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M. Dachyar1, Andri Adi Mijaya2
Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia, Kampus Baru, Depok 16424
Email :,

Maintenance management in the beverage industry is related to productivity so that the company needed a system of
performance measurement. In measurements needed to gauge the performance indicators that can provide a reference to
the performance measuring process of maintenance management.
The methodology in setting key performance indicators of maintenance management is the questionnaire survey.
Survey respondents are practitioners ekspert field maintenance in the beverage company. The result is a data
questionnaire respondents rating the indicators of performance maintenance.
Based on the data processing results of the questionnaire survey in 6 beverage company established 30 key performance
indicators of maintenance management. Indicator groups that have key performance indicators was the type reliability,
while the key criteria in the measurement is the recording of data.
Keywords : Key Performance Indicator, Performance Measurement, Maintenance Management.


more difficult than the measurement of performance

and business organizations. Because it is required by a
measurement of performance is useful to assess the
success of the strategy defined by the Management of


Along with the rapid development of technology,

especially information technology, the industry has
also experienced changes, or the transition from the
world competition in the information industry to
competition. Therefore, a company must be able to
adapt to environmental change and the imperative to
compete with the very broad market.

In making the measurement, management must first

define the indicators of performance measurement as a
standard reference and the measurement will be
implemented. The indicators must be intimate matters
that should get special attention in efforts to increase
the achievement of performance management in
general. Key performance indicators provide
information to management how well the performance
of the company's current and organizations to provide
information about the factors that encourage the
success of current and future. so that management can
control the way with better organization and can be a
strategic planning to achieve a continuous

To follow the development of competition in the

increasingly competitive, it should be obvious that the
sales of products best a company must still people. One
of the key to success is with the management
pemeliharan good in the company. Effective
management of the maintenance process is critical for
economic survival and long-term survival in many
industries. The process of maintaining an effective and
efficient is a necessity for many industries to guarantee
assets and measure the performance of the assets of
high-availability, high levels of safety and good


Measurement of performance pemeliharan become an

important element of the strategic thinking of asset
owners and asset managers. However, measuring the
performance pemeliharan is complex and in practice

Basic Teory

Maintenance Management
George R. Terry (1966) defines management as a
process of action planning, organization, execution and

control, where each field is used both in knowledge

and expertise and followed sequentially to reach the
targets that have been set back. Meanwhile, Skinner
and Ivancevich (1992), defines as the management of
planning, organizing, processing, control and guidance
with the most efficient way to achieve the objectives.

Performance Measurement System

To create a system of effective performance
measurement, some experts (Oakland, 1995; Ovretveit,
1993; Edvardsson,, 1994) says that the following
questions must be answered:
- Why take measurements? (destination)
- What will be measured? (specify key indicators)
- How do the measurement? (method)
- When does the need to do the measurement?
(schedule and period)
- How to use the results of measurement?
(assessment of the process)

Lawrence Mann Jr.. (1976) defines as a maintenance

activities needed to maintain permanent facilities such
as the initial conditions and can be operated on the
original production capacity.[1] Another definition of
the overall maintenance activities are conducted to
maintain or improve production unit until the
conditions that can accepted for production can fulfill
the function.[2]

Based on the above can do so for the effective

performance measurement, need to hold the principles
- Recognize the performance of the different
- Showing a balanced view of the system are
- Recognizing the multi-dimensional measurement of
- Linking performance measurement with the
strategy adopted
- Involving civil servants to ensure support
- Entering the measurement of subjective factors as
- Having a target on the problems that involve all
levels of the organization (cross functional)

So that when combined the management of

maintenance activities is associated with the planning,
organization and personnel, the implementation of
programs and methods of maintenance, and
management to maintain or improve the functions of
the assets to be operated in conditions that can be
received with the efficient way.[3]
Maintenance Performance Measurement
According to Neely, (1995), performance
measurement generally measure the efficiency and
effectiveness of management actions. Effectiveness
refers to the level where customer needs are met, while
efficiency is a measure of how resource companies
used economically, and given a level of customer
satisfaction.[4] According to Thanassoulis (2001), the
main purpose of a performance measurement is to
improve the various things related to efficiency. More
analysis and observation of objects in the assessment of
the best and worst needs to be done to understand the
process is in progress. This process is necessary in
order to obtain useful information that can help the
objects are considered to improve its efficiency.

