basis for our
not even use God's e,and they raise no objections to hav- teach@%ecause we recomike that it
amine wisdom, &d we want
ing it eliminated &om modern Bible con&
people to know the murce of the intranslations.
was true of the religieus lead- formation we are sharin~with them.
ers in JesuS' day, today's clergy are -1 Cor. 2:4-7.
piteaching in ,vain. (Matt. 15:8, 9) It
- a g the truth
Amos foretold. &omthe Bible in or
Jeharah and pum
. Paul

was recognized, but she happily explained that she wanted to be known
as one of Jehovah's Witnesses rather
than as an actress.
When a Witness arranged for a Bible study with a Watchtower subscriber, a neighbor heard about it and
attended the study. The neighbor immediately recognized the truth for
which she had been searching! She
and her husband caceled a divorce
decree they had been granted and
made peace. She was deep into astrology and was attached to a spiritistic
cult. but she readily threw away expensive books and everything else she
owned that was associated with demonism. She mon started attending
meetings and taking to relatives and
friends about her newfound faith. Now
she witnesses enthusiasticallyto others.
6 We ought not to prejudge anyone.
Rather, let us zeaiouslyshare the good
news with people everywhere. We have
every reason to be condent that Jehovah, who "sees what the heart is,"
wil become the "Savior of all sorts of
men."-l Sam. 16:7; 1 Tim. 4:lO.
wrote logically "How, in turn, will they
put faith in hl& f whom they have not
heard? How. in turn, will thw hear
without someone to preach?"](Rom.
10:14) By preaching God's Wbrd, we
help others gam faith through accurate knowledge. Such knowledge can
and does change Iives for the better.
The Engiish athor Charles,Dickens
wrote concerning the Bib1e:KIt is the
best book that ever was or will be
in the world, because it teaches you
the best lessons by which any human
creature who tries to be trut
faithful can possibly be guided and
Those who hunger for spiritual
truth come to recognize that it is supported by the authority of God's Word.
Back in 1913 Frederick W. F=,
stude t, was -a
a yo
b o s W A r e
the De@?
After reading with great interest the
Bible's answer to this question. he declared: "This is thetruth." Millionsof
same way. Let US continue to preach
thWord diligently and zealously and
thus share in the joy of hearing otheri
say: "This is the truth."


Week Starting January 6

Song 6
10 min: Local announcements. Selected Announcements from Our
Kingdom Ministry. Comment on October field service report for the
country and for the local congregation.
20 min: Time to Renew the Advance Medical Directive/Release
Card. QualiEed elder discusses importance of Eiling out card completeiy and carrying it at all times.
This document speaks for you if
you are unable to speak for yourself in an emergency. (Compare
Praverbs 22:3.) A new card needs
to be lled out every year to give
a current declaration on refusal of
blood, since some doctors and others have claimed that documents
older than one year may not reflect
a person's current conviction. After
the meeting, all baptized publishers will be given the Advance Medical Directive/Release card, and
those with unbaptized minor children will receive an Identity Card
for each child. Explain that these
cards are not to be lled out tonight.
They should be filled out carefully at home but NOT signgd. Signing, witnessing, and dating of all
ca& wil1 be-done f o l l ~ ~ nthe
next Congregation Book Study, under the supervision of the book
study conductor. He will check to
see that all assigned to his group
received a card and have needed
assistance. Those signing as witnesses should actualiy see the cardholder sign the document. Anyone
missing at that time will be assisted by conductors/elders at the
next Service Meeting until all baptized publishers have their cards
properly fllled out and signed. (Review letter of October 15, 1991.) By
adapting language from this card
to their own circumstances and
convictions, unbaptized publishers may write out their own directive to use for themselves and their
children. Refer to Question Box of
the December 1995 ur Kingdonz
Ministry. Ekplain that the healthcare power of attorney (proxy) form
provided by the Society is a legal document recognized by med-

ical and legal personnel and that

when it is properly lilled out, it offers additional legal assurance that
one's wishes wil1 be respected on
blood and other health-care and
end-of-life decisions. Baptized publishers may obtain a copy of this
document from the secretary. (Unlike the Advance Medical Directive/
Release card, which is renewed annually, the health-care power of
attorney (proxy) form needs to be
replaced only when you elect to
make a change in it.) Exercising insight in caring for these vital details will merit good from Jehovah.
-Prm. 16:20.
15 min: "Qualifled and Equipped
to Teach Others." paragraphs 1-6)
Make brief comments on paragraphs 1-2, stressing the need for US
to be confident that with Jehovah's
help we can effectively teach others.
Have two publisher-householder
pairs demonstrate the presentations in paragraphs 3-6, with each
pair showing how to make an initia1
cal1 and a return visit. Remind pubIlshers that when leaving literature,
it is appropriate for us to mention
that donations toward our worldwide work are gladly accepted.
Song 14 and concluding prayer.
Week Startlng January 1S

Song 16
15 min: Local announcements. Ac-

counts report. Highlight some talking points in current magazines.

OfPer suggestions on how to introduce ourselves when approaching
people in order to witness iqormaily. Invite audience to relate what
opening words they have used when
speaking to others in stores, on the
street, in the padk, on public transportation, and so forth. Outline special Eeld service arrangements for
January 20.
15 min: "Qualifed and Equipped
to Teach Others." (Paragraphs 7-9)
Relate experience about making return visits found in 1995 Yearbook,
page 45, emphasizing the importante of following up on any interest found. Have qualied publisher
demonstrate presentations in paragraphs 7-8. Although other publications are offered initialiy, we should

concentrate our efforts on eventually conducting studies in the Knowledge book. Encourage all to schedule some time during the coming
week to make return visits.
15 min: Local needs. Or "Aiways
Throw Your Burden on Jehovah."
An encouraging talk based on
Watchtower, April 1, 1996, pages 27-30.
Song 15 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting January 20

Song 21
10 min: Local announcements.
15 min: "AllSorts of People Wiii Be

Saved." Questions and answers. Invite audience to relate briefly some

experiencesshowing how they got a
favorable response from people who
come from different walks of life.
20 min: Witnessing by Cipod Conduct. An elder hol& discussionwith
two or three youths. Discussion is
based on August 15, 1987, Watchtower, pages 10-20. Include published experiences as wel1 as any
local experiences that demonstrate
how observers have been favorably
impressed by upright conduct of
Christian youths.
Song 23 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting January 27
Song 20
5 mln: Local announcements.
10 min: Review of Question Box by

15 min: "We 'Preach the Word.'"
Questions and answers. Include
some comrnents showing why we
deeply appreciate the value of God's
Word.-See March 22,1984, Awalce!,
pages 9-11.
15 min: Review Literature Offer for
February. Point out interesting features of the book, such as: (1) Striking chapter titles, (2) colorful illustrations, (3) teaching boxes and
charts, and (4) thought-provoking
printed questions. In harmony with
the preceding meeting part, encourage the use of a well-chosen scripture in the presentation. Have one
or two brief presentations demonstrated, with publisher remembering to mention the donation arrangement to the householder.
Remind all to pick up bwks Por use
this week.
Song 26 and concluding prayer.

l "A day in your courtyards is better than a thousand elsewhere." (Ps. 84:lO)When the psalmist worshiped at Jehovah's temple, he could sense the presence of the almighty God. When the nation gathered
for the annual festivals and true worshipers swelled
Jerusalem, the Israelites would fnd sweet fellowship as they congregated in the courtyard of the
temple. They were reminded of their national unity
as the only people on earth on whom Jehovah bestowedhis blessing and favor. Eachyear, we have the
opportunity to share in similar feelings of unity and
joy with thousands of our brothers and sisters. In
our time annual district conventions are one of Jehovah's ways of bringing his people together for instruction and fellowship.
Caringfor the large numbers of Jehovah's people
who lived in and around Jerusalem during the festivals required organization. Maintaining order and
peace likely required the giving of instructions regarding accommodations, meeting times, and other
arrangements. Since these matters conceme their
true worship, the Israelites would joyfully follow
these instructions.-Ps. 424; 122:l.
3 Hundreds of brothers have already spent tens
of thousands of hours organizing convention departments, meeting hotel personnel and negotiating with them, working with building personnel at
nearly 70 convention cities, preparing and mailing
Recommended Lodging Lists, and so forth. These
brothers work closely with the Society's Convention Ofce to coordinate the many details associated with operating a convention. We may not personally see the tremendous amount of time, effort,
and expense that goes into our annual district conventions, but ali of us certainy appreciate the selfsacrificing spirit of each of these faithful brothers,
do we not?
' A s preparations continue for our 1997 "Faith
in Godis Wordn District Convention, we have &ome
points that require your kind attention and serious
consideration. Your cooperationwil1 show your personal appreciationfor ali the arrangements made in
your behalf. Although some of these matters have
been discussed before, it is important for each one
of us to see clearyour responsibilitybefore Jehovah
in supporting our convention arrangements.
When to Make a Hotel Reservation: At the Service Meeting for the week of December 30, the Society directs that your district convention assignment
letter be read to the congregation. Maile separately by the local Rooming Department, the Recom-

mended Lodging List for your convention wil1 be

posted on the congregation informationboard after
the meeting that night. The elders have been keeping the district convention assignment and the Recommended Lodging List in strict confdence until
this Service Meeting. No reservation calls t0 ANY hotels, by the elders or anyone else, are to be made until after the Service Meeting when the district convention assignment letter is read.
SOthat everyone wil1 be able to obtab a room,
t e dRooming Departthe Society has i n ~ t ~ ~each
ment to place al1 hotels available for the upcoming convention on the h t Recommended Lodging
List. Only if those hotels are nIled wil1 new hotels
be added to subsequent lists. Sometimes, brothers
have waited until the second or third Recommended Lodging List to make their hotel reservation.Procrastination may be the reason for this, or perhaps
they anticipated that a preferred hotel woud show
up on a later list. Making reservations at the last
minute causes two problems for the Rooming Department. F'irst, it is not possible for the Rooming
Department t0 determine when there is a need for
additional rooms. Second, since ali Watchtower convention resemations must be received before a cutoff date, there may be no rooms available for those
who wait too long to make their resemation. Therefore, we are asking that you make your resemation
during January from the frst Recommended Lodging List.
If the hotel you have selected is full, cali another
until you have a resemation. If you have called ali the
hotels on the list and no rooms are available, inform

otel during regular bus

eservation clerk for a co
number on your check or
contact hotel in two weeks to verify
that your deposit has been received.

your congregation secretary and he will contact

the Rooming Department at the telephone number
shown at the top of each ~~~~~ended Lodging
List. The brothers in the Rooming Department wil1
work with the hotels t0 secure additionai rooms. A
new list wili then be mailed t0 your congregation.
Please wait for the new list t0 make your hotel reservation. When you make a reservation, aiways ask
for a conErmation number from the hotel. Provide
this conErmation number to the desk clerk when
you check in at the hotel.
8 Unless the Reco-ended
Lodging List specifi c m states otherwise, you should plan for a maximum of four aduts in a room. Same hotels haveinformedthe Rooming Departments that Eve, six,
seven adults have been sleeping in the Same room.
safety regulations,this nat only
Because of Ere
is againstthe law in most cities. ~t
is dangerous
also places an unfair demand on the hotel and staff
for extra towels, linens, and so forth. Therefore,
when planning your rooming neeas, do
the maximum number of people allowed in the hotel room.
g Sending Deposits t 0 Hotels: The Society's
agreement with each hotel states that
will secure their reservation with a deposit. It further says: "Reservation is guaranteed upon receipt
of deposit." So the only way to guarantee a room reservation is if your deposit is received by the hotel.
Last year, sOmebrOthersarrived at their
to End that their reservation had been canceled
weeks before the convention.Without a deposit, the
hotel bas the right give Your room t0 someone
else, and a OneTnight dep0sit is a REQUIREMENT Of
our rooming
For each
a one-night deposit must be made within ten days of
making your reservation.
10 We do not recommend sending cash in the mail.
It can be stolen, and there is n0 proof your money
was received. 1fyou send a check or a money order,
write your conErmation number on the front of it,
and contact the hotel about WO weeks later t0 con~ r that
m your deposit was received. If YOU provide a
credit card number for your deposit, YOU shouldteu
the reservation clerk that yOU want the deposit tb be
charged to your credit card immediately.

show up at ail. Where did these brothers and sisters go?

12 ~tis apparent that new reservations were made
with hotels closer to the convention site and previous reservations were dropped. Because of this,
some hotels are askingfor at least a two-night guaranteed reservation; otherwise they will refuse to
book rooms for Watchtower conventions. Since this
creates problems for the hotels and the Rooming
Department, we are asking that once you make a
reservation, do not switch your reservation t0 another hotel, even if one that is closer Or more desirable appears on a subsequent list. (Matt. 5:37; compare Psalm 15:4.)That hotel has been added because
there are brothers and sisters wh0 stili need rooms.
t0 provide upgrades for these who
It Was Dot
aiready have rooms reservedm Whether you have a
reservation at a hotel 5 minutes or 25 minutes from
the convention site, you wili stili be spiritually fed
menjoy the assOciatiOnOf your
sisters, will you not? It is our goal to reducethe number of fist.5 sent out by the Rooming Departments
each year and to simplify rooming arrangements.
This can be accomplished only if everyone cooperateswiththeprinciplesetforthat 1 Timothy6:8: "So,
having sustenance
covering,we s h a b e content
with these things.,9
13 It is equaliy important to reserve only the hotel
use auring the convention.
rooms you will
Although it may be desirablet. have a larger goup
staytogether at the
hotel, this is
a necessity. Unless you have aseed t. do s. beforehand and
you submit dennite names, please do
rooms for ether delegates. ~ h artificim
i ~ inflates
the number of rooms reserved for the convention
makes it harder for ether delegates t0 make a
from the wst list. Each room should be
reserved in the name of one of the people who will
occupy it.
ifyou experienCe aproblemwith a hoi4 0 4
tel duringthe convention,please bring this to the attention of the locai Rooming Department at the
convention. any dificulties experienced before
or after the convention, you can contact the Rooming Department, using the address and telephone
number shown at the top of the Reco-ended
Lodging List. Describe the diculty in detail, includingthe steps you have taken t~remedy the matter, so that the brothers may assist you.

l1 Changing Hotel Reservations or Making Reservations at More Than One Hotel: Before the con-

vention, the Rooming Department calis each hotel

On the list t0 End out h0w many rooms have been reserved by our delegates. Doing this every two or
three weeks enables the Rooming Department to
determine if sufncient hotel rooms have been arranged for the convention. In some cities last year,
as the convention approached, hotels that started
out with many reservations received numerous cancellations, or delegates with reservations did not

Recom15 Using ~
~ NO^ t the~Society's
mended Lodging List: The Society is making an ef-

fort to arrange conventions in locations that are

more convenient for our brothers and sisters. In
1996, conventions were held in 11 additionai locations. Some of these cities had not hosted a Watchtower convention in over 20 years. As a result, the
Societyhas received many letters expressing appreciation.

l6 Although the convenienceof our convention locations permits many brothers to commute to and
from the convention site, hotel accommodationsremain a necessity. Last year, 1,076 hotes were used
at the 198 conventions held in 65 difi'erent cities. in
each convention city, a team of brothers contacted
many local hotels in an effort to negotiate the best
possible room rates for the convention delegates.
After months of negotiating,the hotels that agreed
to work with the convention's room rates were included on the Recommended Lodging List.
' 1 Ineverycity, these brothers contact many hotels
that refuse towork with theWatchtower convention.
It is understandablethat some hotels do nat anticipate having space because of other business. Of the
many reasons given, however, one that is frequently
heard is: "Why shouldwe negotiate lower rates?Your
people staye with US this year at higher rates, and
we expect them back next year as well." Since the
hotel is in business to make money, it is ifcult to
ask them to accept less than they are alreadyreceiving from our delegates.
l8 Eachyear,we appealto the brothers to make reservations only at hotels on the Society's Recommended Lodging List. Several things are accomplished by heeding this direction:

* Savesmoney tor our brothers and sisters, the

majority of whom have limited resoumes: When

hoteis cooperate with the Society's arrangement,

room rates are lower for our brothers. Instead of our
resources goingtothe hotels, they canbe put tobetter use supporting the families of our brothers and
sisters and the wotldwide work. Even if we personaliy can afford more expensive accornrnodations,we
should support the efforts of the Rooming Department by using only hotels from the Recommended
Lodging List. This is the spirit of concern for others
described at 1 John 3:17 and the principle behind
1Corinthians10:24. .
"Rewards t h w hotels that cooperate with
the Society's arrangement: Since the Society has

contracted with the hoteis on the Recommended

Lodging List, we have, in effect, promised them that
they wiU receive our business. in this way they remain willing to participate in the future.
21 Provides incentive for other hotels to work
wlth the rooming arrangement: When hotels not

on the Recommended Lodging List are used and

higher rates are paid, there is little motivation for
those hotels to work with the Society's mangement. in time, even hotels that previousiy cooperated with the Society's arrangementoften refuse to do
so because they lnd out that some of our brothers
wil1 pay higher rates. However, if delegates use only
the hotels on the Recommended Loging List, oth'er hotels niay see the value of cooperating at a later

Demonstrates obedience to the Society's directions: It is this last point that should be one of

our main concerns. Hebrews 13:17 says: "Be obedient to those who are taking the lead arnong you and
be submissive,for they are keeping watch over your
souis as those who wil1 render an account; that they
may do this with joy and not with sighing, for this
would be darnaging to you." As our brothers make
many arrangements for our district convention, we
want them to fee1 that they have our fuil support.
Since our cooperation in this matter is requested
only two or t h e e days eachyear, this is a lne way to
support their efforts. Even if our personal choice is
merent, our good example, as seen by our brothers
and the world, promotes a loving, united, and supportive spirit.-Phil. 21-4.
Special Needs: The Society's Special Needs
Room Request form outlines the qualificationsfor
submitting a SpecialNee& f o m "Ifyou are in good
standingin the congregationand have specialneeds
that cannot be cared for by the local congregation, you may request accommodationsthrough the
Convention Rooming Department." This provision
is oniy for publishers in good standing, including
those with well-behaved children, who have been
approved by the Congregation Service Committee.
Those with special needs are our brothers and sisters, and we want to be of assistanceto them.
The elderly, the infrm, those in ful-time service, or others may require assistance in attending
the convention. Relatives, the elders, and others in
the congregation who are aware of their unique circumstances can lovingly make the necessarg arrangements, not shiffing the responsibility of family and congregation to the convention organization.
(Compare 1Timothy 5:4.) Before billing out a Special Nee& Room Request form, c a r e m read the

informationlocatedatthe bottom of the form. These

requests should be sent to the Rooming Department as soon as possible.
25 Attending Another Convention: Each congregation is assigned to the nearest convention. Based
on the number of publishers assigned to each convention, the Societyestimates the attendance in order to arrange for sufcient seating, rooming, literature, and so forth. If you must attend another
convention, you may need inforrnation regarding
rooming and parking tickets, amongother things. If
m, you should ask the congregation secretary to
provideyouwiththeadressof the convention headquarters for the convention you wili be attending.
This can be found on the reverse side of the Special
Needs Room Request form. Be sure to enclose a
starnped,self-addressed envelope with your request
for the current Recommended Lodging List or for
any additional inforrnationyou may need. If there is
more than one convention held in that city, be sure
to indicate the dates for the convention you wlil be
Conclusion: Letters received by the Society after the district conventions eachyear provide ample
evidence that our brothers and sisters appreciate
the arrangements made for them. Regarding the
rooming arrangement, a sister attending a convention in Ohio last year wrote: "The rate was exceptional-their regular rate was $79.00 per night. As
soon as we identifed ourselves as Jehovah's Witnesses attending the Watchtower convention, they
fbmly quoted the price on our list! We thanked Jehovah for such aprovision!Jehovah alwaysprovidesfor
his people. Through his visible organization,we are
alwaysmadetofeelspecial.It was agreat experience

Program Times
F'riday and
9:30 a.m. Sunday

450 p.m.

9:30 a.m.

350 p.m.

for our family to attend the convention.It would not

have been practica1 or possible without your assistance." Like our sister, are we not gratefui to Jehe
vah for his help in these ways?
It is clear to aii of us that Jehovah is supporting
the arrangementof annual conventions.Sincemany
of the brothers traveiing to district conventions require rooms, we can be assured that Jehovahm adequately provide for these needs. Since these matters concern our true worship, we should joyfully
follow the instructions given. Proving that we are
"faithful in what is least" puts US in ine for receiving the grand blessings that await those whom Jehovah 10ves.-Luke 16:lO.
Isaiah 33:20 says: "Behold Zion, the town of our
festal occasions!" We can only irnagine the happy
crowds that were filling Jerusalem and that willingly responded to Jehovah's command to "become
nothingbutjoyful." (Deut. 16:15) Our annualdistrict
conventions aiiow us the grand opportunity both to
take in divine instructionand to enjoy the warm association of our brothers and sisters. May Jehovah
bles your efforts as you prepare to attend the 1997
"Faithin God's Word" seriesof districtconventions!
Why You Can Trust the Bible -t
No. 13)
W ~ T?&
U wmld~unnve?(Tract No. 19)

i NewPubli+ions Available:
Russian, Samoan,Spanish, Swahili,
How to Zmprm Your Speaking and
Swedish,Ukrainian, Vietnamese
iNew AudiocassettesAvailable:
-Lithuanian What Does God Require of US?-AlKnowledge Ilhat Leads to Everlasting
My Book of Bibie Stories (Large size)
banian, Amharic, Arabic, ArmeLife (five cassettes in an album)

-Latvian, Otetela

Questions Young People Ask-Answers

Thai Work
The Divine Name That Wil1Endure Forever
The Greatest Man WhoEver Lived

The Secret of Family Happiness -Al-

banian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese,

Chinese (Simplified), Croatian,
Ozech, Danish, Dutch, EhgU.34 F'ijian, F'innish, French, Gennan, Greek,
Gujarati, Hindi, Hungarian,IItalian,
Lithuanian, Maltese, NorPapiamento, Persian, Polish, Portuguese,Puqjabi,Romanian,

nian, Assyrian, Bulgarian, Cambodim, Chinese, Chinese (Simpllfied),

Croatian, Czech, Danish,Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German,
Gyjarati,Haitian Creole, Hindi, Hiri
Motu, Hungarian, Italian, Korean,
Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian,
New Guinea Pidgin, Norwegian, Papiamento, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, m a b i , Romanian,Russian,
Samoan, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish, Tahitian, Tamil, Ukrainian,
Urdu, Vietnamese
W d Is the Purpose of Lge? H m Can
YouFiml Zt?

-Korean, Swedish

Preserving Lqe in Pime of Famine

(Drama,single cassette)
Wh& Does God Require of US?(single
iNew VideocassettesAvailable:
TheNew World Societu in Action
!b the En& of the Earth
Chinese (Cantonese), Chinese
~ r e e k~talian,
What Does God Reuuire ofUS?
-~me&an signLangmge
iNew Compact Discs Available:
Kingdom MelodiesVolume 3 (cdm-3)

m Literature offer for January: Any

192-page book published prior to 1984
that the congregation may have in
stock. Congregations that do not have
a supply of such books may offer Survivallnto a New Earth. February: Revelation-lts Gran Climax At Han!
Marth: The S e d of Famiy Happiness. April: Individual copies of The
Watchtower and Azoake! Fbr territory that is covered frequently, the new
brochure, What Does God Require of
US?,may be used.
m Al1 baptized publishers present at
the Service Meeting the week of January 6 will be given the Advance Medical Directiveptelease car and the
Identity Card Por their children.
m Starting in Fkbruary, and no later
than March 2, the new public talk for
circuit overseers will be "Use Education to Praise Jehovah."
m Congregations should make convenient arrangements to celebrate
the Memorial this year on Sunday,
March 23, after sundown. Although
the talk may start earlier, the passing of the Memorial emblerns shotlld
not begin until afte7 sundown. Check
with local sources to detennine when
sundown occurs in your area. Since
no meetings other than those for
field service are to be held on that
day, appropriate adjustrnents should
be made for the Watchtower Study to
be conducted at another time. Cir-

cuit overseers will need to adjust their

meeting schedulefor the week according to local circumstances. Although
it is desirable for each congregation
to hold its o m Memorial celebration, this may not always be possible. Where a number of congregations nonnaiiy use the same ~i'gdom
Hall, perhaps one or more congregations-can obtain the use of Gother facility for that evening. The Memorial should not start so late that
newly interested people lnd it inconvenient to attend. Nor should the
schedule be so tight that there is no
time before or after the celebration
to greet visitors, make arrangements
for continued spirituai assistance for
interested ones, or enjoy a general
interchange of encouragement. After
thoroughly consideringall factors, the
elders should decide what arrangements will best help those who attend
the Memorial to benefit fully from the
m The special public talk for the 1997
Memorial season will be @venon Sunday, April 6. An outline wil1be pravided. Those congregations having the
visit of the circuit overseer, a circuit
assembly, or a special assembly day
that weekend will have the special talk
the foiiowing week. No congregation
should have the special talk before
April 6.
m The body of elders should be aware
that the following adjustments are
needed when the congregation atten& local assemblies: When a spe-

cial assembly day program is scheduled, the congregation should have all
the normal meetings throughout the
week, except that the Public Meeting
and the Watchtower Study are canceled. When scheduled to attend a circuit assembly, the congregation will
also cancel the Theocratie Ministry
School and the Service Meeting, only
the Congregation Book Study will be
held 10during that week.

Number of:


Sp'l Pios.




Mags. R.V. BiSt.

188 121.7 98.0 49.9 4.2


7a,ss'1 81.8 58.2 24.8 2.0


26,267 58.940.7 15.1 1.0







8.4 0.4

Baptized: 8,881

~ E Q A T K M I B ~ ~ ~ ~ S T
Schedule for congregation studies in the book
The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived.

January 6:
January 13:
January 20:
January 27:

Chapten -7
Chapters .&H
chaptors 52-54
chapters 55-57

Since much time an efport are in- conductors are in a good posivoived in compilingsueh reparts. the tiontoremind the pubUShers of thts
cooperation of every Kbgciom pub- responslbfliity, shce thw are als0
a Whyshouidwereportourfteldser- Bher is essentlaL Are you conscfek alert to give permml assistance to
vice activitypromptbreachmonth? tious about tuming in your report those who may have some dinpculAU of us fee1 a sense of j w when promptbr each month?
ty sharIng in the field service regwe hear about good tIlings beReports of increasesbrng us much uarly each %non& This remind: ing aceornplsbed in preaching the joy. Addition&&, reports help the 80- er could be given at the last book
Ktna;dom message. (Sec Pmwrbs cietg to monitor the progress of the stuy each month or at another ap2535.) Acts 2.11 reports that fol- wor
e work. Decfsions have to propriate time. If there is no oplowing Peter's stIning discourse on be
as to where more help may portunity to turn in field service
the dsy of Pentecost, 'about three be needed or the type and a m o q t reports at the Kingdom Hall, the
thousand souls were added.' A of literature to be produce& EMem Congregation Book Study conducshort time iabr, tbat number had in e& congregatfm w feld service tor can coBect them and see that
they are Wen to the secretary in
grown to "about five thommddD reports 0 detenninew&e&?
(Acts k4) EIow exhilarating those ment can be made. Qood reports are time to be Whided with the conreportsmust have been to the irst- upbuilding, motivatnlg atl of us to ex- gregationrsregular monthly report


century Cm-!
We react the
Same way to enw-g
mlay. We are thmed to hear about
&e success our brothers enjw in
preaching the good news worldwide.

amine our own mnistry for pcdbIe

AU publishers n& to ap-te
thek individual re@wnsibIityto
in a fleld mee report prompt& each
month. Congregation m o k Study

to the Society.
Our diligence in faithfuiiy reporting OW field service activity
promptbr makes the l@ lighter for
t h w ~ n s b for
~ our
e spiritual

Qualifiedand Equipped to Teach Others

l When Moses was appointed as Jehovah's representative, he did not feel qualiEed to declare God's word to
Pharaoh. (Ex. 4:lO; 6:12) Jeremiah revealed his lack of
conEdence in being able to serve as Jehovah's prophet,
telling God that he did not know how to spepk. (Jer. 1:6)
Despite their initia1 lack of confidence, both of those
prophets proved to be fearless witnesses for Jehovah.
They were adequately qualided by God.
Today, thanks to Jehovah, we have what we need to
accomplish our ministry with conEdence. (2 Cor. 3:4,5;

The subject o f education may

be used to create interest in God's
Word. YOUcoud initiate a conversation by saying:
i "There is much emphasis today on
the need for quality education. In
your opinion, what kind of education
should a person pursue to ensure
the greatest happiness and success
in life? [Allow for response.] Eterna1 beneEts can be gained by those
who take in knowledge of God. [Read
Proverbs 930, 11.1 This handbook
[give title of the book you are offeringl is based on the Bible. It points to
the only source of knowledge that
can lead to everlasting life." Show
a speciEc example in the book. If
there is genuine interest, leave the
book and arrange for a return visit.
State that although the publication
is left without charge, we will accept
a small donation toward our worldwide ministry.
4 When returning t0 a householder with whom you discussed
the importante o f Bible education, you might say:
i"On my last
we discussed the
Bible as being the source of education that can ensure our eternal
future. Of course, it takes effort to
learn what we need to know from the
Scriptures. [Read Proverbs 2:l-5.1
Many people End it dimcult to understand some portions of the Bible.
I would like to demonstrate briefly a
method we have used extensively to
help people learn more about basic Bible teachings." Using the book
that was left, turn to an appropriate
place and brieflydemonstrate a Bible
study. If the householder desires to
have a regular study, explain that you

2 Tim. 3:17) Like a qualiEed mechanic with a ful set

of tools, we are properly equipped to accomplish our
assigned ministry skillfully. In January we are offering any 192-page book that was published prior to
1984 and that the congregation niay have on hand. Although these spiritual tools are not new, their Scriptural themes are stili current and these books will help
people to learn the truth. The following suggested presentations may be adapted to whichever book is being

will return with our study aid Knowledge That Leads to EverlastingLife.
5 Many people are troubled by
the suffering o f millions o f the
world's children. Perhaps you
can help the householder to see
how God views thisplight, by saying:
i-NO doubt you have seen news
reports &out children around the
globe who are hungry, sick, and neglected. WWhave concerned orffanizations nat been able t0 mprove the
situation? [ ~ l l for
o ~response.] GO^
wants only what is best, for humans.
Note what he promises for children
and adults, as recorded in the Bible.
@ead Revelation 2p4.1 This hook
[mentionthe title] provides more details &out a world of ~ o d ' making
where suffering wil1 cease." ~f possibie, open t0 an illustration that depicts ParadiSe, and discuss it. Offer
the book, and arrange for another
visit. Gladly accept any donation the
individual is willing to make toward
our work.
6 ~f
you spoke initially about
the sufferingo f children, on the
nezt visit you might continue the
discussion bysaying:
i"When I was here recently, you expre~sed~concern
&out the plight of
children who suffer because of braken homes, famine, sickness, and aolence. It is comforting t0 read in the
Bible about a world where neither
children nor adults will suffer sickness, pain, or death. A prophecy in
the bookof Isaiah describes a better
life to come on earth." Read and discuss Isaiah 65:20-25. Lead up to an
eventual Bible study in the Knowledge book.

Since the practice o fprayer is

common for religiouspeople, you
C0uld Start a C~nVeTSati~n
On this
i"At some point in our life, most of
US have experienced problems that
have moved US to pray to God for
help. And yet, many fee1 that their
prayers are n0t answered. It even
appears that religious leaders who
PraY publicly for PeaCe are n0t being heard. We SaY that because War
and violence continue t0 distress
mankind. Does God really listen to
pra~ers?If he does, why do s0 manY
prayers seem t0 g0 unanswered? [All o for
~ response.] Psalm 145:18 explains what is required if our prayers
are t0 be answered. [Read scripture.]
For One thing, Prayers t0 God must
be sincere and in accord with the
truth found in his Word, the Bible."
Show the book YOU are offering,and
point out what it saYs about the valueof prayer.
When following up a previous discussion abaut prayer, you
might try this approach:.
i "I enjoyed our conversation on the
subject of prayer. You will no doubt
find Jesus' thoughts about what to
PraY f0r t0 be a helpful guide." Read
Matthew 6:9, 10, pointing out the
chief concerns featured by Jesus in
his model prayer. Show chapter 16,
Can Draw Close t0 God,"in
the Knowledge book, and ask if you
can demonstrate how t0 study the
When it comes to imparting the
knowledge of God to others, we may
ask, "Who is adequately qualiEed for
these things?" The Scriptures answer: "We are."-2 Cor. 2:16,17.

O 1997 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. Our Kingdom Ministry (ISSN 1067-7259) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society

of New York, Inc., and International Bibie Students AssocJation, 25,Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 1!201-2483. Periodicals Posta e Pald at Brooklyn, NY and at additional mailing
Printed in U.S.A.
offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes t0 OU^ Kfngdom Mfnfstry, c/o Watchtower, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11!01-2483.

February 1997

For United States of America

Share Inthe Work That Wil1

Never Be Repeated
l At various times throughout
mankind's history, it was necessary
for Jehovah to execute judgment
upon his enemies. However, because
of his mercy, he provided righthearted ones with an opportunity for salvation. (Ps. 103:13) Their response
determined their destiny.
For exarnple, prior to the Fiood,
in 2370 B.C.E., Noah was "a preacher
of righteousness." The ones who perished were those who ignored the divine warning. (2 Pet. 2:5; Heb. 113)
Before the destruction of Jerusalem
in 70 C.E., Jesus clearly outlined the
action that would be needed for anyone to escape the devastation that
was to befaii the city. All who rejected his warning message s-ered
dire consequences. (Luke 21:20-24)
Such divine warnings and judgments
were repeated many times throughout history.

A Modern-Day Warning Work:

Jehovah long ago declared that his

anger would be unleashed against today's wicked system and that only
the meek ones would survive. (Zeph.
2:2, 3; 3%) The time for preaching
this warning message is fast running out! The "great tribulation" is
just ahead, and meek ones are now
being gathered. Indeed, the "flelcis"
are "white for harvesting." Hence, no
other work can compare with this as
to importante and urgency.-Matt.
24:14, 21, 22; John 4:35.
4We must share in sounding the
modern-day warning to others,
"whether they will hear or will refrain." This is a God-given assignment, which we dare not ignore.
(Ezek. 2:4,5; 3:17,18) Our havinga fuil
share in this work provides a convincing demonstration of our deep
love for God, our genuine concern for

Vol. 40, No. 2

our neighbors, and our unshakable

faith in our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Now Is the Time to Act: After
past judgments by Jehovah, wickedness always sprang up anew because Satan and his demons were
still active. However, this time it will
be different. Satanic influence will be
eliminated. A global warning about
an m e n d i n g "meat tribulation" will
. never- again b ; needed. (Rev. 794;
Rom. 16:20) We have the special privilege of being part of a never-to-berepeated work-NOWis the time for us
to make the most of this opportunity.
About his preaching activity, the
apostle Paul, with great conviction,
stated: "I am clean from the blood
of aii men." (Acts 20:26) He did not
fee1 bloodguilty through any failure to sound the warning. Why not?
Because he could say of his ministry: "To this end I am indeed working hard, exerting myself." (Col. 1:29)
Let US eqjoy the same satisfaction of
sharing to the fullest extent possible
in the work that will never be repeated!-2 Tim. 2:15.

What About Ywr Relatlves?

Her husband finaily accepted the


Most of us have a number of relatives who are not in the truth.

How we long for such loved ones to
join us on the road to life! Our concern for their everlasting future may
be greater when they are members
of our o m household. Although we
have tried for years to interest them
in the truth, we should not conclude
that the situation is hopeless.
When Jesus did his preaching,
"his brothers were, in fact, not exercising faith in him." (John 7:5) At one
point, his relatives thought he was
insane. (Mark 3:21) Yet, Jesus did not
give up on them. In time, his brothers accepted the truth. (Acts 1:14)His
half brother James became a pillar in
the Christian congregation. (Gal. 1:
18, 19; 2:9) If you would like to have
the joy of seeing your relatives embrace the truth, do not stop trying to
reach them with the Kingdom good

One publisher commented that "even

relatives have a right to their o m
views and opinions." So we should
show respect when they voice their
thoughts or when they specilcally
ask us not to speak to them about
the truth. (Eccl. 3:7; 1 Pet. 3:15) By being patient and loving and by being
good listeners, we can look for appropriate opportunities to give a subtle witness. Such patience can be rewarding, as was seen in the case of
a Christian husband who patiently
endured his unbelieving wife's mistreatment for 20 years. Once she began to change, he said: "How grateful
I am to Jehovah that he helped me
to cultivate long-suffering, because I
can now see the result: My wife has
started to walk on the path of life!"
What about your relatives?It may
be that through your good Christian
conduct and your prayers in their behalf, "you may win them to Jehovah."
-1 Pet. 3:1, 2, footnote.

his listeners felt refreshed, not browbeaten. (Matt. 11:28, 29) He did not
overwhelm them with teachings that
they could not grasp. To refresh your
relatives with the waters of truth,
give them a cup at a time, not a bucketful! A traveling overseer observed:
"The best results are achieved by
those who awaken curiosity in their
relatives by witnessing in measured
way, even opposers
doses." In
rnay begint0 ask questions and eventually develop a thirst for the truth.
-1 Pet. 2:2; compare 1 Corinthians 3:


1, 2.

Many married Christians have effectively witnessed to their unbelieving mates by leaving iiterature open
to material that might interest them.
One sister who did this also conducted a study with her children within the hearing of her husband, giving explanations that would beneflt
him. Sometimes she would ask him:
Be Refreshing, Not Overwhelm- "I learned such and such in my study
ing: When Jesus preached to others, today. What do you think about it?"

Be Respectful, Not Impatient:

Week Starting February S
Song 27
annOuncements' Selected Announcements from Our
Kingdom MinMg. Theocratic News.
Never Be Repeated." Questions and
answers. As time permits, include
points from "Keeping on the Watch
-How?* on pages 714-15 of the Proclaimers book.
20 min: "Presenting the Good News
with a Sense of Urgen~y.~
(paragraphs 1-5) After brief comments
es p-phs
2-5 with two or m e
publishers. They review highlights of
the suggested premntations and comment on wby these or similar presenmay be effective in the l o m
territom m b m e m t* tPmticing the presentations. Chcommenation, su-ts
make them more effective, and offers
reminders on the need to mention the
donation arrangement. He then asks
audience about ways the goal of starting studies can be reached Gives speciflc idem of how ~ e n t ~ a lt0
l y.W a
study started in the Knoioledgehook.
Song 34 and concluding prayer.
Week starting February la

Song 29
S min: Local announcements. Accounts report.
i o min: "Presenting the Cfwd News
With a Sense of Urgency." (Paragraphs 6-8) Demonstrate presentations in paragraphs 6-7. Emphasize
the need to make a return visit where
in@i:est is shown.
S0 min: "Wanted-100,000 Awdlmy
Pioneers." Question-and-answer cwerage by the service overseer. Highlight the box on page 3. Review the
sample schedules on page 6. Each
bapzed publisher ought to consider Pers0rd.b and prayerftilly whether
he is able to enrou for ene or more
months. Unbaptzed publishers can
W a n d thek share in the
setting thek Own Wal of how's each
Song 43 and concluding.prayer.

Song 30


10 min: Local announcements. Mention interesting talkng points in the

current magazines tiiat canbe used in
service this week,

18 min: The Memorial-An Event

of Great Irnportance!" Questions and
answers. Offer encouragement to
make the e n a e month of
pioneering. w&t
of Memoria inahtions.
S m n g Home Bible Stud-


les' In recent

ing many more
homea Bible studies.
what was accomplished localb' t" Pbcing hooks and ether litera'lire. Encourage publishers
up on 811 interest. Have several pubm e r s relate s ~ ~ a c a lthe
l y efPortrequired ontheir part t0 startnew home
Bible Studies. WPhas- that an inOf Our commission Is
20) This
make dfsciples. (fitt.
can be done effectiveiy if we endeavor
set Out inthe
June 1996 Our mwdom Ministv inSert.
Song47 and concluding Pr@Yer.

