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A VisitMr Ahmed the class teacher arranged a visit

to a Model Farm of his class.He made the arrangements with
the help of Mr.Hassan who was the manager of Model
Agriculture Farm. When they reached the farm he welcomed
them.It was the harvesting season and they saw large
machines working in the fields where all the process was
being done by machines, in this way they saved much time
and labours and produced much crops on the model farm
they also use the chemical fertilizers and spray medicines to
protect the crops. They also saw a large orchard where
vegetables and fruits were growing. The boys also had given
a delicious lunch made from the farms own produces. At last
the manager told them that they were trying to start dairy
and promised to invite them again. The boys were really very
happy and cheered loudly at the end of their visit.


Q1..Write ten lines on King Faisal

The late King Faisal of Saudi Arabia was born in 1907.
He was the second son of Abdul Aziz.
He received his religious education from his maternal
grandfather Sheikh
Abdullah Bin Abdul Latif.
At the age of 20 he was made a governor of hijaz.
Then he served as a Saudi Foreign Minister.
Faisal was made crown prince and Prime-Minister in 1958.
In 1960, he resigned from the post of Prime Minister but in
1962 he accepted again.
When his elder brother saud was seriously ill, Faisal was
chosen as a king by council of Minister.
He possessed a great qualities of leadership and proved to
be an able leader.

He was died in an assault by his wicked nephew on 25 th

March 1957.

Q2..Write ten lines of King Faisals efforts to unite the

King Faisal was the champion of muslim unity and
brotherhood.He did his best to unite the muslims of the
world.His services for muslim countries never be
forgotten.He always assisted the poor muslim countries due
to his efforts.He was an equal partner with Pakistan in
making the arrangements of Islamic Summit Conferrence.He
made the Arab state strong against the Israel.He was a
sincere and bold leader of muslim world.

Short noteThe late King Faisal of Saudi Arabia

was born in 1907. His father was King Abdul Aziz Ibne
Saud.He received his early education from his maternal
grandfather. After completed his education he helped his
father in governing the country.He was made governer of
Hijaz and also appointed as a foreign minister. After the
death of King Abdul Aziz his elder son Saud became the the
king of Saudi Arabia later on King Saud felt seriously ill,Faisal
was chosen as the King by the council of Ministers.
King Faisal was devoted his life
according to islam and led a simple life. He had many
qualities of an able ruler.He ruled Saudi Arabia wisely and
Justly and he progressed his country in a short time.The oil
production was increased and the money was spent in the
development of country.King Faisal established free schools
within the reach of common people similarly. He spread a
network of hospitals and dispensaries.He provided many
facilities to the pilgrims.He tried to unite the muslim
countries.He gave generous help to the poor muslim

countries.He strengthened the Arab in their wars against

Israel.He was an equal partner of Pakistan in holding the
Islamic Summit Conferrence.
On 25 th March 1975 he was
killed by his wicked nephew.The muslims all ovaer the world
mourned on his death.He was indeed a great leader of the
whole muslim world.

Dignity of work
Short noteGod created all human beings
equal, so whatever can be done by the servant it can also be
done by his master.
Once a boy Akhtar who was a
student came late from school looked untidly and feeling
cross.His mother asked the reason but he didnt reply, but he
told the reason to his favourite uncle that there was a social
service week at school and he had to work like servant and
gardener will ashamed him.His uncle told him that doing
work with our own hands is not a bad habit, its a good habit
to act because our Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h) did his all work
with his own hands and his companions also followed him.He
also gave the example of the great king who used to his all
works himself for living.
In the developed countries everybody work himself and dont
feel a shame.
So we also follow these examples for quick progress.
At last Akhtar realized that doing work with our own hands
is not ashamed but it is count as a Dignity of work

CompositionWe had social service week in

school last month.Our teacher selected me and few girls to

clean and decorated the classroom.She divided the class into

two groups.One for cleaning and other for decoration.We
swept our classroom and cleaned doors and windows. We
kept the desks in proper order and put up the charts and
maps.We also put table cover on a teachers table.Every one
of us work very hard and excitedly.Our class teacher and
principal was very pleased and praised us.Our class was
given the first prize for the best work, so we can say that
the Social service work creates good spirit among the

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