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Renée Jackson

Article Summaries
FRIT 8530
Article #1

Stiler, G. (2007, Fall2007). MP3 players: Applications and implications for the use of popular
technology in secondary schools. Education, 128(1), 20-33. Retrieved September 24,
2009, from Academic Search Complete database.


This article covers a small exploratory study using a focus group format on the possible
classroom applications of MP3 players in a high school setting. The author chose to conduct this
study on the premise that given the common use of MP3 players by adolescents and youth, there
might be missed educational opportunities to use them in the classroom. The author sets out to
find the limitations of MP3 players, gather teacher recommendations for potential use of the
players, and to learn to what extensions of the curriculum the MP3 players might lend
Two focus groups from the same high school participated in the three month trial and
study. Four social studies teachers that were also coaches made up Group 1. Group 2 consisted of
one French language teacher, one special education teacher, and a media specialist. The author of
the article acted as project coordinator and served in a support capacity to the participants.
Funding from a research grant was used to purchase six popular models of MP3 players based on
a set of criteria developed to maximize available functions of the various models of players. A
list of known academic uses for MP3 players was developed and given to the participants to
prompt their validation on what applications were already being done with the players.
Participants were given instruction on basic operation of the players and asked to record their
likes and dislikes of the players along with any ideas they had for application in the classroom.
Suggestions for classroom applications for the MP3 players were made including
transporting, storing and archiving data, oral history interviews, and listening to web-based
history and government audio archives. It was agreed that increased student interest in web-
based information could result with the use of MP3 players. It was noted that there was a school
policy in place prohibiting use of MP3 players during class time. All participants agreed that for
any of the potential uses to be realized all students would need MP3 players and that technology
training and support for teachers would be issues.
According to the author, the implications of the study indicate two themes. The
participants were able to envision applications that integrated MP3 players into existing lesson
plans and they were aware of potential uses with certain learning styles and the needs of
particular students and subjects. Also, the consensus of the participants was the need for a
“comprehensive and sustainable technology plan” that offered training and support for
incorporating the new technology.

This article would be useful for teachers and media specialists looking for a list of
applications or suggestions for using MP3 players. Although it was interesting to read, the study
was too small, too localized and the use of the focus group format was not conducive to
generating any real data. The article started out substantiating the reason for the study by
reporting data on the use of MP3 players. The format of the article followed a coherent outline
for the information and tables were provided for the potential classroom applications and
participant profiles. The problem with the study came in that there was only one school involved,
there were only two small focus groups, and each of the groups met once, for about an hour. The
author also states that “discussions were cued with leading questions and statements”.
I think for this type of study more than one school should have been included. The MP3
players could have been divided between the schools if the study had to be completed during a
certain time period. Also, the participants should not have been given a prepared list of
classroom applications. They should have been asked to provide their own suggestions after
using the players for a period of time and then the researcher could have compared their
responses with the known classroom uses of MP3 players. I do think it was advantageous to the
study that a special education teacher, a foreign language teacher and a media specialist were
included to gain the perspective of diverse learners and content.
As a future media specialist, I appreciated the comments and suggestions made by the
media specialist concerning the potential use of the MP3 player in the media center. It was also
informative to hear from the various teachers the way the players could be used with their
classes. I also found it interesting that the author mentions that there was no discussion of
connections to curriculum standards and that the questions were not designed to find out the
participant’s knowledge of the standards. With curriculum standards being the basis for all
classroom instruction, this seems to be an area for inquiry that should not be overlooked.

Article #2

Sadik, A. (2008, August). Digital storytelling: A meaningful technology-integrated approach for

engaged student learning. Educational Technology Research and Development, 56(4),
487-506. Retrieved September 24, 2009, doi:10.1007/s11423-008-9091-8