February 24

Song 32
i8 min: Locai announcements. Announce the names of all who are auxIllary pioneering in March. Explain
that it is not too late to submit an
appiication. Encourage all to have a
ful share in field service on Saturday,
March 1. Dutline the additional arrangements that are being made locally for meetings f0r service during
the month. Careftillyreview the QUeSti0n Box.
12 mln: 'What About Your Relatives?" Busband 8nd wife discuss the
article to&W and decide on how
to a p ~ r o a c h m b e lreatives
the goad news.-See February 15,
1990, Wdchtower, pages 25-7.
1s min: Retrfew Uterature Offer Por
~arch-Tik Secret of FanzBy Wanpiness. ~ r i & dscuss the reasons behind famiy breakdown in modern
society. (&e October 15,1992, Watchtmer, ppages 4-7.)
the hook's
contents, on page 3. invite audienceto
pick out chapters that could provide
the baas Por a presfintation. Point out
the helpful teaching box that appears
at the end of each chapter. Have a capable publisher demonstrate h m to
present the book. Remind all to pick
up copies Por use this weekend and
to mention the donation arrangement
when placing them.
Song 48 and concluding prayer.

ortance! By keep
to Jehovah until


Auxiliary Pioneers

Can You Auxiliary Pioneer in March? April? May?

l "Wanted 1,000 Preachersn was the title of

an article published in the April 1881 issue
of the Watch Tower. It contained an appeal
to al dedicated men and women, "to whom
the Lord has committed a knowledge of-His
truth," to use whatever time they could to
share in spreading Bible truth. Those who
could give half or more of their time exclusivey to the Lord's work were encouraged to volunteer as colporteur evangelizers-the forerunners of today's pioneers.
Although times have changed since the
1800's, one fact remains the same-God's dedicated servants want to continue using as
much time as possible in spreading the good
news. Serving as auxiliary pioneers enables
congregation publishers to improve their effectiveness as they put forth extra time in the
Kingdom ministry.-Col. 4:17; 2 Tim. 4:5.
Gver since its inception, auxiliary pioneering has been enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of brothers and sisters. Enthusiasm for
this feature of the pioneer ministry grew to
the extent that a'peak of more than 100,000
auxiliary pioneers was reached in the United
States branch territory in April 1985! Three
times since then, more than 100,000 publishers have shared as auxiliary pioneers during
the month of April-in 1988, 1989, and 1992.
The potential certainly exists to repeat this
fine effort during the spring of 1997. .
We encourage you to have the goal of auxiliary pioneering during one or more of the
months of March, April, and May. Why include March? Because this year the ~ e m h r i a l
of Christ's death falls on Sunday, March 23.
There is no better way that we could spend
the weeks preceding the Memorial than to
share zealously in the Kingdom-preaching
work that our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,
instituted. With a great heap of witness being
given in March, we can invite many interested
persons to join US in the cornmemoration of
Christ's death. March will also be special in
that, for the & t time, we will be featuring the

new book, The Secret of Family Happiness.

Additionaiiy, the month of March contains
five Saturdays and five Sundays, alowing for
intensive weekend activity in the field service.
Of course, during the months of April and
May, a continued zealous effort in the ministry will alow US to folow up on the interest
found and start new home Bible studies, using the brochure What Does God Require of
US?We will als0 cover our territory thoroughly, particularly on weekends, with the current
timey issues of The Watchtower and Awake!


Who Qualify to Auxiliary Pioneer'): Organized to Accomplish Our Ministry, page 114,

explains: "Whatever your personal circumstances, if you are baptized, are of good moral
standing, can arrange to meet the requirement of spending 60 hours a month in the
field ministry and believe you could serve one
or more months as an auxiliary pioneer, the
congregation elders will be pleased to consider your application for this privilege of

Auxlllary Pioneer

service." Can you make room for this privilege

in March? April? May?
A positive attitude on the part of the bodies of elders along with the wholehearted support of the rest of the publishers should make
the response to this cal for 100,000 auxiliary pioneers a resounding success. (Heb. 133)
All farnily heads are encouraged to ascertain
how many within their household can join the
ranks of the auxiliary pioneers during one or
more of the coming months.-Ps. 148:12, 13;
compare Acts 21:8,9.
7 DOnot be quick to conclude that auxiliary pioneering is beyond your reach because
of your full-time secular work, school schedule, family responsibilities, or other Scriptural obligations. For some it may not be
easy to take part; nevertheless, with good organization and Jehovah's blessing, they can
succeed. (Ps. 37:5; Prov. 16:3) Let the desire
to share in pioneer service control your circurnstances; do not let your circumstances
control your desire to pioneer. (Prov. 13:19a)
Hence, with a strong love for Jehovah and for
fellow humans, many are able to adjust their
weekly routine of life so as to expand their
ministry a month at a time. (Luke 10:27, 28)
Many blessings are in store for those who exert themselves vigorously in the Kingdom service.-l Tim. 4:lO.

in the ministry as an auxiliary pioneer every

month, she said she felt as though the a s t 70
years of her life had been wasted, and she did
not want to waste any of her remaining years
of life!
10 Each participant in the aipriliary pioneer
work develops an improved skill in the ministry. One young witness admitted: 'During early childhood I used to accompany my parents
in their preaching activities. Field service was
really fun. However, in time, it dawned on me
that at school I stood out from the rest of
the crowd. It then became awkward for me
to speak to fellow students about the truth.
When preaching from house to house, I began to dread the thought of meeting up with
someone I knew from school. In my case I
think the problem was fear of man. [Prov. 29:
251 After getting out of school, I decided to try
pioneering on a temporary basis. As a result,
preaching took on an appeal that it never had
before. No longer did I view it as a fun activity,
nor was it a heavy burden. On seeing rny Bible
students progress in the truth, I enjoyed a
sense of deep satisfaction at the evidence that
Jehovah God was backing my efforts.' This
youth went on to serve as a regular pioneer.
l1 From a practica1 standpoint, when many
serve as auxiliary pioneers in the congregation, a thorough coverage of the teri-itory results. The brother who handles the assigning
of territories can ask the auxiliary pioneers
for their assistance in covering the seldomworked sections. Packing a lunch and putting
in a whole day of service will make it possible
to work even the distant corners of the territory.

What Auxiliary PioneeringAocomplishes:

The whole-souled effort that thousands of

God's servants put forth to auxiliary pioneer
results in a great shout of praise to Jehouah.
As these Kingdom proclaimers exert themselves to spread the good news to more people, they are d r a m closer to Jehovah personally because they learn to be more dependent
upon him for his spirit and blessing.
Having auxiliary, regular, and special pioneers active in our midst produces a fresh
spirit of vitality in the congregation. Their enthusiasm is contagieus as they talk about
their field experiences. This motivates 0thers to reevaluate their own priorities and potential for having an expanded share in the
all-important work of the ministry. A sister
who was baptized at the age of 70 immediately
began auxiliary pioneering on a continuous
basis. When asked someyears later why, at her
age, she was still exerting herself so much


Elders to Make Advance Preparations:

Throughout the next three months, arrangements should be made to schedule different
kinds of witnessing activity at various times
of the week, including late afternoon and early evening, so that as many as possible can
take part. In addition to doing regular houseto-house work, include periods for street witnessing, working business territory, and caling on not-at-homes. By so doing, elders help
those who are pioneering to share in service
with the congregation at a time that will be
most practical and convenient for the pioneers. The congregation should be wel1 in4

formed of all fleld service arrangements. The

handling of meetings for service should be
wel1 organized. Additionally, adequate territory should be made available and arnple magazines and other literature supplies should be
ordered promptly.

ry pioneer schedule just one hour each day,

or one full day each week, it is possible to
fulfl the regular pioneer schedule. To see if
that is possible for you, why not try to devote
90 hours in the ministry during one or more
months of auxiliary pioneering? At the Same
'3 Plan Your Personal Service Sohedule:
time, you will be developing return visits a n A
One brother, who at &st was apprehensive Bible studies, whkh wil1 allow you to enjo
about auxiiary pioneering, said: "It really is a well-rounded pioneer ministry.
lot easier than I thought it was going to be. It
l' One sister enjoyed six years of continuous
just takes a good schedule." On the back page auxiliary pioneering. A that time it was her
of this insert, do you see a sample auxiliary goal to enter the regular pioneer service. To
pioneer schedule that would be practical for that end, she tried four Merent secular jobs
you? Fifteen hours eachweek for the ministry in hopes of creatinga situationthat would put
is all the time that is required of auxiliary pio- the 90-hour requirement for regular pioneers
within her grasp. Each month, she drew up
one or two schedules in order to calculate
14111 order to serve as auxiliary pioneers,
housewives and second-shift workers can of- whether it might be possible. But on examinten schedule their mornings for the fleld ser- ing them, she felt the full-time ministry was
vice. Schoolchildren and third-shift workers beyond her reach. Still, she continued to ask
can generally devote late afternoons to the Jehovah for his direction. Then one day while
preaching work. Full-time secular workers preparing for the Service Meeting, she read an
have found it possible either to take off one article in the September 1991 Our Kingdom
day of work a week or to devote full weekends Ministry that stated: "Rather than placing unto the ministry, in addition to doing evening due emphasis on the hour requirement, why
witnessing. Many whose fleld service is most- not focus attention on the increased opportuly limited to weekend activity choose months nity to share in the ingatheringwork? (John 4:
that contain flve fuweekends. This year, that 35,36)"She relates: "Ireread this sentence flve
is true of March, as wel1 as August and N*
or six times, and I was quite sure that this was
vember. Using the blank schedule on page 6 Jehovah's answer. At that moment I made the
that is provided as a guide, give caref'ul and decision to enter the regular pioneer service."
prayerful thought to what will be a practical Although her part-time secular work schedpersonal service schedule for your individual ule was far &om ideal, she submitted her apsituation.
plication to regular pioneer. A week later her
schedulewas changed, and she was given sec'5 One advantage of the provision to auxiliary pioneer is its flexibility. You can choose the ular working hours that were just right for
months that you will pioneer, and you can her. She concluded, "Isthis Jehovah's hand, or
serve as often as you desire. U you would like not?," and added: "When you ask Jehovah for
to auxiliary pioneer on a continuousbasis but guidance and you receive it, do not run away
cannot do so, have you thought of enrolling from it-accept it." If it is your earnest deevery other month throughout the year? Od sire to regular pioneer, perhaps by the end
the other hand, some are able to serve contin- of three months of auxiliary pioneering this
uously as auxiliary pioneers for extended pe- March, April, and May, you will be convinced
riods of time.
that you too can succeed in the full-time ministry.
l6 A Warm-Up tor FulCTlme Pioneerlng:
Many who have the pioneer spirit would like
l* We are certain that Jehovah wil1 bless the
to serve as regular pioneers, but they wonder zeal and will support the efforts of his people
if they have the time, the circumstances, or as they pubnsh the good news of salvation
the stamina for it. Undoubtedly most of those during this special springtime period of activwho are now regular pioneering fkst used ity. (Isa. 52:7; Rom. 10:15) Will you answer the
auxiliary pioneer service as a warm-up for the call for 100,000 auxiliary pioneers by having a
fuU-time work. By increasing one's auxilia- share in March?April? May?

Auxiliary Pioneer Schedules

Sample Ways to Schedule 15 Hours of Field Service Each Week

through Saturday

Sunday may besubstitutedforanyday

Weekday Afternoons and Saturday

Sunday may be substitutedforany day

Two Full Days

Any two days of the week may be selected

My Personal Service Schedule

Decideon the numberof hoursforeach period

Two Evenlngs and the Weekend

Any two weekday evenings may be selected

of October 1,1993,and October 1,1992.

Also see paragraphs 12-20 of the Au-

gust 1986 Oilr Kingdom Ministry in-

m Literature offer for kkurry: Reu- sert.

eion-Its Grand Climax At Han! D Publishers who wish to serve as
marth: The Secret of Famtly Happi- auxillarJr pioneers in March, April,

ness. April rnd May: Individual copies of The Watchtower and Awake! For
midweek service and in territory that
is covered frequentiy, the new brochure, What Does God Require of US?,
may be used.
D The secretary and the service overseer should review the actMty of all
regular pioneers. If any are having
dfculty meeting the hour requirement, the elders should arrange for
assistance to be given. For suggestions, review Society's letters (5-201)

Number of:
Sp'l Pios.

Au Au
Mags. R.V. Bi.St.

181 122.8 87.4 SO.8 4.8


72,986 76.6 44.8 28.5 2.0


21,506 57.2 84.4 14.9 1.1







and May should make their plans now

and turn in their application early.
This will help the elders to make necessary fleld service amngements and
have sufcient magazines and other
literature on hand. The names of all
who are approved to auxilbry pioneer
should be announced to the congregation.
D On Saturday, May 10, 1997, the Society's facilities in Brooklyn, Patterson, and Wallkill, New York, will be
closed for spring cleaning. There will
be no arrangements for tours or for
congregations to pick up literature on
that day.

Schedule for congregation studies in the book
The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived

February 10: c h a p t w e i a r
February 17: Chrptora 64-66

Baptized: 8,449

February 24: c h r p t w 67-69


~ ~ U E $ T ~ BOX
D Whaf, should be done when a diSh%SeS that


our brothers?
lf a 0h.t.r
Strikes in Your
Area: D0 not @C.
Keep YOur
COXXiROSUX?,=d ConCentrzlte On
what l
VLuable-Me, nat
possesstons. Oare foryour family's
hmediate P-cal
needs. Then
notify the elders about your circ-ces
and present location.
The elders and ministerhl sermts play a aucial alle in provdulg re3lef assistance. f advance
waraing of a disaster is *n,
with some m@or stoms, these
brothers shouldemure that weryone is in asaf'e location, a l f time
permits,shouldobtainand +Mbute supplies that may be needed.
bmk stud9 conductors should locate eaeh famy and
inquire of their weli-being. The
pmsjding OverSeer OP anotber elder
should be notifed of the suation




Benin: This smail country reached Its

45th consecutivepeak of publishers in

September, with 4,843 reporting.
Bolivia: A new peak of 12,823publishers reported in October. This was an
&percent increase over last year's average. Congregation publishers averaged 13.1 hours in fleld service.

February 3: Chapton w-60

8.4 0.4

D New Publications Available:

Hou) to I r n Your
~ Speaking an
The Secret of FamUy Happiness
-Cebuano, loko, Japanese, Tagalog,Tamil, Thai
Watch lbwer Publications Index 19861995
What Does God Require of US? - C e buano, Iloko, Japanese, Laotlan, Tagalog, Thai
D New Audiocassettes Avaable:
What Does God Require of US?(single
D New Videocassettes Available:
The Bible-Accurate History, Reliable
The Bible-lts Power in Your LVe (Volume 3of the seriesTheBible-A Book
of Fact an Prophecy)
The N m WwM Societyin Action
-Arabic, French, Greek




of each horw?ehslld;evn if al is WEU. to &e Society,w%erea rellef fmd l

E someone has been Nured, the el- set asde for this purpase. The adders wiii trg to anange for medical dress is: Watchtmm, 25 Columbia
treatment. They wiii also provide any Heights, Bmklyn, NY 11201-2483.
material thingS suCh aS food, ClOth- (Acts 2:44, 45,1Cor. 16:l-3; 2 Cor.
shelter, or ~ O I I S ~ ~SUPPU~S
I O ~ ~ 95-7; see the December 1, 1985,
that are needed. (&hn 1335; Oal. 6: w , - & c ~ , ,pages 20-2.) I)O nat
10)The locat elders wiii m e ~@rtiftl
mateor suppue~ the
a d -0tiOnal SppWb t0 the Con- rareaualm specBcaw reSegaQona d wiii arrange as qukkl~
by me bmthem in charge.
as pwible to resme conmegation
assure order& relief
m m . After a thomugh wahia- fort and me prcrper &Mbution of
tion has been made, an elder should goeds. Cor. 14:40) Please do
cantactthecimuit Overseer on behali
mecessariof the body&f elders to apprise him of
phone lines
any hajurielpIdam9ge to the Kingdom % as
to hancUe
Hall,or darnage to the homes of Mie
brothers, as wel1 as of any apeciai iDf3'&eallsffamtmdi81aster
a W W r asse*ment
needs. The-drcuit Overseer will then
telephone the brnoh onice with a been made*
report of the situation. The braneh mine a relief
omce wiii coordinate any lar&seale be fOnne& ResPonsfble brothers "
be nOtifled-Al1 should moperrellef measures ebatare needed.
n -ster SML.~ EIOOW~WO: ate with the elders takingthe lead
-member the brothers and sisters s0 that the critical needs of all the
in your prayers, (2 Cor. 1:8-11) If brothers are a d e e met.4ee
you wlsh ta provlde nianebry asis- Jehawth's WWit?wses-Pmc&im@s
tmm, you map send PW donatioils of Gods Kin$&m, pages 310-15.




- u show F3

the Good News With L.

. . for God's Kingdom i n7g o o d oreseI&&msin advance, by beinegent

promises Q ha
wholeheartedly in the Christian
ministry. We n e e m p a r t i ~ p ~work
~ i with
a sense
of urgency. Why? ~eciorkers are f=t end of
t h i s x e d -tem
of t h i g s drawing n e a g n ~
pives of those in our territory are at stake. (Ezek. 3:19;
IG%t. 9:37,38)Such aweighty r e s p o n s i , b a l s for our
7 best effort in the ministry. H~&$an we s h o k sense of
urgency regarding our field service activity? By prepar"'


YOUmight be able to start a

conversation h briefly mentioning some problems bdng faced
in the comm%~ty, and then you
t could say:
t i "Many people b-e
that there

to accomplish it?" Turn to page 301
in the Revelation Climax book. R~


to theeon page
illustrate what this means for our future.
Read Fgvelati
paragraph 6.
If there is good respon ,
book. Be sure to explain how our
by dodwide -ported
s s . Arrange a convenient time
to return to continue the conversation.
the previous discussion of Revelation 21:
1 , 4 with this briefpresentation:
i "On my -t,
we t w about
God's promise to prepare a a w
a l v society for mankind. [Draw
e on
attention again to the w
Darre 302 in the Revelation Climax
bok.]Tould yo~like
i m y such con-.
w o w for

for p
ap onpage 04, andread
last senthe a
tence of the paragraph. Mention the
eit later.

searching t people wherever they may be found, by
keeping a c u r a t e record of al1 who show interest, by
turnin to follow up that interest, and by reem e m b e e d ' es are invohred, we should take
ourministry s e r i o u w h e fo1lowingsugi)estions may be
help-l as we prepare to present the gswith a
sense of urgency during February. The offer will be the
book R-n-lts
Grand Climax At H


Sin e many re concerned Bible study and endeavor

-- to start it
a b o u x g r o w i n ~ l ~ nfaClg o n t h a .
ing mankind, you might say someB
manu people interestthing like this on the initia1 caZ1: ed in the environment, you could
i "Nearly everyone is concerned sag something like this to open a
abou3 tiie problems we f a c G u r conversation:
a few]For de- i "We have found that almost everycades p o l i t i c ~ ~ r o m i s et0d ene s concerned &out, the pollution
bring abo"u"Fpueumanent s m i o n s , of our air, water, and food. In some
and some have tried t0 do s o . w d o countries the condition of the enviyOu think causes conditions -nronment is already life-threatening.
OW or ies onse 1 Since God is the Creator of the earth,
m e Bible offer; ?
what do you think he wiU do about
most peopie have never considered. this? [Allow for response.] The Biof Revelation describes a ble says that God is going to call
took place in heaven. No- for an accounting of the way we use
Revela- the planet. [Read Revelation ll:18b.]
e%i% Imagine living on an earth that is
free of all pollution!" Point out God's
book. Use the icture to explain Sa promise of a paradise, as indicated at
tan's i n v o l v e m e h a r t h ' ~ ~Revelation
21:3, 4. Show the picture
i w , offer the on page 302 in the Revelation Climax
n the donation ar- book. If the degree of interest warrangement. Make plans to return and rants, offer the book and arrange to
discusshow Godwillsolvemankind's call back. Give the person an opportunity to make a donation.
When returning to someone
If youprornisedtoreturnto explain God's s o l u t i o n ~ o d a y ' s who showed interest in the Paraproblems, you might t r m s up- dise earth, you might say:
i "On my last visit, we agreed that to
i "I made a special effcrt to come, solve the problem of apolluted earth,
b a g so that we could continue our God will have to intervene in man's
discussion on the real solution for affairS. But the question is, What
the ~roblemsfacinn mankind. On mv must we do to survive int0 the righla~t-visit,~we
saw that the Bible idep- teous new world of God's maklng?.
t m a t a n the Devil as the one mis-" Read John 17:3. Invite the householder t0 take advantage of our free Bil g t e entire inhabite-h.
Since he is a superhuman spirit crea- bie study course t0 gain this special
ture, do you.CiSnk eis a p ~ a y knowledge.
for his influence to be removed? [AlWhat a privilege it is to be used
low ror response.] I lease note what as modern-day harvest workers and
the Bible s s " Read and explain to do a lifesaving preaching work!
By using the pic- May all of US keep busy presenting
ure on pages 4-5 of the ~ n o w l e G the good news with a sense of urgenbok, show what conditions
fl' '
.wil1he cy, 'knowing that our labor is not in
like without Satan's in uence O E r a vain.'-1 Cor. 15:58.

Q 1997 ~ a t c hTower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Ail rights reserved. Our Kingdom Ministr (ISSN 1067 7259 is published monthly by Watchtower Bibie and Tract Society

of yew a r k , Inc., and International Bible Students Assocjation, 25,@lumbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY k01-?483. ~eriodlcilsPostage Paid at Brooklyn, NY, and at additional mailing
offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our Kingdom Min~stry.c/o Watchtower, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483.
Printed in U.S.A.

March 1997

For United States of America

Vol. 40, No. 3

when marriage ties are at the breaking point (chapter 13), what can be
done to honor elderly parents (chap
member. Most of these boxes begin ter 15),and h m to secure a lastingfuwith the question, "Hm canthese Bi- ture for one's family (chapter 16).
ble principles help . . . ?" This draws
Make Full Use of the New Book:
attention to God's thoughts so that If you have not already done so, why
we get his thinking on the subject un- not study the Family Happiness book
der discussion.-Isa. 48:17.
together as a family? Also, when'Become familfar with the book. ever your family is confronted with
Learn to locate the principles that new problems or challenges, review
can be of assistance when vari- the chapters in the book that deal
ous problems arise. The book dis- with these, and prayerfully consider
cusses such matters as these: what h m to apply the counsel. Additionone should look for when consid- ally, during March, be generous in
ering a prospective marriage mate schedulingtime for the fleld ministry
(chapter 2), what vital keys unlock so that you can endeavor to place
the door to lasting marital happi- The Secret of Fixmily Happiness in the
ness (chapter 3), how parents can hands of as many people as possible.
raise their teenagers to be responsiFamilies that practice godly deble, God-fearing adults (chapter 6), votion will be spiritually strengthhow to protect the family from de- ened and united and will be well prestructiveinfiuences (chapter 8), prin- pared to cope with the attacks of
ciple~to help single-parent families Satan. (1 Tim. 4:7, 8; 1 Pet. 5:8, 9)
succeed (chapter g), spiritual help How thankfulwe are that we have ifor families troubled by alcoholism vine instruction from the Originator
and violence (chapter 12),what to do of the family!

"Build Up Your Householdss

l Without question, in every culture
around the world, family life is isintegrating. Satan's world wallows in
deceit and irnmorality. (1 John 5:19)
This underscores the urgency for us
to 'build up our household' and to
teach others how they can do the
Same for theirs.-Prov. 24:3,27.

2Bible Printiples Are a Safeguard: The secret of true family hap-

piness is found in the application

of Bible principles. These powerful
truths benett every member of the
household in all aspects of life. The
family that applies them will be happy and will enjoy godly peace.-Compare Isaiah 32:17, 18.
3The principles that can help US
build up our household are outlined
in compact form in the new book,
The Secret of Famuy Happiness. Each
chapter concludes with a helpful
teachingbox that emphasizesprinciples that family members need to re-

Most of US were trained in child- marVelOus blessings We Wil1 yet expehood to say "please" and "thank you" rience at Jehovah's hand in the comwhen someone showed us C O U ~ ~ ~orS Ying earthly Paradise. mev. 21:4) What
kindness. Paul admonishesus always better reasons could anyone have t0
to 'show ourselves thankful,' and We 'show himself thankful' to God?
should especially be grateful to JehoHOW to ~ x p n Thanks
to God:
vah. (Col. 215, 16) But h m can we It is always appropriate to express
express thankftilness t~ our
OW thanks in prayer t~ Jehovah
(hator? And what special reasons do for his goodness. (PS. 136:l-3) We
we have to be thankful to him?
are movedy als09 demomtrate
The apostle Paul wrote: "Thanks thanks to him in other positive ways.
to God, for he gives us the victo- For example, hwill certainly be in
ry through our Lord Jesus Christ!" attendance on Sunday, March 23, for
(1 Cor. 15:57) At Memorial time each the Memorial of Christ's death. To
year, we are reminded of the bound- help meet the material needs of the
less love both God and Christ showed local congregation and of the worldin providing the fansom that gives wide work, we gladly 'honor Jehovah
us the hope of eterna life. (John 3: with our valuable things.' (Prov. 3:9)
16) Since aimost all of us have lost We fully support the elders and coloved ones in death, how thankful operate with them, t h w showing our
we are for Jesus' promise of the res- gratitude to Jehovah for the help he
urrection! Our hearts overflow with provides through them. (l Thess. 5:
gratitude when we contemplate the 12, 13) Every day, we strive to mainprospect of surviving the end of this tain upright conduct that glories
system without ever dying at all. God's name. (1 Pet. 2:12) Jehovah is
(John 11:25, 26) It is difcult to h d pleased with all these evidences of
w ; to express thanks for all the our gratitude.-l Thess. 5:18.

4 0 u r Finest Expression of
Thanks: Having a whole-souled

share in the Kingdom-preaching

work, honoring Jehovah's name, expressing gratitude in prayer, and loyally defending the truth are among
the flnest expressions of heartfeit
thanks that we c m make our ereator for all that he has done in OW behalf. Jehovah delights to see us render him acts of sacred service in
sorts of
men should be saved." (1 Tim. 2:3,4)
~ his ~ st. many publishers who
for it are
that appeared in Febrnary's
Kingdom Ministry t. enrou as auxiliary pioneers during
or more of
the months of March, April,
Putting forth
extra efPortin the
is a he
'show OurGod. Will
Of the pioneen
able tojoin the
We have been @vena Sure hope of
living forever. When we see it come to
pass, we wil1 have further bountiful
reasons every day to continue giving
joyful thanks to Jehovah.-Ps. 79:13.


that comes when we nd a sincerePer-

pareabrief, simplemagazinepresenta-

canstrengthenfamilv ties. Studiesare tion and then ~kcti&it.En&umfdm

to be wnducte in the brochure What comrnendatio~is givenanddefintte&

h Starting March 8

song 53

Does God RequiretheKnowk.e

of US?,with thehook,
goai rawements are made to share in field
10 min: Local announcements. Se- of t-eningto
ser;fce together thb week.
1ectedAnnouncementsmmOurKing- or the study may be
Song 89 and concluding prayer.
dom M
iEncobegin -&?(&$j k,',',
Ilihnk Starting March 81
i n t e m Ones the Mem* song 72 and conchiding prayer.
rlal on March 23. Display a copy of the
Memorialinvitation,andurgeailto ob- Wmk shrtlng Mawh 17
15 mln:
anuouncements. Invite
tain a supply and to begin istributing
them this week.
15 mln: =Build Up Your Household."
Questions and &m.
Include W e riences m m 1995Yearbook, page 228.
PO mln: Vielping F'amiies to Secure
a Lasting Future." (FWwgmphs 1-5)
Make brief comments on paraigraph 1,
and then discuss how interest can
be cultivated in the Rmy Happness
book by u s i .the chapter titles. colorful i l k e o n s , a& review boxes.
Have capable publishers demmtmte
the presentations in pamgraphs 2-5.
Encourafze all to make a soecial effort
to placethe book with familles who
m previous]y sh- intemt. Re-D
member to mention the donation arrangement.
Song n and concludingPrager.
Woek Starting Mamh 10-

al1 interested ones to attend special

6 i*/
announcements. Re- public talk on April 6. Remind ail to
view 'Memorlal Reminders." and out- turn in their field service reports for
line lacal Memorlal m r n e n t s . AU March. Announce the names of ailwho
should make final oians to help Bible are auxUhry pioneering in ApriL R e
entsandinkre&dones toattend view QuestionBax.
5 mln: Local needs. Or a talk by an 20 mln: "MusterUp Boldness to Make
elder on the article "Do You Really Return Visits." (Paragraphs 21-35)
Need to Apologize?" ftom the Septem- Questions and m m . Review the
ber 15,1996, Watchtmer, p a g 22-4.
~ If box on page 3. Encourage ail to munt
your congregation is planning to share every return visit they ham made duri n w o r k i n g ~ e d t e n i t o r y ding
~ the month when reporting their
July and August, this time can be used fieldservice. Gd
to review the letter of January 1,1997, 10 mln: Review Literature OfPer Por
that outlines the arrangements being April. Of[er individual copies of The
ade for this activlty.
Watchtower and Awake! Briefy relate
mln: Make Good Use Of the 1997 the suggestions on how to prepare
YearboOk of J ? M b es- Fa- magazine presentationsthat appear in
ther reviewshighghts m r e d in pag- paragraphs3.4.and80npage8ofthe
es 3-9 with hls familv. hm why we October 1996 Our Kmgdom Minlstry
rejoice to see theocratie progress ail Have two publishers demonstrate one
around the world. Father explainshm, or two short pmentations and menduringthe coming year, they can take a tPon the donation arrangement. Pubfew minutes each dtiy at meaitime to lishers should keep a record of those
read Pr0gre-b'
t m u g h the Year- who acceptmagazines andaddthemto
their magazine route.
as amsider the
Song 92 and concludingprayer.
Song 75 and concluding P-rWmk Starting Mamh 24
a w i s m e -K~ ~ SND&
67 S J
Schedule tor congregation studies in the b&"
* mln: Local announcements Ex- The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived
plain that it is
application for w pioneering in March 3: aaptors 70.72
April. Outline the additionai arrangements that are being made locaily Por March 10: aapt.rt la-7s
eetings service
the month.
March 17: Chmptm 76-18
,{L y :

song 63

16 mln: Local


ACcounts report. Remind ail to be sure
to follcnv the Memorhl Bible reading
scheduled Por March 18-23, as outlined
in ,?bamidgthe Scriplures Daily.
PO mln: 'Show Yourselves Thankftil."
Questionsand answers. Al1 should put
forth an eamest effort to invite Bible
students, intemted
persons, mOmble
famibr members*and
'y associaWng
to attend the Memorial. Brief demonstration of pubiisher inviting interest-+&
YMu9terup Boldnem Make
ed person the Memorlaltusing
Return Visits." (Paragraphs 1-20)
commentson Juy 1,1988,

and May.

15 mln: "Helping Families to Secure

a Lasting Future." (Paragraphs 6-8)
ofper some suggestions showing h m
to ofler the FamUy Happitzess book
when doing informa witnessingon the
job, at school, in the park,or on public
transportation, as wel1 as when visiting relatives. Have a capable publisher demonstrate the presentations in
paragraphs 6 and 7. The discussion
on thereturnvisit should help the per-

Demonstrate h m a capable publisher prepares a Bible student who has

just been approved by the elders to
be an unbaptized publisher. !hey re
view together the Our Ministty book,
page 111,paragraph2. The experienced
publisher points out what will likely be
encountered when sharing in houseto-house witnessing and that there is
no need to be .discouraged if most do
not respond Pubisher relates an ensonappreciatehawastudyoftheBible couraghg experience showing the joy



Match 24: ~hmptars

Match 31: Chaptors 8244




l Do you eqjoy making return visits? Many publishers do. You may have been apprehensive at &t,
especially when caling back on householders who
showed only limited interest when they were initially contacted. But as you 'muster up boldness by
means of our God to speak the good news' in making return visits, you may be surprised to nd h m
easv and erw%?b
this work can be.?(l Thess. 2:2)
How so?
.J?br one thing, there is an important di$renceT
between a er$tand the initial w. The r e
turn visit is being made on an acquaintance, not
on a stranger, and it is generally easier to converse with an acquaintance than with a stranger. As for the rich rewars
that result from sharing in
this work, return visits may
l e a o proauctive home '
Bible studies.
3 When we work from
house to house, we caU re-

ceeded to teach us the truth. What of those individuals who show some interest at &t but later seem
to be auniding us? A positive attitude is vital, as the (4
following experiencebears out.
While engaging in str-& witnessing early on
morning, two publishers met aF=wpushing
child in a stroller. The woman accepted a magazine and invited the sisters to come to her home
the following Sunday. They arrived at the appointed
time, but the householder told them she had no
time to taik.She did promise, howwer, to be available the following week. The sisters were doubtful i
that she would keep the appointment, but the lady
was waiting for them when thw return* A study
was started, and the woman's progress was amazing.
Within a short time, she began attending meetings regularly and sharing in Eeld
service. She is now b a ~ t i z g .
-ILay Groundwork on thr
Initial Call: The ground-

were not interested when

work for a successful return visit is often laid on

the initial call. Listen carefully to the householder's
cornments. What do they
tell you? Is he reggiously
inclineg? Is he concerned
about social issues? Is he
interested in science? gtory? the e n v i r z e n t ? At
th conclusion o f h e cai,
you may
r 2 e a thoughtprovoking question and
Bible's answer when you re-

ple's circumstanceschange

preach to people who previously showed no inte st

at al, should we not a the more willingly cal ba k
on Wone who shows some int reskin%=)
message?-Acts 10:34,35.
Many of us are in the tnith today because a publisher patiently made return visits on us. If you are
f one of these, you may ask yourself: 'What initial impression did I make on that publisher? Did I*
mediately embrace the Kingdom message when I
b t heard it? Could I have seemed indifferent?' We


r r

. - _.. a

n Fbr ex=le,
if the householder responds to the
Bible's promise of a paraciise earth, a further discusSion of the topic
be in order. Just before you
leave, you might asTH
w c m we b sure that God
wil1 fW this promise?J Then addcperhaps I can
s t o by
~ when the rest of the family is at home, and
then I can s h x o u the Bible's answer to this ques-


If the householder has not shown interest in any

p q c u l a r subject, you could raise one of the questions that'are featured in the presentations on the
back page of Our Kingdom Ministqj and use that as
the basis for your next discussion.

/I a . 7


r / -

l0 Keep Aecurate Written Records: Your ho

to-house record shouid be accurate and complete.
Write down the name and address of the household7
at the

quirements. Likeiy, mmy publishers wili have the

privilege of conducting a Bible stu in this brochure.
Some individuaiswho fee1that they do not have
book may be willthe time to study the -lease
ing to have brief sessions studying the Require brchure. They wili be thriled at what they learn!
just two or three pages, they will ind answers to
questions that people have pondered for centuries:
Who is God? Who E-the D@? What is God7-poseiZhe earth? What is them
of God?
m can you find the true religion? Although the
brochure presents the truth in simple t e m , its
message is very powerfuL It covers key points that
the elders wul review with can8htes for baptism
and can serve as a springboard for a m,ore thorogh
s&@ in the Kmie*-


u will answer when you retime of the initial cal and

when you said you would cail back. Now that your
record is complete,
so that you can refer t0it
the individual and
n& time.
11 K ~ O W
~ha%ur w
: First,by being warm a n a e n d l y , do your best to put the
housemer at e-OW
that you are interested
l 6 To offer a gtudy on a return virit, you
nwithout being unduy &i&.
simply -y: "Did you know that by takingjust a few
Next, remind him of any question you raised on minutes, you can have the answer to an important
Bible question?"Then, pose a question that appears
carefuiy to -ion,
the p m o u s visit.
and express sincere appreciation for his coE%%ts.
at the beginning of one of the lessons in the broThen, show why the Bible's viewpoint is practical. If chure. For example, i , you are callllig on an older
o g t in the book person, you might say: "We know that in the past Jepossible, direc
sus healed people. But in the future, what wil Jesus
in mind that your main obiective on returnvisits is do for the sick?the elderly?the dead?" 'R& tmmers
.5A religiously inclined person
n The irectness of the Kmnulege book ook inmay be intrigued by the question: "Does God listen
spired many of us to 'muster up bo1dness9on Bible to aU prayers?" It is answered in 1-n
7. Wmny
studies to encourage students to attend meetings members willwant to k n m Vhat mrequire
en?" They wili lnd out as
and associate with Jehovah's organization. In the of parents and of c
past, we tended to wait until individuais had studied they study l e m 8.&questions
are: 'Can the 4
for quite sometime before inviting them to associate dead harm the living?"explained in l m V h y a
withus. Now, many students are attendingmeetings are there so many religions that claim to be Chrisas soon as they begin to study, and they are pro- tian?" discussedin l-n
13;and "What must you do
to become a Mend of God?"wered in lessen 16.
11Help ThWho S
they invit- What about householders~speakanother l a n 4
ed him to have a Bible study in the Knowleclge book, guage?If possible, thw shouid be taught in the lanAt the Same time, they told him he ought ta be at- guage they know best. (1 Cor. 14:9) The city overseer
tendi$ the meetings, where many ofchis questions (or in a rural area, the circuit overseer) may be able
would be answered. The man willingly not only ac- to provide information regarding foreign-cepted their invitation to stuy but als0 studied congregationsand groups in the area. The secretary
would then be able to forward any Foreign Language
Follow-up Slips (S7a) he receives Mm congregatfon members to the appropriate foreign-language
congregation or group. If there are n0 congregations
Conventions, we received the brochure What Does or groups nearby and there are no local pub lis he^
God Require of U.?'Iliisbrochure is useful in start- who can speak the languageof the householder,the
with God-fearing people regardles@ publisher can t r y to study with the householder, using ~ i bstudies
ing the
brochure in the two
of the BiAn Ekgiish-speaking publisher "ed"ktudy~
and with his
ble. The publication wili be a very efpectivet001 for with a man who
Me, wh<speaks Thai. Pubications and Bibles in
& h , ~ietnamese,and Thai were u s q during the
of us will be able to use it to teach others God's re- study. Although the language barrier presentai a



;' .

challengeat *t, the publisher writes:be couplek

spiritual growth has been immediate. They have
seen the need to start attendingmeetings with their
two children, and they are reading the Bible nighty
caughter conducts
her own Bible study."
who speak m0-r
s l ~ lMculate
clmb, and use
simple m&
phrases.:Bear in &d, however,
that people who speak another language should be
treated with dignity. Thw should =t be treated as if
they were
'Make gwd me o f w b e& k b ?
brochm. E 'a pi=out&
scoreisof ill~rations
in the bmmspeak m,l-=
householder. hg&

in parking lots, on public transportation, in shopping centers, in parks, and so forth. In addition to
placingliterature,we need to cultivate interest. To
that end, an effort should be made to obtain the
name, the address and, if possible, the telephone
number of every interested person we meet. It is
not as dificult as you might think t0 obtain this
information. As the conversation is corning to a
close, take out your notebook and ask: "IS there
W Way we Can continue this conversation at an0 t h time?"
Or sW: "I would like you t0 read an article that I am sure will interest you. May I bring it
to your home or oce?" One brother simply asks:
"At what number can gmi be reached?"He reports
that in three months dl but three persons were
him their Phone numberhaPm

UH the Telephona to Findand Dovelop Interest: A pioneer sister uses the telephone to reach

PeoPle living in high-8wurity buildingS. She -0

makes return visits in the Same way. On the initial
making a special effort to contact people in your
area to share a thought from the Bible. If you
should O' u
have a moment, I would like to read the promise
"l1 back
at .. ."After reading the scripture, she says:
contact.others *-later
"Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could see that time
soOn? Genewy householders
come? I have eqjoyed reading this to you. If you
Often it is the publisher
who have
it toa, 1would me to call affain
needs to cultivate a more positive attitude dong
mother scripture.,,
a little
m fouowing qeri-27' On the return phone cm, she re&& the
householder of their previous conversation and
says she would ike to read from the Bible what
when he
women walhing conditions will be like when wickedness is done
encouragementtopreachto away with. Then she has a brief Bible discussion
people wherever we a d them, he approxhed the w t h the householder. Over the course of many
interest in
telephone conversations, 35 people have invited
each accepted a -ledge
her to their home and seven home Bible stuies
addre6Ses* have been started! L it sometimes dificult for you
days later*and
a Bible study to make return visits on interested persons durwith each of them.
ing the cold winter months because of impassable
m Om?sisterarrangements
roads, icy conditions, or sickness? f so, wby not
fo"owing ek
But a day or
after the o r i w keep in touch with them by telephone?
shestoPS b~to*the
eFollow Up Interest Found in Business
On the
pmom@Places: Much more is involved in working from
the homeholder: "I saw this artide and thought You store t0 store than simply offering magazines.
muldlike t0 read it. I
stop t0
now, hut I'n Many shopkeepers have a sincere interest in the
bebackonwednesday afkm-~oon
as P-ed.
1s that truth, and that interest must be cultivated. In
time still al right with you?"
some cases, it may be possible to have a Bible disWhen an indMduai shows interest in the t w , cussion or even a study right on the premises. In
we can be mire that he wil1 encounter oPPosition in other cases, you and the interested person may be
one form or mother. OW Our back ackn after the able to meet during the noon break or at some othinitia contact is made wii strengthen him to with- er convenient time.
stand ariy pressures he Facea fmm relatives, close
as A traveihg overseer cdled on the owner of a
Wends, and others.
smal1 grocery store and. offered to demonstrate
as Cultlvate Interest of T h o Found
in Publie a Bible study. When asked how long the demonPlrees: Many of us enjoy preaching on the streets,
stration would take, the traveling overseer said it
How long
a returnvisit? O' me

Make Return Vislts Without Delay:


would take just 15 minutes. With that, the storekeeper hung a sign on the door: "Back in 20 Minutes," pulled up a couple of chairs, and the two of
them discussed the trst ve paragraphs of the
W l e g e book. This sincere man was so impressed by what he learned that he attended the
Public Meeting and Watchtmer Study that Sunday and agreed to continue the study the followhg
To offer a study In a businesspiace, you might
say thls: "Our Bible study program takes just

15 rninutes to demonstrate. If it is convenient, I

wil1 be glad t0
you how it is done." Then,
stick to the time limit. If it is not possible to have

a long discusSion in a Place of

it maY be
more WP~OP*~~
On the S h O ~ w eat
31CallBack Even When NO Literature Ha*

return visit, whether literature has been placed or
nat- Of course, if it b ~ ~ ~ clear
m e that
s the hOuseholder ream is not interested in the Kingdom
message, it is best to direct your eftorts elsewhere.
"In the door-to-door work, a sister met a lady
refused the
who was very &lendly but who
offer of the magazines. The publisher writes: "For
days I thought about her and decided I wanted to
talk to her agaiil" Finally, the sister prayed, bok
courage, and knocked at the lady's door. Tb her delight the householder invited her inside. A Bible
study was started, and it was conducted again the

foilowing day. In time, the householder came into

the truth.
D Wan Ahoad to Qet the

Mort Aooomplishwk It

recommended that some time be spent each

week in making retwn visits. Much can be accompmhed with good Planning. i h e UP
in the
w o r m m m house
area where YOU
to house. When
an automobile, the
group should be kept smal1 so that each one will
ham? a fuli opportunity to make return visits. The
driver should know in advance where the return
unnecessary drlving can
visits will be made s.
34Those who are successful in
home Bible studies
and in
a m e r e pemnal i n t e e in
it is - n w
p p l e and &p thinking about mem
after the ca is made. It is als0 necessarg to have
Bible subject
the groundwork for the return visit before -1
the initia1 a.
it is important to r e m
promptly to folow up the interest. The objective of
be kept wel1 in
start- a Bible study must

s5 A vital quaty for success in the return visik

work is boldness. How is it acquired? The apostle
that m 'muster up bidp a d ansmrs by
ness' to declare the good news to others %y means
of om God." If you need to grow in this area, pray
to Jehovah for help. Then, in harmony with your
prayers, folw up ail interest. Jehovah will sureiy
bless your efforts!

