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Progress Reports in CLASSxp – 4th Quarter

You can start entering progress report information in CLASSxp starting on Friday, April 23rd.
The deadline for Progress Reports is noon on Wednesday, May 5th, 2010!
 Progress Report screens in CLASSxp will open Friday, April 24th
 ALL special education students and guided study students must be issued a progress report in CLASSxp,
regardless of academic performance.
 ALL students with a D or lower must receive a progress report.
 Check your mailbox for a list of all your special education students.

To create a Student Progress Report:

1. In CLASSxp, select one of your classes.
2. Click on the Performance menu and select Class Grades.
3. At the pop-up window, click on the Grades button.

4. Select grades for those students for whom you wish to create Progress Reports. Click in the
corresponding Progress Report column to choose a grade: A, B, C, D, or F. Only these grades will
appear on the Progress Report mailed home to parents. DO NOT choose any other grades (WF, I, P).


5. Add a comment by clicking in the Cmt 1, Cmt 2, … column and selecting from the pop-up list. Use up
to THREE comments per student. You cannot add your own comments.
6. When finished, click Save.
7. Repeat the process for all your other classes.

That’s all you need to do. You do not have to print anything.
If you do not see all the columns, then make sure you have the proper tab selected. Show All Data, not Show
Marks Only.
Do not export data from InteGrade Pro for Progress Reports.
Progress Report Comments for CLASSxp
Code # Comment
101 Frequent Absences
105 Frequent Tardies
110 Low quiz/test scores
115 Failure to make up quiz/test
120 Incomplete assignments
125 Lab work is incomplete
130 Missing assignments
135 Failure to make up assignments
140 Unsatisfactory written work
145 Please contact the teacher
150 Unprepared for class
155 Does not take notes
160 Does not participate in class
165 Does not stay on task
167 Not working to potential
170 Has not seen teacher for help
175 Needs more practice/study
180 Missed required performance
185 Does not work independently
190 Does not work well in groups
195 Is frequently off task
200 Is disruptive in class
205 Must act responsibly in lab
210 Grade is declining
215 Still time to improve grade
220 Extra effort to improve grade
225 Below 50%
230 50-54%
235 55-59%
240 60-64%
245 65-69%
250 70-74%

500 Frequently participates

505 Shows leadership in group work
510 Shows respect for others
515 Is proactive when absent
520 Completes all homework
525 Performs well on tests/quizzes
530 Good communication skills
535 Asks good questions
540 Seeks help from teacher
545 Follows directions
550 Good study habits
555 Intrinsically motivated
560 Demonstrates strong class work
565 Grade is showing improvement
570 Turns in late work

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