Key Performance Indicators

Terry Wiremann (1998); indicator of performance is
not a tool to show someone does not perform its duties
and to be punished, not also be used to compare one
company better than other companies. The
performance indicators should be mensinyalkan things
that should get if the main focus for improvement
efforts in improving the achievement of the company.
This is indicated by the low score of the indicators that
are problematic, in other words, the performance
indicator points to a solution of the problem.[6]

According to Mintzberg et al., (1998), the purpose of

using performance measurement system is to support
management decision-making and to take appropriate
action. However, there are a lot of debate about how
performance measurement systems can support the
strategy or improving operational performance. This is
because the dependency system of performance
measurement information in a very formal and
difficult, which has been criticized for invasive species.
When the company faced with a network environment
that continues to increase, the decision-making process
less complex entrust the information to the structured
and more interaction with various stakeholders such as
business customers and the resellers.[5]



Survey Questionaire Development

Based on Fink (1995), "the survey" is a system of
collecting data to describe, compare and explain the
activities, knowledge and behavior. Meanwhile
kuesiner is a list of questions that used to get
information, including its function as a measure of the
observed. Design a questionnaire to be one of the key
to success in minimizing nonsampling error.

Respondents are ekspert practitioners in the

management of maintenance for the beverage industry,
with the number of Questionnaire Design, which is to
research this is 8 Questionnaire Design and returned is
6 Questionnaire Design (75%).

Questionnaire Design to design the survey, divided into

three sections: the project objective, questionnaire
body and glossary. The most important part, the
questionnaire body, that divided again into two parts,
- General Information
A question that leads to information that is of
public organizations, such as sector-industrial
sector, the age of the organization and so forth.
- Maintenance Measurement
Questions main objective of the survey, these
questions are categorized into ten parts, based on
ten factors of successful maintenance

From the results of the survey questionnaire obtained

with the 24 key performance indicators (KPI)
maintenance management. Key performance indicators
are important indicators that have a score rating above
or equal to the value of the minimum is 24. Total score
indicators derived from the value pengakumulasian
score rating given by each respondent for each

Likert Scale
The performance indicators are divided into 3 groups
of the type that is the type of reliability, cost and type
of material type. Each type of group consists of several
criteria and indicators. The amount and percentage of
total construction cost index from the third type of
group it can be seen from the following table 3.1

Likert scale or summative scale is one method

unidimensional scaling.[7] steps using the Likert scale is
as follows:
1) Definition focus on the problems
Likert scale is unidimensional scaling method, it is
assumed that something will be measured one
2) Choose the items you want to rating
Then select a set of items that have the potential to
in-rating. Items should be in-rating scale in
response to agree - do not agree (5-1).
3) Rating these items
The next step is me-rating items that have been
selected. Usually used as the scale of rating 1 5.
4) Choose the items that will be in the final-rating
In assessing the items that will be in the finalrating, there is some analysis that can be done is as
- Do not choose the items that have a low
correlation score of all items
- Do the t-test the difference between the average
value for the quarter over quarter and down
marker. The higher the R-values mean that there
are large differences between the assessors up
and down so that items with high R-values
pembeda is so good that must be maintained to
the final rating.
5) Implementation the likert scale
Each respondent will be asked me-rating each item
on the scale of the response. Each of the final score
is the number of respondents rating the respondents
for all items.


Table 3.1 Percentage Group Indicators

Group Indicator



Analysis of Key Performance Indicators Type

The measure reliability and maintenance process from
the management company can create the policies
necessary to achieve the goals and vision and mission
in order to be able to compete with strong competition
in the free market at this time. This is a major factor
that type of group reliability become important in
making KPI performance measurement of maintenance
management in the industry with 20 KPI.
Table 3.2 KPI Criteria Type Reliability

Data Record
Work Control
Planning dan Scheduling
PM & PdM
Product Defect / Failure

Results and Analysis

Key Performance Indicators (KPI), which is used as a

gauge of performance management of maintenance,
will be determined from the total score of respondents
rating. Indicators are eligible to be considered KPI can
reflect the vision and mission.



