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ILR of Roll No:


Caution to FA. Being O=G, the person is likely to absorb the advisory and the FA
might expect the person seeking more input especially on the areas the person
should develop.







Total inc

20 (83.33





Basic Drives. The person is driven by power and will tend to seek positions, power
situations and dominance since most incidents of power indicate dominance. The
person does not have matching nAch as a result of which though driven by power,
the person may miss out on achievement without which people may not give him
more opportunities or accept that his moral dominance. Further, the person is also
not driven by nAff as a result of which, the person is likely to find it challenging to
create followership. Hence, though nPow is desirable for a leader, due to very low
scores in nAch and nAff, the persons Idealized Influence (II) is likely to come into
question. Hence the person would need to focus on achievement affiliation factors
which may not come to the person naturally. The person may have to constantly
monitor these and make endeavors not to slip on these.
Explanatory Note: Power is necessary to become a good leader but in the
absence of drive for achievement and affiliation, the person might tend to
ignore these factors almost completely. This is evident if you look at the
percentages of incidents and the stories combined. Also, we have kept in
mind the nature of power direction dominance vs. submissiveness. In the
current situation, former is true. Though not part of the scoring, a good ILR
should highlight this.

61 - R

75 S

69 R/S

67 G

76 - S

Openness. The person is R in openness. Hence not likely to have new ideas and not
open to criticism as well as new and innovative ideas.
Conscientiousness. However, being C=S, the person is likely to be systematic
when it comes to execution. The person may have clear goals, time frames,
contingencies and stand by plans and monitoring system. As a result of this the

person will not disappoint his followers who will find it easy or attractive to follow
the person towards a very much certain future. Further, when failure comes, the
person will go deep and find out the root cause of the problem. Hence the person is
on the right track towards becoming a TFL.
Extraversion. The person is E=R/S. Hence the person may not get too energized to
work with people. As a result, the person is not likely to be one who gets sufficient
new ideas and feedbacks from others. This indicates that O may be limited to own
creative thinking and the person may find it challenging to enhance it with
additional ideas from others. The person is also likely to find it challenging to project
the ideas and get criticism from others even if the person may be open to criticism.
More importantly, as a TFL the person would find it challenging to enhance the
circle of influence which is essential for creating II. Hence the person need to
develop extraversion if O to be exploited fully.
Agreeableness. The person is A=G (high). As a result, the person may make
endeavors to agree to people more than required and often at the cost of goal
achievement and sacrificing own ideas. As a result of this, the person may often
tend to sacrifice own novel solutions but his O=R is likely to bring out a conflict. Part
of the problem for such agreeableness could be that 1) the person may find it
challenging to present a systematic execution plan as a result of which others
(followers, peers and bosses) might not develop sufficient confidence to undertake
the option and 2) being E=S/R, the person may not have sufficient supporters for
the idea which could compel the person to agree to others.
Emotional Stability. S=S and this may not affect the persons TFL; however, need
to be connected to discussion on EQ.
Summing up Personality. The persons O=R needs to be addressed so does E in
order to become a successful TFL.
Explanatory Note: The terms of GSRI should change into frequency of
showing such behavior using terms most of the time (very high G), often
(G and high S), frequently (S), rarely (Low S and R), very rarely (Low R
and I). Note how the positive factor of O=G is not highlighted further
because of the C=R, E=R/S and A=S/R (high). Every case is different. In this
case, high O=G and hence the person would be quite open and may seek
more input. Hence the caution at the beginning is relevant. This might turn
out to be a fairly unique case where O=G which is so useful for being a TFL
and which many are not endowed with finds it difficult to bloom. A good ILR
should highlight this.
Emotional Quotient and Its Impact on TFL






Overall. Overall EQ=S and hence the person would find it easy to manage his
own emotion which is being supported by S=S.
Own Emotions. Awareness of own emotions=S, but Posit=R and control=R/S.
Hence the person can frequently control own emotions. However, awareness
may be the impediment. In other words, once the emotional awareness exists,
the person may not find it difficult to control. This would happen at least
partially only if he addresses his posit. The person might not be able to
reappraise emotions using positivism and this could affect his control.
Adapting Emotions of Self and Others. Awareness=S. Hence detection of
others emotion itself is an easy task. This is well supported by empathy=G and
Conflict. Conflict=R/S which means that the person tends to use collaborative
style often but not most of the time. It is difficult to identify whether the person
would use competing or compromising styles without a detailed test on it (such
as Thomas Kilman). Going by nPow score and dominance shown in the
incidents, it is likely that the person uses competing style but the score A=G
suggests a compromise style as the person perhaps tends to agree to others
very often. FA could generate a discussion to identify the style more clearly.
Summing up EQ. Though the person is S=S, the person does not seem to
leverage it as both control and adaptation are R. One could suspect/speculate
the person is likely to feel frustrated because it appears that O=G is not able to
bloom because of the other personality factors. These could also be the reason
why S does not seem to manifest in far better emotional behavior than what the
EQ results show. When control and adaptation improves, the person is likely to
leverage his S=S far better. The person may also be expending emotional labor
which can be reduced substantially by improving the control and adaptions
factors so that they in conjunction with S can be beneficial to support TFL (II).
Notes: Emotional awareness can be increased by keeping a diary of
emotional events and finding a pattern of events that trigger emotions. It
is quite possible that the person might find it frustrating that his ideas
are often not accepted, the reason for which is C=R, E=R/S and A=S/R.
The person can also identify the physiological signs such as feeling of
uneasiness, headache, low mood, anger, sweating, suddenly going silent,
rising voice, throat going dry etc. These physiological signals are
individual specific and through diary and symptom linkage, the person
will be able to forecast the emerging emotion. Using this input, the
person can use re-appraisal to control emotions. Emotional control is
achieved by different means. Delay (count till 10, drink water),
distraction (listen to music, go for shopping), suppress, dissolve (talk to
others), withdraw (shut oneself in a room) are some of the popular
measures. However, as a leader, one may not be able to do these often
and the emergence of the emotion and its control would have to be
dynamic and real-time. Hence re-appraisal using positivism is worth
practicing. If the person has a repository of positivism, then one can use

