March 2016 Prayer Letter

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Jim & Becky Carlton

Jim & Becky

El Manantial
Baptist Church

Dear praying friends,

We would like to update you on the prayer requests
we shared in December and ask you to be in prayer
for an upcoming trip to the jungle.
1. Summer Camps: We had a total of 13 who went
to camps this year. Please pray for the Holy
Spirit's working in their lives. Some who went from
church are still resisting trusting the Lord for
2. Beckys speaking at ladies camp in Trujillo.
God gave her the time to prepare and to do a
Power Point for the lessons on the Armor of God.
Please pray for the ladies who attended this camp.
As Becky talked with them she realized that their
family and spiritual struggles are many and varied.
Some need God's wisdom while others need to
yield to Him and be obedient to His Word.
3. Vicky Vega: missionary sent out by El
Manantial. The church commissioned Vicky on
Sunday, February 21st and she left for the
mountains on the 28th. Work is still being done in
the basement of the church to make a room for
her and Emily (also from El Manantial) to live in
and to make room for Sunday school classes.
Please pray that Vicky and Emily will be able to
move into the church soon and that they will adapt
well to the culture and climate of the mountains
the Lord has called them to work in.
4. Praise: The second week of February we had VBS
at church with the theme - Change of Direction.
The members pitched in and worked hard, and
Mission Agency:
Baptist Mid-Missions
P.O. Box 308011
Cleveland, OH 44130-8011

March 2016


Lima, Peru

though there were no professions of faith, the

Gospel was presented in each lesson and we are
trusting the Lord to continue His work in their
hearts. The Sunday after VBS we had over 90 in
Sunday School. That number has dropped back
down, but please pray that the kids would come to
Sunday school and kids club faithfully.
5. New prayer request: Please pray for the ARRIBA
trip to the jungle (Iquitos) where we will be in
several towns on tributaries of the Amazon River
from Monday, March 28 until April 9. This is the
culmination of the ARRIBA year and the students
will be having kids clubs in each village as well as
preaching in the evening. Becky and a national
missionary lady will be going and they will be
having ladies meetings as well. Please pray for
open hearts of the people and for good health of
the team. Mosquitoes are a big problem in that
part of Peru and though Zika is not in Peru yet as
far as we know, there are other mosquito carried
diseases. Sometimes the diet of bananas, yucca
and fish is a difficult change to make as well.
Warmly in Christ,

Jim & Becky

1. Lord working in
campers and VBS kids
2. Vicky & Emily adjusting to Chinchil
3. Trip to Jungle - the
Lord to work in hearts

1. Good camps and VBS
2. Vicky & Emily - eager
to serve the Lord in

Sending Church:
Community Baptist Church
5715 Miami St.
South Bend, IN 46614


Vicky Vega from
our church and
Emily Snodgrass
are now serving
in the mountain
village of Chinchil.

2016 VBS El Manantial

Ladies Camp in

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