This article chronicles the use of Microsoft Photo Story 3 for Windows to encourage
Egyptian teachers to integrate technology into their regular classroom instruction. The researcher
notes that even though investment had been made by the Egyptian Ministry of Education in
computers and technology, teachers seemed to be lacking in classroom implementation due to
the quality of their training and their inability to see the potential for improved learning in the
The study’s intent was to help teachers “develop the nature of teaching and learning” by
using digital storytelling technology. The study sets out to answer to what extent digital
storytelling can engage students in authentic learning tasks, how effectively the approach can
support integration of technology into learning, and what the teachers’ concerns and views were
concerning the use of this technology in the classroom by using multiple methods of data
collection and analysis. A scaling rubric was used as the assessment tool to gauge the students’
level of engagement and authentic learning, while observations and interviews were used to gain
insight into teacher concerns and their perception of the integration of the technology and what
factors influenced the teachers as they integrated digital storytelling into their classroom.
The study took place at two private Basic Education schools. Each school had a computer
lab with computers, Internet connections, scanner, color printer, and digital camera. A media
specialist was also available in the lab at both schools to help teachers and students with the
computer and peripherals. Four teachers of different subjects from each school were chosen
based on their training and use of technology integration in the curriculum. Each teacher
nominated one class (35-45 students) serving students 13 – 15 years old. A person-level
orientation and group workshop on using digital storytelling in the curriculum, the tools required,
and the importance of involving students in all stages of the process were provided.
It was observed that although students liked the Photo Story software and found it easy to
use, teachers were not technically able to explain all the nuances of using the computer and
peripherals to produce the digital story. Technical assistance was often referred to the computer
teacher. The students with adequate technical skills did more of the work and made use of the
digital technologies but many students were able to develop their technical skills during the
project. It was also noted that student motivation and engagement in story development increased
and that most of the class time was spent on relevant and productive learning activities. Student
assessment showed students scored average on cooperation, good on using content, resources
and sound, and very good for the remaining nine criteria. This also translated as 75% of students
having some difficulty in working effectively in a group, while 40% of student groups asked the
teacher for subject ideas and assistance in finding images and resources for their story.
The last result dealt with teacher concerns and their views about the use and integration
of digital storytelling into the curriculum. All the teacher interviews were coded through a two
step process and recorded on a spreadsheet. The teachers expressed that time was a big concern
for the planning and preparation of lessons using digital storytelling and that it also took a great
deal of time for students to learn to use the software appropriately. However, the data suggested
digital storytelling was a motivating tool that enhanced the classroom by offering a creative,
productive tool and the teachers felt that students were motivated by the use of technology in an
authentic learning situation. Five of the eight teachers were willing to include digital storytelling
into their curriculum. Lastly, the data indicated that more technical assistance and access to
technology would be needed to successfully integrate technology into the classroom.
The implications of the study suggest that students were motivated to use higher level
skills to convey meaning, use a personal point of view and reflect their own thoughts while
acquiring new technology skills and media literacy in an authentic learning environment when
they used the digital storytelling software. The findings suggest teachers need more
encouragement to incorporate more long-term, problem-solving projects for their students that
offer them time for collaboration, creation and presentation of their digital stories. The study
found that traditional assessments might not be appropriate for finding evidence of profound
understanding when using technology and suggests the use of an e-portfolio for assessment. The
study calls for research in the use of digital storytelling in math and science, and the professional
development of teachers by providing them with opportunities to collaborate with colleagues on
integrating technology into the curriculum in general, and on using digital storytelling in

I think this article was useful for presenting information and data on how an authentic
activity that uses digital technology can be integrated into the curriculum. It offers evidence of
student and teacher involvement and outcomes. It also makes reference to constructivist
strategies that involve the use of information and communication tools. I do think it was a rather
small study but the outcomes and implications were relevant and relatable. I think it would be
useful to teachers, media specialists and administrators because it gives rationale, examples, and
assessment for projects using digital storytelling. The objectives of the studies were met and all
of the research questions were addressed in the results.
I would have liked to have seen more information on the actual use of the Microsoft
Photo Story software. I would have liked to have been presented with more data concerning
student and teacher reaction to this specific software beyond that they found it easy to use and
enjoyed using it. Although four examples of the student projects that were included in the project
were given, I would have liked to have seen more specific examples of projects that could be
created in the different subject areas. The main problem I found with the study was that because
the projects were conducted in computer labs that were set up in row by row configurations
student group collaboration was impeded and this possibly interfered with the educational
effectiveness of the outcome of the digital storytelling projects.
I found this research article to be helpful to me as a future media specialist by providing
qualitative and quantitative evidence that could be presented to teachers and administrators as
proof that digital storytelling is a useful way to integrate technology into the curriculum. It is
evidence that student learning can be motivated by using technology and an example of authentic
learning. It is evidence that by using digital storytelling students will be learning useful
technology skills while using higher level thinking skills.