that to control emotion. For example, when you are angry/frustrated that
someone is difficult in group work, then one can reappraise it as a god
give opportunity to learn to handle difficult people in life which would be
plenty, if you land up missing a test because of injury or having to go for
a wedding, you can re-appraise it as an opportunity to study more and
make it up elsewhere or use the time in hospital to reconnect with friends
and improve ones contacts. Emotions related to others can be best
identified through practice and creating a journal of events when others
showed emotions and the body language and tone of voice that became
prominent at that time. It can also be improved by looking at pictures
and movies. Counter arguing your case (stating why you might be wrong
and the other person is), their option (developing alternative options),
listening without judgment, deliberate stating good things about the
situation are some of the ways to improve empathy. Once empathy
improves, the person will be able to adapt better to others emotions as
also help the other person adapt to their emotions to the situation. For
example, when an angry person approaches you in office, seeking a
discussion in the cafeteria or delaying the discussion by a few hours may
be a good way for adapting/helping the other person to adapt. This is not
part of the advisory and you need not include it. They are included in the
note to help you understand how your ILR might affect the person.
SE and LOC
SE = S/G


With SE=S, the person is likely to take initiative frequently. This aligns with C=R.
The individual has potential for taking more initiative going by O=G but it
appears that the SE scores limit the confidence to take initiative. With increased
C, the person is likely to feel confident to take action more often. Then, II over
the followers will also tend to increase. With LOC=bl S/G, the individual tends to
show resilience to spring back often.
Interpersonal (IP) - FIRO-B
=G (6)

e tot

w tot

I tot

C tot

=I (0)





Overall. Overall IP needs is low with 18. Both e and w also reflect this.
eI and wI. This indicated the predisposition to create work groups and join
them. eI=G, and wI=I and a gap of 6 exits showing some internal inconsistency.
The person would tend to create initiate inclusion and invite others to join but
would very rarely want to respond when invited by others and may show tacitly

and subconsciously the lack of desire to join. This might lead to missing out on
opportunities to contribute and demonstrate leadership. The person might also
tend to be dry and reserved because the person might be responding for the
invitation only out of some compulsion. The scores should be seen in the light of
E=R/S and this reinforces the challenge of increasing circle of influence.
eC and wC. This indicates the predisposing and styles of execution and desire
for control in workplace and life. With eC=I, tends not to give guidelines and
instruction and this may not fit if the follower wants control and hence needs to
be cautious and adapt to the individual need of the follower. With wC=G, the
person tends to execute without control. However, this score needs relook in the
light of C=R. While the person has G score from TFL perspective, due to the C
score, current wC score may be a liability as the person may often not meet
targets and standards. This will lead to denuding the II. But when C is enhanced,
this will be an asset as a TFL.
eA and wA. This indicates the closeness of people and predicts loyalty. Both eA
and wA are R and hence the person may not be a typical people oriented person
and may not enjoy or give loyalty. Empathy=R tends to need to be linked with
this. R/S scores in E and the wI=I also are indication of the direction of the
persons IP orientation.
Summing up Interpersonal Orientation. Overall, this is a challenge for this
person as seen by I, A, empathy and E. A good way to start might be with E and
empathy. Challenges in this could lead to a situation where though O=G, the
person may not get follower support because of which TFL might fail to bloom.
Execution challenges with C score are also to be seen in the light of C=R. Hence
SE=S may not get much synergy. nAff is also very low.
Overall. The individual tends to be not much of a people person or execution
man; however is likely to be open and creative. In order to leverage O, the
person should focus more on people skills and execution skills.
Notes: Note that overall, e and w tot, and tots off I, C and A are given
figure and not grades. This is because we have to see the difference
between the figures to get an idea. FIRO need to be connected to other
factors. Three key issues that must emerge are the execution
capabilities and people orientation including empathy, E, eA add wA, I
and A. Linking at this stage to now/nAch/nAff is also appropriate. At this
stage the summing up should be able to give a good roundup of the
individual from TFL perspective.














TFL. Overall the person shows good potential for TFL with G in IIB, IM and IS.
TXL factors are G or S and the feeling of effectiveness, extra effort and
satisfaction are also G.
This of course is self-perception and does not have a 360 degree input to
support the claim of the individual. The individual and interpersonal
psychometrics shows a slightly different story with good openness but
challenges in leveraging it in people related factors. Therefore, the person
need to be careful and the self-perception of good TFL may not materialize
unless the challenges of being people and execution oriented behaviors are

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