6 criteria KPI candidates submitted to the respondents,

all depute at least 2 KPI maintenance management.
Criteria for recording data of the key and most have
KPI (9 indicators), while the availability of criteria,

criteria and criteria of the work product of a disability

criteria that have at least KPI (each 2 indicators).
Figure 4.3 below shows the comparison between the
number of KPI criteria and indicators in the type of
group reliability

Analysis of KPI Recording Data Criteria

Data records is the indicator that is related to the
maintenance documentation process. Indicators
recording the data is considered important for the
beverage industry, especially due to the handling of
production equipment that has a risk to the smooth
production of the factory system. In this case, the
recording of data is needed to be that very, records and
documents the actual data from the maintenance
process that has been and will be done.

Criteria for recording data into the criteria and

indicators that play a role in the most important
measure of performance management in the
maintenance of the type of beverage industry groups
and even reliability of all the criteria other key
performance indicators

Table 3.4 Rating of KPI Data Records Criteria

Analysis of KPI Availability Criteria

The production process requires a company of
availability of facilities always ready to be used at any
time. Availability is important to be able to maintain
the balance of the company in achieving business goals
and vision and mission. To always maintain the
availability of facilities is a necessary maintenance
management system is good.

Key Performance Indicators



The ratio downtime machine to the

total operation time
Mechanical availability (of assets)

Key Performance Indicators

Data Records


Completeness of historical data (assets)

The existence of the document for the
purchase of materials, equipment,
including a critical list of critical spare
The data assignment / frequency of
preventive maintenance for 95% of
assets used
The existence of the database directly
responsible spare parts
Recording each of the damage /
breakdown and analysis of problems
Recording each change (change
control) of the facilities that will be
associated with the production process
The existence of a system of reporting
the results of the regular Preventive
The existence of feedback and
reporting the results of the Preventive
Maintenance done for Improvement
The existence of the implementation of
Preventive Maintenance procedures


Table 3.3 Rating of KPI Availability Criteria








Respondents rate Indicators indicators A.1 is that you

can evaluate the efficiency of the availability of a tool /
machine operations against time. So that management
can improve the efficiency of the engine in the
company to increase productivity with the maintenance
of effective. With an effective system maintenance
downtime, the ratio of a machine can be minimized so
that the total operation time for memcapai capable of
producing results that have been targeted even exceed
the target. So it is from these indicators into one of the
construction cost index, which is very important for
companies in the beverage industry.







From the results of the rating of respondents know that

in the beverage industry indicator B.7 indicator with a
value of the highest score (28) to this criteria. This is
because beverage companies do consider the
importance of recording each damaged / breakdown
and analyze problems that occur, to make a record with
the many important information that can be accepted
by management. Information can be obtained from the
indicators is a pattern and characteristics typical of the
treatment equipment, among other information of a
damaged engine, predicted the rest of the work
machine, the cost of maintenance is issued, the
necessary spare parts, and to know the source of
damage results from the analysis of the problems
happen to be able to minimize any damage similar.

Respondents assess the availability of mechanical

(asset utilization) as an indicator that is very important
and one of the key measurement of performance in
maintenance. Like the manufacturing industry in
general, in the beverage industry is also very important
availability or use of mechanical assets in the company
to increase productivity. The higher the ratio of
availability of assets, the more the result of higher
production. To maintain the availability of this muchneeded asset maintenance system that effectively and
efficiently so that ideally the assets can always be used
at any time.

determining the sequence of jobs will be done, which

was created in the form of tertulisnya a work order.

In addition to beverage industry there is one indicator

that slip into KPI with the value of the lowest score
(24), namely indicators B.5. Indicators of the
respondents considered not too important, although a
trend because KPI maintenance organization in the
beverage industry are a team. This causes the database
penanggungjawaban spare parts are not mandated to
someone specifically, but the responsibility is
delegated from the level of management to
maintenance personnel where a person is still
responsible for the maintenance of other operations.