Article #3

Hew, K. (2009, June). Use of audio podcast in K-12 and higher education: A review of research
topics and methodologies. Educational Technology Research & Development, 57(3),
333-357. Retrieved September 24, 2009, doi:10.1007/s11423-008-9108-3


This article’s purpose was to review the use of audio podcasting in K-12 environments
and in higher education. The review covers three areas. It sets out to offer educators information
for understanding how students use podcasts and how integrating podcasts in the classroom can
create more opportunities for student achievement. Second, it summarizes and critiques past
research on the subject. Last, it points out areas in past research that have left unanswered
questions and offers proposal for the direction of future research.
The study used a three stage process for searching and selecting articles on podcasting.
An initial search was made by using the keyword podcast for empirical and original articles.
Specific databases were used and articles not following specified criteria were discarded.
Thirty articles were used in the constant-comparative approach of data analysis and the coding
scheme “emerged inductively from the data.” At the conclusion of this approach, three main
research topics were chosen. They were podcast user profiles, learners’ outcomes, and the use of
podcasting in education. The data was then compiled and discussed.
The general results of the research study showed that podcasts were most commonly used
by instructors for lectures and supplemental material. It also showed that podcasts were most
often used in higher education and traditional course settings. It was found that students in
general enjoyed using podcasts but used them on home desktop computers, not on mobile
devices, and that the availability of a podcast did not appear to add to students skipping class. It
was noted that instructors felt that podcasts made learning opportunities more available and
provided students with the chance to listen to material numerous times which they believed could
lead to improved learning and understanding of the curriculum.
The implications of the study include the suggestion that more research is needed
specifically into the use of podcasting in the K-12 environment. Other suggestions for future
research included whether or not student creation of their own podcasts could influence their
learning, the impact of using podcasts on learning over time, and which courses would benefit
students most by being podcast. It was also noted that more research was needed on which
learner characteristics would benefit from the integration of podcasting into the curriculum.

The article was most useful for pointing out the unanswered questions concerning
podcasts in education and would be most useful to researchers that were interested in further
investigating the answers to those questions. The review found that most current research articles
on podcasting focus on the use in higher education and are very limited on the use with K-12
students. Perhaps a larger database of research journals could be used to expand the search and
yield more relevant articles. While this article was well organized and readable, it was not
helpful in offering suggests or opportunities to use podcasting in a K-12 environment.
The unanswered question I found most intriguing as an educator is the correlation
between learning characteristics of a student and the benefit of using a podcast. I think this
would be especially important in making decisions about how and when podcasting could be
used and how it might affect academic achievement for certain students. One study revealing that
cognitive style was a “statistically significant predictor of achievement with podcast instruction”
was mentioned but it only involved female participants.
Even though the article pointed out some positive reasons for using podcasting, it made
me aware that further reading concerning the affect on the academic achievement of both
genders and with various age groups in K-12 schools would be necessary to make informed
decisions on the use of podcasting in the classroom. The article also pointed out that critics of
podcasting are concerned that podcasting increases the workload of teachers and may be seen as
a crutch to students that do not report to class. Bringing these and other issues concerning
podcasting to the attention of educators and administrators make it a worthwhile read.

Article #4

Biggs, M., Homan, S., Dedrick, R., Minick, V., & Rasinski, T. (2008, May). Using an interactive
singing software program: A comparative study of struggling middle school readers.
Reading Psychology, 29(3), 195-213. Retrieved September 24, 2009,


This study was designed to measure the impact of systematically using a singing software
program on the reading development of struggling middle school readers. The Qualitative
Reading Inventory (QRI) was used to authenticate fluency rates and reading level of the students.
The pretest, posttest, and follow-up assessments were administered by the researchers to all of
the participants. Bias was controlled by scoring blind, co-scoring all of the tests, and by using
“inter-rater reliability” with the chorus teacher.
The school in the study was a Title 1 middle school in rural west central Florida.
The students that participated in the study were seventh or eighth graders who scored below
proficiency in reading on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT). There were
initially twenty-four students in both the treatment and control groups and they were matched by
FCAT scores, grade, gender, and teacher. Students in the treatment group were taking chorus or
another music elective for a 9-week session.
The signing software program, Carry-A-Tune, was chosen because it provided real-time
pitch recognition and immediate feedback to the user. The twenty-four songs on the CD were
analyzed for readability level. Students were able to read the lyrics of the song silently three
times as they listened to the tempo of the music. Then another opportunity to read the text was
provided with words broken into syllables and accented at the student’s personal pitch level.
Prior to using the singing software program the treatment group scored slightly higher on
the QRI than the control group. After the 9 weeks of using the program, the scores of the
treatment group showed a large advantage over the control group. The follow-up assessment
proved that the advantage of the treatment group was very large. The results of using ANOVA to
look at the QRI scores “revealed a statistically significant Group x Time interaction.” The
treatment group’s gain in instructional reading level grew more than 7 months in 9 weeks and
was considered to be of “strong practical significance.”
The results of the study support the use of singing as a way of increasing instructional
reading levels and in particular the use of the interactive singing software to help struggling
middle school readers. The singing software allows for integration of technology, repetition that
improves fluency, immediate feedback, and opportunity for self-regulation. It was also noted that
the music and singing in combination with the use of computers could provide engagement and
motivation for middle school students which can cause gains in reading achievement. It was
recommended that further studies be done to examine alternate and diverse reading materials.