North America to Host International Conventions in 1998

As was announced on Saturday,
October 5,1996, at the annual meeting of the Watch Tower Bible and
Tract Society of Pennsylvania, the
Qoveming Body is planning to hold
international conventions during
1998. long with the usuai dlstrict
conventions, a number of international conventions wil1 be held in
North America as weU as in M c a ,
Asia, Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean area, and the South Paciflc.

Several of these special conventions will be held in North America,

and delegates from around the world
will be invited. Also, we can anticlpa.having missionaries at these intemational conventions. Missionaries and others in foreign special
servicewhoqualifg willbe invited to
attend e of these conventions in
heir home countrJr.
Additional information regarding
dates, locations, delegate qualica-



tions, arrangements for foreign delegates, and other details will be

forthcoming. There will be opportunity for a limited number of delegates from the United States to attend international conventions in
other countries. Those publishers
having in mind W g out applications for delegate selection may
wish to start saving some of their
funds in anticipation of these special wents.

iNew VideocassettesAvailable:
Jehma's Witnases-lihe Organization
Behind theName
iNew PublicationsAvailable:
-Estonian, riidonesian, Utvian P"mmng2es -Korean
EqoyLifeonEarUIForeuer! -Guaymi
Leads t.
WhOt Does God Requireof US?
l'he Btble-ManMs O M M o d a
-Hmong, Indonesian, Quechua, Boek
TheN a WorldSociety inActm
My Book of Bible
mSomeom y& mDies


gregation's accounts on March 1 or as

soon as possible thereaf'ter. Make announcement to the comgtgation when
m Literature offer Por Yirth:The Secret this has been done.
April and Uay: In- m The specia public talg Por the Memoiviual copies of The Watch.tower and rialseasonthisyearwiilbepresentedin
m!Fo midweek service 811d in ter- most eongre&ions on -,
April 6.
ritorythatiscoveredihquentiy,thebro- The talg is entitled "Keep Clean Fiom
chureWutDoesGodRequireOfUs?may Worldly DefilementS." A of us should
be used. Juno: K m l e d g e ThatLeads t0 attend, and we should assist intereste
EuerWng Ufe. Concentrate on star6 o n s who came to the Memorlal to be
ing home Bible studies.
present for the talk.
m The presiding arerseer or someone m Inorder to get the most out of congredesignated by him should audit the con- gation studiesin the GreatestMan book,

please consider the excellent guidelines

appearing on page 1 of the September 1992 ur Kingdom MinThe articleexplains howtoprepareeachlesson
and the format the o
Studg will fellow.

m Ever since the Sodety Kingom Hall

F'undwas estabiishedin 1983,the brothers hame contributed generousiy, thus
enabing loans to be made Por Kingdom HaU constmction. Already some
2,700 congregationsin this country have
beneflted from this arrangement. Many
mgregations could not otherwise build
new -om
Halls or renovate those in
need of repair. There is naw an urgent
need to use some of these contributed iuns to provide loans to congregations in economicaiy depresse countries. Your continued support of this
arrangement is greatly appreciakd by
the Society and by those congregations
that beneflt from your wntributions.

Memoriai Reminders
The Memorial observance faUs
on Sunday, March 23. The elders
should give attention to the following matters:
iIn setting the time Por the
meeting, make sure that the emblems WW not be passe until after sundown.
m Everyone, including the
speaker,shouldbe informed of the
exact time and location Por the observance.
m The appropriatetype of bread
and wine should be obtained and
made ready.-See the February 15,
1985, Watchtouier,page 19.
iPlates, glasses, and a suitable table and tablecloth should
be brought to the hall and put in
piace in advance.
m The Kingdom HaU or other
place of meeting should be thoroughy cleaned ahead of time.
m Attendants and servers
should be selected and instructed
in advance about the proper procedureand their duties.
m Arrangements should be
made to serve any of the anointed
who are infirm and unable to be
m When more than one celebration is scheduled in the same
Kingdom Hall, there should be
good eoorcnation among.comge
gations s0as to woid unneces&uy
congestion in the lobby, entryway,
public sidewalks,and parkinglot.

Helping Families to Secure a Lasting Future

l "Greed is healthy," a lbmcier told a college graduating class, adding: "You can be greedy and stili feel
good about yourself." That is typical of how the world
promotes self-interest as the way to ensure one's future. In sharp contrast, Jesus taught that a Christian
must "disown himself . . . for what beneflt will it be to
a man if he gains the whole world but forfeits his soul?"
(Matt. 16:24-26) To secure a lasting future, a person
must center his whole life on doing the will of God

-the most important goal for families today. (Ps. 143:

10; 1 Tim. 4:8) That message is conveyed in the concluding chapter of the book The Secret of Family Happiness. This new publication helps people see what
reaiiy matters in life and how they can act beneflcially
toward their families. As we continue to preach the
good news everywhere, what can we say that will encourage those we meet to read the Fmily Happiness
book? Here are some suggestions:

Whentalking to classmates at
Both at the door an on the
street, you might try using the school or to youths in the terr2totract6'EnjoyRxmilyLfe"tostart ry, you might get a response to
conversations. Youcould ask:
this question:
i "With aii the anxieties that mod- i
important is it for parents
ern living brings upon US, do you and their children t0 keep open the

feel that it is possible to have a really happy famiy life? [ N O Wfor response.]~ h itract
s assures US that it
is possible.W O U ~ ~
~ t0
O read
U it?"
If it is accepted, YOU C O U continue
~ ~
by saying: ''SinCe you are interested
you may als0 enjoy
thiS book that provides detailed advice On how t0 flnd happiness in the
circle." Show the
Of 'Onin the Family Happiness
Out a few eye-catching 'hapter
titles. Turn page and read frOm
the last


the end of paragraph 18. Offer the

hook, and mention the donation arExplain that you have
more to share, and ask when you
could get in touch again.
YOUcould follow up your Mtial conversation about happy
family lifeby saying:
i "I would like to point out somethingin the book you obtained that I
thi* you will appreciate. The last
chapter f0CuSeS on the reai ~eCretof
family happiness. @ead paragraph 2
on page 183.1 Note that working together t0 d0 God's will is the key.
We recommend that families study
the Bible together to learn what
~ o d ' swil1 is and how to appy it in
the household. We offer a free Bible
study course that takes only a few
months to complete. If you wil1 allow
me, I'll show you how it's conducted."
Returnwith the brochure What Does
God Require of US?or the Knowledge
book, whichever would be more appropriate.

Z f you meet a parent in the

house-to-housework, or perhaps
at a park or a playgroun, WOU
might amuse interest by saying:

i"I'm sure you'll agree that rearing children today is a real chdm a t d o ~ o u t h u c a nProtect
lines of communication with ene
mother? [mow for response.] No- Y
tice what this handboek on fami& ences? [Allow for response.] Here is
advice that I have aplife says about the subject of 'Honest Same
illustration in
and Open Communication.' @ead a paragraph 1, and the
read paragraph 2
of paragraph 4 and the &st sentence on page in the Family Happiness
of paragraph 5 on page 65 in the Fam- hook. Explain how it gives balanced
ilyHappinesshook.] ~h~ paragraphs direction that really works to protect
that follow provide practical sugges- families fiom destructive innuences.
tions on ~ O t0
W improve communica- Offert0 Ieave a copy, and make yourtion within a f w . ThiS b00k is self available t0 -we. any quesentitled The Secret of Family Happi- tions that arise.
ms.V you would like to read it and
second vfsit ~ i t h
7 0,
promise to do SO,you may have this ~,,,t zoho accepted t b
COPY to keep." ExPl& that You wil1 ily Happlness" book, you could
fellow UP later t0 get bis comments continue the conversation b this
on what he reas.
your in$- i "Whenwe flrst met, I could see that
5 y 0 ~
~ O U Mb ~ i l d
Wnuine& care about YOW cmtial conversation with a youth
about parent-child communica- dren and that you want to do all you
can to protect them from wrong int2on by saying this:
i"1 appreciated the interest you nuences- You may nat have read it
yet, but there is a very important
in the importace Of
i"g6od comUlication within WW observation made in the book I left
you that you should see. @ead
f w . mat
is the with
paragraph 19 on page 59.1 Developmost
subject that parents ,g a relationship with (&d requires
child en should disCuss?"
our getting t0 know him through the
for respo
Then turn t0 page 68 in pages of bis written Word, the Bible.
H a ~ ~ i n ehook,
read Would you like to have me demonthe answer that is found in the first strate how we study the Bible as a
halfofparagraph 11. "Havingaweek- family?"
b' Bible study is an excellent WaY t0 s Worldly advisers cannot show
acquire knowledge of God." Present families the way t0 happiness hut
the brochure W'hdDoes GodRequire m surey ieave them disappointof US?Explain that its 16~essons
Pro- ed. Let US give the Family Happivide a basic outlint? of the Bible's ness book wide distribution so that
message. Read the introduction on people everywhere can be helped by
page 2, and then discuss together the God's Word to secure a lasting fufirst lesson.
ture.-l Tim. 6:19.

8 1997 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Penncylvania. All ri hts rese~ed.Our Kingdom Minist (ISSN 1067 7259 is published rnonthly by Waichtwer Bible and Tract Society
of New brk. Inc.. and International Bible Students Association. 2t,cplurnbia Heights. Brook n, NY %201-?483. ~eriodcalsPosta e Paid at Brooklyn, NY, and at additional mailing
offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our Klngdom M~n~stry.
c/o Watchtower. 2! Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11!0l-2483.
Printed in U.S.A

April 1997

For United States of America

Vol. 40, No. 4

Approaching Jehovah With Confldence: To overcome fleshly weak-

nesses and personality flaws, we must


As was true in the h t century, ly learning, repeating, and using the seek Jehovah in prayer, expressing to

the growth that the Christian congregation is experiencing today is phenomenal. (Acts 241; 4:4) Last year,
366,579 new disciples were baptized,
an average of over 1,000 each day!
More than one rnillion were baptized
in the last three years. Indeed, J e h e
vah has kept on adding multitudes of
believers-Acts 5:14.
The many new ones who lack experience in Christian living need
assistance and training from those
who are strong in the faith. (Rom.
159) Among the early Christians were
some who, even years after their baptism, had failed to "press on to maturity." (Heb. 5:12; 6:l) That is why, in
his letter to the Hebrews, Paul highlighted areas in which Christians
need to grow spiritually. What are
these, and how can needed help be offered?
Acquiring Good Study Habits: In
harmony with Paul's instruction, being a good student iniroives active-

1 By means of the disciple-making

work, we teach others what God requires of them. (Matt. 28:19, 20) A
tremendous effort to do that is being put forth worldwide by more than
Eve million Witnesses. Success is not
measured by the hours spent, the
literature placed, or the Bible studies started. We achieve our objective
when people understand and act upon
what they learn.
Helping others spiritually involves
"making the inexperienced ones understand." (Ps. 119:130) Hearts are
touched and people are motivated
only when they "get the sense of it."
(Matt. 15:lO) As our work expands
and intensilies, we come to appreciate
more and more the need to speak and
teach with simplicity. That is why the
Society has published the brochure
What Does God Require of US?It contains awell-rounded study coursethat
covers the fundamentai teachings of

"solid food" provided by Jehovah's

organization. (Heb. 5:13, 14; see the
August 15, 1993, Watchtower, pages 12-17.) By engaging new beiiwers
in spiritual conversations and sharing with them precious gems of truth
that you have uncovered through personal research, you may stimulate
them to acquire good study habits.
Perhaps occasionally you could invite
a new one to join you in your personal or family study.
Attending Meetings Reguiarly:

Your falthful example and loving

words of encouragement wil1 help new
members of the congregation to avoid
another area of concern mentioned
by Paul-"the custom" some have of
missing Christian meetings. (Heb. 10:
24, 25) Help them to appreciate that
the meetings are their spiritual lifeline to the congregation. Take the initiative to make them fee1 welcome as
part of our brotherhood.

him our deepest thoughts and most

intimate concerns. New ones must
learn that by supplicating Jehovah for
help, as Paul urged, they need not falter. (Heb. 4:15,16; 1022) Relating your
personal experiences in this regard
will strengthen a new one's condence
that Jehovah hears heartfelt prayers.
6Allooating Time for the Ministry: Paul als0 showed that when we

"always offer to God a sacflce of

praise," it is spiritually strengthening.
(Heb. 13:15) Can you invite a new publisher to join you in yourdweeklyarrangement~for Eeld service?Perhaps
the two of you could prepare your presentations or consider a feature of the
ministry that the newer one has not
yet tried.
The multitudes being added are a
cause for great joy. Our expending
ourselves in training and exhorting
new members of the congregation wil1
help them to develop the strong faith
needed to 'preserve alive their souls.'
-Heb. 312, 13; 10:39.

to study the Bible. Stir his interest

with some of the lesson titles that reveal simple Bible truths. Demonstrate
the Bible. The lessons are short, the how this brochure makes learning a
wording is uncomplicated, and the in- pleasure, and offer to give him personstruction is easy to comprehend, giv- al help.
ing the brochure wide appeal.
Conduct a Progressive Study:
3This brochure will be featured Our goal is to do more than just conalong with the magazines during the duct studies-we want to make discimonths of April and May. It is rec- ples who will become firn supportomrnended t,hat when you plan your ers of true worship. The brochure can
weekly service activity, you arrange to be covered in a matter of weeks and
offer the magazines on Saturdays but should lead right int0 a study of the
feature the brochure in your ministry Knowledge book. (See the footnote on
during the rest of the week. Take the page 31.) Right from the start, help
brochure to people who have readily the student identify Jehovah's orgaaccepted literature in the past. Re- nization. (See Reasoning book, pagmember that it can be especiw use- es 283-4.) Emphasize the value of conful in teaching children, people who gregation meetings, and explain that
speak a foreign language, and those attending them provides a comprewho have limited reading abiity.
hensive understanding of how to pracUse a Simple Approach: When tice true worship.-Heb. 10:24,25.
presenting the Require brochure, refull share in this special work
fer to page 2, where it explains that during April and May is sure to bring
"this brochure is designed as a Bible us the joy that comes from helping
study course." Point to paragraph 3 on sincere ones to "acquire understandpage 3 to show why the person needs ing" that leads to 1ife.-Prov. 4:5.

Week Starting April 7
Song 100
12 min: Local announcements.Selected Announcements from Our Kingdom
Ministry. Mention hallring points in cmrent magazines.
15 min: "Multitudes Are Being Added." Questions and answers. Review key
~Uggestionscovered in August 15,1993,
Watchtower, pages 12-17.
18 min: "Help Inexperienced Ones Understand." Questions and answers. Review features of the Bquire brochure:
simplified study method, time& Westions, a~~ealingillustrations,
Scripture referentes. Stress the goal
of startig studies that eventually lead
int0 the Knowledge hook. Have a CaPable publisher demonstrate how t0 start
a study using the
paragrauh 4. Encourage parents in
the congregation study
with their young children.
Song 130 and concluding prayer.

graphs 7-14) Questions and answers.

Have a capable teacher demonstrate
howt. have akindly heart-to-heart mcussion with a student about the need
t. attend
l min: Makhg Full Use of Our Literature. Talk by an elder. (See September 1995 Our Kingdom Ministry,
Reports show that
@tions often order many more magazinesthan they a c t u m distribute each
month. Up t. 50 percent
are never reported as placements. (show what the
statistics indicate locm.) what happens t. these magazines?
end up
on a shelf or are thrown away.
t m be avoided?Each publisher should
nee& and order omwhat he
place, Make it a
pract,, t.
magazines t0 all we
contact. Do not let older issues go to
waste. Share in magazine service regularly. Bear in rnind that we need tomention the donation arrangement and to
turn in all donations promptly.

Week Starting April 14

Song 107
10 min: Local announcements. Accounts report. As time permits, briefly relate local field experiences about
placing the Require brochure or starting Bible studies using it.
15 min: "DirectingStudents to the Organization Behind Our Name." (Paragraphs 1-6) Questions and answers.
Read paragraphs 5-6 and the cited
scriptures. Relate local experiences
about the reaction of Bible students
t0 seeing the video Jehovah's Witm?sSes
-The OrganizationBehind the Name.
20 min: "Teach Others What God Requires." Audience discussion of paragraphs 1-4. Have presentations in
paragraph 5 demonstrated, using four
different settings-on the street, at a
house, in a business PlaCe, and at a
park. Remind all to pick up brochures
and magazines for field service before
leaving the Kingdom Hall tonight.
Song 126 and concluding prayer.

Song 128 and concluding prayer.

Week Starting April 21

Song 113
15 min: Local announcements. Explain that it is not too late t0 submit an
application for auxiliary pioneering in
May. Review the Question Box, and let
the congregation know if certain books
are needed to EU out the library in the
Kingdom Hall.
15 min: "DirectingStudents to the Organization Behind Our Name." (Para-

Week Starting April 28

15 min: Local

~ n ~ 0 ~ n c e m e nRets.
mind all t0 turn in their field service reports for April. hnounce the names
of those who wil1 auxiliary pioneer in
Mw. O~tllliethe additional arrangements that are being made l o c W f0r
meetings for service.During MW a special effortshould be made to follow up
brochure placements with the god of
starting studies. Briefly Suggest Ways
we can tactfully request the name and
address of people we witness to informay.You could giveyour name and address first and ask if there is a phone
nurnber where they can be reached. Invite audienceto offer other suggestions
that haveworked for them.
15 min:
Do They Do It?" An elder discusses article with two or three
regular pioneers. (If not available, use
ones who enroll often as auxiliary pioneers.) Include highlights Bom article
"Pioneers Bestow and Receive Blessings,"in the January 15, 1994, Watchtower. Have each one explain why he or
she has taken up the pioneer service.
Ask them to relate experiences showing how they have been blessed for doing SO.
15 min: Local needs. Elders maY use
this time to present information on
speci6.c local needs.
Song 129 and concluding prayer.


Why Do They Do It?

'It Was foretO1d abOut the
Christ that 'sheer zeal for God's
house would eat him up.' (PS.
69:9) Jesus' zeal for the true worship of Jehovah impelled nim to
Put the ministry
cLuke 4:
43; John 18:37) This same zeal to
bear witness to the truth is reflected today in the ministry of
Jehovah's Witnesses. Last service
year, an average of 645,509 worldwide shared in some form of pioneer service each month. In view
of OU' dedication to God, each
of US shoud p r a y e m consider
whether qe can arrange OW circumstances in order to serve as
an auxiliary or a regular pioneer.
-Ps. 110:3; Eccl. 12:l; Rom. 12:l.
Z Living in a system o
f things
that is selfishy materialistic,
many in the world Bnd it hard
b understand why anyone would
work so hard in the ministry for
something that brings no monetary beneEts and no glory. Why do
pioneers do it? They know that
they are engaged in a lifesaviirig
work. Motivated by deep lwe for
Jehovah and for their feowman,
they fee1 a strong, personal obigation to help save ives. @om.
1:14-16; 1 Tim. 2:4; $:l@) A pioneer couple summed it up wel by
saying. '"WZty are we pioneering?
Could we ever justify it before Jehovah if we aid nat?*
3 ~ n o t h e rsister wrote this
her decision t0 start
pioneering: "My husband and
I made plans t0 live on a single income, which meant @updnonessentials. Yet, Jehovah
richly blessed us, never abandoning us to poverty or need. . . . I
have found a real reason for living
-that of helping needy ones to
come to luiow that Jehovah, the
true God, is not far from those
who seek him." eeeingthe urgency of the times, pioneers are content with the necessities of life
while they earnesty seek to acquire spiritual treasures that wli
last forever.-l Tim. 6:8,18,19,
4 E your personal cir~tunstances permit, WWnot join the hundreds of thousands of your brothers and sisters worldwide who aw
piowering? That way you can experience their same joy.

nts te the Organization

PstranAOur Name

l "It is a message spoken in more than 200 languages. It is a message heard in more than 210
lands. It is a message deivered personally wherever people rnay be found. It is al part of the
greatest preaching campaign the world has ever
a message uniting miilionsearthwide. Jehovah's Witnesses have been organiz;edto accomplish this work for more than a hundred year "
$!Je1, 2Thus begins the narration of the video

maturity more rapidly when they recognize Jehovah's organization and associate with it. Significantly, after the 3.000
at Pentec&, "thw continued dwoting themselves to the
teaching ofthe&iZesandto asmiation together." (Acts 2:42, ftn.) 1t- essentiai that we
help studentsto do the sametoday. HE' can we?
Shoulder the Responsibility: Every disci-h

ah's Witnesses-The OrganZzatm Bein'the

e m e . t proceeds to ansaer the questions: Wh0

really are Jehovah'sWitnesses?H m is their activ- should be viewed as a stepping-stone toward
Dhected? Fimnced? It irnpresses the happy day when the new one will symbolupon viewers the fact that "Jehovah's Witnesses ize his dedication to Jehovah by water baptism.
worldwide have been trained as an organization One of the questions that he wil1 be asked durto assist their neighbors to build faith in the Bi- ing the baptism ceremony is: "Do you underble," and it encouragesthem to see for themselves stand that your dedication and baptism identify
the organization behind our name. After seeing you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in associa
this video, a woman who?
tion with God's spiritwas studying burst into '
directed organization?"
tears of joy and appreHence, it is important
progresswhen they see the
organlzatlon for themselves
ciation and said: "How
that he realize he cancan anyone not see that
not serve God without
this b the organization of the true God, Jeho- actively associating with the true CMstian convah?"-Compare 1Corinthians 1424,25. R
gregation.-Matt. 2445-47; John 6:68; 2 Cor. 5:20.
S Another woman had studied the Bible off and
Continueto educate the student about the 10-p
on for a long time, but she could not accept the cai congregation and the international -o
fact that the Trinity is a false doctrine. Th& she tion behind Jehovah's Witnesses. Do this at each
and-her husband were shown our hdeo.hey Bible study session, beginning with the first one.
were very irnpressed with3he presen~tioiand From the very start, invite the student to the
watched it twice the same night. At their n&
meetings, and keep on inviting him.-Rev. B27.
study, the wife expressed her desire to become a
UH the Twls That Are ~rov1d.d;Our best
Witness. She said she had been focusing on her publications for use in conducting home Bible d
belief in the Trinity and failed to look at o h or- studies are the brochure What Does God Requre
ganization and the people in it. From the video of US?and the book K m l e d g e Th& Leads to
she reazed that she had found God's true orga- Everlasting Lge. Both highlight the need Por asnization. She wanted to start preaching from sociation with the congregation. The end of leshouse to house right away.After it was explained son 5 in the Require brochure states: "You need
to her what the necessary stepsare for becoming to keep learning about Jehovah and obeying his
an unbaptized publisher, & a d : "Let's get busy requirements. Attending meetings at the locai
with it." She resigned fmm her church, started in Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses will help
the field serviceactivity, and became proficient at you to do so." The Knowkdge book re~ea-enrefuting the Trinity.
courages the student to associate at meetings.
It has been wel1 established'jhat Bible stu- Chapter 5, paragraph 22, extends this invitation:
dents make better spiritual progress and grow to "Jehovah's Witnesses . . . warmiy urge you to



share with them in worshiping God 'with spirit both the private tutoring that is provided in the
and truth.' (John 4:24)" Chapter 12,paragraph 16, home Bible study setting and the classroom disstates: "As you continue this study and make it cussions that are provided at congregationmeetyour custom to attend the meetings of Jehovah's ings. (John 6:45) A new one needs to progress
Witnesses, your faith will be fortied even more." equally in his understanding of both the ScripChapter 16,
20, says:"Makeit your CUStures and the organization. T0 that end, there is
tom to attend the meetings of Jehavah's Witness- no substitute for attending the meetings. (Heb.
es." It adds: "Thiswill help you to understand and 1023-25) Start inviting the person to the congrethen apply the knmledge of God in your life and gation meetings right away. Some newly interestwill bring you happiness. Being a part of the ed ones start attendingmeetings even before havworldwide Christian brotherhood will help you to ing a regular home Bible study. Of course, we
stay closeto Jehavah." Chapter 17thoroughlydis- want to set the proper example ourselves by becusses how one binds true security among God's ing in regular attendance.-Luke 6:40; Phil. 3:17.
people. A s we study with others, it is our responShare enough information about the meetsibility to emphasize these portions of the ma- ings and h m thw are conducted s0 that the stuterial.
dent will feel at ease when attending his frst
meeting. Since some people arevery uneasy when
The brochure Jehovah's Wnesses-Unitedly
Doing Goa's Wi WmIdwideis a fine tool that has going to new places for the first time, it may be
been produced to individuais with the advantageous to accompany the student to the
oniy visible organization Jehovah is using today Kingdom Hall when he attends his & t meeting.
to accomplish his will. The detailed information He will feel more at ease if you are with him as
it contains about our ministry, meetings, and or- he meets members of the congregation. By al1
ganization will encourage the reader to associate means, be a good host to yourvisitor, making him
with us in worshiping Gos Once a Bible study feel welcome and comfortab1e.-Matt. 7:12; PM.
is established, it is rec23-4.
ornrnended that we give
nEncourage the stuDo not delay invitingstudents to
the student a copyof this
dent to attend a special
attend meetings
brochure to read on his
assembly day,circuit asm.There is no need to
sembly, or district constudy it with him 'as was done in the past. vention at the nrSt opportunity. Perhaps you
can include him in your transportation arrangeg Some of the videos that the Society has produced are excellent tools for irecting students ments.
to the organizationbehind our name. It woulci be
l3 Instill Heartfelt Appreciation: Organized t0
good if they could watch (1)The New W W Soci- Accomplish Our Ministry, page 92, explains: "If
ety in Action, the review of the 1954 ihthat your own deep appreciation for Jehovah's organicaptured the smooth, ecient, and loving spir- zation is reflected in your conversations with init with which Jehovah's organization functions; terested people, it wi be easier for them to
(2) W e d y Divine Teaching, which m e s grow in appreciation and will move them to make
the peaceful unity that has been displaye at greater advancement in getting to k m Jehoour internationalconventions in Ebkm Euro e vah." Always speak positively, never negatively,
South America, Africa, and Asia; (3) the E
about your local congregation. (Ps. 8410; 133:
of the Earth, which rnarked the 50th anniversary 1, 3b) In the prayers that you offer on the Bible
of the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead and study, mention the congregation and the stushows the effect the missionarieshave had on the dent's need to associate regularly with it.-Eph.
worldwide preaching work; (4) Jehouah's Witness- 1~15-17.
es Stand Finn Against Nazi Assault, which telis
l4 W
e certainly want new ones to develop heartthe thrilling story of the Witnesses' courage and felt appreciation for the delightful companiontriumph in the face of Hitler's brutal persecution ship and spiritual security that are found among
of them; and, of course, (5) Jehovah's Wnesses Gd's people. (1Tim. 3:15; 1Pet. 2:17; 5:9) As Je-The Organ2zatZonB e M the Nam.
hapah's Witnesses, let US do all we can to direct
Set ProgressiveGoals RegardingMeetings:
students of &d's Word to the organimtion beIt has to be explained to students that we need hind our name.


Closed-book review on rnaterial covered in Theocratie Ministry School assignrnents for the
weeks of January 6 to April 21,1997. Use a separate sheet of paper to write down answers
to as many of the questions as you can in the time allotted.
[Note: During the witten review, only the Bible rnay be used to answer any question.
Referentes that foilow the questions are for your personal research. Page and paragraph
numbers rnay not appear on a l l referentes to The Watchtower.]

8. As a result of severe persecution in i

Europe, t h e number of publishers
there decreased dramatically during
World War 11. Ijv p. 454 par. 21
9. Forgiving others clears the way for ;
our sins to be forgiven by God. [Weekly Bible reading; see w94 9/15 p. 7.1
10. Gabriel is One of 0nly WO faithful angels the Bible mentions by name. [it-l
p. 876 par. 53

Answer each of the following statements True or False:

Years before the Watchtower Bible
School 6f Gilead was established, the
good news was brought to foreign
fields by Witnesses who learned the
truth abroad and returned to their
homelands t. preach! ~v p. 428 par. 21
Gideon was able to defeat the Midianites because of his military
background. [it-lp. 933 pars. 1-21
3. In fulfillment of Zechariah 92-4, Tyre
was completely destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar. [si p. 169 par. 41


The black race did not descend krom

Ham's son Canaan, whom Noah
cursed. [it-l p. 1023 par. 51
Among t h e "goats" mentioned a t
Matthew 25:31-46, who will suffer
everlasting cutting-off, will be active
members of Babylon the Great and
their religious leaders. [Weekly Bible
reading; see w9




ll. What striking method was used in

4. Eve was correct when she stated that

she had produced a sen (Cain) "with
the aid ;f Jehovah." je en. 4:l) [it-l
p. 772 par. 21
Although C. T: Russell was wellknown as a gifted public speaker, it
was his sincere interest in people that
made him an effective evangelizer. Ijv
p. 404 par. 21


Answer the following questions:

, z \ .


London, England, in 1938 to advertise

the convention
Ijv p. 447 par. 21
12. What WO roles
were described at Zechariah 6:12, 13?
[si p. 172 par. 251 Kr;r
13. The arrangement for congregations
to share in making contributions to
the Society Kingdom Hall Fund is an
example of the application of what
principle? Ijv p. 344 pars. 3-41 9 --'
14. In what w&
from Jesus' sacrifice at thistime? [k1
pp 68-9 pars. 17-19] 3 w U )
15. k h u l d we n& hesitate to explain to householders that our work is
supported by voluntary donatio s? 'v
p. 349 par. 41
16. In what sense did "Elijah the prophet"
make an appearance in the first centu-

w 4 2&


17. How did sin sprecd o al1 n? [k1p 58

par. 131
18. Where in the book of Matthew do we
find the sound counsel Jesus gave on
settling serious difculties? [Weekly
Bible reading; see
19. ham
Jesus' parable recorded at Matthew
20:l-16? [Weekly Bible reading; see gt
97 par. 6.1
20. List two things that have been proved

27. (Jezebel; Sarah; )H

figured in a
symbolic drama in which she represents the nation of fleshly Israel,
which was cast off from Jehovah's Fvor. [it-lp. 1018 par. 21
28. Many West Africans first became acquainted with the truth through the
stimulating Bible discourses of (Edwin
Skinner; W. R. Brown; Juan Muniz).
OV p. 433 pcars. 2-51
29- (Haman's; Hamath's; Hanun's1 ~ r i d e
ful attempt at genocide of the Jews
u/jcwas frustrated by Queen (Ruth; Esther; Deborah). [it-lp. 1024 par. 21eded
to complete each of the following state- 30. Jesus became t h e Messiah a t his
(birth; baptism; resurrection), which
t h e year (2 B.C.E.;
21. The first three Gospels are $teSn
). [k1 p. 65 par. 121
29 C.E.;
called synoptic, meaning "@
Match the following scriptures to the
[si p. 175 par. 31
statements listed below:
Eiisha's at22. Greed ~cau
tendant, t0 try t0 benefit materially 1 Sam. 1:12-16; Matt. 423-10; Matt. 16:19;
from his master's cure of &eW!ew
Jas- 1:13; 1John 519
leprosy. [it-l p. 905 par. 21
31. God is not the cause of the numer23. Refusing to'heed a warning
ous hardships that plague mankind.
chiefs of the military forces,
[k1 p. 7l par. 31
was assassinated by Ishmael and his
32. Jesus' true followers refuse to become
men. [it-lp. 903 par. 121
involved in the politica1 affairs of this
24. Jehov h used the prophets
world. [Weekly Bible reading; se w96
-and h
o rekindle His people's
5/1 p. 12 par. 9.1 W i :f -1
enthusiasm for temple reconstruc33. Knowledge concerning the Kingdom
tion. [it-lp. 1018 pars. 4-51
of God would open up the way to heav25. The "spirit" that dep
huen for Jews, Samaritans, and Gentiles.
mans at death is the
[Weekly Bible reading; see w91 3/15
originates with God.
5.1 # / L
p. 8 l pars. 5-61
34. If on occasion we are misjudged by
Select the correct answer in each of the
someone, a humble attitude and a re,
. * spectful reply wil1 usually achieve the
following statements:



26. There is evidence that Matthew wrote

his Gospel in (Hebrew; Aramaic;
Greek) and laterctrans&ted it int0
(Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek). [si p. 176
par. 61

par. 51 /
35. Christians have good reason to keep
separate from the world. [k1 p. 60
par. 181


%r % / j

scriptions, through the congregation.

iThe Society does not EU individual publishers' requests for literature.
iLiterature offer for Aprll and May: The presiing overseer should arrange
nividuai copies of The Watchtower for an announcement to be made each
and Awake! on Saturdags and the bro- month before the wngmgation monthchure What Does God Reauire of US?at br request for literature is sent to the
other times during the -kek.- ~une: &u& so that all interestedin obtainKnowlege Tat Leads to Everlasting inp ~ersonalliterature items may adLge. Concentrate on startiw home Bi- &&the brother haniing literture.
ble studies. July and August: Any of Please keep in mind which publicathe following 32-page brochures: Does tions are special-request items.
God Really Care About US?,Enjoy LVe iBeginning in April, district convenon Earth Forever!, ShmM You Believe tion badge cards for 1997 in Chinese,
in the Trinity?, The Gomment Th& Engish, F'rench, Greek, Itaiian, JapaWUI Bring Paradise, What Is the Pur- nese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese,
pose of Life-Hm Can You Find Zt?, spanish, and vietnamese wiU autoand~SomeoneYouLoveDies.
matibe included with literature
iThose associated with a congrega- shipments. It wil1 not be necessary
tion should send all new and rent0 request these. If additionai badge
subscriptions for The Watchtower and cards are needed by the congregaAzoake!, incluing their personal sub- tions, these should be requested on
a Literature Request Fbnn (S-14). It
REPORT is necessary to request plastic badge
Hrs. Mags. R.V Bi.&

Number of'
Sp'l Pios

- 168 124.4 89.1 52.7 4.5


76.2 44.5 24.5 2.0

Aim.PiOs 17.S79 57.8 35.5 15.7 1 5







8.4 0.3

Chapterr 8-

April 14:
@fl1 21:

Chapterr 87-86
Chapterr e991

Baptizd 2,-

.', QuEsTfoN Box


.' iWat publications should be

in the Theocratic Ministry School
An abundante of spiritual publications have been provided for
the beneEt of God's people. Since
many publishers do not possess ali
of these personaily, the Theocratic
MinistrySchoollibraryattheKing,dom Hall provides means for research in publications that might
not otherwise be available. Thw,
it should be well equipped with
a variety of Bible translations, the
current publications of the Society, copies of Our Kingdom Ministry, b o u d volumes of The Watchtower and A&!,
and the W&ch
Tower Publications I&es.
Additionaily, a good modern dictionary
' should be added. If avaiiable, en' cyclopedias, atlases, or referente
. books on grammar and history,may


April 7:


be useful. However, our primary focus

should be on the publications provided by "the faithfui and discreet slave."
-Matt. 24:45.
n some cases it is reported that
books of a questionable nature have
been put in the Theocratic Ministry
School library. It would not be appropriate to include fictional materia, Bible commentaries that highlight higher criti@sm, or books on philosophy
or spiriftism. The Theocratic Ministry School library should include only
materialthat w3 enablethose usingit
to make continued spiritual advancement.-1 Tim. 4:15.
The school overseer is responsible for the library, although another
brother can be assigned to help him in
caring for it. He should see that the library is kept current, with new publications being added as soon as they
become avaiiable. Each book should
be clearly marked on the inside cover
with the name of the congregation to
which it belongs. &maUy, the books


card holders for

in the congregation who desire them.

iAn English translation of the brochure Lastmg Peace and Happiness
-Hom to Find Tliem has been produce in addition to the Chinese and
Simplified Chinese editions. Since
this brochure is designed for use
only in studying with Chinese people,
it wil1 not be widely distributed in the
English-language Eeld.
iA packet of legal materials is available to assist publishers who are involved in lawsuits over child custody and visitation matters where our
religion is under attack. The packet
should be requested by the body of elders only in such a case if it is evident
that the publisher's religieus beliefs
wiU be at issue. Helpful infonnation
can be found for those facing secular
issues on child custody or visitation in
Awake! of October 22, 1988, pages 214, and the chart found in Azoake! of
April 22, 1991, page 9.
iNew Publications Available:
LVe in a PeaceBZ New World (Tract
No. 15)
-Hiligaynon, Sinhalese
The Gouernment That WUI Bring Paradise
Whai Does God Require of US? -Welsh
iNew Videocassettes Avaable:
Purple Triungles -Italian, Portuguese
To the Ends of the EarLh -PortweSe
~nitedby Diine ~eaching -~olish
iNew Compact Discs Avaiiable:
Kingdom MelodiesVolume 4 (cdm4)
s h k d be checked to see if any need
repair or replacement.
Everyone can cooperate in caring
for the library. Care should be exercised in handling and using the
books. Children should not be allowed to play with them, nor should
anyone mark them. A Beat sfgn may
be displayed as a reminder that'the
books are not to be taken from the
Kingdom Hall.
With new congregations constant&being formed, it is likely that
many libraries are limited in size.
Some pubikhers who own our older
publications might consider donating them to the congregation. The
elders may want to order the SocG
ety's reprints of Watchtower bound
volumes. In these ways, the Theocratic Ministry School library wiil
prove very useful in helping ali to
uncover the hidden treasures of
God's Word, whkh give knowledge,
wisdom, and understandiig.-Prw.