Table 3.6 Rating of KPI Planning & Scheduling Criteria


Key Performance Indicators

Planning & Scheduling

The existence of the process of planning
and scheduling that been documented
Availability of daily or weekly schedule
for the work planned
Availability status of the spare parts
ordered to support the planning process
Emergency repairs, the time and cost can
be traced and analyzed down to
Scheduled maintenance related


Analysis of KPI Work Control Criteria

If no work is supported by the strong control the
possible maintenance personnel will use a lot of time is
not efficient to wait until the damage at once recessive
to resolve the damage quickly. With control of work
are clearly defined and understood by each of the
personnel system based on the critical priorities of
work, security and the tool can termonitor well.


Key Performance Indicators

Work Control
The existence of control functions work /
process documentation are clearly defined
The existence of a system of priorities that
are working well, based on critical
equipment, safety factors, the cost down,
machines, etc.




D.6 indicator is one indicator that is considered the key

in the management of maintenance in the beverage
industry. This is based on the assumption that the
importance of the respondents do scheduling of
planned maintenance downtime associated with plant /
machinery to maintain stability in the production
process. With a scheduled maintenance system, the
company will be able to schedule downtime to make
the system effective and efficient so that maintenance
work will not disrupt production performance. Because
the maintenance done on time will be running the
company keoptimalan productivity. In addition,
management is also can control even me-Reduce the
cost of system pemeliharan with the use of periodic
maintenance in accordance with the downtime, because
it can reduce the working hours of overtime Excessive
which can increase the cost of maintenance in the
beverage industry.

Table 3.5 Rating of KPI Work Control Criteria





C.4 key performance indicators to be KPI favorite

because the system priority in the management of
maintenance work in the beverage industry respondents
considered very important in the effectiveness of
maintenance work. With the system of priorities that
are clearly defined, the system maintenance work can
work more effectively because the machines know
where to get the main priority both in terms of critical,
safety, cost, and others. The terdefinisinya priority with
the good will increase because of maintenance work
can minimize / precede the damage that occurred in the
critical production lines in the beverage industry.

Other indicators include the favorite for the

respondents, and very important criteria in this
indicator is D.3 one of the main indicators of
supporting the success of spare parts, maintenance
availability in the beverage industry. With the status of
planning spare parts ordered that the maintenance can
be implemented without any problems out of the stock
of material that is required, especially in an emergency
or a sudden. The existence of planning and scheduling
bookings are also to the management can see the flow
of supplies so that the supply system can be controlled
effectively and efficiently to minimize the cost of
maintenance supplies in the beverage industry.

Analysis of KPI Planning & Scheduling Criteria

Planning and scheduling process is a fulfillment system
that starts from the identification requirement,
modification and evaluation. With a detailed plan for
maintenance of the beverage industry will explain the
level of maintenance required and functions that the
recommended levels of these. The maintenance
schedule which is defined as a comprehensive list of
maintenance and eventless be associated with

Analysis of KPI Preventive Maintenance (PM) &

Predictive Maintenance (PDM) Criteria
Implementation of preventive and predictive
maintenance is important, especially in system

indicator for maintenance management in improving

the performance of maintenance in the beverage
industry. This is proved by the score of interest to this
indicator, which reached a score of 28.

maintenance industry. This activity can be done to

predict, detect and repair damage to equipment early
before the damage occurred. This activity is very
important in maintaining the time produktive from
facilities that are used at the same time ensure the
sustainability of the equipment during the production

Analysis of KPI Products Defect / Failure Criteria

Product defect / failure that resulted from a production
process that needs a show improvement in the
production system. To maintain and improve the
performance of the engine management system is
needed that good maintenance. Therefore there is a
presumption that the quality of maintenance as well as
the quality of the product must be designed and built
into the system and process.

Table 3.7 Rating of KPI Preventive Maintenance &

Predictive Maintenance Criteria


Key Performance Indicators

Preventive Maintenance (PM) &

Predictive Maintenance (PdM)



Availability of a database containing

the specifications of the lubricant,
assignment, and the frequency of
Availability of manual from each
The ratio of machine breakdown of
the total machine running hours


Table 3.8 Rating of KPI Products Defect/Failure Criteria




Key Performance Indicators

Products Defect / Failure

The percentage of product defect
caused by maintenance equipment /
machinery is not perfect from the
total number of product defects
Mean time to repair (MTTR)


For the respondents, the availability of a database on

PM / PDM especially on the specifications of the
lubricant, assignment, and the frequency of AM / PDM
into key performance indicators in measuring the
performance of maintenance in the beverage industry.
This is reinforced by the value of the respondents
rating the score reaches 29 is the highest score in this
research. Especially in the manufacturing industry of a
database that can both control and maintain the system
performance AM / PDM, which has been implemented,
the database is functioning as a reference for
technicians who handle maintenance of equipment.



