Force Formation APRIL 19, 10

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The continuing journey...praise reports.

April 22, 2010

Dear Family and Friends,  We have been blessed to  We believe the cost of the
The snow is gone and the get a house after looking birth will be around $3000-
awesome Spring weather has for almost a year for a $3500. We are still con-
come very early this year. We permanent place. We firming this amount for
are so thankful! Not only are move on or around the sure. We know for certain
we thankful for the amazing 1st of May. We are so the cost for one night in the
weather but the following as excited! hospital is $2240 plus
well: whatever the Dr. charges.
 We are thankful for the We were recently blessed,
 Baby’s due date is May help of Mom and Dad anonymously, with $2000
5th which means we are Parker to get our things to go toward these costs.
only a little over 2 weeks out of storage and begin Praise God, our Jehoveh
away from baby coming. to ship our boxes, as Jireh!
The Dr. will only let finances are available, to
The Forceformation

Dana go over one week us. It will be nice to not  God has provided for all
so at the most it will be a have to be concerned Dr. fees up to this point and
little over 3 weeks. We with paying a monthly we are truly thankful! He
are so excited about baby storage fee and to know continues to provide in
being here and having the we can have our own miraculous ways!
whole Force family to- things again.
gether.  God has been providing
 We are so thankful for furniture needs. The kids
 We are so thankful for Jacob, Chaeli and Samuel have been hoping for bunk
the extension given to who all have birthdays beds and some wonderful
Dana for 6 months for this month. They are people in our church have
her visitor visa. We can such amazing treasures two sets of bunk beds that
now begin the permanent whom God has given us. they are going to pass on to
resident application for Jacob is April 20th, Cha- us. We are so thankful for
Dana. eli is April 27th and His provision!
Sammy is May 3rd.

Ephesians 4:11-12 - “… gave some to be …”

During a weekend, this month, we had a special guest at the church. This man is a father figure operating
in an apostolic office to our leading pastors & so the church family here. The past time that he had come he
had taken the body through the necessary reality of the maturing processes in our life because of the neces-
sity of maturity itself in God’s sons & daughters.
This time it was a beautiful follow-up to the previous theme with the connection of the healthy root leading
to healthy fruit of one’s life being evangelistic. This in itself is a fruit of the wisdom talked of in Prov.
11:30 where soul winning is connected to heavenly wisdom.
He had also taught us about the sequencing between Faith, Belief, Imagine and Harvest.
It reminds me of two Moravian missionaries selling themselves for the rest of their lives into slavery to
reach a slave population on an island plantation owned by a staunch faith hating man. Their parting words
were “Shall not the Lamb have the inheritance of His suffering?!”
Talk about a selflessness that can only come from the maturity that is in turn birthed by the Spirit & part-
nered with by the surrendered. Truth is to be lived out in life changing ways - it is not just a theoretical
knowledge one gets blessed with & then sits on in keeping it for their own gluttonous gorging.
The Moravian’s faith gave birth to believing God which, in turn, led to their imagination being activated in
Christ so they were able to see God moving. Just like Christ saying “I only do what I see my Father doing.”
In turn this lead to a harvest that they were a part of because they partnered with the Lord of the harvest.
Our last meeting during this mentoring weekend was ended with a really intimate, yet, serious time of
pleading exhortation. When in exampling to us what he was teaching, our brother got down on his knees &
gave an emotional “appeal.” This appeal lowered defensive boundaries which afforded a teach-ability to
our congregation. In turn a beautiful corporate humility & surrender was facilitated. The plea was to daily
let our lives, through biblical (genderless) “son-ship”, & not just our message, be evangelistically relevant.
To support us financially you may con- Iron is to sharpen iron … so, within relationship, let’s dig a little...for the glory of God.
tribute to the NEW mailing address be-
This time we look at the defining fruit of biblical surrender. It is called exclusivity.
low or through PayPal (with your PayPal
In Matt. 7:13-23 we see people getting at least something right for they moved in power. To shed
acct send it to lovetoworshi- conviction from this passage some say that this power being used was demonic deception. for convenience. There’s some flies in that ointment.
Please also notify us informing of your These people claimed relationship in the title “Lord Lord”; they were shocked at not being ac-
commitment of faithful prayer, support cepted; they claimed God serving works beyond human ability; Matt. 12:26 shows that a divided
and or need of information on our work, house cannot stand, therefore, at least the deliverances weren’t done demonically.
However, they were also trying to walk in “lawlessness”. This phrase means to on-goingly be
at the email or mailing address below. involved in practices that are without restraint of a standard defining sin. So while claiming rela-
Now, for Canadian donors wanting a tax tionship with God they also lived as though they had no moral God that shaped their life with His
receipt, please make checks out to “New character. They combined that which is corrupt with that which is godly while expecting the
Hope Fellowship” and attach a note des- benefits that come to those who enter through the narrow gate and travel the narrow path.
ignating the monies for us. Thank you. Please hear 2 Chronicles 16:9 (“completely His”), Matt. 6 (“can’t serve two masters”) and 7
(“good and bad fruit”). Let me ask you - how the octane of your surrender?
Rory and Dana Force Beloved of God - our FATHER has taught us and He’s warned us and God has even bled for us…
RR #1, 1071 Hwy 592 and so God is exclusively worth all we have and all we are. Our answer’s worth our very lives.
Emsdale, ON P0A 1J0
Canada Here’s some family needs. Please prayerfully help us as we help those - so dear to the Lord.