Teach Others What God Requires

l Many people can still be found who have been spiritually deprived of "hearing the words of Jehovah." (Amos
8:ll) While some believe that God exists, they are unaware of his purpose and requirements. Thus, there is a
need for us to teach them lifesaving Kingdom truth.
By being properly equipped and prepared to witness at
every opportunity,we can reach those who want to learn
what Jehovah requkres.

3 Searching Out People: In areas

where many people are not at home
when we cal1 from house to house,
it is proving beneficia1 to search
out and talk to people wherever
they are found. The September 1996
Our Kingdom Ministry insert encouraged US t0 preach
everywhere-on the street, on public

tra*p0rtati0n9 and in


ing lots, and business places. It also

Of the need
create opportunlties to preach informaW. As an example of this, a pi0neer sister went t0 the zoo and took
with her a supply of the August 8,
1996,Awake! with the series "Endangered Species-Why Be Concerned?"
Within an 'hour, she placed 40 capies with some very appreciative animal lovers! What success have you
enjoyed thus far preaching the good
news everywhere? The Watchtower
and Awake! as well as the Require
brochure are especially suited for all
kinds of witnessing becausthey feature information that touches people's lives and stimulates thinking
4 starting Conversations: The
back page of the October 1996 Our
Kingdom Ministry gives details on
how t0 prepare your own presentation for the Watchtower and Awake!
magazines. The Same suggestions
will work wel1 when preparing your
prese ation for the Require brochurefwhat we say can be as brief
as a few sentences or long enough
to include a Scriptural thought. It
is important to select the opening
words carefully, since they may determine whether the person you approach will continue
have been successful
ing comment: "I read an article that
was encouraging to me, and I want to
share it with you." Or an interesting

During April and May, we wil1 have very timely issues of The Watchtower and Awake! to distribute. Additionally, for the first time, we will feature the brochure
What Does God Require of US?Its eye-catching illustrations and thought-provoking questions give t h i brochure wide appeal. The foliowing suggestionsare offered
to help US use our excellent publications to good advantage.

' k about that?"

question can be raised to draw the What do
t e ~ s t h e
other party into a conversation.
point, shogts0meGnapltfrom one of
5zf a p p r o p h t e in geur area,
gou might tw asktng questions the current magazines that ma7 caplike the fozzozoiw in gour presen- ture his interest about false religion's
failure or its approaching downfall.
tati- this month:
Ask if he would like to read it. Exmuch gramti' lit- changenames,and offer tomake conter,andpollution.Whatwiilittaketo tact
s. that you can explan
clean UP the earth and make it a betit is that truc
ter place in which to live?"AUOW for a failed manhind, Wherever appropriresponse, and then explan that you ,te, explain how the interest& perhave information that assures US of s, may make a small donation.
how and when the earth will become
a global garden.
a specificcom- m "With so many problems in family
ment, a brief
anda colorfil life today, have you ever wondered
illustration froma current magazine, what is the secret for obtaining farnia
ha Dines'?" Wait
and then offer it to the individual for
S x p l a i n that %
- e,
God rehim t0 read' Mention
enjoy reading our publications offer a veals the
donation, whichwe g l a ~ p utoward
you end q m e brochure, and point to some of
the conversation' try
thecited~ibleversesthatijrovlderecontinue it at another time.
liable-guldance ?;f each member of
"Do you think that God meant for the.-f
t. live surrounded by troubles at the beginning of the lesson. Ask if
tOas these we are faced
the person would like to read the an@er the persen answers, You swers. If so, give him the brochure
say: "Likeu you are
and explain that although there is no
with the WWer Jesus taught bis
charge for it, we d0 accept modest
lmers to~ray,ashingforGo@sKing-donations to support our worldwide
domtocome.Have~ou@venthought work. Offer to return another time
t0 just what the Kingdom of God to share more of the practica1 guidre* is?" Turn t0 lessen 6 in the Re- ance that the Bible conbins for
qutre brochure, a n m t h e ues- py f m i l&.@
areposed at t e eginning
&Theinsert in the ~ ~ ~ T
Of tihe lessen. Then*as you read ara
Kingdom Ministry encouraged US to4
point Out the answ6e
muster up boldness to make return
Irst question.Explainthat the rest Of visits. It r e c o m d e d using the Requestions are answered just as quire brochure to start ~ i b %studies,
Conciseb'.Offer the
men- if not o m i n i t i a l m then on the
the arrangement for donations, returnvisit. Mankind's meatest ne
andoffertomeetagaintosharemore is t o m what God reauir s
information about the Kingdom.
t h e i t. do it. .(col. 1:9, 1 0
m "Many thinking people are begin- greatly m e f i t others during April
ning to vLw the r e l i g a s of the and May if we can begin to teach
world as the cause of man's prob- them what we know about Jehovah's
e r a t h e r than being the solution. requirements for 1ife.-l Cor. 9:23.







1997 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Al1 ri hts reserved Our Klngdom Min~str ISSN 1067 7259) ts published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
of New Mrk. Inc., and International Bible Sludents Association, 2g Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY hh01-2483. beriodicals Posta e Paid at Brooklyn, NY, and at additional mailing
Printed in U S.A.
offlces. POSTMASTER: Send address changes t0 Our Kmdom Mmistry, c/o Watchtower, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11!01-Z483

May 1997

For United States of America

Vol. 40, No. 5

ting of personal goals. With careful planning and by adjusting their
schedule, some have become regular pioneers. Others have been
able to arrange their affairs s0 as to
make themselves available for Bethel or missionary service. Some have
moved to an area where there is a
greater need for Kingdom publishem.

The Christian's Me is a Me of carrying the torture stake of sacrincial service to Jehovah. One way the
spirit of self-sacriflce rnay be re-

flected is by exerting oneself in

the ministry. So far this year, many
publishers have been enjoying the
auxiliary pioneer work. Perhaps you
are among them and can airm that
the blessings you derive more than
compensate for the sacrifces you
make. Those who are unable to serve
as auxiliary pioneers have frequently arranged to spend more time in
the preaching work as congregation publishers. To that end, some
congregations are scheduling their
meetings for feld service a few minutes earlier than they once did. With
the arrival of spring, many publishers appreciate having this longer period for feld service. Some have had
excellent results too when they decided to call on lust one more house'
or to work 'ody a few minutes lon-'
4Another way the spirit of selfsacrifice is displayed is by the set-

1 What is it that a nurse in Tanzania, a youngster in Argentina, and

a mother in Latvia have in common? The 1997 Yearbook @p. 8, 46,
and 56) reports that all three made
rapid progress in their home Bible
studies, thanks to their willingness
to have more than one session each
week in the Kiwwledge book. It has
been recommended that whenever
possible, publishers should endeavor to discuss one chapter of the book
during each study session. However,
some fnd that it is a challenge to do
so. Although much will depend on
the circumstances and the aptitude
of each student, experienced teachers have found success by implementiig the following suggestions.
= A s was discussed in the June
1996 Our Kingdom Ministry insert,
it is necessary to train your students to prepare for the study. At
ery start, it would be good to
e: in and demonstrate how this

questions. Further, interested ones

will receive additional detailed information through attending congregation meetings.
* It may not be necessary to look
is dolle. Show them your ~ersonal up all the cited scriptures in the lesstudy coPY of the Knowledge hook.
Same main points
be exhepare the rst lesson together. plained
the quoted
in the
students t. hd
k e ~paramph. During the review, highPhrases
light the key scriptures that were
swer the printed ques~onand
discussed and encourage the stuunderline or highlight them. Some dent t. remember these.
publishers have even given their stuHOW Long Should Each Session
d e n t ~a big hting marker.
m u m t~h e y t o bok up
the h s t *
s t d y need nat be
scriptures as they prepare for the ed
householdhave time
may destudy. In the process,you wil1 als0 be
training them t0 prepare for attencl- sire t0 study longer. Or the student
ing the Congregation Book Study mV "h t0 StudY more than once a
and the Watchtower Study.-Luke
week. This would be beneficial for
those who can do so.
'As Isaiah 60:8 portrayss todW
good teacher will draw out
the student and not talk too much hundreds of thousands of new praishimself. He avoids becoming side- ers of Jehovah "come flYingjust like
tracked on minor points. Rarely a cloud, and like doves to their birdwould he bring in outside materi- house holes" into the congregations
al. Instead, he highlights the main of his people. Let all of us do our
points of the lesson. Some have pro- part in working close& with Jehovah
vided students with additionallite- as he speeds up the ingathering of
ature to helo them nd answers 1 sheeplike ones.-Isa. 60:22.

On one occasion Jesus said: "If

anyone wants to come after me, let
him disown himself and pick up his
torture stake and continuaiy follow me." (Matt. 16:24) We certainly
want to respond positively to Jesus'
words. Let us examine what is involved with each phrase of his invitation.
a #'Let Hlm Dlsown Hlmself":

When we dedicate our lives to Jehovah, we disown ourselves. The basic

meaning of the Greek word translated "disown" is "to say no." That
means we voluntariiy surrender our
own ambitions, desires, comforts,
and se-h pleasures-being determined to please Jehovah throughout
all eternity.-Rom. 148; 15:3.
3YPlck Up Hls Torture Stakem:

YContinuslly Follow Y.":


though Jesus' disciples experienced

many trials, they were encouraged
by his zeal and endurance in the
ministry. (John 4:34) They felt renewed in their spirit by his presence
and his message. That is why those
who followed him radiated genuine
joy. (Matt. 11:29) Let us ikewise encourage one another to endure in
the all-important work of Kingdom
preaching and disciple making.
B May we all react positively to Jesus' invitation to follow him continually by cultivating the spirit of selfsacrince.As we do, we will have great
joy now and can look forward to even
greater blessings in the future.

NOTE: OUTKingdom Ministry wil1 ly maintaining our modest Chris-

i What cautions are needed

when we are in association with
someone of the opposite sex in
connection with our ministry?
We have reason to expect that
Week Starting May l 9
our brothers and sisters intend
song 139
to adhere to the highest moral
7 min: Local announcements. hstandard in their personal connounce special fleld service arrangeduct. Nevertheless, we live in an
m e n t ~for ~ a 26.
unclean and permissive world
20 min: 'Tonducting Progressive
that has few moral Umitations.
Home Bible Studies." Capable
While we may have tiie best of
brother discusses article with one
intentions,we must be on guard
or two publishers who do wel1 in
constantiy to avoid causing reconducting studies. Using portions
proach or getting involved in
of the K m l e d g e book as exampes.
something improper. This int h w reiate teaching techniques that
cludes being careful while enhelp them to keep the study movgaged in the ministry.
ing at a steady pace and that Wow
In field service we often enthem to discern what the student
counter people of the oppois actualhr 1earning.See June 1996
site sex who manifest what appears to be a sincere interest in
Week Startilng May 5
the truth. If we are alone when
graphs 5, 8, 12, and 21.
Song 130
we make the call and there is
18 mfn: "1997 'Faith
10 min: Local amouncements. Se- District
no one else at home, usually
it would be best to give a witlected Announcements fr0m OUT 16-22) &uestions and answers. Read
Kingdom Ministry.
ness at the door rather than
paragraph 16 and the cited scrip
go inside. If there is interest,
12 min: 'FOllOw Jesus C~ntinUdlY." tures. Emphasize need for orderliarrangements can be made to
Questions and answers. Include ex- n e s and consideration for others,
return when we will be accomperiences from the June 1. 1993. especially when it comes to seating.
panied by another publisher
Watchtower, page 12.
Conclude with a brief talk reviewing
or when others in the house28 mln: "show Genuine Concern 'mtrict Convention R e a d e r s . "
hold will be present also. If
for All the Interest Found." AU- song 165a d conclucunpprayer.
this is not possible, it would be
dience discussion. Stress the need
wise to turn the call over to
to fouow up all interest. Suggest Week Starting May 26
a publisher of the Same sex as
some tactful ways to request the Song148
4 ~ 4 ' ~ e - the householder. This als0 aphome address of these met in pub- 1s min: ~ o c a announcements.
plies to conducting Bible studlic places s0 that we
view literature offer for June. Using
with someone of the oppothem further. Have capable pubmh- the Kno~ledgehook, explain how
s=.-Matt. 1036.
ers demonstrate two of the presen- the thoughts in p-hs
17-19 on
We need to be careful when
tations s"ggestedinp~phs6-9- pages 10-11 could be used to prechoosing someone to work with
pare a brief presentation. Give a rein the ministry. Although pubc e s ~in
Returnvisits~"On minder about mentioning the donalishers of the opposite sex may
Page 3 in the March 1997
King- tien arrangement. ~nco-ge all to
work together at times, thii is
dom M i n m inSe*- Enco-ge
concentrate on endeavoring to start
best done when with a group.
to schedule some time each week t0 studies. (Stress the need to help inOrdinarily, even while in the
make return h i t s .
terested ones progress quickly.See
ministry, it is not wise for us
Song 151and concludingprayer.
the January 15, 199
to be spending time alone with
pages 13-14.
someone of the opposite sex
Week Startiing May 12
12 min: "Why Do We Keep Going
who is not our marriage mate.
Song 133
Back?" Questions and answers.
Hence, the brother in charge
10 min: Local anno~n~ements.
Ac- Include points from the box on
of the service group should use
counts report.
page 570 in the Proclai
good judgment when assigning
l 2 min: Question BOX.Talk by an 18 min: Local needs. T
publishers, including teenagers,
der or a discussion by two elders,
to work together.
28 min: '1997 'F'aith in God's Word' addressing a spiritual need of the
By always using good judg- ,
District Convention." (Paragraphs congregation. Give Scriptural exment, we will avoid "@vingany i
1-15) Questions and answers. Read hortation and practical suggestions
cause for stumbling" to either ,
paragraphs 8, 10, and 13. Stress the for improvement.
ourselves or ethers.-2 Cor. 6:3.. ,.
* %>A
Scriptural importante of careful- Song l74 and concludingprayer.

schedule a Service Meeting for each

week during the sumrner months.
Congregations may make adjustments as needed to allow for attending the "Faith in God's Wordn
District Convention and then for
a 30-minute review of the program
highlights at the Service Meeting
the following week. The day-byda~
review of the district umventien Program should be assigned in
two or t h e e q e e d
brothers who wil1 be able to focus
On outstanding Points- This wellprepared review wil1 help the congregation remember k e points
persOM a p p l i ~ a o nand for
the field. Comments from the audience and experiences related should
be brief and to the point.

tian appearance and conduct and of

properiy supervising our children.
song 162 and concuding prayer.





District Convention
l The apostle Paul reminded Timotby that "ali
Scripture is inspired of God."(2 Tim. 3:16) Since
God's Word is inspired, we have every reason to
exercise faith in it. The theme of this year's district convention is "Faith in God's Word." The
program will strengthen our faith in the Bible,
whether we have known the truth for many years
or havejust recenty come into contact with Jehe
vah's organization. AU of us should arrange to be
in attendance for the entire program. How u p
building it wiil be if newly interested persons,
particularly t h w with whom we study the Bible,
attend with US!
Three-Day Convention: Thisyear a thee-day
district convention program has been arranged
for our benefit. The February 15, 1997, Watchtower lists 193conventions to be held in the contiguous United States. By now you have been
informed of the convention to which yuur congregation is assigned, and you should have made definite plans to attend ali three days of the program. Have you approached your employer to get
the needed time o@ If you have school-age children and your convention falls during the school
term, have you kindly informed their teachers
that your children wiil be absent on Friday for
this important part of their religieus training?
-Deut. 31:12.
In addition to English, there wil1 be conventions in American Sign Language, Chinese,
French, Greek, Itallan, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish,Tagalog, and Vietnamese.
The program wili begin each day at 9:30 am.
Doors wiilopen at 8:00 am. The only ones permitted to enter before that time wil1 be th e with
work assigrments,but they will not be a l i k d to
save seats until the building opens for everyone.
Do Well by Paying Attention: The apostle P+
ter reminded rst-century Christians that they
would do wel1 to pay attention to the prophetic
word as to a lamp shining in a dark place. (2 Pet.
1:19) The Same is true of US. Living in this old
world that is under Satan's control is iike being in
a dark place. We are m
l to have been caled
out of spiritual darkness. (Col. 1:13; 1 Pet. 2:9;
1 John 5:19) To remain in the iight, we need to

keep our faith strong by paying attention to the

inspired Word of Jehovah. Our district convention this surnmer wiil encourage US to do just
EIYOrt may be required on our part if we are to
concentrate on the program,but we certainly will
be blessed for doing so. We should endeavor to
come to the conventionsite wel1 rested so that we
will be alert during the sessions. AUow ample
time to get to the convention site each ay in order to be in your seat before the program begins.
Then join in the opening song and prayer at the
start of each day's program. Adults should set the
example, and parents should train their children.
-Eph. 434.
7 If we look over the titles of the parts before the
day's program begins, we can try to anticipate
what points rnight be brought out during that
session. Thiswiil enhance our interest in the material when it is presented. We may look for points
that wil1 help US express to others wby we believe
in God and in his sure promise to rewar those
earnestly seebing him. (Heb. 11:1,6) It has been
recommended that we take brief notes to help US
remember the rnain points of the program. If
we take too many notes, we rnay miss some key
points because we are too busy writing.
Last year many adults and youths were again
observed walking aimlessiy through the corridors, milling around outside, and visiting with
others while the progrrun was in progress, rather
than istening to what "the faithful and discreet
slavenhad pravided for our beneft. Jesus promised to give us spiritual food at the proper time.
(Matt. 2445-47) Therefore,we ought to be present
to benefit &om that food and not show a lack
of appreciation. (2 Cor. 6:l) It also seerns that
when some children get restless, they often ask to
we the rest room as an excuse to get up and
walk around Proper training at home will usuaily make frequent trips to the rest room unnecessary. At times, older youths sit together in
remote places, taiking, wbispering, and passing
notes to each other. Our young people, who face
many pressurestoday,need to concentrateon the
material being present* not to be doing other
things during the program. Youtful desires that

io not hannonize with Bible principles should be

woided. (Compare2 Timotby 222.) The attentb+
less of all, adults and youths, will honor Jehavah
and make him rejoice.
f it becomes necessary for one of the atten&mts to give anyone counsel in these matters, it
should be accepted as a loving provision from Jehovah. (Gal. 6:l) AU need to remember that the
reason we put forth effort to attend the convention is s0 that we may 'iisten and learn! (Deut. 31:
12) Also, "a wise person wili listen and take in
more instruction." (Prw.1:5) In the time remaining before you attend the convention, discuss as a
farnily the need to sit together in the audience, remain seated during the program, and be keenly
attentive, in order to gain the fuU benet of the
l0 Adornment That Pleases Jehovah: Jehovah's people are on display for a i l the world to see.
(1 Cor. 4:9) We are genemliy noted for our fine
standard of dress and grooming. Appying the
Scriptural principles found at 1 Tirnothy 2:9, 10
and at 1Peter 3:3,4 has resulted in great changes
in the appearance of many compared with h m
they looked when they began associating with the
Christian congregation.This is in sharp contrast
to the steaily deteriorating standards of dress
and groomingthat we see in the world We want to
be on guard that we do not become like the world
in our appearance-wearing outlanish clothing,
promoting worliy fads in hairstyles, or being
immodestly dressed. Our exemplary dress and
grooming should help new ones who attend the
convention to see h m Christians ought to adorn
l1 While the general impression left as a result of last yearisconventions was very favorable,
worllydressand grooming continuetobe aproblem with some of the brothers and sisters, especially during leisuretime. While making our plans
to attend the convention, we should anayq ourselves as to our dress and grooming. Pakenk,
wisely monitor what your young children and
teenagers are going to wear. Make sure we are not
letting worliy styles and fads have a bad effect on
our Christian appearance.
'2Maintain Fine Conduct: F'ine conduct is a
mark of true Christians. (1Pet. 2:12) Our behavior
wherever we may be-at the convention, at restaurants, and in hotels, as wel1 as when traveling-can give a finewitness and help othersto see
what faith in God and in his Word can do for
people. This may move some to come to know

Jehovak (Compare 1 Peter 3:1, 2.) We have the

privilege of glorifying God by our conduct. The
management of one hotel in Alabarna said that
our delegates are "the nicest and best behaved
group they host." They added: "It will be a privilege to have you back in the future." A convention
and visitors bureau in the northwestern United
States wrote: "Eachyear, the Watchtawer Society
conference is eagerly awaited by our entire community. Your members are a true delight; conductingthemselves wlth the utmost courtesy and
respect. Our businesses recognize this and treasure the return of their 'family' of guests each
year." Reports like these are a pleasure to read,
are they not? There is a need to remain vigilant,
however, s0 that we may presem the g o d reputation of Jehovah's people.
l3 Many reminders have been given about controllingour children, not lettingthem runaround
hdtels unattended, isturbing other guests. Each
year, the Society receives reports that some of
our children are unsupervised in and around the
swirnrning pool or are seen running in hallways
and public areas of hotels. One manager who
staged ovemight at his hotel was awakened twice
after 11:OO p.m. by groups of our children knocking on each room door looking for other Witnesses. Although the conventions provide us the
opportunitytovisit and associatewith our brotherhood, parents must still keep in mind their obligation to provide supervision for their children
at all times. This is a responsibility that Jehova.
places on every parent. prov. 1:8; Eph. 6:4) The
unsupervised actions of children can underrnine
the good reputation that other Witnesses of Jehe
vah have worked hard to buila-Prov. 29:15.
l* f a hotel provides a complimentarybreakfast
duringyourstay,you should not see this as an o p
portunity to stock up for the noon meal. Hotels
have reported that some of our brothers and sisters have come down with plastic bags and Biled
themwith fruit,Danish pastries, and bagels to be
consumed later, leavingittle for the other guests.
Such hotel amenities are provided as a courtesy
for guests while at the hotel and must not be
abused. T0 takemore than what you wili eat during yourbreakfast meal would really demonstrate
a greedy spirit, and it is also dishonest. f an improper attitude on the part of fellow Witnesses is
observed, it would be a kindness to remind them
of h m they should be acting. Also remember, no
cooking is to be done in hotel rooms unless they
are equipped with a kitchen for that purpose. f

you bring an ice chest to your room, please be

sure it does not leak or sweat and damage the carpet, furniture, or walls of the room.
15Keep in mind that tipping is appropriate
when you receive a personal service, especially
since many who serve the public, such as waiters,
waitresses, maids, and belimen, are dependent to
a large extent on tips to makes living. A s Jehovah's Witnesses, we want to show good mannen
in this regard too.-See Azoalce! of June 22,1986,



venng Convention Expenm:,Aii

of us

wii have expenses in connection d t h attending

the conventions. There is another expense that

we do wel1 to consider. Facilities that are wed for
conventions are expensive. There are als0
expenses that must be cared for. Our generous
voluntary contributions at the conventions are
-- 20:35; 2
greatly appreciated.-Acts
l7 Seatlng: The directions that have been given for a nurnber of years wiil continue to apply,


possible. They should haye the necessary medica-

needed assistance. Problems have arisen at conventions when individuals with chronic health
problems were left-la
The convention administration has had to contact emergency medical services to take them to a hospitai.
If some with special health neecis do not have
famiy members who can assist them, their con- ' ;

will need to be ap~riseof the
situation a h make necessary arrangements to
help. No provision will be made at the conventions for special rooms to accomrnodate those
who have allergies.
za Food at the Convention: Having no food service at conventions has resulted in rnany more
being free during all the sessions to concentrateb
on the spiritual food. A number of expressions 0%
appreciation for this simplifcation ha+ been re-&
ceiyeasfnCe the arrangement was instituted. Ali
should plan to bring their o m practica, nourishfl
ing food items for the noon break, such as t h o s w
suggested in the May 1995 OUTKingdom Minist y
insert, paragraph 26. No glass containe~sand no
alcoholic beverages ar& to be brought into E e
y.ctoFbod coolers must be smal1
enough to fit under-.
Some in the audience have been observed eating and drinking
during the program. Doing this is disrespectM.
Where there is a food court within the convention
facility or there are vendors on the outside, some
brothers have been obrved patronizing these
S i p r a c t i c e is inappre
during the propriate.
21 We tnilyappreciate our spiritual feast and the
relaxed, peaceful atmosphere of fellowship during our short noon breaks. In keeping with the
. 4
purpose of this arrangement, insteadpfleaaang
the facility at the noon break to purchase food,
please bring &mething with you. Thus, y o u w
have more time to enjoy the felowship of your
brothers and sisters.
2 2 H aglad
~ we are that the "Faith in God's
Word" District Conventions wil1 be!-ts
Al of US want to be sure that our preparations
have been made to attend the whole program, so
that we can enjoy to the full the ne spiritualbanquet Jehomh has prepared for us through his organization. In that way we wil1 b e c z e "comp1etel.y equipged
ahead.-2 Tim. 3:l




has been good to see that more are complying

with these directions in recent years, and this

has heightened the loving atmosphere displayed

at the conventions. At most sites some seats
are more easily accessible than others. Please
show consideration, and leave the more convenient seats for those whose circumstances require them.
Cameras, Camcorders, and Audiocamtte
Recorders: Cameras and recording equipment

may be used at conventions. However, our use of

them must not be distractiw to others in attendance. We s

gthe sessions taking pictwces, k that would disturb others who aretrying to concentrate on the program.
No recording devies of any sort are to be con7 cted to the electrical or sound systems nor
should this equipment block aisles, walkw&, or
the view of others.
Flrst Aid: The First Aid Department is for
emergencies only. It is not able to care for the
chronically Ui. That is why you should consid?er the health needs of yourself and your famIcily in advance. Please b
your o m aspirin,
digestive aids, bandagessety pins, aad similar items, as such things wil1 not be available
at the convention. Any known to be at risk of
seizures, insulin shock, heart problems, and so
forth, should a
- to the extent


District Convention Reminders

Baptism: Baptismal candidates should be seated

in the designated section before the program begins on Saturday morning, A modest bathing suit
and a t@ should be brought by each one who
plans to be baptized. In the past some have worn attire that was not appropriate and that detracted
from the occasion.Elders reviewing with baptismal
candidates the questions in the Our Ministry book
should make sure that each one understands these
points. After the ba~tism
and prayer by the
speaker, the session chairman wiii caii for a song.
After the last stanza, the attendants will dir& the
candidates to the irnmersioxsite.Baptism in symbol of one's dedication is an intimate and personal
matter between the individual and Jehovah. Thus,
it is inappropriate for candidates to embrace each
other or to hold hands while being baptized.
Badge Cards: Please wear the 19_97badge card at
aii times while in the convention city and wlfile
t r w t 0 and from it. This often creates oppztunities for us to give a Ene witness. Badge cards
and holders should be obtained through your cong r e e n , as they wil1 n z b e available at,the CQQv e s o n . Do not wait until a few days before the
convention to ask for cards for you and your family. Remember
. . to carry your current A d v a g c m i@ nirprbuz@&kaw card.
Rooming: We are asking for the cooperation of
everyone in using. ONLY the iisting of accommodations provided by the convention. If we bypass
the Society's arrangement and secure accommodations at a hotel not on the approved list or pay
more than the agreed-upon rate at one of the listed hotels, we undermine much of the hard work of
our brothers who negotiate with the hotels for better rates. Have in mind tht the convention room
rates aho appiy on Thursday and Sunday nights.

Baby Strollers and Lawn Chairs: In most locations, baby stroilers cannot be used in places of
pubiic assembiy. Fire regulations prohibit placing
them in corridors and aisles or between' rows of
seats. Since large crowds may cause congested conditions, stroilers are potentially dangerous both to
the baby and to any who could stumble over them.
So please do not bring stroilers to the convention
site. Infant or child car seats are permissible, sinc?
t h e canbe secured in seats next to the parents.
Please do not bring lawn chairs. They are dangerous and are not aiiowed at large pubiic facilities.
Your cooperation is important and appreciated.
Volunteer Service: Can you set aside some time
at the convention to assist in one of the departments? Servingour brothers, if oniy for a few hours,
wiii be very helpful and brings much personal satisfaction. If you can assist, please report to the
Volunteer Service Department at the convention.
Chiidren under 16 years of age can also make a Ene
contribution by workina under the direction of a
parentDother responsible
Words of Caution: Keep alert to potential problems so as to avoid unnecessary difficulty. Often
thieves and other unscrupulous individuah prey on
p w w h o are away from their home environment. Be sure your vehicle is locked at al1 times,
and never leave anything visible to tempt someone
to break in. Thieves and pickpockets focus their attention on large gatherings.It would not be wis? to
leave any valuables at your seat. You cannot be sure
that everyone around you is a Christian. Why offer
any temptation? Reports have been received of attempts made by sRZ'?outsiders t~ lure children


?@?&ion and video services available in many

hotels often feature lewd, pornographic programs.
Be alert to this snare, and do not permit children
0 have unsupervised access to the television in the
room. Parents may wish to prevent their chiidren
from activating "pay TV" in their hotel room by requesting the hoffck out this feature during
their stay.
Please d
e or write the mana ment
of the convention auditorium, seeking i orma ion
about any conventionmatters. If the information is
not available from the-s,
you may write to the
address of a specific convention, as found on the
back of the Special Needs Room Request forms,
one of which is posted on the congregation's information board.

please do not hesitate to

the Rooming Depaytmeritwhile ~ o are
u still at the conventzon so
that they c& assist you in resolving the matter
right away. Please realize that it may not be p ssible for evpone to ~ ea tnonsmoking room at hotel, even if the request was made when the reservation was booked. The Same appiies to your
preference for king, queen, ofdouble bds. Congregation secretries should be sure that Special
Needs Room Request forms are p r o ~ t l fv o r s e 4 to the appropriate convention address. If you
must cancel accornrnodation made through the
arrangement, you should irnmediately notify both the landlordor hotel and the conventiofhommg uepartment so that the room can be






How to Start and ContinueBibleDiscussions

Jeun)a's Wtnesses-Whd Do They Believe? (For Jews) (Tract No. 18)
Knowledge That eads t0 Everlasting
-Hebrew, Persian
Lasting Peace and Happiness-How
CanYou Find Them?
-Chinese (Simpliled)
Life in a Peaceful N m World (Tract
No. 15)
My Book of Bible Sterk (Smal1size)
Shoud You Belieue in the Trinity?
SZngPraises to Jehovah (29 songs)

m Literatureoffer for May: individuai

copies of The Wdchtower and Awake!
and the brochure What Does God Require of US? June: Knowledge That
Leads to Everlasting Life. Concentrate on starting home Bible studies.
July and August: Any of the following 32-page brochures: Does God
ReaUy Care About US?, Enjog Life on
Earth Rmcer!, ShouM You Believe M
the Triniiy?, The Gimmment That WiU
Bring ParaaiSe, Whut Is the Purpose of
Life-How Can You FinaZt?, and When
Somone You Love Dies.
D New Publications Avaiiable:
*Al1 Scripture Is Inspired of God and SingPraises to Jehovah (100 songs)
Ehaentary Bible TeachUlgs -Persian
Sing Praises t0 Jewvah-Large Print
Hemre-Is It Part of W n e h t i c e ?
(Tract No. 74)
-Persim Spirs
of theDea-Can They Help You
orH a m You?Do TheyReaUyExist?

Number of:
Sp'l Pias




Hrs. Mags. R.V. BiSt.

l59 122.5 91.6 58.1 4.5


70,791 74.9 45.8 2S.7 2.0


16,029 57.8 87.0 15.7 1.2







8.4 014

May 5:
May 12:
,&iay 19:

Chapten 97-98
Chapten 9s-l00


Why DoWe KeepGoing Back?


i Have you ever asked yourself

that question, perhaps as you were
preparing for a day in service?
In some areas where Our territory is worked repeatedly, householdr-gnize
we are
quiCkis turn
Om a few

mayreSPOndinafavOrable Yet'
there are
why we keep ping back. reasons

we are 'Ommandcontinue preaching
Kingdom message until the end comes.
( ~ ~ t24.14.
t . 28.19 20) ~h~ prophet Isai*' ioniekd
how longhe
wodd h m continue pr-hing mrk. The -er
he receiv4
is record4 at Isaiah
There is
n0 question &out i e h e
to keep going back t0 the people
with God's message. Likewise today, though they may turn US away,

Jehovah expects us continue C d ing on the people living in Our territory. (Ezek. 3:10,11) This is a sacred responsibility that has been entrusted
~ . - lcor. g:17.
Another reason for us to keep
going back is that this gives US an o p
portunity show the depth of our devotion to
(1 John 5:3) Besides, when we contemplatewhat the
near future holds f0r mankind, how
can we hold ourselves back Bom lovtrYing m our neighbors?
Tm-42; Jas. 28) Our being faithful
c a r r m out our assignment Pr*
vides repeated oppo-ties
for them
respona GOds' message of Sa&atioio9 that the.5'
nat be able
werenotmed.-mek. 5:13.
Additionaiiy, we never know when
some people wil1 have a change of

Wh& Does God Require of US?


Wh& Do Jewvah's Witnesses Believe?

(Tract No. 14)

4 i e s e
WhatHopefor DeadLovedOnes?(Tract
No. 16)
Who Are Jehovah's Witnesses? (Tract
No. 73)
You Can Live Forever in Paradise on
Earth (Smal1size)
D New Audiocassettes Available:
AReueMm t0John (singlecassette)
Awake! on cassette


Deuteronomy (setof twocassettes)
Knowledge That Leads to Everlmting
Lge (live cassettes in an album)
Leviticus(setof two cassettes)-D-h
Numbers (set of three cassettes)

Pmewing Life in Time of Famine @rama,singlecassette)

The Rrst of Peter through The Letter of
Jude (singlecassette)
The Secret of Family Happiness (four
cassettes in an album)
Tothe Hebraos, TheLetter of Jams (sin-Danish
gle cassette)
Wh& Does God Require of US? (single
m New Videocassettes~vailabl:
Jenouah's Witnesses Stand Finn Against
N& Assault
Jehovah's Witnesses-The Organimthn
Behind the Name
Purple Triangles
Greek, Spanish
heart. It can be prompted by a
change in their personal circumstances, a tragedy in their fa-,
world conditions that cause them
t0 think sefiously
their futwe. Then again, something we say
at their door m trigger a favorable response. @kcl. 911; 1 Cor. 7:
31) Also, people move. We may nd
new residents in our territory who
will respond to the good news-perhaps young adults who are now living on their o m and are thinking
seriouslyabout their purpose in life.
we keep going back? yes!
The Scriptures give us ample motivation to return to the peope again
and again. In the end, when the
preachingWO& is inkhed, ~ ~ h &
will bless us for our continued eflort
in the ministry, and he will bless
those who have responded appreciatively to the Kingdom good news.
-1 Tim.416.

Show QenutneConcern for AH the Interest Found

l The worldwide Kingdom proclarnation will soon
come to a close, after which ail those "who do not
know God" wiii sMer destruction. (2 Thess. 13-9)
Thus, genuine concern for the liveS of others is moving Jehovah's people to reach as many as possible
with the Kingdom message.-Zeph. 2:3.
ZEvery month, millions of hours are spent in

searching out those who want to hear "good news of

somethingbetter." (Isa. 52:7) In response to the current literature offer, many have accepted copies of
!'he Watchtower and Awake! or the brochure W.
Does God Require of U.? Genuine concern for these
people should prompt us to follow through on ail the
interest found.-Prov. 3:27.

If you found somem who

3 Keep Accurate Records: More when you return. What can be said
wiU be accomplished if you keep when you follow up interest? How acknowledged that the world's
reltgton8 have created proba complete and accurate record of can a Bible study be started?
Zc?ms for hamant% VW mtght
the interest and placements. In8 m folbzcrfng up a d&-formation such as the house- d o n on w h t tt w#lZ take t0 a8kthbonthereturnvUt:
holder's name and address, day clean up the earth and make tt i"Haveyou ever wondered how we
and time you called, literature a better phce f,n whtch to ltoe, can know which religion has God's
approval? [Allow for response.]
placed, and the subject discussed you mtght say:
wil1 help you to be more effective
"on myprevious
visit, we aueed ThiS brochure m t Does God Re-

~ h e returning.
Als~,if YOU ~ r i t ethat drastic steps need t0 be taken
downsomecommentsmadeb~the before the earthcan be made int0 a
householder in your initial conver- peaceful paradse. DO you think
Sation*Y0u maY be able t0 reler
humans have what is needed to act h e m e f f e c t i v e l y k ~ o u ~the
this task? [Allow for rediscussion on the return call.
sponse-lPlease note w h it
~ will be
* Be Prompt in Making Return necessary for God t0 intervene in
Visits: How many of those man's @airs." Read Psalm 37:38.
who accepted literature from you Then turn to lesson 5 in the Relast month have you tried to visit wire brochure, and use selected
again?Haveweeks passed by with- portions of paragraphs 4-5 to show
out any Airther contact? Genuine how God will fulflll this prophecy.
concern for their everlasting wel- Follow through by offering a Bible
fare should move you to return as study using the brochure.
soon as ~ossible,~referabb
d b u s s e d God's K-in a few
s0 that the conver- dom and p W e d the "Requtre"
sation will stu be
in mina. brochure on the inttfal call,
promptly t0 futher when returntng you could gay
their interest, you may be able to m t h t r a g ltke thts:
" m e n we last spoke, we identi"comes
takes awwlihe word fied God's Kingdom as being a real
in them."-Mark
government that wiii nile the en415.
tire earth. The Bible shows that
Preparatlon Is. Essential: Christ Je s wil1 be its ruler. Can
Your effectiveness in msldng re- you see
benefits in having this
turn visits is directly related t0 kind of governrnent and leader?"
how well you prepare. Plan your AUow for response. Open the Reapproach before going. The back quire brochure to lesson 6. Using
page of the April 1997 Our King- selected points in paragraphs 6-7
dom Min2st-q~provides several pre- and the illustration on page 13,
sentations that may be wed with show what God's Kingdom will do
good success when you offer the for mankind in the future. Read
magazines or the Require bro- Daniel 244, and if appropriate,inchure. The next thing is to have troduce the Knowledge book and
some thoughts in mind to share offer aBible study.