From table 3.8 there are 2 key performance indicators

of respondents rating the results, but both KPI does not
include KPI main entrance and only a normal level of
interest. Score the second indicator is only diangka 27
and 25. This is caused by the assumption that the
management of maintenance less importance
percentage of product defects that result maintenance is
not perfect, and the average repair can improve the
performance of maintenance in the beverage industry.

To complement the database on PM / PDM, is the

availability of necessary equipment from each man in
need of maintenance. This is a point so important
indicator of the availability of manually into each
equipment KPI that are very important (score 28) for
respondents in measuring the performance of
maintenance in the beverage industry. Without the
support of the indicator, the indicator database PM /
PDM will be less complete so that the measurement is
considered less than the maximum. In addition, this
indicator also aims to maintain the operation and
maintenance of equipment not deviate from the
specification limit tool.

Analysis of Key Performance Indicators Type Cost

Indicators of key performance indicators is the cost
type who can maintain stability in the management of
maintenance costs in the industry. The indicators
provide important information about the policy if the
cost of maintenance company in line with the goals and
vision and mission. However, these types of groups not
considered too important as the difficulty to create the
perception that the system maintenance, which is a
good investment for the company, and is not a cost
4 criteria KPI candidates submitted to the respondents,
only 1 criteria, which have more than 1 KPI. The
criteria of the key groups in the type of criteria is the
cost of maintenance, although with only have 2 KPI.

In the beverage industry, each machine requires a

predictive and preventive maintenance of the engine so
that it can achieve the optimal working time working
optimumnya. When the ratio of machine breakdown of
the total working time machine, the productivity of
large companies will be disrupted, then of the
respondents think that it is extremely important

Table 3.9 KPI Criteria Type Cost

Maintenance Cost



Maintenance Labor Cost


Inventory Cost


Control of Budget/Cost




company's important to know the proportion of the

workforce effectiveness of the use of insource and
outsourced in order to cost effectiveness. In addition,
the management should also consider the efficiency of
the number of maintenance personnel who used to
support the maintenance operation.
The main indicator of the budget and the cost is the
base of the budget efficiency efforts. Budget and the
cost of the planned absence of strict control will lead to
the disruption of operations. In the beverage industry,
management of the budget for maintenance of
equipment requires the right policy is to ensure the
availability of the budget for the sudden improvement
or periodic facilities for the company.

Analysis of KPI Maintenance Cost Criteria

Cost of production equipment maintenance of the
unique, specific and expensive demands on the
allocation and use of maintenance funds as efficiently
as possible. It is important beverage industry for
companies to know the ratio of cost of maintenance
issued compared with the total income of the company
and how big the interest portion of the maintenance of
the main business industry.

Table 3.11 Rating of KPI Others Cost Criteria


Key Performance Indicators

Maintenance Labor Cost

The ratio of labor cost of maintenance
of total sales
Inventory Cost
The ratio of the annual cost to the value
of inventories (stock rotation)
Budget/Cost Control
Maintenance and repairs that delayed
identified by management during the
budgeting process


Table 3.10 Rating of KPI Maintenance Cost Criteria


Key Performance Indicators

Maintenance Cost



The ratio of the total cost of maintenance

to the total cost of spare parts turnover
Contribution to the maintenance cost per
unit of production (the cost of
maintenance per unit = the total cost
maintenance divided by the unit output)





From the table above there is a unique data for the

indicators J.1. There was a diversity of scores rating
the game a little from the respondents. Scores of
interest 5, 4, and 3 each selected by 2 respondents, so it
can be concluded that the indicator has a different level
of interest in each company. For a and c respondents
tersbut very important indicator, because they tend to
occur diperusahaan identification of delayed
maintenance during the budgeting, this is usually done
by companies that have greater and system
maintenance organization that is more orderly.
Meanwhile, the respondents b and f identification is
not too important or unavoidable, due to their
manejemen not need to budget for maintenance