Email: Some of our present needs:

a.) Baby Birth Costs = $1000 - $1500 more
“To look like Jesus, in order to honor the Fa- b) Car payment ($220 plus the last $160 to finish off the trade on the new van = $380)
ther , but only through God’s life changing c.)Phone ($50) as well as home phone/hydro set up fees for new house
d.)Doctor appointment twice this month ($34 each = $68)
Word and by His Spirit’s power!”
e.)Monthly living costs for food, rent, storage, gas and insurance as well as tithe to name a few.
Please pray for and consider the following needs.: f.) Permanent Resident Fees—$550 to start ($490 more when accepted), medical fees (around
$200 we believe), photos and copies (approx. $40-50)
 We are still needing prayer supporters - we are Family … friends, our monthly living needs are $3000, yet, our current financial incoming is
working on the front lines here in the north. about $2000 short of what we are needing.
 storage items brought up from CA. Please pray for governmental favor for Dana’s immigration process. This is needed A.S.A.P. for
Dana’s health coverage for the birth.
 Needing wisdom for who to ask to care for the Please also pray that we’d be able to steward well all opportunities yet keep grounded in value-
kids when Dana gives birth. As well as we have ing family & the absolute life blood of prioritizing our hidden life - the intimacy of the “secret
a real need for God’s best in some regular baby- place.”
sitters as we do not have any yet. Join us on your knees, with your resources and in ministry relationship. Let’s lose what we
covet though we cannot keep it - in order to keep what we can’t afford to lose - our LOVER’S
good pleasure in our exclusive and implicit surrender and selfless love for Him and each other!

What’s Been Happening in Canada?

 Rory has begun to give guitar and is thankful that many people that we mentioned last month.
lessons in a nearby town. We have stepped up to want to help He has had to start almost from
are praying that the students will out as teachers on Sunday morn- scratch on this as a bunch of
increase. This is a great chance ings. During the visa process we information on our computer
to bring in more income as well were told by immigration that accidentally got deleted. This
as an opportunity to pour into Dana cannot work with kids means a lot more preparation
family’s lives. unless she has had an immigra- than he had originally thought it
tion medical due to being a for- would take. This will be a great
 Rory has had great opportunities eigner. This is true for a paid job tool for many.
to pour into lives through men- as well as with volunteer work.
toring in specific areas as well Dana will continue to facilitate  As most of you know, we took a
as counseling situations. God and organize the kids Sunday trip to the Canadian/US border
has really been showing peo- morning program but will not be recently to secure Dana’s visa
ple’s desire for growth, healing able to work with the kids her- for being in Canada. We are so
and want for more of Him. What self until the medical has been thankful for all of you who
an awesome gift to get to be a completed. This will have to be prayed and sent us notes of en-
part of this process! done for her permanent resident couragement during this time.
process so it will go hand in This was much appreciated and
 Dana has really been focusing we felt so loved by each note
this month on homeschooling, and prayer! Thank you for your
the visa process and the end of  Rory is still in the process of faithfulness of friendship and
pregnancy. This has taken most putting together the package honoring the Lord by holding us
of her energy. She continues to from the Foundations Course up before the Throne of Grace!
run the kids program at church

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