@re of US? gives the iaentimg

marks of true religion " Turn t0
lessen 13, and highlight
italicizedpoints in paragraphs 3-7.
may continue by ssyliig: ,'h
additlon t.
the truc
md out what ~d
gion we
of individually.n Read
24. Offer disCuss
lessen in the
brochure, and demonstrate how
we study.
return contCna dtscussion about famfly

happiness, you couzd say somethtrag sfm#wrt0

urnen we &st met, I shared
secret of family
ness, which is t. appv

sel found in God's Word, the Bi&. m e n it comes t0 addressing

the nee& of a modern family, do
you believe that the Bible is outof-date or up-to-date?" Allow for
response. Present the Knowledge
book. Turn to chapter 2, and read
the quotation in pargraph 13. USing the points in paragraph 3, offer
1oBy keeping accurate records,
making essential preparation, and
returning promptly to further
theirinterest, we can demonstrate
the kind of neighbor love that will
attract them to the way of salvation.-Matt. 22:39; W.6:lO.

8 1997 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania All ri hts reservad. Our Kingdmn Minist ISSN 1067-7259) is publiched monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
Ra at Bm!dyn. NY and at ddiiional mailing
of NI M r k Inc. and international Bibfe Siudents Associahn
Cohbla tieials, B r 9 NY %jol-2483. Pedodicais
Pdnted in U S A
offirn. P O S W ~ E R :Send address changes to Our ~ i n g d hMinistm c/o Watchtower, 2 humbia Heights, Bmtiiyn, N%O1-2483.

For United States of Arnerica

June 1997

Your Utmost"
l When we dedicated ourselves to Jehovah, we promised to give our very best to
him. Appropriately, the apostle
Peter encouraged first-century
Christians to do their utmost
in making sure of their standing before Jehovah. (2 Pet. 1:lO)
We surely want to do our utmost to please Jehovah in serving him today. What does this
entail?As our relationship with
Jehovah deepens and we meditate on al1 that he has done for
us, our heart moves US always
to do our best in his service.
We want to irnprove the quality and, where possible, increase
the quantity of our ministry.
-PS. 348; 2 Tim. 2:15.
A young brother who want-


ed to do more in the ministry

found thgit a regular study of
God's Word deepened his appreciation Por Jehovah and instilled in hirn greater zeal. This
motivated him to appy for the
pioneer service. A sister who
found it hard to talk to strangers practiced some of the presentations in the Reasoning
book and soon began to enjoy
greater success in her ministry.
She was able to conduct a Bible study with a couple who accepted the truth.
3Rejoioe In What You Can
Do: Some of US experience dif-

ficult circumstances such as

poor health, family opposition,
poverty, or unresponsiveness in
the territory. Many other prob-

Are Your Spiritual Goals?

l Jehovah knows how irnportant meaningful work and attainable goals are in bringing
happiness. (See Genesis 1:28; 2:
15, 19.) Today, Jehovah has given his people the assigrment to
preach and to teach. We also
have the ultimate pal of attaining everlasting Me in Paradise. Along the way, we need to
set progressive spiritual goals if
we are to avoid misdirecting our
energies and resoumes.-l Cor.

Realistic Goals tor Young

People: Youths ought to have

theocratie goals that are with-

the famUy study, children learn

to prepare Por meetings so that
they can meet the goals of making meaningpul cornments and
enrollingin the Theocratie Ministry School. When children accompany their parents in field
service, they learn to have a part
in giving d witness as they progress toward the goal of becoming unbaptized publishers. Parents should keep before their
young children the goal of dedication and baptism.
If you are a teenager, what
do your spiritual goals include?
"Remember, now, your Grand
Creatorn by focusing on the
real& important goals in life.
(Eccl. 121; Ps. 71:17) Why not
auxiliary pioneer during the
months you have time off from

in reach according to their individual capabiiities. (1 Tim. 4:

15) Some very young ones have
achieved the goal of reciting the
books of the Bible even before
schnnl? Have vmi thnii~ht,shniit.
thw learned tn read. Thrnii

Vol. 40, No. 6

lems that are cornrnon in these
last days may hinder our service. (Luke 21:34, ftn.; 2 Tim.
3:l) Does this mem we have
failed in our dedication to Jehovah? Not if we are serving
him to our utmost.
4 It is not wise to judge ourselves based on what others are
able to accomplish. Instead, the
Scriptures encourage US to "let
each one prove what his own
work is." Giving of ourselves
fully to the extent that we are
personally able pleases Jehovah
and gives us "cause for exultatien."-Gal. 6:4; Col. 3:23, 24.
May we heed Peter's words
to 'do our utmost to be found
inally by God spotless and unblemished and in peace.' (2 Pet.
3:14) That spirit will make us
fee1secure and wil1 bring US the
peace of mind that only Jehovah can me.-Ps. 48.
taking up the ministry fulltime as a regular pioneer? What
about learning a new language
so that in the future you could
assist a foreign-language group
or congregation in your area or
somewhere else? Many who are
now serving at Bethel or as traveling overseers or missionaries
set special full-time service as
their goalwhen they were still in
school. Why not do the Same
While still of tender age,
strive to irnitate Jesus' example. Even at the young age of 12,
he spoke freely about spiritual
matters. (Luke 2:42-49, 52) Setting beneficial goals for yoursef t0 do personal study,to read
the Bible ay, and to fellowship
regularly with mature Christians at meetings and in service
will help you acquire the ski11to
teach others about God's Kin-dom the wsv .Tesiis did.

graph 20. Return visits can be

made on such individuals to encouragethem kindly and tactfully
tion activities wel1 or&d
and to
accept a study and to attend
making sure that each one's as- meetings.
signed duties are cared for when Song201 and codcludingprayer.
someone is absent.
20 min: Teaching.Others-An
Week Starting June 23
Urgent Need. Talk by an elder. Song 193
Review the 1996 worldwide ser- 10 min: Local announcements.
vice report on page 33 of the 1997 Outline special field service arYearbook. The intensiiledeffort to rangement~for July 4.
witness to people wherever they 15 min: What Are They Saying
can be found is bearing fruit. The about US? A taik based on the
urgent need now is to foliow up information found in the Watch,
placements and teach people the Tower Publications Index 1986truth. When we contact them in 1995, pages 341-3. Select outpublic places, tactfully request standing "Statements by Others"
their name and address so that a about Jehovah's Witnesses-our
return visit can be made. We need conduct and our work. Show how
to do more than just plant King- others have been favorably imdom seed; we must also water it. pressed by what they see in US.
(1 Cor. 3:6-8) When seed is sown
why this should motivate
in fine soil, good teaching can Explain
US always to conduct ourselves
help the person to get the sense of properly and to persevere in our
it. (Matt. 1323)We ought to share
Point out how to use such
as fully and skulfully as possi- work.
comments when taiking
ble in the teaching work. (Heb. 5: to acquaintances
,12a) Incorporate points from the persons who want and
June 1996 Our KWdom Ministy
insert, paragraphs 25-6. Empha- about US.
size endeavoring to start studies 20 min: "Parents-Train Your
in either the Require brochure or Children to Preach." Questions
and answers. Include the directhe Kmwledge baok.
Song 204 and conCludingprayer. tion in the OUTMinistry book,
pages 99-100, under the subheadWeek Startlng June 16
ing "Helping Young People."
Song 211 and concluding prayer.
song 192
10 min: Local announcements. Week
Suggest talking points in current
Song 197
l d min: Local announcements.
15 min: Loc? needs.
20 min:
Idenbifying Your Reli- Remind al1 tul'n in field SeI'Vke
gion as Tru or False. An elder rep0m for June.
leads a dis ussion with two or 20 min: "Youths-WiatAreYour
three capable publishers, based SpiritualGoals?" Two fathersdis- ,
on the December 22,1989,Awak!, CUSS the article together. They
page 18. Many apparently sincere Consider how t0 help their cmpeople are being called on repeat- ren appreciate W& it is essentiai
e w . However, they have never t0 set th~ocraticgoals, which wil1
accepted a Bible study. Discuss bfing spiritual blessings, rather
how points in this b a k ! arti- than to pursue materialistic incle could be used t0 make them terests.-See als0 OUTMinistry
aware of the need to act in harmo- hook, Pages 116A18.
ny with accurate knowledge. w- l 5 min: Preparing for July Literfer to key points in the Knowledge ature Offer.Pick out one or two
book, chapter 5: "Whose Worship brochures that have been wel1
(Continuedon page 3, col. 3)
Does God Accep+"" Read para-


Week Starting June 2 .

Song l81
8 min: Local announcements.
Selected Announcements from
Our Kingdom Ministy. Comment
on March field service report for
the country and for the local congregation.
l5 min: "DoYour Utmost." Questions and answers.-See als0
April 15, 1993, Watchtower, pages 28-30.
22 min: "Knowledge From God
Answers Many Questions."
Chairman discusses article with
two or three publishers, including a youth. Comment on paragraph 1,. stressing why the
Knowledge book is so effective
in helping US answer questions.
Demonstrate a practice session,
and suggest irnprovements after
each presentation.
Song 200 and concluding prayer.

Week Starting June 9

Song 189
10 min: Local announcements.
Accounts report.
15 min: Summertime Reminders. Talk and audience discussion. Most of US plan extra activities during surnmer months,
and these may include vacationing. visitinrr relatives, or eniouing recreation. HOW can wrganize things s0 that theocratic
activities are not neglected? Discuss the following: (1) Attending al1 three days of the district convention. (2) Maintaining
regular attendance at the meetings, whether at home or away.
(3) Arranging to have a regular share in the ministry, and if
away from home, sending field
service reports to the congregation. (4) Taking dong a supply of literature for informal witnessing when traveling. (5) Doing
more mening witnessing during
the longer daylight hours. (6) Enrolling as an auxiliary pioneer for
one or more months of the surnmer. (7)Elders keeping congrega-


a Since the Gilead graduation


literature offer for


New Publications Available:

wiU be held on Saturday,Septem- uAll Scripture Is Inspired of God

ber 6, 1997, no tours wiU be con- andBene$cialn

that day at the Society's A Peacefil

World-Wial zt
Knowledge Thai Leads to Everlast- ducted
facilities at Bro0kUrli, PattersOn,
Come? (forJews) (Tract No. 17)
ing Lqe. Concentrate on starting and Wallkill, New York. Any who
home Bible studies. July and August: Any of the following 32-page

brochures: Does God ReaUy Care

About US?, Enjoy Lge on Earth
Forever!, Should You Believe in
the Trinity?, The Government That
Wil1 Bring Paradise, Whal Is the
Purpose of Lqe-How Can You
Find It?, and When Someone You
Love Dies. September: The Secret
of Family Happiness.
Service Meetings


received in the local territory, and

review some of the outstanding
points about each. Suggest ways
that these could be incorporated
int0 a presentation. Remind ail
to mentian the donation arrangement, to keep a record of placement~,and to return and cultivate the interest.
Song 109 and concluding prayer.

have planned to visit on that Saturday should reschedule their visit to another convenient time.
m The presiding overseer or
someone designated by him
should audit the congregation's
accounts on June 1 or as soon
as possible thereafter. Make announcement to congregation
when this has been done.
C o n a ~ ~ a BOOK
t ~ mSTUDY
Scheduie for congregation studies in the book
The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived.

June 2:
June 9:
June 16:
June 23:

Chapters 108-105
Chapters lOtblO7
Chapters 105110
Chapter 111 to subheading

"The Wise and the Foolish Virgins'

June 30:

Chaptar l11 from subheading

7he Wise and the Foolish Virgins"

to end of chapter

W1RcnsERviur RnAu Au
Hrs. Mags. R.v

Number of:
Sp'l Pios.


181 125.9 01.9 55.9 4.4

70,472 88.8 50.5 27.1 2.0

Aux.Pios. 116,885 57.5 80.0 18.9 0.9


760,806 10.2




Baptized: 2,112

8.6 0.8

Wanted-100,000 Auxiliary Pioneers" was the cal1

in the February insert of Our Ingdom Ministry.
There were 116,335 auxiliary pioneers in March,
which was the most ever for that month! In fact, the
total of 186,988 who auxiliary, regular, and special
pioneered egceeded by more than 4,000 the all-time
peak of poneers that was set in April 1989. This
increased activity in March also prompted new
peaks of 20,401,454 hours and 6,257,046 return
visitsl We pray Jehovah's blessing on our effortc to
continueanmieringthecall to proclaimhis Kingdom
with great intensity.


Knowledge From God Answers Many Questlons

l Before you came to an accurate knowledge of
the truth, likely you had many questions about
life that you were unable to answer. How happy
you were to receive Bible-based answers to those
questions! Now you are able to help others find
those Same answers. (Compare 2 Timothy 2:2.)
You can share with them the knowledge of God
that leads to everlasting life. (John 17:3) But how

can you help someone appreciate the value of

this knowledge?Well, thinkof the questions that
the truth answered for you. What is it that truthseekers desire to know? Thinking along these
lines can help you to offer the book Knowledge
That Leads to Everlasting Lqe. The followingsuggestions may help you when preparing for witnessing during June.

Since many people won- in this book is entitled 'You Can ever thought about the possibilider why there is so much suf- Have a Happy Future!' I'd like ty of the dead living again right
fering in the world, this to explain how that can be true here on earth? [Allow for reapproachrnight get a good re- for you and your loved ones." sponse.] According to the Bible,
Turn t0 chapter 1, and demon- resurrected ones wil1 be arnong
m "When disaster strikes or Strate OUr StudJ' method. COV- the meek who inherit the earth.
when acts of crime and vio- er as n~uchof the cha~teras is @ead Psalm 37:11, 29, then disa t e the c h ~ u m - cuss paragraph 20 on page 88 in
lence are on the increase, peo- a ~ ~ r o ~ r iunder
ple often ask why such terri- ~ h n c e s .
the Knowledge book.] That hope
You might choose to use has given comfort to millions of
ble things happen. What would
be your answer?" Allow for and the introduction that UP- people who lived in fear of death.
acknowledge the person's re- pears on page 14 in the "Rea- This book will help you undersponse.Then turn to chapter 8 in soning" book, under the head- stand the matter better. May I
the Knowledge book, and cal at- ing "OldAge/Death":
demonstrate how?"
tention t0 what is statecl in Para- m UHaveyou ever asked, 'Is death
6 zf you prefer a simplified
s a p h 2. Explain that this hook the end of it all?Or is there som* presentation, you rnight try
Presents the Bible's explanation thing else after death? [Allow this ene:
t0 w y b d things happen, and Por response.] The Bible clears
would like t. show you an ilsay: "If you prornise to read it, I up any question we might have
in this book Knowlwould be pleased t0 leaVe this about death. [Read Ecclesiastes
Leads t.
copy with you." If the book is ac- 9:5,10.] It also shows that there is
cepted, explain the donation ar- a real hope for those who have Lqe. Isn't this a beautiful picrangement.
faith. [Turn t.
13 on ture?' Open the book so that the
pages 4-5.
3 When calling back where page 84 in the Knowledge book;
gou placed the 'cKnowled~e"read and explain Jesus' words
found at John 11:25.]This entire
book, you could say:
by saying: "You may have
interested in the con- chapter is devoted to answering this hook
t0 read for yourself.
clusion you reached &out why the question, What happens t0 There is n0
charge for it, hut
there is s. much sufferingin the
m a donations for
world. DO you agree with the
werk." Find out
houseBible's answer as outlined in
goed time t0 reholder
the book?n aow
for response.
turn to follow up any interest
Read paragraph 17 on page 77 in a donation.
When rnaking the return that is
the Knowledge hook, and offer
We have the knowledge from
to read Romans 9:14 from the visit, you could renew acGod that answers life's imporhouseholder's Bible. Then say: quaintance and then say:
"The good news is that God does i"Previously we talked about tant questions. Prepare diligentnot unjustly cause US pain and what happens when a person U: and Jehovah wil1 bless your
suffering. He has promised to dies. Many people believe that efforts t0 share this life-giving
give US everlasting life in peace any life after death will be in ei- information with those who are
and happiness. The rst chapter ther heaven or hell. But have you seekingthe truth.


1997 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Societ of Pennsylvania. All rights reSeNed. Our Kingdom Minist ISSN 1067 7259) is published rnonthiy by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
of New r k , Inc., and International Bible Judents Assocjation, 25 Glumbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY %,h1-~83. ~eriodicalsPostage Paid at Brooklyn, NI: and at additional mailing
OfficeS. POSTMASTER: Send address changes t0 Our Kngdom Minstrfi c/o Watchtower, 25 Columb~aHeights, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483.
Printed in U.S.A.

For United States of Arnerica

July 1997

(2 Tim. 42) Somethingthat is ur-

FaithfulnessIs Rewarded
At Hebrews 11:6 we are told
that God "becomesthe rewrirder
of those earnestly seeking him."
One way in which he rewards
his dmted s e m t s who have
been 'fatthful in a few things' is
by 'appointing them over many
things.' (Matt. 25:23) in other
words, Jehareih oiten r m d s
good work by giving his faithfu
witnesses additional privileges
of service.
The apostle Paulls faithfuness was rewardecl by his being wigned to a ministry that
bok him int0 the clties and villages of Europe and &ia Minor. (lTim. l:12) Although much
effort was involve in fUly ac=phis ministry, m
highly esteemecl the privilege he
had received (Rom. 11:13; Col. 1:

Vol. 40, No. 7

gent calls for immediate attention. Do we go about our minis25) He showed his heartfelt a p try in an urgent fashion, giving
preciation by
lookng it priority in our lives? Fbr exfor opportunities to preach. By arnple, we would not want to
his zealom activity, he clearly alow our recreational activities
showed U t he was living his and other pemnal pursuits on
faith. His example moves us to the weekend to interfere with
tremre our priviieges of service. the time we ought to devote to
s Johevah Ha* QivonUrn a Mln- the field ministry. Since we are
18How do we show the sirune convinced that the end of this
view of this privilege mmrd system
is fast approaching, we
that Paul showed? We look for
convinced that preachwaystoincreaseour~inthe
the good news of the Kingministry. We take
of ing
m r y 0PpoI'tUnitS to witnes3 in- dom is the most important work
formally as wel as from door to we can do.
0ur faithfulness to God is
door. We follow up on ail not-athomes andmakereturn visits on marked by our being tme and
dl who are intemtecl. And we loyal to hirn and constant in the
kwp the appointments we make work he has assigned US. Let
to conduct home Bible studies. US fuy accomplish our ministry,
Regarding our ministrg, Paul so that Jehovah will reward our
amonished: "Be at it urgently." lithfuness in a large way.


that someone
Many publishers have found
'joy in doing informal witnessl Recognizing the role W s lengng, since it requires some ing. me
went the
mirit ~lriyedin bis
the initht* on O W
go wher- shoppingcenter on an aftemoon
apostle Paul state: "God kept ever the people are so that we d, approached people who had
making it grow." He als0 ac- ctin make contact with them.
mished theh shopping hut who
knowledged: "We are God's felCraetiePI L x a i r i ~ oW
~ e: can did not appear to be in a hurl m workers." (1Cor. 3:s-9) This witness to people at markets, w.She placed all the literatm
is a marvelous privilege. HOW p k s , rest stops, and trans- she had in her bag. One man
can we demonstrate publicly portation temimis. When you who was -tuig in his car was
that we appreciak being fellow ride public tpnsportation, are happy to receive the m a m e s
werkers with God? BY declar- yoU prt?pIired to
a witnest4 ftom her. He had attended meeting the goed news to
w h ~ mrilong the way? Two Witness- ings before, and their conversawe meet in the house-to-house es who were riding in a crowd- tion rekindled his interest.
work and everywhere else.
ed bus th& nieeting for %r- 6 1t is a privilege t0 exalt Jea We are cornmanded to "make vice carried on a conve~58tion hwahPsname. By demonstrating
disciples of people." (Matt. 28:19) about the pi~tureof Paradise our zeal for the preaching work,
If we contact ony a few people in the KMwkdge book, disCuss- we show that we have not missed
when we share in the ministry, ing Ood's pr0miSeS for the iu- the purpose of W s undesemed
we may tire quickly and fee1 we ture. AS thw had hoped would kindness toward US. Because
have accomplished little. On the happen, a young man stand- "now is the especidly acceptable
other hand, we enjoy our minis- ing close by fistened in and was time" to help others, let US go
try most when we a
ie able to Md impressed by What he heard. wherever there are people and
many ~eoplea>id converse with Before leffvinrt the bus he ac- witness to them about Jehovah's
his cm
rather chal- ceptd a bo
estfl "dayof sa1vation."-2 Cor. 6:1,2.

Witness Wherever There Are People

strate several ways to approach a

salesman, a workmate, a schoolmate,
another traveler, or a vacaCy. @973/8 26-7; w88 8/112-13) Interview
Wh0 show
72 and concluing
concern about the
of hng
their chilren. show how father Week Starting July 28
takes the lead but that both par- song 15
ents do
Part in p r o d w g a 12 min: Local announcements.
consistent, thorough Program for Remind a to turn in eld service
teaching their children. CouPle reports. Review literature offer for
relate what they have been doing August. Concentrate on following
in an enort teach their children up brochures placed in July with
the tmth, app1~i.Wsuggestions return visits in August, trying
the o m t i o n bas ~rovidedon to start Bible studies. Using the
having a tZood, practieal Program March 1997Our Kingdom Ministry
for teaching at home. a d e r em- a r t , point out some f-, the esphasws impor-ce
Of WPsentias for an effective return viswhat God's Word -0~ a r e n bit.Studies shouldbe startedin the
t0 dO.-W85 4/123; a h . 694.
R.equire brochure or the HmwlSong71and concludingprayer.
e m e hook.
Week Starting July 21
1S min: Locai needs.
18 min: Fully Accomplish Your
Song l4
Talk by service over12 min: Local announcements.
on Our Ministry book,
Review "New Circuit Assembly
UrgencY of the preachi a min:
%o WW
for US?" A tante
ing work stirnulating
positive tak.Include the encour- their
asaU to ttake
agernent to reguiar pioneer and
the experience found in the Rbruary 1997 Our Kingdom Ministry
insert, paragraphs 16-17. Those
who cannot be regular pioneers C ~ ~ Q R L G A I I OBOOK
may wish to plan which month(s) Scheduie tor congregafion studies in the
to auxiliary pioneer during the book The Greatesf Man Who Ever Lived.
corning serviceyear.
20 min: Be Prepared to Do InJu)!l 7: Chapters 112-118
forma1 Witnessing. Every day,we July 14: C h r p t e n 114-116
encounter opportunities to wit116 to subheading
ness to people we meet. When an July 21: Chapter
'Further DepartingAdmonition'
opening occurs, we may fnd we
l 1 6 fmm subWmg
have no Bible or publications to July 28: Chapter
'Further Ueparting Admonition' to
use. Plan ahead. At home, keep
end of chapter
some lite+ture accessible near
the door where you greet visitors.
Put a variety of literature items
in a case or purse, and keep it
with you or in your car, at your
Hn Mags. R X BfSt
workplace, or in your locker at Number of:
181 *%*.S 98.4 51.5 4.1
school. Carry somethingwith you Sp't Pios.
when you ride public transporta- Pios.
6S,091 81.0 50.1 26.0 2.0
tion. Pack some literature when
you take a business trip, travei to AUX.FOS7 8 , 37.1
a7.2 14.1 0.9
a convention, or go on vacation.
9.7 7.2 8.5 0.8
Mscuss additional suggestionsin pubs 776,the School G u ~ b o o kpages
80-2, TOTAL S24,897
Baptiied: 3,7PO
paragraphs 11-16. Briefiy demon-

Week Starting July 7


10 min: Local announcements.

Selected Announcements from
Our Kingdom Ministry. Comment
on April field service report for
the country and the locai congregation.
15 min: "Faithfulness Is Rewarded" Questions and answers.
Include example related in the
January 22, 1993, Awake!, pag-

es 18-21.
20 min: Welp Others F'ind Comfort." Audience iscussion. Have
one or two presentations demonstrated. Invite audience to relate
other ways they have started conversations, L@& the same broEncourage using s b i e ,
o s e n i d s to stimulate
eresa (see Sct~olGuidebook,
page 7, pamgraphs 9-11.) Mention
the o t h m t h a t
offered and that the congregation
stock. When placing brochures, do not hesitate to- make
positive mention of the donation

Week Starting July 14

Song 5
12 min: Local announcements.
Accounts report. Review "We
Wiii Study the Family Happiness
18 min: "Witness
There Are People." A talk. As
time permits, additional experiences may be shared &om the
1997 Yearbook,pages 43-6.
l 5 min: Parents-Teach Your
Children From Infancy. a d e r discusses Scriptural principles outlining need for parents to teach
their children from infancy. (Prov.
22:6; 2 Tim. 3:14,15) Some parents
fee1 that serious Bible education
for children should not be provided untii they are old enough
to make their o m deeisions. In
such cases many children have
been lost to the world. Spiritual
instruction shouldbegin in infan-



Individual copies of The Watchtower and Awake! Where interest is found on return visits,
Literature ofPerfor
August: Any of the Pollowing subscriptions may be offered.
With flve f1111 weekends, the
32-page brochures: Does GO^
Really Care ~
b US?,
~ month
of August may be a


Life on Earth Forever!, Should

You Believe in the Trinity?, The
Government That Will Bring
Paradise, What Is the Purpose
of Life-How Can You Find Zt?,
and When Someone You Love
Dies. September: The Secret
of Family Happiness. October:

"Who Will Go for US?"

When this question was
raised by Jehovah, isaiah immediately respondect "Here I
am!Send me." (Isa. 6:8) Because the harvest is great
today, the Same cal1 is being sounded now. More fultime workers-regular pioneers-are urgeatly needed!
(Matt. 9:33) Are you wllllngt0
volunteer?If sol September 1,
the beginning of the 1998service year,muld be a fine time
to enrollas a pioneer. Why not
ask the elders for an application?

We Will Study the Famiy Happiness Book

You will be glad to lmow
that starting the week of O o
tober 6, 1997, we will consider
the book The S m e t of Family Happiness at the Congregation Book Study. No one wuJ.
want to miss out on the POUP
study of this practical Scrip
tural guide for a happy famibr
life. The studg schedulewill allow for a thorough examination of every paragraph and Bible text in the book.
m e en&
chapter will
be considered the frst week of
the study, since it contains few
unguoted scriptures. For the
Same reason, chapter 15 will
be considered in one session.
However, aU other chapters
will be ivided into tm p&,
with about half of a chapter
being considered each week.

New Circuit Assembly Program

"Keeping Jehovah's Day
Close in Mind" is the theme
of the twoilay circuit assembly program beginning in September. (2 Pet. 3:12) It is designed to arouse our sense of
urgency. Earth's inhabitants
wil1 soon experience Jehovah's
judgrnents. Who wil1 survive
"the great day of God the Alrnighty"? Only those who remain spiritually awake and
who establish a life pattern of
"holy acts of conduct and deeds
of god,@devotion."-Rev. 16:14;
2 Pet. 3:ll.

convenient time for many t c

auxiliary pioneer.
Starting in September, circuit overseers will give the
public talk entitled "Trust in
Jehovah's Saving Power."

Baptism is essential f0r a person t0 survive Jehovah's day.

(1 Pet. 3~21)Publishers wh0 desire to be paptized at the assembly should kil the presiding
overseer, who will make the netessary arrangements.
A four-part symposium, "The
Sort of PersonsWe Ought to Be,"
wil1 clearly show what actions
are involved in keeping close in
mind the presence of Jehovah's
day. The public talk, "Act Wisely
as Jehovah's Day Nears," will explain what it means to 'seek Jehovah, righteousness,and meek-

Thus, there wiU be sucient

time to read and &CUSS al1
cited scriptures as wel1 as to
examine carefully the application of al1 quoted scfipturesin
each paragraph.
An important feature of the
study will be a discussion
of the material in the teaching box at the conclusion of
each chapter. Therefore, arnple time should be allotted
to consider the questions and
the cited scripturesin the box.
Congregation Book Study
conductors are urged t c
give special attention to their
preparation for the study and
to encourage ali assigned to
their group, including new
ones, to prepare well, attend
regularly, and participate.
-om 74-6.
ness,' so as to be a survivor.
-Zeph. 2:3.
The circuit assembly will
conclude ~ i t two
h motivating
talks by the travemg overseers,
,,titled: "Does your Life Center Around the Truth?" and
"Planning Ahead With Jehovaws Day in m a . " These discourses wil1 move US t0 examine our life and make
any needed adjustments. Bible prophecy and world events
clearly indicate that Jehovah's
day is near. This assembly programwill encourageUS to 'keep
our senses and be watchful.'
(1 Pet. 5:8) Make denite plans
to attend both days.

Help Others FOndComfort

l Many people are
hearing about disasters, wars. crime, miisuffering. Comfort. though
conspicuouslyabsent from todayPsnewsrepo&
is somethingthat mankind really needs. TO
s"to give strength andhope tonand "t0
ease the grief or trouble of" another. As Jehw

tragtc news story can

c r e a v m o
a wtness ana ivrtn~comfort
to others, perhaps by your
sagtng something ldke thh:
i"When such things happen,

vah's Witnesses, ye are e-ed"o

help people
in this w.(2 Cor. 1:3, 4) Our Bible-based broanadt
c h s s that we wil1be offeri
contain comfortlng m
e15:4) Here are some suggeaions for presentwmunder various circumstances:

Thts postttve approach

* Telephone tdtnessbng can
be done d n g the Wchure mtght comfort those who
" ~ h a18t the Purpose o f Ltfe me experteneed the death
Can YOU ~ i n ~t t ~
" o uofa loved
could tntroduce yourself and i "I am doing a publc service

qa maker'I have a

continue: Bible open to Isaiah 4518. This

26, including ~ o h n5:21, B,
I Iniow v e m o w s that the earJh
was 29.1mticethis i
It is created with US in mind.1depictingt-eht
exof Jesus actually raising md ques Onsen plah
rgto the purpose
you?" Afterwcmi,
of the br02 rus hom the depd If you wouikJ
the cover'1It contains convincm chure, and ask how you might like to read this comn>n broe n o t only that God does ex- deli3er a copg:
be glad to%e it
ist but that he wil soon b
h t& fo-p
ca^, m
end t, a
'When you r e m , you
m c e toaas. would you 1~
could agatn show the pdcstart a studg:
read it?"Arrange to return.
tumorspage2?9ofthebroOn the return. loisbt,' y0U i"I wo"ld like build on our chure CdWhen &meone YOU
might say:
last conversation by illustrating
i"We were talking &out the W~O-it
is that Cal ten US the pur- i"Recal1 OU^ d i s c ~ i o nabout
proof of God's existente-when Mse Of Ilfe.
para- C ~ t ~ s ~ ~ t i o n o f L a z a
I left the brochure Does Gocl.!PWhs
On page in
@ead the =ti n on r>age 24
&aUy Cme Ahout US?P e r m ~
~ e h m
der the aubhm&ng"":~
you noticed this point on mm lation til --tbat
[Show the picture and summa-'
Creator- Bead-1 He VHappen?"]
heart yerize paragraph 15.1 This is just sureb must have had a reasog t ' o i i e that you could see
Wh0 have a deceased loved one again,&
one example showingthat a car- for creafing US.
ing liod must really exist. mead wantecito find
it is have me help you to make the resurpvgraph 27 on page 9.1
~ o r ~ i , - t hrection
hope your own."Oner at
sonai sof the Bible?ias -1e.
I would likt? to ozrer 'you home.Bible stuy.
e's tha; oPPorta@.."
bv' hhy we do our best in the
e to cop
it OW freeh o p ~n)!e%kdycom months ahead to Imttate Jesus
gives God's view of mattgs." is conductec%~md'miike
arrange- by 'comforthg all the mourning
Oser to demonstrate a study.
ments to start the stuy.
ones.'-Isa. 61:2.






O 1997 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Societ of Pennsylvania All ri hts recerved Our Kingdom Minist ISSN 1067-7259 is publlshed monthly by Watchtewer Bible and Tra13 Soclsty
of New brk Inc and international Bibie Audents Association 24 Columbia ieights Braak'
%i01-2483. ~eriodkalsPo e Paid at BrooMyn, NI: and at Miiienai mallinp
offices. P O G T M ~ E R Send
address changes to Our ~ingdomMinistry, c/o Watchiaver, 2
s, Bmokiyn. ~~%!01-2483.
Pnnted in U S A

August 1997

l Two essential features of our

worship are attending congregation meetings and sharing in
field service. The two go hand in
hand. One influences t* other. Christian meetings incite to
ne works, the finest of which
is the Kingdom-preaching and
isciple-making work. (Heb. 10:
24) If we were to quit attending
meetings, we might soon cease
to preach because we would not
be incited to do so.
a A t weely meetings, we receive spiritual instruction designed to motivate us to preach.
The urgency of the times is kept
before us, impelling us to take
the Bible's life-givhgmessage to
others. We are encouraged and
strengthened to endure in the
preaching work.(Matt. 24:13,14)

l As people grow older, many

of them focus on retiring from
their regular secular work and
enjoying a carefree life during
their remaining gears. They may
fee1 that thw have worked hard
enough and now deseme a rest.
Or they may just want to enjoy
We, whatever is left of it.-Luke
a As Jehovah's dedicated servants, we have a different focus on We. We know there is no
retirement from God's service.
Our outlook is positive because
we keep "everastinglife in view."
(Jude 21) Years of accumulated knowledge and experience
may improve a person's discernment and insight. This could enable one to become wiser and
more balanced and to manifest

For United States of America

BYtaking advantage of opportunities t0 comment at the meetin@, we become more accust ~ m e dt0 express- our faith
before others. (Heb. 10:23)By enrolling in the ''i%eocratic Ministry school, we receive training
be more efPective ministers and
im~roveour teaching skills-2 Tim. 4:2.
S How Service Meetings Inclte US to Preach: AU of us are

encouraged to look over the material in OUT Kingdom Ministry

ahead of time. This information
is then impressed on our rninds
as we attend the Service Meeting
and see presentations demonstrated from the platform. When
in field service, we can think
back on OUT Kingdom Ministry, recal the presentations that

Vol. 40, No. 8

were demonstrated, and thereb~ ejve a more e'ective witness.
T&has been the experience of
many publishers.
4 AS a follow-up t0 Service
Meetings, some make appointments with others to share together in the -try.
~ublishers have field points fresh in
mind and are stimulated to try
them out because these meetings have encouraged them to
have a share in the preaching
work each week.
5 There is no substitute for our
Christian meetings, where we
gather with fellow worshipers
and are incited to fne works.
If our ministry is to flourish,
we must regulariy attend the
congregation meetings. May we
show appreciation for this wonderfulprovision from Jehavah by
"not forsaking the gathering of
ourselves together."-Heb. 10:25.

bountifu joy." (Ps. 18:25)One elderly brother recaled how the

death of his wife came as a sea deePer appreciationfor life. All vere shock to him, after which
these attributes serve ene wel1 his health deteriorated badly. He
as a minister of the goed news. saia =y&, by Jehovahps undeGrowing 0ld is n0t just a served kindnes, 1 revived sufmatter of ~hursicalaging; it als0 Eciently to be able to enter the
invol~esOne'S mental attitude. If pioneer service twogem
Wu expect
live a long time er. How grateful I am to JehoWu strlve stay
in vah that rny heath has actualy
WW outlook, YOm ChanCeS of improved with this increase in
dohg both may increase. Older preaching activity!n
people can enrich their lives by
HOWComlnendable it is that
increasing their spiritual bowledge and sharing it with others. S0 many Older Ones are determined to continue preaching
-1 Cor. 923.
Real-Llfe Examples: At the
their heath
age of 86, ene sister
" m e n and stren@h ~ e ~ ~ ~ t
1 meditate on the 60 gears that l&uP! TheY have
exchb: "O Ci;iod, Wu have
have gone by since I learned the
truth, &d's reassuring prom- taught me from w ~ u t on,
ise wells up in rny heart. Yes, and until now I keep telling
Jehovah who will act in loyalty about your wonderflil works."
with loya ones is lettintz us reap -Ps. 71:17.

MR.IIMOS M>WeekStarting August 4
Song l6
7 min: ~ o c a -ouncementss
Selected Announcements from
OurKZng&mMin&Lg. m e n t
on m fieldseMce repo* for the
country and the local congregation.
19 min: u ~ ~ ~ t i~ncite
n g s t. m e
works." Questiom and answers.
Show benefits of upbuilding conversation before and after meetings.-See School Guidebook,
page 82, paragraphs 17-18.
"Rely on Jehovah t0
Make Things
alk and
demonstratiom. ~
~ the
need to IMke return visits where
brochures are placed. Have two
well-prepared demonstrations
showing how t0 start studies.
Include suggestions from the
March 1997 OW Kiwdom Ministry h e r t , paragraphs 7-11.
Song78 and concluding P-r.

Week Starting August 11

s mln: ~~d
lS min: "Older Ones Preach
without L ~ ~ U P~uestiom
answers. Include experience
about elderly grandrnother who
aiueiiary pioneered, from July 1,
1988, Watchtower, page 13.
2s min: 'Kingdom Hall Con~ t n i ~ t i ohn the UIlited States"
and ,'International ~
Hall Constni~tion."Questions
and answers.

Song 14


min: Local CUIlouncements.
Review "New Special Assembly
l 0 min: Locai needs.
min: Make RetmV'ih,
ing the Brochure When Someone You Love Dies.Show how to

Get the Best out

of School

mise a question and refer to the

brochure for the answer. For ex- '
ample, the brochure 8 1 1 5 ~the
~ ~ s lThis is the time of Year
fouowing quesuom: Is there anY when many youths ask: "Do I
alhope for the dead? (Pages 5-6) Is have go back b
there m
it "0% to grime? (Pages 8-9) he
some chalengesand anxiene CoPe with grief?
(Page 18) How can others help?
ing b school, there &e @&o
(Pages 20-3) HOWCCU~children
be helped to understand death? many beneflts to be gabed
bY y
w people Wh0
a. H
Bible give? (Page 27)
brief- best out
capab1e pub
A grtod baait e&cat&n
lkhers how thw have l.Ised this
contribute t. ene's
brochure On r&Urn~i~its
t0 anitual
progress. What a perswwquestiom C O I ~ ~ O @asked sondoesduruighisyouthhas
h Demonstrate
a great bearing on wllat he
tousethe brOchurewhenmm accompmh a.m -t.
Even in the matter of sch.001s0ng94mdc0nc1uingp~r.
Week Starting August 25
ing, this he wil1 &o reap."
(Gal. 6 3 ) Youths who dili10 min;
gent@ s t ~ d their
y school lesRemind al to turn in field service reporb. Announce service W i l l ~ e t h e m m ~ ~ u ~ e f u l $
arrangements Por September 1.
3 ~ f u l f O ~ O W h ~
15 min: "Get the Best out of
if ene is mSchool." Father disCusses article qcmdren, i n c l u w helpful -t choiC@sof school ~ U T S es. Farents sould elp their
POint4 &Orn December
cwdrenselect the ones that
most practieai trainELhwitha puipose, ho gmIritheorder
to reach s@One Or
in HeCkVdria1 se-h
Minh- itUd
s wll
hy book, pages 84.2. Focus on
of bmmpelu
wb'we ableto support the-hS
a POSitive7pr*
~toward 0urmind
education should help t h m
pr& J e h m
ly with the organization.
Song 100and concluding prager.
young People, try t0 get
the best out of your school
~n d o m so, focus on
Schedule for congregation studies in the
Ilfe fn sacred &rIlvinga
book The Greatesf Man Who Ever LIM.
vice, rather than onpursuing
a worlly career. Endeamr to
August 4: Chapton 117-118
use your We doing Jehova's
August 11: Chapters it#-$PO
will. Thereby, OU wiU m
your way successful, to JehaAugust 18: Chapter. 121.122
vah's prafse.-%. 13.
August 25: ChapteF8 129424



1997 Watch Tower Bible and,Tract Soci of Pennsybnia . All ri hts reserved Our Kingdom Minist ISSN 1067-7259)is published monthly by Watchtmver Bible and Tract Society
of fiw b%Inc. and International Bible%tdents Assocration 2Q Columbia hights, Bmok
NY %i01-?483. Rriodicals Pos e Pad at Bmoklyn. NY and at additional mailing
offices. POCTM~TER:Send address changes to Our Kingd& Minist~):c/o Watchtower, 2!&olumbia
Heights. Bmoklyn, NY 301-2483.
Printed in USA

Kingdom Hall Construction

in the UnitedStates
enced by Jehovah's earthiy organization. Laat-gear
in the United States alone,
were formed, while a total of 3,288 congregations
were adde worldwide. With all tais gnowth,it is
not surprising that tihem is a need for more KingdomHalls.
t 3 , t ~3r .

a Many brothers and sisters show outstaning

zeal and support for Jehovah's organization by volunteering their time and assets in Kingdom Hall
construction. The 75 Regional Building
tees operating in the contiguousUnited
s t h e needs of about 140
ns each in

their labors are appreciated The entire arrangement for Kingdom Haii construction is accomand

Kingdom Hall Volunteer Work-;k

(S-82). The congregatlor&,
worker's quacationsand availabiity. When there d
or an elder, new forms should be fied out prompi+
$ and submitted through the congregation secre
tary. ff a vc&u&er n o ~ n n g ~ r e s s elders
should immediately inform the regional committee by letter. When more forms are needed, they
may be requested on the mon
Literature Rewest form. The circuit overseer ,t00 is intmestai
in those who have vohinteered for this fleld of sacred service. Therefore, he reviews the file conkainhg the copies of the Kingdom Haii volunteer
worker questionnaires each time he visits the congregation.