In the manufacturing industry in general, the cost of

maintenance is often considered less important than the
production cost. Maintenance is often considered more
of the burden can only be calculated by reducing the
damage that occurred, is not considered as investment
companies can increase profits. This is proved by the
lack of interest in choosing the respondents indicator
maintenance costs, although these criteria have 2 KPI
but the score obtained from the second indicator is only
average, including important. Only the indicator ratio
to the total cost of maintenance pergantiaan cost of
spare parts and the cost of production per unit of the
construction cost index.

Analysis of Key Performance Indicators Type


Analysis of KPI Maintenance Labor Cost Criteria,

Inventory Cost Criteria, and Budget/Cost Control

Key performance indicators of the type of material is

an indicator that can guarantee the availability of spare
parts to help accelerate system maintenance in the
company. The indicators provide important
information about whether the maintenance company
in line with the goals and vision and mission.

Labor maintenance operations in the beverage industry

generally involve two parties, namely the insource
maintenance workers from the company itself and that
is outsourced maintenance workers who dikontrakkan
from suppliers or vendors outside the beverage
industry. In this case considered important for the

Maintenance Labor Cost (1 KPI)

Inventory Cost (1 KPI)
Budget/Cost Control (1 KPI)
Material Type
Inventory (1 KPI)
Material Management (1 KPI)
2) Type of indicator that have the Most key
performance indicators is type of group reliability
(23 KPI).
3) Key criteria that have the most key performance
indicators is data records (9 KPI).

From 2 criteria KPI candidates submitted to the

respondents, all only 1 deputize KPI maintenance
management. Criteria to become a key criteria for the
type of material is the criteria of supply and materials
management criteria that each have 1 KPI.
Management of material considered important as one
of the main indicators of maintenance management
with the beverage industry will be on the needs
kehandaan equipment. And to ensure this is to be
supported by the availability of materials needed.
Tabel 3.13 Rating of KPI Inventory Criteria & Material
Management Criteria


Key Performance Indicators


accuracy supply warehouse
Material Management


Availability of spare parts that will be

used for the work planned

[1] Mann, Lawrence Jr., (1976), Maintenance
Management, Hal.1
[2] Arts, RHPM.,, (1999), Journal of
Quality in Maintenance Engineering, Hal.6
[3] Blanchared, B.S.,, (1995), A Key to
Effective Serviccability and Maintenance
Management, Hal.18
[4] Neely, A., Gregory, M., and Platts, K., (1995),
Performance Measurement System Design,
Hal. 80 116
[5] Walter, W.C., Chung, Michael, F.S., Chan,
(2006), A Framework of Performance
Modeling for Dynamic Strategy, Hal.3
[6] Wiremann, Terry, (1998), Developing
Performance Indicators for Managing
Maintenance, Hal.xii
[7] W.M.K., Trochim, (2000), Likert Scaling,


Always the availability of spare parts that will be used

for the work planned is a key element in maintaining
the performance of maintenance in the beverage
industry. This is confirmed by the score of respondents
rating the number reached 28 for this indicator and as
inndikator that are very important. When the stock out
of spare parts, the maintenance of emergency that can
not be predicted by the company will disrupt
productivity. By doing the planning work should create
a company planning ordering spare parts to the right
spare parts maintenance can always be met.



Based on the concept of objectives and results of the

survey which was carried out of 6 drinks company,
which acquired the form of conclusions-points main
points are as follows:
1) Respondents recommend as many as 30 key
performance indicators of the 60 indicators of
performance management in the maintenance of the
beverage industry is divided into 12 criteria of 3
types of groups. Classification criteria of key
performance indicators are as follows:
Reliability Type
Data Records (9 KPI)
Planning and Scheduling (5 KPI)
Preventive Maintenance & Predictive
Maintenance (3 KPI)
Availability (2 KPI)
Work Control (2 KPI)
Product Defect / Failure (2 KPI)
Cost Type
Maintenance Cost (2 KPI)

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