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Hooksett Hat
Yarn: Malabrigo Worsted, 1 skein.

Makes child (adult) hat. Child-size hat

measures 16.5” unstretched and fits up to 19”
head circumference. Adult hat measures 18.5”
unstretched and fits up to 23” head. The
mannequin is wearing the child-sized hat.

Gauge: 4.5 st/in in st st knitted flat.

Row gauge: 2.75” for 16 rows in cable pattern. Gauge is
flexible; try to get within ¼ inch unless you know you want
a smaller or larger hat.
Cable headband depth is 2.5”.

Needles: size 8 16-in circ (optional); 6 #8 dpns. Change needle

sizes as needed to achieve gauge. (If your set of dpns has only
four or five needles, substituting the missing needles with the
next size up will work.)

Notes: headband knitted separately using chart. Headband closed

from wrong side using 3 needle bind-off in pattern. Experienced
knitters may prefer to close the headband using Kitchener Stitch
from the right side. Remainder of hat is worked wrong side out.
Placement of stitches on dpns (or markers if using circular
needles) is important; each section should begin with 2 purl

Fancy Bobble Cable pattern in headband is from A Treasury of

Knitting Patterns, Barbara Walker, p 262.

It is recommended that you read through the entire pattern

before casting on.

Hooksett Hat copyright 2009 Lynne K. LaRochelle Richard all rights reserved. Pattern to be
used for personal, charity, or noncommercial use only unless written permission obtained from

1. Using a provisional cast-on, cast on 20 st.
(For instructions, see bottom of p. 4)
2. Knit 6(7) repeats of Fancy Bobble Cable.*
3. Remove provisional cast-on and place sts on a needle. With
WS facing out, use 3 needle bind-off in pattern to close
4. Weave in seam ends. Keep hat inside out for remainder of
5. Pick up in each st around the RS of curled edge: ~96 (112)
6. k 3 rnds, increasing evenly as needed to make 100(120) sts.
7. p2, k2 for 3 rnds. On 3rd rnd, distribute sts on 5 dpns such
that each needle begins with 2 purl st: 20 (24) st per needle.

8. On every subsequent rnd, knit in pattern (p2, k2) to last 2

st on each dpn, k2tog.
9. When 10 st remain, k2tog twice (8 st remain), then draw yarn
through sts and close crown.
10. Weave in ends, turn right side out, and block if desired.

* If knitting for a very small or very large head, adjust # of

cable repeats accordingly. Each repeat measures 2.75”. When
you pick up stitches, adjust the stitch count so that it is
divisible by 20, then distribute as described on five dpns.

Hooksett Hat copyright 2009 Lynne K. LaRochelle Richard all rights reserved. Pattern to be
used for personal, charity, or noncommercial use only unless written permission obtained from

Fancy Bobble Cable

A Treasury of Knitting Patterns, Barbara Walker, p. 262
Note that both RS & WS rows are charted.
z z z z z z z z 16
z z z z z z z z 14
z z z z z z z z 13
z z z z z z z z 12
z z z z z z z z 10
z z z z z z z z 9
z z z z z z z z 8
z z z z z z z z 7
z z z z z z z z 6
z z z ⊕ z z z 5
z z z z z z z z 4
z z z z z z z z 3
z z z z z z z z 2
z z z z z z z z 1

Note that all rows are charted. Odd numbered
rows are RS rows.
knit on RS (odd numbered rows); purl on WS

z purl on RS; knit on RS

⊕ 2 stitch bobble:
k,p,k into center 2 st.
turn. p6.
turn. k1, ssk, k2tog, k1
turn. p2tog twice.
turn. K2. end of bobble. Continue with chart.

Left cross cables:

place 2 knit st on cn in front, k2, k2 from cn

place 2k st on cn in front, p2, k2 from cn

Right cross cables

place 2 k st on cn in back, k2, k2 from cn

place 2 p st on cn in back, k2, p2 from cn.

Hooksett Hat copyright 2009 Lynne K. LaRochelle Richard all rights reserved. Pattern to be
used for personal, charity, or noncommercial use only unless written permission obtained from
Fancy Bobble Cable Hat band, written instructions

Using a provisional cast-on, cast on 20 st.**

Row 1 (RS): k2, p2, k4, p4, k4, p2, k2

Row 2: p2, k2, p4, k4, p4, k2, p2
Row 3: k2, p2, place 2 k st on cn in front, k2, k2 from cn, p4,
place 2 k st on cn in back, k2, k2 from cn p2, k2
Row 4: repeat row 2.
Row 5: k2, p2, k4, p1, make bobble, p1, k4, p2, k2
Bobble: k1,p1,k1 into each of center two st. turn.
p6. turn.
k1, ssk, k2tog, k1. turn.
p2tog twice. Turn.
k2. continue knitting row 5.

Row 6: repeat row 2.

Row 7: repeat row 3.
Row 8: repeat row 2.
Row 9: Repeat row 1.
Row 10: repeat row 2.
Row 11: k2,(place 2 p st on cn in back, k2, p2 from cn, place 2
k st on cn in front, p2, k2 from cn) 2 times, k2
Row 12: p4, k4, p4, k4, p4
Row 13: k4, p4, k4, p4, k4
Row 14: repeat row 12.
Row 15: k2, place 2 k st on cn in front, p2, k2 from cn, place
2 p st on cn in back, k2, p2 from cn) 2 times, k2
Row 16: repeat row 2.
** Crochet method for provisional cast-on:
Use a smooth, contrasting colored scrap yarn. Using a crochet hook or finger crochet, ch 26.
Draw yarn through last loop.

About 2 stitches in, using a knitting needle and pattern yarn, pick up a loop in the back of each
chain 20 times. Use these loops as your foundation row; i.e. begin with row 1 of the cable

Hooksett Hat copyright 2009 Lynne K. LaRochelle Richard all rights reserved. Pattern to be
used for personal, charity, or noncommercial use only unless written permission obtained from
Pattern variations

1. Omit crown and make headband.

2. Omit headband: for adult size: cast on 100 st on 5 double pointed needles (20 st per needle, 1st
2 st on every needle are 2 purl sts.). Join for knitting in the round, being careful not to twist the
stitches. p2, k2 for desired depth (8-12 inches, depending on depth of brim or whether or not
you want to fold a brim at all), then begin decreasing on every round by knitting last two stitches
on every needle together. Decrease until 10 st remain, k2tog twice more (8st remain), then draw
yarn through stitches to close crown. Weave in ends and block if desired.

3. Substituting yarn: The grey hat shown is Bartlettyarns Fisherman’s 2-ply, which knits up at
about 3” per cable repeat. The adult size still fits very well; therefore when substituting yarns,
consider the gauge listed for Malabrigo Worsted to represent an average. Change needle size if
the gauge falls more than 1/4 inch outside of this range.

Hooksett Hat copyright 2009 Lynne K. LaRochelle Richard all rights reserved. Pattern to be
used for personal, charity, or noncommercial use only unless written permission obtained from

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