Aided Design/
economize both the
Kooplng Construution C<#b to iMinimum: 1
d the resourc~volunteerworkers. It has
isted in the wse administration of the So- Regional Building Committees have been hcted
ciety Kingdom Haii Fund Elders now make their o t o organizeapuphasim &?arkment under the suselection &om these basic designs. After receiving pervision of a capable elder. Brothers werking in
tooi, one Regional Building Cornmittee this department pursue purchasing leads ciiigentwere very pleased and indeed g a t e ex- $ in order to search out favorable n a e s through
and competitive bidding. In
the design package.. ..Brothers ex--oc
perienced in architecture and engineering have es- tis way, a determination can be made as to which
suppliers should be used and which materials
hmateda savingin time of 50 to 60 percent by
Sometimes,during the worg
on a Kingdom Hall project, qualed bm&rs in
dom Halls, we anticipatethat the load of the rnany
dedicated architects, engineers,
wlll be mn-

To ensure that funds wil1 be used as economi-c

caly as possible,the Replona B u i l u m m i t t c g
must app-

nditures &om the building4

The Society

by countemigning checks or by inithlbg vouchers. Whenmr a Kingdom Hali projeCt, whether new construction or renovation, in-

help with
Kingdom Hall construction. It is tnily gratifyingto vohres using volunteer help m m congregations
see tens of thousands of volunteers offer them- other than the one(s) that wil1 meet in the hall, the
selvek in aspectr, of Kingdom ~aiTc0nstructon.

e who con-b
to do m e of the work?
on a Kingdom Hall should be required to provide
proof of workmen's compemation insurance and
liability insurance coverage with necessary minimums met, naming the congregation as an additional insured, as wel1 as lien waivers.
g Aulstlng

With the W e d In Other Branehos:

There are occasions when o

sistance fmm regional
States. Such help is often necessary t0 repair the
damage after s w e disaster or to provide training
for a local Regional Building Committee.It is a real
expression of love when responsible brothers fmm
this country are wiling to travel at their own expense to assistin another coun When a request
k i e t y selects
have a slack period
a regional
inE Ktngaom HUconstruction schedule within
its own region to serve in this way. This makes for
an orderly arrangement.
10 Because of the ever-increasing need for Kingdom Halls in other lands, there is a need to
use existing fun as wisely as possible. in the
<me l5,1995,let@% al congregations in theunited States, we were encouraged to economize as
much as possible in the construction of new Kingdom Halls and in the remodelhg of exMing ones.
This request has been met with fine cooperation.
Thus, as announced in the March 1997issue of OUT
Kingdom Min-,
a portion of the Society King-

to congregations inlands where avery urgent need
erdsts for more Kingdom Halls but where there are
limited resources and severe economic problems.
l1 The need for more Kingdom Halls in certain
lands is emphasized in the 1997 Yearbook. For example,mention is made of
dom Halls have been
tion of another 56 is under way. The need
countries is very evident. The report s t a t e s e s
The inmore Kingdom Halls are needed in
creasein thenumber of Witnesses there is very r a p
id, but about 85 erc cent o
funder the Russia branchddo not v e n t
,where there are some
necessary for many
of these to meet out in the open. This has caused
some newly interested oResba hold back &om attending." Similar situations exbt in other countries in EUte11-1Europe, Africa, and Latin America.
* Although the love of the greater number of
mankind has cooled off in these last days, God's
people continue to show evidence of their love for
one another, a love that reaches b ond racial and
?' irnitation of
territoria1boundaries. (Matt. 24:12)-in
om heavenly F'ather, m s u e t o show such
love through our wiiling support of Kingdom Hall
construction,both in theunited States and abroad.

lnternatlonalKlngdom mal1C-nstructli- 3
1 There is an ongoing need for Kingdom Hall
;*construction worldwide. During just the last service gear, 3 , a new coqyegations were forme.
Mariy of these congregations are in M c a , Asia,
n t d and muth America, and Eastern mope.


m@0m m
a ratio of
fOr 'I c o n ~ g a t i o
ctjuntries, with a total of over 1,000 congregationsahave nOt
Kingdom H a ''hb is
of emnomic
probem. m m u c h
bas been
continues to be a need. We fee1 sure that the conwegations in the United States would lik t0 assist
many of these congregations in other wuntries to
have suitable Kingdom Haik.

harmony with =rinthians

Whkh WP: .BY mears of an eqgo Smplw~ustn *t
countries have
Kingdom Hall -d, hut
their economic situation does not permit the local

countries. in view of the continuhg demand, there

is a need to draw on the -om
HallFund in thish
country to assist with construction hatber ~ o u n
tries.While t k
in t h e u d states
Mcontinue to provide loans for needed Kingdom ~ a l l
construction h this country, to the degree thatb
these needs are being met and as funds are available, they M als0 be wed t0 wist tong-egations outside the United States. We rejoice to see
more Kingdom Halls built worldwide to Jehovah's
praise.-Ps. 102:16; Hag. l:?, 8.


Qosed-book review on materiai covered in Theocratie Nlinistry School assignments for the
weeks of May 5 to August 18, W .Use a separate sheet of paper to write down answers to
as many of the questions as you can in the time allotte.
wote D u r i i the witten review, only the Bible may be use to answer any question.'
Referentes that follow the questions are for your personal research. Page and paragraph
numbers may not appear on all referentes to Te Watchtower.]

Answer each of the following statements True or mise:

1. Hezekiah followed in the footsteps of
his father, Ahaz, by promoting the
worship of false gods in Judah. [it-l
p. U031
2. Features of the last days are found
only in Matthew 24, Mark 13, and
Luke 21. [k1 p. 102 box]
3. John the Baptizer's question found at
Luke 719 reveals that he lacked faith.
[Weekly Bible reading; see w87 1/1
p. 16.1
c 4. At Jesus' last Passover with his disciples, it was only Peter who said to
him: "I wil1 by po means disown you."
[Weekly Bible reading]
5. There is no Biblical evidence indicating that the apostle Peter was a
married man. [Weekly Bible reading]
r 6. The Kingdom that Jesus preached
about is subsidiary, or secondary, to
God's universa1 sovereimty.
- - [k1
- p.
- 91
par. 41
7. Herod Antipas was the rules who ordered the beheading of John the
Baptizer. [it-l p. 10951
8. When Jesus told the Pharisee that
the Kingdom of God was in heir
midst, he was referring to himself as
the future King. (Luke 1721) [k1 p. 91
par. 61
G 9. There is no reasonable explanation as
to why the book of Luke contains avocabulary that is larger than the three
ether Gospels combined. [si p. 187
par. 21
;10. No members of the Governing Body
were able to visit Eastern European

lands while our work was under ban in

thatpart of the world. u v p. 506 par. l ]




~ n . t h following
'Li.What fllm released by the Society
in 1954 gave audiences worldwide a
glimpse of the magnitude of Jehovah's
organizati n? u v p. 480 par
12. &&at +a*aome
meeting the challenge of flnding people to speak with i the mini t r ? 'v
p. 516 pars. 1-31 ?
13. Why did Jehovah instruct Elijah to
"anoint Hazael as king over Syria"?
(lKi. 1915)[it-l p. 10461
14. What did Jesus mean when he said:
"Have salt in yourselves, and keep
peace between one another"? (Mark
9:50) [Weekly
. 5/15 p. 24 par. 12.1
15. What valuable lesson may we learn
from Jesus' reaction to the poor widOW'scontribution? (Mark 12:42-44)
[Weekly Bible reading; se1
p. 29 par. 7-p. 30 par. l.]
16. How are some of Peter's aracteri tics seen in Mark's style of writing,
and what may account for this? [si ,


and Luke U:2-4, why may we conclude
that the model prayer was not meant
to be repeated word for word? [Weekly Bible reading; see w90 5/15 p. 16
vpar. 6.1 .
18. In what way is our confldenCe in the
reliability of the Bible strengthened
when we read texts such as Luke 3:
1,2? [si p. 188 par. 7] M


4 & w b & w

&p; ;

r r


f "

19. What scriptures in Psalms and in Hebrews show that Jesus did not begin to
rule immediately after ascending to
heaven? [k1 p. 96 par. 151
20. Since we know that Jesus never
lacked faith in God, why did he cry
out: "My God, my God, why have you
forsaken me?" (Mark 15:34) meekly
see w87 6/15 p. 31.1

28. The slaughtetr of boys under

of age shortly after Jesus' birth w&&'

ordered by (Herod Agrippa I; Herod Antipas; Herod the Great). [ i - l
p. 10933
29. Ishmael's poking fun at Isaac, mentioned at Genesis 21:8, 9, marks the
A 450)
beginning of a period of (400; 430years of afflietion of the Jews, which
ended with Israel's deliverance from
or phrase needed
(Assyria; Babylon; g y p t ) in (537; 740;
to complete each of the following state1513) B.C.E. [it-lp. 12161
30. As recorded in (MatthewLIO:Mat2l. The marriage of
thew 24; Luke 21),Jesus gave speciflc
Herodias was
service instructions to those he sent
la !
out to preach. [si p. 1 par. 311
P. n001

Match the following scriptzcres to the

statements listed below:
Mark 7:20-23; 13:lO; Luke 8:31; Acts
12:20-23; 17:U
31. We should be alert to identi y any
ungodly or corrupting influence that
may come into our mind and heart and
should remove it before it takes root.
Stanley Jones were
[Weekly Bible reading; see w89 n/1
in 1947, making it
p. 14 par. 16.1
&L/ I:;
one of the flrst countries of the Orient
to which Gilead-trained missionaries 32. The demons wil1 join Satan in deathlike inactivity during "the thousand
were sent. Ijv p. 489 par. 21
years." (Rev. 20:3) [Weekly Bible read25. Si ia nd Light were names of
used by missionaries for wit- nessing in the West Indies. Ijv p. 463 33. A spirit of urgency is needed in or-1:
par. l]
der for the worldwide witness work
to be accomplished in a limited time.
Slect the correct answer in each of the
weekly Bible reading; see w95 10/1
following statements:
26. To meet the need for missionkries, 34. Tens of thousands of people have en
(the Theocratie Ministry; the Kingtaught to read and wiitby Jehovah's
dom Ministry; Gilead) School was
Witnesses, giving people the opportuestablished in ( 1 9 m 1946).
~ vv
nity to study the Bible personally.
- Cjv
p. 458 par. 21
p. 466 pars. 3-41
27. (Alexander; Diotrephes; H ~ n a e u s ) .
a Arst-century apostate, evident- 35. Men should be careful about taking
credit to themselves because conceit
ly taught that the resurrection was
is very distasteful to God, as it is als0
symbolic and that there would be no
to rnany humans. [it-l p. 1097; see also
resurrection of the dead in the future.
[it-lp. li641


w Literature offer for August:

Ariy of the following 32-page brochures: Does God Redy Care
About US?, Enjoy Lge on Earth
lbrever!, Should You B e l h in
the Trinity?, The Government
That Wia Bring PCt~CtdZse,What
Is the Purpose of Lve-How Can
You Rn Zt?, and Wen Someone
You Love Dies. September: The
Secret of &miy Happiness. 0..
tober: individuai copies of The
Watchtozuer and Awake! Where
interest is found on return visits, subscriptionsmay be offered.
Starting in the latter part of
the month, Khgdom News No. 35
wili be distributed. Nov8mb.r:
Distribution of Kingdom News
No. 35 wil continue. Congregations that complete their territo-

ry by reaching householders in
each home or dweliing with a
copy of Kingdom News No. 35 may
offer the Ii%mo&dgebook.
w in every community at various
times during the year, there are
worly hoidays that excuse children from school and give time
off from secular work. These
make excellent opportunities for
the congregation to have an increased share in the field rninistry. The elders should anticipate
when these occasions wiii arise
and notify the congregation well
in advance of the arrangements
that are being made for group
witnessing during hoiday periods.
w An adequate supply of forms
for use during the 1998 service
year is being sent to each congregation. Please use these
forms with good discretion. They
should be used only for their intended purpose.
w Each congregation will receive
three Literature inventow forms
(S@)-18). The congregatibn secretary shouldmeet with the literature servant eary in August and
set a date for taking inventory of
the congregation's stock of literature at the end of the month. An
actual count must be made of al
literature in stock, and the to-

tals are to be entered on the'Lit-

erature inventory form. The to-

tal number of magazines on hand

can be obtained from the magazine servant.Please mail the original to the Society n0 Wer than
September 6. Keep a carbon copy
for your mes. The third copy may
be used as a work sheet. The
inventory should be supervised
by the secretary, and the completed form should be checkedby
the presiding overseer. The secret a and
~ the presiding overseer
wili sign the form.
rn Congregationsshouldbegin requesting the 1998C m r of Jehowch's Witneses with their S e p
tember Uterature request. The
calendars wili be avajiable in Albanian, Chinese,Croatian,Czech,
Danish, Dutch, English, French,
Gerrnan, Clreek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish,
Swedish, Turkish, and Ukrainian.
rn F'rom August 28,1997, to August 30, 1997, the Society will be
taking an inventory of all Uterature on hand in Brooklyn. Because of this inventory, n0 congregation literature requests will
be processed for shipment or for
pickup during those days.

l "I experienced for the rst time the unique

joy of helping to establish a new congregation.
This took more than two years of diligent work,
constant prayers and reliance on Jehovah who
'makes things grow."' So wrote a conscientious

pioneer who learned the need to rely on Jehovah

for growth. (1 Cor. 3:5-9) In our search for spiritually inclined people, we too have need of God's
backing if our ministry is to bear fruit.-Pr~v. 3:

a Growth Requlres Cultlva- 1 John 5:3. Then present the Retion: The seed of truth needs quire brochure, and open it to

to be cultivated if it is to grow.
Cailing again within a day or
two of the initial visit often produces good results. Be warm and
frienly. Put the other person at
ease. Do not do all the talking.
Aliow him to get to know you,
and show that you are interested
in him as a person.
3 During Jand continuing
through August, we are concentrating on offering a variety of
brochures to the people wemeet.
However, we also need to follow through on the interest that
is found and on the placements
that are made: We do this by
makingreturnvisitsand offering
Bible studies. (Matt. 28:19,20) To
this end, the Require brochure
may be used to start studies. You
may find the following four suggestions helpful.
I f wutalked with someone
who was concerned about the
way the world b headed, 2/ou
might reneu,the conversation
i"1 beuex that you are as concerned as I am &out the mor-

ai breakdown in human society. We hear Wtressing reports

of domestic violenCe,resulthg in
abuse to children, parents, and
marriage mates. And it seerns
that many people think nothing
of ying or stealingto satisfytheir
own desires. Do you think it mattem to God how people live their
lives? [Allow for response.] God
established certain standardsfor
man to live by, and thw are really not burdensome to w." Read

lesson 10. Read the first paragraph. Point out the italicized
words and phrases at the beginning of pamgmphs 2-6, and ask
the householder which practice
he or she feels is the most harmful to society. Read the related
paragraph and look up one or
two of the scriptures as opportunity allows. Conclude by reading
paragraph 7, and then make arrangements to callback for a further chcussion.
5 TO those whom you have

Bible. On each page, you wil1

iind answers to questions that

have troubled people for centuries. For example, What is God's

purpose for the earth?" Turn t0
lesson 5, and read the questions
at the start of the lesson. Ask
the householder which one interests him the most, and then read
the corresponding paragraph(s),
looking up appropriate scriptures. Explain that the satisfying
answers to the other questions
can be found just as easw as
this one. Suggest that you return
t0 chcuss mother quesmet that are family &nted,
Or you might prefer t0 t?y
2/ou could 8ay something l i k


you think it is reasonable

to expect that the Creator would
give us the tools we need to build
a successful family life?" Allow for response. Introduce the
Require brochure, turn t0 lesson 8, and explain that it contains principles &om the Bible
for every member of the f a . .
Oier to demolistrate h m to use
the brochure with the Bible to
get the greatest benefit &om it.
F ~ U Othe
W ~ S ~ N C ~ ~ that
found on page 2 of the brochure.
Make arlrangements t0 call back
t0 continue the S~U* of the lesson,orifWucomPleteit,tostu*
another ksson that the lmuseholderchoosesinthebrochures Here b a direct approach
you might use to offerour Bib& study m g m m . Show the
and say:
i"Thisbrochure containsawellrounded-out stuciy course covering the basic teachings of the

a simplified approach for

starting a BZble study W saying:

i"Did you know that by taking

just a few minutes, you can find
the answer to an important Bible question? For exarnple, . . ."
Then state a question that appears at the beginning of one
of the lessons in the brochure,
one that you think would appeai
to the individuai. Fbr some ideas
of questions that you might use,
Sec pZU'@pphS 15 m d 16 in the
March 1997 OUTKfngdom Minist q insert, entitled: "Muster Up
Boldnesst~Make ReturnVi~its.
8 Joyfully accepting the challenge of making return visits and
conducting Bible studies is part
of being God's "fellow werkers."
(1 Cor. 39) As we work hard to
cultivate the interest we nd and
then reiy on Jehovah to make
things grow, we wil1 experience
the real satisfaction that no other work can produce.

September 1997

For United States of America

Set the More

hp0rtant Things First
l What are some important
things that are vital to our spiritual well-being? These would
surely include personal study,
meeting attendance, persistent
prayer, good association, and
the Christian ministry. We cannot maintain good spiritual
h13alth without keephg important things foremost in our
2 However, ali of US have a battle against fleshly desires and
have a need for discipline. (Gal.
5:17) Never should we feel that
there is more to be gained by
pursuing selsh interests. (Jer.
17:9) Therefore, if we are to safeguard our heart and avoid being

misled, regular sef-examimtion

is crucial.-Prov. 4:23; 2 Cor.

Examlne Your Own Heart:

You can do this by asking yoursefsome candid questions: Do I

long to read God's Word? (1Pet.
2:2) Do I appreciate the importance of attending ali the congregation meetings? (Heb. 10:24,
25) Do I persevere in prayer?
(Rom. 1212) Do I seek the company of spiritually minded people? (Rom. 1:11, 12) Do I feel
a personal obligation to declare
the good news? (1 Cor. 9:16) Positive answers wiii show that you
are desirous of putting the more
important things frst.

Vol. 40, No. 9

Examine Your Daiiy Routine: You need to follow up the

examination of your heart's desires by establishing priorities

for the use of time. This includes schedw time for regumading the Bible and
issue of Te Watchtower and
hm!,as weli as for preparing for the meetings. Time must
als0 be set aside for the family
both to study and to pray together. Set a limit on how much
time is spent in front of the TV
or the computer. Be determined
to attend ali congregationmeetings, and arrange everything
else around them. Plan for the
whole fami&to share in the field
service each week.
5 Without a doubt, setting the
more important things frst in
our We wiii prove to be a cause
for joy.

Bible Studies-ThatProduce Disciples

~ S Q g t ~

"What prevents me from getting baptM?" asked the Ethiopian eunuch &er Philip "declared to him the good news
about Jesus." (Acts 8:27-39) In
the eunuch's case, he already
had a love for God's inspired
writings, and after receiving
spiritual help m m Philip, he
was ready to become a disciple.
But not ali people are convinced
that they need to examine the
Scriptures for themselves.
a Thanknllly, Jehovah's organization has provided the new
brochure, A Book for AU People,
to encourage people to examine
the Bible's message for our day.
The information in the brochure
should be appealing to sincere
people who may be educated but
who bnow little about the Bible.
This fine instrument is designed

abot what he is leaniing. Kindly show him what he needs to do

t0 make s~iritual~ r o m s s W
should noi conduct studies indefinitely with indecisive ones.
Students ought to take the initiative to learn, take a frm stand
for the truth, and advance toward dedication and baptism.
In some households, more
than one study is being conducted, as different members of
the family have separate studies.
However, having a united family
study may be preferable in most
cases, since it would help draw
the famiiy together spirituaily.
5 Jesus' command is that we
go make disciples. (Matt. 28:19)
To do so, we must conduct Bible
studies that help the students
to progress to the point that
they may ask; "What prevents
me from getting baptized?"

t0 IIlOve PeoPle want look

int0 the Bible.
When starting a Bible study,
it would be helpful to review the
excellent suggestions published
in the June 1996 Our Kingdom
Ministry insert on how a productive study can be conducted
in the Knowledge book. Dwing
the course of $he study, consider the progress being made by
the student so that you can d e
termine which areas need further attention. Encourage the
student to prepare his lessons in
advance, looking up the scriptures. Comments made in his
ownwords may reflect his heartfelt appreciation for the truth.
Rapid progress is usuaily made
by those who do additionalreading of the Society's publications
and regulariy attend congrega-


at the book stucly. b preparation for magazine work in October, discuss the need to "Analyze Your Territory," "Acquaint
Yourself With the Magazines,"
"Prepare Your Opening Words,"
"A&pt to the Householder," and
*Assist One Another," ftom the
October 1996 Our Kingdonz Ministry, P W ?8.
l 5 min: What Should a CMstian Do When Caled for Jury
Duty? A talk by an elder on the
April 1, 1997, Watchtmer, pag-

relate their personal experiences

using the School brochure.
112and concludingprayer.
10 min: Local announcernents.
Selected Announcements from Week Starting September 22
Our Kingnn Ministry.
lS min: "Set the More Impor8 min: Local announcements.
tant Things Mrst." Questions 17 min: H m t0 Start a Converand answers. As time permits, sation. Much of our success in
comment on "Setting Proper the ministry depends on our bePriorities" in the Fkbruary 22, ing able to engage other peo1987,Azo&!, pOlges 8-9.
ple in meaninpnil conversations. es 27-9.20 min: "Sharing With Others w e n we are able
saY somt?- 1S min: Glorify Your Ministry.
The Secret of Family Happi- thing that gets ethers Uten, Audience discussion of Our Minness." A talk covering para- we have overcome one of the htry hook, pages 81-3.
graphs 1 and 6-8. Demonstrate biggest bzwriers we face in wit- questions to highlight the main
are we beneparagraphs 2-5. Stress think- nessing. Discuss with audien~e points: (1) ~ o w
ing in t e m of making disciples key points in the School Guide- flted by fouowlng Jesus' examand reaching the goal of starting book, study 16,paragraphs 11-14. ple? (2) HOW important is our reHave publishers who are skmed sponsibility to preach? (3) What
effectivein starting conver- motives prompted US to dedicate
Song 107and concludingprayer. and
sations relate the opening words our lives to Jehovah? (4) What
Week Startlng September 8 thw use when speaking t0 such kind of conduct is required if a
people as (1) a pedestrian on person is to serve God? (5) What
the street, (2) a passenger on a can we learn from the way Jesus
10 min: Local announcernents.
bus, (3) a clerk behind a counter, preached?
Accounts report.
(4) a shopper in a parMg lot, Song121andconcludingprayer.
10 min: Local needs.
(5) a person on apark bench, and
10 min: "Bible Studies That (6) someone being contacted in
Produce Disciples." Talk.
l 5 min: ~ l d e rdiscusses "Mo- 20 min: Review ~ o n ~ r e ~ a t i o n ' s
tivate Students Toward Dedi- 1997 Service Year Report. Sercation and Baptism" (km 6/96 vice overseer commen& congreinsert, pars. 20-2) with experi- gation for flne effort, especially
enced publishers who conduct during March, April, anti May.
Offers suggestions from body of
and last circuit overseer's
Song 109and concludingprayer.
report to increase field service
Week Startlng September 15 and Bible study activity. Outline some practical goals for the
10 min: Local announcements. new serviceyear,includingstarth g and conductingBible studies
l 5 min: Make Gtood Use of Vidand
auxiliary pioneering during
eos. Review suggestions on use months
flve weekends-Ne
of Society's videos and relate lo- vember,witb
May, August.
cal experiences that iiustrate
how to make greater use of the Song l13 and concluding prayer.
videos, both in our families and Week Startlng September 29
in our ministry.
Song 37
20 mln: Are You Using the 15 min: Local announcements.
School Brochure? An elder dis- Remind ail to turn in field sercusses the October 1, 1985, vice reports. Mention that we
Watchtower, pages 30-1, with wil1 begin stuying the Famisome parents and children. They ly Happiness book next week
Week Startlng September 1


of Pennsyhania All ri ts resepwJ. pur Kingdom Minist (ISSN 1067-7259) is published rnonthly by Watchtower Bibie and Tract Scdety
of New .*hinc. and Intemat~onai~ibIe%udents l<ria.U
'2?~01umb1aRghls Brookign HY b - ? 4 8 3 . Pedodicais I
. e RirJ at U * 4 . MI and at additionai mailing
offices.P O S T M ~ E R Send
addrass changes t0 Our Kingdom Mlnistry, c/o Watch~owar,2 koiumbia Heights. Brooklyn, NY 801-2483.
Prlnted in USA.

8 1997 Watch Tmver Bibie and.Tract Soci


to visit the Society's faciities

first correspond by mail with
the Centra1 Tour Desk at
Offer fOr se~tem- 100 - h m r
Drive, patterZW
Of mm'y Ham- son N Y 12563-9204. The Central
ness- Oetober: Individual copiie TO;T Desk will
for groups
Where interest
is found on resubscriptions m Bethel, Watchtower Farms at
the watchtower
be offered Starting in the latter part of the month, Kingdom ti0na.I Center at Patternon, or
News No. 35 wil1 be distribut- the Jersey City Assembly Hall.
ed. November: Distribution of 'leasE provide information
con- the number coming and the
Kiwdom News No. 35
times for visiting each
tinue. Congrestions that com- dates
plete their territory by reaching locationhouseholders in each home or vide a descntption Of the ba r n with
~ a
of K ~ W - that are available as wel1 as a
dom News No. 35 may offer the map giving directiOnsto each loKnowledge book. Deoember:
New World Translat.2onwith the
book The Bible-God's Word or

iThe presiding overseer or
someone designated by him
should audit the congregation's
accounts on September 1 or
as soon as possible thereafter. Make an announcement to
the mnmgation when
been done.
iU.S. Seective Service reguations req* that all men register at the post onicewhen reaching 18 pars of age. m these
required to do so should take
care of the matter promptly,
viewing it as a Christian's obligation to the superior authorities. Elders willwant to have this
in mindand give appropriate reminders toyoung brothers nearing the age of 18. Questions as to
the young Christian's responsibilities in this regard ma^ be answered by the elders.
iThe elders are reminded to
follow through on instructions glven on pages 21-3 of the
April 15, 1991, Watchtow, regarding any disfellowshipped or
disassociated persons who may
be inclined toward becomllig
i It is important that groups
of 30 or more persons planning

at the Congregation Book Study.

These videocassettes should be
requested ony for those familiar
with American Sign Language.
i When rnaking literature requests, congregations should
keep in rnind that the Society's
CD-ROM is not to be distributed indiscriminateiy.It is primariy Por the use of publishers.
iThe May 1997 Our Kingdom
Ministry "Question Boxn recommended that we be cautious
about werking in the ministry
with publishers of the opposite
sex. There are good reasons for
all to use good judgment in this
matter. This does not mean that
traveling overseers or even other brothers m o t work in the
field ministry with sisters. RathMAY BE OBTATNED FROM THE er, the thought was expressed
that it is not wise for a brother
to be spending tirne regularly
i l?hoseassociated with a conaione with the Same person of
gregation should send
new the
opposite sex to whom he is
renewal subscriptions for not related.
The W ~ c ~ o w a n d ~ aink e ! ~
i New miblications Available:
cluding their ~ e m n aSubscfiPl
tions, thr0ugh the ~ongregation. A Book for Al1 People -Chinese,
Chinese Simpied, English,
iThe Society does not fl indiGreek, Italian, Kovidua.I publishers' requesb for French,
literature. The presiding over- Vietnamese
seer should arrange for an an- Enjoy Family Lve (Tract No. 21)
nouncement to be made each
month before the congregation Enjoy Lve on Earth-Lithuanian
monthly request for literature
is sent to the Society so that HeUBre-Zs Zt Part of Divine Jusall interested in obtaining pertice? (Tract No. 74) -Arabic
sonal literature items may ad- How
to Start and Continue Bibk
vise the brother handing litera- Dbcussions
ture. Please keep in mind which Jehovah's Witnessesin the Twenpublications are special-request tieth Century -Vietnamese
Knowledge l?u Leads to EveriCongregatfions may now belasting Lve
gin submitting requests for Myanmar
The Secret of Family Happiness Should You Believe in the Trn-0n Videocassette (Volumes 1 ity?
through 6) in American Sign The Bible-God's Word or Man's?
Language. They will appear
as "Pending" on congregation The Divine Name That W21 Enpacking isb until the videocas- dure Forever
settes are avaiiable. Efi'orts wil1 The Secret of Family Happiness
be made to ship each videocas-Turkish, Urdu
sette in tirne for the materiai Watch Tower Publications Z n & x
contained in it to be considered 1996

Sharing With Others The Secret of Familytfappiness

The family is the basic unit of human society,
and from the family come villages, cities, states,
and whole nations. Toda the family unit is under pressure as never efore. ~ q w mf lo p s E
tening the very existente of family
life. How thankful we are that Jehovah, the-&J
si er
ement, has pdnaUS
c- with i

ily happiness! Those who follow his guidelines

find that problems are minimized and a successful family unit results. During September we
have the privilege of sharing with others the
book The Secret of Family Happiness. Take the
initiative to approach people on the subject of
family life. Be friendly, positive, and discerning.
What might you say?


You could b e n b s
a question such as:
i "Have you noticed that many
families are finding it dimcult to
endure the pressures of life?pQW for r e s ~ e . 1
Reports ixdicate that many people experience dicuties in the home.

&milies to find greater stabiiity and happiness? [Allow for reS w . SlnCe God i n m d
the f ily arrangement, would
it not be reasonable to examine
the guidelines that he has given? [Read 2 Timotw 3% 17.1
Such beneficia1 instruction is
outlined in this hook, The Secret
of fa mil^ Happinesse" Then ask
the individual what he feels is a
Cmnmon fwlyproblem, show
the chapter that discusses that
problem, and offer the book.
0 n the return visit, you
might pursue the goal o f
starting a Bzale study y saying:
i"1 have thought &out what
you said on the subject of family life, and I brought you something that I think you
enjoy. [Show the Require brochure,
turn to page 16, and read the
six questions at the top.] obviously, each one in the family must do bis part to contribute toward family happiness. If
you have gust a few minutes, I
wiil demonstrate how you can
get the most benefit from this
information." Then begin studying lesson 8.

9/97 kmE Us

xAnother way to start a dis"bout

Our Literat ure:
cussion is t o mention a prob- Knowing that all our literature
is valuable and that publish:
lem, perhaps bv saying:
money, d z 3 p ever
everyone wants t0 ing
fee1a sense of cententment and heEateto orrer magazines, brosatisfaction, it s e e m many fE-chures, or books to the people
Uies have nat really succeeded in YOU mxt? H z Can We be SUCe
do you think would t h a t are not @vingliterature
help them t0 fnd truc happi- aww t0 una~~reciative
onse.l Long One way is to ask the person g?
th item
the B
d what sart he wiil p r o m i s ~ r e a d
of proble
families today. [Read 2 ~ i ~ ~ When
t w offering a "Family
book, for exam3:1-3.] H~~~~~~ the Bible also
say this:
teus families
re&f YOU promise t0 read this
solve these problem and
lasting happinesS. Its prin- hook, 1 wiil ieave it with you at
f0r response.]
ciples are set out in this hook, n0 charge. [NOW
TheSecr&ofFamilyHappiness.~>YOUmay wonder h0w We Can
Then show the revie
at the afpora t0 do mis. It is because
our work Ls supported by VS
end of an appropri~e~hapter,
untary donatinns. If you would
read it, and
the hook.
like to make a small d o m e
When gjou return, use the
werk, I will gadiy ac"Require"brochure to start a cept it;)one brother was getting
stud@.'Ou cout' say:
little e s m t i l he m e
"I was bpressed with Your two chan es. First, he ad=a
mngness t0 examine the Bi- W d g : 'If YOU
bie's ~ r i n c i ~ l ethat
~ P P ~tbiiiake
a small donati
t0 family life. m-llrmce has toward o
n the @&SE@S are cept it."
b; f0110wingthe pr=enough t
cal COUnSe found in the Bible. er to respond. He then felt more
*re is a simde ex~lanationof confident that the
s -1
w ~ Ythat is so." R s d the B s t appreciated and that it would be
paragraph of lesson 1in the Re- read.
;uire brochure, including either
Let US put forth every effort
Psalm 1:l-3 or Isaiah 48:17,18. If we can to share with others the
the opportunity allows, consid- secret that leads to family haper the remainder of the lesson. piness-following the instrucOffer to return to study the next tions set forth in God's Word.
-Ps. 19:7-10.
lesson together.






For United States of America

October 1997

'Wil1 Al1 People Ever Love

One Another?"

. Vol. 40, No. 10

part of this earth-wide loving arrangement that is described in
detail in God's Word.
Who Will Deliver This Mes-

A beautiful, stirring, and

heartwarrning message is to be
proclaimed worldwide in 169
languages. What is this message? And how wil1 it be delivered?
2 The message is about neighbor love. It is to be found in
Kingdom News No. 35, entitled
People Ever Love One
Another?" This Kingdom News
briefly examines the present
state of afairs throughout the
world, showing that it is the lack
of love among people that is the
root cause of so much heartache and pain. It explains why,
in our day particularly,neighbor
love has cooled off and what this
means for the future.

How Do You.P-?t

At the Same time, Kingdom

News No. 35 shows that true
neighbor love exists among rnillions living in today's world. It
identines those who are sharing
in the revival of prirnitive Christianity-frst-century worship,
which was marked by love of
neighbor as taught by Jesus
Christ.-L~ke 10:25-37.
Kingdom News No. 35 concludes with an explanation of
how the entire world of mankind
wil1 soon be practicing neighbor
love under the adrninistration
of God's Kingdom by Christ.
Those reading this message are
encouraged to obtain the brochure What Does God Require of
US?and learn how to become a

to Apa?-9

emotion, an absence of interest
or concern. It is one of the more
common and more difncult attitudes we encounter in the ministry. How do you react to it?
Has it caused you to slow down
in your ministry? How can you
overcome it so as to reach people with the Kingdom message?
First, determine why the
people in your territory are apathetic. Is it because they are
disappointed with their political
and religieus leaders? Do they
feel that there is no way out of
the problems facing them? Are
they skeptical about promises of
something better? Are they unwilling to think about spiritual
matters unless they can see immediate tangible benefits?

=Highlight the Kingdom

Hope: There is no problem that

the Kingdom will not solve. So

when we can do so, we should
speak about Kingdom promises, referring to key Scriptural
statements, even if it is not possible or practical to show a Bible
text. (Heb. 4:12) However, how
can we getl the conversation to
that point?
People need to understand
the purpose of our call. They
need to realize that we are there
out of love of neighbor and concern for the community. We
could ask a well-thought-out
question such as, "What do you
think is the solution to [a problem affecting the community]?"
If one approach does not work,
try another.

sage? Jehovah's Witnesses

worldwide will be sharing this

message of neighbor love with

their acquaintances, neighbors,
and relatives during the months
of October and November. All
who qualify are encouraged to
share in the public distribution
of Kingdom News No. 35.
6The ultirnate goal of this
campaign is to stimulate people's interest in having a Bible
study in either the Require brochure or the Knowledge book.
Additionally, a wholehearted effort on the part of each one of
Jehovah's servants will produce
a grand witness to the God of
love, Jehovah, and to his Son, Jesus Christ.
In one very affluent territory where householders were indifferent to the Kingdom message, publishers endeavored to
m d an introduction that would
arouse interest. When featuring
the Knowledge book, one couple tried this introduction: "Do
you feel that a good education
is important for success in the
world today? Do you agree that
a well-rounded education would
include knowledge of the Bible?"
In one afternoon they placed
three books, one of which was
with a woman who later said
she had read the entire Knowledge book and agreed to a Bible
When you encounter apathy,
try different approaches, ask
thought-provoking questions,
and draw upon the power of
God's Word. You may thus be
able to help others embrace our
marvelous Kingdom hope.

%#mvfaM#mwa$ PiiZ)R oCT661R

Week Starting October 6

Song 39
l 0 min: Localannouncements.
Selected Announcements from
Our Kingdom Ministry.
15 min: "WW Al1 People Ever
Love One Another?" Questions
and answers. Review highlights
of Kingdom News No. 35. Point
out reasons why people in the
territory will benefit from this
material. Stress the need to
make plans now to share fully
in its distribution and to be diligent in following up all the interest found.
20 min: "Give Kingdom News
No. 35 Wide Distribution."
Opening ta& by service overseer. Cover paragraphs 5-8 by
questions and answers. Review
local arrangements for expanded activity. Discuss ways t0
territory is covmake sure
ered. Kingdom News No. 35 can
be used by publishers when
witnessing t0 people at bus
stops, in small businesses, in
parking lots, and elsewhere.
Offersuggestions on how t0 assist new ones who want t0 get
started in the preaching werk.
Include information from the
Aprfl 1995 Our Kingdom Ministry insert, paragraph 11. In
some territories it may be advantageous t0 werk alone and
nat t0 carry a briefcase when
distributing the Kingdom News.
Demonstrate two or three brief
Song 126and concluding prayer.

Song 41


how much territory has been

worked thus far and what wiil
be needed to complete coverage
No. 35. We shOuldfOllow by November 16. Once the terriup al1 interest. Remind broth- tory is completely worked, we
bring the
A wiil offer the Knowledge book
week. during the remainder of the
15 min: Local needs.
month. Stress the goal of start18 min: "How DoYou React t0 ing studies on return visits
A~athy?"IXscussion between where there was good response
t W 0 elders. Include comments t0 Kingdom News.
On material under the subhead l5 min: How t o Find Hope
"How You Can Attack A ~ a t wAmid Despair. Talk by an elder
inthe July 15,1974, Watchtower, based on May 15, 1997, WatchPages445-6.
tower, pages 22-5.
Song130andconcluding~ra~er.18 min: Let Your Light Shine.
week startingootober 20
Talk and discussion on Our
Ministry book, pages 84-8. ArSong42
range in advance to have
min: LOcalannOuncementspublishers make specific comReview sOme =periences frOm ments on the following questhe Igg6 YearbOok,pages 6-8, On tions: (1) WW do Jehovah's Wit"G1obal Distribution of
nesses preach from house to
the in- house? (2) TOwhat extent was
dom News."
dividual effort publishers put this method used in the first
the last Kzngdom News century? (3) Why is there an
distribution. Encourage all t0 urgent need to keep preachShare f u w in astributing King- ing fr0m house t0 house t0day? (4) What circumstances
dom News No. 35.
15 min: Highlights of New may make it difncult for US to
Brochure, A B00k for Al1 Peo- share regularly? (5) How can we
p k . Audience discussion of the get help in order t0 per~evere?
reasons why the Bible deserves (6) How are we blessed by letour consideration. This bro- ting our light shine? (7) What
chure was prepared t0 help pe0- can we do t0 be more S U C C ~ S S ~
p k W ~ Omay be well educat- in contactingpeople? Illustrate
ed but who know little about by having three or four pubthe Bible. Rather than try to lishers relate encouraging exconvince them that the Bible is periences enjoyed whiie workinspired by God, the brochure ing from store t0 store or doing
iets the facts speak f0r them- &reet witnessing.
Selves. We should read it and Song 136and concluding p r ~
share it with ethers, incluang
those with whom we study.
15 min: ie You a Full-Time
Witness?" A talk by an elder.
Nurnher af
Hrs Mags R V BI St
Song 133and concludingprayer.