I thought this article was very useful for reading and language arts teachers. It was
interesting to read about the correlation between singing and reading skills. It is especially
helpful for middle school teachers, whose students may need some extra motivation or means of
engagement, to learn about delivering text in this alternative manner.
The study was well organized. The research purpose was supported by the study and
good educational research practices were employed. The results of the study were clearly stated
and recommendations were made for future research. The problems with the study were that it
was a small sample from one school, the study was only 9 weeks long, and only two grade levels
participated. Random assignment of participants to the groups may have also improved the
study. By using a larger group of students for a longer period of time, the study could make more
strides in examining reading growth.
I liked that the article discussed how motivation and engagement can be achieved by
using varied strategies of presenting text that go beyond the traditional. The use of the singing
software gives me a suggestion for an authentic learning experience to use with struggling
readers as well as an engaging and motivating activity for all readers while integrating
technology into the curriculum. I like that this real-world experience with technology could help
students with vocabulary, comprehension and reading fluency.

Article #5

Davis, A., & McGrail, E. (2009, March). Proof-revising with podcasting: Keeping readers in
mind as students listen to and rethink their writing. Reading Teacher, 62(6), 522-529.
Retrieved September 24, 2009, from Academic Search Complete database.

Professional Practice

This article discusses the advantages of combining podcasting and blogging as a way to
encourage and assist students in proofreading and revising their writing. The project was based
on the theories that writing blogs motivate students to strive for their best work because of the
possibility of reaching a worldwide audience, and that podcasting and blogging technologies use
visual and aural senses which provide students with the opportunity to write and then listen for
clarity of meaning of what they have written. By having a student write the blog and a teacher
read it for the podcast, the student would be able to hear someone’s reaction to their writing as it
is actually read.
The goal of the project was to have students become willing to “rethink and revise” their
work to engage their readers while making their writing clear and easily understood. The project
set out to use podcasts to help the students understand that their ideas must be clearly
communicated to be understood by their audience, and to answer the question of “How can we
help students develop such understanding?” The authors’ answer to the question was to “teach
students proof-revising, a process that is both revision and copyediting.”
The project involved fifth grade bloggers and their teacher. The teacher began scaffolding
by first asking a series of questions to gauge the students’ knowledge of proofreading and the
process they were using to proofread their writing. The results were that students focused on
mechanical errors and did not check for reader understanding. The authors’ approach was to
have the teacher provide “specific and personalized feedback through teacher podcasts of each
story.” Initially, teacher communication to the students was personal and provided a model for
proof-revising for each student. The podcasts were revised and then published on a blog and
accessible for other students and educators.
As the project progressed, students were asked to listen to podcasts of their stories and
improve the flow of their stories by answering a series of questions about content,
comprehension, flow, and punctuation. Students had access to their written blog while listening
to the podcast and soon learned habits to improve their writing for reader comprehension.
Following a class discussion, students created mini podcasts on proof-revising tips.
The results of the study were that students recognized how podcasting helped them to
develop their writing and communication skills. Students were observed to be developing self-
monitoring while proofing their writing and an appreciation for the process. Results were also
noted by teacher observation of students brainstorming with classmates and reading their
revisions aloud.
This article on combining blogging and podcasting covered the theory behind the
integration of the technologies into the classroom and offered teachers, media specialists, and
administrators with the rationale for introducing blogs and podcasting into the elementary school
classroom. The article also covered how to actually construct a podcast with step by step
instructions and a list of hardware and software needed to produce a podcast. Actual links to
software downloads and several screenshots were incorporated as well as a link to additional
screenshots and tutorials.
I thought this was a well-written and useful article. I appreciated the fact that the process
of using proof-revising is a literacy task that offers authentic learning opportunities while using
two technologies. The authors do admit that the process is a challenge for teachers and students
and that it is not an approach that is to be used in the classroom daily. However, they do include
guidance on using the process in a limited way by using only excerpts from student’s work to
show their writing strengths and weaknesses. I would have liked to have had more information
on the actual class subject and the topics they used for their blogs.
I can see the usefulness of the article to me as a future media specialist because it is an
idea that can integrate information literacy, technology and communication skills in an engaging
and motivating format for students. This type of project involves students with reading, writing,
and using technology in a while requiring them to use higher level thinking and communication
skills. I can see this type of project as being a beneficial tool in an authentic learning toolkit.