12 min: LOC^ announcements. We'k

Accounts report. Review talking points in current issues

of The Watchtower and Awake!
Remind all that during weekend activity, magazines will be
featured along with Kingdom

Song 43

October 27

12 min: Local announcements.

Review progress of Kingdom
News No. 35 distribution. Invite audience to relate encouraging experiences. Report on

158 118.5 86.8 51.9 4.4


66,555 70.0 42.0 22.2 1.8





,,, ,,,


3.5 0.3

Baptizeb 7,512

O 1997 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All rights reSeNed. Our Kingdorn Ministry (ISSN 1067-7259) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society

of New York. Inc., and International Bible Students Association. 25,@lumbia Heights. Brookl n. NY 11201-2483. Periodicals Posta e Paid at Brooklyn, NI: and at additional mailing
offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our K~ngdornMmstr)! c/o Watchtower, 2 i Coiumbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11801-2483.
Printed in U.S.A.


ASSIGNMENT NO. 3: 5 minutes. This will be asDuring 1998the following will be the arrangements
signed to a sister. The subject for this presentation
when conducting the Theocratic Ministry School.
TEXTBOOKS: The New World Translation of te will be based on Kitowledge That Leads t0 Everlasting
Lije, The S e c ~ dof Family Haminess, or Imight on the
Holy Scriptures [bi12],Jehovah's Witnesses-Proclaimers of God's Kingdom uv], "Al1 Scripture Is Scdptures, Volume 2. (Sec Assignment No. 4 for morInspired of God and Bene$cialn (1990 Edition) [si], mation on how t0 develop the materia based on a
Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Lije [kl],The Se- Bible character.1 The setting mW be an infomal
cret of Family Happiness
and Insight on the witness, a return visit, or a home ~ i b l estudy, and
ScripturesVolumes1and 2 [it-l,it-21 will be the basis the participants mW be either seated or standing.
The school overseer wil1 be particulariy interestfor assignments.
l-he school should begin ON TIME with song, ed in the way the student helps the householder to
prayer, and remarks of welcome and then proceed as
On and understand
in how
the scriptures are applied. The student assigned this
minutes. This should be part should know how to read. One assistant will be
elder or a ministeria servant, and it scheduled by the school overseer, but an additional
handled by
as"stant may be
student may determine
will be based on JehovahJsWitnesses-Proclaimers
or not to have the householder read certain
of God,s Kingdom or uAll Scripture Is Inspired of whether
~~d and ~ ~ ~ ~ f hen
i ~ based
i ~ on
l .the Proclaim- ParagraPhs when considering the Knowledge or FamHappiness books. Not the setting but the effective
ers book, this assignment should be delivered as a ily
of the material should be
consider15-minute instruction talk with no oral review; when
based on the "Al1Scripture" book, it should be deliv- ation.
ASSIGNMENT NO. 4: minutes. When this assignered as a 10- to 12-minute instruction talk with a 3- ment
on information dealing with a Bible
to 5-1nhute oral review following, using the printed character,
be assigned t. a brother or a sister.
questions in the publication. The objective shouldbe
it is
the FamilyHappiness hook, it
not just to cover the material but to focus attention be
For each assiment atheme
on the practica1 value of the information being disset forth in the schedule. men this assignmeni; is
cussed, highlighting what wil1be
t0 the bmed on a Bible &aracter, information
be found
congregation. The theme shown &lould be Lmed. n- in Znsight on te Scdptures, Volume 1 or Volume2, unlustrations, phot0graphs,
charts found in the der h, n-,.
The student
study Scriptwal
Proclaimers hook may be cOmmented On b~ the referentes in the material in order g& a clpar pitspeaker and used as teaching aids.
ture of the Bible character-the events of his life, as
The brothers assigned this t@ should be careful
bis personality, traits, and attitude. Thereafto keep within the time limit. Private counsel may be ter, thestudentshould developthe assigned theme of
@venif necessary or if requested by the speaker.
the t@ and select appropriate scriptures to be used.
READING: min- Additional scriptures that highlight Bible principles
utes. 'l'hls should be handled by an elder or a that tie in with the theme may be included. The purministerial fm'vant Wh0
effectiveb' aPPb' the pose of considering a Bible character is to show what
material t0 local needs. This should not be just a
be le-ed
cts of faithfulSLlIllIllaryOf the assigned reading. A 30- t0 60-sec0nd ness, courage, humility,
unsemhness furnish
overall review of the assigned chapters
be in- good examples to be followed; unfaithful acts as well
cluded. The principal objective, however, is to help as undesll.abletraits stand as streng warnings t0 tthe audiencet0 appreciate why and how the informa- Christians away from improper course. m e n asti0n is of value t0 US. The students will then be signed t0 a brother, this talk should be @venwith the
dismissed t0 their V ~ ~ ~ Oclassrooms
by the schbol Kingdom Hall audience in mind. When a sister @voverseer.
en this part, it should be presented as outlined for
ASSIGNMENT NO. 2: 5 minutes. This is a Bible Assignment No. 3.
reading of the assigned material t0 be @ven by a
*SUPPLEMENTALBIBLE-READING SCHEDbrother. This will apply in the main school as well as ULE: This is set forth in brackets after the song
in the auxiliary groups. The reading assignments number for each week. By following this schedule,
are usushort enough t0 permit the students t0 reading about ten pages a week, the entire Bible can
present brief explanatory information in the open- be read in t h e e years. No parts on the school program
ing and concluding remarks. Historicalbackground, or the written review are based on the supplemental
prophetic or doctrinal significance, and application reading schedule.
of principles rnay be included. Al1 the assigned versNOTE: For additional information and instruction
es should be read without a break. Of course, when regarding counsel, timing, written reviews, and the
theverses to be readare not consecutive,the student preparation of assignments, please see page 3 of the
may cite the verse where the reading continues.
October 1996 OUTKingdom Ministry.





Jaia. .J Bible reading: Acts 7-8
Song No. 196 ['Genesis 1-91
No. 1: Dedicated Brothers Print and Bind Books (jv p. 579
par. Pp. 586 par. 4)
No. 2: Acts 7:44-60
No. 3: Always Obey the Supreme Authority (klpp. 130-1pars. 1-6)
No. 4: Jehoshaphat (No. 3)-Theme: Guard Against Bad
Jan. l2 Bible reading: Acts 9-10
Song No. 53 ['Genesis 10-181
No. 1: Fxpansion After World War 11 O V P. 588 W.l-P. 595 P=. 5)
NO.2: Acts 9:l-16
No. 3: Be in Subjectionto the Superior Authorities (k1pp. 131-3
pars. 7-10)
No. 4: Jehu (No. 3)-Theme: Zeai Can Be Marred by
Jan. l9 Bible reading: Acts 11-13
Song No. 162 [*Genesis19-24]
No. 1: Computer Systems Help to Advance the Good News (jv
p. 596 par. l-p. 602 par. 3)
No. 2: Acts 13:l-12
Vo. 3: Appreciate God's Arrangement Por Authority in the Famiiy
(k1pp. 134-6 pars. 11-18)
No. 4: Jephthah-Theme: Vows Are to Be Taken Seriously
Jan. 26 Bible reading: Acts 14-16
Song No. 180 [*Genesis25-30]
No. 1: Zealous Publishers and Distributors of the Bible (jv p. 603
par. l-p. 607 par. 4)
NO.2: Acts 16:l-15
No. 3: Authority in the Congregation-A Loving Provision From
Jehwah (k1pp. 137-9 pars. 19-25)
No. 4: Jeremiah (No. 6)-Theme: Jehovah Gives Power Beyond
What Is Normai
Feb. 2 Bible reading: Acts 17-19
Song No. 111fGenesis 31-36]
No. 1: Producing the New World Tramlation (jup. 607 par. 5-p. 615
Par. 5)
NO.2: Acts l8:l-l1
No. 3: How b y a l t ~
Contributes to a Happy Marriage (M PP. 140-1
pars. 1-6)
No. 4: Jeroboam (No. l)-Theme: Selfish Ambition Can Lead to
Feb. 9 Bible reading: Acts 20-21
long No. 38 [*Genesis37-42]
No. 1: Testing and Sift'ig From Within (jv p. 618 par. l-p. 623
Par. 3)
No. 2: Acts 21:l-14
No. 3: TheVital Role of Communioationin Marriage (k1pp. 142-3
pars. 7-9)
No. 4: Jeshua (No. 4)-Theme: Give Full Support to Pure Worship
Feb. l6 Bible reading: Acts 22-24
Song No. 8 fGenesis 43-49]
No. 1: A Change of AdministrationBrings Tests (jv p. 623
par. 4-p. 629 par. 3)
No. 2: Acts 22:l-16
No. 3: Show Honor and Respect toYour Mate (k1pp. 143-4
pars. 10-14)
No. 4: Jesse-Theme: Be Cooperative and Have a Generous Spirit
Feb. 23 Bible reading. Acts 25-26
Song No. 179 ['Genesis 50-Exodus 7]
No. 1: AcUustments in Doctrind Views and Expectations (jv
p. 629 par. 4-p. 633 par. 4)
NO.2: Acts 25:l-12
No. Set a
Show Your Children Love (kl
pp. 145-6 ParS. 15-18)
No. 4: Jethro-Theme: Do Not Be Too Proud to Listen to

March 2 Bible reading: Acts 27-28

Song No. 92 [*Exodus8-13]
No. l: Acts-Why Beneflciai (sipp. 204-5 pars. 32-40)
No. 2: Acts 27:33-44
No. 3: What Loving Discipline and SkillAi1Direction Can
Accompiish (k1pp. 148-9 pars. 19-23)
No. 4: Jezebel (No. l)-Theme: The Wicked Will Not Escape
Jehovah's Judgrnent
Mar. 9 Bible reading: Romans l 3
Song No. 79 [*Exodus14-20]
NO.1: btroduction to Romans (sipp. 205.6
NO.E Romans 1:18-32
No, 3:
we Want t. Draw Closeto God (klpp. 150-1
No. 4: Joab (No. 2)-Theme: Vengeance Belongs to Jehovah
Mar. l6 Bible reading: Romans 4-6
Song No. 174f Exodus 21-27]
No. 1: Expectations, Reality, and Other Issues (jv p. 635
par. l-p. 641par. 3)
No. 2: Romans 4:1-l5
No. 3: Requirements for Drawing Close to God (klpp. 152-3
pars. 6-9)
No. 4: Joanna-Theme: Minister to God's Holy Ones W'ingiy
Mar. 23 Bible reading: Romans 7-9
Song No. 27 ['Exodus28-33]
No. 1: "You WiU Be Objects of Hatred by AU the Nationsn(jv
p. 642 par. l-p. 646 par. 4)
No, 2: Romans 9:1-18
No. 3: Talk to God and Be Heard by Him (k1pp. 153-5
pars. 10-14)
No. 4: Job-Theme: Unbreakable IntegrityBrings Jehovah's
Mar. 30 Bible reading: Romans 10-l2
Song No. 70 [*Exodus34-39]
No. 1: The Hypocrisyof Religieus Leaders Fxposed (jv p. 647
par. l-p. 652 par. 1)
No. 2: Romans 1O:l-15
No. 3: Perswere in Prayer and Listen (k1pp. 156-9 pars. 15-20)
No. 4: Jochebed-Theme: Trust in Jehwah and Do Your Very
Apr. 6 Bible reading: Romans 13-16
Song No. 175[%xodus 40-Leviticus 71
No. 1: Romans-Wiyj Beneficial (si pp. 208-9 pars. 20-5)
No. 2: Ehxnans 13:1-10
No. 3: Find True SecurityArnong God's People (klpp. 160-1
pars. 1-4)
NO. 4: Johman (NO.5FTheme: Follow Jehovah's Advice
Apr. l3 Bible reading: 1 Corinthians 1-3
Song No, 173IZeviticus 8-13]
No. 1: ntroduction to 1 Corinthians (si pp. 210-11 pars. 1-7)
No. 2: 1 Corinthians 1:lO-25
No. 3: How Jehovah Provides SpiritualFood (M pp. 161-3
parS. 5-8)
No. 4: John (No. l)-AccompiishYour Ministry With Zeai
Apr. 20 Bible reading: 1 Corinthians 4-6
No. 56 rLwticus
No. 1: Infuence of the Clergy Becomes Evident (jv p. 652
par. 2-p. 659 par. 1)
No. 2: 1 Corinthians 4:1-13
Be Clothed With Love pp. 163-6
pars. 9-14)
No. 4: John (No. 3FTheme: Be Loylto God and Love Your
Apr. 27 Written Review. Complete Acts 7-1 Corinthians 6
SongNo. 91 [*Leviticus20-251

July 6 Bible reading: Ephesians 1-3

SongNo. 71 ["Deuteronomy 20-271
No. 1: Introductionto Ephesians (sipp. 220-1pars. 1-8)
No. 2: Ephedans 1:l-14
No. 3: What PerfectionWili Mean, and How We Can Eqjoy It
pp. 187-91pars. 19-25)
No. 4: Jotharn (No. 3)-Theme: Learn From the Mistakes of
July l3 Bible reading: Ephesians 4-6
Song No. 214 ["Deuteronomy 28-32]
No. 1: Ephesians-Why Benetlciai (sipp. 222-3 pars. 16-19)
No. 2: Ephesian~63-13
No. 3: Judah (No. l)-Theme: Quaties That Jehovah Blesses
No. 4: The Family Is in Crisis (fy pp. 1-9 pars. 1-14)
July 2 Bible reading: Philippians 1-4
Song No. 123['Deuteronomy 33-Joshua 61
No. 1: Introduction to Philippians and Why Beneflcial (si
pp. 223-4 ParS. 1-7; p. 225 ParS. 1214)
No. 2: Philippians 1:l-14
No. 3: The Secret of Family Happiness (fy pp. 9-12 pars. 15-23)
No. 4: Judas (No. 4)-Theme: We Are Not Predestinated
July 27 Bible reading: Colossians 1-4
Song No. 64 ["Joshua 7-12]
No. 1: Introductionto Colossians and Why Beneficial (sip. 226
pars. 1-5; p. 228 pars. 12-14)
No. 2: Colossians 4:l-13
No. 3: Judas (No. 5; see ais0 Jude)-Theme: People Can Change
No. 4: AreYou Ready for Marriage?(fy pp. 13-15 pars. 1-6)
Aug. 3 Bible reading: 1 Thessalonians 1-5
Song No. 35 ["Joshua 13-19]
No. 1: Introductionto 1Thessalonians and Why Benetlcial (si
p. 229 pars. 1-5; p. 231 pars. 13-15)
No. 2: 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12
No. 3: Why You Should Know Yourself and Be Realistic (fy
pp. 16-18 pars. 1-10)
No. 4: Jude-Theme: Be Modest-Do Not Seek Prominence
Aug. l0 Bible reading: 2 Thessalonians 1-3
SongNo. 10 ['Joshua 20-Judges l ]
No. 1: ntroduction to 2 Thessalonians and Why Beneficial (si
p. 232 pars. 1-4; p. 233 ParS. 10-11)
No. 2: 2 Thessalonians 1:l-12
No. 3: Korah (No. 3)-Theme: Do Not Give Way to Envy
No. 4: What to Look for in a Mate (fy pp. 18-22 pars. 11-15)
Aug. l7 Bible reading: 1 Timothy 1-3
Song No. 221 ['Judges 2-71
No. 1: Introductionto 1 Timothy (sip. 234 pars. 1-6)
No. 2: 1Timothy l:3-16
No. 3: Things to Consider Before Making a Lasting
Commitment (fy pp. 22-3 pars. 16-19)
No. 4: Laban (No. l)-Theme: Be Fair inYour DeaiingsWith
Aug. 24 Bible reading: 1 Timothy 4-6
Song No. 30 PJudges 8-13]
No. 1: 1Tiothy-Why Beneficial (sipp. 236-7 pars. 15-19)
No. 2: 1Timothy 4:1-16
No. 3: Lamech (No. l)-Theme: Violence BegetsViolence
No. 4: KeepYour Courtship Honorable, and Look Beyond the
Weding (fy pp. 24-6 pars. 20-3)
Aug. 31 Written Review. Complete 1 Corinthians 71 lmothy 6
Song No. 59 ["Judges 14-19]

May 4 Bible reading: 1 Corinthians 7-9

SongNo. 29 [*Leviticus26-Numbers 31
No. 1: The Clergy and Hitler Against Jehovah's Servants (iu
p. 659 par. 2-p. 665 PW. 1)
NO.2: 1 Corinthian~7:lO-24
No. 3: The Congregation-APlace of Security (W pp. 167-9
pars. 15-20)
No. 4: Jonah (No. l)-Theme: F'ulll Your God-Given
May l 1 Bible reading: 1 Corinthians 10-12
Song No. 103['Numbers4-91
No. 1: Worldwide Opposition to Giving Jehovah Exclusive
Devotion (iup. 666 par. l-p. 673 par. 1)
No. 2: 1Corinthians 1111-16
No. 3: Imitate Jsw--&N~
God Forever ( M pp. 170-1 pars. 1-6)
No. 4: Jonathan (No. l)-Theme: Beware of SeUishness
May l8 Bible reading: 1 Corinthians 13-14
Song No. 160 ['Numbers10-151
No. 1: Hated for Being "No Part of the World" (iup. 673
par. 2-p. 677 par. 3)
No. 2: 1 Corinthians 14:l-12
Steps That Lead to Life (klpp. 173-5 pars. 7-9)
No. 4: Jonathan (No. 2)-Theme: ATme Friend Is UnseUish and
May 25 Bible reading: 1 Corinthiam l5-16
SongNo. 158 ['Numbers16-22]
Na 1: 1 Corinthians-Why Benelcial (sipp. 213-14pars. 23-6)
No. 2: 1C o r i n t h i i 16:l-13
No. 3: Why Baptism Is Necessary (klpp. 175-6pars. 10-12)
No. 4: Joseph (No. l)-Theme: Display the Qualities of a
June l Bible reading: 2 Corinthians 1-4
Song No. 58 ["Numbers 23-29]
No. 1: ntroduction to 2 Corinthians (sip. 214 pars. 1-4)
NO.2: 2 Corinthians 4:l-12
No. 3: B a p t i i T h e Most Important Milestone inYour Life (kl
p. 177ParS. 13-16)
No, 4: Joseph (NO.8)-Theme: Be Obedient and Righteous
June 8 Bible reading: 2 Corinthians 5-8
Song No. 193['Numbers 30-351
No. 1: Defending and Legally Establishing the Good News (fu
p. 678 par. l-p. 683 par. 4)
No. 2: 2 Corinthians 7:l-13
No. 3: What It Means to LiveUp toYour Dedication and
Baptism (k1pp. 178-80 pars. 17-22)
No. 4: Joseph (No. 9)-Theme: Do Not Give Up on Relatives
- June l5 Bible reading: 2 Corinthians 9-13
Song No. 43 ["Numbers36-Deuteronomy 41 .
No. 1: 2 Corinthians-Why Beneficial (si pp. 216-17 pars. 18-20)
No. 2: 2 Corinthians l0:l-12
No. 3: PreparingNow for "the Real Lifen(klpp. 181-2 pars. 1-5)
No. 4: Joseph (No. 10)-Theme: Be Courageous
June 22 Bible reading: G a l a t i i 1-3
Song No. 127 ['Deuteronomy 5-11]
No. 1: Introduction to Galatians (sipp. 217-18 pars. 1-6)
No. 2: Galatians 1:l-l2
No. 3: After Armageddon-A Paradise Earth (k1pp. 182-4
pars. 8-11)
No. 4: Joshua (No. l)-Theme: Never Doubt Jehwah's Promises
June 29 Bible reading: Galatians 4-6
Song No. 98 ['Deuteronomy 12-19]
No. 1: Galatians-Why Beneficia1 (sipp. 219-20 pars. 14-18)
No. 2: Galatians 6:l-18
No. 3: Peace Everywhere and the Resurrection of the Dead (k1
pp. 184-7 pars. 12-18)
No. 4: Josiah (No. l)-Theme: Keep Ciean From Idolatry



Sept. 7 Bible readiag: 2 Timothy 1-4

Song No. 46 pJuges 20-Ruth 41
No. l: Introductionto 2 Timothy and Wby Beneflciai (si
pp. 237-8 pars. 1-4; pp. 238-9 W.10-12)
No. 2: 2 Timoth~3:l-13
No. 3: Bible PrinciplesThat Can HelpYou to Prepare for a
SUMarriage Vy p. 26 review box)
No. 4: Lazarus (No. l)-Theme:
Haspitallty Leas to Bleshg8
Sept. l4 Bible reading: a
4 l-Philemon
SongNo. 155r 1 Samuel 1-81
No. 1: Intmuction to Titus and Philemon and Why Benefldal
(si pp. 2394 pars. 148-10; pp. 24l-3 para 1-4,7-10)
No.2: Titus 3:l-l4
No.3: Leah-Theme: A ScripturalViewpoint of Hate
No.& TheMrst-toam-Vypp.27-9-1-6)
Sept.Z1 Bible readingr Hebrews 1-3
SongNo. 149r 1 Samuel 9-14]
No. l: Introductionto Hebrews (sipp. 243-4 pars. 1-9)
No.2: Hebrews 31-15
No. 4: Lwi (No. l)-Theme:
Violent Anger Brings Reproach
Sept. 28 Bible reading: Hebrews 4 7
.SongNo. 3 r 1 Samuel 15-19]
No. 1: Legal Battles Por Freedom of Worship OV p. 684
par. l-p. 693 PW.1)
No. 2: Hebrews 6:l-l2
No. 3: Lois-Theme: ShareYour Faith With Family Members
No. 4: Man's Headship ShouldBe Christlike Vy pp. 31-3
pars. 11-15)
Oct. 5 Bible readllig: Hebrews &l0
Song No. 209 p1 Samuel 20-251
No. l: Se*
Jehowh Fhlessly and UniDespite
OppofAtion @I p. 693par. %p. 699 par. 4)
No.2: H e b m a l - l 2
No. 3: H m aWife Is to Complement Her Husband Vy pp. 34-5
pars. 16-19)
No.& Lat.11-=IntheWorlabutNoPartdIt
Oct. 12 Biblereadingr Hebrews ll-13
SongNo. 108r 1 Samuel 26-2 Samuel 21
No. k Heb-Wby
Benefldal (si p. 247 pars. 23-7)
No. 2: Hebrem 1l:l-l0
No. 3: Luke-Theme: Be a Faithful Fellow Worker
No. 4: What Qood Communieation ReaIly Means Vy pp. 35-8
Prn. 20-8)
Oct. 19 Bible reading: James 1-5
SongNo. 144p2 Samuel 3-10]
No. l: Introductionto James and Why Beneficia1(si pp. 248-9
parS. 1-7; p. 250 parS. 15-17)
No. 2: Jama 31-12
No. 3: Bible Principles That CanHelpYou to Enjoy a Lasting,
Happy Mmisge (fy p. 38 review box)
No. 4: Qh-Theme: CXnuine HospitalityIs Appreciated
O& 26 Bible reading. l Peter 1-5
SongNo. 54 [2Samuel 11-15]
No. l: Introductionto l Peter and Wby Beneflciai (si pp. 251-2
parS. 1-5; p. 253 W. 11-13)
No. 3: Mahlah (No. l)-Jehowh Is Righteous
No. 4: LiveWithinYour lVIeans (ty pp. 3 9 4 pars. 1-6)

Nov. 2 Bible reading: 2 Peter 1-3

SongNo. 177 [2Samuel 16-20]
No. l: Introductionto 2 Peter and Why Beneflciai (si p. 254
pars. 1-3; p. 255 pars. 8-10)
No. E 2 Peter 3:l-13
No. 3: Caringfor the Household Is a F'amily Project Vy pp. 42-4
pars. 7-11)
No. 4: Manasseh (No. 4)-Theme:
Jehovah's Mercy Is Great
Nov. 9 Bible reading: l John 1-5
Song NO.114 Samuel21-1 Ktngs l]
No. l: Introductionto l John and Why Ben(si pp. 256-7
pars. 1-5; p. 258 m.11-13)
No. E 1J0hn %l-l2
No. 3: Manoahz'i2xxw Be Ready to Conformto M ' s Wi
No. 4: Wby Jehovah Requires That We Be Clean Vy pp. 45-9
pars. 1220)
Nov. 16 Bible reading: Z John-Jade
S O ~ ~ N22
O r. 1
No. l: Introductiont02 John, 3 John, and Jude and Why
Beneflcial (si p. 259 pars. 1-3,5; pp. 260-1 pars. 1-3,5;
pp. 261-3 pars. 1-4, aio)
No. E 2 John 12-13
No. 3: What SincereCommendation and Gratitude Can Do for a
F'amily Vy pp. 49-50 pars. 21-2)
No. 4: Mark, 1-Theme: Do Not Brood Over Past Diflculties
Nov. 23 Bible reaReveiaiion 1-3
Song No. 195[*lKings 7-10]
No, l: Introductionto Revelation (si pp. 263-4 pars. 1-6)
No. 2: Revelation 3:l-l1
No.3: Martha-Theme: LavingHospitalityIs Appreciated
No.4: The Bible'sView of Chtldren and Family Ftesponsibillty
Vy pp. 51-2 parS. 1-5)
Nov. 30 Bible reaing Revelation 4-6
Song No. 203 Fl
No. l: One Tme Reiigion, Chosen by Ood @I p. 704 par. 1-p. 706
par. 4)
No.& Revelaton5:l-l2
No. 3: What It Means to MU a Child's Needs Vy pp. 53-5
pars. 6-91
No. 4: Mary (No. 1)-Theme:
Faith and Devotion
Dec. 7 Biblereadhw Revelation 7-9
SowNo. m P1 Kings 16-20]
No.1: Jeho&~le&esThsewho~pp&theTmthinTheir
LiVes@Ip.mpar. l-p.709par.5)
No. E Revelation81-13
No. 3: Mary (No.2pTheme: Make SpWuatyYour Main
No. 4: Inmlcatethe Truth h Y m ChU%Vypp. 55-7 pars. 10-15)
Dec. l4 Bible reading: Revelation lO-12
SongNo. 137r 1 Ktngs 21-2
No. 1: The DistingutshingMark That Identines Jesus' Tme
mciples @I p. n 0 par. i-p. 712 par. 3)
No. E Rwelation l0:l-l1
No. 3: TeachYour Chtld Jehovah's Ways (fy pp. 58-9 pars. 16-19)
No. 4: Mary (No. 3)-Therne: AppreciatewhatJehawh and
Jesus Have Done for You
Dec.21 Bible reading: Revelation 13-15
Song NO.60 p2 Kings 4-91
No. l: AU of a d ' s Tme Servants Must Keep on the Watch
p. n 3 par. i-p. n6 par. 4)
No.Z: Revelation l3:l-15
No.3: Mary (No. 4pTheme: Be Constant inYour Acts of
Need for Mscipllne in ItsVarioU8
pp. 59-61pars. %l-3)
De<n 28 W r i k Review. C~mplet~?
Z Timothy lRevelaton 15
SongNo. 212 p2Ktngs Ml51

iLiterature offer for October:

Individuai copies of The WStchtou,er and Awake! Where interest is found on return visits,
subscriptions may be offered.
Starting October 12, Kingdom
News No. 35 wil1 be distributed. November: Distribution of
Kingdom News No. 35 wiii continue. Congregations that complete their territory by reaching
householders in each home or
dweling with a copy of Kingdom News No. 35 may offer the
Knowledge book. December:
New World Translation with the
book The Bible-God's Word or
Man's? January: Any 192-page


Schedule far congregation studies in th&

book Th8 Secret of Fgmlly Happinass.

October 6:
October 13:
October 20:
October Z

Pages 5-12
Pages 13-22*
Pages 22*-26
Pages 27-34-

book published prior to 1985

that the congregation may have
in stock. Congregations that do
not have a suppiy of such boohs
may offer Y m Can Live Foreuer in
Paradtse on Earth.
iThe insert in this issue of Our
Kingdom Ministry is the "Theocratic Ministry School Schedule
for 1998" and should be kept for
werence throughout 1998.
iWith five ful weekends, the
month of November may be a
convenient time for many t0
auxilhry pioneer.
iThe meeting times for many
congregations wil1 change January 1.So, there may be a need to
order a new supply of handbills
to show the adjusted meeting
iMemorial invitations for 1998
in the primary language of each
congregation have been included with the annual shipment
of forms. If other languages
are spoken in your territory
and you would like a supply of
invitations in those languages,
these shoud be requested immediateur on a Literature Re-

quest Form (5-14). Memorial

invitations are available in Arabic, Armenian, Chinese, Croatian, English, French, Greek,
loko, Itallan, Japanese, Korean,
Poiish, Portuguese, Romanian,
Russian, Samoan, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese. Please
request only those languages
needed for your territory.
a Congregations should begin
requesting Examining the Scriptures Duw-l998 with their October literature request. The
booklets wil1 h? available
in Arabic, Armenian, Chinese,
Chinese (Simplified), Croatian,
Danish, Dutch, English, F'innish, French, German, Greek,
Gujarati, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Iloko, Italian, Japanese,
Korean, Norwegian, Persian,
Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Smoan, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog,
Turhish, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese. These booklets are
speciai-request items and wil1
appear as "Pending" on congregation packing lists until ship
ments are made.

~ i c ~ aFull-Time'Witness?
Would you answer yes t0
this question? Although not
all of Jehovah's dedicated servants can be enrolled in the
full-time ministry, is it not
reasonableto expect that aU of
,'iUS shouldview ourselves as his
full-time Witnesses?Certainly
we should.
2 There is no such thing as
a part-time Christian. Jesus
said of his Father: "I always do
the things pleasing to him."
9 (John 8:29) Paul, who felt the
'$' s m e way, urged us to "do all
things for God's glory." (1Cor.
10:31) By all means then, al
iof us should regard ourselves
-'; as full-time Witnesses of Jehovah. Our thinking in this


way wili infiuence us for good in

every activity we pursue.
Consider the Evldence: Our
appearance, speech, and conduct can indiCate to other people that we are indeed Jehovah's
Witnesses. We are conscious
of the eed for a modest appearan e, wholesome speech,
and proper conduct whenever
we are engaging in field service
or attending Christian meetings. However, whether we are
going to school, working at a
secular job, or participating in
recreation, Werything about
should give evidente that we
live b~Jehovah's righteous stan-


Jesus said: "A city cannot

tie NCT when situated upon a

mountain. . . . Let your light
shine before men, that they
may see your m e works and
give glory to your Father who
is in the heavens." (Matt. 5:
14-16) This should be true in
everything we do and at all
times. If we ever find that we
are reluctant to give a witness
because of where we are or
what we are doing, we need
to ask ourselves, 'Am I serving Jehovah part-time or fulltime?' May we never have to
pass up an opportunity to talk
to others about the good news
of God's Kingdom.
5 Remember, we honor and
please Jehovah when we can
answer the question, "Are you
a full-time Witness?" with a
resounding "Yes!"

Glva Kngdom News No. SS Wlde Dlstrlbutlon

October and November will be busy months
for all of us. During the Wt 11days of October,
we wil1 offer individual copies of The Watchtower
and Awake! Then, from Sunday, October 12,
through Sunday, November 16,we willjoin in the
worldwide distribution of Kingdom N m s No. 35.
It wil1 be our privilegeto take an important mesWho May Have a Share?As

usuai, the elders will be at the

forefront of the work. Etreryone enjoys distributing Kingdom Naos, and no doubt a great
many publishers will enroli as
aiuouiary pioneers during one or
both months of the campaign.
Other publishers will want to
spend more time than usuai in
the ministry.
S Do you have a Bible student
who is wel1 dong in his study
of the Knowlege book and who
will soon quaify to engage in
field service? Perhaps he could
become an unbaptizepublisher
in time to engage in the Kngdom News campaign. A simple
presentation is-ailthat is needed to introduce the tract. Fbr
example, one might sayi This
message is s0 important that it
is being distributed worldwide
this month in 169 languages. I
would like you to have your personal copy." Even young children can have a fine share in this
exciting work.
Book study conductors
should encourage every member of their group to have a
full share in the distribution of
Kingdom News No. 35. There als0
may be publishers who have become inactive but who wouid
again be active in the service
if they received the needed encouragement. In advance of the
campaign, the elders should visit each of these to see what can
be done to help them accompany experienced publishers in
this feature of the ministry.
lom M US

sage to all the people in our locality. It is the answer to the question, "Wil1AU People Ever Love
One Another?"During this specialcampaign, we
will distribute Kngdom N m s No. 35 on weekdays. On weekends, in addition to presenting
K i n g h N m s , wewill featurethe current issues
of the magazines.

mered during the campaign,a

copy of K m g h News may be
for group witnessing arrange- left at not-at-homes on the first
ments that are both convenient call.
and practical. Wherever possiWhst b Our Objoctlve? Conble, meetings for service should gregations should endeavor to
be organized for each weekday, use their entire supply of Kngon the weekends, and in the we- dom News to cover all their terrinings. They should be held at tory before the campaign ends
times that will enable publish- on November 16. If your congreers and pioneers to take full advantage of the witnessing peri- gation's territory assignment is
od. Arrangemenis als0 may be quite large and if it is safe to
made to meet in the late after- work on your own rather than
noons for the benefit of school with a partner, you may nd it
students,shift,workers, and oth- practical to do so. This wil1 enem. The service overseer should able you to reach as many deensure that there wil1 be plenty serving ones as possible with the
of house-to-house and business good news. (Maa. 10:ll) It may
territory on hand so that every- be advantageous to carry a few
one can share fuUy in the work. tracts in your hand and a Bible
Where there are many publish- in your pocket or purse, rather
ers in an area, thw should be than use a briefcase. Be sure to
discreet about how many work keep a good record of where inin a given section of territory.
terest is found.
What About Mot-at-Homes?
* Are You Ready to Start? The
We want to speak personaly to elders should anticipate how
as many householders as possi- many extra magazines the conble to explain wy thw should gregation will need and should
read Kingdom News No. 35. So if order accordingly. There is no
no one is at home when you call, need to order Kingdom News
write own the address and cail No. 35, since a consignment is
again t a merent time of cay.U
sent to each congregaby the last week of the campaign being
regular, and auxilyour efforts to contact these
have 250 copies
householders still have been unsuccessful, you may leave a copy each to distribute, while congreof Kiwdom News at the door in a gation publishers wili be allotted
place where it willnot be seen by 50 copies each. We have our work
passersby. In residential areas, cut out for us. Are you eager to
be alert to offer Kingdom News share in this delighm activity?
to individualswho may be walk- No doubt you are. Let US give the
ing alongthe street. m e n work- important Bible-based message
h g rural areas and where there in Kingdom N m s No. 35 the widis more territory than can be est possible istribution!
When May We Meet for -rvice? AU this activity will cal

November 1397

Fot United States of America

Th. Large Door to Actlvlty Is Opsn

As a zealous preacher of
the good news, Paul eagerly
searched out territories where
the need was greater, one of
which was the city of Ephesus. He had such fine success
preaching there that he wrote
to fellow CMstians: "A large
door that leads to activity has
been opened to me." (1 Cor.
16:9) Paul continued to serve in
that territory and helped many
Ephesians to become believers.
-Acts 19~1-20,26.
Today, a large door leading
to activity has been opened to
us. We have an invitation to assist congregations that are not
able to work all their t e r r i b
ry thoroughly every par. Thus
our eforts can ofi%et the need
that exists in certain areas.
-Compare 2 Corinthians 8:

Can You Serve Where There

Is Qreater Need? Have you

prayerfully considered the possibility of serving elsewhere?

You may be able to help a congregation in your own city. Why
not speak to the circuit overseer about the matter and see
what he suggests?Or it rnay be
that within your o m congregation's territory, there is a large
deaf or foreign-language population that no one has been able
to care for. In order to meet this
need, could you exert yourself
to learn their language? Then
again, perhaps there is already
another language group or congregation nearby that has been
'begging the Master for more
Kingdom werkers.' (Matt. 9:37,
38) If so, are you able to help

Reach Out to NonmWitness Mates

l It is a cause for great joy
when married couples are
united in true worship. However, in many families only one
of the marriage mates has accepted the way of the truth.
How can we reach out to these
non-Witness mates and encourage them to worship Jehe
vah along with w?-l Tim.2:

Understand Their Thinking: Although some non-

Witness mates may be opposed, more often than not

the problem is one of indifference or misunderstanding.
A person rnay fee1 left out
or be jealolis over his or her

Vol. 40, No. 11

'In recent decades, thousands of Christian families have

moved to other lands to have

a fUer share in the harvest
work. One couple who &d this
said: "We wanted to serve Jehovah where we could do the
most good." If you have this desire and find it possible to move
elsewhere in this country or if
you quallfy to serve in another land, rst iscuss your prospects with the elders of your
If you wish to inquire of the
Society about where a need exists, provide the Congregation
Service Committee with a letter outlining your speciic desire. They wil1 attach their
comments and send it to the
Society. In any case, as long as
the large door to activity remains open, may aU of us continue to be busy in Jehovah's
service.-l Cor. 15:58.

study with the wife, the brother would pay the husband avismate's newfound spiritual in- it. He would often be able to
terest. "Alone in the house, I start a study with the husband
' 6 0 Friendly and Hospitafelt deserted," one husband recalls. "I felt as if mg wife and ble: Families in the congrechildren wep leaving me," says gation can help by takhg an
another. Mme men rnay think interest in families not yet
that they are losing their fam- united in true worship. A few
ily to a religion. (See the Au- friendly visits may help the
gust 15,1990, Watchtower, pag- non-Witness mate to see Jehe
es 20-3.) That is wkiy it is best, vah's Witnesses as warm, carif possible, for the husband to ing Christians who have everybe included with his wife in the one's best interests at heart.
home Bible study arrangement
From time to time, the elfrom the start.
ders can review recent eforts
Work as a Team: One Wit- that have been made to reach
ness couple effectively worked out to non-Witness mates and
together in aiding married determine what more can be
people int0 the truth. Af- done in hopes of winning them
the sister had established a t0 Jehovah.-l Pet. 3:1, ftn.

Week Startlng November S


service arrangements
Share some local experiences
20 min:
Unique Op
A "lic
November 15,1996, Watchtower,
pages 21-3.
1s min: "What Will ISay?" AUdience discussion. Read first
pmgraph on page of
Reusoning hook e x ~ l m g h o w
b00k is designed t0 help US witness effectively on a variety of
Bible topiW. U~strate~ i t One
or two weli-prepared demonstrations.

10 min: Local announcements.

Selected Announcements from
Our Kingdom Ministry. "Good
News on the Internet." Comment on August eld service report for the country and the local congregation.
ls min: "The Large Door to Activity Is Open." Talk by an elder,
including audience discussion.
Encourage al who can to reach
out for a greater share in the
preaching work. Include some
advice offered in the August 15,
1988, Wtchtower, page 22.
20 min: "FoliowUp the interest
in Kingdom News." Questions
and answers. Demonstrate pre- Week startingNo,,ember 24
sentations in paragraph 6. In
one of them, show a Bible study Song56
being started.
8 min: Locai announcements.
Song144andconcludingprayer. 1s min: Good Manners at the
Week Starting November 10 Congregation Boek Study- we
appreciate the hospitality of
families who open their home
l 0 min: Local announcements.
a book study. This may
Accounts report. Infonn con- for
considerable preparagregation of what 'territory re- involve
inconvenience. When
rnains to be covered with Kingdom News No. 35. Encourage al1 attending, we should display
to have a full share in this h a l good manners and show respect
week of the special campaign. and consideration, which would
include the foliowing: (1) We
lb min: Locai needs.
wipe our feet carefully
20 min: uReach Out to Nonentering, to avoid soilWitness Mates." Discussion b+ before
floors or carpets. (2) Partween two elders who are con- ing
cerned about getting to know ents should suiiervisetheir chilmore of the unbelieving mates dren, making &e that they are
on a personal level. They also wel1 behaved and stay in the
consider suggestions offered in area of the home designated for
the May 15, 1989, Watchtower, the book' study. (3) - m e the
pages 17-18, paragraphs 6-9. In- group may be smal1 and the atclude experiences from the Oc- mos~heresomewhat informal.
tober 1, 1995, Watchtower, pag- this-is a congregation meet:
ing and we should dress as we
es 10-11, paragmphs 11-12.
Song148and concludingprayer. do when Wing the Kingaom
Hall. (4) Association after the
Week Starting November 17 meeting should be kept brief so
that the household can have pril 0 min: Local announcements. vate time for itself. (5) While the

householder where the study is

held might choose occasionay
to serve a light refreshment after the
should understand that such is neither exnor required.
22 mk: ~ e D ~ i p l eTeachs,
ing Them. Elder conducts discussion with panel of three
or four publishers, answering
questions b=ed on our~ i ~
try book, pages 88-92: (1)Why is
retuni vbits essential
can one meet the caallenge of
the return
werk? (2) Why do
we put s. much emphasis on
,tarting Bible studies? HOW can
we become
in conducting studies? (3)
is it important to direct the students to
the organization? How can we
do this? Panel also relates how
the recent OUT Kingom Ministry inserts of June 1996 and
~ a r c hand April 1997 have assisted them in these areas.
Song 160and concludingprayer.

~ E Q ~ ~ B ~ ; O K S
Schedule for congregation studies in the
book The Secret af Family Happiness.

November 3:



November 10: Pages 39-45*

November li. Pages 45'40
November 24:



* To or from subheading.

Hrc. Mags. R.V.

Sp'l Pios.


111 118.1 84.1 48.8 4.8

67,916 59.8 86.8 19.1 1.7

AwPi 22,425 57.7 86.6 18.9 1.0





9.4 7.8

8.4 0.1

Baptized: 8,998

of Pennsyhmia Al1 ri hts reserved. Our Kingdom Minist (ISSN 1067 7259) is published monthly by Watchkwer Bible and Tract Society
of New ah Inc. and International 8ibleeSltudents Assaciation 2 9 Goluinbia Heights, Brook n NY 5201-2483. kriodimls Pos e Paid at Bmoklyn, NY and at adtiional mailing
offices. P O S T M ~ E R :Send address changes to Our ~ingdohMinist~c/o Watchtower, !2 kolurnbia Heights. Bmokiyn. NY %01-2483.
Printed in USA

8 1997 Watch Towr Bible and Tract Soci

i Literature offer for November:
Distribution of KingaOm News NO.35
wil1 continue. CO~gregatiOnSthat
complete their territory by reaching householders in each home or
dwelling with a copy of Kingdom
News No. 35 may offer the Knowlbook. Docomber: New World
Tra?hsWim with the book The Bible-God's Word or Man's? January:
Any 192page book published prior
to 1985 that the congregation may
have in stock. Congregations that do
not have a supplyof such books may
offer You Can Live Forever in Paraaise on Earth. Cebruary: Reuelation
-lts Grand C1imux At Hand!
iAfter the special campaign is
completed on November 16,congregations that still have a supply of
Kingdom News No. 35may encourage
publishers to offer these in the Same
manner that tracts are used, whether &omdoor to door or elsewhere. If
advisable, publishers may leave one
at each not-at-home, making sure
that it m o t be seen by passersby.
EPorts should be made to distribuk
al remaining copies of this important message.
i Congregations should begin requesting the 1998 Yearbook of Jehouah's Wihesses with their November literature request. The Yearbook
wi be avaiable in Arabic, Chinese,

English, F'rench, G e m , Greek, i New Audiocassettes Available:

Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Ko- Knowledge That Leads to Ever-*
Pobh* Po*UgU-s
lasting Lge (five cassettes in an
Spanish, and swedish. Yearbooks
specid-request ikrnsand
as "Pending" on
tien packing u t s until shipments Noah-He Walked With Cod
are made.

Good News on the Internet

In our technological age,
some people obtain information from electronic sources,
including the Internet. So the
Society has put on the Internet some accurate inpormation
about the beiiefs and activities
of Jehovah's Witneses.
Our Internet Web site
has the address http:// and contains a selection of tracts, brochures, and Watchtower and
Awake! articles in English,
Chinese (Simplified), German,
Russian, and Spanish,as wel1 as
in other languages. The publications on this Web site are
already available through the
congregations and are in use
in the ministry. The purpose of
our Web site is, not to re-

lease new publications, but to

make information available to
the public in electronic format. There is no need for any
individual to prepare Internet
pages about Jehovah's Witnesses, our activities,or our beiiefs.
Our ocial site presents accurate inf~rmationfor anY who
want it.
Although our site has no provision for electronic messages
(E-mail), it lists postal addresses of branches around the
globe. Thus people can wrik
to obtain more information or
to receive personal assistance
to share the above Internet address with any who might be inclined to begin learning Bible
truth from this format.

What Wil1 ISay?

When we meet people in the

ministry who respond favorabkwe
return t0
give them a further witness.
we may be -lxe
Of what t~
next conversation. You rnight
try this approach: Raise an interesting question, and then
turn to the Reasoning book to
show the Scriptural -wer.
It would help to have a list
of questions from which you
could select the one that you
fee1 might get the best response at a particular call.
The list below, compiled from

the Remoning book, shows the

page nurnber where each answer is found:
iWhy do we grow old and die?
there sound reasOnS f0r
believing in
Dqes God r e m care what
happens tO US humans? (147)
a person go t0 heaven
to have a truiy happy future?
iW ~ is
Y it important lalow
God's Personal
name? (lg6)
iWhat wil1 God's Kingdom accomplish? (227)
iWhat is the purpose of human life? (243)

iWhy are there so many reli-

gions? (322)
can a person know
which religion is right?
~ m p o m r f ual m e is Satan in today's world? (364)
P~-t sufferine (393)
iW h .is there S0 much wickedness? (427)
You could put such a list
of questions in your Bible or
Reasoning book for quick reference. Having something definite in mind to say on return
visits wii encourage you to be
faithful in following up a l l the
interest You find.

During the last few weeks, we,have been a-ders may ask you to continue distributingKingdom
joying the privilege of diatributm Kingdom N m s N m s No. 35 as long as the congregation's supply
entitled "Will AU People E& Love One An- lasb.
other?" Publishers everywhere are endeavoring to a This issue of Ki7g=@nt N m s k
regh as many deserving ones as possible with this terest of many peopiemey seethat humans in genissue of Kingdom News. (Matt. 10: 1) Although the era1 have lost their natura1 affection and therefore
campaign is scheduled to en
November IS4 wonder what the future holds. (2 Tim.3:s) We want
if there is stil more temiry to be covered, the el- to folow up the interest that haswg@eerated.

,. m

sponse, try to start a Bible study This book clearly explains when
all people wiU love one another,
then and there.
dwith Kingdom N m s , a WOman
6Here are some suggested and it answers other questions
9,who received a copy came to presentatcould try that you may wonder about:
t a meeting at the Kingdom Hall when returning t o those zcho WW do we grow old and die?
Why does Ood permit suffering?
because she wanted to karn s m d interest in
more about what Jehovah's Wit- N , @ NO.35:
What happens to our dead love
nesses believe. At that meet- B "You may recall the printed ones?" Then ask, "May I demoning she readily accepted a Bi- information I left with you re- strate the study course to you?"
ble study and thereafter rarely cently. Its message touches on a If the householder declines your
rnissed a meeting. Before long, vital issue dividing mankind to- offer, ask him if he would like
she had written to her former day-a lack of love for others." to read the book on his o m . IP
church, terminating her mem- Draw attention to the evidence he would, leave a copy and exbership!
presente on page 2 of King- plain that our worldwide Bible4By now, hunclres of peo- om News under the heading educational work is supported
ple in the territory have read "Love of Neighbor Has Grom by voluntary donations. Plan to
p the message in Kingdom News Cold." Then ask, "Do you think return again.
No. 35. But what was their reac- it is Ood's purpose for man70nce the t e w is thortion to it? Even if they were fa- kind to live this way?" AUow for o G c o v e r e d with Kirtgdoml
,# vorably impressed by what they
response. Turn to lesson 5 in N m NO.
read, most wil not take action the
until one of Jehovah's Witness- start a Bible study.
es calls on them again. Are you
making plans to return? Lov- B "When we rst met, I left you selection of suggested presentaing concern for our fellowman some information on the subject tions for this book can be found
should move us to do so. AU who 'Wiii AU People Ever Love One on the back page of Our Kinghave shown interest in Kingdom Another?' Do you think that dom Ministy in the issues of ~ e News should be visited again. such a world is possible?" AUow cember 1995; March, June, and
5What Will You Say W B n for response. Turn to lesson 6 in November 1996; and June 1997.
brochure, and read
This special distribution of
n Y ~ w $ You
? might magre a the ~ e q u i r d
few cornrnents about the timeli- paragraph 6. Then read God's Kingom News should motivate
ness of the message in Kingdom promise at Micah 4:3, 4. If the all of us to intensify our efforts
News and then ask a thought- householder appears interested, in the preaching work. With Jeprovoking question. Listen offer the brochure pui!d study. - hovah's help we can be confident
carePW as the householder ex- B "When I last &&d you, I left that this c paign wil1 have
Relping peopl me
presses himself s0 that you can some material entitled 'Wiil AU sure s
learn what is on his mind Then People Ever Love One Another?' & G &
draw attentionto an appropriate It contained an offer for a free to love one another. May Jehopoint in the Require brochure, home Bible study. I returned to vah continue to bless our diliwhich was featured in Kingdom show you the study aid that we gent efforts as we follow up the
News. If you get a favorable re- use. [Showthe Knowkdge book.] interest in Kingdom News.
Kingdom News Qets Rasults: During the 1995campaign

11/RkmE US


December l997

For United States of Amenca

Vol. 40, No. 12

Speak About Jehovah Every Day

People enjoy talking about
whatever they hold dear to their
heart, for out of the heart's
abundante the mouth speaks.
(Luke 6:45b) What is ~10Se
t0 O U
heart? The psaimist wrote: "Let
rny own tongue utter in an undertone your righteousness, all
d a long
~ your praiSe." (Ps. 35:28)
He had deep appreciation for Jehovah and counted it a real privilege
spe* about God
to praise him on every occasion. Being intimatew acquainted with Jehovah, the psalmist
had many good things to exult
over. (Ps. 35:9) H m c a . we imitate his fine example?
Speak About Jehovah in
Your Home: Jehovah should be a

aiy topic of conversation with-

ly enjoyed? Share it with your

brothers, thereby helping them
to increase their love for Jeho35:18; Heb. 10:24.
in the family circle. P a n t s who -.-PS.
have a strong love for Jehovah 4
About Jehovah t.
will natumlly ~peak
of hirn in all oth-:
e w m dealtheir activities. (Deut. 6:5-7) As ings mth peopleat werk, in
they do, the children
observe school, and with unbelieving
that their father and mother live fmembers-it &ould be
by faith and cherish the law of
apparent that our focus
&)d. The children will then view in life is the hearing of wftness
the famil.Bible stud3' as a gen- about Jehovah. Rather than be
uine expression of their parents' t a i n w mth crude and coarse
godly devotion.-2 Pet. 3:ll.
expressions of the world, our
Spoak About Jehovah W t h speech should exalt God. Dam
Your Brothers: During our at every opportunity, speak to
weekly theocratic routine, we others about the good news he
have many opportunities to feed has cornmissioned us to preach.
our min& and hearts on spiritu- -Acts k42; Col. 4:6.
al food. We are never lacking for 5 As true worshipers of Jehogood things to tell. (Luke 6:45a) vah, may we caily seize occaIsthereapointyougleanedfmm sions to speak about our inyour pemnal study or weekly comparable God, Jehovah.-Ps.
Bible reading that you especial- 106:47.

You Are Missed!

From time to time, we may
miss one or more congregation
meetings, feeling that 'nobody
wil1 miss me; they won't even
notice I'm not there.' That is
not true! Like any member of
our physical body, each of us
plays a vital role in the functioning of the congregation.
(1 Cor. 1212) Our absence fmm
a weekly meeting can affect the
spiritual well-being of others
who attend. If you are not there,
be assured-you are missed!
2The Vltal Roie You Play:

Yours and mine." L i k m e , by

our c o m e n b , our Parts 0x1 the
meeting, and Our
we do n~ucht0 build ene another UP t0 continue in a faithful
course.-l Thess. k11.
DOyou not look forward to
seeing others at congregation
meetings? You listen closely t0
their c o w e n t s and appreciate their expressions of faith.
Their spiritual gifts contribute to your upbuilding. If they
were not present at the meeting, you would feel that something important was missing.
Your brothers and sisters feel
the Same WW about You if You
are not present.

Paul longed to associate with

his brothers. Romans 1:11, 12
explains why: "That I may impart some spiritual gift to you
. . . that there rnay be an in- 4The Vital Roie Meetings
terchange of encouragement Piay: The Watchtower once
among you, by each one cornmented on how vital the
through the other's faith, both meetings are for our spiritual

survival, saying: "In this strifetorn, immoral world, the Christian congregationis a real spiritua refuge . ..,a haven of peace
and love. Therefore, be a regular
attender at all of its meetings."
(w93 8/15 11) Each day, we are
confronted by situations that
drain us spiritual&, If we are
not care, we could become so
absorbed in our own anxieties
that we rnight lose sight of the
more important spiritual concerns. All of us are dependent
on one another Por the encouragement we need in order to
remain united and zealous in
Ood7sservice.-Heb. 10:24,25.
Our attendance at meetings
is vital. Illness or unforeseen
occurrence may keep US away
occasionally. Otherwise, let us
be determined always to be
counted among the congregated throngs who praise Jehovah
together!-Ps. 26:12.


Week Starting December 29

Song 181
8 min: Local announcements.
Remind ail t0 turn in field service reports. If your congregal0 min: Local -ouncementss
tion wiil change meeting times
selected ~~~~~~~~~~~t~from
for the new year, give kind
Our Kingdom Ministry.
min: uSpeak About Jehovah
encouragement urging di to
maintain regular attendance
Every Day." Questions and anwith the Congregation at its nc?W
swers. When covering paragraph 4, include cornments from Week Starting December 22 times12 min: Review Literature Offer
School Guidebook, study 16, song
paragraphs 14-16.
January. Show older books
8 min: Local announcements.
20 min: "The
Bible-God's ~
~ t. brhg
J ~ ~ that
- d the congregation has an
Guide for All People." An el1998 Our Kingam Minis- arnple suppl.of, and mention inder discusses arti~ledong with try insert
them t. meeting kresting talking points that wil1
reasons why everyone should be
be helpful in preparing presen=k.
motivated to examine the Bi- 11 min:
"The Theocratie ~ i . tations.
include one demonstrable. (See brochure A Boek for istry school for 1998." A talk tion. We should continue our efAl1 Peo~le,pages 30, 32.1 Brief- by the school OverSeer. Review forts t0 start studies either in
ly interview two publishers as ws that
benefit more the Require brochure or in the
t0 how thw have prepared
Rilly hom the school during the Knowledge book.
use the suggest* presentations CO*
year. Encourage keeping 25 min: Prepare t0 Attena 1998
in paragraPu 3-8.
Up with the Iew "Supplemental District Convention. Secretary
One Of these for the
Schedule" each handles question-and-answer
and corresponding return visit. Bible-Reading
coverage of convention inforSong165andconcluding~rayer-20 min: Preach the 0 0 d News mation in January 1998 Our
Week Startlng December 8
Everywhere. AudienCe discus- Kingom Ministry insert. First,
Sion of Our Ministq hook, pag- read December 15,1997,convenSong 58
es 92-7, using these questions: tien assignment letter. Then,
10 min: Local announcements. (1) why is the use of our literaafter consideringparagraph 5 of
Accounts report.
ture effective in 'preading the artiele, read opening and clos20 min: why Report What 1s gwd n m ? Why should we offer
Bad? Talk by an elder based on literature at every opportuniis it imgortant t0 men- edmdging List-As nat* inthe
the August 15,1997,Watchtower, ty?
pages 26-30.
tien the damaon
arrangu3ment? article, emphasize the Scriptur1S min: "You Are Missed!" Au- (2) Why should we be conscious al Principles for fouowing the
dience .discussion conducted by of doing informal witnessing? Society's direction in roomhg
an elder. Mention meeting at- What qre some ways to wit- n~atters.30~1mendthe brothtendance averages for the con- ness inforrnally?(Invite some to ers for cooperating with the Sogregation. invite some to relate relate experiences of witness- ciety's arrangement.
reasons why thw are refreshed ing informay.) (3) Why should Song 215 and concluciingprayer.
by being together at meetings. the congreTtion strive for good
Song 172and concludingprayer. coverage of lts assigned t~rrito- -RE-~NDY
territory is plentiful, Scbedule for congr ation studles
io the
December Is what is the advantage of having
b006 The SBCM
a personal territory? (4) How do December Pages 599.63
10 min: Local announcements. we benefit from arrangements
Offer suggestions on h m to re- for group witnessing? How can December lB Pages 719-75
spond tactftrlly to worldiy hol- we plan our witnessing activity
Pagec 7&8r
iday greetings. Outline special to make sure that we make the
field service arrangements for best use of our time?
December 25 and January 1.
Song222 and concluciingprayer.

Week StartPng December 1


10 min: Local needs.

25 min: "We Ought

to Be
Teachers, Not Just Preachers."
Questions and answers. When
covering paragraph 11, read
Li'chool Guidebook, study 15,
paragraph 11.
174and concludingprayer.

O 1997 Wdtch Tower Blble and,Tract Socie of Pennsylvanla. Al1i,r, hts reserved. Our Klngdom Minst

5 New Mrk,
Inc.. and International Bible gudents ksoc!a".WSTMASTF-@ -

Iress changes to O U ~K,nj

ISSN 1067 7259 Is publlshed monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
Columbia Heights. Brookl n. NV -01-2483.
~eriodlcalsPosta e Paid at Brooklyn, NV, and at additional mailing
Ministm c/o Watchtower, 2 i Columbia Helghts, Brooklyn, NV 11801-2483.
Printed in V.CA

We Ought to Be Teachers,
Not Just Preachers
l It has been obsemed that "Jehovah's Witing interest and imparting knowledge about
nesses have literally covered the earth with the Kingdom to others.
their witnessing." How has this been possible?
Second, if we are to make disciples, we
Not by hurnan rnight or power, but by a d ' s must teach all the things Jesus cornrnandspirit operating upon his servants as they ed. (Matt. 11:l;28:19,20) Again, the literature
make use of various provisions to fulfll their plays an important role in our sounding the
preaching and teaching commission.-Zech.
truth down into the hearts of students, help4:6; Acts 1:8.
ing them to become disciples.
=The printed page is an effective means
Those who accept Uterature may be 'hearto accomplish our preaching work. Over the ers of the word,' but it is urikely that thw wil1
yeam, billions of books, booklets, brochures, become doers of it if thw are left on their own.
magazines, and tracts have been printed and (Jas. 1:22-25) F'ew wil1 ever become disciples
istributed by Jehovah's Witnesses to help unless someone guides them. (Acts 8:30, 31)
make known the Kingdom good news. Re- They need a teacher to help them prove to
ports in the 1997 Yearbook show that produc- themselves the truth that is found in the
tion of literature has reached record levels. To Scriptures. (Acts 17:2, 3) Our goal is to help
date, over 91 million copies of the Neut World them progress to the point of dedication and
Tra72slcionhave been printed. in one year the baptism and to train them to become adenumber of WatchtuwerandAwake! magazines quakiy quaified to teach 0thers.-2 Tim. 22.
printed in theUnited States rose by 7.1 per'The Q r e a t d W e d Is for More Teaohcent. In Germany,magazine production rose ers: When we preach, we declare the good
by 35 percent. Over one third of the magazines news publicly. Teaching, however, involves
produced there were for the Russian field.
instructing someone progressively. While
WhJr is so much literature needed? World- preaching makes others aware of the Kingwide, there has been a tremendous response dom message, teaching helps individuals acto the encouragement given for US to witness cept the good news and act on it. (Luke 8:15)
wherever people can be found. With more of A teacher does more than proclaim; he exus extending our witnessing work-in public plains, reasons with good argumentation, ofplaces, on the streets, and in business territo- fers proofs, and persuades.
*Asmany of us as possible ought to be
ry-greater amounts of literature are being
placed with people who show some interest. teachers, not just preachem. (Heb. 5:12a) DisMany of these have rareiy, if ever, had the tributing literature is a vital part of our work,
opportunity to hear the Kingdom message but achievingthe second objective of our minpreviously. To meet this need, congregati ns istry ultimately depends upon what we do as
keep on hand a variety of publications for &e teachers. Although we can be pleased when
we are able to place literature, to accomplish
in all features of the ministry.
What Is Our Ooal In Dlstrlbutlng Litera- our ministry fully, we should not view a placement as our final goal. (2 Tim.45) Placements
ture? Our goal is not just to place literature. The cornmission to make disciples in- are an effective means of opening the door to
volves two aspects-preaching and teaching. opportunities to teach the truth to others.
Make Return Visits to Start Blble StudFirst, we have the privilege of preaching the
AU of us have ikeiy placed a number of
good news of the Kingdom, making people
mare that it is the only hope for mankind. books, brochures, and magazines, compiling
(Matt. 10:7; 2414) Our Bible-based literature is a list of return visits. We should schedule a
a time-tested and effective means of stimulat- regular time to go back to stimulate interest.

12/97 kmE US


Our main purpose in returning is not just to

place more literature but to encourage people
to read and benefit fmm what they already
have. How much spiritual progress would we
ourselves have made had it not been that
someone returned time and again to help US
acquire accurate knowledge?-John 17:3.
l0 Follow up .ail interest with a view t e
ward starting a Bible study either in the brochure What Does God Require of US?or in
the book Kmwledge That Leads to Everlusti~ng
Lve. These two publications present the Kingdom message in a form that is easiy understood. The Require brochure contains a wellrounded-out study course, covering the basic
teachings of the Bible. The Kmwledge book
enables one to teach the truth in greater detail, yet with simplicity, clarity, and brevity.
l1 The simpWmi teaching program, as explained in the insert of the June 1996 Our
Kingdom Ministry, makes it easy for the teacher to instruct and for the student to learn.
Keep a copy of that insert readily available to
review teaching methods and techniques that
have proved effective. Some of the suggestions
it gives involve how to take a genuine personal interest in the student, how much material
to cover in one session, how to handle questions that do not pertain to the subject, how
both teacher and student can prepare in advance for the study, and how to direct the student to Jehovah's organization. By folowing
the suggestions, more of us, including newer
ones, wil1 be able to conduct progressive studies.

Reports of Good Success From the Field:

The Require brochure and the Knowkdge

book have prwed to be valuable aids in speeding up the process of making disciples. Upon
receiving the Require brochure, a brother in
Bolivia irnrnediately used it to start a study
with a man. Four months later at the district
convention, this student was among the happy candidates for baptism!
l3Many are being moved to dedicate their
lives to Jehovah after completing their study
of the Kmwledge book. In one congregation
in Angola, the nurnber of Bible studies conducted by the publishers increased from 190
to 260 and meeting attendance doubled in
number from 180 to 360 in only four months
after the Knowledge book began to be used in
that area. Shortly thereafter,it was necessary
to form another congregation.
l*After starting his first study in the -1edge book, one brother said that conductingit
is "simple if the conductor just asks the questions, reads some applicable scriptures, and
makes sure that the student understands."
Although he always thought that only very
qualified publishers could conduct progressive Bible studies and that he could never do
it, he realized that he could, saying: "If I can,
anyone can."
l5 It is by conducting Bible studies as a part
of our ministry that we accomplish the objective of making disciples. Those who have d e
veloped the abiity to share in this aspect
of the ministry fhd it truly satisfying and
richly rewarding. May it be said of us that
we also are "preaching the kingdom of God
. . . and teaching the things concerning the
Lord Jesus Christ with the greatest freeness,,
of speech."-Acts 28:31.

mang ge-t


Why Respect Theocratie

mentS? (Drama,single cassette)
iNew P~blications
Watch Tower Publications Zn&x 1991Apply YourseEftoReading an Writing
i New Compact Discs Available:
Kingdom Melodies, Volume 5
-PortWuese Wh& Does God Require of US?
Kingdom Melodies, Volume 6
Brochure No. 1 of Watchtower Stuy
Jehovah's Witnesses Stand Fimz
IsTh& LveAumezs?
Dotng Wh& Is RlgW (n
E y e ~ Ag<rau(NuAssault
Life-Hm Did Zt Get H m ? By Evolution orby Creatm?(Srnallsize)
singie cassette) -1tmn purple mngh
- G e m
The Greatest Man W?w Ever Lived m Bible-Mankin's OW
The Secret of Famzy Happiness
(eightcassettesin an album)
-*rman, Rman TheNew WorldSociety in Action
WatchTowerPublications Scripture In- Wh& Does God Req~ireof US?(single
-Chinese (Cantonese), Chinese
&X 1991-1995
cassette) .
-F'rench, Korean



s - '

-' -<-u"tL



Closed-book review on rnaterial covered in Theocratie Ministry School assignments for the
weeks of September 1to December 22, 1997. Use a separate sheet of paper to w i t e down
answers to as rnany of the questions as you can in the time allotted.
[Note: During the witten review, only the Bible may be used to answer any quest'ion.
References that follow the questions are for your personal research. Page and paragraph
numbers rnay not appear on al1 referentes to The Watchtower.]

9. Since Jehoiachin had fathered seven

Answer each of the following statements
sons, t h e Scriptural decree, "Write
True o r False:
down this man as childless," must have
7 l. Although the record states that faithbeen an error. (Jer. 2230) [it-l p. 1267
less King Jehoram ruled in the northern
par. 101
kingdom of Israel, we do not know who
bis parents were or how he died. [it-1 10. Whether civil authorities are viewed as,
just or unjust, true Christians should
p. 1270 pars. 8,121
have their marriage properly registered
2. At Luke 22:30, "the twelve tribes of Iswith them. [?cl p. 122 par. 111
rael" have the Same significance as at
Matthew 19:28, where t h e application Answer the following questions:
broadens out beyond Jesus' spiritbegotten underpriests to include al1 11. In harmony with the example of firstcentury Ephesian Christians, what is
others of mankind. [Weekly Bible readone necessary step that must be taken
ing; see w87 3/1 p. 27 par. 10; p. 28
par. 12.1
par. 141
3. The reason Jesus' disciples expressed
wonderment at his speaking with a Sa- 12. How did certain angels sin ig Noah'
day? [k1 p. 109 par. 41 *-.*y
maritan woman was that she had an
immoral background. (John 427) [Week- 13. Why did Jesus refuse to get involved
ly Bible reading; see w95 7/15 p. 15
in an inheritance dispute? (Luke 1213,
pars. 1-2.1
14) [Weekly Bible readi
see w97 4/1
p. 28.1
- 4. The expression "from the beginning" at
John 6:64 indicates that Jesus knew at 14. Of what were the disciples unaware
the time Judas was chosen as an apostle
when they asked Jesus if he was going
that he would be the one to betray Him.
to restore the Kingdom to Israel, as
[Weekly Bible reading; see it-2 p. 129
recorded a t Acts 1:6? [Weekly Bible
pars. 4-6.1
reading; see w90 6/1 p. 11par. 4.1 H M
5. The Society's charter of 1884 referred 15. Why was Adolf Hitler unable to carry
only to its being a publishing organizaout his threat to exterminate Jehovah's
tion. Dv p. 576 par. l ]
people? Dv p. 553 pars. 2-41
6. Exodus 21:22,23 helps US to appreciate 16. How did Jairus demonstrate that he
that God views the unborn human child
had faith in Jesus' ability to cure? ( ark
as a precious life. [k1 p. 128 par. 211
5:22-24) [it-l p. 1250 par. 141 r&
7. The "festival of the Jews" mentioned at 17. Why does the New World Tra-n
John 5:l refers to the Passover of 31 C.E.
say "the Word was a god" and not "the
[si p. 194 par. 81
Word was God," as other translations do
at John 1:1? [Weekly Bible reading; see
8. Spreading t h e Kingdom message
rs 212 par. 5.1 &.
through radio and television broadcasts
is as effective as any other methods we 18. According to the book of Revelation,
where wil1 "those practicing spiritism"
may use. Dv p. 572 par. 31







27. In (1877:1879; 1881), Charles T. Russell published the booklet The Object
and Manner of Our Lord's Return, and
in (1877; 1879- 1881) he began publishing 2ionps%%ch lbwer and H m l d of
Christ's Presence. Ijv p. 557 par. l]
28. Our living a godly life guarantees that
(wewill alwaysbe treated wel1by others;
we will enioy an abundance of material
things now;we wil1 have G o r i ' a f
approval beca'se we are
[k1 p. l l 8 par. 21
Provide the word(& or phra e needed to
complete each of the following state- 29. When Jesus asked the apostle Peter,
"Do you love me more than these?,"
He was asking Peter if 'he loved Him
21. The example of -,
the Git~
mo e than (he l o v e d & @ s ~disci-S
t i e, y h o demonstrated loyalty t o
, should move US to demonoved t h e s e t h i n r1.
strate this Same quality toward those
(Joxn 21:15) [Week y i le reading; see
taking the lead in Jehovah's organizall/1p. 31 par. 9.1
tion today. (2 Sam. 15:Z) [it-l p. 1237
30. For the most part, those who have
par. 171
taken the lead in spreading the good
22. The "ten minas" represent d
news have been (wealthy people; people
that spirit-begotten disciples could
up to by the world; ~ m m s npeomake use of in producing more
p. 548 par. 31
of the heavenly Kingdom.
[Weekly Bible reading; see Natch the following scriptures to the
w89 10/1 p. 8.1
statements lbted below:
23. Three false charges that the Jews made 2 Ki. 10:15, 16; Prov. 39, 10; Luke 960, 62;
against Jesus to Pilate, the Roman gov- 134, 5; Rom. 910-12
a, included subverting
, forbidding the paying 31. Jesus argued against fatalistic reasoning, referring to a tragedy that was
, and saying He Himself
well-known to his listeners and that he
. (Luke 23:2) [Weekly Bievidently
attributed to time and unforee w90 12/1 p. 9 par. l.]
seen occurrence. [Weekly Bible readis;
24. True Christians do not celebrate Christseew969/1p.5par.5.] &,/r:
end up if they do not repent and change
their ways? [k1p. 111par. 81
19. SinceJesus was a perfect man and he acknowledged his role as Teacher, why
did he not accept being called "Good
Teacher"? (Luke 18:18,19) [VCTeeklyBible
20. What as new ab t e commandment
stated at John 1334? [Weekly Bible
reading; see w90 2/1 21 rs. 5-6.1





ook of Acts was r i t t e n by

while he was in L.
p. 199 par. 31

Select the correct answer in each of the

following statements:
26. By 1992, over (2,500; 4,500; 6 9 ) students from (40; 80,l l 0 countries had
been trained at Gilea and had thereafter served in over (100; 150; 200) lands
and island groups. Ijv p. 524 p-

32. Jehovah demonstrated his ability to detect the genetic bent of the unborn and
to exercise his foreknowledge and right
to select beforehand whom he choos s
for his purposes. [it-l p. 1242 par. 6]&,
33. Single-minded devotion is needed in o: '
der to enter the Kingdom. [si p. 192
t:lo,b t
par. 321
34. Jehovah will bless US as we use our time,
energy, and other resources, including
our funds, to promote true worship. [k1
35. One must loyally support those iaking the lead in Jehovah's worshia rit-l

Literature offer for DecemNew World Translation
with the book The Bible-God's
Word or Man's? January: Any
192-page book published prior to 1985 that the congregation may have in stock. Congregations that do not have a
supply of such books may offer
You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth. February: Revelation-lts Grand ClimaxAt Hand!
March: Knowledge That Leads to
Everlasting Lge. Concentrate on
starting home Bible studies.



A\! Ai!
Hrs. Mags.

Ntunber of:
Sp'l P k



163 122.1 98,2 52.8 4.2


72,6S1 81.2 58.7 24.0 1.7


24,459 59.2 89.8 14.15 0.9





9x4 7.5

8.4 0 4

Baptized. 2,180

i Since the Gilead graduation

will be held on Saturday,
March 14, 1998, no tours will be
conducted that day at the Society's facilities at Brookyn, Patterson, and Wallkill, New York.
Any who have planned to visit on that Saturday should reschedule their visit to another
convenient time.
i Congregations should begin
requesting bound volumes of
The Watchtower and Awake!
for 1997 with their December
literature request. The bound
volumes will be available in
Chinese, Croatian, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek,
Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian,
Russian, Spanish, and Turkish. Until the bound volumes
are available and shipments
are made, these will appear
as "Pending" on congregation
packing lists. Bound volumes
are special-request items.
i The presiding overseer or
someone designated by him

The Theocratic Ministry

School for 1998
To be schooled means to be
"taught or W e d in a specific
- knowledge or skm." Through
the Theocratic Ministry
School, we are constantly being trained in the knowledge
of Ood. Also, our participation
in this school ailows US to d e
,velop our speaking and teachingskills. The school program
for 1998 wil1 aford US many
opportunities t0 make further
spiritual pr0gr;re~~.
As you examine next par's
school schedule, you wil1 note
that occasionally Assigrment
No. 3 will be based on a Bible
character as found in the Insight volumes, What is more,

the Family Happiness book has

been added to the curriculum
for 1998, m d Assignments NO. 3
gnd NO. 4 will cover it progressively. Whenever the Familg Happiness book is the basis
for Assignment No. 4, a brother
shoulh handle it as a t- to the
congregation. And, as a rerninder, no one on the school program should go overtime.
A New Feature: For our perSana1 benefit, a "Supplemental
Bible-Reading Schedule" is set
forth in brackets right after the
song number for each week. Although no parts on the weekly
school program are based on it,
make it your goal to folow it.

should audit the congregation's

accounts on December 1 or
as soon as possible thereafter.
Make announcement to the congregation when this has been
i The Memorial for 1999 will
be on Thursday, April 1, after
sundown. This advance notice
is @ven so that brothers may
make necessary reservations
or contracts for available halls
when there are several congregations using the Kingdom
Hall and other facilities must be
found. The elders should have
an agreement with the management ensuring that there will
be no disturbances from other activities in the building so
that the Memorial observance
can proceed in a peaceful and
orderly manner. Because of the
importance of the occasion, in
assigning a Memorial speaker,
the body of elders should select
one of the more qu-ed
instead of simply taking turns
or using the same brother each
This wil1 enable you to get int0
the habit of reading the Bible
M y if you are not already doing so.
For more information about
assignments, counsel, and
written reviews, please read
carefilv the instructions
fomd in the CTheocratic &finistry School Schedule for
lgg8 ,, as
as page of
the getober
1gg6 ourKingam
If you are nat yet enrolled
in the Tht30cratic Ministry
School, we invite you t0 enrou
con"Ow. Th@ unique
tJnues to ~1%' an important
rele in training humble and
devotedservants of Jehovah to
become better qualilled as his
ministers.-l Tim. 413-16.

The Blble-God's

Guide for Al1 People

l An estimated four billion Bibles have been

printed in more than 2,100 languages and dialects, making God's Word available to over
90 percent of earth's population. Yet, there exists
a faminein the world "for hearing the words of Jehovah." (Amos 8:ll) Many people who have a
copy of the Bible either do not read it or do not
understand its contents. How can we motivate
them to use the Bible as apractical gade in their

In December we wil1 offer the book The BBle

-God's Word or Man's? Where interest is found,
we may also offer the Bible translation that has
benefted us for the past 47 years-the New World
Translation. This can be done by ilustrating its
clear, modern speech. (See "Al1Scripture" book,

page 328, paragraph 6.) We will demonstrate our

keen appreciation for this gift from Jehovah by
enthusiastically helping others to accept the Bible as God's guide for al1people.

The f o l l o w i ~presentaIn terrtory where people

S You could introduce a
presentation bg using the are religbus, @OU m&ht try t h mag interest oler people:
tmct "WhgYouCan Trust t b t h b initial approach:
Bibze." You m&ht sag:
i "We are encouraging great- i "There was a time when the

Bible was read in most homes

and when families lived by its
principles. Was it so in your
family? [Allow for response.]
Today it seem that many are
too distracted to devote time
to Bible reading or they fee1
that its moral principles are
old-fashioned. Chapter 13 of
this book, The Bible-God's
Word or Man's?, presents three
true-life experiences of individuals whose lives changed for the
better after studying the Bible.
If you would like to read how
the power of God's Word helped
them, I wil1 be happy to leave
When followtng up a this book with you."

er respect for the Bible. Many

families have a Bible, but they
seldom consult it when they are
having serious problems. Have
you noticed this? [Allow for response.] Perhaps thw believe
that the Bible is outdated. This
book, The Bile-God's Word or
Man's?, gives convincing proof
that the Bible is scientificaily
accurate and that it provides
practica1 solutions for today's
pressingproblems." Highlight a
few points from chapter 8 or
chapter 12of the book, and then
4 When returning to people
wtth whom gou Zeft the tract offer it.

i "Even though the Bible is

available to over 90 percent of
the world's population, few people regularly read it. What do
you think is the reason?" Read
the first two paragraphs of the
tract, along with 2 Timothy 3:
16. Offer the God's Word book.
I f the book is accepted, mention the donation arrangement.
If reftised, ask the householder
to read the rest of the tract.
Highlight the final subheading,
"Foretelling the Future."

"Whg You Can Trust the Biplacement o f the "God's

le," gou might try tha:
0 n the return vait, gou
i After reintroducing yourself, Word" book, you could sag:
could sag:
read the last two paragraphs of i "When I visited you last, we iUWhen we last spoke, we
the tract. Ask the householder disussed h m the Bible helps agreed that the Bible's moral

if he ever considered the possibility of living forwer on earth.

After he responds, say: "Jehovah's Witnesses are certain
that all the prophecies found
in the Bible will be fulflled, including the ones that predict a
wonderful future for aU people
who meet God's requirements."
Show the iilustration on page 13
in the Require brochure, turn
back to lesson 5, and offer to
discuss the answers to the listed questions, thus starting a
12/97 kmE US

solve today's complex problems. Those who have acceptGod's Word have also
ed it elped to live happier,
more contented iives. I would
like to show you one of the
practica1 Bible principles that
is explained in the book I left
you." Discuss one of the Scrip
tural principles found in chap
ter 12,paragraphs 3-6, and conclude by reading paragraph 7. If
interest is shown, offer a study
either in the Knowledge book or
in the Require brochure.

principles are being ignored in

today's society. Should that disregard concern US? [Ailow for
response.] Jesus Christ placed
a high value on taking in Bible knowledge." Read John
17:3. Then share paragraph 5
of chapter 1 in the Knowledge
book. Explain our free Bible
study program, and offer to
demonstrate it.
g Pray that Jehovah will bles
all your efforts to turn attention
to the Bible-God's guide for i

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