Article #6

Mitchell, L. (2007, Winter2007). Using technology in Reggio Emilia-inspired programs. Theory

Into Practice, 46(1), 32-39. Retrieved September 24, 2009,


This article gives the rationale behind the constructivist learning theory that the municipal
early childhood schools in Reggio Emilia, Italy have been based upon and how technology
supports this learning philosophy. It points out that in Reggio Emilia-inspired programs;
technology is used as a tool to encourage student exploration and interaction with their
environment to the fullest extent. The article cites using specific technology in the Reggio Emilia
approach such as internet searches to further inquiry, videotaping to help construct knowledge,
producing digital movies for creativity, and assistive technology for children with disabilities.
The author notes that in Piaget’s constructivist theory, discovery is a fundamental basis of
learning and it is by children being allowed to learn “through their own interests and discoveries
that learning occurs.” The article points out that technology can be an important tool in
producing successful learners by creating an environment where students can play, explore,
create, discover, and interact in meaningful ways. The article says that Reggio Emilia learning
philosophy is based on the belief that all children can learn through inquiry, and that technology
can aid students by providing a way to answer questions.
The author writes that Reggio Emilia programs have also included technology to promote
creativity among the children, and that without technology “much of the conversation, ideas, and
continued learning may not have happened.” The article gives some insight, rationale, and
suggestions for using assistive technology for students with disabilities. Possible uses of
technology for parents and educators such as communication, assessment, and training are also
The implication of the article is that Reggio-Emilia-inspired programs are based on
Piaget’s constructivist belief that “learning is through discovery.” To this end, the article
suggests that technology is important within early childhood education and should be “viewed
with a wide angle” going beyond “simply placing a computer in a classroom.” The author notes
that even though Malguzzi did not specifically name technology as one of the hundred languages
of a child, it is definitely part of their lives.

This article would be useful to educators, parents and administrators interested in the
constructivist learning philosophy in general, and the Reggio Emilia-inspired learning program
in particular. The article gave specific examples of how using technology supports the various
learning components of Reggio Emilia-inspired programs. It also included additional information
on how using technology benefits students with disabilities and can be used by parents and
educators in conjunction with early childhood education. It also gave suggestions for using
technology to share examples of childhood learning.
I found this article to be well organized and interesting. The article covered the major
points the author wished to make in a section by section format. The technology examples could
be easily duplicated in any early childhood learning environment. The suggestions for
documentation, communication, and training for adults were also helpful and doable.
As someone that believes in the constructivist learning theory, I found this article to be
beneficial because it strongly supported the use of technology to further this learning approach. I
gained some good ideas of integrating technology into curriculum for inquiry based learning and
scaffolding knowledge for young learners. I also gained awareness of some assistive technology
for students with disabilities or limitations. I could easily relate the information in this article
with classroom instruction.

Article #7

Johnson, L., & Levine, A. (2008, March). Virtual worlds: Inherently immersive, highly social
learning spaces. Theory Into Practice, 47(2), 161-170. Retrieved September 29, 2009,

Professional Practice

The point of view of this article is that immersive learning has been around for some time
and because of this, developers of virtual world platforms have a theoretical basis for using this
technology in K-12 and higher educational environments. According to the article, using virtual
world technology supports discovery and interactive learning. The authors also point out that
virtual world learning offers an opportunity to experiment at low cost and risk of danger while
allowing teachers to design learning experiences for their students.
The authors offer supportive examples of the premise in scientific situations, historical
role play and reenactments, and foreign languages. Various software titles that capitalize on the
benefits of this type of technology, such as Second Life, are also given. The article cites the core
element of virtual world technology as the ability to interact with and impact an environment. It
also cites Maslow’s hierarchy of needs as another important part of the experience of using
virtual world projects as they are designed for social interaction and the forming of communities.
The authors point out that virtual world programs offer an environment for learning
experiences that can be entirely new and different from any other learning experience because it
allows the manipulation of the characters, setting, and situation by instructors and students. A
five step process for developing virtual world projects is provided. The article concludes with a
list of virtual world resources.
The implication of the article is that the natural social interaction caused by these virtual
worlds offer students the sense of community that has the potential of affecting the increase in
student learning. The article also implies that the social focus of virtual worlds can bring about
self-directed learning and student motivation through the pleasure of learning. It implies that
while all sorts of other real world, hands-on learning experiences have been used successfully for
a long time, they seldom move students to a higher level of learning where experimentation and
discovery can begin like the with the use of virtual world technology.

I think this article would be useful for educators and administrators that were interested in
integrating virtual world applications in their school. The article was useful because it offered the
theoretical basis for using the technology in education as well as examples of application. It
provided references to higher learning skills that can be developed by using the technology. The
paper was well-organized and easily understood.
The problem with the paper would be that the application may take some time for
teachers to become proficient enough with the software to be able to fully realize the potential of
the technology. It may take them time to be ready to create highly engaging and significant
learning experiences with the software applications. The remedy would be practice with the
software to achieve confidence and a sense of accomplishment.
I was interested to read about the varied learning opportunities and examples for using
virtual world software. I think it would be a great way to engage students that might otherwise be
bored by traditional learning experiences. I especially appreciated the authors including the five
step process for getting started with a virtual world project and the additional resources for
further investigation.

Article #8

Dani, D., & Koenig, K. (2008, Summer 2008). Technology and reform-based science education.
Theory Into Practice, 47(3), 204-211. Retrieved September 29, 2009,

Professional Practice

This article notes that recent educational reform calls for the integration of digital
technologies in science education. The purpose of the article is to provide teachers with
“practical research-based examples of digital technologies” that can be used to support scientific
learning in the classroom. The authors advocate the use of various technologies such as tutorials,
virtual models, electronic voting systems, and probeware to support deep scientific
understanding through concrete experiences, scaffolding knowledge through questioning and
personal instruction, and by promoting reflection.
The authors give examples of using specific software that provide computer models of
real world occurrences such as the properties of water that can engage and motivate students by
allowing them to be active learners. They also note that the virtual environment of tutorials not
only can be used to present new material but they scaffold learning. Another interesting
technology mentioned is the Electronic Voting Machine (EVM). The authors point out that the
EVM is useful in conjunction with questioning in a lecture setting. This technology allows the
learning to become interactive and helps students to absorb and comprehend the information they
have heard.
The article is broken down by the different technologies that are reviewed. Each section
gives examples of using the technology in education, and their learning implications. The authors
include a table of the surveyed digital technologies, its purpose, and the correlated pedagogical
The implication of the article is that the authors take the point of view that teachers often
do not integrate technology into their teaching because they do not know how it can be used to
facilitate science as inquiry based learning. The result of the article is that the authors feel the
examples of technology that are presented can facilitate the development of “content-specific,
high-quality technology-enhanced” learning in science curriculum. It suggests that technology
used in science education can increase content knowledge, scaffold learning, create the
opportunity for reflection, and present students with authentic experiences for design, analysis,
and data interpretation. The authors feel that it is important for teachers to become used to an
electronic learning environment.

This article can be useful as a resource for technologies that can be used in inquiry based
learning in general and science education in particular. I think this would be useful to teachers,
media specialists, and anyone designing curriculum. The article supports a need for creating an
electronic learning environment and would help with presenting the need for new or additional
technology to administrators and school board members.
The examples for the technologies are mostly science based but they can be translated
into other subjects. The use of the Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) could easily be
incorporated into many subject areas to create a more collaborative classroom. The only problem
with some of the technology mentioned would be the cost. The EVM can be costly, but research
shows that it can significantly impact student understanding of content material. It also provides
instant feedback as an assessment tool and interactive learning opportunities.
I thought the article was well written. It was organized into easy to use sections and the
pedagogical impact table features implementation difficulty of the various technologies. I think
this would be very useful as a future media specialist for helping teachers integrate technology
into instruction. It would also be helpful when trying to persuade administrators and school
boards to increase funding for technology. I think that in preparing students for the 21st century
workplace, schools must integrate digital technologies into the science classroom to produce a
scientifically literate population.

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